2 minute read
MKA’s In-person Commencement celebration on Van Brunt Field in July 2020
Dear MKA Community,
As you know, after sixteen years of dedicated service to our school, Tom Nammack is retiring. As Head of School, Tom succeeded by any metric. He more than doubled our endowment, strengthened our curricular and co-curricular programs including the implementation of a multicultural curriculum, and created an environment that fosters a deep and genuine connection between our faculty and our students with a focus on the social and emotional well-being of our students. Tom has encouraged the expansion of the professional growth of our faculty; he expanded our global opportunities; he guided the renovations of Brookside, the Upper School Academic Center, Muenster Field, and the Middle School Dining Hall, to name just a few of his notable achievements.
But what’s more, Tom succeeded in areas that are very hard to quantify. He led us through the difficult and unforeseen terrain of the pandemic. He demonstrated, through his own kindness and strength of character, what being a member of the MKA community means, kept us focused on providing our students with the best possible education, and gave faculty and staff emotional support and encouragement. Tom lifted our spirits in times of crisis, listened to our concerns in times of change, and helped us feel safe and heard and valued. He was a leader in the true sense of the word: he went before us, as a guide, both in his speeches and in his responses, whatever the circumstance. He gave us a human North Star.
As his friend and colleague for the last thirteen years, I can say with certainty that he has made MKA a better place and that he will be deeply missed. I ask that you take a moment, either by letter or simply the next time you see him, to give him thanks for his service to us.
I am grateful to Tom for the commitment and guidance he has given to the Board, to prior Board Presidents, and to me.
With warmest regards,
Kathleen M. Logan, President, Board of Trustees
OFFICERS Kathleen M. Logan President Luke A. Sarsfield III ’91 Vice President Karen T. Gulliver Vice President Jeffrey G. Szilagyi Treasurer Evelyn M. Colbert Secretary
MEMBER TRUSTEES Merrick G. Andlinger Naveen Ballem ’90 Jennifer A. Barbetta Anya C. Barrett ’89 James L. Bromley Bonnie S. Carter Evelyn M. Colbert Paige L. Cottingham-Streater ’79 Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06 Carolyn N. Everson Clifford B. Finkle IV ’92 Peter J. Fusco ’89 Tracy E. Higgins Janice L. Jacobson Tina A. Jordan Lauren H. Kaplan ’93 Thomas W. Nammack Robert J. Ruberton Stephanie A. Salzman Matthew J. Sherman Margaret A. Wager
HONORARY TRUSTEES Aubin Z. Ames ’54 John E. Garippa Alice M. Hirsh Michal V. Johnson Newton B. Schott, Jr.
ADVISORY TRUSTEES David A. Crichlow Barry W. Ridings ’70 Robert L. Tortoriello
For more information about our Board of Trustees, please visit www.mka.org/about/ board-of-trustees