MKA Case Statement

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Montclair Kimberley Academy

April 2013

Dear Friends of MKA, It is with great pride, optimism and excitement that we launch Future Forward, a comprehensive campaign to assure excellence in education at MKA. While no school is ever “finished,” this campaign will establish a new MKA standard for planning and philanthropy for generations to come. The foundation for Future Forward has been seven years in the making, going back to MKA’s 2006-07 Strategic Plan. The top priorities of Future Forward are our endowment, new academic centers at the Middle and Upper Schools, enhanced athletic facilities, and major renovations to the entire campus at our extraordinary Primary School, Brookside. Our campaign goal is to secure $30 million dollars in philanthropic support for MKA, and we are already more than halfway there!

Future Forward is underway, and we celebrate the beginning of this journey with the beautifully renovated Penick Center Lobby, Auditorium and Dining Room as well as the addition of the James and Louise Higgins Common Room. Reconstruction of MKA’s Muenster Field into an all-weather, multi-purpose regulation-size field with a handsome new facility to accommodate athletes and spectators begins this spring. These Future Forward priorities, as well as campaign gifts to our endowment and an expanded Annual Fund, are already having a transformative effect on our community.

We are profoundly grateful for the generous support of MKA’s Board of Trustees as well as other members of the school community who have stepped up to support the campaign. Now we must involve the entire school community in support of MKA’s aspirations. We invite you to explore the plans and priorities that constitute Future Forward and to join the volunteers and parents, trustees, alumni and colleagues who already embrace and support this transformative campaign for MKA.


Michael V. Johnson

Eric F. S. Pai ’79

Thomas W. Nammack

President, Board of Trustees

Campaign Chair



the future is a series of chain reactions ignited by a single idea, action or person



can set the future into motion

MKA has made a commitment to set the future in motion today. We’ve undergone an extensive strategic planning process to understand what the future needs to look like for our students, and we are committed to investing in the programming and resources needed to bring the Future Forward. We believe in our ability to empower our students and know that to support new generations our future must include expanded and renovated facilities, a robust annual giving program that provides at least $2 million a year in support and a stronger endowment that provides security and confidence.



You are the difference between a campus that meets the standards our students deserve and one that exceeds them, an educational environment that goes above and beyond. With your help, the future for MKA students will include: • State-of-the-art libraries for both the Upper and Middle Schools • A renovated and expanded Primary School that responds to the needs of students, faculty and programming • A revitalized Muenster Field to encourage our athletes and accommodate our expanding needs

Rendering of our Middle School Library



can bring the Future Forward for MKA

T H E C A M PA I G N F O R M K A $30 Million

C a p i ta l

Annual Giving

$20 Million

Grow to $2 Million a year



$5 Million

$15 Million

Ath l etic Faci l ities

U pper S choo l Li b rar y

M i d d l e S choo l Li b rar y




P rimar y S choo l G y mnasium , Dining R oom & A u d itorium

P enick C enter (completed) $4,300,000




is already underway

The completion of this $4.3 million renovation marks the beginning of our journey.


The Middle School Dining Hall part of the completed Penick Center


And with your help, there is so much more to come. Our planning process helped us to identify critical academic and athletic facilities needs. Meeting these needs will ensure that every student, whatever his or her interests, will benefit from your contribution to our Future Forward campaign.



Philanthropic Goal For the Upper School Library: $4,000,000 For the Middle School Library: $2,400,000

Libraries were once considered spaces for silence and individual study, but today’s dynamic learning environments and teaching tools have changed that. Research has shown that students need space for collaboration, areas to spread out and work together. Our goal with the renovations to the Upper and Middle School libraries is to create that kind of space, a central academic hub for all MKA students. These Academic Centers will provide a place where technology and learning come together to meet the needs of every student. • The Technology & Academic Support Centers will be located within the library, giving students better access to the learning resources they need. • Increased meeting and collaboration areas will have tech-friendly layouts and access.


from the libraries of old to the academic centers of today 9


Philanthropic Goal For the Primary School: $2,000,000

Our Primary School Campus is overdue for a few key renovations that will provide our students and faculty with much-needed space. For example, the current configuration of our gymnasium/auditorium space means that students must eat in their classrooms and that the physical education and performing arts programs must compete for space. With your support, students will benefit from: • Much-needed expansion of the gymnasium • Hybrid cafeteria and auditorium space, affectionately dubbed the “cafetorium” • Renovations to the lobby and administrative spaces to open up much-needed program space • Updates to the library to include more common and collaboration spaces and technology centers


primary school renovations

expanding into the future


muenster field Investing in confidence, teamwork and a few winning seasons



Philanthropic Goal For Muenster Field: $2,300,000

As MKA has evolved, so too have the needs of our student athletes. Muenster Field currently suffers from drainage problems that regularly keep athletes off the field. Even at its best, the field is not suited to the level of play required of today’s high school athletes. In order to remain competitive against rival schools, much-needed updates must be made. And enhanced facilities for spectators will help maximize fan support for our teams. • Expand and turf Muenster Field to create a regulation field hockey surface • Build a small field house for storing equipment, changing rooms for athletes and comfort facilities for spectators • Provide additional parking at Muenster Field • Improve the spectator areas for fans


annual giving + MKA endowment big or small, every gift counts



Our actions now will shape the future of not only what MKA is, but also who we are. Annual giving and our endowment are critical components of our financial health, and each is vital to continuing to preserve the vision and mission of our community. Over the course of this campaign, we aim to grow annual giving to a sustainable $2 million per year and bolster our endowment by $5 million.


By increasing our annual



guarantee that our Academic Centers, classrooms and new field are filled with the best teachers and coaches. Annual giving is what provides us with the funds to attract talent, moderate tuition increases and maintain the diversity so central to MKA’s mission. Where we invest our endowment speaks volumes about who we aspire to be in the community. Our endowment provides us with the security we need in order to continue offering financial aid to deserving students and to invest in service learning and faculty enrichment. The future is full of new opportunities for us as a school, and a stronger endowment will ensure that we have the resources and confidence to maximize those opportunities.



Long-term financial stability is enhanced by a lower reliance upon tuition to meet the needs of the operating budget. Currently, MKA relies upon tuition revenue to cover 92% of our operating costs. Achieving our goals in annual giving and endowment would reduce tuition dependence to 84%—a significant stride toward securing our long-term financial health. NOW










Pe r ce n ta ge o f C o s t Tuition

Endowment & Investments

Annual Fund

Auxiliary Operations


the campaign is underway. We need your help.



This is your opportunity to be a part of something amazing: the future. This is a profound time in our school’s history. Not only do these changes support students and faculty, but also they represent an opportunity for the MKA community to become a more integral part of our story, and our success. With your help, we can invest in the best possible future for our students, both the students of today and the students of tomorrow. We’re offering an opportunity for each and every member of the community to participate in bringing the Future Forward. Now is the time to show your support. We invite you to join us in this life-changing campaign for MKA.


Campaign Committee C a m pa i g n C h a i r Eric Pai ’79 P ’13, ’15, ’16 Endowment Chair Linda Sterling P ’12, ’14 L i b r a r i es C h a i r s Evie Colbert P ’14, ’16, ’20 Kate Logan P ’13, ’14 At h l e t i cs C h a i r Ken Barrett P ’09, ’10, ’14 Kimberley School Chair Aubin Ames ’54 P ’81, ’86, ’89 M o n t c l a i r Ac a d e m y C h a i r Dean Paolucci ’73, P ’09, ’12 Montclair Kimberley Ac a d e m y C h a i r Luke Sarsfield ’91 P r es i d e n t, B o a r d o f T r u s t ees Michael V. Johnson P ‘06, ‘08, ‘10, ‘13, ‘19 He a d m a s t e r Thomas W. Nammack P ‘10, ‘11 D i r ec t o r o f De v e l o p m e n t Geoffrey W. Branigan P ‘24, ‘25

For questions, please contact the MKA Development Office at 973-509-7940 or email


Montclair Kimberley aCademy 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 | 973.746.9800 |

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