Smart Cities Portugal Collaborative platform
Companies, clusters, universities, R&D centres, municipalities and other economic and social players acting in the smart cities market joined forces to create the Smart Cities Portugal collaborative platform.
Asserting Portugal as a place for the development and experimentation of technology solutions, products and value-added systems for smart cities at global level is the main ambition of the initiative. Smart Cities Portugal, promoted by INTELI, intends to create synergies among different players enhancing the roll out of integrated and scalable creative solutions to solve urban problems. Smart city solutions tested in Portuguese cities could be replicated in other urban spaces around the world, improving the internationalisation potential of national companies and clusters. It is an awareness, intelligence, advocacy and acceleration platform, which will also tackle demand side measures and contribute to the elimination of market barriers, in the areas of public procurement, standardisation, business models, financing mechanisms, stakeholders’ involvement, etc. In fact, citizen participation in urban transformation processes is a critical success factor for the implementation of smart city strategies, in a perspective of co-creation and open innovation. Living lab approaches are very useful to promote the involvement of the population in the generation of ideas for future cities.
Objectives - Promote the development of smart city pilot projects in cooperation among cities, R&D centers and companies, with a view to improving citizens’ quality of life;
- Evaluate the impact of smart city projects on wealth creation, jobs generation, environment quality and citizens’ quality of life, through the use of specific metrics and key performance indicators;
- Stimulate the scaling up of innovative urban solutions, replicating worldwide the smart city projects tested in Portuguese cities;
- Contribute to increase the local content of foreign direct investment projects linked to smart growth;
- Promote the participation of Portuguese players in lighthouse European projects in the area of smart cities;
- Increase the participation of Portuguese cities and companies in international territorial, knowledge and commercial networks.
- Promote the internationalization of Portuguese companies working in the smart cities market; - Enhance the creation of new companies in the smart cities market, supporting urban entrepreneurship;
Intervention Fields Governance E-government Open data Citizen participation Data visualisation and mapping Geographical Information Systems etc. Mobility Intelligent transport systems Alternative energy sources for mobility Intelligent parking solutions Location management Car-sharing and bike-sharing services Traffic management etc. Energy Distributed and renewable energies in cities Urban energy production and storage Smart metering Smart grids Efficient public lighting etc.
Environment Water management Waste management Urban green spaces Environmental indicators monitoring etc. Buildings Green infrastructures management Green buildings Smart spaces Advanced materials etc. Quality of Life Public security and emergencies solutions Smart destinations Tourism applications Culture information services E-health E-learning etc.
Strategic Areas Internationalisation: Creating favourable conditions to promote the internationalisation of Portuguese companies operating in the smart cities market. The cooperation between companies oriented to the development of integrated solutions across energy, mobility, ICT, etc. enhances their participation in global value chains. Intelligence exercises will help the identification of business opportunities and collaboration possibilities related to smart cities projects. R&D and innovation: Stimulating the development of integrated, innovative and sustainable solutions for smart cities, using the competencies of universities, R&D centres and technology infrastructures. Providing information and knowledge about smart cities to companies’ employees and municipal staff is also important, in areas such as business models, financial mechanisms, partnerships, case studies, etc. Entrepreneurship: Promoting urban entrepreneurship, supporting the development of innovative ideas, applications and solutions oriented to answer to the challenges cities are facing, in the areas of mobility, energy, governance, tourism, health, etc.
Launching start-ups in these areas enhances wealth growth and job creation, contributing simultaneously for solving urban problems. Open data, apps contests and incubator spaces facilitate entrepreneurship and the creation of new businesses. Funding: Creating favourable conditions to facilitate the access to funding by companies, municipalities and R&D centres, namely within the European programming period 2014-2020. The Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership is coordinating smart cities research and innovation projects, which could be supported by Horizon 2020, COSME, LIFE + and Cohesion funds. The cooperation between cities and industry will be an added-value to apply for lighthouse smart cities projects. Regulation: Participating in international forums on smart cities standardisation and normalisation, and contributing to the elimination of legislation barriers to the development and implementation of smart cities projects. The provision of interoperable systems is one of the most important issues in this debate. ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation, CEN European Committee for Standardisation, City Protocol Society, and specific national organisms are already working in this field.
Funding ----
R&D and innovation
Governance Mobility Energy Environment Buildings Quality of Life
Partners INTELI – Inteligência em Inovação, Centro de Inovação (Coordinator) RENER Living Lab – Portuguese Smart Cities Network Sustainable Habitat Cluster Competitiveness and Technology Pole for Mobility Competitiveness and Technology Pole for Energy - EnergyIN Pole for Communication and Information Technologies - TICE.PT CEIIA – Innovative Centre for the Automotive Industry University of Minho Center of Competence for Future Cities of University of Porto Oracle Portugal Siemens Portugal Indra Portugal