Monique Muller Graphic Design

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Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. is knowing which ones to keep.


-Scott adams

The berry revolution Food magazine article progr a m s us e d a d obe ph o t o s h o p



This food article is based on the growing tread of berries as a super food. The article is meant to be a fun and interesting read on how to sneak more berries into your current lifestyle, proving there is no such thing as to many berries.

food article magazine double page spread | InDesign &Photoshop

Food article Magazine double page spread | InDesign &Photoshop

special delivery gift wrap & pattern design pr o gr a m s

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The brief was to design a themed pattern that could be used as a gift wrap as well as a card design for a special occasion. I chose to do a gift package for a new born baby. I chose to go with a whimsical stalk and cloud theme but instead of stalks using paper cranes. The card uses the gift wraps pattern as the front and has a simple handwritten style quote about a baby getting delivered from above keeping with the stalk theme.

Stalk gift wrapping collection print & pattern design | illustrator

into the woods story bookcover design programs




The brief was to create my own book design including the storyline, characters, layout and illustrations. I chose to do a children’s fantasy story. The tale is based on a little girl named Belle who lives on the edge the woods. One day she finally decides to go and explore the woods and meets some friends. The illustration style I chose is a layered paper 3D effect almost like a pop-up book. Making it interactive for a younger audience who are unable to read.

into the woods story book design | illustrator

th e m inotaur production emoji themed poster progr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u st r at o r

& indesign

The poster was designed around an icon or emoji symbol that would represent the topic chosen for the poster without having the viewer read the entire poster. The poster is based on a theater production of a Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur. The emoji is based on the mythical Minotaur depiction in the stories. The monochromatic colour scheme is to help keep the emoji icon as simple as possible. Red was chosen instead of the creatures brown colouring to make a greater visual impact as well as refer to the rage that drove him to prowl the labyrinth.

minator theater production portrait compression | photoshop &indesgn

the gorgans production emoji themed poster progr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u s t r at o r

& indesign

The poster was designed around an icon or emoji symbol that would represent the topic chosen for the poster without having the viewer read the entire poster. The poster is based on a theater production of a Greek myth, The three Gorgons. The emoji is based on the mythical Gorgons depiction in the stories with the tentacles hinting at the serpents adorning their heads. The green monochromatic colour scheme helps to convey their serpent nature as well as to keep the poster as simple as possible.

gorgan theater production Portrait compression | Photoshop &InDesign

Wonderland wine collection wine label design pr o gr a m s

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The brief was to design a themed wine collection for a small batch production. The theme chosen was Alice in Wonderland. The labels shape and layout is taken from the playing cards from the story. The white wine is a sauvignon blanc wine with the label design based on the White Rabbit. The colour scheme is royal blue and gold fitting with the white rabbits blue waist coat depicted in the stories. The red wine is a cabinet sauvignon with the wine label design based on the Red Queen. The illustration is a is a younger more beautiful version of the queen.

Wonderland wine collection Wine label design | illustrator

white queen tomato juice label & bottle design progr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u st r at o r The White Queen tomato juice name comes from the name of tomatoes used in the juice which has a very light cream coloured flesh when ripe making the juice a milky white colour. This influenced the mat white colour choice for the bottle. The illustration used is a play on the name of the tomatoes, hence a regal geisha like queen.

red master tomato juice label & bottle design progr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u st r at o r The Red Master tomato juice name comes from the name of tomatoes used in the juice which have a deep plum red coloured flesh when ripe making a dark red colour juice. The illustration used is a play on the name of the tomatoes showing two samurai can be seen to be dueling under a cherry blossom tree with a red dripping boarder alluding to the battle.

Japanese juice collection Label design | illustrator

wwf leave a legacy public service advert progr ams used adobe photoshop

& indesign

The double page magazine advert is meant as a public service announcement to help aid the World Wildlife Fund. The champaign is to help promote one of the many fundraising programs the leave a legacy fund. The idea was to construct the endangered cheetahs silhouette from other cheetah which would act as the cheetahs spots. The cheetahs gradually disappearing into the stark black background acts as a metaphor for the vanishing population of the cheetah in the wild. This reminds the viewer that long after they are gone their legacy could help prevent the same from occurring to the cheetah population.

Public service announcement advert double page spread advert | Photoshop & InDesign

block party concert p r o m ot i o n s p o st e r programs




The task was to create a poster using geometric design as the main imagery. The poster is meant to advertise an upcoming electro pop up concert. The poster only includes basic details as its meant to intrigue the viewer into doing some research about the event. My geometric design is based mainly off triangulation which I used in the composition of the girl & pattern in the background. The font was chosen to echo the overall geometric pattering used in the poster.

concert promotion poster portrait compression | photoshop &indesgn

w h e r e t h e w i l d t h i n g s ar e promotion movie poster pr ogr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u s t r at o r


adobe indesign

The concept for the poster was to revert back to the idea of an illustrated book graphic. I chose to stay as far away from the original illustration style. Instead chose to use very basic silhouette style illustration with bold warm colours. The main image is of Max with his shadow being one of the wild things, hinting to the fact that they are shadows of his own personality. I chose to make Max expressionless to keep with the books meaning that we all have these wild things with in ourselves.

Movie promotional poster portrait compression | Photoshop &InDesign

spackraft brand design brand identity design progr a m s u s e d a d o be i l l u s t r at o r



The task was to design a brand for a new company. I chose a company which deals in interior, furniture and industrial design. The idea was to relate the logo and company name back to architecture yet keeping it as modern and minimal as possible . The name spacekraft was chosen as play on words as it explains what the business does in one word, which is craft and shape spaces in numerous ways. The other meaning of a rocket was then used as the logo symbol. The logo symbol is meant to be an iconic feature of the brand as well a design element which could be abstracted and used in various design aspects threw out the business. This is why it is constructed out of triangles to give it the most basic geometric shape.

spacekraft & indesign

Brand identity design | illustrator

Mock-up of what the store front graphics would look like and how the logo would be used.

Mock-up of what the packaging for the store would look like using the logo

spacekraft & indesign

Brand identity design | illustrator

ocean pollution global issue poster programs




I chose to look at problems facing our oceans today. I found the profound phase: “there is 6 times more plastic in the pacific then plankton� during my research which became the subject for my poster. My poster is aimed at school kids to help educate them about the oceans. The poster is designed in such away that the kids do not need to read the phrase to understand the message being portrayed thus making the poster appeal to a larger range of age groups. The style of illustration used is meant to represent paper cut-outs.

movie promotional poster portrait compression | photoshop &indesgn

Dettol poster campaign v i n t a g e

p o s t e r

progr ams used adobe photoshop



The task was to make a contemporary advert with a vintage advert style. I chose to go with an image from a world war II poster with a woman stocking up on preserved goods which I then replaced with bottles of the original Dettol packaging. This was to emphasis her apparent need for lots of Dettol this summer. The ad is more of an awareness campaign telling the consumer that Dettol is available in most shops, pharmacies and supermarkets around the country and you don’t need to buy bulk amounts of bottles in case of emergencies.

dettol poster ad campaign Portrait compression | Photoshop &InDesign

Segway new branding magazine advert design progr ams used adobe photoshop

& indesign

The task was to create brand awareness campaign for Segway. The advertisements had to appear as a double page spread in a local magazine. The campaigns aim was to show the potential buyer that Segway is one of the greenest off-roading motorised single passenger vehicles today. The idea was to focus on the latest range of new Eco friendly allterrain Segway products out on the market. The concept was to show how easy it would be to explore the wilderness with a Segway whilst leaving the smallest carbon footprint behind in a quirky light hearted manner.

Leave nature undisturbed This adverts concept is a play on a safari tour threw the Savannah as well as the fact that you leave behind carbon admissions in the atmosphere while you go for your safari drive. The ad is composed of 5 different images I found.

Segway south Africa Double page spread | Photoshop &InDesign

Getting you there This adverts is based on who is the fastest & how fast it takes you to get somewhere. The ad is composed of 5 images.

- guaranteed to turn heads The adverts concept is to show that the new customisable Segway attracts attention from all walks of life no matter where you are. The ad is composed of 6 different images.

- only limited by your sense of adventure The adverts concept is to show that the Segway does not limit what you explore or where you go, that is all up to you. The ad is composed of 5 different images.

Setting the pace This adverts is based on who is the fastest & how fast it takes you to get somewhere. This ad is made up of 5 different images.

Segway south Africa Double page spread | Photoshop &InDesign

goodnight fright book illustration & COPY programs used adobe illustrator

& adobe


The task was to design a book centered around a wolf. I chose to do a bedtime story for children aged 4 to 7 years old. The story is aimed at children who have questions about things that go bump in the night. Its a classic story of it might not be what it seems especially in the shadow of the night. I chose to keep the book mainly in shades of blue and grays keeping in theme with a bedtime story. Most of the book centers around little boy scared in bed guessing whats about to climb out of the cupboard. Where you get various clues and misinterpreted hints about what it might be.

Book design

& copy

Bedtime storybook | illustrator & InDesign

memoirs of a geisha hard cover book jacket progr a m s

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i l l u st r at o r

The task was to redesign a popular book jacket for an iconic book. I chose to do Memoirs of a Geisha as the cover has a photograph. I chose to go with a pattern of cherry blooms in the background along with a stained brown background giving it a real used journal feel. The cover image I went for a more contemporary illustration of a geisha giving the book a modern feel. I kept the typography more handwritten and brush like to enhance the hand crafted quality of the book cover.

Memoirs of a geisha Redesign book jacket | illustrator

Vanishing kingdom game concept & design p r o g r a m s

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I l l u s t r a -

The Vanishing kingdom is designed to be able to be played on a tablet or phone. This means its is a drag, tap and play game. The game story centers around a kingdom that is disappearing where two different groups of creatures live - the light and the dark. This is the reason reason for the black, white & gray colour chose for the game. The Vanishing kingdom is a platform game based exploring different islands, collecting crystals and battling foes. By collecting all the crystals you open a porthole to another part of the lost kingdom.

Vanishing kingdom Game design | Illustrator

Vanishing kingdom Game design | Illustrator

The popsicle parlour logo & product design pr o gr a m s

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i l l u s t r at o r

The task was to invent a product including the logo and packaging design. I chose to make a new ice cream brand called The Popsicle Parlor which is a boutique ice cream store offering hand-crafted ice cream and sorbets on a stick. The Popsicle Parlour is based on vintage popsicles store. Light pastel colours and logo design were chosen keep with the vintage them. The boxes are designed according to the flavour of the popsicle inside, so the buyer knows what they are getting. The popsicles each come individually boxed with a easy tear section to realise the popsicle. The popsicles are sole individually or you can purchase boxes of four of your own selection of mixed flavors.

This is the tutti frutti logo colour.

This is the very berry yoghurt logo colour.

This is the chocolate sundae logo colour.

This is the watermelon logo colour.

the popsicle parlour product design | illustrator

Front view - Individual popsicle packaging boxes for the various flavours.

side view - Individual popsicle packaging boxes for the various flavours.

side view - Four pack popsicle packaging boxes for the various flavours.

Front view - Four pack popsicle packaging boxes for the various flavours.

the popsicle parlour product design | illustrator

vintage pinup calender c a l e n d e r p r o g r a m s

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p h o t o s h o p

The brief was to design a table top calender from images given to us from a vintage style pin up photoshoot. I chose to turn each image into a polaroid type image while incorporating

vintage style drawings which where suited the

specific theme and styling appropriate for each shoot. For the front cover of the calendar For March I chose to do a sailor themed page using various ship , map and bird images. For July I chose to do a aviation theme using various drawings of planes and clouds .

Vintage pin-up calendar Composition


editing | Photoshop



Geometric shaped Bird illustration programs




I chose to illustrate using the theme birds of prey. I then sourced various real images of the birds and then used the pictures as reference to create geometric shaped detailed instillations of the various birds. I kept the colour pallet as realistic as possible.

Geometric Illustrator illustration | Illustrator

icarus - create the impossible themed creative poster Hand drawn using fineliners and markers The task was to create a poster using any medium to promote an element of graphic design. I chose to use the Greek story of Icarus, the boy who dared to fly as close to the sun as he could. I chose to use his inspiration and daring to drive my theme , to be fearless in harnessing one creativity , never fearing... “create the impossible� .

Themed creative poster Drawing | hand drawn

Medusa - plugged into design themed creative poster Hand drawn using fineliners and markers The task was to create a poster using any medium to promote an element of graphic design. I chose use Medusa as inspiration. As Medusa is plugged into her head of snakes , one needs to be plugged into design, connecting with each facet in driving the end product, as Medusa connected to each of her snakes to realise her deadly actions.

Themed creative poster Drawing | hand drawn

hand drawing & illustrations done using fineliners and pencils These are a collection of some of my favorite sketches I have done over the years. The have mainly been done using various pencils or various size fineliners from observed images or from my imagination. >The tiger was done in various fineliner entirely from stippling tiny dots over and over again from a image. >The owl was done in H pencil. >The Pixie was done in various fineliners. >The Old Woman was done using various pencil and shading. >The girl with the mask was done using various fineliners and pencil.

Hand drawn illustrations Composition


drawing | Fine-liners

& pencils

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