1Brightest In
Grizzly Football 1984 Media Guide
1984 Grizzly Football Schedule D a te S ep t. 8
O pp onent
S ite
Tim e
S eries 0-0
A b ilen e C hristian
M issoula
2 :0 0 P.M.
Sept. 14 Sept. 22 Sept. 29
Portland State Idaho State* W eber State*
Portland Pocatello O gden
8:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
11-6 15-10 16-6
O ct. 6 O ct. 13
N orthern A rizona * E astern W ashington
M issou la M issou la
1:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M.
10-7 7-3
Oct. 20
Boise State*
7:30 P.M.
O ct. 2 7 N ov. 3
Idaho* f M ontana S tate*
M issoula M issoula
2 :0 0 P.M. 1:30 P.M.
Nov. 10 Nov. 24
Reno* Army£
R eno Tokyo
2 :30 P.M. TBA
19-45-2 48 -3 0 -5 3-3 0-0
*Big Sky C onference G am e f H om ecom ing ^Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, Jap an
1983 Grizzly Football R esults (4-6 O verall, 3-4 B ig Sky) S ep t. 17 S ep t. 2 4
B o ise S ta te * .................................................................. P ortland S t a t e ..................................................
2 1 -2 0 3 5 -1 9
(1-0) (2-0)
Oct. 1
@ N orthern Arizona* ..............................................
O ct. 8 O ct. 15
W eber S tate* .................................................... R eno *....................................................................
w L
2 8 -2 6 0-38
(4-0) (4-1)
Oct. 22 Oct. 29
@ Idaho* ........................................................................... M ontana S ta te * ..........................................................
24-45 8-28
(4-2) (4-3)
N ov. 5
Long B ea ch S t a t e ............................................
Nov. 12
@ Eastern W ashington ............................................
N ov. 19
Idaho S tate* ................................................................
*Big Sky G am e
(Bold F a ce In d ica tes H om e G am e)
ON THE COVER is Grizzly All-American candidate Marty Mornhinweg, aka “The Brightest Star in the Big Sky” (Conference). Design by Dave Guffey. Graphics and artwork by Susan Carlson, UC Graphic Design. Action shot by Geoffrey Sutton. BACK COVER is an artist’s rendering of the University of M ontana’s proposed football facility, which will be located east of Harry Adam s Field H ouse.
M edia G uide Cost: $ 4 . ($5 if m ailed)
1 9 8 4 U niversity of M ontana F ootball M edia G uide This brochure was prepared for the convenience of sports writers and sports broadcasters during the 1984 football season by Dave Guffey. Permission is granted to quote in whole, or in part, any material in this brochure. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. Please let me know your needs. All requests for press passes should be made by letter or telephone at least one w eek in advance. Complete statistics are provided at each Grizzly home game. They in clude team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly playby-play and defensive statistics.
Compiled and edited by:
Printed by:
Dave Guffey
UM Printing Services
Photography by: Geoffrey Sutton and Howard Skaggs
UM Quick Facts Table of Contents 1984 S c h e d u le................................... Inside Front C over 1983 R e su lts....................................... Inside Front C over UM Quick F a c ts....................................................................1 A bout U M ...........................................................................2-3 UM A dm inistration.............................................................. 4 Athletic P erso n n el..............................................
H ead C o a c h .......................................................................... 6 Assistant C o a c h e s ............................................................7-8
Location: Missoula, Montana 59812 Chartered: February 17, 1893 Enrollm ent: 9,288 President: Dr. Neil Bucklew (406) 243-2311
A th letic Director: Harley Lewis (406) 243-5331
H ead F ootb all Coach: Larry Donovan (406) 243-2969
F ootb all Staff: Ken Flajole, Mike Van Diest, Mike Johnson, Joe Yeager, Joe Glenn, Jeff Reinebold, Greg Trenary, Arvid Grier
1984 O u tlo o k ............................................................... 10-11 Pronunciation G u id e.........................................................11 All-American C a n d id a te ..................................................12
T entative N um erical R o ste r........................................... 33 Missoula Mileage C h a rt...................................................34 The O p p o n e n ts............................................................35-38 Big Sky C o n fe re n c e .........................................................40 1983 Big Sky S tatistics................................................... 41 1983 Grizzly S tatistics......................................................42 UM C o ach es’ R e c o rd s .....................................................43 S eason-by-season R esults........................................ 44-45 All O p ponents R e c o rd .................................................... 46 Grizzly Hall of F a m e ....................................................... 46 The Grizzly Record B o o k ....................................... 47-48 UM All-Big Sky, A ll-A m ericans..................................49 All-Time UM L e a d e rs ...................................................... 50 Grizzly A ward W inners.................................................... 51 C urrent, Form er UM P r o s ............................................. 52
F acu lty R ep resen tative: Dr. Evan Denney
S p orts Inform ation D irector: Dave Guffey (406) 243-6899, Office (406) 728-1135, Home
Rupert Holland (1911-1984)
T he 1984 Grizzlies...................................................... 15-25 Roster, New G rizzlies................................................ 27-33
D o rn b laser (406) 243-4488 (12,500, natural grass) N icknam e: Grizzlies C olors: Copper, Silver and Gold C onference: Big Sky Com m issioner: Ron Stephenson (208) 345-5393
H onors C a n d id a te s.....................................................13-14 Mirage B o w l........................................................................26
S ta d iu m :
His nickname was “Sarge” but in the eyes of University of Montana athletes, coaches and staff he was definitely a fourstar general. Rupert Holland was tough when he had to be. If you’re an equipment man in an athletic department (1953-1976) you’d bet ter be tough, “or they’ll start spending my paycheck to keep us in gear,” Rup used to say. Yeah, he was tough, but along with his gruff manner he had a heart as big as a football field or basketball court. A 24-year veteran of the United States Army, Rup’s second “family” was Grizzly athletics, and oh how he loved that copper, silver and gold. After he retired from the University he wasn’t too hard to find. If you had a schedule of UM athletic events you knew where he was. Rup won’t be working in the press box at the football or basket ball games anymore, but now he’s got the best seat in the house. After all, Rup, we know you’ll be watching. . .
Future Grizzly S c h e d u le s ................................................52 UM Football L etterm e n .............................................53-55 UM Media
O utlets.......................................................... 56
Missoula: “The G arden City”
Inside Back C over
University of Montana
The University of Montana in Missoula is located in a mountain forest setting in beautiful Western Montana. It is halfway between Glacier and Yellowstone national parks. Four wilderness areas are located near Missoula. The natural surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, camping and other outdoor recreational pursuits. Two excellent winter ski areas are located within minutes of the University. Several other ski areas are only a couple of hours away by car. UM owns and operates its own golf course adjacent to campus. The University of Montana is one of the West’s pioneers in education and was chartered February 17, 1893. The school opened in September, 1895, with 50 students enrolling the first day. Located on 201 acres at the base of Mount Sentinel, UM has grown from 50 students and seven faculty members to a present enrollment of 9,288 and approximatley 450 full-time faculty positions. Through its history, the University of Montana has
sustained a high standard of academic excellence in teaching, research and service. UM offers associate of arts degrees in two areas and bachelor’s degrees in 58 fields. It offers master’s degrees in 54 programs and doctoral degrees in 13. The College of Arts and Sciences, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of programs and courses in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and humanities. The College also offers curricula in interdisciplinary fields ranging from ethnic studies to interdepartmental studies. Seven professional schools complete the academic program — Business Administration, Fine Arts, Journalism, Education, Forestry, Law, and Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. The aim of the University is to provide its students with relaxing and meaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The administration, faculty and staff strive for this goal.
There’s Gold In Them Thar Hills! The University of Montana was recently awarded its 22nd Rhodes Scholar. This ranks UM sixth in the nation of all public institutions. UM ranks sixth am ong schools west of the Mississippi. Rhodes Scholarships provide two to four years at Oxford University in England. Students are chosen on the basis of scholar ships, community and political involvement, athletic ability and personal character. The Yellow Bay Biological Station, located about 70 miles northeast of Missoula at Flathead Lake, is the nation’s oldest inland station. Among some 70 inland units in the United States, the UM ranks fifth for its pro gram facilities and student population. KUFM, a noncommercial public radio sta tion operated by the radio-television depart ment of the School of Journalism, is the only National Public Radio station in Montana. University of M ontana education majors compete very successfully for jobs with 93 per cent of those with bachelor’s degrees and 100 percent of those with graduate degrees find ing appropriate positions. The Department of Social Work is fully ac credited by the Council on Social Work Education and is the only Montana school that assures its graduates of a year of advanced standing in graduate schools of social work. The School of Journalism has had 19 of its students selected as Sears Congressional interns — more than any other journalism school in the country. During the four-month internship, students work for a United States Congressman or Senator and also attend classes. The Department of Art enjoys a national reputation for excellence in ceramics. The Department of D ram a/D ance has a professional theater group — the M ontana Repertory Theater — based on campus. The M ontana Repertory Theater, which tours throughout the Northwest, is the only profes sional Actors Equity company between Min neapolis and Seattle. A University of Montana student has been chosen to receive a Truman Scholarship for six of the last eight years. The national scholarship is given annually to students com mitted to a government career who have superior academic ability and leadership potential. The Department of Anthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of pre-history in the region. The School of Business is the only business school in M ontana to be accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of
Business. Nearly 47 percent of the business school’s accounting graduates pass the Certified Public
Accountant Exam on their first try. This is more than three times the national first-time success rate of 14 percent. The Department of Geology has an outstanding national reputation. In coopera tion with Purdue University, a field station has been set up in southwestern Montana. The departm ent also provides hands-on ex perience for students in the minerals, rocks and paleontology laboratories at the Univer sity’s Seismic Station and in the Earthquake Research Laboratory. The Department of Geography has one of the region’s best cartography laboratories where students learn to make maps and in terpret aerial photography. The Department of Health and Physical Education is one of a handful in the country that trains students to be athletic trainers. And it is the only program in the state to offer a master of science in physical education. The Native American Studies program at the University of Montana is regarded by In dian educators as one of the four most outstanding in the nation. Newly rem odeled training facilities in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders are some of the finest in the region. People from all over the state come to the center for speech, language and hearing therapy.
Grizzlies Strike “Gold” Grizzly head football coach Larry Donovan and his staff stress academic excellence, along with excellence on the playing field, and the success in the classroom during his tenure pro ves it. Montana has had at least four players nam ed to the All-Big Sky Conference Academic Team the last four seasons. Last year UM had four players nam ed to the All-District 7 team. Those players then became eligible for the highest athletic / scholastic honor in the country — Academic All-American. The impressive thing about UM’s academic achievements is that UM is in NCAA Division I which includes almost 300 schools. During Donovan and his staff’s tenure, th e re have been two A cadem ic AllAmericans, including Brian Salonen in 1983 and Greg Iseman in 1982. Both players had 3.70 GPAs, Iseman earning a degree in Geology, while Salonen earned his in Business. Last season Salonen, Brad Dantic, John Rooney and Tim Wynne were All-District selections.
“Obviously we strive for athletic excellence, but we also feel that if you’re a winner in the classroom you’ll be a winner on the playing field and in all aspects of life,” Donovan said.
T a ilb a c k G reg Ise m a n w a s A ca d em ic A ll-A m erican.
P resid en t N eil B u ck lew Neil S. Bucklew assumed his duties as the 14th president of the University of M ontana in August 1981. Bucklew, 43, came from Ohio University in Athens, where he served as provost from 1976 until assuming his duties at M ontana. He also served on the faculty in the Departm ent of Economics at Ohio University. As provost he functioned as executive vice president and vice president for academic affairs, with respon sibility for the instructional program of the university. He was vice president for administration at Central Michigan from 1973-74; vice provost at Central Michigan from 1970-73; director of employm ent relations at the University of Wisconsin from 1966-70 and personnel director at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, from 1963-66. Bucklew received a B.A. in history at the University of Missouri, an M.S. in political science at the Universi ty of North Carolina and a Ph.D. in industrial relations and economics from the University of Wisconsin. Bucklew and his wife, JoA nn, have three children.
V ice P resid en t for U niversity R ela tio n s Mike E aston W. Michael Easton became the Vice President for Student and Public Affairs in August of 1982. His position is a newly created one and his responsibilities encompass student affairs, intercollegiate athletics, university relations, admissions, financial aid, alumni, developm ent and auxiliary services. Easton, 41, had nearly identical responsibilities at the University of South Dakota, where he was vice presi dent for student services and public information since 1973. Other positions he has held include dean of students, Eastern Montana College, 1971-73; assistant dean of students, EMC, 1969-71; administrative intern, Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, 1968-69; and assistant dean of students, University of Oregon, 1967-68. He received his B.A. in biology and physical education at the University of Washington in 1964. He receiv ed his M.S. in education at the University of Oregon in 1965 and earned a Ph.D. in higher education ad ministration at Oregon in 1969. Easton and his wife, Patricia, have three children.
A th letic D irector H arley L ew is In his ninth year as athletic director, Harley W. Lewis was nam ed AD at the University of Montana in April of 1976. Lewis is involved in num erous organizations at the state and national level. He was the State Director for the Montana Special Olympics in 1980 and 1981. He served as National Director for the USABA Blind Olympics in 1983, when the national championships were hosted by UM. He also is Chairman of a local school board, on the State Board of directors for the Special Olympics, and on the Board of Directors for the YMCA. He is on several Big Sky Conference committees and on the NCAA’s Track & Field Rules Committee. He served as cross country coach until 1976 and his teams won nine league titles. He served as track coach until 1978 and won the conference crown in 1972. Lewis was nam ed the Big Sky’s track and cross country coach 10 times during his tenure as mentor. He coached several All-Americans while a coach and continues to work with the Montana Olympic Committee, on which he is on the State Board of Directors. Lewis is a 1964 graduate of UM with an M.S. in Health, Physical Education and Recreation. He became track and cross country coach at M ontana in 1966. Prior to that he coached for two seasons at the University of Portland. He is a 1959 graduate of Butte High School. Lewis and his wife, Marilou, have two children.
A sso c ia te A th letic D irector Barbara H ollm ann Barbara Hollmann began her duties as associate athletic director in August 1980. In addition to serving as the associate director of the department, her responsibilities involve coordinating, supervising and promoting the wom en’s athletic program. Prior to UM Hollmann spent five years as athletic events coordinator and assistant to the wom en’s athletic director at the University of Arizona. From 1971 through 1974 she was an assistant director and later an associate director of intramural and recreational sports at the University of W ashington. Hollmann graduated from Ohio State University with a B.S. in physical education in 1964 and a M.A. in recreation administration in 1968. She received her Ph.D. in 1982 from the University of Arizona, em phasizing higher education administration and public m anagem ent. Hollmann currently serves on the NCAA Executive Committee and several other NCAA committees, the Executive Board of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics and the Board of Directors of the Council of Collegiate W omen Athletic Administrators. She was involved with the founding of the Mountain West Athletic Conference and served as the first president. Her husband, Robert, is an associate professor of m anagem ent at UM.
F acu lty R ep resen ta tiv e Evan D en n ey Beginning his sixth year as UM’s faculty representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Evan has been a faculty member here since 1969. From 1979-81 he served as chairman of the Geography Depart ment. His areas of academic specialty are economic geography and land planning and design. He earned his B.A. at the University of Washington in 1963, his M.A. at Washington in 1965, and his Ph.D. from W ashington in 1970. Prior to his UM teaching career, he taught at the University of W ashington (1966-69) and Northern Colorado University (1956-66). From Seattle, Washington, Denney is associated with several professional organizations. He determines eligibilities for UM athletes, makes NCAA rulings at the institution level, and is a University of Montana representative to the NCAA. Denney and his wife, Terri, have two children.
A thletic Personnel Dave is in his seventh season as sports information director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases and promotion of m en’s and women’s sports. He has five years of newspaper sports writing experience. He is a 1975 graduate of Fresno State and received his B.A. in Journalism. He has won num erous district awards for his football and basketball media guides and game programs. His 1981 football game pro grams were judged best in the nation. He is a member of the College Sports Infor mation Director’s of America (Co-SIDA). Dave and his wife, Mea, have a twoyear-old son, Patrick.
Steve is beginning his fourth season as the Grizzly equipm ent m anager. The native of Hamilton, Montana, previously worked as a sawyer in the winter and a heavy equipm ent operator in the sum mer. He graduated from the University of Montana in 1972 with a B.S. degree in Health and Physical Education, with emphasis in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy. He received his master’s degree in 1974 at Indiana State in HPE. He served three years in the Navy from 1962-65 and was a Spanish Linguist. Steve and his wife, Larae, have a two-year-old son, Tyler.
S te v e H ack n ey Equipment
D ave G uffey Manager
Former sports director at KECI-TV in Missoula, Tom Dwyer was named Direc tor of Advertising-Promotions and C on cessions at the University of Montana in January of 1981. Dwyer worked at KECI-TV for a year. Prior to that he was a newsman for KGVO-Radio. He has several years of experience in the media. Dwyer’s primary duties are to assist in sports promotion, sell advertising for game programs and special athletic events. He also handles all phases of the concessions at athletic events. He receiv ed a B.A. in Radio-TV at the University of Montana in 1980. Tom and his wife, Charlene, have a daughter, Jennifer, one-and-a-half.
Dennis T. Murphy was nam ed head m en’s trainer at the University of Mon tana in June of 1982. Murphy, 31, graduated from M ontana in 1975 with a B.S. degree in Health and Physical Education with a specialization in Athletic Training and Adaptive Physical Educa tion. In June of 1975 he was certified by the National Athletic Trainers Associa tion. In August of 1978 he was nam ed assistant athletic trainer and lecturer at the Department of Athletics at the University of Arizona. In Septem ber of 1980 he accepted the position of Visiting Assistant Professor at UM. Murphy, who has been a certified trainer for eight years, has taught num erous trainingrelated classes, has been a guest speaker at several sports’ clinics and written ar ticles for training publications. He is single.
Suelynn is beginning her fifth year as the University of Montana football secretary. She graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. degree in Secretarial Science. She has been a Cer tified Professional Secretary since 1972. S h e w orked for th e S c h o o l of Oceanography at OSU as a research assistant for eight years and as a biological technician for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama for two-and-a-half years before moving to Montana. Her husband, Dewayne, is a graphic artist at UM. The Williams have three children, R egan, Rani and Dawson.
Tom Dw yer
S u elyn n W illiam s
Dir. of Promotions & Concessions
Football Secretary
Gary has been ticket m anager of UM since 1966. In 1978 he was also ap pointed field house m anager. He schedules all events in Adams Field House and at Dornblaser Field in addi tion to handling ticket distribution. He is a native of Ronan, Montana, and graduated in accounting from the Missoula Business College in 1962. He gained extensive experience in account ing and auditing before assuming his responsibilities at Montana. His wife, Judy, is a daycare center owner and operator in Missoula. The Hughes have six children, Christian Ann, Dustin, Lance, Christopher, Sara and Cary.
Gary H u gh es
D en n is Murphy
Facilities 5
Head Coach
Larry Donovan (Nebraska, 1964) University of Kansas, where he was outside linebacker coach. Prior to that he was at the University of Iowa for three seasons as offensive line and quarterback coach. From 1972-75 he was an assistant at Washington State where he was defensive line coach for two seasons, and then defensive coordinator for two years. He had moved to WSU from South Dakota, where he coached from 1967 to 1971. He began his coaching career at his alma mater, where he served as a graduate assistant at the University of Nebraska when the Cornhuskers won the Orange Bowl. He then serv ed in Korea as a lieutenant and was awarded the Army Com mendation Medal. He stayed active in football in Korea, playing and coaching his division team to an 8-0-1 record. Donovan played linebacker/defensive end at Nebraska and his 1963 team beat Miami of Florida, 36-34, in the Gotham Bowl and was 9-2. He received his B.A. in ’64 and was commissioned through the ROTC program at Nebraska. He earned his master’s in Secondary Education in 1968 at South Dakota. Larry and his wife, Georgia, have three daughters, Andrea, Molly and Lindsay.
Larry R. Donovan is beginning his fifth season as head coach at the University of Montana. His overall career record is 20-21 and 14-14 in Big Sky Conference games. In 1981 he guided the Grizzlies to a 7-3 record — the fifth best record in school history. The following year he gave Mon tana its first football championship in 12 seasons, and UM advanced to the 1-AA national playoffs. Also in 1981 Donovan was honored by the Great Falls Op timist Club, which sponsors the annual Montana Sports Ban quet, by naming him the state’s Coach of the Year. In 1982 he was nam ed the Boss of the Year by the Professional Secretaries International. Active in local organizations, Donovan is Chairman of the Teams Division for the YMCA Fund Drive, on the Board Directors for United Way and active in the B.A.S.H. drive for Loyola High School. On the national level he is the Chair man of the District 8 All-American (1-AA) Committee. During his tenure at UM he has coached All-Americans. At the academic level has coached two All-Americans and 11 All-District selections. Born March 31, 1941, Donovan came to UM from the
A ssistan t C oaches
Ken F lajole
J o e G lenn Backs
Joe is beginning his fifth season at UM. He was head coach at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska for four seasons before com ing to Montana. Glenn, 35, compiled a 21-18-1 record at Doane. Prior to the Doane assignment, he was head freshman and of fensive backfield coach at the University of South Dakota and Northern Arizona University under Joe Salem. Glenn graduated from USD in 1971 with a B.S. degree in Education. He was a standout quarterback and receiver as well as team captain at USD. He set a USD school record for the most yards receiving in one season in 1970 (526 yards). Upon graduation Glenn was com missioned as an officer in the U.S. Army through the ROTC pro gram. In 1975 after two years in the military, he returned to USD and earned a m aster’s degree in Education. In 1982 the Grizzlies set 33 school offensive records. Glenn has coached four All-Big Sky players in four seasons as quarterback/receiver coach. One of 12 children, Joe was born in Lincoln, Neb. He and his wife, Michele, have a daughter, Erin, 11, and a son, Casey 5.
Ken Flajole is in his fifth season as a Grizzly coach. Flajole (Pro nounced Flay-Jull), 29, came from the University of Washington football staff, where he was a part-time assistant who helped with the defensive cornerbacks. The Huskies finished the 1979 season ranked 11th nationally, and led the Pac-10 in pass defense. Prior to coaching for the Huskies he was the head track coach at Mann Junior High School in Seattle in 1978. In 1977-78 he was an as sistant coach at Pacific Lutheran University, where he coached the defensive line and linebackers. While at PLU his team was nationally ranked and District I champion. He is UM’s Football camp Director and worked camps in W ashington. He is a 1976 graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, located in Tacoma, Wash. He received his B.A. in Education and his minor in coaching. As a collegiate player Flajole gained all-conference recognition at Pacific Lutheran and at W enatchee Junior College. He was an all-state linebacker at Seattle Prep High School in 1971. His wife’s nam e is Teri. They have two daughters, Kelly, 3, and Kori, 1.
Jeff Reinebold Running
Mike J o h n son Outside
Jeff Reinebold was nam ed offensive backfield coach in July of 1983. A native of South Bend, Ind., Reinebold previously serv ed as an assistant football coach at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. In 1982 he was freshman defensive coordinator and coached the secondary. Most recently he was outside linebacker coach for the varsity. Prior to the Dartmouth job Reinebold was an assistant football coach at Western Montana College in Dillon. He was the offensive backfield and receiver coach in 1981, and secondary coach in spring of ’82. He recruited Montana and Wyoming. His first coaching job was at South B end’s Clay High. Reinebold, 27, was a three-year letterman at the University of Maine-Orono and voted “Most Courageous Player” in 1980. He received his B.A. in General Studies at Indiana University in 1981. He prepped at Clay High where he was a three-year letterman and all-state in 1975. He played one season in the Midwest Foot ball League for Merrillville. He was a defensive back and return man. His wife’s nam e is Marsha.
Mike begins his sixth season in a coaching capacity at the Univer sity of Montana. He served as graduate assistant working with the defensive backs for two seasons, until being nam ed outside linebacker coach in February of 1981. He came to UM as a player in 1977 from Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon. As a defensive back at Mt. Hood he set a school career record in interceptions (eight), and was a two-year JC letterman for his nationally ranked team in 1976. He attended North Bend High in Oregon, where he was a three sport standout. He played defen sive back for the Grizzlies. His prep coach was his father, Howie Johnson, who also played football for the Grizzlies. Mike and his wife, Terri, have a four-year-old daughter, Stephanie, and a son, Kyle, two.
A ssistant Coaches
Mike V an D iest
J o e Y eager
Defensive Strength Conditioning Coordinator
Mike Van Diest (pronounced Van-Deest) not only serves as the defensive line coach, but also became the first strength coach in UM history when he joined the Grizzly staff in January of 1980. His work as a strength coach was recognized in 1981, as he was nam ed Region IV National Strength Coach of the Year. Prior to joining Montana the East Helena native was the strength coach and assistant defensive line coach at the University of Wyoming. His first coaching job was as a graduate assistant for the Cowboys under Fred Akers in 1976. Van Diest played his collegiate foot ball at Wyoming, playing tight end and offensive guard. He graduated in 1975 and is currently working on his master’s degree. He was a standout football player at Helena High School where he graduated in 1970. Mike believes, “nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm. I love coaching our defensive line.” Mike, 31, is married to the former Heidi Dringman.
Joe was named offensive line coach in April of 1982 and coach ed All-American tight end Brian Salonen. He served as assistant line coach at UM for the previous two seasons. Prior to coming to M ontana he served as football and track coach at North Kitsap High School near Seattle, Washington, for two years. He played fullback during his collegiate days at the University of Puget Sound where he graduated in 1978. He received his B.A. in Health & Physical Education and Recreation. He attended Olympic Junior College and was nam ed the outstanding offensive lineman and Honorary Team Captain of his W estern division championship team . He played semi-pro football for the Kitsap County Chiefs in 1979. The 29-year-old is married to the former Lisa Cano.
G reg Trenary
Arvid Grier
Assistant Offensive
Missoula native Greg Trenary was nam ed assistant offensive line coach at the University of Montana in July of 1983. Trenary, 30, also has recruiting responsibilities. He is a 1973 graduate of Missoula’s Loyola High School. He was most recently the offen sive coordinator at Western Montana College in Dillon. He began his coaching career at Loyola High School in 1976, and from there he moved to Sentinel High as an assistant. His next move was to Box Elder High where he served as head wrestling coach and assistant football coach for two seasons, and was nam ed head coach in 1979. He began his collegiate coaching career at Western in 1980 as an assistant on the defensive line. Next he coached the offensive line, and was then elevated to offensive coordinator in 1982. Western was co-champion in the Frontier Conference in 1982. Trenary received his B.S. degree in History and Physical Education at Western in 1977, and earned his M.S. Ed. at Western in 1983. As a prep he was a two-time all-conference player and a Shrine Game participant and the gam e’s defensive MVP. He started for four years at Western at linebacker/defensive end. Greg and his wife, Lynn, have a two-year-old daughter, Crystal Rose.
Arvid Grier serves as wide receiver coach and on-cam pus recruiting coordinator. He has been at UM for three seasons as assistant wide receiver coach. Grier, 35, is a 1966 graduate of Stevensville High School where he was all-state in wrestling and lettered in football and track. He came to UM and com peted in wrestling. He received his B.A. degree in Education at UM in 1970 and earned his m aster’s in Athletic Administration in the sum m er of 1984. He was an assistant football and head wrestling coach at Plentywood High from 1970 to 1973. He then m oved on to Broadus High in the same coaching capacity. While at Broadus his wrestling team s placed fourth in the state twice and won two divisional titles. His next coaching stint was at Belt High where he was head football coach from 1975 to 1981. During his stay there he won a divisional championship, played in the state “B” championship game and coached in the Shrine Gam e in 1980. Arvid and his wife, Pam, have a seven-year-old son, Casey.
Outlook, Honors C andidates
1984 Outlook M ornhinw eg R eturns To Lead G rizzly O ffen se Poole was one of the leading tacklers on the defensive line two years ago and Becker was a special teams standout. “This team (1984) is similar in style to our 1981 team ,” Donovan said, “we are not deep in experience or numbers, but we have quality players who will have to play a lot to have the success that we feel is possible.” Also at quarterback is Kelly Richardson, who will serve as backup QB and start at wide receiver. Richardson quarterbacked the Grizzlies to a 4-0 start last season before suffering an injury. He passed for 906 yards in 1983, ranking him seventh in single season passing. Junior Bob Connors will also be waiting in the wings to call signals. Another bright spot is the backfield, where tailbacks Alan Botzheim and Kraig Paulson had impressive performances in spring ball, and fullbacks Klucewich and Scott Murray look ed good. It is hoped that quartet, along with tailbacks Larry Davidson and Mike Helean, and fullback Kerry Anderson will give UM a balanced attack. Much-heralded frosh Mike Ehlers could also work his way into the picture, along with JC transfer LeRoy Foster. M ontana’s practice area is located in the shadow of Mt. Sentinel, and this year’s offensive line resembles sort of a mini Mt. Sentinel when it’s on the field. Senior tackles and honors candidates Rick Linderholm at 6-43A, 262 and Tom Rutt at 6-6 V2, 272, cast a few “m oun tainous” shadows of their own. At guards are freshman redshirt Larry Clarkson (6-7V2, 270) and junior Eric Dawald (6 -3 V2, 240). Senior center Craig Mosier (6-4, 245), “could be the best center we’ve had since I’ve been h ere,” Donovan said. Converted tailback Curt McGinness had the unenviable task of replacing All-American Brian Salonen, but gives UM a new dimension at tight end once he catches the ball. Freshman Brad Salonen (Brian’s brother) is the backup. “We are staying with the sprint draw, sweep, and passing game concepts, so we can once again establish the run-pass game needed to have success and win in the Big Sky C on ference,” Donovan said. “We also will try to give the quarterbacks better protection,” Donovan said. “W e’ll split up the offense more to give the quarterbacks a better opportunity to read the defense, with hopes that will offset the heavy stunting defenses we had trou ble with in the 1983 season.” At wide receiver three-year starter Bob McCauley will get the starting nod at one end, along with Richardson. Juniors Tony Coe and Scott Moe are solid backups, and redshirt freshman Glen Anderson should also see action. Donovan said one of his big concerns is the kicking game, “and we think we have to improve not only on the kicker himself, but also the people who surround and support him.” Sophom ore Eby Dobson, a left-footed soccer style kicker is expected to handle all of the kicking duties, although Richard son is the backup punter. Montana experimented with a slot back in spring football and Donovan said that “it should give us a chance to work
The University of Montana Grizzlies have reached new heights with Larry Donovan over the course of his four years as head coach, and one of the main reasons for that success was quarterback Marty Mornhinweg. After a year’s layoff Mornhinweg is back to guide the Grizzly offense once again and the UM faithful are hoping he can take off where he left off in 1982.
Fullback Joe Klucewich In 1982 Montana won the Big Sky Conference title, with M ornhinweg nam ed A ssociated Press’ All-American honorable mention and all-league. The previous season Mon tana had a 7-3 overall record—the fifth best in school history. “With the return of Marty, Joe Klucewich (fullback), Scott Poole (defensive line) and Ned Becker (strong safety) we feel the 1984 Grizzlies will be beefed up and pum ped up, as far as ability to score and our defensive posture,” Donovan said. Preseason All-American Mornhinweg is the holder of all of M ontana’s passing records, while Klucewich is a very ef fective blocker and pass-catcher and will shore up what was a problem area last season at UM. In ’82 Mornhinweg completed 62 percent (140 X 226) of his passes for 12 touchdowns and rushed for six scores. Klucewich caught 23 passes for one TD and rushed for 251 yards and four TDs.
1984 Outlook: Mornhinweg Returns defense and keep the opposition’s offense a little off balance with our total team concept.” Looking at the 1984 Big Sky race Donovan said,” Boise State and Reno always appear to have the best athletes, but you can’t leave out Northern Arizona, Idaho or Idaho State either. You have to play every team every Saturday and play your best. It’s going to be that kind of a league this season.”
some of the quality backs with speed that we recruited into our offense and give those players a chance to play right away. The slot back will also give us an opportunity to spread the defense and give us a better chance running the ball with deception on offense,” Donovan added. The Grizzlies will once again go with a 3-4 defense, blitz ing either outside linebacker on any given situation. “There is a total question mark as far as who and how as far as our defensive line is concerned,” Donovan said. “We have players with years, but not a lot of experience.” The Grizzly defensive line racked up more than 300 tackles last year, however only 20 of those tackles are back in form of junior Larry Oliver, who along with Poole will start. Two offensive linemen, Scott Moore and Dave McKenzie were moved to noseguard in the spring and both will play a lot of minutes. UM boasts honors candidates at outside linebacker in Bill Tarrow and in the inside in Jake Trammell. But outside backers Tim Gillis, Kelly Weston, and inside backers Doug Sexe and Rick Dozier need experience. Gregg Green played a lot in 1983 and could start along with Trammell, who was the eighth ranked tackier in the conference last year among backers. “One of the key points on defense is the kicking game and that adds up to field position,” Donovan said. “We need to improve in that area to give our defense a physical and psychological boost.” In the secondary experience returns in cornerback Ted Ray and free safety Scott Timberman. Becker will start at strong and Josh Klucewich and Tim Monterossi are battling it out for the other cornerback slot. Timberman was the 10th ranked tackier in the Big Sky with 67 stops and had two interceptions. He and Ray are honors candidates. Ray led the league in kickoff returns last season with a 22.4-yard average and ranked 20th in the nation. “We feel we have to become a little less predictable on
Fifth-year coach Larry Donovan
Grizzly Pronunciation Guide Apostol, (Ed)..... Caciari, (Mike).... Dacus, (Glenn)... Dobson, (Eby).... Ehlers, (Mike)..... Gianinni, (Greg). Helean, (Mike)... Kluting, (David)..
Koechlein, (Todd). Kunka, (Rob)........ Odden, (Nate)..... Reid, (Darrin)....... Salonen, (Brad)..., Sexe, (Doug)........ Trammell, (Jake).. Viteznik, (Pete)....
Ah-Poss-Sull . .Cah-Cee-Arr-Ee ..............Day-Cuss ..................Ebb-ee .................Ell-Lurs .Gee-Ah-nee-Nee .............Hee-Lunn ..............Kloot-ing
....Catch-Line Kunn-Kah Oh-Den ..............Reed .Sall-Loan-En Sex-EE Tram-Ull .Veet-Is-Neck
All-American Candidate Marty Mornhinweg As a high school star at San Jose’s Oak Grove High School Morn hinweg was one of the premier players in the State of California. “As a prep Marty Mornhinweg made it clear in everyone’s mind that he was an athlete to be reckoned with at the collegiate level,” Donovan said. “His accolades as a prep including breaking records held by (Pat) Haden and (Steve) Bartowski and that set the stage for what was to come at the University of Montana.” In high school he set three Northern California records and had the second best passing percentage (63.3%) in California history. His Nor thern California records include completions (392), touchdown passes (62) and total TDs (85). During his three years as a starter at Oak Grove his teams went 9-2, 14-1 and 12-1 for a combined record of 35-4. During that span he set 19 records at his school. During his Grizzly career not only has he set all new career standards, but he also has set or shares single season and single game marks. His single season records include completions in a season (140, 1982), most TD pases (12, tie, 1982) and most total yards (1,674, 1982/1,569 passing and 105 rushing). He also is tied for the record of TD passes in one game with four against Montana State in 1982 and four against Eastern Washington in 1980. His season-by-season Montana and high school stats:
Season-By-Season Statistics At Montana S e a so n 1980 (3-7)
G am es 9
R u sh es 43
Y d s. -80
Avg. -1.9
T D S. 0
A tte m p ts 120
C om ps. 61
1981 (7-3) 1982 (6-5)
8 10
29 82
-78 105
-2.7 1.3
0 6
181 226
108 140*
T otals (16-15)
-0 .3
* 309
P et. Y ds. .508 874
Int. TD S. 6 5
.5 97- 1187 .619 1569
9 7
5 12#
*.5 86*
3 6 3 0 * 2 2 22*
‘ S c h o o l R ecord # Tied School Record
Season-By-Season High School Statistics S e a so n 1977 (9-2) 1978 (14-1)
G am es 11 15
P a ss A tt. 175 239
P a s s . Com p.
P et.
111 146
63.4 61.1
Y ds. P a ss 1356 2096
TD P a ss 14 20
TD R ush 9 8
T otal TD S. 23 28
1979 (12-1)_____________13_______ 205______________135_________ 65S ________ 2173__________28_____________ 6__________ 34
“T he Brightest Star In the Big Sky” in 1984, Marty M ornhinw eg, has several other p h rases th at could be used to describe him, but the best is W -I-N-N-E-R. Since earning a starting berth m idw ay through his freshm an season in 1980, the scrappy, confident quarterback has also put results on the scoreboard. As a freshm an the 1-AA All-Am erican candidate guided M ontana to victory in tw o of its last th ree gam es. In 1981 he led M ontana to a 7-3 re c o rd —th e school’s fifth best in its history. A nd in 1982 he passed the Grizzlies to a Big Sky C onference cham pionship an d their first ever a p p ea ran c e in the national playoffs. Going into his senior year every tim e he throw s a pass or com pletes a pass he ad d s to his UM career records. H e enters the 1984 season with 30 9 com pletions on 52 7 attem pts for a 5 8 .6 passing p ercentage, 3 ,6 3 0 yards a n d 22 to u ch d o w n s—all career standards. But, the impressive thing about M ornhinweg’s stats are that in 83 years of football at UM, no QB has ever passed for m ore th an 3 ,0 0 0 yards. T he previous record w as 2 ,2 9 6 yards by Tom Kingsford, 1948-50. “In the term s coaches use to describe w inners, the n a m e Marty M or nhinweg com es to m ind,” said head UM coach Larry D onovan. “If there’s tim e on the clock and h e ’s in the gam e, th en th e re ’s tim e to win. “If he w asn’t the quarterback then h e ’d be the guard or wide receiver, or w hatever w e n e e d e d to w in ,” D onovan continued. “His determ in a tion m akes up for any size lim itations that som e say is a factor in col legiate football. I have a strong belief th at in my 19 years of college football Marty has contributed as m uch to our program as any player has to any in A m erica.” M ornhinw eg’s passing yardage has increased each season. He had 8 7 4 yards in 1980; 1,187 in 1981 and 1 ,5 6 9 in 1982. In 527 attem pts has he throw n only 2 2 interceptions. “W hen Marty is in a gam e he gives confidence to players, coaches and fans, virtually everyone w ho follows th e Grizzlies is confident with him in the lineup,” D onovan said. “His daring, living on-the-edge calibre of play not only provides results, but it also provides an exciting brand of Grizzly football.” For the co-w inner (along with G reg Isem an) of UM’s 1982 C arlson aw ard given to the Most Valuable Player, success and winning is nothing new to “W ig.”
T otals (35-4)
# Northern California High School Record t 2nd in History of California
6 3 .3 f
85 #
Honors C andidates Eric Dawald
Curt M cGinness
Junior Offensive Guard 6-3, 244 Work ethic has got Eric where he is to day, and that is in his second year as a starter at offensive guard. He walked on as a freshman and improved his body weight almost 30 pounds and vastly improved his strength. He was granted another season of eligibility recently by the NCAA. “Eric receiv ed good news from the NCAA recently when he received another year, and we are extremely happy about that,” said head coach Larry Donovan. “We are looking for him to return to his 1982, Big Sky cham pionship play this season.” He is very effec tive leading the sweep, as well as pass blocking.”
Senior Tight End 6-3V2, 210 A move from tailback to tight end in the spring looked like a good move for “Skin ny,” who has the difficult task of trying to replace Grizzly All-American Brian Salonen. McGinness’ 4.6 time in the 40 gives UM a new dimension at tight end, and Curt pro ved that with several long gainers in spring ball. Grizzly coaches are also hoping the move will help him injury-wise. The fifthyear senior played only four games last season and rushed for 90 yards and caught four passes. The previous season he had a 8.9-yard average on just 17 carries, but suf fered a leg injury. “The biggest move the staff m ade in spring ball was Curt to e n d ,” Donovan said. “His experience in the Big Sky has been limited, but when he was well he was one of the best running backs we had. He has speed, athletic ability and his size makes him a true honors candidates in the Big Sky C onference.”
Rick Linderholm
Craig Mosier
Senior Offensive Tackle 6 -43/ 4 , 265 One of the finest offensive lineman in re cent Grizzly history, Rick is considered to be the top professional football prospect at UM. The reason for that is his size and quickness—he runs a 5.2 in the 40-yard dash. He is probably the best overall blocker on. the line and will be starting for the se cond straight season at left tackle. “Rick’s size and speed, along with his year of experience in the Big Sky Conference, makes him a player who has to be dealt with,” Donovan said. “He has excellent work habits and his im provem ent is evident in the fact that he is one of the best in the Big Sky and that the pros are looking at him .”
Senior Offensive Center 6-4, 245 With a year of experience under his belt, Craig enters his second season as a starter with about 10 more pounds of muscle. He was an all conference player in junior col lege and high school, and could earn “all” honors at the 1-AA level in ’84. “Craig follows in a long line of good leaders we’ve had at center,” Donovan said. “The staff believes he could be the best of the offen sive centers we’ve had since we’ve been here. He is another player who has outstanding work habits. He has good mobility and plays a physical brand of foot ball. All that leads to an outstanding senior season at center.”
Bob McCauley
S cott P oole
Senior Wide Receiver 192 Bob has improved every season at UM and 1984 should be no different. Last year he was the No. 2 receiver with 24 catches for 354 yards and a 14.8-yards per catch average. He also has the ability to run the ball and had an 11 -yard gain on an end around play last season. He had key catches his sophomore season, the most memorable being a reception on a two-point conversion that gave UM a 36-35 come-from-behind win over Northern Arizona in UM’s Big Sky championship season in ’82. He runs a 4.6 in the 40. He was chosen the Most Outstan ding Sophom ore in 1982 by his teammates. “In Bob’s growing and learning process he has m ade big catches to give us impetus for some of our biggest wins,” Donovan said. “Going into his senior year I hope he puts everything together and that will give him a great final season.”
Junior Defensive Tackle 6-7, 270 Scott has worked very hard in the off season, recovering from a shoulder opera tion, and was almost back at 100 percent in the spring. He was one of the top tacklers on the defensive line as a sophom ore in 1982 with 27 tackles, two sacks, two pass deflections and a blocked kick. The pro scouts are already looking at him as a pro spect because of his size, speed and agility. “At 6-7, 270-plus pounds we think Scott will be a dominating force for us at defensive tackle,” Donovan said. “He showed his athletic talents as an all-state high school basketball player, and his added strength from hard work in the weight room could add up to making him a star perform er.”
Honors C andidates Ted Ray
Bill Tarrow
Junior Cornerback 5-10, 170 A tough attitude and speed add up to talent and Ted has both those ingredients and more. He played several positions in the secondary last season and has now found a home at cornerback. He led the Big Sky in kickoff returns last year with a 22.4-yard average and ranked 20th in the nation. The very fast (4.4 in the 40) Ray had 40 tackles in 1983, ranking him fourth in the secon dary and he had a 45-yard interception for a TD against Eastern Washington. “When Ted won the Big Sky kickoff return title he set the tone for the type of athlete he is,” Donovan said. “He has m ade great im provement from his sophomore to his junior year, which will be evident in his play this year. With T ed’s improvement we feel our secondary could become a strength.”
Junior Outside Linebacker 6-5, 210 Terrorizing opposing quarterbacks in blit zing situations is Bill’s forte, and he did that to the tune of six times for losses of 42 yards last year. He had 67 tackles and is UM’s sec ond leading returning tackier (along with Scott Tim berm an). He had a team-leading seven pass deflections, forced four fumbles and blocked a kick in ’83. His team m ates named him the Outstanding Sophomore last year. “Bill had made some of the most outstanding plays that the Grizzlies have had at outside linebacker since the departure of All-Big Sky performer Ben Kiefer,” Donovan said. “He moves well, and has the size and determination and now the experience to be considered a top performer at his position in the conference.”
Kelly Richardson
Scott Timberman
Senior QB/W R 6-0,182 Versatility is the best word to describe Kel ly, who will start at wide receiver this season, but will also be waiting in the wings to play quarterback should the necessity occur. Last year he led UM to a 4-0 start before suffer ing an injury. He passed for 906 yards rank ing him seventh in single season passing. He was ranked 25th in the nation last year in passing efficiency. He has caught 11 passes for 127 yards during his career, and is also the backup punter. “Kelly has been a star performer at wide receiver and quarterback for us, and has made key plays for us at both positions to help in winning efforts,” Donovan said. “He is a player who myself and the rest of the staff classify as a winner.”
Senior Free Safety 6-3V2, 192 The scouts are taking a long, hard look at Scott because of his size and speed at his position. He walked on at UM after taking a couple of years off from football and work in the weight room has dramatically boosted his weight and strength. He had 67 tackles in ’83 and two interceptions and is the No. 2 ranked returning tackier (along with Tar row). His 6.7 tackles a game ranked him 10th in the Big Sky among defensive backs. “The coaches are looking for Scott to be the leader in the secondary, and with a year of playing experience and with his size and speed, he could be a force for us,” Donovan said. “He has great hitting ability and the speed (4.6) to cover deep, which adds up to him excelling at his safety position.”
Tom Rutt
Jake Trammell
Senior Offensive Tackle 6 -6 V2 , 272 Another professional football prospect, Tom is starting for the third consecutive season. He has started at both tackle and guard. He is still working to improve his strength to go along with his 5.3 speed in the 40. The “U .S.S. Rutt” has improved in every phase of his game, and along with Rick Linderholm could give M ontana the best tandem at tackle in the Big Sky. “Now in his third year as a starter, Tom has gain ed experience and an attitude to be one of the top players at his position in the con ference,” Donovan said. “He has the size and mobility which give him an opportuni ty to be outstanding player.”
Senior Inside Linebacker 6 -21/ 2, 220 M ontana’s No. 1 tackier of a season ago, Jake will be starting for the second straight season after a banner year in which he was ranked eighth in the Big Sky Conference (among linebackers) with 10.4 stops a game. He had 104 tackles in 1983. He also recovered three fumbles and had two in terceptions. “We are looking for Jake to regain the tenacity and performance level of his sophom ore year and be one of the leaders on defense,” Donovan said. “With all things in place Ja^e will be one of the best at his position in the conference.”
The 1984 G rizzlies
Scott Murray
Glen Anderson
*Kerry Anderson
Ed Apostol
6-2 Vk, 192 Bellevue, WA WR, Fr.
6-1, 225 Tigard, OR FB, So.
6-1, 205 Olympia, WA DB, Fr.
Coming off an injury redshirt year Glen has shown signs of being an outstanding receiver, and all he lacks is playing time. The 1982 Seattle Times Player of the Year, Glen was all-state, All-Metro and all-conference in football. He also excelled in baseball. His football team was conference champion in 1982, and his baseball team also won the league crown that year. He captained the football team. His Bellevue High coach was Mickey Nash. Business major. Birthdate: August 11, 1965.
One of the toughest runners on the team Kerry saw considerable action last year in his initial season. The 1984 season should be no different. He started in one game last year. He lettered in football and track at Tigard High, and was the team MVP in foot ball and a first team all-leaguer at running back. He led his league in scoring as well. His coach was Deno Edwards. Business M anagement major. Birthdate: Septem ber 28, 1964.
Ed used a redshirt season to gain about 15 pounds and could be a factor in the secondary for the Grizzlies this season. He plays at the flyer corner position and has an outstanding future ahead of him. He lettered three times in football at Timberline High School and four times in track. He was all league in football for three seasons. As a senior in track he was the league MVP, win ning the 100 and 200 meter titles. He com peted in the state track m eet all four years as a prep. His grid coach was John Jordan. General Studies major. Birthdate: February 3, 1964.
** Ned Becker
* *Alan Botzheim
Larry Clarkson
5-10, 183 Atlantic, IA SS, Jr.
5-11, 185 lone, WA TB, Jr.
6-7V2, 275 Abbotsford, BC OG, Fr.
A hard hitter and special teams standout, Ned should be a factor for UM at strong safe ty. He earned a second team berth in spring football. He would have played a lot last season but was sidelined with a hand injury. He was an all-state football player at Atlan tic High School. His brother, Jay, was a three-year starter for Montana at defensive back in 1977-78-79. In high school he was a four-year letterman in football, basketball and track. His prep coach was Robert Younger. Business major. Birthdate: February 4, 1963.
Perhaps the quickest running back at UM, Alan was almost unstoppable in spring foot ball and big things are expected of him this season. Last season he rushed for 65 yards and had 25 yards receiving. He was a high school All-American at Gonzaga Prep, and rushed for 1,218 yards as a senior in only 121 carries. In high school he rushed for more than 3,000 yards and scored 44 touchdowns. He also excelled in basketball and track. His high school coach was Don Anderson. General Studies major. Birthdate: June 26, 1964.
Larry worked extremely hard during his redshirt freshman season and gained 20 pounds. Results are that he earned the startincfposition at left offensive guard, he is the tallest player on the offensive unit. He let tered three times in football and three times in basketball at Abbotsford Senior High. He was all-conference in football and basketball and first team All-Star Western Conference for his top ranked basketball team. His grid coach was Bill MacGregor. Health, Physical Education major. Birthdate: March 11, 1965.
* *Tony Coe
Mike Cogar
* *Bob Connors
6-1,170 Renton, WA WR, Jr.
6-4, 244 Missoula, MT OT, So.
6 - 2 , 212
Speed is Tony’s middle nam e. He has worked extremely hard improving all phases of his game. He finished spring drills behind Kelly Richardson and will see considerable playing time this year. He had two recep tions for 37 yards in 1983. He was an all league defensive back and receiver at Hazen High, where he was coached by Ed Olson. He also starred in basketball and track. Business major. Birthdate: February 17, 1964.
Todd Curtis 6-0, 175 Victor, MT WR, Fr.
A leg injury knocked Todd out of action early last season and hopefully he will be recovered in time to return to action in 1984. He was an all-state player at Delco High in Idaho in 1980 and MVP that season as well. He was all-conference as a junior and senior. His coach was Mike Matthews. Business M anagement major. Birthdate: November 12, 1963.
Mike sat out last season and the layoff didn’t appear to hurt him as he earned the backup role at right tackle in the spring. He was an all-state and all-conference player at Sentinel High School for coach Gene Leonard. The Spartans were 9-1 his senior year and advanced to the state semi-finals. He also lettered in wrestling and track as a prep. Business major. Birthdate: Septem ber 21, 1964.
* * *Glenn Dacus 6-4, 238 Enumclaw, WA OC, Sr.
Despite being slowed down by knee in juries Glenn is the type of player that it is hard to keep out of the line-up. His knees slowed him down for spring ball but he should be okay once the season begins. He was a two-year letterman at Enumclaw High, where he was an All-Star pick, team captain and named to the Seattle Times AllStar team. His coach was Wilbur Lucas. He also lettered in basketball. Education major. Birthdate: May 24, 1962.
Glasgow, MT Q B/RB, Jr. Bob is coming off a knee injury sustained in the University of Idaho game last season. He proved his versatility during spring drills playing quarterback, slotback and tight end. Last year he passed for 241 yards (20 of 39) and rushed for 58 yards and a touchdown. He quarterbacked Glasgow High to the state “A” title in 1980. He was an all-state foot ball player for coach Henry Hamill in 1979 and 1980. The 1980 Shrine Gam e partici pant won the state high jump title in ’80. Business Education major. Birthdate: December 19, 1962.
* *Eric Dawald 6-3, 245 Owatonna, MN OG, Jr.
A steady and hard-working individual Eric will be starting his second season after walk ing on at UM. He was a very steady player at right guard during spring drills, as was the entire offensive line. He is a 1984 Honors Candidate. He was all-conference and AllBig Nine at Owatonna High School where he was coached by Jerry Peterson. He also lettered in track. Forestry major. Birthdate: Septem ber 9, 1960.
I* m mi
Eby Dobson
6-0, 155 Sunny Valley, OR K /P , So. Eby took over the punting duties late in , the season and averaged almost 40 yards per punt on 17 attempts. The left-footed, soccer style kicker was perfect in spring ball hitting on all three of his field goal attempts. A three-time letterman in football and baseball, Eby was all-state kicker at North Valley High and an all-league short stop. He was all-league in football as a junior and senior. He kicked a 53-yard field goal as a junior. His coach was former Grizzly great Bob Beers. Business M anagem ent major. Birthdate: December 2, 1964.
* *Rick Dozier
Pat Foster
6-2, 245 Kent, WA ILB, Jr.
6-4, 220 Savage, MT DT, So.
Rick had a very solid sophom ore season and will battle senior Gregg Green for the starting berth at the “Sam ” linebacker posi tion. Last year he had 39 tackles. He was an All-North Puget Sound choice at Kent Meridian High as a senior. He was a twoyear letterman in football and track. His coach was Bob Peters. General Studies major. Birthdate: July 18, 1964.
Added strength and body weight should make Pat a contender for playing time this season. He finished spring drills at No. 2 at the defensive left tackle spot. A three-sport athlete, Pat lettered in football, basketball and track all four of his seasons at Savage High. He was team captain in all’three sports as a senior. He was all-state, all-conference and team MVP in football as a junior and senior. His coach was Keith Quale. HPE/Biology major. Birthdate: December 2, 1964.
*Tim Gillis
*Gregg Green
Chuck Hamilton
6-4, 220 Portland, OR OLB, Jr.
6 - 0 , 220
6 - 1 , 202
Tonasket, WA ILB, Sr.
Great Falls, MT ILB, So.
Tim showed signs of being a factor at out side linebacker a year ago and came on strong in the spring to edge out team m ate Kelly Weston for the starting spot at “Whip” linebacker. He had 24 tackles last season and is a very effective pass rusher. At C en tral Catholic High he was all-state in foot ball and basketball, and all-conference in football, basketball and baseball. His coach was Steve Stanitch. Political Science major. Birthdate: January 1, 1964.
One of the strongest players on the team Gregg had 47 tackles last year ranking him 10th overall at UM. He played very steady in the spring and should be the starter at “Sam ” linebacker in 1984. He transferred from Walla Walla Junior College where he was an all-conference player. Business M anagement major. Birthdate: October 29, 1961.
Work in the weight room and an excellent attitude add up to the number two player at the “Strike” linebacker after spring drills. Chuck is an extremely active player and needs to gain weight and playing time to be a factor at UM. He was the Most Improved player at C.M. Russell in 1982. He was an All-City soccer player for two seasons. General Studies major. Birthdate: April 21, 1965.
* *Mike H elean
Paul Kaminski
Mike Kerr
6-0, 190 Missoula, MT TB, Sr.
6-4, 216 Sequim, WA LB, So.
6-0, 185 Missoula, MT FB, Fr.
Another of the outstanding core of young linebackers, Paul should see playing time at the “Will” linebacker position. He saw limited duty last year. He was an all-league player at Sequim High and also one of the leading tacklers in his league. He lettered in basket ball and track and received the Coaches’ Award in basketball. His grid coach was Bill Cruse. General Studies major. Birthdate: May 21, 1965.
Mike adds depth to the fullback position and played very consistently in spring ball. All-state and conference MVP honors came Mike’s way enroute to Sentinel High’s 1982 league title. He lettered in football, basket ball and baseball. He was a Shrine Game alternate. His brother, Tim, was. a former standout QB for the Grizzlies. Mike’s coach was Tim Dennison. General Studies major. Birthdate: November 3, 1964.
* * *Joe Klucewich
*Josh Klucewich
Todd Koechlein
6-0, 190 Alpine, CA FB, Sr.
5-10, 175 Missoula, MT CB, Jr.
5-10, 190 Littleton, CO DB, So.
Called on last year because of injuries in the backfield, Mike was the team ’s number two rusher with 116 yards on 31 carries for a 3.7-yard average. He had four receptions for 27 yards. A very hard runner he adds good depth to the tailback position. Mike was the Sentinel High team MVP as a senior and all-state that season. His coach was G ene Leonard. Business M anagem ent major. Birthdate: March 21, 1963.
The Grizzlies second leading rusher of two seasons ago Joe can play all phases of the game at fullback. In 1982 he rushed for 251 yards and four touchdowns. Receiving-wise he caught 23 passes for 187 yards. He gain ed 980 yards his senior season at Granite Hills High School in El Cajon and had 950 the previous year. He was a second team Los Angeles Times All-Star pick. He also let tered in basketball and track. His coach was Paul Wargo. Business major. Birthdate: April 4, 1961.
Jo e ’s younger brother, Josh came on strong in the spring edging out Tim Monterossi for the starting berth at “Strong Corner” . He is a very tenacious hitter and had eight tackles and forced a fumble in limited duty last year. He was one of the leading tacklers in the state as a senior at Sentinel High, and an all-state and all conference selection. He lettered in football and track for the Spartans. His coach was G ene Leonard. Physical Therapy major. Birthdate: February 26, 1963.
An injury redshirt, Todd is vying for play ing at strong safety. He had eight intercep tions his senior season at Columbine High, which ranked him second in the state. He was conference Defensive Player of the Year that season. His 1981 team was state “4-A” runnerup and coached by Sherm Pruit. Physical Therapy major. Birthdate: July 16, 1964.
*Rick Linderholm 6-43A, 270 Crystal, MN OT, Sr. Big things are expected of Rick in 1984 as he starts his second season as the number one player at offensive left tackle. An Honors Candidate he is one of a few UM players the professional scouts are looking at. He transferred from Golden Valley Lutheran College where he was an all conference player. He prepped at Robbinsdale High and was an all-state player there. His JC coach was Dave Skrien. Health Physical Education major. Birthdate: March 31, 1962.
* * *Bob McCauley 6-2V2, 194 Missoula, MT WR, Sr. An Honors Candidate, Bob caught 24 passes for 354 yards for a 14.8-yard average. That ranked him second in receiv ing behind Grizzly All-American Brian Salonen. He also had one rush for 11 yards. In 1982 he was nam ed “Outstanding Sophom ore” by his team m ates. He was a two-time all-state pick for the Sentinel Spar tans. As a prep he started for Sentinel’s stateranked basketball team and held the state high hurdles record. His grid coach was Gene Leonard. Health, Physical Education major. Birthdate: January 14, 1963.
Rusty Lohof 6-5, 218 Laurel, MT OG, Fr.
Rusty has worked hard to make himself a player and could see considerable action at offensive guard this year. He redshirted in 1983. He was a first team all-state choice at offensive guard at Laurel High. He let tered three times in football and four times in basketball and track. He played in the Shrine Gam e. He was team captain in basketball as a senior. His grid coach was Karl Matson. Business major. Birthdate: December 29, 1964.
ifl / ■
* *Curt McGinness 6-3, 210 Janesville, WI TE, Sr.
Moved from tailback to tight end in the spring, Curt’s 4.6 speed in the 40 gives the Grizzlies an explosive, big-play player at TE. He has been ham pered during his career with injuries and last year rushed for 90 yards and caught four passes in four games. He was MVP at Craig High School in foot ball, basketball and track. He was the con ference MVP in football. His coach was Bob Suter. Health, Physical Education major. Birthdate: January 2, 1962'.
Ken Lowry 6-3, 210 Shephard, MT OLB, Fr.
A freshman redshirt a season ago, Ken plays “Strike” linebacker and will probably see action on special teams. He was a twotime all-conference football player at Shephard High and honorable mention allstate in 1982. He lettered in football, basket ball and track, and was team captain as a senior in basketball. He was a member of his school’s state champion track team in 1980. His coach was Bob Turnquist. General Studies major. Birthdate: June 11, 1965.
D ave McKenzie 6-2, 255 New York, NY NG, Sr. Perhaps the strongest overall player on the team (he benches 425 pounds) Dave was moved from the offensive line to noseguard in the spring. Teamm ate Scott Moore also made that move and both will see action at noseguard. He played at Palomar JC , where he was coached by Mario Mendez. He prepped at Dewitt Clin ton High in New York, and was a two-year starter there. Business major. Birthdate: Septem ber 5, 1961.
Rob Meidinger 5-10, 173 Billings, MT DB, So.
One of the quickest players on the team , Rob was moved from offense to free safety and should be a factor at that position in the near future. Last year he was nam ed the MVP of the offensive scout team . He was team captain in football and track his senior year at Billings West High. He was a first team all-state pick that season at runningback. He was an all-league selection as a junior and senior, and a Shrine Game choice. His coach was Wally Simms. Business M anagem ent/Law major. Birthdate: May 18, 1965.
*Scott Moore 6-3, 245 Coos Bay, OR NG, Jr. Moved from offensive guard to noseguard Scott responded to the move in a big way earning the starting position. He is a very hard worker and will improve with playing time. He was a three-sport letterman at Marshville High. He was all-district and all-state in football. He also excelled in wrestling and track, and captained the football and wrestl ing teams. His coach was John Johnson. Business major. Birthdate: April 16, 1964.
J H fe
Wl ffi
* *Scott Moe
Tim M onterossi
5-11, 175 Missoula, MT WR, Jr.
6-0, 198 Kalmath Falls, OR CB, Fr.
Scott had improved his pass catching abili ty each season and runs excellent patterns. He had a fine spring and will see con siderable playing time at right end. Last year he averaged 21.7 yards per catch on three receptions. He was an all-conference player in football, basketball and baseball at Sen tinel High. His coach was Gene Leonard. Business major. Birthdate: June 10, 1964.
A freshman redshirt season enabled Tim to put on needed strength and weight and the results were that he was in a battle with Josh Klucewich for the starting job at “Strong C orner.” He was team MVP, all-state and all-conference as a senior at Kalmath Falls High. He was also nam ed his team ’s Outstanding Back. He earned four letters in football and was team captain as a senior. He also lettered in basketball, baseball and track. He was all-conference three times in football. His coach was Rolla Callaghan. General Studies major. Birthdate: October 14, 1965.
* * *Marty Mornhinweg
*Craig Mosier
5-10, 190 San Jose, CA QB, Sr.
6-4, 245 Renton, WA OC, Sr.
M ontana’s All-American Candidate (see page 12) Marty holds virtually every career passing record at the University of Montana, and numerous single season records as well. In 1982 he was an AP Honorable Mention All-American, second team All-Big Sky Conference and Grizzly co-MVP (along with Greg Iseman). He has been a starter as quarterback since mid-way in his freshman season. His prep coach was Phil Stearns. Physical Therapy major. Birthdate: March 29, 1962.
A very physical player at center, Craig came on strong last year and player very consistently in the spring. The Honors C an didate transferred to UM from Spokane Falls CC where he was a first team all-conference player. His JC coach was Bob Everson. He prepped at Hazen High in Renton and was all-conference there. Sociology major. Birthdate: August 4, 1962.
Chris Murray
* *Scott Murray
*Ken N elsen
6 - 1/ 2 , 165
6 - 0 , 202 ,
6 - 1, 202
Englewood, CO WR, Fr.
Kalispell, MT FB, Jr.
North Bend, OR FB, Jr.
A four-sport letterman as a prep at Cherry Creek High School, Chris earned the num ber three spot at left end during spring drills. In high school he lettered in football, baseball, track and golf. His prep grid Coach was Fred Tosone. His 1982 high school football team was state cham pions with a 14-0 record. Business major. Birthdate: October 2, 1964.
One of the biggest surprises during spring football, Scott could be a starter at fullback. Scott and senior Joe Klucewich, along with sophom ore Kerry Anderson give UM some of the best depth it’s ever had at fullback. Scott rushed for 1,109 yards as a senior at Flathead High. He was all-state and team captain and a Shrine Game participant. He also lettered in basketball and track. His father, Marshall, played football for the Grizzlies. His coach was Bob Raeth. General Education. Birthdate: May 11, 1964.
Injuries have been a problem for Ken, however, he played well in the spring and adds even more depth at fullback. He rush ed for 1,200 yards as a senior at North Bend High. He also lettered in basketball and track. He was nam ed All-District Offensive Player of the Year in the “AA” league, league MVP and first team all-state. His coach was Howard Johnson, a former Grizz ly player, and father of UM outside linebacker coach Mike Johnson. Physical Education/History major. Birthdate: January 5, 1963. -... i
N ate Odden
* *Larry Oliver
Joel Palinsky
5-11, 186 Dutton, MT DB, Fr.
6 -6 V2 , 250
6 -41/ 2 , 230 Tacoma, WA OG, Fr.
A great all-around athlete, it’s just a m at ter of time for Nate to be a starter at UM. He redshirted last season. He finished spring drills as a back-up “Flyer Corner” along with fellow freshman Ed Apostol. He was a four time letterman in football, basketball and track. Nate was first team all-state in foot ball at quarterback. He was a star on the Dutton High track team and won three in dividual titles. He was also all-state in basket ball. His coach was Mike Rae. General Studies major. Birthdate: March 18, 1964.
Hillsboro, OR DT, Jr.. Larry was moved from tight end to the defensive line last season and all that’s kept him from being a standout at his new posi tion has been injuries. He had 13 tackles, a fumble recovery and a pass deflection in limited action last season. He em erged as the starter at right tackle after spring drills. He was an all-state football and basketball player at Hillsboro High. His coach was Larry Binkerd. Geology major. Birthdate: January 1, 1964:
Joel redshirted last year and has added weight and experience and could see action at left guard. He and junior college transfer George Naughton are vying for the back-up spot there. He was an all-stater at Franklin Pierce High, and his football team as 12-1 in 1982. He was all-conference both ways as a junior and senior. He also lettered in track. He was a nominee for Scholar Athlete by the National Football Foundation Hall of Fame. His coach was Mike Roberts. Science major. Birthdate: December 14, 1964.
*Kraig Paulson 6-0 , 202 Plentrywood, MT TB, So. One of the hardest runners in recent UM history, Kraig is in the mold of former Grizzly standout Greg Iseman. He was moved from fullback to tailback last spring and along with Alan Botzheim has m ade that position one of the strongest on the team . He rushed for 106 yards last year and caught three passes. He was twice an all-state pick at Plentywood High School in football. He lettered four times in football and track and was an outstanding sprinter as a prep. His coach was Ron Smith. General Studies major. Birthdate: January 12, 1964.
M #
*Scott Poole 6-7, 270 Spokane, WA DT, Jr.
A shoulder operation kept Scott out of the line-up last year but he’s back 100 percent and earned the starting job at defensive left tackle. The 1984 Honors Candidate had 27 tackles, including two for losses, two pass deflections and a blocked kick in 1982. He was an all-city football and basketball player for Shadle Park High School. He was a starter for Shadle Park’s “AAA” basketball championship team. His prep football coach was Bob Haney. H ealth, Physical E d ucation/H istory major. Birthdate: May 19, 1963.
*Greg P ells
Doug Pierson
6-43/4, 230 Calgary, Alberta DT, Jr.
6-2, 208 Belt, MT OLB, So.
Greg was playing very well during spring drills but was sidelined with an injury. He is expected to be back full strength and will add depth to the defensive line. He was an all-league football and basketball player at E.P. Scarlett High. He was basketball team MVP in 1980. He also lettered in track. His coach was William Patrick. General Studies major. Birthdate: February 4, 1964.
* *Ted Ray 5-10, 177 Stevensville, MT FS/R eturns, Jr.
Quick on quick is the best way to describe Ted. He runs a 4.3 -4 .4 in the 40. He was one of the top tacklers in the secondary last year with 40 tackles. The Honors Candidate led the Big Sky in kick off returns with a 22.4-yard average and was ranked 20th in the nation. He was an all-Big Sky Academic pick in 1983. He was a 10-time letter win ner at Stevensville High, and all-state twice in football, and a state winner in the 400 meters twice. He lettered in track at UM in 1983. Com puter Science major. Birthdate: March 26, 1964.
Doug will be vying for playing time at “Whip” linebacker position. Doug was an all conference player at Belt High, where he was coached by Jerry Berg. He played fullback offensively and linebacker on defense. He also lettered in basketball and baseball. General Studies major. Birthdate: December 6, 1964.
^ I
M m K
Darrin Reid 6 - 51/2 , 265
Kalmath Falls, OR OT, Fr.
Game experience and leg strength are all that Darrin needs to be a Grizzly great. He redshirted last year and hopes to see play ing time at right tackle. He was an AllAmerican honorable mention as a senior at Klamath Falls High. Darrin was first team allstate and team captain in football and wres tling. He lettered three times in football, wrestling and track. He played in the Shrine Gam e for the South. His coach was Rolla Callaghan. He was a prep team m ate of Grizzly Tim Monterossi. Physical Therapy major. Birthdate: December 18, 1964.
* * *Kelly Richardson 6-0, 182 Grants Pass, OR Q B/W R, Sr. Mr. Versatile at Montana for the past few seasons, Kelly has started as both quarter back and wide receiver for the Grizzlies. Last season he passed for 906 yards ranking him seventh in single season passing at UM. The Honors Candidate will start at wide receiver this year. At Hidden Valley High he was allstate and a Shrine Game participant. His coach was Mike Mitchell. Education major. Birthdate: February 24, 1962.
/• ■ ■ ■
* * *Tom Rutt
Dave Seaman
6-6V2, 273 Laurel MT OT, Sr.
6 -21/ 2 , 232
A professional football candidate, Tom U.S.S. Rutt is another quality player on the offensive line. An Honors Candidate, Tom has started at both offensive guard and of fensive tackle. He was an all-conference football and basketball player at Laurel High. His coach was Karl Matson. Business major. Birthdate: November 23, 1962.
Mt. Vernon, WA DT, So. Moved from linebacker to defensive tackle, Dave has added 20 pounds of m us cle and should be bigger this fall. He was the number two man at right tackle after spring drills. He was an all-conference foot ball and basketball player at Mt. Vernon High School. His coach was Alan Williams. General Studies major. Birthdate: February 10, 1964.
*Doug Sexe
* *Terry Shillam
Rich Slater
6-2, 208 Great Falls, MT ILB, So.
5-11, 194 Spokane, WA SS, Jr.
5-10, 185 Billings, MT DB, So.
Another top-notch young linebacker, Doug will see considerable action at the “Sam ” position. He had 10 tackles in limited action as a freshman. He was the state “AA” Player of the Year defensively. Doug was first team all-state as a junior and senior. He was a three-year letterman in football and track and also lettered in basketball. He was one of the leading tacklers in the state his last two seasons at C.M. Russell High. His coach was Jack Jackson. He is one of several CMR players on the Grizzly roster. Business major. Birthdate: July 15, 1964.
A quality defensive back, Terry had 34 tackles, forced two fumbles, had three pass deflections and an interception last year. He and senior Ned Becker will battle it out for the starting job at strong safety. He was an all-sfate choice at East Valley High in foot ball and was all-league three times. He was league MVP as a senior and his prep team was the state “AA” champion that season. His coach was Bob Shill. General Studies major. Birthdate: Septem ber 12, 1963.
Rich will be vying for playing time at strong safety. He was the Most Valuable Defensive Back at Billings West High as a senior, as well as a second team all-state and all-conference choice. He was a two-year let term an for coach Wally Simms. General Studies major. Birthdate: January 22, 1965.
*Vv -i W
Scott Sloan
*Mark Smith
* *Bill Tarrow
6-0, 175 Colville, WA WR, So.
6-31/2, 251 Vancouver, WA OC, So.
6-5, 210 Eugene, OR OLB, Jr.
Scott has good hands and moves and could see action at right end this season. A four-sport letterman at Colville High and an all-conference receiver, he had 28 receptions for 349 yards as a senior. He also lettered in basketball, baseball and track. His coach was A1 Bushnell. General Studies major. Birthdate: Septem ber 5, 1964.
Mark played very consistently this spring and will see considerable action at center this season. He was moved from guard to center in the spring and responded by earning the back-up role there. He is a third year sophom ore. He was an All-Metro pick at linebacker and offensive tackle as a senior at Jesuit High. His coach was Bill Griffin. Forestry major. Birthdate: November 25, 1963.
Another Honors Candidate, Scott m ade the best out of a starting opportunity last season. In 1983 he had 67 tackles and two interceptions. He was all-conference in foot ball at Butte High where he was coached by Jon McElroy. He also lettered in basketball and competed successfully in several events in track. Business Administration major. Birthdate: April 29, 1962.
Kelly W eston
* ‘ Jake Trammell
*Scott Timberman 6-3V2, 192 Butte, MT FS, Sr.
An Honors Candidate, Bill is M ontana’s version of the “mad stork” terrorizing oppos ing quarterbacks. He was the third leading tackier am ong the linebackers last season with 67 stops including six for losses, forc ed four fumbles and recovered one. He was selected by his team m ates as the Outstan ding Sophom ore last year. He was all-state at defensive end and right end at Churchill High and played in the Shrine Gam e. His coach was Floyd Halvorsen. Business M anagem ent major. Birthdate: March 21, 1963.
m at
6 -21/ 2 , 231
m m
6-21/2, 215
Vancouver, WA ILB, Sr.
Tacoma, WA OLB, Sr.
Jake was M ontana’s leading tackier last season with 104 stops, including 51 u n a ssiste d . T he H o n o rs C a n d id a te recovered three fumbles and had two in terceptions. He ranked eighth in the Big Sky in tackles with an average of 10.4 per game. He was Evergreen High’s MVP, all-state and team captain in football as a senior. He was the top defensive player for coach Mick O’Neill twice. O’Neill was an All-Big Sky player for the Grizzlies in 1967. Interpersonal Communication major. Birthdate: Septem ber 2, 1963.
The Grizzly coaches are hoping that Kel ly can have an injury-free season and if he does he will contribute greatly at “W hip” linebacker. He transferred to UM from Walla Walla JC where he was team captain and MVP and all-conference his sophom ore season. His coach was Gary Knecht. He prepped at Foss High and was a standout in football and track. Sociology major. Birthdate: May 3, 1962.
G rizzlies Play in 8th Annual Mirage Bowl It will be the Big Sky Country going to the Orient this November, when the University of Montana travels to Tokyo, Japan, to play the United States Military Academy (Army) in the 8th Annual Mirage Bowl. The Mirage Bowl was initiated in 1977, and is sponsored by Tele Planning International, Inc. “M ontana being chosen as the only 1-AA school to participate in the Mirage Bowl is truly a great honor for the state, school, our football team and the Big Sky Conference,” said fifth-year head Griz zly coach Larry Donovan. “To represent the United States is a great plus for our program, and for our team , to not only represent the U.S. as athletes, but also as students,” he continued. “Playing Army is an opportunity for us to play a quality football team, and having Army participate is an added dimension of prestige to the gam e.” Last year’s Mirage Bowl featured Southern Methodist University (SMU) against the University of Houston, SMU winning 34-12. The previous season Clemson defeated Wake Forest, 21-17. The first Mirage Bowl pitted Grambling against Temple, Grambling winning 35-32. Temple returned the following year and defeated Boston Col lege, 12-10. Notre Dame beat Miami 45-15 in 1979; it was UCLA over Oregon 34-3 in 1980 and Air Force defeated San Diego State
21-16 in 1981. The game is the brainchild of Tele Planning International’s Presi dent Atsushi Fujita. The game is named after a car, the Mirage, which is a product of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, a subsidiary of Tele Planning. Montana Athletic Director Harley Lewis said, “I am excited for athletes and coaches to have an opportunity to see the Japanese culture and be able to experience another part of our world. “It’s not only great for our University, but also great for our state and its populace,” Lewis said. “It could possibly open up trade avenues with Japan and Montana and that would be a plus for both of us.” Lewis said UM was aided by former Montana U.S. Senator Mike Mansfield, who is the U.S. Ambassador to Japan. He also said Missoula businessman Joe Dougal helped originally with the idea of the Grizzlies participating in the game. The Mirage Bowl is played in National Stadium in Tokyo, site of the 18th Olympic Games held in 1964. It has a seating capacity of 80,000 and the game sells out every year. “We are very proud that our program is the caliber to be chosen from such an outstanding field that is available and hope to show the Japanese an exciting brand of Grizzly football,” Donovan said.
*4C K
The 1980 Mirage Bowl in Tokyo featured Pacific-10 team s UCLA and Oregon State. Inset are school d ecals taken from the 1983 Mirage Bowl souvenir program. 26
Roster, New G rizzlies
Eby D ob son
1984 Grizzly Alphabetical Football Roster Name
C lass
Hom etown (School)
Jim Ambrose Glen Anderson Kerry Anderson Ed Apostol Ned Becker Alan Botzheim Tony Breland Chuck Brown Lee Brown J. C. Campbell Larry Clarkson Tony Coe Mike Cogar Bob Connors Ward Crawford Todd Curtis Glenn Dacus Guy Danhoff Larry Davidson Eric Dawald Eby Dobson Emmett Dougherty Rick Dozier Mike Ehlers Nate Finch Pat Foster LeRoy Foster Greg Gianinni Tim Gillis Gregg Green Chuck Hamilton Scott Hartman Mike Helean John Huestis Jason Jackola Paul Kaminski Jim Kavanaugh Mike Kerr Joe Klucewich Josh Klucewich David Kluting Todd Koechlein Luke Kratz Rob Kunka Martin Kurtzahn Paul Lamb Shawn Landry Rick Linderholm Rusty Lohof Ken Lowry Bob McCauley Curt McGinness
5-10 6-21/z 6-1 6-1 5-10 5-11 6-3 6-Oi/z 5-lOi/z 6-5 6-71/2 6-1 6-4 6 -21/2 6-4 6-0 6-4 6-6 6-1 6-31/2 6-0 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-31/2 6-5 5-5 6-2 6 -41/2 6-0 6-1 6 -41/2 6-O1/2 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-0 6-1 5-11 6-2 5-10 6-1 6-3 6-6 6-2 6-5 6-43/4 6-5 6-3 6 -21/2 6-31/2
170 190 205 195 170 179 190 195 196 190 275 179 250 212 215 175 245 220 190 245 164 220 226 190 215 220 160 210 220 217 202 210 186 185 185 216 245 185 195 179 225 193 230 185 240 190 250 265 218 210 192 210
Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. So. Jr. Fr. So. Sr. Fr. Jr. Jr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. So. So. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. So. Fr. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Sr.
Shaumburg, IL (James B. Conant HS) Bellevue, WA (Blanchet HS) Tigard, OR (Tigard HS) Olympia, WA (Timberline HS) Atlantic, IA (Atlantic HS) lone, WA (Gonzaga Prep HS) Renton, WA (Renton HS) Whitefish, MT (Whitefish HS) Bridgeport, NE (Bridgeport HS) Steilacoom, WA (Steilacoom HS) Abbotsford, BC (Abbotsford Sr. HS) Renton, WA (Hazen HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Glasgow, MT (Glasgow, HS) Spokane, WA (West Valley HS) Victor, MT (Declo HS, Idaho) Enumclaw, WA (Enumclaw HS) Mundeliene, IL (Mundeliene HS) Santa Maria, CA (Hancock JC) Ottawona, MN (Ottawona HS) Sunny Valley, OR (West Valley HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Kent, WA (Kent-Meridian HS) Wilsonville, OR (West Linn HS) Jackson, WY (Jackson HS) Savage, MT (Savage HS) Chicago, IL (College of DuPage) Sand Coulee, MT (Centerville HS) Portland, OR (Central Catholic HS) Tonasket, WA (Walla Walla JC) Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS) Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Battle Ground, WA (Battle Grnd. HS) Tigard, OR (Tigard HS) Sequim, WA (Sequim HS) Chicago, IL (St. Frances DeSales HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Missoula, MT (Granite Hills HS, CA) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Monmouth, OR (Dallas HS) Littleton, CO (Columbine HS) Lethbridge, Alberta (Catholic Central HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Snohomish, WA (Snohomish HS) Veradale, WA (Central Valley HS) Port Angeles, WA (Port Angeles HS) Crystal, MN (Golden Valley Luth Col.) Laurel, MT (Laurel HS) Shephard, MT (Shephard HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Janesville, WI (Craig HS)
V = V a rsity L e tte r s W on
S Q = S q u a d m em b e r /d id n o t l e tte r
H S = H igh sc h o o l e x p e r ie n c e
J u n io r C o lle g e tr a n s fe r
T ra n sfer fr o m fo u r -y e a r co lle g e
1984 Grizzly Roster (continued) Name
C lass
Hom etown (School)
David McKenzie Ron Marceau Rob Meidinger Scott Moe Tim Monterossi Scott Moore Marty Mornhinweg Craig Mosier Walt Muralt Chris Murray Scott Murray George Naughton Ken Nelsen Sherm an Nelson Nate Odden Larry Oliver Doug Pierson Joel Palinsky Kraig Paulson Greg Pells Tom Peterson Scott Poole John Quincy Rick Rasmussen Jason Ray Ted Ray David Reeves Darrin Reid Kelly Richardson Tom Rutt Brad Salonen Jeff Sanders David Schmidt Dave Seam an Doug Sexe Terry Shillam Rich Slater Scott Sloan Mark Smith Rob Stack Willie Stevenson Rick Sullivan Matt Swenson Bill Tarrow Scott Timberman Jake Trammell Bill Venard Pete Viteznik Kelly Weston Terry White John Wilson Jerry Williams
6-2 6-OV2 5-10 5-11 6-0 6-3 5-10 6-4 6-4 6-OV2 6-0 6-3 6-1 6-3 5-111/2 6-6 V2 6-2 6-41/2 6-0 6-43A 6-0 6-7 6-1 6-5 6-0 5-10 5-11 6-51/2 6-0 6-61/2 6-0 5-6 6-1 6-2 6-2 5-11 5-10 6-0 6-31/2 6-0 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-5 6 -31/2 6-21/2 6-3 6-3 6-21/2 6-0 5-9 5-10
255 180 173 175 198 245 186 245 210 165 205 240 202 185 186 250 208 230 200 230 175 270 230 260 225 177 180 265 182 272 205 145 220 230 208 194 185 175 251 182 225 195 176 210 192 220 215 190 215 180 165 175
Sr. Fr. So. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. So. Fr. So Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. So. Jr. So. So. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Fr. So. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr.
New York, NY (DeWitt Clinton HS) Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Klamath Union, OR (Klamath Union, HS) Coos Bay, OR (Marshfield HS) San Jose, CA (Oak Grove HS) Renton, WA (Spokane CC) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Englewood, CO (Cherry Creek HS) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Richland, WA (Walla Walla JC) North Bend, OR (North Bend HS) Gary, IN (Roosevelt HS) Dutton, MT (Dutton HS) Hillsboro, OR (Hillsboro, HS) Belt, MT (Belt HS) Tacoma, WA (Franklin Pierce HS) Plentywood, MT (Plentywood HS) Calgary, Alberta (EP Scarlet HS) Miles City, MT (Custer Co. HS) Spokane, WA (Shadle Park HS) Vancouver, WA (Evergreen HS) Coeur d’Alene, ID (Coeur d’Alene HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Stevensville, MT (Stevensville HS) Sedro Woolley, WA (Sedro Woolley HS) Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath Union HS) Grants Pass, OR (Hidden Valley HS) Laurel, MT (Laurel HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Aretsia, NM (Artesia HS) Renton, WA (Renton HS) Mt. Vernon, WA (Mt. Vernon HS) Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS) Otis Orchards, WA (East Valley HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Colville, WA (Colville HS) Vancouver, WA (Jesuit HS) Whitehall, MT (Whitehall HS) Conrad, MT (Conrad HS) Whitefish, MT (Whitefish HS) Libby, MT (Libby Sr. HS) Eugene, OR (Churchill HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Vancouver, WA (Evergreen HS) Albany, OR (Albany HS) Lake Oswego, OR (Lakeridge HS) Tacoma, WA (Walla Walla JC) San Jose, CA (DeAnza JC) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Chicago, IL (Bloom Trail HS)
V a rsity L e tte r s W on
S Q = S q u a d m em b e r /d id n o t le tte r
H igh sc h o o l ex p e rie n c e
J C = J u n ior C o lle g e tr a n s fe r
TR = T ran sfer fr o m fo u r -y e a r
The New G rizzlies Jim A m brose
Tony B reland
Chuck Brown
5-10, 170 RB, Fr. Shaunberg, IL
6-3, 190 DB, Fr. Renton, WA
6 - 1/ 2 , 175
WR, Jr. Whitefish, MT
Jim rushed for 1,000 yards as a senior at Jam es B. Conant High School and was his league’s Player of the Year and team MVP. He was all-state, all area, and all-conference. His prep team has been in the state playoffs his junior and senior seasons. He played in the North-South Chicago-Suburban All-Star game. He runs a 4.5 in the 40. His coach was John Ayers. Birthdate: December 19, 1945.
Tony was an all-state defensive back at Renton High School as a senior was ^ selected to play in the 1984 - E /T zf*' Shrine Game. He was team captain in both foot ball and basketball as a senior and also lettered in track. His football coach was Terry Ennis. Birthdate: November 18, 1965.
Chuck is vying for play ing time at right end and participated in spring ball this past season. He was a starter for coach Bob Raeth at Whitefish High where he graduated in 1981. He was an outstan ding student as a prep graduating 12th in his class. Birthdate: December 11, 1962.
J.C . C am pbell
C harlie C arson
W ard Crawford
6-5, 190 OLB, Fr. Steilacoom, WA
6-5, 200 TE, Fr. Helena, MT
6-4, 215 DT, Fr. Spokane, WA
J.C . was a three-sport standout at Steilacoom High, in addition to being an all-state defensive end as a senior. He was also a three-time all-league choice. J.C . was second in the state in the high hurdles as a junior and has been an all-league basketball selection for two seasons. He was the Student Body President his senior year and was chosen as a delegate to Boys’ State. His football coach was Mark Ross. Birthdate: October 21, 1965.
Charlie led the state in average yards per catch as a senior at Helena High. He was selected to participate in the 1984 Montana Shrine Gam e. He was also a starter and leading scorer on the basketball team. He was a two-year letterman in football and basketball. His coach was Henry Hamill. Birthdate: October 24, 1965.
Ward played both offen sive and defensive tackle at West Valley High and was first team all-conference on defense and second team on offense in 1983. He was first team All-Valley at both positions his senior year and second team All-Valley as a defensive tackle in 1982. West Valley won the conference championship in both 1982 and 1983, advancing to the state playoffs both years. He was a two-year letterman in both football and basket ball. His football coach was Jim Clements. Birthdate: August 14, 1966.
Guy D anh off
Larry D avid son
Emmett Dougherty
6 - 6 , 220
6-1, 190 RB, Jr. Santa Maria, CA
OC, Fr. Mundeliene, IL Guy was all-state and all conference at Mundeliene High his senior year. He was also an all-conference, ;l“ all-area and all-suburban selection. He won three letters in football and was the team captain as a senior. He played in the North-South ChicagoSuburban All-Star game. His coach was Gary Heifner. Birthdate: February 23, 1964.
Picture N ot A vailab le At P re ss Tim e
Larry is a transfer from Allan Hancock Junior Col lege where he was a two year starter, team MVP and all-conference at tailback. He was team captain his sophomore year. His coach was W ayne King. He prepped at Righetti High in Santa Maria where he was all-league, team MVP and all-state. Birthdate: April 8, 1964.
6-2, 220 OG, Fr. Butte, MT Emmett was all-state of fensive tackle as a senior and all-conference as a junior and senior at Butte Central High School. His prep team was the Western Divisional Champion in 1983 and he served as team captain that season. He also let tered in track and wrestling. His coach was Jim Konen. Birthdate: August 21, 1966.
Mike E hlers
Leroy F oster
G reg G ianinni
6-2, 190 TB, Fr. Wilsonville, OR
5-5, 160 TB, Jr. Chicago, IL
6-2, 210 OG, Fr. Sand Coulee, MT
Mike was one of the most sought after football players in the Northwest. He was a 1,000-yard rusher, was allstate, all-conference and a North-South Shrine Game Choice. He qualified for four events in the state track m eet last year. He runs a 4.4 in the 40, high jumps 6-11 and broke Mel Renfro’s state long jump mark, going 24-1V2. He also excels in basketball and is his league’s top scorer and re bounder. His coach at West Linn High was Jeff Scurran. Birthdate: Septem ber 2, 1965.
A speedster, Foster was team MVP a n d all conference in junior college for his state champion Col lege of DuPage. He was a two-year starter as well. He prepped at Gordon Tech and was a two-year letterman there. Tech won the state title his senior season. He runs a 4.5 in the 40. His football coach was Bob MacDougal. Birthdate: August 23, 1963.
Greg was football team captain as a senior and all conference three times at Centerville High School. He was selected to play in the first ever Class “C ” all-star game which was played in late June in Missoula. He also lettered in basketball and track. His coach was Ted Richards. Birthdate: March 21, 1966.
The New G rizzlies S co tt H artm an
John H eu stis
J a so n Jack ola
6 -41/ 2 ,
6-1, 185 FB, Fr. Battle Ground, WA
6-2, 185 QB, Fr. Tigard, OR
A Washington All-Star pick, John rushed for 970 yards in seven games as a senior. He was all-state and all-conference in 1983, and played in his state’s Shrine Game. He started for the No. 1 ranked basketball team in the state. He was team cap tain in football, basketball and track and lettered three times in each sport. He was a sprinter in track. His football coach at Battle Ground High was Tracey Keesee. Birthdate: October 18, 1965.
Jason set eight career records as a prep at Tigard High and was selected by college coaches in Oregon as the outstanding QB in the state. He called signals for the North in the annual Shrine Game, and was all-state, all-conference and honorable mention All-American by USA Today. He was team captain in football and Tigard made the state playoffs last year. He was a team m ate of current Grizzly Kerry Anderson at Tigard. His coach was Deano Edwards. Birthdate: November 29, 1965.
Jim K avanaugh
D avid K luting
Rob Kunka
6-1, 245 NG, Fr. Chicago, IL
6-2, 225 DT, Fr. Monmouth, OR
6-3, 185 QB, Fr. Great Falls, MT
A two-time all-Catholic League selection, Jim was St. Frances De Sales Highs’ Most Valuable Lineman his sophom ore, junior and senior years. He led the team in tackles all three years. He was the team captain his senior season and participated in the Catholic League All-Star Game against the Public School All-Stars. He lettered three times in foot ball and two in basketball. His football coach was Tom Freistroffer. Birthdate: August 10, 1966.
D avid w as an all co n fe re n c e d efen siv e lineman and the Willamette Valley League Defensive MVP in 1983. He won three letters in football and two .in basketball at Dallas High. His football coach was Ron August. Birthdate: February 17, 1966.
A Shrine Gam e partici pant, Rob was team MVP as a senior and the Out standing Back for Great Falls High as a junior and senior; He set school records in single season and career touchdown passes, and most completions in a game, season and career, and the career passing record. He also excelled in basketball. His football coach was Dale Pohle. Birthdate: December 16, 1965.
TE, Fr. Great Falls, MT Scott was first team all conference and second team all-state his senior year. He was a Shrine Game alternate. His C.M. Russell High team won the state “AA” title his junior year. He won two letters in football and basketball. He was team cap tain in football and basketball his senior year. His coach was Jack Johnson. Birthdate: January 1, 1966.
Luke Kratz
Martin K urtzahn
P aul Lamb
6-1, 230 NG, Fr. Lethbridge, Alberta
6 -6 , '240
OT, Fr. Snohom ish, WA
6-2, 190 TE, Fr. Spokane, WA
L uke w as an all conference defensive tackle as a senior at Catholic Cen tral High. His team won the W estern C o n fe re n c e c h am p io n sh ip his sophom ore, junior and senior years. His coach was Rick Credico. Birthdate: July 27, 1966.
M artin w as an all c o n fe re n c e pick at Snohomish High, where he was • a member of three Western Conference Football championship teams. He won two letters in football and one in basketball. His coach was Dick Armstrong. Birthdate: August 24, 1965.
Paul was an all-Greater Spokane League selection at Central Valley High as a defensive back in 1982 and as a tight end in 1983. He was the Spokane MVP on offense as a senior. His team won the GSL title and advanced to the state playoffs his junior and senior years. He was a three-time letterman in football and two-time letterman in track. He led Spokane in punting and set a school record of 46-4 in the triple jump. His football coach was Jerry Connors. Birthdate: June 25, 1966.
Shaw n Landry
Ron M arceau
W alt M uralt
6-5, 250 OT, Fr. Port Angeles, WA
6 -1/ 2 , 180
6-3, 225 O L ,F r. Missoula, MT
An all-Olympic League offensive and defensive tackle for Port Angeles High, Landry played in the East-West Shrine Game. He was a three-year letterwinner in both football and basketball. His foot ball coach was Kurt Bagby. Birthdate: August 2, 1966.
A first-team all-state and all-conference pick his senior year, Ron p a r ticipated in the Shrine AllStar game. His C.M. Russell High team won the Eastern Conference and the state “AA” cham pionship in 1982. His football coach was Jack Johnson. Birthdate: February 23, 1966.
DB, Fr. Great Falls, MT
Walt was an all-State defensive tackle at Sentinel High S c h o o l an d all conference choice as well. He participated in the 1984 Shrine Gam e. The Spartans were the 1983 W estern Conference Champions. He also lettered in basketball. He was nam ed Sentinel’s Outstanding Male Athlete in 1984. His older sister, Sharia, is a standout player on the Lady Griz basketball team . His prep coach was Tim Dennison. Birthdate: December 26, 1965.
The New G rizzlies G eorge N augh ton
Sherm an N elso n
Tom P eterso n
6-3, 240 OG, Jr. Richland, WA
6-3, 185 QB, Fr. Gary, IN
6-0, 175 TB, Fr. Miles City, MT
A junior college transfer from Walla Walla CC, his sophom ore season George was nam ed his tea m ’s Outstanding Lineman. His team finished second in the W ashington JC Championships his freshman and sophomore seasons. He was an allstate choice as a senior at Richland High. His high school team won the state championship his senior year and was second when he was a junior. He lettered in football, basketball and track at Richland. Birthdate: December 27, 1963.
Sherman’s prep team ad vanced to the state playoffs his sen io r y ear and Roosevelt High won the City title his junior season. He was the Gary Area Player of the Week twice, all-conference and runs a 4.5 in the 40. He is a three-year starter in basket ball, excels in track, and was a member of his school’s state champion 400-m eter relay team . His school’s basketball team was rated 7th in the state including all Indiana Schools. His football coach was Claude Tagliafeno. Birthdate: January 24, 1966.
Tom was all-state at Custer County High as a junior and senior and all con feren ce both those season as well. He lettered in golf and basketball and was team MVP in golf as a junior. He also played Legion baseball for four years. His high school football coach was Ed Rohloff. Birthdate: November 1, 1965.
Rick R a sm u ssen
J a so n Ray
D avid R e e v e s
6-5, 260 OT, Fr. Coeur d’Alene, ID
6-0, 225 OG, Fr. Missoula, MT
5-11, 180 SS, Fr. Sedro Woolley, WA
Rick was a second team all-state player at Coeur d’Alene High School and also ex celled in the classroom; graduating first in his class; was class valedictorian; and maintained a perfect GPA of 4.0 in high school. His coach was Herb Criner. Birthdate: June 26, 1965.
Jason was a first team allstate and second team all conference selection at Big Sky High and his team ’s MVP in 1983. He was an honorable mention allstate choice as a junior. He also played in the 1984 Shrine Gam e. He was a three-year letterwinner in both football and basketball. His foot ball coach was Kevin Ham m ond. Birthdate: October 30, 1965.
David was an “AA-AAA” all-state selection on offense and d efense at S ed ro Woolley High his senior year. He was also an all-conference pick as a junior and senior. He captained the 1983 team which went 12-1 and was the runner-up in the state championships. He was an all-league choice in baseball his junior year. His coach was Mark Hester. Birthdate: February 14, 1966.
Brad S a lo n en
J e ff S a n d ers
D avid Schm idt
6-0, 205 TE, Fr. G reat Falls, MT
5-6, 145 TB, Fr. Artesia, NM
6-1, 220 OG, Fr. Renton, WA
Brad led the state in pass receptions with 34 as a senior at Great Falls High. He was a first team all conference and all-state selection his senior year and was selected to play in the Shrine Game. His team won the 1983 state “AA” championship. He was a three-year letterman in basketball and captained the basketball team his senior year. His brother, Brian, is the all-time leading receiver in UM history and was a first team Division I-AA AllAmerican in 1983. Brad’s coach was Dale Pohle. Birthdate: April 6, 1965.
Jeff was a two time allstate tailback at Artesia High School, Back of the Year in the state as a junior and honorable mention all-American as a senior. Career-wise he rushed for 3,720 yards and 39 touchdowns. He was team MVP in football and track as a junior and senior. His coach was Mike Phipps. Birthdate: December 13, 1965.
David was an all-North Puget Sound League pick and Kentridge High’s team captain in 1983. He won three letters in football and two in track. He is an. avid weight lifter. His coach was Bob Court. Birthdate: August 20, 1966.
Rob S ta ck
W illie S tev en so n
Rick S ullivan
6-0, 182 LB, Fr. Whitehall, MT
6-2, 225 OG, Fr. Conrad, MT
6-2, 195 OG, Fr. Whitefish, MT
Rob was first team all conference and honorable m en tio n all-state at Whitehall High. As a junior he was team MVP on defense. His coach was Mike Battaiola. He also lettered in track. Birthdate: March 18, 1965.
A tw o-tim e all conference selection at Conrad High, Willie was also an honorable mention all-state choice his senior year. He also excelled in basketball and was the state “B” MVP. His coach was Bob Bryce. Birthdate: August 19, 1966.
A letterman in football, basketball and track, Rick was coached by Scott Sward at Whitefish High. He was an excellent student, graduating third in his class with a 3.9 GPA. He was a m ember of Boy’s State and the National Honors Society. Birthdate: April 21, 1966.
The New G rizzlies M att S w en so n
B ill V enard
Terry W hite
6-1, 176 DB, Fr. Libby, MT
6-3, 215 OC, Fr. Albany, OR
6-0, 180 WR, Jr. San Jose, CA
Matt was the Defensive Player of the Year for Lib by High as a senior and honorable m ention all league. He also lettered in His coach was Greg Salo. Birthdate: May 3, 1965.
Bill was a three-sport star at Albany High and was a first-team All-Valley selec tion as well as a Shrine Game participant. His coach was Roger Dasch. Birthdate: March 27, 1966.
Terry is a JC transfer from DeAnza in California, there he was team MVP a n d se c o n d team all league. He played his freshman season at CalBerkeley where he lettered. He played prep foot ball at Oak Grove High (with Grizzly QB Marty Mornhinweg) where he was three times all-league and twice first team all-state. As a senior he was first team All-Northern California. His JC coach was Bob Mazzuca. Birthdate: January 23, 1963.
Jerry W illiam s
John W ilson
D o n telle Wynn
5-10, 175 DB, Fr. Chicago, IL
5-11, 170 WR, Fr. Missoula, MT
5-11, 190 OLB, Fr. Detroit, MI
Je rry w as his c o n ference’s leading interceptor and tackier in 1982 and 1983 and all-conference those seasons as well. He was all-Area and MVP as a senior at Bloom Trail High. He lettered three times in football and was team captain in 1983. His coach was Tom Tong. Birthdate: March 2, 1966.
John was a first team allState selection at wide receiver and second team as a punt returner. He was conference MVP on offense, team MVP at Sen tinel High School and participated in the Shrine Game. He alsQ participated in basketball and was the team ’s most inspirational player as a senior. He also lettered in track. His prep football coach was Tim Dennison. Birthdate: December 29, 1965.
An all-state linebacker from St. Martin DePorres High School, Dontelle led his team in tackles as a senior, averaging 14 a game. He was all-league as a junior and a senior and his team won state titles three times during his playing days. He was team captain, All-Metro and All-Catholic League as a senior. He also had 19 sacks and three in terceptions his senior year. He lettered in wres tling. His grid coach was Ron Thompson. Birthdate: November 9, 1966.
1984 Tentative Numerical Roster 1—Sherman Nelson, Q B/W R 2 —Kenny Nelsen, FB 3 —Rob Meidinger, DB 4 —Tim Gillis, OLB 5 —Josh Klucewich, CB 6 —Rob Kunka, QB 7 —Eby Dobson, K /P 8 —Nate O dden, DB 9 —Bob Connors, Q B /SB 10—Tim Monterossi, CB 11—Marty Mornhinweg, QB 12—Kelly Richardson, Q B/W R 13—Tony Breland, CB 14—Curt McGinness, TE 15—Tom Peterson, TB 16—Jason Jackola, QB 17—Ted Ray, CB 18—Terry White, WR 19—Scott Moe, WR 2 0 —Joe Klucewich, FB 2 1 —Alan Botzheim, TB 2 2 —RETIRED 2 3 —Glen Anderson, WR 2 4 —LeRoy Foster, T B /SB 2 5 —Mike Helean, TB
2 6 —Mike Ehlers, T B/SB 2 7 —Jeff Sanders, T B /SB 2 8 —Todd Koechlein, DB 2 9 —Ed Apostol, DB 30 —Scott Murray, FB 3 1 —Scott Sloan, WR 3 2 —Jake Trammell, ILB 3 3 —John Heustis, FB 3 4 —Larry Davidson, TB 3 5 —Jim Ambrose, TB 3 6 —Jerry Williams, DB 37 —Kraig Paulson, TB 3 8 —Rich Slater, DB 3 9 —Kerry Anderson, FB 4 0 —Ned Becker, SS 4 1 —Terry Shillam, SS 4 2 —Rick Dozier, ILB 4 3 —Scott Timberman, FS 4 4 —Gregg Green, ILB 4 5 —Matt Swenson, DB 4 6 —David Reeves, SS 4 7 —Dontelle Wynn, OLB 4 8 —Mike Kerr, FB 4 9 —Ron Marceau, DB 5 0 —Doug Sexe, ILB
5 1 —Craig Moiser, OC 5 2 —Glenn Dacus, OC 5 3 —Greg Pells, DT 5 4 —Rick Rasmussen, OL 5 5 —Chuck Hamilton, OLB 5 6 —Guy Danhoff, OC 5 7 —Dave Seam an, OT 5 8 —Bill Venard, OC 5 9 —Dave McKenzie, NG 6 0 —Eric Dawald, OG 6 1 —Rusty Lohof, OG 6 2 —Rick Sullivan, OG 6 3 —Shawn Landry, OT 6 4 —Mark Smith, OC 6 5 —Scott Moore, NG 6 6 —Tom Rutt, OT 6 7 —George Naughton, OG 6 8 —Dave Schmidt, OG 6 9 —Jason Ray, OG 7 0 —Martin Kurtzahn, OT 71 —Larry Clarkson, OG 7 2—Scott Poole, DT 73 —Joel Palinsky, OG 7 4 —Walt Muralt, OL 7 5 —Mike Cogar, OT
7 6 —Rick Linderholm, OT 7 7 —Ward Crawford, DT 7 8 —Darrin Reid, OT 7 9 —David Kluting, DT 8 0 —Kelly W eston, OLB 8 1 —Chris Murray, WR 8 2 —Tony Coe, WR 8 3 —Scott Hartman, TE , 8 4 —Bill Tarrow, OLB 8 5 —Todd Curtis, WR 8 6 —Chuck Brown, WR 8 7 —Lee Brown, RB 8 8 —Bob McCauley, WR 8 9 —J. C. Campbell, OLB 9 0 —Ken Lowry, OLB 9 1 —Doug Pierson, LB 9 2 —Jim Kavanaugh, NG 9 3 —Paul Kaminski, LB 9 4 —Willie Stevenson, OG 9 5 —Paul Lamb, TE 9 6 —Pat Foster, DT 9 7 —Larry Oliver, DT 9 8 ^ -Brad Salonen, TE 9 9 —Greg Giannini, OG
h e
Calgary • (500)
Seattle *(490)
Spokane (208)1 '
Great Falls • (167) Minnesota—900Billings • Bozeman # (342)
Ogden• Sacramento (925)
Salt Lake City 1 (514)
• Reno
San Francisco (1013) Las Vegas v (943) Los Angeles _ (1157)
San Diego
Casper k (675) '
The Opponents
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
L ocation: Abilene, TX E nrollm ent: 4,627 N icknam e: Wildcats C olors: Purple and White Stadium : Shotwell (15,000) Stadium Phone: (915 677 7181) H ead C oach: Ted Sitton A ssista n t C oach: Don Harrison
L ocation: Portland, OR Enrollm ent: 15,000 N icknam e: Vikings C olors: Green and White Stadium : Portland Civic (25,762) Stadium Phone: (503- 248-4345) H ea d C oach: Don Read A ssista n t C oach es: Bill Smith,
L ocation: Pocatello, ID E nrollm ent: 11,718 N icknam e: Bengals Colors: Orange and Black Stadium : ISU Minidome (12,000) Stadium Phone: (208-236-2952) H ead C oach: Jim Koetter A s s is t a n t C o a c h e s : D enny
L ocation: Ogden, UT E nrollm ent: 11,300 N icknam e: Wildcats C olors: Royal Purple and White Stadium : Wildcat Stadium Stadium Phone: (801-626-6490) H ead C oach: Mike Price A ssista n t C oach es: Dave Arsla-
Jerry Wilson, Jim Breckenbridge, Bob Strader SID /P hone: Garner Roberts (915-677-1911) . C onference: Lone Star 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 7 3, (4 3, LSC) S tarters Back: 12 (6 off., 6 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 3 /1 4 Key R etu rn ees: Loyal Proffitt, QB; Anthony Thomas, FB; Dan Remsberg, OT; Archie Green, DT; Steve Jacobson, DT. S e r ie s R ecord: 0-0 L ast M eeting: First Meeting
Tommy Lee, Lou Bronzan, Dave Stromswold, Jim Schletter, Andy Harrah, Robin Pflugrad, Mark Lewis SID /P hone: Larry Sellers (503-229-4400) C onference: W estern Football 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 3 7 (1-2, WFC) S ta rters Back: 7 (3 off., 4 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 8 /2 1 Key R etu rn ees: Doug Mikolas, DT; Todd Bowman, MLB; Brian Fish, SS; Kurt Smith, LB; Steve Lyle, RB; Scott Lindsay, TE; L ance M annix, OT; R oger Daniels, WR; Terry Summerfield, QB; Ken Sloy, P. S er ies R ecord: 12-5, UM L ast M eeting: 35-19, UM, 1983
Moller, Marvin Lewis, Ed Sowash, Neal Richardson, Mick McCall, Scott Browning S ID /P hone: Glenn Alford (208-236-3651) C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 8-4, (5-2, BSC) S tarters Back: 14 (9 off., 5 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 6 /1 6 Key R etu rn ees: John Berry, SS: Bob Otto, DT; Leroy Spears OLB; Anthony Delaney, OLB Jeff Kaiser, P; Perry Larson, PK Todd Price, C; Tim Messuri, OG W ade Wilhite, TB. S er ies R ecord: 15-10, UM L ast M eeting: 24-45, ISU, 1983
nian, Bob Bratkowski, Mike Zim mer, Gregg Brandon, Rick Cook, Larry Finan, Doug Fiore, Mike Gillhamer, Rod Harrison, Larry Lewis, Bob Petrino S ID /P h o n e : B rad L arson (801-626-6010) C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 6-5 (3-4, BSC) S ta rters Back: 8 (4 off., 4 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 2 6 /3 0 Key R etu rn ees: Junior Crockett, CB; Rick R yan, FS; Dave Penrod, NG; Dan Wiedenhoff, OC; Kelvin Hodrick, FL; Freddie Cook, RB; Craig Dumity; OC; Craig Slama, TE. S e r ie s R ecord: 16-6, UM L ast M eeting: 28-26, UM, 1983
Abilene Christian
Portland State
Idaho State
Weber State
T ed S itton H ead C oach
Don Read H ead C oach
Dan R em sberg O ffen sive T ack le
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (7-3) ACU 23 28 20 38 20 28 24 27 13 35
Opp. @ Angelo State @ West Texas State Northwestern State, La. @ Texas A&I Angelo State @East Texas State S.F. Austin State @ Sam Houston State Southwest Texas State @ Howard Payne
9 3 17 24 26 31 10 20 54 6
Jim K oetter H ead C oach
Brian Fish D e fen siv e B ack
PSU Oregon State Sacram ento State
51 16
@ M ontana
16 44 6 31 13 7 0
Idaho Humboldt State @ Santa Clara Cal St. Northridge @ W eber State @ Cal Poly, SLO E. W ashington
17 26 20 13 37 16 6
14 25
1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le S ep t. 8
1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le @ M ontana
Sept. 22 @ Northwestern State Sept. 29 Austin State Oct. 6 Open Date Oct. 13 @ West Texas State Oct. 20 Howard Payne* Oct. 27 @ Angelo State* Nov. 3 Sam Houston State Nov. 10 @ Texas A&I Nov. 17 East Texas State* *Lone Star Conference Game
Sept. 1 Sept.
South Dakota State* @ Idaho
S ep t. 14
M ontana
Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 W estern Game
Weber State @ Humboldt St$te @ Sacram ento State Cal Poly, SLO @ M ontana State Wisconsin Stout Santa Clara* @ Northridge* Football C onference
Mike P rice H ead C oach
B ob O tto D e fen siv e T ack le
1 9 8 3 R esu lts (8-4) Opp.
UTEP @Eastern Washington Idaho @ Nevada Reno M ontana State Northern Arizona @ Cal Poly (SLO) Cal State Fullerton @ Boise State W eber State @ M ontana 31 Nevada Reno* 20 * 1-AA Playoff Game
12 20 41 16 26 42 37 43 20 38
10 13 31 37 3 24 44 10 32 32
17 27
1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le Sept. 8 Sept. 15
Cal Poly-SLO Chico State
S ep t. 2 2 M ontana* Sept. 29 @ M ontana State* Oct. 6 Boise State* Oct. 13 @ Nevada-Las Vegas Oct. 20 @ Northern Arizona* Oct. 27 Eastern Washington Nov. 3 @ W eber State* Nov. 10 @ Idaho* Nov. 17 Nevada-Reno* *Big Sky Game
F redd ie C ook Running B ack
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (6-5) w sc 33 26 21 23
Opp. Southwest State (Minn. ) Northern Arizona Eastern Washington @ Montana State
21 13 17 20
@ M ontana
28 13 27 37 32 34
Idaho @ Nevada-Reno Boise State Portland State @ Idaho State Texas-El Paso
10 41 38 13 38 40
1 9 8 4 S c h ed u le Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.
1 8 15 22
S ep t. 2 9
@ University of Utah Fort Lewis College @ Northern Arizona* @ Portland State
M ontana *
M ontana State* Oct. 6 @ Idaho* Oct. 13 Southern Utah State Oct. 20 Nevada-Reno* Oct. 27 Idaho State* Nov. 3 @ Boise State* Nov. 10 *Big Sky Game
Game 5
Game 6
L ocation: Flagstaff, AZ Enrollm ent: 11,500 N icknam e: Lumberjacks C olors: Blue and Gold Stadium : Skydom e (15,300) Stadium Phone: (602-523-2510) H ead C oach: Joe Harper A ssista n t C oaches: Craig Bray,
L ocation: Cheney, WA E nrollm ent: 8,559 N icknam e: Eagles Colors: Red and White Stadium : Albi Stadium (34,819) Stadium Phone: (509-359-7937) H ead C oach: Dick Zornes A ssista n t C oaches: Jake Cabell,
Location: Boise, ID Enrollm ent: 11,600 N icknam e: Broncos C olors: Blue and Orange Stadium : Bronco (21,500) Stadium Phone: (208-385-1408) H ea d C oach: Lyle Setencich A ssista n t C oach es: Phil Snow,
L ocation: Moscow, ID E nrollm ent: 12,620 N icknam e: Vandals C olors: Silver and Gold Stadium : Kibbie (16,000) Stadium Phone: (208-885-0211) H ea d C oach: Dennis Erickson A ssista n t C oach es: John L.
Andy Brennan, Bill Cockerham, Joe Davis, Bobbie Lane, John Mausbach, Hal Morgan, Tom Pistole, Mike Santiago, Gordon Shaw C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 4 7 (2 5, BSC) S tarters Back: 17 (8 off., 9 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 7 / IQ Key R eturnees: Randy Cook, LB; Ja m e s G ee, DT; M arvin Jackm on, LB; Tom Gibson, DE; A .J. Castaneda, DE; Doug G an dy, OG; Jerry Holder, TB; Mike Mendoza, QB; Ben Richardson, WR; Kris Yonder, FB. S e r ie s R ecord: 10-7, UM L ast M eeting: 21-17, UM, 1983
Larry Hattemer, Larry Lunke, Tom Mason, J.D . Sollars S ID /P h o n e : Jim Price (509-359-6334) C onference: Independent 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 5-5 S ta rters Back: 10 (7 off., 3 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 8 /2 2 K ey R e tu r n e e s : Frank Staudenraus, DE; Steve Cole, MLB; Rick Redden, FS; Mike Kingston, DT; Rob Friese, CB; Jeff Kupp, OT; Aaron Voelker, G; Jo e Kniffen, RB; Craig Richardson, SE. S er ies R ecord: 7-3, UM Last Meeting: 26-27, EWU, 1983
Mike Bradeson, Dan Brown, Claude Tomasini, Kevin O’Hara, Harry Hedrick, Jim Carberry, Randy Stewart, Bill Tripp, Lew Chumich, Duane Dlouhy C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 6-5 (4-3, BSC) S ta rters Back: 14 (7 off., 7 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 4 /2 0 Key R etu rn ees: Mark Koch, DT; Carl Keever, ILB; Jim Ellis, ILB; Glenn Sim onton, NG; Mike Johnson, DT; John Kilgo, OT; Kim M etcalf, WR; H azsen Choates, QB; Eric Andrade, WR; Ron Love, KR. S e r ie s R ecord: 9-4, BSU L ast M eeting: 21-20, UM, 1983
Smith, Carl Ferrill, Can Cozzetto, Pinky Erickson, Tom Everson, Bret Ingalls, Tim Lappano, John McMahon, Gregg Smith, Boyce Bailey S I D /P h o n e : D ave Kellogg (208-885-0200) C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 8-3 (4-3, BSC) S tarters Back: 14 (5 off., 9 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 2 /1 4 Key R etu rn ees: Frank Moreno, LB; Sam Moreno, DE; Tom Hen nessey, DB; Calvin Loveall, DB; Mike Shill, RB; Lance West, OG; Matt Watson, OG; DaveThorsen, OT; Tim McMonigle, K. S er ies R ecord: 45-18-2, UI Last Meeting: 24-45, Idaho, 1983
Northern Arizona
Eastern Washington
Boise State
J o e H arper H ead C oach
Mike M endoza Q uarterback
D ick Z ornes H ead C oach
1 9 8 3 R esu lts (4-7) NAU
Game 7
J o e K niffen Running B ack
Lyle S ete n c ic h H ead C oach
1 9 8 3 R esu lts (5-5) Opp.
53 13 33
Southern Utah @ W eber State Montana State
3 26 16
M ontana
22 24 14 41 10 3 22
Eastern Washington @ Idaho State @ Pacific Nevada-Reno Idaho @ Boise State @ Fresno State
21 42 28 38 40 28 30
EWU @ Boise State Idaho State Weber State @ Idaho @ Northern Arizona Montana Tech Long Beach St. @ M ontana State
20 21 38 22 0 17 17 17
M ontana
@ Portland State
Carl K eever L inebacker
D en n is E rickson H ead C oach
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (6-5) Opp.
14 13 17 24 21 38 20 22 6
Game 8
BSU 10 33
S co tt Linehan Q uarterback
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (8-3) Opp.
13 14
43 23 31 38 17 10
Southern Colorado @ Montana State @ Idaho State Eastern W ashington @ Portland State @ W eber State
28 0 41 24 16 28
M ontana
31 40 24 45
@ Pacific @ Northern Arizona Nevada-Reno Boise State
19 10 43 24
Cal St. Fullerton E. W ashington
M ontana
20 27 7 42 38 32 28 24
Nevada-Reno Cal Poly-SLO Utah State M ontana State Weber State Idaho State N. Arizona Idaho
38 3 10 0 27 20 3 45
1 9 8 4 S ch e d u le 1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le Sept. 1 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.
8 15 22 29
O ct. 6
New Mexico Highlands Cal State-Northridge Weber State* University of Pacific @ Nevada-Reno
@ M ontana*
Oct. 13 Boise State* Oct. 20 Idaho State* Oct. 27 Open Nov. 3 @ Idaho* Nov. 10 @ Montana State* *Big Sky Gam e.
Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6
Central Wash. Montana State Angelo State @ Boise State Howard Payne
O ct. 13
@ M ontana
Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 17
Idaho @ Idaho State @ Nevada-Reno @ Northern Colorado Northern Arizona
1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le Sept. 1 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13
Cal State-Fullerton Fresno State Open Nevada-Reno* E. Washington @ Idaho State* @ Northern Arizona
O ct. 2 0
M ontana *
Oct. 27 @ Montana State* Nov. 3 @ Cal Poly-SLO Nov. 10 Weber State* Nov. 17 Idaho* *Big Sky Game
1 9 8 4 S c h e d u le Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20
Portland State @ Cal State-Fullerton Montana State* Oregon State @ Nevada-Reno* Weber State* @ Eastern Wash.
O ct. 2 7
@ M ontana*
Nov. Nov. Nov. *Big
3 Northern Arizona* 10 Idaho State* 17 @ Boise State* Sky Gam e
- U N IV. OF ID A H O • V A N D A LS
Game 9
Game 10
Game 11
L ocation: Bozeman, MT E nrollm ent: 11,447 N icknam e: Bobcats C olors: Blue and Gold Stadium : Reno H. Sales (15,197) Stadium Phone: (406-587-1587) H ead Coach: Dave Arnold A ssista n t C oaches: Bill Diedrick,
Location: Reno, NV E nrollm ent: 9,500 N icknam e: Silver and Blue Stadium : Mackay (14,000) Stadium Phone: (702-784-4600) H ead C oach: Chris Ault A ssista n t C oach es: Bill Miller,
Dan Davies, Mike Kramer, Joe Yanowsky, Roy Wittke, J.G . Aegerter, Gary Crum S ID /P h o n e : B ruce P a rk e r (406-994-5133) C onference: Big Sky R ecord/F inish: 1-10 (1-6, BSC) S ta rters Back: 15 (6 off., 9 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 3 3 /1 1 Key R etu rn ees: Mark Fellows, LB; Clete Linebarger, DB; Kirk Timmer, ILB; Lonnie Burt, NG; R o d n ey H o llan d , CB; Jo e Bignell, TE; Steve Cornellier, OG; Dirk Nelson, P; Mark Carter, K. S er ies R ecord: 48-30-5, UM L ast M eeting: 28-8, MSU, 1983
John Pettas, Don Wnek, Pat Rippee, Bob Thompson, Ken Mizell, Jim Glazner SID /P hone: Paul Stuart (702-784-4600) C onference: Big Sky 1 9 8 3 R ecord/F inish: 9 5 (6 1, BSC) S tarters Back: 11 (4 off., 7 def.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 2 6 /2 0 Key R etu rn ees: Joe Pizzo, QB; Eric Beavers, QB; Greg Rea, OG; Rich Harris, C; Anthony Gooden, WB; Mark McVeigh, OLB; Larry Pierce, DT; Kyle Denny, ILB; Patrick Hunter, FS; Daryl McCoy, CB; Joe Peterson, CB; Jeff Peter son, OLB S e r ie s R ecord: 4-3, UNR L ast M eeting: 38-0, NevadaReno, 1983
Montana State
L ocation: West Point, NY E nrollm ent: 4,400 N icknam e: Cadets/Black Knights C olors: Black, Gold & Gray Stadium : Michie (39, 480) Stadium Phone: (914 938 3377) H ead C oach: Jim Young A ssista n t C oach es: Dick Dullaghan, Bob Sutton, Johnny Burnett, Ted Gill, Jack Hecker, Greg Seam on. SID /P hone: Bob Kinney (914-938-3303) C onference: Independent 1 9 8 3 Record: 2 9 S tarters Back: 15 (8 def., 7 off.) L etterm en B ack/L ost: 4 6 /2 5 Key R etu rn ees: Scott Spellmon, WR; Don Smith, OG; Craig Stopa, K; Jim Gentile, Eric Grif fin, DB; Rob Ulses, NG; Dee Bryant, CB. S er ies R ecord: First Meeting
D ave Arnold H ead C oach
Chris A ult H ead C oach
Mark F ellow s Linebacker
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (9-5)
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (1-10) MSU • UNIV. OF N EVA D A-RE N O W O LF P A C K
7 3 0 16 20 3 12 0
@ Wash. State @ North Dakota Idaho @ Northern Arizona Weber State @ Idaho State Fresno State @ Boise State
M ontana
17 3
Eastern W ashington @ Nevada-Reno
Jim Y oung H ead C oach
Patrick H unter Cornerback
18 22 38 37 6
27 21 23 33 23 26 31 42
Opp. @ Nevada Las Vegas @ Fresno State Boise State Idaho State Cal State Fullerton
@ M ontana Weber State @ Northern Arizona Pacific @ Idaho Montana State
38 41 38 34 43 33
22 33
28 24 20 16 14
0 3 41 24 24 3
Army 13 7 13 21 20 0 12 20 14 7 13
D e e B ryant Corner B ack
1 9 8 3 R e su lts (2-9) Opp. Colgate @ Louisville Dartmouth @ Harvard Rutgers @ Notre Dame Lehigh @Air Force Boston College @ Pittsburgh Navy
NCAA D ivision 1AA P la y o ffs 1 9 8 4 S c h ed u le - NO. A R IZ O N A UNIV. LU M B E R JA C K S
Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27
Mesa College @ Eastern Wash. @ Idaho* Idaho State* @ Weber State* Nevada-Reno* Portland State Boise State*
N ov. 3
@ M ontana*
27 20 7
@ Idaho State North Texas State (OT) @ Southern Illinois 1 9 8 4 S ch e d u le
Nov. 10 Northern Arizona* Nov. 17 @ Fresno State *Big Sky Game
Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 10 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3
@ Pacific Texas A&I @ Boise State* Northern Arizona* Idaho* @ Montana State* Cal State-Fullerton @ Weber State* Eastern Washington
N ov. 10
M ontana*
Nov. 17 @ Idaho S tate? *Big Sky Gam e - W EBE R STATE C O LLEG E W ILD C A T S
20 17 23
1 9 8 4 S ch ed u le Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 10
Colgate @ Tennessee Duke Harvard @ Rutgers Pennsylvania @ Syracuse Air Force @ Boston College
Nov. 2 4
M ontana f
Dec. 1 Navy f Mirage Bowl in Tokyo
15 31 12 24 12 42 13 41 34 38 42
History, Statistics
Big Sky Conference The Big Sky Conference was formed in February 1963, when the presidents and athletic directors of six Rocky Mountain universities met in Spokane. The original conference members were Gonzaga, Idaho, Idaho State, Montana, Montana State and Weber State. Gonzaga entered the conference as a non-football playing school. The conference derived its nam e from a pair of M ontanans and a Washington sports editor. A. B. Guthrie, Choteau, Mont., wrote a novel titled “The Big Sky,” and Jack Hallowell, former Montana State Advertising director, promoted the Big Sky theme as a nickname for the state. Harry Missildine Spokesman-Review sports editor, picked up the name and in a sports column prom oted the nam e Big Sky as the name of the conference. On Feb. 25, 1963, the conference adopted the nam e—Big Sky Athletic Con ference. In 1970 the conference expanded to include Nor thern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Ariz., and Boise State College, Boise, Idaho. Both entered as football playing schools. Nevada-Reno became the newest member of the Big Sky July 1, 1979. Jack Friel became the first commissioner in 1963, and the offices were established in Pullman, Wash., Friel’s home. Following Friel’s retirement in 1971, the offices were moved to Boise, Idaho, and John Roning was nam ed commissioner. Steve Belko was nam ed commissioner and assumed duties July 1, 1977, following Roning’s retirement. Ron Stephenson became the fourth Big Sky commissioner in May, 1981. A native of Idaho, Stephenson’s most recent position was Assistant Athletic Director at Boise State. He has 18 years of working experience in intercollegiate athletics as a student, coach and administrator.
P ast Champ, Runnersup 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Idaho State (3-1) Montana State (3-0) Weber State, Idaho (3-1) Montana State (4-0) Montana State (4-0) Weber State, Idaho, Montana State (3-1)
MSU (2-1) ISU (2-1)
M ONTANA (4-0) MONTANA (6-0)
WSC (3-1) ISU (4-2) BSC (4-2) ISU (4-1) MSU (5-1) MSU (4-2) ISU, MSU (4-2) UI (5-1) NAU (5-1) UM, MSU (4-2) UNR (5-2) UI (4-3)
Idaho (4-1) Montana State (5-1) Boise State (6-0) Boise State (6-0) Boise State (5-0-1) Montana State (6-0) Boise State (6-0) Northern Arizona (6-1) Montana State (6-1) Boise State (6-1) Idaho State, Boise State (6-1)
UM (2-2)
UI (3-1) UM, WSC, UI (2-2)
UM (5-2) UI, MSU (5-2) ISU (5-2)
MONTANA (5-2) Nevada-Reno (6-1)
1983 Big Sky Standings W
C on feren ce G am es Pet. P ts. T L
Nevada-Reno* Idaho S tatef Idaho Boise State Weber State
6 5 4 4 3
1 2 3 3 4
0 0 0 0 0
.857 .714 .571 .571 .428
U niversity o f M ontana
Northern Arizona Montana State
2 1
5 6
0 0
A ll G am es T Pet.
P ts.
268 214 218 204 165
107 176 180 154 188
7 8 8 6 6
4 3 3 5 5
0 0 0 0 0
.636 .727 .727 .545 .545
348 326 347 281 290
197 253 257 194 279
.4 2 8
11 9
.4 0 0
.285 .142
141 70
211 188
4 1
7 10
0 0'
.363 .090
260 109
285 289
*Clinched Big Sky title and earned berth in NCAA I-AA Collegiate Football Championships tSelected as an at-large team for NCAA I-AA Collegiate Football Championships
1983 Big Sky Statistics T eam S ta ts (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking. *TD’s scored by rushing-passing only. TOTAL OFFENSE Team Idaho (1) N-Reno (9) Weber St. (10) Idaho St. (16) Boise St. (19) No. Ariz. M ontana Mont. St.
P lays 874 842 799 888 789 801 686 727
TOTAL DEFENSE P lay Avg. 6.0 5.2 5.4 4.5 5.0 4.6 4 .5 3.6
Y ards 5274 4375 4336 4038 3979 3671 3067 2634
TD* 45 37 37 36 30 27 24 9
G am e Avg. 479.5 397.7 394.2 367.1 361.7 333.7 3 0 6 .7 239.5
T eam N-Reno (28) Boise St. Mont. St. Idaho St. No. Ariz. Weber St. Idaho M ontana
P la y s 732 780 783 861 817 844 844 76 5
G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10
Y ards 3273 3484 3709 3873 3926 3941 4110 4087
P lay Avg. 4.5 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.9 5 .3
G am e Avg. 297.5 316.7 337.2 352.1 356.9 358.3 373.6 4 0 8 .7
TD 21 22 31 27 38 33 30 33
PA SSIN G OFFENSE Team Idaho (1) Weber St. (6) Idaho St. (7) No. Ariz. (9) Montana (25) Boise St. Montana St. N-Reno
G 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11
Att-Cm p-Int 481-270-19 415-234-13 480-236-18 397-217-20 3 1 3 -1 6 4 -2 0 252-131-11 367-174-15 261-128-14
Pet. 56.1 56.4 49.2 54.7 5 2 .4 52.0 47.4 49.0
11 11 11
10 11 11 11
N am e Corley, UNR (7) Kelly, UNR (T13) Webster, BSU (17) C h arles. UM Rogan, WSC Holder, NAU Hickey, UI Gilner, ISU Cook, WSC Harrison, BSU
N am e S a lo n en , UM (6) Vestman, UI (T9) Mandley, NAU (Til) Whittenburg, UI (18) Rogan, WSC (19) Richardson, NAU Bignell, MSU Hickey, UI Williams, UNR O’Neal, ISU
G 9
G am e Avg. 336.1 279.2 268.1 231.5 1 9 2 .8 174.6 171.7 139.5
Idaho St. (9) N-Reno (12) Mont. St. (25) Boise St. Idaho Weber St. No. Ariz. M ontana
11 11 11 11
RUSH ING DEFENSE 1084 427 2.5 1162 378 3.1 467 1364 2.9 429 1407 3.3 450 1470 3.3 495 -1704 3.4 485 1830 3.7 443 1916 4 .3
Car. 231 164 227 12 2 140 161 101 100 86 61
Y ds. 1006 1090 1037 51 1 613 602 533 370 423 383
RECEIVING CT G 10 68 9 55 10 60 11 59 10 52 11 41 11 38 11 37 11 36 11 36
TD 23 17 12 19 7 12 19
Avg. 4.4 6.6 4.6 4 .2 4.4 3.7 5.3 3.7 4.9 6.3
TD 6 10 4 4 7 3 2 5 7 2
TD 9 3 5 6 0 6 2 2 4 1
Y ds. 832 560 841 874 503 552 320 261 567 469
G am e Avg. 258.2 187.1 143.4 115.0 1 1 3 .9 102.3 98.9 67.6
Team Boise St. No. Ariz. N-Reno Weber St. Mont. St. M ontana Idaho Idaho St.
17 20
20 21
Car 101 62 69 52 105 38 231 58 164 227
G ain 345 155 138 64 520 54 1050 218 1119 1077
SF 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1
T eam Boise St. (26) N-Reno (28) Idaho St. Idaho Weber St. Montana St. No. Ariz. M ontana
SCORING DEFENSE P ts. Avg. TD KXP OXP G 22 1 194 17.6 23 11 24 23 0 197 17.9 11 24 1 30 11 253 23.0 0 31 30 257 23.4 11 27 3 34 11 279 25.4 29 2 289 26.3 35 11 0 38 33 11 293 26.6 32 0 28 9 2 8 .9 37 10
FG 10 10 15 13 14 14 10 11
SF 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1
PUNT G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10
Team No. Ariz. (3) Idaho St. (14) Boise St. (15) Idaho (19) Weber St. (23) Mont. St. N-Reno M ontana
G 351-179-18 322-167-15 354-186-25 349-192-17 316-184-11 3 2 2 -1 8 4 -1 6 394-198-13 434-224-16
11 11
11 11 11 10
Pet. 51.0 51.9 52.5 55.0 58.2 5 7 .1 50.3 51.6
Yds. 2077 2096 2111 2237 2345 2171 2640 2789
TD 11 18 17 13 22 12 13 19
N o t e —A p la y e r m u st p lay in a t least 7 5% o f his te a m ’s g a m es a n d /o r m e e t th e m inim um req u irem en ts o f a particular ca tegory. (Parenth esis) in dicate I-A A ranking.
(Min. 1 .2 pg) Love, BSU (2) Mandley, NAU (3) Johnston, UI (4) Courtney, ISU (12) Compton, MSU
CPG 6 .8 6.1 6.0 5.4 5.2 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.3
PUNT RETURNS N o. Y d s. 22 289 31 367 18 210 40 417 28 177
TD 2 1 0 1 0
Avg. 13.1 11.8 11.7 10.4 6.3
-F RETURNS No. Yds. 19 425 13 253 20 387 282 17
TD 0 0 0 0
Avg. 2 2 .4 19.5 19.3 19.3
K (Min. 1 .2 pg) R ay, UM (20) Winter, MSU Mandley, NAU Cook, WSC ’Gooden, UNR Harrison, BSU
L oss 163 220 239 218 209 154 44 169 29 40
N et 182 -65 -101 -154 311 -100 1006 49 1090 1037
A tt 477 383 434 396 140 282 0 144 0 0
Yds 3618 2738 2670 2546 1108 1477 0 906 0 0
(Min. 15 att. per gam e) Choates. BSU (7) Hobart. Ul (8) Bernal. WSC (14) R ich ard son , UM (25) Mendoza. NAU Peterson. ISU Des Pres. BSU Godfrey. MSU
G. 9 11 11 9 11 11 11 10
PA SSIN G EFFICIENCY Cmp Ii Att. Cmp. Pet. Int. Pet. 140 71 50.71 3 2.14 477 268 56.18 19 3.98 383 218 56.92 10 2.61 144 78 5 4 .1 7 9 6 .2 5 217 396 54.80 20 5.05 434 214 3.92 49.31 17 111 59 7.21 53.15 8 282 133 4.61 47.16 13
'C o p p e d g e , UM ’ Beavers. UNR ’ Below NCAA minimums.
10 7
111 147
58 74
5 2 .2 5 50.34
8 7
7 .2 1 4.76
T otal O ffen se P la y s 578 445 503 448 245 320 231 202 164 227
Y ds 3800 2673 2569 2392 1419 1377 1006 955 1090 1037
YdPl 6.6 6.0 5.1 5.3 5.8 4.3 4.4 4 .7 6.6 4.6
Tdr 37 18 20 16 15 7 6 10 10 4
Yds/ Att. 7.91 7.58 7.15 6 .2 9 6.43 6.15 6.78 5.24
TD 9 32 14 9 15 17 3 7
TD Pet. 6.43 6.71 3.66 6 .2 5 3.79 3.92 2.70 2.48
R ating P oin ts 134.1 134.1 123.8 1 1 5 .1 111.2 106.1 104.6 90.1
698 832
6 .2 9 5.65
7 9
6 .3 1 6.12
1 1 1 .5 108.5
TD 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 0
Avg. 11.4 10.3 10.2 9.1 8.6 6.9 6.2 4 .4
Team Idaho St. (3) Boise St. (6) No. Ariz. (7) Idaho Weber St. N-Reno Mont. St. M ontana
Pu n ts 68 57 56 57 68 56 83 70
SCORING G TD 11 0 11 0 0 11 11 0 11 11 11 10 10 11 10 9 8 9
N am e Zendejas, UNR (4) Larson, ISU (9) Massagli, BSU (12) McMonigle, UI (26) Allen, UI Kelly, UNR Cook, WSC S a lo n en , UM Corley, UNR
N o. R et. 31 21 21 17 27 36 52 40
Avg. 42.4 40.1 39.8 37.3 37.3 38.3 38.9 3 6 .8
Y ds. R et. 209 111 116 123 189 337 596 362
N et Avg. 39.3 38.2 37.7 35.2 34.6 32.3 31.7 3 1 .7
XP 37 35 33 44 0 0 0 0 0
INTERCEPTIONS N o. G 11 9 10 5 11 5 10 4 4 11 11 4 4 11 10 3
N am e Shaw, UNR (3) Kimball, MSU (T25) Cooney, UNR R od rigu ez, UM Berry, ISU Arslanian, WSC Hunter, UNR Hennessey, UI
FIELD GOALS G FGA 11 29 11 26 11 24 11 17 11 17 14 10
N am e Zendejas, UNR (11) Larson, ISU (T3) Massagli, BSU (7) Carter, MSU (T13) Wiggins, NAU (T22) McMonigle, UI (T30) Winberg, WSC R om inger, UM
FG 23 17 16 9 0 0 0 0 0
P ts. 106 86 81 71 66 60 60 54 48
A ve. 9.6 7.8 7.4 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.5 5 .4 5.3
Y ds. 151 66 76 30 120 27 22 10
TD 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0
iP g .82 .50 .45 .4 0 .36 .36 .36 .30
FG 23 17 16 13 11 9
P et. .793 .654 .667 .765 .647 .643
7 2
583 667
.'64 .2 2
2.09 1.55 1.45 1.18 1.00 .82
YdPl 345.5 243.0 233.5 217.5 157.7 137.7 111.8 1 0 6 .1 99.1 94.3
Y ds. 1108 3618 2738 906 2546 2670 753 1477
RETURNS No. Y d s. 44 503 482 47 32 326 282 31 29 250 32 220 26 160 102 23
NET PUNTING G am e Avg. 188.8 190.5 191.9 203.4 213.2 2 1 7 .1 240.0 253.5
1983 Big Sky Individual Statistics
Y ds. PG 111.8 99.1 94.3 6 3 .9 61.3 54.7 48.5 41.1 38.5 34.8
R ushing G 11 11 11 11 9 10 9 9 11 11
FG 23 9 17 7 16 11 2 13
98.5 105.6 124.0 127.9 133.6 154.9 166.4 1 9 1 .6
4 9
’ Below NCAA minimums
N am e Hobart, UI (1) Bernal, WSC (5) Peterson, ISU (6) Mendoza, NAU (7) Choates, BSU Godfrey, MSU Corley, UNR R ich ard son , UM Kelly. UNR Webster. BSU
SCO RING O FFENSE P ts. Avg. TD KXP OXP G 37 1 348 31.6 40 11 44 1 45 11 347 31.5 326 29.6 40 35 0 11 29 0 290 26.4 39 11 0 33 33 281 25.5 11 252 22.9 32 25 1 11 24 1 194 1 9 .4 27 10 10 6 1 109 9.9 11
DEFENSE P lay Avg. 4.9 3.8 4.0 3.3 3 .1 2.8 2.7 2.1
Y ards 2840 2058 1577 1265 1139 1125 1088 745
P la y s 581 537 393 384 373 404 408 360
TD 33 18 17 15 17 13 7
RUSHING T eam N-Reno (3) Boise St. (24) Idaho Weber St. M ontana No. Ariz. Idaho St. Mont. St.
Yds. 3697 3071 2950 2546 19 2 8 1921 1889 1535
Team N-Reno (7) Idaho (8) Idaho St. (9) Weber St. (18) Boise St. (21) No. Ariz M ontana Montana St.
(Min. 3 .6 pun ts p er gam e) Kaiser, ISU (6) Nelson, MSU (8) Talbot, BSU (16) Dales, UNR (24) Earll, NAU Bosgieter, WSC Rom inger, UM Magnuson, UI ’ D ob son , UM ’Below NCAA minimums
N o. 67 79 57 54 54 59 49 48
Avg. 42.5 40.9 40.1 39.7 39.5 38.1 3 7 .6 37.1
3 9 .9
ALL-PURPOSE RUN NERS N am e Mandley, NAU (4) Webster, BSU (25) Corley, UNR (28) Rogan, WSC Kelly, UNR Cook, WSC S a lo n en , UM Whittenburg, UI Allen, UI Holder, NAU
G 10 11 9 10 11 11 10 11 11 11
Rush 50 .1037 1006 613 1090 423 0 -13 43 602
R ec 841 303 29 503 119 326 832 874 814 237
Ret 367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ret 387 0 0 0 0 282 0 0 0 15
K ick-off Y ards 1645 1340 1035 1116 1209 1031 832 861 857 854
Y ards PG 164.5 121.8 115.0 111.6 109.9 93.7 8 3 .2 78.3 77.9 77.6
1983 Grizzly Statistics
UM 21, B oise S tate 20* (6,200)
UM 24, @ ldaho 45* (16,400)
UM 35, Portland State 19 (9,042)
UM 8, @ M ontana S tate 28* (15,197)
UM 21, @ Northern Arizona 17* (13,071)
UM 14, Long B each S tate 38 (7,125)
UM 28, W eber State 26* (11,060)
UM 26, @E. W ashington 27, (1,000)
UM 0, N evada-R eno 38*, (11,020)
UM 17, Idaho S tate 31* (5,755) * = Big Sky g a m e
Scoring G 10 8
Salonen...... Charles....... Rominger.... Dantic......... Powell......... Richardson.. Nelsen......... Harvey........ Rooney....... Ray.............. McGinness... Connors...... Dobson........ McCauley
TD R 9 6 4
P Int 9 2
4 /4
P ts 54 36 26 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
1 /1
2 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rushing G 8 5
Charles........... Helean............ Paulson........... Williams.......... MicGinness..... Botzheim........ Connors......... Richardson..... Dantic............. Robison........... McCauley........ Nelsen............. Coppedge....... K. Anderson.. Powell............. Meidinger........
TC 122 31 27 22 27 19 21 58 3 4
YG 555 139 108 103 99 72 124 218 35 19
9 7 66 169 0 3
5 24 3 3 3
17 54 3 9 15
9 82 0 7 21
N et 511 116 106 103 90 65 58 49 35 16 11 8 28 3 2 -6
10 4 5 5 9
8 4
2 6 1 6 2
YL 44 23
Avg. TD- Long 4.2 4 44t 3.7 16 3.9 13 4.7 31 3.3 12 3.4 17 2.8 53 0.8 41 11.6 26 4.0 9 11.0 11 1.6 12 1.2 16 1.0 3 0.7 4 - 2.0 15 4.3
Team S tatistics First Downs..................................... by Rush........................................ by Pass......................................... by Penalty.................................... Rush Plays....................................... Rush Yards Gained........................ Rush Yards Lost............................. NET Rush Gained/Avg................. Pass Attempts................................. Pass Comp./Pet............................. Had Intercepted............................... NET Yds. Pass/Avg....................... TOTAL Yds./Game Avg............... Punt/Yards/Blk............................... Punt Average................................... Fumbles/Lost................................... Penalties/Yds................................... TOUCHDOWNS............................. by Rushing................................... by Passing.................................... by Return..................................... PAT Attempted/Made................... Two-pt. Con. Att/Made................ Field Goals Att/Made.................... Safety................................................ TOTAL POINTS............................. Game Average................................
Salonen..... McCauley... Dantic......... Grovom..... Charles:..... Sundquist... M oe............ C o e............. McGinness.. H elean........ Botzheim.... Heinen........ Williams..... Powell......... Paulson....... Murray........ Nelsen......... Robison.......
R ec. 68 24 11 6 21 5 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 1 3 1 1 1
Yds. 832 354 244 86 82 71 65 37 36 27 25 19 15 14 14 7 1
O pponents..
Avg. 12.2 14.8 22.2 14.3 3.9 14.2 21.7 18.5 9.0 6.8 6.3 9.5 5.0 14.0 4.7 7.0 1.0 -1.0
TD 9 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Long 56 52 49 27 15 19 34 19 14 15 12 12 13 14t 10 7 1
Andre Stephens.. Dave Dummett... Harold Guse........ Larry Oliver......... Mike Crouse........ Craig Kuehl.......... L ineb ack ers Jake Trammell..... Brent Oakland.....
1 44
Passing Richardson.. Coppedge... Connors...... Powell........................ McGinness.... ............
G PA/PC/INT. 9 1 44/78/9 6 1 11/58/8 5 3 9 /2 0 /2 6 17/ 7/1 4 1/ 1/0
Opponents.... ............ 10 322/1 8 4 /1 6
Y ds. 906 698 241 33 15 I. 2171
Pet. TD Long 54.2 9 56 52.3 7 46t 51.3 0 41.2 0 15 1.000 1 15t 57.1
Beau Shahan... Paul Kaminski.. Secon d ary
Total O ffense Richardson. .............. Salonen........ .............. Charles......... ...............
G P la y s P a s s R u sh Rec. Tot. Avg. 9 202 906 49 0 955 106.1 10 68 0 0 832 832 83.2 8 143 0 511 82 593 74.1
Josh Klucewich.. Ned Becker........
226 104 109 13 443 2112 196 1916/191.6 322 184/57.1 16 2171/217.1 4087/408.7 4 7 /1902/1 40.5 24/13 74/637 37 21 12 4 3 4/32 3 /0 15/11
M ontana................................... Opponents...............................
1 st 31 65
2nd 72 68
3rd 55 72
No. 9 10 4
Y ds. 54 48 0
Avg. 6.0 4.8 0.0
TD 0 0 0
Long 21 15 2
Joey Charles..
Tony Coe..
Kickoff Returns Ray................ ..................... Botzheim ..................... Robison......... Nelsen............ Meidinger...... Paulson......... Klucewich..... Salonen.........
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
No. 19 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yds. 425 44 12 11 11 9 4 0
Avg. 22.4 22.0 12.0 11.0 11.0 9.0 4.0 0.0
TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Long 43 27 12 11 11 9 4 0
Opponents., ,.....................
Eric Dawald.... Glenn Dacus.. Craig Mosier...
T otal 194 289
M ade 48 60
Pet. 34.5 40.8
A ttem p ts 139 147
T im e o f P o ssessio n : Avg. 27:26 32:34
T otal Min. 276:25 373:35
M ontana................................... Opponents...............................
O p p on en ts F ield G oals (11 of 15) 20, 24, 21, 22, 21, 31, 39, 34, 38, 32, 25
UM F ield G o a ls (2 of 5) 46, 42
1 289 28.9
Rominger.. Dobson..... Botzheim... Team .........
N o. 49 17 1 3
Y ds. 1841 679 32 26
Avg. 37.6 39.9 32.0 8.7
B lk. 0 0 0 3
Long 49 50 32 0
G 10 10 9 8 8 6 8 6 2
T otal T ack les 92 84 41 41 29 15 13 10 2
U n a sst. T ack les 45 35 11 14 8 5 5 5 0
A s s is t. T ack les 47 49 30 27 21 10 8 5 2
T ack les For L o sses 2( -9) 15 (-55)
Forced Fu m b les 4
3( -5) 1( -4)
1( -6)
10 8 10 10 9 10 9 10 7 4 4 3 1
104 90 67 65 53 47 39 24 10 4 3 3 1
51 46 29 19 28 14 8 10 7 2 3 1 0
53 44 39 46 35 33 31 14 3 2 0 2 1
K -3) 6 (-23) 6 (-42) 1(-17) 5 (-45)
1 4 4
10 10 10 10 9 6 9 1 6
87 67 41 40 34 28 8 2 2
38 31 28 22 16 14 5 1 2
48 36 13 18 18 14 3 1 0
9 3 10 8 10 10 8 9 8 9 6 6 10 8 9 8
3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 2 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 2 0
Fum. R ec. 2
PD 2 2 2
1 1 1
3 1 1
3 5 7 2 2
K -2)
3 2( -3) l( -2)
1 2 1
1( -2)
1 1
2 1
1 1
N ote: Tackles for losses included in total tackles. Sacks included in unassisted tackles.
4th 36 84
3rd Dow n C onversion s: Montana.................................... Opponents................................
O th ers (Off. P layers)
Punt Returns Dantic............ ..................... R ay................ ..................... Shillam........... .....................
D efensive Statistics
Receiving G 10 10 8 6 8 9 7 7 4 5 5 3 10 6 8 4 2 4
S corin g By Q uarters:
UM 168 67 88 13 373 1581 442 1139/113.9 313 164/52.4 20 1928/192.8 3067/306.7 7 0 /2 5 7 8 /3 36.8 16/5 71/681 27 7 17 3 24/24 3 /1 5 /2 0 194 19.4
2 2 2 4 3
C oaches Through the Years Y ear
P et
1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1066 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
1 3 1 0 2 0 2 3 2 2 4 1 6 3 2 4 2 6 2 4 1 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 5 1 2 3 2 1 6 7 5 3 4 6 0 1 4 7 3 5 5 2 2 3 3 3 1 0 1 5 2 5 1 3 1 7 2 10 10 6 3 4 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 7 6 4
2 2 2 1 3 2 5 2 3 4 1 2 0 2 1 3 4 0 2 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 3 6 7 4 5 5 3 1 3 6 4 3 8 4 4 4 7 4 5 7 7 5 6 7 9 10 8 5 6 5 9 6 8 3 7 1 1 5 8 6 6 4 6 6 6 7 7 3 5 6
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
.333 .600 .333 .000 .400 .000 .285 .600 .400 .333 .800 .333 1.000 .600 .667 .571 .333 1.000 .500 .800 .200 .400 .571 .500 .429 .500 .500 .429 .375 .429 .444 .375 .625 .143 .222 .429 .286 .167 .667 .875 .625 .333 .500 .667 .000 .200 .500 .636 .300 .556 .500 .222 .222 .375 .333 .300 .100 .000 .111 .500 .250 .500 .100 .333 .111 .700 .222 .909 .909 .545 .273 .400 .333 .600 .400 .400 .455 .300 .300 .700 .545 .400
C oach(alm a m ater) Fred Smith (Cornell) Sgt. F. B. Searight (Stanford) Guy Cleveland (Montana) Fran Bean (Wisconsin) Frank Bean (Wisconsin) Dewitt Peck (Iowa State) H. B. Conibear (Illinois) H. B. Conibear (Illinois) F. W. Schule (Wisconsin) F. W. Schule (Wisconsin) Albion Findlay (Wisconsin) Roy White (Iowa) Roy White (Iowa) Robert Cary (Montana) Robert Cary (Montana) Lt. W. C. Philoon (Army) A. G. Heilman (Franklin-Marshall) A. G. Heilman (Franklin-Marshall) Jerry Nissen (Washington State) Jerry Nissen (Washington State) Jerry Nissen (Washington State) Bernie Bierman (Minnesota) Bernie Bierman (Minnesota) Bernie Bierman (Minnesota) J. W. Stewart (Geneva) J. W. Stewart (Geneva) Earl Clark (Montana) Earl Clark (Montana) Frank Milburn (West Point) Frank Milburn (West Point) Frank Milburn (West Point) Frank Milburn (West Point) Frank Milburn (West Point) Bernard Oakes (Illinois) Bernard Oakes (Illinois) Bernard Oakes (Illinois) Bernard Oakes (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Clyde Carpenter (Montana) George Dahlberg (Montana) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Doug Fessenden (Illinois) Ted Shipkey (Stanford) Ted Shipkey (Stanford) Ted Shipkey (Stanford) Ed Chinske (Montana) Ed Chinske (Montana) Ed Chinske (Montana) Jerry Williams (Washington St.) Jerry Williams (Washington St.) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Ray Jenkins (Colorado) Hugh Davison (Colorado) Hugh Davison (Colorado) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Jack Swarthout (Montana) Gene Carlson (Montana) Gene Carlson (Montana) Gene Carlson (Montana) Gene Carlson (Montana) Larry Donovan (Nebraska) Larry Donovan (Nebraska) Larry Donovan (Nebraska) Larry Donovan (Nebraska)
C um ulative
P et
1-2-3 4-4-3 5-6-3 5-7-3 7-10-3 7-12-3 9-17-3 12-19-3 14-22-3 16-26-3 20-27-4 21-29-5 27-29-6 30-31-7 32-32-7 36-35-7 38-39-7 44-39-8 46-41-10 50-42-11 51-46-11 53-49-13 57-52-13 60-55-14 63-59-14 67-63-14 71-67-14 74-71-15 77-76-15 80-80-16 84-85-17 87-90-18 92-93-18 93-99-18 95-106-18 98-110-18 100-115-19 101-120-21 107-123-21 114-124-21 119-127-22 122-133-22 126-137-23 132-140-23 132-148-23 133-152-23 137-156-23 144-160-23 147-167-23 152-171-23 157-176-23 159-183-23 161-190-24 164-195-24 167-201-24 170-208-24 171-217-24 173-234-24 174-242-24 179-247-24 181-253-24 186-258-24 187-267-24 190-273-24 195-287-24 202-290-24 204-297-24 214-298-24 224-299-24 230-304-24 233-312-24 237-318-24 240-324-25 246-328-25 250-334-25 254-340-25 259-346-25 262-353-25 265-360-25 272-363-25 278-369-25 282-375-25
.333 .500 .455 .417 .412 .368 .346 .387 .389 .381 .426 .420 .482 .492 .500 .507 .494 .530 .529 .543 .526 .520 .523 .522 .516 .515 .514 .510 .503 .500 .497 .492 .497 .484 .473 .471 .465 .457 .465 .481 .484 .478 .479 .485 .471 .467 .468 .474 .468 .471 .471 .465 .459 .457 .454 .450 .441 .425 .418 .420 .417 .419 .412 .410 .405 .411 .407 .418 .428 .431 .428 .427 .426 .429 .428 .428 .436 .426 .421 .428 .433 .430
Season-by-Season R esults 1897
U M .........................................Opp. 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 4 Butte Bus. C ollege...........20 18 M ontana S ta te ................ 6 10 @ Butte Bus. C ollege... 26 (1-2-3)
1898 n U M .........................................Opp. 5 0 6 16
Helena H igh.................... 6 A n aco n d a .......................... 18 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 (2-2)
!8 9 9
U M .........................................Opp. 12 A naconda Ath. C lu b 5 0 @ M ontana S ta te .............38 0 M ontana S ta te .................. 5 (1-2)
M Ayr 1900 n U M .........................................Opp. 11 M ontana S ta te ................... 12 (0-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. Lost Ft. Shawn Indn........Won Lost Butte H igh................. Won W on Fort M issoula............. Lost 26 Fort M issoula............... 0 0 M ontana S ta te .............. 31 (2-3)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 16 0 M ontana S ta te ................. 38 (0-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 32 Fort M issoula................... 0 11 Fort M issoula................... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 19 0 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 23 0 @ Idaho...................28 0 @ W ashington S ta te 3 4 6 @ M ontana S ta te ..13 (2-5)
U M .......................................... Opp. 10 Fort M issoula.................... 0 0 @ U tah.....................17 5 @ Utah S ta te ........ 0 5 W ashington S ta te 6 79 M ontana S ta te .............. 0 (3-2)
1905 n U M .......................................... Opp. .
0 U ta h ..................................... 42 0 @ Whitman C ollege 6 @ W ashington S ta te 2 8 12 Utah S ta te ....................... 0 88 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 (2-3)
U M .......................................... Opp. 32 Ft.Shaw In d ian s............. 6 0 W ashington S ta te 5 11 Spokane Ath. C lub....... 0 0 @ U tah .............................. 42 6 @ Utah S ta te ................... 17 0 Ex-Collegians................... 8 (2-4)
U M .......................................... Opp. 62 M ontana W esley an 0 28 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te ......38 12 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 12 Spokane Ath. C lub....... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 (4-1-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 8 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 5 4 @ Mont. Schl. M ins 5 0 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 5 (1-2-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 33 Missoula H igh................. 0 52 Ft. Shaw In d ian s............ 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0
0 42 24 15
@ M ontana S ta te 0 Fort M issoula................... 0 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 M ontana S ta te ................ 5 (6-0-1)
!9 1 0
U M .......................................... Opp. 8 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 0 @ M ontana S ta te 0 3 Utah S ta te ....................... 5 5 @ G onzaga....................... 17 3 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 10 M ontana S ta te .............. ; 0 (3-2-1)
19H nOpp. U M .......................................... 12 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 0 Utah S ta te ....................... 8 28 Poison In d ep en d en ts.... 6 (2-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 28 Missoula H igh................... 0 7 @ M ontana S ta te . 0 0 @ Utah S ta te ......... 17 3 @ U tah.....................10 39 M ontana S ta te ................. 3 18 @ G onzaga.............. 6 9 @ Willamettz..........30 (4-3)
U M .......................................... Opp. 9 @ W ashington S ta te ......34 7 Utah S ta te ....................... 9 7 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 20 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 7 @ G onzaga............. 16 0 @ Whitman C ollege (3-4)
U M .......................................... Opp. 87 Butte R am blers...................0 10 W ashington S ta te 0 0 @ Id ah o ............................ 0 32 Utah S ta te ....................... 0 26 M ontana S ta te ................ 9 13 North Dakota S ta te ....... 0 10 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (6-0-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 15 Id a h o .................................. 3 7 @ South D akota............. 10 10 @ North D ak o ta..............10 7 @ W ashington S ta te ......27 50 Butte C entervilles 0 6 Syracuse............................ 6 (2-2-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 511 @ South D ak o ta............ 0 20 @ G onzaga...................... 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 27 18 Whitman C ollege............ 0 6 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 6 20 Id ah o Id ah o ........... 13 (4-1-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 6 Utah S ta te .........................21 3 @ Whitman C ollege 14 9 M ontana S ta te ................ 7 0 @ W ashington S t............28 3 Id a h o ...................................14 (1-4)
—no team —
19 0 14 53 13 14
U M .............. O pp. 25 Idaho T e c h ...................... 0 7 @ W ashington................. 28 6 W hitman C ollege.............14 7 @ Idaho .............................35 14 @ M ontana S ta te .......... 7 7 North Dakota S ta te ....... 6 0 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (3-3-1)
(3-5-1) UM. 0 13 0 0 27 12
IT M 1922 n U M .......................................... O p p . 0 37 15 6 7 0 0
@ W ashington................. 26 M ontana W esleyan....... 0 Idaho T e c h ....................... 12 @ G onzaga.......................37 M ontana S ta te ................ 6 Whitman C ollege.............13 Id ah o .................................. 39 (3-4)
UM 40 13 35 7 106 14 61 3 20
Opp. Mt. Saint Charles 7 41 Id a h o .......................... @ W ashington......... 52 6 @ M ontana Mines G onzaga .................... 20 Pacific University 7 41 @ S tan fo rd .............. @ W hitman College ... 0 (4-4)
.O pp. UM. 0 W ashington S ta te 9 10 @ W ashington................. 30 14 G onzaga.............................14 57 M ontana Schl. M ines.... 0 7 @ Oregon S tate.............. 27 20 @ Idaho............................. 14 7 @ U SC .............................. 27 28 M ontana S ta te ................ 7 (3-4-1) 1926 n U M .......................................... Opp. 0 O regon............................... 49 12 Id ah o.................................. 27 6 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 14 27 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 7 @ G onzaga....................... 10 56 Whitman C ollege............ 7 21 @ Sacram ento S t........... 0 0 @ U SC .............................. 61 (3-5)
U M .......................................... Opp. 19 Butte C entevilles 0 8 Mt. Saint C h arle s 0 35 0 1 W ashington S ta te 0 1 W ashington.................. 32 6 ' Idaho..............................42 1 California.......................33 13 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... Gonzaga.. 0 (3-4-1)
13 13 6 0 20 6 0 6 0 7
1- r9r2.r 8
Butte C entervilles.......... 0 A naconda A n o d e s......... 0 W ashington S ta te ........... 26 W ashington.......................25 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 Id a h o .................................. 21 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 @ O re g o n .........................31 @ Oregon S ta te.............. 44 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (4-5-1)
U M ............................. O pp. 18 A naconda A n o d e s......... 2 19 Mt. Saint C h arle s.......... 0 6 @ W ashington................ 6
Dp. 14 0 @ W ashington.................. 27 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 6 @ W ashington S ta te 61 @ California...................... 46 G onzaga.............................. 15 Id ah o................................... 6 (5-3)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Mt. Saint C h arle s 2 0 @ W ashington.................. 25 19 @ Idaho ..............................21 0 Washington S ta te 13 37 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 6 0 @ Oregon S ta te ................19 0 @ U SC ............................... 69 (1-6)
U M .......................................... O p p . 27 Mt. Saint C h arles.......... 0 0 @ Idaho.............................40 25 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 2 G onzaga.............................25 16 @ Whitman C ollege 14 @ W ashington......... 26 24 @ M ontana S ta te .... 13 0 @ Pacific C ollege. 6 (4-4)
U M .......................................... Opp. 133 Mt. Saint C harles......... 0 18 @ W ashington...............14 34 M ontana W esleyan...... 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te .. 31 7 @ W hitman College... 13 28 M ontana S ta te ............... 0
Id a h o . (4-3)
U M .......................................... Opp. 26 M ontana W esleyan ......... 7 0 @ Utah S ta te ....................47 28 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 6 6 Whitman C ollege............. 6 0 @ Id ah o............................. 7 6 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 6 14 W ashington S ta te .............42 (2-3-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 25 A naconda A n o d e s 0 13 @ W ashington.................. 26 14 Carroll C ollege................. 6 6 Id a h o .................................... 19 0 @ UCLA............................ 32 7 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 10 0 @ W ashington S ta te 31 6 Oregon S ta te ..................... 35 13 @ G onzaga........................56 (2-7)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 @ Oregon S tate............... 20 7 W ashington S ta te 13 6 @ Idaho.............................. 12 32 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 7 @ Stanford........................ 33 13 @ G onzaga....................... 7 26 Utah S ta te ......................... 0 (3-4) U M .......................................... Opp. 0 @ W ashington S ta te 27 0 @ UCLA.............................16 48 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 6 Id a h o .................................... 13 25 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 0 @ Oregon S ta te ............... 7 4 @ G onzaga........................ 6 (2-5-1) U M .......................................... Opp. 0 @ U S C ............................... 9 20 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 7 W ashington S ta te 13 7 @ Idaho...............................14 7 @ W ashington...................33 7 Gonzaga (in Great Falls) 7 0 @ Stanford........................ 32 0 Oregon S ta te .................... 0 (1-5-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 @ W ashington S ta te 19 0 @ UCLA ............................ 30 45 Idaho, South B ranch 13 6 G onzaga............................. 0 27 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 7 @ Oregon S tate ................14 16 Id a h o ................................... 0 24 San Francisco (in B utte). 7 13 North D akota.................... 6 (6-3) U M ...............1 9 3 7 ............ Opp. 25 Whitman C ollege 0 13 @ Texas T e c h ................. 6 36 O klahoma City.................. 6 13 San Francisco (in B utte). 7 17 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 23 G onzaga............................. 0 0 @ Idaho ............................. 6 14 North D akota.................... 3 (7-1)
1938 UM Opp. 0 27 Eastern Washington 0 0 @ San Francisco......... 6 7 D ePaul........................... 19 13 Texas Tech ................... 7 0 @ North D akota......... 19 6 Idaho .............................. 0 9 @ G onzaga................... 13 M ontana St. (in Butte) ... 0 0 7 @ A rizona.................... (5-3-1)
U M ..........................................Opp. 9 P ortlan d ............................. 0 6 San Francisco.................... 13 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 @ Idaho.................... 0 0 @ W ashington...... 9 0 @ Texas T e c h ....... 13 0 @ A rizona.............. 6 0 G onzaga.............................. 23 (3-5) U M .......................................... Opp. 9 Eastern W ashington...... 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 13 19 Texas T e c h ....................... 32 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 Gonzaga (in B u tte )......... 10 0 @ O reg o n .........................38 28 Id ah o ...................................18 20 @ San Diego M arin es...38 0 @ P ortland...................... 0 (4-4-1) U M .......................................... Opp. 20 @ Brigham Y o u n g ........ 7 28 North Dakota S ta te ........ 0 7 @ UCLA............................ 14 13 @ G onzaga...................... 6 23 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 13 0 @ W ashington..................21 13 North D akota................... 6 16 @ Id aho............................ 0 0 @ Oregon St. (in Portland).................. 27 (6-3) U M .......................................... Opp. 6 Brigham Y oung................12 13 Mathers A FB .....................19 16 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 68 0 W ashington....................... 35 0 Id a h o ...................................21 0 @ Oregon S ta te ...............33 0 @ California...................... 13 0 @ U SC ...............................38 (0-8)
1 9 4 3 -4 4 —no team-
U M .......................................... Opp. 13 @ Utah S ta te ................... 44 0 @ Idaho............................. 46 13 @ Farragut Naval B ase. 21 36 Pocatello M arines........... 6 13 Farragut Naval B ase....... 18 (1-4) U M .......................................... Opp. 31 Eastern W ashington...... 7 26 Colorado S ta te ................... 0 0 @ O reg o n ......................... 34 20 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 7 7 Utah S ta te ......................... 27 19 Idaho .................................. 0 7 @ UCLA............................61 0 @ W ashington..................21 (4-4) U M ...............1 9 4 7 ............ Opp. 21 @ Eastern W ashington.. 0 21 P ortlan d ............................ 0 7 @ A rizona......................... 40 7 @ Utah S ta te ....................13 12 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 13 13 @ W ashington S ta te .......12 21 @ Idaho............................ 0 14 @ California......................60 41 Colorado S ta te ................ 7 14 @ H aw aii...........................12 28 @ Hawaii All-Stars......... 14 (7-4)
1948 n U M ......................................... Opp. 7 Washington (in G. Falls) 12 7 Utah S ta te ..........................18 27 Pacific U niversity............ 0 0 Washington S ta te ............48 14 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ Idaho...............................39 20 @Brigham Y o u n g ...........26 14 College of Pacific.............32 7 @ Stan fo rd ......................... 39 47 North D akota................... 7 (3-7)
1956 n U M .......................................... Opp. 12 @ A rizona......................... 27 6 @ U tah...............................26 13 @ D enver.......................... 22 13 Utah S ta te .........................27 21 Brigham Young.-...............14 20 @ C olorado S ta te ...........34 14 M ontana S ta te ................. 33 13 Wyoming (in Billings).... 34 13 @ New M exico................ 14 0 Id ah o................................... 14 (1-9)
U M .............. 1 9 6 4 .............. Opp. 29 British C olum bia............... 24 7 @ Pacific............................ 23 0 @ New M exico................ 20 0 Utah S ta te ......................... 41 20 W eber S ta te .......................12 7 W estern Illinois................ 0 7 @ Idaho S ta te .................. 14 6 M ontana S ta te ..................30 7 @ San Diego M arin es...43 (3-6)
U M .............. ...........Opp. 33 S. Dakota (in Billings) ... 13 7 @ W ashington S ta te ........ 13 16 @ Utah S ta te ..................... 13 12 @ Colorado S ta te ............ 27 14 @ Oregon S ta te .............. 63 19 Id ah o ...................................47 34 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 12 19 Eastern W ashington...... 6 (5-4)
1957 n U M .......................................... Opp. 13 @ U tah...............................32 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 20 7 @ Brigham Y o u n g .........20 13 D enver................................26 35 @ Utah S ta te ................... 25 21 New M exico..................... 6 13 @ Idaho.............................31 13 @ M ontana S ta te ............22 7 Colorado S ta te ................. 19 (2-7)
U M .............. 1 9 6 5 .............. Opp. 13 @ U tah...............................28 14 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 15 16 Idaho S ta te ...................... 0 15 @ W eber S ta te .................14 21 @ Utah S ta te ................... 54 7 Idaho ...................................35 13 Pacific................................. 7 7 @ M ontana S ta te ............24 14 @ W estern M ichigan...... 17 33 @ Portland S ta te ........... 7 (4-6)
1950 n U M .........................................Opp. 52 Eastern W ashington...... 0 28 @ Idaho............................. 27 13 @ O reg o n ......................... 21 7 Washington S ta te ............14 33 M ontana St. (in B utte)... 0 0 @ Oregon S ta te.............. 20 35 Puget S o u n d ................... 7 13 @ N evada-R eno..............19 38 Utah S ta te ........................ 7 7 San Jose St. (in Hawaii) 32 (5-5)
U M .......................................... Opp. 6 @ U tah.............................. 20 14 Wyoming (in Billings).... 21 16 @ New M exico................44 0 @ D enver..........................29 14 Utah S ta te .........................27 12 Brigham Y oung............... 41 7 @ Colorado S ta te .......... 57 6 Id a h o ...................................14 6 M ontana S ta te ................. 20 13 @ San D iego................... 24 (0-10)
U M .......................................... Opp. 6 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 30 7 @ South D akota............. 21 10 Portland S ta te .................. 0 0 W eber S ta te ......................28 0 @ Pacific............................28 14 @ Idaho S ta te ..................17 8 @ Northern A rizona...... 34 0 M ontana S ta te ..................38 6 @ Idaho............................. 40 (1-8)
UM 7 25 0 9 38 6 7 6 10
1939 U M .......................................... Opp. 19 North D akota....................27 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 58 12 @ Brigham Y o u n g ........ 0 12 D enver................................27 0 @ Utah S ta te ...................28 14 New M exico..................... 55 16 Colorado S tate.................26 6 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 40 6 @ Id ah o ............................ 9 (1-8)
U M .......................................... Opp. 19 @ North D ak o ta ..............14 7 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 3 13 @ W eber S ta te .................12 21 Pacific................................ 7 14 Id ah o ................................... 19 20 Idaho S ta te ...................... 0 10 Northern A rizona............ 7 8 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 14 14 @ Utah S ta te ................... 20 55 @ Portland S ta te ........... 7 (7-3)
1951 Opp. @ W ashington................. 58 New M exico.................... 7 D enver................................55 Idaho................................... 12 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 @ Utah S ta te ................... 19 W yom ing........................... 34 Colorado S ta te .................34 @ Washington S ta te ......47 (2-7)
19 5 2
U M ........................................ Opp. 0 Utah S ta te ....................... 7 0 @ W yoming......................14 7 Brigham Y oung ............... 28 17 @ D enver......................... 7 0 @ Colorado S ta te .......... 41 14 @ O reg o n ......................... 14 35 M ontana S ta te ..................12 0 @ Idaho.............................27 20 @ San Jose S ta te 39 6 @ New M exico................ 12 (2-7-1)
UM ..O p p . 13 (5> Brigham Young 27 7 W yom ing.................... 27 12 Idaho ............................ 20 22 @ D enver................... 13 32 Colorado S ta te .......... 31 41 13 New M exico.............. 14 @ Utah S ta te ............ 33 32 @ M ontana State 13 (3-5)
UM Opp. 31 Fort Lewis.................... 7 6 @ Iow a......................... 48 13 @ D enver.................... 19 20 Utah S ta te ................... 13 7 @ Brigham Young 19 34 @ Colorado State 37 14 @ New M exico.......... 20 21 25 M ontana S ta te ............ 41 20 U ta h .............................. (3-6)
UM Opp. 12 @ H ouston................. 54 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....3 5 27 Brigham Y oung.......... 13 3 D enver.......................... 61 6 Utah S ta te ................... 32 19 New M exico................ 14 7 Colorado S tate............ 12 19 @ M ontana State 0 0 @ Arizona..........................29 0 @ Idaho..............................31 (3-7)
19 58
UM.......................................... Opp. 21 @ North Dakota 14 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....1 4 12 Utah S ta te ................... ....1 4 14 18 Id ah o ............................. 26 @ D enver.................... 12 6 Brigham Y o ung.......... 7 14 26 @ Colorado S ta te .... 10 M ontana S ta te ............ 6 6 @ U tah......................... 16 7 @ New M exico.......... 24 (5-5)
UM Opp. 37 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 10 21 0 @ South D akota ....... 0 58 Portland S ta te ............. 3 Utah S ta te ................... 50 56 45 @ Idaho....................... 23 13 @ Idaho S ta te ............ 24 M ontana S ta te ............ 29 16 W eber S ta te ................ 20 0 @ N orthern Arizona 18 (2-7)
UM Opp. 24 @ North D ak o ta....... 10 31 So. Dakota (in G. Falls).20 Northern A rizona....... 52 7 17 20 @ W eber S ta te .......... 34 Id a h o ............................. 9 46 Idaho S ta te ................. 36 14 49 @ Portland State 6 7 @ M ontana State 0 14 Cal Poly (SLO) 58 South Dakota S t......... 0
UM Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....2 9 6 @ Utah S ta te ............. 54 40 New M exico................ 8 6 @ Brigham Young 7 12 U ta h ............................... 24 22 Colorado S ta te ............ 19 9 @ M ontana State 10 14 Idaho (in B oise)......... 16 (2-6)
UM Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....1 3 14 8 North D akota............... 20 @ Utah S ta te ............. 43 22 Id ah o............................. 16 25 W eber S ta te ................ 6 0 Brigham Y o u n g .......... 27 22 @ Idaho S ta te ............ 15 36 M ontana S ta te ............ 19 12 @ New M exico.......... 41 16 @ Colprado State 15 (5-5)
UM Opp. 16 @ British Columbia 0 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....3 5 13 North D akota.............. 19 0 @ Brigham Young 27 13 Idaho S ta te ................. 14 6 Utah S ta te ................... 62 6 @ New M exico.......... 24 19 13 @ W eber S ta te .......... 4 @ M ontana State 18 12 Colorado S ta te ............ 20 (1-9)
Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 3 North Dakota S t......... (10-1)
UM Opp. 28 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 7 6 30 @ Northern Illinois 20 @ Northern Arizona 0 38 W eber S ta te ................ 29 44 Idaho (in Pullman) 26 34 35 @ Idaho S ta te ............ 35 @ South D akota....... 7 31 Portland S ta te ............. 25 35 M ontana S ta te ............ 0 24 @ South Dakota St 0
Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 16 North Dakota S t......... (10-1)
UM Opp. 14 So. Dakota (in G. Falls). 7 14 27 @ North D ak o ta........ 14 38 @ Cal Poly (SLO) 12 Id a h o ............................. 21 24 @ Boise S ta te ............ 47 35 45 Idaho S ta te .................
14 14 30 11 29
Pacific...................................30 @ W eber S ta te .................. 13 @ M ontana S ta te ............. 0 @ H aw aii............................ 25 @ Portland S ta te 36 (6-5)
UM ...O p p . 35 0 @ South Dakota 14 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 42 17 40 Northern Arizona . 24 6 @ Pacific.................. 7 12 W eber S ta te ............. 14 7 @ Idaho S ta te ........ 4 @ H aw aii................. 30 42 Boise S ta te ............... 28 21 3 M ontana S ta te ......... 31 17 @ Idaho................... 7 @ T ulsa.................... 10 (3-8) 1973 n U M .......................................... Opp. 41 Simon Fraser (in G. Falls) 14 10 @ North D ak o ta ..............31 10 @ R ice............................... 21 10 @ Northern A rizona.......14 31 South D akota................... 19 19 Idaho S ta te ........................14 7 @ M ontana S ta te ............. 33 7 @ Boise S ta te ................... 55 7 Id a h o ...................................20 10 @ W eber S ta te ............... 0 (4-6) 1974 n U M .......................................... Opp. 14 @ Simon Fraser................23 10 @ South D akota...............24 17 @ N evada-Las V e g as....20 24 W eber S ta te ...................... 13 27 Northern A rizona............ 0 35 @ Idaho...............................35 24 @ Portland S ta te ..............14 29 M ontana S ta te ................. 43 22 @ Idaho S ta te ................... 25 42 Boise S tate..........................56 (3-6-1) 1975 n U M .......................................... Opp. 51 South D ak o ta ................... 17 21 Nevada-Las V egas..........20 48 @ W eber S ta te ................ 12 7 Idaho S ta te ........................12 14 Id a h o .................................. 3 3 @ M ontana S ta te ............20 28 @ Boise S ta te ..................39 33 Portland S ta te ...................16 28 @ Northern A rizona...... 22 10 @ Simon Fraser.............. 24 (6-4) 1976 n U M .......................................... Opp. 19 @ N evada-Las V e g as....21 49 @ Portland S ta te ............ 50 28 W eber S ta te ......................25 21 Northern A rizona.............23 17 @ Boise S ta te .................. 14 19 @ Northern C o lo rad o ... 27 12 M ontana S ta te ................. 21 21 Idaho S ta te ........................17 19 @ Idaho............................. 28 45 Simon F raser.................... 17 (4-6)
U M ...............A „ / 3 . ..............Opp. 14 @ Wash. St. (in Spokane)34 13 @ Northern A rizona.......26 23 W eber S ta te ...................... 16 35 Boise S ta te ........................ 37 28 Idaho S ta te ....................... 24 17 @ Idah o............................. 20 20 N evada-R eno.................... 27 21 @ M ontana S ta te ............38 20 @ Northern C o lo rad o ... 10 32 Portland S ta te ...................40 (3-7) U M ...............1 9 8 0 ............. Opp. 60 Simon F raser.................... 27 0 @ Portland S ta te ............ 20 0 Id a h o '........................ 42 10 Boise S ta te ........................ 44 21 @ W eber S ta te ................ 38 0 @ Idaho S ta te ..................17 42 Eastern W ashington...... 7 7 M ontana S ta te ................. 24 31 Northern A rizona.............21 7 @ N evada-R eno ..............10 (3-7) 1981 n U M .......................................... Opp. 29 @ Northern A rizona...... 23 42 Northern Io w a ..................21 13 @ Boise S ta te ..................27 16 @ Idaho............................. 14 24 Idaho S ta te ....................... 21 33 Portland S ta te .................. 3 27 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 17 33 N evada-R eno....................26 6 W eber S ta te ..................... 7 13 @ E. W ash, (in Spokane) 14 (7-3) *982 n U M .......................................... Opp. 0 @ H aw aii.......................... 40 38 Puget S o u n d .................... 10 36 Northern A rizona.............35 28 @ N evada-R eno............. 27 14 @ Boise S ta te ..................21 40 Id a h o...................................16 14 @ Idaho S ta te ..................28 45 M ontana S ta te ..................14 28 @ Portland S ta te ............35 42 @ W eber S ta te ................20 10 @ Oregon S ta te.............. 30
I-AA Playoffs 7 @ Idaho..............................21 (6-6)
U M ..................... ...................Opp. 13 Nevada-Las V egas.......... 15 24 @ Northern A rizona...... 25 40 Portland S ta te .................. 25 23 W eber S ta te ......................31 17 Boise S ta te ........................ 43 20 @ Idaho............................. 31 17 Idaho S ta te ........................15 19 @ M ontana S ta te ............24 34 Northern C olorado..........13 18 @ Puget S o u n d ...............17 (4-6)
UM Opp. 12 Puget S o u n d ................ 23 16 @ Portland S ta te ....... 27 21 6 Northern A rizona........ 27 @ W eber S ta te ........... 7 15 @ Boise S ta te ............. 7 34 30 Idaho .............................. 7 28 @ Idaho S ta te ............. 17 @ N evada-Las Vegas ....2 5 24 M ontana S ta te ............. 8 14 31 Northern Colorado 7 @ San Jose State , 35 (5-6)
U M .......................................... Opp. 21 Boise S ta te........................ 20 35 Portland S ta te ...................19 21 @ N. A rizona................... 17 28 W eber S ta te ......................26 0 N evada-R eno....................38 24 @ Idaho .............................45 8 @ M ontana S ta te ............28 14 Long Beach S ta te ........... 38 26 @ E. W ash, (in Spokane)27 17 Idaho S ta te ....................... 31 (4-6)
â– y
All O pponents Record W
A rizo n a
B o ise S t a t e
Brigham Y o ung ..................................................................... British C olum bia.................................................................... California Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo)............................................... Carroll C ollege Colorado S ta te ...................................................................... D eP aul
5 2 0 2 1 6 1
11 0 1 0 0 10 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E astern W a sh in g to n
Oregon S ta te Pacific U niversity.................................................................. University of the Pacific Pocatello Marines Portland ..................................................................................
P ortlan d S t a t e
0 2 2 1 2
12 0 5 0 0
2 0 0 0 1
M ontana S t a t e
Montana Tech ....................................................................... Nevada-Las V e g a s
12 1
4 4
2 0
N ev a d a -R en o ................................................................
New M exico........................................................................... North D akota......................................................................... North Dakota S ta te ..............................................................
4 11 2
10 7 2
0 1 0
Puget S o u n d ......................................................................... R ice.......................................................................................... San Diego............................................................................... San Diego Marines............................................................... San Francisco........................................................................ San Jose S ta te ...................................................................... Simon F raser......................................................................... South D a k o ta ........................................................................ South Dakota S ta te .............................................................. Southern California.............................................................. S ta n fo rd .................................................................................. Syracuse.................................................................................. Texas T e c h Tulsa ........................................................................................ U C L A ...................................................................................... U ta h Utah State .............................................................................. W ashington W ashington State .................................................................
N orthern A r iz o n a .......................................................
W eber S t a t e .................................................................
Northern C olorado............................................................... Northern Illinois..................................................................... Northern Iowa ...................................................................... Oklahoma C ity...................................................................... O regon.....................................................................................
3 1 2 1 0
Western Illinois...................................................................... W hitm an.................................................................................. W illamette............................................................................... W yom ing................................................................................
1 5 0 0
Farragut Naval B a se ............................................................ G onzaga H a w a ii H o u s to n ..................................................................................
0 11 1 0
2 9 3 1
0 4 0 0
Idaho Idaho S t a t e
19 15
45 8
2 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
Io w a ......................................................................................... Long Beach S ta te .................................................................
0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 1 2
T otal (in clu d es N o n -co lleg ia te o p p .)...................2 7 8
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 7 0 11 0 25 0 16 1 30 0
6 1 12
0 1 0 0
Inaugural G rizzly F ootball Hall of Fam e (1982)
c G r i z z ly F o o t b a ll 1983
T he 19 form er U niversity of M ontana football stars who w ere ind ucted in 1982 included: OLD G O L D S (1897-1927)—Chris B entz, Wild Bill Kelly, R uss S w eet, Paul D ornblaser, T ed “C h ief” lllman and Harry Dahlberg. STERLING SILVERS (19281959): Tom D avis, Milt P opovich , Ray Bauer, Stan Renning, Bob Stan sb erry and N aseb y Rhinehart. CURRENT CO PPERS (1960- ): Tuufuli U p eresa, Roy R obinson, Larry Miller, S te v e O kon iew sk i, Bob O ’Billovich, Bob B eers, and Terry Dillon.
The seco n d “ c la s s ” of G rizzly H all o f F am ers in d u cted in 1 9 8 3 in clu d ed : OLD GOLD: Earl “ C lick ” Clark, L eonard “ B elg ia n ” D aem s, A1 “ R ib s” R ob ertson , and S te v e Su llivan . STERLING SIVLER: Ed C hinske, W aldo E kegren, A ld o F orte, D ick Imer, Tom K ingsford, B ill L azetich, E so N aran ch e an d P aul S z a k a sh . CURRENT COPPER: G reg A n d erson , A rnie B la n ca s, S te v e C aputo, Barry D arrow, Ron R osen b erg and Karl S tein .
The Grizzly Record Book Individual R e co r d s—S in gle S e a so n RUSHING
M ost C arries
M ost P la y s
M ost R eturns 28, Greg Dunn, 1979
241, Greg Iseman, 1982
334, Bob Boyes, 1979
M ost N et Y ards
M ost Y ards
M ost Y ards
I,2 5 3 , Steve Caputo, 1971
1,674, Marty Mornhinweg, 1982 (Rush—105; Pass— 1,569)
660, Greg Dunn, 1979
H igh est A verage P er Carry 8.2,
Dick Imer, 1953 (86-703)
H igh est A verage
M ost T o uchdow ns R ushing
33.5, Greg Anderson, 1974 (10-335)
M ost R e c ep tio n s
I I , Steve Sullivan, 1920 10, Greg Iseman, 1982 9, Dick Imer, 1954
68, Brian Salonen, 1983
M ost In tercep tio n s
M ost Y ards
11, Karl Stein, 1969
832, Brian Salonen, 1983
M ost Y ards R eturned
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
218, Greg Anderson, 1978 (6 interceptions)
9, Brian Salonen, 1983 7, Jim Hard, 1979
PA SSIN G M ost A ttem p ts
243, Bob Boyes, 1979
M ost P u n ts
M ost C om p leted 140, Marty Mornhinweg, 1982
70, Dave Harrington, 1973
M ost Y ards
M ost Y ards
1,668, Bob Boyes, 1979
2,654, Dave Harrington, 1973
H igh est C om pletion P ercen ta g e
H ig h est A verage
(minimum of 100 attempts) 61.9, Marty Mornhinweg, 1982 (140x226)
(minimum of 35 punts) 41.3, Lon Howard, 1968 (61-2,517)
M ost P o in ts 84, Greg Iseman, 1982 79, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
15, Bob Boyes, 1979
M ost R eturns
M ost T ouchdow n P a s s e s
14, 12, 11, 10, 10,
42, Karl Stein, 1970
12, Bob Boyes, 1979 12, Marty Mornhinweg, 1982
M ost F ield G o a ls
M ost Y ards
12, Bruce Carlson, 1976 11, Dean Rominger, 1981
M ost P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
4 1 7 , Karl Stein, 1970
Greg Iseman, 1982 “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926 Steve Sullivan, 1920 Dick Imer, 1954 Del Spear, 1974
H ig h est A verage
M ost C on version s
20.2, Greg Anderson, 1974 (13-263)
40, Dan Worrell, 1969
Individual R e co r d s—S in g le G am e RUSHING M ost C arries
M ost Y ards
L on gest T ouchdow n
350, Bob Boyes vs. Portland State, 1979
102, Milt Popovich vs. Oregon St. College, 1936 94, Greg Anderson vs. Idaho and Mont. St., 1974
36, Monty Bullerdick vs. Idaho State, 1977
M ost N et Y ards
M ost R ecep tio n s
227, Les Kent vs. Portland St., 1969
11, Brian Salonen vs. Idaho State, 1983 10, Greg Iseman vs. Oregon State, 1982
M ost T ouch dow ns R ushing
P A SS INTERCEPTIONS M ost In tercep tio n s 4, Ed Cerkovnik vs. Portland St., 1977
4, Arnie Blancas vs. Weber State, 1970 4, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982
M ost Y ards
L ongest T ouchdow n Run
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
125, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland St., 1977
3, Ray Bauer vs. Eastern Eash., 1950 3, Paul Cooley vs. Weber State, 1975 3, Jim Hard vs. Portland State, 197^
L on gest T ouchdow n
80, Bob Smith vs. Simon Fraser, 1973 80, Mike Mickey vs. South Dakota, 1975 80, Doug Egbert vs. Weber State, 1975
L ongest Run From S crim m age 88, “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1924
90, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland St., 1977
L on gest T ouchdow n R ecep tion
M ost P o in ts
86, Jim DeBord vs. Idaho 1970
30, 26, 26, 24, 24,
M ost A ttem p ts
M ost P unts
62, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
11, Dave Harrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry Thomas vs. Nevada-Las Vegas, 1978
M ost C om pleted 35, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
M ost Y ards
M ost Y ards
443, Lon Howard vs. Utah State, 1968
360, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
H ig h est A verage
M ost T ouchdow ns
50.2, Dean Rominger vs. Puget Sound, 1982 (4-201)
4, 4, 4, 4,
M ost Y ards R eturned
166, Rick Strauss vs. Portland State, 1967
Tom Kingsford vs. Eastern W ash., 1950 Bob Boyes vs. Portland State, 1979 Marty Mornhinweg vs. E. W ashington, 1980 Marty Mornhinweg vs. M ontana State, 1982
M ost F ield G o a ls 4, Bruce Carlson vs. Northern Colorado, 1976
126, Karl Stein vs Portland St., 1970
L on gest T ouchdow n
M ost P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
83, Ron Baines vs. U of Pacific, 1967
5, John Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966
L on gest F ield G oal 50, Dan Worrell vs. S. Dakota St., 1969 50, Bruce Carlson vs. N. Colorado, 1976
M ost C on version s
9, 7, 7, 7,
M ost R eturns 7, Sly Hardy vs. Boise St., 1973
M ost Y ards
M ost P la y s
Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 Arnie Blancas vs. Weber, 1970 Jeff Hoffmann vs. N. Arizona, 1^72 Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974
7, Karl Stein vs. Portland St., 1970
M ost Y ards
5, 4, 4, 4,
(minimum of 10 attempts) .826, Kelly Richardson vs. W eber St. (19x23)
L on gest T ouchdow n P a ss
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
M ost R eturns
H igh est C om pletion P ercen ta g e
86, Gary Berding vs. Idaho, 1970
Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. Whitman College, 1926 Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974 Arnie Blancas vs. Weber, 1970 Jeff Hoffmann vs. N. Arizona, 1972
173, Sly Hardy, Boise St., 1973
71, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
Russell Sweet vs. Mont. School of Mines, 1924 Mick O’Neill vs. Portland St., 1967 Dan Worrell vs. Portland St., 1968 Dan Worrell vs. Northern Arizona, Portland St., S. Dakota St., 1969
Team R e co r d s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING M ost C arries
H ig h est A verage Per Carry
M ost A ttem p ts
728- 1970
5.6, 1954 (380-2114)
320, 1982
M ost N et Y ards
H ig h est P er G am e A verage
M ost C om p leted
3,477, 1971
338.4, 1970
195, 1982
Team R eco rd s—S in g le S e a so n (cont.) H igh est C om pletion P e rc e n ta g e 61.0,
L ow est C om p letion P et. A llow ed
1982 (195-320)
.354, 1973 (84-237)
M ost R eturns
H igh est A verage Y ard age
F ew est Y ards A llow ed
42, 1970
195.4, 1982
415, 1959
M ost Y ards
M ost P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
F ew est T ou ch d ow n s A llow ed
450, 1949
28, 1977
4, 1963
H ig h est A verage
F ew est P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
4, 1970
M ost T ouchdow n P a s s e s
M ost P a s s e s In tercep ted
1954 (12-215)
28, 1970
17, 1983
F e w e st A verage P la y s A llow ed
M ost Y ards
M ost R eturns
M ost Y ards
L ow est A verage P er P lay Y ield
1,059, 1974
3.3, 1970 (648-2150)
48, 1955
M ost P lays
H ig h est A verage
F ew e st Y ards
819, 1978
24.6, 1974 (43-1,059)
M ost Y ards 4,548, 1969 5.9,
M ost P o in ts
H igh est P er P lay A verage 1969 (772-4548)
F e w e st A llow ed
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
98, 1949
44, 1969
454.8, 1969
335, 1969
H igh est P er G am e A verage
L ow est Y ield Per G am e
M ost F ield G o a ls
F e w e st R ushing
12, 1976 and 1981
39, 1970
M ost T otal F irst D ow ns
M ost C on version s
F e w e st P a ssin g
231, 1982
40, 1969
FIRST DOW NS M ost First D ow n s R ushing
14, 1959
F ew est By P e n a ltie s
171, 1970
F ew est A verage C arries A llow ed
M ost F irst D ow n s P a ssin g
34.6, 1970
93, 1982
23, 1979
RECOVERIES M ost F um ble R eco v eries
L ow est Per R ush Y ield
M ost F irst D ow n s by P e n a ltie s
3, 1959 and 1964
27, 1975
1970 (346-699)
F ew est Y ards A llo w ed
M ost T otal R eco v eries
699, 1970
45, 1977 (Interceptions and Fumbles)
M ost P u n ts
72, 1978
F ew est A ttem p ts A llow ed
M ost Y ards
96, 1959
2,831, 1978
F e w e st C o m p letion s A llow ed
H igh est A verage
35, 1959
41.2, 1968 (64-2633)
T eam R ecord —S in g le G am e RUSHING M ost C arries 83, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970
F ew est C arries
7, vs. S. Dakota St., 1969 7, vs. Portland St., 1970 7, vs. Tulsa, 1972
F e w e st Y ards -3.3, vs. Portland St., 1975
M ost Y ards
M ost Y ards
F ew est A verage Y ards Per P lay
649, vs. Portland St., 1968
224, vs. New Mexico, 1959
-1.1, vs. Portland St., 1975
TOTAL O FFENSE M ost P la y s
471, vs. Portland St., 1968
99, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970
16, 6, 6, 6, 6,
vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Portland St., 1967 and 1968 S. Dakota St., 1969 Idaho State, 1971 South Dakota, 1975
H igh est A verage P er Carry 8.6, vs. North Dakota, 1948
H ig h est A verage Per P lay 9.9, vs. N. Dakota, 1948 (46-457)
FIRST DOW NS 29, vs. M ontana State, 1982 29, vs. Idaho, 1969 and 1974
M ost R ushing F irst D ow ns 25, Idaho, 1974
M ost A ttem p ts
M ost P a ssin g F irst D ow ns
62, vs. Idaho State, 1983
17, vs. Portland State, 1979 17, vs. Montana State, 1982 17, vs. Idaho State, 1983
M ost C om p letion s 35, vs. Idaho State, 1983
M ost Y ards 374, vs. M ontana State, 1982
M ost F irst D ow n s by P e n a ltie s 5, five times; three times in 1968
M ost T ou chdow ns 4, 4, 4, 4,
vs. vs. vs. vs.
W ashington, 1950, 1980 Idaho, 1968 Portland State, 1979 M ontana State, 1982
M ost R eturns
6, vs. Utah St., 1948
M ost N et Y ards M ost T ou chdow ns
M ost P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
M ost P u n ts 11, vs. Rice, 1973; vs. NevadaLas Vegas, 1978
M ost Y ards
SCORING M ost P o in ts 133, 60, 58, 58,
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 vs. Simon Fraser, 1980 vs. Portland St., 1968 vs. S. Dakota St., 1969
M ost T ou ch d ow n s 16, 8, 8, 8,
vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Eastern W ashington, 1950 Portland St., 1967 Portland St., 1968
18, vs. British Columbia, 1963
P A SS DEFENSE M ost In tercep tion s 8, vs. Portland St., 1977 7, two times in 1978
L ow est C om p letion P ercen ta g e .179, by M ontana St., 1971 (5-28)
M ost Y ards In tercep tion s R eturned 234, vs. N. Colorado, 1978
M ost C on version K icks
F ew e st P la y s A llow ed
16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 7, vs. Portland St., 1967 7, vs. Portland St., 1968 7, vs. Portland St., Northern Arizona, S. Dakota St., 1969
27, vs. British Columbia, 1963
H igh est C om pletion Pet.
443, vs. Utah St., 1968
.750, vs. M ontana State, 1982 .750, vs. Idaho State, 1963
H ig h est A verage
F ew e st C arries
492, vs. N. Arizona, 1967
18, vs. British Columbia, 1963
F ew e st Y ards A llow ed 28, vs. Utah St., 1950
L ow est A verage Per P lay A llow ed .68, vs. Utah St., 1950
Individual C areer F ootb all R ecord s RUSH ING M ost C arries 433, Monty Bullerdick, 1977-78
M ost N et Y ards 2,228, Rocky Klever, 1977-81
M ost Y ards P a ssin g 3,630, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-
M ost T ou ch d ow n s
M ost P o in ts
21, Karl Stein, 1969-70
196, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77 194, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26
22, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-
M ost P a s s e s H ad In tercep ted
M ost R ecep tio n s 151, Brian Salonen, 1980-83
25, Tom Kingsford, 1948-50 25, Van Troxel, 1972-75
M ost Y ards
M ost C om p letion s
H ig h est C om p letion Pet.
M ost T ouchdow n R ecep tio n s
309, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-
12, Brian Salonen, 1980-83
M ost A ttem p ts 527, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-
Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-
M ost In tercep tio n s
1,882, Brian Salonen, 1980-83
M ost T ou ch d ow ns 31, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26 21, Del Spear, 1973-76
M ost F ield G o a ls 35, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77
M ost C on version Kicks 102, Dan Worrell, 1968-70
Big Sky First Team Jerry Luchau............................................................................... 1963 Chris Pomajevich....................................................................... 1963 Pete G otay.................................................................................. 1963 Paul Connelly.............................................................................. 1964 Wayne Harrington...................................................................... 1964 Terry Bergen............................................................................... 1965 Willie J o n e s .................................................................................1965 Warren Hill.................................................................................. 1966 Bob G raham ............................................................................... 1967 Lon H ow ard............................................................................... 1967 Larry H uggins.............................................................................1967 Bryan Magnuson.........................................................................1967 Mick O’Neill.................................................................................1967 Bob B eers.............................................................................. 1967-68 Herb White.............................................................................1967-68 Tuufuli Uperesa.....................................................................1968-69 Tim G allagher.............................................................................1969 Bill G utm an.................................................................................1969 Les K en t...................................................................................... 1969 Jim N ordstrom........................................................................... 1969 Roy Robinson.............................................................................. 1969 John Stedham .............................................................................1969 Larry Stranahan.......................................................................... 1969 Arnie Blancas.........................................................................1969-70 Larry Miller.............................................................................1969-70 Karl Stein............................................................................... 1969-70 Steve Okoniewski :.........................................................1970-71 Steve C aputo................................. 1971 Ray Stachnick.............................................................................1971 Kit B lu e .............................................................................. 1972 Barry D arrow .............................................................................. 1972 Mick D ennehy.............................................................................1972 Leo LaR oche.............................................................................. 1972
Ron Rosenberg............................................................... 1972, 1974 Steve Taylor............................................................................... 1973 Dave Harrington .................................................................1973 Sly H ardy .............................................................................. 1973-74 Greg A nderson............................................................... 1974-75-76 Paul Cooley.................................................................................1976
Monty Bullerdick......................................................................... 1977 Steve Fisher.................................................................................1978 Allen G reen................................................................................. 1978 Sam Martin ............................................................................1978-79 Guy Bingham ........................................................................1978-79 Greg D unn.............................................................................1978-79 Jim Hard...................................................................................... 1979 Raul Allegre.................................................................................1979 Kent Clausen .............. 1979 Pat C urry.....................................................................................1981 Jim Rooney.................................................................................1981 Mickey S u tto n............................................................................. 1981 Tony F udge.................................................................................1982 Ben Kiefer....................................................................................1982 Brian S alo n en ............................................................................. 1983
Pacific Coast, Northwest, Skyline
W ayne H arrington 1964 All-Big Sky
All-Americans P layer
Y ear
Chris B e n tz ..................................................................................................................................... 1921 “Wild” Bill K elly.............................................................................................................................1926 Tom Davis* ....................................................................................................................................1929 Jim Morrow Waldo E kegren*.............................................................................................................................1930 Bob Stansberry*.............................................................................................................................1933 Henry Blastic Milt P o p o v ic h ...............................................................................................................................1 9 3 7 Joe D eluca*....................................................................................................................................1954 Doug Dansinger*........................................................................................................................... 1955 Stan R en n in g ........................................................................................................................... 1957-58 John L a n d s .............................................................................................................................. 1958-59 Terry Dillon..................................................................................................................................... 1962 Bob Beers (Associated Press, first te a m ).......................................................................... 1967-68 Herb White (AP*) ........................................................................................................................ 1968 Tuufuli Uperesa (AP, 2nd team ; Kodak*) Les Kent (AP, 2nd te a m )........................................................................................................... 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) Ray Brum (AP*) Ray Stein (AP and Kodak*) Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) ....................................................................................................... 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team) Arnie Blancas (AP*) Steve Okoniewski (AP*) Greg Maloney (Co-SIDA, 2nd team) Steve Okoniewski (AP, 3rd team; Kodak, 2nd te a m )........................................................1971 Steve Caputo (AP*) Barry Darrow (AP*) Barry Darrow (Universal Sports, 2nd te a m ).......................................................................... 1972 Ron Rosenberg (AP, 3rd team) ............................................ 1974 Greg Anderson (1975 A P */A P, Kodak, 1st team) ............................................................1976 Monty Bullerdick (AP*) .............................................................................................................. 1977 Steve Fisher (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team) Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP*) .......................................................................................... 1979 Allen Green (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team) Ed Cerkovnik (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team) Greg Iseman (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 3rd team )............................................................. 1982 Tony Fudge (AP, I-AA*) Marty Mornhinweg (AP1, I-AA*) Brian Salonen (AP, Kodak, Coaches, East-West Shrine Gam e, 2nd team Co-SIDA Academic AA)......................................................................................1983 *Denotes honorable mention.
Chris Bentz.................................................................................. 1914 Alfred Robertson....................................................................1914-15 Earl “Click” Clark........................................................................1915 “Wild” Bill Kelly ....................................................................1924-25 Reid H arm on.............................................................................. 1929 Bob Stansberry............................................................................1933 Milt Popovich.............................................................................. 1937 Aldo F orte....................................................................................1937 Ray B auer................................................................................... 1950 Bob Byrne....................................................................................1951 Hal M aus.....................................................................................1952 Jim Murray.................................................................................. 1952 Dick Im er................................................................................1953-54 Joe DeLucas................................................................................1954 Doug Dasinger.............................................................................1955 Stan Renning.........................................................................1957-58 John Lands............................................................................1958-59 Bob O’Billovich............................................................................1960 Pat Dodson.................................................................................. 1960 Terry Dillon ................................................................................. 1961
Larry M iller 1969 All-American All-Big Sky, 1969-70
All-Time Leaders (sin ce 1 9 4 8 ) C areer L eaders RUSHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Rocky Klever Steve Caputo Monty Bullerdick Arnie Blancas Dick Imer Terry Dillon Del Spear Paul Connelly Jeff Hoffman Bob Byrne
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Brian Salonen Ray Bauer Vern Kelly Jim Hard Paul Cooley Brad Dantic Allen Green John Lands Duane Walker Doug Bain Tom McMahon
SCORING 2,228 2,076 1,813 1,604 1,592 1,569 1,429 1,348 1,345 1,313
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Bruce Carlson Dan Worrell Del Spear Bob Turnquist Rocky Klever Dick Imer Raul Allegre Dean Rominger Greg Iseman Terry Dillon Casey Reilly 12. Pat Dodson
1,882 1,250 1,103 960 941 869 837 701 700 584 565
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
196 180 126 115 112 111 102 99 96 96 96 92
points points points points points points points points points points points points
3,630 2,296 2,178 2,068 1,745 1,447 1,446 1,231 1,177 1,144 1,073 1,034
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
P au l C on n elly
Marty Mornhinweg Tom Kingsford Bob Boyes Ray Brum Tim Kerr Van Troxel Rock Svennungsen Dick Heath Gary Berding Tom Huffer Ed Steiner Kelly Richardson
Bob B o y es
D an W orrell
Single Season R USHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9.
Greg Iseman ....... Monty Bullerdick . Les K e n t.............. Terry Dillon.......... Dick Imer ............. Arnie B lancas...... Bryan M agnuson. Monty Bullerdick . Rocky Klever.......
1,253 1,075 1,022 972 892 889 855 818 791 783
1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981
832 722 607 564 563 539 473 452 431 420 418
1983 1979 1976 1978 1950 1977 1969 1982 1955 1982 1981
1. 2. 3. 4.
11. 12.
Greg Iseman ....................... Dan W orrell........................ Dick Im e r ............................. Dan W orrell........................ Del S p e a r............................. Bruce C arlson...................... Dean Rom inger................... Pat D odson .......................... Rocky K lever....................... Brian S alonen ..................... Bruce C arlson..................... Raul A llegre........................
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Bob B oyes........................... Marty M ornhinweg............. Tom Kingsford.................... Marty M ornhinweg............. Tim K e rr .............................. Ray B rum ............................. Kelly R ichardson ................ Marty M ornhinweg............. Gary Berding....................... Dick H e a th .......................... Norm K am pschror.............
6. 8.
RECEIVING Brian Salonen. Jim H a rd ......... Paul Cooley ... Vern K elly...... Ray B a u e r...... Vern K elly...... Doug B a in ...... Brian Salonen. Terry Hurley .. 10. Greg Iseman .. 1 1 . Brian Salonen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
84 67 64 60 60 55 55 54 54 54 53 51
1982 1969 1954 1970 1974 1976 1981 1960 1979 1983 1977 1978-79
1,668 1,569 1,361 1,187 1,097 969 906 874 828 809 803
1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1969 1983 1980 1970 1953 1955
Grizzly Cup Initiated in 1921, the Grizzly Cup is the University of M ontana’s oldest athletic award. Dr. W. E. Schreiber, a long time head of the UM physical education departm ent, began the award which is given to the athlete who best represents the University on and off the play ing field.
Larry Higbee........................................................1921 Gil Porter............................................................. 1922 Gil Porter : ................................................... 1923 Angus M eagher..................................................1924 Russ Sw eet.......................................................... 1925 Ted Illman............................................................ 1926 Clarence C oyle................................................... 1927 Eddie Chinske.....................................................1928 Tom Davis............................................................ 1929 Ray Lewis............................................................ 1930 Glenn Lockw ood............................................... 1931 Lowell Dailey...................................................... 1932 Dale H inm an........................................................1933 A1 Dahlberg......................................................... 1934 Naseby Rhinehart, S r........................................1935 Henry Blastic........................................................1936 Bill Lazetich......................................................... 1938 Bob Thornally.....................................................1940 Tom O ’Donnell................................................... 1941 Bill Jo n e s............................................................. 1942 Henry D ahm er................................................... 1943 Charles M oses.....................................................1948 John Helding...................................................... 1949 Jack O’Laughlin..................................................1950 Ray B auer............................................................ 1951 Robert B yrne........................................................1952 Jack Luckm an.....................................................1953 Ed A nderson.............................................. , ........1954
Rock Svennungsen
Murdo Campbell.................................................1955 Dale S h u p e ...........................................................1956 Don Williamson.................................................. 1957 Naseby Rhinehart, J r ........................................1958 Mike Granbois.....................................................1959 Rudy R uana......................................................... 1960 Bob O ’Billovich................................................... 1961 Bob O’Billovich................................................... 1962 Paul D. Miller...................................................... 1963 Tim Aldrich...........................................................1964 William M. Rice.................................................. 1965 Gary B. Peck...................................................... 1966 Greg H anson...................................................... 1967 Willie Jo n e s......................................................... 1968 Mick Harrington.................................................. 1969 Roy Robinson...................................................... 1970 Lonzo Lewis........................................................1971 Steve Okoniewski............................................... 1972 Earl T ye................................................................ 1973 Robin Selvig......................................................... 1974 Rock Svennungsen............................................ 1975 Dean Erhard........................................................1976 Marsha Ham ilton.................................................1977 Tim Kerr...............................................................1978 Ed Cerkovnik...................................................... 1979 Craig Z anon......................................................... 1980 Rocky Klever........................................................1981 Greg Isem an........................................................1982 Brian Salonen.....................................................1983
1975 Grizzly Cup
Grizzly Awards Each year five outstanding University of Montana football players are recipients of awards. The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back, was established in 1964 following the accidental death of former Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. He started at defensive halfback for the National Football League Minnesota Vikings. The Paul W eskamp Award was established in memory of Paul W eskamp, a tackle on Ed Chinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. The award honors UM’s outstanding lineman and was established by the citizens of Ronan, Mont. The Golden Helmet Award honors the hardest hitter on the team . It was set up on a nationwide basis by the Coca-Cola Com pany in 1967. The Larry Miller Award is given in memory of the great Grizzly lineman and wrestler who competed for UM in 1969 and 1970. Miller died in an automobile accident in 1974. The award honors the team s’ outstanding defensive lineman. The Steve Carlson award is given to the team s’ most valuable player in memory of the former Grizzly football player who died in 1977.
Joey Charles 1983 Dillon A w ard
D illon 1964—Wayne Harrington 1965—Paul Connelly 1966—Jim Neilsen 1967—Bryan Magnuson 1968—Mike Buzzard 1969—Karl Stein 1970—Arnie Blancas 1971—Steve Caputo 1972—Jeff Hoffman 1973—Bob Smith 1974—Rock Svennungsen 1975—Del Spear 1976—Paul Fisness 1977—Monty Bullerdick 1978—Rocky Klever 1979—Rocky Klever 1980—Wayne Harper 1981—Rocky Klever 1982—Greg Iseman 1983—Joey Charles
G old en H elm et W eskam p 19671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983-
-Larry Huggins -Tuufuli Uperesa -Tuufuli Uperesa -Larry Miller -Steve Okoniewski -R on Richards -Jim Leid -Larry Farnam -W alt Brett -D an Sullivan -Terry Falcon -G uy Bingham -G uy Bingham -Brian McHugh -Jim Rooney -G reg Am undsen -Bob Cordier
1967—Bob Beers 1968—Herb White 1969—Jim Nordstrom 1970—Jim Nordstrom 1971—Casey Reilly 1972—Mick Dennehy 1973—Sly Hardy 1974—Ron Rosenberg 1975—Steve Dionas 1976—Greg Anderson 1977—Kelly Johnson 1978—Kent Clausen 1979—Greg Dunn 1980—Jay Becker 1981—Scott Gratton 1982—Scott Gratton Curt McElroy 1983—Brent Oakland
Miller 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
—Doug Betters —Steve Fisher —Steve Fisher -S a m Martin -A rnie Rigoni - P a t Curry - J o e Nuu -Cliff Lewis
C arlson (MVP) 1977—Ron Lebsock 1978—Tim Kerr 1979—Jim Hard 1980—Kent Clausen 1981—Rocky Klever 1982—Greg Iseman Marty Mornhinweg 1983—Brian Salonen
Current/Former Montana Pros Steve Sullivan.............. ....... 1922 Ed Illm an....................... ....... 1926 “Wild” Bill Kelly........... ....... 1927 Len Noyes .................... ....... 1937 Milton Popovich .......... ....... 1937 Paul Szakash ................ ....... 1937 Aldo Forte...................... ....... 1938 Bill Lazetich................... 1938 1941 John D o la n ................... Stan R enning................ 1959 1960 John L a n d s ................... Gary Schwertfeger ..... 1961 1962 Bob O’Billovich ........... Terry D illon................... 1963 Mike T illem an .............. 1964 Bryan Magnuson ......... 1967 Tuufuli U p e resa ........... 1969 Dave Urie ...................... 1969 Roy Robinson .............. 1972 Willie Postler................. 1972
Steve Okoniewski Barry D arrow ............. Jim H a n n .................... Ron Rosenberg.......... Greg Harris ................ Walt B r e tt................... *Doug B e tte rs............. *Terry Falcon.............. Greg A nderson.......... *Tim H o o k .............. . *Carm C a rte ri............. *Guy B ingham ............ *Rocky K lever............. *Rich Burtness ............ *tMike Hagen .............. *tMickey S utton ........... *Brian S a lo n en ............ fJo e y C h a rle s............. fT ony Fudge ..............
Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indians Edmonton Indianapolis Warriors V ancouver’s B.C. Lions Ottawa Rough Riders Minnesota Vikings New Orleans Saints Washington Redskins Philadelphia Houston Oilers Saskatchewan Vancouver’s B.C. Lions
1972 1974 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1979 1979 1979 1980 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1984 1984
Atlanta Cleveland Browns Portland Cincinnati Bengals New York Jets Atlanta Falcons Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Montreal Saskatchewan Ottawa New York Jets (10th round) New York Jets (9th round) Dallas Cowboys (12th round) Seattle Seahawks Pittsburgh Maulers Dallas Cowboys (10th round) Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys
N ote: Year listed is first as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted on or signed with. *Still Active
th re e Agent
Tim H ook
D ave Urie
M ickey Sutton
Saskatchew an—1979
Houston Oilers—1969
Pittsburgh Maulers—1984
Future Grizzly Schedules Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23
Cal State Fullerton at Northern Iowa Portland State at E. W ashington Nevada-Reno Idaho State at Idaho at M ontana State Weber State Boise State at N. Arizona Open
1985 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22
Open North Dakota State at Nevada-Reno N. Arizona E. Washington at Boise State at Idaho State Montana State Idaho at Weber State Open at Portland State
Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21
Open Portland State at N. Arizona Nevada-Reno at U. of Pacific at Idaho Boise State W eber State at Montana State Idaho State at E. Washington at Cal State Fullerton
ALL 1897 Blake, Harold** ....................Missoula Crain, Fred* ......................... Missoula Ebert, Fred*........................... Missoula Goodfellow, Howard*........... Ovando Heyfron, Dan* ..................... Missoula Jones, Martin*....................... Corvallis Kennedy, Hugh** ................Missoula Kennett, George**.................Missoula Rittenour, Clifford*............... Missoula Schroeder, Howard*.............Missoula Ward, Sidney** ...................Hamilton Westby, George** ................Missoula 1898 Allard, Charles***.................... Ravalli Ebert, Laurence* ....Vancouver, WA Flynn, Michael* ....................Missoula Hechler, Laurens**.............. Hamilton Heyfron, Gil***...................... Missoula Miller, Ed*..............................Missoula Sedman, Ellis** .....................Missoula Sedman, Oscar**..................Missoula 1899 Cross, Shorty*....................... Missoula Craig, William**** ................ Missoula Graham, Hugh* ......................Bonner Hodson, William*..................Missoula Jameison, William*................... Victor Marceyes, Claude****............ Forsyth McAllister, Claude*............... Missoula McCormick, Washington* ...Missoula McDonald, Homer*** Potomac Sloane, Hugh* ..................... Missoula Walker, Sidney* ...................Missoula 1900 Buckhouse, Joe****..............Missoula Farrell, George** Virginia City Garlington, King**** ............ Missoula Greenough, Leo**** ............ Missoula Hay, Walter**** .....................Missoula Hughes, Herbert** .........................NA Polleys, Hovey*** .................Missoula Walters, Ray ..................Missoula 1901 Barnes, George*............... Olivet, WI Greenough, Warren* Missoula Johnson, Elmer**** ..............Missoula Latimer, Frank**................... Missoula McCauley, Charles*..............Missoula McPhail, Roy***** New Chicago Parsons, Houston* ............... Missoula Sheridan, Guy* .................... Missoula Walters, Guy* ....................... Missoula Marshall, Charlie* .................Missoula Westby, Arthur*.....................Missoula 19 0 2 Cochrane, William*..........Red Lodge Crowley, Clem*..........................Butte Fergus, Faustus* ..................Whitehall Greenough, Paul**............... Missoula Russell, Harvey*................... Missoula Smith, Earl* ................................... NA Urlin, John*........................... Missoula Williams, Arthur**.............Radersburg Williams, Frank*..............Deer Lodge Wood, Leslie*.................................NA 19 0 3 Corbin, Edwin** ................... Missoula Curtis, John H .*........................ Butte Farrell, Joseph T.* ............... Missoula Greenough, Earl*** ..............Missoula Hammer, Walter*..............Miles City Hardenburgh, Floyd**..........Missoula Messenger, Ralph* ............... Missoula Murphy, Fred*** ................... Missoula Schoonover, Chas.** Phillipsburg Spaulding, Thomas* Missoula Willis, Hartwell***........, Plains 1904 Adam, Emil**.........................Missoula Cary, Robert**............. N. Platte, NE Dimmick, Chas.***............... Missoula Fisher, Eugene*** .................Rosebud Holmes, Robie* ....................... Billings Longley, Ed* ................... Stevensville E d ito r’s N ote: Player is listed the first year he lettered at UM. Asterisks in dicate number of letters won.
FOOTBALL 19 0 5 Farrell, Thomas*.........., Missoula Fisher, John* ..............St. Louis, MO Fitzgerald, Edward* ................... Butte Fulton, Scott* .................................NA Gunner, James*.............................NA 1906 Ambrose, Keith**..................Missoula Berry, Oral**........................... Granite Bishop, Arthur****.................Missoula Craig, Vincent*......................Missoula Flaherty, James*.................. Bozeman Harriman, William** ....Petoskey, MI Lewis, Frank**............................... NA King, John R.*................... Livingston Kitt, Berney**.........................Missoula McCarthy, Eugene*........... Townsend McNamara, John* ..........East Helena Morgan, Arthur** ......Marshfield, OR 1907 Dinsmore, Raymond* Missoula McLaren, Gilbert** ..............Hamilton Ryan, Emmett****......................Valier Stoddard, Thayer*** Missoula Thomas, Dilwayn*...................... Butte 1908 Connor, Daniel****................... Darby Fredell, Ernest** .................Anaconda Johnson, Chas.**..................Missoula McClay, Harry***..................Missoula Reardon, Stephen**....... Boston, MA Simpson, Martin***............... Missoula Smead, Burton***.................Missoula Soderston, John* Clinton, IA Tait, William*.........................Missoula Torrey, Henry* Manila, PI Veale'y, William**..................Missoula Webster, F.* ..........................Missoula Winstanley, Edward**** Missoula 1909 Beard, LeBaron** ................ Missoula Bennett, William** Anaconda Ittner, William* ..Red Lake Falls, MN Kennett, Holter*......................Helena Little, George** .....................Missoula Thieme, Fred**......................Missoula 1910 Day, Clifford*** .....................Missoula Deschamps, Elizierd** Missoula Dobson, Cecil**..........Dickinson, ND Dornblaser, Paul****....... Chicago, IL Gleason, Frank* ................... Florence Simpkins, Edward**** Missoula 191 1 Forbes, Hugh*....................... Missoula Hunt, Lewis**..........................Kalispell Kelly, Pat*** ......................Big Timber Klebe, George** ................... Missoula McCarthy, Patrick**..............Missoula Ronan, Peter***.................... Missoula Owsley, Merritt**** Twin Bridges 1912 Busha, Tom**................... Big Timber Craighead, Ed*......................Missoula Daems, Leonard****..........Harlowton Davidson, Bertram*........... Anaconda Gault, James*** Great Falls Griffith, William*.................Anaconda Stone, George* .....................Missoula Streit, Norman****.................Missoula Weidman, Roy**.........................Pony
LETTERMEN 1915 Adams, Harry****......Aberdeen, WA Blackwell, Ira* Aberdeen, WA Cook, Sam *............................... Idaho Dreis, Frank* ......................Minnesota Layton, Jack*** Portland, OR McQuarrie, Claude** Missoula Mahrt, Pete*..........................Missoula
1925 Beeman, Stewart* .............Lewistown Coleman, Charles*............... Alberton Brittenham, Curtis***............ Kalispell Kain, Sam***........................... Helena Ostrum, Emil**............... Wabash, MN Vierhus, Louis***...........Portland, OR Whitcomb, Clark***.................Helena
1916 Dahlberg, Harry****................... Butte Jones, Lester*............... Everett, WA Lockridge, Earl*............... Stevensville Nelson, Al*.............................Missoula Orr, Conrad**....................... Missoula Woodward, Ward* Miles City
1926 Callison, Lloyd***......................Loma Chinske, Ed*** Michigan City, IN Coyle, Clarence** ................ Alberton Davis, Tom***.............................Butte Fogerty, Gerald*.........................Butte Murray, Marshall***..............Missoula Parmalee, James***..............Missoula Rafferty, William*........... Wabash, MN Rognlien, Gordon***............ Kalispell Tiernan, Robert***........... Toledo, OH
1917 Carver, Dwight** ..................Florence Doherty, Emmett*......................Butte Driscoll, John*.............................Butte Felker, Preston*.................... Missoula Harris, James*** .........................Butte Kreis, Robert*........................... Sidney Lamb, Henry*........................... Laurel ' Leahy, Arthur* ........................... Butte Sailor, Floyd*.............................Havre Sullivan, Stephen****................ Butte 1 9 1 8 - N o team organized due to the war. 1919 Brown, Wingfield*.............Philipsburg Clinich, Vernon*.........................Butte Daylis, Fred***....................... Worden DeMers, Lambert**.................... Arlee Dorsey, James***..................Missoula Farmer, James “Eck”* Missoula Fitzgerald, Harold* Miles City Howard, Cort* .....................Bozeman Keeley, Patrick** ............Deer Lodge Volger, Ralph* ........................... Butte Walterskirchen, Wm.**........ Missoula 1920 Baird, Harold*....................... Missoula Barry, Earl* ........................... Missoula Elliott, Harvey*** ..................Missoula Freeman, Paul* Great Falls Highbee, Lawrence*............ Missoula Kershner, Leroy Joe** Billings Madsen, Lloyd***............... Miles City McGowan, Thomas***......Lewistown Ramsey, Ted***.................Lewistown 1921 Christie, Ralph** Spokane, WA Ddhlberg, George***..................Butte Johnston, William* ...New York, NY Lambert, James* Great Falls Murphy, Ray**................... Anaconda Plummer, Ted*** Stevensville Porter, Gilbert**............... Stevensville Rooney, Harry*.....................Missoula Straw, Alva*............................ Forsyth Tanner, Gordon** ..............Miles City 1922 Coleman, Chas.*..................Alberton Johnson, Earl** .....................Missoula Maudlin, Warren*** Three Forks O’Neill, William*................... Missoula Shaffer, John*** ................ Miles City Silvernale, Grant***................... Baker
1913 Anderson, Herbert*....................... NA Collins, Ray*............................... Butte Craighead, Barclay*..............Missoula Kress, Paul* ..........................Michigan Sheridan, Phillip*** ........... Paola, KS
1923 Dahlberg, Oscar*** .................... Butte Griffin, Walter***..................Roundup Hyde, Neil*............................ Fairview Illman, Ted***....................... Missoula Meagher, Angus**......................Butte Moe, O.K.*.................St. Cloud, MN Plummer, Ben***.............Stevensville Sugrue, Pat’** ................... Anaconda Taylor, Ed*..........................Miles City
1914 Bentz, Christian**** ....Aberdeen, SD Burns, Virgil*...................Mexico, MO Clark, Earl***................... Everett, WA Guerin, William*........... Olympia, WA Keeran, John*** Harrington, WA Robertson, Alfred**........... Minnesota Sanderson, Lawson*** .Shelton, WA Scherck, George*** ..............Missoula Vance,' Cecil** ................ Washington Claypool, Clinton* ............... Missoula
1924 Axtell, George** ..................Bozeman Burrell, Walter*** ........... Tampa, FL Cogswell, Andy*** ............... Missoula Fletcher, Claude**............... Roundup Hanson, Danta**.................... Mildred Kelly, “Wild” Bill***.............. Missoula Martinson, Karl***.................Missoula Ritter, Milton***..............Eveleth, MN Sweet, Russell**..................Miles City Varney, Howard* ................... Helena
1927 Clark, James** Pasadena, CA Dezell, William* Winona, MN Foss, Don***..............................Havre Harmon, Reid***................. Price, UT Lewis, Ray***..............................Butte Mellinger, Ted*** ....Pine Island, MN Morrow, James*** ................... Moore 1928 Carpenter, Clyde***.................Billings Ekegren, Kermit*** .................Harlem Ekegren, Waldo***.................. Harlem Lyon, Ray*** ........................... Billings Moore, Thomas*** Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** ....Kenosha, WI Perey, Emile*** .................Philipsburg Peterson, Russell*** Miles City Ryan, Jerry*** ................ Deer Lodge Rule, Ted***................... Deer Lodge Schotte, George**................... Helena Spencer, Franklin***............... Geyser 1929 Boone, William**........... Deer Lodge Burns, Elmer* ....................... Choteau Cox, Walter*** ........................... Butte McCarthy, Thomas***....... Anaconda Murray, Henry***..................Missoula Walker, Carl* Boundary, WA 1930 Botzenhardt, August** Anaconda Breen, Robert**..........................Butte Dailey, Lowell** ......................Scobey Fox, Richard** .........................Billings Grove, Joseph*.........Glenwood, MN LeRoux, Leonard** .Wis. Rapids, WI Madden, Gilbert**................ Roundup Snyder, George** Great Falls Vidro, August***................ Anaconda 1931 Caven, Arthur*** Miles City Crowley, Cale**..........................Butte Dahlberg, Alfred**......................Butte Hinman, Dale**........... Greybull, WY Kuka, Leonard***......................Havre Lyman, Chalmer**..................Helena McKay, John* ..........................Noxon Meeker, Delmer** ................ Missoula Reynolds, Linwood***............... Butte Williams, Wendell*..................Billings 1932 Andersen, Leif** Portland, OR Carpenter, Kenneth*** Hamilton Emery, Cal***.......................... Helena Hawke, William**....................... Butte Hileman, William***.............Whitefish Kuka, George*** Chicago, IL Oech, Vern*.............................Billings Rhinehart, Naseby*** .Milwaukee, WI Sayatovich, George*** Anaconda Stansberry, Robert* Norfolk, NB Vesel, Frank**......................Roundup 1933 Benson, Frank* White Pine Blastic, Henry*** Chicago, IL Brandenberg, Herbert*** ...Miles City Hartsell, Louis***............... Anaconda Heller, Albert**............. Twin Bridges Kent, Edison*.............................Dillon McCall, Rodney*..........Silverton, OR Newgard, Morris* ..................Kalispell
Roberts, James* ......................Billings Story, Leland** ......................Winnett Sullivan, John*** ....................... Butte Zemke, Hubert*.....................Missoula 1934 Babich, Roy** ............................Butte Carter, Don* ........ Los Angeles, CA Cosgrove, Robert*** ..Alhambra, CA Dickson, Robert* ...Los Angeles, CA Holmquist, Don*..................Whitefish Newgard, Morris* ................. Kalispell Olson, Clifford***................ Whitefish Whittinghall, Chas.***.............Helena Wilcox, Charles**.............Stevensville 1935 Breen, Robert* ...........................Butte Farnum, Donald* ............. Harlowton Noyes, Leonard*** ....................Butte Pomajevich, Joseph*** Missoula Popovich, Milt*** .......................Butte Previs, John* Thompson Falls Shields, John**....................Miles City Swanson, Carl**.................Anaconda Szakash, Paul** Chicago, IL Welch, Roderick* ...Long Beach, CA 1936 Beal, Robert***................... Anaconda Bonawitz, Norval*.................Missoula Brower, Gerald*** Miles City Dolan, John***.........................Helena Forte, Aldo*** Chicago, IL Gedgord, Tom* Chicago, IL Gibson, Lyman*...........Puyallup, WA Golden, Joseph* Chicago, IL Jenkin, Fred*** ..................Anaconda Lazetich, William***........... Anaconda Lundberg, Roland** Chicago, IL Mariana, Joseph* Miles City Matasovic, William*** ....Chicago, IL McDonald, Archie**.................Nirada Morris, Clifford* Miles City Peterson, Arthur*** Great Falls Peterson, Philip*** ............... Kalispell Rolston, Thomas*** ............... Forsyth Smith, Frank** Chicago, IL Spelman, James*** Anaconda Strizich, Joseph* Great Falls Vogel, Robert* ................ Whiting, IN Williams, Charles*** Chicago, IL Zimmerman, Walter* Chicago, IL 1937 Hoon, Jack***..........................Helena Lundberg, Roger*** ..Northwood, IA Nugent, Frank*** ............... Miles City Shaffer, Harry**..........................Butte Stenson, Perry*** ..................Kalispell Taberacci, Emil*** .............Great Falls Thornally, Robert***....... Chicago, IL Van Bramer, Glen***..............Billings 1938 Edwards, Hugh***......................Butte Hoacek, Ed** Wheeling, W.VA Johnson, Neil***................... Missoula O’Donnell, Thomas*** ..Casper, WY Shegina, William**............ Anaconda 1939 Brauer, Fred*** .....................Missoula Brown, Clyde*........................... Dillon Bryan, Don**........................... Billings Clawson, Gene***.................Missoula Drahos, Kenneth**** ..Puyallup, WA Dratz, John***....................... Missoula Duffy, Tom** ..............................Butte Duncan, John** ...................... Helena Gorton, Robert*.....................Kalispell Gustafson, Roy**.................. Corvallis Muficfi, William****.................... Butte Narche, Eso*** ........................... Butte Ness, Robert* .........................Kalispell Nussbacker, Karl*..................Missoula Roberts, Buan*........................... Butte Roberts, Sam*.......................... Helena Strom, Roy*** ..........................Shelby Swarthout, Jack*** Prosser, WA Vaughn, Coleman* Anaconda Jones, William**.................Livingston 1940 Dahmer, Henry* ....................... Havre Daems, Leonard*.................Bozeman
ALL Emigh, Jack*.................Kankakee, IL Eiske, Karl***.......................... Outlook Jones, Charles*.................. Livingston Leaphart, William***............ Missoula Page, John*........................... Kalispell Reagan, John**............... Chicago, IL Robertson, William*** Great Falls Sparks, Robert* ..........................Butte Swarthout, William*** ...Prosser, WA Walters, Ted**.......................... Billings
1941 Barbour, William*........... Philadelphia Burke, Paul**........................... Billings Kampfe, Paul*....................... Kalispell Keig, William*.....................Anaconda Kern, Richard**.................. Livingston Mather, William*............... Lewistown Reynolds, Vernon** Prosser, WA Scott, Arnold** .......................... Plains Tyvand, Ben*** .......................... Butte Westwater, James* Chicago, IL
1942 Badgley, Kirk Jr.**............... Missoula Berger, Edward*......................Billings Bowman, Richard*........Casper, WY Felt, Tom*.................................Billings Ferris, Jack* .................... Belmar, NJ Fox, Donald*....................... Park City Leaphart, Don* .....................Missoula McIntosh, James* .................Missoula Misic, William* ................ Chicago, IL Nyquist, Donald*.....................Scobey Schiller, Carl* ................. Chicago, IL Taylor, Joseph*.............. Chicago, IL Thiebes, Joseph* ............. Great Falls Vannett, Leonard*..........Pasco, WA
1 9 4 3 , 19 4 4 — Football dropped because of World War II 1945 Arnst, Richard*..............Fort Benton Cook, Robert** Cut Bank Craft, Archie* Los Angeles, CA Dayton, Clark*................... Anaconda Donovan, John*.................Anaconda Fleming, Eugene* ................... Eureka Gall, Donald* ................. Fort Benton Gallagher, Edward*........... Anaconda George, Donald*.........................Butte Kalisch, Frank*** Dickinson, ND Krause, Kenneth*......................Dillon O’Loughlin, James*** Missoula Preuninger, William*............ Missoula Rhehfield, Robert*.................Missoula Rist. Severt* .............................Billings Rossmiller, Edward** Minot, ND Shephard, William* ..Des Moines, IA Stephens, Wallace** ............... Billings Thompson, Harry*.................Kalispell Thorsrud, Garfield* .............. Missoula Williamson, Paul*.................. Missoula Lewis, George* .....................Missoula
1946 Anderson, Robert***.............Missoula Briney, Frank**........................... Butte Cheek, John*.............................Dillon Cork, Lee*’**.........................Missoula Gerner, Kenneth* ....Thompson Falls Helding, John**** .................Missoula Kovacich, John* .........................Butte Kumpuris, Mike**** ..Little Rock, AR Leeper, Sam*** .......................... Butte Lodell, Albert* ................... Anaconda Malcolm, Roy****..................Missoula Normand, Robert* ............ Anaconda Palmer, Loren* .........................Laurel Pattison, Leo*....................... Glasgow Radakovich, Dan***.............. Glasgow Renolds, William*** Highland, IN Roberts, Pierre**................... Missoula Scott, Wilbur* ....................... Missoula Semansky, Frank**** .................Butte Streit, David**....................... Missoula Sivingen, Marcus*.................Glasgow Walterskirchen, Jerome* Missoula Warden, Darrel* ............... Great Falls Yovetich, Dan*........................... Butte
Hammerness, Roland***......Glasgow Harris, Doyle**.......... Forest City, AR Malone, Jack**.........................Billings Prueninger, William*..............Missoula Replogle, Bert*.................Lewistown Selstad, Tom***................Great Falls Whalen, Robert*.........................Butte
1948 Campbell, Don*** Great Falls Chaffin, Everett**..................Missoula Kafentzis, Andy***.................Missoula Kafentzis, Chris* ................... Missoula King, Jack***..........................Kalispell Kingsford, Tom***................ Missoula Korn, Dan**........................... Kalispell Naye, William*.............Petaluma, CA Smith, William (B.J.)*............... Butte Stewart, Gordon***................ Forsyth Morey, William* ................... Sheridan
1949 Byrne, Robert***......................Billings Campbell, Ken**............... Great Falls Doyle, Richard*.....................Missoula Hanson, Robert** Santa Monica, CA Lamberg, Ed* (Mgr.) ................ Butte Mayte, Carol*** ............ Sand Coulee Murphy, Charles** Burlington, IA Oberweiser, Jack*................... Billings Reed, Dick** Miles City Volk, Fred** Great Falls Wold, Paul*** ........................... Laurel
1950 Antonick, Robert***................... Butte Baker, William*.........................Poison Gerlinger, Don*** Chicago, IL Carlson, Gene*** ..............Great Falls Graves, Robert*** ................... Billings Ingram, Mel*** .........................Billings Jones, Gordon***....................... Butte Laird, Loren*** Miles City Lamley, Robert***..........Kenton, OH Leonard, Robert**....Santa Ana, CA Maus, Harold*** ..................Hamilton Merrill, Earl**.................... Selma, CA Miller, David** ....Santa Monica, CA Moomaw, Richard** .Santa Ana, CA Murray, Jim***................... Anaconda Nearing, Ed* Los Angeles, CA Rothwell, Jack* ....................... Billings Sherbeck, Harold**........... Big Sandy Thomas, Lloyd** Santa Ana, CA Vucurovich, George**............... Butte Watt, Henry* ...Hermosa Beach, CA White, John*............. Santa Ana, CA Walker, William*..................Bozeman
1951 Anderson, Eddie***..............Missoula Burke, Jim*** .....................Livingston Campbell, Murdo**** Great Falls Davidson, Ian* Great Falls Lindsey, Richard** ............... Missoula Nickel, Frank**.........................Billings Mirchoff, Fred** Santa Ana, CA Shadoan, Richard**................ Billings Stewart, Robert** ................... Forsyth Roberts, Joe**.............................Butte Yurko, Robert* Great Falls
1952 Brandt, Don** ...................... Glendive Brott, Dean* Seattle, WA Crumley, Robert* ............... Cut Bank Dantic, Robert***......................Laurel De Luca, Joe** ................ Weed, CA Deuchler, Owen** ................... Seattle Gompf, Harold* ........................ Libby Due, William*** Great Falls Heath, Richard*** Miles City Jensen, Marlyn*** Miles City Little, Don***........................... Helena Orlich, Don* ............................... Butte Pinsoneault, Richard*......St. Ignatius Samuelson, George***.........Glendive Stocking, G. Edgar* Whitefish Swearingen, C.* ..Port Orchard, WA Wilson, James* .........................Laurel
Bauer, Ray**** .................. Great Falls Delaney, Don***................... Missoula DeVore, Kent**....................... Helena Ford, Henry*** .............Durango, CO Gorton, Robert* .................... Kalispell
Barone, Vincent**.........Elizabeth, NJ Burke, Howard**............... Livingston Byerly, Kenneth*** Lewistown Dasinger, Douglas**..........Wolf Point Laird, Walton** Miles City
Leuthold, Kenneth*..................Laurel Milne, Curtis** ......................Glendive Peterson, Keith** Seattle, WA Shupe, Dale*** ....................... Harlem Weskamp, Paul** .....................Ronan
1954 Enochson, Paul***.....................Havre Gehring, Robert** Port Orchard, WA Kaiserman, William***....... Livingston Miles, Robert*....................Anaconda Muri, Pete**....................... Miles City Small, Robert*** ................... Missoula Rowam, James* (Mgr.) Livingston
1955 Bissell, Don*..................................Belt Bray, Roy***..........................Missoula Dvizi, Richard**......................Kalispell Erickson, Harold* ....Sioux Falls, SD Gardner, William* ......... Seattle, WA Hurley, Terry*** .............Chicago, IL Johnson, Terry* ......................Billings Johnson, Ronald*..........Elmhurst, IL Jones, Ivory**............... Oakland, CA Kampschror, Norman*.........Glendive Lonner, Walter*.......................... Butte Mading, Wallace* ..................Missouri McGibon, Robert**........... Great Falls Pangle, Louis*** Denver, CO Rhinehart, Naseby Jr.*** ....Missoula Rosera, Ervin*** ................. Lena, WI Strand, Carl*............Bremerton, WA Wikert, Milton*........ Santa Ana, CA Wilhamson, don*....................... Butte
1956 Benjamin, Karl** ....Seattle, WA Bockman, Montana*** Missoula Butossish, Robert*......................Butte Carver, Duane* ............. Seattle, WA Connors, Jerry*** Spokane, WA Dixon, John** Spokane, WA Everson, Robert***...... Cheney, WA Gorsich, Mathew*** Highland, IN Hand, Bill** Selah, WA Hart, Willard* ...............Oakland, CA Hayes, Severn*............Oakland, CA McKelvie, Charles** Reseda, CA Manno, Pat*....................... Anaconda Moore, Edward*** .......... Deer Lodge O’Brien, Michael*** ....Spokane, WA Renning, Stanley*** Great Falls Tennant, Vefnon* .................Kalispell Gue, Kenneth* Great Falls
1957 Barney, Phil* .........................Missoula Bilan, Edward*........Calgary, Alberta Brown, Ronald* Sun Valley, CA Fell, Donald* ................... Vallejo, CA Grant, Russell* Mead, WA Griffin, Phil** Chicago, IL Jankovich, Sam*.........................Butte Johnson, Howard**.............Hamilton Keeley, Earl* Vancouver, B.C. Leenhouts, Richard* Selah, WA Love, John*..................Burbank, CA McArthur, Jon* Vancouver, WA Myers, Larry**............... Pacoma, CA Olson, Bruce**......................Missoula Pepe, Joe**........................... Missoula Sorenson, Thomas** Benicia, CA Sparber, Dale** Cashmere, WA Vierra, Lester* Yakima, WA Vercurovich, George* ............... Butte Williamson, Dan*....................... Butte Young, Jerry** .................Sandy, OR
1958 Berry, Dale*** ....................... Fairview Emerson, Michael** Lewiston, ID Gratton, Roger (Tim)* Missoula Gregor, John***....................... Shelby Greminger, Henry** ..Alhambra, CA Johnson, James***............... Missoula Lands, John** Baton Rouge, LA Matte, John*** ......................Missoula Meese, John** Woodside, CA Nearamys, Robert* Pasco, WA Palayo, Alvin* Honolulu, HI Johnson, Richard* (Mgr.) Hamilton
1959 Beddes, Lawrence***..............Billings Dotson, Jerry* Bremerton, WA Ekegren, Gary***.....................Harlem Grasky, James*** Miles City
Gustafson, Paul*** .Vancouver, B.C. Harris, James* ........ Des Moines, IA Kosiur, David** Wetaskiwin, Alb. O’Billovich, Robert***.................Butte Schwend, Howard**............... Bridger Schwertfeger, C.***‘.Milwaukee, WI Schwertfeger, G.****.Milwaukee, WI Smith, Gary*** .....................Whitefish Thomson, Mike**.....................Billings Sorenson, Glenn** .................. Billings Schulz, John***.....................Missoula Russell, Grant*..................Mead, WA
1960 Bansemer, James* ....Milwaukee, WI Bartell, James*** Glencoe, IL Birgenheier, Richard** Harlowton Baucher, William***........... Livingston Dillon, Terry*......................Irving, KS Dodson, Pat***.........................Shelby Herber, Edmund** Camas, WA Miller, Dick***............... Hopkins, MN Moe, Eugene**.........................Helena Peters, Daniel** ..........................Butte Rudio, Jack** .......................... Helena Shevalier, Jack** .....................Helena Trotter, C.M.** Longview, WA Werba, Ronald*** Chicago, IL
1961 Dennis, George*......... Irving, KS Gilder, Richard** ..................Missoula Hauck, Thomas*** .....................Butte Huse, Richard**.................Great Falls Miller, Paul D.** ................ Miles City Wallwork, Bruce***.. .Waimanalo, HI Wood, Steve***.................Great Falls
1962 Calder, Fred**.........Toms River, NJ Dennis, Wayne* ....Vancouver, B.C. Ellison, William* Mandan, ND Gotay, Peter**.............Clarkston, NY Jenkins, Gary** .................Great Falls Kemmit, Dennis* ..............Great Falls Leonard, Eugene** Bay City, MI Luchau, Gerald***.................Missoula Martin, Bill*** .............................Dillon Pomajevich, Chris**.............. Superior Russel, Brent***.....................Missoula Scouel, Larry* ....................... Kalispell
1963 Bain, Frank*........................... Kalispell Barherie, John* Calgary, Alberta Benzley, Robert** ..Green River, WY Buetman, Charles*..........Telford, PA Crippen, Robert*.........................Butte Greenfield, Rocky*............... Missoula Huffer, Thomas** .........Maywood, IL McElhenney, Ted*......................Butte Meyer, Dennis* ....................... Helena Petty, Larry**.....................Great Falls Robinson, Clarence* ............ Kalispell Seeley, Roger** ....................... Shelby Tilleman, Michael** ..............Chinook Tripp, Eugene**.................... Missoula
1964 Aukamp, Ronald* ...Mt. Prospect, IL Bergren, Terry*.......................... Darby Brophy, Robert* Red Lodge Clemens, Roger* ............Plenty wood Connoly, Paul*........... Muskegon, MI Enger, David* Deer Lodge Ferris, Edward*.......................... Dillon Garland, Roger* ....Spring Valley, IL Harrington, Wayne* ....Yakima, WA Hill, Warren* ........................... Billings Joramo, Floyd* .....................Choteau Neilson, James*....................... Shelby Salois, Jerry* .....................Philipsburg Salvo, Jim*.................................Dillon Schmauch, Michael* Great Falls Smelko, Daniel* Hubbard, OH Walle, Charles* .....................Superior Welker, Thomas* ................... Conrad Whipple, James* .....................Helena
1965 Adams, Merle*................... Livingston Becker, Wayne** ....Chula Vista, CA Costello, Anthony* .Chula Vista, CA Fiala, Joe* ....................... Deer Lodge Hanson, Greg*......................Missoula McDonald, Doug*.................Missoula Meyer, Dennis* ....................... Helena Miller, Walter** ...Walnut Creek, CA
Smith, Mike** ..............Olympia, WA Walle, Virgil* .........................Superior Schaefer, Gary*....................... Billings
1966 Bains, Ron E.*‘* Tacoma, WA Beers, Bop***.............Beaverton, OR Brumback, D.G.** .Walla Walla. WA Dawson, E.L.” Westport, WA Dudley, Ell T.**.................Detroit, MI Fiske, Karl** ..............................Laurel Glennon, Michael****..............Billings Graham, Robert** ....San Mateo, CA Gray, Maceo***.......... Baltimore. MD Gudith, Larry* Wyandotte. Ml Hedstrom, Olaf * ......................Laurel Huggins, Larry T.**..............Missoula Jemberg, Ken” Sunnyside, WA Jones, Willie” ................Monroe, MI Kelly, James R.*” ........ Seattle, WA Kenyon, Jim*........................ Missoula Lung, Roderick**....... Placerville, CA Magnuson, Bryan” Minnetonka, MN Mullins, Peter’** ..San Francisco, CA McCann, Michael” Renton, WA Morgan, Garth*** Salt Lake City, UT Nicosia, Michael” Scranton, PA Nordstrom, Bruce” .Vancouver, Wa O’Neil, James M.” .Edmonton, Alb. Ortiz, R.C.*” ..........Monte Bello, CA Paresa, Gregory” *.........Kahului, HI Robinson, Roy**” .................Glasgow Sparkes, Richard***................... Butte Stedham, John” * ....... Chehalis, WA Strauss, Richard*” ..................Poison Tubbs, Frederick” * Honolulu, HI Unruh, Richard” * ................... Poison Waters, William” ........................ Troy White, Herbert***.............Ecorse, MI Stimac, Daniel” .............. Great Falls
1967 (combined with 1966) 1968 Bain, Doug**..........................Kalispell Brum, Ray**.................. Honolulu, HI Buzzard, Mike” ..... Mt. Vernon, WA DeBord, Jim*” ................ Pasco, WA Dolan, Pat” * ....................Great Falls Gabriel, Tony* South River, NJ Gallagher, Tim” * ..................Kalispell Garske, Ron*................... Chico, CA Guptill, Robert” * .............Great Falls Gutman, Bill**....................... Missoula Hedstrom, Ole” ....................... Laurel Howard, Lon* Centralia, WA Lavery, Thomas*................... Chicago Lovell, Byron” .............Honolulu, HI Luis, Al*...........................Orland, CA Lyons, Joe* ........................... Kalispell McBurrows, John* ...Englewood, NJ Nelson, Rue* New Orleans, LA Nordstrom, Jim*” ........Auburn, WA O’Neil, Mick*......... Walla Walla, WA Schruth, Pat*” .........................Billings Stranahan, Larry” * ..............Missoula Talolutu, John” ..................Oahu, HI Uperesa, Tuufuli” ...Alea, Oahu, HI Urie, Dave” ......................Chico, CA Waters, William*..........................Troy Waxham, John***Mt. Lake Ter, WA Worrel, Dan” * ................ Great Falls Wysel, Glen*......................Lewistown
1969 Baldwin, Gene* Spokane, WA Blancas, Arnie” ........-Aberdeen, WA Bozzo, Tony* ..................Salinas, CA Caputo, Steve” * Seattle, WA Dennehey, Mick” * .....................Butte Fisher, Bob* Aberdeen, WA Frustau, Martin” ...Los Angeles, CA Glennon, Mike*....................... Billings Hall, Wayne* West Minster, CA Hare, Ray* Spokane, WA Hickerson, Bill” ........... Sonoma, CA Hoffmann, J e ff” Seattle, WA Johnson, L.” Sacramento, CA Kent, Les” ................... Honolulu, HI McCann, Mike” Renton, WA Miles, Greg* Seattle, WA Miller, Larry* .................Martinez, CA Ochoa, John* .................Orange, CA Peters, R.*“ Cleveland Hts., OH Postler, W.*** Vancouver, B.C. Reilly, Casey* .....................Anaconda Schillinger, Jim” ................ Vida, MT
ALL Stachnik, Ray**............... Chicago, IL Stein, Karl**.........San Anselmo, CA Sterns, Bill**.............Stevenson, WA Atwood, George** Lansdale, PA
1970 Berding, Gary** Cincinnati, OH Bodwell, Tom** Grayland, WA Chong, Elroy* Honolulu, HI Darrow, Barry*** ..............Great Falls Dempsey, Dean*** ...Claremont, CA Gaskins, Wally**................... Missoula Jackson, Lonzie* Oakland, CA Lewis, Lonzo* ............... Rockford, IL Lugviel, John** Longview, WA Maloney, Greg** .............Macon, MO McMahon, Tom* ............. Tustin, CA Okoniewski, Steve* Seattle, WA Pugh, Terry**........................ Kalispell Richards, ron**........................... Butte Spencer, Bruce* Hoquiam, WA Welch, Glen**.............................Butte
1974 Anderson, Greg****.........Chicago, IL Argo, Daniel** Cincinnati, OH Betters, Douglas*** .Arlington Hts, IL Carlson, Bruce**** .........G reat Falls Carter, G.** Far Rockaway, NY Cedarstrom, James* ..Scottsdale, AZ Chappie, Darrell*..................Spokane Clift, Tom*** Otis Orchards, WA Dionas, Steve** Sumner, WA Facey, Tom**..............Lancaster, CA Gulbranson, W m ." ..Aberdeen, WA Harbison, Ben****.................Missoula Lebsock, Ronald**** ..................Butte McCraw, Wyatt** E. Orange, NJ McReynolds, Kim* Olympia, WA Milliman, Hayes* Cincinnati, OH Muse, Richard* ...................... Opheim Nielsen, William* Chicago, IL Ogden, Randy**** .Traverse City, MI Plum, Mark*** Tracyton, WA Redurine, Randy** Reading, OH
1975 1971 Anderson, Richard*** Lacey, WA Baumburger, Jay* Great Falls Blue, Christopher*** ...Olympia, WA Burnett, Clifford**..........Caldwell, ID Cleveland, Douglas***............... Butte Dodds, Richard** ...Snohomish, WA Doyle, Dennis**.................Edina, MN Hann, James** Centralia, WA Kottke, Warren** Great Falls Kouzmanoff, Marc*** ..Glen Ellyn, IL La Roche, Leo** Fitchburg, MA Leid, James*** Waitsburg, WA Manovich, Dave***.....................Butte Olson, James*** Rochester, MN
1972 Troxel, Ed Van****.........Moscow, ID Svennungsen, Rock*** ...Shelby, MT Babish, Timothy*..............Azusa, CA Evans, Dean**.......... La Puente, CA Harrington, David** ....Portland, OR Stark, Robert** .........................Poison Reynolds, Terry* Glendora, CA Stark, John* Vancouver, WA Walsh, Creighton*......................Butte Starkey, Steven** El Monte, CA Turnquist, Robert** .................Billings Kautz, James*........................ Worden Cooley, Jerry** Anacortes, WA Rosenberg, Ronald*** Whitefish Donner, Curt** Spokane, WA Brett, Walt*** Kings Beach, CA Brick, Timothy*** ..Traverse City, MI Swearingen, Gary*............... Missoula Enders, Robert* ......... Kankakee, IL Soloman, Ted* Spokane, WA Salo, Gregory***.........................Butte Taylor, Steven* Great Falls Dedrick, Kurt** Westminster, CA Harris, Gregory*** .................Kalispell
1973 Adams, Mike*................. Newton, IA Anderson, Greg*** ....Blue Island, IL Border, Richard** Salt Lake City, UT Buxton, John*** Owatonna, MN Carlson, Steve** Great Falls Erickson, Greg**.............Everett, WA Farnam, Larry*’ Seattle, WA Flowers, Terry** Cincinnati, OH Grigsby, Bill** Spokane, WA Hardy, Sylvester** Monrovia, CA Ladd, Mike** Garden Grove, CA Lynn, Randy** Omak, WA Mangegold, Eric**.................Glendive Nakoa, Doug** Honolulu, HI Oglesbee, Jim*......................Missoula Parker, John*............... Kingston, ME Ponqoha, Dave**.............Lacey, WA Prigmore, John*........... Winlock, WA Schmasow, Glen***..........Great Falls Smith, Bob** Pasco, WA Spear, Del**** Cheney, WA Storbakken, Rollie* Mt. Vernon, WA Stuart, Gig*........................ Miami, FL Sullivan, Dan**** ....................... Butte Taylor, Steve* Great Falls Walker, Duane*** ......................Malta Williams, Ken* .............. Houston, TX
Accomando, Dan* .Westminster, CA Bonas, Jerry**..........Fair Haven, CT Carlson, Jeff** ................Great Falls Cheek, Donald* Corvallis, OR Cooley, Paul** Anacortes, WA Cunningham, G.* ..Los Angeles, CA CA Egbert, Douglas*** ...Ogden, UT Estance, Bob**.........................Helena Fiskness, Paul** ..Huntington B., CA Hansen, Ray** Priest River, ID Jordan, Richard** Tacoma, WA Mickey, Michael** Bellevue, WA Morton, Scott*** Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray** Cincinnati, OH Scott, Duncan* Great Falls Smith, Jeffrey* Vancouver, WA Stachnich, Richard** Chicago, IL Steinhauer, Ben*.............Chicago, IL Vincent, Rusty**....... Tinley Park, IL Weikum, George** ...Wilmington, IL
1976 Beriault, Don* Bellevue, WA Bingham, Guy**** ....Aberdeen, WA Bitar, Greg** Hoquiam, WA Brant, Jim** ..........................Missoula Campbell, Neil**...................... Helena Champagne, Gene* Lacey, WA Clausen, Kent**** Aberdeen, WA Dews, Robbie**............... Newark, NJ Falcon, Terry**.................. Culbertson Ferda, Scott**** Great Falls Frost, Mike* Newport Beach, CA Gelaskoska, Joe*** Bothel, WA Gleason, Dave***..................Missoula Grady, Willie*..................Newark, NJ Green, Allen****................ Anaconda Halverson, William* Great Falls Harper, Wayne***..............Livingston Harris, Rockey*................. New York Hogan, James*** Olympia, WA Huggins, Jay* ....................... Missoula Johnson, Kelly*** Great Falls Kleckner, Grant*** Great Falls McDonald, Clev*....... Palo Alto, CA Magner, M.* Newport Beach, CA Martin, Sam*** Shelton, WA Roban, Michael** Great Falls Sacks, Barry**** ...Federal Way, WA Shupe, Joe* Great Falls Sobansky, Joe**.................... Ajo, AZ Spigner, Paul* .................Newark, NJ Sullivan, Paul****....................... Butte Van Wormer, Matt** Missoula Williams, Bryon* ...New Orleans, LA Woldseth, George* Bellevue, WA
1977 Albright, Keith*......................Kalispell Barrick, Brett*** .................Lewistown Becker, Jay*** Atlantic, IA Bell, Darrell* Federal Way, WA Bryant, Michael*..................Hull, MA Bullerdick, Monty** ....Anaheim, CA Carteri, Carm** Regina, Sask. Cavaligos, Nick* Chicago, IL Cerkovnik, Ed*** ....................... Malta Dunn, Greg*** ....Medical Lake, WA Fritz, Robin*..............................Sidney Hook, Tim* ................. Regina, Sask. Johnson, Mike** ....North Bend, OR Jones, Basil*** Spokane, WA Kelly, Vernon** Los Angeles, Ca
Kerr, Tim**................................Missoula Klever, Rocky**** ....A nchorage, AK Lane, William*** Englewood, CO M cHugh, Brian*** Spokane, WA Rigoni, Arnie*** Chicago, IL Schm eckpeper, C ary *...........Buhl, ID Tagm yer, W .* Federal Way, WA
1978 Allegre, Raul** ...............T orreon, MX Andrews, M arty* G rahan, WA Andrews, M arty* G rahan, WA Boyes, Bob** Sacram ento, CA Burtness, Richard*** .Anacortes, WA Carroll, Mike** ................ Seattle, WA Cerkovnik, Robert** G reat Falls Curry, Pat*** .............................. Billings Dolan, William***................ E. Helena Duff, James* .....................Chicago, IL Eicklemann, Mark** Indio, CA Hard, James** .....................Napa, CA Laird, Randy***.......................Missoula M enke, John**...N . Broomfield, CO Moe, Richardson**..................... Poplar M orton, Scott* Spokane, WA Norw ood, Pat***........................ Billings Price, J o h n * ......................Topeka, KS Perez, Tom***..................Palatine, IL R ooney, James***.................. Missoula Sharkey, Ron***..................... Missoula Thom as, Terry**................ G reat Falls
LET C oppedge, Johnny** ....S tay to n , OR Dawald, Eric** O w atonna, MN Deeks, Darryl**....................Bend, OR Dozier, Rick** Kent, WA Dum m ett, Dave** Sanborn, IA Guse, Harold** Janesville, MN Harvey, Anthony** Oakland, CA Helean, Mike**........................ Missoula Lewis, Cliff* Los Angeles, CA M cKenna, Mike* ...S a n Antonio, TX Moe, W arren *..........................Missoula Oliver, Larry**...............Hillsboro, OR Poole, Scott* Spokane, WA Poole, Shawn** Spokane, WA Ray, Ted**..........................Stevensville Rodriguez, Alex** ..Los Angeles, CA Sethm an, Richard* ...L akew ood, CA Shillam, Terry** Orchards, WA Taylor, Thomas* Wichita, KS Y oung, Kevin* ................ Toledo, OH
1983 A nderson, Kerry* ..............Tigard, OR Coe, T ony*....................... Renton, WA Dobson, Eby* Sunny Valley, OR Gillis, Tim*.......................Portland, OR G reen, Gregg*..............Tonasket, WA Klucewich, Josh* ....................Missoula Linderholm, Rick* Crystal, MN M oore, Scott* C oos Bay, OR Mosier, Craig* ................ R enton, WA Murray, Sco tt* ..........................Kalispell Nelsen, Ken* North Bend, OR Paulson, Kraig* Plenty wood Pells, Greg* ................................Calgary Rickman, M ake*..........Pendleton, OR Sexe, D oug*.........................Great Falls Sm ith, Mark* V ancouver, WA Tarrow, Bill*......................Eugene, OR Timberman, Scott* .......................Butte Villenueve, P e te* .......Sheboygan, WI
1979 Andrus, Bart* Sepulveda, CA A m undson, Greg*** Seattle, WA Caraway, Brian*** G reat Falls Cleveland, C u rt* Seattle, WA Chalcraft, Steve* Richmond, WA Cordier, Bob**** Spokane, WA Gratton, Scott**** .................. Missoula Hinson, John**** Seattle, WA Kovacich, John****.......................Butte Lamb, Carlton*........... Las Vegas, NV M adison, Reed**** .......................Butte McElroy, Curt****..........................Butte Murfitt, Steve*........... Philipsburg Paoli, David*** G reat Falls
1980 Alex, Mike** ..................Overland, KS Bow man, Dennis* Spokane, WA Chaplin, Dave** Selah, WA Dantic, Brad**** ..........'...............Laurel Fudge, Tony**** G reat Falls Garrison, Steve**** ....S p o k a n e , WA H agen, Mike** Auburn, WA Kline, D ave* Bellevue, WA Klucewich, Joe*** Alpine, CA Lowry, Gary**** Great Falls M adsen, Mark*** Ellensburg, WA McGinness, Curt*** ....Janesville, WI Miller, Rocky*** Richland, WA M ornhinweg, Marty*** San Jose, CA Murray, Mark* ................C hoteau, MT Richardson, Kelly*** ...G ts. Pass, OR Rom inger, Dean**** Fort Benton Salonen, Brian**** Great Falls Silovsky, Paul* .................T opeka, KS Sorrell, Malcom*** Tacom a, WA Stephens, Andre**** ...T acom a, WA Sutton, Mickey** Union City, CA
Q uarterback R oy M cPhail first le tter ed in 1 9 0 1 .
1981 Connors, Bob**....................... Glasgow Dacus, Glenn*** Enumclaw, WA Dilts, Dan**..............Walla Walla, WA Glenn, David** Elma, WA Isem an, Greg** Baldwin City, KS Jah r, S e a n * Port Orchard, WA Jo n es, Rob**.................. Oakland, CA Kiefer, Ken** ................Burlington, KS M cCauley, Bob***.................. Missoula Nelson, Jo e * Shelton, WA Nuu, Joe** ................. Bakersfield, CA Oakland, Brent***.................. Glendive Powell, Alan***...........Lewistown Rooney, John***........................... Butte Rutt, Tom*** ................................Laurel Sundquist, Tim*** G reat Falls Tarrow, Bill**....................Eugene, OR Williams, Derrick***. .L. Angeles, CA Trammell, Jake*** ...V ancouver, WA
1982 Becker, Ned* ..................... Atlantic, IA Botzheim, Alan** lone, WA Charles, Joey** Valencia, CA
G rizzly C oach Fred S ch u le (1 9 0 5 -0 6 ).
Voice of the G rizzlies “Grizzly” Bill Schwanke returns as the voice of the Grizzlies after a one-year hiatus. This will be his 13th year as the play-by-play announcer for University of Montana football and m en’s basketball. It will be KYLT Radio’s 14th year of broadcasting Grizzly athletics and serving as UM’s official station. Schwanke is a former sports editor of The Missoulian newspaper and a former sports information director at UM. He is a 1967 graduate of UM. He has been the Montana Sportscaster of the Year four times and was the 1977 Ed Chinske Award winner, honoring Missoula’s outstanding sports professional. Former Sentinel High School coach and local businessman Gene Leonard will provide color commentary for Grizzly football.
University of Montana Media O utlets N ew sp a p ers N am e
C ontact S p orts Editor
A d d ress
Missoulian Great Falls Tribune
Daryl Gadbow (sports editor) Rial Cummings (beat reporter) George Geise (sports editor)
Billings Gazette
Warren Rogers (sports editor)
Montana Standard
H ud Willse (sports editor)
Daily Interlake
John Holt (sports editor)
Independent Record
Roy Pace (sports editor)
Ravalli Republican
Jack Tanner (sports editor)
M ontana Kaimin
Sports Editor
502 N. H iggins.......................... Missoula, MT 59801 Tribune Building........................ Great Falls, MT 59401 401 North Broadw ay................ Billings, MT 59101 25 West G ranite........................ Butte, MT 59701 300 First Avenue W e s t........... Kalispell, MT 59901 317 Allen .................................... Helena, MT59601 232 M ain..................................... Hamilton, MT59840 University of M ontana.............. Missoula, MT 59812
P hone (406) 721-5200 (406) 761-6666 (406) 245-3078 (406) 792-8301 (406) 755-7000 (406) 442-7190 (406) 363-3300 (406) 243-6541
T elev isio n S ta tio n s N am e
C on tact
A d d ress
Larry Frost
Sports Director
Tim Hunt
Sports Director
Sports Director
Pat Kearney
Drawer M .................................... Missoula, MT 59806 P.O . Box 4 8 2 7 .......................... Missoula, MT 59806 P.O . Box 1 1 3 9 .......................... Great Falls, MT 59403 P.O . Box 1 3 3 1 .......................... Great Falls, MT 59403 Indian Caves R o a d .................. Billings, MT 59103 1003 S. M o n tan a..................... Butte, MT 59701
R adio S ta tio n s N am e
C ontact
A d d ress
Bill Schwanke
Tom Ash
Sports Director
Glenn Schmidt
Gregory MacDonald
Sports Director
Fairway C e n te r.......................... Missoula, MT 59801 KG VO Plaza.................. ............ Missoula, MT 59801 400 R y m an................................ Missoula, MT 59801 P.O . Box 4 1 0 6 .......................... Missoula, MT 59806 Univesity of M ontana................ Missoula, MT 59812 P.O . Box 4 1 0 6 .......................... Missoula, MT 59801
W ire S erv ices N am e
C ontact
A d d ress
Warren Wintrode
Bud Iwen
317 Allen .................................... Helena, MT 59601 P.O . Box 4 5 9 5 ......................... Helena, MT 59601
P h on e (406) 721-2063 (406) 543-7106 (406) 453-4377 (406) 453-2433 (406) 252-4676 (406) 92-0444
P h on e (406) 728-5000 (406) 549-5152 (406) 728-9300 (406) 728-1450 (406) 243-4931 (406) 728-9399
P h on e (406) 442-7440 (406) 442-6470
Welcome to Missoula, The “Garden City”
WELCOME TO MISSOULA! A friendly town protected by a ring of mountains, breathtaking in its beauty, cultural in its taste, and a place we hope you will return to. The “key to the city” is yours and the “red carpet” is out. Make yourself at home, we’re glad to have you here. MISSOULA is located 100 miles from the Idaho border at the junction of Interstate 90, U.S. Highways 10, 12, and 93, and Montana Highway 200. These same crossroads attracted the original settlers over 120 years ago. Five valleys open into the Missoula basin and make Missoula an exciting city of 70,000 with a trade area of 150,000. Nestled at the base of Mount Sentinel, the University of Montana has an enrollment of 9,288 students from throughout the world. The faculty is exceptional with 72% holding a Ph.D. degree. The University heritage includes a Pulitzer Prize winner, 22 Rhodes scholars, a Nobel Prize recipient, and countless honors bestowed on its students for excellence in many fields. The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library on the University of Montana campus is a source of pride to Missoula and Montana. MISSOULA is one of the fastest growing cities in Montana. We are striving to maintain the best of all worlds . . . the flavor of a small town with the advantages of a city. We know you will enjoy Missoula’s Magic. Where else within a short distance from a business center could you find wilderness areas, mountain lakes, ranches, fishing streams, and other recreational opportunities for all ages?
GOLF COURSES Missoula Highlands (9 holes) Missoula Country Club (18 Holes) University of Montana (9 Holes) Larchmont (18 Holes)
BOWLING Five Valleys (36 Lanes) Liberty Lanes (24 Lanes)
SWIMMING McCormick Pool Spartan Pool University of Montana
TENNIS COURTS Spartan Kiwanis McCormick Bonner
Fort Missoula Gregory University of Montana
RACQUETBALL The Club The Courthouse Downtown Court Club University of Montana
PARKS 23 City Parks
SKIING Marshall Ski Area Snow Bowl
THEATRES Fox Theatre Go West Drive In Mann Tri-Plex
Roxy Village Twin Wilma World Theatre
FISHING Clark Fork River Bitterroot River Blackfoot River Children’s Fish Pond
MUSEUMS Fort Missoula Historical Museum Missoula Museum of the Arts
University of Montana
ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2014
Intercollegiate Athletics
1984 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department
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