16th June 10:00am – 10:05am
Official MyBiz Expo Melbourne Show Open – Day 1
10.30am – 11.00am
Keynote Address Wayne Kayler-Thomson, CEO, Victorian Employer’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry (VECCI)
11.00am – 11.30am
Making modern media work for business (MS) Simon Hollingworth, Director of Marketing, Cutting Edge
11.30am – 12.00pm
The National Broadband Network: What it Means for SMEs (PD) Innes Willox, Director - International and Government Relations, The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and John Stanton, CEO, Communications Alliance Ltd Chair: Simon Sharwood, Editor, My Business Magazine
12.00pm – 12.30pm
Take the Lead: Leading social change – as a business and an individual Sarah Davies, CEO, Melbourne Community Foundation
12.30pm – 1.00pm
All Masterclass Sessions will take place on the show floor.
The 7 Biggest Costly Mistakes Small Business Owners Make Mick Hawes, CEO at
1.00pm – 1.30pm
How to Make a Million in Small Business (MS) Professor John Breen – Head of Small Business Research, Victoria University
1.30pm – 2.00pm
Why is the UK so popular for Aussie businesses? (MS) Stuart Gill, British Consul General, UK Trade & Investment
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Is Advertising Dead? (PD) Bambi Gordon, founder of The Woo Small Business Marketing Agency, joined by Simon Sharwood, Editor, My Business Magazine and representatives from 3AW Radio and Think Tank Media
3.00pm – 3.30pm
Afternoon Tea
4.00pm – 4.30pm
If you are powered by passion…ALL things are possible MyBiz Expo Business Success Story Stacey Currie, Director, Signs’n’Banners
4.30pm – 5.00pm
Practical Strategies to Grow and Systemise Your Business MyBiz Expo Business Success Story Mike O’Hagan, Owner, Mr MiniMovers
5.00pm – 7.00pm
Networking Event Sponsored by
Networking Event MC: David Mann, 3AW Radio Q&A session with Ron Barassi – keynote speaker and AFL legend, and entrepreneur and former AFL player, Corey McKernan Ultimate Events Located on show floor
CLOSE Expo Day One
(KS) Keynote Session (KP) Keynote Presentation (MS) Masterclass Session (PD) Panel Discussion Please note that the speaker program is subject to change.
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17th June 10:00am – 10:05am
MyBiz Expo Melbourne Show Open – Day 2 Show opener: Senator the Hon Nick Sherry, Minister for Small Business
10.30am – 11.30am
The Business Opportunities of the Future (KP) Ross Dawson, leading expert on the future of business
11.30am – 12.00pm
Innovation: Turning new ideas into viable products and businesses Joss Evans, CEO, INNOVIC
12.00pm – 12.30pm
Business Sustainability Sarah Phillips, Senior Online Coordinator, VECCI
12.30pm – 1.00pm
1.00pm – 1.30pm
Using Analytics on MYOB to streamline your business Ferenc Mantfeld, Founder, SeeMoreData
1.30pm – 2.00pm
Green Futures – the likely impact on business of greener regulations Terence Jayaretnam, Executive Director, Netbalance
2.30pm – 3.00pm
Trade Marks – Protecting Your Reputation Theodore Doucas, principal consultant, the zone corporation limited
3.00pm – 3.30pm
The 7 Biggest Costly Mistakes Small Business Owners Make Mick Hawes, CEO at
3.30pm – 4.00pm
Success story of sick Plant (KS) The setbacks, trials, problems and how challenges were overcome to build an $80 million export business in six years Rakesh Aggarwal, Managing Director, Longwarry Food Park (Winner of the 2010 ActionCOACH My Business Award for Outstanding Excellence and the Optus Award for Best Medium Business)
All Masterclass Sessions will take place on the show floor.
CLOSE Expo Day Two
(KS) Keynote Session (KP) Keynote Presentation (MS) Masterclass Session (PD) Panel Discussion Please note that the speaker program is subject to change.
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Thursday 16th June
CEO, Victorian Employer’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry (VECCI) Keynote Address 10.30am – 11.00am
Director of Marketing, Cutting Edge Making modern media work for business 11.00am – 11.30am
Wayne Kayler-Thomson is the Chief Executive Officer of VECCI, Victoria’s largest business representative organisation. He is also a member of various Government and non Government Boards, Councils and Committees including a Director of VicSuper, Victoria University Council member. Board member of the National Tourism Alliance and the Accommodation Association of Australia. Prior to his current position, Wayne was the Deputy Chief Executive of Tourism Victoria.
Simon Hollingworth began his career in marketing and media, working on advertising campaigns for Cadbury-Schweppes, Ford, Telecom, Fujitsu, Western Star Butter, Yakka, Mitre 10, and many more. Later in his career, he was to complement these experiences when he crossed over to media investment, after joining Universal McCann on the Australian Government account. Simon then joined the international high-tech sector helping to grow one of the fastest growing worldwide brands in the broadcast, post-production and Hollywood film markets. After nine years of working in niche markets in the US, Japan, China and Europe, Simon is now working for Cutting Edge here in Australia.
INNES WILLOX Director, International and Government Relations, Australian Industry Group The National Broadband Network: What it Means for SMEs 11.30am – 12.00pm Innes is the Director of International and Government Relations for the Australian Industry Group, with policy and advocacy responsibility across the federal and state government systems including economics, trade, defence, climate change, industrial relations and communications and technology issues. Previously, Innes served as the Australian Consul General to Los Angeles from 2006 to 2008, representing wide-ranging Australian interests on the west coast of the United States, including the trade, finance, culture, entertainment, arts, bio-technology, environment and energy sectors.
SARAH DAVIES CEO, Melbourne Community Foundation Take the Lead: Leading social change – as a business and an individual 12.00pm – 12.30pm Sarah moved to Melbourne while with the Hay Group, where she worked with a wide range of organisations. Sarah spent ten years at Swinburne University of Technology where she was Vice President of Student Affairs. In 2008, Sarah was appointed as the CEO of the Melbourne Community Foundation. This appointment marks the merging of Sarah’s personal and professional careers. Sarah’s involvement in not-for-profits spans 20 years, from volunteering to Board Directorships. Current community roles include board chair of Kids Under Cover, board member of the Centre for Social Impact, member of the Victoria Police BlueLight State Council, co-founder and director of Homes for Homes, and a Victorian Bail Justice.
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CEO, Communications Alliance Ltd The National Broadband Network: What it Means for SMEs 11.30am – 12.00pm
Head of Small Business Research, Victoria University How to Make a Million in Small Business 1.00pm – 1.30pm John Stanton is a seasoned communications Professor John Breen has a 25 year history of working with the small business sector . John has interacted with small business operators in many different ways including consulted with, interviewed, chatted to, judged, researched, trained, presented to, lectured, and mentored. He has also operated a small business. John has advised and consulted to government and industry about the small business sector. He was awarded the Best Entrepreneurial Educator award by the Business Higher Education Round Table in 2009.
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industry executive with over 18 years of experience. From 2006-2009 John was Chief Executive Officer of ASX and NZX-listed telecommunications carrier, People Telecom. Under his leadership, People Telecom became profitable and was recognised as Australia’s Best Regional Service Provider in the Australian Telecom Awards 2007. In early 2009 the Company was sold to M2 Telecommunications. Prior to that Mr Stanton was an executive with Intelsat, the largest provider of fixed satellite services worldwide.
Thursday 16th June
British Consul General, UK Trade & Investment Why is the UK so popular for Aussie businesses? 1.30pm – 2.00pm
Founder of the Woo Small Business Marketing Agency Is advertising dead? 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Director, Signs’n’Banners If you are powered by passion... ALL things are possible 4.00pm – 4.30pm
Bambi Gordon specialises in marketing for the small business sector. Prior to leaping into her own business over a decade ago, she enjoyed 20 years in mass media marketing including roles as National Marketing Manager for the Ten Network, National Marketing Director for the BRW Group of Publications, Marketing Manager at Fox FM and Radio 3MP. She is a Director and Owner of The Growdon Group - interconnected businesses within the small business space, who operate as Promoters of B2B events, provision of contracted event and sponsorship project management services, and her ‘baby’ The Woo Small Business Marketing Agency which works with micro to SMEs, organisations & franchisees, across a diverse range of industries and professional services to establish their marketing strategy and implement their marketing activity. As a small biz owner Bambi brings real empathy and understanding to her clients, as she lives the challenges of juggling limited resources whilst having to develop new skills. She particularly enjoys yakking at people in groups & one-on-one, live and online.
Often referred to as the “dynamite” by colleagues, clients and friends, Stacey was a first time mother at 16, and now 32 years young she is a busy mum of 5 children. A businesswoman, speaker, published author and the Official Ambassador for the Lighthouse Foundation, she still finds time to keep fit, run a successful business and stay passionate about helping others to achieve their goals. Recently featured on A Current Affairs, ABC’s 7:30 Report, The Age, and BRW magazine, this lady is living proof that you CAN overcome the odds and create the life of your dreams. Stacey lives by her motto “if you are powered by passion.. ALL things are possible”.
Stuart has been Consul-General in Melbourne since July 2008. He began his career in the UK Government’s Department for Trade and Industry, before moving to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1994. Between 1994 and 1998 he ran the Government’s Inward Investment operations in the British Consulate-General in Chicago, USA, covering eighteen Midwest and Southern US states, encouraging US companies to set up operations in the UK. Stuart was appointed Deputy Head of Far Eastern Group in the Asia-Pacific Directorate of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in September 2006, with foreign policy responsibilities covering China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Mongolia before moving on to Melbourne in 2008.
MIKE O’HAGAN Owner, Mr MiniMovers Practical strategies to grow and systemise your business 4.30pm – 5.00pm Mike O’Hagan is the founder and owner of MiniMovers – a unique short distance removal business operating in five states across Australia. Remarkably, Mike started MiniMovers with just $200 and a ute and grew the company to include over 320 people, with a turnover exceeding $23 million. Along the way, Mike’s innovation saw MiniMovers become a Telstra Business Award state winner and Employer of the Year several times. The company continues to grow.
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All Masterclass Sessions will take place on the show floor.
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Friday h 17 June
SENATOR THE HON NICK SHERRY Minister for Small Business MyBiz Expo Show Opener Day 2 10.00am - 10.05am Senator Nick Sherry has been Minister for Small Business, Minister Assisting on Deregulation and Public Sector Superannuation, and Minister Assisting on Tourism since 14 September 2010. He was previously Assistant Treasurer and before that, from December 2007 to June 2009, Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law. He has been a Senator for Tasmania since 1990 and lives in Devonport in the State’s north-west. Nick was Parliamentary Secretary for Primary Industry, Energy and Resources during the Keating Government. He’s held important party roles, including Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, been a member of Labor’s tactics, strategy, economic and policy committees, and a member of the Labor Party National Executive and Tasmanian Administrative Committee.
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Leading expert on the future of business The Business Opportunities of the Future 10.30am – 11.30am
CEO, INNOVIC Senior Online Coordinator, VECCI Innovation: Turning new ideas into viable Business Sustainability products and businesses 12.00pm – 12.30pm 11.30am – 12.00pm
Ross Dawson is globally recognized as a leading futurist, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and authority on business strategy. He is Founding Chairman of four companies: international consulting and ventures firm Advanced Human Technologies, futures think-tank Future Exploration Network, leading events firm The Insight Exchange, and online start-up Repyoot. Strong demand for Ross’s expertise has seen him deliver keynote speeches across six continents and consult to leading organizations worldwide such as Ernst & Young, Macquarie Bank, Microsoft, News Corporation, Procter & Gamble and many others.
Joss Evans is the Chief Executive Officer of INNOVIC a not for profit organisation established in 1986. INNOVIC provides a range of services to help innovators, inventors and small enterprises turn good new ideas into successful businesses. It has helped nearly 33,000 people with new ideas. Joss has worked in new innovation and product development for over 30 years. She has worked with start-ups and entrepreneurial organisations in the US, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, and developed business and training programs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Ecuador.
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With a background in PR, marketing and communications, Sarah is responsible for online engagement within each of the VECCI Sustainability social media channels. Sarah integrates online initiatives across a range of communications activities to advance the overall online presence for VECCI’s Sustainability Department.
Friday 17 June h
Founder, SeeMoreData Using Analytics on MYOB to streamline your business 1.00pm - 1.30pm
Executive Director, Netbalance Green Fututres – the likely impact on business of greener regulations 1.30pm – 2.00pm
Ferenc has over 20 years of software development experience, having worked in key technical roles at Siebel & Oracle. Ferenc is the founder of SeeMoreData, an Australian Business Analytics services company that creates solutions for the Australian marketplace. Rubihawk is a product by SeeMoreData that brings a simple but powerful management tool running on top of MYOB.
Terence is the Executive Director of Net Balance in Melbourne and holds a degree in Environmental Engineering (UWA), is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia. Terence is an environmental and sustainability advisory and assurance specialist with over eighteen years experience in advising governments and corporations on sustainability issues. Terence Founded Net Balance in 2007, and has seen the organisation through a significant phase of growth over the past five years, to now become Australia’s largest sustainability firm with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and London. Net Balance has been ranked in the top 100 fastest growing companies in Australia in 2010 and 2011.
Principal Consultant, The Zone Corporation Limited Trade Marks – protecting your reputation 2.30pm - 3.00pm Theodore Doucas is an Intellectual Property lawyer and the principal of Zone Law an intellectual property law firm. He is also a principal consultant for ZONE IP, an intellectual property consultancy with offices in Wellington and Sydney. ZONE IP is an intellectual property management consultancy providing authoritative advice in trade marks, copyright and branding. Theodore has had many years experience in intellectual property law and is a former Assistant Commissioner of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs of the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand.
MICK HAWES CEO at The 7 Biggest Costly Mistakes Small Business Owners Make Thursday 12.30pm - 1.00pm Friday 3.00pm - 3.30pm Mick Hawes has been running his highly successful coaching business for almost 20 years. It has gone through a number of transformations along the way from “Training With Purpose” to “The Head Coach” and now “”. Mick has worked with multibillion dollar organisations to the one man show as well as many of Australia’s elite sports stars and athletes, such as the Tasmanian and Victorian cricket sides, V8 Supercar drivers, professional golfers and top tennis professionals including Australia’s number one female tennis player Samantha Stosur. Over the last decade He has focused his attention on helping the small business owner to build more successful businesses that give the owner a much more profitable business but also show them how to break free of the small business shackles so they can enjoy an incredible lifestyle that the business supports.
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RAKESH AGGARWAL Managing Director, Longwarry Food Park Success story of sick Plant 3.30pm - 4.00pm Rakesh Aggarwal is an Electrical Engineer. In 1999, he started his own engineering business in direct competition to large international players like NIRO, TetraPak etc. In 2001, when his previous employer Bonlac Food got into financial problems, Rakesh bought one of the derelict factories. He spent three years reconditioning the plant, starting commercial production in 2005 and exporting to around 30 different countries. The business has won numerous awards for growth, sustainability, exports, social responsibility.
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All Masterclass Sessions will take place on the show floor.
16th June
17th June
Yes you can do your own publicity! 10:30am – 11:30am
DGM Advertising workshop 11:30am – 12:30pm
Are you struggling to do your own PR to lift your business to new heights? Do you need a helping hand to get the media to interview you? Find out the key steps to getting your business noticed by the media and getting FREE publicity in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio! Run by PR Guru’s media relations experts, Julie Morgan and Anna Anderson, this interactive workshop will help increase your results when you do your own publicity. The course covers how to identify: what your news is; what journalists are looking for; what makes a good press release and how to maximise your coverage. No more drafting press releases and letting them to go stale within a week, this workshop gives you insider secrets, tips and tools on how to do it yourself.
Need help improving your online business environment, maybe you are thinking about integrating social media into your communication. This session focuses on creating a strong online environment, whatever tools you are using, as well as incorporate digital marketing into your business communication. Learn how to integrate all your online tools to work for the business, and explore new technologies and effective ways to promote and engage with new business opportunities. From websites, to I phone apps, social media communication, email marketing and everything in between. This session aims at breaking down the complexities, and demonstrating effective ways to grow your business using all forms of digital communication.
Find out why the Cloud is the future 11:30am – 12:30pm Angus Thomson, Managing Director of Fluccs Australia, will demystify the cloud with a clear and simple explanation of what it is and how your business can utilise the Cloud for Hosting, Servers, Storage and Backups. How hosting your website in the Cloud will all but eliminate the ever present danger of server failure and expensive downtime or inaccessibility. How Cloud servers provide a cheaper, more reliable and instantly scalable alternative to physical and virtual private servers. How using the Cloud for storage of important data provides a cheaper and more secure alternative to any other form of data storage and finally how you can utilise the Cloud to backup your laptop, desktop or server. Take this opportunity to pose your questions to someone with 13 years’ experience of providing hosted services to Australian businesses and to see the Cloud in action Workshop run by Fluccs - Australia’s Online Solution presents The Cloud - Hosting, Servers, Storage and Backup
Design Victoria workshop 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Canon workshop (Workshop session details coming soon) 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Please note that all workshop sessions will take place in Hospitality Suite 1, directly above the exhibition.
The Importance of Branding to your Business Increasingly, business success is influenced by companies investment in building powerful brands. Once the domain of big corporations, today branding is in fact at its most powerful when applied to small and medium enterprises. In leaner organisations and more entrepreneurial cultures, brand strategies have the ability to challenge the status quo and spark innovation. This seminar will benefit owners and managers of small to medium businesses interested in understanding the value of a brand and generating increased business profits through successful branding.
Canon workshop (Workshop session details coming soon) 3.15pm – 4.15pm
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Founder PR Guru and Principal JMM Communications
Senior Consultant, PR Guru
Managing Director, Fluccs Australia
Yes you can do your own publicity! Thursday 16th June 10:30am – 11:30am
Find out why the Cloud is the future. Thursday 16th June 11:30am – 12:30pm
Anna is a communications specialist with more than nine years experience in media relations and corporate communications. As senior consultant at JMM Communications and editor of PR Guru’s DIY PR newsletter, Taboo Anna is well attuned to the key success factors behind PR campaigns. in her career she was worked with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), South East Water and the Red Cross Blood Service, Motor Neurone Disease Australia, Jeans for Genes Day, Goulburn Valley Tomatoes and clients in the I.T. industry. She holds a Master of Communications degree from RMIT University.
Find out why the Cloud is the future. Angus Thomson, Managing Director of Fluccs Australia, will demystify the cloud with a clear and simple explanation of what it is and how your business can utilise the Cloud for Hosting, Servers, Storage and Backups. How hosting your website in the Cloud will all but eliminate the ever present danger of server failure and expensive downtime or inaccessibility. How Cloud servers provide a cheaper, more reliable and instantly scalable alternative to physical and virtual private servers. How using the Cloud for storage of important data provides a cheaper and more secure alternative to any other form of data storage and finally how you can utilise the Cloud to backup your laptop, desktop or server. Take this opportunity to pose your questions to someone with 13 years’ experience of providing hosted services to Australian businesses and to see the Cloud in action.
Yes you can do your own publicity! Thursday 16th June 10:30am – 11:30am Julie Morgan is the owner director of JMM Communications an award winning PR company based in Albert Park. During the company’s 25-year history Julie has directed and worked with small to medium size businesses in the lifestyle, health, food, tourism sector , industry associations and the not for profit sector. In 2010 Julie founded PR Guru www.prguru. to cater for SME’s who wanted to educate themselves on PR and how to ‘do-it-yourself.’ Julie has been commended by the Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) for her marketing communications campaign for the Chestnut Growers of Australia, and won the PRIA State Award for Excellence for Health for the Australian Association of Massage Therapists.
Please note that all workshop sessions will take place in Hospitality Suite 1, directly above the exhibition.
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