2 minute read


Recently Air Chathams captured the beauty, ruggedness, and ancient geography of their spiritual home on the Chatham Islands.

They captured the beauty of the archipelago in rich visual storytelling and cinematography with a camera crew at the last viable good weather opportunity in Autumn.

For four 12-hour days, Air Chathams’ Marketing Manager Brent Condon, and a talented film crew from the production company ‘Moonshots’ - trail-blazed the islands, to all four corners, capturing as much rich visual content as possible.

With Ranginui (the sky father) being kind and the seas of Tangaroa being calm, our film crew was able to capture the many personalities of the Chatham Islands, its people, wildlife, and the fauna it harbours. All this rich visual content has been invested into a new destination advertising campaign for the Chatham Islands. With the key focus of pulling at the heartstrings of intrepid adventurers, travellers, and nature lovers of all ages. To put the Chatham Islands at the very top of their travelling bucket-lists.

And what better way to champion the Chatham Islands and its own airline than have these mystical ancient isles speak for themselves with one voice, in the first person, with the following words:

Spiritual solace, rugged beauty, wild spirit and ancient knowing. Fortress of nature, defiant peaks, scarred cliffs and stinging seas. Remote and resilient, a sonata of wailing winds and silent coves. Refuge for birds, a marine mecca, harbourer of tribes and ships. At earth’s edge, meeting the corners of the sky… … I am Rēkohu, Wharekauri, the Chatham Islands!

Keep an eye out for our Chatham Islands campaign on your televisions, laptop, or at local cinemas… but what would be even more impressive, is to immerse your wild senses in the rustic charm of the Chatham Islands for real. We promise you will be richer for it!

For more information go to: www. chathamislands.co.nz

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