Collegian | Summer 2011

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A publication of the MSU Alumni Assoication for the alumni and friends of Montana State University

monta na state u ni v er sit y








Alumnus David O. Kem and wife give $1 million for MSU students

Coming home to Bozeman after helping break down gender barriers



Serving Native Americans through education

MSU grad wins Oxfam international contest



A passion for helping horses

Former MSU administrator to memorialize wife with $100,000 gift to MSU library

14 Bobcat spirit: Made in Montana



Strong mettle: Denarius McGhee

For Ben Tone, the play has always been the thing



Online graduate certificate in Native American Studies

Engineering alumni bring the big city to Bobcat Stadium

Homecoming 2011




Chance meeting brings MSU graduates together for common purpose

Cat/Griz 2011

36 Who’s calling?

Departments From the President 2 Mail Bag


Blue & Gold News 4 Association News 29 Class Notes


Summer 2011 | 1

f r o m t h e MS U p r e s id e n t Dear Alumni and Friends, Summer is in full swing here in Bozeman, with the beautiful, long days perfect for enjoying the surrounding rivers and mountains. It is also a terrific time to share information with you about a few of our students’ wonderful achievements, as well as several new programs and upcoming events. This spring, three members of our Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering’s graduating class—Chandra Macauley of Billings, Kathryn Morrissey of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Nicole Schonenbach of Ashland—won prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, which will support three years of graduate education. Meanwhile, Griffin Stevens of Bozeman, who majored in mechanical engineering and the University Honors Program, was one of 20 students across the country to receive a 2011 Pearson Prize National Fellowship, recognizing leadership in community service. Finally, Daniel Barta from Helena and Casey Donoven from Kremlin won the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship, the nation’s premier scholarship for undergraduates studying math, natural sciences and engineering. They were MSU’s 52nd and 53rd Goldwater winners, keeping MSU one of the nation’s top institutions for total Goldwater recipients. Our student-led group, “Engineers Without Borders” (EWB), is continuing its work to bring clean water to a community in Kenya. EWB at MSU also recently won one of four W.K. Kellogg Outreach Scholarship Awards. The group will now compete against community outreach programs at other institutions for the highly prestigious C. Peter Magrath University/Community Engagement Award, which comes with a $20,000 prize. You can learn more about EWB and its work by visiting Earlier this year, MSU received the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s community engagement classification. This is a national recognition of our commitment to teaching that encourages volunteer service in communities and the spreading of knowledge that benefits the public. On the philanthropy side, I am honored to announce that MSU alum David O. Kem and his wife, Judith L. Raines, recently announced a generous gift that will fund the MSU Presidential Award for Emerging Scholars. The award is designed to recognize students who exhibit great potential. Thanks to David and Judith, we now have the ability to help more students excel! I am also happy to inform that we will be offering several more certificate programs through Gallatin College Programs beginning this fall. The medical assistant and bookkeeping certificate programs both lead to certificates in applied science degrees and will take one year to complete. The new programs will enable individuals to qualify for good jobs while also helping to satisfy employers’ workforce demands. There is much to look forward to this fall. Aron Ralston, author of the book, Between a Rock and a Hard Place and the inspiration for the film “127 Hours,” will speak at the 2011 MSU Freshman Convocation, set for Sept. 7. Please join us. Finally, our stadium renovation project is on schedule to be completed in time for the Sept. 10 home opening football game. Many thanks to all of the donors who have made this terrific project possible. I look forward to seeing you. With warm regards, Waded Cruzado President

M S U Alu m n i Ass o c i at i o n Chair Bill Perry, ’02, Spokane, Wash. Past Chair Lois (Fulker) Norby, ’65, Excelsior, Minn. Chair-Elect Mary Beth (Holzer) Walsh, ’86, Twin Bridges Treasurer Mark Sherman, ’97, Great Falls Board of Directors William Breeden, ’65, ’68 M, Anchorage, Alaska Brian Clark, ’82, Kalispell Chantel McCormick, ’99, Bozeman Lea (Anderson) Moore, ’93, Miles City Chris Pemberton, ’93, Vancouver, Wash. Susan (Wallace) Raph, ’82, ’01 M, Shelby Jane (Ellis) Scharff, ’76, ’87 M, Billings Jeff Sipes, ’86, Lake Tapps, Wash. Steve Skaer, ’00, ’07 M, Great Falls Toby Stapleton, ’58, ’08 M, Billings Brant Weingartner, ’98, Irving, Texas David Yarlott, Jr., ’94, ’96 M, ’99 EdD, Crow Agency Bobcat Club Representative Pam (Turnquist) Birkeland, ’77, ’00 M, Helena Foundation Representative Jim Alderson, ’69, Whitefish Student Alumni Association Nate Carroll, Ekalaka | Carl Nystuen, Lakeside M S U Alu m n i sta f f President and CEO Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 M Associate Director Kerry Hanson, ’93, ’08 M Membership Director Jennifer Ward, ’94 Program Manager Rose (Healy) Hanson, ’82 Administrative Assistant Jennifer Anderson Communications Specialist Megan (Koehler) Walthall, ’06

Vol. 88, No. 2, Summer 2011 Ed i to r i a l b oa r d Caroline Zimmerman, ’83, Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 M, Suzi Taylor, ’99 M, Jodie DeLay, ’93, Julie Kipfer, Kerry Hanson, ’93, ’08 M, Tracy Ellig, ’92, Phillip Luebke, Megan Walthall, ’06 Ed i to r Caroline Zimmerman, ’83 C r e at i v e D i r ec to r Ron Lambert D e s i g n a n d p r o du c t i o n MSU Office of Creative Services P h oto g r a p h y by Kelly Gorham,’95, MSU Photography (unless otherwise noted) The Montana State Collegian (ISSN 1044-7717) is published four times a year by the Montana State University Alumni Association. Foundation & Alumni Center, 1501 S. 11th Ave., Bozeman, Montana 59717. Periodicals postage paid at Bozeman, Mont., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Montana State Collegian, 1501 S. 11th Ave., Bozeman, MT 59717 • (406) 994-2401 • E-mail: alumni@

On the Cover Mt. Baldy and the “M” from above. Photo by Kelly Gorham.

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M a i l b a g your letters

The Collegian magazine welcomes letters from alumni and friends of MSU. Send them to or MSU Alumni Association, P.O. Box 172940, Bozeman, MT 59717-2740. Dear Jaynee, I just finished reading the spring 2011 edition of the Collegian. I can’t even tell you how much I enjoy your publication as well as the Mountains & Minds magazine. Both are very well written and feature such outstanding achievements by MSU students and grads. You and your staff are to be congratulated. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Ken Nelson, ‘59

Big Timber, Mont. Jaynee, Thanks for the great article in the Collegian. I received it this weekend at home and was really impressed. I can’t say no now. The paperwork is at home, but I intend on joining and supporting this week. Thanks, Matt McCune, AUTOPILOT INC.

Bozeman, Mont.

Dear Jaynee, Received my Collegian on Wednesday and immediately read it cover to cover. Am literally in awe at what has and is transpiring at my alma mater. What a glorious institution. Living here in upstate SC, in close proximity to Clemson, Furman, Wofford, USC, and little Erskine College, I am, of course, inundated with all their doings and publicity. They are all great schools, some with much higher enrollment, but certainly do not overshadow our programs, alumni accomplishments, or fundraising challenges. Little wonder our engineers compete on a plane with such biggies as MIT. Congratulations on a fine publication. Sincerely, Douglas L. Worthington, ‘62

My enthusiastic compliments to any and all who had a hand in the 2011 Reunion. We had a great time and really appreciate all the thoughtful things all of you did. Thank you over and over. While we plan to visit my hometown of Bozeman in the next few years again, we’re really looking forward to my 70th in 2021. John S. Bader

Dear Ladies, Congratulations. I have attended many meetings both large and small in my lifetime, but this Commencement Reunion was the best planned, coordinated and executed of any I have attended. Thank you for your kindness and help through it all. Congratulations again, you must be engineers. Yours Truly, Charles Barnard, ‘41 CE

P.S. This reunion was one of the highlights of my life!

must have been, and everything worked out so well. We enjoyed the whole reunion and are so proud to be graduates of MSC. Tom and Ruth Drummond

Billings, Mont.

Dear Jaynee, Thank you for the beautiful blanket that was presented to me at my retirement “do.” It will always remind me of the great people I have worked with during my 39 years at MSU. Bob Oakberg

Bozeman, Mont. Dear Jaynee, Richard and I thank you so much for the wonderful memories—50th anniversary from MSU…wow! Meeting the AGR boys again was special. Many good times were had— and many good laughs remembering when…1961. Kerry Hanson and Jen Ward were a big help to keep us on track.

Dear Jaynee and staff, Thank you so much for the wonderful Give yourself a hug. ’61 class reunion. The whole event was Richard and Paulette Cronk “beyond our expectations.” The accomChinook, Mont. modations were excellent, the food very good and everything happened on time. Dear Ladies, We appreciated having transportation to Thank you for the fabulous party­—you and from the campus. I enjoyed the tree are a dynamo group in action. You planting and seeing the campus. Much bounced into the place and we get the has changed—but a lot was still the same. impression you knew all of us for forever. It felt good to “go home.” It gave one a warm fuzzy feeling. No Please extend my appreciation to wonder this alumni group is considered anyone who was a part of this celebration. one of the best in the nation. We are I had a wonderful time and it was fun to truly impressed and want to congratulate see and visit with so many of my classyou for a job well done. mates. We appreciated having so much of It was a very nostalgic moment for President Waded’s time. How fortunate us as our youngest brother Jack was to have her as MSU President. student body president and served on the planning committee with Dr. Renne in Sincerely, the planning of the Fieldhouse. He also Carla Hansen worked on the Student Union extension Kinsey, Mont. with Mildred Leigh. For your records, he Dear Jaynee, died in 2009. I couldn’t send the survey sheet in withThanks again—we love all of you. out a great big “Thank You” to you and Elfreda “Fritzi” Idleman and Tia Kober all your staff. What a huge project this

Summer 2011 | 3

b l u e & g o l d msu news

Trio of female chemical engineering grads win top NSF graduate fellowship Three members of the graduating class of Montana State University’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, all female, have won prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. Chandra Macauley, ’11 ChE, of Billings, Mont., Kathryn Morrissey, ’11 ChE, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Nicole Schonenbach, ’11 ChE, of Ashland, Mont., are all recipients of the fellowship, which provides them $30,000 a year, plus tuition and fees, to support three years of graduate education. The trio is one-third of the number of MSU-affiliated students who received the award this year. Seven current or previous MSU graduates received the award and two students from other institutions plan to use their award to study at MSU. “It’s not uncommon to have one (NSF graduate winner) in one department, but three is pretty unprecedented,” said Ron Larsen, head of MSU’s chemical and biological engineering department. Larsen said that while one-third of chemical engineering students are women, among the highest among engineering disciplines, “the fact that all three are women is remarkable.” However, the winners say that what is remarkable is not how much they share—that they are females in the same engineering major—but how much they differ. They received their awards from three different sections of the NSF, and each has a different research interest within the same discipline.


A new MSU Tradition

Nicole Schonenbach (from left), Chandra Macauley and Kate Morrissey are three women who share friendship, a chemical engineering major, and now a bright future as recipients of the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship.

Macauley received her fellowship in materials science and engineering, Morrissey in environmental science and Schonenbach in chemical engineering. “It just shows that chemical engineering is so wonderfully diverse,” Macauley said. And speaking of diversity, the three agree that chemical engineering seems to be appealing to females. “I think it’s because of the chemistry (in the discipline),” Schonenbach said. “It makes our work that much more interesting. There’s so much you can do with it.” All three winners have done prestigious research at MSU and other top universities across the globe, which contributed to their award. Larsen said that in addition to academic excellence, NSF graduate research recipients have to have experience in research and “usually something else on top of that…Some-

When students hear the carillon bells ring on ’Cat game weekends, they will know it is time for the GROWL. This new tradition will be introduced Friday, Sept. 8 at 10 p.m. at the Alumni Plaza (north of Montana Hall). Students, alumni and fans will gather to celebrate the “night before a Cat’s game.” The GROWL is being developed as a way to involve students in Collegian | 4

thing else has to stand out.” Macauley will pursue a graduate degree in materials science engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara under Carlos Levi. She plans a career in alternative energy applications at an international company. Morrissey plans to study water quality and will study for a graduate degree in environmental engineering or environmental studies from either the University of Colorado or MSU, with an eventual goal of working to help improve the environment worldwide. Next year Schonenbach will attend UCSB where she hopes to work in the area of biomedicine. Her eventual plans call for research and work with a drug delivery system for cancer and eventual plans for a career in research and development of pharmaceuticals. —Carol Schmidt

weekend game activities on campus. The cheer squad will teach cheers and the Spirit of the West Marching Band will play to engage and excite the crowd. Wear Blue and Gold and prepare to have fun. 2011 is a historic season for the Bobcats, and you won’t want to miss this exciting new tradition on your campus. Listen for the Carillon.

b l u e & g o l d msu news

MSU program receives $100,000 grant The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation has awarded $100,000 to the Montana State University Foundation to support Teaching Engineering Applications in Math and Science (TEAMS). TEAMS is an innovative program run by the College of Engineering at MSU that is designed to provide professional development for middle school math and science teachers in and around Montana’s Native American communities and increase awareness of the value of using engineering applications to teach math and science content. The grant was part of $8.4 million awarded to 84 diverse nonprofit organizations by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation in its latest round of grants. The funding will be used to expand the reach of the TEAMS program over the next two years and grow teacher knowledge and application of engineering lessons well into the future. “I was impressed with the TEAMS group from the first time I met them,” said Anson Fatland, senior program officer at the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. “They bring knowledge and excitement for professional development

directly to the teachers, particularly those working in and around Native American communities. Given the geographic breadth of the participating schools, this is an impressive undertaking. The program will positively impact thousands of students every year, providing educational opportunities they otherwise may not have.” TEAMS is a program designed to benefit students in the most rural and underserved areas of Montana and schools with large Native American enrollment. It is a professional development program targeting middle school teachers that aims to increase knowledge of math and science teaching by incorporating engineering applications into their curriculum. Teachers are expected to take what they learn about engineering back to their classrooms and develop new lessons that incorporate engineering into their regular math, science or technical education classrooms. The TEAMS program was started in 2008 with initial funding from the Toyota U.S.A. Foundation. Sheree Watson, program director for TEAMS, says that the grant from the Allen Family Foundation will allow

them to increase participation of teachers from schools that serve Native American students and impact an additional 4,000 students. They plan to do this by bringing the summer training workshops to the teachers in their communities. “Bozeman is hundreds of miles away from the schools targeted by the TEAMS program,” said Watson. “We have dedicated educators in those schools who want to participate, but they can’t make the trip to MSU, either because of the distance or because they are working with students throughout the summer. So we’re going to bring the workshops to them.” In addition to on-site training and follow-up by TEAMS faculty and graduate students, Watson said that the funds provided by the Paul G. Allen Foundation will be used to develop an interactive Web site for educators throughout the state and beyond, based on teachers’ lessons developed in the first two years of the program. TEAMS faculty also plan to travel to teacher meetings within Montana as well as other parts of the United States to share their findings and teacher-developed curriculum. —Tracy Ellig

MSU takes home five awards at Human Powered Vehicle Challenge Montana State University students rode away with several awards at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Human Powered Vehicle Challenge held on the MSU campus in May. The MSU ThunderCat team fought two days of intense wind to an impressive finish and five awards in the speed vehicle class, including second place in design, first place women’s sprint, first place men’s sprint, first place endurance race and first place overall. MSU led a field of 18 collegiate teams in the three-day event that featured highly engineered “super bikes” in a series of races and challenges down Garfield Ave. and around the MSU campus as engineering students put their pedalpowered prototypes to the test. “The ASME’s international Human

Powered Vehicle Challenge provided an opportunity for students to demonstrate the application of sound engineering design principles in the development of sustainable and practical transportation alternatives,” said Chris Jenkins, MSU mechanical and industrial engineering department head and adviser to the MSU team. “In the HPVC, students work in teams to design and build efficient, highly engineered vehicles for everyday use—from commuting to work, to carrying goods to market, to fast-paced recreation.” For the first time, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers event was held in Montana, hosted by MSU. It is the Summer 2011 | 5

sixth time an MSU team competed in the event. The event included a design review, sprint events, a utility vehicle endurance competition and a speed endurance event. Teams from the U.S., India and Egypt were among the 150 engineering students that participated. —Melynda Harrison

b l u e & g o l d msu news Winning the Goldwater Scholarship not only benefits the students, but it draws national attention to the quality of undergraduate education A math whiz from Kremlin, at MSU, Lee said. Mont., and a long-time dinosaur Barta and Donoven lover from Helena, Mont., are the both showed early evilatest Montana State University dence of the interests that students to win the prestigious led them to MSU. Goldwater Scholarship. As a student at Havre “I could hardly sleep, I was so High School, Donoven excited,” said Casey Donoven, a sometimes taught math junior in mathematics and the and chemistry when Honors Program. his teachers were gone Daniel Barta from Helena, left, and Casey Donoven from Kremlin, both students at “I was thrilled and excited. I for the day. As a high MSU, have won the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. school senior, he was one had to call up everybody,” said of eight students across the state who Daniel Barta, a junior in earth sciences water Scholarship program at MSU. and the Honors Program. The scholarship is the nation’s premier competed in the “Who Wants to be a Mathematician?” contest when it came to Donoven and Barta learned this spring scholarship for undergraduates studying Montana. that they had more in common than their math, natural sciences and engineering He came to MSU, Donoven said, befriendship, Montana roots, Presidential since the Goldwater Foundation was escause of his Presidential Scholarship, also Scholarships and service as vice presitablished in 1986. The scholarship gives because of the university’s strong math dents of the Phi Kappa Phi honor society each recipient up to $7,500 a year for at MSU. They also won MSU’s 52nd and tuition, fees, books, and room and board. and science program. Barta said he has been interested in 53rd Goldwater Scholarships, keeping Lee said MSU students continue to MSU one of the nation’s top institutions win Goldwaters because of the unidinosaurs ever since coming to MSU’s for total Goldwater recipients. Princeton versity’s emphasis on providing underMuseum of the Rockies as a three or University received four Goldwaters this graduates with hands-on opportunities to four-year-old boy. year, Harvard University received three, conduct research early in their careers. He enrolled at MSU, Barta said, and Duke University received one. This With more than $109 million in because of “the world-class paleontology program here. Also when I learned more is the third year in a row that MSU has research expenditures last year, MSU is about the Honors Program and I was had two winners. classified as one of only 108 universities selected for a Presidential Scholarship, “We are in the big leagues,” said Ilseout of more than 4,400 with “very high that’s what sealed the deal.” Mari Lee, director of the MSU Honors research activity” by the Carnegie FounProgram and administrator of the Golddation for the Advancement of Teaching. —Evelyn Boswell

Two MSU students receive Goldwater Scholarships

Thursday, September 29, Museum of the Rockies 6:30 p.m. Reception

Michael P. Malone Centennial Mall President Waded Cruzado cordially invites you to celebrate the contributions of Michael P. Malone, 10th President of Montana State University

7 p.m.

Lecture by William L. Lang, professor of history at Portland State University “Mike Malone’s Montana: A Mostly Political Landscape”

Friday, September 30, Centennial Mall 2 p.m.

Dedication of the Michael P. Malone Centennial Mall

3 p.m.

Reception in Leigh Lounge

Sept. 29–30, 2011

Collegian | 6

b l u e & g o l d msu news

2011 Summer Reading Suggestions From Jan Zauha, Professor, Reference Librarian, MSU Libraries

Where do you find your summer reading ideas? Online bookstores? The library? Or that stack beside your bed, dusty from a winter of neglect? I’ve discovered literary festivals as a great source for the latest provocative and fun books. From Montana’s Festival of the Book ( to the great Hay Literary Festival ( on the border of Wales, these public celebrations of reading and writing provide a glittering array of options for any type of reader.

NONFICTION Bound Like Grass: A Memoir from the Western High Plains by Ruth McLaughlin (2010) The 2010 Montana Book Award winner, this is a beautiful and unflinching tale of struggle on an eastern Montana farm, a family story shared by many in the west. Read it to evoke your own time in Montana or the times of those before you, to understand the real nature of hardship and its mark on generations. (available only in paper)

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston (2005) Chosen as the One Book One Bozeman community read and the MSU Freshman Convocation and Summer Reading title for Fall 2011, this story quickly puts your worst travel nightmare into perspective. Ralston recounts his own climbing misadventure in 2003 that required an unthinkable choice and unimaginable personal courage. His experience has inspired the film 127 Hours. To read more about Ralston and about this fall’s convocation events, see (available on Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

Reality Hunger: A Manifesto by David Shields (2011) Described by a Chronicle of Higher Ed reviewer as “an exhilarating smash-up,” Reality Hunger is a provocative, unusual examination of the nature of reality, fiction, nonfiction, literature, writing, and reading in an electronic world. This book has been called contentious, annoying, feverish, bold, and entertaining. Structured as a series of numbered fragments, it’s the perfect vehicle to explore a new world in which “reality,” if it does exist, is very hard to pin down, let alone pay attention to. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

The Age of Wonder: The Romantic Generation and the Discovery of the Beauty and Terror of Science by Richard Holmes (2010) Winner of the Royal Society Prize for Science Books and the BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction 2011, this biography of the age of imagination and science (late 18th and 19th centuries) revivifies the quest for knowledge that so marked that era. In it scientists are obsessed adventurers and intellectual leaders, inspiring poets and changing our culture forever. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee (2010)

One Day by David Nicholls (2009) Soon to be a movie

No one remains untouched by cancer. As the world-wide struggle to make sense of this most pernicious and enigmatic of enemies continues, our knowledge of its complexities increases. Mukherjee, a physician, researcher, and winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, here tells the epic story of this disease and our battle with it. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

(August 2011 in the UK), this comic novel tells a touching story of the best (and worst) of friendships. One Day traces a 20 year relationship between school mates Emma and Dexter who seem destined for a platonically passionate relationship, meeting to catch up on key life events (marriages, deaths, career catastrophes, addictions…) every July 15. Or could they be more than friends? Nicholls writes with great humor and insight about the difficulties of friendship between men and women, about how our choices shape us, and the ways we help to save each other. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

FICTION Blind Your Ponies by Stanley Gordon West (2011) This new edition of a previously self-published novel has been chosen by Humanities Montana as the Montana One Book selection for 2011-2012. Set in small-town Montana, it’s a much-loved book about a boys’ basketball team and so much more, including community, love, effort, and courage. For more information on this community reading program, see (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forma (2011) Chosen as the Big Read for this year’s Bath Literature Festival ( ) and recent winner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, this novel is set in post-civil war Sierra Leone. Forma intertwines the stories of a younger generation seeking to understand and recover from war’s aftermath. For those of us who have never experienced such horror, learning with these characters about cultural identity, memory, and shared humanity expands our own lives in the way that only fiction can. (Nook, Sony Reader)

The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim by Jonathan Coe (2010) Coe is an incredibly witty and versatile novelist whose timely topic in his latest book is the lonely disconnect of modern life. FaceBook, cell phones, sat-nav systems, and dissembling emails feature prominently in a very funny story of a man in turmoil going through overwhelming personal change in the midst of ongoing technical change. If you frequently question how FaceBook friends could possibly be “real,” this story is for you. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

Summer 2011 | 7

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (2005) As with most science fiction, there is so much more going on in this elegant book than meets the eye. On the surface it is the story of a group of students growing up in the idyllic English countryside. Only gradually does the reader realize that something else altogether darker is happening. In an interview at the Oxford Literary Festival in April, the author described his novel as a fable about mortality – the fact of mortality and how we face it. This thought-provoking work is on the reading list for the MSU Freshman Honors seminars, and has been released as a movie. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader)

One Good Turn: A Novel by Kate Atkinson (2007) No summer reading list would be complete without including a mystery-suspense-detective fiction selection. Atkinson’s hero is Jackson Brodie, who is ex-husband, ex-police and ex-detective. In this second book of the Brodie series we are in Edinburgh during the summer festival. Witnesses at a road rage incident find their lives intertwined and altered in an instant, even before the first murder. This is a literate page-turner, peopled by believable characters, the perfect summer read. (Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader) Janelle Zauha is Professor and Reference Librarian at the Montana State University Library in Bozeman. She leads a number of local book groups and her research includes e-books, literary festivals, and the public performance of literature.

b l u e & g o l d msu news

MontanaPBS wins Audio Emmy

Emmy winner Jeremiah Slovarp, of MontanaPBS

MontanaPBS’s audio director for “11th & Grant with Eric Funk” won a 2011 Emmy for his work on that show. Jeremiah Slovarp won the Emmy in the Audio category for his work on the episode featuring local singer/songwriter Wade Montgomery. The episode was viewed by many as one of the most powerful shows in the series’ six-year history, according to KUSM-TV general manager, Eric Hyyppa. “The show is a testament to the high quality work by both the entire KUSM/ MontanaPBS crew and the local Montana artists that perform for the show,” Slovarp said. “I am so thankful to work with top talent, craftsmen and our host, Eric Funk. Without these elements being at their very best, I would not have had the opportunity to be awarded with such an amazing honor.” The award was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Northwest Chapter of National Academy of Television

Arts and Sciences in Snoqualmie, Wash., on June 11. This is 11th & Grant’s second Emmy award and first in the Audio category. “11th & Grant with Eric Funk” is a music series that seeks out the best musicians in Montana and invites them for in-depth interviews and performances recorded at the KUSM-TV studios, located at 11th and Grant on the MSU campus in Bozeman. In addition to working as the audio director for “11th & Grant,” Slovarp is the owner of Jereco Studios, a commercial sound recording studio in Bozeman. He has served as a technical coordinator for the School of Music at Montana State University and will be teaching Entertainment Business and Recording II as adjunct faculty this fall. MontanaPBS was nominated for eight awards this year, across a broad range of categories. —Carol Schmidt

Arabic language program based at MSU featured in national publication An award-winning program based at Montana State University that has used distance learning to teach the Arabic language for more than 13 years was recently highlighted in the Chronicle for Higher Education. The U.S. Arabic Distance Learning Network was featured in the May 3 issue of the national weekly publication, “A Teaching Network Brings Arabic to the Heartland.” Headquartered in MSU’s Office of International Programs, the program offers Arabic language instruction at eight universities in seven states: Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, as well as MSU. It pairs videoconference instruction with in-classroom teaching by native Arabic speakers, and is thought to be one of a kind, according to Yvonne Rudman, the MSU-based manager of the program since its inception in 1998.

The story, written by Chronicle writer David Wheeler, highlighted three MSU alumni who took the Arabic language classes and now use it in their professions. Those highlighted include: Jeremy Fowler, who is now a doctor who treats Bedouins with tuberculosis at a small clinic near Irbid, Jordan; Cloe Erickson, who is an architect who is helping renovate buildings in remote locations in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco; and Cory Walters, an assistant professor of ag economics at the University of Kentucky. Rudman said the trio are just three of 2,500 students nationally who have gone through the program, and three of many successes. For instance Jayme Kreitinger, an MSU grad and alumna of the Arabic language program, recently received a Fulbright to conduct research in Jordan. While Rudman said the graduates of the program are proof if its effectiveness, so is the Andrew Heiskell Award from

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the Institute of International Education that the program won in 2002 for groundbreaking university programs that foster international learning. Rudman explains that the model for the distance-based aspect of the program has essentially remained the same since the beginning, and is what distinguishes it from other approaches to language instruction. MSU arranges for the onehour lesson three times a week. After the interactive lessons, students in the course are tutored by on-site teacher’s assistants who are all native Arabic speakers. Rudman said the idea for the course was the brainchild of Norm Peterson, MSU’s executive director of international programs who theorized that it made sense for smaller, less urban institutions to share the cost of a professor for a less commonly taught language. —Carol Schmidt

b l u e & g o l d msu news

MSU architecture student wins international competition A Montana State University architecture student inspired by a visit to Butte, Mont., has won an international fellowship competition that will allow her to research at the former Auschwitz concentration camp in rural Poland this summer. A proposal written by Milenka “Kali” Jirasko of Paradise, Mont., was one of three international winners of the Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship Competition. She won a $3,200 travel stipend to allow her to research sacred spaces that are open to the public. The prize is given by the University of California, Berkeley and the Berkeley Prize Endowment to enable winners to travel to gain a deeper understanding of the social art of architecture. Two other students—one from Finland and another from Romania—also received a travel award. Jirasko said she was required to enter the competition for a class that she took last fall taught by MSU architecture professor Maire O’Neill. “Entering anything is intimidating to me and I wouldn’t have done it if Maire hadn’t required it of our studio,” Jirasko said. “It’s encouraging, and winning a prize like this is something that you hope

for, but certainly not something that you would expect.” O’Neill explained that the competition first required the submission of a brief essay on a theme “valuing the sacred.” Semifinalists were then invited to submit a full 2,500 word essay on the theme. She said that Jirasko was also a finalist for the essay competition, finishing in the top 10 internationally. Semifinalists were invited to apply for a Berkeley Prize travel grant by submitting a proposal for a project that would require them to travel and research. O’Neill adds that the essay component is often difficult for architecture students, who are often visual people who may not feel comfortable writing. That is not the case for Jirasko, who aspires to write fantasy novels for young adult readers. “But I thought I needed a practical profession, so I came to MSU to study architecture,” she said. She thought she would write in her free time. However, she discovered there is little if any free time for an architecture student. Since studying architecture, the aspiring novelist said that she has “fallen in love with architecture and found more than I ever hoped.”

Jirasko said she was inspired to write her essay about “Valuing the Sacred” by O’Neill’s class visit to the abandoned Anselmo mine in Butte. The mine is now fenced off, she wrote, therefore it stands as “an isolated memorial, not an active part of the community.” She said she would like to learn from Auschwitz and nearby memorials how to keep a sacred site open to the public. “In Butte, I took a rare tour and walked through a locker room where yellowed nametags of men still dangled on rusty doors. The experience of standing where they stood was unforgettable and haunting,” Jirasko wrote. “This is the spatial experience the people of Butte deserve, and this is the spatial experience Auschwitz offers visitors.” Jirasko traveled to Poland in July to work with the Amizade Witness to History program from Rome, where she studied with the MSU School of Architecture’s summer studio. She will document her experiences through writing, photos, and on-site sketches, with the possibility of an exhibition in the School of Architecture gallery in Cheever Hall in the coming fall semester. —Carol Schmidt

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Summer 2011 | 9



b l u e & g o l d msu news

MSU student receives national prize for serving global, local communities A Montana State University senior who helped bring drinking wells to Kenyan schools, broadcaster Tom Brokaw to Bozeman and a national trophy to MSU also received a major award for leadership in community service. Griffin Stevens, of Bozeman, majoring in mechanical engineering and the MSU Honors Program, was one of 20 students across the country to receive a 2011 Pearson Prize National Fellowship. It gave him $10,000 over the past school year for undergraduate expenses. “It’s a very high honor,” said Ilse-Mari Lee, director of the MSU Honors Program. “He’s an exemplary student. He’s humble, but such a true leader. He can inspire those around him in a quiet way.” Stevens said he initially became involved with community service projects to make friends, and his friends greatly influenced where he served. Over the years, he became a strong leader who made a difference both locally and globally, according to Lee. Stevens was president of MSU’s chapter of Engineers without Borders, senator in the Associated Students of MSU, staff member of the MSU Leadership Institute, and one of the award-winning Ethicats. The team

debates ethical issues and won second place in the 2011 national championship. As past president of the EWB and one of its project managers, Stevens supervised teams of MSU students who MSU senior Griffin Stevens was one of 20 students across the country rotated through Kenya last summer to help bring drinking to receive a national award for leadership in community service. wells and compost latrines to His involvement with the Ethicats primary schools. grew out of his experience as a high school During his one-year term as an atdebater and demonstrates again how his large senator for the ASMSU, Stevens friends influenced his participation in helped update the ASMSU constitution extracurricular activities, Stevens said. As and by-laws. He spearheaded election a member of the Ethicats, Stevens helped reform so senators—starting this fall— the team win second place in the National will represent students according to the Ethics Bowl Championship by debating college they attend instead of whether they live in residence halls, off campus or the ethics of performing surgery to keep a dog from barking and the ethics of an in the Greek system. Arizona immigration law that requires ofAs a member of the MSU Leadership Institute, Stevens played a major role in ficers to ask for proof of citizenship if they have reasonable suspicion that someone is putting together two issues of the “Cat in the country illegally. Tracker” day planner. He helped orgaStevens’ next major goal is earning a nize leadership seminars and workshops for students. He helped arrange Brokaw’s law degree, possibly focusing on environmental law and working in Montana. visit to campus and introduced him to “He will be wonderful and somebody hundreds of people who attended his we will always be proud of,” Lee said. February lecture. —Evelyn Boswell

Montana State University chooses new dean of students Matthew Caires, from the University of Wyoming, has been selected as Montana State University’s new dean of students, university officials announced in May. Caires is currently assistant dean of students for leadership development at UW. He will begin work at MSU on August 1. The dean of students is the primary student-life advocate on the MSU campus.

With responsibilities for fostering a highlevel collegiate experience and improving the overall wellness of students, the dean of students directs an office that is a center of student activity, student support and information dissemination. The dean of students reports to and works with Allen Yarnell, vice president for student success, in the development and articulation of programs and policies with division, campus and system-wide implications. “Matthew will be an excellent advocate for our students,” Yarnell said. “He has an extremely broad and deep experience in student affairs. The students of MSU are really going to have a champion in him.”

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Caires has been at the University of Wyoming since 2001, and has worked in the areas of community service, minority student recruitment and retention, summer orientation, student leadership, student government, and crisis management and emergency response. He has extensive experience in grant writing, parent-university relations, and working with students involved with fraternity/sororities and student athletes. With a doctorate of education from the University of Wyoming, Caires is a published scholar and has a long record of civic and community involvement. —Tracy Ellig

Alumnus David O. Kem and wife give $1 million for MSU students by A nne C antrell


Montana State University alumnus, after deciding to pursue engineering. But, who built a successful 34-year career he considered leaving during a particularly at Conoco, and his wife recently antough time academically his second year. nounced a gift of $1 million to MSU. “I didn’t do well in my classes at that The gift from David O. Kem, ‘67 CE, time, and I got to the point where I was re’00 HonDoc, and Judith L. Raines of Hous- ally discouraged,” Kem said. “I considered ton will be used to fund the MSU Presiden- dropping out of school and going into the tial Award for Emerging Scholars. military. Fortunately, I found classes more MSU President Waded Cruzado said to my liking, and several of my professors the gift is designed to recognize students who exhibit great potential, rather than prior academic performance, “I would hope that this gift scholarly research, will help students who don’t campus involvement or financial need. Faculty have the confidence in will nominate students themselves to keep on going for the award. “The Emerging to finish their education,” Scholar Award targets Kem said. “I’m hoping it will brilliant students who may be questioning their help them get their degree academic pursuits or are and improve their life.” in need of inspiration,” —David O. Kem Cruzado said. “This award will provide an opportunity for students to grow beyond what they think is possible.” Kem said students often need extra encouragement and support. really helped me and encouraged me to “I think a lot of young people don’t realwork hard. ize the potential they have in themselves,” “Life got a lot better after that,” he he said. added. Kem’s belief in the importance of educaAfter graduating from MSU, Kem tion can be traced back to his mother, who began working as an engineer at Contiwas the first in her family to go to college nental Pipe Line Company, a subsidiary of and who worked as a teacher in rural MonConoco. Eventually, he progressed through tana schools. Both of Kem’s parents empha- the management ranks. sized the importance of a good education. Kem later was general manager of crude “It wasn’t a matter of if (we should go to oil supply and trading and president of college), it was a matter of where, and how refining marketing in Europe. He served as to pay for it,” he said. chairman of the board of Conoco’s refining, Kem grew up in Columbus, Mont., atmarketing and distribution company in tended the University of Montana for one the United Kingdom. And, he was instruyear and then transferred to Montana State mental in Conoco’s expansion into central

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Europe and the Caspian/Black Sea region. Raines, who graduated from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, worked for Conoco in operational positions and later in developing and teaching leadership and career development programs for Conoco worldwide. She retired in 2002. Kem served on the board of directors of the MSU Foundation from 2002 to 2008

Judith L. Raines and David O. Kem

and is currently serving a third three-year term. Kem and Raines co-chaired MSU’s scholarship campaign in 2002. In the same year, they also established an endowment, which funds the David O. Kem and Judith L. Raines Engineering Scholarship. Kem said he and Raines hope their investment in MSU students will make a real difference. “I would hope that this gift will help students who don’t have the confidence in themselves to keep on going to finish their education,” Kem said. “I’m hoping it will help them get their degree and improve their life.”

Serving Native Americans through education

by A nne C antrell


federal government.” The biggest challenges in the role are getting information out and helping people understand that information, Mendoza added. “I try to articulate this message in a way that is meaningful, no matter who I am talking to,” Mendoza said. “We work really hard to hone our message and provide appropriate information.” Mendoza, who is enrolled Oglala Sioux and has deep Sicangu Sioux roots, grew PHOTO BY LESLIE McDANIEL

Montana State University graduate is working to ensure that students at tribal colleges and universities have full access to federal programs benefiting higher education. William Mendoza, ‘10 Edu Leadership M, is the acting director of the White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities, or WHITCU. The office works to ensure that the nation’s tribal colleges and universities are more fully

William Mendoza

recognized, better informed and given full access to federal programs. “American Indians are underrepresented and underserved,” Mendoza said. “Our area of need is tremendous.” Mendoza’s position, which is appointed by the White House but does not require Senate confirmation, serves as a liaison between federal agencies and tribal colleges and universities. “A large part of our work is communicating about areas of growing needs and interests,” Mendoza said. “We’re making connections with (tribal college and university) presidents, students, professors and the

up on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations in South Dakota. Before enrolling in MSU’s Indian Leadership Education and Development, or I LEAD, program, Mendoza received a bachelor’s degree from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. He also attended Haskell Indian National University in Lawrence, Kan. Then, he worked as a high school teacher in Pine Ridge, S.D. He appreciated that teachers have a tremendous ability to make a difference in students’ lives, but he said he was also frustrated by the limits of what he could do as a teacher.

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“Every time I let my students go out of my classroom, I felt like I was letting them go into harm’s way. So I decided, ‘I need to do more.’” With a desire to be more involved in school reform, Mendoza considered becoming a principal, where he thought he would have opportunities to make lasting positive impacts. That’s when he discovered MSU’s I LEAD program, which aims to recruit, educate, certify and place American Indian educators in administrative positions in schools with high populations of American Indian students. “I was excited to see a program that catered to American Indians,” Mendoza said. “At the time, I knew a lot of representatives of American Indians in (principal and superintendent) positions were few and far between.” The program was a good fit for Mendoza, he said. “I left MSU with tremendous knowledge and have been able to apply it to what I’m doing,” he said. Mendoza was appointed to WHITCU soon after graduating from MSU. “MSU was what I personally needed then, and it was very powerful.” Bill Ruff, one of Mendoza’s former education professors at MSU, said Mendoza is well-qualified to work on the issues. “Bill understands, through lived experiences, the current issues in Indian Education,” Ruff said. “Moreover, he understands the needs and issues impacting education in rural and isolated communities. Many of our nation’s educational leaders…thoroughly understand urban education, but have little experience with the issues that confront rural and isolated schools…Bill’s ability to articulate his ideas clearly, coupled with his experience, enthusiasm and commitment to high standards, social justice and educational equity, make him an outstanding advocate for Indian education, rural education and the preschool through college issues impacting small schools.” After Mendoza is finished with his current position, he would like to transition into something that is more closely related to students. Whatever Mendoza does, one philosophy will guide him. “I will be just fine as long as I am striving to impact students’ lives positively,” he said.

A passion for helping horses by M elynda H arrison

Jyme Nichols


yme (Peterson) Nichols, ’08 EquineSci, “The equine science program is so well ’10 EquineSci M, came to Montana rounded…I didn’t just get an education State University on a rodeo scholarin nutrition, I learned all about horses. ship and left with an education in equine nutrition and horse biology. The recent When you can take the whole horse and equine science graduate has now combined put it into perspective, you can give her passion for horses and nutrition to open better advice.” —Jyme Nichols Nichols Equine Nutrition Counseling. Nichols Equine offers independent nutrition consulting services to help their client’s horse reach its maximum perforFor her master’s work, she looked at the mance potential by providing unbiased effects of psyllium—a water-soluble plant that science-based information about nutrition acts as a laxative—in horse diets. For that and feeding techniques. research, Nichols won awards from both the Through forms on her Web site (http:// International Equine Science Society and the, a client can give Nichols American Society of Animal Science. all the information she needs to design a “I’m just really proud of her,” said Shancustom nutrition plan for the horse. She non Moreaux, assistant professor of equine offers three different packages plus ranch science and Nichols’ adviser at MSU. “She visits within 60 miles of Ardmore, Okla., worked really, really hard.” where she resides. Nichols then conducted a follow-up Nichols launched the business last Februstudy on 16 MSU horses to see if psyllium ary and now oversees the nutritional program affected horses the same way as it did huof 30 horses in six states. She attributes her mans with Type II diabetes. After 60 days, success in part to her time at MSU. horses fed a daily dose of psyllium had “The equine science program is so well lower concentrations of glucose and insulin rounded,” Nichols said. “I didn’t just get an in their blood compared to the horses that education in nutrition, I learned all about were fed grain alone. horses. When you can take the whole horse Horses with insulin resistance are parand put it into perspective, you can give ticularly prone to laminitis and founder in better advice.” the spring, when the grass is lush and high Summer 2011 | 13

in sugar content. According to Nichols’ findings, these horses may benefit from a psyllium supplement, which lowers the circulating glucose and insulin levels after consuming a meal high in sugar. While at MSU, Nichols also managed the MSU rodeo office, coached women on the MSU rodeo team and conducted rodeo clinics around Montana. Her college rodeo eligibility ended in 2006, but she continued to compete in the Northern Rodeo Association and trained roping, goat tying and barrel racing horses. Mike True, head rodeo coach at MSU, said if it hadn’t been for Nichols’ injuries (three reconstructive knee surgeries), she undoubtedly would have been a national rodeo champion. Nichols was the Nebraska state goat tying champion three years in a row. In her last competition for MSU, she won the breakaway roping and all-around contests. She received the first Shane Drury Scholarship given by the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. Nichols is “one of the most outstanding young people you will ever meet,” True said. After graduating from MSU, Nichols married and moved to Oklahoma with her husband, Bryan, who is an ag research associate for the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation.

Betsey Pitts, left, and Sabrina Behnke have fun testing the Bobcat Knits kits at Stix Yarn Co. in Bozeman.

Bobcat spirit: Made in Montana by L ee C ook


hat do Glacier National Park, Bobcat spirit and knitters have in common? Not much until Camas Creek Yarn owners Andy Hurst and Melanie Cross, a husband-wife duo, connected the dots and developed an innovative line of Bobcat knitting kits. Camas Creek Yarn launched in 2007 when the last of five children graduated from high school and Cross and Hurst decided they needed a proverbial “project.” The two bought a building in downtown Kalispell and began renovation. Like many Montana towns, Kalispell welcomes lots of visitors each year, and they wanted to create a place where people, locals and tourists alike, could gather and feel a sense of community. “A yarn store is a great place for people to hang out, relax and connect,” said Cross, a native of Camas Prairie, Mont. “Plus, there is just something about natural fibers—wool and cotton—that is soothing to the soul.” Cross is a dyed-in-the-wool do-it-yourselfer (D-I-Y) who has always preferred to make her own rather than buy something off the shelf, a trait she attributes to her great grandmother who was a dressmaker from Czechoslovakia. The D-I-Y mentality, plus a little entrepreneurial spirit prompted Cross and Hurst to develop a knitting pattern to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Glacier National Park in 2010 so

knitters could ary education, who assured her that there make their own must be a paw on the palm so fans could memorabilia. still throw their claws up when chanting The success “Fiiiiirrrrrst Down Bobcats, Roar.” of the Glacier The selection of Bobcat knitting kits, Centennial which launched just three weeks before pattern coupled Christmas last year, includes three hat with consisdesigns, a scarf, mittens and a holiday tent customer stocking. Camas Creek distributes the kits demand for blue at retailers across the state and through their and gold yarn online store. Tracy St. John, EX, an MSU MSU student Brittany Tyler gave them the alumnae and co-owner of Stix Yarn Co. in models the Bobcat Beanie. idea to create Bozeman, was pleased to be able to add the Bobcat patterns for MSU fans. kits to her merchandise offerings. “We looked into it and no one else in “We thought it was a really great idea,” the U.S. was making university-theme said St. John. “Its nice to have a product to patterns,” said Cross. “I approached MSU offer that’s local, especially one that supwith the idea and they were very supportive. ports the university.” Julie Kipfer (MSU director of marketing And the response from the knitting comand creative services) was such a doll and so munity has been overwhelmingly positive. A enthusiastic about the idea.” group of Bozeman knitters, most of whom Thus began the process to become an of- are MSU faculty, staff, students or alumni, ficial licensee of collegiate products, which tried out all of the kits and despite their enabled Camas Creek to create patterns “polished” look, found the patterns to be very with university logos and marks. With manageable, even for relatively new knitters. the paperwork underway, the support and “The kits are just irresistible,” said Betsey help of area knitters, technical editors and Pitts, a regular at the knitting group and family, Cross spent every spare moment research scientist in the Center for Biofilm developing Bobcat patterns. The mitten de- Engineering at MSU. “They’re clever and sign was influenced by Cross’s son, Brycen, well designed. Its just a really unique way a 2011 grad who earned a B.A. in history to express your spirit.” and political science and a B.S. in secondCollegian | 14


Ben Tone in favorite roles: King Lear and Rip Van Winkle

Ben Tone

For Ben Tone, the play has always been the thing by M arjorie S mith


s a teenager in Portland, Ore., MSU Prof. Emeritus Ben Tone made a decision: he would make his life in theatre. When he won a scholarship to Bennington College in Vermont, “that cinched it,” he says. “There was no doubt then— that’s what I wanted to do.” Until 1969, Bennington was a school for women only, but beginning in 1935, it admitted young men to its theatre program. It was some years later that Tone made a second decision that would make realizing his theatrical ambitions even more challenging: he would live his theatre life in Montana. By then, he’d had some off-Broadway roles in New York City and worked in other parts of the country in group theatre. But in 1949, he was asked by Portland-based Larry Barsness to become a founding member of the Virginia City Players in Montana. In the old territorial capital of the state, he met his future wife, Nina, and they made the decision to stay in Montana. “It was never easy,” Tone admits. The VC Players toured around Montana after the summer season and for a time he did a one-man show acting out Robert W. Service poems throughout Montana and Idaho, but he was finally ready to give up on Montana when Nina returned from a

ladies luncheon to report she’d heard about a faculty opening at Montana State. Tone was hired in 1962 by the English/speech/ theatre department and shared his love of Shakespeare, his resonant voice and his acting and directing talent with generations of students. Tone remembers, “I was allowed to choose what I wanted to direct.” He often chose particularly challenging plays—Shakespeare, Greek tragedies—as well as sharing his wellhoned comic instincts with students. One student was John Hosking, ‘74 Engl, founder and artistic director of the professional Bozeman-based touring troupe, the Vigilante Theatre Company. Hosking had come to MSU from the Midwest to major in architecture. Then Tone cast him as MacBeth. “I wouldn’t be in theatre without Ben Tone,” Hosking says. “He’s been a friend and mentor since my undergraduate days. He’s what an actor should be.” Since his retirement from MSU in 1983, Tone has kept busy, occasionally acting and directing but also with some of his other passions: tennis, bowling, woodwork and gardening. Since his wife’s death in 1997, he has lived alone in his cottage near campus, hosting open house for local theatre Summer 2011 | 15

folk and others in the arts. “That’s the thing about Ben,” says Hosking, “he’s passionate about all the arts, and he knows and supports the people who are serious about art.” With the Vigilante Theatre Company entering its 30th year, Hosking and cofounding actor Rhonda Smith, ‘75 Theatre, decided to combine their anniversary with a celebration of Ben Tone’s 90th birthday. On April 18 more than 200 people gathered at Bozeman’s recently restored Ellen Theatre—where Tone had performed 60 years earlier during Virginia City Players tours—for “The Big Montana Curtain Call.” MSU and Virginia City alums came from all over Montana and as far away as Texas, Seattle, Wash., and Canada for the celebration, which included of a variety of musical and comedy acts presented by friends, former students and colleagues of Tone. As a grand finale, Ellen Theatre executive director John Ludin and production coordinator and former Tone student Todd Hoberecht, ‘83 Theatre, unveiled a new bronze star to be installed on the sidewalk in front of the theater placing Tone in the company of other local luminaries like Gary Cooper and Pablo Elvira.

Engineering alumni bring the big city to Bobcat Stadium by T racy E llig

Left to right, Brett Swimley, Jon Koon, Jason Kay, Bryan Robertus and Jason Daughenbaugh


hen fans pour into the newly expanded Bobcat Stadium this fall, they’ll be treated to two new scoreboards, a giant video screen and sound system that come from the inspiration and hard work of a group of Montana State University alumni at Advanced Electronic Designs in Bozeman. As part of a 5,200-seat expansion of the stadium’s south end zone, a new scoreboard and video screen will be installed on the north end of the field and stand more than 70 feet tall atop two support columns. The $10 million stadium expansion is being funded with private donations and future athletic revenues. Large, computer-driven, high-resolution LED signs designed by AED’s are found in some of the world’s largest cities. Several marquee signs in New York’s Times Square, including the 130-foot-long, ribboned ABC SuperSign, are the work of AED. “There will be no comparison with the old video board for Bobcat fans. The crowd will be seeing DVD-quality images,” said Bryan Robertus, ‘89 EE, president of AED. “Likewise, the sound system will be a vast improvement,” said Robertus. AED is designing a 36-foot-wide and 43-foot-tall high scoreboard that will provide a dramatic entryway for the Bobcat football team at the beginning of games. The scoreboard was assembled by another firm, D3, in

California and was scheduled to be shipped in pieces to Bozeman this summer. Robertus founded AED in 1994 as a one-man-shop in his basement. Despite an early promise he made to himself to never have any employees, he now has 12. Of those, 10 are engineers who either graduated or attended MSU. His firm’s focus is on embedded system development, basically any device that has a small computer in it. As such, AED works on a wide range of unusual projects from giant, LED signs, to film-editing consoles, to high-precision industrial cameras. Guiding the firm is Robertus’ philosophy: “I want us to pursue projects where we can really express our creativity, pursue our passion for engineering and where we can have fun. If anyone comes to work hating their job, then we’re doing something terribly wrong.” It’s a philosophy that has paid off. Since 2008, the firm has grown in size from seven employees to 13, including Robertus, despite the recession. One of the firm’s recent projects is making life better for people with epilepsy. An important prerequisite to treating epilepsy is recording brain function during a seizure. Typically this is done by hooking patients to sensors and then waiting—sometimes for days—for a seizure to occur. The method is cumbersome and restrictive as Summer 2011 | 17

it tethers patients to a computer and keeps them from working or even going home. AED worked with a firm to create a portable system that records seizure information. The system can be placed in a vest that a patient can wear to home or work. As for the new Bobcat Stadium scoreboard, Robertus and his staff are donating their time on the project. “We feel a great deal of pride about this,” Robertus said. “This will be one of our products right in our backyard that our friends and neighbors can see. And it’s been exciting to customize this scoreboard so that it meets the needs and desires of MSU.” In addition to superb quality on the video screen, AED designed the sign for exceptional reliability. The scoreboard is equipped with a redundant fiber optic control system plus advanced real time status monitoring, and is built so its high-tech innards can be accessed via ladder as opposed to the bucket trucks needed for most older scoreboards. Additionally, AED will have staff on hand at each home game to provide technical support and ensure smooth operation. “With 12 out of 13 of us either having graduated or studied at MSU, we really wanted to do something nice for our alma mater,” Robertus said. “We know this scoreboard will record many, many victories for the Bobcats in the years to come.”

Chance meeting brings MSU graduates together for common purpose


chance conversation brought two Montana State University graduates from different generations and different areas of the country together with plans of building a school in Tanzania, Africa. “It was just meant to be,” said Ashley Washburn, ‘84 BusMkt & Mgmt, of West Hartford, Conn. “It was quite a coincidence,” said Michael Spencer, ‘10 Environmental Design (architecture), of Willow Creek, Mont. Washburn—known as Ruth Ashley Smith during college— said she and Spencer met last October through a series of coincidences that started to unfold during parent’s weekend at Ithaca College in central New York. While Washburn and her husband, Jay, ate lunch with another Connecticut couple they knew slightly, Washburn mentioned to them that she had graduated from MSU. James and Alis Ohlheiser said they had a nephew who also graduated from MSU. Then Washburn mentioned that she needed an architect to help her organization, Asante Sana For Education, Inc., design and build a primary school in Kifude. The Tanzanian farming village has approximately 400 school-aged children but no school. About 20 percent of the children attend school in another village, but it’s too far for many to walk. The Ohlheisers said their nephew had been involved with MSU’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders in Kenya. He already held a degree in architecture, knew plenty about working in Africa and happened to be in New England investigating graduate programs.

From top, Ashley Washburn, Michael Spencer and his architectural rendering of the school in Kifude.

That nephew would be Spencer. Within 48 hours of that Ithaca College encounter, Spencer was sitting in her living room, Washburn said. Their two-hour discussion led to Spencer helping plan the University of Vermont’s Engineers Without Borders initial visit to Tanzania over Thanksgiving vacation. (One of Washburn’s four sons attends the University of Vermont). Spencer and Washburn then met in early March 2011 to confer with Tanzanian officials and look over the 10 acres the villagers had donated for a school. In mid-June 2011, Washburn and Spencer returned to the site with two teachers and four students from Connecticut. She hired Spencer as project manager of the school she envisioned after first Collegian | 18

traveling to Tanzania on a safari, Washburn said. “It was just the strangest connection with him ever,” Washburn said. Spencer said, “It’s a great opportunity for me right out of school and with a new business to have projects to work on that I’m interested in.” Founder of a business called Studio Re, Design and Development, Inc., Spencer noted that his main connection with Kenya was through starting a Third World housing program with Kenyan architect and activist Ronald Omyonga. Omyonga made the initial proposal that got MSU involved in bringing water wells to Kenyan schools. Washburn said she originally came to MSU because she wanted to be on her own where she knew no one. Also wanting to experience living in the West, she chose Bozeman because of its beauty. She became involved in education after her sons started school, Washburn said. She volunteered in their classrooms, became PTA president in their elementary school and served as a trustee at their middle / high school. She also serves on the board for the Covenant Preparatory School, a tuition-free private middle school for at-risk boys in Hartford, Conn. Her desire to build a school in Africa built on those experiences and incorporated the confidence she developed by adapting to MSU, Washburn said. MSU—like Tanzania—was far from home and far out of her element. She loves the fact that the Tanzanian project has put her back in touch with MSU through Spencer, Washburn added. “Now MSU is doing more for me than anything else,” she said. For more information, see


by E velyn B oswell

Coming home to Bozeman after helping break down gender barriers by M arjorie S mith


never in my wildest dreams imagined I’d be living in Montana again,” says Fran (Chirgwin) Shellenberger, EX ’56, HomEc, from her apartment at Bozeman’s Aspen Pointe Retirement Community. The Butte, Mont., native was raised in Bozeman, graduated from Gallatin Country High School, and enrolled in home economics at Montana State. Like many coeds of that era, she soon dropped out to marry. However, she always wanted a career. “My efforts to have a career put me smack in the middle of gender issues,” she says. “I was fired from my first job due to pregnancy.” She left Bozeman in 1955 as a young mother. Her (former, late) husband, Thomas E. Shellenberger, ‘53 Chem, was a rising young scientist and his career choices involved frequent moves around the country. After many years as a stay-at-home mother with their three children, Shellenberger got a secretarial job in the legal field, even though ads for secretaries in those days insisted candidates be under 35. “I was 39,” she says. “We had great English teachers at Gallatin County High School and at Montana State and I had excellent writing skills.” She adds, “There are still some of us alive who helped break down the barriers.” She encountered her first automatic typewriter while working for a law firm

Fran Shellenberger

in Los Angeles. “I mastered that machine,” she says. She also came up with ways to use automated office equipment to streamline production of legal documents. As one might expect, Shellenberger was an early advocate for adoption of computers. By then, she was writing a by-lined column on office automation for the Arkansas Bar Association newsletter and it occurred to her that as a secretary, “I was on the wrong side of the desk.” She started her own consulting firm, advising clients in the investment and legal fields on automating for efficiency. Eventually she wrote a book on automation for the bar association. When her husband took a new job in Kansas City, she had developed a strong reputation and was able to move her business as well. Eventually, however, she grew weary of frequent moves and when her husband decided to move from Maryland to North Carolina, they divorced. She had become involved in Republican politics in Maryland, and in 2002, with no Republican legislative candidates running in her county, she ran “in order to give voters a choice.” Although she didn’t win, she made a good showing “and became the go-to person for conservatives in my area.” When a Republican governor was elected in Maryland, she was appointed to a cabinetlevel post as head of the Maryland Council on Aging. Summer 2011 | 19

“That job taught me everything I needed to know about choosing a retirement community. I started looking at establishments near my children who are scattered around the country. But I couldn’t afford the only one I liked.” Then in 2009 she was invited to attend a celebration in Helena, Mont., honoring her grandfather, John Chirgwin, and his role in founding the Montana Deaconess School. She invited her children to join her so she could share some of her childhood memories. Showing off the cabin her family once owned near Castle Rock in Gallatin Canyon, she met the current owner, Robin MacNab Choate, who turned out to be someone she had babysat for 60 years earlier. Choate recommended Aspen Pointe as a retirement community. Shellenberger can’t praise her new home enough. “I love Bozeman’s cultural life. I had stopped going to the Kennedy Center—the prices and the parking were impossible. I’m thrilled to discover that the Ellen Theater is still the Ellen and the Bozeman Public Library is truly a treasure.” She acknowledges that there may come a time when she has to move closer to her children. But for now, retirement in Bozeman seems just about perfect. “They say you can’t go home again,” she says. “But I did.”

“In Burundi, a grenade costs the same price as a bottle of beer.” That is the opening line of “Bang For Your Buck,” a documentary directed by Seth Chase, ‘00 MTA, that won the inaugural Oxfam International’s Shooting Poverty film competition this spring. Chase, who co-produced the film with French political analyst Brice Blondel, lives and works in the East African country of Burundi. He and his wife, Trina, have lived in Burundi for four years. She is a project manager for World Relief, and Chase makes videos for nonprofit organizations. Chase said both he and his wife have fallen in love with the landscape and culture of the country.

“It’s beautiful and we have full lives there,” he said while in Bozeman visiting family recently. “We have wonderful friends, we feel we are doing good work.” However, they cannot avoid being concerned about the predominance of violence, he said. Burundi, which is a small country bordered by Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo and Lake Tanganyika, is the fourth poorest country in the world. It is also a country recovering from a brutal 12-year civil war ending in 2005 that resulted in the deaths of 300,000 people, displacing another million people. As Chase’s film points out, during the war, soldiers and citizens alike were trained to handle and kill with explosives. While the war is over, too many Burundians still solve their problems by heaving grenades and explosives at them, Chase said. And while the Burundian economy struggles, small arms traders in the country thrive.

MSU grad’s film about Burundi wins Oxfam international contest by C arol S chmidt

Chase said about a year ago a friend suggested he make a film about Burundi’s struggle to move away from the violence of the war to enter in Oxfam International’s first film contest that exposes the true costs of the weapons trade in poor countries around the world. First, Chase wrote a screenplay, teaming up with Blondel and enlisting the help of Burundian journalist Teddy Mazina as narrator. The result was, “Bang For Your Buck,” a 15-minute documentary that follows the personal stories of Burundians affected by the violence and their struggle to build honorable lives and rebuild their country. Chase submitted the screenplay to the contest sponsored by Oxfam, an international organization that works to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. The film was initially chosen as one of three finalists, with voters from around the world selecting Chase’s film as the winner, earning the film’s team a Sony EX1 camera. Chase presented the film to the United Nations and it has been screened in London and New York’s Tribeca. However, because of its political and sensitive subject matter, “there is no way to properly show it in Burundi,” Chase said. Chase, who was involved with commercial television and video projects in Oregon and Washington after he graduated from MSU, said he and his wife hope to live and work in Burundi for another year or two. His next project is a documentary about the violence faced by Burundian and other women in Sub-Saharan Africa. He calls his film projects “meaningful work,” and a small step in helping the world know about realities in the small country that he loves. But, he said, until something is done to stop the lucrative arms trade in Africa, true change in the country will be difficult. “In the long view, it is going to take a long time to change (the culture of violence),” Chase said. “In the short term, we hope the film makes a small difference.”


Seth Chase filming “Bang For Your Buck” in Burundi

To learn more about Chase, and to view his film, see www. Collegian | 20

Former MSU administrator to memorialize wife with $100,000 gift to MSU library by E velyn B oswell


retired administrator and professor who still follows student successes at MSU will honor his late wife by donating $100,000 to the university library. Stuart Knapp made an estate gift in Bev Knapp’s name that will provide for book and electronic materials collections at the MSU library after his death, said Patricia Gleason, the library’s director of development. Bev Knapp, who died last year at age 78, was a strong supporter of the MSU library. She also chaired the Bozeman Public Library board, looked after its interests as a Bozeman city commissioner and served as president of the Montana Library Association. She was believed to be the only non-librarian elected to that position at the time. Bev Knapp earned her bachStu Knapp elor’s degree in journalism and English from the University of IdahoMoscow. An avid reader, she especially Knapp’s gift will benefit thousands of stuenjoyed reading books by Tony Hillerman, dents and faculty, both now and throughPatrick O’Brian and Ellis Peters, Knapp out the future. said. She regularly read to the couple’s two “The legacy you are providing affects the sons and took them to the library when quality of education across all disciplines, they were children. providing essential resources for the entire “I think the first people the kids met out- academic venture at Montana State,” Gleaside of medical staff when they were little son wrote Knapp in a letter thanking him were librarians,” Knapp said. for his gift. Bev and Stuart owned several thousand Knapp’s donation reflects his student-fobooks before moving from their home into cused career, Gleason said. In fact, Knapp an apartment a few years ago, Knapp said. is still remembered as an administrator They donated many of those books to the who often said, “Never forget. It’s all about MSU and Bozeman libraries. students, students, students.” Gleason said Knapp’s gift is much Knapp said he wanted to give to MSU appreciated and an inspiration to all those because “We were part of MSU and wanted who knew Bev, as well as being an example to be remembered as having been part of of how one person can make a difference. the MSU family. I never had any second Once funded, the endowment created by thoughts, no regrets. I love this university.” Summer 2011 | 21

Knapp came to MSU in 1978 and became well-respected for his ability to serve the university with excellence in a variety of capacities, including vice president for academic affairs, acting president, parasitology professor, adjunct professor of entomology, deputy commissioner for academic affairs for the Montana University System, and interim dean of MSU’s College of Agriculture and director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. During those years, he instituted several MSU programs that promoted quality undergraduate education, student excellence, teaching and learning. Among them was MSU’s Honors Program. Knapp retired in 1999. Through it all, Bev was by his side, Knapp said. He added that Bev held several jobs over the years, but he is sorry that she sacrificed her career for his. “She could’ve been very successful in any number of fields,” Knapp said. Describing Bev’s many interests and adventures, Knapp said his wife loved politics and chaired the Democratic central committee in Gallatin County. She enjoyed traveling, visiting museums, playing bridge, cooking gourmet meals and growing herbs. Especially important to her were her weekly hikes with her friends in the Bozeman Women’s Activity Groups (BWAGs). His wife of 59 years left him too soon, Knapp commented. He added that his gift is one way to honor her and keep her memory alive.

“What we have going on here is pretty special. I am playing with some great guys…I can’t imagine playing with (any) other team or group of guys. It is the relationship with those guys that will last a lifetime.”—Denarius McGhee

Strong mettle D e N a r i u s M c G h e e b r ing s d e p th , e x c e ll e n c e to M SU b y C a r o l Sc h m i d t


n ancient Rome, a denarius was a small silver coin, but for Montana State University, a more recent vintage of DeNarius has been pure Bobcat gold. As fans of Bobcat football know, DeNarius McGhee is the Texas product who last year started as quarterback as a redshirt freshman and threw for 3,163 yards to help lead the team to a 9-3 season and a trip to the playoffs. During that rookie season McGhee logged so many accomplishments and awards that a full listing would fill this page. Just a few were College National Performance Awards Freshman of the Year, runner-up for the prestigious Arthur Ashe, Jr. Sports Scholar Award, Big Sky Conference Offensive Most Valuable Player and Newcomer of the Year, and Walter Payton Award candidate for the best offensive player in the Division I Football Conference Subdivision. This spring his teammates voted him as one of three captains to lead the team in the fall, making him the

Denarius McGhee leading the Bobcats to victory in the 2010 “Brawl of the Wild” in Missoula.

first sophomore in recent history to earn that honor. What Bobcat fans might not know is there’s more to him than just football, McGhee said. For instance, he suspects most people don’t know that the most important thing in his life is his relationship with God. He likes to think of himself as well-

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rounded, and values and excels at academics. He is an honor roll student majoring in business management who has a 3.69 GPA. So it is not surprising that he is also a student of the game of football, spending countless hours studying films of opponents in addition to disciplined and strenuous workouts during the off-season. “I want to put myself in the best position to be successful,” he says. “You need to know what you and your team can do.” Fans also might be surprised that he thinks of himself as a better leader rather than an athlete. “Well, leadership and throwing the ball,” he says, quickly correcting himself. “Being an athlete is pretty much a given (in college athletics). And athletic ability is God-given. Leadership is more of a challenge, a choice you have to make.” He said he relishes the challenge of leading in pressure situations. “I want to be there at crunch time,” he said. This deep well of conviction, unusual

in one who just turned 20, is rooted in his upbringing and the love and support of those who raised him, he said.


orn in McComb, Miss., to Ella Mae McGhee and Michael Gause, he was raised by his grandmother and his aunt until he was 9 and then went to live with his mother. When he was 13, his mother sent him to live with his father in Euless, Texas. “My mother knew that she couldn’t teach me how to be a man,” he says, with pride apparent in his voice. “So she sent me to my father to raise me.” He says his father, who works in the sheriff’s department in Fort Worth, Texas, is his hero. “He taught me everything I know. He stayed strong and led me and molded me into the person I am,” McGhee said. He said his father taught him to prepare, to work hard, to shake hands with a firm grip (“You can tell a lot about a person by the way they shake hands,” he says), to

honor his commitments, learn from his mistakes and that tough times are what builds character. His father’s apartment in Euless was the ticket for McGhee to play at the storied Euless Trinity High School, one of the top high school programs in the country. Trinity was ranked number one in the country by Sports Illustrated McGhee’s senior year. His high school record was 28-3 during his three years as quarterback, and includes one Texas 5A championship. Several members of McGhee’s high school class are playing at some of the top football programs in the country, including Eryon Barnett, who McGhee’s father took in his senior year, who is projected to start this year at the University of Texas. McGhee got a look by those programs, and if he were three inches taller, (He’s listed as 6’0”) he might have been at one of those programs today. In the end, he chose between MSU and Air Force. He said he knew from the first cold January

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weekend he stepped on campus that MSU was his future. “The people here were extremely nice,” he said. “I felt at home.” He also saw potential at MSU. “I knew that if we would win, we would sell out every game,” he said. Bobcat fans will be happy to know that McGhee predicts continued success for the Bobcats. He has confidence in his coaches and the men he plays with. It is those people, he said, that he values the most. He knows that when he looks back at his college years, after goals of playing in the NFL or CFL, then a career as a coach leading to a position as an athletic director, those men will mean more to him than any list of awards. “What we have going on here (at MSU) is pretty special,” he said. “I am playing with some great guys…I can’t imagine playing with (any) other team or group of guys. It is the relationship with those guys that will last a lifetime.”

First MSU students complete world’s only online graduate certificate in Native American Studies by S uzi T aylor


“We started exploring distance learning as a way of reaching out to the tribal colleges and rural communities where it’s difficult—or impossible—for people to put their jobs and lives on hold while


they relocate to a university town to


hey come from throughout the country, from all walks of life, and with a myriad of experiences. But the graduates of Montana State University’s online graduate certificate in Native American Studies share a common denominator: They all seek to improve their understanding and awareness of Native American culture and contemporary issues. MSU’s online graduate certificate in Native American Studies is the only program of its type in the world, and as such, was the perfect match for recent graduates like Rodney Aist, who is director of a United Methodist ministry with the Navajo Nation, and said he wanted to expand his knowledge of Native American issues beyond the Navajo experience. “The online experience was very positive,” said Aist, adding that even though he never met his fellow students, online discussion tools gave a peer group element to the experience. MeLissa Ciprich, another recent graduate, is a veterinarian at Iowa State University. Ciprich accompanies students on veterinary outreach trips to the Crow Creek Tribal Nation in South Dakota, and sought a program that would help her students better understand the historical and cultural issues of the people they serve. “My MSU experience shines through as I work towards being able to educate (my students) on the importance of acknowledgement and respect of tribal culture history and beliefs,” Ciprich said. “They become better communicators and better doctors when they are able to open this part of their heart and mind while doing good work for both people and their companion animals.” Since the certificate was launched in 2010, seven students from Montana and throughout the U.S. have graduated; another dozen are enrolled. The program receives inquiries from throughout the world. “It’s an extremely diverse group of students,” said Jennifer Woodcock of NAS, adding that students come from back-

Top, Dr. MeLissa Ciprich, a veterinarian at Iowa State University and recent graduate of MSU’s online graduate certificate in Native American Studies, accompanies students on veterinary outreach projects on reservations in South Dakota. Below, Dr. Ciprich instructs students while performing a cat spay at the Crow Creek reservation.

grounds in education, law, tribal government, the military and other fields. “Distance education is a wonderful way to serve all students, but particularly those who are considered ‘nontraditional’,” said Janine Hansen, of Extended University and Montana State Online. “Not only can we bring MSU to Montanans who can’t come to campus, but we can bring Montana to people throughout the world.” Since 2006, Kristin Ruppel of MSU’s Native American Studies Department has led the exploration of online programs, working

Collegian | 24

go to school.” —Kristin Ruppel, MSU’s Native American Studies Department with NAS Department Head Walter Fleming and other staff from NAS and EU. “We started exploring distance learning as a way of reaching out to the tribal colleges and rural communities where it’s difficult— or impossible—for people to put their jobs and lives on hold while they relocate to a university town to go to school,” said Ruppel. “We hoped—still hope—to reach instructors at community and tribal colleges who wish to further their graduate studies.” Ruppel taught the first NAS online graduate course in spring 2009, and helped launch the 12-credit certificate program in spring 2010. Courses cover Native American art, law, history and Montana’s indigenous tribes. The department is considering adding more courses and a low-residency master’s degree. Ruppel said their “dream list” also includes a distance learning program on indigenous languages in partnership with Montana’s tribal colleges. Woodcock said one of the online program’s strengths is that most faculty are graduates of MSU’s NAS master’s program, including Rebecca Wingo, Shane Doyle, and Ceilon Aspensen. Other online faculty include Ruppel and Bill Eggers, an attorney and Crow tribal member. “The level of professionalism from the staff in supporting the operations of this program was excellent.” said Ciprich. “I reflect on what I’ve learned in this program every day and hope my knowledge and opportunities in NAS continue to grow for the rest of my life.”

HOMECOMING 2011 Be part of the fun. Make plans now, call your friends and “come home” for Homecoming.

Calendar of Events Thursday September 29

8 a.m.–5 p.m. Stop by the Alumni Center (1501 South 11th) to pick up your Homecoming schedule of events. Browse through yearbooks, enjoy the hospitality and visit for a while. 5:30 p.m. Homecoming Business After Hours hosted by the Bozeman Chamber, Prospera Business Network and the Downtown Bozeman Partnership.

For more information, visit the MSU Alumni Association Web site at or call 1-800-842-9028. Registration and payment available online.

| Sept. 29–Oct. 1

activities on and off campus. All day Hello Walk Stroll the campus Centennial Mall and say hello to fellow alumni, and current students and enjoy Homecoming Friday. Visit the Bookstore and load up on Bobcat gear! All day Coffee Cats Renne Library staff invite you to have coffee at the beautiful academic center of campus. Coupons for Brewed Awakening at the Alumni Center.

10:15–11:15 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Campus Tour led by an MSU Reception/ Lecture Advocat. Meet at Ask-Us Desk Museum of the Rockies in the SUB. Dr. Bill Lang celebrates 11 a.m.–4 p.m. MSU’s 10th President Michael Malone’s contributions to Mon- M-Day Hike to the M on Mount Baldy, established by tana and western history. the class of 1918. The first 100 9 p.m. climbers to the M get a T-shirt “Go Cats” Lighting at Nortth to commemorate their Homeand South Hedges. See resicoming hike. Sponsored by dents spell out Go Cats on the First Year Initiative (FYI), the high rise halls—a great site. MSU Alumni Association and the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Friday September 30

Blue & Gold Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Visit the Alumni Center to hear about all the Homecoming

11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. President Waded Cruzado’s Homecoming Luncheon and Alumni Awards Ceremony Join us at this celebratory time, as we recognize the recipients and award the prestigious

Blue and Gold Award and the Alumni Achievement Award. $18/person, SUB Ballroom A (new location). Parking and shuttle service available from Bobcat Stadium. 2 p.m. Dedication of the Michael P. Malone Centennial Mall. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend this celebration of MSU’s 10th President. (SUB if bad weather). 3 p.m. Reception for the dedication of Michael P. Malone Centennial Mall. Leigh Lounge. 6 p.m. Alumni Legacy Lounge Open House. Come see the beautifully re-dedicated space in the SUB honoring MSU’s award winners, as well featuring amazing stained glass art. 6–9 p.m. Alumni Homecoming Social on campus. SUB Ballroom A. Come one, come all as we bring the alumni party to campus. No host bar. 6:30 p.m. Homecoming Pep Rally Downtown Bozeman Sponsored by the Downtown Bozeman Association. 7 p.m. on… Homecoming “Downtown Friday Night”

Join the crowd downtown and see all that Bozeman has to offer for Homecoming weekend. 8 p.m. Midnight Mania MSU Students join in this excitement-filled traditional Homecoming event as tournaments, pizza wars and lots of activity, provide on-campus fun for current students. Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. 9 p.m. Lighting of the M on Mount Baldy by the Student Alumni Association. 10 p.m. Growl night around Spirit, the Bobcat sculpture at Alumni Plaza. Students, alumni, fans, faculty and staff—all are invited to be part of this new Bobcat tradition.


October 1

Bobcat Saturday

Wear your Blue and Gold. Streamline bus will be providing FREE transportation from campus to the parade and back to the stadium. 8 a.m. Bobcat Breakfast The Pour House, downtown continued

Summer 2011 | 25

HOMECOMING 2011 | Experience the bigger, better Bobcat Stadium Bozeman (corner of Rouse and Main). $10 at the door. Start your day off with some serious Bobcat spirit.


October 1 continued

10 a.m. Homecoming Parade Stake out a prime spot early to join in the celebration of this long-lasting tradition down Main Street. If you are interested in participating in the parade, contact the student Homecoming Chair through ASMSU at 406-994-2933.

Homecoming Awards Ceremony Honors Outstanding Alumni Six outstanding Montana State alumni will be honored during Homecoming, and we invite you to be part of the celebration and recognition Friday, Sept. 30, beginning at 11:30 a.m. in Student Union Ballroom A.

2011 recipients of the Blue & Gold Award

11:30 a.m. Alumni Tailgate Party Bobcat Stadium Whoop it up Montana State-style in the tailgate tent before the game. This is a spirit-packed tradition for everybody and a great place to gather your group. FREE 12:15 p.m. Bobcat Prowl Listen for the cannon and cheer on the team as we pump them before the game. Team walks from the Fieldhouse to Bobcat Stadium along the practice fields. 1:35 p.m. Bobcats vs. Sacramento State Cheer the Bobcats on to victory. Crowning of the 2011 Homecoming King and Queen, and the fabulous Spirit of the West Marching band. $35 reserved tickets. Registration is available online. Reunion group game tickets available through Alumni Association. Individual tickets call 406-994-CATS.

Go to or call 1-800-842-9028.

the President’s Advisory Council for three separate university presidents and also served on the Statewide Advisory Board for MSU Athletics. Their financial support also spans campus wide. They are the ultimate sports fans and recruiters for Montana State. Both of their children graduated from MSU, and this fall the legacy continues, as both of their out-of-state granddaughters will attend Montana State.

Bill, ‘56 Acctg, and Jean (Painter) Bradford’s,’57 PE, lives have always been about serving others—both professionally and personally. Billings and the State of Montana have reaped the rewards of such dedicated citizens. Bill spent the majority of his business career working for government agencies and Jean worked for two nonprofits. Their volunteer time included work with the Boy Scouts, DeMolay, Scottish RiteMasonic organization, Yellowstone County Council on Aging, Billings Chamber of Commerce, American Heart Association, Junior League, Rocky Mountain College Institute for Peace Studies, Job Connections Inc., Montana Food Bank, Billings Depot and St Luke’s Episcopal Church. In addition to all their local volunteer efforts, they have also made time to enthusiastically support their alma mater— Montana State University. Bill served on a Greek advisory committee and is a member of the Quarterback Club. Jean served on Collegian | 26

Bill, ’52 CE, ’53 M, ’60 PhD, and Marjorie (Johnston) Hunt, ’56 HmEc, have a 60-year connection to Montana State. After serving in the Korean War, Bill received his master’s and doctorate degrees in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin. He returned to Bozeman in 1955. His academic contributions as a professor, graduate student advisor, researcher and consultant have greatly impacted the quality of life, not only in Montana, but nationally and internationally. Both Bill & Marj have given countless hours to civic and state organizations with the sole purpose of improving people’s lives. When it comes to MSU academics and athletics, Bill and Marj are always willing and eager to contribute, their time and treasure. They are members of the Bobcat Booster Club and Life Members of the MSU Alumni Association. Their focus and commitment to academic success has been inspiring. As a further contribution to education, Bill and Marj established the William A. Hunt Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering at MSU. They have also

Recconect with your friends and classmates | HOMECOMING 2011 given scholarships within the College of Education, Health and Human Development, including the Student Success Scholarship, as well as other athletic scholarships and facilities development at MSU. Bill and Marj are iconic sports fans; rarely missing a home football or basketball game since 1955. Their passion for MSU, Bozeman and the State of Montana is sincere and evident. They represent all that the Blue and Gold Award honors.

education from Montana State has served him extremely well. He not only recognizes and supports the College of Engineering, but has also established a scholarship endowment in the College of Nursing in memory and honor of his late wife, Alice Willman Cassidy, ‘55. Montana State University is extremely proud of all that Jack Cassidy has accomplished both professionally and personally.

2011 recipients of the Alumni Achievement Award

S av e t he Dat e

Architecture Class of 1971 40-Year Reunion Activities begin Homecoming Week— Wednesday, Sept. 28. Contact: Bill Lipsey in Kamloops, B.C. E-mail at billylipsey@ Phone 250-372-1344

S av e t he Dat e

Nursing’s 75th Anniversary

John “Jack” Cassidy, ’52 CE, ‘60 M, ’64 PhD, grew up in Roberts, Mont., and now currently resides in Walnut Creek, Calif. Jack has been making contributions to the field of hydraulic engineering for the past 50 years, as a student, teacher, academic department head, author, practicing engineer, and national leader in his field. His work extends far beyond the classroom or office. His career has taken him to all parts of the U.S. and throughout the world where he has been responsible for management of the design and construction of hydraulic and flood control facilities for major dams, canals and hydroelectric plants. His expertise and experience is sought out by individuals worldwide. He has been elected into the National Academy of Engineering, perhaps the most noteworthy lifetime achievement to which an engineer could aspire. Jack admits his

Daniel Bukvich, ’76 Music, has undoubtedly pleased audiences around the globe with his musical compositions and arrangements. His music is performed worldwide by bands, orchestras and choirs. Dan is a three-time nominee for a Pulitzer Prize in music composition. His name is synonymous with music excellence and achievement. A native of Butte, Mont., Dan has been a music professor at the University of Idaho since 1987. He has shared his enthusiasm and talents with thousands of students in universities, colleges and public schools from coast to coast. He also shares his creative gifts through his volunteer efforts with the city of Moscow and the State of Idaho While Dan’s accomplishments are significant, his passion for music and the arts is inspirational.

Summer 2011 | 27

The College of Nursing will celebrate its 75th Anniversary in the year 2012. Each distance campus (Billings, Great Falls, Missoula and Kalispell) will host a reception for alumni and friends early in the year. The Bozeman campus will celebrate the college’s diamond anniversary during Homecoming weekend with a gala dinner and a tailgating event prior to the football game. Watch the College of Nursing Web site for specific details of the celebration at www.montana. edu/wwwnu.


2011 Satellite Parties

The MSU Alumni Association, in conjunction with the UM Alumni Association, is very proud to present these terrific events reaching across the country, capturing loyal and spirited Bobcat fans in party mode. Here lists the states and cities where satellite parties have been planned with an MSU alumni volunteer in the area. Please visit the Alumni Association Web site for specific party location details and updates. Estimated cost to bring the game to some 80 locations nationwide is about $20,000. We ask that attendees make a $5 contribution at the door, which party coordinators will then send to the Alumni Associations. This helps us greatly in meeting costs and to continue bringing the parties across the country. Visit for more info. Contact Kerry Hanson in the MSU Alumni Office if you have questions. Go Cats!

ALASKA: Anchorage • Fairbanks • Juneau ARIZONA: Scottsdale • Glendale • Tucson Yuma • Flagstaff ARKANSAS: Little Rock* CALIFORNIA: Fresno • Los Angeles– Culver City • Orange County-Rancho Santa Margarita • Palm Desert–La Quinta • Sacramento–Fair Oaks • San Diego • San Francisco • East Bay–San Leandro • North Bay–San Rafael area COLORADO: Colorado Springs • Denver • Fort Collins • Grand Junction FLORIDA: Pensacola • Wildwood GEORGIA: Atlanta–Alpharetta HAWAII: Oahu IDAHO: Boise • Idaho Falls • Lewiston Twin Falls ILLINOIS: Chicago–Schaumburg • Chicago–City INDIANA: Indianapolis KANSAS/MISSOURI: Kansas City–Overland Park LOUISIANA: Monroe MASSachusetts: Salisbury

Saturday, November 19, 2011 12:05 MST Kickoff in Bozeman

111th Rivalry Meeting MICHIGAN: Detroit Area–Utica MINNESOTA: Minneapolis– Mendota MISSOURI: St. Louis-Creve Coeur NEBRASKA: Omaha NEVADA: Carson City–Dayton • Las Vegas • Reno • Mesquite NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque* NEW YORK: New York City NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte • Raleigh/Durham NORTH DAKOTA: Bismarck • Fargo OHIO: Cincinnati–West Chester OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City OREGON: Bend • Portland • Medford Salem PENNSYLVANIA: Pittsburgh Philadelphia • Scranton/Wilkes-Barre* SOUTH DAKOTA: Rapid City* TENNESSEE: Nashville TEXAS: Austin • Dallas–Richardson • Houston • Amarillo UTAH: Salt Lake City

Collegian | 28

WASHINGTON: Bremerton Clarkston/Lewiston, ID • Olympia– Lacey • Bellingham • Seattle–Renton Spokane • Tri-Cities–Richland • Spokane Valley* • Spokane-South Hill Yakima WASHINGTON, D.C.: Arlington, Va. WEST VIRGINIA: Morgantown* WISCONSIN: Madison • Milwaukee WYOMING: Casper* • Gillette* Rock Springs • Sheridan Thank you to the fantastic Bobcat volunteers who help us with our Cat/ Griz efforts. Kickoff time is subject to change. *Indicates locations where a Bobcat volunteer is needed. E-mail Kerry Hanson at to volunteer. The “Can-the-Griz” food drive is held on campus in the weeks preceding the game. We encourage our alumni and fans to hekp support this effort.

a s s oci a t io n news

f r o m t h e p r e s id e n t & C E O Dear Friends, There is nothing better than summer in Bozeman. It took a while to get here, but once the sun started shining, the Gallatin Valley beamed with beauty. The articles in this Collegian issue are impressive and insightful. Schedules for upcoming events and activities, trip plans for our Cat Treks program, interesting news about the campus, and articles about students and alumni. Let us know what you think about the summer Collegian. This issue is sent to all alumni, whereas the fall and spring issues go to members of the Alumni Association. If you haven’t received a Collegian since last summer, that means you aren’t a member. The investment is worth it. You’ll stay up to date with Montana State, and you’ll be supporting all of the activities provided for you through the Alumni Association. Your university continues to do great things. More than 2500 students graduated this spring, adding to our broad array of alumni who live around the world. Help us to spread the word. Tell a prospective student to consider attending Montana State University. Encourage your company to participate in the MSU Career Fair this fall to attract student interns or employ outstanding new graduates. Wear an MSU or Bobcat sweatshirt or hat, have a decal in your car window, start planning to return for Homecoming and encourage your friends to do so, as well. It is a great time to be a Bobcat! Ever Loyal,

Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 President and CEO Montana State University Alumni Association

SUB Legacy Lounge dedicated to honor MSU alumni Many alumni generously give of their time, talent, and treasures and are loud, proud, and loyal Bobcats. But…just a few years ago if you toured the campus you could not find any visible place that honored or acknowledged our dedicated and talented alumni. The Alumni Plaza was conceived, constructed and dedicated to providing that place on campus to honor all alumni, past, present and future. In fact, Spirit stands as a testament to the lifelong commitment of MSU’s alumni. Now, we have an opportunity to extend that alumni presence even farther on campus with the addition of a room in the most used building on campus. A room dedicated to honoring alumni who have truly distinguished themselves as evidenced by the awarding of Blue and Gold Awards or Alumni Achievement Awards. A room not only designed to honor those individuals but designed to inspire those students today and in the future to live lives with purpose, leadership, service, excellence and achievement. Please join us on Homecoming Friday, Sept. 30, for an Open House in the Alumni Legacy Lounge, planned in conjunction with the SUB Alumni Social on campus.

Summer 2011 | 29

Left to right, Mary Lou Fjeld, David Fjeld (artist), Jaynee Groseth, Alumni Association President & CEO, and Dorothy Aasheim

a s s oci a t io n news

Win Cat/Griz tickets and a “Spirit” bronze Show your spirit at the 111th Cat/Griz game. Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a limited edition “Spirit” bronze and two tickets to the MSU Alumni Association Sky Box Suite for the Nov. 19 Cat/Griz game. Proceeds go to the Alumni Legacy Lounge. Contact 406-994-2401.

Gold Rush 2011 Help launch the 2011 Bobcat athletic season at Gold Rush, the football home opener versus UC Davis at 1:05 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10. Wear your Gold Rush T-shirt to show your school spirit. This year’s Gold Rush theme, “My Saturdays are for Bobcat Football,” is designed to make Bobcat football the essential part of every Saturday and celebrate the newly expanded Bobcat stadium. Limited edition Gold Rush T-shirts will be available Aug. 15 exclusively at Universal Athletic stores in Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, Miles City and Missoula for $12. Order online at www. or call 1-800-332-4574. For information, contact Julie Kipfer at 994-5737 or visit bobcatspirit/promotions.html

Alumni Calendar of Events August 1

Bobcat Club Butte Social


August 8

MSU Alumni Event in Minneapolis area

Minneapolis, Minn.

August 15

MSU Alumni @ Seattle Mariners game

Seattle, Wash.

August 27

‘Cats Classic Fun Runs and Bobcat Club Family Fun Day


Sept. 1

MSU Tailgate at University of Utah—3pm

Salt Lake City, Utah

Sept. 1

MSU Football vs. Utah—6pm

Salt Lake City, Utah

Sept. 10

MSU Alumni Association Member Tailgate at Bobcat Stadium


Sept. 10

MSU Football vs. UC Davis—GOLD RUSH—1:05 pm


Sept. 16

Bobcat Club Sonny Holland Golf Tourney


Sept. 17

MSU Football vs. Minot State—1:05 pm


Sept. 23

Bobcat Friday Night in Spokane, Wash.

Spokane, Wash.

Sept. 24

MSU Tailgate at Eastern Washington

Cheney, Wash.

Sept. 24

MSU Football vs. Eastern Washington

Cheney, Wash.

Sept. 26–Oct. 1

HOMECOMING at MSU (See pages 25–26)


Sept. 30

Homecoming Blue & Gold Friday


Sept. 30

Special Event/Dedication of the Michael P. Malone Centennial Mall—2 pm


Oct. 1

Homecoming Bobcat Saturday


Oct. 1

MSU Football vs. Sacramento State—1:35 pm


Oct. 7

Bobcat Friday Night in Portland, Ore.

Portland, Ore.

Oct. 8

Bobcat Tailgate at Portland State

Portland, Ore.

Oct. 8

MSU Football at Portland State

Portland, Ore.

Oct. 14-15

MSU Parent/Family Weekend on campus


Oct. 15

MSU Football vs. Northern Arizona—1:05 pm


Oct. 21

MSU Tailgate at Northern Colorado

Greeley, Colo.

Oct. 21

MSU Football at Northern Colorado—1:35 pm

Greeley, Colo.

Oct. 28

Blue & Gold Bobcat Club Fall Party


Oct. 29

MSU Football vs. Idaho State—1:05 pm


Nov. 5

MSU Tailgate at Weber State—10 am

Ogden, Utah

Nov. 5

MSU Football at Weber State—12:05 pm

Ogden, Utah

Nov. 17

Bobcat Pep Rally—Downtown Bozeman


Nov. 19

Cat/Griz Football in Bozeman—12:05 pm


Nov. 19

Cat/Griz Satellite Parties around the country (See page 28)

Dec. 1

Montana Graingrowers Alumni Social in Great Falls

Great Falls

Dec. 15

Montana Stockgrowers Alumni Social in Billings


Watch Montana State-ments for an updated Calendar of Events or check the Web at

Collegian | 30

a s s oci a t io n news

2012 MSU Alumni Association Adventure and Educational Travel All prices listed are lead-in pricing per traveler; some trips include airfare from designated departure cities. For more information on specific trips, visit our Web site:

Cruise to the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) with MSU President Waded Cruzado Jan. 27-Feb. 3, 2012 Explore the most beautiful natural features of the Caribbean’s Lesser Antilles with Montana State University President Waded Cruzado. President Cruzado is originally from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and would love the occasion to welcome you to her beautiful homeland. Take advantage of this terrific adventure to enjoy the tropics (when it is chilly), travel with other Bobcats, and spend time with our delightful President. This eight-day cruise aboard the Six-Star, all-suite M.V. SILVER CLOUD will provide an unmatched small ship experience in the Caribbean. This splendid opportunity offers free air from 23 gateway cities and a host of complimentary features aboard ship. Cruise round trip from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to explore the natural and cultural treasures of these Caribbean isles. San Juan pre-cruise option available. From $3508/person. Space is limited and this trip is sure to sell out for MSU folks. Offered by Gohagen.

River Life: Waterways of Holland and Belgium—featuring FLORIADE 2012 World Horticulture Expo. April 14-22, 2012

Experience the world’s largest and most extraordinary horticulture exhibition, Floriade 2012: Living Nature, held only once every 10 years. Cruise in comfort for seven

nights aboard the deluxe, state-of- the-art river ship the M.S. AMALYRA. Visit Holland at the peak of colorful tulip season, enjoy a guided tour of the prestigious Rijksmuseum and participate in an exclusive village forum for interaction with locals. Education and cultural enrichments including a private Amsterdam canal cruise and a walking tour of Volendam, where traditional Dutch attire is still worn. Antwerp city tour and a full-day in Bruges, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Tour the legendary windmills at Kinderdijk and take in Keukenhof Gardens, one of the greatest floral exhibitions, in addition to the Floriade Expo. This trip is all-inclusive of all meals and excursions with complimentary Quietvox audio system for all touring. From $2795/person. Offered by Gohagen.

Mediterranean Treasures May 5-16, 2012

Ten nights of cruising aboard Riviera of Oceania Cruises to historic and scenic ports of call including four countries. In Mitilini (Lesbos), Greece, explore the city’s ancient roots and visit the castle perched on the hill – the beautiful Greek theater the Romans repaired then copied in Rome. Take in the ruins of ancient Ephesus, Turkey, the famed Library of Celsus, the amphitheater, chariot marked marble roads and mosaic sidewalks. Wander through the winding streets of the lovely seaside village of Mykonos, Greece, and climb the magnificent Acropolis, stand in awe of the Parthenon, the beautiful temples and the view over Athens. Visit the island of Cephalonia and breathtaking sheltered bays. Immerse yourself in the glorious scenery and beaches of Corfu, Greece, then onto the walled medieval city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, known for its exquisite Venetian monuments. Visit Split, Croatia, home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and finally glide through the canals and under bridges, past opulent palazzo and elegant churches in Venice, Italy. Free round-trip airfare from select gateway cities included. From $3299/ person. Offered by GoNext.

Summer 2011 | 31

European Mosaic June 16-27, 2012

Amazing ports of call along Europe’s southern coasts. From Lisbon, Portugal, travel to Gibraltar, UK, dominated by a huge mass of limestone, riddled with caves thought to be at least 135 million years old. Morocco’s economic capital and most modern city, Casablanca, is endowed with a scenic coastline and fascinating Moroccan tradition. Granada, Spain (Motril), is considered the capital of the Tropical Coast and is the gateway to legendary Granada, home to the Moorish palace Alhambra. The City of Arts and Sciences is Valencia, Spain, which includes an impressive collection of attractions. Visit the magnificent Gothic Cathedral and the charming squares of the old Gothic Quarter and Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain’s famed downtown promenade. See the sights and enjoy the views of historic old Marseille (Provence), France, or venture into the celebrated Provencal countryside. Take in sparkling Monte Carlo, Monaco, then explore the fabled architecture of Renaissance Florence, or lose yourself in the Tuscan country towns. Ten nights accommodations and cruising and free round-trip airfare from select gateway cities included. From $3999/person. Offered by GoNext.

Waterways of Russia September 12-22, 2012

A nine-night cruise aboard the best ship in Russia, the M.S. VOLGA DREAM. Wine and beer included with all lunches and dinners. Cruise the Volga River, Lake Rybinskoye, the Sheksna River, Lake Beloye, Lake Onega, the Svir River, Lake Ladoga and the Veva River, featuring a comprehensive itinerary between Russia’s premier cities. Tour Moscow’s Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Novodevichy Convent and Cemetery, the final resting place for many of Moscow’s most famous historical figures. Excursion to the State Armory Museum in Kremlin, walking tour of Uglich and a city tour of Yaroslavl, a UNESCO World Heritage site (one of four on this trip), visit St. Petersburg, featuring St.

b l u e & g o l d msu news Isaac’s Cathedral and the Perer and Paul Fortress. Enjoy specially arranged earlyopening tour of the State Hermitage Museum. From $3895/person. Offered by Gohagen.


September 14-22, 2012 The Emerald Isle is a land of constantly changing colors, magnificent and varied landscapes, rugged mountains, imposing valleys, lush green fields and deep blue lakes. Ireland is a country unlike anywhere else in the world—a land full of folklore and legend, where the genuine warmth, humor and friendliness of the local people will leave a lasting impression. Two nights accommodations at the superior four-star Kelkenny Ormonde Hotel, three nights at the four-star Killarney Plaza Hotel and two nights at the four-star O’Callaghan Davenport Hotel in Dublin. Full Irish breakfast daily, allowing for individual exploration of local fare for other meals. Scenic motor coach transfers between

a s s oci a t io n news Kilkenny, Killarney and Dublin. From $1999/person. Offered by GoNext.

Gateway to Antiquity

Village Life: Italian Lake District

This alluring voyage presents a magical blend of ancient Mediterranean ports and celebrated destinations as you cruise on Oceania Cruises’ elegant Regatta. Beginning in Istanbul, the magnificent city that straddles two continents, sail to Kusadasi, Turkey, then onward to the fascinating Greek port of Santorini. Explore the ancient riches of Athens, seeing city highlights including the new and old Olympic stadiums. Discover the many cultural layers of Malta. In La Goulette, Tunisia, meander through opulent, historic Medina. Located on the western coast of Sicily, Italy, Trapani is a fishing and ferry port with a long history. Finally, immerse yourself in Capri, with its stunning panoramas, villages, charming piazzas and Villa San Michele. Visit the ruins at Pompeii or take a cooking lesson in Sorrento. Ten nights of cruising and round- trip airfare included from select gateway cities. From $3299/person. Offered by GoNext.

October 12-23, 2012

September 22-30, 2012

Experience the true essence of life in northern Italy’s fabled Lake District for one full week in Cernobbio, a picturesque village overlooking Lake Como. Stay in lake-view rooms in the charming hotel Regina Olga. Enjoy private boat cruises on Lake Como and Lake Maggiore and expert-guided excursions to Varenna, Bellagio, Villa del Balbianello, the Borromean Islands and Stresa. Enriching lectures and the exclusive VILLAGE FORUM™ with local residents bring you personal perspectives of the region’s modern life and cultural heritage. This comprehensive itinerary also features an optional excursion to stunning Lugano, Switzerland, and a two-night Milan Pre-Program Option. It continues to sell out quickly. From $2995/person. Offered by Gohagen.

Montana’s first active adult retirement community Conveniently located near MSU, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, and historic Downtown Bozeman Offers a continuum of lifestyle choices and amenities to fit various needs Maintenance free living options to make life easier and enjoyable Professionally designed detached homes for aged 55 and better Well-appointed independent living apartment homes Assisted living apartment accommodations Enjoy the Bozeman lifestyle and its unique community and recreational amenities

Live Connected. Live Well.

Bozeman, MT

Everything you want. More than you expect.


The assisted living neighborhood with more to give.

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a s s oci a t io n news

Summer 2011 | 33

Class Notes

Class Notes are compiled by Jennifer Anderson. Alumni Association members will receive priority listing in Class Notes. If you would like to submit information, please send e-mail to alumni@ or through the Alumni Web site. Or drop a line to the MSU Alumni Association, P.O. Box 172940, Bozeman, MT 59717-2740.

1940s Robert Stanbury, ’49 EE, ’84 M, and wife, Marjorie (Pott) Stanbury, ’82 Art, ’86 M, Penn Valley, Calif., are both retired and living in a gated community in Nevada County, Lake Wildwood. Marjorie graduated from San Jose State (B.A.) and USF (master’s). Robert earned a BSEE from MSC, B.S. in electronics from Cal Poly and a master’s from Golden Gate University. They have six children and 12 grandchildren.

1960s Nancy (Terwilliger) Grube, ’65 HmEc, ’96 Educ, Missoula, Mont., received a D.Ed. in Educational Leadership on May 15, 2010, from the University of Montana.

1970s Robert Patera, ’70 CET, and wife, Lela (Shay) Patera, ’71 Nurs, Havre, Mont., are proud grandparents of Layla Kate Bolken, born Oct. 14, 2010, daughter of Erin Patera Bolken ’04, and Eric Bolken ’04 Arch. Layla attended her first satellite Cat/Griz game in November at the age of 6 weeks. Bobbi Haugen, ’73 Bus, ’97 BuEd M, Billings, Mont., continues to teach part time for MSU-Billings College of Technology. Drew Dye, ’74 Hist, Eugene, Ore., is still enjoying retirement and stays busy playing golf, fishing, rafting and traveling. He has two

beautiful granddaughters to share life with and one sweet wife.

Barbara (Krantz) Markham, ’74 Nurs, Orlando, Fla., continues to live in Florida and work in nursing with the pediatric population. Son, Gordon, graduated from medical school and lives in North Carolina. Life is good. Karen (Antonietti) Buley, ’78 Nurs, Missoula, Mont., edited a collection of nurses’ stories, Nurses on the Run: Why They Come, Why They Stay, which was chosen a “Best Books 2010”awards finalist in the anthologies: non-fiction category by US Book News. Nurses on the Run, which contains stories from five MSU alums, may be ordered from bookstores, online booksellers or from Terry Sukut, ’78 Arch, Billings, Mont., serves as president of JGA Architects, while wife, Peggy, works in HR at US Bank. Herb Thackeray, ’79 ChE, Billings, Mont., was named “Employee of the Decade” by Thackeray Consulting LLC of Billings and awarded a trip to Dallas for Super Bowl XLV. He is also a member of the Bobcat Booster Club and a MSU football season ticket holder. Go Cats!

1980s Jeff Sipes, ’86 ME, is looking forward to serving the MSU Alumni Association on the Board of Directors. He and wife, Kelly (Kamrath) Sipes, ’87 PE, reside in Lake Tapps, Wash. Alice (Sutton) Malmanger, ’87 ElEd, Normandy Park, Wash., currently teaches reading remediation classes to underperforming 6th, 7th and 8th graders in Tukwila, Wash. Amber Jean Reinhard, ’94 Art, Livingston, Mont., known for her intricate carvings in wood and for the massive chocolate sculptures she created for Nestle, has completed a large sculpture commission in Texas. Mesquite logs weighing 2,000 pounds each were shipped from Texas to Montana more than

a year ago so that Amber Jean could turn them into memorable artworks. The sculptures have now been returned to Texas and permanently installed in the Devil Woman Saloon. See for details.

2000s Stacy Blasiola, ’01 Phil, Milwaukee, Wis., is graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a master’s in media studies. Stacy will attend the University of Illinois at Chicago for doctoral studies in communication. Her article, “Say, Cheese! Cameras and Bloggers in Wisconsin’s Courtrooms,” was published in the spring issue of the Reynolds Courts & Media Law Journal and presented at the International Communication Association conference in Boston, Mass., in May. She is also the Cat/Griz satellite party coordinator in Milwaukee. Colet Bartow, ’09 Educ M, Helena, Mont., library-information literacy curriculum specialist for the Montana Office of Public Instruction, was awarded the 2011 NCCE President’s Award at the 40th Annual Conference held in Portland, Ore., on March 4. NCCE hosts the largest educational technology conference in the Northwest. The President’s Award goes to an outstanding individual who has provided leadership to the NCCE organization and its members. Colet was spotlighted for her tireless work for the past two years developing the Teacher-Librarian Summit with the committee and her passion for information and technology literacy.

Marriages Shauna Laden, ’95 Bus, Santa Monica, Calif., married James Watson on June 3, 2010 in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Births Martin Byrnes, ’89 Arch, ’09 M, and Brenda (Lorang) Byrnes, ’94 BuMg, Great Falls, Mont., added to their Bobcat brood on June 19, 2010. Vivian Bree joins brothers Marshall, 6, and Sterling, 4, to cheer the ‘Cats on. Lyndsey Medsker, ’97 Bus, and husband, Ryan Thomas, welcomed son, Finley James, on Dec. 8, 2010. Finley joins big brother, Atley West, born May 1, 2009. Lyndsey and family live on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Nathan Simons, ’00 AgBu, and wife, Billie Jo (Norris) Simons, ’98 AgBu, Malta, Mont., had a baby boy, Hudson Ryle, on March 1. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. Shane Leland, ’05 AgBu, and Sarah (Hogemark) Leland, ’06 Nurs, had a baby boy named Kaden, on May 5. Big sister, Audriana, enjoys her new brother.

In Memory Kathryn (Lyon) Spain,* ’32 SciTech, ’36 Micro, Bozeman, Mont., died April 22. Constance (Holm) Westlake, ’33 Bus, Sequim, Wash., died Feb. 14. Hazel (Nelson) Galbreth,* ’37 Bus, Sarasota, Fla., died Sep. 19, 2010. Ben Berg, ’38 Art, ’41 PhD, Bozeman, Mont., died Jan. 16. Laro (Belvins) Hensley,* ’40 Nurs, Seeley Lake, Mont., died Jan. 27. Mildred (Spain) Lambert,* ’40 HmEc, Gallatin Gateway, died March 11. Dick Gregory,* ’42 Ag, Lodge Grass, Mont., died Oct. 3. Ed Anacker,* ’43 Chem, ’49 PhD, ’72 Phil, ’72 Soc M, Bozeman, Mont., died April 3. Betty (Hansen) Bakken,* ’43 Bus, Williston, N.D., died Jan. 24. Inez (Haynes) Lockman, ’43 Nurs, died April 21. Betty (Halland) Taylen, ’43 Micro, Forsyth, Mont., died April 7.

class N OT E S G.K. Whitham,* ’43 Chem, Idaho Falls, Idaho, died Feb. 3. Mary (Shunk) Hespen, ’45 Ex Bus, Bozeman, Mont., died May 12. Hazel (Brendel) Kopec,* ’47 Nurs, Toms River, N.J., died Jan. 15. David Dougherty, ’48 EE, Ennis, Mont., died Jan. 2. William Kober, ’49 AgEd, ’65 M, Three Forks, Mont., died April 1. Clarence Mehl, ’49 Phys, Albuquerque, N.M., died Jan. 9. Rey Shunk,* ’49 Phys, ’56 PhD, Fishtail, Mont., Dec. 30. Barbara (Bell) Balsam, ’50 Bus, Billings, Mont., died March 31. Allen Eby, ’50 Eng, Billings, Mont., died Dec. 18. Rosalie (Mueller) Warrick, ’50 HmEc, Adrian, Mich., died March 19. John Bradford, ’51 Bus, Billings, Mont., died Jan. 29. Harold Hillstrom,* ’51 ME, Auburn, Wash., died July 12, 2010. Melvin Johnson,* ’51 CE, East Helena, Mont., died Feb. 18. Vaughn Chadbourne, ’52 AgEd, Manhattan, Mont., died March 12. Katherine (Sim)Titus, ’52 Engl, Apache Junction, AZ, died May 5. Arthur Tucker, ’52 I&A, Lewistown, Mont., died Dec. 6. Artemis Olson*, ’53 Nurs, Tumwater, Wash., died Feb. 12.

Robert McDonnell,* ’54 AgEd, ’74 Art M, Helena, Mont., died March 29.

Donald Boyd, ’61 EE, ’63 EE M, ’65 Math, ’67 AgEc PhD, Bozeman, Mont., died March 29.

Thomas Shellenberger, ’54 Chem, Millersville, Md., died March 28.

Avent (Monroe) Burton, ’61 Educ, Sheridan, Wyo., died Oct. 20.

Paul Hein,* ’55 Bus, ’78 Bis M, Laramie, Wyo., died Jan. 16.

Hale Jeffers,* ’61 AgEc, Lodge Grass, Mont., died April 25.

Dorothy (Boyd) Johnson, ’56 Nurs, ’61 M, Helena, Mont., died March 6.

Niki Nelson,* ’61 PreMed, Hayward, Calif., died Oct. 19.

Herbert Sharp,* ’56 Bus, Prairie Village, Kas., died March 17. Patricia (Evans) Thomas, ’56 HmEc, Bozeman, Mont., died April 11. Bud Lawrence Jr., ’57 AgEc, ’58 M, Billings, Mont., died June 9, 2010. Gary Miller, ’58 Arch, Hudson, N.H., died Feb. 10. Laurence Thayer,* ’58 AgEd, ’61 SciTech, died April 5. Les Davenport,* ’59 Phys, ’62 Phys M, ’68 Phys PhD, ’84 Chem M, Battle Ground, Wash., died Jan. 5. Herschel Moore, ’59 I&ME, Hamilton, Mont., died Feb. 7.

David Gates, ’78 EE, Butte, Mont., died March 19. Perry Tschida, ’80 ME, Missoula, Mont., died Dec. 28. Jon Hopwood, ’81 Arch, ’08 M, Yakima, Wash., died March 30. Kenneth Gordon, ’82 ChE, Nevada, Iowa, died Jan. 10.

John Lillberg,* ’62 EE, ’75 EE M, Butte, Mont., died March 7.

Betty (Schult) Duvall, ’84 Educ PhD, Idaho Falls, Idaho, died March 10.

Catherine (Goudie) Wilson, ’62 ElEd, Kalispell, Mont., died Oct. 18.

David Johnson, ’85 Art, Lynchburg, Va., died April 17.

Audrey (Woodside) Reese, ’65 ElEd, Bozeman, Mont., died April 20.

Michael McGrath, ’87 EE, Livingston, Mont., died March 27.

Margaret (Reimann) Brown, ’66 Educ M, Cumberland, ME., died March 16.

Larry Moye, ’87 Math M, Kenai, Ark., died June 22, 2010.

James Belvins, ’67 EE, Craig, Colo., died Jan. 22. Margaret (Gillett) Dell Laknar, ’69 PE Dillon, Mont., died Dec. 30. Donald Stanfield Jr., ’70 GenStu, Polson, Mont., died April 23. Jerrily (Rodden) Kress, ’71 Arch, Wash., DC, died April 25. Michael Biggerstaff, ’72 ME, Stanford, Mont., died May 9.

Beulah (Pospisil) Stablein,* ’59 ElEd, ’65 SciTech, Bozeman, Mont., died March 31.

Paddy (Kvande) Damschen,* ’72 Micro, Helena, Mont., died March 8.

Norman Clausen, ’60 AnSci, Billings, Mont., died Nov. 9.

Raymond Niehuus,* ’72 ChE, New Ulm, Texas, died Jan. 24.

Cheron (Moller) Hubbard, ’60 ElEd, Bandon, Ore., died March 10.

Dan Cox, ’78 Acctg, ’81 Bus M, Sacramento, Calif., died Nov. 27.

Joseph Donaghy, ’89 Educ, Jonesboro, Ariz., died Feb. 24. Nicole (Stein) Caruso,* ’92 BuMk, Clovis, Calif., died April 14. Matthew Warner,* ’93 ME, Helena, Mont., died Jan. 22. Kathleen Stanley, ’96 HHD, Bozeman, Mont., died Dec. 18. Karl Schlepp, ’97 Micro, Laurel, Mont., died Feb. 18. Joseph Gudatis, ’04 Art, Great Falls, Mont., died Jan. 20. Margaret McNurlin, ’07 HHD, Denver, Colo., died Dec. 29. *Life member of the Alumni Association

Ted Williams’ flags Forty years ago, MSU civil engineering professor (now emeritus) Ted Williams was leader for a Boy Scout troop. “One of the recommended projects that year was patriotism,” he says. We decided to investigate American history. The boys researched all the different flags and set out to make a series of flags that would tell the story of America. For many years I had this collection of flags with stars glued on butcher paper.” Years later a niece asked to borrow the home-made flags to exhibit when she was installed as worthy matron (presiding officer) of her Order of the Eastern Star chapter. “I got interested again and started buying replica flags on the Internet,” the one-time MSU interim vice president for research says. His collection now numbers 36 different flags and covers all aspects of American history. “My oldest would be the Viking flag, based on the ones they brought here in the 10th century.” He has Spanish, British and Dutch flags from the appropriate eras, and says there are a wealth of flags from the Revolutionary era still to be collected. “Because there wasn’t a single flag for the colonies, each regiment had its own.” Of course there are the various permutations

Ted Williams

of the U.S. flag as the country grew and added states. Williams shows off his collection when asked, mostly at Masonic and Eastern Star venues. “Sometimes school groups invite me, as well,” he says. “I recently took the collection up to schools in St. Regis, Mont.” — by Marjorie Smith

Summer 2011 | 35

Who’s calling? by P hillip L uebke


our phone rings. The caller ID says “Montana State University.” You pick up the phone and on the other end of the line is a cheerful voice sharing the latest news about MSU and explaining the importance of annual giving. That voice belongs to one of the 23 student callers who connect alumni back to campus annually through the MSU Phonathon. The phonathon is the single largest source of revenue for the MSU Annual Fund, which provides immediate financial support to the university and helps it meet its priorities. In addition to soliciting gifts and updating the alumni contact information in the database, student callers provide information about the university and current events, answer questions and record comments or concerns. Student callers have been the voice of the MSU Phonathon since the addition of a call center in 1999. Prior to that, the MSU Foundation recruited volunteer students, faculty and staff to man temporary banks of telephones set up in the Foundation’s Great Room, Culbertson Hall, or in donated space at area businesses. Reflecting on the changes over the years, Jan Bosch, director of Annual Fund, said “I remember one year where we trained more than 500 students, faculty and staff to help us with those phone calls. They would come in one night, get a quick 15–20 minute training session, get on the telephones, and that would be it. The next night we would bring in a completely different group of volunteers and do it all again. Now we have a pool of 20–25 well-trained student employees who call for us all year long.” According to Dawn Silva, ’94 ElEd, ’00 Educ M, ’11 EdD, call center manager, MSU, like many universities, uses student employees in their call centers because they are familiar with the university, they are excited about being here and they can answer a lot of questions in regard to what’s happening on-campus. The job is good for the students as well. The call center operates in the evenings and on weekends, and shifts are flexible

Zach Dupree

Phonathon Facts

so there’s never a conflict with their class schedule. That’s something that Rachael Luhr, a computer science major, really appreciates. Luhr, who has been a student caller for three semesters and a student supervisor for one, is in MSU’s Honors Program and has a full academic load, typically taking 17–18 credit hours per semester. It’s also great work experience for the students. When asked what attracted him to the phonathon, Alex Fuller, a business finance major, said, “I thought it would be a good opportunity to improve my communications skills, and it really has helped me the past two years.” According to Bosch, the students obtain valuable experience with fund raising, as well as elements of public relations, marketing and sales. All of that experience can lead to a career in fund raising. Silva started as a student caller herself, then became a student supervisor before landing her current job as call center manager. Another former caller, Stacy Stanislao, ’08 LibStu, director of development for the College of Nursing and the College of Education, Health & Human Development was recruited for her current role in her senior year at MSU. For all the positive things

Collegian | 36

23 student callers during the 2010–2011 school year 185,186 calls made during the 2010–2011 school year 1,969 thank you calls made during the 2010–2011 school year $546,943 contributed by 5,693 donors 90% pledge fulfillment rate (well above the national average)

about the job, the students interviewed for this article all said that the most challenging part is dealing with rejection and learning to not take it personally. The antidote for most is another phone call. “My favorite part is talking to alumni who are excited about MSU,” said Zach Dupree, physics major. “I really enjoy going to school here, and if they’re excited about the university, I feel like they are excited about me and invested in my future.” So when “MSU” pops up on your caller ID this fall, Silva has one request: “Be nice to our callers. They’re all really great kids.”

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