Hardcore Windows Xp

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Hardcore Windows Xp


Take control of Windows XP and get the most out of everything this powerful operating system has to offer. Written by Microsoft Windows XP Expert Zone columnist Joli Ballew, this book shows you hundreds of tips and tricks you&ll be able to use right away. Learn to do everything from kick starting the boot process to disabling unnecessary applications and services to taking advantage of built-in administrative tools. Start at the beginning or jump straight to the task you want to perform. You&ll get full details on security and Service Pack 2, remote access, gaming functions, networking features, multimedia capabilities, and so much more. Work faster, smarter, and more securely with help from this definitive guide. EAN/ISBN : 9780072264425 Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill Professional, McGraw-Hill Osborne Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Ballew, Joli


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