Typography Journal
Fannin South
Image of a sticker on circuit machine at Fannin South. High contrast in black and white; meant to be read up close. Modern characteristics; Sans serif Font of the word “Warning� is wider than it actually is with white text on a black back ground to catch our attention.
Image of a metal warning sign on a tower on Fannin South.Danger is all caps outlined in red background to bring our attention to it, background is white, the rest of the text is in black and is used in small caps; black text is not as important but completes the overall message along with the symbol, which indicates the tower is not meant to be climbed. Modern characteristics. Sans serif
Image is of an ad for land at Fannin South Blue is used for background white is used for text and black is used for the accent.
Image of a sign that indicates where Fannin South Park & Ride is. Green is used for the background; white for the text Modern font type is used. Sans serif. Sign is used for navigation around transit center for the Metrorail, which is effective for people looking the park.
Modern characteristics for a font; poster is reminiscent of the ones used in 1800s but monster font is not used. It is stillmeant to catch your attention. Sans serif. Text is formatted in a hierarchy.
Image of sign indicating Ambulance – Pavilion for Women. Black is used for background, white is used for text and blue is used for accents and symbols. Modern font type; sans serif. White text is easy to read, overall design of the catches the viewers’ attention, symbol lets them know the garage is for ambulances.
Image of a sign for Wells Fargo on Main Street. Red is used for background, yellow for the text. These colors are used to atrract the attention of potential and current audience base. Font type is slab serif, has serifs Anatomy of the font is thick and consistent in the transition of the strokes. Overall, message of sign brings attention to name of the company, doesn’t give an indication of its purpose.
Image of a sign in St. Luke’s hospital parking garage on Fannin South Background of the sign is white, text is dark blue, green dots are used to separate text. Modern font roughly corresponding to transitional, thin serifs. Serifs are extremely thin, while strokes transition from thick to thin, so it is almost more modern than humanist.
Image of a sign on building – Texas Medical Center Pavilion for Women Red is used for the background; white is used for the text. Font type is humanist/transitional, has serifs; second text is modern, sans serif with a regular type style.
Texas Medical Center
Midtown Image of a metal sign indicating a parking lot White is used for the background, blue is used for the text Font characteristics are modern, expanded trasitional; sans serif. The words, “park” and “lock” are a bigger lettersize than the word “and”, maybe to bring our attention to the to those particular words.
Poster on a newspaper post right off Bell Street. Yellow used for background; red and black are used for text. Font is modern yet has humanist characteristics, such as the use of an ear on the “g”; while some text are sans serif and some have serifs. Meant to catch the reader’s attention to newspaper post with the use of color and font size. Image of sign for a Vietnamese restaurant off of McGowen. Background is white, main text is red, subtext is blue. Modern font, serif and sans serif. Main text is more transitional, the color of the name is red to associate it with food and to catch the reader’s attention, and blue subtext is modern and meant to show what the restaurant serves.
Image of words on side of a white building Green is used for text on a white background. Font is transitional in characteristics; serifs.
Image of a sign that says FDC placed on the side of a building White is used for background with a red outline; text is red Font is modern; sans serif, transitional Letters are bold and wide and red is used to catch our attention; symbol is used to emphasize message.
Image of sign for Copa Cabana – Latino Lounge Text is off-white; background of sign is greyish light brown Font of text has serifs. Anatomy emphasizes curves and is circular, more organic
Image of poster on a shop window: Mitchell & Ness Background is white, text is red Font type is script. Strokes of the letters go from thin to thick.
Image of Marriott hotel logo on Main Street Black is used for text Text uses a humanist font type; serif Strokes of the letters are thin, elegant and consistent; designed to cater to a high class audience.
Image of a billboard sign of Las Vegas and Godfather’s Bail Bonds Yellow is used for back ground with black outline, Text is black Font at the top is humanist with serifs, while the main text is a playful modern type of font Anatomy is bold and thick. Lower text is curvy and maybe it is a playful font meant to make light of a serious situation such as bail.
Image of a no smoking sign in restroom Brown is used for the background; white is used for the text Font is modern; sans serif, transitional The message of the sign is straightforward; the sign is placed on the wall next to the mirror to make sure the reader sees it. The sign is not intended to take up space, simply it outs forward a clear message, by using a simple font with a ‘no smoking’ symbol.
Image of text on a trapdoor at UHD Text is dark blue, background is white. Modern text; sans serif, transitional A simple font is used to bring attention to the sign for a specific person who has access to the little door.
Image of an emergency template on an alarm system in UHD Black is used for the back ground, white for the text Trasitional modern font is used; sans serif. The text is aligned vertically with a white line running the left of the text. Also has elongated anatomy.