1992 Football Media Guide

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1 99 2 M ontana Football Yearbook This Yearbook was prepared by Dave Guffey for the convenience of print and electronic media during the 1992 football season. Permission is granted to quote in whole, or in part, any material in this Yearbook. Photographs or additional information will be sent upon request. Please let us know your needs. All requests for press passes should be made by letter or telephone at least on e w eek in advance. Complete statistics are provided at each Grizzly home game. They include team and individual final stats, halftime “flash stats,” quarterly play-by-play, defensive statis­ tics, and drive charts. C om piled, d esig n ed and ed ited by: Dave Guffey Printed by: UM Printing Services

It w as 2 4 sea so n s ago in 1969, w hen head coach Jack Swarth o u t’s team carried him off th e field after th e G rizzlies co m p leted a p erfect regular and B ig Sky se a so n , w inning all 10 gam es, th e fin a le a 58 -0 victory over S o u th D akota State. C o lleg e fo o tb a ll w a s cele b r a tin g its 1 0 0 th birthday th at se a so n .

ON THE COVER: Five of Montana's 1992 Honors Candidates are fea­ tured as the “Griz Express”takes off from Washington-Grizzly Stadium. LR: Shannon Cabunoc, Sean Dorris, Todd Ericson, Chad Lembke and Brad Lebo. (Photos by Todd Goodrich) Artwork by Neal Wiegert. Concept and design by Dave Guffey. Inside front cover: UM'sMain Hall (right), and in the background the Rattlesnake Wilderness area. (Photo by Howard Skaggs) Back cover: The 1988 Griz-Idaho Game in Missoula. (Photo by Howard Skaggs)

Table of Contents 1992 S ch ed u le..................................................... Back cover UM Quick F a c ts.....................................................................1 About The University of M o n tan a........................................2 Academics at U M .................................................................. 3 UM Administration................................................................ 4 Athletic Personnel................................................................ 5 Head Coach Don R e a d ....................................................... 6 Assistant C o a c h e s............................................................ 7-8 1992 O u tlo o k.....................................................................10 All-American C andidates................................................... 11 Honors C andidates................................................. 12-13-14 The 1992 Grizzlies........................................................16-25 New Grizzlies.......................................................................26 1992 Alphabetical R o ste r............................................ 28-29 Big Sky Composite S ch ed u le ............................................ 30 O p p o n en ts.....................................................................32-35 Grizzly Coaching R eco rd s.................................................36 Big Sky C onference............................................................38 1991 Big Sky Standings/Past C ham pions...................... 38 1991 Individual/Team Big Sky Statistics...........................39 1991 Grizzly Statistics..........................................................40 Season-by-Season R esults.......................................... 42-44 All Opponents’ Series R eco rd ............................................ 44 The Grizzly Record B o o k ............................................ 45-46 Grizzly 1st Team All-Big S k y ............................................ 47 Grizzly All-Americans....................................................... 48 Montana All-Time L eaders.......................................... 49-50 Grizzly A w ards.............................................................. 51-52 Current/Former Grizzly P r o s ............................................ 53 1991 Game-by-Game R esults....................................54-57 Weight R o o m .....................................................................58 Grizzly Football Hall of F a m e ............................................ 59 Voice of Grizzlies/Montana M ed ia....................................60

P hotography by: Todd Goodrich Howard Skaggs

UM Q uick Facts (4 0 6 A rea C ode in M ontana) Location: Missoula, Montana, 59812 Chartered: February 17, 1893 Enrollm ent: 10,000 P resident: Dr. George Dennison (243-2311) A th letic Director: Bill Moos (243-5331) H ead F ootball Coach: Don Read (243-2969) Football Staff: Mick Dennehy, Robin Pflugrad, Jerome Souers, Bruce Read, Kraig Paulson, David Reeves A sso c ia te A th letic Director: Kathy Noble (243-5331) A th letic Trainer: Dennis Murphy (243-6362) Equipm ent Manager: Steve Hackney (243-4351)

Stadium : Washington-Grizzly (15,100) Stadium Phone: 243-4167 Nicknam e: Grizzlies Colors: Copper, Silver and Gold C onference: Big Sky C om m issioner: Ron Stephenson (208) 345-5393 A sst. C om m ission er, Inform a­ tion Services: Arnie Sgalio (208) 345-5393 Faculty R epresentative: Dr. Robert Lindsay 243-5102 S p orts Inform ation Director: Dave Guffey 243-6899, Office 728-1135, Home 243-6859, FAX Football Phone: 243-2969

Yearbook Cost: $ 6 .0 0 —($7 If mailed) The UM M arching B and a d d s p agen try to th e G r iz z lie s’ h om e gam es. 1

The U niversity of M ontana

(circa 1898)

University of M ontana in Missoula is located in a m ountain forest setting in beautiful western M ontana. It is halfway betw een Glacier and Yellowstone national parks. Four wilderness areas are located near Missoula. The n a tu ­ ral surroundings offer excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing, backpacking, river floating, cam ping and other outdoor recreational pursuits. Two excellent winter ski areas are located within m inutes of the University. Several other ski areas are only a couple of hours away by car. UM owns and operates its own golf course adjacent to cam pus. The University of M ontana is one of the West’s pioneers in education and was chartered Feb. 17, 1893. The school o p ened in Sept. 1895, with 50 students enrolling the first day. Located on 201 acres at the base of M ount Sentinel, UM has grown from 50 students and seven faculty m em bers to a present enrollm ent of about 10,000 and about 4 2 0 full-time faculty positions. T hroughout its history, The University of M ontana has

sustained a high standard of academ ic excellence in teaching, research and service. UM offers a general associate of arts degree and bachelors degrees in 50 fields. It offers m aster’s degrees in 45 program s and doctoral degrees in eight. The College of Arts and Sciences, which is the core of the University, includes a full range of program s and courses in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and hum anities. The college also offers curricula in interdisciplinary fields such as ethnic studies and liberal studies. The University also has Schools of Business Adm in­ istration, Fine Arts, Journalism , Education, Forestry, Law, and Pharm acy and Allied Health Sciences. The University aims to provide its students a relaxing and m eaningful learning experience with the best facilities possible. The administration, faculty and staff strive for this goal.


UM Academ ics: One of the N ation’s B est T he U niversity of M on tan a has 26 R hodes Scholars. UM ranks 17th of all American colleges and universities in the n u m b e r of R h o d e s S c h o la rs it h a s produced, fourth am ong public universi­ ties. Students are chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, energy, com m u­ nity a n d p o litical in v o lv e m e n t, a n d character. The Flathead Lake Biological Station, located about 80 miles north of Missoula, is the oldest biological station west of the Mississippi. The UM research station is one of the finest facilities in the country for eco­ logical studies and freshwater research. KUFM, anon-com m ercial, public radio station operated by the Telecom m unica­ tio n s C e n te r r e a c h e s an e s tim a te d 400 ,0 0 0 M ontanans in central and west­ ern M ontana. School of Education graduates com ­ pete very successfully for jobs. A high p er­ centage of those with bachelor’s degrees an d g ra d u a te d e g re e s find teach in g , ad m in istrativ e a n d o th e r e d u c a tio n related positions in M ontana and m any other states. The D epartm ent of Social Work is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, making UM the only M ontana school that prepares its graduates to apply for advanced standing in graduate schools of social work. The D epartm ent of D ram a/D an ce has a professional theater group — the M on­ ta n a R ep erto ry T h e a tre — b ased on campus. The M ontana Repertory Theatre, which tours throughout the Northwest, is the only professional actors equity com ­ pany betw een M inneapolis and Seattle. Eight University of M ontana students have received Truman Scholarships. The national scholarship is given annually to stu d en ts com m itted to a g o v ern m en t career who have superior academ ic abil­ ity and leadership potential. The D epartm ent of A nthropology has th e largest collection of artifacts and records of prehistory in the region. The School of Business is the only busi­ ness school in M ontana to be accredited by th e A m erican Assem bly of Collegiate Schools of Business at the graduate level. Year in, year out, a high percentage of the school’s accounting graduates pass the Certified Public Accountant Exam on their first try. T he D ep artm en t of G eology has a strong, nationally known program in tradi­ tional geology and environm ental g eo ­ science. B ecause the solution to m ost geologic problems involves a combination

M olly Kramer w as recen tly nam ed the 26th R hodes Scholar from The Univer­ sity o f M ontana. of field and laboratory study, the depart­ m ent offers a wide range of field and laboratory courses a n d en co u rag es a broad, multidisciplinary program of study. The D epartm ent of Geography has one of the Northwest’s best cartography labora­ tories, where students learn to make m aps and interpret aerial photography. The D epartm ent of Health and H um an Perform ance is one of a handful in the country that trains students to be athletic trainers.

UM’s creative writing program , started in 1919 by H.G. Merriam, is the second oldest program of its kind in the country. W ell-known for graduates like M ontana writer and poet Jam es Welch, the program has flourished to the point that last year it received 252 applications for 25 openings. M ontana has had four Division I, AllDistrict 7 (which includes Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, M ontana, Nebraska, North Dakota, S outh Dakota, Wyoming, Alberta and Saskatchew an) academ ic selections the last four years in-a-row. Last year seniors Thad Huse, Nels Kludt, Kyle Mirich and Greg Ferguson were all nam ed to the all-district team , which requires a 3.20 GPA or above. In 1991, form er M ontana linebacker Mike M cGowan was given a prestigious NCAA post-graduate scholarship, and in the spring of 1992, Grizzly basketball star Daren Engellant received similar recog­ nition. In 1988 the Grizzlies had four football players nam ed to the GTE All- American first or second team — the m ost by any Division I program in the nation. Last season M ontana had 18 players nam ed to the Big Sky Conference’s all­ academic team (which requires a 3.0 GPA or above), and the Grizzlies have been in the top two in the league for the past six years, and has had the m ost of any school four times during that span.

M ontana lin eb ack er Mike M cGowan w as n am ed first team GTE A cad em ic A llA m erican th ree tim es, in 1 9 8 8 -8 9 -9 0 , m aintaining a 3 .9 7 (on a 4.0 sc a le) grade p oint average. H e is con gratu lated by Faculty R ep resen tative Bob L indsay at a G rizzly b a sk etb a ll gam e.


A dm inistration ^ J e o r g e Dennison became the 16th president of The University of Montana on August 15, 1990. Before coming to UM Dennison was provost and vice president for academic affairs at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, a post he had held since 1987. He is a former resident of Kalispell, and a UM alumnus. A history professor, he earned two degrees in that field at UM: a masters in 1963 and a bachelor’s with highest honors in 1962. In 1967, he com­ pleted a doctorate in history at the Univer­ sity of Washington. Before joining W estern Michigan’s administration, he held a number of posi­ tio n s at C o lo rad o S tate U niversity between 1969 and 1987. They include history professor, admissions and records director, associate academic vice presi­ dent, graduate school associate dean and associate dean of the college of the arts, humanities and social sciences. Dennison and his wife, Jane, also from Kalispell, have two children.

l^L ath y has been the associate athletic director at Montana the past five years. In 1989 she served as interim athletic director, overseeing two I-AA football playoff games, as well as the Big Sky Conference women’s basketball tourna­ ment, and an NCAA first-round game in women’s basketball. She was instrumental in UM’s bid for a Women’s Western Regional Basketball Tournament, recently granted to Mon­ tana in March of 1993. Most recently Noble was the Assistant Director of the Departm ent of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities in Miami, Florida. She has 17 years of experience in col­ lege administration. She was the Asso­ ciate Athletic Director at the University of Miami from 1983-86. Prior to that she was an Academic Counselor in athletics at Boise State (1982-83) and the Resi­ dence Hall Director at Washington State (1976-82). Noble earned her B.A. degree in Social Sciences at Central Washington University in 1971. She received a Master’s Degree in Counseling at Washington State in 1979 and is cur­ rently a Ph.D. candidate in Counseling at WSU.

^ J a r y is the veteran of M ontana’s ath­ letic department, and is starting his 27th year at UM. He became athletic ticket m anager in 1966, and was appointed Manager of Athletics Facilities and Rev­ enue in 1978. He manages all scheduling in Adams Field House, Washington-Grizzly Sta­ dium and Dornblaser Track and Field in addition to overseeing the TIC-IT-E-Z Ticketing System, all athletic revenue, concessions operations, event staffing, and various other duties. He is a native of Ronan, Montana and graduated in accounting from Missoula Business College in 1962. He gained experience in accounting and auditing before assuming his responsibilities at Montana. Gary and his wife, Judy, have six chil­ dren: Christian Ann, Dustin, Lance, Christopher, Sara and Cary.

G eorge D ennison

Bill M oos



K athy N ob le Associate

A1 Kempfert


Executive Grizzly Association

Gary H u gh es M a n a g er S e rvic es

R obert Lindsay o




B i l l Moos is beginning his third year as athletic director at The University of Montana. During his first two years at UM, Moos has overseen a program that has produced five Big Sky Cham pion­ ships and six team s that have qualified for NCAA postseason play. Moos has been instrumental in gener­ ating revenue for Grizzly athletics by incorporating the Grizzly Athletic Assoc­ iation into the department and by creat­ ing a new position that concentrates on corporate sponsorships. He also estab­ lished an Academic Coordinator position that will begin with the 1992-93 aca­ demic year. He has twice served as Director of the Big Sky Coors Light Men’s Basketball Tournament and recently was named to the NCAA Division I-AA Football Advi­ sory Committee for the West Region. Moos came to UM from his alma mater, Washington State, where he was an associate athletic director since 1982. He graduated from WSU in 1973 with a degree in History. As a Cougar athlete he was an all-Pac 10 and all-Pacific Coast selection in football. He capped his college career by playing in the 1972 East- West Shrine Game. Bill, and wife, Kendra, have three chil­ dren: Christa, 12, Brittany, 8, and Bo, 3. ^^Vl is beginning his 15th year as Execu­ tive Director of the Grizzly Athletic Association, formerly known as the Cen­ tury Club. In 1977 Century Club raised approx­ imately $70,000 for intercollegiate ath­ letics. Last year the G.A.A. generated over $550,000 in private support with emphasis primarily on athletic scholar­ ships, but the G.A.A. assists in all phases of athletic departm ent operations. He came to UM from California Lutheran University, where he had served as the Director of Alum ni/Parent Relations from 1971 to 1977. He served in the U.S. Army from 1968-71 and in Vietnam from 1969-70, receiving many commendations. He is an alumnus of C.L.U., where he was a three- sport letterman and voted the Outstanding Sen­ ior Athlete in 1967. A1 has three children, Kim, 23, Mat­ thew, 20, and David, 18. B o b is beginning his fifth year as UM’s faculty representative to the National College Athletic Association. Dr. Lindsay has been a faculty m em ­ ber at UM since 1967. He is a professor of History and served as the department chairman from 1975-78. His specialty is Early Modern European History. Lind­ say won the Distinguished Teacher Award at UM in 1985. He has taught overseas for UM in France in 1970-71 and 1981. He previously taught at Ohio Univer­ sity. He earned a Ph.D. and M.A. at the University of Oregon and an M.A. at the University of Minnesota. He received his B.A. at Nevada-Reno in 1953. As the NCAA Representative, he will determine eligibility for UM athletes, make NCAA rulings at the institutional level and is UM’s representative to the NCAA. He has served on UM’s Univer­ sity Athletic Committee for num erous years and was once chairman of the committee as well. Bob and his wife, Joyce, have four children.

â– Athletic Personnel-

S teve H ackney

D enn is Murphy

Patty Dw ight

Chuck M aes

E quipm ent Manager

Athletic Trainer

Administrative Assistant, Business Office

Assistant to the Athletic Director, Business Affairs

Bruce W allwork

Cindy H odgm an

Rob Stack

Chris Fry

Strength Coach

Sports Information Secretary

Assistant Equipm ent Manager

Associate Athletic Trainer

Cathy Tvedt

Jan e F elstet

Loren Flynn

R ae Proctor

Basketball Secretary

A dm inistrative Secretary

A ssistant M anager, A th letic S ervices

A dm inistrative A ssistant

■Head Coach-

O in c e taking over the University of Montana football program in 1986, Don Read’s teams have not had a losing season, going 6-4, 6-5, 8-4, 11-3, 7-4 and 7-4. During those seasons the Grizzlies have been 32-16 (.667) in Big Sky Con­ ference games. His 32 league victories are the third most in Big Sky history, and the most by any active coach in the conference. The Grizzlies reached new heights in the 1989 season. Montana won a schoolrecord 11 games and advanced to the NCAA Division I-AA semi-final game, and was ranked sixth in the nation. Read was recognized for that success in 1989, as he was nam ed the Big Sky Conferences Coach of the Year. He was the second Montana coach so-honored, and the first since Jack Sw arthout received the award in 1969 and 1970. He is the 7th winningest coach in Big Sky history, with a winning percentage of .662. His record at Montana is 45-24, and his 45 victories are the third most in school history. He trails only Doug Fessenden (46 wins in 10 seasons), and Swarthout (51 victories in 9 seasons). His winning percentage of .662 is the best of any Montana coach with more than three years tenure. In Montana’s 95-year-old football history, the Grizzlies have won six or more games 18 times, and Read’s team s have accomplished that all six of his sea­ sons at UM. The veteran coach came to Montana from Portland State, where he headed up that program from 1981 to 1985, and 1968 to 1971. Between his PSU stays were head jobs at the University of Oregon (1974-76), and Oregon Tech (1977-80). His Oregon Tech teams were ranked 9th in the nation in 1979, and 7th in 1980. In 1984 he led PSU to an 8-3 record and was nam ed the Division II Coach of the Year after his Viking team won the Western Conference championship. Read’s overall coaching record, at all levels, is 147-122-1. He has been in the coaching profession 33 years, beginning in 1959 as an assistant at Placer high School in Auburn, California. His first head coaching job was at Petaluma

High School in California in 1962. He lives and coaches by many personal philosophies. Some of these include: “Success is a by-product of hard work; expect players to make a commitment to football and other aspects of school life; football shapes character; and a team must always play with emotion and intensity.” Read has written a book, The Complete Passing Game, worked football camps in several states, and written almost 100 articles for athletic and coach­ ing magazines. While coaching at Oregon, he worked with former All-Pro Dan Fouts of the San Diego Chargers. At PSU he worked with former pro QB June Jones. During his tenure at Montana he worked with QB Brent Pease, now playing in the World League, and Grady Bennett, the Grizzlies’ all-time career passing leader. He earned his undergraduate degree in Social Science in 1960 at Sacramento State, and his master’s degree in Health and Physical Education there in 1962. Don and his wife, Lois, have a daughter, Beth, and a son, Bruce. Bruce has served as Montana’s special teams coach the past five seasons. THE RECORDS 1968—Portland S t a t e .................. 4--6 1969—Portland S t a t e .................. 6- 4 1970—Portland S t a t e .................. 6- 4 1971—Portland S t a t e .................. 4-•5 1974—University of Oregon . . .2- 9 1975—University of O regon . . .3- 8 1976—University of Oregon . . .4' 1977—Oregon T e c h .....................21978—Oregon T e c h .....................5- 4 . 1979—Oregon T e c h .....................7- 2 1980—Oregon T e c h .....................7- 2 1981—Portland S t a t e .................. 2- 9

1982—Portland 1983—Portland 1984—Portland 1985—Portland

S t a t e ................... 2-9 S t a t e ................... 3-7 S t a t e ................... 8-3 S t a t e .............. 4-5-1

1986—M ontana....................6-4 198 7 —M ontana...................6 -5 1988—M ontana....................8-4 198 9 —M on tan a ................. 11-3 1990—M ontana....................7-4 1991—Montana . ...............7-4 22 y e a r s ....................114-115-1

A ssista n t C o ach es-------------------------

Mick D enn eh y Offensive Coordinator/O-line

Jerom e S ou ers Defensive Coordinator/Secondary

^ ^ i c k begins his second year at his alma mater. He has 19 years of coaching experience, including six at the college level. Two seasons ago, he was the head coach at Western M ontana College in Dillon. He serves as M ontanas offensive coordinator, and also coaches the offensive linemen. A native of Butte, the 4 1 -year-old Dennehy had been the head coach at Western for three seasons, coaching the Bulldogs to a 5 - 3 record in 1990, and was nam ed the Frontier Conference Coach of the Year. This is the second time he has coached in the Big Sky Conference, as he was an assistant under Sonny Lubick at Montana State in 1980-81. He is a 1973 graduate of Montana, with a B.A. degree in Education. He earned a M.Ed. in Educational Administration at Washington State in 1977. He was a standout safety for the Grizzlies in 1971-72. He is tied for second in singleseason league history with 10 interceptions in 1972, when he led the Big Sky. That year he was nam ed first team all-conference. He is ranked sixth (tie) in conference history with 16 career interceptions. D ennehy began his coaching career at Colton High School in Washington, where his teams won state championships in 1975 and 1976, and he compiled a four-year record of 40-4. He then moved on to H elena High School, and was head grid coach there for three seasons, before serving the two-year stint at MSU. He was head football coach at Campbell County High School in Gillette, Wyoming, from 1983 to 1987, before he took the head job at Western. At Campbell High he was Coach of the Year in 1983. His career record there was 29-25. In his prep coaching career he had an 88-60 overall record, was nam ed coach of the year four times, and twice selected to be a Shrine Gam e coach. Mick and his wife, Sheila, have two sons: Jake, 17, and Mark, 14.

c Je ro m e is in his third season as M ontana’s defensive coordinator, and his seventh as secondary coach. Last year the Grizzlies were once again nationally ranked (31st) against the rush, and were third overall in defense in the league, allowing 361.5 yards a game. Two seasons ago, UM was ranked fourth in the nation against the rush, allowing just 86.1 yards a game. And in 1989, UM led the nation in rush defense (allowing 70.2 yards a game). In 1988 M ontana led the Big Sky Conference in pass defense and overall defense for the first time in school history, and tied a Grizzly record with 28 interceptions. Before coming to UM , Souers (pronounced Sow-Ers), 34, was the secondary coach at Portland State for two seasons and served in a similar position at Western Washington for a season prior to the PSU job. He coached at “AAA”’ prep level for eight years at North Eugene and Willamette High schools. His father, Dwight, was a successful, well-known coach in Eugene. Jer­ om e earned a B.A. in Physical Education at Oregon in 1983 and earned his master’s in PE. at PSU in 1985. He and his wife, Paula, have two daughters: Anna, 4, and Alaina, 2. “W e believe in p la yin g aggressive, h a rd -n o se d d efen se. W e k e e p it sim ple, w ork hard at technique, a nd k e ep the em phasis on execution o f our coverage responsibility.”

“O ffensively, o u r style o f play at T h e U niversity o f M on ta n a will no t change. We will be a free -w h eelin g , w ide o p en , m ultiple form ation team , that will p u t the ball in th e air. W e will use th e pass to set up our running g am e, an d try to ke ep o u r o p p o ­ n en ts o ff-balance by doing so.”

Robin Pflugrad •q

O e s i d e s coaching the quarterbacks and receivers, Robin Pflugrad (pronounced Flew-Grad) is involved in several administrative areas relating to Grizzly football. He oversees the budget, compliance rules for the NCAA and the Big Sky Conference, and also has other administrative duties. He is starting his second season as assistant head coach. During his six-year tenure he has coached several of M ontana’s leading career receivers, including Mike Trevathan, the Grizzlies” career leader, and num ber three ranked Matt Clark, who both start for the B.C. Lions. Also known for his recruiting ability, Pflugrad’s recruiting area is Oregon, and he also assists with California junior colleges. He was a standout wide receiver at Portland State, and was team captain and an Academic All-American in 1979. Before coming to M ontana he was wide receiver coach and director of football promotions at PSU for three years. He began his coaching career in 1981 at South Eugene High School, where he was receiver and secondary coach, as well as a counselor in football camps. His Mt. H ood Junior College team went 20-2 in 1976-77, and was ranked first in the nation in 1977, when he was nam ed all-conference. Pflugrad, 34, earned his B.S. degree at PSU in Business Administration in 1980, and his Oregon Teachers Certificate in Business Education in 1984. Rob, and his wife, Marlene, have a daughter, A manda, 5, and a son, Aaron, 4.

Kraig P au lson


Asst. H ead C o a c h /Q B s , WRs

Defensive Line

raig begins his fifth season as a full-time Grizzly assistant at his alma mater. He is starting his second year as the defensive line coach. Last year defensive ends Kirk Murphy (first team) and Gregg Smerker (second team) were All-Big Sky selections, while tackle Nels Kludt received honorable mention status. He started coaching at M ontana in 1988, working with the linebackers. In 1987 he was a graduate assistant coach at UM, working with the secondary and special teams. He was a four-year letterman for the Grizzlies, from 1982-86. His sophom ore season at UM he was nam ed the Outstanding Sophom ore. As a prep at Plenty wood High School, he was a two-time all-state pick in football and let­ tered four times in football and track. Three brothers, Kevin, Kerry and Keith, all ran track for the Grizzlies, and another brother, Kent, ran track at Western M ontana College. Kent is the current head boy’s basketball coach at C.M. Russell High in Great Falls. He is a 1987 graduate of UM, earning a B.A. in Education. Kraig, 28, is married to the former Jody Johnson.

“W e believe in a positive approach to co aching football. I believe th e players sh o u ld still have fu n while playing college football. I h o p e this is an exp erien ce that each player will cherish th e rest o f his life. I w a n t th e m to lo o k b ack a t T h e University o f M o n ta n a as a very rewarding exp erien ce, both academ ically a n d athletically.”

“W e are excited about the u p co m in g season. W e will try to rise to the challenge that each w e e k will bring this fall. This will be very im p o rta n t in order to h ave success in th e B ig S k y C onference.”


A ssista n t

David R eeves

Bruce Read


Special Teams

avid is no stranger to the Grizzly football program, or to the M ontana coaching staff. He had been a graduate assistant coach at UM from 1988 to 1990, working with the secondary and linebackers. This year he begins his second season as a full-time assistant, working with the linebackers. He was a four-year letterman at strong safety for the Grizzlies from 1984-87. He started as a junior and senior, and was one of the leading tacklers and interceptors both seasons with 97 tackle and six interceptions. His junior year in 1986 he had four interceptions, ranking him eighth (tie) in the Big Sky Conference. He was the recipient of the 1987 Pat Norwood Award, given annually to the Most Inspirational Player. Reeves, 26, came to UM from Sedro Wooley High School in Washington, where he was an all-state selection on offense and defense as a senior. He was all-conference as a junior and senior. He was captain of the 1983 team which went 12-1 and was runner-up in the state He recently earned a B.A. degree from M ontana in History He is single.

ruce is beginning his fifth season as the special team s coach at M ontana and his seventh overall. H e served as a part-tim e assistant coach at UM in 1986-87 and was a graduate assistant in 1985 at Portland State, working with the special teams. He graduated from PSU with a B.S. degree in Social Science. As a player at H en­ ley High School in Klamath Falls, Oregon, he was an honorable mention all-state wide receiver/punter, captain of the football team, team MVP and led the state in punting as a senior. He is also an accomplished photographer and was a free lancer at PSU and for the Portland Breakers of the United States Football League. The Grizzlies have excelled in special teams during Bruces tenure. In 1988 they were ranked first in the nation in net punting (39.8 yards) and were second in 1989 (38.6 avg.). In 1988 and 1989 the Grizzlies blocked 13 kicks. And, in 1987, M ontana set a school and Big Sky record with four blocks in a game against intra-state rival, Mon­ tana State. Bruce and his wife Christina have a five-year-old son, Justin.


“W e fe e l like w e h a ve a g o o d m ix o f s e a so n e d veterans with g a m e experien ce, as well as s o m e u p -a n d -c o m in g y o u n g talent at linebacker, and are excited a b o u t the 1 9 9 2 sea so n .”

G rizzly a ssis ta n t Jerom e S o u ers b eg in s h is seven th year at M ontana and h is fourth a s th e G rizzlies5d efen ­ sive coordinator. Here he is talking to former standouts Tim H auck (right) and Mike M cGowan.

“T here is no o th er p h a se o f th e g a m e m o re exciting or big-play orien ted than s p e ­ cial tea m s,”’ R e a d said. “O ur p layers kn o w this, a n d w e p lace a lot o f em p h a sis on th e kicking g a m e.’”

A ssista n t C o a c h e s

Brent P ea se

D oug M ikolas


Defensive Line

Keith P ebley

Renard C olem an


Running Backs

Jay Partridge Offensive Line

O utlook, H onors C and id ates


n 'v

Chad Lembke


Brad Lebo



19 9 2 G rizzly Football OutlookT he 1992 Montana Grizzly football team will find out right away what it is made “Defensively we’re a veteran team, depsite the number of starters we have returning,” X

of, playing Division I-A teams in two of its first three games. Montana opens at Washington State of the Pac-10 Conference on Sept. 5, and two weeks later plays at Kansas State of the Big-Eight Conference.

R eceiver/return er S han n on C abunoc “I feel real good about our potential as a football team, with one scary thing — the difficulty of the schedule,” said seventh-year UM head coach Don Read. “I think we might be better than last year, but it might not show up (in the win-loss record). “Scheduling is so important in terms of who is going to win in the end,” Read said. “I do feel like we’re going to have a certain amount of carry-over from last season. I felt like our team got stronger as the season went on last year, and that will help us in the early part of the season. The problem is that I don’t see us playing a lot of kids early in our schedule, and that would help us get them ready for our conference sched­ ule. Our schedule is too tough early, and we’re going to be fighting for our lives. So we are going into the conference schedule with some unknowns, and that scares me.” The good news is that the Grizzlies return 42 lettermen from a 7 -4 team that finished second in the Big Sky Conference with a 6-2 mark, narrowly missing the league title and the automatic playoff berth that comes with it. The Grizzlies return just 11 starters, seven on offense, three on defense and their punter, and Read thinks his team will be better on both sides of the football. “We have key guys back in key positions,” said Read. “When you talk about the line­ backers, the safeties, the quarterbacks, and the receivers, they’re people who touch the ball, or react, or make plays on the ball. That’s really important to us to have out­ standing players in those positions. “The other thing is, that even though there are only 11 players who started a lot, we play a lot of kids in our rotation,” Read said. “For instance, we lost all four starters on the defensive front, but the four who will take their places this season all played a bunch last year. I don’t really see any dropoff.” “We’re going to improve offensively, especially if you look at where we are now, and where we were at this time a year ago,” Read said. “(Quarterback) Brad Lebo has a year under his belt, we have five or six receivers who started or played a lot last year, so the continuity between quarterbacks and receivers is definitely there. “I think the other thing that gives us a big plus offensively, especially this year com­ pared to last, is Mick Dennehy,” Read said. “He took over as the coorindator he got better and better as we went along. I can see us solidified as an offense, with much more offense than a year ago. We are thin on the offensive line in terms of depth, and that is a concern.” Lebo, a 6-4 senior, passed for a school record 3,384 yards last season, and was a second team All-Big Sky Conference selection. Three of his four favorite targets are back, in Shalon Baker, Mike Carlsen and Bill Cockhill, while fifth-year senior Shannon Cabunoc returns after sitting out last season with a hamstring injury. Veterans Mike Guevara, Jeff Horstch, Scott Gurnsey, and Gary Burton add quality depth. Junior Honors Candidate Frank Garrett at right guard is the only returning starter back on the line. However at right tackle, sophomore Scott Gragg and senior Jason Klohs both played a lot of minutes last season, as did left guard Dan Bise. Senior Jason Barker is coming off a redshirt year (shoulder) and has good experience at left tackle, while junior center Joe Martin had a very consistent spring. Running back is also a deep position on offense, as seniors Marc Monestime, Tony Rice and Mark DeBourg return. Between them they compiled almost 800 of UM’s net yards, and had all 10 of Montana’s rushing touchdowns. Montana’s three returning starters on defense, Sean Dorris, Todd Ericson, and Chad Lembke were All-Big Sky choices last year, and six returning lettermen on “D” have all had starting stints some time during their careers.


Read said. “Kelly McCallum is a good example. Here’s a guy who has played just a limited amount of time because of injuries or whatever, and he has not seen as much action as some of the kids who have started, but he has always been a great player when he’s in there, and has had the potential to be a starter the past two years. “Chuck Mason, we could say is as good as any defensive linemen we’ve had,” Read said; “and he played a ton last year, even though he wasn’t a starter. Shawn Merz, although he may not start, is another veteran player. I could go all the way down the line for others who have played a lot in the past. I’d say this defensive front is as good as any we’ve had, and we’ve had some good defensive fronts here.” Other veterans back on the D-line are senior ends Sean Brickley and Britt Fred, jun­ ior tackle Lance Allen, and sophomore end Keith Jones. “We feel our linebacker core is extremely solid,” Read said. “We’ve got some very good players there, led by Chad Lembke, who has been a great one for us. There are a bunch of other guys who we feel very good about.” Lembke, a senior, was first team all-league, led the Grizzlies with 121 tackles, and is a candidate for the Big Sky’s Defensive Player of the Year award. He is backed up by promising players Garrett “Dr. Doom” Venters, a sophomore, and redshirt freshman Yohanse Manzanarez. At the other inside linebacker slot, two more talented sophomores are waiting for their chances. Dan Downs will probably get the starting nod, although Eric Lono had a solid spring. Both players started twice last season. At outside linebacker, sophomore Kurt Schilling started once last year and will get the starting nod. Montana boasts one of the best safety tandems in the nation in Honors Candidates Todd Ericson and Sean Dorris. Those two ranked two-three behind Lembke last sea­ son in tackles with 94 and 91, respectively. Versatile senior letterman Dan Anderson backs up Schilling and Ericson, and had an outstanding spring. Promising sophomore Mike Goicoechea backs up Dorris, and like Anderson, is a top-notch special teams player. “This is the best combination of safeties that I’ve had as a coach,” Read said. “I think Dorris and Ericson are just outstanding, and we think Schilling is a big play guy, and our corners both played a lot last year, and are very capable. Defensively, I believe we’re going to be as good as we’ve been.” The cornerback position is similar to linebacker, as seniors Stacy Edwards and Quentin Burns each had starting stints last season. Junior redshirt Carl Franks could step in at either spot if needed, and talented junior college recruits also bolster this position. Perhaps the biggest question mark after spring drills was in the kicking game. “I think our punting will be as good or better than last year and Gurnsey was more consistent this spring,” Read said. “Another key is the return of Dennis Scates, who has really turned into an outstanding snapper. Our place-kicking situation is still up in the air, because we haven’t decided who that will be, but all of the rest of our kicking game should be solid.” Read said he thought the Big Sky, “returns a lot of good players this year. There were a lot of teams that had quality juniors last year, or had quarterbacks who were outstanding that return, and a lot of teams have favorable schedules. “I see schedules this year as being a factor in the league race,” Read said. “I think every team but one has at least six home games. “And I always think a factor in the league race is staying healthy. The team that can stay healthy has a better chance. It should be an exciting race becaused there are many good players in the league, and the poten­ tial for any team to beat any team on any given Saturday is really valid this season.”

D e fe n siv e Tackle Chuck M ason

A ll-A m erican C andidates



B r a d waited in the wings for two years, and when he finally got his opportunity last year he m ade the best of it, as he tied or broke seven school marks, including a record 3,384 passing yards. He was ranked 6th in the nation in total offense last year, averaging 283.0 yards a game. He was nam ed second team All-Big Sky Conference, and selected co-winner of M ontana’s Steve Carl­ m son Award (MVP), sharing that honor with record-setting senior receiver Marvin Turk. Against Nevada he passed for a school-record 489 yards, completing 36 of 58 passes for 3 TDs, with no t m , m&k, interceptions. His 71 plays in that game was a league high and a Montana record, and his 36 completions tied a Grizzly record. Going into the 1992 season he has thrown 152 passes without an interception. In the Grizzlies’ season finale at Idaho he was 32 of 48 for 411 yards and a UM record-tying 5 touchdowns, and no picks. He also had 5 TD passes against Weber State. Montana won five of its last six games in ‘91, and Lebo passed for more than 300 yards in all of those games, and broke the 400-yard plateau three times. His 489 passing yards against Nevada was second most in the Big Sky last year, and 5th most in Big Sky history. He set a school record three weeks earlier, passing for 466 yards (the third most in the league last season) against WSU. Despite starting in only 11 career games he is already third in career passing at Montana with 4,071 yards. “Brad Lebo has the personality of a linebacker, because he is so mentally and physically tough,” said head coach Don Read. “He can take a lot of punishm ent and is very durable. He is extremely capable under pres­ sure, which is so important in a quarterback. He is at his best when there’s a big play, and the heat of battle is at its height. “He oozes with confidence, and really believes that every time he lines up he can make something happen — he totally believes that,” Read said. “He is like a coach on the field because he has an excellent grasp of what’s happening on the football field. He reads cover well, and can break down weaknesses in a defense. He handles pressure very well. He has the arm to throw the deep ball and the out, and yet he has nice touch on the ball when necessary. “He has improved his quickness, and is very quick in the pocket and can get out of trouble when he needs to,” Read said. “Brad Lebo is certainly one of the better quarterbacks in the United States, and certainly a top pro prospect as we see it.” A m uch-heralded prep QB, Brad passed for 2,254 yards and 24 touchdowns his senior year at Lewistown (ID) High School, completing a school-record 67 percent of his passes. That season he was nam ed a USA Today All-American, and chosen as the 1987 Idaho Back of the Year. His prep coach was Nick Menegas. Business major. PRONOUNCED: Lee-BOE. EFF. RATING TDs LONG INT. COMP.x ATT.-PCT. YDS. Year G-S


1989 1990 1991



FV /


7-0 6-0 11-11

18x35-.514 35x68-.515 252x457-.551

4 0 12

210 477 3,384

1 2 21

74t 50 70

88.4 120.1 127.3


3 0 5 x 5 6 0 .5 4 5







L a s t season was a banner one for Todd, as he was nam ed first team All-Big Sky Conference as a sopho­ more. He was Montana’s second leading tackier with 94, and had a team-high 56 unassisted stops. It is evident he has a nose for the football, as he had a team-high with 4 fumble recoveries and 3 (tie) inter­ ceptions. He also blocked a field goal in the Nevada game, and had 9 tackles and a fumble recovery in that game. He returned a fumble 11 yards for a touchdown against Humboldt State. He also excels on several of Montana’s special teams. He had 10 or more tackles in four games, and a career-high 17 (11 unassisted) against Weber State last season. He was selected UM’s 1991 season co-captain (along with senior defensive tackle Thad Huse). He was also the co-winner of the Golden Helmet Award (Hardest Hitter), along with senior cornerback Dethrick Slocum. “W hen Todd came here (defensive coordinator) Jerom e Souers had great expectations for him, and we had him ear-m arked to become our free safety,” said Griz head coach Don Read. “In fact, he even got num ­ ber 37 from former free safety (All-American) Timmy Hauck. He plays a lot like Timmy for that matter. “The thing about Todd Ericson, a former quarterback and former team captain at Butte High School, is that he’s used to winning, he’s used to making big plays, and competing under pressure,” Read said. “He’s done that for us and then some. But, above and beyond those things, he has great physical and mental tools. He’s been timed at 4.57 in the 40, and has excellent size. He has the frame to come up and support run and really bang you, and also has the speed to run with any receiver. “Todd is the center-fielder in our coverage. He’s a complete player, and I have not coached many athletes who can do the things that he can do — I can count them on one hand,” Read said. “He is just a trem endous football player, and I just can’t say enough about him.” As a redshirt freshman at UM he played in all 11 games, starting once, and had 21 tackles and an interception. He was a first team All-State selection at Butte High School for coach Jon McElroy at Butte High School. He is one of three veterans from Butte on UM’s defense (Chad Lembke and Lance Allen). He participated in Montana’s annual Shrine Game. He was all-conference in football and basketball. He is a Business Administration major. Year












1990 1991

11-1 11-11

3 56

18 38

21 94

0-0 2 /-4

0 0

0 4

1 4

1 3

0 1

0 1














■Honors C andidates-


SHALON BAKER, IV 5 -5 , 155, WR S op hom ore from Vancouver, W ashington

T h e runner-up for-Big Sky Conference’s Top Newcomer honors last year as a true freshm an. Shalon received eight points in the balloting, and was edged out by Nevada sophom ore receiver Bryan Reeves, who got 10 points. He is Montana’s leading returning receiver, and nam ed “Freshman of the Year” last season. In 1991, he had 48 recep­ tions for 702 yards and 5 touchdowns. He was the Grizzlies’ No. 2 receiver, and ranked 10th (tie) in the Big Sky, averaging 4.4 catches a game. His 702 yards last season rank him eighth in school history in single-season receiving yards. A starter in eight games, Shalon had a reception in every game he played in (10) last season. He did not play in the opener against Humboldt State, because he was being considered for redshirt status. Three games into the season he came into his own with career-highs of 10 catches for 117 yards at McNeese State. He also had 100-yard receiving games against Northern Arizona (6 for 103) and Boise State (6 for 114). He had four or more catches in seven of 10 games, and his 5 TD grabs were second most on the team. His longest TD reception was a 68-yarder at Eastern Washington. “Shalon Baker has great quickness, and is a break-away threat every time he gets the ball,” said head coach Don Read. “He also possesses a lot of confidence for a young player. Last year he was a big player for us in a time that we were rebuild­ ing in the receiver position. We look for many good things out of him this year.” Baker came to Montana from Evergreen High School, where he was All-State, all-conference, team MVP, and a Shrine Gam e participant. As a prep he had 81 catches for 1,442, averaging 17.8 yards per reception. The speedster (4.48 in the 40) also averaged 27 yards per kickoff return and 14.5 yards on punt returns. His high school coach was Jo e Eagle. He is a business major. Year G-S Rec.-Yds.-Avg./TD Yards Per Game 1991


4 8 -7 0 2 -1 4 .6 /5


SH A N N O N CABUNOC, 3V /R S 5 -5 , 155, WR/KOR S en io r from W aipahu, H aw aii U n e of the top all-purpose yardage leaders in the I-AA ranks two seasons ago Shannon sat out last season with a ham ­ string injury. Shannon has 2,222 career yards. He was a Big Sky Conference honorable mention pick in 1989 and 1990. He was fifth in the Big Sky in kickoff returns in 1990, averaging 21.5 yards, and among the Big Sky leaders in receiving with 49 catches for 4.4 a game, ranking him 10th. As a sophom ore he was second in the league and 30th in the nation in kickoff returns, averaging 21.8 yards a return. “Shannon gives us a veteran receiver, who has played more downs than anyone on our team on offense,” said head coach Don Read. “Pound-for-pound he’s probably the toughest guy on our team. He doesn’t make mistakes and has great acceleration off the line of scrimmage. “Keep in mind that this is his fifth year and he played as a (true) freshman,” Read said. He gives us balance, in that he has the ability to go deep or short, with good results,” Read said.“He is a clutch player, and is at his best when it’s a highly competitive game, or very tough opponent. He’s a big player for us in big games, and demonstrated that several times dur­ ing his career. And of course he’s a great kickoff returner for us. He’s very, very quick, and he has extremely good hands.” His 880 receiving yards rank him 13th career-wise at UM. His 573 yards in 1990 rank him 12th in single-season receiv­ ing yards. He had school records of 33 kickoff returns for 709 yards in 1990. He had a career-high 9 catches in a road loss at Nevada, and a career-high 254 all-purpose yards in that game. He was a star athlete at St. Louis High in Honolulu, and was nam ed that cities’ Athlete of the Year in 1987. He was twice all-state in football and baseball. His prep football coach was Calvin Lee, brother of former Grizzly offensive coordinator Tommy Lee, who is now with San Antonio in the World League. Business major. Year G-S Rec.-Yds.-Avg./TDs PR-Yds.-Avg. KOR-Yds.-Avg. Total Yds. Yds. PG 1988 1989 1990 1991


6-0 10-0 11-11 1-1

2 -1 8 -9 .0 /0 2 3 -1 8 7 -8 .1 /0 4 9 -5 7 3 -1 1 .7 /5 5 -1 0 2 -2 0 .4 /1

11-79-7.2 14-131-9.4 6-31-5.2 0-0.0

1-21-21.0 17-371-21.8 33-709-21.5 0-0.0

118 689 1313 102

16.7 68.9 119.4 102.0








BILL COCKHILL, 2V 5 -9 , 160, W R/PR Junior from H elen a, M ontana

In just two seasons, Bill is already ranked among Montana’s career receiving leaders at 17th with 845 yards. He’ll start at the ‘Y” receiver position, and he has excellent speed, running a 4.42 in the 40 this past spring. Last season he had 46 catches for 536 yards, which ranked him 13th in the Big Sky, with 4.2 catches a game. He has been one of the top punt returners in I-AA the past two seasons, ranking in the top 25 in 1990 and 1991. In 1991 he was 5th in the league in punt returns, averaging 10.1 yards an attempt, while he was ranked 13th in the nation as a freshman, averaging 10.6 yards per return. Bill was one of three players voted “Outstanding Sophom ore” last year, along with guard Frank Garrett and defensive tackle Chuck Mason. Montana’s Freshman of the Year in 1990, that season Cockhill led the team in average yards per catch at 16.9, and was second on the team with 6 TD receptions. “Billy Cockhill is extremely explosive after he catches the football,” said head coach Don Read. “He’s as good as any­ body we’ve had around once he catches the ball, making a regular play into a big play. “One of the things we didn’t do last year was get the ball to him often enough,” Read said. “We need to do that more. He’s one of our veterans now, and can play any of our wide receiver positions. He’s a versatile, highly competitive kid, with a lot of confidence in himself, he really wants to win, and that’s his sole mission in every game.” As a junior at Helena Capital High he led the “AA” ranks in scoring with 74 points, and was second as a senior with 78 points. He was All-State as a senior, and played in the Montana Shrine Game. He set a M ontana prep record with 426 all-purpose yards against C.M. Russell High in 1988 for coach Bill Tuss. A Business major, he has twice been selected to the Big Sky’s all-academic team (3.34 GPA). Year Rec.-Yds.-Avg./TDs Punt Rets.-Avg. G-S Total Yds. Yds. PG 1990 1991

10/2 11/11

2 3 -3 0 9 -1 6 .9 /6 4 6 -5 3 6 -1 1 .7 /2

2 8-298-10.6 2 1 - 212 - 10.1

607 748





49-510- 10.4





H onors C an d id ates— f0 ^

SAM DAVIDSON, 3V 6 -6 , 2 5 2 , DEFENSIVE TACKLE Senior from Mercer Island, W ashington

S a m has steadily improved year-after year, and will start at right tackle this season. He was the third leading tackier on the defensive line last season with 28 tackles, and also forced a fumble and had a fumble recovery. This past season he was one of three M ontana players to be voted the recipient of the Pat Norwood Award, given to the team s’ Most Inspirational Player. For the second season in-a-row he is Montana’s fifth leading returning tackier. Two seasons ago, he had 31 tackles, three sacks and a forced fumble. “Sam has been under-rated in our program,” said Griz head coach Don Read. “He’s played on-and-off in our rotation, and every time he’s been in a game he’s done good things for us and his film rating has been excellent. “He has the potential, because of his physical stature, to be a real solid player inside for us, both against the run and pass,” Read said. “He has good height, so he is a factor in the quarterback’s vision, and he has the strength, so that he’s a factor in controlling the line of scrimmage at his position. He’s also a team guy, hard-working, a very steady player, and one of the most popular players on our team.” Davidson was first team All-King County at defensive end and second team All-County at tight end. At Mercer Island High School he was voted his team s’ Most Inspirational Player in football and basketball as a senior, and was team captain in both sports. He also lettered in track. His high school football coach was Dick Nicole. Business major. Year











1989 1990 1991

3-0 11-0 11-0

3 18 8

0 13 20

3 31 28

1 /- 9 3 /-1 1 0 /0

0 /0 1 /-1 1 /-1

0 1 1

0 0 1

0 1 0

0 0 0













SEAN DORRIS, 3V 6 -3 , 2 12 STRONG SAFETY S en ior from C oeur d ’A len e, Idaho

A .n extremely versatile player, Sean has played both safety positions, along with cornerback since he was called into action as a “true” freshman three seasons ago. He is Montana’s third leading returning tackier. Last year he had 91 tackles, five of which were for losses, and two inter­ ceptions. He was nam ed second team All-Big Sky Conference last year, as well as Montana’s “Outstanding Junior.” In 1990, he was second on the team in tackles with 83 stops and he had a team -leading (tie) three interceptions, and was nam ed the Grizzlies’ “Outstanding Sophomore.” He has started 22 straight games, including all 11 last year. He had a career-high 15 tackles in last year’s double overtime loss to Nevada. During his career he has had 12 or more tackles in seven games, including Louisiana Tech, Idaho State and Nevada last year. “Sean Dorris is one of the most outstanding safeties in the nation at any level,” said Griz head mentor Don Read. “He has every single ingredient, physically and mentally that are important in today’s football. He’s tall, he can run; he’s a 4.5 in the 40 type of a guy, he can jump (35-inch vertical), and he has great instincts. “He is also very intelligent, plays the run very well, and can play m an-to-m an, or any kind of coverage, with the best of them. Sean Dorris is as good a strong safety as I’ve been around,” Read said. A three-time all-conference defensive back at Coeur d’ Alene High School, Sean was All-State as a junior and senior, and his conference’s Defensive Player of the Year in 1988. He also lettered in basketball and track. His prep grid coach was Larry Schwenke, father of last year’s conference volleyball MVP, Ann Schwenke, from UM. An Elementary Education major, he was an All-Big Sky academic team selection the past two seasons, maintaining a 3.04 GPA. YEAR









1989 1990 1991

6-0 11-11 11-11

4 38 38

5 45 53

9 83 91

0 0 2

0 0 1

0 7 3

0 3 2











STACY EDWARDS, IV 5 -1 0 , 1 75, CORNERBACK S en ior from Pasco, W ashington

A n excellent coverage player and hard hitter, Stacy started in one game last year and played in all 11. He had 15 tackles, a forced fumble, and 4 pass deflections. He ran UM’s fastest 40 in the spring at 4.35, and had the best (tie) vertical jump at 37 inches. A two-year letterman from Walla Walla City College, Edwards was an All- Region selection as a sophom ore for coach Mike Lewis. He was also captain of the team that season. At Walla Walla his teams were ranked 18th in the nation his freshman year, and won the league championship. His second season the Warriors were ranked 7th in the country and were Sun Bowl champions. In 1990 his Walla Walla team was ranked second in the nation in defense in the junior college ranks, allowing just 124 yards a game. “Stacy is one of the better corners we’ve had in our program,” said UM head coach Don Read; “particularly with respect to oneon-one coverage. He is an excellent pass defender and we can play a lot of m an defense with him if we want to. “He’s also a great kid, he’s a team guy, and is very popular with his fellow players, and he’s a big-play guy. It seems like when you need a big play, Stacy is there. So, when you add it all up, Stacy’s a complete player, and were excited about his potential to help us this year.” Edwards lettered in football, basketball and track at Pasco High School for coach Eric Kelly. He was an all-conference running back, rushing for 1,000 yards as a senior, and averaged 25 yards per catch. He was team captain and MVP as a senior. Communications major. Year



















•Honors C andidates-

f P -f r\ 1 "

FRANK GARRETT, 2V 6-3 , 2 7 4 , GUARD Junior from M issoula, M ontana

IVlontana’s only returning starter on the offensive line, Frank started all 11 games last year and had a very solid season. He had an excellent spring, and will start again at right guard. He was a key to the Grizzlies’ passing attack which was ranked 4th in the nation, as M ontana averaged 329.5 yards a game through the air, and was nam ed Montana’s “Outstanding Sophom ore” along with fellow Honors Candidates Chuck Mason and Bill Cockhill. He was moved from defensive tackle to offensive guard his redshirt season in 1990. “Frank is about as steady of a player as we’ve had in our program,” said M ontana head coach Don Read. “He does things right, and he does them consistently. He’s a very, very intelligent player, and a great asset to have up front. He works very well with the guys who line up next to him, in terms of communication, passing on information, and helping them every way possible, on the practice field and during games. “He’s a guy who is highly, highly competitive,” Read said. “He was quite a wrestler in high school, and just hates to lose individually, or team-wise. He is going to provide leadership on the offensive front, and we are excited about him going into the season.” He earned 9 letters at Big Sky High School, including three each in football, wrestling and track. He was his school’s Male Athlete of the Year as a senior. He was first team All-State on defense and second team All-State on offense, as well a first team all-conference both ways. He was also team captain his final year, and played for former Grizzly player Bob Eustance. He was third in the State in wrestling (heavyweight) as a senior, and also placed in the State track meet in the discus. History major.


CH AD LEMBKE 6 -0 , 2 2 0 , INSIDE LINEBACKER S en io r from B utte, M ontana

r \ n encore year from Chad would be a big plus for the Grizzlies, as he was picked first team All-Big Sky Conference, and led Montana in tackles. He started all 11 games, registering 121 tackles, 46 of which were unassisted. He also had 2 sacks, a team -leading 6 tackles for losses, a forced fumble, a tackle for a safety, and an interception (vs. Montana State). Last season he had 10 or more tackles in 8 games. In 1991 he had a career-high 16 tackles against Weber State, had 15 stops against Nevada, and 14 against Boise State and Northern Arizona. In ‘91 he was voted the co-recipient of the Best Linebacker Award, sharing it with fellow Butte native Paul LeProwse. He can bench press 225 pounds 24 times and runs a 4.70 in the 40. He was nam ed the Big Sky Cenex Land O’Lakes Player of the Week twice last season, following the Boise State and Montana State games. Last season he was a finalist for Big Sky Defensive Player of the Year honors. As a sophomore he had 41 tackles, as well as 2 sacks and 3 tackles for losses. He is also a key member of UM’s special teams. “In the history of the University of Montana there’s been some great linebackers,” said UM head coach Don Read; “and we’ve had a few of them in our time here, but I don’t think we’ve had a more complete linebacker than Chad Lembke. He plays very well against the pass and run, making him a very complete player. “But, his greatest assets are not only playing against run or pass, but he has those characteristics that all of the great linebackers have. It’s that fierce, fierce desire to be where the ball is, and get his hat on the football, and make every tackle. He has th at—those great instincts. “He also is a leader,” Read continued. “Though he is relatively young in age (21), having played as a true freshman, he’s a veteran in terms of number of plays for us, is highly respected by his teammates, and has a lot to do with how they perform. He’s a morale guy, he’s an attitude guy, a positive player, and a force to reckon with.” He was an All-State, all-conference player for coach Jon McElroy at Butte High School. He was a 1988 Shrine Gam e participant. Business major. Year G-S UT AT TT SACKS TL/YDS. FF FR PD INT. SAF. 1989 1990 1991


11-0 10-0 11-10


2 22

46 70

3 19 75

5 41 121

0 /0 2 /- 1 2 2 /- 1 0

0 /0 3 /-6 6 /- 1 4



4 /-22




0 0

1 1


0 0

0 0

1 0 3

0 0 1

0 0 1




CHUCK MASON, 2 V 6-5, 2 7 0 , DEFENSIVE TACKLE Junior from Bigfork, M ontana

O ig things were expected from Chuck when he joined the Montana football program, and he has lived up to those expectations. Last year he played in all 11 games, starting in one. He had 17 tackles, three of which were for losses, and a pass deflection. Chuck blocked two kicks last year, and the final one was a game-winner, as he batted down a PAT attempt against Idaho, giving the Grizzlies a 35-34 overtime victory. His freshman year he was moved from tight end to defense, and has steadily improved his technique, strength, and weight. Because of his versatility he could play several positions. “With his added weight, his almost 6-6 frame, and the speed he has, if he lacked other things, which he does not, he still would be a force to reckon with,” said Montana head coach Don Read. “He will be as good as any defensive linemen in the Big Sky Conference this year, because he is extremely good technique-wise, and the tenacity that is so important for a defensive lineman,” Read said. “He wants to get to the quar­ terback, and make big plays. He has the quickness for a big guy, that allows him to do that. We see him doing a real good job for us in terms of penetration. “Chuck is always around the quarterback or around the ball,” Read said. “He’s also a very strong guy in our kicking game, whether it be blocking or covering — he’s hungry all the time. He has a lot of desire and he makes a lot of big plays ” He was the Montana Gatorade Player of the Year as a senior at Bigfork High School for coach Don Faris. He was also Scholastic Coach Magazine Montana Player of the Year. Chuck was all-conference in football, basketball and track. He was nam ed first team All-State at tight end and defensive end. Interpersonal Communications major. AT TT SACKS TL/YDS. FF FR PD BLK




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The 1 9 9 2 G rizzlies

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Brandy Alexander f


A m m

5 - n , 170 K,Fr., + RS Post Falls, ID

A w alk-on last year, B randy a conventional-style kicker, is battling Craig Dickenson for the kicking duties at UM . . . a three-time letterman in football at Post Falls H igh. . .captain of the basketball team as a senior, and nam ed Defensive Player of the Year. . .first team All-North Idaho and Inland Empire League. . . selected for Idaho All-Star Game. . . prep coach was Jerry L ee. . .Misc.: his father, Larry, graduated from U M . . . General Studies major.

Lance Allen

Dave Amick

6-2, 243 DT, Jr., 2V Butte, MT

6-2, 259 DT, So., Missoula, MT

A steadily improving player, Lance is the back-up at right tackle behind Honors C an­ didate Sam Davidson . . . last season he had 11 tackles, and also excelled on special tea m s. . .one of the stronger players on the team, benching 225 pounds 18 tim es. . . as a sophomore he had 9 tackles, including two for losses of 12 yards, and also forced a fum­ ble. . . at Butte Senior High School he was an All-State selection and participated in the East-West Shrine G am e. . . also an outstand­ ing student as a prep with a 3.1 GPA. . .high school coach was Jon McElroy. . . Business major.

Dave was moved from offensive guard to defensive right tackle this past spring, and is a steadily improving player. . .prepped at local Hellgate High School, where he was first team all-conference and second team AllState at linebacker. . . lettered three times in football and once in basketball. . .was team captain in football as a senior for coach Van Troxel, a former Grizzly standout quarter­ back. . . General Studies major.

Dan Anderson

Warren Arledge

Jason Barker

6-0, 196 FS/O LB , Sr., IV Marysville, CA

6-3, 265 OG, So., IV Bozeman, MT

6-6, 284 OT, Sr., 1V + RS Layton, UT

Dan can play either safety sp o t. . .excellent athlete, benching 225 pounds 20 times, and has a 34-inch vertical jum p. . . had 15 tackles and a forced fumble last year. . . from Yuba Junior College, where he was a two-year letterm an in football and track. . . as a sopho­ more he was first team all-conference and honorable mention All-State for coach Carey L aine. . . a four-year letterman in football at Marysville High School, team captain as junior and senior, and all-conference twice. . . also lettered in track and golf. . . Health & Hum an Performance major.

Warren has steadily improved since joining the Grizzly program two years ago, and he is listed as No.2 at left guard behind senior Dan Bise after spring drills. . . at Bozeman Senior High School he was honorable mention AllState and first team all-conference for coach Bruce Jacobsen as a senior. . . lettered three times in football and once in wrestling. . . Business M anagement major.


Jason had shoulder surgery two springs ago, and was forced to re d sh irt last y e a r . . . saw c o n sid erab le action in 1 9 9 0 . . . listed as th e sta rte r at left tackle. . .from Dixie Junior College, first team All-Western State Conference for a 10-1 team that won the Rotary Bowl. . . first team AllState and Utah Lineman of the Year in 1987 at Layton High School. . . second team Aca­ demic All-American as a prep with a 3.4 GPA. . . played football at Great Falls High as a sophom ore. . . All-Big Sky academic team last year with a 3.45 G PA . . . Business major.

Dan Bise

Jamer Bartel 5-11, 180 SS, Fr. + RS Great Falls, MT A speedster, Jam er is vying for playing time at strong safety, is No. 3 at that position after spring drills. . .first team All-State cornerback, and second team All-State returner at C.M. Russell High for coach Jack Jo h n ­ son . . .one of four Griz players who played for C.M .R.’s state c h am p io n team s in 1989-90. . . Shrine Game selection. . . Rus­ tler’s Special Teams MVP in ‘90. . .captainof the Great Falls Electrics baseball te a m . . . Business Adminitration major.

m M I



A m ■

Thrown into action right away last season, Dan emerged as the starter at left guard after spring drills. . . all-conference at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, Calif., where he was a two-year letterman for coach Fred Whit­ mire . . . prepped at Centennial High, where he lettered in football, track and w res­ tling. . .all-conference in football. . . Health and Hum an Performance major, and plans to be a teacher-coach.

Sean Brickley


6-3, 264 DE, Sr., 3V Pocatello, ID

■1 LA

A quality player with good size and hitting ability, Sean saw limited action last year, but had a very good spring which should add up to more playing time. . . has three quarterback sacks so far in his career. . . has adjusted well to the defensive line, as he was moved there from linebacker two seasons a g o . . . listed at third on the depth chard at left e n d . . . all­ conference in football, and lettered in basket­ ball, baseball and track at Pocatello High School. . .prep football coach was Jerry B ird. . . Business major.

6-5, 265 OG, Sr., IV Newberg, OR

A / ■

Scott Brown 6-5, 245 OC, So., + SQ Missoula, MT

Scott is an up-and-com ing player and was moved from defensive end to offensive cen­ ter this past spring. . . played just one season of high school football, in 1990. . . that year he was All-State and all-conference and par­ ticipated in the Shrine G a m e . . . a starter on Hellgate High School’s “AA” state basketball championship team in 1990. . . also All-State in basketball and track, and the Most Valua­ ble Field Athlete in track and Most Inspira­ tional in basketball. . . third in the state in the discus and fourth in the sh o t p u t in ‘90. . . lettered four times in track, twice in basketball and once in football. . . prep grid coach was Van Troxel. . . General Studies major.



Mike Bourret


ILB, I t .. + RS Great Falls, MT

/ 1 ^/■ LA A A



Mike is vying for playing time at the “Mack” linebacker slot, where he was listed third after spring drills. . . first team All-State at line­ backer and at place-kicker at C.M. Russell High School for coach Jack Jo h n so n . . .two year letterman for the Rustlers, which won the state championship his junior and senior sea­ sons, going 2 4 -0 . . . prep team m ate of Griz players Jam er Bartell, Dave and Craig Dick­ inson, and Jeff McElroy. . . Business Administration major.

|1 M W . AKM

f l

Quentin Burns


5-10, 184 CB, Sr., IV Hayward, CA

A starter in two games last year, ‘Q” will start at right corner. . . had 11 tackles, a fumble recovery, and a team -high (tie) 3 intercep­ tions. . .tested out very well in the spring, run­ ning a 4.49 in the 40, benching 225 pounds 24 times, and registering a vertical jump of 36 inches. . .from Laney Junior College where he was all- conference and had 7 interceptions as a sophom ore for coach Stan Peters. . . Health & Hum an Performance major.



A J m

m M m

Gary Burton

Mike Carlsen

5 - n , 165 WR, Jr., 2V Missoula, MT

6-0, 180 WR, Sr. IV Ukiah, CA

A solid receiver with good hands, Gary is a backup at the “Z” wide receiver slot be­ hind Honors Candidates Shannon Cabunoc and Bill Cockhill. . . had best (tie) vertical jump on the team at 37 inches. . . lettered four times in track, and twice in football and basketball at Sentinel High School. . .first team All-State and all-conference receiver in 1988 for coach Tim Kerr, a former quar­ terback at M ontana. . .first team All-State in track in 1988 and 1 9 8 9 ... his school’s Athlete of the Year as a senior. . . Spartans’ offensive MVP as a senior. . . team captain in track. . . Pre-Pharm acy major.

M o n ta n a ’s th ird -le a d in g re tu rn in g receiver, Mike had 41 catches for 552 yards and a TD in ‘91. . .career bests were 7 catches for 135 yards against Neva­ da. . . from Santa Rosa JC (CA), where he was second team All-American, team cap­ tain, first team All-State and all-conference as a sophomore for coach Marv M ays. . . in ‘90 had 64 receptions for 1,123 yards and 10 TD s. . . at Ukiah High (CA) he was team MVP in football and baseball as a senior. . . earned 12 varsity letters. . . high school and Empire Athlete of the Year in 1 9 8 9 ... as a prep had 106 catches for 1,865 yards and 20 touchdow ns. . . Health & Hum an Performance major.

f lj


Jon Daniels

Mark DeBourg



6-0, 170

5-8, 175 RB, Sr., 3V Billings, MT

M m MW

WR’Fr> + RS

Spokane, WA

A redshirt last season, Jon was hampered with a variety of injuries last fall and this past spring. . .All-State and all-conference first team receiver at Mead High School in Spokane. . . as a senior had 1,182 receiv­ ing y ard s. . . lettered in football, basketball and soccer. . . won two conference cham ­ pionships in football and state title in basket­ ball . . . team captain in basketball and team MVP as a senior in basketball and soc­ cer. . .W ashington Shrine Game selec­ tio n . . .p re p coach w as Mike McLaughlin. . . Education major.

Mark is a hard-nosed runner, and Mon­ tana’s third leading rusher last year with 64 yards, averaging 5.3 yards per car­ ry. . . rushed for 86 yards as a sophom ore, and started in one contest. . . first team AllState defensive back at Billings Skyview for former Grizzly standout lineman Ron Lebsock. . . All-State at running back and kickoff returner. . . lettered three times in football and twice in track. . .football captain as senior. . .played in the Montana Shrine Game in 1987. . .All-Big Sky academic team pick with a 3.41 GPA. , . Business Administration major.


James Caton m

mw \ w

5-9, 170

WR’Jr” + RS

Sacram ento, CA

Jam es red-shirted last year and finished (tied) spring drills as the back-up at the “H” receiver position with Matt Wells. . .from American River JC in Sacramento, the same school which UM standout Marvin Turk came from . . . sophom ore year was offen­ sive MVP, and caught 50 passes, and aver­ aged 11.5 yards on punt returns for coach Larry Ghilardi. . . all-conference in junior college. . . prepped at Center High where he lettered twice in football, basketball and base­ ball. . .team MVP in football, and all­ conference . . . as a senior had 43 catches for 576 yards and picked off 3 passes. . . Social Work major, and wants a career, “where I can help kids.”

Craig Dickinson 5-10, 165 K, So., TR + RS Great Falls, MT Craig, a soccer-style kicker, was in a bat­ tle for UM’s kicking duties with redshirt fresh­ man Brandy Alexander, and that duel has carried over into fall drills. . . a two-year let­ term an at C.M. Russell High School for coach Jack Johnson, and a member of the 1989 “AA” State champion tea m . . . he was MVP of special team s as a senior, and second team All-State as a kicker. . .that year he made 44 of 47 PATs and 4 of 5 field goals. . . also lettered four times at C.M.R. in golf. . . transferred to Montana from Con­ cordia College in Minnesota. . . Political Science/H istory major.

Dave Dickinson 5-10, 160 QB, Holder, Fr., + RS Great Falls, MT A quality player, Dave and Bert Wilberger provide the Grizzlies with solid back­ ups. . .UM’s 1991 Offensive Scout Team M V P. . . led C.M. Russell High to two state championships, guiding the Rustlers to a 24-0 re co rd . . . two-time state MVP on offense. . . Shrine Game pick. . . lettered in football, basketball, and golf, and was team captain in all three sports. . . twice Montana’s Gatorade Player of the Year in foot­ ball. . .second team All-State in basket­ ball . . . passed for 2,892 yards and 38 TDs as a senior. . .had 5,212 career passing yards. . .p rep coach was Jack Jo h n ­ son . . . Misc.: avid sports card collector. . . Pre-Med major, and a 4 .0 student.



m m

6-4, 270 OT, So., SQ Billings, MT

Robb is listed third at left tackle after spring drills. . . All-State in football and basketball at Billings West High School, and team cap­ tain in both sports. . . Bobby Dodd Award for L inem an of the Y ear in M on­ tana . . . Male Athlete of the Year at Billings West in 1990. . . M cDonald’s All-America honorable mention in basktball as a senior. . . in his junior year his grid team was state runner-up in football. . .earned four letters in basketball, three in football, and two in track. . . prep grid coach was Paul Klaboe. . . Business major.

Dan Downs

5-8, 160 CB, Fr., + RS Great Falls, MT

6-4, 222 LB, So., IV Helena, MT

Another quality player from Great Falls, Joe was unanimous first team All-State and all-conference cornerback and punt returner . . . at Great Falls High School he earned six letters — four in track and two in foot­ b a ll ... his 1989 and 1990 Dale Pholecoached teams were state “AA” runners-up to in-town rival C.M. Russell High. . .his te a m s’ 1990 O utstanding D efensive B ack. . . as a senior he returned four inter­ ceptions for 92 yards and a TD, and had nine kickoff returns for a 24.2-yard average and a score. . . also a member of the Griz­ zly track team . . .Misc.: born in Saigon, V ietnam . . . Biology/Eudcation major.

Robb Dundas M

Joe Doll

Todd Evinrude A

5-10, 240 DT, So., SQ Glendive, MT

Todd has steadily improved his strength and weight, which could add up to playing tim e. . . at Dawson County High School he earned eight letters, including three each in football and wrestling. . . team captain in football and wrestling. . . All-State at offen­ sive guard and defensive tackle for coach Jim P e rso n . . . team MVP lineman on offense and d e fe n se . . . team finished se c o n d in th e sta te in football in 1989. . . also lettered in track . . . Pharmacy major.

Dan will start at ‘Mack’ ILB, finishing N o.l there after spring drills. . . saw considerable action last year, starting twice, and finish­ ing with 23 tackles, and forced a team-high three fum bles. . . has a 34-inch vertical jum p. . .All-American, All-State and all­ conference as a senior at Helena High School for coaches Gary Johnson and Tom H uddleston. . . MVP of his conference and ru n n e r-u p for state MVP honors in 1989. . . participated in Montana East-West Shrine Game and All-American Clas­ sic. . .team captain in football as a senior. . . earned six letters. . . General Studies major.


Bob Fenton 6-4, 251 OC, Fr., + RS Medford , OR

An up-and- coming young lineman, Bob finished spring drills as the num ber three c enter. . . earned nine letters at North Med­ ford High, including four in wrestling, three in football and two in baseball. . . as a senior, was co-captain in football and wrestling, and Most Inspirational in both sports. . . all­ conference in football as a junior and senior for coach Rod R um m ery. . . General Studies major.

Carl Franks 5-10, 177 CB, Jr., JC + RS Stockton, CA Carl had an excellent spring and is the back-up at left and right corner. . . from San Joaquin Delta JC in his hometown of Stock­ ton, Carl was ranked third in the state in in­ terceptions as a sophom ore with 8. . . that year he was team captain and MVP on defense. . . was coached there by Jack Jor­ dan and Gary S c o tt. . . prepped at Lincoln High, where he lettered four times in track and twice in football. . . set school records in long and triple jumps, and qualified for California State High School Meet with a mark of 23-11 in the long ju m p . . . MVP in field events as a senior. Sociology major.

f U B ^

f ^ f lV

6 -0 , 190 SS, So., IV Stevensville, MT

Hard work and dedication added up to playing time for Mike last year, as he had 10 tackles and a pass deflection. . . also a very solid perform er on the special team s. . .No. 2 at strong safety behind senior Honors Candidate Sean Dorris after spring drills. . . one of three players nam ed Defensive Scout Team award winner as a frosh. . . at Stevensville High School he let­ tered four times in football and basketball. . . All-State in football and basketball. . . played in M o n ta n a ’s E ast-W est S hrine G am e. . .prep coach, George W asser. . . Health & Hum an Performance major. PRONOUNCED: GO-KIH-CHEE-AH

Rich Gockley 6-4, 261 DT, Fr., + RS Spokane, WA

A quality player with very good quickness for his size, Britt had an outstanding spring and finished (tied) as the back-up at right en d with so p h o m o re Keith Jo n e s. . . benched 225 pounds 19 times last spring. . .should see plenty of action this season . . . two years ago he had eight tack­ les, and had 14 as a freshman . . . a 1989, 1990, and 1991 All-Big Sky Conference Academic pick with a 3.20 G P A . . . at Hele­ na High School he was an all-conference football player as a senior. . . three-year let­ terman in track. . . high school football coach was Gary Jo h n s o n . . . Business major.

Mike Goicoechea M

Britt Fred 6-5, 249 DE, Sr., 2V Helena, MT



a U

/I UIB b

Scott Gragg 6 ~9 ’ 3 0 5

OT, So., IV Silverton, OR

Trem endous potential, and make that a capital T, is the best way to describe Scott’s future. . . possible starter at right tackle, and saw plenty of action as a redshirt freshman last season. . .two years ago, was one of three players nam ed MVP of M ontana’s Offensive Scout T ea m . . . all-conference offensive and defensive lineman at Silver­ ton Union High School. . .All-American and all-conference in basketball. . . lettered three times in football, twice in basketball and once in track. . . team captain in football and basketball. . .prep football coach was Jim Brueneker. . . Wildlife Biology major.

Rich adds depth to the right tackle posi­ tion. . .earned eight letters at Mead High School, with three in football and track and two in wrestling. . . team captain in football and track as a senior. . . Most Inspirational in football that year, and team was undefeat­ ed and conference cham pions. . . won league titles twice in wrestling and three times in track. . .All-State, East-West Shrine game pick. . . all-conference as a junior and senior. . .grid coach was Mike McLaugh­ lin. . . one of M ead’s assistant coaches is former Griz defensive standout Larry S tra n ah a n . . . Health & Human Performance major.

Mike Guevara 5-11, 175 WR, Sr., IV Fresno, CA A redshirt at UM two years ago, Mike was m oved from running back to wide receiver. . . came to Montana from Fresno City College, where he was a two-year let­ term an in football and track . . . All-Central Valley Conference as a sophom ore for coach John Volek, when he rushed for 902 yards and 7 T D s. . . at Clovis West High School he was All-Valley and all-league in football and track, and team captain and MVP in both sports. . . lettered four times in track and three in football. Liberal Arts major.

Scott Gurnsey

Charlie Hawkins

Jeff Horstch

5-11, 190 W R /P , So., IV Tumwater, WA

6-3, 282 DT, Sr., IV Anderson, CA

5-11, 170 WR, Sr., IV Corvallis, OR

In 1991 Scott had 13 receptions for 190 yards. . . could start at the “X” wide receiver position. . . also punted last year, averaging 36.5 yards on 48 attempts, and could have that job again in ‘92 . . . his Turn water High School football teams won state titles in 1987 and 1989. . . league MVP in football in 1988 and 1989. . .an All-State defensive back th re e tim es an d A ll-S tate at receiver. . .played in All-State games in football and baseball. . . earned nine letters as a prep. . .team captain in football and basketball. . . high school football coach was Sid O tto n . . . Business major.

A hard-working player, Charlie had a very good spring. . . he finished number two at left tackle behind junior Honors Candi­ date Chuck Mason . . . Most Valuable Line­ man of his league at Shasta Junior College his sophomore season in 1990. . . MVP and team captain of his 10-1 team that year. . . led team in tackles, and blocked five punts and two PATs. . .All-State and all­ conference. . . Business major.

Jeff has very good hands and had a solid spring, and was listed as the back-up at the “Y” receiver position. . . came to UM from Oregon State, after playing a season at San­ ta Rosa JC with current Griz receiver Mike C arlsen. . . JC coach was Marv M ays. . . a four-sport letterman at Corvallis High School, earning three letters in football and basketball, and one in baseball and track. . . prep team s were runners-up in the state in football his junior and sophom ore seasons. . . won the state title in baseball his junior y ear. . . prep football coach was Gary B e c k .. . Physical Therapy major.

Keith Jones

Jason Klohs

Mike Kowalski

6-4, 248 DE, So., IV Portland, OR

6-5, 325 OT, Sr., IV Gresham, OR

5-10, 181 OLB, Fr., + RS Cut Bank, MT

Extremely fast, Keith had four tackles, one sack, and a tackle for a loss as a freshman in 1991. . . had a solid spring at right end, where he tied senior Britt Fred for the No. 2 s l o t . . . b e n c h e d 22 5 p o u n d s 18 tim es. . . all-conference in football at Ben­ jamin Franklin High School. . . named Most Valuable Defensive Lineman in league as a senior. . .Shrine Game selection. . .team captain in football. . . also lettered in basket­ ball and track. . . prep grid coach was Frank G eske. . . General Studies major.

A possible starter at tackle, Jason saw considerable action last year. . .can play guard or tackle. . . came to UM from Col­ lege of the Redwoods, where team s went 6-4 and 7 -4 . . .twice an All-State and all­ conference player in junior college. . . team captain in JC as a sophomore for coach Fred W hitm ire. . . prepped at Newberg High, where he earned 11 letters (football, wrestling and track). . . All-State in football and track. . . football and wrestling captain as a senior. . .played in Oregon Shrine G am e. . . Sociology major and hopes to go into coaching.


A steadily improving player, Mike finished third in spring drills at UM’s “H ero” or out­ side linebacker sp o t. . . earned nine letters at Cut Bank High — four each in football and track and one in wrestling. . . first team All-State at running back and linebacker as a junior and senior. . .S hrine Gam e choice. . . his (dad) Ron Kowalski-coached teams won state class “B” championships in football in 1989 and 1990. . . also won state titles in track his junior and senior years. . .Misc.: avid fly fisherman and hunter. . . General Studies major.


Eric Lono 6-2, 225 ILB, So., IV W aimanalo, HI

Eric started two games last year and had seven tackles, and a fumble recovery. . . had an interception in UM’s opening-season win over Humboldt S ta te . . . red-shirted at UM in 1 9 9 0 . . .A ll-S ta te , A ll-O ahu, all­ conference at St. Louis High School in Honolulu. . .played for Calvin Lee, brother of former Montana offensive coordinator Tommy L e e . . . prepped at sam e school as se n io r r e c e iv e r /r e tu r n e r Shannon C abunoc. . . lettered three times in foot­ ball. . .at St. Louis High was Oahu Prep Bowl and Interscholastic League of Hawaii champions in 1987-88-89. . . Business major. PRONOUNCED: LOW-NO.


Troy Lucas 6-2, 265 OG, Fr., + RS Portland, OR

A player of the future, Troy finished spring drills No. 3 at left guard. . .as a senior he was first team All-State at guard, and second team at defensive tackle at Canby Union High School for coach Erv G arrison. . . that year he was also team captain, and first team all-conference both w ays. . . as a junior he was all-league at offensive tackle. . . select­ ed for the Oregon Shrine G am e. . .his junior and senior teams each won league ti­ tles, having back-to-back 9-0 seasons. . . General Studies major.

Yohanse Manzanarez

Joe Martin

6-2, 230 ILB, Fr., + R S Great Falls, MT

6-5, 271 OC, Jr., 2V Anchorage, AK

Yohanse was nam ed M ontana’s Scout Team Player of the Year on defense. . . first tea m A ll-S tate in 1989 and 1990. . . defensive MVP as a senior at Great Falls High for coach Dale P o h le. . . wrestling All-American, and four-time All-Stater, finishing fourth, second twice, and first in the State m e e t. . . MVP in wrestling, and had a prep wrestling record of 118-16. . .the winningest wrestler in Great Falls histo­ ry. . . as a senior had 157 tackles— 104 so­ los . . .M isc.: born in A capulco, M e x ic o ...h is mother, Jolene, attended U M ... Physical Therapy major.

Joe has worked hard in the weight room and the practice field, and it has paid off for him, as he earned a starting berth at center. . . has big shoes to fill, as he replaces three-year starter Chad G erm er. . . played a lot the last two years after red-shirting in 1989 at Anchorage High School. . .AllState in football as a senior. . . all-conference basketball player. . . team captain in football as a senior. . .prep coach was Gary Beller. . .Misc.: nominated for appointment to the United States Military A cadem y. . . Business major.



Cleve Malmstrom 6-0, 204 RB, So., IV Helena, MT

Cleve had a 43-yard TD catch against H um bloldt S t a t e . . . w alked on at UM . . . from Helena High School where he w as a s ta n d o u t in football and track. . . unanimous first team all-conference pick in fo o tb all. . .te a m MVP on offense. . . rushed for a school-record 259 yards in a game . . . also set a school record with a 4.4 time in the 40. . . high point man on the track team as a junior and senior. . . team captain in track two seasons, and his team was division champion in 1990. . . lettered three times in track and twice in football. . . head coach was Gary Jo h n s o n . . . Business major.


Kelly McCallum 6-5, 255 DE, Sr., 3V Bend, OR

Kelly’s speed makes him an excellent pass rusher, and he is the Grizzlies’ leading return sack m a n . . . will start at left e n d . . . played in all 11 games last year, and had 18 tack­ les, four sacks, and a tackle for a loss. . . overcame a leg injury he suffered as a freshman against N evada. . . a redshirt at UM in 1988. . . two times an All-State selec­ tion at Bend High School. . . Oregon Shrine Game participant. . . .twice all-conference in football and basketball. . . football coach was Gary Mires. . . scholar-athlete as a prep with 3.2 G P A ... Art major.


Jeff McElroy 6-0, 180 WR, Fr., + RS Great Falls, MT

Jeff was twice A ll-State and all­ conference at C.M. Russell High School in 1989 and 1990, when the Rustlers went 24-0. . . had a school-record 88 catches for 1,600 yards and 25 TDs as a senior, com ­ bining with Griz QB Dave Dickenson as one of the most prolific QB-receiver tandem s in M ontana prep history. . . holds C.M.R. records of 128 career receptions for 2,380 yards and 34 touchdowns for coach Jack Jo h n s o n . . . also has school record for catches in a game with 12. . . earned eight letters as a prep, in football (two), basket­ ball (three) and track (three). . . Business Administration major.

Dan Ortt 6-3, 230 OG, So., SQ Billings, MT Dan adds depth to the guard position and needs to add size and strength for playing tim e. . . two-year letterman in football at Bill­ ings West High . . . team captain in football as a senior for coach P aul Klab o e . . . honorable mention All-State at tight e n d . . . all-conference tight end and defen­ sive end. . .All-City tight end. . . General Studies major.


Shawn Merz 6-5, 218 DE, Jr., 2V Longview, WA

Shawn makes up for his lack of bulk with good quickness, and will start at right e n d . . . last year he had 20 tackles, a sack and a tackle for a loss. . . a two-time all­ conference tight end at Mark Morris High S chool. . . nam ed his high school’s Offen­ sive Player of the Year as senior. . . also twice all-conference in basketball. . . an out­ standing rodeo athlete, he was the state champion roper in Washington in 1988, and placed in the team roping competition for M ontana in its rodeo last spring. . .prep football coach was John Sapinsky. Forestry major. PRONOUNCED: MURRS.


5-11, 193 RB, Sr., 2V Thousand Oaks, CA

Marc has been UM’s top rusher the last two seasons with 835 yards. . . had a careerhigh 103 yards rushing on 23 carries in ho m e win o v e r Id ah o S ta te last y e a r. . . originally signed with the Grizzlies in 1988. . . played one season at Moorpark C ollege. . . at Thousand Oaks High School he rushed for 4 ,3 8 1 yards and 31 T D s. . . Ventura County Player of the year in 1 9 8 7. . . played in the prestigious “Super 6 0 ” N o rth -S o u th Gam e#. . .h is Bob Richards-coached team s won league titles his junior and senior seasons, and the C.I.F. championship in 1987. . . Communications major. PRONOUNCED: MONN-ESS-TEAM.

Tony Rice

Dennis Scates

5-10, 185 RB, Sr., 3V North Bend, OR

6-3, 241 DE, So., IV Spokane, WA

One of UM’s top career rushers, Tony has 1 ,0 3 4 career yards an d 14 to u c h ­ downs . . . second leading rusher as a sopho­ more with 366 yards and a team-leading 6 touchdowns. . . had a career-high 112 yards rushing at Idaho State in 1990. . . had a career-high 3 TDs at Northern Arizona in 1989. . . UM’s “Outstanding Freshm an” in 1989. . . All-State at North Bend High, and played in State’s All-Star G a m e . . . all­ conference in football and baseball. . . grid coach was former Griz player and coach Howard Johnson. . . Business major.



Marc Monestime

Moved from linebacker to defensive end in the spring, Dennis perform ed very well there and should see considerable action at his new position this y e a r. . . one of three players nam ed MVP of M ontana’s Defen­ sive Scout Team as a red-shirt fresh­ m a n . . . All-State, all-conference, team c ap tain and MVP at R og ers High S chool. . . earned nine letters — three each in football, basketball and trac k . . . Greater Spokane League Player of the Year in 1989. . .played in Washington All-Star g a m e . . . also team captain in basket­ ball . . . grid coach was Lonnie P ierson. . . General Studies major.



rr^:;T: tHfe






Kurt Schilling 5 -11 , 200

OLB, So., IV Shelby, MT

Kurt has come on like gang-busters since he was moved from running back to “Hero” or outside linebacker two springs a g o . . . will start at O L B . . . UM’s 5th leading returning tac k ier. . . started once last year and registered 28 tackles, including two for loss­ e s . . . had interception in win at Montana S ta te ...M V P of Griz Scout Team in 1990. . . four times All-State in football for coach Clayton Davis. . .earned 11 varsity letters (football, basketball, track and golf). . . prep team won state title in football in ‘88. . .team captain in football and basketball. . . General Studies major.

Kurt Shepherd m


6-3, 267 OT, So., SQ Missoula, MT

m U

A hard worker, “S hep” finished spring drills as the number three man at right tack­ le. . .prepped at Sentinel High School, where he lettered twice in football and twice in track. . . also lettered in wrestling. . . grid coach was former Grizzly quarterback Tim K err. . . received Wayne Howard Memori­ al Award, which is given to the Outstand­ ing Student-Athlete at Sentinel. . . attending Montana on UM Presidential Leadership Scholarship. . . Dean’s list the last two years with 3.87 GPA. . . Secondary Education major.

Scott Spraggins 5-10, 185 RB, Fr., + R S Great Falls, MT Scott is battling for playing time at run­ ning back, where he is listed behind three seniors. . .All-State and all-conference at G re at Falls High for c o ach Dale P o h le . . . rushed for 1,496 yards as a senior. . . was team captain in football as a senior. . .earned three letters in track, and was All-State and all-conference in that sp o rt. . . MVP on offense in high school. . . Physical Therapy major.

Kelly Stensrud « ft ■

■ m

■ W

5-11, 175 RB, Fr., +R S Missoula, MT

Kelly was first team All-State at halfback and as a kickoff returner as a senior at local Hellgate High School. . . that year he led the state in rushing with 1,577 yards. . .rushed for 303 yards in one g a m e . . . second team All-State as a junior. . .team captain and MVP in football in 1990, and also team cap­ tain in track. . . earned eight varsity letters, and was a member of Hellgate High’s 1990 state basketball championship tea m . . . foot­ ball coach was Van Troxel, former Griz QB, while his basketball coach was former Griz hoop star Eric Hays. . . Business major.


Eric Simonson

ft I


6-5, 275 OT, Fr., + RS Plenty wood, MT

An outstanding young prospect, Eric finished No. 2 at left tackle after spring drills. . .earned 10 letters at Plentywood High School - - four in football, four in track and two in basketball. . .a 1990 first team All-State selection and team captain as a senior. . . all-conference as a junior and senior for coach Ron Sm ith. . . also AllState and all-conference in track. . . Business Administration major.

• ^


Brent Swenson


ft ■


6 - 2 , 212 TE, S o ., IV Glasgow, MT

One of the biggest plusses of last spring was Brent’s move from safety to tight end, where he will start when the Grizzlies em ­ ploy that lineup. . . had TD in UM’s final Copper-Gold game in the spring. . .first team All-State and all-conference at safe­ ty, receiver and returner at Glasgow High S chool. . . earned eight letters as a prep — three in football and basketball, and two in track. . . team captain in football and basket­ ball, as well as in track as a senior. . . also first team all-conference in b a sk e t­ ball . . . football coach was Pat Petrino. . . General Studies major.

Jay Turner m m B

6-4, 244 DT, So., SQ Marysville, WA

Added strength and weight should add up to playing time for Jay, who is listed third at left tackle after spring drills. . . moved from defensive end to tackle in the spring, and can play either sp o t. . . from Marysville High School, where he was All-Area and all­ c o n fere n ce his ju n io r a n d senior y e ars. . . earned three letters each in foot­ ball and basketball, and one in track. . . team captain in football and track. . .football coach was Scott Stokes. . . Math major.




5-7, 155

W ■

One of M ontana’s “mighty mites,” Matt is extremely quick, and a very reliable receiver. . .runs a 4.5 in the 40, and had one of the best vertical jumps on the team at 35 inches. . .first team All-State as a senior, when he had 69 catches for 1,373 y ards and 16 TDs for c o ach Jim N agel. . . career-wise had 123 receptions for 2,488 yards and 31 TDs. . .senior captain in football and basketball, and team grid M V P. . ., m ember of Ashland High’s 1989 State champion team that went 14-0. . . first team all-conference as a junior and senior. . . earned 10 letters as a p re p . . . General Studies major.

6-3, 232 ILB, So., IV Richland, WA

Garrett had an excellent spring, and backs up Honors Candidate Chad Lembke at the “Mick” linebacker position. . . one of the stronger players on the team, benching 225 pounds 22 tim es. . .All-State and All-Big Nine Conference first team pick at Richland High School for Lonnie Pierson. . .high school team s won conference cham pion­ ships in 1987-88-89. . .first team all­ conference as a junior and senior. . . Defen­ sive MVP of league as a senior, and team captain that y e a r. . . lettered twice in t r a c k . . . p re p nick n am e w as “ Dr. Doom ” . . . General Studies major.

Matt Wells

WR, K, Fr., + R S Ashland, OR

Garrett Venters

/ \ \ I ■

Bill White I WW

6 - 4 ,2 7 0 OG, Fr., +R S Spokane, WA

Vying for playing time at right guard, Bill red-shirted at Montana last year. . .AllState, all-conference on offense and defense. . .picked for W ashington Shrine G am e. . .prepped at East Valley High School for coach Ray Stookey. . . Misc.: had a 3.3 GPA as a prep. . . Math major.


Mark Von Appcn 6-0, 180 WR, So., SQ Cuppertino, CA

Solid re ce iv e r with very good hands. . .vying for playing time at “Z” receiver spot. . .all-conference and All-San Francisco Bay Area selection as a senior at St. Francis High School. .. high school teams won the Central Coast Section cham­ pionship in 1989, and was second the previ­ ous y e a r. . . lettered twice in football and three times in trac k . . . prep football coach was Ron Calcagno. . . General Studies major.


Bert Wilberger 6-3, 188 QB, So., IV Ashland, OR

Montana’s quarterback situation is in good hands with the likes of Bert and freshman Dave Dickenson waiting in the w ings. . . in limited action last year he passed for 240 yards and 3 T D s. . . helped rally UM from 17-3 deficit at Eastern Washington, passing for 2 T D s. . . first team All-State in football, and all-conference in football, basketball and baseball at Ashland High. . . earned nine let­ ters. . .team s won conference cham pion­ ships in football in 1988 and 1 9 8 9 . . . team captain in football and baseball. . . won the state title in ‘8 9 . . . coach was Jim Nagel. . . General Studies major.

■New G rizzliesMIKE A G E E , O L — (Pronounced Ay-Gee) 6-4 1 /2 , 258. 40 - 5.0. All-Conference and All-State, Flathead High School, Kalispell, MT. Business major. Coach: Bob Applegate G U Y A TK IN S, W R - 6 - 5 , 203. 40 - 4.6, GPA 3.8, Skyview High School, Billings, MT. All-Conference, All-State. Math major. Coach: Ron Lebsock MIKE B O U C H E E , L B - (Pronounced Boo-Shay): 6-1, 204. 40-4.6. Hellgate High School, Missoula, MT. All-conference, Team captain, All-State academic (3.85 GPA). All-State, team MVP, Shrine Gam e pick. Business major. Coach: Van Troxel NOTE: B ouchee’s dad, Bill, was a three-year letterman for the Grizzlies in football in the early 60s. Mike had 113 tackles, 3 fumble recoveries, 8 sacks and 2 interceptions on defense. On offense he averaged 16.3 yards per catch and scored 2 touchdowns. N A T H A N D O L A N , W R - 5 - 8 , 165. 40 - 4.5. Billings Senior High School, MT. All-State, all-conference, Shrine Game selection. MVP of Eastern State AA, Honorable Mention All-American. Nathan will study Psychology. Coach: Pat Dolan NOTE: N athan’s dad (Pat), and grandfather (John), both played football at Montana. Nathan led the state in receptions with 64 catches for 724 yards. He scored 5 touchdowns, averaged 16-plus yards per return (1st in state) and led the state in all-purpose yards with 1,508. B R U C E D O T S O N , C B - 5 - 1 0 , 175. 40 - 4.5. L.A. Pierce JC. HT: Los Angeles. All-Conference pick. He will major in Business. Coach: Bill Norton A N D R E E D W A R D S , R B - 5 - 9 , 185. 40 - 4.4. Walla Walla Com muni­ ty College. HT: Seattle, WA. All-Region last year, rushing for 1,260 yards, breaking Walla Walla CC’s school record, and scored 15 touchdowns. Communications major Coach: Mike Leven MIKE E R H A R D T , W R - 6 - 4 , 200. 40 - 4.5. Willamette High School, OR. All-State two years. Offensive MVP his junior and senior years, All-Mid-Western League. Played on Oregon State’s sum ­ mer basketball team . Business major. Had 3.6 GPA in high school. Coach: Skip Raisch NOTE: He caught 138 passes his junior and senior seasons, and his 32 touch­ down catches broke Willamette’s all-time record. C O R Y F A L L S — W R / D B - 6 2, 205 40 4.5. South Medford High, OR. All-League, All-State, Shrine game. Most Valu­ able Player in League, Outstanding Offensive Player, and 1991 Shrine game. Major undecided Coach: Larry Walker NOTE: Cory signed at Montana last year (1991), but did not attend UM. Thus, he had to be signed again this year. H A N S G IE S A , D B /W R — (Pronounced Gee-AY-Suh) 6-1 1 /2 , 186. 40 - 4.55. Shadle Park HS, Spokane, WA. All-Greater Spokane League and All-State, East-West All-Star game. Had 36 tackles, 19 assists, 7 interceptions, 6 pass deflections, 2 fumble recoveries as a senior. Ran a 49.8 in the 400 meters in the state track m eet as a junior. Will study Sports Medicine Coach: Bob Haney

MIKE G R E E N , D E - 6 - 2 , 220. 40 - 4.7. Coeur d’Alene High School, ID. All-Conference, All-State, Down Under Bowl Game and North-South All-Star game. Business major. Coach: Greg Drake NOTE: Mike is a cousin of UM assistant football coach Kraig Paulson. M ARK H A M P E , L B — (Pronounced Hamp-EE) 6-1, 200. 40 - 4.6. C.M. Russell High School, Great Falls, MT. Had 50 tackles, 5 sacks as a senior. Shrine Game selection. Business major. Coach: Jim Johnson NOTE: One o f eight players from Great Falls on the UM roster. C R A IG JA C K S O N , D E - 6 - 3 , 240. 40 - 4.7. Fresno City College, CA. All-Conference, team MVP. Course of study: Sports Medicine. Had 3.1 GPA in JC. Coach: John Volek D A V ID K EM PFER T, O L - 6-4 1 /2 , 235, 40 - 5.0. GPA 3.6. Hellgate High School, Missoula, MT. All-State as a player and academical­ ly. Shrine Game pick. David will study Physical Therapy. NOTE: David’s brother, Matt, is a sophomore forward on Montana’s basketball team, and his father, Al, is the Executive Director of the Grizzly Athletic A s­ sociation at UM, the school’s fund-raising organization. Coach: Van Troxel BL A IN E M cELM URR Y, D B - 5 - 1 1 , 180. 40 - 4.5. GPA 4.0. Troy High School, MT. All-Conference, All-State, Team MVP, Shrine game selection, Academic All-American. Math or Com puter Science major. Coach: Rich McElmurry (father) NOTE: As a senior, Blaine passed for 20 touchdowns and 1,509 yards, and rushed 85 times for a 4.4 average and 5 TDs. Had 91 tackles, 5 intercep­ tions and 2 fumble recoveries on defense. JER EM Y N E W M A N , D B /P u n te r - 6 - 1 , 180. 40- 4.6. Skyline Falls High School, Idaho Falls, ID. All-Conference, All-State punter. Field of study: Undecided. Coach: Dale Guilford NOTE: Averaged 42 yards a punt during the season, and 43 yards per punt in State playoffs. Expected to com pete for punting job this fall. R A N D Y RILEY, L B - 6 - 1 , 195. 40 - 4.6. Butte High School, MT. All-Conference, All-State. Will study Business. Coach: Jon McElroy NOTE: One o f five players from Butte playing football for the Grizzlies. C A R L O S R O B E R T S , C B - 6 - 2 , 195 40 4 5 LA Harbor JC . HT: Vallejo, CA. All-South West States Conference twice. Field of study: Criminal Justice. Coach: Don W eems NOTE: Had 85 career tackles, 4 fumble recoveries, and 10 interceptions. D A V ID SIR M O N , L B - 6 - 1 , 205. 40 - 4.6. Walla Walla High School, WA. All-Big 9 Conference, All-State, Team C ap­ tain, Most Inspirational Player. Picked for Washington State’s All-Star game. Physical Therapy major. Had 3.7 GPA as a prep. Coach: Gary Mayer NOTE: Averaged 17 tackles a game. David’s brother, John, was a starter for the University of Idaho for three years, and his oldest brother played at Oregon State. B R IA N T O O N E , L B - 6 - 2 , 212, 40 - 4.9. Butte Sr. High School, MT. All-State, Shrine Game pick. Course of study: Business. Coach: Jon McElroy

S E A N G O IC O E C H E A , D B - (Pronounced Go-Cuh-Chee-A h) 6-1, 186. 40 - 4.7. Stevensville High School, MT. All-State. Shrine game pick. Will major in Business or Com puter Science. Had 3.6 GPA as a prep. Coach: George Wasser NOTE: Sea n ’s brother, Mike, also plays for the Grizzlies, and is the back-up at strong safety.

JE F F T R E V A T H A N , W R /S A F E T Y — (Pronounced: Treh-VAY-thun). 6-0, 185. 40 - 4.6, Thousand Oaks High School, CA. All-Conference. Jeff will study Business, and had a 3.4 GPA in high school. Coach: Bob Richards NOTE: Jeff’s brother, Mike, played for the Grizzlies and is UM’s all-time receiver with 1,969 yards. Mike is currently playing professionally in the CFL for the British Columbia Lions.

C H A R L E S G R A N T , C B - 6 - 0 , 180. 40 - 4.5. O ’Dea High School, Seattle, WA. All-Conference at R B/D B/Returner, EastWest Shrine Gam e choice. Major: General studies. Coach: Monte Kohler NOTE: Charles set a State record for career punt returns for TDs with nine. Had 126 carries for 722 yards, 5 .7 avg, 17 touchdowns, and 5 intercep­ tions in the State playoffs (3 games). Return averages: KO - 26.0; Punt returns 23.0.

JE F F R E Y ZELLICK, T E - 6 - 5 , 250 40 4 9 Thurston HS, Springfield, OR. All-Conference, All-State. He will major in Business. Coach: Don Stone NOTE: Jeff’s uncle, Jim, played football for the Grizzlies in the 70’s. His, father, Daniel, played football at Oregon State.


R o ster/N ew co m ers

Dan Andersoi

Kurt Schilling


Mike Guevara

Dan Downs


1 9 9 2 G rizzly A lphabetical R oster



Mike Agee Brandy Alexander Lance Allen Dave Amick Dan Anderson Warren Arledge Guy Atkins Shalon Baker Jason Barker Jam er Bartell Dan Bise Mike Bouchee Mike Bourret Garrett Bretz Sean Brickley Scott Brown Quentin Burns Gary Burton Shannon Cabunoc Mike Carlsen Jam es Caton Bill Cockhill Jon Daniels Sam Davidson Mark DeBourg Craig Dickenson Dave Dickenson Nathan Dolan Joe Doll Sean Dorris Bruce Dotson Dan Downs Robb Dun das Andre Edwards Stacy Edwards Todd Ericson Mike Erhardt Todd Evinrude Cory Falls Alan Fields Bob Fenton Carl Franks Britt Fred Frank Garrett Hans Giesa Rich Gockley Mike Goicoechea


Ht. 6-4 1 /2 5-11 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-5 5-5 6-6 5-11 6-5 6-1 6-1 5-8 6-3 6-5 5-10 5-11 5-5 6-0 5-9 5-9 6-0 6-6 5-8 5-11 5-10 5-8 5-9 6-3 5-10 6-4 6-4 5-9 5-10 6-2 6-4 5-10 6-2 6-5 6-4 5-10 6-5 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-0




Hometown (School)

275 175 243 259 196 265 203 155 297 180 275 204 205 225 264 246 184 165 155 180 170 160 170 252 180 170 165 165 160 212 175 225 270 185 175 205 200 240 205 272 241 175 249 274 186 251 185

Fr. Fr. Jr. So. Sr. So. Fr. So. Sr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. Sr. So. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. So. So. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So.


Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Post Falls, ID (Post Falls HS) Butte, MT (Butte Senior HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Yuba, CA (Yuba CC) Bozeman, MT (Bozeman HS) Billings, MT (Skyview HS) Vancouver, WA (Evergreen HS) Layton, UT (Dixie JC) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Newberg, OR (Col. of Redwoods) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Orofino, ID (Orofino HS) Pocatello, ID (Pocatello HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Hayward, CA (Laney JC) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Waipahu, HI (St. Louis HS) Ukiah, CA (Santa Rosa JC) Sacramento, CA (American River JC) Helena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Spokane, WA (Mead HS) Mercer Island, WA (Mercer Island HS) Billings, MT (Skyview HS) Great Falls, MT (Concordia-MN) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Billings, MT (Billings Sr. HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Couer dAlene, ID (Couer dAlene HS) Los Angeles, CA (L.A. Pierce JC) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) Seattle, WA (Walla Walla CC) Pasco, WA (Walla Walla CC) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Willamette, OR (Willamette HS) Glendive, MT (Glendive HS) Medford, OR (Medford HS) Corvallis, MT (Rocky Mtn. Col.) Medford, OR (S. Medford HS) Stockton, CA (Delta JC) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Spokane, WA (Shadle Park HS) Spokane, WA (Mead HS) Stevensville, MT (Stevensville HS)


1 9 9 2 G rizzly A lp hab etical R oster





Year Exp.

Sean Goicoechea Scott Gragg Mike Guevara Scott Gurnsey Charlie Hawkins Jeff Hortsch Craig Jackson Keith Jones Gary Johnson David Kempfert Jason Klohs Mike Kowalski Brad Lebo Chad Lembke Eric Lono Troy Lucas Cleve Malmstrom Yohanse Manzanarez Joe Martin Chuck Mason Kelly McCallum Blaine McElmurry Jeff McElroy Shawn Merz Marc Monestime Jeremy Newman Dan Ortt Tony Rice Randy Riley Carlos Roberts Dennis Scates Kurt Schilling Kurt Shepherd Eric Simonson David Sirmon Scott Spraggins Kelly Stensrud Brent Swenson Brian Toone Jeff Trevathan Jay Turner Garrett Venters Mark Von Appen Matt Wells Bill White Bert Wilberger Jeff Zellick


6-1 6-9 5-11 5-11 6-3 5-10 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 1 /2 6-5 5-10 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-5 6-5 6-5 5-11 6-0 6-5 5-11 6-1 6-3 5-10 6-1 6-2 6-3 5-11 6-3 6-5 6-1 5-10 5-11 6-3 6-2 6-0 6-4 6-3 6-0 5-7 6-4 6-3 6-5

185 305 175 180 282 175 240 248 230 240 325 181

Fr. So. Sr. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. So. Jr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. So. Sr. Fr. Jr. So. So. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. So. So. So. Fr. Fr. So. Fr.


V = Varsity



210 230 229 259

200 225 271 270 255 180 180 228 193 180 239 185 195 195 241

200 267 272 205 185 175 212

212 185 244 232 180 160 270 188 250

JC =School; RS



Hometown (School) Stevensville, MT (Stevensville HS) Silverton, OR (Silverton HS) Fresno, CA (Fresno CC) Tumwater, WA (Tumwater HS) Anderson, CA (Shasta JC) Corvallis, OR (Santa Rosa JC) Fresno, CA (Fresno CC) Portland, OR (Jackson HS) Big Timber, MT (Dickinson St.) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Greshmam, OR (Col. of Redwoods) Cut Bank, MT (Cut Bank HS) Post Falls, ID (Lewiston HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Honolulu, HI (St. Louis HS) Canby, OR (Canby HS) Helena, MT (Helena HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Anchorage, AK (Anchorage HS) Bigfork, MT (Bigfork HS) Bend, OR (Bend HS) Troy, MT (Troy HS) Great Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Longview, WA (Mark Morris HS) Thousand Oaks, CA (Moorpark Col.) Idaho Falls, ID (Skyline HS) Billings, MT (Billings West HS) North Bend, OR (North Bend HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Vallejo, CA (LA Harbor JC) Spokane, WA (Rogers HS) Shelby, MT (Shelby HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Plentywood, MT (Plentywood HS) Walla Walla, WA (Walla Walla HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Glasgow, MT (Glasgow HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Thousand Oaks, CA (T. Oaks HS) Marysville, WA (Marysville HS) Richland, WA (Richland HS) Cupertino, CA (St. Francis HS) Ashland, OR (Ashland HS) Spokane, WA (East Valley HS) Ashland, OR (Ashland HS) Springfield, OR (Thurston HS) SQ

= Squad

C om posite S ch ed u le

G arrett V enters

Mike G o ico ech ea

S ea n B rickley

Sep tem b er 5 Tennessee-Chattanooga @ Boise State (7:05 p.m. MDT) St. Cloud State @ Idaho (6:05 p.m. PDT) Mesa State @ Idaho State (6:35 p.m. MDT) M ontana @ W ashington S ta te (2:00 p.m. PDT) Montana State @ Cal-St., Sacramento (7:05 p.m. PDT) Southern Utah @ Northern Arizona (6:05 p.m. MST) Weber State @ New Mexico State (7:00 p.m. MDT) S ep tem b er 12 • Boise State @ Idaho State* (6:35 p.m. MDT) Eastern Washington @ Portland State (1:00 p.m. PDT) Idaho @ Colorado State (12:00 p.m. MDT) C al-St., C hico @ M ontana (1:35 p.m. MDT) S.F. Austin @ Montana State (1:05 p.m. MDT) Northeastern @ Northern Arizona (6:05 p.m. MST) Southern Utah @ Weber State (6:05 p.m. MDT) S ep tem b er 19 Weber State @ Idaho* (1:05 p.m. PDT) Pacific @ Boise State (7:05 p.m. MDT) Sonoma State @ Eastern Washington (1:05 p.m. PDT) Idaho State @ Northern Iowa (1:30 p.m. CDT) M ontana @ K an sas S ta te (6:30 p.m. CDT) Mesa State @ Montana State (1:05 p.m. MDT) Northern Arizona @ Nevada-Las Vegas (7:00 p.m. PDT) S ep tem b er 2 6 E astern W ashington @ Montana* (12:05 p.m. MDT) Idaho State @ Northern Arizona* (6:05 p.m. MST) Montana State @ Weber State* (6:05 p.m. MDT) Boise State @ Stephen F. Austin (7:00 p.m. CDT) O ctober 3 M ontana @ B o ise State* (6:05 p.m. MDT) Weber State @ Eastern Washington* (1:05 p.m. PDT) Northern Arizona @ Montana State* (2:05 p.m. MDT) Cal-St., Northridge @ Idaho (1:05 p.m. PDT) Central Washington @ Idaho State (6:35 p.m. MDT) O ctober 10 Boise State @ Northern Arizona* (6:05 p.m. MDT) Montana State @ Eastern Washington* (1:35 p.m. PDT) Idaho State @ Idaho* (1:05 p.m. PDT) M ontana @ W eber State* (6:05 p.m. MDT) O ctober 17 Weber State @ Boise State* (6:05 p.m. MDT) Idaho @ Eastern Washington* (1:05 p.m. PDT) Idaho Staite @ Montana State* (1:05 p.m. MDT) N orthern A rizon a @ Montana* (1:35 p.m. MDT) O ctob er 2 4 Eastern Washington @ Northern Arizona* (6:05 p.m. MST) Idaho State @ Weber State* (6:05 p.m. MDT) M ontana S ta te @ M ontana* (1:35 p.m. MDT) Portland State @ Boise State (6:05 p.m. MDT) Idaho @ Northern Iowa (6:30 p.rp. CDT) O ctober 31 Boise State @ Montana State* (1:05 p.m. MDT) Eastern Washington @ Idaho State* (6:35 p.m. MDT) Northern Arizona @ Idaho* (1:05 p.m. PDT) Weber State @ Nevada (1:05 p.m. PDT) N ovem ber 7 Idaho @ Montana* (12:05 p.m. MST) Weber State @ Northern Arizona* (6:05 p.m. MST) Eastern Washington @ Northeast Louisiana (7:00 p.m. CST) N ovem ber 14 Boise @ Eastern Washington* (12:35 p.m. PST) Montana State @ Idaho* (1:05 p.m. PST) Southern Utah @ Idaho State (6:35 p.m. MST) H ofstra @ M ontana (12:05 p.m. MST) Minnesota-Duluth @ Northern Arizona (6:05 p.m. MST) N ovem ber 21 Idaho @ Boise State* (1:05 p.m. MST) M ontana @ Idaho State* (6:35 p.m. MST) Montana State @ Nevada-Las Vegas (1:05 p.m. PST) McNeese State @ Weber State (1:05 p.m. MST) N ovem ber 2 8 NCAA Division I-AA First Round Games (at institutional sites to be determined) D ecem ber 5 NCAA Division I-AA Quarterfinal Round Games (at institutional sites to be determined) D ecem ber 12 NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal Round Games (at institu­ tional sites to be determined) D ecem ber 19 NCAA Division I-AA Championship Game (CBS-TV) (at Huntington, West Virginia, Marshall University) *Indicates Big Sky Conference game All Times listed are LOCAL START TIMES


Warren A rledge

D enn is S c a te s

Bert W ilberger

O p p on en ts

T ony R ice

Britt Fred

Kelly McCallum 31

G am e 1

G am e 2

P resident: Dr. Samuel H. Smith Location: Pullman, WA Population: 23,579 Enrollm ent: 17,500 S ch o o l Colors: Crimson & Gray Stadium : Martin Stadium (40,000, omni turf) A th letic Director: Jim Livengood H ead Coach: Mike Price A lm a Mater: Puget Sound (1969) Record: 59-64 (11 yrs.) Record at WSU: 13-20 (3 yrs.) Phone: 509-335-0250 Tim e To Call: T-F, 11 a.m.-noon A s s is ta n t C oach es: Bill Doba, Asst. Head C oach/L inebackers; Mike Zimmer, Def. Coord./Secondary; Ted Williams, Off. Coord./RBs; Mike Levenseller, WRs; Larry Lewis, DEs; John McDonell, O-line; Andre Patterson, DTs; George Yarno, O-line; Jim Zeches, OLs. A th letic Trainer: Mark Smaha SID: Rod Commons SID Phone: 509-335-0270-W; 509-332-8309-H SID FAX: 509-335-0267 C onference: Pacific-10 1991 Record: 4 7 0 League R ecord/F inish: 3-5 (6th) Starters Back: 19 (12 off., 7 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 50/13 Key R eturnees: Clarence (Butch) Williams, TE, 6-2, 236, Sr.; Phillip Bobo, SB, 5-11, 186, Jr.; Drew Bledsoe, QB, 6-6, 224, Jr. Last M eeting: 1979 (34-14, WSU in Spokane) S e r ie s Record: 30-2, WSU

P resident: Dr. Robin Wilson Location: Chico, CA Population: 78,000 Enrollm ent: 13,000 S ch ool Colors: Cardinal, White Stadium : University Field (7,500, grass) A th letic Director: Dr. Janet R. Kittell H ead Coach: Gary Houser Phone: 916-898-5179 A lm a Mater: Oregon State (1970) Record: 14-16 (3 yrs.) R ecord at CSC: 14-16 (3 yrs.) Tim e To Call: 8-10 a.m., M-F A ssistan t Coaches: Blaine Bennett, John Zgombic, Steve Hall A th letic Trainer: Scott Barker SID: TBA SID Phone: 916-898-4658 SID FAX: 916-898-6809 C onference: Northern California Athletic 1991 Record: 4-6 League R ecord/F inish: 2-3 (2nd) S tarters Back: 11 (6 off., 5 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 38/20 Key R eturnees: Scott McMahon, FS, 6-1, 195, Sr.; Greg McCoy, WR/Ret„ 6-1, 180, Sr.; Fred Soares, LB, 6-3, 225, Sr. Last M eeting: First Meeting S e r ie s Record: 0-0

@Washington State

C al-S tate Chico

____________C ougars____________

W ildcats

The G rizzlies h ave averaged m ore than 1 2 ,0 0 0 fa n s per hom e gam e th e la s t tw o years.

S c o tt M cMahon F ree S a fety

1991 R esu lts

1991 R esu lts

(Overall: 4-7-0/P A C -10: 3-5)

(Overall: 4 -6 /NCAC: 2-3)

D ate S 7 14 S 21 s s 28 0 5 12 o 19 o N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

Team @Oregon* Fresno State @Ohio State @UNLV Oregon State* u se* @Arizona State* @UCLA* Arizona* Stanford* ©Washington

Score L 14-40 L 30-34 L 19-33 W 40-13 W 55- 7 L 27-34 W 17- 3 3-44 L W 40-27 L 14-49 L 21-56

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le Date S 5

G ary H ou ser H ea d C oach

D rew B le d so e Q uarterb ack

M ike P rice H ea d C oach

Team Montana

Time 2:00 p.m. PDT

@Arizona* S 12 @Fresno State S 26 Temple 0 3 @Oregon State* 0 10 UCLA* 0 17 @Southern Cal* 0 24 Oregon* 0 31 Arizona State* N 7 N 14 @Stanford* Washington* N 21 *Pacific-10 Conference game

S a fety D an A n d erson


7:00 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. PDT 1:00 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. PDT 1:30 p.m. PDT 2:00 p.m. PST 1:00 p.m. PST 12:30 p.m. PST 3:30 p.m. PST

D ate S 1 S 8 S 15 S 22 S 29 O 6 O 13 O 20 O 27 N 3

Team Santa Clara Carroll, (MT) Santa Barbara St. Mary’s (CA) Sacramento St. SF State* UC Davis* Sonoma St.* Humboldt St.* Hayward St.*

Score L 26-32 W 25-7 W 52-31 L 14-38 L 21-63 L 17-34 W 24-20 L 17-38 L 17-29 W 30-7

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le Date S 5 S 12 S 19 0 26 S 3 0 10 0 17 0 24 0 31 N 7 N 14

Team Santa Clara @Montana Cal Poly-SLO OPEN St. Mary’s @Sacramento St. Hayward St. * @SF State * @UC Davis * Sonoma State * @HumboldtSt. *

Time 7:00 p.m. PDT 1:35 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. PDT —

7:00 p.m. PDT TBA 7:00 p.m. PDT TBA 7:00 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. PDT 7:00 p.m. PDT

* Northern California Athletic Conference game

G am e 3 P resident: Dr. Jon Wefald Location: Manhattan, KS P opulation: 45,000 Enrollm ent: 21,902 S ch o o l Colors: Purple & White Stadium : KSU Stadium (42,000, Astroturf) A th letic Director: Milt Richards H ead Coach: Bill Snyder A lm a Mater: William Jewell (1963) Record: 13-20 (2 yrs.) R ecord at KSU: 13-20 (2 yrs.) Phone: 913-532-5876 Tim e To Call: Wed. 7:00-7:30p.m. A s sista n t C oaches: Dana Dimel, O-line; Ben Griffith, RBs; Tom Grogan, Recruiting Coord.; John Hendrick, D-line; John Latina, O-line; Jim Leavitt, Co-Def. Coord./ILBs; Del Miller, Off. C oord./Q B s; Nick Quartaro, T Es/Special Teams; Bobby Stoops, Secondary, DEs. A th letic Trainer: Todd Toriscelli SID: Ben Boyle SID Phone: 913-532-6735-W; 913-539-8817-H SID FAX: 913-532-6093 C onference: Big Eight 1991 Record: 7-4 League R ecord/F inish: 4-3 (4th) S tarters Back: 16 (6 off., 8 def., 2 spec.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 4 4/1 7 Key R eturnees: Eric Gallon, RB, 6-1, 205, Sr.; Quentin Neujahr, C, 6-4, 270, Jr.; Brooks Barta, LB, 6-0, 215, Sr.; Jaime Mendez, FS, 6-0,195, Jr. Last M eeting: First Meeting S e r ie s Record: 0-0

K ansas St. W ildcats

B ill S nyd er H e a d C oach

G am e 4

G am e 5

P resident: Dr. Marshall E. Drummond Location: Cheney, WA P opulation: 15,000 Enrollm ent: 8,000 S ch o o l Colors: Red & White Stadium : Woodward (6,000, nat. grass) A th letic Director: Dick Zornes H ead Coach: Dick Zornes A lm a Mater: Eastern Washington (1968) Record: 70-53-2 (12 yrs.) Record at EWU: 70-53-2 (12 yrs.) Phone: 509-359-2463 Tim e To Call: 10-11 a.m., M-F A ssista n t C oaches: Gary Knecht, LBs; Mike Kramer, Asst. Head Coach/O-line; Jerry Graybeal, Def. Coord./Secondary; J.D. Sollars, Off. Coord./RBs; Jim McElwain, QBs/WRs. A th letic Trainer: Tom Embree SID: Dave Cook SID Phone: 509-359-6334-W; 509-235-4072-H SID FAX: 509-359-2828 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 5-6 League R ecord/F inish: 4-4 (4th) Starters Back: 13 (5 off., 7 def., 1 kicker) L etterm en Back/Lost: 37/18 Key R eturnees: Mark Tenneson, QB, 6-3, 207, Sr., Harold Wright, RB, 5-9, 206, Jr.; Tony Brooks, WR, 6-2,192, Jr., Pat Sievers, LB/DB, 6-1, 205, Sr.; Jackie Kellogg, DB, 6-1, 183, Jr.; Alex Lacson, K/WR, 5-10, 165, So. Last M eeting: 1991 (20-17, EWU) S e r ie s Record: 11-6-1, UM

P resident: Dr. Larry Selland Location: Boise, ID Population: 130,198 Enrollm ent: 14,254 Sch o o l Colors: Blue & Orange Stadium : Bronco (22,600-Artificial Surface) A th letic Director: Gene Bleymaier H ead Coach: Skip Hall A lm a Mater: Concordia College (1966) Record: 37-22 (5 yrs.) Record at BSU: 37-22 (5 yrs.) Phone: 208-385-1281 Tim e To Call: 9:30-11:30 a.m., M-F A s s i s t a n t C o a c h e s : John Gough, Off. C o o rd ./O -lin e ; Jim Fleming, Def. Coord./Secondary; Steve Buratto, D-line; Jay Mills, QBs; Scott Pelluer, LBs; Mike Lopez, WRs/TEs. A th letic Trainer: Gary Craner SID: Max Corbet SID Phone: 208-385-1515-W; 208-345-2180-H SID FAX: 208-385-1778 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 7-4 League R ecord/F inish: 4-4 (4th) Starters Back: 10 (6 Off., 4 Def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 31/18 Key R eturnees: Matt McLaughlin, LB, 6-4, 218, Sr.; Eric Escandon, LB, 6-0, 190, Jr.; Kerry Law­ yer, WR, 6-0, 180, So.; Sheldon Forehand, WR, 6-2, 194, Sr.; Jeff Mladenich, QB, 6-1, 201, Sr.; David Tingstad, FB, 6-0, 225 Sr. Last M eeting: 1991 (21-7, UM) S e r ie s Record: 20-7, BSU

E. W ashington

B rook s Barta L in eb ack er

D ick Z ornes H ead C oach

1991 R esu lts Team Indiana State Idaho State Northern Illinois ©Washington Kansas * @Nebraska* Colorado* @Oklahoma* @Iowa State* Missouri* @Oklahoma State*

Mark T enneson Q uarterb ack

S kip H all H ea d C oach

S core W 26-25 W 41- 7 W 34-17 L 3-56 W 16-12 L 31-38 L 0-10 L 7-28 W 37- 7 W 32- 0 W 36-26

D ate Team S 7 Cal State-Northridge S 14 @Eastern Illinois S 21 @Boise State* S 28 @Weber State* O 5 Montana* O 12 Portland State O 19 Nevada* O 26 @ Idaho* (2-OT) N 2 Northern Arizona* N 9 Idaho State* N 16 @Montana St.*

Time 6:30 p.m. CDT 6:30 p.m. CDT 12:30 p.m. CDT 1:00 p.m. CDT 12:00 p.m. CDT 1:10 p.m. CDT 1:30 p.m. CST 7:00 p.m. CST 1:00 p.m. CST 1:10 p.m. CST 9:00 p.m. CST


Score W 20-13 L 12-30 L 17-31 L 59-63 W 2 0 -1 7 L 23-35 L 14-51 W 34-31 W 44-29 L 35-43 W 22-21

(Overall: 7 -4 /B ig Sky: 4-4) D ate S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28 O 12 O 19 O 26 N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23



12 @Portland State 19 Sonoma State

1:00 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. MDT


26 @Montana*

12:05 p.m. MDT

0 3 Weber State* 0 10 Montana State* 0 17 Idaho* 0 24 ©Northern Arizona* 0 31 @Idaho State* N 7 @Northeast Louisiana N 14 Boise State* *Big Sky Conference game


1:05 p.m. MDT 1:35 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. MST 5:00 p.m. MST 12:35 p.m. MST

Team Liberty Long Beach St. Eastern Washington* Stephen F. Austin @ M ontana * Northern Arizona* @Nevada* Idaho St.* Montana State* @Weber State* @Idaho*

S core W 35-14 W 48-14 W 31-17 W 38- 7 L 7-21 W 57-14 L 14-17 W 38-16 W 31-14 L 32-35 L 24-28

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le

1 9 9 2 S c h ed u le


Matt M cLaughlin L in eb ack er

1991 R esu lts

(Overall: 5 -6 /B ig Sky: 4-4)

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le Date Team S 19 Montana S 26 Temple 0 3 New Mexico St. 0 10 @Kansas* @Utah State 0 17 0 24 @Colorado* 0 31 @0klahoma* N 5 Iowa State* N 14 @Missouri* N 21 Oklahoma State* D 5 Nebraska* (@Tokyo) *Big Eight Conference game

B roncos

1991 R esu lts

(Overall: 7 -4 /B ig Eight: 4-3) D ate S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28 O 12 O 19 O 26 N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

B o ise S ta te

____________ E agles____________

S 5 Tennessee-Chatt. S 12 @Idaho State* S 19 University of Pacific S 26 @Stephen F. Austin


3 Montana*

0 10 @Northern Arizona* 0 17 Weber State* 0 24 Portland State 0 31 @Montana State* N 14 @Eastern Washington* N 21 Idaho* *Big Sky Conference game

7:05 p.m. MDT 6:35 p.m. MDT 7:05 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. CDT

7:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MST 6:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 12:05 p.m. MDT 12:35 p.m. PST 1:05 p.m. MST

G am e 6

G am e 7

G am e 8

President: Dr. Paul H. Thompson Location: Ogden, UT P opulation: 64,400 Enrollm ent: 14,500 S ch o o l Colors: Royal Purple & White Stadium : Wildcat (17,500-Natural Grass) A th letic Director: Tom Stewart H ead Coach: Dave Arslanian Record: 16-18 (3 yrs.) R ecord at WSU: 16-18 (3 yrs.) A lm a Mater: Weber State (1972) Phone: 801-626-6493 Tim e To Call: 11:30 a.m.-noon, M-F A ssistan t Coaches: Paul Arslanian, Def. Coord.; Mark Brady, DBs; Mark Gorscak, Special Teams/Kickers/TEs; Robb Akey, D- line; Todd Larson, LBs/Special Teams; Lawrence Living­ stone, O-line; Cecil Stockdale, Receivers. A th letic Trainer: Joel Bass SID: Brad Larsen SID Phone: 801-626-6010-W; 801-776-5376-H SID FAX: 801-626-6490 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 8-4 League R ecord/F inish: 6-2 (T, 2nd) S tarters Back: 14 (4 Off., 10 Def.) L etterm en Back/Lost: 36/1 3 Key R eturnees: Jamie Martin, QB, 6-4, 210, Sr.; Trevor Shaw, WR/TE, 6-3, 215, Jr.; Fredrick X, CB, 5-11, 185, Jr.; Todd Casey, OG, 6-3, 275, Jr.; Tim Otton, DE, 6-3, 250, Sr. L ast M eeting: 1991 (47-38 UM) S e r ie s Record: 21-9-0, UM

P resident: Dr. Eugene Hughes Location: Flagstaff, Arizona Population: 45,000 Enrollm ent: 17,636 S ch o o l Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium : J. Walkup Skydome (15,250) A th letic Director: Tom Jurich H ead Coach: Steve Axman Record: 8-14 (2 yrs.) R ecord at NAU: 8-14 (2 yrs.) A lm a Mater: C.W. Post (1969) Phone: 602-523-5641 Tim e To Call: 9-11 a .m ./l-2 p.m., M-F A s s i s t a n t C o a c h e s : Larry Kerr, Def. Coord./ILBs; John Skladany, Secondary/Spe­ cial Teams; Thurmond Moore, D-line; Mike Free­ man, Asst. O-line; Steve Kragthorpe, QBs: Willie Dudley, RBs. A th letic Trainer: Mike Nesbitt SID: Wylie Smith SID Phone: 602-523-6791-W; 602-774-9688-H SID FAX: 602-523-7727 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 3-8 League R ecord/F inish: 1-7 (8th) S tarters Back: 17 (9 off., 8 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 36/19 Key R eturnees: John Bonds, QB, 6-5, 228, Sr.; Gerald Robinson, RB, 5-8, 205, Sr.; Terry Belden, K/P, 5-10, 185, Jr.; Will Glover, DB, 6-0, 170, Sr. Last M eeting: 1991 (34-27, UM) S e r ie s Record: 15-10-0, UM

P resident: Dr. Mike Malone Location: Bozeman, Montana Population: 30,000 Enrollm ent: 10,100 Sch o o l Colors: Blue & Gold Stadium : Reno H. Sales (15,178, natural grass) A th letic Director: Doug Fullerton H ead Coach: Cliff Hysell A lm a Mater: Montana State (1966) Record: First Year Phone: 406-994-4221 Tim e To Call: 11-12 noon, M-F A s s i s t a n t C o a c h e s : Phil Davis, Off. Coord./RBs; Jim Michalczik, O-Line; Dave Tel­ ford, Receivers/QBs; Mark Paffhausen, TEs; Butch Damberger, D-Line; Bart Aby, LBs; Jeff Mills, Secondary. A th letic Trainer: Chuck Karnop SID: Bill Lamberty SID Phone: 406-994-5133-W; 406-587-5459-H SID FAX: 406-994-4102 Conference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 2-9 League R ecord/F inish: 1-7 (8th) Starters Back: 12 (8 off., 4 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 37/16 Key R eturnees: Jeff Newton, DT, 6-0, 255, Sr.; Reggie Carthon, CB, 5-10, 161, Sr.; Morgan Ryan, SS, 5-11, 175, Jr.; RobTesch, WR, 5-11, 189, Sr. Last M eeting: 1991 (16-9, UM) S e r ie s Record: 54-32-5, UM

W eber S ta te W ildcats

D ave A rslan ian H ead C oach

C liff H y sell H ea d C oach

(Overall: 2 -9 /B ig Sky: 1-7)

(Overall: 3 -8 /B ig Sky: 1-7)

Score L 31-48 33-14 43-38 63-59 36-25 45-17 3 8 -4 7 49-55 62-7 35-32 60-41 21-38

w w w w w L L W W W L

D ate



D ate



A S S S O O 0

E. New Mexico New M exico H ighlands @ W eber State* @ A kron @ Idaho State* M ontana State* @ Boise State*



M innesota-D uluth S am H ou sto n State S ac ra m e n to State Idaho * @ N evada* W eber State* @ N orthern Arizona* @ Idaho State*


31 7 14 28 5 12 19

2 2 -1 5 6 5 -1 2 3 8 -4 3 1 4-49 14-45 2 7 -1 6 14-57




S 5 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3

@New Mexico St. Southern Utah @Idaho* Montana State* ©East. Washington*

7:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m.

0 10




6:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m.


31 7 14 21 28 5 12 26

3 1 -1 3 2 3 -2 6 17-19 14 -4 8 12 -5 4 2 5 -3 6 16-27 16-7

0 26


L 2 7 -3 4

N 2 N 9 N 16

@ East. W ashington* Idaho* N evada*








Southern Utah Northeastern @Nevada-Las Vegas Idaho State* @Montana State* Boise State*

6:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 7:00 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 2:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT

S 5 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 3




1:05 p.m. MDT

0 10 0 17

©Sacramento State Stephen F. Austin Mesa State @Weber State* Northern Arizona* @East. Washington* Idaho State*

7:05 p.m. MDT

s s 0 0

5 12 19 26 3 10

1:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m.

0 0

24 31

0 24


1:05 p.m. MDT

2 9 -4 4 2 8 -4 4 1 6-45


1 9 9 2 S c h ed u le

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le

R ob T esch W ide R eceiver

1991 R esu lts

1991 R esu lts

1991 R esu lts (Overall: 8 -4 /B ig Sky: 6-2)

0 17 @Boise State* 0 24 Idaho State* 0 31 @Nevada N 7 ©Northern Arizona* N 14 OPEN N 21 McNeese State *Big Sky Conference game

B ob cats

J oh n B on d s Q uarterb ack

S tev e A xm an H ea d C oach

J a m ie Martin Q u arterb ack

Team A 31 @Air Force S 7 Southern Utah S 14 Northern Arizona* S 28 Eastern Washington* O 5 ©Montana State* O 1 2 Idaho* o 19 @Montana* N 2 @Nevada* N 9 New Mexico Highlands N 16 Boise State* N 23 @Idaho State* N 30 ©Northern Iowa# ^NCAA I-AA Playoff game

M ontana S tate

N. A rizona

__________Lum berjacks_________


East. Washington* @Idaho* N Weber State* 7 Minnesota-Duluth N 14 *Big Sky Conference game

1:05 p.m. MST


6:05 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. MST 6:05 p.m. MST 6:05 p.m. MST

2 Montana* 9 @ Boise State* 16 East. W ashington*


9 -16


14-31 2 1 -2 2

1 9 9 2 S ch ed u le

0 31 Boise State* N 6 OPEN N 13 @Idaho* N 20 @UNLV . *Big Sky Conference game


1:05 p.m. MST 2:05 p.m. MST 2:05 p.m. PST

G am e 9

G am e 10

G am e 11

P resident: Dr. Elisabeth Zinser Location: Moscow, Idaho Population: 16,660 E nrollm ent: 14,202 S c h o o l Colors: Silver & Gold Stadium : Kibbie-ASUI Dome (16,000) A th letic Director: Wayne Anderson (interim) H ead Coach: John L. Smith A lm a Mater: Weber State (1971) Record: 24-12 (3 yrs.) R ecord at UI: 24-12 (3 yrs.) Phone: 208-885-0235 Tim e To Call: 11 a.m .-l p.m., M-F A s sista n t C oach es: Art Valero, Asst. Head Coach/O-Line; Craig Bray, Def. Coord.; Nick Holdt, D-Line; Scott Linehan, QBs; Mike Cox, LBs; Ron Lee, Secondary; Blaine Bennett, WRs; Paul Petrino, RBs. A th letic Trainer: Barrie Steele SID: Ranee Pugmire SID Phone: 208-885-0211-W; 208-882-4592-H SID FAX: 208-885-0255 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 6-5 League R ecord/F inish: 4-4 (4th) S tarters Back: 12 (5 off., 6 def., 1 Kicker) L etterm en Back/Lost: 34/1 8 Key R eturnees: Alan Allen, WR, 6-2, 184, Jr.; DougNussmeier, QB, 6-4, 210, Jr.; Jeff Robin­ son, DE, 6-5, 255, Sr. Last M eeting: 1991 (35-34, OT, UM) S e r ie s Record: 51-20-2, UI

P resident: Dr. James M. Shuart Location: Hempstead, New York Population: 40,404 Enrollm ent: 12,100 S ch o o l Colors: Gold, White & Blue Stadium : Hofstra (7,500-Artificial) A th letic Director: Jim Garvey H ead Coach: Joe Gardi A lm a Mater: Maryland (1960) Record: 20-3 (2 yrs.) Record at HU: 20-3 (2 yrs.) Phone: 516-463-5315 Tim e To Call: 10 a.m .-l p.m., Tues.-Thurs. A s s is ta n t C o a ch es: Manny Matsakis, Off. Coord.; Greg Gigantino, Def. Coord.; Mike Gebbia, DBs; Kevin Keeffe, RBs; Frank Limanni, OLine; Bob McIntyre, OLBs; Tim Weaver, D-Line; Pat Veltri, Receivers. A th letic Trainer: Rick Zappala SID: Jim Sheehan SID Phone: 516-463-6764-W; 718-458-3609-H SID FAX: 516-463-5033 C onference: Independent (I-AA) 1991 Record: 8 2 0 League R ecord/F inish: Independent S tarters Back: 10 (5 off., 5 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 34/2 0 Key Returnees: George Beisel, QB, 6-1,190, Jr.; Ken Colon, WR, 6-0, 185, Sr.; Walt Olshanski, P/K, 6-3,175, Jr.; Jimmy Salgado, CB, 6-2,205, Sr. Last M eeting: First Meeting S e r ie s Record: 0-0-0

P resident: Dr. Richard L. Bowen Location: Pocatello, Idaho Population: 50,000 Enrollm ent: 11,037 S ch o o l Colors: Orange & Black Stadium : Holt Arena (12,000) A th letic Director: Randy Hoffman H ead Coach: Brian McNeely Record: First Year A lm a Mater: Wichita State (1979) Phone: 208-236-2779 Tim e To Call: 11 a.m.-noon, M-F A s sista n t C oaches: Bob Larson, Asst. Head C o ach /.O -L in e; Kyle W hittingham , D. Coord./LBs; Rob Christophel, O-Coord./WRs; Gary Anderson, D-Line; Mark Caballero, RBs; Chris Culig, Special Teams Coord./DBs; Ron Manu, OLBs; Brent McNeely, TEs. A th letic Trainer: Phil Luckey SID: Glenn Alford SID Phone: 208-236-3651-W; 208-233-7294-H SID FAX 208-236-3659 C onference: Big Sky 1991 Record: 3 7 1 League R ecord/F inish: 2-6 (7th) Starters Back: 10 (5 off., 5 def.) Letterm en Back/Lost: 27/2 0 Key R eturnees: Sylvester Jones, RB-WR, 5-10, 180, Sr.; Robert Ford, DL, 6-2, 250, Jr.; Pete Molino, TE, 6-2, 230, Sr.; Mahe Liava’a, ILB, 5-10, 225, Sr. Last M eeting: 1991 (24-13, UM) S e r ie s Record: 23-11-0, UM


H ofstra

V andals

J oh n L. Sm ith H ead C oach

D ate S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28 O 5 O 12 O 19 O 26 N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

Idaho S ta te

_______ Flying D utchm en_______

J eff R obinson D e fe n s iv e End

J o e Gardi H ead C oach

S tep h e n G evinski D e fe n siv e B ack

B en g a ls____________

B rian M cN eely H ea d C oach

S y lv e ste r J o n e s R eceiv er/B a ck

1991 R esu lts

1991 R esu lts

1991 R esu lts

(Overall: 6 -5 /B ig Sky: 4-4)

(Overall: 8-2 -0 )

(Overall: 3 -7 -1 /B ig Sky: 2-6)

Team Sonoma State SW Texas State @Montana State* Northern Iowa Nevada* @Weber State* @Idaho State* East. Washington* (2 OT) OPEN @Northern Arizona* Montana* (OT) Boise-State*

Score W 49-7 W 41-38 W 48-14 L 14-36 L 23-31 L 17-45 W 46-21 L 31-34

W 44-28 L 3 4 -3 5 W 28-24

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le Date Team S 5 St. Cloud State S 12 @Colorado State S 19 Weber State* S 26 OPEN 0 3 Cal-State Northridge 0 10 Idaho State* 0 17 @East. Washington* 0 24 @Northern Iowa 0 31 Northern Arizona* N 7 @Montana* N 14 Montana State* N 21 @Boise State* *Big Sky Conference game

Time 6:05 p.m. PDT 11:00 a.m. PDT 1:05 p.m. PDT


1:05 p.m. PDT 1:05 p.m. PDT 1:05 p.m. PDT 4:30 p.m. PDT 1:05 p.m. PST 11:05 a.m. PST 1:05 p.m. PST 12:05 p.m. PST

D ate S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28 O 4 O 12 O 19 O 26 N 2 N 9

Team Bucknell @Central Conn. State @New Hampshire @C.W. Post Buffalo, St. @Ford ham Lafayette College @Tows on State @Dayton @Cortland State

Date S 5 S 12 S 19 S 26 0 2 0 9 0 16 0 24 N 7 N 14

Team Central Conn. State @Lafayette College @James Madison @Towson State Rhode Island S. Conn. State Fordham @Buffalo, St. Dayton @Montana*

S core W 43-7 30-19 28-48 54-24 38-33 50-30 60-17 30-26 7-14 40-6

1 9 9 2 S c h ed u le


Time 7:30 p.m. EDT 1:00 p.m. EDT 7:00 p.m. EDT 7:00 p.m. EDT 7:30 p.m. EDT 7:30 p.m. EDT 7:30 p.m. EDT 1:00 p.m. EDT 1:00 p.m. EDT 2:05 p.m. EDT

D ate S 7 S 14 S 28 O 5 O 12 O 19 O 26 N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

Team Mesa State @Kansas State @Montana* Northern Arizona* @Nevada* Idaho* Montana State* @Boise State* @East. Washington* @Southern Utah Weber State*

Score W 38-7 L 7-41 L 1 3 -2 4 W 45-14 L 20-41 L 21-46 L 7-16 L 16-38 W 43-36 T 35-35 L 41-60

1 9 9 2 S c h e d u le Date Team S 5 Mesa State S 12 Boise State* S 19 @Northern Iowa S 26 @Northern Arizona* 0 3 Central Washington 0 10 0 17 @Montana State* 0 24 @Weber State* 0 31 East. Washington* N 14 Southern Utah N 21 Montana* *Big Sky Conference game

Time 6:35 p.m. MDT 6:35 p.m. MDT 12:30 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 6:35 p.m. MDT 2:05 p.m. MDT 1:05 p.m. MDT 6:05 p.m. MDT 2:05 p.m. MST 6:35 p.m. MST 6:35 p.m. MST

■Coaches Through th e YearsC oach (alm a m ater)




■ T*


1897 1898 1899 1900-01 1902 1903-04 1905-06 1907 1908-09 1910-11 1912 1913-14 1915-17 1919-21 1922-23 1924-25 1926-30 1931-34 1935-41 1942 1945 1946-48 1949-51 1952-54 1955-57

2 2 2 4 3 7 7 1 2 3 3 4 7 9 8 8 22 22 25 8 4 15 16 18 23


1 3 1 2 0 5 4 4 7 5 4 8 7 9 7 7 18 8 32 0 1 14 12 8 6 14 8

1 9 6 7 -7 5


1976-79 1980-85 1986-

16 25 45

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

.333 .600 .333 .333 .000 .416 .363 .800 .777 .625 .571 .666 .500 .500 .466 .466 .450 .266 .561 .000 .200 .482 .428 .307 .206 .245 .285 .554 .390 .403 .652

1 9 5 8 -6 3

43 20 41 25 37 24

*Ties not com puted in percentage

)■" JSk T he 1 9 4 7 coach in g staff, L-R: Harry A dam s, Paul S za k a sh , Jiggs D ahlberg and D oug F essen d en . The team w a s 7 -4 th at s e a s o n — th e m o st w in s in sch o o l history to date.

H isto ry /S ta tistics

B ill Cockhill

Sh alon Baker

Big Sky C onference he Big Sky Athletic Conference is currently in its 30th season of operation with championships being conducted in 12 sports including men’s and women’s cross country, basketball, tennis, indoor track and field, outdoor track and field, women’s volleyball and football. The Big Sky has eight m em ber institu­ tions and is affiliated with NCAA Division I in all sports except football, which is classified as Division I-AA. The 1992-93 athletic season in the Big Sky Conference is the fifth in which the league will sponsor championship competition in women’s sports. On July 1, 1988, the Mountain West Athletic Conference, located in Cheney, Washington, m erged with the Big Sky, moving and combining office staffs in Boise, Idaho. The Mountain West Conference had been in existence since 1982. The Big Sky Conference consists of Boise State University, Boise, Idaho; Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washing­ ton; University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho; Idaho State Univer­ sity, Pocatello, Idaho; University of Montana, Missoula, Montana; Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana; Northern Ari­ zona University, Flagstaff, Arizona; and Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. Formed in 1963, the Big Sky Conference consisted of charter members Idaho, Idaho State, Gonzaga University, Montana, Montana State and Weber State. Boise State and Northern Arizona joined the league July 1, 1970, in the Big Sky’s first expansion. Nevada was admitted to the league July 1, 1979, replacing former charter member Gon­ zaga (Nevada left the Big Sky on July 1,1992). On July 1,1987, Eastern Washington became the Big Sky’s ninth member. When all nine members of the Mountain West Conference and Big Sky Conference were parallel the way was paved to merge the two leagues. The Big Sky Conference has member institutions in five states and covers more than 220,000 square miles (or almost 1 / 12th

the total square miles in the continental United States). The five states included in the Big Sky Conference (Arizona, Idaho, Mon­ tana, Utah and Washington) span from the Canadian to Mexi­ can borders. The Big Sky is one of two major conferences located in the Rocky Mountain region. The name BIG SKY originated in a novel authored in 1947, by the late A. B. (Bud) Guthrie, of Great Falls, Montana, enti­ tled THE BIG SKY. Jack Hollowell, former Montana Advertis­ ing Director, promoted the Big Sky theme for the Treasure State. Harry Missildine, of the Spokane SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, called for the Conference to be named “The Big Sky Conference’” in his column of February 20, 1963. On February 25, 1963, the Conference nam e was adopted by the presidents of the newly formed league during a meeting in Spokane, Washington. Ron Stephenson is the current Conference Commissioner, taking over the post July 1, 1981, from Steve Belko, who had served since 1977. John Roning was the league’s second Com ­ missioner, serving from 1971 until 1977. Jack Friel was the Big Sky’s first Commissioner, serving from 1963 to 1971. Dr. Sharon Holmberg currently serves as Assistant Commis­ sioner for Compliance Services of the Big Sky Conference, and is entering her fifth year with the league. Arnie Sgalio is the Big Sky’s Assistant Commissioner for Infor­ mation Services beginning his 14th year with the conference, while Stephanie Grimes is in her first year as Assistant Informa­ tion Director and was a graduate assistant at Iowa State before joining the Big Sky Conference. She interned at the Big Sky office in 1989-90. Art Mendini is in his fifth year with the Big Sky as the league’s Assistant Commissioner for Officiating Services while Kay John­ son is the Big Sky’s Adminsitrative Assistant, in her sixth year at that post.

Ron S tep h en so n Commissioner

A rnie S galio Asst. Commissioner, Information Services

P ast Cham ps, Runnersup 1963—Idaho State (3-1) 1964—Montana State (3-0) 1965—Weber State, Idaho (3-1) 1966—Montana State (4-0) 1967—Montana State (4-0) 1968—Weber, Idaho, MSU (3-1) 1969—MONTANA (4-0) 1970—MONTANA (6-0) 1971—Idaho (4-1) 1972—Montana State (5-1) 1973—Boise State (6-0) 1974—Boise State (6-0) 1975—Boise State (5-0-1) 1976—Montana State (6-0) 1977—Boise State (6-0)

1978—Northern Arizona (6-1) 1979—Montana State (6-1) 1980—Boise State (6-1) 1981—Idaho State, BSU (6-1) 1982—MONTANA (5-2) 1983—Nevada (6-1) 1984—Montana State (6-1) 1985—Idaho (6-1) 1986—Nevada (7-0) 1987—Idaho (7-1) 1988—Idaho (7-1) 1989—Idaho (8-0) 1990—Nevada (7-1) 1991—Nevada (8-0)

Montana State (2-1) Idaho State (2-1) M ontana (2-2) Idaho (3-1) UM, WSC, UI (2-2) Weber State (3-1) Idaho State (4-2) Boise State (4-2) Idaho State (4-1) Montana State (5-1) Montana State (4-2) ISU, MSU (4-2) Idaho (5-1) Northern Arizona (5-1)

UM, MSU (4-2) Nevada (5-2) Idaho (4-3) M ontana (5-2) UI, MSU (5-2) Idaho State (5-2) Nevada (5-2) Nevada (6-1) NAU, Idaho (5-2) Weber State (7-1) M ontana (6-2) M ontana (7-1) Idaho, BSU (6-2) M ontana (6- 2)

1991 Big Sky Stand in gs Nevada + M ontana Weber State! Eastern Wash. Idaho Boise State Idaho State No. Arizona Montana State

W 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 1 1

L 0 2 2 4 4 4 6 7 7

B ig T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sky G am es Pet. PF 329 LOO .7 5 0 222 369 .750 .500 246 271 .500 234 .500 206 .250 .125 193 127 .125

PA 178 183 314 286 231 162 275 328 241

W 12 7 8 5 6 7 3 3 2

L 1 4 4 6 5 4 7 8 9

O verall G am es T P et. PF 0 556 LOO .6 3 6 274 0 0 .666 516 .454 0 301 0 .545 375 0 .636 355 1 286 .318 .272 0 294 0 .181 197

+ Clinched 1991 Big Sky Football Title and automatic berth into NCAA I-AA Collegiate Football Championships. ! Earned ‘at-large” berth into NCAA Division I-AA Collegiate Championships.


PA 244 241 421 364 313 197 358 404 300

■1991 Big Sky StatsTeam S ta fs

(Parenthesis) indicate 1-AA ranking. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Weber State (1) Nevada (2) Idaho (3) Northern Ariz. (16) Eastern Wash. (24) Idaho St. (26) M ontana (28) Boise State (34) Montana State

TOTAL O FFE NSE G P la y s Y ards 11 6364 11 900 5606 11 833 5306 11 4539 11 4239 11 4233 11 844 4219 11 865 4153 11 787 3384

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Weber St. (27) Nevada 32) Eastern Wash. Boise St. Idaho Idaho St. Northern Ariz. Montana St. M ontana

RUSH ING O FFENSE G C arries Y ards A vg. 467 4.5 468 2028 4.3 438 1835 4.2 502 1681 3.3 409 1607 3.9 445 1588 3.6 412 1561 3.8 344 922 2.7 595 1.7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Weber St. (1) Idaho (2) M ontana (4) Nevada (5) Northern Ariz. (13) Idaho St. (20) Boise St. (24) Montana St. (26) Eastern Wash. (29)

PA SSIN G O FFENSE G Att-Cm p-Int P et. 11 516-320-17 62.0 11 424-251-12 59.2 11 4 8 7 -2 6 2 -1 4 5 3 .8 11 432-245-18 56.7 11 396-216-23 54.5 11 360-202-17 56.1 11 363-200-9 55.1 11 487-201-25 45.4 11 340-185-17 54.4

Avg. 6.5 6.2 6.4 5.6 5.4 5.3 5 .0 4.8 4.3

TD 69 60 46 34 36 38 34 39 23

Y dsPG 578.55 509.64 482.36 412.64 385.36 384.82 3 8 3 .5 5 377.55 307.64

TD 33 33 24 23 20 14

Y dsPG 9.5 184.4 166.8 152.8 146.1 144.4 141.9 83.8 5 4 .1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Boise St. (21) Nevada M ontana Montana St. Idaho Eastern Wash. Idaho St. Weber St. Northern Ariz.

TOTAL DEFENSE G P la y s Y ards 11 783 3428 11 807 3777 11 835 3976 11 853 4050 11 830 4557 11 4765 11 5031 11 851 5106 11 791 5278

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Boise St. (2) Nevada (12 Idaho (21) M ontana (31) Montana St. Weber St. Eastern Wash. Idaho St. Northern Ariz.

RUSH ING DEFENSE G C arries Y ards 11 356 928 11 408 1293 11 430 1517 11 448 1607 11 495 1610 11 410 1719 11 499 1781 11 459 1810 11 2371 461

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Boise St. (16) Nevada (23) M ontana (27) Montana St. Weber St. Idaho Northern Ariz. Idaho St. Eastern Wash.


TD* 23 24 31 32 39 49 49 53 52

YdsPG 311.6 342.4 3 6 1 .5 368.2 414.3 433.2 457.4 464.2 479.8

TD 10 12 15 21 16 29 19 27 33

Y dsPG 84.4 117.5 137.9 1 4 6 .1 146.4 156.3 161.9 164.5 215.5

Int 28 22 16 17 21 10 11 15 10

P o in ts 95.1 101.1 1 0 5 .2 113.1 123.3 139.4 146.0 147.4 147.7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

T eam Nevada (12) Boise St. (15) Northern Ariz. (16) M ontana (19) Montana St. (28) Idaho St. (32) Weber St. Idaho. Eastern Wash.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Idaho (3) Northern Ariz. (5) Nevada (11) M ontana Eastern Wash. Montana St. Idaho St. Boise St. Weber St.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Team Boise St. (3) Northern Ariz. (10) M ontana (29) Eastern Wash. (30) Idaho St. Nevada Montana St. Idaho Weber St.

PUN T RETURNS G N o. 11 46 11 49 11 33 11 21 11 38 11 23 11 16 11 33 11 30

Y d s. 512 536 352 212 364 207 127 259 215

TD 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

Avg. 11.1 10.9 10.7 10.1 9.6 9.0 7.9 7.8 7.2

Y ds. R et. 283 265 131 210 349 256 136 244 264

N et Avg. 38.8 38.2 36.7 3 4 .0 33.2 33.0 32.7 32.3 28.3


Team 1 Nevada (1) 2 Weber St. (2) 3 Idaho (8) 4 Boise St. (15) 5 East. Wash. (29) 6 Northern Ariz. 7 Idaho St. 8 M ontana 9 Montana St.

G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11


11 10

Y ds. 4280 3699 3624 3578 2978 2645 2472 2462 2404

TD Y dsPG 36 389.1 26 336.3 2 4 3 2 9 .5 27 325.3 13 270.7 24 240.5 16 224.7 12 223.8 12 218.5

SCORING O FFENSE Pts. Avg. TD KXP OXP DXPK DXPO FG SF 496 45.1 66 12 2 495 45.0 5 2 375 34.1 51 45 8 0 355 32.3 44 15 0 301 27.4 37 15 0 294 26.7 38 32 10 1 286 26.0 38 25 7 0 2 7 4 2 4 .9 35 2 9 9 3 197 17.9 26 15 8 0

N am e 1 Geoff Mitchell, WSU (12) 2 Tim Mitchell, EWU (22) 3 Harold Wright, EWU 4 Chris Thomas, BSU 5 Gerald Robinson, NAU 6 Ronnie White, UI 7 Si Ryan, MSU 8 Scott Hersley, ISU 13 Marc M on estin e, UM 14 Tony Rice, UM

RUSH ING CL G Car. Sr 11 239 Sr 9 147 Sr 11 191 Sr 11 185 Jr 10 118 Jr 11 148 Jr 11 112 So 11 136 Jr 11 122 Jr 11 89

Yds. 1170 754 910 811 727 694 650 643 375 353

RECEIVING N am e Cl G 1 Alfred Pupunu, WSU (1) Sr 11 2 Kasey Dunn, UI (3) Sr 11 3 Dave Hall, WSU (8) Sr 11 4 Bryan Reeves, UN (9) So 10 5 Hendricks Johnson, NAU (16) Sr 10 6 Marvin Turk, UM (19) Sr 11 6 Ala’iliama-Daley, UI (19) Sr 11 8 Sylvester Jones, ISU (23) Jr 10 9 Sheldon Forehand, BSU (25) Jr 11 10 S h alon Baker, UM Fr 11 13 B ill C ockh iil, UM S o 11

(Min. 15 att. per gam e) 1 Chris Vargas, UN (4) 2 Doug Nussmeier, Ul (8) 3 Jamie Martin, WSU (9) 4 Fred Gatlin, UN (22) 5 Jeff Mladenich, BSU (23) 6 Brad Lebo, UM (24) 7 John Bonds, NAU 8 Trevor Cavanaugh, ISU 9 Mark Tenneson, EWU 10 Mark Fisher, MSU

CT 93 85 73 62 51 53 53 48 52 48 46

Avg. 4.9 5.1 4.8 4.4 6.2 4.7 5.8 4.7 3.1 4 .0

Yds. 1204 1263 1043 931 859 104 7 752 557 667 696 536

TD 24 7 6 7 7 9 7 5 5 5

T D C tPG 12 8.45 6 7.73 10 6.64 5 6.20 6 5.10 13 4 .8 2 8 4.82 5 4.80 4 4.73 5 4 .3 6 2 4.18

PG 106.36 83.77 82.73 73.73 72.70 63.09 59.09 58.45 3 4 .0 9 3 2 .0 9

CtAv 12.95 14.86 14.29 15.02 16.84 1 9 .7 5 14.19 11.60 12.83 1 4 .5 0 11.65

PASSING EFFICIENCY Cm p. Cl. G Att. Cm p. Pet. So 9 153 91 59.48 So 384 11 230 59.90 Jr 11 500 310 62.00 Jr 10 154 279 55.20 Jr 11 239 138 57.74 Jr 11 4 5 7 2 5 2 5 5.14 So 10 352 196 55.68 Sr 11 311 168 54.02 Jr 11 338 184 54.44 So 11 322 150 46.58

Team 1 Boise St. (25) 2 Nevada (26) 3 M ontana 4 Montana St. 5 Idaho 6 Idaho St. 7 Eastern Wash. 8 Weber St. 9 Northern Ariz.

Cl Jr So Jr So Jr Jr Sr Jr

G 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 11

Car 91 88 104 75 71 66 111 83

N et 212 160 -2 6 7 -3 6 278 55 249 96

P A S S EFFICIENCY DE FE NSE Att-Cm p Y ds. TD 427-209 2500 13 399-199 2484 12 3 8 7 -2 0 7 2369 10 358-181 2440 16 441-222 3387 24 400-243 3040 24 330-197 2907 19 361-219 3221 22 30

G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

SCORING DEFENSE Pts. Avg. TD KXP OXP DXPK DXPO FG SF 197 17.9 26 23 4 2 198 18.0 27 22 4 0 2 4 1 2 1 .9 31 2 8 9 0 300 27.3 36 29 17 0 313 28.5 40 33 12 0 358 32.5 50 42 4 2 364 33.1 50 36 8 0 383 34.8 53 39 6 0 404 36.7 54 43 11 O'

1991 Big Sky Individual Statistics

N o te - A player m ust play in at least 75% o f his team ’s gam es a n d /o r m eet the minimum requirements of a particular category. (Parenthesis) indicate I-AA ranking PUN T RETURNS (Min. 1 .2 retu rn s per gam e) Cl. No. 1 Sean Hill, MSU (12) 22 so 2 Bryan Reeves, UN (15) So 30 3 Kerry Lawyer, BSU (16) Fr 24 4 Jerry Avery, NAU (20) So 24 5 B ill C ockh iil, UM (22) So 21

Y ds. 248 329 261 245 212

TD 1 0 0 0 0

Avg. 11.27 10.97 10.88 10.21 1 0 .1 0

KICKOFF (Min. 1-2 retu rn s per gam e) 1 Kerry Lawyer, BSU (6) 2 Rob Tesch, MSU (7) 3 Len Raney, NAU (18) 4 M ike G uevara, UM

Y ds. 448 443 614 537

TD 0 0 1 0

Avg. 28.00 27.69 24.56 2 2 .3 8

Int. 4 11 17 14 2 12 19 17 16 18

TOTAL O FFENSE R u shin g N am e 1 Jamie Martin, WSU (1) 2 Doug Nussmeier, UI 3 Brad Lebo, UM (6) 4 John Bonds, NAU (12) 5 Fred Gatlin, UN (14) 6 Mark Tenneson, EWU (19) 7 Trevor Cavanaugh, ISU (20) 8 Jeff Mladenich, BSU

Avg. 2.6 3.2 3.5 3 .6 3.3 4.2 3.6 3.9 5.1

Yds. 1386 3300 4125 2192 1619 3380 2679 2169 2399 1700

Yds / Att. 9.06 8.59 8.25 7.86 6.77 7 .4 0 7.61 6.97 7.10 5.28

P a ssin g A tt 500 384 457 352 279 338 311 239

TD 10 25 35 17 12 21 11 16 12 7

RETURNS Cl. No. fr 16 Jr 16 Fr 25 Jr 24

KICKOFF G 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Ratin g Points 151.9 147.8 147.6 131.3 129.5 1 2 7 .2 119.1 118.6 116.3 86.9

1 2 3 4 5

N am e Geoff Mitchell, WSU (1) Rick Schwendinger, UN (9) Mike Black, BSU (19) Marvin Turk, UM (23) Alex Lacson, EWU (29)

1 1 3 3 3 6 6 6

N am e Morgan Ryan, MSU (4) Frank Robinson, BSU (4) William Duckett, UN (13) Darrin Lyle, BSU (13) Frederick X, WSU (13) Michael Key, ISU (34) Mark Hood, WSU (34) William Lackey, UN (34)

1 1 3 4 5

Avg. 44.1 44.2 39.2 3 6 .7 40.2 36.2 35.4 35.7 34.2

N o. R et. 28 22 21 34 29 38 20 35 29

RETURNS N o. Y d s. 23 557 50 1155 37 755 46 938 57 1152 31 594 43 808 37 669 47 844

TD 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

Avg. 24.2 23.1 2 0 .4 20.4 20.2 19.2 18.8 18.1 18.0

TURNO VERS O wn O p p on en t Fum . Int. T otal Fum . Int. T otal 9 14 11 20 28 42 8 18 26 15 33 37 6 14 20 15 16 31 10 17 27 15 21 36 7 32 12 25 17 29 6 17 23 4 15 19 12 13 25 4 10 14 17 17 34 11 10 21 9 23 32 8 10 18

Team 1 Boise St. (3) 2 Nevada (14) 3 M ontana (14) 4 Weber St. (19) 5 Montana St. 6 Idaho St. 7 Idaho 8 Eastern Wash. 9 Northern Ariz.


G 11 11 11 11 11

INTERCEPTIO NS CL G So 11 Sr 11 Jr 11 Sr 11 So' 11 Jr 11 So 11 Jr 11

(Min. 3 .6 p u n ts per gam e) 1 Tom Sugg, UI (3) 2 Terry Belden, NAU (4) 3 Darrell Schneider, EWU (13) 4 Rick Schwendinger, UN (19) 5 S c o tt G urnsey, UM

PUNTING CL No. Jr 53 So 43 Jr 50 Sr 54 Fr 48

FIELD GOALS N am e CL Mike Black, BSU (3) Sr Alex Lacson, EWU (3) Fr Rick Schwendinger, UN (13) Sr Terry Belden, NAU (21) So Kirk D u ce, UM (25) Sr

Mar + 22 +11 +11 +9 -3 -4 -1 1 -1 3 -1 4

TD XP FG P ts. PtPG 28 2 0 170 15.45 0 57 12 93 8.45 0 36 15 81 7.36 13 0 0 78 7 .0 9 0 30 15 75 6.82

No. 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 5

Avg. 44.74 44.37 40.16 39.17 3 6 .7 5

Y ds. 108 101 176 80 21 59 18 12

G 11 11 11 11 11

TD IPG 0 .73 2 .73 2 .55 0 .55 0 .55 0 .45 0 .45 0 .45

Y ds. 2371 1908 2008 2115 1764

G FGAFG P et. FgPg 11 19 15 .789 1.36 11 22 15 .682 1.36 11 20 12 .600 1.09 11 15 10 .667 .91 11 16 9 .5 6 3 .8 2


Name 1 Bryan Reeves, UN 2 Geoff Mitchell, WSU (11) 3 Harold Wright, EWU (19) 4 Tim Mitchell, EWU 5 Kasey Dunn, UI 6 Alfred Pupunu, WSU 7 Gerald Robinson, NAU 8 Rob Tesch, MSU 9 Marvin Turk, UM

Total O ffe n se

Yds Plays Yds 4125 591 4337 3300 472 3460 3 3 8 0 561 3113 2679 427 2643 2192 350 2470 2399 404 2454 2169 422 2418 1619 322 1715

P u n ts 54 44 54 78 50 79 51 71 45

YdsPG 394.27 314.55 2 8 3 .0 0 264.30 247.00 223.09 219.82 155.91

Cl. G Rush Rec. PRKOR Yds. YdsPG. So 10 1 931 329 268 1529 152.90 Sr 11 1170 160 0 196 1526 138.73 So 11 910 309 0 189 1408 128.00 Sr 9 754 84 0 295 1133 125.88 Sr 11 0 1263 0 0 1263 114.82 Sr 11 0 1204 0 0 1204 109.45 Jr 10 727 53 18 272 1070 107.00 Jr 10 0 496 56 443 995 99.50 Sr 11 0 1 04 7 0 0 1047 95.18



■1991 G rizzly Statistics(Leaders Only) Team S ta tistic s

R eceiving

Intercep tion s





First Downs ........................... Rushing Attempts..................... Rushing Yards Gained .............. Rushing Yards Lost...................

215 357 1132 537

202 448 1899 292

19.8 14.6 11.7 13.5



53 48 46 41 21 14 13 7 7 5 7

1047 702 536 552


Turk, WR........................ 11/8 Baker, WR...................... 10/8 Cockhiil, WR ................... 11/11 Carlsen, WR..................... 11/11 Monestine, RB................. 11/8 Rice, RB.......................... 11/1 Gurnsey, WR................... 11/4 Guevara, WR................... 9/0 See, WR.......................... 6/2 Cabunoc, WR................... 1/1 Others ........................... 11/0

113 190 45 63 102 94

8.1 14.6 6.4 9.0 20.4 13.4

U M ............................... 11/11 O p p o n en ts.................. 11/11

262 207

3630 2373

13.9 11.5



Rushing Yards Per Game ..



Passes Had Intercepted...................................... Pass Completion Percentage...............................

487 262 14 .538

386 207 16 .536



7.4 13.8

6.2 11.5

Passing Yards Per G am e.....................................



Total Plays........................................................... Total Plays Per Game.............................................

844 76.7

834 75.8

TOTAL NET YARDS............................................



Yards Per Rush........................


Yards Per Pass Attempt...................................... Yards Per Pass Completion.................................

Yards Gained Per Play ...........................................



Yards Gained Per G a m e .....................................



Kickoff Returns/Kickoff Return Yards.................. Average Yardage Per Kickoff Return.......................... Kickoff Returns Per Game........................................ Punt Returns/Punt Return Yards............................... Average Yardage Per Punt Return............................. Punt Returns Per Game.......................................... Interception Returns/Interception Return Yards Average Yardage Per Interception Return ................... Average Interceptions Per Game...............................

38/763 45/939 20.1 20.9 4.1 3.5 22/212 34/210 6.2 9.6 2.0 3.1 16/97 13/103 6.1 7.9 1.2 1.5

Time of Possession.................................................


Att. Gain Loss

122 89 12 12 5 13

UM , 11/11 Opponent... . . . . 11/11

357 448




375-3.1 353-4.0 64-5.3 50-4.2 20-4.0 0-0.0

5 5 0 0 0 0

18 37t 15 9 7 17

1132 537 1899 292

595-1.7 1607-3.6

10 21

P a ssin g Cmp G-GS Att. Cmp. Pet. Int.


Eff. Long TDs Rtng Pass

Lebo ........ 11/11 457 252 .551 12 Wilberger... . 5/0 30 10 .333 2

3384 240

21 127.3 70 3 120.2 68t

UM ......... . 11/11 487 262 .538 14 3624 Opponents . 11/11 386 207 .536 16 2373

24 126.8 10 105.5


Punt R eturns Opponents






Long Ret


Bill Cockhiil..






UM ........ Opponent .

11 11

22 34

212 210

9.6 6.2

0 0

A ll-P u rp ose R unning Receiving Punt Ret Kickoff Ret No. Yds. No. Yds. Na Yds. Plys Yds Yds Game

Turk Cockhiil

53-1047 46-536

0 22

0 212

53 1047 69 757

95.2 68.8

69t 68t 36t 70 28 21 OD

11 9 31 43t





Burns.......... Ericson......... Dorris.......... Slocum........ LeProwse .... Others..........

10 11 11 10 8 10

3 3 2 2 2 4

16 16 16 0 9 53

5.3 5.3 1.5 .0 4.5 13.3

0 0 0 0 0 0

UM Opponents .

11 11

16 13

97 103

6.1 7.9

0 0

24 10

F ield G oals G

30-39 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

40-49 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

Over 50 FGA-FGM/Pct

-T o ta lFGA-FGM/Pct






0-0 .00

5-3 .60

4-4 1.00

7-2 .29

0-0 .00

16-9 .56




U M ............. Opponents .

11 11

0-0 .00 0-0 .00

5-3 .60 5-4 .80

4-4 1.00 3-2 .67

7-2 .29 5-2 .40

0-0 .00 0-0 .00

16-9 .56 13-8 .62

1 1

.8 .7


Total O ffen se Att.

—Rushing Yards— Gain Loss Net



—Passing Yards— Cmp. Yards TDs




Yds Game

Brad Lebo, QB.......














UM...................... O pponent...........

357 448

1132 1899

537 292

595 1607

10 21

487 386

262 207

3624 2373

24 10

844 834

4219 3980

383.6 361.8

34 31


K ickoff R eturns G Returns Yards Yards Ret


Lonq Ret

9 10 10

24 7 7

537 137 89

22.4 19.6 12.7

0 0 0

46 24 22

UM , 11 Opponent .. 11

38 45

763 939

20.1 20.9

0 0

Guevara....... Stringer........ Others..........

5:17:0 5:42:50

50 27 1 0 0 46

425 380 65 50 20 46

13 5 2 1 0 0 nu 1 0


20-29 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct



Pass Rcpt.

Turk Duce Baker Rice Monestirm>

11 11 10 11 11

13 0 5 0 0




Total Pts.

Pts./ Game

0 0 0 5 5

0 0 0 0 0

0 56 0 0 0

78 56 30 30 30

7.1 5.1 3.0 2.7 2.7

Score By Q uarters

R ushing Monestine ,, 11/8 Rice............ ... 11/1 DeBourg 5/0 DeHoyos — ... 1/0 Malmstrom .. 2/0 Others........ ... 11/0


1-19 Yards FGA-FGM/Pct

Punts/Total Punt Yardage........................................ 76/2796 77/3039 39.5 Average Yards Per Punt........................................... 36.8 Average Number of Punts Per Game.......................... 6.9 7.0 Fumbles/Fumbles Lost........................................... 18/6 25/15 Penalties/Yards Penalized........................................ 62/645 75/697 Average Yards Per Penalty........................................ 10.4 9.3 Penalties Per Game/Yards Penalized Per Game 5.6/58.6 6.8/63.4 2 Point Safety/1 Point Safety ................................... 3/0 0/0 3rd Down Conversions/Attempts/Made..................... 182/53 168/50 .298 3rd Down Conversions Percentage......................................291


UM......... Opponent



2nd Avg.

Half Avg.





Half Avg.



Game Avg.

49 51

4.5 4.6

76 6.9 47 4.3

11.4 8.9

83 56

7.6 5.1

59 74

5.4 6.7

12.9 11.8

7 13

274 241

24.9 21.9

D efen sive S ta tistics Player, Position












Chad Lembke, LB — Todd Ericson, FS Sean Dorris, S S ....... Thad Huse, DT Dethrick Slocum, CB , Paul LeProwse, LB Kirk Murphy, DE....... Kyle Mirich, OLB Darren Stringer, CB Gregg Smerker, DE Kurt Schilling, S S __ Sam Davidson, DE , Nels Kludt, DT Tony Goulet, LB....... Dan Downs, LB....... Shawn Merz, DE Kelly McCallum, DE Chuck Mason, DT__ Stacy Edwards, CB , , Dan Anderson, SS Quentin Burns, CB ... Lance Allen, DE .,. , Mike Goicoechea, FS Others ...................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ‘ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ....................

11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 10/10 8/7 11/11 11/11 10/10 11/11 10/1 9/0 10/10 10/1 10/2 8/0 11/0 11/1 10/1 10/0 10/2 7/0 7/0 11

46 56 38 22 24 23 15 18 19 8 12 8 11 12 8 6 7 9 7 9 7 4 5 21

75 38 53 40 36 33 41 23 18 24 16 20 16 11 15 14 11 8 8 6 4 7 5 24

121 94 91 62 60 56 56 41 37 32 28 28 27 23 23 20 18 17 15 15 11 11 10 45

2/10 0/0 1/6 1/7 0/0 2/15 3/24 1/7 0/0 5/26 0/0 0/0 2/7 0/0 0/0 1/9 4/36 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/7

6/14 2/4 5/9 5/5 0/0 3/6. 5/9 1/7 0/0 2/8 2/5 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/3 1/1 3/10 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1

1 0 2 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 4 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

2! 4r 21 2! 2! 1 1 1 2 2! C1 C1 C1 CI CI CI CI 1 4 0i 3I 0i 1 1

0 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1

U M ........................ O p p o n en ts ..........

..................... .....................

11/11 11/11

395 341

546 443

961 784

23/154 53/362

38/83 41/131

15 10

18 12

3 3

35 40

14 14


Scott Gurnsey

Mart i n f j

Chuck Masi


S ea so n -b y -S ea so n R esu lts U M ...............1 8 9 7 ............ Opp. 0 The “Tigers” ....................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ....................... 0 0 The “Tigers” ....................... 0 4 Butte Bus. College 20 18 M ontana S ta te ................. 6 10 @ Butte Bus. C ollege... 26 (1-2-3)

52 0 3 42 24 15

Ft. Shaw Indians @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... @ M ontana S ta te Fort M issoula................... Mont. Schl. M ines M ontana S ta te ................ (6-0-1)

0 0 0 0 0 5

1898 n U M .......................................... Opp. 5 H elena Ath. C lu b........... 6 0 A naconda Ath. C lub...... 18 6 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 16 M ontana S ta te ................. 0 (2-2)

1910 n U M ..........................................Opp. 8 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 0 @ M ontana S ta te 0 3 Utah S ta te ........................ 5 5 @ G onzaga........................17 3 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 10 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 (3-2-1)

1899 n U M .......................................... Opp. 12 A naconda Ath. C lub 5 0 @ M ontana S ta te .............38 0 M ontana S ta te ................. 5 (1-2)

1911 nOpp. U M ........................................ 12 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 0 Utah S ta te ........................ 8 28 Poison In d ep en d en ts 6 (2-1)

1900 n U M ..........................................Opp. 11 M ontana S ta te ...................12 (0-1)

1912 n U M ........................................ Opp. 28 Missoula H igh.................. 0 7 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 0 @ Utah S ta te ....................17 3 @ U tah ............................... 10 39 M ontana S ta te ................ 3 18 @ G onzaga...................... 6 9 @ W illamette.................... 30 (4-3)

1901 n U M .......................................... Opp. Lost Ft. Shawn Indn.........Won Lost Butte Ath. C lu b........Won Won Fort M issoula..............Lost 26 Fort M issoula............... 0 0 @ M ontana S tate .........31 (2-3) 1902 n U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Mont. Schl. M ines...........16 0 M ontana S ta te ..................38 (0-2)



U M .......................................... Opp. 32 Fort M issoula................... 0 11 Fort M issoula................... 0 0 Mont. Schl. M ines...........19 0 @ Mont. Schl. M in e s....23 0 @ Id ah o............................. 28 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 32 6 @ M ontana S ta te .......... .13 (2-5)

19(>4 n U M .......................................... Opp. 10 0 5 5 79

Fort M issoula.................... 0 @ U tah .................... 17 @ Utah S ta te ....... 0 Washington S ta te .......... 6 M ontana S ta te ............... 0 (3-2)

1905 U M .......................................... Opp. .

0 U ta h ..................................... 42 0 @ W hitman C ollege. 5 6 @ W ashington S ta te 2 8 23 Utah S ta te ........................ 0 88 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 (2-3)

1906 U M .......................................... Opp. 32 Ft.Shaw In d ian s............. 6 0 Washington S ta te .......... 5 11 Spokane Ath. C lub........ 0 0 @ U tah...............................42 6 @ Utah S ta te ....................16 0 Ex-Collegians................... 6 (2-4) 1907 U M ..........................................Opp. 62 M ontana W esleyan........ 0 28 Ft. Shaw Indians............ 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 38 12 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 12 Spokane Ath. C lub....... 0 0 @ Mont. Schl. M ines.... 0 (4-1-1)

1913 U M ........................................ Opp. 9 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 34 7 Utah S ta te ........................ 9 7 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 0 20 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 7 @ G onzaga........................16 0 @ Whitman College....... 35 (3-4) 1914 n U M ........................................ Opp. 87 Butte Ram blers...................0 10 W ashington S ta te .......... 0 0 @ Id ah o............................ 0 32 Utah S ta te ........................ 0 26 M ontana S ta te ................ 9 13 North Dakota S ta te ....... 0 19 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (6-0-1)

1913 n U M ..........................................Opp. 15 Id ah o.................................. 3 7 @ South D ak o ta..............10 10 @ North D a k o ta ..............10 7 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 27 50 Butte C entervilles.......... 0 6 Syracuse............................ 6 (2-2-2) 1916


U M ..........................................Opp. 11 @ South D ak o ta ............ 0 20 @ G onzaga...................... 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 27 17 Whitman College............ 0 6 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 6 20 @ Id ah o............................. 13 (4-1-1)

1917 n U M .......................................... Opp. 6 Utah S ta te .........................21 3 @ Whitman College....... 14 9 M ontana S ta te ................ 7 0 @ W ashington S t............ 28 3 Id ah o ...................................14 (1-4)

1918 —no te a m —

1908 n U M .......................................... Opp. 0 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 8 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 5 4 @ Mont. Schl. Mins...... 5 0 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 5 (1-2-1)

U M ................ I .9 1 9 ............Opp. 26 M ontana W esleyan....... 7 0 @ Utah S ta te ...................47 28 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 6 6 Whitman C ollege............ 6 0 @ Id ah o ............................ 7 6 @ M ontana S ta te .......... 6 14 Washington S ta te ........... 42 (2-3-2)

1909 n U M .......................................... Opp. 33 Missoula H igh................... 0

U M ................ 1 ? 2 Q ............Opp. 133 Mt.Saint C harles.......... 0 18 @ W ashington..............14

34 0 7 28 7

M ontana W esleyan 0 @ W ashington S ta te ...31 @ Whitman College... 13 M ontana S ta te .............. 0 Id a h o ................................20 (4-3)

1921 U M ..........................................Opp. 25 Idaho T e c h ...................... 0 7 @ W ashington................. 28 6 W hitman C ollege.............14 7 @ Idaho .............................35 14 @ M ontana S ta te .......... 7 7 North Dakota S ta te ....... 6 0 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (3-3-1) m 1922 n Um M ..........................................Opp.

0 37 15 6 7 0 0

@ W ashington................. 26 M ontana W esleyan....... 0 Idaho T e c h ....................... 12 @ G onzaga.......................37 M ontana S ta te ................ 6 W hitman C ollege.............13 Idaho.................................. 39 (3-4)

1923 n U M ..........................................Opp. 27 Mt. Saint C h arles.......... 0 0 @ Idaho .............................40 25 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 2 G onzaga.............................25 16 @ Whitman C ollege...... 7 14 @ W ashington................. 26 24 @ M ontana S ta te ............13 0 » Pacific C ollege 6 (4-4) UM 40 13 7 106 14 61 3 20


Opp. Mt. Saint Charles 7 Id a h o .......................... 41 @ W ashington......... 52 6 @ M ontana Mines G onzaga.................... 20 Pacific University 7 41 @ S ta n fo rd .............. @ W hitman College . . . 0 (4-4)


UM. .O pp. 0 Washington S ta te .......... 9 10 @ W ashington................. 30 14 Gonzaga (in B u tte )......... 14 57 M ontana Schl. M ines..... 0 7 @ Oregon S ta te .............. 27 20 @ Idaho.......................... ..14 7 @ U S C .............................. 27 28 M ontana S ta te ................ 7 (3-4-1)

1926 n U M ..........................................Opp. 0 O regon............................... 49 12 Idaho.................................. 27 6 @ W ashington S ta te ...... 14 27 M ontana State (in Butte) 0 6 @ G onzaga....................... 10 56 Whitman C ollege............ 7 21 @ Sacram ento S t........... 0 0 @ U S C .............................. 61 (3-5)

1927 U M ..........................................Opp. 19 Butte C entervilles.......... 0 8 Mt. Saint C h arles.......... 0 0 W ashington S ta te .......35 0 W ashington.................. 32 6 Idaho ..............................42 California...................... 33 13 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (3-4-1) 1928 n U M ..........................................Opp. 13 Butte C entervilles.......... 0 13 A naconda A nodes......... 0 6 W ashington S ta te ............26 0 W ashington.......................25 20 Mont. Schl. M ines......... 0 6 Idaho...................................21 0 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 6 @ O re g o n ......................... 31 0 @ Oregon S ta te ............:.44 7 @ G onzaga...................... 0 (4-5-1)


1929 U M ..........................................Opp. 18 A naconda A n o d e s......... 2 19 Mt. Saint C h arle s........... 0 6 @ W ashington................. 6 0 @ Idaho ..............................19 45 Intermountain U .............. 0 12 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 14 18 @ California...................... 53 0 Washington S ta te ............ 13 0 @ U CLA............................ 14 (3-5-1) 1930


U M ..........................................Opp. 18 A naconda A nodes 14 52 Mt. Saint C harles 0 0 @ W ashington.................. 27 13 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 6 0 @ Washington S ta te 61 0 @ California...................... 46 27 G onzaga.............................. 15 12 Idaho ................................... 6 (5-3)

1931 n U M ..........................................Opp. 0 Mt. Saint C h arles 2 0 @ W ashington.................. 25 19 @ Idaho ..............................21 0 Washington S ta te 13 37 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 6 0 @ Oregon S ta te ................19 0 @ U S C ................................69 (1-6) 1932 n U M ..........................................Opp. 25 A naconda A n o d es 0 13 @ W ashington.................. 26 14 Carroll C ollege................. 8 6 Id ah o .................................... 19 0 @ U CLA............................ 32 7 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 19 0 @ W ashington S ta te 31 6 Oregon S ta te ..................... 35 13 @ G onzaga........................ 56 (2-7)


U M ..........................................Opp. 0 @ Oregon S ta te ............... 20 7 Washington S ta te 13 6 @ Idaho .............................. 12 32 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 7 @ S tanford........................ 33 13 @ G onzaga....................... 7 26 Utah S ta te ......................... 0 (3-4)

1934 U M ..........................................Opp. 0 @ W ashington S ta te 27 0 @ U CLA.............................16 48 Mont. Schl. M ines 0 6 Idaho .................................... 13 25 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 7 @ Oregon S ta te ... 7 4 @ G onzaga............ 6 (2-5-1) 1933 U M ..........................................Opp. 0 @ U S C ............................... 9 20 M ontana St. (inB utte)... 0 7 Washington S ta te ............. 13 7 @ Idaho...................14 7 @ W ashington.......33 7 Gonzaga (in Gt. Falls)... 7 0 @ S tanford........................ 32 0 Oregon S ta te .................... 0 (1-5-2) M M 1936 n U M ..........................................Opp. 0 0 45 6 27 7 16 24 13

@ W ashington S ta te 19 @ U CLA............................ 30 Idaho, South B ranch 13 G onzaga............................. 0 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 @ Oregon S ta te ................14 Idaho ................................... 0 San Francisco (in Butte). 7 North D akota.................... 6 (6-3)

1937 U M ..........................................Opp. 25 Whitman College 0 13 @ Texas T e c h ................. 6 36 Okla. City (in G. Falls).. 6

13 19 23 0 14

San Francisco (in Butte). M ontana St. (in Butte)... G onzaga............................. @ Idaho............................. North D akota.................... (7-1)


7 0 0 6 3


U M ..........................................Opp. 27 Eastern W ashington 0 0 @ San Francisco 0 7 D ePaul................................ 6 13 Texas T e c h .........................19 0 @ North D ak o ta 7 6 Idaho....................................19 9 @ G onzaga....................... 0 13 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 7 @ A rizona......................... 0 (5-3-1)

1939 U M ..........................................Opp. 9 P ortland ............................. 0 6 San Francisco.................... 13 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 @ Idaho .................... 0 0 @ W ashington...... 9 0 @ Texas T e c h ....... 13 0 @ A rizona............. 6 0 G onzaga..............................23 (3-5) 1940 n U M ..........................................Opp. 9 Eastern W ashington 0 0 @ W ashington S ta te 13 19 Texas T e c h ........................ 32 6 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 13 Gonzaga (in B utte) 10 0 @ O re g o n ..........................38 20 @ San Diego Marines ...3 8 0 @ P ortland ................... 0 (4-4-1)

19 4 1

UM Opp. 7 20 @ Brigham Y o u n g .... 0 27 North Dakota S ta te .... 7 @ UCLA ....................... 14 6 13 @ G onzaga................... 23 M ontana St. (in Butte) ...13 0 @ W ashington............. 21 6 13 North D akota................ 0 16 @ Idaho ......................... 0 @ Ore. St. (in Portland) 27 (6-3)


6 13 16 0 0 0 0 0


.............. .......................... Opp. Brigham Y oung........... 12 Mathers A FB ................ 19 @ W ashington State 68 @ W ashington............. 35 Id ah o .............................. 21 @ Oregon S ta te .......... 33 13 @ California................. @ U S C .......................... 38 (0 - 8 )

1 9 4 3 -4 4 —no team -

UM 1 9 4 5 .............Opp. 13 @ Utah S ta te .................... 44 0 @ Idaho ............................ 46 13 @ Farragut Naval B ase..21 36 Pocatello M arines.......... 6 13 Farragut Naval B ase.......18 (1-4)

1943 U M ..........................................Opp. 31 Eastern W ashington...... 7 26 Colorado S ta te .................. 0 0 @ O re g o n .........................34 20 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 7 0 Utah S ta te ........................ 26 19 Idaho ................................. 0 7 @ U CLA ........................... 61 0 @ W ashington................. 21 (4-4)

S ea so n -b y -S ea so n R esu lts (C ont’d) 1947 U M .......................................... Opp. 21 @ Eastern W ashington.. 0 21 P ortland............................. 0 7 @ A rizona.............. 40 7 @ Utah S ta te .........13 12 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 13 13 @ W ashington S ta te 21 @ Id ah o.................... 0 14 @ California............. 60 41 Colorado S ta te................... 7 14 @ H aw aii.......................... 12 28 @ Hawaii A ll-Stars.........14 (7-4) m m


U M .......................................... Opp. 7 Washington (in G. Falls) 12 7 Utah S ta te ..........................18 27 Pacific U niversity 0 0 Washington S ta te 48 14 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ Idaho............................... 39 20 @Brigham Y oung...........26 14 v College of Pacific............32 7 @ Stanford..........................39 47 North D akota.................... 7 (3-7) M 1 9 4 9 UM M ..........................................Opp. 33 S. Dakota (in Billings) ... 13 7 @Washington S ta te 13 18 @Utah S ta te ......................13 12 @ Colorado S ta te 27 14 @ Oregon S ta te ............... 63 19 Id ah o ....................................47 34 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 12 19 Eastern W ashington 6 25 Brigham Y oung.................18 (5-4) m m 1 9 5 0 U M ..........................................Opp. 52 @ Eastern W ashington .. 0 28 @ Idaho ..............................27 13 @ O re g o n .......................... 21 7 Washington S ta te ............. 14 33 M ontana St. (in Butte)... 0 0 @ Oregon S ta te ............... 20 35 Puget S o u n d .................... 7 13 @ N evada-R eno...............19 38 Utah S ta te ......................... 7 7 San Jose St. (in Hawaii) 32 (5-5)


1 9 5 1 U M ..........................................Opp. 7 @ W ashington.................. 58 25 New M exico...................... 7 0 D enver.................................55 9 Idaho.................................... 12 38 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 0 6 @ Utah S ta te .................... 19 7 W yom ing.............................34 6 Colorado S tate..................34 10 @ W ashington S ta te 47 (2-7) m m 1952 U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Utah S ta te ......................... 7 0 @ W yoming.......................14 7 Brigham Y oung.................28 17 @ D enver.......................... 7 0 @ Colorado S ta te ........... 41 14 @ O re g o n .......................... 14 35 M ontana S ta te ...................12 0 @ Idaho ..............................27 20 @ San Jose S ta te ........... 39 6 @ New M exico................. 12 (2-7-1) m m 1953 U M ..........................................Opp. 13 @ Brigham Y o u n g ..........27 7 W yom ing............................ 27 12 Idaho ....................................20 22 @ D enver........................... 13 32 Colorado S ta te .................. 31 13 New M exico.......................41 14 @ Utah S ta te .................... 33 32 @ M ontana S ta te .............13 (3-5)


UM ..O p p . 31 Fort Lewis (WA) 7 6 @ Iow a....................... 48 13 @ D enver................... 19 20 Utah S ta te ................. 13 7 @ Brigham Young 19 34 @ Colorado State 37

14 @ New M exico...................20 25 M ontana S ta te ...................21 20 U tah ....................................41 (3-6)




U M ..........................................Opp. 12 12 @ H o u sto n ........................ 54 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 35 27 Brigham Y oung.................13 13 D enver.................................61 6 @ Utah S ta te .................... 32 19 New M exico....................... 14 7 Colorado S ta te .................. 12 19 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 0 0 @ A rizona..........................29 0 @ Id ah o ..............................31 (3-7)

1956 U M ..........................................Opp. 12 @ A rizona.......................... 27 6 @ U tah ................................26 13 @ D enver...........................22 13 Utah S ta te ..........................27 21 Brigham Y oung................. 13 20 @ C olorado S ta te ........... 34 13 M ontana S ta te .................. 33 13 Wyoming (in Billings).... 34 13 @ New M exico................. 14 0 Id ah o .................................... 14 (1-9) m m

1957 U M .......................................... Opp. 13 @ U tah............................... 32 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 20 7 @ Brigham Y o u n g ..........20 13 D enver.................................26 35 @ Utah S ta te .................... 25 21 New M exico...................... 6 13 @ Id ah o ..............................31 13 @ M ontana S ta te .............22 7 Colorado S ta te .................. 19 (2-7) m m

MM 1958 U M .......................................... Opp. 6 @ U tah ............................... 20 14 Wyoming (in Billings).... 21 16 @ New M exico.................44 0 @ D enver...........................29 13 Utah S ta te ..........................27 12 Brigham Y oung.................41 7 @ C olorado S ta te ........... 57 6 Id ah o .................................... 14 6 M ontana S ta te .................. 20 13 @ San D ieg o.................... 24 (0-10)


U M ..........................................Opp. 19 North D akota.....................27 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 58 12 @ Brigham Y o u n g ......... 0 12 D enver.................................27 0 @ Utah S ta te .................... 28 14 New M exico.......................55 16 Colorado S ta te.................. 26 6 @ M ontana S ta te .............40 6 @ Id ah o ............................. 9 (1-8) m m I960 U M ..........................................Opp. 21 @ North D a k o ta ...............14 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 14 12 Utah S ta te .......................... 14 18 Id ah o .................................... 14 26 @ D enver........................... 12 6 Brigham Y oung................ 7 26 @ Colorado S ta te ............14 10 M ontana S ta te ................. 6 6 @ U tah ................................16 6 @ New M exico.................24 (5-5).

1961 U M .......................................... Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 29 6 @ Utah S ta te .................... 54 40 New M exico...................... 8 6 @ Brigham Y o u n g ......... 7 12 U tah ..................................... 24 22 Colorado S ta te .................. 19 9 @ M ontana S ta te .............10 14 Idaho (in B oise)................ 16 (2-6) MM

1962 U M ..........................................Opp. 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 13 8 @ North D a k o ta ...............14 20 @ Utah S ta te ....................43 m m

22 25 0 22 36 12 16

Id ah o ................................... 16 W eber S ta te ..................... 6 Brigham Y oung ................27 @ Idaho S ta te .................. 15 M ontana S ta te ..................19 @ New M exico................ 41 @ Colorado S ta te ........... 15 (5-5)

m m 1963 U M ..........................................Opp. 16 @ British C olum bia........ 0 0 Wyoming (in Billings).... 35 13 North D akota.................... 19 0 @ Brigham Y o u n g ......... 27 13 Idaho S ta te ....................... 14 6 Utah S ta te .........................62 6 @ New M exico.................24 13 @ W eber S ta te ................. 19 3 @ M ontana S ta te .............18 12 Colorado S tate.................. 20 (1-9) m m 1964 U M ..........................................Opp. 29 British C olum bia............... 24 7 @ Pacific.............................23 0 @ New M exico.................20 0 Utah S ta te ..........................41 20 Weber S ta te ....................... 12 7 W estern Illinois................. 0 7 @ Idaho S ta te ...................14 6 M ontana S ta te ...................30 7 @ San Diego M arin es...43 (3-6) m m 1965 U M ..........................................Opp. 13 @ U tah ............................... 28 14 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 15 16 Idaho S ta te ....................... 0 15 @ Weber S ta te ................. 14 21 @ Utah S ta te .................... 54 7 Idaho ....................................35 13 Pacific................................. 7 7 @ M ontana S ta te .............24 14 @ Western M ichigan 17 33 @ Portland S ta te ............. 7 (4-6)




U M ..........................................Opp. 6 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 30 7 @ South D akota .............. 21 10 Portland S ta te ................... 0 0 Weber S ta te .......................28 0 @ Pacific............................ 28 14 @ Idaho S ta te ...................17 8 @ Northern Arizona........34 0 M ontana S ta te ...................38 6 @ Idaho ..............................40 (1-8) m m 1967 U M .......................................... Opp. 19 @ North D a k o ta ...............14 7 So. Dakota (in Billings).. 3 13 @ W eber S ta te ................. 12 21 Pacific................................. 7 14 Id ah o .................................... 19 20 Idaho S ta te ....................... 0 10 Northern A rizona............. 7 8 @ M ontana S ta te .............14 14 @ Utah S ta te ....................20 55 @ Portland S ta te ............. 7 (7-3) m m 1968 U M ..........................................Opp. 37 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 10 0 @ South D akota.............. 21 58 Portland S ta te ................... 0 3 Utah S ta te ..........................50 45 @ Idaho..............................56 13 @ Idaho S ta te .................. 23 24 M ontana S ta te ...................29 16 Weber S ta te .......................20 0 @ Northern A rizona........ 18 (2-7)

1969 m m U M ..........................................Opp. 24 @ North D a k o ta ...............10 31 So. Dakota (in G. Falls).20 52 Northern A rizona............. 7 20 @ W eber S ta te ................. 17 34 Idaho ................................... 9 46 Idaho S ta te ........................ 36 49 @ Portland S ta te .............. 14 7 @ M ontana S ta te ............ 6 14 Cal Poly (SLO )................ 0 58 South Dakota S t.............. 0


Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA)

3 North Dakota S t............... 30 (10-1) m m 1970 U M ..........................................Opp. 28 No. Dakota (in Billings) . 7 30 @ Northern Illinois........ 6 20 @ Northern A rizona....... 0 38 W eber S ta te ......................29 44 Idaho (in Pullm an)..........26 35 @ Idaho S ta te ..................34 35 @ South D akota............ 7 31 Portland S ta te .................. 25 35 M ontana S ta te ................ 0 24 @ South Dakota S t....... 0

45 Simon F raser......................17 (4-6)


U M ............................. Opp. 13 Nevada-Las V egas..........15 24 @ Northern Arizona.......25 40 Portland S ta te .................. 25 23 Weber S ta te ..................... 31 17 Boise S tate........................43 20 @ Idaho .............................31 17 Idaho S ta te ....................... 15 19 @ M ontana S ta te ........... 24 34 Northern C olorado ......... 13 18 @ Puget S o u n d ...............17 (4-6)

Camellia Bowl (Sacramento, CA)

16 North Dakota S t................31 (10-1)

1971 U M ..........................................Opp. 14 So. Dakota (in G. Falls). 7 27 @ North D a k o ta 38 @ Cal Poly (SLO )..14 12 Idaho....................................21 24 @ Boise S ta te ...................47 45 Idaho S ta te ........................ 35 14 Pacific.................................. 30 14 @ W eber S ta te ........13 30 @ M ontana S ta te 11 @ H aw aii........................... 25 29 @ Portland S ta te ..............36 (6-5) MM

1972 U M ..........................................Opp. 0 @ South D akota.............. 35 14 No. Dakota (in Billings) .4 2 40 Northern A rizona.............. 17 6 @ Pacific.............................24 12 Weber S ta te ...................... 7 7 @ Idaho S ta te ...................14 4 @ H aw aii........................... 30 42 Boise S ta te ......................... 28 3 M ontana S ta te ...................21 17 @ Idaho ..............................31 7 @ T ulsa...............................10 (3-8) m m

m m 1973 U M ..........................................Opp. 41 Simon Fraser (in G. Falls) 14 10 @ North D a k o ta .............. 31 10 @ Rice.................................21 10 @ Northern A rizona 14 31 South D akota.................... 19 19 Idaho S ta te .........................14 7 @ M ontana S ta te .33 7 @ Boise S ta te ....... 55 7 Id ah o ....................................20 10 @ W eber S ta te ................ 0 (4-6)

1974 U M ..........................................Opp. 14 @ Simon Fraser............... 23 10 @ South D akota.............. 24 17 @ N evada-Las V e g a s....20 24 Weber S ta te ....................... 13 27 Northern A rizona............. 0 35 @ Idaho .....................35 24 @ Portland S ta te..... 14 29 M ontana S ta te .................. 43 22 @ Idaho S ta te .................. 25 42 Boise S tate......................... 56 (3-6-1) m m

MM 1975 U M ..........................................Opp. 51 South D akota.................... 17 21 Nevada-Las V egas...........20 48 @ W eber S ta te ................. 12 7 Idaho S ta te .........................12 14 Idaho ................................... 3 3 @ M ontana S ta te .............20 28 @ Boise S ta te ...................39 33 Portland S ta te .................... 16 28 @ Northern Arizona........22 10 @ Simon Fraser............... 24 (6-4)

1976 U M ..........................................Opp. m m

19 49 28 21 17 19 12 21 19

@ N evada-Las V e g a s....21 @ Portland S ta te..............50 W eber S ta te ....................... 25 Northern Arizona..............23 @ Boise S ta te ................... 14 @ Northern Colorado ... 27 M ontana S ta te .................. 21 Idaho S ta te .........................17 @ Idaho ..............................28

U M ............... 1 9 7 8 .............Opp. 12 Puget S o u n d ..................... 23 16 @ Portland S ta te..............27 6 Northern A rizona..............21 27 @ W eber S ta te ................ 7 14 15 @ Boise S ta te ................. 7 30 Idaho....................................34 28 @ Idaho S ta te ................. 7 17 @ N evada-Las V e g a s....25 24 M ontana S ta te ................. 8 31 Northern C olorado........... 14 7 @ San Jose S ta te ........... 35 0 (5-6) U M ................1 9 7 9 ........... Opp. 14 @ Wash. St. (in Spokane)34 13 @ Northern Arizona........ 26 23 W eber S ta te ....................... 16 35 Boise S ta te ......................... 37 28 Idaho S ta te ........................ 24 17 @ Idaho ..............................20 20 N evada-R eno.....................27 21 @ M ontana S ta te .............38 20 @ Northern Colorado ... 10 32 Portland S ta te ....................40 (3-7) U M ...............I ? 8 9 .O pp. 60 Simon Fraser............. 27 0 @ Portland State 20 0 Idaho ............................ 42 10 Boise S tate.................. 44 21 @ W eber S ta te ......... 38 0 @ Idaho S ta te ........... 17 42 Eastern Washington 7 7 M ontana S ta te .......... 24 31 Northern Arizona 21 7 @ N evada-Reno 10 (3-7) U M ... . 1981 .O pp. 29 @ Northern Arizona 23 42 Northern Io w a ........... 21 13 @ Boise S ta te ............ 27 16 @ Idaho ....................... 14 24 Idaho S ta te ................. 21 33 Portland S ta te ............. 3 27 @ M ontana State 17 33 N evada-R eno....................26 6 W eber S ta te ..................... 7 13 @ E. W ash, (in Spokane) 14 (7-3) UM 0 38 36 28 14 40 14 45 28 42 10

1982 Opp. @ H aw aii.......................... 40 Puget S o u n d .....................10 Northern A rizona.............35 @ N evada-R eno ............. 27 @ Boise S ta te ..................21 Id ah o ...................................16 @ Idaho S ta te ................. 28 M ontana S ta te ..................14 @ Portland S ta te ............ 35 @ W eber S ta te ................20 @ Oregon S ta te .............. 30

I-AA Playoffs 7 @ Id ah o ..............................21 (6-6)

1983 UM. Opp. 21 Boise S ta te ........................ 20 35 Portland S ta te ...................19 21 @ N. A rizona................... 17 28 W eber S ta te ......................26 0 N evada-R eno....................38 24 @ Idaho............................. 45 8 @ M ontana S ta te ............28 14 Long Beach S ta te ........... 38 26 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane)27 17 Idaho S ta te ....................... 31 (4-6)

S ea so n -b y -S ea so n R esu lts (Cont’d) 1984





U M ...........................................Opp. 42 Abilene C h ris tia n ............. 28 17 @ Portland S t a t e ............. 16 3 @ Idaho S t a t e ................. 43 14 @ Weber State ...............47 18 Northern A riz o n a ............. 24 14 Eastern Washington . . . . 14 7 @ Boise S t a t e ................. 35 39 Id a h o ..................................40 24 M ontana S t a t e .................34 28 @ N evada- R e n o .............31 31 A rm y .................................. 45 (Mirage Bowl in Tokyo) (2-8-1)

U M .................................. Opp. Cal- Fullerton............... 30 @ M in n eso ta ................62 Portland State .................21 R e n o ..............................38 Idaho State ......................29 @ Idaho ...........................38 @ M ontana S ta te ........ 41 Weber S ta te ..................57 Boise S ta te .................... 28 @ Eastern Washington .. 52 @ Northern Arizona . . . . 31 (3-8)

U M .......................................... Opp. 17 @ Nevada- R e n o ............ 51 28 N. A riz o n a ........................ 34 42 E. W ashington ................. 37 0 @ Boise State ................. 31 38 Idaho State ......................31 59 M ontana S t a t e .................28 31 I d a h o ..................................38 55 @ Weber S ta te ................. 29 57 @ Idaho S t a t e ..................13 35 @ Portland S t a t e .............14 (6-4)

U M .......................................... Opp. 3 Portland State .................20 17 @No. A riz o n a ................. 24 41 Nevada- R e n o .................29 33 @ No. Iow a.........................16 25 @ Id a h o ............................. 31 12 Boise S ta te ....................... 3 26 Weber S ta te ......................29 55 @ Montana S t a t e ........... 7 63 Idaho S t a t e ..................... 0 22 @ Eastern W ashington . . 3 26 @Cal State-Fullerton . .4 3 (6-5)

U M .......................................... Opp. 35 E. New M exico................ 6 41 So. Dakota State ............ 16 34 @ Idaho S ta te .................. 7 26 I d a h o .................................1 7 3 @ N evada-R eno...............27 30 Eastern Washington . . . . 6 33 No. Arizona (2 O T )..........26 28 @ Boise S ta te ....................31 41 @ Weber S t a t e ................. 14 17 M ontana S t a t e ................ 3 0 @ Portland S ta te ...............21 19 @ Id a h o $ ...........................38 $I-AA Playoff game (8-4)

31 17 16 23 35 0 18 29 3 19 32




U M .......................................... Opp. 41 Eastern New Mexico . . . . 15 37 @ Fresno S t a t e ...............52 30 Portland State ................. 21 22 @ Eastern Washington . . 16 24 @ Idaho ........................... 30 31 Weber S ta te ........................ 6 40 Nevada- R e n o ................. 22 38 @ Northern Arizona . . . . 14 48 Boise S ta te .........................13 17 @ M ontana S ta te ...............2 35 Idaho State ...................... 21 48 Jackson State $ ....................7 25 Eastern Illin o is$ ...............19 15 @ Georgia Southern$ . . 45 ($I-AA Playoff game) (11-3)

U M .......................................... Opp. 22 @ Oregon S ta te ...............15 62 Thom as More ................... 0 45 McNeese S ta te .................22 35 Eastern Washington . . . . 36 3 @ Boise State .................41 39 @ Weber S ta te .................37 48 Northern A riz o n a ............ 14 35 M ontana S t a t e ................. 18 27 @ N e v a d a ........................ 34 14 Id a h o ..................................35 42 @Idaho S t a t e .................. 23 (7-4)

U M .......................................... Opp. 38 Humboldt S t a t e .................6 11 @Louisiana T e c h ............ 21 3 @ McNeese S t a t e ............ 31 24 Idaho State ...................... 13 17 @ Eastern Washington . .2 0 21 Boise S ta te ...........................7 47 Weber S ta te ......................38 34 @ Northern Arizona . . . . 27 16 @ M ontana S t a t e ............... 9 28 Nevada (2 O T ).................35 35 Idaho (O T )........................ 34 (7-4)

Former Griz offen sive coordinator Tommy Lee talk s to form er QB Grady B en nett.

All- O pponents Record Abilene Christian ............................................... Arizona................................................................ A rm y .................................................................. B o ise S t a t e Brigham Young................................................... British Colum bia................................................. California............................................................ Cal-Fullerton Cal Poly (San Luis O bispo) C a l-S ta te C h ic o Carroll C o lleg e Colorado S ta te ................................................... D eP aul Eastern Illinois Eastern New M exico.......................................... E astern W a sh in g to n Farragut Naval B a s e .......................................... Fresno S ta te ....................................................... Georgia S outh ern............................................... G o n za g a Flaw aii H ofstra ............... H ousto n.............................................................. Humboldt State Idaho Idaho S t a t e Io w a..................................................................... Jackson S ta te ..................................................... K an sas S t a t e ................................................. Long Beach S ta te ............................................... Louisiana T e c h ................................................... McNeese S ta t e Minnesota ..........................., ............................ M ontana S t a t e .............................................. Montana Tech..................................................... Nevada-Las V e g a s Nevada................................................................ New M exico....................................................... North D a k o ta

W 1 1 0 7 5 2 0 1 2 0 1 6 1 1 2 11 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 1 20 23 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 54 12 1 4 4 11

L 0 3 1 20 11 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 6 2 1 1 9 3 0 1 0 51 11 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 32 4 4 10 10 7

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 1

North Dakota State . . . N orthern A rizona . Northern Colorado . . . Northern Illinois......... Northern Iowa............. Oklahoma C ity ........... O regon........................ Oregon State ............. Pacific University......... University of the Pacific Pocatello Marines . . . . P ortland...................... Portland S ta te ............. Puget S ound............... R ic e ............................. San Diego.................... San Diego Marines . . . San Francisco............. San Jose S ta te ........... Simon Fraser ............. South D akota............. South Dakota State . . . Southern California . . . Stanford...................... Syracuse...................... Texas Tech .................. Thomas M ore............. Tulsa............................. UCLA........................... U ta h ............................. Utah State.................... Washington.................. W ashington S ta te . W eber S t a t e ........... Western Illinois........... Whitman...................... Willamette .................. W yom ing....................

L 2 10 1 0 0 0 4 12 0 5 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 0 5 4 0 3 0 1 7 11 25 16 30 9 0 6 1 12

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

332 405


w 2 15 3 1 3 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 15 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 9 1 2 21 1 5 0 0

■The G rizzly Record BookIndividual R ecord s—S in gle S e a so n



M o st C a r rie s 241, Greg Iseman, 1982 M o st N e t Y ards I,253, Steve Caputo, 1971 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e P er C arry 8.2, Dick Imer, 1953 (86-703) M o st T o u c h d o w n s R u sh in g II, Steve Sullivan, 1920 10, Greg Iseman, 1982 9, Dick Imer, 1954

M o st P la y s 561, Brad Lebo, 1991 M o st Y ards 3,281, Grady Bennett, 1989 (Rush—190; Pass—3,091)


PASSING M o st A tte m p ts 457, Brad Lebo, 1991 M o st C o m p le te d 252, Brad Lebo, 1991 M o st Y ards 3,384, Brad Lebo, 1991 H ig h e s t C o m p le tio n P e r c e n ta g e (minimum of 100 attempts) 65.8%, Scott Werbelow, 1987 (133x202) M o st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 16, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984 16, Grady Bennett, 1990 M o st T o u ch d o w n P a s s e s 30, Brent Pease, 1986

M o st R e c e p tio n s 71, Mike Trevathan, 1990 M o st Y ards 1,047, Marvin Turk, 1991 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 13, Mike Rice, 1986 13, Marvin Turk, 1991

KICKOFF RETURNS M o st R e tu r n s 33, Shannon Cabunoc, 1990 M o st Y ards 709, Shannon Cabunoc, 1990 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e #33.5, Greg Anderson, 1974 (10-335) 29.4, Renard Coleman, 1987 (20-588)

PASS INTERCEPTIONS M o st In te r c e p tio n s 11, Karl Stein, 1969 M o st Y ards R e tu r n e d 218, Greg Anderson, 1978 (6 interceptions)


PUNTING M o st P u n ts 73, Jody Farmer, 1988 M o st Y ards 3,161, Jody Farmer, 1988 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e (minimum of 35 punts) 44.7, Mike Rice, 1985 (62-2,771)

PUNT RETURNS M o st R e tu r n s 42, Karl Stein, 1970 M o st Y ards 417, Karl Stein, 1970 H ig h e s t A v e ra g e 20.2, Greg Anderson, 1974 (13-263)

M o st P o in ts 84, Kirk Duce, 1988 84, Greg Iseman, 1982 80, Mike Rice, 1986 79, “Wild”’ Bill Kelly, 1926 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 14, Greg Iseman, 1982 13, Mike Rice, 1986 13, Marvin Turk, 1991 12, “Wild”’ Bill Kelly, 1926 11, Steve Sullivan, 1920 10, Jody Farmer, 1987 M ost F ie ld G o a ls 18, Kirk Duce, 1988 M ost C o n v e r sio n s 41, Eby Dobson, 1986

Individual R ecord s—Sin gle G a m e --------------RUSHING M o st C a r r ie s 36, Monty Bullerdick vs. Idaho State, 1977 M o st N e t Y ards 227, Les Kent vs. Portland State, 1969 M o st T o u c h d o w n s R u sh in g 4, Arnie Blancas vs. Weber State, 1970 4, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 L o n g e st T o u ch d o w n R un 80, Bob Smith vs. Simon Fraser, 1973 80, Mike Mickey vs. South Dakota, 1975 80, Doug Egbert vs. Weber State, 1975 L o n g e st R un From S c r im m a g e 88, “Wild’” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. State Charles, 1924

PASSING M o st A tte m p ts 62, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983 M o st C o m p le te d 36, Brent Pease vs. Idaho State, 1986 36, Brad Lebo vs. Nevada, 1991 M o st Y ards 489, Brad Lebo vs. Nevada, 1991 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 5, Brent Pease vs. Idaho State, 1986 5, Brent Pease vs. E. Washington, 1986 5, Brad Lebo vs. Weber State, 1991 5, Brad Lebo vs. Idaho, 1991 H ig h e s t C o m p le tio n P e r c e n ta g e (minimum of 10 attempts) .923 (12 X 13), Grady Bennett vs. Thomas More, 1990 M o st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 5, John Vaccarelli vs. University of Pacific, 1966 L o n g e st T o u ch d o w n P a s s 87, Shanon Mornhinweg vs. Weber State, 1985

TOTAL OFFENSE M o st P la y s 71, Johnny Coppedge vs. Idaho State, 1983 71, Brad Lebo vs. Idaho, 1991 M o st Y ards 476, Grady Bennett vs. M ontana State, 1990

PASS RECEIVING M o st R e c e p tio n s 14, Mike Trevathan vs. Idaho, 1990 12, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986 11, Marvin Turk vs. Idaho, 1991 M ost Y ards 248, Mike Trevathan vs. Idaho, 1990 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 4, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986 4, Marvin Turk vs. Idaho, 1991 L o n g e st T o u ch d o w n R e c e p tio n 87, Scott Moe vs. Weber State, 1985

PUNTING M o st P u n ts 11, Mike Rice vs. Boise State, 1986 11, Dave Harrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry Thomas vs. Nevada-Las Vegas, 1978 M o st Y ards 501, Jody Farmer vs. Nevada-Reno, 1988 *H ig h e s t A v e r a g e #55.7, Jody Farmer vs. Nevada-Reno, 1988 (9 for 501)

PUNT RETURNS M o st R e tu r n s 7, Karl Stein vs. Portland State, 1970 M o st Y ards 126, Karl Stein vs Portland State, 1970 L o n g e st T o u ch d o w n 83, Ron Baines vs. U of Pacific, 1967 *1-AA National Record #Big Sky Conference record

KICKOFF RETURNS M o st R e tu r n s 8, Mike Rice vs. Weber State, 1985 M o st Y ards 245, Mike Rice vs. Weber State, 1985 L o n g e st T o u ch d o w n 102, Milt Popovich vs. Oregon State College, 1936 98, Kevin Morris vs. Boise State, 1989

PASS INTERCEPTIONS M o st In te r c e p tio n s 4, Ed Cerkovnik vs. Portland State, 1977 M o st Y ards R e tu r n e d 125, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland State, 1977

SCORING M ost P o in ts 30, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 26, “Wild”’ Bill Kelly vs. Whitman College, 1926 26, Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974 26, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 5, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 4, Arnie Blancas vs. Weber State, 1970 4, Jeff Hoffmann vs. Northern Arizona, 1972 4, Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974 4, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, Idaho, ,1986 4, Marvin Turk vs. Idaho, 1991 M o st F ie ld G o a ls 4, Kirk Duce vs. Eastern New Mexico, 1988 4, Bruce Carlson vs. Northern Colorado, 1976 L o n g e st F ie ld G o a l 52, Eby Dobson vs. Northern Arizona, 1985 M o st C o n v e r sio n s 9, Russell Sweet vs. Mont. School of Mines, 1924 8, Kirk Duce vs. Thomas More, 1990

Team R ecord s—S in gle S ea so n RUSHING M ost C a r r ie s 728, 1970 M o st N e t Y ards 3,477, 1971


H ig h e s t A v e ra g e Per C arry 5.6, 1954 (380-2114) H ig h e s t Per G a m e A v e ra g e 338.4, 1970

M o st A tte m p ts 487, 1991 M o st C o m p le te d 278, 1990


Team R ecord s—S in gle S ea so n (cont.) P a s s in g (C o n tin u e d ) H ig h e s t C o m p le tio n P e r c e n ta g e 61.0, 1982 (195-320) H ig h e s t A v e ra g e Y a rd a g e 329.5, 1991 M o st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 28, 1977 F e w e st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 4, 1970 M o st T o u ch d o w n P a s s e s 30, 1986 M o st Y ards 3,624, 1991

TOTAL O FFENSE M o st P la y s 859, 1989 M o st Y ards 4,886, 1990 H ig h e s t Per P la y A v e ra g e 5.9, 1969 (772-4548) H ig h e s t P er G a m e A v e ra g e 454.8, 1969

FIRST DOW NS M o st T otal F ir st D o w n s 231, 1982 231, 1990 M o st F ir st D o w n s R u sh in g 171, 1970 M o st F ir st D o w n s P a s s in g 144, 1990 M o st F irst D o w n s by P e n a ltie s 23, 1979

PUNTING M o st P u n ts 76, 1991 M o st Y ards 3,161, 1988

H igh est A verage 44.7, 1985 (62-2771)


PUNT RETURNS M ost R e tu r n s 45, 1988 M o st Y ards 450, 1949 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e 17.9, 1954 (12-215)

KICKOFF RETURNS M ost R e tu r n s 53, 1985, 1986 M ost Y ards 1,127, 1986 H ig h e s t A v e ra g e 24.6, 1974 (43-1,059)

F e w e st A tte m p ts A llo w e d 96, 1959 F e w e st C o m p le tio n s A llo w e d 35, 1959 L o w est C o m p le tio n P et. A llo w e d .354, 1973 (84-237) F e w e st Y ards A llo w e d 415, 1959 F e w e st T o u c h d o w n s A llo w e d 4, 1963 M o st P a s s e s I n te r c e p te d 28, 1970, 1988

TOTAL DEFENSE F e w e st A v e ra g e P la y s A llo w e d 55.6, 1963 L o w est A v e ra g e P er P la y Y ie ld 3.3, 1970 (648-2150) F e w e st Y ards 2,150, 1970 L o w est Y ie ld Per G a m e 215.0, 1970

SCORING M o st P o in ts 372, 1990 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 48, 1986 M o st F ie ld G o a ls 18, 1988 M o st C o n v e r sio n s 42, 1990


R USH DEFENSE F e w e st A v e r a g e C a r rie s A llo w e d 34.6, 1970 L o w est P er R u sh Y ie ld 2.0, 1970 (346-699) 2.0, 1989 (392-772) F e w e st Y ards A llo w e d 699, 1970

F e w e st A llo w e d 98, 1949 F e w e st R u sh in g 39, 1970 F e w e st P a s s in g 14, 1959 F e w e st B y P e n a ltie s 3, 1959 and 1964

RECOVERIES M o st F u m b le R e c o v e r ie s 27, 1975 M o st T otal R e c o v e r ie s 45, 1977 (Interceptions and Fumbles)

Team R ecord s—S in gle G am e RUSH ING M o st C a r r ie s 83, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970 M o st N e t Y ards 471, vs. Portland St., 1968 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 8, vs. Thomas More, 1990 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e P er C arry 8.6, vs. North Dakota, 1948

PASSING M o st A tte m p ts 62, vs. Idaho State, 1983 M o st C o m p le tio n s 36, vs. Nevada, 1991 36, vs. Idaho State, 1983 M o st Y ards 489, vs. Nevada, 1991 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 5, vs. Idaho, 1991 5, vs. Weber St., 1991 5, vs. Idaho St., 1986 5, vs. E. Washington, 1986 H ig h e s t C o m p le tio n Pet. .833, vs. Thom as More, 1990 (20x24)

M o st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 6, vs. Utah St., 1948

TOTAL OFFENSE M o st P la y s 99, vs. S. Dakota St., 1970 M o st Y ards 649, vs. Portland St., 1968 H ig h e s t A v e r a g e Per P la y 9.9, vs. N. Dakota, 1948 (46-457)

FIRST DOW NS 31, vs. Weber St., 1986 M ost R u sh in g F ir st D o w n s 25, vs. Idaho, 1974 M o st P a s s in g F ir st D o w n s 20, vs. Weber State, 1990 M ost F irst D o w n s b y P e n a ltie s 5, five times; three times in 1968

PUNTING M o st P u n ts 12, vs. Boise St., 1986 M o st Y ards 501, vs. Nevada, 1988 H ig h e s t A v e ra g e #55.7, vs. Nevada, 1988

PUNT RETURNS M o st R e tu r n s 7, vs. S. Dakota St., 1969 7, vs. Portland St., 1970 7, vs. Tulsa, 1972 M o st Y ards 224, vs. New Mexico, 1959

SCORING M o st P o in ts 133, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 62, vs. Thomas More, 1990 60, vs. Simon Fraser, 1980 59, vs. Montana St., 1986 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 8, vs. Eastern Washington, 1950 8, vs. Portland St., 1967 8, vs. Portland St., 1968 M o st C o n v e r sio n K ick s 16, vs. Mt. St. Charles, 1920 7, vs. Portland St., 1967-68-69 Arizona, S. Dakota St., 1969 #Big Sky record, ties I-AA record

RUSH DEFENSE F e w e st C a r rie s 18, vs. British Columbia, 1963 F e w e st Y ards -43, vs. Weber State, 1989 F e w e st A v e r a g e Y ards Per P la y -1.7, vs. Weber State, 1989

PASS DEFENSE M ost I n te r c e p tio n s #10, vs. Boise State, 1989 7, two times in 1978 L o w e st C o m p le tio n P e r c e n ta g e .179, by Montana St., 1971 (5x28) M ost Y ards I n te r c e p tio n s R e tu r n e d 234, vs. N. Colorado, 1978

TOTAL DEFENSE F e w e st P la y s A llo w e d 27, vs. British Columbia, 1963 F e w e st Y ards A llo w e d 28, vs. Utah St., 1950 L o w e st A v e r a g e P er P la y A llo w e d .63, vs. Thomas More, 1990

Individual Career Football R ecords RUSHING M o st C a r r ie s 433, Monty Bullerdick, 1977-78 M o st N e t Y ards 2,228, Rocky Klever, 1977-81

PASSING M o st A tte m p ts 1,097, Grady Bennett, 1988-90 M o st C o m p le tio n s 641, Grady Bennett, 1988-90

M o st Y ards P a s s in g 7,778, Grady Bennett, 1988-90 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 55, Grady Bennett, 1988-90 M o st P a s s e s H a d In te r c e p te d 42, Grady Bennett, 1988-90 H ig h e s t C o m p le tio n Pet. 58.7, Marty Mornhinweg, 1980-84

INTERCEPTIONS M o st I n te r c e p tio n s $21, Karl Stein, 1969-70

PASS RECEIVING M o st R e c e p tio n s 151, Brian Salonen, 1980-83 M o st Y ards 1,969, Mike Trevathan, 1987-90 M o st T o u c h d o w n R e c e p tio n s 14, Mike Rice, 1985-86 $Ranks 2nd in Big Sky history


SCORING M o st P o in ts 277, Kirk Duce, 1988-91 M o st T o u c h d o w n s 31, “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1924-26 21, Del Spear, 1973-76 M o st F ie ld G o a ls 48, Kirk Duce, 1988-91 M o st C o n v e r sio n K ick s 136, Kirk Duce, 1988-91

G rizzly Big Sky First Team ers Year

P layer



Jerry L u c h a u . . . . Chris P om ajevich. Pete G o t a y ............ Paul Connelly . . . W ayne Harrington Terry Bergen . . . . Willie J o n e s .......... Warren H ill.......... Bob G raham . . . . Lon H ow ard . . . . Larry Huggins . . . Bryan M agnuson . Mick O’N eill..........

1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967

Guy Bingham . Greg Dunn . . . Jim Hard . . . . Raul Allegre . . Kent C la u se n . Pat Cu r r y . . . . Jim Rooney . . Mickey Sutton Tony Fudge . . Ben Kiefer . . . Brian Salonen Mike Rice . . . . Larry Clarkson

. 1978,79 1978, 79 ...1979 . . . 1979 ...1979 ...1981 ...1981 . . . 1981 ...1982 ...1982 ...1983 1985, 86 1986, 87

Raul A llegre Player

Y ear

Ron Rosenberg 1972, 7 4 # Steve Taylor 1973 Dave Harrington . 1973 Sly H a rd y ............ 1973, 74 Greg A nderson . 1974, 75, 76 Paul Cooley 1976 M onty Bullerdick 1977 Steve Fisher . . . . 1978 Allen G r e e n .......... 1978 Sam M a rtin ................................ 1978, 79

Mike Rankin

Larry C larkson

Bob B e e r s .................................. 1967, 68 Herb W h ite ................................ 1967, 68 Tuufuli U p e re s a ......................... 1968, 69 Tim G a lla g h e r.................................... 1969 Bill G u tm a n ......................................... 1969 Les K e n t...............................................1969 Jim N o rd s tro m .................................. 1969 Roy R o b in s o n .....................................1969 Jo h n S te d h a m ....................................1969 Larry S tr a n a h a n ................................1969 Arnie B la n c a s........................... 1969, 70 Larry M iller................................. 1969, 70 Karl S te in .................................. 1969, 70 Steve O koniew ski..................... 1970, 71 Steve C a p u t o ..................................... 1971 Ray S ta c h n ic k .....................................1971 Kit B lu e ................................................ 1972 Barry D a rro w ..................................... 1972 Mick D e n n e h y .................................... 1972 Leo L a R o c h e .......................................1972

Tony B re la n d .......................................1987 Scott C a m p e r .....................................1987 Pat F o s te r.............................................1987 Mike R a n k in ...................... 1987, 88, 89 Bill V e n a r d .......................................... 1987 Tim H a u c k .............................. 1988, 89$ Kirk S c ra ffo rd ........................... 1988, 89 J.C. C a m p b e ll.....................................1988 Jo d y F a rm e r.............................. 1988, 89 Jay F a g a n ............................................ 1989 Dan E d w ard s...................................... 1989 Rick E rp s .............................................. 1990 Mike M cG o w an ..................................1990 Marvin T u rk ......................................... 1991 C had G e r m e r .....................................1991 Kirk M u rp h y ....................................... 1991 C had L e m b k e .....................................1991 Todd E ric so n ....................................... 1991

Jim Hard

$Big Sky Defensive MVP, 1988, 89 # Big Sky Defensive MVP, 1974

G rizzly All- A m ericans P layer Chris B e n tz .......................... “Wild” Bill Kelly (East-West Shrine Game) Tom Davis*........................ Jim Morrow........................ Waldo Ekegren*.................. Bob Stansberry*..................

Year . 1921 . 1926 . 1928 . 1929 .1930 .1933

C had G erm er Henry Blastic................................. Milt Popovich................................. Joe D eLuca*................................. Doug Dansinger*........................... Stan Renning................................. John L an d s.................................... Terry D illon.................................... Wayne Harrington (AP, 2nd team) Bob Beers (AP, 1st te a m ).............

. . . 1937 ...1 9 3 7 ...1 9 5 4 . ..1 9 5 5 1957, 58 1958, 59 . . . 1962 ...1 9 6 5 1967, 68

P layer Year Herb White (A P*)................................. 1968 Tuufuli Uperesa (AP, 2nd team; Kodak*) Les Kent (AP, 2nd team )....................... 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd te am )................... 1969 Ray Brum (AP*).....................................1969 Ray Stein (AP, 1st team; Kodak*) . . . . 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team )................... 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team) Arnie Blancas (AP*) Steve Okoniewski (AP*)........................1970 Steve Okoniewski (AP, 3rd team; Kodak, 2nd team) . . . . 1971 Steve Caputo (AP*) Barry Darrow (AP*)...............................1971 Barry Darrow (Universal Sports, 2nd team ) 1972 Ron Rosenberg (AP, 3rd team ) 1974 Greg Anderson (1975 AP*/AP, Kodak, 1st team) . . 1976 Monty Bullerdick (AP*)........................ 1977 Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP*) . . . . 1979 Allen Green (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team ). 1979 Tony Fudge (AP) ................................. 1979 Marty Mornhinweg (AP)*..................... 1979 Brian Salonen (AP, Kodak, Coaches 1st team, East-West Shrine G am e).....................................1983 Marty Mornhinweg (AP*)..................... 1984 Mike Rice (AP 1st team )........................1985 Mike Rice (AP & Football News, 1st team) . . . 1986 Larry Clarkson (AP, 1st team )...............1986 Tony Breland (Football News, 2nd te a m )............... 1986 Larry Clarkson (AP, 2nd Team; Walter Camp; Football News; Blue-Gray Gam e).............................. 1987 Tony Breland (AP*, Football News 1st team ) 1987 Scott Camper (AP*).............................. 1987 Pat Foster (AP, 3rd Team)......................1987 Mike Rankin (AP*).................. 1987, 88, 89 Bill Venard (AP*)...................................1987 Tim Hauck (AP, 1st team, Football News 1st te a m ).................... 1988 Jody Farmer (AP, 2nd team) . . . . 1988, 89 Mike Rankin (AP, 3rd team ) 1988, 89 Quinton Richardson (AP*) . . . ...........1988 Kirk Scrafford (AP*).............................. 1988 J.C. Campbell (AP*).............................. 1988 Tim Hauck (AP, Kodak, Football.......... 1989 News, Finalist for Payton Award; The Sports Network, 1st team; USA Today, and Japan Bowl)

P layer Kirk Scrafford (AP, 1st team) Martin Luther King Bowl) Jay Fagan (AP, 3rd team) . . . Rick Erps (AP, 2nd team) . . . Mike Trevathan...................... (Sports Network, Football Gazette, 1st team)

Tim H auck Grady B ennett........................ (Football Gazette, 3rd team) Chad G erm er.......................... (AP, 3rd team, Football Gazette 1st team, Blue-Gray Classic) Sean Dorris............................. (Football Gazette*) Chad Lembke........................... (Football Gazette*) *Denotes honorable mention

Brian S a lo n en

S tan R enning

A cadem ic A ll-A m ericans P layer


Greg Maloney (2nd te a m ) .............................................................................................................. 1978 Ed Cerkovnik (1st t e a m ) .................................................................................................................1979 Greg Iseman (3rd te a m ).................................................................................................................. 1982 Brian Salonen (2nd te a m ) ..............................................................................................................1983 Rick Sullivan (2nd te a m )....................................................................................................... 1986, 88 John Huestis (2nd te a m )............................................................................................. 1988 Brad Salonen (2nd t e a m ) .............................................................................................................. 1988 Mike McGowan (1st te a m ).............................................................................................. 1988, 89, 90


Rick Sullivan

Year 1989 1990 1990

C areer L eaders (Sin ce 1 9 4 8 )

RUSH ING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Rocky Klever ( 1 9 7 7 - 8 1 ) 2 ,2 2 8 Steve C ap u to (1 9 6 9 -7 1 )............................. 2 ,0 3 3 Monty Bullerdick ( 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 ) .......................1,813 Jody Farm er (1986-89) ..............................1 ,7 1 9 Dick Imer (1 9 5 3 -5 4 ) ..................................... 1 ,5 9 2 Terry Dillon ( 1 9 6 0 - 6 2 ) ................................ 1 ,5 6 9 Arnie Blancas (1 9 6 9 -7 0 )..............................1,564 Les K ent (1969-70) ..................................... 1 ,5 5 4 Del S p ear (1 9 7 3 -7 6 )..................................... 1,429 Paul Connelly (1964-65) 1,348 Jeff Hoffm an ( 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 ) 1,345 Bob Byrne ( 1 9 4 9 - 5 1 ) 1,313 R enard C olem an ( 1 9 8 5 - 8 8 ) 1,311 Casey Reilly ( 1 9 6 9 -7 1 ) 1 ,2 8 4

SCORING yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Kirk Duce (1 9 8 8 -9 1 ) 277 points Bruce Carlson (1974-77) 196 points Dan Worrell ( 1 9 6 8 - 7 0 ) ....................................180 points Jody Farm er (1986-89) . . ............................. 178 points Eby Dobson ( 1 9 8 3 - 8 6 ) ....................................166 points Del S p ear (1 9 7 3 -7 6 ).........................................126 points Bob Turnquist (1972-73) 115 points Rocky Klever ( 1 9 7 7 - 8 1 ) ................................. 112 points Dick Imer (1 9 5 3 - 5 4 )......................................... I l l points Mike Rice (1 9 8 5 -8 6 ).........................................104 points Raul Allegre ( 1 9 7 8 -7 9 ) 102 points Dean Rom inger ( 1 9 8 0 - 8 3 ) ...............................99 points Greg Isem an (1981-82) 96 points Terry Dillon ( 1 9 6 0 - 6 2 ) ....................................... 96 points Casey Reilly ( 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 )....................................... 96 points

^> i l. l S. re; v-

Kirk D u ce

D ick Imer

RECEIVING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Mike T revathan ( 1 9 8 7 - 9 0 ) 1,969 Brian Salonen (1980-83) .............................1,882 Matt Clark ( 1 9 8 7 - 9 0 ) ....................................1,639 Bob M cCauley ( 1 9 8 1 - 8 4 ) .............................1,466 Mike Rice (1 9 8 5 -8 6 )...................................... 1,4 3 4 Ray B auer ( 1 9 4 8 - 5 0 ) ....................................1,2 5 0 Marvin Turk (1 9 9 0 -9 1 )................................. 1,1 7 8 Vern Kelly ( 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 ) ....................................1,103 Brad Salonen (1984-88) ................................. 980 Jim H ard (1978-79) 960 Paul Cooley (1975-76) 941 Tony Lam bert ( 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 ) 915 S han n o n C abunoc (1988-91) 880 Paul Lam b (1984-87) ...................................... 8 74 Brad Dantic (1 9 8 0 -8 4 ) 869 Craig W hitney (1 9 8 9 -9 0 ) 847 Bill Cockhill (1 9 9 0 -9 1 ) 845

Grady B en n ett

PA SSIN G yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Grady B ennett ( 1 9 8 8 -9 0 ) ............................7 ,7 7 8 Marty M ornhinweg (1 9 8 0 -8 4 ).................... 6 ,0 8 3 Brad Lebo ( 1 9 8 9 - 9 1 ) ................................... 4 ,0 7 1 Brent P ease (1 9 8 5 - 8 6 ) 3 ,6 5 5 Tom Kingsford (1 9 4 8 -5 0 )............................2 ,2 9 6 Bob Boyes (1 9 7 8 -7 9 ) ................................... 2 ,1 7 8 Scott W erbelow ( 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 ) ......................... 2 ,0 9 9 Ray Brum (1969-70) 2 ,0 6 8 Tim Kerr (1976-78) 1,745 Van Troxel (1 9 7 2 -7 5 ) 1,447 Rock S vennungsen (1971-74) 1,446 Dick H eath (1 9 5 2 -5 4 ).....................................1,231 Kelly Richardson (1980-84) 1,191 Gary Berding ( 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 )....................1,177

yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards yards


S in gle S ea so n Leaders (Since 1948)


SCORING (Continued) Yds.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1,253 1,075

Steve C aputo . . . Greg Isem an Monty Bullerdick Les K e n t............... Terry Dillon Dick I m e r ............ Arnie Blancas . . . Bryan M agnuson Monty Bullerdick Rocky Klever . . .

1,022 9 72 8 92 8 89 8 55 818 791 783

Yr. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981

9. 10.


14. 15. 16.

1. Kirk Duce . . . Greg Isem an

Mike R ic e .......... Marvin Turk . . . Kirk D u c e .......... Eby Dobson . . . Dan Worrell . . . Kirk D u c e .......... Dick I m e r .......... Dan Worrell . . . Del S p e a r .......... Jody F a rm e r. . . Jody F arm er. . . Bob M cCauley . Kirk D u c e .......... Bruce Carlson . Dean Rom inger Im



P ts.


80 78 73 68 67 67 64 60 60 60 60 56 56 55 55

1986 1991 1989 1986 1969 1990 1954 1970 1974 1987 1989 1984 1991 1976 1981


. -m]


RECEIVING (Continued)


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 9.

10 . 11 .

12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Marvin T u r k .......... Mike R i c e ............... Mike Trevathan . . . Bob M cCauley . . . Brian S alonen . . . Jim H a r d ............... Mike Trevathan . . . Shalon Baker . . . . Paul L a m b ............ Paul C o o l e y .......... Matt Clark ............ S h an n o n C abunoc Tony Lam bert . . . . Vern K elly............... Ray B a u e r ............ Mike Carlsen . . . . Vern K elly............... Bill C o c k h ill.......... Lorenzo G lenn . . . Craig W hitney . . . Doug B a i n ............

Jody Farmer

M onty B ullerdick

Bob M cCauley Yds.


1,047 1,046 1,006 9 33 8 32 722 710 702 614 607 588 573 569 564 563 552 539 536 511 499 473

1991 1986 1990 1984 1983 1979 1989 1991 1985 1976 1989 1990 1986 1978 1950 1991 1977 1991 1989 1990 1969

22. Brian Salonen ................. 23. Matt C l a r k ......................... 24. Curt M c G in n e ss ...............



45 2 441 438

1982 1987 1984

PASSING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Brad Lebo ......................... Grady B e n n e tt................. Brent P e a s e ...................... Grady B e n n e tt................. Marty M o rn h in w e g .......... Scott W e rb e lo w ............... Grady B e n n e tt................. Bob B o y e s ......................... Marty M o rn h in w eg .......... Tom K in g s fo rd ................. Marty M o rn h in w e g .......... Tim K e rr.............................. Ray B ru m ........................... Kelly R ich ard so n ............... S h anon M ornhinweg . . . Marty M o rn h in w eg ..........



3,384 3,091 3,056 3,005 2,453 1,883 1,682 1,668 1,569 1,361 1,187 1,097 969 906 884 874

1991 1989 1986 1990 1984 1987 1988 1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1969 1983 1985 1980

■Grizzly AwardsE ac h year eight outstanding University of Montana football players are recipients of awards. The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back or receiver, was established in 1964 following the accidental death of former Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. He started at defensive halfback for the National Football League Minnesota Vikings. The Paul Weskamp Award was established in memory of Paul Weskamp, a tackle on Ed Chinske’s 1954 Grizzlies. The award honors UM’s out­ standing lineman and was established by the citizens of Ronan, Montana. The Golden Helmet Award honors the hardest hitter on the team. It was set up on a nationwide basis by the Coca-Cola Company in 1967. The Larry Miller Award is given in memory of the great Grizzly lineman and wrestler who competed for UM in 1969 and 1970. Miller died in an automobile accident in 1974. The award honors the teams’ outstanding defensive lineman. The Steve Carlson award is given to the teams’ most valuable player in memory of the former Grizzly football player who died in 1977. Pat Norwood was a four-year starter at offensive tackle for the Grizzlies (1978-82) from Billings, who died of cancer in 1983. This award is given to the Most Inspirational Player, who often times had to overcome an injury. The Tony Barbour award is given in memory of a Loyal Grizzly Fan. It is presented annually to a UM player, “who best exemplifies outstanding practice habits and makes an unselfish contribution to the betterment of the Grizzly Football Team. Enthusiasm, dedication and commitment are the key factors sought in the person receiving this award.” The Outstanding Linebacker award was inaugurated in 1990, and is given by an anonymous donor.

C arlson (MVP)

Marvin Turk

D illon 1 9 6 4 —Wayne Harrington 1 9 6 5 —Paul Connelly 1 9 6 6 —Jim Neilsen 1 9 6 7 —Bryan Magnuson 1 9 6 8 —Mike Buzzard 1 9 6 9 —Karl Stein 1 9 7 0 —Arnie Blancas 1 9 7 1 —Steve Caputo 1 9 7 2 —Jeff Hoffman 1 9 7 3 —Bob Smith 1 9 7 4 —Rock Svennungsen 1 9 7 5 —Del Spear 1 9 7 6 —Paul Fisness 1 9 7 7 —Monty Bullerdick 197 8 —Rocky Klever 1 9 7 9 —Rocky Klever 1 9 8 0 —Wayne Harper 19 8 1 —Rocky Klever 1 9 8 2 —Greg Iseman 1 9 8 3 —Joey Charles 1 9 8 4 —Scott Murray LeRoy Foster 1 9 8 5 —LeRoy Foster 1 9 8 6 —Kraig Paulson 1 9 8 7 —Renard Coleman Scott Werbelow 1 9 8 8 —Jody Farmer 1 9 8 9 —Jody Farmer 1 9 9 0 —Mike Trevathan 1 9 9 1 —Marvin Turk

1 9 7 7 —Ron Lebsock 1 9 7 8 —Tim Kerr 1 9 7 9 —Jim Hard 1 9 8 0 —Kent Clausen 1 9 8 1 —Rocky Klever 1 9 8 2 —Greg Iseman Marty Mornhinweg 1 9 8 3 —Brian Salonen 1 9 8 4 —Marty Mornhinweg 1 9 8 5 —Mike Rice 1 9 8 6 —Mike Rice Brent Pease 1 9 8 7 —Pat Foster Bill Venard 1 9 8 8 —Tim Hauck 1 9 8 9 —Tim Hauck 1 9 9 0 —Grady Bennett Mike McGowan 1 9 9 1 —Brad Lebo Marvin Turk

G reg Isem an

N orw ood 1 9 8 2 —Brian Salonen 1 9 8 3 —Dave Dummett 1 9 8 4 —Kelly Richardson 1 9 8 5 —Tim Monterossi 1 9 8 6 —Rob Kunka Rick Sullivan 1 9 8 7 —David Reeves Jason Ray 1 9 8 8 —Jason Ray 1 9 8 9 —Don Graves Jay Fagan 1 9 9 0 —Matt Clark 1 9 9 1 —Nels Kludt Steve Premock Sam Davidson

N els Kludt

Don G raves

G rizzly Awards G olden H elm et

W eskam p 1 9 6 7 —Larry Huggins 1 9 6 8 —Tuufuli U peresa 1 9 6 9 —Tuufuli U peresa 1 9 7 0 —Larry Miller 1971 —Steve Okoniewski 1 9 7 2 —Ron Richards 1 9 7 3 —Jim Leid 1 9 7 4 —Larry Farnam 1 9 7 5 —Walt Brett 1 9 7 6 —Dan Sullivan 1 9 7 7 —Terry Falcon 1 9 7 8 —G uy Bingham 1 9 7 9 —Guy Bingham 1 9 8 0 —Brian M cHugh 1981—Jim R ooney 1 9 8 2 —Greg A m undsen 1 9 8 3 —Bob Cordier 1 9 8 4 —Rick Linderholm 1 9 8 5 —Eric Dawald 1 9 8 6 —Larry Clarkson

Kirk Murphy

Curt McElroy

1 9 8 3 —Brent O akland 1 9 8 4 —Jake Trammell 1 9 8 5 —Terry Shillam 1 9 8 6 —Pat H ardim an

Shaw n Poole

1 9 8 7 —Larry Clarkson 1 9 8 8 —Jay Fagan 1 9 8 9 —Kirk Scrafford 1 9 9 0 —Rick Erps 1991—C had G erm er

1 9 6 7 —Bob Beers 1 9 6 8 —Herb White 1 9 6 9 —Jim Nordstrom 1 9 7 0 —Jim Nordstrom 1971—Casey Reilly 1 9 7 2 —Mick D ennehy 1 9 7 3 —Sly Hardy 1 9 7 4 —Ron Rosenberg 1 9 7 5 —Steve Dionas 1 9 7 6 —Greg A nderson 1 9 7 7 —Kelly Johnson 1 9 7 8 —Kent Clausen 1 9 7 9 —Greg Dunn 1 9 8 0 —Jay Becker 1981—Scott Gratton 1 9 8 2 —Scott Gratton

Demidric Cooks

Kirk Scrafford

1 9 8 7 —Tim H auck 1 9 8 8 —Tim H auck 1 9 8 9 —Tim H auck

D am on Gilbreth


M iller


1 9 7 6 —Doug Betters 1 9 7 7 —Steve Fisher 1 9 7 8 —Steve Fisher 1 9 7 9 —Sam Martin 1 9 8 0 —Arnie Rigoni 1 9 8 1 —Pat Curry 1 9 8 2 —J o e Nuu 1 9 8 3 —Cliff Lewis 1 9 8 4 —Dave S eam an 1 9 8 5 —Pat Foster 1 9 8 5 —Pat Foster 1 9 8 6 —Pat Foster Jaso n Ray 1 9 8 7 —Pat Foster Scott C am per 1 9 8 8 —J C . Cam pbell Rick Sullivan 1 9 8 9 —D an Edwards Jo e Kalafat 1 9 9 0 —Jo e Kalafat W ade T hoem m es 1 9 9 1 —Kirk M urphy Gregg Sm erker

Mike Rankin Steve Collins Don Graves Todd Ericson Dethrick Slocum


Paul LeProwse

1 9 8 7 —Nate O dden 1 9 8 8 —Clay Clausen 1 9 8 9 —G rady Bennett 1 9 9 0 —Kevin Morris G alen Lawton 1 9 9 1 —Greg Ferguson Kyle Mirich Scott McCoy

Outstanding Linebacker 1 9 9 0 —Bryan Tripp 1 9 9 1 —C had Lembke Paul LeProwse

D ethrick Slocum 52

■Current/Former Steve Sullivan......... Ed Illman.................. “Wild” Bill K elly ___ Len N oyes............... Milton Popovich Paul Szakash........... Aldo F o rte............... Bill Lazetich............. John Dolan . . . . . . . Stan Renning........... John L an d s.............

1922 1926 1927 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1941 1959 1960

Walt Brett ............... Doug B etters........... Terry Falcon............. Greg Anderson . . . . fTim H o o k ............... Carm C arteri........... *Guy Bingham ......... Rocky Klever........... Rich Burtness ......... fMike H agen ............. fMickey S u tto n ......... Brian S a lo n e n ......... tJoey C harles........... tTony F u d g e ............. fRick Linderholm . . . tTom R u tt.................. tTed R a y .................... tScott P o o le ............. *Mike Rice.................. *Brent P e a s e ............. *Larry Clarkson......... Pat Foster.................. tScott Camper . . . . fJ.C. Campbell . . . . *fTim H auck............. *tKirk Scrafford......... fJay F a g a n ............. Grady B ennett......... *Matt C la rk ............... *Mike Trevathan . . . . *Chad G erm er........... *Steve Prem ock......... *Kevin Morris............. *Joe Farrish...............

Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indian$ Edmonton Indianapolis Warriors

1976 1977 1977 1979 1979 1979 1980 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991

Atlanta Falcons Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Montreal Saskatchewan Ottawa New York Jets (10th round) New York Jets (9th round) Dallas Cowboys (12th round) Seattle Seahawks Pittsburgh Maulers Dallas Cowboys (10th round) Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys Denver Broncos Denver Broncos Washington Redskins New England Patriots New York Jets (8th round) Minnesota Vikings (11th round) San Francisco 49ers (8th rnd.) Los Angeles Rams (9th round) Phoenix Cardinals Toronto New England Patriots Cincinnati Bengals Washington Redskins British Columbia Lions British Columbia Lions British Columbia Lions Cincinnati Bengals New England Patriots British Columbia Lions Edmonton

M a tt C lark w a s n a m ed th e R o o k ie o f th e Year la s t s e a s o n in th e C an adian F o o tb a ll L eague , a n d p la y s f o r th e B ritish C olu m bia Lions , a lon g w ith fo rm e r G riz receiver M ike Trevathan. The Lions a re c o a c h e d by M ontana H a ll o f F am er B o b O ’B illovich .

Gary Schwertfeger . . . ...1 9 6 1 Bob O’Billovich......... ...1 9 6 2 Terry D illon............... ...1 9 6 3 Mike T illem an........... ...1 9 6 4 Bryan Magnuson . . . . ...1 9 6 7 Tuufuli U p eresa......... ...1 9 6 9 Dave U r i e .................. ...1 9 6 9 Roy R o binson........... . . . 1 9 7 2 Willie P o stler............. . . . 1 9 7 2 Steve Okoniewski . . . . . . 1 9 7 2 Barry Darrow............. . . . 1 9 7 4 Jim Hann .................. . . . 1 9 7 4 Ron R osenberg......... . . . 1 9 7 5 Greg H arris............... . . . 1 9 7 6

British Columbia Lions Ottawa Rough Riders Minnesota Vikings Chicago Bears Washington Redskins Philadelphia Eagles Houston Oilers Saskatchewan British Columbia Lions Atlanta Falcons Cleveland Browns Portland Cincinnati Bengals New York Jets

Note: Year listed is first as a professional. Team listed is team player was originally drafted, or signed with. *Still Active at Press Time fSigned as Free Agent

F orm er M on tan a L in em an a n d d e e p s n a p p e r G uy B ingham is in h is 13th y e a r o f p ro fe ssio n a l fo o tb a ll, a n d cu rren tly p la y in g w ith th e P h o en ix C a rd in a ls o f th e N a tio n a l F o o tb a ll League.


■1991 S ea so n ReviewSept. 14 @LOUISIANA TECH 21, MONTANA 11 (Joe Aillet Stadium, Ruston, LA)

Sept. 7 MONTANA 38, HUMBOLDT STATE 6 (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) H u m b o ld t S t a t e .............. 0 M o n ta n a 16 A tt.-1 0 ,2 9 9 7 8 , C lou d y

0 0 6— 6 6 10 6 — 3 8

TEAM -Q UAR TER-TIM E-PLAY UM-lst-10:56-Monestime, 1 run (Duce kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-7:ll- Safety, HSU QB tackled in end zone (by Kludt), 9-0 UM U M -lst-4:ll-Rice, 6 run (Duce kick), 16-0 UM UM-2nd-9:10-Guevara, 11 pass from Lebo (pass failed), 22-0 UM UM-3rd-8:24-Duce, 30 Field Goal, 25-0 UM UM-3rd-4:35-Ericson, 11 Fumble Return, (Duce kick) 32-0 UM UM-4th-13:24-MaImstrom, 43 pass from Wilberger (kick failed), 38-0 UM HSU-4th-7:13-Baysinger, 24 pass from Oswald (pass failed), 38-6 UM TEAM STATS UM 27 58 242 250 93-492 35 23 1


H SU First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost


22 59

102 48-161 26 11

M o n ta n a . . . . . . . . . 3 0 8 0 — 11 L ou isian a T e c h .............................. 7 7 7 0 — 21 A tt.-1 7 ,2 8 5 8 0 , C lear & H um id TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY UM-lst-3:12-Duce, 34 Field Goal, 3-0 UM LT-lst-0:38-Bland, 29 run (Boniol kick), 3-7 LT LT-2nd-8:54-Davis, 13 run (Boniol kick), 3-14 LT LT-3rd-7:54-Bland, 8 pass from Johnson (Boniol kick), 3-21 LT UM-3rd-2:10-Cabunoc, 31 pass from Lebo (Lebo to See), 11-21 LT

TEAM STATS UM 17 25 15 331 73-346 48 22 1 1-0

LT 23 49 276 173 75-449 26 17 0 2-2

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

2 2-1

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 1 4-58/1 TD; Rice: 11-55/1 TD; HSU-E. Smith: 4-13-0. P a s s in g UM-Lebo: 1 9 x 3 0 -0 = 1 8 0 /1 TD. HSU-Oswald: 9 x 1 7 -0 = 9 4 /1 TD. R e ce iv in g UM-Cockhill: 6-64-0; Carlsen: 5-45-0; Malmstrom: 1 -4 3 /1 TD. HSU-Baysinger: 2 -3 5 /1 TD; Hinton: 2-23-0. GAM E NOTES: The Grizzlies scored on their first three possessions and never looked back. Five differ­ ent players scored touchdowns, and safety Todd Ericson picked up a fumble and ran it in for a TD. By half-time Montana had racked up 221 yards, com­ pared to Humboldt’s 34. Seven different UM players carried the ball, and 10 players had at least one recep­ tion. QB Brad Lebo threw for 180 yards and a TD in his first collegiate start, while redshirt freshman Bert Wilberger passed for 70 yards and a score. The Grizzlies had an uncharacteristic 58 rush attempts, and had 93 total plays, compared to the Lumberjacks’ 48.

Griz Trivia Montana played the Butte Business College in Missoula, Nov. 12, 1897, its first game played against outside competition. The Butte team won 20-4 , "and the financial statement showed a loss of $2!'The Grizzlies also played the Bobcats that year, winning 18-6. Source: Jiggs Dahlberg’s R ed B o o k

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 11-20-0; DeBourg: 2-20-0. LT-Cooper: 14-112-0; Davis: 2 5 -1 0 7 /1 TD. P a s s in g UM-Lebo: 2 2 x 4 8 -1 = 3 3 1 /1 TD. LT-Johnson: 1 7 x 2 6 -0 = 1 7 3 /1 TD. R e ce iv in g UM-Cabunoc: 5 -1 0 2 /1 TD; Turk; 2-80-0. LT-Bland: 5 -4 3 /1 TD; Lawrence: 2-43-0. GAME NOTES: Lack of a running attack, especially compared to Tech’s successful ground game, and untimely penalties proved to be UM’s downfall in this game. The Bulldogs had two, 100-yard rushers, and racked up 276 yards on the ground and three TDs, compared to the Grizzlies’ 15 net yards. Lebo was hounded all night long, and suffered four sacks. Sen­ ior receiver Shannon Cabunoc had an excellent day, grabbing five passes for 102 yards and a TD, but was forced to leave late in the game after re-injuring his leg, and was eventually forced to redshirt the 1991 season. Montana cut the Tech lead to 21-11 late in the third quarter, but neither team scored from that point on.

Sept. 21 #McNEESE STATE 31, MONTANA 3 (Cowboy Stadium, Lake Charles, LA) M o n t a n a ............................. M c N e e se S ta te . . . . . . A tt.-1 5 ,1 7 5 8 0 , Fair

54 >

0 3 0 0 1 4 14

0— 3 3 — 31

TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY MSU-2nd-13:50-Smith, 14 pass from Acheson (Roberts kick), 7-0 MSU UM-2nd-10:18-Duce, 27 Field Goal, 7-3 MSU MSU-2nd-3:09-Foster, 1 run (Roberts kick), 14-3 MSU MSU-3rd-5:49-Daigle, 7 run (Roberts kick), 20-3 MSU MSU-3rd-4:15-Guercio, 6 run (Roberts kick), 21-3 MSU MSU-4th- 14:58-Roberts, 24 Field Goal, 31-3 MSU

TEAM STATS UM 13 20 -73 243 71-170 51 22 2 4-3

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

M SU 17 53 227 75 67-302 14 6 1 2-1

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-DeBourg: 2-15-0. MSU-Foster: 2 0 -1 0 7 /1 TD. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 2 0 x 3 7 -1 = 2 0 3 /0 TDs. MSU-Acheson: 6 x 1 4 -1 = 7 5 /1 TD. R e ce iv in g UM-Baker: 10-117-0; Gurnsey: 3-43-0; Carl­ sen: 3-42-0. MSU- Owens: 1-25-0; Pere: 2-23-0; Smith: 2 -1 8 /1 TD. GAM E NOTES: A week-long stay in Bayou coun­ try ended on a down note, as the Cowboys’ ground game proved to be too much to handle. MSU rolled up 227 yards rushing and 3 TDs, while Montana had -73 net rush yards, and the Grizzly quarterbacks were sacked 11 times. One bright spot was the emergence of “true” freshman receiver Shalon Baker, who had game-highs (and career-highs) with 10 catches for 117 yards. The Grizzlies were picked off twice and lost three of their four fumbles.

Sept 28 MONTANA 24, IDAHO STATE 13 (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) Id a h o S t a t e ......................... 3 3 0 7 — 13 M o n ta n a . 0 14 10 0 — 2 4 A t t - 1 1 ,4 5 9 6 4 , C lou d y TEAM -Q UAR TER-TIM E-PLAY ISU -lst-9:30-Goodm an, 40 Field Goal, 3-0 ISU UM -2nd-ll:44-Rice, 16 run (Duce kick), 7-3 UM ISU-2nd-8:18-Goodman, 43 Field Goal, 7-6 UM UM-2nd-0:42-Turk, 48 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 14-6 UM UM -3rd-ll:27-Baker, 27 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 21-6 UM UM-3rd-4:48-Duce, 23 Field Goal, 24-6 UM ISU-4th-14:56-Hersley, 5 run (Goodman kick), . 24-13 UM

1991 S ea so n Review

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost



TEAM STATS UM 23 46 140 274 75-414 29 19 1 2-1

IS U 14 35 127 148 68-275 33 13 2 5-2

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 23-103-0; Rice: 12-39/1 TD. ISU-Peoples: 13-57-0; Hersley: 11-44/1 TD. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 1 9 x 2 9 -1 = 2 7 4 /2 TDs. ISU-Cavanaugh: 1 3 x 3 1 -2 = 1 4 8 /0 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Gurnsey: 4-64-0; Cockhill: 3-58-0; Turk: 2 -5 7 /1 TD; Baker: 5 -5 2 /1 TD. ISU-Jones: 5-62-0; Sharp: 2-29-0. GAME NOTES: Glad to be finally back home, the Griz got a career-high 103 yards rushing from Marc Monestime, and Lebo passed for 274 yards and two TDs, as UM opened the 91 Big Sky Conference sched­ ule on a winning note. The improved Bengals cut the Montana lead to 7-6 midway in the second quarter, but the Grizzlies reeled off 17 unanswered points to take a commanding, 24-6 advantage. Baker, who was to become a finalist for the Big Sky’s Newcomer of the Year, scored his first career TD, as did Marvin Turk, who would catch 12 more TD passes before the season was over. Safety Sean Dorris led the defense with 12 tackles and an interception, while ISU linebacker Mahe Llava’a had a game-high 13 stops.

Oct. 5 @E. WASHINGTON 20, MONTANA 17 (Woodward Stadium, Cheney, WA) M o n t a n a ................................0 3 0 1 4 — 17 E. W a s h in g t o n .................... 0 3 0 1 7 — 2 0 A tt.-5 ,4 1 6 57, Sunny TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY EWU-2nd- 13:29-Lacson, 29 Field Goal, 3-0 EWU UM-2nd-3:36-Duce, 31 Field Goal, 3-3 EWU-4th-10:53-Tenneson, 1 run (Lacson kick), 10-3 EWU EWU-4th-9:52-Mitchell, 20 run (Lacson kick), 17-3 EWU UM-4th-6:36-Turk, 47 pass from Wilberger (Duce kick), 17-10 EWU UM-4th-4:19-Baker, 68 pass from Wilberger (Duce kick), 17-17 EWU-4th-0:50-Lacson, 34 Field Goal, 20-17 EWU

UM 7 24 15 193 60-208 36 13 1 1-1

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

EW U 19 62 264 108 86-372 24 12 0 4-4

GAME NOTES: It took a 34-yard field goal by Alex Lacson with 50 seconds to go to thwart a Montana comeback, and it was an up-hill battle the entire game for UM. The Griz had no first downs in the first half (EWU had 10), but tied the game at 3-all on a 31-yard field goal by Kirk Duce late in the second quarter. In the first half UM had 31 net yards, while the Eagles had 173, and halfback Tim Mitchell rushed for 115 yards. Wilberger came in for a struggling Lebo, and hit Turk and Baker on TD bombs late in the game, making it 17-all with 4:19 to go. The key play that lead to the Lac­ son field goal was a 34-yard pass from Mark Tenne­ son to Tony Brooks. UM ended with seven first downs (one rushing), while EWU had 19 (15 rushing). It was EWU’s second last-second victory in-a-row, as they won 36-35 in 1990.

BSU 14 39 56 135 77-191 38 17 0 2-1

GAME NOTES: With their backs against the wall, the Grizzlies responded with one of their best complete games in recent history to improve to 2-1 in the Big Sky and go to 3-3 overall. Lebo passed for more than 300 yards for the second time, and Montanas defense held the Broncos to 191 total yards. The Griz tied a league record, forcing two BSU safeties. Baker had his second 100-yard receiving game, while Turk had a TD catch in his third game in-a-row. UM junior linebacker Chad Lembke had a game-high 14 tackles and a sack, and was named the Big Sky’s Defensive Player of the Week.

Oct. 19 MONTANA 47, WEBER STATE 38 (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) W eber S t a t e ................... 10 7 7 1 4 — 3 8 M on tan a .........................13 7 14 1 3 — 4 7 A tt.-1 0 ,8 0 4 5 5 , C lear

Oct. 12 MONTANA 21, BOISE STATE 7 (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) B o is e S t a t e ............................. 0 0 7 0 — 7 M o n t a n a .................................. 0 5 7 9 — 21 A tt.-1 4 ,1 7 0 71, B rok en C lo u d s TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY UM-2nd-7:39-Safety, Boise St. QB tackled in end zone (by Mirich), 2-0 UM UM-2nd-3:08-Duce, 45 Field Goal, 5-0 UM UM -3rd-8:ll-Monestime, 1 run (Duce kick), 12-0 UM BSU-3rd-l:13-Cornist, 1 run (Black kick), 12-7 UM UM-4th-4:49-Turk, 7 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 19-7 UM UM-4th-3:24-Safety, Int. Grounding by BSU QB in end zone, 21-7 UM


uSgt. B.F. Seabright, a graduate and former player at Stanford University, was coach in 1898. Students raised an initial $110 to help pay the coaches salary. The Grizzlies played the Cats twice in 1898, winning 6-0 in Bozeman and 16-0 in Missoula. In the contest in Missoula, Charles Allard from Ravalli kicked a field goal—the first ever kicked in the state of MontanaFootball was the only sport currently being played at UM. Jiggs Dahiberg’s Red Book


First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Rice: 13-41-0; BSU-Thomas: 16-72-0. P a s s in g UM-Lebo: 2 2 x 4 3 -2 = 3 1 2 /1 TD. BSU-Mladenich: 1 7 x 3 8 -0 = 1 3 5 /0 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Baker: 6-114-0; Monestime: 6-58-0; Turk: 5 -7 4 /1 TD. BSU- Thomas: 4-62-0; Stayner: 4-30-0.

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 11-20-0; Rice; 6-15-0. EWU-Mitchell: 3 7 -217/1 TD. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 9 x 2 6 -1 = 5 9 /0 TDs; Wilberger: 4 x 1 0 -0 = 1 3 4 /2 TDs. EWU-Tenneson: 12x24-0= 108 / 0 TDs R e ce iv in g UM-Baker: 4 -9 5 /1 TD; Turk: 1 -4 7 /1 TD. EWU-Owens: 4-35-0; Brooks: 3-51-0.


UM 16 41 32 312 85-344 44 22 2 1-0

TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY UM -lst-13:56-Baker, 31 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 7-0 UM UM-1st-11:41-Carlsen, 10 pass from Lebo (kick blocked), 13-0 UM W SU-lst-6:34-Pupunu, 6 pass from Martin (Schmidle kick), 13-7 UM WSU- lst-0:25-Schmidle, 22 Field Goal, 13-10 UM UM-2nd-5:54-Turk, 18 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 20-10 UM W SU-2nd-0:39-Pupunu, 4 pass from Martin (Schmidle kick), 20-17 UM UM-3rd-8:21-Rice, 37 run (Duce kick), 27-17 UM WSU-3rd-5:43-Mitchell, 17 run (Schmidle kick), 27-24 UM UM-3rd-5:03-Turk, 67 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 34-24 UM WSU-4th-14:56-Hall, 8 pass from Martin (Schmi­ dle kick), 34-31 UM WSU-4th-5:01-Mitchell, 27 run (Schmidle kick), 38-34 WSU UM-4th-4:25-Turk, 7 pass from Lebo (kick failed), 40-38 UM UM-4th-2:41-Rice, 30 run (Duce kick), 47-38 UM

1991 S ea so n Review

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

W SU 28 43 210 374 98-584 55 36 5 1-0

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Rice: 8 - 9 3 /2 TDs. WSU-Mitchell: 2 3 -1 3 6 /2 TDs; Richards: 9-61-0. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 2 9 x 5 3 -2 = 4 6 6 /5 TDs. WSU-Martin; 3 5 x 5 4 -5 = 3 7 7 /3 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Turk: 9 -1 9 8 /3 TDs; Cockhill: 8-103-0; Baker: 4 -7 1 /1 TD. WSU-Hall: 11-158/1 TD; Pupunu: 11-108/2 TDs. GAME NOTES: Offensive aficionados had their fill, as the teams combined for 1,002 yards and 12 touch­ downs. Lebo passed for a school record 466 yards, and tied a school record with 5 touchdown passes. Junior halfback Tony Rice rushed for 93 yards and a pair of TDs, while the Wildcats’ Geoff Mitchell had 136 yards and two scores via the ground game. Rice rushed for 89 yards, and had touchdown runs of 37 and 30 yards. WSU junior QB Jamie Martin passed for 377 yards, but was picked off five times. Turk had nine grabs for 198 yards and three TD grabs, his fourth straight game with a scoring catch. UM sophomore Bill Cockhill had 8 catches for 103 yards. A late interception by senior linebacker Paul LeProwse led to Montana’s all-impor­ tant final score. WSU’s seniors Dave Hall and Alfred Pupunu each had 11 receptions. Lebo was named the Big Sky’s co-Offensive Player of the Week, sharing the award with Nevada receiver Chris Singleton.

O ct 26 MONTANA 34@N. ARIZONA 27 (Walkup Sky Dome, Flagstaff, AZ) M o n ta n a ........................... 7 17 7 N. A r i z o n a ......................7 0 14 A t t - 7 ,4 0 3 7 0 , In d oors



TEAM STATS UM 25 22 52 466 75-518 53 29 2 1-1

3 —34 6 —27

TEAM -Q UAR TER-TIM E-PLAY UM -lst-ll:34-M onestim e, 11 run (Duce kick), 7-0 UM NAU-lst-7:04-McShan, 3 run (Belden kick), 7-7 UM-2nd-10:36-Turk, 68 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 14-7 UM UM-2nd-8:38-Cockhill, 14 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 21-7 UM UM-2nd-0:04-Duce, 43 Field Goal, 24-7 UM NAU-3rd-10:37-McKinzie, 2 run (Belden kick), 24-14 UM UM-3rd-3:55-Cockhill, 22 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 31-14 UM NAU-3rd-1:52-Robinson, 2 run (Belden kick), 31-21 UM NAU-4th- 13:27-Belden, 27 Field Goal, 31-24 UM UM-4th-9:56-Duce, 30 Field Goal, 34-24 UM NAU-4th-5:26-Belden, 37 Field Goal, 34-27 UM

UM 22 37 104 331 72-435 35 19 3 1-0

NAU 19 36 89 288 77-377 41 21 1 2-2

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 17-68/1 TD; Rice: 9-27-0. NAU-McKinzie: 17-4 6 /1 TD; Robinson: 11-29/1 TD. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 1 9 x 3 5 -3 = 3 3 1 /3 TDs. NAU-Bonds; 2 1 x 4 1 -1 = 2 8 8 /0 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Baker: 6-103-0; Turk: 4 -9 8 /1 TD; Carlsen: 3-62-0. NAU-Jeanisse: 4-79-0; Coppage: 3-47-0; Teitel: 4-41-0. GAME NOTES: Montana had a big first half to take a 24-7 lead, and then held off NAU for the win. Lebo threw for three TDs, two to Cockhill, and Baker had his third 100-yard receiving game. Turk had his fifth straight TD catch in a game. Rice had key, timeconsuming runs in the closing minutes. A late fumble recovery by Dorris iced the game for UM. Lembke led the “D” with a game-high 14 tackles, including three for losses, and forced a fumble. Duce connected on both of his field goal attempts, including a key 30-yarder in the fourth quarter.

Nov. 2 MONTANA 16, ©MONTANA STATE 9 (Reno H. Sales Stadium, Bozeman, MT) M o n t a n a .........................10 0 M on tan a S t ................... 3 6 A tt.- 1 3 ,9 4 7 12, C lear

6 0

0 — 16 0— 9

TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY UM -lst-ll:06-M onestim e, 5 run (Duce kick), 7-0 UM UM-lst-7:21-Duce, 26 Field Goal, 10-0 UM MSU-lst-2:07-Klinger, 24 Field Goal, 10-3 UM MSU-2nd-0:49-Fisher, 1 run (kick blocked by Mason), 10-9 UM UM-3rd-9:29-Rice, 1 run (kick failed), 16-9 UM

Griz Trivia “This season marked another memorial event The 1903 team was the first Univer­ sity football team to be sent out of the state to compete in an athletic contest The big event was the trip to Washington and Idaho. The trip was enjoyable (except UM lost both games); the scenery beautiful — the team stopped in Spokane and viewed the Spokane Falls.”Montana played at Idaho Nov. 23, and at Washington State Nov. 26. A training table was provided in a dorm, and sleeping quarters were in the gym. Jiggs Dahlberg’s Red Book



22 33 28 328 83-356 50 25 1 3-0


12 30 49 191 65-240 35 15 3 0-0

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Rice: 15-38/1 TD; Monestime: 9-33/1 TD. MSU-Ryan: 11-39-0; Svendsen: 4-21-0. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 25x50-1=328/0 TDs. MSU-Fisher: 15x35-3=191/0 TDs. R ece iv in g UM-Turk: 6-95-0; Cockhill; 7-66-0; Carlsen:

4-62-0. MSU-Eaton: 3-75-0; Bryan: 3-29-0.

GAME NOTES: In a game played in bitter cold, UM improved to 5-1 in the league, and the Grizzlies defeated the Bobcats for the sixth straight season. Lebo passed for more than 300 yards for the fourth game in-a-row (he had 328 yards). Cockhill had seven catches for 66 yards, while Turk had his five-game TD catch streak broken, although he did have a game-high of seven catches for 95 yards. Lembke had 11 tackles, a tackle for a loss, a sack and an interception, and was named the Big Sky’s Defensive Player of the Week for the second time in ’91. MSU’s Corey Widmer had a game-high 13 stops.

Nov. 9 NEVADA 35, MONTANA 28 (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) N evada M on tan a . . . . A tt.-1 2 ,6 4 4 4 2 , F og /S u n

7 0 7 14 0 14 1 4 0

0 0

7 -3 5 0 —28

TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY NV-lst-5:39-Reeves, 74 pass from Vargas (Schwendinger kick), 7-0 NV UM-2nd-9:38-Turk, 27 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 7-7 UM -2nd-l:18-Baker, 35 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 14-7 UM NV-3rd-13:10-Smith, 7 run (Schwendinger kick), 14-14 UM-3rd-10:23-Monestime, 1 run (Duce kick), 21-14 UM UM-3rd-5:18-Turk, 25 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 28-14 UM NV-4th-13:09-Holmes, 3 run (Schwendinger kick), 28-21 UM NV-4th-l:50-Holmes, 1 run (Schwendinger kick), 28-28 NV-2nd OT-Singleton, 30 pass from Vargas (Schwendinger kick), 35-28 NV

1991 S ea so n Review TEAM STATS

TEAM STATS UM 23 32 48 489 90-537 58 36 0 1-0

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

UM 20 18 -5 411 66-406 48 32 0 1-0

NV 23 35 109 445 85-554 50 28 2 1-1

Nov. 16 MONTANA 35 ©IDAHO 34 (Kibbie Dome, Moscow, ID) M o n t a n a ................. 0 I d a h o .........................14 A tt.-9 ,5 0 0 In d oors

7 7 14 7 0 7

UI 27 44 141 334 88-475 44 31 0 4-1

IN D IV IDU AL L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 6-20-0. UI-White: 2 1 -8 6 /2 TDs; Nussmeier: 15-45-0. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 3 2 x 4 8 -0 = 4 1 1 /5 TDs. UI-Nussmeier: 3 1 x 4 4 -0 = 3 3 4 /2 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Turk: 11-204/4 TDs; Cockhill: 7-71-0; Carlsen: 6-69-0. UI- Dunn: 13-134-0; Murphy: 4 - 8 7 /1 TD; Ala’Ilima Dailey: 6-75-0.

IN D IV ID U A L L E A D E R S R u sh in g UM-Monestime: 12-5 6 /1 TD; Rice: 7-38-0. NV-Holmes: 2 6 -9 9 /2 TDs; Smith: 6 - 2 2 /1TD. P a ssin g UM-Lebo: 3 6 x 5 8 -0 = 4 8 9 /3 TDs. NVVargas: 2 8 x 5 0 -2 = 4 4 5 /2 TDs. R e ce iv in g UM-Turk: 1 0 -168/2 TDs; Carlsen: 7-135-0; Cockhill: 8-102-0. NV-J. King: 8-156-0; Reeves: 7 -1 4 6 /1 TD; Singleton: 6 -7 9 / 1 TD. GAME NOTES: This one went down to the wire, Duce had a 28-yard field goal attempt for UM to win the game in regulation, but it was tipped with two seconds remaining, forcing an overtime. UM was given a second chance in the first OT when Ericson blocked a Nevada 28-yard field goal attempt. The Wolf Pack scored on its second possession of the second OT, as Chris Vargas hit Chris Singleton for a leaping, 30-yard TD catch. Lebo broke the single-game passing record he had set against Weber State, throwing for 489 yards and three TDs, two of which went to Turk, who had 10 receptions for 168 yards. Lebo also tied a school record with 36 completions. Vargas was named the leagues Offensive Player of the Week. The teams racked up 1,091 yards between them. Lembke and Dorris each had a game-high 15 tackles, while Pack linebacker Andre Howard had five sacks and was the Big Sky’s defensive POW.

First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Net Pass Yards Plays-Total Yards Pass Attempts Pass Completions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost

M on tan a Q B B rad Lebo p r e p a r es to u n lo a d a p a s s a s N e v a d a ’s A n d re H ow ard m o v e s in. Lebo se t a sin g le -g a m e p a s sin g record in th e g a m e for th e s e c o n d tim e in 1 9 9 1 w ith 4 8 9 yards.

GAME NOTES: It took a blocked PAT by sophomore Chuck Mason, but the Grizzlies ended the season on a winning note in their second consecutive overtime game. Montana had to overcome a 21-0 deficit, and Lebo and Turk both went out in style, as Montana won its fifth game in its last six. Lebo passed for 411 yards and tied a school record for the second time in 91 pass­ ing for 5 TDs. He also set a school single-season rec­ ord, passing for 3,384 yards. Turk tied a school record with four TD catches, giving him 13 TDs for the year, and had 11 grabs for 204 yards. Lebo hit Turk for a TD in the first play of the overtime, and Turk was the con­ ference’s offensive Player of the Week. The Vandals’ Kasey Dunn caught 13 passes for 134 yards, while QB Doug Nussmeier was 31 of 44 for 334 yards. Ericson had 11 tackles, while Lembke and senior cornerback Dethrick Slocum each had 10. UI senior linebacker Damon Taggart had 15 tackles, while junior end Jeff Robinson had three sacks. The win gave Montana a 7-4 record — its sixth straight winning season, and a 6-2 Big Sky mark, placing them second.

7 —35 6 —34

TEAM -Q UARTER-TIM E-PLAY UI-lst-6:24-Murphy, 25 pass from Nussmeier (Doyle kick), 7-0 UI UI-lst-2:05-White, 1 run (Doyle kick), 14-0 UI UI-2nd-4:32-Pearce, 3 run (Doyle kick), 21-0 UI UM-2nd-0:04-Turk, 6 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 21-7 UI UM-3rd-14:30-Turk, 69 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 21-14 UI UI-4th-10:41-White, 1 pass from Nussmeier (Doyle kick), 28-14 UI UM-4th-8:21-Baker, 23 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 28-21 UI UM-4th-2:54-Turk, 25 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 28-28 UM UM-OT-Turk, 25 pass from Lebo (Duce kick), 35-28 UM UI-OT-White, 1 run (kick blocked by Mason), 35-34 UM

G rizzly corn erb ack S ta c y E dw ards covers N ev a d a w id e receiver Bryan R e e v e s in th e P a ck s d o u b le o v e rtim e w in in M isso u la la s t s e a s o n .


■Weight Room-

^ ^ o n ta n a s new weight room was completed in the win­ ter of 1991 at a cost of an estimated $220,000, with all of the funding provided by private donors. It covers approximately 4,000 square feet. The Grizzly power weight room is divided into three separate areas of apparatus:

AREA 1: This phase of the weight room emphasizes free weight training. It has nine benches for bench press, and incline and decline bench pressing. It also has five squat and power racks, three lifting platforms, three squat and leap machines, a calf machine, four-way neck machines, and assorted benches.


AREA 2: Combines all the dumbbells and racks with pairs starting at 15 pounds to 100 pounds, and another set which ranges from 15 pounds to 120 pounds. It also has assorted benches, prone and decline for dumbbell exercis­ ing. It includes three overhead cable lat pulls, and a custom cross-over cable apparatus. Two dip bars, a T-bar, bent over incline and row machines are also located here. AREA 3: Eight Nautilus and eight universal m achines are located here. There are also hip sleds, leg press machines, sit-up boards and ladder combinations. Bruce Wallwork is the Grizzly strength coach.


■Grizzly Football H all of Fame(Inaugural, Inducted 1982) Name Ray Bauer Bob Beers Chris Bentz Harry Dahlberg Tom Davis Terry Dillon Paul Dornblaser Ted “Chief Illman Bill Kelly Larry Miller Bob O’Billovich Steve Okoniewski Milt Popovich Stan Renning Naseby Rhinehart Roy Robinson Bob Stansberry Russ Sweet Tuufuli Uperesa Earl “Click” Clark Leonard “Belgian” Daems Barry Darrow Waldo Ekegren Aldo Forte Dick Imer Tom Kingsford Bill Lazetich Eso Naranche


Years Played 1947-48-49 1967-68 1914-15-16-17 1916-17-19-20 1926-27-28 1960-61-62 1910-11-12-13 1923-24-25 1924-25-26 1969-70 1959-60-61 1970-71 1935-36-37 1956-57-58 1933-34-35 1967-68-69 1932-33 1924-25 1968-69 1914-15-16 1914-15 1970-71-72 1928-29-30 1936-37-38 1953-54 1948-49-50 1936-37-38 1939-40-41

Hometown Great Falls, MT Beaverton, OR Aberdeen, SD Butte, MT Butte, MT Hopkins, MN Chicago, IL Missoula, MT Missoula, MT Martinez, CA Butte, MT Silverdale, WA Butte, MT Great Falls, MT Milwaukee, WI Glasgow, MT Norfolk, NE Miles City, MT Ajea, HI Everett, WA Harlowton, MT Dillon, MT Butte, MT Chicago, IL Highland, IN Missoula, MT Anaconda, MT Butte, MT

Name A1 “Ribs” Robertson Ron Rosenberg Karl Stein Steve Sullivan Paul Szakash


Name Greg Anderson Arnie Blancas Steve Caputo Ed Chinske


Name Bob “Lefty” Byrne Jim Morrow

Pos. HB QB

Years Played 1914-15 1971-72-73-74 1969-70 1919-20-21 1935-36-37

Hometown Minnesota Whitefish, MT San Anselma, CA Butte, MT Chicago, IL

(Inducted 1983) Years Played 1974-75-76 1969-70 1969-70-71 1926-27-28

Hometown Chicago, IL Sumner, WA Seattle, WA Michigan City, IN

(Inducted 1984) Years Played 1949-50-51 1927-28-29

Hometown Billings, MT Moore, MT

(Inducted 1985) Name Henry Blastic Joe DeLuca Jim Nordstrom


Name Ken Campbell Doug Dasinger


Years Played 1933-34-35 1952-53-54 1969-70

Hometown Chicago, IL Weed, CA Auburn, WA

(Inducted 1986) Years Played 1949-50 1953-54-55

Hometown Great Falls Wolf Point


wrnrnrn Daems

D orn blaser




Renning D avis

Inaugural G rizzly F ootball Hall of F am e (1982)

© G rizzly Football 1983

Voice of the Grizzlies G rizzly ” Bill Schwanke returns as the voice of the Grizzlies for his 20th year as the playby-play announcer for University of M ontana sports. It will be K YLT Radios 22nd year of broad­ casting Grizzly athletics and serving as UM’s official station. H e has been the Director of C or­ porate Marketing and M edia Relations at UM the past two years. Som e of his responsibilities include securing corporate sponsors, TV and radio marketing, and tournam ent director of the Holiday Classic basketball tournam ent. H e had been the assistant director of the Grizzly Athletic Association the previous three years. He is a form er sports editor of T he Missoulian new spaper and a form er sports information director at UM. H e is a 1967 graduate of UM. Bill has been the M ontana Sportscaster of the Year six times. Former Grizzly assistant foot­ ball coach Jo e Yeager is in his sixth season as color com m entator for M ontana football. He coached at M ontana from 1982-84.

U niversity of M ontana M edia O u tlets (All A rea C od es 4 0 6 )

NEW SPAPERS N am e Missoulian Great Falls Tribune Billings Gazette Montana Standard Daily Interlake Independent Record Ravalli Republic Montana Kaimin

P hone 523-5240

A d d ress P.O. Box 8029.................................................... Missoula, MT 59807 P.O. 5468, Great Falls, MT 59403 .................. P.O. 36300, Billings, MT 59107 ...................... P.O. Box 627, Butte, MT 59701...................... P.O. Box 8, Kalispell, MT 59901 ..................... P.O. Box 4249, Helena, MT 59601................. P.O. Box 433, Hamilton, MT 59840................ University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812...

761-6666 657-1200 496-5500 755-7000 447-4000 363-3300 243-6541

Larry Frost Dave Tester Mark Peace Lou Antoine William Wixey Chris Byers Joe Wren Scott Fralick A1 Marks Brent Kline Gordon Treadway

P.O. Box 5268, Missoula, MT 59806.............. P.O. Box 4827, Missoula, MT 59806............... P.O. Box 857, Kalispell, MT 59901 ................. P.O. Box 1139, Great Falls, MT 59403............ P.O. Box 2989, Great Falls, MT 59403 .......... 2045 Overland, Billings, MT 59102 ................ P.O. 3500, Butte, MT 59701 ............................ 118 6th St. South, Great Falls, MT 59405....... P.O. 6125, Helena, MT 59604......................... P.O. Box 3118, Butte, MT 59701 ..................... P.O. Box 2557, Billings, MT 59103 .................

721-2063 543-7106 257-1643 453-4377 453-2433 656-8558 782-0444 761-8816 443-5050 494-7603 252-5611

Allen Kessler Mick Holien Rod Harsell Chad Perrish Sports Director Bob Borino

P.O. Box 2277, Missoula, MT 59806 ............... P.O. Box 5023, Missoula, MT 59806 .............. P.O. Box 7279, Missoula, MT 59807............... P.O. Box 4106, Missoula, MT 59806............... University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812... 725 Strand Ave., Missoula, MT 59801............

728-5000 721-1290 728-9300 728-1450 243-4931 542-1025

Warren Wintrode

P.O. Box 5810, Helena, MT 59604.................


C ontact Bob Meseroll Kim Briggeman George Geise Warren Rogers Hud Willse Gene Speelman Roy Pace Drake Kiewit Sports Editor




Dave Guffey Sports


D a v e is in his 15th season as sports information director. His responsibilities include publications, press releases and promotions, game and cumulative statistics and research. He has won 17 district and national awards for his football and basketball media guides and programs. His 1989 UM foot­ ball yearbook cover was selected the best in the nation. He served as media coordinator for the Mon­ tana Special Olympics in 1979 and 1980, and the United States Association for Blind Athletes 7th Annual National Championships in 1983. He is a member of the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). He is a 1975 graduate of Fresno State and received a B.A. in Journalism. Dave and his wife, Mea Andrews, have a 10-year-old son, Patrick, and a seven-year-old son, Matthew.


Rafting is one of m any exciting and fun outdoor activities available to everyone in Missoula. The Clark Fork River runs right through town, and next to the UM campus, while the Blackfoot River is just minutes away. There are num erous areas to fish and hunt located just a few miles away.

Two excellent ski areas, Marshall and Snow Bowl, are both â–ş minutes away from town. Missoula Snow Bowl provides terrain to challenge the most intrepid skier, while Marshall Ski Area of­ fers night skiing in addition to its regular day activities.

A Missoula, a friendly community of 68,000, is located near four wilderness areas. It is three hours away to spectacular Glacier National Park. Above is a peak located in Glacier. Despite its location in the Rocky Mountains, Missoula has mild winters and m oderate sum m er tem peratures.


at Washington S tate...............................

.3:00 p.m.

Sept. 12


1:35 p.m.

Sept. 19

at Kansas S ta te ........................................... , .5:30 p.m.

Sept. 26

E. WASHINGTON* (Homecoming)

12:05 p.m.

Oct. 3

at Boise S tate*.................................................. 6:05 p.m.

Oct. 10

at Weber State*

Oct. 17


1:35 p.m.

Oct. 24 Oct. 31

MONTANA ST.* (92nd M e e tin g ) OPEN

1:35 p.m.

Nov. 7


12:05 p.m.

Nov. 14


12:05 p.m.

Nov. 21

at Idaho S tate *.................................................. 6:35 p.m.


6:05 p.m.



*Big Sky Conference Game

University of Montana

ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2014

Intercollegiate Athletics


1992 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department

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