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Ask an expert

The pump industry relies on expertise from a large and varied range of specialists, from experts in particular pump types to those with an intimate understanding of pump reliability, and from researchers who delve into the particulars of pump curves to experts in pump efficiency. To draw upon the wealth of expert knowledge the Australian pump industry has to offer, Pump Industry has established a panel of experts to answer all your pumping questions.

This edition of Ask an Expert will look at the use of smart progressive cavity pumps and how they can increase your bottom line.


Q: What are smart progressive cavity (PC) pumps and how do they increase my bottom line?

A: There are various ways that PC pump manufacturers are making their pumps smart: from innovative pump designs, to integrated controls, measurement of process variables and smart field pumps that offer online monitoring and management. All these improvements aim to put the necessary pump information right at their customer’s fingertips, while customers continue to reap the normal benefits of PC pumps such as minimal pulsation, low shear and flow unaffected by pressure or viscosity.

One example of a smart pump is one that can combine dosing and pumping with up-to-date control concepts, while also offering integration into higher level controls and automation systems. Extra safety features and measurements of process variables enable increased control over the pump/ system and quick feedback from the pump itself. Various manufactures offer flow meters, pressure sensors and dryrunning protection devices either in addition to or integrated with the pump, giving you increased control over how the pump and your system operates.

Smart progressive cavity dosing pump with integrated sensors.

Connectivity to your pump and its readings are key, therefore PC pump manufacturers have been developing further digital solutions to address this issue. This has taken form as service and maintenance apps, along with apps that capture the pump’s real-time data. The collected real-time data can be remotely monitored to analyse the pump’s condition. Customers have more control over their pumps to set alarms and warnings, or to carry out planned maintenance work.

Smart not only means greater connectivity, but also cost savings with innovative designs. Smart options for the rotor, stator and seal housing are available from select PC pump manufacturers. Through a two-part stator, easy access points and/or specialised rotor, maintenance work can be carried out without needing special tools or removing the suction or discharge pipework.

Smart progressive cavity pump with detachable rotor head for fast assembly and disassembly.

Additionally, with smart sealing options, maintenance can be performed on the mechanical seal and drive-side joint without the laborious dismantling of pump components or pipework. All these easy maintenance options reduce your maintenance time and costs, and increase your productivity.

Smart seal with smart pump enables complete replacement of stationary seal without needing to dismantle further components.

Smart seal with smart pump enables complete replacement of rotating seal without needing to dismantle further components.

Overall, all these solutions work together to offer you increased energy efficiency, reduced downtime and reduced lifecycle costs, thereby increasing your bottom line.

Contact a progressive cavity pump expert now to receive a customised and intelligent design which offers you greater control over your processes.

Peter Vila, Managing Director of SEEPEX Australia, is a progressive cavity pump expert. He has been involved with pumps for over 40 years. Peter spent the first five years repairing pumps and the following 35 years in technical sales, 20 of which have been with SEEPEX progressive cavity pumps.

For more information on progressive cavity pumps, please contact SEEPEX Australia on (02) 4355 4500 or at info.au@seepex.com

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