2 minute read

Chairman's Message

There is no doubt that Probus is the leading organisation in Australia for fun and friendship in retirement.

Most Clubs have now had their Annual General Meeting and new committees are in place. It is great to see volunteers step up and help run their Club. It is exciting to see the talents displayed by members of the Committee. Please support them by helping out on the little jobs that need to be done and make their year fun and easy.

As our Clubs (and members) get older it is paramount that each year we introduce new members in our Clubs. One of the ways is to have vibrant and fun meetings and then visitors will want to join the fun. We should also set a goal for the number of new members we want to have join each year and plan for this. It needs to be a focus in each Club - one of the ways to achieve this goal is to appoint a small membership committee.

Statistically most new members are introduced by a friend so the membership committee could encourage a “bring a friend” day to help with this focus.

Probus South Pacific have a range of promotional material available at no cost and are happy to supply this to your Club.

Clubs that provide a wide range of activities and outings also attract new members.

Sometimes organising outings, activities and travel seems to be a lot of work but it is what makes a Club vibrant and helps members form friendships with other Club members who may be new or who you may have only seen at meetings.

A few days together on a bus tour, caravan Park or motel helps build lasting friendships. As vaccinations for Covid increase we may be able to travel more in Australia and as a Club even visit islands such as Kangaroo Island, Norfolk Island and Tasmania. One Club I am in has just come back from Norfolk Island and another Club is spending a few days visiting Kangaroo Island at the end of April. I encourage you to consider these destinations for your Club.

The more I visit Clubs the more I realise what a great organisation we have. There is no doubt that Probus is the leading organisation in Australia for fun and friendship in retirement.

So let us get back to normal and continue to enjoy our retirement activities through Probus.

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