Can Yoga Help to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression? Chronic stress, anxiety and depression are becoming more and more common in our busy world. Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, disturbed sleep, low energy and poor concentration. Different pranayam centers are opening for pranayam meditation .Depression is different from feeling down or sad. Unhappiness is something that every person fill at a time or another due different reasons. But a person who is experiencing depression experience the intense emotion of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity, etc. This can happen to any person of any age group. The problem with depression is that the feeling stays with the person for the longer time instead of going away.
Depression can happen to anyone, even you can also be affected with this. When your mind constantly occupied with work load, family and other pressures then you will surely feel exhausted, stressed and tired that will eventually results in excessive stress. Yoga ashans helps you to keep your mind calm and reduces the level of stress, anxiety and depression. You puts in you deep relaxation, psychologically. You concentrate in breathing and keep you away from the causes of stress and anxiety thus calming your mind. Yoga and meditation are really an effective way way to keep your mind calm and healthy that reduces stress and anxiety.
Anxiety and depression are two serious health concerns that damage silently; however, a daily yoga practice can be effective in improving mental health. In fact, yoga has proven to be helpful in reducing anxiety, stress and depression. A regular yoga practicer can literally
transform your life, as it did for many who practices yoga daily. Yoga can help with stress relief and help us let go of the many fears, emotional blocks and tension that we hold inside. It can help us live more fully and with more joy. Yoga has many health benefits but there are many emotional benefits too. Emotions can be controlled easily with the help of meditation in yoga .Yoga actually helps to improve your concentration power and moods. When a person do yoga it has the power to release endorphins in our brains. These are the “feel good� chemicals that are released when a person is happy. Various studies have also proved that yoga is helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. Many time we also face mood swings that not only affects us but our surroundings too. Yoga not only improves health and level of stress but our mood swings also naturally improve. You start living happily and also make your surroundings to be happy. So, yoga is really helpful to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.