2 minute read

The Power of Play


Play. It is natural, it is simple and it is powerful.  Everyone and anyone can do it. It can take place in a large group, a small group or solo. It can be structured or unstructured, happen indoors or outdoors, or simply through your imagination. No matter the variety, the benefits are physical and cognitive – and the more you do it, the better you will feel!

At the Bozeman Parks & Recreation Department it is our priority to offer access to affordable recreational opportunities to everyone in our community. These opportunities come in many forms that all encourage connection and play. Your city parks and trails are natural playgrounds that can be enjoyed during all four seasons, with each season providing something a little different. A simple stroll or roll through these spaces can improve your mood, reduce stress and connect you with your community.

Prefer to take it indoors? The Bozeman Swim Center and the Story Mill Community Center are well-loved public buildings that support healthy, active lifestyles and are full of programs and events for people of all ages and abilities. Lap swimming, water fitness, swim lessons, open gym for toddlers, camps for kids, Ping-Pong and badminton for adults, the list goes on and on.

As your Parks and Recreation Department, we are dedicated to supporting you in whatever form play takes for you. We truly understand the power it has to transcend barriers and connect people in fun and meaningful ways, and we believe it is a fundamental part of overall health and well-being.

Check out our latest program guide at https://indd.adobe.com/view/4200d7d8-18f6-4c94-ae37-7c7c56292395 and let’s continue to nurture the spirit of play that is alive and well in this awesome community we are in together!

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