Universidade de Lisboa, Lisabona, Portugalia
future houses
for the center of Bucharest
STUDENT ARHITECT | FINAL YEAR Bucharest, Ilfov, Romania
SketchUpAutoCAD Pro Lumion 11.0 Pro AdobeAdobePhotoshopIllustratorInDesign English - C1
Telephone: (+40) 733 816 411
Instagram: monicailiescu97@gmail.com@monica.emili
Ideas / of
Basics | UAUIM
of Architectural Design Department
“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania
Highschool | Bacalaureat Diploma (2012-2016)
Calea Domnească | nr. 235 | Târgoviste | Dâmbovita (+40) 245 210 966 http://www.ienachita.com/
Sala Auditorium - Romanian National Museum of Art | 10 - 11 July 2019
Faculdade de Arquitetura, Master anul V (2021-2022)
Colegiul National “Ienăchită Văcărescu”, Târgoviste, România
Faculty of Architecture, Bachelor and integrated Master (2017 - 2023) str. Academiei | nr. 18-20 | 010014 | Bucuresti (+40) 213 077 112 https://www.uauim.ro/
Rua Sá Nogueira | Pólo Universitário | Alto da Ajuda | 1349-063 Lisboa (+351) 21 361 5000 https://www.fa.ulisboa.pt/
(2019-2022) Collective Housing ExperimentalHotelHostelOstrov theatre Water Museum Info OmuliAquaticBoxCentreMuseum of the Horse Tapestry design
The proposed solution follows the evolutionary character of the area where the site in Timpuri Noi area. Located on the border between the front that borders Dambovita River and an old tissue of dwellings with 1-2 levels from a former industrial area, it has a triple opening, this fact leading to an “L” type of monoblock housing.
Project made together with Abdulea Lucia Nicoleta. | UAUIM 2019-2020
The main access is made on the side, the cars accessing a ramp to the basement. The secondary pedestrian access is made gradually through the cursive that connects the traffic nodes at the ground floor level to the entrances to the apartments at the upper levels. Two of the nodes are located near the ends of the two volumes, and the third node, externally, is attached at the intersection of the two sides of the building, on the entire height of the building, facilitating the access to the corner apartments, or those located at the cursive’s level. The height regime follows the current context, the body from street being much taller compared to the adjacent one. The fan structure and the depth of the section allow the exit of the apartments both to the inner courtyard and to the street. The interior organization merges and coagulates the service spaces in the center of the apartments, allowing the living to happen on the ends and in the flared areas. There is a gradual public-private transition, both at the level of the apartments on a single level, as well as in the case of duplexes.
After analyzing the area, it was observed how the dense tissue coagulates in well defined urban islands by the predominantly continuous fronts from the streets. Currently, the site at number 6 marks a rest in the urban tissue, a quality that was intended to be preserved by withdrawing the hostel’s building to the neighboring wall, leaving room for the creation of a pedestrian street that pierces the sequentiality of the buildings and which connects Ion Campineanu Street and the center of the urban island. The insertion on the site wanted to be a receptive addition to the needs of architectural and urbanistic type, a gradual transition from the public to the private.
The hostel building is made up of two bodies, one of them heavier, with a envelope of reinforced concrete that holds together the vertical circulation and the utilities, which is attached to the building on the right. And a second volume, of wooden structure, which clings, retreating from the left limit of the site, to the dense concrete parallelepiped. The body with the wooden structure signifies a transitory space, which is read both planimetrically by the pillars’ placement and their openings, as well as spatially by perforating the slabs between the floors, the presence of the portico on the ground floor and rooms of double height. The living spaces are vertically divided into three square modules. The ones on the edge host the sleeping rooms, with double orientation, and the one in the middle hosts the common spaces that communicate with each other through floor cutouts and helical stairs. The glazed façade opens on the three sides of the building, bringing light into the volume, thus encouraging interaction with the urban space.
Compositionally, the envelope followed a rigor imposed by the surrounding buildings, transposed into a contemporary language, minimal and clear. The geometric rigor is broken by the appearance of counter-diagonals between the pillars, which cover the entire surface of the volume.
The hotel anchors like a satellite of the Ostrov village at its eastern end, on a hill of a former wineyard land. The regular piles structure, allows a large opening towards the Danube. The hotel is being connected directly to the water through a path that stretches on the water in the form of a small dock.
The constructive system is the main ordering element of the spaces, delimited by a corridor that crosses longitudinally the interior of the spaces, as well as transversely by the appearance of hallways, or pockets with common functions. The orientation of the day functions are always made towards the glazed areas and, implicitly, towards the water, leaving the secondary functions to orient to the garden and the service or storage spaces, to be in the underground areas.
UAUIM 2020-2021
The access is made at level 1, a double height floor, where the administrative offices, a spacious reception hall, a bar and a conference room that turns to the water are located. On the ground floor is the restauant, with a gym, the indoor pool that continues with an underground SPA that comes out of the hotel volume. The rooms are located on both sides of the hotel, existing in the form of double rooms, apartments and rooms adapted to people with motor difficulties.
The project aims at organizing and creating a heterotope space, a space “in-between”, which hides and reveals itself under the function of theatre. Located at the limit of two urban tissues, in an intensely transited area, the experimental theatre invites to a path that carries the man both physicallythrough a series of spaces in perpetual change, with a flexible furniture made of light and modular metal, as well as metaphorically, through the stories told, the characters attributed to the actors and the mirage transmitted during the performances.
It is intended to create performance spaces that can function both individually and together through vertical paths that serve the public, as well as the artists. The entrance is on the diagonal axis of the room on the ground floor, resembling a portal that makes the transition from real life to fantasy.
The project aims to create an ensemble that communicates with the public space and delimits enclosures for green parcs for the exhibition and event halls to operate both under a single circuit and separately, benefiting from separate entrances. The main building of the power plant, which contains the permanent collection of engines, has its main access laterally, through a landscaped yard, and involves a series of renovation and conservation works. From this construction you can access the extension aligned to the street front, which contains a library, a temporary exhibition and a café, as well as the extension made on the former warehouses, with temporary underground exhibitions, a hypostyle hall and an amphitheater. The lookout tower reminds of the former dome in the corner of the administrative building that, because of the placement of the intervention being near a heavily frequented intersection, becomes a vertical focus in the urban tissue, attracting attention to the cultural function.
The Info Box sits at the end of a steel deck, projected considerably from the shore. This detachment, coupled with the rotation and orientation of the tower towards the River, the other bank and the land separated by the Trancão River, permits a wide point of view regarding the surroundings. This assembly is meant to be walked through, stopping by the several break points along its length. Their placement is sequential, marking important points in the urban tissue.
The structure is made of thin cured steel, revealing the inside of the tower to nature. The ground floor is free, being in direct relation with the pier and having a free flow of circulation.
The project’s aim is to introduce a signalling point at the intersection of land and water and of two different types of boundaries. The spine that goes along the bank of the river acts as a strip that seams on both sides of the river. The convergence point appears where the information box is implemented. The project aims to be a strong presence in the urban fabric, its verticality acting as a landmark, as well as to serve the functional purpose of observing the surroundings. Its height invites to reflect and analyze the surrounding area. By having a level with a permanent exhibition about climate change, this building breaches the link between the present time and a near future in need of help.
The Aquatic Center is positioned at the mouth of the Trancão River that flows into the Tejo River. The ensemble is an extension of the 1998 Exposition of Parc das Nações, acting as a hinge that turns around and creates a dialogue with the opposite bank of the river and facilitates the apparition of promenades and connections between different areas of the tissue.
FAUL 2021-2022
The complex involves an area with residential blocks in the repeated lamellar volumes and a body reminiscent of the carpet-style buildings, inspired also by “Free University” of Candilis, Josic and Woods. The commercial area is separated from the aquatic center by a corridor that pierces and connects the banks with the park that extends to the city.
The aquatic center is oriented towards the water, to allow a longitudinal extension and a sequentiality of spaces. It is composed of two types of bodies, the central one that houses the SPA is massive, a monolith in which the spaces are carved and dug. It has zenith illumination through pyramidal coverage and vaults. The other typology is a modular one, with pillars and beams, which are attached to the central volume. The circulation is solved by several circuits that facilitate the access to the different areas of the complex.
Project made together with Rădulescu Bogdan-Andrei | Finalist | 2020
The artists’ modules are attached on the vertical axis, following the same principle, but they have a workshop on the top floor. They are placed in a row and mark the limit of the two large enclosures of the garden with workshops on one side, and of the enclosure with the dining room and the houses for couples, on the other.
The houses start from a day module with living room, dining room and kitchen, that are being attached to the night module, which has a bedroom and a bathroom.
Omuli Museum of the Horse is a project made in three stages, where the renovation and redevelopment of the existing body have been considered. Besides tha, the construction of houses for artists, and then the realization of houses for potential clients, common spaces, service and storage spaces were designed. The intervention on the main existing body was to priorities the cleaning of elements that have parasitized the building over time - the removal of partition walls to make way for workshops and a large exhibition hall. In the second phase, the project focused on creating a 5x5m wooden grid, which has the role of containing future constructions. By choosing this structural typology, the existing free space was controlled, offering the easy possibility of expanding the grid in time. On one side, a portico connects in length the site from the entrance to the garden behind the house-museum that leads to the outdoor amphitheater. This portico also connects with the workshop garden that extends from the main house, as well as with the residential areas on the grounds.
Tapestry design made during my internship at VlaDiLa, designs seen on their website https://vladila.ro/
Vladila Kids Collection- Tales of the forest
Ambianc Collection - Eucalyptus Mirror Nomadic Wall blue