4 minute read

Keeping it Real

I was at the grocery last Saturday evening. It had been a long day, and I needed the break to wander the aisles mindlessly. As is customary in Montana, I ran into several people I knew and was immediately glad I had worn a bra and real pants. One person in particular was a fellow mom friend, and we talked about how fast the kids were growing. She mentioned her child suddenly becoming more impulsive and emotional. I replied with a fact I had read in one of the dozen books I am reading simultaneously (which can get confusing at times). I later dropped my highlighted, color-tabbed copy to her, only to receive a text saying, “Wow... I had no clue.”

I realized I have never done a “What I am Reading” column so, as someone who buys books like some buy Starbucks, I figured I would share some books I love right now. I am not an influencer; I wish I got paid for my opinions, but, alas, these are just my honest assessments.

Our parents, or at least my parents, did a hack job of explaining bodies and their changes. I’m sure many of you can relate to this. It was the most awkward conversation when it did happen and left me with so many unanswered questions. I did not want the same experience with my children, enter This Is So Awkward: Modern Puberty Explained.

This is an eye-opening book as it explains the science behind what’s happening and shares how to talk about it with your kids. I had no clue puberty is starting earlier for kids these days, nor did I understand the science behind how brain chemistry changes with puberty: When hormones begin surging as the amygdala grows in size and activity. The amygdala is the part of the brain that’s most closely associated with fear, emotions and motivation; this rapid flood and growth can lead to rash and emotional behavior. Not only that, it is receiving information quicker now than the rational part of our brains, the prefrontal cortex, which is supposed to regulate the amygdala to ensure socially correct behavior.

Reading this book could be a game-changer for your parenting journey and a way to give yourself the facts and science ahead of time.

Manners Begin at Breakfast: Modern Etiquette for Families The pandemic threw manners out for many of us; it’s hard to have table manners when two remote workstations occupy the table. While some of us have a basic concept of manners and respect, we come to them from different backgrounds and levels of expectation. Manners build respect, trust and a more positive society; it’s imperative that we continue to raise generations of kids with those same values, albeit with a more modern twist than our forebearers had. Raising kids is often met with “But why?” from young, eager minds. This book, which was written by Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, helps parents explain “whys” with clarity and reference. I will say she does a good job of blending high society protocol with the rest of us run-of-the-mill families. I am only two-thirds of the way in, but have found several valuable nuggets.

What I Told My Daughter: Lessons from Leaders on Raising the Next Generation of Empowered Women This book reminds me of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series in the sense that it is told through various short stories from different perspectives. The women and the subject matter in this book are highly relatable. It’s a quick read with little tidbits that are easy to share with both sons and daughters. My favorite story is about one of the country’s only female police chiefs teaching her daughter about courage and how to face danger.

Have great parenting books? Send recommendations my way. And as for the rest of my bookshelf... true crime, leadership and romance fill the shelves. I’ll save that book list for a different column.

Blair Fjeseth is a working professional and proud Montana mom. You can reach her at blairparker. inc@gmail.com. Follow her Instagram @blair_mt for more adventures.

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