all brown quotes (& inspiration of deck) from reading Dave Elder-Vass’ Causal Powers of Social Structures, p 125 in particular
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
normative compliance is not physically forced compliance but
voluntary compliance; and hence it is directly caused, not by the existence in the present of normative pressures from the community, but by the individual's internalisation of past pressures in the form of beliefs or dispositions.
perhaps rather.. normative compliance is not physically forced compliance... but assumed voluntary compliance ..that is actually forced/coerced throughout previous zombie-like training
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
normative compliance... not forced... but voluntary compliance.. (repeat)
is compliance ever voluntary‌ thinking rather: a manufacturing of consent ness toward pluralistic ignorance ness. perhaps we reimagine our broken feedback loop of assumed supposed to’s.
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
(repeat) is directly caused by individual’s
internalization of past pressures.. taking form of beliefs... dispositions
is ginormous
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
causal effect is on our motivations, not directly on our actions, but by affecting our motivations at one point in time they are able to affect our actions later... echoing archer's point - 'that structure and agency operate over different time periods.. '
why early discipline/compliance/schooling.. is like a cancer..a frog in boiling water.. changing dna/rna.. causing none of us to be us.. wilde not-us law
science of people in schools ness
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
temporal gap between experience of norm environment and execution of norm-compliant act is bridged by the retention of beliefs and dispositions shaped by this experience... and thus corresponds to the account of human agency given in ch 5
perhaps rather... corresponds to the account of subliminal/coercive/manipulative/manufactured/not-really human agency
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
work, in other words, by changing individuals - by changing their beliefs or dispositions so that the individuals will be inclined to behave in a different way..
let’s go deeper. let’s get to all of us.. being us.
attachment trumps authenticity.. [maté trump law]
perhaps why we haven't yet gotten to equity [everyone getting a go everyday] because we haven’t yet gone deep enough..
p 125 (Dave Elder-Vass’ causal powers of social structures)
none of this implies, however, that normative institutions necessarily rest on evaluative consensus..
oy. this is so huge. so huge. thinking of the lone li ness of people waking up - from having to choose to disengage from consensus ness The most common attribute of people who are waking up is loneliness. [..] What’s the point of waking up, if you must be alone and lonely? After all, you might have been unhappy when you were asleep but at least you had friends, family and people who cared about you. [..]
You cannot forget what you have remembered, and despite your loneliness and your desire to fit in, you wouldn’t go back or undo your path even if you could. But our desire to fit in and be accepted is slowly being drowned out by our desire to be free.
imagine us.. collectively.. all at once.. standing up to pressures to comply.. waking up to freedom.
(p 125 of cp of ss):
none of this implies... rests on consensus...
of course not.... but/and ..
that's the underbelly‌ thinking we’re not implying/resting on some consensus ness
we so are
and public consensus always oppresses someone‌ and that someone (every last one of us)... is a someone that we all n e e d (authentic self).. or... the dance won't dance perhaps this is why we believe in structure we can see/define/control. perhaps this is why we insist on consensus ness. we have no idea/belief/disposition that we can ...
a l l dance because we’ve never set all of us
at the same time
we're assuming people act the way they do because of choice. actually.. people act the way they do ..because of manufactured consent...and any other sort of oppression ( quieting of inner voice.. only map world needs... 7 bill plus of those)... like detailed in... dirty wars, divide, just mercy, art of asking, drawing blood, et al et al et al et al et al...
back to p 125 normative compliance is not physically forced compliance but voluntary compliance; and hence it is directly caused, not by the existence in the present of normative pressures from the community, but by the individual's..
internalisation of past pressures in the form of beliefs or dispositions.
imagine if there were a way for all of us to wake up (be set free) at once. no one would have to be lonely/compliant/not-themselves... rather we would experience ..for the first time.. eudaimoniative surplus
p 177 argument in this book: we cannot give a full account of the workings of social structures unless and until we can explain how it is that these structures are produced by associations between actors..
or.. until we set all people free and see what we are actually capable of.. ie: if all of us are free
repeat of latour's: there is not society, no social realm, and no social ties, but there exist translations between mediator that may generate traceable associations..
today we can host-life-bits.. that can io dance.. let's give that a go
we can. we can't not. a nother way