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Chairman's message

As a new year begins, we often reflect on what has happened in the past and set ourselves some goals we hope will improve our lives. The past two years have been extraordinary, our optimism has been tested and many plans and goals have been reassessed and adjusted.

It has been two years since the Board of PSPL met in person. Like many Clubs, while we have continued to successfully conduct our scheduled meetings by technological means, we all know there is nothing like connecting with colleagues in person.

At our next meeting in February, we will be welcoming our new Treasurer David Ekert, a Foundation member and past President of the Probus Club of Cornubia. We will be saying a very grateful farewell to Bruce Morley who has been our interim Treasurer following the resignation of Doug Newman due to ill health. Bruce was the former Representative Director for Victoria and Tasmania, that position is now held by Michael Ransom.

We will also be welcoming back to the Board Merv Richens OAM, former PSPL Director (2007 - 2010) a former Rotary District Governor. Merv is an enthusiastic and active member of Probus who will be helping to strengthen our ties with Rotary as well as sharing his extensive experience supporting the growth of existing clubs and the formation of numerous clubs.

At the heart of participating in the various activities in our Clubs is why did we become members of Probus? Like many of you, who have experienced a range of significant changes to your lives and lifestyles, as a retiree, I also appreciate first-hand how much Probus continues to enhance my life and those of my Probus friends.

When we reflect on the challenges we have faced during the past two years, many of us have asked ourselves how we might find ways of contributing to a community we want to live in – a community that is kinder, compassionate, cooperative, respectful, inclusive and more harmonious. Each of us has the ability to bring happiness to another person through our contribution.

For us, as members of Probus and the many hundreds of thousands of active retirees, our message is clear - the key to maintaining a fulfilling lifestyle in retirement is to stay socially connected and to enjoy the company of like-minded people.

There are so many reasons and motivations, and for so many of us, our lives have been unexpectantly enriched. In this edition of Active Retirees, we meet fellow-Probians who have generously shared their reasons for joining Probus. They are people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences who are actively contributing to the success of their clubs.

In the next two months, Probus Clubs will be conducting AGMs and welcoming new members of their Club Management Committees and I encourage all members to consider nominating for a role in their Club’s Committee.

It is an opportunity to perhaps learn some new skills but importantly make your personal contribution to the enjoyment and camaraderie of your fellow members.

Joining your Club’s leadership team is not just about helping your Club and community, it enriches your life too and as Oprah Winfrey once said, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

Judith Maestracci AM Chairman | Probus South Pacific Ltd

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