1986 Grizzly Football Schedule September 20 S ep tem b er 2 7 O ctob er 4 October 11 O ctob er 18 O ctober 2 5 N ovem ber 1 November 8 November 15 November 22
@Nevada-Reno* N orthern A rizona * E astern W ashington# @Boise State* Idaho S ta te *t M ontana State* Idaho * @Weber State* @ Idaho State *f @Portland State
(ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN) *Big Sky Conference Game #Homecoming
Tim e
S ite
O pponent
D a te
2:00 p.m. 1 :00 p.m . 1:00 p.m . 7:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m . 1:00 p.m . 1:00 p.m . 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
Reno, NV M issoula M issoula Boise, ID M issoula M issoula M issoula Ogden, UT Pocatello, ID Portland, OR
tC ounts as half-a-game in Big Sky Conference standings
1985 Grizzly Football R esults (3-8 O verall, 2-5 Big Sky) S ep t. 7 Sept. 21 S ep t. 2 8 O ct. 5 O ct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23
C al-F u llerto n ........................................... @ M innesota................................................. P ortland S ta te ........................................ R eno *......................................................... Idaho S tate* ........................................... @ Idaho* ...................................................... @ Montana S tate* ....................................... W eber S t a t e * .......................................... B o ise S ta te *............................................ @ Eastern W ashington................................ @ Northern Arizona* ..................................
3 1 -3 0 17-62 16-21 2 3 -3 8 3 5 -2 9 0-38 18-41 2 9 -5 7 3-28 19-52 32-31
(1 0 ) (1-1) (1-2) (1-3) (2-3) (2-4) (2-5) (2-6) (2-7) (2-8) (3-8)
FRONT COVER—First-year University of Montana Head Football Coach Don Read, and All-American punter/receiver/returner Mike Rice and UM’s new Washington-Grizzly Stadium are captured in this air brush by Neal Wiegert of UM Graphics. Cover design by Dave Guffey, S.I.D. BACK COVER: Montana’s beauty is captured by UM photographer Howard Skaggs.
M edia G uide Cost: $ 4 . ($5 if m ailed)
1 9 8 6 U niversity o f M ontana F ootb all Y earb ook M ONTANA vs. IDAHO HOMECOMING DAY D ornblaser Field
Saturday, November 9
This Y earbook was prepared for the con ven ien ce of sports writers and sports broadcasters during the 1 9 8 6 football season by D ave Guffey. Perm ission is granted to quote in w hole, or in part, any material in this Y earbook. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. P lease let m e know your n eed s. All requests for press p asses should be m ade by letter or telep h on e at least one w eek in advance. C om plete statistics are provided at each Grizzly h om e gam e. T hey in clude team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly playby-play and defensive statistics.
Com piled, designed and edited by:
Photography by:
D ave Guffey
Howard Skaggs
Printed by:
UM Printing Services
Bill Sallaz (p. 31)
Dedication: This Y ea rb o o k is ded ica te d to M atthew Douglas Guffey, born N o v e m b e r 21, 19 8 5 . The game program from 1940. The G rizzlies won 28-18, with former Montana Head Coach and Athletic Director Jack Swarthout scoring one of the touchdowns.
Table of Contents 1986 S ch ed ule..................................Inside Front Cover 1985 R esults..................................... Inside Front Cover UM Quick F acts................................................................... 1 About UM .......................................................................... 2-3 UM Administration............................... 4 Athletic Personnel................................................................5 Head C oach.......................................................................... 6 Assistant C o ach es .........................................................7-8 1986 O utlook..................................................................... 10 All-American C andidate..................................................11 Honors C andidates...........................................................12 The 1986 Grizzlies......................................................13-24 Roster............................................................................. 26-27
UM Quick Facts Location: Missoula, Montana 59812 Chartered: February 17, 1893 Enrollment: 9,000 President: Dr. James V. Koch (406) 243-2311
Athletic Director: Harley Lewis (406) 243-5331
H ead Football Coach: Don Read (406) 243-2969
Football Staff: Bob Beers, Vic Clark, Tommy Lee, Robin Pflugrad, Bill Smith, Jerome Souers A ssociate Athletic Director: Dr. Barbara Hollmann Athletic Trainer: Dennis Murphy
Stadium: Washington-Grizzly (12,000) or Dornblaser (12,500, natural grass) Stadium Phone: (406) 728-5016 Nickname: Grizzlies Colors: Copper, Silver and Gold Conference: Big Sky Commissioner: Ron Stephenson (208) 345-5393
Faculty Representative: Art Graham
Sports Information Director: Dave Guffey (406) 243-6899, Office (406) 728-1135, Home
Equipment Manager: Steve Hackney
New Grizzlies......................................................................28 Grizzly Weight R oom .......................................................29 Tentative Numerical R oster........................................... 29 UM’s Washington-Grizzly Stadium ....................... . 30 The O pponents........................................................... 31-34 Big Sky C onferen ce.........................................................36
i I i IT f
1985 Big Sky Statistics...................................................37 1985 Grizzly Statistics......................................................38 UM C oaches’ R ecord s.................................................... 39 Season-by-season Results........................................40-41 All Opponents R ecord .................................................... 42 The Grizzly Record B o o k ........................................ 43-44 UM All-Big Sky, All-Americans................................... 45 All-Time UM L eaders......................................................46 Grizzly Award W inners ................................... 47 Current, Former UM P ro s.............................................48 Tentative Future S ch ed ules...........................................48 UM Football Lettermen............................................ 49-51 Football Hall of F am e..................................................... 52 UM’s “V oice,” Media Inside Back Cover
Griz vs. T exas Tech, 1940.
University of Montana iiiif im M M i f w
The University of M ontana in M issoula is located in a m ountain forest setting in beautiful W estern M ontana. It is halfway b etw een Glacier and Y ellow ston e national parks. Four w ilderness areas are located near M issoula. The natural surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, cam ping and other outdoor recreational pursuits. Tw o excellent winter ski areas are located within m inutes of the University. S everal other ski areas are only a cou p le of hours aw ay by car. UM ow n s and operates its ow n golf course adjacent to cam pus. The University of M ontana is o n e of the W est’s pioneers in education and w as chartered February 17, 1 8 9 3 . The sch ool o p en ed in Septem ber 1 8 9 5 , with 5 0 students enrolling the first day. Located on 2 0 1 acres at the base of Mount Sentinel, UM has grown from 5 0 students and sev en faculty m em bers to a present enrollm ent of 9 ,0 0 0 and approxim ately 4 5 0 full-time faculty positions. Through its history, the University of M ontana has
sustained a high standard of academ ic excellen ce in teaching, research and service. UM offers associate of arts d egrees in two areas and bachelor’s degrees in 5 8 fields. It offers m aster’s degrees in 5 4 program s and doctoral d egrees in 13. The C ollege of Arts and S cien ces, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of programs and courses in the life scien ces, physical sciences, social scien ces and hum anities. The C ollege also offers curricula in interdisciplinary fields ranging from ethnic studies to interdepartm ental studies. S ev en professional schools com plete the academ ic program — B usiness Administration, Fine Arts, Journalism, Education, Forestry, Law, and Pharm acy and Allied Health S cien ces. The aim of the University is to provide its students with relaxing and m eaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The administration, faculty and staff strive for this goal.
There’s Gold In Them Thar Hills!
The University of Montana was recently awarded its 23rd Rhodes Scholar. This ranks UM 19th in the nation of all American col leges and universities. UM ranks sixth among schools west of the Mississippi. Rhodes Scholarships provide two to four years at Ox ford University in England. Students are chosen on the basis of scholarships, com munity and political involvement, athletic abili ty and personal character. The Yellow Bay Biological Station, located about 70 miles northeast of Missoula at Flathead Lake, is the nation’s oldest inland station. Among some 70 inland units in the United States, the UM ranks fifth for its pro gram facilities and student population. KUFM, a noncommercial public radio sta tion operated by the radio-television depart ment of the School of Journalism, is the only National Public Radio station in Montana. University of Montana education majors compete very successfully for jobs with 93 per cent of those with bachelor’s degrees and 100 percent of those with graduate degrees find ing appropriate positions. The Department of Social Work is fully ac credited by the Council on Social Work Education and is the only Montana school that assures its graduates of a year of advanced standing in graduate schools of social work.
Nearly 47 percent of the business school’s accounting graduates pass the Certified Public
Accountant Exam on their first try. This is more than three times the national first-time success rate of 14 percent. The Department of Geology has an outstanding national reputation. In coopera tion with Purdue University, a field station has been set up in southwestern Montana. The department also provides hands-on ex perience for students in the minerals, rocks and paleontology laboratories at the Univer sity’s Seismic Station and in the Earthquake Research Laboratory. The Department of Geography has one of the region’s best cartography laboratories where students learn to make maps and in terpret aerial photography. The Department of Health and Physical Education is one of a handful in the country that trains students to be athletic trainers. And it is the only program in the state to offer a master of science in physical education. The Native American Studies program at the University of Montana is regarded by In dian educators as one of the four most outstanding in the nation. Newly remodeled training facilities in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders are some of the finest in the region. People from all over the state come to the center for speech, language and hearing therapy.
The School of Journalism has had 19 of its students selected as Sears Congressional interns — more than any other journalism school in the country. During the four-month internship, students work for a United States Congressman or Senator and also attend classes. The Department of Art enjoys a national reputation for excellence in ceramics. The Department of Drama/Dance has a professional theater group — the Montana Repertory Theater — based on campus. The Montana Repertory Theater, which tours throughout the Northwest, is the only profes sional Actors Equity company between Min neapolis and Seattle. A University of Montana student has been chosen to receive a Truman Scholarship for six of the last eight years. The national scholarship is given annually to students com mitted to a government career who have superior academic ability and leadership potential. The Department of Anthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of pre-history in the region. The School of Business is the only business school in Montana to be accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business.
O ld” Dornblaser (where M ansfield Library is now)
P resid en t J a m es V. K och Jam es V. Koch (pronounced Cook) was nam ed the 15th president of the University of Montana June 30, 1986. He officially took office on Sept. 1. Prior to coming to UM he was the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs at Ball State University, in Muncie, Indiana, since 1980. He has continued to teach and to publish scholarly articles, and he has said he would like to teach occasionally as president. Koch, 43, graduated from Illinois State University with a B.A. in Economics in 1964. He earned his Ph.d. in Economics at Northwestern in 1968. He was departmental chair in Economics at his alma mater from 1972-78, and the Illinois University Teacher of the Year in 1977-78. He left there to becom e the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Rhode Island in Providence from 1978-80. He has written num erous articles, four books and served as a visiting professor at several schools. He and his wife, Donna, have two children.
V ice P resid en t for U niversity R ela tio n s Mike E aston W. Michael Easton became the Vice President for University Relations in August of 1982. His responsibilities encom pass student affairs, intercollegiate athletics, university relations, admissions, financial aid, alumni, developm ent and auxiliary services. Easton, 42, had nearly identical responsibilities at the University of South Dakota, where he was vice presi dent for student services and public information since 1973. Other positions he has held include dean of students, Eastern Montana College, 1971-73; assistant dean of students, EMC, 1969-71; administrative intern, Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, 1968-69; and assistant dean of students, University of Oregon, 1967-68. He received his B.A. in biology and physical education at the University of Washington in 1964. He receiv ed his M.S. in education at the University of Oregon in 1965 and earned a Ph.D. in higher education ad ministration at Oregon in 1969. Easton and his wife, Patricia, have three children.
A th letic D irector H arley Lew is Harley W. Lewis is in his 10th year as athletic director at the University of Montana. He is involved in num erous organizations at the state and national level. He was formerly the State Director for the M ontana Special Olympics in 1980 and 1981. He served as National Director for the USABA Blind Olympics in 1983, when the national championships were hosted by UM. He was also chairman of a local school board, on the State Board of directors for the Special Olympics, and on the Board of Directors for the YMCA. He is on several Big Sky Conference committees and on the NCAA’s Track & Field Rules Committee. He served as cross country coach until 1976 and his teams won nine league titles. He served as track coach until 1978 and won the conference crown in 1972. Lewis was nam ed the Big Sky’s track and cross country coach 10 times during his tenure as mentor. He coached several All-Americans while a coach and continues to work with the M ontana Olympic Committee, of which he is on the State Board of Directors. Lewis is a 1964 graduate of UM with an M.S. in Health, Physical Education and Recreation. He became track and cross country coach at Montana in 1966. Prior to that he coached for two seasons at the University of Portland. He is a 1959 graduate of Butte High School. Lewis and his wife, Marilou, have two children.
A s so c ia te A th letic D irector Barbara H ollm ann Barbara Hollmann began her duties as associate athletic director in August 1980. In addition to serving as the associate director of the department, her responsibilities involve coordinating, supervising and promoting the wom en’s athletic program. She also coordinates UM’s television show, as well as overseeing all promotions. Prior to UM Hollmann spent five years as athletic events coordinator and assistant to the wom en’s athletic director at the University of Arizona. From 1971 through 1974 she was an assistant director and later an associate director of intramural and recreational sports at the University of Washington. Hollmann graduated from Ohio State University with a B.S. in physical education in 1964 and a M.A. in recreation administration in 1968. She received her Ph.D. in 1982 from the University of Arizona, em phasizing higher education administration and public m anagem ent. Hollmann served on the NCAA Executive Committee for two years and is currently on the NCAA Recruiting Committee. She was involved with the founding of the Mountain West Athletic Conference and served as the first president. Her husband, Robert, is an associate professor of m anagem ent at UM.
F acu lty R ep resen ta tiv e W. Arthur G raham Art Graham was nam ed faculty representative at the University of Montana in Septem ber of 1985. An Associate Professor of Business Law at UM, Graham graduated from M ontana’s law school in 1977. He practiced in Northcentral Montana for three years until joining the UM staff in 1981. He is from Townsend, Montana, where he graduated from high school in 1966. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1966-70 and received a Letter of C om m endation for outstanding service in Vietnam. He is a 1973 graduate of UM, earning high honors in History/Political Science. He was nam ed Outstanding Young Man of America in 1978. Graham determines athletic eligibility, makes NCAA rulings at the institutional level, and is UM’s represen tative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Graham and his wife, Jena, have two children.
i 4
A thletic P e rso n n e l Steve is beginning his sixth season as the Grizzly equipm ent m anager. He is a native of Hamilton, Montana. He graduated from the University of Mon tana in 1972 with a B.S. degree in Health and Physical Education, with em phasis in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy. He received his m aster’s degree in 1974 at Indiana State in HPE. He served three years in the Navy from 1962-65 and was a Spanish Linguist. Steve and his wife, Larae, have a son Tyler, 4, and daughter, Meghan, 1.
Dave is in his ninth season as sports information director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases and promotions, statistics and research. He has won numerous district awards for his football and basketball media guides and game programs. His 1985 football year book was picked fourth in the nation. He is a member of the College Sports Infor mation Directors of America (Co-SIDA). He is a 1975 graduate of Fresno State and received a B.A. in Journalism. Dave and his wife, Mea, have a 4-year-old son, Patrick, and a year-old son, Matthew.
S te v e H ack ney
D ave G uffey
E quipm ent
Tim is in his fifth year as the business m anager at M ontana. As the athletic business m anager he is the accountant for the departm ent, handles logistics for football team travel, supervises central office staff, is involved in contract negotiations, is responsible for depart m ent budgetary and fiscal control and is involved in long-range planning on budgetary items. He is a 1971 graduate of Chico State in California and receiv ed his B.S. in Accounting. Prior to join ing the UM staff he was a Manager of Accounting for ITT’s Continental Bak ing Co. in Portland, Oregon. He work ed there for seven years. Tim and his wife, Judy, have three children.
Suelynn is beginning her seventh year as the University of Montana football secretary. She graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. degree in Secretarial Science. She has been a Cer tified Professional Secretary since 1972. S h e w orked for th e S c h o o l of Oceanography at OSU as a research assistant for eight years and as a biological technician for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama for two-and-a-half years before moving to M ontana. Her husband, Dewayne, is a graphic artist at UM. The Williamses have three children.
Tim K endall
S u elyn n W illiam s
Dennis T. Murphy begins his fifth year as head athletic trainer at UM. Murphy graduated from M ontana in 1975 with a B.S. degree in Health and Physical Education with a specialization in Athletic Training and Adaptive Physical Educa tion. In June of 1975 he was certified by the National Athletic Trainers Associa tion. In August of 1978 he was nam ed assistant athletic trainer and lecturer at the Departm ent of Athletics at the University of Arizona. In Septem ber of 1980 he accepted the position of Visiting Assistant Professor at UM. Murphy, who has been a certified trainer for 11 years, has taught num erous training-related classes, has been a guest speaker at several sports’ clinics and written articles for training publications. He is single.
Gary has been ticket m anager of UM since 1966. In 1978 he was also ap pointed field house m anager. He schedules all events in Adams Field House and at Dornblaser Field in addi tion to handling ticket distribution. He is a native of Ronan, M ontana, and graduated in accounting from the Missoula Business College in 1962. He gained extensive experience in account ing and auditing before assuming his responsibilities at Montana. His wife, Judy, is a daycare center owner and operator in Missoula. The Hugheses have six children.
D en n is Murphy Athletic
Gary H u gh es Manager Facilities
o &
Head Coach
Don Read (S a c r a m e n to S t a t e , 1 9 6 0 )
Don Read was named the 31st head football coach at the Univer sity of Montana in December of 1985. He succeeded Larry Donovan who had been the head mentor at UM for the past six seasons. “It wasn’t a tough decision,” said UM Athletic Director Harley Lewis, who named Read head coach on December 17, 1985. “Don Read is a man who has continually come into programs in a slump and improved upon them. He coaches the kind of wide-open of fensive football people like to watch.” Read, 52, came to UM from Portland State University, where he was head coach from 1981 to 1985 and 1968-71. Sandwiched bet ween the PSU stints were head jobs at Oregon (1974-76) and Oregon Tech (1977-80). In his first three head coaching jobs at PSU, Oregon and Oregon Tech, he was able to turn losing programs around. Although he wasn’t able to produce a winner at Oregon, both PSU and Oregon Tech had drastic turnaround after Read took over. In the 1984 season, Read, led PSU to an 8-3 record and was named the Division II Coach of the Year after the Vikings won the Western Conference title. Read’s overall head coaching record is 102-98-1 and he is 69-91-1 at the collegiate level. He has 27 years in the coaching profession, beginning in 1959 as an assistant at Placer High in Auburn, Califor nia. His first head job was at Petaluma High in California in 1962. He lives and coaches by personal philosophies. Some of those include: “Success is a Byproduct of Hard Work. Expect Players to Make A Positive commitment to Football and Other Aspects of School Life. Football Shapes Character. A Team Must Always Play with Emotion and Intensity.”
Read has written a book, The Complete Passing Game, worked football camps in eight states, and written almost 100 articles for athletic and coaching magazines. His Oregon Tech teams were nationally ranked in 1979 (9th) and 1980 (7th) and won 15 of his last 18 games there. At Oregon he coached All-Pro quarterback Dan Fouts of the San Diego Chargers and former pro QB June Jones at PSU. PSU’s quarterback this past year, Terry Summerfield, signed a free agent contract with the Seattle Seahawks. Read earned his undergraduate degree in Social Science in 1960, and his master’s degree in Health and Physical Education at Sacramento State two years later. Don and his wife, Lois, have a daughter, Beth, and a son, Bruce. Bruce will serve as a graduate assistant coach at UM in 1986.
THE RECORDS 1968—Portland State...................... 4-6
1979—Oregon T e c h ........................7-2
1969—Portland State...................... 6-4
1980—Oregon T e c h ........................7-2
1970—Portland State...................... 6-4
1981—Portland State...................... 2-9
1971—Portland State...................... 4-5 1974—University of O regon
1975—University of O regon
1976—University of O regon
1977—Oregon T e c h
1978—Oregon T e c h ........................ 5-4
1982—Portland S tate...................... 2-9 1983—Portland S tate...................... 3-7 1984—Portland S tate...................... 8-3 1985—Portland S ta te
16 years.......................... 69-91-1
A ssistant Coaches
Tommy Lee
Bill Smith
Defensive Coordinator/ Linebackers
Lee was the offensive coordinator at Portland State the last two seasons, as well as the recruiting coordinator. He was head coach at Willamette University from 1974 to 1982 and an assistant there the previous two years. He has 10 years of head coaching ex perience at Central Catholic High School in Portland. At Willamette he was a N.A.I.A. All-American quarterback in 1962, and received his B.A. degree there in 1973 in Physical Educa tion. He later earned his m aster’s degree in Education at Willamette. He played for Ottawa in the Canadian Football League. He served as athletic director at Willamette from 1974-82 and was an associate professor there as well. “I like a pro type of offense with emphasis on the passing game, involving the run ning backs as well as the receivers,” Lee said. “That offense has multiple sets with motion. I like to keep things simple with the end results being sound execution,” Lee continued. “I also like to establish good rapport with the players and exchange ideas and have good one-on-one relationships with the players and be car ing.” Lee and his wife, Haunani, have three children. Tommy is 44 years old.
Smith had been at Portland State University with Read since 1980, was defensive coordinator there, and coached virtually every defensive position during his tenure. He also handled some of the administrative duties at PSU and does the sam e at UM. His 1984 PSU team gave up no touchdow ns in league play. Smith’s college football career began when he played junior college ball for his father, Lyle, a former athletic director at Boise State. He was an All-Coast center at the University of Oregon and graduated from there in 1967, earning a B.A. in History and a m aster’s in Education. Smith, 40, went on to play professionally for the Pitt sburgh Steelers before being sidelined with an injury. He has nine years coaching experience in the prep ranks in Idaho, Oregon and California. “I try to create a situation defense in that we can anticipate what the offense is going to do, and then we can be calculated and sound and hope that a player can make the play if we get crossed u p ,” Smith said. “I like to put pressure on the quarterback, and hopefully we can get that from our four front people,” he said. “Speed is a big factor in the Big Sky Conference, as well as the surprise elem ent.” Bill and his wife, Janine, have two children.
Bob Beers
Vic Clark
A former University of Montana football great, Beers is an in augural member of the Grizzly Football Hall of Fame in 1982. He has 16 years of coaching experience, most recently as the head coach at West Linn High School in Oregon. He began his coaching career at his alma mater, coaching the linebackers for UM head coach Jack Swarthout in 1970-71. After that he was an assistant at Montana Tech from 1971-73. He has coached in the prep ranks for 12 seasons, beginning at Butte Central in 1974. He was an All-American at Columbia Basin Junior College and at Montana (1967-68). Beers, 39, is a 1970 graduate of UM with a degree in History & Health, Physical Education. His record as a high school coach was 64-35. “I think coaching is like teaching and is an educational experience that you want to make as positive as you can for the young men you coach,” Beers said. “I want to make it a positive experience playing football and going to school at the University of M ontana.” Beers and his wife, Janelle, have a boy, Bobby, 13, and a daughter, Cari, 12.
Vic Clark, former assistant football coach at Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro, is the only “holdover” from last year’s staff. Clark, 38, has 15 years of coaching in college and secondary schools in the Midwest. He and Billy Mitchell started the Kentucky W esleyan football program from scratch three years ago. Prior to taking the position at Owensboro, Clark was head football coach at Bekin High School in Illinois. He was there three years, from 1980-82. In 1979 he coached at Campbell High School in Ken tucky, where he coached a team that was 1-9 the previous season to a 9-1 record and a berth in the state playoffs. He was C on ference and District Coach of the Year for his efforts. From 1977-79 he was head coach at Grayson County High School in Kentucky. Clark received his B.A. degree at Indiana State in 1971 in Earth Sciences and Geography. He earned his m aster’s at Louisville in 1977. “I’m very much a believer in creating a positive environm ent to get positive responses from the players. I used to say positive things all the time, but now I feel the players should earn it. I try to task analyze what my players need to do and work in practice to mimick what an athlete needs to do in a game. All my drills are geared that way.” Clark and his wife, Karen, have a three-year-old daughter, Jennifer.
A ssistant Coaches
Jerome Souers Defensive
Robin Pflugrad Backs
Pflugrad (pronounced Flew-Grad) was a standout wide receiver at Portland State during the Neil Lomax era and was team cap tain and a second team Academic All-American in 1979. He received his B.S. degree at PSU in Business Administration in 1980 and his Oregon Teacher’s Certificate in Business Education in 1984. As a prep he and coach Jerom e Souers played football together at South Eugene High. His Mt. Hood Junior College team s were 20-2 in 1976-77 and first in the nation in 1977 when he was an all-conference player. After college graduation, he was receiver and secondary coach at South Eugene High School in 1982 and has served as a coach and counselor in football camps since 1981. From 1983-85, he coached the wide receivers, was responsible for the skill positions in the kicking game and director of football prom otions at PSU. Pflugrad, 28, married the former Marlene Smith this past summer. “I feel that a 4.6-4.7 (speed in the 40-yard dash) kid can become a complete receiver,” Pflugrad said. “I can relate to those kids. The important thing for a receiver is to catch the ball with your hands. If you can do that then you can catch it with your body. I am also a stickler on downfield block ing and spend a lot of time in that area,” he said.
Souers (pronounced Sow-Ers) brings 11 years of coaching ex perience to UM, including the last two as secondary coach at Portland State. He was the defensive coordinator and secondary coach at Western Washington for a season before coming to PSU, and he coached at “AAA” prep level for eight years before that. His high school stints were at North Eugene and Willamette High Schools. His father, Dwight, was a successful, well-known coach in Eugene. Jerome earned a B.A. in Physical Education at Oregon in 1983 and earned his masters in P.E. at PSU in 1985. His wife’s nam e is Paula. He is 28 years old. “I believe in firm discipline and being aggressive to a point, depending on how effective our front line is on applying pressure,” Souers said. “I like discipline, but there is a fine line with playing under control and playing with a degree of reckless abandon. I love man coverage and pressure, and it depends on the players on what kind of coverages work best for your team ,” he continued. “Sometimes we’ll send secon dary people in a blitz situation. You have to have a strong player to do it, but I think most secondary players have the speed to be solid pass rushers, and usually good strength to go along with it.”
The 1930 UM grid coach es included from left, Ed Chinske, Harry Adam s, Major Frank Milburn (head coach) and Gordon Rognlien. 8
Outlook, Honors Candidates,
Grizzly Outlook: It’s A New Look In 1986 T h e 1 9 8 6 U niversity of M on tana Grizzlies en ter the se a so n with a n ew h ea d co a c h , n ew o ffe n se , n ew d efen se an d a n e w co a c h in g staff. A lo n g with th e n e w look are 1 4 returning starters and 4 0 letterm en as H ea d C o a ch D o n R ead an d his staff try to im p rove o n U M ’s recen t th ree-year record o f 9 -2 2 -1 an d get back on th e w in nin g track.
Laird cou ld be factors as w ell. Frosh J o d y Farm er of Lib by is a m u c h -c o v e te d n ew co m er . On the offensive line the sole starter back is H onors C a n didate Larry Clarkson at tackle. Guard Jason Ray is a retur ning starter at guard but m o v e d to d e fe n se in the spring. S e c o n d tea m A ll-B ig S ky pick S h a w n P o o le w as m o v e d from d efen siv e to o ffen siv e tack le. N e w c o m e r Keith T o m lin so n (S o u th w estern JC) and letterm an Bill V en ard h a v e the inside starting track at guards and letterm an S cott H artm an and JC transfer (A n telo p e V alley CC) S e a n M cN ally m a k e cen ter a solid p o sitio n . A ll-Am erican Mike Rice returns at w ide receiver, as d o es tight en d P aul Lam b. JC transfers T on y Lam bert and D ave G arza had strong springs, as did letterm en J o h n W ilson an d Brad S a lo n e n . S a lo n e n is recoverin g from an ankle injury but e x p e c te d back in ’8 6 . “T h e quarterback h as to jell,” R ea d said. “B rent n e e d s to relax an d take ch a rg e. H e n e e d s c o n fid e n c e . W e also n e e d g o o d play out of our you nger gu ys. W e n e e d to c o m p lete a high p ercen ta g e o f p a sse s, g et th e big p lays and be effective o n first and third d o w n s to h a v e su c c e ss on o ffe n s e .” H o n o rs ca n d id a tes P at F oster an d J .C . C am p b ell lead th e w ay o n d e fe n se . B o th lin em en will be k ey s to UM ’s n ew 4 -3 (from a 3 -4 ) align m en t. A lso back o n d e fe n se is linebacker P at H ardim an. S o p h o m o r e Mike R ankin, w h o w a s U M ’s leadin g return ing tackier (71 sto p s in 1 9 8 5 ) will m iss this se a so n with a k n e e injury. B rent M ikesell an d K evin Bartsch, both so p h o m o r e s, will be co u n te d on at linebacker, alo n g with JC transfer R obb e L ind say and letterm an Jeff Blank. O n th e D -line F oster an d C am p b ell will g et help from letterm en N ate Finch, Rick Sullivan, Ward Crawford, John O w en s and R ay. O w en s started four g a m e s at n o segu ard as a fresh m an last se a so n . R eturning starters N a te O d d en an d T o n y B reland, both juniors, w ere m o v ed from corner to safety, w hile lettermen Brian Gim ler and R eggie Brow n are at C B. Tim M onterossi is back from a k n e e injury an d co u ld start at strong safety. “W e ’re y o u n g o n d e fe n se , but I think w e m a d e so m e positive m o v e s that will m ake us stronger, “R ead said. “W e really n e e d a p a ss rush. T h at’s th e n a m e o f th e g a m e in th e p a ss-o rien ted Big S k y C o n fer en ce . W e h a v e a lot of p layers p layin g n ew p o sitio n s, but I think w e h a v e g o o d quality. “M onty (M onterossi) h as giv en us g o o d leadersh ip at safety, and m oving C am pbell will help u s ,” he said. “Foster h as real p o ten tia l an d w e ’re pretty solid o n th e line. L inebacker is really a q u estio n m ark. With C am p b ell g o ing to en d and Rankin hurt w e ’re looking for th e right c o m b in a tio n .” A n o th er plus for the Grizzlies is th e return o f left-footed, so ccer-sty le place-k icker Eby D o b so n . D o b so n w as 10 of 14 in field g o a ls last year and hit a sc h o o l record 52-yarder against N orthern A rizona. R ice w a s the 1 -A A national lead er with a 4 4 .7 -y a r d p unting a v era g e.
H ead Coach Don Read w atches his team in action dur ing 1986 spring drills.
D efensive linem an John Owens fights off a B oise State blocker. “W hat w e really n e e d on o ffe n se is c o n fid e n c e ,” said R ea d , w h o h as b e e n a h ea d c o a c h at th e c o lle g e lev el for 1 6 years. “T hat co n fid e n c e will g en er a te su c c e ss. A s th e p layers m ak e a co m m itm en t th e rest will follow . “It’s hard to k n ow w h o will d o w hat b e c a u se our o ffe n siv e su c c e ss d e p e n d s o n so m a n y y o u n g p la y e r s,” R ead co n tin u ed . “Their com patibility to ea c h oth er and to the sy stem will d eterm in e a lo t.” O n e area critical to U M ’s n ew p ro-style, m ultiple o ffen se is at quarterback. M on tan a started four different p layers there last se a so n . S en ior letterm an B rent P e a se e d g e d out transfer D on D ou glas (University of Nebraska) for the star ting job in th e sp rin g. S en io r S co tt W erb elow will redshirt an d tw o fresh m en join th e program . Starting fullback Kraig P au lson is back for his final year, and so p h o m o re Renard C olem an is back at halfback. C o n verted Q B T o n y A rn ston , plus J o h n H u estis an d R obbie
All-American Candidate Mike Rice H e threw o n e pass and it w ent for a 26-yard touchdow n in M ontana’s season-ending, 3 2 -3 1 win at Northern Arizona. “Mike is a highly com petitive p erso n ,” Read said. “To give you an idea, he has four goals for himself in the 1 9 8 6 season and all four of the goals involve the team , and have nothing to do with Mike Rice. It is a tribute to the type of player he is. H e is an am azing you ng m a n .” Rice is o n e of three returning players w ho started all 11 gam es last sea so n . H e will serve as M ontana’s 1 9 8 6 offen sive team captain. O ffensive and defensive captains are som ething R ead and his staff have reinstated after a six-year hiatus. Last season he was UM’s leading kickoff and punt returner, fourth leading scorer, fourth leading rusher, N o . 2 receiver and amazingly never had o n e punt blocked. At S pok ane Falls CC he was a junior college All-American as a punt returner. As a sophom ore he led the league in punt ing (39.9) punt returns (10.0); yard receiving (597); all purpose rushing (1 ,0 4 5 ) and scoring (60 points). H e led his S pok an e Falls CC team to the league title and was nam ed league MVP on offense. H e w as an all-state quarterback and punter at Twin Falls (Idaho) High S ch ool as a senior.
Most co ach es like to talk about how versatile their athletes are, and have m any superlatives for their efforts. University of Montana senior Mike Rice is perhaps the most versatile athlete in Grizzly history, if not in college football’s Division 1 classification in 19 8 6 . Rice led Division 1-A A in punting last season with a
Games-Starts 11-11
44.7 -y ard average on 6 2 attem pts. His longest was a 74-yarder and he had 18 of 5 0 yards or m ore. That punting average is im pressive en ou gh. But, also co n sider that he w as a first team All-Big Sky C onference selec tion as a punter, wide receiver and return m an. “H e’s the best all-around athlete I’ve coach ed and d o es m ore things well than any other athlete I’ve b een arou n d,” says UM C oach D on R ead, w ho is in his 27th season in the coaching ranks. “B esides being a great athlete h e’s durable to o , and that enables him to do all the things that he can d o ,” Read co n tinued. “H e is also o n e of the m ost intelligent football players I’ve been around, and has great judgem ent, timing and vi sio n .” At receiver Rice, w ho transferred to UM last season from S p ok an e Falls CC, had 2 6 receptions for 3 8 8 and a TD. On end-around plays and fake punts he rushed for 172 yards on 12 carries and 3 TDs, including a 67-yard touchdow n run against Idaho State. As a return man he w as 17th in the nation in kickoff returns with 3 0 for a 21.9-yard average and a long of 6 3 yards. As a punt returner he averaged 9 .0 yards a p op, but his 13 returns were not enough to make him eligible for the rankings.
1985 S tatistics Punts-Avg.-Long 62 for 2771-44.7-74
26 for 388-14.9-47
12 for 172-14.3-67
1986 Honors C andidates Larry C larkson O ffen sive T ackle M ontana’s version of a “Mountain M an,” at 6-7V2, 308 pounds, Clarkson has continued to improve and big things are expected in 1986 from the junior from British Columbia. He saw considerable action at guard as a freshm an, and started at tackle last season. He is extremely fast for his size, running the 40 in 4 .9 on a consistent basis. “Larry’s got two really big assets, and that’s his overall size and strength, plus he can m ove,” said offensive line coach Vic Clark. “His game intelligence is very good, and he understands the offense, which diminishes mental mistakes. “Our major concern is how Larry will adjust to our more pro, multiple type of offense, com pared to last year’s straight ahead type of gam e,” Clark said. “With work on his knee bend and foot speed—if he concentrates on that, he will have a future in football when he completes his college career.” Hard work in the weight room has dramatically improved his weight (he weighed 255 as a freshman) and strength. He can bench press 400 pounds. As a prep he was an all-conference football and basketball player three times at Abbotsford Senior High School. He is the only Canadian player on M ontana’s roster.
J.C . C am pbell D efen siv e End Campbell was moved from outside linebacker to defensive end in M ontana’s new 4-3 scheme, and is a key player for the Grizzlies, who hope to dramatically improve their pass rush. Last season he played in all 11 games, starting in 8 of them . His eight starts were the most of any Grizzly linebacker last season. In ’85 he had 49 tackles, which ranks him 4th am ong tacklers on defense this season. He had .19 unassisted stops, two for losses, an interception, and six pass deflections—second most on the team . “J.C . will really be doing very much the sam e thing at defensive end that he was asked to do at linebacker,” said defensive coordinator Bill Smith. “He’ll still be responsible for outside contain and putting pressure on the passer. “With this quickness and athletic ability we think he will be a handful and a difficult assignment for the offen sive tackle who is assigned to block him ,” Smith said. “He is a gifted athlete. In addition he’s got the background an as outside linebacker for pass cover, which will allow us to do some things with him in that area to o .” As a freshman, injuries to veterans forced Campbell into a starting role, and he had 36 tackles that year (1984). He also had an interception. He was chosen as UM’s Outstanding Freshman. “J.C . had a great spring and m ade progress every day,” said head coach Don Read. “He will give us an important, crucial element with his pass rushing abilities. Moving him to defensive end should make us stronger.” Campbell was a three-sport standout at Steilacoom High School in Tacoma, W ashington. He was all-league three times in football and all-state as a senior.
P a t F oster D efen siv e T ackle Foster is the only defensive player who started all 11 games last season and his 63 tackles makes him the second leading returning player in that statistic. He is the epitome of what a player can do with hard work and dedication. He came to UM from Savage High School and 8-man football as a 6-4, 205-pounder. He is now 6-5, and 255 pounds and benches 410 pounds. “Pat has trem endous upper body strength and work ethic and that’s what you look for in a young m an who wants to make himself a college football player,” said defensive line coach Bob Beers. “I think Pat will be a force to be reckoned with in the Big Sky this season. He came from Savage, Montana, redshirted a year and then blossomed and became a very physical young m an.” Foster was the third leading tackier on the team in 1984 on the D-line with 36 stops and forced three fumbles. Of his 63 tackles last year, he had a team-high 35 unassisted stops, and had six for losses of 36 yards. “He really impressed me with his work habits,” said defensive coordinator Bill Smith. “He gets more physical every week. H e’s a highly motivated kid.” As a prep he was a four-time letterman in three sports, and all-state and team MVP in football as a junior and senior.
The 1986 G rizzlies
i Ed Apostol 6-1, 206 RB, Jr. Olympia, WA Ed is now playing his third position at UM and the move to running back could be a good one for him and the team . He show ed good signs in the spring especially as an open field runner. With improved pass cat ching ability he will be a factor at running back. He lettered three times in football at Timberline High School and four times in track. He was all-league in football for three seasons. As a senior in track he was the league MVP, winning the 100- and 200-m eter titles. He com peted in the state track m eet all four years as a prep. His grid coach was John Jordan. ROTC major.
*Tony Arnston
*Kevin Bartsch
5-10, 180 RB, So. Great Falls, MT
6 - 2 , 212
Tony excelled at running back at times during spring drills. Last season at quarter back he was instrumental in UM’s 35-29 league win over Idaho State. In that game he scored two touchdowns, including one 28-yarder. He quarterbacked his C.M. Russell High team to the state “AA” foot ball title in 1984 for coach Jack Johnson. A two-year starter for the Rustlers, he was an all-conference quarterback and was nam ed to the all-conference and all-state team s as a punter. He was also lettered in basketball. He is majoring in Business.
ILB, So. Helena, MT Kevin had 20 tackles and an interception last season as a freshman. He also started one game at UM in ’85. He was the state “AA” Defensive Player of the Year and also Eastern Division Player of the Year as a senior at Helena High. He was named to the first team all-conference and all-state team s as a senior and a USA Today AllAmerican. He was nam ed first team all conference and second team all-state as a junior. He was a two-year letterman in basketball. Kevin also played in the EastWest Shrine Gam e. His coach was Henry Hamill. He is majoring in General Studies.
Wayne Bias
Jeff Blank
* *Tony Breland
6-2, 225 OC, So. Elkhart, IN
6-1, 205 ILB, So. Billings, MT
6-2, 195 FS, Jr. Renton, WA
W ayne should see action at center and was listed num ber 3 at that position after spring drills. He was the first player in In diana high school football history to be nam ed to an all-state team three times. In addition, W ayne was an all-conference guard for three years in the Northern Indiana Conference at Elkhart High. He was nam ed by the league coaches as the Most Valuable Lineman in the NIC following his senior season. He com peted in track for three years and was a state finalist in the discus twice. He is majoring in Education.
Jeff came on very strong this spring and finished as the No. 2 left-side linebacker. If not at linebacker, he will help on special team s. He was the top tackier for Billings West and coach Wally Sims his junior and senior seasons. He was one of the top weight men in the state, advancing to the “AA” finals in the shot put and discus as a senior. He is a Business major.
Tony will start for the second straight season in 1986. Last year, he had 33 tackles, a team-high 7 pass deflections, an interception, and started 9 games. He is the prototype of a collegiate safety. He was an all-state defensive back at Renton High School as a senior and was selected to play in the 1984 Shrine Game. He was team cap tain in both football and basketball as a senior and also lettered in track. His football coach was Terry Ennis. He is majoring in Business.
*Reggie Brown
* *J. C. Campbell
Dana Carney
6-0 185 CB, Sr. Concord, CA
6-5, 210 DE, Jr. Tacoma, WA
6-1, 180 WR, Jr. Manteca, CA
Reggie finished spring drills as the starter at strong cornerback and could also help in the special team s area. Last season he had 12 tackles. He was a two-year letterman at Los Medanos Junior College in Northern California and an all-league pick as a sophom ore under coach Van Boschetti. He was a three-sport standout at Concord High, where he lettered in football, basketball and track, and also competed in soccer. He was all-league in football as a prep, and a top 800-meter runner. He was his school’s Most Inspirational Athlete as a senior. He is majoring in Communications.
A 1986 Honors Candidate, last year J.C . played in all 11 games, starting in 8, In 1985, he had 49 tackles, 6 pass deflections and an interception. (For more details, please turn to page 12). He was a threesport standout at Steilacoom High School. In football, he was all-state as a senior and all-league three times. He was student body president his senior year. He prepped with JC transfer Tony Lambert. His football coach was Mark Ross. His major is Communications.
One of three wide receivers brought in from the junior college ranks, Dana will add good depth to that position. He runs very crisp patterns and is a good possession receiver. He cam e to UM last spring from San Joaquin Delta Junior College where he averaged 18.7 yards per catch and was a two-year starter. His coach was Jack Jo r dan. At Manteca High he lettered in foot ball, basketball and track. In football he was all-conference, All-Area, and nam ed to the all-star team as a senior. He is majoring in Com puter Science.
* *Larry Clarkson
*Clay Clausen
‘Renard Coleman
6-7V2, 308 OT, Jr. Abbotsford, BC
6-3, 195 OLB, So. Missoula, MT
5-9, 170 RB, So. Renton, WA
Continued hard work in the weight room and an outstanding attitude has developed Larry into a 1986 Honors Candidate. He let tered three times in football and three times in basketball at Abbotsford Senior High. He was all-conference in football and basketball and a first-team All-Star Western C on ference pick for his top ranked basketball team . His grid coach was Bill McGregor. (Please turn to page 12 for more infor mation on this 1986 Honors Candidate). He is majoring in Health, Physical Education.
Clay is vying for playing time at outside linebacker and with added weight and strength, will see playing time there. As a senior he led his Sentinel High team to the Western “AA” Conference title and the state runner-up spot. Clay was an All-Conference QB for the Spartans and was also a starting forward for the basketball team . He was nam ed as team captain and team MVP for the ’84 season. He was a second team all stater in basketball as a senior. His coach was Tim Dennison. He is majoring in Business.
Renard rushed for 310 yards and 3 touchdowns as a freshman in 1985 and started in 7 games. A two-time all-league running back, Renard rushed for 800-plus yards in seven games as a senior at Renton High School. He holds his school’s record in the low hurdles and competed in the state track meet since his sophom ore year. He was coached by Andre Patterson, a former Grizzly player and coach. He was voted his school’s outstanding senior. He also played in the W ashington East-West Shrine game. His prep head coach was Terry Ennis. He is majoring in Athletic Training.
** Ward Crawford
M m
6-41/2’ 230
Injuries have plagued Ward the past two seasons, but when he is healthy, he has pro ven to be a solid player. He finished the spring as the backup at left end. He started twice in ’85 and had 22 tackles and recovered two fumbles. In 1984 he was chosen as the co-Freshman of the Year at UM. From West Valley High, he was all conference both ways as a senior. He also lettered in basketball. His football coach was Jim Clements. His major is Journalism.
Tim Donovan
6-7, 250
) ^
OT, Jr. San Rafael, CA
Tim came on very strong in the spring and was more than an able replacement for Larry Clarkson when Clarkson was sidelined with an injury. He came to UM from College of Marin where he was all-conference. He prepped at Terra Linda High School where he excelled in football and track. His junior college coach was Tim MacCandless. He is a Communications major.
Mike Delaney
DE, Jr. Spokane, WA
g sfe
DE, Fr. Butte, MT
A redshirt last season, Mike was struck with mononucleosis prior to fall cam p and never really recovered. He was moved from linebacker to defensive end this spring. He needs to add weight and strength to see playing time and a strong work ethic will pro bably meet that goal. He was the starting quarterback for the Butte High Bulldogs and played quarterback and tailback as a junior, starting at both positions. He played in the all-star game in the ’84 Grizzly Football Camp. His prep coach was Jo n McElroy. He is majoring in Business.
Don Douglas
* *Mike Ehlers 6-2, 190 RB, Jr. Wilsonville, OR
Butte, MT
A redshirt last season after transferring from the University of Nebraska, Don is bat tling for the starting quarterback position with senior Brent Pease. He earned one letter at Nebraska. He was an all-state football player at Butte High as a junior and senior and his Jon McElroy-coached team won the state title in 1981. He was all-conference in basketball twice and also lettered in track. His wife’s nam e is Kim. He is a Health, Physical Education major.
Eby had an outstanding junior year hit ting 10 of 14 field goal attempts, 6 of which were 40 yards or m ore. He set a school record with a 52-yard field goal against Nor thern Arizona. He was 22nd in the nation averaging almost one field goal per game. As a sophom ore he was 20th in the nation in punting. He is a left-footed, soccer-style kicker. A three-time letterman in football and baseball, Eby was an all-state kicker at North Valley High and an all-league short stop. He was all-league in football as a junior and senior. His coach was current UM coach Bob Beers. He is a Business M anagement major.
6 - 1 , 200 QB, Sr.
* * *Eby Dobson 6-0, 172 K, Sr. Grants Pass, OR
Leg injuries slowed Mike’s progress in 1985 and the coaches know he has the athletic ability to be a quality back in the Big Sky. In limited action last year, he averag ed more than 7 yards per carry. In the ’86 Big Sky Conference track championships, he was first in the high jump and second in the long jump. He qualified for four events in the state track meet as a senior and broke Mel Renfro’s Oregon prep long jump mark, going 24-1V2. He also excelled in basket ball. His coach at West Linn High was Jeff Scurran. His major is Math.
Jay Fagan
*Nate Finch
6-3, 200 OG, So. Butte, MT
6-3, 235 DT, Sr. Jackson, WY
Jay adds depth to the offensive guard position and needs to get stronger and gain experience to see playing time. He was a starter on the offensive line for two years for the Butte High Bulldogs. His senior year he was an all-conference selection and honorable mention all-state. He was also a basketball letterman. His coach was Jon McElroy. He is majoring in Business.
Nate was a valuable player on the defen sive line last year and played in all 11 games. He had 21 tackles, including 3 for losses. He transferred from Utah State and was a 1984 redshirt at UM. He prepped at Jackson Hole High School where he was a two-year letterman in football and track. His 1981 football team won the state championship, while his 1982 track team captured the state title. His prep football coach was Jim Rooks. His major is Business Management.
Dave Garza
Greg Gianinni
5-9, 165 WR, Jr. Moses Lake, WA
6-2 , 210 DT, Jr. Sand Coulee, MT
Dave is a transfer from W enatchee Com munity College where he excelled as a receiver and was all-conference as a receiver and kick returner. His sophom ore year, he averaged 19.1 yards per catch. His JC coach was Sandy Cooprider. As a prep he lettered in football three times, and wrestl ing and track as well. He was all-conference in football as a junior and senior and all-state as a senior. He was track and football cap tain as a senior. His grid coach was Greg Kittrell. He is a Child Guidance major.
A wrist injury prevented Greg from play ing in ’85, but after a good spring, he should see action. He is a very physical player and just needs playing time to becom e a factor at DT. He was nam ed Scout Team Player of the Year in 1984. He was a football cap tain as a senior and all-conference three times at Centerville High School. He was selected to play in the first ever Class “C” all-star game which was played in June of 1984 in Missoula. He also lettered in basket ball and track. His coach was Ted Richards. His major is Com puter Science.
* * *Pat Foster ’ 6-5, 245 DL, Sr. Savage, MT An Honors Candidate, Pat was the only player on defense last season that started all 11 games. He had 63 tackles, 35 of which were unassisted. He had 6 tackles for losses. (Please see page 12 for more information). A three-sport athlete, he lettered in football, basketball and track all four of his seasons at Savage High. He was team captain in all three sports as a senior. He was all-state, all conference and team MVP in football as a junior and senior. His coach was Keith Quale. Pat is an HPE/Biology major.
*Brian Gimler 5-10, 185 CB, Sr. Parsons, KS
Brian is in a battle for a starting job at cornerback and had a very strong spring. Last season he started in two games and had 19 tackles. In junior college Brian played at Crowly County CC where he was all-league. After Crowly dropped football, he went on to Independence CC where he was nam ed All-Jayhawk League at defensive back. He lettered in track and football three times as a prep. In junior college he was team cap tain as a sophom ore. He is an outstanding student as well, maintaining a near-4.0 average. He is majoring in Physical Therapy.
Kenneth Gober
*Pat Hardiman
* *Scott Hartman
5-10, 155 WR, So. Gary, IN
5-11, 180 OLB, Sr. Livermore, CA
6-4V2, 244 OC, Jr. Great Falls, MT
Moved from defensive back to receiver, Ken finished spring drills as the No. 3 man at the “Y” receiver spot. He has fine speed and just needs im provem ent on his pass routes and hands to help in 1986. He was team captain at Roosevelt High School in Gary his senior year and played quarterback and flanker for coach Claude Taliaferro. He also lettered in basketball as a prep. He was senior class Vice President. He is majoring in Business Management.
A returning starter, Pat plays much big ger than his 180 pounds, and has a sixth sense and a nose for the football. He is also an extremely hard hitter for his size. He is the Grizzlies’ top returning starter among the linebackers, with 56 stops last year, including 19 unassisted. He came to UM from Chabot Junior College in Hayward. As a J.C . player he was team captain and defensive MVP. He prepped at Livermore High School where he was all-league as a senior. He is majoring in Sports Medicine.
Hard work in the weight room has paid its dividends for Scott as he emerged as the starting center after spring drills. He was UM’s deep snapper last year, and will have that assignment in 1986. He was first team all-conference and second team all-state his senior year. His C.M. Russell High team won the state “AA” title his junior year. He won two letters in football and basketball. He was team captain in basketball his senior year. His coach was Jack Johnson. His major is Health, Physical Education.
‘John Huestis
Alex Hunter
Garret Jaros
6 - 0 , 200
6 - 2 , 210
RB, So. Battle G round, WA
LB, So. Vancouver, WA
6-4, 235 OG, So. Eugene, OR
John came on like gangbusters in the spring and won the starting job at running back from Renard Colem an. He was a Washington All-Star pick and rushed for 970 yards in seven games as a senior. He was all-state and all-conference in 1983, and played in his state’s Shrine Game. He started for the No. 1 ranked basketball team in the state. He was team captain in football, basketball and track and lettered three times in each sport. His football coach was Tracey Keesee. His major is Business.
Alex was moved from fullback and finish ed spring drills as the backup at middle linebacker. A two-time all-conference pick at Evergreen High, Alex was chosen AllSouthwest Washington as a fullback by the Portland Oregonian. As a wrestler, he was fourth in the state as a junior in “AAA” . He was a three-time Southwest Washington cham p and undefeated in dual matches for two years. At Evergreen his defensive coor dinator was former Grizzly Willie Thompson. He is majoring in Business.
Garret saw limited action at defensive tackle last year and came on strong on the offensive line last spring working his way to the backup spot at left guard. He is from Churchill High School where he was coach ed by Floyd Halverson. Following the 1984 football season, Garret received num erous accolades, including all-conference, all district, and Register Guard all-state. In ad dition, he represented the South squad in the ’84 Oregon North-South Shrine Game. He majors in Business.
Rob Kunka
6-3V2, 195
tGreat e ’ jr Falls,
"Robbie Laird
* *Paul Lamb
6-4, 208 FB, So. Missoula, MT
6-2, 195 TE, Jr. Veradale, WA After only two seasons at Montana, Paul is already the No. 9 career yardage receiver with 735 yards. He was UM’s leading receiver last season and his 614 yards in 1985 rank him fourth in single-season receiving history. He was an all-league player at Central Valley High as a junior and senior, and his team s advanced to the state playoffs those seasons. He also excelled at track. His football coach was Jerry Connors. His major is Pre-m ed.
Rob has finally m ade the transition from an outstanding high school quarterback to tight end or “Z” position as it is called in the Grizzly offense. He had two receptions for 32 yards in the spring game and has dramatically improved his pass-catching ability. He was a Shrine Gam e participant and team MVP as a senior and the Outstanding Back for Great Falls High as a junior and senior. He set num erous pass ing records for coach Dale Pohle at G .F.H .S. He is an outstanding student and maintained a 4 .0 as a freshman at UM. His major is Business.
Rob blossomed into a versatile back this past spring. He and senior Kraig Paulson make fullback a very good position for the Griz. He was a first team all-conference and second team all-state selection as a running back for the Knights and former Grizzly stan dout QB Van Troxel. He rushed for almost 900 yards as a senior. Robbie played in the East-West Shrine Game. He was voted most valuable running back at Hellgate and team captain. He was the “AA” MVP in basket ball as a senior and MVP of the annual M ontana-W yom ing Basketball All-Star games. He is a General Studies major.
Tony Lambert
Robbe Lindsay
Ron Marceau
5-10, 175 WR, Jr.
6 - 2 , 220
6-2, 180 FS, Jr. Great Falls, MT
Steilacoom, WA
A deep threat, Tony had an outstanding spring, and not only displayed speed, but good hands and moves after he catches the football as well. He came to UM from Walla Walla Community College where he was an all-league player. He prepped at Steilacoom High School with Grizzly J.C . Campbell. As a prep he was all-league twice. His brother, Derrick, is a cornerback at the University of Wyoming. He was an outstanding student as a prep and a member of the National Honor Society. His JC coach was John Volek. He is a Music major.
LB, Jr. Billings, MT One of many junior college recruits who will be a factor at UM, Robbe had an outstanding spring and he will be hard to keep out of the starting lineup. He was an all-conference player at Fullerton JC where he was coached by former Grizzly great Hal Sherbeck. He was a two-year starter in junior college. Originally from Billings West, he was all-conference and all-state as a senior. His prep coach was Vince Zimmer. He is a topnotch student and a m ember of the honors list. Robbe is a Pre-law major.
Ron redshirted last season after an earlyseason injury. He played well in the spring, finishing as the backup behind Tony Breland at free safety. A first-team all-state and all conference pick his senior year, he also par ticipated in the Shrine All-Star game. His C.M. Russell High team won the Eastern Conference and the state “AA” cham pion ship in 1982. His football coach was Jack Johnson. His major is Business Administration.
Sean McNally
Brent Mikesell
*Tim Monterossi
6-3, 255 OC, Jr. Palmdale, CA
6-0, 205, OLB, So. Spokane, WA
5-11, 177 SS, Jr. Klamath Falls, OR
An excellent addition from the junior col lege ranks, Sean was first-team all-league at Antelope Valley City College last season. He will battle letterman Scott Hartman for the starting berth at center this fall. At Antelope Valley High he was all-league both ways as a senior. He is a Business major.
Brent saw limited action as a frosh, but hard work in the off-season greatly improv ed his strength. The result was earning the starting role at left-side linebacker. He was slowed by a knee injury in the spring but is expected to be 100 percent this fall. He was a two-year standout at University High School at linebacker and was also a letter man in wrestling. As a junior in high school he was one of the top power lifters in the nation for his age group. As a senior, he was first-team All-Greater Spokane League for coach Dave Holmes. He is majoring in HPE/Athletic Training.
A serious knee injury in the spring of 1985 prevented Tim from playing last season. He more than proved he was back to his old form earning the starting role at strong safe ty. In 1984 he was one of the top players in the secondary with 49 tackles and two in terceptions. He was team MVP, all-state and all-conference as a senior at Klamath Union High. He was also nam ed his team ’s Outstanding Back. He earned four letters in football and was team captain as a senior. He also lettered in basketball, baseball and track. His coach was Rolla Callaghan. He is a Radio-TV major.
m /m ..
Chris Murray
* *Nate Odden
*John Owens
6-0, 170 WR, Jr. Englewood, CO
5-lOVz, 193 SS, Jr. Dutton, MT
6-1, 245 DT, So. Kent, WA
Chris is walk-on who has steadily improv ed and will see playing time at wide receiver. He m ade an outstanding catch scoring a touchdown in the Grizzly spring game in Cut Bank. He was a four-sport letterman at Cherry Creek High School, lettering in foot ball, baseball, track and golf. His prep grid coach was Fred Tosone. His 1982 high school football team was state champion with a 14-0 record. Chris is a Business major.
Nate is Montana’s leading returning tackier with 65 stops in ’85. He had 34 unassisted tackles. He started 9 games at cornerback and played in all 11. He is currently in a fight for the starting job with two others at SS. He was a four-year letterman in football, basketball and track. Nate was first-team allstate in football at quarterback. He was a star on the Dutton High track team and won three individual state titles. He was also allstate in basketball. His coach was Mike Rae. He is majoring in Chemistry.
John played in all 11 games in 1985, star ting in four. He had 35 tackles, including two for losses. John was an all-state player at Kent-Meridian High School and scored 22 touchdowns his last two seasons. He was also twice all-league as a prep. A standout wrestler, he won back-to-back heavyweight wrestling championships and was a high school All-American. He lettered in wrestl ing at UM. He played in the Washington East-West Shrine Game. His prep coach was Rick Trestrail. He is a Sports Medicine major.
’ * *Kraig Paulson
*Brent Pease
Tom Peterson
6 -0 , 202
6 - 2 , 200
FB, Sr. Plenty wood, MT
QB, Sr. Mountain Home, ID
6-0, 175 RB, So. Miles City, MT
Kraig started 11 games at fullback in 1985 and rushed for 256 yards. He carried the ball 84 times and lost yardage on only one occasion. He will once again start at fullback and proved in the spring he is an able receiver out of the backfield. He was nam ed M ontana’s Outstanding Sophom ore in 1984. He was twice an all-state pick at Plen ty wood High School in football. He lettered four times in football and track and was an outstanding sprinter. His coach was Ron Smith. He is a Business major.
Brent will be the starting QB in 1986. Last year he started three games, passing for 599 yards and four touchdowns. He was a stand out JC quarterback at Walla Walla CC where he was an honorable mention all leaguer and led his team to the 1983 con ference championship. He played for coach John Volek at Walla Walla. As a prep he was an all-state football player and wrestler at Mountain Hom e High School, where his father, Richard, is athletic director and head football coach. He also lettered in baseball. He is majoring in Health, Physical Education.
A very hard-working player, added strength and weight could earn Tom some playing time at running back this season. He was all-state at Custer County High School as a junior and senior and all-conference both those seasons as well. He lettered in golf and basketball and was team MVP in golf as a junior. He also played Legion baseball for four years. His high school foot ball coach was Ed Rohloff. His major is Pharmacy.
Dave Phillips
Tim Polich
* * *Shawn Poole
6-4, 230 DT, So. Seattle, WA
6-5, 230 OG, Fr. G reat Falls, MT
6-4, 268 OT, Sr. Spokane, WA
Injuries prevented Dave from participating in spring drills, hence his status for the 1986 season is unknown. He also had injury prob lems last fall. He was an all-conference defensive lineman at Highline High, as well as his team ’s deep snapper. He was a stand out heavyweight wrestler and trackster. As a senior he was the W ashington “AAA” champion in the shot put. He was timed at 57.02 in the 400 meters, which is an outstanding time for a lineman. He was coached by Dave Oss. He is an Education major.
Slowed with a knee injury in spring ball, Tim is making excellent progress on the of fensive line. He redshirted last season due to an injury to the same knee. He was first team all-conference and first team all-state for the C.M. Russell High Rustlers. Tim played for the East squad in the East-West Shrine Game. He also lettered in basketball and track as a junior and senior. His grid coach was Jack Johnson. He is a Math major. *
A second-team all-conference pick at defensive tackle last year, Shawn led the linemen with 67 tackles and had a team-high IOV2 for losses. His move to offense has been a good one for him and the team and he will start at left tackle. He was voted Most Valuable Freshman in 1982. At Shadle Park High he was a first team all-city choice his junior and senior seasons and a Shrine Game participant. His Bob Haney-coached team s won conference titles in 1980 and 1981. He is an ROTC major.
*Mike Rankin 6-0, 225 ILB, So. Edmonds, WA Mike was a leading tackier am ong linebackers last season with 71 stops. He started in six games and was nam ed UM’s Freshman of the Year. Unfortunately, he suffered a serious knee injury in spring drills and will redshirt during the 1986 season. He was a two-time all-conference fullback and noseguard at W oodway High School. He was also Player of the Year in the Western Conference as a senior and league wrestl ing champion at 190 pounds as well as the state titlist in ’84 at that weight class. His coach was Gene Yerabek. He played in the East-West Shrine Game in Washington. His major is Communications.
W % w\
'Jason Ray
*David Reeves
d£ so 5 Missoula, MT
6-0, 185 SS, So. Sedro Woolley, WA
Another player who m ade a position change, Jason was starting at offensive guard this spring. However, the UM coaches felt his tem perm ent and abilities would be better used on defense and he will see plenty of action there. He was a first team all-state and all-conference selection at Big Sky High and team MVP in 1983. He was an honorable mention all-state choice as a junior. He played in the 1984 Shrine Game. He was a three-year letter winner in both football and wrestling. His football coach was Kevin H am m ond. He is a Criminology major.
Perhaps the most consistent defensive back against the run, David is a viable can didate for the starting strong safety spot along with Tim Monterossi and Nate Odden. He started two games last season and had 19 tackles. He was an all-state selection on offense and defense at Sedro Woolley High his senior year. He was also an all conference pick as a junior and senior. He captained the 1983 team which went 12-1 and was the runner-up in the state cham pionships. He also excelled in baseball. His coach was Mark Hester. His major is Education.
*Darrin Reid
*Mike Rice
Mike Ruiz
6-5V2, 257 OT, Jr. Klamath Falls, OR
6-0, 195 P /W R /R e t., Sr. Twin Falls, ID
5-11, 205 FB, So. Kalispell, MT
Darrin was coming on strong in ’85 and seeing considerable action until being sidelin ed with a knee injury. It is hoped he will be back at 100 percent by fall and contribute at the left tackle position. He was an AllAmerican honorable mention as a senior at Klamath Union High. Darrin was first team all-state and team captain in football and wrestling. He lettered three times in football, wrestling and track. He played in the Shrine Game for the South. He prepped with Grizz ly Tim Monterossi. His coach was Rolla Callaghan. Darrin is a Physical Therapy major.
Montana’s most versatile player in modern history, Mike is an All-American candidate at more than one position (Please see page 11 for more information). He was UM’s MVP last season and first-team all-league at three positions. He was the Offensive Player of the Year at SFCC. As a prep at Twin Falls High School he was second team all-state and all-conference at quarterback and punter. He is a Science major.
A steady performer, Mike adds good depth to the fullback position and will be vy ing for playing time there. He could also be a strong contributor on special teams. He was a two-year starter at Flathead High School for coach Bob Raeth. He was also an outstanding hurdler, competing in the event in the state meet. He is a Business major.
*Brad Salonen
Kirk Scrafford
Pat Sims
6 - 11/ 2, 210 t e , S o. Great Falls, MT
6-6, 236 OT, Fr. Billings, MT
6-4, 255 OG, So. Milwaukie, OR
M ontana’s hard-luck story, Brad had to sit out the ’85 season with a wrist injury, and after having a great spring, went down with an ankle injury. He is expected to return this fall, and if he does, he will be a major con tributor. He was a first-team all-conference and all-state selection his senior year in foot ball and all-state in basketball too. His brother, Brian, is the all-time receiver at M ontana, holder of several 1-AA receiving records, and currently plays for the Dallas Cowboys. Brad’s coach was Dale Pohle. He is a Business major.
Rob Stack 6 - 0 , 220 DE, So. Whitehall, MT
A redshirt in ’85, Rob also had injury problems this past spring and it’s hoped he will be ready to go this fall. He is a very hardnosed, physical player who will be a steady performer as he gains playing time. He was first-team all-conference and honorable mention all-state at Whitehall High. As a junior he was team MVP on defense. His coach was Mike Battaoila. He also lettered in track. He is an Art major.
A 1985 redshirt due to a knee injury, Kirk appears to be fully recovered and should see playing time at right tackle. He worked hard in the off-season and that should be ap parent this fall. He was an all-conference performer at offensive guard for the Billings West High Golden Bears. He was the “AA” discus cham pion and had a best of 173-9. He was also a member of the National Honor Society. His coach was Wally Sims. He is a Geology major.
Nike Strutzel 6-3, 240 DT, Jr. Monitor, WA
Mike m ade an initial impact this spring in a big way earning the starting spot at left tackle. He was extremely consistent not only against the rush, but also as a pass rusher. At W enatchee Community College he was first team all-league and a two-year starter. He was also team captain that year. He prepped at Cashm ere High School where he was a three-year letterman in football and track. He was his team ’s Most Inspirational Player as a senior and all-league both ways as well that season for coach Jack Collins. He is a Geology major.
All Pat needs is confidence to go along with his playing ability and he will be a solid offensive lineman at UM during the next three seasons. He played his high school football at Milwaukie High School for Jerry Ham. A two-way player, he was both the Most Im proved Player and the Most Valuable Player as a senior. Coaches in the Three Rivers League voted him the Defen sive Player of the Year. Pat was chosen allstate by the college coaches in the state of Oregon and by the Register Guard. He is a Pharm acy maj6r.
"Rick Sullivan 6-2, 225 DT, Jr. Whitefish, MT
Moving from offense to defense appears to be an excellent change for Rick and the Grizzlies as he em erged as the num ber one man at defensive right tackle in the spring. A rangy player, his attitude and intelligence make him a good, solid defensive lineman. A letterman in football and track, Rick was coached by Scott Sward at Whitefish High. He was an excellent student, graduating third in his class with a 3.9 GPA. He was a member of Boy’s State and the National Honor Society. He is a Business Administration major.
1 U /
Keith Tomlinson
#Bill Venard
*Scott Werbelow
OG, Jr. Bonita, CA
6-3, 245 OG, Jr. Albany, OR
6-0, 185 QB, Sr. Glendale, CA The Grizzly quarterback of the future, Scott will redshirt in 1986 and be counted on to call the signals in ’87. Last year he started once and was 12 of 16 passing for 216 yards. He rushed for 62 yards. He was an All-Western State choice at Santa Bar bara Junior College, and team MVP at SBJC for coach Bob Dinaberg. As a prep at Glendale High School, he was All-Valley, All-Area, team MVP, captain and a two-year letterman in football and basketball. In JC he broke two school passing records, in cluding single game and single season pass ing percentage (62.6% ). His major is Business.
Another outstanding addition from the junior college ranks, Keith should start at of fensive left guard. He came to UM from Southwestern Junior College where he was a two-time all-conference player. He was coached by Bob Mears. He prepped at Bonita Vista High where he was first-team all-league as a junior and senior. He also let tered in baseball. His prep grid coach was Larry Fernandez. His major is Land M anagement.
Hard work on the weights has paid its dividends for Bill as he earned the starting berth at offensive right guard. He probably had the most consistent spring of the offen sive lineman. He is one of the stronger players on the team benching 405 and squatting 600 pounds. He was a three-sport starter at Albany High and was a first-team All-Valley selection as well as a Shrine Game participant. His coach was Roger Dasch. He is a Com puter Science major.
John Wilson
Daran Wyckoff
* *Dontelle Wynn
5-10V2, 170 WR, Jr. Missoula, MT
6-4, 224 OT, Fr. Missoula, MT.
5-10, 181 CB, Jr. Detroit, MI
After a disappointing 1985 season, John dramatically improved his catching ability and could start at one wide receiver posi tion. He had a very good scrimmage at Cut Bank last spring with 7 receptions. He was a first-team all-state selection and secondteam as a punt returner. He was conference MVP on offense, team MVP at Sentinel High School and participated in the Shrine Game. He participated in basketball and was most inspirational player as a senior. He also lettered in track. His prep football coach was Tim Dennison. He is a Business Education major.
A player who has improved himself in the off-season, Daran finished spring drills as the backup at left tackle. He needs more strength and playing time but should be a major contributor to the Grizzly program. He was a first team all-conference offensive tackle and second team all-state for the Hellgate High Knights and coach Van Troxel. He was a letterman and starter as a junior for the Knights. He played for the West team in the East-West Shrine G am e. He was voted most valuable lineman at HHS. He is a Business major.
Dontelle was m oved from safety to cornerback and is vying for playing time at that position. Last year he had seven tackles in limited duty in the secondary and on special teams. He was an all-state linebacker at St. Martin DePorres High School. He was all league as a junior and a senior and his team won state titles three times during his play ing days. He was team captain, All-Metro and All-Catholic League as a senior. He also lettered in wrestling. His coach was Ron Thompson. He is a Business M anagement major.
Roster, New G rizzlies
1986 Grizzly Alphabetical Football Roster No.
Nam e
C lass
Hom etown (School)
2 9 — Ed A postol
O lym pia, W A (Timberline HS)
1 4 —T ony Arnston
5 -1 0
Great Falls H S (C.M. Russell HS)
7 6 — Craig B artholom ew
6 - 41/2
4 4 —Kevin Bartsch
Billings, MT (Billings Central HS) H elen a, MT (H elena HS)
6 9 —W ayne Bias
6 -2
Elkhart, IN (Elkhart Central HS)
3 6 — Jeff Blank
2 4 — Russ Blank
Billings, MT (Billings W est HS) Dillon, MT
2 — T ony Breland
6 -2
6 -0
Jr. Sr.
R enton, W A (Renton HS)
2 3 — R eggie Brown
195 185
8 7 — Rick Brown
5 -1 0
Billings, MT (Billings W est HS)
C oncord, CA (Los M edanos JC)
8 9 — J. C. Cam pbell
6 -5
T acom a, W A (Steilacoom HS)
8 6 — D ana C arney
M anteca, C A (San Joaquin Delta JC)
3 8 — Matt Clark
6-1 6 - 71/2
170 308
Fr. Jr.
Abbotsford, BC (Abbotsford Sr. HS)
9 — Clay C lausen
6 -3
4 —Kyle Clayton
5 -9
So. Fr.
1 9 — Renard C olem an
5 -9
R enton, W A (Renton HS)
6 5 — Demidric C ook s
San J o se , CA (San J o se CC)
7 7 — Ward Crawford
6 -4
8 3 — John D anaher
6 -5
S p o k a n e, W A (W est Valley HS) Mishawaka, IN (Mishawaka HS)
6 -2
So. Sr.
Butte, MT (Butte HS)
6 -0
200 172
Grants Pass, OR (W. V alley HS)
5 9 —Tim D onovan
San Rafael, CA (College of Marin JC)
1 7 — D on D ouglas
6 -IV 2
T R /R S
Butte, MT (U of Nebraska)
4 2 — J o e Easton
M issoula, MT (Sentinel HS)
2 6 — Mike Ehlers 5 4 — Jay Fagan
5 -9 6 -2
W ilsonville, OR (West Linn HS)
Butte, MT (Butte HS)
3 0 — Jod y Farmer
6 -3 6-0
Libby, MT (Libby HS)
9 1 — N ate Finch
Jackson, W Y (Utah State)
9 6 — Pat Foster
S a vage, MT (Savage HS)
9 2 —T odd Foster
S a v a g e, MT (Savage HS)
8 2 — D ave Garza
165 222
9 9 — Greg Gianinni
5-9 6-2
Sand C o u lee, MT (Centerville HS)
1 5 — Brian Gimler
5 -1 0
Parsons, KS (Independence CC)
1 6 —K enneth G ober
5 -1 0
Gary, IN (R oosevelt HS)
6 — D w ayne Hans 4 8 — Pat Hardiman
5 -1 1
P asco, W A (Pasco HS)
5 -1 0
Livermore, CA (Chabot JC)
5 6 — S cott Hartman
6 -41/2
Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS)
7 0 —Trent H olm s
190 244
M issoula, MT (Sentinel HS)
205 205
9 4 — S ven H olt
6-2 6 -4
3 3 — John H uestis
6 -0
Battle G round, W A (Battle Ground HS)
3 2 — A lex Hunter
V ancouver, W A (Evergreen HS)
7 9 — Garret Jaros
6 -4
E ugene, OR (Churchill HS)
8 0 — Mark Joh nson
6 - 21/2
Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS)
6 -IV 2
1 90
So. Fr.
Burnham , IL (Burnham HS)
8 8 — Rob Kunka
6 - 31/2
1 95
Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS)
2 8 — D ave Laird
5 -1 0
1 78
Miles City, MT (Custer C o. HS)
7 1 — Larry Clarkson
9 0 — Mike D elan ey 7 — Eby D obson
3 — Chris Kross
V = V a rsity L e tte r s W on
S Q = S q u a d m e m b e r /d id n o t le tte r
H S = H igh s c h o o l e x p e r ie n c e
Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS)
M issoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Great Falls, MT
M oses Lake, W A (W enatchee CC)
H am ilton, MT (Hamilton HS)
J C = J u n ior C o lle g e tr a n s fe r
TR = T ra n sfer fr o m f o u r -y e a r s ch o o l
1986 Grizzly Roster (continued) No. Nam e
C lass
Hom etown (School)
3 4 — Robbie Laird
6 -4
M issoula, MT (Hellgate HS)
V eradale, W A (Central V alley HS)
5 -1 0 6-2
Billings, MT (Fullerton JC)
9 5 — Paul Lamb 1 —T ony Lambert
5 5 — Robbe Lindsay
4 9 — Ron Marceau
S Q /R S
Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS)
5 -1 0
Stockton, CA (San Joaquin Delta JC)
2 7 — M ichael M cG ow an
Seattle, W A (Ballard HS)
Jr. .
Palm dale, C A (A ntelope V alley CC)
3 5 — Brent Mikesell
6-0 6 -3
5 7 — S ean McNally
S p o k a n e, W A (University HS)
6 -3
So. Fr.
3 0 - K e n Miller
205 200
Frenchtow n, MT (Frenchtown HS)
1 0 —Tim M onterossi
5 -11
Klamath U nion, OR (Klamath U. HS)
8 1 — Chris Murray
6 -0
E nglew ood, CO (Cherry Creek HS)
3 4 — Jeff Neil
5 -9
Great Falls, MT (CM Russell HS)
4 3 — Greg Nygren
5 -1 1
Grants Pass, OR (Col. of R edw oods) Dutton, MT (Dutton HS)
3 9 — John O w ens
5-10V2 6-1
So. Jr.
8 — N ate O dden
175 1 93 235
Kent, W A (Kent-Meridian HS)
3 7 — Kraig Paulson
6 -0
Plenty w o o d , MT (Plenty w ood HS)
2 0 — Brent P ease
6 -2
Mountain H o m e, ID (Walla Walla JC)
2 5 —Tom Peterson
6 -0
Miles City, MT (Custer C o. HS)
7 1 — D ave Phillips
6 -4
Fr. Fr.
S Q /R S
Seattle, W A (Highline HS)
5 — Maurice Martin
6 -0
Steilacoom , W A (Walla Walla CC)
7 5 — Tim Polich
6 -5
230 230
S Q /R S
Great Falls, MT (CM R ussell HS)
7 3 — Shaw n P oole
6 -4
S p o k a n e, W A (Shadle Park HS)
4 5 — Mike Rankin
6 -0
E dm onds, W A (W oodw ay HS)
6 6 — Jason Ray
6 -0
Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS)
1 1 —S tev e R edm ond
6 - li/z
S p ok an e, W A (Shadle Park HS)
4 6 — David R eeves 7 8 — Darrin Reid
6-0 6 - 51/2
S ed ro W oolley, W A (Sedro W oolley HS)
Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath Falls HS)
1 3 — Mike Rice
W R /P
6 -0
Twin Falls, ID (Sp okan e Falls CC)
3 8 — Mike Ruiz
5 -1 1
Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS)
9 8 — Brad S alonen
6 -IV 2
205 210
Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS)
6 3 — Kirk Scrafford
6 -6
Billings, MT (Billings W est HS)
6 8 — C huck Shepard
Frenchtow n, MT (Frenchtown HS)
6 7 — Pat Sim s
6 -3 6 -4
Milwaukie, OR (Milwaukie HS)
5 -11
So. Jr.
2 1 — Scott Smith
Lancaster, CA (A ntelope V alley CC)
9 3 — Rob Stack
6 -0
S Q /R S
W hitehall, MT (Whitehall HS)
5 1 —Mike Strutzel
6 -3
Monitor, W A (W enatchee CC)
6 2 — Rick Sullivan
6 -2
W hitefish, MT (Whitefish HS)
5 8 —Keith Tom linson
6 -3 6-1
Bonita, C A (Southw estern JC)
4 1 — Mike Trevathan
6 4 - B i l l V enard
T housand Oaks, C A (T. Oaks HS) Albany, OR (Albany HS)
1 6 —S cott W aak
B end , OR (Bend Sen ior HS)
7 4 — S cott W ales
6 -2
San J o se, C A (DeAnza JC)
1 2 — S cott W erbelow
6 -0
G lendale, C A (Santa Barbara CC)
4 0 — Derek W hiddon
6 -3
M issoula, MT (Big Sky HS)
5 2 —V ernon Willie
Sr. Fr.
5 -11
Shiprock, NM (Porterville JC)
8 5 — John Wilson
5 -IOV 2
M issoula, MT (Sentinel HS)
5 3 — Daran W yckoff
6 -4
S Q /R S
M issoula, MT (Hellgate HS)
4 7 — D ontelle W ynn
5 -1 0
Detroit, MI (St. Martin D e Porres HS)
V = V a rsity L e tte r s W on
S Q = S q u a d m em b e r /d id n o t le tte r
H S = H igh sc h o o l e x p e r ie n c e
N O T E —C la s s g ive n is f o r F all, 1 9 8 6 .
JC = J u n io r C o lle g e tr a n s fe r N O T E —A b b r e v ia te d N u m erica l R o s te r on p a g e 2 9
TR = T ran sfer fr o m fo u r -y e a r sc h o o l
The New G rizzlies Craig B arth olom ew
M att Clark
D em ed ric C ook s
6-4V2, 260, OT, Fr., Billings, MT
6-1, 170, WR, Fr., Missoula, MT
6-2, 240, LB, Jr., San Jose, CA
One of the top big m en out of the prep ranks in Montana, Craig was all-conference at both of fensive and defensive tackle as a junior, and allstate as a senior at Billings Central High School. He participated in the East-West Shrine Game this summer. He was also a basketball and track let terman. He ranked 8 th in his graduating class. His grid coach was Lee Dobyns. Pre-m ed major.
Clark was moved from wide receiver to run ning back midway through his senior season at Hellgate High School and responded by rushing for more than 500 yards. He was all-conference and played in the Shrine Gam e. He played basketball for the Knights also, who won the state title in 1984-85. His coach in football was Van Troxel, a former Grizzly standout quarterback. Business major.
Demedric has excellent size for a linebacker at 6-2, 240 pounds. He was an honorable mention all-leaguer at San Jose City College and team cap tain. He also played fullback in JC , but will play linebacker at Montana. He was an all-conference football player at Santa Teresa High School. Com puter Science major.
J o e E a sto n
Jod y Farm er
Todd F oster
5-9, 150, WR, Fr., Missoula, MT
6-0, 175, RB, Fr„ Libby, MT
6-3, 205, OLB, Fr., Savage, MT
An all-state player, Joe is also a star hurdler in track and was All-Divisional as a junior and allstate as a senior. He was named Sentinel’s Senior Athlete of the Y ear for 1985-86. His coach was Tim Dennison. He played in the Montana Shrine Gam e. Radio-TV major.
The state “AA” Offensive Most Valuable Player, Farmer rushed for more than 1,500 yards, which ranked him first in the state. He was team cap tain, all-state. He was the M ontana Shrine Game offensive player of the game, scoring three touchdowns. His coach was Greg Salo. He was a 3.0 student in high school and recipient of the Jiggs Dahlberg Award.
An all-state football player and trackster, Todd participated in the annual eight-man all-star foot ball game held in Missoula in June of 1986. He was team MVP for coach Keith Quale in football at Savage High School, track MVP and Most In spirational in basketball. His brother, Pat, is a 1986 Honors Candidate for the Grizzlies at defensive end. Art major.
Trent H olm s
M aurice Martin
M ichael M cG owan
6-2, 205, DT, Fr., Missoula, MT
5-10, 175, CB, Jr., Stockton, CA
6-0, 180, DB, Fr., Seattle, WA
Trent was all-conference at Sentinel High School for coach Tim Dennison. He also lettered in tennis. General Studies major.
Maurice was all-conference last season and can run a speedy 4 .5 in the 40. He had five intercep tions in 1985 and also returned punts and kickoffs. His JC coach was Jack Jordan. He earned the Coaches Award at Edison High and in. junior col lege. He was also a track standout as a prep. Sociology major.
An all-state player as a junior and senior at Ballard High School, Michael could make an im pact as a freshman in the UM secondary. He was all-conference both ways as a senior, team MVP and team captain and also lettered in baseball. His grid coach was Fred Sato. He was a National Scholar Athlete in 1985-86 and graduated 12th in a class of 320 with a 3.76 GPA. Business major.
J e ff N eil
G reg N ygren
S te v e R edm ond
5-9, 155, WR, Fr., Great Falls, MT
5-11, 175, DB, So., Grants Pass, OR
An all-state player with exceptional speed (4.45 in the 40), Jeff will also return kicks at UM. At C.M. Russell High school, he was all-state as a returner and first-team all-conference as well. He also lettered in track. His prep grid coach was Jack Johnson. Pre-m ed major.
Greg was an all-conference player at College of the Redwoods for coach Fred Whitmire as a freshman. He led the league in interceptions with eight. He is also a return specialist. As a prep he was all-state and his conference’s Offensive Player of the Year as a senior. He was also an all-state baseball player. His high school football coach was current Grizzly m entor Bob Beers. Business major.
Steve completed 53 percent of his passes, throwing for 1,200 yards and 14 touchdowns in 1985. He was all-league at Shadle Park High School for coach Bob Haney. Business major.
-IV 2 , 180, QB, Jr., Spokane, WA
T odd Sherm an
S c o tt Sm ith
Mike T revathan
5-10, 210, S S /L B , Jr., Renton, WA
5-11, 195, CB, Jr., Lancaster, CA
6-1, 178, DB, Fr., Thousand Oaks, CA
Todd was an all-league selection for coach W ayne Purdom at Yakima Valley College and also all-conference at Lindberg High School. He was an all-league basketball player as a prep and team captain in football and basketball. He was selected hardest hitter in football. Business major.
From Antelope Valley CC, Scott was a firstteam all-leaguer who runs the 40 in 4.5 and led his team in interceptions. At Denver’s East High School he was all-league in football, and lettered in basketball and track. Radio-TV major.
An exceptional prep athlete, Trevathan had 48 receptions for 785 yards and six touchdowns at WR and 4 interceptions at DB. He was All-CIF first-team defense, All-Valley, All-Area and firstteam all-league. He was nam ed the Offensive Player of the Gam e at Ventura County All-Star gam e scoring 5 TDs. His football coach was Bob Richardson. Physical Therapy or Journalism major.
S c o tt W aak
S c o tt W ales
D erek W hiddon
6-3, 185, QB, Fr., Bend, OR
6-2, 250, OG, Jr., San Jose, CA
6-3, 195, TE/D B, Missoula, MT
The leading passer in the state of Oregon as a senior, Waak was all-state and will play in the Oregon Shrine Gam e. He was the Co-Offensive Player of the Year as a senior and team MVP as well. He is also an all-conference basketball and baseball player. His coach was Gary Mires. Accounting major.
Wales was first-team All-Golden Gate C on ference, Player of the Year in his league and team MVP. His DeAnza JC team was 8-1 and league champion. He was also a standout prep player at Backford High School. Business major.
One of the most versatile athletes in M ontana high schools, as a senior Derek was all-state in football, the “AA” champion in the javelin, and a starter in basketball at Big Sky High School. He was his school’s outstanding receiver. He had three interceptions in the Montana Shrine Game and was the defensive MVP. Econom ics/Pre-Law major.
Grizzly Weight Room A lot of Grizzly football players and athletes have spent many an hour in the University of Montana Grizzly weight room which is located on the entrance level of Adams Field House, below the football offices. The Grizzly weight room features approxm iately 1 0 ,0 0 0 pounds of free weights. The inventory includes 10 Olympic bars with two Olympic platforms; 3 free standing ben ches; a com plete dumbell set up to 90 pounds; a 220-pound latpull machine; a Nautilus neck machine; a leg abductor machine; four leg flex extension machines; 3 hip sleds; two incline benches; three power benches and three power squat racks. It also has a 100-watt stereo system. UM’s weight room was funded almost exclusively by private donations.
Tentative Numerical Football Roster No.
1—Tony Lambert....... 2 —Tony Breland....... 3 —Chris Kross........... 4 —Kyle Clayton........ 5 —Maurice Martin 6 —Dwayne Hans....... 7—Eby D obson.......... 8 —Nate O dden.......... 9 —Clay Clausen........ 10—Tim Monterossi.... 11—Steve Redm ond... 12—Scott Werbelow.... 13—Mike R ice.............. 14—Tony Arntson 15—Brian Gim ler........ 16—Kenneth Gober.... 16—Scott W aak........... 17—Don Douglas........ 19—Renard Coleman.. 2 0 —Brent P e a s e .......... 21—Scott Smith........... 2 3 —Reggie Brown....... 2 4 —Russ Blank............. 2 5 —Tom Peterson 2 6 —Mike Ehlers........... 2 7 —Michael McGowan 2 8 —Dave Laird............. 2 9 —Ed Apostol............. 3 0 —Jody Farmer........ 3 1 —Jeff N eil................. 3 2 —Alex Hunter.......... 3 3 —John Huestis........
3 4 —Robbie Laird........ 3 5 —Brent Mikesell....... 3 6 —Jeff Blank.............. 3 7 —Kraig Paulson....... 3 8 —Matt Clark............. 3 9 —John Owens.......... 4 0 —Derek Whiddon ... 4 1 —Mike Trevathan.... 4 2 —Joe Easton............. 4 3 —Greg N ygren........ 4 4 —Kevin Bartsch....... 4 5 —Mike Ruiz.............. 4 6 —David R ee v es....... 4 7 —Dontelle Wynn 4 8 —Pat Hardiman....... 4 9 —Ron Marceau........ 5 0 —Mike Rankin.......... 5 1 —Mike Strutzel........ 5 2 —Vernon Willie....... 5 3 —Daran Wyckoff .. 5 4 —Jay Fagan.............. 5 5 —Robbe Lindsay 5 6 —Scott Hartman..... 5 7 —Sean McNally....... 5 8 —Keith Tomlinson... 5 9 —Tim D onovan....... 6 2 —Rick Sullivan........ 6 3 —Kirk Scrafford....... 6 4 —Bill V enard ........... 6 5 —Demidric Cooks ... 6 6 —Jason R a y ............. 6 7 —Pat Sims.................
6 8 —Chuck Shepard........ 6 9 —Wayne Bias................ 7 0 —Trent Holms.............. 7 1 —Larry Clarkson.......... 7 2 —Dave Phillips............. 7 3 —Shawn P oole............. 7 4 —Scott W ales................ 7 5 —Tim Polich................. 7 6 —Craig Bartholomew.. 7 7 —Ward Crawford........ 7 8 —Darrin R eid................ 7 9 —Garret Jaros.............. 8 0 —Mark J o h n so n .......... 8 1 —Chris Murray............. 8 2 —Dave Garza................ 8 3 —John D anaher.......... 8 5 —John Wilson.............. 8 6 —Dana Carney............. 87^R ick Brown................ 8 8 —Rob K unka................ 8 9 —J.C. Campbell.......... 9 0 —Mike D elaney........... 9 1 —Nate Finch................. 9 2 —Todd Foster.............. 9 3 —Rob Stack................... 9 4 —Sven Holt.................. 9 5 —Paul Lamb................. 9 6 —Pat Foster.................. 9 8 —Brad S alonen........... 9 9 —Greg Gianinni...........
The University of M ontana’s W ashington-Grizzly Stadium Construction of the University of M ontana W ashingtonGrizzly Stadium w as going full tilt at press time and will be com pleted so m e time this fall, according to W ashington Cor poration officials.
A parking lot for 2 00-p lu s cars w as built just south of the stadium. This lot will be useful for the general day-tim e cam pus n eed s and also for Grizzly basketball gam es. The Univer sity will also use the Physical Plant com p oun d for gam e personnel such as ushers, ticket takers and facility staff, which will provide another 2 0 0 parking sp aces for gam e day. There are two large practice areas, located less than a block from the UM field h ou se and stadium . T hose fields are e x p ected to be finished by m id-August and a portion of them will be used for athletics and cam pus recreation this fall. The new practice area is equivalent to four full football fields in size. The stadium will have the adaptability to be exp an ded to 2 0 ,0 0 0 seats and also to be dom ed, according to UM Athletic Director Harley Lewis, w ho has seen the facility b ecom e a reality since he started working towards its construction in 19 7 6 . “There w o n ’t be a better football stadium in the Big Sky C onference and it will be a plus for all M ontanans, especially UM students and staff, as well as the com m unity,” Lewis said. Lewis pointed out that Grizzly fans m ay still contribute to the University’s S eat S pon sor Program, with donations over $ 5 0 0 giving them their nam e on a m em orial wall in the stadium and the University Center and eligibility for priority seating in tw o mid-field sections in the facility.
An a rtist's rendering of th e U niversity of M ontana's Washington-Grizzly Stadium. Excavation crews began work in Septem ber of 1 9 8 5 and stopped in D ecem ber of ’8 5 . Work resum ed in April of 1 9 8 6 and the concrete p hase began that time as well. The stadium , a 1 2 ,0 0 0 -se a t, berm ed natural grass facility, was nam ed after D ennis R. W ashington, Chairman of the Board of the W ashington Corporation. The corporation, bas ed in M issoula, is a group of com p anies that has interests in mining operations, highw ays and heavy construction, heavy equipm ent sales and leasing and other services. A major gift of $1 million w as donated in A ugust of 1 9 8 5 by the W ashington Corporation for the stadium , which has been in the proposal stage since 1 9 7 6 . It was in 1 9 8 0 that a R egional/U rban Design A ssistance Team (R /U D A T) study of facility n eed in M issoula w as im plem ented. In January of 1984 UM hired the local architect firm of Fox, Balias and Barrow, along with the P hoenix, Arizona firm of R ossm an, Schneider and Gadbery as stadium architects. S ince that time the Capital Cam paign has raised alm ost $ 2 .7 million, about $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 less of the n eed ed $ 3 .2 estim ated as the project cost. The stadium excavation consisted of m oving 7 0 ,0 0 0 cubic yards of dirt, which places the stadium field approxim ately 2 0 feet below ground level. An estimated 4 ,5 0 0 yards of co n crete w as used in the construction. For a com parison, the average h ou se uses about 125 yards on concrete in its co n struction . There will be 3 9 private b oxes on the East and W est sides of the facility, with 21 of the b oxes located on the East side. The press box, radio and TV booths, and President’s box will all be located above the private b oxes on the W est side. The Missoula H om ebuilders Association built the press box. The field will feature five different blended types of grass. The field area inside the stadium is 182 feet w ide and 4 0 2 feet from en d -to-en d . T he lockerroom area is about 6 5 feet by 145 feet, and located below the stadium entrance level. At the peak of its construction there were 180 different craft sm en em p loyed and 27 contractors, 2 4 of which w ere from the state of M ontana. In conjunction with the stadium project are additional park ing and practice field sites.
A look at the com pleted excavation of the stadium in May of 1986.
Concrete work at its mid-way point in July of 1986. “The fund raising cam paign is still going on and the seat sponsorship program is available to a n yon e w ho wants to be in v o lv ed ,” Lewis said. “W e still h a v en ’t reached our goals in funding and invite the public to participate and help give us som ething w e can all take pride in .” For further information please write to: UM Athletic Depart m ent, Adam s Field H ou se, Seat Sponsor Program, Missoula, MT, 5 9 8 1 2 or call 4 0 6 -2 4 3 -5 3 3 1 .
The Opponents
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Location: Reno, NV Enrollment: 9,500 Colors: Blue & Silver Stadium: Mackay (14,000) Athletic Director: Chris Ault AD Phone: 702-784-6900 Head Coach: Chris Ault (81-35-1, 10 yrs.) Alma Mater: Nevada-Reno (1968) A ssistant Coaches: John Pettas, Don
Location: Flagstaff, AZ Enrollment: 12,804 Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: Walkup Skydom e (15,300) A thletic Director: Gary Walker AD Phone: 602-523-5353 Head Coach: Larry Kentera (15-21, 3 yrs.) Alma Mater: Arizona State (1951) A ssistant Coaches: Brad Childress, Andy
Location: Cheney, WA Enrollment: 8,500 Colors: Red & White Stadium: Joe Albi (34,819) Athletic Director: Ron Raver AD Phone: 509-458-6295 Head Coach: Dick Zornes (49-21-1, 7 yrs.) Alma Mater: E. Washington (1968) A ssistant Coaches: Larry Hattemer, Jake
Wnek, Pat Rippee, Ken Mizell, Jeff Horton, Mike Bradeson, Dan Cohen, Steve Carroll. Athletic Trainer: Tony Marek SID: Paul Stuart SID Phone: 702-784-4600 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 11-2 League Finish: 2nd (6-1) Starters Back: 14 (7 off. 7 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 1 /1 5 Key Returnees: Eric Beavers, QB; Charvez Foger, RB; Bryan Calder, WR; Scott Threde, TE; Joe Peterson, CB; Henry Rolling, OLB; Marty Zendejas, K. Last Meeting: 1985, 38-23, UNR Series Record: 6-3, UNR
Reid, Rick Smith, Moody Jackson, Richard Gray, Jim Sanson. Athletic Trainer: Mike Nesbitt SID: Wylie Smith SID Phone: 602-523-6791 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 3-8 League Finish: Tie, 7th (1-6) Starters Back: 17 (9 def. 8 off.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 4 /1 1 Key Returnees: George Duarte, CB; Tony Cullen, SS; John Earl, P; Tom Gibson, DE; G oran Lingmerth, K; Dan Moran, OT. Last Meeting: 1985, 32-31, UM Series Record: 11-8, UM
Cabell, J.D . Sollars, Jerry Graybeal, Brent Myers, Jim McElwain, Todd Williams, Dave Whittle. A thletic Trainer: Glen Bradwin SID: Jim Price SID Phone: 509-458-6334 Conference: Independent 1985 Record: 9-3 League Finish: Lost in 1-AA Quarterfinals Starters Back: 15 (7 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 9 /1 3 Key Returnees: Jamie Townsend, TB; Jon Vea, FL; Craig Richardson, SE; Eric Riley, TE; Ed Simmons, OT; Garrick Redden, FS; Mike Kingston, DT; Bill Altena, OLB; Bentley Williams, CB; Dan Moriarty, DE, Eric Stein, K-P. Last Meeting: 1985, 52-19, EWU Series Record: 7-4-1, UM
N. Arizona
Chris Ault Head Coach
Charvez Foger Running Back
E. W ashington
_________ Eagles_________
Wolf Pack
Dan Moran O-Tackle
Larry Kentera Head Coach
1985 R esults
1 985 R esults
(Overall 11-2-0, Big Sky (6-1-0)
(Overall 3-8-0, Big Sky, 1-6-0)
Score Date Team W 56-12 S 7 Cal-State, Northridge W 30- 3 S 14 @Cal-State, Fullerton w 37-10 s 21 Boise State* L 21-25 s 28 @Idaho* W 38-23 0 5 ©Montana* W 31-25 0 12 Eastern Washington W 47-12 0 19 @Weber State w 36-10 0 26 ©Northern Arizona* w 61-14 N 2 Montana State* N 9 Idaho State* w 42-14 w 48- 7 N 16 Nevada-Las Vegas w 24-23 D 7 Arkansas State! L 12-35 D 14 @Furman! llndicates NCAA Division I-AA Playoff Game
Attend. 9.481 6,317 13,460 15,600 6,066 9,650 12,430 9,200 9,125 8,923 13,417 10,241 10,461
198 6 Schedule Time Team Date 1:00 p.m.PDT Cal-State, Fullerton A 30 1:00 p.m. PDT Sam Houston State S 6 1:00 p.m. PDT Montana * S 20 1:00 p.m. MDT @Montana State* S 27 7:00 p.m. MDT @Weber State* 0 4 1:00 p.m. PDT Stephen F. Austin 0 11 1:00 p.m. PDT 0 18 Idaho* Eastern Washington 1:00 p.m. PDT 0 25 7:30 p.m. MST N 1 @Idaho State* 1;30 p.m. MST N 8 @Boise State* 1:00 p.m. PST Northern Arizona* N 15 All Times Local—‘Indicates Big Sky Conference game
Date A 31 S 7 S 21 S 28 0 5 0 12 0 19 0 26 N 9 N 16 N 23
Team North Dakota South Dakota State Idaho* @Eastern Washington ©Idaho State* Montana State* @Boise State* Nevada-Reno* @Weber State* Cal-State, Fullerton Montana *
Score W 41- 0 W 24-20 L 3-27 L 0-33 L 3-34 W 27-24 L 10-24 L 10-36 L 10-37 L 8-22 L 31-32
198 5 R esults Attend. 9,353 10,225 11,885 7,316 8,950 12,655 15,754 9,200 8,276 3,763 2,488
1 9 8 6 Schedule Team Time Southern Utah State 7:00 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. MST Angelo State Eastern Washington 7:00 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. MST Weber State* 1:00 p.mi. MDT ©Montana * s 27 Southwest Texas State 7:00 p.m. MST 0 11 2:00 p.m. MDT @Montana State* 0 18 @Idaho* 6:30 p.m. PDT 0 25 7:00 p.m. MST N 1 Boise State* 7:00 p.m. MST N 8 Idaho State* 1:00 p.m. PST N 15 @Nevada-Reno* All Times Local—Arizona does not go on daylight savings time. ‘Indicates Big Sky Conference game Date A 30 S 6 S 13 S 20
Craig Richardson Split End
Dick Zornes Head Coach
(9-3-0) Date Team S 7 Cal State-Chico S 31 @Weber State s 21 ©Montana State s 28 Northern Arizona 0 5 Fort Lewis State 0 12 @Nevada-Reno 0 19 @Long Beach State N 2 ©Idaho N 16 Montana N 23 ©Idaho State N 30 Idaho*** D 7 ©Northern Iowa*** “ ‘NCAA Division I-AA Playoffs
Attend. Score W 28- 3 2,122 W 31-19 9,876 w 28-21 11,293 w 33- 0 7,614 w 35-24 2,326 L 25-31 9,650 W 30-23 9,605 L 21-42 15,500 1,975 W 52-19 w 42-21 5,252 6,500 w 42-38 L 14-17 6,220
19 8 6 Schedule Date S 6 S 13 s 20 s 27 0 4 0 11 0 18 0 25 N 1 N 8 N 15
Team Boise State ©Northern Arizona British Columbia Idaho @Montana ©Idaho State Central State (Okla.) @Nevada-Reno Weber State @Long Beach State Montana State
Time 1:00 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.mi. MDT 6:30 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PST
Game 4
Games 5 & 9
Game 6
Location: Boise, ID Enrollment: 11,600 Colors: Blue & Orange Stadium: Bronco (21,500) A thletic Director: Gene Bleymaier AD Phone: 208-385-1503 Head Coach: Lyle Setencich (19-14, 3 yrs.) Alma Mater: Fresno State (1967) A ssistant Coaches: Phil Snow, Gary Cabe,
Location: Pocatello, ID Enrollment: 9,719 Colors: Orange & Black Stadium: ISU Minidome (12,000) Athletic Director: Tom Jewell AD Phone: 208-236-2771 Head Coach: Jim Koetter (18-16, 3 yrs.) Alma Mater: Idaho State (1961) A ssistant Coaches: Mick McCall, Paul
Location: Bozeman, MT Enrollment: 10,710 Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: Reno H. Sales (15,197) Athletic Director: Doug Fullerton AD Phone: 406-994-4221 Head Coach: Dave Arnold (15-21, 3 yrs.) Alma Mater: Drake (1967) A ssistant Coaches: Mike Kramer, Dan
Bill Dutton, Bill Tripp, Herb Criner, Dan Brown, Randy Stewart, Duane Dlouhy, John W ardhaugh. A thletic Trainer: Gary Craner SID: Lori Orr (interim) SID Phone: 208-385-1515 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 7-4 League Finish: 3rd, 5-2 Starters Back: 15 (7 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 2 /1 4 Key Returnees: Hazsen Choates, DB; Henry Black, OT; Jon Cox, TE; Dale Goodwin, FB; Roberto Duran, K; Phil Bartle, SS; Robert Bloe, CB; Mike Dolby, ILB; Jim Ellis, ILB; Pete Kwiakowski, DT. Last Meeting: 1985, 28-3, BSU Series Record: 11-4, BSU
Peterson, Neal Richardson, Ken Garland, Scott Seely, Claude Tomasini. A thletic Trainer: Phil Luckey SID: Glenn Alford SID Phone: 208-236-3651 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 5-6 League Finish: 5th, 3-4 Starters Back: 13 (8 V2 off., 4 V2 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 5 /2 3 Key Returnees: Merril Hoge, TB; Shawn Beals, WR; Corky Federico, FB; Bill Lasley, OT; John Arbuckle, DT; Ron Manu, ILB; Rene W eitmann, K. Last Meeting: 1985, 35-29, UM Series Record: 16-11, UM
Davies, J. G. Aegerter, Don Dunn, Jim House, Gary Gilbert, Donn Landholm, Doug Kimball. A thletic Trainer: Chuck Karnop SID: Bruce Parker SID Phone: 406-994-5133 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 2 9 League Finish: Tie, 7th, 1-6 Starters Back: 14 ( 6 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 7 /1 9 Key Returnees: Kelly Bradley, QB; Don Leake, OT; Todd Vasey, OG; Kelly Davis, WR; Kirk Timmer, ILB; Derrick Abell, CB; Ken Lang, ILB; Tyler Winter, CB; Tom Jacobs, DT; Anders Larsson, K. Last Meeting: 1985, 41-18, MSU Series Record: 48-31-5, UM
Idaho State
Montana State
B oise State Broncos
Lyle Setencich Head Coach
7 14 21 28 5 19 26 2
Barry Black O-Tackle
Kelly Bradley Quarterback
1 985 R esults
1 98 5 R esults
(Overall 5-6-0, Big Sky, 3-4-0)
(Overall 2-9-0, Big Sky 1-6-0)
@Utah Cal-Davis @Nevada-Reno* Montana State* Long Beach State Northern Arizona* @Weber State* Idaho State*
Date Team
25,382 17,654 13,460 17,488 15,509 15,574 8,506 21,039
S 7 Northern Colorado S 14 ©Portland State S 21 ©Southwest Louisiana 0 5 Northern Arizona*
17-20 13- 9 10-37 58-21 16-17 24-10 24-21 29-15
W 28- 3
N 16 Cal-Poly, SL0 N 23 @Idaho*
W 42-14 12,212 L 27-44 15,800
44-17 7,512 23-10 3,431 30-31 17,652 34- 3 8,959
@Montana *
L 29-35 7,111
0 0 N N N N
Montana State* Idaho* @Boise State* @Nevada-Reno* Weber State* Eastern Washington
19 26 2 9 16 23
198 6 Schedule
50- 9 9,362 38-37 11,422 15-29 21,039 14-42 8,923 45-46 6,614 21-42 5,252
Date Team S S S S 0 0 0
7 14 21 28 5 12 19
S S S 0
@Eastern Washington Humboldt State @Idaho State* @Montana State*
1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.
Montana *
7:00 p.m. MDT
0 18 Weber State* 7:00 p.m. MDT @Oregon State 1:30 p.m. PDT 0 25 ©Northern Arizona* N 1 7:00 p.m. MST Nevada-Reno* N 8 1:30 p.m. MST Northwestern State N 15 1:30 p.m. MST N 22 Idaho* 1:30 p.m. MST All Times Local—"Indicates Big Sky Conference Game
S S S S 0 0
Chico State @Cal-State, Fullerton ©Montana State* Boise State* @Idaho* Eastern Washington
7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
6 13 20 27 4 11
7,163 10,177 11,293 17,488 12,597 12,655 9,362
28-46 86- 0 23-28 21-58 36-50 24-27 9-50
026 Montana *
W41-18 15,387 L 14-61 9,125 L 0-34 2,766 L 14-64 15,000
198 6 Schedule MDT PDT MDT MDT PDT MDT
1:00 p.m. MDT
0 25 N 1 N 8
@Weber State* Nevada-Reno* ©Northern Arizona*
1:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. MST
N 15
7:30 p.m. MST
II Times Local—‘Indicates Big Sky Conference Game
©Portland State Eastern Oregon State Eastern Washington @Boise State* Weber State* ©Northern Arizona* @Idaho State*
N 2 @Nevada-Reno* N 9 Idaho* N 16 ©Washington State
1 986 Schedule
O il
Dave Arnold Head Coach
Merril Hoge Tailback
Jim Koetter Head Coach
1985 R esults
N 9 @Montana *
6 13 27 4
(Overall 7-4-0, Big Sky 5-2-0) Date Team S S S S 0 0 0 N
_______B engals_______
S S S S 0 0 0
@Fresno State @Sam Houston State Idaho State* Nevada-Reno* Boise State* @Weber State Northern Arizona*
7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. MDT
6 13 20 27 4 11 18
1:00 p.m. MDT N 1 Northern Iowa N 8 ©Idaho* 6:30 p.m. PST @Eastern Washington 1:00 p.m. PST N 15 All Times Local—*Indicates Big Sky Conference Game
Game 7
Game 8
Game 10
Location: Moscow, ID Enrollment: 11,634 Colors: Silver & Gold Stadium: ASUI Kibbie Dome (16,000) A thletic Director: Bill Belknap AD Phone: 208-885-0200 Head Coach: Keith Gilbertson (1st yr.) Alma Mater: Central W ashington (1971) A ssistan t Coaches: Bill Diedrick, Ed
Location: Ogden, UT Enrollment: 11,000 Colors: Royal Purple & White Stadium: Wildcat (17,500) Athletic Director: Gary Crompton AD Phone: 801-626-6397 Head Coach: Mike Price (28-27, 5 yrs.) Alma Mater: Puget Sound (1969) A ssistant Coaches: Dave Arslanian, Mike
Location: Portland, OR Enrollment: 14,700 Colors: Green & White Stadium: Civic (25,762) A thletic Director: David Coffey AD Phone: 503-229-4000 Head Coach: Pokey Allen (1st yr.) Alma Mater: Utah (1965) A ssistant Coaches: Alan Borges, Tom
Donatell, Jim Senter, Kent Baer, Dan Cozzetto, Bret Ingalls, Bill W entworth. Athletic Trainer: Barrie Steele SID: Dave Cook SID Phone: 208-885-0200 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 9-3 League Finish: 1st, 6-1 Starters Back: 15 (5 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 8 /1 5 Key Returnees: Brant Bengen, FL; Scott Linehan, QB; Fred Lloyd, RB; Todd Hoiness, RB; Brian Decicio, PK; Mark Tidd, FS; Tom Hennessey, LB. Last Meeting: 1985, 38-0, UI Series Record: 47-19-2, UI
Zimmer, Gregg Brandon, Rick Cook, Rod Harrison, Larry Lewis, John McDonell, Larry Finan, Tom Keele. A thletic Trainer: Tom Abdenour SID: Brad Larsen SID Phone: 801-626-6010 Conference: Big Sky 1985 Record: 6-5 League Finish: 4th, 4-3 Starters Back: 7 ( 2 off., 5 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 2 6 /2 6 Key Returnees: Eric Brown, RB; Pete Sefakis, SE; Mike Lee, WOLB; Joe Long, SILB; Mark Russell, DT; Russell Griffith, P; Chris Darrington, SE. Last Meeting: 1985, 57-29, WSC Series Record: 16-8, UM
Mason, Dave Stromsweld, Rick Olson, Barry Sacks, Tom Osborne, George Papageorgiou, Bill Hartman. A thletic Trainer: Leo Marty SID: Larry Sellers SID Phone: 503-229-4000 Conference: Western Football 1985 Record: 4-5-1 League Finish: 4th, 2-2-1 Starters Back: 1 1 (6 off., 5 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 2 1 /2 6 Key Returnees: Brian Coushay, WR; Roland Aumueller, OT; Tracey Eaton, FS; Barry Naone, TE; Brian Gregoire, RB; Jon Shields, OT; Bob Boyer, DE; Tim Nacoste, DE; Tracey Brown, CB. Last Meeting: 1985, 21-16, PSU Series Record: 13-6, UM
Weber State
Keith Gilbertson Head Coach
7 14 21 28 5 12
Brant Bengen Flanker
Pokey Allen Head Coach
Tracey Eaton Free Safety
1985 R esults
1985 R esults
(Overall 6-5-0, Big Sky, 4-3-0)
(Overall 4-5-1, WFC 2-2-1)
@Oregon State Mankato State ©Northern Arizona* Nevada-Reno* @Portland State @Weber State*
Date Team
26,451 9,500 11,885 15,600 6,286 12,894
S S s 0 0 0 0
28-43 46- 7 27- 3 25-21 51-17 31-28
w 38-0 11,300
L 37-38 11,422 0 26 @Idaho State* N 2 Eastern Washington W 42-21 15,500 N 9 ©Montana State* W 34- 0 2,766 W 44-27 15,800 N 23 Boise State* N 30 Eastern Washington! L 38-42 6,500 !NCAA Division I-AA first-round playoff game
1986 Schedule Date
S S S S 0 0 0
Portland State @Central Michigan Cal-State, Fullerton @Eastern Washington Idaho State* @Nevada-Reno’ Northern Arizona*
6:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. MST
N 1
Chris Darrington Split End
1985 R esults
019 Montana *
6 13 20 27 4 18 25
Mike Price Head Coach
_________ Vikings_________
(Overall 9-3-0, Big Sky, 6-1-0) Date Team S S S S 0 0
Portland State
W ildcats
N 8 Montana State* 6:30 p.m. PST 6:30 p.m. PST N 15 Weber State* N 22 1:30 p.m. MST @Boise State* All Times Local — *Indicates Big Sky Conference Game
7 14 21 5 12 19 26
Southern Utah State Eastern Washington Portland State @Montana State* Idaho* @Nevada-Reno* Boise State*
62-20 8,762 19-31 9,876 45-24 6,942 50-36 12,596 28-31 12,894 12-47 12,430 21-24 8,506
N 2 @Montana*
W57-29 4,159
N 9 Northern Arizona* N 16 @Idaho State* N 23 @Pacific
W 37-10 W 46-45 L 34-36
1,667 6,614 5,000
1 986 Schedule Date
S S S 0 0 0 0 N
Adams State College @Northern Arizona* @Portland State Nevada-Reno* Montana State* @Boise State* Idaho State* @Eastern Washington
13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1
N 8
Montana *
1:00 p.m. MST
N 15 @Idaho* 6:30 p.m. PST N 22 @Nicholls State 2:00 p.m. CST All Times Local — ’Indicates Big Sky Conference Game
W 46-28 7,163 L 10-23 3,431 L 24-45 6,942
S 28 ©Montana
W 21-16 6,575
0 0 N N N N
5 12 2 9 16 23
Idaho Sacramento State* Cal Lutheran* @Cal Poly, SLD* @Santa Clara* Cal St-Northridge
17-51 14-24 27-20 21-34 20-20 61-24
6,286 3,642 2,390 2,590 5,673 1,513
1 986 Schedule Date
Time 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ‘ 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
Date Team S 7 Montana State S 14 Idaho State s 21 @Weber State
S S s 0 0 0 0 N N N
6 13 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15
@Idaho @Nevada-Las Vegas Weber State Humboldt State Southern Utah* @Sacramento State @Cal Lutheran* Cal Poly, SLD* Santa Clara ©Cal St-Northridge*
6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
1:30 p.mi. MDT
'Western Football Conference Game
History, Statistics
Top: Bob Byrne (with ball) w as team captain with Paul W old in 1 9 5 0 . Bottom: T he 1 9 0 7 Grizzly team had a record of 4 -1 -1 and w as coach ed by Albion Findlay (right, with hat on).
Big Sky Conference The Big Sky Conference was formed in February 1963, when the presidents and athletic directors of six Rocky Mountain univer sities met in Spokane. The original conference members were Gonzaga, Idaho, Idaho State, Montana, Montana State and Weber State. Gon zaga entered the conference as a non-football playing school. The conference derived its name from a pair of Mon tanans and a Washington sports editor. A. B. Guthrie, Choteau, Mont., wrote a novel titled “The Big Sky,” and Jack Hallowell, former Montana State advertising director, promoted the Big Sky theme as a nickname for the state. Harry Missildine, former Spokesman-Review sports editor, picked up the Ron Stephenson name and in a sports column promoted the name Big Sky as the name of the conference. On Feb. 25, 1963, the conference adopted the name—Big Sky Athletic Conference. In 1970 the conference expanded to include Northern Arizona
University, Flagstaff, Ariz., and Boise State College, Boise, Idaho. Both entered as football playing schools. Nevada-Reno became the newest member of the Big Sky July 1, 1979. Jack Friel became the first commissioner in 1963, and the offices were establish ed in Pullman, Wash., Friel’s home. Following Friels retire ment in 1971, the offices were moved to Boise, Idaho, and John Roning was nam ed com m issioner. Steve Belko was named commis sioner and assumed duties July 1, 1977, following Roning’s retirement. Ron Stephenson be came the fourth Big Sky commissioner in May, 1981. Arnie Sgalio A native of Idaho, Stephen son was formerly the assistant athletic director at Boise State. He has 20 years of working experience in intercollegiate athletics as a student, coach and administrator. Arnie Sgalio has served as league information director since 1979. He was recently elected 3rd vice president of the College Sports Information Director’s of America (Co-SIDA).
Past Champs, Runnersup 1963—Idaho State (3-1)
Montana State (2-1)
1974—Boise State (6-0)
Montana State (4-2)
1964—Montana State (3-0)
Idaho State (2-1)
1975—Boise State (5-0-1)
ISU, MSU (4-2)
1965—Weber State, Idaho (3-1)
Montana (2-2)
1976—Montana State (6-0)
Idaho (5-1)
1966—Montana State (4-0)
Idaho (3-1)
1977—Boise State (6-0)
Northern Arizona (5-1)
1967—Montana State (4-0)
UM, WSC, UI (2-2)
1978—Northern Arizona (6-1)
UM, MSU (4-2)
1968—Weber, Idaho, MSU (3-1)
1979—Montana State (6-1)
Nevada-Reno (5-2)
1980—Boise State (6-1)
Idaho (4-3)
Idaho State (4-2)
1981—Idaho State, BSU (6-1)
Montana (5-2)
Boise State (4-2)
1982—MONTANA (5-2)
UI, MSU (5-2)
1972—Montana State (5-1)
Idaho State (4-1)
1983—Nevada-Reno (6-1)
Idaho State (5-2)
1973—Boise State (6-0)
Montana State (5-1)
1984—Montana State (6-1)
Nevada-Reno (5-2)
1985—Idaho (6-1)
Nevada-Reno (6-1)
1969—MONTANA (4-0)
Weber State (3-1)
1970—MONTANA (6-0) 1971—Idaho (4-1)
1985 Big Sky Standings W
P F -A V G .
P A -A V G .
P F -A V G .
P A -A V G .
2 3 6 - 3 9 .3
1 1 7 - 1 6 .7
4 0 3 - 3 6 .6
2 0 5 - 1 8 .6
2 8 2 - 4 0 .3
1 0 8 - 1 5 .4
4 4 7 - 4 0 .6
1 5 5 - 1 4 .1
Boise State
2 0 0 - 2 8 .6
1 5 1 - 2 1 .6
2 8 8 - 2 6 .2
2 1 1 - 1 9 .2
Weber State
2 5 1 - 3 5 .9
2 2 2 - 3 1 .7
4 1 1 - 3 7 .4
3 3 3 - 3 0 .3
Idaho State
2 2 5 - 3 2 .1
2 0 1 - 2 8 .7
3 4 3 - 3 1 .2
3 0 1 - 2 7 .5
1 4 0 - 2 0 .0
2 6 2 -3 7 .4
2 2 3 -2 0 .3
4 2 7 -3 8 .8
Northern Arizona
9 4 - 1 3 .4
2 1 3 - 3 0 .4
1 6 7 - 1 5 .2
2 8 9 - 2 6 .3
Montana State
1 4 5 - 2 0 .7
2 9 8 - 4 2 .6
2 9 6 - 2 6 .9
4 3 6 - 3 9 .6
*Indicates Big Sky Conference Champion and automatic berth into NCAA Division I-AA Football Championship. Ilndicates recipient of at-large berth into NCAA Division I-AA Football Championship and 24-23 win over Arkansas State in the quarter finals; and a 35-12 loss to Furman in the seminfinals of the NCAA Division I-AA Football Championship #Includes 42-38 loss to Eastern Washington in the First Round of the NCAA Division I-AA Football Championship
1985 Big Sky Statistics Team S ta ts (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking. *TD’s scored by rushing/passing only. TOTAL OFFENSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Team Weber St. (1) Idaho (2) Nevada-Reno (4) Idaho St. (7) Boise St. (16) Montana St. (37) Montana (43) Northern Ariz.
G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Plays 892 950 827 877 823 847 789 758
Yards 5677 5492 5230 5018 4358 3840 3791 2947
TOTAL DEFENSE Play Avg. 6.4 5.8 6.3 5.7 5.3 4.5 4.8 3.9
TD* 56 50 53 42 31 36 26 12
Game Avg. 516.1 499.3 475.5 456.2 396.2 349.1 344.6 267.9
TD 19 25 32 29 16 18 17 4
Game Avg. 235.4 219.1 207.2 181.8 180.0 157.0 97.8 94.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Team Nevada-Reno (' Boise St. (25) Idaho (35) Idaho St. Northern Ariz. Montana St. Weber St. Montana
11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11
RUSHING OFFENSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Team Boise St. (10) Nevada-Reno (14) Weber St. (19) Idaho (27) Montana (29) Idaho St. (43) Montana St. Northern Ariz.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Team Idaho (4) Weber St. (5) Idaho St. (7) Nevada-Reno (13) Montana St. (15) Northern Ariz. (49) Montana Boise St.
G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Plays 578 478 486 503 536 423 360 448
Yards 2589 2410 2279 2000 1980 1727 1076 1043
Att-Cmp-Int 447-281-17 406-220-18 454-243-20 349-215-14 487-254-29 310-149-18 283-123*17 245-127-16
G Car. 10 179 11 203 11 198 11 166 11 169 11 133 10 90 11 124 11 92 11 98
RECEIVING Name 1 Eric Yarber, Idaho (4) 2 Scott Auker, Idaho (5) 3 Craig Slama, Weber State (7) 4 David Pandt, Montana St. (10) 5 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (14) 6 Jerry Davis, Northern Ariz. (40) 7 Tom White, Montana St. (52) 8 Brant Bengen, Idaho (58) 8 Thai Ivery, Nevada-Reno (58) 10 Paul Lamb, Montana (70) Davey Davis, Weber State (70) Duane Baker, Montana St. (70)
(Min. 15 att. per game) 1 Eric Beavers, Nevada-Reno (2 2 Rick Sloan, Idaho (3) 3 Dave Stireman, Weber State ( 4 Scott Linehan, Idaho (19) 5 Hazsen Choates, Boise St. (2C 6 Craig Austin, No. Ariz. (47) 7 Brent Pease, Montana
G 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
G 11 11 11 9 10 11 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Game Yds. TD Avg. 3492 21 317.5 3398 24 308.9 3291 24 299.2 2820 28 256.4 2764 19 251.3 1904 8 173.1 1811 10 164.6 1769 12 160.8
Yds. 1241 1147 1041 893 757 706 506 512 488 465
CT 75 80 77 69 67 47 43 41 41 38 38 38
Avg. 6.9 5.7 5.3 5.4 4.5 5.3 5.6 4.1 5.3 4.7
Yds. TD PG 14 124.1 9 104.3 10 94.6 8 81.2 3 68.8 7 64.2 3 50.6 10 46.5 3 44.4 3 42.3
Yds. TD CPG 1103 10 7.5 827 4 7 1290 9 7.8 669 4 6.3 708 6 6.1 788 4 4.3 555 6 3.9 684 3 3.7 476 2 3.7 614 4 3.5 543 3 3.5 412 2 3.5
Play Plays Yards Avg. TD* 9 365 856 2.3 425 1182 2.8 10 380 1294 3.4 11 22 506 1865 3.7 516 2101 4.1 21 500 2 1 4 lL 4 .3 1 17 22 484 2192 4.5 515 2779 5.4 40
Game Avg. 77.8 107.5 117.6 169.5 191.0 194.6 199.3 252.6
Team Nevada-Reno (T2) Boise St. (13) Idaho (20) Idaho St. Montana St. Northern Ariz. Weber St. Montana
G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Team 1 Northern Ariz. (49) 2 Boise St. 3 Idaho St. 4 . Idaho 5- Nevada-Reno 6 Montana St. 7 Weber St. 8 Montana
N o te -A player must play in at least 75 %of his team’s games and/or meet the minimum requirements of a particular category, (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking. PUNT RETURNS RNS (Min. 1.2 returns per game) No. Yds. TD Avg. 1 Brant Bengen, Idaho (4) 14 183 1 13.1 2 Eric Yarber, Idaho (5) 1 14 182 13.0 3 Jamie Fitzgerald, Idaho St. (16) 40 372 j T*4 9.3 oc n9,11 4 Brian Kaskie, Nevada-Reno (18) lb 236 5 Dejuan Robinson, Northern AZ. 23 170 0 7.4 0 6 Ron Love, Boise State 108 6.4 : 17 7 Rich Wills, Weber State 14 87 0 6.2 8 Ken Caleb, Nevada-Reno 11 • 58 0 1 5.3 Mike Rice, Montana 117 11 9.0
PASSING EFFICIENCY Cmp. Int. Att. Cmp. Pet. Int. Pet. 319 199 12 3.76 62.38 229 156 11 4.80 68.12 378 206 54.50 18 4.76 215 124 57.67 6 2.79 209 113 54.07 13 6.22 269 137 50.93 17 6.32 92 43 46.74 7 7.61
G Car Gain Loss 124 11 760 248 11 39 84 107 9 60 139 149 10 69 269 145 11 13 15 53 11 115 297 330 10 179 1256 15 11 203 1168 21 11 198 1108 67 166 11 919 26 TDs scored and passed for.
Game TD Avg. 16 185.4 16 201.7 13 204.1 11 204.7 9 211.4 31 236.4 18 239.4 15 277.0
1985 Big Sky Individual Statistics
KICKOFF RETURNS (Min. 1-2 returns per game) No. Yds. 1 Junior Crockett, Weber St. (8) 14 335 2 Patrick Hunter, Nevada-Reno (12) 17 386 3 Mike Rice, Montana (17) 657 30 4 Merril Hoge, Idaho State 364 20 5 Ted Ray, Montana 12 298 6 David Pandt, Montana St. 22 352
Net 512 -23 -10 124 -38 -33 1241 1147 1041 893
Passing Att 378 319 215 209 119 269 0 0 0 1
Yds. 2617 1872 3247 1617 1612 1752 599
Yds/ Att. 8.20 8.17 8.59 7.52 7.71 6.51 6.51
TD Rating TD Pet. Points 27 8.46 151.7 15 6.55 148.8 23 6.08 137.2 6 2.79 124.5 11 5.26 123.8 8 2.97 102.8 4 4.35 100.6
SCORING OFFENSE G Pts. Avg. TD KXP OCP 11 447 40.6 56 50 1 11 411 37.4 57 40 4 7 0 14 1 11 403 36.6 53 41 0 13 3 11 343 31.2 43 38 1 11 296 26.9 39 29 5 7 1 11 288 26.2 34 34 0 16 1 11 223 20.3 27 17 5 10 2 11 167 15.2 18 18 0 13 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SCORING DEFENSE Team G Pts. Avg. TD KXP OXP FG Nevada-Reno (T10) . 11 155 14.1 19 11 3 8 Idaho (31) 11 205 18.6 24 19 3 Boise St. (T34) 11 211 19.2 27 22 0 Northern Ariz. 4 11 289 26.3 35 21 16 Idaho St. 11 301 27.4 38 30 2 11 Weber St. 14 11 333 30.3 41 33 4 Montana 11 427 38.8 57 53 0 10 Montana St. 11 436 39.6 57 50 2 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Team Idaho (4) Idaho St. (18) Weber St. (27) Montana (31) Nevada-Reno (33) Montana St. (39) Northern Ariz. (50) Boise St.
PUNT RETURNS No. G 11 31 41 11 11 19 11 20 11 45 11 22 11 33 11 27
0 1 3 2
1 2
Yds. 420 372 160 161 359 169 221 155
TD 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Avg. 13.5 9.1 8.4 8.0
No. Ret. 44 22 25 38 27 18 36 26
Yds. Ret. 280 141 297 477 223 201 218 199
Net Avg. 39.2 37.3 37.2 37.0 35.5 33.6 33.2 32.2
8.0 7.7 6.7 5.7
G Att-CmpTnt Pet. Yds. 11 326-162-24 49.7 2039 11 362-191-22 52.8 2219 11 328-180-16 54.9 2245 11 365-192-20 52.6 2252 11 427-211-27 49.4 2325 11 330-201-17 60.9 2600 11 349-183-16 52.4 2633 11 332-179*8 53.9 3047
TOTAL OFFENSE Rushing Name 1 Dave Stireman, Weber State (2) 2 Eric Beavers, Nevada-Reno (12) 3 Scott Linehan, Idaho (32) 4 Hazsen Choates, Boise State (34) 5 Rick Sloan, Idaho (37) 6 Craig Austin, Northern Ariz. (46) 7 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno (64) 8 Jon Francis, Boise State (83) 9 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (92) 10 Freddie Cook, Weber State ‘Touchdowns-responsible-for are players
Play Avg. 4.0 4.3 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.6 5.8 6.9
Pet. 62.9 54.2 53.5 61.6 52.2 48.1 48.6 51.8
RUSHING Name 1 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno (3) 2 Jon Francis, Boise State (14) 3 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (20) 4 Freddie Cook, Weber State (31) 5 LeRoy Foster, Montana (45) 6 Todd Hoiness, Idaho (54) 7 Corky Federico, Idaho St. (87) 8 Dave Stireman, Weber State 9 Jason Seybold, Nevada-Reno 10 Lucius Floyd, Nevada-Reno
Game Avg. 289.2 309.2 322.4 373.6 380.0 427.4 438.6 529.6
Yards 3181 3401 3546 4110 4180 4701 4825 5826
RUSHING DEFENSE Play Avg. 4.5 5.0 4.7 4.0 3.7 4.1 3.0 2.3
PASSING OFFENSE G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
TD* 18 26 22 35 33 52 40 55
Plays 792 787 745 834 826 846 833 847
Team 1 Nevada-Reno (2) 2 Weber St. (3) 3 Idaho (4) 4 Idaho St. (12) 5 Montana St. (T21) 6 Boise St. (27) 7 Montana (49) 8 Northern Ariz.
TD 0
Avg. 23.9 22.7 21.9 18.2 17.3 16.0
Team 1 Northern Ariz. (3) 2 Nevada-Reno (13) 3 Weber St. (15) 4 Montana (18) 5 Idaho St. (31) 6 Idaho 7 Montana St. 8 Boise St.
Punts 78 49 50 62 52 37 68 53
Avg. 42.8 40.2 43.2 44.7 39.8 39.0 36.4 35.9
SCORING G TD XP FG Pts. Ave. 18 0 0 108 10.8 Marty Zendejas, Nevada-Reno (2) 11 0 50 19 107 9.7 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (T7) 11 16 2 0 98 8.9 Brian Decicio, Idaho (18) 11 0 41 14 83 7.5 Roberto Moran, Boise St. (20) 11 0 34 16 82 7.5 Rene Weitmann, Idaho State (30) 11 76 0 37 13 6.9 Eric Yarber, Idaho 10 11 0 0 66 6.6 Freddie Cook, Weber State 11 11 0 0 66 6.0 Dave Stireman, Weber State 11 10 2 0 62 5.6 Craig Winberg, Weber State 11 0 40 61 7 5.5
Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
INTERCEPTIONS s Name G No. Yds. TD IPG 1 George Duarte, No. Ariz. (Tl) 10 9 150 2 .90 2 Tom Hennessey, Idaho (T6) 16 0 .73 11 8 3 Patrick Hunter, N evada-R eno (18) 11 6 12 0 .55 11 5 4 Mike Dixon, Nevada-Reno (T33) 58 0 .45 11 5 34 1 .45 4 Steve Harris. Boise State (T33) 6 Terry Shiliam, Montana 10 4 57 0 .40
j PUNTING (Min. 3.6 punts per game) 1 Mike Rice, Montana (1) 2 Russell Griffith, Weber St. (4) 3 John Earl, Northern Ariz. (7) 4 Bret Dales, Nevada-Reno (20) 5 Gino Mariani, Idaho State (22) 6 Mark Page, Montana St. 17 Tom Scmmmer, Boise St. 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 7
No. 62 50 70 49 51
66 52
Avg. 44.7 43.2 42.8 40.2 40.1 37.4 36.3
FIELD GOALS Name G FGA FG Pet. FgPg Marty Zendegas, Nevada-Reno (3) 11 24 19 .792 1.73 Roberto Moran, Boist St. (T6) 11 29 16 .552 1.45 Brian Decicio, Idaho (T10) 11 16 14 .875 1.27 Goran Lingmerth, No. AZ (T15) 11 18 13 .722 1.18 Rene Weitmann, Idaho St. (T15) 11 19 13 .684 1.18 Ebv Dobson, Montana (T22) 11 14 10 .714 .91 Anders Larsson, Montana St. 11 9 7 .778 .64 Craig Winberg, Weber State 11 13 7 .538 .64
Total Offense
Yds Plays Yds 3247 502 3759 2617 358 2594 1617 275 1607 1612 278 1736 1872 242 1834 1752 384 1719 0 179 1241 0 203 1147 0 198 1041 0 167 893
YdPl Tdr* YdPl 7.5 33 341.7 7.2 30 235.8 5.8 10 178.6 6.2 13 173.6 7.6 18 166.7 4.5 8 156.3 6.9 14 124.1 5.7 9 104.3 5.3 10 94.6 5.3 81.2 8
ALL-PURPOSE RUNNERS Name G Rush Rec. PR KOR Yds. YdsPg 1 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (2) 11 1041 708 0 364 2113 192.1 2 Freddie Cook, Weber State (7) 11 893 644 0 275 1812 164.7 3 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno (12) 10 1241 172 0 0 1413 141.3 4 Eric Yarber, Idaho (16) 10 51 1103 182 14 1350 135.0 5 Jon Francis, Boise State (24) 85 0 141 1373 124.8 11 1147 6 Mike Rice, Montana (30) 11 172 388 117 657 1334 121.3 7 Craig Slama, Weber State (34) 11 0 1290 0 0 1290 117.3 8 David Pandt, Montana St. 11 244 669 0 352 1265 115.0 9 Brant Bengen, Idaho 11 117 684 183 149 1133 103.0 10 Scott Auker, Idaho 11 0 827 0 0 827 75.2
1985 Grizzly Statistics Punt Returns
Team S tatistics UM Opp. 194 268 114 134 bb 125 14 9 536 515 2314 3020 334 241 1980/180.0 2779/252.6 253 332 123/48.6% 179/53.9% 17 8 1811/164.6 3047/277.0 3791/344.6 5826/530.8 62/2771/0 44/1726/0 44.7 39.2 38/20 22/12 57/458 93/817 27 57 16 40 10 15
First Downs.............................................. By Rush........................................... By Pass............................................. By Penalty........................................ Rush Plays............................................... Rush Yards Gained................................... Rush Yards L ost...................................... NET RUSH GAINED/Avg.......................... Pass Attempts........................................... Pass Com p/Pct......................................... Had Intercepted....................................... NET PASS YDS/Avg................................ TOTAL YDS/Game Avg........................... Punt/Yards/Blk........................................ Punt Average.. Fumbles/Lost..... Penalties/Yds...... TOUCHDOWNS.. By Rushing... By Return................ Safety........................... PATATTEMPTED/Made. Field Goals Att/M ade....... TOTAL POINTS............. Game A verage...............
18/17 14/10 223 20.3
57/53 18/10 427 38.8
Scoring Dobson.. Lam b.... Rice..... Foster.. Coleman..................... A rnston........................ P ease.............. W hite.............. M oe................ Paulson........... Mornhinweg..... R a y ................ Werbelow......... M urray............ Nelsen.............
4 4 3 11 3 44 2
11 11 11
2 2 1
FG Pts 10 47 26 24 18 18
12 12 12 12 8 1
11 11
1 1
1 1
6 6 2
Rushing Foster............... Coleman Paulson Rice............ M ornhinweg. M urray........
G-S 11-11 11- 7 11-11 11-11 6- 4 11- 2
TC 169 67 84 12 41
YG YL 835 78 328 18 257 1 174 184 33 173 4
Ehlers............... Pease............... Dawald............. Huestis............. Werbelow.......... Laird.................
5- 0 8- 3 11- 8 2- 0 6- 0 4 -0
6 59 3 3 30 1
43 0 134 99 25 0 9 3 62 57 1 0
Nct-Avg. 757- 4.5 310- 4.6 256- 3.0 174-14.3 151- 4.0 169- 4.1 433525651-
7.2 0.6 8.3 2.0 0.2 1.0
TD LG 59 23 13 67t 27t 19 0 2 0 0 1 0
21 22 13 9 9 1
Receiving G-S Rec. Yds. Avg. TD Long 4 Lam b............... ..................11- 9 38 614 15.9 48 26 388 14.9 Rice.................. ........... 47 W hite................ ..................11- 3 19 356 18.7 2 58 M oe.................. ........... 9 185 22.6 2 87t Nelsen.............. ..................11- 2 22 7 82 11.7 0 Coleman........... .................. 11- 7 5 81 16.2 0 63 Paulson............ ........... 5 25 5.0 15t S. M urray......... .................. 11- 2 22 0 3 7.3 9 C. Murray......... .................. 2 - 0 7 7.0 0 8 Foster............... ........... 8 32 4.0 0 12 Brown.............. ........... 0 2 19 9.5 0 13 OPPONENTS .................. 11 179 3047 17.0 15 77
11-11 11-11
11-11 1-
G*S PA/PC/Int. Yds. Pet. TD Long 87t 6- 4 114/58/6 884 .509 5 47 8- 3 9 2 /43 /7 599 .467 4 216 .750 0 63 5- 1 16/12/1 13 4- 3 2 9 / 9 /2 86 .345 0 26t 11-11 26 1.000 1 1 / I/O 0 .000 0 0 11-11 1 / 0/1
Punting Rice..
No. ..6 2
Yds. 2771
No. ................................. 30 ................................. 12 ................................. 3 ................................. 2 ................................. 2 ..................... 1 ................................. 2 ..................... 1 ................................. 32
Yds. 57 24 3 2 1
Avg. TD LG 14.3 0 20 24.0 0 24 3.0 0 3 2.0 0 2 0.0 0 2
Yds. Avg. TD Long 657 21.9 0 63 208 17.3 1 87t 41 13.7 0 28 33 16.5 0 17 31 15.5 0 9 10 10.0 0 10 21 10.5 0 18 7 7.0 0 7 615 19.2 1 lOOt
D efensive Statistics Linemen Shawn Poole.... Pat Foster........ John Owens.... Scott M oore.... Ward Crawford.. Nate Finch...... Larry Oliver..... Garret Jaros....
Total Unasst. G-S Tackles Tackles 10- 8 67 29 11-11 63 35 11- 4 35 12 11- 7 35 18 7- 2 22 10 11- 0 21 9 7- 0 13 7 2- 0 3 2
Linebackers Mike Rankin..... Doug1Sexe....... Pat Hardiman.... Ed Apostol....... Todd Koechlein.. J. C j Tim Gillis.. Kevin Bartsch.. Rick Dozier..... Bill Tarrow..... Dean Wang.... Brent Mikesell..
Defensive Backs Terry Shiliam................................................ Nate O dden .................................................. Ted Ray........................................................ Tony Breland................................................. Brian Gimler.................................................. David Reeves................................................. Rob Meidinger.............................................. Reggie Brown............................................... Dontelle Wynn.............................................. Dwayne H ans................................................ Clay Clausen................................................. Ron Marceau................................................. Others........................................................ NOTE: Tackles for losses included in total tackles.
6 5 6 6 1 8 5 1 2 2 0 0
71 57 56 53 50 49 31 20 12 7 6 3
27 22 19 12 22 19 15 3 5 3 2
9- 9 11- 9 9- 9 11- 9 8- 2 9- 2 7- 2 8- 0 5- 0 6- 0 2- 0 1- 0 11
80 65 61 33 19 19 16 12 7 5 3 2 12
32 34 31 14 8 9 4 5 4 1 1
Tackles Forced Fum For Losses Fumbles Rec. 10V2 (-57) 1 1 6 1 1 (-36) 2 1 (-21) 5 1 (-23) 1 (-8 ) 2 3 1 1 (-10) 2 (- 9)
1 1 3
(- 5) (- 6) (- 9)
3 2 2
(-13) (- 2) (-15)
Blk. Inter.
1 2
1 2
1 1
6 2
1 1
(- 5)
1 1 1
1 2
(- 3) 1
4 1 3 7 1 3
Scoring by Quarters 1st 48 58
M ontana.... O pponents..
2nd 99 143
3rd 25 122
4th 51 104
Total 223 427
P assing Mornhinweg........ Pease.................. Werbelow............ A rnston.............. Rice.................... Lam b..................
Kickoff Returns Rice............... R ay ............... Coleman......... Laird.............. Paulson.......... Gimler............ Lam b............. H ans.............. OPPONENTS
No. 4 1 1 1 1
Shiliam.... Apostol.... Campbell.. Bartsch.... Breland....
No. Yds. Avg. TD Long . 13 117 9.0 0 23 . 7 44 6.3 0 15 ................................. 38 463 11.7 0 66
Third Down Conversions Made 63 69
M ontana.... O pponents..
Blk. 0
Long 74
Percentage .354 .473
Time of P ossession Total Minutes 311:08 348:52
M ontana.... O pponents.
UM Field G oals (10 of 14) Avg. 44.7
Attempts 178 146
Average 28.27 31:33
O pponents Field G oals (10 of 18)
24,23,42, 47,39, 45, 44, 40 ,47, 27,43, 48, 52#, 29 24, 21, 31, 45, 43, 31, 41, 38, 29, 36, 38, 47, 41, 29, 42, 39, 25,31 #School Record—Bold face indicates made field goal
C oaches Through the Years Coach (alma mater)
Fred Smith (Cornell)....................................................... ..............................18 9 7 Sgt. F. B. Searight (Stanford)...................................... ..............................1 8 9 8 G uy C leveland (M ontana)............................................ ..............................1 8 9 9 Frank Bean (W isconsin)................................................. ..............................1 9 0 0 -0 1 Dewitt Peck (Iowa S ta te)............................................... ..............................1 9 0 2 H. B. C onibear (Illinois)................................................. ..............................1 9 0 3 -0 4 F. W. S chule (W isconsin).............................................. ..............................1 9 0 5 -0 6 Albion Findlay (W isconsin)............................................ ..............................19 0 7 R oy W hite (Iow a).............................................................. ............................ 1 9 0 8 -0 9 Robert Cary (M ontana)................................................... .............................1 9 1 0 -1 1 Lt. W. C. Philoon (West P oin t)................................. .............................1 9 1 2 A. G. Heilm an (Franklin-Marshall)............................. ............................ 1 9 1 3 -1 4 Jerry N issen (W ashington S ta te)................................ .............................1 9 1 5 -1 7 Bernie Bierman (M innesota)......................................... .............................1 9 1 9 -2 1 J. W. Stewart (G en eva)................................................. ............................ 1 9 2 2 -2 3 Earl Clark (M ontana)....................................................... ............................ 1 9 2 4 -2 5 Frank Milburn (West P oin t)........................................... .............................1 9 2 6 -3 0 Bernard O akes (Illinois)................................................... .............................1 9 3 1 -3 4 D oug F essen den (Illinois)................................................ ............................ 1 9 3 5 -4 1 C lyde Carpenter (M ontana)......................................... .............................1 9 4 2 G eorge Dahlberg (M ontana)......................................... .............................1 9 4 5 D oug F essen den (Illinois)................................................ ............................ 1 9 4 6 -4 8 Ted Shipkey (Stanford)................................................... ............................ 1 9 4 9 -5 1 Ed Chinske (M ontana).................................................... .............................1 9 5 2 -5 4 Jerry Williams (W ashington S ta te)............................. .............................1 9 5 5 -5 7 Ray Jenkins (C olorado)................................................. ............................ 1 9 5 8 -6 3 Hugh D avidson (C olorado)........................................... ............................ 1 9 6 4 -6 6 Jack Swarthout (M ontana)............................................ .............................1 9 6 7 -7 5 G en e Carlson (M ontana)................................................ .............................1 9 7 6 -7 9 Larry D onovan (Nebraska)............................................ .............................1 9 8 0 -8 5
1 3 1 2 0 5 4 4 7 5 4 8 7 9 7 7 18 8 32 0 1 14 12
2 2 2 4 3 7 7 1 2
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 0
.3 3 3 .6 0 0 .3 3 3 .3 3 3 .0 0 0 .4 1 6 .3 6 3 .8 0 0 .7 7 7
8 6 14 8 51 16 25
3 3 4 7 9 8 8 22 22 25 8 4 15 16 18 23 43 20 41 25 37
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
.6 2 5 .5 7 1 .6 6 6 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .4 6 6 .4 6 6 .4 5 0 .2 6 6 .5 6 1 .0 0 0 .2 0 0 .4 8 2 .4 2 8 .3 0 7 .2 0 6 .2 4 5 .2 8 5 .5 5 4 .3 9 0 .3 9 7
The 1970 Grizzly coaching staff, from left, Charley Armey, Bill Betcher, Ron Nord and Head Coach Jack Swarthout. Not pictured: Jack Elway. UM w as 10-0 in ’70.
Season-by-Season R esults f m.......................................... 1897 n UtM Opp. 0 0 0 4 18 10
The “Tigers” ...................... 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 The “Tigers”...................... 0 Butte Bus. College 20 Montana S tate................ 6 @ Butte Bus. C o lle g e ...26 (1-2-3)
U M ...............I 8 9 ® ............ Opp. 5 Helena High..................... 6 0 A naconda.......................... 18 6 @ Montana State........... 0 16 Montana S tate................ 0 (2-2) UM 1 8 ? ? ............ Opp. 12 Anaconda Ath. Club 5 0 @ Montana State........... 38 0 Montana S tate................ 5 (1-2) U M ....1 ? ° ° Opp. 11 Montana S tate...................12 (0-1) u m ............... I 9 . ? 1:............. Opp. Lost Ft. Shawn Indn.......Won Lost Butte H ig h ................ Won Won Fort Missoula.............. Lost 26 Fort Missoula................ 0 0 Montana State............... 31 (2-3)
U M ...............1 9 0 2 ............ Opp. 0 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 16 0 Montana State................. 38 (0-2)
U M ..........................................Opp. 32 Fort Missoula................... 0 11 Fort Missoula................... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 19 0 Mont. Schl. M ines..........23 0 @ Idaho...................28 0 @ Washington State.3 4 6 @ Montana State..13 (2-5)
U M .......................................... Opp. 10 Fort Missoula.................... 0 0 @ Utah.....................17 5 @ Utah State........ 0 5 Washington S ta te .......... 6 79 Montana State............... 0 (3-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Utah..................................... 42 0 @ Whitman C ollege. 5 6 @ Washington State.2 8 12 Utah State........................ 0 88 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 (2-3)
U M ..........................................Opp. 32 Ft.Shaw Indians............. 6 0 Washington Sta te.......... 5 11 Spokane Ath. Club....... 0 0 @ Utah.............................. 42 6 @ Utah State................... 17 0 Ex-Collegians................... 8 (2-4)
1907 n UM .......................................... Opp. 62 28 0 12 12 0
Montana W esleyan 0 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 @ Washington State......38 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 Spokane Ath. Club....... 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 (4-1-1)
1908 n U M .......................................... Opp. 0 8 4 0
Montana State................ 0 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 5 @ Mont. Schl. Mins 5 @ Montana State........... 5 (1-2-1)
U M .......................................... Opp. 33 Missoula High................. 0 52 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0
3 42 24 15
@ Montana State 0 Fort Missoula................... 0 Mont. Schl. Mines 0 Montana State................ 5 (6-0-1)
UM .........................................Opp. 8 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 0 @ Montana State 0 3 Utah S tate....................... 5 5 @ Gonzaga....................... 17 3 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 10 Montana State................ 0 (3-2-1)
1911 n UM .........................................Opp. 12 0 28
@ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 Utah S tate....................... 8 Poison Independents 6 (2-1)
U M ..........................................Opp. 28 Missoula High................... 0 7 @ Montana State. 0 0 @ Utah State......... 17 3 @ Utah.....................10 39 Montana State.................. 3 18 @ Gonzaga.............. 6 9 @ Willamette.........30 (4-3)
UM .......................................... Opp. 9 @ Washington State.......34 7 Utah State......................... 9 7 @ Montana State............ 0 20 Montana State.................. 0 7 @ Gonzaga........................ 16 0 @ Whitman C ollege....... 35 (3-4)
U M ..........................................Opp. 87 Butte Ramblers....................0 10 Washington Sta te............ 0 0 @ Idaho............................. 0 32 Utah S tate......................... 0 26 Montana State................. 9 13 North Dakota State......... 0 10 @ Gonzaga....................... 0 (6-0-1) UM 1915 Opp. 15 Idaho................................... 3 7 @ South Dakota...10 10 @ North D akota..... 10 7 @ Washington State.2 7 50 Butte Centervilles............ 0 6 Syracuse............................. 6 (2-2-2)
U M .......................................... Opp. 11 @ South Dakota.... 0 20 @ Gonzaga............... 0 0 @ Washington State.2 7 18 Whitman C ollege............. 0 6 @ Montana State............ 6 20 Idaho.................................... 13 (4-1-1)
UM ..........................................Opp. 6 Utah S tate..........................21 3 @ Whitman C ollege....... 14 9 Montana State................. 7 0 @ Washington St.............28 3 Idaho.................................... 14 (1-4)
1918 —no t e a m -
U M ..........................................Opp. 26 Montana W esleyan......... 7 0 @ Utah State....................47 28 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 6 6 Whitman College............. 6 0 @ Idaho............................. 7 6 @ Montana State............ 6 14 Washington Sta te.............42 (2-3-2)
UM .......................................... Opp. 133 Mt. Saint Charles......... 0 18 @ Washington.............. 14 34 Montana W esleyan...... 0 0 @ Washington State.. 31 7 @ Whitman College... 13 28 Montana State............... 0
Idaho. (4-3)
.Opp. UM .... 0 25 Idaho Tech Washington.................. 28 6 Whitman C ollege............ 14 7 @ Idaho.............................35 14 @ Montana State.......... 7 7 North Dakota State....... 6 0 @ Gonzaga...................... 0 (3-3-1) U M ................ 1 9 2 2 ............ Opp. 0 @ Washington.................. 26 37 Montana W esleyan....... 0 15 Idaho T ec h ....................... 12 6 @ Gonzaga.......................37 7 Montana State................ 6 0 Whitman C ollege............ 13 0 Idaho.................................. 39 (3-4) U M ................ * 9 2 ? ............ Opp. 27 Mt. Saint Charles.......... 0 0 @ Idaho............................ 40 25 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 2 Gonzaga............................ 25 16 @ Whitman C ollege..... 7 14 @ Washington.................26 24 @ Montana State............13 0 @ Pacific C ollege........... 6 (4-4) U M ................ 1 9 2 4 ............ Opp. 40 Mt. Saint Charles....... 7 13 Idaho.............................. 41 7 @ Washington............. 52 106 @ Montana M ines..... 6 14 Gonzaga.........................20 61 Pacific University......... 7 3 @ Stanford................... 41 20 @ Whitman College... 0 (4-4)
U M ..........................................Opp. 0 Washington S tate.......... 9 10 @ Washington.................30 14 Gonzaga.............................14 57 Montana Schl. Mines.... 0 7 @ Oregon State..............27 20 @ Idaho............................. 14 7 @ U SC .............................. 27 28 Montana State................ 7 (3-4-1) U M ................ 1 9 2 6 ............ Opp. 0 Oregon...............................49 12 Idaho.................................. 27 6 @ Washington State...... 14 27 Montana State. 0 7 @ Gonzaga............. ..10 56 Whitman C ollege... .. 7 21 @ Sacramento St.. .. 0 ..61 0 @ U SC .................... (3-5)
.....r....... .Opp. 19 Butte Centevilles... .... 0 8 Mt. Saint Charles.. .... 0 0 @ Washington State 35 0 @ Washington...................32 6 @ Idaho.............................. 42 13 @ California....................... 33 6 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ Gonzaga....................... 0 (3-4-1)
Opp. UM 0 13 Butte Centervilles....... 0 13 Anaconda A nodes...... 26 6 Washington S tate....... 0 Washington................... 25 0 20 Mont. Schl. M ines..... 6 Idaho.............................. 21 0 Montana St. (in Butte) . . . 0 31 6 @ O regon.................... 0 @ Oregon State.......... 44 0 7 @ Gonzaga................... (4-5-1)
U M ..........................................Opp. 18 Anaconda A nodes 2 19 Mt. Saint Charles 0 6 @ Washington................. 6
0 45 12 18 0 0
@ Idaho.............................. 19 Intermountain U ............... 0 Montana St. (in Butte) ...1 4 @ California.................. 53 Washington................... 13 @ UCLA....................... 14 (3-5-1)
UM Opp. 14 18 Anaconda A nodes..... 52 Mt. Saint C harles....... 0 0 @ Washington............. 27 13 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 6 0 @ Washington State.. 61 0 @ California................. 46 27 Gonzaga......................... 15 6 12 Idaho............................... (5-3)
UM Opp. 0 Mt. Saint Charles....... 2 0 @ Washington............. 25 19 @ Idaho......................... 21 13 0 Washington S tate....... 37 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 6 0 @ Oregon State.......... 19 0 @ U SC .......................... 69 (1-6) 1932 U M .............. 7 . 7 . ” ............. Opp. 0 25 Anaconda A nodes...... 13 @ Washington............. 26 6 14 Carroll C ollege............. 6 Idaho.............................. 19 0 @ UCLA....................... 32 7 Montana St. (in Butte) ...1 0 0 @ Washington State.. 31 6 Oregon State................ 35 13 @ Gonzaga................... 56 (2-7)
1933 UM ......................................... Opp. 0 @ Oregon State.......... 20 13 7 Washington S tate....... 6 @ Idaho......................... 12 32 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 7 @ Stanford................... 33 7 13 @ Gonzaga................... 26 Utah State.................... 0 (3-4)
Opp. UM 0 @ Washington State.. 27 0 @ UCLA....................... 16 0 48 Mont. Schl. Mines 13 6 Idaho.............................. 25 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 7 0 @ Oregon State.......... 6 4 @ Gonzaga................... (2-5-1) 1935 UM ................ ' .7 . 7 . ............ Opp. 9 0 @ U SC .......................... 20 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 13 7 Washington State....... 7 @ Idaho......................... 14 7 @ Washington............. 33 7 Gonzaga (in Great Falls) 7 0 @ Stanford................... 32 0 0 Oregon State................ (1-5-2)
UM .......................................... Opp. 0 @ Washington State 19 0 @ UCLA............................ 30 45 Idaho, South Branch 13 6 Gonzaga............................. 0 27 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 7 @ Oregon State............... 14 16 Idaho................................... 0 24 San Francisco (in Butte). 7 13 North Dakota.................... 6 (6-3) UM 1937 Opp. 25 Whitman College 0 13 @ Texas T ech................. 6 36 Oklahoma City................. 6 13 San Francisco (in Butte). 7 17 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 23 Gonzaga............................. 0 0 @ Idaho............................. 6 14 North Dakota.................... 3 (7-1)
1938 UM '-'FF27 Eastern Washington ... 0 0 0 @ San Francisco......... 6 7 DePaul............................ 19 13 Texas T ech................... 7 0 @ North Dakota......... 19 6 Idaho.............................. 0 9 @ Gonzaga................... 13 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 0 7 @ Arizona.................... (5-3-1)
UM Opp. 0 9 Portland......................... 6 San Francisco.............. 13 6 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 0 13 @ Idaho......................... 9 0 @ Washington............. 13 0 @ Texas T ech............. 0 @ Arizona.................... ... 6 0 Gonzaga......................... 23 (3-5) 1940 UM .............. 7 7 . 7 7 ............. Opp. 0 9 Eastern Washington ... 0 @ Washington State.. 13 19 Texas Tech ................... 32 6 Montana St. (in Butte) ... 0 13 Gonzaga (in Butte) 10 38 0 @ O regon.................... 28 Idaho............................... 18 20 @ San Diego Marines ...3 8 0 0 @ Portland................... (4-4-1) 1941 UM .............. 7 7 . 7 7 ............ Opp. 7 20 @ Brigham Y oung.... 0 28 North Dakota State.... 7 @ UCLA....................... 14 6 13 @ Gonzaga................... 23 Montana St. (in Butte) ...1 3 0 @ Washington............. 21 6 13 North Dakota................ 0 16 @ Idaho......................... 0 @ Oregon St. (in Portland)............. 27 (6-3)
.Opp. UM. 6 Brigham Young............... 12 13 Mathers A FB .................... 19 16 @ Washington State 68 0 Washington.......................35 0 Idaho.................................. 21 0 @ Oregon State..............33 0 @ California......................13 ^ ................ .38 (0-8)
—no team-
UM Opp. 13 @ Utah State.............. 44 46 0 @ Idaho....................... 13 @ Farragut Naval Base . 21 6 36 Pocatello Marines....... 18 13 Farragut Naval Base.. (1-4)
Opp. UM 7 31 Eastern Washington ... 0 26 Colorado State........... 34 0 @ Oregon.................... 20 Montana St. (in Butted1... 7 27 7 Utah State.................... 0 19 Idaho............................. 7 @ UCLA...................... 61 0 @ Washington............ 21 (4-4) UM *9 4 7 Opp. 21 @ Eastern Washington.. 0 21 Portland............................. 0 7 @ Arizona.......................... 40 7 @ Utah State..................... 13 12 Montana St. (in Butte)... 13 13 @ Washington State.........12 21 @ Idaho.............................. 0 14 @ California....................... 60 41 Colorado State................. 7 14 @ Hawaii............................ 12 28 @ Hawaii All-Stars...........14 (7-4)
UM ................ 1 9 4 8 ............Opp. 7 Washington (in G. Falls) 12 7 Utah State.......................... 18 27 Pacific University 0 0 Washington S tate 48 14 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @Idaho............................... 39 20 @ Brigham Y o u n g 26 14 College of Pacific 32 7 @ Stanford..........................39 47 North Dakota.................... 7 (3-7)
UM ............... 1 9 5 6 ............. Opp. 12 @ Arizona.........................27 6 @ Utah.............................. 26 13 @ Denver..........................22 13 Utah State ...............27 21 Brigham Y oung................14 20 @ Colorado State.......... 34 14 Montana State................. 33 13 Wyoming (in Billings).... 34 13 @ New Mexico................ 14 0 Idaho...................................14 (1-9)
U M .................1 9 4 9 ............Opp. 33 S. Dakota (in Billings) ... 13 7 @ Washington State 13 16 @ Utah State......................13 12 @ Colorado Sta te 27 14 @ Oregon State............... 63 19 Idaho..................................4 7 34 Montana St. (in Butte)... 12 19 Eastern W ashington 6 (5-4)
UM ................1 9 5 7 ............. Opp. 13 @ Utah.............................. 32 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 20 7 @ Brigham Y oung.........20 13 Denver............................... 26 35 @ Utah State...................25 21 New M exico.................... 6 13 @ Idaho.............................31 13 @ Montana State........... 22 7 Colorado State................. 19 (2-7)
UM ..........................................Opp. 52 Eastern W ashington 0 28 @ Idaho..............................27 13 @ O regon..........................21 7 Washington Sta te 14 33 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ Oregon State............... 20 35 Puget S o u n d .................... 7 13 @ N evada-Reno 19 38 Utah S tate......................... 7 7 San Jose St. (in Hawaii) 32 (5-5)
UM ................1 9 5 8 .............Opp. 6 @ Utah.............................. 20 14 Wyoming (in Billings)....2 1 16 @ New Mexico................44 0 @ Denver..........................29 14 Utah S tate........................ 27 12 Brigham Young............... 41 7 @ Colorado State.......... 57 6 Idaho.................................. 14 6 Montana State.................20 13 @ San D iego...................24 (0-10)
UM ................I 9.5.? ............ Opp. 19 North Dakota................... 27 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 58 12 @ Brigham Y oung....... 0 12 Denver............................... 27 0 @ Utah State...................28 14 New M exico..................... 55 16 Colorado State................ 26 6 @ Montana State........... 40 6 @ Idaho............................ 9 (1-8)
UM ..........................................Opp. 7 @ Washington.................. 58 25 New M exico...................... 7 0 Denver.................................55 9 Idaho.................................... 12 38 @ Montana State 0 6 @ Utah State.................... 19 7 Wyoming............................ 34 6 Colorado State..................34 10 @ Washington State 47 (2-7)
UM 1952 .Opp. .... 7 0 Utah State......... ' Wyoming.. .14 7 Brigham Y oung............... 28 17 @ Denver......................... 7 0 @ Colorado State.......... 41 14 @ O regon......................... 14 35 Montana State..................12 0 @ Idaho.............................27 20 @ San Jose State.......... 39 6 @ New Mexico................ 12 (2-7-1) UM .............. 1 9 5 3 .......... ..Opp. 13 @ Brigham Young 27 7 Wyoming.................... 27 12 Idaho............................ 20 22 @ Denver................... 13 32 Colorado State.......... 31 13 New Mexico............... 41 14 @ Utah State............ 33 32 @ Montana State 13 (3-5)
UM ..Opp. 31 Fort Lewis................... 7 6 @ Iowa....................... 48 13 @ Denver................... 19 20 Utah State................. 13 7 @ Brigham Young 19 34 @ Colorado State 37 14 @ New M exico......... 20 25 Montana State.......... 21 20 Utah............................. 41 (3-6)
UM Opp. 12 @ Houston.................. 54 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....3 5 27 Brigham Young.......... 13 3 Denver.......................... 61 6 Utah State................... 32 19 New Mexico................ 14 7 Colorado State........... 12 19 @ Montana State 0 0 @ Arizona................... 29 0 @ Idaho....................... 31 (3-7)
UM Opp. 21 @ North Dakota 14 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....1 4 12 Utah S tate................... 14 18 Idaho............................. 14 26 @ Denver.................... 12 6 Brigham Young.......... 7 26 @ Colorado State 14 10 Montana State............ 6 6 @ Utah......................... 16 7 @ New M exico.......... 24 (5-5) UM 0 6 40 6 12 22 9 14
1961 Opp. Wyoming (in Billings).... 29 @ Utah State...................54 New M exico.................... 8 @ Brigham Y oung 7 Utah.................................... 24 Colorado State.................19 @ Montana State............10 Idaho (in B oise)...............16 (2 - 6 )
UM Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....1 3 8 North Dakota.............. 14 20 @ Utah State............. 43 22 Idaho............................. 16 25 Weber State................ 6 0 Brigham Young.......... 27 22 @ Idaho State............ 15 36 Montana State............ 19 12 @ New Mexico.......... 41 16 @ Colorado State.... 15 (5-5)
UM Opp. 16 @ British Columbia .. 0 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....3 5 13 North Dakota.............. 19 0 @ Brigham Y oung... 27 13 Idaho State................. 14 6 Utah S tate................... 62 6 @ New M exico.......... 24 13 @ Weber State.......... 19 4 @ Montana State 18 12 Colorado State............ 20 (1-9)
UM ............... *?8 4 ........... Opp. 29 British Columbia............... 24 7 @ Pacific............................ 23 0 @ New M exico.................20 0 Utah State..........................41 20 Weber State....................... 12 7 Western Illinois................. 0 7 @ Idaho State...................14 6 Montana State...................30 7 @ San Diego M arines...43 (3-6)
M M.......................................... 1.965 n UM Opp. 13 @ Utah............................... 28 14 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 15 16 Idaho State....................... 0 15 @ Weber State................. 14 21 @ Utah State....................54 7 Idaho....................................35 13 Pacific................................. 7 7 @ Montana State............ 24 14 @ Western Michigan.......17 33 @ Portland State............ 7 (4-6) U M ............... 4988 ...........Opp. 6 No. Dakota (in Billings). 30 7 @ South Dakota..............21 10 Portland State................... 0 0 Weber State....................... 28 0 @ Pacific............................ 28 14 @ Idaho State...................17 8 @ Northern Arizona 34 0 Montana State.................. 38 6 @ Idaho..............................40 (1-8) UM ............... 1967 ...........Opp. 19 @ North Dakota...............14 7 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 3 13 @ Weber State................. 12 21 Pacific................................. 7 14 Idaho.................................... 19 20 Idaho State....................... 0 10 Northern Arizona............. 7 8 @ Montana State.............14 14 @ Utah State....................20 55 @ Portland State 7 (7-3)
UM • Opp. 37 No. Dakota (in Billings). 10 0 @ South Dakota....... 21 58 Portland State............. 0 3 Utah S tate................... 50 45 @ Idaho....................... 56 13 @ Idaho State........... 23 24 Montana State............ 29 16 Weber State................ 20 0 @ Northern Arizona. 18 (2-7) UM 4 9 8 9 .............Opp. 24 @ North Dakota..............10 31 So. Dakota (in G. Falls).20 52 Northern Arizona............ 7 20 @ Weber State................ 17 34 Idaho.................................. 9 46 Idaho State....................... 36 49 @ Portland S tate..............14 7 @ Montana State............ 6 14 Cal Poly (SLO)................ 0 58 South Dakota St.............. 0 Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 3 North Dakota St............... 30 (10-1) UM ...............I 9 7 .0 ..............Opp. 28 No. Dakota (in Billings). 7 30 @ Northern Illinois.......... 6 20 @ Northern Arizona....... 0 38 Weber State......................29 44 Idaho (in Pullman)..........26 35 @ Idaho State................... 34 35 @ South Dakota.............. 7 31 Portland State.................. 25 35 Montana State................ 0 24 @ South Dakota St....... 0 Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 16 North Dakota St............... 31 (10-1)
UM ..... Opp. 14 So. Dakota (in G. Falls). 7 27 @ North Dakota.. 14 38 @ Cal Poly (SLO) 14 12 Idaho....................... 21 24 @ Boise State 47 45 Idaho State............ 35
14 Pacific.. .30 14 Weber State................. 13 30 Montana State............ 0 H awaii.......................... 25 11 29 @ Portland State............ 36 (6-5) UM. 0
14 40 6 12 7 4 42 3 17 7
197 2
.................................... Opp. South Dakota..............35 No. Dakota (in Billings). 42 Northern Arizona............. 17 @ Pacific............................24 Weber State..................... 7 @ Idaho State.................. 14 @ Hawaii...........................30 Boise State........................ 28 Montana State................. 21 @ Idaho............................. 31 @ Tulsa..............................10 (3-8)
um 1973 n UM ..........................................Opp. 41 Simon Fraser (in G. Falls) 14 10 @ North Dakota............. 31 10 @ R ice............................... 21 10 @ Northern Arizona.......14 31 South Dakota................... 19 19 Idaho State........................14 7 @ Montana State............33 7 @ Boise State..................55 7 Idaho...................................20 10 @ Weber State............... 0 (4-6)
u m ................ L7 .: 7 ..............opp . 14 @ Wash. St. (in Spokane)34 13 @ Northern Arizona.......26 23 Weber State.......................16 35 Boise State.........................37 28 Idaho State........................24 17 @ Idaho............................. 20 20 Nevada-Reno.................... 27 21 @ Montana State............ 38 20 @ Northern Colorado... 10 32 Portland State...................40 (3-7)
rn ur 1980 n U M ..........................................Opp. 60 0 0 10 21 0 42 7 31 7
Simon Fraser..................... 27 @ Portland State.............20 Idaho....................................42 Boise State......................... 44 @ Weber State..................38 @ Idaho State....................17 Eastern W ashington...... 7 Montana S tate..................24 Northern Arizona.............21 @ N evada-Reno..............10 (3-7)
UM................ I 9 8 4 ............ Opp. 29 @ Northern Arizona...... 23 42 Northern Iow a..................21 13 @ Boise State................... 27 16 @ Idaho...............................14 24 Idaho State....................... 21 33 Portland State.................. 3 1974 27 @ Montana State............ 17 UM. .Opp. 33 Nevada-Reno....................26 14 @ Simon Fraser...... 23 6 Weber State..................... 7 10 @ South Dakota.....24 13 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane) 14 17 @ Nevada-Las V egas....20 (7-3) 24 Weber State...................... 13 27 Northern Arizona............ 0 UM ........4 9 8 2 ............ Opp. 35 @ Idaho.....................35 0 @ Hawaii.......................... 40 24 @ Portland State.... 14 38 Puget S ou n d .....................10 29 Montana State.................. 43 36 Northern Arizona.............35 22 @ Idaho State.................. 25 28 @ Nevada-Reno............. 27 42 Boise State......................... 56 14 @ Boise S tate..................21 (3-6-1) 40 Idaho...................................16 14 @ Idaho State..................28 UM 4 9 7 5 .............Opp. 45 Montana S tate..................14 51 South Dakota................... 17 28 @ Portland S tate............35 21 Nevada-Las V egas..........20 42 @ Weber State................20 48 @ Weber State.................12 10 @ Oregon State.............. 30 7 Idaho State........................12 I-AA Playoffs 14 Idaho.................................. 3 7 @ Idaho.............................. 21 3 @ Montana State............20 (6-6) 28 @ Boise State..................39 33 Portland State...................16 T T M 1983 n UM ..........................................Opp. 28 @ Northern Arizona...... 22 21 Boise State........................ 20 10 @ Simon Fraser.............. 24 35 Portland State...................19 (6-4) 21 @ N. Arizona...................17 28 Weber State......................26 um 197 6 n UM ..........................................Opp. 0 Nevada-Reno....................38 19 @ Nevada-Las V egas....21 24 @ Idaho.............................45 49 @ Portland State............ 50 8 @ Montana State........... 28 28 Weber State......................25 14 Long Beach State........... 38 21 Northern Arizona.............23 26 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane)27 17 @ Boise State.................. 14 17 Idaho State.......................31 19 @ Northern C olorado... 27 (4-6) 12 Montana State................. 21 21 Idaho State........................17 1984 19 @ Idaho.............................28 UM .......................................... Opp. 45 Simon Fraser.................... 17 42 Abilene Christian............ 28 (4-6) 17 @ Portland State............16 3 @ Idaho State.................43 1977 14 @ Weber State............... 47 UM ~ T ... Opp. 18 Northern Arizona............ 24 13 Nevada-Las V egas.......... 15 14 Eastern Washington.......14 24 @ Northern Arizona...... 25 7 @ Boise State.................35 40 Portland State.................. 25 39 Idaho.................................. 40 23 Weber State......................31 24 Montana State................ 34 17 Boise State........................ 43 28 @ Nevada-Reno.............31 20 @ Idaho.............................31 31 Army.................................. 45 17 Idaho State........................15 (Mirage Bowl in Tokyo) 19 @ Montana State............24 (2-8-1) 34 Northern Colorado..........13 18 @ Puget Sou nd...............17 1985 (4-6) U M ....................................... .Opp. 1978 30 31 Cal-Fullerton.............. UM Opp. 62 17 @ Minnesota............. 12 Puget S ou n d ................ 23 16 Portland State............ 21 16 @ Portland State 27 23 38 R e n o ............................ 6 Northern Arizona........ 21 35 Idaho S ta te ................ 29 27 @ Weber State........... 7 0 @ Idaho....................... 38 15 @ Boise State............. 7 41 18 @ Montana State ,, 30 Idaho.............................. 34 29 57 Weber S ta te ............... 28 @ Idaho State............. 7 3 Boise State.................. 28 17 @ Nevada-Las Vegas ....2 5 19 @ Eastern Washington ..52 24 Montana State............. 8 32 @ Northern Arizona 31 31 Northern Colorado.... 14 (3-8) 7 @ San Jose State , , 35 (5-6)
All Opponents Record Abilene Christian ................................ .............. A rizona............................................................ .............. A rm y................................................................. ..............
B oise S ta t e ............................................................
Brigham Y o u n g ................................................ British Columbia ................................................ California ........................................... .............. Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) ........................ .............. Carroll College .................................................. Colorado State ................................... ................... D ePaul .............................................. ..............
Eastern W ash in gton ...................... ..............
Farragut Naval B ase ............................ .............. Fullerton (CA) S ta te ............................ .............. G onzaga ............................................ .............. H aw aii ............................................................ H o u sto n ............................................ .............
Id a h o ............................................... Idaho S ta te .....................................
Iow a ............................................................... Long Beach S ta te ............................................. M innesota .......................................... .............
Montana S ta t e .............................................
Montana T e c h ................................................. Nevada-Las V egas ............................................
Nevada-Reno .................................. .............
New M exico ....................................... ............. North D a k o ta ..................................... ............. North Dakota S ta te .............................. .............
Northern A r iz o n a ..........................
Northern C o lo ra d o .............................. ............. Northern Illinois .................................. ............. Northern Io w a .................................... .............
1 1 0
0 1
0 0 0
0 0
0 2 1 6 1
11 0 1 0 0 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 11 1
2 0
0 0
9 3
19 16
47 9
2 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
12 1
4 4
2 0
11 2
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
1 2
Oklahoma C ity O reg o n Oregon S ta te ...................................................................... Pacific University............................................................... University of the Pacific Pocatello M arines P o rtlan d ...............................................................................
Portland S ta t e Puget S o u n d ...................................................................... Rice....................................................................................... San D ie g o .......................................................................... San Diego M arines........................................................... San Francisco..................................................................... San Jose State .................................................................. Simon F raser...................................................................... South D a k o ta ..................................................................... South Dakota S t a te ......................................................... Southern California........................................................... S tan fo rd ............................................................................... Syracuse............................................................................... Texas T e c h T u lsa ..................................................................................... U CLA................................................................................... U tah ...................................................................................... Utah S ta te ........................................................................... W ashington......................................................................... W ashington S ta te ..............................................................
0 4 12 0 5 0 0
0 1 2 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 3 2
0 0 2 2 1
0 0
0 5 4 0 3 1 7 11 25 16 30
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Weber S ta te ...........................................................
Western Illinois W h itm an .............................................................................. Willamette............................................................................ W yoming.............................................................................
5 0 0
0 1
Total (includes Non-collegiate o p p .).............
0 0 0 9 1
1 12
0 0
M ontana’s first football team , 1897. UM opened its doors two years before the first team was established. In 1897 approxim ately 75 students w ere enrolled at UM and 24 men tried out for football. Professor Fred D. Smith of the Chemistry Department, former football player at Cornell, volunteered to serve as head coach.
The Grizzly Record Book Individual R e co r d s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING
Most Carries
Most Plays
241, Greg Iseman, 1982
388, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
Most Returns
Most Net Yards
Most Yards
30, Mike Rice, 1985
I,2 5 3 , Steve Caputo, 1971
2,598, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984 ( R u s h - 145; P a s s -2 ,4 5 3 )
660, Greg Dunn, 1979
H ighest Average Per Carry 8.2, Dick Imer, 1953 (86-703)
KICKOFF RETURNS Most Yards Highest Average
Most Touchdowns Rushing
33.5, Greg Anderson, 1974 (10-335)
Most R eceptions
I I , Steve Sullivan, 1920 10, Greg Iseman, 1982 9, Dick Imer, 1954
, Brian Salonen, 1983
Most Yards
Most Interceptions
933, Bob McCauley, 1984
11, Karl Stein, 1969
Most Touchdowns
Most Yards Returned
9, Brian Salonen, 1983 7, Jim Hard, 1979 7, Bob McCauley, 1984
Most A ttem pts 305, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
218, Greg Anderson, 1978 ( 6 interceptions)
Most Completed
Most Punts
179, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
Most Points
Most Yards
70, Dave Harrington, 1973
2,453, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
Most Yards
84, Greg Iseman, 1982 79, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926
H ighest Completion Percentage
2,771, Mike Rice, 1985
Highest Average
Most Touchdowns
(minimum of 1 0 0 attempts) 61.9, Marty Mornhinweg, 1982 (140x226)
Most Touchdown P a sses
Most Returns
14, 12, 11, 10, 10,
16, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
42, Karl Stein, 1970
Most Field G oals
Most Yards
12, Bruce Carlson, 1976 11, Dean Rominger, 1981
(minimum of 35 punts) 44.7, Mike Rice, 1985 (62-2,771)
Most P asses Had Intercepted
16, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984
417, Karl Stein, 1970
Greg Iseman, 1982 “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926 Steve Sullivan, 1920 Dick Imer, 1954 Del Spear, 1974
H ighest Average
Most Conversions
20.2, Greg Anderson, 1974 (13-263)
40, Dan Worrell, 1969
Individual R e co r d s—-Single G am e RUSHING Most Carries
Most Yards
Longest Touchdown
36, Monty Bullerdick vs. Idaho State, 1977
451, Shanon Mornhinweg vs. Weber St., 1985
102, Milt Popovich vs. Oregon St. College, 1936 94, Greg Anderson vs. Idaho and Mont. St., 1974
Most Net Yards 227, Les Kent vs. Portland St., 1969
Most Touchdowns Rushing 4, Arnie Blancas vs. Weber State, 1970 4, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982
Longest Touchdown Run
Most R eceptions
11, Brian Salonen vs. Idaho State, 1983 10, Greg Iseman vs. Oregon State, 1982
Most Interceptions 4, Ed Cerkovnik vs. Portland St., 1977
Most Yards
Most Yards Returned
198, Terry White vs. Weber St., 1985
80, Bob Smith vs. Simon Fraser, 1973 80, Mike Mickey vs. South Dakota, 1975 80, Doug Egbert vs. Weber State, 1975
Longest Run From Scrimmage 88
, “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1924
Most Touchdowns
125, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland St., 1977
3, Ray Bauer vs. Eastern Eash., 1950 3, Paul Cooley vs. Weber State, 1975 3, Jim Hard vs. Portland State, 1979
Longest Touchdown 90, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland St., 1977
Longest Touchdown Reception
Most Points
87, Scott Moe vs. Weber St., 1985
Most Attem pts
30, 26, 26, 24, 24,
62, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
Most Punts
Most Completed
11, Dave Harrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry Thomas vs. Nevada-Las Vegas, 1978
35, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
Most Yards
Most Yards
417, Marty Mornhinweg vs. Army, 1984
443, Lon Howard vs. Utah State, 1968
Most Touchdowns
Highest Average
4, 4, 4, 4,
51.0, Mike Rice vs. Idaho, 1985 ( 8 for 408)
Tom Kingsford vs. Eastern W ash., 1950 Bob Boyes vs. Portland State, 1979 Marty Mornhinweg vs. E. W ashington, 1980 Marty Mornhinweg vs. Montana State, 1982
Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. W hitman College, 1926 Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974 Arnie Blancas vs. Weber, 1970 Jeff Hoffmann vs. N. Arizona, 1972
Most Touchdowns 5, 4, 4, 4,
Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 Arnie Blancas vs. Weber, 1970 Jeff Hoffmann vs. N. Arizona, 1972 Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974
Most Returns
Most Field G oals
Highest Completion Percentage
7, Karl Stein vs. Portland St., 1970
4, Bruce Carlson vs. Northern Colorado, 1976
(minimum of 1 0 attempts) .826, Kelly Richardson vs. W eber St. (19x23), 1983
Most Yards
Longest Field Goal
126, Karl Stein vs Portland St., 1970
52, Eby Dobson vs. N. Arizona, 1985
Most P asses Had Intercepted
83, Ron Baines vs. U of Pacific, 1967
Longest Touchdown
5, John Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966
Longest Touchdown P ass
Most Returns
87, Shanon Mornhinweg vs. Weber St., 1985
Most Conversions 9, 7, 7, 7,
, Mike Rice vs. Weber St., 1985
Most Yards
Most Plays
245, Mike Rice vs. W eber St., 1985
Russell Sweet vs. Mont. School of Mines, 1924 Mick O’Neill vs. Portland St., 1967 Dan Worrell vs. Portland St., 1968 Dan Worrell vs. Northern Arizona, Portland St., S. Dakota St., 1969
71, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983
Team R eco rd s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING Most Carries
H ighest Average Per
Most Attem pts
728, 1970
5.6, 1954 (380-2114)
384, 1984
Most Net Yards
H ighest Per Game Average
Most Completed
3,477, 1971
338.4, 1970
209, 1984
Team R eco rd s—S in g le S e a so n (cont.) Highest Completion Percentage 61.0,
415, 1959
Most Yards
Few est Touchdowns Allowed
450, 1949
28, 1977
4, 1963
Highest Average
Few est P a sse s Had Intercepted
4, 1970
Most Touchdown P asses
Most P a sses Intercepted
1954 (12-215)
28, 1970
17, 1983
Most Yards 2,709, 1984
TOTAL OFFENSE Most Plays 819, 1978
Most Yards 4,548, 1969
Most Returns
Few est Average Plays Allowed
48, 1955
Most Yards
Lowest Average Per Play Yield
1,059, 1974
1963 1970 (648-2150)
Highest Average
Few est Yards
24.6, 1974 (43-1,059)
2,150, 1970
Most Points
Highest Per Play Average
Lowest Yield Per Game
335, 1969
1969 (772-4548)
Highest Per Game Average 454.8, 1969
FIRST DOWNS Most Total First Downs
Most Touchdowns
Few est Allowed
44, 1969
98, 1949
Most Field G oals
Few est Rushing
12, 1976 and 1981
39, 1970
Few est P assing
Most Conversions
231, 1982
14, 1959
40, 1969
Most First Downs Rushing
Few est By P enalties
171, 1970
Few est Average Carries Allowed
Most First Downs P assing
3, 1959 and 1964
34.6, 1970
123, 1984
Most Fumble R ecoveries
Lowest Per Rush Yield
Most First Downs by Penalties
23, 1979
Most Punts
Few est Yards Allowed
42, 1970
Most P a sses Had Intercepted
.354, 1973 (84-237)
Most Returns
H ighest Average Yardage 246.3,
Lowest Completion Pet. Allowed
1982 (195-320)
27, 1975
1970 (346-699)
Few est Yards A llowed
Most Total R ecoveries
699, 1970
45, 1977 (Interceptions and Fumbles)
72, 1978
Few est Attem pts Allowed
Most Yards
96, 1959
2,831, 1978
Few est Com pletions Allowed
H ighest Average
35, 1959
41.2, 1968 (64-2633)
T eam R ecord —S in g le G am e RUSHING
Most Carries
, vs. Utah St., 1948
83, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970
Most Net Yards 471, vs. Portland St., 1968
Most P a sses Had Intercepted
Most Returns
Few est Carries
7, vs. S. Dakota St., 1969 7, vs. Portland St., 1970 7, vs. Tulsa, 1972
Few est Yards
18, vs. British Columbia, 1963 -3.3, vs. Portland St., 1975
Most Touchdowns
99, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970
Most Yards
Few est Average Yards Per Play
16, 6, 6 , 6, 6,
Most Yards
224, vs. New Mexico, 1959
-1.1, vs. Portland St., 1975
vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Portland St., 1967 and 1968 S. Dakota St., 1969 Idaho State, 1971 South Dakota, 1975
649, vs. Portland St., 1968
Highest Average Per Play 9.9, vs. N. Dakota, 1948 (46-457)
Highest Average Per Carry 8 .6
, vs. North Dakota, 1948
Most A ttem pts
62, vs. Idaho State, 1983
Most Com pletions 35, vs. Idaho State, 1983
FIRST DOWNS 29, vs. Montana State, 1982 29, vs. Idaho, 1969 and 1974
Most Rushing First Downs 25, vs. Idaho, 1974
Most Passing First Downs 18, vs. Army, 1984
Most Yards
Most First Downs by P enalties
417, vs. Army, 1984
5, five times; three times in 1968
Most Touchdowns 4, 4, 4, 4,
vs. vs. vs. vs.
W ashington, 1950, 1980 Idaho, 1968 Portland State, 1979 M ontana State, 1982
Most Punts 11, vs. Rice, 1973; vs. NevadaLas Vegas, 1978
Most Yards
Most Points 133, 60, 58, 58,
vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Simon Fraser, 1980 Portland St., 1968 S. Dakota St., 1969
Most Touchdowns 16, 8 , 8 , 8 ,
vs. vs. vs. vs.
Mt. St. Charles, 1920 Eastern W ashington, 1950 Portland St., 1967 Portland St., 1968
PASS DEFENSE Most Interceptions , vs. Portland St., 1977 7, two times in 1978
Lowest Completion Percentage .179, by M ontana St., 1971 (5x28)
Most Yards Interceptions Returned 234, vs. N. Colorado, 1978
Most Conversion Kicks
Few est Plays Allowed
16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 7, vs. Portland St., 1967 7, vs. Portland St., 1968 7, vs. Portland St., Northern Arizona, S. Dakota St., 1969
27, vs. British Columbia, 1963
Highest Completion Pet.
443, vs. Utah St., 1968
.750, vs. M ontana State, 1982 .750, vs. Idaho State, 1963
Highest Average
Few est Carries
492, vs. N. Arizona, 1967
18, vs. British Columbia, 1963
Few est Yards Allowed 28, vs. Utah St., 1950
Lowest Average Per Play Allowed .6 8 , vs. Utah St., 1950
Individual C areer F ootb all R ecord s RUSHING Most Carries 433, Monty Bullerdick, 1977-78
Most Net Yards 2,228, Rocky Klever, 1977-81
Most Yards Passing
Most Interceptions
Most Points
Most Touchdowns
21, Karl Stein, 1969-70
196, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77 194, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26
38, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
Most R eceptions Most P a sses Had Intercepted
151, Brian Salonen, 1980-83
38, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
Most Yards
Most Com pletions
H ighest Completion Pet.
Most Touchdown R eceptions
488, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
12, Brian Salonen, 1980-83
Most Attem pts
6,083, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
832, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
1,882, Brian Salonen, 1980-83 Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84
Most Touchdowns 31, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26 21, Del Spear, 1973-76
Most Field G oals 35, Bruce Carlson, 1974-77
Most Conversion Kicks 102, Dan Worrell, 1968-70
Big Sky First Team Jerry Luchau............................................................................... 1963 Chris Pomajevich....................................................................... 1963 Pete G otay.................................................................................. 1963 Paul Connelly.............................................................................. 1964 Wayne Harrington...................................................................... 1964 Terry Bergen............................................................................... 1965 Willie Jo n e s .................................................................................1965 Warren Hill..................................................................................1966 Bob G raham ............................................................................... 1967 Lon H ow ard............................................................................... 1967 Larry Huggins.............................................................................1967 Bryan Magnuson.........................................................................1967 Mick O’Neill................................................................................ 1967 Bob Beers.............................................................................. 1967-68 Herb White.............................................................................1967-68 Tuufuli Uperesa.....................................................................1968-69 Tim Gallagher.............................................................................1969 Bill G utm an................................................................................ 1969 Les K ent......................................................................................1969 Jim Nordstrom........................................................................... 1969 Roy Robinson..............................................................................1969 John Stedham.............................................................................1969 Larry Stranahan..........................................................................1969 Arnie Blancas.........................................................................1969-70 Larry Miller.............................................................................1969-70 Karl Stein............................................................................... 1969-70 Steve Okoniewski.................................................................1970-71 Steve C aputo..............................................................................1971 Ray Stachnick.............................................................................1971 Kit B lu e................................................7..................................... 1972 Barry D arrow ..............................................................................1972 Mick D ennehy.............................................................................1972 Leo LaRoche..............................................................................1972
.1972, 1974 1973 1973 1973-74 .1974-75-76 1976
Ron Rosenberg .. Steve Taylor..... Dave Harrington Sly H ardy ......... Greg Anderson . Paul
Monty Bullerdick.........................................................................1977 Steve Fisher.................................................................................1978 Allen G reen.................................................................................1978 Sam M artin........................................................................... 1978-79 Guy Bingham ....................................................................... 1978-79 Greg D unn.............................................................................1978-79 Jim Hard...................................................................................... 1979 Raul Allegre.............. , ................................................................ 1979 Kent C lausen.............................................................................. 1979 Pat C urry.....................................................................................1981 Jim R ooney.................................................................................1981 Mickey S u tto n.............................................................................1981 Tony Fudge.................................................................................1982 Ben Kiefer................................................................................... 1982 Brian S alo n en.............................................................................1983 Mike Rice.....................................................................................1985
Pacific Coast, N o rthw est, Skyline
Jim Morrow 1929 All-American
All-Americans Player
Chris B e n tz ..................................................................................................................................... 1921 “Wild” Bill K elly ....................................................................................................................1926 Tom Davis* ....................................................................................................................................1928 Jim M orrow ....................................................................................................................................1929 Waldo Ekegren*............................................................................................................................ 1930 Bob Stansberry*............................................................................................................................ 1933 Henry Blastic Milt P o p o v ic h .................................................................................................................................1937 Joe D eL uca*.................................................................................................................................. 1954 Doug D ansinger*...........................................................................................................................1955 Stan R en n in g........................................................................................................................... 1957-58 John L a n d s ..............................................................................................................................1958-59 Terry Dillon..................................................................................................................................... 1962 Bob Beers (Associated Press, first tea m ).......................................................................... 1967-68 Herb White (AP*) ........................................................................................................................ 1968 Tuufuli Uperesa (AP, 2nd team; Kodak*) Les Kent (AP, 2nd te a m )........................................................................................................... 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) Ray Brum (AP*) Ray Stein (AP and Kodak*) Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) .......................................................................................................1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team) Arnie Blancas (AP*) Steve Okoniewski (AP*) Greg Maloney (Co-SIDA, 2nd team) Steve Okoniewski (AP, 3rd team ; Kodak, 2nd te a m ) .........................................................1971 Steve Caputo (AP*) Barry Darrow (AP*) Barry Darrow (Universal Sports, 2nd te a m ).......................................................................... 1972 Ron Rosenberg (AP, 3rd team) ................................................................................................1974 Greg Anderson (1975 A P */A P, Kodak, 1st team) ........................................................ 1976 Monty Bullerdick (AP*) ..............................................................................................................1977 Steve Fisher (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team) Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP*) ..........................................................................................1979 Allen Green (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team) Ed Cerkovnik (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 1st team) Greg Iseman (Co-SIDA, Academic AA, 3rd team )......................................................... 1982 Tony Fudge (AP, I-AA*) Marty Mornhinweg (AP, I-AA*) Brian Salonen (AP, Kodak, Coaches, East-West Shrine Gam e, 2nd team Co-SIDA Academic AA)......................................................................................1983 Mike Rice (Associated Press, 1st team )...................................................................................1985 *Denotes honorable mention
Chris Bentz.................................................................................. 1914 Alfred Robertson....................................................................1914-15 Earl “Click” Clark........................................................................1915 “Wild” Bill Kelly................................................................... 1924-25 Reid H arm on.............................................................................. 1929 Bob Stansberry........................................................................... 1933 Milt Popovich.............................................................................. 1937 Aldo Forte................................................................................... 1937 Ray B auer................................................................................... 1950 Bob Byrne................................................................................... 1951 Hal M aus.....................................................................................1952 Jim Murray.................................................................................. 1952 Dick Im er............................................................................... 1953-54 Joe DeLuca.................................................................................1954 Doug Dasinger.............................................................................1955 Stan Renning.........................................................................1957-58 John Lands........................................................................... 1958-59 Bob O’Billovich........................................................................... 1960 Pat Dodson.................................................................................. 1960 Terry Dillon.................. 1961
Brian Salonen 1983 All-American
All-Time Leaders (sin ce 1 9 4 8 ) C areer L eaders RUSHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12.
Rocky Klever Steve Caputo Monty Bullerdick Dick Imer Terry Dillon Arnie Blancas Les Kent Del Spear Paul Connelly Jeff Hoffman Bob Byrne Casey Reilly
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Brian Salonen Bob McCauley Ray Bauer Vern Kelly Jim Hard Paul Cooley Brad Dantic Allen Green Paul Lamb John Lands Duane Walker Doug Bain Curt McGinness Tom McMahon
SCORING 2,228 2,033 1,813 1,592 1,569 1,564 1,554 1,429 1,348 1,345 1,313 1,284
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
1,882 1,466 1,250 1,103 960 941 869 837 735 701 700 584 579 565
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10.
Bruce Carlson Dan Worrell Del Spear Bob Turnquist Rocky Klever Dick Imer Raul Allegre Dean Rominger Eby Dobson Greg Iseman Terry Dillon Casey Reilly 13. Pat Dodson
Rocky Klever
196 180 126 115
99 98 96 96 96 92
points points points points points points points points points points points points points
6,083 2,296 2,178 2,068 1,745 1,447 1,446 1,231 1,191 1,177 1,144
yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards
112 111 102
PASSING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11.
Marty Mornhinweg Tom Kingsford Bob Boyes Ray Brum Tim Kerr Van Troxel Rock Svennungsen Dick Heath Kelly Richardson Gary Berding Tom Huffer
Marty Mornhinweg
Dick Imer
Single Season RUSHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10.
Steve C a p u to ...................... Greg Ise m a n ....................... Monty Bullerdick................ Les K e n t.............................. Terry Dillon........................ Dick I m e r........................... Arnie B lancas.................... Bryan M agnuson.............. Monty Bullerdick Rocky Klever
1,253 1,075 1,022 972 892 889 855 818 791 783
1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981
SCORING 1. 2. 3. 4. . 7.
9. 12.
RECEIVING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Bob M cCauley Brian S alonen ...................... Jim H a rd .............................. Paul L am b ............ Paul C o o ley ........................ Vern Kelly ......................... Ray B a u e r........................... Vern K elly........................... Doug B a in ........................... Brian S alonen...................... Curt M cG inness................. Terry H u rle y Greg Ise m a n ....................... Brian Salonen......................
933 832 722 614 607 564 563 539 473 452 438 431 420 418
1984 1983 1979 1985 1976 1978 1950 1977 1969 1982 1984 1955 1982 1981
Greg Ise m a n ....................... Dan W orrell........................ Dick Im e r ............................. Dan W orrell........................ Del S p e a r ............................. Bob M cCauley.................... Bruce Carlson...................... Dean Rom inger................... Pat D odson....................... Rocky K lever....................... Brian S alonen...................... Bruce C arlson...................
84 67 64 60 60 56 55 55 54 54 54 53
1982 1969 1954 1970 1974 1984 1976 1981 1960 1979 1983 1977
PASSING . . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 2
Marty M ornhinweg.......... Bob B oyes........................ Marty M ornhinweg.......... Tom Kingsford................. Marty Mornhinweg.......... Tim K e rr ........................... Ray B rum .......................... Kelly R ichardson............. Shanon Mornhinweg Marty M ornhinweg.......... Gary Berding.................... Dick H e a th .......................
1984 1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1969 1983 1985 1980 1970 1953
1 ,6 6 8
1,569 1,361 1,187 1,097 969 906 884 874 828 809
Grizzly Cup Initiated in 1921, the Grizzly Cup is the University of M ontana’s oldest athletic award. Dr. W. E. Schreiber, a long time head of the UM physical education departm ent, began the award which is given to the athlete who best represents the University on and off the play ing field.
Larry Higbee........................................................1921 Gil Porter ................................................... 1922 Gil Porter............................................................. 1923 Angus M eagher..................................................1924 Russ Sw eet.......................................................... 1925 Ted Illman............................................................1926 Clarence C oyle................................................... 1927 Eddie Chinske.....................................................1928 Tom Davis............................................................1929 Ray Lewis............................................................1930 Glenn Lockw ood...............................................1931 Lowell Dailey...................................................... 1932 Dale H inm an....................................................... 1933 A1 Dahlberg......................................................... 1934 Naseby Rhinehart, S r........................................1935 Henry Blastic........................................................1936 Bill Lazetich......................................................... 1938 Bob Thornally.....................................................1940 Tom O ’Donnell................................................... 1941 Bill Jo n e s............................................................. 1942 Henry D ahm er................................................... 1943 Charles M oses.....................................................1948 John Helding...................................................... 1949 Jack O’Laughlin..................................................1950 Ray Bauer............................................................1951 Robert Byrne....................................................... 1952 Jack Luckm an.....................................................1953 Ed A nderson........................................................1954
M urdo C a m p b ell 1955 Grizzly Cup
Murdo Campbell................................................ 1955 Dale S h u p e.......................................................... 1956 Don Williamson..................................................1957 Naseby Rhinehart, J r ........................................1958 Mike Granbois.............. *.................................... 1959 Rudy R uana......................................................... 1960 Bob O ’Billovich................................................... 1961 Bob O ’Billovich................................................... 1962 Paul D. Miller...................................................... 1963 Tim Aldrich...........................................................1964 William M. Rice..................................................1965 Gary B. Peck...................................................... 1966 Greg H anson...................................................... 1967 Willie Jo n e s......................................................... 1968 Mick Harrington.................................................. 1969 Roy Robinson...................................................... 1970 Lonzo Lewis........................................................1971 Steve Okoniewski............................................... 1972 Earl T ye................................................................ 1973 Robin Selvig......................................................... 1974 Rock Svennungsen............................................ 1975 Dean Erhard........................................................1976 Marsha Hamilton................................................ 1977 Tim Kerr...............................................................1978 Ed Cerkovnik...................................................... 1979 Craig Z anon......................................................... 1980 Rocky Klever........................................................1981 Greg Isem an........................................................1982 Brian S alonen.....................................................1983 Larry Krystkowiak.................................. 1984-85-86
Grizzly Awards Each year five outstanding University of Montana football players are recipients of awards. The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back, was established in 1964 following the accidental death of former Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. He started at defensive halfback for the National Football League Minnesota Vikings. The Paul W eskamp Award was established in memory of Paul W eskamp, a tackle on Ed Chinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. The award honors UM’s outstanding lineman and was established by the citizens of Ronan, Mont. The Golden Helmet Award honors the hardest hitter on the team . It was set up on a nationwide basis by the Coca-Cola Com pany in 1967. The Larry Miller Award is given in m em ory of the great Grizzly lineman and wrestler who competed for UM in 1969 and 1970. Miller died in an automobile accident in 1974. The award honors the team s’ outstanding defensive lineman. The Steve Carlson award is given to the team s’ most valuable player in memory of the former Grizzly football player who died in 1977.
J a k e T ra m m ell 1984 Golden Helmet Award
Dillon 1964—Wayne Harrington 1965—Paul Connelly 1966—Jim Neilsen 1967—Bryan Magnuson 1968—Mike Buzzard 1969—Karl Stein 1970—Arnie Blancas 1971—Steve Caputo 1972—Jeff Hoffman 1973—Bob Smith 1974—Rock Svennungsen 1975—Del Spear 1976—Paul Fisness 1977—Monty Bullerdick 1978—Rocky Klever 1979—Rocky Klever 1980—Wayne Harper 1981—Rocky Klever 1982—Greg Iseman 1983—Joey Charles 1984—Scott Murray LeRoy Foster 1985—LeRoy Foster
Golden Helm et
Weskamp 1967—Larry Huggins 1968—Tuufuli Uperesa 1969—Tuufuli Uperesa 1970—Larry Miller 1971—Steve Okoniewski 1972—Ron Richards 1973—Jim Leid 1974—Larry Farnam 1975—Walt Brett 1976—Dan Sullivan 1977—Terry Falcon 1978—Guy Bingham 1979—Guy Bingham 1980—Brian McHugh 1981—Jim Rooney 1982—Greg Amundsen 1983—Bob Cordier 1984—Rick Linderholm 1985—Eric Dawald
1967—Bob Beers 1 9 6 8 -H e rb White 1969—Jim Nordstrom 1970—Jim Nordstrom 1971—Casey Reilly 1972—Mick Dennehy 1973—Sly Hardy 1974—Ron Rosenberg 1975—Steve Dionas 1976—Greg Anderson 1977—Kelly Johnson 1978—Kent Clausen 1979—Greg Dunn 1980—Jay Becker 1981—Scott Gratton 1982—Scott Gratton Curt McElroy 1983—Brent Oakland 1984—Jake Trammell 1985—Terry Shiliam
Miller 1976—Doug Betters 1977—Steve Fisher 1978—Steve Fisher 1979—Sam Martin 1980—Arnie Rigoni 1981—Pat Curry 1 9 8 2 - J o e Nuu 1983—Cliff Lewis 1984—Dave Seam an 1985—Pat Foster
Carlson (MVP) 1977—Ron Lebsock 1978—Tim Kerr 1979—Jim Hard 1980—Kent Clausen 1981—Rocky Klever 1982—Greg Iseman Marty Mornhinweg 1983—Brian Salonen 1984—Marty Mornhinweg 1985—Mike Rice
Current/Former Montana Pros Steve Sullivan 1922 Ed Illm an 1926 “Wild” Bill Kelly 1927 Len N o y e s 1937 Milton Popovich 1937 Paul Szakash 1937 Aldo Forte................................1938 Bill Lazetich............................. 1938 John D o la n ............................. 1941 Stan R enning.......................... 1959 John L a n d s............................. 1960 Gary Schw ertfeger................ 1961 Bob O’Billovich 1962 Terry D illon............................1963 Mike T illem an.........................1964 Bryan Magnuson 1967 Tuufuli U p eresa ......................1969 Dave Urie 1969 Roy R obin so n .........................1972 Willie Postler............................1972 Steve O koniew ski..................1972 Barry D arrow .......................... 1974
Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indians Edmonton Indianapolis Warriors Vancouver’s B.C. Lions Ottawa Rough Riders Minnesota Vikings New Orleans Saints W ashington Redskins Philadelphia Houston Oilers Saskatchewan V ancouver’s B.C. Lions Atlanta Cleveland Browns
Jim H a n n 1974 Portland Ron R osenberg 1975 Cincinnati Bengals Greg H a rris 1976 New York Jets Walt B re tt 1976 Atlanta Falcons *Doug B e tte rs...................... 1977 Miami Dolphins Terry Falcon 1977 New England Patriots Greg A nderson 1979 Montreal Tim H o o k 1979 Saskatchewan *Carm C a rte ri...................... 1979 Ottawa *Guy B ingham ..................... 1980 New York Jets (10th round) *Rocky K lever...................... 1982 New York Jets (9th round) Rich B u rtn ess 1982 Dallas Cowboys (12th round) *tMike Hagen 1982 Seattle Seahawks *|M ickey S utton ..................... 1983 Pittsburgh Maulers *Brian S alo n en ..................... 1984 Dallas Cowboys (10th round) fJo e y C h a rle s.......................1984 Dallas Cowboys fT ony F u d g e ........................ 1984 Dallas Cowboys fRick L inderholm .................1985 Denver Broncos fT om R utt..............................1985 Denver Broncos *tT ed R a y ............................... 1986 W ashington Redskins *fScott P o o le ......................... 1986 New England Patriots Note: Year listed is first as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted on or signed with. *Still Active fF ree Agent
Mike Tilleman, drafted by the New Orleans Saints in 1964, played in the NFL for 11 sea so n s.
Guy Bingham has played for the New York Jets sin ce 1980.
T en tative Future S c h e d u le s 1987 Opponent
Date Sept.
19 26 3 10
17 24 31 7 14 21
Portland St. @N. Arizona Nevada-Reno N. Iowa © Idaho Boise St. Weber St. © M ontana St. Idaho St. @E. Washington ©Cal-Fullerton
1988 Opponent
D ate Sept. 10 17 24 Oct. 1 8
15 22
29 5 12
N. Iow a/Long Beach St. © Idaho St. Idaho © N evada-Reno E. W ashington Pacific (CA) ©Boise St. © W eber St. Montana St. N. Arizona © Portland St.
D ate Sept.
1989 Opponent 9 @N. Iowa 16 Portland St. 23 E. Washington 30 © Idaho 7 Weber St. 14 Nevada-Reno 21 @N. Arizona 28 Boise St. 4 © M ontana St. 11 Idaho St. 18 OPEN
ALL 1897 Blake, Harold**.................... Missoula Crain, Fred* ..........................Missoula Ebert, Fred*........................... Missoula Goodfellow, Howard*........... Ovando Heyfron, Dan* ......................Missoula Jones, Martin*....................... Corvallis Kennedy, Hugh** ................ Missoula Kennett, George**................ Missoula Rittenour, Clifford*............... Missoula Schroeder, Howard*............ Missoula Ward, Sidney** ...................Hamilton Westby, George** ................ Missoula 1898 Allard, Charles***.................... Ravalli Ebert, Laurence* ....Vancouver, WA Flynn, Michael* .....................Missoula Hechler, Laurens**.............. Hamilton Heyfron, Gil***......................Missoula Miller, Ed*..............................Missoula Sedman, Ellis** .....................Missoula Sedman, Oscar**..................Missoula 1899 Cross, Shorty*....................... Missoula Craig, William**** .................Missoula Graham, Hugh*......................Bonner Hodson, William*..................Missoula Jameison, William*...................Victor Marceyes, Claude****............ Forsyth McAllister, Claude*............... Missoula McCormick, Washington* ...Missoula McDonald, Homer*** Potomac Sloane, Hugh* ......................Missoula Walker, Sidney* ................... Missoula 1900 Buckhouse, Joe***’ ..............Missoula Farrell, George** Virginia City Garlington, King**** Missoula Greenough, Leo**** Missoula Hay, Walter****.................... Missoula Hughes, Herbert** ........................ NA Polleys, Hovey*** ................ Missoula Walters, Ray*****..................Missoula 1901 Barnes, George*................ Olivet, WI Greenough, Warren* Missoula Johnson, Elmer**** ..............Missoula Latimer, Frank**................... Missoula McCauley, Charles*..............Missoula McPhail, Roy New Chicago Parsons, Houston* ............... Missoula Sheridan, Guy* .................... Missoula Walters, G uy*....................... Missoula Marshall, Charlie* ................ Missoula Westby, Arthur*.....................Missoula 1902 Cochrane, William*..........Red Lodge Crowley, Clem*..........................Butte Fergus, Faustus*..................Whitehall Greenough, Paul**............... Missoula Russell, Harvey*................... Missoula Smith, Earl* ...................................NA Urlin, John*........................... Missoula Williams, Arthur**.............Radersburg Williams, Frank* Deer Lodge Wood, Leslie*................................ NA 1903 Corbin, Edwin** ................... Missoula Curtis, John H .*........................ Butte Farrell, Joseph T .*............... Missoula Greenough, Earl*’* ..............Missoula Hammer, Walter*............... Miles City Hardenburgh, Floyd**..........Missoula Messenger, Ralph* ............... Missoula Murphy, Fred***................... Missoula Schoonover, Chas.** Phillipsburg Spaulding, Thomas*............ Missoula Willis, Hartwell***......................Plains 1904 Adam, Emil**........................ Missoula Cary, Robert**............ N. Platte, NE Dimmick, Chas.***............... Missoula Fisher, Eugene*** ................ Rosebud Holmes, Robie*....................... Billings Longley, Ed* ................... Stevensville E d ito r’s N ote: Player is listed the first year he lettered at UM. Asterisks in dicate number of letters won.
F O O TB A LL 1905 Farrell, Thomas* Missoula Fisher, John* ..............St. Louis, MO Fitzgerald, Edward* ................... Butte Fulton, Scott*.................................NA Gunner, James*.............................NA 1906 Ambrose, Keith**..................Missoula Berry, Oral**........................... Granite Bishop, Arthur****.................Missoula Craig, Vincent*......................Missoula Flaherty, James*..................Bozeman Harriman, William** ....Petoskey, MI Lewis, Frank**............................... NA King, John R.*................... Livingston Kitt, Berney**........................ Missoula McCarthy, Eugene*........... Townsend McNamara, John* ..........East Helena Morgan, Arthur** ......Marshfield, OR 1907 Dinsmore, Raymond* Missoula McLaren, Gilbert** ..............Hamilton Ryan, Emmett****......................Valier Stoddard, Thayer*** Missoula Thomas, Dilwayn*......................Butte 1908 Connor, Daniel****................... Darby Fredell, Ernest** .................Anaconda Johnson, Chas.**..................Missoula McClay, Harry***..................Missoula Reardon, Stephen**....... Boston, MA Simpson, Martin***............... Missoula Smead, Burton***.................Missoula Soderston, John* Clinton, IA Tait, William*.........................Missoula Torrey, Henry* Manila, PI Vealey, William**..................Missoula Webster, F.* ..........................Missoula Winstanley, Edward**** Missoula 1909 Beard, LeBaron** ................ Missoula Bennett, William** Anaconda Ittner, William* ..Red Lake Falls, MN Kennett, Holter*......................Helena Little, George**.....................Missoula Thieme, Fred**......................Missoula 1910 Day, Clifford*** .................... Missoula Deschamps, Elizierd** Missoula Dobson, Cecil**..........Dickinson, ND Dornblaser, Paul****....... Chicago, IL Gleason, Frank* ................... Florence Simpkins, Edward**** Missoula 1911 Forbes, Hugh*....................... Missoula Hunt, Lewis**........................ Kalispell Kelly, Pat***.....................Big Timber Klebe, George** ................... Missoula McCarthy, Patrick**..............Missoula Ronan, Peter***.................... Missoula Owsley, Merritt****....... Twin Bridges 1912 Busha, Tom**.................. Big Timber Craighead, Ed*......................Missoula Daems, Leonard****..........Harlowton Davidson, Bertram*........... Anaconda Gault, James*** Great Falls Griffith, William*................ Anaconda Stone, George* .................... Missoula Streit, Norman****................ Missoula Weidman, Roy**.........................Pony
LETTERM EN 1915 Adams, Harry**** Aberdeen, WA Blackwell, Ira* Aberdeen, WA Cook, Sam*............................... Idaho Dreis, Frank* ......................Minnesota Layton, Jack***.............Portland, OR McQuarrie, Claude** Missoula Mahrt, Pete’ ..........................Missoula
1925 Beeman, Stewart* .............Lewistown Coleman, Charles*............... Alberton Brittenham, Curtis***............ Kalispell Kain, Sam***........................... Helena Ostrum, Emil**............... Wabash, MN Vierhus, Louis***...........Portland, OR Whitcomb, Clark***.................Helena
1916 Dahlberg, Harry****................... Butte Jones, Lester*.................Everett, WA Lockridge, Earl*............... Stevensville Nelson, Al*............................ Missoula Orr, Conrad**....................... Missoula Woodward, Ward* Miles City
1926 Callison, Lloyd***......................Loma Chinske, Ed*** Michigan City, IN Coyle, Clarence** ................ Alberton Davis, Tom***............................ Butte Fogerty, Gerald*........................ Butte Murray, Marshall***..............Missoula Parmalee, James***..............Missoula Rafferty, William*........... Wabash, MN Rognlien, Gordon***............ Kalispell Tiernan, Robert***........... Toledo, OH
1917 Carver, Dwight** ..................Florence Doherty, Emmett*......................Butte Driscoll, John*............................ Butte Felker, Preston*.................... Missoula Harris, James*** ........................ Butte Kreis, Robert*........................... Sidney Lamb, Henry*........................... Laurel Leahy, Arthur*........................... Butte Sailor, Floyd*.............................Havre Sullivan, Stephen****................ Butte 1 9 1 8 —No team organized due to the war. 1919 Brown, Wingfield*.............Philipsburg Clinich, Vernon*.........................Butte Daylis, Fred***....................... Worden DeMers, Lambert**.................... Arlee Dorsey, James***..................Missoula Farmer, James “Eck”* Missoula Fitzgerald, Harold* Miles City Howard, Cort* .....................Bozeman Keeley, Patrick** ........... Deer Lodge Volger, Ralph* ........................... Butte Walterskirchen, Wm.” .........Missoula 1920 Baird, Harold*....................... Missoula Barry, Earl* ........................... Missoula Elliott, Harvey*** ..................Missoula Freeman, Paul* ................ Great Falls Highbee, Lawrence*............ Missoula Kershner, Leroy Joe** Billings Madsen, Lloyd***............... Miles City McGowan, Thomas***......Lewistown Ramsey, Ted***.................Lewistown 1921 Christie, Ralph** Spokane, WA Dahlberg, George***..................Butte Johnston, William* ...New York, NY Lambert, James* ............. Great Falls Murphy, Ray**................... Anaconda Plummer, Ted*** .............Stevensville Porter, Gilbert**............... Stevensville Rooney, Harry*.....................Missoula Straw, Alva*............................ Forsyth Tanner, Gordon**..............Miles City 1922 Coleman, C has.*..................Alberton Johnson, Earl**.................... Missoula Maudlin, Warren*** Three Forks O’Neill, William*................... Missoula Shaffer, John*** Miles City Silvernale, Grant***................... Baker
1913 Anderson, Herbert*....................... NA Collins, Ray*............................... Butte Craighead, Barclay*..............Missoula Kress, Paul* ..........................Michigan Sheridan, Phillip*** ........... Paola, KS
1923 Dahlberg, Oscar*** .................... Butte Griffin, Walter***..................Roundup Hyde, Neil*............................ Fairview Illman, Ted***....................... Missoula Meagher, Angus**......................Butte Moe, O.K.*.................St. Cloud, MN Plummer, Ben***.............Stevensville Sugrue, Pat*** ................... Anaconda Taylor, Ed*..........................Miles City
1914 Bentz, Christian**** ....Aberdeen, SD Burns, Virgil*..................Mexico, MO Clark, Ear 1*** Everett, WA Guerin, William*..........Olympia, WA Keeran, John*** Harrington, WA Robertson, Alfred**........... Minnesota Sanderson, Lawson*** .Shelton, WA Scherck, George*** ..............Missoula Vance, Cecil** ................ Washington Claypool, Clinton* ............... Missoula
1924 Axtell, George** ..................Bozeman Burrell, Walter*** Tampa, FL Cogswell, Andy*** ............... Missoula Fletcher, Claude**............... Roundup Hanson, Danta**.................... Mildred Kelly, “Wild” Bill***..............Missoula Martinson, Karl***................ Missoula Ritter, Milton***..............Eveleth, MN Sweet, Russell** Miles City Varney, Howard* ................... Helena
1927 Clark, James** Pasadena, CA Dezell, William* Winona, MN Foss, Don***..............................Havre Harmon, Reid***................. Price, UT Lewis, Ray***..............................Butte Mellinger, Ted*** ....Pine Island, MN Morrow, James*** ................... Moore 1928 Carpenter, Clyde***.................Billings Ekegren, Kermit*** .................Harlem Ekegren, Waldo***.................. Harlem Lyon, Ray*** ........................... Billings Moore, Thomas*** Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** ....Kenosha, WI Perey, Emile*** ................ Philipsburg Peterson, Russell*** Miles City Ryan, Jerry*** ................ Deer Lodge Rule, Ted***....................Deer Lodge Schotte, George**................... Helena Spencer, Franklin***............... Geyser 1929 Boone, William**............Deer Lodge Burns, Elmer* ....................... Choteau Cox, Walter*** ........................... Butte McCarthy, Thomas***....... Anaconda Murray, Henry***..................Missoula Walker, Carl* Boundary, WA 1930 Botzenhardt, August** Anaconda Breen, Robert**..........................Butte Dailey, Lowell** ......................Scobey Fox, Richard** .........................Billings Grove, Joseph*.........Glenwood, MN LeRoux, Leonard** .Wis. Rapids, WI Madden, Gilbert**............... Roundup Snyder, George** Great Falls Vidro, August***................ Anaconda 1931 Caven, Arthur*** ............... Miles City Crowley, Cale**..........................Butte Dahlberg, Alfred**......................Butte Hinman, Dale**...........Greybuli, WY Kuka, Leonard**’ ......................Havre Lyman, Chalmer**..................Helena McKay, John*..........................Noxon Meeker, Delmer** ................ Missoula Reynolds, Linwood***...............Butte Williams, Wendell*..................Billings 1932 Andersen, Leif** Portland, OR Carpenter, Kenneth*** Hamilton Emery, Cal***..........................Helena Hawke, William**....................... Butte Hileman, William***............ Whitefish Kuka, George*** Chicago, IL Oech, Vern*............................ Billings Rhinehart, Naseby*** .Milwaukee, WI Sayatovich, George*** Anaconda Stansberry, Robert* Norfolk, NE Vesel, Frank**......................Roundup 1933 Benson, Frank* White Pine Blastic, Henry*** Chicago, IL Brandenberg, Herbert*’* ...Miles City Hartsell, Louis***............... Anaconda Heller, Albert**............Twin Bridges Kent, Edison*............................ Dillon McCall, Rodney*.........Silverton, OR Newgard, Morris* ..................Kalispell
Roberts, James* ......................Billings Story, Leland** ......................Winnett Sullivan, John*** ....................... Butte Zemke, Hubert*.....................Missoula 1934 Babich, Roy’* .............................Butte Carter, Don* ......... Los Angeles, CA Cosgrove, Robert*** ..Alhambra, CA Dickson, Robert’ ...Los Angeles. CA Holmquist, Don*..................Whitefish Newgard, Morris* .................. Kalispell Olson, Clifford***................ Whitefish Whittinghill, Chas.*” ..............Helena Wilcox, Charles’ *............ Stevensville 1935 Breen, Robert* ........................... Butte Farnum, Donald* ..............Harlowton Noyes, Leonard*** .................... Butte Pomajevich, Joseph**’ Missoula Popovich, Milt*** ....................... Butte Previs, John* Thompson Falls Shields, John” ................... Miles City Swanson, Carl” .................Anaconda Szakash, Paul” Chicago, IL Welch, Roderick* ...Long Beach, CA 1936 Beal, Robert’” ................... Anaconda Bonawitz, Norval*.................Missoula Brower, Gerald*” ..............Miles City Dolan, John” *.........................Helena Forte, Aid o’” Chicago, IL Gedgord, Tom* Chicago, IL Gibson, Lyman*..........Puyallup, WA Golden, Joseph* Chicago, IL Jenkin, Fred*” ..................Anaconda Lazetich, William*” ........... Anaconda Lundberg, Roland” Chicago, IL Mariana, Joseph*............... Miles City Matasovic, William” * ....Chicago, IL McDonald, Archie” ................ Nirada Morris, Clifford*..................Miles City Peterson, Arthur*** Great Falls Peterson, Philip” * ................ Kalispell Rolston, Thomas” * ...............Forsyth Smith, Frank” Chicago, IL Spelman, James” * Anaconda Strizich, Joseph* Great Falls Vogel, Robert* ................ Whiting, IN Williams, Charles"* Chicago, IL Zimmerman, Walter* Chicago, IL 1937 Hoon, Jack” *..........................Helena Lundberg, Roger” * ..Northwood, IA Nugent, Frank” * ............... Miles City Shaffer, Harry” ..........................Butte Stenson, Perry” * ..................Kalispell Taberacci, Emil” * ............ Great Falls Thornally, Robert” * ....... Chicago, IL Van Bramer, Glen” * ..............Billings 1938 Edwards, Hugh” * ......................Butte Hoacek, Ed” Wheeling, W.VA Johnson, Neil” * ................... Missoula O’Donnell, Thomas” * ..Casper, WY Shegina, William” ............ Anaconda 1939 Brauer, Fred” * .....................Missoula Brown, Clyde*........................... Dillon Bryan, Don” ........................... Billings Clawson, Gene” * .................Missoula Drahos, Kenneth” ** ..Puyallup, WA Dratz, John” *....................... Missoula Duffy, Tom” ..............................Butte Duncan, John” ......................Helena Gorton, Robert*.....................Kalispell Gustafson, Roy” ..................Corvallis Mufich, William****.....................Butte Naranche, E so "* ....................... Butte Ness, Robert* ........................ Kalispell Nussbacker, Karl*..................Missoula Roberts, Buan*........................... Butte Roberts, Sam*..........................Helena Strom, Roy*” ..........................Shelby Swarthout, Jack*** Prosser, WA Vaughn, Coleman* Anaconda Jones, William” .................Livingston 1940 Dahmer, Henry* ....................... Havre Daems, Leonard*................ Bozeman
ALL Emigh, Jack* Kankakee, IL Fiske, Karl***..........................Outlook Jones, Charles*..................Livingston Leaphart, William***............ Missoula Page, John*........................... Kalispell Reagan, John** Chicago, IL Robertson, William*** Great Falls Sparks, Robert* ..........................Butte Swarthout, William*** ...Prosser, WA Walters, Ted**..........................Billings 19 4 1 Barbour, William*........... Philadelphia Burke, Paul**........................... Billings Kampfe, Paul*....................... Kalispell Keig, William*.....................Anaconda Kern, Richard**.................. Livingston Mather, William*............... Lewistown Reynolds, Vernon** Prosser, WA Scott, Arnold** ......................... Plains Tyvand, Ben*** ......................... Butte Westwater, James* Chicago, IL 1942 Badgley, Kirk Jr.**............... Missoula Berger, Edward*......................Billings Bowman, Richard*....... Casper, WY Felt, Tom*.................................Billings Ferris, Jack* .................... Belmar, NJ Fox, Donald*........................Park City Leaphart, Don* ....................Missoula McIntosh, James* ................Missoula Misic, William*...............Chicago, IL Nyquist, Donald*.................... Scobey Schiller, Carl* ................. Chicago, IL Taylor, Joseph*............. Chicago, IL Thiebes, Joseph* ..............Great Falls Vannett, Leonard* Pasco, WA 1 9 4 3 , 1 9 4 4 —Football dropped because of World War II 1945 Arnst, Richard*.............. Fort Benton Cook, Robert** Cut Bank Craft, Archie* Los Angeles, CA Dayton, Clark*................... Anaconda Donovan, John*................ Anaconda Fleming, Eugene* ................... Eureka Gall, Donald* ................. Fort Benton Gallagher, Edward*........... Anaconda George, Donald*.........................Butte Kalisch, Frank*** Dickinson, ND Krause, Kenneth*......................Dillon O’Loughlin, James*** Missoula Preuninger, William*............ Missoula Rhehfield, Robert*................ Missoula Rist. Severt* .............................Billings Rossmiller, Edward** Minot, ND Shephard, William* ..Des Moines, IA Stephens, Wallace** ............... Billings Thompson, Harry*.................Kalispell Thorsrud, Garfield* ..............Missoula Williamson, Paul*..................Missoula Lewis, George* .....................Missoula 1946 Anderson, Robert***.............Missoula Briney, Frank**........................... Butte Cheek, John*.............................Dillon Cork, Lee****.........................Missoula Gerner, Kenneth* ....Thompson Falls Helding, John**** ................ Missoula Kovacich, John* .........................Butte Kumpuris, Mike**** ..Little Rock, AR Leeper, Sam*** ..........................Butte Lodell, Albert* ................... Anaconda Malcolm, Roy****..................Missoula Normand, Robert* Anaconda Palmer, Loren* ........................Laurel Pattison, Leo*....................... Glasgow Radakovich, Dan***..............Glasgow Reynolds, William*** ....Highland, IN Roberts, Pierre**................... Missoula Scott, Wilbur* ....................... Missoula Semansky, Frank**** ................ Butte Streit, David’* ....................... Missoula Sivingen, Marcus*.................Glasgow Walterskirchen, Jerome* Missoula Warden, Darrel* ............... Great Falls Yovetich, Dan*........................... Butte
Hammerness, Roland*** Glasgow Harris, Doyle** Forest City, AR Malone, Jack**........................ Billings Prueninger,William*..............Missoula Replogle, Bert*................ Lewistown Selstad, Tom***............... Great Falls Whalen, Robert*........................ Butte
1948 Campbell, Don*** Great Falls Chaffin, Everett**..................Missoula Kafentzis, Andy***................ Missoula Kafentzis, Chris* ................... Missoula King, Jack***..........................Kalispell Kingsford, Tom***................ Missoula Korn, Dan**........................... Kalispell Naye, William* Petaluma, CA Smith, William (B.J.)*............... Butte Stewart, Gordon***................ Forsyth Morey, William*................... Sheridan
1949 Byrne, Robert***......................Billings Campbell, Ken**............... Great Falls Doyle, Richard*.................... Missoula Hanson, Robert** Santa Monica, CA Lamberg, Ed* (Mgr.) ................ Butte Mayte, Carol*** Sand Coulee Murphy, Charles** Burlington, IA Oberweiser, Jack*................... Billings Reed, Dick**....................... Miles City Volk, Fred** ......................Great Falls Wold, Paul*** ........................... Laurel
1950 Antonick, Robert***................... Butte Baker, William*........................ Poison Gerlinger, Don*** ........... Chicago, IL Carlson, Gene***..............Great Falls Graves, Robert*** ................... Billings Ingram, Mel*** ........................ Billings Jones, Gordon***....................... Butte Laird, Loren***................... Miles City Lamley, Robert*** Kenton, OH Leonard, Robert**....Santa Ana, CA Maus, Harold*** ..................Hamilton Merrill, Earl**.................... Selma, CA Miller, David** ....Santa Monica, CA Moomaw, Richard** .Santa Ana, CA Murray, Jim***................... Anaconda Nearing, Ed* Los Angeles, CA Rothwell, Jack* ....................... Billings Sherbeck, Harold**........... Big Sandy Thomas, Lloyd** Santa Ana, CA Vucurovich, George**............... Butte Watt, Henry* ...Hermosa Beach, CA White, John*...........Santa Ana, CA Walker, William*..................Bozeman
1951 Anderson, Eddie***..............Missoula Burke, Jim*** .....................Livingston Campbell, Murdo**** Great Falls Davidson, Ian* ................. Great Falls Lindsey, Richard** ............... Missoula Nickel, Frank**........................ Billings Mirchoff, Fred**....... Santa Ana, CA Shadoan, Richard**................ Billings Stewart, Robert** ................... Forsyth Roberts, Joe**............................ Butte Yurko, Robert* Great Falls
1952 Brandt, Don** ......................Glendive Brott, Dean* ................... Seattle, WA Crumley, Robert* ............... Cut Bank Dantic, Robert***......................Laurel De Luca, Joe** ................ Weed, CA Deuchler, Owen** ................... Seattle Gompf, Harold* ........................ Libby Gue, William*** Great Falls Heath, Richard*** ..............Miles City Jensen, Marlyn*** ..............Miles City Little, Don***........................... Helena Orlich, Don* ............................... Butte Pinsoneault, Richard*......St. Ignatius Samuelson, George***........ Glendive Stocking, G. Edgar* Whitefish Swearingen, C.* ..Port Orchard, WA Wilson, James* ........................ Laurel
1953 1947 Bauer, Ray**** ................. Great Falls Delaney, Don***................... Missoula DeVore, Kent**....................... Helena Ford, Henry***.............Durango, CO Gorton, Robert*.................... Kalispell
Barone, Vincent**.........Elizabeth, NJ Burke, Howard**............... Livingston Byerly, Kenneth*** Lewistown Dasinger, Douglas**..........Wolf Point Imer, Dick**..................Highland, IN Laird, Walton** ..................Miles City
FO O TB A LL Leuthold, Kenneth*..................Laurel Milne, Curtis**......................Glendive Peterson, Keith** ........... Seattle, WA Shupe, Dale*** ....................... Harlem Weskamp, Paul** .................... Ronan
1954 Enochson, Paul***.....................Havre Gehring, Robert** Port Orchard, WA Kaiserman, William***....... Livingston Miles, Robert*................... Anaconda Muri, Pete**.......................Miles City Small, Robert*** ................... Missoula Rowam, James* (Mgr.) Livingston
1955 Bissell, Don*..................................Belt Bray, Roy***..........................Missoula Dvizi, Richard**......................Kalispell Erickson, Harold* ....Sioux Falls, SD Gardner, William* .........Seattle, WA Hurley, Terry***............Chicago, IL Johnson, Terry* ......................Billings Johnson, Ronald*..........Elmhurst, IL Jones, Ivory** Oakland, CA Kampschror, Norman*.........Glendive Lonner, Walter*..........................Butte Mading, Wallace* ................. Missouri McGibon, Robert**........... Great Falls Pangle, Louis*** Denver, CO Rhinehart, Naseby Jr.*** ....Missoula Rosera, Ervin***................ Lena, WI Strand, Carl*............Bremerton, WA Wikert, Milton*........ Santa Ana, CA Williamson, Don*....................... Butte
1956 Benjamin, Karl**.............Seattle, WA Bockman, Montana*** Missoula Butossish, Robert*......................Butte Carver, Duane* ............. Seattle, WA Connors, Jerry*** Spokane, WA Dixon, John** Spokane, WA Everson, Robert***....... Cheney, WA Gorsich, Mathew*** Highland, IN Hand, Bill**.......................Selah, WA Hart, Willard* ...............Oakland, CA Hayes, Severn* Oakland, CA McKelvie, Charles** Reseda, CA Manno, Pat*....................... Anaconda Moore, Edward*** Deer Lodge O’Brien, Michael*** ....Spokane, WA Renning, Stanley*** Great Falls Tennant, Vernon* ................ Kalispell Gue, Kenneth*..................Great Falls
1957 Barney, Phil* ........................Missoula Bilan, Edward* Calgary, Alberta Brown, Ronald* Sun Valley, CA Fell, Donald*...................Vallejo, CA Grant, Russell*..................Mead, WA Griffin, Phil** Chicago, IL Jankovich, Sam*........................ Butte Johnson, Howard**.............Hamilton Keeley, Earl* Vancouver, B.C. Leenhouts, Richard* Selah, WA Love, John*................. Burbank, CA McArthur, Jo n * Vancouver, WA Myers, Larry** Pacoma, CA Olson, Bruce**......................Missoula Pepe, Joe**........................... Missoula Sorenson, Thomas** Benicia, CA Sparber, Dale** Cashmere, WA Vierra, Lester* Yakima, WA Vercurovich, George* ............... Butte Williamson, Dan*....................... Butte Young, Jerry** Sandy, OR
1958 Berry, Dale’** ....................... Fairview Emerson, Michael** Lewiston, ID Gratton, Roger (Tim)*..........Missoula Gregor, John***....................... Shelby Greminger, Henry** ..Alhambra, CA Johnson, James***............... Missoula Lands, John** Baton Rouge, LA Matte, John*** ......................Missoula Meese, John** Woodside, CA Nearamys, Robert* Pasco, WA Pelayo, Alvin*............... Honolulu, HI Johnson, Richard* (Mgr.) Hamilton
1959 Beddes, Lawrence***..............Billings Dotson, Jerry* Bremerton', WA Ekegren, Gary***.....................Harlem Grasky, James*** Miles City
LET Gustafson, Paul*** .Vancouver, B.C. Harris, Jam es* Des Moines, IA Kosiur, David** Wetaskiwin, Alb. O’Billovich, Robert***................ Butte Schwend, Howard**............... Bridger Schwertfeger, C.**** .Milwaukee, WI Schwertfeger, G.**** .Milwaukee, WI Smith, Gary*** .................... Whitefish Thomson, Mike**.....................Billings Sorenson, Glenn**..................Billings Schulz, John***.................... Missoula
1960 Bansemer, James* ....Milwaukee, WI Bartell, James*** Glencoe, IL Birgenheier, Richard**......Harlowton Bouchee, William***..........Livingston Dillon, Terry* Irving, KS Dodson, Pat***.........................Shelby Herber, Edmund** Camas, WA Miller, Dick***............... Hopkins, MN Moe, Eugene**.........................Helena Peters, Daniel** ......................... Butte Rudio, Jack** ..........................Helena Shevalier, Jack** .....................Helena Trotter, C.M.**..........Longview, WA Werba, Ronald***........... Chicago, IL
1961 Dennis, George* Irving, KS Gilder, Richard** ................. Missoula Hauck, Thomas*** .................... Butte Huse, Richard** Great Falls Miller, Paul D.** Miles City Wallwork, Bruce***...Waimanalo, HI Wood, Steve*** Great Falls
1962 Calder, Fred** Toms River, NJ Dennis, Wayne* ....Vancouver, B.C. Ellison, William* Mandan, ND Gotay, Peter** Clarkston, NY Jenkins, Gary** Great Falls Kimmit, Dennis* ............... Great Falls Leonard, Eugene**....... Bay City, MI Luchau, Gerald***.................Missoula Martin, Bill*** ............................Dillon Pomajevich, Chris**..............Superior Russel, Brent***.................... Missoula Scouel, Larry* ....................... Kalispell
1963 Bain, Frank*........................... Kalispell Barherie, John* Calgary, Alberta Benzley, Robert** ..Green River, WY Bultman, Charles* Telford, PA Crippen, Robert*........................ Butte Greenfield, Rocky*............... Missoula Huffer, Thomas**.........Maywood, IL McElhenney, Ted*......................Butte Meyer, Dennis* ....................... Helena Petty, Larry** Great Falls Robinson, Clarence* Kalispell Seeley, Roger*-* ....................... Shelby Tilleman, Michael** ..............Chinook Tripp, Eugene**.....................Missoula
1964 Aukamp, Ronald* ...Mt. Prospect, IL Bergren, Terry*..........................Darby Brophy, Robert*............... Red Lodge Clemens, Roger* Plenty wood Connoly, Paul*........... Muskegon, MI Enger, David*..................Deer Lodge Ferris, Edward*.......................... Dillon Garland, Roger* ....Spring Valley, IL Harrington, Wayne* ....Yakima, WA Hill, Warren* ........................... Billings Joramo, Floyd* .....................Choteau Neilson, James*....................... Shelby Salois, Jerry* .....................Philipsburg Salvo, Jim*.................................Dillon Schmauch, Michael* Great Falls Smelko, Daniel* Hubbard, OH Walle, Charles* .................... Superior Welker, Thomas* ................... Conrad Whipple, James* .....................Helena
1965 Adams, Merle*................... Livingston Becker, Wayne** ....Chula Vista, CA Costello, Anthony* .Chula Vista, CA Fiala, Jo e* ....................... Deer Lodge Hanson, Greg*......................Missoula McDonald, Doug*.................Missoula Meyer, Dennis* ....................... Helena Miller, Walter** ...Walnut Creek, CA
Smith, Mike** ..............Olympia, WA Walle, Virgil* ........................Superior Schaefer, Gary*.......................Billings
1966 Bains, Ron E.***..........Tacoma, WA Beers, Bob** Beaverton, OR Brumback, D.G.** .Walla Walla, WA Dawson, E.L.** Westport, WA Dudley, Ell T.** Detroit, MI Fiske, Karl** ............................. Laurel Glennon, Michael****............. Billings Graham, Robert**....San Mateo, CA Gray, Maceo***..........Baltimore, MD Gudith, Larry*........... Wyandotte, MI Hedstrom, Olaf ’ ..................... Laurel Huggins, Larry T.**..............Missoula Jernberg, Ken** Sunnyside, WA Jones, Willie**...............Monroe, MI Kelly, James R.***........ Seattle, WA Kenyon, Jim*........................ Missoula Lung, Roderick** Placerville, CA Magnuson, Bryan** Minnetonka, MN Mullins, Peter*** ..San Francisco, CA McCann, Michael**....... Renton, WA Morgan, Garth*** Salt Lake City, UT Nicosia, Michael** Scranton, PA Nordstrom, Bruce** .Vancouver, Wa O’Neil, James M.** .Edmonton, Alb. Ortiz, R.C.***..........Monte Bello, CA Paresa, Gregory***......... Kahului, HI Robinson, Roy****.................Glasgow Sparkes, Richard***................... Butte Stedham, John*** Chehalis, WA Strauss, Richard*** ..................Poison Tubbs, Frederick*** Honolulu, HI Unruh, Richard*** .................. Poison Waters, William**........................ Troy White, Herbert***............Ecorse, MI Stimac, Daniel** ...............Great Falls
1967 (combined with 1966) 1968 Bain, Doug**..........................Kalispell Brum, Ray** Honolulu, HI Buzzard, Mike** Mt. Vernon, WA DeBord, Jim***................Pasco, WA Dolan, Pat***................... Great Falls Gabriel, Tony* South River, NJ Gallagher, Tim’**..................Kalispell Garske, Ron*................... Chico, CA Guptill, Robert***.............Great Falls Gutman, Bill**....................... Missoula Hedstrom, Ole**....................... Laurel Howard, Lon* Centralia, WA Lavery, Thomas*................... Chicago Lovell, Byron**.............Honolulu, HI Luis, Al* Orland, CA Lyons, Joe* ........................... Kalispell McBurrows, John* ...Englewood, NJ Nelson, Rue* New Orleans, LA Nordstrom, Jim*** Auburn, WA O’Neil, Mick*..........Walla Walla, WA Schruth, Pat***........................ Billings Stranahan, Larry***..............Missoula Talolutu, John**................. Oahu, HI Uperesa, Tuufuli** ...Alea, Oahu, HI Urie, Dave**......................Chico, CA Waters, William*..........................Troy Waxham, John***Mt. Lake Ter, WA Worrel, Dan*** Great Falls Wysel, Glen*......................Lewistown
1969 Baldwin, Gene* Spokane, WA Blancas, Arnie** Aberdeen, WA Bozzo, Tony* ................. Salinas, CA Caputo, Steve*** Seattle, WA Dennehey, Mick***.....................Butte Fisher, Bob* Aberdeen, WA Frustau, Martin** ...Los Angeles, CA Glennon, Mike*....................... Billings Hall, Wayne* West Minster, CA Hare, Ray* Spokane, WA Hickerson, Bill**........... Sonoma, CA Hoffmann, Jeff** Seattle, WA Johnson, L.** Sacramento, CA Kent, Les** ................... Honolulu, HI McCann, Mike**.............Renton, WA Miles, Greg* Seattle, WA Miller, Larry*................ Martinez, CA Ochoa, John* .................Orange, CA Peters, R.*** Cleveland Hts., OH Postler, W.***........ Vancouver, B.C. Reilly, Casey* .................... Anaconda Schillinger, Jim**................ Vida, MT
ALL Stachnik, Ray** Chicago, IL Stein, Karl** San Anselmo, CA Sterns, Bill**.............Stevenson, WA Atwood, George** Lansdale, PA
1970 Berding, Gary** Cincinnati, OH Bodwell, Tom**..........Grayland, WA Chong, Elroy* Honolulu, HI Darrow, Barry*** Great Falls Dempsey, Dean*** ...Claremont, CA Gaskins, Wally**................... Missoula Jackson, Lonzie* Oakland, CA Lewis, Lonzo* Rockford, IL Lugviel, John**..........Longview, WA Maloney, Greg** Macon, MO McMahon, Tom*..............Tustin, CA Okoniewski, Steve’ Seattle, WA Pugh, Terry**........................ Kalispell Richards, Ron**..........................Butte Spencer, Bruce*.........Hoquiam, WA Welch, Glen**............................ Butte
1974 Anderson, Greg” ” ........Chicago, IL Argo, Daniel” ........... Cincinnati, OH Betters, Douglas*” .Arlington Hts, IL Carlson, Bruce” ” Great Falls Carter, G.” Far Rockaway, NY Cedarstrom, James* ..Scottsdale, AZ Chappie, Darrell*.................. Spokane Clift, Tom” * Otis Orchards, WA Dionas, Steve” .............Sumner, WA Facey, Tom” ..............Lancaster, CA Gulbranson, W m ." ..Aberdeen, WA Harbison, Ben**” ................ Missoula Lebsock, Ronald” ” ..................Butte McCraw, Wyatt” E. Orange, NJ McReynolds, Kim* Olympia, WA Milliman, Hayes*....... Cincinnati, OH Muse, Richard* ......................Opheim Nielsen, William* Chicago, IL Ogden, Randy” ” .Traverse City, MI Plum, Mark” * Tracyton, WA Redwine, Randy” Reading, OH
1975 1971 Anderson, Richard*** Lacey, WA Baumburger, Jay* Great Falls Blue, Christopher*** ...Olympia, WA Burnett, Clifford** Caldwell, ID Cleveland, Douglas***............... Butte Dodds, Richard** ...Snohomish, WA Doyle, Dennis**.................Edina, MN Hann, James** Centralia, WA Kottke, Warren** Great Falls Kouzmanoff, Marc*** ..Glen Ellyn, IL La Roche, Leo**........ Fitchburg, MA Leid, James*** Waitsburg, WA Manovich, Dave***.................... Butte Olson, James***.........Rochester, MN
1972 Troxel, Ed Van**** Moscow, ID Svennungsen, Rock*** ...Shelby, MT Babish, Timothy*..............Azusa, CA Evans, Dean**......... La Puente, CA Harrington, David’* ....Portland, OR Stark, Robert** ........................ Poison Reynolds, Terry* Glendora, CA Stark, Johrr* Vancouver, WA Walsh, Creighton*......................Butte Starkey, Steven** El Monte, CA Turnquist, Robert** ................ Billings Kautz, James*........................ Worden Cooley, Jerry** Anacortes, WA Rosenberg, Ronald*** Whitefish Donner, Curt** Spokane, WA Brett, Walt*** Kings Beach, CA Brick, Timothy*** ..Traverse City, MI Swearingen, Gary*............... Missoula Enders, Robert* Kankakee, IL Soloman, Ted* Spokane, WA Salo, Gregory***........................ Butte Taylor, Steven* Great Falls Dedrick, Kurt** Westminster, CA Harris, Gregory*** ................ Kalispell
1973 Adams, Mike* Newton, IA Anderson, Greg*** ....Blue Island, IL Border, Richard** Salt Lake City, UT Buxton, John***....... Owatonna, MN Carlson, Steve” Great Falls Erickson, Greg” Everett, WA Farnam, Larry” Seattle, WA Flowers, Terry” .........Cincinnati, OH Grigsby, Bill” Spokane, WA Hardy, Sylvester” Monrovia, CA Ladd, Mike” Garden Grove, CA Lynn, Randy” Omak, WA Mangegold, Eric” ................ Glendive Nakoa, Doug” Honolulu, HI Oglesbee, Jim*......................Missoula Parker, John*............... Kingston, ME Ponqoha, Dave**............ Lacey, WA Prigmore, John*........... Winlock, WA Schmasow, Glen” * ..........Great Falls Smith, Bob” Pasco, WA Spear, Del” ” Cheney, WA Storbakken, Rollie* Mt. Vernon, WA Stuart, Gig*........................ Miami, FL Sullivan, Dan” ” ....................... Butte Taylor, Steve* Great Falls Walker, Duane” * ......................Malta Williams, Ken* ..............Houston, TX
Accomando, Dan* .Westminster, CA Bonas, Jerry” ......... Fair Haven, CT Carlson, J e ff” ................ Great Falls Cheek, Donald* Corvallis, OR Cooley, Paul” Anacortes, WA Cunningham, G.* ..Los Angeles, CA Egbert, Douglas” *........... Ogden, UT Eustance, Bob” ......................Helena Fiskness, Paul” ..Huntington B., CA Hansen, Ray” Priest River, ID Jordan, Richard” Tacoma, WA Mickey, Michael” Bellevue, WA Morton, Scott” * Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray” Cincinnati, OH Scott, Duncan*................. Great Falls Smith, Jeffrey* Vancouver, WA Stachnich, Richard” Chicago, IL Steinhauer, Ben*............ Chicago, IL Vincent, Rusty” .......Tinley Park, IL Weikum, George” ...Wilmington, IL
1976 Beriault, Don* Bellevue, WA Bingham, Guy” ” ....Aberdeen, WA Bitar, Greg** Hoquiam, WA Brant, Jim” ..........................Missoula Campbell, Neil” ......................Helena Champagne, Gene* Lacey, WA Clausen, Kent” ” Aberdeen, WA Dews, Robbie” ............... Newark, NJ Falcon, Terry” ..................Culbertson Ferda, Scott” ” ................Great Falls Frost, Mike* Newport Beach, CA Gelaskoska, Joe” * Bothel, WA Gleason, Dave*” ..................Missoula Grady, Willie*..................Newark, NJ Green, Allen” ” ................ Anaconda Halverson, William* Great Falls Harper, Wayne” *..............Livingston Harris, Rocky*........... New York, NY Hogan, James*** Olympia, WA Huggins, Jay* ....................... Missoula Johnson, Kelly***............. Great Falls Kleckner, Grant*** Great Falls McDonald, Clev*....... Palo Alto, CA Magner, M.* Newport Beach, CA Martin, Sam” * Shelton, WA Roban, Michael” ............. Great Falls Sacks, Barry**** ...Federal Way, WA Shupe, Joe* ..................... Great Falls Sobansky, Joe” .................... Ajo, AZ Spigner, Paul*................ Newark, NJ Sullivan, Paul” ” ....................... Butte Van Wormer, Matt” Missoula Williams, Bryon* ...New Orleans, LA Woldseth, George* Bellevue, WA
1977 Albright, Keith*......................Kalispell Barrick, Brett***................ Lewistown Becker, Jay” * Atlantic, IA Bell, Darrell* .........Federal Way, WA Bryant, Michael* Hull, MA Bullerdick, Monty” ....Anaheim, CA Carteri, Carm” ......... Regina, Sask. Cavaligos, Nick* Chicago, IL Cerkovnik, Ed*” ....................... Malta Dunn, Greg*** ....Medical Lake, WA Fritz, Robin*..............................Sidney Hook, Tim*................. Regina, Sask. Johnson, Mike” ....North Bend, OR Jones, Basil*” Spokane,.WA Kelly, Vernon** Los Angeles, CA
Kerr, Tim” ................................Missoula Klever, Rocky” ” ....A nchorage, AK Lane, William” * .......Englewood, CO McHugh, Brian***........ S pokane, WA Rigoni, Arnie” * ................Chicago, IL Schm eckpeper, C ary* Buhl, ID Tagm yer, W .* Federal Way, WA
1978 Allegre, Raul” ...............Torreon, MX Andrews, Marty* G rahan, WA Boyes, Bob** Sacram ento, CA Burtness, Richard*** .Anacortes, WA Carroll, Mike** ................ Seattle, WA Cerkovnik, Robert” G reat Falls Curry, Pat*** .............................. Billings Dolan, William” * E. Helena Duff, James* ..................... Chicago, IL Eicklemann, Mark” ............ Indio, CA H ard, Jam es**..................... Napa, CA Laird, Randy” * .......................Missoula M enke, John**...N . Broomfield, CO Moe, Richardson**..................... Poplar M orton, Scott*.............. Spokane, WA N orw ood, Pat’**........................ Billings Price, J o h n * ......................Topeka, KS Perez, Tom” * ..................Palatine, IL R ooney, Jam es” * ...................Missoula Sharkey, Ron***..................... Missoula Thom as, Terry” G reat Falls
1979 Andrus, Bart* Sepulveda, CA Am undson, Greg” * Seattle, WA Caraway, Brian” * G reat Falls Cleveland, C urt* Seattle, WA Chalcraft, Steve* Richmond, WA Cordier, Bob” ” Spokane, WA G ratton, Scott” ” .................. Missoula Hinson, Jo h n ” ” Seattle, WA Kovacich, John*” * .......................Butte Lamb, Carlton*........... Las Vegas, NV M adison, Reed” ” .......................Butte McElroy, Curt” ” ..........................Butte Murfitt, Steve*..................... Philipsburg Paoli, David” * ................... G reat Falls
LET C oppedge, Jo h n n y ” ....S tay to n , OR Dawald, Eric” ” O w atonna, MN Deeks, Darryl” ....................Bend, OR Dozier, Rick” ” Kent, WA Dum m ett, Dave** Sanborn, IA Guse, Harold” Janesville, MN Harvey, Anthony** Oakland, CA H elean, Mike” *.......................Missoula Lewis, C liff* Los Angeles, CA M cKenna, Mike* ...S a n Antonio, TX Meidinger, Rob***..................... Billings Moe, Scott” ” ..........................Missoula Oliver, Larry’ ” * Hillsboro, OR Poole, Scott*” ..............Spokane, WA Poole, Shaw n” * Spokane, WA Ray, Ted” ” .......................Stevensville Rodriguez, Alex” ..Los Angeles, CA S ethm an, Richard* ...L akew ood, CA Shillam, Terry**” ........ Orchards, WA Taylor, Ken* ..................... Wichita, KS Y oung, Kevin* .................Toledo, OH
1983 A nderson, Kerry” ............ Tigard, OR Coe, Tony** R enton, WA Dobson, Eby” * G rants Pass, OR Gillis, Tim” ..................... Portland, OR G reen, Gregg” Tonasket, WA Klucewich, Josh**.................. Missoula Linderholm, Rick” Crystal, MN M oore, Scott*** Coos Bay, OR Mosier, Craig” Renton, WA Murray, Scott” * .......................Kalispell Nelsen, Ken” North Bend, OR Paulson, Kraig” * ..............Plenty wood Pells, Greg* ................................Calgary Sexe, Doug” * G reat Falls Smith, Mark” * ......... V ancouver, WA Timberman, Scott**..................... Butte Villeneuve, P e te* Sheboygan, WI
1984 Apostol, Ed” Olympia, WA Brown, Lee* ............... Bridgeport, NE Breland, Tony” ..............Renton, WA Campbell, J .C .** ....Steilacoom , WA Clarkson, Larry* *... A bbotsford, B . C .
Cogar, Mike* ........................... Missoula Crawford, W ard” ........ Spokane, WA Ehlers, Mike” ............ Wilsonville, OR Foster, Pat**................................Savage Foster, LeRoy” ............... Chicago, IL Kavanaugh, Jim *.............. Chicago, IL Hartm an, Scott” ................Great Falls Kerr, Mike*................................Missoula Koechlein, Todd” Littleton, CO Lam b, Paul” .............. ..Spokane, WA McKenzie, D ave* New York Monterossi, Tim*..Klamath Falls, OR Nelson, Sherman* Gary, IN O dden, Nate” ........................... Dutton Salonen, Brad* G reat Falls W eston, Kelly*............... Tacom a, WA W hite, Terry” ............. San Jose, CA W ynn, Dontelle” Detroit, MI
1985 Arnston, Tony* .................. Great Falls Bartsch, Kevin* ..........................Helena Brown, Chuck*.......................Whitefish Brown, Reggie* C oncord, CA Clausen, C lay*........................ Missoula C olem an, R enard*..........R enton, WA Finch, N ate*....................Jackson, WY Gimler, Brian*.................. Parsons, KS Hans, Dwayne* Pasco, WA H ardim an, Pat*........... Livermore, CA Huestis, John* ...B attle G round, WA Kunka, Rob* G reat Falls Laird, Robbie*..........................Missoula Lohof, R usty*.............................. Laurel Metcalf, Jack * G urnee, IL M ornhinweg, Shanon* San Jose, CA Owens, Jo h n * Kent, WA Pease, Brent* ...M ountain H om e, ID Peterson, Tom* ....................Miles City Rankin, Mike*.............. Edm onds, WA Ray, Jaso n *.............................. Missoula Reeves, David* ..S edro W ooley, WA Reid, Darrin* Klamath Falls, OR Rice, Mike* ................... Twin Falls, ID Sullivan, Rick*........................ Whitefish V enard, Bill* ..................... Albany, OR W ang, Dean* ................................Baker W erbelow, Scott*..........Glendale, CA
Alex, Mike” .................. Overland, KS Bow m an, Dennis* Spokane, WA Chaplin, Dave” .................Selah, WA Dantic, Brad” ” ..........................Laurel Fudge, Tony” ” G reat Falls Garrison, Steve” ” ....S p o k a n e , WA Hagen, Mike” Auburn, WA Kline, D ave*.................. Bellevue, WA Klucewich, Jo e ” ” Alpine, CA Lowry, Gary” ” G reat Falls M adsen, Mark” * Ellensburg, WA M cGinness, Curt” ** ...Janesville, WI Miller, Rocky” * Richland, WA M ornhinweg, Marty****San Jo se, CA Murray, M ark* Choteau, MT Richardson, Kelly*” *..Gts. Pass, OR Rominger, D ean” ” ........Fort Benton Salonen, Brian” ” ............ Great Falls Silovsky, Paul* .................Topeka, KS Sorrell, Malcom*” Tacom a, WA S tephens, Andre” ” ...T acom a, WA Sutton, Mickey” Union City, CA
1981 Connors, Bob” * ..................... Glasgow Dacus, Glenn’” * Enumclaw, WA Dilts, Dan” ..............Walla Walla, WA G lenn, David” Elma, WA H ogan, Mike* Lacey, WA Isem an, Greg” Baldwin City, KS Jah r, S e a n * Port Orchard, WA Jo n es, Rob” Oakland, CA Kiefer, Ben**............... Burlington, KS M cCauley, Bob” ” .................Missoula Nelson, Jo e * Shelton, WA Nuu, Jo e ” Bakersfield, CA O akland, Brent” *.................. Glendive Powell, Alan*” ....................Lewistown Rooney, Jo h n ” ’ ........................... Butte Rutt, Tom” ” .............................. Laurel Sundquist, Tim” * Great Falls Tarrow, Bill” ” Eugene, OR Williams, Derrick” *..L. Angeles, CA Trammell, Jake” ” .Vancouver, WA
1982 Becker, Ned” ....................Atlantic, IA Botzheim, Alan*” lone, WA Charles, Jo ey ” Valencia, CA
Football Hall of Famer Eso Naranche (kicking) and Jack Ferris in 1941.
Grizzly Football Hall of Fame (Inaugural, Inducted 1982) Pos. Years Played
(Inaugural, Inducted 1982)—Continued Hometown
Years Played
Great Falls, MT Beaverton, OR Aberdeen, SD Butte, MT Butte, MT Hopkins, MN Chicago, IL Missoula, MT Missoula, MT Martinez, CA Butte, MT Silverdale, WA Butte, MT Great Falls, MT Milwaukee, WI Glasgow, MT Norfolk, NE Miles City, MT Ajea, HI
Earl “Click” Clark Leonard “Belgian” Daems Barry Darrow Waldo Ekegren Aldo Forte Dick Imer Tom Kingsford Bill Lazetich Eso Naranche A1 “Ribs” Robertson Ron Rosenberg Karl Stein Steve Sullivan Paul Szakash
1914-15-16 1914-15 1970-71-72 1928-29-30 1936-37-38 1953-54 1948-49-50 1936-37-38 1939-40-41 1914-15 1971-72-73-74 1969-70 1919-20-21 1935-36-37
Everett, WA Harlowton, MT Dillon, MT Butte, MT Chicago, IL Highland, IN Missoula, MT Anaconda, MT Butte, MT Minnesota Whitefish, MT San Anselma, CA Butte, MT Chicago, IL
(Inducted 1984) Pos. Years Played
Bob “Lefty” Byrne Jim Morrow
Billings, MT Moore, MT
(Inducted 1985) Pos. Years Played
Henry Blastic Joe DeLuca Jim Nordstrom
Chicago, IL Weed, CA Auburn, WA
Ray Bauer Bob Beers Chris Bentz Harry Dahlberg Tom Davis Terry Dillon Paul Dornblaser Ted “Chief” Illman Bill Kelly Larry Miller Bob O’Billovich Steve Okoniewski Milt Popovich Stan Renning Naseby Rhinehart Roy Robinson Bob Stansberry Russ Sweet Tuufuli Uperesa
Years Played
Greg Anderson Arnie Blancas Steve Caputo Ed Chinske
1974-75-76 1969-70 1969-70-71 1926-27-28
Chicago, IL Sumner, WA Seattle, WA Michigan City, IN
1947-48-49 1967-68 1914-15-16-17 1916-17-19-20 1926-27-28 1960-61-62 1910-11-12-13 1923-24-25 1924-25-26 1969-70 1959-60-61 1970-71 1935-36-37 1956-57-58 1933-34-35 1967-68-69 1932-33 1924-25 1968-69
1949-50-51 1927-28-29
(Inducted 1983)
1933-34-35 1952-53-54 1969-70
Inaugural Grizzly Football Hall of Fame (1982)
Uperesa Davis
[Stans Dillon
Inaugural G rizzly F ootball Hall of Fam e (1982)
© Grizzly Football 1983
V oice of the G rizzlies “Grizzly” Bill Sch w an ke returns as the voice of the Grizzlies for his 15th year as the play-byplay announcer for University of M ontana sports. It will be KYLT R adio’s 16th year of broad casting Grizzly athletics and serving as UM’s official station. Sch w an ke is a former sports editor of The Missoulian n ew spaper and a former sports information director at UM. H e is a 1 9 6 7 graduate of UM. H e has b een the M ontana Sportscaster of the Year five tim es and w as the 1 9 7 7 Ed Chinske Award winner, honoring M issoula’s outstanding sports professional. G en e Leonard will serve as color com m entator for his fifth sea so n .
University of Montana Media O utlets N ew sp a p ers Name
A ddress
Daryl Gadbow (sports editor) Clayton Jones (beat reporter) George Geise (sports editor) Warren Rogers (sports editor) Hud Willse (sports editor) Mark Hogan (sports editor) Roy Pace (sports editor) Jack Tanner (sports editor) Sports Editor
P.O. Box 8029 ........................................................................ Missoula, MT 59807 Tribune Building, Great Falls, MT 59401 ......................... 401 North Broadway, Billings, MT 5 9 1 0 1 ........................ 25 West Granite, Butte, MT 59701 .................................... 300 First Avenue West, Kalispell, MT 59901 ................... 317 Allen, Helena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 .............................................. 232 Main, Hamilton, MT 59840 ......................................... University of Montana, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 1 2 ....................
Great Falls Tribune Billings Gazette Montana Standard Daily Interlake Independent Record Ravalli Republican Montana Kaimin
Phone (406) 721-5200 (406) (406) (406) (406) (406) (406) (406)
761-6666 245-3078 782-8301 755-7000 442-7190 363-3300 243-6541
T elev isio n S ta tio n s Name
A ddress
Larry Frost Sports Director Sports Director Sports Director Chris Byers Pat Kearney
Drawer M, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 ........................................... P.O. Box 4827, Missoula, MT 59806 ............................... P.O. Box 1139, Great Falls, MT 59403 ........................... P.O. Box 1331, Great Falls, MT 59403 ........................... Indian Caves Road, Billings, MT 5 9 1 0 3 ............................. 1003 S. Montana, Butte, MT 5 9 7 0 1 ...................................
Phone (406) (406) (406) (406) (406) (406)
721-5642 543-7106 453-4377 453-2433 252-4676 782-0444
R adio S ta tio n s Name
A ddress
Bill Schwanke Mick Holien Sports Director Glenn Schmidt Gus Chambers Denny Bedard
Fairway Center, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 1 ................................ P.O. Box 5023, Missoula, MT 59806 ............................... 400 Ryman, Missoula, MT 59801 ....................................... P.O. Box 4106, Missoula, MT 59806 ................................ University of Montana, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 1 2 .................... P.O. Box 4106, Missoula, MT 59801 ................................
Phone (406) (406) (406) (406) (406) (406)
728-5000 721-1290 728-9300 728-1450 243-4931 728-9399
W ire S erv ices Name
A ddress
Warren Wintrode Sports Director
317 Allen, Helena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 P.O. Box 4595, Helena, MT 59601
Phone (406) 442-7440 (406) 442-6470
GRIZZLY FOOTBALL NETWORK KURL-AM, Billings, 730; KXTL-AM, Butte, 1370; KCTB-FM, Cut Bank, 1 0 2 .7 ; KLTZ-AM, G lasgow , 1240; KXGN-AM , G lendive, 1400; KMON-AM, Great Falls, 560; KLYQ-FM, Hamilton, 9 5 .9 ; KBLL-FM, H elena, 9 9 .5 ; KOFI-AM, Kalispell, 1180; KXLO-AM, Lew istow n, 1230; KLCB-AM, Libby, 1230; KPRK-AM, Livingston, 1 340; KYLT-AM, Missoula, 1340; KSEN-AM , Shelby, 1 1 5 0 or KZIN.-FM, 9 6 .3 .
University of Montana
ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2014
Intercollegiate Athletics
1986 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Missoula. Athletics Department
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