Book of games traditional openair games to improve children's skills 2013 2015

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




games are hardly

games. Children are never more serious than when they play.” MONTAIGNE

Bulgarian games

Game no. 1 Hide-and-seek Game no. 2 You run after (tag) Game no. 3 Cobra (type of tag game) Game no. 4 Dodgeball game Game no. 5 Hopscotch game

GAME № 1 Name of the game: HIDE-AND-SEEK (HY-SPY) Number of participants: unlimited number, three children at least Age of the participants: 10-12 years old Skills developed: Quickness of mind, quickness in taking action, keenness of observation, orientation Aim(s) of the game: - to improve and mold children’s emotional intelligence - to improve ability to seek and find hidden objects Place: in the open – at a place suitable for safe running and hiding - park, playground. Equipment: sports clothes which allow human body move smooth and free. Steps: 1.

Students should use a funny rhyming saying to chose the person who must look for the

other children who must hide.

The funny rhyming saying is a word game with rhyming funny phrases in which one of the participants says the text in syllables pointing in order to the other participants standing in a circle until the text is over. The last participant pointed goes out of the circle joining the group of children to hide. The rhyming saying should be said as many times as the number of participants in the circle diminishes to one. The last participant is the one who must seek the others. This is the way to choose who “it” will be in the game. 2.

“It” should close eyes putting hands on them counting to a number chosen beforehand

and standing at a place spotted in advance where the players found by the seeker in the game should be in free. 3.

When “it” finishes counting, he or she starts looking for the other players.


When “it” finds a participant they should both run the quickest possible way each of them

trying to be the first to touch the place where “it” counts and is at free. In case the seeker is the first who manages to touch the place of counting he or she should say “One, two, three for me”. And the person found should leave the game. In case the person found is the first, he or she has the right to hide not to seek the next game. 5. In case “it“finds a hidden child and says a wrong name at the place of hiding, the child found should say: “Cracked pot”. Saying these words allows the child not to be “it “the next game and to hide again. 6. When “it” has difficulties in finding the other participants in the game, he or she may say “Royal road!” This is a sign for the hidden participants in the game to come out of their hiding places and run to the place of counting to be at free. The last child to touch the place of hiding becomes “it” the next game. 7. It depends on the will of the participants how long the game will be played.

Game № 2

Name of the game: „YOU RUN AFTER” (TAG) Number of participants: unlimited number of participants, at least five Age of the participants: 11-12 years old Skills developed: -

quickness, accuracy, agility, ability to sustain physical work

Aim(s) of the game: - to improve children’s emotional intelligence - to cultivate will-power Place: in the open – it is advisable to use places suitable for running such as parks, lawns, sports grounds. Equipment: sports clothes which allow human body move smooth and free.

Steps: 1.

The player who must chase the others is spotted by means of a funny rhyming saying.

The funny rhyming saying is a word game with rhyming funny phrases which one of the players should say in syllables, pointing in order to the rest of the participants who stand in a circle until the text is over. 2.

The last pointed participant should go out of the circle joining the players who must run

in the game. The funny rhyming said aloud as many times as the number of participants diminishes to one. This player should perform the role of a chaser in the game 3.

The chaser should stand at a place spotted in advance as a “home base” and should count

to a previously agreed upon number. The choice of the number for the counting depends on the area of the running place. 4.

When counting comes to the end the participants scatter around running. The chaser

begins to run after them. 5.

In case there is a participant touched by the chaser, he or she is considered to be “frozen”.

The “frozen” participant must stay still at that very place where the chaser touched him or her. The chaser continues running after the rest of the participants trying to freeze them. 6.

The game is over when the chaser manages to freeze all the running participants in the

game. The player who is the last to be frozen in the game is considered to be the best participant and he becomes the chaser in the next game.

Game № 3 Name of the game: COBRA (TYPE OF TAG GAME) Number of participants: limited number of participants- six children sharp. (One of them is called “cobra”). Age of the participants: 10-12 years old Skills developed: quickness, accuracy, agility Aim(s) of the game: - to improve attentiveness - to cultivate self-control Place: in the open – it is advisable to use places suitable for running such as parks, lawns, sports grounds. Equipment: sports clothes which allow human body move smooth and free.

Steps: 1.

Children use a funny rhyming saying to spot the person who will be “cobra” in the game.

The other five participants should stand in a semicircle facing the “cobra”.

2. The child performing the role of the “cobra” should stretch his or her arm ahead with fingers stretched sideward.

3. Every one of the five participants tries to catch as fast as possible one of the “cobra’s” fingers except the middle finger. 4. The player who did not manage to catch a finger has to catch the middle finger saying aloud the name of his or her precious friend. The “cobra” player should begin saying words starting with letter “c”. 5. The rest five players should listen carefully in order not to miss the word “cobra”. Hearing this word said by the “cobra” player they must let go his or her finger and scatter around running. The “cobra” player then should start running after them trying to “freeze” them by touching. 6.

The last “frozen” participant in order should become the “cobra” in the next game.

Game № 4 Name of the game: DODGEBALL GAME Number of participants: recommended number is 10-12 people, divided equally in two teams. Age of the participants: 10-15 years old Skills developed: Ability to jump and run quickly, quickness, accuracy, agility, coordination Aim(s) of the game: - to improve team work skills - to cultivate will-power - to tolerate children’s emotional intelligence

Place: in the open – it is advisable to use places suitable for running such as parks, lawns, sports grounds. Equipment: sports clothes which allow human body move smooth and free. Steps: 1. You need a field divided in two equal in measurements rectangle sections - one for each team. 2. Participants of both teams chose a “consul” who is a player standing at the end-line of the opposing team’s section of the field. 3. Players of both teams take their places. They use a lot to spot the right of the opening rush. The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them "out". 4. When a ball goes out of the boundaries of the field, the “consul” must catch it and throw it. 5.

If a player is hit by the ball without catching it he is considered to be “out” and he

must leave the game standing at the end-line next to the consul of the team he belongs to. He might continue playing the game in case the ball has touched the ground before hitting him. If a player hit by the ball manages to catch and hold it in his hands, he is not eliminated having the right to attack the opposing players with it. 6.

When a player catches a ball which has already hit another player from the same

team before it could touch the ground the player hit by the ball is considered “saved”. After all the players of a team are out, one of them is chosen to be the consul and the consul himself enters the game. 7.

The game is over when the consul is hit by the opposing team. The first team to

legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner.

Game № 5 Name of the game: HOPSCOTCH GAME Number of participants: at least two people Age of the participants: 6-10 years old Skills developed: Ability to jump quickly, quickness, accuracy, agility, coordination, agility Aim(s) of the game: - to improve precision of actions - to cultivate self-control Place: in the open – parks, sports grounds.

Equipment: sports clothes which allow human body move smooth and free. Steps: 1. The players must lay the course on the ground drawn by chalk. The course consists of squares numbered from 1 to 10 in the sequence to be hopped. The squares should be equal in size allowing the player to step with his or her foot in it without stepping outside its boundaries.

2. The first player must stand 50-60 cm away from the course facing it and tossing the marker into the square number one. The marker must land completely within the designated square. 3. The player then hops through the course on one or two legs depending on the square until he or she reaches the square with the marker. 4.

The square with the marker should be missed.

5. If the player steps in the square with the marker, the turn ends. The player then should start from the beginning. 6. When tossing the marker if it lands on the line between two squares the player should throw it again. The marker should be thrown the next square in order every time the course of the game is hopped correctly both directions. 7. The first player to complete one course for every numbered square on the court wins the game.

GREEK games

Game no. 1 Fine salt, coarse salt Game no. 2 The stick Game no. 3 The bee Game no. 4 Apples Game no. 5 The tin game


Alati psilo – Alati hondro (Fine salt – coarse salt)

Name of the game: Alati psilo – Alati hondro (Fine salt – coarse salt) Number of participants: at least 10 Age of the participants: any age Skills: physical coordination, communication skills Aim(s) of the game: to learn to obey rules, to create a positive group atmosphere Place: playground Equipment: a handkerchief

Steps of the game 1.

The children form a circle and they sit down with their legs

crossed and their hands placed behind their back, open.

The “mother� stands handkerchief. 2.

out of the

circle holding a

3. He/she takes a walk out of the circle around it, singing:

Alati psilo, alati hondro, Ehasa ti mana mou ke pao na ti vro Papoutsia den mou pire na pao sto horo.

4. He/she puts the handkerchief in a child’s hands which are

open behind his/her back.

5. The child that has the handkerchief in his/her hand runs after the “mother� around and out of the circle, in order to catch her.

6. The “mother” runs and tries to take the child’s place at the circle.

7. If she manages to take his/her place, then the child becomes the “mother” and the game continues until the children are bored.

Video of the game:


Name of the game: Tsiliki –The stick Number of participants: 2 teams of about 5-10 children each Age of the participants: above 8 years old Skills: competitiveness and fair play, physical coordination, communication Aim(s) of the game: to learn to obey rules, to create mutual empathy Place: playground Equipment: 2 wooden sticks, one about 60-70 cm long, called “tsilika” and a shorter one about 10-20 cm long, which is called “tsiliki” and is sharpened on both ends, like a pencil. Steps of the game: 1. Before the game begins, the children put the tsilika on the ground and, from a distance, they aim at it with stones. They form 2 teams. The one that approaches the tsilika with the stone more, starts the game (with his/her team).

2. The 2 teams stand the one opposite the other in a distance of about at least 10 metres, facing one another. They put the tsiliki parallel to a shallow hole on the ground (they have dug it before). Alternatively, they can place the tsiliki on 2 flat stones.

3. Then, the first player stands facing the other team’s children and throws the "tsiliki" with the "tsilika" as far as he can, paying attention so that the other team’s children don't catch it. If one of the children catches the "tsiliki", then the 1st player loses his turn and doesn’t play again.

4. If no one of the opposite team catches it, one of the children of the group aims with the "tsiliki" (from the point it fell down) at the "tsilika", which has already been placed parallel to the shallow hole (or the 2 stones) on the ground.

5. In case the opposite player succeeds to hit the “tsilika”, then the 1st player doesn’t play again.

6. In case the player doesn’t succeed to hit the tsilika, then: the first player puts the "tsiliki" next to the hole, hits it on the one end with the "tsilika” and it takes off, it spins in the air, and while airborne (flying), the player would strike it again to send it as far away as possible. There are 3 efforts.

7. After the 3rd effort, they leave the tsiliki where it stood and the opposite team tries to cover the distance from the tsiliki to the hole (or the tsilika), making 3 long jumps. 8. If the distance is covered, then the next player of the team takes turn. 9. If not, the player who threw the tsiliki, counts steps from the tsiliki to the hole (1 step = 1 point).

10. When they reach 50 (or more) points, they draw 1 line. When 5 lines are written, the game finishes and the team that completed 5 lines first, is the WINNER.

Video of the game:


Name of the game: I Melissa - The Bee Number of participants: more than 10 children Age of the participants: 5-8 Skills: physical coordination, communication, competitiveness and fair play Aim(s) of the game: to create a positive group atmosphere, to develop the feeling of belonging Place: playground Equipment: none Steps of the game: 1. 2 children are the “leaders” of the game and they stand opposite facing one another with their hands risen making an arch. They clap their hands rhythmically and they sing while the other children pass under their hands one by one: “Perna perna i melissa, me ta melissopoula, ke me ta pedopoulapedopoula”.

2. When the song finishes, the 2 kids catch the child that is in the queue in front of them and ask him/her whispering so that the others can't listen: “sun or moon”?

3. Each of the 2 “leaders” has already chosen one of the two names. If the child says “sun”, he goes and stands behind the leader that has chosen this name. If he says “moon”, then he stands behind the other child.

4. They keep singing the same song and every time the song finishes, they pick a child and ask him/her.

5. When all the children have passed from the arch and have chosen a name, there is a group of children standing behind each leader.

6. Each child embraces the child in front of him/her from the waist and their leader is the first in each queue. The two leaders grab each other’s hands and the children behind them pull with all their strength.

7. The 2 teams usually don’t have equal numbers of children. The team that manages to pull the other one to its side is the winner.

Video of the game:


Milakia - Apples Name of the game: Milakia - Apples Number of participants: 2 teams of 8 players each Age of the participants: no limit Skills: communication, physical coordination, competitiveness and fair play Aim(s) of the game: to create a positive atmosphere, to create mutual empathy, to learn to obey rules Place: playground Equipment: a ball Steps of the game: 1. The children of one team are divided in two and are standing opposite facing each other in a distance of about 7-10 metres and between them are the children of the second team spread all around.

2. The children of the team who have the ball try to hit the spread children with the ball. If a child is hit ("burnt"), he gets out of the game.

3. If a child manages to catch the ball (catches an “apple”) instead of being hit, then he continues the game and has an “advantage”(or "life"): if he is hit, then he can stay in the game or take in the game another player that was hit before.

4. The game ends when the last player is hit (“burnt”) or when he manages to avoid to be hit 10 times. Then the teams change and the game starts again. Video of the game:

GAME NO. 5 Name: The tin game

Equipment: a tin, wooden sticks (or hockey sticks if we don’t have wooden ones), one for every player, a chalk Number of students: at least 4 Age of the participants: at least 8 years old Skills: precision, persistence, attention Aims: communication, accuracy, patience

Steps of the game: 1. The participants sing a rhyme in order to choose the one who is going to be playing first. 2. They form a circle of about 3 metres diameter and they draw small circles with a chalk, one for each player,

around the circle. Every player stands next to his/her circle, holding a stick. They draw a circle in the centre.

3. The chosen player stands outside the circle holding his stick and aiming at the tin. He tries to hit the tin and put it into the central hole.

4. The other players try to hit the tin, too, to prevent him/her from putting it in the central hole.

5. In order to do so, they leave their places and the main player tries to take one of these places. 6. When the chosen player manages to put the tin in the central hole, the game ends.

7. If the chosen player manages to take the place(hole) of one of the other players, instead of putting it into the central hole, then the game starts again. This time the player whose place was taken, stands outside the circle and tries to put the tin in the central hole.

The video of the game:


Game no. 1 Here is the jug Game no. 2 Chipmunks go out of the house Game no. 3 Rob the Tucker Game no. 4 Fire, water, airplane Game no. 5 Running with a ball

Games from Hungary

Game Number: 1. Name of the game: Here is the jug Number of participants: 5-25 children Age of participants: 5-15 years old Skills develped: attention, speed Aim(s) of the game: development of the community Place: openair or gim hall Equipment: a ball or any other things Steps of the game: It’s a very popular game and easy to play. Children stand in a circle with a (Jug = ball/bottle or bowl or any other thing, traditionally original jug) in one of their hand. They give it to one another while they are telling a rhyme: „Here’s a jug, what’s inside? Golden apple or golden pear. Give it further, give it further , you will pay the cost of it.” „Itt a köcsög, hol a köcsög, Add tovább, add tovább, Te fizeted az árát” At the end of the rhyme, that child who has the item in his hand is out of the game. They continue until only one child is in the game – He is the winner.

Game Number: 2. Name of the game: Chipmunks – Go out of the house! Number of participants: 5-25 children Age of participants: 5-14 years old Skills develped: speed, creativity, attention Aim(s) of the game: develop attention Place: openair or gim hall Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: Stand in pairs from eye to eye, hold each others hands, this will be the „house” – where the chipmunks lives. In each house stand a chipmunk. Int he middle of the chipmunks ’ houses stand a „homeless” chipmunk – who suddenly shous: Chipmunks, go out of the houses”. All chipmunks run ourt of the „houses” – try to find a new home. The „homeless” chipmunk occupies a house and these will be a new „homeless” chipmunk. The game starts again.

Game Number: 3. Name of the game: Rob the tucker Number of participants: 10-25 students Age of participants: 6-14 years old Skills develped: speed, attention Aim(s) of the game: develop the attention, fast motion Place: openair or gim hall Equipment: Tuckers Steps of the game: We





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tuckers, which one corners is put into their jeans or shirts but their bigger parts are out and can be seen well. The children place wherever they want int he palybround. For a sign they begin tor un around and the robber tries to pull out as many tuckers as he/she can from them. Those who lost their tuckers continue running to interrupt the robber. The winner is who can keep his/her tucker. There can be more robber sin the game, then the winner is that robber who collects more tuckers.

Game Number: 4. Name of the game: Fire, water, airplane Number of participants: 10-25 children Age of participants: 5-14 years old Skills develped: attention Aim(s) of the game: develop fast motion and attention Place: openair or gim hall Equipment: nothing

Steps of the game: Children start running slowly, for a sign they stop. The signs: FIRE = they cower down WATER = they stand on one leg AIRPLANE = they ship into straddle legs and lift up their arms If they hear the shout, they must do the good instruction. The rules are discussed before the game. The referee checks them and who are mistaken are out of the game

Game Number: 5. Name of the game: Running with a ball Number of participants: 6-20 children Age of participants: 7-15 years old Skills develped: fast motion, attention Aim(s) of the game: develop the attention, improving teamwork Place: openair or gim hall Equipment: one ball for all group Steps of the game: Divide the players into two groups. The teams are opposite each other in a line, sitting on chairs. The distance between the groups can be 2-3 meters. The students sitting ont he first chair have ball sin their hands. For a discussed sign these students jump up, run along the lines, turn at the end, come back to their seats, give the ball to the next student and sit down. The team where the last student of the line is ready wins the race.

Have fun playing the games!

Links to Hungarian games:


Game no. 1 Take your place Game no. 2 Game of handkerchief Game no. 3 Dodgeball Game no. 4 Hopscotch Game no. 5 Queen, my little queen

Game No.:1 Name of the game: “TAKE YOUR PLACE�

Number of participants: no fixed number, but at least five/six Age of the participants: from 5-6 on Skills developed: the game stimulates the attention and speed Aim(s) of the game: understanding the rules, psycho-motor objectives, development of strategies Place: a garden, a courtyard Equipment: wooden or plastic circles Steps of the game: 1. Place as many circles on the ground as are the players, minus one 2. The players move freely (they can run or walk).

3. At an order (for example a whistle) each player will try to take place inside the circle.

4. The less ready will be out

5. Take away a circle and continue the game till the last two students will gain the last circle.

Variants: You can change the place where you get save (for example you can stand on a chair and in this case others skills will be introduced as keeping balance). LINK TO THE GAME

Game No.:2 Name of the game: “GAME OF HANDKERCHIEF� Number of participants: no fixed number, but at least five for each team plus a referee

Age of the participants: from 5-6 on Skills developed: agility, cunning and speed Aim(s) of the game: understanding the rules, fair playing and cooperation, overcoming emotional components such as stress Place: a garden, a courtyard or a gym when the weather is bad Equipment: a handkerchief or a flag Steps of the game: 1. Form two teams with the same number of players. 2. Place the two teams in two opposite lines at a certain distance from each other. 3. Give each player a number which must be the same to that of the member opposite him/her.

4. The referee is between the two teams and holds a handkerchief or a flag.

5. The referee calls a number loudly. 6. The two players with the called number run to the referee and try to grab the handkerchief before the other player.

7. After grabbing the handkerchief he/she runs to his/her team’s line, at his/her place.

8. The other player will try to touch the opponent. In this case he/she gains the score.

9. If the player succeeds in reaching his/her place without being touched, he/she gains the score for his/her team. Variants: For youngest players (who don’t know the numbers yet), let the player wear a coloured belt whose colour will be the same of his/her opponent. The referee will call the colours not the numbers. This variant of the game can be useful to teach the colours in a funny way.


Game No. 3 Name of the game: “DODGEBALL�

Number of participants: no fixed number Age of the participants: from 6-7 on Skills developed: motions skills as running, dodging Aim(s) of the game: understanding the rules, neuro-muscular coordination, mediation between competitiveness and cooperation, coordination and precision, development of strategies. Place: a garden, a courtyard Equipment: a ball Steps of the game: 1. The players stand in the middle in a central area 2. Two others stand outside the area in opposite position each other 3. They throw the ball from one side to another trying to hit the players in the middle. 4. The players who is hit goes out 5. The winner is the last player in the middle who succeeds in dodging the ball. Variants: The game can also be played by two teams with the same number of players. The teams stand in opposite areas and they try to eliminate the components of the opposite team throwing the ball and trying to hit the opponent players.

DO YOU KNOW? This game is played in almost each European country and the “Pelota Basca� originates from it. It has been introduced as a sport in Italy in 2007 Ball playing was popular among Romans, and they often spent their morning exercises playing games on the fields or ball-courts. The Romans enjoyed a variety of ball games including some games like perhaps Dodge Ball.

This fresco comes from Piazza Armerina, Sicily and shows some girls playing a ball game.


Game No.:4 Name of the game: “HOPSCOTCH�

Number of participants: no fixed number: you can play two or more single players or in two teams Age of the participants: from 6-7 on Skills developed: the game stimulates balance, eye-hand coordination, motion skills as jumping, staying on one foot Aim(s) of the game: respecting rules, mediation between cooperation and competitiveness, coordination and precision. Place: a courtyard Equipment: a little stone or other little objects you can use as a mark, a piece of chalk Steps of the game: 1. Draw several boxes on the ground with a chalk as in the pictures.

2. The first player throws his mark in the first box. The stone must land inside the box without touching any line or bounce off 3. The player jumps from box to box along the way, but without getting into the box where the mark is. 4. The player must jump on one foot into the single boxes and set down with both feet at the same time into the blocks of two boxes which are side by side. 5. When the player reach the base, he can stop and then turn around, doing a half turn, and repeat the journey back, always respecting the rules 6. When the player arrives at the box with its stone, he must pick it up, without losing balance, and complete the path back to the starting point. 7. The player throws the stone in the box marked with the number two and so on (if they are playing in team he gives the stone to the next player in the team who will continue the game) 8. If the player touches a line or loses balance, the other team will take turn 9. When your turn comes again you must continue from where you left off You make mistakes if: • you touch with your foot a line of the bell; • you put your foot down in a box; • the mark does not fall inside the box frame.

DO YOU KNOW? You can find hopscotch game since the time of ancient Rome. It was called "claudus," which means lame person. A scheme of the bell is still on the pavement of the Roman Forum in Rome. According to some scholars, the game originated from ancient Egypt. The fact is that, the game came in the whole world through the Roman roads! In Italy it is known with different names: world, snail, moon, week…..


Game No.:5 Name of the game: “QUEEN, MY LITTLE QUEEN!”

Number of participants: no fixed number, but at least 5-6 players Age of the participants: from 4-5 on Skills developed: the game stimulates creativeness, originality, self-confidence, motions skills Aims of the game: respecting rules, miming and pretending to be, knowing how animals move (for the youngest players). Place: a courtyard, a garden, a park Equipment: a chair or something similar as a throne for the queen Steps of the game:  One child plays the role of the Queen and all the other children are Ambassadors.  Queen and ambassadors are placed at either end of the playing field.  Each ambassador, in turn, says the following rhyme: "Queen, My little queen, how many steps I need to do to get to your beautiful and golden castle?”.  The queen answers by assigning the player a certain number of steps, associated with an animal. For example: 5 steps lion, kangaroo 4 steps, and so on.  The player must perform the assigned number of steps, imitating the animal.

 The first player to reach the queen becomes “Queen” in turn. The queen holds outcome and duration of the game, because she can freely assign unfavorable steps - such as those from ant or even from shrimp which force the player to go backwards - or those that allow the player to reach her and so end the race.

The fun lies in imitating the different animals, trying to advance as much as possible. LINK TO THE GAME


Game no. 1 The house is burning Game no. 2 Two is not enough, three is too many Game no. 3 The last pair breaks Game no. 4 Day and light Game no. 5 Kalimbamba

Game No. 1

Name of the game:


Number of participants: at least 10 players Age of the participants: 4-12 Skills developed: 1. Social skills like communication Aims of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To learn to obey rules Place: school yard, park, indoor Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: 1.Children make a circle and stay joining hands. 2.They choose one child who starts the game. 3.This child runs around the circle, stops and knocks somebody on the back. They speak: A: Rat-tat-tat! B: What’s it? A: It’s a rabbit (dog, cat, fox, etc.) B: What happened? A: The house is burning! B: Where? A: Over there! And shows with hand which direction the child B has to run.

4.The child from the circle (B) runs where was shown, the second child (A) runs the opposite way.

5.They both run fast around the circle and try to occupy the empty place.

6. The child who runs up the second continues the game.

Link to the game

Game No. 2

Name of the game:


Number of participants: at least 12 players Age of the participants: 8-15 Skills developed: 1. Social skills (to play together and cooperate) Aims of the game: 1. To develop physical fitness 2. To learn to obey rules Place: school yard, park, indoor Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: 1. All children make a circle, stay in pairs one behind other. Two children stay separately. They start the game.

2. They run, one of them tries to catch other by touching her/him.

3. The first child runs away and finds a place in the circle. She/he stays somewhere in front of the pair. Now there are three children. The third child runs away. 4. If the catcher touches the runner they change roles: a catcher becomes a runner, a runner is a catcher. The game continues.

Link to the game

Game No. 3

Name of the game:


Number of participants: odd (at least 7 players) Age of the participants: 7-10 Skills developed: 1. Social skills like communication Aims of the game: 1. To create mutual empathy 2. To learn to obey rules Place: school yard, park, indoor Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: 1. All children stand in pairs holding each other hands. One child stands in front of them. He/she starts the game and says: “The last pair breaks!�

2. Children from the last pair run forward from the both sides, they try to join their hands. The child who was in front of them tries to catch one of the runners.

3. If he/she catches someone they stand together in front of the column. The second child continues the game.

Link to the game

Game No. 4

Name of the game:


Number of participants: at least 6 Age of the participants: 4-10 Skills developed: 1. Physical skills (coordination) Aims of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To learn to obey rules Place: school yard, park, indoor Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: 1. Children choose one child who starts the game. She/he says: “Day�. All children move freely.

2. Then she/he says: “Night�. All children stop and stand still. She/he walks among the children and looks for someone who is moving.

3. A child who is moving continues the game.

Link to the game

Game No. 5

Name of the game:


Number of participants: at least 12 Age of the participants: 8-15 Skills developed: 1. Motor skills (running, strength) Aims of the game: 1. To promote movement 2. To learn to obey rules 3. To discover game of the older generation Place: school yard, park Equipment: nothing Steps of the game: 1. The players make two teams. They stay in line holding their hands.

2. Team A starts the game. They speak: Team A: Kalimbamba! Team B: Who is running? Team A: (Call the child’s name from team B), e.g. Kate is running.

3. A child whose name was called runs fast to the opposite team and tries to break the chain of holding hands.

If a child can’t break the chain he/she stays in this team.

4. Team B continues the game and calls the child from the team A. If a child can break the chain he/she takes one child from this team (one of two where the chain was broken) and goes back to the team together.

5. Game stops when one or two children left in one of the team

Link to the game

POLISH games

Game no. 1 Ducza(Grele or Krele) Game no. 2 Paper chase (Chalk chase) Game no. 3 Passage through the forest Game no. 4 The witch is looking at me Game no. 5 Two fires

GAME NO. 1 Ducza also known as Grele or Krele Equipment: small balls, rods, sticks of or rails of a fence of the same length, a target

Number of participants: 5-10. Age of the participants: > 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination 2. Competitiveness and fair play rules 3. Defining distance Aim(s) of the game: 1. To hit the target 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules Place: school yard, park Ducza is the Polish folk game, practised mostly by boys from the yeomen’s settlements. In the past, it was the most popular in the Podlasie region.

The rules:

1. Each player is equipped with a rod of the same length.

2. The rod measures the distance from the start line to the aim – a bat, a stick or a rail of a fence – the length of 10 sticks. 3. The participants subsequently throw a ball or a stone to the target.

4. Someone who hits the rod has the right to come closer toward the target. The length of the move should be equal to the length of the stick which the player throws out. 5. If any of the participants turns the rod completely - wins the round. 6. The game can go on from the beginning. But someone who misses the rod has to step back into the distance determined by the length of his/her stick. However, this game may be played by an individual player, too.

Link to the game

GAME NO. 2 Paper Chase also called Chalk Chase (in Polish Podchody) Equipment: some pieces of paper, something to write with, ribbons and a large open space to play e.g. a forest or a park Number of players: two teams with the equal number of players Age of the participants: > 9 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination 2. Competitiveness and fair play rules Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules 4. To develop the feeling of belonging to a group 5. To improve thinking in a creative way Place: school yard, park The rules: It is a racing game which is played outdoors without any limits of participants. The place of the game can be chosen and prepared earlier but it’s not obligatory (sometimes it may be more spontaneous). When all of the players have been chosen they have to be divided into smaller groups (the Runners and the Catchers). 1. The Runners draw arrows to show the way. 2. They also prepare tasks for the Catchers (e.g. collect 10 flowers). 3. They draw envelopes to show the place where the tasks are hidden. They can also attach ribbons to make it easier to find the tasks. 4. The tasks are written on a piece of paper. 5. 15 minutes after the beginning of the game the Catches start looking for the arrows, envelopes and they do the tasks. 6. When the Runners prepare all the tasks for the Catchers they have to hide.

7. The Catchers must fulfill all the tasks and find the Runners. Sometimes there are special organizers (e.g. teachers) who arrange puzzles, quizzes and tasks for the players. If they will obey the rules, they will find places they have to reach. Link to the game

The author of the picture: Anastazja Szot from class 5a (Primary School)

GAME NO. 3 Passage through the forest (in Polish Przeprawa przez lat) Equipment: scarves or handkerchief Number of participants: at least 6. The more players, the more fun they have Age of the participants: > 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination 2. Competitiveness and fair play rules 3. Perceptiveness Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules

Place: school yard, park The rules: 1. Divide a group of children into two teams. 2. One group stands as trees in the forest, like a chessboard, at the same distance between all of the children. 3. The second team should look at the “trees” for a while to see in which way the „trees” are set. After that they put scarves or handkerchief on their eyes and run through the „forest”. 4. They can't touch any „tree”. The children who do it are the winners. 5. The game will be easier, if the „trees” ‘rustle’. Translation from Polish to English made by Agata Solarek from class 3b Junior High School Link to the game:

The author of the picture: Wiktoria Biskupska from class 4a (Primary School)

GAME NO. 4 The Witch is looking at me (in Polish Babajaga patrzy) Equipment: chalk Number of participants: at least 5. The more players, the more fun they have Age of the participants: > 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination 2. Competitiveness and fair play rules Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules 4. To develop the feeling of belonging to a group Place: school yard, park The rules: 1. Draw the start and finish line. 2. One person stands on the finish line with his or her back to the players who stand on the start line. 3. A person who stands on the finish line (the Witch) says aloud ‘One, two, three, the Witch is looking at me’ (at the same time the rest of the players run to the finish line). 4. When she finishes reciting the rhyme she turns to the players. 5. At this point they must stop and stand motionless. 6. The Witch can try to make them moving through telling funny jokes, etc. If she notices that someone moves, she wants him/her to come back to the start line. 7. The players try to get the finish line every time when the Witch recites her rhyme. If someone gets the finish line he/she becomes a new Witch and the game starts again.

Translation from Polish to English made by Julia Klusek from class 3b Junior High School Link to the game

GAME NR. 5 Two fires (in Polish "Dwa ognie")

Equipment: a ball, a playground, chalk or a stick to draw the border lines. You can also use bollards to mark the border lines. Number of participants: at least 10. The more players, the more fun they have Age of the participants: > 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination 2. Competitiveness and fair play rules Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules 4. To develop the feeling of belonging to a group Place: school yard, park The rules: 1. Choose two teams containing at least 5 people in each of them. 2. Draw borderlines on the ground with chalk or a stick as it is shown in the picture below (Pic.1). You can also mark the borderlines with bollards.

















(Pic.1) 3. Each team chooses one player who is called “a mother”. 4. Each “mother” stands on the opposite edge of the pitch than her team. 5. The teacher throws the ball. The team which catches it starts the game.

6. The ball should be thrown at the members of the opposite team in an attempt to eliminate the players. The players can be eliminated either by the “mother” or by the members of her team. 7. The players must protect themselves from being dodging by the members of the opposite team. They can jump or escape into the farthest corners of your pitch, trying not to exceed the borderlines. 8. If the ball hits a player’s body from the air (it cannot be rebounded by the ground) he or she must leave the playground and his or her team loses the player. 9. The game lasts until all the team members are eliminated. Then the “mother” of the eliminated team leaves his or her place and takes part in this game instead of his or her players (Pic.2). The “mother” has got three lives. In order to win the opposite team has to strike him or her three times (both their “mother” and her players who have stayed in this game. Their hits are called “fires”. Pic.3)

The position of the “mother” of the eliminated team



H E R 2

Pic.2 Two fires M O T TEAM 2


H E R 2


Link to the game

The author of the picture: Aleksandra Barańska from class 5a (Primary School)


Game no. 1 Countries Game no. 2 The wolf and the sheep Game no. 3 Birdie, birdie move your nest Game no. 4 The stone bridge is falling down Game no. 5 Ducks and hunters

Game No. 1 Name of the game: COUNTRIES Number of participants: at least 4 players Age of the participants: 6-12 Skills developed: 1. Social skills like communication 2. Physical coordination 3. Competitiveness and fair play Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn to obey rules 4. To develop the feeling of belonging Place: school yard, park Equipment: a ball, a piece of chalk Steps of the game:

1. The players draw a circle with the chalk on the ground and divide it into as many slices as players are. 2. Each player chooses a country name and writes it in his/ her slice.

2.1. Then each player stands on his/ her�slice�.

3. Another player has the ball and stands in the middle of the circle. He/ she throws the ball as high as he/ she can and in the same time calls out the name of a country.

4. The player that hears the name of his/ her country tries to catch the ball.

4.1. In the same time the other players run as farther as they can.

5. When the called player gets the ball, shouts "Stop" or "Freeze" and all the others have to stop.

6. The player with the ball needs to hit the "statues". If he/ she manages, the player that has been hit is out of the game.

7. The winner is the player that remains without being hit.

Variants: a. Players can add, instead of writing the names of the countries, the flag of each country. b. Participants can choose to write in the “slices� names of animals, colours, names of flowers, numbers, names of sports, etc.

Link to the game

Game No. 2 Name of the game: THE WOLF AND THE SHEEP Number of participants: as many as to form a circle Age of the participants: 6-12 Skills developed: 1. Social skills like communication 2. Physical coordination 3. Decision making Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To develop friendly relationships 3. To develop playing and assuming different roles Place: school yard, park Equipment: none Steps of the game: 1. The players form a circle and hold hands 2. In the middle of the circle there is a player (the sheep) 3. Outside the circle there is another player (the wolf)



4. There is a conversation between the two of them: Wolf: “What are you doing little sheep?” Sheep: “I am grazing the green grass.” Wolf: “Can I have some?” Sheep:”No, you can’t.” Wolf:”Then I am going to eat you.” Sheep: “I don’t think so.” 5. As soon as the dialogue comes to an end the wolf runs around the circle trying to break it or to squeeze under it. The players who form the circle try to prevent it by either opening the circle or closing it.

6. If the sheep is caught the roles of the sheep and the wolf are overtaken by other players.

Note: there are instances when the wolf gets into the circle. In this case the wolf is prevented to get out.

Link to the game

Game No. 3 Name of the game: BIRDIE, BIRDIE, MOVE YOUR NEST Number of participants: at least 10 children (multiple numbers of 3 plus 1) Age of the participants: 6-12 Skills developed: 1. Decision making 2. Fast thinking 3. Fair play Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To build the ability of orientation in space 3. To learn to take quick decisions Place: school yard, park Equipment: none Steps of the game: 1. Two by two the children hold hands face to face to form a circle (the nest). 2. In the middle of the circle there is another child (the bird sitting in the nest). 3. One of the players stands out of the nest

4. When the teacher utters “Birdie, birdie, move your nest!� all the birds switch nests, so as the player that was not included in a nest initially, now has the chance to get into one.

5. The player that does not manage to get into a nest can get a punishment. Note: the more the players the funniest the game.

Link to the game

Game No. 4 Name of the game: THE STONE BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN Number of participants: a whole class Age of the participants: 4-12 Skills developed: 1. Team building 2. Attention span 3. Personal development Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To develop coordination of movement 3. To learn to make decision by choice Place: school yard, park Equipment: none Steps of the game: 1. Two students hold hands so as to make a “bridge�. All the other students line up in front of the bridge. Note: the students that line up can be either in pairs or one by one. The two students that are the bridge each can choose names of flowers, animals, numbers, colours, etc. 2. While singing the chant that accompanies the game, the students in the line pass under the bridge. The chant: The stone bridge is falling down The water came and washed it away We will build another one down the river A bigger one and a more beautiful one.

3. While singing the students pass under the bridge as many times until they finish the chant.

4. After finishing the chant, the “bridge” falls down on the students.

5. The trapped students under the “bridge” choose




the etc.


two stand

behind “it”. The others start chanting again and go under the bridge. This is repeated until all the students are “trapped” under the bridge and choose where to form a line.

6. At the end of the game the two groups try to break the bridge (in order to build a new one)

Link to the game:

GAME NO. 5 Name of the game: DUCKS AND HUNTERS Number of participants: at least 10 players Age of participants: any Skills developed: 1. Mobility 2. Physical coordination 3. Competitiveness Aim(s) of the game: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To develop assuming different roles 3. To develop coordination of movement Place: schoolyard, park Equipment: a ball Steps of the game: 1. Two players are the hunters; the rest of the players are the ducks. 2. The ducks stays in a line; the hunters stay face to face having the ducks between them (as in the example).

3. The hunters throw the ball to one another and try to hit as many ducks as they can. 4. The ducks move around and try to avoid being hit. Once they are hit, they are out of the game. 5. The duck that manages to remain unhit is the winner and can give a punishment to the hunters. Variation: by choice, the ducks can have 3 "lives", that is they are not eliminated from the game until they are hit three times.

Link to the game:


Game no. 1 Kick the can Game no. 2 Policemen and thieves Game no. 3 Marbles Game no. 4 The blind man’s buff Game no. 5 1,2,3 hit the wall

Game No.:1 Name of the game: Kick the can Number of participants: at least 3 Age of the participants: up to 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination and speed 2. Social: communication 3. Competitiveness and fair play Aim(s) of the game: 1. To respect each other. 2. To learn to obey rules.

4. To develop the feeling of belonging Place: a big area (playground or street) Equipment: a can/plastic bottle and a chalk Steps of the game: 1. Then, somebody draws a circle on the floor and a “bote” is put inside.

2. Somebody is chosen to be “IT”.

3. A child kicks the can

4. And the child who is “IT” has to pick the “bote” up and return it to the circle walking backwards without looking back. After that, he/she shouts: BOTE!


5. The participants make use of this time to hide.

6. The child who is “IT” has to look for who is hidden. When he/she finds somebody, goes running to the “bote” and says; “bote, bote for…..who’s hiding behind the ... chair”.

Bote, bote who's hiding behind...

7. The child that is found has to stay next to the “bote”.

8. When all the children are captured, the first one found is “IT” and the game starts again.

9. If “IT” says something wrong: the hidden place o child’s name. The game will start again.

10. Anybody of the hidden children can try to kick the “bote” without being seen, the children who are next to the “bote”...

11. … can run and hide again.

12. IT must put the “bote” in the same way as at the beginning and start again looking for the participants.

Variants: It is connected with hide and seek

Link to the game:

Game No.:2 Name of the game: Policemen and thieves

Number of participants: At least 8 Age of the participants: up to 5 Skills developed: 1. Running, stalking, hiding Aim of the game: 1. To catch all the people from the other team 2. Respect the rules Place: Big area: the playground, the park‌ Equipment: None Steps of the game:

1. Form two teams with the same numbers of players. One will be the policemen and the other will be the thieves.



2. The policemen have to capture the thieves and bring them to the jail.

3.One thief can rescue a team mate just touching his/her hand

4. When all thieves are in jail, the game starts again.

Variants: Connected with tag Link to the game:

Game No.3 Name of the game: Marbles Number of participants: minimal 2 Age of the participants: up to 8 Skills developed: 1. Pointing 2. Throwing Aim of the game: Put the marble into the hole (gua) after 3 hits on the friend’s marble then you win it. Place: A playground with soft land Equipment: Some marbles Steps of the game: 1. On the ground it’s made a "gua" or hole with the heel of your shoe. And, an agreed distance from that hole, a starting line is marked.

2. From the start line, players try to enter the marbles in the gua. The first player will be the person who gets the marble intro the hole and the order is established according to the distance to it. If nobody gets the gua. The first player is who is nearer the hole.

3. The game itself is to hit three times the marbles of the other. The first hit is called chiva; the second is called pie (foot) the result will be to have a distance between the ball of the contrincant that a foot could be put inside the two balls; the third hit, and last, is called tute it will be as strong as you can hit the another player’s ball to ward off far from the gua. You will get that marble if you throw the marble into the gua.

1st - chiva

2nd - pie

3rd - tute

4th - gua

4. Each player can go to hit any marble. If it fails, you will not lose the hits achieved so far and you pass the turn to another player.

5. Each player will shoot from where it has stopped marble and can get closer by using the palm of the hand to the marble (careful with this, because you can produce some discrepancy when doing: with the hand

that hold on the palm or the hand holding the marble next to the palm. (This will be agreed before you start playing).

6. The way you throw the marbles may be: by a fingernail or with the last phalanx of the thumb.

7. Some players played games called "truth" or “lie", which meant that if you played "a truth" and you lost, you had to give your marble to the opponent; if you played "a lie" and you lost, you don’t have to.

Let’s play lie! OK!

Variants: Put all the marbles in a circle and throwing in turns, you try to win the other player’ marble by hitting it out the circle. Link to the game

Game No. 4 Name of the game: The blind man's buff La gallina ciega Francisco de Goya, 1789 Oil on canvas • Rococo 269 cm × 350 cm Del Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

Number of participants: Up to three. Age of the participants: up to 4 Skills developed: 1. The sense of hearing and touch. 2. Coordination Aim(s) of the game: 1. To develop children’s orientation. 2. Stimulate the sense of hearing and touch. 3. Increase confidence in the whole group. Place: Anywhere without obstacles. Equipment: A blindfold Steps of the game: 1. To start with, the space is delimited to make the game easier. Then, the player who made "La gallinita ciega" is chosen and wears a blindfold around his eyes.

2. Then the players hold their hands doing a cercle and the child who whith the blindfold stay in the center.

3. The blindfolded person spins in place 3 times while the rest of the players sing: “- Gallina ciega, what have you loose? - A neddle and a thimble. - Give three laps and you’ll find it”

4. Now, the child who is On, needs to use his keen sense of hearing to catch the players.

5. Players walk in silence around “La gallinita ciega”, trying to confuse him.

6. And finally the blindfolded person has to guess who is the child he has just touch. If he is correct, the child becomes the next “Gallinita ciega�. If he is wrong, he gets to be blindfolded one more time.

Link to the game

Game No. 5 Name of the game: 1, 2, 3, hit the wall Number of participants: more than 3 Age of the participants: up to 6 Skills developed: 1. Physical coordination and speed 2. Social: communication 3. Competitiveness and fair play Aim(s) of the game: 1. To respect each other. 2. To learn to obey rules.

Place: a big area (playground or street) Equipment: none

Steps of the game:

1. It consists of one player facing a wall with his eyes closed while saying "un, dos, tres, pica pared!

2. When he finishes saying this he turns back and looks quickly at the other players, who, while he was counting, were running towards the wall.

3. When he looks at them, they don't have to move, otherwise, if he sees anyone still running or trying to stop, this person goes back and start again.

4. Finally, when a child gets the child who is “On”, touch him and everybody runs waiting not be catching.

5. The game starts again with somebody else counting 1,2,3 pica paret.

Variants: It’s connected with: “What’s the time Mr Wolf”. Link to the game:


Game no. 1 I sell butter, I sell honey Game no. 2 Nine tiles Game no. 3 Wipes and Puss Game no. 4 Foot rope Game no. 5 Stop



Social skills like communication Team work Sharing friendship rules Physical Activeness and coordination

AIMS OF THE GAME: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To create a positive group atmosphere To create mutual empathy To learn obey the rules To develop the feeling of belongings The Place to Play: Open Air Number of the Players: Group Age of the participants: 6-12 Material: Handkerchief How to Play:

1. The child who is” It “is chosen by counting. 2. Players make a big circle and sat on the ground. 3. “It” goes around the outside of the circle by hopping. 4. “It” hides the handkerchief in his/her hand. At that time, the players say the following song altogether: “Yağ satarım, bal satarım.

Ustam ölmüş, ben satarım. Ustamın kürkü sarıdır. Satsam on beş liradır. Zam bak zum bak Dön arkana iyi bak.” It means: I sell butter, I sell honey My master died, I sell. My master’s fur is yellow, If I sell it, It is 15 TL. “Zam bak zum bak” Look at your backside carefully. 5. “It “drops the handkerchief one of the players backside and hopes they will see and take the handkerchief. 6. The player who finds the handkerchief behind him/her takes it and starts to run around the circle to catch the “It”. 7. The game goes on like this. The person where the handkerchief was dropped picks up the handkerchief and chases after the person. 8. The first one to sit in the empty spot wins. The one who loses will be “It” next.

Link to the game


SKILLS DEVELOPED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Social skills like communication Team work Sharing friendship rules Physical Activeness and coordination To develop basic nine tile skills

AIMS OF THE GAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To create a positive group atmosphere To create mutual empathy To learn obey the rules To develop the feeling of belongings To create mutual respect The Place to Play: Open Air Number of the Players: Group Age of the participants: 6-12 Material: Handkerchief How to Play: 1. The game is played with minimum 6 players. 2. Nine pieces of tiles and a ball are used. 3. Players are divided into two teams.

4. Each team chooses an “it”. 5. They toss the coin and the “it” of the loser side puts the nine tiles upwards. 6. A player of the other team gets the ball and throws it towards the tiles for three times. 7. If the tiles fall down, the “it” waiting near the tiles catches the ball. 8. At this point, the players of the attacking team try to put the tiles back to the tower. 9. The it tries to prevent this by hitting them with the ball. 10. The player hit by the ball, leaves the game. 11. If all the players are hit before they put the all the tiles to the tower, they swap the roles. 12. The game continuous like this.

Link to the game


SKILLS DEVELOPED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Social skills like communication Team work Sharing friendship rules Physical Activeness and coordination Managing activities To develop basic wipes&puss skills

AIMS OF THE GAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To create a positive group atmosphere To create mutual empathy To learn obey the rules To develop effective communication To develop basic wip Wipes and puss skills, understanding its school rules To improve motivation and confidence The Place to Play: Open Air Number of the Players: Group (2 Groups- Any Size) Age of the participants: 6-14 Material: Handkerchief

Before You Start: *Review the concept of catching handkerc hief. For example choose a neutral player to hold the handkerchief and divide the children into two groups. *Explain the concept of taking turns of each member while playing.


Link to the game


SKILLS DEVELOPED: 1. Social skills like communication 2. Team work 3. Sharing friendship rules 4. Physical Activeness and coordination AIMS OF THE GAME: 1. To create a positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn obey the rules 4. To develop the feeling of belongings 5. To understanding its school rules. 6. To develop basic foot rope skills, Group Number and Size : At least 3 players Age Group: 6-14 Length of Activity: Maximum 20 minutes Developmental Goal: Equipment: One rope Before You Start: *Review the concept of foot rope. For example choose two players who put the rope on their feet. *Explain the concept of taking turns of each member while playing. *Demonstrate the skills nee ded and use players to help you. *Ask players to explain the concepts and the game back to you.

How to Play: 1) Game is played in five levels.At the first level two players put the rope on their ankles, at the second level a little bit upper than their ankles, at the third lev el on their knees, at the fourth level a little upper than their knees and at th e fifth level on their hips. 2) At all levels one of the other players hops both sides of the rope without touching the rope until he/she counts "ten". 3)At the end ( At number ten ) he/she pushes the rope with their feet so one of the levels ends and the next level starts. 4) Game goes on like this until the player makes a mistake. 5) And then the next player takes the turn.

Link to the game

GAME NO. 5 “STOP� SKILLS DEVELOPED: 1. Social skills like communication 2. Respectfulness and understanding each other 3. Sharing friendship rules 4. Physical Activeness and coordination AIMS OF THE GAME: 1. To create and share positive group atmosphere 2. To create mutual empathy 3. To learn obey the rules 4. To develop the feeling of belongings 5. To understanding its school rules. 6. To develop basic stop skills

Place: Openair Group Number and Size : At least 4 players unlimited players Age of participants:6-12 Length of Activity:Until one player is the winner. Material: One ball

How to Play: 1. Players make a circle.

2. By counting or saying a chunk players decide the "IT". 3. The "IT" throws the ball through the air by saying one of his/her friends' name. 4. Called player tries to hold the ball. 5. When he/she hold the ball, says "STOP" a nd he/she says another player's name and throws the ball up. 6. If he/she can't hold the ball, takes the ball from the ground and cries "STOP". 7. When the other players see that the player can't hold the ball, they run around. 8. When they hear player sound"STOP", they stop running and waits without moving. 9. The "IT" tries to hit one of the players with a ball. 10. If the player hit by the "IT" quit, say one of the players' name for the last time and quit from the game. 11. A player called his/her name just before th e ball threw become the "IT" and say one of the players' name. 12. If the "IT" can't hit anyone quits from the game. 13. The game goes on like this. 14. The last player is the winner. Link to the game

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