Spring 1990 MKA Alumni News

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Membership in the MKA Alumni Association is open to all men and women who have attended the school. Its purpose is to make known to MKA the ideas, interests, and concerns of alumni and to inform alumni of the accomplishments and objectives of MKA. The Alumni Council is a representative group elected at the Association’s annual meeting to sponsor events and activities linking graduates with their alma mater.

1989-90 Alumni A ssociation Council Joseph Alessi ’68 Melissa Cohn ’78 Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65 Martha Bonsaï Day ’74, Vice President Stephen T. Dodd ’79 Fay Taft Fawcett ’52 Anne King Franges ’56 Robert H. Gardner ’78, Treasurer Geoffrey A. Gimber '75, Secretary Robert A. Hoonhout ’71, President Gail Tomec Kerr '52 Paul A. McFeeley ’76 Peter McMullen ’77 J. Blake O’Neill ’82 J. Dean Paolucci ’73, Vice President Robert D. Post ’77, Vice President Linda Horowitz Rosier ’60 Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’73, Vice President Cynthia Mann "Beene ’54 Albert D. Van Eerde '73 Frances R. O’Connor, Principal Judy Polonofsky, Director of External Affairs Christie Austin, Alumni Director

Front Cover Homecoming 1989: MKA Families Top Right: Peter Perretti ’49 and daughter Ruth ’79 enjoy a moment together at their reunions. Top Left: Brother and sister Bob ’84 and Paige Cottingham '79. Middle Left: Former faculty member Jeanne Jones with daughter Gwen '79 and James Carter 79. Bottom Left: Faculty member Nixon Bicknell chats with Ippolit Matjucha 7 9 and Nellie Matjucha 77.

Editors Christie Austin Judy Polonofsky Virginia Montemurro

P hotographic Credits W. L. BUI AUen, Jr. WUliam Bullard

B oard of T rustees 1989-90 Aubin Zabriskie Ames ’54 Joan Arboit-Ainbinder, Secretary Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65, President Rose L. Cali, Secretary James A. Courter ’59 Joseph A. Courter Austin C. Drukker ’52, Vice President John E. Garippa A. Lawrence Gaydos Sharon Gray Robert A. Hoonhout 71 GaU Tomec Kerr ’52 John L. Kidde ’52x Austin Koenen Robert S. Kramer James Magna Anne Muenster-Sinton Frances O’Connor Susan H. Ruddick Jodi Smith Martin L. Sorger Ronald L. Tobia, Vice President James S. Vandermade ’35 Howard A. Van Vleck ’22 Eugene R. Wahl ’66, Treasurer

Member: Alumni Presidents’ Council of Independent Schools Council for Advancement and Support of Education National Association o f Independent Schools New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS) Published twice yearly by: The Montclair Kimberley Academy 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 (201) 746-9800 Notice of non-discriminatory policy as to students: The Montclair Kimberley Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Entered as third class matter at Montclair, New Jersey 07042 Design: The Gemini Studio, Montclair, NJ

Riom The Alumni Association This has been the Alumni A ssociation’s busiest and m ost successful year to date. A record num ber o f alum ni returned to H om ecom ing and Reunions, w e spoke w ith m ore p eop le at Alumni Phonathon, m ore fans cheered the Cougars at the annual Alumni H ockey Game. Career Day featured alm ost all alum ni speakers, and a record crow d supported our fundraiser, “A Night W ith the D evils” hockey gam e at the M eadowlands. Our com m ittees are at w ork o n the D istinguished Alumni Award and the Senior Breakfast. We w elco m e your suggestions and participation and h op e to see you so o n at MKA.

Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 Alumni Association President

The Great Cougars: 1989 A lum ni Hockey Team. They came back from being 4-1 down in the first period to a thrilling 7-7 tie in the last fifteen seconds. Standing L to R: Peter Schiffenhaus, Jason O’Neill, John Towers, Colin O’Neill, Dan Murphy, D avid Allen, Peter DeCandia, Joe Egan, Rob Cerfolio, D avid Austin, Geoffrey Krouse, Chris Bruce, Eric Betke, Eric Wong M ark Strobeck Front: Coach Peter McMullen, Captain Blake O’N eill, Tony Del Gaizo, Steve Dodd, Jim Garino, Michael Platt, Rich Schwartz, D avid Ames, J e ff Day

Cheers for 1989 Reunion Chairmen 1939 Maryl Riter Walker Robert Muller 1949 Sally Smith Cutting Josephine Reilly Stevenson 1959 Lily Solmssen Moureaux Michael Baker 1964 Linda Brennan Hymans Lynn Buttell McElroy John Sheldon 1969 Lynn Ehrhardt Gildea Phyllis Latouche Rawlins David Cralle’

Alumni Association Council Ballot Election for Alumni Council members will be held at the Annual Meeting of the MKA Alumni Association on April 30, 1990. Meeting place will be at the Middle School Music Room, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, New jersey. Time 8:00 p.m. If you do not expect to be present at the meeting, please sign the proxy below and return it to the Alumni Office, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, New Jersey 07042. Upon election of the proposed slate of nominees*, the Alumni Council for 1990-91 will consist of the following: TERM EXPIRING 1991 Geoffrey Gimber ’75 Gail Tomec Kerr ’52 Paul McFeeley ’76 Blake O’Neill ’82 Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’73 Cynthia Mann Treene '54

President......................... Executive Vice President Vice President................ Vice President................ Vice President................. Secretary......................... Treasurer.........................

1984 Darrin O’Neill

P h ilip L. F ra d kin ’53 1989 D istinguished A lu m n i A w ard R ecipient

TERM EXPIRING 1993* Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65 Martha Bonsai Day ’74 Alan Deehan ’77 Stephen Dodd ’79 Kristine Hatzenbuhler ’83 Peter McMullen ’77 Robert Post ’77 Rudolph Schlobohm ’74

The following persons presently on the Alumni Council have been nominated to serve as officers of the Alumni Association for 1990-91. These officers will be elected by the Alumni Council at its annual meeting on April 30, 1990:

1979 Shawn Mahieu Ortiz Stephen Dodd

“What a wonderful two days! It proves that you can return home. I was moved, exhilarated, impressed, and touched again and again during that time....I thank...most of all the students, whose wonderfully honest and challenging minds made the trip back worthwhile in itself.”

TERM EXPIRING 1992 Joseph Alessi ’68 Melissa Cohn ’78 Robert H. Gardner ’78 Edward G. Healey ’77* Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 J. Dean Paolucci ’73 Albert Van Eerde ’73

Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 .............. Robert Post ’77 .....J. Dean Paolucci ’73 ..Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’73 ..Martha Bonsai Day ’74 .....Geoffrey Gimber ’75 ...Robert H. Gardner ’78

The undersigned hereby appoints Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 Proxy to vote FOR_________ AGAINST--------------the election of the proposed members of The Montclair Kimberley Academy Alumni Council at the annual meeting to be held April 30, 1990 as set forth in the spring issue of the Alumni Magazine.





C lass Notes Editor’s Note

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As those of you in classes that have secretaries already realize, we use one official mailing each year to obtain news, which will be in the FALL magazine. SPRING magazine Class Notes are taken from reunion, holiday, and phonathon news, the flap on the Annual Giving remittance envelope, and the “Grapevine” on the inside back cover. Although the news might seem “old,” we have found that most people love to read news whenever. This time lapse is unavoidable, as the processing of Class Notes from secretary to Alumni Office to classmates to secretary to Alumni Office to typesetter to printer covers a 14 to 16 week period! Please remember that you can send a note to your class secretary or to the Alumni Office anytime. To those of you whose class has no secretary, how would you like to volunteer? The job has been simplified to the point that you will probably find it downright enjoyable! It is no exaggeration to say that the position of class secretary, like that of class agent and reunion chairman, is absolutely essential to the vitality of the school. Please consider it.

TKS No secretary


IKS Mrs. Henry W. Jones (Elisabeth Prentiss) 254 Ivy Street, Wallingford, CT 06492



TKS Mrs. Sam uel Meek (Priscilla Mitchel) 88 D oubling Road, Greenwich, CT 06832 MA Priscilla Mitchel Meek spent her 90th birthday in Montclair, as a treat from her niece, Cabell Roome. She hadn’t been back in some 40 years! Priscilla toured the MKA Middle School (Kimberley) campus, stopped by her former home on Prospect Avenue (now owned by MKA alumni parents Tom and Pat Lugaric), and had luncheon overlooking the skyline of New York with Principal Fran O’Connor, former Trustee Bud Redpath, and Honorary Trustee Aubin Zabriskie Ames ’54.


Our condolences to the family of Eleanor Ellis Heydt. MA No secretary



TKS No secretary MA No secretary Mary and George Beach embarked on a three-month world cruise in January. They speak with Alice Vezin Chatellier ’23 periodically: “She is living in Maine and seems in fine fettle.”

2 3 ----------------- = TKS Mrs. Jonathan Chatellier (Alice Vezin) 16 West Elm Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096 Even greater congratulations to Elizabeth Hawkins Wilson, whose honorary degree from Bowdoin College reported in the fall A lum ni News was a Master of Arts! Her proud sister Julia Hawkins Miller augmented the news. MA No secretary


Julia Hawkins Miller received a long, newsy letter from Jeannette Thylor. Excerpts: “If you have heard from Jesse (Thylor Drew ’31), you know that I live in England. I never married....I came over here during the war, working as a librarian for the Office of War Information, and when that job ended, stayed on as librarian for a semi-British govt, department, the Medical Research Council. When I retired, I and my flat-mate moved down to a very small village in Somerset. We own a tiny farm...have two tenant farmers....We love the rural life and being part of this village community. “I have been back to the States occasionally, but not since 1982, and I don’t believe I’ll manage it again. But we’re in close touch. “I loved the book about the early days of the Academy and Kimberley. It was a wonderful reminder of the past.” It was Naomi Bruce, long in touch with Jeannette, who sent on Julia’s request for news of old classmates. Jimmy Morris Munoz also wrote: ‘‘Carolyn Jones Ferguson spent a week with us [in La Jolla, Calif.] in March...we have kept in close touch over the years. Bob and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary last April. Our two sons, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren visit frequently.” Everyone praised Julia for taking up the pen as class scribe! MA Lt. Cmdr. Alden W. Smith Penury Priory, Temple, NH 03084 From Homer Whitmore: “As I approach 83 in December I often recall (Headmaster) Walter D. Head’s advice to “Think it but don’t say it.” Homer recalled Dr. Head’s kindnesses during and after WWII.



TKS Mrs. Philip Taylor (Helen Patrick) 590 Palm Circle West, Naples, FL 33940 Edith Keys Stoney is thrilled to have her grandson in MKA’s seventh grade - the third generation to attend! After summer in Rhode Island where her sons Phil and Don ’49 and their families live, Helen Patrick Taylor moved to her home in Naples. She and daughters-in-law went via Ohio, where they had a wonderful visit with daughter Pat (Janet Taylor Stabler ‘54). MA No secretary

Priscilla Mitchel Meek T7 celebrated her 90th birthday w ith a visit to Kimberley and her old home in Montclair.


TKS Mrs. Julian Miller (Julia Hawkins) 4747 Bayard Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

TKS No secretary We are so sorry for the death of Louise Russell Macdonald. We will miss her faithful correspondence as class secretary, with her sprightly observations of life’s activities. Gretchen Eshbaugh Engel wrote, “She was a charming, witty, brilliant lady, and was my very dear friend, year after year, commencing in fourth grade at Kimberley.’’ Our condolences to her family and classmates. “I am so proud of all that has been done [at MKA],” writes Dorothy Ayres Holt, “and am lucky to have been to Kimberley for 11 years. Six of us still keep closely in touch!” MA Mr. Eugene Speni 85 U ndercliff Road, Montclair, NJ 07042



TKS No secretary


MA No secretary

TKS Mrs. Gordon Bowen (Barbara Newell) 50 Forest Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028



MA No secretary

W ill You? Have you included MKA in your estate plans? If so, please let us know. Perhaps a charitable remainder trust would meet your family’s needs better. For information and help, please contact: Judy Polonofsky Director of External Affairs The Montclair Kimberley Academy Montclair, New Jersey 07042 201/746-9800

29 TKS Miss Charlotte H. Fitch, Box 45 24 Cape Bial Lane, Westport Point, MA 02791 Doris Blondel Krebs was honored by the Mountainside Hospital Auxiliary last spring for 15 years of service. Virginia Hamilton Adair gives public readings of her poems at Pomona College. She was scheduled to read at a writers’ workshop, U. of Calif, at Riverside in February. MA Mr. Robert Dorrill 42 Godfrey Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Condolences to the family of Henry C. Tappen. Condolences also to the family of Vincent Mulford Jr., who lived for many years in Tulsa, Okla.



TKS Mrs. Richard D um ont (Marjorie Kieselbach) P.O. Box 766, Bemardsville, NJ 07924 Our condolences to the families of Esma Currier Christner and Alastair MacDonald. Katherine Webb Perry took a “restful” baige trip in France last fall. She writes she is always glad to read about classmates but never gets to Montclair anymore. “If you get to St. Maarten in the winter we are there.” MA No secretary Our condolences to the family of Frederick S. Wilson.

31 TKS Mrs. Jerome Drew (Jesse Taylor) 1076 S. E. St. Lucie Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 . Our heartfelt condolences to Jerry and Jesse Taylor Drew, who lost one of their twin daughters, Virginia, in a car accident at Christmas time. Our condolences to the family of Isabel Lemkau Fitt. Suzanne Strassburger Anderson is in a care center as she has trouble walking. She sends her best to classmates.

MA No secretary


Congratulations and best wishes to Betty and Stephen Bartholomew on their wedding! He is the grandfather of two MKA students, Allegra ’92 and Ellas Slyder ’94.

TKS No secretary



TKS Mrs. William McCahill (Frances Elliott) 318 Adams Bldg. 9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy. Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060 Arthur and Mary Harrsen Van Brunt took a whale-watching cruise around Baja California last spring and recommend the trip to all nature lovers! Larry and Joan Williams Van Dolen celebrated their 56th anniversary last spring. They love living in Stuart, Fla., as their daughters Lorraine and Joanne and families live nearby. Two grandchildren live in California but visit often. MA Dr. James A. Rogers, Apt. 205 921 Seagrape Drive, Marco Island, FL 33937 Our condolences to the family of Adrian B. Van Riper. John J. Newberry Jr. retired in 1973 after 35 years with J.J. Newberry Co. He was Sr. VP for Public Relations, has a B.S. in economics from Wharton School (U. Penn.) and an honorary Doctor of Laws and Letters from Waynesburg College, Pa. Tom Braine has seen Edie Bull Miller ’33, heard from Mark and Catherine Campaigne (the Millers’ children), and has won fo u r Senior (75 and over) doubles championships in the Carolinas this year!

Elias J. Marsh M.D. ’32 received the Clifford W. Beers Award at the 75th anniversary celebration of the C. W. Beers Guidance Clinic (Conn.) in November 1988. “Dr. Marsh has distinguished himself as a leader in the quest for the provision of communitybased mental health services for the children and youth of Connecticut.” Dr. Marsh majored in anthropology and archaeology at Harvard, and spent 1936-41 working on archaeological sites in Lebanon and Syria. He graduated from Yale Medical School and then specialized in psychiatry and child psychiatry. He had a 25-year career directing the state’s community mental health and child psychiatry programs, and was chairman of the task force which led to the founding of the Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services. Now semi-retired, he still sees a few private patients and continues his interest in history. Dr. Marsh and his wife, Harriet, have two children, who both followed in their father’s profession: Claire is a psychiatrist and Kenneth, a medical social worker.

Thank you to Ruth Powers Shaugness, who is “retiring” after many years as class secretary. Ruth was an enthusiastic 50th reunion chairman, who spent much time and effort personally contacting classmates for the golden reunion. “I’d like to put in a plug for the wonders of modem medicine,” writes Janet Watkins Cook, “as I am now the happy recipient of a total knee replacement and two cataract removals with corrective lens implants that have given me 20/20 vision. There’s life in the ‘old girl’ yet!” Margaret McGregor wrote that in January she was embarking on a ‘Round the World cruise “which will take more than 80 days” ! MA Mr. W illiam J. Thompson 36 Hawthorne Place (ilK, Montclair, NJ 07042 Helen and Dave Stanley spent much of the year visiting family and friends all over the country, touring Alaska and cruising the Mediterranean. Close to home, Cedjaggard was philosophical, grateful to have a host of friends and activities to engage in. Vardy Laing wrote two final exams and took an oral for his MA in history the week he turned 75! The degree will be awarded in June; congratulations! He spent three weeks in January in the Canary Islands, and plans to celebrate his 50th reunion from McGill Ui )3 (Medicine) in September. Our condolences to the family of John D. Sylvester, who as “Johnny Sylvester” lives on in baseball lore. In 1926, Babe Ruth promised critically ill Johnny he would “hit a homer” for him in the next game; the Babe hit three, and Johnny recovered.



TKS Mrs. D avid H aviland (Barbara Spadone) 10 Crestmont Rd. Apt. 2D, Montclair, NJ 07042 MA Dr. Walter J. Sperling Fearrington Village P.O. Box 192, Pittsboro, NC 27312



TKS Mrs. Stewart Carpenter (Josephine Fobes) 4 LaSalle Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 MA No secretary Our condolences to the family of Edward R. Miller, D.O., and to Don Mulford on the death of his brother Vincent ’29.

NEEDED FOR ALUMNI OFFICE FILES: 1902 Montclair Academy Yeare B ooke


The East Orange, N.J. Veterans Administration Hospital has dedicated a new unit to Eddy Palmer, M.D. ’35, “a pioneer in the field of gastrointestinal medicine.” Dr. Palmer has held a long list of concurrent positions, including chief of gastroenterology at the hospital and director of the division of New Jersey College of Medicine. He has also been a professor of medicine at Georgetown, Baylor, and Rutgers medical schools. Eddy graduated from Dartmouth cum laude, and received an M.S. from Tulane and an M.D. from the University of Rochester, He was in the Army from 1945-65 and retired as Colonel, MC. While consultant in gastroenterology to the Surgeon General from 1949-65, he was President Eisenhower’s personal physician. Eddy has published 15 books and “about 450 journal articles.” He has received several medical honors, and was the first recipient of the Eddy D. Palmer Award, established in his honor by the William Beaumont Society Master of the American College of Physicians. Two sons - Thomas ’67 and Jonathan ’69 - also attended Montclair Academy. When contacted about the award, Eddy wrote the Alumni Office, "I wonder if this is the time to confess that I was the one who pulled Headmaster Head’s chair up the flagpole in front of the old MA building.’’

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Mrs. W. Kent Schmid (Josephine Murray) RD 1, Box 62J, Mason’s Island, CT 06355 Elizabeth Howe Glaze had a very special reunion with class friends at Manasquan in August and invites others to join them at the shore next summer. MA Mr. W. Kent Schmid RD I, Box 623, Mason’s Island, CT 06355



TKS Mrs. Charles Leavitt (Virginia Kracke) 93 Stonebridge Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 Sally Bausher Littlefield announced the birth of Alison, daughter of Bill and Mary Littlefield, in November, joining Amy, 3. Sally made trips to Vienna and Budapest and to Bermuda last year; “golf in between.” Jean Hamlin Noyes volunteers at a historic farmhouse near Dallas and enjoys gardening “as never before. You would not believe how things grow under this Texas sun.”

The Class of ’39 had a wonderful reunion, thanks to the unstinting efforts of chairman Maryl Riter Walker! MA Mr. Charles McGinley 1911 W Magic Place, Tucson, AZ 85704 Slightly over one-third of the class returned to celebrate the 50th reunion, and all looked much younger than their age. With the help of graduation photos on our nametags, it wasn’t too long before the shock of recognition occurred: from callow youth to old-timer all on one day.

MA No secretary Parker Armstrong hosted Robert (Buck) Buckalew ’38 at Annapolis in November their first meeting in 52 years! The Armstrongs and Buckalews got together again in Florida in January. Our condolences to the family of James E. Wigg.

38 = —

Structurally the school we attended no longer exists; hence it was only fitting to tour the “new” school. Although the physical ajppearance has been dramatically changed for the better, it was reassuring to note that the scholarly atmosphere still prevails and the mystical presence of Mr. Barras still lurks within the Academy walls. McGinley 39


TKS No secretary Our condolences to the family of Priscilla Bennett Ritter. MA No secretary Best Reunion Award: In November Robert (Buck) Buckalew met Parker Armstrong ’37 at Annapolis and John Haberle in Lancaster, Pa. It was the first time they had seen each other since graduation! Everyone looks the same, only more distinguished, reports Buck. Later, in Gettysburg, he met the commander of the Coast Guard cutter “Ingham” that he’d served on in 1943!



TKS Mrs. John Rauch Jr. (Jane Wilson) 8115 Spring M ill Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46260

All enjoyed the class luncheon; Bruce Swenson especially was pleased to note that one was permitted to throw a napkin without being rebuked. During the afternoon, classmates could reminisce about the Old Days while the Cougars’ football team was locked in a titanic struggle. That evening, the Class of ’39 and their wives thoroughly enjoyed a grand and glorious occasion, the buffet dinner at the Montclair Golf Club. Attending the reunion were: Richard Benson, Frank Finnerty, Peter Funk, Bridgford Hunt, David Higgins, William Marchese, Charles McGinley, Robert Muller, Albert Pels, John Schultz, Bruce Swenson, George Tweddel and Ted Van Buren. Special thanks to Bob Muller, who did a splendid job as Reunion Chairman organizing this successful event. Bob and Joan even continued the festivities on Sunday with dinner at their life’s-work farm cum museum.

50th reunion, the Class o f '39-

50th reunion, the Class o f '39 with Brookside head A nita Cole (Rear, R).


43 TKS Mrs. E.B. Ruffing Jr. (Joan Sweeney) 125 Westview Rd., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Our condolences to Joan Sweeney Ruffing on the death of her mother. MA Mr. Jam es Mackey 213 Geneva Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07206



TKS Mrs. Nancy Heydt Green 99 Belvidere Road, Falmouth, MA 02540 Our condolences to Nancy Heydt Green on the death of her mother, Eleanor Ellis Heydt ’20. 50TH REUNION SEPTEMBER 22

TKS Mrs. Charles V. Cross (Barbara Armstrong) 2306 Cardinal Dr., Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 Inspired by the Kimberley ’39 reunion, several classmates are looking forward to 1940’s 50th, including Josephine Watt Clark and Joan Bayne Williams. LOST: Eleanor Foust Atchley, Ann Hltner Beeler, Mary Miller Buchman, Peggy Nicol.


MA No secretary Fred Little is a Director Emeritus at Pine Crest Prep. School, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He and his wife of 38 years, Jeanne, have three grandchildren - two boys in Asheville, N.C. and as of October, first granddaughter, in Dallas. LOST: Bailey Bill, Robert E. Byrne Jr., Jose de la Camera, Robert Holzl, Stanley Luques Jr., Frank McDonald, William Post, Robert H. Purnell (a.k.a. Robert H. Meyer), Donald Remig, David Savage, Frederic Van Arnam


Bob Miller has retired after 32 years as a professor of English at Queens College, CUNY. He regularly published in learned journals and spoke at conventions and conferences. His book, Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds, was published in 1972. Bob and Daphne, who received her LD from Hofstra Law School and has clerked for two state Supreme Court justices, now divide their time between Sanibel, Fla. and Murray Isle in Clayton, N.Y. “Retirement continues Great,” writes Dick Carrie, who is taking college courses and travel­ ing frequently. “Looking forward to our 50th.”


TKS Mrs. James F.C. Hyde Jr. (Enid Griswold) 5402 D uvall Drive, Bethesda, MD 20816 Annette Martin Benson was “holidaying in Antigua’’ in December. Our condolences to the family of Marion Force Pike. MA Mr. D avid Baird Jr. 9 Parkway, Montclair, NJ 07042 We have heard recently from two Princeton graduates. Bill Decker lives in Madison and practices law in Jersey City with Decker & Dolan. He is the senior board member of the Provident Savings Bank.


TKS Mrs. Robinson V. Smith (Joan Trimble) 16 Marshall Terrace, Wayland, MA 01778 Connie Nagel Sawdey’s daughter had twins - Diane and Scott - in November, and while their house is being remodeled, “they’ll all live with us for a month. I must remember to stay calm....” Helen Jones Gordon spent two weeks in Egypt in December with the U.S. Equestrian team, and will go to Stockholm this summer for the World Championships!

MA Mr. Winterford J. Ohland Box 137, R.D. #3, Blairstown, NJ 07825



TKS Anne Feagley Wittels (Mrs. Jerome L.) 2116 Via Alamitos, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Leigh Berrien Smith spotted tw o July weddings in the same New "fork Times: the daughters of Rudd Trimble Kenvin and Dorothy Van Winkle Morehouse! Rudd wrote that newlyweds Heather and Tom are both at Grinnell College, Iowa, she a volunteer coordinator, he a professor. Rudd’s older daughter is studying nursing in California. Roger is retired but continues to write; she continues volunteer work. John and Kathryn Teaze Clark welcome any visitors to Naples, Fla. - “We’re in the phone book.” Phyllis Harder Reininger now has three granddaughters and three grandsons, as son Richard, Jr. had twins (boy and girl) in June. Our condolences to the family of Barbara Creighton Ulbrand. MA Mr. Robert Nebergall 610 South Second Street, Wilmington, NC 28401

MA No secretary Congratulations to David Lewis, who was confirmed by the Senate to be Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Facilities in the Department of Veterans Affairs! David served in President Bush’s transition, in the Office of Presidential Personnel, and in the Bush campaign. He now directs one of the largest acquisition, materiel and construction programs in the country. He and Anne Reppert Lewis ’43 have three children and one grandchild. Now retired, Jim Prescott lives in Denville, N.J. and has a summer place in Maine. Activities are golf, boating, fishing, traveling, and committee work for the Board of Governors of General Hospital Center at Passaic. Daughter Donna, granddaughter, and son James III all live in Florida.




TKS Mrs. George Shoemaker (Elizabeth Smith) 11 High Point Terrace, Scarsdale, N Y 10583 MA No secretary



TKS Mrs. D avid Hannegan (Louise Rudd) 301 Concord Road, Carlisle, MA 01741

30th reunion, the Class o f ’59 (seated). 40th reunion, the Class o f ’49 (standing).

Last August, several Kimberley/Smith College alumnae were present at the dedication of a new iris garden at the college to Louise Townsend Bethell: Marjorie Bethell Cross, Lucile Mason ’43 and Janet Mason ’48. The irises were transplanted from Montclair’s Presby Gardens in honor of Mrs. Bethell’s many years of volunteer service to Smith and the community. It was a timely honor, as Mrs. Bethell died in December. Our condolences to Marjorie.

40th reunion, the Class o f '49.

Ruth Lieder was sorry to miss the reunion, but was running for re-election as mayor of Sun Valley, Id. [She won her third four-year term!] Congratulations! MA Mr. Richard M. Drysdale 10701 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024


MA Mr. D. Chase Troxell 20 Fox H ill Lane, Short Hills, NJ 07078


TKS Mrs. Louise Green Dunham 73 Brookstone Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540



TKS Mrs. Eric Stroh (Gail Robertson) 350 Provencal Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 Our condolences to the family of Beth Sherman Fisher. Pat Overton Lee is already making plans with Nancy Ehrhardt Bambara for the reunion in 1991! MA Mr. Ernest F. Keer III, P.O. Box 1030, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

Franklin and Margaret Parsons Parker’s son John was married in September. Margaret is a reading specialist at MKA’s Brookside. Audrey Carroll McBratney reported a new grandson, born in August to Bogue and Bonnie McBratney Wallin ’74.

Ken Crowell is using a sabbatical to compare the effects of ecological disturbance in Scotland, East Africa, Bermuda and Hawaii. They spend summers in Maine volunteering with the Nature Conservatory and studying mice and Lyme disease on the islands.

MA No secretary

LOST: Joan Max

David St. George was elected to the Mental Health Resource Center Board of Trustees last summer.

MA Mr Rudolph Deetjen, Jr. Northgate Road, Mendham, NJ 07945



TKS Mrs. Stanley M iller (Frances Lane) 7440 Chablis Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433-3024

Apologies to Janet Mason, Richard Kimm, and Alfred Murray, who were inadvertently reassigned to the class of 1950 in the Annual Report. We know you belong to great ’48!



TKS No secretary Congratulations and many thanks to Sally Smith Cutting and Jerrie Reilly Stevenson for their gracious efforts as 40th reunion chairmen! A wonderful time was had by all who came.

Clifford Evans retired in March ’88 from Occidental Petroleum. He and Bob Lieder ’51 built and sold a retail center in L.A.; now Cliff has a joint construction business with a son-inlaw. The family is growing: three grandsons (one per child) ages 4, 2, and 1, two more due in 1990 - all California residents. Mary Anne Treene Evans is in her 18th year singing with a barbershop group. “We send love and best wishes to all our MKA friends.’’ Bill Laytham called re: his photo on the cover of the 1989 Homecoming invitation. He couldn’t believe “that banged up practice uniform” was ever used in an old Newark Evening News photo, let alone for an MKA event forty years later! September 22 will be “ ’50’s Big 40” (quote Rudy)! LOST: Robert Furter


TKS Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett (Fay Taft) 9 Gordon Place, Montclair, NJ 07042 Our condolences to Sheila Brown Lindveit on the death of her mother, Helen Hill Brown, who generously supported MKA’s Community Scholars program. MA No secretary Nelson Bond Jr.’s five children have very impressive college credentials and careers; three are also married. Nelson, with B.A. from Lehigh and M.B.A. from Harvard, is president of Blood Pressure Testing, Inc. in Maryland.



TKS Mrs. Thomas Burgin (Lolly Penick) 328 Fairway Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Philip Hirsh, M.D., brought us up to date since he left the Academy for Andover in 1953He went to Yale and Jefferson Medical College, and now practices psychiatry in Ellicott City, Md. He has three children, one married.

MA No secretary

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TKS Miss Georgia Carrington 38 Silverspring Lane, Ridgefield, CT 06877 Lynn Towner Dodd had two sons married this year - Peter ’80 in June and Bill in September. Steve ’79, on the Alumni Council, was tenth reunion chairman. After three years as president of the Darien Historical Society, Marian Miller Castell now serves on the boards of the LockwoodMatthews Mansion Museum and the New York Historical Society. MA Mr. Santo DeStefano 336 Madison Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07524 George Kramer and his son Larry ’78 are building homes together in Ramsey, Allendale, and New Milford, N.J.



TKS Mrs. Susie Forstmann Kealy 232 E. Walton Place, Apt.2E, Chicago, IL 60611 MA No secretary Michael Ludlum and his partners have completed their “first year in the black” in a new broadcasting business. In July, Oscar Mockridge became the director of the Park Slope (Brooklyn) Shelter for Homeless Women after directing centers at Park and Lexington avenues. He continues to expand on a program for Adult Survivors of Physical/Sexual Abuse. Oscar reports that Paul Nejelski is now a federal judge in Maryland.


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TKS Miss Linda Baldanzi 2 Greenview Way, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Condolences to our class secretary on the death of her father. MA Mr. Edward T. O’Brien, Jr. 2 Knapton Estate Rd. Sm ith’s Parish Bermuda, FL-08


TKS Mrs. Judson Breslin (Wendy Worsley) 44 Lake Drive, M ountain Lakes, NJ 07046 MA No secretary



TKS Mrs. Robert P. Sumas (Deana Rogers) 4 E. Greenbrook Rd., No. Caldwell, NJ 07006 Many thanks to Lily Solmssen Moureaux for her hard work as reunion chairman. Everyone who came looked wonderful (young) and had a grand time catching up!

TKS Mrs. Lawther O. Sm ith (Linda Lovell) 30 Water Crest Drive, Doylestown, PA 18901 Elizabeth Beatty Boocock’s son Richard Sanford Jr. was married in June. Catherine Emerson ’81 was a bridesmaid. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Cole saw Gail Zabriskie Wilson during her visit to the states in June. The Zabriskies traveled to Europe and the Far East on their return to Australia, a marvelous experience. Bob Cole has formed a new investment management company, White Oak Capital Management, with a previous partner of 20 years. Betsy had fun catching up with the class of ’54 - Aubin Zabriskie Ames, Lynn Towner Dodd and Tilly-Jo Beatty Emersonat Patsy Taylor Stabler’s daughter’s wedding last summer. MA Mr John Clapp 3 Fox Hollow Rd., Spring Lake Heights, NJ07762

30th reunion, the Class o f 59-


Thanks and congratulations to Michael Baker, who got at least half the class back from climes as diverse as Vermont, Texas, and Arizona! Everyone had a good time, as evidenced by the photos of the distinguished group. Michael is president of the Little Falls Business Association, orchestrating Little Falls as one of four New Jersey townships chosen to participate in the National Main Street revitalization program.

\J \J

Michael Saltzman is the senior partner in the NYC law firm Saltzman Holloran & Kaplan, specializing in tax planning and litigation of tax disputes. He is the author of IRS Practice and Procedure and IRS P&P Forms (pub. Warren, Gorham and Lamont), books updated annually and used by tax professionals. Michael and his wife Sandra enjoy travelling to London and Italy.


MA Mr. Benjamin Fischer 26 Delta Blvd., Palisades Park, NJ 07650


TKS Mrs. Emily Stark Danson 130 Old Stone Bridge Rd., Cos Cob, CT 06807 Alison Kern Stltzer is an assistant director in the U.S. General Accounting Office, John with the Dept, of Defense, daughter Leigh in second grade. Lucienne Bosler Durouchoux had a reverse student exchange last year: they hosted an American boy, 19. “It was very interesting for me to live this experience from the other side.” Lucienne requested that we publish her address for more chances to get in touch with Kimberley classmates: 14 rue Bronzac, 94-240 L’Hay-les-Roses, FRANCE (outside Paris) Tel. 1-46-64-70-9L LOST: Isabel Kltay MA Mr. George A. Bleylejr. 2259 Weir Drive, Hudson, OH 44236 Congratulations to George Bleyle who is now flying the friendly skies as captain of a 737 for United! LOST: Stanley Stein

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TKS Miss Christine Keller 1702 Church Street, Galveston, TX 77550

“The Academy itself is an absolutely better place than it was when we were there. The girls may out­ number the boys (O, Lost Opportunity), the student body seems as racially and ethnically diverse as that on any college campus, and the sheer abundance of personalities all seem to me to generate an enthusiasm that our diminutive numbers never knew....I wish I could do it again, now.” John Sheldon ’64

Top Left: Principal Fran O’Connor and George Downsbrough ’69. Top Right: Former Academy headmaster Phil Anderson and former faculty member Phil Stackpole reunite. Middle Left: Trustee Austin Drukker ’52 (center), his wife Lois (second from right) with Jay Royce ’64, his wife Barbara and children A.J. and Katie. Bottom Left: Faculty member John Rabke and alumni of ’79: Larry Duca, Steve Dodd, Tony Barnes, Marc McCloud. Bottom Right: Faculty member A1 Van Eeide ’73, Anita Sims (L) and Tracy Cunningham, both ’79.

Top Left: Rob Gardner ’78 and Beverley Hall ’77 with niece Madison, daughter of Malcolm Hall ’75. Top Right: Varsity cheerleaders and mascot Lauren Wahl, daughter of Gene Wahl ’66. Middle Right: Seated L to R: CY Mann Treene ’54, Maureen Dufiy Benziger, Judy Perry Connolly 54x, David Connolly ’53. Stand­ ing: June Hayward Foster ’54, John Foster ’54, Dianne Fradkin. Bottom Left: 50th reunion: Bill Marchese ’39 and Bruce Swenson ’39. Bottom Right: Philip Fradkin ’53, John Foster ’54, David Connolly ’53.

Patricia Harrison Case earned the LTG (Leadership Training Graduate) designation this year to add to the GRI and CRS real estate designations. She sings with the Sweet Adeline Chorus in Ft. Myers and quartet “Tropical Blend.” Sons Douglas and David work in Port Charlotte, Danny is at Daytona Community College. Congratulations to Trish Liftman Shuplk for earning her Ph.D. in sociology from U. Penn.! She is now a postdoc fellow at U. Wisconsin, near home in Madison. Husband Phil has a radiation therapy practice, daughter Rachel is at Yale, Josh in high school. “Visitors welcome.” MA Mr. Robert Tyler Root III 24 Wiedemann, Clifton, NJ 07011 An article by John B. Lowy on IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) appeared in TradeWinds, published by National State Bank. John is the senior partner of Lowy & Chernis (Madison Avenue, NYC) specializing in securities law. He graduated from Tufts and the U. of Pennsylvania Law School.



TKS Mrs. C. D. Creed (Barbara Bywater) 1769 Forest View Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Holly Harrison Gathright is director of marketing for the Louisville (Ky.) Community Foundation. Joe and sons Joe III, 20, and Robert, 17, are fine. Holly visited Barbara Bywater Creed last spring in San Francisco (“she gave me a grand tour of the city”). Holly reports that Barbara and Chris survived the earthquake intact, although Barbara felt her office building sway. MA Mr. Lawrence J. Magnes 3222 Lexington Road Lexington, K Y 40206-2714

Distant reunion: Douglas Donald lives in Orlando, Fla. Last April he visited Bob Schmitt ’62 in Hong Kong, and traveled to Bangkok and the Philippines with him.

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IKS Ms. Sharon Livesey 12 Gorham Avenue, Brookline, MA 02146 MA Mr. Bronson Van Wyck P.O. Box T, Ihckerman, AR 72473


Welcome to new class secretary John Sheldon, and thanks for his superb efforts as 25th reunion chairman! John was instrumental in persuading former faculty as well as classmates to come back. Congratulations to Bruce Anderson on the birth of daughter Alexandra last July. John Benlgno is with Ingram & Picker, a public relations firm in Bala Cynwood, Pa. After several years with theater in New York City - acting, directing, teaching - John changed careers to arts administration and consulting. He has promoted special events such as the Mellon Jazz Festival and McNeil Golf Classic.



TKS Dr. Deborah Pines 7800 Belleflower Drive, Springfield, VA 22152

TKS Mrs. PE. Madsen (Betsy Ridge) 58 Chestnut Street, Boston, MA 02108

Many thanks to Linda Brennan Hymans and Lynn Buttell McElroy for their fine work as reunion chairmen!

Marjorie Bartholmew Burris’ family moved to Annapolis, Md. after 18 years in the mountains of Virginia. She sells real estate, with a dual license in Virginia. Husband Gordon is executive director of the Maryland Educational Foundation. Son Brad, 21, is at UVA, Bridgette, 17, is applying to colleges, and Matthew 16, is at Phillips Academy (Andover, Mass.).

“I really enjoyed seeing all of the changes at MKA since 1964 at the reunion,” writes Susan “Pembroke” Herbert Kyle. “If we lived in the area, I’d certainly send my boys there....‘Twas great fun renewing past friendships and catching up on the past 25 years, .still a very special connection between us all.”

Though her #1 job is chauffeuring four children (15, 12, 10, 7), Randi White McGinnis is president of the Association for the Arts at Bucknell, with a budget of $75K to fund events for students, faculty, alumni and scholarships. She is in her sixth year on the school board. MA Mr. John Sheldon P.O. Box 96, Paris, ME 04271

MA Mr. R. Victor Bernstein 290 West End Avenue #36 New York, N Y 10023

66 TKS Mrs. W illiam E. Crawford (Francine Onorati) 421 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115 MA Mr. John F. Hawley 1402 Washington Street Holliston, MA 01746-2215

25th reunion, the Class o f '64, with form er fa cu lty member H arry Balfe (front, R.)

25th reunion, the Class o f ’64, with fa cu lty member Bob Hemmeter.


Left: 20th reunion, the Class o f ’69. Middle: Shelley Brightman Runyan '69 with Dr. Richard Loveland, form er Kimberley headmaster, and Mrs. Loveland. Right: 20th reunion, the Class o f '69, with form er fa cu lty member Joe Kemer (seated center). Fredric Reed came back to MKA for the first time in years, to see his cousin Philip Fradkin ’53 at Homecoming. Fredric has his own firm in New York City. Fred Szot has moved back to Montclair, works for NJ Transit.



TKS Ms. Margot Escott 2980 Kings Lake Blvd., Naples, FL 33962 MA Mr. Craig C. Perry 119 East 84th St., Apt. 6C New York, N Y 10028

69 =---------TKS Mrs. Charles Gildea (Lynn Ehrhardt) 46 E. Saddle River Rd., Saddle River, NJ 07458 Thanks and congratulations to Lynn Ehrhardt Gildea and Phyllis Latouche Rawlins for their superb work as reunion chairmen! They rallied a glamorous group, and even brought back former headmaster Dr. Loveland from California. MA No secretary

Congratulations to Anne and Craig Perry on the birth of Craig Perry, Jr. in October! Congratulations also to Michael Yamashita for his glorious photographs in the November 1989 N ational Geographic! He captured rare scenes of all four seasons in Japanese gardens. Michael Phares is now creative director of FBA Marketing/Communications in St. Louis, Mo.


County Bar Assn, and is on the MKA Alumni Council!


TKS Ms. Avie Claire Kalker 5805 Birchbrook #202, Dallas, TX 75206 Betsy Apgar Niles has made a career change after 12 years in publishing: she is now with Schweppe Real Estate Co. in Montclair. Learned at Alumni Phonathon: Dorothea Frank Link does admitting at an outpatient diagnostic center in Miami, Fla. MA Mr. Burton M. Webb Box 29, Free Union, VA 22940 Congratulations to Cecilia and Geoffrey Gregg on the birth of son Spencer last July. Geoff is president of the Saint Andrew’s Society of New York, a prestigious social/benevolent association for persons of Scottish descent. Mini reunion: Joe Alessi, George Laufenberg, Louis Francia and Ray Iandoli got together in November for a Giants’ game and dinner at Alessi’s house. Ray flew in from Florida for the event! Joe Alessi, formerly an Essex County assistance prosecutor, has opened a law firm, Alessi & Candido. He was elected chairman of the Young Lawyers division of the Essex

Thanks and congratulations to David Robb Cralle’ for his fine work as reunion chairman! David, who works with an overseas investment corporation, was in TUrkey at Homecoming, but a good time was had by all who came. Charles Levin is president of Sandler & Worth Carpet, with stores in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. He and his wife, Amy, and son Josh, 10, live in Tewksbury, N.J. Fern and Eric Weiss have a new daughter, Sarah, born in July, to join brother Josh.


TKS Ms. Leslie Bryan 844 East M omingside Drive, NE Atlanta, GA 30324 Leslie Bryan started advance planning for the Twentieth Reunion in spring 1989! Everyone should be planning to come! The indefatigable Karen Vanderhoof Forschner ran a telethon for the Lyme Disease Foundation on the Fox network in Hartford in December, “then hopefully nationally in June.” Karen Braeder Conniff has three children (6, 4 1/2, and 5 months in November), plus works part time. Katharine Powell Cohn is also “very busy” with three, 6 1/2, 3 1/2, and 15 months MA Mr. Garret S. Roosma 30 Cottage Lane, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 V. James Castlglia has had a solo law practice in West Orange since 1981. He,


Maryann and son Charlie, 2 1/2, live in Oak Ridge. Jim has been active in fraternity affairs since Dickinson College, and in August was elected National President of the Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho. Congratulations! Jim is also manager for the Essex County Attorneys’ softball league, The Screamers.



TKS Ms. Sydney Johnson Petty 134 Summer Village Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 MA Mr. James Bryan Jr. 305 Kimberly Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408



TKS Mrs. Linda Finney W illiams Box 1446, 5 S. Pasture Lane Nantucket, MA 02554 MA Mr. Steven Schottenfeld 23 Wood-field Drive, Short Hills, NJ 07078 Bruce Pollack has moved back to New Jersey from Southern California (“quite a switch”), and enjoys his new job as VP/medical affairs at Sanus/NY Life. They were expecting their third child in February. Chris Schulz was named managing director of the European division of the Reed Travel Group, a publishing firm. Chris, Julie, and daughter Danielle, 2, moved to Geneva, Switzerland, in January for two years.



TKS Mrs. Michael F. Moreno (Martha Del Negro) 750 Woodward Rd., No. Providence, R I02904 Best wishes to Lynne Wallace, who purchased the renowned Flo-Jean Restaurant in Port Jervis, N.Y. on the Delaware River. After a year of renovation, the restaurant opened in May, and can seat 400 people in three areas. She will open a gift shop and ice cream shop this year. MA Mr. Gregory Lackey 165 Cbickahominy Brail Medford Lakes, NJ 08055

Don Friedllch is now one of the nation's foremost jewelers. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1982 and received their Young Alumnus Achievement Award in 1985. His artwork has appeared in the Louvre in Paris, the Smithsonian and Metropolitan museums, as well as in magazines and books around the world. Coach A1 Van Eerde was commended in a long M ontclair Times writeup on the MKA Cougars’ water polo team, with its fine record and many notable players and alumni.

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TKS No secretary Best wishes and many thanks to Bonnie McBratney Wallin as she “retires” from career and class secretary into full-time motherhood! Andrew (Andy) was born in August. Please, someone, take up the pen! Bart and Kathleen Guttmann Rekuckl were married in August, with John Guttman '71 and Mary Louise Guttman ’76 in the wedding. Kathleen graduated from Smith and received an MBA from Tuck School, Dartmouth. She is an assistant VP at Citicorp Credit Services in NYC. Susan Wldmark Rldgway has moved to Maine where her husband is headmaster at Berwick Academy. Many thanks to photographer Lisa Schwarz, who found a treasure trove of '74 yearbook photos and sent them to MKA for the archives. Just wait until reunion! MA Mr. Anthony M. Celentano 3 Conduct Street, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Joseph Scirocco Jr. is a CPA/senior executive with Price Waterhouse in NYC, lives in Wyckoff. ' Also in New York, Owen Davis is an assistant professor at Cornell Medical School/New York Hospital. He is married and has a daughter Zoe, born in September. Owen graduated from Swarthmore and first in his class from Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest. He did a two-year fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at Harvard following residency at Cornell. Congratulations to Victoria and Rudy Schlobohm on the birth of Melissa in January! Rudy, who does financial planning, elicited much news of '74 and '75 at Alumni Phonathon: Harvey Kravis’ second child, Valerie, was born in June; Alexandria is in kindergarten. He works for Computer Solutions in Burlington, Mass. Susan and Peter Berinato have moved to Richmond, Va., where he has a job in public relations. (“Please look us up, we’re in the phone book.”) David Kwan works in commercial real estate in Ann Arbor, Mich. Mark Griggs does customer service for Pella Windows, lives in Ogdensbutg, NJ.


Mr. D avid Soule 120 Linden Ave., Verona, NJ 07044


Many thanks to class secretary David Soule, who came to Career Day to speak with MKA students about engineering! David has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from M.I.T. and an M.B.A. from N.Y.U. He has worked for American Cyanamid in South Africa and Canada. Congratulations to Diana Hope Rowe, who received a Master of Landscape Architecture from Ohio State U.! Diana won the Faculty Prize, was inducted into the national landscape architecture honor society and won a fellowship to travel around Japan and New Zealand! She does land planning and design and office graphics for a firm in Rye, N.Y. She takes classes in sign language, hopes to get involved in interpreting and in deaf theater. Bonny and Malcolm Hall’s daughter Chelsea was born November 1st. He says hi to all his classmates. Ralph LaSalle Jr. and his wife had Baby #2, Adam, in June, joining Andrew, 3 1/2. Ralph was promoted to engineering supervisor with ITT Rayonier Corporate Engineering in Georgia. Howard Johnson works near Baltimore as a software engineer with Computer Sciences Corp. Son Tyler, 18 mos., “is putting my cross­ country training to the test!” Jeffrey Schiffman is ass’t news director of Hall Communications in Lancaster, Pa. Alan Brown teaches chemistry at Florida Institute of Technology, lives in Melbourne. According to MKA math teacher Judy Nesbit, lawyer Jim Glarrusso got engaged at his 10th Ohio Wesleyan reunion!

Lost A lu m n i If you have any information about any of the alumni listed as “lost” in the reunion year classes, please call or write to the Alumni Office, MKA, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042. 201/746-9800. Thank you!



Mrs. Paul McFeeley (Laurie Hoonhout) 5 Kenneth Road, Upper M ontclair NJ 07043 Dr. Charles Read 3115 Carroll Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 Congratulations to Paul and Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley on the birth of second son, Brian, in November - just three weeks after their move into a new house!



Miss Beverley D. Hall 127-A Skunk Lane, Wilton, CT 06897 Mr. Andrew Pedersen 334 West 86th St. A pt 16 B New York, N Y 10024 Welcome Andy Pedersen as co-class secretary! Andy and his wife had their first child, Alexandra, in July. The ’77 class list is in wonderful shape thanks to the untiring efforts/detective work of Bev Hall. Bev helped the Alumni Office last summer while recuperating from knee surgery.


She reports; It was good to speak with many of you over the summer and at Homecoming. I am in my sixth year teaching science at Greenwich Country Day School, and I love it. Mary Ellen and Joe Sullivan have three children; youngest, Christopher, was born last spring. Jennifer Hendrlan and husband, Steve Spaulding, moved to western New York State in June, and she began an MBA at Harvard in the fell, 1989. Andy Read began a Ph.D. in finance at the U. of Michigan in the fall. Steven Mahler, who is in the airline industry, began flight training school in Florida last February to earn a commercial pilot’s license. Bob Hubsmith works at Manufacturer’s Hanover Trust in the corporate trust area and gave news of Paul Hastaba, who lives near Dallas with his wife and son Danny, 4. Steve Cowles lives in Chicago and works in advertising. Jody and David Jones and son Craig, 1, live in Oneida, NY, where he is with Oneida Plastics. Elizabeth Greene is earning a Ph.D. at Berkeley. She enjoyed backpacking in the northern California state parks in July. Peter Valentine sells commercial real estate in Plainfield, N.J. He and his wife were expecting their first child in January. Peter Adubato is a lawyer in Philadelphia. Peter gave news of Robert Nebb, who graduated from Texas Tech Law School in June ‘89. Bob and his wife have two children, live in Lubbock, Tx. Chris Butler, wife, and daughter Saras Vati, 4, live in Paxton, Mass. He owns a natural food store in Shrewsbury. Alan Deehan finished an MBA at NYU in January 1989 and works for Lasalle Partners (nationwide corporate realtors) in NYC. Bonnie and Bob Post’s son Robert, Jr. was born last March. Bob works for Morgan Guaranty in NYC. Best wishes to Linda and William Langstaff, married in July. They live in New Providence, N.J.; he is a systems analyst with RNJ Securities in NYC. Keith Ridings, a dedicated bowler, lives in North Caldwell. Michele Saucy is a travel coordinator for RICOH in North Caldwell. Nellie Matjucha does shopping center leasing for Vornado Inc., a N.J. real estate company, with a Philadelphia territory. She spoke about real estate at MKA’s Career Day. Elisa Ocello lives in Italy, working as an interpreter, often for the Italian government. If you haven’t already heard, Peter McMullen married Cheryl D’Alessandro back in September 1988. Peter is busy with the New Jersey Devils and Cheryl works as a financial analyst for First Boston in NYC. Nancy Cohn married Bob Dianesi in November. He popped the question on a ski slope; she now enjoys skiing and running! Nancy works for an insurance company, TIAA, running a disability assistance program. Juana and Glen Brown and daughter Alexandra, 1, live in San Antonio, Texas. He is a field engineer supervisor for Unysis Corp. Jason Apter is a portfolio manager for a bank in N.J. He and his wife live in Verona. Ed Healey practices general law in Clifton, has a shore house in Manasquan. Gerry Jones graduated from NY College of Podiatric Medicine in June and is applying for

residency. He sometimes models in NYC and runs many a foot race, usually placing in the top three. At one international-level race, Gerry placed sixth overall. He qualified for the 1984 Olympic trials but had to forgo it to finish med. school. Patrick Bradley graduated from Cornell Law School, now lives and works in NYC. For three years he has been writing for Pilot Magazine, a publication for general aviation pilots. Stacy Silverstein Cochran enjoys being a parent of Nina, 1, as well as attending Columbia for a master’s in film. Donna LoBiondo is working on her Ph.D. in psychology. She is the A.D. of psychiatric services at Boston U. Donna often speaks at Career Day at Barnard. Betsy Gelenitis Alison, a sailmaker in Newport, R.I., has been named Yachtswoman of the Year three times! She was spotted in an ad for Soft Scrub, which sponsored her for the 1989 Women’s Keelboat Championships, in the September Sail magazine. Dr. Doug Mahler practices restorative, cosmetic and implant dentistry with his father in Fort Lee. His hobby is barefoot water skiing; he has trained with the world champion in Florida. Peter Adams now has two children: Laura, 2, and Peter, 1. David Kerr moved to Short Hills and celebrated the birth of first child, Alexandra Gail. He works in corporate finance. Olympics at 30: Scott Schulte had four goals for the East in water polo at the U.S. Olympic Festival in July. Scott set an NCAA record with 586 career goals at Bucknell, and is in their Hall of Fame. Misho Protic has left the military but is still flying, as a pilot with Delta based in Chicago. He is attending Northwestern’s Kellogg School for an MBA. Donna Crews is an executive assistant to Congressman Donald Payne in Washington, D.C.; she works with Paige Cottingham ’79! Donna received an MS from Columbia U. School of Social Work. MKA math teacher Judy Nesbit spotted Whip Hubley on prime time Sunday night in January, in “Life Goes On.”



Miss Pamela Zeug 19 Downing St., Apt. 3, New York, N Y 10014

Mr. John Glicksman 1725 P St., Washington DC 20036 Congratulations to our newlyweds! Julie and Bart Lund live in Montclair. He graduated from Rutgers, is a financial analyst with American International Group, NYC. Gwen and Kevin Berkowsky live in Quincy, Mass, where he is a video communications producer. He has a B.A. from Hobart and an M.A. in TV/Media from Emerson College. From The New York Times: Dr. Suzanne Conzen is engaged to marry Dr. Timothy James in May. Suzanne graduated from Brown magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa; received a master’s in nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; and a medical degree from Yale U. She is a resident internist at New York Hospital. Dick Rento sent news from the Windy City: He and his wife, Lisa, continue their residencies in surgery and OB/GYN, respectively. During their four years there, they have run into MKA classmates Lila Uskokovic (who works at the same Northwestern Hospital where the Rentos are); Kerry McGill (at U. Chicago Business School); Mike Berry (real estate); and their newest neighbors, Julie and Bruce McBratney. Another doctor, Daniel Grolsser, is enjoying his first year of a 3-year dermatology residency at U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He already completed a residency in internal medicine at Mt. Sinai in NYC. Dan has even found time to coach Little League hockey. Anne Abramson Ellman wrote from Boca Raton; they were expecting their first child in May.



Mrs. Carlos Ortiz (Shawn Mahieu) 4308 Cowan Place, Belcamp MD 21017 Dr. Jack Brink 105 Hampshire Court Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Many thanks to reunion co-chairmen Shawn Mahieu Ortiz and Steve Dodd for rallying so many classmates to the 10th! Jeanne and Bruce Eng moved to Hong Kong in August. They couldn’t make it back to reunion, but sent a wonderful videotape, “The

Way We Were,” vignettes of MKA. A reunion story: Dave Dunnigan and Karen O’Connor ’80 were reunited at an MKA Homecoming and wed a year later! They live in San Francisco, where she is an account exec with a large ad firm and he sells financial software for a computer firm. Gardner Semet is at Columbia for an MBA. Kerry Eastman is on the faculty of Holton Arms School, Maryland. She graduated from U.N.H. and served two years in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica. She is engaged to Robert Gibson of Virginia. Congratulations to Joe and Elizabeth Stanton Santarlascl on the birth of Nicolas in August! Congratulations also to Anita Sims for receiving the 1989 YMWCA Black Achievers Award for the Newark area! Anita, a manager with AT&T, is particularly active in the Linkage program, which “links” high school students with career achievers. She speaks to college students all over the country, and has an impressive list of other community activities. She spoke at MKA’s Career Day. Paige Cottingham has joined Donna Crews ’77 as an executive assistant to Congressman Donald Payne. They plan to greet the MKA junior trip to Washington! A son, Brian, was bom to Michael and Vanessa Noble Good in December. Very proud grandparents are MKA faculty members Joanne and John Noble!

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Mrs. M artin Garvey (Pam Eastman) 105 Glen Ridge Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042 Congratulations to Charles Davis, who received a Ph.D. in biophysical chemistry from Cornell University in November 1989! His doctorate has been published serially. After a B.S. from Swarthmore College, and membership in Sigma Xi honor society, Charles was a National Institutes of Health fellow for five years. He now works in the research department of Smith, Kline. Gary Kramer, the club champion at Preakness Hills, led the nine New Jersey players in the U.S. Amateur Championship opening round. Betsy Bacot is an account executive with Greengage Associates, a small advertising firm in NYC.

Left: 10th reunion, the Class o f ’79, with faculty members Ken and Nancy Gibson. Right: 10th reunion, the Class o f '79.




Miss Shelagh Daly 330 North M ountain Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Miss Karen M am ell 289 Hempstead Road, New Hempstead, N Y 10977 Karen Boyle is finishing a three-year, double master’s program (public health and international affairs) at Johns Hopkins U. Karen enjoys the D.C. area and her internship with the U.S. Agency for International Development. She travels a lot, and last summer went to Scandinavia with Helen Scharfenberg. The summer of 1988 Karen spent two months in Nouakchott, Mauritania with a public health project - “a real challenge!” Juris Blodnieks is working on a master’s degree in chemistry at Seton Hall U. He has a B.S. in chemistry from Lafayette College. Kate Baker is finishing her dissertation for a Ph.D. from U. of Michigan. Michael Dobbin received an MBA from Boston U. in May 1988. He was married in June 1989 and now manages a software firm in Newton, Mass. Richard Moskowitz is co-owner/manager at Discovery Discs, a compact disc specialty store. He plays drums in two different bands, and hopes to play in the jazz festivals in Europe this summer. David Newman is assistant professor of theatre at West Chester U.(Pa.), teaching and directing mainstage productions. He saw Ken Smith who is moving from a job in retail music to a career in industrial psychology. Wayne Alder, who graduated from Seton Hall Law School last June, works for a law firm in Florida. Christine Margitich sang with Opera Columbus productions of “Boris Gudunov” and “II Trovatore,” and with the Ohio State U. opera company. She is studying for a master’s in performance and vocal pedagogy at OSU. Christine has sung in concert and recordings with the New York Philharmonic. Congratulations to Stephen Smith, M.D., who graduated with special honors for his thesis from Yale University School of Medicine! He is doing a residency in internal medicine at UVA.



Mr. Thomas Robbins 554 South Gulph Road, Gulph Mills, PA 19406

Best wishes to Marjorie and Peter Gibson, who were attended by Lisa Gibson '84, Peter Dancy and Patrick Eng at their wedding! Peter is with Orion Consultants, financial management, in NYC. Jon Sandler is assistant coach for Harvard’s water polo team while working on an MBA. According to MKA coach A1 Van Eerde ‘73, Jon’s dorm/classroom is right next to the pool! Beth Cherashore works as a lending officer at Chase Manhattan Bank’s real estate finance division. Congratulations to Elizabeth Gibson Boyer, who finished her master’s in math education in December. She now works at the U. of Maryland, doing math research.



Miss Holly Jervis 55 South M ountain Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042 Class agent: Mr. Kevin W ilkins 95 Heller Way, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 The ultimate Homecoming: Janine Marnell has joined Holly Jervis on the faculty of MKA! Janine, who has a B.A. in psychology from Rutgers, teaches third grade. Holly teaches Spanish. Congratulations to our newlyweds: Jill and Christopher Riley, Heather and Garry Merkle, Alberto and Heidi Holst-Knudsen Cassola. Heidi, a cum laude graduate of Connecticut College, is working on a master’s in philology at Columbia U. Engaged: Kristine Hatzenbuhler and Michael O’Connor. Kris, who will receive aJ.D. from Seton Hall Law School in June, is active in the Junior League’s special advocates program. James Sarna will graduate from Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva U., in the spring; Jill Rosenblum will finish Washington U./St. Louis Law School. Phil and Jennifer Hamilton Salkie live in Califon, N.J., a short commute to her job as soft­ ware engineer for Zyga Corp. in Basking Ridge. Paul Nigro is with Pomerantz Personnel in Jersey City. Geoffrey Habron was elected Lead Volunteer with the Peace Corps in St. Lucia. He is a freshwater fish pond specialist, enjoys trying to learn Creole and loves the Caribbean music “Work is fun but challenging - definitely the toughest job you’ll ever have.” Anders Skilbred is a pilot in San Francisco, flying charter planes. Jay Wecht has his own greeting card company, Guilty Greetings, whose cards sell nationally. Andy Mass has left advertising for Merrill Lynch, NYC.



Miss Jennifer Jones 515 S. Aiken Ave Apt 101 Pittsburgh, PA 15232-1507 Class agent: Mr. Larry Rosen 6 Shoshone Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Congratulations and thanks to reunion chairman Darrin O’Neill for getting a great group together for the 5th! Diane Ridley graduated cum laude from Columbia College, and is now in Columbia med. school. She received honors in Gross Anatomy, “this from the professor who wrote the textbook!” David Fehnel is also in med. school, at the U. of Vermont. He and Andrea Gabriel are engaged. Jill Sorce is in med. school in Grenada. Laura Dancy is teaching at Far Brook School, Short Hills. She taught art at MKA’s summer programs. Liza Cohn, an honors graduate of Swarthmore, taught fifth grade for a year in East Orange, “more educational than any academic experience I’ve had to date.” She now works with sister Melissa Cohn ’78 in finance in NYC. Susan Cunningham is doing research in immunology at Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, with a paper to be published. She is working on an MA in environmental studies at Drexel U. After travel in Asia, James Goldman is in his first year of Northwestern U. Law School. He won the Montclair Recreation men’s singles championship last summer. Jennifer Jones is in her second year at U. of Pittsburgh Law. John Towers is working for Senator Bill Bradley in Washington, D.C., joining sister Maureen ’83 and Amy Felber '83. Susan Bacot is working in the Ivory Coast as a volunteer with the Institute of Cultural Affairs (NYC). The program helps guide small businesses, raises grants, and teaches disease prevention. After an exciting year in Hungary on a Fulbright Scholarship (“filled with more politics and protests than academics”), Maria Rabb decided to stay another year teaching English. As of June, she had made two very sobering trips behind the Iron Curtain to Romania. She wrote then, “Being in Romania is like living in Orwell’s 1984....people fleeing from Romania are still shot at!” On a fall trip to Hungary with the U.S. Olympic Committee, Bob Cottingham spent almost a week with Maria, both in Budapest and at her university. He reports that “Professor Rabb” is fluent in Hungarian and gave firsthand

Left: 5th reunion, the Class o f ’84, with fa cu lty member Nixon Bicknell, Upper School head Charles Henderson and Judy Polonofsky Director o f External Affairs. Middle: 5th reunion, the Class o f ’84. Right: 5th reunion, the Class o f ’84.


accounts of the tumultuous political situation. Bob is applying to law schools.


Mr. John Booth III 15 Hathaway Lane, Verona, NJ 07044 Class agent: Miss Loren Miller 1055 River Road, Apt. 5606 Edgewater, N f 07020

David Naiven '84. An address by faculty member John M. Noble to Upper School students this fall:

David Naivcn graduated from the Academy in the spring of '84. He had come to MKA as a sophomore, distinguishing himself as an able student and a superb athlete. Soccer was his game, but he took up lacrosse and became very good at it. So good, in fact, that he became a starter on the varsity lacrosse team at Lafayette College, from which he graduated a year-and-a-half ago. Last summer, he took a drive cross-country with a friend from college. On his return, driving through Tfexas, David collided with a van and was killed Instantly. The following lines are an attempt to recall a young Academy alumnus of unusual personal gifts. ‘green and golden’ I will remember David crossed docksiders long sprawling from beneath the desk shock of brown wavy hair and wry/shy smile skeptical do you really think fitzgerald meant ‘ferry cross the metsey’ tall standing in the front hall for the last time wow three dogs maddie and katie back and forth scrambling over bare legs jack-knifed sam darkly sniffing brownly muscular calves bemused disillusioned looking for a new job they weren’t doing what they could/should failing streams and ponds and marshlands and earth green shirt on a muddy princeton pitch gray afternoon in the mist marking out of the game the cogsville titan in white anger and frustration exploding off the backs of David’s legs tango templets and circles rebounding from the ragged sod flying into the sky a golden card against the gray glinting off clotted boots aux trois bandes d’or I will remember David ‘green and golden’ in the misty gray in the muddy boots ‘green and golden’ on the holy field john m noble

Congratulations to all those who graduated last year! We are proud of so many honors and distinctions. A few, gleaned from clippings and mailings: Virginia Kiggins received a B.A. in history from Swarthmore, has entered Columbia U. for social work. Michael O’Brien, a zoology graduate of Geotge Washington U., has entered med. school there. NYU graduates: Robin Schwartz now works in urban planning with Wehran Envirotech. Gina Maria, with degree in dramatic literature, plans to continue acting training. From Bucknell U.: Chris Lillo received a B.S. in math/chemistry, is continuing there in biology. Roger Brown, with a BA in international relations, has begun a J.D. at Washington College of Law, American U. Roger led Pennsylvania in rugby scoring and played varsity lacrosse Division I for three years. Dickinson College: Stephen Root received a B.A. in history and economics and was awarded the Carol Reed Memorial Scholarship. Richard Kilstein is at U. of Miami School of Law. He majored in history/poly sci. Hamilton College: David Tessler received a B.A. in philosophy, has entered Fordham U. Law School. Jeffrey Schackner was VP of class and secretary of fraternity at Hamilton; he now lives in NYC and works for the Bank of New York. Harvard U.: James Rothwell received a B.A. in biochemistry magna cum laude, with John Harvard Scholarship. He was captain of the varsity fencing team and on the varsity sailing team. Jim is at Harvard Law. Phil Rosenblum received a B.A. cum laude in biology; he is at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Nigel Vass graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, was commissioned as Ensign in the Naval Reserve, has a third mate’s license. He works with International Marine Consultants. Janet Phillips graduated from Rollins College with major in computer graphics/art history. John Booth is taking a year to travel around the world (“literally”) after graduating from Hobart College. Loren Miller, with a degree in French civilization from Brown U., was leaving for West Africa in February for travel and a year of work in Senegal. Sean Timmons graduated cum laude from Williams and received the college’s highest music award. From Colgate 11: Merri Ray is back at MKA, teaching French at the Upper School! She coaches soccer and JV lacrosse, and is an intern advisor. Jose’ Lampon, whose degree is in poly sci, has done substitute teaching (Spanish) at MKA. Ashley Fawcett is working


for a division of American Express in Boston. After achieving All-American honors as Division 1AA quarterback, Mark McGowan has hung up his football cleats and is a sales rep for Technochem, Inc Mark is listed in two Outstanding Student/Who’s Who award publications. Georgetown U. graduates: Sue Ciccone, now at Seton Hall Law School, and Rita Giacalone. Rita graduated cum laude, is with Hill and Knowlton Public Relations. Patti McConnell is a producer/reporter with Cable Entertainment News, after B.A./political science from Syracuse U. Marcie Cullum graduated from College of The Holy Cross, B.A. in English. Alexis Polonofsky is in the training program of Ann Taylor, NYC, after graduation from U: Vermont. Pam Wohlgemuth received a B.A. in politics/history from Mt. Holyoke College. Michael DelMastro is owner/opeiator of EDM Gallery, attending Montclair State part time. To those who did not return the form to the Alumni Office, please remember to bring us up-to-date with your degrees and occupation!



Miss Sherry Ahkam i 37 Virginia Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07012 Miss M ary Louise Neary 27 Warren Place, Montclair, NJ 07042 Class agent: Miss Megan Cole 11444 Lost Tree Way North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Congratulations to Jennifer Remington, who graduated cum laude from Lehigh U. in January! Jen was selected for the Washington, D.C. Semester Program in 1988, when she attended the American University and worked as an intern for Congressman Dean Gallo. She plans to attend law school in September. Lisa Porter was cited by a Dartmouth College professor for “excellence as a speaker and student.”



Miss Laura Baczko 102 Highland Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 Miss Ida Boodin 338 North M ountain Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Class agent: Miss Deborah Rosen 6 Shoshone Trail, Wayne, NJ 07470 Junior session abroad: Christie Rabke, a geography major at Dartmouth, spent the fall semester at Karl Marx U. in Hungary. Joy Booth, who transferred to Newcomb-TUlane, has left New Orleans for a semester in Florence, Italy. Jennifer Bowser, Brown ‘91, is in Paris (Center for Overseas Undergraduate Programs, COUP). Andrea Borlo sent AFS holiday greetings from Italy.

At home, Wayne Marston is already in the real estate business with Century 21 in Little Falls. He is attending Montclair State for business administration. Lauren Green was starting lax goalie as a sophomore at Rochester U. Deborah Rosen is the first undergraduate chosen to design scenery for a major production at Tufts U. She did all the scenery for Menander’s “The Man Who Hated People” this fall.



Miss Karen Muenster 125 Country Lane, Clifton, NJ 07013 Mr. James Petretti 13 Otis Place, Verona, NJ 07044 Class agent: Mr. Alec Schwartz 181 Long H ill Road M5 Little Palls, NJ 07024 Congratulations to Alec Schwartz, who in January won the Philadelphia Sportswriters’ Assn. Harry Merrill Memorial Collegiate Sportswriter Award! Alec was also named editor of the Weekly Pennsylvanian, an “objective view of what’s happening on campus.” He will continue with sports for the Daily. Larissa Sokoloff, who has been featured on WQXR, gave a piano concert at the Montcair Art Museum in July. Larissa is majoring in music and Russian studies at Harvard.

Transfers: Richard Schwartz to Boston College. Hillary Wlndolf, Anne Fetherston and Mary Savage to Drew U. Mary is on the Drew equestrian team; she had been on Goucher College’s riding team and dean’s list. Andrea Saflrstein has transferred to TUlane, loves New Orleans and is active in her sorority. Tamara Von Ohlen has moved to California and is taking classes in Santa Cruz. She survived the earthquake! Summer interns: Bob Jeffrey (Williams College) was an aide at The White House last summer. Lauren Shanahan (Colgate) learned about New Jersey politics as an intern for Assemblywoman Maureen Ogden. Jody Booth was in the Smith College production of “Born in the RSA [South Africa].” She is majoring in French and plans to spend junior year abroad. Amy Harris is pre-med at Princeton. Henry Nakamura is majoring in fine arts at Washington U. Drew Goldman is hard at work studying Japanese at Connecticut College. At Yale U., Andrew Cheung is involved with volunteer work in a soup kitchen and with Habitats for the Homeless. Coley Gray is busy on the fencing team. Jenny Rabke was a route leader for Amigos in Paraguay last summer. She is a women’s counselor at Brown U.

89 Miss Suellen Bizub 107 Country Lane, Clifton, NJ 07013

Stephen Bartholomew and Betty Smock E. Alden Dunham and Laura Adams Peter Berinato and Susan Lobo Kathleen Guttmann and Bart Rekucki Donald Williams and Tammy Shuler Nancy Cohn and Robert Dianesi William Langstaff and Linda Story Kevin Berkowsky and Gwen Lehrman Barton Lund and Julie Andre William Carson and Marian Goffredo Barbara Kluge and Richard Hickox Martin Brayboy and Elizabeth Gaines Michael Dobbin and Rachelle Barshak John Kim and Linda Lu Anne Malfitan and Stephen Horohonich Peter Gibson and Marjorie Wallace Pamela Reisch and Robert Lasher Kelley Smith and Peter Mongeau Garry Merkle and Heather Carlton Christopher Riley and Jill Bereza Elizabeth Pruyn and Duke S. Mandell

Class agent: Mr. Josh Raymond 4 White Oak Road, Roseland, NJ 07068 Miss Nesbit, as class advisor, received three letters from the ALS Association thanking the Class of 1989 for their generous contribution in honor of Jack Rabuse (the proceeds of the baseball card show). “Deepest thanks to every member...for their incredible efforts.” Josh Raymond was selected a class senator as well as the treasurer of the Jewish Student Union at Skidmore College. Louis Lessig received a Poet of Merit 1989 award from the American Poetry Assn, in San Francisco last summer. Yale Levin and Michael Hunter were officially accepted into the U.S.M.A.’s Corps of Cadets after six weeks of “Beast Barracks.” Bram Zeigler made the basketball team at Dickinson College. George Hrab has a weekly DJ show, “Schizophrenic Panic” at Moravian College. He played drums for an MKA Middle School dance in January. Suzanne Rosen also came back to MKA in January, to speak with Middle School students about social life and alcohol on campus. At Washington U., she volunteered with Alcohol Awareness Week. Beth Vlsceglla loves Georgetown U. and “exciting” D.C. She played soccer and is on the Academic Council and Adjudication Board. She and Jenn Gentile send love to MKA. “Go Cougars!”

In M em oriam

M arriages 1931 1949 1974 1974 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1980 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982x 1983 1983 1987

Mr. Louis Lessig 78 Kent Road, H untingdon, PA 19006

June 29, 1989 May 20, 1989 October 14, 1989 August 11, 1989 June 25, 1988 November 11, 1989 July 2, 1989 September 3, 1989 June 24, 1989 June 13, 1988 August 1, 1988 October 14, 1989 June 25,1989 August 1989 July 15, 1989 September 9, 1989 August 19, 1989 August 12, 1989 May 20, 1989 September 17, 1989 January 27, 1990


1920 1927 1929 1929 1930 1930 1930 1931 1932 1933 1935 1937 1938 1941 1945 1950 1951 1984

Eleanor Ellis Heydt Louise Russell Macdonald Vincent S. Mulford Henry C. Tappan Esma Currier Christner Alastair Macdonald Frederick S, Wilson Isabel Lemkau Fitt Adrian Van Riper John D. Sylvester Edward R. Miller James E. Wigg Priscilla Bennett Ritter Marion Force Pike Barbara Creighton Ulbrand Patricia Taylor Lane Beth Sherman Fisher David Naiven

October 28, 1989 October 24, 1989 October 29, 1989 September 26, 1989 July 20, 1989 December 21, 1989 October 20, 1989 September 25, 1989 May 1989 January 8, 1990 September 5, 1989 November 5, 1989 December 23, 1989 July 27, 1989 November 1989 February 12, 1989 October 16, 1989 August 8, 1989

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1940, 1950, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1980, 1985

10th reunion, the Class of ’79.


50th reunion, the Class of ’39.

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