1990 Football Media Guide

Page 1

University of


1990 im

44 p i/V l4 4 fo l-' t *


M O N T A N A vs. IDAHO HOMECOMING DAY Saturday, N ovem ber 9

Dornblaser Field

1 9 9 0 M ontana F ootb all Y earb oo . This Yearbook was prepared by Dave Guffey for the convenience c writers and sports broadcasters during the 1990 football season. Permission is granted to quote in whole, or in part, any material in this Yea. book. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. Please let me know your needs. All requests for press passes should be made by letter or telephone at least

one w eek in advance. Complete statistics are provided at each Grizzly home game. They include team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly play-by-play and defen­ sive statistics.

Compiled, designed and edited by:

Photography by:

Dave Guffey

Howard Skaggs

Printed by:


UM Printing Services

The program cover from the 1940 Homecoming game with Idaho. The G rizzlies won 28-18, as QB Don Bryan p assed for touchdowns to Jack Emigh and Jack Swarthout. Swarthout would later be the head coach of UM team s which went 10-0 in the 1969 and 1970 regular season s. The 1969-70 team s will have a reunion this season at Homecom­ ing, Sept. 29, as UM hosts Eastern W ashington.

T a b le o f C o n te n ts 1990 Schedule...................................................... Back cover UM Quick Facts...................................................................... 1 About the University of Montana.........................................2 Academics at UM................................................................... 3 UM Administration................................................................. 4 Athletic Personnel.................................................................. 5 Head Coach Don R ead.........................................................6 Assistant Coaches............................................................... 7-8 1990 Outlook........................................................................10 All-American Candidates............................................... 11-12 Honors Candidates......................................................... 13-14 The 1990 Grizzlies.......................................................... 16-26 1990 Grizzly Travel..............................................................26 1990 Alphabetical Roster..............................................28-29 New Grizzlies........................................................................ 30 Opponents....................................................................... 32-35 Grizzly Coaching Records................................................... 36 Big Sky Conference............................................................ 38 1989 Big Sky Standings/Past Champions....................... 38 1989 Individual/Team Big Sky Statistics..........................39 1989 Grizzly Statistics.......................................................... 40 Season-by-Season Results.............................................42-44 All Opponents’ Series Record............................................ 44 Individual Grizzly Records................................................... 45 The Grizzly Record B ook..............................................45-46 Grizzly 1st Team All-Big Sky/All-Americans................... 47 Montana All-Time L ead ers................................................ 48 Grizzly Awards......................................................................49 Current/Former Grizzly Pros..............................................50 1989 Game-by-Game Results......................................51-54 Grizzly Football Hall of F a m e ............................................ 55 Voice of Grizzlies/Montana Media.................................... 56

Y earbook Cost: $ 5 .0 0 —($6 if mailed) UM Printing Services


Geoffrey Sutton (p. 31)

ON THE COVERS: Artwork by Neal Wiegert, UM graphics. Design by Neal Wiegert and Dave Guffey. The front cover features senior AllAmerican and honors candidates Grady Bennett (4), Mike McGowan (27), Mike Trevathan (47), Bryan Tripp (44), head coach Don Read, and the Grizzlies’ 1989 I-AA semifinal trophy. Back cover: Washington-Grizzly Stadium and 1988 Griz-Idaho game. Inside front: UM’s Main Hall. Inside back: Montana’s scenic beauty. Photos by Howard Skaggs.

UM Quick Facts (406 Area Code in Montana) Location: Missoula, Montana 59812 Chartered: February 17, 1893 Enrollment: 9,679 President: Dr. George Dennison


H ead Football Coach:

Washington-Grizzly (15,100) Stadium Phone: 243-4167 Nickname: Grizzlies Colors: Copper, Silver and Gold Conference: Big Sky Commissioner: Ron Stephenson (208) 345-5393

Don Read (243-2969)

Big Sky Information Director:


A thletic Director: Bill Moos (243-5331)

Football Staff: Bob Beers, Tommy Lee, Robin Pflugrad, Jerome Souers, Bruce Read, Kraig Paulson, Joe Klucewich

A ssociate Athletic Director: Kathy Noble (243-5331)

Athletic Trainer: Dennis Murphy (243-6362)

Arnie Sgalio (208) 345-5393

Faculty Representative: Dr. Robert Lindsay 243-5102

Sports Information Director: Dave Guffey 243-6899, Office 728-1135, Home

Football Phone: 243-2969

Equipment Manager: Steve Hackney (243-4351)

Two Montana legends, football/w restling great Larry Miller (left) and Grizzly equipm ent manager Ruppert “ S arge” H olland. Miller w as one of the standouts for UM during the 1969-70 sea so n s. The 1950 Grizzly team, b est known for its Tom Kingsford to Ray Bauer passing com binations, will a lso have a reunion at H om e­ coming.

University of Montana T.js ■—

gg ^

(circa 1898)

The University of M ontana in Missoula is located in a m ountain forest setting in beautiful W estern M ontana. It is halfway betw een Glacier and Yellow stone national parks. Four wilderness areas are located near Missoula. The natural surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, cam ping and other o utdoor recreational pursuits. Two excellent winter ski areas are located within m inutes of the University. Several other ski areas are only a couple of hours away by car. UM ow ns and operates its own golf course adjacent to cam pus. The University of M ontana is one of the W est’s pioneers in education an d was chartered February 17, 1893. The school open ed in S eptem ber 1895, with 50 students enrolling the first day. Located on 201 acres at the base of M ount Sentinel, UM has grown from 50 students and seven faculty m em bers to a p resent enrollm ent of 9,6 7 9 and approxim ately 408 full-time faculty positions. Through its history, the University of M ontana has

sustained a high standard of academ ic excellence in teaching, research and service. UM offers associate of arts degrees in two areas and bachelor’s degrees in 58 fields. It offers m aster’s degrees in 54 program s and doctoral degrees in 13. The College of Arts and Sciences, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of program s and courses in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and hum anities. The College also offers curricula in interdisciplinary fields ranging from ethnic studies to interdepartm ental studies. Seven professional schools com plete the academ ic program — Business Adm inistration, Fine Arts, Journalism , Education, Forestry, Law, and Pharm acy and Allied H ealth Sciences. The aim of the University is to provide its students with relaxing and meaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The adm inistration, faculty and staff strive for this goal.

A cadem ics at UM Add Up To S u ccess The University of M ontana was recent­ ly aw arded its 25th R hodes Scholarship. UM ranks 18th of all American colleges and universities in the num ber of Rhodes Scholars it has produced, fifth am ong public universities. S tudents are chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, energy, com m unity and political involve­ m ent and character. The UM Biological Station at Flathead Lake, located about 85 miles northeast of Missoula, is the nation’s oldest inland station. The UM research station is one of the finest facilities in the country for freshw ater research. KUFM, a non-com m ercial public radio station operated by the radio-television departm ent of the School of Journalism , is the only National Public Radio station in M ontana. University of M ontana education m a­ jors com pete very successfully for jobs with 88 percent of those with bachelor’s degrees and 95 percent of those with graduate degrees finding appropriate positions. The D epartm ent of Social Work is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and is the only M ontana school that prepares its graduates to ap p ­ ly for advanced standing in graduate schools of social work. The School of Journalism has had 25 of its students selected as Sears Congres­ sional interns — m ore than any other journalism school in the country. During the four-m onth internship, students work for a United States C ongressm an or S enator and also attend classes. The D epartm ent of D ram a/D an ce has a professional theater group — the M on­ tana R epertory T heatre — based on c a m p u s . T h e M o n ta n a R e p e rto ry Theatre, which tours throughout the Nor­ thw est, is the only professional Actors Equity com pany betw een Minneapolis and Seattle. Eight University of M ontana students have been chosen to receive T rum an Scholarships. The national scholarship is given annually to students com m itted to a governm ent career who have superior academic ability and leadership potential. The D epartm ent of A nthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of pre-history in the region. The School of Business is the only business school in M ontana to be ac­ credited by the Am erican Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business at the graduate level.

Bridget Clarke is the University of M ontana’s 25th Rhodes Scholar.

More than 55 percent of the business school’s accounting graduates pass the Certified Public A ccountant Exam on their first try. This is m ore than three times the national first-time success rate of 18 percent.

The D epartm ent of Geology has a n a ­ tional reputation. In cooperation with Purdue University, a field station has been set up in southw estern M ontana. The departm ent also provides hands-on experience for students in the minerals, rocks and paleontology laboratories at the University’s Seismic Station and in the E arthquake R esearch Laboratory. The D epartm ent of G eography has one of the region’s best cartography laboratories where students learn to make m aps and interpret aerial photography. T he D e p a rtm e n t of Flealth and Physical Education is one of a handful in the country that trains students to be athletic trainers. And it is the only p ro ­ gram in the state to offer a Master of Science in Physical Education. The Native American Studies program at the University of M ontana is regarded by Indian educators as one of the four most outstanding in the nation. M ontana had four Academ ic AllA m ericans in 1988 in Mike M cGowan, Rick Sullivan, Brad S alonen and Jo h n H uestis—the m ost by any Division I pro­ gram in the nation. Last season the UM football team had 17 players nam ed to the All-Big Sky C onference academ ic team , m ore than any other conference school. M ontana has had num erous A cadem ic All-Americans in other sports as well.

Senior linebacker Mike McGowan sacks Jackson State quarterback Shawn Gregory in UM’s 48-7 first round playoff win over the Tigers last season. McGowan has been a first team GTE Academ ic All-American the previous two season s and m aintains a 3.97 GPA.


•Administration* le o rg e D ennison b ecam e the 16th p resid en t of th e University of M ontana on A ugust 15, 1990. H e replaced Jam es V. K och, w ho is now th e president at Old Dom inion University in Norfolk, Va. Before com ing to UM D ennison was provost an d vice presid ent for academ ic affairs at W estern Michigan University in K alam azoo, a po st he had held since 1987. H e is a form er resident of Kalispell, an d a UM alum nus. A history professor, h e earn ed tw o deg rees in th at field at UM: a m aster’s in 1963 and a bachelor’s with highest h o n o rs in 1962. In 1967, he co m p leted a d o cto rate in history at th e University of W ashington. Prior to joining W estern Michigan’s a d ­ m inistration, he held a n um ber of jobs at C o lo rad o S tate U niversity betw een 1969 an d 1987. T hey include adm is­ sions an d records director; associate academ ic vice president; graduate school associate dean; associate dean of the col­ lege of th e arts, hum anities an d social sciences; an d history professor. D ennison an d his wife, Ja n e , also from Kalispell, have tw o children.

K Lathy a becam e associate athletic direc­ tor at M ontana in A ugust, 1 987. Last year she served as interim athletic direc­ tor, overseeing two I-AA football playoff g am es, as well as th e Big Sky C o n ­ ference w o m en ’s basketball tournam ent, an d an NCA A first ro u n d gam e in w o m en ’s basketball. S h e w as in strum ental in UM’s bid for a W o m en ’s W estern Regional Basketball T o u rn am en t, recently g ranted to M on­ ta n a in M arch of 1993. Most recently Noble was the Assistant Director of th e D ep artm ent of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities in Miami, Florida. S h e has 15 years of experience in col­ lege adm inistration. S h e was th e A sso­ ciate Athletic D irector at the University of Miami from 1983-86. Prior to that she was an A cadem ic C ounselor in athletics at Boise S tate (1982-83) an d the R esidence Hall Director at W ashington S tate (1 9 7 6 -8 2 ). Noble e a rn e d her B.A . d eg ree in Social S ciences at C entral W ashington University in 1971. S h e received a M aster’s D eg ree in C o u n selin g at W ashington State in 1979 and is current­ ly a P h .D . can d id ate in C ounseling at W SU .

v I P a r y b ecam e athletic ticket m an ag er at UM in 19 6 6 . In 197 8 he w as a p ­ p o in ted M anager of Athletic Facilities an d R ev en u e. He m an ag es all scheduling in A dam s F ield H o u s e , W a s h in g to n -G riz z ly S tadium and D ornblaser Track an d Field in addition to o v erseeing the TIC-IT-EZ Ticketing S ystem , all athletic revenue, concessions o p eratio n s, ev en t staffing, an d various o th er duties. He is a native of R onan, M ontana and g rad u ated in acco u n tin g from M issoula Business College in 1962. He gained ex­ perience in acco u n tin g an d auditing before assum ing his responsibilities at M ontana. G ary an d his wife, Ju d y , have six children: Christian A nn, Dustin, L ance, C hristopher, S ara an d C ary.

i G eorge D en n ison

W illiam H. M oos

P re sid e n t

Athletic Director

K athy N ob le

A1 Kempfert

A ssociate Athletic Director

E x e c u tive Director, Grizzly A thletic A ssocia tion

G ary H ugh es Manager S ervices

R obert L indsay o


R epres

illiam H . “Bill” M oos becam e athletic director at UM in April of 1990. H e replaced H arley W. Lewis, w ho is now the assistant director of ch am p io n ­ ships for the N ational Collegiate Athletic A ssociation. M oos w as m ost recently an associate athletic director at his alm a m ater, W ashington S tate University. In th at position his responsibilities included fund­ raising, m arketing and prom otions, ticket sales, public relations, an d m an ag em en t of th e regional C ougar Club offices. At M ontana M oos’ prim ary duties will be to oversee the entire athletic d e p a rt­ m en t operation. H e graduated from W SU in 1973 with a degree in History. As an athlete he was all-conference an d All-Pacific C oast in football. H e c a p p e d his C o u g ar career by playing in the East-West Shrine G am e in 1972. Following g radu atio n , M oos w orked for a short tim e in th e n atio n ’s capital before going into private business. H e th en retu rn ed to W SU as an assistant athletic director in 1982, an d rem ain ed th ere until com ing to M ontana Bill and his wife, K endra, have three children: Christa, 9, Brittany, 6, and Bo, 1.

/ m l is beginning his 13th y ear as Ex­ ecutive Director of th e Grizzly Athletic Association, formerly know n as the C en ­ tury Club. In 1977 C entury Club raised a p p ro x ­ im ately $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 for intercollegiate athletics. Last year the G .A .A . generated over $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in private su p p o rt with em phasis primarily on athletic scholar­ ships, but the G .A .A . assists in all phases of athletic d ep artm en t o perations. H e cam e to UM from California L u th eran University, w here he h ad served as the Director of A lu m n i/P aren t Relations from 1971 to 1977. H e served in th e U .S . A rm y from 1968-71 an d in V ietnam from 1969-70, receiving m any co m m en d atio n s. H e is an alu m n u s of C .L .U ., w here he w as a th ree-sp o rt letterm an an d v o ted th e O u tstanding S en io r A thlete in 1967. A1 an d his wife, Chris, h av e th ree children: Kim, 2 1, Matt, 18, an d David, 16. Matt will play basketball at UM this year.

B feo b is beginning his third year as UM’s faculty representativ e to th e N ational C ollege Athletic A ssociation. Dr. Lindsay has b een a faculty m em b er at UM since 1967. H e is a p ro ­ fessor of History an d served as th e departm ent chairm an from 1975-78. His specialty is Early M odern E u ro p ean H istory. Lindsay w on th e D istinguished T each er A w ard at UM in 1985. H e has tau g h t overseas for UM in F rance in 1970-71 an d 1981. H e previously tau g h t at O hio U niver­ sity. H e earned a P h .D . an d M.A. at the University of O regon and an M.A. at the University of M innesota. H e received his B .A . at N ev ad a-R en o in 1953. As th e NCA A R ep resen tativ e, he will determ ine eligibility for UM athletes, m ake NCA A rulings at th e institutional level an d is UM’s rep resen tativ e to the N CA A . H e has serv ed on UM’s U niver­ sity Athletic C om m ittee for n u m ero u s years an d w as on ce chairm an of the com m ittee as well. Bob an d his wife, Jo y c e, h av e four children.

Athletic Personnel ^ J t e v e is beginning his 10th season as th e Grizzly eq u ip m en t m an ag er. H e is a native of H am ilton, M ontana. He g rad u ated from th e University of M on­ ta n a in 1972 with a B .S . d egree in Health and Physical Education, with em ­ phasis in Athletic Training an d Physical T h erap y . H e received his m aster’s degree in 1974 at Indiana State in HPE. H e served th ree years in th e Navy from 1 9 6 2 -6 5 an d w as a S p anish linguist. S tev e an d his wife, L arae, h ave a son Tyler, 8, an d d au g h ter, M eghan, 5.

S tev e H ack ney

D ave G uffey

E q u ip m e n t M a n a ger

Sports Information Director

D e n n i s T. M urphy begins his ninth year as h ead athletic trainer at UM. Mur­ p h y g rad u ated from M ontana in 1975 with a B .S . deg ree in H ealth and Physical E ducation with a specialization in A thletic T raining an d A daptive Physical E ducation. In J u n e of 1975 he w as certified by th e N ational Athletic Trainers Association. In A ugust of 1978 he w as n am ed assistant athletic trainer an d lecturer at th e D ep artm en t of Athletics at th e University of Arizona. In S ep tem b er of 1980 he acce p te d the position of Visiting Assistant Professor at UM. M urphy, w ho has b een a certified tra in e r for 14 y e a rs, h a s ta u g h t n u m ero u s training-related classes, has b een a guest sp e ak er at several sports’ clinics an d written articles for training publications. H e is single.

^ i r u c e has b een th e strength coach at M ontana for th e p ast th ree years, and o v ersees w eight training an d condition­ ing for all athletic program s. H e designs an d dev elo p s w eight training program s in all of th e throw ing events. A Grizzly football letterm an (1960-63), B ruce earn ed his B .A . d eg ree at UM in 1967 in H ealth an d Physical E ducation. H e earn ed a m aster’s d eg ree at M ontana in School Administration in 1975. H e is the ow n er an d o p erato r of W allw ork’s H ealth an d S tren g th G ym in Missoula. H e is also a certified M ontana Officials Association (MOA) official for basketball an d volleyball, an d officiates volleyball in the Big Sky C o n feren ce. H e taught at local Loyola High S chool from 1973-1984, and was head football coach for three years an d h ead track coach for six seasons. Bruce an d his wife, S usan, have tw o d au g h ters, K aipolani, and K eala. Kaipolani is a letterw inner at UM in track.

^ ) a v e is in his 13th seaso n as sports inform ation director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases an d prom otions, gam e and cumulative statis­ tics and research. H e has w on 17 district a n d national aw ards for his football an d basketball m edia guides an d pro g ram s. His 1989 UM football y earb o o k cover w as selected th e best in th e n ation. H e served as m edia coo rd in ato r for the M ontana S pecial O lym pics in 1979 an d 1980. H e was th e m edia director for the U nited S tates A ssociation for Blind A thletes 7th A nnual N ational C h a m ­ pionships in 1983. H e is a m em b er of the College S ports Inform ation Directors of A m erica (Co-SIDA). H e is a 1975 g rad u ate of F resno S tate an d received a B.A. in Journalism . Dave an d his wife, M ea A ndrew s, h ave an eight-year-old son, Patrick, a n d a five-year-old son, M atthew .

^ 3 a r o l is in h er fourth year as director of m arketing a n d prom o tio n s for Grizz­ ly athletics. S h e is responsible for all aspects of gam e ev en t advertising, co r­ p o ra te sponsorship, advertising sales, an d public relations. S h e earn ed her B .S . degree in B usiness A dm inistration with m an ag em en t an d m arketing e m ­ phasis in 1986, a n d is currently w ork­ ing tow ards a m aster’s d eg ree. S h e g rad u ated from S entinel High School in 1 981, w here she w as a six-time letter w inner in basketball an d volleyball.

D en n is Murphy

Carol Sharkey

Ath letic Trainer

D irector o f M arketing a n d P r o m o tio n s

Bruce W allw ork

Chuck M aes

S tren g th C o a c h

A ssistant to the A thletic Director, B usiness Affairs


C ^ h u c k joined the Grizzly athletic d e p a rtm e n t in J u n e of 1 988. As assis­ ta n t to the athletic director h e o versees all business affairs of th e University of M ontana athletic d ep artm en t. H e also m akes all dep artm en tal supply o rders, m an ag es the b u d g et an d gives bu d g et approval. H e is a 198 5 g rad u ate of UM with a B .A . d eg ree in B usiness A d ­ m inistration, graduatin g with deg rees in Accounting and M anagem ent. H e cam e to w ork at M ontana im m ediately after graduation from his alm a m ater as an ac­ countant. In that capacity he was resp o n ­ sible for fin a n c ia l tra n s a c tio n s in Intercollegiate A thletics an d th e Plant F u n d accounting p er state an d local policies. H e g rad u ated from A n aco n d a High School in 1978 and was a track let­ term an as a p rep .

Head Coach

H e lives an d co ach es by p erso n al philosophies. S o m e of th ese include: “S uccess is a b y-product of hard work; expect players to m ak e a positive com m itm ent to football an d o th er aspects of school life; football sh ap es character; a team m ust alw ays play with em otion and intensity.” R ead has written a book, T h e C om plete Passing G am e, w orked football cam ps in eight states, and written alm ost 100 articles for athletic and coaching m agazines. At O regon, h e co ach ed form er All-Pro quarterback Dan Fouts of th e S an Diego C hargers an d form er p ro QB Ju n e J o n e s at PSU . At M ontana, he coached quarterback Brent P ease, w ho led the nation in total offense in 1986. R ead earn ed his u n d erg ra d u ate d egree in Social Science in 1960, an d his m aster’s d eg ree in H ealth an d Physical E ducation at S acram en to S tate tw o years later. Don an d his wife, Lois, h ave a daughter, B eth, and a son, Bruce. Bruce serves as UM’s special team s coach.

D on R ead has rejuvenated University of M ontana football in his four years, as his team s h av e g o n e 6-4, 6-5, 8-4, an d 11-3. During th at tim e UM has been 22-10 in Big Sky C onference gam es, after winning a total of three league gam es th e p rev io u s th ree years. T he Grizzly football p ro g ram reach ed new heights in 1989. UM w on a school record 11 gam es, ad v an ce d to the I-AA sem i-finals, an d finished the se aso n ran k ed sixth in th e nation. R ead w as recognized for UM success last seaso n , as he w as n am ed the Big S ky’s C o a ch of th e Y ear. H e becam e th e second coach in UM history to win th e aw ard an d th e first since Ja ck S w arth o u t was h o n o re d back-toback years in 1 9 6 9 -7 0 . R e a d ’s UM team s h av e n ev er had a losing seaso n , an d his 31 career wins are third m ost in school history. In M o n tan a’s 93-year football history, the Grizzlies have w o n six or m ore gam es 16 tim es, and R ead has accom plished th a t all four of his seaso n s at UM. His 6 6 .0 w inning p ercen tag e is sixth best in Big Sky history, an d th e se­ co n d highest of any active con feren ce coach. R ead, 56, cam e to UM from Portland State University, w here he was head coach from 1981 to 1985 and 1968-71. S andw iched betw een the PSU stints w ere h ead jobs at O reg o n (1974-76) an d O regon T ech (1977-80). In his first th ree h ead coaching jobs at PSU , O regon, and O regon T ech, he turned losing p ro g ram s aro u n d . His O regon T ech team s w ere nationally ran k ed in 1 97 9 (9th) an d 1980 (7th). In th e 198 4 se aso n , R ead led P S U to an 8-3 record an d w as n am ed the Division II C o ach of th e Y ear after the Vikings w on the W estern C onference title. R e ad ’s overall h ead coaching record is 1 3 3 -1 1 4 -1 . H e h as 31 years in th e coaching p rofession, beginning in 1959 as an assistant at P lacer High in A uburn, California. His first h ead job was at P etalum a High in California in 1962.

THE RECORDS 1 9 6 8 — P o rtla n d S t a t e ............ 1 9 6 9 — P o rtla n d S t a t e ............ 1 9 7 0 — P ortland S ta te ............ 1 9 7 1 — P ortland S ta te ............ 1 9 7 4 — U n iversity o f O r e g o n 1 9 7 5 — U n iversity o f O re g o n 1 9 7 6 — U n iversity o f O re g o n 1 9 7 7 — O re g o n T e c h ................ 1 9 7 8 — O re g o n T e c h ................ 1 9 7 9 — O re g o n T e c h ................ 1 9 8 0 — O re g o n T e c h . . . ..........



1 9 8 1 — Portland S ta te ....................... 2 -9

6 -4

1 9 8 2 — P ortland S t a t e ....................... 2 -9

6 -4

1 9 8 3 — Portland S t a t e ....................... 3 -7

4 -5

1 9 8 4 — P ortland S t a t e ....................... 8 - 3

^ g

1 9 8 5 — P ortland S t a t e ....................4 -5 -1


1 9 8 6 — M o n ta n a



6 -4

1 9 8 7 — M o n ta n a . .............

.6 - 5


1 9 8 8 — M o n ta n a

8 -4

7 -2

1 9 8 9 — M o n ta n a ........................... . . . . 1 1 - 3

7 2

2 0 y e a r s ........................ 1 0 0 -1 0 7 - 1



A ssistan t Coaches

Jerom e Souers

Tommy Lee

Defensive Coordinator/Secondary

Offensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks M o n ta n a ’s n a tio n a l ranking in o ffe n s e , th r ee o f th e last four s e a s o n s , w a s largely

J e r o m e S o u e r s (Sow -E rs) b eg in s h is s e c o n d s e a so n a s d e fe n siv e c oord in ator and

d u e to th e creative m in d of T o m m y L e e , a n d M o n ta n a ’s p a s s -m in d e d o ffe n s e . H e

his fifth as se c o n d a r y c o a c h . Last y e a r th e G rizzlies w e r e first in th e n a tio n again st

w ork s in c lo s e p roxim ity w ith th e q uarterb ack s, a n d in his four s e a s o n s at UM h e

th e rush, a llo w in g 7 0 . 2 y ards a g a m e . In 1 9 8 8 UM led th e B ig S k y C o n fe r e n c e

c o a c h e d Q B s Brent P e a s e (form erly with th e H o u sto n Oilers) an d current Q B G rady

in p a ss d e f e n s e a n d total d e fe n s e for th e first tim e in s c h o o l history, a n d tied a

B e n n e tt. B o th players se t s in g le -se a s o n p a s s in g r eco rd s during their ca reers.

s c h o o l reco rd w ith 2 8 in te r c e p tio n s. B e fo r e c o m in g to UM , h e w a s th e s e c o n d a r y c o a c h at P ortlan d S ta te for tw o

A t P ortlan d S ta te h e w a s th e o ffe n siv e c o o r d in a to r a n d in c h a r g e o f recruiting for tw o s e a s o n s b e fo re c o m in g with D o n R e a d to U M . H e w a s h e a d c o a c h at

s e a s o n s a n d se r v e d in a sim ilar p o sitio n at W e ste r n W a sh in g to n for a s e a s o n prior

W illam ette U n iversity from 1 9 7 4 to 1 9 8 2 a n d a n a ssista n t th ere th e p r e v io u s tw o

to th e P S U job. H e c o a c h e d at “A A A ” p rep le v e l for eig h t y e a r s at N orth E u g e n e

y e a r s. H e h a s th r ee y ears o f h e a d c o a c h in g e x p e r ie n c e at C en tra l C a th o lic H igh

a n d W illa m ette H igh s c h o o ls . H is father, D w ig h t, w a s a s u c c e s s fu l, w ell-k n o w n

S c h o o l in P ortlan d . A t W illam ette h e w a s an N .A .I .A . A ll-A m erica n quarterback

c o a c h in E u g e n e . J e r o m e e a r n e d a B .A . in P h y sic a l E d u ca tion at O re g o n in 1 9 8 3

in 1 9 6 2 , a n d r e c e iv e d his B .A . d e g r e e th e re in 1 9 6 3 in P h y sic a l E d u c a tio n . H e

an d e a r n e d his m a ste r ’s in P .E . at P S U in 1 9 8 5 . H e an d his w ife, P a u la , h a v e a tw o -y e a r -o ld d a u g h te r , A n n a .

later e a r n e d his m a ster’s d e g r e e in e d u c a tio n at W illa m ette. H e p la y e d for O tta w a

“W e b e lie v e in p la y in g a g g r e ss iv e , h a r d - n o s e d d e fe n s e . W e k e e p it sim p le , w o rk

in th e C a n a d ia n F ootb all L e a g u e . H e s e r v e d a s athletic director at W illa m ette from

h a rd a t te c h n iq u e , a n d k e e p th e e m p h a s is o n e x e c u tio n o f o u r c o v e r a g e r e s p o n ­

1 9 7 4 - 8 2 a n d w a s an a s s o c ia te p r o fesso r th e r e a s w ell.

s ib ility .”

L e e a n d his w ife, H a u n a n i, h a v e th r ee ch ild ren . “W e are a p r o - t y p e o f o ffe n s e w ith e m p h a s is o n th e p a s s in g g a m e . W e like to u se m u ltip le fo r m a tio n s a n d a lso in c lu d e m o tio n fro m o u r r e c e iv e r s a n d ru n n in g b a c k s. W e try to k e e p th in g s s im p le w ith th e e n d r e su lt b e in g s o u n d e x e c u ti o n .”

Robin Pflugrad

Bob Beers

Wide R eceivers/R unning Backs/Administrative Assistant

Assistant H ead C oach/O ffensive Line M o n ta n a ’s o ffe n s iv e line h as b e e n a fo ca l p o in t at UM for th e p a st th r ee s e a s o n s ,

Pflugrad (p r o n o u n c e d F lew -G ra d ) w ea rs se v e r a l hats as h e c o a c h e s th e w id e

an d B o b B e e r s is o n e of th e big r e a so n s for that. Last s e a so n b oth tack le Kirk Scraf-

r e c e iv e r s/r u n n in g b a ck s, a n d is th e a c a d e m ic c o o r d in a to r , w h ich in v o lv e s eligibil­

ford a n d gu ard J a y F agan e a r n e d A ll-A m erica n status. T h e y w e r e a lso a ll-le a g u e ,

ity for all o f U M ’s fo o tb a ll p la y ers. H e is a lso in c h a r g e o f c o m p lia n c e rules for th e

a lo n g w ith fello w starters Tim P o lic h , Rick Erps a n d C h a d G erm er. B o b w o r k e d

N C A A a n d th e B ig S k y C o n fe r e n c e . H e w a s a sta n d o u t w id e r e ce iv e r at P ortland S ta te during th e N eil L o m a x era

w ith th e d e fe n siv e line in 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 . A form er Grizzly footb all grea t, B e e r s w a s a n ina u g u ra l m e m b e r o f th e Grizzly

a n d w a s te a m captain a n d a s e c o n d tea m A c a d e m ic A ll-A m erica n in 1 9 7 9 . For

F ootb all H all o f F a m e in 1 9 8 2 . H e w a s an A ll-A m erica n at C o lu m b ia B asin Ju n io r

th ree s e a s o n s at P S U h e c o a c h e d th e w id e r e ce iv e r s a n d w a s a lso director of fo o t ­

C o lleg e and at M ontana (1 9 6 7 -6 8 ) . H e h as 1 9 yea rs o f co a ch in g e x p e r ie n c e . B efore

ball p r o m o tio n s . H is Mt. H o o d J u n io r C o lle g e te a m s w e r e 2 0 - 2 in 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 , and

returning to UM as a c o a c h , h e w a s th e h e a d c o a c h at W est L inn H igh S c h o o l

first in th e n a tio n in ’7 7 w h e n h e w a s a ll-c o n fe r e n c e . H e w a s r e ce iv e r a n d s e c o n ­

in O r e g o n . H e b e g a n his c o a c h in g career at his a lm a m ater, w ork in g w ith th e

dary c o a c h at S o u th E u g e n e H igh S c h o o l in 1 9 8 2 a n d h a s s e r v e d as a c o a c h and

lin eb ack ers for UM h e a d c o a c h J a ck S w a rth o u t in 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 . A fter that h e w a s an

c o u n s e lo r in football c a m p s s in ce 1 9 8 1 . H e r e c e iv e d his B .S . d e g r e e at P S U in

a ssistan t at M on tan a T e c h from 1 9 7 1 - 7 3 . H e c o a c h e d in th e p rep ranks for 1 2

B u sin e ss A d m in istra tio n in 1 9 8 0 a n d his O re g o n T e a c h e r s C ertificate in B u sin e ss

s e a s o n s , b e g in n in g at B u tte C en tra l in 1 9 7 4 . H is reco rd as a h ig h s c h o o l c o a c h

E d u ca tio n in 1 9 8 4 . H e a n d c o a c h J e r o m e S o u e r s p la y e d h igh s c h o o l basketball

is 6 4 - 3 5 . B e e r s, 4 2 , is a 1 9 7 0 g ra d u a te o f UM w ith a d e g r e e in H istory & H ea lth ,

to g e th e r at N orth E u g e n e H igh. P flu grad , 3 2 , a n d his w ife, M a rlen e, h a v e a d a u g h te r A m a n d a , 3 , an d a s o n ,

P h y sica l E d u c a tio n . H e a n d his w ife, J a n e lle , h a v e a s o n B o b b y , 1 7 , a n d d a u g h ter C ari, 1 6 . “I th in k c o a c h in g is like te a c h in g a n d is an e d u c a tio n a l e x p e r ie n c e th a t y o u w a n t

A a r o n , 1. “I f e e l it’s im p o r ta n t fo r th e r e c e iv e r s a n d ru n n in g b a c k s to h a v e a v e r y p o s itiv e

to m a k e as p o s itiv e as y o u can f o r th e y o u n g m e n y o u c o a c h . I w a n t to m a k e it

e x p e r ie n c e in fo o tb a ll. W ithin o u r o ffe n s iv e s y s te m , th e y h a v e th e ability to s ta n d

a p o s itiv e e x p e r ie n c e p la y in g f o o tb a ll a n d g o in g to s c h o o l a t th e U n iversity o f M o n ­

o u t, w h ile a lso h a v in g fu n , b e c a u s e t h e y ’re s o in v o lv e d in o u r p a s s -o r ie n te d

ta n a .”

o f f e n s e .”



Kraig Paulson

Joe Klucewich


Defensive Line

Kraig b e g in s his third s e a s o n as a full-tim e Grizzly a ssista n t c o a c h a n d his fourth

F orm er U n iversity o f M o n ta n a sta n d o u t J o e K lu cew ich b egin s his s e c o n d s e a so n

s e a s o n at U M .

a s a fu ll-tim e c o a c h this y e a r a s th e d e fe n siv e line c o a c h . In 1 9 8 8 h e se rv e d as

H e is a fou r-year letterm an for th e Grizzlies, from 1 9 8 2 - 8 6 . This will b e his s e c o n d

a g r a d u a te a ssista n t c o a c h w o rk in g w ith th e D -lin e.

y e a r w ork in g w ith th e lin eb ack ers.

L ast y ea r M o n ta n a w a s first in th e n a tio n a g a in st th e ru sh , a llow in g 7 0 . 2 yards

In 1 9 8 7 h e se rv e d as a grad u a te assistant w o rk in g with th e s e c o n d a r y and sp ecia l

a gam e.

te a m s .

“K lu ey ” b eg a n his co a c h in g ca reer at R o ck y M ountain C o lle g e , w h ere h e serv ed

H is s o p h o m o r e s e a s o n at UM h e w a s n a m e d th e O u tsta n d in g S o p h o m o r e . A s

a s s e c o n d a r y c o a c h from 1 9 8 5 - 8 7 .

a p rep at P le n ty w o o d H igh S c h o o l, h e w a s a tw o -tim e all-state p ick in football an d

H e lettered for th e G rizzlies from 1 9 8 0 - 8 4 a n d p la y e d fullback. H e r u sh ed for

lettered fou r tim e s in fo o tb a ll a n d track.

6 1 9 yards a n d n in e t o u c h d o w n s in h is ca reer, a n d c a u g h t 4 0 p a s s e s for th ree T D s.

T h ree brothers, K evin, K erry and K eith, all ran track for th e G rizzlies, an d a nother

H e ea rn ed a B .A . in H ealth & P hysical E ducation at M ontana in 1 9 8 5 . H e earned

brother, K en t, ran track at W estern M o n ta n a C o lle g e . K en t is th e curren t h e a d

his M aster’s in E d u c a tio n at UM in 1 9 8 8 .

b o y ’s basketball c o a c h at C .M . R u sse ll H igh in G re a t Falls.

H is brothers, J o s h a n d J im , w e r e star fo o tb a ll p la y e rs at local B ig S k y H igh an d

H e is a 1 9 8 7 g r a d u a te o f U M , ea r n in g a B .A . in E d u ca tio n .

M isso u la S e n tin e l H igh S c h o o ls . J o s h lettered in fo o tb a ll for th e G rizzlies in 1 9 8 3

Kraig, 2 6 , r e ce n tly m arried th e fo rm e r J o d y J o h n s o n .

and 19 8 4 .

“W e are e x c ite d a b o u t th e u p c o m in g s e a s o n . W e will try to rise to th e c h a lle n g e

J o e , 2 9 , is sin g le .

th a t e a c h w e e k w ill brin g this fall. T h is will b e v e ry im p o r ta n t in o r d e r to h a v e s u c ­

“In th e p a s s -o r ie n te d B ig S k y th e d e fe n s iv e fro n t n e e d s to p u t p r e s s u r e o n th e

c e s s in th e B ig S k y C o n f e r e n c e .”

q u a rte r b a c k , a n d th a t will b e o n e o f o u r to p p rio ritie s. I’m lo o k in g f o r s te a d y im ­ p r o v e m e n t, a n d h o p e w e ca n m a in ta in th e c o n s is te n c y th a t h as b e e n e s ta b lis h e d b y th e G rizzly d e fe n s iv e line th e la st c o u p le o f s e a s o n s . ”

Graduate A ssistants

Bruce Read S pecial B ru ce is b e g in n in g his third s e a s o n as a sp e c ia l te a m s c o a c h at M o n ta n a a n d his fifth overall. H e s e rv e d as a part-tim e assistant c o a c h in 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 a n d a gra d u a te assistan t in 1 9 8 5 at P ortlan d S ta te , w o rk in g w ith th e s p e c ia l te a m s . H e g r a d u a te d

Greg Nygren

Lorenzo Glenn

David R eeves

Bill Venard

from P S U w ith a B .S . d e g r e e in S o c ia l S c ie n c e . A s a p la y e r at H e n le y H ig h s c h o o l in

K lam ath

F alls,

O regon ,


w as


h o n o r a b le

m en tio n

a ll-sta te

w id e

r e c e iv e r /p u n te r , c a p ta in o f th e fo o tb a ll te a m , te a m M V P a n d led th e sta te in p u n t­ in g a s a se n io r . H e is a lso an a c c o m p lish e d p h o to g r a p h e r a n d w a s a fre e lancer at P S U a n d for th e P ortlan d B rea k ers o f th e U n ited S ta te s F o o tb a ll L e a g u e . T h e G rizzlies h a v e e x c e lle d in s p e c ia l te a m s th e last th r ee s e a s o n s . In 1 9 8 8 th e y w e r e ran k ed first in th e n a tio n in n e t p u n tin g ( 3 9 .8 yards) a n d w e r e s e c o n d last s e a s o n ( 3 8 .6 a v g .). In th e last tw o s e a s o n s th e G rizzlies h a v e 1 3 b lo ck s. In 1 9 8 7 U M se t a B ig S k y record w ith four b lo c k s in a g a m e a g a in st intra-state rival, M o n ­ ta n a S ta te . H e a n d his w ife C hristina h a v e a th r ee -y e a r -o ld s o n , J ustin. “T h e r e is n o o th e r p h a s e o f th e g a m e m o r e e x c itin g o r b ig -p la y o r ie n te d than s p e c ia l t e a m s , ” R e a d sa id . “O u r p la y e r s k n o w this, a n d w e p la c e a lo t o f e m p h a s is o n th e kick in g g a m e . ”


Outlook, Honors Candidates â–

Mike T revathan


■1990 Grizzly Football OutlookWith back-to-back appearances in the I-AA football playoffs, the University of Montana football team will be hard-pressed for an en­ core performance for the 1990 season. Last season the Grizzlies not only won a school record 11 games, going 11-3, but they also advanced to the national semi-finals, los­ ing to eventual champion Georgia Southern, and finished the season ranked sixth in the country. There are 16 starters back from that record-setting team, along with 47 lettermen and nine All-Big Sky Conference selections. However, gone from the ’89 team are two-time conference defen­ sive MVP Tim Hauck at safety, as well as three-time first team all­

“Grady is definitely our leader, and is one of the best athletes in our program,” Read said. “We also have a lot of confidence in Brad (Lebo), who brings us a pro-type throwing dimension.” With the return of Clark, Trevathan, Whitney, Shannon Cabunoc and Joe Farrish at receiver, “our depth there is better than ever.” Junior speedster Tony Roberts could be a factor, along with JC transfer Marvin Turk, and redshirt freshmen Bill Cockhill and Chris Jenkins. Sophomore letterman Rice, junior college transfer Marc Monestime and redshirt freshman Ted Riddall make running back a very solid position, with a couple of other JC transfers also vying for playing time. “This position is a lot like the defensive line depthwise,” Read said. On the offensive line, Erps and senior Rick Kuhl are at guards, Gilbreth and redshirt junior Steve Premock are at tackles, and Germer will start at center. There is decent depth at tackle with Bryan Payne and JC transfer Jason Barker. Veteran Scott McCoy is a solid player, and redshirt freshman Frank Garrett is a fine, young prospect. Six of Montana’s seven-plus starters back on defense are 1990 honors candidates. That group includes Tripp, OLB Mike McGowan, safety Galen Lawton, cornerback Kevin Morris, and linemen Joe Kalafat and Kirk Murphy. The Grizzlies were among the I-AA leaders in numerous defen­ sive statistics. UM was first in the nation against the rush, allowing 70.2 yards a game, and first in the Big Sky in scoring defense, allow­ ing 19.3 points per game. Other starters back on “D” are linebackers Steve Collins and Paul LeProwse, and linemen Nels Kludt, Thad Huse and Wade Thoemmes. Junior Gregg Smerker could start left end, and sophomore Kelly McCallum is just one of several up-and-coming young players. “We have lots of depth at end and tackle, with an extreme varie­ ty of styles,” Read said. “We have strength and quickness, and more depth than any other position on the team .” McGowan is UM’s leading returning tackier, with 82 stops last year, while Tripp is second with 70. Collins, LeProwse and sophomore Chad Lembke are all big-play calibre players. One or more of the four quality incoming freshmen linebackers could see playing time in their initial seasons. Sophomore letterman Sean Dorris is the heir-apparent at free safe­ ty. He replaces Hauck, who was a finalist for the Walter Payton Award, given to the I-AA Player of the Year. At strong safety Lawton is the third leading returning tackier, as he had 57 stops and four interceptions in ’89. He was a second team all-league pick last year. Morris is the incumbent at right corner, while Don Graves, also a senior, will get the nod at left corner. Transfers Clarence Reese and Dethrick Slocum were quality corners in their junior college pro­ grams, and could be impact players. With Farmer gone the punting job is up for grabs between Whitney and Kirk Duce. Farmer has been an All-American punter the last two seasons, and was ranked third in the nation last season and second the previous year. Duce has been among the league leaders in field goals the past two seasons. His 157 career points is the fifth most in UM history. In last year’s playoffs he was a perfect six-for-six in field goal attempts, making all four tries against Eastern Illinois. Cabunoc, a junior, was one of the top returners in the league last year, as he was second in kickoff (21.8 average) and punt returns (9.4 average). Read said the 1990 schedule, “starts out awfully tough at Oregon State, but if we’ve ever had a team with enough talent, this is the one. McNeese State will also be a tough non-league game for us.” The Grizzlies open their Big Sky season at home against Eastern Washington, Sept. 29, and also play Northern Arizona, Montana State, and Idaho at home. “Eastern came on strong the last half of the season last year, and are a difficult conference opener,” Read said. “But, we play three of our first four games at home, and that’s a positive. “If you’re going to win the Big Sky, momentum is a big factor, and our schedule gives us a chance for that momentum,” said Read, who was chosen as the Big Sky Coach of the Year in 1989. “The league will again have good balance, and although Idaho should be good, the gap between Idaho and the rest of the league has closed.”

Guard Rick Erps lead s the way, as quarterback Grady Bennett looks for running room. league linebacker Mike Rankin. On offense UM lost All-Americans Kirk Scrafford and Jay Fagan from the offensive line, and punter/halfback Jody Farmer. “The interesting thing about the 1989 team is that it was basically a no-name team, except for a couple of players, and the ’88 team (which went 8-4) had a lot of sophomores and juniors,” said fifthyear UM head coach Don Read. “We made some changes last year, but the big thing was that we had the offense rise to the occasion one day, and then the defense would come through in the next,” Read said. “I feel there is room for improvement on this football team, and we have many key players back for their senior seasons.” One of those key players is senior quarterback Grady Bennett, a second team All-Big Sky selection, who set UM single-season records with 3,091 yards passing and 3,281 total yards. The 6-3, 205-pounder was fifth in the country in total offense with 298.3 yards a game. He passed for 20 touchdowns and ran for five more. UM was one of the top offensive teams in I-AA last season, rank­ ed 15th in the nation in total offense, averaging 412.1 yards a game. UM was fourth in I-AA in passing, averaging 300.1 yards a game. All-league honorable mention players back on offense are senior receivers Mike Trevathan and Matt Clark, and junior linemen Chad Germeriand Rick Erps. Another starter back on offense is receiver Craig Whitney, as well as half-time starters Tony Rice at halfback and Damon Gilbreth at tackle. Three of UM’s four 1990 All-American candidates are on offense. They include Bennett, Trevathan and Germer. The Grizzlies’ defen­ sive nominee is inside linebacker Bryan Tripp. “We have potential to improve, but that doesn’t relate to the winloss column,” Read said. “The big thing for us is that we don’t just have players with experience, but we have players who have won, too. The combination of the two is a double plus.”




Grady came into his own as one of the premier quarterbacks at the Division I-AA level last season, starting all 14 games in Montana’s record-setting, 11-3 year. He broke four school records last season, including 3,091 yards passing, and his 4,773 yards passing is second most in Grizzly history, trailing only Marty Mornhinweg (6,083 yards, 1980-84). He was fifth in the nation in total offense last year, averaging 298.3 yards a game. He was rewarded for his consistent play last year, as he was named to the Big Sky Conference’s second team. He passed for 200 or more yards in 10 of 11 regular-season games, had five games in which he passed for more than 300 yards, and threw for 350 or more yards four times. In 1989, he passed for two touchdowns or more in seven games, and had three or more TDs in three contests. He is also a very effective ball-carrier, scoring five times via the rush. “We have high expectations of Grady for the 1990 season, because he improved drastically last year,” said UM head coach Don Read. “He has a ton of confidence. When you size up the con­ ference, Grady’s experience and ability add up to an outstanding senior year. “Grady is a well-balanced quarterback,” Read continued. “He’s a good passer, sees the field well, thinks well under pressure, and can move his feet very well. He is one of the best all-around athletes I’ve ever coached, and I think he could be a dominant player in several sports.” He set a school record with 3,281 total yards, rushing for 190, and passing for 3,091. He also set school standards for completions (247) and most plays (531) last year. His career-bests are 396 yards passing in a 48-13 home win over Boise State in ’89, and he rushed for 55 yards in a 40-22 home victory over Nevada last year. Bennett received the Tony Barbour Award last year, given annually to the UM player“who best exemplifies outstanding practice habits and makes an unselfish contribution for the betterment of the team .” A redshirt in 1987, Bennett transferred to UM from Montana State. At Flathead High School he was an all-state quarterback, honorable mention all-state in basketball, and all-conference in track. His prep grid coach was Bob Raeth. He has been an All-Big Sky all-academic choice the past two years, maintaining a 3.13 GPA in Business Education. This past December he married the former Amy Schuldheiss.




A T T -C O M -.P C T .





1988 1989

9 /9 11/11

287-151-.526 409-247-.604

12 14

1682 3091

11 20

106.1 133.2



6 9 6 -3 9 8 .5 7 2




PLAYOFFS (Do not count on career statistics) 1988 1989

1/1 3 /3

29-15-.517 91-56-.615

1 2

94 722

0 6



1 2 0 -7 1 .5 9 2




CHAD GERMER 6-6!/2, 2 7 1 , CENTER, JUNIOR from THREE FORKS, MONTANA One of the primary reasons for Montana’s offensive success last season was Chad, who was an honorable mention All-Big Sky Conference selection as a sophomore. In 1989 the Grizzlies were 15th in the nation in total offense (412.1 yards per game), fourth in passing (300.1 ypg), and ninth in scoring (33.0 ppg). Germer, who started in all 14 games in ’89, was named Montana’s co-Sophomore of the Year, sharing the award with defensive end Kirk Murphy. “Chad is one of three great centers I’ve had in my coaching career,” said Grizzly head coach Don Read; “and the other two played in the National Football League. They were Chuck Bradley (Chargers) and Fred Quillen (49ers). “Chad has tremendous feet, plays aggressively, and has good size which helps him in both run and pass blocking,” Read said. “He rarely mlakes mistakes and plays with a lot of confidence all of the time. “Last year we had no fumbles due to a center snap, which certainly is an outstanding statistic,” said UM line coach Bob Beers. “Chad called all of our signals on the offensive line. He is strong (385-pound bench press) and fast (4.74 in the 40). “He is just a very, very solid performer, and made very few mistakes as a sophomore,” Beers said. “He was not only one of our most consistent players, but he also improved every game.” He was all-state in football and basketball at Three Forks High School, and also lettered in track. His high school football coach was Dan Rask. He majors in Business.


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11-American C andidates------------------MIKE TREVATHAN 6-1, 185, WIDE RECEIVER, SENIOR from THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA Great hands, patterns and speed best describe Mike, who had exactly 1,000 receiving yards last season, counting the three I-AA playoff games. He led the team with 710 yards receiving in the regular season. An honorable mention All-Big Sky Conference pick last year, he was eighth in the league in receiv­ ing with 4.2 catches a game. He was UM’s co-Junior of the Year, sharing the award with cornerback Kevin Morris. He enters the 1990 season ranked eighth in career receiving yards with 963, and his 710 yards last year rank him fifth in single-season history. “Mike’s ability to get open and catch the ball is as good as anyone in collegiate football today,” said UM head coach Don Read. “He’s a big-play kid, who could easily be one of the true outstand­ ing returners in college football today, if we used him there. “He’s smart and tough, and very consistent,” Read said. “We throw to a lot of receivers (eight with 10 or more catches in ’89), thus he doesn’t accumulate the stats that a receiver of his ability would normally have.” Trevathan had career-highs of 10 catches for 153 yards in Montana’s nationally televised game with Idaho last year. In an early-season win over Portland State he had eight receptions for 142 yards and a touchdown. In the 1989 playoffs he had two 100-yard receiving games against Jackson State (8-147-2) and Eastern Illinois (7-102-0) in first round and quarterfinal games, respectively. Injuries plagued him his first two seasons at UM, but he started all 14 games in ’89. At Thousand Oaks High School he had an outstanding senior year with 48 catches for 785 yards and six touchdowns, and he had four interceptions. He wasfirst team All-C.I.F., All-Area, All-Valley and first team all-league for coach Bob Richardson. He capped his senioryear in theVentura County All-Star Game, scoring three TDs, and was named the Offensive Player of the Game. (Pronounced Treh-vay-than) Business Administration major. YEAR







1988 5 /2 10 168 16.8 2 49 1988 3 /1 8 85 10.6 0 29 1989________________________ 11/11_________________________ 46__________________________ 710_________________________ 15^4_________________________ 2________________________ 48












3 /3



BRYAN TRIPP 6-2, 2 2 2 , LINEBACKER, SENIOR from MISSOULA, MONTANA Montana’s second leading returning tackier, Bryan had 70 stops last year, including five sacks and three tackles for losses. He was in the linebacker rotation prior to the season, and started the last 10 regular-season games and all three playoff games, when starter Paul LeProwse was forced to miss the season with an injury. In his first collegiate start he had 10 tackles against Fresno State. He had seven or more tackles in six of 11 regular-season games. He had a career-high 14 tackles in a 17-2 road win at Montana State last year. He was an honorable mention All-Big Sky Conference selection in 1989. He was also named to the conference’s all-academic team, with a 3.18 GPA in Business Administration. “Bryan is as tough as any linebacker we’ve had at Montana,” said Grizzly head coach Don Read. “He’s an aggressive, smart, hard-working, competitive player. He’s a leader and a team guy, who should have a super year. “He has a nose for the football, and anticipates and reacts exceptionally well,” Read said. “He is equally as good against the run and pass, is a very disciplined player assignment-wise, and is always in the right place to make the play.” A transfer from Wenatchee Junior College, Bryan had 109 tackles as a sophomore. That season he was named all-conference, team MVP, and team captain. He was the only player from his league named to the JC Grid-Wire Scholar/Athlete All-American team with a 3.5 GPA. At Loyola High School in Missoula he was an All-State and all-conference tight end. His father, Gene (Junior) Tripp, lettered in football at UM in 1963-64. Business Administration major. YEAR




























3 /3






•Honors Candidates-

*0 ^

Rick Erps, Guard 6-6, 281, Junior from Glasgow, Montana A n o th er quality offensive linem an at M ontana, Rick w as an h onorable m ention All-Big Sky C o n feren ce pick last seaso n . H e started all 14 gam es for the Grizzlies in 1989. As a freshm an he started twice at tackle, including UM’s I-AA first ro u n d gam e at th e University of Idaho. “Rick is probably th e m ost physical player on our football te a m ,” said fifth-year h ead coach D on R ead . “His assets are m any, with th e m ost p ro m in en t his ability to block for the run. H e ’s a great trap blocker, an d w hen he pulls to lead a play h e ’s all business. “H e is also an excellent pass blocker,” R ead said. “H e is an experienced linem an now , an d anchors o u r offensive line. I think he is o n e of the best in th e Big S k y .” “Rick is just a trem en d o u s athlete, w ho is naturally strong an d runs a 4 .8 5 in the 4 0 ,” said Grizzly offensive line co ach Bob B eers. “H e p o ssesses tre m e n d o u s feet and was a great tight e n d in high school. “As th e se aso n w ent on he really im p ro v e d ,” B eers said. “H e started the seaso n green an d u ntested, a n d finished th e seaso n as a blue chipper. H e can pull a n d lead a play an d do som e heavy dam ag e dow nfield.” At G lasgow High S chool h e w as an all-state tight en d an d defensive e n d his junior an d senior seaso n s. His high school co ach w as P at P etrino. Rick also lettered in basketball an d track. Business A dm inistration m ajor.

Joe Kalafat, D efensive Tackle 5-9, 219, Senior from Great Falls, Montana Jo e h ad a team -leading nine tackles for losses last se aso n , along with four sacks an d 31 tackles. P o u n d -fo r-p o u n d he is o n e of th e strongest players on the UM team , benching 3 3 5 p o u n d s. H e w as a w alk-on at UM in 1987. H e is on e of th e reaso n s th e Grizzlies ran k ed first in the nation against th e rush, allowing just 7 0 .2 yards a gam e. H e set the to n e for his season in UM’s 4 1 -1 5 win over E astern N ew M exico in its o p en er, with five tackles, tw o of which w ere for losses. T he following gam e at F resno S tate, he h ad th ree tackles for losses an d a sack. Jo e was co-winner of the Larry Miller Award last year, which is given annually to UM’s Outstanding Defensive Linem an. H e sh ared th e aw ard with D an Edw ards. “J o e is o n e of th e quickest defensive linem en in the Big Sky C o n fe re n c e ,” said UM h e a d coach D on R ead . “H e is very strong, plays with g reat tenacity, an d is a very consistent player g am e in an d g am e out. “H e can pass rush with the best of them , an d run dow n a back equally as w ell,” R ead said. “H e could possibly be our leading tackier on the defensive line this se a so n .” K alafat played in 13 of 14 g am es last season, starting in o n e. H e played in all 11 gam es in 198 8 , also starting in o n e. In ’88 he w as m oved to tackle from linebacker. As a linebacker at C.M . Russell High S chool he w as h onorable m ention A ll-State an d first team all-conference for coach Jack Jo h n s o n . His brother, Jim , w as an outstanding linebacker at M ontana S tate (1980-83). H ealth, Physical E ducation m ajor. YEAR










1988 11/1 12 25 37 2 3 0 1 0 1989_________________ 10/1_____________ 17_________________ 14_______________ 31________________ 4_____________________ 9_________________1_________________ 1_______________ 1_














3 /0







Galen Lawton, Strong Safety 6-1, 209, Senior from Fairfield, California G alen started his college career with four tackles an d a blocked p u n t in UM’s o p e n e r with E astern N ew M exico. Tw o g am es later he got his first start at UM (replacing an injured Broyce B atchan) against P ortland S tate, an d had 10 tackles, a forced fum ble an d an interception. H e started th e rest of UM’s regular-season gam es an d h a d 57 tackles—fifth m ost on th e team , an d is UM’s third leading tackier this seaso n . H e w as second at UM with four interceptions an d tied for sixth in the Big Sky C o n feren ce. His six tackles for losses w as seco n d m ost (tied with T had Huse) on the team . L aw ton w as recognized for his outstanding play, as he w as selected to th e Big Sky C o n feren ce’s se co n d team . H e w as fourth in th e balloting for th e league’s “T op N ew com er” aw ard, w on by N evada quarterback Fred Gatlin. “G alen h ad a su p er year, a n d played hurt late in th e s e a s o n ,” R ead said. “H e was a g reat addition to th e Grizzly seco n d ary . H e could be th e best at his position in our conference, an d m ay be the best in I-AA football. “H e’s very g o o d against both the run an d pass, is a perceptive player a n d a big-play g u y ,” R ead said. “H e helped turn o ur gam e a ro u n d against M ontana S tate. H e is extrem ely p o p u lar with his team m ates an d c o a c h e s.” In last y ear’s 17-2 win over M SU, L aw ton picked off a pass a n d retu rn ed it to the MSU 30-yard line, an d the Grizzlies scored th e gam e-deciding TD six plays later. Twice an All-Bay C o n ference choice at S o lan o Ju n io r C ollege, G alen ’s JC coach w as R on Beverly. As a so p h o m o re he w as seco n d team A ll-State, an d team M VP an d captain. H e p rep p ed at Armijo High S chool in T o p ek a, K ansas, w here he w as all-conference both w ays as a senior. His twin bro th er, G ale, is a quarterback at H ayw ard S tate. E conom ics m ajor. YEAR































2 /2






•Honors CandidatesMike McGowan, O utside Linebacker 6-0, 200, Senior from Seattle, W ashington A th ree-y e ar starter, “S p ik e” is an excellent football player, as well as an excellent stu d en t. H e has b een an All-Big Sky C o n feren ce choice th e last tw o seaso n s, an d is a three-tim e all-conference all-academ ic pick. Mike has b een a GTE A cadem ic All-A m erican first team selection in 1988 an d 1989, m aintaining a 3 .9 7 G P A (on a 4 .0 scale) in History. H e is th e to p returning tackier this year. In ’89 he h ad 8 2 tackles, four sacks, four tackles for losses, an d tw o intercep­ tions. H e retu rn e d an interception 2 4 yards for a to u ch d o w n in a 17-2 win at M ontana S tate. Mike h ad a career-high 15 tackles in a 3 1 -6 h o m e win over W eber S tate last year. “Mike m ay b e th e m ost o u tstanding leader on our te a m ,” said h ead co ach D on R ead. “H e is sm art, com petitive, an d plays with reckless ab a n d o n . H e is a su p er team guy, an d h e ’s like having a coach on the field. “H e picks up an incredible a m o u n t of know ledge w atching film, an d uses th at know ledge for himself a n d his te a m ­ m a te s ,” R ead said. “H e is a player w ho gets overlooked som etim es, but n o t by his co ach e s or te a m m a te s .” T he last tw o seaso n s he has b een th e third-ranked tackier o n the Grizzly d efense. H e w as n am ed UM’s “S o p h o m o re of th e Y ear” in 1 988, an d UM’s “S cholar A thlete of the Y e a r” in ’8 8 an d w as co-w inner (with Nels Kludt) of the aw ard last year. H e h as 177 career tackles an d seven sacks. A m em ber of UM’s D ean list in 1987-88-89, Mike also belongs to the History Club, Intercollegiate Athletics for S tudents F o ru m , an d S ilent Sentinel. H e w as twice n am e d A ll-State at Ballard High S chool, w here he w as c o ach e d by Fred S ato . H e was all-conference b oth w ays tw o seaso n s, an d te a m captain as a senior. H e also lettered in baseball. YEAR











1987 1988 1989

11/0 11/11 11/10

5 31 40

12 47 42

17 78 82

0 3 4

0 3 4

1 2 1

0 2 1

0 0 1

0 2 2












PLAYOFFS 1988 1989

1/1 3 /3

3 8

4 12

7 20

0 2

0 2

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0












Kevin Morris, Cornerback 6-1, 180, Sen io r from Chula Vista, California “Kevin is the m ost im proved player on o u r te a m ,” said UM h e a d coach D on R ead. “H e is a big co rn er w ho can run, an d the first corner w e’ve h ad with size to go with his sp e e d .” H e started th e last nine g am es of the se aso n , including th e playoffs. H e h ad 30 tackles an d tw o interceptions in th e regular se aso n . H e retu rn ed an interception for a 98-y ard TD in a h o m e victory over Boise S tate last seaso n . In th e playoffs he doubled his interception total for the year, picking off a pass against Ja ck so n S tate a n d E astern Illinois. H e also blocked a p u n t last year. “H e is a ball-haw k w ho plays w ide-open all of th e tim e,” R e ad said. “H e has excellent w ork habits. H e is very v er­ satile in th e secondary, an d could play either safety position, but h e ’s so g o o d at corner w e h ave to play him th e re .” Kevin w as an all-conference player at S o u th w estern Ju n io r C ollege. H e p re p p e d at C hula Vista High S chool, w here he w as all-conference in football, basketball a n d track. H e is a B usiness A dm inistration m ajor. YEAR





































3 /3


Kirk Murphy, D efensive End 6-3, 259, Junior from Poison, M ontana O n e of M o n ta n a’s to p returning tacklers, Kirk h ad 31 tackles last se aso n , along with th ree sacks an d tw o tackles for losses. He h ad a rare interception for a defensive lineman against Boise State, and returned it 18 yards for a touchdow n. “M urph” also h ad four fum ble recoveries, tw o forced fum bles an d a blocked field goal in 1989. H e w as n a m ed the Grizzlies’ c o -S o p h o m o re of th e Y ear, sharing the aw ard with center C h a d G erm er. “Kirk is o n e of th e, if not th e best, defensive en d s against both the pass a n d th e run in th e Big Sky C o n fe re n c e ,” said Grizzly h e a d m en to r D on R ead. “His a d d e d size an d ex perience is going to m ake his 1990 season trem endously successful. “H e’s a big-play guy, w ho plays best in critical situations an d in big g a m e s ,” R ead said. “H e is a hard-w orking guy in practice an d in th e w eight ro o m , which is w hy he has co n tin u ed to im prove so m uch g a m e -to -g a m e .” As a redshirt fresh m an at UM in 1988 he h ad 22 tackles an d a sack. H e has very g o o d strength, benching 34 0 p o u n d s an d ru n s a 4 .8 in the 4 0. At Poison High School he w as first team All-State at tight end and defensive en d as a senior for coach Jerry McCullough. H e also lettered in basketball, baseball an d track as a prep . Business A dm inistration m ajor. YEAR











1988 1989

10/0 11/8

11 11

11 20

22 31

1 3

0 2

0 2

0 2

0 1

0 1

TD 0 l(Int.













PLAYOFFS 1988 1989

1/0 3 /3

1 4

1 2

2 6

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0














The 1990 G rizzlies m jm


^W m


p p ,.

j m



•Honors CandidatesMike McGowan, O utside Linebacker 6-0, 200, Senior from Seattle, W ashington A th ree-y e ar starter, “S p ik e” is an excellent football player, as well as an excellent stu d e n t. H e has b een an All-Big Sky C o n feren ce choice th e last tw o seaso n s, an d is a three-tim e all-conference all-academ ic pick. Mike has b een a GTE A cadem ic All-Am erican first team selection in 1988 an d 1 9 89, m aintaining a 3 .9 7 G P A (on a 4 .0 scale) in History. H e is th e to p returning tackier this year. In ’89 he h ad 8 2 tackles, four sacks, four tackles for losses, a n d tw o intercep­ tions. H e retu rn ed an interception 2 4 yards for a to u ch d o w n in a 17-2 win at M ontana S tate. Mike h ad a career-high 15 tackles in a 3 1 -6 h o m e win over W eber S tate last year. “Mike m ay b e th e m ost outstanding leader on our te a m ,” said h ead co ach D on R ead. “H e is sm art, com petitive, an d plays with reckless ab an d o n . H e is a su p er team guy, an d h e ’s like having a coach on th e field. “H e picks up an incredible am o u n t of know ledge w atching film, an d uses th at know ledge for himself a n d his te a m ­ m a te s ,” R ead said. “H e is a player w ho gets overlooked som etim es, but n o t by his co ach e s or te a m m a te s .” T he last tw o se aso n s he has b een th e th ird-ranked tackier o n the Grizzly d efen se. H e w as n a m ed UM’s “S o p h o m o re of th e Y ear” in 1 988, an d UM’s “S cholar A thlete of th e Y ear” in ’8 8 an d w as co-w inner (with Nels Kludt) of the aw ard last year. H e h as 177 career tackles an d seven sacks. A m em ber of UM’s D ean list in 1987-88-89, Mike also belongs to the History Club, Intercollegiate Athletics for Students F orum , an d Silent Sentinel. H e w as twice n am e d A ll-State at Ballard High S chool, w here he w as c o ach e d by F red S ato . H e was all-conference both w ays tw o seaso n s, an d te a m captain as a senior. H e also lettered in baseball. YEAR











1987 1988 1989

11/0 11/11 11/10

5 31 40

12 47 42

17 78 82

0 3 4

0 3 4

1 2 1

0 2 1

0 0 1

0 2 2












PLAYOFFS 1988 1989

1/1 3 /3

3 8

4 12

7 20

0 2

0 2

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0












Kevin Morris, Cornerback 6-1, 180, Sen io r from C hula Vista, California “Kevin is th e m ost im proved player on ou r te a m ,” said UM h e a d coach D on R ead. “H e is a big co rn er w ho can run, an d the first corner w e’ve h ad with size to go with his sp e e d .” H e started th e last nine g am es of th e se aso n , including th e playoffs. H e h ad 30 tackles an d tw o interceptions in th e regular se aso n . H e retu rn ed an interception for a 9 8-yard TD in a h o m e victory over Boise S tate last seaso n . In th e playoffs he doubled his interception total for th e y ear, picking off a pass against Ja ck so n S tate an d E astern Illinois. H e also blocked a p u n t last year. “H e is a ball-haw k w ho plays w ide-open all of the tim e ,” R e ad said. “H e has excellent w ork habits. H e is very v er­ satile in th e seco n d ary , an d could play either safety position, but h e ’s so g o o d at corner we h ave to play him th e re .” Kevin w as an all-conference player at S o u th w estern Ju n io r C ollege. H e p re p p e d at C hula Vista High S ch o o l, w here he w as all-conference in football, basketball an d track. H e is a B usiness A dm inistration m ajor. YEAR





































3 /3


Kirk Murphy, D efensive End 6-3, 259, Junior from Poison, M ontana O n e of M o n ta n a’s to p returning tacklers, Kirk h ad 31 tackles last se aso n , along with th ree sacks an d tw o tackles for losses. H e h ad a rare interception for a defensive linem an against Boise State, and returned it 18 yards for a touchdow n. “M urph” also h ad four fum ble recoveries, tw o forced fum bles an d a blocked field goal in 1989. H e w as n am e d the Grizzlies’ c o -S o p h o m o re of th e Y ear, sharing the aw ard with center C h a d G erm er. “Kirk is o n e of th e, if n ot th e best, defensive en d s against both the pass an d th e run in th e Big Sky C o n fe re n c e ,” said Grizzly h e a d m en to r D on R ead. “His a d d e d size an d ex perience is going to m ake his 1990 season trem endously successful. “H e’s a big-play guy, w ho plays best in critical situations a n d in big g a m e s ,” R ead said. “H e is a hard-w orking guy in practice an d in th e w eight room , which is w hy he has con tin u ed to im prove so m uch g a m e -to -g a m e .” As a redshirt fresh m an at UM in 1988 he had 22 tackles an d a sack. H e has very g o o d strength, benching 340 p o u n d s an d ru n s a 4 .8 in the 4 0. At Poison High School he was first team All-State at tight end and defensive en d as a senior for coach Jerry McCullough. H e also lettered in basketball, baseball an d track as a p rep . Business A dm inistration m ajor. YEAR


1988 10/0 1989________ 11/8













11 11 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11________ 20______ 31_________ 3____________ 2___________ 2______ 2__________ 1_________ 1________ l(lnt.)










1988 1/0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1989_________3 /3 _______ 4_________ 2_______6__________1____________ 0___________ 0______ 0__________ 0_________ 0________ 0
















The 1990 G rizzlies 12








*%? -


*Lee Barrett

Lance Allen

5-8, 190 RB, S r., 1V + RS La P u en te, CA

6-2, 235 DT, F r .+ R S B utte, MT A redshirt last se aso n , all L ance n e e d s is ex p erien ce at th e college level . . . should see som e action in his initial season . . . h e’s already listed at the n um ber th re e spot at right tackle . . . at Butte Senior High School he w as an A ll-State selection an d p a r­ ticipated in the East-W est Shrine G am e . . . also an outstan d ing stu d en t as a p rep with a 3 .1 G PA . . . his high school coach was J o n McElroy. B usiness m ajor.

A redshirt last se aso n , red u ced w eight adds up to m ore quickness, which could add up to m ore playing tim e in 1990 . . . cam e to UM from Mt. S an A ntonio Ju n io r C ol­ lege where he was team MVP an d all-league first team as a so p h o m o re . . . p re p p e d at B ishop A m at High w here he w as an all­ league football player an d track athlete . . . his JC coach w as Bill Fisk . . . B usiness F inance m ajor.

Lance Benson 6-0, 180 W R, F r .+ R S V an co u v er, W A L ance redshirted in 1989, an d a serious autom obile accident slow ed his progress dram atically this past spring . . . his playing status entering this season is questionable becau se of the accident . . . as a senior at C olum bia River High S chool h e caught 4 9 passes, scored nine to u ch d o w n s, an d retu rn ed a kickoff for a TD . . . Business m ajor.


*Sean Brickley 6-3V2, 25 8 DE, S o ., IV P ocatello, ID A quality player with g o o d size an d hit­ ting ability, S ean saw limited action last year . . . h ad two quarterback sacks, and has a d ­ ju sted well to th e defensive line, as he was m o v ed th ere from linebacker the previous seaso n . . . listed at third on th e depth chart at right en d . . . all-conference in football, an d lettered in basketball, baseball and track . . . p rep football coach w as Je rry Bird . . . B usiness m ajor.

* *Shannon Cabunoc 5-5, 155 W K /K O R /P R , Jr., 2V W aip ah u , HI S h an w as se co n d in th e Big Sky C o n ­ ference in kickoff returns with a 2 1 .8 -y ard average on 17 returns, an d ran k ed 3 0th in the nation . . . second in the Big Sky in punt returns with a 9 .4 average, an d ranked 17th in I-AA . . . w as a star athlete at St. Louis High S chool in H onolulu, he w as n am ed th at city’s A thlete of th e Y ear in 1987 . . . led the state in receiving yards an d kickoff an d p u n t retu rn s as a senior . . . tw o-tim e All-State in football and b aseb all. . . his prep football co ach w as Calvin L ee, brother of Grizzly offensive coordinator, T om m y L ee . . . P ro n o u n c ed : C aw -boo-knock . . . G eneral S tudies m ajor.


* * *Matt Clark 6 -1, 178 W R, S r., 3V M issoula, MT O ne of the prem ier receivers in I-AA foot­ ball . . . fifth in the Big Sky an d 17th in th e nation last year, averaging 5 .5 catch es p er g am e . . . M ontana’s leading receiver in ’89 with 60 catch es for 5 8 8 yard s an d four touchdow ns . . . in 27 career gam es he has 103 catches for 1240 yards an d is ran k ed fifth in Grizzly history in receiving yards . . . his 58 8 receiving yards last y ear ran k him eighth in single-season history . . . w as all­ conference an d played in the Shrine G am e, at Hellgate High S c h o o l. . . also lettered in basketball as a p rep . . . his co ach in fo o t­ ball was V an Troxel, a form er Grizzly sta n d ­ o u t quarterback . . . Business m ajor.



% r t ^

/ ■ O L A

Bill h ad a very fine spring an d should see action at wide receiver, and possibly as M on­ ta n a ’s p u n t retu rn er . . . led “A A ” in scor­ ing as a junior in 1987 with 74 points, and was second as a senior the following season with 78 points . . . A ll-State in 1988 an d play ed in th e S h rin e G am e . . . M o n tan a’s Offensive Player of the Y ear as a senior, with 1 ,6 3 6 all-purpose yards . . . h ad a state reco rd 4 2 6 all-purpose yards against C.M . Russell High S chool in 1988 . . . prep coach w as Bill T uss . . . Business m ajor.


’Mark DeBourg 5-7, 175 RB, S o ., IV Billings, MT

S aw limited action in ’8 9 , an d will battle for playing tim e this season at running back, a position with considerable d ep th . . . first team A ll-State defensive back at Billings Skyview for fo rm er Grizzly sta n d o u t R on Lebsock . . . n a m e d A ll-State as a running back an d kickoff returner . . . lettered three tim es in football an d twice in track . . . was football captain as a senior . . . played in the M o n tan a S hrine G am e in 1987 . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

*Sam Davidson

** *Steve Collins

Bill Cockhill

6-2, 232 ILB, Sr., 3V B end, OR

5-9, 160 W R /P R , F r .+ R S H elena, MT

An u n su n g hero on th e Grizzly defense, S teve is M o n ta n a’s N o. 3 returning tackier from a year ago w h en he h ad 4 0 tackles, including 22 solo stops . . . also h ad tw o quarterback sacks . . . in his first start at F resno S tate last year he h ad eight tackles, five of which w ere unassisted . . . has 87 career tackles . . . redshirted at UM in 1986 . . . at B end High S chool he w as all­ conference in football and wrestling . . . was team MVP on defense in football, n am ed his school’s O utstanding W restler an d team captain in both sports . . . his p rep grid coach w as G ary Mires . . . Business major.


Jason De Hoyes 6-1, 190 CB, F r .,+ R S H elen a, MT

O n e of th e fastest players on the Grizzly team . . . w as m oved from running back to cornerback to better utilize th a t sp e ed , and b ecau se UM has so m uch d ep th at halfback . . . first team A ll-State an d all-conference as well as te a m MVP at C hugiak High School in A laska . . . as a senior ru sh ed for 7 1 4 yards an d 15 to u ch d o w n s in nine gam es . . . also h ad 23 catches for 397 y a rd s. . . coached by ex-Grizzly player T om H uffer . . . p rep football team w as 13-0 in 1988 . . . ran a 4 9 .8 in th e 4 0 0 m eters in high school . . . Science m ajor.



6-5, 247 a

D T ’ S o > 1V M ercer Island, W A

O n e of th e biggest surprises last seaso n , S am saw considerable action as a redshirt freshm an and had one quarterback sack . . . had a very g o o d spring an d is listed as th e backup right tackle . . . all-conference defensive en d an d tight end at M ercer Island H igh S chool . . . M ost Inspirational Player in football an d basketball as a senior an d team captain in both sports . . . also lettered in track . . . prep grid coach was Dick Nicole Business m ajor.

*Sean Dorris 6 -3 , 191 F S , S o ., IV C o e u r d ’A lene, ID A gifted athlete, S ean play ed a lot of m inutes as a “tru e ” freshm an last year . . . he em erg ed as th e starting free safety after spring drills . . . h ad nine tackles an d tw o pass deflections in ’89 . . . all-conference th ree tim es as a defensive back at C o eu r d ’A lene High S chool, w here he w as co ach ­ ed by Larry S chw enke . . . versatile athlete w ho also lettered in basketball an d track . . . B usiness m ajor.

f0 JL i

W m ■ ^ 9

* *Kirk Duce 5-10, 175 K /P , J r ., 2V M issoula, MT

Kirk w as third in the conference an d 24th in th e nation in scoring with 6 .6 points per g am e, an d tied for third in th e co nference a n d 11th in th e nation in field goals, with 1.1 per gam e last year . . . fifth career scorer in Grizzly history with 157 points . . . in­ stru m en tal in M o n ta n a’s 1-AA quarterfinal victory (25-19) over E astern Illinois going four-for-four in field goal attem pts . . . was a perfect six-of-six in field goals in the 1989 1-AA playoffs . . . at H ellgate High S chool h e w as A ll-State in football a n d basketball . . . grid co ach w as V an T roxel . . . B usiness m ajor.

Tim Farley M 9 9

w tm t

6-6 , 30 5 O T , S o ., + RS Spokane, WA

P o tential with a capital “P ” tells th e story ab o u t Tim . . . h ad a very fine spring an d could see co nsiderable action in 1990 if he can o v erco m e academ ic problem s . . . was a highly recru ited p rep player at S p o k a n e ’s University High School, w here h e was twice an all-league selection . . . also lettered in b a sk e tb a ll. . . p rep football co ach w as Bob Bartlett . . . B usiness m ajor.

Doak Dyer

Todd Ericson

5-10, 20 5 LB, F r., + R S R edm ond, WA

6-2, 185 FS, F r .+ R S B utte, MT

A redshirt last se aso n , D oak is vying for playing tim e at the “M ike” linebacker posi­ tion . . . is also w orking as a d e e p sn a p p e r . . . m ad e D e a n ’s list w inter q u arter with 3 .3 8 G PA . . . at R edm ond High School he was an all-league center as a senior . . . let­ tered twice in football an d o nce in wrestling . . . grid coach w as Jim S am p so n . . . Business m ajor.


G reat things are ex p ected of T o d d , a highly recruited athlete o ut of B utte S en io r High S c h o o l. . . he is expected to see plen ­ ty of action at free safety an d on special team s . . . as a prep he was All-State in foot­ ball and played in the Shrine G am e . . . also a very go o d stu d e n t, he h ad a 3 .7 G PA in high school . . . as a p rep he w as recruited by W yom ing a n d S tanford . . . also all­ conference in basketball . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

*Joe Farrish 5 -1 0 , 173 W R, S r., IV S an Francisco, CA

O ne of M ontana’s fastest players, Jo e runs th e 4 0 in 4 .5 . . . in ’8 9 he h ad 18 catches for 2 9 0 yards, for a team -leading average of 16.1 yards a catch a n d scored th ree touchdow ns . . . also lettered at UM in track, running the 100 and 200 m eters . . . em erg­ e d as a starter at th e “X ” receiver position in M ontana’s offensive schem e . . . redshirt at UM in 1988 . . . from C habot Junior Col­ lege he w as team MVP o n offense as a sophom ore an d an all-league choice . . . his J C coach w as Terry C a g a n a n . . . at M oreau High School, he lettered in football, basketball a n d track . . . Liberal Arts m ajor.


Brian Feeley m


^ m m


5 -9 , 1 5 0 K, F r .,+ R S S idney, MT

A w alk-on, Brian is vying for playing tim e at place-kicker . . . at S idney S en io r High S chool he w as an all-conference kicker as a senior a n d tw o-year letterm an . . . as a junior his prep team w on the state “A ” foot­ ball cham pionship . . . coach was Mike G ear . . . also lettered three times in wrestling . . . B usiness A dm inistration m ajor.

*Troy Franks

* *Greg Ferguson

6 -IV 2, 185 FS, J r., IV Kalispell, MT

5-11, 190 S S , J r ., 2V Tigard, OR G reg h ad eight tackles an d a pass deflec­ tion in ’8 9 . . . finished spring drills as a back u p at strong safety behind h o n o rs c a n ­ d id ate G alen L aw ton . . . a 1989 Big Sky C o n feren ce A ll-A cadem ic choice with a 3.32 G P A . . . as a redshirt freshm an in 1 9 8 8 he ru sh ed for 50 yards . . . m oved from offense to d efense last fall . . . AllS tate, all-league an d team M VP at Tigard High S c h o o l. . . was also a sprinter in track, w here he earn ed three letters . . . a scholarathlete as a p rep , m aintaining a 3.3 G PA . . . high school football co ach w as Craig H astin . . . Business m ajor.

A n o th er player w ho m ad e the best of a position ch an g e . . . w as m oved to d efen ­ sive back from wide receiver two springs ago . . . is listed as a b ackup (along with T odd Ericson) at free safety . . . cam e to UM from C erritos Ju n io r C ollege in California w here he lettered one season . . . at Flathead High S chool he lettered in football an d basketball twice a n d track th ree tim es . . . p rep foot­ ball coach w as Bob R aeth . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

Frank Garrett

*Damon Gilbreth

6-3, 2 6 4 O G , F r .,+ R S M issoula, MT F rank w as m o v ed from defensive tackle to offensive g u ard an d is already listed as th e backup left gu ard beh in d junior h onors can d id ate Rick Erps . . . a n All-State an d all-conference player at Big Sky High School . . . also o n e of th e to p heavyw eight w restlers in th e state as a senior . . . 4 .8 sp e e d in th e 4 0 . . . p rep co ach w as Bob E ustance, a fo rm er Grizzly player . . . Jou rn alism m ajor.

6-5, 2 8 8 OT, J r ., IV S eattle, W A D am on had an excellent spring, and is the heir-apparent starter at left tackle, w here AllA m erican Kirk Scafford started th e previous th ree seaso n s . . . saw considerable action as a sophom ore, an d very able as both a run a n d pass blocker . . . an all-conference player at W en atch e e Ju n io r College for coach S an d y C ooprider . . . tw o-tim e let­ term an at L ake W ashington High S chool in football, w restling an d track . . . all­ co nference in football . . . B usiness m ajor.


*Britt Fred 6-5, 2 3 2 LB, S o ., IV H elen a, MT A quality player with very good quickness for his size, Britt w as m ov ed from defensive en d back to linebacker this spring an d should see plenty of action th e re . . . last y ear h ad 14 tackles an d o n e pass deflection . . . w as a 1989 All-Big Sky C o n feren ce A cadem ic pick with a 3 .3 1 G P A . . . at H elen a High S chool he w as an all-conference football player as a senior . . . th ree-y e ar letterm an in track . . . high school football co ach w as G ary Jo h n so n . B usiness m ajor.

*Rick Gillie 5 -1 0 , 195 R B /K O R , S r., IV Rocklin, CA Rick m issed spring drills b ecause of a knee injury, but is expected to be 100 percen t this fall . . . ru sh ed for 112 yards o n 3 5 carries last season for a 3.2-yard average . . . cam e to M ontana from Sierra Ju n io r College w here he was an All-Bay A rea selection . . . also played linebacker an d co rn erb ack in junior college . . . averaged m o re th an 100 yards a gam e in total offense for co ach Rex C h a p p e ll. . . also lettered in basketball an d baseball in J C . . . p re p p e d at Mira L o m a H igh S ch o o l in S acram en to , w h ere h e was an all-conference football, basketball an d baseball p layer . . . C om m unications m ajor.

*Don Graves ■

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I ■


5 -11, 175 CB , S r., IV N ew ark, C A

D on will start at left corner . . . m issed the early p art of th e ’89 se aso n with a k n e e in­ jury, but cam e on strong th e last part of the seaso n . . . 1 9 8 9 w inner of the P a t N or­ w o o d A w ard (along with Ja y F agan), given to th e M ost Inspirational Player . . . had an interception against Ja ck so n S tate in M on­ ta n a ’s 48-7 first ro und playoff win . . . cam e to UM from C h a b o t Ju n io r C ollege w here he w as an all-conference cornerback . . . his junior college coach was Terry C aganan . . . p re p p e d at N ew ark M em orial High S chool w here he was all-conference in football and track . . . Business m ajor.

f ■

f* I


“ ThadHuse 6-3, 258 DT, Jr., 2 V M issoula, MT

T h ad is th e sixth leading returning tackle from a season ago, w hen he had 34 tackles, including six for losses . . . started in 10 g am es last se aso n . . . h ad a rare intercep­ tion for a defensive lineman against NevadaR en o in ’8 8 . . . m oved from linebacker to th e defensive front in th e spring of ’8 8 . . . w as an All-Big Sky academ ic selection an d an All-District VII academ ic choice in ’89, m aintaining a 3.41 G PA . . . an A ll-State linebacker at Big Sky High S ch o o l an d also excelled in basketball for th e Eagles . . . his football coach w as form er Grizzly player Bob E ustance . . . (P ronounced: H uce) . . . Political S cience m ajor.

W* M t

Lance Heivilin 6~2’ 210

*Eric Hendrickson

L ance was m oved from linebacker to defensive left end last spring, and will be vy­ ing for playing tim e th ere . . . was an all­ conference player at S entinel High S chool . . . UM’s Service Award w inner on defense last season . . . B usiness m ajor.

Steadily improving secondary player w ho c o n tin u es to w ork on quickness an d coverage skills . . . a football an d track let­ term an at S entinel High S ch o o l . . . team captain in track in 1987 . . . redshirted at UM in 1987 . . . the 1988 D efensive S co u t T eam Player of the Y ear for the Grizzlies . . . p rep coach w as Tim D ennison . . . Business m ajor.





g m

6-0, 186 CB, J r ., IV Missoula, MT

DE, S o ., + R S Missoula, MT

Chris Jenkins 5-11, 160 W R /P R , F r., + R S C incinnati, O H

An u p -and-com ing receiver, Chris was m aking excellent strides in th e spring until he suffered a shoulder injury . . . also vy­ ing for th e p u n t retu rn er job . . . exp ected to be 100 p ercen t by th e fall . . . p re p p e d at nationally know n Moeller High S chool in Cincinnati . . . in 1988 he h ad 4 9 catches for 61 2 yards an d six to u ch d o w n s . . . that seaso n he also had 3 4 p u n t returns for 501 yards an d five TDs . . . holds th ree school records in track . . . ran a 1 4 .2 in the high hurdles, has been clocked at 4 .4 in the 40 . . . was A ll-Southw est C onference in foot­ ball an d track . . . C om m unications m ajor.


ffjl w ^


Larry Jennings 6-3, 2 1 2 LB, Jr., + R S M issoula, MT

Larry redshirted last se aso n , an d was m oved from tight end to linebacker this past spring . . . at W enatchee Ju n io r College he was a tw o-tim e all-conference tight en d . . . twice an all-conference player in junior col­ lege an d had 47 career catches . . . w as an all-conference player for M issoula’s Loyola High S chool, w here he was a team m ate of his cousin, UM’s Bryan T ripp . . . Business m ajor.



Gary Kaiser

/ ■ L J A A

6-0, 185 S S , S o ., + R S Boise, ID

A m i

G ary redshirted last season after transfer­ ring from Boise S tate . . . should see c o n ­ siderable action at strong safety w here he em erged as the backup after spring drills . . . w as a th ree-sp o rt letterm an at Boise High S ch o o l in football, basketball a n d track . . . a second team A ll-State selection in football in 1987, an d an ho norable m ention pick in ’8 6 . . . All-Metro an d A ll-Southern Idaho as a senior . . . all-conference in 1986-87 . . . p rep co ach w as Rich G ag n o n . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

* *Nels Kludt 6-5, 259 DT, J r., 2V O rofino, ID

^ *


Rick has assum ed th e starting role at right g uard, vacated by All-A m erican an d all­ conference player Jay Fagan . . . according to offensive line co ach Bob B eers, he has dramatically im proved his pass blocking and is expected to h av e an excellent senior year . . . from College of the R edw oods, he was an all-conference player as a fresh m an an d so p h o m o re . . . in 1988 he w as first team All-State for co ach Fred W hitm ire, as his team w on the G olden Valley C on feren ce cham pionship . . . at Springfield High S chool, he lettered in football th ree tim es an d w as all-conference as a senior . . . also lettered in track . . . (P ro n o u n ced Cool). B usiness M an ag em en t m ajor.

*Chad Lembke

**Paul LeProwse

6-4, 210 Q B, S o ., IV P o st Falls, ID

Brad m ad e the best of his first playing o p ­ portunity throw ing a 74-yard touch d o w n pass to Mike S ee in the Grizzlies’ 4 1 -1 5 opening-season win over Eastern New Mex­ ico . . . as a senior at L ew istow n High S chool he w as first team All-State an d an All-Star selection . . . th at se aso n he p ass­ ed for 2 ,5 5 4 yards an d 2 4 touchdow ns, com pleting 2 1 6 of 32 0 p asses for a school record 67 p ercen t . . . All-State basketball an d baseball player in high school . . . Id ah o ’s Offensive Back of th e Y ear in 1987 . . . U SA T oday All-Am erican . . . prep football co ach w as Nick M enegas . . . Business m ajor.

6-4, 2 7 9 O G , S r., IV Springfield, OR

Nels started all 11 regular-season gam es last year with 30 stops, including tw o sacks, a n d four tackles for losses, an d a fum ble reco v ery . . . w as an All-District VII academ ic selection, an d an all-conference academ ic choice, with a 3 .8 1 G P A . . . last y ear’s Scholar A thlete A w ard w inner at UM . . . in 1987 h e w as n am ed UM’s “M ost V aluable S cout T eam P layer” on defense . . . at O rofino High S chool he w as first team A ll-State in football an d lettered in basketball an d track as well . . . has good sp e ed for his size (5.0 in the 40) . . . coach w as Jim Jo h n s to n . . . (P ro n o u n c e d Kloodt) . . . G eneral S tudies m ajor.

‘BradLebo ■

*Rick Kuhl

6-0, 219 ILB, S o ., IV B utte, MT C h a d w as pressed into duty last season as a “tru e ” freshm an at linebacker an d on special team s . . . had an outstanding spring . . . is the backup at “Mike” linebacker in M ontana’s defensive sch em e . . . All-State an d all-conference at B utte S enior High School . . . played in the 1988 M ontana S hrine G am e . . . p rep coach w as Jo n McElroy . . . excellent speed (4.6 in the 40), also very stro n g ( 3 6 5 -p o u n d b e n c h press) . . . B usiness m ajor.


6 -0 , 2 1 6 ILB, Jr., 2V B utte, MT P aul h ad o n e of th e best open in g -seaso n gam es in Grizzly history in UM’s victory over E astern New Mexico last season . . . in th at g am e he retu rn ed a kickoff 86 yards for a touchdow n, scored on a one-yard run, h ad seven tackles and two sacks; and was nam ed the Big Sky C onference D efensive Player of th e W eek for his efforts . . . suffered an elbow injury late in th at g am e, w hich forc­ ed him to m iss th e rem ain d er of th e seaso n . . . A ll-State, all-conference football player . . . lettered in wrestling a n d track at Butte High S chool . . . p rep football co ach was Jo n McElroy. G eneral S tudies m ajor.

A # 1


/ | x C

*Tony Longin 6 - x ’ 170 CB, J r., IV H avre, MT

T ony w as slow ed by a kn ee injury in fall drills a y ear ag o , but w hen his health re ­ tu rn ed h e saw a lot of action . . . in ’8 9 , he had 10 tackles, six of which w ere unassisted . . . also a track letterm an at M ontana specializing in th e long jum p . . . an All-State football player an d track athlete at H avre High S c h o o l. . . lettered three times in foot­ ball, four tim es in track an d twice in b asket­ ball . . . team cap tain in football as a senior . . . all-conference twice in both football and track . . . high school grid co ach w as W alt Currie . . . Political S cien ce m ajor.

*Kelly McCallum 6-5, 238 DE, S o ., IV B en d , OR Kelly w as com ing on strong last season until h e suffered a se aso n -en d in g injury in UM’s 4 0 -2 2 h o m e win over th e University of N ev ad a . . . h ad six tackles, o n e sack, an d tw o p ass deflections . . . e n d e d spring drills as the backup at left e n d . . . redshirted in 1988 . . . twice an A ll-State pick at B end High S ch o o l . . . an O regon S hrine G am e p articip an t. . . all-conference in football and basketball as a prep . . . grid coach was Gary Mires . . . scholar athlete as a p rep with a 3 .2 G PA . . . G en eral S tu d ies m ajor.


m \


Joe Martin

Chuck Mason

6 ~5 ’ 2 6 8 F r., + R S A nchorage, AK

6-5, 251 DE, F r., + R S Big Fork, MT



A player with excellent potential, J o e is a backup at center behind All-American can­ didate C h ad G erm er . . . redshirted last seaso n at UM . . . A ll-State in football, and all-conference in basketball at A nchorage High S chool . . . all-conference on offense an d defense his junior an d senior seasons in fo o tb all. . . prep football coach was Gary Beller . . . te a m captain in football as a senior . . . no m in ated for th e U .S . Military A cadem y, W est Point, o ut of high school B usiness m ajor.


* *Scott McCoy 6-5, 261 O C /O G , Jr., 2V S h elto n , W A

Scott played a lot of m inutes last year, and 1990 will be no different . . . em erg ed as th e n um ber tw o player at right guard after spring practice . . . also h as a versatility to play tackle a n d center, according to offen­ sive line coach Bob Beers . . . an All-Big Sky academ ic pick, with a 3 .0 6 G P A . . . at Shelton High School he was a three-year let­ term an in football an d all-league twice . . . also lettered th ree tim es in basketball . . . p rep grid co ach w as Ja ck S tark . . . w as an ho n o rs stu d e n t in high school with a 3 .5 G PA . . . G eology m ajor.


A redshirt last se aso n , C huck w as m o v ­ ed from tight en d to defensive en d this p ast spring . . . could be a fine player at several positions . . . w as nu m b er th ree at d e fe n ­ sive left en d after spring drills, an d will no d o u b t see action th ere . . . th e M ontana G ato rad e P layer of the Y ear as a senior at Big Fork High S chool . . . A ll-State an d played in M ontana’s East-West Shrine G am e in 1989 . . . Scholastic Coach Magazine P layer of the Y ear . . . also a basketball and track sta n d o u t . . . chose M o n tan a over W ashington, C al an d W yom ing . . . Business m ajor.


Shawn Merz 6-5, 2 2 8 DE, F r., + R S Longview , W A

A bright future is a h e a d of S h aw n o n th e Grizzly defensive line . . . all he n eed s now is experience, to go along with ad d ed weight an d strength . . . w as a tw o-tim e all­ conference tight en d at M ark Morris High S chool . . . n am ed his te a m ’s O utstanding O ffensive P layer as a senior . . . also all­ conference in basketball . . . an outstanding ro d e o athlete, he w as th e state cham pion ro p er in W ashington in 198 8 . . . p rep coach w as J o h n S apinsky . . . Forestry m ajor.


/■ LA> A




* *Kyle Mirich 6-0, 195 OLB, J r., 2V B utte, MT

An invaluable special team s player, Kyle played a lot of m inutes at outside linebacker a year ago, playing in all 14 gam es an d start­ ing in o n e . . . th e 1 1th leading returning tackier with 21 stops last season and also had an interception . . . n am ed to th e Big Sky’s All-A cadem ic T eam with a 3 .3 3 G PA . . . seco n d team A ll-State linebacker an d EastW est S hrine G am e participant for Butte High S chool an d coach J o n McElroy . . . aw arded the Milan Lazetich Award as a prep . . . a m em ber of the National H onor Socie­ ty in high school with a 3 .7 7 G P A . . . (Pro­ n o u n ced M ear-ich) Business A dm inistration m ajor.

WA M m


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A ■ ■ A m


Marc Monestime


5-1 1 , 203 RB, S o ., + JC T h o u san d O aks, CA


Marc cam e to M ontana from M oorpark College, w here he started as a freshm an . . . originally signed with th e Grizzlies in 1988 an d redshirted th at y ear . . . at T h o u san d O aks High S chool he had three-year career m arks of 679 carries for 4 ,3 8 1 yards and 31 tou ch d o w n s, averaging 6 .5 yards p er carry . . . n am ed th e V entura C o unty Player of th e Y ear in ’87 . . . selected to play in the prestigious “S u p er 6 0 ” N orth-S outh Shrine G am e . . . his Bob R ichards-coached team s w on league cham pionships his junior and senior seaso n s, an d th e C .I.F . title in 1987 . . . (P ro n o u n ced M on-es-team ) C om m unications m ajor.

Corey Pilsch


6 ' 5 >271 OT, S o ., + SQ Kalispell, MT


H am p ered with num erous injuries, Corey is vying for playing tim e at left tackle . . . as a star at F lathead High School he was first team All-State an d participated in the M on­ ta n a S hrine G am e . . . also a very good (conventional style) kicker . . . lettered in track for th e B raves . . . high school grid co ach w as Bob R aeth . . . Liberal Arts m ajor.



JT fe

6-4, 285 O G , J r ., JC , + RS S an ta Cruz, CA

Ja m e s is vying for playing tim e at left g uard . . . A ll-State an d A ll-County for coach Bob M azzuca at D eA nza Ju n io r C ol­ lege, W inner of D ean ’s A cadem ic A chieve­ m e n t A w a rd in ju n io r c o lle g e . . . A ll-County an d all-league as a junior an d senior at S oquel High S c h o o l. . . honor stu­ d en t as a p rep . . . Business m ajor.

*Bryan Payne 6-5, 28 2 OT, S o ., IV G reenacres, W A

A quality y o ung linem an w ho saw lots of action in ’89, B ryan was in a battle with redshirt junior S tev e P rem ock for th e starting job at right tackle this past spring . . . an AllS tate selection an d W ashington S hrine G am e participant at University High School in S pokane . . . first team all-league and AllValley in 1987 . . . an outstan d in g track m an as a p rep with bests of 175 feet in th e discus an d 55 feet in th e sh o tp u t . . . also lettered in basketball . . . high school fo o t­ ball coach w as Bob B a rtle tt. . . p layed with fellow UM offensive linem an Tim Farley at University High . . . C om m unications m ajor.

James Poli A



* M m f ^ A W

Steve Premock 6 -41/ 2, 2 9 6 OT, J r ., JC , + RS S a cram en to , CA

S teve has th e inside track for th e starting berth at right tackle . . . looked good last fall, but w as slow ed with a leg injury which forc­ ed him to redshirt . . . cam e to UM from S ierra Ju n io r C ollege w here h e w as all­ conference selection in 1988 . . . JC coach w as Rex C happell . . . at Roseville High S chool he w as all-league as a junior an d senior . . . (P ro n o u n ced P ree-m ock) B usiness m ajor.


*Tony Rice 5-1 0 , 175 RB, S o ., IV N orth B end, OR

In his first playing opportunity at N orthern Arizona, Tony rushed for 84 yards and three to u ch d o w n s an d also h ad th ree receptions for 72 yards, as UM w on 3 8 -1 4 . . . the follow ing w eek h e ru sh ed for 6 5 yards and tw o m o re TDs in a h o m e win over Boise S tate . . . is UM’s leading return rusher with 3 5 3 yards . . . voted UM’s O utstanding Freshm an . . . All-State at N orth B end High S ch o o l an d p lay ed in th e O regon S hrine G am e . . . an all-conference baseball player as a p rep . . . high school coach was form er Grizzly player H o w ard J o h n s o n . . . G en eral S tu d ies m ajor.


Ted Riddall 5-9, 183 R B /K O R , F r., + RS Y elm , W A

A scrappy player with excellent quickness an d to u ghness, T ed will no d oubt see ac­ tion at runningback an d possibly as a kickoff retu rn er . . . received M o n tan a’s Offensive Service A w ard last season . . . redshirted in 1989 . . . in his career at Yelm High School h e ru sh ed for 3 ,1 2 2 yards, averaging 6 .2 yards p er carry, scored 20 6 points, h ad 35 receptions for 5 9 8 yards . . . All-State, league MVP an d played in the W ashington All-Star G am e . . . his high school coach, D ennis L arson said, “T ed is th e best back that I’ve coached in m y 30 years” . . . (Pro­ n o u n ced Rih-dol) E ducation m ajor.

*Tony Roberts 5-9, 177 W R /K O R , J r ., IV V ancou v er, W A A sp eed ster, T ony will add quality d ep th to M o n tan a’s talen ted receiver corps . . . redshirted in track at UM . . . runs a 4 .4 in th e 4 0 . . . led Y akim a Ju n io r College in kickoff returns an d receiving yards in 1988, and was team captain an d all-conference as a freshm an . . . originally started his college football career at E astern W ashington University . . . w as o n e of the to p sprinters in the state for C olum bia River High, w here he w as team M VP an d captain as a junior an d senior . . . tw o-year letterm an in fo o t­ ball . . . has run a 1 0.5 in the 100 an d 2 1 .8 in the 20 0 . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

*Mike See

Blu Santee 6-0, 195 O LB, S o ., + R S L ivingston, MT C o n sid ered a very hard hitter, Blu could see action o n th e special team s an d at OLB . . . red sh irted as a freshm an in 1988 and did n o t participate in football in 1989 . . . first team all-conference at quarterback and defensive back an d n am ed second team AllS tate at defensive back at Livingston High S ch o o l . . . o n e of the leading interceptors in the prep ranks in 1987 with six . . . played in th e M o n tan a S hrine G am e . . . also an all-conference basketball player . . . his high school co ach w as D on P o m ero y . . . G en eral S tu d ies m ajor.

6 -21/ 2 , 196 TE, J r ., IV G reat Falls, MT Mike has steadily im proved his passcatching and sp eed which should add up to m ore playing tim e . . . had only o n e recep ­ tion in ’89, but it w as a 7 4-yard touch d o w n pass from B rad Lebo in M o n ta n a’s o p e n e r against E astern New M exico . . . at G reat Falls High S chool he was first team All-State and a M ontana Shrine G am e p articipant. . . team captain as a senior an d team MVP on offense . . . lettered twice in basketball an d th ree tim es in track . . . the Bison finished seco n d in th e state in football his junior seaso n . . . grid coach w as D ale P ohle . . . Business M an ag em en t m ajor.


Kurt Shepherd 6-3, 28 7 OT, F r., + R S M issoula, MT A w alk-on, Kurt is vying for playing tim e at right tackle . . . p rep p ed at Sentinel High S chool w here he lettered twice in football an d track, an d o nce in wrestling . . . his coach w as form er Grizzly quarterb ack Tim Kerr . . . received W ayne H ow ard Memorial Award (student-athlete) in ’8 9 . . . attending M ontana on UM Presidential L eadership S cholarship . . . D ean ’s list last y ear with 3 .8 7 G PA . . . S eco n d ary E ducation m ajor.


Chad Silliker I ^


6-4, 2 0 4 m m

D E > S o > + RS W hitefish, MT

C h a d n e e d s to ad d w eight an d strength, but he could be a factor on the defensive line for th e Grizzlies in th e future . . . at W hitefish H igh S ch o ol he was a th ree-y ear letterm an in football an d basketball, team captain in b oth as a senior, an d all­ co n feren ce in b oth as well . . . team MVP in basketball in 1987 . . . also lettered in track and g o lf. . . prep grid coach was Scott Sw ard . . . started his college football career at W estern M o n tan a C ollege w here he let­ tered as a fresh m an . . . his sister, D aw n, w as a form er star on the L ady Griz b asket­ ball team . . . G en eral S tu d ies m ajor.

Marvin Turk 6-2, 193 W R, J r., JC S acram en to , CA Marvin displayed excellent pass-catching ability this p ast spring . . . vying for action at th e “X ” position in M o n tan a’s offensive sch em e . . . is from A m erican River Ju n io r College . . . his JC team w ent 11-1 his so p h o m o re y ear, an d he was n am e d team MVP an d first team A ll-C am ino N orte L eague . . . at K ennedy High School he was all-conference as a junior an d senior and participated in th e N orthern California AllStar gam e . . . also lettered in basketball and track . . . B usiness A dm inistration m ajor.

** G regg Sm erker M M m

m M m

6-3, 24 9 DE, Jr., 2V G reat Falls, MT

A quality linem an, G regg is th e fifth leading returning tackier for the Grizzlies . . . h a d 35 tackles, tw o sacks, an d a fum ble recovery in 1989 . . . em erg ed as a starter at left en d after spring drills . . . had 12 tackles as a redshirt freshm an in ’88 . . . ex­ trem ely strong against the ru n , an d vastly im proved as a pass rusher . . . lettered in track at UM in 1990 . . . at C .M . Russell High S chool h e w as All-State an d all­ conference for R ustler coach Ja ck Jo h n so n . . . standout baseball player an d a tw o-year letterm an in track . . . B usiness A dm inistration m ajor.

*Kelly Tvedt 6-2, 260 DT, Jr., IV Plenty w ood, MT Kelly has continued to im prove year-afteryear, an d will no d oubt see playing tim e at left tackle . . . m o v ed from offensive guard to defensive tackle tw o se aso n s ago . . . transferred to UM from M inot College, w here he started as a freshm an . . . All-State fullback as a senior at P lentyw ood High S chool . . . twice all-conference in b asket­ ball . . . team captain in football and basket­ ball as a senior . . . four-sport letterm an . . . all-conference both w ays at P .H .S ., w here he w as c o ach e d by R on S m ith . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

*Wade Thoemmes 6-3V2, 2 4 5 DE, S r., IV H onolulu, HI A n excellent p ass ru sh er, W ad e h ad four sacks an d six pass deflections (second m ost on th e team ) in 1989 . . . also h ad 15 tackles, o n e tackle for a loss, a n d a fum ble recovery . . . redshirted in ’88 after transfer­ ring from S an Diego State, w here he lettered as a freshm an . . . p re p p e d at University High S chool w h ere he w as a th ree-y ear starter in football an d basketball . . . AllS tate in football as a junior an d senior, an d D efensive P layer of the Y ear in th e state as a senior . . . his senior year his team w as S tate P rep Bowl cham pion . . . high school co ach w as D on B otelno . . . (P ro n o u n ced T am e-ess) v R ecreation M an ag em en t m ajor.

Kurt Ursich 6-0, 191 OLB, S o ., S Q H elen a, MT A very aggressive player an d h ard hitter, Kurt could see action on th e special team s an d at outside linebacker . . . h ad tw o tackles in limited action last season . . . w as m oved to O LB from strong safety tw o years ago . . . A ll-State at H elen a High S chool an d a S hrine G am e player for co ach G ary Jo h n s o n . . . w as a tw o tim e A ll-State wrestler and twice all-league in that s p o r t. . . G eneral S tu d es m ajor.

25 '



John Wagner 6-0, 170 W R, S o ., + RS M issoula, MT


*Craig Whitney 5 -11, 175 W R /P /H O L , S r., IV O thello, W A

6-1, 190 W R, S o ., + RS Billings, MT

Im proved pass-catching could ad d up to m ore action in 1990 for C h a d . . . h as very good speed and lettered on the Grizzly track team . . . instrum ental in Skyview High School’s 1988 State “AA” Track C ham pion­ ship . . . th ree tim es A ll-State in track . . . an A ll-State wide receiver in 1987 . . . let­ tered th ree tim es in football an d track . . . prep coach was form er Grizzly star Ron Lebsock . . .. G eneral S tudies m ajor.

A versatile player for the Grizzlies w ho will be a key receiver, as well as special team s player . . . third leading returning receiver with 2 4 catches for 3 4 8 yards an d four TDs . . . has great h an d s and runs excellent p a t­ terns . . . will hold for kicks an d is com peting for the punting job . . . at Walla Walla Junior College he w as team MVP as a so p h o m o re w hen he h ad 58 catches for 801 yards . . . lettered in football and basketball three times . . . first team all-league in football (both ways) an d basketball as a senior at O thello High S chool . . . team captain in both as senior . . . Business A dm inistration m ajor.

Jo h n did n o t participate in football last se aso n . . . redshirt at UM in 1988 . . . m o v ed from run n in g back to w ide receiver this p ast spring an d show ed steady signs of im p ro v em en t at his new position . . . an honorable m ention All-State pick at Hellgate H igh S ch o o l in 1 987 an d se co n d team AllS tate as a kick retu rn er in ’8 6 . . . also started for th e Knight’s o u tstanding b asket­ ball team his senior year (along with UM kicker Kirk Duce) . . . state track cham pion in several ev en ts during his high school career . . . co ach e d by form er Grizzly q uarterb ack V an T roxel . . . Business m ajor.

Chad Wilson

1990 Grizzly Tentative Travel OREGON STATE (6 p.m. Kickoff)

BOISE STATE (6 p.m. Kickoff)

WEBER STATE (6 p.m. Kickoff)

Thursday, August 30

Friday, Oct. 5

Friday, Oct. 12

Depart via Beach Bus, 7 a.m. Practice at Albi Stadium, Spokane, 11:30 a.m. Lodging: Holiday Inn, Wilsonville

Depart via Beach Bus, 7 a.m. Practice at BSU, 4 p.m. Lodging: Holiday Inn (208-344-8365)

Depart via Beach Bus, 7 a.m. Practice at WSC, 4:30 p.m. Lodging; Ogden Park Hotel (801-627-1190)

Friday, August 31

Saturday, Oct. 6

Saturday, Oct. 13

Practice at 5:30 p.m. Lodging: Nendels (503-753-9151)

Depart for Missoula after game

Depart for Missoula after game

Saturday, September 1

Depart for Missoula after game NEVADA (1 p.m. Kickoff)

IDAHO STATE (6:05 p.m. Kickoff)

Friday, Nov. 2

Friday, November 16

Depart for Airport via Beach Bus, 7:30 a.m. Depart Missoula on Alaska Charter, 8:40 a.m. Practice at UNR, 3 p.m. Lodging: Holiday Inn, Convention Center (702-825-2940)

Depart via Beach Bus, 6:30 a.m. Practice at 1:30 p.m . in Minidome* Lodging: Holiday Inn (208-237-1400) Saturday, November 17

Saturday, Nov. 3

Depart for Missoula after game via Beach Bus

Depart Reno after game via Alaska charter, 7:30 p.m.

(All Times Local)



Roster/Newcom ers


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1990 Grizzly A lphabetical Roster No.

N am e

9 0 —Lance Allen —Jason Barker 2 9 —Lee Barrett 4 —Grady Bennett 8 5 —Lance Benson 5 4 —Sean Brickley —Scott Brown 8 7 —Gary Burton 8 1 —Shannon Cabunoc 3 8 —Matt Clark 8 4 -B ill Cockhill 4 3 —Steve Collins 9 5 —Sam Davidson 2 0 —Mark DeBourg 3 4 —Jason De Hoyas 9 —Sean Dorris —Dan Downs 15—Kirk Duce —Robb Dundas 4 5 —Doak Dyer 3 7 —Todd Ericson 5 8 —Rick Erps 7 2 —Tim Farley 2 —Joe Farrish 9 4 —Brian Feeley 2 3 —Greg Ferguson 2 6 —Troy Franks 6 9 —Britt Fred 6 7 —Frank Garrett 6 1 —Chad Germer 7 3 —Damon Gilbreth 3 3 —Rick Gillie —Tony Goulet —Scott Gragg 10—Don Graves —Mike Guevera —Scott Gurnsey —Charles Guy —Charlie Hawkins 18—Erik Hendrickson 5 7 —Lance Heivilin 6 5 —Thad Huse 6 —Chris Jenkins 3 2 —Larry Jennings —Keith Jones 4 2 —Gary Kaiser 9 7 —Joe Kalafat 9 1 -N e ls Kludt 5 6 -R ic k Kuhl 5 2 —Paul Lanier 2 1 —Galen Lawton 13—Brad Lebo 4 6 —Chad Lembke




C lass


Hom etown (School)


6-2 6-6 5-10 6-3 6-0 6-31/2 6-5 5-9 5-5 6-1 5-9 6-2 6-5 5-8 6-1 6-3 6-4 5-10 6-4 5-10 6-2 6-6 6-6 5-10 5-11 5-11 6-1 6-5 6-3 6-6 !/2 6-5 5-10 6-2 6-8 5-11 5-11 5-11 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-3 5-11 6-3 6-4 6-0 5-9 6-5 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-0

235 290 192 205 180 258 225 165 155 178 160 232 247 185 190 191 219 175 225 205 185 286 305 173 165 190 185 232 264 271 288 195 225 255 175 175 180 180 282 180 230 258 160 212 235 185 219 259 279 220 209 210 219

Fr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Sr. So. So. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. So. Sr. Fr. Jr. Jr. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. So. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Sr. So. So.


Butte, MT (Butte Senior HS) Layton, UT (Dixie JC) La Puente, CA (Mt. San Antonio C) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Vancouver, WA (Columbia Basin HS) Pocatello, ID (Pocatello HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Waipahu, HI (St. Louis HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Helena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Bend, OR (Bend HS) Mercer Island, WA (Mercer Island HS) Billings, MT (Skyview HS) Helena, MT (Chugiak HS) Coeur d’Alene, ID (Coeur d ’Alene HS) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Redm ond, WA (Redmond HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Glasgow, MT (Glasgow HS) Spokane, WA (University HS) Newark, CA (Chabot College) Sidney, MT (Sidney HS) Tigard, OR (Tigard HS) Kalispell, MT (Cerritos JC) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Three Forks, MT (Three Forks HS) Seattle, WA (W enatchee JC) Rocklin, CA (Sierra JC) Fullerton, CA (Fullerton JC) Silverton, OR (Silverton HS) Newark, CA (Chabot JC) Fresno, CA (Fresno CC) Tumwater, WA (Tumwater HS) Pittsburg, CA (Redwoods JC) Anderson, CA (Shasta JC) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Cincinnati, OH (Moeller HS) Missoula, MT (W enatchee JC) Portland, OR (Jackson HS) Boise, ID (Boise State) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Orofino, ID (Orofino HS) Springfield, OR (Co of Redwoods) Cheyenne, WY (Cheyenne HS) Fairfield, CA (Solano CC) Post Falls, ID (Lewiston HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS)


•1990 Grizzly A lphabetical Roster-


No. N am e




C lass


Hom etown (School)

3 5 —Paul LeProwse 4 8 —Tony Longin —Eric Lono 7 0 —Joe Martin 8 9 —Chuck Mason 9 8 —Kelly McCallum 5 1 —Scott McCoy 2 7 —Michael McGowen 6 6 —Shawn Merz 4 1 —Kyle Mirich 19—Marc Monestime 7 —Kevin Morris 7 1 —Kirk Murphy 3 1 —Darrin Newman - D a n Ortt 5 9 —Bryan Payne 7 4 —Corey Pilsch 6 2 —Steve Premock 4 9 —Michael Rahl —Clarence Reese 14—Tony Rice 2 8 —Ted Riddall 2 9 —Tony Roberts 7 —Blu Santee —Dennis Scates 9 6 —Mike See 7 8 —Kurt Shepherd 6 8 —Chad Silliker —Dethrick Slocum 7 7 —Gregg Smerker —Darrin Stringer —Brent Swenson 9 9 —Wade Thoemmes 4 7 —Mike Trevathan 4 4 —Bryan Tripp 11—Marvin Turk —Jay Turner 7 6 —Kelly Tvedt —Bert Wilburger 2 4 —Kurt Ursich —Garrett Venters —Mark Von Appen 8 3 —John Wagner —John Weisner 12—Craig Whitney 8 0 —Chad Wilson


6-0 6-1 6-2

216 170

6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5

268 251 248 261




228 195 203 178 255 230

Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. So. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So. So. Jr. Fr. Jr. So. Fr. Jr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Sr. So.


Butte, MT (Butte HS) Havre, MT (Havre HS) Honolulu, HI (St. Louis HS) Anchorage, AK (Anchorage HS) Big Fork, MT (Big Fork HS) Bend, OR (Bend HS) Shelton, WA (Shelton HS) Seattle, WA (Ballard HS) Longview, WA (Mark Morris HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Thousand Oaks, CA (Moorpark Col.) Chula Vista, CA (Southwestern JC) Poison, MT (Poison HS) Cascade, MT (Cascade HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Greenacres, WA (University HS) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Grass Valley, CA (Sierra JC) Rye, CO (Rye HS) Vista, CA (Palomar JC) North Bend, OR (North Bend HS) Yelm, WA (Yelm HS) Vancouver, WA (Yakima JC) Livingston, MT (Park HS) Spokane, WA (Rogers HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Whitefish, MT (Whitefish HS) Fresno, CA (Fresno CC) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Vacaville, CA (Solano JC) Glasgow, MT (Glasgow HS) Honolulu, HI (San Diego St.) Thousand Oaks, CA (T. Oaks HS) Missoula, MT (W enatchee JC) Sacram ento, CA (American River CC) Marysville, WA (Marysville HS) Plenty wood, MT (Plenty wood HS) Ashland, OR (Ashland HS) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Richland, WA (Richland HS) San Francisco, CA (St. Francis HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Bend, OR (Bend HS) Othello, WA (Walla Walla CC) Billings, MT (Skyview HS)

6-0 5-11

6-0 6-3 5-10 6-3 6-5 6-5 6 - 41/2

5-11 5-10 5-10 5-9 5-9

6-0 6-3

6-2 6-3 6-4 5-11 6-3 5-8 6-3 6 - 31/2

6-1 6-2 6-2 6-4

6-2 6-3

6-0 6-3 5-11

6-0 5-11 5-11



211 282 271 296 185 175 175 183 177 195 234 196 287 204 190 249 173 209 245 185

222 193 231 263 188 191 232 180 170 185 175 190

V = Varsity Letters Won SQ = Squad Member, did not letter HS = High School Experience JC = Junior College Transfer TR = Transfer from four-year school RS = Redshirt last season


•New G rizzlies Scott Brown, 6 -5 , 2 2 0 , D E F E N S IV E E N D fr o m H ellg a te H igh (M issoula, M T ): A ll-c o n fe re n c e a n d p ic k e d for th e M o n ta n a S h rin e G a m e , p la y e d o n ly o n e y e a r of p re p f o o tb a l l. . . sta rte r o n sta te “A A ” c h a m p io n b a sk e tb a ll te a m until felled w ith a n injury . . . also track let­ te r m a n . . . m e rit sc h o la r w ith 3 .8 G P A . . . tim e d in th e 4 0 in 4 .8 . . . also re c ru ite d b y M o n ta n a S ta te . . .

M V P of th e Big N in e as a s e n io r . . . S h a s ta A ll-S tar G a m e selectio n . . . p re p n ick n am e: “Dr. D o o m ” . . . track letterm a n . . . also recru ited by W a s h in g to n S ta te , I d a h o , E W U a n d B S U . . . J o h n W e i s n e r , 5-11, 185, D E F E N S IV E B A C K fr o m B e n d H ig h (B en d , O R ): A ll-S tate a n d A ll-C entral M o u n ta in C o n fe re n c e . . . d e fe n ­ sive M V P of le a g u e . . . te a m M V P . . . 3 .1 G P A . . . tim e d in 4 .7 in th e 4 0 . . . jo in s tw o o th e r G riz p la y e rs fro m B e n d (S te v e C ollins a n d K elly M cC allum ) . . . a lso re c ru ite d b y Id a h o S ta te a n d P o rtla n d S ta te . . .

Dan Downs, 6 -4 , 2 1 4 , L IN E B A C K E R fr o m H e le n a H igh (H elena, M T): A ll-state a n d all-conference, as well as M o n ta n a S h rin e G a m e selec­ tio n . . . te a m M V P as a s e n io r . . . a b a sk e tb a ll le tte rm a n . . . 4 .7 in th e 4 0 . . . a lso re c ru ite d by M S U , W y o m in g . . .


Rob Dundas, 6-4, 2 2 5 , O F F E N S IV E L IN E M A N fro m Billings W e st H ig h (Billings, M T ): A n all-state a n d a ll-c o n fe re n c e p la y e r in football a n d b a sk etb all . . . S h rin e G a m e pick . . . M V P o n fo o tb all te a m . . . L in e m a n of th e Y e a r, as v o te d by T o u c h d o w n C lub of A tlan ta a n d D ays In n s . . . ru n s 4 . 8 in th e 4 0 . . . re c ru ite d by M S U a n d W y o m in g . . .

J a s o n B a r k e r , 6 -6 , 290, OFFEN (L a y to n , UT): First te a m A ll-W estern S ta te C o n fe re n c e fo r a 10-1 te a m th a t w o n th e R o ta ry B ow l . . . first te a m all-state a n d U ta h L in e m a n of th e Y e a r in 1 9 8 7 a t L a y to n H igh S c h o o l . . . se c o n d te a m A ca d e m ic A ll-A m erican a s a p r e p w ith a 3 .4 G P A . . . p la y e d fo o tb all at G re a t Falls H igh as a s o p h o m o r e . . . ru n s a 5 .0 in th e 4 0 . . .

Scott Gragg, 6-8, 2 5 5 , O F F E N SIV E L IN E M A N fro m Silverton High (S ilv erto n , O R ): A ll-S tate (AA) a n d A ll-C ap ital L e a g u e . . . O re g o n S h rin e G a m e c h o ic e . . . also b a sk e tb a ll le tte rm a n . . . r u n s 5 .1 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by O re g o n S ta te , P o rtla n d S ta te , Id a h o . . .

T o n y G o u l e t , 6-2, 225, R U N N IN G S A C K fro m Fullerton J C (Fuller­ ton, C A ): A ll-S o u th C o a st C o n fe re n c e . . . te a m cap tain for fo rm er Griz sta r H al S h e rb e c k . . . C o a c h S h e r b e c k ’s te a m w a s r a n k e d a m o n g th e n a tio n ’s b e s t last y e a r . . . a v e r a g e d 6 .1 y a rd s a carry . . . ru n a 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . .

Scott Gurnsey, 5 -1 1 ,

1 8 0 , W ID E R E C E IV E R fro m T u m w a te r High (T u m w a te r, W A ): P re p te a m w o n sta te c h a m p io n s h ip . . . all-state a n d a ll-c o n fe re n c e p la y e r . . . n a m e d to S ta te A ll-S tar te a m . . . m o st v a lu a b le o ffen siv e p la y e r of te a m . . . ru n s 4 .5 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by O r e g o n S ta te , Id a h o , B oise S ta te , H aw aii a n d E a ste rn W a s h in g to n . . .

M i k e G u e v a r a , 5-11, 175, R U N N IN G B A C K fro m F resn o City C o l­ lege (F resno, C A ): A ll-C en tral V alley C o n f e r e n c e pick . . . h a d 1 6 4 carries for 9 0 2 y a rd s a n d se v e n T D s, a v e ra g in g 5 .5 y a rd s p e r carry . . . h a d 16 c a tc h e s for 1 2 2 y a rd s . . . tim e d in 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . .

Keith Jones, 6 -4 , 2 3 5 , D E F E N S IV E E N D fr o m J a c k s o n H igh (P o rtla n d , O R ): A n A ll-S tate (AAA) se le c tio n a n d a ll-le a g u e r as well . . . M ost V alu ab le D efensive L in e m a n in le a g u e . . . S h rin e G a m e pick . . . ru n s a 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by Id a h o , U ta h , P o rtla n d S ta te , O r e g o n , O re g o n S ta te . . .

C h a r l e s G u y , 6-3, 180, W ID E R E C E IV E R fro m R e d w o o d s J C (Pitt­ sburg, C A ): O ffen siv e M V P of te a m o n w h ich h e h a d 5 6 c a tc h e s for 9 8 6 y a rd s . . . first te a m A ll-G o ld en V alley C o n fe re n c e . . . te a m c o ­ c a p ta in . . . a v e r a g e d 1 7 .6 y a rd s p e r r e c e p tio n . . . led le a g u e in p u n t retu rn s with 1 4 .5 -y a rd a v e ra g e a n d re tu rn e d o n e p u n t for a sch o o l reco rd 8 2 y a rd s a n d a T D . . . ru n s a 4 .5 5 in th e 4 0 . . .

Eric Lono, 6-3, 2 1 9 , L IN E B A C K E R fro m St. L o u is H igh (H onolulu, HI): P ossible im p act p lay er . . . all-state a n d te a m captain for state c h a m ­ p io n sh ip te a m th a t n e v e r lost a g a m e during his p re p c a re e r . . . co a c h e d by C alvin L e e , b ro th e r of M o n ta n a ’s o ffensive c o o rd in a to r, T o m m y L ee . . . 4 .7 in th e 4 0 . . . s e c o n d S t. L o u is H ig h p la y e r to join UM p r o ­ g ra m ( S h a n n o n C a b u n o c ) . . . also re c ru ite d by H aw aii, O re g o n a n d BYU . . .

C h a r l i e H a w k i n s , 6-3, 282, D E F E N S IV E L IN E M A N fr o m S h a sta J C (A n d e r s o n , C A ): N a m e d M ost V a lu a b le D efen siv e P la y e r in his le a g u e . . . M V P a n d c a p ta in of te a m th a t w e n t 1 0-1 . . . led te a m in ta c k le s . . . b lo c k e d five p u n ts a n d tw o P A T s . . . A ll-state a n d all­ c o n fe re n c e . . . clo c k e d in 4 .8 in th e 4 0 . . .

Dan Ortt, 6 -3, 2 1 1 , D E F E N S IV E E N D fro m Billings W e st H igh (Bill­ ings, M T): N a m e d to th e M o n ta n a S h rin e G a m e te a m . . . all-conference se le c tio n . . . also b a sk e tb a ll le tte rm a n . . . ru n s a 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . .

C l a r e n c e R e e s e , 5-10, 175, C O R N E R S A C K fr o m P a lo m a r J C (V ista, C A ): S h o u ld b e a n im p a c t p la y e r for G riz . . . first te a m all­ c o n fe re n c e a n d h o n o ra b le m e n tio n A ll-S tate in ju n io r co lleg e . . . h a d 1 0 in te rc e p tio n s a n d 6 4 ta c k le s in 1 9 8 9 . . . A ll-C .I.F . a t V ista H ig h a n d his sc h o o l’s A th le te of th e Y e a r as a se n io r . . . w a s fo u rth in th e s ta te in th e trip le ju m p as a p r e p his s e n io r y e a r . . . ru n s a 4 .4 in th e 40 . . .

Bert Wilburger,

6 -3 , 1 8 6 , Q U A R T E R B A C K fr o m A s h la n d H igh (A sh la n d , O R ): M o st V a lu a b le P la y e r in O re g o n h igh sc h o o l ra n k s . . . A ll-S tate (AAA) a n d A ll-S o u th e rn C o n f e r e n c e . . . n a m e d to S h rin e G a m e te a m . . . p a s s e d fo r 2 ,5 9 0 y a rd s as a se n io r fo r s ta te c h a m p io n ­ sh ip te a m . . . n a m e d P la y e r of th e Y e a r in his c o n fe re n c e . . . ru n s a 4 .8 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by U ta h a n d O re g o n S ta te . . .

D e t h r i c k S l o c u m , 5-11, 190, C O R N E R B A C K fr o m F resn o C ity C o lleg e (F resno, C A ): H is J C te a m ’s D e fen siv e P la y e r o f th e Y e a r . . . A ll-C entral V alley C o n fe re n c e a n d h o n o ra b le m e n tio n all-state in ju n io r co lleg es . . . th r e e in te rc e p tio n s a n d b lo c k e d a p u n t . . . p o ssib le im ­ p a c t p la y e r w h o ru n s a 4 .5 in th e 4 0 . . .

Dennis Scates, 6 -3 , 2 2 8 , L IN E B A C K E R fr o m R o g e rs H igh (S p o k a n e , W A ): P o ssib le im p a c t p la y e r as a fre s h m a n . . . te a m M V P, A ll-S tate a n d a ll-c o n fe re n c e pick . . . also te a m c a p ta in . . . G r e a te r S p o k a n e L e a g u e D e fen siv e P la y e r of th e Y e a r . . . se le c te d to sta te all-star g a m e . . . b ask etb all le tte rm a n . . . 3 . 3 G P A . . . tim e d in 4 .7 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by Id a h o , E W U , B S U a n d M S U . . .

D a r r i n S t r i n g e r , 5-8, 173, C O R N E R B A C K /R E T U R N E R fro m S o la n o J C (V acaville, C A ): E xciting p la y e r w ith e x p lo siv e s p e e d (4 .3 7 in th e 40) a n d e x c e lle n t q u ic k n e s s . . . r e tu rn e d tw o kickoffs a n d o n e p u n t for to u c h d o w n s . . . le a g u e le a d e r in p u n t a n d kickoff re tu rn s . . . te a m w as 1 1 -1 last s e a s o n . . . p la y e d a t s a m e J C as d e fe n siv e b a c k G a le n L a w to n . . . 1 9 8 7 N o rth e rn C a lifo rn ia sp rin t c h a m p io n . . .

Brent Swenson,

6-3, 2 0 9 , D E F E N S IV E B A C K fro m G lasgow High (G la sg o w , M T ): A ll-state a n d all-c o n fe re n c e p la y e r . . . n a m e d to M o n ­ t a n a S h rin e G a m e te a m . . . s ta n d o u t in b aseb all a n d b ask etb all . . . 3 .5 G P A . . . r u n s a 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . . a lso re c ru ite d by M S U , S o u th D a k o ta S ta te . . .

Jay Turner, 6 -4 , 2 2 5 , D E F E N S IV E E N D fr o m M arysville H igh (M arysville, W A ): A ll-state a n d a ll-c o n fe re n c e pick . . . b ask etb all let­ te r m a n . . . 3 . 7 5 G P A . . . c lo c k e d in 4 .8 in th e 4 0 . . . also re c ru ite d by B S U , E W U a n d Id a h o . . .

NOTE: Recruited junior college players included in sketches, pages 16*2 6 , if they participated in spring practice.

Garrett Venters, 6 -3 , 2 3 2 , L IN E B A C K E R fr o m R ic h la n d H igh (Richland, W A ): A ll-State a n d All-Big N ine C o n fe re n c e . . . co-D efensive



Game 1

Game 2

President: Dr. John Byrne Location: Corvallis, OR 97731 Population: 40,960 Enrollment: 16,500 School Colors: Orange & Black Stadium: Parker Stadium (40,593-Art. Surface) Athletic Director: Dutch Baughman Head Coach: Dave Kragthorpe Alma Mater: Utah State (1955) Phone: 503-737-2614 Time To Call: Mon. 2-4pm ; Tues.-Fri.

President: Dr. Charles J. Bensman Location: Crestview Hills, Kentucky Population: 2,000 Enrollment: 1,200 Colors: Blue & White Stadium: Mount Joy (3,000) Athletic Director: Vic Clark Head Coach: Vic Clark Alma Mater: Indiana State (1971) Phone: 606-344-3390 Time To Call: Afternoons Assistant Coaches: Larry Hook, Off. Coord.;

lOam -noon

Jo e Schlager, Def. Coord.; Steve Burns; Steve Hart

Assistant Coaches: Denny Moller, Def. C oord./S ec.; Charlie Stubbs, Off. C oord./Q B ; Dan Ferrigno, R B /Spec. Teams; Gary Knecht, OLBs; Mick McCall, Rec.; Mike Waufle, Def. Line; Brady Hoke, ILB; Mark Weber, Off. Line; Jack Cabell, Rec. Coord. Athletic Trainer: Ken Kladnik SID: Hal Cowan SID Phone: 503-737-3720-W; 503-757-1446-H Conference: Pacific-10 1989 Record: 4 7 1 League Record/Finish: 3-4-1 (6th) Starters Rack: 9 (4 off., 5 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 3 /2 5 Key Returnees: Esera Tuaolo, DT, 6-3, 268, SR; Brian Beck, CB, 5-8, 168, SR; Brad D’An­ cona, OT, 6-3, 302, SR; Matt Booher, QB, 6-2, 196, SR; Brent Huff, CB, 5-10, 166, JR. Last Meeting: 1982, (30-10, OSU, @ OSU) Series Record: 0-12-2, OSU

Athletic Trainer: Teresa Sainato SID: Chris Gramke SID Phone: 606-344-3327-W; 513-921-5296-H Conference: Independent 1989 Record: DNA League Record/Finish: DNA Starters Back: DNA Lettermen Back/Lost: DNA Key Returnees: N /A Last Meeting: First Meeting Series Record: 0-0

Oregon State

Thomas More R ebels


Rick Gillie

Vic Clark Head Coach

Matt Booher Quarterback

Dave Kragthorpe Head Coach

1 9 9 0 Schedule

1 9 8 9 R esults (Overall: 4-7-1/PAC-lO: 3-4-1)






Stanford * @Washington State* @ Boise State @ Nebraska @ Fresno State Arizona State* UCLA* @ California* @USC* Washington* @ Oregon* ©Hawaii


s s o 0 0

o N N N N

9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

20-16 3-41 37-30 7-35 18-35 17-17 18-17 25-14 6-48 14-51 21-30 21-23

1 9 9 0 S ch edule Date Team S 1 Montana

Time 6:00 p.m. PDT

@Kansas S 8 Nevada-Las Vegas S 15 @ Stanford* S 22 @Nebraska S 29 Open 0 6 Arizona* 0 13 Washington State* 0 20 @UCLA* 0 27 @Arizona State* N 3 N 10 Oregon* N 17 *Pacific-10 Conference game

1:00 6:00 1:00 1:30

p.m. p.m. p.m . p.m.


1:30 1:30 3 :30 6:00 1:30 1:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m . p.m . p.m.



Paul LeProwse




Kentucky Wesleyan

1:30 p.m. EST

S 15


7:00 p.m. EST

S 22 29 6 0 0 13 0 20 2 0 N 3 N 10

@ Franklin (IN) @ Cumberland (TN) Earlhan College (IN) OPEN Centre College (KY) @ Gannon (PA) @ Mt. St. Joseph (OH) Defiance College (OH)

1:30 p.m. EST 1:30 p.m. EST 3:30 p.m. EST




1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30

p.m . p.m. p.m. p.m.


Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

President: Dr. Robert Hebert Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana Population: 76,000 Enrollment: 7,500 School Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: Cowboy Stadium, (20,000-Grass) Athletic Director: Bob Hayes Head Coach: Bobby Keasler Alma Mater: Northeast LA (1970) Phone: 318-475-5214 Time To Call: Daily 10am -12 noon Assistant Coaches: Mike Gantiago, Offensive

President: Dr. B. Dell Felder Location: C heney, WA Population: 15,000 Enrollment: 8 ,000 School Colors: Red & White Stadium: W oodward (10,000-nat. grass) Athletic Director: Darlene Bailey Head Coach: Dick Zornes Alma Mater: Eastern W ashington (1968) Phone: 509-359-2463 Time To Call: 10:30-noon weekdays Assistant Coaches: Larry H attem er, Off.

President: Dr. John Keiser Location: Boise, Idaho Population: 130,198 Enrollment: 12,600 Colors: Blue & Orange Stadium: Bronco (22-600-Astro Turf) Athletic Director: G ene Bleymaier Head Coach: Skip Hall Alma Mater: Concordia College (Minn.) (1966) Phone: 208-385-1281 Time To Call: 10:30-noon, weekdays A ssistant Coaches: Jo h n G ough, Asst.

Coord.; Kirby Bruchhaus, Def. Coord.; Hubert Boalee, Linebackers; Tommy Tate, Secondary; Paul Lanier, Off. Line; John Nagle, Receivers. Athletic Trainer: Ricky Mestayer SID: Louis Bonnette SID Phone: 318-475-5207-W; 318-477-4182-H Conference: Southland 1989 Record: 5-6 League Record/Finish: 2-4 (5th) Starters Back: 10 (4 off., 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 0 /2 4 Key Returnees: Hud Jackson, QB, 5-11, 189, SR: Mike Pierce, S, 6-2, 199, SR; Jeff Delhomme, WR, 5-10, 160, SR; Eric LeBlanc, LB, 6-0, 224, SR; Jimmy Poirier, P, 5-11, 190, SR; Jeff Schwantes, OT, 6-5, 267, SR; Ronald Scott, DT, 6-2, 237, JR; Kip Texada, CB, 5-9, 169, SR. Last Meeting: First Meeting Series Record: 0-0

C o o rd ./O ff. Line; Jerry G raybeal, Def. C oord./D ef. Back; J. D. Sollars, Recruiting Coord./Q B s; Brent Myers, Acad. Coord./LBs; Jim McElwain, Wide Receiv.; Mike Kramer, Def. Line Athletic Trainer: Tom Embree SID: Dave Cook SID Phone: 509-359-6331-W Conference: Big Sky 1989 Record: 4-6 League Record/Finish: 4-4 (5th) Starters Back: 16 (10 off., 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 2 /1 8 Key Returnees: Kurt Schulz, CB, 6-1, 205, JR; Aaron H ansen, DE, 6-2, 230, SR; Robert Puller, CB, 6-1, 200, JR; Tony Lenseigne, TE, 6-4, 235, JR; Mark T enneson, QB, 6-4, 207, SO. Last Meeting: 1989 (22-16 UM, @EWU) Series Record: 11-4-1, UM

M cN eese St.

E. W ashington

Bobby Keasler Head Coach

Dick Zornes Head Coach


H C /O ff. Coord. (OL); Jay Mills, Running Backs; Jim Zorn, Quarterbacks; Jim Fleming, Def. Coord. (DB); Scott Pelluer, Linebackers; Steve Buratto, Def. Line. Athletic Trainer: Gary C raner SID: Max Corbet SID Phone: 208-385-1515-W; 208-345-2180-H Conference: Big Sky 1989 Record: 6-5 League Record/Finish: 5-3 (T, 3rd) Starters Back: 20 (10 off., 10 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 6 /5 Key Returnees: Erik H elgeson, DE, 6-2, 228, SR; Kenny Kuehl, LB, 5-10, 189, SR; Chris Thomas, RB, 5-9, 185, JR; Winky White, WR, 5-11, SR. Last Meeting: 1989 (48-13 UM, @ UM) Series Record: 13-6-0, BSU

B oise State

E agles

Mike Pierce Safety

198 9 R esults


Aaron Hansen Defensive End

Skip Hall Head Coach

1 9 8 9 R esults

(Overall: 5-6/SLC: 2-4)

1 9 8 9 R esults

(Overall: 4-6; Big Sky: 4-4)

(Overall: 6-5/Big Sky: 5-3)









M is s iss ip p i C o l l e g e S a m fo r d N o r t h e a s t* N W S ta te * N ic h o lls S t . A r k a n s a s S t. S F A u s tin * S W T exas* N o r th T e x a s * S a m H o u s to n * L am ar



Nevada* @ M ontana State*


S. S s s o 0 0

2 9 16 23 30 14 21 28 4 11 18

2 8 -2 1 4 9 -1 4 1 4 -1 7 1 7 -1 8 2 8 -1 4 1 6 -2 1 1 4 -4 2 2 1 -7 1 9 -3 1 3 1 -1 4 1 7 -2 2

9 16

S 23

Montana *

S 0 0 0 N N N

Northern Arizona* Idaho State* Idaho* Stephen F. Austin @W eber State* @Boise State* @Northern Iowa

30 14 21 28 4 11 18

33-7 28-3

L 22-16 W W L L W L L

20-14 45-26 41-34 42-36 27-10 27-20 47-21

1 9 9 0 S ch edule

1 990 Schedule






S 1 S 8 S 15

@Nicholls State La Tech @E. Illinois

7:00 p.m. CDT 7:00 p.m. CDT 6:30 p.m. CDT


S 22


1:00 p.m. MDT

S 8 S 15 S 22

Lenoir-Rhyne College Boise State* @Northern Arizona*

1:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 3:00 p.m. MST

S 29

@Montana *

1:00 p.ra, MDT

Weber State*

1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 6:00 1:00 1:00

S 29 OPEN 0 6 Northeast La. * 0 13 NW State (IIC)* 0 20 @North Texas* 0 27 @SW Texas* N 3 @SF Austin* N 10 Sam Houston* N 17 Weber State ’ Southland Conference game


7:00 7:00 6:00 2:00 2:00 7:00 7:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


0 6 0


0 20 Idaho* 0 27 @Portland State N 3 @Idaho State* N 10 Montana State* N 17 @ Houston ’ Big Sky Conference game


Erik H elgeson D efensive End

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

9 16 23 30 7 14 23



Stephen F. Austin Long Beach State Oregon State @ W eber State* Idaho State* Northern Arizona* M ontana State*


0 28

@Montana *

N 4 N 11 N 18

@Nevada* Eastern Washington* @ Idaho*




S 1 S 8 S 15 S 22 S 29

Stephen F. Austin Weber State* @ Eastern Washington* Boston University @Long Beach State

6:00 6:00 1:00 6:00 1:00


Montana *

23-12 14-17 30-37 41-24 20-7 21-14 37-10

L 13-48 L W L

14-30 27-20 21-26

1 9 9 0 Schedule



0 13 0 27 N 3 N 10 N 17 *Big Sky

©Northern Arizona* @ Idaho State* @Montana State* Nevada* Idaho* Conference game

p.m . p.m . p.m . p.m. p.m.


6:00 p.m. MDT 3:00 6:00 1:00 1:00 1:00

p.m . p.m. p.m . p.m. p.m.


Game 6

Game 7

Game 8

President: Dr. Paul Thom pson Location: O gden, UT Population: 6 4,400 Enrollment: 12,000 School Colors: Royal Purple & White Stadium: Wildcat (17,500, natural grass) Athletic Director: Richard H annan Head Coach: Dave Arslanian Alma Mater: W eber State (1972) Phone: 801-626-6493 Time To Call: Mornings 11:30-12:00 Assistant Coaches: Dave Arslanian, HC/Off.

President: Dr. Eugene M. Hughes Location: Flagstaff, Arizona Population: 35,000 Enrollment: 16,850 School Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: Walkup Skydom e (15,300) Head Coach: Steve Axman Alma Mater: C.W . Post (1969) Phone: 602-523-5641 Time To Call: M-F 9a.m .-noon Assistant Coaches: Larry Kerr, Def. Coord.;

President: Dr. William J. Tietz Location: Bozem an, M ontana Population: 25,000 Enrollment: 10,100 Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium: Reno H. Sales (15,197-Natural Grass) Athletic Director: Doug Fullerton Head Coach: Earle Solom onson Alma Mater: Augsburg (1969) Phone: 406-994-4221 Time To Call: 8-9a.m . or 10:30-Noon Assistant Coaches: Bart Andrus, Off. Coord.;

C oord./Q B ’s-RB’s; Robb Akey, Def. LBs; Mark Brady, Def. Coord./Def. Backs; Mark Goracak, Special Teams; Lawrence Livingston, Off. Line; Darryl Mason, Rec. Athletic Trainer: George Goodridge SID: Brad Larsen SID Phone: 801-626-6010-W; 801-776-5376-H Conference: Big Sky 1989 Record: 3 8 League Record/Finish: 1-7-0 (8th) Starters Back: 16 (7 Off., 9 Def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 4 /1 2 Key Returnees: George Jackson, RB, 6-0, 195, SR; Trevor Shaw , TE, 6-3, 195, SO; Brent Chuhaniuk, P /K , 6-1, 190, SR; Maurice Jackson, FS, 6-4, 185, SR; Dave Palaniuk, DT, 6-3, 245, SR; Jody Marshall, CB, 6-1, 180, SR. Last Meeting: 1989 (31-6 UM, @ UM) Series Record: 19-9-0, UM

Bob Lopez, Running Backs; Charlie Dickey, Off. Line; John Skladany, Def. Line; Dino Babers, Def. Backs; Karl Dorrell, Receivers. Athletic Trainer: Mike Nesbitt SID: Wylie Smith SID Pone: 602-523-6791-W ; 602-774-9037-H Conference: Big Sky 1989 Record: 3 8 League Record/Finish: 2-6 (T, 6th) Starters Back: 12 (6 off., 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 1 /2 5 Key Returnees: Mike Sanfratello, DL, 6-4, 250, SR; Darrin Jackson, DB, 6-1, 190, SR; Tony Conrd, OL, 6-2, 260, SR; Jim Jones, DL, 6-2, 230, SO; Salvador Nava, DB, 6-0, 180, SR; Tom Merriam, OL, 6-3, 225, SR; Dave Nichols, OL, 6-2, 245, SR; Todd Evangelist, RB, 5-10, 200 SR Last Meeting: 1989 (38-14 UM, @ NAU) Series Record: 13-10-0, UM

Date s s

9 16 23 30

o 7

0 14 0 21 0 28 N 4 N 11 N 18

George Jackson Halfback




s s s 0

15 22 29 6

Earle Solomonson Head Coach

Jim Jones D-Line

Steve Axman Head Coach

John Tetrault Quarterback

1 9 8 9 R esults

1 9 8 9 R esults

198 9 R esults

(Overall: 3-8/Big Sky: 1-7)

(Overall: 3-8-0; Big Sky: 2-6)

(Overall: 4-7/Big Sky: 2-6)



@ N e v a d a -L a s V e g a s N o r t h e r n A r iz o n a Idaho* B o is e S ta te *


12-16 17-20 33-46 24-41




S o u th e r n U ta h S ta te @ N evada* @ M o n t a n a S t a te * E a s te r n W a s h .* S o u t h w e s t S t a t e (M N ) @ I d a h o S t a te *


42-7 15-47 27-31 10-27 55-0 45-35

1 9 9 0 Schedule Date



W ildcats


Montana State

N. Arizona

Weber State

Dave Arslanian Head Coach

Tim Hermann, Def. Coord.; Greg Clough, DL; Devin Donnalley, DB; Lee Ziegler, OL; Dave Preszler, WR; Tom Van Voorhis, OLB, SS Athletic Trainer: Chuck Karnop SID: Steve Fenk SID Phone: 406-994-5133-W; 406-586-3890-H Conference: Big Sky 1989 Record: 4 7 League Record/Finish: 2-6 (T, 6th) Starters Back: 18 (8 off., 9 def., 1 kicker) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 3 /1 2 Key Returnees: Rob Hatch, WOLB, 6-1, 223, SR; Jon Skelton, SILB, 6-2, 224, SR; John Tetrault, QB, 6-1, 202, SR; Corey Widmer, DT, 6-3, 258, JR; Rob Stoltz, FL, 6-3, 205, SR; Steve Perkins, RCB, 5-11, 182, SR; Jason Hakert, DE, 6-4, 245, JR. Last Meeting: 1989 (17-2 UM, @ MSU) Series Record: 52-32-5, UM



@ Southern Utah State @Boise State* Idaho State* @Idaho* Montana State* @Eastern Washington*

3:00 6:00 6:00 1:00 6:00 1:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m .




Date Team

2 S S 9 s 16 s 30 0 7 0 14

Abilene Christian Western New Mexico @ W eber State* @ Eastern Washington* Idaho* @Boise State*


0 21

Montana *

L 14-38

0 28 N 4 N 11 N 18

@Idaho State* @ Akron M ontana State* Nevada*


S S s s s o 0 0 0

42-13 17-21 20-17 14-20 31-41 14-21 20-24 7-52 35-31 45-52

2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28


Montana *

6:00 p.m. MDT

0 20 0 27 N 3 N 10 N 17 *Big Sky

©University of Wyoming Nevada* OPEN @Northern Arizona* @McNeese State Conference game

12:00 p.m . MDT 1:00 p.m. MDT — 3:00 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. CST

T eam D a te Cal-St., Northridge 1 S S 8 @Nevada* Eastern Washington* s 22 Idaho State* s 29 @Montana State* 6 0 Boise State* 13 0 @ M o n ta n a * 0 20 Nicholls State 0 27 @ Idaho* N 3 Weber State* N 10 @Northern Iowa N 17 *Big Sky Conference game


T im e 3:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PDT 3:00 p.m. MST 3:00 p.m. MST 2:00 p.m. MDT 3:00 p.m. MST 1 : 0 0 p.m i. M DT 3:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. PST 3:00 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m. CST


N 4 Montana * N 11

© N orthern Arizona*

D a te S 1 S 8 S 15 S 22 S 29 0 6 0 20 0 27 N 3 N 10 N 17 *Big Sky

T eam @Idaho* @Colorado State Western Illinois Nevada* @Weber State* Northern Arizona* Idaho State* @ M o n ta n a * Boise State* @Eastern Washington* @Tulsa Conference game

17-41 15-10 28-3 51-12 21-23 23-27 7-41 10-37 31-27





1 9 9 0 Schedule

1 9 9 0 Schedule MDT MDT MDT PDT MDT PDT


@Kansas @ Sam Houston State Eastern Washington* New Mexico Highlands @Idaho State* @Nevada* Idaho* @Boise State* Weber State*

T im e 2:00 p.m. MST Noon MST 1:00 p.m. CST 1:00 p.m. MST 7:00 p.m . MST 2:00 p.m. MST 1:00 p.m. MST 1 :0 5 p .m . M ST 1:00 p.m. MST 2:00 p.m. MST Noon MST

Game 9 President: D r. J o e C r o w le y Location: R e n o , N e v a d a Population: 1 0 0 , 7 5 0 Enrollment: 1 0 , 5 0 0 School Colors: S ilv e r & B lu e Stadium: M a c k a y ( 2 0 ,0 0 0 - N a t . G ra ss) Athletic Director: C h r is A u lt Head Coach: C h ris A u lt Alma Mater: N e v a d a ( 1 9 6 8 ) Phone: 7 0 2 - 7 8 4 - 6 8 9 1 Time To Call: 1 0 a . m . - n o o n Assistant Coaches: C h ris A u lt, H C / O f f . C o o r d . ; K e n M iz e ll, D e f . C o o r d .; M ik e B r a d e s o n , D e f . S e c o n d a r y ; P a t R ip p e e , O ff. L in e ; J e ff R a m s e y , R e c .; K e n W ils o n , O L B s ; L a m o n t e W in s t o n , R B s; J im H o u s e , D e f . L in e Athletic Trainer: T o n y M a r e k SID: P a u l S tu a r t SID Phone: 7 0 2 - 7 8 4 - 4 6 0 0 - W ; 7 0 2 - 7 8 6 - 9 0 7 5 - H Conference: B ig S k y 1989 Record: 7 - 4 League Record/Finish: 5 - 3 (T , 3 rd ) Starters Back: 2 0 ( 1 0 o f f ., 1 0 d e f .) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 3 / 1 0 Key Returnees: B e r n a r d E llis o n , C B , 6 - 2 , 1 9 5 , S R ; N e il H u lb e r t, D E , 6 - 3 , 2 5 5 , S R ; R a y W h a le n , F B , 5 - 1 0 , 2 0 0 , S R ; S R ; T r e a m e lle T a y lo r , W R , 5 - 1 0 , 1 7 0 , S R ; F r e d G a tlin , Q B , 6 -2 , 180, S O . Last Meeting: 1 9 8 9 ( 4 0 - 2 2 , U M , @ U M ) Series Record: 4 - 8 - 0 , U N R

President: D r. E lis a b e th Z in se r Location: M o s c o w , I d a h o Population: 1 6 , 6 0 0 Enrollment: 1 2 , 2 0 2 School Colors: S ilv e r & G o ld Stadium: K ib b ie -A S U I D o m e ( 1 6 ,0 0 0 ) Athletic Director: G a r y H u n t e r Head Coach: J o h n L . S m it h Alma Mater: W e b e r S t a t e ( 1 9 7 1 ) Phone: 2 0 8 - 8 8 5 - 0 2 0 0 Time To Call: M o r n in g s A ssistant Coaches: B o b P e t r i n o ,

O ff . C o o r d . / Q B ; C r a ig B r a y , D e f . C o o r d . / D e f . B a c k s ; J im S e n t e r , L in e b a c k e r s ; C h a r lie H a ll, R u n n in g B a c k s; A rt V a le r o , O ff. L in e; N ic k H o lt, D e f . L in e ; M ik e C o x , D e f . T a c k le s ; S c o t t L in e h a n , R e c e iv e r s . Athletic Trainer: B a r r ie S t e e l e SID: R a n e e P u g m ir e SID Phone: 2 0 8 - 8 8 5 - 0 2 1 1-W ; 2 0 8 - 8 8 2 - 4 5 9 2 - H Conference: B ig S k y 1989 Record: 9 - 3 League Record/Finish: 8 - 0 (1 st) Starters Back: 1 4 (5 o f f ., 9 d e f .) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 9 / 1 1 Key Returnees: R o g e r C e c il, L B , 6 - 2 , 2 2 2 , S R ; K a s e y D u n n , W R , 6 - 2 , 2 0 2 , J R ; C h a rlie O liv er, D B , 6 - 1 , 1 8 3 , SR ; J o h n R u st, L B , 6 - 2 , 2 2 8 , SR Last Meeting: 1 9 8 9 ( 3 0 - 2 4 , U I , @ UI) Series Record: 1 9 - 5 0 - 2 , UI


John L. Smith Head Coach

Charlie Oliver Defensive Back

19 8 9 R esults

19 8 9 R esults

(Overall: 9-3; Big Sky: 8-0)

(Overall: 3-7/Big Sky: 2-6)






S o u t h e r n Illin ois @ E a s t e r n W a s h in g to n * C a lif o r n ia -D a v is I d a h o S t a te * M o n t a n a S t a te *



© W a s h i n g t o n S t a te @ P o r t la n d S t a te C al S ta te -S a c r a m e n to @ W e b e r S t a te



W 30-24

4 1 -3 7 -3 3 1 7 -2 4 3 9 -1 0 2 7 -2 3

O 14


L 22-40


W e b e r S t a te * @ Id ah o* B o i s e S t a te * UNLV @ N o r th e r n A r iz o n a *


4 7 -1 5 2 2 -4 2 3 0 -1 4 4 5 -7 5 2 -4 5

19 9 0 Schedule Date



S S S S 0 0 0 0

Northern Arizona* Cal St.-Sacramento @Montana State* Idaho* @Idaho State* Eastern Washington* @UNLV @Weber State*

1:05 1:05 1:00 1:05 2:05 1:05 7:00 1:00

Montana *

1:05 p.m. PDT

8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27

N 3

Jason Whitmer Quarterback

198 9 R esults Date

21 28 4 11 18

Garth Hall Head Coach

(Overall: 7-4/Big Sky: 5-3) S S S S O

2 9 16 23 7

TE; L a n d J a c o b s e n , D ef. C o o r d ./D B ; T o m J o n e s , D L ; A n d y L u d w ig , W R ; D a v e N ic k e l, O L / A d m in . A s s t .; K y le W h itt in g h a m , L B , S p e c ia l T eam s C oord. Athletic Trainer: P h il L u c k e y SID: G le n n A lfo r d SID Phone: 2 0 8 - 2 3 6 - 3 6 5 1 - W ; 2 0 8 - 2 3 3 - 0 5 1 6 - H Conference: B ig S k y 1989 Record: 3 7 League Record/Finish: 2 - 6 (T , 6 th ) Starters Back: 2 0 ( 1 0 o f f ., 1 0 d e f .) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 6 / 1 5 Key Returnees: J a s o n W h itm e r , Q B , 6 - 1 , 2 0 0 , S R ; R e e d P a y n e , O L , 6 - 4 , 2 9 0 , JR ; J o e F u n k , W R , 6 - 0 , 1 6 5 , S R ; B r u c e G iv e n s , D L , 6 - 4 , 2 3 0 , J R ; P e t e M o lin o , T E , 6 - 3 , 2 3 0 , S O ; C h ris S c h r a d e , W R -K R , 5 - 1 0 , 1 7 5 , S R ; T r o y S h ip p en , D B , 6 -1 , 1 7 5 , SR ; R ob V era, FB , 5 -1 0 , 1 9 0 , JR . Last Meeting: 1 9 8 9 ( 3 5 - 2 1 U M , @ U M ) Series Record: 2 1 - 1 1 - 0 , U M

___________ B engals___________


Bernard Ellison Cornerback

President: D r. R ic h a r d L . B o w e n Location: P o c a t e l l o , ID Population: 5 0 , 0 0 0 Enrollment: 8 , 0 2 5 School Colors: O r a n g e & B la c k Stadium: H o lt A r e n a ( 1 2 ,0 0 0 - A s t r o Turf) Athletic Director: R a n d y H o ff m a n Head Coach: G a r th H a ll Alma Mater: U t a h S t a t e ( 1 9 6 7 ) Phone: 2 0 8 - 2 3 6 - 3 3 8 7 Time to Call: 1 1 a . m . - n o o n Assistant Coaches: D a v e C h r is te n s e n , R B ,

Idaho State


W olf Pack

Chris Ault Head Coach

Game 11

Game 10

@Boise State* N 10 N 17 Western Illinois *Big Sky Conference game

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


1:00 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. PDT

2 9 16 23

S 28 O 0 O O N N N %

@ N o r th e r n A r iz o n a 7 14 @ M o n t a n a S t a te * 21 E a s te r n W a s h in g to n * 28 N ev a d a -R en o * 4 @ Id a h o S ta te 18 B o i s e S t a te * 25 % E a s te r n Illin o is N C A A D iv is io n I -A A P la y o ff s

W w w w w w L

7 -4 1 2 0 -2 9 4 5 -3 4 6 -3 3 4 1 -3 1 4 1 -7 4 1 -3 4 4 2 -2 2 4 7 -3 1 2 6 -2 1 2 1 -3 8

1 9 9 0 Schedule Date



S S S S S 0 0 0 0 N

Montana State* © Southw est Texas St. @ Oregon Weber State* @Nevada * Cal State-Chico Idaho State* @Eastern Washington* OPEN Northern Arizona*

1:00 5:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 1:00

1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3

N 10

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


1:00 p.m. PDT Noon PDT

N 17 © B oise State *Big Sky Conference game




N o r t h e r n C o lo r a d o S o u th e r n U ta h S ta te N evada* M o n t a n a S t a te * B o i s e S t a te * E a s te r n W a s h in g to n * N o r t h e r n A r iz o n a * Id a h o *


9 16 23 30 7 14 28 4

1 7 -1 9 3 7 -3 4 1 0 -3 9 2 3 -2 1 7 -2 0 2 6 -4 5 2 4 -2 0 3 1 -4 7

N 11


L 21-35


W e b e r S ta te *



3 5 -4 5

1 9 9 0 Schedule Date



S S S S 0 0 0 0 N N

Southern Utah State @Weber State* Northern Iowa @Northern Arizona* Nevada* @Idaho* @Montana State* Boise State* Eastern Washington* Mesa State

2:05 6:00 6:05 3:00 2:05 2:00 1:00 6:05 6:05 6:05


6:05 p.m. MST

8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10

N 17

*Big Sky Conference game

11:00 a.m. PDT


Date S S S S O O O N

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


â– Coaches Through the YearsCoach (alma mater)


Lt. W.

Year(s) 1897 1898 1899 1900-01 1902 1903-04 1905-06 1907 1908-09 1910-11 1912 1913-14 1915-17 1919-21 1922-23 1924-25 1926-30 1931-34 1935-41 1942 1945 1946-48 1949-51 1952-54 1955-57 1958-63 1964-66 1967-75 1976-79 1980-85 1986-

W 1 3 1 2 0 5 4 4 7 5 4 8 7 9 7 7 18 8 32 0 1 14 12 8 6 14 8 51 16 25 31

L 2 2 2 4 3 7 7 1 2 3 3 4 7 9 8 8 22 22 25 8 4 15 16 18 23 43 20 41 25 37 16

*T 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

Pet. .333 .600 .333 .333 .000 .416 .363 .800 .777 .625 .571 .666 .500 .500 .466 .466 .450 .266 .561 .000 .200 .482 .428 .307 .206 .245 .285 .554 .390 .403 .660

"'Ties not com puted in percentage

The 1 969 Grizzly coaching staff, which w ent 10-0 in the regular season to post the b est ever record at Montana: L-R: Bill Betcher, Wally Brown, head coach Jack Swarthout, Ron Nord and Jack Elway. They are wearing UM blazers, which were worn by the entire team on road trips.

H istory/Statistics

M ike R a n k in

■Big Sky ConferenceT he Big Sky Athletic C o n feren ce is currently in its 28th seaso n of o p eratio n with cham pionships being co n d u cted in 12 sports including m en ’s an d w o m en ’s cross country, basket­ ball, ind o o r track an d field, tennis, o u td o o r track an d field, w o m en ’s volleyball an d m e n ’s football. T he Big Sky C o n ­ feren ce h as nin e m em b er institutions an d is affiliated with N CA A Division I in all sports. In football th e league com petes in Division 1-AA. T he 1988-89 athletic season in the Big Sky C onference was th e first in w hich th e league will sp o n so r cham pionship co m ­ petition in w o m e n ’s sports. O n July 1, 1 988, th e M ountain W est Athletic C o n feren ce, located in C h e n ey , W ashington, m erg ed with th e Big Sky, m oving an d com bining office staffs in Boise, Id ah o . T he M ountain W est C o n feren ce h ad b een in existence since 1982. T he Big Sky C o n feren ce consists of Boise S tate University, Boise, Idaho; E astern W ashington University, C h en ey , W ashington; University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho; Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho; University of M ontana, Missoula, M ontana; M o n tan a S tate U niversity, B ozem an, M ontana; University of N ev ad a, R en o , N evada; N orthern Arizona University, Flagstaff, A rizona; an d W eber S tate C ollege, O g d en, U tah. F o rm ed in 1 9 63, th e Big Sky C o n feren ce co n ­ sisted of ch arter m em b ers Id ah o , Idaho S tate, G onzaga (Spokane, W ashington), M ontana, M ontana S tate and W eber S tate. Boise S tate an d N orthern A rizona joinned th e league Ju ly 1, 1 970, in th e Big S ky’s first ex p an sio n . N evada-R eno w as adm itted to th e league Ju ly 1, 1979, replacing form er ch arter m em b er G onzaga. O n July 1, 1987, E astern W ashington b ecam e th e Big S k y ’s ninth m em ber. W hen all nine m em bers of th e M ountain W est C onference an d Big Sky C onference w ere parallel the w ay was p aved to m erge the two leagues.

The Big Sky Conference has m em ber institutions in six states an d covers m ore than 2 2 0 ,0 0 0 square miles (or alm ost 1 / 12th th e total square miles in th e continental U nited S ta te s). T he six states included in th e Big Sky C onference (Arizona, Idaho, M ontana, N evada, Utah and W ashington) span from the C a n a­ dian to M exican borders. T he Big Sky C o n feren ce is o n e of tw o m ajor conferences located in the Rocky M ountain region. T he nam e BIG SKY originated in a novel authored in 1947, by A. B. (Bud) G uthrie, of G reat Falls, M ontana, entitled THE BIG SKY. Jack Hollowell, form er M ontana Advertising Direc­ tor, prom oted th e Big Sky th em e for the T reasure S tate. Harry Missildine, of the S pokane SPOKESM AN-REVIEW , called for th e C onference to be n am ed “T he Big Sky C o n feren ce” in his colum n of F ebruary 20, 1963. O n February 25, 1963, the C o n ference n a m e w as ad o p te d by the p residents of the n ew ­ ly form ed league during a m eeting in S p o k a n e , W ashington. R on S te p h e n so n is th e current C o n ference C om m issioner, taking over the post July 1, 1981, from Steve Belko, w ho had served since 1977. Jo h n Roning was the league’s second C om ­ m issioner, serving from 1971 until 1977. Ja c k Friel w as the Big S ky’s first C om m issioner, serving from 19 6 3 to 1971. Dr. S haron H olm berg currently serves as C o-C om m issioner of th e Big Sky C onference after guiding th e M ountain W est Athletic C onference from its beginning in 1982 until its m erger with th e Big Sky in 1988.

Ron Stephenson C om m issioner

A rnie Sgalio serves as the Big S ky’s Inform ation D irector, an d is beginning his 12th y ear in th at position. Art M endini is in his third year with the Big Sky as the league’s first full-time Supervisor of Officials while Kay Johnson is in her third year as th e C o n feren ce A dm inistrative A s­ sistant.

Arnie Sgalio Inform ation Director

P ast Champs, Runnersup 1977—Boise State (6-0) 1978—Northern Arizona (6-1) 1979—Montana State (6-1) 1980—Boise State (6-1) 1981—Idaho State, BSU (6-1) 1982—MONTANA (5-2) 1983—Nevada-Reno (6-1) 1984—Montana State (6-1) 1985—Idaho (6-1) 1986—Reno (7-0) 1987—Idaho (7-1) 1988—Idaho (7-1) 1989—Idaho (8-0)

Montana State (2-1) Idaho State (2-1)

1963—Idaho State (3-1) 1964—Montana State (3-0) 1965—Weber State, Idaho (3-1) 1966—Montana State (4-0) 1967—Montana State (4-0) 1968—Weber, Idaho, MSU (3-1) 1969—MONTANA (4-0) 1970—MONTANA (6-0) 1971—Idaho (4-1) 1972—Montana State (5-1) 1973—Boise State (6-0) 1974—Boise State (6-0) 1975—Boise State (5-0-1) 1976—Montana State (6-0)

Montana (2-2) Idaho (3-1) UM, WSC, UI (2-2) Weber State (3-1) Idaho State (4-2) Boise State (4-2) Idaho State (4-1) Montana State (5-1) Montana State (4-2) ISU, MSU (4-2) Idaho (5-1)

Northern Arizona (5-1) UM, MSU (4-2) Nevada-Reno (5-2) Idaho (4-3)

Montana (5-2) UI, MSU (5-2) Idaho State (5-2) Nevada-Reno (5-2) Nevada-Reno (6-1) NAU, Idaho (5-2) Weber State (7-1)

Montana (6-2) Montana (7-1)

1989 Big Sky Standings Big Sky G am es Pet. W L T Idaho!





P F -A V G .

P A -A V G .

3 1 4 -3 9 .3

2 0 3 -2 5 .4

Overall G am es Pet. T L W 9


P F -A V G .


4 0 7 -3 3 .9

3 1 4 -2 6 .2

4 4 8 -3 2 .0

2 8 3 -2 0 .2

3 4 9 -3 1 .7 2 6 1 -2 3 .7 2 5 5 -2 5 .5 2 5 9 -2 3 .5 2 3 1 -2 3 .1 2 3 6 -2 1 .5 2 8 6 -2 6 .0

2 5 6 -2 3 .3 2 4 5 -2 2 .3 2 6 4 -2 6 .4 3 3 0 -3 0 .0 3 2 5 - 3 2 .5 2 7 3 -2 4 .8 3 0 1 -2 7 .4

M ontana®





2 5 5 —3 1.9

1 2 4 -1 5 .5




.7 8 6

Nevada Boise State Eastern Wash. Northern Ariz. Idaho State Montana State Weber State

5 5 4 2 2 2 1

3 3 4 6 6 6 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.625 .625 .500 .250 .250 .250 .125

2 4 6 -3 0 .8 1 9 4 -2 4 .3 1 9 8 -2 4 .8 1 9 3 -2 4 .1 1 7 7 -2 2 .1 1 5 3 -1 9 .1 1 7 7 -2 2 .1

2 1 8 -2 7 .3 1 7 9 -2 2 .4 1 7 5 -2 1 .9 2 4 4 -3 0 .5 2 7 2 -3 4 .0 2 1 0 -2 6 .3 2 7 3 -3 4 .1

7 6 4 3 3 4 3

4 5 6 8 7 7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.636 .545 .400 .273 .300 .363 .273

!Clinched Big Sky Championship and automatic berth into NCAA Division 1-AA Collegiate Football Championship. @Received at-large berth into NCAA Division 1-AA Collegiate Football Championships.


P A -A V G .


■1989 Big Sky StatsT eam S ta ts (Parenthesis) indicate 1-AA ranking TOTAL O FF E N SE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9

T eam Idaho (1) Nevada-Reno (9) M o n ta n a (1 5 ) Weber St. (19) Northern Ariz. (27) Boise St. Idaho St. Montana St. Eastern Wash.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Montana St. (20) Nevada-Reno (29) Northern Ariz. Eastern Wash. Idaho M o n ta n a Boise St. Weber St. Idaho St.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Idaho (1) M o n ta n a (4) Weber St. (5) Idaho St. (12) N evada-Reno (13) Boise St. (17) No. Ariz. (18) Eastern Wash. Montana St.




8 46 8 05 859 851 836 831 803 743 696


11 11 11 11 10 11 10

4533 4441 4280 3990 3483 3526 3128

P la y A vg. 6 .4 6.0 5 .3 5 .2 5.1 4 .8 4 .3 4.7 4 .5

TD * 50 43 41 35 31 31 25 31 27

G am e A vg. 49 5 .9 1 4 3 7 .1 8 4 1 2 .0 9 4 0 3 .7 3 38 9 .0 9 36 2 .7 3 34 8 .3 0 32 0 .5 5 31 2 .8 0

P la y A vg. 4.1 4.3 3.7 3 .3 3.3 3 .0 3.0 3.0 2.2

TD 23 21 17 13 18 20 12 15 8

G am e A vg. 2 06.6 174.7 142.9 1 27.8 121.6 1 1 2 .0 107.8 106.9 77 .6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Boise St. (30) Montana St. Northern Ariz. M o n ta n a Nevada-Reno Weber St. Idaho Eastern Wash. Idaho St.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam M o n ta n a (1) Boise St. (2) Idaho (21) Montana St. (22) Northern Ariz. (29) Eastern Wash. Nevada-Reno Weber St. Idaho St.


11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10


551 443 429 388 401 414 3 99 3 86 3 55

11 11 10


11 11

11 10

2273 1922 1572 1278 1338 1232 1186 1176 776

G 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 10

P A S S IN G O F F E N SE G 11 11 11

A tt-C m p -I n t 445-2 6 9 - 9 4 4 5 -2 6 5 -1 8 4 6 5 -2 4 7 -2 4 4 4 8 -2 4 8 -1 6 362-1 9 9 -1 7 4 3 2 -2 0 9 -3 0 40 7 -2 2 6 -1 3 3 0 8 -151-10 192- 91-13

G am e A vg. 37 4 .3 3 0 0 .1 29 6 .8 270.7 26 2 .5 25 4 .9 24 6 .2 185.0 113.9

TD 32 21 20 17 22 19 14 14 8

Y d s. 4 117 3301 3 265 2707 2887 2 804 2 708 1850 1253

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

G am e A vg. 3 2 4 .8 3 45.7 35 3 .8 3 5 4 .6 37 2 .5 380.7 396.1 40 8 .0 4 2 4 .6

TD 25 34 38 24 29 33 31 36 41

P la y s 392 419 403 432 444 438 459 479 428

Y ards 772 945 1404 1409 1520 1433 1645 1772 1724

P la y A vg. 2 .0 2.3 3 .5 3 .3 3 .4 3.3 3 .6 3.7 4 .0

G am e A vg. 7 0 .2 85 .9 127.6 128.1 138.2 143.3 149.5 161.1 172.4

TD 7 10 18 17 18 17 20 13 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam M o n ta n a (2 6 ) Boise St. Nevada-Reno Montana St. Idaho Eastern Wash. Weber St. Northern Ariz. Idaho St.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Eastern Wash. (2) Nevada-Reno (5) M o n ta n a (9) Boise St. (17) Idaho St. (23) Weber St. (31) Northern Ariz. Montana St. Idaho

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam M o n ta n a (2) Eastern Wash. (19) Montana St. (20) Weber St. (21) Idaho St. (22) Northern Ariz. Idaho Boise St. Nevada-Reno

S C O R IN G O F F E N S E A vg. P ts. TD G 11 386 3 5.1 50 363 3 3 .0 47 11 31.7 11 349 45 286 2 6 .0 36 11 31 10 255 25.5 11 261 2 3.7 33 32 11 259 23 .5 10 231 23.1 27 236 31 11 21.5 S C O R IN G D E F E N S E P ts. A vg. G 212 1 9 .3 11 22.3 11 245 ' 11 256 23.3 273 24.8 11 11 276 25.1 10 264 2 6 .4 27 .4 11 301 330 11 3 0 .0 10 325 3 2 .5 PUNT RETURNS N o. G 21 10 26 11 27 11 11 46 10 28 21 11 11 16 11 26 11 25

11 147 11 160 10 133 11 168 10 151 10121 11 131 10 102 11 7 5

773 738 638 676 554 551 565 492 343

5 .3 4 .6 4 .8 4 .0 3.7 4 .6 4.3 4 .8 4 .6

7 0.27 67 .0 9 4 6 3 .8 0 8 61 .4 5 3 5 5 .4 0 8 5 5 .1 0 5 51 .3 6 7 4 9 .2 0 6 3 1 .1 8

Y d s. 1047 1101 1168 1033 588 830 552 710 535 539

TD 6 10 10 8 4 3 6 2 6 3


11 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 11

A tt-C m p -In t 326-167-16 357-200-12 374-186-20 369-216-16 393-199-16 297-173-10 3 27-168-25 424-253-17 4 6 7 -2 2 7 -2 6

P e t. 5 1 .2 5 6 .0 4 9 .7 5 8 .5 5 0 .6 5 8 .2 5 1 .4 5 9 .7 4 8 .6

Y d s. 2372 2394 2416 2452 2628 2522 2647 2953 3129

TD 20 17 20 9 15 22 19 13 17

N o te - A player must play in at least 75 % of his team ’s gam es a n d /o r m eet the minimum requirements of a particular category. (Parenthesis) indicate 1-AA ranking PU N T RETU R N S (M in. 1 .2 r e t u r n s p e r g a m e )

R E C E IV IN G G CT 11 92 11 73 11 64 11 64 11 6 0 11 52 10 43 11 4 6 11 43 9 34

T eam Northern Ariz. Montana St. Weber St. Nevada-Reno Boise St. Idaho St. Eastern Wash. Idaho M o n ta n a

CPG 8.3 6 6 .6 4 5.8 2 5.8 2 5 .4 5 4.7 3 4.3 0 4 .1 8 3.91 3.7 8

N o.

Y d s.


A vg.

1 Treamelle Taylor, N ev.-R eno (3)





2 S h a n n o n C a b u n o c , M o n ta n a (1 7 )




9 .3 6

3 Kenny Kuehl, Boise St. (26)




8.8 9

4 Melvin Maxwell, Weber St. (29)




8.6 7

5 Lee Allen, Idaho




8.1 3

6 Mike Marks, Idaho St.





N o.

Y d s.


A t t.

C m p.

P et.

1 John Friesz, Idaho (2)




6 1 .1 8

KXP 14 24 27 24 27 31 31 42 38

FG 12 19 11 9 11 5 12 10 11

SF 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1

Y d s. 270 294 282 447 263 182 132 213 189

TD 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0

A vg. 12.9 11.3 1 0 .4 9 .7 9 .4 8 .7 8 .3 8 .2 7 .6

N o. R e t. 13 30 27 31 11 26 31 21 26

A vg. 4 0 .6 37.7 38 .8 4 1 .3 36.7 39 .5 41 .0 34 .2 36 .0

Punt°s 57 67 64 59 67 65 53 63 47

Y d s. R e t. I ll 148 220 35 8 107 35 0 43 2 114 236

N et A vg. 3 8 .6 3 5 .5 3 5 .3 3 5 .3 35 .1 3 4.1 3 2 .9 3 2 .4 3 0 .9

S C O R IN G N am e





1 Thayne Doyle, Idaho (21)






2 Jason Cromer, E. Wash. (23)






6 .7 0

3 K irk D u c e , M o n ta n a (2 4 )






6 .6 4




3 Kevin McKelvie, N-Reno (24)


P ts.


A ve. 6 .7 3

6 .6 4

5 Chris Thomas, Boise St. (27)






6 .5 5

6 J o d y F a r m e r , M o n ta n a






6 .0 0

7 Matt Bombard, Idaho St.






5 .9 0

8 Kasey Dunn, Idaho






5 .6 4

9 Mike Black, Boise St.






5.5 5

9 Micky Penaflor, N.Ariz.






5.5 5


N o.

Y d s.




I N T E R C E P T IO N S N am e 1 Mike Babb, Weber St. (1)

T D IP G 1


2 Kurt Schulz, Eastern Wash. (3)






3 T im H a u c k , M o n t a n a (9)





.6 4

3 Charlie Oliver, Idaho (9)






5 Jason Elliott, E. Wash. (25)






6 G a le n L a w to n , M o n ta n a





.4 5






1 Dominic Corr, E. Wash. (15)




2 3 .7 4

2 S h a n n o n C a b u n o c , M o n t. (3 0 )




2 1 .8 2

3 Sean Hill, Montana St.




2 1 .5 4

4 Chris Schrade, Idaho St.




21 .0 5

(M in. 3 . 6 p u n ts p e r g a m e )

N o.

A vg.


5 Maurice Jackson, Weber St.





1 Brent Chuhaniuk, Weber St. (2)


4 2 .0 3


2 43 8

6 Robby Washington, Boise St>





2 J o d y F a r m e r , M o n ta n a (3)


4 1 .7 6



7 Don Jordan, Idaho


3 38



3 Joe Carrasco, Idaho (4)


4 1 .7 5


2 171

4 Darren Svendsen, Mont. St. (21)


3 9 .4 0



5 Micky Penaflor, No. Ariz. (24)


3 9 .0 0



C m p. G

SF 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 2

6 William Duckett, Nevada-Reno

P A S S I N G E F F IC IE N C Y (M in . 1 5 a t t . p e r g a m e )

FG 12 12 12 12 13 11 10 13 7

A vg.

K IC K O F F R E T U R N S (M in. 1 -2 r e t u r n s p e r g a m e )

TD 25 27 32 36 34 36 38 43 42

KXP 38 37 37 26 28 28 31 20 25

N E T P U N T IN G G am e A vg. 21 5 .6 21 7 .6 21 9 .6 22 2 .9 238.9 252.2 2 64.7 26 8 .5 2 8 4 .5

1989 Big Sky Individual Statistics

Y d s. PG 8 8 .4 4 8 1 .3 6

G C ar. Y d s. A vg. TD 9 181 796 4 .4 5 11 208 895 4 .3

Nam e 1 Peter Macon, Weber St. (1) 2 Kasey Dunn, Idaho (5) 3 Lee Allen, Idaho (9) 3 Treamelle Taylor, N ev.-R eno (9) 5 M a tt C la r k , M o n ta n a (1 7 ) 6 Winky White, Boise St. (27) 7 Joe Funk, Idaho St. 8 M ik e T r e v a t h a n , M o n ta n a 9 Ricky Hill, Boise St. 10 Jamie Buenzli, Eastern Wash.

P la y A vg. 4 .4 4 .8 5.1 4 .5 4 .9 4 .9 5 .3 5 .3 5 .9

T eam Idaho (6) M o n ta n a (9) Nevada-Reno (13) Weber St. (26) Eastern Wash. (30) Boise St. Northern Ariz. Idaho St. Montana St.


P e t. 6 0 .4 5 9 .6 53 .1 5 5 .4 5 5 .0 4 8 .4 5 5 .5 4 9 .0 4 7 .4

R U S H IN G N am e 1 Dominic Corr, Eastern Wash. (22) 2 Chris Thomas, Boise St. (29) 3 George Jackson, Weber St. 4 Ray Whalen, N evada-Reno 5 Jason Frierson, N evada-Reno 6 Damon Daniels, Idaho 7 Rob Vera, Idaho St. 8 J o d y F a r m e r , M o n ta n a 9 Geoff Mitchell, Weber St. 10 Devon Pearce, Idaho 1 7 T o n y R ic e , M o n ta n a

3573 3803 3892 3901 4097 4188 4357 4080 4246




812 789 770 860 828 853 827 765 725

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



3 8 .2 7




3 7 .2 9




3 3 .4 2




R a tin g

P et.

Y d s.

A tt.


P e t.

P o in t s

8 Darrin Lyle, Boise St.





7.2 9


Y d s/

Y d s.

6 Brian Boesel, E. Wash. (30)


In t. In t.


Duffy Daugherty, Idaho St.

2 Fred Gatlin, Nevada-Reno (22)




5 5 .8 4


3.9 0


8.1 9




3 G r a d y B e n n e t t , M o n ta n a )1 4 )




6 0 .3 9


3 .4 2


7 .5 6


4 .8 9

1 3 3 .2




5 5 .7 4




6.4 5


3.9 3


1 Matt Bombard, Idaho St. (4)





FgPg 1.30

5 Greg Wyatt, Northern Ariz.




5 5 .5 6




6.6 2


3.4 6


1 Jason Cromer, E. W ash. (4)






6 Mike Virden, Boise St.




4 9 .4 9


6.7 8


7.1 6


6.1 0


3 Kevin McKelvie, N-Reno (11)






7 John Tetrault, Montana St.




45 .5 1


6.5 9


5.9 6


3.5 9


3 Thayne Doyle, Idaho (11)






3 K irk D u c e , M o n ta n a (1 1 )




.5 4 5

1 .0 9


4 Jason Whitmer, Idaho St. (34)

F IE L D G O A L S N am e


6 Mike Black, Boise St. (19) TOTAL O FFE N SE R u s h in g N am e


C ar

1 John Friesz, Idaho (1)




G r a d y B e n n e t t , M o n ta n a (5)

G a in

P a s s in g

T o ta l O f f e n s e

L oss

N et

A tt


P la y s




Y dPl








8 .3 0


35 0 .2 7






7 Micky Penaflor, N.Ariz. (25)











9 Brent Chuhaniuk, Weber St.






A L L -P U R P O S E R U N N E R S Name









6 .1 8


2 9 8 .2 7










7.1 3



1 Dominic Corr, Eastern Wash. (1)

4 Greg Wyatt, Northern Ariz. (19)






4 05

2 Treamelle Taylor, Nevada-Reno (16)











5 Jason Whitmer, Idaho St. (20) 6 Mike Virden, Boise St. (24) 7 John Tetrault, Montana St. 8 Dominic Corr, Eastern Wash. 9 Chris Thomas, Boise St. 10 George Jackson, Weber St.




5.4 0


22 7.27





36 8


4.9 3





6.2 5



P e t.

8 Jay Judy, Montana St.

3 Fred Gatlin, N evada-Reno (15)


















Rec. 1033



Yds. YdsPg 1548






3 Chris Thomas, Boise St. (23)










4 Lee Allen, Idaho










5 Kasey Dunn, Idaho









15.08 11.38








4.6 9












4.4 0


88 .4 4

6 Peter Macon, Weber St.


















4.2 8


8 1.36

8 Jody Farmer, Montana


















5.2 6



9 David Lang, Northern Ariz.










10 David Jackson, Idaho











*Touchdowns-responsible-for are players TDs scored and passed for.



■1989 Grizzly StatisticsReceiving

Team S tatistics UM


FirstDowns(Rush-Pass-Penalty).................. 230 200 RushingAttempts.............................. 414 392 RushingYardsGained.......................... 1721 1217 RushingYardsLost............................. 489 445 NETRUSHINGYARDAGE....................... 1232 772 YardsPerRush................................ 3.0 2.0 RushingYardsPerGame........................ 112.0 70.2 ............. 445 467 PassesAttempted......... ............. 265 227 PassesCompleted......... 26 18 PassesHadIntercepted..... ....................596 .486 PassCompletionPercentage.. ............. 3301 3129 NETYARDSPASSING.... ............. 7.4 6.7 YardsPerPassAttempt.... ............. 12.5 13.8 YardsPerPassCompletion... PassingYardsPerGame........................ 300.1 284.5 859 TotalPlays............ 78.1 78.1 TotalPlaysPerGame.. 4533 3901 TOTALNETYARDS... 5.3 4.5 YardsGainedPerPlay.... 412.1 354.6 YardsGainedPerGame.. KickoffReturns/KickoffReturnYards 40/819 61/1008 AverageYardagePerKickoffReturn 20.5 16.5 KickoffReturnsPerGame 3.6 5.6 PuntReturns/PuntReturnYards 26/282 13/111 AverageYardagePerPuntReturn 10.9 8.5 PuntReturnsPerGame 2.4 1.2 InterceptionReturns/InterceptionReturnYards 26/297 18/194 AverageYardagePerInterceptionReturn 11.4 10.8 AverageInterceptionsPerGame 2.4 1.6 Punts/Total PuntYardage 57/2314 74/2458 AverageYardsPerPunt 40.6 33.2 AverageNumberofPuntsPerGame 5.2 6.7 Fumbles/FumblesLost 21/12 31/17 Penalties/YardsPenalized 79/699 94/862 AverageYardsPerPenalty 8.9 9.2 PenaltiesPerGame/YardsPenalizedPerGame 7.2/63.6 8.6/78.4 2PointSafety/1PointSafety 1/0 4/0 3rdDownConversionsAttempts/Made............ 176/69








11/11 11/11 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/0 9/0 8/3 11/0

60 46 35 32 24 23 18 10 17

588 710 511 221 348 187 290 147 301

9.8 15.4 14.6 6.9 14.5 8.1 16.1 14.7 17.1

53.5 64.6 51.1 22.1 34.8 18.7 32.2 18.4 27.4

4 2 3 2 4 0 3 0 3

5.5 4.2 3.5 3.2 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.3 1.5

11/11 11/11

265 227

3303 3119

12.5 13.7

300.3 283.6

Duce.. Montana Opponents...

2 - 2- 1.00 11 11

2 - 2 - 1.00

0 - 0 - .00

20-29 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

30-39 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

40-49 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

Over 50 FGA-FGM/Pct

—Total— FGA-FGM/Pct





8-6.75 6-4.67

7-3.43 4-3.75

5-1-.20 5-4-.80

0-0-.00 0-0-.00 1-1-1.00

GradyBennett .. JodyFarmer..... TonyRice.......




Bennett 11/11 409 247.604 14 3091 20 133.2 60 Lebo........ 7/0 35 18.514 4 210 1 88.4 74 Sulser....... 9/0 1 0.000 0 0 0 .0 0 M ontana......11/11 445 265 .596 Opponents.. 11/11 467 227 .486

M ontana......................................................... Opponents................................ .....................

11/11 419


11/11 461


Farmer....... Duce......... Montana........ Opponents....

46 1921 41,8 11 393 35.7

19 4

57 74

2314 2458

40.6 33.2

23 16

78 48 —

Rushing G-GS

JodyFarmer.. 10/8 TonyRice.... 8/3 GradyBennett....11/11 RickGillie.... .. 8/1 BryanTripp... 11/10 JimKostecki.. 8/0 BradLebo.... 7/0 Others....... .. 11/0 Montana........... Opponent.........


... 11/11

Att. Gain Loss

121 75 122 35 1 29 15 29

592 353 486 119 63 78 4 30

414 1721 392 1217

41 10 296 7 0 20 78 78 489 445



1232-3.0 772-2.0

20 7

551-4.6 343-4.6 190-1.6 112-3.2 63-3.0 58-2.0 -74-4.9 -48-1.7

8 6 5 0 0 0 0 1


55.1 42.9 17.3 14.0 5.7 7.3 -10.6 -4.4 -

Passin g Cmp Eff. Long G-S Att. Cmp. Pet. Int. Yds. TDs Rtng Pass

18 3301 26 3129

21 17

129.4 105.8 -


1 1.1 0 1.1

22-12.55 16-12.75

41 41





3091 20 0 0 0 0


531 121 75


3281 551 343

Yds Game

298.3 55.1 42.9


25 8 6


D efensive Statistics 11/11 10/9 11/10 11/10 11/9 9/2 11/0 11/10 11/11 11/8 10/1 10/6 11/11 11/1 11/11 10/0 7/0 11/3 10/0 5/5 3/0 6/0 9/0 2/2 1/1 5/0 9/0 5/0 3/0 4/0 11/11

Inside Avg. Opp. 20 Long


122 486 296 190 5 409 247 121 592 41 551 8 0 0 75 353 10 343 6 0 0





Total O ffense -R ushing Y a rd s Gain Loss Net

Player, Position


21 17

Field G oals 1-19 Yards! ct

TimHauck.................... .................... M ikeRankin................... ........... M ichael McGowan.............. ........... BryanTripp............................... GalenLawton.................. ........... SteveCollins.................. ........... GreggSmerker................ ........... ThadHuse.................... ........... M arcusBowen................. .................... KirkM urphy................... ........... JoeKalafat.................... ........... KevinM orris................... ........... NelsKludt..................... .................... KyleM irich.................... ........... DanEdwards.................. .................... AlexHunter................... ........... JonDavidson.................. ........... W adeThoemmes.............. ........... BrittFred................................. DwayneHans.................. ........... TonyLongin................... ........... SeanDorris.................... ........... GregFerguson................. ........... BroyceBatchan................ ........... PaulLeProwse................. ........... KellyM cCallum................ ........... M arkSulser.................... ........... TroyFranks.................... ........... DonGraves.................... ........... ChadLembke.................. ........... Others........................ ....................




64 35 40 27 30 22 11 13 18 11 17 14 13 8 10 6 6 8 2 9 6 4 2 4 3 2 1 2 3 2 26








3 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5

3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



6 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 1

0-0 5-52 4-22 5-47 1-1 2-16 1-6 1-3 0-0 3-19 4-36 0-0 2-8 0-0 2-4 0-0 0-0 4-30 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-7 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 3-22

4-14 5-18 4-11

















65 129 55 90 42 82 43 70 27 57 18 40 24 35 21 34 14 32 20 31 14 31 16 30 17 30 13 21 10 20 13 19 10 16 7 15 12 14 2 11 4 10 5 9 6 8 4 8 4 7 4 6 4 5 5 3 5 2 5 3 10 15

6-21 6-12 2-12 9-28 1-5 4-13 2-10 1-4 1-10


R esults/R ecords-

Ninety years ago. The Grizzly football team in 1900: back row, L-R, Charles Allard, Leo Greenough, Harold Blake, Coach Frank Bean, Herbert H ughes, Ray W alters. Middle, L-R: Arthur W estby, Harry P olleys, Homer McDonald, Joe Buckhouse, King Garlington. Front, L-R: Walter Hay, Wiliam Craig, Claude Marceyes, George Farrell. M issoula’s popula­ tion w as 5 ,0 0 0 at the tim e and football w as the only varsity sport. In 1902-03 the university began basketball, baseball and track programs.


Sh ann on

■Season-by-Season Results-

IT M 1898 n U M ..................................................O p p . 5 H e le n a A th . C lu b .............. 6 0 A n a c o n d a A th . C lu b .........1 8 6 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 0 1 6 M on ta n a S t a t e ..................... 0 (2 -2 )


52 0 3 42 24 15

Ft. S h a w I n d ia n s 0 @ M ont. S c h l. M in e s .... 0 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e 0 Fort M is s o u la ....................... 0 M on t. S c h l. M in e s 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 5 (6 -0 -1 )

UM 8 0 3 5 3 10

1 9 1 0 O pp. M ont. S c h l. M in e s 0 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e 0 U ta h S t a t e ............................ 5 @ G o n z a g a ............................ 17 @ M ont. S c h l. M in e s .... 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 0 (3 -2 -1 )


U M .................................................. O p p . 1 2 A n a c o n d a A th . C lu b ....... 5 0 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 3 8 0 M on ta n a S t a t e ..................... 5 (1 -2 )

rUt.Mi .................................................. 1900 nO p p . 1 1 M o n ta n a S t a t e .......................1 2 (0-1 )

1901 U M .................................................. O pp. L o st Ft. S h a w n I n d n ...........W o n L o st B u tte A th . C lu b ..........W o n W o n Fort M is s o u la .................L o st 26 Fort M is s o u la ................... 0 0 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e .......... 3 1 (2-3 ) 1992 U M .................................................. O pp. 0 M ont. S c h l. M in e s .............. 16 0 M on ta n a S t a t e ...................... 3 8 (0 -2 )

m 1903 n Um M .................................................. Opp. 3 2 Fort M is s o u la ........................ 0 11 Fort M is s o u la ........................ 0 0 M ont. S c h l. M in e s .............. 1 9 0 @ M ont. S c h l. M i n e s . .. . 2 3 0 @ I d a h o .................................... 2 8 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e ......... 3 2 6 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ................ 1 3 (2-5 )

1911 n ...............................................O pp. @ M ont. S c h l. M in e s .... 0 U ta h S t a t e ....................... 8 P o is o n I n d e p e n d e n t s . 6 (2 -1 )

UM 28 7 0 3 39 18 9

................. 1 9 1 2 ................ O p p . M isso u la H ig h ............... 0 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e . 0 @ U tah S t a t e ...........17 @ U t a h ........................ 1 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 3 @ G o n z a g a ................. 6 @ W illa m e tte ...........3 0 (4 -3 )

UM 9 7 7 20 7 0

................. 1 9 1 3 O pp. @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e ........ 3 4 U tah S t a t e ....................... 9 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ....... 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 0 @ G o n z a g a ................1 6 @ W hitm an C o l l e g e 3 5 (3 -4 )

UM 87 10 0 32 26 13 19

1914 np p . ..................................................O B u tte R a m b le r s ......................0 W a sh in g to n S t a t e ............ 0 @ I d a h o ................................... 0 U ta h S t a t e ............................ 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 9 N orth D a k o ta S t a t e ......... 0 @ G o n z a g a .......................... 0 (6 -0 -1 )

1913 n pp. U M ..................................................O 1 5 I d a h o .......................................... 3 7 @ S o u th D a k o ta ....1 0 10 @ N orth D a k o t a .......1 0 7 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 2 7 5 0 B u tte C e n t e r v ille s .............. 0 6 S y r a c u s e ................................... 6 (2 -2 -2 ) .

1904 nO p p . U M .................................................. 1 0 Fort M is s o u la ........................ 0 0 @ U t a h .......................................17 5 @ U tah S t a t e ....................... 0 5 W a sh in g to n S t a t e .............. 6 7 9 M on ta n a S t a t e ................... 0 (3 -2 )

UM 12 0 28


U M ...................1 8 9 7 ..............O p p . 0 T h e “T igers” .......................... 0 0 T h e “T igers” .......................... 0 0 T h e “T ig ers” .......................... 0 4 B u tte B u s. C o l l e g e 20 1 8 M o n ta n a S t a t e ..................... 6 1 0 @ B u tte B u s. C o l l e g e ... 2 6 ( 1 -2 -3 )

UM 32 0 11 0 6 0

UM 62 28 0 12 12 0

UM 0 8 4 0

1906 ..................................................O pp. F t.S h a w I n d ia n s ................ 6 W a sh in g to n S t a t e 5 S p o k a n e A th . C lu b ......... 0 @ U t a h .................................... 4 2 @ U tah S t a t e ....................... 16 E x -C o lle g ia n s ....................... 6 (2 -4 ) ................... 1 9 0 7 .............O p p . M o n ta n a W e s le y a n 0 Ft. S h a w I n d ia n s .............. 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e ....... 3 8 M ont. S c h l. M in e s 0 S p o k a n e A th . C lu b ......... 0 @ M ont. S c h l. M in e s .... 0 (4 -1 -1 )

1908 n .................................................. O pp. M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 0 M ont. S c h l. M in e s 5 @ M ont. S c h l. M in s 5 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............. 5 (1 -2 -1 )

T T1U 1909 n U M .................................................. O p p . 33

M issoula H ig h ....................... 0

U M ................. 1 9 1 6 O pp. 11 @ S o u th D a k o ta ..... 0 20 @ G o n z a g a ................. 0 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 2 7 1 7 W h itm a n C o l l e g e ................ 0 6 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e . 6 20 @ I d a h o ......................... 1 3 (4 -1 -1 ) .

TI M .................................................. 1 9 0 5 nO p p . UM 0 U t a h ............................................ 4 2 0 @ W h itm an C o l l e g e 5 6 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e .........2 8 2 3 U tah S t a t e .............................. 0 8 8 Ft. S h a w I n d ia n s ................ 0 (2 -3 )

UM 6 3 9 0 3

1917 np p . ..................................................O U ta h S t a t e ............................. 2 1 @ W h itm a n C o l l e g e ........1 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 7 @ W a sh in g to n S t .............. 2 8 I d a h o ......................................... 1 4 (1 -4 )

1918 — n o tea m — UM 26 0 28 6 0 6 14

.... .......... 1 9 1 ? opp. M o n ta n a W e s le y a n ......... 7 @ U tah S t a t e ...................... 4 7 M ont. S c h l. M in e s .......... 6 W h itm a n C o l l e g e .............. 6 @ I d a h o ................................. 7 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............. 6 W a sh in g to n S t a t e ............. 4 2 (2 -3 -2 )

U M ................. 1 ? 2 Q O pp. 1 3 3 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s .......... 0 1 8 @ W a s h in g to n ................. 1 4

34 0 7 28 7

M o n ta n a W e s le y a n ....... 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e .. 3 1 @ W h itm a n C o lle g e ... 13 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................. 0 I d a h o ......................................2 0 (4 -3 )

U M ................. 1 9 2 1 ...............O p p . 2 5 Id a h o T e c h ............................ 0 7 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 8 6 W h itm an C o lle g e .................1 4 7 @ I d a h o ................................... 3 5 1 4 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 7 7 N orth D a k o ta S t a t e .......... 6 G o n z a g a ......... 0 0 (3 -3 -1 )

1922 np p . U M ..................................................O 0 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 6 3 7 M o n ta n a W e s le y a n .......... 0 1 5 Id a h o T e c h ..............................12 6 @ G o n z a g a ............................ 3 7 7 M o n ta n a S t a t e ..................... 6 0 W hitm an C o l l e g e .................1 3 0 I d a h o ...........................................3 9 (3 -4 ) 1923 np p . U M ..................................................O 2 7 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s .............. 0 0 @ I d a h o ................................... 4 0 2 5 M ont. S c h l. M in e s ............ 0 2 G o n z a g a ....................................2 5 1 6 @ W h itm a n C o l l e g e ....... 7 1 4 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 6 2 4 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 1 3 0 P acific C o lle g e . (4 -4 ) UM 40 13 7 106 14 61 3 20

1 924 Mt. S a in t C h arles I d a h o ............................... @ W a s h in g to n .......... @ M o n ta n a M in e s . G o n z a g a ........................ P acific U n iversity @ S t a n f o r d ................. @ W h itm a n C o lle g e (4 -4 )

O pp. 7 41 52 6 20 7 41 0



UM . . O pp. 0 W a sh in g to n S t a t e ............ 9 1 0 @ W a s h in g to n .....................3 0 1 4 G o n z a g a (in B u t t e ) 14 5 7 M o n ta n a S c h l. M in e s ..... 0 7 @ O re g o n S t a t e .................2 7 2 0 @ I d a h o ...................................1 4 7 @ U S C .................................... 2 7 2 8 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 7 (3 -4 -1 ) UM 0 12 6 27 6 56 21 0

1926 np p . ..................................................O O r e g o n ..................................... 4 9 I d a h o .........................................2 7 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e ....... 14 M o n ta n a S ta te (in B utte) 0 @ G o n z a g a ............................1 0 W h itm a n C o l l e g e .............. 7 @ S a c r a m e n to S t ............. 0 @ U S C .................................... 6 1 (3 -5 )


U M ................. .............. O p p . 1 9 B u tte C e n t e r v ille s ............ 0 8 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s 0 W a sh in g to n S t a t e ........ 3 5 0 W a s h in g to n ......................3 2 0 6 I d a h o ................................... 4 2 C a lifo rn ia ...........................3 3 13 6 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 0 @ G o n z a g a ............................ 0 (3 -4 -1 ) UM 13 13 6 0 20 6 0 6 0 7

1928 B u tte C en te r v ille s , A n acon d a A n od es W a sh in g to n S t a t e ......... W a s h in g to n ...................... M ont. S c h l. M in e s ....... I d a h o .................................... M o n ta n a S t. (in Butte) @ O r e g o n ........................ @ O re g o n S t a t e ............ @ G o n z a g a ....................... (4 -5 -1 )


O pp. 0 0 26 25 0 21 0 31 44 0

UM 18 19 6 0 45 12 18 0 0

1 9 2 9 O pp. A n a c o n d a A n o d e s ........... 2 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s ............. 0 @ W a s h in g to n .................... 6 @ I d a h o ...................................1 9 In term ountain U ................ 0 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tte )... 1 4 @ C a lifo rn ia ..........................5 3 W a sh in g to n S t a t e .............. 1 3 @ U C L A ................................. 1 4 (3 -5 -1 )



U M ..................................................O p p . 18 A n acon da A n o d e s 14 5 2 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s 0 0 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 7 1 3 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tt e )... 6 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 61 0 @ C a lifo rn ia ...........................4 6 2 7 G o n z a g a .................................... 15 1 2 I d a h o ......................................... 6 (5 -3 )

1931 np p . U M ..................................................O 0 Mt. S a in t C h a r le s 2 0 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 5 1 9 @ I d a h o ....................................2 1 0 W a sh in g to n S t a t e 13 3 7 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tt e )... 6 0 @ O re g o n S t a t e .................. 19 0 @ U S C ..................................... 6 9 (1 -6 ) 1932 U M ..................................................O pp. 2 5 A n acon da A n o d e s 0 1 3 @ W a s h in g to n ......................2 6 1 4 Carroll C o l l e g e ..................... 8 6 I d a h o ...........................................1 9 0 @ U C L A ..................................3 2 7 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tt e )... 1 9 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 31 6 O re g o n S t a t e ......................... 3 5 1 3 @ G o n z a g a .............................5 6 (2 -7 ) 1933 np p . U M ..................................................O 0 @ O re g o n S t a t e .................. 2 0 7 W a sh in g to n S t a t e 13 6 @ I d a h o ....................................12 3 2 M o n ta n a St. (in B u tt e )... 0 7 @ S ta n fo r d ..............................3 3 1 3 @ G o n z a g a ............................. 7 2 6 U tah S t a t e .............................. 0 (3 -4 ) 1934 U M ..................................................O pp. 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 27 0 @ U C L A ................................... 1 6 4 8 M ont. S c h l. M in e s 0 6 I d a h o ........................................... 1 3 2 5 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 7 @ O re g o n S t a te .................. 7 4 @ G o n z a g a ............................. 6 (2 -5 -1 ) U M ...................1 9 3 5 ...............O p p . 0 @ U S C .................................... 9 2 0 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 7 W a sh in g to n S t a t e 13 7 @ I d a h o .....................................1 4 7 @ W a s h in g to n .......................3 3 7 G o n z a g a (in G t. F a lls ) ... 7 0 @ S ta n fo r d .............................3 2 0 O re g o n S t a t e ........................ 0 (1 -5 -2 ) U M ...................1 9 3 6 ...............O p p . 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 19 0 @ U C L A ..................................3 0 4 5 Id a h o , S o u th B r a n c h 13 6 G o n z a g a ................................... 0 2 7 M o n ta n a S t. (in B u tt e )... 0 7 @ O re g o n S t a te ...................1 4 1 6 I d a h o ......................................... 0 2 4 S a n F ra n cisco (in B u tte ). 7 1 3 N orth D a k o ta ........................ 6 (6 -3 )


U M ...................1 9 3 7 ...............O p p . 2 5 W h itm an C o l l e g e 0 1 3 @ T e x a s T e c h ..................... 6 3 6 O kla. City (in G . F a lls ).. 6

13 19 23 0 14

S a n F rancisco (in B u tte ). 7 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 G o n z a g a .................................. 0 @ I d a h o .................................. 6 N orth D a k o ta ........................ 3 (7-1)



U M ..................................................O p p . 2 7 Eastern W a s h in g to n ....... 0 0 @ S a n F r a n c isc o .............. 0 7 D e P a u l .................................... 6 1 3 T e x a s T e c h ........................... 19 0 @ N orth D a k o t a .............. 7 6 I d a h o ......................................... 19 9 @ G o n z a g a .......................... 0 1 3 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tt e )... 0 7 @ A r iz o n a ............................ 0 (5 -3 -1 )

U M ................. 1 9 3 9 .................O p p . 9 P o r tla n d ................................. 0 6 S a n F r a n c isc o .......................13 6 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 1 3 @ I d a h o ................................. 0 0 @ W a s h in g to n .................... 9 0 @ T e x a s T e c h ..................... 13 0 @ A r iz o n a ............................ 6 0 G o n z a g a .................................. 2 3 (3-5)

UM 9 0 19 6 13 0 28 20 0

.. 1 9 4 0 ............... O p p . Eastern W a s h in g to n ....... 0 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e ........13 T e x a s T e c h ........................... 3 2 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tte )... 0 G o n z a g a (in B u t t e ) ........... 10 @ O r e g o n ..............................3 8 I d a h o ..........................................18 @ S a n D ie g o M a r in e s ...3 8 @ P o r tla n d ........................... 0 (4 -4 -1 )

1941 npp. U M ..................................................O 2 0 @ B righam Y o u n g 7 2 7 N orth D ak ota S t a t e 0 7 @ U C L A .................................. 14 1 3 @ G o n z a g a ............................ 6 2 3 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tt e )... 13 0 @ W a s h in g to n ......................21 1 3 N orth D a k o ta ........................ 6 1 6 @ I d a h o .................................. 0 0 @ O re. S t. (in Portland) 2 7 (6-3) U M ..................1 9 4 2 ...............O p p . 6 B righam Y o u n g .................... 12 1 3 M athers A F B ..........................19 1 6 @ W a sh in g to n S t a t e 68 0 @ W a s h in g to n ......................3 5 0 I d a h o ...........................................21 0 @ O re g o n S t a t e .................. 3 3 0 @ C a liforn ia ........................... 13 0 @ U S C ..................................... 3 8 (0-8)

1943-44 — n o te a m -

UM 13 0 13 36 13

1 9 4 5 ............... O p p . @ U tah S t a t e .......................4 4 @ I d a h o .................................. 4 6 @ Farragut N aval B a s e . 2 1 P o c a te llo M a r in e s ............. 6 Farragut N av a l B a s e .........18 (1-4)

UM 31 26 0 20 0 19 7 0

................. 1 9 4 6 .................O p p . Eastern W a s h in g to n ....... 7 C o lo r a d o S t a t e ...................... 0 @ O r e g o n ..............................3 4 M o n tan a S t. (in B u tte )... 7 U tah S t a t e ..............................2 6 I d a h o ........................................ 0 @ U C L A .................................6 1 @ W a s h in g to n .....................2 1 (4-4)

■Season-by-Season R esults (Cont’d)21 21 7 7

12 13

21 14 41 14 28

UN 7 7 27

0 14


20 14 7 47

UN 33 7 18

12 14 19 34 19 25

UN 52 28 13 7 33

0 35 13 38 7

UN 7 25

0 9 38

6 7

6 10


0 0 7 17

0 14 35


20 6

UN 13 7


22 32 13 14 32

UN 31

6 13

20 7

1 4 @ N e w M e x ic o .................... 2 0 2 5 M o n ta n a S t a t e ....................2 1 2 0 U t a h ......................... 41 (3 -6 ) UM 12 0 27 13 6 19 7 19 0 0


12 6 13 13 21 20 13 13 13 0

UM 13 0 7 13 35 21 13 13


1 9 5 5 O pp. @ H o u s t o n ........................... 5 4 W y o m in g (in B illin g s ). .. . 3 5 B righam Y o u n g .................. 1 3 D e n v e r ..................................... 6 1 @ U tah S t a t e ...................... 3 2 N e w M e x ic o ..........................1 4 C o lo r a d o S t a t e .................... 1 2 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............. 0 @ A r iz o n a ............................. 2 9 @ I d a h o .................................. 3 1 (3 -7 )



........................................... O p p . A r iz o n a ............2 7 @ U ta h ....................................2 6 @ D e n v e r ...............................2 2 U ta h S t a t e .............................2 7 B righam Y o u n g .................. 1 3 @ C o lo r a d o S t a t e ............ 3 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e .................... 3 3 W y o m in g (in B illin g s ). . . . 3 4 @ N e w M e x ic o ...................1 4 I d a h o ......................................... 1 4 (1 -9 )



.................................................. O p p . @ U ta h ....................................3 2 W y o m in g (in B illin g s ). .. . 2 0 @ B righam Y o u n g ...........2 0 D e n v e r ..................................... 2 6 @ U tah S t a t e ...................... 2 5 N e w M e x ic o ........................ 6 @ I d a h o .................................. 3 1 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ..............2 2 C o lo r a d o S t a t e .................... 1 9 (2 -7 )



UM 6 14 16 0 13 12 7 6 6 13

.................................................. O p p . @ U t a h .................................... 2 0 W y o m in g (in B illin g s ). .. . 2 1 @ N e w M e x ic o ...................4 4 @ D e n v e r ...............................2 9 U ta h S t a t e ............................. 2 7 B righam Y o u n g .................. 4 1 @ C o lo r a d o S t a t e ............ 5 7 I d a h o ......................................... 1 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e .................... 2 0 @ S a n D i e g o .......................2 4 (0 -1 0 )

UM 19 0 12 12 0 14 16 6 6

O pp. 27 N orth D a k o ta ................. W y o m in g (in Billings) . . . . 5 8 @ B righ am Y o u n g .. . 0 27 D e n v e r ............................... 28 @ U ta h S t a t e ................ 55 N e w M e x ic o ................... 26 C o lo r a d o S t a t e .............. @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ....... 40 9 @ I d a h o ............................


( 1- 8 )


U M ................. 7 7 . 7 . 7 ............... O p p . 14 2 1 @ N orth D a k o ta ....... 0 W y o m in g (in Billings) . . . . 1 4 14 1 2 U ta h S t a t e ...................... 14 1 8 I d a h o ................................... 12 2 6 @ D e n v e r ........................ 7 6 B righam Y o u n g ............ 14 2 6 @ C o lo r a d o S t a t e .... 6 1 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 16 6 @ U t a h ............................. 24 6 @ N e w M e x ic o ............ (5 -5 )


U M ................. 7 7 . . 7 ................O p p . 0 W y o m in g (in Billings) . . . . 2 9 54 6 @ U tah S t a t e ................ 8 4 0 N e w M e x ic o ................... 7 6 @ B righam Y o u n g ... 24 1 2 U t a h .................................... 19 2 2 C o lo r a d o S t a t e .............. 10 9 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ....... 16 1 4 Id a h o (in B o i s e ) .......... (2 -6 )


UM Opp. 0 W y o m in g (in Billings) . . . . 1 3 14 8 @ N orth D a k o t a ........ 43 2 0 @ U ta h S t a t e ................

22 25 0 22 36 12 16

I d a h o ......................................... 1 6 W eb er S t a t e ......................... 6 B righam Y o u n g .................. 2 7 @ Id a h o S t a t e ..................... 1 5 M o n ta n a S t a t e ..................... 1 9 @ N e w M e x ic o ...................4 1 @ C o lo r a d o S t a t e .............1 5 (5 -5 )

UM 16 0 13 0 13 6 6 13 3 12

•O pp. 0 @ British C o lu m b ia .. W y o m in g (in Billings) . . . . 3 5 19 N orth D a k o ta ................. @ B rig h a m Y o u n g ... 27 14 Id a h o S t a t e ..................... 62 U ta h S t a t e ...................... 24 @ N e w M e x ic o ............ 19 @ W e b e r S t a t e ............ 18 @ M o n ta n a S ta te 20 C o lo r a d o S t a t e .............. (1 -9 )

UM 29 7 0 0 20 7 7 6

.O p p . British C o lu m b ia ................. 2 4 @ P a c ific ................................. 2 3 @ N e w M e x ic o ................... 2 0 U tah S t a t e ..............................4 1 W eb er S t a t e ...........................1 2 W estern Illin o is.................... 0 @ Id a h o S t a t e ......................1 4 .3 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e . S a n D ie g o M a r in e s ...4 3 (3 -6 )

UM 13 14 16 15 21 7 13 7 14 33





..................................................O p p . @ U t a h .................................... 2 8 S o . D a k o ta (in B illin g s).. 1 5 Id a h o S t a t e .......................... 0 @ W eb er S t a t e ....................1 4 @ U ta h S t a t e .......................5 4 I d a h o ......................................... 3 5 P a c ific ....................................... 7 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 2 4 @ W estern M ic h ig a n 17 @ P ortlan d S t a t e ............. 7 (4 -6 )

Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 3 N orth D a k o ta ....S t .................3 0 ( 10 - 1 )

197 0 n U M ..................................................O p p . 28 30 20 38 44 35 35 31 35 24

Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA) 1 6 N orth D a k o ta ... S t .................3 1 (1 0 -1 ) UM 14 27 38 12 24 45 14 14 30 11 29


U M ................. 7 7 . 7 7 ............... O p p . 35 0 @ S o u th D a k o ta ......... 1 4 N o . D a k o ta (in Billings) . 4 2 17 4 0 N o rth ern A r iz o n a ......... 24 6 @ P a c ific .......................... 7 1 2 W eb er S t a t e ..................... 14 7 @ Id a h o S t a t e .............. 30 4 @ H a w a ii........................ . 28 4 2 B o is e S t a t e ...................... 21 3 M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 31 1 7 @ I d a h o ............................ 10 7 @ T u ls a ............................. (3 -8 ) U M ................. . 7 7 . 7 7 ............... O p p . 4 1 S im o n Fraser (in G . Falls) 1 4 31 1 0 @ N orth D a k o t a .......... 21 1 0 @ R i c e ............................... 14 1 0 @ N o rth ern A rizo n a .. 19 3 1 S o u th D a k o t a ................. 14 1 9 Id a h o S t a t e ...................... 33 7 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ........ 55 7 @ B o is e S t a t e ............... 20 7 I d a h o ................................... 0 1 0 @ W eb er S t a t e ............ (4 -6 )


U M ................. 7 7 . 7 . ............... .O p p . 14 1 9 @ N orth D a k o t a ........ 7 S o . D a k o ta (in B illin g s).. 3 12 1 3 @ W eb er S t a t e .......... 7 2 1 P a c ific ................................. 19 1 4 I d a h o ................................. 0 2 0 Id a h o S t a t e ..................... 7 1 0 N orth ern A r iz o n a ....... 14 8 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e .... 20 1 4 @ U ta h S t a t e ............... 7 5 5 @ P ortlan d S t a t e ....... (7 -3 )


U M .....................7 . 7 7 ............. .O p p . 3 7 N o . D a k o ta (in Billings) . 1 0 21 0 @ S o u th D a k o ta 0 5 8 P ortlan d S t a t e .............. 3 U ta h S t a t e ............................. 5 0 4 5 @ I d a h o .................................. 5 6 1 3 @ Id a h o S t a t e .....................2 3 2 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e .....................2 9 1 6 W eb er S t a t e ..........................2 0 0 @ N o rth ern A r iz o n a 18 (2 -7 )



..................................................O p p . @ N orth D a k o t a ................ 1 0 S o . D a k o ta (in G . F a lls ).2 0 N o rth ern A r iz o n a .............. 7 @ W e b e r S t a t e ....................17 I d a h o ........................................ 9 Id a h o S t a t e ............................3 6 @ P ortlan d S t a t e ...............1 4 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............. 6 C a l P o ly ( S L O ) .................. 0 S o u th D a k o ta S t ............... 0



...... O p p . S o . D a k o ta (in G . F alls). 7 14 @ N orth D a k o ta .. 14 @ C al P o ly (SL O ) 21 I d a h o ............................ 47 @ B o is e S t a t e ....... 35 Id a h o S t a t e .............. 30 P a c ific .......................... 13 @ W eb er S t a t e .... 0 @ M o n ta n a S ta te . 25 @ H a w a ii................. 3 6 @ P o rtla n d S t a t e , (6 -5 )



U M ................. 7 7 . 7 . 7 ............. .O p p . 6 N o . D a k o ta (in Billings) . 3 0 21 7 @ S o u th D a k o ta ........ 0 1 0 P ortlan d S t a t e .............. 28 0 W eb er S t a t e ................... 28 0 @ P a c ific ........................ 17 1 4 @ Id a h o S t a t e .............. 34 8 @ N o rth ern A rizona 38 0 M o n ta n a S t a t e .............. 40 6 @ I d a h o .......................... (1 -8 )

UM 24 31 52 20 34 46 49 7 14 58

N o . D a k o ta (in Billings) . 7 @ N o rth ern I llin o is 6 @ N o rth ern A r iz o n a 0 W eb er S t a t e .......................... 2 9 Id a h o (in P u llm a n )............2 6 @ Id a h o S t a t e ..................... 3 4 @ S o u th D a k o ta ............... 7 P ortlan d S t a t e ...................... 2 5 M o n ta n a S t a t e .................... 0 @ S o u th D a k o ta S t ......... 0


U M ................. 7 7 . 7 7 ............... O p p . 23 1 4 @ S im o n F r a se r .......... 24 1 0 @ S o u th D a k o ta ......... 1 7 @ N e v a d a -L a s V e g a s . .. . 2 0 13 2 4 W eb er S t a t e .................... 0 2 7 N o rth ern A r iz o n a ......... 35 3 5 @ I d a h o ............................ 14 2 4 @ P ortlan d S t a t e ........ 43 2 9 M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 25 2 2 @ Id a h o S t a t e .............. 56 4 2 B o is e S t a te ....................... (3 -6 -1 ) UM 51 21 48 7 14 3 28 33 28 10

1975 S o u th D a k o t a ................. N e v a d a -L a s V e g a s . .. . @ W e b e r S t a t e ............ Id a h o S t a t e ...................... I d a h o ................................... @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ....... @ B o is e S t a t e ............... P ortlan d S t a t e ................ @ N o rth ern A rizon a .. @ S im o n F r a se r .......... (6 -4 )


O pp. 17 20 12 12 3 20 39 16 22 24

U M ................. 7 7 . 7 7 ............... O p p . 1 9 @ N e v a d a -L a s V e g a s . .. . 2 1 50 4 9 @ P o rtla n d S ta te 25 2 8 W eb er S t a t e ..................... 23 2 1 N o rth ern A r iz o n a ......... 14 1 7 @ B o is e S t a t e ............... 1 9 @ N orth ern C o lo r a d o . . . 2 7 21 1 2 M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 2 1 Id a h o S t a t e ..............................17 1 9 @ I d a h o ................................... 2 8


■Season-by-Season R esults (Cont’d)U M .................... ,1 9 8 * O pp. 4 2 A b ile n e C h ristia n ................ 2 8 1 7 @ P ortland S t a t e .............. 1 6 3 @ Id ah o S t a t e .....................4 3 1 4 @ W eb er S t a t e ...................4 7 1 8 N orth ern A r iz o n a ...............2 4 1 4 E astern W a s h in g to n .........1 4 7 @ B o is e S t a t e .................... 3 5 3 9 I d a h o ......................................... 4 0 2 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e .................... 3 4 2 8 @ N e v a d a - R e n o ............... 3 1 3 1 A r m y ......................................... 4 5 (M irage B o w l in T o k y o )

UM 31 17 16 23 35 0 18 29 3 19 32

I . 9 .8 8 O pp. C a l-F u lle r to n ..........................3 0 @ M in n e s o t a ........................ 6 2 P o rtla n d S t a t e ......................2 1 R e n o ......................................... 3 8 Id a h o S t a t e ........................... 2 9 @ I d a h o ...................................3 8 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ..............4 1 W eb er S t a t e ..........................5 7 B o is e S t a te ............................. 2 8 @ E astern W a sh in g to n . .5 2 @ N orth ern A r iz o n a .........3 1 (3 -8 )

UM 17 28 42 0 38 59 31 55 57 35

.................1 9 8 6 ................O p p . @ N e v a d a - R e n o ............... 5 1 @ N . A r iz o n a ........................3 4 E. W a s h in g to n ....................3 7 @ B o is e S t a t e .................... 3 1 Id a h o S t a t e ...........................3 1 M o n ta n a S t a t e ....................2 8 I d a h o .........................................3 8 @ W eb er S t a t e .................. 2 9 @ Id a h o S t a t e .....................1 3 @ P ortland S t a t e ............... 1 4 (6 -4 )

UM 3 17 41 33 25 12 26 55 63 22 26


O pp. P o rtla n d S t a t e ......................2 0 @ N o . A r i z o n a .....................2 4 N e v a d a - R e n o ........................2 9 @ N o . I o w a ............................1 6 @ I d a h o .................................... 3 1 B o is e S t a te ............................ 3 W eb er S t a t e ......................... 2 9 @ M o n ta n a S t a t e ............... 7 Id a h o S t a t e ........................... 0 @ E a stern W a sh in g to n ... 3 @ C a l S ta te -F u lle r to n 43 (6 -5 )

(2 - 8 - 1)

UM 41 37 30 22 24 31 40 38 48 17 35 48 25 15

1989 O pp E astern N e w M e x i c o ....... 1 5 @ F r e sn o S t a t e ................... 5 2 P ortlan d S t a t e ...................... 2 1 @ E astern W a sh in g to n . .1 6 @ I d a h o ...................................3 0 W eb er S t a t e ............................. 6 N e v a d a - R e n o ........................2 2 @ N orthern A r iz o n a ........... 1 4 B o is e S t a t e ..............................1 3 @ M on ta n a S t a t e .................. 2 Id ah o S t a t e ........................... 2 1 J a c k so n S ta te $ ...................... 7 E astern I llin o is $ ................... 1 9 @ G eo r g ia S o u th e r n $ . .. 4 5

UM 35 41 34 26 3 30 33 28 41 17 0 19

1988 O pp. E. N e w M e x ic o .................. 6 S o . D a k o ta S t a t e ............... 1 6 @ Id a h o S t a t e ..................... 7 I d a h o ......................................... 1 7 @ N e v a d a -R e n o ...................2 7 E astern W a s h in g t o n 6 N o . A rizon a (2 OT) ........2 6 @ B o is e S t a t e ........................3 1 @ W e b e r S t a t e .....................1 4 M o n ta n a S t a t e ................... 3 @ P o rtla n d S t a t e ................. 2 1 @ I d a h o ....................................3 8 (I-A A P la y o ff g a m e) (8-4)

Since Coach Don Read became the head coach at Montana in 1986, the Grizzlies are 31-16 overall and 22-10 in Big Sky Con­ ference games.

($ I-A A P la y o ff g a m e) (1 1 -3 )

■All-Opponents Record W



3 1

0 0 0




5 2 0 1 2 1 6 1 1 2

11 0 1 1 0 0 10 0

Abilene Christian................................................ Arizona A rm y........................

1 1 0

B oise S ta te.................................................... Brigham Young................................................... British Columbia................................................. California............................................................. Cal-Fullerton Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) Carroll College Colorado S tate D ePaul Eastern Illinois..................................................... Eastern New Mexico



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Eastern W ashington




Farragut Naval B ase........................................... Fresno S ta te ........................................................ Georgia S o u th ern............................................... Gonzaga Hawaii Houston................................................................

0 0 0 11 1 0

2 1 1 9

0 0 0 4 0

Idaho Idaho S t a t e

19 21


3 1

2 0


0 1 0


0 0 0

M cNeese S t a t e .............................................




M innesota............................................................




Montana S ta te




Montana Tech..................................................... Nevada-Las V egas

12 1

4 4

2 0




New M exico........................................................ North D akota North Dakota S ta te

4 11 2

10 7 2

Northern A rizo n a





Northern Colorado.............................................


1 3 1 0

Oregon S ta te


Pacific University................................................. University of the Pacific Pocatello Marines................................................ Portland Portland S tate ..................................................... Puget Sound........................................................ Rice....................................................................... San Diego............................................................ San Diego Marines............................................. San Francisco San Jose State.................................................... Simon Fraser....................................................... South Dakota...................................................... South Dakota S tate............................................ Southern California............................................ Stanford................................................................ Syracuse Texas Tech...........................................................


50 11

Io w a..................................................................... Jackson State....................................................... Long Beach S ta te ...............................................

N evada-R eno....................

W Northern Illinois................................................... Northern Iowa Oklahoma City.................................................... Oregon

Thomas M o re

0 0 0 0 9 1 2

W eber S t a te ...............................................


0 1 0

Western Illinois.................................................... Whitman............................................................... Willamette............................................................ Wyoming.............................................................

1 5 0 0


Total (includes Non-collegiate opp.).... 318




0 0 0 1



0 5

0 0 0 1 0

0 0

2 2 1 0 2 15 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 0 0 1 3

Tulsa..................................................................... UCLA................................................................... U ta h ..................................................................... Utah State............................................................ Washington ......................................................... Washington State................................................


L 0

0 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 1 0



1 0 7 0 11 0 25 0 16 1 30 0



6 1 12

0 1 0 0




-The Grizzly Record BookIndividual R e co r d s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING



Most Carries

Most Plays

Most Returns

2 4 1 , G reg Isem an, 1982

5 3 1 , G rady B ennett, 1989

3 0 , Mike Rice, 1985

Most Net Yards

Most Yards

Most Yards

I ,2 5 3 , S teve C a p u to , 1971

3 ,2 8 1 , G rady B ennett, 1989 ( R u s h - 190; P a s s - 3 ,0 9 1 )

6 6 0 , G reg D unn, 1979

Highest Average Per Carry 8 .2 ,


Dick Im er, 195 3 (86-703)

Most Touchdowns Rushing

Most R eceptions

I I , S tev e Sullivan, 1920 10, G reg Isem an, 1982 9, Dick Im er, 1 9 5 4

6 8, Brian S alo n en , 1983



Most Yards

Most Attem pts

H ighest Average # 3 3 .5 , G reg A n d erso n , 1974 (10-335) 2 9 .4 , R enard C o lem an , 1987 (20-588)

1 ,0 4 6 , Mike Rice, 1986

11, Karl S tein, 1969

Most Touchdowns

Most Yards Returned

13, Mike Rice, 1986 9, Brian S alo n en , 1983

2 1 8 , G reg A n d erso n , 1978 (6 interceptions)


4 4 0 , B rent P ease, 1986


Most Punts

Most Points

2 4 7 , G rady B en n ett, 1989

73, Jo d y F arm er, 1988

Most Yards

Most Yards

3 ,0 9 1 , G rady B en n ett, 1989

3 ,1 6 1 , Jo d y F arm er, 1988

H ighest Completion Percentage

Highest Average

8 4, 8 4, 8 0, 79,

(m inim um of 100 attem pts) 6 5 .8 % , S cott W erbelow , 1987 (133x202)

(m inim um of 3 5 punts) 4 4 .7 , Mike Rice, 1985 (62-2,771)

Most Completed


Most P a sses Had Intercepted 16, M arty M ornhinw eg, 1984

Most Returns

Most Touchdown P asses

4 2 , Karl S tein, 1970

Most Yards

3 0 , B rent P ease, 1986

Most Touchdowns 14, 13, 12, 11, 10,

G reg Isem an, 1982 Mice Rice, 1986 “W ild” Bill Kelly, 1926 S teve Sullivan, 1920 Jo d y F arm er, 1987

Most Field G oals

4 1 7 , Karl Stein, 1970

18, Kirk D uce, 1988

H ighest Average 2 0 .2 ,

Kirk D uce, 1988 G reg Isem an, 1982 Mike Rice, 1986 “W ild” Bill Kelly, 1926

G reg A nderson, 1974 (13-263)

Most Conversions 4 1 , Eby D obson, 1986

Individual R e co r d s—S in gle G am e RUSHING Most Carries

Most Yards

Longest Touchdown

4 6 9 B rent P ease vs. W eber S tate, 1986

102, Milt P opovich vs. O regon S tate C ollege, 1936 9 8 , Kevin M orris vs. Boise S tate, 1989

3 6 , M onty Bullerdick vs. Idaho S tate, 1977

Most Net Yards 2 2 7 , Les K ent vs. P ortlan d S tate, 1969

Most Touchdowns Rushing

PASS RECEIVING Most R eceptions 12, Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, 1986 11, Brian S alo n en vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

4 , A rnie B lancas vs. W eber S tate, 1970 4 , G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982

Most Yards

Longest Touchdown Run

Most Touchdowns

8 0 , Bob Sm ith vs. Sim on F raser, 1973 8 0 , Mike Mickey vs. S o u th D akota, 1975 8 0 , D oug Egbert vs. W eber S tate, 1975

Longest Run From Scrimmage 8 8 , “W ild” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. S tate C harles, 1924

PASSING Most Attem pts 6 2 , Jo h n n y C o p p e d g e vs. Id ah o S tate, 1983

Most Completed 36 , B rent P ease vs. Idaho S tate, 1986

Most Yards 4 6 0 , B rent P ease vs. W eber S tate, 1986

Most Touchdowns 5, B rent P ease vs. Idaho S tate, 1986 5, B rent P ease vs. E. W ashington, 1986

Highest Completion Percentage (m inim um of 10 attem pts) .8 2 6 , Kelly R ichardson vs. W eber S tate (19x23), 1983 .8 2 6 , S cott W erbelow vs. M ontana S tate (19x23), 1987

198, Terry W hite vs. W eber S tate, 1985

Longest Touchdown P ass 8 7 , S h a n o n M ornhinw eg vs. W eber S tate, 1985

TOTAL OFFENSE Most Plays 7 1, Jo h n n y C o p p e d g e vs. Idaho S tate, 1983

4, Ed C erkovnik vs. P ortland S tate, 1977

Most Yards Returned 125, Kelly J o h n s o n vs. P o rtlan d S tate, 1977


4, Mike Rice vs. Id ah o S tate, 1986

Longest Touchdown Reception

Most Points

87, S cott M oe vs. W eber S tate, 1985

3 0, 2 6, 2 6, 26,

PUNTING Most Punts 11, Mike Rice vs. Boise S tate, 1986 11, D ave H arrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry T hom as vs. N evada-L as V egas, 1978

Most Yards 5 0 1 , Jo d y F arm er vs. N ev ad a-R en o , 1988

*Highest Average # 5 5 .7 , Jo d y F arm er vs. N ev ad a-R en o , 1988 (9 for 501)


G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982 “W ild” Bill Kelly vs. W hitm an C ollege, 1926 Del S p ear vs. Idaho, 1974 Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, 19 8 6

Most Touchdowns 5, 4, 4, 4, 4,

G reg Isem an vs. W eber S tate, 1982 Arnie B lancas vs. W eber S tate, 197 0 Jeff H offm ann vs. N orthern A rizona, 1972 Del S p e a r vs. Idaho, 1974 Mike Rice vs. Idaho S tate, Idah o , 1986

Most Field G oals 4, Kirk D uce vs. E astern New M exico, 1988 4, Bruce C arlson vs. N orthern C o lo rad o , 197 6

7, Karl Stein vs. P ortland S tate, 1970

Longest Field Goal

Most Yards

5 2, Eby D obson vs. N orthern A rizona, 1985

126, Karl Stein vs P ortland S tate, 1970

Most Conversions

Longest Touchdown

9, 7, 7, 7,

8 3 , R on B aines vs. U of Pacific, 1967

Most P asses Had Intercepted 5, Jo h n Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966


KICKOFF RETURNS Most Returns 8, Mike Rice vs. W eber S tate, 1985

Most Yards

Russell S w eet vs. M ont. S chool of M ines, 1 924 Mick O ’Neill vs. P o rtlan d S tate, 1 9 6 7 D an W orrell vs. P o rtlan d S tate, 1 9 6 8 D an W orrell vs. N orthern A rizona, P ortlan d S tate, S o u th D akota S tate, 1969 7, Eby D obson vs. W eber S tate, 1 9 8 6

2 4 5 , Mike Rice vs. W eber S tate, 1985 * 1-AA N ational R ecord #Big Sky C onference record

T eam R eco rd s—S in g le S e a so n RUSHING


Most Carries

H ighest Average Per Carry

Most Attem pts

7 2 8 , 1970

5 .6 , 195 4 (380-2114)

4 6 0 , 1986

Most Net Yards

H ighest Per Game Average

Most Completed

3 ,4 7 7 , 1971

3 3 8 .4 , 1970

26 5 , 1989


-Team R ecords—Single Season (cont.)PUNT RETURNS

Highest Completion Percentage

Lowest Completion Pet. Allowed

Most Returns

.3 5 4 , 1973 (84-237)

4 5 , 1988

Few est Yards Allowed

3 1 2 .2 , 1986

Most Yards

4 1 5 , 1959

Most P a sse s Had Intercepted

4 5 0 , 1949

Few est Touchdowns Allowed

2 8 , 1977

Highest Average

4, 1963

Few est P a sses Had Intercepted

17 .9 ,

Most P a sses Intercepted

6 1 .0 ,

1982 (195-320)

H ighest Average Yardage

1954 (12-215)

4, 1970


Most Touchdown P a sse s

Most Returns

3 0 , 1986


3 .3 , 1970 (648-2150)

Highest Average

Few est Yards

2 4 .6 , 1974 (43-1,059)

8 5 9 , 1989

2 ,1 5 0 , 1970


Most Yards

Lowest Yield Per Game

Most Points

4 ,5 4 8 , 1969


Lowest Average Per Play Yield

1 ,1 2 7 , 1986

Most Plays

2 1 5 .0 ,

3 6 3 , 1989

H ighest Per Play Average 5 .9 ,

5 5 .6 ,

Most Yards

3 ,3 0 1 , 1989

TOTAL DEFENSE Few est Average Plays Allowed

53, 1985, 1986

Most Yards

28, 1970, 1988

1969 (772-4548)

Few est A llowed

48 , 1986

H ighest Per Game Average

9 8, 1949

Most Field G oals

4 5 4 .8 , 1969

Few est Rushing

18, 1988


3 9 , 1970

Most Conversions

Most Total First Downs

Few est Passing

4 1 , 1986

2 3 1 , 1982

14, 1959


Most First Downs Rushing

Few est Average Carries Allowed

1 71, 1970

Few est By Penalties 3, 1959 an d 1964

3 4 .6 , 1970

Most First Downs P assing


Lowest Per Rush Yield

1 29, 1989

Most Fumble R ecoveries

2 .0 , 1970 (346-699) 2 .0 , 1989 (392-772)

Most First Downs by P enalties 2 3 , 1979

27, 1975

Most Total Recoveries

Few est Yards A llowed


45 , 1977 (Interceptions an d Fum bles)

69 9 , 1970

Most Punts



Most Touchdowns


73, 1988

F ew est Attem pts Allowed

Most Yards

9 6, 1959

3 ,1 6 1 , 198 8

Few est Completions Allowed

H ighest Average

3 5, 1959

4 4 .7 , 1 985 (62 -2 ,7 7 1 )

T eam R e co r d s—S in g le G am e RUSHING Most Carries

Few est Carries

7, vs. S. D akota S t., 1969 7, vs. P ortland S t., 1970 7, vs. Tulsa, 1972

Few est Yards -43, vs. W eber S tate, 1989

9 9, vs. S. D akota S t., 1970

Most Yards

Few est Average Yards Per Play

Most Yards

2 2 4 , vs. N ew M exico, 1959

-1 .7 , vs. W eber S tate, 1989


Most Net Yards Most Touchdowns 16, 6, 6, 6, 6,

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Mt. St. C harles, 1920 P o rtlan d S t., 196 7 an d 1968 S. D akota S t., 1969 Id ah o S tate, 197 1 S o u th D ak o ta, 1975

Most Plays 6 4 9 , vs. P o rtlan d S t., 1968

H ighest Average Per Play 9 .9 ,

H ighest Average Per Carry 8 .6 ,

vs. N orth D akota, 1948

PASSING Most Attem pts 6 2 , vs. Idaho S tate, 198 3

Most Com pletions


Most Returns

6, vs. U tah S t., 1948

8 3 , vs. S. D akota S t., 1970 4 7 1 , vs. P o rtlan d S t., 1968


Most P a sses Had Intercepted

vs. N. D akota, 1948 (46-457)

FIRST DOWNS 31, vs. W eber S t., 1986

Most Rushing First Downs 25, vs. Idaho, 1974

Most Passing First Downs 18, th ree tim es

3 6 , vs. Idaho S tate, 198 3

Most First Downs by Penalties

Most Yards

5, five tim es; th ree tim es in 1968


4 6 0 , vs. W eb er S t., 1986

Most Touchdowns

Most Punts

5, vs. Id ah o S t., 1986 5, vs. E. W ashington, 1986

12, vs. Boise S t., 1986

Most Yards

Highest Completion Pet.

5 0 1 , vs. N ev ad a-R en o , 1988

.8 0 0 vs. M o n tan a S tate, 198 7 (20x25)

5 5 .7 ,

SCORING Most Points 133, vs. Mt. St. C harles, 1920 6 0, vs. Sim on F raser, 1980 5 9, vs. M ontana S t., 1986

Most Touchdowns 16, 8, 8, 8,

vs. vs. vs. vs.

Mt. St. C harles, 1920 E astern W ashington, 1950 P ortland S t., 1967 P ortland S t., 1968

Most Conversion Kicks 16, vs. Mt. St. C harles, 1920 7, vs. P ortland S t., 1967-6 8 -6 9 Arizona, S. D akota S t., 1969

18, vs. British C olum bia, 196 3

PASS DEFENSE Most Interceptions # 1 0 , vs. Boise S tate, 1989 7, tw o tim es in 1978

Lowest Completion Percentage .179, by M ontana S t., 1971 (5x28)

Most Yards Interceptions Returned 2 3 4 , vs. N. C olorad o , 1978

TOTAL DEFENSE Few est Plays A llowed 27, vs. British C olum bia, 1963

Few est Yards Allowed 28, vs. U tah S t., 1950

Lowest Average Per Play Allowed

#Highest Average

.68, vs. U tah S t., 1950

vs. N ev ad a-R en o , 1988

#Big Sky record, ties 1-AA record

Individual C areer F o o tb a ll R ecord s RUSHING


Most Yards Passing


Most Carries

6 ,0 8 3 , M arty M ornhinw eg, 1980 -8 4

Most Interceptions

Most Points

4 3 3 , M onty Bullerdick, 1 977-78

Most Touchdowns

#2 1 , Karl S tein, 1 969-70

196, B ruce C arlson, 1 9 74-77 194, “W ild” Bill Kelly, 19 2 4 -2 6

Most Net Yards 2 ,2 2 8 , R ocky K lever, 1977-81


3 8, Marty M ornhinw eg, 19 8 0 -8 4

Most R eceptions Most P asses Had Intercepted

151, Brian S alo n en , 1980-83

3 8, Marty M ornhinw eg, 1980 -8 4

Most Yards

Most Com pletions

Highest Completion Pet.

Most Touchdown R eceptions

4 8 8 , M arty M ornhinw eg, 1980 -8 4

5 8 .7 ,

14, Mike Rice, 1 985-86 #Big Sky C o n feren ce record

PASSING Most Attem pts

1,8 8 2 , Brian S alo n en , 1 980-83 .

8 3 2 , Marty M ornhinw eg, 1980 -8 4 M arty M ornhinw eg, 1 980-84


Most Touchdowns 3 1 , “W ild” Bill Kelly, 19 2 4 -2 6 2 1 , Del S p ear, 197 3 -7 6

Most Field G oals 35, Bruce C arlson, 1 974-77

Most Conversion Kicks 102, D an W orrell, 19 6 8 -7 0

■Grizzly Big Sky First TeamersJe rry L u c h a u ................................... . ...................... 1963 Chris F o m a je v ic h ..................................................1963 P ete G o t a y .............................................................. 1963 P aul C o n n e lly ......................................................... 1964 W ayne H a rrin g to n ................................................ 1964 Terry B e rg e n ...........................................................1965 Willie J o n e s ............................................................ 1965 W arren H ill..............................................................1966 Bob G r a h a m ...........................................................1967 Lon H o w a r d ...........................................................1967 Larry H u g g in s ........................................................1967 B ryan M a g n u so n ................................................... 1967 Mick O ’N eill............................................................ 1967 Bob B e e r s ......................................................... 1 967-68 H erb W h ite........................................................1 967-68 Tuufuli U p e r e s a ...............................................1 968-69 Tim G a lla g h e r........................................................1969 Bill G u t m a n ............................................................ 1969 Les K e n t .................................................................. 1969 Jim N ordstrom ...................................................... 1969 Roy R o b in so n......................................................... 1969 J o h n S te d h a m ........................................................1969 Larry S tra n a h a n .....................................................1969

Arnie B lan cas................................................... 1 969-70 Larry M iller........................................................1969 -7 0 Karl S te in ...........................................................1 969-70 S teve O k o n ie w s k i.......................................... 1970-71 S teve C a p u to ......................................................... 1971 Ray S ta c h n ic k ........................................................1971 Kit B l u e ....................................................................1972 Barry D a r ro w ......................................................... 1972 Mick D e n n e h y ........................................................1972 L eo L a R o c h e ......................................................... 1972 R on R o s e n b e r g ......................................1972, 1 9 74# S teve T a y lo r ...........................................................1973 D ave H a rrin g to n ................................................... 1973 Sly H a r d y ......................................................... 1973 -7 4 G reg A n d e r s o n .........................................19 7 4-75-76 P aul C o o le y ............................................................ 1976 M onty B ullerdick................................................... 1977 S teve F ish e r............................................................ 1978 Allen G r e e n ............................................................ 1978 S am M a rtin ...................................................... 1978-79 G uy B ingham ..................................................1 978-79 G reg D u n n .................. 1 978-79 Jim H a r d .................................................................. 1979

R aul A lleg re.............................................................1979 K ent C la u s e n ......................................................... 1979 P at C u r r y ................................................................. 1981 Jim R o o n e y ............................................................ 1981 Mickey S u t t o n ........................................................1981 T ony F u d g e .............................................................1982 B en K ie fe r............................................................... 198 2 Brian S a l o n e n ........................................................1983 Mike R ic e ........................................................... 1 9 8 5 -8 6 Larry C la r k s o n ................................................ 1 9 8 6 -8 7 T ony B r e la n d ......................................................... 1987 S cott C a m p e r ......................................................... 1987 P at F o ste r................................................................. 1987 Mike R a n k in ...............................................1 9 8 7 -8 8 -8 9 Bill V e n a r d .............................................................. 1987 Tim H a u c k .....................................................1 9 8 8 -8 9 $ Kirk S crafford ................................................... 1 9 8 8 -8 9 J .C . C a m p b e ll........................................................1988 Jo d y F a r m e r .....................................................1 9 8 8 -8 9 Ja y F a g a n ................................................................1989 D an E d w a rd s ......................................................... 1989 $ B ig S k y D e fe n s iv e M V P , 1 9 8 8 - 8 9 # B ig S k y D e fe n s iv e M V P , 1 9 7 4

All-Americans Player

Ray Bauer

All-Pacific Coast, Northwest, Skyline Chris B e n tz ..............................................................1914 Alfred R o b e rtso n ............................................. 1914-15 Earl “Click” C la rk ..................................................1915 “W ild” Bill K e lly ............................................. 1924-25 Reid H a r m o n ......................................................... 1929 Bob S ta n s b e rry ...................................................... 1933 Milt P o p o v ic h ......................................................... 1937 Aldo F o r te ................................................................1937 Ray B a u e r ............................................................... 1950 Bob B y rn e ............................................................... 1951 Hal M a u s .................................................................1952 Jim M u rra y ..............................................................1952 Dick I m e r ...........................................................1 953-54 Jo e D e L u c a ............................................................ 1954 D oug D asin g er........................................................1955 S tan R e n n in g ................................................... 1957-58 J o h n L a n d s ...................................................... 1958-59 Bob O ’Billovich...................................................... 1960 P at D o d s o n ..............................................................1960 Terry D illo n ............................................................ 1961


Chris B e n tz.......................................................... 1921 “W ild” Bill Kelly (East-W est Shrine) ..1 9 2 5 -1 9 2 6 T om D av is* ........................................................ 1928 Jim M o rro w ........................................................ 1929 W aldo E k e g re n * ............................................... 1930 Bob S ta n s b e rry * ............................................... 1933 H enry Blastic Milt P o p o v ic h ..................................................... 1937 J o e D e L u c a * ..................................................... 1954 D oug D a n sin g e r* .............................................. 1955 S tan R e n n in g ................................................... 1957-58 J o h n L a n d s ...................................................... 1958-59 Terry D illo n ........................................................ 1962 W ayne H arrington (AP, seco n d team ) .........1965 Bob B eers (AP, first te a m ) ......................... 1 967-68 H erb W hite (A P * )............................................ 1968 Tuufuli U peresa (AP, 2 n d team ; Kodak*) Les K ent (AP, 2 n d team ) ............................. 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team ) R ay Brum (AP*) Ray Stein (AP an d K odak*) L arry Miller (AP, 3rd te a m ).......................... 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team ) Arnie Blancas (AP*) S teve O koniew ski (AP*) G reg M aloney (Co-SID A , 2n d team ) S teve Okoniew ski (AP, 3rd team ; K odak, 2nd t e a m ) ..................................... 1971 S teve C a p u to (AP*) Barry D arrow (AP*) Barry D arrow (Universal S ports, 2nd te a m ) .............................................................. 1972 R on R osenberg (AP, 3rd te a m ) .................. 1974 G reg A nderso n (1975 A P * /A P , K odak, 1st te a m ) ....................................................... 1976 M onty Bullerdick (A P * ).................................. 1977 S teve Fisher (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team ) Jim H ard (Kodak, 1st team ; A P * ) 1979 Allen G reen (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team ) Ed C erkovnik (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 1st team ) G reg Isem an (Co-SIDA, A cadem ic AA, 3rd team ) ..................................................... 1982 T ony F udge (AP)* Marty M ornhinw eg (AP)* Brian S alo n en (AP, K odak, C o ach es, E ast-W est S hrine G am e, 2n d team Co-SID A A cadem ic A A ) ........................ 1983 Marty M ornhinw eg (AP*) ............................. 1984 Mike Rice (A ssociated Press, 1st team ) ... 1985 Rick Sullivan (2nd T eam GTE A cadem ic) .................................................... 1986




Mike Rice (AP & Football N ew s, 1st te a m )............................................................... 1986 L arry C larkson (AP, 1st t e a m ) .................... 1986 T ony B reland (Football N ew s, 2n d team ) 1986 Larry C larkson (AP, 2nd T eam , W alter C am p , Football N ew s/B lu e-G ra y G a m e ) ............................................................ 1987 T ony B reland (AP*, Football N ew s 1st te a m ) ............................................................... 1987 S cott C a m p e r (A P * )........................................ 1987 P at F oster (AP, 3rd Team ) .......................... 1987 Mike Rankin ( A P * ) ................................. 1 9 8 7 -8 8 -8 9 Bill V en ard (A P * ) ............................................ 1987 Tim H auck (AP, 1st team , Football New s 1st t e a m ) ............................ 1988 Jo d y F arm er (AP, 2 n d team ) ................... 19 8 8 -8 9 Mike Rankin (AP, 3rd team ) ..................... 19 8 8 -8 9 Q uinton R ichardson (A P * )............................ 1988 Kirk Scrafford (A P * )........................................ 1988 J.C . C am pbell (A P * )...................................... 198 8 Tim H auck (AP, K odak, F ootball N ew s, ...1 9 8 9 Finalist for P ayton A w ard, T he S ports N etw ork, 1st te a m , USA T oday, J a p a n Bowl) Kirk Scrafford (AP, 1st T e a m ,......................... 1989 Martin L uther King Bowl) Ja y F agan (AP, 3rd team ) ................................1989 * D enotes honorable m ention

Mike Rice


-All-Time LeadersC areer L eaders (since 1948)


SCORING 1. Bruce C a rls o n .......................................... 196 points 2. D an W o r re ll............................................. 180 points 3. Jo d y F a rm e r............................................. 178 points 4 . Eby D obson ............................................. 166 points 5. Kirk D u c e ............................. *....................157 points 6. Del S p e a r ..................................................126 points 7. Bob T u rn q u ist.......................................... 115 points 8. Rocky K le v e r............................................112 points 9. Dick Im e r.................................................... I l l points 10. Mike Rice ..................................................104 points 11. R aul A lle g re ..............................................102 points 12. D ean R om inger ........................................ 99 points 13. G reg I s e m a n ............................................... 96 points Terry Dillon ................................................. 96 points C asey R eilly................................................. 96 points

1. Rocky K le v e r........................................... 2 ,2 2 8 yards 2 . S teve C a p u to ........................................... 2 ,0 3 3 yards 3. M onty B u lle rd ic k ....................................1 ,8 1 3 yards 4. Jo d y F a rm e r.............................................1 ,7 1 9 yards 5. Dick Im e r................................................... 1 ,5 9 2 yards 6 . T erry D illo n ...............................................1 ,5 6 9 yards 7. A rnie B la n c a s ..........................................1 ,5 6 4 yards 8 . L es K e n t.................................................... 1 ,5 5 4 yards 9. Del S p e a r ................................................. 1 ,4 2 9 yards 10. P au l C o n n e lly ..........................................1 ,3 4 8 yards 11 . Jeff H o f fm a n ........................................... 1 ,3 4 5 yards 12 . Bob B yrne ...............................................1,3 1 3 yards 13. R en ard C o le m a n ....................................1 ,311 yards 14. C asey R e illy .............................................1 ,2 8 4 yards



1. Brian S a lo n e n ..........................................1 ,8 8 2 yards 2 . Bob M c C a u le y ........................................ 1 ,4 6 6 yards 3. Mike R ice ...................................................1 ,4 3 4 yards 4. Ray B a u e r................................................. 1 ,2 5 0 yards 5. M att C la rk ..................................................1 ,2 4 0 yards 6 . V ern K elly..................................................1 ,1 0 3 yards 7. B rad S a lo n e n .............................................. 9 8 0 yards 8 . Mike T re v a th a n ........................................... 9 6 3 yards 9. Jim H a r d ....................................................... 9 6 0 yards 10. P au l C o o le y ................................................. 941 yards 11 . T ony L a m b e rt.............................................. 91 5 yards 12 . P au l L a m b ....................................................8 7 4 yards 13. B rad D an tic...................................................8 6 9 yards 14. Allen G r e e n ................................................. 8 3 7 yards 15. Jo d y F a r m e r ................................................767 yards

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

M arty M o rn h in w eg ..............................6 ,0 8 3 G rady B e n n e tt ..................................... 4 ,7 7 3 B rent P e a s e ........................................... 3 ,6 5 5 T om K in g sfo rd ..................................... 2 ,2 9 6 Bob B o y e s ............................................. 2 ,1 7 8 S cott W e rb e lo w ....................................2 ,0 9 9 Ray B r u m ...............................................2 ,0 6 8 Tim K e rr..................................................1 ,7 4 5 V an T ro x e l............................................. 1 ,4 4 7 Rock S v e n n u n g se n ..............................1 ,4 4 6 Dick H e a th ...............................................1 ,2 3 1 Kelly R ich a rd so n ....................................1,1 9 1 G ary B e rd in g ..........................................1 ,1 7 7

yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards

.... .........

Greg Iseman

Bob McCauley

Rocky Klever

S in g le S e a so n (since 1948) 1.

2. 3. 4. Les K e n t............... 5. Terry D illo n ......... 6 . Dick I m e r .............. 7. Arnie B la n c a s ...... 8. B ryan M a g n u so n . 9. M onty Bullerdick. 10 . Rocky K le v e r ......


2 . Bob M cC auley.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10 .

Brian S alo n en ... Jim H ard ............ Mike T rev ath an P aul L a m b .......... P aul C o o le y ....... Matt C la r k .......... T ony L am b ert .. V ern K elly..........





1 ,2 5 3 1 ,0 7 5 1 ,0 2 2 972 892 889 85 5 81 8 791 783

1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981

G Yds.


1 ,0 4 6 933 832 722 710 614 607 58 8 56 9 564

1986 1984 1983 1979 1989 1985 1976 1989 1986 1978

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

R ay B a u e r .......................... V ern K elly .......................... L orenzo G lenn ................. D oug B a in .......................... Brian S a lo n e n .................. M att C la r k .......................... C urt M c G in n ess............... T erry H u r le y .....................



56 3 53 9 511 473 452 441 438 431

1950 1977 1989 1969 1982 1987 1984 1955

SCORING 1. Kirk D u c e ........................... G reg I s e m a n ..................... 3. Mike R ic e ........................... 4 Kirk D u c e ........................... 5. Eby D o b s o n ....................... 6. D an W o rre ll....................... 7. Dick I m e r ........................... 8. D an W o rre ll....................... Del S p e a r ........................... J o d y F a r m e r ..................... Jo d y F a r m e r ..................... 12. Bob M cC au ley ..................




84 84 80 73 68 67 64 60 60 . 60 60 56

1988 1982 1986 1989 1986 1969 1954 1970 1974 1987 1989 1984

13. B ruce C a r ls o n .................. D ean R o m in g e r ............... 15. P at D odson ....................... Rocky K lever .................... Brian S a l o n e n ..................



55 55 54 54 54

1976 1981 1960 1979 1983

PASSING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

G rady B e n n e tt.................. B rent P e a s e ....................... M arty M o rn h in w e g ......... S cott W e rb e lo w ............... G rady B e n n e tt.................. Bob B o y e s.......................... Marty M o rn h in w e g ......... T om Kingsford ................. Marty M o rn h in w e g ......... Tim K e r r ............................. Ray Brum .......................... Kelly R ic h a rd s o n .............. S h an o n M ornhinw eg Marty M o rn h in w e g ......... G ary B e rd in g ....................



3 ,0 9 1 3 ,0 5 6 2 ,4 5 3 1 ,8 8 3 1 ,6 8 2 1 ,6 6 8 1 ,5 6 9 1,3 6 1 1 ,1 8 7 1 ,0 9 7 969 906 884 874 828

1989 1 986 1984 1987 1988 1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1969 1983 1985 1980 1970

Grizzly Awards Each year sev en outstan ding University of M ontana football players are recipients of aw ards. T he Terry Dillon A w ard, honoring th e outstanding back, w as established in 1964 following the accidental d eath of form er Grizzly T erry Dillon. Dillon played defensive an d offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. H e started at defensive halfback for th e N ational Football L eague M innesota Vikings. T he P aul W eskam p A w ard was established in m em ory of P aul W eskam p, a tackle on Ed C hinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. T he aw ard h onors UM’s ou tstanding linem an an d w as established by th e citizens of R onan, M ont. T he G old en H elm et A w ard h onors the hard est hitter on th e team . It w as set up on a nationw ide basis by th e C oca-C ola C o m p an y in 1 9 6 7 . T he Larry Miller A w ard is given in m em ory of th e great Grizzly linem an an d w restler w ho c o m p eted for UM in 1969 an d 1 970. Miller died in an autom obile accident in 1974. T he aw ard h onors th e te a m s’ outstanding defensive linem an. T he S tev e C arlson aw ard is given to the te a m s’ m ost valuable player in m em ory of the form er Grizzly football player w ho died in 1977. P at N orw ood w as a four-year starter at offensive tackle for th e Grizzlies 1 978-82 from Billings, w h o died of can cer in 1983. This aw ard is given to th e Most Inspirational Player, w ho often tim es h ad to overco m e an injury. T he T ony B arbour aw ard is given in m em ory of a Loyal Grizzly F an. It is p resen ted annually to a UM player, “w ho best exem plifies o u tstan d in g practice habits an d m ak es an unselfish contribution to the betterm ent of the Grizzly Football T eam . E nthusiasm , dedication an d com m itm ent are th e key factors so u g h t in th e p erso n receiving this a w a rd .”

Carlson (MVP)

1977—R on Lebsock 1978—Tim Kerr 1979—Jim H ard 1980—K ent C lausen 1981 —Rocky Klever 1982—G reg Isem an M arty M ornhinw eg

1983 —Brian S alonen 1984—M arty M ornhinw eg 1985—Mike Rice 1986 —Mike Rice B rent P ease Foster Bill V enard 1988—Tim H auck 1989—Tim H auck

1987—P at

Jim Rooney

Dan Edwards



1 9 6 4 —W ayne H arrington 1 9 6 5 —P aul C onnelly 1 9 6 6 —Jim Neilsen 1 9 6 7 —Bryan M agnuson 1 9 6 8 —Mike Buzzard 1 9 6 9 —Karl Stein 1 9 7 0 —A rnie Blancas 1 9 7 1 —S teve C a p u to 1 9 7 2 —Jeff H offm an 1 9 7 3 — Bob Sm ith 1 9 7 4 —Rock S v e n n u n g se n 1 9 7 5 —Del S p e a r 1 9 7 6 —P aul Fisness 1 9 7 7 —M onty Bullerdick 1 9 7 8 —Rocky Klever 1 9 7 9 —Rocky Klever 1 9 8 0 —W ayne H arp er 1 9 8 1 —Rocky K lever 1 9 8 2 —G reg Isem an 1 9 8 3 —Jo e y C harles 1 9 8 4 —S cott M urray LeRoy F oster 1 9 8 5 —L eR oy Foster 1 9 8 6 —Kraig P au lso n 1 9 8 7 —R en ard C olem an S cott W erbelow 1 9 8 8 —Jo d y F arm er 1 9 8 9 —Jo d y F arm er

Golden Helm et

1 9 6 7 —Larry H uggins 1 9 6 8 —Tuufuli U peresa 1 9 6 9 —Tuufuli U peresa 1 9 7 0 —Larry Miller 1 9 7 1 —S teve Okoniewski 1 9 7 2 - R o n R ichards 1 9 7 3 —Jim Leid 1 9 7 4 —Larry F arnam 1 9 7 5 —W alt Brett 1 9 7 6 —D an Sullivan 1 9 7 7 —Terry Falcon 1 9 7 8 —G uy B ingham 1 9 7 9 —G uy B ingham 1 9 8 0 —Brian M cHugh 1 9 8 1 —Jim R ooney 1 9 8 2 —G reg A m undsen 1 9 8 3 —Bob C ordier 1 9 8 4 —Rick L inderholm 1 9 8 5 —Eric D aw ald 1 9 8 6 —Larry Clarkson S haw n P oole 1 9 8 7 —Larry C larkson 1 9 8 8 —Ja y F agan 1 9 8 9 —Kirk Scrafford

1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989


—Bob B eers - H e r b W hite - J i m N ordstrom - J i m N ordstrom - C a s e y Reilly -M ick D ennehy - S ly H ardy - R o n R osenberg - S te v e D ionas - G r e g A nderson -K elly Jo h n so n -K e n t C lausen - G re g D unn - J a y B ecker - S c o tt G ratton -S c o tt G ratton C urt McElroy -B re n t O akland - J a k e T ram m ell -T e rry Shillam - P a t H ardim an Dem idric C ooks -T im H auck -T im H auck -T im H auck Mike R ankin


1982—Brian S alo n en 1983—D ave D um m ett 1984 —Kelly R ichardson 1985—Tim M onterossi 1986—Rob K unka Rick Sullivan R eeves Ja so n Ray 1988—Ja so n Ray 1989—D on G raves Ja y F agan

1987 — David

1 987—N ate O d d en 1 988—Clay C lausen 1989 —G rady B ennett Miller

1976 19771978 1979 1980 19811982 19831984

-D oug Betters -Steve Fisher -Steve Fisher -Sam Martin -Arnie Rigoni -Pat C urry -Joe N uu -Cliff Lewis -Dave S e a m a n

19851986 198719881989-

-Pat Foster -Pat Foster J a so n Ray -Pat Foster S cott C a m p e r -J.C . C am pbell Rick Sullivan -Dan E dw ards J o e Kalafat


Jim Nordstrom

Current/Former Montana Pros Steve Sullivan........... Ed Illman................... “Wild” Bill Kelly Len N o y es................ Milton Popovich ...... Paul Szakash............ Aldo Forte................. Bill Lazetich.............. John D olan............. Stan Renning............ John L ands.............

1922 1926 1927 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1941 1959 1960

Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indians Edmonton Indianapolis Warriors

tTim H ook ............................1979 Carm Carteri........................1979 *Guy Bingham 1980 Rocky Klever...................... 1982 Rich Burtness...................... 1982 tMike H agen.........................1982 *tMickey Sutton.....................1983 Brian Salonen.....................1984 tJoey Charles....................... 1984 tTony Fudge........................ 1984 tRick Linderholm.................1985 tTom R utt.............................1985 tT ed R a y ..............................1986 tScott Poole 1986 *Mike Rice 1987 *Brent P ease 1987 *Larry Clarkson


Pat F oster...........................1988 tScott Cam per...................1988 tJ.C . Campbell................. 1989 *tTim H auck 1989 *tKirk Scrafford 1989 tJa y F ag a n 1989

Saskatchewan Ottawa New York Jets (10th round) New York Jets (9th round) Dallas Cowboys (12th round) Seattle Seahawks Pittsburgh Maulers Dallas Cowboys (10th round) Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys Denver Broncos Denver Broncos Washington Redskins New England Patriots New York Jets (8th round) Minnesota Vikings (11th round) San Francisco 49ers (8th round) Los Angeles Rams (9th round) Phoenix Cardinals Toronto New England Patriots Cincinnati Bengals Washington Redskins

Note: Year listed is first as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted, or signed with. *Still Active at Press Time

Larry Clarkson

Gary Schwertfeger.............1961 Bob O’Billovich.................. 1962 Terry Dillon.........................1963 Mike Tilleman.....................1964 Bryan Magnuson 1967 Tuufuli U peresa.................. 1969 Dave U rie ........................... 1969 Roy Robinson.....................1972 Willie Postler....................... 1972 Steve Okoniewski..............1972 Barry Darrow......................1974 Jim H ann............................ 1974 Ron Rosenberg................... 1975 Greg H arris 1976 Walt B rett........................... 1976 Doug Betters 1977 Terry Falcon 1977 Greg Anderson 1979

Vancouver’s B.C. Lions Ottawa Rough Riders Minnesota Vikings Chicago Bears Washington Redskins Philadelphia Houston Oilers Saskatchewan Vancouver’s B.C. Lions Atlanta Cleveland Browns Portland Cincinnati Bengals New York Jets Atlanta Falcons Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Montreal

Guy Bingham


fFree Agent

■1989 Grizzly Football ReviewS ep t, 2 © W ashington-G rizzly Stad iu m M issou la, MT

MONTANA 41, E. NEW MEXICO 15 E. New M ex ico 0 M ontana.....................10 A —7 ,614 70, Partly Cloudy

3 3

6 6 —15 14 14—41

Q-Time Play 1-10:23 Whitney, 15 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 7-0 UM 1-2:44 Duce, 35 field goal, 10-0 UM 2-7:08 Gilbreath, 41 field goal, 10-3 UM 2-3:07 Duce, 27 field goal, 13-3 UM 3-14:48 LeProwse, 86 kickoff return (Duce kick), 20-3 UM 3-2:20 LeProwse, 1 run (Duce kick), 27-3 UM 3-1:17 Evans, 66 pass from Scott (pass failed), 27-9 UM 4-10:58 Weaver, 18 pass from Lacey (pass failed), 27-15 UM 4-9:34 Farmer, 13 run (Duce kick), 34-15 UM 4-5:00 See, 74 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 41-15 UM



Means, 50 intercepted fumble return (Loop kick), 21-3 FSU 2-14:40 Hauck, fumble recovery in end zone (Duce kick), 21-10 FSU 2-11:02 Craver, 1 run (Loop kick), 28-10 FSU 2-9:47 Farrish, 26 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 28-17 FSU 2-0:12 Whitney, 15 pass from Bennett (run failed), 28-23 FSU 3-8:53 Loop, 26 field goal, 31-23 FSU 3-5:51 Pickens, 46 pass from Barsotti (Loop kick), 38-23 FSU 3-4:22 Farmer, 1 run (Bennett run), 38-31 FSU 3-0:05 Barsotti, 8 run (Loop kick), 45-31 FSU 4-11:45 Farmer, 13 pass from Bennett (kick failed), 45-37 FSU 4-1:37 Jones, 5 run (Loop kick), 52-37 FSU


UM 23 25 38 390 53 27 78 428

25 62 264 142 21 12 83 406

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards



First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

34 72 368 45

21 79 440

17 36 61 198 42 17 78 259

UM-Farmer 10-43-1; ENM-Tucker 14-42-0.

Receiving UM-Whitney 5-82-1; Farrish 3-67-0; Trevathan 3-39-0; Farmer 3-26-0. ENM-Weaver 4-34-1; Tucker 3-15-0; Evans 2-79-1.

GAME NOTES: Sophomore linebacker Paul LeProwse would make the best of his only game in 1989, as he returned a kickoff 86 yards for a TD, scored on a oneyard run, and also had seven tackles and two sacks at linebacker. Fie was named the Big Sky Conference Defen­ sive Player of the Week, but missed the remainder of the season with an elbow injury.

Sept. 9 ©Bulldog Stadium Fresno, CA FRESNO STATE 52, Montana 37 8


6 -3 7 7 -5 2

Q-Time Play 1-12:21 Burnett, 6 pass from Barsotti (Loop kick), 7-0 FSU 1-9:55 Jones, 1 run (Loop kick), 14-0 FSU 1-7:11 Duce, 22 field goal, 14-3 FSU

UM-Farmer 25-146-2. PSU-Harvin 13-40-1.

Passing UM-Bennett 30x47-0 = 372-2 TDs. PSU-Del’Andrae 25x53-2 = 468-2 TDs.

Receiving UM-Trevathan 8-142-1; Clark 8-119-1; Cabunoc 5-46-0; Glenn 3-47-0. PSU-Shackelford 4-198-1; Evers 7-158-1.

GAME NOTES: Halfback Jody Farmer rushed for a career-high 146 yards and Bennett passed for 372 yards, as the two combined for 418 of UM’s 559 total yards. Vik­ ing QB Darren Del’Andrae passed for 468 yards and two TDs, and premier halfback Curtis Delgardo was injured early in the second quarter, missing the rest of the season. UM overcame a 15-7 first half deficit, as kicker Kirk Duce put UM ahead for good on a 37-yard field goal, as time expired in the first half.


S ep t. 2 3 © J o e A lb i Stadiu m S p o k a n e, WA



moving the ball in the final minutes, but QB Grady Ben­ nett was sacked by Ron Cox and FSU recovered and went on to score. Bennett had his best day ever with 387 yards and three TDs, but was sacked eight times, five times by Cox. Griz safety Tim Hauck had a great game with 25 tackles—14 unassisted, along with a fumble recovery for a TD and an interception, and was the Big Sky’s POW. FSU would go on to a 12-0 record, and Big West Con­ ference and California Bowl titles. Tailback Aaron Craver would be one of only two backs to gain more than 100 yards in a game, going for 103 on 22 carries.

Sept. 16 ©Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT MONTANA 30, PORTLAND STATE 21 Portland S ta te ......... 12 M ontana.................... 7 A —10,155 70, Partial clouds Q-Time Play

3 9

0 7

6 —21 7 —30

1-13:31 Shackelford, 77 pass from Del’Andrae (kick failed), 6-0 PSU 1-11:22 Farmer, 46 run (Duce kick), 7-6 UM 1-2:25 Harvin, 3 run (pass failed), 12-7 PSU 2-4:58 Brumfield, 47 field goal, 15-7 PSU 2-2:51 Trevathan, 47 pass from Bennett (pass failed), 15-13 PSU 2-0:00 Duce, 37 field goal, 16-15 UM 3-6:07 Clark, 60 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 23-15 UM 4-7:26 Farmer, 7 run (Duce kick), 30-15 UM 4-1:18 Evers, 29 pass from Del’Andrae (pass failed), 30-21 UM


PSU 17 29 47 468 53 25 82 515

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards


UM-Bennett 26x51-0 = 387-3 TDs. FSU-Barsotti 12x21-2 = 142-2 TDs.

GAME NOTES: UM overcame a rocky start and was

Passing UM-Bennett 19x39-1 = 285-1 TD; Lebo 2x6-0 = 83-1 TD. ENM -Scott 1 1 x 2 9 -0 = 1 1 0 -1 TD; L acey 5 x 12-1 = 67-1 TD.

20 7

UM-Farmer 10-70-1. FSU-Craver 22-103-1, M. Jones 20-60-2.

UM-Clark 9-98-0; Whitney 5-101-1; Farmer 5-70-1; Trevathan 3-60-0. FSU: Means 3-28-0; Burnett 2-17-1; Picket 1-46-1.


M ontana................... 3 Fresno S t.................. 21 A —3 3 ,710 79, Clear


TEAM S T A T S UM 26 44 187 372 48 30 92 559

M ontana..................... 3 E. W ashington 3 A —7,365 75, Clear Q-Time Play


6 -2 2


0 -1 6

1-9:11 Duce, 21 field goal, 3-0 UM 1-5:04 Cromer, 36 field goal, 3-3 2-5:11 Cromer, 30 field goal, 6-3 EWU 2-2:56 Cromer, 23 field goal, 9-3 EWU 2-1:54 Whitney, 12 pass from Bennett (kick failed), 9-9 3-8:16 Buenzli, 67 intercepted fumble return (Cromer kick), 16-9 EWU 3-7:01 Farmer, 7 run (Duce kick), 16-16 4-5:54 Farmer, 1 run (kick failed), 22-16 UM


UM 19 40 118 236 34 22 73 339

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Farmer 19-54-2; Bennett 18-49-0. EWUJohnson 9-28-0; Corr 19-25-0. UM-Bennett 22x34-1 = 236-1 TD. EWU-Powers 11x27-0 = 171-1 TD.

Receiving UM-Farmer 8-64-0; Whitney 4-25-1; Clark 4-17-0. EWU-Buenzli 3-100-1; Carr 4-23-0.

11 38 31 171 27 11 64 202

■1989 Grizzly Football ReviewGAME NOTES: UM trailed 16-9 in the third quarter, and tied the game 16-all (the third tie of the game), about a minute later on a seven-yard run by Farmer. Farmer rushed for 54 yards and two TDs, including the gamewinner with 5:54 remaining. He also had a game-high eight receptions.

7 —24 0 —30


UM First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

06 0 -3 1



Chuhaniuk, 50 field goal, 3-0 WSC Engler, 7 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 7-3 UM 2-11:21 Hauck, 55 blocked punt return (Duce kick), 14-3 UM 2-10:25 Farrish, 8 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 21-3 UM 2-7:21 Duce, 36 field goal, 24-3 UM 3-9:50 Farrish, 41 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 31-3 UM 3-5:26 Chuhaniuk, 35 field goal, 31-6 UM 1-8:42 1-2:16

1-11:12 Jackson, 29 pass from Friesz (Pearce run), 8-0 UI 2-11:19 Pearce, 1 run (Doyle kick), 15-0 UI 2-10:35 Safety, Bennett tackled in end zone, 17-0 UI 2-9:07 Jackson, 36 pass from Friesz (Doyle kick), 24-0 UI 2-1:28 Clark, 36 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 24-7 UI 2-0:04 Doyle, 27 field goal, 27-7 UI 3-11:37 Duce, 41 field goal, 27-10 UI 3-8:44 Doyle, 47 field goal, 30-10 UI 3-3:51 Bennett, 29 run (Duce kick), 30-17 UI 4-2:11 Glenn, 7 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 30-24 UI

18 23 54 370 53 33 76 424

Weber S ta t e 3 M ontana................... 7


Taylor, 71 pass from Gatlin (kick failed), 31-13 UM 3-5:44 McKelvie, 46 field goal, 31-16 UM 4-10:13 Taylor, 98 pass from Gatlin (pass failed), 31-22 UM 4-7:24 Safety, punt blocked out of end zone, 33-22 UM 4-2:47 Glenn, 19 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 40-22 UM

Q-Time Play

Live on ESPN-TV IDAHO 30, MONTANA 24 7 10 20 3


A—13,589 60, Sunny

Sept. 28 ©Kibbie Dome Moscow, ID

M ontana.................... 0 Idaho........................... 7 A —13,000 Q-Time Play

Oct. 7 ©Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT

27 36 58 437 51 28 87 595

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Farmer 12-38-0; Bennett 11-16-1. UIDaniels 14-37-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 33x53x1 = 370-2 TDs. UI-Friesz 28x51-0=437-2 TDs.


UNR 18 34 78 419 42 24 76 497

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

27 46 172 243 39 27 85 415




22 24 -43 394 73 37 97 351

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

21 33 84 227 34 21 67 311


INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Farmer 13-88-0. WSC-Mitchell 6-14-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 18x29-1 = 201-3 TDs; Lebo 3x5-2 = 26-0. WSC-Schmidt 27x54-3 = 273-0; Martin 10x19-0 = 121-0.

Receiving UM-Farrish 4-61-0; Gorman 4-61-0; Glenn 4-53-0. WSC-Macon 13-109-0; Shaw 8-97-0.

GAME NOTES: The Griz defense held Weber to a school record -43 yards, as 13,589 fans saw them rebound from their nationally televised, 30-24 loss at Idaho. Hauck blocked his school-record eighth punt and returned it 55 yards for a touchdown. Joe Farrish had two TD catches. WSC’s Peter Macon had 13 receptions for 109 yards.

UM-Farmer 24-82-2; Bennett 13-55-0; Gillie 8-36-0. UNR-Whalen 10-43-1; Frierson 14-42-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 27x39-2 = 243-3 TDs. UNR-Gatlin 24x42-3 = 419-2 TDs.

Receiving UM-Clark 8-56-0; Glenn 7-108-1; Farmer 6-32-1. UNR-Taylor 13-299-2; Ortega 6-78-0.

GAME NOTES: Farmer scored three touchdowns in the first quarter, and the Grizzlies took a 31-7 lead at inter­ mission. Nevada QB Fred Gatlin, a freshman, threw for 278 yards and two TDs in the second half—230 of those yards going to Treamelle Taylor, who set a Big Sky record with 299 receiving yards, including a 98-yarder, which tied a conference mark. Farmer accounted for 114 yards and three TDs, and averaged 41.0 yards on six punts. Hauck had 11 tackles and two interceptions, and a blocked punt, and UM blocked three punts. Sophomore ILB Matt Clafton had a game-high 21 tackles and forced a fumble.

Oct, 21 @WaIkup Skydome Flagstaff, AZ MONTANA 38, N. ARIZONA 14 M ontana................... 0 N. A rizona............... 7 A—8 ,5 2 0

UM-Trevathan 10-153-0; Clark 7-72-1; Glenn 4-43-1; Whitney 3-70-0. UI-Allen 9-153-0; Jackson 4-134-2.

14 0

7 7

1 7 —38 0 —14

Q-Time Play GAME NOTES: UM battled back from a 27-7 halftime deficit in this Thursday night game, as Idaho racked up 369 total yards (to UM’s 130) in the opening half. The Grizzlies dominated the second half, but their rally was cut short when the Vandals recovered UM’s onside kick in the final two minutes. Receiver Mike Trevathan had a careerhigh 10 catches for 153 yards. Vandal QB John Friesz passed for a career-high 437 yards. Both teams would win the rest of their Big Sky games, UI going 8-0, and Mon­ tana, 7-1.

Oct. 14 ©Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT MONTANA 40, NEVADA-RENO 22 N evad a....................... 0 M ontana.....................28 A —9,465 56, Partial clouds

7 3

9 0

6 —22 9 —40

Q-Time Play 1-12:17 Trevathan, 11 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 7-0 UM 1-9:48 Farmer, 23 run (Duce kick), 14-0 UM 1-7:00 Farmer, 7 run (Duce kick), 21-0 UM 1-0:55 Farmer, 5 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 28-0 UM 2-7:06 Whalen, 1 run (McKelvie kick), 28-7 UM 2-0:01 Duce, 18 field goal, 31-7 UM


1-14:51 Safety, Bennett tackled in end zone (by Ken­ nedy), 2-0 NAU 1-5:02 Penaflor, 22 field goal, 5-0NAU 1-3:07 Safety, snap goes outof end zone,7-0 NAU 2-1:52 Bennett, 2 run (Duce kick), 7-7 2-0:18 Clark, 7 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 14-7 UM 3-11:04 Motes, 8 pass from Wyatt (Penaflor kick), 14-14 3-6:14 Rice, 1 run (Duce kick), 21-14 UM 4-13:43 Rice, 10 run (Duce kick), 28-14 UM 4-10:37 Rice, 7 run (Duce kick), 35-14 UM 4-0:39 Duce, 18 field goal, 38-14 UM

■1989 Grizzly Football ReviewTEAM STATS UM 23 44 133 250 34 23 78 383


NAU First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds, Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

18 18 57 260 47

22 75 317

UM-Rice 17-65-2; Bennett 10-40-0. BSU-Virden 6-12-0; Thomas 6-11-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 25x43-1 = 396-2 TDs; Lebo 2x6-1 = 18-0. BSU-Virden 13x33-6 = 186-2 TDs; Haliiday 12x22-4=157-0.

Receiving UM-Glenn 7-96-0; Trevathan 4-63-0; Clark 3-73-1; Rice 3-54-0; Four with 2 receptions. BSU-White 9-200-1; Heffner 7-71-1.

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Rice 15-84-3; Kostecki 10-41-0; Farmer 8-30-0, NAU-Worley 12-53-0. UM-Bennett 18x29-4-210-1 TD; Lebo 5 x 5 -4 0 -0 . NAU-Wyatt 22x47-2 - 260-1 TD.

Receiving UM-Trevathan 6-83-0; Clark 6-51-1; Rice 3-72-0; Farrish 3-31-0,. NAU-Motes 7-53-1; Lang 4-78-0.

Nov. 11 @Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT

GAME NOTES: Interception was the BIG word here, as the Grizzlies picked off a Big Sky record 10 passes, ty­ ing the 1-AA record. BSU’s 12 turnovers also tied a 1-AA record. Nine different players picked off the Broncos’ two quarterbacks, as cornerback Marcus Bowen was the only UM player with two “picks.” Kevin Morris returned one interception for a 98-yard TD. Bennett just missed the 400-yard plateau, passing for 396 yards and two TDs. Rice rushed for two TDs—giving him five in his last two games. BSU’s Winky White had nine catches for 200 yards, for more than half of his team’s offense. BSU rushed for just 16 yards on 16 carries. UM had a season-high 94 plays, and had the ball 37:10 minutes. Montana led 31-7 at halftime.

GAME NOTES: Montana probably felt like it was in the Twilight Zone, as NAU took a 7-0 first quarter lead on two safeties and a field goal. UM then came back on a TD run and TD pass by Bennett. This game will best be remembered, though, for the emergence of redshirt freshman running back Tony Rice, who replaced Farmer who was injured late in the second quarter. Rice had TD runs of 1, 10 and 7 yards, and three catches for 72 yards. Bennett suffered a career-high four interceptions, but NAU was picked off twice and lost three fumbles—all in the first half. Hauck had another great game with 19 tackles.


Oct. 28 @Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT

M ontana................... 0 Montana S t.............. 0 A —14,227 30, Gusting winds

Nov. 4 @Reno H, Sales Stadium Bozeman, MT


Q-Time Play

B oise S ta te 7 M ontana................... 6 A —10,388 43, Cloudy Q-Time Play

3-4:14 4-14:01 4-2:30 4-1:50

0 0 25 10

6 —13 7 —48

Rice, 5 run (kick failed), 6-0 UM White, 61 pass from Virden (Black kick), 7-6 BSU 2-14:46 Murphy, 18 interception return (See from Bennett), 14-7 UM 2-10:22 Duce, 27 field goal, 17-7 UM 2-7:23 Rice, 2 run (Duce kick), 24-7 UM 2-3:39 Engler, 42 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 31-7 UM 3-5:13 Duce, 28 field goal, 34-7 UM 3-2:21 Clark, 38 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 41-7 UM 4-12:00 Morris, 98 interception return (Duce kick), 48-7 UM 4-8:23 Heffner, 24 pass from Virden (pass failed), 48-13 UM

1-2:29 1-1:47

0 0

0 2

TEAM STATS 21 45 157 414 49 27 94 571

BSU First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

17 16 16 343 55 25 71 359

1 7 —17 0— 2

Safety, snap goes out of end zone, 2-0 MSU Bennett, 2 run (Rice run), 8-2 UM Duce, 24 field goal, 11-2 UM McGowan, 24 pass interception (kick failed), 17-2 UM

TEAM STATS UM 8 37 104 88 16 9 53 192

MSU First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

11 54 118 42 13 3 67 161

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Rice 19-90-0. MSU-Wilkinson 19-68-0; Ryan 15-22-0.

Passing UM

GAME NOTES: It looked like a bad center snap which led to a safety might be the difference in this one, played in gusting, cold winds. A key interception by Grizzly safe­ ty Galen Lawton led to UM’s first TD—the only points it would need. A third-and-14 Bennett to Mike Trevathan pass to the MSU five-yard-line was the key play, as Ben­ nett took it in three plays later. LBs Mike Rankin and Bryan Tripp each had a game-high 14 tackles. MSU linebacker Mychal Kempt had 13 stops and a sack.

UM-Bennett 9x16-1 = 88-0 TDs. MSU-Tetrault 3x13-2 = 43-0.

Receiving UM-Ciark 3-15-0; Rice 3-15-0; Trevathan 2-40-0. MSU-Stoitz 3-43-0.


MONTANA 35, IDAHO STATE 21 Idaho State ........... 0 M ontana.....................14 A —9,021 55, Cloudy

14 14

0 7

7 —21 0 —35

Q-Time Play 1-6:47

Glenn, 45 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 7-0 UM 1-1:15 Bennett, 3 run (Duce kick), 14-0 UM 2-14:21 Funk, 2 pass from Whitmer (kick failed), 14-6 UM 2-9:24 Rice, 4 run (Duce kick), 21-6 UM 2-5:20 Kelley, 3 pass from Whitmer (Kelley run), 21-14 UM 2-2:09 Bennett, 3 run (Duce kick), 28-14 UM 3-9:56 Whitney, 18 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 35-14 UM 4-3:55 Jones, 13 pass from Whitmer (Bombard kick), 35-21 UM

TEAM STATS UM 21 43 115 343 40 25 83 458

ISU First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

17 35 85 254 43 23 78 339

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Bennett 9-29-2, ISU-Kelley 13-116-0; Vera 11-40-0..

Passing UM-Bennett 20x29-2 = 303-2 TDs; Lebo 5x11-1 = 40-0. ISU-Whitmer 23x43-1 = 254-3 TDs.

Receiving UM-CIark 7-74-0; Trevathan 5-69-0; Glenn 3-80-1; Cabunoc 4-33-0. ISU-Sheets 6-70-0; Allen 4-25-0; Funk 3-47-1; Schrade 3-33-0; Kelley 3-14-L

GAME NOTES: Bennett rushed for two scores and threw for two more in three quarters, as UM ended the regular season at 9-2 overall and 7-1 in the Big Sky. Rice continued to be a force rushing, gaining 83 yards on 18 carries and scoring his sixth TD in the last four games. ISU fullback George Kelley became only the second player (Fresno’s Aaron Craver gained 103 yards) in the season to go over the 100-yard mark, gaining 116 on 13 carries, including a 52-yard run, an opponent’s longest gain in the regular season. Bengal QB Jason Whitmer had three TD passes. Hauck had 15 tackles, while Rankin and Tripp each had 10.

■1989 Grizzly Football ReviewI-AA PLAYOFFS—FIRST ROUND Nov. 25 ©Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT

I-AA PLAYOFFS—QUARTERFINAL Dec. 2 ©Washington-Grizzly Stadium Missoula, MT



Jackson S t................ 7 M ontana.................... 23 A —11,854 40, Partly cloudy

E. Illin o is.................. 0 9 M ontana..................... 6 10 A —12,285 25, Sunny

0 9

0 0— 7 6 1 0 —48

7 6

I-AA PLAYOFFS-SEMIFINAL Dec. 9 ©Allen E. Paulson Stadium Statesboro, GA GEORGIA SO. 45, MONTANA 15

3 —19 3 —25

M ontana.................... 0 G. Southern.............. 14 A —10,421 38, S leet and snow

7 17

0 14

8 —15 0 —45

Q-Time Play

Q-Time Play

Q-Time Play

1-11:47 Barnett, 48 pass from Gregory (Ayozie kick), 7-0 JSU 1-9:25 Rice, 1 run (Duce kick), 7-7 1-7:53 Safety, Gregory slips in end zone, 9-7 UM 1-7:28 Trevathan, 16 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 16-7 UM 1-3:49 Trevathan, 21 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 23-7 UM 2-13:28 Clark, 12 pass from Bennett (pass failed), 29-7 UM 2-6:25 Duce, 36 field goal, 32-7 UM 3-11:36 Glenn, 27 pass from Lebo (pass failed), 38-7 UM 4-8:44 Gillie, 13 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 45-7 UM 4-6; 19 Duce, 37 field goal, 48-7 UM

1-4:52 1-2:48 2-10:43 2-8:41

1-12:49 Sikkellee, recovers blocked punt in end zone (Dowis kick), 7-0 GSC 1-6:25 Hopkins, 24 run (Dowis kick), 14-0 GSC 2-11:34 Thompson, 1 run (Dowis kick), 21-0 GSC 2-7:01 Dowis, 27 field goal, 24-0 GSC 2-1:23 Farmer, 3 run (Duce kick), 24-7 GSC 2-0:00 Allen, 41 pass from Gross (Dowis kick), 31-7 GSC 3-14:09 Thompson, 35 pass from Gross (Dowis kick), 38-7 GSC 3-10:12 Miller, 12 run (Dowis kick), 45-7 GSC 4-10:12 Farmer, 2 pass from “Bennett (Kostecki from Bennett), 45-15 GSC

Duce, 41 field goal, 3-0 UM Duce, 26 field goal, 6-0 UM Safety, snap goes out of end zone, 6-2 UM Moore, 13 pass from Arnold (D’Alesio kick), 9-6 El 2-8; 13 Glenn, 50 pass from Bennett (Duce kick), 13-9 UM 2-0:48 Duce, 40 field goal, 16-9 UM 3-11:07 Clark, 23 pass from Bennett (kick blocked), 22-9 UM 3-8:05 Rummell, 8 pass from Arnold (D’Alesio kick), 22-16 UM 4-7:52 Duce, 33 field goal, 25-16 UM 4-1:16 D’Alesio, 31 field goal, 25-19 UM



UM 26 40 100 450 38 23 78 550

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

10 33 1 164 19 14 52 165

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS (Playoff stats do not count towards season totals)

Rushing UM-Farmer 15-61-0; Bennett 5-55-0; Kostecki 7-37-0. JSU-Hall 3-23-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 13x19-0 = 239-3 TDs; Lebo 10x19-1 = 211-2 TDs. JSU-Gregory 5x6-0 = 70-0; A. Smith 9x13-2 = 94-0.

Receiving UM-Trevathan 8-147-2; Glenn 5-107-1; Clark 5-102-1; Gillie 3-63-1. JSU-Barnett 3-82-1; R. Lewis 4-60-0.

GAME NOTES: The Thanksgiving vacation crowd of 11,854 (the largest of any 1-AA first round game) held its collective breaths when the Tigers capitalized on a UM fumble, as QB Shawn Gregory hit a wide open Tim Barnett for a 48-yard TD to give JSU an early 7-0 lead. The Grizzlies then scored in five of its next seven posses­ sions, and Gregory left the game with an injury early in the second quarter. Bennett and frosh Brad Lebo passed for 450 yards and five TDs. For the first time in history three UM receivers had 100 yards or more receiving. Ben­ nett passed for 239 yards and three TDs—all in the first half. The Tigers had just one net yard rushing as UM had nine sacks (JSU had seven), three by end Dan Edwards, and two by OLB Mike McGowan. Hauck, LB Steve Col­ lins and McGowan had 11 tackles each, as did JSU’s Darion Connor.

18 36 90 307 35 24 71 397

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards



TEAM STATS 16 29 69 189 46 18 75 258

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Rice 14-47-0; Bennett 13-27-0; Farmer 8-15-0. El-Castillo 13-49-0; Jones 10-24-0.

Passing UM-Bennett 24x35-1 = 307-2 TDs. EI-Arnold 18x46-1 = 189-2 TDs.

Receiving UM-Trevathan 7-102-0; Glenn 4-81-1; Whitney 4-58-0; Clark 4-37-1. EI-Rummell 7-85-1; Moore 4-32-1.

17 31 53 217 41 21 72 270

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yds. Net Pass Yds. Pass Attempts Pass Completions Total Plays Total Yards

25 57 301 198 14 9 71 499

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Rushing UM-Farmer 14-66-1; Rice 6-20-0. GSC-Miller 7-71-1; Gross 9-57-0; Thompson 4-26-1; Hopkins 3-30-1.

Passing UM-Bennett 19x37-1 = 176-1 TD; Lebo 2x4-0=41-0. GSC-Gross 7x10-0 = 180-2 TDs; Huntley 2x4-1 = 18-0.

Receiving UM-Glenn 9-118-0; Trevathan 4-41-0; Rice 3-28-0. GSC-AlIen 4-100-1; Thompson 2-67-1.

GAME NOTES: This was a classic battle between two

GAME NOTES: Junior QB Raymond Gross passed for

hard-nosed teams. The outcome was in doubt until the Grizzlies recovered an on-side kick and ran the clock out. Kicker Kirk Duce overcame a hard, frozen field and was perfect on four field goal attempts, and was six-of-six in FGs in the playoffs. Trevathan had his second straight 100-yard receiving game. “True” freshman Mike Rummell had career-highs of seven catches for 85 yards and a TD for the Panthers. Rankin led UM with 16 tackles, and cornerback Kevin Morris had his second interception in the playoffs. Panther ILB Jeff Mills had a game-high 17 tackles. Montana had the highest attendance of any quarterfinal game with 12,285 fans. It was the Grizzlies’ eighth straight win, and gave them a school-record 11 vic­ tories.

a career-high 180 yards and two TDs, and the Eagles’ much-heralded running attack racked up 301 yards and three TDs, as 10 different players carried the ball. GSC scored two TDs in the first half on a blocked punt (Farmer’s second of his career) and a “Hail Mary” pass at the halftime gun. Farmer rushed for 66 yards and a score, and also scored on a reception. UM’s Glenn had nine catches for 118 yards. Rankin had a game-high 14 tackles (35 in the playoffs), while Hauck had 11 (32 in the playoffs), plus an interception. For GSC it was their 36th straight home win. GSC won the national title with a 37-34 victory over Stephen F. Austin, going 15-0. All four of the Eagles’ playoff wins, including the national championship game, were at home.


-Grizzly Football Hall of Fame (Inaugural, Inducted 1982) Pos. Years Played


Ray Bauer Bob Beers Chris Bentz Harry Dahlberg Tom Davis Terry Dillon Paul Dornblaser Ted “Chief” Illman Bill Kelly Larry Miller Bob O’Billovich Steve Okoniewski Milt Popovich Stan Renning Naseby Rhinehart Roy Robinson Bob Stansberry Russ Sweet Tuufuli Uperesa Earl “Click” Clark Leonard “Belgian' Daems Barry Darrow Waldo Ekegren Aldo Forte Dick Imer Tom Kingsford Bill Lazetich Eso Naranche A1 “Ribs” Robertson Ron Rosenberg Karl Stein Steve Sullivan Paul Szakash


1947-48-49 1967-68 1914-15-16-17 1916-17-19-20 1926-27-28 1960-61-62 1910-11-12-13 1923-24-25 1924-25-26 1969-70 1959-60-61 1970-71 1935-36-37 1956-57-58 1933-34-35 1967-68-69 1932-33 1924-25 1968-69 1914-15-16 1914-15 1970-71-72 1928-29-30 1936-37-38 1953-54 1948-49-50 1936-37-38 1939-40-41 1914-15 1971-72-73-74 1969-70 1919-20-21 1935-36-37

Hometown Great Falls, MT Beaverton, OR Aberdeen, SD Butte, MT Butte, MT Hopkins, MN Chicago, IL Missoula, MT Missoula, MT Martinez, CA Butte, MT Silverdale, WA Butte, MT Great Falls, MT Milwaukee, WI Glasgow, MT Norfolk, NE Miles City, MT Ajea, HI Everett, WA Harlowton, MT Dillon, MT Butte, MT Chicago, IL Highland, IN Missoula, MT Anaconda, MT Butte, MT Minnesota Whitefish, MT San Anselma, CA Butte, MT Chicago, IL

R on R o se n b e r g Name

(Inducted 1984) Pos. Years Played


Bob “Lefty” Byrne Jim Morrow


Billings, MT Moore, MT


(Inducted 1985) P os. Years Played


H enry Blastic J o e D eL uca Jim N ordstrom


Chicago, IL W eed , CA A uburn, WA


(Inducted 1986) Pos. Years Played


Ken Cam pbell D oug D asinger


G reat Falls Wolf Point

1949-50-51 1927-28-29

1 9 3 3 -3 4 -3 5 1 9 5 2 -5 3 -5 4 1969 -7 0

19 4 9 -5 0 1 9 5 3 -5 4 -5 5

W ll

T om K in g sfo rd Name

(Inducted 1983) Pos. Years Played


Greg Anderson Arnie Blancas Steve Caputo Ed Chinske


Chicago, IL Sumner, WA Seattle, WA Michigan City, IN

1974-75-76 1969-70 1969-70-71 1926-27-28

Doug D asinger 55

V oice of the G rizzlies

“Grizzly” Bill Schwanke returns as the voice of the Grizzlies for his 18th year as the play-byplay announcer for University of Montana sports. It will be KYLT Radio’s 19th year of broadcasting Grizzly athletics and serving as UM’s official station. He has been the assistant director of the Grizzly Athletic Association since September, 1988. He is a former sports editor of The Missoulian newspaper and a former sports information director at UM. He is a 1967 graduate of UM. He has been the Montana Sportscaster of the Year six times. Former Grizzly assistant football coach Joe Yeager is in his fourth season as color commentator for Montana football. He coached at UM from 1982-84.

Grizzly Football Network The 1990 Grizzly Football Network features 15 cities, including the originating station, KYLT Radio of Missoula. The network: Billings—KBLG-AM; Butte—KXTL-AM; Deer Lodge—KDRG; Glasgow—KLTZ-AM; Glendive-KXGN-AM; Great Falls-KMON-AM; Hamilton-KBMG-FM; Havre—KPQX-FM; Helena—KBLL-FM; Kalispell-KOFI-AM; Libby-KLCB-AM: LivingstonKPRK; Miles City—KMTA; Shelby—KZ1N-FM.

Media O utlets (4 0 6 A rea Code)

N ew sp a p ers Name


A ddress


Vince Devlin (sports editor) Kim Briggeman (beat writer) George Geise (sports editor) Warren Rogers (sports editor) Hud Willse (sports editor) Gene Speelman (sports editor) Roy Pace (sports editor) Jack Tanner (sports editor) Sports Editor

500 S. Higgins Ave................................................ Missoula, MT 59807 205 S. River Dr., Great Fails, MT 59403.......... 401 North Broadway, Billings, MT 59101 ......... 25 West Granite, Butte, MT 59701 .................... 727 East Idaho, Kalispell, MT 5 9 9 0 1 ................. 317 Cruse St., Helena, MT 59604 ..................... 232 Main, Hamilton, MT 5 9 8 4 0 ......................... University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812....

Great Falls Tribune Billings Gazette Montana Standard Daily Interlake Independent Record Ravalli Republican Montana Kaimin

Phone 721-5266 761-6666 657-1200 782-8301 755-7000 442-7190 363-3300 243-6541

T elev isio n S ta tio n s Name


A ddress


Larry Frost Dave Tester Sports Director Mark Spears Matt Morrison Chris Byers Joe Wren Ron Bruski Kevin Devine Brent Kline Jeff Rickard

Drawer M, Missoula, MT 59806.......................... P.O. Box 4827, Missoula, MT 59806 ................ 401 E. 1st Ave., Kalispell, MT 59901 ................ P.O. Box 1139, Great Falls, MT 59403 ............ P.O. Box 2989, Great Falls, MT 59403 ............ 2045 Overland, Billings, MT 59102 .................... 1003 S. Montana, Butte, MT 59701................... 118 6th St. South, Great Falls, MT 59405........ 2443 N. Montana, Helena, MT 59601............... P.O. Box 3118, Butte, MT 59701 ..................... P.O. Box 2557, Billings, MT 59103 ...................

Phone 721-2063 543-7106 257-1643 453-4377 453-2433 656-8558 782-0444 761-8816 443-5050 494-7603 252-5611

R adio S ta tio n s Nam e


A ddress


Allen Kessler Mick Holien Sports Director Sports Director Sports Director Denny Bedard Bob Borino

Fairway Center, Missoula, MT 59801................. P.O. Box 5023, Missoula, MT 59806 ................ 400 Ryman, Missoula, MT 59802 ...................... P.O. Box 4106, Missoula, MT 59806 ................ University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812.... P.O. Box 4106, Missoula, MT 59801 ................ 725 Strand, Missoula, MT 59801........................

Phone 728-5000 721-1290 728-9300 728-1450 243-4931 728-9399 542-1025

W ire S e r v ices Name


A ddress


Warren Wintrode

1300 Cedar St., Helena, MT 59601 ...................

Phone 442-7440

UNIVERSITY PHOTOGRAPHER HOWARD SKAGGS The University of Montana's photographer is Howard Skaggs. He can be contacted at 406-243-4825 for special photo requests, both color and black and white. Skaggs is in his eighth season as UM’s photographer and has 14 years of photo experience. Please contact him a week before the event for your requests.


GRIZZLY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent SEPTEMBER 1 Oregon State 8 OPEN 15 Thomas More College (Ky.) 22 McNeese State 29 Eastern Washington* (Homecoming) OCTOBER 6 Boise State* 13 Weber State* 20 Northern Arizona* 27 Montana State* NOVEMBER 3 Nevada 10 Idaho* 17 Idaho State*




7:00 PM

Missoula Missoula Missoula

5:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Boise Ogden Missoula Missoula

6:00 6:00 1:00 1:00

Reno Missoula Pocatello

2:00 PM Noon 6:05 PM

*Big Sky Conference game—All Times Mountain

r k K c A r -S r ,to r s


University of Montana

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Intercollegiate Athletics


1990 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department

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