Umbertide 2010 - Plastic food
Marsciano 2011 - Plastic food - Surround Us
Bruxelles, Parc De Forest 2012 - Plastic food
Ex Borsa Merci Perugia, 2012 - Plastic food
Plastic Food Project, an idea conceived by Pierluigi Monsignori, a.k.a. Potsy, starts in 2010 as a Land Art installation. The message it propagates is to reduce the waste production. It gives a great attention to eco-sustainability and to worldwide ecology, thanks to its strong visual impact: plastic waste Eco-Pressed that range from a weight of 60 to 500 kg, installed throughout the various locations of the everyday life: in the country as well as in the cities. Plastic Food is an arrival point, as Potsy has been utilizing the polymers for his Land Art installations since 2000, inside Umbria’s territory. Thanks to his strong social message, Plastic Food Project, has become a European project which also operates in extra European countries. The message that concerns the reduction of the waste production succeeds in developing social subject matters that reach disposable use of feelings and emotional relations. Since its birth the intention of Plastic Food has been to bring back to the everyday attention the values and the prospective of the made in Italy: the real and original one. Made of the attachment to the soil, of products not only of good quality but unquestionably genuine. That’s why Plastic Food has given its contribution and its action for the Made in Italy, especially supporting the markets of the ground, the markets of short food supply chains. Through its installations, and the marked impact that the observer has with the artwork, a consideration is by necessity made. “The markets of the soil”, become the privileged locations where debates and conferences develop and take place. The conferences and the debates born, are useful to confront each other and grow, but most importantly to spread, to broaden a living style that dismisses plastic and fake, synthetized products; to grow people respectful of the work, of the results and of the products. People that are able to see the quality in the natural imperfection of craftsmanship where, as a craftsman, is intended any man that produces with his hands, his heart and his head. The Made in Italy, the one supported by Plastic Food, sees people and sincere actions, an Italian production, able to express itself without accelerations retrieving a balance made also of seasons and time, between men and life cycles; the made in Italy full of its nature made of people, authentic products and expressions of the territory. A Made in Italy able to involve producers and consumers.
Potsy with journalist Massimo Cirri - Perugia
Progetto “M’Illumino di meno” - Caterpillar AM Istituto scolastico di Montone
Montone Borgo Green / Montone - 2015
Istituto cultura Italiano di Praga - 2015 ARTOUR-O
Montone 2013 / Libri Incatenati - Plastic food
Flash Mob, Città Di Castello 2014, Istituto Franchetti Salviani - Plastic food
Flash Mob, Perugia, Corso Vannucci 2014
Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccardi 2015 / Artour-o
From the beginning it has always had the support and the collaboration of the Umbria Region in all of the events and in every location it has been installed. Pierluigi Monsignori Potsy has presented Plastic Food Project to the president of the Chamber of Deputies and of the minister of the environment for whom he has held conferences. He’s keynote speaker in conferences every year in Italy and abroad, also for Green associations of national and international relevance. In the August of 2014 he has inaugurated the Morocco Festival dedicated to the litter reduction, with the presence of the minister of the environment and of the Moroccan authorities. Plastic Food Project, has an educational purpose, that is developed through lectures in Italian Universities and schools of every kind earning important approvals; with more than 150 meetings. An element of the installation is always brought as a tangible example. The lectures aim at bringing together producers and consumers, leading to innovative and conscious choices and practices that should result in the waste reduction. The Bettona school has won the Critique Award from La Nazione newspaper in 2011. Plastic Food Project collaborates with many international projects aimed at the waste reduction. It participates every year to the SERR Settimana Europea Riduzione Rifiuti (European Week Waste Reduction) engaging schools and authorities. In 2014 it had the patronage of the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies as well as the one of the Umbria Region and of Anci. With the Franchetti Salvini high school of Città di Castello, its 800 students, their teachers and collaborators, their respective families as well as the square with its usual crowd, have been involved. Since its birth it has achieved recognitions and awards also international. The installation is requested every year in various national and international exhibits: it has been brought to Brussells, London, in the Contemporary Arto Center Pecci of Prato, in the international museum Luzzati of Genova and in many other cities in the world, one part of the installations is part of the permanent collection of the MAC of Bahia in Brazil; in Florence, in the Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Many artists follow Plastic Food Project and it is continuously contaminated with their artwork in every form: from paintwork, sculpture, video, photography, poetry, music, figurative arts. The artwork has been united in one exhibit and exposed in the museum for contemporary art La Rocca of Umbertide. “We are what we toss”
Fa la cosa giusta - Plastic Food & 3DIFIC 2015
Flash Mob istituto Fratnchetti Salviani Città di Castello 2015 - Min. Ambiente e & 3DIFIC
scuola G.di Vittorio - Earth Day - 2015
Let’s Clean Up Europe ISTITUTO FRANCHETTI SALVIANI - Parco Vitelli
IV Industrial Revolution
World Environment Day Montone Borgo Green
PLASTICFOOD PROJECT is partner of UUD Erasmus+ project
USEFUL, USABILITY , DISPOSABILITY (UUD) is a project which addresses the issue of plastic invasion of our communities and households with a purpose to bring the message of a safe and healthy environment closer to the citizens through civic education. Five organizations decided to use their capabilities and expertise to produce a Moodle based e-learning platform with a content capable to serve the project needs. The content includes 5 tutorials : info-doc , land art installation centered civic events, digital competences, socio-civic competences. Each tutorial includes examples of good practice and an evaluation chapter. The partners’ staff act as content developers and are trained by the platform maker on how to use the platform to be able to design and organize land art installation centered civic events with different community groups such as children, seniors, disadvantaged people, youth, artists. A number of on line sessions and short staff training sessions strengthen the empowerment of the staff for becoming proficient platform users capable to train other on how to do it for their own purposes. All activities are monitored and evaluated by the Project board. Four multiplier events bring together professionals from the organizing country and the neighboring parts of Europe to make known the platform and it capabilities, show the host land art installation centered civic events and organize a contact seminar to prepare partnerships around project ideas for new applications. At the end of the project there is a consortium in place with a leading team, a joint pool of trained staff capable to provide training and development support, a joint website, a joint e-learning platform and a number of partnerships ready for new applications. We believe this is a good model of sustainability . The project partners include organizations for Romania (coordinator - seniors organization), Spain (ICT company), Italy (land art installation artists ), LT (civic adult learning), BG (dissemination). Coordinators: Asociatia Initiativa Cetatenilor Seniori / Partner: BASD - Plastic Food Project - European Social Entrepreneurship and Innovative Studies - Institute Inercia Digital
PLASTICFOOD PROJECT di Pierluigi Monsignori, Potsy Cell. 348 2869485 / Skype monsignoripotsy | | Twitter @PotsyMonsignori Google+ Pierluigi Monsignori Pinterest Youtube Facebook /
Foto by: Center for contemporary day Luigi Pecci, Prato - photo Alessandro Pucci Art installation Plastic Food, Umbertide 2010- photo Paolo Ippoliti Enrico Milanesi, Fabio Paltrinieri - Text: Isabella Ceccarelli