8 minute read
from 06-29-22 issue
Susan Loughlin
SAINT IGNATIUS — Susan Marie Loughlin was welcomed into Heaven by family and dear friends who had gone on before her on June 22, 2022. She was the first daughter born to Eddy and Patricia Tryon in Saint Ignatius on October 17, 1957 and graduated from Saint Ignatius High School.
Susan leaves her son, Patrick Bellmore; daughter, Randi Shrider, and six beautiful grandchildren. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to all family members and friends who have been a part of Susie’s life. Funeral services for Susie will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 1 at Pablo Christian Church in Pablo, with burial to follow at Ronan Cemetery. Susan Loughlin Memories and condolences may be sent to the family at: www.shriderthompson. com. Arrangements are under the care of Shrider-Thompson Funeral Home.
Steven Yurosko
POLSON — Steven Gary Yurosko was born on July 27, 1954, to Joe and Beverly Yurosko. He is the eldest of four boys. He died on June 15, 2022, surrounded by his loving wife Sue, some close friends and the wonderful Partners in Health Hospice group.
Steven worked as a journeyman plumber for thirty years before returning to school, earning a bachelor’s degree (cum laude). He experienced a call to ordained ministry and entered Church Divinity School of the Pacific. After completion of his master’s degree in Divinity, he was called to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Polson. There he lived his life’s joy and heart’s desire as rector of that community, a post he kept until his death.
Steven is preceded by his mother and youngest brother Jeffrey.
He is survived by his wife, Sue; and brothers, David and Robert; his father; and his
step-mother, Marie. Our vision for Steven is that, as he enters the Kingdom, waiting for him at the gate, tails all wagging, are his most beloved four-legged family, Freddy, Aggie, Beau, Curly, Reno, and Joey. Rest In Peace, you lovely man. We will miss you. A memorial service will follow in the fall. Details to Steven Yurosko come. Memories and condolences may be sent to the family at :www.lakefuneralhomeandcremation.com. Arrangements are under the care of The Lake Funeral Home and Crematory.
The library is pleased to present Cheryl Heser as Annie Oakley
News from the North Lake County Public Library District
POLSON — Annie Oakley is coming to our area to share a fascinating part of American history, including not only the most famous woman sharpshooter but also historic figures who crossed her path, including Buffalo Bill Cody, Chief Sitting Bull and famous newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst.
The public is invited to the half hour performance at the North Lake County Public Library on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 11 a.m.
Annie Oakley is the subject of a living presentation by Cheryl Heser of Forsyth. After teaching English, Spanish, Journalism and Library at Rosebud, Cheryl was the Director of Rosebud County Library in Forsyth for 17 years. She won a Media Award from the Montana Library Association for a radio program called Library Connections and was the 2014 Librarian of the Year.
Cheryl is the author of Walking at the Speed of Light: Reflections for Following Jesus in Grief and Joy, a book written to help people deal with grief. For three years in the mid 2000’s, Cheryl performed living history throughout the state of Montana as Dolly Madison and now has been sharing Annie Oakley with school and community groups.
After thorough research, Cheryl enacts a presentation for students in schools and Summer Reading Programs as well as adults with an interest in authentic American history. All ages from 10 on up across Montana have been responding to this program, which includes Annie Oakley’s inspiring views on strong women and the development of skills and expertise.
From July 12-14, Annie Oakley will be appearing in Condon, Whitefish, Polson and Philipsburg. The performance is always free and questions are welcome following the program.
Cheryl Heser
The July 13 presentation includes Annie Oakley’s inspiring views on strong women and the development of skills and expertise.
By Pete Mangels for the Valley Journal
POLSON — We are continuing our clubhouse upgrade step by step. A fresh coat of paint on the exterior, a reseal of the parking areas and new striping for parking are in the works.
Exercise for Mobility: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 10:30–11:30 a.m.
Tai Ji (slow movement for balance) begins: Aug. 2, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for 6 weeks
Bridge: Tuesdays, Fridays - sign up for seating (Bridge instructor wanted for beginner bridge class – enquire)
Pinochle: Thursdays, 12:30–3 p.m. (earlier or later if you wish) We rotate tables. New beginner players welcome.
Bingo: Fridays, 7 p.m. Lots of fun, cash prizes, snacks - plenty of seating
Hearing Clinic: Every third Thursday (July 16) from 10 a.m.-noon
Veterans’ Rep: The first Friday of each month (July 3) and third Thursday of each month (July 16th) from 10 a.m.-noon
Pool: Open tables - call for info. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
MENU (subject to change); in-house or take-out: Meals are still only $5. — Thursday, June 30: pork cutlets, dressing, mixed veggies, green salad, fruit crisp — Friday, July 1: cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato, potato chips, Italian pasta salad, peach cobbler — Monday, July 4: Closed. Celebrate Independence Day. Read the Declaration of Independence. — Tuesday, July 5: lasagna, green beans, French bread, green salad, pudding parfait — Wednesday, July 6: taco salad in shell, salsa, samba, conga, Mexican corn salad, cookies — Thursday, July 7: hash brown bake with link sausage, blueberry muffin, fruit, applesauce cake — Friday, July 8: barbecue meatballs, potato, mixed vegetables, deviled eggs, cheesecake bars
Lunch is available from 11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m. weekdays. We deliver meals. Sign up at the center.
Call us at 406-8834735, email us at: polsonseniorcenter@ gmail.com or visit us at 504 Third Ave. E. We are open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Army 2nd Infantry to hold 99th annual reunion
News from the Second Infantry Division Association
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — The Second Infantry Division Association will be holding its annual national reunion in Kansas City, Missouri from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, 2022. We would like to let veterans of the Army’s famous 2nd Infantry Division know about our organization and of our upcoming 99th annual reunion. Contact Mike Davino at: 2ida. pao@chapter.net or call (919)498-1910.
St. Joseph’s offers new service for cancer patients
News from Providence
POLSON — Providence Montana and Providence Inland Northwest Washington are excited to announce the launch of TeleGynecologic Oncology at Providence St. Joseph Medical Clinic in Polson, Montana.
This program has enabled Polson area patients with a gynecologic cancer condition to virtually consult with a specialist at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington. Using telehealth technology, we can ease our patients’ way by offering access to specialized and timely oncology treatment while still under the care of the local physicians.
Dr. Kelly Bagnell, an OB/Gyn physician at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Polson, says, “The telemedicine virtual consult is a wonderful way for patients to have the support they need without having to travel for every appointment. We can take care of patients close to home, without delay.”
Telemedicine can help decrease the disparities in health care access, including difficulty with transportation to appointments, increased transportation costs, and increased distance to comprehensive cancer centers. This virtual visit offering promotes great access for patients as part of their overall cancer treatment plan and could expedite the process for patients requiring surgery.
News from the North Lake County Public Library
POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library District Hosts Montana Conversation “An Inconvenient Grizzly” with Greg Smith on Monday, July 11.
The presentation is free and open to the public. Funding for Montana Conversations is provided by Humanities Montana through grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Montana’s Cultural Trust and private donations.
Humans have been on the North American scene for an estimated 30,000 to 15,000 years. Our arrival was preceded by the grizzly bear by perhaps 20,000 years – who would cross the same tenuous landscape bridge, arriving in North America some 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. It is estimated that by the time of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, upwards of 5,000 to 10,000 grizzly bears roamed the American West. The settlement period of the West would see a dramatic decline in grizzly bear numbers and a corresponding decrease in available habitat. Now, as New West meets Old West, grizzly bear numbers are a focal point of concern and contention. Join Smith in a biological, cultural, and philosophical look at the grizzly bear in contemporary Montana.
Greg Smith lives in Bozeman and was a Ranger Naturalist and Backcountry Ranger in Glacier National Park for nearly 20 years. A longtime believer in the power of education, Smith now works with kids and adults as a storyteller, naturalist and historian. In his spare time, Greg enjoys trail running, backpacking, Nordic skiing and traveling the world on his bike.
For more information, please call The North Lake County Public Library at 406-883-8225.
Farm Service Agency accepting nominations
News from USDA
BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is now accepting nominations for county committee members. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for members. LAAs are elective areas for FSA committees in a single county or multi-county jurisdiction. This may include LAAs that are focused on an urban or suburban area.
County committee members make important decisions about how Federal farm programs are administered locally. All nomination forms for the 2022 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 1, 2022.