1996 Football Media Guide

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The University of

Montana M I S S O U L A




1996 DATE





Sept. 7

@Oregon State

2:00 p.m.

SEPT. 14


1:35 p.m.

Sept. 21 Sept. 28

OPEN @ Sacram ento State*

7:05 p.m .

OCT. 5 OCT. 12


1:35 p.m. 1:35 p.m.

Oct. 19

@Eastem Washington* (KPAX-TV) NORTHERN ARIZONA* (Prime Sports-TV) @Cal State-Northridge* PORTLAND STATE* (Prime Sports-TV) @Weber State* MONTANA STATE* (KPAX-TV) (96th meeting)

2:05 p.m.

OCT. 2 6 Nov. 2

NOV. 9 Nov. 16

NOV. 2 3


12:35 p.m. 6:05 p.m.

12:35 p.m. 12:05 p.m .

12:05 p.m.

$Subject to change




T his 199 6 Football Yearbook was prepared by Dave Guffey for th e co n v en ien ce of print and electronic m edia during th e '9 6 football se aso n . P erm issio n is g ra n te d to q u o te in w h o le o r in p a r t any m aterial in this yearbook. P h o to g ra p h s or additional in fo rm a足 tion will be se n t u p o n req u est. All req u e sts for p ress p asses should be m ad e a t least o n e w e e k in a d v a n c e . C o m p lete statistics a re p ro v id ed at ea ch Grizzly h o m e gam e. T h ey in足 clude team and individual final stats, halftime "flash stats," quar足 terly play-by-play, defensive statistics, an d drive c h a rts. (FAX O N D E M A N D : The w eekly Griz footb a ll press release is available on InfoC onnection's Faxback system at 770-399-3066; Big S k y Conference passcode 272#; Montana release file 1601#. The most recent game stats can be obtained at 1602#.)

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1996 S ch ed u le...............................................................Inside front cover UM Quick F acts..............................................................................................1 The University of Montana ..................................... 2 Academics at U M .................................................. 3 President Dennison/Athletic Director Hogan ........... 4 UM A dm inistration ..................................................... 5-6 Athletic Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Head Coach Mick D ennehy........................................... 8 Assistant C oaches.................................................................. 9 -13 Coaches Through the Y ears............................................ 14 1996 O utlook................................................................ 16-18 All-American & Honors C andidates................................................2 0 -2 7 Grizzly Weight Room 28 The 1996 Grizzlies...............................................................................3 0 -3 8 New Grizzlies................................................................. 40-41 1996 Alphabetical & Numerical R osters ...... 4 2 -4 4 1995 Grizzly Statistics.........................................................................4 5 -4 6 O p p o n e n ts.......................................................................... 48-51 Big Sky Conference ......................................................... 52 The Grizzly Record B o o k ................................................................... 5 4 -5 5 Career L eaders 56 Single-Season L e a d e rs 57 Grizzly All-Americans.................................................. 58 Grizzly 1st Team All-Big Sky Selections ............................................... 6 0 Grizzly Award W inners........................................................................61 -6 2 1995 Season R eview .................................................... 63-71 All Opponents' Series R ecord ................... 71 Washington-Grizzly S tad iu m 72 Season-by-Season Results/H ead C o a ch e s.............. 74 -7 9 C urrent/Form er Grizzly P ro s...................................... 80 Grizzly Football L etterm en ............................... 8 2 -8 5 1995 National Champions! ........................................... 8 6-87 Griz Voice/Radio Network/Media O u tle ts................... 88

More than 3,000 Grizzly fans and the UM marching band trav足 elled the 2,000-plus miles to Huntington, W. Va., for Montana's 22-20 national championship victory over Marshall.

Quick Facts (4 0 6 ) Area C ode in M ontana L o c a tio n ........................ Missoula, Montana 59812 (Pop. 57,000) E n r o llm e n t................................................................................ 1 1 ,7 5 3 P r e s id e n t.................................... Dr. George Dennison, 243-2311 S ta d iu m Washington-Grizzly (18,845, Natural grass) P ress B ox P h o n e ..................... ................... .............2 4 3 -4 1 6 7 N ic k n a m e ............... Grizzlies C o lo r s .......................................... ........... Copper, Silver & Gold A th letic D ir e c to r .................................. Wayne Hogan, 243-5331 A sso c ia te A th letic D irector Marie Hibbard, 243-5370 NCAA Faculty R e p ................................... Dr. James Lopach, 243-4829 Head Football C oach .............................. MickDennehy,243-2969 Football S ta ff .................................................... Jerome Souers, Brent Pease, Bruce Read, Phil Ryan, Kraig Paulson, David Reeves

CREDITS W riting/Editing: Dave Guffey, Sports Information Director Layout/D esign/Typesetting: Renee Valley, Admin. Asst., Sports Information Photography: Most photos by: Todd Goodrich, UM Photographer. Also

contributing: Howard Skaggs, Geoffrey Sutton, Derek Pruitt Front Coven Artist Neal Wiegert of UM Printing depicts returnees Mike

Agee, (60), Blaine McElmurry, (34), Mike Bouchee, (42), Andrew Larson, (47), and Mike Erhardt, (8), from Montana's 1995 national championship team, as well as the championship trophy and ring. Inside Front Cover: Aerial view of UM Campus (Photo by Doug O'Looney) Inside Back Cover: Some of Montana's beauty. (Photos courtesy of UM Printing Services) Back Cover: Montana's 1994 Homecoming game vs. Northern Arizona (Before the stadium expansion). (Photo by Ray Ozmon) Printing: UM Printing Services


Football Phone ............................................................. 243-2969/2968 Athletic Trainer.................................. DennisMurphy,243-6362 Equipment M anager................ . Steve Hackney, 243-4351 Sports Information Director................... Dave Guffey, 243-6899 (W) 728-1135 (H) 243-6859 (FAX) Assistant S ID ................................................ Linda McCarthy, 243-5414 Conference ......................... Big Sky, (801) 392-1978 (FAX-392-5568) Commissioner ................................................................ . Doug Fullerton Information Director ..................................................... Ron Loghry


U n iversity H all

T h e University of Montana was the state’s first college. Chartered on February 17, 1893, the school opened its doors to its first 50 students in what is now called University Hall. More than 100 years later, The University of Montana is the center of liberal arts education in the state. The school has gone through numerous changes over the years. In 1913 the school was renamed the State University of Montana, and in 1935, it was renamed Montana State Univer­ sity. It wasn’t until 1965 that the institution recaptured its original name, The University of Montana. In 1988 Western Montana College in Dillon became part of UM, and in 1994, the Montana Board of Regents approved a restructuring plan to create two universities within the Montana University System. Today The University of M ontana encom passes three other campuses: Western Montana College in Dillon, Montana Tech in Butte, and Helena College of Technology in Helena. Missoula’s Vo-Tech is now The University of Montana College of Technology. The University of Montana provides high-quality, well-rounded education to students and a wide range of services to Montanans. UM is a major source of research, continuing education, eco­ nomic development, fine arts and entertainment, and serves as a driving force in strengthening M ontana’s ties with countries throughout the world. UM’s Missoula campus is comprised of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School, the Davidson Honors Col­ lege, the College of Technology, and seven professional schools: business administration, education, fine arts, forestry, journal­ ism, law, and pharmacy and allied health sciences. The University of Montana also offers two-year programs in business, trades and industry, and technical and health occupations. The campus continues to grow, and last year’s enrollment of 11,753 students broke all previous records. The student body is 51 percent female and 49 percent male. Last year Montana enrolled 390 foreign students from 57 countries. Located at the base of Mount Sentinel and on the bank of the Clark Fork River, the 200-acre campus is one of the most beautiful in the nation. Campus life offers a variety of choices for the UM student.

Dormitory living houses males and females with various options on campus. Elrod Hall is the male dorm; Turner Hall is the female dorm; and Aber, Craig, Duniway, Jesse, Miller, and Knowles halls are co-ed. Pantzer Hall, which provides non-co-educational suites, was completed in 1995. Family housing can be found just three blocks south of the main campus in Craighead, Elliott Village, and Sisson Hall. In addition, Toole Village, for families, is scheduled to open in August of 1996. Students interested in the Greek life have four sororities and 10 fraternities from which to choose. The University of Montana has a nine-hole golf course, located just south of the main campus. The Grizzly Pool is a sevenlane, 25-yard indoor swimming pool which features numerous classes and programs. The recreation annex, adjacent to Adams Field House, features two full-length basketball courts, seven racquetball courts, a climbing wall, a weight room, and equipment checkout. The Outdoor Program provides opportunities for the campus community to participate in recreational activities such as rafting, kayaking, climbing, hiking, backpacking and skiing. UM owns and operates Lubrecht Forest, a 28,000-acre site used for teaching and research. Located approximately 30 miles northwest of Missoula, Lubrecht Forest provides the opportunity for students to learn tree thinning and harvesting techniques in addition to forest and ecological projects. The Flathead Lake Biological Research Station, located at Yellow Bay on the east side of the lake, is a year-round research facility and academic center for the ecological sciences. The freshwater research laboratory encompasses 80 acres. UM ranks fourth among U.S. public universities with 28 Rhodes Scholars. UM also has had 31 International Fulbright Scholars, eight Truman Scholars, and five Goldwater Scholars. More than $22 million was received for research in 1994-95. Journalism graduates have won seven Pultizer Prizes, and the UM Advertising Club won the national title in 1992. The Alumni Association, the UM Foundation, and the Grizzly Athletic Association provide support for the institution through alumni, friends, private gifts, and athletic fans.


ACADEMICS AT UM ADD UP TO SUCCESS back Dave Dickenson, free safety Blaine McElmurry, and wide receiver Matt Wells were all named GTE Aca­ demic All-Americans. The GTE team requires a mini­ mum 3.2 grade point aver­ age (on a 4.0 scale). Mon­ tana tied Nebraska for the most players on the Division 1 team. Branen maintains a per­ fect 4.0 GPA in Pre-Physi­ cal Therapy; Dickenson had a 3.84 GPA in Molecular Biology/Pre-Med; McElmurry has a 3 .57 in Com puter Science; and Wells was a 3.37 student in Business Administration. C harlotte Morrison, a Philosophy major Dickenson and Wells from Whitefish, Montana, was UM's 28th were both GTE Academic Rhodes Scholar. All-American picks last year. Last season 21 Montana football players were named to the All-Big Sky Conference’s academic team, which requires a 3.0 GPA or above. The Grizzly football team has ranked first or second in number of all­ league academic team members for 10 straight years and has had the most selections on six occasions in that time span. Last year Dickenson was awarded an NCAA postgraduate scholar­ ship, and Montana has had four athletes so-honored in the last five years. In 1988, the Grizzlies also had an unprecedented four players named to the Division I first or second Academic All-American team. Those players were halfback John Huestis, linebacker Mike McGowan, tight end Brad Salonen, and defensive tackle Rick Sullivan.

i he University of Montana has had 28 Rhodes Scholars. Charlotte

Morrison is UM’s fifth Rhodes Scholar winner in the last eight years. UM ranks 15th of all American colleges and universities in the number of Rhodes Scholars it has produced, fourth among public universities. Students are chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, energy, community and political involvement, and character. The Flathead Lake Biological Station, located about 80 miles north of Missoula, is the oldest biological station west of the Mississippi. The UM research station is one of the finest facilities in the country for ecological studies and freshwater research. KUFM, a non-commercial, public radio station operated by the Telecommunications Center reaches an estimated 400,000 Montan­ ans in central and western Montana. School of Education graduates compete very successfully for jobs. A high percentage of those with bachelor's degrees and graduate degrees find teaching, administrative and other education-related positions in Montana and many other states. The Department of Social Work is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, making UM the only Montana public school that prepares its graduates to apply for advanced standing in graduate schools of social work. The Department of Drama/Dance has a professional theater group -- the Montana Repertory Theatre -- based on campus. The Montana Repertory Theatre, which tours throughout the Northwest, is the only touring professional actors equity company between Minneapolis and Seattle. Eight University of Montana students have received Truman Schol­ arships. The national scholarship is given annually to students commit­ ted to a government career who have superior academic ability and leadership potential. The Department of Anthropology has the largest collection of artifacts and records of prehistory in the region. The School of Business is the only business school in Montana to be accredited by the American Assembly* of Collegiate Schools of Business at the graduate level. Year in, year out, a high percentage of the school's accounting graduates pass the Certified Public Accountant Exam on their first try. The Department of Geology has a strong, nation­ ally known program in traditional geology and envi­ ronmental geoscience. Because the solution to most geologic problems involves a combination of field and laboratory study, the department offers a wide range of field and laboratory courses and encourages a broad, multi-disciplinary program of study. The Department of Geography has one of the Northwest's best cartography laboratories, where students learn to make maps and interpret aerial photography. The Department of Health and Human Perfor­ mance is one of a handful in the country that prepares students to be athletic trainers. UM's graduate creative writing program, started in 1919 by H.G. Merriam, is the second oldest program of its kind in the country. Well-known for graduates like Montana writer and poet James Welch, the program has flourished to the point that in 1995 it received 300 applications for 20 openings. Montana has had three or more Division I, AllFormer Griz quarterback Dave Dickenson received the 1994 P resident’s Award. Dickenson is District VII (which includes Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, pictured here with head football coach Mick Dennehy. Running back Josh Branen, track and Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South cross country runner Jason Hamma, and soccer player Courtney Mathieson received President’s Dakota, Wyoming, Alberta, and Saskatchewan) aca­ Awards in 1996. One-hundred-and-four athletes, including 26 football players, qualified to demic selections seven of the past eight years. attend last year’s fourth annual Robert O. Lindsay Scholar-Athlete Luncheon, which requires Last season running back Josh Branen, quarter­ a 3.0 GPA or above.


G eorg e ( 3 e o r g e Dennison became the 16th president of The University of Montana on August 15, 1990. During his tenure at Montana, he has been very supportive of athletics. He serves on the NCAA Council and chaired the Big Sky Conference Presidents’ Council in 1 9 9 2 -9 3 . D ennison cam e to M ontana from K alam azoo, Mich., w here he served as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at W estern Michigan University from 1 9 8 7 -9 0 . Before that, Dennison spent 18 years at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He started as a history professor, then served in num erous other positions there including th e associate dean of both the College of Arts, H um anities, and Social Sciences, and the International Developm ent Studies graduate program. He served as academic vice president and the director of admissions and records. Dennison spent one year each at the University of Arkansas and the University of W ash in g to n . A historian by trade, Dennison received his bachelor’s degree with high honors in history from The University of Montana in 1962. H e received his m aster’s degree from UM in 1963 before earning his doctorate in history from the University of W ashington in 1967. He has produced num erous publications and professional presentations in both history and higher ed u catio n . In addition, Dennison serves on several boards. He was recently nam ed to the NCAA Division I Board of Directors Transition Team to guide restructuring. Dennison also serves as chair of the Governor’s Council on Community Services, the International H eart Institute of M ontana, the Community Medical C enter Board of Directors, the Cam pus Com pact Executive C om m ittee, the M aureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, and the Plum Creek Tim ber C om pany Board of D irecto rs. George and his wife, Jane, have two children. Their son, Rick, played college football at Colorado State and then joined the Denver Broncos in 1982. H e played linebacker for Denver for nine years and now serves as Assistant Offensive Coordinator for the Broncos. Their son, Robert, teaches mathematics and computer programming in Tecumsah, Kan., just outside of Topeka, and coaches football, wrestling, and track. The Dennisons have four grandchildren.

W ayne \A /a y n e H ogan was nam ed th e 14th athletic director at T he University of Montana and began his duties November 1, 1995. Under his guidance, UM Athletics has continued its successful tradition, and the Grizzly football team captured its first national cham pionship just 46 days after H ogan’s arrival. The 40-year-old Florida native cam e to M ontana after serving for 14 years in various positions at Florida State University. In his final stint as interim athletic director there, the Seminoles won their first national cham pionship in football, securing that honor with an Orange Bowl victory on January 1, 1994. Hogan brings a diverse background in communications, media and public relations, as well as prom otions and m arketing skills. H e began his career in athletics as a broadcaster and public relations chief for a pair of AAA baseball teams. After receiving his bachelor's degree in communications in 1979, he spent one year with the Houston Astros’ affiliate in Charleston, W. Va., and a year with the Los Angeles D odgers’ farm team in Albuquerque, N.M. Hogan began his career in collegiate athletics as the assistant sports information director at the University of New Mexico (1980-82). H e returned to FSU as the sports information director in 1982 and served in that position for 10 years. H e was prom oted to assistant athletic director, then associate athletic director, and served as interim athletic director between 1993 and 1995. During that time the Seminoles became a perennial powerhouse in football, joined the Atlantic Coast Conference, and made significant strides in gender equity and facilities improvements. Hogan was responsible for all external affairs at FSU by 1994. Hogan was selected from a pool of 106 applicants to head the Grizzly program. He is the son ofPatrick Hogan, a former sports information director and college administrator at Florida State. Hogan and his wife, Dawn, have three children: Lindsay (14), Kelly (12) and J.P. (5).


Dave Guffey

Marie Hibbard

Sports Information Director

A sso

D a v e Guffey is in his 19th year as Montana’s Sports Information Director. His primary sports are football and men’s basket­ ball. Guffey has won 20 district and national awards for his football and basketball guides, game pro­ grams, and feature writing. He has served as Media Coordinator for numer­ ous Big Sky Conference events, including men's postseason basketball tournaments and league track championships. In 1993 he was the co-media coordinator of the NCAA Women’s Basketball Regional and will serve in that capacity for the 1997 Women's Basketball Regional, hosted by UM. He has also been the Media Coordinator for UM’s annual men’s basketball holiday tournament since its inception in 1980. He has been a member of Co-SIDA since 1979 and served on numerous committees. He is currently a member of the Special Awards Committee. Dave was the Media Coordinator for the Montana Special Olympics in 1979 and 1980 and served in the same capacity for the U.S. Association for Blind Athletes National Championships in 1983. He also serves on the Grizzly Sports Hall of Fame committee and assists in the evaluation and development of UM's radio and television rights packages. Prior to his arrival at UM in 1978, he was a sports writer in Fresno, Calif. A 1975 graduate of Fresno State, he received his B.A. in journalism and was a student assistant in the FSU sports information office from 1974-78. Dave and his wife, Mea Andrews, have two sons: Patrick (14) and Matthew (11).

M a r i e Hibbard was named The University of Montana Associate Athletic Director on February 2, 1996, replacing Kathy Noble, who left UM to be­ come the Assistant Commissioner/Compliance of the Big Sky Conference. Hibbard served as Montana’s first-ever coordina­ tor of Athletic Academic Services for the last four years. During that time she developed and imple­ mented the inaugural Academic Services program for approximately 260 student athletes from UM’s 14 sports programs. She was responsible for helping UM student athletes in the areas of weekly tracking of academic progress, advising of course curriculum, tutoring, referral to campus support services, overseeing completion of General Education Requirements, and upholding NCAA compliance regulations. She currently chairs UM's Student-Athlete Advisory Board. In addition, Hibbard served as the assistant women’s tennis coach from 1993 to 1995 and was a Freshman Seminar instructor from 1992-96. Prior to her arrival at UM in 1992, Hibbard was a faculty member at Washington State University, serving as an academic counselor. Hibbard received her bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Kansas in 1988, graduating with honors and earned a master’s degree in social psychology from Kansas in 1990, maintaining a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. She was a four-year letter winner in tennis at Kansas and was the recipient of the Outstanding Women’s Student-Athlete Award at KU in 1986, 1987 and 1988. Hibbard was a two-time Academic All-American, in 1987 and 1988, and was awarded an NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship in 1988. She is married to Mark Porter.



Bill Schwanke

Gary Hughes

A s s is ta n t A.D., External Affairs

A s s is ta n t A.D., Internal Affairs ( 3 a r y Hughes, the veteran of Montana’s ath­ letic department, is in his 31st year at UM. He was named Athletic Ticket Manager in 1966 and was appointed Manager of Athletics Facilities and Rev­ enue in 1978. He was recently promoted to Assistant Athletic Director, Internal Affairs. Hughes oversees athletic services, which include ticketing, food and beverage, sports venue schedul­ ing, maintenance and event operations. He served as the interim associate AD in both 1990 and 1995. He represented athletics during the Washington-Grizzly Stadium expansion in 1995 and is serving in the same capacity for the proposed Adams Field House renovation project. Hughes represented UM at the 100th Olympic Games, assisting in venue management at the Atlanta World Congress Center. A native of Ronan, Hughes received his Associate degree in accounting from Missoula Business College in 1962. He gained experience in hotel accounting and auditing before assuming his responsibilities at UM. Gary and his wife, Judy, have six children: Christian Ann, Dustin, Lance, Christopher, Sara, and Cary.

.B i n Schwanke is in his fourth year as assistant athletic director at UM. His duties include the identi­ fication and solicitation of potential corporate spon­ sors, overseeing the Grizzly Athletic Association, evaluation and development of radio-television rights contracts, reorganization of the Grizzly letter winners club, and chairing both the Grizzly Sports Hall of Fame Committee and UM’s annual men’s basketball tournament committee. He was the assistant director of the Grizzly Athletic Association at UM from 1988-91 and served as Montana’s sports information director from 1967-69. He was the sports editor at The Missoulian from 1969-71. “Grizzly Bill” was the “voice” of Montana football and men’s basketball for 21 years, before retiring from those duties in 1993. He was the Montana Sportscaster of the Year six times. Schwanke is a 1967 graduate of Montana, earning a B.A. degree in Journalism. He received Montana’s Alumni Award on Centennial Charter Day - Feb. 18, 1993. Bill and his wife, Lynn, have four children: Amber, Myka, Corbin, and Genna.

A1 Kempfert

James Lopach

Director, A th letic D e v e lo p m e n t

Faculty A th le ti c R e p r e s e n ta tiv e c/ames Lopach was named Montana’s Fac­ ulty Athletic Representative in September of 1995, replacing Bob Lindsay, who served in that post for seven years. Dr. Lopach has been a faculty member in the UM political science department since 1973. He has also served as UM’s associate provost, and he has served as acting director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center. Lopach was the associate dean of the Col­ lege of Arts and Sciences and special assistant to the president for the semester conversion project. He received his degree in philosophy and English from Carroll College in 1964.He has twoMaster’s degrees from Notre Dame: one in American studies and one inEnglish-education. He received his Ph.D. from Notre Dame in American Government & Public Law in 1973. A native of Great Falls, Jim has two children: Christine and Paul, who is a third-year law student at UM.

A i Kempfert is in his 19th year as Executive Director of the Grizzly Athletic Association, formerly known as the Century Club. In 1977 Century Club raised approximately $70,000 for intercollegiate athletics. Last year the G.A.A. generated over $800,000 in private support with emphasis primarily on athletic schlarships; however, the G.A.A. assists in all phases of athletic department operations. Kempfert came to UM from California Lutheran University where he had served as the Director of Alumni/Parent Relations from 1971-77. He served in the U.S. Army from 1968-71 and in Vietnam from 1969-70, receiving many commendations. He is an alumnus of CLU where he was a three-sport letterman and the Outstanding Senior Athlete in 1967. Al has three children: Kim, Matthew, and David. Matt was the starting center on the Grizzly basketball team the 1994-95 season, and David is the starting center on the Grizzly football team.



Chuck Maes

A ssistant Sports Information Director

A s s i s t a n t A.D., Business Affairs ( S huck joined the Grizzly athletic depart­ ment in June of 1988. He was recently pro­ m oted to assistant athletic director. For the previous eight years he was the assistant to the athletic director, business affairs. He oversees all business affairs of the Uni­ versity of M ontana athletic departm ent and coordinates all Grizzly football travel logistics, and all post-season travel for all of UM's sports. He is a 1985 graduate of UM with a B.A. degree in business adminis­ tration, graduating with degrees in accounting and management. He came to work at Montana immediately after graduation from his alma mater as an accountant. Maes graduated from Anaconda High School in 1978 and was a track letterman as a prep. Chuck and his wife, Brenda, have a three-year-old daughter, Lauren, and are expecting a child in August of 1996.

L i n d a McCarthy is in her eighth year as the assistant SID at UM. Her primary sports are women’s basketball, volleyball, and soccer, plus men's and women's cross country and track and field. McCarthy is a 1991 UM graduate, receiving her B.A. degree in communication with an em­ phasis in journalism. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Public Administration. She has served as the Media Coordinator for several Big Sky Conference and NCAA Championship events. She will serve as Media Coordinator for the 1997 NCAA Women's Basketball West Regional. McCarthy has also staffed several USA Track & Field events. She served on the press box crew for the U.S. Olympic trials last June. McCarthy is a certified ASA softball umpire for the Missoula Softball Association. She also serves on the CoSIDA Allied Organizations committee.

Dennis Murphy

Chris Fry

A th le tic Trainer

A s s is ta n t A th le tic Trainer d^hris Fry begins her seventh season as the Assistant Athletic Trainer at The Univer­ sity of Montana. A 1989 graduate of Montana, Fry re­ ceived her B.S. degree in athletic training. She earned a M aster's degree in healthprogram management with an em­ phasis in psychology from UM in 1991. Fry was certified by the National Athletic Train­ ers Association in May of 1989. Fry is primarily responsible for men's basketball, plus she assists in the athetlic treatment of all other sports, as well. She teaches first aid and athletic training courses. She teaches E.M.T. basis courses for Missoula Emergency Services. The former Chris Kelly was a two-time all-conference and all-district basketball player at Carroll College. She was a six-time Frontier Conference Athlete of the Week, and she was Carroll's MVP as a freshman in 1983-84. A native of Great Falls, Fry is a 1983 Great Falls High graduate. She is married to Ken Fry, and they have a five-year-old son, Brandon.

D e n n i s Murphy is in his 15th year as head athletic trainer at UM. He graduated from Montana in 1975 with a B.S. degree in health and physical education with a specialization in Athletic Training and Adap­ tive Physical Education. In June 1975 he was certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association. In August 1978 he was named assistant athletic trainer and lecturer at the Department of Athletics at the University of Arizona. In Septem ber 1980 he accepted the position of visiting assistant professor at UM. Murphy, who has been a certified trainer for 20 years, has taught numerous training-related classes, has been a guest speaker at several sports clinics, and has written articles for training publica­ tions.

Steve Hackney

Rob Stack

Equipm ent Manager

A ssistant Equipment M anager

S t e v e Hackney is in his 16th season as the Grizzly equipment m anager. He oversees all facets of the athletic equip­ ment room operation and is involved in the upkeep of Dahlberg Arena, WashingtonGrizzly Stadium, Dornblaser Track & Field and the UM South Campus soccer field, as well as all practice facilities. Steve is a native of Hamilton and graduated from The University of Montana in 1972. He received his B.S. degree in health and physical education, with an emphasis in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy. Hackney earned his Master's degree in health and physical education in 1974 from Indiana State. He served three years in the Navy from 1962-65 and was a Spanish linguist. Steve and his wife, Larae, have a son Tyler, 14, and a daughter, Meghan, 11.

JF?ob Stack is in his seventh year as the assistant equipment manager at UM. He is responsible for uniform and equipm ent maintenance and distribution, painting of all practice and game fields, and competi­ tion preparation. Stack came to Montana as a football player in 1984, playing linebacker for the Grizzlies under coach Larry Donovan. After one season, he began working in the equipment room under Steve Hackney and has been there ever since. Stack was a memberof the Montana Army National Guard 1 9 8 7 -9 6 . A native of Whitehall, Mont., Stack was a two-time all-state player for the Trojan football team. He was also a sprinter for the WHS track & field team. Stack is currently finishing his B.A. degree in history and art education. Rob and his wife, Malessa, have a five-year-old daughter named Kaela.



Linda C ard in al

M e lo d e e W olf

R e n e e V alley

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e As st . Grizzly Fo ot bal l

R ob M ath n er

Adm in istra tiv e Asst, to t he A t h l e t i c D ir ec to r

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s st . Sports Information

Compliance Coordinator

P a tty D w ig h t

S h a u n S c h n e ite r

L oren Flynn

R ae P r o c to r

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s st . B u s i n e s s Af fair s

Fi nanci al A id Clerk

A s s i s t a n t M an a g e r Athletic Services

Ticket Office Administrative Asst.



J a n e Ha

B r u c e W allw ork

P en n y B rain ard

T ina D a n ie ls o n

Ticket Clerk

Strength & C o n d i t i o n i n g C oa ch

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s st . Grizzly A t h l e t i c As s o c .

Secretary Grizzly A t h l e t i c As s oc .

T orrey C en is

Eric S a n d e r s

Todd G o o d r ic h

Dir ector o f Major Gifts

J o h n M ood y

Coordinator of Athletic Academic Services

University Photographer

Sports Information Intern


HEAD COACH MICK DENNEHY (University of M ontana, 1973) 1 st Y ear at M ontana TVfichael “Mick” Dennehy was named the 31st head football coach at The University of Montana by Grizzly Athletic Director Wayne Hogan Friday, April 19, 1996. Dennehy replaced Don Read who was the head mentor from 1986-95. Dennehy, 46, has 23 years of coaching experience, including nine at the collegiate level. He came to UM from Western Montana College, where he was the head coach from 1988-90. “As an alum, this appointment has special meaning to me,” Dennehy said. “I have always had a special feeling about The University of Montana and what it means to be a Griz. To be able to represent the University as its head football coach has always been a goal, and I am both honored and humbled by this opportunity. “It was a very emotional time for me,” Dennehy said. “On one hand, one of the greatest gentlemen in all of college football left, which saddened all of us. On the other hand, I’m very happy I had an office next to his for the last five years and had the privilege to become his friend. “The one thing I feel very good about is that we have maintained total continuity in Montana’s football pro­ gram,” Dennehy said. “I think that when you look at the kids and ask what is important to them, they would say the same thing.” Dennehy has been Montana’s offensive coordinator and offensive line coach since 1991. Dur­ ing that five-year span the Grizzlies have gone 47-16 (.746), won two Big Sky Conference champ­ ionships (1993 and 1995), and advanced to the I-AA playoffs the last three straight seasons. Montana has excelled under Dennehy’s guidance as offensive coordinator. The Grizzlies were ranked first in the nation in total offense and passing offense last season, averaging 512.5 and 408.2 yards a game, respectively. The Grizzlies also led Division I-AA in scoring last year with 42.5 points a game. Mick has also been instrumental in developing UM’s outstanding offensive line. Last season the Grizzly O-line had three first team All-Big Sky Conference selections and an honorable mention pick. Dennehy also oversaw the development of UM All-American tackle Scott Gragg, who now plays for the New York Giants. He has coached five All-Americans in his tenure as UM’s O-line coach: Mike Agee, David Kempfert, and Eric Simonson were so-honored last season, while Gragg (1993 and 1994) and center Chad Germer (1991) were also All-Americans. The Grizzlies have been ranked among the top teams in the nation in total offense and passing yards the last five seasons with Dennehy as their offensive coordinator. “I had the opportunity to visit with your offensive coordinator at the completion of last year and saw their game (Montana’s 22-20 win at Marshall in the I-AA title game) on TV and was impressed with them ,” said Lou Holtz, head coach at Notre Dame. “I was so im­ pressed with them that I communi­ cated with him (Dennehy), got some of their (UM’s) films, and have watched some of their games. “I think they are as well-coached as anybody, and I’ve corresponded with Coach Dennehy for some time,” Holtz said in a phone call to Hogan. “I think he is just a great football coach. Just look at the players and their productivity. I think the guy’s outstanding and he’s a class act.” A native of Butte, Dennehy coached Western Montana to a 5-3 record in 1990 and was named the Frontier Conference Coach of the Year. He had a 1013 record at Western. He was an assistant coach in the Big Sky Conference in 1980 and 1981 for head coach Sonny Lubick at Montana State. Lubick is now the head mentor at Colorado State. A 1973 graduate of Montana with a B.A. degree in Education, Mick earned a master’s degree in Educational Administration at Washington State in 1977. He was a standout safety for the Grizzlies in 1971-72. He is second (tie) in single-season Big Sky history with 10 interceptions in 1972 and led the league that year. In ’72 he was named first team all-conference. He is ninth (tie) in league history with 16 career interceptions. Dennehy started his coaching career at Colton High School in Washington, where his teams won state championships in 1975 and 1976, and he compiled a four-year record of 40-4. He then moved on to Helena High School and was head coach there for three seasons. He served as the head football coach at Campbell County High School (in Gillette, Wyoming) from 1982 to 1987, then was appointed head coach at West­ ern Montana. At Campbell he was Coach of the Year in 1983. He has an 88-60 record in the prep ranks, was named coach of the year four times, and twice selected to serve as a Shrine Game coach. Mick and his wife, Sheila, have two sons: Jake, 21, a junior safety for the Grizzlies, and Mark, 18, a freshman receiver/defensive back at Montana.

A SSISTANT COACH JEROME SOUERS D E FEN SIV E C O O R D IN A T O R /SE C O N D A R Y c/e ro m e begins his seventh season as M ontana’s defensive coordinator and is starting his 11th year as the Grizzlies’ secondary coach. “When you talk about M ontana’s defense in recent years, the one thing that you usually noticed was that the players were always extremely well-prepared,” said Grizzly head coach Mick Dennehy. “I think our defensive coaches do a marvelous job of molding our defensive talent and getting as much out of them as they possibly can. That has a lot to do with Coach Souers. “Every now and then, when you walk by a classroom and you hear a teacher teaching a class, you stop and listen because he or she really jumps out at you and grabs your attention,” Dennehy said. "I think Jerom e is that kind of coach. Jerom e is such a good teacher and communicator that he’s one of those guys who you really enjoy watching work.” Souers’ defense, coupled with the Grizzlies’ potent offense, was awesome in last year’s first three playoff games. M ontana outscored those opponents: Eastern Kentucky, Georgia Southern, and S.F. Austin, 163-14. UM’s defense held those three teams to 517 total yards and 28 total first downs. (Montana had 1,888 yards and 104 first downs). UM’s shutouts of Eastern Kentucky and Georgia Southern (48-0 and 45-0) were the first back-to-back blankings in playoff history. Over the past 10 years, the Grizzlies have been nation­ ally ranked in rush defense, finishing 31st in 1995, allowing 131.5 yards a game. UM has led the Big Sky Conference four times in the past decade in that statistic. Also during that time span, Montana has led the league in at least one defensive category 10 times. The Griz ranked among the national leaders in rush de­ fense in ’92 (third, 98.7 yards a game). M ontana’s 1988 defense led the Big Sky in defense, al­ lowing just 27 9 .9 yards per gam e and tied a team record with 28 interceptions. During his tenure, Souers has coached six defensive backs who have gained All-American status. That group includes Tony Breland (1986-87), Tim Hauck (1988-89), Quinton Richardson (1988), Sean Dorris (1991), Todd Ericson (1993), and Blaine McElmurry (1995). Hauck was a two-time Big Sky defensive MVP (1988 and 1989) and is now in his seventh season in the National Football League, currently playing for the Denver Broncos. “Just the fact that w e’ve had six All-Americans in Jerom e’s 10-year tenure is a testament to his coaching ability,” Dennehy said. “Solid secondary play is something that w e’ve probably grown to take for granted. It’s obviously a key area for us in the passhappy Big Sky C onference.” Prior to coming to Montana, Souers, 38, was the secondary coach at Portland State. He was at Western W ashington University for a season prior to that. Souers coached in the “AAA” high school ranks for eight seasons. His prep stints were at North Eugene and Willamette High schools. His father, Dwight Souers, was a successful and well-known prep coach in Eugene. A 1983 graduate at the University of Oregon, Jerom e earned a B.A. degree there in Physical Education. He earned a m aster’s de­ gree in Physical Education at Portland State in 1985. Jerom e and his wife, Paula, have two daughters: Anna, 8, and Alaina, 6. “We believe in playing aggressive, h ard-nosed de fe n se . We k e e p it sim p le , w ork on te c h n iq u e , e m p h a s i z e th e e x e c u tio n o f o u r responsibilities, a n d p lay with great e m o tio n a l in te n s ity .”



SOW -urrs.

BRENT PEASE O FFEN SIVE C O O R D IN A T O R /Q B s/R B s / \ former standout quarterback at The University of Montana, Brent is in his first season as UM’s offensive coordinator. H e is beginning his sixth season at his alma mater. Last season he worked with the quarterbacks, running backs, and he also worked with the offense. P ease and th e Grizzly offense had unprecedented offensive success last season. M ontana quarterback Dave D ickenson received the W alter Payton Award (Division I-AA’s MVP) and was nam ed the national player of the year by every venue. Dickenson led the country in total offense, averaging 3 8 2 .6 yards a game. In ’95, M ontana was ranked first in the nation in total offense, passing offense, and in scoring, averaging 5 1 2 .5 yards a gam e in total offense, 4 0 8 .2 yards per gam e passing, and scoring 4 2 .5 points a game. From 1991 to 1994 Pease served as a part-time coach at Montana, working with the running backs and assisting with th e offense. H e w as elevated to his current position of offensive coordinator last spring by first-year head coach Mick D ennehy. “B rent, offensively-speaking, is as fine a mind as I’ve ever been aro u n d ,” said Dennehy. “H e has a thorough understand­ ing of the passing gam e, and he has a thorough understanding of defensive schem es and how he wants to attack them . “Based on w hat we do and the way w e throw the football, B rent’s knowledge of defense and how to have success against them is a very integral p a rt of w hat we have been know n for, and what we w ant to continue to be known for,” Dennehy said. “B rent has a wide range of ex p erien ces,” D ennehy contin­ ued. “It’s obvious to m e th at h e ’s paid atten tio n and learned m ore ab o u t th e gam e, w herever h e ’s been . H e ’s picked up things along th e way th a t have been invaluable for him as a football coach. “H e ’s been able to take those things and sort through that m ega am ount of information and take the things that have g otten our p ack ag e to w here it is right n o w ,” D ennehy said. “H e ’s a bright young star as far as offensive football is concerned, and h e ’s done a trem endous job for us over the last five years." Pease, 31, played professional football for seven years after leaving UM. H e was drafted by the M innesota Vikings in the 11th round of the 1987 Na­ tional Football League draft. H e played in the NFL for three seasons. After his NFL stint he played in the World League of A m erican Football. H e was the first player selected in th e inaugural (1991) WLAF draft by the B irm ingham Fire. H e started all 10 g am es at M ontana (6-4) in 1 9 8 6 , w hich was form er head coach Don R ead’s first season at UM. In ’86 Pease led Division I-AA in total offense (309.4 yards a game). “Bernie” set nine single-season and career records in two seasons at Mon­ tana. His senior year, in 1986, he set single-season passing m arks in yards (3,056), touchdow ns (30), attem pts (440), com pletions (241), as well as the record for total yards (3,094). H e is ranked fifth in career passing with 3 ,6 5 5 yards. H e was the Grizzlies’ co-MVP in 1986. Pease cam e to UM from Walla Walla City College, w here he was a twoyear letterm an and all-league selection. At M ountain H om e High School in Idaho, he earned nine letters: three each in football, wrestling, and baseball. H e was all-state in football and wrestling and team captain in football. Brent is married to former Lady Griz track star Paula Good. They have a year-and-half-old daughter, Halle. "I like our pro-style offense, which involves all f o u r receivers a n d the running back. We p u t the e m ph asis on fu n d a m e n ta ls a nd technique, with the e n d result solid ex e c utio n. W e w ant to g e t the ball in the h a n d s o f players who can m a k e the big plays fo r us."

KRAIG PAULSON DEFENSIVE LINE jK raig begins his ninth season as a full-time Grizzly assistant at his alma mater. He is starting his sixth season as M ontana’s defensive line coach. In the past four seasons the Grizzlies have had six defensive linemen named to the All-Big Sky Confer­ ence team. Last year senior defensive end Yohanse Manzanarez was a first team selection and an honorable m ention All-American. “Kraig is a detail guy,” said first-year head coach Mick Dennehy. “He pays attention to the little things and never takes anything for granted. In the position that he coaches, it’s the little things that come back to help you to be a good football team and to have success. “When someone is down on the goal line, people have a tendency to get uptight and upset, but Kraig’s players do the little things and execute, and that comes right from the top and his coaching ability,” Dennehy said. “That’s the thing about him that stands out in mymind. He neveroverlooks the slightestthing that’s going to help his kids perform .” Montana’s defense has been extremely consistent against the run, ranking among the nation’s bestthe last 10 seasons in a row. The Griz were 31st in the nation against the rush in 1995, allowing 131.5 yards a game. In last year’s four Division 1-AA playoff games enroute to the national title, the Grizzlies allowed only 275 total rushing yards, or 68.8 yards per game. Opponents averaged just 2.1 yards per carry in the playoffs. UM had 11 sacks in the Grizzlies’ first three playoff games. Paulson is a 1987 graduate of Montana. During his stint as a graduate assistant and fulltime assistant at UM he has also worked with the secondary and specialteams. He started as a fulltime assistant for the Grizzlies in 1988, working with the linebackers. Kraig 32,was a four-year letterman at fullback for the Grizzlies from 1982-86. In 1986 he was the recipient of the Terry Dillon Award, given annually to UM’soutstanding back or receiver. He was voted M ontana’s “Outstanding Sophomore" in 1984. During his prep career at Plentywood High School, Paulson was a two-time all-state selection in football. He lettered four times in football and four times in track. Three of Kraig’s brothers-Kevin, Kerry and Keith-ran track for the Grizzlies, and another brother, Kent, ran track for Western Montana College. A 1987 graduate of UM, Paulson earned his B.A. in Education. Kraig and his wife, Jody, have two sons: Keogh, 3, and Elias, 1. “We are excited about the upcoming season. We will try to rise to the challenge that each week will bring this fall. That is obviously very important in order for us to have success in the Big Sky Conference ”


TVOW starting his ninth season as the Grizzlies’ special teams coach, Bruce has been at Montana the past 10 seasons. Read, 32, was a part-time assistant coach in 1986 and 1987 at UM,working with the special teams. He was a graduate assistant coach at Portland State in 1985. “There are probably not too many people around who have the knowledge of the kicking game that Bruce Read has,” said UM head mentor Mick Dennehy. “We’ve had the luxury of having a special teams coordinator. We’ve changed that by lightening his responsibilities as far as the kicking game is concerned. H e’s now going to also help Jerom e (coach Souers) in the secondary, while we incorporate our defensive staff into the special teams. “Bruce will be the guy that will handle the defensive aspects of the kicking game, which is the majority of it,” Dennehy said. “H e’ll work with punt return, kick coverage, PAT and field goal block, as well as the return teams, PATs and field goals on our side (offense) of the ball. He does an excellent job in the special teams area. I know he’ll add to our defensive staff, as soon as he catches up experience-wise.” Montana has been ranked among the national leaders in numerous special teams areas over the past decade. During that time UM has broken and re-broken more than 20 school and Big Sky special teams records. Last season the Grizzlies special teams turned in two last-second, game-winning field goals off the foot of Andrew Larson. T hose came at Northern Arizona and in the title game at Marshall. The Grizzlies were also very strong in net punting at seventh in the country thanks to “true” freshman Dallas Neil. Punt returner Joe Douglass was a first team All-Big Sky selection. During his tenure, Bruce has coached Montana’s all-time placekicker and punter in kicker Kirk Duce and punter Jody Farmer. Larson has set several school records. Bruce, the son of former Griz head coach Don Read (1986-95), graduated from Portland State in 1986 with a B.S. degree in Social Science. At Henley High School in Klamath Falls, Oregon, he was honorable mention all-state as a punter and wide receiver. He led the state in punting as a senior and was team MVP. Bruce and his wife, Christina, have two sons: Justin, 10, and Joshua, 4. “Coordinating our special teams over the last 10 years has been a super experience for me. B ut now with the change, I look forward to a great learning experience coaching with our defensive staff and blending them into our special teams. With veteran specialists returning and more coaches applying themselves to the kicking game, we should be stronger than ever.”

DAVID REEVES LINEBACKERS iV o w in his sixth season at Montana, David has been coaching for eight-plus seasons at his alma mater. H e was a graduate assistant coach for the Grizzlies from 1988-90. During his five-year tenure as UM’s linebacker coach, the Grizzlies have had four All-Ameri­ cans. Last year Mike Bouchee and Jason Crebo were named to at least one All-American squad, while Dan Downs and Chad Lembke w ere so-honored in 1994 and 1991. “David is one of those guys who gets down in the trenches with his players,” said Montana head coach Mick Dennehy. “H e ’s a real hands-on coach. Oftentimes when you see him work­ ing, h e ’s very dem onstrative in his approach to teaching. “He is a very personable coach,” Dennehy said. “H e’s one of those guys who the minute you meet him you genuinely like him. H e’s effervescent. H e’ll get dirt under his fingernails, and h e ’s not afraid to work. At his position I think the players really like that. Dave’s got a special closeness to his players.” No stranger to Grizzly football, Reeves was a four-year letterm an at Montana from 1984-87. H e started his junior and senior seasons at strong safety and was one of the team s’ leading tacklers and interceptors during that time span with 97 tackles and six interceptions. He was the recipient of the Pat Norwood Award (Most Inspirational) as a senior in 1987. In ‘86, he had four intercep­ tions from his strong safety position, which ranked him eighth (tie) in the conference. Reeves, 30, cam e to UM from Sedro Wooley High School in W ashington. H e was all-state his senior year on defense. He was all-league both ways as a junior and senior. His 1983 prep team was 12-1 and runnerup for the state championship. He earned his B.A. degree at M ontana in History in 1989. David and his wife, Sara, have a year-old son, Matthew. “W e’re e x c i te d a n d very h a p p y with th e kids we have r e tu r n in g . It's a lu x u r y to have r e tu rn in g ve te ra ns like M ike B o u c h e e , J a s o n Crebo, D avid S ir m o n , G reg F itzge ra ld, a n d M a rk H a m p e . I t h i n k w e ’ve a lso g o t a c o u p l e o f g o o d y o u n g lin e b a c k e r s in P aul J e n k i n s a n d R y l a n J o l ly m o r e . W e are lo o k in g fo r w a r d to th e n e w c h a l le n g e s a h e a d in 1 9 9 6 .”

PHIL RYAN ASST. OFFENSIVE LINE/IN & OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING jP h il begins his fifth season in the Grizzly football program. He was recently elevated to a full­ time assistant’s position by first-year head coach Mick Dennehy. He will assist Dennehy with the offensive line and also oversee the Grizzlies’ in- and off-season conditioning programs. In 1995 and 1994, he worked with the offensive line. In 1992 and 1993 he assisted defensive line coach Kraig Paulson. “Phil’s been around our program and our players for six or seven years now and has a great rapport with our kids,” Dennehy said. “H e’s going to be involved in a lot of phases in our program now. “H e’s done an unbelievable job in the physical development of our players,” Dennehy said. “That not only includes the strength and size gains that they’ve made, but also he works very well with them in their agility and speed training - which I think has helped us get to the next level. We’ll rely very heavily on Phil to continue that and to do even more in those areas. “He also does a great job as far as the X’s and O’s of the game are concerned too,” Dennehy said. “He has spent a lot of his time on the defensive side of the football and has a thorough knowledge of defenses. Because of his initial defensive training, it has helped him to understand what it takes for an offensive lineman to be effective against the techniques that defensive linemen are taught." Born inButte and raised in Townsend, Phil graduated from high school in Townsend in 1975. He earned four letters each in football and basketball and was named all-state at defensive end as a senior. Ryan played defensive end and outside linebacker at Carroll College from 1975-77. He completed hisdegree in Health and Human Performance at The University of Montana with an emphasis in sports medi­ cine. He iscurrently working on a m aster’s degree in the same field at UM. He also teaches within the Health and Human Performance curriculum at UM. He is certified through the American College of Sports Medicine and International Sports Science Association as a conditioning specialist. Phil and his wife, Yvonne, have two daughters: Shannon, 15, and Brenna, 12. “O ur o ffe n siv e linem en e p ito m ize m e n ta l and physical toughness. T h ey believe in discipline, hard work, and achieving success as a special unit and part o f our football team. My role is to keep them mentally and physically prepared to accept those challenges. Coach D enneh y and I have high ex pec tations fo r this particular group, as they are truly gifted .”


Craig Dickenson

Bill Cockhill

Doug Betters

Special Teams

Wide Receivers

D e fe n s iv e Line


ig h t s a n d

S ounds

(Above) O u t o f the Tunnel. (Middle) D e fe n se ! (Top right) Coach R ead and a referee.

M ike Bouchee, Sean Goicoechea, and Greg Fitzgerald (L-R) survey the action fr o m the sidelines.


of a

G rizzly G am e


1961 Football Coaching Staff: (L-R) John M atte, H ugh Davidson, Milt Schw enk, Hay Jenkins.

1969 Football Coaching Staff. Front (L-R): Wally Brown and Ron Nord. Back (L-R): Bill Betcher, Jack Swarthout, Jack Elway.

COACH (ALMA MATER) Fred Smith (Cornell) ...................... Sgt. F.B. Searight (Stanford) ............................ Guy Cleveland (M ontana)....................................... Frank B ean (Wisconsin) . . . ................................ Dewitt Peck (Iowa State) .......... H.B. C onibear (Illinois). . ........................ F.W. Schule (Wisconsin). ................................ Albion Findlay (W isconsin)..................................... Roy White (Io w a )..................................................... R obert Cary (M ontana)............................................ Lt. W.C. Philoon (West P o in t)............................. A.G. H eilman (Franklin-M arshall)...................... Jerry Nissen (W aashington S t a t e ) ...................... Bernie Bierm an (M in n e so ta )................................ J.W . Stew art (G en ev a)............................................ Earl Clark (M o n ta n a ).............................................. Frank Milburn (West P o i n t ) .................................. B ernard Oakes (Illinois) .................................. Doug Fessenden (Illinois)........................ Clyde C arpenter (Montana) ................................ G eorge D ahlberg (Montana) ................................ Doug Fessenden (Illinois)....................................... Ted Shipkey (Stanford)............................................ Ed Chinske (M o n ta n a )............................................ Jerry Williams (Washington S ta te ) ...................... Ray Jenkins (C o lo ra d o )................. H ugh Davidson (C olorado)..................................... Jack Sw arthout (M o n tan a)..................................... G ene Carlson (M o n ta n a )....................................... Larry D onovan (N ebraska)..................................... Don Read (Sacramento S ta te ) .............................

Coach Gene Carlson & sons (both Grizzlies): Bruce (top), J e ff (bottom).






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1 3 1 2 0 5 4 4 7 5 4 8 7 9 7 7 18 8 32 0 1 14 12 8 6 14 8 51 16 25 85

2 2 2 4 3 7 7 1 2 3 3 4 7 9 8 8 22 22 25 8 4 15 16 18 23 43 20 41 25 37 36

3 0 0 0 0 0 0

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1 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

*Ties not com puted in percentage

o UTLOOK Randy

D a v id

S irm o n


Justin Hazel 15

1 9 9 6 GRIZZLY FOOTBALL OUTLOOK GRIZ RETURN 18 STARTERS FROM THEIR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM MISSOULA, MT ~ B i g things were expected of last year’s University of Montana Grizzly football team, and they responded in a HUGE way -- winning the 1995 national championship with a dramatic 22-20 victory over Marshall. After three straight postseason appearances, a return trip to Division I-AA’s “Big Dance” is perhaps a lot to ask of Montana in 1996, but, once again, expectations are very high in Grizzlyville. “I think I would much prefer that (the high expectations) than the alternative,” said first-year Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “We have a lot of returnees from a very success­ ful season, and they’re great kids. Not only were they instrumental for us in 1995, but some of these kids started on our 1993 team. They’ve played an awful lot of football and have demonstrated that they know how to win. “It’s a new group,” Dennehy said. “We lost some key players from that ’95 team, but, I think we have a strong, strong personality with some good leaders.” The Grizzlies return 18 starters and 42 lettermen from their 13-2 team of a year ago. Montana won its first three playoff games by an incredible combined score of 163 to 14. However, several mainstays from that record-setting team are gone. Missing will be quarterback Dave Dickenson, one of the all-time passers and total offense leaders in NCAA history. Dickenson set 26 Montana, Big Sky Conference, and NCAA records. Dickenson passed for 11,080 yards and 96 touchdowns in 35 regular-season games. In 30 career starts he had a record of 27-3. His career passing efficiency of 166.2 is the second best in NCAA history, while his 96 touchdown passes place him third. In guiding the Grizzlies to the NCAA playoffs the last three straight seasons, “Dicky” shattered his own single-season records last year with 4,176 yards and 38 touchdowns. Perhaps the most amazing thing about Dickenson’s 1995 statistics is that he played in just one or two series in the second half in five of Montana’s 11 regular-season games and in just one playoff game (Marshall). “We’re not going to convince our quarterback that he’s got to fill Dave Dickenson’s shoes,” Dennehy said. “I think that you convince everyone around him that they’ve got § e n i o r R e c e i v e r J o e D o u g la s s . to get better and contribute more this year. If everybody else can step it up a notch we can highlight them a little bit more and take some of the pressure off the quarterback. Obviously, our efficiency on offense will depend upon the decision that the quarterback makes, but I think his decisions can be made easier by his surrounding cast. “David made such good decisions,” Dennehy continued. “He had a will that was unyielding, and he knew what direction he wanted to go. He had the ability to take the offense in his hands and lead them in the right direction. He was just a winner in every sense of the word.” Ten-year Head Coach Don Read surprised (and disappointed) Grizzly fans and players alike when he announced his retirement from coaching this past April. Read had guided Montana to the national playoffs five times: 1988, 1989 (semifinals), 1993, 1994 (semifinals), and 1995. He never had a losing season at UM, compiling an overall record of 85-36 (.702) and a Big Sky slate of 54-22 (.711). Read’s overall winning percentage of .702 is the sixth best in Big Sky history. “Coach Read was a good model for me in his leadership style,” Dennehy said. “It would be a mistake to try to emulate Don Read. The road doesn’t need to be paved. Our success has been paved by Don; our coaches and players —they’ve all had a hand in it. One of the reasons I came to The University of Montana was that Don let his coaches coach. “There is somewhat of a new era at Montana, but the direction of the program will not change,” Dennehy said. “Things are good, wholesome, and right in the Grizzly football pro­ gram. Don and I are a lot alike in that we are interested in people and treating them well. That’s another reason I came to Montana. It’s a people-oriented program.” Dennehy has high hopes for his 1996 defensive unit. “Based on the end of last season, I think one-deep on defense that we’re going to be as good as we’ve ever been,” Dennehy said. “Coach (defensive coordinator Jerome) Souers made some great adjustments at the end of last season. “After spring football there’s no doubt that our defense will be one of the strengths of our team in ’96,” Dennehy said. “Going into spring football I was concerned about our defensive depth. Like some areas on offense, we’re a little bit short-handed depth-wise. “But, some people surfaced in the spring, and I think we’ve really shored up a lot of areas there,” Dennehy said. “We’ve got some kids like (linebacker) Mark Hampe and Fitz (line­ backer Greg Fitzgerald) who really came on. We are very strong up the middle.”

A P O S I T I O N - B Y - P O S I T I O N A N A L Y S I S : OFF EN SE Senior Strong Safety Sean Goicoechea.

QUARTERBACK Sophomore Brian Ah Yat and junior Josh Paffhausen had a close battle for the starting berth vacated by Dickenson, and junior Darren Rowell is also a viable candidate for playing time. “Dave was a very good athlete, but I think that perhaps this group of quarterbacks might be a little better athletically, Dennehy said. The




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separating factor was theknowledge thatDavid had and the leadership skills that he had. That’s got to be picked up a notch. They’ve got to exert themselves, and I’veseenimprovement in that. I know they are all highly motivated and want to win. They’ve got to get that point across better to the rest of the team. “We are a throwing team, and Brian is a better thrower than Josh,” Dennehy said. “But, I think if there’s one thing we learned with Dave Dickenson, it’s that throwing is not the most important thing to make our offense go. It’s decision making, and that’s what we need to zero in on in fall & camp -- the decision-making processes of these young men. Josh and Brian are both good ath­ letes, and I think we can win with either one. And I think we’re going to need both of them before it’s all done.” OFFENSIVE LINE The Grizzlies return four-of-five starters in senior guards Mike Agee and Jeff Zellick, senior center David Kempfert, and junior tackle Jason Baker. Agee and Kempfert were first team All-Big Sky Conference selections last season. Sophomore Scott Curry is the heir-apparent at the other starting tackle slot, vacated by AllAmerican Eric Simonson. “I think that this (the O-line) is the strength of our offensive football team, even though we are very solid and good at the other spots,” Dennehy said. “The three seniors we have there have started an awful lot of football games, so not only are they talented, but they’re also experienced. “We’ve got a right tackle in Jason Baker, who, I think, is comparable to a Scott Gragg at the same stage of his development,” Dennehy said. “Scott Curry may be as good of an athlete as any of them. What does that tell you? We should be as good up front as we’ve ever been. Depth is a concern. We don’t have any veterans behind that group of players.” Sophomore lettermen Dave Hoit and Gabe Reece will provide depth at guard and center. Tal­ ented redshirts may also be called on. That group of young players includes tackles Ryan Joy, Chase Raynock and Brad Jones, guard Jim Hamilton, and center Joe Burkley. WIDE RECEIVER Montana lost all-time receiver Matt Wells to graduation, but returns an excellent nucleus of a passing attack that led the nation, averaging 408.2 yards a game. The Grizzlies also led the country in scoring a year ago, averaging 42.5 points a game. Returning starters Joe Douglass, Mike Erhardt, and Raul Pacheco accounted for a combined 154 catches, 2,158 yards, and 21 touchdowns in the regular-season.Douglass was first team all-league as a returner, while fellow senior Erhardt was a second team selection. “We’re going to be good here, and we have a lot of good possibilities,” Dennehy said. “What I worry aboutislosing Matt Wells’ leadership, his competitive drive, and his strong will to win. He was to our receiver corps what David Dickenson was to ourteam. “I think Mike Erhardt is ready to step forward, and Joe Douglass is extremely, extremely talented,” Dennehy said. “Raul gained confidence, and Eleu (Kane) is ready to step in. “Travis Walker (redshirt freshman) is going to be a dynamite player,” Dennehy said. “I was really pleased with (junior) Trevor Woods in the spring game. Justin Olsen showed us he’s ready to play. Jeremy Watkins gives us big-play capabilities too. We’ve got some awfully good receivers now, and we have some quality young ones coming into the program as well.”

Se ni or Ce nt er Davi d Kempfert .

RUNNING BACK Montana returns its leading rusher in junior Josh Branen, a first team Academic All-American in ’95. Speedy sophomore Brian Gales made the best of his opportunities last season. Branen averaged 6.8 yards on 57 carries, scoring six times, while Gales averaged 6.3 yards per attempt and rushed for two scores. Redshirt freshman Nate Sanders gives the Grizzlies a lot of speed at this position as well. “I think all three of these kids have the ability to go all the way any time they get their hands on the ball,” Dennehy said. “They’re all game-breakers. “Right now Josh would go in as the number one guy,” he said. “He is a very, very steady player who is not going to make mistakes. All three have the ability to make the first guy miss. If you’ve got that kind of ability, anything can happen. We would like to take a little pressure off our passing game by trying to be more balanced and run the ball a little better.”

A POSITION-BY-POSITION ANALYSIS: DEFENSE DEFENSIVE FRONT “I think our tackles with (Brian) Toone and (Ryan) Thompson inside are rock solid, along with Eric Manzanarez,” Dennehy said. “That gives us three kids who are very good ballplayers. At defensive end, (Corey) Falls and (Randy) Riley give us great speed off the edges, along with toughness. Hopefully they’ll be durable kids. That’s got to take place. Some of our younger players will have to emerge.” Falls led Montana with nine sacks last season and was the teams’ sixth leading tackier with 40 stops. Riley was second on the team with six sacks. Thompson had three sacks and 32 tackles a year ago. Toone had five sacks and 28 tackles and he missed Senior Outside the last four regular-season games after breaking his arm in the game at Idaho. Dennehy expects lettermen Eric Buehler and Joe Lehman to shore up the end spots, while Wade Scates Linebacker David Sirmon. and Randy Allik offer solid depth at tackle. Lehman missed a lot of last season with an injury. Redshirt freshman D.J. Colter is another young player who surfaced in spring football and could be a factor this season.


1 9 9 6 GRIZZLY FOOTBALL OUTLOOK SECONDARY Senior All-American candidate Blaine McElmurry, the quarterback of the secondary, returns at free safety. Also back are senior starters Sean Goicoechea at strong safety and Justin Hazel at cornerback. Last season McElmurry was third on the team with 65 tackles and was one of four players with three interceptions. Goicoechea had 48 tackles and three interceptions. Hazel had a team-best nine pass deflections, along with 38 tackles. “I think we take Blaine McElmurry for granted a little bit because of all of the things he has done,” Dennehy said. “He’s made big plays throughout his career, and he’s going to continue to do that. Goicoechea and (Josh) Remington are tough, tough safeties. I think Jake (Dennehy) had a great spring for us and gives us another safety who we can rely on.” Remington, a junior, had three interceptions and tied Hazel for the seventh most tackles on the team with 38, despite not starting. Senior Billy Ivey was granted a rare sixth year of competition by the NCAA and will vie for the starting job at cornerback. Ivey has not played in a game since junior college ball in 1993. Sopho­ more Justin Gaines showed a lot of ability when he was pressed into duty last season, and redshirt freshman Di’Onte Smith is young, but promising. “This was another area which we were concerned about depth-wise going into the spring,” Dennehy said. “But, now you throw Ivey into the mix, and some-up-and-coming young guys, and we're not quite as concerned with it (depth). He (Ivey) hasn’t played in a long time, but he’s very, very talented. Our two young guys give us very good depth -- probably as good as we’ve ever had. We’ve got eight or nine real good players in the secondary.” LINEBACKER Montana’s top three tacklers from last season return for the 1996 campaign. That trio includes senior Mike Bouchee, junior Jason Crebo, and senior David Sirmon, who had 97, 71, and 65 tackles, respectively last year. Crebo was the Big Sky’s runnerup for the league’s “Defensive Player of the Year” award and had a team-high (tie) nine tackles for losses. Bouchee and Crebo were first team all-conference selections, while Sirmon was an honorable mention pick. S e n i o r K ick er A n d r e w Larson. “When you look at our starters, I don’t think we’ve ever returned as solid of a group,” Dennehy said. “I think (senior) Mark Hampe really came into his own this spring. Not only do we return a lot of talent at linebacker, but when you throw in some of the younger players into the mix, you can see why we really like this position.” Dennehy said Hampe, Fitzgerald (a junior), sophomore Paul Jenkins, and redshirt freshman Rylan Jollymore, “are all tough, tough kids who play with a lot of intensity. Fitzgerald could probably start for a lot of teams. I really like this position -- it should be one of our strengths.” SPECIAL TEAMS Both placekicker Andrew Larson and punter Dallas Neil are back, along with returners Douglass, Branen, and Gales. Larson, a senior, made last-second, game-winning field goals in a pivotal Big Sky game at Northern Arizona, as well as in the I-AA title game at Marshall. “The mark of a great kicker or punter is what they do when the game is on the line, and both of these guys (Larson and Neil) had big plays for us in the championship game,” Dennehy said. "He (Larson) has had all kinds of big kicks,” Dennehy said. “He has performed very, very well when the game is on the line and that’s the mark of a true competitor.” Neil was ranked 38th in the country as a “true” freshman last season, and UM was ranked seventh in Division I-AA in net punting (36.7-yard average). Douglass was 21st in the country averaging 10.7 yards per punt return and ran two back for touchdowns. Branen averaged 22.4 yards per kickoff return. Receivers Walker and Kane and halfback Sanders may also handle return duties. “We return an awful lot of guys in the special teams area,” Dennehy continued. “I would expect every phase of our special teams should be better than it was last year.” BIG S K Y C O N F E R E N C E “We’ve got a new league now with Boise State and Idaho (now in the Big West Conference) gone,” Dennehy said. “I don’t know if anyone can say if it’s a better league or a worse league; it’s just a different league. “I think our schedule is good, and the teams we’d like to have at home we’ve got here,” Dennehy said. “We have the teams that we prefer to have on the road, with maybe the exception of Weber State who returns some key players. They’re always tough. I am not saying that our schedule favors us, but it could help us to a certain degree. “We really don’t know a Jot about the new schools (Cal-Northridge, Portland State, and Sacramento State),” Dennehy said. “We have Portland State here and the two California schools there. I think that’s what we prefer. “We’ve got NAU and Idaho State here again, and both teams are very talented year-in and year-out,” Dennehy said. “We’ve got Eastern Washington there, and they will be improved. We’ve got Montana State here, and they have gotten better year-after-year. “I think our opener (at Oregon State on Sept. 7) is a great challenge for us,” Dennehy said. “Any time you j u n ,*o r R u n n i n g B a c k play someone like the Beavers you know you’re going in as the underdogs, but I think our players are looking j o s f, B r a n e n . forward to the challenge.”







Er J eff





MIKE AGEE, 3V 6-4 1 /2 , 2 8 0 , Senior Guard from Kalispell, Montana


O n e of the premier offensive linemen in the country, Mike was named first team All-American by The Sports Network and third team All-American by the Associated Press last season. He was also an All-Big Sky Conference first team selection in 1995. Mike has started in 28 of Montana’s last 29 games (including the playoffs) the past two seasons, and this will be his fourth year as a starter. He shared starting duties as a redshirt freshman in 1993 with fellow start­ ing guard and ’96 “honors candidate” Jeff Zellick. He was recognized for his stellar play as a sophomore in 1994, as he was an All-Big Sky second team selection. Agee’s play on the offensive line is one of the reasons Montana has ranked among the national leaders in offense the past three years. In 1995, the Grizzlies led Division I-AA in total offense, passing yards a game, and in scoring. Last year UM averaged 512.5 yards a game in total offense, 408.2 pass yards per contest, and 42.5 points a game. “There are not a lot of guys, especially offensive linemen, who can say that they’ve been four-year starters at Montana,” said Grizzly head coach Mick Dennehy. “That’s a little bit unusual here at Montana, and it’s a real testimony to the work that Mike has done and his athletic ability. “Mike’s one of those guys you can count on week-in and week-out,” Dennehy said. “He has exceptional athletic ability, which is probably most apparent when he pass blocks. Within those guidelines, he also excels in every phase of blocking in our throwing package. “He runs so well that he can really get down the field, which helps our screen package,” Dennehy continued. "His pass protection abil: ; ■ ity is his biggest asset. 'He is an extremely dependable player who has played with injuries, which shows his mental toughness and his approach to the game," Dennehy said. Agee was selected as Montana’s “co-Freshman of the Year” in 1993 with senior receiver Mike Erhardt, who is also an "honors candidate" this season. Agee earned eight letters at Flathead High School: three in football and track, and two in wrestling. He was team MVP in football on offense and the Most Valuable Male Athlete in track his senior year. Mike was the state “AA” discus champion his senior season and had a best throw of 175-5. In football, he was first team all-state and all-conference for head coach Bob Applegate. Agee’s brother, Tim, is a redshirt freshman free safety at Montana.


Personal: His pa r en t s B i rt h d at e :

is a C o m m u n ic a tio n s are Michael and Gi nger September 29 , 1973 .


major. Agee


1996: Mike was named a preseason All-American by Bob Griese’s College Football Yearbook.


H elena ,




JASON CREBO, 2 V 6-4, 2 3 5 , Junior Linebacker from H elena, Montana


7 T i e ru n n eru p for th e Big Sky C onference “Defensive Flayer of th e Y ear” award last season, Jason was M ontana’s second-leading tackier in the regular-season. He also had the second most tackles in last y ear’s playoff gam es with 31. C rebo was nam ed a second team All-American by the Associated Press and was a third team selection by The S ports N etw ork. H e was also a first team All-Big Sky C onference selection in '95. D uring the regular-season he had 71 tackles, including a team -high (tie) nine stops for losses, along with five sacks. In 13 games last year he had 102 tackles. H e had a phenom enal three playoff gam es with 31 tackles, four tackles for losses and three sacks, d esp ite m issing th e first-round gam e ______________ ag ainst E astern Kentucky due to a shoulder injury. In the quarterfinal game against Georgia Southern he had eight tackles, two stops for losses, and a sack. In the semifinal game against S.F. Austin, he had a game-high (tie) 11 tackles, two tackles for losses, two sacks, and a pass deflection. H e had a gam e-leading 12 sto p s in th e cham pionship gam e at Marshall. “The thing that stands out in my mind with Jaso n is that he plays with such a level of intensity,” said Griz Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “He has a knack for the ball and great instincts, and he doesn’t get fooled very often. H e can really disrupt an offense. “H e ’s a highly intelligent football player, and he plays a lot faster on gam e days,” D ennehy said. “H e just turns it up a notch. H e is an allaround player in th at h e ’s a run-stopper, and, yet, h e ’s also a good de­ fender against the pass. H e’s a com bination of a lot of different kinds of players. “One of the big things that Jason brings to us is his big-play ability,” said David Reeves, UM’s linebacker coach for the past seven years. “H e’s a kid that w hen you’re watching a gam e he stands out, and he stands out for a # reason. H e’s in the backfield making tackles, and h e’s sacking the quarter­ back like you saw against Stephen F. Austin. “We have a lot of good players on defense, and Jason is one that we rely on,” Reeves said. “He is one of our kids who stands out, and we need big plays from him. We sure hope he’s got a couple of m ore years like his sophom ore season ahead of him .” Crebo did not participate in 1996 spring drills because he was recovering from arthroscopic knee surgery, but he is expected to be 100 percent by the start of fall camp. Jaso n was selected as M ontana’s co-Freshm an of the Year in 1994 along with safety Josh Remington. An outstanding prep player at H elena’s Capital High School, Crebo was the state’s Defensive Player of the Year as a senior in 1992. He was also nam ed M ontana’s G atorade Defensive Player of the Year that season. In ’92, Crebo was first team all-state and all-conference at linebacker and at tight end. That year Capital was 11-1, winning the league cham pionship and finishing second in th e “AA” ranks. H e was a three-year letterm an for the late coach Jim Tuss. He also lettered two tim es in track.

Personal: H e a lth

& H u m a n P e r fo r m a n c e major. H is m o m is L e n i Crebo o f H e le n a . B irth d a te :

F ebru ary 7, 19 7 5 .

CAREER HIGHS: Ja so n had a career-high 13 tackles in a hom e victory over Idaho S tate in 1 9 9 5 , along w ith a personal-best four stops for losses.

He had two sacks in the ’95 Hom ecom ing victory over Boise State.


G /S








1994 1995

7 /0 11/11

6 29

8 42

14 71

0 /0 5 /- 3 0

1 /-1 9 /- 2 8

0 1

1 0

0 3

0 0


1 8 /1 1




5 /-3 0

1 0 /-2 9








A BLAINE MCELMURRY, 3V 6 -1 » 1 9 5 ’ Senior Free Safety from Troy, Montana

O n e of M ontana’s m ost consistent players the last couple of seasons, Blaine was fourth on the team last year with 64 tackles. He tied for the team lead with three interceptions. Last year he was nam ed first team All-Big Sky Conference and an honorable m ention AllAmerican by The Football News. He was also a second team GTE Academic All-American last year. McElmurry has started in 29 gam es in a row (counting UM’s seven playoff gam es in the past two seasons). H e was recognized for his excellent play in the secondary, as he was nam ed UM's 1995 Golden H elm et Award winner, presented annually to the team s’ hardest hitter. As a sophomore, he was second on the team with 72 tackles in the regular-season. H e also had a team-leading four interceptions that year, w hich ranked him fourth (tie) in th e confer­ ence. He had eight or more tackles in nine of 14 games in 1994. H e m issed spring drills in 1 9 9 5 after undergoing shoulder surgery, but started every gam e in the last half of the ’95 season despite that injury. McElmurry was nam ed UM’s “Sophom ore of the Year in 1994, sharing the award with honors candidates Mike Erhardt and David Kempfert. “Blaine is a bright p erso n ,” said UM H ead Coach Mick Dennehy. “A lot of times that doesn’t carry over to the football field, but in Blaine’s case it does. H e’s very efficient, and he runs very well. That doesn’t always con­ vert into being a good football player, but in Blaine’s case it does. “I think he’s got great qualities as far as a free safety is concerned,” Dennehy said. “The one thing that puts him up there with the fine free safeties that w e’ve had recently at M ontana is th a t h e ’s got great anticipation. Todd Ericson and Tim Hauck were quality guys, and I think Blaine might be a little quicker and jump better than those two guys. “Blaine is a good leader for u s,” Dennehy said. “Other players pay atten­ tion to him. W hen they see him make big plays that helps us turn it up a notch on defense. His team m ates know that if they make a mistake Blaine can come up from his free safety position and help. That gives our players a sense of well-being, knowing that h e ’s back th e re .” Blaine earned 12 letters at Troy High School: four each in football, bas­ ketball, and track. His 1991 football team won the state “B” cham pion­ ship, going 12-0. His prep grid coach was his dad, Rich. McElmurry was all-state, all-conference, and team MVP in football as a junior and senior. He participated in M ontana s annual East-West S hrin e G am e. He won state titles in the long and triple jumps as a senior and had personal bests of 22-2 and 44-8. He was all-state in basketball as a junior and senior and team captain as a senior. McElmurry is an honors student at UM and a three-tim e All-Big Sky academic team pick with a 3.57 GPA. He was an academ ic All-American in high school w ith a perfect 4.0 GPA. CAREER HIGHS: His regular-season high for tackles is the 10 stops th at he had last year at N orthern Arizona. He also had three pass deflections in that game. McElmurry s first career touchdown cam e last season on a 35-yard intercep tion return at Eastern W ashington. He had a career-high 13 tackles in M ontana’s semi-final loss at Youngstown State in

1994* u ^ . . 1 9 9 6 : Blaine was nam ed a preseaso n All-American and the Big Sky’s Defensive Player of th e Year by Bob G n ese_s College Football Y earbook. Personal: C o m p u te r Science major. Birthdate: October 23, 1973. His p aren ts are Rich and Chris M cElmurry o f Troy. His sister, Katie, is a junior guard on the Lady Griz basketball team. YEAR 1993 1994 1995 TOTALS

G /S 1 0 /0 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1 3 2 /2 2

UT 10 42 32 84

AT 7 30 32 69

TT 17 72 64 153

SA C K S 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0


TL /Y D S. 1 /-1 1 /-2 0 /0 2 /- 3

FF 0 0 1 1

FR 0 1 1 2

BLK 0 0 0 0

PD 0 3 5 8

$ 42



iVTontana has had som e outstanding middle linebackers in its history, and Mike established himself with that group last season with a team-high 97 tackles in the regularseason .

MIKE BOUCHEE, 3V 6 -2 , 2 3 1 S en ior L inebacker from M issou la, M ontana

Bouchee was selected as an honorable mention All-American by the Football News, He was first a team All-Big Sky Conference pick in '95. Mike started in all 15 games for the 13-2 Grizzlies. He had 10 or more tackles in three of UM’s 11 regularseason contests. He had an outstanding game in M ontana’s 54-28 Homecoming victory over Boise State with 14 tackles, a sack, and a pass deflection. Mike has certainly spent a lot of time in the off-season,and when you look at him you know that he paid the price in the weight room, said Griz Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “His work ethic is apparent by the type of football player he has made himself. I think that we all thought that at an early age Mike would be a very good football player,” Dennehy said, "The one word that I think of when I think of Mike Bouchee would be steady. You know he’s going to grade out well, He’s probably not the flashiest guy in the world, but he's a bright guy who knows how to get the job done. “H e’ll graduate with a high GPA and then go on to law school,” Dennehy said. “You know Mike will be successful, whatever he chooses to do. He is consistent in whatever he does, whether it’s on the football field or in the classroom. He shows up every game and really puts it all on the line," Dennehy said. "He’s going to average nine, 10, 11 tackles a game. It’s just a given. I think we take Michael for granted because he’s one of those guys we never worry about. I hope we don’t overlook him because he’s such a good asset to our program. H e’s an anchor in the middle of our defense, and he’s one of the reasons for the strength of our defense that past couple of seasons.” He earned five letters at Hellgate High School: three in football and two in track. He was a unanimous first team all-state and all-conference choice at linebacker his senior year. He was also first team all-league at tight end for coach Van Troxel. That season he was M ontana’s “AA” Most Valuable Player on

i k

defense. As a senior (1991) Mike had 134 tackles nine sacks, four fumble recoveries, and an interception. At tight end he averaged 16.9 yards a catch, scoring two touchdowns. Mike was an honorable mention All-American pick in ’91 and selected as his team s’ “Outstanding Linebacker.” Also an outstanding student, Bouchee was an All-District 7 all-academic team pick with a 3.60 GPA in Business Administration. He has been anAll-Big Sky academic team choice the past three seasons. He was a three-time academic all-state selection in high school. Personal: Birthdate: Sep tem b er 8, 1973. His parents, fa th er Bill (see page 85) was a three-year letterm an in football fo r the Grizzlies in the early 6 0 ’s, and mother, Phyllis, live in Missoula. YEAR 1993 1994 1995 TOTALS

G/S 10/0 11/0 11/11 3 2 /1 1

UT 4 8 36 48

AT 19 19 61 99

TT 23 27 97 147

SACKS 0 /0 0 /0 5/-30 5 /- 3 0

FF 1 0 2 3

T-LOSS 0 /0 1/-1 2/-4 3 /-5

FR 0 0 0 0

PD 2 1 2 5

INT 0 0 0 0

A . n extremely versatile player, Josh led Montana in rushing with 57 carries for 389 JO SH BRANEN, IV yards, averaging a team-high 6.8 yards per carry, despite not starting a game in the regular 5 -7 , 1 8 5 , Junior H alfback season. His six rushing touchdowns tied him with Kelly Stensrud for the team lead. He was sixth on the team in receiving with 17 catches for 164 yards and a TD. He from M oscow , Idaho averaged 22.4 yards on 16 kickoff returns, which ranked him 40th in the nation. Branen also excels in the classroom. He was a GTE second team Academic All-American and a 1996 UM President’s Award winner maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA a “Josh averaged almost seven yards a carry last year, and I think the first thing that jumps to my mind is why don’t we give him the ball more,” said Griz Head Coach Mick Dennehy. We probably should, and very well might, give him more opportunities this year. “He is a very dynamic young man in everything he does in his life,” Dennehy said. “H e’s never gotten a ‘B’ in his life. He takes a lot of pride in that and works very diligently. His approach to football is much the same. H e’s one of those kids who has a lot of pride in himself. Josh is as well-rounded of an individual as we’ve ever had on our football team. He’s done a great job for us on the field. He’s just a gem.” Branen had his first start in the Grizzlies’ first-round game against Eastern Kentucky, and he responded with two rushing touchdowns. His other career start was UM’s next playoff game against Georgia Southern. In four 1995 playoff games Branen had 37 carries for 191 yards (5.2-yard average) and four touchdowns. Last season Josh was one of three players voted “Most Inspirational” by his teammates, receiving the Pat Norwood Award. Other recipients were seniors Mike Kowalski and Scott Spraggins. Branen was named Montana’s “co-Scout Team Player of the Year” (with offensive tackle Scott Curry) in 1994, his redshirt year. He came to Montana from the University of San Diego, where he lettered in football in 1993. Branen earned nine letters at Moscow High School: three in football and baseball, two in basketball, and one in track. As a senior he rushed for 2,100 yards and was the state “A-2” MVP on offense. He rushed for 347 yards in the state championship game. His 1992 prep team went 9-3 enroute to the state championship He was team captain in football and basketball as a senior. An all-state running back, Branen’s high school grid coach was Eric Bjorkman. Personal: Pre-Physical Therapy major. His parents are Laurel and Larry Branen o f Moscow, Idaho. Birthdate: January 22, 1975. CAREER HIGHS: Rushing: Josh had career-highs of 12 carries for 76 yards at Montana State last season. His career-high carries are 14 vs. Eastern Kentucky in the ’95 playoffs, and he also rushed for a career-best two TDs in that game, career-long run is 42 yards against Boise State. Receiving: He had bests of six catches for 77 yards against Weber State last year. Kickoff Returns: His longest kickoff return was 41 yards in UM’s ’95 season opener against Eastern New Mexico.


YEAR 1995

G /S 1 1 /0

ATT. 57

GAIN 396


NET 389







<■> *


HONORS CANDIDATES L ast season the Grizzly coaching staff said that they thought Joe could be an impact player in 1995, and he didn’t take long to prove himself. His first punt return in UM’s season-opener against Eastern New Mexico resulted in a 60-yard touchdown. He led UM with 63 receptions for 5.7 catches per game, which ranked him 10th in the nation, and his 75.6 receiving yards per game ranked him 26th in the country. Douglass was also among the national leaders in punt returns averaging 10.7 a game, which ranked him 23rd in the Division 1-AA ranks. He was first team All-Big Sky selection as a returner in ’95. Joe was a standout in UM’s four playoff games with 32 catches for 481 yards (15.0 average) and four touchdowns. He had more than 100 receiving yards in each playoff game and averaged 120.3 receiving yards per game. “Not only isJoe a great receiver for us, but he is also a real character,” said Montana Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “He’s agreat guy to have in the lockerroom. “I think early in the season last year we weren’t sure about how hard of a worker he was,” Dennehy said. But along the way he discovered what it took to play here, and he became one of the most productive players that we’ve ever had. It took him two or three games to get adjusted, and after that, with the exception of the Northern Arizona game (he had no catches at NAU), he was as productive as any player we had last year. He really added to the

JOE DOUGLASS, IV 6 -0 , 1 8 0 Senior R eceiver/R eturner from S alem , O regon

chemistry of our team. “He was a key ingredient for us not only on the field, but also overall because of the type of personality that he has,” Dennehy said. “It’s hard to imagine us without Joe Douglass a year ago. He truly is a running back once he catches the football. H e’s got great ability to catch the ball and seems to get faster when he has it.” Douglass came to Montana as a transfer from Oregon State. As a prep, he was a two-time Offensive Player of the Year at South Salem High School at running back, rushing for 2,170 yards and 36 touchdowns in his career. He lettered three times in football and four times in basketball, and he was team captain in basketball as a senior. His juniorand senior grid teams went 18-0 in the regular-season, and his 1991 team advanced to the state semi-final game. He was an all-state running back as a junior and senior,and all-state at safety as a senior. He was named the “Offensive Player of the Year” in Oregon in 1991. Personal: Com m unications major. Birthdate: January 24, 1974. His parents are Terri and Bob Douglass o f Salem. CAREER HIGHS: Joe had 13 catches for 208 yards in last season’s win at Montana State. His longest catch is 41 yards against Eastern Washington (he had a 49-yarder against Georgia Southern in the playoffs). He had two TD catches in games against Washington State and Boise State (as well as against Georgia Southern). The most punt returns he had was six in the Idaho and Idaho State games, and his high yardage game was 75 at Idaho. He had a pair of touchdowns on puntreturns vs. ENM, and a 50-yarder against Minnesota-Duluth. YEAR 199 5

G /S

1 1 /1 0

REC. 63

TDs 832

AVG. 13.2


LONG 41t

PR 33

YDS. 374

AVG. 11.3


LONG 60t

TVfike begins the season as Montana’s No. 10 career receiver with 1,428 yards. He MIKE ERHARDT, 3V has 94 career catches. Last season Erhardt was the Grizzlies’ third-leading receiver with 47 6 -4 , 2 0 5 , S en ior Wide R eceiver receptions for 792 yards and tied for the team lead (with Matt Wells) with 10 touchdown from E ugen e, O regon catches. He was Montana’s leading scorer with 66 points in 1995. He had four of more catches in eight of the 10 regular-season games he played. He missed the Minnesota-Duluth game with a knee injury. Erhardt had one of the biggest catches in Montana history in the championship game at Marshall. The Grizzlies were in a do-or-die situation facing a fourth-and-three from the 50-yard line in the closing minutes. Quarterback Dave Dickenson hit Erhardt for a 20-yard gain and crucial first down, leading to


kicker Andrew Larson’s game-winning field goal. Mike was UM’s second-leading returning receiver in 1994 when he had 36 catches for 482 yards and four touchdowns playoff games in ’94 with 22 catches for 257 yards, and he scored a touchdown in each game. “Mike has probably been overshadowed since he’s been playing football for us, said M ontana Head Coach Mick Dennehy. "The thing that stands out about Mike Erhardt is that he is completely unselfish. He may be as tough of a football player as we’ve ever had. He can block and does the tough things that a lot of receivers don’t like to do. He’s

He also excelled in UM’s three

a crushing blocker. “He has made some big plays for us in his career,” Dennehy said. “When we need a first down in big situations he comes through, and the Marshall game is a prime example. We kind of take him for granted, but you don’t want to take him for granted for very long. H e’s a big target, and throughout the years, he’s been one of the steadiest players that w e’ve had.” Mike was a second team All-Big Sky selection last season. He had two touchdow n catches against Idaho and Montana State. He also had two scoring grabs in the semi-final game against Stephen F. Austin, and he had nine catches in the title game at Marshall. As a freshman in 1993, he was selected Montana’s co-Freshman of the Year with offensive guard Mike Agee.


was a redshirt at UM in 1992. Erhardt was a two-time all-state selection at Willamette High School in Eugene and was the offensive MVP of his team his junior and senior seasons. He set records at his high school with 138 catches for 32 touchdowns. He also lettered in basketball and track. Personal: Mike is a Business Administration major. His parents are Otto and Helen Erhardt o f Eugene. Birthdate: A ugust 31, 1974. CAREER HIGHS: He had 10 catches for 222 yards at Idaho last year.

. He had a career-long 84-yard touchdown catch in that

gam e. YEAR 1993 1994 1995 TOTALS

G /S 7 /2 1 0 /1 0 1 0 /1 0 2 7 /2 2

REC. 11 36 47 94

AVG. 11.0 13 .4 16.9 1 5 .2

Y D S. 154 482 792 1 ,4 2 8


TDs 3 4 10 17

LONG 30 36 84t 84t




T h e Grizzlies’ sack leader last season, Corey has improved year-after-year since making the difficult move from running back to defensive end in 1993. Falls was M ontana’s sixth leading tackier last season in the regular-season with 40 stops, 20 of which w ere unassisted. H e had a total of 14 stops behind the line of scrimmage: nine sacks for minus 57 yards and five tackles for losses of 24 yards. H e had an outstanding game last season against Boise State with six tackles and two sacks for losses of 15

COREY FALLS, 3V 6 -2 , 2 4 0 , S en ior D efen siv e End from M edford, O regon ________________

yards. “There’s no question that he can be a big force on the Grizzly defense this year,” said Griz Head Mentor Mick Dennehy. “Ithink that Corey Falls is as good of a leader as we have on our football team . H e exemplifies com plete unselfishness. Being a running back has a little m ore glory than being a grunt linem an. But, he bought into that change and never looked back. He decided to do whatever it takes to help our football team. “Corey’s attitude is one of the things that’s m ade us as good of a team as we were a year ago,” Dennehy said, “and, ultimately, will help continue to make us a good team this season. “He is a relentless pass rusher,” Dennehy said. “H e ’s worked as hard as anybody to get weight on and to play the position.H e’s got great quickness, and he plays with tenacity. He never stops, and that s what makes him so effective. H e’s really done a magnificent job in leading our defense.” H e earned seven letters at South Medford High School: three in football and two each in basketball and baseball. His 1989 prep team won the conference cham pionship in football. Falls was all-state and all-conference his senior year in football in 1990. His prep football coach was Larry W alker.

CAREER HIGHS: H e had eight tackles at Idaho and at N orthern Arizona in 1995, and two sacks against BSU. career-bests of two tackles for losses at Idaho and at hom e against Idaho State in '95.

He had He had 13 tackles and two sacks in last

year’s four playoff games.

Personal: Health & Human Performance major, Birthdate: April 8, 1973. Corey’s parents are Richard and Sandy Falls of Jacksonville, Oregon. UT 2 3 20 25

G /S 9 /0 8 /0 1 1 /1 0 2 8 /1 0

YEAR 1993 1994 1995 TOTALS

AT 11 10 20 41

TT 13 13 40 66

SAC K S 0 /0 2 /-1 3 9 /-5 7 1 1 /- 7 0

T-LO SS 1/-1 1 /-7 5 /- 2 4 7 /- 3 2

FR 1 0 1 2

FF 0 0 0 0

PD 0 2 1 3

SEAN GOICOECHEA, 3V iVfr. steady in the secondary and the Grizzlies’ “quarterback” on special teams, 6 -1 , 2 0 5 , S en ior S tron g S a fety “Goke” was the teams’ fifth-leading tackier last year with 48 stops. He tied for the team lead with three interceptions and had a crucial "pick" at from S te v e n sv ille , M ontana N orthern Arizona last season. In that game, Goicoechea intercepted a pass in the NAU end zone and returned it to the Jacks’ 31-yard line. UM scored on a 31-yard pass play on its first play from scrimmage after the interception to take a 14-3 leadprior to halftime. "Sean is a very intelligent player, and there's not been a better kid in our program," Head Coach Mick Dennehy said. It seems like there's been a Goicoechea in our program for years." (Mike, Sean's brother, lettered at UM from 1991-94 and played safety). We've had a Goicoechea in our secondary for the last six or seven years. "He's extremely steady, he rarely makes a mistake, and he's a big hitter," Dennehy continued. "Sean has been able to make an impact on our program because he is such a smart player who knows how to make adjustments." Goicoechea was chosen as the UM's Special Teams co-Player of the Year in 1994 and 1995. He played in all 12 games at UM in 1993 as a redshirt freshman. In his 1992 redshirt year, he was selected at Montana’s “Scout Team Player of the Year” on defense. Sean was an all-state quarterback and defensive back at Stevensville High School as a senior. His1991 team was 10-2 overall and runnersup for the state “A” title. He earned six letters: three each in football and basketball. He was first team all-conference both ways as a junior and senior and team captain both those years as well. He was also a standout in American Legion baseball. Sean has been selected to the Big Sky Conference’s all-academic team the last three years and main­ tains a 3.14 GPA in Sociology. CAREER HIGHS: He has had a career-high seven tackles in three games, most recently last season against Idaho State. (He also had seven stops at Marshall in the title game.) He had four pass deflections last year at NAU. He returned an interception 47 yards for a touchdown against Eastern New Mexico last year. ; Personal: His parents are Duane and Janet Goicoechea o f Stevensville. Birthdate: November 19, 19 7 3 . YEAR 1993 1994 1 99 5 TOTALS

G /S 1 1 /0 1 1 /0 1 1 /1 1 3 3 /1 1

UT 6 18 21 45

AT 9 18 27 54

TT 15 36 48 99

SA C K S 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0

TL /Y D S. 0 /0 1 /-3 2 /-5 3 /- 8


FF 0 1 0 1

FR 0 0 1 1

BLK 0 0 0 0

PD 0 2 5 7

II 1 0 3 4




DAVID KEMPFERT, 3V 6 -4 1 / 2 , 2 8 0 , S en ior C enter from M issou la, M ontana


ZDavid was a first team All-Big Sky Conference selection last season and a third team All-American pick by The Football News. He is one of the key reasons the Grizzlies had the top-ranked offense and scoring teams in Division 1-AA the last three seasons. He started in all 15 games

last year. “Dave may be the over-achiever of our group on the offensive line,” said Montana Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “He was undersized when he came here. He refuses to let anyone outwork him, and we d o n ’t have many players who can keep up with him. In the weight room he loses lifting partners because they just don’t approach it with the intensity that he does. “He approaches football the same way,” Dennehy said. “H e’s very dedicated, and he’s very serious, no matter what he does. “Playing center in our offense is a lot different from playing guard or tackle,” Dennehy said. “The reason David could make that conversion (from high school tackle to college center) is because of his intelligence and his ability to handle stressful situations. It’s taken him awhile to make that conversion, but I think that the fulfillment of all of that hard work occurred last year when he was named all-confer­ ence. “This year I think he’s ready to step it up another notch,” Dennehy said. “H e’s a great leader by example. Going into his senior year he’s taken his leadership role a step further too. H e’s become a little bit more vocal. He’s very positive, and he’s done an awful lot for our program.” Now in his third season as a starter, Kempfert was an honorable mention All-Big Sky selection in 1994, and he started in all 14 games that year. That season he was named M ontana’s “Sophomore of the Year,” sharing the award with free safety Blaine McElmurry and wide receiver Mike Erhardt. David, and fellow linemen Mike Agee, Jason Baker, Eric Simonson (now graduated), and Jeff Zellick, are all abig reason that Montana was the No. 1 offense in the nation last year, averaging 512.1 total yards, 408.2 passing yards, and 42.5 points a game. Kempfert was first team all-state at local Hellgate High School in 1991 when his team was the state “AA” runnerup. That season his team went 10-2, and he was voted his team s’ “Outstanding Offensive Lineman.” His prep coach was Van Troxel. He was a two-time all-conference selection as a junior and senior, and he was an all-state academic pick in 1992. David has been an All-Big Sky academic team selection the past three seasons and maintains a 3.27 GPA in Pre-Physical Therapy. Personal: Birthdate: Ma\) 11, 1974. His father, Al, is the Executive Director of UM’s Grizzly Athletic Association. His mother, Chris, also resides in Missoula. His brother, Matt, was M ontana’s team MVP in basketball in 1995.

A . starter in all 15 games last season, Ryan is Montana’s 11th leading return­ ^ 0 RYAN THOMPSON, 3V ing tackier. In 11 regular-season games last year he had 32 stops, including three y j 6 -4 , 2 9 5 , Sen ior D efensive Tackle sacks and a tackle for a loss. from M issoula, Montana “Ryan has come so far since he’s joined our program, and it’s a credit to his work ethic,” said Griz Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “You can mark his improvement every year, I knew going into his sophomore year that if Ryan did all of the right things, he could be a very good football player. “He has great athletic ability,” Dennehy said. “I think his mentalapproach may have prevented him from seeing moreplaying time earlier in his career. Every year he has become stronger mentally, and he’s finally positioned himself where hecanlegitimately and singlehandedly reek havoc with an offense. “He’s capable of being in games when opponents will have to look at him and be aware of himin their game plan,” Dennehy said. “His hard work in the weight room, his dedication, and his growth, both physically and mentally, have made him a player with tremendous talent. “He runs so welland is very athletic for his size,” Dennehy said. “Guys as big as him usually don’t run as well as he does. He’s a very athletic defensive tackle.” Ryan is from local Big Sky High School where he earned two letters in football and one in wrestling. His prep football coach was Gary Ekegren, a former Montana coach (1977-78) and player (1959-62). He was co-captain in football and in wrestling as a senior. He was all-conference and all-city in football as a senior. Thompson moved to Missoula from Sandy, Utah, where he also played varsity football. He played Legion Baseball in Sandy and also played for the local Legion team, the Missoula Mavericks. He ran a 4.78 in the 40 this past spring and bench presses 225 pounds 31 times. CAREER HIGHS: He had career-bests of nine tackles and three sacks (for minus 16 yards) at Idaho last season. Personal: He is a Business major. R ya n ’s parents are Ken and Mary Thompson of Missoula. Birthdate: October 7, 1973. **9 W 9

YEAR 1993 1994 199 5 TOTALS

G /S 5 /0 7 /0 1 1 /1 1 2 3 /1 1

UT 1 1 9 11

AT 2 13 23 38

TT 3 14 32 49

SA C K S 0 /0 1 /-4 3 /-1 6 4 /-2 0


T-LO SS 0 /0 0 /0 1 /-1 1 /-1

FF 0 0 0 0

FR 0 0 1 1

PD 0 0 1 1


B ria n will be starting for his third season in 1996. He started in Montana’s first seven games last year, but he broke his arm early in the game at Idaho and missed the next six games. Prior to his injury Toone had 28 tackles, five sacks, and a tackle for a loss. He is the Grizzlies’ 12th leading returning tackier. He returned to action last season in the semifinal game at home against Stephen F. Austin. Heteamed with fellow “Butte America” native Randy Riley for a key safety in the title game at Marshall. “Brian came to us as a linebacker and probably would have preferred to stay as a linebacker,” said UM Head Coach Mick Dennehy. “I think our coaches saw in him some things that helped him get to where he is right now, as a senior, with a chance to be an all-conference type of player. “He is a guy kind of like a Ryan Thompson or a David Kempfert in that he was under-sizedcoming into our program,” Dennehy said. “But our coaches saw a great, tough kid who would be willing to sacrifice the glorification of being a perimeter player and get down inside and do some of the dirty work. He’s become a very solid defensive tackle. "With Brian and Ryan Thomson inside, we've got a chance to be successful." Dennehy said. "I think Toone gives us. that element, along with Ryan, (inside linebackers) Mike Bouchee and Jason Crebo, and (free safety) Blaine McElmurry. They give us a lot of strength right up the gut of our defense. “I go back to 1993, and one of the things that hurt us in the playoffs (a 49-48 home loss to Delaware), was people ran the ball right up the middle and people are going to have to look at running elsewhere because that’s not going to happen with these guys,” Dennehy said. In 1994, Toone started early in the year but played sparingly after that because of a lower leg injury. Toone was all-state and all-conference at Butte High School for former coach Jon McElroy. As a senior he had 49 tackles and three interceptions. He participated in Montana’s East-West Shrine Game, held annually in Great Falls. He can bench press 225 pounds 29 times and runs a 4.9 in the 40. A three-time All-Big Sky Conference academic team selection, Toone maintains a 3.16 GPA in BusinessAdministration. CAREER HIGHS: He had nine tackles and three sacks (for minus 16 yards) in a home victory overWeber State last season.

BRIAN TOONE, 3V ^ 6 - 2 , 2 7 5 , S enior D efensive Tackle from B utte, Montana

P ersonal: B irth d a te : A u g u st 18, 1974. H is m o m is L orinda G oebel o f Libby. FF FR T-LOSS TT SACK S AT UT YEAR G /S

1993 1994 1995 TOTALS


4 /0 9/4 7/7

0 8 10

2 20 18

2 28 28

0 /0 2/-8 5/-48

0/0 3/3 1/-4

0 0 0

0 1 0

0 0 0

2 0 /1 1




7 /- 5 6

4 /- 7




A n extremely talented offensive lineman, Jeff is one of three Grizzly JEFF ZELLICK, 3V senior offensive linem en w ho are being touted as honors candidates by 6 -5 , 2 8 5 , Senior O ffensive Guard M ontana H ead C oach Mick D ennehy. H e may have the opportunity to from Springfield, O regon play in the professional ranks som e day. A starter since his freshm an season when he shared time with All-American candidate Mike Agee,Zellick was ham pered w ith a back injury (herniated disc) early in his career. H e had surgery on his back in May of 1 995. Hopefully, he has overcom e that problem and will finally be at 100 percent during his senior season. Despite the back injury, Jeff started in all 14 games in 1994. “Jeff is such a physical talen t,” Dennehy said. “H e ’s perhaps as good of a football player physically as w e’ve had here. “He came to us years ago with a back problem that we were aware of,” Dennehy said. “We didn’t realize at first how ham pered Jeff was with his back, and we thought maybe he was a bit lazy. O nce we discovered th e severity of his injury, we had a new ap p re ciatio n for J e ff’s toughness. Asking him to do the things we did, with the type of problem that he had, it was just incredible for him to be able to get in and out of his stance. “H e’s an "honors candidate" because h e’s a great player,” Dennehy said. “If he worked hard in the off-season leading up to this year, he’s got a chance to be as good of a football player as Scott Gragg (who is now with the New York Giants). He really does have that kind of athletic ability. H e’s got a chance to do som e things for us that w e’ve never had here before.” Zellick has been an o th er key player for M ontana’s nationally ranked offense the past three seasons. Last year the Grizzlies led the nation in total yards (512.5 a game), passing yards (408.2 per game), and scoring (42.5 points a game). Jeff was a redshirt at M ontana in 1992. A four-year le tte rm a n at T h u rsto n High School in Springfield, he earned tw o letters in football and two in track. His senior year Jeff was all-state, all-conference and team captain as a tight end for coach Don Stone. His father, Dan, played football at Oregon State. His uncle, Jim, played for the Grizzlies in the early 1 9 7 0 ’s. Personal: H e is a B u s in e s s major. J e f f ’s p a r e n ts are D an a n d L in d a Z ellick o f S p r i n g f i e l d . B ir th d a te : M ap 20, 1 9 7 4 .


WEIGHT ROOM T V /o n ta n a ’s weight room was completed in the win­ ter of 1991 at a cost of an estim ated $ 2 2 0 ,0 0 0 , with all of the funding provided by private donors. It covers approxim ately 4 ,0 0 0 square feet. B ruce W allwork has served as UM ’s S trength and Conditioning C oordinator since March of 1988. The Grizzly power weight room is divided into three sep arate areas of apparatus: AREA 1: This phase of the weight room em phasizes free weight training. It has nine benches for bench press, and incline and decline bench pressing. It also has five squat and pow er racks, th re e lifting platform s, th re e squat and leap machines, a calf machine, four-way neck m achines, and assorted benches.

AREA 2: C om bines all the dumbbells and racks with pairs starting at 15 pounds to 100 pounds, and another set which ran g es fro m l5 pounds to 120 pounds. It also has assorted benches, prone and decline for dumbbell exercis­ ing. It includes three overhead cable lat pulls, and a custom cross-over cable apparatus. Two dip bars, a T-bar, bent over incline and row m achines are also located here.

AREA 3: Eight Nautilus and eight uni­ versal m achines are located here. T here are also hip sled s, leg p re ss m a c h in e s, sit-u p boards and ladder com binations.



Josh R e m in g to n

Josh P affh au sen

Jason Baker

B ria n A h Y a t



X j

TIM AGEE 6 -1 , 1 7 0 FS, Fr., HS+RS H elen a, MT

A redshirt last season, Tim was moved from wide receiver to free safety last spring...performed well in Montana’s 1996 spring game held in his hom etow n of Helena, registering five tackles...ended spring drills No. 3 on the depth chart...earned seven letters at Helena High School: four in track and three in football...selected all­ conference in football in 1993 and 1994...won three state championships in track: twice in the long jump, and once in the 100-m eter high hurdles...prep grid coach was former (1985-88) Grizzly quarterback Tony Arntson...Tim’s brother, Mike, starts at left guard for the Grizzlies... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: Sept. 29, 1976.

J A S O N BA K E R 6 -7 , 3 0 0 OT, Jr, 2V C oos Bay, OR cTason started all 15 games last season and will be back at his right tackle position again for his junior campaign..."We’ve got a right tackle in Jason Baker, who, I think, is comparable to Scott Gragg at the same stage of his development,” said UM head coach Mick Dennehy, who also coaches the offensive line...an All-Big Sky Conference aca­ demic team selection the past two seasons with a 3.13 GPA...redshirt at Montana in 1993...UM’s “Scout Team” co-Offensive MVP in ’9 3 ...earned five letters at Marshfield High School: two in foot­ ball and three in track...his senior team went 13-1 in football for coach Kent Wigle enroute to the state championship...first team all-state and all-con­ ference gridder as a senior...team captain in foot­ ball and track as a senior...MVP in track as a jun­ ior... Personal: M athem atics major. Birthdate: Feb. 6, 1975.

BR IA N A H YAT 6 -1 , 1 8 0 QB, S o ., IV H onolulu, HI B ria n is competing with junior Josh Paffhausen for the starting quarterback job...last season he was 6-of-15-2 for 57 yards in five games as a redshirt freshman...the state MVP in football at Iolani (EYEoh-Lawn-EE) High School in Honolulu in 1993....that year he led the state with 18 touchdow n passes...career-wise he passed for 4,091 yards....his junior year he passed for 2,176 yards -- the second most in Hawaii prep history...earned two letters each in football, basketball, and baseball...team captain in football and basketball as a senior...all-state in foot­ ball and basketball...basketball team won the state title his senior year...football grid coach was Wendell Look... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Nov. 12, 1975.

ERIC BU E H LE R 6 -3 , 2 4 0 DE, S o ., IV B u tte, MT B r i e cam e on strong this past spring and emerged as the backup at left end behind fellow Butte native Randy Riley...had 14 tackles, a stop for a loss, and an interception last season...his inter­ ception came in the season-opener against Eastern New Mexico...was moved from the “Mike” inside linebacker position during the 1995 season...named “Scout Team Player of the Year” on defense at Montana in 1994 with two others...earned 10 let­ ters in three sports at Butte High School: four in track, and three in football and basketball...a mem­ ber of Butte’s state “AA” championship team in 1992...was team captain in football, basketball, and track his senior year...all-conference tw ice in football...prep football coach was Jon McElroy... Personal: Psychology major. Birthdate: March 18, 1976.


mm 1 ^


6 -2 , 2 6 0 DT, S o ., IV M issoula, MT

jF?andy saw a lot of action last season as a redshirt freshman and ended spring drills third on the depth chart at defensive tackle...from local Hellgate High School, where he was a two-year letterman and team captain in football as a senior...a second team all-state selection as a senior...all-conference as a junior and senior...Hellgate’s “Outstand­ ing Defensive L inem an” his senior year...participated in Montana’s annual EastWest Shrine Game...his senior season he had 67 tackles and five sacks...prep grid coach was form er (1972-75) M ontana QB Van Troxel... Personal: G eneral S tu d ie s major. Birthdate: July 26, 1975.

7 A

^ ^ • M


J O E BU R K L EY 6 -4 , 2 6 5 OC, Fr., HS+RS Tum water, WA

quality young lineman, Joe will see ac­ tion this season...in a battle with sophomore Gabe Reece for the backup role at center behind senior honors candidate David Kempfert...earned five letters at Tumwater High School: three in football, and one each in soccer and basketball...football captain as a junior and senior for coach Sid Otton...won league titles in football in 1992, 1993, and 1994, and won the state championship in ’93, going 12-1...his teams those three sea­ sons were 32-3...first team all-state and AllArea as a senior...voted “Top Lineman” in Olympia...all-league three times... Personal: P re-M edicine major. Birthdate: April 9, 1977.



6-3, 2 5 0 DE, Fr., HS+RS H ysham , MT

O n e of Montana’s up-and-coming young play­ ers, D.J. will see action at right end this fall...finished spring drills third on the depth chart there...chosen one of Montana’s Scout Team MVPs in '95...earned 12 letters at Hysham High School: four each in foot­ ball, basketball, and track...three-time captain in foot­ ball and twice in basketball...captain of Treasure State Class “C” All-Star Game and the Montana-North Dakota All-Star Game...all-state and all-conference as a sophomore, junior and senior for grid coach Shawn Hollowell...twice all-state in basketball and all-conference four times...team MVP in football three times and in basketball twice... Personal: E le m e n ta ry E ducation major. Birthdate: Nov. 24, 1976. He is a cousin o f Jay Fagan, an All-American guard for the Grizzlies in 1989.






f\6 1 ’ 225

ILB- * • . 2V C olu m b us, MT

T he Grizzlies' lOth-leading returning tack­ ier...had 35 tackles, two stops for losses, a sack, and a forced fumble last season...only career interception came in 1994 versus Montana State...All-Big Sky aca­ demic pick in 1994...redshirt at UM in ’93...earned 12 letters at Columbus High School: four each in football and basketball, and two each in track and golf...won four conference championships in foot­ ball: 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992, going 28-4 those seasons for coach John Smith...team won state title in football in 1992, going 12-0...all-state in football and basketball as a junior and senior...team captain in football and basketball as a senior...team MVP in football in 1992...4-B champions in basketball in 1992 and 1993, going a combined 33-3...member of golf team which won state crown in ’93... Personal: Elem entary Education major. Birthdate: Sept. 26, 1974.



6-5, 2 7 5


5 -1 0, 175 CB, S o ., IV N iceville, FL

c/ustin was pressed into duty last season as a true freshman...responded with four tackles, two in­ terceptions, and a fumble recovery in his debut against Minnesota-Duluth...an All-Big Sky academic team pick with a 3.38 GPA...lettered three times in foot­ ball and twice in weight-lifting at Niceville High School...won three district crowns in football in 1992, 1993, and 1 9 9 4 ...advanced to 6-A playoff quarterfinals in ’93 and ’94...All-Northwest Florida as a junior and senior...all-district and all-county in ’94...Defensive Player of the Year as a senior and Most Improved on defense the previous year...career stats: 98 tackles, eight fumble recoveries, and seven interceptions...prep coach was Frank Sorrells... Personal: Health & Human Performance ma­ jor. Birthdate: Sept. 25, 1977. Was born in Wiesbaden, Germany.





6-0, 1 8 0 ^

OT, S o ., IV Valier, MT

.A nother talented offensive lineman at Montana - and make that with a capital “T”...saw consider­ able action at left tackle playing behind All-Ameri­ can Eric Simonson and will start there this year...UM’s 1994 “co-Scout Team Player of the Year” (with Josh Branen) on offense...picked “Outstanding Freshman” last year (with Brian Gales and Raul Pacheco)...earned 10 letters at Valier High School: four in basketball and three in football and track...allstate as a senior in 1993...first team all-conference at tight end and defensive tackle as a junior and se­ nior, and honorable mention pick at kicker as a senior...all-league in basketball as a junior...team captain in football and basketball in ’93...prep foot­ ball coach was Chuck DeBoo... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Dec. 25, 1975. His brother, Jeremy, played defensive line last year at Montana State.



FS/P, Jr., 2 V M issoula, MT

TV /o ntana’s 15th leading returning tack­ ier, Jake had 17 stops last season...backup at free safety behind senior All-American candi­ date Blaine McElmurry...excels on UM’s spe­ cial team s...a redshirt in 1993...first team all-state and all-conference selection at defen­ sive back at Hellgate High School as a junior and senior...all-state kicker as a junior...grid coach was Van Troxel...all-state in basketball for 1993 state champions (23-0)...team cap­ tain in football and basketball as a senior... Personal: B usiness major. Birthdate: June 11, 1974. His father, Mick is the head coach at Montana, and his brother, Mark, is a freshman receiver/defensive back at UM.

g^ ^



5 -10, 175 RB, S o ., IV R ichland, WA

T h e Grizzlies’ No. 3 rusher last season with 246 yards...one of three Griz chosen “Freshman of the Year” last season...lettered in football and track at Richland High School...first team all-state as a senior when he rushed for 1,450 yards and had 2,000 all-purpose yards...had 12 straight 100yard rushing games and back-to-back 1,000-yard rushing seasons...set school single-game records with 322 yards rushing for five TDs...of his 14 catches in ’93 seven went for scores...all-state and all-conference for coach Lonnie Pierson...team captain in football as a senior...excelled for Griz in the playoffs last year with 30 carries for 209 yards (7:0 avg.), and three TDs...career-long run is 67 yards for a score against Minnesota-Duluth. Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: March 16, 1975.


. JA M E S H A M ILTO N 6 -4 , 2 8 0 OG, Fr., HS+RS C oncord , CA /A nother quality young lineman, Jim provides needed depth on the offensive line...finished spring drills as the backup at right guard behind senior honors candidate Jeff Zellick...a redshirt at Mon­ tana last season...three-year letterman at Concord High School...team captain as a senior for coach George Smylie...all-state selection as a senior...also selected All-East Bay and all-conference following his senior season... Personal: Comm unications major. Birthdate: May 1, 1977.

JU S T IN HAZEL 6 -1 , 1 9 0 CB, Sr., IV Ft. Lauderdale, FL c/ustin started all 11 regular-season games and all 15 contests in ’95...Montana’s seventh (tie) lead­ ing tackier last season with 38 stops...also had a forced fumble and a team-high nine pass deflec­ tions in the regular-season...one of the biggest cornerbacks Montana has had in recent years...finished as the starter at left cornerback af­ ter spring drills...redshirt at UM two years ago...came to Montana from College of the Red­ woods (Eureka, Calif.), where he was first team all­ conference and second team all-state for his 9-3 team ...JC coach was Mike Cox...prepped at Co­ conut Creek High School in Ft. Lauderdale where he earned two letters in football and two in track...was all-league and second team all-state as a senior for coach A1 Milton... Personal: Social work major. Birthdate: Dec. 6, 1972.


M ARK H A M F E 6 -2 , 2 2 4 ILB, Sr., 3V Great Falls, MT

/ A talented veteran, Mark will see plenty of action at the “Mack” linebacker position...excels on special teams...Montana’s 12th leading return­ ing tackier with 30 stops and two pass deflections...can bench press 225 pounds 25 times...runs a 4.55 in the 40...a redshirt at UM in 1992...All-Big Sky academic team selection the past two years with a 3.01 GPA...lettered twice in football and track at C.M. Russell High School...team captain as a senior...special teams MVP at C.M.R...a key player on the Rustlers’ un­ defeated, state “AA” championship teams in 1989 and 1990, both registering back-to-back 12-0 records...all-state and all-conference...East-West Shrine Game participant...prep coach was Jack Johnson...his senior year he had 90 tackles and five sacks... Personal: Business Administration major. Birthdate: May 20, 1974. __________________

J A S O N H E LM S 6 -1 , 1 9 0 FS, Fr., HS+RS M issou la, MT W alk ed on to the Grizzly program this past spring and is vying for playing time at the “Fox” free safety position...lettered three times in foot­ ball and once in track at local Hellgate High School...football captain, team co-MVP, and voted “Outstanding Defensive Back” in 1993...’91 grid team was 10-2 and finished second in the “AA” ranks...standout for the local American Legion Baseball team, the Missoula Mavericks, which won the state championship and was regional runnerup with a 73-16 record in 199 5 ...all-state and all­ conference at defensive back and punt returner as a senior...all-conference at defensive back and re­ turner as a junior for coach Van Troxel...had 12 career interceptions... Personal: Microbiology major and plans a ca­ reer in either the medical or dental professions. Birthdate: Sept. 13, 1975.


EK1C H A K I 6 -0 , 2 1 5 OLB, Jr., IV S h en a n d o a h , VA E ric was a key member of the Grizzlies’ special teams last season...ended spring drills No. 3 at the “H ero” or outside linebacker position...an All-Big Sky academic team se­ lection with a 3.06 GPA...prior to UM he was a sergeant in the Army National Guard, where he served nine years and was a sheet metal mechanic for six years...earned letters in foot­ ball and baseball at Page County High School (1989 graduate)...team captain in football as a senior for coach Buddy Comer...as a senior he was the “Golden Helmet Award” winner and was voted Most Improved in baseball...voted Most Improved Player in foot­ ball as a freshman... Personal: H ealth & H um an Perfor­ mance major. Birthdate: Sept. 2, 1970. Nickname is “Sarge.”

D A V E H O IT 6 -1 , 2 9 0 OG, S o ., IV Coeur d ’A lene, ID iV /ade great strides last season and saw playing time at left guard...after spring drills he ended up as the backup at that position behind senior All-American candidate Mike Agee...an All-Big Sky academic squad pick with a 3.15 GPA...has an excellent work ethic...did not play prep football because his high school did not sponsor a football team...he lettered three times in basketball at Coeur d’Alene Christian Center...was co-captain of the basketball team as a senior...his prep basketball coach was Jim Preston...said he came to Montana because, “the coaches said they would give a guy who had never played a day of football in his life a chance.” Personal: G eneral S tu d ie s major. Birthdate: Oct. 26, 1976.



5-10, 18 0 CB, Sr., JC W est C ovina, CA

S illy was granted a rare sixth year of eligibility last spring by the NCAA...has not played football in two years...a two-time all-conference player at Mt. Sac Junior College (Calif.)... 1993 sophomore team was 92 and ranked fourth in the nation...had eight career interceptions in junior college....JC coach was Bill Fisk...a four-time track All-American at Nogales High School...as a sophomore he broke Mike Powell’s prep record in the long jump, going 25-2...had a PR of 506 in the triple jump, a C.I.F. “AA” record...four times captain in track and twice in football...earned eight let­ ters in high school...offensive MVP in football twice for coach Brian Beverage... Personal: Communications major with an em­ phasis in broadcast journalism. Birthdate: March 24, 1971.

51 A


6-2, 2 2 5 ILB, Fr., HS+RS Gilbert, AZ

linebacker in the mold of some of UM’s best, Rylan should see action at the “Mike” inside linebacker position...finished third there on the depth chart after spring drills...scout team MVP at Mon­ tana last year...earned two letters in football and two in track at Highland High School...captain of his prep team and defensive MVP...also captain of the Ari­ zona All-Star Team and Arizona Down Under Team...was 12-1 his senior year...had 163 tackles and three interceptions for top-ranked defense in the state...grid teams went 37-6 in high school...all­ region twice, all-state, and twice picked “Most Inspirational”...football coaches were Mike Epperson and Kim Sickmiller... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Dec. 26, 1976.





6-6, 2 3 5

QB, Fr., HS+RS F airbanks, AK C hris is perhaps the tallest quarterback in Grizzly history...is vying for playing time with three other players...earned three let­ ters in football at West Valley High School in Fairbanks...team captain as a senior...first team all-conference and second team allstate quarterback as a senior...his final sea­ son he passed for 1,025 yards...prep coach was Charles Alkire... P erso n a l: G e n e ra l S tu d ie s B irth d a te: May 25, 1977.

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m ajor.

BRAD JO N E S OT, Fr., HS+RS San D ieg o , CA

B ra d continues Montana’s tradition of qual­ ity offensive linemen...is the backup at right tackle behind junior Jason Baker...a two-time letterman in football and also lettered in basketball...team captain his senior season in 1994...that year he was voted “Scottie of the Year,” given annually to the player, “who best represents Helix High athletics”...his teams were Grossmont League champions and went a combined 19-1 in 1993 (9-1) and 1994 (10-0)...second team All-C.I.F., first team All-East County, and first team all­ league as a senior...second team all-conference as a junior...prep football coach was Jim Arnaiz...



5-11, 221 OLB, S o ., IV B utte, MT

P a u l ended spring drills as the backup to senior David Sirmon at “H ero” or outside linebacker...had 16 tackles last season...trans­ ferred to Butte High School as a senior, earn­ ing team MVP honors, as well as the “Hard Hat Award”... team captain in Montana’s EastWest Shrine Game...also attended high schools in Stratford, Texas, and St. James, Minn...as a prep he earned a total of nine letters: three in football and baseball, two in basketball, and one in track...at St. James High (Minn.) his team was 11-1 in football in 1993 and division cham ps...he was first team all-conference at running back at Butte...also all-league in base­ ball... Personal: Business major with an empha­ sis in finance. Birthdate: June 3, 1976.


6-7, 2 8 5

Personal: General Studies major. J u ly 28, 1977.




6-4, 2 9 8 OG, Fr., HS+RS H avre, MT

/A n o th e r outstanding young offensive lineman Ryan is vying for playing time at both guard spots...one of seven players voted Scout Team MVP at UM last year, his redshirt season...earned eight letters at Havre High School: four each in football and track...made state playoffs in football his sophomore and senior years, finishing second in 1994...first team all-state at guard and second team at defensive tackle as a senior...state “A” shot put champion in 1995...played in East-West Shrine Game and Montana-North Dakota AllS tar G am e...academ ic all-state three tim es...played football for coach Scott Sward... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: June 8, 1976.

ELEU KANE 5 -1 0 , 170 WR, S o ., IV H onolulu, HI

A. talented

young receiver, Eleu played in all 15 games in '95...seventh on the team last year with 15 catches for 187 yards and a TD in the regular-season...a redshirt at M ontana in 1994...ended spring drills as the starter at the “H” receiver position...a two-sport star at Kamehameha High School in Kailua...earned three letters in track and two in football...twice the state MVP in track, and winner of the state title in the 100 meters as a junior and senior...had a best of 10.6 in the 100 meters...all-state in football as a senior...team MVP as a senior with 34 catches for 587 yards and seven touchdow ns...prep football coach was Blaine Gaison... Personal: General studies major. Birthdate: Aug. 8, 1976.

JO E LEHM AN 6 -3 , 2 3 0 DE, Jr., 2V C oos Bay, OR J o e was making steady progress after moving from running back to defensive end in the fall of 1994, but missed most of last season with a leg injury...played in a couple of games in 1995, mak­ ing two tackles, and he had a forced fumble...at running back in ’94 he had 10 carries for 31 yards...a redshirt at Montana in 1993...one of two Griz players from Coos Bay (Jason Baker)...has excellent speed for a lineman at 4.57 in the 40...a third team all-state selection at Marshfield High School...team captain as a senior...rushed for 1,612 yards and 21 touchdowns in an outstanding prep career...also had 130 career tackles at linebacker...prep team won the state title his se­ nior season...prep football coach was Kent Wigle... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Feb. 23, 1975.


A N DR EW LA R SO N 6 -1 , 1 8 0 K(S), Sr., 3V H elen a, MT

^Tndrew connected on a 25-yard field goal with 39 seconds left against Marshall to give Montana its first-ever Division I-AA national title...also had a game-winner at Northern Arizona last year...made a game-winning 37-yard field goal in the NCAA quarterfinals against McNeese State in 1 9 9 4 ...UM’s No. 3 ranked career scorer with 194 points...tied a 71-year-old UM record with nine PATs in a win at Eastern Washington last year...has made 23-of-37 (.622) career field goals and 130-of-143 (.909) PATs...had a career-long 48-yard field goal at Marshall...earned six letters at Helena Capital High School: three each in foot­ ball and track...all-state punter and kicker as a senior for the late head coach, Jim Tuss...track captain as a senior and all-state in track (20-11 in the long jump)...set a schoolrecord with a 47-yard field goal at Capital...

Personal: Business Administration major and an AllBig Sky academic team pick with a 3.04 GPA. Birthdate: Oct. 20, 1974.


ERIC M A N ZA N A R E Z 6 -3 , 2 4 5 DT, Jr., 2V Great Falls, MT

A n excellent work ethic has made Eric an out­ standing defensive tackle...ended spring drills as the backup at left tackle behind senior honors candi­ date Ryan Thompson...’’Manzo” is UM’s 13th lead­ ing returning tackier with 18 stops last season...also had three sacks, a tackle for a loss, a blocked PAT (against UC Davis), and two pass deflections in ’9 5 ...a redshirt at UM in 1993...all-state and all­ conference his senior year at Great Falls High School...as a senior he had 95 tackles, nine sacks, and two interceptions for coach Dale Pohle...team MVP as a senior...all-state and all-conference as a junior. ..M ontana East-W est Shrine Game participant...his brother, Yohanse, was a first team All-Big Sky selection at defensive end last season at UM... Personal: P re-P hysical T herapy major. Birthdate: Dec. 17, 1974.


J O S H LASLOV1CH 5 -1 1 , 185 SS, S o ., IV M issoula, MT c/osh is vying for playing time at the “Griz” or strong safety position...two years ago he was moved from wide receiver to defensive back...from local Sentinel High School where he earned seven letters: three in football; and two each in basketball and track...team captain in football and basketball...all-state as a senior...a Montana East-West Shrine Game participant...all-city in football and basketball...placed sixth in the state “AA” in the javelin as a senior...all­ conference in football as a junior and senior. ..S e n tin e l’s defensive MVP in 1993...high school football coach was Tim Kerr, a former (1977-78) starting quarter­ back at Montana... Personal: G eneral S tu d ie s major. Birthdate: Nov. 12, 1975.

PA UL M O C K O 6 -2 , 2 4 0 DT, Fr., HS+RS M issoula, MT A physical young player, Paul should see a ction at defensive left tackle this season...ended spring drills No. 3 at the p o s itio n ...fro m local H e llg ate H igh School where he lettered in football and tra c k ...v o te d B est O ffensive L inem an, team MVP on defense, and received the “C aptain's A w ard” as a senior...his Jeff D ohn-coached team finished second in th e “A A ” ran k s in 1 9 9 4 w ith an 8-3 record...first team all-state at defensive end and at c en ter in 1 9 9 4 ...defensive MVP of the East-W est Shrine Gam e... P erso n a l: B u s in e s s * m ajor. B irthdate: A p ril 8, 1977.


A / 1

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PAT M O SH E R 6 -4 , 2 6 5 OC, Fr., HS+RS A nchorage, AK

P a t is competing for playing time at center...a 1995 redshirt at UM...a four-sport letterm an at Robert Service High School: three letters in foot­ ball, and one each in wrestling, track, and baseball...team captain as a senior...defensive cap­ tain his junior year...first team all-state offensive line­ man as a senior and second team on defense...all­ conference three tim es...state cham pion in w restling...his baseball team won the district title...played on state championship football team as a senior...winner of numerous player of the week awards in high school... Personal: Psychology major. Birthdate: March 17, 1977.

D A LLA S NEIL 6 -4 , 2 2 0 F/TE, S o ., IV Great Falls, MT


.D allas punted admirably as a “true” freshman, averaging 38.5 yards a punt...had nine punts inside the opponents’ 20-yard line...ranked 38th in the nation...All-Big Sky academic team pick with 3.79 GPA...earned seven letters at Great Falls High School: two in football, basketball, and golf, and one in track...was MVP of the Montana Shrine Game, play­ ing quarterback...co-captain in high school his senior year for coach Dale Pohle...set a GFHS record aver­ aging 41.9 yards per punt...first team all-state punter in 1 9 9 4 ...honorable mention all-state QB in 1993 and 1994...academic all-state four times...team co­ captain in football in ’94...tri-captain in basketball in 1995...the Bison won back-to-back state champion­ ships in basketball in ’94 and ’95... Personal: Pre-Dental major. Birthdate: Sept. 30, 1976.

J U S T IN O L SE N 5 -1 0 , 1 7 0 WR, S o ., IV from H elen a, MT c/ustin had four catches for 58 yards and aver­ aged 14.5 yards per reception last year...had two catches for 45 yards in the Grizzlies’ semifinal game against S.F. Austin last season...finished spring drills as the backup at the “Y” receiver position behind senior honors candidate Mike Erhardt...earned five letters at Helena High School: three in football and two in track...all-state at receiver as a junior and senior...selected team MVP on offense his junior and senior years...first team all-league as a junior and senior...his senior year he had 51 receptions for 950 yards and nine touchdowns...head coach was Greg Trenary... Personal: Pre-Medicine major. Birthdate: Sept. 3, 1975.

RA U L P A C H E C O 5 -9 , 1 7 0 WR> S o > l v Kailia, HI


starter last season as a redshirt freshman, Raul was Montana’s fourth-leading receiver in 1995 with 44 catches...UM ’s “Freshman of the Year” in 1995...had a career-high six catches versus Minne­ sota-Duluth, Idaho, and Idaho State...best yardage game was 98 vs. UC Davis...had two TD grabs against Idaho...led the state of Hawaii in receiving as a junior with 74 catches for 1,020 yards and seven TDs...allstate and all-conference as a junior and senior at Iolani High School...earned eight letters there: three in foot­ ball and basketball and two in track...co-captain in foot­ ball and basketball as a senior...co-Hawaiian Prep of the Year as a senior...prep grid coach was Wendal Look...went to Iolani with Griz QB Brian Ah Yat... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: June 22, 1976.


8 3

C H R IS T IA N OLAV A R RIA 6 -0 , 1 8 5 K (S), Fr., HS+RS B eaverton , OR

T h e backup to senior kicker Andrew Larson...displayed good range and consis­ tency last spring...a redshirt at Montana last year...his senior year he was an all-state punter and kicker at Sunset High School...first team all-conference as a junior and senior...junior team was Metro League cham­ pions, going 8-1...lettered twice in football, once in soccer, and once in swimming...has a career-long 49-yard field goal...as a senior he averaged 40 yards per punt...made 47of-50 PATs...prep teams’ special teams MVP as a junior and senior...prep football coach was Floyd Halverson... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Oct. 17, 1976.

JO S H FA FFH AU SEN 6 -0 , 1 7 5 QB, Jr., 2V B utte, MT J o sh is vying for the starting QB berth...has not thrown a TD pass at Montana, but has rushed for two (Minnesota-Duluth and Eastern Washing­ ton last year)...ended season in ’94 with knee in­ jury against Carson-Newman...three-sport star at Butte High School...earned 10 letters: three each in football and basketball, and four in track...allstate in football and track as a junior and senior...all­ conference in all three sports...led team to state “AA” title in 1991 as a junior...captain in football and basketball...received “Hard Hat” award in foot­ ball and Outstanding Sprinter award in track...won state crowns in high and intermediate hurdles, as well as triple jump...prep grid coach was Jon McElrov...USA Today Player of the Year in Mon­ tana in 1991... Personal: Education major. Birthdate: July 10, 1974.

G A BE R EECE 6 -5 , 2 5 5 OC, S o ., IV S alem , OR

CH A SE RAYNO CK 6 -6 , 2 8 0 OT, Fr., HS+RS B illings, MT A n outstanding young prospect, Chase fin­ ished spring drills as the backup at left tackle...continues to work hard in the off-season, gaining strength and weight...lettered in football and basketball at Skyview High School in Billings...all-conference at tight end and defensive tackle...prep football coach was Ron Lebsock, who was the Grizzlies’ inaugural recipient of the Steve Carlson Award (MVP) in 1977... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: Sept. 29, 1977.

A . quality young offensive lineman who adds solid depth at the center position...ended spring drills as the backup at center behind senior hon­ ors candidate David Kem pfert...can also play guard...lettered in football (three), track (two), and wrestling (one) at South Salem High School...his team’s Offensive Lineman of the Year as a jun­ ior and senior...all-state at center as a junior...all­ conference his junior and senior seasons...prep teams won league titles his junior and senior years...high school football coach was Terry Haligen... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: July 3, 1975.

^ / \ T T


6 -3 , 2 4 4 DE, Sr., 3V Butte, MT

R andy is Montana’s ninth leading (tie) return­ ing tackier...had 36 stops in the ’95 regularseason... played in all 15 games a year ago...tabbed as the starter at left end...had a huge play at Marshall when he shared a sack for a safety with fellow Butte native Brian Toone...second on the team with six sacks and also had a couple of tack­ les for losses...had two sacks and a tackle for a loss last year against UC Davis...career-high tackles game is five at Northern Arizona in 1995...runs a 4.6 2 in the 40 and benches 225 pounds 21 times...moved from linebacker to defensive end his freshman year...redshirt at UM in 1992...All-Big Sky academic team selection with a 3.04 GPA...allstate and all-conference at Butte High School...prep coach was Jon McElroy... Personal: Art major. Birthdate: Dec. 31, 1973.

C A S E Y R O B IN S O N 6 -4 , 2 3 0 DE, Fr., HS+RS M issoula, MT

A promising young player, Casey continues to work hard in the off-season...is vying for playing time at right end...from local Sentinel High School where he earned four letters: two in football and two in basketball...all-conference in football and basketball as a senior...football captain as a senior...prep grid coach was former Montana quarterback Tim Kerr (1976-78)... P ersonal: B u sin ess M an a g em en t major. Birthdate: July 24, 1976.



/I T T


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6-1, 210 S S , Jr., 2V K alispell, MT

/ \ n invaluable player in the secondary and on special teams...Montana’s seventh-leading (tie) re­ turning tackier with 38 stops last season...tied for the team lead in ’95 with three interceptions...has four career blocked kicks...had a career-high seven tackles at Northern Arizona last season...UM’s coFreshman of the Year in 1994, sharing the award with linebacker Jason Crebo...named one of four Griz special team MVPs in ’95...as a senior he was a first team all-state defensive back at Flathead High School for coach Bob Applegate...team MVP in foot­ ball as a senior...earned four letters: two in football and two in basketball...team captain and all-confer­ ence in football and basketball...played in Montana’s East-West Shrine Game... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Dec. 24, 1974.

D A R R E N ROW ELL 6 -0 , 1 8 0 QB, Jr., JC+RS A bb otsford, B.C. ZDarren is also in the hunt for a starting QB berth at Montana...a redshirt for the Griz­ zlies last season after transferring from College of the Siskiyous (Weed, Calif.)...passed for more than 3,000 yards and set five records at Siskiyous for coach Dennis Roberts...earned 10 letters at W.J. Movat Secondary School, including four in football...three-year captain in football...MVP of conference and second team All-Canadian as a senior...as a senior he passed for 2,362 yards and 15 touchdowns, and he also rushed for nine TDs...his ’93 team was 8-2-2 and Provincial champions...runner-up for British Columbia’s “High School Athlete of the Year” in 1992...set a prep record with 378 passing yards in a play­ off game...prep football coach was Denis Kelly... Personal: Health and Human Performance major. Birthdate: Jan. 16, 1974.


f 1

6-0, 200 RB, Fr., HS+RS A n acon d a, MT

iN/ate will see considerable action this season at run­ ning back and possibly as a kickoff returner...selected as “Scout Team” MVP at UM last season...rushed for 1,689 yards as a senior at Anaconda High School...his coach there was former (1976-79) all-league tight end Allen Green...earned 10 letters at Anaconda and Missoula’s Hellgate High Schools: four in track, and three each in basketball and track...all-state running back and punter as a junior and senior...all-state in track in 1993, 1994, and 1995...rushed for almost 3,400 yards in his prep career...won football and track league titles as a senior...his basketball teams won league crowns in ’94 and ’95...team captain in football and basketball...voted top running back at Hellgate as a sophomore... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: Oct. 12, 1976. Nate’s grandfather, Don Nyquist, lettered in football for the Grizzlies in the early 40’s.


D I’ O N T E SM ITH 5 -1 0 , 1 85 CB, Fr., HS+RS Van Nuys, CA

O n e of the m ost prom ising young comerbacks in recent years at Montana...after spring drills Di’Onte finished as the backup at left cornerback behind senior Justin Hazel...a football and track letterman at Grant High School...team captain in both sports as a senior...rushed for more than 1,500 yards his senior year...first team 3-A selection in 1 9 9 4 ...all-conference and All-Valley Pac8...as a senior he was chosen team MVP in football and track...prep grid coach was Bill Foster... Personal: Pharmacy major. Birthdate: May 16, 1977.




W ADE SCATES 6 -3 , 2 5 0 DT, Jr., IV S p o k a n e, WA

W a d e adds quality depth on the defensive line...listed as the backup at right tackle behind seniors honors candidate Brian Toone...had nine tackles and a sack last year.. .transfer from the University of Idaho...a redshirt at UM in 1994...started his college career at the U.S. Air Force Academy...can leg press 500 pounds 47 times and bench presses 225 pounds 22 times...a three-year letterman at Rogers High School in Spokane...all-conference and team MVP as a senior... Personal: Business major. Birthdate: Aug. 6, 1973. Wade’s brother, Dennis, played line­ backer for the Grizzlies from 1991-94.



JE FF T R IP P 5 -1 1 , 175 S S , Fr., HS+RS M issou la, MT

cTeff is vying for playing time at the “Griz” or strong safety position...earned five letters at local Loyola Sacred Heart High School: three in football and two in basketball...all-state pick at linebacker and fullback as a senior...first team all-conference in 1994...Captain Award, Golden Helmet Award, O utstanding Back (offense) Award, and Blue Helmet (Defensive MVP) Award as a senior...Most Inspirational as a junior...prep football coach was Mike Lyons... Personal: G eneral S tu d ie s major. Birthdate: May 14, 1976. His brother, Bryan, played football for the Grizzlies in 1989 and 1990, while his father, Gene Tripp, Jr., lettered in football at UM in the mid 60 s.


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D A V ID SIR M O N 6 -2 1 /2 , 2 2 5 OLB, Sr., 3V Walla Walla, WA

The Grizzlies’ third-leading tackier last season, David had 65 stops in the regular-season in 1995...honorable mention All-Big Sky pick in ’95...will start again at “Hero” or outside linebacker...an All-Big Sky academic team pick the last three years with a 3.44 GPA...benches 225 pounds 23 times...earned seven letters at Walla Walla High School: four in wrestling and three in football...all-conference running back in 1989, 1990 and 1991...all-league linebacker in ’91...foot­ ball captain as a senior for coach Gary Mires...MVP on offense and defense...averaged 17 tackles a game as a senior...played in Washington’s annual all-star game... Personal: Business Administration major. Birthdate: Feb. 6, 1974. Dave’s brother, John, was a three-year starter on the defensive line at the University of Idaho from 1989-92.

J m *

TR EVO R UTTER 6 -1 , 1 8 0 WR, S o ., IV Eureka, MT

Trevor is vying for playing time at wide receiver...earned 11 letters at Lincoln County High School: four each in football and track, and three in basketball...all-state and all-con­ ference in basketball as a senior...all-league in football in 1993 at tight end and line­ backer... prep football teams won league cham­ pionships all four years he played there, ad­ vancing to the state playoffs each season...basketball team went to the state “B” tourney in 1993-94 - the first time for LCHS in 22 seasons...prep football coach was Jim Myers... Personal: Elementary Education major. Birthdate: July 21, 1975.



6-1, 195 WR, Fr., HS+RS P len tyw ood , MT A n extremely promising receiver, Travis ended spring drills as the backup at the “X” receiver posi­ tion behind senior honors candidate Jo e Douglass...earned 12 letters at Plentywood High School: four each in football, basketball, and track...a four-time all-state and all-conference pick in football and track...three times all-state in bas­ ketball and four-time all-league pick...won three league cham pionships in basketball and two in football...was team captain in football and basket­ ball as a sophomore, junior, and senior...team MVP in both sports all three of those seasons...coached by his father, Duane... Personal: Health and Human Performance ma­ jor. Birthdate: Oct. 11, 1976. His father, Duane, lettered in football at Montana in 1974-75-76, and he had 700 career receiving yards.

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5-11, 175 WR, Fr., HS+RS M issoula, MT

.A nother very promising receiver, Jeremy earned the backup spot at the “H ” receiver position after spring drills...a three-sport letterman at local Big Sky High School...earned three letters in football and track, and two in basketball...first team all-state at receiver and cornerback as a senior...second team all-state at cornerback as a junior...state of Montana offensive MVP in 1 9 9 4 ...a redshirt at UM last season...the 1994 Eagle football team won the state “AA” championship...prep grid coach was Gary Ekegren, a former coach and player for the Grizzlies...team MVP in football as a senior... Personal: General Studies major. Birthdate: Jan. 27, 1976.

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dow n




5-7, 165 WR, Jr., IV D iam ond Bar, CA

Trevor came on strong this past spring and finished as the backup at the “Z” receiver position...had four catches for 45 yards in UM’s 1996 Spring Game...a transfer from the University of Ohio...also lettered at Mt. San Antonio Junior College (Calif.) in 1993 ...prepped at Bishop Amat Memorial High School and lettered in football, baseball, and track...his 1993 football team went a state record 15-0 enroute to the C.I.F. title...’93 team was ranked sixth in the nation...as a senior he had 25 catches for 500 yards, and he aver­ aged 40.5 yards per kickoff return...team co­ captain as a senior...high school football coach was Mark Paredes...first team all-state, all­ league, and all-C.I.F. in baseball as a senior... Personal: C om m unications major. Birthdate: July 8, 1975.

St at e




D a l l a s N e il

B r ia n G a l e s

B il ly I v e y

Jake D ennehy



ADAM BOOM ER, LB, 6 - 2 , 2 1 0 , H S , Fr., from A m erica n F a lls H igh S c h o o l (Idaho): All-State

MARK DENNEHY, D B /W R , 5 -9 , 1 6 5 , H S, from H ellg a te H igh S c h o o l, M issou la, MT: All-State in

and team captain, USA Today All-American, Idaho Player of the Year in A-2...Also lettered in track, com­ peting in the sprints...one of top-ranked wrestlers in the state at 190 pounds...runs a 4.7 in the 40 and maintains a 3.3 GPA...

football and basketball at local Hellgate High School...his brother, Jake, is a junior free safety at UM, while his father, Mick, is UM’s head coach and offen­ sive line coach...runs a 4.6 in the 40... BEN DRINKWALTER, RB, 6 - 1 , 1 9 2 , H S , from C .M . R u ss e ll H igh S c h o o l in G reat F a lls, MT:

KEVIN BRAGA, CB, 5 - 1 0 , 1 7 0 , H S, from Mater D e i H igh S c h o o l in F o u n ta in V a lley , CA: First

Led class “AA” in rushing with 1,768 yards, averaging 7.1 yards per carry...had a school-record 325 yards against H elena H igh...all-state football player and Montana’s “Gatorade Player of the Year”...as a senior he led the state in all-purpose yards with 2,239 and was second in scoring with 136 points...runs a 4.6 in the 40...

team all-league as a junior and senior...his Mater Dei team w s USA Today N ational Cham ps in 1994...started 30 games in his career...had 15 career interceptions.. .P ro n o u n ced : BR AH-guh. KELLEY KUMUMUA BRYANT, DT, 6 -2 , 2 8 0 , TR, from O reg o n S ta te a n d S t. L ou is H igh S c h o o l (H onolulu, HI): A possible impact player this year...all-

JIM FARRIS, WR, 5 - 1 1 , 1 7 0 , H S, from Lew iston (Idaho) H igh S ch o o l: First team all-state, all-league,

state in football and track at St. Louis High School...’’Outstanding Defensive Lineman” as a prep for one of the most successful high school programs in the nation, coached by Calvin Lee...Calvin’s brother, Tommy, was the offensive coordinator at Montana from 1986-90...Bryant was all-state in track in 1994 and 1995 and team MVP both of those years...he can bench press 425 pounds...attended Oregon State last year and will have four years of eligibility remaining at UM...will major in Business...

and co-offensive MVP of his league as a senior...also lettered three times in basketball and track...runs a 4.6 in the 40...prepped at the same high school attended by former Griz starting quarterback Brad Lebo... DAVID GILBREAITH, WR, 5 - 9 , 1 7 2 , Fr., H S, from B o zem a n (M ontana) H igh S c h o o l: Will be

State and all-league...excels in the 100 and 200 meters in track...leading tackier on his team...will major in Health and Human Performance...

a receiver at UM but was an outstanding halfback, rushing for 1,220 yards and a league-best 7.9 yards a carry as a senior...led class “AA” in kickoff returns with a 45.3-yard average...all-state selection...also ex­ cels in track...Bozeman HS was second in the state championship game in 1995, losing to Billings Sky view ...runs a 4 .4 in the 4 0 . ..P r o n o u n c e d : GilBRITH.

CHRIS COLVIN, CB, 5 - 1 0 , 1 8 0 , H S, from D am ­ ian H igh S ch o o l in U pland, CA: League MVP as a

TYLER GILM AN, W R /L B , 6 - 1 , 2 0 5 , F r., H S from H ellgate H igh S c h o o l, M issoula, M ontana:

senior...also All-C.I.F. as a senior...All-Inland Valley, and All-Pomona Valley...Team MVP and captain...rushed for 1,360 yards and 21 touchdowns...had three TDs on punt returns and two on kickoff returns...had 86 tackles and three interceptions on defense...runs a 4.5 in the 4 0 ... PRONOUNCED: COLE-ven.

A three-sport star who was selected all-state in foot­ ball, basketball, and track...first team all-state in foot­ ball as a senior, when he had 36 catches for 615 yards for a 17.0-yard average...all-state in basketball as a senior when he averaged 14.0 points and 9.2 rebounds (second in the state)...state “AA” shot put champion as a junior and has been all-state in track three tim es...4.0 GPA...M isc.: Tyler’s dad, Dan, was a standout running back at Western Montana College from 1969-72...

CH AD CLEM ENS, D E /L B , 6 - 2 1 / 2 , 2 2 0 , H S , from C a p ita l H igh S c h o o l in B o is e , Idaho: All-

SE A N D A V IS, Q B , 6 - 0 , 1 9 0 , H S , fro m B e a r C reek H igh S c h o o l in L ak ew ood, CO: passed for

9,401 yards as a four-year starter for Bear Creek, a 5A school, Colorado’s classification for its largest high schools...completed 7 0 1 -o f-l,0 6 6 career passes and was also an accom plished runner known for his toughness...was Denver Post’s 1995 first team all-state pick for a 5-5 team...as a sophomore he was third in the state in wrestling before giving up that sport to concentrate on football...runs a 4.56 in the 4 0 ...3 .8 GPA...

CALVIN JA C K SO N , O C , 6 - 3 , 2 6 8 , H S , from P o w a y (C a lifo rn ia ) H igh S c h o o l: All-C.I.F. and

all-conference...also com petes in track in the discus. ..S a y s h is p rep c o a c h , J oh n S elf: “Calvin absolutely loves the game of football and shows it ev­ ery day that he practices, and in every game he plays in”...benches 505 pounds... 40



L %


KAMAKANA KAIMULOA, OL, H S, 6 - 4 , 2 7 5 , from Funahu (p oo-n u h-h oe) High S ch o o l in H onolulu: All-

CHRIS POMBO, WR, 5 -1 1 , 1 8 0 , HS, from Ceres High S c h o o l/H o m e to w n : M o d esto , CA: All S ta te and all

State in football and all-conference in basketball...runs a 5.0 in the 4 0 .. .Pronounced: KAH-MAH-kawna... KEYE-MooLow-uh.

league...team MVP...runs a 4 .5 in the 4 0 ...has also earned letters in basketball and tra c k .. .Pronounced: PAWM-boe.

JERRAD KLUMPH, S S /O L B , 6 - 1 , 1 9 5 , H S, from T illam ook (O regon): Je rra d was th e P o rtland O regonian


MATT THOMPSON, WR, 5 -9 , 1 6 0 , HS, from W alla W alla (W ash in gton ) H igh S c h o o l: All S ta te selec tio n ...3 .6 6 GPA...

Player of th e Year on offense and d efense at th e “AAA” le v e l.. .first te a m all-state at ru n n in g back and d efensive back...rushed for more than 1,400 yards and had 15 TDs as a senior...on defense he had five interceptions, returning two for sc o re s...ru n s a 4 .6 in the 4 0 . . .selected 1 9 9 5 O regon C h apter Scholar-A thlete by th e N ational Football F ounda­

LEIF THORSEN, OL, 6 -5 , 2 2 5 , H S, from F lath ead High S ch ool in K alispell, MT: O ne of most sought after linem en in M o n ta n a .. .a ll-sta te s e le c tio n .. .also a trac k le tte rm a n ...

M ARCUS W ILSON, LB, 6 -1 , 1 9 5 , H S, from F ort Walton Beach (Florida) High School: Marcus prep team

tion and College Hall of F am e... Pronounced: KLUH-mph.

w on th e sta te 5-A ch am p io n sh ip in 1 9 9 5 ...a th ree -y ear starter...Fort Walton Beach’s leading tackier as a junior and s e n io r.. .A ll-N o rth w est F lorida an d an all-leag u e pick...com petes in the shot put and discus in track and runs th e 100 and 2 0 0 ...ran a 1 0 .9 in th e 100 m ete rs as a

ALVINO (al-VEE-noe) LEWIS, DB, 6 -0 , 1 7 0 , HS, from H elix H igh S ch o o l in San D ie g o , CA: First team AllC.I.F. on defense and second team All-C.I.F. at wide receiver, m aking him o n e of tw o p lay ers se le c te d A ll-C.I.F. b o th w ays...tw o-year starter...picked to play in S outhern Califor­ nia All-Star G am e...g reat all-around ath le te ...ru n s a 4 .5 in the 4 0 ...

junior...an All-Region Power Lifter...

ERIC ZAVETA, DL, 6 -6 , 2 5 0 , HS, from Big Sky High School in Missoula, MT: As a senior (1994), Eric was first

TYLER MARTIN, DL, 6 -1 , 2 7 5 , H S, from O lym pia (W ashington) High School: First team all-state at defen­

team all-state b o th w a y s..th e “A A ” defensive MVP as a senior...first team all-state as a junior...in his first start at Big Sky High he had 17 tackles...team captain in ’94...deadlifts 60 0 plus p o u n d s... Says his prep coach Gary Ekegren: “Eric is one of the best I’ve ever coached.”

sive tackle as a senior and a second team choice his junior y e a r...A ll-S o u th S ound pick b o th w ays as a ju n io r and senior...G reco-R om an state w restling cham pion...T yler lived in G reat Falls (MT) until the ninth g rad e...alread y benches 320 p o u n d s...

P ronounced: Zuh-VET-ah.

JASON MILLER, FS, 6 -2 , 1 9 1 , H S, from H illsb oro (Oregon) High School: All-State and All-Metro at quarter­ back and free safety...H illsboro H igh S c h o o ls’ “A thlete of the Y ear”...w as his te a m s’ defensive player of the year in basketball as a ju n io r...ru n s a 4 .6 in th e 4 0 . . .m aintains a 3 .8 8 G P A ...c h o se n as P o rtla n d , O re g o n C h a p te r 1 9 9 5 S cholar-A th lete by th e N ational Football F o u n d atio n and College Hall of Fam e...will study Business M anagem ent...

RYAN PHELPS, OL, 6-3 1 /2 , 2 6 0 , HS, from Centaurus High S ch ool/H om etow n : L ew isville, CO: All-State selection as a senior...also All-Area and All-Boulder County in 1 9 9 5 ...all-conference as a junior and senior...runs a 4.9 in th e 4 0 and b en ch es 3 0 0 - p lu s .. .S a y s h is co a c h Phil Bravo: “Ryan has played center, guard, and tackle during his high school career. He has great diversity, which is a real plus. The thing that is obvious with Ryan is that he plays hard every down and has a genuine love of the game."

Grizzly fans at Missoula's Johnson-Bell Field welcome the football team back from H u n t i n g t o n , West Virginia.


P o s.

N o.

N am e

60 35 10 54 75

OG Mike Agee Tim Agee FS QB Brian Ah Yat DT Randy Allik OT Ja so n Baker LB A dam B oom er ILB Mike B ouchee CB Kevin B raga RB Jo sh B ranen DT Kelley Bryant DE Eric Buehler Jo e Burkley OG D E /L B C had Clem ens D .J. Colter DE CB Chris Colvin ILB Ja so n C rebo OT S cott Curry QB S ean Davis Jak e D ennehy F S /P M ark D ennehy D B /W R W R /P R Jo e Douglass RB Ben D rinkw alter Mike Erhardt WR DE Corey Falls WR Jim Farris ILB Greg Fitzgerald CB Justin G aines RB Brian Gales S ean G oicoechea SS David G libreaith WR Jam es H am ilton OG ILB Mark H am pe O LB Eric H art CB Justin Hazel DB Ja so n H elm s OG Dave Hoit CB Billy Ivey OL Calvin Jackson QB Chris Jenkins O LB Paul Jenkins ILB Rylan Jollym ore OT Brad Jo n es Ryan Joy OG K am akana K aim uloaO L Eleu Kane WR David K em pfert OC Jerrad Klumph S S /O L B A ndrew L arson K(S) Jo sh Laslovich SS DE Jo e Lehm an Alvino Lewis DB Eric M anzanzrez DT Tyler M artin DL Blaine McElmurry FS


42 kk

21 kk

55 72 kk

91 ■kk

37 61 •kk

29 kk

23 kk

8 90 kk

46 6 33 9 kk

77 41 58 2 kk

52 3 kk

14 39 51 76 78 kk

24 62 kk

47 11 48 kk

99 kk



W t.



H om etow n (P reviou s S ch o o l)

6-4 1 /2 6-1 6-1 6 -2 6-7 6 -2 6 -2 5 -1 0 5-7 6-2 6 -3 6 -4 6-2 1 /2 6 -3 5 -1 0 6 -4 6 -5 6 -0 6 -0 5 -1 0 6 -0 6-1 6 -4 6 -2 5 -1 1 6-1 5 -1 0 5 -9 6-1 5 -9 6 -4 6 -2 6 -0 6-1 6-1 6-1 5 -1 0 6 -3 6 -4 5 -1 1 6 -2 6 -7 6 -4 6 -4 5 -1 0 6-4 1 /2 6-1 6-1 5 -1 0 6 -3 6 -0 6 -3 6-1 6-1

285 170 185 260 300 210 240 170 185 270 230 260 220 245 180 225 275 190 175 165 180 192 210 240 170 224 175 170 205 172 275 224 215 190 190 290 180 268 225 221 235 285 298 275 165 278 195 180 175 235 175 245 275 205

Sr. Fr. S o. So. Jr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Fr. S o. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. S o. Fr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Jr. S o. S o. Sr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr. S o. Sr. Fr. Fr. S o. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. S o. Sr. Fr. Sr. S o. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Sr.


Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) H elena, MT (Helena HS) Honolulu, HI (Iolani HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) C oos Bay, OR (Marshfield HS) American Falls, ID (American Falls HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Fountain Valley, CA (Mater Dei HS) Moscow, ID (U of San Diego) H onolulu, HI (Oregon State) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Tumwater, WA (Tumwater HS) Boise, ID (Capital HS) H ysham , MT (Hysham HS) Upland, CA (Damian HS) H elena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Valier, MT (Valier HS) Lakewood, CO (Bear Creek HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Salem , OR (Oregon State) G reat Falls, MT (C.M. Russell HS) Eugene, OR (W illamette HS) M edford, OR (Medford HS) Lewiston, ID (Lewiston HS) Colum bus, MT (Columbus HS) Niceville, FL (Niceville HS) Richland, WA (Richland HS) Stevensville, MT (Stevensville HS) B ozem an, MT (Bozem an HS) C oncord, CA (Concord HS) G reat Falls, MT (C.M Russell HS) S henandoah, VA (Page C ounty HS) Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Col. of Redwoods) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Coeur d ’ Alene, ID (Christian C enter HS) W est Covina, CA (Mt. Sac JC) Poway, CA (Poway HS) Fairbanks, AK (West Valley HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Gilbert, AZ (Highland HS) San Diego, CA (Helix HS) Havre, MT (Havre HS) H onolulu, HI (Punahu HS) H onolulu, HI (K am eham eha HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Tillamook, OR (Tillamook HS) H elena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) C oos Bay, OR (Marshfield HS) San Diego, CA (Helix HS) G reat Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Olympia, WA (Olympia HS) Troy, MT (Troy HS)




N o.

N am e

P o s.


W t.


E xp.

H om etow n (P reviou s S ch ool)


Jaso n Miller Paul Mocko P at M osher Dallas Neil Christian O lavarria Justin Olsen Raul P acheco Jo s h Paffhausen Ryan Phelps Chris Pom bo C h ase Raynock G abe R eece Jo sh R em ington Randy Riley C asey R obinson D arren Rowell N ate S anders W ade S cates David Sirm on Di’ O nte Smith M att T h o m p so n Ryan T h o m p so n Leif T h orsen B rian Toone Jeff Tripp Trevor U tter Travis Walker Jerem y W atkins M arcus W ilson Trevor W oods Eric Zaveta Jeff Zellick


6-2 6-2

1 91 235 265 220 185 170 170 175 260 180 280 255 210 244 230 180 190 250 225 180 160 295 225 275 175 180 195 175 195 160 250 285

Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. So. So. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Fr. S o. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Sr.


Hillsboro, OR (Hillsboro HS) Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) A nchorage, AK (Service HS) Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) B eaverton, OR (Sunset HS) H elena, MT (Helena HS) Honolulu, HI (Iolani HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Lewisville, CO (Centaurus HS) M odesto, CA (Ceres HS) Billings, MT (Skyview HS) Salem, OR (S. Salem HS) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Abbotsford, B.C. (Col. of the Siskiyous-CA) A naconda, MT (A naconda HS) Spokane, WA (U of Idaho) Walla Walla, WA (Walla Walla HS) Van Nuys, CA (Grant HS) Walla Walla, WA (Walla Walla HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Butte, MT (Butte HS) Missoula, MT (Loyola HS) Eureka, MT (Lincoln County HS) Plentyw ood, MT (Plentywood HS) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Fort Walton B each, FL (Fort Walton HS) Diamond Bar, CA (U of Ohio) Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Springfield, OR (Thurston HS)

68 64 32 83 28

88 17


66 44 43 96

12 20 98 45 1 kk

93 ■kk

89 31 25 84 4 **

7 kk

73 **

6-0 5 -1 0 5-9

6-0 6-3 1 /2 5--11

6 -6 6 -5 6 -1 -



6 -4 6 -0 6 -0 -

6 -3 6 -1 1 /2 5--10 -


5--9 6 --4 6 -5

6-2 5 -1 1

6-1 6-1 5--11

6 -1 -


6 -6 -

6 -5

I n d i c t a t e s High S c h o o l P la y e r ; e x p e c t e d to j o i n t h e t e a m in t h e f a l l



6-4 6-4


1-Di Onte (DEE-On-Tee) Sm ith 8-M ike Erhardt (AIR-Heart) 9 -S ea n G o icoech ea (G o-C oe-C hee-uh) 12-D arren R ow ell (RAU-ell) 16-B rian Ah Yat (EYE-Yawt), FROM: Iolani, Hawaii (EYE-Oh-Lawn-EE) 2 1 -J o sh B ranen (Braa-Nen) 2 4 -E leu K ane (EE-Lay-Ow Kaw-NEY) 3 4 -B la in e McElmurry (MAC-El-Murry) 3 7 -J a so n Crebo (CREE-Bow), From: H elena (HELL-in-uh) 41-M ark H am pe (Hamp-EE) 42-M ik e B o u ch ee (Boo-SH AY) 4 5 -D a v id Sirm on (SURR-Mun) 55-E ric B uehler (BEE-Ler) 60-M ike A gee (AY-Gee) 6 1 -S co tt Curry, From: Valier (Vuh-LEER) 6 4 -P a t M osher (M OE-sure) 6 8 -P a u l M ocko (Mock-OE) 88 -R a u l P a ch eco (Raw-OOL Puh-CHAY-Koe) 9 9 -E ric M anzanarez (M an-Zan-AIR-Ess)




■■ N o. 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 54 55 58 60 61 62 64 66 68 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 83 84 88 89 90 91 93 96 98 99

N am e Di’Onte Smith Justin Hazel Jeremy Watkins Justin Gaines Trevor Woods Mike Erhardt Sean Goicoechea Brian Ah Yat Josh Laslovich Darren Rowell David Henkel Chris Jenkins Josh Paffhausen Jason Helms Nate Sanders Josh Branen Joe Douglass Eleu Kane Trevor Utter Justin Olsen Jake Dennehy Jeff Tripp Dallas Neil Brian Gales Blaine McElmurry Tim Agee Jason Crebo Paul Jenkins Mark H am pe Mike Bouchee Randy Riley Josh Remington David Sirmon Greg Fitzgerald Andrew Larson Joe Lehman Rylan Jollymore Dave Hoit Randy Allik Eric Buehler Eric Hart Mike Agee Scott Curry David Kempfert Pat Mosher Gabe Reece Paul Mocko Joe Burkley Jeff Zellick Chase Raynock Jason Baker Brad Jones Jam es Hamilton Ryan Joy Chris Olavarria Travis Walker Raul Pacheco Brian Toone Corey Falls D.J. Colter Ryan Thompson Casey Robinson Wade Scates Eric Manzanarez



H o m eto w n (S c h o o l) W t. Y ear Exp. Ht. Van Nuys, CA (Grant HS) Fr. 180 RS 5-10 Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Col. of the Redwoods) Sr. 190 IV 6-1 Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) Fr. RS 175 5-11 Niceville, FL (Niceville HS) So. 175 IV 5-10 Diamond Bar, CA (U of Ohio) Jr. 160 IV 5-7 Eugene, OR (Willamette HS) Sr. 210 3V 6-4 Stevensville, MT (Stevensville HS) Sr. 3V 205 6-1 Honolulu, HI (Iolani HS) So. IV 185 6-1 Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) So. IV 175 5-10 Abbotsford, B.C. (Col. of the Siskiyous) Jr. RS 180 6-0 Lake Mary, FL (Lake Mary HS) IV 170 So. 5-10 Fr. RS Fairbanks, AK (West Valley HS) 225 6-4 R E T I R E D IN H O N O R OF D A V E D I C K E N S O N Butte, MT (Butte HS) Jr. 2V 175 QB 6-0 Fr. RS Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) 190 DB 6-1 Anaconda, MT (Anaconda HS) Fr. RS 190 RB 6-0 Moscow, ID (U of San Diego) Jr. IV 185 RB 5-7 RET I R E D I N H O N O R OF T E R R Y D I L L O N Salem, OR (Oregon State) Sr. IV 180 6-0 WR Honolulu, HI (Kamehameha HS) IV 170 So. 5-10 WR Eureka, MT (Lincoln County HS) So. IV 180 6-1 WR Helena, MT (Helena HS) IV 170 So. 5-10 WR Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Jr. 2V 180 6-0 F S /P Missoula, MT (Loyola HS) Fr. RS 175 SS 5-11 Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) So. IV 220 6-4 P /T E Richland, WA (Richland HS) So. IV 170 RB 5-9 Troy, MT (Troy HS) Sr. 3V 205 6-0 FS Helena, MT (Helena HS) Fr. RS 170 6-1 FS Helena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Jr. 2V 6-4 225 ILB Butte, MT (Butte HS) 221 So. IV ILB 5-10 Great Falls, MT (C.M Russell HS) 224 Sr. 3V 6-2 ILB Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Sr. 3V 240 ILB 6-2 Butte, MT (Butte HS) 244 Sr. 3V . DE 6-3 Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Jr. 2V 210 S S /O L B 6-1 Walla Walla, WA (Walla Walla HS) Sr. 3V 6-1 1 /2 2 2 5 OLB Columbus, MT (Columbus HS) Jr. 2V 225 ILB 6-1 Helena, MT (Helena Capital HS) Sr. 3V 180 6-1 K(S) Coos Bay, OR (Marshfield HS) 230 Jr. 2V DE 6-3 Gilbert, AZ (Highland HS) Fr. RS 6-2 235 ILB Coeur d’ Alene, ID (Christian Center HS) IV 290 So. OG 6-1 Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) IV DT 6-2 260 So. Butte, MT (Butte HS) So. IV 230 DE 6-3 Shenendoah, VA (Shenendoah HS) Jr. IV OLB 210 6-1 Kalispell, MT (Flathead HS) Sr. 3V 6-4 1 /2 2 8 5 OG Valier, MT (Valier HS) IV So. OT 275 6-5 Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Sr. 3V 6-4 1 /2 2 7 8 OC Anchorage, AK (Service HS) Fr. RS 6-4 230 OC Salem, OR (S. Salem HS) IV So. 255 OC 6-5 Missoula, MT (Hellgate HS) Fr. RS 6-2 235 DT Tumwater, WA (Tumwater HS) Fr. RS 6-4 260 OL Springfield, OR (Thurston HS) Sr. 3V 290 6-5 OG Billings, MT (Skyview HS) Fr. RS OT 280 6-6 Coos Bay, OR (Marshfield HS) Jr. 2V OT 300 6-7 San Diego, CA (Helix HS) Fr. RS OT 285 6-7 Concord, CA (Concord HS) Fr. RS 6-4 275 OG Havre, MT (Havre HS) Fr. RS 6-4 298 OG Beaverton, OR (Sunset HS) Fr. RS 6-0 170 K(S) Plentywood, MT (Plentywood HS) Fr. RS 6-1 195 WR Honolulu, HI (Iolani HS) IV So. 5-9 170 WR Butte, MT (Butte HS) 6-2 Sr. 3V DT 275 Medford, OR (Medford HS) 244 Sr. 3V DE 6-2 Hysham, MT (Hysham HS) RS Fr. DE 245 6-3 Missoula, MT (Big Sky HS) DT 6-4 295 Sr. 3V Missoula, MT (Sentinel HS) Fr. RS 6-4 DE 220 Spokane, WA (U of Idaho) Jr. DT 6-3 250 IV Great Falls, MT (Great Falls HS) Jr. DT 2V 6-3 245 P os. CB CB WR CB WR WR SS QB SS QB K QB




1 9 9 5 GRIZZLY STATISTICS 15 GAMES: 13-2* OVERALL (6-1, Big Sk y-lst) *Stats are for 11 games. Playoff games included in record but not in statistics.

TEAM STATISTICS First Downs Rushing Attempts Rushing Yards Gained Rushing Yards Lost

INDIVIDUAL (L eaders only)



279 320 154 0 393

202 415 1838 392





Yards Per Rush Rushing Yards Per Game Passes Attempted Passes Completed Passes Had Intercepted Pass Completion Percentage

3 .6 10 4 .3 500 336 12 .672

3.5 131.5 382 210 17 .550




Passing Yards Per Game Total Plays Total Plays Per Game

4 0 8 .2 820 7 4 .6

2 14.9 797 72.5




Yards Gained Per Play 6 .9 Yards Gained Per Game 5 1 2 .5 Kickoff Returns/Kickoff Ret. Yards 3 0 /6 3 0 Avg. Yardage Per Kickoff Return 2 1 .0 Punt Returns/Punt Return Yards 4 8 /5 3 6 Average Yardage Per Punt Return 11.2 Intercep. Ret./Intercept. Ret. Yards 1 7 /3 0 1 Avg. Yard. Per Interception Return 17.7 Punts/Total Punt Yardage 4 3 /1 6 7 4 Average Per Punt 3 8 .9 Avg. Number of Punts Per Game 3 .9 Fumbles/Fumbles Lost 2 2 /1 6 Penalties/Yards Penalized 9 5 /8 4 6 Penalties Per Game/Yards Pen. Per Game 8 .6 /7 6 .9 3rd Down Conver. Attempts/Made 1 4 8 /6 6 3rd Down Conversions Percentage .4 4 6 Time of Possession 5 :2 9 .3 2 Avg. Time of Pos. Per Game 2 9 :5 8

Joe Douglass Matt Wells Mike Erhardt Raul Pacheco Kelly Stensrud Josh Branen Eleu Kane Nathan Dolan Chase Greene UM OPR TOTALS

Dave Dickenson




4.8 3 4 6 .4 6 2 /1 0 9 4 17.7 1 4 /9 4 6.7 1 2 /1 7 2 14.3 7 4 /2 9 0 9 39.3 6.7 1 9 /1 0 8 7 /7 3 4 7 .9 /6 6 7 1 7 1 /5 6 .328 5 :3 0 .2 8 30:02

832 -1 3 .2 1 0 08-16.5 792 -1 6 .9 534-12.1 39 9 -9 .3 164-9.7 187-12.5 123-13.7 127-14.1 4 4 9 0 - 1 3 .4 2 3 6 0 - 1 1 .2


75.6 9 1.6 79.2 5 3 .4 3 6 .3 14.9 2 6.7 12.3 31.8 4 0 8 .2 2 1 4 .6

41 90 84 50 34 22 30 25 27

7 10 10 4 3 1 1 0 0 38 19


G /G S






Josh Branen Kelly Stensrud Brian Gales Chris Morton Josh Paffhausen Dave Dickenson UM OPP. TOTALS

1 1 /0 1 1 /1 1 9 /0 7 /0 9 /0 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1

57 70 39 37 18 89 320 415

396 269 259 165 96 322 1540 1838

7 10 13 7 25 289 393 392

3 89-6.8 259-3.7 2 4 6-6.3 158-4.3 71-3.9 3 3-.04 1 0 4 .3 1315

6 6 2 2 2 3 22 15

Joe Douglass Matt Wells Josh Branen Mike Erhardt Kelly Stensrud

G 11 11 11 10 11

PLAYS 97 63 90 48 115

YARDS 12 0 6 10 2 9 911 798 662

YDS/GAM E 109 .6 9 3 .6 8 2 .8 7 9.8 60.2

INTERCEPTIONS G 11 10 11 11 7 11 11

Sean Goicoechea Ryan Palma Blaine McElmurry Josh Remington Justin Gaines UM OPP.

INT. 3 3 3 3 2 17 12

YARDS-AVG. 125-41.7 2 0-6.7 6 1 -20.3 29-9.7 35 -1 7 .5 3 0 1 - 1 7 .7 1 7 1 - 1 4 .3

TD 1 0 1 0 0 2 0








63 61 47 44 43 17 15 9 9 336 210





1 1 /1 0 1 1 /1 1 1 0 /1 0 1 0 /8 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /0 7 /0 1 0 /0 4 /0 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1














Dave D ickenson Jo sh Paffhausen Brian Ah Yat






Y D S.



1 1 /1 1 9 /0 5 /0

455 30 15

309 21 6

.679 .700 .400

9 1 2

4176 257 57

38 0 0

168.6 135.3 45.3


90 30 18




2N D



3R D



138 45

12.6 4.1

151 96

13.7 8.7

26.3 12.8

95 56

8.6 5.1

83 68



7.6 6.2


467 265


42.5 24.1




SC O R IN G SCORING Mike Erhardt Matt Wells Joe Douglass Kelly Stensrud Andy Larson

P a ss Rcpt.


0 0 0

10 10

10 11 11 11

7 3




6 0

PUNTING P ats /F G s 0 0 0 0 3 0 /5

Total P oin ts

P T s./ G am e



62 58 56 45

5.6 5.3 5.1 4 .5

Kelly Stensrud Dallas Neil UM O PPO N EN TS


G 11 11 11 11


42 43 74

YDS-AVG 5 7 -5 7 .0 1 6 1 7 -3 8 .5 1 6 7 4 - 3 8 .9 2 9 0 9 - 3 9 .3

LONG 57 61 —


G 10 6 11 11

ATT.-MADE 31-30 13-12 4 4 -4 2 24-21

TOTAL POINTS 30 12 42 29

PCT. .97 .91 .9 6 .8 8

Joe Douglass Nathan Dolan UM O PPO N EN TS

G 11 10 11 11

Josh Branen Brian Gales UM O PPO N EN TS

G 11 9 11 11

Andy Larson David Henkel UM OPP.


MADE 5 2 7 8

PCT. .83 .50 .7 0 .7 3

YDS.-AVG. 3 7 4 /1 1 .3 1 1 7 /1 0 .6 5 3 6 /1 1 .2 9 4 /6 .7

LONG RET. 60 18 —

TD 2 0 2 0


FIELD GOALS FG 6 4 10 11

RET. 33 11 48 14

LONG 40 36

RET. 16 6 30 62

YDS.-AVG. 3 5 8 /2 2 .4 1 9 3 /3 2 .2 6 3 0 /2 1 .0 1 0 9 4 /1 7 .7

TD 0 0 0 0

LONG RET. 41 46 —

DEFENSIVE STATISTICS AT 61 42 43 32 27 21 27 20 17 18 15 16 21 23 20 21 16 18 11 13 11 9 7 5 5 5 6 3

PLAYER, POSITION Mike Bouchee, ILB Jason Crebo, ILB David Sirmon, OLB Blaine McElmurry, FS Sean Goicoechea, SS Yo Manzanarez, DE Marty Duffin, DT Corey Falls, DE Ryan Palma, FS Josh Remington, SS Mike Temple, CB Randy Riley, DE Greg Fitzgerald, OLB Ryan Thom pson, DT Justin Hazel, CB Mark Hampe, ILB Mike Kowalski, OLB Brian Toone, DT Jake Dennehy, FS Eric Manzanrez, DT Paul Jenkins, OLB Eric Buehler, DE Mike Lorentz, DE Wade Scates, DT Chris Morton, RB Scott Spraggins, CB Randy Allik, DT Justin Gaines, CB

G /G S 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1 9 /9 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1 1 0 /1 0 1 0 /4 1 1 /1 0 1 0 /0 1 1 /0 1 1 /1 1 1 1 /0 1 0 /0 9 /9 1 1 /1 1 9 /0 8 /0 7 /7 8 /0 9 /0 7 /0 4 /0 3 /0 6 /0 7 /0 3 /0 4 /0 2 /0

UT 36 29 22 32 21 15 10 20 16 20 20 20 14 9 18 9 9 10 6 5 5 5 1 4 3 4 1 2


1 1 /1 1 1 1 /1 1

376 543 398 480

TT 97 71 65 64 48 36 37 40 33 38 35 36 35 32 38 30 25 28 17 18 16 14 8 9 8 9 7 5 919 878

S A C K S /Y d s. 5 /- 3 0 5 /- 3 0 1 /- 3 0 /0 0 /0 4 /- 3 1 2 /- 8 9 /- 5 7 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 6 /- 4 3 1 /- 6 3 /- 1 6 0 /0 0 /0 1 /-7 5 /- 4 8 0 /0 3 /- 1 6 0 /0 0 /0 1 /- 4 1 /- 6 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0

T L /Y d s. 2 /- 4 9 /- 2 8 2 /- 9 0 /0 2 /- 5 9 /- 1 3 1 /-1 5 /- 2 4 0 /0 1 /-2 0 /0 2 /- 6 2 /- 5 1 /-1 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 1 /- 4 0 /0 1 /-3 0 /0 1 /-2 1 /- 4 0 /0 0 /0 0 /0 1 /-2 0 /0

FF 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FR 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

BLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PD 2 3 2 8 5 1 0 1 0 1 8 0 0 1 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

INT 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2

4 7 /-3 0 5 4 2 /-2 6 4

41/113 44/160

9 14

12 22

2 0

42 37

17 12

Overall Attendance: 1 6 2 ,0 8 9 Overall Average: 1 4 ,7 3 5 Conference Attendance: 9 7 ,1 7 1 Conference Average: 1 3 ,8 8 2

Home Attendance: 8 4 ,6 8 9 Home Average: 1 4 ,1 1 5 Away Attendance: 7 7 ,4 0 0 Away Average: 1 5 ,4 8 0 46

oPPONENTS J u stin G ain es

Joe Lehm an


................ I ....â– Ill

G reg F itzg era ld

Eric M a n z a n a r e z





Jerry P ettibone Head Coach








Andre P atterson H ead Coach

Marc W illiams D efen sive Back

Kamil Loud W ide Receiver

President: Warren J. Baker Location: San Luis Obispo, California Population: 3 3 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 11,500 Nickname: Mustangs School Colors: Green & Gold Athletic Director: John McCutcheon Head Coach: Andre Patterson Alma mater: Montana (1983) Overall Record: 12-10 (2 years) Record at Cal Poly: 12-10 (2 years) Best Time To Call: 10:00 a.m .-2:00 p.m. Football Phone: 80 5 -7 5 6 -5 1 6 6 Assistant Coaches: George Booker (D-Line);

Coach/WR); Denny Schuler (Off. Coord./QB); Bronco Mendenhall (Def. Coord./Secondary); Osia Lewis (LBs); Dan Marlow (Recruiting Coord./Secondary); Mike Nelson (D-line); Bill Singler (Running Backs/Special Teams); Todd Spencer (O-line); Barry Wilson (O-line). Stadium: Parker Stadium (3 5 ,3 6 2 /All-Pro Turf) Stadium Phone: 5 4 1 -7 3 7 -2 4 1 0 /2 7 9 5 19 9 5 Record: 1-10 League Record/Finish: 0 -8 /1 0 th Conference: Pac-10 Starters Back: 13 (4 off.; 7 def.; 2 spec.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 3 /2 1 Series Record: 12-1-2, OSU Last Meeting: L, 15-22, @OSU, 1990 SID: Hal Cowan SID Phone: 541-737-3720-W ; 541-757-1446-H SID FAX: 541 -7 3 7 -3 0 7 2 Athletic Trainer: Brian Sanders Key Returnees: Tim Alexander, QB, 6-0, 176, So.; Marc Williams, Rov, 5-9, 173, Sr.; Jamie Critchlow, OC,6-2, 276, Sr.; Tony Hout, DE, 6-4, 259, Sr.; Inoke

Pete DeGraff (Outside LB’s); Phil Earley (Off. Coord.); Brian Fitz (Secondary); Eric Jackson ( Def. Coord.); Payam Saadam (Inside LB’s); Robby Smith (Tight Ends); Bill Tripp (O-Line); Joe Wade (Running Backs). Stadium: Mustang Stadium (8,500/G rass) Stadium Phone: 8 0 5 -7 5 6 -2 4 1 0 1 9 9 5 Record: 5-6 League Record/Finish: 2 -l/2 n d Conference: Div. 1-AA Independent Starters Back: 16 (8 off.; 8 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 3 /1 8 Series Record: 3-0, UM Last Meeting: L, 0-45, @UM, 1994 SID: Eric McDowell SID Phone: 805-756-6531-W ; 805-546-8977-H SID FAX: 805-756-2650 Athletic Trainer: Steve Yoneda Key Returnees: Demetrius Davis, DB, 6-2, 219, Jr.; Sam Genzone, OL, 6-4, 280, Jr.; David Lombardi, DB 5-10, 160, Sr.; James Lombardi, DB, 5-11, 175, So.; Kamil Loud, WR, 6-1, 175, Jr.

Breckterfield, DT, 5-11, 264, So.______________________




0 16 23 30 7 21 28 4 11 18

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

O verall: 1 -lO /P a c -lO : 0 -8

Overall: 5 -6 /A m er ica W est: 2-1




@Pacific ©North Texas @Arizona State* Washington* ©Washington State* California* ©Stanford* Arizona* USC* ©Oregon*


1 0 -23 27 -3 0 11-20 16-26 1 4 -40 12-13 3 -24 9 -1 4 10-28 10-12

S S S S O O 0 O N N N

2 9 16 23 7 14 21 28 4 11 18

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D a te

O p p o n en t

S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28

M ontana @ usc*

O 5 O 12 O 19 O 26



President: Dr. Paul G. Risser Location: Corvallis, Oregon Population: 5 0 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 1 5,000 Nickname: Beavers School Colors: Orange & Black Athletic Diretor: Dutch Baughman Head Coach: Jerry Pettibone Alma Mater: Oklahoma (1963) Overall Record: 44-74-2 (11 Years) Record at OSU: 11-42-1 (5 Years) Best Time To Call: 10:30 to 12 noon, Mon-Thurs. Football Phone: 541 737 2614 Assistant Coaches: Robert Jackson (Asst. Head

r£r W


N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

@Baylor ©California* Bye Washington State* Stanford* @Arizona* Arizona State* ©Washington* Northern Illinois Oregon* *Pac-10 Conference game


p.m . p.m. p.m. p.m.

1:00 1:00 7:07 1:00 12:30 1:00 1:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

57- 3 22-28 10-13 43-53 35-20 56-10 36-37 20-31 49- 7 31-34 52-35

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le

Time (P ac.) 1:0 0 3:30 4:00 12:30

W Western Montana L Idaho State L Montana State L @Weber State W ©Southern Utah* W @Sonoma State L Cal State Sacramento* L @Saint Mary's W Cal State Northridge* L @UC Davis W Eastern Washington *American West Conference game

D ate S 7 s 14

s s o o o o N N N N

21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23

O pponent @Idaho State

© Montana Weber State Central Washington @Idaho Saint Mary's Southern Utah ©Western Illinois UC Davis @Montana State Open @Cal State Sacramento

Time (Pac.) 5:35 p.m. 1 :3 0 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 11:35 a.m. —

1:00 p.m_


>> *







John Volek H ead Coach

Rich Ellerson Head Coach

Tony Corbin Q uarterback

Chris Garza Linebacker

Brian M cNeely H ead Coach

A lfredo Anderson Running Back

President: Dr. Donald R. Gerth Location: Sacramento, California Population: 1.5 Million Enrollment: 22 ,0 0 0 Nickname: Hornets School Colors: Green & Gold Athletic Director: TBA Head Coach: John Volek Alma mater: UC Riverside (1968) Overall Record: 4-6-1 (1 year) Record at CSU: 4-6-1 (1 year) Best Time To Call: Mornings Football Phone: 9 1 6 278 7053 Assistant Coaches: Rob Shook (Assist. Head

President: Dr. Gerald, R. Sherratt Location: Cedar City, Utah Population: 1 8 ,000 Enrollment: 5 ,5 0 0 Nickname: Thunderbirds School Colors: Scarlet & White Athletic Director: Jack Bishop Head Coach: Rich Ellerson Alma mater: Hawaii (1977) Overall Record: 0-0 (First year) Record at S. Utah: 0-0 (First year) Best Time To Call: 2:00-3:00 p.m. Football Phone: 801 865-8361 A ssistant Coaches: Jeff Hammerschmidt

President: Dr. Richard L. Bowen Location: Pocatello, Idaho Population: 5 0 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 12,448 Nickname: Bengals School Colors: Orange & Black Athletic Director: Irv Cross Head Coach: Brian McNeely Alma mater: Wichita State (1979) Overall Record: 17-27 (4 years) Record at ISU: 17-27 (4 years) Best Time To Call: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Football Phone: 208 236 2779 Assistant Coaches: Rob Bolks (Def. Coord./DB);

Coach/D-Line/Special Teams); Lou Patrone (Def. Coord./Secondary); Bruce Pielstick (Off. C oord./QB’s); Lou Baiz (CB’s); Bob Barnes (O-Line); Bob Visger (RB’s); Frank Jones (WR’s); Les Myers (DE’s). Stadium: Hornet Stadium (21,418/G rass) Stadium Phone: 9 1 6 -2 7 8 -5 9 9 5 1 9 9 5 Record: 4 6 1 League Record/Finish: 3 - 0 /ls t Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 13 (6 off.; 6 def.; 1 spec.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 3 /2 7 S eries Record: 1-0, UM Last Meeting: L, 7-54, @UM, 1993 SID: Jeff Minahan SID Phone: 916-278-6896-W ; 916-4 5 7 -3 0 1 7 -H SID FAX: 91 6 -2 7 8 -5 4 2 9 Athletic Trainer: Joe Ramos Key Returnees: Tony Corbin, QB, 6-4,215, Sr.; Dave DeMink, OL, 6-4, 280, Sr.; Chad Johnson, SS, 6-2, 195, Jr.; Victor Lopez, ILB, 6-0, 220, Sr.

(Def. Coord.); C. Ray Gregory (Off. Coord.); Brian Wajert (O-Line); Gary Coston (Secondary/WR) Stadium: Coliseum of Southern Utah (6,500/grass) Stadium Phone: 8 0 1 -5 8 6 -5 4 4 7 1 9 9 5 Record: 2 9 League Record/Finish: 0 -3 /4 th Conference: Div. I-AA Independent Starters Back: 15 (7 off.; 7 def.; 1 spec.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 9 /2 5 Series Record: 1st meeting Last Meeting: DNA SID: Neil Gardner SID Phone: 801-586-7753-W ; 8 0 1 -5 8 6 -1 127-H SID FAX: 801-865-8037 Athletic Trainer: Ricky Mendini Key Returnees: Jeff Galyean, DE, 6-1, 250, Sr.; Chris Garza, LB, 6-1, 235, Sr.; Tom Fell, C, 6-3, 295, Sr.; Brook Madsen, FB, 5-11, 200, So.; David McCovy, RB/KR, 5-11, 175, Sr.

Mark Caballero (O-Line); Rob Christophel (Off. Coord./WR); Rick Courtright (OLB); Chris Culig (Sp. T Coord./D-Line); Brent McNeely (RB); Pete Molino (TE); Rick Perry (Asst. DL); Willie Joe Walker (ILB). Stadium: Holt Arena (12,000/Astroturf) Stadium Phone: 208 -2 3 6 -2 9 5 2 1 9 9 5 Record: 6-5 League Record/Finish: 3-4/6th Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 16 (8 off.; 6 def.; 2 kickers) Lettermen Back/Lost: 4 1 /1 9 S eries Record: 26-12, UM Last Meeting: L, 21-35, @UM, 1995 SID: Glenn Alford SID Phone: 208-236-3651-W , 208-232-3302-H SID FAX: 20 8 -2 36-3659 Athletic Trainer: Phil Luckey Key Returnees: Alfredo Anderson, RB, 5-10, 175, Sr.; Josh Hays, DE, 6-2, 235, Jr.; Marcus Jackson, CB, 6-1, 175, Sr.; Eric Johnson, OLB, 6-4, 215, Sr.; Gary Anderson, QB, 6-1, 180, Jr.

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

1 9 9 5 R esu lts

Overall: 4 -6 -1 /A m e r ic a W est: 3-0

Overall: 2 -9 /A m er ica W est: 0-3

O verall: 6 -5 /B ig Sky: 3-4

L ©Northern Arizona L @Eastern Washington T Chico State L Portland State L Hofstra W Southwest Texas W @Cal Poly, SLO* L UC Davis L Saint Mary's W Southern Utah* W @Cal State Northridge* *American West Conference game

Angelo State L Montana Tech W @Western State L @Idaho State L @Southwest Texas State L Cal Poly, SLO* L Nebraska-Kearney W @Saint Mary's L @Cal State Northridge* L UC Davis L @Cal State Sacramento* L *American West Conference game

1 9 9 5 R e su lts s s s s o o o o


16 23 30 7 14 21 28 N 4 N 11 N 18

62-7 2 1 -1 8 21-21 5 4 -1 6 5 5 -1 5 12-3 3 7 -3 6 5 2 -4 2 2 8 -1 4 5 5 -2 9 2 0 -1 6


14 21 28 4 11

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D ate

O pponent

Time (Pac.)

S 7 S 14 S 21

@Hofstra Open ©UC Davis

1:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.

28 o 5 o 12 o 19


6 :0 5 p.m .

©Idaho State* Eastern Washington* ©Northern Arizona* Cal State Northridge* ©Portland State* Weber State* @Montana State* Cal Poly, SLO

6:35 6:05 4:05 6:05 7:05 6:05 12:05 1:05


O 26 N 2 N 9 N 16 N 23

*Big Sky Conference game

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

7-14 26-25 8-36 14-48 15-65 20 -3 5 28-21 2 4-26 28 -3 4 21-37 2 9-53

O pponent


Northern Iowa @Weber State @Northern Arizona Western State Montana Tech

31 7 14 21 28

Time (Mtn.) 7:00 7:05 6:05 7:00 7:00

O 5

©M ontana


Southwest Texas State 1:00 @Cal Poly, SLO 1:00 @New Mexico State 1:30 Saint Mary's 1:00 Bye @UC Davis_______________________ 7:00

12 19 26 2 9 16

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

1 :3 5 p.m .


@Cal Poly, SLO Cal State Northridge Southern Utah Idaho* @Eastern Washington* Montana State* @Boise State* Northern Arizona*

2 8 -2 2 52-0 48 -1 4 26-21 14-7 14-18 17-27 14-42


2 1 -3 5

N 11 N 18

@North Texas Weber State*

38-41 3 5 -2 5

D ate

O p p onent


©M ississippi Cal Poly, SLO Bye Western Montana ©Montana State* Cal State Sacramento*

6:35 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:35 p.m.

O 12


1 :3 5 p.m.


Bye Eastern Washington* ©Northern Arizona* Cal State Northridge* ©Portland State* Weber State*

2:05 6:05 6:35 8:00 12:35



1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D ate

S 9 S 16 S 23 S 30 O 7 O 14 O 21 O 28

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

31 7 14 21 28 5 19 26 2 9 16 23

*Big Sky Conference game

Time (Mtn.) 5:00 p.m. 6:35 p.m.

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


* %



Mike Kramer H ead C oach

Jerry Graybeal (Def. Coord./LB’s); Paul Wulff (OLine); Rick Redden (Secondary); Randy Hanson (RB’s); Ray Williams (WR’s); Randy Hendrick (TE’s); Rick Olson (D-Line). Stadium: Woodward Stadium (6,000/G rass) Stadium Phone: 5 0 9 -3 5 9 -6 3 3 4 1 9 9 5 Record: 3 8 League Record/Finish: l-6 /8 th Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 18 (8 off.; 10 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 6 /1 3 S eries Record: 14-7-1, UM Last Meeting: L, 7-63, @EWU, 1995 SID: Dave Cook SID Phone: 5 09-359-6334-W ; 509 -2 3 5 -4 6 7 2 -H SID FAX: 5 0 9 -3 5 9 -2 8 2 8 Athletic Trainer: Carla Baker Key Returnees: Joe Sewell, RB, 5-9, 195, Sr; Derek Strey, LB, 6-3, 218, Jr; Chris Scott, DL, 6-2, 250. Jr; Aaron Barfield, OL, 6-6, 295, Sr; Kevin Peterson, OL, 6-1, 255, Jr.

s s s s o o o o

7 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 N 4 N 11 N 18

President: Dr. Clara M. Lovett Location: Flagstaff, Arizona Population: 5 0 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 20,131 Nickname: Lumberjacks School Colors: Blue & Gold Athletic Director: Steve Holton Head Coach: Steve Axman Alma mater: C.W. Post (1969) Overall Record: 33-33 (6 years) Record at NAU: 33-33 (6 years) Best Time To Call: Mornings Football Phone: 520-5 2 3 -6 3 3 2 Assistant Coaches: Kwame Dixon (RB’s);

Gary Anderson (Asst. Head Coach/Special Teams/D-Line); Eric Price (Receivers/Recruiting Coord.); Robb Akey (Co-Def. Coord./Inside LB’s); Bill Busch (Co-Def. Coord./Secondary); Brent Myers (Off. Coord./O-Line); Kevin Sullivan (TE's). Stadium: Walkup Skydome (15,300/Astroturf) Stadium Phone: 5 2 0 -5 2 3 -7 7 2 4 1 9 9 5 Record: 7 4 League Record/Finish: 4-3/2n d (T) Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 12 (6 off.; 6 def.) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 4 /2 3 Series Record: 19-10, UM Last Meeting: L, 21-24, @NAU, 1995 SID: Kevin Klintworth SID Phone: 520-523-6330-W SID FAX: 5 2 0 -5 2 3 -6 7 9 3 Athletic Trainer: Mike Nesbitt Key Returnees: Archie Amerson, RB, 5-9, 190, Sr; Dan Finn, OT, 6-4, 270, Jr; Ben Petrucci, DT, 6-2, 260, Sr; Ryan Lingenfelder, OC, 6-2, 280, Jr.; Kevin Kolkman, DE, 6-3, 240, Sr.

Dave Baldwin Head Coach

Teddy Mack Strong Safety

President: Dr. Blenda J. Wilson Location: Northridge, California Population: 1.5 Million Enrollment: 2 4 ,0 0 0 Nickname: Matadors School Colors: Red, Black & White Athletic Director: Paul A. Bubb Head Coach: Dave Baldwin Alma mater: Cal State Northridge (1978) Overall Record: 2-8 (1 year) Record at CSN: 2-8 (1 year) B est Time To Call: Mornings Football Phone: 8 18-677-3221 Assistant Coaches: Jeff Kearin (Off. C oord./ Recruiting); Ron Ponciano (Def. Coord./Strength & Conditioning); Kendall Blackburn (Special Teams); Mike Kane (RB’s); Bob Bostad (O-Line); Foster Anderson (DB’s). Stadium: North Campus Stadium (6,000/G rass) Stadium Phone: 8 1 8 -6 7 7 -3 0 9 7 1 9 9 5 Record: 2 8 League Record/Finish: l-2 /3 r d Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 15 (8 off.; 7 def.) Lettermen Returning/Lost: 2 6 /2 2 Series Record: 1st meeting Last Meeting: DNA SID: Scott Yoffe, Football SID SID Phone: 818-677-3243-W ; 805-291-1321-H SID FAX: 8 1 8 -677-4762 Athletic Trainer: Rhonda Lowry Key Returnees: Tim Hilton, WR, 5-10, 180, Sr.; Chad Marsalek, FB, 6-0, 211, Sr.; Paul Sauter, OL, 6-1, 272, Jr.; Teddy Mack, SS, 5-10, 200, Sr.; Doug Varner, FS. 5-10, 165, Sr.

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

O verall: 3 -8 /B ig Sky: 1-6

Overall: 7 -4 /B ig Sky: 4 -3

Overall: 2 -8 /A m er ica W est: 1-2

34-16 21-18 6-14 30-40 7-14 10-37 16-30 28-10 44-63 7 -6 3 35-52

2 S S 9 S 16 S 23 S 30 O 7

@New Mexico Cal State Sacramento Abilene Christian Cal State Northridge Montana State* @Boise State*

O 14 o 21 o 28 4 N N 11



@Eastern Washington* @Idaho State* Idaho* @Weber State*


Time (Pac.) 5:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 1 :05 p.m . 1:05 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:05 p.m.

D ate A 29 S 7 S 14 S 21 S 28 O 5 o 12 o 19 o 26 N 2 N 9

O p p onent

@Southwest Texas Cal State Sacramento Portland State @Weber State* Idaho State* @Idaho* Northern Arizona* @Montana State* @Boise State


M ontana


@Cal Poly, SLO


1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D ate S 7 S 14 s 21 s 28 o 5 o 12 o 19 o 26 N 2 N 9 N 16

Ben Petrucci D efen sive Tackle

S teve Axman H ead Coach

Ryan M oore D efen sive Back

President: Dr. Marshall E. Drummond Location: Cheney, Washington Population: 9 ,4 0 0 Enrollment: 8 ,0 0 0 Nickname: Eagles School Colors: Red & White Athletic Director: John Johnson Head Coach: Mike Kramer Alma mater: University of Idaho (1977) Overall Record: 7-15 (2 years) Record at EWU: 7-15 (2 years) Best Time To Call: Weekday Mornings Football Phone: 5 0 9 -3 5 9 7 4 6 3 Assistant Coaches: J.D. Sollars (Off. Coord./QB);



O pponent @Weber State* @Boise State Southwest Texas Portland State* Montana State* @Sacramento State*

Montana* ©Idaho State* @Idaho Northern Arizona* @Cal State Northridge*


21-45 62-7 62-0 68-7 37-0 32-13 2 4 -2 1 30-16 42-14 14-17 14-20


9 16 23 7 14 21 28 4 11 18

@Montana* Idaho State* @Eastern Washington*


45-2 0-52 7-68 14-43 8-27 8-38 34-28 7-49 20-28 16-20

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le Western New Mexico @New Mexico Southern Utah @Portland State* Cal State Northridge* Weber State* ©Montana State* @Cal State Sacramento*

Menlo College W @Idaho State L ©Northern Arizona L ©Southwest Texas L Western New Mexico L ©UC Davis L Southern Utah* W @Cal Poly SLO* L St. Mary's L Cal State Sacramento* L *America West Conference: game

Time (MST) 6:05 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 1 1 :0 5 a.m . 6:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m.

D ate S 7 S 14 s 21 s 28 o 5 o 12 o 19 o 26 N 2 N 9 N 16

O pponent @Utah State UC Davis @New Mexico State ©Northern Arizona* Portland State* @Weber State* Montana State* @Cal State Sacramento*

Montana* @Idaho State* Eastern Washington*

Time (Pac.) 6:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 11.05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 5 :0 5 p.m . 5:35 p.m. 5:05 p.m.


r *





Tim W alsh Head Coach



Cliff H ysell H ead Coach

Ian Franklin C ornerback

Dave Arslanian H ead Coach

Alano Ciliberto C enter

Neal Sm ith D efen sive End

President: Dr. Judith Ramaley Location: Portland, Oregon Population: 1.3 Million Enrollment: 14,5 0 0 Nickname: Vikings School Colors: Green & White Athletic Director: Jim Sterk Head Coach: Tim Walsh Alma mater: UC Riverside (1977) Overall Record: 52-25 (7 years) Record at PSU: 25-11 (3 years) Best Time To Call: 8:00-11:00 a.m. Football Phone: 5 0 3 -7 2 5 -5 6 2 5 Assistant Coaches: Bob Cole (Off. C oord./Q B ’s);

President: Dr. Paul H. Thompson Location: Ogden, Utah Population: 7 5 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 14,000 Nickname: Wildcats School Colors: Royal Purple & White Athletic Director: Dutch Belnap Head Coach: Dave Arslanian Alma mater: Weber State (1972) Overall Record: 40-38 (7 years) Record at WSU: 40-38 (7 years) Best Time To Call: 11:00 a.m.-Noon Football Phone: 801 6 2 6 -6 4 9 3 Assistant Coaches: Sam Aloia (O-Line); Paul

President: Dr. Michael Malone Location: Bozeman, Montana Population: 3 0 ,0 0 0 Enrollment: 11,000 Nickname: Bobcats School Colors: Blue & Gold Athletic Director: Chuck Lindemenn Head Coach: Cliff Hysell Alma mater: Montana State (1966) Overall Record: 19-25 (4 years) Record at MSU: 19-25 (4 years) Best Time To Call: 9:00-11:00 a.m. Football Phone: 4 0 6 -9 9 4 -4 2 2 1 Assistant Coaches: Jim McElwain (Off. C oord./

Jaime Hill (Def. Coord./CB’s); Mark Criner (LB’s); Mark Criner (LB’s); Jeff Hoover (O-Line); Vic Venuta (D-Line); Steve Beyrie (WR’s); Greg Lupfer (SS/WS); Gary Potts (TE’s/Recruiting Coord.); Joe Spanish (RB's). Stadium: Civic Stadium (23,000/Astroturf) Stadium Phone: 5 3 0 -2 9 4 -2 9 4 2 1 9 9 5 Record: 8 5 League Record/Finish: 1st year in Div. I-AA Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 7 (3 off.; 4 def.) Lettermen Returning/Lost: 3 2 /3 1 Series Record: 15-8, UM Last Meeting: L,30-21, @UM, 1989 SID: Larry Sellers SID Phone: 503-725-2525-W ; 5 0 3 -3 2 4 -7 0 8 2 -H SID FAX: 5 0 3 -7 2 5 -5 6 1 0 Athletic Trainer: Jim Wallis Key Returnees: Alano Ciliberto, C, 6-3, 285, Sr.; Kyle Holley, WR, 6-2, 190, Sr.; Neil Fendall, FS, 6-1, 195, Sr.; Samuela Aumuvae, NT, 6-2, 260, Jr.; Oleg Lytchanyi, DT, 6-4, 245, Sr.

Arslanian (Def. Coord.); Mark Brady (DB’s); Rich Ericson (QB’s/R B ’s); Deryl Henderson (D-Line); Derek Mason (Receivers); Steve Nejman (LB’s). Stadium: Wildcat (17,500/G rass) Stadium Phone: 8 0 1 -6 2 6 -6 5 8 8 1 9 9 5 Record: 6-5 League Record/Finish: 4 -3/2n d Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 12 (5 off.; 6 def.; 1 kicker) Lettermen Back/Lost: 3 6 /1 8 Series Record: 24-10, UM Last Meeting: L, 22-49, @UM, 1995 SID: Brad Larsen SID Phone: 801-626-6010-W ; 801-776-5376-H SID FAX: 8 0 1 -626-6490 Athletic Trainer: Joel Bass Key Returnees: Scott Hale, OG, 6-4, 280, Sr.; Lance Mimnaugh, TE, 6-4, 245, Sr.; Kris Nelson, OT, 6-8, 320, Sr.; Ian Franklin, CB, 6-4, 205, Sr; Brandon Smith, DE, 6-4, 265, Sr.

Receivers/QB’s); Jim Michalczik (O-Line); Phil Davis (RB’s); Tim Drevno (TE’s); Greg Salo (Def. C oord./ LB’s); Butch Damberger (D-Line); A1 Simmons (Secondary). Stadium: Reno H. Sales (15,197/G rass) Stadium Phone: 4 0 6 -9 9 4 -3 1 0 0 19 9 5 Record: 5-6 League Record/Record: 2 -5 /7 th Conference: Big Sky Starters Back: 14 (6 off.; 6 def.; 2 spec.) Letterm en Returning/Lost: 4 5 /1 5 S eries Record: 58-32-5, UM Last Meeting: L, 33-42, @MSU, 1995 SID: Bill Lamberty SID Phone: 406-994-5133-W ; 406-587-5459-H SID FAX: 406 -9 9 4 -4 1 0 2 Athletic Trainer: Chuck Karnop Key Returnees: Chad Mayer, TE, 6-3, 243, Sr.; Monty Wilson, OG, 6-2, 299, Sr.; Neal Smith, DE, 6-5, 234, Jr.; Jared Lucero, CB, 5-10, 185, Sr.; Jason Sawicki, RT, 6-4, 250, Sr.

1 9 9 5 R esu lts s s s s o o o o N N N N

9 16 23 30 9 14 21 30 4 12 18 26


7-40 7-26 14-6 54-16 40-13 13-27 55-21 14-49 56-20 52-0 56-35 3-30

O pponent @Boise State Sonoma State Northern Arizona* (PSN) ©Eastern Washington* @Cal State Northridge* UC Davis Weber State* @Montana State* Sacramento State*

@Montana* (PSN) Idaho State* *Big Sky Conference game


O 0 o o N N

31 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 11 18

@Western Michigan @Central Michigan St. Mary's Cal Poly, SLO Eastern Washington*




Boise State* @Montana State* Idaho* Northern Arizona* @Idaho State*


21-28 31-39 49-14 53-43 40-30 2 2 -4 9 14-40 14-7 25-19 20-14 25-35

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D ate

Time (Pac.) 6:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 11:05 a.m. 7:05 p.m. 1 1 :0 5 a.m . 7:05 p.m.

O verall: 5 -6 /B ig Sky: 2-5

Overall: 6 -5 /B ig Sky: 4-

4 2 -1 0

1 9 9 6 S c h ed u le D ate S 7 s 14 s 21 s 28 o 5 o 12 o 19 o 26 N 2 N 9 N 16

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

1 9 9 5 R e su lts

O verall: 8-5 Mankato State @Texas A&M, Kingsville Edinboro @Eastern Washington @Sacramento State UC Davis @McNeese State Western New Mexico @Boise State Arkansas-Monticello Sonoma State East Texas State @Texas A&M, Kingsville


s s 0 o o o N N


O pponent 7

14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23

Eastern Washington* Western State (CO) @Cal Poly, SLO @Toledo @Northern Arizona* Cal State Northridge* (PSN) @Portland State* Open Montana State* ©Sacramento State*

Montana* @Idaho State* (PSN) *Big Sky Conference game


Time (Mtn.) 6:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 8:05 p.m. —

12:05 7:05 1 2 :0 5 12:35

p.m. p.m.

p.m . p.m.


2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 11

N 18

©Colorado State Central Washington @Cal Poly, SLO Southwest Texas ©Northern Arizona* Idaho* @Idaho State* Weber State* Eastern Washington* @Boise State*


10-31 3 4 -1 4 1 3-10 4 5 -2 4 0-37 16-13 18-14 7-14 10-28 7-35



3 3 -4 2

1 9 9 6 S c h e d u le D ate S S

s o o o o N N N

14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16

N 23

O pponent @Nevada Minnesota-Duluth Idaho State* ©Eastern Washington* Northern Arizona* @Cal State Northridge* Portland State* @Weber State* Cal Poly, SLO Cal State Sacramento*

@Montana* *Big Sky Conference game

Time (Mtn.) 1:00 12:35 12:35 1:35 2:00 7:00 12:35 1 2.05 12:35 12:35

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

1 2 :0 5 p.m .



D o u g F u lle r to n C om m ission er

K a t h y N o b le A ss ista n t C o m m issio n er

E0 HU Hf II Ef

A s the Big Sky Conference embarks on its 34th season, it has spread its borders to welcome three new institutions and two new states to the family. Begin­ ning this year, Cal State Northridge, Cal State Sacra­ mento, and Portland State became members of the Big Sky, moving the conference to a nine-m ember league for the second time in its history. In addition, the Big Sky Conference sets out on its new venture sporting a new logo and colors. With its roots established in 1963, the Big Sky Con­ ference began with six charter members: the Univer­ sity of Idaho, Idaho State University, Gonzaga Univer­ sity, The University of Montana, Montana State Uni­ versity, and Weber State University. On July 1, 1970, the league experienced its first expansion, adding Boise State University and N orthern Arizona University to the fold to create an eight-member league. On July 1, 1979, charter-member Gonzaga left the league and was replaced by the University of Nevada. In 1987, Eastern W ashington was adm itted to the league to create a nine-member conference. The Uni­ versity of Nevada's departure in 1992 moved the league to eight members until this year. On July 1, 1996, both Boise State and Idaho left the Big Sky, but the three additional institutions moves the league into a ninemember scenario. The Big Sky Conference sponsors championships in 14 sports, including men's and women's cross coun­ try, golf, basketball, tennis, indoor track and field, out­ door track and field, in addition to football and women's volleyball. The Big Sky is a NCAA Division I member in all sports except football, with member institutions classified as I-AA. The 1996-97 athletic season is the eighth straight year the Big Sky Conference will sponsor champion­ ships in women's sports. In 1988, the Big Sky Confer­


ence merged with the Mountain West Athletic Confer­ ence, forming one league for both men's and women's athletics. The Mountain West had been in existence since 1982, sponsoring championships for women's athletics at the same institutions the Big Sky had sponsored in its men's programs. The Big Sky Conference member institutions are lo­ cated in seven states that span from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains and from the Canadian to the Mexican borders. The entire west coast is now repre­ sented by the Big Sky with members in Washington, Oregon, California, and of the nine western-most states, only two (Hawaii and Nevada) do not contain Big Sky members. League members can be found in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Wash­ ington. The name BIG SKY originated in a novel written in 1947 by the late A.B. (Bud) Guthrie of Great Falls, Mont., entitled "The Big Sky." Jack Hollowell, former Mon­ tana Advertising Director, promoted the Big Sky theme for the Treasure State, and Harry Missildine of the Spo­ kane Sookesman-Review called for the newly formed league to be named "The Big Sky Conference" in his column dated Feb. 20, 1963. Five days later, Feb. 25, the name Big Sky was adopted by the six presidents of the newly formed league. On July 1, 1995, Doug Fullerton became the fifth commissioner of the Big Sky Conference and was given the reins to lead the league into the changing world of intercollegiate athletics. Fullerton replaced long-time commissioner Ron Stephenson, who retired after 14 years in the position. The first commissioner of the Big Sky was Jack Friel, who served from the league's incep­ tion until 1971. After Friel, John Roning directed the conference for six years until 1977 when Steve Belko assumed the commissioner's role. Belko was with the league for five years.

P ast C ham ps, R unnersup 1963—Idaho State (3-1) 196 4—Montana State (3-0) 1965—Weber State, Idaho (3-1) 196 6—Montana State (4-0) 1 9 6 7—Montana State (4-0) 1968—Weber, Idaho, MSU (3-1) 1 9 6 9 —MONTANA (4 -0 ) 1 9 7 0 —MONTANA (6 -0 ) 1 9 7 1 —Idaho (4-1) 197 2—Montana State (5-1) 1 973—Boise State (6-0) 1974—Boise State (6-0) 1975—Boise State (5-0-1) 1976—Montana State (6-0) 1977—Boise State (6-0) 1 9 7 8 —N orthern Arizona 1 979—Montana State (6-1)

Montana State (2-1) Idaho State (2-1) M ontana (2 -2 ) Idaho (3-1) UM, WSC, UI (2-2)

Idaho (4-3) M ontana (5 -2 ) UI, MSU (5-2) Idaho State (5-2) Nevada (5-2) Nevada (6-1) NAU, Idaho (5-2) Weber State (7-1) M ontana (6 -2 ) M ontana (7 -1 ) Idaho, BSU (6-2) M ontana (6 -2 ) E. Washington (6-1) Idaho, E.Wash. (5-2) M ontana, UI (5-2) BSU, UI, NAU, WSU (4-3)

1980—Boise State (6-1) 1981—Idaho State, BSU (6-1) 1 9 8 2 —MONTANA (5 -2 ) 1 9 8 3 —Nevada (6-1) 198 4 —Montana State (6-1) 1 9 8 5 —Idaho (6-1) 1 9 8 6 —Nevada (7-0) 1 9 8 7 —Idaho (7-1) 1 9 8 8 —Idaho (7-1) 1 9 8 9 —Idaho (8-0) 1 9 9 0 —Nevada (7-1) 1 9 9 1 —Nevada (8-0) 1 9 9 2 —Idaho (6-1) 1 9 9 3 —MONTANA (7 -0 ) 199 4 —Boise State (6-1) 1 9 9 5 —MONTANA (6 -1 )

Weber State (3-1) Idaho State (4-2) Boise State (4-2) Idaho State (4-1) Montana State (5-1) Montana State (5-1) ISU, MSU (4-2) Idaho (5-1) Northern Arizona (5-1) UM, MSU (4-2) Nevada (5-2)

1 9 9 5 Big Sky Standings 6

B ig S k y G a m e s PF P et. L 469 1 .8 5 7

4 4 4 4 3 2 1

3 3 3 3 4 5 6

w MONTANA! Boise State Idaho N. Arizona W eber State Idaho State M ontana State Eastern W ashington

.5 7 1 .5 7 1 .5 7 1 .5 7 1 .4 2 9 .2 8 6 .1 4 3

219 195 190 160 141 91 142



O v e r a ll G a m e s PF P et. L


263 201 147 104 194 175 183 257

13 7 6 7 6 6 5 3

2 4 5 4 5 5 6 8

654 361 287 403 314 307 193 238

297 265 209 163 318 252 262 357

{Indicates I-AA National Champions


.8 6 7 .6 3 6 .5 4 5 .6 3 6 .5 4 5 .5 4 5 .4 5 5 .2 7 3





Pac Justin 53

* *

THE GRIZZLY RECORD BOOK — I n d iv id u a l R e c o r d s - S •

r u s h in g

Most Touchdown P asses

I,253, Steve Caputo, 1971

38, Dave Dickenson, 1995


Dick Imer, 1953 (86703)

14, I I, 10, 10,

Dave Steve Greg Tony

Dickenson, 1993 Sullivan, 1920 Iseman, 1982 Rice, 1992

• PA SSIN G • Most Attem pts 457, Brad Lebo, 1991

Most Com pleted 309, Dave Dickenson, 1995

Most Yards *4,176, Dave Dickenson, 1995

Highest Completion Pet. (minimum of 100 attempts) *68.2%, Dave Dickenson, 1994 (229-of-336)

Pass Yards Per Game


3,161, Jody Farmer, 1988

241, Greg Iseman, 1982

Most Touchdowns Rushing

ea so n—


Most Net Yards Highest Average Per Carry


Most Passes Had Intercepted 16, Marty Mornhinweg, 1984 16, Grady Bennett, 1990

Most Carries




H ighest Average (minimum of 35 punts) 44.7, Mike Rice, 1985 (622,771)



Most Plays


561, Brad Lebo, 1991

42, Karl Stein, 1970


• SCORING • Most Points

H ighest Average

84, 84, 84, 80, 79, 79,


Most Touchdowns


Most Yards

Most Yards

4,209, Dave Dickenson, 1995 (R u sh -3 3 ; P a s s -4 ,1 7 6 )

417, Karl Stein, 1970



218, Greg Anderson, 1978 (6 interceptions)

Greg Anderson, 1974 (13 for 263)

Dave Dickenson, 1993 Kirk Duce, 1988 Greg Iseman, 1982 Mike Rice, 1986 Andy Larson, 1993 “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926

Most Touchdowns

762, Mike Guevara, 1992

14, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12,

13, Mike Rice, 1986 13, Marvin Turk, 1991

Highest Average

Most Field Goals

*33.5, Greg Anderson, 1974 (10,335) 29.4, Renard Coleman, 1987 (20,588)

Most C onversions

Most R eceptions


71, Mike Trevathan, 1990

Most Returns

Most Yards

33, Shannon Cabunoc, 1990

1,079, Scott Gurnsey, 1993

Most Yards

• PUNTING • Most Punts


77, Scott Gurnsey, 1992



Dave Dickenson, 1993 Greg Iseman, 1982 Mike Rice, 1986 Marvin Turk, 1991 “Wild” Bill Kelly, 1926 Tony Rice, 1992

18, Kirk Duce, 1988 49, Andrew Larson, 1993

* Big Sky C on feren ce record

*11, Karl Stein, 1969

*379.6, Dave Dickenson, 1995

— I n d iv id u a l R e c o r d s - S


G am e—


H ighest Com pletion Percentage

Longest Touchdown Reception

Most Carries

90, Matt Wells vs. Boise State, 1995

36, Monty Bullerdick vs. Idaho State, 1977

(minimum of 10 attempts) .923 (12x13), Grady Bennett vs. Thomas More, 1990


Most Interceptions

Most Net Yards

Most P asses Had Intercepted

Most Punts

227, Les Kent vs. Portland State, 196 9

5, John Vaccarelli vs. Univ.of Pacific, 1966

4, Ed Cerkovnik vs. Portland State, 1977

Most Touchdowns Rushing

Longest Touchdown Pass

4, Arnie Blancas vs. Weber State, 1970 4, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982

90, Dave Dickenson vs. Boise State, 1995

11, Mike Rice vs. Boise State, 1986 11, Dave Harrington vs. Rice, 1973 11, Terry Thomas vs. Nevada-Las Vegas, 1978

Longest Touchdown Run 80, Bob Smith vs. Simon Fraser, 1973 80, Mike Mickey vs. South Dakota, 1975 80, Doug Egbert vs. Weber State, 197 5

Longest Run From Scrimmage 88, “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. Mt. Saint Charles, 1924


501, Jody Farmer vs. Nevada-Reno, 1988

Most Plays


Most Touchdowns


8, Shalon Baker vs. Montana State, 1 99 2

Most Field Goals


43, Dave Dickenson vs. Idaho, 1995

Most Yards

Most Yards

8, Mike Rice vs. Weber State, 1985

558, Dave Dickenson vs. Idaho, 1995

248, Mike Trevathan vs. Idaho, 1990

Most Yards

Most Touchdowns

Most Touchdowns

245, Mike Rice vs. Weber State, 1985

6, Dave Dickenson vs Boise State, 1995

4, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986 4, Marvin Turk vs. Idaho, 1991

Longest Touchdown

— I n d iv id u a l • RUSH ING • Most Carries 433, Monty Bullerdick, 1977-78

Most Net Yards 2,228, Rocky Klever, 1977-81

Longest Touchdown 83, Ron Baines vs. U. of Pacific, 1967


102, Milt Popovich vs. Oregon St. Col., 1936 99, Damon Boddie vs. Idaho, 1993

C areer

*96, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

Most Conversions 9, Russell Sweet vs. Mont. Sch. of Mines, 1 9 2 4 9, Andrew Larson vs. East. Wash., 1995

*Big Sky Conference record ***I- AA National record

42, Grady Bennett, 1988-90

189, Matt Wells, 1992-95

*116, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

Highest Completion Pet.

Most Yards

Highest Pet. of Passes for TDs

Most TDs Responsible For

***67.3%, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

2,733, Matt Wells, 1992-95

***7.9%, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

Pass Yards Per Game

Most Touchdown Receptions

Most Field Goals 48, Kirk Duce, 1988-91

• SC O R ING •

Most Touchdowns

52, Eby Dobson vs. Northern Arizona, 1985


26, Shalon Baker, 1991-94

II,0 8 0 , Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

Longest Field Goal

Most R eceptions


Most Yards Passing

4, Kirk Duce vs. Eastern New Mexico, 1988 4, Bruce Carlson vs. Northern Colorado, 1976

Most P asses Had Intercepted

*316.3, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

813, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

5, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982

R eco rds—

• P A SSIN G • Most C om pletions

Most Returns

Most Attem pts I,208 , Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

• SC O R ING • Most Points

Most Returns

126, Karl Stein vs Portland State, 1970

Most Com pleted

125, Kelly Johnson vs. Portland State, 197 7

321, Damon Boddie vs. Idaho State, 19 9 4

574, Dave Dickenson vs. Idaho, 1995

All-Purpose Yards

55.7, Jody Farmer vs. Nevada-Reno, 19 8 8 (9 for 501)

Most Yards

72, Dave Dickenson vs. Idaho, 1995

Most Yards Returned

30, Greg Iseman vs. Weber State, 1982 26, “Wild” Bill Kelly vs. Whitman Col., 1926 26, Del Spear vs. Idaho, 1974 26, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986

***Highest Average

85, Dave Dickenson vs. Idaho, 1995

Most Yards

14, Mike Trevathan vs. Idaho, 1990 13, Joe Douglass vs. Montana State, 19 9 5 12, Mike Rice vs. Idaho State, 1986 12, Matt Wells vs. Kansas State, 1992 12, Joe Douglass vs. Boise State, 1995

• P A SSIN G •

Most Yards


Most R eceptions

Most Attem pts

98, Kevin Morris vs. Boise State, 1989

Most Interceptions

Most Points

$21, Karl Stein, 1969-70

280, Kirk Duce, 1988-91

Fewest Interceptions Per Pass

Most Touchdowns

***2.1%, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95

31, "Wild" Bill Kelly, 1924-26 28, Jody Farmer, 1986-89 28, Shalon Baker, 1991-94

Passing Efficiency *166.2, Dave Dickenson, 1992-95


Most Conversion Kicks 136, Kirk Duce, 1988-91

***I-AA National record *Big Sky Conference record $ Ranks 3rd in Big Sky history

THE GRIZZLY RECORD BOOK — T eam R e c o r d s - S




easo n—


Most First Downs by Penalties 30, 1993

Fewest Attempts Allowed

728, 1970


96, 1959

Most Net Yards

338.4, 1970

Most Punts 84, 1992 Most Yards 3,161, 1988 Highest Average 44.7, 1985 (62-2,771)

415, 1959



4, 1963

Most Attempts

Most Returns 48, 1995 Most Yards 536, 1995 H ighest Average 17.9, 1954 (12-215)

. r u s h in g Most Carries

3,477, 1971 H ig h e st Average Per Carry


1954 (380-2,114)

H ig h e st Per Game Average

503, 1994

Most Completed 336, 1995

Highest Completion Percentage 67.2%, (336-of-500), 1995

Highest Average Yardage

Fewest Com pletions Allowed 35, 1959

Lowest Completion Pet. Allowed .354, 1973 (84-237)

Fewest Yards Allowed Fewest Touchdowns Allowed Most P asses Intercepted 28, 1970, 1988

• TOTAL DEFENSE • Fewest Average Plays Allowed 55.6,


Lowest Average Per Play Yield

408.2, 1995


3.3, 1970 (648-2,150)

Most P asses Had Intercepted

Most Returns 53, 1985, 1986 Most Yards 1,127, 1986 Highest Average 24.6, 1974 (43-1,059)

Fewest Yards

28, 1977

Fewest P asses Had Intercepted 4, 1970

Most Touchdown P asses 38, 1995

Most Yards 4,490, 1995

. TOTAL OFFENSE • Most Plays 859, 1989

Most Yards 5,637, 1995

Highest Per Play Average 6.9,

1995 (820-5,637)

Highest Per Game Average 512.5, 1995

• FIRST DOWNS • Most Total First Downs 279, 1995

Most First Downs Rushing 171, 1970

Most First Downs Passing

2,150, 1970

Lowest Yield Per Game 215.0,


• FIRST DOWNS • Fewest Allowed


98, 1949

Most Points 469, 1995 Most Touchdowns 64, 1995 Most Field Goals 18, 1988 Most Conversions 50, 1993

Fewest Rushing 39, 1970

Fewest P assing 14, 1959

Fewest By Penalties 3, 1959 and 1964

• RECOVERIES • Most Fumble Recoveries


27, 1975

Fewest Average Carries Allowed 34.6, 1970 Lowest Per Rush Yield 2.0, 1970 (346-699) 2.0, 1989 (392-772) Fewest Yards Allowed 699, 1970

Most Total Recoveries 45, 1977 (Interceptions and Fumbles)

• BIGGEST c o m e b a c k • 31 points vs. South Dakota State, 1993 (38-7; won 52-48)

185, 1995

— T eam R e c o r d s - S



G am e—



Most Carries

31, vs. Weber State, 1986

8, vs. Portland State, 1967 8, vs. Portland State, 1968

83, vs. South Dakota State, 1970

Most Rushing First Downs

Most Conversion Kicks

Most Net Yards

25, vs. Idaho, 1974

471, vs. Portland State, 1968

Most Passing First Downs

16, vs. Mount Saint Charles, 1920 9, vs. Eastern Washington, 1995 7, vs. Portland State, 1967-68-69 7, Arizona, South Dakota State, 1969

Most Touchdowns

24, vs. Weber State, 1995

16, vs. Mount Saint Charles, 1920 8, vs. Thomas More, 1990

Most First Downs by Penalties

Highest Average Per Carry 8.6,

vs. North Dakota, 1948

five times, 1968



Fewest Carries

Most Punts

18, vs. British Columbia, 1963


12, vs. Boise State, 1986

Fewest Yards

Most Attem pts

Most Yards

-43, vs. Weber State, 1989

72, vs. Idaho, 1995

501, vs. Nevada, 1988

Fewest Average Yards Per Play

Most Com pletions

Highest Average

-1.7, vs. Weber State, 1989

43, vs. Idaho, 1995

#55.7, vs. Nevada, 1988

Most Yards 558, vs. Idaho, 1995

Most Touchdowns 6, vs. Boise State, 1995

Highest Completion Pet. 833, vs. Thomas More, 1990 (20x24)

Most Passes Had Intercepted 6, vs. Utah State, 1948

TOTAL OFFENSE • Most Plays 99, vs. South Dakota State, 1970

Most Yards 649, vs. Portland State, 1968

Highest Average Per Play 9.9,

vs. North Dakota, 1948 (46-457)



Most Interceptions

Most Returns 8, vs. Montana State, 1992

#10, vs. Boise State, 1989 7, two times in 1978

Most Yards

Lowest Completion Percentage

224, vs. New Mexico, 1959

.179, by Montana State, 1971 (5x28)

Most Yards Interceptions Returned


234, vs. Northern Colorado, 1978

Most Points 133, vs. Mount Saint Charles, 1920 63, vs. Eastern Washington, 1995 62, vs. Thomas More, 1990 60, vs. Simon Fraser, 1980 59, vs. Montana State, 1986

• TOTAL DEFENSE • Fewest Plays Allowed 27, vs. British Columbia, 1963

Fewest Yards Allowed 28, vs. Utah State, 1950

Most Touchdowns

Lowest Average Per Play Allowed

16, vs. Mount Saint Charles, 1920 9, vs. Eastern Washington, 1995 8, vs. Eastern Washington, 1950

.63, vs. Thomas More, 1990


# Big Sky record, ties I-AA record


CAREER LEADERS (Since 1 9 4 8 )


u s h in g

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Rocky K le v e r( 1 9 7 7 -8 1 ) 2,228 yards Steve Caputo (1 9 6 9 -7 1 )........................................ 2,033 yards M onty B ullerdick (1 9 7 8 -7 9 )............................... 1,813 yards Jody F arm er (1 9 8 6 -8 9 )...........................................1,719 yards D ick Im er (1 9 5 3 -5 4 )......................... 1,592 yards Terry D illon (1 9 6 0 -6 2 )............ 1,569 yards A rnie B lancas (1 9 6 9 -7 0 )....................................... 1,5 64 yards Les K ent (1 9 6 9 -7 0 )................................................. 1,554 yards Tony R ice (1 9 8 8 -9 2 ).............................................. 1,453 yards Del Spear (1 9 7 3 -7 6 )............................................... 1,429 yards Paul C onnelly (1 9 6 4 -6 5 )...................................... 1,348 yards Je ff H offm an (1 9 7 0 -7 1 )........................................ 1,345 yards Bob B yrne (1 9 4 9 -5 1 )............................................. 1,313 yards R enard C olem an (1 9 8 5 -8 8 )..................................1,311 yards Casey R eilly (1 9 6 9 -7 1 )...........................................1,284 yards

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

M att W ells (1 9 9 2 -9 5 ) Scott G urnsey (1 9 9 1 -9 4 ) Shalon B aker (1 9 9 1 -9 4 ) B ill C ockhill (1 9 9 0 -9 3 ) M ike T revathan (1 9 8 7 -9 0 ) B rian Salonen (1 9 8 0 -8 3 ) M att C lark (1 9 8 7 -9 0 ) Bob M cC auley (1 9 8 1 -8 4 ) M ike R ice (1 9 8 5 -8 6 ) M ike E rhardt (1 9 9 3 -9 5 ) Shannon Cabunoc (1 9 8 8 -9 2 ) Ray B auer (1 9 4 8 -5 0 ) M arvin T urk (1 9 9 0 -9 1 ) M ike C arlsen (1 9 9 1 -9 2 ) V ern K elly (1 9 7 8 -7 9 ) Brad Salonen (1 9 8 4 -8 8 ) Jim H ard (1 9 7 8 -7 9 ) Paul C ooley (1 9 7 5 -7 6 ) Tony L am bert (1 9 8 6 -8 7 )


e c e iv in g

2,733 yards 2,574 yards 2,561 yards 2.257 yards 1,969 yards 1,882 yards 1,639 yards 1,466 yards 1,434 yards 1,428 yards 1,317 yards 1,250 yards 1,178 yards 1,140 yards 1,103 yards 980 yards 960 yards 941 yards 915 yards

Matt P a s s in g S c o ring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Kirk Duce (1 9 8 8 -9 1 )..................................280 Bruce Carlson (1 9 7 4 -7 7 ) 196 Andrew Larson (1 9 9 3 -9 5 ) 194 Dan Worrell (1 9 6 8 -7 0 )...................................... 180 Jody Farmer (1 9 8 6 -8 9 ) 178 Shalon Baker (1 9 9 1 -9 4 ) 170 Eby Dobson (1 9 8 3 -8 6 ) 166 Kelly Stensrud (1 9 9 2 -9 5 ) 160 Tony Rice (1 9 8 8 -9 2 ) 158 Dave Dickenson (1 9 9 2 -9 5 ) ............................... 126 Del Spear (1 9 7 3 -7 6 )............................................. 126 Scott Gurnsey (1 9 9 1 -9 4 )..................................... 122 Bob Turnquist (1 9 7 2 -7 3 ).................................... 115 Rocky Klever (1 9 7 7 -8 1 )...................................... 112 Dick Imer (1 9 5 3 -5 4 )............................................ 111

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

points points points points points points points points points points points points points points points


D ave D ickenson (1 9 9 2 -9 5 )................. ......... 11,080 yards G rady B ennett (1 9 8 8 -9 0 ).................... ............. 7,778 yards B rad Lebo (1 9 8 9 -9 2 )............................ ............. 6,717 yards M arty M ornhinw eg (1 9 8 0 -8 4 )........... ............. 6,083 yards B rent Pease (1 9 8 5 -8 6 )......................... ............. 3,655 yards Tom K ingsford (19 4 8 -5 0 ).................. ............. 2,296 yards Bob Boyes (1 9 7 8 -7 9 ).......................... ............. 2,178 yards B ert W ilberger (1 9 9 1 -9 4 ).................. ............. 2,173 yards Scott W erbelow (1 9 8 6 -8 7 )................. ............. 2,099 yards Ray Brum (1 9 6 9 -7 0 )............................ ............. 2,068 yards Tim K err (1 9 7 6 -7 8 )............................. ............. 1,745 yards V an Troxel (1 9 7 2 -7 5 )......................... ............ .1,447 yards R ock Svennungsen (1 9 7 1 -7 4 ).......... ............. 1,446 yards D ick H eath (19 5 2 -5 4 ).......................... ............. 1,231 yards K elly R ichardson (1 9 8 0 -8 4 )............. ............. 1,191 yards Gary B erding (1 9 7 0 -7 1 ).... ...... ......... ............. 1,177 yards

% * I

ds ds *ds 'ds 'ds *ds *ds :ds rds rds

rds rd s

rds rds rds rds




Y d s. 588 2 1. M att C la r k ............. 5 88 M ike C a r l s e n ....... 2 3 . S h a n n o n C a b u n o c ... 5 7 3 569 2 4 . T o n y L a m b e r t..... 564 2 5 . V ern Kelly 563 2 6 . Ray B a u e r ...... 552 2 7 . M ike C a r l s e n ...... 542 2 8 . Bill C ockhill 539 2 9 . V ern K e lly ............ 536 3 0 . Bill C ockhill


Marvin Turk


e c e iv in g

Y r d s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

S c o tt G u rn s e y ..... 1 , 0 7 9 M arvin T u r k ........ 1 , 0 4 7 M ike R i c e ............. 1 , 0 4 6 1 ,0 0 8 M att Wells M ike T re v a th a n .. . 1 , 0 0 6 998 S c o tt G u rn s e y ..... 933 Bob M cC auley..., S h a lo n B a k e r ...... 885 Bill C o c k h ill........ 870 832 J o e D o u g la s s ...... 832 B rian S a lo n e n .... 792 Mike E r h a r d t....... 746 M att W e lls............ 722 Jim H a r d .............. 710 M ike T re v a th a n ., 702 S h a lo n B a k e r ...... 614 P aul L a m b ............ 607 Paul C o o le y ........ 606 M att W e lls............ 592 S h a lo n B a k e r ......

Yr. 1993 1991 1986 1995 1990 1994 1984 1994 1993 1995 1983 1995 1994 1979 1989 1991 1985 1976 1993 1993

S tev e C a p u t o ....... 1 , 2 5 3 G reg I s e m a n ......... 1 , 0 7 5 M onty B u llerd ic k . 1 ,0 2 2 972 Les K e n t................. 892 T erry D illo n .......... 889 Dick Im e r................ 855 A rnie B l a n c a s ...... B ry an M a g n u s o n . 8 1 8 M onty B u llerd ic k . 791 783 R ocky K le v e r .......


1989 1992 1990 1986 1978 1950 1991 1992 1977 1991

1. D ave D ic k e n so n .... 4 , 1 7 6 2. D av e D ic k e n so n .... 3 , 6 4 0 3. B rad L ebo ................ 3 , 3 8 4 4. G rad y B e n n e t t 3 ,0 9 1 5. B re n t P e a s e 3 ,0 5 6 6. D av e D ic k e n so n .... 3 , 0 5 3 7. G rad y B e n n e t t ..3 ,0 0 5 8. B rad L ebo ................ 2 , 6 4 6 9. M arty M o rn h in w eg 2 , 4 5 3 1 0 . S c o tt W e rb e lo w 1 ,8 8 3 1 1 . G rad y B e n n e t t 1 ,6 8 2 1 2 . B ob B o y e s ................ 1 , 6 6 8 1 3 . M arty M o rn h in w e g 1 , 5 6 9 1 4 . T o m K in g s f o r d 1 ,3 6 1 1 5 . M arty M o rn h in w eg 1 , 1 8 7 1 6 . Tim K e r r 1 ,0 9 7 1 7 . B e rt W ilb e r g e r 1 ,0 1 6

Yr. 1995 1993 1991 1989 1986 1994 1990 1992 1984 1987 1988 1979 1982 1950 1981 1977 1994

u s h in g

Y d s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

P a s s in g Y d s.

e c e iv in g

Yr. 1971 1982 1977 1969 1962 1954 1970 1967 1978 1981

c o r in g

P ts . Yr. 1.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16.

D ave D ic k e n so n .... Kirk D u c e ................. G reg I s e m a n ........... M ike R ic e .................. A n d rew L a r s o n ...... M arvin T u r k ............ Kirk D uce ................. T ony R i c e ................. Kelly S te n s r u d ........ Eby D o b s o n ............. D an W o rre ll............. Kirk D uce ................. Mike E r h a r d t........... D ick I m e r .................. A n d rew L a rso n S h a lo n B a k e r .......... M att W ells ................


84 84 84 80 79 78 73 72 68 68 67 67 66 64 63 62 62

1993 1988 1982 1986 1993 1991 1989 1992 1994 1986 1969 1990 1995 1954 1994 1994 1995




Chris Bentz.............................................. 1918 “Wild” Bill Kelly (AShrine Game) ........ 1926 Russell Sweet (AShrine Game)............ 1926 Tom Davis* (AShrine Game)................ 1928 Jim Morrow ...... 1929 Waldo Ekegren* ............................. 1930 Bob Stansberry*...................................... 1933 Henry Blastic......................................... . 1937 Milt Popovich (AShrine Game)............. 1937 Eso Naranche (AShrine Game)............. 1942 Ken Campbell (AP#*)........... 1950 Joe DeLuca*............................................ 1954 Doug Dansinger*.................................... 1955 Stan Renning..... 1957, 58 John Lands 1958, 59 Terry Dillon (AShrine Game)................. 1962 Wayne Harrington (AP, 2nd team) 1965 Bob Beers (AP, 1st team).............. 1967, 68 Herb White (AP*)............... 1968 Les Kent (AP, 2nd team)........................ 1969 Tuufuli Uperesa .................................. 1969 (AP, 2nd team; Kodak*) Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) ................. 1969 Ray Brum (AP*) ..................................... 1969 Karl Stein (AP*, Kodak*)....................... 1969 Larry Miller (AP, 3rd team) ................. 1970 Ray Brum (Kodak, 1st team) ............... 1970 Arnie Blancas (AP*)................................. 1970 Steve Okoniewski (AP*).......................... 1970 Karl Stein .................................. 1970 (AP, 1st team; Kodak, 1st team) Barry Darrow (AP*)........... .................... 1971 Steve Okoniewski.... .................... 1971 (AP, 3rd team; Kodak, 2nd team) Barry Darrow.................. ....................... 1972 (Universal Sports, 2nd team) Ron Rosenberg (AP, 3rd team )............ 1974 Greg A nderson........................................ 1976 (1975 AP*; AP, 1st team; Kodak, 1st team) Monty Bullerdick (AP*).......................... 197 7

M ilt P o p o v i c h



Jim Hard (Kodak, 1st team; AP*)...........1979 Allen Green (Pepsi-Mizlou, 1st team) 1979 Tony Fudge (AP)*.................................... ..1 9 8 2 Marty Mornhinweg (AP)*........................ ..1 9 8 2 Brian Salonen.............................................1 9 8 3 (AP, Kodak, Coaches 1st team; AShrine Game) Marty Mornhinweg (AP*)........................... 1984 Mike Rice (AP, 1st team )..........................1985 Larry Clarkson (AP, 1st team).. ..... 1986 Mike Rice......................................................1986 (AP, 1st team; Football News, 1st team) Tony B reland....................................... ......1986 (Football News, 2nd team) Larry Clarkson .................... ....1987 (AP, 2nd Team; Walter Camp; Football News; Blue Gray Game) Tony Breland............................... 1987 (AP*, Football News 1st team) Scott Camper (AP*)......................... ..........1987 Pat Foster (AP, 3rd Team) ...... 1987 Bill Venard (AP*)...................................... 1987 Mike Rankin (AP*)...................... 1987, 88, 89 Tim Hauck................. ............................ .....1988 (AP, 1st team; Football News, 1st team) Quinton Richardson (AP*)........................1988 Kirk Scrafford (AP*) ............................ 1988 J.C. Campbell (AP*)............................ ........ 1988 Jody Farmer (AP, 2nd team)........... 1988, 89 Mike Rankin (AP, 3rd team) 1988, 89 Tim Hauck.....................................................1 989 (AP, Kodak, Football News, Finalist for Payton Award; The Sports Network, 1st team; USA Today; Japan Bowl) Jay Fagan (AP, 3rd team)........... ...................... Kirk Scrafford ................................... 1989 (AP, 1st team, Martin Luther King Bowl) Rick Erps (AP, 2nd team) .....1990 Mike Trevathan................................... 1990 (Sports Network, Football Gazette, 1st team) Grady Bennett................................ .............1990 (Football Gazette, 3rd team) Chad G erm er.................................... ........... 1991 (AP, 3rd team; Football Gazette,1st team; Blue-Gray Classic) Sean Dorris (Football Gazette*)................1991 Chad Lembke (Football Gazette*)............1991 Todd Ericson.................................................1993 (AP, 2nd team; Football Gazette, 1st team; Sports Network, 3rd team) Dave Dickenson................................. 1993 (Football Gazette, 1st team; AP, 2nd team; Sports Network, 3rd team) Scott Gragg (Sports Network*)..................1993 Dave Dickenson .................................. 1994 (AP, 2nd team; Sports Network, 2nd team; Football Gazette, 2nd team) Scott G ragg..................................... ............1994 (AP, 2nd team; AShrine Game; Senior Bowl; Sports Network, 2nd team) Jay Turner.............. 199 4 (Sports Network, 2nd team; Football Gazette, 2nd team) Dan Downs................................... ....1994 (Football Gazette*)




J a y T urner PLAYER YEAR Dave Dickenson .......................... 1995 (AP; Football Gazette; Walter Camp; The Sports Network - All 1st team) Matt Wells..................................................1995 (AP; Football Gazette; The Sports Network - All 2nd team) Jason C rebo ............................... 1995 (AP, 2nd team; Football Gazette*; 1989The Sports Network, 3rd Team) Mike A gee................ 1995 (AP, 3rd team; Football Gazette, 3rd team; The Sports Network, 1st Team) Eric Simonson ........................... 1995 (Football Gazette, 1st team) David K em pfert........................................1995 (Football Gazette, 3rd team) Yohanse Manzanarez ............. 1995 (Football News*) Mike Bouchee ...................... 1995 (Football News*) Blaine McElmurry .............................. 1995 (Football News*) * Denotes honorable mention A Denotes East-West Shrine Game

A c a d e m ic

A l l - A m e r ic a n s

PLAYER YEAR Greg M aloney.............. 1978 EdCerkovnik................ 1979 Greg Isem an ................. 1982 Brian Salonen....................... 1983 Rick Sullivan....................... 1986, 88 Jo h n H u estis............................................. 1988 Brad Salonen............................................. 1988 Mike M cGowan........................... 1988, 89, 90 Dave Dickenson........................... 1993, 94, 95 Matt W ells................................... 1993, 94, 95 Josh B ran en.............................................. 1995 Blaine McElmurry.................................... 1995


Andrew Larson

Mark H a m p e

Ryan Thom pson C o r e y Fa l ls


* * <





Jerry Luchau, O G .......................................................................1 9 6 3 P at Foster, D E ............................................... 1987 Chris Pomajevich, W R................................................ 1 Mike 9 6 3 Rankin, ILB ................................................... 19 8 7 , 88, 89 Pete Gotay, F B ..............................................................1 9 6 3 Bill V enard, O G ............................................. 1987 Paul Connelly, T B ......................................................... 1 9$Tim 6 4 H auck, F S 1 9 8 8 , 89 Wayne Harrington, O C ................................. 1964 Kirk Scrafford, O G 1 9 8 8 , 89 Terry Bergren, TB............................................ 1 9 6 5 J.C . C am pbell, O L B ................................... 1988 Willie Jones, T B /R e ts............................................................... 1 9 6 5 Jo d y F arm er, R B /P /K O R 1 9 8 8 , 89 Warren Hill, T B .................................................. 1 9 6 6 Jay Fagan, O G ............................................................ 1989 Bob Graham, O C .....................................................................1 9 6 7 Dan Edw ards, D E ............................................... 1989 Lon Howard, O T ........................................................................ 1 9 6 7 Rick Erps, O G ......................................................... 1990 Larry Huggins, D E .................................. 1967 Mike M cGow an, OLB ............................... 1990 Bryan Magnuson, F B .................................................... 1967 Marvin Turk, W R .......................................... 1991 Mick O ’Neill, D B .................................................. 1967 C had G erm er, O C ............................................ 1991 Bob Beers, IL B .....1967, 68 Kirk M urphy, D E .................................. 1991 Herb White, D E .1 9 6 7 , 68 C had Lem bke, IL B 1 9 9 1 , 92 Tuufuli Uperesa, O T .........................................................1968, 69 Todd Ericson, S a fe ty ....................................... 19 9 1 , 92, 93 Tim Gallagher, D E ........................................... 1969 Sam D avidson, D T .................................... 1992 Bill Gutman, O T ......................................................................... 1 9 6 9 Dan Downs, IL ..................................................... 1 9 9 2 ,9 3 ,9 4 Les Kent, RB............................................................................... 1 9 6 9 !Dave D ickenson, Q B 1 9 9 3 , 94, 95 Jim Nordstrom, D E ................................................................... 1 9 6 9 S co tt G urnsey, W R ............................................... 1993 Roy Robinson, D B .....................................................................1 9 6 9 Frank G arrett, O G ................................ 1993 John Stedham, D T .....................................................................1 9 6 9 Kurt Schilling, O L B .................... 1993 Larry Stranahan, D T ..................................................... 1 9 6 9 Carl Franks, D B ............................................... 1993 Arnie Blancas, R B ............................................................. .1 9 6 9 , 70 S cott Gragg, O T ............................................... 1994 Larry Miller, D E .................................................................. 1969, 70 Keith Burke, C B .................................................. 1994 Karl Stein, F S ........................................................................1969, 70 Mike Agee, O G .............................................................. 1995 Steve Okoniewski, O G .................................................... 1970, 71 Mike B ouchee, L B .......................................................................... 1 9 9 5 Steve Caputo, RB ................:......................................................1 9 7 1 Ja so n C rebo, L B ................................................ 1995 Ray Stachnick, O C .......................................... 1971 Jo e D ouglass, P R ................................................... 1995 Kit Blue, OC ..................................................... 1 9 7 2 David K em pfert, O C .............................. 1995 Barry Darrow, O G ......................................................................1 9 7 2 Y o h an se M anzanarez, D E ................................. 1995 Mick Dennehy, D B .....................................................................1 9 7 2 B laine McElmurry, F S ................................................................... 1 9 9 5 Leo LaRoche, D E ....................................................................... 1 9 7 2 Eric S im onson, O T ........................................................................1 9 9 5 #Ron Rosenberg, IL B ...................................................... .1 9 7 2 , 74 M att Wells, W R ...................................... 1995 Steve Taylor, D E ........................................................................ 1 9 7 3 # Big Sky Defensive MVP, 1974 $ Big Sky Defensive MVP, 1988, 89 Dave Harrington, C B ................................................................ 1 9 7 3 ! Big Sky Offensive MVP, 1 9 9 3 ,9 4 ,9 5 Sly Hardy, C B ...................................................................... 1973, 74 Greg Anderson, FS/Rets............................................. 1974, 75,76 Paul Cooley, W R ........................................................................ 1 9 7 6 Monty Bullerdick, R B ................................................................ 1 9 7 7 Steve Fisher, D T ......................................................................... 1 9 7 8 Allen Green, T E .......................................................................... 1 9 7 8 Sam Martin, D E .1 9 7 8 , 79 Guy Bingham, OG ......................................................... 1 9 7 8 , 7 9 Greg Dunn, F S .................................................................... .1 9 7 8 , 79 Jim Hard, W R ....... 1979 Raul Allegre, K ........................................................................... 1 9 7 9 Kent Clausen, ILB......................................................................1 9 7 9 Pat Curry, D E ............................................................................ 1 9 8 1 Jim Rooney, O T ......................................................................... 1 9 8 1 Mickey Sutton, C B /P R .............................................................1 9 8 1 Tony Fudge, S S ............................................................... 1 9 8 2 Ben Kiefer, OLB.............. 1982 Brian Salonen, TE........................................... 1983 Mike Rice, W R / P 1985, 86 Larry Clarkson, O T .............................................................1 9 8 6 , 87 Tony Breland, S S ....................................................................... 1 9 8 7 Scott Camper, D T ......................................................................1 9 8 7 Tuufuli U p e r e s a







87 89 87 89 89


88 89 89 89 90 90 91 91 91 92 93 92 94 95 93 93 93 93 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

______ Brad Lebo

E a c h , year eight outstanding University o f M ontana football players are recipients o f awards. The Terry Dillon Award, honoring the outstanding back or receiver, was established in 1964 following the accidental death o f former Grizzly Terry Dillon. Dillon played defensive and offensive halfback for UM from 1960 to 1962. He started at defensive halfback for the National Football League M innesota Vikings. The Paul W eskamp Award was established in memory o f Paul Weskamp, a tackle on Ed C hinske’s 1954 G rizzlies. The award honors U M ’s out standing lineman and was establi shed by the citizens of Ronan, Montana. The Golden Helm et Award honors the hardest hitter on the team. It was set up on a nationwide basis by the CocaCola Company in 1967. The Larry M iller Award is given in memory o f the great Grizzly lineman and w restler who competed for UM in 1969 and 1970. M iller died in an autom obile accident in 1974. The award honors the team ’s outstanding defensive lineman. The Steve Carlson award is given to the team ’s most valuable player in memory o f the former Grizzly football player who died in 1977. Pat Norw ood was a four-year starter at offensive tackle for the G rizzlies (1979-82) from Billings, who died o f cancer in 1983. This award is given to the M ost Inspirational Player, who oftentimes had to overcome an injury. The Tony Barbour award is given in memory o f a Loyal Grizzly Fan. It is presented annually to a UM player, “who best exemplifies outstanding practice habits and makes an unselfish contribution to the betterm ent o f the Grizzly Football Team. Enthusiasm, dedication and com m itm ent are the key factors sought in the person receiving this aw ard.” The O utstanding Linebacker award was inaugurated in 1990, and is given by an anonymous donor.

C a rlso n (M V P ) ........................... Ron Lebsock ..........................................................Tim Kerr .......................................................... Jim Hard .................................................Kent C lausen ......................- ........................ Rocky Klever ................................................. Greg Isem an Marty M ornhinw eg 1 9 8 3 ............................................ Brian S alonen 1 9 8 4 ................................... Marty M ornhinw eg 1 9 8 5 .......................................................Mike Rice 1 9 8 6 .......................................................Mike Rice B rent P ease 1 9 8 7 . ......... Pat Foster Bill V enard 1 9 8 8 .................................................... Tim Hauck 1 9 8 9 .................................................... Tim Hauck

197 7 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

1 9 9 0 ........................................ G rady B en n ett Mike M cGow an 1 9 9 1 ...................................................Brad Lebo Marvin Turk 1 9 9 2 ...................................................Brad Lebo Sean Dorris 1 9 9 3 ..................................... Dave D ickenson 1 9 9 4 .....................................Dave D ickenson Scott G urnsey Shalon B aker 1 9 9 5 ..................................... Dave D ickenson

1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 197 2 19 73 19 7 4 197 5 19 7 6 197 7 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

K ar l S t e i n


D il l o n ................................ W ayne H a rrin g to n ........................................... Paul Connelly ..............................................Jim Neilsen ......................................Bryan M agnuson ........................................... Mike Buzzard ................................................. Karl Stein .......................................... Arnie B lancas ........................................... Steve C aputo ...........................................Jeff H offm an ...................................................Bob Sm ith ................................ Rock S vennungsen ................................................. Del S pear ..............................................Paul Fisness ..................................... M onty Bullerdick ........................................... Rocky Klever ........................................... Rocky Klever ...........................................W ayne H a rp e r ........................................... Rocky Klever ..............................................Greg Isem an ...............................................Joey C harles ................... ..S c o tt M urray LeRoy Foster .......................................... LeRoy Foster ......................................... Kraig Paulson ..................................... R enard C olem an S cott W erbelow ............................................. Jody F arm er ............................................. Jody Farm er ....................................... Mike T rev ath an ............................... Marvin Turk ................................................... Tony Rice S h an n o n C abunoc ............................................. Bill Cockhill S cott G urnsey .......................................... Dam on B oddie Keith Burke .................................................. Matt Wells Mike T em ple


J a y Fa ga n N orw ood 1 9 8 2 .................................... Brian S alonen 1 9 8 3 .................................... Dave D um m ett 1 9 8 4 .................................Kelly R ichardson 1 9 8 5 ................................... Tim M onterossi 1 9 8 6 . . . . . . . ......................... ....... Rob Kunka Rick Sullivan 1987 .............................. David Reeves Jason Ray 1 9 8 8 .......... .................................. Jason Ray 1 9 8 9 ............................................ Don Graves Jay Fagan 1 9 9 0 . . ..........................................Matt Clark 1 9 9 1 . . ....... .................................. Nels Kludt S teve Prem ock Sam Davidson 1 9 9 2 ................................... Kelly McCallum 1 9 9 3 ......................................... Frank G arrett Matt Wells 1 9 9 4 ....... ... .................................Matt Wells Eric Sim onson 1 9 9 5 . .......................................... Jo sh B ranen Mike Kowalski S cott Spraggins

>< ✓

GRIZZLY AWARDS M iller 1 9 7 6 ............................... D oug B e tte rs 1 9 7 7 .................................... S tev e F ish er 1 9 7 8 .................................... S tev e F ish er 1 9 7 9 .......................................S am M artin 1980 A rn ie R igoni 1 9 8 1 .........................................P a t C urry 1 9 8 2 ..........................................J o e Nuu 1 9 8 3 ..................................... Cliff Lew is 1984 D av e S e a m a n 1 9 8 5 ......................................... P at F o ste r 1 9 8 6 ......................................... P at F o ste r J a s o n Ray 1 9 8 7 ......................................... P at F o ster S c o tt C a m p e r 1 9 8 8 ............................. J .C . C a m p b e ll Rick S ullivan 1 9 8 9 ............................... D an E d w ard s J o e K alafat 1990 J o e K alafat W ad e T h o e m m e s 1991 K irk M urphy G reg g S m e rk e r 1 9 9 2 ............................ S am D av id so n 1 9 9 3 ................................... L an ce A llen 1994 Ja y T u rn e r 1 9 9 5 ............... Y o h a n s e M a n z a n a re z

Mart y D u f f in W 1967 1968 1969 1970


L arry H uggins T uufuli U p e re sa T uufuli U p e re sa L arry M iller 1 9 7 1 ......................S te v e O k o n iew sk i 1 9 7 2 ..................... . R on R ich ard s 1 9 7 3 ............................................Jim Leid 1 9 7 4 ................................ L arry F arn am 1 9 7 5 ....................................... W alt B rett 1 9 7 6 .................................D an Sullivan 1 9 7 7 .................................T erry F alcon 1 9 7 8 ...............................Guy B in g h am 1 9 7 9 ...............................G uy B ingham 1 9 8 0 ............................ B rian M cH ugh 1 9 8 1 .................................. Jim R o o n ey 1 9 8 2 ........................ G reg A m u n d se n 1 9 8 3 ................................... Bob C o rd ie r 1 9 8 4 ........................ Rick L in d e rh o lm 1 9 8 5 ....................................Eric D aw ald 1 9 8 6 ............................. L arry C lark so n S haw n P o o le 1 9 8 7 ............................. L arry C lark so n 1988 Ja y F agan 1 9 8 9 ...............................Kirk S craffo rd 1 9 9 0 ...........................................Rick E rps 1 9 9 1 ................................ C had G e rm e r D am o n G ilb reth 199 2 S c o tt G ragg 199 3 S c o tt G ragg 1994 S c o tt G ragg 1 9 9 5 ............................. Eric S im o n so n

G olden H elmet 1 9 6 7 ........................................ Bob B eers 1 9 6 8 ......................................H erb W h ite 1 9 6 9 ........................... Jim N o rd s tro m 1 9 7 0 ........................... Jim N o rd s tro m 1 9 7 1 ....................................C asey Reilly 1 9 7 2 ..............................M ick D e n n e h y 1 9 7 3 ..........................................Sly H ard y 1 9 7 4 ........................... R on R o s e n b e rg 1975 S te v e D io n as 1 9 7 6 ........................... G reg A n d e rso n 197 7 Kelly J o h n s o n 1978 K en t C lau se n 1 9 7 9 ...................................... G reg D u n n 1980 Ja y B eck er 1981 S c o tt G ra tto n 198 2 S c o tt G ra tto n C u rt M cElroy 1 9 8 3 ........................... B re n t O ak la n d 1 9 8 4 ........................... J a k e T ra m m e ll 1985 T erry S h illam 1 9 8 6 ..............................P a t H a rd im a n D em id ric C o o k s 1987 Tim H au c k 1988 Tim H au c k 1989 Tim H au ck M ike R an k in 1990 S te v e C ollins D on G rav es 1991 T o d d E ricso n D e th ric k S lo cu m 1992 T o d d E ricso n C arl F ran k s C h a d L em b k e 62

1993. 1994. 1995.

T odd E ricso n C arl F ranks A cen C hiles B lain e M cElm urry

B arbour 1987 ........................N ate O d d en 1988 Clay C lau se n 1989 G rady B e n n e tt 1 9 9 0 ............................... Kevin M o rris 1991.

1992. 1993. 1994. 1995.

G alen L aw ton G reg F erg u so n Kyle M irich S c o tt M cCoy ................ Q u e n tin B u rn s M arc M o n e stim e ....................... K eith B urke B ert W ilb erg er M ike G o ic o e c h e a Kelly S te n sru d ......................M arty D uffin Kelly S te n sru d

O u t s t a n d i n g L in e b a c k e r 1 9 9 0 ..................... 1 9 9 1 ..................... .. C h ad L em b k e P aul L e P ro w se

1 9 9 2 ..................... .. C h a d L em b k e 1 9 9 3 ..................... D an D ow ns

1 9 9 4 ..................... D an D ow ns

1 9 9 5 .....................

Larry Miller


Brian Toone

D a v i d S i r m o n & Mi ke B o u c h e e Jason Baker

Randy Riley



GAME 2: S e p t . 9 , 1 9 9 5 @WASHINGTON STATE 3 8 , MONTANA 21



(Martin Stadium/Pullman, Washington) A ttendance: 2 8 ,3 1 2 - W eather: 7 5 , Sunny

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium/Missoula, Montana) A ttendance: 1 2 ,3 7 5 - W eather: 8 0 , Sunny

E. New Mexico M ontana

0 14

7 20

0 7


T E A M -Q U A R T E R -T IM E -P L A Y -L E A D E R U M -lst-8:34—Kelly Stensrud, 4 Run (David Henkel kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-7:31—Joe Douglass, 60 Punt Return (Henkel kick), 14-0 UM UM-2nd-13:18--Stensrud, 9 Pass from Dave Dickenson (kick failed), 20-0 UM ENM-2nd-9:46--Steve Williams, 1 Run (Jason Crowson kick), 20-7 UM U M -2nd-l:30—Mike Erhardt, 10 Pass from Dickenson, (pass failed), 26-7 UM U M -2 n d -0 :5 0 — S ean G oicoechea, 47 In terception Return (Dickenson to Erhardt), 34-7 UM UM -3rd-6:32—Chris Morton, 9 Run (Henkel kick), 41-7 UM EN M -4th-l 1:44-Derrick Johnson, 1 Run (Crowson kick) UM 28 30 85 404 7 2 -4 8 9 1 (-9) 42 31 3 3-2 9 -83 2 -4 7 .0 3x7 2 9 :0 6

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

M ontana Washington St.

14 41


322 7 3 -3 1 6 2 (-17) 59 33 5 -4 4 .6 4x16 3 0 :5 4

1 2 -2

Kelly S te n s r u d


Rushing UM-Stensrud: 8-40/1 TD; Morton: 9 -3 3 /1 .

11-97 8 -4 5 .9 4x15 2 6 :1 5

ENM-Johnson: 1 8-175/1.

Receiving UM-Matt Wells: 5-7 6 /0 ; Chase Greene: 4 -7 5 /0 ; Erhardt: 5 -68-/1; Stensrud: 5 -4 5 /1 ; Raul Pacheco: 4 -5 1 /0 . ENM -Jeret Cheatham: 4 -3 2 /0 .

D efen sive Leader(s) UM-Mike Bouchee: 9 TT; Jason Crebo, 7 TT, PD; David Sirmon: 7 TT, TL (5), 1 PD. ENM-Jerald Weaver 11 TT, Int. GAME NOTES: T h e largest opening-season crowd in school history watched the Grizzlies roll to a 41-7 third-quarter lead, and fourth-ranked Montana de­ feated the Eastern New Mexico Greyhounds, 41-14. It was 80 degrees at kickoff, but temperatures approached 100 degrees as the game progressed. The Grizzlies jumped to a 20-0 lead in only two possessions, scoring on its first two drives, and junior Joe Douglass went 60 yards for a score on his first punt return at UM. The teams managed just a touchdown each in the final, over-heated half. Senior halfback Kelly Stensrud accounted for all of his 40 rushing yards, and his five catches in the first two drives, and he played sparingly after that. “It was like a horse race and we were in front,” said Griz head coach Don Read, who won his eighth straight opener in 10 seasons at Montana. “I really don’t believe we ever felt like we wouldn’t win it.” Senior quarterback Dave Dickenson was 25-of-31-l for 337 yards and two touchdowns in a little more than two quarters. He played two series in the third quarter before yielding to sophom ore QB Josh Paffhausen and redshirt freshman QB Brian Ah Yat. Junior linebacker Mike Bouchee had a team-high 9 tackles, while juniors LBs Jason Crebo and David Sirmon each had 7. Junior tackle Ryan Thomp­ son had -six tackles, including one for a loss, and a sack. Douglass was selected as the Big Sky’s Special Teams Player of the Week. Freshman punter Dallas Neil punted just twice, averaging 47 yards per kick in his college debut.

7 7


21 38

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YARDS Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

W SU 26 44 204 300 8 6 -5 0 4 6 (-40) 42 24 1 1-1

14-1 1 3 7 -3 8 .6 8 x17 3 3 :4 5

i Sean Goicoechea


Passing U M -D ickenson:25x32-l=337/2 TD; Josh Paffhausen: 4x6-1= 49/0; Brian Ah Yat: 2x4-1= 10/0. ENM-Cam Sanders: 7x21-2= 35/0.

0 10

T E A M -Q U A R T E R -T IM E -P L A Y -L E A D E R W SU -lst-10:18-Frank Madu, 5 Run (Tony Truant kick), 7-0 WSU U M -lst-1 :4 5 —Erhardt, 16 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 7-7 W SU-2nd-14:50-Derek Sparks, 34 Pass from Chad Davis (Truant kick), 14-7 WSU W SU -2nd-10:03-Truant, 27 Field Goal, 17-7 WSU WSU-3rd-13:17-Shawn Tims, 16 Pass from Davis (Truant kick), 24-7 WSU UM—3rd-10:35-Douglass, 39 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 24-14 WSU W SU -4th-5:29-Sparks, 7 Run (Truant kick), 31-14 WSU U M -4th-2:45—Douglass, 15 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 31-21 WSU W SU -4th-0:34—Miguel Meriweather 10 Run (Truant kick), 38-21 WSU UM 19 14

7 1 -3 4 4

7 7

Rushing UM-Stensrud: 4 -2 1 /0 TDs.

WSU-Madu: 20 -1 1 4 /1 ; Sparks: 1 5-81/1.

Passing UM-Dickenson: 3 3 x 5 9 -1 = 3 2 2 /3 TDs.

WSU-Davis: 2 3 x 3 9 -1 = 2 6 9 /2 .

Receiving UM-Douglass: 8 -9 2 /2 TDs; Stensrud: 8-23-0; Erhardt: 7 -76/1; Pacheco: 5 -4 8 /0 ; Wells: 4-7 8 /0 . W SU-Chad Carpenter: 4 -4 2 /0 ; Jay Dumas: 42 9 /0 ; Eric Moore: 3 -5 4 /0 .

D efensive Leader(s) UM-Bouchee: 10 TT; Goicoechea: 7 TT; Josh Remington: 5 TT, Int., Blk, PD. WSU-Chris Hayes, 12 TT, 3 TL (-12); Dwayne Sanders: 3 Sacks (-26), FF. GAME NOTES: T he Spokesman-Review newspaper’s headline read “Cou­ gars ho-hum it past Griz.” A lot of the approximately 4,000 Montana fans who made the trek to the Palouse Country would probably like to know what game the headline writer was referring to. Granted the Grizzlies were in negative yards rushing, but that never has been Read-coached teams’ forte. The final stats read 504 for WSU and 316 for UM. The final score was 38-21. But, it wasn’t quite that easy for the faster Cougars. Trailing 24-14 the Grizzlies scored an apparent touchdown on a 16-yard Dickenson to Pacheco aerial, which would have made the score 24-21, WSU. The TD was called back for an illegal pick, which was about 20 yards away from the scoring play by Pacheco. WSU blocked the ensuing field goal attempt and then drove 79 yards in nine plays to take a 31-21 lead with 5:29 to go. The second Dickenson to Douglass scoring pass cut the lead to 31-21. The Cougars tried three passes in the closing minutes, scoring their final TD with 34 seconds remaining on a 4th-and-10. Dickenson was 33-of-59-l for 322 yards and 3 TDs, but was sacked six times. Douglass had 8 catches for 92 yards and two scores. Stensrud had 8 grabs for 23 yards, while Erhardt had 7 for 76. Bouchee led in tackles for the second straight game with 10. Sopho­ more safety Josh Remington had 5 tackles, a blocked punt, an interception, and a pass deflection.



1 9 9 5 SEASON REVIEW GAME 3: S e p t . 16, 1 9 9 5

GAME 4: S e p t . 2 3 , 1 9 9 5



(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) Attendance: 1 2 ,5 0 8 - W eather: 7 3 , Sunny

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 8 ,5 0 5 - W eather: 6 2 , Sunny

Minnesota-Duluth Montana

0 17

6 7

0 23

0-— 7—

Boise State Montana

6 54

0 22

6 2

8 2 10


28 54



UM -lst-7:26--Pacheco, 10 Pass from Dickenson (kick failed), 6-0 UM UM-lst-4:02—Marc Bebout, 19 Pass from Dickenson (Dickenson to Stensrud), 14-0 UM UM-lst-2:21--Andrew Larson, 36 Field Goal, 17-0 UM MD-2nd-6:37--Sam Hardwig, 8 Run (kick failed), 17-6 UM UM -2nd-3:07-Douglass, 50 Punt Return (Larson kick), 24-6 UM UM -3rd-12:50-Josh Branen, 15 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 31-6

UM -lst-12:55--Douglass, 20 Pass from Dickenson (Paffhausen to Douglass), 8-0 UM U M -lst-2:54—Douglass, 16 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 15-0 UM U M -lst-l:2 8 —Wells, 90 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 22-0 UM B S U -2nd-ll:49-G reg Erickson, 37 Field Goal, 22-3 UM UM -2nd-9:41—Stensrud, 23 Pass from Dickenson (Dickenson to Wells), 303 UM UM -2nd-5:46—Branen, 2 Run (Henkel kick), 37-3 UM U M -2nd-l:45—Stensrud, 14 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 44-3 UM BSU -2nd-:00—Erickson, 47 Field Goal, 44-6 UM UM -3rd-9:03—Wells, 16 Pass from Dickenson (Henkel kick), 51-6 UM B SU -3rd-5:09-T om m y Edwards, 3 Run (Mark Paljetak to Greg Thomas), 51-14 UM U M -3rd-l:21—Larson, 40 Field Goal, 54-14 UM BSU-4th-14:36-Edwards, 4 Run (run failed), 54-20 UM B S U -4 th -l: 11—Corey Johnson, 3 Pass from Paljetak (Paljetak to Andre Horace), 54-28 UM


UM-3rd-10:05-Branen, 16 Run (pass failed), 37-6. UM UM-3rd-6:20--Brian Gales, 67 Run (Larson kick), 44-6 UM UM-3rd-4:20--Henkel, 36 Field Goal, 47-16 UM UM -4th-10:40-Josh Paffhausen, 13 Run (Larson kick), 54-6 UM UM 33 228 330 72-558 3 (-27) 39 1

1-1 7-82 2-45.3 5x10 26:11

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

8 3 -2 4 9

UM 27 27 50 440 7 5 -4 9 0 6 (-58) 48 32


mmmm 4x15 3 3 :4 9

0 2-1

Mar c B e b o u t

1 5 -1 1 6 5 -4 1 .2 5x 1 3 3 0 :5 0


R ushing UM-Gales: 1 0-118/1.

UMD-Hardwig: 2 4 -8 6 /1 .

Passing UM-Dickenson: 2 1 x 3 3 -1 = 2 5 6 /3 TDs; Paffhausen: 4 x 4 -0 = 6 0 /0 ; Ah Yat: lx2-0= 5/0. UMD-David Floysland: 5 x 1 8 -2 = 5 0 /0 .


3-1 1 4 -1 1 8 1 0 -3 9 .9 3x 1 6 2 9 :1 0

M a t t We l l s



Receiving UM-Pacheco: 6 -7 7 /0 ; Wells: 4-3 4 /0 .

B SU 15 40 63 167 7 5 -2 3 0 7 (-56) 35 15

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

UM-Branen: 5-70/1.

UMD-Wes Bonine: 5 -34/0.

BSU-Edwards: 18-68/0.


D efensive Leader(s)

UM-Dickenson: 26x38-0=383/6 TDs. 1 5 x 2 5 -0 = 1 6 7 /1 .

UM-Sirmon, 10 TT, PD; Bouchee 10 TT; Ryan Palma, 7 TT; Greg Fitzgerald, 7 TT, Sack (-6 ); Justin Gaines, 4 TT, 2 Ints. UMD-Three with 7 TT.

BSU-Tony Hilde: 0x9-0=0/0; Paljetak:


GAME NOTES: M o n ta n a out-gained and out-manned the slower Division II Bulldogs 538-249 in total yards, and Dickenson set Montana’s career pass­ ing record on a short pass to sophom ore halfback Josh Branen on the first throw of the second half. That completion gave him 7,819 career yards, eclipsing the mark of 7,778 yards by Grady Bennett from 1988-90. It took Dickenson 22 starts, while Bennett had 31 regular-season starts. (Playoff statistics do not count towards career statistics). Dickenson passed for 256 yards and 3 TDs in a little more than two quarters. Branen rushed for two scores via the pass and run, and redshirt freshman Brian Gales rushed for 110 yards on just 10 carries. Douglass returned a punt for a touchdown for the second time in three games. Another highlight was the two interceptions and a fumble recovery by “true” freshman Justin Gaines, playing in his first collegiate game. Linebackers Davis Sirmon and Bouchee led the defense with 10 tackles each. “At times we were very, very good,” said coach Read. “I’m hoping we’re going fast enough. We played about as hard a football game as I’ve ever coached. But, we didn’t play smart at all. I’ve already got a pad full of stuff we need to work on, and I’m just looking at the big things.” The Grizzlies had a 24-6 halftime lead, but scored on their first four possessions of the third quarter to take a commanding 47-6 lead.


UM-Douglass: 12-141/2; Wells: 5-151/2; Stensrud: 3-51/2. ven: 6 /2 9 /0 TD.

BSU-Del Cra­

D efensive Leader(s) UM-Bouchee: 11 TT, FF; Sirmon: 10 TT; Crebo: 7 TT, 2 Sacks (-15); Corey Falls: 6 TT, 2 Sacks (-15); BSU-Brian Smith 12 TT, 2 Sacks (-11), TL; Keith Walk-Green: 9 TT, 2 Sacks (-25); Jason Payne: 7 TT, FR, 2 PDs. GAME NOTES: M o n ta n a ’s game plan against the Broncos worked to near perfection, especially if you asked any of the record Homecoming crowd of 18,505 in UM’s newly expanded Washington-Grizzly Stadium. UM scored on eight of its first 10 possessions, and on the two occasions in which they didn’t score they missed field goals. Dickenson, who was knocked out of the game at BSU in 1994 with a leg injury, was almost flawless, going 26-of-38-0 for 383 yards and a school-record 6 touchdowns. Wells, Douglass, and Stensrud all had two TD receptions, while Branen had a game-high 70 yards rushing on only five carries. Douglass had a (then) career-high 12 catches. Montana held the Broncos to 230 total yards, and BSU junior QB Tony Hilde did not complete any of his nine pass attempts and was forced to leave the game with an injury. Dickenson hooked up with Wells on a school-record 90-yard scoring pass for the Grizzlies’ third touchdown in the opening quarter. For the third time in three games Dickenson played very little in the final half, going two series. He was named the Big Sky’s “Offensive Player of the Week” for the first time in 1995. Sirmon had a team-high 10 tackles, while Falls and Crebo each had two sacks.


-V *■


1 9 9 5 SEASON REVIEW GAME 5: S e p t . 3 0 , 1 9 9 5

GAME 6: Oct. 7, 1 9 9 5



(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 1 ,7 2 3 - W eather: 5 2 , Broken C louds UC Davis 7 6 0 720 M o n ta n a 13 18 7 3-41

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 4 ,0 8 8 - W eather: 4 5 , Cloudy W eber S ta te 0 7 7 8 -22 M o n ta n a 21 14 7 7-49



UM -lst-12:42-W ells, 56 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 7-0 UM UM -lst-8:25--Stensrud, 10 Run (run failed), 13-0 UM U C D -lst-6:15-Jerm aine Rucker, 17 Pass from Mark Grieb (Ryan Christie kick), 13-7 UM UM-2nd-10:36-Pacheco, 18 Pass from Dickenson (Dickenson to Erhardt), 217 UM UCD-2nd-9:07-Rucker, 6 Run (PAT blocked by E. Manzanarez), 21-13 UM UM-2nd-6:22-W ells, 61 Pass from Dickenson (Larson Kick), 28-13 UM UM -2nd-0:01-Larson, 38 Field Goal, 31-13 UM U M -3rd-ll:59-Erhardt, 51 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 38-13 UM U M -4th-l 1:51-Henkel, 22 Field Goal, 41-13 UM U M -4th-6:39—Greg Campbell, 24 Pass from VinceLaG atta (Christie kick), 41-20 UM

U M -lst-8:03—Dickenson, 10 Run (Larson kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-4:37—Wells, 12 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 14-0 UM U M -lst-0:45—Erhardt, 36 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 21-0 UM UM -2nd-8:20—Dickenson, 9 Run (Larson kick), 28-0 UM W SU -2nd-4:49-N orvel Young, 3 Pass from Bryan Martin (Scott Shields kick), 28-7 UM UM -2nd-0:49—Branen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 35-7 UM W SU -3rd-ll:03-Y oung, 1 Pass from Martin (Shields kick), 35-14 UM UM -3rd-6:40—Wells, 18 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 42-14 UM U M -4 th -5 :ll—Stensrud, 1 Run (Larson kick), 49-14 UM WSU-4th-4:13--Young, 32 Pass from Martin (Martin to Young), 49-22 UM

UM 23 24 85 521 6 5 -6 0 6 6 (-36) 41 28 2 1-1 1 0 -1 0 0 2 -3 7 .0 7x14 2 8 :5 6

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Rush Yards Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

7 4 -3 7 0 2 (-13)

0 1-0

8 3 -4 3 .9 7x14 3 1 :0 4

5-46 4 -3 5 .8 6 x 11 3 4 :2 2


UM-Dickenson: 24x32-1= 469/4 TDs; Paffhausen: 3x5-0=34/0; Ah Yat: 1x41= 18/0. UCD-Greib: 2 1 x 3 6 -1 = 2 1 8 /1 .

Receiving UM -Stensrud: 7 -4 0 /0 ; Wells: 4 -1 8 5 /2 TDs; Erhardt: 4 -8 2 /1 ; Pacheco: 49 8 /1 . UCD-Rucker: 5 -6 7 /1 .

W SU 23 31 49 368 7 5 -4 1 7 7 (-49) 44 30 0

5-3 5 -43 6 -3 7 .8 6x 1 9 2 5 :3 8

Yo M a n z a n a r e z

Rushing UM -Stensrud: 7 /3 2 /1 T D ; D ickenson: 1 3 / - 2 /2 TDs; W SU -C lem ente Sainten: 8 -5 1 /0 .

UCD-Rucker: 1 3 /7 8 /1 .


TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-A verage 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.


Eri c S i m o n s o n


UM 30 30 62 514 7 8 -5 7 6 6 (-50) 48 38

Passing UM-Dickenson: 3 6 x 4 2 -0 = 4 9 3 /3 TDs; Paffhausen: 2 x 2 -0= 21/0. Martin: 3 3 x 4 0 -0 = 3 6 8 /3 TDs.


Receiving UM-Douglass: 10-1 2 5 /0 ; Pacheco: 5 -8 5 /0 ; Wells: 7 -7 4 /2 TDs; Erhardt: 4 /9 7 /1 ; Branen: 6 /7 7 /0 . WSU-Young: 12-1 6 8 /3 TDs; Pokey Eckford: 5 /8 7 /0 .

D efensive Leader(s)

D efen sive Leader(s)

UM-Bouchee: 10 TT; Randy Riley: 4 TT, 2 Sacks (-14), TL (-4); Crebo: 4 TT, Sack (-4), TL (-3), FF. UCD-Danny Spitzer: 8 TT; Ted Corcoran: 7 TT.

UM-Brian Toone: 6 TT, 3 Sacks (-16); Bouchee: 8 TT; Crebo: 7 TT, TL (-2); Y. Manzanarez: 7 TT, Sack (-7), TL (-9). WSU-Ian Franklin: 10 TT; Brian Zumbrun: 8 TT, 2 Sacks (-16).

GAME NOTES: D ickenson passed for 383 yards and 3 touchdowns in the opening half, giving the Grizzlies a 31-13 halftime lead, and the talented but out-manned Aggies never really threatened. The Griz offense clicked on all cylinders, averaging 9.3 yards a play. Despite the offensive output, fifth-ranked Montana lacked the intensity it displayed in the previous week’s showdown and Big Sky opener in a dramatic 54-28 Griz Homecoming victory over Boise State. Dickenson summed it up by saying, “we played decent, nothing better than that. I think we came out a little flat because the flu bug’s been goingaround. I didn’t feel 100 percent. I’m not a real fired-up guy anyhow.” Head coach Don Read agreed. “It was a tough week,” Read said. “I don’t want to take anything away from Davis, because they sure came to play. But, this game was sandwiched be­ tween conference games -- important games.” (UC Davis would go on to post a 6-3-1 record). Wells had a stellar day with 4 catches for 185 yards and had touchdown catches of 56 and 61 yards. Pacheco had a career-high 98 yards on 4 grabs, while Erhardt added 4 for 82 yards, and both players scored TDs. It was only the third time Montana, has gained 600 yards in this decade. The Griz had 613 against Montana State and 612 versus Carson-Newman, both in 1994.

GAME NOTES: T h is contest was touted as a matchup of the two best passing teams in Division I-AA, and the teams com bined for 90 pass at­ tempts, completing 6 6 of them for 861 yards and six touchdowns. Dickenson got the best of WSU’s Bryan Martin, however, going 36-of46-0 (78.2%) for 493 yards and 3 TDs. Martin, a senior, was impressive too, completing 33-of-40-0 for 368 yards and 3 scores. The win boosted Montana’s record to 2-0 in the Big Sky and 5-1 overall. WSU went to 1-1 and 3-3, with both of its previous losses coming on the road to Division I-A team s. Montana was forced to punt after its first drive, but then scored on six of its next seven possessions to take a convincing 35-7 halftime lead. The Grizzlies set single-season records with 24 first downs passing, and their 38 completions tied a school mark. Douglass had (then) career-bests of 10 catches for 125 yards, while Wells had 7 receptions for 74 yards and a pair of scores. WSU’s Young had a stellar day with 12 catches for 168 yards and all three Wildcat TDs. Griz junior defensive tackle Brian Toone had a career day with 4 sacks and 7 tackles. Bouchee once again led the defense with 8 tackles.


* *



GAME 7: O c t o b e r 14, 1 9 9 5

GAME 8: O c t o b e r 2 1 , 1 9 9 5


@IDAHO 5 5 , MONTANA 4 3

(Walkup Skydome, Flagstaff, Arizona) A ttend ance: 1 5 ,7 0 7 M o n ta n a 0 14 0 10-N o rth e rn A rizona 0 3 15 3—

M o n ta n a Id ah o

24 21

(Kibbie Dome, Moscow, Idaho) A ttend ance: 1 4 ,9 1 2 10 6 14 13-28 21 6 0-

43 55



UM -2nd--ll:03-Erhardt, 43 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 7-0 UM NAU-2nd-3:27--Kevin O ’Leary, 33 Field Goal, 7-3 UM UM-2nd-0:16—Wells, 31 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 14-3 UM NAU-3rd-ll:58-Alex Calderwood, 67 Pass from Jeff Lewis (pass failed), 14-

UI-lst-9:21--Eric Hisaw, 1 Run (Ryan Woolverton kick), 7-0 UI U M -lst-6:25-L arson, 38 Field Goal, 7-3 UI UI-lst-6:09--Robert Scott, 34 Pass from Eric Hisaw (Woolverton kick) 14-3

9 UM

U M -lst-3:41--Pacheco, 9 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 14-10 UI U I-lst-2:37--Scott, 44 Pass from Hisaw (Woolverton kick) 21-10 UI U I-lst-l:45--D ave Longoria, 50 Fumble Return (Woolverton kick), 28-10 UI UM-2nd-13:24-Erhardt, 84 Pass from Dickenson (rush failed), 28-16 UI U I-2nd-7:44-D w ight McKinzie, 5 Pass from Hisaw (Woolverton kick), 3516 UI UI-2nd-5:43—Scott, 21 Pass from Hisaw (Woolverton kick), 42-16 UI UI-2nd-4:21-McKinzie, 21 PaSs from Hisaw (Woolverton kick), 49-16 UI U M -3rd-ll:09-P acheco, 3 Pass from Dickenson (Dickenson to Douglass), 49-24 UI UM-3rd-5:23--Wells, 59 Pass from Dickenson (rush failed), 49-30 UI UI-3rd-2:40--Lavoni Kidd, 29 Pass from Hisaw (Woolverton kick), 55-30 UI UM -4th-13:39-Erhardt, 17 Pass from Dickenson (rush failed), 55-36 UI UM -4th-7:07--Branen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 55-43 UI

NA U -3rd-3:34--0’Leary, 55 Field Goal, 14-12 UM NAU-3rd-l:47--Claude Torrey, 5 Run (pass failed), 18-14 NAU UM -4th-6:54—Branen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 21-18 UM N A U -4th-l:41--0’Leary, 28 Field Goal, 21-21 UM -4th-0:00—Larson, 29 Field Goal, 24-21 UM UM 22 24 100 36 4 6 1 -4 6 4 4 (-17) 37 24 1

2-2 5-42 4-4 4 .3 5x13 2 6:36

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YARDS Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

7 5 -4 8 6

UM 27 20

7x17 3 3 :2 4

29 558 9 2 -5 8 7 4(-26) 72 43

B l a i n e M c E l mu r r y



Rushing UM-Branen: 9-65/1 TD. 0.

4-2 7-4 5 4 -3 5 .8 9x20 2 8 :4 6

NAU-Torrey: 17-78/1; Archie Amerson: 1 6 -67/

Passing UM-Dickenson: 24x37-1= 364/2 TDs.


NAU-Lewis: 26x39-1 = 3 5 5 /1 TD.

Receiving UM-Wells: 5 -1 1 5 /1 TD; Erhardt: 4 -1 0 1 /1 ; Stensrud: 7 -7 7 /0 ; Pacheco: 550/0. NAU-Rod Marshall: 11-143/0; Calderwood: 3 -1 1 4 /1 .

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

UI 16 45 109 310 6 8 -4 1 9 5(-22) 23 15 0

4-3 8-68

8 -4 0 .9 7x 1 7 3 1 :1 4

Josh Branen



Defensive Leaders

UM-Dickenson: 13-16/0.

UM-Bouchee: 14 TT, Sack (-6 ), PD; McElmurry: 10 TT, 3 PDs; Y. Manzanarez: 9 TT, 2 TL (-5), PD; Falls: 8 TT, Sack (-3). NAU-Stacey Ellis: 12 TT, 2 Sacks (-14). GAME NOTES: the battle of the Big Sky unbeatens, a great defensive stand and a vintage Dickenson touchdown drive *set up Larson’s dramatic game-winning field goal as time expired. The Grizzlies had to overcome an 18-14 third quarter deficit and then broke open a 21-all tie, as Dickenson guided the Grizzlies 6 8 yards on eight plays. The Lumberjacks had tied the game 21-21 with 1:41 to go. Dickenson was named the Big Sky’s POW for the second straight week, and the third time in four weeks. Two of Division I-AA’s top-ranked quarterbacks went head-to-head, in “Dicky” and NAU’s Jeff Lewis. The key play came on a second-and-nine from the Grizzly 37-yard line as Dickenson connected with Wells for a 31-yard pass to the NAU 30-yard line. Two runs by Stensrud gained 10 yards to the NAU 12-yard line, and Larson was right down the middle on his field goal try for the emotional, hard-fought win in front of 15,707 fans. Moments earlier there was another huge play, when Yohanse Manzanarez stopped Torrey for a four-yard loss, on a third-and-one situation, forcing the Jacks to kick a field goal from UM’s 10-yard line. Wells and Erhardt combined for nine catches, 216 yards, and a TD each. Branen rushed for 65 yards and a score, and Stensrud had 77 yards receiv­ ing. The other key play of the game was by junior strong safety Sean Goicoechea when he picked off a pass in his own end zone and returned it 68 yards to the NAU 31. On its first play after the interception, UM scored a touchdown on a 31-yard pass from Dickenson to Wells.



UI-Kidd: 2 5 -5 7 /0 ; Hisaw: 1 5 -50/1.

Passing UM-Dickenson: 43x72-2= 558/5 TDs.

UI-Hisaw: 1 5 x 2 3-0= 310/ 6 TDs.

Receiving UM-Wells: 1 1 -141/1 TD; Erhardt: 10-2 2 2 /2 ; Douglass: 7 -7 4 /0 ; Pacheco: 6-41/2. Ul-Scott: 6-1 2 0 /3 ; McKinzie: 5 -1 1 1 /2 .

Defensive Leaders UM-Crebo: 8 TT, TL (-5); Ryan Thompson: 9 TT, 3 Sacks (-16); Falls: 8 TT, 3 Sacks (-13), 2 FRs; Bouchee: 7 TT. UI-Arnold Gunn 11 TT; Ryan Phillips: 6 TT, 3 Sacks (-11). GAME NOTES: /daho’s 49-point first half onslaught was too much to over­ come, as the Grizzlies (6-2/3-1) lost in a shootout in the Vandals’ Kibbie Dome. The loss overshadowed five single-game records by Dickenson, who, along with the Griz defense, made an heroic second-half comeback that fell short. The 6 th-ranked Griz had defeated Idaho the previous four seasons. Dickenson completed 43 of 72 passes for 558 yards, and those numbers, along with his 85 plays and 574 total yards, were UM records. In his first start in 1993 against South Dakota State, Dickenson engineered a second-half comeback from 35 points down for a UM win, and first-year Vandal coach Chris Tormey knew his team was still in a game despite his teams’ huge halftime lead. “I’ve never been in a situation where I’m up 33 at halftime and as nervous as I was,” said Tormey.




GAME 10: N o v e m b e r 11, 1 9 9 5

GAME 9: N o v e m b e r 4 , 1 9 9 5 MONTANA 3 5 , IDAHO STATE 21

MONTANA 6 3 , @E. WASHINGTON 7 (Woodward Stadium/Cheney, Washington) A ttendance: 3 ,2 7 2 - W eather: 4 6 d egrees, 13 mph w ind M o n ta n a 14 . 35 7 7-63 E aste rn W ash in g to n 0 0 0 7-7

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 5 ,4 9 0 - W eather: 2 9 , Cloudy Idaho S ta te 0 14 7 0-21 M o n ta n a 13 8 7 7-35



U M -lst-10:23-Stensrud, 2 Run (Larson kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-3:02-D ouglass, 14 Pass from Dickenson (kick failed), 13-0 UM ISU -2nd-5:02-Troy Waters, 6 Pass from Robb W etta (Jam es Ferrell kick), 13-7 UM ISU-2nd-3:45-Robert McBride, 9 Pass from Wetta (Ferrell kick), 14-13 ISU UM-2nd-l:55--W ells, 6 Pass from Dickenson (Dickenson to Erhardt), 21-14

UM -lst-10:26-Stensrud, 4 Run (Larson kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-3:46-D ouglass, 9 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 14-0 UM UM -2nd-14:07-M cElmuury, 35 Interception Return (Larson kick), 21-0 UM

U M -2nd-ll:41-G ales, 7 Run (Larson kick), 28-0 UM U M -2nd-9:01—Eleu Kane, 21 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 35-0



ISU-3rd-8:22-Craig Joseph, 8 Run (Ferrell kick), 21-21 UM -3rd-2:21--Erhardt, 6 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 28-21 UM UM -4th-12:38-Stensrud, 1 Run (Larson kick), 35-21 UM

UM -2nd-6:36—Gales, 58 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 42-0 UM UM -2nd-0:00—Larry Tofanelli, 15 Run (Larson kick), 49-0 UM UM-3rd-8:59--Morton, 9 Run (Larson kick), 56-0 UM U M -4th-ll:00-Paffhausen, 15 Run (Larson kick), 63-0 UM EWU-4th-3:39-Ant wan Miller, 15 Pass from Josh Lies (Tom Zurfluh kick), 63-7 UM

UM 25 35 213 292 7 1 -5 0 5 2(-9) 36 24 1 4-4 1 0 -1 0 3 4 -3 0 .8 6x13 2 7 :3 5

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

ISU 14 31 54 1 86 7 3 -2 4 0 7(-13) 42 26 2 1-1 6-5 5 6 -4 0 .8 4x17 3 2 :2 5

UM 25 44 190 360 7 8 -5 5 0 l(-4) 34 24 0

0-0 Mike

7-62 4 -3 3 .0 8x16 3 5 :4 9



R ushing UM -Branen: 8 -6 6 /0 ; Dickenson: 1 1 -5 2 /0 ; Gales: 3 -4 4 /0 . Anderson: 1 6 -6 6 /0 .



55 -2 1 0

8-34.1 1 x 10 2 4 :1 1

L a r r y To f ane l l i



Passing UM-Dickenson: 24x36-1= 292/3 TDs.

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks BY (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

UM-Gales: 15-60/1; Stensrud: 10-43/1.

ISU-Wetta: 2 5 x 4 2 -2 = 1 8 6 /2 TDs.

EWU-Joe Sewell: 1 3-52/0.


Receiving ISU- Justin Young:

UM-Dickenson: 2 1 x 2 7 -0 = 3 1 8 /3 TDs; Paffhausen: 3 x 6 -0= 42/0; AhYat: 0x1. EWU-Harry Leons: 6 x 1 6 -4= 29/0; Lies: 1 1x15-0= 90/1.

UM-Crebo: 13 TT, 4 TLs (-14); Mike Temple: 8 TT, Int., PD; Bouchee 8 TT; Eric Manzanarez: 3 TT, Sack (-7), TL (-3), 2 PDs.; Justin Hazel: 4 TT, 4 PDs. ISU-Four with 6 tackles each.

UM-Douglass: 4 -7 0 /1 ; Stensrud: 3 -5 0 /0 ; Gales: 2 -6 1 /1 ; Kane: 2-2 6 /1 . EWU-Tim Hunsaker: 7 -6 2 /0 ; Miller: 3 -5 3 /1 .

UM-Wells: 7 -74/1; Pacheco: 6-68/0; Erhardt: 4-56/1. 6 -4 4 /0 ; Waters: 5 -5 9 /1 .


Defensive Leaders

Defensive Leaders UM-Greg Fitzgerald: 7 TT, 2 TLs (-5); Crebo: 6 TT, TL (-2). Alexander: 10 TT, TL (-6 ); Brian Gardner: 9 TT, 2 TLs (-7).


GAME NOTES: spite losing all four of its fumbles and getting picked off twice, Montana’s defense made several big plays, and the offense racked up 505 yards, winning 35-21. It was the Grizzlies’ 10th win in the last 11 meetings against ISU, the sole setback a 28-23 setback in Pocatello in 1994. ISU (5-4/2-4) had only 240 total yards and the Griz “D” held Bengal halfback Alfredo Anderson to 66 yards on 16 carries. Dickenson was steady, passing for 292 yards and 3 TDs, as well as rushing for 52 yards. McElmurry had a crucial play as time expired in the second half, stop­ ping ISU’s Robert McBride inches from the goalline. A Bengal TD would have tied the game 21-all. McElmurry also had a crucial interception on a tipped pass by QB Robb Wetta in the fourth quarter. Later that night, Idaho gave Montana a big boost in its quest for the Big Sky title, defeating Northern Arizona 17-14 in Flagstaff. The win upped UM’s record to 7-2 overall and 4-1 in the conference. All three ISU touchdowns came after Montana turnovers, though the Bengals had to drive 91 yards for their last score. The Griz had a TD called back on a holding penalty in the third quarter, and they also fumbled the ball away twice inside the Bengal 30-yard line. “I wouldn’t classify it as a well-played game, but it was hard-fought,” Dickenson said. “We really played with our hearts today, but we didn’t always play with our heads,” said coach Read. Crebo had an outstanding game with a career-high 13 tackles, four stops for losses of 14 yards, and a pass deflection.


GAME NOTES: T h e Grizzlies were almost flawless on both sides of the football in the first half and won their second Big Sky Conference champion­ ship in the last three seasons. Dickenson engineered scoring drives on seven of his eight possessions, and coach Read and his staff played all 58 of the Grizzly players who made the short trip to Cheney, via Beach Bus. Dickenson was 21-of-27 (77.8%) and had four or five passes dropped, throwing for 318 yards and 3 TDs. He played in only one series in the second half. Montana rushed 44 times for 190 net yards and a season-high 5 TDs, with five different players scoring via the ground game. The Eagles (3-7/1-6 ) were held to 210 total yards. Twelve different players caught passes, eight had at least one carry, and three QBs completed 24-of-34 passes for 360 yards. The Griz defense picked off four passes, and McElmurry returned one for a 35-yard score. The game was over at halftime. Montana had 407 first-half yards, com­ pared to EWU’s 61, and led 49-0. Three of UM’s four interceptions came in the first half. Larson tied a 71-year-old record, connecting on 9-of-9 PAT attempts. Russ Sweet did the same thing in 1924 against the Montana School of Mines. It was the Grizzlies’ most points ever in a Big Sky road game, and it was UM’s largest margin of victory in a league road game.



GAME 11: N o v e m b e r 18, 1 9 9 5

GAME 12:

MONTANA 4 2 , @MONTANA STATE 3 3 (Reno H. Sales A ttendance: 1 5 ,1 9 7 M on tan a St. 3 M o n ta n a 7

Stadium/Bozeman, Montana) W eather: 5 6 , Windy ( 1 5 -2 0 mph) 16 6 8 -— 33 7 6 2 2 -42

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 3 ,8 3 0 - W eather: 4 0 , Cloudy, Rain • E aste rn K entucky 0 0 0 00 M o n ta n a 21 27 0 048



385 83-496 2 (-6 ) 44 33 1 2-1

9-70 3-26.3 8x16 35:06

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

N o v e m b e r 25, 1 9 9 5



UM -lst-9:27—Erhardt, 5 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 7-0 UM M SU-lst-1:29-Jeff Groshelle, 25 Field Goal, 7-3 UM MSU-2nd-9:47-Matt Engelking, 1 Run (kick failed), 9-7 MSU MSU-2nd-9:36-Eric Hopkins, 26 Run (Groshelle kick), 16-7 MSU M SU-2nd-l:03-Groshelle, 35 Field Goal, 19-7 MSU UM-2nd-0:09--Douglass, 10 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 19-14 MSU UM -3rd-7:23-Branen, 25 Run (kick failed), 20-19 UM MSU-3rd-2:07-Marquez Lewis, 1 Run (pass failed), 25-20 MSU UM-4th-12:41-Dickenson, 1 Run (Dickenson to Pacheco), 28-25 UM UM-4th-12:08-Wells, 16 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 35-25 UM UM -4th-5:56-Erhardt, 27 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 42-25 UM MSU-4th-5:47-Lewis, 47 Pass from Rob Com pson (Compson Run), 42-33 UM UM 27 39


TEAM-QUARTER-TIME-PLAY-LEADER U M -lst-13:02-B ranen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-8:48—Branen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 14-0 UM UM -lst-3:46— Douglass, 19 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 21-0 UM UM -2nd-10:56—Larson, 37 Field Goal, 24-0 UM UM -2nd-7:21—Gales, 1 Run (Larson kick) , 31-0 UM UM -2nd-4:58—Dickenson, 1 Run (Larson kick), 38-0 UM U M -2nd-l:10—Kane, 29 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 45-0 UM UM -2nd-0:06—Larson, 35 Field Goal, 48-0 UM UM 25 38 123 467 8 4 -5 9 0 2 (-15) 46 35

M SU 17 33 1 75 1 66 6 2 -3 4 1 2 (-1 2 ) 29 15


5-2 1 0 -7 9 3 -4 0 .7 5x14 3 8 :4 9

1 0-0

4 -27 5 -3 6 .0 5x13 2 4 :5 4

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts C om pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.


25 41 96 5 1 -1 3 7 1 (-1 0 ) 26 11 0

7-5 2-9 7 -4 0 .6 lx ll 21:11

Mi ke B o u c h e e

INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Mi k e E r h a r d t



UM-Branen: 1 4 -5 4 /2 TDs; Gales: 9 -5 5 /1 . 0; William Murrell: 6-22/0.

R ushing UM-Branen: 12-76/1 TD; Stensrud: 12-36/0; Dickenson: 13-12/1. Engelking: 2 4 -1 2 6 /1 .


Passing UM-Dickenson: 31x39-0=441/2 TDs; Paffhausen: 4x5-0=26/0; Ah Yat: 0x10=0/0. EKU-Tommy Luginbill: 9x20-0=75/0; Greg Couch: 2x5-0=21/0.

Passing UM-Dickenson: 32x43-1= 384/4 TDs; Paffhausen: 1x1=1. 1 5 x 2 9 -1 = 1 6 6 /1 TD.


Receiving UM-Douglass: 10-1 4 6 /1 ; Branen: 5 -6 4 /0 ; Wells: 5 -6 7 /0 ; Erhardt: 4 -5 7 -/ 0; Kane: 2-3 5 /1 . EKU-Dialleo Burks: 7 -71/0.

Receiving UM-Douglass: 13-208/1 TD; Wells: 7 -57/1; Erhardt: 6 -6 3 /2 ; Stensrud: 556/0. MSU-Hopkins: 7 -80/0; Lewis: 3 -6 1 /1 .

Defensive Leader(s) UM-Bouchee: 6 TT, FR, PD, TL (-1); Goicoechea: 6 TT, 2 PDs; Remington: 4 TT, FF, FR. EKU-Tony McCombs, 13 TT; Britt Bowen: 10 TT, TL (-2), FR.

Defensive Leaders UM-McElmurry: 10 TT, Int.; Bouchee 8 TT; Falls: 4 TT, 2 Sacks (-6 ). MSU Brian Pepper: 12 TT, Sack (-5), TL (-1); Delvan Geddes: 8 TT, 2 TL (-11). GAME NOTES: T h e continued, but it was no easy task, as the Grizzlies (9-2 overall/6-1 Big Sky) overcame first and second-half deficits and won their 10th straight game over their intrastate rival. It was also the final regular-season game for 17 Grizzly seniors. Dickenson went 32-of-43-l for 384 and 4 touchdowns, and he also rushed for a score. The Grizzlies were trailing 25-20 late in the third quarter, but Dickenson scored on a 1-yard run, and connected with Wells and Erhardt for TDs, as the Griz scored 22 unanswered points, taking a 42-25 lead with 5:56 remaining. Douglass had career-bests of 13 catches for 208 yards, and scored a crucial TD on a 4th-and-5 in the closing seconds before halftime. The Bobcats (5-6/2-5) went ahead 9-7 in the second quarter on a 1-yard run by Matt Engelking, giving MSU its first lead in the series since 1989. Engelking finished with a game-high 126 yards on 24 carries. The following day, the Grizzlies would find out that they were seeded sixth by the NCAA, and would host No. 10 seed Eastern Kentucky, of the Ohio Valley Conference, in a first round NCAA Division I-AA playoff game. It was the third straight NCAA appearance for Montana and the fifth time in Coach Read’s 10 -year tenure that the Griz advanced to the postseason.

EKU-Daymon Carter: 1 1 -3 7 /

GAME NOTES: Dickenson played a flawless first half, and the Griz defense stifled EKU’s potent running attack, as Montana recorded its largest margin of victory ever, in this, its 10th NCAA Division I-AA playoff game. Dickenson led Montana to scores on eight of its nine first-half possessions for the only points of the game. Dickenson was suffering from the flu and had a 101-degree temperature prior to the contest. He was 26-of-32-0 (81.3%) for 399 first-half yards, and finished with 441 passing yards. “He’s so right so much of the time,” Read said of his record-setting quarter­ back. Branen, subbing for an injured Kelly Stensrud (knee) rushed 13 times for 53 yards and scored on two 1-yard runs — both in the first half. UM’s defense had its first shutout of the season, and its first since beating Cal Poly, SLO 45-0 in 1994. It was only the fourth Griz shutout in the last 10 seasons. The Griz “D” recovered five of EKU’s seven fumbles. Montana held EKU to 137 total yards - second least by an opponent in the last decade in the “Read Era.” About 15 minutes after the game, Montana got word that Georgia Southern won at third-seeded and previously undefeated Troy State, 24-21. GSU (9-3) entered the 16-team playoff as the No. 14 seed. GSU was third (5-3) in the Southern Conference behind Appalachian State and Marshall, and all three teams were still participating in the playoffs at this time.




GAME 13:

GAME 14: D e c e m b e r

D e c e m b e r 2, 1 9 9 5

9, 1 9 9 5



(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) Attendance: 1 8 ,5 2 3 - W eather: 6 , Broken C louds S te p h en F. A ustin 7 7 0 014 M o n ta n a 14 21 28 770

(Washington-Grizzly Stadium) A ttendance: 1 8 ,5 1 8 - W eather: 3 4 , Broken C louds G eorgia S o u th e rn 0 0 0 0 - 0 M o n ta n a 14 17 14 045




UM-1 st-11:01 --Douglass, 4 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 7-0 UM U M -lst-4:26—Pacheco, 17 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 14-0 UM UM-2nd-12:32--Douglass, 49 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 21-0 UM UM -2nd-2:51—Wells, 6 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 28-0 UM UM -2nd-0:02—Larson, 18 Field Goal, 31-0 UM UM -3rd-9:34—Branen, 1 Run (Larson kick), 38-0 UM UM -3rd-3:18—Gales, 16 Run (Larson kick), 45-0 UM

SF A -lst-9:29-Leonard Harris, 1 Run (Brian Minton Kick), 7-0 SFA UM -lst-7:05-Erhardt, 5 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 7-7 UM -lst-2:31-Dickenson, 8 Run (Larson kick), 14-7 UM UM--2nd-7:44-Douglass, 33 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 21-7 UM SFA-2nd-3:45-Harris, 2 Run (Minton kick), 21-14 UM UM -2nd-2:05-Pacheco, 20 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 28-14 UM UM -2nd-0:28-Nathan Dolan, 23 Pass from Dickenson, 35-14 UM UM--3rd-13:28-Erhardt, 28 Pass from Dickenson, (Larson kick), 42-14 UM UM -3rd-9:02-Branen, 2 Run (Larson kick), 49-14 UM UM-3rd-6:00-Gales, 10 Run (Larson kick), 56-14 UM UM -3rd-0:42-Morton, 15 Run (Larson kick), 63-14 UM UM -4th-9:31-Morton, 2 Run (Larson kick), 70-14 UM

UM 41 32 183 446 8 6 -6 2 9 4 (-31) 54 42 2 2-1 6 -57 2 -2 8 .0 4 x7 3 6 :0 1

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

G SU 5 42 70 21 5 0 -91 4 (-27)

UM 38 42 196 473 9 0 -6 6 9 5 (-39) 48 31


3 1 5-3 7 -35 9 -3 9 .2 1x14 2 3 :5 9

Joe Douglass


Rushing UM-Branen: 9-46/1 TDs; Gales: 10-97/1; Dickenson: 4-38/0. Russell: 16 -7 0 /0 .


0 1-0

9 -80 2 -3 5 .0 7x1 5 3 5 :2 0

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attem pts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attem pts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-A verage 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

Passing UM-Dickenson: 37x46-1= 408/4 TDs; Paffhausen: 4x6-1=34/0; Ah Yat: 1x20= 4/0. GSU-Charles Bostick: 3 x 8 -1= 21/0.

Receiving UM-Douglass: 6 -1 0 6 /2 ; Branen: 5 -4 4 /0 ; Wells: 11 -1 1 9 /1 ; Erhardt: 3 -3 4 -/ 0; Pacheco: 5-41/1. GSU-Reggie Garland: 1-17/0.

SFA 15 35 52 212

6 6 -2 6 4 1 (-1 ) 31 10 2 2 -0 10-86

6-28^0 4x15 2 4 :4 0

Chris Morton


Rushing UM-Branen: 8-58/1 TDs; Gales: 10-46/1; Morton: 10-50/2; Dickenson: 421/1. SFA-Harris: 19-43/2.


D efen sive Leader(s)

UM-Dickenson: 25x36-0=370/5 TDs; Paffhausen: 2x4-0=35/0; Ah Yat: 4x80=68/0. SFA-James Ritchey: 8x27-2=136/0; Mike Quinn: 2x4-0=76/0.

UM-Crebo: 8 TT, 2 TLs (-7), Sack (-7); Bouchee: 7 TT, PD; Sirmon: 6 TT, Sack (-7), Int.; Marty Duffin: 6 TT, Sack (-5). GSU-Chad Nighbert: 11 TT; Brancis Williams: 10 TT, FR.

UM-Douglass: 8-1 2 7 /1 ; Branen: 3 -59/0; Wells: 6 -62/0; Erhardt: 3-47/2; Pacheco: 2-36/1. SFA-Chris Jefferson: 5-94/0; Kevin Goodwin: 2-87/0.


GAME NOTES: record crowd saw Dickenson and the Griz offense play another excellent opening half, and the UM defense stifled GSU s potent “flexbone” running attack as Montana recorded its second straight shutout in the playoffs. Montana became the first team since the playoffs started in 1978 to regis­ ter back-to-back shutouts. Two hours after the win, coach Read celebrated at the local Press Box Restaurant as a radio announcer described Stephen F. Austin’s 27-17 victory over host and undefeated (and No. 2 seed) Appalachian State. That m eant that the Grizzlies would host their first semifinal ever since they were seeded a notch higher (sixth) than Stephen F. Austin. Montana racked up 629 yards and set a playoff record with 41 first downs against GSU. Dickenson was 37-of-46 for 408 yards and 4 touchdown passes -- his fourth 400-yard passing day in five playoff games. He, and leading receivers Douglass and Wells left the game after the second series in the third quarter. “I really feel like we’re playing as good of football as we’ve ever played around here,” Read said. UM’s defense held GSU to 91 total yards -- the Eagles’ lowest offensive output in 26 playoff games. The Eagles had only five total first downs (two in the second half). Montana’s offense scored on six of its first nine possessions, and Dickenson left the contest with UM leading 38-0. “He just finds a way to do it, Read said. "He’s an amazing young athlete.”___________________________________

Receiving D e fe n s iv e Leader(s) UM-Crebo: 11 TT, 2 TLs (-2), 2 Sacks (-11); McHmurry: 11 TT, Int., PD; Falls: 6 TT, Sack (-10), TL (-2); Yo Manzanarez: 4 TT, 2 Sacks (-12). SFA-Cameron Love: 11 TT.


GAME NOTES: the second week in a row a record crowd saw the Griz offense and Dickenson shine, and the defense once again made sev­ eral big plays, as M ontana advanced to the Division I-AA championship game for the first time in school history. (UM did advance to Division II title games in 1969 and 1970, losing to North Dakota State both times). Montana scored crucial back-to-back touchdowns in the final two-plus minutes of the first half, breaking open a close contest and took a 35-14 halftime lead. Dickenson passed for 370 yards and five TDs in a little more than two quarters of work. Four different players had scoring catches and the Griz rushed for five TDs and 196 yards. The Lumberjacks were limited to 264 total yards and 15 first downs, while the Grizzlies had 669 (473 passing). Not only would coach Read and his team have to go on the road for the first time in the ’95 playoffs, but they would also have to play the M arsh all Thundering Herd on their home turf in Huntington, West Virginia.







D ecembe

MONTANA 2 2 , MARSHALL 2 0 (Marshall University Stadium) Huntington, West Virginia)

A l l - O p p o n e n t s

A ttendance: 3 2 ,1 0 6 - W eather: 5 1 , Sunny M o n ta n a 3 7 2 1022 M arshall 0 3 7 1020

R e c o r d

NCAA DIVISION 1-AA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME TEAM-QUARTER-TIME-PLAY-LEADER U M -lst-6:09-Larson, 48 Field Goal, 3-0 UM MU-2nd-12:54-Tim Openlander, 39 Field Goal, 3-3 UM-2nd-0:59--Wells, 24 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 10-3 UM M U -3rd-9:46-Chris Parker, 10 Run (Openlander kick), 10-10 UM-3rd-6:54--Chad Pennington, Intentional Grounding in End Zone, 12-10 UM

UM-4th-12:30-Wells, 1 Pass from Dickenson (Larson kick), 19-10 UM M U-4th-10:05-Openlander, 21 Field Goal, 19-13 UM MU-4th-4:45—Parker, 26 Run (Openlander kick), 20-19 MU UM-4th-0:39—Larson, 25 Field Goal, 22-20 UM UM 21 29 49 281 77-333 0 48 29 1

0-0 4-18 8-28.1 4x16 3 0:1 4

TEAM STATS First Downs Rush Attempts Net Yards Rushing Passing Yards Plays-TOTAL YDS. Sacks by (-Yards) Pass Attempts Com pletions Had Intercepted Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yds. Punts-Average 3rd Down Conv. Time of Poss.

73 -3 5 8 10 (-57) w


12 -1 0 9 6x 1 6 2 9 :4 6

Dave Dickenson


R ushing UM-Branen: 6 -3 3 /0 TDs; Gales: 1-11/0.

MU-Parker: 2 3 -9 4 /2 .

Passing : 4-

1x8 0.

72: X :alls: 2ron

the sevship title plus >-14 lore and vns, the shall

UM-Dickenson: 29x48-1= 281/2 TDs.

M U-Pennington: 23x40-1 = 2 4 6 /0 .

Receiving UM-Douglass: 8-102/0; Wells: 8-62/2; Erhardt: 9-90/0. 5-56/0; Tim Martin: 4 -5 0 /0 .

MU-Ricky Carter:

D efensive Leader(s) UM-Crebo: 12 TT; Bouchee: 11 TT; Sirmon: 8 TT, TL (-7); Goicoechea: 7TT; Temple: 6 TT, Int., PD. M U-Jerome Embry: 10 TT, PD; Thom as Maxwell: 9 TT, Sack (-2), PD; B.J. Cohen: 6 TT, 3 Sacks (-17). GAME NOTES: T h e M ontana Grizzlies made the best of their first-ever trip to the Division 1-AA cham pionship game, staging a dramatic, 22-20 come-from-behind victory over host Marshall University in the Thundering Herd’s packed (a playoff record crowd of 32,106) stadium. Trailing 20-19 with 4:45 left in the game, Dickenson once again showed that he was the best quarterback in the 1-AA ranks (and in Montana history for that matter), guiding the Grizzlies 72 yards in 12 plays to the H erds’ eight-yard line. That drive set up the game-winning field goal - a 25-yarder by Larson. Larson had scored the game’s first points with a career-long 48yard field goal in the first quarter. M ontana’s 3-0 lead was short-lived as kicker Tim Openlander tied the game 3-3 on a 39-yard field goal in the second quarter. Montana regained the lead in the closing seconds of the second quarter on a 24-yard pass from the record-setting Dickenson to record-setting receiver Wells, who also scored the Griz’ other touchdown. Montana scored two crucial points when the “Butte America” connection of Brian Toone and Randy Riley tackled MU quarterback Chad Pennington in the end zone, forcing him to intentionally ground the ball for a safety. The BIG play in Montana’s final drive, aka: “The Drive, The Catch and The Kick,” came on a fourth-and-three from the 50-yard line, when Dickenson hit Erhardt on a short slant pass for a 2 0 -yard gain. Six plays later Larson hooted his game-winner.


Abilene Christian Arizona Army Boise State Brigham Young British Columbia California Cal-Fullerton Cal Poly (SLO) Cal-State Chico Cal-State Northridge Carroll College Carson-Newman (TN) Colorado State Delaware DePaul Eastern Illinois Eastern Kentucky Eastern New Mexico Eastern Washington Farragut Naval Base Fresno State Georgia Southern Gonzaga Hawaii Hofstra Houston Humboldt State Idaho Idaho State Iowa Jackson State Jacksonville State Kansas State Long Beach State Louisiana Tech Marshall McNeese State Minnesota Minnesota-Duluth Montana State Montana Tech Nevada-Las Vegas Nevada New Mexico North Dakota




1 1 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0










1 1 6 0 1 1 1

0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



2 1 1

0 0 0

9 3


9 5 2 0 1

3 14 0 0 1 11 1 1 0 1

4 1

16 11 0


0 1 0

23 54 26 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 2


1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

58 32 12 4 1 4 4 10 4 10 10 7

5 2 0 0 0 1

W North Dakota State 3 North Texas 1 Northern Arizona 19 Northern Colorado 3 Northern Illinois 1 Northern Iowa 2 Oklahoma City 1 Oregon 0 Oregon State 1 Pacific University 1 University of the Pacific 2 Pocatello Marines 1 Portland 2 Portland State 14 Puget Sound 3 Rice 0 Sacramento State 1 San Diego 0 San Diego Marines 0 San Francisco 2 San Jose State 0 Simon Fraser 3 Sonoma State 1 South Dakota 8 South Dakota State 4 Southern California 0 Southern Utah 0 Stanford 0 Stephen F. Austin 1 Syracuse 0 Texas Tech 1 Thomas More 1 Tulsa 0 UC-Davis 1 UCLA 0 Utah 0 Utah State 8 Washington 1 Washington State 2 Weber State 24 Western Illinois 1 Whitman 5 Willamette 0 Wyoming 0



2 0

0 0



1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1

7 12 1


0 0

0 0 0 1



1 1

0 0



1 2 1

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


3 2 0 6 0

5 0 4 0 0

3 0 1 0 6 11

26 16 32 10 0

5 1 12

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

3 7 0 421 23

Montana played Texas Tech in Missoula on the original Domblaser Field behind Main Hall, Oct. 15, 1938.



T he University of Montana’s inaugural game in Washington-Griz­ zly Stadium was October 18, 1986, as the Grizzlies registered a 38-31 come-from-behind victory over Idaho State. In August of 1985 Missoula businessman Dennis R. Washington and the employees of the Washington Corporations brought Montana’s dream for a new football facility to fruition with a gift of $1 million. It was the largest corporate gift in Montana’s history. Just four months after Washington’s generous gift, in December of 1985, excavation crews began work.

Construction begins on W ashington-Grizzly Stadium in December, 1985.


The com pleted stadium before north and south bleachers were added in the fall o f 1995.

In recognition of the gift by Washington and his company, UM’s new facility was named Washington-Grizzly Stadium. The natural-grass stadium was paid for exclusively by private funds, with the majority of contributions coming from Montanans, and of course Washington Corporations. A good portion of the funding for the sta­ dium was raised by the University Seat Sponsor Program. In the spring of 1995 the stadium was expanded to a capacity of


18,845 permanent seats, as end zone seating was added on both the north and south end zones. The prior capacity with permanent seats was approximately 12,500. Weather-permitting, the grass end zones were opened up for spectators, raising the stadium’s capacity to around 1 5 ,0 0 0 . To begin the project the local architect firm of Fox, Balias, and Bar­ row was hired. After the UM Foundation's initial fundraising, along with the UM athletic department and the Grizzly Athletic Association, the project received the financial boost it needed. The stadium excavation consisted of moving 70,000 cubic yards of dirt, which places the stadium playing surface about 20 feet below ground level. An estimated 4,500 yards of concrete was poured in the project. The field area inside the stadium is 182 feet wide and 402 feet from end-to-end. At the peak of construction there were 180 craftsmen employed and 27 contractors, 24 of whom were from the state of Montana. There are 48 private boxes located on the east and west sides of the stadium. They are individually decorated and furnished by their respec­ tive owners. The press box located above the private boxes on the west side includes radio and television broadcast booths, electronic and print me­ dia seating, coaches scouting boxes, a public address booth, and an area for the scoreboard operators. The Missoula Homebuilders Association built the press box, prima­ rily with volunteer labor. Coca-Cola donated the original scoreboard, which was retrofitted and expanded in June of 1996. There will also be a new north end zone scoreboard, which will be three feet high and 40 feet long. A new public address system will also be in place for the 1996 football season. That new system will provide a maximum of 103 decibels at each seat, as well as in each private suite. The expansion will also include a 17-foot by 10-foot 65,000 full color SoundBurst® message center. Former Montana President Neil Bucklew and former Athletic Di­ rector Harley Lewis were instrumental in the construction of Washing­ ton-Grizzly Stadium. In conjunction with the building of the stadium more than a decade ago, additional parking and practice fields were built. The practice area enables the Grizzlies to practice on campus and has the dimen­ sions of four full-size football fields. A 230-space parking lot south of the stadium was also built. Major renovations to parking lots south and east of the stadium resulted in an increase of 127 spaces, bringing the total to 381 spaces. In April of 1996 new Grizzly lockerrooms were completed. The new lockerrooms are located below the entry level on the west side of the stadium and cover more than 4,000 square feet.







1986 1987 1988 1989# 1990

2 3 6 8 4

1 2 0 0 2

1991 1992 1993# 1994# 1995#

4 5 6 9 9

1 1 1 0 0




_____ Victorious G rizzlies celebrate in W ashington-G rizzly Sta d iu m after win­ ning the 1 9 9 5 Division I-AA sem ifinal gam e against S tephen F. A ustin.


M ost C onsecutive Wins: 18 (1994-Current) Most C onsecutive Losses: 2 (1986-87 vs. Idaho & Portland State) Misc.: Montana has won 26 of its last 27 games in WashingtonGrizzly Stadium. ^Includes Playoff Games


H ead Coach Jack Sw arthout

H e a d Coach D o u g F e s s e n d e n , a s s i s t a n t c o a c h e s G eo rg e "JiggsT D a h l b e r g , P a u l S z a k a s h , & H a r r y A d a m s (L-R)

Head Coach Don Read





0 8

Fred S m ith

(I llin o is )

( C o r n e ll)

5 -7 -0 ( .4 1 6 )

4 0

H.B. C onibear

1-2-3 (.3 3 3 )

1909 1903

Opp. 3 2 Fort Missoula............................................................ 0

0 0 0 4 18 10


The “Tigers” ...................................................... 0 The “Tigers” ...................................................... 0 The “Tigers” ...................................................... 0 Butte Bus. College............................................2 0 Montana S ta te ................................................... 6 @ Butte Bus. Coll............................................... 2 6 (1-2-3)

1898 Sgt. F.B. Searight

11 0 0 0 0

Fort Missoula............................................................ 0 Montana Tech...................................................... 19 @ Montana Tech 23 @Idaho ................................................................. 2 8 @Washington S ta te.............................................. 3 2 6 @Montana State.................................................. 13 (2-5)

UM Opp. 1 0 Fort Missoula............................................................ 0 0 @Utah................................................................... 17 5 @Utah State............................................................. 0 5 Washington State .................................................... 6 7 9 Montana S ta te ......................................................... 0 (3-2)


3 -2 -0 (.6 0 0 ) 5 0 5

Opp. Helena High School......................................... 6

Anaconda Ath. Club.........................................18 Helena Ath. Club (forfeit). 0 6 @ Montana S tate................................................ 0 1 6 Montana S ta te ................................................... 0 (3-2)

( W is c o n s in )

4 -7 - 0 (.3 6 3 )

Guy C leveland Opp.

1 2 Anaconda Ath. Club........................................... 5 0 @ Montana S tate...............................................38 0 Montana S ta te ..................................................... 5 ( 1- 2 )


1905 UM O pp. 0 U ta h ....................................................................... 42 0 @ Whitman Coll.......................................................5 6 @ WashingtonS ta te ............................................. 28 2 3 Utah S ta te.................................................................0 8 8 Ft. Shaw Indians ...................................................... 0 (2-3) 1906 UM

Frank B ean ( W is c o n s in )

2 -4 -0 (.3 3 3 ) 1900 Opp.

12 ( 0 - 1)

Ft. Shaw Indians...................................................... 6 Washington S ta te .................................................... 5 Spokane Ath. Club..................................................0 @ Utah................................................................. 42 6 @ Utah State......................... 16 0 Ex-Collegians........................................................... 6 (2-4)

Albion Findlay


L L W 26 0

Ft. Shaw Indians................................................. W Butte Ath. Club................................................... W Fort Missoula....................................................... L Fort Missoula....................................................... 0 @ Montana S ta te .........................................31 (2-3)

1902 D ew itt P eck

4-1-1 ( .8 0 0 ) UM Opp. 6 2 Montana Wesleyan..................................................0 2 8 Ft. Shaw Indians...................................................... 0

0 12 12 0

@ Washington S ta te ........................................... 38 Montana Tech.......................................................... 0 Spokane Ath. Club..................................................0 @ Montana Tech ..................................................... 0 (4-1-1)

Roy W hite

(Io w a S ta t e )


(I o w a )

0 -3 - 0 (.0 0 0 ) Opp.

0 Montana Tech......... 0 Montana S ta te ........

7 -2 -2 ( .7 7 7 )

..... 16 ..... 38

(0 - 2 )




( W is c o n s in )

190 1 UM


1910 UM Opp. 8 Montana Tech........................................................ 0

0 @ Montana State................................................... 0 3 Utah S tate.............................................................5 5 @ Gonzaga....................................................... 17 3 @ Montana T ech ................................................... 0 1 0 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 0 (3-2-1) Opp.

1 2 @ Montana T ech ................................................... 0 0 Utah S tate............................................................. 8 28 Poison Independents............................................... 6 (2 - 1 )

Lt. W.C. Philoon

h e

4 -3 - 0 (.5 7 1 ) UM Opp. 2 8 Missoula High ........................................................ 0

7 0 3 39 18 9


32 0 11 0

11 Montana S ta te

5-3-1 (.6 2 5 )

(W e st P o in t)

1-2 -0 (.3 3 3 )




(M o n ta n a ) UM

Robert Cary


F.W. S c h u le



33 Missoula High ......................................... 0 5 2 Ft. Shaw Indians ...................................... 0 0 @ Montana Tech ....................................................0 3 @ Montana S tate....................................................0 4 2 Fort Missoula.......................................................... 0 24 Montana Tech..........................................0 1 5 Montana S ta te .........................................5 (6 -0 - 1 )

( M o n ta n a )


(S ta n fo r d ) UM


Montana S ta te .......................................0 Montana Tech........................................ 5 @ Montana T ech ....................................................5 @ Montana S tate....................................................5 (1 -2 - 1 )





@ Montana State..................................................0 @ Utah State..................................................... 17 @ Utah............................................................... 10 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 3 @ Gonzaga............................................................ 6 @ Willamette.................................................... 30 (4-3)

A.G. Heilman

fE T lFB W

(F r a n k lin -M a r s h a ll)

8-4 -1 (.6 6 6 ) 1913 UM

9 7 7 20 7 0


@ Washington S tate......................................... 34 Utah S tate..............................................................9 @ Montana State...................................................0 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 0 @ Gonzaga......................................................... 16 @ Whitman Coll................................................. 35 (2-4) 1914

UM Opp. 8 7 Butte Ramblers...................................................... 0

10 0 32 26 13 19

Washington State ..................................................0 @ Idaho ...................................................................0 Utah S tate ...............................................................0 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 9 North Dakota S ta te ...............................................0 @ Gonzaga............................................................. 0 (6 -0 - 1 )



J.W. Stewart

Jerry Nissen (W a sh in g to n S ta te )

(G en ev a )

7 .7 :3

7-8-0 (.466)

(.500) Opp.

15 Idaho ......................................................................3 7 @South Dakota................................................ 10 1 0 @North Dakota................................................ 10 7 @Washington State ........................................ 2 7 50 Butte Centervilies.................................................0 6 Syracuse................................................................ 6 (2 -2 -2 )



0 @ Washington ...................................................... 26 37 Montana W esleyan............................................... 0 1 5 Idaho State ...........................................................12 6 @ Gonzaga ...........................................................37 7 Montana S ta te ...................................................... 6 0 Whitman College ..................................... 13 0 Idaho ..................................................................... 39 (3-4)

1916 UM Opp. 11 @South Dakota....................................................0


@Gonzaga ............................................................0 0 @Washington State ........................................ 2 7 1 7 Whitman College................................................ 0 6 @ Montana S ta te............................................... 6 20 @Idaho 13 (4-1-1) 1917 UM Opp. 6 Utah State....................................................... 21

@ Whitman College........................................ 14 Montana S tate.................................................... 7 @ Washington S ta te ...................................... 28 Idaho ................................................................ 14 (1-4)


— no

team —

BO Bernie Bierman

1923 UM

27 0 25 2 16 14 24 0

9-9-3 (.500)


(M o n ta n a )

7-8-1 (.466) 1924 UM


40 Mt. Saint Charles.................................................. 7 13 Idaho .....................................................................41 7 @ Washington .....................................................5 2 106@ Montana T ec h ................... 6 14 G onzaga................................................................. 20 61 Pacific University .................................................. 7 3 @ Stanford.............................................................41 20 @ Whitman College............................................... 0 (4-4) 1925 UM

0 10 14 57 7 20 7 28



Mt. Saint Charles.................................................. 0 @ Idaho.................................................................. 40 Montana T ech....................................................... 0 G onzaga................................................................2 5 @ WhitmanCollege................................................ 7 @ Washington .....................................................2 6 @ Montana S ta te ................................................. 13 @ Pacific College.................................................... 6 (4-4)

Earl Clark

( M in n e s o t a )




1915 UM

3 9 0 3


26 Montana W esleyan.................................. 7 0 @ Utah S ta te .................................................... 47 28 Montana T ech...................................................... 6 6 Whitman College.................................................. 6 0 @ Idaho................................................................. 7 6 @ Montana S ta te ................................................. 6 14 Washington S tate............................................ 42 (2-3-2)


Washington S ta te .................................................. 9 @ Washington .......................... 30 Gonzaga (in Butte)............................................... 14 Montana Tech....................................................... 0 @ Oregon State ..................................................2 7 @ Idaho ......................................................14 @ USC.................................................................... 27 Montana S ta te .............................. 7 (3-4-1)

1926-30 Frank Milburn


1 8-2 2 -3 (.450)


133 Mt. Saint Charles.................................................0 18 @ Washington .................................................. 14 34 Montana W esleyan............................................. 0 0 @ Washington State ...................................... 31 7 @ Whitman College............................. 13 28 Montana S tate......................................................0 7 Idaho ................................................................. 20 (4-3)



0 12


25 Idaho State ............................................... 0 7 @ Washington .................................................. 28 6 Whitman College............................................. 14 7 @ Idaho............................................................ 35 14 @ Montana S ta te ........................................7 7 North Dakota State..............................................6 0 G onzaga................................................................ 0 (3-3-1)

1927 UM

1928 UM

1929 UM

1930 UM

18 52 0 13 0 0 27 12


27 6

56 21 0



Anaconda A nodes.........................................14 Mt. Saint Charles........................................... 0 @ Washington ................................................27 Mont. St. (in Butte).......................................... 6 @ Washington State ....................................61 @ California .................................................... 46 G onzaga......................................................... 1 5 Idaho ................................................................ 6 (5-3)

Bernard Oakes I1 9 3 1 - 3 4 (I llin o is)

8-22-1 (.266) 1931 UM

0 0 19 0 37 0 0


Mt. Saint Charles.......................................... 2 @ Washington ............................................... 25 @ Idaho........................................................... 21 Washington S ta te ..........................................13 Mont. St. (in Butte) ..................... 6 @ Oregon State ............................................ 19 @ USC ......................................................69 (1-6 ) 1932


0 7 0 Opp.


18 Anaconda A nodes......................................... 2 19 Mt. Saint Charles........................................... 0 6 @Washington..................................................... 6 0 @Idaho.............................................................. 19 45 Intermountain U.............................................. 0 12 Mont. St. (in Butte) ......................................14 18 @ California................................................... 53 0 Washington S ta te ......................................... 13 0 @ UCLA......................................................... 14 (3-5-1)


O re g o n ............................................... 49 Id a h o ..................................................................... 27 @ Washington State ......................... 14 Montana St. (inButte).....................................................0 @ Gonzaga ...........................................................10 Whitman College................................................. 7 @ Sacramento S ta te ........................................... 0 @ USC................................................................... 61 (3-5)


13 Butte Centervilies............................................ 0 1 3 Anaconda A nodes.......................................... 0 6 Washington S ta te ............................................26 0 W ashington...................................................... 25 20 Montana T ech.................................................. 0 6 Idaho .................................................................21 0 Mont. St. (in Butte) ......................................... 0 6 @ Oregon ......................................................3 1 0 @Oregon State ............................................... 44 7 @Gonzaga ....................................................... 0 (4-5-1)

25 13 14



1 9 Butte Centervilies............................................ 0 8 Mt. Saint Charles............................................ 0 0 @WashingtonState ...........................................35 0 @Washington.................................................... 32 6 @Idaho.............................................................. 42 13 @California.......................................................33 6 Mont. St. (in Butte) ......................................... 0 0 @ Gonzaga ....................................................... 0 (3-4-1)

(W est P o in t)







Anaconda A nodes........................................ 0 @ Washington ............................................... 26 Carroll C ollege............................................... 8 Idaho ............................................................... 19 @ UCLA.......................................................... 32 Mont. St. (in Butte) ....................................... 19 @ Washington State .....................................31 Oregon S ta te ................................................. 35 @ Gonzaga ..... 56 (2-7) 1933


0 7 6

32 7 13 26


@ Oregon State ............................................ 20 Washington S ta te.......................................... 13 @ Idaho........................................................... 12 Mont. St. (in Butte) ....................................... 0 @ Stanford......................................................33 @ Gonzaga ..................................................... 7 Utah State......................................................... 0 (3-4)


0 @ Washington State .......................................2 7 0 @ UCLA............................................... 16 48 Montana T ech...................................................... 0 6 Idaho ................................................................. 13 2 5 Mont. St. (in Butte) ............................................ 0 0 @ Oregon .......................................................... 13 7 @ Oregon S ta te ..................................................7 4 @ Gonzaga .......................................................... 6 (2 - 6 - 1)

1935-41 D oug F essen d en (Illinois) 32-25-4 (.5 6 1 )



9 E. W ashington.......................................................... 0 0 @Washington State ........................................... 13 19 Texas Tech ......................................................... 32 6 Mont. St. (in Butte) ................................................0 1 3 Gonzaga (in Butte)............................................. 10 0 @ Oregon ........................................................... 38 28 Idaho .................................................................... 18 20 @San Diego Marines.............................................. 38 0 @Portland................................................................ 0 (4-4-1)

1935 0 20 7 7 7 7 0 0


@ USC.................................................................... 9 Mont. St. (in Butte) ..............................................0 Washington S tate ...............................................13 @ Idaho............................................................... 14 @ Washington ....................................................33 Gonzaga (in G. Falls)............................................7 @ Stanford.......................................................... 32 Oregon S ta te ........................................................ 0 (1-5-2) 1936


20 27 7 13 23 0 13 16 0

@ Brigham Young..................................................7 North Dakota State................................................0 @UCLA................................................................ 14 @Gonzaga ............................................................... 6 Mont. St. (in Butte) ........................................... 13 @ Washington .................................................... 21 North Dakota.......................................................... 6 @ Idaho....................................................................0 @Oregon St. (in Portland)................. 27 (6-3)

Mathers A FB...................................................... @ Washington State ......................................... @ Washington .................................................... Idaho .................................................................... @ Oregon S ta te ................................................. @ California........................................................ @ USC.................................................................. (0 -8 )

27 0 7 13 0 6

9 13 7

E. W ashington...................................................... 0 @ San Francisco..................................................0 D ePaul................. 6 Texas Tech ......................................................... 19 @ North Dakota................................................... 7 Idaho ...................................................................19 @ Gonzaga ...................................... 0 Mont. St. (in Butte)..............................................0 @ Arizona ..............................................................0 (5-3-1) 1939



9 Portland .................................................................0 6 San Francisco ....................................................13 6 Mont. St. (in Butte) ..............................................0 13 @ Idaho..................................................................0 0 @ W ashington...................................................... 9 0 @ Texas T ech.....................................................13 0 @ Arizona ................................................... 6 0 G onzaga.............................................................. 23 (3-5)

1949-51 Ted Shipkey (Stanford) 12-16-0 (.4 2 8 )

George "Jiggs" Dahlberg Montana 1-4-0 (.200)

UM Opp.

35 21 33 13 38


E. Washington (inG. Falls)......................................... 12 Utah State...........................................................18 Pacific................................................................... 0 Washington S ta te ..............................................48 Mont. St. (in Butte) ........................................... 0 @ Idaho...............................................................39 @ Brigham Young.............................................26 College of Pacific ..............................................32 @ Stanford......................................................... 39 North Dakota...................................................... 7 (3-7)


Whitman College..................................................0 @ Texas T ech....................................................... 6 Okla. City (in G. Falls)......................................... 6 San Francisco (inButte)............................................... 7 Mont. St. (in Butte)..............................................0 G onzaga.................................................................0 @ Idaho.................................................................. 6 North Dakota........................................................ 3 (7-1) 1938

19 68

7 7 27 0 14 0 20 14 7 47

— no team —





@ E. Washington ............................................... 0 Portland ........................................................... 0 @ Arizona ..........................................................40 @ Utah S ta te .....................................................13 Mont.St. (inButte) ............................................. 13 @ Washington State ...................................... 12 @ Idaho............................................................... 0 @ California.......................................................60 Colorado State. ... 7 . 12 Hawaii ................ Hawaii All-Stars . . 14 (7-4) 1948

.*** 25 13 36 13 19 23 0 14

21 21 7 7 12 13 21 14 41 14 28


UM Opp. 6 Brigham Y oung.................................................. 1 2

13 16 0 0 0 0 0


E. W ashington.................................................. 7 Colorado S ta te ................................................. 0 @ O reg o n ......................................................... 34 Mont. St. (in Butte) .......................................... 7 Utah State......................................................... 26 Idaho .................................................................. 0 @ UCLA............................................................ 61 @ Washington ..................................................21 (4-4)



1937 UM

31 26 0 20 0 19 7 0

1947 Opp.

(Montana) 0 -8-0 (. 000)


0 @ Washington State ......................................... 19 0 @ UCLA.............................................................. 30 45 Idaho State ......................................................... 13 6 G onzaga.................................................................0 2 7 Mont. St. (in Butte) ..............................................0 7 @ Oregon S ta te .................................................14 16 Idaho ...................................................................... 0 24 San Francisco (inButte)............................................... 7 13 North Dakota........................................................ 6 (6-3)


1941 UM

Clyde Carpenter UM



1934 UM

13 0 13 36 13


@ Utah S ta te ........................................................44 @ Idaho................................................................. 46 @Farragut Naval Base.................................................21 Pocatello M arines.................................................. 6 Farragut Naval Base ..........................................1 8 (1-4)

1949 UM

33 7 18 12 14 19 34 19 25

1950 UM

D oug F essen d en


(Illinois) 1 4 -1 5 -0 (.482 )

* 76


S. Dakota (in Billings)........................................ 13 @ Washington State ........................................ 13 @ Utah S ta te .....................................................13 @ Colorado State............................................. 27 @ Oregon State ............................................... 63 Idaho ...................................................................47 Mont. St. (in Butte) ...........................................12 E. W ashington.................................................... 6 Brigham Y oung................................................. 18 (5-4)

52 28 13 7 33 0 35 13 38 7


@ E. Washington .................. 0 @ Idaho...............................................................27 @ O reg o n...........................................................21 Washington S ta te .............................................. 14 Mont. St. (in Butte) ........................................... 0 @ Oregon S ta te ................................................ 20 Puget Sound........................................................ 7 @ Nevada-Reno................................................. 19 Utah S tate........................................................... 7 San Jose St. (in Hawaii).......................................32 (5-5)



(j M


@ W ash in gton 58 2 5 New M e x ic o ....................................................................... 7 0 D enver.................................................................. 5 5 9 Idaho ................................................................................ 1 2 3 g @ Montana S ta te ............................................................ 0 5 @ Utah S ta te .................................................................. 1 9 7 W y o m in g ....................................................................... 3 4 6 Colorado S ta te ............................................................... 3 4 i o @ Washington S t a t e ................................................. 4 7 (2-7) 7

1952-54 Ed Chinske (M ontana) 8-1 8 -1 (.3 0 7 )

1955 UM Opp. 1 2 @ Houston..............................................................54 0 Wyoming (in Billings)............................................35 2 7 Brigham Young ................................................... 13 1 3 D enver.................................................................... 6 1 6 @ Utah State..........................................................3 2 1 9 New Mexico......................................................... 14 7 Colorado State.......................................................12 1 9 @Montana State.................................................... 0 0 @Arizona................................................................2 9 0 @Idaho ...................................................................31 (3-7) 1956 UM Opp. 1 2 @Arizona............................................................. 2 7 6 @Utah..................................................................... 26 1 3 @ Denver................................................................ 2 2 1 3 Utah S ta te ............................................................ 2 7 2 1 Brigham Young ................................................... 1 3 2 0 @ Colorado State ................................................. 34 13 Montana S ta te ...................................................... 33 1 3 Wyoming (in Billings)............................................34 1 3 @ New Mexico.......................................................14 0 Idaho........................................................................14 (1-9)

1960 UM

21 0 12 18 26 6

26 10 6 6

Op p .

@ North Dakota............................................ 14 Wyoming (in Billings).................................... 14 Utah S tate...................................................... 14 Idaho............................................................... 14 @ Denver........................................................ 12 Brigham Young .................................................7 @ Colorado State ........................ 14 Montana S ta te ................................................... 6 @ Utah............................................................ 16 @ New Mexico.............................................. 24 (5-5) 1961



0 Wyoming (in Billings) 29 6 @ Utah State................................................... 54 40 New Mexico....................................................... 8 6 @ Brigham Young............................................ 7 12 U ta h .................................................................. 24 2 2 Colorado State.............................................. 19 9 @ Montana State.......................................... 10 14 Idaho (in Boise) ............................................. 16 (2 -6 ) 1962 UM


1952 Opp. UM 0 Utah S ta te................................................................ 7 0 @ Wyoming ...■.........................................................14 7 Brigham Young ...................................................2 8


17 @ Denver.................................................................. 7 0 @ Colorado State .................................................. 41 14 @ O regon................................................................ 14 35 Montana S ta te .......................................................12 0 @ Idaho .................... . 27 2 0 @San Jose State.................................................. 3 9 6 @New Mexico....................................................... 12 (2-7-1)



13 @ Utah........................ ........ ................................. 3 2 0 Wyoming (in Billings).......................................... 2 0 7 @ Brigham Young...............................................2 0 1 3 D enver...................................................................2 6 3 5 @ Utah State........................................................ 2 5 2 1 New Mexico........................................................... 6 1 3 ® Idaho .................................................................. 31 1 3 @ Montana State.................................................2 2 7 Colorado State ............................................... 19 (2-7)



1953 UM

13 7 12 22 32 13 14 32

Op p .

0 Wyoming (in Billings).................................... 13 8 @ North Dakota............................................ 14 20 @ Utah State...................................................43 2 2 Idaho............................................................... 16 2 5 Weber S ta te ....................................................... 6 0 Brigham Young ............................................ 2 7 2 2 @ Idaho State................................................. 15 36 Montana S ta te .................................. 19 1 2 @ New Mexico............................................... 41 16 @ Colorado State ........................ 15 (5-5)


@ Brigham Y oung................................................2 7 W yom ing................................................................ 2 7 Idaho........................................................................2 0 @ Denver................................................................ 13 Colorado State...................................................... 31 New Mexico...........................................................41 @ Utah State....................................................... 3 3 @ Montana State................................................ 13 (3-5)

Ray Jenkins (C olorado) 14-43-0 (.2 4 5 )

UM Op p . 1 6 @ British Columbia.......................................... 0

0 13 0 13

Wyoming (in Billings)................................... 35 North Dakota................................................ 1 9 @ Brigham Young....................................... 2 7 Idaho State.................................................... 14 6 Utah S ta te ..................................................... 6 2 6 @ New Mexico............................................. 24 1 3 @ Weber State............................................. 19 3 @ Montana S tate......................................... 18 1 2 Colorado State............................................. 20 (1-9)

1954 UM


31 Fort Lewis (WA)........................................................ 7 6 @ Iowa.................................................................. 48 1 3 @ Denver..............................................................19 2 0 Utah S ta te ..............................................................13 7 @ Brigham Young................................................ 19 3 4 @ Colorado S ta te ............................................... 3 7 1 4 @ New Mexico.................................................... 2 0 25 MontanaS ta te .........................................................21 20 U ta h ........................................................................ 41 (3-6)

1955-57 Jerry Williams (W a sh ingto n S tate ) 6-23-0 ( .2 0 6 )


1958 UM

O pp.

6 @ Utah.................................................................... 20

Hugh Davidson

14 16 0 13 12 7

Wyoming (in Billings)............................................21 @ New Mexico...................................................... 44 @ Denver................................................................ 2 9 Utah S ta te ..............................................................2 7 Brigham Young .................................................... 41 @ Colorado State ...............................................5 7 6 Idaho........................................................................14 6 Montana S ta te .................................................... 2 0 1 3 @ San Diego....................................................... 24 (0 - 1 0 ) 1959 UM O pp. 1 9 North Dakota....................................................... 2 7 0 Wyoming (in Billings)............................................58 1 2 @ Brigham Young................................................. 0 1 2 D enver..................................................................2 7 0 @ Utah State....................................................... 2 8 14 New Mexico.........................................................55 1 6 Colorado State.....................................................2 6 6 @ Montana State.................................................. 40 6 @ Idaho ....................................................... 9 (1 - 8 )



8 - 20-0 (.2 8 5 )

1964 UM

29 7 0 0 20 7 7

Op p .

British Columbia............................................ 24 @ Pacific......................................................... 2 3 @ New Mexico.............................................. 2 0 Utah S tate .......................................................41 Weber S ta te .................................................. 12 Western Illinois..................................................0 @ Idaho State................................................ 14 6 Montana S ta te ............................................... 30 7 @ San Diego Marines..................................... 43 (3-6)



$ 1965


13 14 16 15 21 7 13 7 14 33


@ Utah 28 S. Dakota (in Billings) ................................. 15 Idaho S tate........................................................... 0 @ Weber S tate.................................................... 14 @ Utah State....................................................... 5 4 Idaho..................................................................... 3 5 Pacific.................................................................... 7 @ Montana S tate............................................... 2 4 @ Western Michigan........................................... 17 @ Portland State................................................. 7 (4-6)

1970 UM Opp. 2 8 No. Dakota (in Billings)............................................. 7 3 0 @ Northern Illinois................................................ 6

20 38 44 35 35 31 35 24

7 10 0 0 14

@ South Dakota.................................................21 Portland S ta te ...................................................... 0 Weber S ta te ........................................................ 2 8 @ Pacific...............................................................2 8 @ Idaho State..................................................... 17 8 @ Northern Arizona......................................... 34 0 Montana S ta te .................................................... 3 8 6 @ Idaho ........................... 40 (1 -8 )

1967-75 Jack Swarthout (M o n ta n a )

51-41-1 (.5 5 4 )

1971 UM

14 27 38 12 24 45 14 14 30 11 29


19 7 13 21 14 20 10

@ North Dakota................................................ 14 S. Dakota (in Billings).............................................3 @ Weber State.................................................... 12 Pacific.................................................................. 7 Idaho 19 Idaho S tate........................................................... 0 Northern Arizona................................................. 7 8 @ Montana S tate............................................. 14 14 @ Utah State.....................................................2 0 5 5 @ Portland State.................................................. 7 (7-3) Opp.

N. Dakota (in Billings)........................................ 10 @ South Dakota.................................................. 21 Portland S ta te ...................................................... 0 Utah S ta te .........................................................5 0 @ Idaho............................................................... 5 6 @ Idaho State..................................................... 2 3 Montana S ta te ................................................. 2 9 Weber S ta te ......................................................2 0 @ Northern Arizona...........................................18 (2-7)

19 49 28 21 17 19 12 21 19 45


@ North Dakota................................................. 10 S. Dakota (in G.Falls).............................................2 0 Northern Arizona.............................................. 7 @ Weber State.................................................... 17 Idaho.................................................................... 9 Idaho S ta te 36 @ Portland State................ 14 @ Montana S tate................................................ 6 Cal Poly (SLO)..................................................... 0 South Dakota St................................................... 0 CA )

3 North Dakota S ta te............................................30 (1 0 - 1 )

Op p .

@ Nevada-Las Vegas...................................... 21 @ Portland State............................................ 50 Weber S ta te .....................................................25 Northern Arizona...........................................2 3 @ Boise State................................................ 14 @ Northern Colorado...................................... 27 Montana S ta te .................................................21 Idaho State..................................................... 1 7 @ Idaho ............................................................ 28 Simon Fraser.................................................. 17 (4-6)


0 @ South Dakota..................................................... 3 5 1 4 N. Dakota (in Billings)............................... .4 2 4 0 Northern Arizona.....................................17 6 @ Pacific...............................................................2 4 1 2 Weber S ta te ........................................................... 7 7 @ Idaho State............................. .........................14 4 @ Hawaii................................................................3 0 4 2 Boise S tate.............................................................2 8 3 Montana S ta te ...................................... 21 1 7 @ Idaho ..................................................................31 7 @ Tulsa................................................................... 1 0 (3-8) UM

41 10 10 10 31 19 7 7 7 10


Simon Fraser (in G. Falls)............................. 14 @ North Dakota...................................................31 @ Rice..................................................................... 21 @ Northern Arizona .............................................14 South Dakota.........................................................19 Idaho S tate.............................................................14 @ Montana State.................................................. 3 3 @ Boise State........................................................ 5 5 Idaho..................................................................... 2 0 @ Weber State....................................................... 0 (4-6)


14 10 17 24 27 35 24 29 22 42

1969 UM

B ow l (S acram ento,

1976 UM

1972 UM


1968 UM

C a m ellia


S. Dakota (in G. Falls)................................................. 7 @ North Dakota.................................................. .1 4 @ Cal Poly (SLO)................................................ . 14 Idaho 21 @ Boise State 47 Idaho S tate 35 Pacific 30 @ Weber State.......................................................13 @ Montana State................................................... 0 @ Hawaii 25 @ Portland State 36 (6-5)

1977 UM

13 24 40 23 17 20 17 19 34 18


1967 UM

24 31 52 20 34 46 49 7 14 58

16-2 5 -0 (.3 9 0 )

C a m e l l i a B o w l (S a c r a m e n t o , C A )

UM Opp. 6 N. Dakota (in Billings)....................................... 3 0

37 0 58 3 45 13 24 16 0

( M o n ta n a )

1 6 North Dakota St.................................................... 31 (10 - 1)



Gene Carlson

@ Northern Arizona ............................................. 0 Weber S ta te 29 Idaho (in Pullman) 26 @ Idaho State........................................................ 34 @ South Dakota..................................................... 7 Portland S ta te 25 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 0 @ South Dakota St................................................ 0

1975 UM

51 21 48 7 14 3 28 33 28 10

1978 UM


South Dakota....................................................... 17 Nevada-LasVegas................................................2 0 @ Weber State.......................................................12 Idaho S tate........................................................... 10 Idaho........................................................................ 3 @Montana State 20 @Boise State 39 Portland S ta te ................................................. .....16 @Northern Arizona 22 @Simon Fraser 24 (6-4)


Op p .

1 2 Puget Sound...................................................23 16 @ Portland State........................................... 2 7 6 Northern Arizona............. 21 2 7 @ Weber State..................................................7 15 @ Boise State..................................................... 7 30 Idaho................................................................. 34 28 @ Idaho State..................................................... 7 1 7 @ Nevada-Las Vegas......................................25 24 Montana S ta te ................................................... 8 31 Northern Colorado........................................ 14 7 @ San Jose State................... 35 (5-6)


@ Simon Fraser.................................................... 2 3 @ South Dakota.................................................... 2 4 @ Nevada-Las Vegas................................................2 0 Weber S ta te .............................................. 13 Northern Arizona................................................... 0 @ Idaho .................................................................3 5 @ Portland State................................................ ..1 4 Montana S ta te ...................................................... 43 @ Idaho State.......................................................2 5 Boise S tate........................................................... 5 6 (3-6-1)

Op p .

Nevada-Las V egas ...........................15 @ Northern Arizona ....................................... 25 Portland S tate..................................................25 Weber S ta te ................................ 31 Boise S ta te ......................................................43 @ Idaho ........................................ 31 Idaho S tate......................................................15 @ Montana State........................................... 24 Northern Colorado....................................... 13 @ Puget Sound .................... 17 (4-6)

1979 UM

14 13 23 35 28 17 20 21 20 32


@ Wash. St. (in Spokane)................................... 34 @ Northern Arizona ....................................... 26 Weber S ta te ................................................... 16 Boise S tate.......................................................3 7 Idaho S tate...................... 24 @ Idaho .......................................................... 20 Nevada-Reno................................................. 2 7 @ Montana S tate...........................................38 @ Northern Colorado.................................. 10 Portland S ta te ............................. 40 (3-7)

1980-85 Larry Donovan (N e b r a sk a )

25 -37-1 (.4 0 3 )


£ L _

1980 UM


60 Simon Fraser 27 0 @ Portland State 20 0 Idaho...................................................................... 42 10 Boise S tate............................................................44 2 1 @ Weber State..................................................... 38 0 @ Idaho State........................................................17 42 E. Washington......................................................... 7 7 Montana S ta te ..................................................... 24 3 1 Northern Arizona................................................. 21 7 @ Nevada-Reno 10 (3-7)


1981 UM


. 21 50 25 23 14 .2 7

21 17 28 17


15 25 25 31 43 31 15 24 13 17


29 @ Northern Arizona ............................................23 4 2 Northern Iowa........................................................ 21 1 3 @ Boise State......................................................... 2 7 16 @ Idaho ..................................................................14 2 4 Idaho S tate............................................................. 21 3 3 Portland S ta te .......................................................... 3 2 7 @ Montana State...................................................17 33 Nevada-Reno.........................................................26 6 Weber S ta te ..............................................................7 13 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane)........................................... 14 (7-3) Opp.

0 @ Hawaii........................ 40 3 8 Puget Sound........................................................... 10 36 Northern Arizona...................................................35 28 @ Nevada-Reno.....................................................27 1 4 ® Boise State.........................................................21 40 Idaho........................................................................ 16 1 4 @ Idaho State.........................................................28 45 Montana S ta te ....................................................... 14 2 8 @ Portland State....................................................35 42 @ Weber State.......................................................20 1 0 ® Oregon State.....................................................30 7 @ Idaho$................................................................ 21 $I-AA Playoff game (6 -6 ) UM

pp. 23 27

21 ...7 ...7 34 ...7 25


21 35 21 28 0 24 8

14 26 17

14 35


Boise S tate ............................................................. 20 Portland S ta te ........................................................ 19 @ Northern Arizona ..............................................17 Weber S ta te ........................................................... 26 N evada-Reno.........................................................38 @ Idaho .................................................................. 45 @ Montana State...................................................28 Long Beach State..................................................38 @ E. Wash, (in Spokane)........................................... 27 Idaho S tate............................................................. 31 (4-6) 1984

UM pp. 34 26 16 37 24 20 27 38 10 40

1986-95 Don Read (S a cr a m en to S ta te ) 85-36-0 (.7 0 2 )

51 34 37 31 31 28 38 29 13 14

1987 UM


3 17 41 33 25 12 26 55 63 22 26

Portland S ta te ...................................................... 2 0 @ Northern Arizona ........................................... 24 N evada-R eno 29 @ Northern Iowa ................................................ 16 @ Idaho ................................................................ 31 Boise S ta te ................................................................3 Weber S ta te 29 @ Montana S tate..................................................... 7 Idaho S tate................................................................0 @ E. Washington.....................................................3 @ Cal State-Fullerton 43 (6-5)

1988 Opp.

3 5 Eastern New Mexico................................................. 6 41 South Dakota S tate............................................ 16 3 4 @ Idaho State........................................................... 7 2 6 Idaho...................................................................... 1 7 3 @ Nevada-Reno................................................... 2 7 3 0 E. Washington.......................................................... 6 33 N. Arizona (2 OT)............................................... 2 6 2 8 @ Boise State....................................................... 31 4 1 @ Weber State..................................................... 1 4 1 7 Montana S ta te ......................................................... 3 0 @ Portland State.................................................. 21 1 9 ® Idaho$.............................................................. 38 $I-AA Playoff game (8-4)


42 Abilene Christian...................................................28 1 7 ® Portland State....................................................16 3 @ Idaho State.........................................................43 14 @ Weber State.......................................................47 18 Northern Arizona...................................................24 14 Eastern Washington ..............................................14 7 @ Boise State.........................................................35 39 Idaho........................................................................40 24 Montana S ta te .......................................................34 28 @ Nevada-Reno.....................................................31 31 Army (Mirage Bowl in Tokyo).......................... 45 (2 -8 - 1 )

30 62 21 38 29 38 41 57 28 52 31


1 7 ® Nevada-Reno.................................................. 2 8 Northern Arizona................................................ 4 2 E. Washington...................................................... 0 @ Boise State....................................................... 3 8 Idaho S tate........................................................... 5 9 Montana S ta te ..................................................... 3 1 Idaho...................................................................... 5 5 @ Weber State..................................................... 57 @ Idaho State...................................................... 3 5 @ Portland State.................................................. (6-4)




1986 UM

1982 UM


31 Cal-Fullerton ........................................................ 17 @ Minnesota ....................................................... 1 6 Portland S ta te ...................................................... 23 R e n o ...................................................................... 3 5 Idaho S tate........................................................... 0 @ Idaho ................................................................ 1 8 ® Montana State................................................ 2 9 Weber S ta te ......................................................... 3 Boise S ta te ........................................................... 1 9 @ E. Washington................................................ 3 2 ® Northern Arizona .......................................... (3-8)

1989 UM


41 37 30 22 24 31 40 38 48 17 35 48 25 15

Eastern New Mexico......................................... 15 @ Fresno State................................................... 5 2 Portland S ta te ..................... 21 @E. Washington................................................. 16 @ Idaho ......................................................... 3 0 Weber S ta te ..............................................................6 Nevada R e n o 22 @ Northern Arizona ........................................... 14 Boise S tate...................... 13 @ Montana State..................................................... 2 Idaho S tate........................................................... 21 Jackson State$ ........................................................ 7 Eastern Illinois$ .................................................. 19 Georgia Southern$............................................. 45 $I-AA Playoff game (11-3)

1990 UM


2 2 @ Oregon S ta te................................................... 15 6 2 Thomas More .......................................................... 0 45 McNeese State..................................................... 2 2 35 E. Washington...................................................... 3 6 3 @ Boise State....................................................... 41 3 9 ® Weber State..................................................... 3 7 4 8 Northern Arizona................................................ 14 35 Montana S ta te ..................................................... 18 2 7 ® Nevada............................................................ 3 4





14................Idaho................................................. 35 42 @ Idaho State......................................... 2 3 (7-4) 1991 UM Opp. 3 8 Humboldt State................................................. 6

1 1 ® Louisiana T ech........................................ 21 3 @ McNeese S ta te ........................... 31 2 4 Idaho S tate.................................................... 13 17 @ E. Washington...................................... 2 0 2 1 Boise S tate........................................................ 7 4 7 Weber S ta te .................................................. 38 3 4 @ Northern Arizona ................................... 2 7 1 6 ® Montana State..............................................9 2 8 Nevada (2 O T).............................................. 35 3 5 @ Idaho (OT)................................................ 34 (7-4) 1992 UM


1 3 @ Washington S ta te .................................... 25 41 Chico State........................................................ 0 1 2 ® Kansas State............................................ 27 2 1 E. Washington............................................... 2 7 2 1 @ Boise State................................................ 2 7 7 @ Weber State.............................................. 24 2 8 Northern Arizona......................................... 2 7 2 9 Montana S ta te .............................................. 17 4 7 Idaho.............................................................. 29 5 0 H ofstra................................................................6 2 1 @ Idaho State................................................ 14 (6-5) 1993 UM


5 2 S. Dakota S ta te ........................................... 48 3 0 ® Oregon...................................................... 35 2 8 Idaho S tate.................................................... 16 3 5 @ E. Washington......................................... 20 3 8 Boise S ta te .................................................... 24 4 5 Weber S ta te .................................................. 17 3 8 @ Northern Arizona ........................... 23 3 7 Jacksonville S ta te ........................................ 7 5 4 Cal-Sacram ento........................................... 7 5 4 @ Idaho ......................................................... 34 4 2 @ Montana State......................................... 30 4 8 D elaw are$.......................................................49 $I-AA Playoff game (1 0 - 2 ) 1994 UM


4 1 Sonoma S ta te ...................................................7 4 8 Carson-Newman........................................... 14 4 9 Eastern Washington .................................... 2 9 2 1 @ North Texas............................................. 1 7 4 5 Cal Poly, SLO...................................................0 3 4 Northern Arizona......................................... 24 3 5 @ Weber State.............................................. 2 0 45 Idaho.............................................................. 21 1 4 ® Boise State................................................ 38 23 @ Idaho State................................................ 28 5 5 Montana S ta te ............................................. 2 0 2 3 $Northern Iow a........................................... 20 3 0 $McNeeese S ta te ........................................ 28 9 $@ Youngstown S tate................................. 2 8 (11-3) $I-AA Playoff game

1995 UM


4 1 Eastern New Mexico...................................14 21 ©Washington State.................................... 38 5 4 Minnesota-Duluth.......................................... 6 5 4 Boise S ta te .................................................. 28 41 UC Davis ...................................................... 2 0 4 9 Weber S ta te .................................................2 2 2 4 @Northern Arizona.................................... 21 4 3 @Idaho 55 3 5 Idaho S ta te .................................................. 21 6 ^ E a s te rn Washington.......................................7 4 2 @Montana S ta te .........................................33 4 8 $Eastern Kentucky.......................................0 4 5 $Georgia Southern.......................................0 7 0 $Stephen F. Austin.................................... 14 2 2 M arshall...................................................... 20 (13-2) $I-AA Playoff game H-AA National Championship Game

CURRENT/FORMER MONTANA PR O S Steve Sullivan Ed Illman “Wild” Bill Kelly Len Noyes Milton Popovich Paul Szakash Aldo Forte Bill Lazetich John Dolan Stan Renning John Lands Bob O ’Billovich Terry Dillon Mike Tilleman Willie Postler Steve Okoniewski Roy Robinson Barry Darrow Doug Betters Terry Falcon Greg Anderson Tim Hook Carm Carteri Guy Bingham §Pat Curry Rocky Klever Rich Burtness § Mike Hagen § Mickey Sutton Brian Salonen Mike Rice Brent Pease Larry Clarkson Pat Foster * § Tim Hauck * § Kirk Scrafford * Matt Clark * Mike Trevathan § Brad Lebo § Sean Dorris § Todd Ericson Bruce Dotson Carl Franks *Scott Gragg *Shalon Baker Damon Boddie Scott Gurnsey *§Marc Lamb Stacy Edwards Keith Burke *Dave Dickenson Matt Wells §Eric Simonson

1922 1926 1927 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1941 1959 1960 1962 1963 1 964 1972 1972 1972 197 4 1977 1977 1979 1979 1979 1980 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1992 1992 1994 1994 1 994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996

Evansville Wilson’s Wildcats Brooklyn Professional Brooklyn Dodgers Chicago Cardinals Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Cleveland Rams Buffalo Indians Edmonton Eskimos Indianapolis Warriors Ottawa Rough Riders Minnesota Vikings Chicago Bears British Columbia Lions Atlanta Falcons Saskatchewan Roughriders Cleveland Browns Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Montreal Saskatchewan Roughriders Ottawa Rough Riders New York Jets (10th round) Seattle Seahawks New York Jets (9th round) Dallas Cowboys (12th round) Seattle Seahawks Pittsburgh Maulers Dallas Cowboys (10th round) New York Jets (8th round) Minnesota Vikings (11th round) San Francisco 49ers (8th round) Los Angeles Rams (9th round) New England Patriots Cincinnati Bengals British Columbia Lions British Columbia Lions Cincinnati Bengals Houston Oilers Indianapolis Colts British Columbia Lions Toronto Argonauts New York Giants (2nd Round) British Columbia Lions British Columbia Lions Toronto Argonauts New York Jets Birmingham Barracudas Ottawa Rough Riders Calgary Stampeders Saskatchewan Roughriders Philadelphia Eagles

Shalon Baker Edmonton Eskimos

K i rk S c r a f f o r d S a n Fr an c is c o 4 9 e r s

S c o tt Gragg N e w York G i a n t s

Tim H a u c k Denver Broncos

Note: Year listed is first as a professional. Team listed is the team player was originally drafted by or signed with. *Still active at press time. §Signed as free agent.___________________________________________________



7 * '

1 9 0 7 F o o t b a l l Team

1 90 0 F o o t b a l l Team

1 9 2 5 F o o t b a l l Team SOUTH BLEACHERS "V" “ J



i' f i?Jl#5J»t'^5 »#l«r

1 9 4 1 F o o t b a l l Team





1 9 6 9 F o o t b a l l Tea m (10-1)

1 9 9 5 C h a m p i o n s h i p Team





1897 Blake, Harold**........................ Missoula Crain, Fred*.............................. Missoula Ebert, Fred* .............................. Missoula Goodfellow, Howard*................ Ovando Heyfron, D an*.......................... Missoula Jones, Martin*........................... Corvallis Kennedy, Hugh**.................... Missoula Kennett, George** .................. Missoula Rittenour, Clifford*.................. Missoula Schroeder, Howard* ............. Missoula Ward, Sidney**...................... Hamilton Westby, G eorge**................... Missoula

1904 Adam, Emil**..............................Missoula Cary, Robert** ................ N. Platte, NE Dimmick, Charles*** ............... Missoula Holmes, Robie*............................. Billings Longley, Ed*..........................Stevensville

1898 Allard, Charles***..................... Ravalli Ebert, Laurence* Vancouver, WA Flynn, Michael*........................ Missoula Hechler, Laurens**................ Hamilton Heyfron, Gil***......................... Missoula Miller, Ed* ................................ Missoula Sedman, Ellis**........................ Missoula Sedman, O scar**.................... Missoula

1906 Ambrose, Keith**........................Missoula Berry, Oral**................................ Granite Bishop, Arthur****.......................Missoula Craig, Vincent*............................ Missoula Flaherty, James*...................... Bozeman Harriman, William** ........ Petoskey, Ml Lewis, Frank**....................................... NA King, John R .*.......................... Livingston Kitt, Berney**...............................Missoula McCarthy, Eugene*................. Townsend McNamara, J o h n *.............. East Helena Morgan, Arthur** ................. Marshfield, OR

1899 Cross, Shorty*.......................... Missoula Craig, William****.................. Missoula Graham, Hugh* ............................Bonner Hodson, William* ................... Missoula Jameison, W illiam*.................... Victor Marceyes, Claude**** ................ Forsyth McAllister, C laude*................ Missoula McCormick, Washington* .... Missoula McDonald, H omer***..............Potom ac Sloane, H ugh*.......................... Missoula Walker, Sidney* ..................... Missoula 1900 Buckhouse, Joe****................. Missoula Farrell, George** Virginia City Garlington, King**** .............. Missoula Greenough, Leo****................ Missoula Hay, Walter**** ...................... Missoula Hughes, Herbert** ............................ N A Polleys, Hovey*** ................... Missoula Walters, Ray*****.................... Missoula 1901 Barnes George* Olivet WI Greenough, Warren* ............ Missoula Johnson, Elmer**** ......... Missoula Latimer, Frank**......... ........... Missoula McCauley, Charles* , ........... Missoula McPhail, Roy***** ... New Chicago Parsons Houston* Missoula Sheridan, Guy* ........... ........... Missoula Walters Guy* Missoula Marshall, Charlie* ........... Missoula Westbv. Arthur*........... ........... Missoula 1902 Cochrane, William* Red Lodge Crowley, Clem* ............................ Butte Fergus, Faustus* .......................Whitehall Greenough, Paul**.................. Missoula Russell, Harvey* ..................... Missoula Smith, Earl*........................................ N A Urlin, John* .............................. Missoula Williams, Arthur**............... Radersburg Williams, Frank*................Deer Lodge Wood, Leslie* .................................... N A 1903 Corbin, Edwin**...................... Missoula Curtis, John H.* ............................. Butte Farrell, Joseph T .* .................. Missoula Greenough, Earl***................. Missoula Hammer, Walter* ................Miles City Hardenburgh, Floyd**............ Missoula Messenger, Ralph* ................. Missoula Murphy, Fred*** ..................... Missoula Schoonover, Chas.** Phillipsburg Spaulding, Thom as*............... Missoula Willis, Hartwell*** ......................... Plains

1905 Farrell, Thomas*.......................... Missoula Fisher, John* ................... St. Louis, MO Fitzgerald, Edward*.......................... Butte Fulton, Scott*......................................... NA Gunner, James*..................................... NA

1907 Dinsmore, Raymond*................. Missoula McLaren,Gilbert** ................... Hamilton Ryan, Emmett****.............................Valier Stoddard, Thayer***................... Missoula Thomas, Dilwayn* ......................... Butte 1908 Connor, Daniel*’ . Darby Fredell, Ernest**........................ Anaconda Johnson, Charles**......................Missoula McClay, Harry*** ........................ Missoula Reardon, Stephen** Boston, MA Simpson, Martin***.....................Missoula Smead, Burton***........................ Missoula Soderston.John*..................... Clinton, 1A Tait, William*................................Missoula Torrey, Henry*.................... Manila, Phil. Vealey, William** ........................ Missoula Webster, F .* ....................... ........Missoula Winstanley, Edward**** ....... Missoula 1909 Beard, LeBaron** ............ ...... Missoula Bennett, William**........... Anaconda Ittner, William* ................. Red Lake Falls, MN Kennett, Holter*.... ........... ..........H elena Little, George**.................. Missoula Thieme, Fred** ................. ..... Missoula 1910 Day, Clifford***............................ Missoula Deschamps, Elizierd**................Missoula Dobson, Cecil** ................Dickinson, ND Dornblaser, Paul**** Chicago, IL Gleason, Frank*...........................Florence Simpkins, Edward**** ................ Missoula 1911 Forbes, Hugh*...............................Missoula Hunt, Lewis** ...............................Kalispell Kelly, Pat***........................... Big Timber Klebe, George** .......................... Missoula McCarthy, Patrick**................. . Missoula Ronan, Peter***........................... Missoula Owsley, Merritt**** Twin Bridges 1912 Busha, Tom** ........................Big Timber Craighead, E d*.............................Missoula Daems, Leonard****................Harlowton Davidson, Bertram* ................ Anaconda Gault, James*** ..................... Great Falls Griffith, William*......................Anaconda Stone, George*............................ Missoula

Streit, Norman****.....................Missoula Weidman, R oy**............................... Pony 1913 Anderson, Herbert* ............................ N A Collins, Ray* ..................................... Butte Craighead, Barclay*................. Missoula Kress, Paul*.................................... — , Ml Sheridan, Phillip*** .............. Paola, KS 1914 Bentz, Christian****..........Aberdeen, SD Burns, Virgil*........................ Mexico, MO Clark, Earl***........................ Everett, WA Guerin, William*................ Olympia, WA Keeran, John*** Harrington, WA Robertson, Alfred**.......................—, MN Sanderson, Lawson*** Shelton, WA Scherck, George***.................... Missoula Vance, Cecil**............................. —, WA Claypool, Clinton*.......................Missoula 1915 Adams, Harry**** Aberdeen, WA Blackwell, Ira*.................. Aberdeen, WA Cook, Sam* .................................. —, ID Dreis, Frank* ....................... —, MN Layton, Jack***................... Portland, OR McQuarrie, Claude**.................. Missoula Mahrt, P e te* .................................Missoula 1916 Dahlberg, Harry**** ....................... Butte Jones, Lester*..................... Everett, WA Lockridge, Earl*..................... Stevensville Nelson, A l* .................................... Missoula Orr, Conrad**.............................. Missoula Woodward, Ward*.................. Miles City 1917 Carver, Dwight**.........................Florence Doherty, Emmett*.............................Butte Driscoll, John* ................................... Butte Felker, Preston*........................... Missoula Harris, James***................................Butte Kreis, Robert*..................................Sidney Lamb, Henry*.................................. Laurel Leahy, Arthur*................................... Butte Sailor, Floyd*....................................Havre Sullivan, Stephen**** .......................Butte 1918 No team organized due to WWI 1919 Brown, Wingfield*................ Philipsburg Clinich, Vernon* ...............................Butte Daylis, Fred*** .............................. Worden DeMers, Lambert**..........................Arlee Dorsey, James***......................... Missoula Farmer, James “Eck”* ...............Missoula Fitzgerald, Harold*................. Miles City Howard, Cort*.......................... Bozeman Keeley, Patrick**...................Deer Lodge Volger, Ralph*................................... Butte Walterskirchen, W m .**..............Missoula 1920 Baird, Harold*............................. Missoula Barry, Earl*...................................Missoula Elliott, Harvey***......................... Missoula Freeman, Paul*........................Great Falls Highbee, Lawrence*.................. Missoula Kershner, Leroy J oe**................. Billings Madsen, Lloyd***...................... Miles City McGowan, Thomas*** Lewistown Ramsey, Ted*** ....................... Lewistown 1921 Christie, Ralph** ............ Spokane, WA Dahlberg, George***........................ Butte Johnston, William* New York, NY Lambert, Jam es*.................... Great Falls Murphy, Ray**.......................... Anaconda Merrill, Robert*........................Great Falls


Plummer, Ted***.................Stevensville Porter, Gilbert**................... Stevensville Rooney, Harry*.......................... Missoula Straw, Alva*...................................Forsyth Tanner. Gordon** ................... Miles City 1922 Coleman, Charles*....................Alberton Johnson, Earl** .......................... Missoula Maudlin, Warren*** Three Forks O’Neill, William* ......................... Missoula Shaffer, John*** ..................... Miles City Silvernale, Grant***......................... Baker 1923 Dahlberg, Oscar*** .................Butte Griffin, Walter***........... .......... Roundup Hyde, Neil* ..................... ........... Fairview Illman, Ted*** ................. ........... Missoula Meagher, Angus**......... .................Butte Moe, O.K.* ..................... St. Cloud, MN Plummer, Ben***........... ..... Stevensville Sugrue, Pat***................. Anaconda Taylor, Ed*...................... ........ Miles City 1924 Axtell, George**............ ......... Bozeman Burrell, Walter*** ........... ..... Tampa, FL Cogswell, Andy*** ......... ........... Missoula Fletcher, Claude** ......... .......... Roundup Hanson, Danta** ........... ............ Mildred Kelly,’’Wild" Bill*** ........... Missoula Martinson, Karl***......... ........... Missoula Ritter, Milton***.............. Eveleth, MN Sweet Russell** Miles City Varney, Howard* .......... ............. Helena 1925 Beeman Stewart* Lewistown Coleman, Charles*................... Alberton Brittenham, Curtis*** Kalispell Kain, Sam*** ................................ Helena Ostrum, Emii** ............... Wabash, MN Vierhus, Louis***............ Portland, OR Whitcomb, Clark*** ............. Helena 1926 Callison, Lloyd***........................... Loma Chinske, Ed***.......... Michigan City, IN Coyle Clarence** . . .. Alberton Davis, Tom***................................... Butte Fogerty, Gerald*............. ................ Butte Murray. Marshall*** ...........Missoula Parmalee, James*** ....................Missoula Rafferty, William* Wabash, MN Rognlien, Gordon*** .................. Kalispell Tiernan, Robert*** Toledo, OH 1927 Clark, James**.................. Pasadena, CA Dezell, William*................... Winona, MN Foss, Don***...................................... Havre Harmon, Reid***..................... Price, UT Lewis, Ray***......................................Butte Mellinger, Ted*** Pine Island, MN Morrow, James****......................... Moore 1928 Carpenter, Clyde***...................... Billings Ekegren, Kermit*** ...................... Harlem Ekegren, Waldo*** ..................... Harlem Lyon, Ray***................................... Billings Moore, Thomas*** .................Philipsburg Muhlick, Clarence*** Kenosha, WI Perey, Emile***....................... Philipsburg Peterson, Russell***..................Miles City Ryan, Jerry***........................Deer Lodge Rule, Ted***........................... Deer Lodge Schotte, George**......................... Helena Spencer, Franklin***................... Geyser 1929 Boone, William**.................. Deer Lodge Burns, Elmer*...............................Choteau Cox, Walter***................................... Butte

McCarthy, Thomas*** Anaconda Murray, Henry*** ......................Missoula Walker, Carl* ................ Boundary, WA

1930 Botzenhardt, August** Anaconda Breen, Robert**................................. Butte Dailey, Lowell** .......................... Scobey Fox, Richard**............................... Billings Grove, J osep h * Glenwood, MN LeRoux, Leonard** .... Wis. Rapids. WI Madden, Gilbert**..................... Roundup Snyder, George** Great Falls Vidro, August*** ..................... Anaconda 1931 Caven, Arthur*** ......... .........Miles City Crowley, Cale** .......... ..................Butte Dahlberg, Alfred**....... ..................Butte Hinman, Dale** ........... Greybull, WY Kuka, Leonard*** ........ ................Havre Lyman, Chalmer**...... McKay, John* ............... Meeker, Delm er**....... ........... Missoula Reynolds, Linwood*** ....................Butte Williams, Wendell* , ...............Billings 1932 Portland, OR Andersen, Leif***......... Carpenter, Kenneth*** .........Hamilton Emery, Cal***............... ...............Helena Hawke, William** ....... .................. Butte Hileman, William*** ............. Whitefish Chicago, IL Kuka, George***.......... Oech Vern* ................ ...............Billings Rhinehardt, Naseby*** Milwaukee, WI Sayatovich, George*** ......... Anaconda . Norfolk, NE Stansberry, Robert* .... Vesel Frank** ........ ........... Roundup 1933 White Pine Benson, Frank*.............. Blastic, Henry***.......... ,, Chicago, IL Miles City Brandenberg, Herbert**'* Hartsell, Louis*** ......... .........Anaconda Heller, Albert**............ , .Twin Bridges Kent, Edison* ................ ................. Dillon McCall, Rodney* ......... Silverton, OR Newgard, Morris*........ ........... Kalispell Roberts Jam es*........... ...............Billings Story, Leland** ............. ............. Winnett Sullivan, John***.......... .................. Butte Zemke. Hubert*........... ........... Missoula 1934 Babich, Roy**.....................................Butte Carter, D o n * ...............Los Angeles, CA Cosgrove, Robert*** Alhambra, CA Dickson, Robert*.......Los Angeles, CA Holmquist, Don* ....................... Whitefish Newgard, M orris*..................... Kalispell Olson, Clifford*** ......................Whitefish Whittinghill, Charles***...............Helena Wilcox, Charles**................Stevensville 1935 Breen, Robert* .................................. Butte Farnum, Donald* ....................Harlowton Noyes, Leonard***............................Butte Pomajevich, Joseph***............Missoula Popovich, Milt***..............................Butte Previs, John*.................Thompson Falls Shields, John**.........................Miles City Swanson, Carl** ..................... Anaconda Szakash, Paul**.....................Chicago, IL Welch, Roderick* .... Long Beach, CA 1936 Beal, Robert***.........................Anaconda Bonawitz, Norval*......................Missoula Brower, Gerald*** ..................Miles City Dolan, John*** ...............................Helena . Chicago, IL Forte, Aldo*' Gedgord, T om *.....................Chicago, IL Gibson, Lyman*...............Puyallup, WA



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Golden. Joseph* ...................Chicago, IL J e n k in .

Fred***....................... Anaconda

Lazetich, William***............. Anaconda Lundberg. Roland** Chicago, IL Mariana, Joseph* ..................Miles City Matasovic, William*** Chicago, IL McDonald, Archie**.....................Nirada Morris, Clifford*.......................Miles City Peterson, Arthur***............... Great Falls Peterson. Phillip***................... K alispell Rolston. Thomas***...................... Forsyth Smith. Frank** ......................Chicago, IL Spelman, Jam es***..............Anaconda Strizich, Joseph*................... Great Falls Vogel, Robert* ...................... Whiting, IN Williams, Charles*** Chicago, IL Zimmerman, Walter* Chicago, IL 1937 Hoon, Jack*** ............................... Helena Lundberg, Roger*** Northwood, IA Nugent, Frank***..................... Miles City Shaffer, Harry**................................Butte Stenson, Perry***...................... Kalispell Taberacci, Emil*** .............. Great Falls Thornally, Robert*** Chicago, IL Van Bramer, Glen*** ..................Billings 1938 Edwards, Hugh***............................ Butte Hoacek, Ed**...................Wheeling, WV Johnson, Neil***......................... Missoula O’Donnell, Thomas*** Casper, WY Shegina, William**.................Anaconda 1939 Brauer, Fred*** ....... Missoula Brown, Clyde* ................................ Dillon Bryan, Don** ................................. Billings Clawson, G ene***......................Missoula Drahos, Kenneth**** Puyallup, WA Dratz, John*** .............................Missoula Duffy, Tom** ..................................... Butte Duncan, John**............................. Helena Gorton, Robert** ........................Kalispell Gustafson, Roy** ........................Corvallis Mufich, William****......................... Butte Naranche, Eso***..............................Butte Ness, Robert* ............................. Kalispell Nussbacker, Karl* .....................Missoula Roberts, Buan* .................................. Butte Roberts, Sam *............................... H elena Strom, Roy*** ................................Shelby Swarthout, Jack*** ............Prosser, WA Vaughn, Colem an*.................Anaconda Jones, William**..................... Livingston 1940 Dahmer, H enry*............ ............. Havre ..... Bozeman Daems Leonard* Emigh, Jack*.............. .... Kankakee, IL Fiske, Karl*** .............................. Outlook Jones Charles*.............. ........Livingston Leaphart, William*** ..............Missoula Page, John* ...............................Kalispell Chicago, IL Reagan, John** .............. Robertson, William*** ......... Great Falls Sparks, Robert* ............ .................Butte Swarthout, William*** .... Prosser, WA Walters, Ted** .............. ............. Billings

Berger, Edward*...........................Billings Bowman, Richard* Casper, WY Felt, Tom *....................................... Billings Ferris, Jack* ......................Belmar, NJ Fox, Donald*.............................. Park City Leaphart, D o n * .......................... Missoula McIntosh, James* ......................Missoula Misic, W illiam*.....................Chicago, IL Nyquist, Donald*.......................... Scobey Schiller, Carl* Chicago, IL Taylor, Joseph* ....................Chicago, IL Thiebes, Joseph* Great Falls Vannett, Leonard**...............Pasco, WA 1943, 1944 No team organized due to WWII 1945 Arnst, Richard* ..................... Fort Benton Cook, Robert**....................... CutBank Craft, Archie* Los, Angeles, CA Dayton, Clark*.........................Anaconda Donovan, John* ...................... Anaconda Fleming, Eugene* .........................Eureka Gall, Donald* .........................Fort Benton Gallagher, Edward*................Anaconda George, Donald*...............................Butte Kalisch, Frank*** Dickinson, ND Krause, Kenneth* ...........................Dillon O’Loughlin, Jack**** ................ Missoula Preuninger, William* ............... Missoula Rhehfield, Robert*......................Missoula Rist, Severt* ...................................Billings Rossmiller, Edward** Minot, ND Shephard, William* ....Des Moines, IA Stephens, Wallace** ................... Billings Thompson, Harry* ................... Kalispell Thorsrud, Garfield*....................Missoula Williamson, Paul*......................Missoula Lewis, G eorge*.......................... Missoula 1946 Anderson, Robert*** ................. Missoula Briney, Frank**** ............................ Butte Cheek, John*....................................Dillon Cork, Lee****..............................Missoula Gerner, Kenneth* Thompson Falls Helding, John****....................... Missoula Kovacich, John* ...............................Butte Kumpuris, Mike**** ....Little Rock, AR Leeper, Sam ***................................Butte Lodell, Albert* .........................Anaconda Malcom, Roy**** ....................... Missoula Normand, Robert* ..................Anaconda Palmer, Loren*.............................. Laurel Pattison, L eo*..............................Glasgow Radakovich, Dan***...................Glasgow Reynolds, William***......... Highland, IN Roberts, Pierre**........................ Missoula Scott, Wilbur* .............................Missoula Semansky, Frank****....................... Butte Streit, David**............................ Missoula Sivingen, Marcus* .....................Glasgow Walterskirchen, Jerome* Missoula Warden, Darrel*......................Great Falls Yovetich, Dan* .................................Butte

1941 Phila., PA Barbour, William* ........ Burke, Paul** ................. ............. Billings Kampfe, P aul*.............. .......... Kalispell Keig, W illiam*.............. ........Anaconda Kern, Richard** ............ ........Livingston Lewistown Mather, William*.......... Reynolds, Vernon** ...... Prosser, WA Scott, Arnold**.............. ................Plains Tyvand, Ben*** ............. .................Butte Chicago, IL Westwater, James* ......

1947 Bauer, Ray**** Great Falls Delaney, Don*** ........................ Missoula DeVore, Kent** ............................ H elena Ford, Henry*** .................. Durango, CO Gorton, Robert*..........................Kalispell Hammerness, Roland*** Glasgow Harris, Doyle** Forest City, AR Korn, Dan**................................ Kalispell Kuburich, Steve*** .................Anaconda Malone, Jack** ............................. Billings Prueninger, William* ............... Missoula Replogle, Bert* ...................... Lewistown Selstad, Tom*** Great Falls Whalen, Robert* ...............................Butte

1942 Badgley, Kirk Jr.** ....... .......... Missoula

1948 Campbell, Don***

Great Falls

Chaffin, Everett**.......................Missoula Kafentzis, Andy*** .....................Missoula Kafentzis, Chris* ........................ Missoula King, Jack*** ............................. Kalispell Kingsford, Tom*** .....................Missoula Naye, W illiam*...............Petaluma, CA Smith, William (B.J.)*.....................Butte Stewart, Gordon***...................... Forsyth Morey, William* ...................... Sheridan 1949 Byrne, Robert*** ...........................Billings Campbell, K en** Great Falls Doyle, Richard* ......................... Missoula Hanson, Robert** ... Santa Monica, CA Lamberg, Ed* (Mgr.) .......................Butte Mayte, Carol*** Sand Coulee Murphy, Charles** Burlington, IA Oberweiser, J ack *........................Billings Reed, Dick**..............................Miles City Volk, Fred**.............................. Great Falls Wold, Paul***..................................Laurel 1950 Antonick, Robert*** ......................... Butte Baker, W illiam*............................. Poison Gerlinger, Don*** ................ Chicago, IL Carlson, Gene*** Great Falls Graves, Robert*** .........................Billings Ingram, Mel***.............................. Billings Jones, Gordon*** ..............................Butte Laird, Loren*** ...................... Miles City Lamley, Robert*** ............. Kenton, OH Leonard, Robert** Santa Ana, CA Maus, Harold***........................ Hamilton Merrill, Earl** ........................Selma, CA Miller, David** Santa Monica, CA Moomaw, Richard** Santa Ana, CA Murray, Jim*** ........................Anaconda Nearing, E d*................Los Angeles, CA Rothwell, Jack*............................. Billings Sherbeck, Harold** .............. Big Sandy Thomas, Lloyd**...........Santa Ana, CA Vucurovich, G eorge**.....................Butte Watt, Henry* Hermosa Beach, CA White, John*.................. Santa Ana, CA Walker, William* .....................Bozeman 1951 Anderson, Eddie***....................Missoula Burke, Jim***...........................Livingston Campbell, Murdo****........... Great Falls Davidson, Ian* Great Falls Lindsey, Richard**.....................Missoula Nickel, Frank** ............................. Billings Mirchoff, Fred** Santa Ana, CA Roberts, Joe** ................................... Butte Shadoan, Richard** ..................... Billings Stewart, Robert**..........................Forsyth Yurko, Robert*......................... Great Falls 1952 Brandt, Don**............................. Glendive Brott, Dean*.......................... Seattle, WA Crumley, Robert* Cut Bank Dantic, Robert*** ...........................Laurel De Luca, Joe** ...................... Weed, CA Deuchler, Owen** Seattle, WA Gompf, H arold*...............................Libby Gue, William***.......................Great Falls Heath, Richard*** Miles City Jensen, Marlyn***.................... Miles City Little, Don***..................................Helena Orlich, Don* .......................................Butte Pinsoneault, Richard*..........St. Ignatius Samuelson, George*** Glendive Stocking, G. Edgar*................. Whitefish Swearingen, C.* .... Port Orchard, WA Wilson, Jam es*.............................. Laurel 1953 Barone, Vincent** Elizabeth, NJ Burke, Howard** .................... Livingston Byerly, Kenneth*** ................Lewistown



Dasinger, Douglas** Wolf Point Imer, Dick** .........................Highland, IN Laird, Walton** Miles City Leuthold, Kenneth*........................Laurel Milne, Curtis** ........................... Glendive Peterson, Keith** Seattle, WA Shupe, Dale*** ............................ H arlem Weskamp, Paul** ......................... Ronan 1954 Enochson, Paul***.......................... Havre Gehring, Robert** .. Port Orchard, WA Kaiserman, W illiam***......... Livingston Miles, Robert* ..........................Anaconda Muri, Pete**................................ Miles City Small, Robert*** ........................ Missoula Rowam, James* (Mgr.) Livingston 1955 Bissell, D on*..........................................Belt Bray, Roy*** ............................ Missoula Dzizi, Richard**..........................Kalispell Erickson, Harold* Sioux Falls, SD Gardner, W illiam*............... Seattle, WA Hurley, Terry*** Chicago, IL Johnson, Terry* ............................ Billings Johnson, Ronald* ................ Elmhurst, IL Jones, Ivory**......................Oakland, CA Kampschror, Norm an*........... Glendive Lonner, Walter*................................ Butte Mading, W allace*...................... Missouri McGibon, Robert** ................Great Falls Pangle, Louis*** Denver, CO Rhinehart, Naseby Jr.*** Missoula Rosera, Ervin***........................ Lena, WI Strand, Carl* Bremerton, WA Wikert, Milton* ............. Santa Ana, CA Williamson, Don* .............................Butte 1956 Seattle, WA Benjamin, Karl** ......... Bockman, Montana*** ............ Missoula Butte Butossish Robert* Seattle, WA Carver, Duane* ........... Connors, Jerry*** ........ Spokane, WA Dixon, John**................ Spokane, WA Cheney, WA Everson, Robert***...... Highland IN Gorsich Mcithew*** Selah, WA Hand Bill** Hart, Willard* ............... Oakland, CA Oakland, CA Hayes, Severn*............ Reseda, CA McKelvie, Charles** ... Manno, Pat*................... .........Anaconda Deer Lodge Moore, Edward*** ....... O’Brien, Michael***.... Spokane, WA Renning, Stanley*** .... .........Great Falls Tennant, Vernon* .................... Kalispell Gue, Kenneth* ............. .........Great Falls 1957 Barney, Phil* .....................Missoula Bilan, Edward* Calgary, Alberta Brown, Ronald* Sun Valley, CA Fell, Donald* Vallejo, CA Grant, Russell* Mead, WA Griffin, Phil** Chicago, IL Jankovich, Sam* ..............................Butte Johnson, Howard**...................Hamilton Keeley, Earl* .............Vancouver, B.C. Leenhouts, Richard* Selah, WA Love, John* .........................Burbank, CA McArthur, J o n * ..............Vancouver, WA Myers, Larry**.................... Pacoma, CA Olson, Bruce** ............................Missoula Pepe, Joe** ................................. Missoula Sorenson, Thomas**...........Benicia, CA Sparber, D ale**..............Cashmere, WA Vierra, Lester*.....................Yakima, WA Vercurovich, G eorge*.....................Butte Williamson, Dan* .............................Butte Young, Jerry** Sandy, OR 1958 Berry, Dale** ..............................Fairview Emerson, Michael** Lewiston, ID

Gratton, Roger (Tim)* Missoula Gregor, John*** .............................Shelby Greminger, Henry**...... Alhambra, CA Johnson, James***.....................Missoula Lands, John**..............Baton Rouge, LA Matte, John***.............................Missoula Meese, John**..................Woodside, CA Nearamys, Robert* Pasco, WA Pelayo, Alvin* Honolulu, HI Johnson, Richard*(Mgr.) Hamilton 1959 Beddes, Lawrence*** ..................Billings Dotson, Jerry* Bremerton, WA Ekegren, Gary***.........................Harlem Grasky, James*** Miles City Gustafson, Paul*** Vancouver, B.C. Harris, Jam es*...............Des Moines, IA Kosiur, David** Westaskiwin, Alb. O’Billovich, Robert*** .....................Butte Schwend, Howard**....................Bridger Schwertfeger, C.****... Milwaukee, WI Schwertfeger, G.**** ...Milwaukee, WI Smith, Gary***.......................... Whitefish Thomson, Mike**..........................Billings Sorenson, Glenn** ........................Billings Schulz, John*** .......................... Missoula 1960 Bansemer, James* Milwaukee, WI Bartell, James*** Glencoe, IL Birgenheier, Richard**..........Harlowton Bouchee, William*** Livingston Dillon, Terry*..................... Hopkins, MN Dodson, Pat*** ...............................Shelby Herber, Edmund**...............Camas, WA Miller, Dick*** .................. Hopkins, MN Moe, Eugene**.............................. Helena Peters, Daniel** ................................Butte Rudio, Jack** .................................Helena Shevalier, Jack**........ ................Helena Trotter, C.M.**............ Longview, WA Chicago, IL Werba, Ronald*** 1961 Dennis, George* ......... ..........Irving, KS Gilder, Richard** ........ ............ Missoula ...................Butte Hauck Thomas*** Huse, Richard** .......... .........Great Falls Miller, Paul D.** ......... .......... Miles City Wallwork, Bruce***.... Waimanalo, HI Wood, Steve***........... .........Great Falls 1962 Calder, Fred**............. Toms River, NJ Dennis, Wayne* , Vancouver, B.C. Mandan, ND Ellison, William*......... Gotay, Peter**............. Clarkston, NY Jenkins, Gary** Great Falls Kimmit, D ennis* Great Falls Leonard, Eugene** Bay City, MI Luchau, Gerald*** .....................Missoula Martin, Bill***...................................Dillon Pomajevich, Chris**.................Superior Russel, Brent***.......................... Missoula Scovel, Larry* ...........................Kalispell 1963 Bain, Frank*................................ Kalispell Barherie, John*................Calgary, Alb. Benzley, Robert** Green River, WY Bultman, Charles* ...............Telford, PA Crippen, Robert*............................. Butte Greenfield, Rocky* ................... Missoula Huffer, Thomas**...............Maywood, IL McElhenney, T ed*........................... Butte Meyer, Dennis*............................. Helena Petty, Larry** Great Falls Robinson, Clarence*.................K alispell Seeley, Roger** ............................ Shelby Tilleman, Michael** ..................Chinook Tripp, Eugene** ........................Missoula 1964 Aukamp, Ronald*

Mt.Prospect. IL

■v <

Bergren, Terry* ..............................Darby Brophy, Robert* Red Lodge Clemens, Roger* ................. Plentywood Connoly, Paul*................. Muskegon, Ml Enger, David* Deer Lodge Ferris, Edward*............................... Dillon Garland, Roger* Spring Valley, IL Harrington, Wayne* Yakima, WA Hill, Warren* .................................Billings Joramo, Floyd* ...........................Choteau Neilson, Jam es*.............................Shelby Salois, Jerry* .........................Philipsburg Salvo, Jim *....................................... Dillon Schmauch, M ichael* Great Falls Smelko, Daniel* Hubbard, OH Walle, Charles* ........................ Superior Welker, Thomas* ........................ Conrad Whipple, James* ........................Helena Huggins, Larry* ........................Missoula 1965 Adams, Merle* ........................Livingston Alien, Dewayne “Dewey”*** Kalispell Appelt, W esley***.....................Missoula Becker, W ayne**........Chula Vista, CA Costello, Anthony* Chula Vista, CA Fiala, Jo e* Deer Lodge Hanson, Greg* ..........................Missoula Malloy, Don***................................. Malta McDonald, D oug*...................... Missoula Meyer, D ennis*............................. H elena Miller, Walter** Walnut Creek, CA Schaefer, Gary*............................ Billings Searles, Jim*** .......................... Missoula Smith, Gary***................ Pittsburgh, PA Smith, Mike** ..................Olympia, WA Walle, Virgil*............................. Superior 1966 Brumback, D.G.** .. Walla Walla, WA Fiske, Karl**....................................Laurel Graham, Robert** San Mateo, CA Gudith, Larry*..................Wyandotte, Ml Jones, Willie** ......................Monroe, MI Kenyon, Jim* ..............................Missoula Lung, Roderick** Placerville, CA Magnuson, Bryan** ... Minnetonka, MN Sparks, Richard*** .........................Butte Strauss, Richard*** ...................... Poison White, Herbert*** ..................Ecorse, MI 1967 Bain, Doug***............................. Kalispell Baines, Ron E.**................. Tacoma, WA Beers, Bob*** .................Beaverton, OR Dawson, E.L.** Westport, WA Dudley, Ell T .**........................Detroit, MI Glennon, Michael**** ..................Billings Gray, Maceo*** Baltimore, MD Hedstrom, Olaf** ........................... Laurel Jernberg, Ken**............. Sunnyside, WA Kelly, James R.***............... Seattle, WA Mullins, Peter*** .... San Francisco, CA McCann, M ichael**............. Renton, WA Morgan, Garth*** ... Salt Lake City, UT Nicosia, Michael**......... Scranton, PA Nordstrom, Bruce**...Vancouver, WA O’Neil, James M.**.... Edmonton, Alb. Ortiz, R.C.*** Monte Bello, CA Paresa, Gregory***................ Kahului, HI Robinson, Roy**** ...................... Glasgow Stedham, John*** Chehalis, WA Stimac, Daniel**....................... GreatFalls Tubbs, Frederick*** Honolulu, HI Unruh, Richard***..........................Poison Waters, William** ................. ..Troy 1968 Brum, Ray** .........................Honolulu, HI Buzzard, Mike** Mt. Vernon, WA DeBord, Jim***........................Pasco, WA Dolan, Pat*** Great Falls Gabriel, Tony* ............. South River, NJ Gallagher, Tim***..................... Kalispell Garske, Ron* ...........................Chico, CA

FOOTBALL LETTERMEN Guptill, Robert*** Great Falls Gutman, Bill**............................ Missoula Hedstrom, Ole** ............................ Laurel Howard, Lon*.................Centralia, WA Lavery, Thom as* Chicago, IL Lovell, Byron** Honolulu, HI Luis, A l*..................................Orland, CA Lyons, J o e* ..................................K alispell McBurrows, John* Englewood, NJ Nelson, Rue*............. New Orleans, LA Nordstrom, Jim*** Auburn, WA O'Neil, Mick* Walla Walla, WA Schruth, Pat***.............................. Billings Stranahan, Larry***.................. Missoula Talolutu, John** Oahu, HI Uperesa, Tuufuli** Alea, Oahu, HI Urie, Dave**............................Chico, CA Waters, William*...............................Troy Waxham,John***..................Mt. Lake Ter., WA Worrel, Dan*** Great Falls Wysel, Glen* .............................. Lewiston 1969 Atwood, George***...........Lansdale, PA Baldwin, G ene* Spokane, WA Blancas, Arnie** Aberdeen, WA Bozzo, Tony*..........................Salinas, CA Caputo, Steve*** ................ Seattle, WA Dennehey, Mick***.......................... Butte Fisher, Bob* Aberdeen, WA Frustau, Martin**........ Los Angeles, CA Glennon, Mike* Westminster, CA Hare, Ray* Spokane, WA Hickerson, Bill** .............. Sonoma, CA Hoffmann, Jeff***................ Seattle, WA Johnson, L.** .....Sacramento, CA Kent, Les** Honolulu, HI McCann, M ike**................. Renton, WA Miles, Greg* ......................... Seattle, WA Miller, Larry*.....................Martinez, CA Ochoa, John*........................ Orange, CA Peters, R.*** ........... Cleveland Hts., OH Postler, W.***............ Vancouver, B.C. Reilly, Casey* ..........................Anaconda Schillinger, Jim** .................... Vida, MT Stachnik, Ray** Chicago, IL Stein, Karl**......................San Anselmo, CA Sterns, Bill**.................. Stevenson, WA 1970 Berding, Gary** ........... Cincinnati, OH Bodwell, Tom** Grayland, WA Chong, Elroy* ..................... Honolulu, HI Darrow, Barry*** Great Falls Dempsey, Dean***...... Claremont, CA Gaskins, Wally**........................ Missoula Jackson, Lonzie*................Oakland, CA Lewis, Lonzo* Rockford, IL Lugviel, John** ....................... Longview, WA Maloney, G reg**..................Macon, MO McMahon, Tom* ...................Tustin, CA Okoniewski, Steve* Seattle, WA Pugh, Terry**............................. Kalispell Richards, Ron**................................. Butte Spencer, Bruce*.............Hoquiam, WA Welch, Glen**................................... Butte 1971 Anderson, Richard*** Lacey, WA Baumburger, Jay* ................Great Falls Blue, Christopher*** Olympia, WA Burnett, Clifford** Caldwell, ID Cleveland, Douglas*** ....................Butte Dodds, Richard** Snohomish, WA Doyle, Dennis** ..................... Edina, MN Hann, Jam es**............... Centralia, WA Kottke, Warren**................... Great Falls Kouzmanoff, Marc*** .... Glen Ellyn, IL La Roche, L eo**.............Fitchburg, MA Leid, Jam es***............... Waitsburg, WA Manovich, Dave***.......................... Butte Olson, James*** Rochester, MN

1972 Babish, Timothy* ...................Azusa, CA Brett, Walt*** .............Kings Beach, CA Brick, Timothy*** ....Traverse City, Ml Cooley, Jerry**.............Anacortes, WA Dedrick, Kurt**..........Westminster, CA Donner, Curt**.................Spokane, WA Enders, Robert* Kankakee, IL Evans, D ean**................La Puente, CA Harrington, David** Portland, OR Harris, Gregory***........Kalispell Kautz, Jam es*............................. W orden Reynolds, Terry*........... Glendora, CA Rosenberg, Ronald*** Whitefish Salo, Gregory***...............................Butte Soloman, T ed* Spokane, WA Stark, John* Vancouver, WA Stark, Robert**............................... Poison Starkey, Steven** ............ El Monte, CA Svennungsen, Rock***.Shelby, MT Swearingen, G ary*....... Missoula Taylor, Steven* Great Falls Troxel, Ed Van**** Moscow, ID Turnquist, Robert** ...................... Billings Walsh, Creighton* ........................... Butte 1973 Adams, Mike* Newton, IA Anderson, Greg*** Blue Island, IL Border, Richard**... Salt Lake City, UT Buxton, John***.............. Owatonna, MN Carlson, Steve** Great Falls Erickson, Greg**...................Everett, WA Farnam, Larry** ................... Seattle, WA Flowers, Terry** Cincinnati, OH Grigsby, Bill**.................. Spokane, WA Hardy, Sylvester**..........Monrovia, CA Ladd, Mike**...........Garden Grove, CA Lynn, Randy**.........................Omak, WA Mangegold, Eric** ......................Glendive Nakoa, Doug**.....................Honolulu, HI Oglesbee, Jim* ............................ Missoula Parker, J o hn*.....................Kingston, ME Ponqoha, Dave**....................Lacey, WA Prigmore, John*.................Winlock, WA Schmasow, Glen*** Great Falls Smith, Bob**............................Pasco, WA Spear, Del****.................... Cheney, WA 1974 Anderson, Greg****............ Chicago, IL Argo, Daniel** ................ Cincinnati, OH Betters, Douglas***... Arlington Hts., IL Carlson, Bruce**** Great Falls Carter, G.** Far Rockaway, NY Cedarstrom, Jam es* Scottsdale, AZ Chappie, Darrell*........... Spokane, WA Clift, Tom***........... Otis Orchards, WA Dionas, Steve**....................Sumner, WA Facey, Tom**.................... Lancaster, CA Gulbranson, Wm.** Aberdeen, WA Harbison, Ben**** ...... Missoula Lebsock, Ronald****......................... Butte McCraw, Wyatt** .............E. Orange, NJ McReynolds, Kim*.............Olympia, WA Milliman, H ayes*............Cincinnati, OH Muse, Richard*.............................Opheim Nielsen, William* ................ Chicago, IL Ogden, Randy**** ... Traverse City, MI Plum, Mark*** Tracyton, WA Redwine, Randy**..............Reading, OH Storbakken, Rollie* ... Mt. Vernon, WA Stuart, G ig*.............................. Miami, FL Sullivan, Dan**** ..............................Butte Taylor, S tev e* ..........................Great Falls Walker, Duane***........................... Malta Williams, Ken* ...................Houston, TX 1975 Accomando, Dan* Westminster, CA Bonas, Jerry** ................Fair Haven, CT Carlson, Jeff***.........................Great Falls Cheek, Donald*..................Corvallis, OR Cooley, Paul** Anacortes, WA


Cunningham, G .* Los Angeles, CA Egbert, Douglas***.............. Ogden, UT Eustance, Bob** ............................ Helena Fiskness, Paul** Huntington Beach, CA Hansen, Ray**...............Priest River, ID Jordan, Richard** Tacoma, WA Mickey, Michael**...........Bellevue, WA Morton, Scott*** Spokane, WA Pierce, Murray** Cincinnati, OH Scott, Duncan* Great Falls Smith, Jeffrey*............ Vancouver, WA Stachnich, Richard** Chicago, IL Steinhauer, B en* .................Chicago, IL Vincent, Rusty** .......... Tinley Park, IL Weikum, G eorge** Wilmington, IL 1976 Beriault, Don* Bellevue, WA Bingham, Guy****........... Aberdeen, WA Bitar, Greg** Hoquiam, WA Brant, Jim**..................................Missoula Campbell, Neil**............................ Helena Champagne, Gene* ............ Lacey, WA Clausen, Kent**** Aberdeen, SD Dews, Robbie**.......................Newark, NJ Falcon, Terry**...................... Culbertson Ferda, Scott****..................... Great Falls Frost, Mike* Newport Beach, CA Gelaskoska, Joe***............... Bothel, WA Gleason, Dave***.........................Missoula Grady, Willie* ........................Newark, NJ Green, Allen****.......................Anaconda Halverson, William* Great Falls Harper, Wayne***................... Livingston Harris, Rocky*............... New York, NY Hogan, James***............... Olympia, WA Huggins, Jay*............................... Missoula Johnson, Kelly*** Great Falls Kleckner, Grant*** Great Falls McDonald, Clev* Palo Alto, CA Magner, M .* Newport Beach, CA Martin, Sam *** Shelton, WA Roban, Michael** Great Falls Sacks, Barry**** Federal Way, WA Shupe, Joe* Great Falls Sobansky, Joe* ............................Ajo, AZ Spigner, Paul* .......................Newark, NJ Sullivan, Paul****...............................Butte Van Wormer, Matt**.................. Missoula Williams, Bryon*....... New Orleans, LA Woldseth, George*............Bellevue, WA 1977 Albright, Keith* ........................... Kalispell Barrick, Brett***...................... Lewistown Becker, Jay*** ...................... Atlantic, IA Bell, Darrell* Federal Way, WA Bryant, Michael*.........................Hull, MA Bullerdick, Monty**.......... Anaheim, CA Carteri, Carm**................Regina, Sask. Cavaligos, Nick*.................. Chicago, IL Cerkovnik, Ed***.............................. Malta Dunn, Greg***............ Medical Lake, WA Fritz, Robin*..................................... Sidney Hook, Tim*....................... Regina, Sask. Johnson, Mike** North Bend, OR Jones, Basil***...................Spokane, WA Kelly, Vernon** Los Angeles, CA Kerr, Tim** .................................Missoula Klever, Rocky****........Anchorage, AK Lane, William*** Englewood, CO McHugh, Brian***............ Spokane, WA Rigoni, Arnie*** ................... Chicago, IL Schmeckpeper, Cary* Buhl, ID Tagmyer, W.* Federal Way, WA 1978 Allegre, Raul**................... Torreon, MX Andrews, Marty* Grahan, WA Boyes, Bob**................Sacramento, CA Burtness, Richard*** ... Anacortes, WA Carroll, M ike**.....................Seattle, WA Cerkovnik, Robert**............ Great Falls Curry, Pat****............................... Billings

Dolan, Williams*** ............... E. Helena Duff, Jam es*........... ............ Chicago, IL Eicklemann, Mark*’* .............. Indio, CA Hard, James** .............. Napa, CA Laird, Randy*** ..................Missoula Menke, John** N. Broomfield, CO Moe, Richardson** ......................Poplar Morton, Scott* ....... Spokane, WA Norwood, Pat*** .....................Billings Price^ John*............ ............. Palatine, IL Rooney, James*** ..................Missoula Sharkey, Ron*** ..................Missoula Thomas, Terry** .............. Great Falls 1979 Andrus, Bart* ......... .... Sepulveda, CA Amundson, Greg*** Seattle, WA Caraway, Brian*** .............. Great Falls Cleveland, Curt* Seattle, WA Chalcraft, Steve* ..... Richmond, WA Cordier, Bob**** ...... Spokane, WA Gratton, Scott**** ..................Missoula Hinson, John**** ... ..........Seatttle, WA Kovacich, John**** ........................ Butte Lamb, Carlton* Las Vegas, NV Madison, Reed**** ........................ Butte McElroy, Curt**** ........................ Butte Murfitt, S teve* ........ ............. Philipsburg Paoli, David*** .............. Great Falls 1980 Alex, Mike** .........Overland, KS Bowman, Dennis* ....... Spokane, WA Chaplin, Dave** ............. Selah, WA Dantic, Brad**** ......................Laurel Fudge, Tony**** ............. .Great Falls Garrison, Steve**** ....... Spokane, WA Hagen, Mike** ..........Auburn, WA Kline, D ave*................... Bellevue, WA Klucewich, Joe**** ............Alpine, CA Lowry, Gary**** , , ............. Great Falls Madsen, Mark*** ....Ellensburg, WA McGinness, Curt**** ..... Janesville, WI Miller, Rocky***..... Richland, WA Momhinweg, Marty**** San Jose, CA Murray, Mark* .........Choteau, MT Richardson, Kelly*** * ....Gts. Pass, OR Rominger, Dean**** ........... Fort Benton Salonen, Brian**** ,.............. Great Falls Silovsky, Paul* ..........Topeka, KS Sorrell, Malcom*** ........Tacoma, WA Stephens, Andre**** ...... Tacoma, WA Sutton, Mickey** .... Union City, CA 1981 Connors, Bob**** .................Glasgow Dacus, Glenn**** Enumclaw, WA Dilts, Dan**............... Walla Walla, WA Ellig, Scott**............ ...... Spokane, WA Glenn, David** , ,............. Elma, WA Hogan, Mike* .......... ........... Lacey, WA Iseman, Greg** Baldwin City, KS Jahr, Sean*............. Port Orchard, WA Jones, Rob** ............ .........Oakland, CA Kiefer, B en**........... ..... Burlington, KS McCauley, Bob**** .................Missoula Nelson, Joe* ............ Shelton, WA Nuu, Joe** ................ , ,,Bakersfield, CA Oakland, Brent*** .................Glendive Powell, Alan***....... ............. Lewistown ....................... Butte Rooney, John*** .....................Laurel Rutt, Tom**** Sundquist, Tim*** ............. Great Falls Tarrow, Bill**** ...........Eugene, OR Williams, Derrick*** Los Angeles, CA Trammell, Jake****. .. Vancouver, WA 1982 ............Atlantic, IA Becker, Ned** Botzheim, Alan*** .............. lone, WA Charles, Joey**........ ..... Valencia, CA Coppedge, Johnny** ...... Stayton, OR Dawald, Eric**** Deeks, Darryl** Dozier, Rick****

. Owatonna, MN .............. Bend, OR ............. Kent, WA

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FOOTBALL LETTERMEN Qummett, D ave**................Sanborn, IA Guse, Harold**............. Janesville, MN Harvey, Anthony** Oakland, CA Helean, Mike***......................... Missoula Lewis, Cliff**..............Los Angeles, CA Mckenna, Mike* San Antonio, TX Meidinger, Rob***........................ Billings

Reid, Darrin** Klamath Falls, OR Rice, Mike** .....................Twin Falls, ID Sullivan, Rick****......................Whitefish Vernard, Bill***..................... Albany, OR Wang, D ean*....................................Baker Werbelow, Scott**............Glendale, CA

Moe, Scott****.................. Spokane, WA Oliver, Larry****...............Hillsboro, OR Poole, Scott*** ................Spokane, WA poole, Shawn****............ Spokane, WA Ray, Ted**** ..........................Stevensville Rodriguez, Alex** Los Angeles, CA Sethman, Richard* Lakewood, CA Shillam, Terry**** Orchards, WA Taylor, Kent**......................Wichita, KS Young, Kevin* ......................Toledo, OH

1986 Blank, Jeff* ..................................... Billings Blank, Russ*................................. Missoula Cooks, Demidric** San Jose, CA Donovan, Tim* .............San Rafael, CA Douglas, D on * ................................... Butte Farmer, Jody**** .............................Libby Garza, Dave**.........................Pasco, WA Gianinni, Greg***............... Sand Coulee Gober, Ken* ................................ Gary, IN Hauck, Tim*** ........... :........Big Timber Hunter, Alex**** Vancouver, WA Lambert, Tony** ..:.... Steilacoom, WA Lindsay, Robbe*............................ Billings Marceau, Ron**** ................. Great Falls Mikesell, Brent* ..............Spokane, WA Murray, Chris***............Englewood, CA Nygren, Greg*** ....................Merlin, OR Polich, Tim**** .......................Great Falls Ruiz, Mike**.................................Kalispell

:alls WA WA WA

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1983 Anderson, Kerry**.................Tigard, OR Coe, Tony**............................ Renton, WA Dobson, Eby**** Grants Pass, OR Gillis, Tim** ...................... Portland, OR Green, Gregg**................Tonasket, WA Klucewich, Josh** ...7................ Missoula Linderholm. Rick**.............. Crystal, MN Moore, Scott***................ Coos Bay, OR Mosier, Craig**....................Renton, WA Murray, Scott*** ....................... Kalispell Nelsen, Ken** ..............North Bend, OR Paulson, Kraig**** ............... Plentywood Pells, Greg* ........................Calgary, Alb. Sexe, Doug***.........................Great Falls Smith, Mark*** Vancouver, WA Timberman, Scott** ........................Butte Villeneuve, P e te* Sheboygan, WI 1984 Apostol, Ed***.................. Olympia, WA Brown, Lee* ................... Bridgeport, NE Breland, Tony**** Renton, WA Campbell, J .C .* * ....... Steilacoom, WA Clarkson, Larry**** ... Abbotsford, B.C. Cogar, M ike*...............................Missoula Crawford, Ward**** Spokane, WA Ehlers, Mike****.......... ._WiIsonville, OR Foster, Pat**** ...............................Savage Foster, LeRoy**.....................Chicago, IL Kavanaugh, Jim *................. Chicago, IL Hartman, Scott**** .............. Great Falls Kerr, Mike* ................................. Missoula Koechlein, Todd** Littleton, CO Lamb, Paul**** ................Spokane, WA McKenzie, Dave* .................. New York Monterossi, Tim** ... Klamath Falls, OR Nelson, Sherman* .....................Gary, IN Odden, Nate****.............................Dutton Salonen, Brad**** .................Great Falls Weston, K elly*..................Tacoma, WA White, Terry** ................ San Jose, CA Wynn, Dontelle*** ................Detroit, MI 1985 Amston, Tony**** ..................Great Falls Bartsch, Kevin***..........................Helena Brown, Chuck* ......................... Whitefish Brown, Reggie** Concord, CA Clausen, Clay**** ......................Missoula Coleman, Renard**** Renton, WA Finch, Nate**......................Jackson, WY Gimler, Brian**....................Parsons, KS Hans, Dwayne** ................... Pasco, WA Hardiman, Pat** Livermore, CA Huestis, John**** ... Battle Ground, WA Kunka, Rob***.......................... Great Falls Laird, Robbie***......................... Missoula Lohof, Rusty*...................................Laurel Metcalf, Jack*.........................Gurnee, IL Mornhinweg, Shanon* ....San Jose, CA Owens, John** .........................Kent, WA Pease, Brent**............... Mtn.Home, ID Peterson, T om *....................... Miles City Rankin, Mike****.............Edmonds, WA Ray, Jason****.............................Missoula Reeves, David*** . Sedro Wooley, WA

Scrafford, Kirk****........................Billings Smith, Scott** .................... Denver, CO Strutzel, Mike**.................. Monitor, WA Tomlinson, Keith*................. Bonita, CA Wilson, John*** :................ Missoula 1987 Bradford, Tim** ........................ Etna, CA Camper, Scott* ................ Manteca, CA Collins, Mikael**.................Fairfield, CA Kostecki, Jim****....................... Missoula McGowan, Mike****...........Seattle, WA Richardson, Quinton** Oakland, CA Sulser, Mark** ............................Glasgow Trevathan, Mike**** . Thous. Oaks, CA Winter, Tim** Walla Walla, WA Zanon, Scott* .................. Kalispell 1988 Barrett, L ee**.................. Vacaville, CA Bennett, Grady*** ..................... Kalispell Bowen, Marcus**................. Edualy, CA Cabunoc, Shannon**** Honolulu, HI Duce, Kirk**** ............................Missoula Edwards, Dan** ... Sedro Wooley, WA Engler, Scot** ........... -. Hamilton Erps, Rick**** .............................Glasgow Ferguson, Greg**** ............... Tigard, OR Germer, Chad**** ...............Three Forks Glenn, Lorenzo** Ftn. Valley, CA Gormon, Todd** ........................... Billings

Lebo, Brad**** ................ Lewistown, ID Lembke, Chad****............................Butte McCallum, Kelly****................Bend, OR Morris, Kevin** Chula Vista, CA Payne, Bryan** ................Spokane, WA Roberts, Tony** Vancouver, WA Rice, Tony****..................... N. Bend, OR See, Mike *** ..........................Great Falls Thoemmes, W ade** Honolulu, HI Tripp, Bryan**............................Missoula Tvedt, Kelly** ....................... Plentywood Whitney, Craig** .... Walla Walla, WA 1990 Allen, Lance**** ..............................Butte Barker, Jason**...................... Layton, UT Burton, Gary**** ........................ Missoula Cockhill, Bill**** ........................... Helena Ericson, Todd****..............................Butte Garrett, Frank**** ...................... Missoula Goulet, Tony** ..................Fullerton, CA Kaiser, Gary** ........................... Boise, ID Anchorage, AK Martin, Joe****.... Mason, Chuck**** ..................... Bigfork Longview, WA Merz, Shawn**** .. Monestime, Marc* r. Thous. Oaks, CA Premock, Steve** ..Grass Valley, CA Slocum, Dethrick** Stringer, Darren** Turk, Marvin**

Fresno, CA Vacaville, CA Sacramento, CA

1991 Anderson, Dan**....................... Yuba, CA Arledge, Warren** ...................Bozeman Baker, Shalon**** Vancouver, WA Bise, Dan** .........................Newberg, OR Burns, Quentin** Hayward, CA Carlsen, Mike** ..................... Ukiah, CA Downs, Dan**** ............................ H elena Dyer, Doak* ................... Redmond, WA Edwards, Stacy**.....................Pasco, WA Goicoechea, Mike**** Stevensville Gragg, Scott****..................Silverton, OR Guevara, M ike**.................... Fresno, CA Gumsey, Scott**** Tumwater, WA Hawkins, Charlie* Anderson, CA Hortsch, Jeff**.....................Corvallis, OR Jones, Keith**** ..................Portland, OR Klohs, Jason**.....................Gresham, OR Lono, Eric* ...........................Honolulu, HI Malmstrom, C lev e* ......................Helena Scates, Dennis**** Spokane, WA Schilling, Kurt****......................... Shelby Swenson, Brent*** ..................... Glasgow Turner, Jay**** Marysville, WA Venters, Garrett****...........Richland, WA Wilberger, Bert****............. Ashland, OR

Huse, Thad****............................Missoula


............. Orofino, ID Kludt, Nels**** LeProwse, Paul*** ..........................Butte McCoy, Scott**** ... ..........Shelton, WA McGrew, Todd** ... ........Hayward, CA ....................... Butte Mirich Kyle**** Murphy, Kirk****... ...................... Poison Smerker, Gregg***’1* ............ Great Falls Sprosky, Todd** .... .........Gardena, CA

Bartell, Jamer*** ...... ........... Great Falls Botkin, Bob*................ .........Plentywood Brown, Scott*............ ...............Missoula Caton Jam es**.......... Sacramento, CA ........... Great Falls Dickenson, Craig* Dickenson, Dave**** ........... Great Falls Dotson, Bruce**........ Los Angeles, CA Fenton, Bob**** ......... ...... Medford, OR Franks, Carl**................... ........... Stockton, CA Freeman, C orey*...... ......... Deer Lodge Spokane, WA Gockley, Rich***....... Greene, Chase****Nine Mile Falls, WA Kowalski, Mike**** ............. Cut Bank Lucas, Troy**** ....................Canby, OR Manzanarez, Yohanse * * * * ...Great Falls ............ Great Falls McElroy, Jeff** Simonson, Eric**** ..........Plentywood Spraggins, Scott**** ............ Great Falls Stensrud, Kelly**** ................Missoula Wells. Matt**** .........Ashland. OR

1989 Vacaville, CA Batchan, Broyce** . Brickley, Sean**** . ..........Pocatello, ID .........Bend, OR Davidson Jon* Davidson, Sam**** Mercer Island, WA DeBourg, Mark**** ..................... Billings Farrish, Joe** .................... Newark, CA ...............Kalispell Franks Troy ** Fred, Britt**** ............................... Helena Gilbreth, Damon*** .. W enatchee, WA ............ Rocklin, CA Gillie Rick** Graves, D on**................... Newark, CA Hendrickson, Erik**...................Missoula Ives, John* .....................Grants Pass, OR Kuhl, Rick**....................Springfield, OR Lawton, Galen** ................. Topeka, KS

1993 Agee, Mike***............................ Kalispell Alexander, D a n * Los Angeles, CA Bebout, Marc***................Riverton, WY


Boddie, Damon** Stockton, CA Bouchee, Mike*** ......................Missoula Burke, Keith** .. Huntington Beach, CA Carver, Alan**................... Ashland, OR Chiles, Acen** .....................Orange, CA Dolan, Nathan*** ..........................Billings Erhardt, Mike*** .................Eugene, OR Falls, Corey*** ....................Medford, OR Goicoechea, Sean*** Stevensville Hampe, Mark*** ..................Great Falls Jackson, Damian**........... Ashland, OR Kempfert, David***...................Missoula Larson, Andrew*** ...................... H elena McElmurry, Blaine*** ......................Troy Riley, Randy*** ................................. Butte Saltus, Mike*................................... Darby Sirmon, David*** .... Walla Walla, WA Thompson, Ryan***...................Missoula Toone, Brian***................................. Butte Trevathan, Jeff* ...Thousand Oaks, CA Zellick, Jeff***...............Springfield, OR 1994 Baker, Jason** ................. Coos Bay, OR Blanchard, Ryan*...............Huntington Beach,CA Crebo,Jason**............................... H elena Dennehy, Jake**........................Missoula Dickson, Aubre* Portlland, OR Duffin, Marty**................. Idaho Falls, ID Fitzgerald, Greg** ...................Columbus Lamb, Marc*..............Yorba Linda, CA Lehman, J o e * * ................. Coos Bay, OR Manzanarez, Eric**.............. Great Falls Morton, Chris**................. San Jose, CA Paffhausen, Josh** ............................Butte Remington, Josh** .................... Kalispell Sopp, Bernie*....................... Ukiah, CA Temple, M ike**............ San Diego, CA

1995 Ah Yat, Brian* .................... Honolulu, HI Allik, Randy*...............................Missoula Branen, Josh*......................... Moscow, ID Buehler, Eric* ................................... Butte Curry, Scott*...................................V alier Douglass, Joe* .......................Salem, OR Gaines, Justin* ..................Niceville, FL Gales, Brian*.....................Richland, WA Hart, Eric* ...................Shenendoah, VA Hazel, Justin* Ft. Lauderdale, FL Henkel, David* Lake Mary, FL Hoit, Dave*.............. Coeur dAlene, ID Jenkins, Paul* ................................... Butte Kane, Eleu* ......................... Honolulu, HI Neil, Dallas*............................Great Falls Olsen, Justin* ................................ H elena Pacheco, Raul* ............... ...Honolulu, HI Reece, Gabe* .........................Salem, OR Scates, Wade* .................Spokane, WA Utter, Trevor* ............................... Eureka Wilson, Mike**..................... Honolulu, HI Woods, Trevor* Diamond Bar, CA

NOTE: Player is listed the first season he lettered.



Bill Bouchee, l e t t e re d 1960-62

John Wa xha m, lettered 1968-70


MONTANA WINS 1 9 9 5 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! % “T h e rea so n w e 9re h ere is to win Those were the words of The University of Montana’s Head Football Coach Don Read the day before his Grizzly football team squared off against the home­ town Marshall University Thundering Herd in the NCAA Division 1-AA National Football Championship game. Coach Read and I had just had a championship meet­ ing with NCAA officials, and Read was doing an inter­ view with Kim Briggeman and Bob Meseroll of The Missoulian newspaper in the lobby of the Radisson in downtown Huntington, West Virginia. :8»Sf The hotel was the team headquarters for Marshall. In Read’s interview area were green “Go Herd” signs, which were also scattered all over town, almost as com­ mon as Christmas decorations. Marshall players and coaches mingled in the lobby with fans and family. Even the Marshall mascot, Marco, strolled through the The press conference the day before the game. (L to R): Yohanse Manzanarez, lobby. Coach Don Read, and Dave Dickenson. Yet Read, in his 10th year as the head coach at ond scoring pass from Dave Dickenson. This one was a one-yard Montana and his 26th as a head man in the collegiate ranks, seemed bullet that Dickenson set up after scrambling to his left. He found undaunted by his surroundings. Wells just a step or so over the endzone line and somehow rifled the He gave his usual squint and closed his eyes in concentration as he ball through the defense. Andrew Larson’s PAT gave Montana a 19thought about one of the questions from Kim or Bob. It was a trait 10 lead. Read had displayed since he took over the Grizzly football program in Marshall led only once, late in the game. The Herd marched 76 December of 1985. yards on eight plays, with senior halfback Chris Parker breaking sev­ “We had been gearing for this game since last year at Youngstown,” eral tackles enroute to a 26-yard touchdown jaunt down the Grizzly Read said. “We’ve been close the last couple of years, and we didn’t side of the field. The drive took just 1:39. approach 1995 with anything in our sights but a national champion­ “We really hadn’t been behind in too many games during the sea­ ship. son, especially in the playoffs,” Read said. “But with David (Dickenson) “Sure, we took one game at a time, but players and coaches alike in there, and with what knew where we wanted to be in December,” said Montana’s all-time our offense had been winningest coach. doing all year long, I “This is a big, big, big one, Dave,” Coach Read said in his normal knew we were still in it. pregame pacing mode along the Grizzlies’ sideline in Marshall Sta­ I was just happy that we dium. It was about an hour before the title game. Read always used had enough tim e to that “big, big,” expression for key games, but he threw in an extra score again.” “big” this time. And then it was time Griz and Herd fans had mingled together in some of Huntington’s - time Montana football many crowded watering holes late into the night. They had one thing fans had experienced in common. They both lived and died for their teams. That common for three seasons and bond brought them together and enabled them to form what seemed wanted, needed, to see to be an instant liking of each other. just once again. The comradeship ended the next day though, around kickoff, which It was Dickenson was a little after noon local time and 10:07 a.m. in Montana. The time. game aired live on ESPN to a national television audience. Taking over on his It was December 16, 1995, nine days before Christmas. own 20-yard line, A partisan playoff-record and standing-room-only crowd of 32,106 D ickenson connected was packed into Marshall University Stadium. with Jo e Douglass on Partisan, that is, except for Section 107, where about 2,500 of the back-to-back com ple­ 3,000 or so Grizzly fans who trekked cross country to Huntington tions for two first held up banners reading: Stop The Fumbling Nerds, Maul The Herd downs, but on the next on ESPN, Maul ‘Em Griz, among others. play he suffered a sack “We were treated great, no doubt about it,” said Read. “It was hard for the 10th painful not to lose focus on what we were there for and what we had to do to time in the three-and-aget that far. But, I think our kids were more focused than they had half hour game. ever been. I could just feel it in the lockerroom and see it in their Dave Dickenson scrambles in the title eyes.” game. Montana’s final pos­ The game was tied twice: 3-3 in the second quarter and 10-all at session of the game will forever be known as “The Drive, The Catch, 9:46 in the third stanza. and The Kick.” The Grizzlies scored what proved to be the winning points at the Facing a fourth-and-three from the 50-yard line, the Grizzlies’ na­ 6:54 mark of the third quarter when Randy Riley and Brian Toone tional title hopes came down to this play. “Dicky” connected with grabbed Tim Pennington in the end zone and the young Herd quarter­ Mike Erhardt on a quick slant, and Erhardt dragged a Marshall de­ back was called for grounding, giving UM a safety, and two crucial fender several yards, picking up 20 yards on the play. points. “One thing I liked about it (the fourth-down call) was the ball was Montana took its largest lead with 12:30 thrown to Erhardt,” Read said. “H e’d been in on so many plays in remaining when Matt Wells caught his sec­ clutch situations. I just felt like he was ready to pop one.”



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MONTANA WINS 1 9 9 5 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! The champions celebrate at the airport before a throng o f ecstatic fans.

Five plays after the big completion to Erhardt, Dickenson eluded the grasp of two Marshall defenders and scrambled 11 yards to the Herd eight-yard line. He had completed six of eight passes for 69 yards in the final drive, but his third-and-four pass at­ tempt (his last college throw to Wells) fell short. With 39 seconds left, winning or losing was up to Larson. Larson’s 25-yard field goal flew high above, and just inside, the left upright. It seemed like it took the officials minutes to give the arms-up signal that the kick was good. On the scoreboard: Montana 22, Marshall 20.

Doubt-filled moments went by, then Grizzly fans’ emotions erupted and they celebrated, dancing in their seats when Marshall’s despera­ tion 63-yard field goal attempt bounced harm­ lessly several yards from the goal line. Then came more tears, hugs, smiles and yells. The players then put their personal, finish­ ing touch on that glorious day, singing loud with joy and relief: “And the squeal o f the pig will float in the air, from the tummy of a grizzly bear.” As the final notes of the Grizzly fight song faded into the sunny West Virginia sky, the Griz contingent of 3,000 strong had poured onto the field, surrounding and congratulating players and coaches. After 18 years as sports information director at Montana, I figured it would be OK to join in on the postgame celebration. Running onto the field, I jumped into the fray. The result was a cut lip from colliding with a player’s helmet. The cut proceeded to bleed for the next hour or so. I didn’t mind. “A proud battle scar from the game,” Briggeman wrote later. “This is so crazy,” Larson said later, standing among celebrating team­ mates, family, and UM fans on Marshall Stadium’s artificial surface. “I’m so emotional. I mean, every time I look at the scoreboard I almost break down.” The exhilarating chaos continued from the field into M ontana’s lockerroom, located in Marshall’s beautiful football complex. As Coach Read hoisted the 1-AA national championship trophy above his head, more cheers erupted. But, this was a personal time between Read, his players, coaches, and a few staff members. After a few more shouts of victory, Coach Read restored order. He talked about what this win meant to the university, the state of Montana, and former players. And then he thanked the seniors. “This was a win by everyone,” he said. “This is a game your grand­ children will be talking about. I want to thank all of you. This is the greatest coaching experience in my life.” Read and several players’ next stop was the interview room. “I’m happy, but in the same sense I planned on winning it,” said Dickenson, who was told for the first time that he was the recipient of the Walter Payton Award, given to Division 1-AA’s best player. “I wasn’t coming down here to lose.” “I can’t think of a game through the years where our team was more focused,” Read said. “I’m proud of the way this team played against a very, very good football team.” The road to the title and a school record 13-2 ledger was a long one. The drive to the championship started in August, more than four months earlier. Twelve starters and 45 lettermen returned from an 11-3 team, which had lost to eventual national champion Youngstown State in the 1-AA semifinal game in 1994. Two seasons earlier, in 1993, UM lost a 49-48 heartbreaker at home to Delaware in a firstround playoff game. “We lost a ton of good players to graduation, but we still have a lot of talent on both sides of the football, and our potential is very, very good,” said Read before fall camp in ’95. In the first half of the 1995 season, Montana roared to an early 6-1 record. The only blemish was a 38-21 setback at Washington State,


and the final score was not indicative of the closeness of the game. The Grizzlies' only other setback was 55 43 at Idaho in a bizarre game in which Mon­ tana outscored its long­ time rival 27-6 in the final half. The loss came a week after a critical 24-21 win at Northern Arizona, won by Larson on a 29-yard field goal as time expired. UM’s defense and Dickenson’s play through the first three playoff games were incredible. Dickenson entered the game at Marshall having thrown for 1,219 yards and 11 TDs. He played in only one or two series in the second half of all three earlier playoff games. The Grizzlies had outscored those first three playoff opponents, 163-14, had 104 first downs to 28 for their foes, and piled up 1,888 total yards to the opponents’ 492. “I think ‘national champion’ says it all,” said Read, the 1989, 1993, and 1995 Big Sky Conference Coach of the Year. “It’s going to be in the trophy case, it’s going to be on the (Washington-Grizzly Stadium) press box, it’s going to be on their (the players' and coaches') ring fingers.” The national title still seemed dreamlike to a lot of us as our char­ tered team airplane set down on the runway of Missoula’s JohnsonBell Field later that evening. It became very real moments later as thousands of Grizzly fans gathered at the airport for a rally welcoming home their champions. Everything culminated two nights later as an estimated 6,000 people showed up in Adams Field House in a rally for the national champs. President Bill Clinton called and spoke with Dickenson and Read. A 1995 highlight film was shown. Coach Read presented Dickenson with the Payton Award. Governor Marc Racicot said he was glad Dickenson wasn’t running for office. Athletic Director Wayne Hogan told the crowd Dickenson’s No. 15 would be retired. An emotional Dickenson thanked UM’s fans, his teammates and his family. With another football season comes more high expectations. But, no matter what the future holds for Montana football, 1995 was indeed “The Year of the Griz!”

—by Dave Guffey , Director Griz Sports Information




G rizzlies

iVTick Holien is in his fourth year as the "Voice of the Grizzlies" and his 12th season as a play-by-play announcer at The University of Montana. Prior to calling Montana football and men's basketball, Holien was the "Voice of the Lady Griz" basketball team for eight seasons. In all, he has broadcast close to 400 UM games. This is KYLT-AM of Missoula's 25th year of broadcasting Montana athletics and serving as the Grizzlies' official radio station. Mick was selected as Montana's Broadcaster of the Year by the National Sportswriters and Sports Broadcasters Association in 1988, 1989, and 1991. He was a finalist for the national award in 1990 and 1992. He was named Sports Broadcaster of the Year by the Associated Press in 1988, 1989, and 1990. Holien was the inaugural winner of the Montana Broadcaster's Association's News Enterprise of the Year award in 1988. The MBA also has honored several of his programs, including the 1995 Divi­ Mick H olien sion I-AA National Championship game coverage. Mick has been a news reporter for The Missoulian since October, 1992. Prior to that, he was the sports and news director and the managing editor at KGVO Radio from 1984 to 1992. His newspaper work was honored in 1993 and 1995 by the Pacific Northwest and Inland Empire chapters of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Montana Newspaper Association. Holien's son, Chris, works in Spokane, and his daughter, Stephanie, attends UM. A former (1984-88) standout receiver at Montana, Brad Salonen, is in his fourth season as the Grizzlies' color commentator for football in 1996. A GTE second team Academic All-American in 1988, Salonen lives in Ronan and works in Poison. He is married to former UM track star Chris Schmitt, a 1995 inductee of the Grizzly Sports Hall of Fame.

N ew spapers

M isso u lia n Bob Meseroll (Sports Editor) Kim Briggeman (Beat Writer) P.O. Box 8029 Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 7 -8 0 2 9 Phone: (406) 523-5265 Fax: (406) 523-5294 G reat F alls Tribune George Geise (Sports Editor) Scott Mansch (Sports Writer) P.O. Box 5468 Great Falls, MT 59403 Phone: (406) 761-6666 Fax: (406) 791-1431 B illin gs G azette Warren Rogers (Sports Editor) Joe Kusek (Sports Writer) P.O. Box 36 3 0 0 Billings, MT 5 9 1 0 7 -3 6 3 0 0 Phone: (406) 657-1200 Fax: (406) 657-1208

M on tana S ta n d a rd Hud Willse (Sports Editor) P.O. Box 627 Butte, MT 59701 Phone: (406) 49 6 -5500 Fax: (406) 496-5551

KYLT-AM Allen Kessler (Sports Director) P.O. Box 2277 Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6 -2 2 7 7 Phone: (406) 728-5000 Fax: (406) 549-0503

T e le v isio n

KECI-TV (NBC) Todd Reed (Sports Director) P.O. Box 5 2 6 8 Missoula, MT 59 8 0 6 Phone: (406) 721-5642 Fax: (406) 721-6791

In d e p e n d en t R eco rd Pat Ryan (Sports Editor) Box 42 4 9 Helena, MT 59601 Phone: (406) 447-4000 Fax: (406) 447-4052

W estern M on tan a R adio N etw ork (k o v o -a m , klcy -a m , k y ss-am )

KPAX-TV (CBS) Scott Kilbury (Sports Director) Shane Edinger (Sports Reporter) P.O. Box 4827 Missoula, MT 5 9 8 0 6

R avalli R ep u b lic Rob Breeding (Sports Editor) 232 W. Main St. Hamilton, MT 5 9 8 4 0 -2 5 5 2 Phone: (406) 363-3300 Fax: (406) 363-1767



(406) 542-4455

(406) 543-7127


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M on tana K aim in Sports Editor The University of Montana Missoula, MT 59 8 1 2 Phone: (406) 243-4020 Fax: (406) 243-5475

D aily In terlak e Gene Speelm an (Sports Editor) P.O. Box 8 Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 755-7026 Fax: (406) 752-6114

Brad Salonen

Denny Bedard (Station Mgr.) Brian Prawitz (News Director P.O. Box 7279 Missoula, MT 59807 Phone: (406) 728-9300 Fax: (406) 542-2329 W ire S e r v ic e A s s o c ia te d P re ss Amy H ansen P.O. Box 5 8 1 0 Helena, MT 5 9 6 0 4 -5 8 1 0 Phone: (800) 2 2 1-0094 Fax: (800) 4 2 3 -0083

r iz z l y



T he 1 9 9 6 -9 7 Grizzly Football S ports Network: flagship station KYLT-AM, Missoula; KOFI-AM, Kalispell; KMSL-AM, Great Falls; KMTA-AM, Miles City; KXGN-AM, Glendive; KZIN-AM, Shelby; KPRK-AM, Livingston; KDRG-AM, Deer Lodge; KPQX-FM, Havre; KCAP-AM, Helena; KXTL-AM, Butte; KBLG-AM, Billings; KGLM-AM, Anaconda; KXLO-AM,. Lewistown; and KBMG-FM, Hamilton.


Clockwise from lower left: ♦ The University of Montana campus, beautiful throughout all four seasons, boasts a student population of over 11,000. ♦ Glacier National Park lies within four hours driving distance of campus. ♦ From bighorn sheep to grizzly bears, wildlife abound in western Montana. Deer are often seen grazing on campus and the surrounding hillsides. ♦ Five major valleys spread out from Missoula offering numerous recreational opportuni­ ties. ♦ Nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the city of Missoula provides the resident and visitor with year-round activities such as the weekly summer "Out to Lunch" program at Caras Park.

University of Montana

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1996 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department

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