Montana compliance manual

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Grizzly Athletics The University of Montana

Compliance Policies & Procedures


The following manual was created to aid UM Athletics coaches in accurately and thoroughly documenting each sport program’s compliance with NCAA rules governing recruiting, eligibility, financial aid, etc. Samples of the various forms required throughout the year are included for reference, as well as instructions for each one. Clean forms will be provided by the Compliance Office. This manual should be used in conjunction with the Departmental Policies & Procedures Manual and the Student-Athlete Handbook. It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure compliance with NCAA, Conference and University regulations. It is only in that type of culture that a program can strive and win with integrity. It is my hope that this manual will help make that goal easier to achieve.

Jean Gee Senior Associate Athletic Director, Student Services and Compliance

Table of Contents Compliance Office Mission and Responsibilities


Job Descriptions – Grizzly Compliance Office


NCAA Infractions


Big Sky Conference Violation Reporting Procedure


Compliance Calendar


UM ATHLETIC COMPLIANCE OFFICE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES General Policies Policies and Procedures for Processing NCAA Rules Violations


Rules Education


Exit Interview Administration


Monitoring Student-Athlete Social Media Use


Bylaw 11 Live Monitoring – Coaching Activities


Bylaw 12 Student-Athlete Appearances


Bylaw 13 Recruiting Records Policy


Ensuring Veracity of Recruiting Records


Student-Athlete Recruiting at the University of Montana


Official Visit Policies/Procedures


Official Visit Guide


Unofficial Visit


Official/Unofficial Visit Complimentary Admission Procedures


On-Campus Evaluations – Men’s and Women’s Basketball


Donation/Fundraising Request Flowchart


Bylaw 14 Initial Certification


Transfer Student-Athlete Certification


Continuing Eligibility Certification


Amateurism Certification


Walk-On Process


Procedure for Preparing Big Sky Conference Eligibility Reports


Eligibility Certificates Flowchart


APR/GSR Data Entry


Bylaw 15 Financial Aid Policies and Procedures


Student-Athlete Employment


Bylaw 16 Annual Awards


Occasional Meals


Bylaw 17 Playing and Practice Seasons


Living Monitoring: Countable Athletically-Related Activities (CARA)




Appendix: Samples of forms



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Compliance Office Mission The mission of the Compliance Office at The University of Montana‐Missoula is to ensure the University’s full compliance with NCAA, Big Sky Conference, and institutional regulations governing student‐athletes and intercollegiate athletics. This is accomplished through the concept of shared responsibility between the personnel in the Compliance Office, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, University officials who have compliance responsibilities, current UM student‐athletes, representatives of UM’s athletics interest, and UM boosters and alumni.

Compliance Responsibilities This manual was designed for the reader to identify all areas of responsibility and procedures to be used, forms that are required, and methods of filing such forms and storing records in order to carry out such responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of the compliance staff. Each section in this manual will give a detailed overview of who, how, what, and when several items are to be used. Throughout the course of the year there will be numerous items that must be either turned in or addressed by the coaching staffs at certain due dates, numerous items that must be sent out at certain times of the year by the Compliance Office, administration, and coaching staffs (the content of such items and the dates of initiation are to be listed throughout this manual), various rules education meetings/seminars that must be conducted by the compliance staff, as well as various audits made by the Compliance Office to ensure that they have all of the required documentation on file and that the athletic administration has institutional control over the sport programs’ operations.

Job Description Faculty Athletic Representative The Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President of the University of Montana (UM) and is charged with the general responsibility of representing the President and academic values in the conduct of UM intercollegiate athletics and establishing and maintaining a relationship between the athletic programs and the faculty of the University. The FAR has the following specific responsibilities:  With the Senior Associate Athletic Director (Compliance Coordinator), Athletic Academic Advisors, and Certification Officer in the Registrar’s Office determine, certify, and report the academic eligibility of athletes for practice and competition; take the lead in overseeing and recommending to the UM President changes in the eligibility‐ certification procedure; and monitor athletes’ GPA and registered credits. As a member of the eligibility certification team, the FAR insures that student‐athletes will not practice, compete, or be offered and retain athletic scholarships unless they meet the academic criteria required for admission to the University and the academic criteria required for continuing eligibility promulgated by UM, the Big Sky Conference (BSC), and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA);  With the Senior Associate Athletic Director conduct oversight of the institution’s compliance with NCAA, Big Sky Conference, and UM regulations, which oversight includes modification as needed of compliance protocols, inquiries into allegations of rules infractions, reporting of confirmed infractions to the NCAA, BSC, and the UM President, and verifying that sanctions for infractions have been implemented;  With the Director of Compliance, administer the NCAA coaches’ recruiting examination;  Participate as an ex‐officio voting member in the meetings of the University Athletic Committee and advise that body’s chair of agenda items and relevant issues; 1


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With the Athletic Director and the Senior Associate Athletic Director, apprise annually the University Faculty Senate regarding student‐athlete academic performance, student‐athlete ineligibility for competition, rules infractions reported to the NCAA and BSC, and the general state of UM Intercollegiate Athletics; Attend fall and spring BSC meetings as an ongoing member of the FAR Council and as a rotating member/chair of the BSC’s Eligibility Committee and Ethical Conduct and Violations Committee, and attend NCAA meetings and seminars as needed; Serve as a member of the Recruiting Advisory Board and the Athletic Conduct Team (ACT); and Consult with the President, Athletic Director, and the Senior Associate Athletic Director on a wide range of issues confronting the Athletics Department – e.g., hiring and disciplining Department employees, recruiting, disciplining and retaining student‐ athletes, conducting summer athletics camps, participating in NCAA Certification, interpreting and voting on NCAA rules, and changing Department policies.

Job Description Senior Associate Athletic Director, Student Services & Compliance  

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Ensure that coaches, student‐athletes, faculty and staff, former students, donors, boosters, and friends of Athletics abide by Big Sky Conference and NCAA regulations Provide education to coaches, student‐athletes, faculty and staff, former students, donors, boosters, and friends of Athletics regarding Big Sky Conference and NCAA regulations Investigate potential NCAA violations and report to the NCAA or Big Sky Conference Office Responsible for Academic Progress Rate (APR) data collecting, entry and evaluation Responsible for Graduation Success Rate (GSR) data collecting and evaluation Provide academic services to student‐athletes Provide advising on NCAA and Big Sky Conference academic eligibility requirements Work with the NCAA Faculty Representative to determine the eligibility of new and continuing student‐athletes and to ensure compliance with NCAA, Conference and University academic eligibility regulations Provide rules interpretations on NCAA and Conference regulations Serve as a member of the Recruiting Advisory Board and the Student‐Athlete Disciplinary Committee Collaborate with the campus community (staff, faculty and administrators)

Job Description Director of Compliance The Director of Compliance will assist the Senior Associate Athletic Director (SAAD) in the day‐to‐day responsibilities of athletics compliance. Primary responsibilities of this position will include:  Assist the SAAD in processes, procedures and systems necessary to ensure the department’s compliance with NCAA and conference rules and regulations for 15 NCAA Division I men’s and women’s intercollegiate sports (FCS in football)



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Develop NCAA rules education programs for administrators, coaches, support staff , student‐athletes and booster groups, including preparation of materials Conduct research as directed by the SAAD for rules interpretations, waivers and appeals File necessary documents with UM, other institutions, the Big Sky Conference Office, the NCAA and the NCAA Eligibility Center Operate NCAA software to track the recruiting information, financial aid information, eligibility information and playing and practice seasons Monitor paperwork involved with official and unofficial campus recruiting visits to ensure compliance with NCAA legislation.

Job Description Compliance Assistant The Compliance will assist the Senior Associate Athletic Director (SAAD) and the Director of Compliance in the day‐to‐day responsibilities of athletics compliance. Primary responsibilities of this position will include:  Supervise recruiting paperwork submitted by coaches to ensure compliance with NCAA Bylaw 13  Prepare scholarship documents in consultation with the Scholarship Coordinator in the Financial Aid Office, the SAAD and coaches  Operate NCAA software to track the recruiting information, financial aid information, eligibility information and playing and practice seasons  Perform monitoring activities to ensure compliance with various rules

Job Description Athletic Certification Specialist, Registrar's Office     

Prepare the UM eligibility certificates for the Big Sky Conference (BSC) office using data provided by the Senior Associate Athletic Director (SAAD) and Academic Eligibility Committee (AEC) Using the records of the Office of Registrar, enter on the certificates the number of credits for which each athlete is currently enrolled Raise with the SAAD and AEC any question regarding the accuracy or consistency of data the SAAD and AEC provide Present the completed eligibility certificates to the Registrar, Faculty Athletic Representative, and SAAD for their review, approval, and signature and for timely transmittal to the BSC office pursuant to BSC rules Maintain, with the Office of Athletic Academic Advising, paper and electronic records, as appropriate, of all information used to complete the eligibility certificates and of the certificates themselves



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NCAA Infractions Level I – Severe Breach of Conduct Violations that seriously undermine or threaten the integrity of the NCAA collegiate model, including any violation that provides or is intended to provide a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage, or a substantial or extensive impermissible benefit. Level II – Significant Breach of Conduct Violations that provide or are intended to provide:  More than a minimal but less than a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage;  Includes more than a minimal but less than a substantial or extensive impermissible benefit; or  Involves conduct that may compromise the integrity of the NCAA collegiate model. Level III –Breach of Conduct Violations that are isolated or limited in nature; provide no more than a minimal recruiting, competitive or other advantage; and do not include more than a minimal impermissible benefit. Multiple Level IV violations may collectively be considered a breach of conduct. Violations that:  are isolated or limited in nature;  provide no more than a minimal recruiting, competitive or other advantage; and  do not include more than a minimal impermissible benefit. o Multiple Level IV violations may be considered a breach of conduct. Level IV – Incidental Infractions Minor infractions that are inadvertent and isolated, technical in nature and result in a negligible, if any, competitive advantage. Level IV infractions generally will not affect eligibility for intercollegiate athletics. List of Level IV Infractions As of August 1, 2013, cases involving only Level IV violations shall be processed by Division I conference offices. Bylaw 11 (Personnel) 11.1.4 Use of Tobacco Products Bylaw 12 (Amateurism) Schedule Cards Camps 12.5.4 Use of Commercial Trademark/Logo on Equipment/Uniform/Apparel Bylaw 13 (Recruiting) Official Visit Exception Printed Recruiting Materials (a) General Correspondence (b) Business Cards Camp or Clinic Brochures (d) Questionnaires (e) Nonathletics Institutional Publications 4


G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S NCAA Educational Material Game Programs Pre‐enrollment Information Institutional Note Cards Postcards Express Mail Services Athletics Publication Media Guide Restrictions Other Recruiting Materials 13.6.3 Requirements for Official Visit NCAA EC Exception to 48‐Hour Period for Extenuating Circumstances 13.9.1 Requirements for Offer of Athletically Related Financial Aid Post Signing/Acceptance of Enrollment Bylaw 14 (Eligibility) 14.01.3 Compliance with Other NCAA and Conference Legislation SA Statement SA Statement Drug‐Testing Consent Form Drug Testing Consent: Administration Exception – 14‐Day Grace Period Content and Purpose (HIPAA/Buckley Form) Administration (of HIPAA/Buckley form) 14.1.10 Eligibility Requirements for Male Students to Practice with Women’s Teams Submission of Information Necessary to Determine Academic Initial‐Eligibility Status Submission of Information Necessary to Determine Academic Initial‐Eligibility Status 14.10.2 Squad List Forms Bylaw 15 (Financial Aid) in conjunction with 15.01.5 Conformance w/Institutional and Conference Regulations (involving Terms of Institutional FIA – 15.3.2) Squad List Eligibility Requirement Squad‐List Form Procedures Drug‐Testing Consent Form Requirement Exception – 14‐Day Grace Period Bylaw 16 (Awards and Benefits) Life Skills Programs Bylaw 17 (Playing and Practice Seasons) 17.1.3 Declaration of Playing Season 17.1.8 Use of Tobacco Products



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Compliance Calendar Monthly Activities  Submit recruiting logs to Compliance Office  Submit CARA to Compliance Office (weekly)  Submit Squad Changes to SAAD/SWA  Attend monthly compliance workshop  Head Coach ‐ Discuss compliance matters at all coach meetings August October Take recruiting exam (if not completed Review holiday room and board requests already) with the Compliance Office Schedule compliance presentation at Prepare for Fall NLI signing paperwork opening team meeting submission Submit team roster prior to first practice Men’s Basketball – Submit competition schedule/missed class time approval form Submit master playing and practice calendar November Submit projected evaluation dates (football) Prepare list of all NLI signees for compliance Submit coaching staff designation (early signing) Remind new student athletes to submit Reminder: Dead period surrounding NLI final transcripts to Eligibility Center signing Review and update squad lists Provide list of all mid‐year enrollees Submit Coaching Staff/Permissible Recruiters form December Non‐Coaching Staff – Complete verification Football midyear JC signing period begins, form prior to commencing any job prepare list of signees responsibilities Submit Outside Income form January Submit Sports Camp/Clinic Reporting forms Football midyear JC signing period ends Finalize squad list for Spring September Football – Submit summer conditioning (8 Sign NCAA certification of compliance form week) calendar for approval Complete walk‐on forms Football – Submit Spring Ball activities and Submit Coaching Staff Designation form and calendar for approval Playing/Practice Season Length form – Due Sept. 1 February Submit Outside Income Report–Due Sept. 1 NLI signing period begins for football, Submit projected evaluation dates (FB, soccer, track/cross country. MBB, WBB) Submit camp brochures for approval Men’s Basketball – Sign NCAA Disclosure Submit Sports Camp Agreement form – Due Sept. 15 Reminder: Dead period surrounding NLI signing



March Summer school financial aid application period Degree Completion financial aid application period Remind student‐athletes about summer school requests Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance for Continuing student‐athletes – Due April 1 Basketball – Provide OCE forms to senior prospects at conclusion of high school basketball season. April Basketball regular NLI signing period begins Reminder: Dead period surrounding NLI signing NLI signing period begins for tennis, golf, softball, volleyball. Submit summer camp/clinic preparation forms Basketball & Football – Prepare for summer access activities Remind student‐athletes to complete exit interviews May Submit financial aid renewals and non‐ renewals for upcoming year Basketball NLI regular period ends Distribute summer employment forms Prepare for Coach recruiting exam Submit May evaluation dates and permissible recruiters (football) Share Compliance End of Year Summer Reminder Tip Sheet with all of your student‐ athletes Basketball – Student‐athletes submit summer league approval form

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June Take recruiting exam Provide list of student‐athletes working summer camps Provide list of incoming student‐athletes attending summer school and/or residing in the area Basketball – Student‐athletes submit summer league approval form July Take recruiting exam (if not completed already) Declare playing and practice season Anticipate new legislation effective Aug. 1 Submit Season Declaration form (fall sports) Review recruiting calendar for upcoming year



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UM Athletic Compliance Office Policies and Procedures



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Policies and Procedures for Processing NCAA Rules Violations Approved by President Engstrom, January 2011 General Guidelines 1. The University of Montana (UM) becomes aware of its possible involvement in a violation of an NCAA rule. 2. If the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance (SAAD), Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR), and Athletic Director (AD) agree that the possible violation is of a secondary nature, they implement the Policy/Procedure for Secondary Violations. 3. If the SAAD, FAR, or AD believes that the possible violation is major in nature, a special committee (Committee) comprised of the SAAD, FAR, AD, and a fifth member appointed by the UM President shall meet to evaluate and corroborate the available evidence and determine if a major violation has occurred. The UM President also appoints a legal advisor to the Committee who attends all Committee meetings. 4. If the Committee concludes that a major violation has not occurred, that decision is documented and filed. If the Committee concludes that a secondary violation has occurred, UM implements the Policy/Procedure for Secondary Violations. The Committee notifies the UM President of its conclusion. 5. If the Committee concludes that a major violation has occurred or has likely occurred, UM implements the Policy/Procedure for Major Violations. Policy/Procedure for Secondary Violations 1. The SAAD informs the UM President and FAR by email of the possible secondary violation and conducts the investigation. If the SAAD has a conflict of interest, the FAR shall assist with or conduct the investigation. The SAAD determines classification of the secondary violation as either a Level I or Level II violation. The SAAD or FAR informs the AD of the investigation’s progress. 2. If the SAAD or FAR discovers a potential major violation during the investigation, the investigator shall inform the Committee. 3. If the SAAD conducts the investigation, the SAAD presents to the FAR the facts found and the recommended corrective action and sanction, pursuant to the sanction guidelines of the NCAA. 4. The FAR prepares and sends the report of the secondary violation to the NCAA or Big Sky Conference (BSC) depending on the classification of the violation, with copies to the UM President, AD, SAAD and BSC (if reported to the NCAA). If the violation affects the eligibility of a student‐athlete or prospect, the FAR requests restoration of his/her eligibility.



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5. The SAAD implements any corrective action and sanction in consultation with the FAR and AD. Policy/Procedure for Major Violations 1. The Committee shall notify the UM President of its conclusion that a major violation has or has likely occurred. The Committee recommends to the UM President a Committee member to serve as the Lead Investigator (LI) and makes other appropriate recommendations to the UM President. The UM President appoints the LI. 2. The Committee informs the NCAA and BSC of the investigation and determines how it will keep the media informed. 3. The Committee and its legal advisor, with the assistance of appropriate outside experts, trains the LI in proper investigative procedures, including the due process implications of investigating UM students and personnel. UM shall respect all rights of due process provided by UM policy, Montana law, and federal law. 4. The LI conducts the investigation under the supervision of the Committee. The LI regularly reports findings and conclusions to the Committee and the UM President, including any recommendation for outside support and outside legal counsel. With the advice of the Committee, the UM President decides on the use of outside support and outside legal counsel. 5. The LI advises students, coaches, and UM staff who are being investigated of preliminary findings and conclusions and the desirability of their retaining private legal counsel. 6. The Committee evaluates evidence and makes recommended findings and conclusions, including possible corrective actions and institutional sanctions, to the UM President. Based on these recommendations, the UM President decides on the corrective actions and institutional sanctions that will be presented to the NCAA. 7. The Committee appoints one of its members to draft the report to the NCAA. The UM President finalizes the report and sends it to the NCAA, with a copy to the BSC. If appropriate, the report requests restoration of a student‐athlete’s eligibility. 8. The UM President delegates and oversees implementation of NCAA‐imposed corrective actions and institutional sanctions. 9. The Committee evaluates the effectiveness of the Policy/Procedure for Major Violations.



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Rules Education 1. The responsibility for rules education is assigned to the SAAD and the Director of Compliance. 2. The Director of Compliance distributes the following materials on a regular basis:  Student‐athlete compliance newsletter: Monthly during academic year  Paws for Compliance newsletter: Monthly to athletic staff, Internal Audit Office, Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, University Athletic Committee members, and University President; forwarded to sport booster clubs (Roundball, Hoop Club, Quarterback Club), GSA Board members, and AAS mentors and tutors  Compliance Tip: Weekly to athletic staff, Internal Audit Office and University President; forwarded to sport booster clubs (Roundball, Hoop Club, Quarterback Club), GSA Board members, and AAS mentors and tutors 3. The SAAD and Director of Compliance are responsible for the following items:  Presentation to new student‐athlete class: Fall semester  Parents’ guide mailing: Once at beginning of fall semester and as needed when students are added to rosters  Monthly all‐coach compliance workshops  Compliance education provided at monthly head coach meetings  Compliance education provided at quarterly all‐Athletic staff meetings  NCAA compliance component to campus new employee orientation  Presentation of the previous year violations to Faculty Senate and Staff Senate: once per year  Bi‐annual meeting (with handout) with football for fall and spring recruiting  Compliance puzzles in basketball and football programs  Compliance information sheet included in season ticket mailing for football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball: Late summer/early fall  Letter to select local businesses: once at beginning of fall semester  Emails to coaches and staff: as needed  Presentations to booster and community groups: as requested  Workshops with high schools on initial eligibility requirements: as requested 4. Newly hired coaches will attend a rules orientation meeting conducted by the Director of Compliance. The meeting will focus on NCAA rules in the area of recruiting (Bylaw 13), ethical conduct (Bylaw 11), and benefits (Bylaw 16). 5. Newly hired athletic staff members will attend a rules orientation meeting conducted by the Director of Compliance. The meeting will focus in the area of ethical conduct (Bylaw 11), benefits (Bylaw 16), and any specific bylaws pertinent to that particular position. 6. Coaches Recruiting Certification exam  The certification period is August 1 through July 31.  The exam is administered by the Faculty Athletic Representative and the Director of Compliance.  The exam is taken online. The Conference Office is able to access scores via the coaches certification website. 12


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7. Faculty Each year during the fall semester, the AD, SAAD, and FAR are required to provide an in‐person report to the Faculty Senate. As part of that report, the SAAD and FAR share information regarding NCAA violations that occurred during the previous year. During this segment, the SAAD shares with faculty further background information on the violated rules in order to better educate them on NCAA rules and regulations. 8. Prospects on Campus During Initial Summer Coaches complete and submit the Prospects on Campus During Summer form to the Compliance Office. The Compliance Assistant mails to the prospects a copy of the back side of the form indicating permissible and impermissible activities and benefits. The mailing also includes a short questionnaire to verify the information submitted by the coach, which must be returned to the Compliance Office.

Exit Interview Administration NCAA Bylaw 6.3.2 stipulates that an institution shall conduct exit interviews in each sport with a sample of student‐athletes (as determined by the institution) whose eligibility has expired. 1. The exit interview survey is reviewed annually by the University Athletic Committee. 2. The exit interview survey shall contain questions related to the institution’s commitment to the following:  NCAA rules compliance and education  Academic success of student‐athletes  Opportunities for student‐athletes to integrate into campus life  Efforts to measure the extent of time demands  Efforts to measure effectiveness of mechanisms to monitor time demands  Efforts to measure effectiveness of SAAC  Informing student‐athletes about the NCAA Special Assistance and Opportunity Funds  Efforts to measure effectiveness of mechanisms to monitor student‐athlete well‐being  Physical, psychological and emotional health of student‐athletes  Safety of student‐athletes  Safe and inclusive environment for all student‐athletes  Diversity  Value of student‐athletes’ athletics experiences  Opportunity for student‐athletes to suggest proposed changes in athletics  Opportunity for student‐athletes to express concerns related to the administration of his/her sport 3. Exit interviews take place in April of each year. 4. The exit interviews are conducted with all student‐athletes, which includes students who have exhausted their eligibility. 5. The Senior Associate Athletic Director (SAAD) sets the date, time and location for each session. 6. During the session while the student‐athletes are completing the survey, the SAAD, the Faculty Athletic Representative and staff from Athletic Academic Services are present to answer any questions. 13


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7. The survey includes a tear off page where the student‐athlete can indicate that s/he would like to have an individual appointment with the applicable individual to further discuss any issues. 8. Completed surveys are entered into a database and a master report from each session is produced for review by the Athletic Director and SAAD. If applicable, the SAAD develops action plans to address significant issues or concerns discovered during the paper and/or in‐ person interviews. 9. The report and action plans from each session are reviewed by the University Athletic Committee for further input. 10. For those student‐athletes who do not complete the survey, the senior letter award (watch) is withheld until such time as they do complete it. Outside of the one session each year, student‐athletes can complete the survey individually with the SAAD. 11. A sampling of student‐athletes who have exhausted eligibility will be selected to meet with the SAAD or AD in person to discuss topics in the survey, or any other issues the student‐ athlete wishes to discuss.

Monitoring Student‐Athlete Social Media Use Purpose Monitoring of student‐athlete social media use will provide the Compliance Office with an additional tool for gathering information on potential rules violations and/or conduct code violations. Procedure All active student‐athletes will be assigned to one of six groups as illustrated below: Group A (50 Student‐Athletes) Group B (50 Student‐Athletes) Group C (49 Student‐Athletes) Group D (49 Student‐Athletes) Group E (49 Student‐Athletes) Group F (49 Student‐Athletes) Beginning with Group A and cycling to Group F, the Compliance Assistant will review one group of student‐athletes’ social media profiles at the beginning of each month. Only those profiles that are open to public viewing will be reviewed. Social media postings that are cause for concern are:  Disparaging remarks about the University of Montana, UM Athletics or UM employees  Potential extra benefits (i.e. a student‐athlete posting a picture of their brand new vehicle)  Complimentary admission allocations  Frequent disrespectful comments or comments considered discriminatory as per the UM Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, and Retaliation Policy  Frequent postings of drug or alcohol use The Compliance Assistant will email review results to the Director of Compliance on a monthly basis. The Director and SAAD will follow‐up and investigate as needed. If violations are discovered, the procedures for reporting of those violations will be followed. 14


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BYLAW 11 Live Monitoring Coaching Activities Purpose Non‐coaching personnel sign agreements as to the activities in which they may and may not participate in their role with the sport. Spot checking practice sessions will ensure that these rules are being followed. Policy The Compliance Assistant will conduct random in‐person checks of practices a minimum of four times per academic year per sport. Procedure 1. The Compliance Assistant will obtain the sport practice schedule either from the Adams Center Administration or from the head coach. 2. The Compliance Assistant will obtain the Declaration of Staff form from the SAAD’s office records and familiarize himself/herself with the personnel, their job titles, and permissible/impermissible activities for that title. 3. The Compliance Assistant will choose times to observe practices on varying days of the week and at different points in the academic year, to include checks during the traditional and non‐traditional seasons, if applicable for that sport. 4. The Compliance Assistant will submit a written report to the SAAD and the Director of Compliance summarizing observations. 5. The SAAD will follow up as necessary with any reported variance in activities. 6. If a violation is discovered, the SAAD will report the violation.



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BYLAW 12 Student‐Athlete Appearances The time demands of our student‐athletes are monumental when considering the combination of their academic, athletic and social lives. When student‐athletes are asked to make public appearances, UM evaluates each situation to insure that they are allowed to maintain a balanced schedule. That could mean that we are not able to accommodate every request. Included below are some basic permissible/non‐permissible activities involving student‐athletes. This is not intended to be an all‐inclusive list. All appearances must be approved in advance by the Compliance Office. Permissible Activities for Student‐Athletes  Charities: A non‐institutional charitable, educational or nonprofit agency may use a student‐athlete's appearance to support its charitable or educational activities, provided that certain conditions are met and the event is not located at and sponsored by a commercial business.  Schools: Generally, educational appearances are restricted to grades 8 and lower. Appearances at high schools can only occur under limited circumstances. Non‐Permissible Activities for Student‐Athletes  Commercial: A student‐athlete may never make an appearance on behalf of a commercial entity, or in a charitable activity at the location of a commercial establishment if the activity is cosponsored by a commercial business.  High School: With the exception of speaking at his/her former high school, appearances at high schools can only occur under limited circumstances. Procedure 1. Requests for student‐athlete appearances are coordinated through the Life Skills Coordinator within AAS. 2. The requestor is required to read the policies and procedures document and complete the Promotional Activity Request Form online. 3. The SAAD reviews the completed request form and verifies that all activities conform to NCAA rules, specifically Bylaw If approved, the SAAD forwards the request to the Compliance Assistant with approval and any restrictions noted. The Compliance Assistant emails the requestor the Student‐Athlete Appearance Approval form, which must be reviewed, signed and returned by the requestor to the SAAD. 4. Requested student‐athletes sign the request form and are educated on the do’s and don’ts regarding public appearances by the Life Skills Coordinator.



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BYLAW 13 Recruiting Recruiting Records Policy 1. Coaches record all face‐to‐face contacts and evaluations (dates, times, and persons present) on the Contact and Evaluation Log. 2. Coaches log all outgoing phone calls (and text messages in basketball) to prospects on the Telephone Log. (Exception: No phone call logging requirement for calls placed during an NCAA unregulated period.) 3. Coaches note with whom they spoke, left message, etc. 4. Recruiting logs (telephone and contact sheets) are due to the Compliance Office on the 1st of every month. 5. If a coaching staff member fails to turn in his/her recruiting records to the Compliance Office on the first day of each month, the coach shall be notified in writing by the Compliance Office that his/her recruiting records are delinquent. The coach will then have until the fifth day of the month to turn in his/her recruiting records to the Compliance Office. 6. If a coaching staff member fails to turn in his/her recruiting records to the Compliance Office by the fifth day of the month, the Compliance Office shall notify the Athletic Director of the coach’s failure to comply with this policy. The Athletic Director will ask the coach for an explanation for the failure to perform and reserves the right to consider disciplinary action for such failure. 7. If a coaching staff member fails on two occasions to turn in his/her recruiting records to the Compliance Office by the dates specified above, the Athletic Director may suspend the coach’s ability to conduct off‐campus recruiting activities (i.e., off‐campus contacts and evaluations) until such time as the coaching staff member turns in his/her recruiting records to the Compliance Office. The Athletic Director also may take additional punitive action at his/her discretion. 8. All punitive action taken against a coaching staff member for failure to comply with this policy shall be communicated in writing from the Athletic Director to the coaching staff member.

Ensuring Veracity of Recruiting Records Contact & Evaluation Records Purpose An expanded monitoring system including a spot check timeline will compare contact/evaluation summaries against UM Travel Reimbursement Expense Reports. Periodic spot‐checks will ensure that coaching staff recruiting records are thoroughly reviewed by confirming that the information on the two reports is consistent. 17


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Policy All coaching staff members are required to turn in contact/evaluation summaries to the Director of Compliance on the first day of each month. The Director will enter the prospect and contact/evaluation in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database in order to track on the number and time period of contacts and evaluations. Spot checking of contact and evaluation summaries submitted by coaches will occur according to a specified timeline. For illustration purposes, the table below outlines the timeline for the 2013‐2014 year. The timeline is changed year to year to ensure that coaches are not checked at the same time every year. SEMESTER Fall

MONTH September

SPORT Women’s Basketball, Track, Football Football Soccer, Women’s Volleyball, Softball Women’s Basketball, Track, Football, Men’s Basketball Football, Men’s Tennis, Women’s Basketball

October November










Golf, Soccer, Football



Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Track, Football

Men’s Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Football Women’s Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Football Soccer, Men’s Basketball, Softball, Football Soccer, Women’s Tennis Men’s Basketball, Football


COACHES 1 coach from each sport 5 coaches All coaches (SOC), 1 coach (WVB & SB) 1 coach from each sport 5 coaches (FB), 1 coach (WBB) Head coach (MTEN) 1 coach from each sport 1 coach from each sport 1 coach from each sport Head coach (WTEN), 1 coach from other sports Head coach (GOLF), 1 coach from other sports All coaches 1 coach (TRACK), 2 coaches (FB)


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Procedure 1. Upon receipt of contact/evaluation summaries, the Compliance Assistant enters the data into the NCAA Compliance Assistant database to ensure compliance with all applicable NCAA rules. This data entry verifies:  That the prospect is of appropriate age for the recruiting activity.  That the recruiting activity occurred during an evaluation and/or contact period, as appropriate.  That the institution has not exceeded the applicable limits on the number of permissible recruiting opportunities for any prospective student‐athlete.  That the institution has not exceeded the applicable limits on the number of evaluation days or recruiting person days in the sports that have a limited number of such days (i.e., football, basketball).  That the recruiting activity occurred only at an event that coaches in the specific sport are permitted to attend.  That contact with and evaluation of prospective student‐athletes is made by appropriate athletics department staff members. 2. If a discrepancy is discovered, the Compliance Assistant works to address this with the SAAD and the coach. 3. The contact/evaluation summary will then be compared for consistency with the Travel Reimbursement Expense Reports supplied by the Business Office for compliance with NCAA rules. 4. If a coach fails to record any off‐campus recruiting activities, the omission will be reported in writing to the SAAD. 5. The Compliance Assistant will report all other findings from the spot check in writing to the SAAD. 6. The SAAD will provide all omissions to the coach in writing, who will be required to revise the contact/evaluation summary. 7. If the omission results in a violation, the SAAD will report the violation. 8. Repeated omissions by the same coach could result in restricted recruiting activity for that coach and sport. Telephone & Text Records Purpose A spot checking system of randomly selected coaches will compare telephone summaries submitted by coaches against UM telephone records. Spot‐checks will ensure that coaching staff recruiting records are thoroughly reviewed by confirming that the information on the two reports is consistent. Randomly selected text message reports will also be reviewed and compared with available prospective student–athlete cell phone data in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database to ensure compliance with NCAA rules. Policy All coaching staff members are required to turn in telephone summaries to the Director of Compliance on the first day of each month. Spot checking both telephone records and text message reports will occur according to the following procedures.



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Procedure (telephone records) 1. Upon receipt of recruiting telephone summaries from coaching staff, the Compliance Assistant enters the data into the NCAA Compliance Assistant database to ensure compliance with all applicable NCAA rules. 2. If a discrepancy is discovered, the Compliance Assistant works to address this with the SAAD and the coach. 3. The Compliance Assistant will obtain telephone records for coaches’ department‐issued cell phones and office phones and compare those records with the information recorded on the coaches’ summaries. Coach’s telephone summary forms indicate the origin of the telephone call. 4. This spot checking process will occur one time annually for each coach in all sports. The total number of UM coaches is currently 32, when divided by 12 (months), will require that approximately 2‐3 coaches a month will be reviewed. 5. A random selection process will determine which 2‐3 coaches telephone records will be reviewed each month. Therefore the month and the sport will be completely random. 6. Upon coach selection, the spot check will compare the telephone summary to UM telephone records for all prospective student‐athletes called by that coach in that month. 7. The Business Office will electronically scan coaching staff cell phone records monthly and post to a shared server for access by the Compliance Assistant and the SAAD. 8. The Compliance Assistant will perform a cross‐checking search to determine if irregularities exist between the telephone summaries and the cell phone records. 9. If the Compliance Assistant finds any discrepancies between the telephone calls reflected in a coach's summaries and the calls reflected in the phone company records, the discrepancy will be reported to the SAAD in writing for appropriate action. 10. The SAAD will provide all omissions to the coach in writing, who will be required to revise the telephone summary. 11. If an omission results in a violation, the SAAD will report the violation. 12. Repeated omissions by the same coach could result in restricted recruiting activity for that coach and sport. 13. The SAAD may insert coach names for review during a particular check because of past violations or other compliance‐related issues. Procedure (text records) Note: Text records are difficult to obtain from Verizon on a consistent basis. Every attempt will be made to follow this policy; however frequency may change due to availability of records. 1. The Compliance Assistant will obtain text message reports from a random selection of coaches’ department‐issued cell phones from the Business Office 4 times a year. No coach records will be reviewed on more than one occasion a year. 2. The total number of UM coaches is currently 32, when divided by 4, will require that 8 coach text reports will be reviewed at a time. 3. The Compliance Assistant will compare the previous 3‐month coach text message records with prospective student‐athlete cell phone data previously gathered from telephone summaries submitted by coaches. This data will be generated from a report in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database 4. The Compliance Assistant will ensure compliance with NCAA rules and that if impermissible texting by a coach has occurred, it will be reported to the SAAD for investigation and secondary violation reporting if applicable. 5. The SAAD may insert coach names for review during a particular check because of past violations or other compliance‐related issues. 20


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Student‐Athlete Recruiting at the University of Montana The recruiting philosophy of the UM Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is to recruit student‐athletes of the highest possible academic competency, moral character and athletic ability to represent the University. The role of the coach is to assess the character traits and qualities of a recruit in relation to his/her “fit” with the team, campus community and greater Missoula community. This is achieved through multiple means including home visits; interviews with coaches, teachers, and school administrators; official/unofficial visits to the campus; evaluation in person and via film of the prospect’s athletic ability; evaluation of the prospect’s academic transcript and academic goals; and ongoing communication with the prospect and family about those goals. Recruitment is always conducted strictly according to NCAA Bylaws. Recruiting Core Values While the definition of a “good fit” can vary from team to team, several core values are critical and therefore common to all recruiting at The University of Montana. These Recruiting Core Values are set out below to guide the recruiting process of every sport within the UM Athletic Department. Core Value Objective Maintain existing checks and balances  Admit prospective student‐athletes to the between Admissions and Athletics. University based on their merits as a student, without regard to their athletic status Assign each participant in the recruiting  Achieve consistency in the recruiting process clearly defined responsibilities, for process across sports which they are held strictly accountable.  Insure commitment to the values of the program View prospects as young adults who require a  Treat prospect as a person, not simply a many‐faceted and, possibly, individualized commodity culture to succeed as a person, student and  Ease the prospect’s transition to the athlete. campus and community  Fulfill first priority of the program: Provide every opportunity for student‐athletes to develop physically, mentally, ethically and socially  Achieve student‐athlete loyalty to the program and its objectives Integrate academic values in the recruiting  Emphasize the campus setting in the process through the involvement of faculty. recruiting process  Expose prospects to academic values and expectations of the institution  Utilize faculty expertise regarding the academic preparedness of the prospect



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Core Value Objective Open the recruiting process for review by the  Enhance the transparency of the faculty, student and staff constituencies of the department regarding its recruiting campus. practices  Inform the campus of the exacting review involved in athletic recruiting  Ensure the integrity of the recruiting process Insure the recruiting process is sincerely and  Enrich in meaningful ways the effectively committed to cultural diversity. educational, social and athletic experiences of student‐athletes  Enrich the cultural diversity of the entire UM campus and Missoula community Acknowledge not only academic values and  Assure student athletes that the expectations but also athletic pressures and University wants them to grow realities academically, socially and athletically  Assure coaches that their personal and professional welfare is understood and acknowledged Evaluate every prospect for suitability to  Determine deliberately and carefully participate in UM Athletics in terms of his/her whether there is a “fit” for both the character, background, academic potential and institution and the prospect athletic potential and in terms of the defining  Minimize some of the risks involved in the characteristics of the UM campus and Missoula recruiting process for both the institution community. and the prospect  Highlight challenges early and develop plans to address those challenges Recruiting Advisory Board The Recruiting Advisory Board (RAB) will serve several ends: minimize the inherent risk involved in recruiting young student‐athletes; broaden the involvement of the campus academic community in the athletics recruiting process; and ensure that academic values play a prominent role in the recruiting process. The RAB will not have the role of approving or disapproving recruits. Instead, the RAB will consider all the information produced by the recruiting process and advise the Director of Athletics and the head coach about any concerns the board has about the recruit’s academic potential and character. The RAB may also suggest the implementation of behavior or academic plans to help a prospect’s transition to college academics and athletics. The RAB’s advisory role is based on the understanding that accountability for the actions of each student‐athlete lies first with the individual, and secondly with the coach. The board serves in an advisory capacity only, with the important secondary function of serving as an institutional check. The RAB’s role is not to recruit; that responsibility lies with the coaching staff.



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Procedure  The RAB will review marginal, at‐risk freshman and transfer prospects identified by the SAAD.  The RAB will use in its review all applicable information available on the prospect, which includes, but is not limited to: o Academic transcripts o Background check results o Personal background information such as family structure, home life, high school characteristics, extracurricular interests, work experience o Disciplinary record and issues o Mitigating circumstances for any problematic aspect in the prospect’s background o Evaluations of the prospect by the coach‐host, student‐host, faculty and others who have met with the prospect during an official visit, if any  The RAB may acquire additional background information by interviewing the head coach.

Official Visit An official campus visit by a prospective student athlete is initiated by a coach. The Official Prospect Visit Record form is used to document dates, transportation, accommodations, and student host. The Official Visit packet can be obtained from the Athletics Business Office. Policies  The prospect must be registered with the Eligibility Center in order to be provided a visit.  A maximum of three (3) complimentary admissions (which must include the prospect) may be provided for each home sporting event. Additional admissions must be purchased by the prospect in the same manner as the general public. It is not permissible to provide complimentary admissions for any post‐season events.  All individuals listed for complimentary admissions must present themselves at the pass gate, with photo ID, and sign for their own ticket.  It is permissible to indicate multiple student‐hosts.  The daily (24 hours) maximum host amount is $40 per day.  The host funds may only be used to provide entertainment for the prospect and listed host(s). Other team members and individuals with prospect (except parents) may not be provided entertainment with host funds.  Host funds must NEVER be given to the recruit for any reason.  Host funds must not be given to other student‐athletes to provide entertainment unless that student‐athlete is listed on the form as a host.  If utilizing multiple student‐hosts, only one may be provided a meal in a restaurant for each meal (only one for breakfast, only one for lunch, etc.).  If utilizing multiple student‐hosts, it is not permissible to provide each $40 per day. Please indicate which host will be receiving the host money by placing a $ next to that name.  The host must pick up the host funds PRIOR to the visit. If s/he comes in after the visit, the funds will not be provided. Coaches and staff members are not allowed to pick up host funds for the student‐athlete.  The host must return to the Athletics Business Office after the visit with receipts and any remaining host money. Hosts who do not return within 5 business days of the visit will have the amount of the host funds charged to their student account.  Student‐host names are to be included in the complimentary admission section in the designated space. 23


  

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Student‐hosts must be enrolled students. Visits are limited to 48 hours. If the prospect arrives prior to the 48 hours, and arrives too late to begin the visit that day, it is permissible to provide the prospect accommodations that night. In addition, a coach can provide a drive‐through meal on the way from the airport to the hotel. If this meal is provided, it can only be provided to the prospect‐no other individuals accompanying the prospect (different for basketball).  State funds cannot be used to provide meals to coach spouses during visits. If you wish to have coaches’ spouses take part in an official visit meal, the value of the meal will have to be taken from Foundation funds. This benefit only applies to spouses. It is not permissible for girlfriends/boyfriends/significant others, etc. to attend off‐campus meals during official visits. Procedure 1. Recruiting coach completes the form in its entirety, attaches a copy of the prospect’s high school transcript and test scores or college transcript, and a copy of their visit itinerary, and submits to the Compliance Office for approval. Form must be submitted 5 business days prior to the visit to allow for proper processing. 2. The SAAD submits the prospect to the online Institution’s Request List (IRL) with the Eligibility Center and verifies registration. 3. The SAAD reviews all information to ensure compliance with applicable NCAA rules. 4. The SAAD provides complimentary admissions information to the Ticket Office or online via the complimentary admission ticketing system. 5. The SAAD attaches the Student Host Record form. 6. The Athletic Business or Compliance Office records the upcoming campus visit on: o NCAA Compliance Assistant Software o Outlook recruiting calendar o The log for each sport in a designated notebook 7. Due to UM’s NCAA probationary period, the Compliance Office will send the prospect a letter detailing the violations/penalties of our infractions case. The address provided on the visit form will be used. 8. The Compliance Office will email the coach once the visit form has been fully processed. 9. Banner coding is verified on the form. 10. An advance is prepared for the host money and transportation reimbursement (if necessary). This is disbursed from Athletics special cash fund. A record of advances is kept in the recruiting notebook and business office special cash fund logs. 11. The coach‐host, student‐athlete host and prospect must sign the UM’s Institutional Recruiting Policy form at the beginning of the visit. Completed forms are submitted to the Compliance Office. Expenditures for the visit will not be approved and ProCard usage suspended if form not submitted. 12. The student host picks up and signs for the host funds from the Athletic Business Office prior to the campus visit date. The host reads the Student Host Record form regarding NCAA rules and initials next to each indicating acknowledgement. 13. After the visit, the student host must return receipts and any unused host funds and sign the back of the Student Host Record form to verify the activities participated in during the official campus visit and information of the vehicle used during the visit. 14. If the host has not returned within 5 business days after the visit, the Business Office will charge the student account for the amount of student host funds received. 15. Original copy of Official Prospect Visit Record form and the Student Host Record form is returned to Compliance Office. 24


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16. The cash replenishment form is completed and sent to Treasury with a yellow photocopy of recruit form for Banner validation.



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Official Visit Guide

Is this a Dead Period? For WBB is it during the July evaluation periods?






Has the prospect started their senior year of High School? Or for MBB, is it after Jan. 1 of their junior year? Or for WBB, is it after the Thursday following the NCAA women’s basketball Championship game in April of their junior year?

YES Do you have copies of all transcripts and test scores?





Has the prospect registered with the Eligibility Center and this has been verified with the Compliance Office?




Has the prospect completed the Amateurism Questionnaire and this been verified with the Compliance Office?

YES Complete and submit the Prospect Official Visit Record form with transcripts and test scores 5 days prior to the prospect’s official visit for pre-approval from the Compliance Office.

Keep detailed receipts and have the student host and prospect sign all appropriate forms.

Student host visits the Athletics Business Office to complete post-visit paperwork and provide receipts within 5 business days of visit.



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Unofficial Visit 

The only benefit that may be provided to a prospect on an unofficial visit is a maximum of three (3) complimentary admissions. See procedure below under Complimentary Admissions. Documentation of the visit is provided to the Compliance Office on the Prospect Unofficial Visit Record within one week after the visit.

Official/Unofficial Visit Complimentary Admission Procedures Official Visits  The visiting prospect and a maximum of two guests accompanying the prospect can be identified on the Official Visit Record to receive complimentary admission to a UM home athletic event.  Current student‐athletes serving as hosts for the visits may also be provided complimentary admissions using this same process.  For home athletic events in football, volleyball and basketball: The SAAD inputs names into the online complimentary admission ticket system. For home athletic events in soccer: The SAAD will provide a photocopy of the visit form to the Compliance Assistant to prepare a signature list.  The prospect and guest(s) will be required to show picture I.D. for admission and sign for the ticket.  NCAA rules prohibit complimentary admissions to any postseason competition (e.g., NCAA championship, conference tournament, playoffs). Unofficial Visits  Visiting prospects on unofficial visits may be provided a maximum of three (3) complimentary admissions per UM home athletic events.  The coach or sport administrative assistant will submit a completed Prospect Unofficial Visit ‐ Complimentary Admissions Request to the Compliance Office.  For home athletic events in football, volleyball and basketball: The SAAD inputs names into the online complimentary admission ticket system. For home athletic events in soccer: The SAAD will provide a photocopy of the form to the Compliance Assistant to prepare a signature list.  The prospect and guest(s) will be required to show picture I.D. for admission and sign for the ticket.  There are no NCAA limits on the number of unofficial visits a prospect can make to the institution. However, unofficial visits cannot take place during a recruiting dead period.  Entire sports teams can be provided complimentary admissions to home athletic events in their respective sport (except for football) in this same manner. However, in this scenario, 27


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each prospect on the team is limited to his/her own admission (not 3). Coaches accompanying the team can also be provided complimentary admission with the team. In volleyball and soccer, the sports teams email a team roster to an assistant coach who then provides it to the Ticket Office. In men and women’s basketball, a team roster is provided to the basketball administrative assistant. Further, in basketball only, each team is limited to one opportunity per year.  NCAA rules prohibit complimentary admissions to any postseason competition (e.g., NCAA championship, conference tournament, playoffs).

On‐Campus Evaluations – Men’s and Women’s Basketball Purpose NCAA rules allow coaches to conduct on‐campus evaluations with basketball prospects on campus for an official or unofficial visit. The process outlined below ensures compliance with the criteria for an evaluation and instructs the prospect on what is permissible during an evaluation. Finally, the process allows for review of the prospect’s medical background to protect the welfare of the prospect while participating in physical activities on the campus. Policy Basketball coaches may conduct on‐campus evaluations with prospects on a visit to campus. The coach provides a prospect the Permission to Participate in an On‐Campus Evaluation (OCE) form well in advance of a planned visit in order to allow adequate time for the prospect to obtain a physical and results from the required sickle cell trait blood test. The NCAA rules regarding an OCE are as follows:  The OCE shall involve only high‐school seniors and two‐year college prospects who have exhausted eligibility or four‐year transfer student‐athletes.  The OCE shall not be conducted prior to the conclusion of the prospect’s season and may be conducted no later than the opening day of the institution’s fall term.  The OCE shall be conducted during a prospect’s official or unofficial visit.  The OCE may be no longer than two hours in duration and may involve the institution’s enrolled student‐athletes. The OCE must be included in the institution’s 20‐hours of countable athletically‐related activities if it occurs during the institution’s playing season; or during the institution’s two hours of skill instruction (as part of the eight hours per week) if conducted outside the playing season.  Current prohibitions regarding activities for enrolled student‐athletes one week prior to final exams would remain applicable.  An institution may provide only one OCE per prospect.  The rules governing OCEs apply separately to the time period in which a prospect completes high school eligibility and to the time period after the prospect enrolls in a collegiate institution.



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Procedure 1. Coach mails or emails the OCE form to the prospect. 2. The prospect completes the form, signs and if under 18 years old, includes a parent’s/legal guardian’s signature. 3. The prospect returns the form to the coach, along with documentation of a physical conducted by a medical professional within the last six months, and the results from a sickle cell trait blood test. 4. The coach provides the documents to the Compliance Office. 5. The Compliance Office will review and sign the form indicating approval if no issues exist. Approval or non‐approval will be emailed to the coaching staff.



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UM Donation/Fundraising Request Flowchart

A request for a donation or fundraiser is received

Request from local charity for fundraiser or a fundraiser for an individual




Will the benefit be provided directly to prospective studentathletes?

Request from a High School


Request from Athletics Youth Group for Fundraising

Request from a group including both Prospects and Non-Prospects



Is the group composed of individuals who have not started classes for the 9th grade?

Is the assistance offered in conjunction with the organization's regular fundraising activities?





Request for donation in conjunction with an event involving prospects


Is the event a banquet or function that will directly or indirectly benefit prospective student-athletes?


Is UM recruiting any prospects in the recipient's immediate family?

Donation is permissible


Is the assistance earmarked for a particular prospective student-athlete?



Will the donation be made to a bona fide trust fund established for fundraising purposes?

Is the group requesting the donation for an athletic group?



Donation is permissible Donation is permissible



UM may not sponsor a table, provide memorabilia, or otherwise provide institutional support


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BYLAW 14 Initial Certification The following steps constitute the initial certification procedures for incoming freshman student‐athletes at The University of Montana (UM). 1. Prior to the beginning of each semester, the Senior Associate Athletic Director (SAAD) requests team rosters from coaches, with new incoming freshmen identified. 2. Throughout the recruiting process, coaches are encouraged to provide transcripts to the SAAD for an unofficial core course review. The SAAD apprises the coaches of potential eligibility issues of any incoming freshman student‐athlete. 3. The SAAD submits the new students to the NCAA Eligibility Center database, and the SAAD apprises coaches of initial eligibility issues. 4. The SAAD monitors initial eligibility statuses of new students via the web. Once a student is certified as a qualifier and amateurism status is finalized, the SAAD provides the information to the athletics certification specialist in the Registrar’s Office. 5. The athletics certification specialist in the Registrar’s Office completes the conference eligibility form. 6. Athletic aid is not posted to the student‐athlete’s account until s/he has been certified. 7. See also below Procedures for Completion of Big Sky Conference Eligibility Reports.

Transfer Student‐Athlete Certification The following steps constitute the initial certification procedures for transfer student‐athletes at The University of Montana (UM): 1. During the recruiting process, transfer transcripts should be provided to the SAAD for an unofficial evaluation to determine whether the student will meet UM, Conference and NCAA transfer academic requirements. The SAAD apprises the coaches of potential eligibility issues of any transfer student‐athlete. If warranted, the Recruiting Advisory Board will provide a recommendation (see explanation in Coaching section of departmental policy handbook). 2. For each transfer student‐athlete whose name appears on a team roster, the SAAD collects from the Admissions Office copies of original transfer school(s) transcripts, and from the Office of Athletic Academic Services (AAS) a transcript of credits and grades which includes all previous work transferred from another institution(s) posted to the UM transcript. The SAAD completes an Eligibility Checklist Administrative Form and provides to the Faculty Athletic Representative. 31


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3. Using the regulations of UM, the Big Sky Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Faculty Athletic Representative evaluates the transfer student’s complete academic record to determine eligibility for financial aid, practice, and competition. 4. Based upon the analysis and judgment of the Faculty Athletic Representative, the athletics certification specialist in the Registrar’s Office completes the conference eligibility form. 5. Athletic aid is not posted to the student‐athlete’s account until s/he has been certified. 6. See also below Procedures for Completion of Big Sky Conference Eligibility Reports.

Continuing Eligibility The following steps constitute the continuing eligibility certification procedures for student‐ athletes at The University of Montana (UM): 1. After the official posting of grades each regular academic term, the AAS staff sorts and reviews transcripts for all student‐athletes on the team roster who will be continuing with the team for the following term. 2. Using the regulations of UM, the Big Sky Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, an Academic Eligibility Committee (AEC) comprised of the Faculty Athletic Representative, all AAS staff, and Senior Associate Athletic Director/SWA use the up‐to‐date transcript to determine if the continuing student‐athlete has met minimum academic progress requirements. A Progress‐Toward‐Degree (PTD) worksheet is completed for each continuing student‐athlete. 3. Based on the guidance and judgment of the Faculty Athletic Representative and AAS staff, the athletics certification specialist completes the conference eligibility form. 4. The AAS office provides the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office a list of continuing students‐athletes who have been certified as ineligible. The liaison places a hold on those student‐athletes’ financial aid accounts which prevents aid disbursement. As student‐ athletes regain eligibility, the AAS office emails the liaison to remove the hold. 5. For those students certified as ineligible, the sport advisor will complete the Corrective Action Agreement to document the requirements that must be met in order to regain eligibility. Copies of the executed form are provided to the Head Coach and student. 6. The Faculty Athletic Representative and AAS office receive twice weekly from the Information Technology Office an official report which indicates the credit hours and UM GPA being carried by each student‐athlete. 7. See also below Procedures for Completion of Big Sky Conference Eligibility Reports.

Amateurism Certification 1. For incoming freshmen and transfer student‐athletes, amateurism certification is conducted by the NCAA Eligibility Center. The SAAD monitors the status of amateurism certification via the NCAA Eligibility Center website. 32


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2. In the documentation provided to the Registrar’s Office or Faculty Athletic Representative (outlined in the Initial and Transfer Certification sections above), the final amateurism status is recorded. 3. In addition, all student‐athletes (new and continuing) complete amateurism questions each year on required NCAA and Big Sky Conference paperwork. The SAAD reviews those answers to identify potential amateurism issues. 4. Incoming non‐domestic students complete the NCAA General Amateurism and Eligibility Form for International and Select Student‐Athletes to document any activities in the “gap” time period between receiving final amateurism certification from the NCAA and the date they initially begin attending classes full‐time at UM. The SAAD reviews those answers to identify potential amateurism issues.

Walk‐on Process Purpose The walk‐on process and form is used to notify the Compliance Office of students who wish to participate on a UM intercollegiate athletics team. The process also provides several layers of evaluation and notification to ensure academic eligibility to participate in athletics. Policy Students wishing to participate in intercollegiate athletics must meet all NCAA academic eligibility rules. In addition, through a required medical physical provided through the Athletic Training Center, students will be evaluated for medical clearance to participate in athletics. Procedure 1. Interested student contacts coach to inquire as to availability of walk‐on spots for the team. 2. If coach approves the student joining the team, coach refers student to SAAD. 3. SAAD determines eligibility.  New students with no previous collegiate attendance will not be allowed to begin the walk‐on process if (1) they are not registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center, or (2) the Eligibility Center is missing documents (high school transcript, test scores), or (3) their pending status indicates possibility of being ruled a nonqualifer. 4. If the student is deemed academically eligible, student will complete required NCAA and Big Sky Conference paperwork. 5. SAAD provides the student the Participation Authorization and Preliminary Checklist form (also referred to as the Walk‐On Form). 6. Student obtains Head Coach signature. 7. If the student is a continuing UM student or a transfer student, s/he proceeds to Athletic Academic Services office (Lommasson Center 288) to obtain a transcript. 33


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8. Athletic Academic Services staff will maintain a copy of the Walk‐on Form and complete a progress‐towards‐degree (PTD) evaluation to send to the Compliance Office. 9. Student proceeds to the NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative for official eligibility determination and signature. 10. Student takes completed Walk‐on Form to the Rhinehart Athletic Training Center (RATC) to complete medical documents and schedule a physical. 11. After the physical is completed, Athletic Training staff will review the medical documents and determine medical clearance. If a student is medically cleared, RATC staff notifies the Compliance Office by returning the completed and signed Walk‐On Form to that office. 12. The Compliance Office notifies the coach(s) and Equipment Room staff that the student is cleared to begin participation. 13. The coach notifies the student and provides instruction from that point.

Procedure for Preparing Big Sky Conference Eligibility Reports 1. When semester grades have been finalized, AAS staff make copies of UM transcripts for both continuing and non‐returning student athletes, which are organized alphabetically by sport. 2. The Academic Eligibility Committee (AEC), comprised of the Faculty Athletic Representative, the Senior Associate Athletic Director, and AAS staff, meet as a group and apply UM, BSC, and NCAA regulations to the transcripts of continuing and non‐returning student athletes to determine eligibility and enter eligibility calculations and conclusions on summary data sheets. 3. AAS staff provides copies of data summary sheets of academically eligible continuing student‐athletes to the Athletic Certification Specialist for inclusion on draft BSC eligibility reports. Copies of all data summary sheets are provided to the SAAD for APR data entry purposes. 4. The transcript of each ineligible continuing athlete is retained by the AAS staff until the academic record of the ineligible athlete has changed and the AEC has met to determine the athlete’s eligibility. Summary data sheets of these student athletes who have become eligible are forwarded by to the Athletic Certification Specialist for inclusion on the draft eligibility reports. 5. The SAAD forwards to the Athletic Certification Specialist NCAA reports declaring the eligibility of initially enrolled athletes for inclusion of their names and information on the draft BSC eligibility reports. 6. The SAAD forwards Eligibility Checklist Administrative Forms and transcripts of two‐year and four‐year transfers to the AAS Office for determination of eligibility. Summary data sheets of eligible transfers are attached to the form and transcripts and forwarded to the FAR for final certification. The FAR forwards all documents to the Athletic Certification Specialist for inclusion on the draft BSC eligibility reports. 34


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7. The SAAD forwards transcripts and other pertinent academic information (walk‐on form) for all recruited and non‐recruited athletes who have been medically‐cleared to AAS staff for determination of eligibility who then sends it on to the FAR for final certification. Summary data sheets of eligible walk‐ons are forwarded to the Athletic Certification Specialist for inclusion on the draft BSC eligibility reports. The FAR sends the original completed walk‐on form to the SAAD. 8. AAS staff review draft Big Sky eligibility reports for accuracy and completeness (e.g., names of athletes and eligibility entries). After the Athletic Certification Specialist makes necessary changes, the SAAD reviews the revised draft Big Sky eligibility reports for accuracy and completeness, including names, eligibility entries, years of competition used, and first‐ competition dates. 9. The final Big Sky eligibility report is circulated for signatures to the Registrar, the FAR and the SAAD. 10. The SAAD scans the final, signed eligibility report and emails to the Registrar and FAR to keep on file. The SAAD maintains the original on file. 11. Based on subsequent information received and processed as detailed above regarding continuing students regaining eligibility and additional initial enrollees, transfers, and walk‐ ons, addenda to the BSC eligibility reports are prepared. 12. Summary data sheets, final eligibility reports, and transcripts used for determining eligibility will be stored for no fewer than six years. Copies of summary data sheets and final eligibility reports will be stored in the Registrar’s office, and original copies of the summary data sheets and transcripts will be stored in the AAS office.



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UM Eligibility Certificates – Fall

UM Eligibility Certificates – Spring



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Academic Progress Rate (APR)/Graduation Success Rate (GSR) Data Entry GSR 1. GSR data entry is coordinated and completed by UM’s Office of Planning, Budgeting and Analysis (OPBA). 2. The SAAD provides OPBA with copies of the sports squad lists. 3. The OPBA calculates the federal graduation rates for the campus and student‐athletes, broken down into various categories as required. 4. The OPBA provides the SAAD lists of freshman student‐athletes in the cohort, transfers who started at any institution in that year’s cohort, and midyear enrollees. For those student‐ athletes on those lists who did not graduate, the SAAD indicates their eligibility status at the point they left school, using the completed Progress‐Toward‐Degree Evaluation forms. 5. The OPBA is responsible for submitting the report and verifying its accuracy when required. APR 1. APR data entry is completed via a collaborative process involving the AAS staff and the SAAD. The SAAD coordinates the process. 2. Each semester (including summer), the lead Athletic Academic Advisor provides the SAAD with copies of the transcripts of all student‐athletes, sorted by sport. 3. Each term of transcripts are photocopied to a different color (i.e., fall semester copied on yellow, spring on pink, etc.). 4. The term transcripts are grouped together for each student. Transcripts for student‐athletes not on athletic scholarship are shredded. 5. As grade changes and posting of degrees occur, the Coordinator provides the SAAD with updated copies of transcripts. 6. Over the course of the summer and after the continuing student certification process is complete, the Coordinator of Athletic Academic Services and the Athletic Academic Advisor enter data into the APR portal for each of their respective sports. Each develops a list of issues that require further investigation or pending items (i.e., posting of degree, documentation of major change). 7. Data entry is completed by using the transcripts and the Progress‐Toward‐Degree Evaluation sheets. 8. If transfer verification is needed, each person provides a list to the SAAD to submit the APR Transfer Verification form to the applicable institution. 9. After all pending issues have been resolved, the SAAD checks the data entry of each student‐athlete, using transcripts, Progress‐Toward‐Degree worksheets, and other supporting documentation collected during the process. The SAAD makes changes as needed. 37


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10. The SAAD enters the financial aid data, the head coaches data, and the data for nonretained, ineligible student‐athletes. 11. The Athletic Academic Advisors conduct one final check of the data for their assigned sports, using preliminary individual sports detail reports. They make changes as needed. 12. The SAAD runs the system validation process one last time and prints each section of warnings. The SAAD documents the circumstances to explain each warning. 13. The SAAD submits the data by the 6th week of the fall semester. 14. During the data correction/adjustment/penalty waiver phase, the SAAD coordinates information and data entry as needed. 15. If a team is subject to penalty, the SAAD develops a plan for improvement with the coach and appropriate advisor. The Athletic Director approves the plan. The SAAD monitors the plan’s progress.



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BYLAW 15 Financial Aid Awarding of Athletic Aid to Prospects 1. During the various National Letter of Intent (NLI) signing periods, the SAAD provides coaches with copies of the Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance for freshmen and transfers. 2. Coaches return completed checklists to the SAAD indicating their approval to offer an NLI and/or scholarship to the prospective student‐athletes. 3. The SAAD completes the bottom half of the checklist, ensuring the prospect is registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center and has completed the Eligibility Center amateurism questionnaire. 4. If a preliminary core course or transfer evaluation is not on file, the SAAD completes one and provides a copy to the respective coach. 5. The SAAD prepares the NLI, the Athletic Aid Agreement (AAA) and award letter. 6. The AAA forms are signed by the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office. The NLI and AAA are signed by the SAAD. 7. The scholarship documents are sent to the prospect with a postage‐paid return envelope to facilitate the return of the original signed NLI and AAA. 8. Returned NLIs and AAAs are reviewed by the SAAD to ensure that the documents were signed within a signing period, all documents are dated, and if the prospect is under 21 years old, that a parent or legal guardian has properly signed both documents. 9. The SAAD informs the sport coaches and sports information department that the signing documents have been received and are valid. At this point, media releases may be prepared and distributed. 10. Copies of the NLIs and AAAs are provided to the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office and to the Conference Office within 21 days. Awarding of Athletic Aid to Continuing Students 1. In March of each year, the SAAD provides coaches with Preliminary Checklists for Tender of Financial Assistance for student‐athletes who received athletic aid during the current academic year and have remaining athletic eligibility. The SAAD also provides the coach with a current squad list indicating the aid amounts (FGE) for each student. 2. The Head Coach makes the decision on renewal/non‐renewal/reduction of aid. 39


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3. Renewal  Coach completes the upper half of the checklist indicating an aid award at the same level or higher than the current award and returns all completed checklists to the SAAD.  The SAAD completes the bottom half of the checklists.  The SAAD prepares the Athletic Aid Agreement (AAA).  The AAA forms are signed by the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office and the SAAD.  The AAA forms are provided to the head coach. The head coach meets with each student to obtain his/her signature on the AAA. All signed AAA forms are returned to the SAAD. 4. Reduction or Non‐Renewal  Coach completes the Reduction of Financial Aid or the Non‐Renewal of Financial Aid form, whichever is applicable. In the case of a reduction, the checklist is also completed indicating the reduced award. All completed forms are returned to the SAAD.  The SAAD reviews the reason for reduction or non‐renewal. If s/he agrees with the coach’s rationale, the SAAD signs the reduction or non‐renewal form and forwards to the Director of Financial Aid (or designee), who will notify the student‐athlete.  It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to meet with each student‐athlete who is being reduced or not renewed to inform him/her of the decision and to provide an explanation. While the official written notice is sent from the Director of Financial Aid (or designee), it is common courtesy for the student‐athlete to be first notified by the coach.  The Director of Financial Aid (or designee) sends the official Notice of Non‐Renewal/Reduction, along with a copy of UM’s established policies for financial aid hearings, to the student‐athlete. If the student‐athlete wishes to discuss the issue on an informal basis, s/he may contact the Director of Financial Aid (or designee) for an informal meeting. There is no official outcome to this meeting.  If the student‐athlete wishes to appeal the decision of non‐renewal or reduction, s/he may, within 10 days of receipt of the notice, request an in‐person hearing before the Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee. The request for a hearing must be made in writing to the Director of Financial Aid (or designee) using the Application for Final Appeal‐Athletic Scholarship (available from the Director of Financial Aid). Other forms of notice and incomplete applications will not be accepted. The Director of Financial Aid (or designee) will forward all documentation to the chair of the Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee.  The Director of Financial Aid (or designee)‐consulting with the student‐athlete, Athletic Department, and the Committee‐will schedule the hearing as soon as possible. During the hearing, the student‐athlete may present witnesses and/or other evidence to support his/her case. In addition, the head coach and/or Athletic Director (or designee) will present their information to the Committee.  The student‐athlete may have a person of his/her choosing attend the hearing. However, if that person is a lawyer or one who has legal training, this must be indicated on the appeal form. If it is not indicated, and a lawyer appears for the hearing, the hearing will be canceled and rescheduled to allow the University to have legal representation present.  If the student‐athlete fails to appear for the hearing, s/he will forfeit his/her hearing opportunity per NCAA bylaw, and a decision will be rendered without the student‐ athlete stating his/her case.  Subsequent to the hearing, the student‐athlete and Athletic Department will be notified 40


  

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by the Director of Financial Aid (or designee) of the Committee’s decision in writing. The decision of the Committee is final and binding. In the case of reduced awards, or non‐renewals overturned by the Committee, the SAAD will prepare the AAA. The AAA forms are signed by the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office and the SAAD. The AAA forms are provided to the head coach. The head coach meets with each student to obtain his/her signature on the AAA. All signed AAA forms are returned to the SAAD.

Scholarship Award Sheets 1. After fee amounts have been approved for the following academic year by the Board of Regents, the SAAD completes a scholarship spreadsheet for each sport indicating the exact elements of each student‐athlete’s athletic scholarship. The SAAD also calculates the various FGE amounts. 2. Using the scholarship spreadsheets, the Compliance Assistant completes an award sheet for each student‐athlete. 3. The SAAD reviews and signs the award sheets. 4. Award sheets are given to the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office for posting to student accounts. 5. The SAAD or Compliance Assistant creates a new academic year, enters new scholarship values, FGE amounts, and cost of attendance figures (obtained from the Financial Aid Office) into the NCAA Compliance Assistant database. 6. The Compliance Assistant enters each student‐athlete’s scholarship award into the NCAA Compliance Assistant database. 7. After data entry is complete, the SAAD reviews each team’s scholarship count and provides that report to the coach. 8. As changes occur during the course of the semester (i.e., change in standing, course fees added), the Compliance Assistant completes revisions to the award sheets and provides a revision date on the award sheet. Revisions are provided to the Financial Aid Office for entry. The Compliance Assistant records revisions in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database. Other Financial Aid Received by Student‐Athlete 1. Periodically throughout the term, the SAAD submits a request to the IT Office to run the report that lists all student‐athletes and all financial aid received. The report is emailed to the SAAD. 2. The Compliance Assistant and SAAD review the report and identify any aid that needs to be further investigated. Upon review of aid in question, it will be determined whether it is permissible within the NCAA rules and whether it is considered countable against the team limits. During this review, the SAAD will notify the Financial Aid athletic liaison to hold the aid. 41


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3. If the aid is not permissible, or cannot be accounted for in the team limit, the SAAD works with the Financial Aid athletic liaison to either cancel the aid, or reduce athletic aid to account for the outside aid. 4. The Compliance Assistant enters all aid received by a student‐athlete in the NCAA Compliance Assistant program. 5. The process for monitoring the Leadership, Achievement, Service (LAS) and Cal Murphy scholarships, differs slightly as these scholarships are administered by the Office of Enrollment Services. After the November signing date, SAAD provides the scholarship coordinator in Enrollment Services with names of known scholarship student‐athletes, both those who have signed and those anticipated to sign later. The coordinator informs the SAAD of the scholarships those students have been awarded. The SAAD determines whether the academic credentials of the prospect meet the academic honor awards legislation in order to exempt the scholarship from the equivalency computation. If the award cannot be exempted, Enrollment Services will not award the scholarship to the student. The SAAD will periodically update the coordinator as new students sign and become known. In the event that the LAS or Cal Murphy is awarded before the student is checked, the SAAD will contact the student and give him/her the option to decline the LAS/Cal Murphy, or reduce athletic scholarship. 6. Cost of Attendance monitoring: The Financial Aid athletic liaison is responsible for monitoring cost of attendance for all student‐athletes. A report runs once per week for all UM students. The report lists those students who appear to be over the need‐based aid limit and those that appear to be over the cost of attendance. The list of those students who show any type of athletic aid is forwarded to the Financial Aid athletic liaison. If it is discovered that cost of attendance is exceeded, the liaison reduces non‐athletic aid (i.e., student loans). Squad Lists 1. Big Sky Conference Code requires that a squad list form that contains financial aid fractions for head count and equivalency sports shall be compiled and signed by the appropriate institutional officials prior to the first day of competition for each team. Squad lists shall be completed twice a year: once within three weeks of the first scheduled competition and once at the end of the academic year or completion of the season, whichever is later. The lists are kept on file electronically by the SAAD. 2. After all student‐athlete information and financial aid (athletic and other aid) have been entered in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database, the SAAD generates a squad list for each sport. 3. The SAAD, Head Coach and Athletic Director sign the squad list. 4. The squad lists are scanned and electronically stored. Summer School/Degree Completion 1. Student‐athletes wishing to receive scholarship funds for summer school or degree completion complete the appropriate application, available from the SAAD. 42


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2. The SAAD verifies the student’s eligibility to receive funds. 3. Associate Athletic Director for Development verifies the funding request follows account guidelines if named scholarship funds are being used. 4. Upon approval of the request, the Compliance Assistant prepares an award sheet and provides to the athletic liaison in the Financial Aid Office. 5. For UM Foundation accounts as funding source, the UM Business Office will secure funds using one of the procedures below:  Process a Check Request payable to The University of Montana, Attn: Financial Aid (request a check for pickup). Send check with copy of student aid agreement to Financial Aid Office, OR  Send financial aid award summary to Financial Aid Office with direct Index Number for the fund and/or Banner detail code.

Student‐Athlete Employment Earnings from a student‐athlete’s on or off‐campus employment that occurs at any time is exempt and is not counted in determining a student‐athlete’s or in the institution’s financial aid limitations, provided: a. The student‐athlete’s compensation does not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student‐athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that he or she has obtained because of athletics ability; b. The student‐athlete is compensated only for work actually performed; and c. The student‐athlete is compensated at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services. Policy 1. The Compliance Office coordinates all aspects of the employment program. 2. All employment of student‐athletes at any time must be documented with the Compliance Office. 3. No student‐athlete will start employment until the appropriate documentation is on file and the employment is approved by the Compliance Office. 4. Student‐athletes will be paid at the same rate paid to other employees performing similar work in the same locale. 5. Student‐athletes wanting to work on a commission basis must disclose this to the Compliance Office and receive prior consent. 6. The employer must agree to maintain accurate time sheets and payroll records and agree to supervise and monitor the job performance of the student‐athlete. 7. Student‐athletes are required to inform the Compliance Office immediately of the offer or receipt of any benefits not regularly available to all employees. 43


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Procedure 1. The student‐athlete informs the Compliance Office of his or her employment status. 2. The student‐athlete completes a Student‐Athlete/Employer Employment Agreement form, available from the Compliance Office. 3. The Compliance Office sends a copy of the form, along with an explanation letter, to the employer asking them to review the conditions of the agreement, sign indicating agreement with those conditions, and return the form to the Compliance Office.



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BYLAW 16 Annual Awards Athletics awards given to individual student‐athletes shall be limited to those approved or administered by the member institution, its conference or an approved agency and shall be limited in value and number. Awards received for intercollegiate athletics participation may not be sold, exchanged or assigned for another item of value, even if the student‐athlete’s name or picture does not appear on the award. A chart of permissible awards and limits is included in the NCAA Bylaw manual. Policy 1. Head Coaches are responsible for disclosing to the Compliance Office in writing a summary of all awards during the academic year at the conclusion of their season. 2. Student‐athletes may not receive any type of award that is not approved or administered by the NCAA, Big Sky Conference, UM or an approved agency. Procedure 1. At the conclusion of a team’s season, the head coach completes the Monetary Awards Summary Form. This form needs to include all student‐athletes that received any type of award during the season. 2. The form is submitted to the Compliance Office for review. 3. In addition, receipts that have been submitted to the Athletic Business Office that indicate any type of benefit to a student‐athlete are routed through the Compliance Office for approval.

Occasional Meals Purpose NCAA rules allow limited benefits provided to a student‐athlete by a booster. Student‐athletes may receive an occasional meal from a booster on infrequent and special occasions. The meal must be provided in the booster’s home. This procedure provides for pre‐approval of meals, tracking on the frequency, and ensuring no other benefits were provided during the meal. Policy UM defines occasional as a maximum of four meals per semester. This is a collective total‐not a per booster limit. Pre‐approval is required for all occasional meals provided by a booster. Procedure 1. The booster wishing to provide a meal obtains the Occasional Meals Request Form from the Compliance Office, completes all required information and submits back to the Compliance Office. 45


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2. The Compliance Office reviews the information, checks prior occasional meals provided to the student‐athlete(s) and indicates approval on the bottom of the form. 3. If there are any issues, the Compliance Office will contact the booster and/or student‐ athlete to resolve those, if possible. 4. It is also the responsibility of student‐athletes to ensure that the booster knows about the required form when they accept an invitation to a meal.



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BYLAW 17 Playing and Practice Seasons 1. At the beginning of each academic year, the head coach of each sport completes Length of Playing and Practice Season and Minimum/Maximum Number of Contests/Dates of Competition forms and submits to the Compliance Office. 2. The Compliance Office ensures that the dates and numbers comply with all applicable NCAA rules regarding length of playing season and number of contests. If a discrepancy is discovered, the SAAD works with the coach to revise the dates. 3. Every Friday, the Compliance Assistant sends an email to each sport to document countable athletically‐related activities (CARA) for that week. Logs are due back to the Compliance Assistant no later than the following Monday. 4. The Compliance Assistant emails a copy of that week’s CARA to a student‐athlete for each sport and asks him/her to verify the information with an email response back. On a periodic basis, the Compliance Assistant asks an additional student‐athlete to verify the CARA information. 5. After the course add/drop deadline each semester, the Compliance Assistant, with the help of Athletic Academic Services, compares CARA logs to student‐athlete course schedules to test the veracity of countable activity information submitted by coaches. 6. At the conclusion of the sports playing season, the Head Coach submits the Declaration of Countable Competitions form to the Compliance Office. 7. The SAAD reviews the form to ensure that the NCAA rules regarding countable competitions were properly applied (minimum number of participants, level of opponent). 8. For each student‐athlete on the sports roster, the Compliance Assistant enters in the NCAA Compliance Assistant database whether the student used a season of competition.

Live Monitoring Countable Athletically‐Related Activities (CARA) Purpose NCAA Bylaws regulate the amount of time that student‐athletes can be involved in CARA, both on a daily and weekly basis. Coaches report weekly CARA activity, which is verified by a student‐ athlete. Spot checking practice sessions will provide yet another level of monitoring to ensure that the reported CARA is accurate. Policy The Compliance Assistant will conduct random in‐person checks of practices a minimum of four times per academic year per sport. 47


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Procedure 1. The Compliance Assistant will obtain the sport practice schedule either from the Adams Center Administration or from the head coach. 2. The Compliance Assistant will choose times to observe practices on varying days of the week and at different points in the academic year, to include checks during the traditional and non‐traditional seasons, if applicable for that sport. 3. The Compliance Assistant will note the start and end time of practice for that spot check. 4. The Compliance Assistant will obtain the CARA report for that particular week from the SAAD’s office files and compare the written record to his/her observations. 5. The Compliance Assistant will submit a written report to the SAAD and the Director of Compliance summarizing observations. 6. The SAAD will follow up as necessary with any reported variance in activities. 7. If a violation is discovered, the SAAD will report the violation.



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INDEX UM, Big Sky Conference & NCAA Compliance Forms



Personnel: Compliance Form Declaration of Coaching Staff and Permissible Recruiters Outside Income Report

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Due Date

To identify all coaching staff members in your sport and which coaching staff members are permitted to engage in off‐ campus recruiting activities To document all sources and amount of outside athletically‐ related income that a staff member earned during the previous year

List all coaching staff members in your sport and indicate if they are permissible off‐campus recruiters Indicate the types and amounts of athletically‐related income you earned during the previous year Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office for approval

September 1st of each academic year

September 1st of each academic year

Annually prior to any activity in the sport by this person

Non‐coaching Staff/Sport Specific Approval

To track personnel used in each sport

Undergraduate Student Coach Approval

To track personnel used in each sport

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office for approval

Annually prior to any activity in the sport by this person

Volunteer Coach Approval

To track personnel used in each sport

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office for approval

Annually prior to any activity in the sport by this person

Manager Approval

To track personnel used in each sport

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office for approval

Annually prior to any activity in the sport by this person

Local Sports Club Approval Form – Sports other than Basketball

To document any local club involvement by UM coaches and ensure compliance with NCAA club rules

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office for approval

Prior to participation in any duties with a local club team

Men’s Basketball Coaching Staff Disclosure

To certify compliance with men’s basketball specific rules regarding activities/relationships with individuals associated with prospects

Review, sign and submit to the Compliance Office

Sept. 15 of each academic year



Recruiting: Compliance Form Telephone Log

Contact & Evaluation Log

Prospect Official Visit Record

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Due Date

To document telephone calls made by coaches to prospective student‐athletes to ensure compliance with NCAA contact rules To document all contacts and evaluations of prospective student‐athletes

Record phone calls made to prospective student‐athletes

1st of each month

Record contacts and evaluations of all prospective student‐ athletes Complete and submit this form to the Compliance Office for each prospect making an official visit

1st of each month

 To identify each prospect who will make an official recruiting visit to UM;  To document that required transcripts and test scores have been received prior to the prospect’s visit;  To document the type of travel and lodging accommodations that have been arranged for the prospect and his/her parent(s) as permitted under NCAA rules;  To request a maximum of three complimentary admissions to any home, regular season athletic event;  To identify the prospect’s student host and the amount of host money that has been provided to the host;  To document the type of entertainment provided to the prospect by the host and for which the host money was used, as well as the type of local transportation provided to the prospect by the host.


Five (5) days prior to the prospect’s official visit to campus


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Compliance Form



Due Date

Recruiting Policy

 To insure that a prospect’s visit complies with NCAA and UM regulations, including the Student Conduct Code.  To recruit prospects committed to academic and athletic success.  To apprise prospect, parents, UM personnel, and UM student‐athletes with UM’s expectations for recruiting visits.  To provide sanctions on hosts and prospects for noncompliance with this policy To guide coaches through the unofficial visit procedure

The coach‐host, student‐host and prospect must review the policy at the beginning of the official visit and sign the form indicating acceptance of all terms

Within one week after the prospect’s official visit to campus

Review prior to a prospect’s unofficial visit

Informational purposes

To document the prospect’s complimentary admissions to home athletic events during the unofficial visit To identify each prospect who makes an unofficial visit to UM and to document the activities that occurred during the visit

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office

To document whether a recruiting service adheres to NCAA requirements and to obtain approval to subscribe to said recruiting service To document that all requirements are met to conduct an OCE

Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office

Three 3 days prior to the home athletics event Within one week after the prospect’s unofficial visit to campus Prior to subscribing to a recruiting service

Unofficial Visit Guide

Prospect Unofficial Visit Complimentary Admissions Request Prospect Unofficial Visit Record

Recruiting Service Approval Form

Basketball On Campus Evaluation (OCE)


Complete and submit the form to the Compliance Office

Complete and submit to the Compliance Office

Three (3) days prior to visit


Eligibility: Compliance Form

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Core High School GPA To estimate a prospect’s standing with NCAA Initial Eligibility Calculation Requirements Worksheet

Transfer Prospect Evaluation Worksheet

To estimate a transfer prospect’s standing with NCAA Transfer Eligibility Requirements

Tryout Preauthorization Form

To document academic and medical eligibility of a current UM student prior to participation in a tryout with a coach

Tryout Approval Form To notify a coach that a current UM student has met the criteria to participate in a limited tryout

Participation Authorization & Preliminary Checklist (Walk‐On Form) Corrective Action Agreement

Confirmation of Missed Term

To notify the Compliance Office of students who wish to participate on a UM intercollegiate athletics team. The UM Walk‐On Procedure must be followed when completing the Participation Authorization & Preliminary Checklist. To document requirements an ineligible student must meet to regain eligibility

To document NCAA requirements are met in order for a student athlete to utilize the missed term exception



Due Date

Provide a high school transcript and test scores to the Compliance Office for a preliminary calculation Provide all college transcripts to the Compliance Office for a preliminary calculation Provide form to students interested in participating in a limited tryout

As needed

As needed

As needed

The Compliance Office As needed will provide completed form to the coach Complete this form for each student who wishes to participate on a UM intercollegiate athletics team

As needed

As needed Sport advisor completes form, obtains signatures, and provides copies to student, Head Coach and SAAD Student‐athlete As needed completes form with Compliance Office


Financial Aid: Compliance Form

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S



Complete this form for each freshman prospect to whom you are offering an athletic scholarship To identify each transfer student‐ Complete this form athlete to whom you wish to offer for each transfer student‐athlete to an athletic scholarship and the whom you are amount of aid offering an athletic scholarship

Two weeks prior to the NLI signing period(s) in your sport

Complete this form for each current student‐athlete whose athletic scholarship you will continue for the following academic year Complete this form To identify each current student‐ athlete whose athletic scholarship for each current student‐athlete will not be renewed for the whose athletic following academic year scholarship you will not renew for the following academic year Complete this form To identify each student‐athlete whose athletic scholarship will be for each student‐ athlete whose athletic reduced for the following scholarship will be academic year reduced the following academic year Complete this form To identify each student‐athlete whose athletic scholarship will be for each student‐ athlete whose athletic cancelled during the term of the scholarship will be award (strict restrictions on cancelled during the cancellations‐check the NCAA manual or the Compliance Office term of the award before beginning this process) Student‐athletes Student‐athletes whose athletic obtain the form from scholarships have been reduced the Director of or not renewed use this form Financial Aid during the hearing process

April 1st of each year

Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance: Freshman Prospective Student‐Athlete Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance: Transfer Student‐ Athlete

To identify each freshman prospect to whom you wish to offer an athletic scholarship and the amount of aid

Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance: Continuing Student‐ Athlete

To identify each current student‐ athlete whose athletic scholarship will be continued for the following academic year and the amount of aid

Non‐Renewal of Financial Aid Reduction of Financial Aid Cancellation of Financial Aid

Application for Final Appeal‐Financial Aid

Due Date


Two weeks prior to the NLI signing period(s) in your sport

April 1st of each year

April 1st of each year

As needed

Within 10 days of receipt of notice of reduction or nonrenewal


G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Compliance Form



Due Date

Student‐Athlete Voluntary Withdrawal

For student‐athletes to document his/her voluntary withdrawal from a team and release of the institution’s obligation to continue athletic aid To extend an offer of athletic financial aid to a prospective student‐athlete

Send student‐ athletes to the Compliance Office to complete the form

As needed

This form will be completed and submitted to prospects by the Compliance Office based on information provided on the Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance

A valid NLI must be returned by the prospect to the Compliance Office within the signing period (for the early signing period), or within 14 days of the issuance date (regular and late signing periods) Prospects: Must be returned with the NLI Continuing student‐athletes: July 1st of each year

National Letter of Intent

This form will be completed and submitted to prospects and continuing student‐ athletes by the Compliance Office based on information provided on the Preliminary Checklist for Tender of Financial Assistance Non‐counter To certify the noncounter status The Compliance Certification of student‐athletes Office will complete this form The Compliance Academic Scholarship To certify that the receipt of a Office will complete Exception campus‐based scholarship by a this form for student‐athlete meets certain NCAA criteria to not count in the applicable student‐ athletes team scholarship limit Summer Aid To identify student‐athletes that Interested student‐ Application wish to be considered for summer athletes can obtain the application from aid the Compliance Office Degree Completion To identify student‐athletes who Interested student‐ Aid Application wish to be considered for degree athletes can obtain completion aid the application from the Compliance Office Financial Aid Agreement

To identify the type of athletic scholarship (i.e., initial or continuing) and the amount and source(s) of athletic financial aid being offered to a prospective or continuing student‐athlete


As needed

As needed

As needed

As needed


Playing and Practice Season: Compliance Form Purpose Length of Playing and To document the first and last days of permissible on‐ Practice Season court/on‐field practice in your sport and to document the dates that your sport will conduct permissible out‐of‐ season athletically related activities

Minimum/Maximum Number of Contests/Dates of Competition Declaration of Countable Competitions

In‐Season/Out‐of‐ Season Countable Athletically Related Activities (CARA)

Men’s Basketball Schedule Approval Form

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure List first and last days that you will conduct permissible on‐ court/on‐field practice activities in your sport; list dates that you will conduct permissible out‐of‐ season athletically related activities List To document the minimum/maximum number minimum/maximum number of of contests/dates of competition for your sport’s contests/dates of competition for current season sport’s current season To indicate which scheduled For each contest listed, indicate if the contests are countable contest is countable. competitions per NCAA For each student‐ bylaws and to record student‐athlete participation athlete listed, indicate whether the in competitions student competed (C), did not compete (DNC) or is redshirting (RS) for each contest listed. To document the number of For each week, list hours spent weekly on the amount of time countable athletically related spent on each activities in‐season (i.e., countable athletically practice, team meetings, related activity in the weight training and CARA e‐mail from the conditioning, film/video, Compliance Assistant competition, other countable activities) and the required day off and out‐of‐season (i.e., weight training and conditioning, individual skill instruction) and the required 2 days off To document the number of For each home and instructional days missed for away contest, list the report/departure travel and competition in men’s basketball as required date and time and the return date and by NCAA Bylaw time 56

Due Date September 1st of each academic year

September 1st of each academic year

One week after the conclusion of your sport’s season

Monday of every week via e‐mail

Prior to the start of the season


Promotional Activities: Compliance Form Promotional Activity Request

Student‐Athlete Appearance Approval Form

Donation Request Poster Request

Purpose To document and approve all requests for student‐athlete participation in permissible noncommercial promotional activities

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure Form is on‐line at Complete this form for each student‐ athlete or group of student‐athletes who are asked to participate in a permissible noncommercial promotional activity. To document the approval of Athletic Academic requests for student‐athlete Services Office coordinates participation in permissible noncommercial promotional execution of this activities, and the guidelines form for the student‐athlete’s participation To confirm all requests for Form is on‐line at donations meet NCAA rules prior to fulfillment Form is on‐line at To confirm all requests for posters meet NCAA rules prior to fulfillment


Due Date 3 weeks prior to the event date

After approval of the request

As needed

As needed


Sport Camps/Clinics: Compliance Form Sports Camp/Clinic Operations Reporting Form

Men’s Basketball IAWP Camp Form

Outside Camp/Clinic Verification Form for Coaches

Sports Camp/Clinic Checklist Sports Camp/Clinic Agreement

Sports Camp/Clinic Acknowledgment of Risk

Purpose To document the details of the camp/clinic and revenue generated by the camp/clinic

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure Complete this form for all camp/clinic sessions conducted during the academic year, if any, and/or summer. Please attach bank statements Every employee of a To certify that men’s men’s basketball basketball camp employees are not individuals associated camp must complete this form with a prospect (IAWP) To confirm the camp/clinic is Camp/Clinic operated in accordance with Director must NCAA restrictions applicable complete this form and submit to the for a UM coach to work an Compliance Office outside camp or clinic. Use as a guide for required Informational camp forms and due dates purposes Compliance Office To document the legal will supply arrangements between UM agreement to and the privately owned camp/clinic director sports camps/clinics Camp/Clinic Communicate potential risk Director will include of injury to campers & as part of document their registration process acknowledgement of that risk


Due Date Within four weeks after the completion of each camp/clinic

Prior to commencement of employment at the camp Prior to a UM Coach beginning employment at the camp/clinic Informational purposes 3 months prior to camp

Campers much submit prior to participation in the camp


Student‐Athlete Employment: Compliance Form Purpose Student‐ To establish and document Athlete/Employer the agreement between the Form student‐athlete and employer with regard to NCAA rules governing student‐athlete employment Employer Letter To explain the requirements under which a student‐ athlete may be employed

Fee‐for‐Lesson Form

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure Due Date Every student‐athlete Prior to employment who is employed must complete this form

The Compliance Office sends this letter, along with the Student‐ Athlete/Employer Form to employers Prior to conducting NCAA rule review and documentation of the details lessons in their sport, of any private/fee‐for‐lesson student‐athletes should visit the taught by student‐athletes compliance office to collect the form. Return completed form(s) to the compliance office with proof of payment.


Informational purposes

Monthly upon completion of any lessons


Awards to Student‐Athletes: Compliance Form Purpose Monetary Awards To document the awards Summary Form received by student‐athletes throughout the year


G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure Due Date Coach completes and The end of the submits to the season Compliance Office


Miscellaneous Forms: Compliance Form Purpose Occasional Meal To document the meals Form received by student‐athletes throughout the year from boosters. To track the maximum 4 meals per semester total per student‐ athlete Agent Registration Form

Summer Housing‐ Prospects on Campus During Summer

APR Transfer Verification Legal Checklist

Summer Basketball League Permission

Permission for Outside/Unattached Competition

G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Procedure All occasional meals must be preapproved by the Compliance Office. To seek approval to provide an occasional meal complete and submit this form All representatives Specific guidelines for must register with UM agents, financial advisors Athletics before and professional representatives to follow to contacting any prevent any misconduct on student‐athletes or visiting UM campus. behalf of our student‐ athletes, which could render Complete and return to the Compliance them ineligible Office Coach completes and To document the details submits to the surrounding prospects on‐ campus activities and living Compliance Office arrangements during the summer Compliance Office To document a student‐ athlete’s immediate transfer submits form to to another 4 year institution transfer institution SAAD will interview To document compliance student‐athlete and with NCAA extra complete form benefits/preferential treatment bylaws regarding expenses associated with legal proceedings A basketball student‐athlete Student‐athlete completes and submits must receive prior permission to participate on to the Compliance Office a summer league Each sport may have To document student‐ different rules athlete participation in pertaining to the outside competition, ability to compete in monitor expenses/prize outside competition. money, and attachment to Submit this form for the University approval


Due Date Prior to the meal

As needed

As needed

During APR data entry As needed

Prior to participation in league Prior to the event


G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

Other administrative forms for Compliance Office use only:  NCAA Certification of Compliance for Staff Members of Athletics Departments  NCAA Certification of Compliance for Institutions  National Letter of Intent Institutional Commitment Form  NCAA Student‐Athlete Statement  Big Sky Conference Historical Questionnaire  Student‐Athlete Miscellaneous Information Form  NCAA General Amateurism and Eligibility Form for International and Select Student‐ Athletes



G R I Z Z L Y A T H L E T I C S P O L I C I E S & P R O C E D U R E S

APPENDIX Samples UM, Big Sky Conference & NCAA Compliance Forms


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Declaration of Coaching Staff, Permissible Recruiters, and Support Staff

Sport: Name of Individual

Category (See list below)

Categories HC = Head Coach AC = Assistant Coach VC = Volunteer Coach (not allowed in FB & BB) UGA = Undergraduate Assistant Coach

Permissible Off-Campus Recruiter (Y/N)

For Compliance Use Only Form on File

MGR = Student Manager NON = Noncoaching Staff Member with Sport-Specific Responsibilities

Head Coach


Senior Associate Athletic Director


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Outside Income Report Reporting Period: August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013



UM and NCAA regulations require athletic department staff members to report any athleticallyrelated income from sources outside of UM (see income types below).

If you did not receive outside athletically-related income during the reporting period referenced above, please check here and sign below.



If you did receive outside athletically-related income during the time period referenced above, please check here and indicate the source(s) from which you received such income, the amount from each source, and sign below.

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $


Sports camps Speaking engagements Salary supplement (from outside the athletics department) Endorsement or consultation contracts: a) Athletic shoes b) Apparel c) Equipment Television appearances or commercials Radio appearances or commercials Income from corporations in exchange for charitable work Annuities Housing benefits Country-club memberships (write in Yes or No) Other (please specify)


Please return completed form to the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student Services and Compliance.

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Non-Coaching Staff Member with Sport-Specific Responsibilities Name: Sport:

Academic Year:

As a non-coaching staff member who is assigned sport-specific responsibilities, I understand that I am not permitted to participate in any activity that would constitute coaching. PERMISSIBLE Participate in organized activities involving only the coaching staff or administrative duties.                    

Coordinate complimentary admissions. Be present at on-campus recruiting activities. Review recruiting documentation. Prepare general recruiting correspondence. Coordinate/manage institution’s camp/clinic. Coordinate community service activities. Track student-athletes’ academic progress. Perform administrative/managerial functions. Arrange travel. Work with schedule. Assign equipment. Splice game film. Coordinate film exchange. Analyze/evaluate videotape of team or opponent. Chart/track statistics during practice or competition. Observe practice provided no instruction is given to student-athletes. Sit in dug-out/on bench during competitions and be in “huddle” provided no coaching occurs. Attend coaches only meetings. Engage in permissible coaching activities in coaches only meetings (e.g., analyze film of team or opponents, set-up offense/defense strategy). Attend coaches/student-athletes meetings.

IMPERMISSIBLE Participate in activities that can be considered coaching in nature that are not an exception per Bylaw  Analyze/evaluate videotape of prospects.  Participate in any activity involving athletics evaluations and/or selection of prospects.  Perform off-campus recruiting functions.  Make phone calls to or receive phone calls from prospects (or prospects’ parents, legal guardians or coaches) except as permitted per Bylaw  Assist with in-person scouting of opponents.  Participate in or observe non-organized voluntary activities (e.g., pick-up games).  Provide student-athletes an analysis of their practice session or competition.  Participate in competition-related warm-up activities (e.g., assist with warm-up drills before or during competition, throw batting practice, warm-up the bullpen catcher/ quarterback, take in-field).  Provide instruction to student-athletes at any time.  Engage in coaching activities in coaches/ student-athletes meetings (e.g., provide evaluation of practice or competition, set-up offense/defense strategy).


By signing below, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this document. I further understand that if it is determined that I have not met any of these standards, my affiliation with the Athletic Department will be terminated without notice.

Staff Member Signature


Head Coach


Compliance Office


Compliance Office Use Only Business Office copy Employee copy Supervisor copy

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Undergraduate Student Assistant Coach Name:



Academic Year:

As an undergraduate student assistant coach for the above referenced sport, I understand that I must meet and abide by NCAA rules and regulations. Please initial next to each statement below affirming that you understand and meet the criteria: I participated in an intercollegiate athletics sports team at The University of Montana (UM).

I have EITHER exhausted my eligibility to participate in my sport, OR have become injured to the point where I can no longer participate in my sport ever again.

I am currently a full-time undergraduate (12 or more credits) student at UM, pursuing my first baccalaureate degree program.

I will maintain full-time registration at UM for the entire time I serve as a student coach for the above referenced team.

I am receiving no other compensation from the Athletic Department except for an athletic scholarship if applicable.

As a student coach, it is not permissible to be involved in contacting or evaluating prospective studentathletes off campus or scouting opponents off campus. Further, it is not permissible to perform any recruiting coordination functions. By signing below, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this document. I further understand that if it is determined that I have not met any of these standards, my affiliation and scholarship (if applicable) with the Athletic Department will be terminated without notice.

Student Coach Signature


Head Coach


Compliance Office


Compliance Office Use Only Business Office copy Employee copy Supervisor copy

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Volunteer Coach (In all sports other than football and basketball) Name: Sport:

Academic Year:

As a volunteer coach in the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, I understand that I am serving as a representative of the Department and the University and a role model for young men and women student-athletes. I will act according to the highest standards of integrity and sportsmanship that have come to define Grizzly Athletics. Set out below are the standards and principles expected of all Grizzly coaches, including volunteer coaches. 

Athletic Department staff and those University employees outside the Athletic Department with NCAA rules compliance responsibilities are subject at all times to NCAA Bylaws 10.1 and 11.1 regarding ethical conduct and the responsibility to positively contribute to a campus culture of NCAA rules compliance. Failure to conduct oneself as such will result in disciplinary or corrective action up to and including immediate discharge.

Volunteer coaches are prohibited from contacting and evaluating prospective studentathletes off campus (defined as any student who has begun classes for the ninth grade) or from scouting opponents off campus.

Volunteer coaches are prohibited from making medical decisions regarding a studentathlete including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment, referrals and developing or altering rehabilitation programs. All medical decisions must be made by the Rhinehart Athletic Training Center and Curry Health Center staff.

Volunteer coaches must notify the compliance officer if they believe a violation of NCAA or Conference rules has occurred. Volunteer coaches are subject to disciplinary action if they are involved in a rules violation.

By signing below, I agree to abide by the standards and principles set forth in this document. I further understand that if it is determined that I have not met any of these standards, my affiliation with the Athletic Department can be terminated without notice.

Volunteer Coach Signature


Head Coach


Compliance Office


Compliance Office Use Only Business Office copy Employee copy Supervisor copy

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance

Manager Name:



Academic Year:

As a manager for the above referenced sport, I understand that I am not permitted to participate in any activity that would constitute coaching. Lists of permissible and impermissible activities are listed on the back. These lists are not exhaustive. Please initial next to each statement below affirming that you understand and meet the criteria: I am currently a full-time undergraduate (12 or more credits) or graduate (9 or more credits) student at The University of Montana (UM).

I will maintain full-time registration at UM for the entire time I serve as a manager for the above referenced team.

I will adhere to the permissible activities as explained on the back of this form, as well as not participate in any impermissible activities.

If an activity does not fit in either list, I will ask the compliance office before participating in the activity.

My position title is “manager�. I will not refer to myself verbally or in writing by any other work title.

By signing below, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this document. I further understand that if it is determined that I have not met any of these standards, my affiliation with the Athletic Department will be terminated without notice.

Manager Signature


Head Coach


Compliance Office


Compliance Office Use Only Business Office copy Employee copy Supervisor copy


PERMISSIBLE Perform traditional managerial functions          

Assist with laundry Prepare, distribute, clean water bottles Running clock or music at practice Setting and tearing down practice/equipment Coordinate complimentary admissions Prepare general recruiting correspondence at direction of a coach Perform general office duties (copying, typing) Chart/track statistics during practice or competition. Observe practice provided no instruction is given to student-athletes Participate in LIMITED warm-up activities (e.g., assist with warm-up drills during practice or before competition)

IMPERMISSIBLE Participate in activities that can be considered coaching in nature that are not an exception per Bylaw  Analyze/evaluate videotape of prospects  Participate in any activity involving athletics evaluations and/or selection of prospects  Perform off-campus recruiting functions  Make phone calls to or receive phone calls from prospects (or prospects’ parents, legal guardians or coaches) except as permitted per Bylaw  Assist with in-person scouting of opponents.  Participate in or observe non-organized voluntary activities (e.g., pick-up games)  Provide student-athletes an analysis of their practice session or competition  Provide instruction to student-athletes at any time  Serve as host during official visits  Serve as a practice player at any time  Engage in coaching activities in coaches/ student-athletes meetings (e.g., provide evaluation of practice or competition, set-up offense/defense strategy)

University of Montana Athletics COMPLIANCE

University of Montana LOCAL SPORTS CLUB COACHING APPROVAL FORM (All sports except basketball)

Coaches who wish to coach local sports clubs must receive approval from the compliance office prior to participating in any duties with the local club team (coaching, administrative, tryouts, etc.). To receive approval, the coach must submit the Local Sports Club Coaching Approval Form. Once approved, the coach will receive a signed/approved form to confirm approval of his/her participation with the team. A UM coach may be involved in any capacity (participant, administrator, instruction, or coaching) for a local sports club or organization provided the following requirements are met. Please answer yes, no or N/A to the following criteria. SAME SPORT: ______ The Local Sports Club is located in the home community of the University of Montana. ______ All prospects on the team(s) with which the coach is participating are legal residents of the area (live within 50 miles of UM) ______ If a prospect lives outside the 50 mile radius, it is his/her closest opportunity to participate with a local club team (regardless of ability level) and documentation to this fact is included (See NCAA Bylaw A roster is attached with home towns (legal residence) of each prospect listed. ______ No prospect has been reassigned to another team due to my participation. ______ The local sports club is not sponsored by the UM athletic department. If any portion of my expenses to travel with the club team are financed by the club, I understand that I may NOT participate in any recruiting activities on behalf of UM. ______ The local sports club I participate with does not have any prospects on it.

VOLLEYBALL _____ I understand the bylaws that apply to local sports clubs and volleyball recruiting. I may not coach my team in competition during a dead or quiet period when prospects are present, but may coach my team in practice. Also, during an evaluation/contact period, my involvement with a local club team will count towards the 80 evaluation days.

DIFFERENT SPORT: ______ The sports club is located in the local UM community and no prospect outside a 50 mile radius is on the team with which I participate. The 50 mile exception may apply, and if applicable, the necessary documentation is attached.

By submitting and signing this form, I confirm the information contained is accurate and truthful. I also understand that all outside income from my participation on this local sports team must be reported annually on the NCAA Outside Income Form administered in August of each year. _________________________________________________ NAME

________________________________________ DATE

_________________________________________________ SIGNATURE

________________________________________ NAME OF YOUR TEAM

_________________________________________________ NAME OF LOCAL SPORTS CLUB

________________________________________ NAME OF LOCAL SPORTS CLUB DIRECTOR

_________________________________________________ EMAIL OF DIRECTOR

_________________________________________ PHONE # OF LOCAL DIRECTOR


Received Date: _______________ Approved YES NO initials ______ CC: Coach Head Coach Sport Supervisor Business Office

Academic Year 2013-14 Men's Basketball Coaching Staff Disclosure Form

For: Action: Due date: Required by: Purpose:

Division I Men's Basketball Coaching Staff. Complete and keep on file in the office of the director of athletics. To be completed not later than September 15. NCAA Division I Board of Directors October 29, 2009 Tier I-5. To certify compliance with NCAA rules.

What to do with this form: 1.

Sign this form if you were a men's basketball coaching staff member at this institution during the 2012-13 academic year.


Complete and submit this form not later than September 15 and keep on file in the office of the director of athletics.


Contact the NCAA basketball focus group staff at 317/917-6089 if you have questions regarding this form.


Forms incomplete as of September 15 will result in loss of eligibility for NCAA championships.

By signing and dating this form, you certify that: 1.

You have not donated or solicited personal or institutional funds on behalf of a nonprofit foundation that expends funds for the benefit of a nonscholastic team, prospective student-athlete(s) or an individual associated with a prospective student-athlete;


You have not attended or participated in a fundraising activity for a nonprofit foundation that expends funds for the benefit of a nonscholastic team, prospective student-athlete(s) or an individual associated with a prospective student-athlete; and


You have not provided event tickets, including coaching staff discretionary tickets, to an individual associated with a prospect in violation of NCAA legislation.

Reminder: 1.

Knowingly furnishing false or misleading information concerning an individual's involvement in a nonprofit donation or provision of event tickets in violation of NCAA legislation could result in an allegation that the individual violated the NCAA Principles of Ethical Conduct contained in NCAA Bylaw 10.1.


A finding that false or misleading information in violation of Bylaw 10.1 could adversely affect your athletically related duties as a staff member at an NCAA member institution.

Print Name



THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics - Recruiting Telephone Log Instructions: This form summarizes the monthly phone calls made to prospects and is to be submitted to Compliance by the 1st of every month by every coach regardless of whether any phone calls were made. Attach additional pages if necessary. NCAA Bylaw 13.1.3 Sport:

Date of Call


Name of Prospect


Grade Level Spoke with (FR, SO, JR, (prospect, parent) SR)

Prospect's Telephone Number

Called from (cell, office)

Completed (C) or Left Message (LM)

I hereby certify that I have reported all phone calls with the prospect(s) or prospect(s) parent's/guardians during the indicated time period. I affirm that I fully complied with all NCAA, Big Sky Conference, and institutional rules during my recruitment of the above listed prospect(s) and parent(s).

Signature of Coach


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics - Monthly Contact and Evaluation Summary Instructions: This form summarizes the monthly contacts & evaluations for prospects and is to be submitted to Compliance by the 1st of every month by every coach regardless of whether any contacts or evaluations were made. Attach additional pages if necessary. NCAA Bylaw 13.1.5 & 13.1.7. Sport:

Name of Prospect or Event


Site: School or Home

Grade Level (FR, SO, JR, SR or JC)


Evaluation (E), Contact (C) or Evaluation & Contact (C/E)

Date & Time

City & State

Did you speak to a School Administrator? (Y or N)

Other Individuals Present

I affirm that I have reported all contacts and/or evaluations with each prospect and/or the prospect's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) during the time periods indicated, and that I have fully complied with all applicable NCAA, Big Sky Conference and University of Montana rules and regulations during my recruitment of each prospect.

Signature of Coach









Date of Birth

Telephone #

 4‐Year College Transfer

Eligibility Center ID#

Type of prospect (check one):  High School Visit Start Date

 2‐Year College Transfer

Time Visit End Date (Indicate the start and end date and time of the visit, not the flight times.)


Person(s) Accompanying Prospect Names(s)







 Air (No dollar amount needed)


 Car Mileage

Reimbursement to Prospect: $

miles at

/mile = $


Advance Voucher #

Trade?  Yes  No


 Off‐Campus

 On‐Campus

Hotel Name

Where/With Whom

Name Receiving Accommodations

Name Receiving Accommodations

Complimentary Admissions Maximum three (3) complimentary admissions per event. Complimentary admissions not permissible for postseason events. Event






Prospect (1)

Guest (2)

Guest (3)




Student‐Hosting Name(s)

Amount Requested $

(If using multiple hosts, please indicate host to receive funds with a $ symbol by his/her name.)

To Be Completed by Athletic Compliance Office

EC‐Date Registered

IRL Date

Transcript Attached:  Yes Signature

Test Scores Attached:  Yes  N/A


Business Office Use MGZ 62815 ATPSA Advance Voucher #

Business Office Initials

NCAA letter sent

Data Entry









I have received student‐host funds to entertain the prospect named above. I have read the instructions below and my initials indicate that I agree to abide by them. I agree to return within five business days to the Business Office, provide receipts, and verify the activities during the campus visit. I understand failure to complete this form will result in reparation of the host funds and my UM student account will be assessed. Signature & Phone Number

Signature & Phone Number

Signature & Phone Number

Please read each instruction below and initial next to each indicating that you have read and agree to abide by it.

Remember, you are an AMBASSADOR of our athletic department family! Your actions should reflect positively on the athletic department. You are responsible for keeping your recruit on time for all appointments. You need to be constantly aware of the recruit's schedule. You must attend all functions with your recruit unless excused by your coach. You may use student‐athlete host money for entertainment or meals only for yourself and your recruit. Other team members must pay for their own meals and entertainment. Friends and family members of the recruit (except parents) must also pay for their own meals and entertainment. The recruit may be entertained only within a 30‐mile radius of campus. You must handle the money personally. NEVER give it directly to the recruit. You cannot use the money to buy the recruit a hat, t‐shirt, or any kind of souvenir. The host money also cannot be used for buying the prospect any physical items (i.e., toiletries, etc). You cannot arrange for the recruit to receive a discount on merchandise or services. You are personally responsible for the student‐host funds. Do not give any funds to another student‐athlete for entertainment purposes. You are also responsible and accountable for providing receipts to the Business Office. Do not have another student complete this task for you. You will need your own transportation. You cannot borrow a coach's car or use any University vehicle. A coach can, however, provide you and the prospect with a ride during the official visit. Representatives of the University's athletic interests (e.g. boosters) are not allowed to be involved in recruiting a prospect. If during the official visit, you and the recruit come into contact with a booster, the conversation must be limited to an exchange of greetings. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A STUDENT‐HOST, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT THE COMPLIANCE OFFICE.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Have Fun!










□ Yes

□ No




Business Office Use Host amount returned $


Charged to student account $

Business Office Initials

The University of Montana Institutional Policy for Recruiting Prospective Student-Athletes General Principles 

This policy supersedes all existing team recruiting policies at the time of its adoption.

A head coach may adopt stricter, but not more lenient, recruiting policies than this institutional policy with the written approval of the Athletic Director.

The UM Athletic Department will disseminate this policy to prospects and their families, and publish it in the departmental and student-athlete handbooks.

Any person who believes a violation of the policy has occurred is required to report the incident to the Senior Associate Athletic Director, Student Services and Compliance, who will conduct an investigation and impose sanctions if necessary.

UM’s recruiting policy will be reviewed once a year by the University Athletic Committee.

Procedures 

The policy on the reverse side of this document must be reviewed by the coach-host, the student-host, and the prospect at the beginning of each official visit. Each party must sign below, verifying his or her understanding and acceptance of the policy.

This signed form must be submitted to the Senior Associate Athletic Director, Student Services and Compliance, prior to the conclusion of the official visit. Expenditures for the visit will not be approved and ProCard usage suspended until proper submission of this form.

Signatures I have read the policy on the back of this form and agree to abide by it: Print Name



Coach-host: Student-athlete host: Student-athlete host: Prospect:

OVER 

Institutional Policy for Recruiting Prospective Student-Athletes I. Purpose of Policy A. To insure that a prospect’s visit complies with NCAA and UM regulations, including the Student Conduct Code. B. To recruit prospects committed to academic and athletic success. C. To apprise prospect, parents, UM personnel, and UM student-athletes with UM’s expectations for recruiting visits. D. To provide sanctions on hosts and prospects for noncompliance with this policy, which could include a letter of reprimand, suspension from host duties in the future, and non-admission to UM. II. Time Constraints on Recruiting Visit A. Official visits are prohibited during recruiting dead periods (see NCAA Bylaw 13.17). B. Official visits shall not exceed 48 hours (NCAA Bylaw 13.6.4). C. The curfew for the prospect each night shall be 1:00 a.m. III. Services and Accommodations for Visiting Prospect A. When using air transportation, UM must use commercial, coach-class airfare (NCAA Bylaw B. Standard UM and host vehicles must be used when transporting a prospect while visiting the campus (NCAA Bylaw C. When using hotel accommodations, standard rooms must be used for the prospect (NCAA Bylaw 13.6.6). D. Meals on an official visit must be comparable to those provided to student-athletes during the academic year (NCAA Bylaw E. The coach and student-athlete hosts shall be held accountable for all visit-related expenditures. IV. Hosts for Visiting Prospect A. There shall be a coach designated as the coach-host for each visit. B. A student-athlete may be designated as the student-host. C. The student-host shall be informed of the name of the coach-host, and shall contact him/her in case of problems during the visit. D. The student-host shall provide his/her feedback to the coach-host as to the fit of the prospect for the program. E. The student-host shall use host money to cover actual and appropriate costs of entertaining the prospect, excluding the cost of meals and admission to campus athletics events. The funds may not be used for the purchase of UM souvenirs such as T-shirts or other institutional mementos (NCAA Bylaw F. The use of gender-specific groups as official student-hosts is prohibited. V. Required and Prohibited Activities A. The prospect shall meet with academic and athletic staff about programs, services, and expectations. B. The prospect shall tour the campus and Missoula community. C. The prospect shall spend time with the student-host and teammates. D. The following activities by the prospect and hosts are absolutely prohibited during a recruiting visit:  Use of sex as recruiting  Use of personalized recruiting aids (e.g., inducement personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations)  Use of alcohol (NCAA Bylaw  Use of drugs  Providing game-day simulations (e.g.,  Gambling running onto the field with the team  Visiting strip bars during pre-game introductions) (NCAA  Inappropriate parties Bylaw  Inappropriate sexual activity  Violation of curfew E. The coach-host shall provide an assessment of the prospect, including any comments by student-host, to the head coach.

University of Montana – Grizzly Athletics

Unofficial Visit Reminders


You may dine with the prospect at an on‐campus facility provided the prospect pays his/her own costs, but not at an off‐campus restaurant as this would no longer be an unofficial visit. All meals should take place on‐campus; any off campus meals shall be considered an off‐campus contact.

You may provide transportation to view your off‐campus practice or competition facility as long as it is located within a 30 mile radius.

You may provide transportation from campus to attend a home athletics contest at any local facility. An institutional staff member must accompany the prospective student‐athlete during such a trip.

You may provide a maximum of three complimentary admissions (issued through a pass list) to a campus athletics event for the exclusive use of the prospect and those accompanying the prospect on the visit.

You may arrange academic interviews for a prospect on an unofficial visit on‐campus only.

The prospect may pay the actual cost of meals and eat with other prospects who are on their official visits or with enrolled student‐athletes.

A prospect may stay in an enrolled student‐athlete’s dormitory room only if the prospect pays the regular institutional rate for such lodging.

A prospect may make an unlimited number of unofficial visits to campus at his/her own expense, except during a dead period before his or her senior year in high school.


In Men’s Basketball prospects may not make unofficial visits during the month of July.

In Women’s Basketball prospects may not make unofficial visits during the July evaluation periods.

You may not provide any expenses or provide any entertainment (other than the comp tickets).


You may not arrange special parking for prospects to utilize while attending a campus athletics event during an unofficial visit.

You may not pay travel expenses for prospects or other individuals with a prospect when coming to campus for an unofficial visit.

You may not provide an automobile to the prospect for use while on campus for an unofficial visit or an event.

You (coaches or student‐athletes) may not provide local transportation to prospects or other individuals with a prospect during an unofficial visit.

You may not make extra phone calls to the prospect or their parents prior to or during an unofficial visit except the already permissible one call per week.

You may not pay for or arrange reduced rate accommodations for a prospect and their parents on an unofficial visit.

You may not arrange for seating of the 3 complimentary admissions to be anywhere other than in the general seating area of the facility used for conducting the event. Providing seating in the press box, special seating box, or bench area is specifically prohibited.

You may not reserve tickets (in addition to the permissible complimentary admissions) to be purchased by a prospect (or individuals accompanying the prospect) on an unofficial visit. Tickets may be purchased in the same manner as the general public.

You may not provide complimentary tickets to a prospect for a postseason conference tournament, NCAA championship, or other postseason contest. Tickets must be purchased in the same manner as the general public.

You may not arrange, promote, administer, or view any athletic activity of a prospect.

You may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (i.e., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospect to engage in game day simulations (i.e., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an unofficial visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student‐athlete will visit (i.e., hotel room, locker room, coach's office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether or not the items include the prospective student‐athlete's name or picture.


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

Prospect Unofficial Visit - Complimentary Admissions Request Sport Athletic Event Prospect Name


Date of Athletic Event


City, State

# of Admissions*

*The maximum number of complimentary admissions a prospect may receive is three (3), which must include the prospect. Picture identification is required for admissions. Coach Signature Date Athletic Compliance Office Approval


Submit completed form to the Athletic Compliance Office.

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Prospect Unofficial Visit Record Name of Prospect:


Address: Street Telephone: (





Date(s) of Visit: Activities that occurred on the prospect’s unofficial visit (check all that apply):  Provided three (3) complimentary admissions to an on-campus athletic event. Indicate the type of event, where it occurred, and the name(s) of the person(s) who accompanied the prospect.  Met with head coach.  Met with assistant coach(es). Indicate which coach(es):  Met with athletic department administrator(s). Indicate which administrator(s):  Met with faculty member(s). Name of faculty member(s):  Met with staff member(s) of Office of Enrollment Services. Name of staff member(s):  Toured athletic facilities.  Toured campus.  Provided prospect with permissible recruiting materials. Indicate which materials:  Other (please specify):

Signature of Coach


Associate Athletic Director, Compliance & Academic Services


o o o

NCAA rules prohibit providing expenses to a prospect on an unofficial visit, except for three (3) complimentary admissions to an on-campus athletic event. If you wish to receive expenses for your own meals while meeting a prospect on an unofficial visit, this form must be on file with the Compliance Office. Expenses incurred will not be authorized or reimbursed without this form. NCAA rules prohibit off-campus contact with a prospect if you have not passed the coaches certification exam, or your certification has expired. This includes having a meal with a prospect at an off-campus location.

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics


This Form is to be completed by the Head or Assistant Coach prior to subscription in order to reduce the likelihood of a violation. The form should be completed and submitted to the Compliance Office for approval PRIOR to purchase. SPORT: _________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION COST: ______________________________ COMPANY: ______________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION LENGTH :____________________________ WEBSITE: ________________________________________ NAME OF SERVICE: _________________________________ YES NO YES NO Does UM have only one annual subscription to the recruiting service? Does the recruiting service publically identify all applicable service costs and a sample of these costs is included with this document? Does the recruiting service provide access to samples or previews of the information prior to purchasing the annual subscription and a sample of this service is included with this document? Is this recruiting service made available to all universities/colleges desiring to subscribe? This service is NOT being purchased to gain recruiting access to a prospective student‐ athlete or as an inducement to influence an individual associated with a PSA? Are the video materials UM is paying for limited to regularly scheduled high school, preparatory school, or two –year contests? The video being paid for may not include video of PSAs participating in practice, camps, or combines. This subscription does NOT provide oral reports to UM.

The printed and/or video materials being provided to UM by this recruiting service is identical to the materials available to all other registering universities/colleges. Is the subscription/package price paid by UM the same subscription/package price paid by all other subscribers regardless of any conference affiliation or level of NCAA divisional status? For example: DI institutions may not be charged one price for a subscription/package and DII institutions another price. Does the recruiting service publically identify the geographical scope of the service (e.g. local regional, national) and reflect the scope of the geographical area it claims to cover? Does the recruiting service disseminate info (e.g. reports, profiles, etc) about PSAs at least 4 times per calendar year? Does the recruiting service information provide analysis beyond demographic information or rankings?

A “NO” response to any of the above will result in the recruiting service being impermissible under NCAA Legislation (See Bylaw 13.14.3) NOTE: A high school or two year college is NOT a recruiting service and therefore, cannot be paid for providing information or video. Institutions are limited to providing a high school or two‐year college coach with cost of a blank DVD (CD, tape, etc) and postage for sending the video to the institution. By signing below I am certifying the responses above as being an accurate reflection of UM’s subscription with the above referenced company. Further, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure UM’s recruiting service subscription with the above company is in compliance with NCAA regulations, and that I am to contact the Athletic Compliance Office if I have any concerns with this subscription not being in compliance with NCAA regulations. Name: ___________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date: ___________________

Grizzly Athletics

Permission to Participate in an On‐Campus Evaluation (OCE) – Men and Women’s Basketball Prospect Name Date of OCE Circle visit type: Official Unofficial Circle evaluation type: Individual OCE Team OCE Combination OCE PROSPECTIVE STUDENT ATHLETE CONSENT  I understand that I can participate in only one tryout on the campus of The University of Montana.  I understand that I must provide the institution a copy of a physical performed by a medical physician that was performed within six (6) months prior to the evaluation date in order to participate in the evaluation. Documentation must include results from a sickle cell trait blood test.  I understand that the time of the tryout activities may be no longer than two hours in duration.  I understand that participation with the member institution’s current student‐athletes is permissible, provided such participation occurs during the academic year and is considered a countable athletically related activity per Bylaw You may participate in an evaluation if you meet one of the following conditions: (Must check only one box)

□ I am a high school senior, my basketball season has concluded, and I have completed high school eligibility in basketball. Number of Years of High School Participation:________

□ I am a two year college transfer, my basketball season has concluded, and I have exhausted eligibility in basketball at the two year college. Number of Years of College Participation:________

□ I am a four year college transfer who has concluded the sport season, and has obtained a written release from the previous four year institution. (Bylaw Number of Years of College Participation:_________ By signing below, I agree that neither I nor any agents representing me will seek any claims against UM or any of its agents or employees in the event that I am injured or suddenly take ill during or as the result of the physical test which I am about to perform. I do hereby certify that all the information that I have provided is current and correct to the best of my knowledge. Prospective Student‐Athlete Date Parent/Guardian (if under 18) Date FOR UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA OFFICE USE ONLY

Documentation that the prospect has had a sports physical performed by a medical physician. Must be an official physical form/documentation provided by the examining doctor. Documentation must include results from a sickle cell trait blood test. The physical must have been administered within the past six months.

Athletic Trainer Senior Associate AD



On‐Campus Evaluations (OCE) – Basketball Prospective Student‐Athletes

Who may Participate

The OCE shall involve only high‐school seniors and two‐year college prospects who have exhausted eligibility or four‐year transfer student‐athletes.

The OCE shall not be conducted prior to the conclusion of the prospect’s season and may be conducted no later than the opening day of the institution’s fall term. The OCE shall be conducted during a prospect’s official or unofficial visit.

When Details of OCE

 

How Many

 

The OCE may be no longer than two hours in duration and may involve the institution’s enrolled student‐athletes. The OCE must be included in the institution’s 20‐hours of countable athletically‐related activities if it occurs during the institution’s playing season; or during the institution’s two hours of skill instruction (as part of the eight hours per week) if conducted outside the playing season. Current prohibitions regarding activities for enrolled student‐athletes one week prior to final exams would remain applicable.

An institution may provide only one OCE per prospect. The rules governing OCEs apply separately to the time period in which a prospect completes high school eligibility and to the time period after the prospect enrolls in a collegiate institution.

Student Name:



Date ACT

Current Test Score


Core High School GPA Worksheet (Before 2016) ENGLISH (4 yrs) Title






       


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0






   

MATH (3 yrs ‐ 1 yr algebra; 1 yr geometry or higher) Title Cr x Grade =

0 0 0 0


     

0 0 0 0 0 0

NATURAL SCIENCE (2 yrs ‐ 1 course with lab) Cr x Grade Title


   

0 0 0 0

ADDITIONAL COURSES (5 yrs ‐ 1 yr of Engl, math or science and 4 additional) Title Cr x Grade =


         

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 #DIV/0!

would need

This worksheet is intended to be used as a guide only. The NCAA Eligibility Center makes all final determinations regarding a student's intial eligibility status.


Core Courses Still Needed:


Total Cr


estimated Core HS GPA ACT


The University of Montana Freshman Admissions Requirements


Applied to UM? NO YES Student ID# Issues (if any)

Overall ‐ Must meet ONE of the following: 2.5 cumulative GPA, or Minimum 1540 SAT (critical reading, math and writing), or Minimum 22 ACT composite, or Rank in upper half of graduating class Math Proficiency ‐ Must meet ONE of the following: Minimum 22 score on math portion of ACT, or Minimum 520 score on math portion of SAT, or Minimum 3 score on AP calculus exam Writing Proficiency ‐ Must meet ONE of the following:

Minimum 7 score on Writing subscore or 18 score on Combined English/Writing section of Optional Writing Test of ACT, or Minimum 7 score on the Essay or 440 score on Writing section of SAT, or  Minimum 3.5 score on MUS Writing Assessment (MT high schools only), or 3 score on AP English Language or English Literature exam Please always keep in mind that UM Admissions requirements and NCAA Eligibility Center requirements are separate and unique. A prospective student may meet one set of requirements but not the other. Further, they do not have any bearing on one another. For example, a student may meet NCAA requirements, but if they do not meet the UM admissions requirements, they will not be admitted to UM, regardless of their status with the Eligibility Center.

Keep In Mind One core course taken after high school graduation (i.e., during the summer) may be used to satisfy core requirements (graduation must occur on time). This core course may be taken at a different high school. There are NCAA regulations regarding courses taught in a nontraditional manner (online, distance learning, independent study, individualized instruction, correspondence, etc.) Make sure to check with your high school and/or a college compliance office before taking such courses. Students with diagnosed education‐impacting disabilities must fulfill all initial eligibility requirements. For information on accommodations available, visit the following website: AQ.pdf

Enrolled in any collegiate institution ON or AFTER August 1, 2012 The University of Montana Department of Athletics Transfer Prospective Student Evaluation Prospect Name:

NCAA Eligibility Center Academic Status: First FTE at any institution:

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □


Number of full‐time terms:


Amateurism Status:

Names of all institutions attended:

MUST SATISFY THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO TRANSFER 2‐Year College NonQualifier* 2‐Year College NonQualifier* FULL Eligibility Eligibility for Financial Aid and Practice ONLY □ AA or AS degree AA or AS degree □ Attend JC full‐time at least 3 semesters Attend JC full‐time at least 3 semesters □ 48 transferrable degree credit 48 transferrable degree credit Has cr Has cr 3 cr transferrable Math (grade C or better) □ 3 cr transferrable Math (grade C or better) 6 cr transferrable English (grade C or better) □ 6 cr transferrable English (grade C or better) 3 cr transferrable Science (grade C or better) □ 3 cr transferrable Science (grade C or better) Minimum 2.5 GPA □ Minimum 2.0 GPA Meet % degree completion % degree completion □ Meet Maximum 2 cr PE activity/skills □ Maximum 2 cr PE activity/skills Maximum 18 total summer cr/9 cr summer before transfer □ Maximum 18 total summer cr/9 cr summer before transfer 4‐2‐4 Transfer* 2‐Year College Qualifier* □ Attend JC full‐time at least 1 semester AA or AS degree □ Complete an average of 12 transferrable degree credit per full‐time semester Complete an average of 12 TDCr per full‐time semester enrolled at JC □ Maximum 2 cr PE activity/skills Maximum 2 cr PE activity/skills □ Minimum of 2.5 GPA Minimum 2.5 GPA % degree completion □ Meet One calendar year has elapsed since departure from original 4‐year institution Meet % degree completion If a nonqualifier: 3 cr transferrable Math (grade C or better) 6 cr transferrable English (grade C or better) 3 cr transferrable Science (grade C or better)

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ *NCAA bylaws require that all necessary academic information (e.g., high school transcripts, test scores) must be submitted to the NCAA Eligibility Center for all transfers by the end of the student‐athlete’s first regular academic term of full‐time enrollment at UM. This is required regardless of whether an initial academic certification is needed for the transfer student. Estimated number of transferrable degree credit: This evaluation is intended to be a tool to determine a prospective transfer student’s progress within NCAA transfer and academic eligibility rules. This evaluation is unofficial. The official determination of fulfillment of NCAA rules is conducted after the student’s academic work is transferred to UM, posted to the UM transcript, and reviewed by the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Compliance and Student Services, the Faculty Athletic Representative, and personnel within Athletic Academic Services. Finally, it is not the responsibility of UM to determine whether a prospect has completed the requirements for an AA or AS degree. That responsibility lies with the two‐year institution awarding the degree.

The University of Montana Limited Tryout Clearance Printed Name:

UM Student ID#:

High School Graduation: Month/Year:


I certify that I am a full‐time student at The University of Montana and to the best of my knowledge, I am in good health and physically fit for practice and competition. I agree to comply with all the rules and regulations of this University, the Big Sky Conference and the NCAA. I understand that I will not be allowed to tryout until I have been approved by each office listed below. I further understand that any further participation after the tryout requires coach approval and completion of the Walk‐On Process. Signature: Date:

Step 1 – Signature of the coach I agree to allow this student to participate in a limited tryout. I agree to notify the student in a timely manner after the tryout on his/her status. If the student is invited to join the team, I will send him/her to the Compliance Office to begin the Walk‐On Process. Coach Signature: Date:

Step 2 – Initial Compliance Office Review Student Status: □ Freshman □ Transfer □ Continuing Recruited Status: □ Yes □ No **Freshman Only** Student Registered with NCAA Eligibility Center: □ Yes □ No If so, Academic Status: □ Qualifier □ NonQualifier □ Pending Amateurism Status: □ Certified □ Not Certified □ Pending Compliance Office Signature:


# of Credits

Step 3 – Athletic Academic Services It has been determined that the student is enrolled full‐time at The University of Montana. Academic Office Signature: Date:

Step 4 – Rhinehart Athletic Training Center The student has shown proof of a physical exam taken within the last 6 months OR has passed a pre‐participation physical exam performed by a UM medical doctor. In addition, student must show sickle cell trait test results and proof of insurance. UM Athletic Trainer Signature: Date:

Step 5 – Final Approval‐Compliance Office This student has met the necessary requirements and has been issued a Tryout Approval form. Compliance Office Signature: Date:

The University of Montana Limited Tryout Approval Student Name: UM ID #:



PART 1 The student has met the requirements to participate in a limited tryout. Compliance signature:


PART 2 Once the tryout has concluded, it is the responsibility of the head coach to notify the Compliance Office of the student’s status: YES, I have agreed to allow this student to remain a member of the team. I will send the student to the Compliance Office to begin the Walk‐On Process. NO, the student has been notified that s/he will no longer be a member of the team. Coach’s signature: Date:

COACH: Please return the completed form to the Compliance Office.


Office Use Only:

Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

Equip Rm CAS Banner Coach

Participation Authorization & Preliminary Checklist WALK-ON


To the Head Coach: The student named below has my permission to attempt to become a member of my team. If eligible, I understand that they will be included on all rosters, the squad list and in research data used for the academic year. This student will NOT practice and/or participate for my team until I have been notified that eligibility has been certified.

Student’s Legal Name


ID Number

Date of Birth

Head Coach

Signature of Coach


To the New Student-Athlete: Status:




Local Phone: High School(s) Attended (grades 9-12): (1)

Name: City:



Name: City:


Junior College Attended: (1)










Four Year College Attended: (1)

Name: Transfer Release on File?





Compliance Office Adams Center 207 1. 2. 3.

Certification of Recruited Status NCAA Student-Athlete Statement Historical Questionnaire


Not Recruited

NCAA Eligibility Center Amateurism Status: Transfer Release on File?



Years of Previous Competition: Sport

N/A Sport



Signature of Compliance Office



Athletic Academic Services Lommasson Center 288 NCAA Eligibility Center Certified as:





SAT Score:

ACT Comp/SUM Score:



Transfer GPA:

# Applicable Transfer Hours Accepted:

AA Degree:



Core HS GPA:

Date Completed:

Current UM Term Credits:


First full-time enrollment at UM:

Date Expected: # credits completed last semester:

at any institution:


Signature of Academic Advisor



Certified Athletic Trainer Rhinehart Athletic Training Center The student has successfully completed his/her physical and has received medical clearance. Signature of Certified Athletic Trainer



Faculty Athletic Representative Liberal Arts 350 The student athlete is: eligible to practice only.

eligible to practice and compete.

NOT eligible to practice/compete.


Signature of the Faculty Athletics Representative Completed form must be returned to the Compliance Office.


Athletic Academic Services

Corrective Action Agreement Student Name__________________________________ Sport__________________ ID #________________ Last Name, First Name

As of _________________ you are currently ineligible for intercollegiate competition at the University of Montana. You have not met the following eligibility standards as required per NCAA bylaws: [Those that are checked.]

Not in good academic standing at the University of Montana Did not pass 6 credit hours each semester Did not pass 9 credit hours in the fall semester (Football Only) Did not pass 18 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters Did not pass 24 credit hours during the fall, spring, and summer semesters (Freshman Year Only) Must declare a major prior to the first week before start of the 5th semester Fall Semester Spring Semester Did not obtain required GPA* 1.80 1.90 2.00 Did not meet the progress toward degree (PTD) requirement 40% of declared major 60% of declared major 80% of declared major Listed below is a corrective action plan set forth by Athletic Academic Services to help you move forward academically. You are required to complete all of the requirements listed below in order for you to regain and/or maintain your eligibility and good academic standing.

Corrective Action Plan:

A. Required Courses: In accordance with the published academic standards of the university as listed in the curriculum of your chosen major, you must pass _______ degree applicable credit hours with a grade of ‘C‐’ or better during the ____________ semester. The specific courses you are required to register for and successfully complete are listed below. Modifications to this schedule must be approved PRIOR to you making any changes. 1. ____________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________




Course(s) may be taken at another Institution; Prior Approval is required, please see your Athletic Academic Advisor for detailed information. B. Required Grade Point Average: Presently your cumulative GPA is _________. In order to reach the required cumulative GPA of _______, by the date of _______________ your target semester GPA must be at least _________. *Important: Course(s) must be taken at UM to meet required GPA. C. Additional Requirements: __________________________________________________________________________________

I have reviewed this corrective action plan and am fully aware of the impact it will have on my eligibility. Ultimately my eligibility to compete and receive any applicable athletic aid is my personal responsibility and I clearly understand the seriousness of this issue. I accept the challenge to meet all deadlines, requirements and details listed in this document. Student‐Athlete: Date: Head Coach:


Athletic Academic Advisor:


Assoc AD for Academic Support:


Original: AAS _____

Copy: Student‐Athlete_____

Copy: Head Coach _____

Copy: Dept. _____

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics


This form confirms that the student‐athlete listed below meets all criteria for missed term.

STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ SID: _______________________ SPORT: _________________________ MISSED TERM: ________________________

CRITERIA By signing below I confirm I meet all criteria for missed term specifically, I did not engage in any outside competition during the missed term. Student‐Athlete Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________ CRITERIA FOR MISSED TERM (To be completed by Academic Coordinator or Compliance. Please initial by each criteria.) ______ Student‐athlete has not previously used missed term. ______ Student‐athlete did not engage in outside competition. ______ Student‐athlete was meeting PTD requirements prior to and for the missed term. ______ Not a 2 year transfer student during 1st year at UM. ____________________________________________________ Academic Coordinator Signature ____________________________________________________ Compliance Signature

_____________________ Date

______________________ Date




SPORT: Last, First, MI






GENDER HIGH SCHOOL(S) ATTENDED (Grades 9-12, including any foreign school)

1) 2)

Grades Attended Graduation Date Grades Attended Graduation Date









**Fee awards include a $30 per semester


required registration fee.







(Circle one--Lommasson+ is lowest)













NCAA Eligibility Center


Amateurism Questionnaire complete Eligibility Center ID# Core High School GPA SAT Score

Overall GPA /

ACT Composite/SUM









SPORT: Last, First, MI








1) SCHOOL NAME Dates Enrolled 2) SCHOOL NAME Dates Enrolled

City/ State






**Fee awards include a $30 per semester required registration fee.





(Circle one--Lommasson+ is lowest)










NO Status

Registered Amateurism Questionnaire complete Eligibility Center ID# LOWER DIVISION UPPER DIVISION SPLIT

Previous Institution GPA

AA Degree #Credits Earned at Previous Institution







Sport: Last, First, MI

ID# SUMMARY AWARD: Indicate percentage award OR check appropriate boxes





Tuition Waiver OUT OF STATE

Tuition Waiver IN STATE




Copper Lommasson+ All-Campus  Circle one-Lommasson+ is standard. Copper can only be awarded to an off-campus student.





  


Signature Head Coach


COMMENTS: Signature


Cum cr: Circle One:

Major: Lower-Division

Other fees: Upper-Division


COMMENTS: Signature


Approved: (Circle One)


**Fee awards include a $30 per semester required registration fee.

NO Athletic Director or Designee

 

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Non-Renewal of Financial Aid Form Date: Sport: Student-Athlete: ID#: Address: This student-athlete’s financial aid will not be renewed for the following reason(s):

semester/academic year for the (circle one)

Student-athlete has voluntarily withdrawn from the program. Student-athlete has rendered himself/herself academically ineligible for participation in intercollegiate athletics. Student-athlete has failed to meet the conditions of the Financial Aid Agreement and/or Student-Athlete Conduct Code. Other

REQUIRED In the space below, please provide specific details regarding the reason(s) for not renewing the student-athlete’s financial aid.

Head Coach signature


Athletic Director (or Designee) signature


Athletic Director: Forward this nonrenewal form to the Director of Financial Aid within 10 days of receipt from the head coach. Director of Financial Aid: Send letter of nonrenewal to the student-athlete named above within 10 days of receipt of this form from the Athletic Director, or June 1st (whichever is earlier).

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Reduction of Financial Aid Form Date:


Student-Athlete: ID#: Address: This student-athlete’s financial aid will be reduced for the

academic year for the following reason(s):

Student-athlete has rendered himself/herself academically ineligible for participation in intercollegiate athletics. Student-athlete has failed to make satisfactory progress toward his/her degree. Student-athlete has failed to meet the conditions of the Financial Aid Agreement and/or Student-Athlete Conduct Code. Other

REQUIRED In the space below, please provide specific details regarding the reason(s) for reducing the student-athlete’s financial aid.

Current Award:

Future Award:


FGE: Complete Athletic Aid Checklist with new FGE, and submit with this form.

Head Coach signature


Athletic Director (or Designee) signature


Athletic Director: Forward this reduction form to the Director of Financial Aid within 10 days of receipt from the head coach. Director of Financial Aid: Send letter of reduction to the student-athlete named above within 10 days of receipt of this form from the Athletic Director, or June 1st (whichever is earlier).

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Cancellation of Financial Aid Form Date: Sport: Student-Athlete: ID#: Address: This student-athlete’s financial aid will be cancelled for the following reason(s):

semester/academic year for the (circle one)

Student-athlete has voluntarily withdrawn from the program. Student-athlete has rendered himself/herself academically ineligible for participation in intercollegiate athletics. Student-athlete has failed to meet the conditions of the Financial Aid Agreement and/or Student-Athlete Conduct Code.

REQUIRED In the space below, please provide specific details regarding the reason(s) for canceling the student-athlete’s financial aid.

Head Coach signature


Athletic Director (or Designee) signature


Athletic Director consulted with Athletic Training staff. Athletic Director: Forward this cancellation form to the Director of Financial Aid within 10 days of receipt from the head coach. Director of Financial Aid: Send letter of cancellation to the student-athlete named above within 10 days of receipt of this form from the Athletic Director.

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics APPLICATION FOR FINAL APPEAL‐ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP Date


Student‐Athlete Name

Student ID Number

Email address (all correspondence will be done via email)

By completing and submitting this application, you are indicating that you do not accept the decision to reduce/not renew your athletic scholarship for the upcoming academic year, and you wish to request an in‐ person hearing before the UM Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee. In the space provided below or in a separate document, please state your reasons for the appeal.

During the hearing before the Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee, you may present witnesses and/or other evidence to support your case. In addition, you may be accompanied by a representative of your own choosing. If that person is a lawyer or a person with legal training, UM must know in advance in order to have legal representation there as well. If it is not indicated on this form, and a lawyer appears for the hearing, the hearing will be canceled and rescheduled to allow the University to have legal representation present. Will you have a lawyer or a person with legal training present at the hearing (check one)? □ Yes □ No After submission of this form, the Director of Financial Aid will coordinate a meeting time for the hearing. Once the meeting time is set, if you fail to appear for the hearing, you forfeit your hearing opportunity per NCAA bylaw and a decision will be rendered without you stating your case. The decision of the Committee is final and binding. Student‐Athlete Signature Completed form must be submitted to the Director of Financial Aid within five (5) business days of the date on the enclosed letter. Failure to meet the five‐day deadline results in forfeiture of all further appeal opportunities, and the decision as outlined in the enclosed letter will be accepted.

Voluntary Withdrawal The University of Montana I,

, certify with my signature below that I have chosen, (Print Name)

of my own free will, to not attend the University of Montana, or be a member of the sports team. I certify that this was a decision made solely by me, with no influence from any UM coaching staff member. I also understand that by voluntarily withdrawing from the team, I relinquish my athletic scholarship for the academic year and thereafter. I release the University of Montana from any present and future financial obligations to me and my education. This voluntary withdrawal form does NOT release you from your National Letter of Intent (NLI) obligation to The University of Montana. In order to be released from your NLI, and to avoid the basic penalty of not fulfilling it, the NLI request for release must be completed and submitted to the UM Athletic Department.

Student Print Name

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Print Name

Parent/Guardian Signature



Administered by the NCAA on behalf of the Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA).

Do not sign prior to 7 a.m. (local time) on the following dates or after the final signing date listed for each sport. SPORT (Place an "X" on the proper line.)



Basketball (Early Period) Basketball (Regular Period)

November 13, 2013 April 16, 2014

Football (Midyear JC Transfer) Football (Regular Period) Field Hockey, Soccer, Men’s Water Polo Track and Field/Cross Country All Other Sports (Early Period) All Other Sports (Regular Period)

December 18, 2013 February 5, 2014 February 5, 2014

November 20, 2013 May 21, 2014 (Division I) August 1, 2014 (Division II) January 15, 2014 April 1, 2014 August 1, 2014

November 13, 2013 April 16, 2014

November 20, 2013 August 1, 2014

IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY It is important to read this entire document before signing it. One copy is to be retained by you and the other copy is to be returned to the institution, which will file a copy with the appropriate conference office. It is permissible to transmit copies by facsimile or electronically. The National Letter of Intent (NLI) is a voluntary program with regard to both institutions and prospective student-athletes. No prospective student-athlete or parent is required to sign the NLI for a prospective student-athlete to receive athletics aid and participate in intercollegiate athletics. 1.

Initial Enrollment in Four-Year Institution. This NLI applies only to prospective student-athletes who will be entering four-year institutions for the first time as full-time students. It is permissible for 4-2-4 transfer student-athletes to sign the NLI provided a previous valid NLI does not apply. The terms of the previous NLI are satisfied if a student-athlete graduates from the two-year college.


Financial Aid Requirement. At the time I sign this NLI, I must receive a written offer of athletics financial aid for the entire 2014-15 academic year from the institution named in this document. The offer must list the terms, conditions and amount of the athletics aid award. (A midyear football two-year college transfer student-athlete must receive a written offer of athletics financial aid for the remainder of the 201314 academic year. If the institution does not renew the athletics aid for the following academic year, the student-athlete must be released of the NLI). In order for this NLI to be valid, my parent/legal guardian and I must sign the NLI and I must also sign the offer of athletics aid (see institutional policy for parent/legal guardian signature) prior to submission to the institution named in this document, and any other stated conditions must also be met. If the conditions stated on the financial aid offer are not met, this NLI shall be declared null and void. •


Professional Sports Contract. If I sign a professional sports contract in the sport in which I signed the NLI, I remain bound by the NLI in all sports, even if NCAA rules prohibit the institution named in this document from providing me with athletics financial aid.

Provisions of Letter Satisfied. a. One-Year Attendance Requirement. The terms of this NLI shall be satisfied if I attend the institution named in this document for one academic year (two semesters or three quarters) as a full-time student. b. Two-Year College Graduation. After signing this NLI while in high school and if I later attend a two-year college, the terms of this NLI will be satisfied if I graduate from the two-year college.


Basic Penalty. I understand that if I do not attend the institution named in this document for one full academic year and I enroll in another institution participating in the NLI program, I may not compete in intercollegiate athletics until I have completed one full academic year in residence at the latter institution. Further, I understand I shall be charged with the loss of one season of intercollegiate athletics competition in all sports. This is in addition to any seasons of competition used at any institution.


Early Signing Period Penalties. Prospective student-athletes who will participate in football are prohibited from signing an NLI during the early signing period. A prospective student-athlete who signs an NLI during the early period in a sport other than football will be ineligible for practice and competition in football during the first year of enrollment at an NLI member institution and shall forfeit one season of competition in football. In circumstances where a prospective student-athlete’s primary sport is not football, but anticipates participating in football, the prospective student-athlete should delay signing an NLI until either the football signing period or during the regular signing period for all other sports.


Release Request and Appeal Process. In the event I wish to be released from my NLI obligation, the NLI release request and appeal process information can be reviewed on the NLI Web site at I understand that the NLI Policy and Review Committee has been authorized to issue interpretations, settle disputes and consider petitions for complete release from the provisions of the NLI when extenuating circumstances are determined to exist and the signing institution denies my request for release. I further understand the Committee’s decision may be appealed to the NLI Appeals Committee, whose decision shall be final and binding. 2014-15 - 1


Letter Becomes Null and Void. This NLI shall be declared null and void if any of the following occur: a. Admissions Requirement. This NLI shall be declared null and void if the institution named in this document notifies me in writing that I have been denied admission or, by the opening day of classes in fall 2014, has failed to provide me with written notice of admission, provided I have submitted a complete admission application. It is my obligation to provide, by request, my academic records and an application for admission to the signing institution. If I fail to submit the necessary academic credentials and/or application to determine an admission decision prior to September 1, the NLI office per its review with the institution will determine the status of the NLI. If I am eligible for admission, but the institution named in this document defers my admission to a subsequent term, the NLI will be declared null and void; however, this NLI remains binding if I defer my admission. b. Eligibility Requirements. This NLI shall be declared null and void if, by the opening day of classes in fall 2014, I have not met NCAA initial eligibility requirements; NCAA, conference or institution’s requirements for athletics financial aid; or two-year college transfer requirements, provided I have submitted all necessary documents for eligibility determination. (1) This NLI shall be rendered null and void if I become a nonqualifier (per NCAA Bylaw 14.3). This NLI remains valid if I am a partial qualifier per NCAA Division II rules unless I do not meet the institution’s policies for receipt of athletics aid. (2) It is my obligation to register with and provide information to the NCAA Eligibility Center. If I fail to submit the necessary documentation for an initial-eligibility decision and have not attended classes at the signing institution, the NLI office per its review with the institution will determine the status of the NLI. (3) This NLI shall be rendered null and void if I am a midyear football two-year college transfer and I fail to graduate from two-year college at midyear, if required per NCAA, conference or institutional rules. The NLI remains binding for the following fall term if I graduated, was eligible for admission and financial aid and met the two-year college transfer requirements for competition for the winter or spring term, but chose to delay my admission. c. One-Year Absence. This NLI shall be declared null and void if I have not attended any institution (two-year or four-year) for at least one academic year, provided my request for athletics financial aid for a subsequent fall term is denied by the signing institution. Service in active duty with the U.S. armed forces or an official church mission for at least 12 months can use the One-Year Absence to null and void the NLI. I may still apply this provision if I initially enrolled in an NLI member institution but have been absent for at least one academic year. To apply this provision, I must file with the appropriate conference office a statement from the director of athletics that such athletics financial aid will not be available for the requested fall term. d. Discontinued Sport. This NLI shall be declared null and void if the institution named in the document discontinues my sport. e. Recruiting Rules Violation. If eligibility reinstatement by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff is necessary due to NCAA and/or conference recruiting rules violations, the institution must notify me that I have an option to have the NLI declared null and void due to the rules violation. It is my decision to have the NLI remain valid or to have the NLI declared null and void, permitting me to be recruited and not be subject to NLI penalties.


Recruiting Ban After Signing. I understand all participating conferences and institutions are obligated to respect my signing and shall cease contact with me and my family members after my signing this NLI which includes me and my family members not initiating contact with athletic staffs at other institutions. Any contact in excess of an exchange of a greeting is not permitted regardless of the conversation. The conversation does not have to result in recruiting discussion for a recruiting ban violation to occur. I shall notify any coach who contacts me that I have signed an NLI. Once I enroll in the institution named in this document, the NLI Recruiting Ban is no longer in effect and I shall be governed by applicable NCAA bylaws.


7-Day Signing Deadline. If my parent/legal guardian and I do not sign this NLI and accompanying offer of athletics aid within 7 days after the date of issuance (noted on the signing page) it will be invalid. The 7-day signing deadline does not apply if the NLI is received on the last day of a signing period (e.g., August 1). In this case, the 7-day signing deadline only applies if there are 7 days remaining for the signing period. Additionally, the institution must file the NLI with its conference office within 14 days of the date of final signature; otherwise, the NLI is invalid.


Statute of Limitations. I am subject to the NLI penalty if I do not fulfill the agreement; however, if I do not attend an NLI member institution to fulfill the agreement or penalty and four years has elapsed since my signing date, the NLI is no longer binding. Therefore, this NLI is in full force and effect for a period of four years, commencing with the date I sign this NLI.


Coaching Changes. I understand I have signed this NLI with the institution and not for a particular sport or coach. If a coach leaves the institution or the sports program (e.g., not retained, resigns), I remain bound by the provisions of this NLI. I understand it is not uncommon for a coach to leave his or her coaching position.


Coaching Contact Prohibited at Time of Signing. A coach or an institutional representative may not hand deliver this NLI off the institution’s campus or be present off campus at the time I sign the NLI per NCAA rules. This NLI may be delivered by express mail, courier service, regular mail, e-mail or facsimile. An NLI submitted to an institution electronically is permissible. It is important to read more information about the NLI at

Copyright © National Letter of Intent


2014-15 - 2


MONTIGO ALFORD Name of Prospective Student-Athlete ___________________________________________________________________________ Last


Middle Initial

CA 92336 US FONTANA Permanent Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City


Postal Code

1009243680 Prospective Student-Athlete’s NCAA ID _____________________________


02/21/1992 Date of Birth _____________________

(must be registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center and on the Institutional Request List) Submission of this NLI has been authorized by:


4/16/2014 _____________________________________

______________________________________________ Director of Athletics (or designee)

Date Issued to Prospective Student-Athlete

MEN'S BASKETBALL _____________________________________________ Sport

For Institutional Use Only: Two-year college transfer Two-year college expected graduation date ________________ (if required to graduate)

University of Montana This is to certify my decision to enroll at __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Institution I certify that I have read all terms and conditions included in this document. I have discussed them with the coach and/or other staff representatives of the institution named above, and I fully understand, accept and agree to be bound by them. I understand that signing this NLI is voluntary and I am not required to sign the NLI to receive athletics aid and participate in intercollegiate athletics. Additionally, I give my consent to the signing institution, to disclose to authorized representatives of its athletics conference (if any), the NCAA and the NLI Office any documents or information pertaining to my NLI signing. Further, I give my consent to the NLI Office to disclose my name and personally identifiable information from my education records to a third party (including but not limited to the media) as necessary to correct any inaccuracies reported by the media or related to my NLI signing, without such disclosure constituting a violation of my rights, including my rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. If I falsify any part of this NLI, or if I have knowledge that my parent or legal guardian falsified any part of this NLI, I understand I shall forfeit the first year of my athletics competition at any NLI participating institution. My signature on this NLI nullifies any agreements, oral or otherwise, which would release me from the conditions stated within this NLI.

SIGNED _______________________________________________ Prospective Student-Athlete Signature



Signing Date (Mth/Day/Yr)

Time (Circle - A.M. / P.M.) Do not sign prior to 7:00 a.m. (local time) on the initial signing date.

Parent/ legal guardian signature required if prospective student-athlete has not reached his or her 21st birthday.

SIGNED _______________________________________________ (Check one)

Parent or

Legal Guardian Signature

__________________ Signing Date (Mth/Day/Yr)

___________________ Time (Circle - A.M. / P.M.) Do not sign prior to 7:00.a.m. (local time) on the initial signing date.

1909-206-9481 _________________________________________ _____________________________ Print Name of Parent/Legal Guardian

Telephone Number (including area code) _________________________________ Email Address

Copyright @ National Letter of Intent Rev. 10/01/2013

The University of Montana Athletic Aid Agreement ACADEMIC YEAR: 2014‐2015 VB

Buchanan, Erika

February 5, 2014

You have been awarded an athletic scholarship for the terms and amount below. This award is in accordance with the rules and regulations of the NCAA, The Big Sky Conference and The University of Montana.






This award will be issued toward educational expenses such as tuition, fees, room, board, or course‐related required textbooks. This award offer is all‐inclusive in that it includes ALL financial aid you are allowed to accept (athletic and non‐athletic) unless non‐athletic aid can be exempted under applicable NCAA Bylaws. Accepting other financial aid (i.e., WUE, high school/community scholarships) will impact your athletic scholarship.

Tuition & Required Fees Orientation Fee


Required course‐related books*


Board‐All Campus


*If box checked, the Athletic Department provides you with your textbooks, regardless of their value. You are required to return them at the end of each term to the designated office to avoid penalty fees.

This contract becomes null and void if not signed on or before


I understand that my athletics aid cannot be increased, reduced, or canceled during the period of the award on the basis of my athletics ability, performance, or contribution to my team’s success; because of an injury, illness, or physical or mental medical condition that prevents me from participating in athletics; or for any other athletics reason.

I am aware that the amount of this aid may be reduced or canceled during the term of this award if:  I become ineligible for intercollegiate competition.  I give false information on my application, letter of intent, financial aid agreement or any NCAA, Big Sky Conference, or  University of Montana forms, including eligibility forms.  I engage in serious misconduct that brings disciplinary action from the University or law enforcement officials.  I voluntarily withdraw from the sport for personal reasons.  I don’t fully participate in all required athletic activities including, but not limited to, practice, conditioning, weight training, team meetings, coach meetings, film review, skill instruction, academic meetings (advisor, tutor, mentor).  It is reported by faculty that I am not attending classes on a regular basis.  I violate the UM Athletics Student‐Athlete Conduct Code.

I am aware that this aid must be reduced or canceled if:  I sign a professional sports contract for this sport.  I agree to be represented by an agent.  I receive other aid that exceeds my individual limits.  I am not enrolled in at least 12 credits per term (maximum of 21 credits).

My financial aid may not exceed the limits set by the NCAA. All employment during the academic year must be approved by the Athletic Compliance Office. Signature of Athlete Date Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date Athletic Director or Designee Date Financial Aid Office Date

The University of Montana Certification Form Non‐Counter in Division I Sports Not Recruited and Receives Non‐Athletic Aid _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Student ID: _________________________________________________ This is to certify that this student is not included in the institutional financial aid limits in the sport of ____________________________________ because: 1. The student was NOT RECRUITED, and __________________________ _____________ Signature Date Head Coach 2. The student is receiving institutional financial aid granted WITHOUT REGARD IN ANY DEGREE to athletics ability. __________________________ _____________ Signature Date Assistant Director of Financial Aid _________________________ _____________ Signature Date Faculty Athletics Representative On the basis of this information, I certify that the student‐athlete named above meets the criteria listed in NCAA Bylaw and is a NONCOUNTER. _________________________ _____________ Signature Date Athletic Compliance Director cc: Head Coach Financial Aid Office Faculty Athletics Representative Athletic Compliance Director

The University of Montana Certification Form Academic Honor Awards Exception (NCAA Bylaw;; _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Student ID: _________________________________________________ Sport: _____________________________________________________ This is to certify that this student has a campus‐based scholarship, which should not be counted due to meeting certain criteria. New Incoming Freshman: Top 10% of high school graduating class Cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 ACT sum score of 105 or SAT score of 1200 New Incoming Transfer: Transferable GPA of at least 3.00 Continuing Students – Renewal: Previously exempt award upon matriculation at UM due to aforementioned criteria. Has achieved at least 3.0 cum GPA and meets all academic eligibility requirements. On the basis of this information, I certify that the student‐athlete named above meets the criteria listed in NCAA Bylaw or or _________________________ _____________ Signature Date Athletic Compliance Director cc: Head Coach Financial Aid Office Athletic Compliance Director

Summer School Funding Request Intercollegiate Athletics The University of Montana The following Guiding Principles will be used for awarding funding for summer school:  Athletic funding will not be awarded for the purposes of regaining or maintaining academic eligibility.  In order to be eligible to receive summer funding, the student-athlete has to have had been awarded an athletic scholarship for the immediately preceding or immediately following academic year (walk-ons are not eligible).  Athletic funding can only be used for courses taken at UM.  Athletic funding can only be used by currently enrolled, continuing student-athletes.  Requests for funding in order to retake a failed course will not be granted.  The award will cover tuition and required fees (excludes room, board and books).  Priority will be given to students who are near graduation.  Priority will be given to requests for major prerequisite courses that typically conflict with athletic obligations during the academic year.  Because of limited funds, we may not be able to grant all requests.  PRIORITY DEADLINE IS APRIL 18, 2014. Applications submitted by this deadline will be given priority.

Date: Name:




Course Dept & Number (i.e., PSYC 100)

Course Title (i.e., Intro to Psychology)


Reason for taking course(s) [BE SPECIFIC]

Submit request to:

Jean Gee - Hoyt Athletic Complex 207

Departmental Use Only: Level:  Lower-Division  Upper-Division

 APPROVED Amount $


 In-State  Out-of-State



The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Application for Undergraduate Degree Completion Funding 2014-2015 Academic Year Qualifications: 1.

Applicant shall be a student-athlete who has exhausted eligibility.


Applicant shall have received athletics-related financial aid for less than 5 years.


Applicant shall be within 30 semester credits of completion of an undergraduate degree.


All remaining credits must be attainable in no more than two consecutive semesters (excluding summer).


Funding can only be used for courses taken at The University of Montana.

Applying: 1.

Meet with your academic advisor and complete the Academic Degree Plan on the back of this form. Academic advisor must sign the Plan.


Complete information below and sign.


Attach an unofficial transcript.


Completed applications are submitted to Jean Gee, Senior Associate Athletic Director, Hoyt Athletic Complex 207 no later than April 18, 2014.

Name Sport

ID# Email address

Mailing address City Cumulative GPA




Expected Graduation Date

I understand that I will be expected to enroll for the credits (full-time or part-time) indicated on the back of this application, and that if I receive funding, I will remain in good academic standing. Further, if I alter my Academic Degree Plan, I will be required to submit a revised plan, with advisor’s signature, in order to continue to receive funding.

Signature of Student-Athlete


ACADEMIC DEGREE PLAN The following must be completed in consultation with your academic advisor and signed by him/her before your application for aid will be considered.  Credits required for undergraduate degree:  Number of credits completed:  Credits remaining for applicant to complete undergraduate degree: Please list all courses student will complete in order to graduate. DO NOT LIST CURRENT CLASSES.


, 20



Total Credits  Is the student eligible to enroll in the above courses? If no, please explain:


, 20



Total Credits  Yes

 No

 Will this sequence of course be available during the terms requested?  Yes

 No

 Will this sequence of courses complete UM’s undergraduate degree requirements of the applicant?  Yes  No

Signature of Advisor

Printed Name

Email Address



Athletic Dept Use Only Date of initial full-time collegiate enrollment: Approved:


Amount: $



Number of semesters of athletic aid received:

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Length of Playing and Practice Season Form 2013-2014 Sport: Total Allowable Length of Season: I understand that my sport is limited in the length of practice and competition season, and that declaration of my sport's practice and competition season shall be on file in the Athletic Director's office prior to the beginning of my sport's season. The playing and practice season (i.e., practice and competition) season for a particular sport is the period of time between the date of the sport's first officially recognized practice session and the date of the sport's last practice session or date of competition, whichever occurs later. FALL SEGMENT *

The first day of on-court/on-field practice for my sport will be _____________________.


The last day of on-court/on-field practice for my sport will be _____________________.


The first day of on-court/on-field practice for my sport will be _____________________.


The last day of on-court/on-field practice for my sport will be _____________________.

Head Coach


Associate Athletic Director, Compliance


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Minimum/Maximum Number of Contests/Dates of Competition Form



The minimum number of contests/dates of competition in my sport pursuant to NCAA Bylaw is _____________________.


The maximum number of contests/dates of competition in my sport pursuant to NCAA Bylaw 17 (Figure 17-1) is ____________________.


The number of contests/dates of competition for my sport in the _____2013-14_________ academic year is __________________.

I affirm that the above information is correct and that I will notify the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance of any changes made to the 2013-14 academic year playing schedule.

Head Coach


Associate Athletic Director, Student Services & Compliance


THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Declaration of Countable Competitions Form Sport: Student Athlete

Contest: UM v._______ Date:______________ Countable per bylaw Y/N



C = Competed


Contest: UM v._______ Date:______________ Countable per bylaw Y/N




Contest: UM v._______ Date:______________ Countable per bylaw Y/N


DNC = Did Not Compete

Signature of Head Coach


Signature of Assoc. AD-Compliance




RS = Redshirt

Contest: UM v._______ Date:_____________ Countable per bylaw Y/N





Sport: Coach: Week of: / /

_____ In season _____ Out of Season _____ Please check if no activity occurred Instructions: Insert the number of daily/weekly hours spent for each category of countable athletically related activities and then record the total hours per day/week in the space provided. Electronically return the completed form to the Compliance Office every Monday. Individual Required Workout (No coach present)

Travel Day

Required Day Off

Weights/ Lifting/ Conditioning


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Practice End Time

Film Review (required, supervised or monitored)

Day of Week


Practice Start Time

Competition/ Games

Practice/Skill Instruction with coach

Weekly Total of Countable Athletically Related Activities

By signing/placing my name below, I certify that this information is accurate and in accordance with all NCAA regulations. Coach Signature: Date: By signing/placing my name below, I certify that this information is accurate and in accordance with all NCAA regulations. Student Signature: Date:

Daily Total

Reminders: In‐Season Out‐of‐Season Maximum of 4 hours per day Maximum 8 hours per week Maximum of 20 hours per week Maximum of 2 hours of skill instruction 1 day of per week required 2 days off per week required  Out‐of‐Season: NCAA Bylaw limits a student‐athlete's participation in required weight training/conditioning, physical fitness class, and, in sports other than football, individual skill instruction to a maximum of 8 hours per week, of which a maximum of 2 hours may be spent on individual skill instruction. There is no limit on the number of student‐athletes involved in skill instruction from September 15 to April 15. Prior to September 15 and after April 15, no more than 4 student‐athletes may be involved in skill instruction (this does not apply to football).  Competition counts as 3 hours of athletically related activities, regardless of the actual duration of the competition (NCAA Bylaw  The travel day may be considered as a day off, provided no athletically related activities occur on that day (NCAA Bylaw

The University of Montana-Department of Athletics Competition Schedule/Missed Class Time Men’s Basketball - NCAA Bylaw ____________________ Season Day/Date of Competition Sample: Sat 9/6/08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

_________________________________ Signature, Coach

Opponent Oregon State

Site Home/Away Home

Game Time 1:00 PM

Departure Date & Time or Report Time Sat 10:00 AM

* If team departs campus before 12:00 noon, count as full day; if team departs campus between 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm, count as ½ day.

APPROVALS Signature, Compliance Office


Signature, Faculty Athletic Representative


________________________ Date Class Days Missed Return Date (include ½ days)* & Time MWF/TTH N/A 0

Griz in the Community Dear Community Member, On behalf of the student-athletes, coaches and staff, we would like to thank you for your interest in The University of Montana Athletics. We believe it is important to be invested in our great community and look forward to working with you on your request. Please note that any event that is scheduled for a student-athlete must have a beneficial purpose. Student-athletes will not make appearances merely to sign autographs or have their pictures taken. The University of Montana student-athletes volunteer annually to support various organizations, community events and educational activities. We appreciate your interest, support, and request for student-athletes. In order to accommodate the many requests we receive, we ask that you keep in mind the following guidelines when requesting for your event: • EVENT DISTANCE: Student-athletes are limited to a 30mile radius drive from the University to the event location. • APPERANCE DURATION: Appearances cannot last more than two hours. • Athletics teams and individuals representing the Department of Athletics may not be responsible for the administration, management or collection of any funds. • Student-athletes may not be personally asked to participate in these events, as it could compromise the student athlete's eligibility under NCAA rules; all requests will be filtered through our Compliance Office. • Student-athletes may not make appearances at private parties or events (i.e., birthday parties, etc.) • Student-athlete appearances are fulfilled based on availability. No student may miss academic or athletic responsibilities to participate in an appearance or community event. • Specific student-athletes cannot be requested. • Standing requests will not be processed; organizations will be limited to two requests per academic year. • BLACK OUT DATES: Due to the final examinations schedule, requests will not be processed and student-athletes will not be available during the first two weeks of December and May. Due to limited availability, requests may not be processed during Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Spring Break, Summer Vacation, and University observed holidays. • Even if your event has been approved in the past, a new request must be submitted each time. **If you feel that your event has special circumstances that fall outside of the above parameters please continue to the form below and provide the appropriate information and justification in the comment box. The University of Montana Intercollegiate Athletic Department reserves the right to refuse any appearance, in its sole discretion. Finally, please allow up to 3 weeks prior to your event date for your request to be processed. We appreciate your assistance and wish you the best of luck with your event. Go Griz! To fill out the online form to request a student-athlete appearance, click here.

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS STUDENT-ATHLETE APPEARANCE Date of Appearance: Event/Activity: Location: The above referenced information has been approved by the UM Athletic Department. However, please keep in mind that there are specific NCAA rules governing student-athlete appearances. A violation of these rules could result in ineligibility of the involved student-athletes. With your signature at the end of this form, you agree to abide by the following:  Student-athletes can not receive any gifts, benefits, or tokens of appreciation that have value. That includes, but is not limited, to: merchandise, cash, certificates for merchandise or services, coupons for reductions on merchandise or services, any other extra benefit.  Pictures of the student-athletes can be taken. However, those pictures may not be sold nor used to promote a commercial venture. Pictures can be posted to Facebook.  Student-athletes may autograph items. However, those items must be for personal use only. They can never be used commercially, or as a fundraising item.

 At no time may the student-athlete participate in activities in which his/her athletic ability is displayed.

 Any conditions stated as part of the approval process must be followed. Disregard for those conditions or the information stated above will result in a prohibition of studentathlete appearances at this event in the future.

________________________________ Contact Person’s Printed Name ________________________________ Contact Person’s Signature

___________________ Date

Please return completed form, before the date of the event, to: Jean Gee, Associate Athletic Director Fax: (406) 243.2355 Phone: (406) 243.5370 Failure in returning the form before the date of the event will result in cancellation of the student-athlete appearance.

Thank you for your interest in Grizzly Athletics! To request a donated item(s) please fill out the form below.

DONATION REQUEST FORM Organization Info * Denotes required fields * Organization Country: Tax ID

USA Zip:


* Organization Name: Year Established: * Organization Type:

* First Name:

* Street: * City:

Other Last Name: (i.e. CEO, President, Executive Director, or Development Officer at the Organization)

(No PO boxes please) State: --

* Primary Email: * Primary Phone: Website:

Requester Contact Information * First Name: * Email Address: * Primary Phone: Cell/Other Phone: Title/Relationship to Organization: Organization's Event Details * Event Name: * Description: * Event Date: * Event Location:

Last Name:

* Event Location: * Number of Guests: * Event Sponsor/Underwriter: (if no event sponsor/underwriter, please write N/A) Request Details * Item donated will be used for:

Attach a Document:

Live Auction

Silent Auction

Door Prize


Choose File

No file chosen


You may attach documents that describes your event, your 501(c)(3) letter, or any other related document. (Click on Browse button to attach multiple documents. Files will be uploaded when you click submit. A maximum of three attachments will be saved. Attachments must be in one (1) of the following formats: Pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx. Limit the file size to less than 4MB.)

WE ARE OUT OF FALL SPORTS POSTERS. We are now taking requests for Griz and Lady Griz basketball posters. We hope to have basketball posters in stock by early October.

Here in Grizzly Athletics, we take great pride in "Griz Nation." We are so lucky to have loyal fans around the world. We hope that you have the opportunity to attend Grizzly Athletics sporting events each year, whether they are at home in Missoula, or around the country. Even if you can't make it to a game, don't be shy about showing your Griz pride! We will gladly send Griz posters and schedule cards based on availability. Please fill out the form below to submit your request. Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@UMGRIZZLIES) and when you receive your poster, please let us know by posting a picture of you with your poster to Instagram using the hashtag #GoGriz. Thank you for your support. GO GRIZ! **NCAA rules and regulations do not allow institutions to send posters to high schools or to prospects (students who have started 9th grade and above). Name






Request (please submit request below):

Are you associated with a high school? Yes No If so, in what capacity?

Are you a student who is in 9th grade or above? Yes No Submit

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Sports Camp/Clinic Operations Reporting Form Bank Statements must be attached. Name of Camp/Clinic: Dates of Camp/Clinic: Name of Person Completing Form: REVENUE: (Include all sources of revenue, including entry fees, sponsorships, and private donations.) # of Participants Type Rate Total 50 Example: Day Camp $75 $3,750 N/A Example: Suzy Q Private Donation N/A $2,000 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Camp Store Subtotal: Refunds:

(Please complete reverse side)


Gross Revenue: ………………………………………………………… $

) A

EXPENSES: Salaries: Supplies: Awards: Food: Dorms: Facilities: Insurance: Brochures: Postage: Background checks: Camp Store Supplies: Misc.:

(Please complete reverse side)


Total Expenses: ………………………………………………………… $


Gross Revenue Less Total Expenses (Line A minus Line B):………………… $



Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:


Refund amt:

Reason for refund:




Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:


Total Paid:



The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

Men’s Basketball Camp/Clinic Employees All non‐student‐athlete individuals employed by men’s basketball camps and clinics must read and sign this form. NCAA Bylaw states: “In men's basketball, during a two‐year period before a prospective student‐ athlete's anticipated enrollment and a two‐year period after the prospective student‐athlete's actual enrollment, an institution shall not employ (or enter into a contract for future employment with) an individual associated with the prospective student‐athlete in any athletics department noncoaching staff position or in a strength and conditioning staff position.” Name: 1. Are you currently employed (either on a paid or volunteer basis) as a coach for any boy’s/men’s basketball team?

□ Yes

□ No

If yes, please answer the following questions: What is the name of the team?

Where is the team located (city and state)?

Is this team associated with a school (scholastic)? Name of school

If not associated with a school (nonscholastic), what is its affiliation?

What is your position/responsibilities with the team?

2. Do you currently have any association with boy’s basketball player who is in 7th grade or higher?

□ Yes

□ No

If yes, please answer the following questions: Name of player:

Grade level of player:

Name of school player attends:

Your relationship to player:


By signing below I attest that I have answered all questions truthfully. Signature

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Non-Institutional Camp/Clinic Verification Form

Athletics Department staff may be employed in any capacity (e.g., counselor, guest lecturer, consultant) in a non‐institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with all restrictions applicable to Division I institutional camps and clinics. These restrictions include, but are not limited to the following:

Camp or Clinic Restrictions (To be completed by the Camp Director – Please check all that apply) NOTE: “Prospect” is defined as a high school student who has started classes for the ninth grade, or a student enrolled in a two‐year institution. _____

1. This camp or clinic is designed to improve overall skill and general knowledge in the sport of ________________. This camp or clinic includes specialized instruction and is not conducted as a tryout camp devoted primarily to agility, flexibility, speed and strength test for prospects.


2. This camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number and age). This camp or clinic does not select participants on an invitation‐only basis or reserve spots for specific prospects.


3. This camp or clinic does not employ or give free or reduced admission privileges to any high school, preparatory school or two‐year college athletics award winners or University of Montana recruits.


4. A representative of an institution’s athletics interests (i.e. Booster) shall not pay a prospect’s expenses to attend the sports camp or clinic.


5. All participants reside in the state in which the camp/clinic is located or within 100 miles of the camp/clinic.


6. This camp or clinic does not permit or arrange for a prospect to operate a concession to sell items related to or associated with the camp.


7. This camp or clinic is not established, sponsored or conducted by an individual or organization that provides recruiting or scouting services concerning prospects.


8. The cost of awards received from the camp or clinic are included in the admission fees charged to the participants in the camp or clinic.


9. There will be no recruitment activities (e.g., recruitment presentations, highlight videos, posters).


10. Coaches Clinic: High school prospects will not serve as demonstrators at the clinic.


11. Basketball Only: This camp or clinic includes an educational session detailing NCAA initial eligibility standards.


12. Basketball & Football Only: This camp or clinic must occur during the months of June, July, and/or August.

We wish to employ the following University of Montana Coach/Employee(s) (Please print names):

___________________________________ Name of Camp/Clinic Printed Name & Title

___________________________________ Location

Dates of Camp



Please fax or email completed form to the UM Compliance Office. Fax: (406) 243‐2355 Email:

For Compliance Use Only  Camp Meets NCAA Regulations Compliance Office Signature  UM Coach/Employee(s) notified

 Camp Does Not Meet NCAA Regulations Date

 Camp Director notified

The University of Montana Grizzly Athletics Sports Camps and Clinics CHECKLIST All Camp Directors must comply with the following steps in order to conduct sports camps/clinics on the campus of The University of Montana:


1. Submit promotional materials to Grizzly Compliance Office for approval PRIOR to publication and distribution. (UM Compliance will obtain approval from campus CLC/Trademarks Office.)


2. Sign annual Sports Camp Agreement and submit to the UM Compliance Office.


3. Provide Certificate of Insurance to UM Compliance Office.


4. Provide proof of worker's compensation coverage for camp employees to UM Compliance Office.


5. Submit required information to the UM Compliance Office in order to conduct background checks for all non‐UM employees. (Full name; full address; birthdate; social security number)


6. Men's Basketball Only : All non‐UM employees and student‐athletes working the camps (either paid or on a volunteer basis) must complete the MBB IAWP form. Submit completed forms to UM Compliance Office for approval PRIOR to start of camp.


7. Submit copy of License/Rental Agreement for UM facilities (Adams Center or UM Athletics) to UM Compliance Office.


8. Submit copy of University Catering Services Agreement to UM Compliance Office.


9. Ensure all campers have submitted a signed Acknowledgement of Risk form. Keep on file.


10. Ensure all campers have submitted evidence of medical insurance coverage. Keep on file.


11. Complete and submit all required NCAA paperwork as requested by the UM Compliance Office.

Required Post‐Sports Camp activities: ______

12. Grizzly Athletics Business Office will obtain Compliance review of time cards to ensure that UM employees have claimed annual leave for regular work‐week hours employed by sports camp(s). This applies only if employee is receiving compensation from the sports camp(s).


13. Complete and submit all required NCAA paperwork as requested by the UM Compliance Office.


Date: This Agreement is made and entered into by and between The University of Montana (“University”), a state institution of higher education located at 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812 and (“Coach”), located at , (Name of Coach’s business) (Address) WHEREAS Coach is desirous of conducting a sports camp for children; and WHEREAS the University is willing to make its facilities available, on an appropriate basis, for the training, educational instruction and recreation of children in athletic sports and academic programs; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and responsibilities set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. Policy on Sports Camps. Coach has read, understands and agrees to abide by The University of Montana Policy on Sports Camps (“University Camp Policy”), a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A and incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. In case of a conflict between this Agreement and the Policy, the Policy shall take precedence. 2. Camp Program. Coach shall program, manage, supervise and operate a camp program with the following specifics:

Sport/Name or Type of Program

Ages of Children

Dates of All Camp Sessions

3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of signing by all parties and terminate at the conclusion of the camp session(s) set forth above. 4. Use of Facilities. Subject to this Agreement and the University Camp Policy, the University grants Coach permission to use the following University facilities and equipment during the camp sessions set forth above for the sole purpose of operating the camp program:

Name of Facilities and/or Equipment


While using the licensed facilities and equipment, Coach agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and University and Board of Regents policies and procedures. Coach agrees to take good care of the facilities and equipment and maintain them in as good condition as they were prior to Coach’s use. 5. Insurance a. Coach shall be responsible for obtaining insurance, including but not limited to: i. Comprehensive general liability covering bodily injury and property damage liability in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate; ii. Workers Compensation insurance coverage for Coach’s employees; iii. Employer’s liability in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000); iv. Athletic participant accident insurance coverage in an amount not less than Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000) per participant. b. The insurance shall be issued by insurers licensed to do business in Montana and having a rating of at least “A” VI by A.M. Bests or an equivalent rating entity acceptable to the University and shall be written on an occurrence basis, except where otherwise agreed to by the University. c. The University shall be named and endorsed as an additional named insured under the camp’s insurance policies and the insurance coverage provided to the University as an additional named insured shall be primary and non‐contributory. d. Coach shall provide a copy of the certificate of insurance to the Athletics Director and Risk Management no later than ten (10) days prior to the start of the camp. If the insurance is canceled for any reason, Coach shall immediately notify the Athletics Director and Risk Management. The University reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in that event. e. The University may, at any time and in its discretion, amend the types and/or amount of coverage required.

6. Fee. In consideration for the use of University facilities and other services, Coach shall pay to the University a usage fee of $ , which is to be paid no later than ten (10) days after receipt of an invoice from the University following the close of the last camp session. For those camps operated by non‐University employees, the fee shall be paid in advance, as determined by the University. It is understood that this charge is for the current term of the camp only and may change in future years.

As part of the consideration for the use of University facilities and other services, University recognizes the intrinsic value the camps bring to the University by introducing camp attendees to the University. Some of these camp attendees will eventually become enrolled students at the University. For a Montana Resident, the total estimated cost for one full‐time student for the 2012‐13 academic year is $14,436 ($5,986 for tuition and fees; $950 for books and supplies; $7,500 for room and board.) Although it is difficult to track the number of camp attendees that become University students, this inherent value cannot be ignored and shall be taken into account when determining the usage fee for the University facilities.


7. Parking. The University shall set aside parking spaces in a parking lot close to the Adams Center for camp use at a rate of $1.00 per space per day. Athletics will reserve the number of spaces with Public Safety in advance of the camps and shall be charged for those reserved spaces regardless of use. Public Safety will not ticket vehicles located in the designated parking area. Coach shall pay for parking within ten (10) days after receipt of an invoice from the University following the close of the last camp session. 8. Indemnification. COACH HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD UM AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, SUITS, LOSSES, INJURIES, LIABILITY AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE) ARISING OR ALLEDGED TO HAVE ARISEN OUT OF THE CAMP OR ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF UM, ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, VOLUNTEERS, AGREEMENTORS, GUESTS, INVITEES, AND PARTICIPANTS INVOLVED IN THE CAMP. The term “Owner”, “UM” or “The University of Montana” shall include all authorities, boards, bureaus, commissions, divisions, departments, and offices of the state of Montana and the individual members, employees, and agents thereof in their official capacities, or while acting on behalf of The University of Montana. The term “UM” shall include all affiliates, partners, directors, principals, board members, officers, shareholders, employees or agents of UM. 9. Compliance a. Coach shall operate the camp in compliance with the governing rules of the NCAA, all University and Board of Regents policies and procedures and all state and federal regulations and laws. b. Coach shall not discriminate against any person or group of persons on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. 10. Acknowledgement of Risk. All attendees at Coach’s camp shall execute the attached Acknowledgment of Risk form (See Exhibit B). 11. Suspension/Termination a. The University reserves the right to suspend or terminate a Coach’s operation of a camp in future years should Coach fail to pay the University the camp fee in accordance with Section 5 of this agreement or otherwise breach any material term of this Camp Agreement or the University Camp Policy. b. If Coach’s employment contract with University is terminated by either party or expires, this Agreement shall automatically terminate coincident with the date termination or expiration of said employment Agreement.

12. Dispute Resolution a. In order to arrive at the prompt and equitable settlement of all controversies or claims between the parties, the parties agree to negotiate their differences directly


and in good faith for a period of twenty one (21) days after receiving written notification of the existence of a dispute. Written notification shall be given within a reasonable time after the existence of a dispute is known. b. If the dispute is not resolved within twenty one (21) days after written notification of the existence of a dispute, the parties agree to submit their dispute, within forty five (45) days after written notification of the existence of a dispute, to an experienced mediator who is a licensed attorney to work with them to resolve their differences utilizing non�binding mediation. Mediation will occur in Missoula County, Montana. Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses, including legal fees, in connection with the mediation and the costs and expenses of the mediator shall be borne equally between the parties.

13. Entire Agreement. Subject to any individual employment Agreement, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and there are no oral or other representations regarding the subject of this Contact that are binding on either party. Except for any individual employment Agreement, this Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, Agreements and understandings, whether written or otherwise, between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. All changes to this Agreement must be in writing, signed by both parties. 14. Force Majeure. In the event that one or more camp sessions shall not be held on the dates specified herein, or on some alternate dates mutually agreed upon by the parties, by reason of war, insurrection, strikes, riots, destruction of facilities, act of God or other force beyond the control of the contracting parties, then this Agreement shall be mutually cancelled and of no further force and effect and neither party shall be liable to the other. 15. No Assignment. Neither this agreement nor any of the rights, duties or obligations of the Coach hereunder shall be assignable in whole or in part, whether by operation of law or otherwise, by the Coach, without prior written consent of the University, in the University’s sole discretion. THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA By: Dated: Kent Haslam Athletics Director Dated: Coach (signature) Print Name: _______________________________________________


EXHIBIT B Acknowledgment of Risk Form for Participants of Sports Camps Name of Camp: __________________________________________________________ Dates of Camp: ___________________________________________________________ As a potential participant of the ______ [name of Sports Camp], I could possibly sustain injuries no matter how well conditioned I may be. Depending on the nature of the sport, injuries may be minor to fatal in nature. Some specific injuries that may be sustained by participants in physical activity associated with sports such as this one are as follows: stoppage of breathing, spine and neck injuries (either of which could result in paralysis), concussion, heart failure, broken legs, feet, ankles, toes or other bones, heat stroke, heat cramp, heat exhaustion, stroke, convulsion, unconsciousness, abrasions to limbs such as arms, legs and head, fainting, sudden illness, cramps, and loss of wind. Physical contact poses risks in ____________ [name of Sports Camp] activities as well, even though it occurs regularly as an accepted part of the sport. The propensity for major injuries, such as injuries to the spinal column, broken bones, concussion and internal injuries to major organs increases in relation to the force of impact upon contact or collision. I understand the risk of injury due to the force of a collision. I realize that if I have physical problems such as a heart condition, hypertension, orthopedic problems, or other medical problems, I should consult a physician concerning any limits to my activity. I agree to comply with all camp rules and regulations, including those given verbally and in writing. I also agree to participate in safety meetings and the presentation of any safety material, such as a video on safety, which are designed and offered to promote safety in all camp activities. Knowing the inherent risks, dangers and rigors involved in the activities in which I choose to participate at this camp, I certify that I am fully capable of participating in the activities offered. I certify that I have read this ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK Form and understand all of its terms.

Signature of Participant : ______________________________

Date: ___________________

Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature of Participant’s Legal Guardian: ___________________________________________ (if participant is under the age of 18)

Print Name: _________________________________________

Date: ___________________

The University of Montana Student-Athlete / Employer Employment Agreement Student-Athlete Information Student-Athlete Name: Sport:

UM Student ID #:

Employer Information Employer:

Job Title:

Supervisor’s Name:

Approximate hours of work per week:


Hourly or weekly rate:

City, St., Zip Code:

Dates of employment:

Supervisor’s Phone Number: ( Supervisor’s Fax: (




Employer’s e-mail: Agreement In order to comply with the NCAA rules governing the employment of student-athletes, the employer and the student-athlete who will be performing services must agree to the following conditions: 1. The student-athlete will be paid by company check for work actually performed and no more than the same rate paid other employees performing similar work in this area; 2. Transportation, meals, and other benefits will not be provided to the student-athlete unless the same benefit is available to all employees; 3. Compensation paid the student-athlete does not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that the student-athlete has obtained because of athletic ability; 4. The employer and the student-athlete will provide information regarding the student-athlete’s job performance and compensation as required by the UM Compliance Office. 5. The employer may not use the student-athlete’s name, picture or appearance to promote the company. 6. Immediately report to the Compliance Office any improper privileges or benefits offered or received by the student-athlete. Our signatures below affirm our agreement to abide by the conditions set forth above. We also understand our responsibility to comply with NCAA, Big Sky Conference and institutional policies and legislation. We will contact the Compliance Office if any of the above listed information changes during the current academic year.

Student-Athlete Signature


Employer Signature


Fax or Mail to:

Athletics Compliance Office The University of Montana Hoyt Athletic Complex-Adams Center Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: (406) 243.5370 Fax: (406) 243.2355

Dear Local Business Owner, Thank you for employing a member of one of our athletic teams at your establishment. Through ongoing education, our student‐athletes are knowledgeable of NCAA rules that govern their on or off campus employment and the expectation to comply with these rules. This letter is a part of an overall educational rules compliance program. We provide similar information to our alumni and Grizzly Athletics supporters. Please be aware that we have not singled out your establishment for any reason. We contact all local establishments that employ our student‐ athletes in order to inform the proprietors of the NCAA rules surrounding student‐athlete employment. Please understand that we must be cautious as sometimes employer’s enthusiasm for athletics can lead to unintentional conflicts with the rules and regulations of the NCAA. As an employer you should be aware of the following criteria governing compensation to student‐athletes. Wages may be paid to the student athlete only for work actually performed and only at a rate commensurate with the going rate in the area for similar services. The compensation may not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student athlete may have for the employer because of publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that he or she has obtained because of athletic ability. The employer may not use the student‐athlete’s name, picture or appearance to promote the company. Also, an employer cannot provide transportation, meals, or other benefits to student‐athlete employees unless the same benefits are provided to all employees. Finally, always contact us if there are any changes to the student‐athlete’s working arrangements or an improper benefit was received by a student athlete. Please review, sign, and return the attached document in the postage‐paid envelope enclosed to indicate that you will abide by the conditions listed for employment of a UM student‐athlete. If you have any questions, either now or in the future, please do not hesitate to contact Jean Gee, Director of Compliance, at 243‐5370. Thank you for joining us in our efforts to protect the eligibility of our student‐athletes and the integrity of The University of Montana. Sincerely, Jean Gee Associate Athletic Director SWA/Student Services and Compliance

Grizzly Athletics

FEE‐FOR‐LESSON FORM Name ______________________________________________ Sport ___________________________ Please complete the following information for each lesson you conduct. Please submit completed records on a monthly basis to the Grizzly Athletics Compliance Office, along with copies of all canceled checks or receipts for lesson payments. Date of Length of Fee Charged Name of Recipient Who Paid? Lesson Lesson

_______________________________________________ Signature

__________________ Date

Fee‐for‐Lesson Instruction A student‐athlete may receive compensation for teaching or coaching sports skills or techniques in his or her sport on a fee‐for‐lesson basis, provided: a. Institutional facilities are not used; b. Playing lessons shall not be permitted; c. The institution obtains and keeps on file documentation of the recipient of the lesson(s) and the fee for the lesson(s) provided during any time of the year; d. The compensation is paid by the lesson recipient (or the recipient’s family) and not another individual or entity; e. A student‐athlete who is teaching lessons on a fee‐for‐lesson basis to more than one individual at a time must provide instruction to each individual that is comparable to the instruction that would be provided during a private lesson; and f. The student‐athlete does not use his or her name, picture or appearance to promote or advertise the availability of fee‐for‐lesson sessions. It is permissible for coaches to conduct fee‐for‐lesson instruction with nonprospect aged individuals provided the above conditions are met. It remains impermissible for coaches to conduct fee‐for‐lesson instruction with prospects.

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Compliance Office

Monetary Award Summary

This form must be completed by the Head Coach at the end of each season to document the awards received by student‐athletes to ensure those awards comply with NCAA rules. All student‐athletes who received any type of award must be listed. In the appropriate award column, indicate the type of award (i.e., ring, plaque, etc.) and the value. Sport: Academic Year: Participation Championship Awards Special Achievement Awards Name

Year in School

Annual Participation (letter award) $225 underclassmen; $425 senior

National Championships $415 once/ championship

Conference Championship $325 once/ championship

Special Contributions to Team’s Season (scholar‐athlete, MVP) $175 once/category/ year

Most Valuable Player‐Special Event $325 once/year

Player of the game; Player of the week (plaque, certificate or medal only) $80 once/contest or time period

Hometown Award (cannot be institution’s booster club) $80

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Occasional Meals Request Form NCAA Bylaw states that a student-athlete or the entire team in a sport may receive an occasional meal in the locale of the institution on infrequent and special occasions from an institutional staff member. An institutional staff member may provide reasonable local transportation to student-athletes to attend such meals. A student-athlete may receive an occasional family home meal from a representative of athletics interests (booster) on infrequent and special occasions under the following conditions: a) b)

The meal must be provided in an individual’s home (as opposed to a restaurant) or on campus, and may be catered; and A representative of the institution’s athletics interests may provide reasonable local transportation to student-athletes to attend the meal function only if the meal function is at the home of that representative.

A few other items to remember are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Prior approval must be received from the Compliance Office for all occasional meals. That is the only way to ensure The University of Montana is staying within the limitations of the rules. Incoming freshmen student-athletes must be enrolled in summer school in order to receive an occasional meal. During the occasional meal, student-athletes may not accept any other benefit or item of value (i.e., washing/drying clothes; use of a vehicle; use of recreational vehicles; gifts, etc.) Family members of a student-athlete may not participate in occasional meals.

ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT POLICY: All occasional meals provided by a representative of athletics interests must go through the process as stated above. The University of Montana defines occasional as a maximum of four (4) meals per semester total. Please complete this form and submit to the Compliance Office PRIOR to providing an occasional meal to the student-athlete or the team. Sport: Date and location of the meal: Who will be providing the meal, and what is their relationship to The University of Montana? What is the occasion for the meal? By what means of transportation will the student-athletes arrive at the location of the meal, and who will provide the transportation? Request made by: □ Coach: _________________________________ □ Athletics Administrator: ____________________ □ Booster: ________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________ What student-athletes will be attending the meal? If entire team, write “entire team”.

I certify that I have read this form and the provisions of NCAA Bylaw I affirm that the occasional meal will be provided in accordance with this Bylaw, that I have sought approval from the Athletic Compliance Office, and that all individuals in attendance are eligible to participate.

Signature of Requesting Coach, Administrator or Booster


Signature of Student-Athlete



□ Not Approved


Office of Compliance Signature


This is the team/student-athlete’s ________ occasional meal of the semester and a total of ________ for the current academic year.

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Guidelines for Agents, Financial Advisors and Professional Representatives

The Department of Athletics has created specific guidelines for agents, financial advisors and professional representatives to follow, with hopes to prevent any misconduct on behalf of our student‐ athletes, which could render them ineligible and subject the University to NCAA violations and/or sanctions. The Department of Athletics understands the benefits that a professional representative can provide our student‐athletes, and we have no intent to separate them from one another. Rather, we have created the following rules and regulations (below) that should be reviewed carefully by each representative. NCAA Rules for Use of Agents 12.3.1 General Rule. An individual shall be ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport if he or she ever has agreed (orally or in writing) to be represented by an agent for the purpose of marketing his or her athletics ability or reputation in that sport. Representation for Future Negotiations. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she enters into a verbal or written agreement with an agent for representation in future professional sports negotiations that are to take place after the individual has completed his or her eligibility in that sport. Benefits from Prospective Agents. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she (or his or her relatives or friends) accepts transportation or other benefits from: a) Any person who represents any individual in the marketing of his or her athletics ability. The receipt of such expenses constitutes compensation based on athletics skill and is an extra benefit not available to the student body in general; or a) An agent, even if the agent has indicated that he or she has no interest in representing the student‐athlete in the marketing of his or her athletics ability or reputation and does not represent individuals in the student‐athlete’s sport. The University of Montana Rules and Regulations The University of Montana requires all agents, financial advisors and professional representatives to adhere to the following guidelines prior to ANY contact with our student‐athletes. o


All representatives must first register with the Department of Athletics before contacting any of our student‐athletes or visiting The University of Montana campus. Read and complete each question in The University of Montana Agent Registration/Financial Advisor Form, sign it, and return it to The University of Montana. Please make sure all written correspondence to the student‐athlete is sent to the Compliance Office in duplicate. A copy of the correspondence will be kept on file with the Compliance Office. The original written correspondence from registered agents will be distributed to the designated student‐athlete(s).

The University of Montana Agent Registration Form (This form must be completed in its entirety) 1. General Information (Print or Type) Full Name (Last, First, Middle) Cellular Phone

Date of Birth

2. Business Information Name or Firm or Agency Address City, State, Zip Code Business Phone # Business Fax #

Email Address

3. Education High School Address City, State, Zip Code College Address City, State, Zip Code Degree(s) Earned and Year

Year of Graduation

Year of Graduation

4. Experience Number of years experience as a Player‐Agent: Sports in which you currently represent athletes: Other sports in which you have represented athletes: Total number of athletes you represent in each sport:

5. Other Qualifications Current membership in professional organizations: Occupational or professional licenses (I.E., Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Life Underwriter, Etc.), State or Issuance and Date Obtained: Are you currently certified by the NFLPA? (Check those that apply) Yes □ No □ Permanent □ Provisional □ Are you currently certified by the NBPA? (Check those that apply) Yes □ No □ Permanent □ Provisional □

6. Professional Services – General Services Performed For Client‐Athletes (Check Those That Apply And Indicate Fee Charged): Playing Contract Negotiations: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Endorsement Contract Negotiations: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Legal Assistance: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Tax Consulting: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Financial Planning: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Money Management: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Insurance: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Estate Planning: Yes □ No □ Hourly Fee or Percentage: Other:

7. Expenses Billed To Clients: Are expenses included in the fees? Yes □ No □ If not, how are the expenses billed? Actual Cost □ Per Diem □ Other (Explain)

8. For the services you perform for client athletes, list the names and addresses of individuals, firms or agencies that assist in providing these services: (Use additional sheets if necessary) Name: Address: Services Provided: Name: Address: Services Provided: Name: Address: Services Provided: Name: Address: Services Provided:





Do you handle players’ funds? If yes, please provide details as to the amount of the bond, the name and address of the surety of the bonding company, etc. Yes □ No □ In receiving compensation for contract negotiations services, do you receive payments “up front” or are your payments received as the player is compensated?

9. List the names of any athletes, including University of Montana student‐athletes that you previously represented or currently represent. In team sports, please list the team/league to which each athlete is currently under contract and the name of the team representative with whom you negotiated this contract. If you represent athletes in more than one sport, please provide this information for at least five clients (athletes) in each sport. Write “None” if you currently do not represent an athlete. Use additional sheets if necessary or attach a list. Player Name


Client Phone #

Team Representative

10. Please list the names and sports of any current University of Montana student‐athlete(s) you want to contact. 11. Do you earn income from work performed in some capacity other than as a player‐agent? Yes □ No □ If yes, describe other occupation(s) or services for which you are paid.

12. Does anyone else work for you (i.e., middlemen, runners, etc.)? Yes □ No □ If yes, please list: Name


NOTE: Failure to indicate runners or middlemen could result in disassociation!

13. Previous Employment Firm or Agency: Position/Dates: Address: Telephone # Firm/Agency: Position/Dates: Address: Telephone # Firm/Agency: Position/Dates: Address: Telephone#

14. Reference (Please provide three) Name: Address: Telephone # Name: Address: Telephone # Name: Address: Telephone #

15. Verification Statement (Please read carefully and sign): I certify that the above information is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Further, I certify that I will notify Jean Gee (or the designated representative/athletics compliance office) at The University of Montana prior to the first contact with a student‐athlete who has eligibility remaining in any sport and is enrolled at The University of Montana or before the first contact with the student‐ athlete’s coach. I have reviewed the NCAA rules and regulations that accompany this form. Before signing the registration form, I have read The University of Montana rules and regulations concerning student‐athletes and agree to be bound by and conform to this policy. I have not engaged in ANY activity prior to a student‐athlete’s agreement to be represented that would jeopardize the student‐athlete’s eligibility. I also understand that failure to comply with the terms of this certification and the applicable NCAA legislation may result in the initiation of legal proceedings by The University of Montana and the assessment of civil and/or criminal penalties. Signature: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________ Please return this completed form to: The University of Montana Athletics Compliance Office 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812 Via fax: 406‐2432264 Via Email:

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

Prospects on Campus During Summer Prospect Name

Conditioning in UM Facilities

                   

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Dates on Campus

Attending class(es) in Summer Term

                   

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Name of person prospect is staying with

Who is paying for housing, meals, and/or transportation

Relationship (e.g., parent, H.S. teammate, etc.)

I certify that no UM coaches or staff members in my sport were involved in the arrangement of off‐campus housing for any of the above prospects. I further certify to the best of my knowledge the above information is accurate. Should anything change, I am responsible for updating this form. Coach: Sport: Date:

Housing, Meals, & Transportation

Housing for Prospects during the Summer. UM may rent dormitory space to a prospect during the summer months at the regular UM rate, provided it is UM’S policy to make dormitory space available on the same basis to all prospective students. NCAA rules prohibit UM (student‐ athletes, coaches, staff) from arranging off campus summer housing for prospects unless they are receiving athletically related financial aid to attend summer school prior to his or her initial full‐time enrollment at Montana. Meals. Student‐athletes, coaches, staff, and boosters are prohibited from providing meals to prospects. If sharing meal expenses while living with others, the prospective student‐athlete should be able to document that he or she has paid for their own meals (e.g. check, cash receipt). Transportation. Student‐athletes, coaches, staff, and boosters are prohibited from providing transportation to prospects. If sharing transportation expenses while living with others, the prospective student‐athlete should be able to document that he or she has paid for their share of the expenses (e.g. check, cash receipt). Prospective Student‐Athletes & Summer Conditioning

Football Prospects who have either: (1) Signed a National Letter of Intent (NLI), or (2) In the case of a 4‐year college transfer, a signed offer of financial aid, or (3) Enrolled in the institution’s summer term may engage in voluntary summer workouts conducted by the institution’s strength and conditioning coach for no more than eight hours per week. Note that athletics department coaches may not observe prospects engaged in this otherwise permissible conditioning activity. Basketball Prospects who have are enrolled in the institution’s summer term may engage in summer workouts conducted by coaches for no more than eight hours per week. All Other Sports Prospects who are enrolled in summer term may engage in voluntary summer workouts conducted by the institution’s strength and conditioning coach for no more than eight hours per week. Note that athletics department coaches may not observe prospects engaged in this otherwise permissible conditioning activity.

Prior to participation in any weight‐training or conditioning workouts, a prospective student‐athlete must pass a physical administered through the Rhinehart Athletic Training Center. Please see Jean Gee, Senior Associate Athletic Director to obtain clearance for such physicals.

Further, it is permissible for a member institution to provide a signed prospect weight‐lifting program information, and a copy of material related solely to the institution's strength and conditioning program. Additionally, it is permissible to provide the prospect with a playbook. However, for purposes of complying with the regulations, please be aware that it is not permissible to require signed prospective student‐athletes to submit workout logs and progress reports.

Remember: Prospects remain prospects until the first day of fall classes or fall preseason (whichever comes first).

The University of Montana Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

Verification of Prospect Information – Summer Date: Prospect Name: Sport: You have been identified as a new, incoming student‐athlete for The University of Montana (UM). Attached to this form is an informational flyer explaining some of the NCAA rules regarding your presence in the vicinity of campus during the summer (the list is not exhaustive). In order to further ensure compliance with NCAA rules, please complete the following information and return to the UM Compliance Office in the enclosed postage‐paid envelope.  Missoula area summer address:  Phone number:  Who are you living with? Relationship to you?  Dates you will be living in Missoula this summer:  How are you paying for food and living expenses (i.e., job, parents)?  What is your mode of transportation while in the Missoula‐area?  Are you or do you plan to work out in the Athletic Department weight room? By signing below, I am certifying that all of the above information is true and accurate. Signature Printed Name Thank you for your attention to this matter and help in ensuring UM’s continued compliance NCAA rules. Please do not hesitate to contact the UM Compliance Office if you have any questions! Have a Great Summer! Jean Gee Laurel Hanson Senior Associate Athletic Director Compliance Assistant (406) 243‐5370 (406) 243‐5729

The University of Montana Verification of Transfer APR Adjustment The University of Montana is requesting verification of full-time enrollment at your institution for a student-athlete who was enrolled at our institution during the academic year. This information is necessary in order to document that the student-athlete noted below immediately transferred from our institution to another four-year institution at the next available regular academic term, as required by the APR Adjustment Directive. Name of Student-Athlete: Sport: 1.

Was the student-athlete enrolled full time and attending classes at your institution as of the first day of classes for the ? ď ą Yes

ď ą No


Name of your institution:


Please indicate the classification of your institution: NCAA Division






Other Four-Year

__________________________________ Print Name of Person Completing Form

___________________________________ Title

__________________________________ Signature of Person Completing Form

___________________________________ Date

Please return to:

Jean Gee, Senior Associate AD, Student Services & Compliance Fax: (406) 243-2355 Phone: (406) 243-5370

For internal use only: Student-athlete earned the eligibility point last term of enrollment prior to transfer. Student-athlete enrolled at UM for at least one academic year prior to transfer. Student-athlete has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.6 at time of transfer. Last term in APR cohort in which s/he lost retention point.

LEGAL CHECKLIST Name: Date: 1. Who paid your bond? 2. Who is your lawyer? 3. How did you choose your lawyer? 4. How much have you paid him/her as of today? 5. Describe the discussion you had with him/her regarding fees and payment. 6. Has there been anyone else present during any of your meetings with your lawyer? If so, who?

THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE PERMISSION Office of Athletic Compliance This form, when completed and signed by the student-athlete, the coach, the compliance office and the athletic director, permits the student-athlete to participate in a summer basketball league. NCAA Bylaw 14.7.4 Additional Exceptions for Basketball Only: (a) Summer League . A student-athlete may compete during the period between June 15 and August 31 or the institution's opening day of classes (see Bylaw, whichever comes earlier, on a team in a league certified per Bylaw, provided the student-athlete has received written permission from the institution's athletics director (or the director's official representative) prior to participation in the league. If the student-athlete is transferring and has been officially accepted for enrollment in a second institution, and if the previous institution certifies that the student has withdrawn and does not intend to return to that institution for the next term, this written permission is to be obtained from the member institution to which the student-athlete is transferring. Under such circumstances, the studentathlete does not count on the summer-league roster as a representative of either institution.

To be completed by student-athlete This is to request permission to participate in the NCAA-approved summer basketball league listed below. My signature certifies that I have read this form and am in complete understanding of the NCAA requirements for a student-athlete's participation in a summer basketball league. Name of student-athlete Signature of student-athlete


Summer basketball league information Name of league

Date competition begins

Name of league director Address (street, city, state, Zip code)

Coach's approval This is to grant the above-named student-athlete permission to participate in the above-listed NCAA-approved summer basketball league. This permission is granted with the understanding that all provisions of NCAA Bylaw (see back of this form ) regarding summer basketball leagues will be adhered to. Signature of coach


Compliance office approval Signature of Director of Compliance


Athletics Director approval Signature of Athletics Director


Bylaw In order for a summer basketball league to be certified, a certification application form must be submitted each year to the NCAA national office. To be certified, the following criteria must be met by each league: (a) All-Star Games Prohibition. No all-star game of any kind shall be permitted; (b) Geographical Limitation. League play shall be within 100 air miles of the city limits of the student-athlete's official residence at the end of the previous academic year or the institution the student-athlete last attended as a regular student. If a league does not exist within 100 air miles of the student-athlete's residence, a student-athlete may participate in the summer league located closest to the student's official residence; (c) Payment Prohibition. No member team shall make any payments for play or expenses directly or indirectly to any player; (d) Postseason Competition. Postseason play-offs or tournaments shall be permitted, provided they involve intraleague competition and are completed by August 31; (e) Player Limitations. (1) Number from Any One College. Each team shall include on its roster not more than two players with intercollegiate basketball eligibility remaining from any two-year or four-year college (other than a Divisions II and III member institution); (2) Replacement of Student-Athlete Who Withdraws. A student-athlete who is listed on the roster of a team and withdraws or is injured and will not continue to practice or compete may be replaced for the remainder of the season by another basketball student-athlete from the same institution. The institution is permitted only one replacement per team; and (3) One Team, One League. All Division I student-athletes must limit their competition to one team in one league; (f) Revenue. No admission shall be charged for any game, no fee shall be charged for parking to attend any game, no revenue shall be realized at any game from raffles or similar activities, and no revenue shall be realized from over-the-air or cable television or radio rights fees for any game; (g) Staff Limitations. (1) Neither the league nor any member team shall have on its staff or as a participant any person associated in any employment capacity with any two-year or four-year college, except that institutional employees who are not athletics department staff members and do not have responsibilities directly related to the athletics department may serve as game officials. (2) Neither the league nor any member team shall have on its staff or as a participant any individual who has been found guilty or pleaded guilty in a court of law for having been involved in sports bribery, point shaving or game fixing; (h) Venue. A certified league shall not be conducted in a venue where sports wagering on intercollegiate athletics is permitted or on property sponsored by an establishment that permits sports wagering on intercollegiate athletics or is branded with signage for such an establishment; (i) Involvement of Agents. No individual or agency involved in the marketing of any individual's athletics reputation or ability (including an employee of an agent or anyone associated with an agent in his or her capacity of marketing any individual's athletics reputation or ability) shall be associated in any capacity with the league (or any team participating in the league); (j) Awards. League participants may receive an award, provided the cost of the award is included in the participant's entry fee; (k) Accident Medical Insurance. The league operator must provide proof of accident medical insurance coverage for league participants; and (l) Approval of League Operator or Manager. Individuals involved in operating or managing a league must be approved in accordance with guidelines established by the NCAA basketball certification staff. Â

The University of Montana – Grizzly Compliance Permission for Outside/Unattached Competition Form (Sports Other Than Basketball)


UM Sport Academic Year Student‐Athlete: This form, when completed, permits you to participate in outside competition. Such permission must be obtained BEFORE the event is held. NOTE: EACH SPORT MAY HAVE DIFFERENT RULES PERTAINING TO THE ABILITY TO COMPETE IN OUTSIDE COMPETITION. CHECK WITH THE COMPLIANCE OFFICE BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM TO SEE IF YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE.

NCAA Bylaw competition as individual/not representing the University of Montana

It is permissible for a student‐athlete to participate in outside competition as an individual during the academic year in the student‐athlete’s sport, as long as the student‐athlete represents only himself or herself in the competition and does not engage in such competition as a member of or receive expenses from an outside team. In addition, when competing in an event as an unattached athlete, the student‐athlete is not permitted to wear the UM uniform, receive expenses (lodging, meals, transportation, snacks, etc.) from the department, or receive coaching from UM coaching staff.

Name/Location of Competition

Dates of Competition

Team you are representing OR unattached


Is the competition scored for any institutions present?

□ Yes

□ No

Who paid for/provided the following: Lodging Meals, snacks


*By signing below, I attest that I will not accept prize money based on place or finish at a competition held during the academic year. Further, if competing during the summer, I will only accept prize money less than my documented expenses. I will contact the compliance office prior to accepting any money. Student‐Athlete Signature Date Head Coach Signature Date UM Compliance Office Date

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