Professional work
Academic work
Øbrohus Library
Paper House
Bonn Villas
Sport City Auderød
Mini Golf CLub
School Extension
7 Family House
Staircase Installation
CV Personal information
Marta Irma Ząbik 10 / 06 / 1995 +48 798 906 966 marta.irma.zabik@gmail.com Polish: mother tongue English: IELTS 7.5
Volunteer work
09 / 2018
10 / 2018 ongoing WE Architecture Copenhagen, Denmark https://www.we-a.dk/ Contributed to concepts and research; developed on final visuals: renderings, photoshopping, diagrams, infographics; prepared booklets for clients and presentations
Technical skills
Visual representation of ideas 3d modeling Physical model making Assembling indoor and outdoor installations made of styrofoam, plywood, bamboo, wooden constructions up to 6m high Freehand sketching Laser cut 3d printing Movie editing
Software skills
Rhinoceros V-ray for Rhino Grasshopper Adobe Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign / advanced Adobe Suite: Premiere Pro, Muse / basic Autodesk AutoCAD / advanced Autodesk Revit, Robot / basic
07-09 / 2017 Medusa Group design studio Bytom, Poland https://www.medusagroup.pl/en/ Worked on technical drawings ex. elevations, detailed plans and sections of staff rooms; prepared presentations for clients
09 / 2018 Degree with Honors
2017 / 2018 Rector’s Scholarship for the best students
2016 / 2017 Rector’s Scholarship for the best students
Towarzystwo w Przestrzeni (Association in a Space) https://www.facebook.com/ towarzystwowprzestrzeni/ Planned and coordinated architecture workshops for kids as part of festivals, related to exhibitions or commissioned by cultural facilities; contributed to concepts; planned schedules; prepared presentations, materials, artwork, drawings; took charge of part of kids participating in workshops
Warsaw University of Technology Bachelor of Science (Hons) Architecture and Urban Planning
Work experience
2015 - 2018
Workshops & training
03 / 2017
11 / 2015
A<24 Design Marathon Antyrama, Katowice, Poland
Form Finding and Evolutionary Algorithms Training Architektura Parametryczna Warsaw, Poland
Prepared a design concept for a music festival in group of approx. 10 people within time limit of 24 hours
08 / 2017 Parametric Summer School Architektura Paramteryczna https://www.facebook.com/ architekturaparametryczna/ Gdynia, Poland Designed and assembled a beach pavilion based on optimization algorithms; made of plywood and cut by CNC
07 / 2016 Hello Wood 2016: Settling Csรณromfรถlde, Hungary Built a conceptual, adaptable dwelling prototype made of wood, as part of experimental village
03 / 2016 Parametric Winter School Architektura Parametryczna Zakopane, Poland Assembled an Arduino based installation; went through a training in optimization scripts in Grasshopper with use of Silvereye, Octopus, Goat, Galapagos
Went through a training in generative algorithms using Kangaroo and Galapagos
03 / 2015 Parametric Summer School Sopot, Poland Designed and assembles an installation made of styrofoam cubes, based on iterative algorithms and rules of emergency
07 / 2015 Hello Wood: Project Village Hello Wood Csรณrompuszta, Hungary Developed, designed and built prototype tools for sleeping in public as part of experimental village; went through 4 design secuences based on co-design and co-build concept
04 / 2015 Architektour 2015 Waล brzych, Poland Developed a proposal for urban furniture reviving public space based on participatory design; conducted an inquiry among citizens
1 ØBROHUS LIBRARY WE Architecture Intenship 03 / 2019 Group work Contribution: Infographics, diagrams, photoshopping The extension of a residential block situated, a social housing manifest from the 60s located in Osterbro will transform it into a green gateway to Climate Quarter, the first climate-resilient neighborhood in Copenhagen. The vibrant community of its residents has been striving to become more socially active, eco-friendly and inclusive. The public library on the ground floor will integrate the building with its surroundings and bring more life to the area. The building’s terracing shape with a small village of greenhouses and urban farming areas placed on the roof puts emphasis on social and environmental sustainability.
1 Location in the entrance of Klimakvarter, next to new metro station
Climate Quarter Øbrohus
København H
Private transport
Public transport
Building heights
Øbrohus Library
Activities introduced so far by the community
CLT construction
sorted bio-waste
green roof
water meter in every apartment
balconies extension with solar panels
planting events
ground heating
organic food club
open exchange
merging apartments
seasonal parties
barbecue area
common rooftop terrace
activity clubs
modern living room
1 Activities inside the new building
housing urban farming
library shops
Final design
Ă&#x2DC;brohus Library
Ă&#x2DC;brohus Library
2 PAPER HOUSE WE Architecture Intenship 03 / 2019 Group work Contribution: Infographics, diagrams, photoshopping The project begins the collaboration of WE Architecture with Paper Factor, manufacture of solid surface materials made from the micro-paper. Infographics summarize the research about paper and show first design proposals that would make up for a strong base of further work in the future. There are countless environmental issues faced today by our society and the building industry. While only half of the amount of used paper is recycled, huge areas of forests are continuously being cut down. Billions of tonnes of concrete are poured on building sites every year and yet big cities struggle with a problem of abandoned buildings. It seems that light mobile structures, easy to dismantle and made of recycled materials might be an answer to some of the environmental issues faced by our society and the building industry.
2 Paper life cycle
Composed mass is returned to soil for new trees
trees are annually cut for paper
Trees are cut into logs
Fibres that are too short are composed Paper made into products e.g. newspaper
Logs are shredded into wood chuncks
Annual consumption of paper kg per person
Virgin wood fibre is mixed with the boiled paper pulp
214 Paper is chopped and boiled 43
Dried paper is rolled onto large reefs
Paper pulp is squeezed through a series of rollers
Concrete life cycle
Fiber supply fo paper pulp
Crushed concrete can replace up to 30% of natural crushed coarse aggregate
7% Non-wood fibers like hemp of kenaf 38 % Recycled paper
When not more usable the structure is demolished
55 % Virgin wood pulp
Mixture is poured into a cast on a building site Gravel Sand Water Cement
Paper House
Construction waste is discharged on landfills
Spatial concept of a pavilion
Skin made from recycled paper
Light weight module structure produced in  ocal lumber mill
Multifunctional space for community activities, exhibitions etc.
3 BONN VILLAS WE Architecture Intenship 01 / 2019 Group work Contribution: Diagrams, siteplan, photoshopping The Bonn Villas project located in Germany combines in a unique way co-living with the privacy of having individual houses. The client’s wish was to gather friends and family in one area without giving up living in private villas. The buildings differ in design, each of them having its own characteristic features, but the use of wood, steel, and stone gives the composition a strong sense of unity. Terracing and levels diversity integrates them with the terrain sloping towards the east and provides with a wonderful view of Bonn.
3 Different designs with elements that fit them together
Changing levels following the terrain
Overhangs and wooden ceilings
Blurred border between inside and outside
Varied spatial experiences inside and outside
Consistent use of stone, steel and wood as primary materials
Bonn Villas
Bonn Villas
4 SPORTS CITY AUDERĂ&#x2DC;D Professional work 12 / 2018 Group work Contribution: Concept, new facades design, modelling, rendering, photoshopping, siteplans The renovation concept of an old military base gets theâ&#x20AC;&#x201A;best value of its potential, existing facilities, and intriguing architecture from the 60s, creating a Sports City. Crew buildings set on a horseshoe plan will be transformed into an audience with a view on the main running lane going along the buildings divided into sport disciplines. This quiet place embraced by nature and cut off from the world provides a perfect environment not only for training but also for rehabilitation.
4 Running paths spread over the site
Outdoor training areas and houses set accordingly to sport disciplines
Swimming pool Sports team buildings:
Football Volleyball
Rehabilitation center
Swimming Tennis
Martial arts
Basketball Gymnastics Handball
Sports City Auderød
Fencing Parkour Athletics
Siteplan closeup Sport team buildings
Siteplan close-up Rehabilitation center
Sports City Auderød
Sports City Auderød
5 MINI GOLF CLUB Academic work 09 / 2018 Individual work Semester 8 Bachelor diploma Mini Golf Club is an exemplary project of a small golf facility located in the center of Warsaw, aimed at the local community and collaboration with nearby schools, libraries, and culture houses. What substantially gave shape to the project was the location in a green belt going through the city along the scarp that throughout the years was an inspiration to the reoccurring idea of a valley linking main city parks and cultural institutions. In order to continue the alley, it was necessary to let it through the site. The building is formed as part of the topography of the terrain, becoming one with the landscape while the interior has a strong relationship with the surroundings. The consequent use of wood ties all the elements together and enhances the cohesion of the design as a whole.
5 Potentials of a small local golf facility
Location on Warsaw green belt and its pathway going acroos the city
The need to preserve the continuum of green areas by letting the pedestrian path through
Adequate for everyone regardless of age, brings generations together
Possible collaboration with schools in terms of physical education classes
Potential to tie local society together by gathering club members in communities
Driving range Pathway
Short course: 6 holes Putting green Minigolf Club House
Mini Golf Club
Shape merging with topography and fitting into the composition of slopes
Lobby with a panoramic view on the site
Facade covered with lamella cladding
Service rooms aligned on one side of the building
Construction brings together two systems: CLT panels and gluelam timber frames
Bachelor Diploma
5 Ground floor plan
Mezzanine plan
Section A
Section B
Section C
Mini Golf Club
Bachelor Diploma
6 SCHOOL EXTENSION Academic work 06 / 2017 Individual work Semester 6
The extension of an existing high school building follows its structural grid and forms a cohesive shape, at the same time arranging diverse, multifunctional common spaces on a very small area. Double-height halls, patios, and mezzanines bring in more daylight and a sense of spaciousness. Numerous niches blur the border between classrooms and the corridor, setting the hierarchy of spaces. Colorful mosaics on a facade disperse sunlight and create a cheerful athmosphere inside.
6 Extension shape development
Double-height multifunctional hall and library
Bird view
School Extension
Groundfloor plan
1st floor plan
Semester 6
School Extension
South-west facade module
South-east facade railing modules prefabricated railing module 110x120 cm
prefabricated steel frame
Detail 1
Detail 3
opaque tempered glass pipe 3x4 cm
impregnated wood
rod F20
Detail 2
Detail 4
impregnated wood
colored plexi pipe 3x4 cm
angle iron
colored plexi
Semester 6
bolt F12
bolt F12
steel anchor bolt
7 FAMILY HOUSE Academic work 06 / 2016 Individual work Semester 4
The house for a family of four is located in a picturesque area on the outskirts of Warsaw, situated along the scarp, having sun path on one side and a view on the other. Private rooms placed alongside the main core of the house shape common spaces, while openings let see throughout the building and bond inside with outside, giving the impression of living in small units in nature.
7 Main shaping factors
View axes going throughout the house
Dividing the house into closed and open spaces
Family House
Section A: through the main corridor
Section B: through private rooms
South elevation
Semester 4
Family House
Semester 4
8 STAIRCASE INSTALLATION Workshops 06 / 2016 Group work Contribution: concept work, scripting, assembling The project was a summary of training in iterative solutions in scripting. We developed a shape based on rules of emergence visible ex. in flock behavior, using foam cubes 10x10 cm and 20x20 cm as a material, exactly 500 of each type.
8 Shaping process
Staircase installation