1987 Football Media Guide

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1 9 8 7 U niversity o f M ontana F ootb all Y earb ook

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M O N IA A A -(G rizzlies) SA T I/R D A Y . OCTO BER 1 8 ,




Kxdkoff 2:30 p. »

A game program from 1941. The Grizzlies defeated Gonzaga 13-7 and had a 6-3 record. Halfback Karl Fisk of Outlook led the way for the Grizzlies. The star of that team was Eso Naranche at fullback.

This Yearbook was prepared by Dave Guffey for the convenience of sports writers and sports broadcasters during the 1987 football season. Permission is granted to quote in whole, or in part, any material in this Yearbook. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. Please let me know your needs. All requests for press passes should be made by letter or telephone at least one w eek in advance. Complete statistics are provided at each Grizzly home game. They in­ clude team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly playby-play and defensive statistics.

Compiled, designed and edited by:

Photography by:

Dave Guffey

Howard Skaggs

Printed by:

Sports Trivia by:

UM Printing Services

Chris Walterskirchen (pgs. 26-27)

ON THE COVERS: Front is the first Grizzly-Bobcat game in Washington-Grizzly Stadium. Back is the University of Montana’s Main Hall. Inside back is Montana’s natural beauty. (Photos by Howard Skaggs.) Inside front captures the many facets of the U of M.

T a b le o f C o n te n ts 1987 S c h e d u le ................................................................................................. 1 UM Quick F a c ts .............................................................................................. 1 A bout th e University of M o n ta n a ............................................................. 2 A cadem ics at U M .......................................................................................... 3 UM A d m in istratio n .........................................................................................4 Athletic P e rso n n e l...........................................................................................5 H ead C oach D on R e a d ................................................................................6 A ssistant C o a c h e s ...................................................................................... 7-8 1987 O u tlo o k .................................................................................................10 A ll-Am erican C a n d id a te s ...........................................................................11 H o n o rs C a n d id a te s...................................................................................... 12 T he 1987 G rizzlies.................................................................................14-25 Grizzly Trivia............................................................................................26-27 1987 T entative N um erical R o s te r....................................................28-29 P ro n u n ciatio n G u id e ...................................................................................29 New G rizzlies................................................................................................ 30 W eight R o o m ................................................................................................ 30 O p p o n e n ts ............................................................................................... 3 2-35 1987 C om posite Big Sky S c h e d u le ......................................................36 Big Sky C o n fe re n c e .................................................................................... 38 1986 Big Sky S ta n d in g s/P a st R e su lts................................................. 38 1986 In d iv id u al/T eam Statistics ............................................................39 198 6 Grizzly S tatistics................................................................................ 40 Grizzly C oaching R ecords ........................................................................ 41 S easo n -b y -S easo n R esu lts.................................................................. 42 -4 3 All O p p o n e n ts’ S eries R e c o rd .................................................................4 4 T entative F uture S c h e d u le s .....................................................................4 4 Individual Grizzly R e c o rd s ........................................................................45 T eam R e c o rd s.........................................................................................45 -4 6 Individual C areer R e c o rd s ........................................................................46 Grizzly 1st T eam B S C /A ll-A m e ric a n s................................................. 47 M o n tan a All-Time L e a d e r s ...................................................................... 48 Grizzly C u p /A w a r d s ...................................................................................49 C u rre n t/F o rm e r Grizzly P ros ..................................................................50 UM Football L e tte rm e n .......................................................................51-53 Grizzly Football Hall of F a m e ..................................................................54 W ashington-Grizzly S ta d iu m ....................................................................55 Voice of G rizzlies/M ontana M e d ia ....................................................... 56

Yearbook Cost: $ 5 .0 0 —($6 if mailed) 1575-U M Printing S ervices

UM Quick Facts Location: Missoula, M ontana 5 9 812 Chartered: F ebruary 17, 1893 Enrollment: 8 ,5 0 0 President: Dr. Ja m e s V. Koch 24 3 -2 3 1 1

Athletic Director: H arley Lewis 243-5 3 3 1

Head Football Coach: D on R ead 2 4 3 -2 9 6 9 Bob Beers, Vic Clark, T om m y Lee, Robin Pflugrad, Bill Smith, Jero m e Souers, Bruce Read

Football Staff:

Associate Athletic Director: TBA

Athletic Trainer: D ennis M urphy 2 4 3 -6 3 6 2

Equipment Manager: Steve H ackney 2 4 3 -4 3 5 1

Stadium: W ashington-Grizzly (14,089) Stadium Phone: 24 3 -4 1 6 7 Nickname: Grizzlies Colors: C op p er, Silver an d Gold Conference: Big Sky Commissioner: Ron S tephenson (208) 3 4 5 -5 3 9 3

Big Sky Information Director: Arnie Sgalio (208) 3 4 5 -5 3 9 3

Faculty Representative: Dr. Evan D enney

Sports Information Director: D ave Guffey 24 3 -6 8 9 9 , Office 7 2 8 -1 1 3 5 , H om e

406 Area Code in Montana

1987 Grizzly Football Schedule Date Septem ber 12

Opponent Portland State (B.A.D. Day)

Site Missoula

Time 1:00 PM

September 19

©Northern Arizona*

Flagstaff, AZ

7:00 PM

Septem ber 26

Nevada-Reno* (Great Falls Day)


1:00 PM

October 3 October 10

©Northern Iowa ©Idaho*

Cedar Falls, IA Moscow, ID

12:30 PM 8:00 PM

October 17

Boise State* (H elena Day) Weber State* (Homecoming & Flathead Day)

M issoula

1:00 PM


1:00 PM

October 24 October 31

©Montana State*

Bozeman, MT

1:00 PM

November 7

Idaho State* (Bitterroot Day)


1:00 PM

November 14 November 21

©Eastern Washington* ©Cal-Fullerton

Spokane, WA Fullerton, CA

2:00 PM 2:00 PM

{All times Mountain) *Big Sky Conference Game


University of Montana

The University of Montana in Missoula is located in a mountain forest setting in beautiful Western Montana. It is halfway between Glacier and Yellowstone national parks. Four wilderness areas are located near Missoula. The natural surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, camping and other outdoor recreational pursuits. Two excellent winter ski areas are located within minutes of the University. Several other ski areas are only a couple of hours away by car. UM owns and operates its own golf course adjacent to campus. The University of Montana is one of the West’s pioneers in education and was chartered February 17, 1893. The school opened in Septem ber 1895, with 50 students enrolling the first day. Located on 201 acres at the base of Mount Sentinel, UM has grown from 50 students and seven faculty members to a present enrollment of 8,500 and approximately 450 full-time faculty positions. Through its history, the University of Montana has

sustained a high standard of academic excellence in teaching, research and service. UM offers associate of arts degrees in two areas and bachelor’s degrees in 58 fields. It offers master’s degrees in 54 programs and doctoral degrees in 13. The College of Arts and Sciences, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of programs and courses in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and humanities. The College also offers curricula in interdisciplinary fields ranging from ethnic studies to interdepartmental studies. Seven professional schools complete the academic program — Business Administration, Fine Arts, Journalism, Education, Forestry, Law, and Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. The aim of the University is to provide its students with relaxing and meaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The administration, faculty and staff strive for this goal.


Academics at UM Add Up To Success T he University of M ontana was recently aw arded its 23rd R hodes Scholar. This ranks UM 19th in the nation of all A m erican col­ leges and universities. UM ranks sixth am ong schools west of the Mississippi. R hodes Scholarships provide two to four years at O x­ ford University in England. S tudents are chosen on the basis of scholarships, co m ­ munity and political involvement, athletic abil­ ity an d personal character. The Yellow Bay Biological Station, located about 70 miles northeast of Missoula at F lathead L ake, is the n atio n ’s oldest inland station. A m ong som e 70 inland units in the U nited States, the UM ranks fifth for its p ro ­ gram facilities and studen t population. KUFM, a noncom m ercial public radio sta­ tion o p erated by the radio-television d e p a rt­ m ent of the School of Journalism , is the only N ational Public Radio station in M ontana. University of M ontana education majors com pete very successfully for jobs with 93 p er­ cent of those with bachelor’s degrees and 100 percent of those with graduate degrees find­ ing appropriate positions. T he D epartm ent of Social W ork is fully ac­ credited by the Council on Social W ork Education and is the only M ontana school that assures its graduates of a year of advanced standing in graduate schools of social work. T he School of Journalism has had 19 of its students selected as S ears C ongressional interns — m ore than any oth er journalism school in the country. During the four-m onth internship, students work for a United States C ongressm an or S enato r and also attend classes.

Nearly 47 p ercen t of the business school’s accounting graduates pass the Certified Public A ccountant Exam on their first try. This is m ore th an th ree tim es the national first-time success rate of 14 percent. T he D epartm ent of G eology has an outstanding national reputation. In c o o p era­

tion with P urdue University, a field station has b een set up in southw estern M ontana. The d ep artm en t also provides hands-on ex ­ perience for students in th e minerals, rocks an d paleontology laboratories at the U niver­ sity’s Seismic Station and in the E arthquake R esearch L aboratory. T he D epartm ent of G eography has one of the region’s best cartography laboratories w here students learn to m ake m aps and in­ terpret aerial photo g rap h y . T he D epartm ent of H ealth and Physical Education is on e of a handful in the country that trains students to be athletic trainers. And it is the only program in the state to offer a m aster of science in physical education. T he Native A m erican Studies program at the University of M ontana is regarded by In­ dian educators as one of the four m ost outstanding in the nation. Newly rem o d eled training facilities in the D epartm ent of Com m unication Sciences and Disorders are som e of the finest in the region. People from all over the state com e to the center for sp eech , language and hearing therapy. T he Grizzlies have h ad five football A cadem ic All-Americans in the last eight years. Most recently, current Grizzly player Rick Sullivan was n am ed to the second team GTE All-American unit. M ontana has had num erous Academic All-Americans in basket­ ball an d other sports as well. Last season the UM football team had seven All-Big Sky academ ic selections.

The D epartm ent of Art enjoys a national reputation for excellence in ceram ics. T he D epartm ent of D ra m a /D a n c e has a professional theater group — th e M ontana R epertory T heater — based on cam pus. The M ontana R epertory T h eater, which tours throughout the N orthwest, is the only profes­ sional Actors Equity com p an y betw een Min­ neapolis and Seattle. A University of M ontana stu d en t has been chosen to receive a T rum an Scholarship for six of the last eight years. T he national scholarship is given annually to students com ­ m itted to a governm ent career w ho have superior academ ic ability an d leadership potential. T he D epartm ent of A nthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of pre-history in the region. The School of Business is the only business school in M ontana to be accredited by the A m erican Assem bly of Collegiate Schools of Business.

The first Grizzly Football Team—189.7.

P resid en t J a m es V. K och Jam es V. Koch (pronounced Cook) was n am ed th e 15th president of the University of M on­ ta n a Ju n e 30, 1986. Prior to com ing to UM he was the P ro v o st/V ice President of A cadem ic Affairs at Ball State University, in M uncie, Indiana, since 1980. H e has continued to teach an d to publish scholarly articles, and has said he w ould like to teach occasionally as president. Koch, 44, graduated from Illinois State University with a B.A. in Economics in 1964. H e earned his P h.D . in Econom ics at N orthw estern in 1968. He was departm ental chair in Economics at his alm a m ater from 1972-78, and the Illinois Univer­ sity T eacher of the Y ear in 1977-78. H e left there to becom e th e D ean of th e Faculty of Arts an d Sciences at R hode Island in P rovidence from 1978-80. He has written num erous articles, four books and served as a visiting professor at several schools. H e an d his wife, D onna, have two children.

A th letic D irector H arley Lew is H arley W. Lewis is in his 11th year as athletic director at th e University of M ontana. He is involved in num erous organizations at the state and national level. He was the State Director for the M ontana Special Olympics in 1980 and 1981. H e served as National Director for the US ABA Blind Olympics in 1983, w hen th e national cham pionships w ere hosted by UM. H e was also chairm an of a local school board, on th e State B oard of Directors for the Special Olympics, a n d on the B oard of Directors for the YM CA. H e is on several Big Sky C onference com m ittees a n d on the N CA A ’s Track & Field Rules C om m ittee. H e served as track an d cross country coach until 1976 an d his team s w on nine league titles. Lewis was n am ed the Big Sky’s track a n d cross country C oach of the Y ear 10 tim es during his ten u re as m entor. H e co ach ed several All-Am ericans while a coach and continues to work with the M ontana Olympic C om m ittee, of which he is on the State B oard of Directors. Lewis is a 1964 g rad u ate of UM with an M .S. in H ealth, Physical E ducation and R ecreation. H e becam e track and cross country coach at M ontana in 1966. Prior to that he coached for two seasons at th e University of Portland. H e is a 1959 grad u ate of B utte High School. Lewis and his wife, Marilou, have tw o children.

M anager o f A th letic S erv ices G ary H u gh es G ary has been ticket m an ag er of UM since 1966. In 1978 he was also ap p ointed field house m anager. H e schedules all events in A dam s Field H ouse an d at D ornblaser Field in addition to handling ticket distribution. H e is a native of R onan, M ontana, an d g rad u ated in accounting from the Missoula Business College in 1962. H e gained extensive experience in accounting and auditing before assum ing his responsibilities at M ontana. His wife, Ju d y , is a day-care center ow ner and o p erato r in Missoula. The H ugheses have six children.

F acu lty R ep resen ta tiv e Evan D en n ey Evan served for seven years as UM’s faculty representative to the N ational Collegiate Athletic Association, taking a on e-y ear hiatus in 1986. H e has been a faculty m em ber here since 1969. From 1979-81 he served as chairman of the G eography D epartm ent. His areas of academ ic specialty are econom ic geography an d land planning and design. His term will expire in D ecem ber of 1987. H e earn ed his B.A. at th e University of W ashington in 1963, his M.A. at W ashington in 1965, an d his P h.D . from W ashington in 1970. Prior to his UM teaching career, he tau ght at the U niver­ sity of W ashington (1966-69) and N orthern C olorado University (1956-66). From Seattle, W ashington, D enney is associated with several professional organizations. He determ ines eligibilities for UM athletes, m akes N CAA rulings at the institution level, an d is a University of M ontana representative to the NCAA. His wife’s n am e is Terri. T hey have tw o children.


A thletic Personnel D ave is in his ten th seaso n as sports inform ation director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases an d prom otions, statistics a n d research . H e has w on n um erous district aw ards for his football and basketball m edia guides and gam e program s. His 1985 football year­ book was picked fourth in the nation. H e is a m em ber of the College S ports Infor­ m ation Directors of Am erica (Co-SIDA). H e is a 1975 g rad u ate of F resn o S tate and received a B.A. in Journalism . Dave an d his wife, M ea, h av e a 5-year-old son, Patrick, an d a tw o-year-old son, M atthew .

S teve is beginning his seventh season as th e Grizzly eq u ip m en t m anager. H e is a native of H am ilton, M ontana. H e g rad u ated from th e University of M on­ ta n a in 1 972 with a B .S . d egree in Health an d Physical Education, with em ­ phasis in Athletic Training an d Physical T h erap y . H e received his m aster’s degree in 1974 at Indiana S tate in HPE. H e served th ree years in th e N avy from 19 6 2 -6 5 an d w as a S p anish linguist. S tev e an d his wife, L arae, h ave a son Tyler, 5, an d d au g h ter, M eghan, 2.

S te v e H ack n ey

D ave G uffey

E q u ip m e n t M an ag er

Sports Information Director

S uelynn is beginning her eighth year as the University of M ontana football secretary. S h e g rad u ated from O regon S tate University with a B .S . deg ree in Secretarial Science. S he has been a C er­ tified Professional Secretary since 1972. S h e w o rk e d fo r th e S c h o o l of O cea n o g rap h y at O SU as a research assistant for eight years an d as a biological technician for th e Sm ithsonian Tropical Research Institute in P an am a for tw o-and-a-half years before m oving to M ontana. H er h usban d , D eW ayne, is a graphic artist at UM. T h e W illiamses h ave th ree children.

Dennis T. M urphy begins his sixth year as h ead athletic trainer at UM. M urphy g rad u ated from M ontana in 1975 with a B .S . d eg ree in H ealth and Physical Education with a specialization in Athletic T raining an d A daptive Physical E d u ca­ tion. In Ju n e of 1975 he was certified by the National Athletic Trainers Associa­ tion. In A ugust of 1978 he w as n am ed assistant athletic trainer an d lecturer at th e D ep artm en t of Athletics at the University of A rizona. In S ep tem b er of 1980 he accepted the position of Visiting Assistant Professor at UM. M urphy, w ho has b een a certified trainer for 11 years, has taug h t n u m ero u s training-related classes, has b een a guest sp e ak er at several sports’ clinics an d written articles for training publications. H e is single.

D en n is Murphy

S u elyn n W illiam s

A thletic Trainer

Football S ecretary

Rick begins his second year at UM and is involved in several aspects of Grizzly athletics. H e helps with g am e m a n a g e ­ m en t, oversees concessions an d also assists with budgeting. H e is a 1984 g rad u ate of UM with a d eg ree in Business Administration. H e has assisted in UM Field H o u se op eratio n s since 1982, while attendin g college. H e also has w ork experience as an a u d io /v id e o technician. H e g rad u ated from S entinel H igh S chool in 197 9 an d lettered in w restling an d w as active in stu d en t go v ern m en t. Originally from B ozem an, he attended high school and elem entary school in Livingston. His wife’s n am e is D o n n a.

Mary is in h er fourth year as the associate trainer at UM. S he g rad u ated from th e University of M ontana in 1977 with a B achelor of S cience degree in H ealth & Physical E ducation. S he earn ed her M .S. d eg ree in H ealth & Physical Education from Michigan S tate in 1979. Prior to com ing to UM, McElwain serv ed as an assistant athletic trainer at O klahom a State for four years. S he was certified by the National Athletic Trainers A ssociation (NATA) in M arch of 1977. S h e has b een an instructor at n u m ero u s training w orkshops and has b een active in an athletic trainer’s capacity for alm ost 10 years. McElwain has b een a m em ber of th e NATA since 1972. S h e is single.

Mary M cElwain

R ick Curtis A ssista nt





Head Coach

Don Read (S a c r a m e n to S t a t e , 1 9 6 0 )

W h en D on R e ad b ecam e th e 31st h ead football coach at the University of M ontana in D ecem ber of 1985, he prom ised he would be a pass-oriented coach an d m ak e football fun for th e players an d fans. M ontana’s slogan was: “C atch th e Feeling — Grizzly Football is in th e A ir.” A nd in th e air it w as as th e Grizzlies broke all of UM’s single season and individual passing records — com piling an im pressive 6-4 ledger. It w as th e 13th tim e in th e Grizzlies’ 90-year-old football heritage a team has w on six or m ore g am es in a seaso n . UM w on five of its last six gam es. T he Grizzly air attack com piled a school record 3 ,1 2 2 yards passing and 30 to u ch d o w n s. R ead, 53, cam e to UM from P ortland State University, w here he was head coach from 1981 to 1985 an d 1968-71. S andw iched betw een the PSU stints w ere h ead jobs at O regon (1974-76) an d O regon T ech (1977-80). In his first th re e h ead coaching jobs at P S U , O regon and O regon T ech, he was able to tu rn losing program s around. A lthough he w asn’t able to p ro ­ duce a winner at O regon, both PSU and O regon Tech had drastic turnarounds after R ead took over. In th e 1984 se aso n , R ead led PSU to an 8-3 record and w as n am ed the Division II C o ach of th e Y ear after the Vikings w on the W estern C onference title. R e a d ’s overall h ead coaching record is 108-102-1 an d he is 75-95-1 at th e collegiate level. H e has 28 years in the coaching profession, beginning in 195 9 as an assistant at P lacer High in A uburn, California. His first head job w as at P etalu m a High in California in 1962. H e lives an d co ach es by p erso n al philosophies. S o m e of th o se include: “S u ccess is a b y p ro d u ct of h ard w ork. E xpect players to m ake a positive com m itm en t to football an d o th er aspects of school life. Football shapes character. A team m ust alw ays play with em otion an d intensity.” R ead has written a book, T he C o m ple te Passing G a m e, w orked football

cam ps in eight states, and written alm ost 100 articles for athletic and coaching m agazines. His O regon T ech team s w ere nationally ran k ed in 1979 (9th) an d 1980 (7th) an d w on 15 of his last 18 gam es th ere. At O regon he coached All-Pro quarterback D an Fouts of th e S an Diego C hargers and form er pro QB J u n e Jo n e s at PSU . P S U ’s quarterback R ead ’s final year this past year, Terry Sum m erfield, is currently playing professional football. UM’s Q B last season, B rent P ease, w as drafted by th e M innesota Vikings in th e 11th ro u n d in the 1987 NFL draft. R ead e arn ed his u n d erg ra d u ate d egree in Social S cience in 1960, and his m aster’s deg ree in H ealth an d Physical E ducation at S acram en to State tw o years later. D on and his wife, Lois, have a daughter, B eth, and a son, B ruce. Bruce serves as a part-tim e coach at UM, working with the special team s.

THE RECORDS 1968—Portland S ta te ............. , 4-6 1969—Portland State .......... 6-4 1970—Portland S ta te ............. 6-4 1971—Portland State . .. .. ___ , 4-5 1974—University of Oregon.. ...2-9 1975—University of Oregon.. ...3-8 1976—University of Oregon 4-7 1977—Oregon T ech................ 2-7 1978—Oregon T ech................ 5-4 X9 7 9 —Oregon T e c h ............. 7-2


1980—Oregon Tech , ....... .....7 -2 .2-9 1981—Portland State , .2-9 1982—Portland State 1983—Portland State .............3-7 1984—Portland State , ...............8-3 1985—Portland State 4-5-1 1986—Montana ............. .............. 6-4

17 y e a r s .................... ...75-95-1

•Assistant Coaches-

Tommy Lee Offensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks

Bill Smith Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers

M ontana’s national ranking in offense, especially in the passing gam e, was largely due to the creative mind of Tommy Lee, and the time and effort he spends in fine tuning UM’s quarterbacks. At Portland State he was the offen­ sive coordinator and in charge of recruiting for two seasons before coming with Don Read to UM. He was head coach at Willamette University from 1974 to 1982 and an assistant there the previous two years. He has 10 years of head coaching experience at Central Catholic High School in Portland. At Willamette he was an N.A.I.A. All-American quarterback in 1962, and received his B.A. degree there in 1963 in Physical Education. He later earn­ ed his m aster’s degree in education at Willamette. He played for Ottawa in the C anadian Football League. He served as athletic director at Willamette from 1974-82 and was an associate professor there as well. “I like a pro type of offense with emphasis on the passing gam e, involving the running backs as well as the receivers,” Lee said. “That offense has multiple sets with m o­ tion. I like to keep things simple with the end results being sound execution,” Lee continued. “I also like to establish good rapport with the players and ex­ change ideas and have good one-on-one relationships with the players and be caring.” Lee and his wife, Haunani, have three children. Tomm y is 45 years old. One son, Pohai, is a wide receiver at UM.

Smith was at Portland State University with Read since 1980, and was defen­ sive coordinator there, until coming to UM in 1986. He has coached virtual­ ly every defensive position during his tenure at PSU. He has nine years of coaching experience in the prep ranks in Idaho, Oregon and California. His 1984 PSU team gave up no touchdow ns in league play. Smith also handled some of the administrative duties at PSU and does the same at UM, especially in the area of financial aid. He was an All-Coast center at the University of Oregon and graduated from there in 1967, earning a B.A. in History. He received a m aster’s in Education at UO. Smith, 42, played professionally for the Pittsburgh Steelers before being sidelined with an injury. He played junior college ball for his father, Lyle, a former athletic director at Boise State. BSU’s football field was recently renam ed the Lyle Smith Field in his father’s honor. “We try to create a situation defense anticipating what the offense is going to do. Then we can overplay that situation and react to m ake the play if we get crossed u p ,” Smith said. “I like to put pressure on the quarterback, and hopefully we can get that from our four front people,” he said. “Speed is a big factor in the Big Sky Conference, as well as the surprise elem ent. You shouldn’t blitz in just third and long situations, but try to be unpredictable.” Bill and his wife, Janine, have two children, a son, Riley, 12, and daughter, Ashley, 10.

Bob B eers Defensive Line

Vic Clark Offensive Line

One of the bright spots defensively in ’86 for the Grizzlies was the mid­ season surge by the defense, especially the defensive front thanks to the ef­ forts of Beers, who returned to his alma mater after a 15-year hiatus. A former University of M ontana football great, Beers was an inaugural mem ber of the Grizzly Football Hall of Fame in 1982. He has 17 years of coaching experience, most recently as the head coach at West Linn High School in Oregon. He began his coaching career at his alma mater, coaching the linebackers for UM head coach Jack Swarthout in 1970-71. After that he was an assistant at M ontana Tech from 1971-73. He has coached in the prep ranks for 12 seasons, beginning at Butte Central in 1974. He was an All-American at Col­ umbia Basin Junior College and at M ontana (1967-68). Beers, 40, is a 1970 graduate of UM with a degree in History and Health, Physical Education. His record as a high school coach was 64-35. “I think coaching is like teaching and is an educational experience that you want to make as positive as you can for the young men you coach,” Beers said. “I want to make it a positive experience playing football and going to school at the University of M ontana.” Beers and his wife, Janelle, have a boy, Bobby, 14, and a daughter, Cari, 13.

Vic Clark, former assistant football coach at Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro, is in his third year as the offensive line coach for the Grizzlies. Clark, 39, has 16 years of coaching in college and secondary schools in the Midwest. He and Billy Mitchell started the Kentucky Wesleyan football pro­ gram from scratch three years ago. Prior to taking the position at Owensboro, Clark was head football coach at Pekin High School in Illinois. He was there three years, from 1980-82. In 1979 he coached at Campbellsville High School in Kentucky, where he coached a team that was 1-9 the previous season to a 9-1 record and a berth in the state playoffs. He was Conference and District C oach of the Year for his efforts. From 1977-79 he was head coach at Grayson County High School in Kentucky. Clark received his B.A. degree at Indiana State in 1971 in Earth Sciences and Geography. He earned his master’s at Louisville in 1977. “I’m very m uch a believer in creating a positive environment to get positive responses from the players. I used to say positive things all the time, but now I feel the players should earn it. I try to task analyze what my players need to do and work in practice to mimic what an athlete needs to do in a gam e. All my drills are geared that w ay.” Clark and his wife, Karen, have a four-year-old daughter, Jennifer, and a son, R.T., a oneyear-old.


A ssistant Coaches

Jerom e Souers Defensive Backs

Robin Pflugrad Wide Receivers/Running Backs

Souers (pronounced Sow-Ers) has 12 years of coaching experience, beginning at the high school level in Oregon. Before coming to UM, the 29-year-old was the secondary coach at Portland State for two seasons. He was the defensive coor­ dinator and secondary coach at Western Washington for a season before coming to PSU, and he coached at “AAA” prep level for eight years before that. His high school stints were at North Eugene and Willamette High Schools. His father, Dwight, was a successful, well-known coach in Eugene. Jerome earned a B.A. in Physical Education at Oregon in 1983 and earned his masters in P.E. at PSU in 1985. His wife’s name is Paula. “We believe in playing aggressive, hard-nosed defense,” Souers said. “We keep it simple, work hard at technique, and keep the emphasis on execution of our coverage responsibility.”

Pflugrad (pronounced Flew-Grad) will wear more hats this season as he coaches the wide receivers/running backs and also serves as UM’s academic coordinator. He was a standout wide receiver at Portland State during the Neil Lomax era and was team captain and a second team Academic All-American in 1979. From 1983-85, he coached the wide receivers, was responsible for the skill positions in the kicking game and Director of Football promotions at PSU. His Mt. Hood Junior College teams were 20-2 in 1976-77 and 1st in the nation in ’77 when he was all-conference. He was receiver and secondary coach at South Eugene High School in 1982 and has served as a coach and counselor in football camps since 1981. He received his B.S. degree at PSU in Business Administration in 1980 and his Oregon Teacher’s Certificate in Business Education in 1984. He and coach Jerome Souers played high school football together at South Eugene High. Pflugrad, 29, is married to the former Marlene Smith. They are expecting their first child this fall. “I feel that a 4 .6-4.7 (speed in the 40-yard dash) kid can become a complete receiver,” Pflugrad said. “I can relate to those kids. The important thing for a receiver is to catch the ball with your hands. If you can do that then you can catch it with your body. I am also a stickler on downfield blocking and spend a lot of time in that area,” he said. “We go beyond players being just eligible to play and push them to realize they can also be an academic All-Big Sky player. We strive for academic as well as athletic excellence.”

i-* -T


The 1987 Grizzly coaching staff: top row, L-R: Tommy Lee, Bill Smith, Kraig Paulson, Vic Clark, Don Read. Bottom row, L-R: Robin Pflugrad, Bob B eers, Jerom e Souers, Bruce Read. 8

Outlook, Honors Candidates

Paul Lamb


OUTLOOK: 17 Starters Return After surprising several teams with a wide-open passing at­ tack and vastly improved defense, you can bet the Univer­ sity of Montana’s 1987 foes won’t take the Grizzlies too lightly. Montana returns 17 starters from a year ago, led by first team All-Big Sky Conference offensive tackle Larry Clarkson and second team defensive end Pat Foster. The Grizzlies were 6-4 overall last season and 3-4 in league.

Senior Tony Lambert is an honors candidate at wide receiver and had 569 yards receiving last season. Tight ends Paul Lamb, Brad Salonen and Rob Kunka all return. On the offensive line guards Bill Venard (also an honors candidate) and Kirk Scrafford are back, along with center Scott Hartman. Hartman was an honorable mention all­ leaguer in ’86. Soph Tim Polich or JC transfer Tim Bradford will start at the other tackle slot. In the backfield Mike Ehlers, Jody Farmer and Renard Col­ eman are back. Junior John Huestis will also see plenty of time at fullback. “Potentially we are a better football team ,” said secondyear coach Don Read. “We have a good core of returning guys. Overall we will have good quickness at receiver and in the backfield. No blazing speed, but solid. “With our experience and a year in the conference, plus our kids know the system, all things point to a good overall year,” Read said. “The big question is Pease and Rice. We’re definitely going to have to be better as a team. “Last year versus this year is that our schedule is tougher and we’ll know right off the bat how good we are since Portland State, NAU and Reno will all be good,” Read said. “That will put more pressure on the quarterback and the overall team .” Not only are nine starters back on defense, but so is ILB Mike Rankin, who had 71 tackles as a freshman starter. Rankin missed last season with a knee injury. Rankin, honors candidate Demidric Cooks (57 tackles), and juniors Kevin Bartsch (43TT) and Clay Clausen (2 ITT) make linebacker a solid position.

Mike Rankin (left) and Rick Sullivan The previous season UM was 3-8 overall. Perhaps the No. 1 key for UM this year will be replacing re co rd -settin g q u arterb ack B rent P ease and wide receiver/punter/returner Mike Rice on offense. Also gone on offense is all-league tackle Shawn Poole. Pease rewrote the passing record book at Montana, break­ ing several of Marty Mornhinweg’s single season and single game passing records. He passed for 3,056 yards and 30 touchdowns and led Division 1-AA in total offense with 309.4 a game. He was picked by the Minnesota Vikings in the 11th round of the NFL draft. Rice, a two-time All-American at UM, had 64 catches for 1,047 yards and 13 TDs, the two latter being school marks. He averaged 40.5 yards per punt and led 1-AA the previous year with a 44.7-yard average. He was chosen by the New York Jets in the 8th round. The frontrunner for the QB slot appears to be second-year frosh Scott Waak, a 6-3, 190-pounder. He could be pushed by JC transfer Tim Winter or fifth-year senior Scott Werbelow.

But, just as talent-laden is the defensive front, where all four starters return. Back with All-American candidate Foster are junior tackles Rick Sullivan and Jason Ray who started all 10 games in ’86. Sometime starter Ward Crawford, letterman Greg Giannini and redshirts J.C . Campbell and Scott Camper will all add quality playing time. “We are visibly more improved, as anticipated, on defense,” Read said. “That reflects on the kids being in our system and good, solid recruiting. We are adding more to our schemes, and have added confidence. Our defense im­ proved game-by-game last season.” The secondary returns good personnel, including Football N ew s All-American Tony Breland, who led the secondary with 60 stops and was 26th in the nation with 5 interceptions. Starters David Reeves, Greg Nygren and Scott Smith add quality depth, as does senior Nate Odden. JC transfer Quenton Richardson and transfer Tim Hauck will both push the incumbents for starting roles. The kicking game is a big question mark with Lamb or Farmer handling the punting. JC transfer Jake Schloesser is inexperienced at the collegiate level. “You don’t replace Rice,” Read said, “you just hope som eone picks up the slack.” Read said, “Reno looks like the team to beat again, but NAU, Idaho and the rest will be tough on any given day.”

-All-American CandidatesLARRY CLARKSON, OFFENSIVE TACKLE 6-7x/i, 308, Sr. from A bottsford, B.C. A first team Associated Press All-American last season, Clarkson is considered one of the top candidates for the Na­ tional Football League in the West this year. He has good strength and runs a consistent 5.0-5.1 in the 40-yard dash. A fifth-year senior, he has started every season since redshirting as a freshman. He has started at both tackle and guard during his career. Not only was he an All-American in 1986, but he was also an All-Big Sky Conference first-teamer and shared the Paul Weskamp Award, presented annually to the Outstanding Of­ fensive Lineman at UM. He has started in 32 consecutive games, 21 of which have been at offensive tackle. “Larry is potentially the best offensive tackle I’ve been around,” lauded UM head coach Don Read, who has 17 years of college coaching experience. “He has excellent feet, good strength and his technique is improving rapidly. “I can visualize him as being one of the top three NFL draft picks at his position this year,” Read said. Read continued, “I think he will be a dominant player in the Big Sky Conference and a team leader. He is equally as effective in blocking for the run and for the pass. I’ve coached two athletes who made it to the pros at offensive tackle, and I think he is a better player than them .” His potential in the professional ranks was evident in February of 1987, when he was the 7th overall pick of British Columbia in the Canadian Football League draft.

PAT FOSTER, DEFENSIVE END 6-5, 245, Sr. from Savage, Montana A two-time winner of Montana’s Larry Miller Award which is given every year to the team ’s Outstanding Defensive Lineman, Foster has started his last 21 games. In 1986 he was a second team All-Big Sky Conference choice and led the defensive line with 55 tackles, including 28 unassisted stops. He had a team-high 10 tackles for losses of 37 yards, and five sacks. Two seasons ago he was the No. 2 tackier on the defen­ sive line with 63 stops at defensive tackle. Since that season UM has gone from a 3-4 to a 4 -3 /5 -2 defensive front alignment. “I think Pat is one of the premier Division 1-AA defensive linemen in the country,” Read said. “He is extremely agile, aggressive and has a great attitude. He is one of the toughest competitors I have been around. “One thing that he possesses is a burning desire to win,” Read said. “He is popular with players and coaches. He is strong against the pass and a very effective pass rusher. H e’s dropped some weight (about 15 pounds) from last year, and it’s made him even quicker. He is potentially our 1987 quarterback sack leader.”

1987 Honors C andidates Demidric Cooks, Middle Linebacker 6-2, 2 3 5 , Sr. from San Jose, CA T he second leading returning tackier with 57 tackles in ’86, “C ookie” split starting tim e last year, but 1987 will be a different story. At 6-2, 2 3 5 , D em edric runs a 4 .8 in the 4 0 and will call the defensive signals at UM this year. H e started his college career with 12 tackles against N evadaR eno, 7 of which w ere unassisted. H e was th e co-w inner of the G olden H elm et A w ard (hardest hitter) last year. “H e is as fine of a linebacker as I’ve had the opportunity to c o a c h ,” said defensive coordinator/linebacker coach Bill Smith. Not only does he have the physical tools, but his experience playing other positions (tight end, fullback) enable him to anticipate an d react to w hat the offense is doing. H e is a leader w ho the other players respect. W e anticipate him being a deciding factor for us in som e gam es this se a so n .”

Tony Breland, Strong Safety 6-2, 190, Sr. from Renton, WA M ontana’s leading returning tackier, Tony was a 2 nd team Football N ew s All-American last season. H e had 60 tackles and w as one of the top interceptors in Division 1-AA with .50 a gam e and also forced three fum bles. H e has started at cornerback and both safety positions at UM since his so p h o m o re season. H e h ad 10 tackles against Idaho an d N orthern Arizona in 1986. “T ony’s size, sp eed an d n o se for the football give him trem en d o u s ra n g e ,” said Je ro m e S ouers, UM’s secondary coach. “H aving played corner an d free safety greatly im proves his ability to anticipate. His ability to play run an d the pass can be seen by his statistics last season. W e expect T ony to cap his senior year with a great se a so n .”

Tony Lambert, W ide R eceiver 5-10, 175, Sr. from Steilacoom , WA Tony had a superb junior season with 5 69 yards and 5 TDs in 1986. His 5 6 9 yards ranks him 7th in single season receiving yardage. H e caught a pass in every g am e last seaso n an d had three or m ore in seven gam es. H e had 6 catches for 152 yards and a TD against NAU and 8 for 121 and tw o scores vs. Idaho S tate. His 4 .4 -4 .5 sp eed in the 40 gives him professional-type sp eed . “T ony’s sp eed and em erg en ce into a dynam ic passing offense gives him two of th e things he n eed s for success,” said Robin Pflugrad, wide receiver coach for the Grizzlies. “H e is a very coachable player on an d off the field an d strives to im prove himself daily. I look forw ard to great things h a p ­ pening to T ony his senior y e a r.”

Bill Venard, O ffensive Guard 6-3, 2 5 6 , Sr. from Albany, OR T he iron horse at UM, Bill played in every offensive series last year, except one. H e has started at guard and center at UM a n d could play tackle, if n e e d e d . H e also handles d eep snaps w hen n e e d e d . “Bill’s consistency a n d durability are his streng th s,” said offensive line coach Vic Clark. “H e could have played every play of every gam e if he h a d n ’t taken himself out of one gam e in which we w ere way ah ead . H e step p ed in for us last year and played center and handled snaps w hen Scott (H artm an) was out. He has an excellent football m ind an d is a solid leader in a doing way, not a rah -rah w ay .”


Nate Odden

A / ■


**Tony Arntson

* *Kevin Bartsch

Kevin started six g am es as a so p h , and will be an integral p art of the UM linebacking corps in 1987. L ast season he had 43 tackles including th ree for losses an d three sacks. H e w as the state “A A ” Defensive Player of the Y ear and also Eastern Division Player of th e Y ear as a senior at H elena High. H e w as n am ed to th e first-team all­ conference an d all-state team s as a senior an d was a USA T oday A ll-A m erican. H e w as a tw o-year letterm an in basketball. Kevin played in the East-W est Shrine G am e. His coach w as H enry Hamill. H e is m ajoring in Business Administration.

*Russ Blank

Tim Bradford


A w alk-on, Russ finished spring drills as a No. 3 player at strong safety. His brother Jeff lettered at UM last year in football. Russ is a UM letterm an in track specializing in the pole vault. H e lettered in football, track and wrestling at S en tin el High S chool and was team captain in track in 1984. His grid coach w as Tim D ennison. H e is a B usiness A dm inistration m ajor.

6-2, 235 O C , So. Elkhart, IN

ILB, Jr. H elena, MT

T ony w as m o v ed from quarterback to ru nning back last seaso n an d re sp o n d e d by rushing for 6 4 yards. H e is also o n e of the key players on the special team s. As a frosh Q B, he led UM to a 35 -2 9 win over Idaho S tate scoring tw o to u chdow ns. H e quarterbacked his C .M . Russell High team to the state “A A ” football title in 198 4 for coach Jack Jo h n s o n . A tw o-year starter for the Rustlers, he w as an all-conference q u arter­ back an d was n a m e d to the all-conference an d all-state team s as a p u n ter. H e also let­ tered in basketball. H e is m ajoring in Business E ducation.

5 -1 1 , 190 CB , Jr. M issoula, MT

Wayne Bias

6 - 2 , 221

5-10, 190 RB, Jr. G reat Falls, MT


6-5, 265 OT, Jr. E tna, CA

Tim w as team MVP o n offense an d first team all-conference as a soph o m o re at C ol­ lege of th e Siskiyous in W eed , CA. H e h ad an ou tstan d in g spring an d is battling so p h o m o re Tim Polich for th e starting job at left tackle. H e was also a first team all­ stater in JC , a tw o-year letterm an, an d let­ tered in track as well. At E tna High, he let­ tered in football an d baseball an d was first team all-conference both w ays as a junior an d senior. H e w as n am ed All-N orthern California as a senior. His J C coach was G reg Gatlin. H e is a Wildlife Biology m ajor.


W ayne redshirted last seaso n and ad d s depth to the center position. H e was th e first player in Indiana high school football history to be nam ed to an all-state team three times. In addition, W ayne w as an all-conference guard for three years in the N orthern Indiana C o n ference at Elkhart High. H e was n a m ­ ed by th e league coaches as th e Most V aluable L inem an in th e NIC following his senior season. H e co m p eted in track for th ree years and w as a state finalist in the discus twice. H e is an E ducation m ajor.


** *Tony Breland 6-2, 195 S S , Sr. R en to n , W A

A Football N e w s se co n d team AllA m erican, T ony was ran k ed 26th in th e country in interceptions with five. Last season he led th e secondary with 60 tackles and had a team -leading 33 unassisted stops. H e w as an all-state defensive back at R e n ­ ton High School as a senior and was selected to play in the 19 8 4 S hrine G am e. H e w as team captain in both football a n d basketball as a senior an d also lettered in track . His football coach w as Terry Ennis. (Please see p ag e 12 for m ore inform ation.) H e is m ajoring in H o m e Econom ics.

* *J.C. Campbell 6-5 220 DE, Jr. T acom a, W A

Scott Camper m m U

6-2V2, 255



DT’ S rM anteca, CA

J i




C la rk 6 - i , 170 WR, Fr. M issoula, MT

A redshirt last seaso n because of an arm injury, J . C . ’s sp e ed an d quickness could give th e Grizzlies a n o th er excellent pass rusher. H e w as m o v ed to DE from outside linebacker tw o seasons ago. in 1985 he had 4 9 tackles, 6 p ass deflections an d an in­ tercep tio n . H e w as a three-sp o rt stan d o u t at Steilacoom High school. In football he was all-state as a senior an d all-league three tim es. H e w as stu d en t body president his senior year. His football co ach w as Mark Ross. His m ajor is Journalism .

T he strongest player on the team , Scott benches 4 5 5 p o u n d s, an d will give the Grizzlies excellent strength against the rush and pass. He played one season as S an J o a ­ quin Delta JC . As a prep at M anteca High he was All-Valley and All-Northern Califor­ nia. H e w as also all-league as a junior and senior an d MVP on his team on the line of­ fensively an d defensively. His p rep team s w on league titles his frosh, junior and senior seasons. H e w as a four-year letterm an in football for coach Mick F ounts. H e is a H ealth an d Physical E ducation m ajor.

A redshirt last se aso n , with playing ex ­ perience M att should be a factor at wide receiver. H e w as m oved from wide receiver to running back m idw ay throu g h his senior season at Hellgate High school and respond­ ed by rushing for m ore th an 5 0 0 yards. He was all-conference and played in the Shrine G am e. H e played basketball for the Knights w hen they w on the state title in 1984-85. His coach in football w as V an Troxel, a form er Grizzly sta n d o u t quarterback. A B usiness m ajor.

**Larry Clarkson

***Clay Clausen

*Renard Coleman


6-7V2, 3 0 8 OT, Sr. A bbotsford, BC

A n A ll-Am erican last year, Larry is also being to u ted for th at h o n o r in 1987 (please see p ag e 11). H e was a first team all c o n ­ ference selection and also n am ed the c o ­ w inner of th e P aul W estkam p A w ard, given annually to the top Grizzly offensive lineman. H e lettered th ree tim es in both football and basketball at Abbotsford S enior High. H e was all-conference in football and basketball and a first team All-Star W estern Conference pick for his to p -ran k ed basketball team . H e is m ajoring in S eco n d ary E ducation.


6-3, 210 O LB, Jr. M issoula, MT

A n extrem ely intelligent player, Clay will see considerable action as Dem idric C o o k ’s backup at linebacker. Last year he had 21 tackles. As a senior he led his Sentinel High team to the W estern “A A ” C onference title an d the state ru n n er-u p spot. Clay was an all-conference QB for the S partans and was also a starting forw ard for the basketball team . H e w as n am ed team captain and team MVP for the ’8 4 se aso n . H e was a se ­ cond team all-stater in basketball as a senior. His coach w as Tim D ennison. H e is m ajoring in B usiness.



5-9, 180 RB, Jr. R enton, WA

An explosive player, R enard will be a fac­ tor this seaso n with his sp eed an d running ability. Last season he rushed for 189 yards an d a to u ch d o w n an d caught 27 passes. R enard ru sh ed for 800-plus yards in seven gam es as a senior at R enton High School. H e was co ach e d by A ndre P atterso n , a form er Grizzly player and co ach . H e was voted his school’s outstanding senior. He played in the W ashington East-W est Shrine gam e. His prep head coach was Terry Ennis. H e is m ajoring in G en eral Studies.

Jk f m

4JL ' J M

6 -2 , 2 1 0 LB, Fr. B end, OR

S teve is vying for playing tim e at “M ike” linebacker an d is listed N o. 3 there after spring ball. H e red shirted last se aso n after lettering in football, w restling an d track at B end H igh S ch o o l. As a p rep he w as all­ co n feren ce in wrestling an d football, and te a m M V P o n d e fe n s e a n d n a m e d O utstanding W restler. H e was team captain in wrestling and football as a senior. His foot­ ball co ach w as G ary Mires. G en eral S tu d ies m ajor.

John Danaher M

m K


Steve Collins J


6-5, 225 so . M ishaw aka, IN


Jo h n was m oved from tight end to center, an d a d d e d w eight and experience should m ean playing tim e for him. H e was a threesport sta n d o u t at M ishaw aka High S chool an d w as all-conference in football and basketball. In football he was n a m e d in the prestigious “Big 3 3 ” in Indiana which is the 33 best football players in th e state. H e was also team captain in football, basketball and baseball as a p rep . H e is a B usiness A dm inistration m ajor.


W0*Demidric Cooks


1 1

6-2, 2 3 5

• !

ILB’ SrS an Jo se ,

A n h onors can d id ate this se aso n (see pag e 12), D em idric is th e pro to ty p e ILB at 6-2, 2 40 with good strength an d quickness. H e was the N o. 3 tackier at UM last year with 57 stops an d h ad th ree for losses plus a 25-yard interception return. H e w as an honorable m ention all-leaguer at S an Jo se City College and team captain. His JC coach w as C hon G allegoes. H e also played fullback in junior college. H e w as an all­ conference football player at S a n ta T eresa High School. C o m p u ter S cience m ajor.


*Tim Donovan

M rn m

6 -41/ 2, 2 3 5 DE, Sr. S p o k an e, W A

A big-play player, W ard is a potential starter at right e n d . Last se aso n he h ad 26 tackles including four for losses of 35 yards plus th ree sacks. H e started in six gam es. In 1984 he was chosen as the co-F reshm an of the Y ear at UM. From W est Valley High, he was all-conference both ways as a senior. H e also lettered in basketball. His football coach was Jim C lem ents. His m ajor is Psychology.


Joe Easton

S an Rafael, CA

Tim saw considerable playing tim e in his initial season at UM and 1987 will be no dif­ ferent, H e is currently the N o. 3 m an at left tackle. H e cam e to UM from College of Marin where he was all-conference. At Terra L inda High S chool he excelled in football an d track. His junior college coach was Tim M cC andless. H e is an Interpersonal C om m unications m ajor.

A nother redshirt last year, J o e h as ex ­ cellent h an d s but needs to ad d strength and w eight to be a factor in th e receiving corps at UM. An all-state player, J o e was also a star hurdler in track an d was all-divisional as a junior and all-state as a senior. H e was nam ed S entinel’s Senior A thlete of th e Y ear for 1985-86. His coach was Tim D ennison. H e played in th e M ontana S hrine G am e. A Radio-TV m ajor.


/ ■

* M

5-9, 153 W R, Fr. M issoula, MT





*‘Ward Crawford rn # m

Dan Edwards 6-2, 235 DE, Jr. S ed ro W ooley, WA

* *‘Mike Ehlers 6-2, 190 RB, Sr. Wilsonville, OR





Jay Fagan B utte, MT

A transfer from Y akim a Valley College in W ashington, D an was a tw o-year letterm an an d starter in junior college. H e was n am ed his te a m ’s Defensive Player of the Y ear and second team all-conference as a sophom ore. At S ed ro W oolley High S chool, he was the school’s A thlete of the Y ear as a senior and an all-area offensive and defensive selection. H e w as team captain as a p rep his senior year an d a four-year letterm an in track. H e p re p p e d with Grizzly defensive back David R eeves. His J C grid co ach was W ayne P u rd o n . Forestry m ajor.

Mike led th e Grizzlies in rushing in 1986 with 22 6 yards, a 5 .1 yard average, and 3 T D ’s. H e h ad a 50-yard touch d o w n run against M ontana S tate. H e had 16 re c e p ­ tions an d o n e TD. H e em erg ed as a starter at running back after spring drills. H e has placed in the Big Sky C onference high jum p th e past tw o seaso n s and also excels in the long jum p. H e qualified for four events in the state track m eet as a senior at W est Linn High School. As a prep, he jum ped 24-1V2, breaking Mel R enfro’s state high school record. His coach at W est Linn High School was Jeff S curran. His m ajor is M ath.

A redshirt year did considerable g o o d for Ja y as he a d d e d strength and weight. He finished spring drills as the back-up right guard behind honors candidate Bill V enard. H e was a starter on the offensive line for two years for the Butte High Bulldogs. His senior year he was an all-conference selection and honorable m ention all-state. H e w as also a basketball letterm an. His co ach was Jo n McElroy. H e is m ajoring in Business.

‘Jody Farmer

* **Pat Foster

Todd Foster

6-0, 190 FB, So. Libby, MT Jo d y play ed in all 10 g am es last season a n d r u s h e d fo r 1 3 5 y a r d s a n d 3 to u ch d o w n s. H e led UM in kickoff returns with 29 for 6 3 4 yards an d a 2 1 .8 -y ard average to rank am ong the Big Sky leaders. T he state “A A ” Offensive M ost V aluable Player, F arm er ru shed for m ore than 1,500 yards as a senior, which ran k ed him first in the state. H e w as the M ontana Shrine G am e Offensive Player of the G am e, scoring three to u ch d o w n s. His coach w as G reg Salo. G en eral S tudies m ajor.

6-5, 245 DE, Sr. S avage, MT A n All-American candidate along with of­ fensive tackle Larry C larkson, P at h ad a team -leading 10 tackles for losses an d five sacks last season to go along with 55 tackles. (Please see page 11 for further information.) A three-sport athlete, he lettered in football, basketball an d track all four of his seasons at S avage High. H e was team captain in all three sports as a senior. He was all-state, all­ conference an d team MVP in football as a junior an d senior. His coach was Keith Q uale. P at is a History m ajor.

6-3, 2 0 5 LB, Fr. S av ag e, MT A redshirt from the 1986 fresh m an class, T odd is vying for playing time at the “Mack” linebacker position. He was an all-state foot­ ball player and trackster and p articipated in the annual eight-m an all-star football gam e held in Missoula in J u n e of 198 6 . H e was team MVP for coach Keith Q uale in fo o t­ ball at S avage High School, track MVP and Most Inspirational in basketball. His brother, P at, is a 1987 honors can d id ate for the Grizzlies. His m ajor is G eneral S tudies.

*Dave Garza

*Greg Gianinni 6-2, 240 DT, Jr. S an d C oulee, MT

5 -IOV2, 175 W R, Sr. M oses Lake, W A Last seaso n D ave w as the No. 3 receiver yardage-w ise with 2 4 2 an d one TD. H e av erag ed 2 4 .2 yards per catch to lead the Grizzlies in yards p er catch. H e is a transfer from W enatchee C om m unity College where he was all-conference as a receiver and kick re tu rn e r . H is J C c o a c h w as S a n d y C o o p rid er. As a p rep he lettered in football th ree tim es, an d wrestling and track as well. H e w as all-conference and all-state as a senior in football at M oses Lake High S chool. H e w as track an d football captain as a senior. His grid coach was G reg Kitrell. He is a H ealth & Physical Eucation major.

* *Dwayne Hans

G reg saw limited action in 1986 with five tackles, but a d d e d w eight an d experience on the line (after being m oved from linebacker) ad d up to a lot of playing tim e this year. He was nam ed Scout T eam Player of the Y ear in 198 4 at UM. H e w as a foot­ ball captain as a senior an d all-conference th ree tim es at C enterville High S chool. H e w as selected to play in the first-ever Class “C ” all-star gam e which was played in Ju n e of 1984 in M issoula. H e also lettered in basketball and track. His coach was T ed R ichards. His m ajor is Business M anagem ent.

* * *Scott Hartman 6-4V2, 254 O C , Sr. G reat Falls, MT

6-0, 170 CB , Jr. P asco , WA D w ayne started all 10 g am es at cornerback last seaso n for the Grizzlies, and he should be th e No. 1 m an th ere again this seaso n . In 1986 he was honorable m ention All-Big Sky. Last year he w as th e N o. 3 tackier in th e seco n dary with 4 4 stops. He also h ad a team -leading 5 p ass deflections, a blocked kick an d 4 interceptions. H e was an all-leaguer both ways at P asco High, w here his h ead coach was form er UM m en ­ tor G en e C arlson. H e was a wide receiver an d defensive back and his te a m ’s MVP on defense. H e was also a basketball standout. Business M ajor.

S cott has com e on like gangbusters and is a potential all-conference player as a center and also excels as a d e e p sn ap p er. H e was an honorable m ention All-Big Sky selection last season. H e w as first team all­ conference an d second team all-state his senior year at C.M . Russell. His team w on th e state “A A ” title his junior year. H e w on two letters in football and basketball, and was team captain in basketball his senior year. His coach w as Jack Jo h n s o n . His m ajor is H ealth, Physical E ducation.


*Kenneth Gober 5 -10, 170 CB, Jr. G ary, IN O ne of the quickest players o n th e team , Ken w as m oved from wide receiver to cornerback in the spring, an d if he can adjust to the new position, will see considerable playing tim e th ere. Last year he caught five passes for 47 yards. H e was team captain at Roosevelt High School in G ary his senior year and played quarterback and flanker for coach C laude Taliaferro. H e also lettered in basketball as a prep . H e w as senior class Vice P resident. He is majoring in Business Adm inistration.

Tim Hauck 5-11, 170 CB, So. Big Tim ber, MT U nanim ously the m ost im proved player in spring football, Tim is battling for the star­ ting berth at the left cornerback slot. H e transferred from Pacific University in O regon where he was an all-conference strong safety as a freshm an. As a prep in Big Tim ber he lettered four times in football and three times in basketball an d track. H e was an all-state q uarterback and defensive back. H e was also all-state in basketball an d th e state pole vault cham p as a senior. H e w as co ach ed by his father Bob Sr. His brother, Bob Jr., is a track letterm an at UM. B usiness E ducation Major.


**John Huestis

Don Holbrook



5- 1 0 .1 9 3 w r ’ jrS panw ay, WA

A transfer from W alla Walla JC , D on was th e N orthw est C onference MVP an d an h o norable m ention A ll-Am erican in 1986. As a so p h o m o re he h ad 4 2 catches for 887 y ard s an d 8 to u chdow ns. W alla W alla C C w as 9-0 last seaso n an d ran k ed 3rd in the nation. His JC co ach was J o h n Volek. At B ethel High S ch ool he lettered in football an d track an d w as all-conference in football as senior. H e w as team captain in track his senior year. H e finished spring ball in a b at­ tle with senior D ave G arza for th e starting job at th e “Y ” receiver position. Wildlife Biology m ajor.

J i

J f


6-0, 200 |

RB> Battle G ro u n d , WA

A nother player w ho cam e on strong this spring, Jo h n will see considerable action in ’87. H e w as an All-Big Sky academ ic pick last year with a 3 .2 2 G PA . H e was a W ashington All-Star pick and rushed for 970 yards in seven gam es as a senior. H e was all-state an d all-conference in 1983, and played in his state’s Shrine G am e. He started for the No. 1 ran k ed basketball team in the state. H e was team captain in football, basketball and track and lettered three times in each sport. His football coach was Tracey K eesee. His m ajor is Pre-Physical T herapy.

* *Rob Kunka

Garret Jaros

6 -31/ 2, 205 TE, Sr. G reat Falls, MT

6-4V2, 250 O G , S o. E ugene, OR G arret left school last se aso n for a short while an d h en ce was redshirted. T he coaches are extremely glad to have him back as he show s great prom ise at offensive left guard. H e is from Churchill High School w here he w as co ach ed by Floyd H alverson. Following th e 1 9 8 4 football se aso n , G arret received nu m ero u s accolades, including all­ co n feren ce, all-district, and Register G uard all-state. In addition, he rep re sen ted the South squad in the ’84 O regon N orth-South S hrine G am e. H e m ajors in Business F inance.

Rob was UM’s N o. 6 receiver a year ago with 13 catches for 186 yards an d started in six gam es. A quality stu d en t, he was an all-conference academ ic selection in 1986 with a 3 .6 0 G PA . H e had a 40-yard TD catch in UM’s 1986 win at P ortland S tate. H e was a Shrine G am e participant and team MVP as a senior an d the O utstanding Back for G reat Falls High as a junior an d senior. H e set n u m ero u s passing records for coach Dale P ohle at G .F .H .S . His m ajor is C om p u ter Science.




Alex Hunter

6 - 2 , 222 A f l v

LB, Jr. V an co u v er, WA

Alex had nine tackles at linebacker last season and is one of the key figures on UM’s special team s. Last year in th e M ontana S tate gam e he retu rn ed an onside kick for a to u ch d o w n . A tw o-tim e all-conference pick at E vergreen High, Alex w as chosen A ll-Southw est W ashington as a fullback by th e P ortland O regonian. As a w restler, he w as a three-tim e S outhw est W ashington C h a m p . At E vergreen his defensive co o r­ dinator was form er Grizzly Willie T hom pson. He is m ajoring in Business Administration.

* *Robbie Laird 6-4, 2 2 0 FB, Jr. M issoula, MT UM’s No. 3 ru sh er in ’86, Robbie has a d d ­ ed about 20 p o u n d s and had a very strong show ing in spring drills. H e w as a first team all-conference an d second team all-state selection as a running back for th e Knights and coach V anTroxel. H e rushed for alm ost 9 0 0 yards as a senior. Robbie play ed in the E ast-W est S hrine G am e, an d w as voted Most Valuable Running Back at Hellgate and team captain. H e was the “A A ” MVP in basketball as a senior and M VP of th e a n ­ nual M ontana-W yom ing Basketball All-Star gam es. H e is a B usiness m ajor.

* * *Paul Lamb 6-2, 195 TE, Sr. V eradale, WA P aul en ters his senior season as th e No. 8 career receiver at UM with 917 yards. His ex ceptional sp e e d m akes him a big-play threat from the tight end or “Z” position. Last y ear h e h ad 11 catches for 182 yards and th ree TD ’s m issing th ree g am es with an in­ jury. H e was an all-league player at C entral Valley High as a junior an d senior, an d his team s a d v an ce d to the state playoffs those seasons. H e also excelled at track. His foot­ ball co ach w as Je rry C o n n o rs. His m ajor is S eco n d ary E ducation.

*Ron Marceau 6-2, 190 FS, Jr. G reat Falls, MT A d d ed w eight an d ex perience could add u p to co nsiderable action for R on w ho had seven tackles an d o n e forced fum ble last year. H e is also instrum ental in UM’s special team s, and em erged as a back-up free safety after spring drills. H e redshirted in 1985 after suffering an early-season injury. A first team all-state an d all-conference pick his senior y ear, he participated in th e S hrine All-Star gam e. His C .M . Russell High team w on the Eastern C o n feren ce an d th e state “A A ” ch am p io n sh ip in 1983. His football coach w as Ja ck Jo h n s o n . His m ajor is Political S cience.

*Tony Lambert


5 -10, 175 W R, Sr. S teilacoom , WA

A starter in all 10 g am es last year, T ony is a 1987 h onors can d id ate. (Please see pag e 12 for m ore details). H e is UM’s leading return receiver with 39 catches for 5 69 yards and five touchdow ns. H e was an all-league player at W alla W alla C C . H e p re p p e d at S teilacoom High S chool with Grizzly J.C . Campbell. As a prep he was all­ league twice. H e w as a m em ber of th e N a­ tional H onor Society. His JC coach was J o h n Volek. H e is a Music m ajor.


Flint McCullough 5-11, 2 5 0 DT, Fr. Gillette, WY

Flint’s attitude an d work ethic ad d up to playing time at UM after redshirting in 1986. H e is from Cam pbell C ounty High w here he lettered in football, wrestling an d track. H e w as all-conference for three seaso n s as a prep. He was first team all-state at guard and no seg u ard as a senior for coach Mick D ennhy. G eneral S tudies m ajor.



Pohai Lee 5-9, 175 WR, Jr. S alem , OR

A very steady receiver, P oh ai has very good hands and could see action at the “Y ” position. H e transferred to UM from P ortland S tate w hen his father, T om m y, becam e the offensive co ordin ato r for the Grizzlies. H e w as a tw o-year letterm an in football at S o u th Salem High S chool, and his junior year his team w on th e state title. H ealth, Physical Education Major.


Michael McGowan 6-0, 185 S S , Fr. S eattle, W A

Mike worked his way into the back-up role in th e spring. H e redshirted last seaso n and is the type of athlete w ho has an o u tstan ­ ding career a h e a d of himself. Mike w as an all-state player as a junior a n d senior at Ballard High School. H e was all-conference both ways as a senior, team MVP an d team captain and also lettered in baseball. His grid coach w as Fred S ato. H e w as a N ational Scholar Athlete in 1986 and graduated 12th in a class of 32 0 with a 3 .7 6 G PA . B usiness m ajor.

Todd McGrew 5-10. iso f ^ UB&

RB>J rH ayw ard, CA

T o d d joined th e Grizzlies in spring drills in 1987 after an outstanding career at C h ab o t Ju n io r C ollege, w here he was c o a c h e d by T e rry C a g a n a n . A s a so p h o m o re, h e was second team all­ conference, team MVP on offense and team captain. His JC team w as am o n g the topran k ed team s in th e state. At M oreau High School, he w as all-conference in football, basketball and track an d MVP in those sports as well. H e was team captain in football and basketball as a senior. Radio-TV m ajor.

*Chris Murray 6-0, 170 W R, Sr. E nglew ood, C O O ne of th e faster players on the team , Chris is a long-ball th re a t every tim e h e ’s in th e gam e. Last se aso n he had tw o catches for 20 yards in limited action. H e will figure into the d ep th -lad en wide receiver corps in ’87. H e was a four-sport letterm an at Cherry C reek High S chool, lettering in football, baseball, track an d golf. His p rep grid coach w as Fred T o so n e. His 1982 high school football team w as state cham pion with a 14-0 record. Chris is a B usiness M anagem ent m ajor.

*4 ^

■ I

Jeff Neil 5-9, 160 W R, Fr. G reat Falls, MT

Exceptional sp eed and quickness could ad d up to playing tim e for Jeff, w ho re d ­ shirted his initial season at UM. H e is cu r­ rently battling for playing tim e at th e “Y ” wide receiver position. An all-state player with exceptional speed (4.45 in the 40), Jeff will also return kicks at UM. At C.M . Russell High S chool, he was all-state as a retu rn er and first team all-conference as well. He also lettered in track. His p rep grid co ach was Jack Jo h n so n . A G eneral S tudies m ajor.


*Greg Nygren 5 -1 1 , 180 FS, Jr. Merlin, OR

Last seaso n G reg h ad four interceptions ranking him am ong the Big Sky C onference leaders. H e was an all-conference player at College of th e R e dw oods for coach F red W hitm ire as a freshm an. H e led the league in interceptions with eight. As a prep, he was all-state an d his co n feren ce’s Offensive Player of the Y ear as a senior at North Valley High S ch o o l in G rants P ass, O regon. H e was also an all-state baseball player. His high school football coach w as current Grizzly m en to r Bob Beers. Business E ducation m ajor.

***Nate Odden 5-10V2, 183 S S , Sr. D utton, MT N ate played in every gam e last year and had 22 tackles, 12 of which w ere unassisted. He and senior David Reeves give UM a solid one-tw o p u n ch at th e “H ero ” position. In ’85, he had 65 stops. At th e prep level, he was a four-year letterman in football, basket­ ball and track and first team all-state in foot­ ball at quarterback. H e w as a star on the D utton High track team an d w on th ree in­ dividual state titles. H e was also all-state in basketball. His coach was Mike Rae. H e is m ajoring in B usiness.

Tom Peterson 6-0, 190 RB, Jr. Miles City, MT Tom continues to add strength and weight an d should see playing tim e at halfback this season. H e w as all-state at C uster C ou n ty High S chool as a junior an d senior an d all­ conference both those seaso n s as well. H e lettered in golf and basketball an d was team MVP in golf as a junior. H e also played L egion baseball for four years. His high school football coach was Ed Rohloff. His m ajor is Business.


*Tim Polich m M &

J m B

6-5, 270 OT, S o. G reat Falls,



Tim cam e on strong last year playing in all ten gam es an d em erged as the No. 1 m an at left tackle after spring drills. H e is being h ard -p ressed for the starting job by JC transfer Tim Bradford. H e redshirted in 1985 becau se of a k n ee injury. H e w as first team all-conference an d first team all-state for the C.M . Russell High Rustlers. Tim played for th e East sq u a d in th e E ast-W est Shrine g am e. H e also lettered in basketball and track as a junior an d senior. His grid coach w as Ja ck Jo h n s o n . H e is a M ath m ajor.

Steve Quilici 5 -11. 185 CB, Jr. T racy, CA

A junior college transfer from S an J o a ­ quin Delta J C in California, S teve finished spring drills as a back-up at right cornerback. His sophom ore year in junior college he was all-league and voted his te a m ’s m ost inspira­ tional player. His coach at S JD C w as Jack Jo rd a n . At Tracy High S chool he was all­ conference in football an d track. H e is a Business m ajor.

Steve Redmond

*"Jason Ray 6-0, 246 DT, Jr. M issoula, MT A m ainstay on UM’s talen ted defensive line, Ja so n started all 10 g am es in ’86 and h ad 4 7 tackles including 6 V2 for losses. H e w as a first team all-state a n d all-conference selection at Big Sky High an d te a m MVP in 1983. H e w as an honorable m ention allstate choice as a junior. H e play ed in the 1984 Shrine G am e. H e was a three-year let­ ter winner in both football and wrestling. His football co ach w as Kevin H am m o n d . H e is a S ociology m ajor.


6 - 1 , 180 W R, Fr. S p o k a n e , WA

■ J L

Steve redshirted last season and has been m oved from quarterback to wide receiver in spring drills. H e displayed d ecen t h an d s in the spring an d could see playing tim e at his new position. H e com pleted 5 3 p ercen t of his passes, throw ing for 1 ,200 yards and 14 to u ch d o w n s as a senior in high school. H e w as all-league at S hadle Park High S chool for coach Bob H aney. G eneral S tudies m ajor.


"Mike Rankin 6-0, 2 35 ILB, So. E dm onds, W A A redshirt last year because of a k n ee in­ jury, Mike cam e on strong in the spring and will start at the “Mike” linebacker position. As a frosh at UM in 1985 he started six gam es an d had 71 tackles and w as n am ed UM’s F reshm an of the Y ear. H e was a twotim e all-conference fullback an d n o seg u ard at W oodw ay High S chool. H e was also Player of the Y ear in the W estern C o n ­ ference as a senior an d league wrestling cham pion at 190 p o unds as well as the state titlist in ’8 4 at th at weight class. His coach w as G en e Y erabek. H e played in th e EastW est S hrine g am e in W ashington. His m ajor is C om m unications.

* *David Reeves 6-0, 195 S S , Sr. S ed ro W ooley, WA D ave w as one of the m ost im proved players a year ago and started nine gam es at strong safety. H e was th e te a m ’s No. 5 leading tackier with 50 stops, 27 of which w ere u n assiste d . H e had four interceptions ranking him in a tie for eighth in th e co n ­ ference with team m ates D w ayne H an s and G reg Nygren in the Big Sky. H e w as an allstate selection on offense an d d efense at S edro W oolley High his senior year. H e was also an all-conference pick as a junior and senior. His coach was Mark H ester. Education m ajor.

*Darrin Reid 6-5V2, 265 OT, Sr. K lam ath Falls, OR Darrin w as felled with a serious k n ee in­ jury in a UM g am e a couple of years ago a n d a p p e a rs to now finally be fully reco v ered . If he is 100 p ercent, he will be a solid back-up for All-Am erican candidate Larry C larkson at right tackle. H e w as an All-American honorable m ention as a senior at K lam ath U nion High, an d w as first team all-state an d te a m captain in football and wrestling. H e lettered three tim es in football, wrestling an d track. H e played in the Shrine G am e for th e S o u th . His co ach was Rolla C allaghan. A H ealth & Physical E ducation m ajor.

*Brad Salonen m m

6 - 11/ 2 , 2 1 0 /



TE, Jr. G reat Falls, MT

Brad finally overcam e a serious wrist in­ jury an d w as th e N o. 4 receiver last season with 2 0 3 yards an d a to u ch d o w n . H e was an All-Big Sky C o nference A cadem ic pick last seaso n with a 3 .3 8 G PA . As a prep , he w as a first team all-conference an d all-state selection his senior year in football an d allstate in basketball as well. His brother, Brian, is th e all-time receiver at M ontana, holder of several 1-AA receiving records and plays for th e Dallas C ow boys. B rad’s coach was Dale P ohle. H e is a Business M anagem ent m ajor.

• M A ,

iH k

Quinton Richardson

■ I

5-9, 175 CB, Jr. O akland, CA


“Q ” transferred from C habot Ju n io r C ol­ lege w here he w as all-conference as a freshm an an d so p h o m o re for two leaguecham pion team s. H e p re p p e d at Skyline High w here he was two-tim e all-conference at DB, tw o-tim e MVP for his team and A lam eda County All-Stars team captain. He also lettered in baseball and track as a prep. His JC coach w as Terry C a g an an . His cousin is form er Grizzly standout Mickey S ut­ ton w ho now plays for the L os A ngeles Ram s. A R adio-TV m ajor.

jum M rn U

Vao Samifua u m V U

6-2, 2 3 4 DT, Fr. P ago P ago, A m erican S a m o a

V ao (Vow) cam e to UM this spring with high school experience after sitting out last seaso n while working. H e g rad u ated from F agaitua High in 1985. As a prep he was an all-conference football player an d team captain as a senior. His high school coach is Grizzly football H all-of-Fam er Tufuli U peresa. Major is G en eral Studies.


J§ / ■ U J l

f* -


’Mike Ruiz 5-1 1 . 2 0 5 FB. Jr. Kalispell, MT

C o n tin u ed hard w ork and dedication have ad d ed up to playing tim e for this walkon. Last seaso n he ru sh ed for 5 4 yards on 14 carries and w as also a key figure on the special team s. H e w as a tw o-year starter at F lathead High S chool for coach Bob Raeth. H e was also an outstanding hurdler, co m ­ peting in the ev en t in the state m eet. H e is an A thletic Training m ajor.


Jake Schloesser 5-9, 160 K, Jr. M arshfield, WI

Ja k e redshirted last season and will inherit the kicking job v acated by g rad u ated Eby Dobson. H e was a Midwest All-American as a freshm an at Ellsworth Ju n io r College in Iowa as a kicker. As a p rep at M arshfield S enior High, he was an all-conference defensive back an d kicker as a junior and senior and also all-conference in basketball. H e w as team captain in football twice. He lettered in baseball four years as well. His p rep grid coach was Ken B jorkm an. H ealth & Physical E ducation m ajor

......... . v


*Kirk Scrafford 6-6, 260 O G , S o. Billings, MT

A starter last se aso n as a seco n d -y ear fresh m an , Kirk dram atically im proved his w eight an d strength (405 p o u n d s in the b en ch press) an d is a future h o n o rs ca n ­ d idate for th e Grizzlies. H e w as an All-Big Sky A cadem ic choice in both football and track with a 3 .6 3 G PA . H e w as an all­ conference perform er at offensive guard for th e Billings W est High G olden Bears, and th e “A A ” discus cham pion with a best of 173-9. H e w as also a m em ber of th e N a­ tional H o n o r Society. His co ach w as Wally Sim s. H e is a G eology m ajor.

*Scott Smith


5 -11, 190 CB, Sr. L ancaster, CA

Scott started one g am e as a junior and had eight tackles and blocked two kicks. Ex­ perience in th e secondary at the collegiate level has dram atically ch an g ed his pass coverage ability, an d he m ay get the star­ ting role at right corner. H e finished spring drills as the N o. 1 player th ere. From A ntelope V alley C C , S cott w as a first team all-leaguer an d runs the 4 0 in 4 .5 . At D enver’s East High School he was all-league in football an d lettered in basketball and track. Radio-TV m ajor.


*Mike Strutzel 6-3, 240 DT, Sr. M onitor, WA

Mike w as the No. 4 tackier on th e d efen ­ sive front in 1986 with 26 stops an d a sack. H e will see plenty of action at defensive left tackle this year. H e is especially strong against th e run. At W enatchee C om m unity College he was first-team all-league an d a tw o-year starter. H e w as also team captain th at year. H e p re p p e d at C ash m ere High School w here he was a three-year letterman in football and track. He was his team ’s Most Im spirational Player as a senior an d all­ league both w ays as well th at seaso n for coach Ja ck Collins. H e is a Wildlife Biology m ajor.


i # . :

**Rick Sullivan 6-2, 225 DT, Jr. W hitefish, MT T he third p art of th e M ontana defensive front co n n ectio n , Rick started all 10 gam es on th e defensive line along with M ontanans P at F oster an d Ja so n Ray. H e was the se ­ co n d leading tackier th ere with 4 8 tackles, 21 of w hich w ere unassisted. H e had four tackles for losses and two sacks. In 1986 he w as a se co n d -tea m GTE A cadem ic AllAm erican with a 3 .6 2 G PA in Business and an All-A cadem ic Big Sky pick the last two seaso n s. A letterm an in football an d track, Rick w as co ach e d by S cott S w ard at W hitefish High. H e is an A ccounting m ajor.

Mark Sulser

Mike Trevathan

5 -1 0 , 168 W R, Fr. Glasgow , MT

6-1, 180 W R, Fr. T h o u san d O aks, CA

A superb pair of h an d s an d good quickness ad d up to playing tim e for this rangy player from Glasgow High School. He redshirted last season. As a p rep he was an all-state defensive back, team MVP in 1985, an d team captain of the East-W est S hrine G am e his senior year. H e was also his basketball te a m ’s MVP an d th e state ch a m ­ pion in the Class “A ” 300M hurdles as a junior an d senior, an d team MVP in track. H e w as n a m e d his school’s O utstanding Male A thlete his senior year. His grid coach w as form er Grizzly sta n d o u t P at D olan. M athem atics Major.


O ne of the finest freshm an wide receivers at UM in recen t years, Mike will see plenty of playing tim e after redshirting last seaso n . H e will also return p u nts. An exceptional p rep athlete, T revathan h ad 4 8 receptions for 785 yards an d six to u ch d o w n s at WR an d four interceptions at DB. H e w as AllCIF first team defense, All-Valley, All-Area, and first team all-league. He was nam ed the Offensive P layer of th e G am e at V en tu ra C ounty A ll-Star gam e scoring th ree TD ’s. His football coach w as Bob R ichardson. G eneral S tudies m ajor.

Bill Venard

Scott Waak

6-3, 256 O G , Sr. Albany, OR

6-3, 195 QB, Fr. B end, OR

A 1987 h o n o rs candidate (please see p ag e 12), ex trem e hard work in the weight ro o m has resulted in m aking Bill one of the prem ier offensive guards in the Big Sky C o n ­ ference. H e is th e starter at right guard and was pressed into the starting duties at center an d as th e d eep sn a p p er last se aso n w hen Scott H artm an w as injured. H e is one of the stronger players on the team benching 43 0 an d squatting 6 0 0 p ounds. H e was a threesport starter at W est Albany High an d was a first-team All-Valley selection as well as a S hrine G am e participant. His coach was R oger D asch. H e is a S eco n d ary E ducation major,

It will probably be im possible to fill Brent P e a s e ’s sh o es at Q B, but Scott cam e on strong in spring drills an d ap p ears to be the front-runner for the starting job after redshirting in 1986. H e has very goo d feet and a strong arm —with the ability to throw the ball long. T he leading p asser in the state of O regon as a senior, W aak was all-state and played in the O regon Shrine gam e. H e was the C o-O ffensive Player of the Y ear in his league as a senior an d team M VP as well. He was also an all-conference basketball and baseball player. His coach w as G ary Mires. G eneral S tudies m ajor.

*Scott Werbelow

Y * ‘John Wilson

6-0, 185 QB, Sr. G lendale, CA S cott finished spring drills in a three-w ay battle for th e starting QB slot after redshirting in 1986. Tw o seasons ago he passed for 2 1 6 yards an d rushed for 62 yards. H e w as an A ll-W estern S tate choice at S an ta B arbara Ju n io r C ollege, and team MVP for coach Bob D inaberg. As a p rep at G lendale High S chool, he w as All-Valley, All-Area, team MVP, captain and a tw o-year letter­ m an in football an d basketball. In JC he broke school passing records, in single gam e a n d single seaso n passing percentages. His m ajor is C om m unications.

5 - 101/ 2 , 1 7 0 f




W R, Jr. Missoula, MT

Jo h n had a very fine showing in the spring and will see considerable action at both wide receiver an d at p u n t returner. Last year he had tw o catches for 23 yards. As a senior he was a first team all-state selection and se­ cond team as a p u n t returner. H e was c o n ­ ference MVP at S entinel High S chool and p articipated in the S hrine gam e. In basket­ ball he was his te a m ’s M ost Inspirational Player as a senior. H e also lettered in track. His prep football coach w as Tim D ennison. H e is a B usiness F inance m ajor.


Scott Wales 6-2, 2 6 0 O G , Jr. S an Jo se , CA

S cott is a junior college player from De Anza w ho will have an im m ediate im pact on the Grizzly program . H e is pushing incum ­ bent Kirk Scrafford for the starting job at left g uard. H e b en ch es 4 0 5 p o u n d s. In junior college he w as all-conference an d team MVP on the offensive line. His JC team won the G olden G ate Conference his sophom ore year. H e p re p p e d at Blackford High w here he lettered in football and track an d was all­ conference and team captain in football. H ealth, Physical E ducation m ajor.


Tim Winter 6-3, 201 QB, Jr. O lym pia, WA

From W alla W alla C C , Tim w as all­ conference as a so p h o m o re, Most Inspira­ tional Player an d team captain. As a soph he was 50 of 96 for 8 3 8 yards an d seven to u chdow ns in six gam es before missing alm ost half th e season with a sh o u ld er in­ jury. H e is an outstanding stu d e n t with a 3 .7 0 G PA . His JC coach w as Jo h n Volek. As a prep at Olympia High, his football team w on the “A A ” state title his senior year and he was all-conference and team captain that year. He also lettered in basketball and track. Business M anagem ent m ajor.

■Grizzly TriviaO ‘n r successive weeks in 1971 the Grizzlies hosted Idaho State and University of the Pacific. Those two team s’ coaches that year, Ed Cavanaugh at Idaho State and Pacific’s Homer Smith, would both go on to be head coach at West Point. From 1949 to 1969 the Grizzlies never won the week after their annual battle with the Bobcats. By contrast the four years Gene Carlson was Grizzly head coach, from 1976-79, the Grizzlies won each year the week after the Bobcat game. The Grizzlies have compiled a 56-77-1 record in Big Sky league play since the league was formed in 1963. The Bobcats and Grizzlies had never both been in the same football league until they were charter members of the Big Sky Conference in 1963. A win over the Bobcats this year would be the Grizzlies’ fourth of the 1980s, the most they have had in a decade since the 1950s. The Griz managed only three wins in both the 1960s and 1970s.

Jerry W illiams

Marty Mornhinweg, the Grizzlies’ all-time leading passer, had an international flavor in the beginning and ending of his career. He played his first game for the Griz against a Canadian team, Simon Fraser in 1980, and ended his career playing against Army in Japan in the Mirage Bowl in 1984. The Grizzlies are the only Big Sky Conference school not to have been involved in a game decided by the tie-breaker. The Grizzlies have had only one game end in a tie since the tie-breaker system was instituted and that was against Eastern Washington in 1984. Ironically enough EWU is now a league member. The 1937 Grizzlies were 7-1 and allowed only 28 points for the entire season. No team broke into double digits on the ’37 team. Grizzly coaches have had some notable coaching assignments after leaving Missoula: Bernie Bierman headed the Griz from 1919-21, then went on to coach the Minnesota Gophers from 1936-50, win two national champions and produce a Heisman Trophy winner, Bruce Smith. Bernard Oakes coached at Montana from 1931-34 and then was head coach at Wyoming from 1941-43. Jerry Williams was Grizzly head coach from 1955-57 and went on to be head coach at Calgary of the CFL from 1964-68 and the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles from 1969-71. Larry Donovan, who headed the Montana program from 1980-85, is currently an assistant with the British Columbia Lions of the CFL.

Brent P ea se

The Grizzlies have not shut out an opponent since they blanked Northern Arizona 27-0 in October 1974, a span of 130 games. The Grizzlies’ six wins last season under Don Read marked the second most wins by a first-year Grizzly coach; only the 7-3 record of Jack Swarthout’s 1967 team was better for first-year coach. The 1986 Grizzlies were only the fourth team in the school’s history to win more than four games after Oct. 15, only the 1947, 1969 and 1970 teams were able to equal that mark. Finishing with three wins in 1986 marked the first time since 1970 that the Grizzlies have ended the season with that many victories. Read became the first first-year head coach to claim a victory for the Grizzlies over the Bobcats since Jerry Williams in 1955. In their 90-year football history the Grizzlies have scored 11,407 points while allowing 13,123. Dick Imer scored the 5,000th point in a win over Colorado State in 1953 while Dean Rominger scored the 10,000th in a 1981 win over Portland State. The Grizzlies played the first Big Sky football game ever, losing 14-13 to Idaho State in Missoula on October 12, 1963. The Griz secured their first-ever league win with a 20-12 victory over Weber State on October 17, 1964.

Dick Imer

Jack Elway of Stanford and Dave Kragthorpe of Oregon State may be Pac-10 head coaches now but both spent time as Grizzly assistants in the 1960s.

•Grizzly Trivia' ashington State Cougar head coach Dennis Erickson and his scheduled starting quarterback Timm Rosenbach have a similar Grizzly connection. Both Erickson and Rosenbach’s fathers were Grizzly assistants. Pinky Erickson coached the defensive line in 1967 and Lynn Rosenbach coached the Griz from 1980-82. In 1955 the Jerry Williams-coached Grizzlies defeated the Wally Lemm-coached Bobcats 19-0. Williams and Lemm would meet again as opposing head coaches in 1970 when Williams was head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles and Lemm was head man of the Houston Oilers, Williams again prevailed—this time 23-14. In their football history the Grizzlies have won 293 games. The 100th win in a 25-0 victory over the Bobcats in Butte in 1934. Win number 200 came in a 20-0 decision over Idaho State in 1967. The Grizzlies football team has never faced a Heisman Trophy winner, but the Grizzly basketball team has. In 1962-63 basketball season the Griz cagers faced Oregon State which featured Terry Baker who the previous fall had been the Heisman winner. In a 24-game stretch from late in the 1963 season until the middle of the 1966 season the Grizzlies did not successfully kick a field goal. From 1964-1967 seasons the Grizzlies were 2-23 in the field goal kicking department. The 1947 Grizzly football teams averaged well over 24 years of age. In contrast the 1987 Grizzlies average just over 20 years old. Terry Dillon played for the 1963 College All Stars that defeated the Green Bay Packers 20-17, the last college All-Star team to beat a pro champion in the annual game in Chicago. Brent Pease is the first Grizzly quarterback to be drafted into the NFL as a quarterback (Minnesota Vikings, 11th round, 1987). Current NFL quarterbacks Tommy Kramer of the Minnesota Vikings and Neil Lomax made their collegiate football debuts against the Grizzlies. Kramer for Rice in 1973 (the Owls beat Montana 21-10) and Lomax for Portland State in 1977 (Lomax and company were defeated 40-25.) Current Portland State head coach Pokey Allen was the Grizzlies’ defensive secondary coach from 1977-79. In the Montana-Portland State game in 1977 Allen’s defensive backs picked off eight Viking passes. Allen is a former Missoula Spartan star from the early 1960’s. He also has coached against the Grizzlies as co-head coach at Simon Fraser from 1973-76. Allen was 2-2 against the Griz while at Simon Fraser. Current Philadelphia Eagles head coach Buddy Ryan was the defensive coach for the University of Pacific Tigers in 1967 when they came to Missoula. The Grizzlies used two punt returns for touchdowns and an interception return to beat Pacific that day 21-7, but couldn’t gain more than 100 yards on Ryan’s defensive unit. The last three University of Montana Presidents have all come from schools that are members of the Mid-American Conference, but the Grizzly football team has only played one team from that league, that was a 1964 encounter with Western Michigan. Tony Knap is the only coach to have faced the Grizzlies as head coach at three different schools. Knap was 10-1 against Montana as head man at Utah State, Boise State and Nevada-Las Vegas from 1963-1981. He faced five different Grizzly head coaches. The 1937 Grizzlies were in line for a Cotton Bowl bid before a late season loss to Idaho derailed their plans. Colorado got M ontana’s bid. Colorado’s star that year who wowed them at the Cotton Bowl was Bryon “Whizzer” White (now a Supreme Court Justice.) Williams was the Grizzlies head coach from 1955-57, but he was not the only member of his family to leave their mark on University of Montana sports. Jerry’s niece, Margaret, was one of the stars of the Lady Griz for the past four years. Margaret played in more Montana victories (101) than any other m en’s or wom en’s basketball player in the school’s history.


G ene Carlson

Marty Mornhinweg

Lynn R osenbach

Tentative 1987 Numerical R oster No.


1—Tony Lambert 2 —Tony Breland 3 —Jake Schloesser 5 —Steve Quilici 6 —Dwayne Hans 7 —Pohai Lee 8 —Nate Odden 9 —Clay Clausen 10—Mikael Collins 11—Greg Nygren 12—Scott Werbelow 14—Tony Arntson 16—Scott Waak 17—Tim Winter 18—Steve Redmond 19—Renard Coleman 2 0 —Quinton Richardson 2 1 —Scott Smith 2 3 —Nate Olson 2 4 —Russ Blank 2 5 —Tom Peterson 2 6 —Mike Ehlers 2 7 —Michael McGowan 2 8 —Todd McGrew 3 0 —Jody Farmer 3 1 —Jeff Neil 3 2 —Alex Hunter 3 3 —John Huestis 3 4 —Robbie Laird 3 7 —Tim Hauck 3 8 —Matt Clark 3 9 —Jim Kostecki 4 0 —Ken Johnson 4 1 —Mike Trevathan 4 2 —Joe Easton 4 3 —Steve Collins 4 4 —Kevin Bartsch 4 5 —Mike Ruiz 4 6 —David Reeves 4 9 —Ron Marceau 5 0 —Mike Rankin 5 1 —Mike Strutzel 5 2 —Tom Huffer 5 3 —Flint McCullough 5 6 —Scott Hartman 5 9 —Tim Donovan 6 0 —Jay Fagan 6 1 —Ken Matteson 6 2 —Rick Sullivan 6 3 —Kirk Scrafford 6 4 —Bill Venard




C lass


5-10 6-2 5-9 5-11 5-11 5-9 5-101/2 6-3 5-10 5-11 6-0 5-10 6-3 6-3 6-1 5-9 5-9 5-11 5-10 5-11 6-0 6-2 6-0 5-10 6-0 5-9 6-2 6-0 6-4 5-11 6-1 5-8 5-10 6-1 5-9 6-2 6-2 5-11 6-0 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-1 5-11 6 -41/2 6-7 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-6 6-3

175 195 160 185 170 175 183 210 175 180 185 190 195 201 180 180 175 190 170 190 190 192 185 180 190 160 222 200 220 170 170 188 175 180 153 210 221 205 195 190 235 240 225 250 254 250 260 243 225 260 256

Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. So. Sr. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. So. So. Jr. So. Sr.


Hom etown (School)

IV 3V R S /JC JC 2V R S/TR 3V 2V JC IV 1V /R S 2V H S /R S JC H S /R S 2V JC IV HS IV SQ 3V H S /R S JC IV H S /R S IV 2V 2V R S/TR H S /R S HS H S /R S H S /R S H S /R S H S /R S 2V IV 2V IV 1V/RS IV H S /R S R S /H S 3V IV S Q /R S H S /R S 2V IV 2V

Steilacoom, WA (Walla Walla CC) Renton, WA (Renton HS) Marshfield, WI (Ellsworth JC) Tracy, CA (San Joaquin Delta JC) Pasco, WA (Pasco High School) Portland, OR (Portland State) Dutton, MT (Dutton HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Fairfield, CA (Diablo Valley CC) Merlin, OR (College of Redwoods) Glendale, CA (Santa Barbara CC) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Bend, OR (Bend Senior HS) Olympia, WA (Walla Walla CC) Spokane, WA (Shadle Park HS) Renton, WA (Renton HS) Oakland, CA (Chabot JC) Lancaster, CA (Antelope Valley CC) Rothsay, MN (Benson Senior HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Miles City, MT (Custer Co. HS) Wilsonville, OR (West Linn HS) Seattle, WA (Ballard HS) Hayward, CA (Chabot JC) Libby, MT (Libby, HS) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Vancouver, WA (Evergreen HS) Battle Ground, WA (Battle Ground HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Big Timber, MT (Pacific Col., OR) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Avon Lake, OH (Avon Lake HS) Thousand Oaks, CA (T. Oaks HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Bend, OR (Bend HS) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Sedro Woolley, WA (S. Woolley HS) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Edmonds, WA (Woodway HS) Monitor, WA (Wenatchee CC) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Chugiak, AK (Chugiak HS) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) San Rafael, CA (College of Marin) Butte,MT (Butte HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Whitefish, MT (Whitefish HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Albany, OR (West Albany HS)

Tentative 1987 Numerical RosterNo. Nam e




C lass

6 5 —Demidric Cooks 6 6 —Jason Ray 6 7 —Tim Bradford 6 8 —Chuck Shepard 6 9 —Wayne Bias 7 0 —Vao Samifua 7 1 —Larry Clarkson 7 2 —Scott Camper 7 3 —John Danaher 7 4 —Scott Wales 7 5 —Tim Polich 7 7 —Ward Crawford 7 8 —Darrin Reid 7 9 —Garret Jaros 8 0 —Mark Sulser 8 1 —Chris Murray 8 2 —Dave Garza 8 3 —Don Holbrook 8 4 —Kenneth Gober 8 5 —John Wilson 8 8 —Rob Kunka 8 9 —J.C . Campbell 9 0 —Dan Edwards 9 1 —Jeff Liebhard 9 2 —Todd Foster 9 3 —Trent Holms 9 4 —Carl Almond 9 5 —Paul Lamb 9 6 —Pat Foster 9 7 —Mike Delaney 9 8 —Brad Salonen 9 9 —Greg Giannini


6-2 6-0 6-5 6-3 6-2 6-2

240 246 260 235 235 234 308 255 225 260 270 235 265 250 168 170 175 193 170 170 205 220 235 185 205 215 221 195 245 202 210 240

Sr. Jr. Jr. So. So. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Jr. So. Sr. Sr. So. Fr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Jr. Jr.



V a rsity L e tte r s W on

S Q = S q u a d m e m b e r/d id n o t le tte r

6 -7 V 2

6-21/2 6-5 6-2 6-5 6-4 6 -51/2 6 -41/2 5-10 6-0 5-101/2 5-10 5-10 5 -IOV2 6 -31/2 6-5 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-5 6-2 6 -P /2 6-2 HS


H igh s c h o o l e x p e r ie n c e




Hom etown (School)

IV 2V JC SQ S Q /R S H S /R S 3V JC /R S SQ JC IV 3V 1V/RS S Q /R S H S /R S IV -IV JC IV IV 2V 2V /R S JC HS H S /R S H S /R S R S /H S 3V 3V S Q /R S 2V IV

San Jose, CA (San Jose CC) Missoula,MT (Big Sky HS) Etna, CA (College of the Siskiyous) Frenchtown, MT (Frenchtown HS) Elkhart,IN (Elkhart Central HS) American Sam oa (Fagaitua HS) Abbotsford,BC (Abbotsford Sr. HS) Manteca, CA (San Joaquin Delta JC) Mishawaka, IN (Mishawaka HS) San Jose, CA (DeAnza JC) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Spokane, WA (West Valley HS) Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath Union HS) Eugene, OR (Churchill HS) Glasgow, MT (Glasgow HS) Englewood, CO (Cherry Creek HS) Moses Lake, WA (Wenatchee CC) Tacoma, WA (Walla Walla CC) Gary, IN (Roosevelt HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Great Falls,MT (Great Falls HS) Tacoma, WA (Steilacoom HS) Sedro Woolley, WA (Yakima Valley CC) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Savage, MT (Savage HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Billings, MT (Billings Central HS) Veradale, WA (Central Valley HS) Savage, MT (Savage HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Sand Coulee, MT (Centerville HS)

J u n io r C o lle g e tr a n s fe r

R S = R e d s h ir te d la s t s e a s o n



T ran sfer fr o m fo u r -y e a r sch o o l

GRIZZLY PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 69—Wayne Bias (Buy-Us) 2 —Tony Breland (BREE-Land) 13—Jason Eggart (Egg-Art) 99—Greg Giannini (Gee-Uh-Nee-Nee) 84—Ken Gober (GOEBurr) 6 —Dwayne Hans (Hawns) 37—Tim Hauck (Howck) 79—Garrett Jaros (Jair-Oes) 9 1 -N e ls Kludt (Kloodt) 88—Rob Kunka (Kuhn-Kah) 7—Pohai Lee (Poe-High)

49—Ron Marceau (Marr-Soe) 8—Nate Odden (Oh-Den) 75—Tim Polich (Poe-Lich) 5—Steve Quilici (Quill-Ih-See) 45—Mike Ruiz (Reese) 98—Brad Salonen (Suh-Loan-In) 3—Jake Schloesser (Shh-Laws-Sir) 51—Mike Strutzel (Strut-Sull) 41—Mike Trevathan (Treh-Vay-Than) 16—Scott Waak (Walk)


New G rizzlies OFFENSE

Neil Toole, 6-4, 2 20, P asco H S , W A . . . T oole was an all-league of­ fensive tackle an d linebacker as P asco High school w here he was all­ league at offensive tackle an d linebacker at P asco High school. H e was co ach e d by Eric Kelly.

RUNNING BACKS: Greg F erguson, 5 -11, 190, Tigard High, O R . . . First team all-state, all-league, team MVP at Tigard HS an d also a scholar athlete with a 3 .3 G PA . Also lettered in track. His coach w as Craig H astin. Paul DeProwse, 6-0, 194, Butte High School, M T . . . W as a first team all-state fullback as a junior, an d lettered in wrestling and track. Also an avid weightlifter, w ho can b en ch 3 2 5 p o u n d s. L eP row se w as coached by Jo n McElroy.

DEFENSE LINE: Nels K lu d t- 6 - 5 , 219, Orofino H S, ID . . . H e was a first team all state an d runs a 5 .1 in the 40. Kludt also lettered in basketball an d track. An outstanding student, he ranks 2nd in a class of 92 with a 3 .8 6 G PA . Dennis M cD ade — 6-2, 252, R e x P utnam H S , Milwaukie, O R . . . An extrem ely strong player, M cD ade b enches 3 8 5 and runs in the 4 .8 range in the 4 0. His coach w as Rusty Law at Rex P u tn am H S . T o d d N o v a k — 6-4, 2 1 5 , W est A lbany H S , O R . . . A first team all­ league defensive en d , N ovak also lettered in basketball an d wrestling. His football coach was T om B oehm e. Gregg S m e r k e r— 6-3, 240, C.M . Russell H S , Great Falls, M T . . . H e w as an all-state, all-conference player as a junior an d senior in football. H e was a baseball sta n d o u t an d also lettered twice in track. His p rep grid coach was Ja ck Jo h n so n .

QUARTERBACK: Jason Eggart, 6-4, 2 0 0 , Fergus C ounty H S , L ew istow n, M T . . . He p assed for 1 ,2 0 0 yards an d 12 to u ch d o w n s a n d ru sh ed for 4 TD’s. He w as also a sta n d o u t basketball an d baseball player. His grid coach was G reg T renary.

TIGHT END: S co t Engler, 6-3, 20 0, H am ilton, H S, M T . . . Engler w as a two-time all-conference receiver a n d linebacker at H H S . H e is also an all-state basketball an d track athlete. His football coach was Rick B orden. S co tt M cC oy, 6 - 6 , 2 1 5 , S helton H S , W A . . . M cCoy w as an all­ leaguer an d a th ree-y ear letterm an as a p rep for coach Jack Stark. He is an h o n o rs stu d en t with a 3 .5 G PA . H e w as also a th ree-y ear letter­ m an in basketball. M ichael S e e , 6-2, 188, G reat Falls, H S , M T . . . H e was a first team all-state selection an d S hrine G am e nom inee. H e was his te a m ’s MVP on offense. His co ach was Dale P ohle. H e also lettered in basketball and track.

LINEBACKERS: T had H u s e - 6 -3 V2, 220, Big S k y H S , M issoula . . . H use w as an allstate football player for the Eagles, and also excelled in basketball. His grid coach w as Bob E ustance. H e is an outstanding stu d en t with a 3 .5 G PA . Kirk M u rp h y - 6 - 3 , 2 1 0 , P oison H S , M T . . . H e was a first team allstate tight en d an d defensive en d an d also lettered in basketball, track an d baseball. H e is an h o n o r roll stu d en t with a 3 .2 G PA . Also a strong athlete, he ben ch es 3 20. His coach is Je rry M cCullough.

OFFENSIVE LINE: R ick Erps, 6 - 6 V2, 2 43, G lasgow H S (MT) . . . Erps w as an all-state tight end an d defensive end as a junior and senior. H e is one of 10 players recruited at UM w ho is 6-4 or taller. Tim Farley, 6 -6 V2, 2 4 3 , University High S ch o o l, S p o k a n e , W A . . . Farley w as an all-leaguer an d tw o-year starter. His coach was Bob Bartlet. C h a d G erm er, O T, 6 -6 , 2 15, Three Forks, H S , M T . . . H e was an all-state p layer in Class B football an d ru n s a 4 .9 in the 4 0. His coach was D an Rask. Fred Snodgrass, 6 - 6 V2 2 4 0 , Prosser, H S , W A . . . H e was an all­ league player as a junior a n d senior in b oth football and basketball, and also a track letterm an. His grid coach w as T om M oore.

DEFENSIVE BACKS: T om B e v a n - 5 - 1 0 , 175, K e n tw o o d H S , K ent W A . . . B evan was a first team all-league defensive back, seco n d team all-league q u arter­ back an d 1986 team captain for coach David L utes. H e also lettered in basketball an d soccer. H e is o n e of th e top stu d en ts at his school with a 3 .2 G PA. M ikael Collins — 5-10, 175, Diablo Valley JC , Fairfield, C A . . . An all-leaguer in JC , Collins possesses a 4 .5 tim e in the 4 0 , will give th e Grizzlies good sp e e d in th e secondary. H e p re p p e d at L ak ew o o d S enior High, w here h e w as all-league as a junior a n d senior.

G rizzly W eight R oom A lot of Grizzly football players and athletes have spent many an hour in the University of Montana Grizzly weight room which is located on the entrance level of Adams Field House, below the football of­ fices. The Grizzly weight room features approxmiately 10,000 pounds of free weights. The inventory includes 10 Olym­ pic bars with two Olympic platforms; three free standing benches; a com­ plete dumbbell set up to 90 pounds; a 220-pound lat-pull machine; a Nautilus neck machine; a leg abduc­ tor machine; four leg flex extension machines; three hip sleds; two in­ cline benches; three power benches and three power squat racks. It also has a 100-watt stereo system. UM’s weight room was funded exclusively by private donations.


O pponents

tody Farm er

R ob Kunka


Game 1

Game 2

President: Dr. N atale Sicuro Location: P ortland, OR Enrollment: 1 5 ,4 0 0 Colors: G reen & W hite Stadium: Civic (25,762) Athletic Director: D ave Coffey AD Phone: 5 0 3 -2 2 9 -4 0 0 0 Head Coach: Pokey Allen (6 -5 /1 yr.) Alma Mater: U tah (1965) Assistant Coaches: Alan Borges, Tom M ason, Dave Strom swold, Barry Sacks, Tom Osborne, Rick Olson, G eorge Papageorgiou, Bill H artm an. Athletic Trainer: L eo M arty SID: Larry Sellers SID Phone: 5 0 3 -2 2 9 -4 0 0 0 Conference: W estern Football 1986 Record: 6-5 League Record: 4 -2 (T, 2nd) Starters Back: 14 (7 off., 7 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 5 / 1 7 Key Returnees: Chris C raw ford, QB (2,766 yards, 16 TDs), Jr.; Barry N aone, TE (62 for 6 8 1 , 2 TDs), Jr.; Kevin Jo h n s o n , RB (902 yds., 5 TDs), S r.; T racey E aton, FS (1986 redshirt), Sr.; Mike Peterson, DB (78 tackles), Jr.; Kevin W olfolk, MBL (57 TT), J r.. Last Meeting: 3 5 -1 4 , UM, 1986. Series Record: 14-6, UM

Portland State

___________ Vikings____________


Dr. E ugene M. H ughes L ocation: Flagstaff, AZ Enrollment: 1 3 ,4 0 6 Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: W alkup S kydom e (15,300) Athletic Director: Dave B ro w n /T o m Jurich AD Phone: 6 0 2 -5 2 3 -3 2 3 2 Head Coach: L arry K entera (1 0 -1 2 /2 yrs.) Alma Mater: Arizona S tate (1951), Assistant Coaches: Brad Childress, Richard G ray, M oody Jack so n , Rick Sm ith, Bill C allahan, P aul A rslanian. Athletic Trainer: Mike Nesbitt SID: Wylie Sm ith SID Phone: 6 0 2 -5 2 3 -6 7 9 1 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 7-4 League Finish: 5-2 (2nd) Starters Back: 8 (7 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 9 /2 5 , S o. Key Returnees: G re g W y a tt, Q B (250x396-161-2862 yds., 17 TDs), S o .; S h aw n Collins, TE, Jr. (70 re c .-1 0 1 6 yds., 4 TDs); R odney L eota, O C , 6-2, 2 7 0 , S r.; S cott Jo h n so n , DE, Sr. (58 tackles, 14 for losses). Last Meeting: 3 4 -2 8 , NAU, 1986 Series Record: 11-9, UM Press Box Phone: 6 0 2 -5 2 3 -7 7 2 7 /5 2 3 -7 7 2 8

N. Arizona

_________ Lumberjacks_________

DE Pat Foster

P ok ey A llen H ead C oach

C hris Crawford Q uarterback

Larry K entera H ea d C oach

G reg W yatt Q uarterback

198 6 R esults

198 6 R esults

(Overall: 6-5/WFC: 4-2)

(Overall: 7-4-0/Big Sky: 5-2)

Date Team


Date Team




A 30 S o u th ern U tah S 6 A ngelo S tate S 13 E astern W ashington S 20 W eber State*


S 27 @ Montana*

W 34-28

6 13 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15

@ Idaho @ N evada-L as V egas W eber S tate H um boldt S tate S o u th ern Utah* @ S acram en to State* @ Cal L utheran* Cal Poly-SLO * S an ta Clara* @ Cal S tate-N orthridge *

N 22 Montana

10-42 14-51 2 7-22 2 7-16 41 -1 7 20-52 28-7 66-7 4 1 -1 4 0-35

L 14-35

1987 Schedule Time


7:00 p.m. PDT


Wisconsin-Stevens Point @


S 19 Idaho S 26 @ Southern Utah* 0 3 Humboldt State 0 10 @ Idaho State 0 17 Sacramento State* 0 24 Cal Lutheran* 0 31 @ Cal Poly, SL0* N 7 @ Santa Clara* N 14 Cal State-Northridge* *Indicates Western Football Conference

Halfback Mike Ehlers


39-0 19-27 24-0 17-24 31 -1 7 17-27

1987 Schedule

Date Team S 12

O 11 S o u th w est T exas W O 18 @ M ontana State* L O 25 @ Idaho* W N 1 Boise State* L N 8 Idaho State* W N 15 @ N evada-R eno* L *Indicates Bio Skv C o n ference G am e

17-27 2 4 -1 3 6-2 8 4 5 -2 4

1:00 p.m. MDT




@ Northern Colorado

1:00 p.m. MDT

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Game

S 19

Montana *

7:00 p.m. MST



S 26 Idaho* 0 3 Sonoma State 0 10 @ Weber State* 0 17 @ Idaho State* 0 24 Montana State* @ Eastern Washington* 0 31 N 7 @ Tulsa N 14 @ Boise State* N 21 Nevada-Reno* *Indicates Big Sky Conference Game

Time 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.


Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

President: Dr. J o s e p h Crowley Location: R eno, NV Enrollment: 1 0 ,2 0 0 Colors: Silver & Blue Stadium: M ackay (14,000) Athletic Director: Chris Ault (9 4 -3 6 -1 /1 1 yrs.) AD Phone: 7 0 2 -7 8 4 -6 9 0 0 Head Coach: Chris Ault Alma Mater: R eno (1968) Assistant Coaches: Jo h n P ettas, Don

President: Dr. C onstantine Curris Location: C e d ar Falls, IA Enrollment: 1 1 ,5 0 0 Colors: P urple & G old Stadium: U N I-D om e (16,400) Athletic Director: R obert Bowlsby AD Phone: 3 1 9 -2 7 3 -2 4 7 0 Head Coach: Darrell M udra (1 9 0 -7 7 -4 /2 5 yrs.). Alma Mater: P eru S tate (1951) Assistant Coaches: Dennis R em m ert, Walt

President: Dr. R ichard Gibb Location: M oscow, ID Enrollment: 11 ,5 6 5 Colors: Silver & Gold Stadium: ASUI Kibbie D om e (16,000) Athletic Director: Bill B elknap AD Phone: 2 0 8 -8 8 5 -0 2 0 0 Head Coach: Keith Gilbertson (8 -4 /1 yr.) Alma Mater: C entral W ashington (1971) Assistant Coaches: Bill Diedrick, Ed

W nek, P at R ipee, K en Mizell, Jeff H orton, Mike B rad eso n , D an C o h e n . Athletic Trainer: T ony M arek SID: P aul S tu art SID Phone: 7 0 2 -7 8 4 -4 6 0 0 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 13-1 League Record: 7-0 (1st) Starters Back: 15 (7 off., 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 2 6 / 1 6 Key Returnees: Lucius Floyd, RB, Sr. (1,066 y ds., 9 TDs); C harvez F oger, RB, Jr. (827 yds., 1 4 TDs); Marty Zendejas, K, Sr. (14x18 F G s /5 3 x 5 4 PATs); Bill Bonsall, NG, Jr.; Brian Kaskie, FS, Jr.; S cott Lom m ori, ILB, Sr. Last Meeting: 5 1 -1 7 , UNR, 1986 Series Record: 7-3, UNR

Klinker, Terry Allen, Bill Salm on, Rob Bolks, R obert A n d erso n , Mike Rolling. Athletic Trainer: Terry N oo n an SID: N ancy Justis SID Phone: 3 1 9 -2 7 3 -6 3 5 4 Conference: G atew ay Collegiate Athletic 1986 Record: 7-3-1 League Record: 4 -2 (T, 2nd) Starters Back: 16 (10 off., 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 8 / 1 7 Key Returnees: Mike Sm ith, QB, Sr. (190x303-161-3,125 yds., 27 TDs); Carl Boyd, HB, S r. (715 yds. rush-4 T D s/8 9 3 yds. rec.; Jeff Bealles, DE, Sr. (31 starts); Brian Baker, TE, Sr. (4 6-897-10 TDs). Last Meeting: 4 2 -2 1 , UM, 1981 Series Record: 1-0, UM Press Box Phone: 3 1 9 -2 7 3 -6 3 1 1

Donatell, Jim S enter, Barry Lam b, Dan Cozzetto, Bret Ingalls, Bill W entw orth. Athletic Trainer: Barrie S teele SID: D ave C ook SID Phone: 2 0 8 -8 8 5 -0 2 0 0 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 8-4 League Finish: 5-2, (T, 2nd) Starters Back: 11 (6 off., 5 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 4 / 1 9 Key Returnees: N eosia Morris, WR, Sr. (59-719-3T D ); G reg H ale, OT, Jr.; Virgil P aulsen, CB, Sr. (6 Int., 1 TD); D an McCanna, S, Sr. (59 tackles); T odd H oiness, RB, Jr. (257 yds. ru s h /1 4 0 rec.). Last Meeting: 3 8-31, UI, 1986 Series Record: 48 -1 9 -2 , UI Press Box Phone: 2 0 8 -8 8 5 -0 2 1 1


N. Iowa


Wolf Pack

Chris. A ult H ead C oach

C harvez Foger R unning B ack

T odd H o in ess Fu llback

1 986 R esults

1 9 8 6 R esults

(Overall: 7-3-1/GC: 4-2)

(Overall: 8-4/Big Sky: 5-2)


30 Cal-Fullerton 6 S am H o u sto n State


W 51-17

s 0 0 0 o

@ M ontana State* W o @ W eber State* w o S tep h en F. Austin w 0 Idaho* w 0 Eastern W ashington w N @ Id ah o State* w N @ Boise State* w N N orthern Arizona* w N Idaho! w D T en n essee State! w D G eorgia Southern! L [Indicates NCAA Division I-AA Playoff Game

61-10 38-24 34-27 17-13 56-22 44-14 21-16 27-17 27-7 33-6 38-48

1987 Schedule Team @ Eastern Washington* California-Davis @ Montana* @ Nevada-Las Vegas Montana State* @ Idaho* Stephen F. Austin Idaho State* Boise State * Weber State* @ Northern Arizona*

Date Team

49- 3 35- 7


27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 29 6 13

Date S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3 0 10 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 14 N 21

K eith G ilb ertson H ea d C oach

M ike Sm ith Q uarterback

1986 R esults

S 20 Montana* S

D arrell Mudra H ea d C oach


(Overall: 13-1/Big Sky 7-0) Date Team A S


Time 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 7 30 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 1 00 p.m. PDT 6 00 p.m. MDT


6 13 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 13 22

Score T W W

@ M ankato S tate @ K ansas S tate SW Missouri State* A rkansas-Pine Bluff @ E astern Illinois* @ S o u th ern Illinois* W estern Illinois* @ M ontana S tate M cN eese S tate Indiana State* Illinois State*

w L L W L W W W

16-16 17-0 45-3 36-7 30-31 24-27 32-30 25-46 55-38 45-10 22-13

1987 Schedule Date Team S 5 @ McNeese State S 12 @ Minnesota S 19 Montana State S 26 @ Indiana State* 0 3 Montana 0 10 @ Iowa State 0 24 @ Western Illinois* 0 31 Eastern Illinois* N 7 @ Southwest Missouri* N 14 Southern Illinois* N 21 Illinois State* *Indicates Gateway Conference Game

indicates Big Sky Conference Game


Time 7:00 p.m. CDT 7:00 p.m. CDT 7:00 p.m. CDT 7:00 p.m. CST 1:30 p.m. CST 1:00 p.m. CST 1:00 p.m. CST 7:00 p.m. CST 1:30 p.m. CST 7:00 p.m. CST 7:00 p.m. CST

Date Team




s s o 0 0

6 13 20 27 4 18 25

P ortland State @ C entral Michigan Cal-Fullerton @ E astern W ashington Idaho S tate* @ N evada-R eno* N orthern Arizona*

w L L

4 2 -1 0 2 1 -3 4 25-17 2 7 -1 0 3 8 -2 6 13-17 0 -2 4

N 1 @ Montana*

W 38-31

N 8 M ontana State* N 15 W eber S tate* N 22 @ Boise State* N 29 @ N evada-R eno! INCAA Division I-AA First Round Game


w L

44 -1 7 3 1-17 2 1 -1 4 7-27

198 7 Schedule Date S 5 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3 010 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 21 *Indicates

Team Mankato State (Minn.) Central Michigan @ Portland State @ Northern Arizona* @ Idaho State* Montana* Nevada-Reno* Eastern Washington* @ Weber State* @ Montana State* Boise State* Big Sky Conference Game

Time 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. PST 7:00 p.m. MDT 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. MST

Game 6

Game 7

President: Dr. J o h n Keiser Location: Boise, ID Enrollment: 1 1 ,6 0 0 Colors: Blue & O range Stadium: B ronco (2 1,500) Athletic Director: G en e B leym aier AD Phone: 2 0 8 -3 8 5 -1 5 0 3 Head Coach: Skip Hall (1st yr.) Alma Mater: C o n cordia (1966) Assistant Coaches: Jo h n G o u g h , Dick Ar-

President: Dr. S tep h en D. N adauls Location: O gden, UT Enrollment: 1 1 ,0 0 0 Colors: Royal P urple & W hite Stadium: W ildcat (17,500) Athletic Director: G ary C rom pton AD Phone: 8 0 1 -6 2 6 -6 3 9 7 Head Coach: Mike Price (3 1 -3 5 /6 yrs.) Alma Mater: P uget S o u n d (1969) Assistant Coaches: Dave A rsalanian, Mike

President: Dr. William J . Tietz Location: B ozem an, MT Enrollment: 1 0 ,7 1 0 Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: R eno H. Sales (15,197) Athletic Director: D oug Fullerton AD Phone: 4 0 6 -9 9 4 -4 2 2 1 Head Coach: Earle S olom onson (2 4 -2 -1 /2 yrs.) Alma Mater: A ugsburg College (1969) Assistant Coaches: Tim H erm an n , Lew

buckle, H erb C riner, Ja y Mills, C huck P ag an o , S cott Pelleur, Mike S now , Jim M oore. Athletic Trainer: G ary C ran er SID: Max C orbet SID Phone: 2 0 8 -3 8 5 -1 5 1 5 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 5-6 League Record: 3 -4 (4th) Starters Back: 9 (7 off., 2 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 2 6 / 2 3 Key Returnees: T om DeWitz, O G , Sr. (2nd team AA); Peter Kwiatkowski, DE, Sr. (Hon. M en. AA, 91 tackles); C hris Jack so n , RB, Sr. (532 ru sh in 5 gam es); Eric A ndrade, W R, Sr. (4 1 -6 2 4 -6 TDs); Chris Truitt, C B /R e t., Sr. (1st team Big Sky returner). Last Meeting: 3 1 -0 , BSU, 1986 Series Record: 12-4, BSU

Zim m er, Larry Finan, R od H arrison, Larry Lewis, Lawrence Livingston, Jo h n McDonell, Bob P etrino, Jim Z eches. Athletic Trainer: T om A bd en o u r SID: Brad L arsen SID Phone: 8 0 1 -6 2 6 -6 0 1 0 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 3-8 League Record: 2-5 (T, 6th) Starters Back: 14 (8 off., 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 6 / 1 5 Key Returnees: S ean S an d ers, RB, Sr (195-945-12 TDs); Calvin H am pton, SS, Jr (89 TT); J o e L ong, ILB, Sr. (132 TT) M ichael N eal, DT, Sr. (52 TT, 4 sacks) W ade O rton, W R, Jr. (57-846-5 TDs): A ngus M aclnnes, O G , S r. (2nd team All-BSC). Last Meeting: 5 5 -2 9 , UM, 1986 Series Record: 17-8, UM

C urry, Kevin D onnalley, C urt Jo n e s, Don D unn, T om V an V oorhis, S tev e Jo h n so n . Athletic Trainer: C huck K arnop SID: Bruce P arker SID Phone: 4 0 6 -9 9 4 -5 1 3 3 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 3-8 League Record: 2-5 (T, 6th) Starters Back: 13 (4 off., 9 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 4 / 1 8 Key Returnees: Ken L ang, ILB, Sr. (137 TT); T om Ja co b s, DT, Sr. (41 TT, 6 sacks); A nders Larsson, K, Jr.; Kirk C o peland, RB, Sr. (1 07-430-3 T D /2 4 re c .) ; P at B ergm an, WR, Jr. (15-287-2 TDs); Ron H anson, OLB, Sr. (79 TT, 6 sacks). Last Meeting: 5 9 -2 8 , UM, 1986 Series Record: 4 9 -3 1 -5 , UM Press Box Phone: 4 0 6 -5 8 7 -1 5 0 7 /5 8 6 -9 2 0 0

B oise State

Weber State

Montana State


Skip H all H ead C oach

W ildcats

P e te K w iatkow ski D efen siv e End

Mike Price H ead C oach


S ea n S and ers R unning B ack

E arle S o lo m o n so n H ea d C oach

Ken Lang L inebacker

1986 R esults

1 986 R esults

1 98 6 R esults

(Overall: 5-6/Big Sky: 3-4)

(Overall: 3-8/Big Sky: 2-5)

(Overall: 3-8/Big Sky: 2-5)

Date Team


Date Team

S 6 @ E astern W ashington S 13 H u m boldt S tate S 27 Idaho S tate* O 4 M o n tan a State*


O i l Montana *

W 31-0




18 25 1 8 15 22

Game 8


W eber State* O regon S tate N orth ern Arizona* N evada-R eno* N orthw estern State Idaho*

19-21 74-0 6-25 31 -1 4 2 3-13 3-34 14-17 16-21 31-17 14-21

1 987 Schedule Date Team S 5 Delaware State S 12 Cal-State Northridge S 26 @ Weber State* 0 3 Montana State* 0 10 Eastern Washington* 017 @ Montana* 0 24 Idaho State* 0 31 Utah N 7 @ Reno-Nevada* N 14 Northern Arizona* N 21 Idaho* ‘Indicates Big Sky Conference Game

Time 7:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. PST 1:30 p.m. PST 7:00 p.m. PST



13 A dam s S tate 20 @ N orthern Arizona* 27 @ P ortland S tate 4 N evada-R eno* 11 M ontana State* 18 @ Boise State* 25 Idaho S tate* 1 @ E astern W ashington


8 Montana*

55-21 24-45 22-27 24-38 24-3 13-23 63-33 31-41

L 29-55

15 @ Idaho* 22 @ Nicholls S tate


17-31 30-34

1987 Schedule Date Team S 9 Western State S 12 @ Long Beach State S 19 Southern Utah State S 26 Boise State* 0 10 Northern Arizona* 0 17 @ Montana State* 0 24 @ Montana* 0 31 Idaho* N 7 Eastern Washington* N 14 @ Nevada-Reno* N 21 @ Idaho State* ‘Indicates Big Sky Conference Game


Time 7:00 p.m. MDT 1:30 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 2:00 p.m. MDT 1:00p.m.MDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. MST

Date Team




6 @ F resno S tate @ S am H ouston S tate Idaho State* N evada-R eno* Boise State* O 11 @ W eber State* O 18 N orthern Arizona*

0 25 @ Montana*

55-2 23-6 5 0 -2 7 6 1 -1 0 3 1 -1 4 24-3 2 7 -1 9


N 1 N orthern Iowa N 8 @ Idaho* N 15 @ E astern W ashington

4 6 -2 5 4 4 -1 7 2 7 -1 4

1987 Schedule Date S 9 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3

0 10 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 11

Team @ Long Beach State Sam Houston State @ N. Iowa Eastern Washington* @ Boise State* @ Nevada-Reno* @ Weber State* @ Northern Arizona* Montana* Idaho* Idaho State*

‘Indicates Big Sky Conference Game

Time 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. CDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST

Game 9

Game 10

Game 11

President: Dr. R ichard L. Bow en Location: Pocatello, ID Enrollment: 7 ,0 1 1 Colors: O range & Black Stadium: ISU M inidom e (12,000) Athletic Director: T om Jew ell AD Phone: 2 0 8 -2 3 6 -2 7 7 1 Head Coach: Jim K oetter (2 0 -2 5 /4 yrs.) Alma Mater: Idaho S tate (1961) Assistant Coaches: Mick McCall, W alt

President: Dr. A lexander Schilt Location: C h e n ey , W A Enrollment: 7 ,8 0 0 Colors: R ed & W hite Stadium: Albi (34,819) Athletic Director: R on R aver AD Phone: 5 0 9 -3 5 9 -2 4 6 3 Head Coach: Dick Z ornes (5 5 -2 6 -1 /8 yrs.) Alma Mater: E. W ashington (1968) Assistant Coaches: Ja k e Cabell, Jerry

President: Dr. Jew ell P lum m er C obb Location: Fullerton, CA Enrollment: 2 3 ,5 0 0 Colors: O range & W hite Stadium: S a n ta A na (12,000) Athletic Director: Ed Carroll AD Phone: 7 1 4 -7 7 3 -2 6 7 7 Head Coach: G en e M urphy ( 5 2 -5 1 /9 yrs.) Alma Mater: N orth D akota (1962) Assistant Coaches: Jerry Brow n, Larry

Criner, Bill Flodin, N eal R ichardson, Ken G arland. Athletic Trainer: Phil Luckey SID: G lenn Alford SID Phone: 2 0 8 -2 3 6 -3 6 5 1 Conference: Big Sky 1986 Record: 2-9 League Record: 1-6 (8th) Starters Back: 13 (5V2 off., I V i def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 5 / 2 3 Key Returnees: S h aw n B eals, W R, Sr. (34-497-1 TD); Butch C aston, R B /R e t., Sr. (308 rush, 5 3 4 rec., 3 6 4 KO R et.); D on Davis, CB, S r. (93 TT); G ino M ariani, QB, Sr. (207x415-181-19 TDs). Last Meeting: 3 8 -3 1 and 5 7 -1 3 , UM, 1986 Series Record: 18-11, UM

G raybeal, Larry H attem er, Jim McElwain, B rent Myers, J . D. Sollars. Athletic Trainer: TBA SID: Jim Price SID Phone: 5 0 9 -3 5 9 -6 3 3 4 Conference: Big Sky (1st year) 1986 Record: 6-5 Starters Back: 8 (4 off., 4 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 9 / 2 3 Key Returnees: Jeff Mickel, OT, Jr.; Jam ie T ow nsend, TB, Sr. (101-5 6 0 -5 TDs); Eric S tein, K, Sr. (68 points); Jim Ferster, DE, Sr. (46 TT, 7 for losses). Last Meeting: 4 2 -3 7 , UM, 1986 Series Record: 8 -4-1, UM Press Box Phone: 5 0 9 -3 2 5 -1 4 5 2

Manfull, Jim C h an ey , Jim McAllister, Dale B unn, S teve “H o m er” Hall, J o h n Miklesh, Kirk H arm o n , D ave T ipton. Athletic Trainer: Jerry Lloyd SID: Mel Franks SID Phone: 7 1 4 -7 7 3 -3 9 7 0 Conference: Pacific C oast Athletic 1986 Record: 3-9 League Record: 2-5 (T, 6th) Starters Back: 13 (8 off., 5 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 4 / 1 3 Key Returnees: Jim Thornton, TE, Sr. (16-183-2 TDs); Ed Gillies, OG, Sr.; Ronny Barber, QB (134x246-13-1613 yds.-14 TDs); Todd White, WR (41-631-2 TD); Bill Bryan, LB, Jr. (119 TT); Phil Benson, OC, Sr. Last Meeting: 3 1 -3 0 , UM, 1985 Series Record: 1-0, UM Press Box Phone: 7 1 4 -5 5 0 -9 3 2 1

E. W ashington


Idaho State


Jim K oetter H ead C oach

__________ Eagles__________

B u tch C aston TB /R eturns

D ick Z ornes H ead C oach


J a m ie T ow nsend T ailback

G en e Murphy H ea d C oach

P h il B en son C enter

1 986 R esults

198 6 R esults

19 8 6 R esults

(Overall: 2-9/Big Sky: 1-6)

(Overall: 6-5)

(Overall: 3-9/PCAA: 2-5)

Date Team


C hico S tate @ C al-Fullerton @ M o n tan a State* Boise State* @ Idaho* E astern W ashington


43 -1 7 2 5-35 27-50 25-6 2 6-38 7-34

O 18 @ Montana*

L 31-38



25 @ W eber State* 1 N evada-R eno* 8 @ N o rthern Arizona*

N 15 Montana*

33-36 14-44 17-31

L 13-57

Date Team S S S S

6 13 20 27

Time 7:30 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 7:00 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST 7:30 p.m. MST


2 1-19 28-6 37-0 10-27

O 4

@ Montana

L 37-42


@ Idaho S tate C entral S tate (Okla.) @ N ev ad a-R en o W eber S tate @ C al-S t., Long B each M ontana S tate


11 18 25 1 8 15

1987 Schedule Date Team S 12 Texas A & I S 19 @ Eastern Washington* S 26 @ Utah 0 3 Idaho* 0 10 Portland State 0 17 Northern Arizona* 0 24 @ Boise State* 0 31 @ Nevada-Reno* N 7 @ Montana* N 14 Montana State* N 21 Weber State* *Indicates Big Sky Conference Game


Boise S tate @ N orthern Arizona British C olum bia Idaho

34-7 33-39 22-56 41-31 3 4-35 27 -1 4

1987 Schedule Date S 5 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3 0 10 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 14 ‘Indicates

Team Augustan a, SD Nevada-Reno* Idaho State* @ Montana State* @ Stephen F. Austin @ Boise State* Illinois State @ Idaho* Northern Arizona* @ Weber State* Montana * Big Sky Conference Game

Time 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. CDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 2:00 p.m. PDT 6:30 p.m. MDT 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST

Date Team




30 6 13 20 27 2 11 18 25 30 8 15

@ N ev ad a-R en o @ New M exico S tate Idaho S tate @ Idaho @ N evada-L as V egas @ Tulsa @ C SU Long B each U tah S tate @ Hawaii @ F resno S tate S an J o s e S tate @ Pacific

1987 Schedule Date S 5 S 12 s 19 s 26 0 3 0 10 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 14 N 21

Team @ Hawaii @ LSU Cal-State Long Beach* @ Utah State* @ San Jose State* Florida Nevada-Las Vegas* @ Northern Illinois New Mexico State* @ Fresno State* @ Pacific* Montana

‘Indicates PCAA Conference Game


3-49 2 1 -2 4 3 5 -2 5 17-25 2 3 -4 0 10-20 20 -3 0 33-0 15-26 2 0 -3 0 2 4 -4 8 3 9 -3 8

Time 7:30 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PST 1:30 p.m. PST 1:30 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PST 1:05 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PST 6:00 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PST

Com posite 1987 Big Sky Schedule September 5 Delaware St. @ Boise State Augustana, SD @ E. Washington Mankato State @ Idaho Montana St. @ Long Beach State No. Arizona @ Northern Colorado Western State @ Weber State

7:00 1:00 7:00 6:00 1:00 7:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

7:00 1:00 7:00 7:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

September 12 Cal-St., Northridge @ Boise St. Nevada-Reno @ E. Washington* Central Michigan @ Idaho Texas A&I @ Idaho State

Portland State @ Montana Sam Houston St. @ Montana State Weber State @ Long Beach State

1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

September 19 Idaho State @ E. Washington* Idaho @ Portland State

Montana @ Northern Arizona * Montana State @ Northern Iowa Cal-Davis @ Nevada-Reno So. Utah State @ Weber State

1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

September 26 Boise State @ Weber State* E. Washington @ Montana State* Idaho @ Northern Arizona* Idaho State @ Utah Nevada-Reno @ Montana*

7:00 1:00 7:00 7:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

1:00 p.m.

October 3 Montana State @ Boise State* E. Washington @ Stephen F. Austin Idaho @ Idaho State* Montana @ Northern Iowa Nevada-Reno @ Nevada-Las Vegas Sonoma State @ Northern Arizona

7:00 7:00 7:30 1:30 7:30 7:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

October 10 E. Washington @ Boise State*

Jason Ray

7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

Montana @ Idaho* Portland State @ Idaho State Montana State @ Nevada-Reno* Northern Arizona @ Weber State*

October 17 Boise State @ Montana*

G r e g G ia n n in i

7:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

Nevada-Reno @ Idaho* Northern Arizona @ Idaho State* Weber State @ Montana State* Illinois St. @ E. Washington

1:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

October 24 Idaho State @ Boise State* Eastern Washington @ Idaho*

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Weber State @ Montana *

1:00 p.m.

Montana State @ Northern Arizona* Stephen F. Austin @ Nevada-Reno

7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

October 31 Utah @ Boise State Northern Arizona @ E. Washington* Idaho @ Weber State* Idaho State @ Nevada-Reno* Montana @ Montana State*

1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

November 7 Boise State @ Nevada-Reno* E. Washington @ Weber State* Idaho @ Montana State*

1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

Idaho State @ Montana*

2:00 p.m.

Northern Arizona @ Tulsa

November 14 Northern Arizona @ Boise State* Montana @ E. Washington* Montana State @ Idaho State* Weber State @ Nevada-Reno*

1:30 p.m.

1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

November 21 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Boise State @ Idaho* Weber State @ Idaho State*

1:00 p.m.

Montana @ Cal-Fullerton Nevada-Reno @ Northern Arizona*

7:00 p.m.

*Indicates Big Sky Conference Game All Game Times are Local

Dave Garza



NCAA Division I-AA First Round Games (at institutional sites)

NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal Games (at institutional sites)



NCAA Division I-AA Quarterfinal Games (at institutional sites)

NCAA Division I-AA Championship Game (ISU Minidome, Pocatello, Idaho)


Renard Coleman

•History, Statistics-

agP^SSSfe ** -

*' ' v '

s ..; #W ^ k & X * .'** ®*<■ >.


Top: Grizzly Football Hall of Famer Hank Blastic (with ball) battles for yardage against Idaho in 1934. Bottom: Rocky Klever as a freshman in 1977 applies a straight-arm. Number 65 is Guy Bingham, a teamm ate of Klever’s on the New York Jets. No. 29 is Doug Egbert. The opponent is Portland State.


■Big Sky ConferenceT he Big Sky C onference was form ed in February 1963, w hen the presidents and athletic directors of six Rocky M ountain univer­ sities m et in S p okane. T he original conference m em bers were G o n z a g a , Id a h o , Id a h o S tate, M ontana, M ontana State and W eber State. G o n ­ zaga en tered the conference as a non-football playing school. The conference derived its nam e from a pair of M on­ tan an s and a W ashington sports editor. A. B. G uthrie, C h o teau , M ont., wrote a novel titled “T he Big S k y ,” an d Jack Hallowell, form er M ontana State advertising director, p ro m o ted the Big Sky them e as a nicknam e for th e state. H arry Missildine, form er Spokesm an-R eview Ron Stephenson sports editor, picked up the nam e and in a sports colum n prom oted the n am e Big Sky as the n a m e of the conference. On Feb. 25, 1963, the.conference adopted th e n a m e —Big Sky Athletic C onference. In 1970 the conference ex p an d ed to include N orthern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Ariz., an d Boise S tate College, Boise, Idaho. B oth entered as football playing schools.

N evada-R eno becam e a m em ber of th e Big Sky July 1, 1979. Eastern W ashington becam e the new est m em ber of the league, joining in 1987. Jack Friel becam e th e first com m issioner in 1963, an d the offices w ere estab ­ lished in Pullm an, W ash., Friel’s hom e. Following Friel’s retirem ent in 1971, the of­ fices w ere m oved to Boise, Idaho, and Jo h n Roning was n am ed com m issioner. Steve Belko was n a m e d com m is­ sioner an d assum ed duties July 1, 1977, following Roning’s retirem ent. R on S te p h e n s o n b e ­ cam e the fourth Big Sky com m issioner in May, 1981. A native of Idaho, S te p h e n ­ son was formerly the assistant athletic director at Boise Arnie Sgalio State. H e has 21 years of working experience in intercollegiate athletics as a student, coach an d adm inistrator. Arnie Sgalio has served as league inform ation director since 1979. H e is a 3rd vice p resident of the College Sports Inform ation D irector’s of A m erica (Co-SIDA).

Past Champs, Runnersup 1 9 6 3 —Idaho State (3-1) 1 9 6 4 —M ontana S tate (3-0) 1 9 6 5 —W eber S tate, Idaho (3-1) 1 9 6 6 —M ontana State (4-0)

M ontana S tate (2-1) Idaho State (2-1)

1 9 6 7 —M ontana S tate (4-0) 1 9 6 8 —W eber, Idaho, MSU (3-1) 1 9 6 9 — MONTANA (4-0) 1 9 7 0 — MONTANA (6-0) 1 9 7 1 —Idaho (4-1)


1 9 7 5 —Boise State (5-0-1) 1 9 7 6 —M ontana State (6-0) 1 9 7 7 —Boise State (6-0) 1 9 7 8 —N orthern Arizona (6-1) 1 9 7 9 —M ontana State (6-1) 1 9 8 0 —Boise State (6-1) 1 9 8 1 —Idaho S tate, BSU (6-1)

Montana (2-2) Idaho (3-1) W SC , UI (2-2)

1 9 7 2 —M ontana State (5-1) 1 9 7 3 —Boise State (6-0)

W eber State (3-1) Idaho State (4-2) Boise State (4-2) Idaho State (4-1) M ontana S tate (5-1)

1 9 7 4 —Boise State (6-0)

M ontana State (4-2)

1 9 8 2 — MONTANA


1 9 8 3 —N evada-R eno (6-1) 1 9 8 4 —M ontana State (6-1) 1 9 8 5 —Idaho (6-1) 1 9 8 6 —R eno (7-0)

ISU, MSU (4-2) Idaho (5-1) N orthern Arizona (5-1) UM, MSU (4-2) N evada-R eno (5-2) Idaho (4-3)

Montana (5-2) UI, MSU (5-2) Idaho State (5-2) N evada-R eno (5-2) N evada-R eno (6-1) NAU, Idaho (5-2)











PF-A V G .

N evada-R eno!




1 .0 0 0

2 5 9 - 3 7 .0

1 1 1 -1 5 .9




.9 2 8

5 3 1 - 3 7 .9

2 3 1 -1 6 .5

N orthern Arizona





t-— * 00 ^4 1 to p\ ^4

1986 Big Sky Standings 1 3 7 -1 9 .6




.6 3 6

2 7 3 - 2 4 .8

2 0 5 - 1 8 .6





.7 1 4

1 8 5 -2 6 .4

1 4 6 -2 0 .8





3 0 7 - 2 5 .6

2 4 4 - 2 0 .3

Boise State





1 4 0 - 2 0 .0

1 0 6 -1 5 .1




.4 5 4

2 6 2 -2 3 .8

1 8 3 -1 6 .6

Montana *





2 8 5 —35.6

2 5 5 - 3 1 .8





3 6 2 - 3 6 .2

3 0 6 - 3 0 .6 3 5 1 - 3 1 .9


W eber State





1 9 4 -2 7 .7

2 2 8 - 3 2 .6





3 3 2 - 3 0 .2

M ontana S tate





1 4 9 -2 1 .3

2 6 5 - 3 7 .8





2 1 7 - 1 9 .7

3 9 5 - 3 5 .9

Idaho State*





1 8 6 - 2 3 .2

3 2 7 - 4 0 .9





2 6 1 - 2 3 .7

4 1 3 - 3 7 .5

!Won Big Sky Football C ham pionship an d th e C o n feren ce’s autom atic berth into the N CA A Division I-AA C ham pionship *M ontana defeated Idaho S tate twice in Big Sky play with each gam e counting as a half gam e in th e standings.


■1986 Big Sky StatsTeam Stats (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking TOTAL OFFENSE Team 1 Nevada-Reno (1) 2 Weber St. (6) 3 Montana (8) 4 Idaho (11) 5 Northern Ariz. (25) 6 Idaho St. (29) 7 Boise St. 8 Montana St.

G 11 11 10 11 11

11 11 11

Plays 819 840 789 836 827 870


Yards 5412 4798 4293 4564 4134 4074 3833 3585

Play Avg.

6.6 5.7 5.4 5.5 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.3

Game Avg. 492.00 436.18 429.30 414.91 375.82 370.36 348.45 325.91

Team 1 Boise St. (6) 2 Northern Ariz. (14) 3 Nevada-Reno 4 Idaho 5 Weber St. 6 Montana St. 7 Montana 8 Idaho St.

Game Avg. 216.3 156.1 136.8 127.2 117.1 103.2 95.6 48.7

Team 1 Boise St. (4) 2 Nevada-Reno (7) 3 Northern Ariz. (8) 4 Montana (20) 5 Weber St. (24) 6 Idaho 7 Montana St. 8 Idaho St.

Game Avg. 312.2 309.0 278.1 277.2 275.7 274.7 272.6 192.4

Team 1 Northern Ariz. 2 Boise St. 3 Idaho 4 Nevada-Reno 5 Montana St. 6 Idaho St. 7 Weber St. 8 Montana

RUSHING OFFENSE Team 1 Nevada-Reno (14) 2 Boise St. 3 Idaho 4 Weber St. 5 Montana 6 Northern Ariz. 7 Idaho St. 8 Montana St.

11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11

Piays 478 469 403 388 329 406 366 389

Yards 2379 1717 1505 1399 1171 1135 1052 536

TD 28. 16 14 20 16 11 12 4

TD 30 22 22 23 27 21 17 12

RUSHING G Car. 11 159 11 195 10 178 11 149 11 128 11 106 11 107 10 78 11 89 11 91

RECEIVING Name 1 Mike Rice, Montana (3) 2 Shawn Collins, NAU (T4) 3 Bryan Calder, UNR (15) 4 Neosia Morris, Idaho (17) 5 Terry Mahan, NAU (18) 6 Wade Orton, Weber St. (T19) 7 Brant Bengen, Idaho (T22) 8 Merril Hoge, Idaho St. 9 Chris Darrington, Weber St. 10 Toby Petty, Montana St.

(Min. 15 att. per game) 1 Eric Beavers, Nevada-Reno (2) 2 Greg Wyatt, Northern Ariz. (13) 3 Brent Pease, Montana (14) 4 Scott Linehan, Idaho (15) 5 Phil Cooper, Weber St. (17) 6 Kelly Bradley, Montana St. (26) 7 Gino Mariani, Idaho St. 8 Brian Larsen, Weber St. 9 Keith Jarrett, Boise St.

G 10 11 11 11 9 11 11 11 9 10

G 11 11 10 11 10 11 11 10 10

11 11 11

10 11

Yards 2963 3166 3600 4096 4783 4930 4677 5157

Play Avg. 3.8 4.3 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.9 5.7 5.8

TD 19 26 19 22 42 46 41 51

Game Avg. 269.4 287.8 327.3 372.4 434.8 448.2 467.7 468.8

11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11

426 396 391 376 461 473 421 467

Play Avg. 2.1 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.0 3.9 4.7 4.3

TD 13 8 10 19 12 7 28 17

Game Avg. 80.3 96.2 99.3 115.3 125.6 168.8 179.4 182.3

1058 1092 1153 1382 1857 1973 2005

SCORING OFFENSE G Pts. Avg. TD KXP OXP FG SF 11 443 39.4 56 53 1 14 0 10 362 36.2 48 41 3 9 0 11 332 30.2 44 32 3 10 0 0 12 0 11 300 27.3 38 36 11 273 24.8 29 24 2 23 1 11 262 23.8 29 27 0 19 2 3 8 1 11 261 23.7 34 25 6 2 11 217 19.7 28 21 3

Team 1 Nevada-Reno (10) 2 Boise St. (14) 3 Northern Ariz. (23) 4 Idaho 5 IMontana 6 Weber St. 7 Montana St. 8 Idaho St.

SCORING DEFENSE G Pts. Avg. TD KXP OXP FG SF 2 12 0 11 170 15.5 19 16 7 0 1 - 11 183 16.6 23 22 3 11 205 18.6 26 19 8 0 2 21 1 11 217 19.7 22 16 10 306 30.6 41 37 7 0 1 11 351 31.9 45 40 1 13 0 11 395 35.9 49 44 2 17 1 11 413 37.5 53 46 1 15 1

Team 1 Weber St. (4) 2 Montana St. (15) 3 Northern Ariz. (16) 4 Nevada-Reno (20) 5 Idaho (29) 6 Montana 7 Idaho St. 8 Boise St.

PUNT RETURNS No. G Yds. 11 21 316 11 27 270 42 419 11 11 31 300 20 174 11 10 42 303 11 15 105 11 36 213

Team 1 Montana (11) 2 Northern Ariz. (12) 3 Nevada-Reno (16) 4 Montana St. 5 Weber St. 6 Idaho 7 Boise St. 8 Idaho St.

Punts 65 59 47 87 64 46 77 76


G Att-Cmp-Int Pet. Yds. 10 460-246-15 53.5 3122 11 452-241-24 53.3 3399 11 433-241-13 55.7 3059 11 447-248-12 55.5 3049 11 341-198-11 58.1 3033 11 504-244-25 48.4 3022 11 421-261-17 62.0 2999 11 354-168-18 47.5 2116

Name 1 Lucius Floyd, Nevada-Reno (14) 2 Sean Sanders, Weber State (27) 3 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno 4 Merril Hoge, Idaho State 5 Allan Rouse, Northern Ariz. 6 Steve Jackson, Idaho 7 Kirk Copeland, Montana St. 8 Cliff Sexton, Boise State 9 Donri Roberson, Northern Ariz. 10 Fred Lloyd, Idaho


Plays 779 740 814 859 917 833 822

RUSHING DEFENSE Play Avg. 5.0 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 2.8 2.9 1.4

PASSING OFFENSE Team 1 Montana (2) 2 Weber St. (4) 3 Idaho (7) 4 Montana St. (9) 5 Nevada-Reno (10) 6 Idaho St. (11) 7 Northern Ariz. (12) 8 Boise St.

G 11 11

Team 1 Nevada-Reno (1) 2 Montana (4) 3 Weber St. (9) 4 Idaho (21) 5 Northern Ariz. 6 Boise St. 7 Idaho St. 8 Montana St.

Yds. Avg. 1066 6.7 945 4.8 827 4.6 631 4.2 507 4.0 476 4.5 430 4.0 375 4.8 386 4.3 380 4.2

Yds. TD PG 9 96.91 12 85.91 14 82.70 7 57.36 46.09 43.27 39.09 38.50 35.09 34.55

CT Yds. TD CPG 64 1046 13 6.40 70 1016 4 6.36 61 954 7 5.55 59 719 3 5.36 47 361 1 5.22 57 842 5 5.18 56 995 9 5.09 49 399 3 4.45 40 565 3 4.44 43 347 0 4.30

Name Car Gain Loss G 1 Brent Pease, Montana (1) 10 59 195 157 2 Scott Linehan, Idaho (3) 111 539 214 11 3 Eric Beavers, N.-Reno (7) 11 46 168 140 4 Greg Wyatt, Northern Ariz. (11) 11 70 68 235 5 Gino Mariani, Idaho St. (19) 22 245 11 40 6 Phil Cooper, Weber St. (22) 34 10 46 133 7 Kelly Bradley, Montana St. (26) 124 11 238 424 8 Keith Jarrett, Boise State 10 43 94 176 9 Brian Larsen, Weber St. 10 54 219 140 10 Lucius Floyd, Nevada-Reno 11 159 1079 13 *Touchdowns-responsible-for are players TDs scored and passed for.

Net 38 325 28 -167 -223 -87 -186 -82 79 1066

Yds. 2074 2080 2239 2542 2957 3152 3401 3524

TD 16 6 15 11 18 34 30 22

Game Avg. 188.5 189.1 203.5 231.1 268.8 286.5 309.2 352.4

1986 Big Sky Individual Statistics

N o te -A player must play in at least 75 % of his team ’s gam es a n d /o r m eet the minimum requirements of a particular category. (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking PUNT RETURNS (Min. 1.2 returns per game) No. 1 Chris Darrington, Weber St. (1) 16 2 Dejuan Robinson, NAU (12) 39 3 Brian Kaskie, Nevada-Reno (T15) 28 4 Brant Bengen, Idaho (20) 19 5 Bob Kimball, Montana St. 16 6 Mike Rice, Montana 39 34 7 Chris Truitt, Boise State

Yds. 290 409 272 167 118 271 210

TD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Avg. 18.13 10.49 9.71 8.79 7.38 6.95 6.18

KICKOFF RETURNS (Min. 1-2 returns per game) No. Yds. 684 1 Eric Brown, Weber St. (16) 28 14 333 2 Michael Haynes, Northern Ariz. (20) 3 Renard Coleman, Montana (24) 13 305 4 Chris Truitt, Boise State (28) 22 508 5 Butch Caston, Idaho St. 16 364 6 Brant Bengen, Idaho 17 373 7 Jody Farmer, Montana 29 634 8 Tony Logan, Nevada-Reno 27 574 9 Mark Rinehart, Montana St. 33 698 10 Richard Carey, Idaho 18 370

TD 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Avg. 24.43 23.79 23.46 23.09 22.75 21.94 21.86 21.26 21.15 20.56

PASSING EFFICIENCY Cmp. Att. Cmp. Pet. Int. 321 189 58.88 11 392 250 63.78 16 440 241 54.77 13 407 231 56.76 12 263 135 51.33 14 382 222 58.12 9 415 207 49.88 18 176 99 56.25 10 280 135 48.21 11 TOTAL OFFENSE Rushing

Pet. 47.0 49.6 56.5 52.4 53.4 57.3 55.7 53.8

G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10

Int. Pet. 3.43 4.08 2.95 2.95 5.32 2.36 4.34 5.68 3.93

Passing Att 440 407 321 392 415 263 382 280 176 0

Yds. 2810 2862 3056 2954 2218 2431 2599 1066 1699

Yds/ Att. 8.75 7.30 6.95 7.26 8.45 6.36 6.26 6.06 6.07

TD 25 17 30 22 14 14 19 6 11

TD Rating Pet. Points 7.79 151.3 4.34 131.3 6.82 129.7 5.41 129.7 5.32 129.1 3.66 119.0 4.58 108.9 3.41 107.0 3.93 104.3

Total Offense

Yds Plays Yds YdPl Tdr* YdPl 3056 499 3094 6.20 34 309.40 2954 518 3279 6.33 27 298.09 2810 367 2838 7.73 26 258.00 2862 462 2695 5.83 18 245.00 2599 455 2376 5.22 19 216.00 2218 297 2131 7.18 19 213.10 2431 506 2245 4.44 14 204.09 1699 323 1617 5.01 12 161.70 1066 230 1145 4.98 7 114.50 0 159 1066 6.70 9 96.91



Avg. 15.0

10.0 10.0 9.7 8.7 7.2 7.0 5.9

NET PUNTING No. Yds. Net Avg. Ret. Ret. Avg. 40.9 23 194 37.9 39.2 21 85 37.8 21 121 37.6 40.1 38.4 28 268 35.3 40.9 35 396 34.7 36.7 19 95 34.7 37.8 31 287 34.1 40.0 43 512 33.2

Yds. 2659 2315 1886 3342 2618 1690 2914 3037

SCORING Name G TD XP FG Pts. Ave. 1 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno (8) 10 15 0 0 90 9.00 2 Marty Zendejas, Nevada-Reno (14) 11 0 53 14 95 8.64 3 Goran Lingmerth, NAU (15) 11 0 24 23 93 8.45 2 10 13 0 80 8.00 4 Mike Rice, Montana (19) 11 13 0 0 78 7.09 5 Sean Sanders, WSC (T30) 11 0 23 18 77 7.00 6 Roberto Moran, Boise State 10 0 41 9 68 6.80 7 Eby Dobson, Montana 11 12 2 0 74 6.73 8 Lucius Foyd, UNR 11 0 36 12 72 6.55 9 Brian Decicio, Idaho 10 Merril Hoge, Idaho State 2 0 62 5.64 11 10 INTERCEPTIONS Name G No. Yds. TD IPG 1 Joe Peterson, Nevada-Reno (T13) 119 0 .64 11 7 11 6 1 .55 2 Virgil Paulsen, Idaho (T20) 93 42 0 .50 3 Tony Breland, Montana (T26) 10 5 11 5 41 0 .45 4 Maury Moore, Boise St. 11 5 26 1 .45 4 Bob Kimball, Montana St. 4 Tom Hennessey, Idaho 11 5 0 0 .45 .44 4 9 50 0 7 George Duarte, Northern Ariz. 0 .40 8 Dwayne Hans, Montana 10 4 43 27 0 .40 10 4 8 David Reeves, Montana 10 4 18 0 .40 8 Greg Nygren, Montana PUNTING (Min. 3.6 punts per game) No. 1 Russell Griffith, Weber St. (9) 57 45 2 Bret Dales, Nevada-Reno (17) 3 Matt Maloney, Idaho St. (18) 42 64 4 Mike Rice, Montana (22) 5 Mark Page, Montana State $6) 83 6 John Earl, Northern Ariz. 56 7 Tom Schimmer, Boise St. 60 8 Darin Magnuson, Idaho 45

Avg. 42.47 41.18 41.00 40.48 39.90 39.66 39.63 37.56

FIELD GOALS Name G 1 Goran Lingmerth, NAU (2) 11 2 Roberto Moran, Boise St. (T5) 11 11 3 Marty Zendejas, UNR (13) 4 Brian Decicio, Idaho (17) 11 10 4 Greg Patterson, Weber St. 10 6 Eby Dobson, Montana 11 7 Rene Weitmann, Idaho St. 8 Anders Larsson, Montana St. 9 11 9 Terry Godfrey, Montana St.

FGA FG 29 23 24 18 18 14 25 12 15 9 16 9 14 8 9 4 4 2

G 11 11 9 10 11 11 11 11

Yds. 2421 1853 1722 2591 3312 2221 2378 1690


Pet. .793 .750 1.64 .778 1.27 .480 1.09 .600 .90 .563 .90 .571 .73 .444 .44 .500 .18

ALL-PURPOSE RUNNERS Name G Rush Rec. PR KOR Yds. YdsPg 11 631 399 1 641 1672 152.00 1 Merril Hoge, Idaho State (10) 2 Brant Bengen, Idaho (14) 11 0 995 167 373 1535 139.55 3 1388 138.80 3 Mike Rice, Montana (16) 10 68 1046 271 4 Lucius Floyd, Nevada-Reno (18) 11 1066 380 0 54 1500 136.36 5 Chris Darrington, Weber St. (23) 9 7 565 290 326 1174 130.44 0 574 1296 117.82 6 Tony Logan, Nevada-Reno 11 19 703 7 Eric Brown, Weber State 0 684 1256 114.18 11 341 231 0 364 1206 109.64 8 Butch Caston, Idaho St. 11 308 534 0 9 Charvez Foger, Nevada-Reno 10 827 174 0 1001 100.10 41 0 47 1033 93.91 10 Sean Sanders, Weber St. 11 945

■1986 Grizzly StatisticsPunting

Team S tatistics First Downs.............................................. By Rush............................................ By Pass............................................. By Penalty........................................ Rush Plays............................................... Rush Yards Gained................................... Rush Yards Lost...................................... NET RUSH GAINED/Avg.......................... Pass Attempts........................................... Pass Comp/Pct........................................ Had Intercepted....................................... NET PASS YDS/Avg................................ TOTAL YDS/Game Avg........................... Punt/Yards/Blk........................................ Punt Average.. Fumbles/Lost................. Penalties/Yds................. TOUCHDOWNS............ By Rushing............. By Passing............... By Return................ Safety........................... PAT ATTEMPTED/Made . 2-Pt. Conv. Att./made.... Field Goals Att/Made...... TOTAL POINTS............ Game Average...............

UM Opp. 241 213 80 78 143 116 18 19 376 329 1545 1446 392 275 1171/117.1 1153/115.3 446 460 240/. 538 246/.535 22 15 3122/312.2 3524/352.4 4293/429.3 4677/467.7 65/2659/0 59/2224/3 37.7 40.9 24/15 14/5 81/722 70/588 41 48 19 16 22 30

1 0

0 0

43/41 5/3 16/9 362 36.2

38/37 3/1 10/7 306 30.6

Rice..... Farmer..

Rice................. Dobson............. Lambert............ Paulson............ Huestis............. Pease............... Ehlers............... Lamb............... Farmer............. Douglas............ Coleman........... Garza............... Salonen............ Hunter............ Kunka ............. J. Blank...........

G 10 10 10 7 8 10 10 7 10 6 9 9 9 8 9 9

FG Pts 80 9 68 30 26 26 24 24 18 18 12 6 6 6 6 6 6

No. Yds. Avg. TD Long . 39 271 6.9 0 29

Rice.... Foster... Wilson..




. 2

OPPONENTS ................................. 23

2 194

Ehlers................. Coleman............. Laird................... Paulson.............. Farmer............... Rice................... Arnston.............. Douglas.............. Ruiz.................... Huestis............... Pease................. Peterson............. .. OPPONENTS

TC YG YL Net-Avg. TD LG 3 50t 8 226- 5.1 44 234 1 26 189- 3.4 56 200 11 0 18 9 141- 4.3 33 150 6 141- 3.8 1 18 43 147 3 24t 24 149 14 135- 5.6 0 24 68-17.0 4 0 68 0 17 64- 4.9 3 13 67 2 44t 62- 3.4 18 120 58 0 13 54- 3.9 14 54 0 2 10 54 45- 2.5 9 18 4 22 38- 0.6 59 195 157 4 0 0 8- 2.7 8 3 376 1545 392 1153-3.1 19 51


Total O ffense Pease






Total Avg. 3094 309.4

No. Farmer........... ................................. 29 Coleman......... ................................. 13 Ehlers............. ................................. 6 Hunter........... ..................... 1 Garza............. ..................... 1 Apostol........... ..................... 1 Rice............... ..................... 1 Paulson ..................... 1 46 OPPONENTS..






1986 Results 17-51 Sept. 20 @ Nevada-Reno*................ L 28-34 Sept. 27 Northern Arizona*.......... L 42-37 Eastern Washington........ W Oct, 4 0-31 § Boise State*............. . L Oct 11 38-31 Oct. 18 Idaho State* + ................ W 59-28 Oct. 25 Montana State*..............., W 31-38 Idaho*............................. L Nov. 1 55-29 % Weber State*........ ....... W Nov. 8 W 57-13 Nov. 15 § Idaho State’ + ........... 35-14 W § Portland State..... ........... Nov. 22 + Counts as half-a-game in Big Sky Conference standings Bold face indicates home game

Yds. Avg. TD Long 62 634 21.8 0 37 305 23.5 0 34 114 19.0 0 49t 49 49.0 1 15 15.0 0 15 8 8 8.0 0 3 3.0 0 3 -1 -1.0 0


1072 23.3



LG 24 28 17 10 18 25 0 35

(0-D (0-2) (1-2) (1-3) (2-3) (3-3) (3-4) (4-4) (5-4) (6-4)

Total Unasst. G-S Tackles Tackles 28 10-10 55 21 48 10-10 14 47 10-10 6 26 9-0 12 9-6 26 4 16 9-0 7 15 9-3 5 6-0 4 2-0


Forced Fum Tackles For Losses Fumbles Rec. 1 1 10 (-37) 1 4 (-42) 1 6V2 (-23) 1 1 (- 3) 2 4 (-35) 2




61/2 3 3 1 5 1

(-27) (- 8) (- 9) (- 7) (- 8) (- 2)

PD 1 2 2 3

Blk. Int. Sacks 1 5 2 21/2 1 3 1


Linebackers 9-8 10-5 10-6 5-4 9-5 9-0 7-0 7-0 8-0

62 57 43 23 21 21 9 9 3

30 27 17 9 5 7 2 4 2

10-9 10-9 10-10 9-4 9-2 10-0 9-2 6-1 9-2 6-0 8-0 3-0 10

60 50 44 35 30 22 11 8 8 5 7 2 40

33 27 23 13 23 12 4 6 4

1 1


1 3


1 1 1

31/2 2 3 3

1(TD) 1 1 1

Defensive Backs

Others........................................................ NOTE: Tackles for losses included in total tackles.

3 2


1 1

(- 6) (- 1)

1 1

1 3

4 3 5 3 3


5 4 4



1 3 2 3




2 2 23

1 1


Scoring by Quarters

G-S Rec. Yds. Avg. TD Long 74t 64 1046 16.3 13 10-10 Rice......................... 54 5 10-10 39 569 14.6 Lambert.................... 44 1 10 242 24.2 9- 0 Garza....................... 35 1 14 203 14.5 9- 0 Salonen.................... 17 3 7- 6 28 187 6.7 Paulson................... 40t 13 186 14.3 1 97 Kunka ...................... 50 3 7- 2 11 182 16.5 Lamb....................... 0 32 27 163 5.6 9- 4 Coleman.................. 1 45 16 138 8.6 10- 5 Ehlers....................... 2 20t 7 80 11.4 7- 0 Huestis..................... 0 21 9.4 47 5 9- 0 Gober....................... 12 4.8 0 6 29 9- 3 Laird........................ 14 0 2 23 11.5 5- 0 Wilson...................... 0 ia 7- 0 2 20 10.0 Murray..................... 4 5.5 0 7 2 Farmer..................... .......... 1 0-1 82t 10 240 3524 14.7 22 OPPONENTS

Passing Douglas.. Rice......


1.0 0

No. Yds. Avg. TD 5 8.4 0 42 4 43 10.8 0 4 27 6.8 0 4 18 4.5 0 3 67 22.3 0 1 25 25.0 0 1 0 0.0 0 15 186 12.4 0

D efensive Statistics


G-S PA/PC/Int. Yds. 10-10 440/241/13 3056 66 6- 0 18/ 5/1 0 10-10 1/ 0/1 0 9- 0 1/ 0/0


Kickoff Returns

Rushing G-S 10- 5 9- 4 9- 3 7- 6 10- 1 10-10 9- 0 6- 0 8- 0 7- 0 10-10 1- 0

Breland...................... ...................... Hans.......................... ...................... Reeves ....................... ...................... Nygren....................... ...................... Brown........................ ...................... Cooks........................ .............. Hunter....................... .............. OPPONENTS

Punt Returns

Scoring TD R P RET PATs 13 1 13 41 5 5 4 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 4 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Interceptions No. Yds. Avg.Blk.Long ..64 2591 40.5 0 73 .. 1 68 68.0 0 68

Pet. .548 .278 .000 .000

TD Long 74t 30 21 0 0 0 0 0

1st 80 41

Montana.... Opponents.,

2nd 112 107

3rd 93 93

Total 362 306

4th 77 65

Third Down Conversions Attempts 164 162

Made ..................................................

Montana.... Opponents..



Percentage .360 .407

Time of P ossession ................................ ................................

Montana.... Opponents..

Total Minutes 297:46 302:14

Average 29:58 30:02

*UM Field G oals (9 of 16)

*Opponents’ Field G oals (7 of 10)

(Dobson) 41b, 37,47, 35, 36, 29,34.37,27, 45,30,47,42, 35, 28,42

22, 37, 34, 22, 52, 37, 47, 44, 37, 47 ’Bold face indicates made field goal


ugh the Y earsYcar(s) 1897

Coach (alma mater)

1898 ' 1899 1900-01 1902 1903-04 1905-06 1907 1908-09 1910-11 1912





1 3

2 2 2 4 3 7

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

.333 .600 .333 .333 .000 .416 .363 .800 .777 .625 .571 .666 .500 .500 .466 .466 .450 .266 .561 .000 .200 .482 .428 .307 .206 .245 .285 .554 .390 .403 .600

4 3 2 0 : 9V

4 4 : 7 5 4 8



9 7

1919-21 1922-23 .1924-25 1926-30 1931-34 1935-41 1942 1945 1946-48 1949-5:

7 18 8 :::

0 i 14 19 8 6

1952-54 1955-57 1958-63 1964-66 1967-75 1976-79 1980-85 1986-

14 8 51 16 "

25 6


7 1 2 3 3 4 7 9 8 8 22 22 25 3 4 15 16 18 23 43 20 41 25 37 4

1 0

"Ties not computed in percentage

The walking wounded after Montana’s 18-14 victory over Washington — its first and only in 18 meetings (there was one tie). From left, Harry Adams, Lloyd Madsen, Paul Freeman and Larry Higbee. The coach was Bernie Bierman (pictured above).


■Season-by-Season ResultsU M ................1 8 9 7 Opp. 0 The “Tigers”...................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ...................... 0 4 Butte Bus. C ollege......... 20 18 Montana S tate................. 6 10 @ Butte Bus. C ollege... 26 (1-2-3)

I1M 1898 UM .......................................... Opp. 5 0 6 16

Helena High...................... 6 Anaconda............................18 @ Montana State............ 0 Montana S tate................. 0 (2-2)

1 8 9 9 UM .......................................... Opp. 12 Anaconda Ath. Club 5 0 @ Montana State............ 38 0 Montana S tate................. 5 (1-2) m m

M M ........................................ 1 9 0 9 UM Opp. 11 Montana S tate...................12 (0-1) M M .......................................... 1901 UM Opp. Lost Ft. Shawn Indn........ Won Lost Butte High................. Won Won Fort Missoula............. Lost 26 Fort Missoula............... 0 0 Montana State...............31 (2-3)

1902 UM ........................................ Opp. 0 Mont. Schl. M ines............16 0 Montana S tate...................38 (0-2) MM

1903 U M .......................................... Opp. 32 Fort Missoula.................... 0 11 Fort Missoula.................... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 19 0 Mont. Schl. M ines........... 23 0 @ Idaho..............................28 0 @ Washington State.......34 6 @ Montana State.............13 (2-5) MM

42 Fort Missoula.................... 0 24 Mont. Schl. Mines 0 15 Montana State................. 5 (6-0-1)

X910 UM ..........................................Opp. 8 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 0 0 @ Montana State............ 0 3 Utah S tate......................... 5 5 @ Gonzaga........................ 17 3 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 10 Montana State................. 0 (3-2-1) MM

U M ................1 9 1 1 ............ Opp. 12 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 0 Utah State......................... 8 28 Poison Independents 6 (2-1)

X9X2 UM .............................. Opp. 28 Missoula High................... 0 7 @ Montana State............ 0 0 @ Utah State.................... 17 3 @ Utah................................10 39 Montana State................. 3 18 @ Gonzaga....................... 6 9 @ Willamette.................... 30 (4-3) MM

U M ................ 1 9 1 3 ............ Opp. 9 @ Washington State.......34 7 Utah S tate......................... 9 7 @ Montana State............ 0 20 Montana S ta te ............... 0 7 @ Gonzaga........................ 16 0 @ Whitman C ollege....... 35 (3-4) MM X 9 X 4 UM .......................................... Opp. 87 Butte Ramblers....................0 10 Washington Sta te............ 0 0 @ Idaho............................. 0 32 Utah State......................... 0 26 Montana State................. 9 13 North Dakota State......... 0 10 @ Gonzaga....................... 0 (6-0-1) MM

UM .............. 1 9 0 4 .............Opp. 10 Fort Missoula.................... 0 0 @ Utah.....................17 5 @ Utah State........ 0 5 Washington S ta te ............ 6 79 Montana State................ 0 (3-2) MM

1 9 0 5 UM .......................................... Opp. 0 Utah..................................... 42 0 @ Whitman C ollege. 5 6 @ Washington State.2 8 12 Utah State......................... 0 88 Ft. Shaw Indians............. 0 (2-3) MM X906 UM .......................................... Opp. 32 Ft.Shaw Indians..........,.. 6 0 Washington S ta te............ 5 11 Spokane Ath. Club......... 0 0 @ Utah............................... 42 6 @ Utah State.................... 17 0 Ex-Collegians.................... 8 (2-4) m 1 9 0 7 nOpp. U mM .......................................... 62 Montana W esleyan......... 0 28 Ft. Shaw Indians............. 0 0 @ Washington State.......38 12 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 0 12 Spokane Ath. Club......... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 (4-1-1) m m 1 9 0 8 U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Montana S tate................. 0 8 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 5 4 @ Mont. Schl. Mins 5 0 @ Montana Stat 5 (1-2-1)


Opp. 0 0 Mont. Schl. Mines... . . . 0 Montana State 0

1 9 1 5 UM ..........................................Opp. 15 Idaho................................... 3 7 @ South Dakota...10 10 @ North Dakota..... 10 7 @ Washington State.2 7 50 Butte Centervilles............ 0 6 Syracuse............................. 6 (2-2-2) M M .......................................... 1 9 X 6 UM Opp.

11 @ South Dakota.... 0 20 @ Gonzaga............... 0 0 @ Washington State.2 7 18 Whitman College............. 0 6 @ Montana State............ 6 20 Idaho.................................... 13 (4-1-1) M M .......................................... 1 9 X 7 UM Opp.

6 3 9 0 3

Utah S tate..........................21 @ Whitman C ollege....... 14 Montana State................. 7 @ Washington St.............28 Idaho.................................... 14 (1-4)

1918 —no team— UM ................ X 9 X ? ............Opp. 26 Montana W esleyan......... 7 0 @ Utah State....................47 28 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 6 6 Whitman C ollege............. 6 0 @ Idaho............................. 7 6 @ Montana State............ 6 14 Washington Sta te.............42 (2-3-2) UM .................X? 2 0 ............opp . 133 Mt. Saint Charles, 0 18 @ Washington........... 14 34 Montana Wesleyan 0 0 @ Washington S tate..3 1 7 @ Whitman College.. .13 28 Montana State............. 0 7 Idaho............................. 20 (4-3)

UM 1921 Opp. 25 Idaho T ech ....................... 0 7 @ Washington.................. 28 6 Whitman College.............. 14 7 @ Idaho..............................35 14 @ Montana State............ 7 7 North Dakota State......... 6 0 Gonzaga.. 0 (3-3-1) UM


18 0 0

@ California................... 53 WashingtonS tate .......... 13 @ UCLA...................... 14 (3-5-1)

MM X930 U M ..........................................Opp. 18 Anaconda A nodes 14 52 Mt. Saint Charles 0 0 @ Washington................. 27 13 Montana St. (in Butte)... 6 0 @ Washington State 61 0 @ California......................46 27 Gonzaga............................. 15 12 Idaho................................... 6 (5-3)

Opp. @ Washington................. 26 Montana W esleyan........ 0 Idaho T ech ........................12 @ Gonzaga....................... 37 Montana State.................. 6 MM X 9 8 X Whitman C ollege.13 U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Mt. Saint Charles 2 Idaho.................................... 39 0 @ Washington................. 25 (3-4) 19 @ Idaho............................. 21 0 Washington State 13 MM X923 UM ..........................................Opp. 37 Montana St. (in Butte)... 6 27 Mt. Saint Charles. 0 0 @ Oregon State.............. 19 0 @ Idaho.............................40 0 @ U SC .............................. 69 25 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 (1-6) 2 Gonzaga.............................25 16 @ Whitman C ollege 7M M X932 U M ..........................................Opp. 14 @ Washington......... 26 25 Anaconda A nodes 0 24 @ Montana State.... 13 13 @ Washington................. 26 0 @ PacifiG C ollege. 6 14 Carroll College................. 6 (4-4) 6 Idaho...................................19 0 @ UCLA............................32 1924 UM Opp. 7 Montana St. (in Butte)... 10 40 Mt. Saint Charles 7 0 @ Washington State 31 13 Idaho.......................... 41 6 Oregon State.................... 35 7 @ Washington......... 52 13 @ Gonzaga....................... 56 106 @ Montana Mines 6 (2-7) 14 Gonzaga.................... 20 61 Pacific University 7 rUM Tw ..........................................Opp. 1933 3 @ Stanford.............. 41 0 @ Oregon State.............. 20 20 @ Whitman College . . . 0 7 Washington State 13 (4-4) 6 @ Idaho............................. 12 1925 32 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 UM. Opp. 7 @ Stanford.............33 0 Washington S tate.......... 9 13 @ Gonzaga.............. 7 10 @ Washington.................30 26 Utah State......................... 0 14 Gonzaga.............................14 (3-4) 57 Montana Schl. Mines 0 7 @ Oregon State............... 27 MM X934 UM ..........................................Opp. 20 @ Idaho.............................. 14 0 @ Washington State 27 7 @ U SC ............................... 27 0 @ UCLA............................16 28 Montana State................. 7 48 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 (3-4-1) 6 Idaho...................................13 25 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 MM X926 UM ..........................................Opp. 0 @ Oregon State... 7 0 Oregon.................................49 4 @ Gonzaga............ 6 12 Idaho....................................27 (2-5-1) 6 @ Washington State....... 14 27 Montana State................. 0 rUM T„ .......................................... 1935 Opp. 7 @ Gonzaga........................ 10 0 @ U SC ............................... 9 56 Whitman College............. 7 20 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 21 @ Sacramento St............ 0 7 Washington State 13 0 @ U SC............................... 61 7 @ Idaho...................14 (3-5) 7 @ Washington.......33 7 Gonzaga (in Great Falls) 7 MM X92 7 UM ..........................................Opp. 0 @ Stanford........................ 32 19 Butte Centevilles............. 0 0 Oregon State.................... 0 8 Mt. Saint Charles............ 0 (1-5-2) 0 @ Washington State.......35 0 @ Washington.................. 32 MM X936 U M .......................................... Opp. 6 @ Idaho..............................42 0 Washington State @ 13 @ California...................... 33 0 @ UCLA................. 30 6 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 45 Idaho, South Branch 13 0 @ Gonzaga....................... 0 6 Gonzaga............................. 0 (3-4-1) 27 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 7 @ Oregon State................14 UM ................ 1 9 2 8 ............Opp. 16 Idaho................................... 0 13 Butte Centervilles............ 0 24 San Francisco (in Butte). 7 13 Anaconda A nodes.......... 0 13 North Dakota.................... 6 6 Washington State.............26 (6-3) 0 Washington........................ 25 20 Mont. Schl. M ines.......... 0 MM 1 9 8 7 U M ..........................................Opp. 6 Idaho....................................21 25 @ Whitman College 0 0 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 @ Texas Tech................. 6 Oregon..........................31 36 Oklahoma City................. 6 Oregon State.. ..44 13 San Francisco (in Butte). 7 Gonzaga....... .. 0 17 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 (4-5-1) 23 Gonzaga............................. 0 0 @ Idaho............................. 6 1929 UM Opp. 14 North Dakota.................... 3 18 Anaconda A nodes......... 2 (7-1) 19 Mt. Saint Charles 0 6 @ Washington............. 6 MM X938 U M ..........................................Opp. 0 @ Idaho............................. 19 27 Eastern W ashington 0 45 Intermountain U ............. 0 0 @ San Francisco 0 12 Montana St. (in Butte)... 14 7 DePaul................................ 6

0 37 15 6 7 0 0


13 0 6 9 13 7

Texas T ech.........................19 @ North Dakota 7 Idaho.................................... 19 @ Gonzaga....................... 0 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 @ Arizona......................... 0 (5-3-1)

X939 U M ..........................................Opp. 9 Portland............................. 0 6 San Francisco.................... 13 6 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 @ Idaho.................... 0 0 @ Washington...... 9 0 @ Texas T ech....... 13 0 @ Arizona............. 6 0 Gonzaga..............................23 (3-5) MM

MM X940 UM ..........................................Opp. 9 Eastern W ashington 0 0 @ Washington State 13 19 Texas T ech ........................ 32 6 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 Gonzaga (in B utte) 10 0 @ Oregon..........................38 28 Idaho.................................... 18 20 @ San Diego M arines...38 0 @ Portland....................... 0 (4-4-1) MM


U M ..........................................Opp. 20 @ Brigham Y oung 7 28 North Dakota State 0 7 @ UCLA.............................14 13 @ Gonzaga....................... 6 23 Montana St. (in Butte)... 13 0 @ Washington.................. 21 13 North Dakota.................... 6 16 @ Idaho............................. 0 0 @ Oregon St. (in Portland)................. 27 (6-3) MM X942 U M ..........................................Opp. 6 Brigham Y oung................12 13 Mathers AFB.................... 19 16 @ Washington State 68 0 Washington....................... 35 0 Idaho....................................21 0 @ Oregon State.............. 33 0 @ California......................13 0 @ U SC .............................. 38 (0-8)


—no Team-

X945 UM ..........................................Opp. 13 @ Utah State....................44 0 @ Idaho..............................46 13 @ Farragut Naval Base . 21 36 Pocatello Marines 6 13 Farragut Naval B ase 18 (1-4) MM

1946 U M ..........................................Opp. 31 Eastern W ashington 7 26 Colorado State.................... 0 0 @ Oregon..........................34 20 Montana St. (in Butte)... 7 19 7 Utah State.......................... 27 19 Idaho................................... 0 7 @ UCLA........................... 61 0 @ Washington.................21 (4-4) MM 1 9 4 7 UM ..........................................Opp. 21 @ Eastern Washington.. 0 21 Portland............................. 0 7 @ Arizona........................ 40 7 @ Utah State................... 13 12 Montana St. (in Butte)... 13 13 @ Washington State......12 21 @ Idaho............................ 0 14 @ California..................... 60 41 Colorado State................. 7 14 @ Hawaii.......................... 12 28 @ Hawaii All-Stars.........14 (7-4) MM X948 U M ..........................................Opp. 7 Washington (in G. Falls) 12 7 Utah S ta te ..........................18 27 Pacific University 0 0 Washington S ta te 48 14 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0

1949 nOpp. UM .......................................... 33 S. Dakota (in Billings) ... 13 7 ©Washington State........13 16 @ Utah State.....................13 12 ©Colorado S tate 27 14 @ Oregon State.............. 63 19 Idaho.................................. 47 34 Montana St. (in Butte)... 12 19 Eastern W ashington 6 (5-4) 1950 n UM ..........................................Opp. 52 28 13 7 33 0 35 13 38 7

Eastern W ashington 0 @ Idaho.............................27 @ O regon.........................21 Washington S ta te 14 Montana St. (in Butte)... 0 @ Oregon State.............. 20 Puget S o u n d ................... 7 @ N evada-Reno 19 Utah State....................... 7 San Jose St. (in Hawaii) 32 (5-5)

19 3 1 n UM ..........................................Opp. 7 @ Washington................. 58 25 New Mexico..................... 7 0 Denver............................... 55 9 Idaho...................................12 38 @ Montana State........... 0 6 @ Utah State................... 19 7 Wyoming........................... 34 6 Colorado State.................34 10 @ Washington State......47 (2-7) UM ...............1 9 5 2 ............ Opp. 0 Utah State......................... 7 Wyoming.......................14 0 7 Brigham Young.................28 Denver.......................... 7 17 0 © Colorado State 41 O regon.......................... 14 14 35 Montana State. .12 Idaho..............................27 0 20 @ San Jose State.......... 39 6 @ New Mexico................ 12

20 14 13 13 0

UM ................ 1 9 5 7 ...........Opp. 13 © Utah...............................32 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 20 7 @ Brigham Y oung......... 20 13 Denver................................26 35 @ Utah State................... 25 21 New M exico..................... 6 13 @ Idaho.............................. 31 13 @ MontanaState...............22 7 Colorado State.................. 19 (2-7) UM ................ 1 9 5 8 ...........Opp. 6 @ Utah............................... 20 14 Wyoming (in Billings).... 21 16 @ New Mexico................. 44 0 @ Denver........................... 29 14 Utah S tate.........................27 12 Brigham Y oung............... 41 7 @ Colorado State.......... 57 6 Idaho...................................14 6 Montana State................. 20 13 @ San D ieg o ................... 24 (0-10)

13 7 12 22 32 13 14 32

@ Brigham Y oung......... 27 Wyoming........................... 27 Idaho.................................. 20 @ Denver.......................... 13 Colorado State................ 31 New M exico..................... 41 @ Utah State...................33 @ Montana State............13

(3-5) m m .........................................,Opp. 1 9 5 4 n UM Fort Lewis......................... 7 @ Iowa.............................. 48 @ Denver.......................... 19 Utah State......................... 13 @ Brigham Y oung......... 19 @ Colorado State.......... 37 @ New Mexico............... 20 Montana State................. 21 Utah....................................41

31 6 13 20 7 34 14 25 20



UM Opp. 12 @ Houston.................. 54 0 Wyoming (in Billings) ....3 5 27 Brigham Young.......... 13 3 Denver.......................... 61 6 Utah State................... 32 19 New M exico................ 14 7 Colorado State............ 12 19 @ Montana State..... 0 0 @ Arizona................... 29 0 @ Idaho....................... 31 (3-7)

m m..........................................Opp. X956 UM 12 6 13 13 21

@ Arizona..........................27 @ Utah............................... 26 @ Denver...........................22 Utah State.......................... 27 Brigham Young.................14

7 7 6 7

tT .,

Western Illinois................. 0 @ Idaho State...................14 Montana State.................. 30 @ San Diego M arines...43 (3-6)



UM .........................................Opp. 13 @ Utah............................... 28 14 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 15 16 Idaho State....................... 0 15 @ Weber State................. 14 21 © Utah State....................54 7 Idaho....................................35 13 Pacific................................. 7 7 @ Montana State.............24 14 @ Western Michigan.......17 33 @ Portland State............ 7 (4-6)

riM 1966 n UM .........................................Opp. 6 7 10 0 0 14 8 0 6

No. Dakota (in Billings) . 30 @ South Dakota..............21 Portland State................... 0 Weber State.......................28 © Pacific............................ 28 © Idaho State...................17 @ Northern Arizona....... 34 Montana State.................. 38 @ Idaho..............................40 (1-8)

m m .........................................Opp. 1 9 6 7 n UM

UM ................ 1 9 5 9 ...........Opp. 19 North Dakota....................27 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 58 12 © Brigham Y oung ........ 0 12 Denver................................27 0 @ Utah State................... 28 14 New M exico......................55 16 Colorado State.................26 6 @ Montana State............40 6 @ Idaho............................ 9 (1-8)

19 7 13 21 14 20 10 8 14 55

I1M 1960 n UM ..........................................Opp.

rUM ..........................................Opp. 1968 ^

21 0 12 18 26 6 26 10 6 7

37 0 58 3 45 13 24 16 0

(2-7-1) iUM i m ..........................................Opp. 1 9 5 3

@ Colorado State 34 Montana State...................33 Wyoming (in Billings).... 34 @ New Mexico................. 14 Idaho.................................... 14 (1-9) .

@ North Dakota..............14 Wyoming (in Billings).... 14 Utah S tate.........................14 Idaho...................................14 @ Denver.......................... 12 Brigham Y oung............... 7 @ Colorado State...........14 Montana State................ 6 @ Utah...............................16 @ New M exico................24 (5-5)

X961 UM .......................................... Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 29 6 @ Utah State................... 54 40 New M exico..................... 8 6 @ Brigham Y oung........ 7 12 Utah.................................... 24 22 Colorado State................. 19 9 @ Montana State............ 10 14 Idaho (in B oise)...............16 (2-6) m m ..........................................Opp. 1 9 6 2 n UM 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 13 8 North Dakota.................... 14 20 @ Utah State...................43 22 Idaho...................................16 25 Weber State.................... 6 0 Brigham Y oung............... 27 22 @ Idaho State..................15 36 Montana State..................19 12 @ New Mexico................41 16 © Colorado State...........15 (5-5) n UM ............... X963 Opp. 16 @ British Columbia...... 0 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 35 13 North Dakota....................19 0 @ Brigham Y oung .........27 13 Idaho State....................... 14 6 Utah S tate.........................62 6 @ New Mexico................24 13 @ Weber State................ 19 4 @ Montana State............18 12 Colorado State.................20 (1-9) MM

m m ..........................................Opp. 1 9 6 4 n UM 29 British Columbia..............24 7 © Pacific........................... 23 0 @ New Mexico................20 0 Utah State.........................41 20 Weber State......................12

@ North Dakota...............14 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 3 @ Weber State................. 12 Pacific................................. 7 Idaho.................................... 19 Idaho State....................... 0 Northern Arizona............. 7 @ Montana State..14 @ Utah State...........20 @ Portland State... 7 (7-3)

No. Dakota (in Billings) . 10 @ South Dakota..............21 Portland State................... 0 Utah State.......................... 50 @ Idaho..................... 56 @ Idaho State......... 23 Montana State.................. 29 Weber State....................... 20 @ Northern Arizona....... 18 (2-7)

19^9 n UM ..........................................Opp. 24 @ North D akota.............. 10 31 So. Dakota (in G. Falls).20 52 Northern Arizona............. 7 20 @ Weber State................. 17 34 Idaho................................... 9 46 Idaho State........................ 36 49 @ Portland State 14 7 @ Montana State............. 6 14 Cal Poly (SLO)................ 0 58 South Dakota St.............. 0 Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 3 North Dakota...St..............30 (10-1) m 1 9 7 0 n Um M ..........................................Opp. 28 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 7 30 © Northern Illinois 6 20 @ Northern Arizona 0 38 Weber State....................... 29 44 Idaho (in Pullman)...........26 35 @ Idaho State.................. 34 35 © South Dakota............. 7 31 Portland State....................25 35 Montana State................. 0 24 @ South Dakota St........ 0 Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 16 North Dakota...St..............31 (10-1)


UM ..... Opp. 14 So. Dakota (in G. Falls). 7 27 @ North Dakota 14 38 © Cal Poly (SLO) 14 12 Idaho....................... 21 24 © Boise State 47 45 Idaho State............ 35 14 Pacific...................... 30 14 @ Weber State 13 30 @ Montana State 0 11 © Hawaii............... 25 29 @ Portland State 36 (6-5)


UM 1972 Opp. 0 @ South Dakota..............35 14 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 42 40 Northern Arizona.............. 17 6 @ Pacific............................ 24 12 Weber State...................... 7 7 @ IdahoState......... 14 4 @ Hawaii................ 30 42 Boise State..........................28 3 Montana State...................21 17 @ Idaho.....................31 7 @ Tulsa...................10 (3-8) UM ............................. Opp. 41 Simon Fraser (in G. Falls) 14 10 @ North D akota..............31 10 @ R ice............................... 21 10 @ Northern Arizona.......14 31 South Dakota................... 19 19 Idaho State........................14 7 © Montana State............ 33 7 @ Boise State.................. 55 7 Idaho...................................20 10 © Weber State............... 0 (4-6) UM ................1 9 7 4 .............Opp. 14 @ Simon Fraser................ 23 10 @ South Dakota...............24 17 @ Nevada-Las V egas....20 24 Weber State...................... 13 27 Northern Arizona............ 0 35 @ Idaho............................. 35 24 @ Portland State.............14 29 Montana State..................43 22 @ Idaho State................... 25 42 Boise State......................... 56 (3-6-1) UM 1 9 7 5 Opp. 51 South Dakota................... 17 21 Nevada-Las V egas..........20 48 @ Weber State.................12 7 Idaho State........................12 14 Idaho.................................. 3 3 © Montana State............ 20 28 @ Boise State.................. 39 33 Portland State................... 16 28 @ Northern Arizona...... 22 10 @ Simon Fraser...............24 (6-4) .


U M ................X 9 7 3 ............ Opp. 19 © Nevada-Las V egas....21 49 @ Portland State............ 50 28 Weber State......................25 21 Northern Arizona.............23 17 @ Boise State.................. 14 19 @ Northern C olorado...27 12 Montana State..................21 21 Idaho State........................17 19 @ Idaho............................. 28 45 Simon Fraser.................... 17 (4-6) UM 1 9 7 7 Opp. 13 Nevada-Las V egas.......... 15 24 © Northern Arizona...... 25 40 Portland State...................25 23 Weber State......................31 17 Boise State........................ 43 20 @ Idaho............................. 31 17 Idaho State........................15 19 @ Montana State............24 34 Northern Colorado.......... 13 18 @ Puget Sou nd...............17 (4-6) .

1948 cont.

U M ......................................... Opp. 0 @Idaho.............................. 39 20 @Brigham Y ou n g...........26 14 College of Pacific.............32 7 ©Stanford.........................39 47 North Dakota................... 7 (3-7)

UM1 9 7 3 Opp. 12 Puget S ou n d .................... 23 16 @ Portland S tate............ 27 6 Northern Arizona.............21 27 @ Weber State............... 7 15 @ Boise State................. 7 30 Idaho...................................34 28 © Idaho State................. 7 17 @ Nevada-Las V egas....25 24 Montana State................ 8 31 Northern Colorado..........14 7 © San Jose State.......... 35 (5-6) .


1979 UM .Opp. 14 @ Wash. St. (in Spokane)34 13 @ Northern Arizona. 26 23 Weber State................ 16 35 Boise State.................. 37 24 28 Idaho State................. 20 17 © Idaho...................... 20 Nevada-Reno.............. 27

38 21 @ Montana State 20 @ Northern Colorado*...10 40 32 Portland State............. (3-7)

1980 UMj Opp. 60 Simon Fraser............... 27 0 @ Portland State 20 42 0 Idaho............................. 44 10 Boise State................... 21 © Weber State.......... 38 17 0 @ Idaho State............ 42 Eastern Washington 7 24 7 Montana S tate............ 21 31 Northern Arizona....... 10 7 @ N evada-Reno....... (3-7) 1981 UM Opp. 23 29 @ Northern Arizona 42 Northern Iow a............. 21 13 @ Boise State............. 27 16 @ Idaho....................... 14 24 Idaho State................... 21 33 Portland State............. 3 17 27 @ Montana State...... 33 Nevada-Reno............... 26 7 6 Weber State................. 13 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane) 14 (7-3) 1982 UM Opp. 40 0 @ Hawaii.................... 38 Puget S o u n d ................ 10 36 Northern Arizona....... 35 28 © N evada-Reno........ 27 14 @ Boise State............. 21 16 40 Idaho............................. 14 @ Idaho State............ 28 14 45 Montana State............. 28 @ Portland S tate....... 35 42 @ Weber State.......... 20 10 © Oregon State..............30 I-AA Playoffs 7 @ Idaho............................ 21 (6-6) UM ...............I ? 8. ? ..............Opp. 21 Boise State........................ 20 35 Portland State...................19 21 @ N. Arizona................... 17 28 Weber State......................26 0 Nevada-Reno....................38 24 © Idaho.............................45 8 @ Montana State............28 14 Long Beach State...........38 26 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane)27 17 Idaho State....................... 31 (4-6) U M .............. X 9 8 4 ..............Opp. 42 Abilene Christian..............28 17 @ Portland State............16 3 @ Idaho State.................43 14 © Weber State............... 47 18 Northern Arizona............ 24 14 Eastern Washington.......14 7 @ Boise State................. 35 39 Idaho.................................. 40 24 Montana State.................34 28 @ Nevada-Reno.............31 31 Army.................................. 45 (Mirage Bowl in Tokyo) (2-8-1)

1985 UM ....................................... .Opp. 31 Cal-Fullerton.............. 30 17 @ M innesota............. 62 16 Portland State............ 21 23 R e n o ............................ 38 35 Idaho S ta te ................ 29 0 @ Idaho...................... 38 18 @ Montana State 41 29 Weber S ta te ............... 57 3 Boise State................. 28 19 © Eastern Washington ..52 32 @ Northern Arizona. 31 (3-8)

1986 UM •Opp. 17 @ N evada-R eno...... 51 34 28 @N. Arizona............. 42 E. W ashington.......... 37 0 @ Boise S t a te .......... 31 38 Idaho S ta te ................ 31 59 Montana S ta te .......... 28 31 Idaho............................ 38 55 © Weber S ta te ......... 29 57 @ Idaho S ta te .......... 13 35 @ Portland State...... 14 (6-4)

■All Opponents RecordAbilene C hristian .................... A riz o n a ...................................... A rm y ..........................................

Boise S ta te .................... Brigham Y o u n g ..................... British C o lu m b ia..................... C alifornia................................... Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) Carroll C o lleg e ........................ C olorado S tate ........................ D e P a u l. ....................................

Eastern W ashington.... F arragut Naval B a se ...............

Fullerton (CA) S ta te .... G o n z a g a ...................................... H a w a ii......................................... H o u s to n ......................................

Idaho............................... Idaho State..................... Io w a ............................................ Long B each S ta te .................. M in n e so ta.................................

Montana S ta te .............. M ontana T e c h ........................ N evada-L as V e g a s.................

Nevada-Reno ................ New M e x ico ............................. North D akota .......................... North D akota S ta te ...............

Northern Arizona ......... N orthern C o lo rad o ................ N orthern Illin o is......................

Northern Iow a.............. .

W 1 1 0 4 5 2 0 2 1 6 1 8 0 1 11 1 0 19 18 0 0 0 49 12 1 2 4 11 2 11 3 1 2


T 0 0

0 3 1 18 11 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0

0 10 0 4 2 0 9 3 1 48 9 1 1 1 31 4

0 2 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 0

4 7 10 7 2 9 1 0 0

O klahom a City ................. O r e g o n ................................. O regon S ta te ...................... Pacific U n iv ersity .............. University of th e Pacific . Pocatello M a rin e s............. P o rtla n d ............................... P o r t l a n d S t a t e ............. P uget S o u n d ...................... R ice........................................ S an D ie g o .......................... S an Diego M a rin e s .......... S an F ra n c isc o .................... S an Jo se S tate ................. S im on F ra s e r...................... S outh D a k o ta .................... S o u th D akota S tate ........ S o u th ern C alifornia.......... S ta n f o rd ............................... S y ra c u se ............................... T exas T e c h ......................... T u ls a ..................................... U C L A .................................... U ta h ....................................... U tah S t a t e ........................... W a sh in g to n ......................... W ashington S t a t e ............ W e b e r S t a t e ................... W estern Illinois ................. W h itm a n ............................. W illam ette............................ W y o m in g .............................

0 0 0


1 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 0 5 4 0 3 1 7 11 25 16 30

1 5 0 0

0 6 1 12

0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0




0 4 12 0 5 0 0



Total (includes Non-collegiate opp.)............


w 1 0 0 2 2 1 2 14 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 1 2


The 1937 Grizzly football team was 7-1 and will be honored at this year’s Homecoming game against Weber State. The Grizzlies’ sole loss was 6-0 at Idaho and UM’s chance at a Cotton Bowl bid was thwarted on an interception by former Big Sky Conference Commissioner Steve Belko.

Tentative Future Schedules 1988 S ept. 3 S outhern Utah S ept. 10 Cal State-L ong B each S ept. 17 @ Idaho State* Sept. 24 Idaho* Oct. 1 @ N evada-R eno* Oct. 8 Eastern W ashington* Oct. 15 N orthern Arizona* Oct. 22 @ Boise State* O ct. 29 @ W eber State* Nov. 5 M ontana State* Nov. 12 O PEN Nov. 19 @ Portland State *Big Sky C onference gam e

1989 S ept. 9 @ Fresno State Sept. 16 Portland State S ep t. 23 @ Eastern W ashington* Sept. 30 @ Idaho* Oct. 7 W eber State* Oct. 14 N evada-R eno* O ct. 21 @ N orthern Arizona* Oct. 28 Boise State* Nov. 4 @ M ontana State* Nov. 11 Idaho State* Nov. 18 O PEN


1990 S ept. 8 O PEN S ept. 15 O PEN S ept. 22 N orthern Iowa S ept. 29 Eastern W ashington* Oct. 6 @ Boise State* O ct. 13 @ W eber State* Oct. 2 0 N orthern Arizona* O ct. 27 M ontana State* N ov. 3 @ N evada-R eno Nov. 10 Idaho* Nov. 17 @ Idaho State*

•The Grizzly Record BookIndividual R e co r d s—S in g le S e a so n KICKOFF RETURNS


RUSHING Most Carries

Most Plays

Most Returns

2 4 1 , G reg Isem an, 1982

4 9 9 , B rent P ease, 1986

30, Mike Rice, 1985

Most Net Yards

Most Yards

Most Yards

I ,2 5 3 , S teve C a p u to , 1971

3 ,0 9 4 , B rent P ease, 1986 (R ush—38; P a ss—3,056)

66 0 , G reg D unn, 1979

Highest Average Per Carry 8 .2 ,


Dick Im er, 1953 (86-703)

Most Touchdowns Rushing

Most Receptions

I I , S teve Sullivan, 1920 10, G reg Isem an, 1982 9, Dick Im er, 1 9 5 4

68, Brian S alo n en , 1983

Most Yards

Most Yards Returned

Most Touchdowns

2 18, G reg A nderson, 1978 (6 interceptions)

13, Mike Rice, 1986 9, Brian S alo n en , 1983

Most Attempts

PASS INTERCEPTIONS Most Interceptions 11, Karl Stein, 1969

1 ,0 4 6 , Mike Rice, 1986


Highest Average 3 3 .5 , G reg A n d erso n , 1974 (10-335)


4 4 0 , B rent P ease, 1986

Most Completed 2 4 1 , B rent P ease, 1986


Most Punts

Most Points

70, D ave H arrington, 1973

84, G reg Isem an, 1982 80, Mike Rice, 1986 79, “W ild” Bill Kelly, 1926

Most Yards

Most Yards

3 ,0 5 6 , B rent P ease, 1986

2 ,7 7 1 , Mike Rice, 1985

Highest Completion Percentage

Highest Average

(m inim um of 100 attem pts) 6 1 .9 , Marty M ornhinw eg, 1982 (140x226)

(m inim um of 3 5 punts) 4 4 .7 , Mike Rice, 1985 (62-2,771)

Most Touchdowns

16, Marty M ornhinw eg, 1984

Most Returns

14, 13, 12, 11,

Most Touchdown Passes

4 2 , Karl Stein, 1970

Most Field Goals

3 0 , B rent P ease, 1986

Most Yards

12, Bruce C arlson, 1976 11, D ean R om inger, 1981


Most Passes Had Intercepted

4 1 7 , Karl S tein, 1970

G reg Isem an, 1982 Mice Rice, 1986 “W ild” Bill Kelly, 1926 S teve Sullivan, 1920

Highest Average

Most Conversions

2 0 .2 ,

4 1 , Eby D obson, 1986

G reg A nderson, 1974 (13-263)

Individual R eco rd s—S in g le G am e RUSHING Most Carries

Most Yards

Longest Touchdown

4 6 9 B rent P ease vs. W eber S tate, 1986

102, Milt P opovich vs. O regon S tate C ollege, 1936 94, G reg A nderson vs. Idaho an d M ont. S tate, 1974

3 6 , M onty Bullerdick vs. Idaho S tate, 1977

Most Net Yards 2 2 7 , Les K ent vs. P ortland S tate, 1969

Most Touchdowns Rushing

PASS RECEIVING Most Receptions 12, Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, 1986 11, Brian S alo n en vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

4, Arnie B lancas vs. W eber S tate, 1970 4, G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982

Most Yards

Longest Touchdown Run

Most Touchdowns

8 0 , Bob Sm ith vs. Sim on F raser, 1973 8 0 , Mike Mickey vs. S o u th D akota, 1975 8 0 , D oug Egbert vs. W eber S tate, 1975

Longest Run From Scrimmage 8 8 , “W ild” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. S tate C harles, 1924

PASSING Most Attempts 62, Jo h n n y C o p p e d g e vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

Most Completed 36, B rent P ease vs. Idaho S tate, 1986

Most Yards 4 6 0 , B rent P ease vs. W eber S tate, 1986

Most Touchdowns 5, B rent P ease vs. Idaho S tate, 1986 5, B rent P ease vs. E. W ashington, 1986

198, Terry W hite vs. W eber S tate, 1985 4, Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, 1986

Longest Touchdown Reception

PASS INTERCEPTIONS Most Interceptions 4, Ed C erkovnik vs. P ortland S tate, 1977

Most Yards Returned 125, Kelly Jo h n s o n vs. P ortland S tate, 1977

Longest Touchdown 90, Kelly Jo h n so n vs. P ortland S tate, 1977

8 7, S cott M oe vs. W eber S tate, 1985

PUNTING Most Punts

SCORING Most Points

11, Mike Rice vs. Boise S tate, 1986 11, D ave H arrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry T hom as vs. N evada-L as V egas, 1978

30, 26, 26, 26,

Most Yards

Most Touchdowns

4 4 3 , L on H ow ard vs. U tah S tate, 1968

5, 4, 4, 4, 4,

Highest Average 5 1 .0 , Mike Rice vs. Idaho, 1985 (8 for 408)


G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982 “W ild” Bill Kelly vs. W hitm an C ollege, 1926 Del S p ear vs. Idaho, 1974 Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, 1986

G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982 Arnie B lancas vs. W eber S tate, 1970 Jeff H offm ann vs. N orthern Arizona, 1972 Del S p ear vs. Idaho, 1974 Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, Idaho, 1986

Highest Completion Percentage

Most Returns

Most Field Goals

(m inim um of 10 attem pts) .8 2 6 , Kelly R ichardson vs. W eber S tate (19x23), 1983

7, Karl Stein vs. P ortland S tate, 1970

4, B ruce C arlson vs. N orthern C olo rad o , 1976

Most Yards

Longest Field Goal

Most Passes Had Intercepted 5, Jo h n Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966

126, Karl Stein vs P ortland S tate, 1970

Longest Touchdown 8 3, R on B aines vs. U of Pacific, 1967


Longest Touchdown Pass 8 7 , S h an o n M ornhinw eg vs. W eber S tate, 1985

TOTAL OFFENSE Most Plays 7 1, Jo h n n y C o p p e d g e vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

Most Returns 8, Mike Rice vs. W eber S tate, 1985

Most Yards 2 4 5 , Mike Rice vs. W eber S tate, 1985

52, Eby D obson vs. N orthern A rizona, 1985

Most Conversions 9, 7, 7, 7,

Russell S w eet vs. M ont. School of Mines, 1924 Mick O ’Neill vs. P ortland S tate, 196 7 Dan W orrell vs. P ortland S tate, 1 9 6 8 D an W orrell vs. N orthern Arizona, P ortland S tate, S outh D akota S tate, 1969 7, Eby D obson vs. W eber S tate, 1 986

T eam R eco rd s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING


Most Carries

Highest Average Per Carry

Most Attempts

7 2 8 , 197 0

5 .6 , 1954 (380-2114)

4 6 0 , 1986

Most Net Yards

Highest Per Game Average

Most Completed

3 ,4 7 7 , 1971

3 3 8 .4 , 1970

2 4 6 , 1986


■Team R ecords—Single Season (cont.)PUNT RETURNS

Highest Completion Percentage 6 1 .0 ,

Lowest Completion Pet. Allowed

Most Returns

1982 (195-320)

Highest Average Yardage

.354, 1973 (84-237)

Fewest Yards Allowed

4 2, 1970, 1986

3 1 2 .2 , 1986

Most Yards

Most Passes Had Intercepted

4 5 0 , 1949

4 1 5 , 1959

Fewest Touchdowns Allowed

28 , 1977

Highest Average

4, 1963

Fewest Passes Had Intercepted

1 7 .9 ,

Most Passes Intercepted

1954 (12-215)

4, 1970

Most Touchdown Passes

Fewest Average Plays Allowed

53, 1985, 1986

Most Yards

5 5 .6 ,

Most Yards

3 ,1 2 2 , 1986


3 .3 , 1970 (648-2150)

Highest Average

Fewest Yards

2 4 .6 , 197 4 (43-1,059)

8 1 9 , 1978

Most Yards

2 ,1 5 0 , 1970


Most Points

4 ,5 4 8 , 1969

Lowest Yield Per Game 2 1 5 .0 ,

3 6 2 , 1986

Highest Per Play Average

Fewest Allowed

4 8 , 1986

9 8, 1949

Most Field Goals

4 5 4 .8 , 1969

Fewest Rushing

12, 1976 an d 1981


3 9, 1970

Most Conversions

Most Total First Downs

Fewest Passing

4 1 , 1986

2 3 1 , 1982

14, 1959


Most First Downs Rushing

Fewest By Penalties

Fewest Average Carries Allowed

171, 1970

3, 1959 an d 1964

3 4 .6 , 1970

Most First Downs Passing


Lowest Per Rush Yield

123, 1 984

2 .0 ,

Most First Downs by Penalties

Most Fumble Recoveries

1970 (346-699)

27, 1975

Fewest Yards Allowed

23 , 1979

Most Total Recoveries

69 9 , 1970




Most Touchdowns

1969 (772-4548)

Highest Per Game Average


Lowest Average Per Play Yield

1 ,1 2 7 , 1986

Most Plays

Most Punts


Most Returns

30 , 1986

5 .9 ,

28, 1970



4 5 , 1977 (Interceptions an d Fumbles)

Fewest Attempts Allowed

72, 1978

9 6, 1959

Most Yards

Fewest Completions Allowed

2 ,8 3 1 , 1978

3 5, 1959

Highest Average 4 4 .7 , 1985 (62-2 ,7 7 1 )

T eam R e co r d s—S in g le G am e RUSHING Most Carries

Most Passes Had Intercepted

7, vs. S. D akota S t., 1969 7, vs. P ortland S t., 1970 7, vs. T ulsa, 1972

Fewest Yards

99, vs. S. D akota S t., 1970

Most Yards

Fewest Average Yards Per Play

Most Yards

2 2 4 , vs. New M exico, 1959

-1 .1 , vs. P ortland S t., 1975

Most Net Yards Most Touchdowns 16, 6, 6, 6, 6,

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Mt. St. C harles, 1920 P ortlan d S t., 1967 an d 1968 S. D akota S t., 1969 Id ah o S tate, 1971 S o u th D akota, 1975


Most Plays

64 9 , vs. P ortland S t., 1968

Highest Average Per Play 9 .9 ,

Highest Average Per Carry 8 .6 ,

vs. N orth D akota, 1948


Most Attempts

6 2 , vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

Most Completions

vs. N. D akota, 1948 (46-457)

FIRST DOWNS 31, vs. W eber S t., 1986

Most Rushing First Downs 25, vs. Idaho, 1974

Most Passing First Downs 18, th ree tim es

3 6 , vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

Most First Downs by Penalties

Most Yards

5, five tim es; th ree tim es in 1968


4 6 0 , vs. W eber S t., 1986

Most Touchdowns

Most Punts

5, vs. Idaho S t., 1986 5, vs. E. W ashington, 1986

12, vs. Boise S t., 1986

Highest Completion Pet. .7 5 0 , vs. M o n tan a S tate, 1982 .7 5 0 , vs. Idaho S tate, 1963


Fewest Carries

8 3 , vs. S. D akota S t., 1970 4 7 1 , vs. P ortlan d S t., 1968


Most Returns

6, vs. U tah S t., 1948

Most Yards


Most Points

133, vs. Mt. St. C harles, 1920 60, vs. Sim on F raser, 1980 59, vs. M ontana S t., 1986

Most Touchdowns 16, 8, 8, 8,

vs. vs. vs. vs.

Mt. St. C harles, 1920 E astern W ashington, 1950 P ortland S t., 1967 P ortland S t., 1968

Most Conversion Kicks 16, vs. Mt. St. C harles, 1920 7, vs. P ortland S t., 1 9 6 7-68-69 Arizona, S. D akota S t., 1969


4 6 4 , vs. Boise S t., 1986

Fewest Carries

Highest Average

18, vs. British C olum bia, 1963

5 1 .0

vs. Idaho, 1985

18, vs. British C olum bia, 1963 -3 .3 , vs. P ortland S t., 1975


Most Interceptions

8, vs. P ortland S t., 1977 7, tw o tim es in 1978

Lowest Completion Percentage .1 7 9 , by M ontana S t., 1971 (5x28)

Most Yards Interceptions Returned 2 3 4 , vs. N. C olorad o , 1978


Fewest Plays Allowed

27, vs. British C olum bia, 1963

Fewest Yards Allowed 28, vs. U tah S t., 1950

Lowest Average Per Play Allowed .68, vs. U tah S t., 1950

Individual C areer F ootb all R ecord s RUSHING

Most Carries

4 3 3 , M onty Bullerdick, 1977-78

Most Net Yards 2 ,2 2 8 , Rocky K lever, 1977-81


Most Yards Passing


Most Interceptions

Most Points

Most Touchdowns

21, Karl Stein, 1969-70

196, Bruce C arlson, 1 9 7 4-77 194, “W ild” Bill Kelly, 19 2 4 -2 6


38, Marty M ornhinw eg, 1980-84

Most Passes Had Intercepted

Most Receptions

151, Brian S alo n en , 1980-83

38, Marty M ornhinw eg, 1 980-84

Most Yards

Most Completions

Highest Completion Pet.

Most Touchdown Receptions

4 8 8 , Marty M ornhinw eg. 1980-84

5 8 .7 ,

14, Mike Rice, 1985-86

Most Attempts

8 3 2 , Marty M ornhinw eg, 1980-84


6 ,0 8 3 , Marty M ornhinw eg, 1 980-84

1 ,8 8 2 , Brian S alo n en , 1980-83 Marty M ornhinw eg, 1980-84


Most Touchdowns 31, “W ild” Bill Kelly, 1 9 2 4 -2 6 21, Del S p ear, 197 3 -7 6

Most Field Goals 35, Bruce C arlson, 1974-77

Most Conversion Kicks 102, D an W orrell, 1 9 6 8 -7 0

Big Sky First TeamJerry L u c h a u ...................................................... 1963 Chris P o m a je v ic h .................................................. 1963 P ete G o t a y .............................................................. 1963 P aul C o n n e lly ......................................................... 1964 W ayne H a rrin g to n ................................................ 1964 Terry B e rg e n ........................................................... 1965 Willie J o n e s ............................................................ 1965 W arren H ill.............................................................. 1966 Bob G r a h a m ........................................................... 1967 Lon H o w a r d ........................................................... 1967 Larry H u g g in s ........................................................ 1967 Bryan M a g n u so n ................................................... 1967 Mick O ’N eill............................................................ 1967 Bob B e e r s ......................................................... 1967-68 H erb W h ite ........................................................ 1967-68 Tuufuli U p e r e s a ...............................................1968-69 Tim G a lla g h e r ....................................................... 1969 Bill G u tm a n ............................................................ 1969 Les K e n t.................................................................. 1969 Jim N ordstrom ...................................................... 1969 Roy R o b in so n ......................................................... 1969 Jo h n S te d h a m ........................................................ 1969 Larry S tra n a h a n ..................................................... 1969 Arnie B lan cas................................................... 1969-70 Larry Miller........................................................ 1969-70 Karl S te in ........................................................... 1969-70 Steve O koniew ski .......................................... 1970-71 S tev e C a p u to ......................................................... 1971 Ray S ta c h n ic k ........................................................ 1971 Kit B l u e , ........................................................ 1972 Barry D a r ro w ......................................................... 1972 Mick D e n n e h y ........................................................1972 Leo L a R o c h e ......................................................... 1972


R on R o s e n b e rg ....................................... 1972, 1974 S teve T a y lo r ...........................................................1973 D ave H a rrin g to n ................................................... 1973 Sly H a r d y ................................................ 1973-74 G reg A n d e r s o n .........................................1 974-75-76 P aul C o o le y ............................................................ 1976 M onty B ullerdick................................................... 1977 S teve F ish e r............................................................ 1978 Allen G r e e n ............................................................ 1978


S am Martin ...................................................... 1 9 7 8 -7 9 G uy B ingham ..................................................1 9 7 8-79 G reg D u n n ........................................................1 978-79 Jim H a rd .................................................................. 1979 Raul A lleg re............................................................ 1979 Kent C lausen ......................................................... 1979 P at C u r r y .................................................................1981 Jim R o o n e y ............................................................ 1981 Mickey S utton . . .....................................................1981 T ony F u d g e ............................................................ 1982 Ben K ie fe r............................................................... 1982 Brian S alo n en ........................................................1983 Mike R ic e ................................................................. 1985 Larry C lark so n ........................................................1986 Mike R ic e .................................................................1986

Pacific Coast, Northwest, Skyline Chris B e n tz ............ Alfred R o b ertson... Earl “Click” C lark. “W ild” Bill Kelly ... Reid H arm on ........ Bob S tansberry .... Milt P o p o v ic h ........ Aldo F o r te .............. Ray B a u e r .............. Bob B y r n e .............. Hal M a u s ............... Jim M u rra y ............ Dick I m e r ................. J o e D eL uca ........... D oug D asinger...... S tan R e n n in g ......... Jo h n L a n d s ............ Bob O ’Billovich.... P at D o d s o n ............ Terry Dillon ............

1914 1914-15 1915 1924-25 1929 1933 1937 1937 1950 1951 1952 1952 1 9 5 3-54 1954 1955 1957-58 1958-59 1960 1960 1961

M arty M ornhinw eg (A P * ).................................. Mike Rice (A ssociated Press, 1st te a m ) ........ Rick Sullivan (2nd T eam G TE Academic) .. Mike Rice (AP & Football N ew s, 1st team ) Larry C larkson (AP, 1st te a m ) ........................ T ony B reland (Football N ew s, 2nd te a m )...

1984 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986

Joe DeLuca 1954 All-American


Chris B e n tz ........................................................................................................... 1921 “W ild” Bill K elly.................................................................................................. 1926 Tom D a v is* ..........................................................................................................1928 Jim M o rro w ..........................................................................................................1929 W aldo Ekegren* .................................................................................................1930 Bob Stansberry* .................................................................................................1933 H enry Blastic Milt P o p o v ic h .......................................................................................................1937 J o e D eLuca* .......................................................................................................1954 D oug D a n s in g e r* ............................................................................................... 1955 S tan R e n n in g .................................................................................................1957-58 Jo h n L a n d s ....................................................................................................1958-59 Terry D illo n ..........................................................................................................1962 Bob B eers (A ssociated Press, first team ) ............................................1 967-68 Herb W hite (A P * )..............................................................................................1968 Tuufuli U p eresa (AP, 2 n d team ; Kodak*) Les K ent (AP, 2 n d team ) ...............................................................................1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team ) Ray Brum (AP*) Ray Stein (AP an d Kodak*) Larry Miller (AP, 3rd te a m ) ........................................................................... 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team ) Arnie B lancas (AP*) S teve O koniew ski (AP*) G reg M aloney (Co-SIDA, 2 n d team ) S teve O koniew ski (AP, 3rd team ; K odak, 2 n d te a m )......................... 1971 S teve C ap u to (AP*) Barry D arrow (AP*) Barry D arrow (Universal S p orts, 2nd team ) ............................................1972 R on R osenberg (AP, 3rd te a m ) ....................................................................1974 G reg A n d erso n (1975 A P * /A P , K odak, 1st te a m ) ..............................1976 M onty Bullerdick (A P * )................................................................................... 1977 S teve Fisher (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team ) Jim H ard (Kodak, 1st team ; A P * ) ..............................................................1979 Allen G reen (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team ) Ed C erkovnik (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team ) G reg Isem an (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 3rd te a m ) ..............................1982 T ony Fudge (AP) * Marty M ornhinw eg (AP) * Brian S alo n en (AP, K odak, C oaches, East-W est S hrine G am e, 2 n d team Co-SID A A cadem ic A A ) ........................................................1983

*D enotes honorable m ention

Mike Rice 1985-86 All-American


All-Time Leaders C areer L eaders (since 1948) RUSHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Rocky K lever S teve C a p u to M onty Bullerdick Dick Imer Terry Dillon A rnie B lancas Les Kent Del S p ear P aul C onnelly Jeff H offm an Bob Byrne C asey Reilly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Brian S alo n en Bob M cC auley Mike Rice Ray B auer V ern Kelly Jim H ard P aul C ooley B rad Dantic Allen G reen P aul Lam b J o h n L ands D u ane W alker D oug Bain C urt M cG inness

SCORING 2 ,2 2 8 2 ,0 3 3 1 ,8 1 3 1 ,5 9 2 1 ,5 6 9 1,5 6 4 1 ,5 5 4 1,4 2 9 1 ,3 4 8 1 ,3 4 5 1 ,3 1 3 1 ,2 8 4

yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

1 ,8 8 2 1 ,4 6 6 1 ,4 3 4 1 ,2 5 0 1 ,1 0 3 960 941 86 9 837 735 701 700 58 4 57 9

yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards

B ruce C arlson D an W orrell Eby D obson Del S p ear Bob T urnquist Rocky Klever Dick Imer Mike Rice Raul Allegre D ean R om inger Eby D obson G reg Isem an Terry Dillon C asey Reilly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Marty M ornhinw eg B rent P ease T om Kingsford Bob B oyes Ray Brum Tim Kerr V an T roxel Rock S v en n u n g se n Dick H eath Kelly R ichardson G ary B erding T om Huffer


196 180 166 126 115 112 111 104 102 99 98 96 96 96

points points points points points points points points points points points points points points

6 ,0 8 3 3 ,6 5 5 2 ,2 9 6 2 ,1 7 8 2 ,0 6 8 1,7 4 5 1 ,4 4 7 1 ,4 4 6 1,231 1,191 1,1 7 7 1 ,1 4 4

yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards


Del Spear

Bruce Carlson

Ray Bauer

S in gle S e a so n RUSHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

S teve C a p u to ....................... G reg Isem an ........................ M onty B ullerdick ................. Les K e n t ................................ Terry D illon........................... Dick I m e r .............................. Arnie B la n c a s ....................... Bryan M a g n u so n ................. M onty B u llerd ick ................. Rocky K lev er........................

(since 1948) Yds.


1,253 1 ,0 7 5 1 ,0 2 2 972 892 889 855 818 791 783

1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981

SCORING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 11.

RECEIVING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Mike R i c e .............................. Bob M c C a u le y ..................... Brian S a lo n e n ....................... Jim H a r d ................................ P aul L a m b ............................. P aul C o o le y .......................... T ony L am b ert....................... V ern K e lly ............................. Ray B a u e r ............................. V ern K e lly ............................. D oug B a in ............................. Brian S a lo n e n ....................... C urt M c G in n e ss.................. Terry H urley ........................ G reg Isem an ........................ Brian S a lo n e n .......................



1 ,046 933 832 722 614 60 7 56 9 564 563 539 473 45 2 43 8 431 42 0 418

1986 1984 1983 1979 1985 1976 1986 1978 1950 1977 1969 1982 1984 1955 1982 1981


G reg Isem an ........................ Mike R ic e .............................. Eby D o b s o n .......................... D an W o rre ll.......................... Dick I m e r .............................. D an W o rre ll.......................... Del S p e a r .............................. Bob M c C a u le y ..................... Bruce C a rlso n ....................... D ean R o m in g er.................... P at D o d s o n ........................... Rocky K lev er........................ Brian S a lo n e n ....................... B ruce C a rlso n .......................

PASSING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


B rent P ease .......................... Marty M ornhinw eg .............. Bob B o y e s ............................. Marty M ornhinw eg.............. T om K ingsford..................... M arty M ornhinw eg .............. Tim K e r r ................................ R ay B ru m .............................. Kelly R ic h a rd s o n ................. S h an o n M o rn h in w eg ......... Marty M ornhinw eg.............. G ary B erd in g ........................ Dick H eath ...........................



84 80 68 67 64 60 60 56 55 55 54 54 54 53

1982 1986 1986 1969 1954 1970 1974 1984 1976 1981 1960 1979 1983 1977



3 ,0 5 6 2 ,4 5 3 1 ,6 6 8 1 ,5 6 9 1 ,3 6 1 1 ,1 8 7 1 ,0 9 7 969 906 884 874 828 809

1986 1984 1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1969 1983 1985 1980 1970 1953

Initiated in 1 9 2 1 , th e Grizzly C up is the U niver­ sity of M o n ta n a’s oldest athletic aw ard. Dr. W . E. Schreiber, a long tim e h ead of th e UM physical ed u catio n d ep artm en t, b egan th e aw ard which is given to the athlete w ho best represents the Univer­ sity on an d off th e playing field.

Henry Dahmer 1943 Grizzly Cup

Grizzly Cup-----

Larry H igbee........................................................... 1921 Gil P o rte r................................................................. 1922 Gil P o rte r................................................................. 1923 A ngus M e ag h er.....................................................1924 R uss S w e e t.............................................................. 1925 T ed Illm an............................................................... 1926 C larence C o y le ...................................................... 1927 Eddie C h in sk e ........................................................1928 Tom D avis............................................................... 1929 Ray L ew is............................................................... 1930 G lenn L o ck w o o d ..................................................1931 Lowell D ailey......................................................... 1932 D ale H in m a n ........................................................... 1933 A1 D ahlberg............................................................ 1934 N aseby R hinehart, S r .......................................... 1935 H enry Blastic........................................................... 1936 Bill L azetich............................................................ 1938 Bob T hornally........................................................ 1940 T om O ’D o n n ell...................................................... 1941 Bill J o n e s ................................................................. 1942 H enry D a h m e r...................................................... 1943 C harles M oses........................................................1948 Jo h n H elding ......................................................... 1949 Ja ck O ’L aughlin.....................................................1950 Ray B a u e r............................................................... 1951 Robert B y rn e........................................................... 1952 Jack L u ck m an ........................................................1953 Ed A n d e rso n ........................................................... 1954 M urdo C am pbell................................................... 1955 Dale S h u p e ..................... 1956 D on W illiam son..................................................... 1957

____________________________ Q N aseby R hinehart, J r ..........................................1958 Mike G ran b o is........................................................1 959 R udy R u a n a ............................................................ 1960 Bob O ’Billovich...................................................... 1961 Bob O ’Billovich...................................................... 1962 P aul D. Miller......................................................... 1963 Tim A ldrich.............................................................. 1964 William M. R ice.....................................................1965 G ary B. P e c k ........................................................ 1966 G reg H a n s o n ......................................................... 1967 Willie J o n e s ............................................................ 1968 Mick H arrin g to n.....................................................1969 Roy R ob in so n ......................................................... 1970 L onzo L ew is...........................................................1971 S teve O koniew ski................................................ .1 9 7 2 Earl T y e .................................................................... 1973 Robin Selvig............................................................ 1974 R ock S v e n n u n g se n ...............................................1975 D ean E rh ard ...........................................................1 976 M arsha H am ilto n ................................................... 1977 Tim K err.................................................................. 1978 Ed C erkovnik......................................................... 1979 Craig Z a n o n ............................................................ 1 980 Rocky K lever...........................................................1981 G reg Isem an ...........................................................1982 Brian S a lo n e n ........................................................1983 Larry K rystkow iak.................................... 1 9 8 4 -8 5 -8 6 S cott Z a n o n ............................................................ 1987

Grizzly Awards Each year five outstan d ing University of M ontana football players are recipients of aw ards. T he Terry Dillon A w ard, honoring th e outstanding back, w as established in 1964 following the acciden­ tal d eath of form er Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. H e started at defensive halfback for th e N ational Football L eague M innesota Vikings. The Paul W eskam p A w ard was established in m em ory of P aul W eskam p, a tackle on Ed C hinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. T he aw ard h onors UM’s outstanding linem an and w as established by the citizens of R onan, Mont. T he G olden H elm et A w ard h o n o rs the h ard est hitter on th e team . It w as set up on a nationw ide basis by th e C o ca-C o la C o m p an y in 1967. T he Larry Miller A w ard is given in m em ory of the great Grizzly linem an an d wrestler w ho co m p eted for UM in 1969 an d 1970. Miller died in an autom obile accident in 1974. T he aw ard h o n o rs the team s’ ou tstanding defensive linem an. T he S teve C arlson aw ard is given to the te a m s’ m ost valuable player in m em ory of the form er Grizzly football player w ho died in 1977. P at N orw ood w as a four-year starter at offensive tackle for th e Grizzlies 1978-82 from Billings, w ho died of cancer in 1983. This aw ard is given to th e Most Inspirational Player, w ho often tim es h ad to o v er­ com e an injury.

Dillon 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

—W ayne Harrington —Paul Connelly —Jim Neilsen —Bryan Magnuson —Mike Buzzard -K arl Stein —Arnie Blancas - S te v e Caputo —Jeff Hoffman -B o b Smith —Rock Svennungsen —Del Spear —Paul Fisness —Monty Bullerdick —Rocky Klever —Rocky Klever —W ayne Harper —Rocky Klever —Greg Iseman —Joey Charles —Scott Murray LeRoy Foster —LeRoy Foster —Kraig Paulson

Weskamp 1967—Larry Huggins 1968 —Tuufuli Uperesa 1969 —Tuufuli Uperesa 1970—Larry Miller 1971—Steve Okoniewski 1972—Ron Richards 1973—Jim Leid 1974—Larry Farnam 1975—Walt Brett 1976—Dan Sullivan 1977 —Terry Falcon 1978 —Guy Bingham 1979—Guy Bingham 1980—Brian McHugh 1981—Jim Rooney 1982—Greg Am undsen 1983—Bob Cordier 1984—Rick Linderholm 1985—Eric Dawald 1986—Larry Clarkson Shawn Poole

Pat Hardiman 1986 Golden H elm et Award Miller

Golden Helmet 1967 -B ob Beers 1968 -H erb White 1969 -Jim Nordstrom 1970 —Jim Nordstrom 1971 —Casey Reilly 1972 —Mick Dennehy 1973 —Sly Hardy 1974 Ron Rosenberg 1975 Steve Dionas 1976 Greg Anderson 1977 Kelly Johnson 1978 Kent Clausen 1979 —Greg Dunn 1980 —Jay Becker 1981 —Scott Gratton 1982 Scott Gratton Curt McElroy

1983 Brent Oakland 1984 —Jake Trammell 1985 Terry Shillam 1986 —Pat Hardiman Demidric Cooks

Norwood 1982—Brian Salonen 1983—Dave Dummett 1984—Kelly Richardson 1985—Tim Monterossi 1986—Rob Kunka

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

—D oug Betters —S teve Fisher —S teve Fisher —S am Martin —A rnie Rigoni —P at C urry —J o e N uu —Cliff Lewis —D ave S eam an —P at Foster —P at Foster Ja so n Ray

1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

—R on L ebsock - T im Kerr —Jim H ard —K ent C lausen —Rocky Klever —G reg Isem an Marty M ornhinw eg —Brian S alonen —Marty M ornhinw eg —Mike Rice —Mike Rice B rent P ease

Carlson (MVP)

1983 1984 1985 1986

Rick Sullivan


Current/Former Montana Pros Steve S u lliv a n ....... Ed Illm a n ................ “Wild” Bill Kelly ... Len N o y e s ............. Milton Popovich ... Paul Szakash ......... Aldo F o rte ............... Bill L azetich ............ Jo h n D o la n ............ Stan R e n n in g ......... Jo h n L a n d s ............ G ary Schw ertfeger Bob O ’Billovich .... Terry D illon ............ Mike T ille m a n ....... Bryan M agnuson .. Tuufuli U p e re sa .... D ave U r ie ............... Roy R o b in s o n ....... Willie P o stle r.......... Steve Okoniewski . Barry D a rro w ......... Jim H a n n ................ R on R osen b erg ...... G reg H a rris ............ W alt B r e tt ............... *Doug B etters.......... Terry F a lc o n .......... G reg A n d e rso n ...... Tim H o o k ............... "C arm C arteri.......... "G uy B ingham ....... "Rocky K le v e r......... Rich B u rtn ess......... tM ike H a g e n ............ *fM ickey S u tto n ....... "Brian S a lo n e n ....... *1"Joey C h arles.......... tT o n y F u d g e ............ tR ick L inderholm ... fT o m R u tt................

1922 1926 1927 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1941 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1967 1969 1969 1972 1972 1972 1974 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1979 1979 1979 1980 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985

Evansville W ilson’s W ildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn D odgers Chicago C ardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions C leveland Ram s Buffalo Indians E dm onton Indianapolis W arriors V an co u v er’s B .C . Lions O ttaw a R ough Riders M innesota Vikings New O rleans Saints W ashington Redskins Philadelphia H o uston Oilers S askatchew an V an co u v er’s B .C . Lions A tlanta C leveland Browns Portland Cincinnati Bengals New Y ork Jets A tlanta Falcons Miami Dolphins New England Patriots M ontreal S askatchew an O ttaw a New Y ork Jets (10th round) New Y ork Jets (9th round) Dallas Cow boys (12th round) Seattle Seahaw ks Pittsburgh M aulers Dallas Cow boys (10th round) Dallas Cow boys Dallas C owboys D enver Broncos D enver Broncos

tT e d R a y ................................... 1986 tS c o tt P o o le ............................. 1986 "Mike R ic e ................................ 1987 "B rent P e a s e .......................... ..1 9 8 7

W ashington Redskins N ew England Patriots N ew Y ork Je ts (8th round) M innesota Vikings (11th round)


Y ear listed is first as a professional. T eam listed is team player was originally drafted on or signed with. "Still Active tF re e A gent

Mickey Sutton was an All-Big Sky player for the Grizzlies in 1981. He currently plays for the Los Angeles Rams.

The 1947 Grizzlies were 7-4 and will celebrate their 40th reunion this season. It was the second team to win seven games (the first was 1937, celebrating its 50th anniversary). The ’47 team was the first to fly (to Arizona), played 9 road games, and did not have a Homecoming contest. It was also the first team to travel overseas (Hawaii).

Football Lettermen 1897 Blake, H arold**.........................M issoula Crain, Fred* ............................... M issoula Ebert, F red*................................M issoula G oodfellow , H ow ard * ..............O vand o H eyfron, Dan* .......................... M issoula J o n es, Martin*............................ Corvallis K en nedy, Hugh** ....................M issoula K ennett, G eorge**....................M issoula Rittenour, Clifford*.................. M issoula S ch roed er, H ow ard *............... M issoula Ward, Sidney** ....................... H amilton W estby, George** ....................Missoula 1898 Allard, C harles***.........................Ravalli Ebert, Laurence* ....V a n co u v er , W A Flynn, Michael* .........................M issoula H echler, L aurens**.................H am ilton H eyfron, Gil***.......................... M issoula Miller, E d*....................................M issoula S ed m a n , Ellis** .........................M issoula S ed m a n , O scar**......................M issoula 1899 C ross, Shorty*............................ M issoula Craig, William**** ....................M issoula G raham , H u g h * .......................... Bonn er H od son , W illiam*......................M issoula J am eison , W illiam *....................... Victor M arceyes, C laude****............... Forsyth McAllister, C lau de*.................. M issoula M cCorm ick, Washington^* ...M issou la M cD onald, Homer*** P otom ac S lo a n e, Hugh* .......................... M issoula Walker, Sidney* ....................... M issoula 1900 B uckh ou se, Joe****.................M issoula Farrell, George** Virginia City Garlington, King**** ...............M issoula G reen ough , Leo**** ...............M issoula H ay, Walter****.........................M issoula H ugh es, H erbert**............................. N A P olleys, Hovey*** ....................M issoula Walters, Ray*****..................... Missoula 1901 B arnes, G eorge*...................O livet, W1 G reen ough , Warren* M issoula Jo h n son , Elmer**** .................M issoula Latimer, Frank**....................... M issoula M cCauley, C harles*.................M issoula McPhail, Roy***** N ew C hicago Parsons, Houston* .................. M issoula Sheridan, Guy* .........................M issoula Walters, Guy* ............................M issoula Marshall, Charlie* ....................M issoula W estby, Arthur*.........................M issoula 1902 C ochrane, W illiam *............Red L od ge Crow ley, C lem * ............................... B utte Fergus, F a u stu s* ..................... W hitehall G reen ough , Pau l**.................. M issoula Russell, H a rv e y * ....................... M issoula Sm ith, Earl* .......................................... NA Urlin, J oh n *.................................M issoula Williams, Arthur**............... Radersburg Williams, Frank*.................D eer L odge W ood , L eslie*.......................................N A 1903 Corbin, Edwin** ....................... M issoula Curtis, Joh n H .* ............................. Butte Farrell, Jo sep h T .* .................. M issoula G reen ough , Earl*** .................M issoula H am m er, W alter*.................Miles City H ardenburgh, Floyd**............M issoula M essenger, Ralph* .................. M issoula Murphy, Fred***....................... M issoula S ch o o n o v e r, Chas.** Phillipsburg S paulding, T h o m a s * ............... M issoula Willis, H artwell***.......................... Plains 1904 A d am , Emil**............................. M issoula Cary, Robert*’ ................N. Platte, NE Dim m ick, C h as.*** .................. M issoula Fisher, Eugene*** ....................R osebud H olm es, R o b ie* ............................Billings L ongley, Ed* ....................... Stevensville

E d i t o r ’s N o t e : Player is listed the first year h e lettered at UM. Asterisks in­ dicate num ber of letters w on .

1905 Farrell, T h o m a s*....................... M issoula Fisher, John* .............. St. L ouis, MO Fitzgerald, Edward* ....................... Butte Fulton, Scott* ....................................... NA G unner, J a m e s * .................................. NA 1906 A m brose, K eith**......................M issoula Berry, O ral**.................................Granite B ishop, Arthur****....................M issoula Craig, V in cen t*.......................... M issoula Flaherty, J a m e s* ......................B ozem an Harriman, William** ....P e to s k e y , MI Lew is, Frank**......................................NA King, Joh n R .* ....................... Livingston Kitt, B ern ey” * M issoula McCarthy, E u g e n e * ............. T ow n sen d M cNam ara, J o h n * ............East H elen a M organ, Arthur** Marshfield, OR 1907 D insm ore, Raym ond* M issoula M cLaren, Gilbert** .................H amilton R yan, Emmett****.......................... Valier S toddard, Thayer*** ............... M issoula T hom as, D ilw ayn*.......................... Butte 1908 C on nor, Daniel****....................... Darby Fredell, Ernest** ....................A n acon d a J o h n so n , C h as.**..................... M issoula M cClay, Harry***......................M issoula R eard on, S tep h en **.........B oston , MA S im p son , Martin***.................. M issoula S m ea d , B urton***....................M issoula S od erston , John* ............... Clinton, IA Tait, W illiam *..............................M issoula Torrey, Henry* Manila, PI V ealey, W illiam**..................... M issoula W ebster, F.* ............................... M issoula W instanley, Edward**** M issoula 1909 Beard, LeBaron** ....................M issoula B en nett, William** ...............A n acon d a Ittner, William* ..R e d Lake Falls, MN K ennett, H olter* .......................... H elena Little, George** .........................M issoula T hiem e, Fred**.......................... M issoula 1910 D ay, Clifford*** .........................M issoula D esch am p s, Elizierd** M issoula D ob son , C ecil**.......... D ickinson, N D Dornblaser, Paul****.........C h icago, IL G leason , Frank* ....................... Florence S im pkins, Edward**** M issoula 1911 Forbes, H ugh *.............. ............ M issoula H unt, L ewis**.............. .............Kalispell Kelly, Pat***.................. Big Timber Klebe, George** ......... ............ M issoula McCarthy, Patrick** ............ M issoula R on an, Peter***........... ............ M issoula O w sley, Merritt**** Twin Bridges 1912 B ush a, T om **.............. ...... Big Timber Craighead, Ed*............. ........... M issoula D aem s, Leonard**** , Harlowton D avid son, Bertram* ........A n acon da G ault, Jam es***........... ...... G reat Falls Griffith, W illiam *.......... ........A n acon d a S to n e, G eorge* ........... ........... M issoula Streit, Norman***’ ,., ........... M issoula W eid m an , R oy**........ ................... P on y 1913 A n derson , Herbert* NA Collins, R ay*................. ...................Butte Craighead, Barclay* ........... M issoula Kress, Paul* .................. ........... Michigan S heridan, Phillip*** Paola, KS


1914 B en tz, Christian* ***... .A b erdeen , S D Burns, Virgil*................ ...M e x ico , MO Clark, Earl***................ ...E verett, W A G uerin, W illiam *.......... .O lym pia, W A K eeran, John*** Harrington, W A Robertson, Alfred** ........M innesota S an d erson , Lawson*** .S h elton , W A Sch erck, George*** ........... M issoula V an ce, Cecil** ............. ,,. .W ashington C layp ool, Clinton* , ........... M issoula

(From 1 8 9 7 to P resent)-

1915 A d am s, Harry****.........A b erdeen , W A Blackw ell, Ira* A b erdeen , W A C o o k , S a m * ..................................... Idaho Dreis, Frank* .......................... M innesota L ayton, Jack*** Portland, OR McQuarrie, Claude** ..............M issoula Mahrt, P e t e * ............................... M issoula 1916 Dahlberg, Harry****....................... Butte J o n e s, L ester*......................Everett, W A Lockridge, Earl*.................. Stevensville N elson , Al*.................................. Missoula Orr, C on rad **............................M issoula W ood w ard , Ward* Miles City 1917 Carver, Dwight** ......................Florence D oherty, E m m ett* .......................... Butte Driscoll, J oh n * .................................. Butte Felker, P reston * .........................M issoula Harris, James*** ............................. Butte Kreis, Robert*.................................S id n ey Lam b, H en ry*.................................Laurel L eah y, Arthur*.................................Butte Sailor, F lo y d * .................................. Havre Sullivan, Stephen**** ....................Butte 1 9 1 8 — N o team organized d u e to the war. 1919 B row n, W ingfield*............... Philipsburg C linich, V e rn o n * ..............................Butte Daylis, Fred***............................W orden DeM ers, Lambert**.........................Arlee D orsey, Jam es***..................... M issoula Farmer, Jam es “Eck”* M issoula Fitzgerald, Harold* Miles City H ow ard, Cort* .........................B ozem an K eeley, Patrick** .............. D eer L odge V olger, Ralph* .................................Butte W alterskirchen, W m ." M issoula 1920 Baird, H arold*............................Missoula Barry, Earl* .................................Missoula Elliott, Harvey*** ......................Missoula Freem an, Paul* Great Falls H ighb ee, Lawrence* Missoula Kershner, L eroy Joe** Billings M adsen, Lloyd***.................. Miles City M cG ow an, T hom as***....... L ewistow n R am sey, T ed ***....................L ewistow n 1921 Christie, Ralph** S p ok an e, W A Dahlberg, G eorge*** ..................... Butte Joh n ston , William* ...N e w York, NY Lambert, James* Great Falls M urphy, R ay**....................... A n acon da Merrill, R obert* Great Falls Plum m er, Ted*** Stevensville Porter, Gilbert**.................. S tevensville R o o n ey , H arry*.........................M issoula Straw , A lva*.................................. Forsyth T anner, Gordon** .................Miles City 1922 C olem an , C h a s .* ..................... Alberton J o h n so n , Earl**.........................M issoula M audlin, Warren*** Three Forks O ’Neill, W illiam *....................... M issoula Shaffer, John*** Miles City Silvernale, Grant***....................... Baker 1923 Dahlberg, Oscar*** .........................Butte Griffin, Walter***..................... R oundup H yd e, N eil*.................................. Fairview Illman, T ed *** ............................M issoula M eagher, A n gus**.......................... Butte M oe, O .K .* ....................St. C loud, MN Plum m er, B en ***............... Stevensville Sugrue, Pat*** ....................... A n acon da T aylor, E d* Miles City 1924 A xtell, George** ..................... B ozem an Burrell, Walter*** ............. T am pa, FL C ogsw ell, A n dy’ ** .................. M issoula Fletcher, C lau de**.................. R oundup H anson , D anta**.........................Mildred Kelly, “W ild” Bill***.................M issoula M artinson, Karl***....................M issoula Ritter, Milton***.................E veleth, MN S w ee t, Russell** Miles City


V arney, Howard* ....................... H elen a 1925 B eem a n , Stewart* ............... L ew istow n C olem an , C h arles*.................. Alberton B rittenham , Curtis***............... Kalispell Kain, S am ***.................................H elen a Ostrum, Emil** W abash, MN Vierhus, Louis***............ Portland, OR W hitcom b, Clark***.................... H elen a 1926 C allison, Lloyd***.......................... L om a C hinske, Ed*** Michigan City, IN C oyle, Clarence** ....................Alberton Davis, T om ***.................................. Butte Fogerty, Gerald* ............................. Butte Murray, M arshall***.................M issoula Parm alee, Jam es***.................Missoula Rafferty, W illiam *............W abash, MN R ognlien, G ord on*** ............... Kalispell Tiernan, Robert***............T oled o, OH 1927 Clark, James** P asad en a, CA D ezell, William* W inona, MN F oss, Don***.................................... H avre H arm on, Reid***....................Price, UT L ew is, Ray***.................................... Butte Mellinger, Ted*** ....P in e Island, MN M orrow, James*** ....................... M oore 1928 C arpenter, Clyde***.................... Billings E kegren, Kermit*** .................... Harlem E kegren, Waldo***......................Harlem L yon, Ray*** .................................Billings M oore, Thomas*** ...........Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** ....K e n o s h a , W1 Perey, Emile*** ....................Philipsburg P eterson , R ussell*** Miles City R yan, Jerry*** ................... Deer L odge Rule, Ted***....................... D eer L odge S ch otte, G eorge**....................... H elen a S p en cer, Franklin***.................. G eyser 1929 B o o n e , William**..............D eer L odge B urns, Elmer* ............................ C hoteau C ox, Walter*** .................................Butte M cCarthy, T hom as***.........A n acon d a Murray, H enry***..................... M issoula W alker, Carl* B oundary, W A 1930 B otzenhardt, August** A n acon da B reen, Robert**............................... Butte D ailey, Lowell** .......................... S cob ey F ox, Richard** ............................. Billings G rove, J o s e p h * .......... G len w o o d , MN L eR ou x, Leonard** .W is. Rapids, WI M adden, G ilbert**.................. R oundup Snyd er, George** Great Falls V idro, August***....................A n acon d a 1931 C aven , Arthur*** Miles City C row ley, C ale**............................... Butte D ahlberg, A lfred**.......................... Butte H inm an, D ale**..............G reybull, W Y Kuka, L eonard***.......................... Havre L ym an, Chalm er” ......................H elen a McKay, John* ............................... N oxon M eeker, Delmer** ....................M issoula R eynold s, L in w ood***.................. Butte W illiams, W en d ell* ......................Billings 1932 A n dersen, Leif** Portland, OR Carpenter, Kenneth*** Hamilton Em ery, Cal***............................... H elen a H aw k e, William**............................B utte H ilem an, William***............... Whitefish Kuka, George*** C hicago, IL O ech , V e r n * .................................. Billings Rhinehart, Naseby*** .M ilw aukee, WI S ayatovich , George*** A n acon da Stansberry, R obert*.......... Norfolk, NE V e sel, Frank**.......................... Roundup 1933 B en so n , Frank*.................. W hite Pine Blastic, Henry*** C h icago, IL B randenberg, Herbert*** ...M iles City Hartsell, L ouis***.................. A n acon da Heller, Albert**................ Twin Bridges Kent, E d iso n * .................................. Dillon McCall, R od n ey*............Silverton, OR

N ew gard, Morris* ..................... Kalispell Roberts, James* .......................... Billings Story, Leland** .......................... W innett Sullivan, John*** ............................ Butte Z em ke, H ubert*.........................Missoula 1934 Babich. Roy** ..................................Butte Carter, Don* ..........L os A n geles. CA C osgrove, Robert*** ..A lham bra. CA Dickson, Robert* ...L o s A n geles, CA H olm quist, D o n * ......................Whitefish N ew gard, Morris* .....................Kalispell O lson , Clifford*** ....................Whitefish Whittinghill, C h as.***.................H elena W ilcox, C harles**............... S tevensville 1935 B reen, Robert* .................................Butte Farnum, Donald* .................H arlowton N o y e s, Leonard*** .........................Butte Pom ajevich , Josep h *** M issoula P op ovich , Milt*** ............................Butte Previs, John* T hom pson Falls Shield s, John**.......................Miles City S w a n so n , Carl**....................A n acon da S zakash, Paul** C hicago, IL W elch, Roderick’ ...L o n g B each , CA 1936 B eal, Robert***....................... A n acon da B onaw itz, N orval*....................M issoula B rower, Gerald*** .................Miles City D olan, John***..............................H elena Forte, Aldo*** C hicago, IL G ed gord , T om * C hicago, IL G ibson, L ym an *............ Puyallup, W A G old en , Joseph* C hicago, IL Jenkin, Fred*** ..................... A n acon da Lazetich, William***............. A n acon da L undberg, Roland** C hicago, IL Mariana, J o s e p h * .................. Miles City M atasovic, William*** ....C h ic a g o , IL M cD onald, A rch ie**....................Nirada Morris, Clifford*..................... Miles City P eterson , Arthur*** G reat Falls P eterson , Philip***....................Kalispell R olston, Thomas*** .................. Forsyth Sm ith, Frank** C hicago, IL S p elm an , James*** A n acon da Strizich, J o s e p h * Great Falls V o g e l, Robert* ....................Whiting, IN W illiams, Charles*** C hicago, IL Zim m erm an, Walter* C hicago, IL 1937 H oon , Jack***............................... H elen a Lundberg, Roger*** ..N orth w ood , IA N u gen t, Frank*** .................. Miles City Shaffer, Harry**............................... Butte S ten so n , Perry*** ..................... Kalispell Taberacci, Emil*** Great Falls Thornally, Robert***.........C hicago, IL V an Bramer, G len***.................Billings 1938 E dwards, H ugh***.......................... Butte H oacek , Ed** W heeling, W .V A J o h n so n , Neil***....................... M issoula O ’D on nell, Thomas*** ..C asp er, W Y S h egin a, W illiam **............... A n acon da 1939 Brauer, Fred*** .........................Missoula Brow n, C lyd e*.................................Dillon Bryan, D on ** .................................Billings C law son , G en e***....................Missoula Drahos, Kenneth**** ..P u yallu p, WA Dratz, John***............................ Missoula Duffy, Tom*-* ....................................Butte D u ncan, John** ...........................H elena G orton, R ob ert*.........................Kalispell G ustafson, R o y**......................Corvallis Mufich, William****.........................Butte N aranche, E so***............................Butte N ess, Robert* ..............................Kalispell Nussbacker, Karl*......................M issoula Roberts, B u a n * .................................Butte Roberts, S a m * ............................... H elen a Strom , R oy’ ** ............................... Shelby Sw arthout, Jack*** Prosser, WA V au ghn , C olem an ’ A n acon da J o n es, W illiam**.................... Livingston 1940 D ahm er, Henry* ............................ Havre


•Football Letterman D aem s, L eonard*.................... B ozem an Emigh, Jack *....................K ankakee, IL Fiske, Karl***............................... O utlook J o n es, C h arles* ......................Livingston L eaphart, William” * ............... M issoula P age, J o h n * .................................Kalispell R eagan, Joh n ” .................. C h icago, IL Robertson, William*** G reat Falls Sparks, Robert* ............................... Butte Sw arthout, William” * ...P rosser, WA W alters, T ed**............................... Billings 1941 Barbour, W illiam * Philadelphia Burke, Paul” .................................Billings K am pfe, Paul* ............................ Kalispell K eig, W illiam *.........................A n acon d a Kern, Richard” ......................Livingston Mather, William* .................. L ew istow n R eynold s, V ern on ” Prosser, W A S cott, Arnold” ............................... Plains T yvana, Ben*** ............................... Butte W estw ater, James* C h icago, IL 1942 B adgley, Kirk Jr.**.................. Missoula Berger, E dw ard*.......................... Billings B ow m an , R ichard*.......... C asper, W Y Felt, T om *....................................... Billings Ferris, Jack* .........................Belm ar, NJ Fox, D o n a ld * Park City Leaphart, Don* .........................M issoula M cIntosh, James* .................... M issoula Misic, William* ....................C h icago, IL N yquist, D on a ld * .........................S co b ey Schiller, Carl* ......................C h icago, IL Taylor, J o sep h * C h icago , IL T hieb es, Joseph* .................Great Falls V an nett, L eon ard *..............P asco, W A 1 9 4 3 , 1 9 4 4 — Football dropped b ecau se of W orld War II 1945 Arnst, R ichard*................. Fort B en ton C ook , Robert** ....................... Cut Bank Craft, Archie* Los A n geles, CA D ayton, C lark*....................... A n acon da D on ovan , J o h n * ....................A n acon d a Flem ing, Eugene* ....................... Eureka Gall, Donald* ..................... Fort B en ton G allagher, E dw ard*..............A n acon d a G eorge, D on ald*..............................Butte Kalisch, Frank***...........Dickinson, ND Krause, Kenneth* ...........................Dillon O ’L oughlin, Jam es” * M issoula P reuninger, W illiam *............... M issoula R hehfield, Robert*....................M issoula Rist. Severt* .................................. Billings Rossm iller, Edward** Minot, ND S heph ard , William* ..D e s M oines, IA S tep h en s, Wallace** .................. Billings T h om p son , Harry*....................Kalispell Thorsrud, Garfield* .................M issoula W illiam son, Pau l*......................M issoula L ew is, George* .........................M issoula

G orton, R ob ert*.........................Kalispell H am m ern ess, R oland” * G lasgow Harris, D oyle” ............. Forest City, AR Korn, D an” .................................Kalispell Kuburich, S tev e” * ............... A n acon da M alon e, Jack” ............................. Billings Prueninger, W illiam *.................M issoula R eplogle, Bert* ......................L ew istow n Selstad , T om ” * .................. Great Falls W halen, R ob ert*............................. Butte 1948 C am pbell, Don*** Great Falls Chaffin, Everett” ..................... M issoula Kafentzis, A n dy” * ....................M issoula Kafentzis, Chris* .......................M issoula King, Jack***............................... Kalispell Kingsford, T om ” * ....................M issoula N aye, W illiam*............... Petalum a, CA S m ith, William (B .J .)* .................. B utte Stew art, G ord on ” * ....................Forsyth M orey, William* ....................... Sheridan 1949 B yrne, Robert” * .......................... Billings C am pbell, K en” Great Falls D oyle, Richard*.........................M issoula H an son , Robert” Santa M onica, CA Lam berg, Ed* (Mgr.) ....................Butte M ayte, Carol*” S and C ou lee Murphy, Charles” ....... Burlington, IA O berweiser, J a c k * ....................... Billings R eed , Dick” Miles City V olk, Fred” Great Falls W old, Paul*” .................................Laurel 1950 A ntonick, Robert” * ....................... Butte Baker, W illiam*..............................P oison Gerlinger, D on ” * C h icago, IL Carlson, G en e” * Great Falls G raves, Robert” * .......................Billings Ingram, Mel*” ..............................Billings Jo n es, G ordon*” ............................Butte Laird, Loren” * Miles City L am ley, Robert*” K enton, O H Leonard, Robert” ....S a n ta A n a, CA M aus, Harold” * ......................H amilton Merrill, Earl” .........................S elm a, CA Miller, David” ....S a n ta M onica, CA M oom aw , Richard” .S anta A n a, CA Murray, Jim*” ....................... A n acon da Nearing, Ed* L os A n geles, CA Rothw ell, Jack* ............................Billings Sherbeck, H arold**..............Big S and y T hom as, Lloyd” Santa A na, CA V ucurovich, G eorge” .................. Butte Watt, Henry* ...H er m o sa B each , CA W hite, J o h n * .................Santa A n a, CA Walker, W illiam *..................... B ozem an 1951 A n derson , E ddie” * .................M issoula Burke, Jim” * .........................Livingston Cam pbell, M urdo” ** Great Falls D avid son, Ian* G reat Falls L indsey, Richard” .................. M issoula Nickel, Frank” ..............................Billings Mirchoff, Fred” Santa A na, CA S h a d o a n , Richard**....................Billings Stew art, Robert” ....................... Forsyth Roberts, J o e ” .................................. Butte Yurko, Robert’ Great Falls

1946 A n derson , Robert” * ............... M issoula Briney, Frank” .................................Butte C h eek , J o h n * .................................. Dillon C ork, L ee” ” ..............................M issoula G erner, K en n eth *... .T hom pson Falls H elding, John*” * .................... M issoula K ovacich, John* ..............................Butte Kum puris, Mike**** ..Little Rock, AR L eep er, Sam*** ............................... Butte L odell, Albert* ....................... A n acon da M alcolm , R o y * " * ......................M issoula N orm and, Robert* ............... A n acon da Palm er, Loren* ..............................Laurel Pattison, L e o * ............................ G lasgow R adakovich, Dan*” .................G lasgow R eynold s, William*” ....H ig h la n d , IN Roberts, Pierre” ....................... M issoula S cott, Wilbur* ............................ M issoula S em an sk y, Frank” ” ....................Butte Streit, David*’ ............................ M issoula S ivin gen , Marcus* ....................G lasgow W alterskirchen, J er o m e* M issoula W arden, Darrel* .................. Great Falls Y ovetich , D an * .................................Butte

1952 Brandt, D on ” ................. G lendive Brott, Dean* S eattle, W A Crum ley, Robert* .................. Cut Bank -Dantic, Robert*” .......................... Laurel D e Luca, J o e ” ....................W eed , CA D euchler, O w en ” ....................... S eattle G om p f, Harold* ..............................Libby G u e, William” * G reat Falls H eath , Richard*” Miles City Jen sen , Marlyn” * Miles City Little, D on ” * .................................H elen a Orlich, Don* ......................................Butte Pinson eau lt, R ich ard *.......St. Ignatius S a m u elso n , G eo r g e” * .......... G lendive Stocking, G . Edgar* Whitefish S w earin gen , C.* ..P ort Orchard, W A W ilson, James* ..............................Laurel

1947 Bauer, R a y " ” ......................Great Falls D elan ey, D on ” * ....................... M issoula D eV ore, Kent” ............................ H elen a Ford, H enry” * Durango, CO

1953 B aron e, V incent” ...........Elizabeth, NJ Burke, H ow ard” .................. L ivingston Byerly, K enneth” * L ew istow n D asinger, D ouglas” ............W olf Point

Imer, D ic k * * ......................H ighland, IN Laird, W alton” ..................... Miles City L euthold, K en neth *..................... Laurel Milne, Curtis” .......................... G lendive Peterson , Keith” Seattle, W A S h u p e , D ale” * ............................ Harlem W eskam p, Paul** .........................R onan 1954 E nochson , Paul*” .........................Havre G ehring, Robert” Port Orchard, W A Kaiserm an, William” * .........Livingston Miles, R ob ert*.......................A n acon d a Muri, P ete” ........................... Miles City Sm all, Robert” * ....................... M issoula R ow am , James* (M g r.)....... Livingston 1955 Bissell, D o n * .........................................Belt Bray, R oy” * ............................... M issoula Dvizi, Richard” .......................... Kalispell Erickson, Harold* ....S io u x Falls, SD G ardner, William* Seattle, W A Hurley, Terry” * ................ C h icago, IL J oh n son , Terry* .......................... Billings J o h n so n , R on ald * ............ Elmhurst, IL J o n es, Ivory” .................. O akland, CA K am pschror, N orm an *.......... G lendive Lonner, W alter*............................... Butte Mading, Wallace* ......................Missouri M cG ibon, Robert**..............G reat Falls Pan gle, Louis*” D enver, CO Rhinehart, N aseby Jr.” * ....M issou la R osera, Ervin” * .................. L en a, WI Strand, Carl*..............Brem erton, W A Wikert, M ilton*......... Santa A na, CA W illiam son, D o n * ............................Butte 1956 B enjam in, Karl” S eattle, W A B ock m an , M ontana” * M issoula B utossish, R ob ert*.......................... Butte Carver, Duane* Seattle, W A C on nors, Jerry*” .......... S p ok an e, W A D ixon , Joh n ” S p ok an e, W A E verson, Robert***.......... C h en ey , W A G orsich, M athew ***....... H ighland, IN H and, Bill** S elah, W A Hart, Willard* .................. O akland, CA H ayes, S e v e r n * ............... O akland, CA M cKelvie, C harles**.........R esed a, CA M anno, P a t* ............................A n acon d a M oore, Edward” * ............ D eer L odge O ’Brien, Michael*” ....S p o k a n e , W A R enning, S tanley” * ..............G reat Falls T ennant, Vernon* ....................Kalispell G u e, K en n eth * G reat Falls 1957 B arney, Phil* ..............................M issoula Bilan, E dw ard*......... Calgary, Alberta Brow n, R on ald * S un V alley, CA Fell, D o n a ld * .......................Vallejo, CA Grant, R ussell* M ead, W A Griffin, Phil** C h icago, IL Jankovich, S a m * ............................. Butte J o h n so n , H ow ard” ............... H amilton K eeley, Earl* V an cou ver, B .C . L een h ou ts, Richard*.......... S elah , W A L ove, J o h n * ..................... Burbank, CA McArthur, J o n * ..........V an cou ver, W A M yers, Larry**.................. P acom a, CA O lson , B ru ce**.......................... M issoula P e p e , J o e * * .................................M issoula S o ren so n , T hom as**.B enicia, CA Sparber, Dale** C ash m ere, W A Vierra, Lester*................... Y akim a, W A Vercurovich, G eorge* .................. Butte W illiam son, D a n * ............................ Butte Y ou n g, Jerry** ....................S an d y, OR 1958 Berry, Dale*** ............................Fairview E m erson, Michael** L ew iston, ID Gratton, R oger (Tim)*............M issoula G regor, John*” ............................Shelby G rem inger, Henry** ..A lham bra, CA J o h n so n , Jam es***.................. M issoula L ands, Joh n ” Baton R ou ge, LA Matte, Joh n ” * .......................... M issoula M eese, J o h n * * ..............W o od sid e, CA N earam ys, Robert* P asco, W A P elayo, A lvin* H onolu lu, HI J oh n son , Richard* (Mgr.) H amilton 1959 B ed d e s, Lawrence*” .................Billings D otson , Jerry*............. Brem erton, W A


(Continued)" E kegren, Gary” * .........................Harlem G rasky, Jam es” * .................. Miles City G ustafson, Paul” * .V an cou ver, B .C . Harris, James* .......... D es M oines, IA Kosiur, David” .......W etaskiw in, Alb. O ’Billovich, Robert*” ....................Butte S ch w en d , H ow ard” .................. Bridger S ch w ertfeger, C.**” .M ilw aukee, WI S ch w ertfeger, G.**** .M ilw aukee, WI Sm ith, Gary” * .........................W hitefish T h om son , Mike**.........................Billings S o ren so n , G len n * * ..................... Billings S chulz, John*” .........................Missoula 1960 B ansem er, James* ....M ilw au k ee, WI Bartell, Jam es” * G len coe, IL B irgenheier, Richard** Harlowton B o u c h e e, William” * ............Livingston Dillon, Terry*.......................... Irving, KS D o d so n , Pat***..............................S helby Herber, Edmund** C am as, W A Miller, Dick*” .................. H opkins, MN M oe, E ugene**............................. H elen a P eters, Daniel** ............................... Butte R udio, Jack** ............................... H elen a Shevalier, Jack** .........................H elen a Trotter, C .M .” ............ L ongview , W A W erba, R onald*** C hicago, IL 1961 D enn is, G eo r g e* ....................Irving, KS Gilder, Richard” ......................M issoula H auck, Thomas*** .........................Butte H u se, Richard” ....................Great Falls Miller, Paul D .” ....................Miles City W allwork, Bruce*** ...W aim an alo, HI W ood , S teve***....................Great Falls 1962 C alder, Fred**...........T om s River, NJ D ennis, Wayne* ....V a n co u v er , B .C . Ellison, William* M andan, ND G otay, Peter**............... Clarkston, NY Jenkins, Gary** ................... Great Falls Kimmit, Dennis* ..................Great Falls L eonard, E ugen e** B ay City, MI L uchau, Gerald***....................M issoula Martin, Bill*** .................................. Dillon P om ajevich, Chris**.................Superior R ussel, Brent***.........................M issoula S co u el, Larry* ............................Kalispell 1963 B ain, Frank*.................................Kalispell Barherie, J o h n * Calgary, Alberta B en zley, Robert” ..G reen River, W Y B ultm an, Charles* Telford, PA C rippen, Robert*............................. Butte G reenfield, R o c k y *.................. M issoula Huffer, T hom as” M ayw ood, IL M cE lhenney, T ed * .......................... Butte M eyer, Dennis* ............................ H elena Petty, Larry” .........................Great Falls R obinson, Clarence* ...............Kalispell S e e le y , Roger** ............................Shelby Tillem an, Michael** .................C hinook Tripp, E u gen e” .........................M issoula 1964 A u kam p, Ronald* ...M t. P rospect, IL. B ergren, Terry*............................... Darby B rophy, Robert* R ed L odge C lem en s, Roger* ............... P len tyw ood C on n oly, P a u l* ..............M usk egon , MI Enger, D avid * D eer L odge Ferris, E dw ard*............................... Dillon Garland, Roger* ....S p r in g V alley, IL Harrington, W ayne* ....Y a k im a , W A Hill, Warren* .................................Billings Joram o, Floyd* .........................C h oteau N eilson , J a m e s* ............................S helby S alois, Jerry* .........................Philipsburg S alvo, J im * ....................................... Dillon S ch m au ch , M ichael*.......... Great Falls S m elk o, Daniel* Hubbard, OH W alle, Charles* .........................Superior W elker, Thom as* ....................... Conrad W hipple, James* .........................H elen a H uggins, Larry*.........................M issoula 1965 A d am s, M erle*..........Livingston Becker, W ayn e” ....C h u la Vista, CA C ostello, Anthony* .C hula Vista, CA Fiala, Joe* ....................... D eer L odge H an son , G reg* .......................... M issoula

M alloy, Don*” .................................Malta M cD onald, D o u g * ....................M issoula M eyer, Dennis* ............................ H elen a Miller, Walter** ...W alnu t Creek, CA S ch aefer, G ary*............................Billings S earles, Jim*” .......................... M issoula S m ith, Gary*** Pittsburgh, PA S m ith, Mike** .................O lym pia, W A W alle, Virgil* ..............................Superior 1966 B ains, Ron E.*** T acom a, W A B eers, B ob” * ............... B eaverton , OR Brum back, D .G .” .W alla Walla, W A D aw son , E .L ” W estport, W A D u dley, Ell T .” ...................Detroit, MI Fiske, Karl** ....................................Laurel G len n on , M ichael” **.................Billings G raham , Robert” ....S a n M ateo, CA G ray, M aceo***............ Baltim ore, MD G udith, L arry*..............W yan dotte, MI H edstrom , Olaf* * .......................... Laurel Jernberg, Ken** S un nysid e, W A J o n e s, W illie**...................M onroe, MI Kelly, Jam es R.***........... Seattle, W A K en yon, Jim *............................. M issoula L ung, Roderick** Placerville, CA M agnuson, Bryan” M innetonka, MN Mullins, Peter*** ..S a n Francisco, CA M cC ann, M ichael” R enton, W A M organ, Garth*** Salt Lake City, UT N icosia, Michael** Scranton, PA Nordstrom , Bruce** .V an cou ver, W a O ’Neil, Jam es M .” .E dm onton, Alb. Ortiz, R.C.***..........M onte B ello, CA P aresa, G regory***..........Kahului, HI R obinson, Roy****....................G lasgow S parkes, Richard***....................... Butte S ted h am , John*** C hehalis, W A Strauss, Richard*** ..................... P oison Tubbs, Frederick*** H onolu lu, HI Unruh, Richard*** ....................... Poison W aters, W illiam**............................. Troy W hite, Herbert***............... E corse, MI Stim ac, Daniel** ..................Great Falls 1 9 6 7 (com bined with 1966) 1968 B ain, D ou g**............................... Kalispell Brum , Ray**.....................H onolu lu, HI Buzzard, Mike** Mt. V ern on, W A D eB ord, Jim***................... P asco, W A D olan , Pat” * ....................... G reat Falls Gabriel, Tony* .........S outh River, NJ G allagher, Tim ***......................Kalispell G arske, R o n * ....................... C h ico, CA Guptill, Robert” * ............... Great Falls G utm an, Bill**............................ M issoula H edstrom , O le**............................Laurel H ow ard, L o n * Centralia, W A L avery, T h om as*....................... C hicago Lovell, Byron** ...............H onolu lu, HI Luis, A l*.......................... -....O rland, CA L yons, Joe* .................................Kalispell M cBurrows, John* ...E n g lew o o d , NJ N elson , Rue* N ew O rleans, LA Nordstrom , Jim***.......... Auburn, W A O ’Neil, Mick*.......... Walla Walla, W A Schruth, Pat” * ..............................Billings Stranahan, Larry***.................M issoula Talolutu, John**.....................O ahu , HI U p eresa, Tuufuli** ...A le a , O ahu, HI Urie, D a v e * * .......................... C h ico, CA W aters, W illiam *............................... Troy W axham , John***Mt. Lake Ter, W A Worrel, Dan*** G reat Falls W ysel, G len *.......................... L ew istow n 1969 B aldw in, Gene* Spokane, WA B lancas, Arnie” .......... A b erdeen , W A B ozzo, Tony* ..................... Salinas, CA C ap uto, Steve*** Seattle, W A D e n n eh ey , Mick***.........................B utte Fisher, B o b * A b erdeen , W A Frustau, Martin** ...L o s A n g eles,'C A G len n on , M ik e* ............................Billings H all, W a y n e* ..........W est Minster, CA H are, Ray* Spokane, WA H ickerson, Bill” ..............S o n o m a , CA H offm ann, Jeff** Seattle, W A J o h n so n , L .” S acram en to, CA K ent, L es” ...................... H onolu lu, HI M cC ann, Mike** R enton, W A Miles, G reg* Seattle, W A

-Football Lettermen Miller, Larry*....................Martinez, CA O ch oa, John* .................... O range, C A Peters, R .*** C leveland H ts., OH Postler, W .*** V an cou ver, B .C . Reilly, Casey* .........................A n acon d a Schillinger, Jim **....................Vida, MT Stachnik, R ay** C hicago, IL Stein, Karl** S an A n selm o, CA Sterns, Bill** S tev e n so n , W A A tw ood , G eorge**.........L ansdale, PA 1970 B erding, Gary** Cincinnati, OH B odw ell, T om **............G rayland, W A C h on g, Elroy*...................H onolu lu, HI Darrow, Barry*** ................ G reat Falls D e m p se y , Dean*** ...C larem on t, CA G askins, W ally**....................... Missoula Jack son , L o n z ie * ............ O akland, CA L ew is, Lonzo* ..................Rockford, IL L ugviel, Joh n**............ L ongview , W A M alon ey, G reg**............... M acon, MO M cM ahon, T o m * .................Tustin, C A O koniew ski, Steve* Seattle, W A P u gh, Terry**............................. Kalispell Richards, R on ** ...............................B utte S p en cer, Bruce* H oquiam , W A W elch, G len ** .................................. Butte 1971 A n derson , Richard*** L acey, W A Baum burger, J a y * ............... Great Falls B lue, Christopher*** ...O lym p ia, W A Burnett, Clifford**............C aldwell, ID C leveland , D ouglas***.................. Butte D od ds, Richard** ...S n o h o m ish , W A D oyle, D ennis**....................Edina, MN H ann, J a m e s* * ..............Centralia, W A Kottke, Warren** ................ Great Falls K ouzm anoff, Marc*** ..G len Ellyn, IL La R oche, L eo**.......... Fitchburg, MA Leid, James*** W aitsburg, W A M anovich, D ave***.........................Butte O lson, Jam es***.......... R ochester, MN 1972 Troxel, Ed Van****.......... M oscow , ID S v en n u n gsen , Rock*** ...S h e lb y , MT Babish, T im oth y*.................Azusa, CA Evans, D ean** La P u en te, C A Harrington, David** ....P ortlan d , OR Stark, Robert** ............................. P oison R eynold s, Terry* G lendora, CA Stark, J o h n * V an cou ver, W A W alsh, C reigh ton *.......................... Butte Starkey, Steven** El M onte, CA Turnquist, Robert** ....................Billings Kautz, Jam es* ............................. W orden C ooley, Jerry** A n acortes, W A Rosenberg, Ronald*** W hitefish D onner, Curt** Spokane, WA Brett, Walt*** Kings B each , CA Brick, Timothy*** ..T raverse City, MI Sw earin gen , G ary*.................. M issoula Enders, Robert* ..............K ankakee, IL S olom an , Ted* S p ok an e, W A S alo, G regory***............................. Butte Taylor, Steven* Great Falls Dedrick, Kurt** W estm inster, CA Harris, Gregory*** ....................Kalispell 1973 A d am s, M ik e* N ew ton , IA A n derson , Greg*** ....B lu e Island, IL Border, Richard** Salt Lake City, UT B uxton, Joh n*** O w aton n a, MN Carlson, Steve** Great Falls Erickson, Greg*’ Everett, W A Farnam , Larry** S eattle, W A Flowers, Terry** Cincinnati, OH Grigsby, Bill** Spokane, WA H ardy, Sylvester** M onrovia, C A L add, M ike** G arden G rove, C A L ynn, R an d y** O m ak, W A M an gegold , Eric**....................G lendive N ak oa, Doug** ............... H onolu lu, HI O glesb ee, Jim * .......................... M issoula Parker, J o h n * .................. K ingston, ME P o n q o h a , D ave** L acey, W A Prigm ore, Jo h n * W inlock, W A S ch m asow , G len*** Great Falls Sm ith, B ob** S pear, Del****

P asco, W A C h en ey , W A

1974 Storbakken, Rollie* Mt. V ern on, W A Stuart, G ig*............................. Miami, FL Sullivan, Dan**** ............................ Butte Taylor, S te v e * G reat Falls W alker, Duane*** .......................... Malta W illiams, Ken* .................H ou ston , TX A n derson , Greg**** C h icago, IL A rgo, D aniel** Cincinnati, OH B ettefs, Douglas*** .Arlington Hts, IL C arlson, Bruce**** G reat Falls Carter, G .** Far R ockaw ay, N Y C edarstrom , James* ..S cottsd ale, AZ C h app ie, Darrell*..................... S p ok an e Clift, Tom *** Otis O rchards, W A D ion as, S tev e * * S um ner, W A F acey, T om ** .................Lancaster, CA G ulbranson, W m .‘ * ..A b erd een , W A H arbison, Ben**** ....r ............M issoula L ebsock, Ronald**** ..................... Butte M cCraw, W yatt**......... E. O range, NJ M cR eynolds, Kim* O lym pia, W A Milliman, H a y es* Cincinnati, OH M use, Richard* .......................... O pheim N ielsen , W illiam *............... C h icago, IL O gd en , Randy**** .T raverse City, MI P lum , Mark*** ...............Tracyton, W A R edw in e, Randy” R eading, OH 1975 A c co m a n d o , Dan* .W estm inster, C A B on as, Jerry” Fair H aven , CT Carlson, J e f f ” ................... Great Falls C h eek , Donald* Corvallis, OR C o o ley , Paul” A nacortes, W A C unn ingh am , G.* ..L o s A n geles, CA Egbert, D ouglas” * O gd en , (JT E ustance, B ob” .......................... H elen a Fiskness, Paul” ..H un tin gton B ., CA H an sen , Ray” Priest River, ID Jordan, Richard” T acom a, W A M ickey, M ichael” B ellevu e, W A M orton, Scott” * Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray” Cincinnati, OH S cott, D u n can * G reat Falls Sm ith, Jeffrey* V an cou ver, W A Stach n ich, Richard” C h icago, IL Stein hau er, B e n * C h icago, IL V in cen t, Rusty” .......... Tinley Park, IL W eikum , G eorge” ...W ilm ington, IL 1976 Beriault, D o n * B ellevu e, W A B ingham , G uy” ” ....A b e r d e e n , W A Bitar, G reg” H oqu iam , W A Brant, Jim” ............................... M issoula C am pbell, Neil” .......................... H elen a C h am p agn e, G e n e * L acey, W A C lau sen , Kent” ” A b erdeen , W A D ew s, Robbie” .................. Newark, NJ Falcon, Terry” ......................Culbertson Ferda, Scott” ” ................... G reat Falls Frost, Mike* N ew port B each , CA G elaskosk a, J o e ” * B othel, W A G leason , D ave” * ......................M issoula Grady, W illie*......................Newark, NJ G reen , A llen” ” ....................A n acon d a H alverson , W illiam * G reat Falls Harper, W ayn e” * .................L ivingston Harris, R ock y*..............N ew York, NY H ogan , Jam es*” O lym pia, W A H uggins, Jay* ............................Missoula Jo h n so n , Kelly***................ G reat Falls K leckner, Grant*” G reat Falls M cD onald, C lev* Palo A lto, C A M agner, M .* N ew port B each , C A Martin, S am ” * ................ S h elton , W A R oban, M ichael” ................G reat Falls Sack s, Barry**” ...F ed eral W ay, W A S h u p e , Joe* ..........................G reat Falls S oban sky, J o e ” .........................Ajo, AZ S pigner, P a u l* ....................Newark, NJ Sullivan, Paul” * * ............................Butte V an W orm er, Matt** M issoula W illiams, Bryon* ...N e w O rleans, LA W oldseth, G eorge’ B ellevu e, W A 1977 Albright, K eith * .......................... Kalispell Barrick, Brett” * ....................L ew istow n B ecker, Jay” * Atlantic, IA Bell, Darrell* Federal W ay, W A Bryant, M ichael* Hull, MA Bullerdick, Monty** ....A n a h e im , CA Carteri, Carm” R egina, Sask. C avaligos, N ick * C h icago, IL C erkovnik, Ed” * ............................ Malta

D u nn , G reg” * ....M e d ic a l Lake, W A Fritz, Robin*....................................S id n ey H ook , T im * R egina, Sask. J o h n so n , Mike” ....N o r th B en d , OR J o n es, Basil*” ............... S p o k a n e , W A K elly, V ern on ” L os A n geles, CA Kerr, Tim” .................................. M issoula K lever, R ocky” ” ....A n c h o r a g e , AK L ane, William” * E n glew ood , CO M cH ugh, Brian” * Spokane, WA Rigoni, Arnie” * .................C hicago, IL S ch m eck p ep er, C ary* Buhl, ID T agm yer, W .* Federal W ay, W A 1978 A llegre, Raul” .................Torreon, MX A n drew s, M arty* G rahan, W A B o y es, B ob” S acram en to, C A B urtness, Richard” * .A n acortes, W A Carroll, Mike” S eattle, W A C erkovnik, Robert” Great Falls Curry, Pat*” .................................Billings D olan , William” * .................. E. H elen a Duff, James* ....................... C h icago, IL E icklem ann, Mark” ..............Indio, CA H ard, Jam es” ....................... N apa, CA Laird, Randy***.........................M issoula M enke, J o h n * * ...N . Broom field, CO M oe, Richardson” ....................... Poplar M orton, S c o tt* S p ok an e, W A N orw ood , Pat*” .......................... Billings Price, J o h n * ........................T opeka, KS Perez, T om ” * ................... Palatine, IL R o o n ey , Jam es” * ....................Missoula S harkey, R on” * ....................... Missoula T h om as, Terry” G reat Falls 1979 Andrus, B a r f ............... S ep u lved a, CA A m u n d son , Greg*” Seattle, W A C araw ay, Brian” * ............... G reat Falls C leveland , C urt*............... Seattle, W A Chalcraft, Steve* R ichm ond, W A Cordier, B ob” ” S p ok an e, W A G ratton, Scott” ” ....................M issoula H inson , Joh n ” ” Seattle, W A K ovacich, J oh n ” ” .........................Butte Lam b, Carlton*............Las V egas, NV M adison, R eed ” ” .........................Butte McElroy, Curt*” * ............................ Butte Murfitt, S te v e * ....................... Philipsburg Paoli, David” * .....................Great Falls 1980 A lex, Mike” ....................O verland, KS B ow m an , Dennis* Spokane, WA C haplin, D ave” ..................S elah , W A Dantic, Brad*” * ............................Laurel F u dge, T ony” ” G reat Falls Garrison, S tev e” ” ....S p o k a n e , W A H agen , Mike” .................. Auburn, W A Kline, D a v e * .................... B ellevu e, W A K lucewich, Joe*” * A lpine, CA Lowry, Gary” ” Great Falls M ad sen , Mark” * Ellensburg, W A M cG inness, Curt**” ...Jan esville, WI Miller, R ocky” * ..............Richland, W A M ornhinw eg, Marty****San J o se, CA Murray, M ark*.................C h oteau , MT Richardson, Kelly” ” ..G ts. Pass, OR Rom inger, Dean**” .........Fort B enton S a lo n en , Brian” ” G reat Falls S ilovsky, Paul* .................. T opeka, KS Sorrell, M alcom ” * T acom a, W A S tep h en s, Andre*” * ...T a co m a , W A S utton, M ickey** Union City, CA 1981 C on nors, Bob” * ....................... G lasgow D acus, G lenn” ” E num claw , W A Dilts, Dan**............... Walla Walla, W A Ellig, S cott” ....................S p ok an e, W A G len n, D avid” .....................Elma, W A H ogan , M ike*....................... L acey, W A Isem an, G reg** Baldwin City, KS Jahr, S e a n * Port Orchard, W A Jo n es, Rob” ....................O akland, CA Kiefer, B en ” .................Burlington, KS M cC auley, B ob” ” .................. M issoula N elson , J o e * S h elton , W A N u u, J o e ” .................. Bakersfield, CA O akland, Brent*” ....................G lendive P ow ell, Alan***......................L ew istow n R o o n ey , Joh n ” * ............................. Butte Rutt, T om ’ ” * .................................Laurel Sun dq u ist, Tim” * G reat Falls Tarrow, Bill” ” .................E ugene, OR


(Continued)W illiams, Derrick” *. .L. A n geles, CA Tram m ell, Jake” ” .V an cou ver, W A 1982 B ecker, N ed ” Atlantic, IA B otzh eim , Alan” * lo n e , W A C harles, J o ey ” V alen cia, CA C o p p e d g e , Joh n n y” ....S ta y to n , OR D aw ald, Eric” ” O w aton n a, MN D eek s, Darryl**..................... B en d , OR Dozier, Rick” ” .....................K ent, W A D um m ett, D ave” Sanborn, IA G u se, H arold” Janesville, MN H arvey, A n th ony” O akland, CA H elean , Mike” * .........................M issoula L ew is, Cliff* L os A n geles, CA M cK enna, Mike* ...S a n A n ton io, TX M eidinger, Rob” * ....................... Billings M oe, Scott” ” ............................ Missoula O liver, Larry” ” Hillsboro, OR P o o le, Scott’ ” Spokane, WA P o o le, S h aw n ” ” Spokane, WA R ay, T ed” ” .........................Stevensville R odriguez, A lex” ..L o s A n geles, CA S eth m an , Richard* ...L a k e w o o d , CA S hillam , Terry” ” Orchards, W A Taylor, Ken* ....................... W ichita, KS Y o u n g , Kevin* .................. T oled o, OH 1983 A n derson , Kerry” Tigard, OR C o e , T ony” R enton, W A D ob son , Eby” ” ....G ra n ts Pass, OR Gillis, Tim” ....................... Portland, OR G reen , G regg” T onasket, W A K lucew ich, J osh ” ....................M issoula L inderholm , Rick” Crystal, MN M oore, Scott*” C o o s B ay, OR M osier, Craig” R enton, W A Murray, Scott*” .........................Kalispell P au lson , Kraig” **. ........... Plenty w o o d Pells, Greg* ................................. Calgary S e x e , D ou g” * ...................... Great Falls S m ith, Mark” * ...... V an cou ver, W A T im berm an, Scott*'* ...................... Butte V illen eu ve, Pete* .. S h eb oygan , WI 1984 O lym pia, W A A p ostol, Ed” * ........ B ridgeport, NE B row n, Lee* .......... B reland, T ony” * .. ..........R enton, W A C am pbell, J .C .” .. ..S teila co o m , W A Clarkson, Larry” * .Abbotsford, B .C . Cogar, Mike* ......... ..................M issoula Crawford, W ard” * ....S p o k a n e , W A W ilsonville, OR Ehlers, Mike” * ...... Foster, Pat*” .......... .....................S avage Foster, L eR oy” ... ........... Chicago, IL K avanaugh, J im * .. ........... C h icago, IL H artm an, Scott” * .............. G reat Falls Kerr, M ike*.............. ...................M issoula Littleton, CO K oechlein , T odd ”

Lam b, Paul*” Spokane, WA M cK enzie, D a v e * N ew York M onterossi, Tim” Klamath Falls, OR N elson , Sherman* ..................Gary, IN O d d en , N ate” * ............................ Dutton S a lo n en , Brad” ..................Great Falls W eston , K elly*.................T acom a, W A W hite, Terry” San Jo se, CA W ynn, D on telle” * Detroit, MI 1985 Arnston, T ony” ..................Great Falls Bartsch, Kevin* ............................H elen a B row n, C huck*.........................Whitefish B row n, R eggie” C on cord, CA C lau sen , Clay” .........................M issoula C olem an , Renard” R enton, W A Finch, N ate” Jack son , W Y G imler, Brian” .................. P arsons, KS H ans, D w ayn e” P asco, W A H ardim an, Pat” Liverm ore, CA H uestis, Joh n ” . .Battle G round, W A K unka, Rob” ........................Great Falls Laird, Robbie” .......................... M issoula L ohof, Rusty* .................................Laurel Metcalf, Jack *..................... G urnee, IL M ornhinw eg, Shanon* San Jo se, CA O w en s, J oh n ” Kent, W A P ea se , Brent” ..M ountain H o m e, ID P eterson , Tom* Miles City Rankin, M ike* E dm ond s, W A Ray, Jason ” ............................... M issoula R e ev es, David” .S ed ro W ooley, W A R eid, Darrin* Klamath Falls, OR R ice, Mike” ................... Twin Falls, ID Sullivan, Rick” .........................Whitefish V enard, Bill” ..................... Albany, OR W an g, Dean* .................................. Baker W erbelow , S c o tt* G lendale, CA

B lank, J e f f ............ ...................... Billings B lank, R u ss* ..............................Missoula San Jo se, CA C ook s, Demidric* San Rafael, CA D on ovan , T im *.... D ou glas, D o n * ...... ......................... Butte Farmer, J o d y * ................................. Libby G arza, Dave* ........ .............P asco, WA G ianinni, Greg* ... ..........Sand C ou lee G ober, K en *........... ..................G ary, IN H unter, Alex* ........ . V an cou ver, WA Lambert, T on y*.... . .S teilacoom , W A Lindsay, Robbe* ......................... Billings M arceau, R o n * .................... Great Falls S p ok an e, W A M ikesell, Brent* E nglew ood, CA Murray, Chris*...... N ygren, Greg* ...... .............Merlin, OR Ruiz, Mike* Scrafford, Kirk* ... ...................... Billings S m ith, Scott* ........ ........... D enver, CO Strutzel, Mike* ...... ......... Monitor, WA T om linson , K eith*............. Monita, CA W ilson, J o h n * ...... ................... M issoula

Tailback Greg Iseman became the third Grizzly player in history to rush for more than 1,000 yards in a season in 1982—gaining 1,075. That total is se­ cond only to Steve Caputo’s 1,253 yards in 1971. Iseman set UM’s single-season scoring record with 84 points and 14 touchdowns in ’82.

—urizzly rooti Name

(Inaugural, Inducted 1982) Years Played Pos.

Ray Bauer Bob Beers Chris Bentz Harry Dahlberg Tom Davis Terry Dillon Paul Dornblaser Ted “Chief” Illman Bill Kelly Larry Miller Bob O’Billovich Steve Okoniewski Milt Popovich Stan Renning Naseby Rhinehart Roy Robinson Bob Stansberry Russ Sweet Tuufuli Uperesa Earl “Click” Clark Leonard “Belgian” Daems Barry Darrow Waldo Ekegren Aldo Forte Dick Imer Tom Kingsford Bill Lazetich Eso Naranche A1 “Ribs” Robertson Ron Rosenberg Karl Stein Steve Sullivan Paul Szakash


1947-48-49 1967-68 1914-15-16-17 1916-17-19-20 1926-27-28 1960-61-62 1910-11-12-13 1923-24-25 1924-25-26 1969-70 1959-60-61 1970-71 1935-36-37 1956-57-58 1933-34-35 1967-68-69 1932-33 1924-25 1968-69 1914-15-16 1914-15 1970-71-72 1928-29-30 1936-37-38 1953-54 1948-49-50 1936-37-38 1939-40-41 1914-15 1971-72-73-74 1969-70 1919-20-21 1935-36-37

Hometown Great Falls, MT Beaverton, OR Aberdeen, SD Butte, MT Butte, MT Hopkins, MN Chicago, IL Missoula, MT Missoula, MT Martinez, CA Butte, MT Silverdale, WA Butte, MT Great Falls, MT Milwaukee, WI Glasgow, MT Norfolk, NE Miles City, MT Ajea, HI Everett, WA Harlowton, MT Dillon, MT Butte, MT Chicago, IL Highland, IN Missoula, MT Anaconda, MT Butte, MT Minnesota Whitefish, MT San Anselma, CA Butte, MT Chicago, IL

Milt Popovich was team captain for the Grizzlies in 1937 — a half a cen­ tury ago this season. “Popo” was an All-American that season.


(Inducted 1984) Pos. Years Played


Bob “Lefty” Byrne Jim Morrow


Billings, MT Moore, MT


(Inducted 1985) Pos. Years Played


Henry Blastic Joe DeLuca Jim Nordstrom


Chicago, IL Weed, CA Auburn, WA


(Inducted 1986) Pos. Years Played


Ken Campbell Doug Dasinger


Great Falls Wolf Point

1949-50-51 1927-28-29

1933-34-35 1952-53-54 1969-70

1949-50 1953-54-55

Jim Nordstrom, a 1985 inductee, was the Golden Helmet Award (Hardest Hitter) winner at Montana in 1969 and 1970.


(Inducted 1983) Pos. Years Played

Greg Anderson Arnie Blancas Steve Caputo Ed Chinske


1974-75-76 1969-70 1969-70-71 1926-27-28

Hometown Chicago, IL Sumner, WA Seattle, WA Michigan City, IN

Quarterback Wild Bill Kelly (left) and halfback Russ Sweet were inducted into the inaugural Hall of Fame in 1982. They excelled in 1924-25-26.


W ashington-Grizzly Stadium T h e d re a m b e c a m e reality o n S a tu rd a y , O c ­ to b e r 1 8 , 1 9 8 6 w h e n b e au tifu l W a s h in g to n Grizzly S ta d iu m w a s in a u g u ra te d w ith a c o m e f ro m -b e h in d 3 8 -3 1 v ictory o v e r Id a h o S ta te . T h e d re a m s ta rte d m o re th a n 10 y e a rs ag o .

In c o n ju n c tio n w ith th e sta d iu m a d d itio n a l p a rk in g a n d p ra c tic e fields w e re built. T h e n ew p ra c tic e a r e a is th e e q u iv a le n t of fo u r full-size fo o tb all fields a n d e n a b le s th e Grizzlies to p r a c ­ tice o n c a m p u s . A 2 0 0 -sp a c e park in g lot is so u th

h e a d c o a c h D o n R e a d . “T h e w o rd is o u t th a t w e h a v e o n e of th e to p facilities in 1-A A fo o t­ ball in th e c o u n try . “It is a n e a t facility to play in ,” R e a d co n tin u ed . “T h e turf is g re a t, p lu s it’s a n e x c e lle n t p la c e for th e sp e c ta to rs a n d gives th e m a n id eal p e r s p e c ­ tive of th e g a m e . E v ery th in g a b o u t it is first c la s s .”

Dennis R. W ashington In A ugust of 1985 M is s o u la b u s in e s s m a n D e n n is R . W a sh in g to n a n d th e e m p lo y e e s o f th e W a sh in g to n C o r­ p o r a tio n s b ro u g h t U M ’s q u e s t fo r a f o o t­ ball facility to reality by c o n trib u tin g th e larg est c o r p o ra te gift in th e h isto ry of M o n ta n a — $1 m illion. In re c o g n itio n of W a s h in g to n a n d his c o m p a n ie s ’ gift, th e s ta d iu m w as n a m e d W ash in g to n -G rizzly S ta d iu m . B o rn in S p o k a n e , W a s h in g to n , D e n ­ nis W a s h in g to n b e g a n w o rk in th e c o n ­ struction bu sin e ss th e su m m e r of his 15th b irth d ay , going to w ork for his u n cle, B u d K ing. T h e n e x t 1 5 y e a rs sa w him rise fro m f o re m a n to p ro je c t s u p e rin te n d e n t a n d finally V ice P re s id e n t o f KingM cL au g h lin C o n s tru c tio n C o m p a n y .

W ashington-Grizzly Stadium T h e sta d iu m w a s in th e p r o p o s a l sta g e in 1 9 7 6 . F o u r y e a rs later — in 1 9 8 0 , a R e g io n a l/U r b a n D esign A ssistan c e T e a m (R /U D A T ) stu d y for facility n e e d w a s im p le m e n te d . In J a n u a ry of 1 9 8 4 UM h ire d th e local a rc h i­ tect firm of F o x , B alias a n d B a rro w . A fter th e UM F o u n d a tio n b e g a n initial fu n d raising a lo n g w ith th e U n iversity of M o n ta n a athletic d e p a rtm e n t a n d Grizzly A thletic A sso cia­ tio n , th e p ro je c t g o t th e b o o st it n e e d e d to b e c o m e reality. In A u g u st of 1 9 8 5 M issoula b u s in e s m a n a n d sta d iu m n a m e s a k e D en n is R . W a sh in g to n d o n a te d a m a jo r gift of $1 m illion in th e n a m e of th e W a sh in g to n C o rp o ra tio n . J u s t fo u r m o n th s later, in D e c e m b e r of 1 9 8 5 , e x cav a tio n crew s b e g a n w o rk . T h e sta d iu m e x c a v a tio n c o n s iste d of m o v in g 7 0 ,0 0 0 cubic y a rd s of dirt, w hich p la c e s th e sta d iu m p lay in g su rface a b o u t 2 0 fe e t belo w g ro u n d level. A n e stim a te d 4 ,5 0 0 y a rd s of c o n ­ c re te w as p o u r e d in th e c o n stru c tio n . A t th e p e a k of its co n stru ctio n th e re w e re 180 craftsm en e m p lo y e d o n th e p ro je c t a n d 2 7 c o n ­ tra c to rs , 2 4 of w h o m w e re fro m th e sta te of M o n ta n a .

SEAT SPONSOR PROGRAM STILL AVAILABLE P e o p le in te re ste d in c o n trib u tin g to th e U niv ersity S e a t S p o n s o r P ro g ra m m ay still d o so . F o r a gift of $ 5 0 0 o r m o re giver(s) will h a v e th eir n a m e (s) p la c e d o n a m e m o ria l w all lo c a te d o u tsid e th e s ta d iu m ’s W est sid e e n tra n c e .

of th e sta d iu m . A 1 4 ,0 8 9 - s e a t, n a tu ra l g rass sta d iu m , th e facility w as p aid for exclusively by p riv ate fu n d s, th e m ajo rity c o m in g fro m M o n ta n a n s , a n d of c o u rse th e W a s h in g to n C o rp o ra tio n s . T h e field a r e a in sid e th e sta d iu m is 18 2 feet w ide a n d 4 0 2 feet fro m e n d -to -e n d . T h e lockerro o m a r e a is a b o u t 6 5 fe e t by 1 4 5 fe e t a n d lo c a te d u n d e r th e w est sid e . T h e re a re 3 9 p riv a te b o x e s o n th e e a s t a n d w est sid es, 3 5 of w h ich h a v e b e e n so ld . T h e se b o x es are individually d e c o ra te d by their re s p e c ­ tive o w n e rs. T h e p re ss b o x is lo c a te d a b o v e th e p riv a te b o x e s o n th e w e st side a n d in clu d es ra d io a n d T V b o o th s, print m ed ia se atin g , c o a c h e s’ bo x es, p ublic a d d re s s b o o th a n d a n a r e a for th e sc o re b o a rd o p e ra to rs . T h e M issoula H o m e ­ builders A ssociation built th e press box, primarily w ith v o lu n te e r lab o r. C o c a -C o la d o n a te d th e sc o reb o a rd w hich w as installed o n th e S o u th side of th e facility. “T h e re is n o t a b e tte r facility in th e Big S ky C o n fe re n c e a n d W ashington-G rizzly S ta d iu m is so m e th in g all M o n ta n a n s ca n b e p r o u d o f,” said UM A thletic D irecto r H arley L ew is, w h o w o rk ­ e d o n a m a jo r facility for UM sin ce his te n u r e m o re th a n 10 y e a rs a g o . “It is especially nice for o u r stu d e n ts, staff a n d th e co m m u n ity . It w as a long tim e c o m in g , b u t definitely w o rth th e w a it.” T h e sta d iu m h a s th e ad ap tab ility to b e e x ­ p a n d e d to 2 0 ,0 0 0 s e a ts a n d also b e d o m e d , L ew is said. “W ash in g to n -G rizzly S ta d iu m h a s b e e n a tr e m e n d o u s p lu s fo r us n o t only for recruiting, b u t also from a m o tiv atio n s ta n d p o in t,” said UM

In 1 9 6 4 h e re sig n e d a n d f o rm e d W ash in g to n C o n stru c tio n w ith a $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 lo a n a n d a le a s e d tra c to r. T h e re st, as th e y sa y , is h isto ry . . . . T h e W a s h in g to n C o rp o ra tio n s h a v e sin c e diversified fro m h ig h w ay c o n s tru c ­ tion, to rental a n d tran sp o rtatio n of h eav y e q u ip m e n t, o p e n p it m in in g , d a m b u ild in g , a n d m o s t re c e n tly th e A n a c o n ­ d a M ineral C o m p a n ie s ’ B u tte p ro p e rtie s. W a sh in g to n C o rp o ra tio n s , h e a d q u a r ­ te re d in M issoula, n o w ranks 3 3 rd a m o n g th e n a tio n ’s le a d e rs in h e a v y h ig h w ay co n stru ctio n . T h e o p e ra tio n e x te n d s in all sta te s w est of th e M ississippi w ith 1 ,2 0 0 e m p lo y e e s . D e n n is a n d his w ife Phyllis h a v e tw o s o n s , K yle (17) a n d K evin (1 4 ).

Voice of the G rizzlies “Grizzly” Bill Schwanke returns as the voice of the Grizzlies for his 15th year the play-by-play announcer for University of Montana sports. It will be KYLT Radio’s 16th year of broadcasting Grizzly athletics and serving as UM’s official station. Schwanke is a former sports editor of The Missoulian newspaper and a former sports information director at UM. He is a 1967 graduate of UM. He has been the Montana Sportscaster of the Year six times and was the 1977 Ed Chinske Award winner, honor­ ing Missoula’s outstanding sports professional. Former Grizzly assistant football Joe Yeager begins his first season as the color commentator for Montana football. He was UM’s offensive line coach from 1982-84 and is a real estate agent in Missoula.

University of Montana Media O utlets N ew sp a p ers Name




Vince Devlin (sports editor) Kim Briggem an (writer) G eorge Geise (sports editor) W arren R ogers (sports editor) H ud Willse (sports editor) Jo h n Holt (sports editor) Roy P ace (sports editor) Jack T an n er (sports editor) S ports Editor

P .O . Box 8 0 2 9 (406) 7 21-5200 Missoula, MT 598 0 7 Tribune Building, G reat Falls, MT 5 9 4 0 1 ............. (406) 761-6666 401 N orth B roadw ay, Billings, MT 5 9 1 0 1 (406) 2 4 5 -3078 25 W est G ranite, B utte, MT 5 9 701 (406) 782-8301 30 0 First A venue W est, Kalispell, MT 5 9 9 0 1 ...(406) 755-7000 3 17 Allen, H elena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 ..................................(406) 4 4 2 -7 1 9 0 232 Main, H am ilton, MT 5 9 8 4 0 (406) 3 6 3 -3300 University of M ontana, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 1 2 ....(4 0 6 ) 243-6541

G reat Falls Tribune Billings G azette M ontana S tan dard Daily Interlake In d ep en d en t R ecord Ravalli R epublican M ontana Kaimin


T elev isio n S ta tio n s Name




Larry Frost D ave Tester Sports Director S ports Director Chris Byers P at K earney Marty Briggs H elen Raptis S haw n Ori Steve S otak

D raw er M, M issoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 ...............................(406) 721-5642 P .O . Box 4 8 2 7 , Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 (406) 5 4 3 -7106 P .O . Box 1139, G reat Falls, MT 5 9 4 0 3 (406) 453 -4 3 7 7 P .O . Box 1331, G reat Falls, MT 5 9 4 0 3 (406) 4 5 3 -2 4 3 3 2 4 0 5 O verland, Billings, MT 5 9 1 0 2 ....................... (406) 65 6 -8 0 0 0 1003 S. M ontana, B utte, MT 5 9 7 0 1 ......................(406) 7 8 2 -0444 P .O . Box 1219, G reat Falls, MT 5 9 4 0 3 (406) 761-88 16 2 4 4 3 N. M ontana, H elena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 ................. (406) 4 4 3 -5 0 5 0 7 50 D ewey Blvd., B utte, MT 5 9 7 0 1 ......................(406) 4 9 4 -7 6 0 3 P .O . Box 2 5 5 7 , Billings, MT 5 9 7 1 5 (406) 5 8 6 -0296






Bill Schw anke Mick Holien Sports Director G lenn Schm idt Sports Director D enny B edard Sports Director Sports Director

Fairway C enter, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 1 .................... (406) P .O . Box 5 0 2 3 , Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 (406) 4 0 0 R ym an, Missoula, MT 598 0 1 (406) P .O . Box 4 1 0 6 , Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 (406) University of M ontana, Missoula, MT 5 9 8 1 2 ....(4 0 6 ) P .O . Box 4 1 0 6 , Missoula, MT 598 0 1 (406) 4 0 0 R ym an, Missoula, MT 598 0 1 (406) 2 1 8 E. Front, M isso u la ............................................... (406)





W arren W introde Sports D epartm ent

317 Allen, H elena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 ................................. (406) 4 4 2 -7 4 4 0 P .O . Box 4 5 9 5 , H elena, MT 5 9 6 0 1 ......................(406) 4 4 2 -6 4 7 0

R adio S ta tio n s Phone 728-5000 7 21-1290 7 28-9300 7 28-1450 243-4931 7 28-9399 7 28-9300 7 21-9474

W ire S erv ices Phone

Grizzly Football Network KBLG-AM , Billings, 9 1 0 ; KXTL-AM, B utte, 1370; KCTB-FM, C ut B ank, 102 .7 ; K DLN-AM /FM , Dillon, 1490 a n d 9 8 .3 ; KLTZAM, Glasgow, 1240; KXGN-AM, G lendive, 1400; KMON-AM, G reat Falls, 560; KBMG-FM, H am ilton, 9 5 .9 ; KBLL-FM, H elena, 9 9 .5 ; KOFI-AM, Kalispell, 1180; KLCB-AM, Libby, 1230; KPRK-AM, Livingston, 1340; KYLT-AM, Missoula, 1340. (As of July, 1987).



W m &

University of Montana

ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2014

Intercollegiate Athletics


1987 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department

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