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Library operates elsewhere
The Library will be closed Friday, May 12 for a Staff Training Day. We will be open Saturday May 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our digital library is always open. Go to our website at www.northlakecountylibrary.org to browse magazines, download e-books and audio books or stream videos using to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Church hours and services will continue as normal each Sunday. Our book drop at the library building location has found a new home helping out another library. All dustrial applications, the President of the Rocket Chemical Company, Norman B. Larson, birthed the idea of packaging this formula in aerosol cans and selling it to the general public. In order to pressurize the cans, an accelerant was added to the formulation and in 1958, WD-40 was sold directly to consumers for the first time. The product caught on very quickly, causing the company to double in size in just two years. As WD-40 sales escalated, consumers discovered more and more creative applications for the amazing product. In 1968, kits containing WD-40 were sent to soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War for use on their firearms to prevent corrosion due to the wet jungle environments. The following year, in 1969, the Rocket Chem- ical Company would officially change its name to the “WD-40 Company,” after what was at the time its only product. In the next couple of years, the company would continue to grow by leaps and bounds to the point of going public in 1973. During this time the cultural legacy of WD40 was cemented in the broader American lexicon. By the early 1990s, a survey discovered that 80% of American homes had a can of WD-40 – incredible.
Kanopy. We are currently operating at 301 16th Ave East (First United Methodist Church). We will be open for our regular hours of service: Monday – Friday 9 a.m.
While the WD-40 Company would go on to release other products, none of them so far have been able to surpass the extreme levels of sustained popularity enjoyed by their name-sake product. So, the next time you find yourself faced with a stuck bolt, a fishing lure in need of preparation, or one of the more than 2000 other uses listed on WD-40’s fan website, you can know where that humble blue and yellow can come from.
Letter Policy
Letters to the editor are welcome. The content is the opinion of the letter writer and not the newspaper. The decision to publish letters is made by the editor.
Letters must be 350 words or less. A writer will only be published twice per month.
Letters may be edited for content or length, or may not be published if considered libelous, in poor taste, spiteful, self-promotional or of limited interest to the general readership. Space limitations also dictate when or if letters are published.
returns need to be made at our temporary location of 301 16th Ave E. or to one of our Partner libraries (like Bigfork, Kalispell and Missoula). Remember, we are fine free for most items, so you won’t be charged if things are returned within 30 days of the due date. Please let us know if you need items renewed until you can return your materials. We’re still working on an afterhours solution for our temporary space.
Due to our renovation project, we must limit taking donations. We will accept one small box or bag per family, per week on Tuesdays. Thank you for your understanding as we settle into our tempo- page 11
Letters must be signed by the author and name, address and phone number must be included –phone number is for verification purposes only. Letters from organizations must include the name of at least one author.
Please limit “thank you” letters to four people/organizations or less. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday to publish the following week. Opinions expressed in this section are not necessarily those of the newspaper.