Candy Hair Company Care Guide

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“Virgin Hair” does not mean “less work,” It means “quality”. In order to maintain the integrity and longevity of your extensions it is essential to increase your knowledge of hair care. Protect your investment by promoting a healthy hair regimen to both your natural hair and your extensions. Remember “Your hair will only look as good as the effort that goes behind it.”

Candy Hair Co.

Table of Content

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Recommended Products and Supplies Candy Hair Company Product List General Information About Candy Hair Co Hair Tangling and Shedding Washing Instructions (First Wash) Closures Styling Dying /Colouring You Extensions and or Closures Styling and Daily Care of Your Extensions


Styling and Daily Care of Your Extensions Continued

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Return Policy Contact

Installing your wefts U-part wigs (3/4 wig) Clip-ins Curling you hair

Preparing your hair for bed Preparing for bed with Curly or Straight Hair


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Recommend Products and Supplies Tools Satin Bonnet or Satin Scarf Plastic Shower Caps Wide tooth combs Large Paddle or Loop Brush Hot tools with heat gage. (Not mandatory but suggested for heat control) Flexi Rods or alternative heatless curling tools

Products Raw Coconut oil (Works great to control dryness) Raw Olive oil (Works great to control dryness) Shampoo & Conditioner *it is very important to use shampoo’s and conditions that do not contain the following ingredients (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Silicon)

Clarifying shampoo (*This is key to having light beautiful hair as it removes build-up from the hair and should not be used as regular shampoo, once every 1-2 weeks )

Moisturizing shampoo (*This is key to returning moisture back to dry brittle hair)

Deep Conditioner (*Conditioner with natural products and no Silicon is best)

Leave in Conditioner (*Leave in conditioner shouldn’t be used more twice a month)


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Please note that Candy HairCo. makes recommendations about products and care however it is not mandatory to use. Products and care guide should be used as tool to maintain your extensions. We always state to our customers that it’s not necessary to spend tons on products however you have invested your money on extensions and making the investments on products now will ensure longevity. Products that we have determined to work well on our extensions are as followed:



Neutrogena Anit-Residue Shampoo Cream of Nature Argan Oil Moisture & Shine Shampoo Organix Moroccan Oil Shampoo One 'n Only Argan Oil Moisture Shampoo Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo Abba brand of Shampoos

Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Conditioner Cream of Nature Argan Oil Intensive Conditioning treatment Organix Moroccan Oil Conditioner One 'n Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair Conditioner One 'n Only Argan Oil Restorative Mask Abba Brand of Conditioners AG Fast Food Leave in Condition

Daily maintenance products Cream of Nature, Argan Oil l has a wonderful products line for daily styling. High recommendations for our hair extensions is the Argan Oil Strength and Shine Leave in Conditioner. For the use of Flexi Rods the Argan Oil Foaming Wrap Lotion works great. One 'n Only has a wonderful daily Argan Oil styling cream that is light and doesn’t weight the hair down. Onganix Blow Out Cream is great when switching from curly to straight. TRESemme Instant Heat Tamer Spray protects your hair from heat damage. Argan Oil One 'n Only Argan Oil treatment Cream of Nature Argan Oil Treatment Oganix Hydrating Moraccan Oil Hollywood Argan Oil Heat Protector


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Thank you for your purchase

Before installing your new hair, please ensure you carefully read the information we have provided.

Most of our hair can be worn wavy or straight. For wavy hair textures, just wash, condition and air dry and the waves/curls will return. Perfect for the diva that likes both fun flirty waves and sophisticated classy straight hair. Please watch our “Video� to get a better understanding of how to also activate your waves of curls.

All of our (processed) wavy/curly hair extensions are processed using enzymes with compressed steam pressure. Setting rods are used to form and shape the hair into curls or waves to achieve its beautiful luster and texture.

Our production team works carefully during the preparation process to ensure that our hair remains aligned. Our extensions are cleansed with non-harsh solutions ensuring that they are not compromised however still sanitizing and removing debris to ensure you receive clean healthy hair that is nits and lice free.

Cleansing and steam processing are very common procedure that does not harm the integrity of the hair if done right. Our production team works with us to determine and evaluate the methods being used to make our hair of the best quality possible.


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Tangling and Shedding As mentioned our production team works hard during the preparation process and ensures that our extensions has not been re-aligned or chemical processed, hence limiting tangling. Proper hair care and daily styling however has a big effect on tangling. *Do not use sulfate or alcohol based produces on your extensions. At night make sure to wrap or tie down your extensions and never go to bed with wet hair. This will truly damage your hair and increase the chances of tangling and matting. As we would like to believe that our hair extensions never shed this is not the case. As humans we loss 70-150 strands of hair from our own head daily. Hair extensions are no different. Our wefts are machine wefted. Hairs are held together and secured by threading, machine weft process and it is very normal for hairs to come loose and fall. We recommend that you seal your wefts to limit the number of strands that come loose. By sealing your wefts you are bonding not only the tread but also the hair strands which will prevent heavy shedding. It is suggested to seal both sides of your wefts. Also make sure to seal your wefts when they are clean and completely dried. To learn how to seal you wefts please watch our detailed “Video”. Daily styling can contribute to fallen hairs. Brush your hair with care by starting from the tips of your extensions and gently work your way up. Never brush product out your hair such as hair spray, mousse, gels etc. Combing out products from your hair can cause your hair to break and cause shedding. Heat can cause your hair to shed as well. Heat damage cause the hair strand to become weak, brittle and overall unhealthy so limit the amount of heat you apply to your extensions. Our extensions are to provide you with minimal shedding and fallen hairs however, as mentioned proper care of your extensions are very important for longevity of you extensions. Pay very close attention to the hair that is dropping. Loss of hair is not always shedding. Shedding is when the hairs are coming lose from the weft. Breakage is when the extensions are being combed improperly or from heat damage. Hair that is shedding will have a bend on the top of the hair strand. The small bend is where the hair has been bent over during the wefting process. Breakage normally has shorter hairs strands and do not have a bend on the top of the strand. If you are experiencing breakage use a wider toothed comb and or a paddle brush with teeth that are not too close together. Also the use of paddle brushes with little plastic balls at the end tend to rip out the hair strands. Try using paddle brushes that do not have the little balls on the tips. When washing your extensions make sure to wash with care. It is normal to have some fallen hairs during the washing process. Please see our “Video” for washing instructions while your hair is installed.


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Washing Instructions (First Wash) First wash is always recommended before installing. Our hair is cleansed prior to shipping to you however during the handling process and shipping we always suggest starting out with fresh clean hair. When you first receive your extension you may experience the following: Grey hairs. This is normal as our hair is not processed for colour. Slight order from packaging and pre sealing of wefts. Pre sealing is a light sealer that is applied after the hair is wefted however we still recommend you seal your wefts. Fallen hairs which is common as your hair has been recently wefted and these fallen hairs are hair strands missed out during the wefting process. After about a week most of the loose hairs should be removed and you will experience normal to minimal fallen hairs. First wash instructions 1. Detangle Your Hair Use a paddle brush or wide tooth comb (preferably paddle brush) comb gently through the top of your hair to the ends to eliminate any tangles. Make sure to brush out hair before washing. 2. Wash and Condition Your Hair Keep hair in the original bundle (in elastic) to prevent knotting and tangling. Try to stay away from shampoos that contain sulfates or alcohol. a) Apply a generous amount of shampoo to your extensions. It is important to not rub or massage your extensions against each other during the washing process. Rubbing your extensions and massaging against itself can potentially damage your extensions b) Rinse hair ensuring that all shampoo is totally removed. Including from the wefts and hair under the elastic band. Remove Elastic is necessary. (Repeat) c) Apply a generous amount conditioner make sure the tips of the hair get enough conditioner. d) Rinse well and towel dry your hair. Conditioner can leave heavy residue behind make sure, you rinse your hair properly. e) Comb out hair using a paddle brush or wide toothed comb. Pat dry your hair with a towel or blow dry on a low heat. (Blow dryers are not recommended for everyday styling. Air-drying is the best thing for your extensions. Unnecessary heat is not always the best for your hair **when applying heat, please use a heat protector spray**) Please watch our detailed “Video” showing you how to wash your extensions.


Candy Hair Company 2012 ©

Closures Closures are a great tool for protective styling and can give you a natural look if installed correctly. Our closures are made with silk lace and are 3x4” in size. We have two options for closures, middle or freestyle parting, Freestyle closures can be parted anywhere within the closure whereas middle part closure have a permanent part. Middle part closures can be installed in the centre of your head for a straight middle part or install to either sides of your head to get a side part look. Upon receiving your custom closures wash using quality products and allow to air dry. Products to use on your closure have been recommended in the beginning of this booklet. We suggest you seal your closure with a clear acrylic sealer (spray) which can be found at your local fabric store or any online store selling lace wigs and lace wigs supplies. Our knots come pre bleached however if you desire to re-bleach your knots please bleach with care. Our closures are also not processed for colour. If you wish to dye your custom closure please watch our detailed dying “Video”. Candy Hair Co. cannot be held responsible for the outcome due to processing by an individual. It is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional to colour your extensions and or closures.

Styling Closures can be installed two different ways: Sewed down around the perimeter. Glue down the front using lace adhesive. There are many videos on YouTube on how to apply a closure using adhesives. No glue or behind hairline method. This process consists of sewing down your closure by stretching out the lace ensuring it is flushed to your hairline. If the material is sewed down properly there will be no need to apply glue. You may also install your closure behind the hairline. Leaving a small section of your hairline out towards the top. Sew the closure down by stretching out the lace making sure its flush to your scalped. When sewed down use edge control and or gel to blend your own hair with the closure and you will have a more natural appearance. There are many videos on Youtube that show how to achieve this method.


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Dying and coloring your extensions and or closures

As mentioned our extensions and closures are not processed for colour. Our extensions and closures come in a natural colour (1-1b) Black –brown. All bundles of hair and closures may not be the exact colour however we try our best to match cloures the best we can. We can no guarantee that all your hair will be the same colour. If you wish to change the colour of your extensions or closures please be advise that you do this at your own risk. Candy Hair Co. cannot be held responsible for the outcome due to processing by an individual. It is recommended to see the assistance of a profession to colour your extensions and or closures. If you wish to dye your extensions/ closures we have provided a “Video” that might aid you in the process. It is always suggested to preform strand testing before committing to coloring your extensions.


Candy Hair Company 2012 ©

Styling and daily care of your extensions Once you have received your extensions and have done all the pre-treatment as recommended the next step is installing and caring for your hair. In this section we have provided some useful information to assist in these areas.

Installing your wefts When installing your hair extensions it is suggestion that you do not cut your wefts. Cutting your wefts will loosen the threading and eventually cause you to experience fallen and loose hairs, shedding. If there is a need to cut your extensions, make sure to seal the exposed edges where the wefts have been cut. When installing your extensions the suggested method for installation is sewing continuously and bending over the weft at the end of each row instead of cutting it. For first timers this method might be a little tricky however by using this method it will save your extensions in the long run. You can find many videos on YouTube that can assist with this method.

U-part wigs (3/4 wigs) Making a U-part wig is great for people that love versatility or for people that may not like to wear or commit to installs. These wigs are great for curly hair for better maintenance. You will be able to better care for your curly hair buy washing and drying it with easy. U-part wigs can be used with any type of hair for more information about u-part wigs please watch our detailed videos. (Video 1) (Video 2) (Video 3)

Clip-ins If you’re just looking to add a little body to your own hair clip-ins are great and you do not have to commit to a sew-in. You can make clip-ins yourself with your extensions. We have provided a “Video” to assist you in making your own Clip-ins.

Curling your hair Make sure to use a heat protector when using any heated tools to style. “Video”. We recommend to use heatless styling methods such as flexi rods, curlers, bantu knots, braid and twist outs they can give you the same result however save your hair from damage.


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Styling and daily care of your extensions (Continued) Preparing your Hair for Bed It is suggested that you use a satin/silk scarf to tie up your hair at night. Bonnets also work well. You can either wrap your hair at night or rolling your hair up which is great for anyone that doesn’t have time in the morning to curl your hair. Please see our detail “Video” showing how to achieve this method.

Preparing for bed with curly or straight hair. For curly and wavy extensions try to two strand twist your hair at night to prevent tangling. Curly hair is prone to tangling if it is not properly cared for. Part of the care process for this hair is not to allow it to rub and again itself at night. It’s best to twist the hair in smaller sections, and then tie down the hair down at night. It will make for easier styling in the morning and much easier to manage. Using this method also will keep the moisture in the hair.


Candy Hair Company 2012 ©

Return Policy Candy Hair Company does not offer money back returns. EXCHANGES ONLY. There are no exceptions to this rule. Candy Hair Company has a very strict quality control process to ensure that you receive only the best extensions. Due to health reasons we will not accept any merchandise that is not in its original condition. The returned item must be unopened, unaltered, unworn, undamaged and all tags and packaging must be included within and shipped back within the first 7 days of receiving your item. We ask that you pay careful attention when placing your order. If you are exchanging for an item that is less the amount of your original order, you will be issued a store credit for future purchase. If the item is more, you will be responsible to pay the difference before package is re-shipped. If you are returning an item you are responsible for the shipping cost to and from. Meaning that you will pay shipping to return the item and to re-ship the new item back to you. When shipping your items back, we advise that you ship with a carrier that provides a tracking number and also signature service. For items returned there is also a 15% restocking fee for the product you are exchanging. Candy Hair Company understands that there is a possibility of defected products. Should you feel that your product is defective all extensions must be returned to us within 2 weeks. Only when we determine that our extensions are defective we will replace with the same texture, length and style that you originally purchased. We will not exchange items because of dislike of texture or color. Candy Hair company will pay all shipping cost to re-ship your extensions to you. Candy Hair Company cannot be held responsible for hair that has been bleached or dyed. This type of processing of the hair is done at the risk of the buyer as it changes the integrity of the hair. We strongly recommend that you have your extensions coloured professionally by a licensed hair stylist.

Should you have any questions regarding our Exchange Policy please contact customer service.


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Contact Website: Email:

We can also be found at the following social Media Sites

Facebook: Youtube: Twitter: @CandyHairCo Instagram: @CandyHairCompany


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