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From Cougar to Black Knight: Meet Alex Gephart ’06 Alex Gephart, MKA Class of 2006 and West Point Class of 2010, was recently highlighted in an issue of INSIDE LACROSSE. Poised to start a new season as captain of the highly competitive Army Black Knights, Alex was quoted extensively and spoke powerfully about his teammates. “On a normal day here, a guy can go through so many challenges before he even gets to lacrosse practice, yet when you step in the locker room, you have 47 guys who can relate and who support you and have the ability to pick you up and help you sharpen your own mental toughness. Most teams might have been down and out after some of our losses last year, but our team is used to the demands of a very competitive environment and we really pull for each other.” Alex’s talents go far beyond the lacrosse field. Last summer, he was awarded the distinction of being selected to be one of 32 “platoon leaders,” given the task of overseeing and running a group of 10-15 underclassmen for four weeks of platoon training at Camp Buckner. At the conclusion of the training period, Alex was selected as the number one platoon leader with his group putting forth the best performance. In the words of his former MKA lacrosse coach Paul Edwards, “Alex is a great example and role model.” Recently, Alex took some time out to speak to the Review. Q . Can you tell us when and where you first began playing lacrosse and what it is about the sport that you so enjoy?
A. I started playing lacrosse in sixth grade when my dad and a couple other buddies’ dads started up a youth league. The program grew each year, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that lacrosse became a
review spring 2010