1981 Grizzly Football Schedule DATE Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21
OPPONENT Northern Arizona* Northern Iowa (Parent’s Day) Boise State* Idaho* Idaho State* (Band Day) Portland State (Homecoming) Montana State* Nevada-Reno* Weber State* Eastern Washington
SITE Flagstaff, AZ Missoula
TIME 7:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M.
SERIES 7-7-0 0-0-0
Missoula Moscow, ID Missoula
1:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M.
3-7-0 17-43-2 14-8-0
2:00 P.M.
Bozeman, MT Missoula Missoula Spokane, WA
1:30 1:30 1:30 8:00
P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
46-29-5 0-3-0 14-5-0 7-1-0
*Big Sky Conference Game Home Games at Dornblaser Stadium (12,500) All times Mountain Standard
1980 Grizzly Football Results S e p t. 13 S e p t. 20 S e p t. 27 O c t. 4 O c t. 11 O c t. 18 O c t. 25 N ov. 1 N ov. 8 N ov. 15
M o n ta n a 60, S im o n F ra s e r U n iv ersity 27 ...............................................................................M isso u la P o rtla n d S ta te 20, M o n ta n a 0 ...................................................................................................... P o rtla n d *Idaho 42, M o n ta n a 0 ................. M isso u la *B oise S ta te 44, M o n ta n a 10 ........................................... B oise * W e b e r S ta te 38, M o n ta n a 21 ............... O gden * Idaho S ta te 17, M o n ta n a 0 ............................................................................................................P o catello M o n ta n a 42, E a s te rn W a sh in g to n 7 .......... M isso u la ^ M o n ta n a S ta te 24, M o n ta n a 7 ................ M isso u la * M o n ta n a 31, N o rth e r n A rizo n a 21 ...............................................................................................M isso u la * N ev a d a-R e n o 10, M o n ta n a 7 ............... R en o
*Big Sky Conference Game Overall: 3-7/Big Sky: 1-6
On the Cover Top left, Naseby Rhinehart (22) makes a tackle (1934); top right, in a track uniform (1935); bottom left, in the training room (1955); and bottom right, sitting in front of UM’s Main Hall (1981). Cover design by Don Kludt, UM Printing Services and Dave Guffey. Color shot by Geoffrey Sutton.
Back Cover The University of Montana campus, Main Hall is in the background to the right. (Courtesy School of Education). Media Guide Cost: $4.
NASEBY RHINEHART: A Half-Century As A Grizzly Naseby “D oc” Rhinehart. Missoula, M ontana. The University of M ontana and Grizzly athletics. You can lump them all together, because they are one in the same. Nase, as he is affectionately called by adm inistrators, coaches, athletes, and M ontanans has been at UM since 1931. He recently announced the 1981-82 athletic season will be his last year at the school. (He also made that statem ent last year, only to celebrate his 70th birthday in his office, across from the UM training room). Born May 6, 1911 to Wesley and Crawford Rhinehart on a plantation in Georgia, Naseby and his parents, two brothers and six sisters moved to Milwaukee when he was four years old. It was in Milwaukee that he learned his athletic skills and would later bring those wares to the collegiate level and UM. His Lincoln High School football team won city titles in 1928 and 1929 and in 1928 he was nam ed an all-city end — the first black to ever receive the honor. He also won the state discus title as a senior. The rest is history. The beloved athletic trainer first heard about Missoula and its University from a black lawyer, Jim Dorsey, who was born and raised here, and who received his law degree at UM. “Jim loved Missoula, but there just w asn’t any place to practice law, so he moved to where the jobs w ere,” Naseby reflected. “He and his wife had no children, and we really hit it off. He told me that he was going to send me out to Missoula to go to school here. Of course, I never really believed him.” Rhinehart said he had several offers from schools to play football, and he decided to attend N orthw estern. However, he said, they were having problems in their athletic departm ent, so they told him to sit out a year and it would blow over. He did, but things didn’t get any better. “So I decided to give it (UM) a try,” he said. Things didn’t exactly start out rosey for him in Missoula. “The coach (Bernie Oakes) m et me at the train (1,500 miles from Milwaukee) and told me ‘I thought you’d be bigger.’ Well, I told him I had a return ticket and I could just get back on the train and go back home. I rem em ber the day. it was Septem ber 13, 1931.” “I looked around, and it was real quiet and I w asn’t too sure about being there in the
first place,” he continued. “But the coach said that I took him wrong so I decided to stay.” After a year of freshm an football (he was
one of only two blacks at UM, and the only athlete) he was ready for the varsity team. “I made up my mind I was going to be the left end, no m atter who was ahead of m e,” he said. “I was confident.” After splitting duties as a sophom ore the 6-0, 183-pounder becam e a fixture at left end for the Grizzlies. He was an honorable mention All-American pick as a senior in 1935, and was later nam ed a m em ber of the All-Time Grizzly Football Team at end. A nother thing that brought him to UM was basketball. “I loved basketball, and at that time the Big Ten didn’t allow blacks to play, so I ruled them out quick. I couldn’t shoot, but I played defense and covered ‘the good cats’ and hit the boards.” A two-year starter, Naseby played guard and also jumped center. In track he had bests of 23 feet in the long jump and 140 feet in the discus. The highlight of his career came in 1935, when the winner of nine varsity letters was aw arded the Grizzly Cup, given to the school’s outstanding overall student-athlete. (An award his son, Naseby, Jr. ‘F ete’ won in 1958). Less than a m onth after his graduation football coach Doug Fessenden asked him if
he was interested in becoming the UM trainer. “It was the turning point in my life,” reflected the nationally-recognized trainer. “I was thinking about going back to Milwaukee and becoming a policeman, but loved athletics so I decided to take the job.” “Being a trainer was a great challenge, and still is,” he said. “Plus it’s a hell of a lot of fun,” he added with his famous, charismatic smile. “You might be down Saturday night, but Monday you’ve got to be ready to go. It hurts to lose. It hurts the kids. It hurts me and the coaches. We live together, and we win and die together.” Not only did N aseby m ake outstanding contributions as an athlete, but he also did in the classroom. He was one of the first trainers in the nation to develop an athletic training curriculum (1971) at a university. Many of his former UM students now have jobs at universities and high schools throughout the nation. He hasn’t gone unrecognized for his efforts. M ost recently he was nam ed trainer to the Pan American G am es in Puerto Rico in the sum m er of 1979. In 1974 he was aw arded the UM Distinguished Service Award. He was selected as a trainer for the 1972 Olympic track team . And in 1967 he was chosen as a m em ber of the Helms Hall of Fame for Athletic Trainers. N aseby said other than improved size, speed, nutrition, weight training (“I’ve never lifted weights in my life”) and medical training, athletes have not changed m uch in the last 50 years. “W e w anted to win,” he said. “All of us w anted to win real, real bad. W e had a lot of desire, and the athletes today do too. Athletes have a lot of pride. You have to want to be the best. Like I said earlier about making up my mind to start at left end — that’s pride.” Pride is one word synonymous with Naseby Rhinehart. No m atter who you talk to, you know they are PROUD to know this gentle man. Naseby and his wife of 47 years, Evelyn, have four children. Pete is a com ptroller at AT&T in New Jersey; Sid is an Air Traffic Controller in Minnesota; Ann Bates teaches high school and coaches girls’ track in California and Penny is in a Pizza Hut managerial program in Seattle.
Missoula: “The Seattle Spokane (208) #
Great Falls • (167)
M isso u la Portland
Moscow (248)
o\ -4
Billings •Bozeman * (342)
Pocatello Ogden*
Salt Lake City (514)
o |#Reno
San Francisco (1013) Las Vegas (943) Los Angeles Flagstaff
San Diego
Phoenix (1165)
Casper (675) * Cheyenne (8 5 5 ).
1981 University of Montana Football Media Guide This brochure was prepared for the convenience of sports writers and sports broadcasters during the 1981 football season by Dave Guffey. Permission is granted to quote in whole, or in part, any material in this brochure. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. Please let us know your needs. All requests for press passes should be made by letter or telephone at least one week in advance. Complete statistics are provided at each Grizzly home game. They include team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly play-by-play and defensive statistics.
Compiled and edited by: Dave Guffey Photography by: Geoffrey Sutton Special Thanks: Dale Johnson, UM Archives Don Kludt, UM Printing
Sketches: Jerry Kurzenbaum Photo Credits: pgs. 9, 31, 42 by Bill Sallaz, (Missoula, MT) pgs. 10, 11, 15, 27, 43 by Geoffrey Sutton, (Missoula, MT) i>55 Printed by: UM Printing S ervices
Table of Contents Big Sky Conference, 1980 Standings ........................................ 36 1980 Big Sky Final S tats .............................................................. 37 Grizzly Final S t a t s .......................................................................... 38 C oaches Through the Y e a r s ....................................................... 39 Season by Season (Results) ................................................. 40-41 All O pponents Record .................................................................. 42 The Record Book .......................................................................... 43 All-Time Leaders (Stats) .............................................................. 44 Grizzly Awards ............................................................................... 45 All Conference, All-American G riz z lie s .................................... 46 The Grizzly Record Book ..................................................... 47-48 Football Letterm en (1897 to Present) ................................ 49-51 Japan in 1983 (or 1984) ................................................................ 52 M ontana Pros, Future S c h e d u le s ............................................... 53 Football C lassificatio n s.................................................................. 54 Grizzlies From the Past ................................................................ 55 M ontana Media ............................................................................... 56 T here’s Gold in Them Thar H ills!........................................ Front of Back C opper Flap 1981 Big Sky S c h e d u le Back of Back C opper Flap M ontana Scenes ..................................................Inside Back Cover
1981 Schedule ..................................................... Inside Front Cover 1980 Results ......................................................... Inside Front Cover Naseby Rhinehart Dedication ................... Front of C opper Flap Missoula Mileage C hart .................... Back of Front C opper Flap UM Quick Facts, Media I n f o ......................................................... 1 University of M ontana .................................................................... 2 President, Athletic D ir e c to r ........................................................... 3 Head C o a c h ....................................................................................... 4 Assistant C o a c h e s ........................................................................ 5-6 Athletic P e r s o n n e l............................................................................ 7 D epth C h a r t ....................................................................................... 8 The 1981 Grizzlies .......................................................................... 9 Offensive, Defensive Outlooks ............................................. 10-11 Alphabetical R o s te r .................................................................. 12-13 Squad Breakdown, Pronunciation Guide ................................ 14 Meet the Players ............................................................................ 15 All-American Candidate ................................................................ 16 H onors C andidates ........................................................................ 17 Player S k e tc h e s ........................................................................ 18-26 New G riz z lie s............................................................................ 27-30 Numerical Roster .......................................................................... 30 The O pponents ........................................................................ 31-34 History, Statistics, Awards ......................................................... 35
UM Quick Facts Location: M issoula, M o n ta n a 59812 Chartered: F eb . 17, 1893 Enrollment: 8,800 (est.) President: D r. Neil B ucklew (406) 243-2311 Athletic Director: H arley L ew is (406) 243-5331 Head Football Coach: L arry D o n o v a n (406) 243-2969 Football Staff: K en Flajole, M ike V an D iest, B o b L ow ry, M ike J o h n s o n , J o e Y ea g er, J o e G le n n , L ynn R o s e n b a c h Equipment Manager: S te v e H a c k n e y (406) 243-4351 Stadium: D o rn b la se r (12,500) Nickname: G rizzlies Colors: C o p p e r, Silver a n d G o ld Conference: Big S ky Commissioner: R on S te p h e n s o n (208) 345-5393 Faculty Representative: D r. E van D e n n e y Sports Information Director: D av e G uffey (406) 243-6899, O ffice (406) 251-3989, H o m e
University Montana
The University of Montana in Missoula is located in a mountain forest setting in beautiful Western Montana. It is halfway between Glacier and Yellowstone national parks. Four wilderness areas are located nearby Missoula. The natural surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, camping and other outdoor recreational pursuits. Two excellent winter ski areas are located within minutes of the University. Several other ski areas are only a couple of hours away by car. UM owns and operates its own golf course adjacent to campus. The University of Montana is one of the W est’s pioneers in education and was chartered February 17, 1893. The school opened in September, 1895, with 50 students enrolling the first day. Located on 201 acres at the base of Mount Sentinel, UM has grown from 50 students and seven faculty members to a present enrollment of 8,800 and approximately 450 fulltime state supported faculty positions. Throughout its history, the University of Montana has
sustained a high standard of academic excellence in teaching, research and service. UM offers associate of arts degrees in two areas and bachelor’s degrees in 58 fields. It offers master’s degrees in 54 programs and doctoral degrees in 13. The College of Arts and Sciences, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of programs and courses in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and humanities. The College also offers curricula in inter disciplinary fields ranging from ethnic studies to in terdepartmental studies. Seven professional schools complete the academic program—Business Administration, Fine Arts, Journalism, Education, Forestry, Law, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. The aim of the University is to provide its students with a relaxing and meaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The administration, faculty and staff strive for this goal. 2
President Neil Bucklew Dr. Neil S. Bucklew assum ed his duties as the 14th president of the University of M ontana in August 1981. Bucklew, 40, com es from Ohio University in Athens, where he served as Provost from 1976 until assuming his duties at Montana. He also served on the faculty in the D epartm ent of Economics at Ohio University. As Provost he functioned as Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs. With responsibility for the instructional program of the university. He was Vice President for Administration at Central Michigan University from 1973-75; Vice Provost at Central Michigan from 1970-73; Director of Employee Relations at the University of Wisconsin from 1966-70 and Personnel D irector at Duke University Medical C enter in Durham, N orth Carolina, from 1963-66. Bucklew received a B.A. in History at the University of Missouri, an M.S. in Political Science at the University of N orth Carolina and a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations from the University of Wisconsin. Bucklew and his wife, JoAnn, have three children.
Athletic Director Harley Lewis Harley W. Lewis was nam ed athletic director at the University of M ontana effective April 14, 1976. He had served as acting athletic director from July 1,1975. A 1964 graduate of UM with an M.S. in health, physical education and recreation, Lewis becam e track and cross country coach at UM in 1966. Prior to assuming coaching responsibilities at UM, the 1959 graduate of Butte High School coached two years at the University of Portland. Lewis served as cross country coach until 1976 and won nine Big Sky titles until resigning the position. He served as track coach through the 1978 season. While track coach, Lewis won the conference title in 1972. He has been nam ed Big Sky C oach of the Year in cross country and track, ten times. He has served on num erous national com m ittees, w orked with U.S. Olympic endeavors and coached several All-American perform ers at M ontana.
Head Coach
Larry Donovan (Nebraska 1964)
b ack field c o a c h in 1968 a n d 1969, a n d th e n b e c a m e d efen siv e c o o rd in a to r in 1970. In 1968 U S D finished 9-1 a n d r a n k e d N o. 8 n atio n ally in D ivision II. In 1972 L arry b e g a n a fo u r-y ea r stin t a t W a sh in g to n S ta te , w h e re th e C o u g a rs ra n k e d 16th in th e n a tio n o n e s e a so n . H is first tw o s e a s o n s h e w as d efen siv e line c o a c h , a n d th e n w as e le v a te d to d efen siv e c o o rd in a to r. T h e U n iv ersity of Iow a w as his n e x t s to p , th is tim e for th r e e s e a s o n s , w h e re h e s e rv e d a s offensive line c o a c h for o n e y e a r a n d q u a r te rb a c k a n d p a ssin g g am e c o a c h for tw o. A t K a n sa s L arry w as o u tsid e lin e b a c k e r c o a c h , a n d tw o of his sta rtin g lin e b a c k e rs th e re w e re d ra fte d in th e s e c o n d an d fifth ro u n d s of th e N F L d raft. D o n o v a n re c e iv e d his b a c h e lo r’s d e g re e in so cial sc ie n c e fro m N e b r a s k a in 1964. In 1968 h e e a rn e d his m a s te r ’s d e g re e in se c o n d a ry e d u c a tio n fro m th e U n iv ersity of S o u th D a k o ta . H e is m a rrie d to th e fo rm e r G e o rg ia M e rria m , a family th e ra p is t w h o is a fo rm e r M iss N e b ra s k a . T h e y h a v e tw o d a u g h te rs , A n d re a , 12, a n d Molly, 8.
L arry R. D o n o v a n b eg in s his se c o n d s e a s o n a t th e h elm of th e U niv ersity of M o n ta n a . H e b e c a m e th e 2 9 th h e a d m e n to r a t U M in D e c e m b e r of 1979. P rio r to joining th e G rizzly staff h e se rv e d a s an a s s is ta n t a t th e U niv ersity of K a n sa s for o n e se a s o n . B o rn M a rc h 3 1 ,1 9 4 1 , D o n o v a n w as a tw o -y ear le tte rm a n in football a n d tr a c k a t th e U n iv ersity of N e b ra s k a , w h e re h e g ra d u a te d in 1964. H is se n io r y e a r a t N e b r a s k a h e p la y ed for a 9-2 te a m , w hich d e fe a te d M iam a (Fla.) in th e G o th a m Bow l, 36-34. H is collegiate c o a c h in g c a r e e r s ta r te d afte r his s e n io r s e a s o n in 1962, w h e n D o n o v a n jo in e d th e C o r n h u s k e rs a s a g ra d u a te a s sista n t. T h a t s e a s o n N e b r a s k a w o n th e Big 8 ch a m p io n sh ip a n d a d v a n c e d to th e O ra n g e Bowl. H e th e n jo in ed th e A rm y, b u t s ta y e d clo se to football, playing se rv ic e ball in K o re a a n d d irec tin g th e division te a m to an 8-0-1 re c o rd . D o n o v a n m o v e d to th e U niv ersity of S o u th D a k o ta as h e a d fre sh m a n c o a c h in 1967, w h e n his te a m w as 4-0. H e re m a in e d th e re th ro u g h th e 1971 s e a s o n , m oving u p to
Assistant Coaches
Ken Flajole Defensive
Joe Glenn Backs Receivers
Joe G lenn w as head coach of D oan e C ollege in C rete, N eb ., four sea so n s before joining the Grizzly program in D ecem b er of 1979. Glenn, 32, com piled a four-year record of 21-18-1 at D oane. During the 1979 se a so n he coach ed an All-American tailback and a freshm an quarterback w ho p assed for m ore than 1,200 yards. Prior to the D oan e assignm ent, he w as an assistant under Joe Salem at Northern A rizona University for two sea so n s, w here he w as head backfield coach. H e also served as head freshman coach for the Lumberjacks. G lenn’s first coaching job was under Salem at his alma m ater, the University of South D akota, in 1973. H e w as offensive backfield and freshm an coach for tw o season s. H e then w ent to N A U with Salem and eventually took the position at D oan e. H e w as a standout quarterback and receiver at South D akota, w here he graduated in 1971. After graduating he joined the Army and then returned to S outh Dakota, earning his m aster’s d egree in 1975. J o e’s wife nam e is M ichele. They have two children, a daughter, Erin, 8, and a son , C asey, 2. O n e of 12 children, G lenn w as born in Lincoln, N eb.
Ken Flajole joined coach Larry D on ovan ’s staff in March of 1980. Flajole (Pronounced Flay-Jull), 26, cam e from the University of W ashington football staff, where he was a part-time assistant w ho helped with the defensive cornerbacks. The H uskies finished the 1979 season ranked 11th nationally, and led the Pac-10 in pass defense. Prior to coaching for the H uskies he was the head track coach at Mann Junior High S ch ool in Seattle in 1978. In 1977-78 he w as an assistant coach at Pacific Lutheran University, w here he coach ed the defensive line and linebackers. While at PLU his team w as nationally ranked and District I cham pion. H e is a 1976 graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, located in Tacom a, W ash. H e received his B.A. in education and his minor in coaching. A s a collegiate player Flajole gained all conference recognition at Pacific Lutheran and at W en atch ee Junior College. H e w as an all-state linebacker at Seattle Prep High Sch ool in 1971. His wife’s nam e is Teri.
Mike Johnson Outside Line
Bob Lowry Offensive
The “old est” m em ber of the Grizzly staff, Bob Lowry joined the UM program in May of 1979. Lowry has coach ed in M ontana the last 17 season s. A s a prep coach he com piled a 77-42-2 record. H e cam e to UM from G lendive High S ch ool, w here his team w on back-to-back state C lass “A ” titles in 1978-79. His team s went 19-0 during that span. G lendive’s state title in 1978 w as its first in 17 years. Lowry, a 1964 graduate of M ontana S tate, is from Wolf Point, Mont. H e w as a four-year letterm an in football and basketball at W olf Point High. H e participated in the Shrine gam e, and w as nam ed the MVP on defense. H e also played in the N orth-South basketball all-star gam e and w as selected as the MVP. His college career at Stanford w as cut short with a knee injury. The 41-year-old Lowry co a ch ed four sea so n s at Plenty w ood High S ch ool (1964-68), w here his team s w ere 25-6-1; at Great Falls Central from 1968-71; P lentyw ood again from 1971-76 and then to G lendive. Lowry and his wife, Sharon, have four children, twins Bob and Jeanie, 13, a 12-yearold son, Mike, and a half-year-old son , Jonathon.
Mike begins his third season in a coaching capacity at the University of M ontana. H e served as graduate assistant working with the defensive backs for tw o season s, until being nam ed outside linebacker coach in February of 1981. H e cam e to UM as a player in 1977 from Mt. H ood Com m unity C ollege in G resham , O regon. A s a defensive back at Mt. H ood he set a sch ool career record in interceptions (eight), and w as a two-year JC letterman for his nationally ranked team in 1976. He attended North Bend High in O regon, where he w as a three-sport standout. H e played defensive back for the Grizzlies. His prep coach w as his father, H ow ie Johnson, w ho also played football for the G rizzlies. Mike and his wife, Terri, have a one-year-old daughter, Stephanie.
Assistant Coaches
Mike Van Diest Defensive W e ig h t
Lynn Rosenbach Line
T r a in in g
Mike Van D iest (pronounced Van-Deast) not only serves as the defensive line (Tackle-Noseguard-Tackle or TNT) coach , but also becam e the first strength coach in UM history w hen he joined the staff in January of 1980. Prior to joining M ontana the H elena native was the strength coach at the University of W yom ing, serving the entire University. He had been a defensive line assistant in 1977-78. His first coaching job was as a graduate assistant for the C ow b oys in 1976. Van D iest played his collegiate football at W yom ing, playing tight end. H e graduated in 1975. H e w as a standout football player at H elena High S ch ool, where he graduated in 1970. Van D iest has already seen his strength program at work, designing a program for individual athletes, and then charting the results. “Lifting weights is a must for college athletes, no m atter what the sport,” Van D iest said. “Strength and endurance are essential for football or any sp ort.” Van D iest, 28, is single.
Joe Yeager Assistant Line
J o e is starting his seco n d season as a coach at UM. H e served as a graduate assistant, helping to coach the offensive line last year. H e played his collegiate football at the University of Puget Sound. At Olympic Junior C ollege he was the honorary team captain and selected as O utstanding Lineman in 1974. His JC co a ch w as current Grizzly m entor Lynn R osenbach. He prepped at N orth Kitsap High Sch ool and lettered three tim es in both football and track. H e has two years of teaching and coaching at his alma mater. H e taught social studies and was head freshm an football coach at North Kitsap. H e played semipro football for the Kitsap C ounty Ramblers in 1979. The 26year-old is single.
The “dean” of the Grizzly staff, Lynn R osenbach (pronounced (Rose-In-Baw), has been involved in coaching or athletic administration for 22 years. Twenty years of experience have all been in the state of W ashington. His m ost recent coaching stint w as head coach at M ount V ernon High School, from 1975-79. His record there for six sea so n s w as 36-20-2. H e w on two league cham pionships in that period. Born in O ak Harbor, W ash., R osenbach w as head football coach at Olympic College in Brem erton, W ash, from 1967-69, and w as then elevated to athletic director from 1969-75 before leaving to take the position in Mt. Vernon. Before serving at those sch ools, the 1958 graduate of W estern W ashington State coach ed football, track and wrestling at Everett Com m unity (1964-67). His coaching career began in 1958 at Entiat High Sch ool in W ashington. During his career he has been a head football coach at four high sch ools, a com m unity college and a four-year college. R osen bach has been nam ed coach of the year twice, on ce at the high school level and on ce for his 7-2 division cham pion team at Olympic C ollege. He played offensive guard and linebacker at W estern W ashington and was team captain. Lynn’s wife’s nam e is Rosalie (Rosie). They have three children: a daughter, Dana, 20, and two son s, T odd, 17, and Timm, 14.
Football Secretary
Suelynn Williams
A thletic P ersonnel At the University of Arizona for five years, Barbara began her job as associate athletic director at UM in August of 1980. S h e served as w om en’s athletic events coordinator while at UA. Her responsibilities are in w om en ’s athletics in areas of athlete eligibility, academ ics, AIAW rules, scheduling and prom otions. S h e is a 1964 graduate of Ohio State, with a B.A. in physical education. S h e received her m aster’s degree in recreation and administration from Ohio State in 1968. Prior to her position at Arizona Hollmann was at the University of W ashington, w here sh e w as the associate director of recreational sports from 1971 through 1974. Her husband, Robert, is an assistant professor of m anagem ent at UM.
Barbara Hollmann Asso.
Former sports director at KECI-TV in M issoula, Tom Dwyer w as nam ed Director of Advertising-Prom otions and C on cessio n s at the University of M ontana in January of 1981. Dw yer worked at KECI for a year. Prior to that he was a new sm an for KGVO-Radio. H e has several years of experience in the media. D w yer’s primary duties are to assist in sports prom otion, sell advertising for gam e programs and special athletic events. H e also handles all p h ases of the co n cessio n s at athletic events. He received a B.A. in Radio-TV at the University of M ontana in 1980. He served four years in the Marine Corps, and worked in the Public Affairs Division during that span. Tom and his wife, Charlene, are natives of Wolf Point, M ontana.
Dave Guffey
D ave is beginning his fourth sea so n as sports information director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases and prom otion of m en ’s and w om en ’s sports. He has five years of new spaper sports writing e x perience, and was a graduate assistant in the sports information office at F resno State for three years. He received his B.A. in Journalism at FSU in 1975. He has w on 10 district awards for his football and basketball media guides and gam e programs, including first in the nation for his 1980 football gam e programs. H e w as recently nam ed to the C ollege Sports Informa tion D irector’s of Am erica (Co-SIDA) Academ ic All-American Com m ittee, and th e F u tu re of C o -S ID A C om m ittee.
Beginning his third year as UM ’s faculty representative, Evan has been an instructor here since 1969. He is now chairman of the Departm ent of G eography at UM. He earned his B.A. at the University of W ashington in 1963, his M.A. at W ashington in 1965, and his Ph.D. from W ashington in 1970. Prior to his UM teaching career he taught at W ashington (1966-69). From Tacom a, W ashington, D enney is associated with several professional organizations. He determ ines eligibility for UM athletes.
T o tn
Dr. Evan Denney
D w yC f
Dir. of Promotions & Concessions
F acu lty R e p re se n ta tiv e
N aseby is the only m en ’s athletic trainer M ontana has known. A m onth after his graduation from UM in 1935, he w as appointed M ontana’s first athletic trainer. H e w as a standout athlete while attending high school in Milwaukee and b ecam e on e of M on tana’s finest all-around athletes, ear ning nine varsity letters in football, basketball and track. H e has received many honors and accolad es during his 50 years at M ontana, including the Grizzly Cup, which he won in 1935 and his son P ete won in 1958.
Gary has been ticket manager of UM since 1966. In 1978 he w as also appointed field house manager. He schedu les all even ts in Adam s Field h ou se and at Dornblaser Stadium in addition to handling ticket dis tribution. He is a native of Ronan, M ontana and graduated in accounting from the Missoula B usiness College in 1962. He gained exten sive experience in accounting and auditing before assum ing his responsibilities at M on tana.
Naseby Rhinehart A thletic
Gary Hughes Trainer
1981 Tentative Montana Two-Deep Roster T h e G rizz lies will h e a d in to fall drills w ith th e follow ing d e p th c h a r t b a s e d o n e x p e rie n c e fro m sp rin g drills a n d p o te n tia l fro m th e high sc h o o l a n d ju n io r college ra n k s . T h is o r d e r c o u ld c h a n g e a s p o sitio n s a r e c h a n g e d a n d so m e of th e n e w c o m e rs g et a c h a n c e to p ro v e th e m se lv e s a n d w o rk th e ir w ay in to th e lineup.
OFFENSE LE LT LG C RG RT TE QB FL FB T B ........ K icker..
Strike... LT NG RT W hip.... Will...... S am ...... SC s s ......... F S ....... F C ........ WC
**Bill D o lan ................ f *Pat N orw ood.......... *Rich B u rtn ess........ f*Tom P erez.............. f *Basil Jo n e s.............. $*Jim R ooney............ f*Brian S a lo n en ........ *Marty Mornhinweg. f*Mike Alex................ t*Mike H agen............ **Rocky Klever. t*Brian S a lo n en ........
5-10 6-2y2 6-4/2 6-I/4 6-2 6-1 6-2 5-10 6-1 6-0 6-2/2 6-2
6-1 *Malcum S orrell___ f*Pat C u rry ................ 6-5/2 6-1 *David Paoli.............. 6-0 *Dave Chaplin.......... 6-2 f* Dennis Bowman . . . 6-1 f*Curt M cE lroy........ 6-0 *Scotty Gratton . . . . 6-2 *Randy L aird............ 6-2 f*Tony F udge............ 6-2 •Scott Ellig................ 5-8 t*Mickey S utton........ Rob J o n e s .............. 5-11
170 240 235 235 220 240 220 185 195 215 215 220
Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. So. So. Sr. Sr. Sr. So.
DEFENSE 195 So. 255 Sr. 226 Sr. 250 Sr. 210 Sr. 220 Jr. 215 Jr. 195 Sr. 200 So. 194 Jr. 170 Sr. 180 Jr.
fReturning Starter *Letterman
5-9 *Brad D antic............ 6-4 *Rocky M iller.......... *Greg Amundsen . . . • • 6-2/ 6-3 Steve S w o rd .......... 6-3 *Steve Garrison 6-4 Bob Cordier............ *John H in so n .......... .. 6-2/2 6-4 Alan Pow ell............ 6-4 •David G le n n .......... 6-1 Greg Ise m a n .......... 6-0 *Joe Klucewich........ 5-9 *Mark M urray..........
Ben K iefer............ *Ron S h a rk ey ........ Tim W y n n e .......... Mike C ro u se ........ John Rooney ........ Jerry Huggins . . . . Jay Noffsinger . . . . Tony H arvey ........ Steve C o tte en . . . . Rob J o n e s ............ •*John Kovacich . . . *Mickey S utton. . . .
,., ... ,.,
6-4 6-5 6-3 6-3/2 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-0 5-10 5-11 6-0 5-8
155 So. 250 Jr. 230 Jr. 235 So. 215 Jr. 242 So. 225 Jr. 200 So. 205 Jr. 195 Jr. 180 So. 175 Jr.
220 244 230 235 205 220 215 187 175 180 182 170
$Half-time Starter •Starter Until Injured
KEY: Strike—Strong Outside Linebacker Whip—Weak Outside Linebacker SC—Strong Cornerback
W C—Weak Cornerback Will—Weak Inside Linebacker Sam—Strong Inside Linebacker
Jr. Sr. So. So. So. Sr. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr.
Dennis Bowman
Grizzly Offense Will Be Wide Open In 1981 Wide open is the best way to describe the University of M ontana’s offensive game plan for the 1981 season. Last year’s Grizzly sprint draw offense employed reverses, reverse passes and this season will be no different, according to coach Larry Donovan. “We had 16 different players catch passes, another seven players who threw passes, a quarterback who caught a touchdown pass and 13 different players score touchdowns last year,” Donovan said. “We plan to have the sam e wide open philosophy this year.” The Grizzlies return 11 starters this season — seven of them on offense. The offensive line has six players returning, four of whom started in several games. G uard Basil Jones, center Tom Perez, tackle Mark M adsen and tight end Brian Salonen all started, and Pat Norwood and Jim Rooney also started in a few games. Salonen, a sophom ore, is the only underclassm an in the group. All of the others are seniors. The key returnee is tailback Rocky Klever (see page 16), who has started since his freshman season. Klever redshirted last season after suffering a shoulder injury against Portland S tate in the second game of the 1980 season. Also back are wide receiver Mike Alex and fullback Mike Hagen. Alex was an All-Big Sky honorable mention pick. (See page 17). “O ur offensive line will have a com plete senior lineup except for our tight end, and its backed up by two senior running backs
Center Tom Perez.
(Klever and Hagen) as well as senior wide receiver (Bill Dolan),” Donovan said. “Although they are not all gam e-experienced seniors, they should give us the opportunity to be one of the top three team s in the conference, if they play together as a unit,” Donovan said. Also back for the Grizzlies is quarterback Marty Mornhinweg, a sophom ore who played in nine of the 10 games last season. Mornhinweg was 61 of 120 for 874 yards and five TDs last year. He threw for six interceptions. “Coupled with the experienced seniors we have, we feel Marty has transferred his abilities as a player and a leader, from high school to collegiate football,” Donovan said. “He was one of the m ost prolific quarterbacks in N orthern California history.” In the backfield Klever will be backed up by Bobby Cerkovnik (230 yards in 55 carries in six games), a senior, and sophom ore Joe Klucewich (45 yards in 18 carries). Klucewich em erged from spring drills as the No. 2 tailback. Sophom ore C urt M cGinness will also be battling for playing time. At fullback Hagen and JC transfer G reg Iseman battled for a starting berth, and Donovan expects the competition to continue throughout the season. O ne of the reasons for UM’s wide open offense is Brad Dantic, who established a Big Sky record, averaging 24.6 yards per catch (12 for 295) in ’81. The speedster also carried the ball seven times on end reverses, and the results were 98 yards and two TDs.
Tight end Brian Salonen.
Wide receiver Bill Dolan.
Four Starters Back For Grizzly “D” Two other letterm en could help at linebacker. Scott G ratton (16 tackles) and Malcum Sorrell (12 stops) are both back. G ratton was the captain of UM’s specialty teams. Curry, an honors candidate along with Sutton, was the secondleading tackier on the defensive line with 46 stops and two sacks. Sutton led the secondary with 54 tackles and the team with three interceptions. Sutton also returned punts and kickoffs, and averaged 16.1 yards per kickoff return. “We feel the success of the football season lies with the improvement in the defense, which was started in the spring, and with the improvement of our kicking gam e,” Donovan said. “Athletically, we feel we have the best kicker (Dean Rominger) we could recruit, and it’s up to him to prove that and give us the type of kicking game we are looking for,” Donovan said. Last season M ontana was two of eight in the field goal kicking departm ent and 20 of 23 in extra points attem pts. Even though Curry is the only returning starter on the defensive front (he had 46 tackles last year), Sharkey (40 stops), Chaplin (23 tackles) and Faoli (14 tackles) all have good experience. In the secondary Scott Ellig returns after an injury redshirt year. He started at free safety in UM’s season opener against Simon Fraser University a year ago. Randy Laird could also help out in the secondary.
There are four starters back for the Grizzlies’ 3-4 defensive alignment, although several other players have a lot of game experience. The Grizzly staff recruited seven JC players and six of them are expected to shore up the defense, primarily in the area of linebacker and in the secondary. The starters back for M ontana are Fat Curry at defensive tackle, Mickey Sutton at cornerback, linebacker Dennis Bowman and Tony Fudge at safety. C urt McElroy started a few games at linebacker. “The defense is still a bit of an unknown as to perform ance,” Donovan said. “W e feel the opportunity to have defensive success is not based so much on individual ability, as it is team com petitiveness.” “The defensive front will be senior-dominated, while the linebackers and secondary will be new people except for Sutton, Bowman and Fudge,” he continued. After spring drills Curry, noseguard Dave Paoli and tackle Dave Chaplin had earned the No. 1 spots, while senior Ron Sharkey could fill in at either tackle position. Bowman had 44 tackles in 1980, and also blocked two kicks (a field goal attem pt and a punt). He was back to old form in the spring, blocking a punt in the annual spring game.
Noseguard Dave Paoli.
Defensive lineman Ron Sharkey.
Linebacker Scott Gratton.
1981 University of Montana Alphabetical Roster Player
Mike Alex* G reg Amundsen** Paul Anderson* Tim Bagnell Ned Becker Dennis Bowman* Craig Brady Mark Bunch Rich Burtness*** Ralph Bush Brian Caraway** Mike Carroll** Bob Cerkovnik*** Dave Chaplin* Bob Connors Bob Cordier*# Steve C otteen Mike Crouse*# Pat Curry*** Glenn Dacus# Brad Dantic* Eric Dawald Dan Dilts Mike Dixon Bill Dolan** Scott Ellig# Tony Frazier Tony Fudge* Steve Garrison* David Glenn# Scotty G ratton** Mike Hagen* Tony Harvey Mike Helean Joe Heggins John Hinson** Mike Hogan Jerry Huggins# G reg Iseman Sean Jahr Mike Johnson Basil Jones*** Rob Jones Ben Kiefer Rocky Klever***# Joe Klucewich* John Kovacich** Darol Lain Randy Laird*** Mike Lewis Gary Lowry* Reed Madison** Mark Madsen** Bob McCauley C urt McElroy** C urt M cGinness*
6-1 6-2y2 5-8y2 5-9 5-9 6-2 6-2 6-6 6-4i/2 5-11 6-3 6-3 5-9 6-0 6-1 6-4 5-10 6-31/2 6-51/2 6-4 5-9 6-0 6-6 5-11 5-10 6-2 6-9 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-2 6-2/2 5-10 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-5 6-2 5-11 6-4 6-21/2 6-0 6-0 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-1
195 230 185 170 170 210 210 230 235 160 230 220 182 250 185 242 175 235 255 235 160 180 240 175 170 194 240 200 215 205 215 215 185 190 240 225 185 220 195 191 215 220 180 220 215 180 185 180 195 200 190 188 240 185 220 185
Sr. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Fr. So. Jr. So. Sr. Fr. So. Fr. So. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr. So. Sr. Fr. Sr. So. So. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. So.
Overland Park, KS Seattle, WA Sepulveda, CA Frenchtow n, MT Atlantic, IA Spokane, WA Havre, MT Laurel, MT A nacortes, WA Pasadena, CA G reat Falls, MT Seattle, WA G reat Falls, MT Selah, WA Glasgow, MT Spokane, WA Santee, CA Spokane, WA Billings, MT Enumclaw, WA Laurel, MT O w attona, MN Walla Walla, WA San Jose, CA E. Helena, MT Spokane, WA Kent, WA G reat Falls, MT Spokane, WA Elma, WA Missoula, MT Auburn, WA Richmond, CA Missoula, MT W ashougal, WA Seattle, WA Lacey, WA Missoula, MT Baldwin City, KS Port O rchard, WA Mt. Vernon, WA Spokane, WA Oakland, CA Burlington, KS Anchorage, AK Alpine, CA Butte, MT Cheyenne, WY Missoula, MT A naconda, MT G reat Falls, MT Butte, MT Ellensburg, WA Missoula, MT Butte, MT Janesville, WI
6 -41/2
6-2 6-1 6-2
1981 University of Montana Alphabetical Roster Player
M arcus Mial Rocky Miller** Marty Mornhinweg* Ken Nelsen Joe Nelson Greg Newell Jay Noffsinger Pat Norwood*** Joe Nuu Brent Oakland# David Paoli*** Tom Perez*** Scott Poole Alan Powell Kelly Richardson* Dean Rominger* Jim Rooney*** John Rooney Tom Rutt Brian Salonen* Ron Sharkey*** Malcum Sorrell* Kenny Staab Andre Stephens* Tim Sundquist Mickey Sutton* Steve Sword Bill Tarrow Kent Taylor Jake Trammell Ken W alters Mike Welch Derrick Williams Tim Wynne Kevin Young *Denotes Letters Won #1980 Redshirt
6-1 6-4 5-10 5-11 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-2y2 6-1 6-2 6-1
185 250 185 180 237 174 215 240 230 225 226 235 215 200 175 210 240 205 235 220 244 195 175 200 170 170 235 200 225 205 225 178 196 230 170
So. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Sr. Jr. So. Sr. Sr. Fr. So. So. So. Sr. So. Fr. So. Sr. So. Fr. So. So. Sr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So. So. So. Jr.
Alexandria, VA Richland, WA San Jose, CA N orth Bend, OR Shelton, WA G reat Falls, MT Whitefish, MT Billings, MT Bakersfield, CA Glendive, MT G reat Falls, MT Palentine, IL Spokane, WA Lewistown, MT G rant Pass, OR Fort Benton, MT Missoula, MT Butte, MT Laurel, MT G reat Falls, MT Missoula, MT Tacom a, WA Baker, OR Tacom a, WA G reat Falls, MT Union City, CA Whitefish, MT Eugene, OR Wichita, KS Vancouver, WA Yreka, CA Whitefish, MT Los Angeles, CA Havre, MT Toledo, OH
6-I/2 6-6 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-5 6-2 6-5 6-1 6-0 6-3 5-10 5-8 6-3 6-5 6-2 6-2/2 6-2 6-0 5-11 6-2 5-11
Hang gliders are an added attraction at Grizzly games.
Squad Breakdown Squad ........ By Class: Seniors ___ Juniors ----Sophom ores Freshm en ..
Returning Lettermen (37) Mike Alex Greg Amundsen Dennis Bowman Rich Burtness Brian Caraway Bob Cerkovnik Dave Chaplin Pat Curry Brad Dantic Tony Fudge Steve Garrison Scott Gratton Mike Hagen John Hinson Basil Jones Joe Klucewich John Kovacich Randy Laird Gary Lowry Reed Madison Mark Madsen Curt McElroy Curt McGinness Rocky Miller Marty Mornhinweg Mark Murray Pat Norwood Dave Paoli Tom Perez Kelly Richardson Dean Rominger Jim Rooney
6.15 Height .......................................... W e ig h t.......................................... , 207.1 19.5 Age ...............................................
19 24 26 22 *Does Not Include Fall Walk-ons
Ken Nelsen Joe Nelson Greg Newell Scott Poole Tom Rutt Kenny Staab Bill Tarrow Jake Trammell Ken Walters
Brian Salonen Ron Sharkey Malcum Sorrell Andre Stephens Mickey Sutton
JC Transfers (9) Steve Cotteen Tony Harvey Greg Iseman Rob Jones Ben Kiefer Marcus Mial Joe Nuu Kent Taylor Kevin Young
Red Shirts (7) Bob Cordier Mike Crouse Glenn Dacus Scott Ellig Jerry Huggins Rocky Klever Greg Newell
Incoming Freshmen (22) Tim Bagnell Ned Becker Craig Brady Ralph Bush Bob Connors Eric Dawald Mike Dixon Tony Frazier Mike Helean Sean Jahr Mike Johnson Darol Lain Bob McCauley
Players by state (13) Montana .................................... Washington .............................. California .................................. Kansas ........................................ Oregon ...................................... I o w a ............................................ Alaska ........................................ Wisconsin .................................. Illinois ........................................ O h io ............................................ Virginia ...................................... M in nesota.................................. W yom ing......................................
Grizzly Pronunciation Guide Cerkovnik, Bob Cordier, Bob .. Dacus, Glenn .. Kiefer, Ben ___ Gratton, Scott . Jahr, Sean ----
Kovacich, John . . . Mornhinweg, Marty Paoli, Dave ............ Salonen, Brian ___ Sorrell, Malcum . . .
Sir-Cove-Nick Core-Dee-Air . . . Day-Cuss Key-Fur . . . Graat-Ton .......... Jar
Koe-Vah-Cich . Morn-In-Wig .. Pay-Oe-Lee . Sah-Loan-In Sore-Ell
38 25 13 3 4
Curt M cGinness
All-American Candidate Victor “Rocky” Klever is almost an institution as far as University of Montana football is concerned. When he takes the field opponents start shaking their heads, asking, “is he still around?” Yes, the versatile Klever is still around — 1981 being his final season. He was a senior in 1980, however, a cracked shoulder bone in the second game of the season (against Portland State) forced him to sit out the remainder of the year. The success he has had wearing the copper, silver and gold Grizzly football uniform can be seen in his season-by-season statistics. Klever was recruited out of West Anchorage High School as a quarterback. Early in his freshman season in 1977 he was pressed into a starting role when the starting signal-caller was injured. A battle was expected the following season, his sophomore year, for the starting quarterback berth. However, Klever was moved to tailback and he responded to the position change in a big way. As a sophomore Klever earned the Terry Dillon Award, which goes to the Rocky Klever outstanding offensive back. He gained 514 yards rushing for a 4.6-yard average, and was twice named the Big Sky Conference’s Offensive Player of the Week. He also 6-2%, 215, Sr. passed for four TDs. Tailback The 1979 season was another banner one for the Business Administration major. He had a team-leading 679 yards rushing and scored nine times — eight via the rush. He also passed for another score. He received the Terry Dillon award for the second straight season as well. Needless-to-say, even bigger things were predicted for Klever last season. He started out in a big way. In the season opener (a 60-27 victory over Simon Fraser University of Canada), he rushed for two TDs and passed for another two. His stats that day: 18 carries for 82 yards and a pair of TDs; four of six passing for 89 yards and another two TDs. He also had two punts for a 41.5-yard average. “Rocky Klever is a throwback to the Paul Hornung days of the triple threat back who can run, pass and kick,” said Grizzly coach Larry Donovan. “At 6-3,219 pounds we feel Rocky is as good a total back as the Big Sky Conference will have in 1981,” Donovan continued. “Rocky’s talent stems from the fact he can play quarterback, tailback or wide receiver.” “The coaches, both opponents and our own, know that when Rocky has the ball there is always a strong possibility of things happening,” Donovan said. “And most of those things are good as far as our football team is concerned.” Born in Portland, Oregon, Klever moved to Anchorage as a freshman in high school. At West Anchorage High he played on state championship teams in football (1975) and baseball (1976). He also played for conference title teams in basketball in 1976 and 1977. While playing prep football for coach Don Larsen he was named All-State at QB as a junior and senior, and all-state as a safety his final season. He was his school’s MVP in 1977 and the MVP of the Shrine game that season too. He earned nine letters in high school. m
Y ear 1977 1978 1979 1980#
R ushes 39 112 156 33
N et Y ards TD s 2 157 1 514 8 679 2 95
P assing 26-68/10/ 24-69/6 1-2/1 4-7/0
Yar< 315 301 19 89
13 55-146/17/ 724 1445 (4.3 avg.) #Played 1% games in 1980 (Klever also has caught 22 passes for 246 yards and 1 TD) Totals:
4 1
Honors Candidates Mike Alex
Dave Chaplin
Wide Receiver, 6-1, 195, Sr. Overland Park, KS
Defensive Tackle, 6-0, 250, Sr. Selah, WA
A converted tight end, Mike led the team in receiving yardage with 339 yards in 1980. H e averaged 16.1 yards per catch and scored twice including a 37-yarder against W eber State. “Mike is a 4.6 sprinter in the 40 and with his tough n ess and strength, w e can go to him in key situations,” said coach Larry Donovan. “His sp eed allows him to go deep and loosen the defen se which com plim ents our short passing gam e.” H e was a Big Sky honorable m ention pick last season .
D ave w as probably the m ost im pressive player on the defensive line in spring football. H e had 23 tackles in 1980 and led the team in sacks with three for a m inus 29 yards. H e w as a seco n d team JC AllAmerican at Yakima Valley Com m unity C ollege. “Through off sea so n training, D ave has m ade himself into an excellent lineman and also im proved his sp ee d ,” said Donovan. “His intensity is a vital part of the defensive front. With his im proved sp eed and quickness, w e feel w e can rely oft D ave to m ake the big sto p s.”
Pat Curry
Mike Hagen
Defensive Tackle, 6-5Y2, 255, Sr. Billinas, M T
Fullback, 6-0, 215, Sr. Auburn, WA Mike sh ow ed his versatility by grabbing 26 p asses for 223 yards, rushing for 291 yards, and scoring five touchdow ns. H e led the G rizzlies in scoring and number of p a sses caught in 1980. H e w as ranked ninth in the nation in the JC ranks in scoring with 66 points in 1979. “Through off-season training, Mike has m ade himself a back to be reckoned with in the Big Sky C on feren ce,” said D onovan. “H e is our team leader in the b ench p ress and squat and im proved his 40 time to 4.6. His tough n ess will be m ore visible with his increased overall sp ee d .”
His UM team m ates get a good laugh from Pat when he d o es his Grizzly growl imitation but opposing players d on ’t think h e’s funny at all. Curry is the number one returning tackier on the defensive front with 46 stops. H e also had two sacks, forced a fumble, recovered two fum bles, and blocked a punt in 1980. “W e feel that Pat has developed into on e of the outstan ding defensive linemen in the Big Sky C on feren ce.” D onovan said. “At 6-6, he has very good feet and quick m ovem ent and w e are counting on him to provide us with a good p ass rush.” Curry w as nam ed UM ’s O utstanding Junior Player last
Basil Jones
Mickey Sutton
Offensive Guard, 6-2, 220, Sr. Spokane, WA
Defensive B ack/K O Returns, 5-8,170, Sr. Union City, CA
Probably the sm allest offensive lineman in the Big Sky, Basil, pound-for-pound is also on e of the b est at his position in the conference. He has started all three sea so n s at UM and 1981 will be no different. “Although his size is not im pressive, Basil plays every play to his fullest ex ten t,” said Donovan. “W e are looking for him to be on e of the leaders for us on a senior-dom inated offensive line.”
Mickey always seem s to be w here the ball is and saved several touchdow ns for UM last season . H e led the secondary with 54 tackles and also ranked am ong the con feren ce leaders with three intercep tions. H e led the G rizzlies in kickoff returns with 225 yards and in punt returns with 105 yards. He w as an honorable m ention All-Big Sky pick. “In 1980 w henever a big play w as m ade, it seem ed that M ickey w as making it or forcing it so som eon e else could m ake the “play,” D onovan said. “W e are looking for M ickey to be on e of the outstanding players in the Big Sky in 1981.”
fmm. f
^ se r
Mike Alex
*Greg Amundsen
6-1, 195 O verland Park, KS WR, Sr.
6-2%, 230 Seattle, W A OL, Jr.
Alex w as an All-Big Sky honorable m ention pick in 1980. H e had a team leading 339 yards receiving and scored two touchdow ns. H e was a two-year starter for Coffeyville Junior C ollege in K ansas, as well as team captain. H e was a 9.9 sprinter and football and track standout at S haw nee M ission W est High School. His JC co a ch was D ick Purely. His wife’s nam e is Patty. (Please turn to page 17). H ealth, Physical Education major. Birthdate: April 14, 1960
G reg finished spring drills as the number two offensive left guard. H e has added considerable strength and weight and should se e action in 1981. H e w as an AllCity player at Shorecrest High S ch ool in Seattle, w here his prep team s w ere con ference cham ps in 1977 and 1978. His high school coach w as Bob Court. B usiness major. Birthdate: March 14, 1961
*Paul Anderson 5-8%, 185 Sepulveda, CA TB, Jr. Paul is on e of several outstanding running backs returning for the Grizzlies. H e has exceptional sp eed and placed in the 100 and 200 in the 1981 Big Sky Track Cham pionships. He has been ham pered with leg injuries during his career, how ever, he is now at 100%. H e was team captain of his M onroe High Sch ool football, soccer and track team s. H e was all conference in football and the track team ’s MVP. His prep football co a ch w as Harry Frum. Spanish major. Birthdate: Septem ber 28, 1960.
*Dennis Bowman
**Rich Burtness
**Brian Caraway
6 -2 , 210
6-4%, 235 a mm A nacortes, W A OL, Sr. A versatile athlete, Rich has played fullback, tight end, offensive tackle, and m ost recently w as m oved to offensive guard. He responded by earning a starting berth at left offensive guard during spring drills. He lettered in football, basketball and track at A nacortes High School. His prep football coach w as Dick Burrell. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: June 25, 1960
6-3, 230 G reat Falls, MT C , Jr. H am pered with injuries during spring drills, Caraway has the ability to play three positions on the offensive line. H e saw considerable action in 1980 and this sea so n should be no different. H e has continued to gain strength and size during the off season . H e attended C.M. Russell High S ch ool, where he w as all-state and all con feren ce in football and track. Jack Joh n son w as his prep football coach. B u siness major. Birthdate: April 10, 1960
C olum bus, OH LB, Sr. O ne of the hardest hitters on the team , Bow m an m ade the transition from d efen sive back to linebacker in a big way. H e had 44 tackles and also blocked tw o kicks. H e is listed as the starter at “WHIP” linebacker. H e w as a two-year starter at Columbia Basin JC, w here he w as co a ch ed by Dick Zorn. His 1978 JC team w as the national cham pion. H e prepped at W est Valley High in Spokane w here he w as an all-state football player. He also lettered in basketball and baseball. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: O ctober 31, 1959
**Mikc Carroll m
mm m M J P
6-3,220 Seattle, W A
Mike has been slow ed with a leg injury, but should be OK by August 29th, when the G rizzlies begin fall drills. H e w as injured midway through the 1979 season on a kickoff return. H e w as the fourth leading tackier on the defensive line in 1978 with 24 stops. H e w as a first team all-league player at Evergreen High S ch ool, as well as team captain. His prep coach w as Gary G anyon. B usiness major. Birthdate: April 10, 1960
***Bob Cerkovnik J
M * *
5-9, 182 G reat Falls, MT i s # ’ TB, Sr. O ne of the fastest players on the team “Bobby C ” proved that he cam e off knee surgery as fit as ever running a sp eedy 4.5 in the 40 on pro timing day. Last year he gained 230 yards in just 6 gam es before being sidelined with injury. He adds considerable depth to the tailback p osi tion. H e w as a 9.9 sprinter at Great Falls High, w here he was a three-year letterman in football and track, and all-state in football. His football coach at G FH S w as Mick Delaney. B u siness major. Birthdate: M arch 1, 1959
B S gf W 99 W/ M - ■ 9
*Dave Chaplin
6-0, 250 Selah, W A DT, Sr. An honors candidate, Chaplin has improved his strength and quickness considerably working every hard in the off season . D ave w as a secon d team JC AllAm erican at Yakima Valley Com m unity C ollege at defensive tackle. H e w as also an all-league pick. H e prepped at Selah High School. He was all conference his junior and senior years at fullback, and the state heavyweight cham pion in wrestling in 1978. His JC coach w as W ayne Purdon. His wife’s nam e is Linda. Please turn to page 17 for m ore information. H ealth, Physical Education major. Birthdate: March 27, 1960
m m ,
*Bob Cordier
Mike Crouse
***Pat Curry
6-4, 242 Tacom a, W A O T, So.
6 -31/2, 235
6-5, 255 Billings, MT DT, Sr.
Com ing off an injury redshirt year, Bob is another indication of the su c c e ss of strength coach Mike Van D iest’s off sea so n weight program. H e is listed as a backup at right offensive tackle and should se e plenty of action. H e w as a participant in the W ashington All-Star G am e in 1978, and was all conference and team captain in football at Shadle Park High S ch ool, as well as a two-year letterman in track. His coach w as Bob H aney. B usiness major. Birthdate: August 1, 1961
Spokane, W A D T, So. Another injury redshirt player, C rouse used the time he was recuperating to improve body strength. H e earned the number tw o spot at defensive right tackle and should se e a lot of playing tim e h is remaining three years at UM. H e w as a secon d team all-city pick at University High Sch ool in 1978. He has quick feet and the potential to grow m ore. Prep coach w as D ave H olm es. B usiness major. Birthdate: January 14, 1961
A key returnee on the defensive front and possible professional football player, Curry is the leading returning tackier on the defensive line. He had 46 sto p s last year, 2 sacks, and blocked a punt. He w as ham pered with injuries part of last season , but returned to old form in the spring. He is another honors candidate. Curry w as team captain in basketball and football at Billings W est High School. Please turn to page 17 for m ore information. B usiness major. Birthdate: S eptem ber 23, 1960.
Glen D acus 6-4, 235 Enumclaw, W A OL, Fr.
G lenn had to sit out his freshm an year b eca u se of an injury and is exp ected to add good depth on the offensive line. A twoyear letterm an in football at Enumclaw High S ch ool, G lenn w as all-league as a senior. H e w as a Seattle Tim es All-Star pick, All Star gam e participant, and team captain. H e w as also an outstanding basketball player as a prep, lettering twice. His prep football coach w as Wilbur Lucas. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: May 24, 1962
*Brad Dantic
Dan Dilts
5-9, 160 Laurel, MT WR, So.
6-6, 240 Walla, Walla, WA OL, So.
Brad w as the G rizzlies “big play m an” in 1980. H e caught only 12 p a sses but averaged 24.6 yards per catch. His 24.6yard average established a Big Sky record in that category. Brad w as an all conference football player at Laurel Senior High at a junior and senior. H e w as also on e of the outstanding tracksters in the state, winning the 100 and 220 in 1980. His prep football coach w as Karl M atson. His father, Bob, played for the G rizzlies in the early 50’s. B usiness major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 28, 1961
**Bill Dolan
Scott Ellig
5-10, 170 H elena, MT WR, Sr.
6-2, 194 Spokane, W A FS, Jr.
An extrem ely gutsy player, Bill has recovered from tw o major injuries and earned a starting position at wide receiver. H e also has the ability to return kicks and could be p ressed into that duty this sea so n . H e w as an All-State (AA) receiver and defensive back at H elena Capital High, w here his co a ch w as Tim D ennison. H e w as a first team All-Big Sky academ ic pick in 1978 and 1979 (3.5 GPA). Health, Physical Education major. Birthdate: March 25, 1959.
S cott started the first gam e of the 1980 season but w as injured and sat out the remainder of the year. H e is o n ce again listed as a starter at free safety. A W enatchee Junior C ollege, Spokane product, S cott w as a two-year starter at free safety at W enatchee. H e w as an all league player at University High S ch ool in Spokane. His JC coach w as Sandy Cooprider. B usiness M anagem ent major. Birthdate: June 7, 1960.
V_ 20
Dan continues to gain valuable strength and weight, two ingredients the football staff felt he needed to play at the collegiate level. A two-way all con ference pick at offensive and defensive tackle, Dan also e x cels in the classroom . He had a 3.5 G PA in high school, and was a m em ber of the National H onor Society. H e lettered in football and track at Walla Walla High School. His coach w as Blaine Bennett. Pre-med major. Birthdate: April 12, 1962
*Tony Fudge 6 -2 , 200
Great Falls, MT DB, So. Tony is on e of the few athletes to com e out of high school and earn a starting berth his first year on the collegiate level. He is on e of the leading returning tacklers in the secondary with 26 stop s last season . Eleven of th ose tackles were unassisted. H e is listed as a starter at strong safety. He w as an all-state and all con ference player at C.M. Russell High S ch ool in Great Falls. H e w as also a standout baseball player for the Great Falls Chargers. His prep football coach w as Jack Johnson. History major. Birthdate: August 28, 1962.
6-3, 215 Spokane, W A OL, Jr. G arrison had six tackles last year at linebacker, and w as m oved to the offensive line during the spring. H e is listed as the backup right offensive guard and should se e action at that position. S teve was the offensive captain as a junior and senior at Central Valley High School. H e w as an all conference football selection, and lettered three tim es in football and o n ce in track. His coach was G reg Gavin. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: June 25, 1961
6-4, 205 Elma, W A WR, Jr. D ave w as starting at on e of the wide receiver slots in 1980, but a shoulder injury m ade him sit out the entire season . His size and sp eed give the Grizzlies an added dim ension in the passing department. He was a two-year starter at Walla Walla Junior College. H e attended Elma High School, and w as a three-tim e letterman in football and basketball. H e w as league MVP in basketball in -1978. His JC coach w as Gary Knecht. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: April 26, 1960
*Mike Hagen
Joe Heggins
6-0, 215 Auburn, W A FB, Sr.
6-2, 240 W ashougal, W A DL, So.
Mike w as the leading p ass receiver on the team last year with 26 receptions. An honors candidate, he is also the team s’ returning leading rusher and scorer. He was ranked ninth in the nation in scoring at Walla Walla Junior C ollege in 1979. At Auburn High School, he was nam ed his league’s Back of the Year, team captain, and first team all-league. An extrem ely strong player, he holds two District 12 records for 18 and under in weight-lifting. Turn to page 17 for m ore information. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: June 30, 1959
**Scott Gratton
David Glenn
*Steve Garrison
Joe adds depth to the defensive line, where he can play noseguard or tackle. H e was an all-league player at W ashougal High Sch ool, w here he was coach ed by Carl Nagel. H e was the state “A ” wrestling cham pion, and also lettered in track. Biology major. Birthdate: April 24, 1962
6-0, 215 Missoula, MT LB, Jr. The captain of M ontana’s specialty team s, Grizzly fans are used to seeing N o. 44 flying through the air on kick-offs and punts. This year G ratton is listed as a starter at the “SAM ” linebacker position. T he M issoula native had 16 tackles and two fumble recoveries last year. H e w as an outstanding football player and wrestler at Sentinel High School. H e w as an all conference football player and his coach w as G en e Leonard. Journalism major. Birthdate: May 13, 1960
**John Hinson
#1 JL
S eattle> W A
John and sophom ore Brian Salonen give the G rizzlies a good one-tw o punch at tight end. H inson had eight receptions last season and scored on ce. H e w as a seco n d team All-Metro pick and four-sport letter m an at Shoreline High S ch ool, w here he lettered twice in football, basketball, and baseball and o n ce in track. H e w as the team captain in basketball. His football coach w as Tom Wiley. Com m unications major. Birthdate: July 5, 1960
Jerry Huggins
*Joe Klucewich
6-3, 225 M issoula, MT LB, Sr.
Jerry redshirted last sea so n and earned the number tw o spot at linebacker at the “WILL” position in spring football. H e w as a seven-sport letterman at H ellgate High Sch ool. H e w as an all-state football player and an all-state track man. H e is a transfer from the University of N evada-Las V egas. H e w as voted H ellgate’s MVP defensive lineman as a senior. His prep football coach w as V ince Zimmer. H e had eight tackles in the spring gam e. B u siness M anagem ent major. Birthdate: May 11, 1959
6-0, 180 Alpine, CA RB, So. O n e of the surprise players in spring practice, Klucewich em erged as the number two player at tailback. Joe gained 980 yards his senior sea so n at Granite Hills High S ch ool in El Cajon. H e had 950 the previous year. H e w as a seco n d team L os A ngeles tim es All-Star pick as well as a seco n d team All-San D iego selection, he also lettered in basketball and track and w as his high sch o o l’s MVP in 1979. His co a ch w as Paul W argo. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: April 4, 1961
***Basil Jones 6 -2 , 220 Spokane, WA O G , Sr.
Pound-for-pound, Basil is on e of the m ost aggressive players in the Big Sky C onference. An honors candidate (piease se e page 17), Jon es has started every season he has played for the Grizzlies. H e redshirted in 1979 with a leg injury and cam e back the following season earning another starting job. Jon es earned all-city honors at Shadle Park High S ch ool in football, w here he was coach ed by Gary Davis. He also lettered in wrestling and soccer. General Studies major. Birthdate: March 8, 1959.
**John Kovacich 6-0, 185 Butte, MT CB, Jr. K ovacich started at cornerback for the G rizzlies in their first tw o gam es of the 1980 season , but suffered an ankle injury. H e also started a few gam es as a freshman. H e w as a three-year letterman at Butte High S ch ool, w here he was coach ed by Jon McElroy. Kovacich w as first team allstate at defensive back as a senior and secon d team punter, as well as honorable m ention D B the previous year. H e also lettered in basketball and track, and w as a m em ber of the state cham pion football. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 2, 1959
***Rocky Klever 6-2 y 2 ,215 A nchorage, AK TB, Sr. M ontana’s only All-American candidate, Klever is on e of the m ost versatile tailbacks in the N orthw est. He w as sidelined last year with a shoulder injury h en ce he is now in his fifth year at UM. In three-plus sea so n s he has gained 1,445 yards rushing and scored 13 touchdow ns. He is on e of the premier players in Grizzly football history. (Please turn to page 16). B usiness Administration major. Birthdate: July 10, 1959
***Randy Laird 6-2, 195 M issoula, MT CB, Sr. Randy has seen considerable action in the secondary since his sophom ore season . Last year he had eight tackles, forced one fumble, and blocked a PAT attem pt. He earned a starting role at strong corner in spring drills. He w as a standout player for G en e Leonard at Sentinel High School. Laird w as also an all conference basketball player for the Spar tans. Pre-Nursing major. Birthdate: March 28, 1960
J§ /
■ m. M y A
*Gary Lowry 6-2, 190 G reat Falls, MT DB, So. Gary saw a lot of action his first season at UM. H e had nine tackles and also served on specialty team s. H e w as the M ontana “D efensive Player of the Y ear” in 1979. The C.M. Russell product w as a three-year letterman in football, lettered twice in basketball and was an East-W est Shrine G am e pick. C.M.R. w as the C lass “A A ” runnerup in 1979, losing 34-28 to Billings Senior in the title gam e. His coach was Jack Johnson. H ealth, Physical Education major. Birthdate: May 13, 1962
6-1, 188 Butte, MT CB, Jr. Reed is the secon d leading returning tackier in the secondary. He had 40 tackles last season , 21 of which were unassisted. H e had 14 tackles in 1979 and on e fumble recovery. He played with G rizzly John K ovacich on a state cham pionship team at Butte High in 1977. H e w as a first team all-state and all-conference in 1977. H e lettered in football, basketball, tennis and track as a prep. His coach w as Jon McElroy. Journalism major. Birthdate: August 12, 1960
**Curt McElroy
*Curt M cGinness
Mike is a very steady, hard-nosed player, and could se e playing time at the “Will” linebacker position. H e w as an all conference football player at A naconda High S ch ool, and also a letterman in wrestling. H e is also an accom plished am ateur boxer, winning num erous com petitions in Montana. His high school football coach w as Jim Kelly. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: June 16, 1961
*Mark Madsen M ^k
M 9
**Reed Madison
Mike Lewis 6-0, 205 Anaconda, MT LB, S o .
6-4y2, 240 Ellensburg, W A OL, Jr.
Mark is ex p ected to se e a lot of action this sea so n at offensive guard or tackle. H e has added valuable weight and strength and started in several gam es in 1980. He w as a two-sport standout at Ellensburg High School. A s a junior his team was seco n d in the district in football and third in the state in basketball. H e w as an all conference player in both sports. His prep football coach was G lenn W eitz. Land M anagem ent major. Birthdate: O ctober 21, 1960
W ^k
6- 1 , 2 2 0 Butte, MT LB, Jr. Curt started midway through his freshman season and has been a steady player since that time. H e is the leading returning tackier at linebacker with 45 tackles. H e w as voted as the team ’s O utstanding Sophom ore in 1980. Curt finished the 1979 sea so n with 20 tackles including a team-high 14 against M ontana State. His 1977 team at Butte High w on the state “A A ” title and was undefeated. He w as all-conference twice and all-state on ce. H e w as coach ed by his brother, Jon. B usiness major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 29, 1960 /
S K C w
6-2, 185 Janesville, WI TB, So.
Curt w as pressed into duty early in his collegiate career and responded by ru sh in g for 166 y a rd s an d tw o touchdow ns. He scored a touchdow n against Sim on Fraser in his first collegiate gam e. He was MVP at Craig High School in Janesville in football, basketball and track. His football team , which was coach ed by Bob Suter w as 8-1 and con ference titlist. He w as nam ed the con ference Player of the Year. His b ask et ball team w as 20-5, conference cham p and state runnerup. H ealth, Physical Education major. Birthdate: January 2, 1962
p fP r
B #
**^ocky Miller I B
6-4, 250 Richland, W A O T, Jr.
*Marty Mornhinweg
Jay Noffsinger
5-10, 185 San Jose, CA Q B, So.
6-2, 215 W hitefish, MT LB, So.
In nine gam es in 1980 Marty passed for 874 yards and five touchdow ns. H e was voted his team ’s O utstanding Freshm an Player. H e entered spring drills as the number on e Q B and had an exceptional spring gam e. H e was on e of the m ost prolific Q B ’s in Northern California history, setting 19 O ak G rove High Sch ool records. His prep team s were 35-4 and he p assed for 5,625 yards. H e had 62 T D s passing and 85 passing and running, both N orthern California records. Physical Therapy major. Birthdate: March 29, 1962
Jay had a very good spring practice and worked his way to the backup role at “SAM ” linebacker. He continues to gain strength and weight. A m em ber of Whitefish High S ch ool’s C lass “A ” state cham pionship team , Jay w as a three-year letterman in football. H e was an all-state ch oice in 1978 and 1979, and received his team ’s “Spirit of C om petition” award as a senior. H e also lettered three tim es in basketball, and on ce in track. His coach was Bob Raeth. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: March 29, 1962
***Pat Norwood
Brent Oakland
***Dave Paoli
6-21/2, 240 Billings, MT O T, Sr.
6-2, 225 G lendive, MT LB, So.
6-1, 226 G reat Falls, MT DL, Sr.
Another player who has benefited from the G rizzlies’ strength program, R ocky has gained 22 pounds since his sophom ore season . H e w as m oved from defensive to offensive tackle and now is the backup at left tackle. H e was all con feren ce at Columbia High School. His 1977 and 1978 prep team s w on con ference cham pionships. His coach was J.D . Covington. Forestry major. Birthdate: March 7, 1961
A three-year starter on offensive line, Pat should have a banner year in ’81. H e was in and out of the lineup last season with a back injury, but always seem ed to b ou n ce back and get into the action. O n ce again N o. 68 will be starting at left tackle. H e is considered to be one of the best pass blockers on the team . H e w as a letterman in football and wrestling at Billings Senior High School. He was all-state in football and the state cham pion in the heavyweight division in wrestling in 1977. B usiness Administration major. Birthdate: February 9, 1960
A transfer from M ontana State, Oakland is vying for a berth at linebacker, and adds good depth to that position. H e w as an All-State player at D aw son C ounty High Sch ool in Glendive. He w as also an outstanding baseball player as a prep. His high school football coach w as Bob Lowry, who now co a ch es the offensive line at UM. H e w as a m em ber of a state cham pionship team in 1978. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: O ctober 2, 1960
D ave has the unenviable task of replac ing now graduated Arnie Rigoni, but had a very good junior season . H e had 14 tackles last season , on e sack, and a p ass deflection. H e is on e of several veterans returning to the defensive front and is ex p ected to give good leadership defen sively. H e had 45 tackles as a sophom ore. H e w as a football and wrestling letterman at C.M. Russell High School, w here he w as coach ed by Jack Joh n son in football, he w as an all-stater in football as a senior. Political S cien ce major (pre-law). Birthdate: July 20, 1960
***Tom Perez 6-1%, 235 Palatine, IL C, Sr. An extrem ely dedicated athlete, Tom has alm ost doubled his strength in the last tw o years with his off-season conditioning. H e was in an intense battle for the starting center position as a junior but gained the number on e sp ot by his play early in the season . An excellent leader, Tom is on e of the steadiest players on the offensive line. H e started at guard as a sophom ore and can also play that position if needed. H e w as an all conference football player at Palatine High School. Biology major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 19, 1960
Alan Powell
6-4, 200
Lewistown, MT QB, So. Alan w on num erous athletic accolades while com peting for Fergus C ounty High Sch ool. H e w as an honorable m ention allstate ch oice at defensive back and quarterback as a senior, and an East-W est Shrine G am e pick. H e w as an all-tourney basketball player as a junior and unanim ous ch oice for MVP in the state basketball tournam ent as a senior. His prep team w on the state “A ” basketball title in 1978, and w as runnerup in 1979. His coach w as Fred Zaino. Education major. Birthdate: July 11, 1962
*Kelly Richardson I
6-1, 175 G rants P ass, OR Q B/W R, So. A versatile athlete, Kelly can play wide receiver as well as quarterback. P ressed into a role at wide receiver last sea so n , he caught seven p asses for 78 yards. H e also had on e com pletion on an end-around pass. He w as a third team all-state selection and Shrine G am e participant at Hidden Valley High School. He w as also one of the top passers in the conference, and on e of the top scorers, and averaged 40 yards a kick as a punter. His coach was Mike Mitchell. Education major. Birthdate: February 24, 1962
*Dean Rominger
***Jim Rooney
John Rooney
6 -2 , 210
6-1, 240 M issoula, MT OL, Sr.
6-1, 205 Butte, MT LB, So.
Fort B enton, MT K /P, So.
D ean is perhaps on e of the m ost critical players to the G rizzlies’ fortunes in 1981. Potentially one of the best kicker/punters in Grizzly history, he m ust b ecom e m ore consistent. H e w as a Parade M agazine AllAm erican in 1979. H e w as an all co n ference kicker as a freshm an, and all-state kicker as a junior and senior for Fort Benton High School. He w as also an EastW est Shrine G am e pick. H e w as a secon d team all-state selection at running back in 1979. His coach was D uane Walker. G eneral Studies major. Birthdate: D ecem b er 12, 1961
A hard working, steady player, Jim im proves every year. He started at guard and tackle last season and is currently listed as the starter at right offensive tackle. H e was a two-year letterman for coach G en e Leonard’s Spartans at S en tinel High School, where he played center. H e also lettered in wrestling and track as a prep. Business major. Birthdate: July 7, 1960
A walk-on last season , John has worked his way into the backup role at the “WHIP” linebacker position. He w as a football and wrestling standout at Butte High School. H e was a 167-pound wrestler for B utte’s 1979 state cham pionship team . H e was a secon d team all conference player in football. His prep coach w as Jon McElroy. His brother, Jim, starts at offensive tackle for UM. Business Finance major. Birthdate: O ctober 15, 1962
*Brian Salonen
***Ron Sharkey
*Malcum Sorrell
6 -2 , 220
6-5, 244 M issoula, MT DT, Sr.
6-1, 195 Tacom a, WA LB, So.
Great Falls, MT TE, So. Brian w as the fourth-leading receiver last sea so n as a freshm an. H e m erged as the starter after a very good spring. In 1980 he grabbed 15 p a sses for 180 yards. H e also handled the kicking duties, hitting 18 of 21 PAT attem pts and two field goals. H e was a seco n d team all-state pick out of Great Falls High S ch ool his senior season . H e w as also an all-state selection as a kicker. H e played in the East-W est Shrine gam e, and w as an all-state basketball player at G FH S. His prep coach w as Jon Jund. B usiness major. Birthdate: July 29, 1961
Ron is the number two returning tackier on the defensive front. H e had 40 tackles last season and three sacks. An extrem ely good pass rusher, he will se e a lot of action at either defensive tackle slot. H e had 11 tackles and one sack as a sophom ore. He w as an all conference and all-state football player at Sentinel High School. His coach there was G en e Leonard. H e w as also an all-state and all conference basketball player for the Spartans. B usiness major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 9, 1959
A surprise in spring drills, Malcum em erged as the top player at “STRIKE” linebacker. H e is an extrem ely quick athlete and will be hard to k eep out of the lineup. H e had 12 tackles, on e sack, and a fumble recovery as a freshman. He was a football and track star at Mt. Tacom a High School. His 1979 prep football team won the “AAA” title and w as 12-0. He lettered three tim es in football and four tim es in track. His coach was G eorge Nardi. G eneral Studies major Birthdate: March 23, 1962
*Mickey Sutton
Steve Sword
Tim Wynne
5-8, 170 U nion City, CA DB, Sr. The G rizzlies’ big play man on defense, M ickey m ade several touchdown-saving tackles in 1980. An honors candidate, he led the secondary in tackles with 54. H e w as the “D efensive Player of the Y ear” in the G olden G ate C onference at C habot Junior C ollege in California in 1979. Please turn to page 17 for m ore information. Physical Education/R ecreation major. Birthdate: August 27, 1960
6-3, 225 Whitefish, MT OL, So. Improved strength and weight were apparent in the spring when S teve earned the number two sp ot at offensive center. He has the ability to play on either side of the line. S teve w as an all-state pick defensively as a senior. H e w as nam ed Whitefish High’s MVP in 1979. He w as an East-W est Shrine G am e player. H e was a three-year letterman in football, basketball and track. Whitefish was the State “C ” cham pion in football in 1979. His coach was Bob Raeth. B usiness major. Birthdate: July 13, 1962
6-3, 230 Havre, MT DL, So. Tim e in the weight room is apparent in Tim considering he gained 25 pounds since his freshm an season . H e was a first team all-state ch oice at defensive lineman and a secon d team selection at offensive guard, he was all-conference both ways in 1978 and 1979. he w as nam ed the top offensive lineman at Havre High Sch ool in 1979. H e also played in the East-W est Shring G am e, and lettered in basketball. His prep football coach was Walt Currie. Pre-Med major. Birthdate: O ctober 17, 1961
The New Grizzlies Ned Becker
Craig Brady
Bob Connors
DB, 5-9, 170, Fr. Atlantic, IA
ILB, 6-2, 210, Fr Havre, MT
QB, 6-1, 185, Fr. G lasgow , MT
B eck er’s Atlantic High S ch ool team plac ed seco n d in the state, and he earned a first team berth on the AllS ou th w est Iowa team . H e was also an honorable m ention All-State pick. His brother, Jay, was a three-year starter for the Grizzlies. N ed w as also a four-year letterman in track, basketball and football. His football prep coach w as Robert Younger. B usiness Major. Birthdate: February 4, 1963
Craig has the ver satility to play m ore than on e position. He was an all-state football player in 1980 and a Shrine gam e participant. In addition to football, Brady lettered in track and basketball at Havre High School. His prep coach was Walt Currie. B usiness major. Birthdate: D ecem ber 6, 1962
An outstanding prep athlete, Bob quarterbacked G lasgow High Sch ool to the State “A ” football title in 1980. He w as an all-state player in 1979 and 1980, and was the state high jump cham pion in 1980. C onnors was also a Shrine G am e participant. His high school coach was Henry Hamill. M athem atics major. Birthdate: D ecem ber 19, 1962
Steve C otteen
Tony Frazier
Tony Harvey
D B, 5-10, 175, Jr. S an tee, C A
OL, 6-9, 235, Fr. Kent, WA
DB, 6-0, 187, Jr. Richm ond, CA
C otteen co m es from G ro ssm o n t J u n io r C ollege in California, where he was a star ting defensive back and defensive captain. He prepped at Santana High Sch ool in San tee, California. He lettered in football twice and w as all-league and team MVP in high school. H e also lettered in track. His prep coach w as Phil Bryant. Pre-Vet Major. Birthdate: June 26, 1961
T o n y ’s 1981 Thom as J e ffe r so n High Sch ool football team was league cham pion. He was all-city as well as all-state in football in 1980. Frazier w as a two-year letterman in basketball as well as football and a one-year letterman in track. He was also captain of the basketball team during his senior year. His prep football coach was Jim Gard. Undecided major Birthdate: February 26, 1962
Tony was an all conference player for the Cam ino N orte C onference cham pion C om ets of Contra C osta Junior C ollege, Richmond, CA. A s a prep at Richmond High Sch ool he captained the football team , w as all league and m ost valuable running back. His high school coach was Frank Milo. Recreation and Research M anagem ent major Birthdate: D ecem ber 18, 1959.
Greg Iseman Mike Helean 6-0, 180 M issoula, MT RB, Fr. Mike w as nam ed his Sentinel High Sch ool team ’s M ost Valuable Offensive player. He was also an all-conference and all-state player. He w as coach ed by G ene Leonard. B usiness M anagem ent major. Birthdate: March 21, 1963
FB, 6-1, 195, Jr. Baldwin City, KS
Sean Jahr
G reg had an ou t standing junior college career at Coffeyville JC , Coffeyville, KS, w here his team was 8-0 this past season and was ranked secon d in the nation in the final JC poll. H e was a secon d team all-conference player at running back. His JC football coach was Dick Foster. H e also lettered in baseball at Coffeyville. A s a prep at Baldwin High Sch ool he w as all-state during his junior and senior years. His prep coach was Merle Venable. G eology major. Birthdate: August 11, 1961
FB, 6-1, 191, Fr. Port Orchard, W A A top-notch football player and trackster, S ean ’s South Kitsap High Sch ool team was 19-5 his junior and senior years in football. He holds his sch o o l’s high hurdles record, and was captain of the track team . His prep team s have won the Olympic League title in track in 1979 and 1980. His grandfather, Armin Jahr Sr., played football for the Grizzlies in the 1930’s. His prep football coach was Ed Fisher. Com m unications major. Birthdate: D ecem ber 5, 1962
Mike Johnson
Rob Jones
Ben Kiefer
D T, 6-5, 215, Fr. Mt. Vernon, W A
DB, 5-11, 180, Jr. Oakland, CA
OLB, 6-4, 220, Jr. Burlington, KS
A versatile athlete, Mike w on letters in basketball and track as well as football during his high school career at Mt. V ernon High School. A s a junior he w as third in the state track m eet in the discus. H e w as coach ed in football as a prep by Grizzly coach Lynn R osenbach, and later by Alan Williams. C om m unications major. Birthdate: February 9, 1963
Rob was a JC AllAm erican at Chabot Ju n io r C o lle g e in Hayward, California. He w as all-league first team and con ference D efensive Back of the Year. His C habot JC team w on the con ference title. Rob had 10 interceptions last season , ranking him secon d in the state. As a prep, Rob was captain of the football team and w as a first team all-conference pick. His coach at Castlem ont High Sch ool was Frank Lawson. Com m unications major. Birthdate: April 16, 1961
Another ou tstan ding junior college transfer, Kiefer was all co n fe r e n c e , tea m MVP on defense and Honorable M ention AllAm erican at Pratt Com munity College, Pratt, KS. He was a two-year letterman there. A s a prep at Burlington High School he captained the football team and lettered three times. H e was all-conference in football and basketball, and allstate in basketball. He was nam ed MVP of his football team and co-MVP of his baseball team. His prep football coach was Dan Easter. B usiness Administration major. Birthdate: July 11, 1961
The New Grizzlies Bob McCauley
Marcus Mial
Ken N elsen
WR, 6-2, 185, Fr. M issoula, MT
RB/W R, 6-1, 185, Jr. Alexandria, VA
TB, 5-11, 180, Fr. N orth Bend, OR
O ne of the best high school players in the state at his position, B ob w as all con ference and all-state the past two season s. He was also nam ed MVP in the W estern Division. A versatile athlete, M cCauley started for Sentinel High S ch ool’s ranked basketball team and holds the state record in the high hurdles. His coach was G en e Leonard. Forestry/Physical Education major. Birthdate: January 14, 1963.
Speed spelled SPEED is Mial’s forte. The junior college transfer from N ew M exico Junior College has the sp eed of a world class sprinter. He has not played football since he averaged eight yards per carry for his Fort Hunt High Sch ool team in Virginia. He has bests of 10.1 in the 100 m eters and 20.4 in the 200 m eters. His prep team s w on state track titles his junior and senior season s. B usiness Administration major. Birthdate: March 8, 1960.
A 1,200-yard rusher as a senior at North Bend High School, Ken won num erous football awards and also lettered in track and basketball as a prep. H e was nam ed first-team on the All-District team at running back, w as selected as Offensive Player of the Year in “A A A ,” league MVP, first team All-State by three publications. His head coach w as Howard Johnson, a former Grizzly player. Physical Education/History major. Birthdate: January 5, 1963.
Joe Nuu Joe N elson O T, 6-4, 237, Fr. Shelton, WA
Scott Poole
LB, 6-1, 230, Jr. Bakersfield, CA
O T, 6-6, 215, Fr. Spokane, W A
J o e w a s n a m ed Shelton High S ch o o l’s b est blocker his junior and senior sea so n s, as well as all-league both years. He was an All-State pick as a senior, and ch osen the Lineman of the Year in Southw est W ashington. A three-year letterman in football, N elson was captain of the football team as a senior. His coach w as Jack Stark. B usiness major. Birthdate: Septem ber 25, 1962.
Born in W estern Sam oa, Joe is another junior college transfer at linebacker who will solidify that position for the G rizzlies. At Bakersfield JC he w as nam ed the top defensive player and “H ardest Hitter.” A s a prep at Santiago High Sch ool he was all-conference, AllCIF, team MVP and conference MVP in football. H e also lettered in wrestling and basketball as a prep. His prep football coach w as Mike Cutshaw. Law Enforcem ent major. Birthdate: March 29, 1961
Tom Rutt
Bill Tarrow
Kent Taylor
OL, 6-5, 235, Fr. Laurel, MT
OLB, 6-5, 200, Fr. Eugene, OR
OLB, 6-2, 200, Jr. Wichita, KS
Tom w as an all con ference performer at Laurel High School in both football and basketball. His grid team was the InterC onference cham pion in 1980. H e w on letters in football, basketball and track as a prep. He was also his high sch o o l’s student body president and Key Club president. His prep football coach w as Karl M atson. Business major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 23, 1962.
Bill was nam ed an all-state defensive end by on e Eugene publica tion, and a secon d team all-state at tight end by another while at Churchill High School. H e was also a Shrine gam e pick. Bill lettered twice in football. He was coach ed by Floyd Halvorsen. B usiness major. March 21, 1963.
Kent w as a secon d team all-conference player at Coffeyville Junior College. His JC team was ranked secon d in the nation and w as on e of only four JC team s which went undefeated in 1980. H e w as a team m ate of G reg Isem an w ho also joined the Grizzly program. Taylor prepped at W ichita S ou th east in W ichita S ou th east in Wichita, KS, w here his team w as state cham pion in 1977-78-79. His prep football co a ch es w ere Jim Davie and D ennis Cavilier. C om puter S cien ce major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 29, 1960.
Jake Trammell
Ken Walters
Kevin Young
ILB, 6-2y2, 205, Fr. Vancouver, W A
DL, 6-2, 225, Fr. Yreka, CA
CB, 5-11, 184, Jr. T oledo, OH
Jake won several awards at Evergreen High School, including outstanding player, team captain, and outstanding defensive player his junior and senior season s. He earned three letters in football and two in basketball. He was an all-state pick in football in 1980. His prep coach w as Mike O ’Neill, an All-Big Sky C onference player for the G rizzlies at defensive back in 1967. B usiness major. Birthdate: Septem ber 2, 1963
As a senior at Yreka High School, Ken was Senior Lineman of the Year in the Northern Athletic League, Outstanding Lineman of his team , first team All-Superior California and selected to play in the area all-star gam e. He captained his football team in 1980, and lettered in football twice and track once. His grid team was section runnerup. He was coach ed by Bill Klever. B usiness major. Birthdate: N ovem ber 16, 1963.
Kevin is not only an outstanding cornerback but also an e x cellent kick returner. H e holds the National Junior C ollege Athletic A ssociation record with a 100-yard kickoff return. He w as also an All-Northern Division player on defense for his Hibbing Com m unity C ollege, Hibbing, M N, team . H e prepped at Roy C. Start High Sch ool in T oledo, O H , where he earned four letters in track and two in football. S ociology major. Birthdate: February 15, 1961.
An all-city football and basketball player, S cott lettered in foot ball, basketball and track as a prep at Shadle Park High School. His football team was the Greater Spokane League cham pion the past tw o se a so n s, and his basketball team also has w on two titles. He was instrumental in Shadle Park winning the state “A AA” basketball cham pionship in 1981. His prep football coach w as Bob Haney. Health and Physical Education/H istory major. Birthdate: May 19, 1963.
V _________________________________ 29
1981 Grizzly Recruits Name
Hometown, HS/JC
Ned Becker Craig Brady Bob C onnors Steve C otteen Tony Frazier Tony Harvey Mike Helean G reg Iseman Sean Jahr Mike Johnson Rob Jones Ben Kiefer Bob McCauley M arcus Mial Ken Nelsen Joe Nelson Joe Nuu S cott Poole Tom Rutt Bill Tarrow Kent Taylor Jake Trammell Ken W alters Kevin Young
5-9 6-2 6-1 5-10 6-9 6-0 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-5 5-11 6-4 6-2 6-1 5-11 6-4 6-1 6-6 6-5 6-5 6-2 6-2y2 6-2 5-11
170 210 185 175 240 185 180 195 191 215 180 220 185 185 180 237 230 215 235 200 225 205 225 170
Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr.
Atlantic, IA—Atlantic HS H avre, M T -H a v re HS Glasgow, MT—Glasgow HS Santee, CA—G rossm ont JC Kent, WA—Thom as Jefferson HS Richmond, CA—C ontra C osta JC Missoula, MT—Sentinel HS Baldwin City, KS—Coffeyville JC Port O rchard, WA—South Kitsap HS Mt. Vernon, WA—Mt. V ernon HS Oakland, CA—Chabot JC Burlington, KS—Pratt CC Missoula, MT—Sentinel HS Alexandria, VA—New Mexico JC N orth Bend, OR—N orth Bend HS Shelton, WA—Shelton HS Bakersfield, CA—Bakersfield JC Spokane, WA—Shadle Park HS Laurel, MT—Laurel HS Eugene, OR—Churchill HS Wichita, KS—Coffeyville JC Vancouver, WA—Evergreen HS Y reka, CA—Y reka HS Toledo, O H —Hibbing C C
Tentative 1981 Numerical Roster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Rominger, Dean K Fudge, Tony DB Young, Kevin CB Lowry, Gary DB Harvey, Tony DB Powell, Alan QB Nuu, Joe LB Jones, Rob DB Connors, Bob QB Nelsen, Ken TB Mornhinweg, Marty QB Richardson, Kelly QB/WR McGinness, Curt QB/B Klever, Rocky TB Ellig, Scott DB Welch, Mike WR Rooney, John LB Sundquist, Tim WR Sutton, Mickey DB Kovacich, John DB RETIRED Dolan, Bill WR Helean, Mike DB Bowman, Dennis OLB Hogan, Mike DB Madison, Reed DB Klucewich, Joe RB Anderson, Paul RB Jahr, Sean FB Cerkovnik, Bob TB
33 34 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 61 62 63 64 65 66
Iseman, Greg FB Hagen, Mike FB Williams, Derrick RB Sorrell, Malcum WR/DB Cotteen, Steve DB Becker, Ned DB Dantic, Brad WR Kiefer, Ben OLB Mial, Marcus RB G rat ton, Scott LB Thomas, Lyle RB McElroy, Curt LB Oakland, Brent LB Laird, Randy DB Lewis, Mike LB Walters, Ken DL Sword, Steve OL/DL Rooney, Jim OL Paoli, David DL Noffsinger, Jay LB Dacus, Glenn OL Poole, Scott OT Wynne, Tim OL/DL Amundsen, Greg DL Perez, Tom OL Garrison, Steve OL Jones, Basil OL Chaplin, Dave DL Rutt, Tom OL
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 99
Madsen, Mark OL Norwood, Pat OL Frazier, Tony OL Cordier, Bob OL Miller, Rocky OL Crouse, Mike DL Nelson, Joe OT Heggins, Joe DL Burtness, Rich OL Sharkey, Ron DL Johnson, Mike DL Caraway, Brian OL Dilts, Dan OL Alex, Mike WR Newell, Greg TB Hinson, John TE Taylor, Kent OLB Glenn, David WR Curry, Pat DL McCauley, Bob WR Carroll, Mike LB Bush, Ralph K Stephens, Andre LB Bunch, Mark DT Trammell, Jake ILB Tarrow, Bill OLB Brady, Craig ILB Salonen, Brian TE/LB Huggins, Jerry ILB
Game 1
Game 2
Sept. 19 in Flagstaff, 7:30 PM (MST)
Sept. 26 in Missoula, 1:30 PM (MST)
Location: Flagstaff, AZ Enrollment: 12,950 Nickname: Lumberjacks Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: N A U D om e (15,300) Head Coach: Dwain Painter
Location: Cedar Falls, IA Enrollment: 11,020 Nickname: Panthers Colors: Purple & Old G old Stadium: UNI D om e (16,400) Head Coach: Stan Sheriff
(Rutgers, 1964) 12-10 (2 years)
N A U L u m b erjack s
N . Iow a P a n th ers
SID: Wylie Smith (602-523-5353) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 5-6 1980 League Record: 3-4 Starters Back: 9u 28 Lettermen Back: 28 Lettermen Lost: 16 Key Returnees: John Schachter, LB; P ete Mandley, WR; Mike Jenkins, RB; Rusty Sum m ers, FB; S cotty Allen, DT. Series Record: 7-7-0
Starters Back: 11 Lettermen Back: 25 Lettermen Lost: 24 Key Returnees: S tev e Sandon, QB; Kelly Ellis, RB; K en H arvey, WR; Chris Milner, RB; John Root, DB; S teve Schonert, K. Series Record: First M eeting
Northern Iowa
Northern Arizona
VANDALS B o ise S t. B r o n c o s
(Cal Poly, SLO , 1954) 120-89-3 (21 years) SID: N ancy Justis (319-273-6354) Conference: M id-Continent 1980 Overall Record: 7-4 1980 League Record: 2-2
Idaho V a n d als
UWLr-:-, li i.
Idaho S t. B e n g a ls
VIKINGS P ortlan d S t. V ikings
Dwain Painter John Schachtner Head Coach Linebacker
Stan Sheriff Head Coach
1980 Results
1980 Results Opp.
T exas A&I North Dakota B oise State Cal-Fullerton Idaho State Nevada-Reno W eber S tate M ontana State Northern Colorado
11 27 20 21 13 21 7 24 13
8 31 49 16 35 30 41 38 9 14 63
M on tan a S t. B o b c a ts
24 14 18 13 38 0 32 27 30
R en o W olf P ack
21 7
Opp. N ebraska-O m aha W eber State A rkansas T ech Northern Michigan W estern Illinois S outheast Missouri St. Southw est Missouri St. Youngstow n State Eastern Illinois South Dakota Evansville
1981 Schedule Sept. 5 Sept. 12
At T exas A&I North D akota State
Sept. 19 MONTANA Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 17 O ct. 24 O ct. 31 N ov. 7 N ov. 14
ES/VU Eastern Washington University
W eb er S t. W ild ca ts
E. W a sh in g to n E agles
Kelly Ellis Running Back
At B oise State At Idaho State Nevada-Reno At Portland State M ontana State At W eber State University of Idaho Cal Poly-Pom ona in Tem pe
1981 Schedule Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19
Drake Grand Valley State at Idaho
Sept. 26
O ct. O ct. O ct. O ct. N ov. N ov. N ov.
N orthern Michigan at W estern Illinois at S.W . Missouri St. Eastern Illinois Nebraska-O m aha at South D akota Y oungstow n State
3 10 24 31 7 14 21
32 10 10 20 28 7 0 17 14 16 33
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
Game 6
O ctober 3 in Missoula, 1:30 PM (MST)
O ctober 10 in M oscow, ID, 8:30 PM (MST)
O ctober 17 in Missoula, 1:30 PM (MST)
O ctober 24 in Missoula, 2:00 PM (MST)
Location: B oise, ID Enrollment: 11,300 Nickname: B roncos Colors: Blue and O range Stadium: Bronco (21,500) Head Coach: Jim Criner (Cal
Location: M oscow , ID Enrollment: 8,869 Nickname: Vandals Colors: Silver and G old Stadium: Kibbie D om e (16,500) Head Coach: Jerry Davitch
Location: P ocatello, ID Enrollment: 11,101 Nickname: Bengals Colors: Orange & Black Stadium: ISU M inidome (12,000) Head Coach: D ave Kragthorpe
Location: Portland, OR Enrollment: 17,000 Nickname: Vikings Colors: G reen & W hite Stadium: Civic (26,912) H ead C oach : D o n
Poly, Pom ona, 1962; 41-15-1, 5 yrs.) SID: D ave Mendiola (208-385-1288) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 10-3
(Arizona, 1965; 11-21, 3 yrs.) SID: D ave Kellogg (208-885-7065) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 6-5 1980 League Record: 4-2 Starters Back: 15 Lettermen Back: 49 Lettermen Lost: 10 Key Returnees: Ken Hobart, QB; R u sse ll D a v is, RB; S am Merriman, LB; P ete O ’Brien, K; Kelly Miller, DB. Series Record: UM 17, UI 43, 2 T
(Utah State, 1955; 6-5, 1 yr.) SID: Glenn Alford (208-236-3651) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 6-5
1980 League Record: 6-1 Starters Back: 10 Lettermen Back: 30 Lettermen Lost: 26 Key Returnees: Rick W ood s, DB; Kipp Bedard, WR; Randy Trautman, DT; Ray Santucci, LB. Series Record: UM 3, B SU 7
Boise State
(played W eber St. twice) Starters Back: 14 Lettermen Back: 42 Lettermen Lost: 18 Key Returnees: Mike M achurek, QB; Rod Childs, TE; C ase de Bruijn, K; Dwain W ilson, TB. Series Record: UM 14, ISU 8
Read (Sacram ento State, 196 0 ,1 st yr.) SID: Larry Sellers (503-229-4400) Conference: Independent 1980 Overall Record: 8-3 1980 L eagu e R ecord: In dependent Starters Back: 15 Lettermen Back: 35 Lettermen Lost: 10 Key Returnees: K enny Johnson, WR; Fred Nordgren, NG ; Dan Peters, DB; John K incheloe, K. Series Record: UM 9, P SU 5
Idaho State
Portland State
3l/2-3l/ 2
vk Jim Criner Head Coach
Rick W oods D efensive Back
Jerry Davitch Head Coach
1980 Results (10-3) BSU
Dave Kragthorpe Mike Machurek Head Coach Quarterback
Pete O ’Brien Kicker
1980 Results (6-5) Opp.
UI 13 56
Pacific Sim on Fraser
37 21 14 10 31 21 14 7
Portland State B oise State M ontana State San J o se State W eber State Idaho State N orthern Arizona Nevada-Reno
28 13 20 17
University of Utah SE Louisiana N orthern Arizona M ontana State
7 13 18 18
44 26 24 14 20 22 14 31
Idaho Cal State-Fullerton W eber S tate Nevada-Reno Cal Poly, SLO Idaho State Grambling State Eastern K entucky
12 11 0 3 23 13 9 29
Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.
5 12 19 26
N orthw estern St. Rhode Island Idaho State Northern Arizona
Oct. 3
O ct. 10 O ct. 17 O ct. 24 O ct. 31 N ov. 7 N ov. 14 N ov. 21
M ontana State O pen at W eber State at Nevada-R eno at Cal State, Fullerton Cal Poly, SLO at Idaho
1980 Results (6-5) ISU
Opp. 24 16
7 17 59 13 7
0 27 44 6 32 6 28 7 38
Utah St. W eber St. Portland St. Northern Arizona M ontana St.
41 30 28 46 13
W. M ontana Nevada-Reno Idaho W eber St. B oise St.
Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3
Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10
E. W ashington at B oise St. Nevada-Reno Northern Arizona at Portland St.
Oct. 10
Oct. 17
O ct. O ct. O ct. N ov. N ov.
at M ontana State Nevada-Reno Idaho State at Northern Arizona Boise State
O ct. N ov. N ov. N ov.
at Idaho M ontana St. Utah St. W eber St.
17 24 31 7 21
14 21 33 38 21
0 0 26 21 5 22
North D akota
33 27 37 54 93 21 105 48 75
Idaho S tate Idaho Puget Sound Eastern W ashington Cal-Poly Pom ona N W of Louisiana D elaware State South D akota St. W eber State
1981 Schedule
Sim on Fraser at W eber State Northern Iowa at Hawaii at Portland St.
31 7 14 21
Fred Nordgren Noseguard
1980 Results (8-3) Opp.
1981 Schedule
1981 Schedule
Don Read Head C oach
0 59 37 14 21 7 40 0 17 0
1981 Schedule Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 17
at North D akota Puget Sound at University of Utah at W eber St. Idaho Idaho St. Northern Arizona
Oct. 24
O ct. 31 N ov. 14 N ov. 21
at Cal Poly-SLO Cal State-Northridge W estern W ashington
Game 7
Game 8
Game 9
O ctober 31 in Bozem an, Montana, 1:30 PM (MST)
N ovem ber 7 in Missoula, 1:30 PM (MST)
N ovem ber 14 in Missoula, 1:30 PM (MST)
N ovem ber 21 at Spokane, Washington, 8:00 PM (MST)
Game 10
Location: Bozem an, MT Enrollment: 10,800 Nickname: Bobcats Colors: Blue and Gold Stadium: Reno H. Sales (15,000) Head Coach: Sonny Lubick
Location: Reno, NV Enrollment: 10,000 Nickname: Wolf Pack Colors: Silver & Blue Stadium: Mackay (14,000) Head Coach: Chris Ault (Nevada-
Location: O gden, UT Enrollment: 10,800 Nickname: Wildcats Colors: Royal Purple & W hite Stadium: Wildcat Stadium (17,-
Location: C heney, WA Enrollment: 8,000 Nickname: Eagles Colors: Red & W hite Stadium: W oodward Field (5,500)
(W estern M ontana, 1960; 18-12, 3 yrs.) SID: Bruce Parker (406-995-2721) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 4-6 1980 League Record: 3-4 Starters Back: 12 Lettermen Back: 32 Lettermen Lost: 17 Key Returnees: Barry Sullivan, QB; Tony Boddie, TB; Larry Rubens, OL; Bret Chapm an, DB. Series Record: UM 46, M SU 29,
Reno, 1968; 41-15-1, 5 yrs.) SID: Paul Stuart (702-784-4878) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 6-4-1 1980 League Record: 4-3 Starters Back: 13 Lettermen Back: 24 Lettermen Lost: 12 Key Returnees: Bubba Melcher, TE; G reg Miller, DL; John Ramatici, LB; S teve Knapp, LB; John Vicari, RB. Series Record: UM 0, UNR 3
Head Coach: Mike Price (Puget
Weber State
500) S ound, 1969; 1st yr.)
SID: Brad Larsen (801-626-6010) Conference: Big Sky 1980 Overall Record: 4-7 1980 League Record: 4-4 Starters Back: 14 Lettermen Back: 35 Lettermen Lost: 16 Key Returnees: Danny Rich, LB; Curt Miller, WR; Eric Allen, WR; Lawrence Livingston, OL. Series Record: UM 14, W SC 5
Montana State
Sonny Lubick Head Coach
Larry Rubens Center
Chris Ault Head C oach
6 12 18 7 21 6 24
N orth D akota Nevada-Reno B oise State W eber State Idaho State Idaho Northern Arizona
21 14
N orth D akota State Fresno State
14 24 17 12 7 14 27
7 19 21
UNR 20 13 24 0 21 31 16 26 3
Southern Cal-Davis M ontana State W eber State Northern Arizona Northridge State Fullerton State Idaho State Boise State
at W ashington State Fresno State Sim on Fraser W eber State at Boise State Idaho at N orthern Arizona
Oct. 31
N ov. 7 N ov. 14
at Idaho State at Nevada-Reno
0 13 12 10 0 3 17 31 14
Danny Rich Linebacker
Dick Zornes John Tighe Head Coach Offensive Tackle
1980 Results (6-4) Opp.
Northern Iowa Idaho State N evada-Reno M ontana State
31 17 0 7
7 0 6 13 5 0
N orthern Arizona B oise State Idaho Utah State Idaho State Portland State
32 24 31 50 46 75
10 21 10 12
10 7 14 28 3 54
13 33 24
Sim on Fraser M ontana T ech M esa
15 3 19
1981 Schedule
at MONTANA at Idaho State
Nov. 21
at MONTANA M ontana State at Fullerton State
Nov. 14 N ov. 21
Nov. 7 N ov. 14 N ov. 21
Cal State-Sacram ento Carroll W hitworth Puget Sound Cal State-Hayward Portland State
at Idaho State at Carroll O pen British Columbia at Cal State Hayward at Sim on Fraser at W estern M ontana Puget Sound M esa at Northern Colorado
Idaho at Utah State Portland State at M ontana State Puget Sound at Nevada-Reno B oise State Northern Arizona O pen
N orth D akota Cal Poly-SLO at Idaho State Central Arkansas at Northern Arizona W eber State at Idaho B oise State
12 42 37 8 24 21
Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 16 O ct. 24 O ct. 31 N ov. 7 N ov. 14
Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 17 O ct. 24 O ct. 31 N ov. 7
Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 17 O ct. 24 O ct. 31
1981 Schedule
1981 Schedule
1981 Schedule Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 O ct. 3 O ct. 10 O ct. 17 O ct. 24
Eastern Washington
1980 Results (4-7)
1980 Results (6-4-1)
1980 Results (4-6) MSU
Mike Price Head C oach
Greg Miller D efensive Line
or Albi Stadium (Spokane, 34,819) Head Coach: Dick Zornes (Eastern W ashington, 1968; 13-6, 2 yrs.) SID: Jim Price (509-359-2351) Conference: Independent 1980 Overall Record: 6-4 1980 L eagu e R ecord: In dependent Starters Back: 14 Lettermen Back: 34 Lettermen Lost: 22 Key Returnees: Kelly Roark, WR; John Tighe, OT; Mark Puyear, SS. Series Record: UM 7, EW U 1
7 Grizzli
as W & T rt
\ |
i _ ■ * » » *
Griz vs. Idaho, 1934 '
' •
H istory, S tatistics, Awards. * ' ‘‘ .-ia,
M *?„ *&'• * J « v
Past Champs, Runncrsup 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
# M ontana
MSU (2-1) ISU (2-1) UM (2-2) UI (3-1) UM, W SC, UI (2-2)
Idaho State (3-1) M ontana State (3-0) W eber State, Idaho (3-1) M ontana S tate (4-0) M ontana State (4-0) W eber State, Idaho, M ontana S tate (3-1) MONTANA (4-0) MONTANA (6-0) Idaho (4-1) M ontana S tate (5-1) Boise State (6-0) Boise State (6-0) Boise S tate (5-0-1) M ontana S tate (6-0) Boise State (6-0) N orthern Arizona (6-0) M ontana S tate (6-1) Boise State (6-1)
W SC (3-1) ISU (4-2) BSC (4-2) ISU (4-1) MSU (5-1) MSU (4-2) ISU, MSU (4-2) Idaho (5-1) NAU (5-1) UM, MSU (4-2) Nevada-Reno (5-2) Idaho (4-3)
M ontana * S ta te
B o ise S ta te
StJ tc
N ev a d a • R en o
W eber S ta te
N orth ern A rizona
Big Sky Conference The Big Sky C onference was formed in February 1963, when the presidents and athletic directors of six Rocky M ountain universities m et in Spokane. The original conference mem bers were G onzaga, Idaho, Idaho State, M ontana, M ontana State and W eber State. G onzaga entered the conference as a non-football playing school. The conference derived its nam e from a pair of M ontanans and a W ashington sports editor. A. B. G uthrie, Choteau, Mont., w rote a novel titled “The Big Sky,” and Jack Hallowell, former M ontana S tate Advertising director, prom oted the Big Sky them e as a nickname for the state. Harry Missildine, Spokesman-Review sports editor, picked up the nam e and in a sports column prom oted the nam e Big Sky as the nam e of the conference. O n Feb. 25, 1963, the conference adopted the nam e—Big Sky Athletic Conference. In 1970 the conference expanded to include N orthern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Ariz., and Boise State College, Boise, Idaho. Both entered as football playing schools. Nevada-Reno becam e the newest m em ber of the Big Sky July 1, 1979. Jack Friel becam e the first commissioner in 1963, and the offices were established in Pullman, W ash., Friel’s home. Following Friel’s retirem ent in July 1971, the offices were moved to Boise, Idaho, and John Roning was nam ed commissioner. Steve Belko was nam ed commissioner and assum ed duties July 1, 1977, following Roning’s retirement. Ron Stephenson becam e the fourth Big Sky commissioner in May, 1981. A native of Idaho, S tephenson’s m ost recent position was A ssistant Athletic D irector at Boise State. He has 16 years of working experience in intercollegiate athletics as a student, coach and administrator.
Ron Stephenson BSC Commissioner
1980 Big Sky Standings W Boise State# Idaho Nevada-Reno Idaho State* W eber State* M ontana State N orthern Arizona M ontana
6 4 4 4 4 3 3 1
Conference Games L T Pet. Pts. Opp. 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
.857 .571 .571 .500 .500 .428 .428 .142
185 150 122 171 99 112 143 48
82 129 70 154 178 108 130 196
10 6 6 6 4 4 5 3
3 5 4 5 7 6 6 7
All Games T Pet. Pts. Opp. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
.769 .545 .590 .545 .363 .400 .454 .300
317 266 202 177 122 153 224 178
179 228 113 128 334 162 202 250
(Note—Ties count as a half game won and half game lost.) *Both W eber State and Idaho State met twice in league play with each game counting as a half game in the standings. Both team s split, winning at home. #Includes I-AA play-off wins over Grambling (14-9) and Eastern Kentucky (31-29) for I-AA championship.
1980 Big Sky Statistics Team Statistics (Superior figure indicates final I-AA ranking.)
6Boise St. Nev.-Reno Idaho Idaho St. No. Ariz. Mont. St. Montana Weber St.
TOTAL OFFENSE Play Yds. Avg. P 5.5 765 4210 802 5.1 4068 5.2 763 3989 830 3911 4.7 767 3599 4.7 3174 709 4.5 2966 4.2 706 740 3.8 2797
Game Avg. 382.7 371.3 362.6 355.5 327.2 317.4 296.6 254.3
6Nev.-Reno Boise St. No. Ariz. Mont. St. Idaho Idaho St. Weber St. Montana
TOTAL DEFENSE Play P Yds. Avg. 2442 3.5 693 3350 4.3 713 3732 5.1 738 3514 5.1 687 3907 826 4.7 4.8 4010 829 4.9 4171 857 3964 706 5.6
Game Avg. 222.0 304.5 339.3 351.4 355.1 364.5 379.2 396.4
2Idaho 4Nev.-Reno 7Boise St. Mont. St. No. Ariz. Montana Idaho St. Weber St.
RUSHING OFFENSE Play P Yds. Avg. 602 2863 4.7 585 2764 4.7 517 2509 4.9 531 1875 3.5 3.2 498 1590 449 1250 2.8 2.8 369 1039 11 372 675 1.8
Game Avg. 260.2 251.3 228.1 187.4 144.6 125.0 94.4 61.4
Player, School M. Machurek, ISU3 K. Hobart, UI J. Aliotti, BSU F. Hawkins, UNR B. Sullivan, MSU S. Lindquist, NAU J. Ardito, UNR B. Tantillo, WSC
TD 37 23 34 36 30 20 25 13
2Nev.-Reno Weber St. Montana Boise St. Idaho Idaho St. Mont. St. No. Ariz.
RUSHING DEFENSE Play Yds. Avg. 2.1 835 11 403 3.2 511 1629 1492 375 4.0 2029 496 3.5 1734 474 3.7 534 2069 3.9 4.1 1895 466 4.6 2281 499
Game Avg. 75.9 148.1 149.2 156.9 157.6 188.1 189.5 207.4
TD 5 22 10 10 18 12 12 17
Idaho St. Boise St. Idaho No. Ariz. Nev.-Reno Montana Mont. St. Weber St.
SCORING OFFENSE G Pts. 11 278 272 11 266 11 224 11 11 202 10 178 153 10 11 122
Avg. 25.3 24.7 24.2 20.4 18.4 17.8 15.3 11.1
2Nev.-Reno Boise St. Mont. St. Idaho St. No. Ariz. Idaho Montana Weber St.
SCORING DEFENSE G Pts. 11 113 141 11 162 10 11 201 11 202 11 228 10 250 334 11
Avg. 10.3 12.8 16.2 18.3 18.4 20.7 25.0 30.4
2Idaho St. 7Weber St. No. Ariz. Montana Boise St. Mont. St. Nev.-Reno Idaho
17 25 20 25 25 45 34
G 11 11 11 10 11 10 11 11
PA-PC-PI 461-232-19 368-175-22 269-147- 8 257-138-16 248-144- 8 178-103- 6 217-109- 9 161- 65-10
Yds. 2872 2122 2008 1717 1701 1299 1314 1126
Game Avg. 261.1 192.9 182.5 171.7 154.6 129.9 119.5 102.4
TD 18 9 16 8 14 5 8 13
Boise St. Idaho Idaho St. Montana Mont. St. Nev.-Reno No. Ariz. Weber St.
MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSE 1st Downs Penalties Fumbles R-P-PE No. Yds. No. Lost. 26 11 130- 85-12 78 839 38 24 134- 45-10 60 630 626 11 74-133-19 65 18 24 12 79- 78-18 59 575 26 15 45 368 117- 55-10 884 25 16 136- 55-10 83 86-100-14 612 11 75 17 63 613 21 15 57- 81-17
Boise St. Idaho Idaho St. Montana Mont. St. Nev.-Reno No. Ariz. Weber St.
MISCELLANEOUS DEFENSE Fumbles 1st Downs Penalties R-P-PE No. Yds. No. Lost 8 51 495 19 97- 78-14 15 103-101-21 74 656 11 30 19 92 858 112- 76-11 14 25 76 785 80-109-17 16 473 11 98- 67- 6 49 29 15 54- 79-21 57 511 24 630 17 122- 69-14 61 14 796 28 102-111-14 76
TOTAL OFFENSE Rushing Passing G At.-Yd. At.-Yd. 11 52-(68) 390-2397 11 209-829 145-1083 11 92-156 218-1590 11 307-1719 10 132-247 150-1020 11 33-(96) 197-1466 9 24-(59) 191-1134 11 49-(61) 204-1175
TD No. Ariz. Nev.-Reno Boise St. Mont. St. Ida. St. Idaho Weber St. Montana
15 22 15 12
16 16 3
G 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 10
PA-PC-PI 240-108-16 290-147- 8 277-147-13 221-116-13 295-152-15 352-188-18 346-197-14 331-179-12
Yds. 1451 1607 1624 1614 1941 2173 2542 2472
Game Avg. 131.9 146.1 147.6 161.4 176.4 197.5 231.1 247.2
TD 6 7 7 8 13 12 18 22
1980 Big Sky Individual Statistics Total Yards 2329 1912 1740 1719 1267 1370 1075 1114
Play Avg. 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.2 4.5 6.0 5.0 4.4
Game Avg. TDR 211.7 20 173.8 18 158.7 15 145.4 9 126.7 6 124.5 9 119.4 6 101.3 4
PASSING OFFENSE Comp. RatPlayer, School G PA-PC-PI Pet. Yds. TD Avg. ing J. Aliotti, BSU 11 218-134- 8 .615 1590 12.2 135.1 13 S. Lindquist, NAU 11 197-109- 5 .553 1466 9 9.9 127.8 B. Sullivan, MSU 10 150- 88- 6 .587 1020 3 8.8 114.4 M. Machurek, ISU 11 390-196-16 .503 2397 16 17.8 107.2 J. Ardito, UNR 9 191- 95- 6 .497 1134 6 8.6 103.7 B. Tantillo, WSC 11 204-103- 8 .505 1175 4 9.4 97.5 K. Hobart, UI 11 145- 59- 9 .406 1083 11 5.4 116.1 M. Mornhinweg, UM 9 120- 61- 6 .508 869 5 6.8 115.4 (Note—Must have at least 15 pass attempts per game to be ranked. Rating based on NCAA formula.
(Superior figure indicates final I-AA ranking. Bold face
olavers are expected to return in 1981.) RECEIVING Game G REC Yds. TD’s Avg. 11 41 640 3 3.7 11 36 216 1 3.3 11 34 582 6 3.1 11 32 474 3 2.9 11 653 2.9 393 2.7 10 10 532 2.7 10 223 2.6
Player, School R. Childs, ISU T’ D. Wilson, ISU P. Mandley, NAU C. Miller, WSC J. Taylor, NAU K. Bedard, BSU C. Corp, ISU M. Hagen, UM
PUNTING (Min. 3.5 punts per game) Player, School G No. C. deBruijn, ISU1 11 67 T. Spadafore, BSU3 11 51 P. Brockman, UI4 11 62 B. Andrus, UM 9 61 T. Felix, NAU 11 56 O. Simpson, UNR 11 59 T. Alberta, MSU 10 50 C. Miller, WSC 11 80
INTERCEPTIONS Player, School G No. Yds. Avg. TD C. McBride, UI 11 4 87 .40 1 .44 D. Nossinow, NAU 44 0 7 3 S. R eeves, WSC 0 .33 0 9 3 M. Sutton, UM 10 3 15 .30 0 B. Chapman, MSU 10 3 53 .30 0 J. Anderson, MSU 10 15 .30 0 (Six others tied with .27 per game. J. Berry, ISU; S. Merriman, UI; G. Jennings, UI; O. Simpson, UNR; L. Alder, BSU; and B. Snapp, ISU.
FIELD GOALS Yds. Avg. Long 2945 44.0 70 2135 41.9 71 62 2565 41.4 2443 40.0 59 62 2233 39.9 62 2322 39.4 1932 38.7 60 3031 37.7 67
Player, School R. Ruzek, WSC T6 C. deBruijn, ISU W. Poindexter, NAU K. Camerud, BSU B. Salonen, UM T. Alberta, MSU P. O ’Brien, UI T. Shaw, UNR
G 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 6
FGMFGA 10-21 8-15 7-13 7-15 2- 7 2-11 2- 5 8-12
Pet. Pet. .476 .533 .538 .466 .286 .181 .400 .750
Avg. .90 .73 .64 .63 .20 .20 .18 1.30
TD 0 0 0 0 0
Avg. 24.3 20.1 15.8 26.0 17.5
RUSHING OFFENSE Player, School F. Hawkins, UNR1 C. Minter, BSU K. Hobart, UI T. Boddie, MSU J. Davis, MSU T. Idler, UI W. Reaves, NAU J. Vicari, UNR
Player, School F. Hawkins, UNR T2 P. Mandley, NAU C. Minter, BSU R. Davis, UI T. Zahner, BSU W. Reaves, NAU T. Boddie, MSU T. Idler, UI
G Rushes Yards 1719 11 307 170 1060 11 11 209 829 10 155 695 124 10 623 11 95 678 149 628 11 550 10 137
TD’s 9 11 7 2 6 4 5 4
ALL PURPOSE RUSHING G Rush REC PR 11 1719 49 11 110 582 190 11 1060 152 9 523 75 41 11 540 134 11 628 165 10 695 23 11 678 86 7
Play Avg. 5.6 6.2 4.0 4.5 6.0 7.1 4.2 4.0
KOR Yds. 1768 510 1370 95 1307 175 773 201 916 65 858 29 747 778 7
Game Avg. 156.3 96.4 75.4 69.5 62.3 61.6 57.1 55.0
Avg. 160.7 124.5 118.8 85.8 83.3 78.0 74.7 70.7
Player, School R. W oods, BSU3 W. Harrison, ISU P. Mandley, NAU P. McLeod, MSU B. Byrd, UNR M. Sutton, UM D. Jeranko, UI
PUNT RETURNS G No. Yds. Avg. 11 45 522 11.6 9.5 11 19 180 8.6 11 22 190 8.1 10 15 121 11 44 320 7.3 5.5 10 19 105 11 8 104 13.0
Player, School C. Minter, BSU F. Hawkins, UNR C. deBruijn, ISU J. Taylor, NAU T. Zahner, BSU C. Camerud, BSU D. Wilson, ISU K. Hobart, UI T. Shaw, UNR
G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6
TD 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
TD 11 9
KICKOFF RETURNS Player, School No. Yds. P. Mandley, NAU4 21 510 S. Roderick, MSU 12 241 E. Allen, WSC 21 325 J. Jones, UNR 10 260 R. Davis, UI 10 175
8 8 1-1 1-1
7 7
Points 66 54 52 48 48 48 44 44 38
Average 6.0 4.9 4.7 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.0 6.3
1980 Grizzly Statistics Receiving
Team Statistics UM 173 81 74 18 449 1660 410 1250 257 138 16 1716 706/2966 296.6 67/2712/0 40.5 26/13 59/560 25 16 8 1 0 23/20 8/2/0 178 17.8
First Downs ........................................ by R u s h ........................................... by P a s s ............................................ by Penalty ...................................... Rush Plays .......................................... Rush Yards Gained .......................... Rush Yards L o s t................................ NET R U S H ......................................... Pass Attempts ................................... Pass Completions .............................. Had Intercepted................................. NET YARDS P A S S .......................... Total Plays/Offense .......................... Game A verage................................... Punts/Yards/Blkd................................ Punt A verage..................................... F um bles/Lost..................................... Penalties/Yards................................... TOUCHDOWNS .............................. by Rushing ..................................... by Passing ....................................... by Returns ..................................... by Interceptions ............................. PAT A tt/M ade................................... Field Goals A/M/Blkd........................ TOTAL POINTS ............................... Game Scoring Average ....................
Record: 3-7, 1-6 Big Sky Scores: UM 60, S. Fraser 27 UM 0, Portland St. 20 *UM 0, Idaho 42 *UM 10, Boise St. 44 *UM 21, Weber St. 38 *Big Sky Game
Opp. 206 80 109 17 375 1708 216 1492 331 179 12 2472 706/3964 396.4 45/1623/2 36.1 25/16 76/785 34 10 22 1 1 34/31 10/5/1 250 25.0
0, Idaho St. 17 42, E. Washington 7 7, Montana St. 24 31, N. Arizona 21 7, Reno 10
Scoring Hagen Salonen Dantic Harper Klever McGinness Alex Hinson Andrus Lane Clausen Anderson Klucewich Burtness Oliphant Rominger
TD 5
R 5
4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 3 2 2
FG /a
2 1 1 1 (R) l
1 1 1/1 I/O
Pts. 30 25 24 18 12 12 12 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 0
Rushing Harper Hagen Cerkovnik McGinness Dantic Klever Burtness Klucewich Jones Andrus Mornhinweg Loftus Alex Lane Anderson
7 10 6 10 10 2 7 6 3 9 9 3 10 8 2
71 82 55 59 7 33 10 18 5 52 43 3 2 1 8
YG 368 294 250 198 100 112 54 48 12 127 71 1 8 6 11
YL 14 3 20 32 2 17 0 3 0 145 151 1 9 0 13
N et Avg. Long 354 5.0 23 11 291 3.5 4.2 26 230 166 2.8 17 57t 98 14.0 95 14 2.9 54 5.4 20 45 2.5 9 12 2.4 5 -18 -0.3 14 -80 -1.9 9 1 0 0.0 8 -1 -0.5 6 6.0 6 -2 -0.3 4
Passing Mornhinweg Andrus Klever' Lane Richardson McGinness Harper
G 9 9 2 8 8 10 7
PC/PA/Pi Yds. 61/120/6 874 69/119/8 688 4/7/0 89 1/2/1 7 11 1/1/0 2/7/0 47 0 0/1/1
.508 .580 .571 .500 1.000 .286 .000
5 0 2 0 0 1 0
Long 63t 48 50 7 11 37t 0
Alex Dantic Hagen Salonen Murray Cerkovnik Harper Hinson Richardson Lane Andrus McGinness M .Jones Klucewich Anderson Burtness
G 10 10 10 10 10 6 7 10 8 8 9 10 4 7 2 7
No. 21 12 26 15 8 7 8 8 7 6 1 8 2 4 3 2
Kickoff Returns TD 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Avg. 16.1 24.6 8.6 12.0 12.9 12.1 10.4 8.9 11.1 11.2 50.0 7.9 10.5 5.0 8.0 7.0
Yds. 339 295 223 180 103 85 83 71 78 67 50 63 21 20 24 14
Long 37t 63t 47 19 25 48 28 20 20 13 50 18 13 8 lOt 15
Mornhinweg Andrus Klever
Plays 163 171 40
Pass 874 688 89
Rush -80 8 95
Total 794 670 184
Avg. 78.9 74.4 92.0
Sutton McGinness Clausen Becker
Yds 105 24 17 7
Avg 5.5 4.0 17.0 7.0
TD 0 0 1 0
Andrus Klever Harper Cerkovnik Rominger
No 61 3 1 1 1
Sutton Thomas Gleason Becker Bakker McElroy Hogan Silovsky Clausen
No 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yds 225 129 23 27 32 11 29 11 0
Avg 16.1 12.9 11.5 13.5 16.0 11.0 29.0 11.0 0.0
TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Avg 40.0 49.7 48.0 31.0 41.0
Long 59 66 48 31 41
Yds 2443 149 48 31 41
Long 12 19 17t 7
Yds 15 8 26 25 5 14 13 17 0
TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Avg 5.0 4.0 26.0 25.0 5.0 14.0 13.0 17.0 0.0
Defensive Statistics
Rigoni Curry Sharkey Barrick Chaplin Paoli M. Smith Heggins Andrews Linebackers Clausen Gleason Hogan McElroy Bowman Gratton Sorrell Garrison Stephens Kline Smith Lewis Secondary Sutton Becker Madison Silovsky Thomas Fudge Lowry Laird Ellig Kovacich Others Amundsen Dantic Alex Rominger Andrus Lamb B. Jones Lane McGinness Madsen Andrus McHugh Burtness Hinson Jones
Total Tackles 58 46 40 23 23 14 2 2 1
Unast. T ackles 21 12 9 7 6 0 1
81 56 51 45 44 16 12 6 7 9 2 1
Asst. Tackles 35 32 28 14 14 13 1 2
Tackles For L osses
32 16 12 12 14 9 8 1 3 3
47 39 37 33 29 7 3 5 4 6 2 1
2(- 5) K- 5) 2(13)
l(- 9)
54 51 40 26 26 26 9 8 5 4
28 20 21 6 8 11 3 2 3 1
25 29 19 20 18 15 6 6 2 3
1(T0) 2(- 7)
1 1
1 1
Forced Fumbles 2 1
2(- 3) 2(10) 3(-15) 2(-25) 3(-29) l(- 5)
Fumble Pass R ecoveries D eflections 1 2 1
1(TD) 1
3 1
2 2 1
2 2
l(- 4) 1(10)
1 2 1
2 1
1 1
1 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 2 1
1 1
Scoring by Quarters
1 48 61
2(punt) (FG)
5 5 2
Long 9 7 26 25 5 14 11 17 0
1 2
UM Opp.
Long 39 21 17 17 18 11 29 11 0
Punt Returns No 19 6 1 1
No 14 10 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Total Offense G 9 9 2
Sutton McGinness Cerkovnik Dantic Lane Hagen Laird Richardson Salonen
2 40 72
3 21
4 69 65
Total 178 250
Coaches Through the Years Y ear
P et
1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
1 3 1 0 2 0 2 3 2 2 4 1 6 3 2 4 2 6 2 4 1 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 5 1 2 3 2 1 6 7 5 3 4 6 0 1 4 7 3 5 5 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 0 1 5 2 5 1 3 4 1 7 2 10 10 6 3 4 3 6 4 4 5 3 3
2 2 2 1 3 2 5 2 3 4 1 2 0 2 1 3 4 0 2 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 3 6 7 4 5 5 3 1 3 6 4 3 8 4 4 4 7 4 5 7 7 5 6 7 9 7 10 8 5 6 5 9 6 6 8 3 7 1 1 5 8 6 6 4 6 6 6 7 7
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
.333 .600 .333 .000 .400 .000 .285 .600 .400 .333 .800 .333 1.000 .600 .667 .571 .333 1.000 .500 .800 .200 .400 .571 .500 .429 .500 .500 .429 .375 .429 .444 .375 .625 .143 .222 .429 .286 .167 .667 .875 .625 .333 .500 .667 .000 .200 .500 .636 .300 .556 .500 .222 .222 .375 .333 .300 .100 .222 .000 .111 .500 .250 .500 .100 .333 .400 .111 .700 .222 .909 .909 .545 .273 .400 .333 .600 .400 .400 .455 .300 .300
C o a c h (a lm a m a ter ) Fred Sm ith (Cornell) Sgt. B. F. Searight (Stanford) G uy Cleveland (Montana) Frank Bean (W isconsin) Frank Bean (W isconsin) D ewitt P eck (Iowa State) H. B. Conibear (Illinois) H. B. Conibear (Illinois) F. W. Sch u le (W isconsin) F. W. S chule (W isconsin) Albion Findlay (W isconsin) Roy W hite (Iowa) Roy W hite (Iowa) Robert Cary (M ontana) Robert Cary (Montana) Lt. W. C. Philoon (Army) A. G . Heilman (Franklin-Marshall) A. G. Heilman (Franklin-Marshall) Jerry N issen (W ashington State) Jerry N issen (W ashington State) Jerry N issen (W ashington State) Bernie Bierman (M innesota) Bernie Bierman (M innesota) Bernie Bierman (M innesota) J. W. Stewart (G eneva) J. W. Stewart (G eneva) Earl Clark (Montana) Earl Clark (Montana) Frank Milburn (W est Point) Frank Milburn (W est Point) Frank Milburn (W est Point) Frank Milburn (W est Point) Frank Milburn (W est Point) Bernard O ak es (Illinois) Bernard O ak es (Illinois) Bernard O ak es (Illinois) Bernard O ak es (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D ou g F essen d en (Illinois) Clyde Carpenter (Montana) G eorge Dahlberg (Montana) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) D oug F essen d en (Illinois) T ed Shipkey (Stanford) Ted Shipkey (Stanford) T ed Shipkey (Stanford) Ed C hinske (Montana) Ed C hinske (Montana) Ed C hinske (Montana) Jerry Williams (W ashington St) Jerry Williams (W ashington St) Jerry Williams (W ashington St) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (C olorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (C olorado) Ray Jenkins (C olorado) Hugh D avidson (Colorado) Hugh D avidson (C olorado) Hugh D avidson (Colorado) Jack Swarthout (M ontana) Jack Swarthout (M ontana) Jack Swarthout (M ontana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (M ontana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) G en e Carlson (M ontana) G en e Carlson (Montana) G en e Carlson (Montana) G en e Carlson (M ontana) Larry D onovan (Nebraska)
Dropout: Doug Fessenden (1935-1941)
C u m u la tiv e
P et
1-2-3 4-4-3 5-6-3 5-7-3 7-10-3 7-12-3 9-17-3 12-19-3 14-22-3 16-26-3 20-27-4 21-29-5 27-29-6 30-31-7 32-32-7 36-35-7 38-39-7 44-39-8 46-41-10 50-42-11 51-46-11 53-49-13 57-52-13 60-55-14 63-59-14 67-63-14 71-67-14 74-71-15 77-76-15 80-80-16 84-85-17 87-90-18 92-93-18 93-99-18 95-106-18 98-110-18 100-115-19 101-120-21 107-123-21 114-124-21 119-127-22 122-133-22 126-137-23 132-140-23 132-148-23 133-152-23 137-156-23 144-160-23 147-167-23 152-171-23 157-176-23 159-183-23 161-190-24 164-195-24 167-201-24 170-208-24 171-217-24 173-224-24 173-234-24 174-242-24 179-247-24 181-253-24 186-258-24 187-267-24 190-273-24 194-279-24 195-287-24 202-290-24 204-297-24 214-298-24 224-299-24 230-304-24 233-312-24 237-318-24 240-324-25 246-328-25 250-334-25 254-340-25 259-346-25 262-353-25 265-360-25
.333 .500 .455 .417 .412 .368 .346 .387 .389 .381 .426 .420 .482 .492 .500 .507 .494 .530 .529 .543 .526 .520 .523 .522 .516 .515 .514 .510 .503 .500 .497 .492 .497 .484 .473 .471 .465 .457 .465 .481 .484 .478 .479 .485 .471 .467 .468 .474 .468 .471 .471 .465 .459 .457 .454 .450 .441 .436 .425 .418 .420 .417 .419 .412 .410 .410 .405 .411 .407 .418 .428 .431 .428 .427 .426 .429 .428 .428 .436 .426 .421
Season by Season 1909 Opp
0 0 0 20 6 26
UM 33 52 0 3 42 24 15
0 0 Opp
UM 8 0 3 5 3 10
5 38 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Opp Mont. Schl. Mines Montana State Utah State Gonzaga Mont. Schl. Mines Montana State (3-2-1)
0 0 5 17
0 0
1911 UM 12 Mont. Schl. Mines 0 Utah State 28 Poison Indej^endents
0 31
Opp 16 38
0 0 19 23 28 34 13
0 17
0 6 0 Opp 42 5 28
0 0
UM 28 7 0 3 39 18 9
Missoula High Montana State Utah State Utah Montana State Gonzaga Willamette (4-3)
Opp 0
0 17
6 30
1913 UM 9 7 7 20 7 0
Washington State Utah State Montana State Montana State Gonzaga Whitman College (3-4)
Opp 34 9 0 0 16 35
1914 UM 87 10 0 32 26 13 19
Butte Ramblers Washington State Idaho Utah State Montana State North Dakota State Gonzaga ( 6 -0- 1)
Opp 0 0 0 0 9 0 0
1915 UM 15 7 10 7 50 6
Idaho South Dakota North Dakota Washington State Butte Centervilles Syracuse
Opp 3 10 10 27 0
6 5
0 42 17
11 20 0 17 6 20
0 0 38
0 0 0
Idaho Tech Washington Whitman College Idaho Montana State North Dakota State Gonzaga (3-3-1)
Washington Montana Wesleyan Idaho Tech Gonzaga Montana State Whitman College Idaho (3-4)
(1-4) 1918 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;no team â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
31 13
0 20
0 28 14 35 7
6 0 Opp 26
0 12 6 13 39
0 40
0 25 7 26 13
1 924 UM 40 13 7 106 14 61 3 20
Mt. Saint Charles Idaho Washington Montana Mines Gonzaga Pacific University Stanford Whitman College (4-4)
Opp 7 41 52
6 20 7 41 0
0 0 27 0 6 13
0 10 14 57 7 20 7
Washington State Washington Gonzaga Montana Schl. Mines Oregon State Idaho
u se
9 30 14 0 27 14 27
Montana State
(3-4-1) 1926
21 14 7 28
0 12 6 27
49 27 14 0 10
Oregon State Idaho Washington State Montana State 7 Gonzaga 56 Whitman College 21 Calif. Ag. College
0 u se
0 61
0 5 5 5
>35 )
UM 19 Butte Centervilles 8 Mt. Saint Charles 0 Washington State 0 Washington 6 Idaho 13 California 6 Montana State 0 Gonzaga (3-4-1)
Opp 0 0 35 32 42 33 0 0
Butte Centervilles Anaconda Anodes Washington State Washington Mont. Schl. Mines Idaho Montana State Oregon Oregon State Gonzaga (4-5-1)
0 0 26 25 0 21 0 31 44 0
19 30 13 0 0 14 0 7
Opp 2 0 6 19 0 14 53 13 14
1929 UM 18 19 6 0 45 12 18 0 0
Anaconda Anodes Mt. Saint Charles Washington Idaho Intermountain U. Montana State California Washington State UCLA (3-5-1)
Anaconda Anodes Mt. Saint Charles Washington Montana State Washington State California Gonzaga Idaho (5-3)
Mt. Saint Charles Washington Idaho Washington State Montana State Oregon State
u se
6 6 7 0 0
6 3
Opp 14 0 27 6 61 46 15 6
1931 UM 0 0 19 0 37 0 0
6 Op
1930 UM 18 52 0 13 0 0 27 12
Opp Mt. Saint Charles Idaho Mont. Schl. Mines Gonzaga Whitman College Washington Montana State Pacific College (4-4)
6 Utah State 3 Whitman College 9 Montana State 0 Washington St. 3 Idaho
1923 UM 27 0 25 2 16 14 24 0
13 13 6 0 20 6 0 6 0 7
0 0
(4-1-1) 1917 UM
Mt. Saint Charles Washington Montana Wesleyan Washington State Whitman College Montana State Idaho (4-3)
1925 Opp
South Dakota Gonzaga Washington State Whitman College Montana State Idaho
1922 UM 0 37 15 6 7 0 0
( 2 - 2 -2 )
1 91 6 Opp
Opp 7 47 6 6 7 6 42
1921 UM 25 7 6 7 14 7 0
Montana Wesleyan Utah State Mont. Schl. Mines Whitman College Idaho Montana State Washington State (2-3-2)
1920 UM 133 18 34 0 7 28 7
( 2 - 1)
Opp Won Won Lost
UM 26 0 28 6 0 6 14
19 1 0
1919 Opp
Missoula High Ft. Shaw Indians Mont. Schl. Mines Montana State Fort Missoula Mont. Schl. Mines Montana State ( 6-0- 1)
0 0
6 19 7 19 0 0 0
Opp 2 25 21 13 6 19 69
0 12 0 20 0 9 13
6 23
1932 UM 25 13 14 6 0 7 0 6 13
Anaconda Anodes Washington Carroll College Idaho UCLA Montana State Washington State Oregon State Gonzaga (2-7)
Opp 0 26 6 19 32 10 31 35 56
Op 0 13 32 0 10 38 18 38 0
1933 UM 0 7 6 32 7 13 26
Oregon State Washington State Idaho Montana State Stanford Gonzaga Utah State (3-4)
Opp 20 13 12 0 33 7 0
1934 UM 0 0 48 6 25 0 4
Washington State UCLA Mont. Schl. Mines Idaho Montana State Oregon State Gonzaga (2-5-1)
Opp 27 16 0 13 0 7 6
1935 UM 0 20 7 7 7 7 0 0
u se Montana State Washington State Idaho Washington Gonzaga Stanford Oregon State (1-5-2)
Opp 9 0 13 14 33 7 32 0
7 0 14
6 13 21
6 0 27
Op 12
19 68 35 21 33 13 38
44 46 21
6 18
0 34
7 27
0 61
Brigham Young Wyoming Idaho Denver Colorado State New Mexico Utah State Montana State (3-5)
Opp 27 27 20 13 31 41 33 13
0 60 7
UM 31 6 13 20 7 34 14 25 20
12 18 0 48 0 39 26 32 39 7
Op 13 13 13 27 63 47
12 6 6
Opp 7 48 19 13 19 37 20 21 41
Fort Lewis Iowa Denver Utah State Brigham Young Colorado State New Mexico Montana State Utah (3-6)
UM 12 0 17 3 6 19 7 19 0 0
Houston Wyoming Brigham Young Denver Utah State New Mexico Colorado State Montana State Arizona Idaho (3-7)
Opp 54 35 13 61 32 14 12 0 29 31
21 14 0
20 7 19 7 32
Opi 58 7 55
12 0 19 34 34 47
UM 0 Wyoming 8 North Dakota 20 Utah State 22 Idaho 25 Weber State 0 Brigham Young 22 Idaho State 36 Montana State 12 New Mexico 16 Colorado State (5-5)
Arizona Utah Denver Utah State Brigham Young Colorado State Montana State Wyoming New Mexico Idaho (1-9)
UM 13 0 7 13 35 21 13 13 7
Utah Wyoming Brigham Young Denver Utah State New Mexico Idaho Montana State Colorado State (2-7)
Opp 27 26 22 27 14 34 33 34 14 14
Utah Wyoming New Mexico Denver Utah State Brigham Young Colorado State Idaho Montana State San Diego (0-10)
12 27 39
UM 19 0 12 12 0 14 16 6 6
North Dakota Wyoming Brigham Young Denver Utah State New Mexico Colorado State Montana Idaho (1-8)
UM 29 British Columbia 7 Pacific 0 New Mexico 0 Utah State 20 Weber State 7 Western Illinois 7 Idaho State 6 Montana State 7 San Diego Marines (3-6)
Opp 20 21 44 29 27 41 57 14 20 24
UM 13 Utah 14 South Dakota 16 Idaho State 15 Weber State 21 Utah State 7 Idaho 13 Pacific 7 Montana State 14 Western Michigan 33 Portland State (4-6)
UM 21 0 12 18 26 6 26 10 6 7
North Dakota Wyoming Utah State Idaho Denver Brigham Young Colorado State Montana State Utah New Mexico (5-5)
Opp 0 35 19 27 14 62 24 19 18 20
Opp 24 23 20 41 12 0 14 30 43
Opp 28 15 0 14 54 35 7 24 17 7
1966 UM 6 7 10 0 0 14 8 0 6
North Dakota South Dakota Portland State Weber State Pacific Idaho State Northern Arizona Montana State Idaho (1-8)
Opp 30 21 0 28 28 17 34 38 40
1967 Opp 27 58 0 27 28 55 26 40 9
UM 19 7 13 21 14 20 10 8 14 55
British Columbia Wyoming North Dakota Brigham Young Idaho State Utah State New Mexico Weber State Montana State Colorado State (1-9)
1959 Opi 7 14 28 7 41 14
Opp 13 14 43 16 6 27 15 19 41 15
1965 Opp 32 20 20 26 25 6 31 22 19
1958 UM 6 14 16 0 14 12 7 6 6 13
Opp 29 54 8 7 24 19 10 16
1963 UM 16 0 13 0 13 6 6 13 3 12
1956 UM 12 6 13 13 21 20 14 13 13 0
1957 Op 0 27
UM 0 Wyoming 6 Utah State 40 New Mexico 6 Brigham Young 12 Utah 22 Colorado State 9 Montana State 14 Idaho (2-6)
1954 Of 0 0 40 13 13
1953 UM 13 7 12 22 32 13 14 32
Opp 14 14 14 14 12 7 14 6 16 24
North Dakota South Dakota Weber State Pacific Idaho Idaho State Northern Arizona Montana State Utah State Portland State (7-3)
Opp 14 3 12 7 19 0 7 14 20 7
1968 UM 37 0 58 3 45 13 24 16 0
North Dakota South Dakota Portland State Utah State Idaho Idaho State Montana State Weber State Northern Arizona (2-7)
Opp 10 21 0 50 56 23 29 20 18
UM 24 31 52 20 34 46 49 7 14 58
North Dakota South Dakota Northern Arizona Weber State Idaho Idaho State Portland State Montana State Cal Ply (SLO) South Dakota St. Camellia Bowl 3 North Dakota St. (10-1)
10 20 7 17 9 36 14
6 0 0 30
1970 UM 28 30 20 38 44 35 35 31 35 24
North Dakota Northern Illinois Northern Arizona Weber State Idaho Idaho State South Dakota Portland State Montana State South Dakota St. Camellia Bowl 16 North Dakota St. (10-1)
Opp 7
6 0 29 26 34 7 25 0 0 31
1971 UM 14 South Dakota 27 North Dakota 38 Cal Ply (SLO) 12 Idaho 24 Boise State 45 Idaho State 14 Pacific 14 Weber State 30 Montana State 11 Hawaii 29 Portland State (6-5)
Opp 7 14 14
21 47 35 30 13
0 25 36
1972 UM 0 14 40 6 12 7 3 42 3 17 7
South Dakota North Dakota Northern Arizona Pacific Weber State Idaho State Hawaii Boise State Montana State Idaho Tulsa (3-8)
Opp 35 42 17 24 7 14 30 28
21 31
1973 UM 41 10 10 10 31 19 7 7 7 10
Simon Fraser North Dakota Rice Northern Arizona South Dakota Idaho State Montana State Boise State Idaho Weber State (4-6)
Opp 14 31 21 14 19 14 33 55 20
1974 UM 14 10 17 24 27 35 24 29 22 42
Simon Fraser South Dakota Nevada-Las Vegas Weber State Northern Arizona Idaho Portland State Montana State Idaho State Boise State (3-6-1)
Opp 23 24 20 13
0 35 14 43 25 56
1975 UM 51 21 48 7 14 3 28 33 28 10
South Dakota Nevada-Las Vegas Weber State Idaho State Idaho Montana State Boise State Portland State Northern Arizona Simon Fraser (6-4)
Opp 17 20 12 12
3 20 39 16 22 24
All Opponents Record W
Nevada-Reno .................................................................
N ew M e x i c o ............................................................................... North D a k o t a North D akota S tate ...............................................................
4 11 2
10 7 2
0 1 0
Northern C olorado .................................................................. Northern Illin o is
3 1
1 0
0 0
Northern I o w a ...............................................................
O regon ............................................................................................ 0 O regon State ................................................................................ 0 Pacific U n iv e r s ity ......................................................................... 2 University of the Pacific 2 Pocatello Marines 1 Portland 2 Portland State .................................................................. 9 Puget S o u n d 2 Rice .................................................................................................. 0 San D i e g o ....................................................................................... 0 San D iego Marines ..................................................................... 0 San Francisco .............................................................................. 2 San J o se S t a t e .............................................................................. 0 Sim on Fraser ................................................................................ 2 South D a k o t a 7 S outh D akota State ................................................................... 2 Southern C a lifo rn ia ..................................................................... 0 Stanford ......................................................................................... 0 S yracuse ......................................................................................... 0 T exas T ech ................................................................................... 1 Tulsa ................................................................................................ 0 U CLA .............................................................................................. 0 U t a h .................................................................................................. 0 Utah State ..................................................................................... 9 W ashington ................................................................................... 1 W ashington State ....................................................................... 2 W eber S t a t e ................................................................... 14 W estern Illinois ................................................................... 1 Whitman ......................................................................................... 5 W illa m ette....................................................................................... 0 W y o m in g ......................................................................................... 0
Oklahom a City
Total (includes Non-collegiate opp.) ......................
Boise State .....................................................................
Brigham Y oung British Columbia California Cal Poly (San Luis O bispo) Carroll C o lle g e Colorado State D enver D eP aul
5 2 0 2 1 6 3 1
11 0 1 0 0 10 7 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eastern Washington ...................................................
Farragut Naval Base ............................................................... G onzaga Hawaii .................................................................., H ouston ......................................................................................
0 11 1 0
2 9 2 1
0 4 0 0
Idaho ............................................................................... Idaho S t a t e .....................................................................
17 14
43 7
2 0
I o w a ............................................................................................... Mather Air F orce B a s e ...........................................................
0 0
1 1
0 0
Montana S t a t e ...............................................................
M ontana T ech ........................................................................... Nevada-Las V e g a s
12 1
4 4
2 0
Northern A r iz o n a
ey^Sutton makes an intercept]
4 11 0 5 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 0 5 4 0 3 1 7 11 25 16 30
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 6 1 12
0 1 0 0
C urt McElroy
All-Time Leaders (since 1948)
Single Season Rushing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Steve Caputo Monty Bullerdick Les Kent Terry Dillon Dick Imer Arnie Blancas Bryan M agnuson M onty Bullerdick Paul Connelly C asey Reilly
Scoring 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 10. 11.
Dan Worrell Dick Imer Dan Worrell Del Spear Bruce Carlson Pat D od son Rocky Klever Bruce Carlson Raul Allegre Terry Dillon Arnie Blancas Bob Turnquist
Receiving 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Jim Hard Paul C ooley Vern Kelly Ray Bauer Vern Kelly D oug Bain Terry Hurley G len W elch A1 Luis John Lands
Passing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Bob B oyes Tom Kingsford Tim Kerr Ray Brum Marty Mornhinweg Gary Berding Dick Heath Norm K am pschror Jam es Kelly Tom Huffer
Paul Connelly
Yr. Yds. 1971 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1965 1971
1253 1022 972 892 889 855 818 791 753 712
1969 1954 1970 1974 1976 1960 1979 1977 1978-79 1962 1970 1971
Rushing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11.
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
Bruce Carlson Dan Worrell Del Spear Bob Turnquist Dick Imer Raul Allegre Terry Dillon C asey Reilly Pat D od son Jeff Hoffman Arnie Blancas
196 180 126 115 I ll 102 96 96 92 90 88
pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts.
Receiving 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
607 564 563 539 473 431 386 371 352
Ray Bauer Vern Kelly Jim Hard Paul C ooley Allen G reen John Lands D uane Walker D oug Bain Tom McM ahon Jim DeBord
1250 1103 960 941 837 701 700 584 565 538
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
2296 2178 2068 1745 1447 1446 1231 1177 1144 1073
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
Yr. Yds. 1979 1950 1977 1969 1980 1970 1953 1955 1957 1963
2076 1813 1604 1592 1569 1445 1429 1348 1345 1313
67 64 60 60 55 54 54 53 51 50 50 50
Yr. Yds. 1979 722 1976 1978 1950 1977 1969 1955 1972 1968 1958
S teve Caputo M onty Bullerdick Arnie Blancas Dick Imer Terry Dillon Rocky Klever Del Spear Paul Connelly Jeff Hoffmann Bob Byrne
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1668 1361 1097 969 874 828 809 803 797 737
Van Troxel
Tom Kingsford Bob B oyes Ray Brum Tim Kerr Van Troxel Rock Svennungsen Dick Heath Gary Berding Tom Huffer Ed Steiner
Jim Hard
Grizzly Cup Initiated in 1921, the Grizzly Cup is the University of M ontana’s oldest athletic award. Dr. W. E. Schreiher, a long time head of the UM physical education departm ent, began the award which is given to the athlete w ho b est represents the University on and off the playing field. Larry H i g b e e .......................................................... 1921 Gil P o r te r ................................................................. 1922 Gil P o r te r ................................................................. 1923 A ngus M e a g h e r ......................................................1924 Russ S w e e t ...............................................................1925 Ted Dlman ...............................................................1926 Clarence C o y l e ......................................................1927 Eddie C h in s k e ........................................................1928 Tom D a v i s ...............................................................1929 Ray L e w is .................................................................1930 Glenn L o c k w o o d ................................................... 1931 Lowell D a ile y .......................................................... 1932 Dale H in m a n .......................................................... 1933 A1 D ah lb ert...............................................................1934 N aseby Rhinehart, Sr............................................ 1935 Henry B la s tic .......................................................... 1936 Bill L a z e tic h ............................................................ 1938 Bob T h o r n a lly ........................................................1940 Tom O ’D o n n e ll......................................................1941 Bill Jon es .................................................................1942 Henry D a h m er........................................................1943 Charles M o s e s ........................................................1948 John H e ld in g .......................................................... 1949 Jack O ’Laughlin ................................................... 1950 Ray B a u er.................................................................1951 Robert B y r n e .......................................................... 1952 Jack L u ck m a n ........................................................1953
Bob Thornally 1940 Grizzly Cup
Ed A n d e r s o n .......................................................... 1954 Murdo C a m p b e ll................................................... 1955 Dale S h u p e ...............................................................1956 D on W illiam son ......................................................1957 N aseb y Rhinehart, Jr.............................................1958 Mike G ra n b o is........................................................1959 Rudy R u a n a ............................................................ 1960 Bob O ’B illo v ic h ......................................................1961 Bob O ’B illo v ic h ......................................................1962 Paul D. M iller .......................................................... 1963 Tim Aldrich ............................................................ 1964 William M. R i c e ......................................................1965 Gary B. P e c k .......................................................... 1966 Greg H a n s o n .......................................................... 1967 Willie J o n e s ............................................................ 1968 Mick H a rrin g to n ................................................... 1969 Roy Robinson ........................................................1970 L onzo L e w is.............................................................1971 S teve O k o n ie w sk i................................................. 1972 EarlTye ................................................................... 1973 Robin S e lv ig ............................................................ 1974 Rock S v e n n u n g s e n ...............................................1975 D ean E r h a r d .................................................. 1976-77 Marsha H a m ilto n ......................................... 1977-78 Tim K e r r ......................................................... 1978-79 Ed C e r k o v n ik ................................................ 1979-80 Craig Zanon .................................................. 1980-81
Grizzly Awards Each year five outstanding University of M ontana football players are recipients of awards. The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back, w as established in 1964 following the accidental death of former G rizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. H e started at defensive halfback for the National Football League M innesota Vikings. T he Paul W eskam p Award was established in m em ory of Paul W eskam p, a tackle on Ed C hinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. The award honors UM ’s outstanding lineman and w as established by the citizens of Ronan, Mont. The G olden H elm et Award honors the hardest hitter on the team . It w as set up on a nationwide basis by the C oca-C ola C om pany in 1967. The Larry Miller Award is given in m em ory of the great Grizzly lineman and wrestler who com p eted for UM in 1969 and 1970. Miller died in an autom obile accident in 1974. The award honors the team ’s outstanding defensive lineman. The S teve Carlson award is given to the team ’s m ost valuable player in m em ory of the former Grizzly football player w ho died in 1977.
Arnie Rigoni 1980 Miller A w ard Dillon
W eskamp
Golden Helmet
1964— W ayne Harrington 1965— Paul Connelly 1966—Jim N eilsen 1967— Bryan M agnuson 1968— Mike Buzzard 1969— Karl Stein 1970— Arnie Blancas 1971— S teve Caputo 1972— Jeff Hoffmann 1973— Bob Smith 1974— R ock Svennungsen 1975— D el Spear 1976— Paul Fiskness 1977— M onty Bullerdick 1978— R ocky Klever 1979— R ocky Klever 1980— W ayne Harper
1967— Larry Huggins 1968— Tuufuli U peresa 1969—Tuufuli U peresa 1970— Larry Miller 1971— S teve O koniewski 1972— Ron Richards 1973—Jim Leid 1974— Larry Farnam 1975—Walt Brett 1976— Dan Sullivan 1977—Terry Falcon 1978— Guy Bingham 1979— G uy Bingham 1980— Brian McHugh
1967— Bob B eers 1968— Herb White 1969—Jim Nordstrom 1970— Jim Nordstrom 1971— C asey Reilly 1972— Mick Dennehy 1973—Sly Hardy 1974— Ron Rosenberg 1975—S teve Dionas 1976— Greg Anderson 1977— Kelly Johnson 1978— Kent Clausen 1979— Greg Dunn 1980— Jay Becker
1976— D oug Betters 1977—S teve Fisher 1978— S teve Fisher 1979—Sam Martin 1980— Arnie Rigoni
Carlson 1977— Ron Lebsock 1978— Tim Kerr 1979—Jim Hard 1980— Kent Clausen
Big Sky First Team Jerry L u c h a u ......................................................................... 1963 Chris Pom ajevich ................................................................ 1963 Pete G o t a y ..............................................................................1963 Paul C o n n elly ......................................................................... 1964 W ayne Harrington ..............................................................1964 Terry B e r g e n ......................................................................... 1965 Willie J o n e s ............................................................................1965 W arren H ill.............................................................................. 1966 Bob Graham ......................................................................... 1967
Lon H o w a rd ........................................................................... 1967 Larry H u g g in s .......................................................................1967 Bryan M a g n u so n .................................................................. 1967 Mick O ’Neill .........................................................................1967 Bob B e e r s ..................................................................... 1967-68 Herb W hite ................................................................... 1967-68 Tuufuli U p e r e s a ............................................................ 1968-69 Tim G a lla g h e r .......................................................................1969 Bill G u t m a n ........................................................................... 1969
Willie Jones
Tuufuli Uperesa
All-Americans Flayer Chris Bentz
Year ........................................................................................................................................1921
“Wild” Bill K e l l y .................................................................................................................................1926 Tom Davis ....................................................................................................................................... Jim Morrow
W aldo Ekegren
................................................................................................................................. 1930*
Bob Stansberry Henry Blastic
............................................................................................................................... 1933*
J oe D eluca .......................................................................................................................................... 1954* D oug D a s in g e r ................................................................................................................................... 1955* Stan Renning ..................................................................................................................................... 1957* (third team) 1958 John L a n d s ..........................................................................................................................................1958 1959* Terry Dillon
L es K e n t .................................................................................. 1969 Jim N ordstrom .................................................................... 1969 Roy R obinson .......................................................................1969 John S t e d h a m .......................................................................1969 Larry Stranahan .................................................................. 1969 Arnie B la n c a s ................................................................. 1969-70 Larry Miller ................................................................... 1969-70 Karl S t e i n ........................................................................ 1969-70 S tev e O k o n ie w s k i....................................................... 1970-71 S tev e C a p u t o .........................................................................1971 R a y S ta c h n ic k .......................................................................1971 Kit B lu e .....................................................................................1972 Barry D a rro w ......................................................................... 1972 Mick D e n n e h y .......................................................................1972 Leo L a R o c h e ......................................................................... 1972 Ron R o s e n b e r g ........................................................ 1972,1974 S tev e T a y lo r........................................................................... 1973 D ave H a r rin g to n .................................................................. 1973 Sly H a r d y ........................................................................ 1973-74 G reg A n d e r s o n ..................................................... 1974-75-76 Paul C o o l e y ........................................................................... 1976 M onty B u llerd ick .................................................................. 1977 S tev e F is h e r ......................................................... 1978 Allen G r e e n ........................................................................... 1978 Sam M a r tin ................................................................... 1978-79 Guy Bingham .............................................................. 1978-79 Greg D unn ................................................................... 1978-79 Jim H a r d ................................................................................1979 Raul A lle g r e ........................................................................... 1979 Kent C lausen .......................................................................1979
........................................................................................................................................ 1962*
Bob Beers (A ssociated Press, first team ) ............................................................................... 1967 1968 Herb W hite (AP) ............................................................................................................................... 1968* Tuufuli U peresa (AP, 2nd team , Kodak*)
Pacific Coast, Northwest, Skyline Chris B e n t z ............................................................................1914 Alfred R o b e r tso n ............................................................ 1914-15 Earl “C lick” C la r k ................................................................1915 “W ild” Bill K e lly ............................................................ 1924-25 Reid H a r m o n ......................................................................... 1929 Bob S ta n s b e r r y .....................................................................1933 Milt P o p o v ic h ......................................................................... 1937 Aldo Forte ..............................................................................1937 Ray B a u e r ................................................................................ 1950 Bob Byrne ..............................................................................1951 H alM aus ................................................................................ 1952 Jim M urray..............................................................................1952 Dick I m e r ........................................................................ 1953-54 J o e D e L u c a s ......................................................................... 1954 D oug D a sin g e r.......................................................................1955 Stan R e n n in g ................................................................. 1957-58 John Lands ................................................................... 1958-59 Bob O ’B illo v ic h .....................................................................1960 Pat D o d so n ........................................................................... 1960 Terry D illo n ........................................................................... 1961
Les Kent (AP, 2nd team ) ...............................................................................................................1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) Ray Brum (AP*) Karl Stein (AP and Kodak*) Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) ............................................................................................................ 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team) Arnie Blancas (AP*) S teve O koniew ski (AP*) G reg M aloney (Co-SIDA, 2nd team) S teve O koniewski (AP, 3rd team; Kodak, 2nd team ) ...........................................................1971 S teve C aputo (AP*) Barry Darrow (AP*) Barry Darrow (Universal Sports, 2nd t e a m ) .............................................................................1972 Ron R osenberg (AP, 3rd team)
................................................................................................... 1974
G reg A nderson (1975 A P*/A P, Kodak 1st team ....................................................................1976 M onty Bullerdick (AP*) ................................................................................................................... 1977 S teve Fisher (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team) Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP) ................................................................................................. 1979 Allen G reen (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team) Ed Cerkovnik (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team)
A1 Green 1979 All-American
* D en otes honorable m ention.
The Grizzly Record Book Individual Records—Single Season RUSHING Most Carries 219, M onty Bullerdick, 1978
Most Net Yards 1253, S teve C aputo, 1971
Most Yards 1550, Bob B oyes, 1979 (Rush-118; Pass-1668)
28, G reg Dunn, 1979
PASS RECEIVING Most Receptions
660, G reg Dunn, 1979
Most Yards
Highest Average Per Carry
47, Jim Hard, 1979
Highest Average
Most Yards
Dick Imer, 1953 (86-703)
Most Touchdowns Rushing
722, Jim Hard, 1979
11, S teve Sullivan, 1920 9, Dick Imer, 1954
Most Touchdowns
PASSING Most Attempts
7, 6, 6, 6,
Jim Hard, 1979 Paul C ooley, 1976 Allen G reen, 1977 Vern Kelly, 1978
11, Karl Stein, 1969
Most Yards Returned
243, Bob B oyes, 1979
G reg A nderson, 1974 (10-335)
218, G reg A nderson, 1978 (6 interceptions)
Most Completed
Most Punts
121, Bob B oyes, 1979
70, D ave Harrington, 1973
Most Points
Most Yards
Most Yards
1668, Bob B oyes, 1979
2654, D ave Harrington, 1973
79, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926 67, Dan Worrell, 1969
Highest Completion Percentage
Highest Average
Most Touchdowns
(minimum of 100 attem pts) 580, Bart Andrus, 1980 (69-119)
(minimum of 35 punts) 41.3, Lon Howard, 1968 (61-2517)
Most P asses Had Intercepted
Most Touchdown P asses
42, Karl Stein, 1970
12, 11, 10, 10, 9,
12, Bob B oyes, 1979
Most Yards
M ost Field Goals
15, Bob B oyes, 1979
“Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926 S teve Sullivan, 1920 Dick Imer, 1954 Del Spear, 1974 Rocky Klever, 1979
417, Karl Stein, 1970
12, Bruce Carlson, 1976
Most Plays
Highest Average
Most C onversions
334, Bob B oyes, 1979
40, Dan Worrell, 1969
Greg A nderson, 1974 (13-263)
Individual Records—Single Game Most Yards
Most Carries
Most Yards
36, Monty Bullerdick, Idaho State, 1977
350, Bob B oyes vs. Portland State, 1979
Most N et Yards 227, Les Kent, Portland St., 1969
Most Touchdowns Rushing 4, Arnie Blancas, W eber, 1970
Longest Touchdown Run 80, Bob Smith, Sim on Fraser, 1973 80, Mike Mickey, South D akota, 1975 80, D oug Egbert, W eber State, 1975
Longest Run From Scrimmage 88, “Wild” Bill Kelly, Mt. St. Charles, 1924
PASSING Most Attempts
PASS RECEIVING Most R eceptions 9, Vern Kelly vs. Puget Sound, 1978
Most Yards 166, Rick Strauss, Portland State, 1967
Most Touchdowns 3, Ray Bauer, Eastern W ash., 1950 3, Paul C ooley, W eber State, 1975 3, Jim Hard, Portland State, 1979
Longest Touchdown Reception 86, Jim D eB ord, Idaho 1970
41, Bob B oyes vs. Portland State, 1979
Most Completed
Most Punts
22, Bob B oyes vs. Portland State, 1979
11, D ave Harrington, Rice, 1973 11, Terry T hom as, Nevada-Las V egas, 1978
Most Yards
173, Sly Hardy, B oise S t., 1973
Longest Touchdown 102, Milt Popovich, O regon St. C ollege, 1936 94, G reg A nderson, Idaho and M ont. S t., 1974
PASS INTERCEPTIONS Most Interceptions 4, Ed Cerkovnik, Portland S t., 1977
M ost Yards Returned 125, Kelly Johnson, Portland S t., 1977
Longest Touchdown 90, Kelly Johnson, Portland S t., 1977
SCORING M ost Points 26, 24, 24, 24,
“Wild” Bill Kelly, W hitm an C ollege, 1926 Del Spear, Idaho, 1974 Arnie Blancas, W eber, 1970 Jeff Hoffmann, N . Arizona, 1972
356, Bob B oyes vs. Portland State, 1979
Most Yards
M ost Touchdowns
Most Touchdowns
443, Lon Howard, Utah S tate, 1968
4, Tom Kingsford vs. Eastern W ash., 1950 4, Bob B oyes vs. Portland State, 1979 4, Marty Mornhinweg vs. E. W ashington, 1980
Highest Average
4, Arnie Blancas, W eber, 1970 4, Jeff Hoffmann, N. Arizona, 1972 4, D el Spear, Idaho, 1974
Highest Completion Percentage
4, Bruce Carlson, Northern C olorado, 1976
7, Karl Stein, Portland S t., 1970
50, D an Worrell, S. D akota S t., 1969 50, Bruce Carlson, N . C olorado, 1976
(minimum of 10 attem pts) .750, Tom Huffer vs. Idaho S tate, 1963 (12-16)
Most P asses Had Intercepted
49.2, John O ch oa, Northern Arizona, 1969 (6295)
Most Yards
M ost Field Goals Longest Field Goal
5, John Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966
126, Karl Stein, Portland S t., 1970
Most Conversions
Longest Touchdown Pass
Longest Touchdown
86, Gary Berding vs. Idaho, 1970
83, Ron Baines, U of Pacific, 1967
9, 7, 7, 7,
47, Rock Svennungsen, vs. M ontana S tate, 1973
7, Sly Hardy, B oise S t., 1973
Russell S w eet, M ontana Sch ool of M ines, 1924 Mick O ’Neill, Portland S t., 1967 D an Worrell, Portland St., 1968 Dan Worrell, Northern Arizona, Portland St., S. Dakota S t., 1969
Team Records—Single Season PASSING
RUSHING Most Carries
Highest Average Per Carry
Most Attempts 268, 1978
728, 1970
Most Net Yards
Highest Per Game Average
1954 (380-2114)
Most Completed
3477, 1971
338.4, 1970
138, 1980
Dropout: Carl Swanson (1936)
T eam R ecord s—Single S e a so n (cont.) 521, 1974 (85-163)
35, 1959
Highest Average Yardage
42, 1970
Lowest Completion Pet. Allowed
Most Yards
.354, 1973 (84-237)
Most P asses Had Intercepted
450, 1949
Few est Yards Allowed
28, 1977
Highest Average
415, 1959
Fewest P asses Had Intercepted
Highest Completion Percentage
Fewest Touchdowns Allowed
1954 (12-215)
4, 1963
4, 1970
Most Touchdown P asses 15, 1969
Most P asses Intercepted 28, 1970
48, 1955
1,059, 1974
TOTAL DEFENSE Few est Average Plays Allowed
Highest Average
24.6, 1974 (43-1,059)
Lowest Average Per Play Yield
Most Yards
Most Plays 819, 1978
Most Yards 4548, 1969
Highest Per Play Average 5.9,
Fewest Completions Allowed
1969 (772-4548)
Highest Per Game Average
1963 1970 (648-2150)
Most Points
Fewest Yards
335, 1969
2150, 1970
454.8, 1969
Most Touchdowns
Lowest Yield Per Game
FIRST DOW NS Most Total First Downs
44, 1969
Most Field Goals
FIRST DOWNS Few est Allowed
12, 1976
215, 1970
Most Conversions
Most First Downs Rushing
98, 1949
40, 1969
171, 1970
Fewest Rushing
Most First Downs Passing
39, 1970
Most First Downs by Penalties
RUSH DEFENSE Few est Average Carries Allowed
23, 1979
34.6, 1970
Few est By Penalties
Lowest Per Rush Yield
3, 1959 and 1964
83, 1979
M ost Punts
Fewest Passing 14, 1959
1970 (346-699)
RECOVERIES M ost Fumble Recoveries
72, 1978
Fewest Yards Allowed
Most Yards
699, 1970
2831, 1978
PASS DEFENSE Few est Attempts Allowed
27, 1975
Highest Average 41.2,
96, 1959
45, 1977 (Interceptions and Fum bles)
1968 (64-2633)
M ost Total Recoveries
Team Record-Single Game Highest Completion Percentage
Most Yards
Most Carries
.750, vs. Idaho State, 1963
443, vs. Utah St., 1968
83, vs. S. D akota S t., 1970
M ost P asses Had Intercepted
Highest Average
Most N et Yards
6, vs. Utah S t., 1948
471, vs. Portland S t., 1968
Most Touchdowns 16, 6, 6, 6, 6,
vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Portland S t., 1967 and 1968 S. D akota S t., 1969 Idaho State, 1971 South D akota, 1975
TOTAL OFFENSE Most Plays 99, vs. S. D akota S t., 1970
Most Yards 649, vs. Portland S t., 1968
Highest Average Per Play
Highest Average Per Carry
FIRST DOWNS M ost First Downs
vs. North Dakota, 1948
PASSING Most Attempts 41, vs. Portland State, 1979
Most Completions 22, vs. Portland State, 1979
vs. N. D akota, 1948 (46-457)
29, vs. Idaho, 1969, 1974
Most Rushing First-Downs 25, Idaho, 1974
Most Passing First Downs 17, vs. Portland State, 1979
Most Yards
Most First Downs by Penalties
356, vs. Portland State, 1979
5, five times; three tim es in 1968
Most Touchdowns 4, vs. Eastern W ashington, 1950, 1980 4, vs. Idaho, 1968 4, vs. Portland State, 1979
PUNTING M ost Punts 11, vs. Rice, 1973; vs. NevadaLas V egas, 1978
vs. N. Arizona, 1967
PUNT RETURNS M ost Returns 7, vs. S. D akota S t., 1969 7, vs. Portland St., 1970 7, vs. Tulsa, 1972
M ost Yards 224, vs. N ew M exico, 1959
SCORING M ost Points 133, 60, 58, 58,
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 vs. Sim on Fraser, 1980 vs. Portland S t., 1968 vs. S. D akota S t., 1969
-33, vs. Portland St., 1975
Fewest Average Yards Per Play -1.1, vs. Portland S t., 1975
PASS DEFENSE M ost Interceptions 8, vs. Portland St., 1977, 7, tw o tim es in 1978
Lowest Completion Percentage (minimum of 15 attem pts) .179, by M ontana S t., 1971 (5-28)
M ost Yards Interceptions Returned
16, 8, 8, 8,
TOTAL DEFENSE Fewest Plays Allowed
vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Eastern W ashington, 1950 Portland S t., 1967 Portland S t., 1968
27, vs. British Columbia, 1963
Fewest Yards Allowed
M ost Conversion Kicks
28, vs. Utah S t., 1950
16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 7, vs. Portland S t., 1967 7, vs, Portland S t., 1968
Lowest Average Per Play Allowed .68, vs. Utah S t., 1950
Individual Career Football Records
433, M onty Bullerdick, 1977-78
2296, Tom Kingsford, 1948-50
INTERCEPTIONS M ost Interceptions
Most N et Yards
Most Touchdowns
21, Karl Stein, 1969-70
20, Ray Brum, 1968-69
PASS RECEIVING Most Receptions
Most Attempts
18, vs. British Columbia, 1963
F ew est Yards
234, vs. N. Colorado, 1978
Most Carries
RUSH DEFENSE Fewest Carries
M ost Touchdowns
M ost Yards Passing
2076, S tev e C aputo, 1969-71
7, vs. Portland S t., Northern Arizona, S. Dakota S t., 1969
Most P asses Had Intercepted 25, Tom Kingsford, 1948-50 25, Van Troxel, 1972-75
83, Vern Kelly, 1977-78
SCORING M ost Points 196, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77 194, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26
M ost Touchdowns 31, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26 21, Del Spear, 1973-76
Most Yards
Most Field Goals
1250, Ray Bauer, 1948-50
35, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77
Most Completions
Most Touchdown R eceptions
Most Conversion Kicks
167, Bob B oyes, 1978-79
10, Paul C ooley, 1975-76
102, Dan Worrell, 1968-70
333, Tom Kingsford, 1948-50 333, Bob B oyes, 1978-79
Dropout: Paul Dornblaser
UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 1897 Blake, Harold** ..................Missoula Crain, F r e d * .............Missoula Ebert, Fred* ........................Missoula Goodfellow, H ow ard* Ovando Heyfron, Dan* .................... Missoula Jones, Martin* .................... Corvallis Kennedy, Hugh** Missoula Kennett, George** Missoula Rittenour, Clifford* Missoula Schroeder, H ow ard* Missoula Smith, Fred D .* ..............Cornell U. Ward, Sidney** ................. Hamilton Westby, George** Missoula 1898 Allard, C harles***.................. Ravalli Ebert, Laurence* .. Vancouver, WA Flynn, Michael* .................. Missoula Hechler, L aurens** Hamilton Heyfron, Gil*** .................. Missoula Miller, Ed* ..........................Missoula Sedman, Ellis* .................... Missoula Sedman, Oscar** Missoula 1899 Cross, Shorty* Craig, William**** Missoula Graham, H u g h * .................... Bonner Hodson, William* Missoula Jameison, William* ................ Victor Marceyes, Claude**** Forsyth McAllister, C lau d e* Missoula McCormick, Washington* Missoula McDonald, Homer*** . . . Potomac Sloane, Hugh* .................... Missoula Walker, Sidney* ................ Missoula 1900 Buckhouse, Jo e * * * * .......... Missoula Farrell, George** . . . . Virginia City Garlington, King**** . . . Missoula Greenough, Leo**** . . . Missoula Hay, Waiter**** ................ Missoula Hughes, Herbert** Polleys, Hovey*** Missoula Walters, Ray**** Missoula 1901 Barnes, George* ............ Olivet, WI Greenough, Warren* . . . . Missoula Johnson, Elmer**** Missoula Latimer, F ran k * * ..... Missoula McCauley, Charles* Missoula McPhail, Roy***** New Chicago, Parsons, Houston* .. Missoula Sheridan, Guy* .................. Missoula Walters, Guy* .................... Missoula Marshall, Charlie* Missoula Westby, Arthur* ................ Missoula 1902 Cochrane, William*_Red Lodge Crowley, C le m * ........................Butte Fergus, Faustus* ............... Whitehall Greenough, Paul** Missoula Russell, Harvey* ................ Missoula Smith, Earl* Urlin, John* ........................ Missoula Williams, Arthur** Radersburg Williams, Frank* Deer Lodge Wood, Leslie* 1903 Corbin, Edwin** ................ Missoula Curtis, John H.* ......................Butte Farrell, Joseph T.* Missoula Greenough, Earl*** Missoula Hammer, Walter* .......... Miles City Hardenburgh, Floyd** . . . Missoula Messenger, Ralph* Missoula Murphy, F red * * * ..... Missoula Schoonover, Chas.** .. Philipsburg Spaulding, Thomas* Missoula Willis, Hartwell***................... Plains 1904 Adam, Em il**........... Missoula Cary, Robert** N. Platte, NB Dimmick, C has.*** .Missoula Fisher, Eugene*** Rosebud Holmes, Robie* ..................... Billings Longley, Ed* .................Stevensville Marks, S am uel* .....Stevensville McLeod, John** ......................Butte E ditor’s Note: Player is listed the first year he lettered at UM. Asterisks indicate number of letters won.
1905 Farrell, Thomas* ................ Missoula Fisher, John* St. Louis, MO Fitzgerald, Edward* ................Butte Fulton, Scott* Gunner, James* 1906 Ambrose, Keith** Missoula Berry, Oral** ........................ Granite Bishop, Arthur**** Missoula Craig, Vincent* .................. Missoula Flaherty, James* ...............Bozeman Harriman, William** . Petoskey, MI Lewis, Frank** King, John R.* ................. Livingston Kitt, Berney** .................... Missoula McCarthy, Eugene* . . . . Townsend McNamara, J o h n * ____ East Helena Morgan, Arthur** . .Marshfield, OR 1907 Davidson, Arthur* Dinsmore, R aym ond* Missoula McLaren, G ilbert**........... Hamilton Ryan, Emmett**** ................. Valier Stoddard, Thayer*** Missoula Thomas, Dillwayn* ..................Butte 1908 Connor, Daniel**** ............ Darby Fredell, Ernest** Anaconda Johnson, C h a s * * ................ Missoula McClay, Harry*** Missoula Reardon, Stephen** .. Boston, MA Simpson, Martin*** Missoula Smead, Burton*** Missoula Soderston, John* Clinton, IA Tait, William* ......................Missoula Torrey, Henry* .............. Manila, PI Vealey, William** Missoula Webster, F.* ...................... Missoula Winstanley, Edward**** . Missoula 1909 Beard, LeBaron** Missoula Bennett, William** Anaconda Ittner, William* Red Lake Falls, MN Kennett, Holter* ................... Helena Little, G eorge**..................Missoula Thieme, Fred** ..................Missoula 1910 Day, Clifford***.................. Missoula Deschamps, Elizierd** . . . Missoula Dobson, Cecil** . . . Dickinson, ND Dornblaser, Paul**** .. Chicago, IL Gleason, Frank* ................ Florence Simpkins, Edward**** . . . Missoula 1911 Forbes, Hugh* .................... Missoula Hunt, Lewis** .....................Kalispell Kelly, Pat*** ................ Big Timber Klebe, George** ................ Missoula McCarthy, P atrick** Missoula Ronan, Peter*** ................ Missoula Owsley, Merritt**** . Twin Bridges 1912 Busha, Tom** ..............Big Timber Craighead, Ed* .................. Missoula Daems, Leonard**** . . . Harlowton Davidson, Bertram* . . . . Anaconda Gault, James*** ............Great Falls Griffith, William* Anaconda Stone, George* .................. Missoula Streit, N orm an**** Missoula Weidman, Roy** ...................... Pony 1913 Anderson, Herbert* Collins, Ray* ............................Butte Craighead, Barclay* Missoula Kress, Paul* ........................Michigan Sheridan, Phillip*** Paola, KS 1914 Bentz, Christian**** Aberdeen, SD Burris, Virgil* ...................... Missouri Clark, Earl*** Everett, WA Guerin, William* . . . . Olympia, WA Keeran, John*** .. Harrington, WA Robertson, Alfred** Minnesota Sanderson, Lawson*** Shelton, WA Scherck, George*** Missoula Vance, C ecil** Washington Suchy, John* Claypool, Clinton* Missoula
1915 Adams, Harry**** . Aberdeen, WA Blackwell, Ira* Aberdeen, WA Cook, Sam* ..............................Idaho Dreis, Frank* ................... Minnesota Layton, Jack*** . . . . Portland, OR McQuarrie, C la u d e* * Missoula Mahrt, Pete*
1925 Beeman, S te w a rt* ...........Lewistown Coleman, Charles* Alberton Brittenham, Curtis*** . . . . Kalispell Kain, Sam*** ......................... Helena Ostrum, Emil** Wabash, MN Vierhus, Louis*** . . . Portland, OR Whitcomb, C lark*** Helena
Dahlberg, H arry****................Butte Jones, Lester* Everett, WA Lockridge, Earl* Stevensville Nelson, A l* ..........................Missoula Orr, Conrad** .................... Missoula Woodward, Ward* Miles City
1926 Callison, Lloyd*** ..................Loma Chinske, Ed*** . Michigan City, IN Coyle, C laren ce* * Alberton Davis, T o m * * *..........................Butte Fogerty, Gerald* ......................Butte Murray, Marshall*** Missoula Parmalee, James*** Missoula Rafferty, William* . . . Wabash, MN Rognlien, Gordon*** Kalispell Tiernan, Robert*** . . . Toledo, OH
1917 Carver, Dwight** Florence Doherty, E m m ett* ....................Butte Driscoll, J o h n * ..........................Butte Felker, Preston* ................ Missoula Harris, Jam es* * * ......................Butte Kreis, Robert* ........................Sidney Lamb, Henry* ........................ Laurel Leahy, Arthur* ........................Butte Sailor, Floyd* ...........................Havre Sullivan, Stephen****..............Butte 1918—No team organized due to the war. 1919 Brown, W ingfield* Philipsburg Clinich, Vernon* ......................Butte Daylis, Fred*** ................... Worden DeMers, Lambert** ................ Arlee Dorsey, James*** Missoula Farmer, James “Eck”* . . . Missoula Fitzgerald, Harold* Miles City Howard, C o r t* ...................Bozeman Keeley, P atrick** Deer Lodge Volger, Ralph* ..........................Butte Walterskirchen, Wm.** .. Missoula 1920 Baird, Harold* .................... Missoula Barry, Earl* ........................Missoula Elliott, Harvey*** Missoula Freeman, Paul* Great Falls Highbee, Lawrence* Missoula Kershner, Leroy J o e * * Billings Madsen, Lloyd*** Miles City McGowan, Thomas*** .Lewistown Ramsey, Ted*** Lewistown 1921 Christie, Ralph** . . . .Spokane, WA Dahlberg, George*** Butte Johnston, William* . New York, NY Lambert, J a m e s * ............Great Falls Murphy, Ray** ................Anaconda Plummer, Ted*** Stevensville Porter, Gilbert** Stevensville Rooney, Harry* .................. Missoula Straw, A lv a* ..........................Forsyth Tanner, Gordon** Miles City 1922 Coleman, Chas* ................ Alberton Johnson, Earl** .................. Missoula Maudlin, Warren*** .. Three Forks O ’Neill, William* ................ Missoula Shaffer, John*** Miles City Silvernale, Grant*** ............... Baker 1923 Dahlberg, Oscar*** ................Butte Griffin, Walter*** Roundup Hyde, N eil*...........................Fairview Illman, Ted*** .................... Missoula Meagher, Angust* ..................Butte Moe, O .K .* ............... St. Cloud, MN Plummer, Ben*** Stevensville Sugrue, P at* * * ..................Anaconda Taylor, E d * Miles City 1924 Axtell, George** ...............Bozeman Burrell, Walter*** Tampa, FL Cogswell, Andy*** Missoula Fletcher, Claude** Roundup Hanson, D an ta* * ..................Mildred Kelly, “Wild” Bill*** Missoula Martinson, Karl*** Missoula Ritter, Milton*** Eveleth, MN Sweet, Russell** Miles City Varney, Howard* ................. Helena
1927 Clark, James** . . . . Pasadena, CA Dezell, W illiam*...........Winona, MN Foss, Don*** ...........................Havre Harmon, Reid***.............. Price, UT Lewis, Ray*** ..........................Butte Mellinger, Ted*** . Pine Island, MN Morrow, James*** ................Moore 1928 Carpenter, Clyde*** Billings Ekegren, Kermit*** Harlem Ekegren, Waldo*** Harlem Lyon, Ray*** ......................... Billings Moore, T hom as*** Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** Kenosha, WI Perey, Emile*** Philipsburg Peterson, Russell*** . . . . Miles City Ryan, J erry * * * Deer Lodge Rule, Ted*** .............. Deer Lodge Schotte, George** ............... Helena Spencer, Franklin*** Geyser 1929 Boone, William** Deer Lodge Burns, Elmer* .................... Choteau Cox, Walter*** ........................Butte McCarthy, Thomas*** .. Anaconda Murray, H enry*** Missoula Walker, C a rl* ........... Boundary, WA 1930 Botzenhardt, August** .. Anaconda Breen, Robert** ......................Butte Dailey, Lowell**.................... Scobey Fox, Richard** ..................... Billings Grove, Joseph* . . . Glenwood, MN LeRoux, Leonard** Wis. Rapids, WI Madden, Gilbert** Roundup Snyder, George** Great Falls Vidro, A ugust*** Anaconda 1931 Caven, Arthur*** Miles City Crowley, Cale** ......................Butte Dahlberg, Alfred** ..................Butte Hinman, Dale** Greybull, WY Kuka, Leonard***...................Havre Lyman, Chalmer** ............... Helena McKay, John* ....................... Noxon Meeker, D elm er** Missoula Reynolds, Linwood*** Butte Williams, Wendell* ............... Billings 1932 Andersen, Leif*** . . . Portland, OR Carpenter, Kenneth*** .. Hamilton Emery, Cal*** ....................... Helena Hawke, William** ....................Butte Hileman, William*** Whitefish Kuka, George*** Chicago, IL Oech, V e rn * ........................... Billings Rhinehart, Naseby*** Milwaukee, WI Sayatovich, George*** .. Anaconda Stansberry, Robert* .. Norfolk, NB Vesel, F ran k * * ................... Roundup 1933 Benson, Frank* White Pine Blastic, Henry*** Chicago, IL Brandenberg, Herbert*** Miles City Hartsell, Louis*** Anaconda Heller, Albert** Twin Bridges Kent, E dison*........................... Dillon McCall, R o d n ey * Silverton, OR Newgard, Morris* ............... Kalispell Roberts, James* ................... Billings Story, Leland** ................... Winnett
Sullivan, Jo h n * * * ......................Butte Zemke, Hubert* ................ Missoula 1934 Babich, Roy** ..........................Butte Carter, Don* Los Angeles, CA Cosgrove, Robert*** Alhambra, CA Dickson, Robert* Los Angeles, CA Holmquist, Don* ...............Whitefish Newgard, Morris* ........ ' . . . Kalispell Olson, Clifford*** Whitefish Whittinghall, C h as* * * ........... Helena Wilcox, C h arles* * Stevensville 1935 Breen, Robert* ........................Butte Farnum, Donald* Harlowton Noyes, Leonard*** ..................Butte Pomajevich, Joseph*** .. Missoula Popovich, Milt*** ....................Butte Previs, John* Thompson Falls Shields, John** ................Miles City Swanson, Carl** Anaconda Szakash, P au l* * Chicago, IL Welch, Roderick* Long Beach, CA 1936 Beal, Robert*** ................Anaconda Bonawitz, N o rv al* .............. Missoula Brower, Gerald*** Miles City Dolan, John*** ..................... Helena Forte, Aldo*** ..............Chicago, IL Gedgord, T o m * Chicago, IL Gibson, Lyman* Puyallup, WA Golden, Joseph* Chicago, IL Jenkin, Fred*** ................Anaconda Lazetich, William*** . . . . Anaconda Lundberg, Roland** . . . Chicago, IL Mariana, Joseph* Miles City Matasovic, William*** . Chicago, IL McDonald, A rch ie* * ..............Nirada Morris, Clifford* Miles City Peterson, Arthur*** . . . Great Falls Peterson, Philip*** Kalispell Rolston, Thomas*** Forsyth Smith, Frank** Chicago, IL Spelman, Jam es* * * ..........Anaconda Strizich, Joseph* Great Falls Vogel, R o b ert* .............. Whiting, IN Williams, Charles*** . . . Chicago, IL Zimmerman, Walter* .. Chicago, IL 1937 Hoon, Jack * * * ....................... Helena Lundberg, Roger*** Northwood, IA Nugent, Frank*** Miles City Shaffer, Harry** ......................Butte Stenson, Perry*** ............... Kalispell Taberacci, Emil*** Great Falls Thornally, Robert***.. Chicago, IL Van Bramer, G len***........... Billings 1938 Edwards, Hugh*** ..................Butte Huacek, Ed** . . . . Wheeling, W.VA Johnson, Neil*** ................ Missoula O ’Donnell, Thomas*** Casper, WY Shegina, William** Anaconda 1939 Brauer, F red * * *..................Missoula Brown, Clyde* ......................... Dillon Bryan, D o n * * ......................... Billings Clawson, Gene*** Missoula Drahos, Kenneth**** Puyallup, WA Dratz, John*** .................. Missoula Duffy, T o m * * ............................Butte Duncan, John** ................... Helena Gorton, Robert* .................Kalispell Gustafson, Roy** Corvallis Mufich, William**** ................Butte Narche, Eso*** ........................Butte Ness, Robert* .....................Kalispell Nussbacker, K arl* .............. Missoula Roberts, Buan* ........................Butte Roberts, Sam* ....................... Helena Strom, Roy*** ........................Shelby Swarthout, Jack*** .. Prosser, WA Vaughn, Coleman* Anaconda Jones, William** Livingston 1940 Dahmer, Henry* .....................Havre Daems, Leonard* Bozeman Emigh, Jack* Kankakee, IL Fiske, Karl*** ..................... Outlook Jones, Charles* ............... Livingston Leaphart, William***. . . . Missoula Page, John* ......................... Kalispell
Reagan, John** Chicago, IL Robertson, William*** .. Great Falls Sparks, R o b ert* ........................Butte Swarthout, William*** Prosser, WA Walters, Ted** ..................... Billings
Malone, Jack** ..................... Billings Prueninger, W illiam* Missoula Replogle, Bert* ...............Lewistown Selstad, Tom*** Great Falls Whalen, Robert* ......................Butte
1941 Barbour, William* . . . . Philadelphia Burke, P aul** ......................... Billings Kampfe, Paul* .....................Kalispell Keig, William* ..................Anaconda Kern, R ichard**............... Livingston Mather, William* Lewistown Reynolds, Vernon** . .Prosser, WA Scott, Arnold** ....................... Plains Tyvand, B en*** ........................Butte Westwater, James* . . . . Chicago, IL
1948 Campbell, D on*** Great Falls Chaffin, Everett** Missoula Kafentzis, Andy*** Missoula Kafentzis, Chris* ................ Missoula King, Jack * * * .......................Kalispell Kingsford, Tom*** Missoula Korn, D an * * .........................Kalispell Naye, W illiam* Petaluma, CA Smith, William (B .J.)* ..............Butte Stewart, Gordon*** Forsyth Morey, William*..................Sheridan
1942 Badgley, Kirk Jr.** Missoula Berger, Edward* ................... Billings Bowman, Richard* . . . Casper, WY Felt, Tom* ............................. Billings Ferris, Jack* ................Belmar, NJ Fox, Donald* .................... Park City Leaphart, Don* .................. Missoula McIntosh, James* Missoula Misic, W illiam*..............Chicago, IL Nyquist, D onald*.................. Scobey Schiller, Carl* ..............Chicago, IL Taylor, Joseph* Chicago, IL Thiebes, Jo se p h * Great Falls Vannett, Leonard* . . . . Pasco, WA 1943, 1944—Football dropped because of World War II 1945 Arnst, Richard* .......... Fort Benton Cook, Robert** ..............Cut Bank Craft, Archie* . . . Los Angeles, CA Dayton, Clark* ................Anaconda Donovan, John* Anaconda Fleming, Eugene* ................. Eureka Gall, Donald* .............. Fort Benton Gallagher, Edw ard* Anaconda George, Donald* ......................Butte Kalisch, Frank*** .. Dickinson, ND Krause, Kenneth* ................... Dillon O ’Loughlin, James*** . . . Missoula Preuninger, W illiam* Missoula Rhehfield, R o b ert* Missoula Rist, S e v e rt* ........................... Billings Rossmiller, Edward** .. Minot, ND Shephard, William* Des Moines, IA Stephens, W allace**............. Billings Thompson, Harry* Kalispell Thorsrud, Garfield* Missoula Williamson, Paul* Missoula Lewis, George* .................. Missoula 1946 Anderson, Robert*** . . . . Missoula Briney, Frank** ........................Butte Cheek, J o h n * ........................... Dillon Cork, Lee**** .................... Missoula Gerner, Kenneth* . Thompson Falls Helding, John**** Missoula Kovacich, John* ......................Butte Kumpuris, Mike**** Little Rock, AR Leeper, S am *** ........................Butte Lodell, Albert* ..................Anaconda Malcolm, Roy**** Missoula Normand, Robert* Anaconda Palmer, Loren* ................ Laurel Pattison, Leo* .................... Glasgow Radakovich, Dan*** Glasgow Reynolds, William*** . Highland, IN Roberts, P ierre**................ Missoula Scott, Wilbur* .................... Missoula Semansky, Frank**** Butte Streit, David** .................... Missoula Sivingen, M a rcu s* Glasgow Walterskirchen, Jerome* . Missoula Warden, Darrel* Great Falls Yovetich, Dan* ........................Butte 1947 Bauer, Ray**** Great Falls Delaney, Don*** ................ Missoula DeVore, K ent**..................... Helena Ford, Henry*** Durango, CO Gorton, Robert* .................Kalispell Hammerness, Roland*** . Glasgow Harris, Doyle** . . . Forest City, AR Helding, Robert* ................ Missoula Keim, Ronald*** ................... Helena Kuburich, S teve*** Anaconda Jourdonnais, J o n * * Missoula Leaphart, Clark** Missoula
1949 Byrne, Robert*** ................. Billings Campbell, K e n * * ...........Great Falls Doyle, Richard* .................. Missoula Hanson, Robert** Santa Monica, CA Lamberg, Ed* (Mgr) ................Butte Mayte, Carol*** Sand Coulee Murphy, Charles** .. Burlington, IA Oberweiser, Jack* ............... Billings Reed, Dick** Miles City Volk, Fred** Great Falls Wold, Paul*** ........................ Laurel 1950 Antonick, R obert***................Butte Baker, William* ..................... Poison Gerlinger, D on*** Chicago, IL Carlson, Gene*** Great Falls Graves, Robert*** ............... Billings Ingram, Mel*** ..................... Billings Jones, G ordon***....................Butte Laird, Loren*** Miles City Lamley, Robert*** . . . Kenton, OH Leonard, Robert** Santa Ana, CA Maus, Harold*** ............... Hamilton Merrill, E arl**.................. Selma, CA Miller, David** . .Santa Monica, CA Moomaw, Richard** Santa Ana, CA Murray, Jim*** ............... Anaconda Nearing, Ed* Los Angeles, CA Rothwell, Jack* ..................... Billings Sherbeck, Harold** . . . . Big Sandy Thomas, Lloyd** .. Santa Ana, CA Vucurovich, George** Butte Watt, Henry* . Hermosa Beach, CA White, John* Santa Ana, CA Walker, William* ...............Bozeman 1951 Anderson, Eddie*** Missoula Burke, Jim*** ................. Livingston Campbell, Murdo**** . Great Falls Davidson, Jan*(Mgr) .. Great Falls Lindsey, Richard** Missoula Nickel, Frank** ..................... Billings Mirchoff, Fred** .. Santa Ana, CA Shadoan, Richard** Billings Stewart, Robert** ................Forsyth Roberts, J o e * * ..........................Butte Yurko, Robert* Great Falls 1952 Brandt, Don** ....................Glendive Brott, Dean* ................ Seattle, WA Crumley, Robert* ............ Cut Bank Dantic, Robert*** .................. Laurel De Luca, Joe** ...............Weed, CA Deuchler, Owen** ............... Seattle Gompf, H arold* ........................Libby Due, William***..............Great Falls Heath, Richard***............Miles City Jensen, Marlyn*** Miles City Little, Don*** ....................... Helena Orlich, Don* ............................Butte Pinsoneault, Richard* .. St. Ignatius Samuelson, George*** . . . Glendive Stocking, G. Edgar* Whitefish Swearingen, Chester* . . . . Port Orchard, WA Wilson, James* ...................... Laurel 1953 Barone, Vincent** . . . Elizabeth, NJ Burke, Howard** Livingston Byerly, K enneth*** Lewistown Dasinger, Douglas** . . . .Wolf Point Laird, Walton** Miles City Leuthold, Kenneth* Laurel Milne, Curtis** ..................Glendive Peterson, Keith** Seattle, WA Shupe, Dale*** .................... Harlem Weskamp, Paul** .................. Ronan
1954 Enochson, Paul*** .................Havre Gehring, Robert** Port Orchard, WA Kaiserman, William*** .. Livingston Miles, Robert* ................ Anaconda Muri, P e te * * .................... Miles City Small, Robert*** ................ Missoula Rowam, James*(Mgr) . . . Livingston 1955 Bissell, Don* ............................ Belt Bray, Roy*** ...................... Missoula Dzivi, Richard** ................. Kalispell Erickson, Harold* . Sioux Falls, SD Gardner, William* . . . . Seattle, WA Hurley, Terry*** Chicago, IL Johnson, Terry* ................... Billings Johnson, Ronald* . . . . Elmhurst, IL Jones, Ivory** Oakland, CA Kampschror, Norman* . . . Glendive Lonner, Walter* ......................Butte Mading, Wallace* ............ Missouri McGibon, Robert** . . . Great Falls Pangle, Louis*** Denver, CO Rhinehart, Naseby Jr.*** . Missoula Rosera, Ervin*** ..............Lena, WI Strand, Carl* Bremerton, WA Wikert, Milton* . . . Santa Ana, CA WiLhamson, Don* ....................Butte 1956 Benjamin, Karl** Seattle, WA Bockman, Montana*** . . . Missoula Butossish, Robert* ..................Butte Carver, Duane* Seattle, WA Connors, Jerry*** . .Spokane, WA Dixon, John** Spokane, WA Everson, Robert*** .. Cheney, WA Gorsich, Mathew*** .. Highland, IN Hand, Bill** Selah, WA Hart, Willard* Oakland, CA Hayes, Severn* Oakland, CA McKelvie, Charles** .. Reseda, CA Manno, P a t * ..................... Anaconda Moore, Edward*** . . . Deer Lodge O ’Brien, Michael*** .Spokane, WA Renning, Stanley*** . . . Great Falls Tennant, Vernon* ...............Kalispell Gue, Kenneth* (Mgr) .. Great Falls 1957 Barney, Phil* ......................Missoula Bilan, Edward* . . . Calgary, Alberta Brown, Ronald* . . . Sun Valley, CA Fell, Donald* ................Vallejo, CA Grant, Russell* Mead, WA Griffin, Phil** ................. Chicago, IL Jankovich, Sam* ......................Butte Johnson, Howard** Hamilton Keeley, Earl* Vancouver, B.C. Leenhouts, Richard** .. Selah, WA Love, John* ..............Burbank, CA McArthur, Jon* . . . Vancouver, WA Myers, Larry** Pacoima, CA Olson, Bruce** ..................Missoula Pepe, Joe** ........................Missoula Sorenson, Thomas** . Benicia, CA Sparber, Dale** . . . Cashmere, WA Vierra, L e ste r* Yakima, WA Vercurovich, George* Butte Williamson, Dan* ....................Butte Young, Jerry** Sandy, OR 1958 Berry, Dale*** .....................Fairview Emerson, Michael** .. Lewiston, ID Gratton, Roger (Tim)* . . . Missoula Gregor, John*** ....................Shelby Greminger, Henry** Alhambra, CA Johnson, Jam e s* * * Missoula Lands, John** .. .Baton Rouge, LA Matte, John*** .................. Missoula Meese, J o h n * * Woodside, CA Nearamys, Robert* . . . . Pasco, WA Palayo, Alvin* .............Honolulu, HI Johnson, Richard*(Mgr) .. Hamilton 1959 Beddes, Law rence*** Billings Dotson, Jerry* . . . . Bremerton, WA Ekegren, Gary*** .............. Harlem Grasky, Jam es* * * Miles City Gustafson, Paul*** Vancouver, B.C. Harris, James* . . . . Des Moines, IA Kosiur, David** .. Wetaskiwin, Alb. O ’Billovich, Robert*** Butte Schwend, H ow ard** Bridger Schwertfeger, Carl**** ............... Milwaukee, WI
LET Schwertfeger, Gary**** ............ Milwaukee, WI Smith, Gary*** . . ........ Whitefish Thomson, Mike** . ............Billings Sorenson, Glenn** . ............Billings Schulz, John*** ........Missoula Russell, Grant* Mead, WA 1960 Bansemer, James* . Milwaukee, WI Bartell, James*** . . . Glencoe, IL Birgenheier, Richard** .. Harlowton Baucher, William*** . . . . Livingston Dillon, T e rry * .......... . , . . Irving, KS Dodson, Pat *** . . . ............Shelby Herber, Edmund** . .. Camas, WA Miller, Dick*** . Hopkins, MN Moe, Eugene** Peters, Daniel** ..............Butte Rudio, Jack** ........ ............Helena Shevalier, Jack** ............Helena Trotter, C. M.** . . . Longview, WA Werba, Ronald*** , , . . . Chicago, IL 1961 Dennis, George* , , . . . . Irving, KS Gilder, Richard** ........Missoula Hauck, Thomas*** . ..............Butte Huse, Richard** . . . . . . Great Falls Miller, Paul D** . . . . Miles City Wallwork, Bruce*** Waimanalo, HI Wood, Steve*** . . , . . . Great Falls 1962 Calder, Fred** . . . . Toms River, NJ Dennis, Wayne* . Vancouver, B.C. Ellison, William* . Mandan, ND Gotay, P ete r* * ........ Clarkston, NY Jenkins, Gary** . . . Great Falls Kimmit, Dennis* . , , . . . Great Falls Leonard, Eugene** . .. Bay City, MI Luchau, Gerald*** ........ Missoula Martin, Bill*** ........ ..............Dillon Pomajevich, Chris** ........ Superior Russel, Brent*** , , . ........ Missoula Scouel, Larry* ........ ..........Kalispell 1963 Bain, F ra n k * ............ ..........Kalispell Barherie, John* .. Calgary, Alberta Benzley, Robert** Green River, WY Buetman, Charles* . ...T elford, PA Crippen, Robert* . . . ..............Butte Greenfield, Rocky* . ........Missoula Huffer, Thomas** .. . Maywood, IL McElhenney, Ted* ..............Butte Meyer, Dennis* ............ Helena Petty, Larry** ........ . . . Great Falls Robinson, Clarence* ..........Kalispell Seeley, Roger** ............ Shelby Tilleman, Michael** ........Chinook Tripp, Eugene** . . . ........Missoula 1964 Aukamp, Ronald* Mt. Prospect, IL Bergen, T e rry * ........ ............ Darby Brophy, Robert* , . . . . . Red Lodge Clemens, Roger* . . . , . . Plentywood Muskegon, MI Connoly, Paul* Enger, David* ........ . . Deer Lodge ..............Dillon Ferris, Edward* Garland, Roger* . Spring Valley, IL Harrington, Wayne* ..Yakima, WA Hill, Warren* ............Billings ........Choteau Joramo, Floyd* Neilson, James* ............Shelby Salois, Jerry* .......... . . . Philipsburg Salvo, Jim* .............. ..............Dillon Schmauch, Michael* . . . Great Falls Smelko, Daniel* Hubbard, OH Welle, Charles* ........Superior Welker, Thomas* ..........Conrad Whipple, James* , . ............Helena 1965 Biletnikoff, Dennis* Chula Vista, CA Clark, Norman* . . . . Milwaukee, WI Davis, Artur* . . . . Los Angeles, CA Hanson, G reg o ry * ............Missoula Holliday, John* . Charlottesville, IN Hughes, Wade* .. South Bend, CA Levkhecht, Lee* . . . . Kimberly, WI Peck, Gary* ..............................Libby Quist, J o h n * ....................Cut Bank Samelton, Ed* . . . . South Bend, IN Schilke, Tom* ................ Racine, WI Sullivan, Bill*..................... Anaconda Williams, G e n e * ................ Pekin, IL Zillges, Gordie* .. Winneconne, WI
1966 Allen, Dewey** ...................Kalispell Appelt, W esley**................ Missoula Bains, Ron E.*** . . . . Tacoma, WA Beers, Bob*** Beaverton, OR Brumback, D. G.** Walla Walla, WA Dawson, E. L.** . . . Westport, WA Dudley, Ell T.** Detroit, MI Fiske, Karl** .......................... Laurel Glennon, Michael**** Billings Graham, Robert** San Mateo, CA Gray, Maceo*** . . . Baltimore, MD Hedstrom, Olaf** .................. Laurel Huggins, Larry T.** Missoula Jernberg, Ken** .. Sunnyside, WA Jones, Willie** ............ Monroe, MI Kelly, James R.*** . . . Seattle, WA Lung, Roderick** .. Placerville, CA Magnuson, Bryan** Minnetonka, MN Mullins, Peter*** San Francisco, CA McCann, Michael** .. Renton, WA Malloy, Don W.** ....................Malta Morgan, Garth*** Salt Lake City, UT Nicosia, Michael** .. Scranton, PA Nordstrom, Bruce** Vancouver, WA O ’Neil, James M.** Edmonton, Alb. Ortiz, R. C.*** .. Monte Bello, CA Paresa, Gregory*** . . . Kahului, HI Robinson, Roy**** Glasgow Searles, James D.** Missoula Smith, Gary** Pittsburgh, PA Sparkes, Richard*** ................Butte Stedham, John*** . . . Chehalis, WA Steiner, Edward** Missoula Strauss, Richard*** Poison Tubbs, Frederick*** . .Honolulu, HI Unruh, Richard*** ................Poison Waters, William** .....................Troy White, H erbert*** Ecorse, MI Stimac, Daniel** Great Falls 1967 (combined with 1966) 1968 Bain, Doug** .......................Kalispell Brum, Ray** ...............Honolulu, HI Buzzard, Mike** . Mt. Vernon, WA DeBord, Jim * * * Pasco, WA Dolan, P at* * *................Great Falls Gabriel, Tony* . . . . South River, NJ Gallagher, Tim*** ............... Kalispell Garske, R o n * ................ Chico, CA Guptill, Robert*** Great Falls Gutman, Bill** .................... Missoula Hedstrom, Ole** .................... Laurel Howard, Lon* Centralia, WA Lavery, T h o m as*................. Chicago Lovell, Byron** ...........Honolulu, HI Luis, Al* Orland, CA Lyons, Joe* .........................Kalispell McBurrows, John* .Englewood, NJ Nelson, LA Rue* New Orleans, LA Nordstrom, Jim*** .. .Auburn, WA O ’Neil, Mick* . . . . Walla Walla, WA Schruth, Pat*** ..................... Billings Stranahan, Larry*** Missoula Talolutu, John** ...............Oahu, HI Uperesa, Tuufuli** .Aiea, Oahu, HI Urie, Dave** Chico, CA Waters, William* .......................Troy Waxham, John*** Mt. Lake Ter, WA Worrel, Dan*** Great Falls Wysel, Glen* ...................Lewistown 1969 Baldwin, Gene* Spokane, WA Blancas, Arnie** . . . Aberdeen, WA Bozzo, T o n y * Salinas, CA Caputo, Steve*** . . . . Seattle, WA Dennehey, Mick*** ................Butte Fisher, B o b * Aberdeen, WA Frustau, Martin** Los Angeles, CA Glennon, Mike* ..................... Billings Hall, Wayne* . . . West Minster, CA Hare, Ray* Spokane, WA Hickerson, Bill** . . . . Sonoma, CA Hoffmann, Jeff*** . . . . Seattle, WA Johnson, L.** . . . Sacramento, CA Kent, Les** .................Honolulu, HI McCann, Mike** Renton, WA Miles, G re g * Seattle, WA Miller, Larry* Martinez, CA Ochoa, John* Orange, CA Peters, R.*** . Cleveland Hts., OH Postler, W.*** . . . Vancouver, B.C. Reilly, C asey * ....................Anaconda Schillinger, J im * * Vida, MT Stachnik, R ay * * ............. Chicago, IL
ALL Stein, K arl** San Anselmo, CA Sterns, Bill** Stevenson, WA Atwood, George** .. Lansdale, PA 1970 Berding, Gary** . . . Cincinnati, OH Bodwell, Tom** . . . . Grayland, WA Chong, Elroy* Honolulu, HI Darrow, Barry*** Great Falls Dempsey, Dean*** Claremont, CA Gaskins, W ally**................Missoula Jackson, Lonzie* . . . . Oakland, CA Lewis, Lonzo* Rockford, IL Lugviel, John** Longview, WA Maloney, G re g * * Macon, MO McMahon, T o m * Tustin, CA Okoniewski, Steve* .. Seattle, WA Pugh, Terry** .....................Kalispell Richards, Ron** ......................Butte Spencer, Bruce* . . . Hoquiam, WA Welch, Glen** ..........................Butte 1971 Anderson, Richard*** . Lacey, WA Baumburger, J a y * Great Falls Blue, Christopher*** Olympia, WA Burnett, Clifford** . . . Caldwell, ID Cleveland, Douglas*** Butte Dodds, Richard** Snohomish, WA Doyle, Dennis** Edina, MN Hann, James** . . . . Centralia, WA Kottke, Warren** Great Falls Kouzmanoff, Marc*** Glen Ellyn, IL La Roche, Leo** . . . Fitchburg, MA Leid, James*** . . . Waitsburg, WA Manovich, D ave***..................Butte Olson, James*** .. Rochester, MN 1972 Troxel, Ed Van**** .. Moscow, ID Svennungsen, Rick*** . Shelby, MT Babish, Timothy* Azusa, CA Evans, Dean** La Puente, CA Harrington, David** . Portland, OR Stark, Robert** ......................Poison Reynolds, Terry* . . . Glendora, CA Stark, J o h n * Vancouver, WA Walsh, Creighton* ..................Butte Starkey, Steven** . . . El Monte, CA Turnquist, Robert** Billings Kautz, James* ..................... Worden Cooley, Jerry** . . . Anacortes, WA Rosenberg, Ronald*** . . . Whitefish Donner, Curt** Spokane, WA Brett, Walt*** . . . Kings Beach, CA Brick, Timothy*** Traverse City, MI Swearingen, Gary* Missoula Enders, R o b ert* Kankakee, IL
Soloman, T e d * ...........Spokane, WA Salo, G regory*** Butte Taylor, Steven* Great Falls Dedrick, Kurt** .. Westminster, CA Harris, Gregory*** ............. Kalispell 1973 Adams, Mike* .............. Newton, IA Anderson, Greg*** . Blue Island, IL Border, Richard** Salt Lake City, UT Buxton, John*** .. Owatonna, MN Carlson, Steve** Great Falls Erickson, G reg * * Everett, WA Far,am, L arry * * Seattle, WA Flowers, Terry** .. .Cincinnati, OH Grigsby, Bill** Spokane, WA Hardy, Sylvester** . Monrovia, CA Ladd, Mike** .. Garden Grove, CA Lynn, R andy** Omak, WA Manegold, E ric** ................Glendive Nakoa, Doug** Honolulu, HI Oglesbee, Jim* ..................Missoula Parker, John* Kingston, ME Ponqoha, Dave** Lacey, WA Prigmore, John* Winlock, WA Schmasow, Glen*** . . . Great Falls Smith, Bob** Pasco, WA Spear, D el**** Cheney, WA Storbakken, Rollie* Mt. Vernon. WA Stuart, Gig* ..................... Miami, FL Sullivan, Dan**** ....................Butte Taylor, Steve* ................Great Falls Walker, D uane***....................Malta Williams, K e n * ............ Houston, TX 1974 Anderson, Greg**** . . . Chicago, IL Argo, D aniel** Cincinnati, OH Betters, Douglas*** Arlington Hts, IL Carlson, Bruce***** . . . Great Falls Carter, Gregory** .. Far Rockaway, NY Cedarstrom, James* Scottsdale, AZ Chappie, Darrell* Spokane Clift, Tom*** ..O tis Orchards, WA Dionas, S tev e * * Sumner, WA Facey, Tom** Lancaster, CA Gulbranson, Wm.** Aberdeen, WA Harbison, Ben**** Missoula Lebsock, Ronald**** Butte McCraw, Wyatt** .. E. Orange, NJ McReynolds, Kim* .. Olympia, WA Milliman, Hayes* . . . Cincinnati, OH Muse, Richard* ................... Opheim Nielsen, W illiam*........... Chicago, IL Ogden, Randy**** Traverse City, MI Plum, M ark*** Tracyton, WA Redurine, Randy** .. Reading, OH
1975 Accomando, Dan* Westminster, CA Bonas, Jerry** . . . . Fair Haven, CT Carlson, Jeff* * * Great Falls Cheek, D onald* Corvallis, OR Cooley, P au l* * Anacortes, WA Cunningham, George* Los Angeles, CA Egbert, Douglas*** Ogden, UT Estance, Bob** ..................... Helena Fiskness, Paul** Huntington B., CA Hansen, Ray** . . . . Priest River, ID Jordan, Richard** . . . Tacoma, WA Mickey, Michael** . . . Bellevue, WA Morton, Scott*** .. .Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray** . . . Cincinnati, OH Scott, Duncan* Great Falls Smith, Jeffrey* . . . . Vancouver, WA Stachnich, Richard** .. Chicago, IL Steinhauer, Ben* Chicago, IL Vincent, Rusty ** .. Tinley Park, IL Weikum, George** . Wilmington, IL 1976 Beriault, Don* ........... Bellevue, WA Bingham, Guy**** . Aberdeen, WA Bitar, Greg** Hoquiam, WA Brant, J im * * ........................Missoula Campbell, Neil** ................... Helena Champagne, Gene* . . . Lacey, WA Clausen, Kent**** .Aberdeen, WA Dews, R obbie** Newark, NJ Falcon, Terry** Culbertson Ferda, Scott**** Great Falls Frost, Mike* .. Newport Beach, CA Gelaskoska, Joe*** . . . Bothel, WA Gleason, Dave*** Missoula Grady, Willie* Newark, NJ Green, Allen**** Anaconda Halverson, William* . . . Great Falls Harper, Wayne*** Livingston Harris, R o ck ey * ............... New York Hogan, James**** .. Olympia, WA Huggins, J a y * ...................... Missoula Johnson, Kelly*** Great Falls Kleckner, Grant*** . . . . Great Falls McDonald, Clev* . . . . Palo Alto, CA Magner, M.* .. Newport Beach, CA Martin, Sam*** Shelton, WA Roban, Michael** Great Falls Sacks, Barry**** Federal Way, WA Shupe, Joe* ..................Great Falls Sobansky, Joe** ................. Ajo, AZ Spigner, Paul* Newark, NJ Sullivan, p at**** ......................Butte Van Wormer, Matt** . . . . Missoula Williams, Bryon* New Orleans, LA Woldseth, George* .. Bellevue, WA
LET 1977 Albright, Keith* ..................Kalispell Barrick, Brett*** Lewistown Becker, Jay*** Atlantic, IA Bell, Darrell* . . . Federal Way, WA Bryant, Michael* Hull, MA Bullerdick, Monty** . Anaheim, CA Carteri, Carm** Regina, Sask. Cavaligos, Nick* Chicago, IL Cerkovnik, Ed*** .................. Malta Dunn, Greg*** Medical Lake, WA Fritz, Robin* ......................... Sidney Hook, Tim** ..............Regina, Sask. Johnson, M. H.** North Bend, OR Jones, Basil** Spokane, WA Kelly, Vernon** .. Los Angeles, CA Kerr, Tim** ........................Missoula Klever, Rocky*** . Anchorage, AK Lane, William*** .. Englewood, CO McHugh, Brian*** . .Spokane, WA Rigoni, Arnie*** Chicago, IL Schmeckpeper, Cary* Buhl, ID Tagmyer, W.* .. Federal Way, WA 1978 Allegre, R aul**............ Torreon, MX Andrews, M arty * Grahan, WA Boyes, Bob** . . . . Sacramento, CA Burtness, Richard** Anacortes, WA Carroll, Mike** Seattle, WA Cerkovnik, Robert** .. Great Falls Curry, P a t* * ........................... Billings Dolan, William** E. Helena Duff, James* ................Chicago, IL Eicklemann, Mark** . . . . Indio, CA Hard, Ja m e s* * Napa, CA Laird, R andy**.................... Missoula Menke, John** N. Broomfield, CO Moe, Richardson** ................ Poplar Norton, S c o tt Spokane, WA Norwood, P a t* * ..................... Billings Price, John* .................. Topeka, KS Prolir, David* ................Great Falls Perez, T o m * * ................ Palatine, IL Rooney, James** Missoula Sharkey, Ron** ..................Missoula Thomas, T e rry * * Great Falls 1979 Andrus, Bart* Sepulveda, CA Amundson, G re g * Seattle, WA Caraway, Brian* Great Falls Cleveland, Curt* Seattle, WA Chalcraft, Steve* .. Richmond, WA Cordier, Bob* Spokane, WA Gratton, Scott* .................. Missoula Hinson, John* Seattle, WA Kovacich, John* ......................Butte
Lamb, Carlton* . . . .Las Vegas, NV Madison, Reed* ........................Butte McElroy, Curt* ........................Butte Murfitt, Steve* ................ Philipsburg Paoli, David* ..................Great Falls 1980 Alex, M ik e"................. Overland, KS Bowman, Dennis* .. .Spokane, WA Chaplin, Dave* Selah, WA Dantic, B ra d * ......................... Laurel, Fudge, T o n y * ............... Great Falls, Garrison, Steve* Spokane, WA Hagen, M ik e* Auburn, WA Kline, D a v e * Bellevue, WA Klucewich, J o e * Alpine, CA Lowry, G a ry * ..................Great Falls Madsen, Mark* . . . Ellensburg, WA McGinness, Curt* . . . Janesville, WI Miller, Rocky* Richland, WA Mornhinweg, Marty* . San Jose, CA Murray, M ark * Choteau, MT Richardson, Kelly* Grants Pass, OR Rominger, D e a n * Fort Benton Salonen, Brian* Great Falls Silovsky, P a u l* Topeka, KS Sorrell, Malcom* . . . . Tacoma, WA Stephens, Andre* . . . Tacoma, WA Sutton, Mickey* .. Union City, CA
Grizzlies in Japan in 1983 (or 1984) The first Mirage Bowl in 1977 was won by Grambling, a 35-32 winner over Temple. Temple returned the following year, defeating Boston College, 12-10. N otre Dame beat Miami 45-15 in 1979, and last season UCLA knocked off O regon, 34-3. Air Force versus San Diego S tate is the 1981 Mirage Bowl matchup. The 1982 participants will be last year’s NCAA champion, Georgia and Kentucky. Brainchild of Teleplanning International, Inc. President, Atsushi Fujita, the Mirage Bowl was nam ed after a car produced by the sponsoring Mitsubishi M otors, a subsidiary of Teleplanning. Lewis said one of the primary reasons UM was invited to participate in the game was due to the assistance of Mike Mansfield, a former U.S. senator from M ontana and now the U.S. A m bassador to Japan. “Mr. Mansfield was instrum ental,” Lewis said. The game will be played in National Stadium, hom e of the 18th Olympic Gam es in 1964. It has a seating capacity of 80,000, and last year’s attendance for the Mirage Bowl was 80,000.
“Grizzlies Invade Tokyo” may sound like a movie title, but it will becom e fact in the fall of 1983 (or 1984). The University of M ontana football team has been invited to play in the Mirage Bowl, an event which began in 1977. The bowl game is sponsored by Teleplanning International, Inc. M ontana was originally going to play in 1983, however another team (Notre Dame) had already signed a contract, so the Grizzlies could participate in 1984. “No m atter what the year, this is an outstanding honor for the University of M ontana,” said UM Athletic Director Harley Lewis, who met with the Mirage Bowl com m ittee in late July. “This is a trem endous experience for our players. Plus it should give the football program an outstanding recruiting tool.” The Grizzlies’ opponent in the postseason football game has not been determ ined yet (although H arvard, New Mexico S tate and Grambling have all been m entioned as possible foes).
Tokyo’s Olympic Memorial Stadium, site of the 1964 Olympic Games, is also the site of the Mirage Bowl. Above is the Notre Dame-Miami game of 1979. Inset is Atushi Fujita (left), President of Tele-Planning International, Inc., and University of Montana Athletic Director Harley Lewis, shaking hands inside Memorial Stadium.
Current/Former Montana Pros Steve S u lliv an ........... .. Ed Illm a n ................... .. Wild Bill K e lly ........... .. Len Noyes ............... .. Milton Popovich Paul Szakash ........... Aldo Forte ............... Bill Lazetich ............. John D o la n ............... Stan Renning ........... John L a n d s ............... Gary Schwertfeger . .. Bob O ’Billovich . . . . Terry Dillon ............. Mike T illerm an ......... Bryan Magnuson ........
1922 1926 1927 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1941 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1967
Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indians Edmonton Indianapolis W arriors V ancouver’s B.C. Lions O ttaw a Rough Riders M innesota Vikings New O rleans Saints W ashington Redskins
Tuufuli U peresa 1969 Dave Urie ................. 1969 Roy R o b in so n ........... 1972 Willie Postler ........... 1972 Steve Okoniewski .. .. 1972 Barry D a r r o w ........... 1974 Jim Hann ................. 1974 Ron Rosenberg 1975 Walt B r e t t ................. 1976 *Terry Falcon ........... 1977 *Greg Anderson 1979 *Tim Hook ................. 1979 *Carm Carteri ........... 1979 *Guy B in g h a m ........... 1980 |K e n t Clausen ........... 1981
Philadelphia H ouston Oilers Saskatchew an V ancouver’s B.C. Lions Atlanta Cleveland Browns Portland Cincinnati Bengals Atlanta Falcons New England Patriots Montreal Saskatchew an O ttaw a New York Jets New York Jets
Note: Year listed is 1st as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted on. *Still Active
f Free Agent
Willie Postler
Guy Bingham
Vancouver— 1972
N ew York Jets— 1980
Terry Falcon N ew England—1977
Future Grizzly Schedules 1981
Sept. 18 *Sept. 25 *Oct. 2 *Oct. 9 *Oct. 16 *Oct. 23 *Oct. 30 Nov. 6 *Nov. 13
Eastern W ashington University in C heney N orthern Arizona University in Missoula Nevada-Reno in Reno Boise State in Boise University of Idaho in Missoula Idaho State in Pocatello M ontana S tate in Missoula Portland State in Portland W eber State in Ogden
*Sept. 17 Sept. 24 *Oct. 1 *Oct. 8 *Oct. 15 *Oct. 22 *Oct. 29 *Nov. 5 Nov. 12
*Indicates Big Sky Conference G am e
Boise State in Missoula Portland S tate in Missoula N orthern Arizona in Flagstaff W eber State in Missoula Nevada-Reno in Missoula University of Idaho in Moscow Idaho S tate in Missoula M ontana S tate in Bozem an Eastern W ashington University in C heney
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Grizzlies From the Past
Ray Bauer
C h ris B c n tz
Joe Deluca
1950 All-Pacific C oast
Walter Camp All-American, 1921
All-American, 1954
Karl Stein
Greg Anderson
Bob Beers
All-American, 1969
All-American, 1976
All-American, 1967
Voice of the Grizzlies “Grizzly” Bill Schwanke is the voice of the Montana Grizzlies on KYLT radio, UM’s official station for Grizzly athletics. Beginning his 11th year broadcasting Grizzly football and basketball games, Schwanke is the only sports director KYLT has had since being awarded broadcast rights for UM athletics in 1971. Schwanke is a former sports editor for The Missoulian newspaper and a former UM sports information director. He is a 1967 graduate of UM. He has been awarded Montana’s sports broadcaster of the year award four times and given the 1977 Ed Chinske Award honoring Missoula’s outstanding sports professional.
University of Montana Media Outlets Newspapers Name
Contact Sports Editor
Daryl Gadbow (sports editor)
G reat Falls Tribune
George Geise (sports editor)
Billings G azette
W arren Rogers (sports editor)
M ontana S tandard
Hud Willse (sports editor)
Daily Interlake
Pat Jenkins (sports editor)
Independent Record
Roy Pace (sports editor)
Ravalli Republican
Mark Scharfenaker (sports editor)
M ontana Kaimin
Sports Editor
502 N. Higgins Missoula, Mt. 59801 Tribune Building G reat Falls, Mt. 59401 401 N orth Broadway Billings, Mt. 59101 25 W est Granite Butte, M ontana 59701 300 First Avenue W est Kalispell, Mt. 59901 317 Allen Helena, Mt. 59601 232 Main Hamilton, Mt. 59840 University of M ontana Missoula, MT 59812
Television Stations Name
Bob Hermes
Ian M arquand
Bob Sherwood
Ed Coghlan Mike Powers Deb Smith
Don Scheidecker
Drawer M Missoula, Mt. 59806 P.O. Box 4827 Missoula, Mt. 59806 P.O. Box 1139 G reat Falls, Mt. 59403 P.O. Box 1331 G reat Falls, Mt. 59403 Indian Caves Road Billings, Mt. 59103 1003 S. M ontana Butte, Mt. 59701
Radio Stations Name
Bill Schwanke
Tom Ash
Dave Tindel
Phil Murphy Pat Tucker Gregory MacDonald
Address Fairway C enter Missoula, Mt. 59801 KGVO Plaza Missoula, Mt. 59801 400 Ryman Missoula, Mt. 59801 P.O. Box 4106 Missoula, Mt. 59806 University of M ontana Missoula, Mt. 59812 P.O. Box 4106 Missoula, Mt. 59801
S ports D irector
Wire Services Name
W arren W introde
Bud Iwen
317 Allen Helena, Mt. 59601 P.O. Box 4595 Helena, Mt. 59601
Phone (406)721-5200 (406)761-6666 (406)245-3078 (406)792-8301 (406)755-7000 (406)442-7190 (406)363-3300 (406)243-6541
Phone (406)721-2063 (406)543-7106 (406)453-4377 (406)453-2433 (406)252-4676 (406)792-0444
Phone (406)728-5000 (406)549-5152 (406)728-9300 (406)728-1450 (406)243-4931
(406) 728-9399
Phone (406)442-7440 (406)442-6470
he University of Montana ranks 16th in the nation am ong the 2,400 eligible c o lle g e s and universities in production of R hodes Scholars. UM ranks 4th am ong sc h o o ls w est of the M ississippi. R hodes Scholarships provide two to four years at Oxford University in England. Students are ch o sen on the b asis of scholarship, com m unity and political involvem ent, athletic ability and personal character.
There's Gold in Them Thar Hills!
University of Montana education majors com p ete very su ccessfu lly for jobs with 93 percent of th o se with bachelor’s d egrees and 100 percent of th o se with graduate d egrees finding appropriate positions.
The Department of Social Work is fully accredited by the C ouncil on Social Work Education and is the only Montana sch ool that assu res its graduates of a year of advanced standing in graduate sc h o o ls of social work. The S ch ool of Journalism has had 17 of its students selected as Sears C ongressional interns — more than any other journalism sch o o l in the country. During the four-m onth in ternship, stud en ts work for a United States C ongressm an or Senator and also attend cla sses.
A i he S ch ool of B u sin ess is the only b u sin ess sch o o l in Montana to be accredited by the American A ssem bly of C ollegiate S ch o o ls of B usiness. Nearly 47 percent of the B u sin ess S c h o o l’s accoun ting graduates p ass the Certified Public A ccountant Exam on their first try. This is more than three tim es the national first-time s u c c e s s rate of 14 percent.
The Department of G eology has an outstanding national reputation. In cooperation with Purdue University, a field station has been set up in southw estern Montana. The depart ment also provides hands-on ex p erience for stud en ts in the minerals, rocks and p aleon tology laboratories at the University’s Seism ic Station and in the Earthquake R esearch Laboratory. The Department of G eography has on e of the region’s best cartography laboratories w here students learn to make m aps and interpret aerial photography.
The Yellow Bay Biological Station, located about 70 m iles northeast of M issoula on Flathead Lake, is the nation’s old est inland station. Am ong so m e 70 inland units in the United States, the UM ranks fifth for its program facilities and student popula tion. KUFM, a noncom m ercial public radio station operated by the radio television departm ent of the S ch ool of Journalism , is the only National Public Radio station in Montana.
A University of Montana student has been ch o sen to receive a Truman Scholarship for three of the last four years. The national scholarship is given annually to students com m itted to a governm ent career who have su p e r io r a c a d e m ic a b ility and leadership potential.
The Department of Anthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of pre-history in the region.
Ai he h€ Department of Health and Physical Education is on e of a handful in the country that trains stud en ts to be athletic trainers. And it is the only program in the state to offer a master of sc ie n c e in physical education. The Native American Studies program at the University of Montana is regarded by Indian ed u cators as on e of the four m ost outstanding in the nation.
e w ly r e m o d e le d tra in in g facilities in the Department of C om m unication S c ie n c e s and Disorders are so m e of the finest in the region. P eople from all over the state co m e to the center for sp eech , language and hearing therapy.
The Department of Art en joys a national reputation for e x c ellen ce in ceram ics. The Department of D ram a/D ance has a professional theater group — the Montana Repertory Theater — based on cam pus. The Montana Repertory Theater, which tours throughout the Northwest, is the only professional Actors Equity com pany betw een M inneapolis and Seattle.
& The f ir s t g o ld d isc o v e ry in M o n ta n a w a s a t G o ld C r e e k , s o u th e a s t o f M issou la b y F ran co is Finlay in 1850. The G o ld C reek a re a w a s la te r m in ed fo r g o ld in 1862 b y J e s s e a n d G ranville S tu a r t a n d R e e se A n d erso n .
1981 Composite Big Sky Schedule OCTOBER 17
SEPTEMBER 5 NW Louisiana @Boise State Simon Fraser @Idaho Northern Arizona @Texas A&l
7:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. CDT
Idaho (©Montana State* Idaho State (©Montana* Weber State (©Nevada-Reno* No. Arizona (©Portland St.
2:00 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. PDT
SEPTEMBER 12 Rhode Island @Boise State Idaho @Weber State* Eastern Washington @Idaho State Montana State @Washington Statef North Dakota (©Nevada-Reno No. Dakota State @Northern Arizona
7:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. MST
OCTOBER 24 Boise State (©Weber State* Nevada-Reno (©Idaho* Portland State (©Montana Montana St. @No. Arizona*
1:30 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. MST
OCTOBER 31 SEPTEMBER 19 Idaho State @Boise State* Northern Iowa @Idaho Montana @Northern Arizona* Fresno State @Montana State Cal-Poly, SLO @Nevada-Reno Weber State @Utah State
7:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. MST 1:30 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:30 p.m. MDT
SEPTEMBER 26 Northern Arizona @Boise State* Idaho @Hawaii Nevada-Reno @Idaho State* No. Iowa @Montana Simon Fraser (©Montana State Portland State @Weber State
7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
OCTOBER 3 Boise State (©Montana* Idaho (©Portland State Northern Arizona (©Idaho State* Weber State (©Montana State* Central Arkansas (©Nevada-Reno
1:30 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. PDT
7:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. PDT TBA 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MDT
1:00 p.m. PDT 7:30 p.m. PDT 1:30 p.m. MDT 1:30 MDT
NOVEMBER 7 Boise State @Cal-Fullerton Idaho @No. Arizona* Montana State (©Idaho State* Nevada-Reno (©Montana*
1:30 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 1:30 p.m. MST
NOVEMBER 14 Cal Poly, SLO (©Boise State Utah State (©Idaho State Weber State (©Montana* Montana State (©Nevada-Reno* Cal Poly-Pomona @No. Arizona§
1:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 1:30 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. MST
NOVEMBER 21 Boise State (©Idaho* Weber State (©Idaho State* Montana (©Eastern Washington! Nevada-Reno @Cal-Fullerton
OCTOBER 10 Montana State (©Boise State* Montana (©Idaho* Idaho State (©Portland State Nevada-Reno (©Northern Arizona* Puget Sound (©Weber State
Boise State (©Nevada-Reno* Idaho State (©Idaho* Montana (©Montana State* Northern Arizona (©Weber State*
7:30 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. MST 8:00 p.m. MST 1:30 p.m. PST
in dicates Big Sky Conference Game fTo be played in Spokane, Washington. §To be played in Tempe, Arizona.
(NOTE—Northern Arizona never goes off Mountain Standard Time. Thus prior to November 1 Northern Arizona actually plays in Pacific Daylight Time.)
o n t a n a
■ ■ ■
Top left, fishing in the Clark Fork River; middle left, a M issoula-area w inter scene; top right, skiing areas are ju st a sh ort drive from the UM cam pus and bottom , antelope along a M ontana hillside.
. . . Last
University of Montana
ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2014
Intercollegiate Athletics
1981 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Missoula. Athletics Department
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