27 minute read
from 01-05-22 issue
Lionel Herreid
POLSON — Lionel E. “Sonny” Herreid, age 87, went to be with his wife of 60 years, Gail, on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021, at his home. He was born on May 17, 1934, to Ernest and Wilma Herreid in Polson. He was the second of four children, including Dorrene, Shirley, and Dale.
Sonny served in the U.S. Army from 1954 – 1956. He married E. Gail Kimball on April 10, 1957. They were married for 60 plus years in which they had five T’s: Tammie (Barry) Zeiser, Tim (Geri), Teresa, Todd (Koko) and Tedd (Steph); 13 grandkids and numerous great-grandkids.
Sonny enjoyed his woodworking and fishing with his bride at Camp Tuffit.
They lived in Polson until purchasing a farm in Valley View in 1963. Sonny drove a logging truck while he ranched and raised beef cows. The ranch and dairy life took up their time until 1981 when they moved back to Polson. He continued to work for Lake County driving truck. After retiring from the county, he drove a school bus for the Polson School District. He finally hung up his
keys and retired to fishing, snoozing on the deck in the summer at Camp Tuffit, his home away from home, and building bird houses in the winter. He spent his free time having a toddy or two with his good friends. He never stopped talking about the good times with the “work party gang” at Tuffit. Lionel Herreid He was preceded in death by his wife, Gail; his parents, Ernest and Wilma Herreid; his siblings, Dorrene, Shirley, and Dale; and an infant granddaughter, Robin. Graveside services were held on Dec. 24, 2021. Memories and condolences may be sent to the family at: www.lakefuneralhomeandcremation.com. Arrangements are under the care of The Lake Funeral Home and Crematory.
Richard Bick
MISSOULA — Richard Wayne Bick, 63, died of heart failure on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021, in Spokane, Washington.
He was born on March 31, 1958, in Ronan to Charles and Delores Bick. The fourth of six children, Rich was taught the value of love and hard work on a dairy farm while attending school in Charlo. He never had to worry about what to do with his spare time as he was kept busy raising calves, putting up hay, and milking cows.
While attending school in Charlo, he met LuJuana Mae Bauer, the love of his life. On Sept. 29, 1979, they were married in Charlo and were sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple in Idaho on Dec. 9, 1981. Rich was a loyal husband and a wonderful father. He was blessed with an ability to lovingly understand and teach his children as well as their many friends.
Rich was an accomplished mechanic and welder, gaining much experience working on heavy equipment while employed with the State of Montana. He retired as a shop foreman after working for the State Highway Department for 35 years. Outside of work he used his talents to bless the lives of many; with numerous friends, family, and strangers benefitting from Rich’s expertise. He could fix anything, operate most equipment, and was a skilled builder. Wherever he volunteered, he had a positive impact on those he worked with and people sincerely enjoyed working with him. He served the community through countless activities including helping his sons and many others achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
Most of all, Rich strived to live his life as a disciple of Christ. He knew where he came from and never deviated on where he wanted to go. He prioritized attending the temple and never turned down a church responsibility. In each opportunity to serve, he felt blessed, and said that “Service is the rent you pay for living on this earth. There is joy in service.”
Rich’s passing was unexpected, but his primary goal in life was to have an eternal family, and he looked forward to the time in which he would be with his daughter, Julie, and our Father in Heaven again.
He was preceded in death by his father, Charles Fred Bick; his father-in-law, Arnold Alfred Bauer; his daughter, Julie Dawn; and his niece, Jenneil Dawn Thornburg.
Survivors include his mother, Delores Bick Rogers (Jim Rogers); his wife, LuJuana; children Jeanne Diane (Merrill McKamey), Susan Jean (Austin Lewis), Dawn Marie (Chris Robinson), Christopher Paul (Rosanne Larson), and Richard Thomas (Nika Montgomery); sixteen grandchildren; brothers, Donald (Kristy), Wallace (Kelly), Robert (Caralyn Schroter); sisters, Theresa (Ralph Johnston), Barbara (Vern Stipe) and numerous nieces and nephews.
Services have been held. Arrangements are under the direction of Shrider’s Mortuary in Ronan. Memories and condolences may be sent to the family at: www. shriderthompson.com.
Arrangements are under the care of Shrider–Thompson Funeral Home.
Richard Bick
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from page 9
votes to an impermissible level.” More specifically, he wrote that voter representation is “potentially magnified” in District 1 and potentially diminished in District 3.
The degree to which population has shifted in the state became clear earlier this year when the U.S. Census Bureau released the results of its decennial population count. The PSC map was last updated in 2003. Since then, District 3, which includes southwestern Montana population centers Bozeman and Butte, has grown by more than 60,000 residents. District 1, which includes Great Falls, Lewistown, and all northeastern Montana, has added just 2,400 people in the last 20 years.
The order applies to candidates running in districts 1 and 5, where voters will elect PSC commissioners in the 2022 election cycle. Commissioners serve four-year terms, and by law can’t serve more than two terms in a 16-year period.
District 1 is currently represented by Sun River resident Randy Pinocci, a Republican who’s three-quarters of the way through his first term.
District 5’s seat is held by the commission’s vice chair, Republican Brad Johnson of East Helena, who will be termed out in 2022. District 5 includes Lewis and Clark County and five other counties stretching north and west from there.
At least three Montanans have announced plans to run in District 5: Republicans Joe Dooling and Derek Skees, a current state representative from Kalispell, and Democrat Kevin Hamm.
Several bills proposed in prior legislative sessions would have either reapportioned PSC districts directly, specified a redistricting process for the commission, or otherwise restructured the body, the lawsuit notes. None passed into law.
Molloy’s order will be in effect until at least Jan. 7, when he hears arguments on a motion for preliminary injunction at Missoula’s federal courthouse.

This week's puzzle answers:
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Thursday, Jan. 6
Free food business ZOOM workshop
LAKE COUNTY — Mission West Community Development Program announces, “Concept to Consumer,” a free ZOOM workshop that will be held on Thursday, Jan. 6, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. This wide-ranging class will provide you with a firm foundation for starting your food business. Topics covered will include: target market development, cottage food law, The Food Safety Modernization Act, food product development, and processing options. The following link will set you up for the class: https://lccdc. ecenterdirect.com/ events/ or call 406-6765928.
Flathead Irrigation District holds special meeting
RONAN — The Flathead Irrigation District will hold a special meeting on Jan. 6, 2022, at 1 p.m. at the Lake County Extension Office, 303 Third Ave., NW. (Please use the back door.) You can go to: http://www. flatheadirrigationdistrict. org for more details.
Free food business workshop offered
RONAN — Mission West Community Development Partners is offering a free workshop to help you turn your food idea into a food business. You’ll learn: target market development, cottage food law; Food safety Modernization Act; food product development; processing options. This workshop is offered via Zoom. This popular class fills up fast so reserve your seat today.
Register online at: lccdc.ecenterdirect.com/ events or call 406-6765928.
Friday, Jan. 14
Band of Drifters to entertain in Polson
POLSON — At 7 p.m. on Friday evening, Jan. 14, 2022, in the Polson High School Auditorium the group “Band of Drifters” will play modern American roots music. Their music draws from country, folk and blues traditions with an emphasis on original songs, done in the old style.
Wearing of masks is strongly recommended. Advance tickets are available online for $13 at our ticket outlets in Polson at First Interstate Bank and the Perfect Shot Tavern and in Ronan at Ronan True Value and Health Care Solutions. Single ticket will be sold at the door for $15. Go online at missionvalleylive.com for more information.
Friday, Jan. 28
Winter Film Festival on tap
POLSON — The Flathead Lake International Cinemafest begins on Friday, Jan. 28, at the Showboat Cinema.
News from the Montana Office of Public Instruction
HELENA – The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has released the formal application for the Montana Afterschool Grant. This grant is part of the federal American Rescue Plan for COVID-19 relief. Afterschool community organizations, including schools, will receive $2,805,957 for the calendar year of 2022. Grantees can apply for renewal for the second year of funding.
The Montana Afterschool Grant is a formula grant. It has a two-tier process where interested organizations or schools have until Nov. 12 to submit an Intent to Apply.
The criteria for general eligibility and amount funded included: – Number of students of serving – Location and population density of the community, – Socio-economic status of the students served
The formal application is now open. For the first allocation, 75 afterschool programming sites are eligible to apply for funding, and over 4,000 Montana students will be served.
“As a classroom teacher of 23 years, partnership with afterschool programs is essential for the continuation of learning,” said State Superintendent Elsie Arntzen. “These afterschool partners provide a safe learning environment supporting our hardworking Montana parents.”
A steering committee was formed in late spring of 2021, with multiple conversations focusing on current and future needs in a sustainable model. OPI will be offering an introduction to the electronic grant (E-grant) application and technical support webinar Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 11 a.m. via Zoom.
For more information, please contact Jeff Kirksey, MSEd., ESSER Program Manager, at Jeffrey.kirksey@mt.gov or (406) 444-0783.
Calling Our Warriors
from page 8
Missoula, expresses his frustration with the misinformation that continues to prevent people from getting vaccinated and taking routine precautions like wearing masks and keeping a safe distance in social settings. “It feels unnecessary that we are where we are.”
He offers this sobering observation about COVID patients: “90% of the people admitted to our hospital now are unvaccinated and anecdotally, for me, every person that I’ve intubated, that goes on a ventilator and is unvaccinated just doesn’t survive – 100% mortality rate.”
People who are vaccinated and get the virus are far less likely to end up in the ER, or on a ventilator. “Their odds of getting intubated are a lot lower and their odds of surviving it are a lot higher,” he says. “That’s the point of the vaccine.”
Finley is also a vaccine advocate. “From a cultural perspective my ancestors weren’t stupid,” he says. “When a tool was presented to them that would help make a job easier, make life easier, they took advantage of it.”
“I see vaccination as an important tool,” he adds. “I don’t believe my ancestors would turn away from it.”
Devereaux, a Missoula-based music producer who also worked on a series of music videos produced by the Tribes to help combat COVID, had two go-arounds with the virus.
The first time, “it was tough – definitely not your everyday sickness.” His fever finally broke after six days. His second encounter came after he was vaccinated “so it was much, much easier.”
Despite his own firsthand experience, conducting interviews for the film “was just eye opening,” he says. “I was impacted in a way that made me take it more seriously. That’s what I hope everybody takes away from it.”
So far, the 14-minute documentary has been viewed in its entirety 1,000 times, 2,500 people have watched at least 10 minutes or more, and over 2,000 have visited the website, www. CallingOurWarriors.com.
“I’m so proud of it,” says Mitchell. “I think it did exactly what we were hoping it would do – get people’s attention and then remind them of who we are, that we take care of each other, we don’t just take care of ourselves.”
WANTED TO BUY Guns and/or ammunition, old or new. Whole estates/collections or single pieces. Fair prices paid. 207-4641
Help wanted
The successful applicant must possess a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and/ or Psychology, or currently attending college working towards obtaining BSW or BA in Psychology, with a minimum of 5-8 months’ actual work experience in the Child Welfare Service field. Must be able to type neat professional reports, letters and use various text based computer programs including MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher, MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat and other PDF documents for storage and transfer of information. Must pass a background investigation if hired. Must have never been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony crime of domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual offense or a crime of violence. Must not be involved with any child or social service protection agency as a client, no alcohol or drug abuse or domestic violence charges within the past five (5) years. Must not have resigned to avoid disciplinary actions or have been dismissed from employment within the past three (3) years. Must possess a valid Montana driver’s license. The successful applicant will participate in on-call duties on a rotating schedule. This position is a mandatory reporter. This position is subject to a background check in accordance with Public Law 101-630. Will maintain and participate in other duties as assigned. All applicants must submit a Tribal application, a supplemental questionnaire for background investigations, a copy of academic transcripts/training certificates, a copy of current valid driver’s license and proof of insurance and a proof of enrollment in a federally recognized Tribe if other than CSKT and if claiming veteran’s preference, a copy of the DD214 must be submitted. This position is a
Testing Designated Position (TDP) within the definition of the CSKT Drug Testing policy. A favorable determination resulting from a completed background investigation is required for your placement in this position. The successful applicant, if not already employed by the Tribes must pass a pre-hire drug test and serve a mandatory six (6) months
probationary period. Salary range: $18.28 to $21.02 per hour. To apply, contact Personnel at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1259/1040. Tribal applications are also available on-line at www.csktribes.org. Closing date will be Thursday, Jan. 20th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, Human Services, Psychology or related field with six (6) months’ work experience with children/youth, at risk families CPS, Foster Care or Early Childhood Services. Must pass a background investigation if hired. Must have never been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony crime of domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual offense or a crime of violence. Must not have any involvement with any child or social service protection agency as a client, no alcohol or drug abuse or domestic violence charges within the past five (5) years. Must not have resigned to avoid disciplinary actions or have been dismissed from employment within the past three (3) years. Must possess a valid Montana driver’s license. Successful applicant will be on-call with other staff on a rotating schedule. All applicants must submit a Tribal application, a supplemental questionnaire for background investigations, a copy of academic transcripts/training certificates, a copy of current valid driver’s license and proof of insurance and a proof of enrollment in a federally recognized Tribe if other than CSKT and if claiming veteran’s preference, a copy of the DD214 must be submitted.
This position is a Testing Designated Position (TDP) within the definition of the CSKT Drug Testing policy. A favorable determination resulting from a completed background investigation is required for your placement in this position. The successful applicant, if not already employed by the Tribes must pass a prehire drug test and serve a mandatory six (6) months
probationary period. Salary range: $21.00 to $24.13 per hour. To apply, contact Personnel at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1043. Tribal applications are also available on-line at www. csktribes.org. Closing date will be Thursday, Jan. 20th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
Due to expansion, Enviro-Tire is hiring for 2 CDL drivers. Both positions are open immediately. No tire loading, drop and hook only. CDL Class A truck driver with doubles endorsement for Montana, Idaho and Washington day runs. Home every night. Work site is in Lonepine, Mt. Year-round, full-time position. Pay mid-$20s per hour for experienced, qualified drivers. Mandatory DOT drug testing. Vacation & holiday pay. Office phone and fax (406) 755-7716, enviro-tire@ montanasky.com Extension Agent – Three positions - Flathead County (Kalispell), Ravalli County (Hamilton) and Park County (Livingston). Full time, MSU Extension. Fun career opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate educational programs. Bachelor’s degree required. For complete description and to apply, visit msuextension.org, click on “careers.” Screening begins January, 2022. Equal Opportunity Employer, Veterans/Disabled.
ELDER SERVICES PROGRAM HOME VISITOR 2 OR MORE POSITIONS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT The successful applicant must possess a high school/GED and 3 years of experience working in Support Services and with Adult/Senior Services. Fluent speaking in Salish and or Kootenai language preferred. Caring, sympathetic approach to working with elders. Willingness to follow directions and adhere to all policies. Strong communication, listening, planning, home keeping and reasoning skills. Obtain certification within 6 months of hire of CNA training. Three years’ experience with working directly with Native American communities and tribal families. Must have CPR/First Aide training or obtain within 60 days of hire. Strong computer skills with 2 years’ experience with Microsoft Office. Must pass background investigation, including relevant criminal history and a pre-hire drug test. Valid Montana driver’s license and possess liability car insurance. All applicants are required to submit a Tribal application, a completed supplemental questionnaire for background investigations, a copy of relevant transcript, a copy of current valid driver’s license, proof of enrollment from a federally recognized Tribe if other than CSKT and if claiming veteran’s preference, a copy of the DD214 must be submitted to the Tribal Personnel Department. This is a Testing Designated Position (TDP) within the definition of the CSKT Drug Testing policy. A favorable determination resulting from a completed background investigation is required for your placement in this
position. The successful applicant, if not already employed by the Tribes must pass a pre-hire drug test and serve a mandatory six (6) month probationary period. To apply, contact Personnel at 406-675-2700 Ext. 1043/1259 for an application. Tribal applications are also available on-line at csktribes. org. The salary range is $16.53 to $19.00 per hour, plus benefits. Closing date will be Thursday, January 13th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. CSKT IS A TRIBAL MEMBER PREFERENCE EMPLOYER.
The Board of Lake County Commissioners did November 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 and December 1, 2021, approve claims for payment in the amount of $2,477,385.20 for the period of November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021.
The full and complete claims lists are available for public review in the Courthouse in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office. Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Clerk and Recorder, Lake County Courthouse, Polson, MT.
Signed this 20th day of December, 2021.
/s/ William D. Barron, Chairman
Dec. 29, 2021 and Jan. 5, 2022 MNAXLP
KOOTENAI TRIBES (CSKT) DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND WATER RESOURCES The CSKT Division of Engineering and Water Resources invites interested consultants to submit a Statement of Qualifications in response to the Request for Qualifications – Irrigation Water Management, Rehabilitation, Betterment and Modernization, Charlo Irrigation Service Area. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) may be obtained from: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes: Attn: Seth Makepeace, DEWR Team Lead, seth. makepeace@cskt.org, Phone 406676-2600. The Request for Qualifications may also be viewed and downloaded at the following website: http:// nrd.csktribes.org/ water-management/ Charlo Irrigation Service Area Project. Statements of Qualification must be received at the email address listed in the RFQ no later than 4:00 p.m. (MST), January 20, 2022. This Project will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the CSKT’s Indian Preference Ordinance 101A and Regulations. The selection of the successful consultant and award of this project will be per the provisions of Ordinance 101A and regulations. Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the CSKT Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of their Statement of Qualification. Proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your Statement of Qualification in the form of a copy of the Certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised that evidence of your membership or affiliation with a Tribe does not constitute Indian Preference Certification. Contractors must be certified by the Indian Preference Office in order to claim Indian preference. It is the sole responsibility of the submitter to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification from the Indian Preference Office.
Dec. 15, 22, and 29, 2021, and Jan. 5, 2022 MNAXLP
The Board of Lake County Commissioners Proceedings for the period of August through October, 2021 are available for public review in the
public notices
Legal Notices
cont’d from pg. 22
Courthouse at the Clerk & Recorders Office. Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Clerk & Recorder at her office in the Lake County Courthouse.
William D. Barron, Chairman
Dec. 29, 2021 and Jan. 5, 2022 MNAXLP
Tyler G. Moss MOSS LAW PLLC 201 Fourth Ave. East PO Box 1128 Polson, MT 59860 (406) 231-1328 Attorneys for Personal Representative
CAUSE No. DP-21-80 Hon. Deborah Kim Christopher NOTICE TO CREDITORS
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been appointed as Personal Representative of the above-entitled estate, and that the address of the Personal Representative is set forth below. All creditors of the decedent having claims against the decedent’s estate must present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or be forever barred as creditors of the decedent. A written statement of the claim indicating its basis, the name and address of the claimant, and the amount claimed, may be filed with the Clerk of the 20th Judicial District Court, at 106 4th Ave. East, Polson, Montana 59860, or mailed, Return Receipt Requested, to the Personal Representative, c/o MOSS LAW PLLC, Attorneys for the Personal Representative, at P.O. Box 1128, Polson, MT 59860.
/s/ Linda K. Bowers LINDA K. BOWERS, Personal Representative, Estate of PATRICIA S. KRANTZ, Deceased.
Dec. 22, 29, 2021 and Jan. 5, 2022 MNAXLP
William P. Williams, IV FRENCH, GRAINEY & WILLIAMS, PLLC Attorneys at Law 324 Main SW Ronan, MT 59864 Telephone: (406) 676-4470 bill@fgwilliamslaw.com Attorneys for Personal Representative
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the abovenamed Estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred as creditors of the decedent. A written statement of the claim indicating its basis, the name and address of the claimant, and the amount claimed, must either be mailed to PEGGY ROWE, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, c/o FRENCH, GRAINEY & WILLIAMS, PLLC, 324 Main SW, Ronan, MT 59864, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED this 27th day of December, 2021.
/s/ Peggy Rowe
Personal Representative
January, 5, 12 and 19, 2022 MNAXLP
The Board of Lake County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on January 25, 2022, at 1:30 pm for the purpose of taking public comment on the resolution listed below. If you would like to submit public comment but are unable to make it to the public hearing, please email your comment to lakecommissioners@lakemt.gov with the subject line of Resolution 21-32 or by mail to: Lake County Commissioners 106 4th Avenue East Polson, MT 59860 Or call 406.883.7204
Resolution 21-32 A Resolution of Intent to Increase Lake County Solid Waste Management District Disposal Fees Whereas, Lake County established a countywide solid waste management district pursuant to the laws and rules of the State of Montana, (2007) MCA, 7-13-203, and,
Whereas, (2007) MCA, 7-13-231, grants Lake County the authority to establish suitable disposal fees to defray the cost of maintenance and operation of said district, and,
Whereas, Resolution 05-46, Lake County, Montana, provided for separate fees to cover the costs of disposing of certain wastes requiring special handling, and,
Whereas, current rates have not increased since 2005, the Board of Directors of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District has recommended increasing fees to cover increased cost of operations due to increased volumes of waste, personnel costs, increased regulatory compliance costs, and the addition of future services,
Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District has recommended the following fees for the disposal of the following wastes,
1. Wood Waste Properly separated for disposal at the Class III Landfill a. $15.00 per ton b. $15.00 minimum charge for commercial enterprises c. No charge for the first 100 pounds if self-hauled by homeowner d. Large Stumps and other difficult to handle materials are $40.00 per ton 2. Construction and Demolition Debris properly separated for disposal at the Class IV Landfill a. $10.00 per cubic yard b. $10.00 minimum charge 3. Concrete without rebar and properly separated for disposal at Class III Landfill a. $20.00 per ton 4. Large Animal disposal at the Transfer Station a. $80.00 per ton b. Dogs and cats, $10 per carcass 5. PAYT (Pay as You Throw) - non-assessed waste, etc. disposed of at the Transfer Station a. $80.00 per ton b. $10.00 minimum 6. Loads not properly separated for disposal a. $150.00 per ton at Transfer Station or Class III Landfill b. $50.00 per yard at the Class IV Landfill 7. Special Handling of Other Large Waste Volumes a. Fee set by mutual agreement between Lake County and Contractor, Waste Generator, or Waste Hauler
The wastes listed above may not be disposed of at Lake County container sites. Disposal fees are due upon disposal, unless billing arrangements are made prior to disposal.
All other portions of Resolution 05-46 not cited are unchanged.
SOLVED, that, as per (2007) MCA, 7-13-231/232, unless there is sufficient written opposition submitted to the Lake County Clerk and Recorder, Lake County Courthouse, 106 4th Ave E, Polson, MT 59860, by January 25, 2022, or expressed in a public hearing at 1:30 pm January 25, 2022, in the Commissioners’ Office, it is the intent of Lake County to increase the Lake County Solid Waste Management District disposal fees effective February 1, 2022.
/s/ William D. Barron, Chairman /s/ Steve Stanley, Member /s/ Gale Decker, Member
Attest: /s/ Katie Harding, Clerk & Recorder
Dec. 29, 2021 and Jan. 5, 2022 MNAXLP
Montana 20th Judicial District Court, Lake County
In the matter of the Name Change of Daniel Edward Mitchke; Daniel Edward Mitchke, Petitioner.
Cause No: DV-21-226 Dept. No. 2002
This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Daniel Edward Mitchke to Daniel Leon. The hearing will be on Feb. 3, 2022, at 10:00 am. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Lake County. Dated: December 14, 2021.
Lyn Fricker Clerk of District Court
By Mary Rensvold Deputy Clerk of Court
Dec. 29, 2021, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2022 MNAXLP
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REQUEST FOR BIDS - GRANT WRITING & PROGRAM EVALUATION SERVICES The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD)
The CSKT Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) is accepting bids from qualified professionals experienced in grant writing and program evaluation services for tribal programs. The successful candidate will serve as the grant writer for DHRD and evaluator for the Tribal Court Improvement Program grant. This will include writing grant proposals, quarterly/semi-annual reports, end-of-year reports, and final summative report as required in Tribal Court Improvement program. Such reports and required activities include:
Formative and summative evaluation Design evaluation Process evaluation Grant modification documentation Research as requested Empirical data tracking Site visits from various cross-site evaluators
Required experience:
Seven or more years of experience in writing successfully funded tribal grants for programs on the Flathead Reservation. Two or more years working with a Tribal Court Improvement Program. Experience working with R.H.S., A.C.F., S.A.M.S.H.A., A.N.A, and A.C.Y., and D.OJ. grants.
Proposal must include:
Professional writing samples of written and funded grant proposals. Resume or curriculum vitae with relevant work experience Bid for services List of successful grants written and funded within the past 2 years ($250,000 +)
Submit proposal to: CSKT Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) Attn: Patricia Courchane, DHRD Department Head P.O. Box 278 Pablo, MT 59855
All proposals must be received no later than 5:30 pm on Thursday, January 20, 2022. Announcement of the award will take place on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.