a stor y
1998 Israeli city of Haifa
Ten Day Care Centers By Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini As told by Clay Shirky in Cognitve Surplus p. 131 ff
pick up time workers have lives after hours parents have unexpected errands/work
Ten Day Care Centers nor mal w eek - # of late pick ups:
7 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7
Ten Day Care Centers
imposed fine for late pick up - after 10 min:
$3 $3 $3 $3 $3
$0 $0 $0 $0 $3
Ten Day Care Centers one w eek after fine - fine/ # of late pick ups:
Ten Day Care Centers
tw o w eek s after fine – fine/ # of late pick ups:
$3/14 $3/14 $3/14 $3/14 $3/14
$0/7 $0/7 $0/7 $0/7 $3/14
Ten Day Care Centers
thr ee w eek s after fine – fine/ # of late pick ups:
Ten Day Care Centers
topped out after fine – fine/ # of late pick ups:
pick up time pre-fine incomplete contract, shared enterprise post-fine fee-for service transaction
pick up time
post fine: parents regard workers’ time as a commodity parents assume fine represents full price of inconvenience they were causing
Ten Day Care Centers 3 months later fine stopped – fine/ # of late pick ups:
pick up time post fine: parents see day care workers as participants in a market transaction rather than as people who’s needs had to be respected
dealing with one another in a market can fundamentally alter our relationship with one another .
introducing the fine killed the previous cultur e.
even after the fine was dropped.
and now we must be mindful of getting that cultur e of tr ust back.
lear ning is not about proof. learning is about learning. and shar ing.
we need to un-market school or move on without it.
You don’t need an MBA, a certificate, a fancy suit, a briefcase, or an above-average tolerance for risk. You just need an idea, a touch of confidence, and a push to get started . -Rework
When things are(n’t) working, the natural inclination is to throw more at the problem. More people, time and money. All that ends up doing is making the problem bigger. Instead.. Cut back. -Rework
There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way it treats it’s children. -Nelson Mandela
click to play
click to play
Kids hard at work that matters. It may take time. It may look ridiculous for a while. But it’s legit. It will change the room.
tr ust others.
tr ust yourself.
tr ust learning.
Successful people are successful for one reason‌ they think about failure differ ently. You become a winner because you’re good at losing. -Linchpin
click to play
usefully ignorant
Richar d Saul Wur man Founder of TED
pr esti ge i n knowi ng thi ngs... ironically blocks learning about things that matter
usefully ignorant
Usefully ignorant by Erica McWilliams Art by Keri Smith
click to hear Kathryn Schulz share her researc
D ebor ah M eier ’s writes the foreword of D ennis L ittk y’s T he Big Pictur e, Ed is Ever yone’ s Business : Thousands of years of history suggest that the schoolhouse as we know it is an absurd way to rear our young; it’s contrary to everything we know about what it is to be a human being. For example, we know that
doing and
talk ing are what most successful people are very good at – that’s where they truly show their stuff. We know that reading and writing are important, but also that these are things that only a rather small and specialized group of people is primarily good at doing. And yet we persist in a form of schooling that measures our children’s “achievement” largely in the latter terms, not the former…and sometimes through written tests alone.
The benefit to the artist is that you changed in some way, not that you will repay him. -Linchpin click to play
(does it matter, is it awesome)
If it’s your art, you will do almost anything to give it away. -Linchpin
click to play
Passion comes from within each of us, it cannot be imposed or mandated from outside.
What might define a life fully lived? It’s a question many of us probably mean to ask ourselves. But never do. -Nic Askew films
click to play
Just deliver. Don’t document unless the document is going to add value. We often think we need documentation to cover our backs, pr ove we have been doing things. Well – if you’re doing things, especially if you’re doing your best, no back to cover. If you’re accountable, you’re accountable. -Sahana Chattopadhyay
Maturity, soul, personal strength, and doing it for the right reasons. Stop asking what’s in it for you and start giving gifts that change people. -Linchpin
click for a green message about people being answered as @ahumanright does the impossible
We need to urgently think about how the blurring of lines between currencies and everything else will affect us, our relationships, and our physical economies. How we create and measure value is going through a change that has not been seen in over 600 years—since the emergence of the first systematic nationalized currencies. It is profoundly affecting the central vs. distributed control of value, and the archetypes that surround how we measure value. Can reputation be a currency? - Venessa Miemis
It’s uncontrollable, it’s ungovernable, but all this sharing serves a need. This is all human potential that’s been bottled up, constrained by the lack of connectivity across the planet. Now that this barrier is well and truly down, we have unprecedented capability to pool our eyes, ears and hands, putting ourselves to work toward whatever ends we might consider appropriate. Even so, we can start to see how all of this information provided by our things feeds into our most innate human characteristic – the need to share. - Mark Pesce – The Social Sense
What is your best motivator: Dan Pink – progress. Simon Sinek – momentum.
Momentum fuels motivation. It keeps you going. It drives you. If you’re not motivated by what you’re working on, it won’t be very good. Rework -
You should feel an ur gency about this too. You don’t have forever. -Linchpin - The Art of War
I magine how much time/ money/ energy/ people we currently spend on policy. Imagine if we did things differ ently.
What if our focus was
And our policy was
simple rules/ aup/ agenda/ etc simple mantra:
-Keri Smith
taken from Will Richardson’s: be safe, be ethical, be efficient
Learning much from the story of the Day
thank you Clay Shirky