Fall 2012 MKA Review Magazine

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M ontclair Kimberley A cademy at 125 IN TH IS IS S U E Celebrating 125 Years with Memories, Traditions Old and New, Fun Facts and Families Plus: Graduations & Commencement, Career Day, Awards and much, much m ore...

PROFILES IN GIVING Frederick Eiden ’78 Alumnus Frederick Eiden ’78 is walking the halls of MKA again, along with his wife, Debora, in their current roles as MKA parents. Their two sons, Alexander and Nicholas, are in the 8th and 4th grades, respectively. Frederick had many good memories of his years at MKA, and he credits his recently deceased mother with seeing the difference that an MKA education could make in his life. “She saw that MKA offered something more. It was a mother’s instinct to know that MKA was the school where I could realize the full colors of my education and provide me with the benefits that I would carry with me wherever I was to go. As children, we only see the sketches.”

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Reflecting on their childrens’ current experience at MKA, Debora and Frederick praised the team commitment that they see at the school: teachers, administrators, PAMKA, students and parents all working together for a great education. “That same team commitment was there when I was at MKA,” added Frederick, who reminisced fondly about his teachers. He appreciated the new teaching style that Ken Gibson had to adopt to benefit the girls who had just started attending MKA after the ’74 merger of MA and TKS. Legendary teacher Bob Hemmeter also had a big impact on Frederick: “I used to imagine traveling the world in Bob Hemmeter’s history classes, and now in my career, my company is consulting North American manufacturing companies, many linked to the newly-found energy resources here, on how to maximize their efficiencies and to compete, globally, often traveling to many of those same places that Bob Hemmeter was discussing with us.” Frederick went on to add, “Whether I reminisce about the moments in the SfDungeon” or the winning spirits of our academic and sports competitions, there is always a smile on my face.”

Frederick and Debora are glad to contribute to MKA’s Annual Fund, which does so much to help the school provide its outstanding educational programs. “MKA deserves support from everyone, and all amounts help the Annual Fund,” commented Frederick. “Debora and I value the high-caliber academics, the successful sports programs, the great plays and musical performances, and the international travel and global study programs that MKA is able to offer - we are thrilled to see our children getting so much out of the school. The challenge is here for each child. With every day, our children make tremendous advances at MKA..” International travel continues to be a big part of Frederick and Debora’s life, in terms of work and family trips, which the Eidens see as a wonderful way to teach their children about the history of civilization and the many amazing places around the globe. From the fortresses of Europe, the ruins of Pompeii and the clean air of Etna to meeting Mayans in Quintana Roo, Debora and Frederick are enjoying helping their children “to feel the time line in which they live.” Thank you, Frederick, for sharing some o f your memories as an MKA alum, and many thanks to Frederick and Debora for being loyal supporters o f the Annual Fund!


« FRONT COVER GRAPHICS DESIGNED BY: Winning logo a- Megumi Umeda


Submitted logos b- Tommy Chan c- Lainey Bukowiec d- Jayson Kleinman e- Preston Park f- Matthew Yacavone

’12 ’13 ’13 ’13 ’15


Jordan Schildkraut and ’16 Zachary Stier


Cory Berberian Aashik Bhalodia Katie Gyves


Brynnae Newman and ’18 Evelyn Salehi


Max Ruddy


m- Jamie Spitz and Jordan Stadler


’17 ’18 ’18

MONTCLAIR KIMBERLEY ACADEMY MISSION STATEMENT Montclair Kimberley Academy is a Pre-K - 12 coeducational day school with an exceptional college preparatory program unified by the concepts of our school motto: Knowledge, Vision, Integrity. An MKA education is defined by the following commitments:

tab le of co n te n ts

KNOWLEDGE: • To cultivate a love of learning in each student • To develop independent and autonomous learners • To establish a foundation of academic excellence

FROM THE HEADM ASTER The Coeducational Path

VISION: • To engage each student intellectually and personally with the world • To graduate students who will excel in college and in their lives beyond MKA • To recognize complexity and value empathy

CELEBRATING 125 Y E A R S Calendar of Events Anniversary Highlights MKA Tidbits School Memories All in the Family

4 5 6 -9 10-11 12-17

FROM THE T R U S T E E S Letter from the President In Memoriam

1 8 -1 9 20

AROUND MKA Career Day 2012 Graduations & Commencement

2 1 -2 2 23-25

STUDEN T N EW S Awards & Accolades Senior Breakfast & Honorary Alumni Cum Laude & Lifers Athletic Awards & Honors The Class of 2012'

26-27 28 - 29 30 31-33 34-35

Place Stamp Here

tLEY A cademy -a n d External Affairs

FACULTY N EW S Retirements, Thank You’s & Welcomes Faculty Shout Outs MKA’s PGP 2.0 Founders’ Cup 2012 Class Notes Secretary; Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76, former Alumni Director PHOTO CREDITS: Doug Allen, Steve Frantz, Laura LaRue Gertz, Amanda Hirsh, David Hollander, Debbie Kozak, Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76, Alan Naar, Karen Shifferdecker, Shelley Stile, Steve Tober, Keith Wiggs CONTRIBUTORS: Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley, Denise Wagner MKA complies with all state andfederal anti-discrimination laws. Design: geministudio.com


PAREN T N EW S Spring Fundraiser Cougar Pride Day ALUMNI N EW S From the New President Distinguished Alumni Award 2012 MKA on the Road First Annual Games Day Alumni Awards & Save the Dates C LA SS NOTES

2 -3

36 37 38 39

■40 41

42-43 44 44-45 46 47

PROFILES IN GIVING Frederick Eidett ’78 Alumnus Frederick Eiden ’78 is walking the halls of MKA again, along with his wife, Debora, in their current roles as MKA parents. Their two sons, Alexander and Nicholas, are in the 8th and 4th grades, respectively. Frederick had many good memories of his years at MKA, and he credits his recently deceased mother with seeing the difference that an MKA education could make in his life. “She saw that MKA offered something more. It was a mother’s instinct to know that MKA was the school where I could realize the fu®olors of my education and provide me with the benefits that I would carry with me wherever I was to go. As children, we only see the sketches.”



Reflecting on their childrens’ current experience at MKA, Debora and Frederick praised the team commitment that they see at the school: teachers, administrators, PAMKA, students and parents all working together for a great education. “That same team commitment was there W h C Il I W5IC 511 IV/flT A ”


his teacl to adopl the ’74i had a bi, Bob Hei consultii the newl efficient same ph went onj BgDungecI competijj


Frederick glad to contribute to MKA’s Annual Fund, which does so much to i provide its outstanding educational programs. “MKA deserves suj everyone, and all amounts help the Annual Fund,” commented Frei' and I value the high-caliber academics, the successful sports progr j plays and musical performances, and the international travel and g i programs that MKA is able to offer - we are thrilled to see our chil much out of the school. The challenge is here for each child. Wit! children make tremendous advances at MKA.” International travel continues to be a big part of Frederick and Del of work and family trips, which the Eidens see as a wonderful way"to teach their children about the history of civilization and the many amazing places around the globe. From the fortresses of Europe, the ruins of Pompeii and the clean air of Etna to meeting Mayans in Quintana Roo, Debora and Frederick are enjoying helping their children “to feel the time line in which they live.’^ B Thank you, Frederick, for sharing some o f your memories as an MKA alum, and many thanks to Frederick and Debora for being loyal supporters o f the Annual Fund!

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t t r l i n r A m in i o p p H f n n H K / o K n n f

Montcli For more information, please visit mka.org

We in vite yo\

Knowledge Ci

A nnual

Vision Circle J


G ive every year. M ake a difference every day.

Integrity Circl MKAAssocial Torchbearers

~---- Ejcrrrnyj isrurwvv d- Jayson Kleinman e- Preston Park f- Matthew Yacavone

iRMHI ’13 '13 ’75


Jordan Schildkraut and Zachary Stier '16


Cory Berberian Aashik Bhalodia Katie Gyves


Brynnae Newman and Evelyn Salehi '18


Max Ruddy


m- Jamie Spitz and Jordan Stadler


'17 '18 '18

MONTCLAIR KIMBERLEY ACADEMY MISSION STATEMENT Montclair Kimberley Academy is a Pre-K -12 coeducational day school with an exceptional college preparatory program unified by the concepts of our school motto: Knowledge, Vision, Integrity. An MKA education is defined by the following commitments:

tab le of co n te n ts

KNOWLEDGE: • To cultivate a love of learning in each student • To develop independent and autonomous learners • To establish a foundation of academic excellence

FROM THE H EADM ASTER The Coeducational Path

2 -3

VISION: • To engage each student intellectually and personally with the world • To graduate students who will excel in college and in their lives beyond MKA • To recognize complexity and value empathy

CELEBRATING 125 Y E A R S Calendar of Events Anniversary Highlights MKA Tidbits School Memories All in the Family

4 5 6 -9 10-11 1 2- 17

FROM THE T R U S T E E S Letter from the President In Memoriam

18 -19 20

AROUND MKA Career Day 2012 Graduations & Commencement

21-2:2 23-25

INTEGRITY: • To strengthen each student’s intellect, character, and confidence • To promote each student’s full and active citizenship and leadership • To secure a life-long sense of honor through academic, athletic, and artistic achievement With traditions dating back to 1887, MKA was formed by the merger of Montclair Academy, Brookside School, and The Kimberley School in 1974.

REVIEW EDITOR: Debbie Kozak, Director of Communications and Marketing ASSISTANT EDITORS: Debra Allen, Class Notes Secretary; Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley.’76, former Alumni Director PHOTO CREDITS: Doug Allen, Steve Frantz, Laura LaRue Gertz, Amanda Hirsh, David Hollander, Debbie Kozak, Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76, Alan Naar, Karen Shifferdecker, Shelley Stile, Steve Tober, Keith Wiggs

STUDEN T N EW S Awards & Accolades Senior Breakfast & Honorary Alumni Cum Laude & Lifers Athletic Awards & Honors The Class of 2012 FACULTY N EW S Retirements, Thank You’s & Welcomes Faculty Shout Outs MKA’s PGP 2.0 Founders’ Cup 2012

36 37 38 39

PAREN T N EW S Spring Fundraiser Cougar Pride Day

40 41

MKA complies with all state andfederal anti-discrimination laws.

ALUMNI N EW S From the New President Distinguished Alumni Award 2012 MKA on the Road First Annual Games Day Alumni Awards & Save the Dates

Design: geministudio.com


CONTRIBUTORS: Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley, Denise Wagner

26-27 K8-29 30 31-33 34-35

42-43 44 44-45 46 47




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The Coeducational Path m%


In reflecting on the significance of this anniversary year, I appreciate once more that today’s MKA owes its unique character to the vision of some extraordinary people, to the courage of a few landmark decisions and, over the course of generations, to the many who have served our school with an unwavering commitment to educational excellence.

Within the expanse o f MKA’s history and the stories of Montclair Academy, The Kimberley School and Brookside School, there are a number o f critical m €2 Ü m S3 moments when their futures were deliberately and daringly altered by Trustees, Heads and Faculty. First, there are the facts of how and by whom each m 1 school was founded and the educational philosophies that informed the choices of program and faculty. Montclair Academy, founded by John Mac Vicar, was a boy’s school, briefly a military academy, but always college preparatory with the Tom and Zandi Nammack enjoy Commencement 2012 most selective and prestigious colleges and universities in view. The Kimberley School was founded at a time when extraordinary college-educated American women, like Mary K. Waring, were establishing private schools for girls around the country to guarantee access to higher education for young women. Created by a group o f parents, Brookside School was a product of the progressive movement in education and included a strong emphasis on experiential learning. Other transformative moments occurred when Brookside became part of Montclair Academy in 1945; when The Kimberley School moved to the Valley Road campus in 1950; and when Montclair Academy completely renewed its buildings and facilities in the mid 1960’s.


While Brookside was always coeducational, the decision to merge The Kimberley School and Montclair Academy was an immense commitment and undertaking and stands as the pivotal moment in the history of our founding schools. Both schools sacrificed much of their identities and traditions, but the vision to pursue coeducation as the path to becoming an even better school compelled trustees, faculty, students, parents and alumni to make that commitment. The merger also led to a parting of ways for some members of each of those constituencies, and this represents the hardest cost that accompanies the reinvention of great institutions. I remember the tremendous social, economic and political tensions of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Few periods in the last century have been more challenging for independent schools. It was a destabilizing time when traditions and social norms were deeply questioned, sometimes ignored and occasionally overthrown. Schools struggled to keep up and stay relevant. Combined with the energy crisis, it was also a time of financial hardship

125th a n n iv e rs a ry 1 2


HEADMASTER for many independent schools, particularly among the boarding schools. In May of 1973, Dr. Richard Day resigned as Principal of Phillips Exeter Academy. In his ten years as Principal of this preeminent American boarding school, Dr. Day had a number of important accomplishments to his credit, perhaps most significantly the increase in the racial diversity of Exeter’s student body and the introduction of coeducation. He became the first head of school, or Principal, of Montclair Kimberley Academy in 1974 because he believed in the transformative power of coeducation both to improve the educational experience of boys and girls and to strengthen the quality of teaching. Within the envelope of MKA’s 125th anniversary are the past thirty-eight years of coeducation. Gender may be the most fundamental (and complex) form of human diversity. It is an undeniable, unavoidable, enriching and still mysterious human difference. Those who planned the merger of The Kimberley School and Montclair Academy almost forty years ago could not have anticipated all of MKA’s challenges and successes as a coeducational school. The successes include some notable aspects of MKA’s culture. Our male and female students and graduates have an enviable capacity for friendship bom of their mutual respect and ability to identify with one another. At its best, MKA operates as a very strong family in which we have the highest expectations of one another and a genuine appreciation for the characteristics and strengths of each individual. To know that gender makes us different, but to strive side by side, to lead together and to learn together creates bonds that are a template of human promise in matters of religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any significant variable in our identity.

A Note from the Editor: In this issue, we celebrate MKA’s I25th Anniversary - a milestone event that allows us to look back with gratitude and forward with excitement. As you will read in the following pages, while much has changed, much has stayed the same —today’s MKA delivers the same excellence in teaching, nurtures the same friendships and encourages its students to question, to challenge themselves and to explore in the same way that Montclair Academy, The Kimberley School and Brookside School did - even if one of the preferred classroom tools is now a laptop rather than a chalkboard. And because a celebration should be fun, we hope you will enjoy some o f our special I25th features - including memories of The Kimberley School from a remarkable 104-year old and her 90-year old sister, reflections on coeducation from Tom Nammack, interviews with some parents and children that illustrate the growing legacy of alumni sending their own children to MKA and even evidence of the school’s lesser-known function as a matchmaking service! Throughout the issue, we take this occasion to toot our own hom a bit with anecdotes from students, alumni, parents and faculty about what it is that makes MKA such a special place for them anecdotes that we hope will make you all proud. So congratulations MKA - and we can’t wait to see what the next 125 years will bring!

Our founders would have no rrnm nrr tnOir Him trouble recognizing their work in daily life at MKA. One hundred twenty-five years later, our boys are still playing football on the same field that John MacVicar carved out of a Montclair hillside. We continue to prepare young women to seek and expect equal rights as citizens and equal rewards for their work and expertise. At the Primary School, experiential learning remains a core component in a curriculum that unlocks meaning in ways that are indelible for each child. MKA is an exciting and purposeful school of girls and boys, of young women and men, finding their way in the world together, and as such, our school is a place of tangible hope for the future. Warmest regards,

Thomas W. Nammack Headmaster

125th a n n iv e rsa ry | 3


EVENTS _ Tuesday, Aug. 28 Faculty/Staff 125th anniversary photograph

Monday, Sept. 10 Opening of the 125th Anniversary Alumni Art Show in the Upper School Weiss Gallery Opening of the traveling MKA Anniversary Artifacts Exhibition, curated by Hope Dancy ’12, starting at the Primary School Campus

Friday, Oct. 5 125th Anniversary All-School Gathering, Photograph and Picnic

Thursday, Oct. 25 Alumni Artist's Reception, Weiss Gallery

Sunday, Nov. 4 Sunday Sampler: A special 125th Book Fair celebration o f local authors and illustrators at the Middle School

Saturday, Nov. 17 Delivery of Thanksgiving Baskets to campus neighbors

Saturday, Dec. 15 125th Gala Holiday Party for current and former Faculty and Staff

Friday, Feb. 1 Annual Middle School Faculty vs. Students Basketball Game to benefit Montclair charities

Friday, Feb. 8 125th Academy Forum with Stephen Colbert and Newark Mayor Cory Booker

Saturday, April 13 PAMKA's Gala Spring Fundraiser celebrates 125 years

Wednesday, May 1 Primary School Maypole Dance with invited Kimberley School Alumni

Sunday, May 19 125th Legacy BBQ for current MKA alumni families

(Please note: italicized events are open to the public)

125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 4

125th Anniversary Hemmeter Lecture with Dr. Bruce Guernsey ’62

Friday, Sep. 21 Cutting of a 125th Anniversary Cake at all three campuses

Saturday, Oct. 27 Homecoming and Reunions with 125th Gala Dinner for ALL Classes at the Mayfair Farms, West Orange

2012 Saturday, April 27 PAMKA's Cougar Pride Day celebrates 125 years



HIGHLIGHTS Travelling Archival Exhibition As an independent study project for her senior May Term, Hope Dancy ’ 12 curated an archival exhibit to commemorate the School’s 125th Anniversary. Artifacts from all three founding schools will be on display, and the exhibit will travel around the campuses from SeptemberNovember, starting at the Primary School and moving to the Upper School for Homecoming and to the Middle School for Book Fair.

Alumni Art Exhibition The Weiss Gallery in the Upper School Peter R. Greer Arts Wing will open the new school year with an exhibit of work by four alumni: Lily Solmssen Moureaux ’59, Michael Yamashita ’67, Matt Colaguiri ’84 and Julie Reiter ’10. There will be a special reception to coincide with Homecoming weekend on Thursday, October 25 from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Baskets for Neighbors 125 Anniversary Webpage Be sure to visit the 125th Anniversary pages of the MKA website at mka.org - accessible under the “About MKA” section - for more information on events, the calendar and a historic timeline.

Captured for Posterity If the weather cooperates, there will be a commemorative photo of all current faculty and staff taken on the Van Brunt Bleachers in August, followed by an all-school photo with students and employees, each wearing special 125th Anniversary T-shirts, taken after the Gathering on October 5.

In appreciation of having MKA as their neighbor - and the attendant inconvenience that this entails H special Thanksgiving 125th Anniversary Bags will be delivered to 200 households surrounding the three campuses on Saturday, November 17. PAMKA volunteers will pack and deliver the bags that will contain an MKA anniversary blanket and mug, a copy of this issue of the Review and a special note of thanks from Headmaster Tom Nammack.

Wear Your Pride on Your Sleeve Show your MA/TKS/MKA Pride by wearing a special 125th Anniversary Jacket! MKA, in association with its official uniform provider UnderArmour®, has made available a special, limited edition 125th Anniversary Jacket. Orders must be placed by October 5th, 2012, and information can be found on the website at mka.org/bookstore. Questions? Contact Michelle Worthington at the MKA Bookstore at mworthington@mka.org.

125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 5


TIDBITS There’s a continuing tradition of MA, TKS and MKA alumni getting married to one another. We apologize if we have left you off this list please contact us at dallen@mka.org so we can set our records straight! Congratulations to our couples: Doris and Jerome Cuppia Louise and Gordon Hall Susan and “W” Schumann Joanne and Clifford Evans Gail and David Kerr Judith and David Connolly June and John Foster Gael and Duke Habemickel Doris Krebs Barnard and Bryant Barnard Gail and Jake Jacobus Diana and John Seltzer Emily Danson and Jay Clott Mitzi and Alan Balma Karen and Gabriel Aiello Barbara and William Brogan Helen and William Bryan Erin and William Crawford Susan and Thomas Galligan Sally and Donald D ’Alessandro Lisa and Brian Keane Laurie and Paul McFeeley Cheryl and Peter McMullen Heath and Austin Shelby Lori and Ken Dioguardi Randi and Andrew Rod Kerry and Jeffrey Chandler Angela and Stephen Barral Linda Danieli and Gregory Kowalenko Pamela and Eric Roberts Donna and Timothy Bizub Alison Thomas-Cottingham and Bob Cottingham Andrea Gabriel and David Fehnel Karen and Joseph Sullivan

125th a n n iv e rsa ry [ 6

’4 2 / ’38 ’44 / ’42 ’47 * 4 4 ’50 PÎ50 mb’52’s ’5 4 x / ’53 ’54’s ’5 Í p 5 1 9 ’5 4 / ?54x ’58 |$54 ’55’s ’60’JN; ’66’s ’68’s ’69’s ’70 / ’72 ’74 0 7 2 ’74 0 7 3 ’75’s ’75’s ’76’s ’77’s ’78’s* ’79’s ’8 |1 ’79 ’7 9 / ’80 ’82 ^ 8 0 ’8 # ’83 ’8 3 / ’82 ’8 4 / ’85 ’84’s* ’84’s ’8 0 / ’77

Margaret and Patrick Coyle Johanna Roedel-Spencer and Jonathan Spencer Jill and Andrew Sorger Soo Mi Batoff and Robert Young Alexis and Jason Magna Fay and Bryan Lonsinger Karen Bodner and David Devejian Lauren and Mark Strobeck Caroline Russo and Vincent Visceglia Justine and James Cirello Joya and Mark Davidson Jamie and Mitchell Decter Jennifer and Fenwick Garvey Melissa and John Bell Marie Schapiro and Joseph Williamson Elizabeth Mangum and Adam DeStefano Dana and Edward Neugent Lori and David Steinfeld Alyson and Matthew Waldman Kate and Gregory Scherzo Jessica Simpson Cook and Jared Cook Ali Roberts Feldman and Ben Feldman Jamie Bums Weisglass and Josh Weisglass Kara Ross Colón and Sean Colón

’87’s ’87’s ’88 ’s* ’90 / ’89 ’90 / ’91 ’90x / ’90 ’90 / ’88 ’92 / ’89 ’92’s ’93 / ’92 ’93’s ’93 0 ’94* ’93’s ’94 / ’93 ’95 / ’93 ’96 / ’94 ’96’s ’96 / ’97 ’997 ’98 ’00 / ’99 ’9 9 / ’01 ’01’s ’04 / ’01 ’02’s

* indicates current MKA parents

Plus engaged couples: Morgan Weiner and Chris Bellapianta ’9 7 / ’99 planning an October 20, 2012 wedding Dagney Casella and Scott Rodburg planning a fall 2013 wedding


Olivia Humphries and Michael Strader ’06 x 2


TIDBITS Our Favorite Things MKA’s Favorite Things at the Primary School:

MKA Traditions

• That all the kids are so friendly to one another.

125 years later, MKA is still celebrating the traditions of its founding schools, as well as creating some new ones. Here are just some of the things that make MKA special.

• The Halloween Parade, Field Day, holiday parties, picnics, plays, concerts and birthdays that are so much fun. • All the friends that we all have. They are nice and are always there for us. • The great classes.



The Annual Maypole Dance now performed by 2nd grade

The All School Gathering

• The teachers who are fun, silly and help us leam new things. • That we have a great field and a zip line. • That it’s the best school!

The MKA Sweater The Kimberley Bells now rung by 3rd grade

Cougar Pride Day

Yearbooks now for Middle School students too

Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day

Ringing in the start and end of each school year with the Montclair Academy Bell

The Founders’ Cup for Teaching Excellence

John MeVicar’s cane, carried by the longest serving faculty member at the Gathering An annual Upper School Winter Musical A School Seal

An Athletic Hall of Fame A 3rd Grade Memory Book Four Houses at the Upper School (named after the original founding school buildings)

Mary K. Waring’s pen, used by newly appointed Trustees at the start of their term

BANI - MKA's Black Alumni Networking Initiative

A Distinguished Alumni Award

An Honorary Alumni Distinction

An Alumni Association An Honor Code A Literary Magazine and School Newspaper

MKA’s Favorite Things at the Middle School: • The clubs because we can do so many different things. • The teachers, who take time to really teach us and to help us. • Gym because it is an hour long and our assemblies,"which are really creative and interesting. • Our laptops because we can do really cool things with them and don’t get bored. • That MKA is a loving community, where we feel welcomed, accepted and have a sense of family. • The people that make this place great - teachers who are awesome and help you leam and amazing friends. • The 7th grade Shakespeare production and all the other plays and performances that give us the opportunity to be a part of something and express ourselves artistically. • MKA’s academic excellence: the small classes and challenging work and schedule that allows us to see lots of different friends and gives us free time to study and easily get help from teachers. • Two recesses a day so we can release our energy and spend time with friends. • Our grade trips that help our classes to bond each year. • All the sports teams we can play on.

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TIDBITS According to our records, over 250 alumni have sent their children to MKA! For the 2012-13 school year, there are 57 “legacy” students enrolled in the following grades:

Brooke Becker daughter of Bryan Becker John Yiannou son of Linda Cammerano Yiannou

Jessica Radfar daughter of Tamar Safer ’92 Sammy Sorger son of Andrew Sorger and Jill Sorger ’88


Maddie Polanskyj daughter of Stacey Polanskyj

Siena Davis daughter of Pamela D ’Amato Davis Morgan Decter daughter of Jamie Decter and Mitch Decter

Gerald Bissell son of Lisa Solomon Bissell Cassie Polanskyj daughter of Stacey Polanskyj

125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 8



yssm si Brooks Barrett daughter of Anya Buenger Barrett Ryan Decter son of Jamie and Mitch Decter Pierce Finkle son of Cliff Finkle Phoebe Hirsh daughter of Jonathan Hirsh Lola Kaplan daughter of Lauren Hyman Kaplan

Nicholas Eiden son of Frederick Eiden

’89 ’93 / ’94 ’92

Sabrina Noble daughter of Chris Noble Mattie O ’Donnell daughter of Susan Ciccone O’Donnell Maxwell Sorger son of Andrew Sorger and Jill Sorger Nathalie Wilson daughter of Laura Dancy Wilson

’84 ’85 ’88 ’84

’95 ’93



Alison Cottingham daughter of Alison Thomas-Cottingham and Bob Cottingham ’84 Grace Elleda Gonzalez daughter of Julia Femald Gonzalez ’80 Caitlin Ladda daughter of Jennifer Jones Ladda ’84 Dylan Ladda son of Jennifer Jones Ladda ’84 Jeremy Radfar son of Tamar Safer ’92

’93 / ’94

’83 ’92

Michael Butler son of John Butler Ryan Dancy son of Peter Dancy

’78 ’82


TIDBITS Alexander Halprin son of James Halprin Charlotte Jenkins daughter of Rick Jenkins Gregory Jenkins son of Rick Jenkins Allison O ’Donnell daughter of Susan Ciccone O ’Donnell Kenneth Stier son o f Stacy Stier Harrison Walker son of Kent Walker Nicholas Wilson son of Laura Dancy Wilson

Alexander Eiden son of Frederick Eiden Elena Gonzalez daughter of Julia Femald Gonzalez

Alex Cappitelli son of Robin Schwartz Amanda D ’Alessandro daughter of Robert D ’Alessandro Daniel Amirata son of Paul Amirata Bobby Cottingham son of Alison Thomas-Cottingham and Bob Cottingham Hannah Kramer daughter of Larry Kramer Isaiah Kramer son of Larry Kramer Samantha Pai son of Eric Pai Erik Zeug son o f Pamela Zeug

’80 ’7 7 ’77 ’8 5 ’81 ’80 ’84

’78 ’80

’85 ’86

Erin Duca daughter o f Larry Duca Juliana Larsen daughter of Debra Doerr-Larsen Wyatt Noble son of Chris Noble Alexander Pai son o f Eric Pai Melissa Shelby daughter of Heath Betke Shelby and Austin Shelby Benjamin Wallach son o f Liza Cohn

Francesca Cassola daughter of Heidi Cassola Maggie Dancy daughter of Peter Dancy Kassandra Fotiadis daughter of John Fotiadis Sydney Larrier daughter of India Larrier Kelsey O ’Connor daughter of Kris Hatzenbuhler O ’Connor

’79 ’79 ’84 ’79

’78 ’84

’83 ’82 ’82 ’80



’84 ’78 ’78

Peter Amirata son of Paul Amirata Nicholas Pai ,-’’!sbn of Eric Pai Meredith Shelby daughter o f Heath Betke Shelby and Austin Shelby

’81 ’79


’79 ’78

125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 9





MEMORIES My Memories of Kimberley

Sing”, and the “prettiest girl in our class was voted May Queen. She was very popular.”

By Priscilla Alden Douglas Polkinghom, age 104, who attended Kimberley from 1917-1927 “I graduated from Kimberley in 1927. We lived in Bloomfield until 1924. I went to school on the Bloomfield Avenue Trolley. I got off at Montclair Center (Fullerton Avenue). There was a church on the comer and a sidewalk across the church property to Church Street. Later, the church was tom down and a movie theater (the Claridge) and stores were built. The school was then located in a mansion off of Park Street, I believe. Later, my family moved to Montclair, and I used the Valley Road Trolley, called the Toonerville Trolley after a popular cartoon. Sometimes we were late for school because the trolley pole came off the wire. Then the men, going to the Lackawanna Train Station, got out and helped the conductor get the pole back. Of course, we had to go to the Office at the school and explain our tardiness or our absences to the Principal, Miss Waring, and her assistant Miss Jordan, and we curtsied on entering and leaving. These women had been friends at college and were the founders and owners of Kimberley. For years, whenever I saw them, my right foot would instinctively go behind my left in preparation for a curtsy. These women were highly respected by the students and considered good teachers as well. On normal days, we went directly to our classrooms and sat at our desks. When the teacher came, we stood and curtsied and said, “Good Morning, Miss.” At the end of the school day at 1:00 p.m., we lined up, shook hands, curtsied and said, “Goodbye Miss.” The “New” wing or annex was completed, and my class was one of the first to have classes in it in the seventh grade. Every morning, the folding doors that shut off the classes were opened, and we had Morning Exercises consisting of a hymn, a prayer, any announcements and Miss Jordan read from a worthwhile book, often a biography, of an important person. On Fridays, we had them read in French. The study of the French language was then compulsory and remained so for a number of years. Years later, when I went to Paris to study art, I saw the French skyline from the ship. All I could remember of the French language was the Lord’s Prayer and some hymns. Class Day in June was a big event for juniors. We came up with the “Kimberley Diamond Mines” for our theme (the students being the diamonds, of course). We wrote appropriate verses to popular songs. I don’t remember the tunes or what we came up with. I wrote some of the verses, as I was good at rhymes. (At 104 years of age, 125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 10

oSE Pricilla, back row second from left, celebrates May Day at Kimberley

Pricilla still writes limericks on birthday cards!) Also, we made a fancy program (which she continued to do with different organizations for years). We had a singing teacher who came out from NYC. In our senior year, she invited us to tea at a historic mansion, the headquarters of the DAR. Later, it became the home to the Mayors of New York, Gracie Mansion. As the Holland Tunnel had recently been completed, we went to New York on a bus line. We had to wear bloomers and sneakers on gym days. At recess, midmoming each day, we had hot cocoa served by a man who had been a servant in Miss Waring’s home. If we did anything he didn’t like, he would say, “Stop that. Miss Mary wouldn’t like it.” My Memories of Kimberley

By Barbara “Bobbie” Ann Douglas Macmillan, Priscilla’s baby sister, who is a mere 90 years old and attended Kimberley from 1934-1940

Her favorite teacher was Miss Margaret Gallie, who taught English. She was a “wonderful, excellent teacher and demanding.” Bobbie received some awards for her writing and majored in English in college.“I really felt prepared for college by Miss Gallie. She was a very positive influence.” Miss Kinsman, the math teacher, was also someone she especially liked because she was also good at math. For gym, the girls wore green shorts rather than the bloomers of earlier years. They were taken to the Athletic Club on Valley Road, which later became the home of The Kimberley School (and today’s Middle School Campus). Bobbie was very happy at Kimberley, as she made the “best friends of my life” there. (Editor’s note: Many, many thanks to Caroline Gordet for her invaluable role in interviewing her mother, Pricilla, and Aunt Bobbie.)

Cynthia Smith Roylance attended Brookside School from nursery school through sixth grade in 1943, when her family moved away. She recently wrote the following to Headmaster Tom Nammack:

“Obviously, I have many fond memories of Kimberley, and I loved going to school there.” Barbara, known as Bobbie for most of her life, was called Dougie by her Kimberley classmates who all had nicknames based on their last names. The school was still in its original location, which Bobbie remembers as being a “lovely old mansion.” Miss Waring and Miss Jordan retired in 1940, the same year that she had graduated, and she was “quite awed” by them. They were strict disciplinarians, and Bobbie made every effort to avoid the need to visit their office. Bobbie remembers her Kimberley days as being very happy times. She made many friends, a number of whom she was in contact with for years and calls them her “Friends of a Lifetime.” She recalls that May Day was always “a happy occasion and lots of fun”. There was a maypole with ribbons that a dozen or so students held and went in a circle while they sang “To the Maypole We

My Brookside Memories “I look back on my eight years at Brookside School with such pleasure and gratefulness. There were so many interesting and stimulating activities. The arts were stressed, and I’ve benefitted from that foundation all my life. There were plays, some of which the students created themselves and some were typical school plays. Of course, the students made the sets and backdrops. In the art classes, we worked with modeling clay, and we made our own marionettes and puppets then used them in presentations. I remember doing Pictures at an Exhibition, integrating our music, art and drama. In our music classes, we learned to play various instruments from Mrs. Johnson. We had chickens that we fed and watered, giving us a great learning experience taking care of them and watching them hatch and grow. Everyone - girls and boys —took shop from Mr. Kinley. He was a very special person with wit and a personality children loved. We could make just about anything we wanted within reason and he would show us how. I decided to make a croquet set minus the balls, of course, and that was a huge challenge. It was quite crude, but I learned a lot from making it. We were taught how to use and take care of tools. Mr. Kinley would carve a tiny mouse if you asked him to, and he carved one for m eH l still have it, although it’s a little the worse for wear. My favorite thing of all at Brookside was our third and fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Bell’s Shetland pony, Ginny. He stayed in a stall under Mr. Kinley’s wood shop. He was ridden, groomed and loved by all and was even powdered white to play the part of the White Knight’s horse in Alice Through the Looking Glass in a pageant one year. I was the White Knight on that trusty steed. That pageant was my favorite one. We made our own costumes, and one year I was a seahorse and that costume was a challenge. The pageants were held outside, and everyone in the school took part. This was another activity that integrated drama, art and music. Creative writing was also stressed, and it has given me many hours of pleasure writing stories, poems, greeting cards and so many other things too numerous to mention. Art and music have also been an important part of my life, and with all of this, it has been impossible for me to be bored.

Brookside School circa 1940

I have so many fond memories from those years at Brookside and will be forever grateful for that foundation.”

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THE FAMILY In celebration o f the School’s 125th Anniversary, we take a look at four legacy families with Upper School students families whose relationship with MKA covers almost every conceivable constituency - from “Lifers” to former faculty members, from Trustees to Alumni Council members and from a current teacher to a PAMKA President.

Eric started attending Brookside School in First Grade: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? Being at Brookside in 1967. I had a wonderful white-haired teacher named Miss McLaughlin. All the boys and girls used to run around the field in back and play pick-up soccer. What is the biggest difference you see between your and your children’s experiences at school? School dress was more formal back then. The students are older, bigger, and more mature, too. In the 1970’s, no juniors could even drive! What is the biggest similarity you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? Two things: (1) The ability to engage meaningfully in multiple activities outside of the classroom and (2) The school’s ability to foster civility and respect for one another. What was your favorite MKA moment as a student? Not so much favorite as prominent: I remember serving the dreaded two-week waiter period in 7th grade, carrying lunch to the upper class boys during Montclair Academy’s final year. Everybody was just waiting for you to drop the large trays o f food so they could applaud. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a parent? Hearing teachers describe my children as hard-working students and thoughtful, well-mannered teenagers. What were your extra-curricular interests? I enjoyed the camaraderie of athletic teams (soccer, baseball) and served as Sports Editor of The Academy News as well as an officer in student government.

The Pais: Eric Pai ’79 has been a member o f the MKA Board o f Trustees since 2001, most recently spending five years as Chair o f the Educational Programs and Policies Committee. Alexander ’15 began his MKA career in Pre-K, as did his brother Nicholas ’13 and sister Samantha ’16.

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What was your favorite subject and why? Chemistry because it required math skills and relied upon logic. My verbal scores wouldn’t qualify me for too many colleges these days. When you left MKA, did you have any plans fo r the future? I wanted to study engineering, attend graduate school, undertake a career that required analytical thinking, and have a family with two kids.


THE FAMILY Alexander started attending MKA in Pre-K: D id you realize them or end up doing something very different? I followed the path I laid out, but had three children instead! Nicholas, Alexander, and Samantha have been the joys o f my life (and those o f my wife, Judy, too).

Nicholas started attending MKA in Pre-K: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA ? Playing dodgeball with Coach P back at Brookside was always a great time. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a student so far? Winning the soccer state championship last fall was amazing, especially since many fans made the long journey to TCNJ on a school night to see our win. Is there a story about “the old days” at MKA that you remember your father telling you about? My dad told me several times that the dress code was so strict at MKA in his time that he once received a detention as a teacher saw him in the hallway with his tie a little “too loose.” Another memory is the fact that Mr. Hrab used to be my father’s soccer and baseball coach, and his gym teacher. Has having a parent who went to the same school affected your MKA experience? A little, in the fact that sometimes my friends tease me about my dad going to MKA, and it’s kind of surreal to walk in the same hallways that my dad used to; then again, the school has changed so much since he went here that it really isn’t that much of an influence. What are your extra-curricular interests? I am on the baseball and soccer teams; I am a member of Model UN, the Student Athletic Council and a Peer Leader. What is your favorite subject and why? History has been my favorite subject since I came to the Upper School because all of my teachers have been amazing and have encouraged me to not just memorize facts but to see patterns in history. For me, it is the most interesting course every year.

What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? Being in Pre-K and kindergarten when every day we would have naptime. More specifically, I remember having to wake all my classmates up by tapping their heads with a “magic” wand. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a student so far? I think it is finally having the opportunity to play high school tennis. In addition to this, I enjoyed winning the Prep B tournament as a freshman. Is there a story about “the old days” at MKA that you remember you father telling you about? Yes, he has told me about how Mr. Hrab was his soccer coach and his bus driver back then and how it’s amazing that he’s a science teacher now. Has having a parent who went to the same school affected your MKA experience? It has because my dad has often told me about the old traditions the school used to have, and now, as a current student, the traditions have obviously changed. However, there are some that have been kept from his days and just knowing that I have been doing some of the same things my dad did when he was a kid is amazing to think about. What are your extra-curricular interests? I am on the tennis team and a member o f the Student Laptop Leadership Group. What is your favorite subject and why? My favorite subject is French because one day I want to be able to speak it fluently and use it when I travel abroad. I also find it interesting to learn the similarities and differences in the way the French and the Americans communicate in their every day language. What are your dreams fo r the future? My first goal is to finish high school on a strong note. Then I hope to get into my first choice college and, in the long run, become an entrepreneur.

What are your dreams fo r the future? Well, hopefully, I’ll get into college. But in the short term, I hope that my senior year can be relatively relaxed; I want one more awesome year with my classmates, many of whom I ’ve been with since Brookside! 125th a n n iv e rs a ry | 13


THE FAMILY What has been your favorite MKA moment as a parent? So far, watching Wyatt graduate from the Middle School and Sabrina graduate from the Primary School on the same day. What were your extra-curricular interests? Soccer, music, theater and baseball. What was your favorite subject and why? My favorite subjects were Algebra II with David Doster, Shakespeare with Nate Fuller, and Music with Nixon Bicknell. These were three incredible teachers who always found creative ways to engage and challenge their students in those subject areas. The Nobles: Chris Noble ’84, recently appointed to the MKA Alumni Council, is the son o f former Montclair Academy and MKA Upper School English teacher John Noble, who taught at MA and MKA from 1965-1991, and Kimberley and MKA Middle School teacher Joanne Noble, who taughtfrom 1970-1994. Chris s sister, Vanessa Noble Good, is a member o f the Class 1979 and Chris is married to MKA second grade teacher Helen Noble. Their son Wyatt ’15 and daughter Sabrina, who is in 5th grade at the Middle School, are both “Lifers ”.

When you left MKA, did you have any plans fo r the future? Did you realize them or end up doing something very different? If anything, I suppose I had hoped to become a professional soccer player. That never quite worked out for me, but I did end up with a career in sports publishing at ESPN.

Chris started attending MKA in Pre-K:

What has been your favorite MKA moment as a student so far? Winning the state tournament with the boys’ varsity soccer team this past fall.

What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? Playing soccer at recess in the 2nd grade on the backfield at Brookside. What is the biggest diffei, ice you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? Technology and changes in the dress code. Us boys had to wear jacket and tie everyday beginning in 6th grade - and no sneakers, except for PE. What is the biggest similarity you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? The dedicated and talented faculty still present at all three campuses. What was your favorite MKA moment as an MKA student? Certainly my high school graduation but also becoming a member of the Mastersingers as a freshman.

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Wyatt started attending MKA in Kindergarten: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA ? Meeting one of my best friends, Vineet, on my first day in Kindergarten.

Is there a story about “the old days” at MKA that you remember your father or grandfather telling you about? My dad tells me that when he used to go to MKA, every day was what we call an “Academy Dress” day. (Ed’s note: shirt and tie, blazer and dress pants.) How has having a parent who went to the same school affected your MKA experience? Sometimes, older faculty members will tell me they taught my father or knew my grandmother or grandfather, who both also taught at MKA. What are your extra-curricular interests? I’m interested in most things related to sports, and although I haven’t been able to do as much as I’d like recently, I would really like to do some more community service or to find some other ways to give back.


THE FAMILY What is your favorite subject and why? My favorite subject is history. I ’m not sure why, but it’s just the most interesting. Ever since I was little, I was always fascinated by the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, so having Civilizations this year was great. What are your dreams fo r the future? I’ve always wanted to play professional and/or college level soccer since I was really little.

are also an enormous improvement. As challenging as high school is, I think the longer blocks and less academic classes in a single day allow kids to better manage their schedules. What is the biggest similarity you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? The relationship that the children develop with the faculty and coaches is still as strong as it was when I went to MKA. The accessibility and time that is offered to the students from the faculty is what sets MKA apart from other schools. What was your favorite MKA moment as a student? Graduation. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a parent? I have enjoyed watching my three children develop lifelong learning skills. An MKA education is one o f the greatest gifts my wife and I have been fortunate enough to give them. What were your extra-curricular interests? At the Upper School, I participated in lacrosse, basketball and worked on the yearbook. What was your favorite subject and why? I enjoyed Economics with Ken Gibson. The class sparked an interest in economics, which I pursued in college.

The Dancys: Peter Dancy ’82 is the son o f retired faculty member Pat Dancy, whose career at MKA spanned 34 years as a science teacher, math teacher and Assistant Head o f the Middle School. Peter s sister Laura Dancy Wilson ’84 is also a current MKA parent, with children Natalie in grade 6 and Nicholas in Grade 8. Peter has been instrumental in bringing a youth lacrosse program to MKA Middle School students, and his daughter Maggie ’14 is one o f three siblings, together with Hope ’12 and Ryan ’18.

Peter started attending MKA in Sixth Grade: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? Walking into my first homeroom class where my teacher was Doug Alsofrom. What is the biggest difference you see between your and you r child’s experience at the school? The use o f technology - technology has made a significant difference in the educational process. The schedules

When you left MKA, did you have any plans fo r the future? I had no plans other than to go to college. I majored in Economics in college and then pursued a career in Finance.

Maggie started attending MKA in Kindergarten: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? My very first day of Kindergarten. Before school, my buddy from Pre-K and I were in front of the Primary School taking pictures in our cute little outfits with our parents. We were holding hands until we got to the classroom, when he immediately ran from me to play with the other boys. I remember then having to say goodbye to my mom with the help of Ms. Lassiter. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a student so far? Oh, there have been so many! From my times on stage at Brookside, with my lifelong friend Currie Engel, to winning the Girls’ Fencing Prep B State

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THE FAMILY Championship. Within that time span, I’ve made so many friends that I know will be in my life forever. Also, the first day of school is always so exciting. I love meeting my new teachers and the fresh start of a new year. Has having a parent who went to the same school affected your MKA experience? It has, but in a positive way. I feel like I ’m part o f something special when one o f my father’s old teachers introduces his or herself and tells me that he once taught my dad. Because o f my dad’s relationship with them, I ’ve also gained a relationship with them, even though I am not their student. A few times, I have even been called “Peter” by some of the faculty. Just knowing that my dad walked the same halls I walk every day is great. What are your extra-curricular interests? I like to try a lot of different things. Recently, I started yoga, and I really enjoy it. I fence in the winter for MKA,W and last fall I performed in the Deetjen Theater play, and I hope to continue with that. I also do some tutoring with the Boys and Girls Club through MKA. This year, through my involvement on the Ethics Committee, I, along with Allie Bond, came up with the idea for a pen-pal program between the Primary and the Upper Schools; the program is called “PawPals”. It’s a great way to stay in touch with the Brooksiders, and their letters bring back so many memories for me. What is your favorite subject and why? Science. I really enjoy concepts that I can relate to life. Science always has an answer, especially when math is involved. I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with the math genes from my father as well as the math AND science genes from my grandmother, so it comes naturally to me. What are your dreams fo r the future? They include a family of course, but before that, I want to be a pediatric nurse, specializing in oncology. I really love kids and want to help them in any way I can. I don’t like to see anyone suffer, and I hope through my work I can make a rough experience a little less painful and maybe bring a smile to their faces.

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The Hatzenbuhler-O’Connors: Kristine Hatzenbuhler O ’Connor ’83 served as President o f the Alumni Association from 1980-2000, and her parents were both extremely involved in the School. Her father, Richard Hatzenbuhler, was a member o f the Board o f Trustees from 1982-1988, and her mother, Marilyn, was a PAMKA Presidentfrom 1976-78. Like her mother before her, Kelsey ’14 started at MKA in Pre-K.

Kris started attending The Kimberley School in Pre-K: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? Taking attendance in Mrs. Chase’s Kindergarten Class and walking the sheet upstairs to the receptionist with Lisa Hahnebach - we are still friends today. What is the biggest difference you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? Technology. It has clearly improved the experience and the way learning has evolved. What is the biggest similarity you see between your and your child’s experience at the school? MKA’s core values have remained the same, which has made the experience a meaningful and memorable one for both of us. What was your favorite MKA moment as a student? Being a member of the 1983 Girls’ Fencing Team. We won The NJSIAA that year and Janine Mamell ’83 was the Foil Champion.


What has been your favorite MKA moment as a parent? Watching Kelsey have an idea and then turn it into reality - MKA is so supportive o f its students in allowing them to develop their ideas. Kelsey and her lfiend Kassie (another legacy student - the daughter of John Fotiadis ’82) started a podcast in 6th grade called Hogwarts Haven - devoted to all things Harry Potter, with the support of the Middle School Librarian, Mr. Ruddy. Three years later, it has evolved into a Facebook page carried on by other students. Kelsey and her Middle School newspaper team wanted to put the MS paper Cougar Call online, and they did with the support of Middle School Head of Campus, Dr. Kleinman. MKA provides a very supportive and challenging environment - the perfect foundation. What were your extra-curricular interests? The Academy News and the Fencing Team. What was your favorite subject and why? English and history were favorite subjects - the English classroom at the time had a few very large tables that were pushed together to make one big table. We sat around and had great discussions about great literary works - Mr. Bullard and Mr. Fuller really knew how to engage and challenge the students. This setting may have been the unofficial start to the Harkness tables, which I hope MKA will be able to purchase in the future. When you left MKA, did you have any plans fo r the future? Did you realize them or end up doing something very different? I was very interested in politics and thought that I would one day go to law school and work in Washington. Well, I did go to law school, but I remained in the NJ area. After graduation (the early 90’s recession saw many law firms laying off), 1 was fortunate enough to be offered a job on the business management side of a law firm - not what 1 was intending, but this twist worked out well, and 1 have never looked back. I love it. So, I knew upon graduating from MKA the direction in which I was going, but it did change slightly from politics to business.

Kelsey started attending MKA in Pre-K: What is your earliest memory o f being a student at MKA? In Pre-K I was playing on the jungle gym, and I had a very loose tooth at the time. A friend of mine

accidentally knocked it out (admittedly, it was hanging by a thread!). At the time I was terrified, but later I felt pretty cool. What has been your favorite MKA moment as a student so far? I really love my advisor group. Every Wednesday, we meet in the Foreign Language lounge and eat cookies and talk about everything. We play this game called “glums and glows,” and we just have a lot o f fun together. When we met for the first time with our Peer Leader (Alexis Richards ’ 11), we really bonded, and it’s been a fun time every week since. Is there a story about “the old days” at MKA that you remember your mother telling you about? I hear stories all the time from my mom and two o f her best friends, Holly Felber ’83 and Kyle Curtin ’82, although, I ’m not so sure I can share them. I will say that I do hear a lot of stories about her canary yellow Dodge Dart! Has having a parent who went to the same school affected your MKA experience? I think it has definitely affected my experience. A lot o f people get ‘Oh is your sister so-and-so?’ A few times I have gotten, ‘Oh wow, Kris is your mom!?’ from the few amazing teachers that also taught her. Señora Tyson calls me her “first grand-student.” I think it also gives me a lot o f school spirit and pride, something I think we' could use a lot more of. My grandparents were very involved in the school as well. My grandmother was a president of PAMKA and my grandfather served as the Treasurer on the Board of Trustees, so it is kind of a family tradition to bleed blue and green. What are your extra-curricular interests? The Academy News, Stylus and The Library Leadership Committee. What is your favorite subject and why? I enjoy all my subjects, but I favor English. I am very interested in literature, and I love writing and talking about books. I have developed my writing skills so much over the years and am so thankful for the guidance and discussion in my English classes. What are your dreams fo r the future? I would really love to go into publishing. I think it would be amazing to be part of the book production process. Otherwise, perhaps a novelist or a journalist, but definitely in New York and definitely something with words.

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from the trustees On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome new Trustees James Bromley, Christina Cotton, Lynn Randall, Kenneth Rivlin, Richard Stanton ’87, Elizabeth Weiswasser and Lori Yanes. James Bromley received a bachelor’s degree from Boston College and a law degree from Columbia University School of Law. A partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton LLP, he is a member of the American College of Bankruptcy and a Fellow of the International Insolvency Institute. He and his wife have two sons who attend the school, one in 8th grade and one in 9thgrade.

Christina Cotton received a bachelor’s degree from Hofstra University and a law degree from Boston University School of Law. A retired Director with Merrill Lynch, Christina is Secretary to the Family Service League in Montclair, volunteers with the Human Needs Pantry and St. Cassian’s Church and is familiar to many in the MKA parent community through work as the organizer of the Sunday Book Fair Ice Cream Social. Christina is currently responsible for the PAMKA Directory. She has a son in 8th Grade.


Intellectual stimulation is often fueled by curiosity. In my days at MKA, several teachers left indelible impressions on me in my quest for learning; their own intellectual energy and curiosity sparked something within me to dig deeper - if only computers were around then!


Heath Betke Shelby 78, parent o f students in the Classes o f '13 and '15

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Lynn Randall received a bachelor’s degree from Duke University and an MBA from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. At MKA, Lynn has served as an Admissions Ambassador, the Upper School New Parent Liaison Chair, a PAMKA Press Editor, an essential member of the Book Fair Committee and an active member of the Campaign Committee. She is a past Board Member of the Montclair YMCA, and she and her husband have three daughters, a member of the class of 2011 and current students in grades 9 and 12.

Ken Rivlin received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and a law degree from Boston University School of Law. A Partner at Allen & Overy LLP, he is a Lecturer-inLaw at Columbia University and an Adjunct Professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Ken is a Director of the Blacksmith Institute and a Trustee of the Montclair Human Needs Pantry, and he and his wife have two children, a daughter in 10th grade and a son in 8th grade.

Richard Stanton ’87 joins the Board as the incoming President of the Alumni Association. An active Alumni Council member for many years, he received a bachelor’s degree from Colgate University and an MBA from Columbia University. As a Partner in the local real estate brokerage Stanton Company, Rich is well known in the Montclair community. He volunteers on the Finance Committee of Immaculate Conception Church, plays in a Men’s Soccer League, is a Youth League Soccer Coach and an avid fisherman. He and his wife have four children.

Elizabeth Weiswasser received a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and a law degree from the University of Chicago Law School. A partner with the law firm of Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLC, she and her husband have two daughters, one in 8th grade and one in 10th grade.

Lori Yanes joins the Board as the incoming PAMKA President. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from Gettysburg College and, prior to raising her family, worked in pharmaceutical sales. Known to virtually the entire MKA parent body, Lori has served PAMKA in almost every capacity, including Grade Rep, as Primary and Upper School Campus VP, as Special Events VP and as the Book Fair Chair. She and her husband have three sons who attend MKA in grades 8, 10andl2.

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It is also with tremendous appreciation that we say farewell to four Trustees: Keith Phillips for a remarkable eleven years of service, and Marla Higginbotham, Karen Ross and Kent Walker ’83, for two years of service each. Keith has served on the Board in various roles, including serving on the Executive Committee and the Committee on Tmstees and on the Development, Educational Programs and Policies, Finance, Buildings and Grounds and Facilities Committees. In addition, he chaired the Constituent Relations Subcommittee for Strategic Planning and was involved in the Search Committee for the Headmaster. As the parent of two MKA alums in the classes of 2007 and 2009, as well as a current MKA senior, Keith has been an active member of the MKA community for many years. We can’t thank him enough for all of his hard work on the school’s behalf. Marla Higginbotham was a tireless member of the Board, sitting on the Educational Programs and Policies and Student Life Committees and contributing to the creation of the Admissions and Academic Dashboards for the Board. We are grateful that Marla will continue to be active at MKA in her role as Co-Chair of the 125thAnniversary Committee. Karen Ross retires from the Board at the end of her term as PAMKA President. A pivotal member of the Student Life Committee, Karen was an exemplary President, serving with warmth, humor, dedication and intelligence. It is MKA’s good fortune that she has current students in grades 10 and 12, ensuring her involvement in the MKA family for a few more years. Kent Walker retires from the Board at the end of his term as Alumni Association President. A member of the Committees on Development, Educational Programs and Policies and Facilities, Kent served his term with diligence and a passion for the school, representing the alumni body with distinction at all times. As the parent of a current 7th grader, we look forward to Kent’s continuing involvement in the life of MKA. Michael V. Johnson President, Board o f Trustees

Dr Michael Thompson - Child and Family

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from the trustees

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It was with great sadness that MKA learned of the death of Terry Greer, wife of former Headmaster Dr. Peter R. Greer, at their beloved summer home on Sebago Lake in Maine in the early hours of Saturday, July 7, 2012. Her death, at age 69, was unexpected and Terry had spent the previous day enjoying her children, grandchildren and neighbors. Terry and Peter had been married for 49 years. In her role as the Headmaster’s wife from 1992-2005 and friend o f MKA, Terry was a gracious, compassionate and welcoming presence for the entire school community. A consummate hostess both for school and family functions, Terry was also a devoted wife, sister, mother and grandmother, as well as the adoring owner of Violet, a Yorkshire Terrier. The entire MKA community extends its deepest condolences to Terry’s husband Peter Greer, sister Nancy D ’Ambrosia, children Tucker Greer and Rebekah Gabor and five grandchildren, Campbell and Josephine Greer and Andrew, Michael and Greer Gabor.

Penick Center Renovations Near Completion MKA’s anniversary year gets off to an exciting start with the completion o f the fully renovated Middle School Penick Center. Following recent improvements to the Lobby and Auditorium, students will return from vacation to find a completely refurbished Middle School Dining Hall and the new James and Louise Higgins Common Room —a comprehensive meeting and learning space. Both facilities will be formally dedicated on Saturday, October 13 as part o f a celebratory donor reception. These transformative upgrades continue to deliver on MKA’s 2007 Goals fo r Strategic Planning that aim to enhance school programs through facility improvements funded by private donations. Future projects include the turfing and reconfiguration o f Muenster Field, bold new Upper and Middle School Libraries that encompass flexible spaces for small group and class learning, technology centers and state-of-the-art research facilities and an expanded and modernized Primary School Campus. If you would like to learn more about the Campaign for MKA, please contact Director o f Development G eoff Branigan at 973-509-7940 or gbranigan@ mka.org.

around Ml CAREER DAY 2012 Think you might be interested in law, medicine or finance? How about music, publishing or catering? Want to work outside, work with celebrities or work for yourself? These were just some of the career options explained to juniors and seniors as thirteen alumni returned to campus for MKA’s Career Day 2012. Ranging from the MKA classes of 1978-2004, this year’s Career Day speakers had followed a wide range o f traditional and not-so-traditional career paths: The Hon. Robert Gardner ’78, a Judge o f the Superior Court of New Jersey and currently lead judge in domestic violence cases, discussed various fields o f law, while Dr. Ken DiStefano ’96, a family doctor with his own practice, explained what it takes to get into and survive medical school. Candace Messinger Rabinowitz ’94, Chief of Staff for Goldman Sachs’s Corporate Treasury Team, and fellow Goldman Sachs comrade Jeremy Kahn ’93 joined forces to discuss the world of finance - revealing that an undergraduate degree in psychology is a good place to start. Representing the arts, George Hrab ’89 returned to talk about a life in the music industry; Amanda Englander ’04 discussed her work as an editor in book publishing (currently with the Hachette Book Group in New York) and Christian Langbein ’00, Director of Public Relations for the Armani group, explained how to navigate the world o f fashion. For those interested in turning their passions into thenprofessions, Dan Carson ’83, co-founder of Carson & Roberts, one of the country’s premier construction and engineering companies; Neil Grabowsky ’99, CEO and founder of Celery, LLC, a cross-generational email service; Jared Cook ’01, owner of and trainer at the Varsity Sports Club Academy in Union; Steve Raab ’97, owner of the nationally recognized, award-winning Local Smoke and Fat Angel BBQ’s; Bryan Becker ’96, Principal and founder of Becker Brothers real estate investment and development and Ryan Schinman ’89, founding partner of Platinum Rye Entertainment, all described the ways in which their interests led them to become successful entrepreneurs who started their own businesses. For senior Devika Patel, the morning was especially rewarding: “I was in a session with Neil Grabowsky, a young man whom I could relate to in

Jared Cook ’01 and Candace Messinger Rabinowitz ’94 ■

Steve Raab ’97 and Robert Gardner ’78

Christian Langbein ’00, Amanda Englander ’04 and Ken DiStefano ’96

around M KA I 21

Neil Grabowsky ’99

George Hrab ’89, Bryan Becker ’96 and Ryan Schinman ’89

many ways as I was thinking about pursuing the same degree and was interested in entrepreneurship. Getting to talk to him and learning about his good and bad experiences really opened my eyes to the growing field and the vast number of opportunities. It made me excited to go to college and get out into the real world.” And, the benefits accrued from spending time with MKA alumni was not lost on junior Rob Pannullo: “I had a great experience at Career Day. It’s refreshing to see people who were once just like us and who are willing come back to school with the desire to give back. The relationship between MKA and its alumni is growing, and having a group of people with whom students can connect is a great resource to have. I think I can speak for the entire student body when I say that we had an extremely productive and informative day.”

Below: Dan Carson ’83, Robert Gardner ’78 and Jeremy Kahn ’93

Going through MKA all the w ay from Brookslde through high school gave me the experience of being in a small i" community for an extended period of time. That taught me how to become a team player and how to get along with people on a long-term basis. At MKA, I experienced great academic challenges, friendships and events. It was a good place to grow up.


Melissa Cohn 78, Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, President & CEO Manhattan Mortgage Company.

IN THEIR WORDS hird graders, it is very difficult to say good-bye to you. You are a truly special and amazingly unique class. Your passion, enthusiasm and spirit will echo through the Primary School’s halls long after you have left. When we open the doors in car line every morning and see your smiling faces, you brighten our day. You elevate all o f our moods with a simple “good morning.” You are a class to remember. ?

4 4 O eventh grade was my first year at MKA, and I was O welcomed so warmly that I felt as if I had been attending MKA for my whole life .. .1 want to say a special thanks to all of the teachers who taught us and helped us learn throughout the years, the parents that made sure that we received the proper education, and the friends who were always there for each other when we all needed friendship the most. 9 9

Ginger Kriegel, Head o f Primary School

Kimani Freeman, 8th Grade Closing Exercises


1~) ight now, you have a good idea where you’re going, but how -you get there, or how you get somewhere else, is going to depend on you staying curious, staying interested, continuing to be those people who ask questions S ev en if they seem to bug us adults at times. I thank you for sharing your curious and interesting selves with us dining your time at the Middle School. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. 9 9 Dr. Randy Kleinman, Head o f Middle School 'o u have special gifts and unique talents that you’ve shared with us over the years. We’ve all learned from each and every one o f you who have, in your own way, contributed positively to the life of the school. On behalf o f the faculty and staff, I want to say thank you ... You have all blessed this community. You have all contributed to the class’ success. You have all helped to make this class more understood. When someone asks me, “What is MKA all about?” I think we can safely say it is about the people. It’s about each and every one of you who have shared yourselves with us for the last four years. } Dr. David Flocco, Head o f Upper School

s alumni, we offer you the gift of continuing friendship as well as the promise that we will always take a profound interest in what you do. I know that you will make us proud. I know that some of you will surprise us - believe me, many of my former teachers are still trying to come to grips with the fact that I am a Head of School. We are proud of your accomplishments, and more importantly, we believe in your potential to fulfill the school’s mission by going out into the world to create opportunity for others, to care for others, to provide leadership and to be the creative forces who transform other people’s lives and experiences. 9 1 Thomas W. Nammack. Headmaster

I tell everyone I can that my experience at MKA prepared me for college writing and analysis, and many of my friends are envious of some of my high school experiences, such as the junior year history thesis, the small classes and the Writing Challenge. Frankly, I felt I hit the ground running when I arrived at college. %

Will Wagner'06, Princeton University, ’10, Masters in Public Affairs Candidate, Princeton University, '14

aroun d M KA | :


ur departure from the Middle School is not only a v y time to reminisce, but also a time to think about our futures. The future brings new obstacles, relationships and surprises. With that in mind, it may seem that the Upper School sits, lion on the prowl, atop a hill, waiting to consume its prey. We, the graduating eighth graders, may feel like that prey. But we don’t have to be consumed ... We must create our own footsteps ... Yes, those who surround you may influence your decisions, but ultimately ... you are your own person. 9' Alex Cappitelli, 8th Grade Closing Exercises

4 4 /'"'Vur class has cultivated a reserve o f distinct attributes ... In my opinion, our .A class’ vigor is its most valuable quality. We exude an energy that has branded us with an undeniable bond. ... Our class is like a hyperactive child, bursting at the seams with pent up energy, constantly searching for something to do and always sure that we are right. I believe this eagerness, this tenacity, lives within each of us. It is something we will always share. ... My advice is to never lose the tenacity that made us such a unique, and sometimes, difficult, class. I challenge each o f you to take risks and never play life safe. 9 9 Lauren Martin, Commencement Speaker

4 6 T can say in full certainty that I will miss every member o f this class -L and all the warmth they have brought to my life. I will miss this class and this school with all of my heart. But, I know that when I come back from college, I will not be returning to one home; I will be returning to two. MKA is and shall always be my home, and this motley crew of talented, brilliant, funny, endlessly wonderful people will always be my family. I am excited to move on to the next big thing, but I’m equally excited to come back home to the place that I know and the people I love. 9 9 Edward Rosini, Commencement Speaker

Student news

History Prize Krishna Gall John Rabuse History Award Hope Dancy

Senior Awards The Rudolph Deetjen Award for athletics and academic achievement: Hallie Earle, John Kubinak The Ethel M. Spurr Award for cooperation, responsibility, service and citizenship: Olivia Vicioso The Maijorie Winfield Easter Award for sportsmanship, self-discipline, and behind-the-scenes service: Mirsada Abdool Raman The Robert C. Hemmeter Memorial Award for intellectual curiosity, love o f books and sports and enthusiasm for living: Benjamin Stern The Peter R. Greer Character Award for the habits of truthfulness, honesty, kindness, and promotion o f mutual trust andfriendship'. Edward Rosini

Fine & Performing Arts AwardsVisual Arts Devon Geyelin, Alexandra DeRosa John Philip Sousa Band Award Yanick Couture Louis Armstrong Jazz Award Donovan Brady Vocal Award Olivia Vicioso, Noah Kahan Communications Mirsada Abdool Raman Dance Award Nadia Brown The James D. Timmons Scholarship Hallie Earle The Bud Mekeel Memorial Scholarship Dominic Leone 12th Grade Community Service Award Sarah Bradley Scott M. Johnson Memorial Award Allison Sweeney

Senior Department Prizes Mary K. Waring Scholars for 2011-2012 (A’s and A-’s) Yanick Couture, John Mallock, Jordan Walters Barras Prize in English Lauren Martin Foreign Language Prize in Chinese Franklin Parker Foreign Language Prize in Latin Emma Sterling Foreign Language Prize in Spanish Sophie Yandenbroucke Nazarian Prize for Mathematics David Frankl William H. Miller Prize in Science Janick Couture Downsbrough Science Scholarship Devon Geyelin Margaret Jenkins Osborne Prize for Excellence in Science Devika Patel

s tu d e n t n ew s | 26

The A1 Staph Award Stephen Piela 12th Grade Klein Awards Patrick Karole, Tess Meyer Head’s Awards Gabriel DiMasi, Casey Musicant Gold Award for Community Service Hours Sarah Bradley, Ashwin Melwani Silver Award for Community Service Hours Devika Patel, Emma Sterling Bronze Award for Community Service Hours Janick Couture, Allison Sweeney Marilyn Faden Award for Excellence in the Theatre Arts Drama Edward Rosini Musical Theatre Jordan Elman, Sylvie Konner Technical Zachary Wildstein Health & Physical Education Prize Sarah Bradley

Awards for Underclassmen The MacVicar Prize Zoe Ferguson, Sarah Finn, Emily Lau, Robert Pannullo The Frank “Poncho” Brogan Memorial Scholarship Nicholas Pai The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal Dennis Kelly The John Rabke Memorial Award Puja Singh The Elizabeth O’Neil Feagley Creativity Award Sarah Finn Klein Awards Grade 11: Allison Bond, Robert Pannullo Grade 10: Gina Guccione, Tom Fusco Grade 9: Morgan Smith, Ike Osbun

Additional Accolades to Members of the Class of 2012 Congratulations to Laure Martin and Jordan Walters for receiving National Achievement Scholarships. Devika Patel whose essay on public health earned her selection, from hundreds of applications from high school and college undergraduates and graduates, as the recipient of a 2012 Get Ready Scholarship from the American Public Health Association.

Faculty Scholar Awards Grade 11: Emily Lau, Nicholas Pai, Jeffrey Smith, Grade 10: Elliot Furbert, Kelsey O’ Connor Grade 9: Sam Cleverley, Ben Rapsas. Payson Ruhi, Ben Wallach, Matt Yacavone

Ed Rosini who was nominated for a 2012 Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Award in the category Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for his portrayal of Man in Chair in the Upper School production of The Drowsy Chaperone.

Gold Award for Community Service Hours Grade 11: Puja Singh

Gabe DiMasi for receiving the Men of Essex Scholar-Athlete Award.

Bronze Award for Community Service Hours Grade 11: Alexa Bieler, Edward Bozik, Lainey Bukowiec, Will Cerf, Julian Clark. Michaela Mclnerney, Kelsey O’Connor, Lindsay Reich, Carly Sibilia, Bridget Valez Grade 10: Kendal Barrett, Madeleine Colbert, Sarah Esterow Grade 9: Nicole Romola

Lauren Martin, Jordan Walters for receiving Men of Essex High Achievement Awards. Tess Meyer (Soccer, Lacrosse) and Patrick Karole (Football, Lacrosse) for receiving Athlete Awards. Hallie Earle (Track and Field) for receiving the NJSIAA Scholar-Athlete Award.

Avery Barras Distinguished Scholars for 2011-2012 (All A’s) Grade 11: Jeffrey Smith Grade 10: Elliot Furbert Grade 9: Benjamin Rapsas Mary K. Waring Scholars for 2011-2012 (A’s and A-’s) Grade 11: Alex Amari, Will Cerf, CJ Geering, Emily Lau, Emma Montoya, Nicholas Pai, Rob Pannullo, Dana Placentra, David Reading, Carly Sibilia Grade 10: Madeleine Colbert, Divya Dasani, Kassie Fotiadis, Savannah Fusaro, Nic Harris, Alex Levy, Nick Lokker, Justin Minion, Kelsey O’ Connor, Amy Parker, Jack Renshaw-Lewis, Nadia Uberoi Grade 9: Margaret Chappell, Sam Cleverley, Morgan Hersh, Nikita Israni, Madison Rivlin, Payson Ruhl, Matt Yacavone, Dan Yanes

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student news

SENIOR BREAKFAST & HONORARY ALUMNI: On April 27, visitors to the MKA Upper School were greeted with the results of the annual senior prank - including streamers across the car line entrances, a large “For Sale” sign on the side of the building, chairs on top of lockers, House competition items replaced around the building and cups of water lining the floor of the administrative offices. It was the last formal day of school for the senior class before they embarked on their May Term activities (which included opportunities for community service, independent projects, Primary School interns and a trip to China), and they began it by gathering together in the Dining Hall for the Senior Breakfast. This annual event serves as a formal welcome to the MKA Alumni Association, and speakers included Alumni Director Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76, Alumni Council President Kent Walker ’80, Director of Development Geoff Branigan and Headmaster Tom Nammack who presented the seniors with MKA laundry bags and T-shirts. Highlights of the Breakfast (in addition to the food) were the formal dedication o f the Class of 2012 Yearbook to the Upper School’s beloved security staff member A1 Rehus and the presentation the Alumni Council’s Honorary Alumni Distinction to Head of Campus Dr. David Flocco, who becomes an Honorary Alumnus of the class of 1999, and to former Upper School English teacher Nathan “Nate” Fuller, who was posthumously inducted into the Class of 2012. Recommendations on Flocco’s behalf were submitted by numerous alumni, including the following from a member of the Class of 1999: “Dr. Flocco ... wasn’t just my history teacher, but he was also a m entor... Part o f coming back every year and going to school events and games is largely motivated by the hope o f running into Dr. Flocco. It has been a privilege to be his student, and now his friend, and I can

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I can proudly say that every single day at MKA I learned. I was not forced into pointless recitations, nor was I given multiple-choice tests, in, say, English class. So, thank you. Thank you for acknowledging the importance of learning - of constructing a strong foundation on what w e can all build what Emerson would call an "education." ^ ^

Owen Jennings ‘07, Dartmouth College'/1

think of none more deserving of this award.” And from an alumnus from the Class of 2005: “As my swim coach, teacher, mentor and friend, he was always there not only to support me, but perhaps more importantly, to push me to be the best version of myself. His commitment to his students and the MKA community is unprecedented, and I will never forget the lessons he taught me.” In making his presentation about Fuller, Alumni Council member Jay Wecht ’83 noted, “As an educator, he was renowned, and admittedly a little intimidating, due to his elevated intelligence and his remarkable knowledge as to how the English language truly works. He expected and required only the very best from his students, and that was exactly what we gave him ... He is one o f the biggest reasons I ’ve dedicated my life to the teaching o f English.” The Alumni Council’s Honorary Alumni Distinction was created to honor those members o f the MKA family who have made a significant, easily recognizable and direct impact upon MICA students. The recipient can be, or can have been, an employee in any capacity and must have worked at school for a minimum o f 10 years.

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Student news Twenty seniors from the MKA Class of 2012 were inducted into the Cum Laude Society at a formal ceremony held at the Upper School on June 9.

CUM LAUDE SOCIETY David Newman, MKA Class of 1999, an attorney and former law clerk to Judge Amalya Kearse gave the (often humorous) address and reflected not only on how things had changed since his time at the Upper School (such as the school’s first email system with the address “your name at mka dot pvt dot k 12 dot nj dot us”) but also on how fundamentally they have stayed the same. “I can tell you that you had something pretty special here. You had teachers who wanted to see you develop as a scholar, as a person, and as a citizen. You had classmates who weren’t just friends but also respected your abilities and encouraged your interests. And you all thrived here, not by gaming the system to maximize your GPA or by putting on a one-size-fits-all ‘honor student’ costume that someone handed to you. Instead, you each excelled by approaching your studies as the individuals that you are, as your genuine selves. You achieved mastery over high school with a kind of honesty, with integrity. And I hope that today and tomorrow, as you look back on your education at MICA, you all feel that way about what you accomplished here.” The Cum Laude Society, established in 1906, is modeled on the Phi Beta Kappa Collegiate National Honor Society and recognizes the scholastic achievement of secondary school students. It is the highest academic honor bestowed on members of the graduating class.

2012 LIFERS The student inductees are: Yanick Couture, Hope Dancy, Alexandra DeRosa, David Frankl, Zachary Friedman, Devon Gevelin, Katherine Goulder, Michael Greenwald, Nell Hryshko, Nicholas Lordi, John Mallock, Lauren Martin, Casey Musicant, Dylan Parker, Devika Patel, Emma Sterling, Benjamin Stem, Allison Sweeney, Madeline Turner and Jordan Walters. Back row 1-r: Emma Sterling, Hope Dancy, Chris D ’Andrea, Kyle Clark, Marco Rilli, Matt Gregory, Anthony Evelina, Alex Roccamo. Alexandra Kelly, Jamie Cockey, Diana Lawsonl Dean Paolucci,Daniel Kramer, Olivia Vicioso Front row 1-r: Emma Jenkins, Tess Meyer, Madeline Turner, Lauren Martin, Sylvie Konner, Devon Geylin, Jennifer Brunner s tu d e n t n ew s | 3 0

Twenty-one “Lifers” (those who have attended MKA since 1st grade or earlier) gathered for a celebratory reunion dinner at the Headmaster’s house.

2011-2012 Cougar Athletic Honors & Awards —


Athletically, there's nothing more I can say except, It

student news


Claudia Carcamo ’13 MKA Most Valuable Player Award

was the best. The relationships I had with all my coaches changed my life. v >

Frankie M ayer '09, M uhlenberg College '13

Ice Hockey Head Coach: Dustin Good (1st Year) Record: 19-5 Congratulations to the Team: Montclair Cup Champions; Mclnnis Cup Champions; Mclnnis Division Champions; Essex County “Team o f the Year”, Star Ledger; Ranked #13 in Star Ledger’s State Top 20

WINTER Congratulations to John Kubinak ’12, Captain o f the Ice Hockey Team and recipient o f the Winter Captain’s Award. Boys’ Basketball Head Coach: Tony Jones (12thYear) Record: 20-7 Zachary Friedman ’12 Honorable Mention All-Colonial Division, SEC Max Herrmann ’12 MKA Most Outstanding Player Award; l sl Team All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2ndTeam All-Prep B Kieran Powell ’12 2ndTeam All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2ndTeam All-Prep B Matthew Lane ’13 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC Jonathan Rubenstein ’14 MKA Coaches Award Girls’ Basketball Head Coach: MaeOla Bolton (3rdYear) Record: 11-12 Kayla Eda ’13 2ndTeam All-Colonial Division, SEC Lindsay Reich ’13 Honorable Mention All-Colonial Division, SEC Gina Guccione ’14 MKA Coaches Award; 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC; Is1Team All-Prep B Taylor Webster ’14 MKA Most Improved Player Award; 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2ndTeam All-Prep B Nicole Romola ’15 MKA Coaches Award Boys’ Fencing Head Coach: Kerry Verrone (8thYear) Record: 1-10 Matthew Alonso ’12 MKA Coaches Award Isaiah Thompson ’15 MKA Rookie of the Year Award Girls’ Fencing Head Coach: Kerry Verrone (8thYear) Record: 4-6 Congratulations to the Team: 2012 NJISAA Prep State Champions Hope Dancy ’12 MKA Coaches Award

John Kubinak ’12 Honorable Mention All-Northern Conference NJIHL;® MKA Most Dedicated Player; NJSIAA/Hobey Baker Foundation 2012 Character Award Alex Morse ’12 Honorable Mention All-Northern Conference NJIHL; 3rdTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Dylan Parker ’12 Honorable Mention All-Northern Conference NJIHL; Mark Bowen ’13 1st Team All-Northern Conference, NJIHL; 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger CJ Geering ’13 2ndTeam All-Northern Conference, NJIHL; MKA Unsung Hero Award; 2ndTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Ed Haracz ’13 1st Team All-Northern Conference, NJIHL; 3rdTeam All Non-Public, Star Ledger 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger Nicholas Picinic ’13 Most Valuable Player All-Northern Conference, NJIHL; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 2ndTeam All-State, Star Ledger; 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger; Essex County “Player of the Year”, Star Ledger; 2ndTeam All Non-Public, Star Ledger Girls’ Indoor Track & Field Head Coach: Tom Fleming (13thYear) Hallie Earle ’12 s tu d e n t n ew s | 31

MKA Coaches Award; 3rd Team 200 All-Essex County, Star Ledger; 3rdTeam 55 All Non-Public, Star Ledger Dana Placentra ’13 MKA Coaches Award; 3rdTeam PV All-Essex County, Star Ledger Lyndsi Ross-Trevor ’14 2ndTeam PV All-Essex County, Star Ledger; 3rd Team PV All Non-Public, Star Ledger Boys’ Swimming Head Coach: Patrick Collins (4* Year) Record: 3-6 Jeremy Zak ’12 2ndTeam 500 Free All-SEC; 3rdTeam 200 Free All-Essex County, Star Ledger Dennis Kelly ’13 3rdTeam 500 Free All-Essex County, Star Ledger Spencer Turkington ’14 MKA Most Valuable Player Award William Zaubler ’15 Honorable Mention All-SEC; 2ndTeam 100 Fly All-Essex County, Star Ledger Girls’ Swimming Head Coach: Patrick Collins (4thYear) Record: 2-6-1 Sophie Vandenbroucke ’12 Honorable Mention All-SEC Leah O’Beirne ’13 MKA Most Valuable Player Award Morgan Smith ’15 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 1st Team 200 Free All-SEC; 1st Team 200 Free All-Essex County, Star Ledger; 2ndTeam 200 Free All Non-Public, Star Ledger

Michael Sasso ’12 1st Team All-Prep B; 1st Team Pitcher All-Liberty Division, SEC; |||2 ndTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Rob Pannullo ’13 Honorable Mention Catcher All-Liberty Division, SEC Softball Head Coaches: Jessica Sarfati (2ndYear) Record: 6-19 Casey Musicant ’12 2ndTeam All-Prep B; Honorable Mention All-Liberty Division, SEC; 3rdTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger; MKA Most Valuable Player Award Elizabeth Amato ’13 Honorable Mention All-Prep B; 2ndTeam All-Liberty Division, SEC; MKA Coaches Award Alexis Lordi ’13 MKA Coaches Award Gina Guccione ’14 2ndTeam All-Prep B Sophie Silberman ’15 Honorable Mention All-Prep B KaliWolfer ’15 1st TeamAll-Prep B; 1st TeamAll-Liberty Division, SEC; 3rdTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Boys’ Lacrosse Head Coach: Paul Edwards (10thYear) Record: 17-5 Congratulations to Coach Edwards on his selection as 2012 NJILCA Non-Public Coach o f the Year and 2012 Star Ledger NJ State Coach o f the Year Congratulations to the Team: NJ1LL Waterman Division Champions; NJISAA Prep B State Champions; NJSIAA Non-Public B State Champions

Congratulations to Stephen Piela '12, Captain o f the Golf Team and recipient o f the Spring Captain’s Award Baseball Head Coach: Ralph Pacifico (21st Year) Record: 15-1 Congratulations to the Team: SEC Liberty Division Co-Champions John Beck ’12 Honorable Mention All-Prep B; 1st Team Infield All-Liberty Division, SEC; MKA Coaches Award Gabe DiMasi ’12 Honorable Mention All-Prep B; 1st Team Outfield All-Liberty Division, SEC; MKA Coaches Award Max Herrmann ’12 2ndTeam All-Prep B; 1st Team Pitcher All-Liberty Division, SEC; 2ndTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Nicholas Masterson ’12 Selected for NJSBCA Senior All-Star Baseball Classic; 1st Team All-Prep B; 1st Team Infield All-Liberty Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger; 3rdTeam All Non-Public,' Star Ledger; MKA Most Valuable Player Award s tu d e n t n ew s | 32

Patrick Karole ’12 1st Team All-Waterman Division, NJILL; Waterman Division Player of the Year, NJILL; 1st Team All-Prep B; USILA High School All-American, US Lacrosse; 1st Team All-State Non-Public, NJILCA; 1st Team All-State, Star Ledger; 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger; MKA Most Outstanding Player Award John Kubinak ’12 MKA Alumni Outstanding Teammate Award Kyle Morris ’12 2ndTeam All-Waterman Division, NJILL; Honorable Mention All-State Non-Public, NJILCA Alex Morse ’12 2ndTeam All-Waterman Division, NJILL; Is*Team All-Prep B; Honorable Mention All-State Non-Public, NJILCA; 2ndTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger; MKA W. Noll Klank Award Craig Schweitzer ’12 1st Team All-Waterman Division, NJILL; 1st Team All-Prep B; 2ndTeam All-State Non-Public, NJILCA; 2ndTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger; MKA Most Valuable Player Award Maurice Walsh ’12 Honorable Mention All-Waterman Division, NJILL

Essex County “All-Tournament” Team, ECCA; 2ndTeam All-Freedom North Division, NJIGLL Girls’ Track & Field Head Coach: Tom Fleming (13thYear) Record: 4-5

Matthew Lane ’13 1st Team All-Waterman Division, NJILL; m * Team All-Prep B; 2ndTeam All-State Non-Public, NJILCA; 1st Team All-Essex County, Star Ledger; Is*Team All-Junior, Star Ledger Mark Phillips ’13 2ni Team All-Waterman Division, NJILL; 1st Team All-Prep B; 3rdTeam All-Essex County, Star Ledger Ryan Fennelly ’14 m 1s‘ Team All-Sophomore/Freshman, Star Ledger Daniel Yanes ’15 MKA Most Promising Newcomer Award Girls’ Lacrosse Head Coach: Fay Lonsinger (2ndYear) Record: 9-11 Congratulations to the Team: NJISAA Prep B State Champions Tess Meyer ’12 1st Team All-Prep B; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC; Essex County “All Tournament” Team, ECCA; 1st Team All-Freedom North Division, NJIGLL; MKA Most Valuable Offensive Player Award Elizabeth Sheer ’12 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC; MKA Most Valuable Defensive Player Award Allie Bond ’13 1st Team All-Prep B; 2ndTeam All-Liberty Division, SEC; Honorable Mention All-Freedom North Division, NJIGLL Jasmine Cole ’13 Honorable Mention All-Liberty Division, SEC Emma Layton ’13 2nd Team All-Liberty Division, SEC; MKA Rookie of the Year Award Michaela Mclnerney ’13 HS Academic All-American, US Lacrosse Carly Sibilia ’13 HS Academic All-American, US Lacrosse Taylor Webster ’14 1st Team All-Prep B; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC;

Sarah Bradley ’12 Honorable Mention 1600mAllColonial Division, SEC Hallie Earle ’12 2ndTeam 100m All-Colonial Division, SEC; 3rdTeam 100m All-Essex County, Star Ledger Dana Placentra’13 2ndTeam PV All-Colonial Division, SEC; 3rdTeam PV All-Essex County, Star Ledger; 3rdTeam PV All Non-Public, Star Ledger Lyndsi Ross-Trevor ’14 1st Team PV All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2ndTeam PV All-Essex County, Star Ledger Boys’ Track & Field Head Coach: Tom Fleming (13thYear) Record: 5-3 Kieran Powell ’12 1st Team Jav All-Independence Division, SEC David Kabrt ’13 Honorable Mention 400mH All-Independence Division, SEC Elliot Furbert ’14 Honorable Mention 400m All-Independence Division, SEC David Lysenko ’15 2ndTeam 3200m All-Independence Division, SEC Ike Osbun ’15 j§|Bst Team PV All-Independence Division, SEC Boys’ Tennis Head Coach: Val Azzoli (7thYear) Record: 10-10 Jason Kwan ’13 2ndTeam All-American Division, SEC; MKA Coaches Award Vineet Champaneria ’15 Honorable Mention All-American Division, SEC; MKA Coaches Award Harry Shepherd ’15 MKA Most Valuable Placer Award Golf Head Coach: Jeff Beer (6thYear) Record: 13-4 Congratulations to the Team: NJSIAA Non-Public B North Sectional Champions; NJISAA Prep B State Champions Stephen Piela ’12 2ndTeam All-State, NJPGA; 2ndTeam All Non-Public, Star Ledger; MKA Golf Career Award Ian Notkin ’14 MKA Most Dedicated Player Award Luke Polizzi ’14 MKA Most Improved Player Award

Montclair Kimberley Academy Extends Best Wishes to the Class of 2012 Mirsâda Abdool Raman Matthew Alonso........... John Beck ..... Ashley Bennia .... Michael Borges i.,..;..— Sargh; Bradley :............. 'Donovàri Brady............. Christopher Brazill..... Indigo Brôoks............... Nadia Brown ............... Jennifer Brunner.......... Jamie Burch ...'............ Thomas C hari............. Kyle C lark................... James Cockèy.............. ' Yanick Couture........... Christopher D’Andrea . 'Hope Dancy .. .C.........Alexandra DeRosa'' ...,' Gabrièl DiMasi...;...... , Hallie Earle.................. Kelsey Edwards ......... Jordan Elman.............. Anthoriy Evelina.......... Jason Frankel ............. David Frank!................

.New York University .Caldwell College , .Washington College _ .Gap Year .Loyola University, MD .The College of Wooster .Wesleyan'University .Salve Regina University .St. John’s University y .Marymount Manhattan College . .Sacred Heart University .The University of Tampa . .Lehigh University .University of South Carolina .Duke University .Columbia University Indiana University at Bloomington .Johns Hopkins University Washington University in St. Louis .Wagner College. .Rutgers, The State University of NJ ..The George Washington University ..Muhlenberg University ..Lehigh University ..Rochester Institute of Technology ..Stanford University

Trerior Freed...... .........................Stanford University Zachary Friedman ................... „The University ofTéxás, Austin Gregory Froelich ................;... .Deerfield'Xcademy Krishna Gall ................... ».Boston University Dfe'von Geyelin .... .'.‘„....Yale University Katherine Goulder..... .......... .......Kenyon College Michael Greenwald......... :........Wesleyan University Matthew Gregory........... .„. ..Villanova University David Grillo :.............................College of the Holy Cross Olivia Haddock-Carter........ ......University of Michigan Max Herrmann........ .......A........University of Rhode Island TÍelí Hryshko ....... .......Hamilton College ; Emma Jenkins............................Dickinson College Noah Kahan ...... „Tulane University Patrick Karole ...!.A....... ...„'.■.‘•.....TJniversity of Denver Alexandra K elly.... ................„..Pennsylvania State University, University Park Kimberley Kirnan ....................,:The College of Saint Rose Sylvie Konner........................................... ........Indiana University atBloomington Daniel Kramer..... ................ ......Lehigh University John Kubinak ............................ Washington University in St. -Louis Power jhawrence,,.,..... ............... State University of NY at Albany Diana Lawson ........................... New York University. William Lennon . ..............University of Southern California Dominic Leone .............,.........,:..S'aint Joseph’s ÜriNersity Nicholas Lordi ................. ATlifts University

.Rochester Institute of Technology John Mallock..............................University of Pennsylvania ,,. Craig Schweitzer .Elori University '• . Elizabeth Sheer ................. Lauren Martin.................... „.....-.Dartmouth College .Drew University Nicholas'Masterson.......... .........Skidmore College Robert Sohimerhalter ......... .McGill University Ashvin Melwani......................... Regents College . Christopher Stadler .... .Stgvens Institute of Technology Tess M eyer...... ................„■..‘i.'.ri.Furman University • ANn Steinberg .Georgetown University. Kyle Moms^-A-.i-i"- -.... .......^Gettysburg College „ ^’ Nicole Steinberg ................ .Oberlin College Alexaflder Morse..,............ .........Rhodes College . ' Emma Sterlingi-ty.,..Tufts University Casey Musicant................ ..;.......Vanderbilt University Benjamin Stem............. ...... Drexel University Jenny O sbun........................ ......University of Delaware RebecCaShickland........... .Georgetown University Christian Palmisano ................ Roanoke College Allison Sweeney .Manhattan College Dean Paolupci .•............. Bates College • John Tsatsaros ....... .Cornell* University Dylan Parker.......... ............'.....„'Cornell UniversityMadehne,Turner „„y........... .The University of Texas, Austin Franklin Parker..... .....................Colgate University ' . Daryl Uberoi .Fordham University Devika Patel .............. ...........Stanford University , Megumi Umeda ........ .Amherst College Alison P e e k ......... .................„, .University of Vermont Ghukwuemeka Uwakaneme .University of St. Andrews (-Scotland) Andras Peiffer ............. .......AThe George Washington University Sophie Vandenbroucke....,..., .Mount Holyoke College Stephen Piela............................. The George Washington University Olivia Viciosp „.....,...... .Boston Col lege Jessica Pitman ........... ..........University of Michigan Kelly Wallace . . . . . . , .VillanoVa University' Kieran Powell ............................ The Catholic' University of America y y .Mauricte Wrilsh .Columbia University Erika Rademaker ............. Salve Regina University Jordan Walters .Emerson College Marco R illi........................... The Catholic University of America Zachary Wildstein .............. .Seton Hall University Daniel Robinson ........... „Tulane University _ Ithamar Zucharie ...;. iljriiversity'ofWisconsin, Madison Alexander Roccamo......... .........Wagner College. Brian Zage .......... .„.. .Wheaton College, MA Blake R ohde................... .‘.'.„„„„Gettysburg College Jeremy Zak„.yyty.;XAiAA Edward Rosini............... ..........„Tufts University Michael S a s s o : ....Iona College . s tu d e n t new s 135

s tu d e n t n ew s 134

faculty news MKA bids a fond farewell to five remarkable retirees: Upper School Health and Physical Education Department Chair Ellen Iverson retired after spending 36 years at MKA. As Dr. Michael Houston noted, “Ellen loves her discipline. Just in the years I’ve known her, she has worked tirelessly to improve her curriculum and maintain a program that benefits her students. She has been the head coach of more Varsity teams and the head coach of more state championship teams than anyone else in MKA history. Her record as a coach will go untouched for a very long time, if not indefinitely. She is, simply put the ‘winningest’ coach MKA has ever had.” Upper School French teacher Barbara Mamchur retired after spending 32 years at MKA. Upper School Head of Campus Dr. David Flocco wrote, “Barbara has been a dedicated French teacher and advisor to a generation of Upper School students. She has traveled with our students, advised their clubs and been an ambassador for MKA in her travels around the globe. With Barbara's retirement, MKA looses a quality educator and person. For that, MKA and the hundreds o f lives she’s touched at the Upper School will be forever grateful.” Director of Special Events and Projects Judy Polonofsky retired after spending 27 years at MKA. Headmaster Tom Nammack wrote to her colleagues, “It is with mixed emotions that I write to tell you that one of our most esteemed colleagues will be retiring. Since 1985, Judy Polonofsky has served MKA with passion and professionalism in her roles as Director of External Affairs and most recently as Director of Special Events and Projects ... Judy has worked with four heads of school, each one of whom has relied upon her loyalty, honesty and passionate commitment to MKA. Untold numbers of parents, Trustees, faculty members and staff have benefitted from Judy’s wisdom. As I told the PAMKA Executive Board, it may take three people to replace Judy - but even then we will still not have captured all of her positive qualities. She has been and continues to be an essential MKA friend and colleague.”

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Congratulations, Thank Yous and Welcomes Primary School first grade teacher Donna Blanes retired after spending 26 years at MKA. Her friend and colleague Margaret Gonzales said: “Mind, heart and soul’ that is Donna! She is a lady who doesn’t go halfway, who doesn’t give a little, but gives all that she has in every way that she can ... Her questioning nature and thirst for knowledge flames brightly ... Naturally, and without effort, Donna possesses an oft taken-for-granted teacher quality - she has a smile that reaches out and embraces each and every child, and makes them feel safe, special and loved.” Administrative Assistant to Primary School Head of Campus Peggy Ditinyak retired after spending 16 years at MKA. “When one thinks of Peggy’s legacy, the words ‘loyal friend’ come to mind,” said Primary School Head of Campus Ginger Kriegel. “Throughout the years, Peggy has proven to be a friend to all the constituents of the Primary School - students, parents, faculty and staff alike. I want to thank her for all her years of loyalty and dedication to MKA and especially to the Primary School. She will be sorely missed.” Says “farewell and thank you” to: Laurie Albanese (Upper School English), Justin Blanes (Recess Aide), Donna Deutsch (3rd Grade), Laura Doto (Director of Academic Support), Maria Elliott (Pre-K), Roz Estrada (Associate Director of College Counseling), Amanda Filoso (Kindergarten), Amanda Hirsh (Development Associate), Susan Kramer (Upper School Chinese), Jamie Lehrhoff (Learning Consultant), Boni Luna (Assistant Head of Middle School), Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76 (Alumni Director), Janine Michaels (Middle School Bookstore), Erin Morales (Director of Annual Fund), Lance Ramer (US Math/Varsity Football Coach), Marie Richardson (Pre-K), Dan Weller (Middle School Science), Jenny Zagariello (Middle School Science) And welcomes: Jennifer Baratta (Director of Family Programs & Giving), Michelle Barbetta (Upper School Math), Gretchen Berra (Alumni Giving Associate), Michele Bloom (Director of Academic Support), Paige Boncher (Upper School Spanish/English), Alexis Denn (Kindergarten), *

1-r: Barbara Mamchur, Ellen Iverson and Donna Blanes

Dustin Good (Middle School Social Studies),® Connor Frost (Middle School Chinese/Music), Luke Harris (Varsity Football/CCO Athletics Liaison), Dr. River He (Upper School Chinese), Maryanne Kesler (Senior Associate Director CCO), Julie Kim (Middle School Science), Lois Montorio (Director of Alumni Relations), Jordan Raper (Upper School PE/Health), Colleen Ruplinger (3rd Grade), Megan Schorr (Third Grade), Talia Leigh Selove (Director of Annual Gift Programs), Kristen Tepfenhardt (Assistant Director of Communications, Middle School English/History), Kat Vidal (Middle School Spanish/Admissions)

Faculty Shout-Outs: To Upper School Fine & Performing Arts Chair Alicia Cuccolo, one of only twenty-four artists whose work was selected for the NYU Venice/1974-2011: Artists and Angiola Churchill exhibition that ran from May 23-June 9 at the NYU 80 WSE Gallery on Washington Square East. The exhibition celebrated NYU’s MFA Venice Program Alumni and the major contributions and dedication of Program Director and teacher Dr. Angiola Churchill. To Upper School Head of Campus Dr. David Flocco, whose dissertation work and subsequent implementation and analysis of scheduling changes at the Upper School is gaining national attention. He spoke to a full house on the subject at an NAIS conference, was a panelist on adolescent stress at Morristown Hospital in May, was invited to

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Skype with another school on the issue and had a sevenpage article on his findings entitled “Deeper Learning, Reduced Stress: A Daily Schedule that makes a Difference” appear in the summer issue of Independent School magazine. To Upper School Learning Specialist Lori Loebelsohn, an artist who received her BFA from The Cooper Union, whose Haggadah (life-cycle) paintings were featured in an article by international newsfeed The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and subsequently picked up by The Jerusalem Post, the largest English newspaper in Israel, as well as by other papers and news outlets in America and Europe. The article focused on Loebelsohn’s biggest project to date: illustrating a 20-page Haggadah created by an 85-year-old man with the intent to create a family heirloom. Images of Loebelsohn’s work can be seen on her website at www.loriloebelsohn.com. To Middle School English teacher Ruth Miller, whose original play Shakespearean Women’s Sparknotes Holding Pen, directed by fellow MKA faculty member Christian Ely, met with huge success at the 18th Annual NYC 15 Minute Play Festival. The play was an Audience Favorite Award Winner and received an Honorable Mention in the Best Play Category. Miller herself received the Alan Miniere Playwriting Award; Ely won Best Director Award; and actress Caitlin White received an Honorable Mention in the Best Actress category. To MKA’s Director of Educational Technology Reshan Richards, for designing an iPad app that in the year since its launch has attracted more than 45,000 users worldwide. Explain Everything grew from Richard’s ongoing doctoral research on how qualitative formative assessment can be leveraged by mobile technologies. The app captures anything a teacher or student says, draws or moves in a video format that uses screen-casting technology, and features a highly flexible combination of import and export features that let users work with Office and iWork files, photos, videos and audio and services such as Dropbox, Evemote, Box and iBooks. To the following faculty and administrators Damien Barrett, Carlaina Bell, Dominique Benson, Laura Doto, Christian Ely, Ben Goodrich, David Korfage, Jill Maza, Tom Nammack, Karen Newman, Reshan Richards, William Stites, Richard Sunshine, Sue Tummarello and Stephen Valentine - who represented MKA as the “Spotlight School” at the 2012 Laptop Institute in Memphis, TN, this past July. Attracting 500 participants from over 200 schools worldwide, MKA presented sessions on A New School Day Routine, A Student Laptop Leadership Team, A Summer Tech Institute fo r Faculty, and MKA and Evemote.

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"What's Your Question?" reminds teachers to continually ask and share "audacious" questions related to teaching and learning.

faculty new s Former Kimberley School and MKA teacher Rebecca Hayes, who retired in 1995, has been

busy working on her second career as a published author. In February, she returned to campus to work with 8th grade students in a history class, leading them in a discussion and Q&A on her book about the Civil War, Private Cathay’s Secret. Her day ended with a reception at the Primary School, where old friends and colleagues, including fellow retirees Myra Hrab, Trudi Rodin, Sonia Tyson and Nancy Foster, , gathered to enjoy her company.

MKA’s Professional Growth Process: Part Two While MKA students enjoyed a long Presidents' Day weekend break, MKA faculty were hard at work at an in-service professional development day dedicated to the second stage of the school's unique Professional Growth Program. The PGP, first initiated three years ago to replace formal but infrequent performance evaluations, encourages teachers to become lifelong learners through self-directed questioning, goal setting and reflection, and through collaboration with both students and colleagues to gain feedback. Headmaster Tom Nammack started the morning by reflecting that the very concept of a selfdirected growth plan had been "a leap of faith and a risk" and that the continued success of MKA’s unique process was dependent upon everyone's willingness to take responsibility for, and to engage in, it.

Faculty spent much of the day framing those essential questions, encouraged, in Valentine's words, to "luxuriate in this time to really think about the craft o f teaching and your relationship to it." Three years later, the evidence overwhelmingly supports faculty "buy-in" to, and renewed excitement for, the PGP process, which for Valentine, in large part contributes to "the geography o f learning that makes MKA such a special place to be."


MKA is special because of its sense of community. All the effort here goes into doing what is best for the students - their best interests are at the heart of all endeavors, and in turn, the bonds the students have with their teachers are unique.


George Hrab, 40-year veteran, Founders' Cup Recipient

f ac ul t y news

With the launch of the revised PGP comes a new logo, designed by Upper School F&PA Chair Alicia Cuccolo - the torch of knowledge, taken from the school seal, represents the craft of teaching; a tilted question mark represents the continual search for knowledge; and a tag line

mind, realizing all over again just how much of an advantage It gave me in my college education, and how well it informed me in my current occupation. Sure, I am a book editor, and I deal with the written word constantly. But the skills gained from the Writing Challenge have proven absolutely invaluable, both in my life and certainly in my career.


Am anda Englander '04, Em ory University '08, MKA Alum ni Council m em ber

| g||j Harvard University, has taught at MKA since 1999. In addition to teaching physics and math and chairing the Math Department at the Upper School, Goodrich has also served as Upper School Dean o f Students and has been active in the Outdoor Club. In his first official role as Alumni Council President, Richard Stanton ’87 presented the award, reading from many of the nominations received on Goodrich’s behalf that came from students, alumni, parents and peers, among which were the following:

As Upper School Assistant Head and PGP Committee Chair Steve Valentine noted, "The PGP Committee has been thinking about our work and listening to and interpreting feedback since the original launch of the program." In November, faculty responded to an extensive questionnaire to help provide further insight into the PGP's strengths and weaknesses. Their responses, presented by then Associate Director of Curriculum and Professional Development (now Assistant Head of Middle School) Carlaina Bell, helped inform new program modifications unveiled at the in-service. "PGP 2.0" as it will be known, replaces a three-year goal-setting timetable with a two-year program, and focuses faculty on articulating driving questions directly related to teaching and learning. The observation process has become streamlined - teachers can visit a colleague's classroom to learn something, invite a colleague into their own classroom to give interpretive feedback, or ask someone to provide an evaluation. Director of Educational Technology Reshan Richards also worked with the survey results to simplify and streamline the online support for the program, making full use o f the school website’s Faculty Portal capabilities.

The Writing Challenge is something I often call to

“My child raves about and praises Mr. Goodrich’s approachable demeanor, pleasant smile and supportive nature. I can tell he is a great teacher,® with thought-provoking questions and insightful teaching methods.”

Founders’ Cup 2012 Congratulations to Ben Goodrich, former Upper School Math Department Chair and newly appointed Middle School Science Department Chair and Associate Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, who was named the recipient of the 2012 Founders’ Cup for Teaching Excellence. Presented annually by the Alumni Association, the Founders’ Cup is based on nominations from all MKA constituencies and honors a full-time faculty member who exemplifies the highest levels of teaching, as well as contributes to the well-being of the MKA community, both in and out of school. Goodrich, who received his bachelor’s degree from Brown University and a master’s in education from

“Ben Goodrich is loved by all, always smiling and ready to give help or advice to any confused face in the crowd.” “’Team player’ is certainly one of the most overused personal descriptions used these days. That being said, I can’t think of a better description for Ben, who truly put the team first when he took over the teaching duties of a colleague in need of support.” And finally, perhaps one of the strongest endorsements that a teacher could ever hope to receive from a student: “Mr. Goodrich’s love of teaching and educating students has made having him as a teacher a true honor.”

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parent news Endless Opportunities at PAMKA’s Spring Fundraiser Endless opportunities for enjoyment abounded at the 2012 MKA Parents’ Association annual Spring Fundraiser held at Pleasantdale Chateau on April 14. Chaired by parent Karen Durando and her team of dedicated volunteers, this highly popular event once again featured silent and live auctions, jewelry and tuition raffles and a sit-down dinner. The gala theme of “Endless Opportunities” highlighted the advantages of an MKA education, and following welcomes from Parents’ Association President Karen Ross, MKA Headmaster Thomas Nammack and Durando herself, the evening program began with inspirational words from MKA alumni read aloud by current seniors as well as from special guest speaker, plastic surgeon, paralympic sailor and MKA Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Dr. Rick Doerr ’78. “The support of the entire community with their donations and the incredible generosity o f our guests at the event was just overwhelming,” said Durando. “And, o f course, the evening could never have been as successful as it was without the dedication and energy level of the enormous number of volunteers who supported me every step o f the way.” The Spring Gala is PAMKA’s largest single fundraising event, and the proceeds raised support MKA’s faculty endowment, campus “Wish List” items and Faculty Trust Grants — PAMKA-funded travel opportunities for teachers to pursue their academic passions around the world.

iandi Nammack pose with event chair "nren Durando and her husband Ron

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parent news COUGAR PRIDE DAY 2012 The weather cooperated and the crowds came out in huge numbers to show their school spirit at MKA’s annual Cougar Pride Day, held on Saturday, April 28. Organized by PAMKA event chairs Beth Milke and Patty Strain and their expert committee, close to 1,000 parents and students enjoyed the carnival atmosphere that included old-fashioned relay races, a family tennis tournament, inflatables, a super-sized Jenga®game, hair plaiting, face painting, arts and crafts, music from the Middle and Upper School Jazz Bands, a successful Cougar Karaoke event and a wide range of food and drinks sold by Upper School classes and clubs.


As a parent of three lifer grads and two still in the school, I am constantly amazed at what MKA does - instills character, builds culture and truly prepares for college. Our kids are uniformly better prepared than their college freshman peers.

M ichael V. John son , President Board o f Trustees and p arent o f alum ni in the Classes o f '06, '08 a n d 10 ,

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and current students in the Classes o f 1 3 an d 1 9

p aren t n ew s | 41


alumni news MKA welcomes Richard (Rich) Stanton ’87 as the new President o f the Alumni Association. A member of the Alumni Council since 2007, Rich has worked on a myriad of committees including Networking and Events, DAA and Founders’ Cup and many MKA golf outings. He has been a loyal caller at Alumni Phonathons for many years and is a regular participant in the annual MKA alumni lacrosse game. He and his wife June are the proud parents of Jack, Catie, Fiona and Bridget. I want to begin by thanking Kent Walker '80 for his service as President of the Alumni Council for the past 2 years. He has left the Council in good standing and we will miss him. The Council also bade farewell to VP Jay Wecht ’83, India Hayes Lam er ’80 ,Mark Politan ’91 and Kate Santoro ‘04. Their enthusiasm and dedication will be sorely missed. Please join me in welcoming our two newest Alumni Council members, Bryan Becker ’96 and Chris Noble ’84.

At the last Alumni Council meeting of the year, Council members presented Alumni Director Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76 with a token of gratitude for her years of service at MKA, and posed for this photo, where she is flanked by outgoing Alumni Association President Kent Walker ’84 and incoming President Rich Stanton ’87.

Please also join me in wishing Laurie McFeeley ‘76 good luck with her move to Florida after 13 years in the Alumni Office - the last 7 years as Alumni Director. The entire alumni body will miss her greatly. One could lob any question regarding alumni affairs, or indeed anything MKA related, her way and get a quick, knowledgeable and cheerful answer. Her behind the scenes efforts were critical to the success o f so many Alumni events, and she remains one of MKA’s greatest supporters. Rest assured, she will rally those alums living in Florida. Homecoming 2012 will be a special one as MKA celebrates its 125 anniversary. I urge everyone to come back, not just those with a milestone year class. I personally look forward to seeing a lot of classmates as we celebrate our 25th reunion this year. George Hrab’s (’88) band, Philadelphia Funk Authority, will be playing at Mayfair Farms (didn’t I go to prom there?). Also, look out for alumni receptions in New York in September, Florida in the winter and other area get-togethers. It’s always fun to catch up on the latest school news and meet up with familiar faces. I urge you to come back to campus, not just at Homecoming, but anytime to see the extraordinary things that are going at MKA. Finally, if you can’t make it to Montclair or one the area mini reunions, please make it a point this year to reach out to some fellow classmates. Social media has made it so easy, so please avail yourself of Facebook and Linkedin to follow what’s happening on campus and with your classmates. At the Senior Breakfast in May, the then seniors were officially welcomed by Alumni Council members and heard how the Council plays an important role in many school activities such as Homecoming, Career Day, sporting events and in the selection of MKA’s Honorary Alumni Award. This year’s Honorary Alumni Awards were presented to Dr. David Flocco, Head of Upper

School, and, posthumously, to Nate Fuller. While I didn't have Mr. Fuller as an English teacher, I did have him as a chaperone on the Lake Placid ski trip, which was a unique and educational experience unto its own. It was my great pleasure as the incoming President of the Alumni Council to present the Founders’ Cup for Teaching Excellence Award to Ben Goodrich at the closing All-School Faculty and Staff Meeting on June 13th. Reading nominations for the Founders’ Cup is always inspiring and a great reminder that generations of MKA students are fortunate to have benefited from such a hardworking, engaged and talented staff. I took part in another great event in June, as we had large turnout for Alumni Games Day featuring lacrosse, baseball, volleyball and field hockey games. I’m happy to report that my fellow over-40’s and I escaped without serious injury. Having Academy, Kimberley and MKA grads on board as members of the Alumni Council ensures that the collective voice of alumni is heard by MKA and keeps tradition alive on all of MKA’s three campuses. Please consider joining the Council and helping the Alumni Association continue to thrive. If you have questions or comments about any alumni affairs or upcoming events, please reach out to me at Rstanton@ StantonRealtors. com. Best regards,

• P for me For the first time, I 6 4 Attending MKAwas f f l — H | me and i was was in an academic 9 B H | for ^ college afforded the o p p o n ^ t y H ^ from feeling uncomfortabi admission process and f fthestudents came from Ban environment H E g confldent in my abrity to adapt to new erwironmen to achieve far more.W h o w


Richard Stanton ’87, President Alumni Council

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alumni news The 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award In recognition of his distinguished career as an award-winning poet, essayist and educator, and in celebration of his 50th reunion, the MKA Alumni Council is honored to present the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award to Dr. Bruce Guernsey, Montclair Academy Class of 1962. It is hard to know where to begin in listing Dr. Guernsey’s numerous achievements. From Montclair Academy, he attended Colgate University, received master’s degrees from both the University of Virginia and Johns Hopkins University, and his doctorate from the University of New Hampshire. Guernsey’s career as an award-winning English professor (specializing in American Literature and creative writing) began at William and Mary in 1967, and thirty-six years later concluded at Eastern Illinois University where he is Distinguished Professor Emeritus. During this time, he was awarded two Fulbright Senior Lectureships in American Poetry to Portugal and Greece. He has also twice sailed around the world as a faculty member with Semester at Sea. His experiences of teachers at MA proved formative. Writing in the Fall 2001 Review magazine, Guernsey reflected on a visit to MKA: “My six years at Montclair Academy are the most vivid of my life, made so by the people who inhabited those now-missing places. Rena Nagelski and Mary Block, John Wellington and Carmen Mamell - how could anyone forget such teachers ... I became a teacher myself because of people like these, my substitute parents during those years.” Guernsey has written fourteen books of poetry and had over 200 poems published in prestigious publications such as Poetry, The Atlantic, The New York Times and The American Scholar. His books of poetry include Lost Wealth, January Thaw, The Lost Brigade, New England Primer and most recently, FROM RAIN: Poems 19702010, described by Pulitzer Poetry Prize winner Claudia Emerson as “Truly an amazing collection.” Honored with numerous fellowships in writing from the National Endowment of the Arts, the Illinois Arts Council, and the MacDowell Colony, Guernsey was invited in 2006 to edit The Spoon River Poetry Review, a highly respected publication that received Illinois Arts Council Literary Awards in 2008 and 2009. In the midst of these remarkable achievements, there is one that he is especially proud of. From 1992-94, alum n i new s | 44

MKA is thrilled to announce that Guernsey will be the special 125th Anniversary Guest Speaker at the MKA Hemmeter History Lecture on Thursday, October 25,2012, in the Upper School Library, and invites alumni to attend and enjoy what promises to be an enthralling evening led by a master teacher.

Guernsey was appointed to the Fulbright committee for southern Europe. “We were responsible for nominating candidates for Fulbright grants to countries like France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. It was a cool job! Meeting in DC for three days with the other six members, from places like Harvard, Stanford, and the like, and me from Eastern Illinois! I was nervous as hell with all that brain­ power around and was dumbfounded when they asked me to chair the committee in my last year.” Married to the artist/jeweler Victoria Woollen-Danner, they together have five children, ranging in ages between 28 and 40, and four granddaughters. The couple divides their time between Charleston, IL, and Bethel, ME.

MKA On The Road In San Francisco MKA hosted a regional cocktail reception for alumni living in and around San Francisco on February 6. On hand, were Headmaster Tom Nammack and wife Zandi, together with several members of MKA’s Development and External Affairs Office, all in San Francisco for the annual CASE-NAIS conference. The highly successful event, held at Urban Tavern, drew a large crowd, with classes represented ranging from 1948-2001. Among the many guests, MKA welcomed Kimberley School alumnae Kimberley McKell ’48 and Lockey Harvey Kjelson ’58, two past Distinguished Alumni Award recipients, Philip Fradkin ’53, now sadly deceased, Laura Scher ’76, and Janine Mamell Wishnow ’83, the daughter of former coach and faculty member Carmen Mamell.

1These students have a moral compass that guides them. These students, our children, em body those MKA Character Standards w e hold dear. They not only know the meaning of words like temperance, friendship and honesty, they know what it means to strive for those standards in how they conduct their lives each day.

Dr. Randy Kleinman, H ead o f M iddle School

In San Francisco In B oston Towne Stove and Spirits, on Boston’s historic Boylston Street, was the perfect setting for another of MKA’s successful Boston alumni receptions on April 11th. Kimberley and Academy alums from ’54, ’55, ’65 and ’66, MKA alums from the 70’s, 80’s., 90’s, and young alumni from ’07, ’08 and ’09, all shared stories from their Montclair days. Younger alumni enjoyed talking with Headmaster Tom Nammack, Director of Development and former history teacher Geoff Branigan and Upper School Head Dave Flocco, who had taught some of them, while older alumni reunited with former faculty member and English Department chair Joe Kemer. Joe came to teach at the Academy in 1959, left for a few years to live in Turkey, and returned and taught until 1976. Another former MKA English teacher, Elizabeth Hare, came with her husband Joe Hare (MA ’65) and her former student and now close friend, Dr. Alison O’Neill ’79. Please come out and join fellow alumni and friends of MKA when we come to your neck-of-the-woods. These regional events are not to be missed!

Former English Department faculty members Joseph Kerner (center) and Elizabeth Hare (right), with her husband, Joe Hare ’65

Jason Pogorelec ’93 with classmate Charlotte Ostberg McAleer ’93 and Balaji Gandhi ’91

Director of Development Geoff Branigan with ’08 classmates and friends, Elise McMullen and Kelly Byrne alu m n i new s I 45

alumni news MKA’S FIRST ANNUAL ALUMNI GAMES DAY For the first time in MKA’s history, alumni athletes representing four sports returned to campus together for the inaugural Alumni Games Day, held on Saturday, June 16. The event was a huge success as abundant sunshine greeted over 65 alumni, back to play in volleyball, baseball and field hockey games, as well as the 7th Annual “Klank Klassic” alumni lacrosse match.

Members of MKA’s current varsity teams rounded out the numbers and enjoyed hearing about their predecessors’ experiences. As is customary dining lacrosse half-time, Star Ledger State Coach of the Year Paul Edwards bestowed honors to members of the 2012 team, the group and individual players having “cleaned up,” claiming the State Non-Public, Waterman and Prep championships.

W hen I was asked to become President of the Board of Trustees, I was delighted to say yes. I have been part of the MKA experience and the MKA family since September 1990,

A post-game reception was held at Tierney’s for all players, spectators and families. It was extremely well attended, with catering provided by ’97 alumnus Steve Raab’s Local Smoke BBQ, which was a huge hit.

and as with all family bonds, you are committed forever. MKA has given my children the gift of inquisitiveness and taught them to become lifelong learners. I know of no other School where all members of the faculty, staff and administration care so well for their students. I am so very

Don’t miss MKA’s 2013 Alumni Games Day on Saturday, June 15th. Honed skills not required - just a great sense of humor!

alum n i new s I 46

proud of who w e are and w hat we do.

Alice Hirsh, form er President o f the Board o f Trustees, p a rent o f alum ni in the classes o f '95/03 an d ‘06.

alumni news


^ • The friendships made, being surrounded by talented

MKA Alumni Awards We Need You to Help Us ...

students and teachers everyday, and the experience of being a member of two first-rate athletic teams with talented teammates and knowledgeable coaches, not

Once again, it’s the time o f year when our Alumni Association asks for nominations for MKA’s Distinguished Alumni Award and Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees. Our Distinguished Alumni Award recipients have come from all fields o f endeavor, including philanthropy, business, medicine and the arts, and our Athletic Hall o f Fame honors outstanding individuals, teams and coaches from Montclair Academy, The Kimberley School and MKA. Do you know someone you believe to be deserving o f recognition from the wider MKA community? Full eligibility criteria and online nomination forms can be found on the MKA website at mka.org/alumniawards. Nominations can also be mailed to the Alumni Office, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042.

only shaped me as an athlete but also as a person. The lessons that I learned in MKA classrooms, on the Middle School tennis courts and on the softball field are irreplaceable.

Lauren Stefanchik '01, Harvard '05, 2 x Softball All-American

Save The Date

fa (1 ji


Alumni in classes of 1998-2008 are invited to MKA's annual Young Alumni “Happy Hour” at New York’s W. 79th Street Boat Basin Café

And don’t forget Founders’ Cup Nominations, too! All members of the MKA community - students, parents, past parents, faculty, staff and alumni - can nominate a teacher who has made a difference and exemplifies MKA’s long-standing tradition of teaching excellence. Online Founders’ Cup nominations can be submitted via the MKA website, mka.org or mailed to the Alumni Office, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042.


I honestly mean this from the bottom of my heart. Yes, I have wonderful parents who provided me with the best of everything in life. One of the most important things they did was to make certain sacrifices so that I could attend MKA. It was the best thing for me. Though I have learned much in life and have had great guidance from my parents, I never lose sight of the fact that the teachers at MKA also played a large part in helping me become the person I am today.

Jo sh u a H. Raym ond '89, Law yer a n d form er

This event is not to be missed, breaking attendance records every year! Wednesday, September 12th 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Help Us Find Our Lost Alumni If you are in touch with MA, TKS or MKA friends who would like to reconnect with the school, please direct them to the Alumni section of mka.org where they will find an online form to Update Contact Information. This form can also be used to notify us of address and email changes. We look forward to hearing from you!

President o f the MKA Alum ni Association 111

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alu m n i n ew s | 47

Class Notes Editor’s Note The deadline for news for the FALL Review is June 1 and the deadline for the SPRING issue is January 1. News can be submitted to the Alumni Office at any time on the back of Annual Fund remittance envelopes, via mail or email, to the Alumni Director, the Editor dkozak@mka.org or your Class Secretary. We keep ongoing files for each class and welcome photographs in digital or hard copy. If your class does not have a Class Secretary listed, please consider volunteering for the position! It is a great way to re-establish contacts with old friends, does not require a great deal of time and is essential to the ongoing vitality of the schoo^H Thank you. MA —Montclair Academy TKS The Kimberley School MKA..Montclair Kimberley Acaderriy




TKS For news of Priscilla Douglas Polkinghorn a truly remarkable 104-year old, see page 10.




MA MKA was saddened to learn of the passing of William “Bill” Hough Cook, longtime Bellevue, WA, resident and retired Boeing aerodynamicist. Mr. Cook, MKA’s 1999 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, passed away at his home on April 9, 2012, at age 98.




TKS Mrs. Stewart Carpenter (Josephine Fobes) Crane’s Mill, Apt. 2205 459 Passaic Avenue West Caldwell, NJ 07006




MKA sends heartfelt condolences to the family of Robert L. Brightman, who passed away on February 22, 2012.

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MA MKA was sorry to learn of the passing of John Ainsworth Hird on April 3, 2012, and sends deepest condolences to his wife and family. MKA sends its sympathy to the family of Bridgford Hunt, who passed away on January 1, 2012.



BUI Walker is well and planning a major family reunion in North Carolina with children from around the country. Daniel “Dan” Emerson and Richard “Dick” Charlesworth, with wives Pat and Ann, held their annual Florida reunion in March. The Emersons are planning to leave New Jersey shortly and will soon reside in Florida year-round. ---------------------------------------



TKS Miss Lucile G. Mason 142 North Mountain Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-2350


TKS Mrs. Alfred D. Williams (Joan Bayne) 15 Piper Road, Apt. K310 Scarborough, ME 04074 Summer Phone Number at Belgrade Lakes (May-September) is 207-495-2617

Gloria Evans Dodd writes: “Bill and I will be going to London the end of June for a visit and to attend Wimbledon. We will then return to NJ and, three days later, head up to Nantucket until mid-September. We had a great winter at our home in La Quinta, CA.” MA



TKS Mrs. James F.C. Hyde Jr. (Enid Griswold) 5402 Duvall Drive Bethesda, MD 20816-1872 MA

MKA sends its sympathies to the family of Edward "Ted" Olcott, long-time Class Secretary, who passed away on May 7, 2012. MKA sends deepest condolences to the family of Edward C. Matthews, who passed away on March 17, 2011.

William Hall writes: “My fourth grandchild (a girl) was bom April 17, 2012, in Boston. I also attended the marriage of a granddaughter in Mexico in June. Life moves on.”

MKA sends heartfelt condolences to the family of Donald M. Wilson, who passed away on November 29, 2011.

Our sincere condolences go out to the family of Thomas C. Guthrie, III, who passed away in January of 2012.


MKA sends its deepest condolences to the family of David Graham Baird, who passed away on May 17, 2012. David was Class Secretary for many years.


TKS Mrs. Josephine Murray Schmid 118 Heron Point Chestertown, MD 21620


MKA sends its sympathy to the family of Ruth Russell Gray, who passed away on February 22, 2012.





MA Mr. Richard L. Charlesworth 27 Whipple Farm Lane Falmouth, ME 04105 diknan@maine. rr. com




TKS MKA was sorry to leam of the passing of Nancy Tiernan Swenson on March 8, 2012, and sends condolences to her family and friends. Nancy was inducted into MKA’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2005 for her accomplished tennis career.



MA Mr. WinterfordJ. Ohland 39A Cambridge Court Lakewood, NJ 08701-6225 ---------------------------------------



TKS Leigh Berrien Smith 847 Franklin Street Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Ibsmithl 5@yahoo. com MKA wishes to thank Anne Feagley Wittels for all of her efforts as Class Secretary over the years. Her enthusiasm for gathering news and keeping her classmates connected was deeply appreciated by all! Thank you also to

Leigh Berrien Smith for stepping in as the new ’45 Class Secretary. Please send Leigh your news and updates going forward.

Aloha means both goodbye and hello. So, Aloha from me to all of you.. .and Aloha to Leigh for her new connection with you all.

MKA sends deepest sympathies to Leigh and her family on the January 8, 2012, passing of her husband Procter Smith, Jr.

For her first issue as Class Secretary, Leigh Berrien Smith writes: “Our dear, longsuffering classmate Anne Feagley Wittels has been class scribe for at least two decades, and prying news out of a modest class is a great challenge. She has invited me to try, and I shall.

For her last issue as Class Secretary, Anne Feagley Wittels reports: Peg O’Dell Overholser emailed, “I still play bridge with two different groups of ladies. The faces change from time to time due to friends leaving to go to where their children live, or moving into nursing homes, but we always manage to get the right number for our tables.” Peg expects to visit her son Matt again this year. “He lives about 10 minutes from me, so I’m pretty confident we’ll get together.” Leigh Berrien Smith and I phone and correspond. Among the many subjects discussed lately was the topic of “class correspondent.” Those classmates who routinely sent me annual messages over the years are, sadly, the ones who have passed away most recently, with the exception of Leigh and Peg. Leigh keeps in touch with just about everyone —classmates and other alums 9 either because they visit Martha’s Vineyard, their friends do, or they write or call. All of the news I have submitted over the last bunch of years —except for the occasional comments from my sister, Sheila Feagley James ’43, or my cousin, Hayden O’Neil ’46 Hhave been provided to me by Leigh. So, I suggested that instead of sending all those notes to me, perhaps she would like to take over this job and send news directly to MKA. Leigh replied, “Yes, I am willing to take over what’s left of us!” Leigh did say thatghe will come east in October, celebrating a birthday in New York, which will mesh nicely with MKA’s Homecoming and 125“1Anniversary festivities. As for me, I still knit, crochet and fold origami, write a few poems and make a bit of art. Something new: In January, I taught a class at one of our branch libraries on writing notes and greetings on a piece of paper, and then folding it into its own envelope - all ready to mail. The class was a great success, I’m pleased to say. And, in addition, I was sent a nice check for my effort. Not bad for an 84-year-old. Let me conclude my part of this class news report by saying that I have enjoyed writing these annual columns for the past 25 years. I will miss the direct connection with those of us who have sent news and with those who’ve been more indirect. If any wish to stay in touch, please do. From visits to Hawaii, I have learned that

In the spring, I had a wonderful, all-too-brief reunion with Sally DuBois Moberg in her charming apartment in Westfield. Sally prepared a beautiful lunch for my daughter, Pam, and me during a first in 11 years weekend trip back. Sally lives near her daughter and son-in-law and their young people, while her son and his branch remain in Virginia. But, both branches have provided her with precious little great granddaughters. It was a great treatfto be able to see her everradiant smile again and chat with her about old times. Every December, I ask Jane Hagan Farno to report to me on her fine family members and she faithfully does so, Mt there isn’t time to have her write the facts as she would want them here. She is lucky enough to be living with her bachelor son Clay, a teacher in the Fort Myer’s area of Florida, and in the summer she migrates to Cape Cod. My fingers are crossed for a reunion this summer or next. She still plays golf, probably much more successfully than I do! Last summer, I had a glimpse of “Pete” Lamborn Peters while she was on Martha’s Vineyard, where two of her sons live yearround. She continues to live a busy life in Princeton, and we plan to meet for lunch this year. When Anne Wittels and I talked, I made her tell me where her young people are. They are in California, but that state is so big; they are still hours away from one another. Son Steve and daughter Laura each have two children. Having been entrusted with this assignment, I shall try hard to elicit news from other Kimberley ’45ers before the next deadline of January 1. Please all stay well. And, it would be wonderful if many of you could join me in Montclair this fall for the School’s Anniversary festivities on October 27th! Please write or email if you’re considering being on hand.” MA Mr. William B. Grant, 7330 Westmoreland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 grantwb@tampabay. rr. com

William “Bill” Grant wrote: “After three and a half years as a widower, I have married the dean of a college near Orlando. Prior to that, she led a team of architects and engineers building hospital^ll over the world. The former Dr. Mary Elizabeth West is now Dr. Grant. The site Christian M ingl^t was cupidlpl ---------------------------------------



TKS Eleanor Helm Ketcham 4 White Oak Elon, NC 27244 ellieketcham@aol. com Margaret Shanks Moore writes that she moved to New York City after her husband, Bill, passed away some years ago. She now lives in the same building as her sister, Meteer, and. her husband. She summarized her life this way: “After Kimberley, I went to Vassar and then spent a year at Columbia Business School. The summer after my freshman year, I met Bill through his sister, a Vassar friend, in Pasadena, and we married after I finished college. We first lived in Pasadena and Bakersfield while building a new headquarters for the ranch, since the historic one (which dated from before the Civil War) had been destroyed in an earthquake in 1952. The S n Andreas fault runs through the rdnCh which is in the mountains an hour south of Bakersfield. We had five children while living on the ranch for many happy years. I helped bring the Junior League to Kern County and was on the Board, which brought the California State University to Bakersfield, one of the first to be built in the valley. The two girls still live in Southern Califom® while one son is a retired Marine (like his father), one on Wall Street, one a lawyer. I have enjoyed traveling and still spend a great deal of time in the West.” Gloria Paul writes from Florida that she has been busy preparing a new class at Unity, a program she was introduced to in Caldwell, just as she was entering college. She writes: “Since I am&ling this new class “My Life Highlights,” I think one of my highlights was my time at Kimberley. While I left my Maine high school at the top of my class, I started ^ the bottom at Kimberley. I am very grateful for those two yeife, for the studies and friendships and after-school sports. I was really blessed, even by getting good tutoring in Latin! My studies continued over the years. After receiving a B.S. in science at Beaver College in Jenkintown, PA, an M.S. in transpersonal psychology (my real love) from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA, I was awarded HDoctorate in Ministry, with a major in spiritual direction from United Theological^! Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. My most

class n o te s | 4 9

To date, registered and returning with great enthusiasm for their 60th reunion at Homecoming in October (from as far as the Bahamas!) are: Martha “Skipper” Gilbert Moran, Fay Taft Fawcett, Gail Tomec Kerr, Jane Redfield Forsberg and Nancy Booth Kelly, all accompanied by their significant others. Please plan to join them if you haven’t already committed to come. This is a weekend not to be missed! MA Class Agent: Mr. Charles Sage 435 Welch Avenue Ames, IA 50014-7302 csage@iastate. edu Kimberley McKell ’48 attended MKA s On the Road reception in San Francisco and is pictured here with Headmaster Tom Nammack andformer Alumni Director Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley”76 authentic persona was aSj a journalist, working in various modes (writer, editor, photographer) for nearly 30 years for Florida newspaper dailies, especially Tampa and St. Petersburg. I have always been very focused on spiritual work, a Licensed Unity Teacher for many years, even now. I am grateful, very much so, for all the love and opportunities I was given as an adoptee. I have been an active health care surrogate/caregiver for adoptive relatives and friends. Abby Keebler Ryan writes as follows: “When I visited MKA in October 2010,1 was amazed to see the scope and educational excellence of MKA. Also, we (Art and I) had a fun reunion with Heidi Ames Troxeil and Andrea Schneidewind Walker, but Connie Ritchie DuHamel was sick and could not join us. Today, Art and I reside in a cottage in Blue Hill, Maine, where we live near the summer homes of our children.” MA Dr. Peter B. Lawrence 4802 Olympic Lane N #D Wilson, NC 27896-9148






Margaret Jones Steuart writes from Maryland’s Eastern Shore: “We spend time during the year at our home in Montego Bay, Jamaica at the Half Moon Resort. The fourth generation is now enjoying it. Our family is now a busy one, with 14 grandchildren ranging in age from one year to 26.” MA MKA sends its deepest condolences to the family of Harold H. Rothenburger, who passed away on August 29, 2011.



TKS Mrs. Lloyd Marentette (Gail Robertson) 93 Glen Avenue, Llewellyn Park West Orange, NJ 07052

65th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 TKS Mrs. David Hannegan (Louise Rudd) 49 Canterbury Lane Lakeville, CT 06039 weezieh@sbcglobal. net




TKS Mrs. Sibyl Lewis Lotterle P.O. Box 3254 Hayden Lake, ID 83835-8148 sibstoy@icehouse. net




60th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 TKS Mrs. Clark Moran (Martha Gilbert) 8011 StraujfRoad Baltimore, MD 21204-1834 martha.moranl @verizon. net Reunion Volunteers: Fay Taft Fawcett faytaftfawcett@aol. com Anne Areson-Dwyer Milne admilne@aol.com Skipper Gilbert Moran martha.moranl @verizon.net

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TKS Class Agent: Mrs. Richard Lewis (Audrey Maass) 4551 Gulf Shore Blvd. N, Apt. 804 Naples, FL 34103-4601 rdlew@aol.com




It is with great sadness that MKA learned of the death of Philip Fradkin on Sunday, July 8 after a courageous battle with cancer. PhiH was the 1989 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and an active member of the MKA alumni community, attending area receptions and most recently, being a contributor to the MKA Spring 2012 Review magazine. MKA extends deepest condolences to Phil's wife, Diane and children, Cleo Cavolo and Alex Fradkin. ---------------------------------------


TKS Ms. Georgia Carrington 38 Silver Spring Lane Ridgefield, CT 06877-5604 carrgeo@aol. com MA Mr. Sheldon Buck 51 Cornell Road Wellesley, MA 02181-7408 sheldonbuck@me. com



TKS Mrs. Cecily Wilson Lyle 433 Wright’s Neck Road Centerville, MD 21617 cecilyle@hughes. net MA Mr. Lawrence Martin P.O. Box 1058 Lexington, VA 24450-1058 martin@intelos. net Class Agent: Mr. Robert Brower 131 East 66th Street, Apt. 10C New York, NY 10065-6129 rereadclassics@aol. com

Robert Brawer writes: “My wife, Catherine, and I are polishing up our gold-level routines in ballroom dancing. We hope to compete as a senior amateur couple in some of the forthcoming ballroom competitions on the east coast this year.” From Dick Moskowitz: “Just turned 73, have scaled back my practice to two days a week, but still loving it. We have three grandkids now, our son’s two in LA (a boy, 2 and a half, and a girl, nearly 4), and our daughter’s girl (2+) in DC. Lots of fun seeing them, though they’re farther away than we’d like. Also writing a lot, lately working on a memoir, and singing of course. The world pretty much sucks, but life is good.” From Mike Ludlum: “I turned 75 in April with family and friends at my son’s wonderful restaurant, Sprigs, in Acton, Mass. My good friends Oscar Mockridge and Dave Atherton are also 75 this year, of course, and we still get together. We’ve also had fun seeing Dave and Laura Driver a couple times this year on their way to Florida and back to Vermont. I’ve also been in touch with Chip Dallery, Paul Nejeiski and others.” From Steve Thieberg: “Graduated from Rutgers Univ. in 1959 with a B.A. Studied business, economics and some accounting. Entered the Army through the National Guard and served six months, with the remaining time spent at weekly National Guard meetings and Summer Camp for five years. Attended NYU Graduate School of Business for one year taking additional accounting courses. Also, took additional accounting courses at University College, a division of Rutgers. I was married in 1960 to Brenda. We have been married for 52 years. We lived in Wayne, NJ, for many years. We have two married children: Mark, a doctor, and Michael, in corporate finance. We have four grandchildren. I became a CPA in 1962 and was a partner in a local CPA firm before retiring in December 2004. We moved to Wycliffe Golf and Country Club in Wellington, FL, in Jan. 2005 and have been here ever since. We spend most of our time playing golf, going to our fitness center and being active in other activities. I still do a little tax work for my old firm in NJ by way of “remote access” through the computer. I will be 75 in June 2012.”




TKS Mrs. Carol Barnard Ottenberg 1420 41st Avenue, E Seattle, WA 98112-3804 ottenbergc@aol. com

Many thanks to Carol Ottenberg for gathering news from many of her ’56 classmates. From Linda Cole LeStage: “My news is common to many of us these days. I am moving to smaller quarters, a condominium not far from my daughter, Julie McOsker, who is in nearby Norwell. The McOskers’ young are fledging; one at Emma Willard, nearing college, the other going to boarding school (The Governor’s Academy) for his high school years. Son Gregg and family live in Cambridge with three young daughters. We all connect, primarily in Orleans, during the summer months. The family compound is wonderful for our extended relatives to come togetherMucky family!” Linda Lovell Smith writes: “Larry and I just returned from a Wheaton College mini class reunion in the lovely Brandywine area of PA. Henny Nelson Skeen and husband Bart were also with the group visiting Winterthur, The Brandywine Art Museum and Longwood Gardens. We celebrated our 50“ wedding anniversary at Sanibel Island last spring with family - a glorious week of shelling, beach activities, boating and swimming. The family has also been able to gather for holidays at our Vineyard house over Thanksgiving, New Year’s and the Fourth of July.” Lilia Emetaz McDonald, from Eugene, OR, writes: “With elections coming up, I keep ||is y with the Lane County League of Women Voters (Lane County is as big as Connecticut). I am still involved with the U of Oregon sports programs - our football team won the Rose Bowl! We enjoy travels to our cabin south of Eugene; our grandchildren live near Portland and come to

the cabin every August and enjoy fishing in the creek. Ph.D. daughter Elizabeth Binney, whose specialty is wetlands, teaches at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA, where she lives, and at the University of Washington in Seattle. I keep up with my swimming, walking and hiking, and still take photos.|||| Sue Crook Ferdinand writes: “I’m stil^B doing my thing here in Paradise (face painting, natural henna and balloons for family and corporate events) but will be moving back to NJ as soon as my house sells. I’ll be starting my business all over again there.” Henny Nelson Skeen reports: “We saw Linda Lovell Smith and Larry at a Wheaton mini-reunion in the Wilmington, Delaware area. Sometimes we also catch up with Linda and Larry at Martha’s Vineyard where we spend all summer. Our oldest grandson graduates from high school in Juiigand will be going to the Univ. of Alabama in the fall. Hard to believe the next generation is ready for college!” Nancy Prescott Ward writes: “We have had a good year, enjoying a month each in Maine and Florida and a two-week trip to the Amazon, which was interesting but not one I’d particularly recommence Our children and grands (ages 9, 8 and 2 14.) are doing well, and we’ve had the chance for some good get-togethers during the year. Bob and I continue to work in our business, Anserve, Inc., which is growing nicely and keeps us out of trouble. We are pleased to have son Rob in business with us; he’s been aboard for six years ”

c l a s s n o t e s | 51

Molla Kaplan Reisbaum checked in: “Those of us in attendance at our 55™ reunion had a really nice time. We enjoyed Sally Bever Zwiebach’s photos of Carol Van Brunt Rasic, Janet Rodman Koskoff and Sally’s thespian activities. I believe Nancy Prescott Ward was in the photos as well. It was wonderful catching up after so many years. Other news: Our children and five grandchildren are fine. As many of you must be doing, we are going to basketball and baseball games, lacrosse matches, ballet and pitmo recitals, school plays and more. I’m still working for Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Wyckoff, NJ, office. I keep active playing social Bridge as opposed to Joanne Weisser Salomon, who is a very fine toumament/duplicate player. Joanne and I see each other regularly, and we frequently reminisce about our TKS days and classmates.’*: Gail Zabriskie Wilson update: “I co-chaired Greenwich Reads Together, our name for a ‘community read.’ We selected Zeitoun by Dave Eggers and met some interesting people who came to speak. Still playing lots of tennis, singing in our choir and now also playing the handbells - not that I’m much of a musician, but our director is very forgiving.” Nicole de Jurenev writes: “Have been trying to keep a low profile, and, as you might guess, that’s a full-time job for me. I am still a rabid gardener and a member of Master Gardeners. We are required to do 30 volunteer hours a year...I find myself in charge of maintaining our town’s beautiful Rose Garden - no small KSat as we have more than 400 roses of all varieties. Last week, I found myself herding more than 40 volunteers in a massive pruning event. Que viva la rosal Well, that’s about the extent of my landscape SpanisW’ From Class Secretary Carol: “Simon and I spent a week in Tucson last spring, a nice ;Ppunterpoint to our regular summer travels to the Adirondacks and Maine. Gail Zabriskie Wilson, Linda Cole LeStage and I had a mini-reunion in Maine last summer, all too short a visit, but full of talk.” MA Mr. Eric Jaeckel P.O. Box 20153 Boulder, CO 80308-3153 ejjaeckel@hotmail. com Class Agent: Dr. Lawrence Nazarian 29 Surrey Place Penfield, NY 14526-1221 LFredN@aol. com



TKS Mrs. Thelma "Tam" Miller Knight 3001 Linton Boulevard, No. 201C Delray Beach, FL 518 tknightl 15@aol. com Bama McNeill Rogers emailed Tam Miller Knight with the following: “I’m still Regional Supervisor for the Sunshine Region of the United States Pony Clubs, Inc. I still have too many horses - teach lessons (which I LOVE doing) and attend national meetings (New Orleans in Jan., CT this weekend) and regional activities all over the state. I don’t go to the US Virgin Islands, even though I’m responsible for them. Someone who likes to travel is always delighted to go when necessary. Both my daughters are still professional riders and trainers - Heather McNeill Steinman (Jumper), in Alpharetta, Ga, and Gigha Bama Steinman (Dressage), in Newberry, FL. Heather’s 9-year-old son Chase (living on a horse farm) is into skateboarding.” Tam reports that she and Joan Wallace Bryant very much enjoy keeping in contact with one another. In fact, they are taking a National Geographic trip in August to the Canyons of the Southwest. “It should be an awesome trip!” Tam hopes all is well with everyone in the class, and, as always, would love to hear from many of you! MA Reunion Volunteer: Dr. Edward T. OBrienJr. 3376 FerncliffLane Clearwater, FL 33761-1411 obrien. edward@spcollege. edu The Alumni Office would like to thank Edward T. O’Brien, who has retired as Class Secretary and Agent, for his dedication to the Class of 1957. ---------------------------------------



TKS Mrs. Diana Bethell Little 1-K Buckingham Rd. West Orange, NJ 07052-2703 littlecorp@verizon. net MA Mr. Henry Agens 86 Eagle Rock Way Montclair, NJ 07042-1629 hymelee@earthlink. net Mr. David Stroming 82 Halsted Drive Manchester, NJ 08759 KStroming@aol. com

class n otes I 52


55th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012

Hy writes: “We are traveling more as we get older, but that, I guess, is to be expected as we retire and have a lot more free time. Dr. Jim Zager and his wife, Susan, enjoyed a terrific trip abroad in February starting out in Dover (U.K.), cruising down the coast of France, entering the Bay of Biscay, and then along the coasts of Spain and Portugal. They also took a side trip to Paris. (Does anyone take a “side trip” to Paris?) On the other hand, Mike Chodorcoff fulfilled a long held dream to journey through the Canadian Rockies. In September 2011, starting out from Calgary, Mike and wife Jean (who still works for AON) took a prestigious Tauck Tour to Banff, Lake Louise, and up to Jasper National Park. As a nine year old, Mike remembers that his father, who was raised near Vancouver, took the family on a comparable trek. Even at that young age, Mike was struck by the beauty and majesty of the mountain peaks and the mirror-like lakes. As of this writing, Mike and Jean are headed for a trip to the Southwest United States starting in Phoenix and taking them to Sedona, Lake Powell, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks, ending in Las Vegas. Speaking of travel, my wife and I just got back from a wild, wonderful week in Weehawken. (I love alliteration.) Our cardiologist classmate Jim Zager is very proud of a program he initiated at the University of California at Irvine for adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Unlike children, adults with this disease are underserved by the medical profession according to Jim. Jim was made a full professor at the University. Although he’s not sailing as much, Jim says he still plays serious tennis as well as Bridge. His grandchildren include Brooke, Madison, Jake and Hayley. At this point, I would like to make special mention about about MKA's departing Alumni Director, Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley ’76, who is relocating with her husband, Paul ’76, to Sarasota, Florida, to be near her family. For thirteen years, Ms. McFeeley has been an outstanding Alumni Director. I say that with first-hand knowledge. Those who attended and enjoyed our 50th reunion in October of 2008 should realize that Laurie was responsible for all the special touches (photo album, photo name tags, Brogan material) that made that day so memorable. It wouldn’t have happened that way without her unique talents and commitment. Of course, we thank her and wish her and husband Paul the very best.”

1959 TKS Class Secretary: Ms. Jarvis Reilly Nolan 15612 Via Marchena San Diego, CA 92128-4420 jarvisno@aol. com MKA sends deepest sympathies to Marianne Doran Steinhacker on the March 26, 2012, passing of her mother, Maijorie Doran. Lily Solmssen Moureaux wrote in with the following: “It was wonderful to spend a few days in Sanibel, Florida, with one of my three sisters and her seven granddaughters. In fact, I am very proud of my 8 great nieces and 2 great nephews - ranging in age from 2 years to 10-years-old. My photography continues to give me a great deal of satisfaction as I face the challenges of this Digital Ages’s everchanging technology. I continue to photograph the International Rescue Committee’s youth activities.” Lily's photography will be featured in MKA's 125th Anniversary Art Exhibit in the Weiss Gallery this fall.




TKS Class Agent: Mrs. Mary Anne Coursen Doty 21 Juniper Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 Congratulations to Sally Alice Unkles on her February 19, 2012, marriage to Andrew Lyons Smith, Jr. in Palm Beach, Florida. The wedding took place at The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, and after a lovely reception at the Everglades Club, the couple enjoyed a wedding trip to Captiva.




TKS Mrs. Winifred Sage Wilson 13819 Vidal Place, NE Albuquerque, NM 87123-4729 wmsw98@msn. com Class Agent: Mrs. Suzanne Scannell Hardy 47 Bartlett Parkway Winthrop, MA 02152

Betsy Garretson Vanderbilt, via Jarvis Reilly Nolan, sent in the following news: “Jerry and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in June 2012 with a family Caribbean cruise out of Galveston. We will have 15 family members joining us, including our kids, grandkids, sister and brother, and all of their spouses. In July, we will be taking a fabulous road trip to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. Jerry will be taking thousands of pictures along the way. We are so looking forward to this summer! We send our love to all the members of the class of ’59.”

TKS Mrs. C. D. Creed (Barbara Bywater) 1769 Forest View Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 bcreed@truckerhuss. com

MKA sends deepest sympathy to Marianne Doran Steinhacker, whose mother passed away on March 26, 2012.

MKA was sorry to learn of the death of Pat Doran Schaum’s mother, Marjorie Doran, on March 26, 2012. Condolences go out to the entire Doran extended family.




50th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012

MKA sends it deepest sympathies to the family of Kathryn O’Donnell Wells on her March 26, 2012, passing.

Marriage o f Sally Alice Unkles and Andrew Lyons Smith, Jr.

MA Secretary and Reunion Volunteer: Dr. John J. Farrar RO. Box 114 2069 Warren Creek Road Ovando, MT 59854 sharknose@starband. net Reunion Volunteer: Robert “Bob ” Gerst Robert.gerst@massart. edu ---------------------------------------



MA Mr. Bronson Van Wyck Arrowhead Farms 2141 Highway 224 East Tuckerman, AR 72473 FB Van Wyck@hotmail. com ---------------------------------------



MA John Benigno Reunion Chair johnbenigno@hotmail. com Fine Art Photographer, John A. Benigno,™ reports that his photograph “Callas and White Vase” has been included in the current “Permanent Collection Exhibition” at the Lancaster Museum of Art in Lancaster, PA. The show runs through May 27th. Also, his photograph “San Francisco de Asis III” is currently on exhibit af the Berman Museum at Urisinus College in Collegeville, PA, as part of the “Picture Making: Recent Acquisitions in Photography” exhibit. The show runs through June 1st. John commented on MKA’s Alumni Faceb®k page: “I am flattered that the curator, Claire Giblin, would include my work.” Congratulations to John on this lasting recognition! And, just recently, John's photograph "Kuener Farm Bam" was awarded the Dorothy Wackerman Hutton Prize in The Plastic Club’s 100^ Annual Members Medal Show.

John Benigno’s photograph “Agathlan ” was awarded the Joanna Lightner Photography Award in the Montgomery County Guild o f Professional Artists. class n o te s | 53



In the meanwhile, this winter season, Harry and I have been volunteering as ambassadors for guest services on the mountain. We work one day a week for 20 weeks, and in return get a full pass to three mountains, 10 days at Vail, and a free ski lesson each month. It has been lots of fun meeting people from different states and countries and helping them out with information, getting skis, etc... We are looking forward to a trip to Alaska at the end of the summer with friends. We will be camping and hiking, among other things. We are lucky to see my sister, Joan Poor Clarke ’66, and her family from time to time ip Denver. She has three boys who are all still single, thus she enjoys sharing my son and daughter-in-laws and babysitting their children.”


TKS Ms. Marilyn “Lyn ” Schultz Blackwell 3779 Center Road East Montpelier, VT 05651-4103 lblack@ezcloud. com Lyn Schultz Blackwell gathered ’65 class news that includes memories of the class’s senior class trip to Bermuda, with chaperones Susan DeBevoise Wright and Barbara Malcolm (whose profile in the Spring 2012 issue of MKA Review revived memories of that trip). From Margaret Crawford Bridge: “I’ve been out of touch for awhile but still remember my years at MKA (as student, alumna, parent, Alumni Council member and Trustee) with a great deal of fondness. Good education and good people all around! Two years ago, I retired from my fundraising career - the longest of several careers - by stepping down from my position as Executive Vice President of Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation in Englewood, NJ. I started fundraising at MKA - first as a volunteer at phonathons and then as President of the MKA Board. Guess I was a natural! I “retired” and brought my 10 years of experience as an orchid hobbyist to the forprofit world. I purchased Black Meadow Orchids (renamed Black Meadow Flora), a wholesale orchid greenhouse business in Chester, NY (near my home in Cornwall, NY). My youngest daughter Michele ’96 (she goes by “Micki”) works with me fulltime as greenhouse operations manager. My daughter Allison Clemens ’93 and son David ’91 lend their graphic design/photography and technology talents respectively, part-time. As B “retiree,” I’ve never worked harder in my life, but love (almost) every minute of it! I became a grandmother one year ago March 29 to Kyleigh Alexandra Clemens - the happiest little girl on earth! Son David and his wife, Cindy Parisi, are expecting my second grandbajiy in early Julpi! Life is good despite the usual aches and pains of “serious adulthood,'”1and I’m happy to be doin’ what I’m doin’ with family close by! My best to everyone in the good old class of ’65!” Cheryl Calmenson Graff wrote: '1 do remember the [Bermuda] trip. I still have the picture taken in the airport and remember standing at an angle in front of Lucille - it appeared as though I had a beehive on my ¡pad! In June 2012, my husband Dennis and I will be married 43 years, and we now have six grandchildren ranging in age from 9 months up to 11-years-old. We still live in Toronto where I continue to sell real estate.

class n o te s I 54

Margaretta Sander ’66 All else is great. Hello to all fellow classmates. I am on Facebook for anyone to join me!” Katherine “Kitty” Haines added: “I did not go to Bermuda that year, but I would love to see any pictures you all have. Did you stay at Elbow Beach? All I seem to recall is Sue DeB, I think, having had a scooter accident! Susan DeBevoise Wright responds: “Kitty’s right —I burned my leg on the open exhaust pipe of the scooter in Bermuda. Being largely limited to sedentary activities, I learned to play bridge as a result (Mrs. Malcolm taught me), and my mother was my partner. Remember that vintage photo of us at the TWA air terminal wearing our suits and high'heels? In other news, I am a student again. I’m training to be a docent at the Hood Art Museum at Dartmouth. Serendipitously, Colby-Sawyer College, where I’m on the board, is building a new arts center. I’m enjoying being 65 because of such adventures as these.” Sally Poor Owen musings: “I thought I was the only one who didn’t go to Bermuda our senior year. This past year has been quite busy with changes for our family. Our son, who has been living in Auckland, New Zealand - he married a Kiwi - with his wife and daughter for the past three years, moved back to Denver last summer with his family s and managed to have a son on Dec. 20th. At the same time, my daughter and her husband had a baby girl in Sept. My husband and I are happily retired in Breckenridge, Colorado, and love having the kids nearby. We make it to Denver about every other week.

Merrill Adickes Rich writes that she finally received her Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of Central Florida. MA MKA extends condolences to the family and friends of Eric Schneider, who passed away on December 24, 2011.




TKS Margaretta Sander wrote in: “Living in central Mexico for past 7 years, certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, spent 6 weeks in India this year studying yoga, founder of Shambhala San Miguel meditation center and member of Shambhala Buddhist community since 1992. Daughter Margaretta was married on 5/5/12. Son Tyler is a musician in Montreal, daughter Tara in school in Vancouver and son Will is in architecture school in Halifax. I’m also Canadian!” MA Mr. D. Carter Fitzpatrick 70 Eastern Vista Sedona, AZ 86351-9085 fitzlaw@sedona. net Class Agent: Mr. A. Craig Cameron 11 Bay Point Drive Ormond Beach, FL 32174-2203 ccameron@cameronhodges. com




45th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 TKS Ms. Margot Escott 1818 Imperial Golf Course Blvd. Naples, FL 34110-1010

Reunion Volunteers: Kathy Mustacchi Samman 191 Grandview Avenue Caldwell, NJ 07006-4743 Linda Feinberg Pasternack dr. lindapastemack@verizon. net MA Class Agent: Mr. Craig Perry 3467 Pinestream Road Atlanta, GA 30327 Craig.perry@rutherfoord. com Reunion Volunteers: Joe Marino jamaresq@aol. com Michael Yamashita msy202O@aol. com

MKA sends deepest sympathy to Richard Brightman whose father, Robert L. Brightman ’36, passed away on February 22, 2012.

Some of Michael Yamashita's photography will be featured in MKA's 125th Anniversary Art Exhibit in the Weiss Gallery this fall.



TKS Ms. Avie Claire Kalker 10 Knolls Road Williamstown, MA 01267 akalker@aol. com ---------------------------------------


Marilyn Cowing Dulin surfaced via Facebook briefly; she’s-living in Maryland. To find more news, I lurked on several other classmates’ FB pages —mostly to find photos of grandchildren, cats and dogs. As for me, I spent three wonderful weeks in Italy last May, traveling with my cousin to celebrate our 60^ birthdays. For the next column, send me an email now, before you forget! MKA sends deepest sympathies to Shelley Brightman Walchak whose father, Robert L. Brightman ’36, passed away on February 22, 2012.

Craig Perry craigperry@aol. com


Inc, a nationally recognized leader in youth workforce development. Susan and husband, Michael Cothren, visited me several times over the years, as their daughter Nora studied at Smith (as did Susan) and graduated in May.

MA Dr. Edward A. Griggs Jr. 8 Yates Boulevard Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 eagriggs@optonline. net ---------------------------------------



TKS Ms. Leslie Bryan 844 East Morningside Drive, NE Atlanta, GA 30324-5223 lbryan@dsckd. com Class Agent: Ms. Kim Kolbe 38 Kent Drive Roseland, NJ 07068-3707


TKS Christine Hannon 97 North Street Northhampton, MA 01060-3213 channon@smith.edu From Chris: “As I write these notes, spring is well underway after a non-winter winter.” Virginia Munson Vassallo reports: “Last September, I was invited to speak at The Stars and Stripes Reunion banquet about my grandfather and his contribution to the newspaper. It was his policy that has kept the paper free from governmental, political and military interference since 1918. There is concern now that it may be ending, as the government is moving The Stars and Stripes headquarters into a military facility. It would be great if lots of MKA alumni would write their representatives and senators asking them to make sure the paper stays free of editorial interference.” Susan Lowry is now Vice President for Development at Philadelphia Youth Network

Leslie Bryan writes: “Over the weekend of April 20th, sixteen members of TKS Class of 1970 —fourteen who graduated and two who left us early —gathered at my house and Helen “Heidi” Sanders Bryan’s home on Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate our year of 60^ birthdays. Over the years, we have experienced the unspeakable pain of losing a child, the difficulties of losing a spouse (whether by death or divorce), and the joy of success in raising wonderful children, sustaining long-term marriages and finding ¡¡S soul mate later in life. We even have a “Meema” (Heidi) and a “Nana” (Madge)! One of us (Kim) has the “bling” from four Super Bowls and one NFC Championship! We have lived life, with all of its ups and downs, to the fullest and look forward to what is to come. In the process of planning the trip, we did find some others, including Julia Haines, Allison Smith Driscoll, Pat Vilas Brown, Barbara “Bobbie” Dixon and Lydia Keyser Nabuco, who were unable to join us. We missed them and will continue to hope they will come next time.

So, for the details B n order of appearance. Heidi and I arrived earlier in the week to get ready. Heidi is still in Plano, TX, with my brother WillSgHer oldest child, Weston, isw expecting his second child in June. Her daughter, Lindsay, is waiting for approval of her Australian immigration application so she can return to Melbourne and boyfriend Chris Rose. Daughter Katie is in Minneapoli^^B I’m looking forward to seeing her this summer. (Heidi doesn’t know it —and this will be published after the event -Shut my brother is hosting a surprise 60“1birthday party in Texas on May 19^). My husband, Bruce Maloy, and I had driven up from Atlanta so I could bring my four-legged friend who loves the Vineyard as much as we do. Brace and I continue to practice law in Atlanta, and, last year, I took and passed the Florida bar exam —very different experience than when I took the Georgia bar as a new law school graduate! Our daughter, Whitney, lives about three miles from us with her husband of two and a half years. She isi|| awaiting admission decisions from graduate schools. Elizabeth “Liz” Conzen Zellner and Debbie von Hoffmann Lanzone arrived on Thursday. Liz recently lost her beautiful mother, so the timing of our gathering felt right for her. Liz and I have been fortunate because our husbands —bookworms -pnjoy each other, so we have spent the past two New Year’s Eves together at Watercolor in Florida. I have yet to meet her beautiful daughters, Katie and Maggie, but look forward to that in a couple of weeks. Liz and Jessie have their home base in Lynchburg, VA, but seem constantly on the move as they spend their year as Chairs of the Parents Council for the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Liz’s UNC MBA came in handy over the weekend because she served as our accountant. Debbie has now retired from the federal government after a wonderful career trying to look out for our environment. She and husband Dale are in Reston, VA, with their three dogs. Dale recently oversaw (y e * Deb, I have seen it) an incredible art installation at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Our next arrivals were Winifred “Winnie” Hentschel, Georgia Buckner and Alison Boochever Sawyer. Winnie and Ali were early departures from the Class of 1970 and so were not with us for high school and graduation. That was our losB Getting to know them now, they would have been wonderful assets, and I am sorry that we did not have the benefit of these great women. Winnie, along with Lisa Shapiro, was the professional therapist for the weekend, and Winnie is one who is enjoying another chance at a wonderful relationship. We wish her all the best. Ali is working as a personal assistant in Boston managing the homes and lives of an affluent family. Unfortunately, her

class n o te s | 55

services are not in my budget but what a treat that would be! Georgia, now in the Chicago; area, has truly had a year of joy and tragedy. She lost her mother in January and lost her sister just last week. But, in May, she is marrying the wonderful Jack Nicholson and will be wearing a perfect dress while looking forward to a wedding trip to Paris. We alS [ threatened to show up and be bridesmaids, but, for some reason, Georgia wanted a more intimate ceremony! The NJ/CT contingent arrived together —ITk ! bet that was some car ride —so we headed to the ferry to meet Susan “Susie” Buttel O’Brien, Kim Kolbe, Anne McIntyre Graves and Karen Braeder Conniff. Hearing Susie’s contagious laugh is perfect medicine for whatever ails. Kim has not yet retired from the Giants —something about a Super Bowl —but is threatening to do that at any moment. She recently got back from a cruise though, among other places, the Panama Canal. Anne works in a shop in New Canaan and isdooking forward to heading for Nantucket for another summer with friends and family. She and Otto have the longest marriage —37 years in June —but Bruce and I are only a couple of months behind. Karen is a realtor and was working while on the island, so the market, in her area at least, appears to be on the rebound. Karen has a son who is a doctor, a daughter with an interest in art preservatioja|iand a son working at the world renowned “Luke’s Lobster” in New York City. Our last arrivals on Friday were Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner and Lisa Shapiro. We had not seen Karen in years, so we were very glad she joined us. Karen is one of the three lawyers in the group. She has recently left the Lyme Foundation that she and Tom founded. L.is'a>is a therapist in Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husband. Her oldest son is in LA and thinking about law school. Her younger son is at Oberlin. According to her Facebook page, she is enjoying being an empty nester! Our Friday night dinner was at my house —and thanks to all of you for your

compliments on my cooking! Saturday brought us a beautiful day and more arrivals. Elizabeth “Betsy” Kimball picked up Madge Huber Henning at Logan and arrived mid-morning. Betsy brought her bike! Betsy continues to work for the State of Massachusetts. Her knowledge of environmental law was really helpful as we toured the island. Madge and her husband Warren Davis split their time between DC and their home in Oxford, MD. It was a bit like herding cats, but we ultimately ended up on the beach with chairs, an umbrella®!» bunch of sandwiches and my enthusiastic black lab, Quinn. It was a great afternoon. Last to arrive was Barbara Sloane, who came up from New York. We really appreciated the effort Barb made to get away from her paralegal position at Greenberg Traurig. It was great to have her. Saturday night we gathered at Heidi’s house for lobster, steaks and swordfish, joined by Heidi’s sister, Deborah “Debbie” Sanders Lewis ’67, and Heidi’s father (one of my favorite people), Charles “Chuck” Sanders ’41. And, while a bit chaotic, we tried to Skype with Patricia “Pat” Vilas Brown on the west coast where she has worked as a RN for abo®|30 years. We also emailed with Bobbie Dixon. Bobbie would have joined us but for the fact that she had to give a talk in High Point, NC. We missed her! Sunday was bittersweet as some had to leave to return to the real world, but some of us got to enjoy a relaxing, but rainy day, and final evening together. Monday arrived far too soon. While we were on the Vineyard, we googled our headmaster, Dick Loveland, and found an email address through his Princeton class. We sent him an email and, sure enough, he responded. Several of us have now had wonderful exchanges with him. He

and his wife, Margot, are living in Oregon. It has been wonderful to reconnect with someone who was an important part of our lives, and we look forward to continuing the contact. MKA was sorry to learn of the passing of Liz Conzen Zellner’s mother, Salome Bruwer Conzen, on April 2, 2012. The school sends condolences to the entire Conzen family. MKA was sorry to learn of the passing of Procter Smith, Jr., father of Alison Smith Driscoll ’70x, on January 8, 2012, MKA sends heartfelt condolences to Georgia Buckner on the January 24, 2012, passing of her mother, Annie Lyle Apperson Coulston, and the loss of her sister, Beverly Shaffer, on April 24, 2012 MA Mr. V James Castiglia 3 Lark Lane Oak Ridge, NJ 07438-9171 vjc@vjamescastiglia. com Class Agent: Mr. Peter Webb Mile Slip Farm 48 Mason Road Brookline, NH 03033-2203 pwebb@winerbennett. com ---------------------------------------



TKS Miss Philippa Bowles 162 WoodruffAvenue Brooklyn, NY 11226 bowlesphilippa@hotma.il.com MA Mr. Anthony Vitale 10 North Wood Avenue, Apt. 601 Linden, NJ 07036 Tony. Vitale@TVOD.com From Tony Vitale; “On behalf of the Class of 1971, and particularly since one of our own graduated from Lafayette College, we extend our sympathy and condolences to the family of Everett L. Glenn ’ll. As for me, I have been appointed to the Committee on the Diaconate for the Episcopal Diocese of NJ. The committee interviews and puts forward candidates for Holy Orders for the Bishop’s approval.” Tony himself returned to the Upper School Campus in February to speak to the GSA club about what it was like to be a gay student at MKA when it was an all boys school.

Kimberley ’70 Classmates at their April 2012 mini-reunion on Martha’s Vineyard class n o te s | 56

Geoff Close writes: “Great News on February 27,1 became a grandfather. Geoffrey S. Close III (nicknamed “Tripp” for the third) was bom at 8 lbs. loz. Everybody is doing very well, and hopes are that Tripp will have the speed and football ability of the prior namesakes.”

Jon Golding writes: “No new info other than the San Francisco Bay area is now my primary location, at Stanford University Medical Center. It was really great connecting with everyone last fall at Homecoming.” John Guttmann and Holly Cannon were married in November at home in Washington, DC. John relayed: “Last fall’s reunion was fantastic; let’s not wait 5 years to get together again!”

Rob Lipman bought a condo in Fort Lauderdale last month.

Bruce Pastorini writes: “My wife Sue Slid*I just had our first grandchild. Our daughter Tina Ryan and her husband Jim of Austin, TX, had a baby girl named Ella Rose Ryan on May 3, 2012. At birth, Ella was 7 lbs., 2 oz. and was 21 inches long.” MKA sends deepest sympathies to Robert “Bob” Hoonhout whose father, Robert J. Hoonhout, passed away on February 24, 2012.




40th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 TKS Ms. Barbara Flessas 140 Lorraine Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 barbara.flessas@gmail. com Ms. Deborah Peck, Esq. 128 Victoria Bay Court Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418-5764 dcpl 1@hotmail.com

Former Trustee and member o f the Alumni Advisory Council Dean Paolucci '73 enjoys the graduation o f his youngest son Dean Jr., Upper School Student Government President, with wife Tricia and daughter Dana '09. Class Agent: Mrs. Linda Finney Williams Box 1446 6 South Pasture Lane Nantucket, MA 02554 czarina@nantucket. net Reunion Volunteers: Barbara Flessas barbara.flessas@gma.il.com Linda Finney Williams czarinalinda@comcast. net MKA sends condolences to Kathleen “Brewer” Doran on the passing of her mother, Marjorie Doran, on March 26, 2012.

Amy Nussbaum Mack writes: “I’m living an idyllic existence on beautiful Vashon Island, a short ride away from Seattle. My son Jeremy and his wife, Lauren, live in San Diego and have two beautiful children, Jayden William bom October 17, 2007, and Kiana Naomi bom July 26, 2011

Denise Chezek writes: “I took early retirement from my Federal Government job last year and have moved to Florida.” MKA sends condolences to Pam Smith Brock on the loss of her father, Procter Smith, Jr., on January 8, 2012. MKA send deepest condolences to Kathleen Brewer Doran, whose mother passed away on March 26, 2012.

MA Class Agent and Reunion Volunteer: Mr. Peter Perretti 86 East Bracebridge Circle The Woodlands, TX 77382-2542] ■ perretti@sbcglobal. net Amy Nussbaum Mack’s grandchildren Jayden William and Kiana Naomi.

Nicholas Alessi nalessi@kimball. com

The Alumni Office heard from Thomas Brueckner who writes: “My wife Susan and I just celebrated oiffl::35™ anniversary and also this spring welcomed our 5™ grandchild, August William Whitmire. I continue selling medical supplies and equipment for PSS World Medical in northern NJ. We reside in Madison, NJ, and just completed restoration of our “new” home, an 1890 Victorian farmhouse. Looking forward to seeing everyone at this year’s reunion!® $




TKS Ms. Susan Read 38 College Circle Staunton, VA 22401-2375

Martha Del Negro Moreno writes®‘Going to nursing school after many years of teaching French and Italian and paralegal work. My mother, Mrs. Josephine Del Negro, was head of the Foreign Language Department at Kimberley back in the late 60’s and 70’s. She died 19 years ago.”

MA Mr. Gregory Lackey 138 Paupukkewis Trail Medford Lakes, NJ 08055-1310 gregory. lackey@usps.gov Class Agent: Mr. Thomas C. Galligan 504 Main Street New London, NH 03257-7818 tgalligan@colby-sawyer. edu

Greg Lackey writes: “I am closing oi't'my term as the Mayor of Medford Lakes, NJ, after serving as a Borough Councilman and previously as President of the Medford Lakes Colony and Athletic Association. After twenty-five years, I’m going to spend my nights at home rather than in meetings. I still

c l a s s n o t e s | 57

work for the Postal Service, as Realty Asset Manager of its real estate portfolio covering about 15 states from Maine to Wisconsin. Much of the work is developing projects on urban Postal properties, such as commercial office towers, hotels, residential condominiums, and other mixed use projects. Boys are all grown up, with tw®B grandchildren. Married for thirty years, live on a lake, referee high school basketball and s'occer. Life is grand.”

William “Bill” Breen is the founding senior editor of the business magazine Fast Company, a two-time winner of the National Magazine Award. He is the co-author of The Responsibility Revolution and The Future o f Management, Which Amazon.com selected as the best business book of 2007. Random House/Crown is publishing his next book on Lego and innovation early next year. Bill lives with his wife and son, a high school junior in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Bill’s daughter attends Colby College.

Rick Jenkins 77, a member o f the MKA Board o f Trustees, with wife Jackie, daughter Emma '12, an MKA "Lifer" and twins Charlotte and Gregory, Class o f'18.


Peter Redpath dropped a note saying: “My wife of 30 years and I have moved back to Sanibel, FL, where we lived for 10 years until ’95. Our 3 sons are out and about - one in Philly, one in Boston and one a sophomore at Middlebury. I am still active in tennis and golf, finding Buddhism makes a lot of sense, listening and playing the same old tunes and appreciating the calm and beauty of Sanibel Island. Still working (www.redpathconsulting.com) various projects, including some with Dean Paolucci.”'

David Brandley says all is great and that he is in touch with William “Bill” Kovacs from time to time. He promises to write.. .and, Malcolm O’Hara doesn’t think he is old!

Congratulations to Robert “Bob” Jackson on his May 8th victory in Montclair’s Mayoral race. All but one member of Bob’s Montclair 2012 slate was voted in on Tuesday, May 8th, a strong endorsement of Bob’s leadership skills and goals for the Township. Bob previously served as a Montclair At-Large Councilor from 1984-88, and in that role was appointed Mayor from 1987-88. At the time, he was the youngest mayor in the Township’s history. After the Academy, Bob earned his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and received his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Bob is a Montclair native and continues to live in town with his wife, Cheryl, and their four children. Bob’s oldest daughter, Danielle, will graduate from Yale Law School this year.

class notes I 58



Class Agent: Ms. Erin Cuffe Crawford 102 Buckingham Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043-2307 erincrawford@verizon. net MKA extends deepest sympathies to Mark Baran and his family on the May 4, 2012, passing of his father, Stanley J. Baran. Montclair native Seton Daly Beckwith joined the real estate office of Keller Williams in March. Seton and husband Brian have raised six children in Montclair. Being the owner of a late 19™ century Victorian, she relishes the idea of showing historic home enthusiasts the magnificent collection of older homes throughoug Essex County.




Class Agent: Mr. Paul Zukerberg 1790 Lanier Place NW Washington, DC 20009-2118 pzuk@speakeasy. net





35th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012




Mrs. Paul McFeeley (Laurie Hoonhout) laurie.mcfeeley@gmail. com

Mr. Andrew Pedersen 1 Washington Avenue Rumson, NJ 07760-2013 andrewpedersen8@aol.com Class Agent: Mr. Robert Hubsmith 16 Warren Road Maplewood, NJ 07040-1814 robert. hubsmith@mountsinai. org Reunion Volunteers: Andy Pedersen apedersen@pw-mg. com Robert Hubsmith robert.hubsmith@mountsinai.org Cheryl D ’Alessandro McMullen cherellem@comcast. net MKA sends its deepest condolences to

William Baird whose father, David Graham Baird, Jr. ’41, passed away on May 17, 2012.

MKA sends deepest sympathies to Patricia Berry whose father, Robert Vaughan Berry, passed away on February 8, 2012. ---------------------------------------



Class Agent: Dr. Charles Read 1918 N. Daniel Street Arlington, VA 22201-4110 readca@gunet.georgetown.edu

Ms. Pamela Zeug 60 W. 57th Street, #15F New York, NY 10019 pzeug@downinggroup. com

MKA sends heartfelt condolences to Laurie Hoonhout McFeeley whose father, Robert J. Hoonhout, passed away on February 24, 2012.

Class Agent: Ms. Jane Lugaric Burkhard 299 Crown Road Kentfield, CA 94904-2711 janeburkhard@comcast. net

Some of Marina Adam's artwork will be featured in MKA's 125th Anniversary Art Exhibit in the Weiss Gallery this fall.

MKA sends deepest sympathies to the family of Cheryl Wedel Birmingham, who passed away on March 24, 2012.

MKA sends deepest sympathies to Suzanne Conzen on the April 2, 2012, passing of her mother, Salome Bruwer Conzen. MKA sends sincere condolences to Michael Berry whose father, Robert Vaughan Berry, passed away on February 8, 2012.




Dr. John Brink 1246 Beach Haven Rd. Atlanta, GA 30324-3842 drjack2020@aol. com Mrs. Carlos Ortiz (Shawn Mahieu) 2163 Gilbride Road Martinsville, NJ 08836-2235 csaortiz@optonline. net MKA was sorry to hear of Dorset Penick’s passing on February 16, 2012. Dorset left MKA after ninth grade but remained a part of the class of ’79 through lasting friendships. Her father attended Montclair Academy ’23, and the extended Penick family has deep roots at Kimberley, the Academy and MKA. Our sympathies go out to Dorset’s husband and 5 children, her mother Eileen Penick, her sister Dabney Penick Pierce and all in the Penick family. MKA sends its deepest condolences to Carol Baird Rich whose father, David Graham Baird, Jr., Montclair Academy Class of 1941, passed away on May 17, 2012.



Class Agent: Mr. George Reimonn, Jr. 199 Winter Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 GeoReimonn@gmail.com MKA sends its deepest condolences to Donald Baird whose father, David Graham Baird, Jr., Montclair Academy Class of 1941, passed away on May 17, 2012.




30th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 Cheryl McCants 7 Holly Court Bloomfield, NJ 07003-3004 cmccants@eimpactconsulting.com Thomas Robbins 6 Bradford Terrace Newtown Square, PA 19073-1903 Reunion Volunteer: Cheryl McCants cmccants@eimpactconsulting.com



Ms. Amy Felber Trapp 229 Cardinal Road Mill Valley, CA 94941-3618 amy@jhevents. com Ms. Maureen Towers Natkin 5 Riverview Road Irvington, NY 10533 motowers@aol. com Class Agent: Mr. Walter J. Davis 66 Oakwood Drive New Providence, NJ 07974 davisteam@comcast.net

John Fotiadis emailed to say he recently --------------------------------------

Mary L. Cole, Esq. 1 Ferrous Court Chester, NJ 07930 Mary_Cole@wellsfargois.com


Continuing the legacy: graduate Hope Dancy with siblings Maggie '14 and Ryan '17 and proud parents Katie and Peter Dancy '82.


Class Agent: Mrs. Laura Itzkowitz (Laura Reisch) 37 Nottingham Road Manalapan, NJ 07726-1834 howardandlaura@optonline. net

returned from the Republic of Georgia after attending two major groundbreaking events for two projects his firm designed there. The first is the Winery in Tsinandali —the restoration of a historic Winery and the design of a new 100-guest room hotel in Georgian wine country. The second project is the new Trump Tower in Batumi Georgia slated to become the most luxurious high-rise residential building on the Black Sea. Both events were attended by President Saakashvili. Donald Trump attended the groundbreaking in Batumi, and both were heavily covered by Georgian and regional media. John has been doing a lot of work in the region - Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey. John also proudly reported that his daughter Kassandra (MKA ’14) was recently awarded a language scholarship in Bursa, Turkey, for this summer.




Mrs. Jennifer Jones Ladda 110 Glen Rock Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 laddafam@optonline. net Class Agent: Mr. William Stone 99 Larch Road East Greenwich, R102818-2205 bstone@outsidegc. com Some of Matt Colaguiri's artwork will be featured in MKA's 125th Anniversary Art Exhibit in the Weiss Gallery this fall.




Class Agent: Mr. Jeffrey Schächter 1435 Lexington Avenue, Apt. 3E New York, New York 10128 jeffrey. schackner@citi. com

Paul Amirata reports that his two sons, Peter (17) and Daniel (14), both attend MKA.

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Ms. Sherry Ahkami P.O.Box 3187 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 shirin@lajollaspine. com Ms. Jennifer Remington-Knodel 44 Hamilton Drive East North Caldwell, NJ 07006-4629 jenremknodel@aol. com Class Agent: Mr. Patrick Sweeney 1750 Scarlett Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15241-3140 p_sweeney@ml. com ---------------------------------------



25th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 Mr. Dennis Rodano 14 Wayland Drive Verona, NJ 07044-2331 rodanod@verizon. net Reunion Volunteer and Class Agent: Mrs. Lynne Y. Krest (Lynne G. Yellin) 7408 East Main Street Lima, NY 14485 lynnegy@aol. com Congratulations to Vincenzo Bollettino whose work on Harvard Humanitarian Initiatives Satellite Sentinel Project was featured in Boston Magazine, January 2012, 'jind in Boston Globe's Sunday magazine in the April 29, 2012, edition.




Ms. Susan Bartlett Rankin One Barbaree Way Tiburon, CA 94920 srankin@microsoft. com Class Agent: Mrs. Hillary Johnston (Hillary Windolf) P.O. Box 35 New Vernon, NJ 07976 hwjohnston@mac.com Congratulations to Jonathan Schwartz on his engagement to Karen Ahrens.




Mr. Louis Lessig 2009 Morris Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 llessig@brownconnery. com Class Agent: Mr. Josh Raymond 33 Oak Place North Caldwell, NJ 07006 jraymond@trenklawfirm. com

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Class Secretary and Agent: Ms. Meredith McGowan Zengo 383 Middlesex Road Darien, CT 06820-2518 mczengo@aol. com





20th REUNION, OCTOBER 27, 2012 Mr. Enrique Neblett 718 Ainsley Court Durham, NC 27713 enrique. neblett@gmail. com

Ms. Lorelei Muenster Leia9sioux@aol. com ---------------------------------------

health break at work and the occasional idle time at home. It is a great way to compile news and share it. Round up column or not.


Ms. Dara Marmon 52 Park Avenue, Unit 14 New York, NY 10016 wackohead@nyc. rr.com Class Agent: Mr. Luke Sarsfield 105 Franklin Street, Apt. 4 New York, NY 10013 luke. sarsfield@gs. com Many thanks to Anjali Sharma, who answered my Facebook plea almost instantaneously last February. She posted on my wall that she has two boys. Kavi Sharma McIntyre, her younger one, bom on February 1, 2011, joined older brother Arav.

Marci Iuliani Young had promised me photos from the annual Source/Iuliani trip to Aruba. While they never hit my personal inbox, there are a few on Facebook. She and Michele go to Aruba each year with their husbands and children. Melissa DiChiara James and her husband Steve live in Connecticut, not too far from Marci and her family. Melissa, not Missy, and Steve welcomed their first child, Peter Michael James on July 15, 2011, one day before Melissa’s own birthday. That’s a good present. And, because I write this column and have written it for eons, my near and dear friends suffer for it. In March, well before Passover E l Easter, Seth Traum and his family - wife Lauren and sons Zachary and Jordan, made the pilgrimage from the Upper West Side to mid-town for the annual Marmon/Traum Easter Egg dying extravaganza. If I was at all good with a camera or capable with software, you would see pictures of my daughter with her friends, Zachary and Jordan.

Kimberly “Kim” Kohlman lives across the street from Veronica and me. When she is not traveling around the world for her job with Accenture, we are laughing in my kitchen, or “Aunt Kim” and Veronica are out and about in New York, sans Mommy! Feel free to post on my Facebook Wall or send me random messages there. While I’m not super active on it, I do use it as a mental

Ms. Tamar Safer 816 Chippewa Trail Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 tsafer5400@aol.com Class Agent: Ms. Anne Marie Verdiramo 302 Timberbrooke Drive Bedminster, NJ 07921 amverdiramo@gmail. com Reunion Volunteer: CliffFinkle clijfjinkle@yahoo. com

David Aronow and wife Sarah welcomed Matthew Colin, who joins his older brothers, Ben and Jonathan and older sister, Emily. All the kids are very happy to have another little brother.

Joseph Lee writes: “I’ve started a law practice in Pasadena, CA, which engages in business law, wills, trusts and estates and education law. After finding out that my son Danny had autism 5 years ago, I decided to start a law practice dedicated to helping families with special needs kids. Our practice is named Law Offices of Lee and Baghoomian, P.C.”

Ingrid Ramos was married to Stephen Nakamura in September 2011. The wedding took place at Battery Gardens located at the bottom tip of Manhattan. MKA alumni in attendance included sister Lisa RamosHillegers ’94 (with husband Bram), brother Joshua Ramos ’99, and friends, Elizabeth Visceglia ’89 (with husband Noah), Lauren Visceglia ’94, Janet Rosen Gershman ’92 (with husband David), Serena Godwin ’92, and Damian Vena ’93 (with wife Wanda). Ingrid is the vice president of marketing at Triangle Below Canal Marketing Services and Stephen is a partner at the law firm of Merle, Brown and Nakamura. The couple resides in Tribeca. Class Secretary Enrique Neblett’s news: “I’m still on faculty in the psychology department at UNC and my wife, 2 girls (we’ve added 1 since my last update) and I continue to reside in Durham, NC. My eldest daughter will start Pre-K in the fall at Durham Academy. (It is the closest thing we could find to MKA!) Looking forward to seeing old friends at our 20™ reunion in October!”

Beatrix Grace Stanfill, daughter o f alumna Laura Hardman Stanfill ’94

Williamson Battiato ’90 was the Matron of honor, Dan Williamson ’94 and Jennifer Goldman Freedberg ’95 were a part of their wedding party. The couple were also honored to have friends Jeremy Kahn ’93 and Alexis? Lury Vitali ’93 attend their wedding. MKA alums Joseph Williamson ’93 and Marcy Shapiro ’95 were married October 2011. ---------------------------------------



Mrs. Renee Ciccarella (Monteyne) 43 Veranda Avenue Little Falls, NJ 07424 rmonteyne@yahoo. com Class Agent: Mr. Damien Vena 385 Grand Street, #L906 New York, NY 10002 venad@yahoo. com ---------------------------------------



Class Agent: Mr. Jason Awerdick jasonawerdick@gmail. com Huge thanks go out to Dana Fiordaliso Martin for her many years and great work as Class Secretary. If you’d enjoy helping the Alumni Office gather ’94 news for class notes, please contact Debra Allen at your earliest convenience dallen@mka.org.


Ms. Tanya Barnes tbarnes@fas. harvard, edu Ms. Erica Hirsch 10 West 15th Street, #902 New York, NY 10011 ehirsch 77@yahoo. com Class Agent: Mr. Lee Vartan 700 First Street, Apt. 17P Hoboken, NJ 07030 ldv@alumni.princeton. edu





Ms. Lauren Moses laurenmoses3@yahoo.com

Congratulations to Gina Maggio Kehoe and husband Nolan, who welcomed their first child, Nicholas Emil Kehoe, on January 16, 2012. Nicholas was bom at 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20.5” long.

Joseph Williamson ’93 and Marcy Shapiro ’95 got married on October 1, 2011. Robyn

Class Agent: Mr. Alexander Holz 538 E. 8 5 Street, Apt. 2A New York, NY 10028 alexbhlz@gmail.com Congratulations to jazz saxophonist Dan Blake who has had a breakthrough season on the music scene. Blake was featured in the March issue of United Airlines Hemispheres magazine, where he was named by Grammywinning “Best New Artist” Esperanza Spalding as a “cani&miss up-and-comer.” “I j$ve his sensibility® says Spalding in the article. “The group interplay on his new release Aquarian Suite is amazing. His writing and the direction he is taking with his

Congratulations to Vjolca Bollettino and James Farrah who are engaged to be married November 2012 in DC.

family’s wonderful news: Beatrix Grace Stanfill was bom on her due date, December 30, 2011, at 11:09 p.m. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 19.5 inches in length. Big sister Hadley adores baby Trixie. ---------------------------------------


Reunion Volunteer: Chris Bellapianta chris. bellapianta@gmail. com

Laura Hardman Stanfill let Dana in on her



15th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012

Congratulations to Tracey Klank Sylvester and her husband, Michael, on the April 3, 2012, birth of their first child, son Colin Noll.



Ms. Sandra Tritt 29 Brookfield Road Montclair, NJ 07043 sandratritt@gmail. com




Class Agent: Ms. Gemma Giantomasi gemmagiantomasi@gmail.com

Matthew Waldman ’98 and Alyson Rosenthal Waldman ’99 welcomed their first child, Archer Blake Waldman, on February 29th, 2012. Alyson and Matthew live in Hoboken, New Jersey, and are enjoying this amazing chapter in their lives as new parents!

Archer Blake Waldman, son o f Alyson Rosenthal Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman ’98 c l a s s n o t e s I 61

Kimberley Smith Baker's twins, Kayla Jane and Jack Kenneth, bom June 29, 2012. Erica Merson ’00 and husband Benjamin Brown.

band are inspiring.” This accolade was followed by a live performance on the Late Show with David Letterman on March 19, when Blake accompanied Spalding as a member of her back up band.

Alyson Rosenthal Waldman ’99 and Matthew Waldman ’98 welcomed their first child, Archer Blake Waldman, on February 29th, 2012. Alyson and Matthew live in Floboken, New Jersey, and are enjoying this amazing chapter in their lives as new parents!


2000 -----------

Mr. John Garippa 8157 Madison Lakes Circle South Davie, FL 33328 oceanhut@aol. com Ms. Anna Labowsky 5 Highview Court Wayne, NJ 07470-6271 anna_labowsky@yahoo. com Class Agent: Mrs. Jaclyn Latzoni Spedaliere 58 Burnham Parkway Morristown, NJ 07960 jaclynlatzoni@yahoo. com

Thanks to former MKA foreign language teacher Anna Claudio for sending this photo: l-r Danielle Claudio ’01 and partner Michael Foster, Inga Emigholz Dawe and husband Timothy Dawe and Danielle’s parents, Anna and Fernando Claudio

----------- 2001-----Ms. Dana Pisacane 119 Downey Street San Francisco, CA 94117 dana.piscane@gmail. com Class Agent: Ms. Lindsay Braverman 340 East 34^ Street, Apt. 5A New York, NY 10016 Ibroverman l@gmail. com

Danielle Claudio graduated from Barnard College in 2005. She is the Assistant Director of Special Events for The New ' School in New York City. Danielle and her partner Michael live in Manhattan. Michael is a history teacher at New Rochelle High School.

Inga Emigholz Dawe graduated in 2005 from the University of Delaware with a bachelors’ degree in Nursing and is currently getting her Masters in Public Administration at NYU. She is the Interventional Cardiology Clinical Nurse Manager at Weill Cornell Medical Center. She and Tim Dawe got married on August 13, 2011, and live in Manhattan.

Jillian Cameron wrote in that on May 6 ^ she was ordained a Rabbi. Congratulations to Erica Merson on her upcoming marriage to Benjamin Brown, on September 2, 2012, at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Erica is a graduate of the University of Maryland. Twins were bom to Kimberly Smith Baker and her husband Billy on June 29, 2012. Kayla Jane was 5 lbs. 6 oz. and Jack Kenneth was 4 lbs. 12 oz. News of this happy event came to us via proud grandparents, MKA faculty members Ken and Jane Smith.

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2002 ------------10th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012


Class Secretary: Mrs. Melissa Fortunato Slomienski 40 Holton Lane Essex Fells, NJ 07021 fortunme@mac. com Miss Emily Santangelo 27 Woods Road Little Falls, NJ 07424-2010 emilyannesantangelo@gmail. com

Class Agent: Mrs. Lauren Tortoriello Ertel lauren. tortoriello@gmail. com Reunion Volunteers: Melissa Fortunato Slomienski fortunme@mac. com Emily Santangelo emilyannesantangelo@gmail. com Lauren Tortoriello Ertel lauren. tortoriello@gmail. com

Emily Santangelo is teaching part time at American Academy McAllister Institute in New York City. She is also attending NYU Stem School of Business where she is currently working towards her MBA.

Jonathan Bratt has returned from traveling to a number of post-soviet countries and West Africa, working on a counter nuclear weapons proliferation program for the Department of State. For the past three years, he has been working as the assistant program manager for the Department of Homeland Security's Domestic Emergency Support Team in DC and was recently appointed as an adjunct professor of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at the University of Maryland. Jonathan has completed his first year at the University of Delaware where he is currently working on his Ph.D. in Disaster Science and Management. ---------------------------------------


Ms. Judith Ferreira 819 Clifton Avenue Newark, NJ 07104-3211 jferreir@pratt. edu


Tierney St. John '03 returned to the Middle School in the spring.

Mary Ann and Frank Herrmann celebrate the graduation o f their third child, Max, from MKA, together with daughter Mara '05.

Class Agent: Ms. Melanie Braverman 484 South Parkway Clifton, NJ 07014-1243 mel. braverman@gmail. com

now fiancé, Evan Bieber proposed! Evan and I met when we were in graduate school at Harvard, and plan to be married in May 2013.”

The MKA community sends heartfelt sympathy to Christopher Glenn on the May 5, 2012, passing of his cherished brother and fellow alumnus, Everett L. Glenn ’ll.

Carla Franciose writes: “I hope everyone has been doing well and wish you all continued luck and success. For the past year, I have been the Design & Product Development Manager for EA International Ltd. We specialize in packaging design in all different markets, especially the home textile market. I get to work with our salesmen based around the world to create unique designs for our clients. The company is based in Georgia but also owns 3 factories in China, so I travel a lot but am fortunate to still live in Brooklyn - a “city” I have fallen in love with since my days at Pratt Institute. I hope one day soon to come back and visit because I will always cherish my time at MKA. Please feel free to say hi anytime; carla.franciose@gmail.com is the easiest way to reach me these days.”

Tierney St. John returned to the Middle School campus in April when the theatrical company she works for, Lightwire Theater (a unique dance and storytelling troupe), was a guest for a special performance assembly. Congratulations to Will Connolly, who, in his Broadway debut, is playing Andrej in the play Once^Ha show that recently received 8 Tonys and 3 Drama Desks. Will received his BFA from NYU, an MFA from Yale University and first played the role in both the Off-Broadway and regional productions of Once. His other theatre credits include The Lieutenant o f Inishmore (Southern Rep), A Woman o f No Importance (Yale Rep) and Candida (Palm Beach Dramaworks, Carbonell Award). He has co-written the new musical Fly By Night (world premiere at TheatreWorks, Silicon Valley; Edgerton Foundation New American Plays Award), is a founding member of The NOLA Project and a resident artist with Studio 42. Congratulations to Melanie Braverman, who wrote in with the following exciting news: “I graduated last week [May] with my M.Phil.Ed from the University of Pennsylvania in Counseling and Mental Health Services and hope to find a position as a school counselor at the elementary or middle school level. In March, at the conclusion of my first half-marathon, my




Ms. Kate Santoro 333 River Street, Apt. 539 Hoboken, NJ 07030 Kate.santoro@gmail.com Class Agent: Brendan McCaffrey 345 East 5th Street, Apt. 1C New York, NY 10003 brendan. a.mccaffrey@gmail. com The MKA community sends heartfelt sympathy to Darryn Glenn on the May 5, 2012, passing of his cherished brother and fellow alumnus, Everett L. Glenn ’ll.

the locker aisle on April 2, 2012, Dagney Cassella (’04) and Scott Rodburg (’04) announced their engagement! Dagney and Scott shared their first dance in the Cougar Dining Hall at the 2002 Winter Semi-Formal and are looking to have their first dance as a married couple in the Fall of 2013. Their bridal party will include fellow MKA alums Emily Goodman (’04), Maya Stevenson (’04) and Richie Wahl (’04), as well as MKA Head Swim Coach Pat Collins. Professionally, Dagney manages the marketing department at an international market research firm, Harris Interactive. Scott, an entrepreneur, has launched Gunsling Wargame LLC, an airsoft event planning company operating out of Rock Tavern, NY. The couple currently resides in Carlstadt, NJ.




Mr. Manav Lalwani 132 Blue Heron Drive Secaucus, NJ 07094-2391 201-617-5312 manav. lalwani@gmail. com Class Agent: Mr. Edmund Kozak 17 Summit Street Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 973-748-7016 e.g. kozak@gma.il.com

Ben Merrit is working for Boeing in Charleston, South Carolina, as an engineer on the new 787, a twin-aisle jet aircraft. He currently works on the final assembly line, overseeing the tooling that assembles the fuselage, wings and tail together.

After an eight-year courtship that began in

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Upper School nurse and proud mother Jill Earle with husband Ray and daughters (l-r) Hallie '12, Lindsay '06 and Carly 'll.




Natalie Azzoli 60 Lloyd Road Montclair, NJ 07042-1729 nat6888@aol. com Class Agent: Ms. Angela McCaffrey 93 Rensselaer Road Essex Fells, NJ 07021 angelamccaffrey@gmail. com Photographed in Afghanistan while on duty, Army 1st Lt. Michael Pierri was featured on the front page of the Montclair Times holding up a copy of the paper’s sports section

Truth CAN be stranger than fiction ... Greg Harbeck ’06 moved to Houston, Texas (the third largest city in America) in February to start work as an actuary. He rented a one-bedroom apartment in a large new complex with over 400 units and shipped down his car, complete with NJ license plates, a “DeCozen, Montclair Jeep” sticker and his old MKA senior parking decal. Upon returning home from his new job one day, Greg found a note on his windshield which read: “I went to your school. Call me.” So he did. Imagine his amazement when it was ’06 classmate and former Little League baseball team member Sean Gaffney who answered the Call. Could there be a greater coincidence? Well actually yes, because it turns out that Sean not only lives in the same complex (where he has resided for the past two years) but also lives in the apartment adjacent to Greg! True story.

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Class o f '08 Upper School and college classmates and greatfriends Esra Yarar and Emma Millerœlebrated their graduation from Wellesley College in May.

announcing the MKA Ice Hockey Team’s victory in the Montclair Cup. Pierri was a member of the varsity team for all of his four years at the Upper School.

■2007 5th REUNION OCTOBER 27, 2012 Mr. Brian May 22 N. Bayard Lane Mahwah, NJ 07430 bmay88@gmail.com Class Agent: Mr. Harry Raymond 120 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge, NJ 07028-1121 raymond. harry@gmail. com Congratulations to Mark V. Donatiello on his graduation from Lehigh University with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. --------------------------------------


season 12-4, with Rob starting in all 16 games. Congratulations to John MacGregor who pitched a five-hit complete game shutout to lead the Vassar College Brewers to a 14-0 win over RIT in April. He struck out four and walked two in a “seven-inning gem,” playing in his final season for Vassar College, and was named Pitcher of the Week by the Liberty League. John is now coaching baseball in Germany. Congratulations to Danielle Lennon who graduated from the University of Delaware with honors. She received her BS in Finance and Economics. Congratulations to both Allyson Richardson and Shayna Schmidt for graduating Magna Cum Laude from their respective; colleges Allyson from Bucknell University and Shayna from Hamilton College.


Ms. Cara Placentra 125 Upper Mountain Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 caraplacentra@mac. com Class Agent: Mr. Matthew Metzger 707 East Saddle River Road Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423 metzgemb@bc. edu Congratulations to Rob Fortunato, starting Men’s Lacrosse Goalie for the University of Virginia Cavaliers! After three seasons as a back-up, Rob’s promotion was announced on the UVA website with glowing reviewSi?“He’s doing an amazing job,” defenseman Matt Lovejoy said. “He’s seeing the ball really well, and we have so much confidence in him.” UVA finished the 2012




Ms. Jane Stanton 240 South Mountain Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 jrs670@aim. com Class Agent: Mr. Brian Purcell 89 Davis Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003 prephockey98@aol. com

Jane Stanton returned to the Upper School at the end of the school year to address all MKA’s fall 2012-13 athletes about social media issues and topics of concern regarding the use of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. As Athletic Director Todd Smith noted, “We think it’s important for all of our athletes to know that what they say and post

Jane Stanton '09 addressing MKA’s fall athletes about social media issuegT*" within these outlets could have an impact oh them in the future and privacy settings sometimes aren’t enough.” Jane is currently the official “voice” of Boston College Ice Hockey Twitter and is a social media assistant with Boston College Athletics. She has also been a digital programming intern with the New York Rangers.



Ms. Devon Barrett 109 Llewellyn Road Montclair, NJ 07042 dlbarret@princeton. edu Class Agent: Mr. Matthew Palmisano 51 Grover Lane West Caldwell, NJ 07006 nbovals@att.net

Bob and Lauren Meyer celebrate the graduation o f their youngest child Tess '12 with sons John '09 and Robert '07. Congratulations to Kevin Clark who scored the winning try (with a minute left) in the College Rugby Championship semifinals to ensure that Dartmouth could go on to retain its national championship title. Kevin was interviewed on the NBCSP (NBC Sports) network following the game. In the finals, the competition’s website reported, “Dartmouth College put a stranglehold on the USA 7s Collegiate Rugby Championship final and didn’t let go, slicing up an outstanding Army outfit to the tune of 32-10 to win the title Sunday, June 3, at PPL Park in Chester, PA.” Congratulations to Chrissy McIntosh, Cornell University Class of 2014, who was presented with the 2012 NCAA Elite 89 Award for Men’s and Women’s Fencing following her participation in the NCAA Fencing Championship at Ohio State University. She is Cornell’s first ever

Julie Reiter '10 at the Upper School Weiss Gallery artist’s reception. Her work will befeatured in MKA's 125th Anniversary Art Exhibit in the Weiss Gallery thisfall. recipient of this prestigious award. The Elite 89 Award “recognizes the true essence of the student-athlete by honoring the individual who has reached the pinnacle of competition at the national championship level in his or her sport, while also achieving the highest academic standard among his or her peers. The Elite 89 is presented to the studentathlete with the highest cumulative gradepoint average participating at the finals site for each of the NCAA championships.” McIntosh, who is majoring in Biological Studies, has a 3.893 GPA and fences Foil for the Division 1 school.

Julie Reiter returned to the Upper School Weiss Gallery in March for an artist’s reception to launch an exhibition of her work entitled “Urbanities.” Julie is studying photography at Yale University.

------ 2011 Seth Bynum 32 High Street West Orange, NJ 07052 sefaref22@gma.il.com Class Agent: Carina Wong 9 Deer Trail Road No. Caldwell, NJ 07006 carinamwong@gmail. com

Rafi Bildner is currently in Chicago,

Proud mother and MKA Fourth Grade teacher Susan FitzGibbon with husband James Mallock and sons John '12 and Joseph '10.

continuing his work in support of the Obama campaign prior to starting his undergraduate studies at Yale this fall. In March, he had the honor of meeting the President in person - his prize for winning a fundraising contest for volunteers to see who could raise the most money in a two-day period.

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In Memoriam

“There are some events that rock a community to its core. ” So began Dr. David Flocco, opening an indescribably poignant assembly o f remembrance for Everett Glenn, Class o f 2011, on M ay? '• following his tragic death at Lafayette College two days earlier.

Everett Glenn at Cougar Pride Day, 2011

In a packed Weiss Auditorium, the stunned and bereaved audience ^ virtually all o f whom had come to school, unasked, in full Academy Dress, heard tributes from Headmaster Tom Nammack, Everett’s fencing coach Kerry Verrone, and his great MKA friend and Lafayette roommate Stephen Bezer ’l l , as well as a moving performance from the Mastersingers (of whom Everett was a member fo r all four years o f high school) followed by reflections and memories from students, members o f the faculty and staff and many young alumni who had returned to MKA to mourn. Glenn was one o f those rare students who everybody knew and loved and exemplified all that is best in an MKA graduate, As Nammack said, “He was exactly the kind o f person, exactly the kind o f graduate o f our school whom I hope will someday return to lead MKA. ’’

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A House Captain, a two-year fencing Captain and a State epee champion, Verrone noted: “It was Everett’s spirit, his sportsmanship, and his commitment to making sure that our team realized its collective potential for greatness which made Everett special. For our team, Everett was the heart and soul. ”

For most o f the audience, the memories were about Glenn’s smile, his hugs, his welcoming and inclusive personality and his unadulterated love o f life. As Bezer summed up, “That kid always had a smile. He never had a bad day. He was always smiling. The type o f man he was is the type o f man I want to be. ” Later that week, literally hundreds o f young alumni and Upper School students gathered on Lloyd Road fo r a candlelight vigil organized by the Class o f 2011. The figurative light from that night continues to burn fo r the entire MKA family. In Nammack’s words, “Individually and as a community, we must and will do everything that we can to cherish Everett’s memory, to comfort his parents, Joanne and Lenny, brothers, Chris, Class o f2003, and Darryn, Class o f2004, and his family; and to take care o f one another. Everett would have done so fo r us, and we will do it for him. ”

Glenn ’04, and the entire, extended Glenn Family on the May 5, 2012, passing of Everett Lawrence Glenn. Tamica Penn earned Dean’s List status in her first semester at Seton Hall University and was involved in the creation of a new club at the college called the Lion’s Club. It is not yet fully recognized, but its purpose is to serve as an International Service Club. This past October, Tamica got a job as a Step Coach at North Star Academy, a charter school in Newark. She explains that the Step Team was in her heart at MKA, and she now can continue to share her passion with the children at North Star. She is also a member of the West Indian Student Organization (W.I.S.O.).

MKA classmates and lacrosse teammates Kyle Duca (Colby College) and Jack Strain (Bates College) played against one another on April 25th, Colby prevailing 5-3.

-------2012 Casey Musicant 573 Farmdale Road Franklin Lakes, NJ 08417 casey. musicant@gmail. com Class Agent: Ed Rosini 32 Edgemont Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 erosini32@gmail. com

Seth Bynum was selected as a tour guide at Vassar, one of only eight students selected out of a pool of 70 for this important role on campus. MKA sends deepest condolences to Barrie Holtz whose mother, Jill Marissa Holtz, passed away on February 5, 2012.

The MKA family sends its deepest sympathies to Joanne and Leonard Glenn, their sons, Chris Glenn ’03 and Darryn

MKA's newest Class Secretary, Casey Musicant, and Class Agent, Ed Rosini, wait to process in to Commencement.

MKA Alumni Share Global Perspectives Panelists Miranda Saylor ’09, Elana Stern ’10, Jake Perl ’10 (via Skype from Moscow) and Claudia Pepe ’l l shared their first-hand experiences of life in Honduras, Israel, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Russia and Paraguay. Common themes that emerged were the extraordinary friendships that result from exposing oneself to new cultures, the complex re-evaluation of one’s American heritage —both in an appreciation for its freedoms and comforts, and the recognition that a happy and fulfilled life is not dependent upon those comforts - and the transformative personal experience of true immersion in a different culture.

Global Perspectives left to right Miranda Saylor, Claudia Pepe and Elana Stem The concept that “Travel Broadens the Mind” was brought vividly to life at a recent MKA Alumni Roundtable on Global Perspectives, where four young alumni —three in person and one via the magic of Skype —addressed a fascinated audience of current MKA Upper School students. As part of MKA’s Global Programs initiative that aims to provide global experiences both in the classroom and in the real world, the roundtable was testament to the life-changing opportunities that international travel can provide.

The hardships and possible dangers of such travel were not ignored. Perl spoke of the inspirational yet frightening effects of witnessing first-hand demonstrations for democracy in the face of organized police opposition; Saylor discussed her frustration at the gender dynamics she experienced in some Latin American countries; and Pepe recalled some of her moments of culture shock (Oh! There’s a pig in my room!). Yet all four, including Stem, who experienced bomb raids in Israel and civil unrest in Rwanda, felt as safe if not safer abroad than in some of their home and college neighborhoods. And it was Stem who perhaps summed up the mission of MKA’s Global Programs the most succinctly: “When people ask me about my experiences in the third world,” said Stem, “I say, there’s not a third world, there’s only one world —there are just different parts to it!”

c la s s n o t e s | 67

Marriages I960 1992 1995 2001

Sally Alice Unkles and Andrew Lyons Smith Ingrid Ramos and Stephen Nakamura Marcy Shapiro and Joseph Williams ’93 Inga Emigholz and Timothy Dawe

Save the Date

February 19, 2012 September 2011 October 1, 2011 August 30, 3011


In Memoriam 1930 1936 1937 1939 1939 1941 1941 1942 1943 1943 1943 1950 1953 1962 1965 1978 1979x 2011

William Hough Cook Robert L. Brightman Ruth Russell Gray John Ainsworth Hird Bridgford Hunt Thomas C. Guthrie David Graham Baird, Jr. Nancy Tieman Swenson Edward C. Matthews Edward "Ted" Olcott Donald M. Wilson Harold H. Rothenburger Philip Fradkin Kathryn O’Donnell Wells Eric Schneider Cheryl Wedel Birmingham Dorset Penick Everett L. Glenn

April 9, 2012 February 22, 2012 February 22, 2012 April 3, 2012 January 1, 2012 January 2012 May 17, 2012 March 8, 2012 March 17, 2011 May 7, 2012 November 29, 2011 August 29, 2011 July 8, 2012 March 26, 2012 December 24, 2011 March 24, 2012 February 16, 2012 May 5, 2012

Please join friends, faculty and underclassmen In the newly renovated Upper School Cougar Dining Hall for the Annual College-Age Alumni W inter Break Luncheon Wednesday, January 9, 2013 11:30 a.m. - 1 :0 0 p.m. Details to fo llo w on m ka.org/alum ni

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class n otes I 6 8



PRESIDENT Michael V. Johnson

Alexandra Aldea Bryan Becker Lindsay Braverman Jared Cook Mitchell Decter David DeMatteis Amanda Englander Clifford Finkle Angela Garretson Andrew Kyrejko William Martini Cheryl McCants VP, Secretary Michele Mucci Chris Noble Klaudia Pyz Diane Ridley-White Cari Roberts Dennis Rodano Treasurer Jessica Simpson-Cook Network VP Jaclyn Latzoni Spedaliere .

VICE PRESIDENT Merrick G. Andlinger VICE PRESIDENT Kathleen M. Logan TREASURER Steven C. Milke SECRETARY Richard G. Jenkins MEMBERS Joseph V. Amato Kenneth W. Barrett Timothy J. Bozik James L. Bromley Daniel B. Carson Evelyn M. Colbert Christina A. Cotton Michael P. Friezo John T, Gaffney



PROFILES IN GIVING The Sandoval Family ’95 ’96 ’01 ’01 ’94 ’95 ’04 '92 '94 '05 ’98 ’82, ’84 ’84 ’98 '84 ’05 ’87, ’99,


[ir Kimberley Academy —LbvbIs Of Giving i to jo in one o f MKA’s leadership g iving societies a t the levels lis te d below .

[eie _____________________________:_____________$20,000 and above ____________________________________$10,000 to $19,999 _______________________ $5,000 to $9,999 U _________ __ _________________________________ $2,500 to $4,999 _________________________________ _____________ $1,000 to $2,499

With four children currently attending MKA, parents Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval certainly know their way around all three of MKA’s campuses! This fall, Marshall and Alex are in 11th and 8th grades, respectively, and twins Lincoln and Regan have completed the Primary School and have now started 4th grade at the Middle School. Jose and Amy recently reflected on their MKA experience: “MKA has provided our children with the framework of confidence and trust that inspires them to take risks, and to put in the work, time and effort to achieve their dreams.” The MKA community has meant a great deal to Amy and Jose: “We as parents and our children treasure the friends we have made here - friends with such a variety of talents and backgrounds. Our lives have been enormously enriched by these friendships and by the unwavering dedication of parents, teachers, administrators and trustees.” When it comes to MKA’s Annual Fund, Jose and Amy have been longstanding supporters with a deep appreciation for the Annual Fund’s important role at the school. Their words say it well: “We give to meet the academic mission of the school, retain the exceptional faculty, and assist in making an MKA education accessible. But most importantly, we all benefit from a legacy of generosity. In a small way, we honor all the generous, devoted parents, alumni and MKA employees who selflessly gave before us.” Amy also volunteered this year to call fellow MKA parents about donating to the Annual Fund, and she was thrilled to see current parent participation in the Annual Fund reach this year’s 90% goal. “Giving is an act of faith,” said Amy. “Jose and I feel that MKA is helping to shape and educate the leaders who can solve the world’s challenges. As an independent school we operate on a different model. The system requires the resolute support of many Annual Fund donors to help provide the faculty with all of the resources they need to maintain MKA’s excellence in teaching.” Amy was also featured recently in the PAMKA Press for her volunteer work with the school’s parent association, and next year, she will be serving as PAMKA’s New Parent Liaison, in addition to continuing her leadership as a key Annual Fund volunteer. Outside of MKA, Jose and Amy work together in their law practice, and also enjoy running political commentary, gardening (their children helped buildragreenhouse!) and pursuing many outdoor activities. Still, MKA never seems to be far from the thoughts of the Sandoval family: “MKA has broadened our views of life, history and the world. It has influenced everything we’ve done since we entered the school with our oldest in Pre-K twelve years ago.”

enee among i ome known. F 3-509-7933. Gi



Marriages I960 1992 1995 2001

Sally Alice Unkles and Andrew Lyons Smith Ingrid Ramos and Stephen Nakamura Marcy Shapiro and Joseph Williams ’93 Inga Emigholz and Timothy Dawe


2011 AND 2012

William Hough Cook Robert L. Brightman Ruth Russell Gray John Ainsworth Hird Bridgford Hunt Thomas C. Guthrie David Graham Baird, Jr. Nancy Tieman Swenson Edward C. Matthews Edward "Ted" Olcott Donald M. Wilson Harold H. Rothenburger Philip Fradkin Kathryn O’Donnell Wells Eric Schneider Cheryl Wedel Birmingham Dorset Penick Everett L. Glenn

April 9, 2012 February 22, 2012 February 22, 2012 April 3, 2012 January 1,2012 January 2012 May 17, 2012 March 8, 2012 March 17, 2011 May 7, 2012 November 29, 2011 August 29, 2011 July 8, 2012 Mai Deq Mai Feb: Mai

Please join friends, faculty and underclassmen in the newly renovated Upper School Cougar Dining Hall fo r the Annual College-Age Alum ni W inter Break Luncheon Wednesday, January 9,2013 11:30 a.m. - 1 :0 0 p.m. Details to fo llo w on


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Office of D evelopm eiul 201 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042 j|

n h r 27 2012 - 6:30 ■ Saturday, October 2 ,

class n otes | 6 8


Save the Date

February 19, 2012 September 2011 October 1, 2011 August 30, 3011

In Memoriam 1930 1936 1937 1939 1939 1941 1941 1942 1943 1943 1943 1950 1953 1962 1965 1978 1979x 2011



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20, 2012 o re /h o m e c o m in g



PRESIDENT Michael V. Johnson

Alexandra Aldea Bryan Becker Lindsay Braverman Jared Cook Mitchell Decter David DeMatteis Amanda Englander Clifford Finkle Angela Garretson Andrew Kyrejko William Martini Cheryl McCants VP, Secretary Michele Mucci Chris Noble Klaudia Pyz Diane Ridley-White Cari Roberts Dennis Rodano Treasurer Jessica Simpson-Gook Network VP Jaclyn Latzoni Spedaliere Richard Stanton President Martin Totjussen Lee Vartan

VICE PRESIDENT Merrick G. Andlinger VICE PRESIDENT Kathleen M. Logan TREASURER Steven C. Milke SECRETARY Richard G. Jenkins MEMBERS Joseph V. Amato Kenneth W. Barrett Timothy J. Bozik James L. Bromley Daniel B. Carson Evelyn M. Colbert Christina A. Cotton Michael P. Friezo John T. Gaffney Tracy E. Higgins Thomas W. Nammack Eric F.S. Pai Lynn M. Randall Kenneth S. Rivlin Richard G. Stanton Jonathan M. Strain Chiming Tse Hank Uberoi Denise G. Wagner Elizabeth S. Weiswasser Lori W. Yanes

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ADVISORY COUNCIL Dan Carson J. Dean Paolucci Joshua Raymond J. Kent Walker ADMINISTRATION Thomas Nammack, Headmaster

HONORARY TRUSTEES Aubin Zabriskie Ames ’54 John E. Garippa Alice M. Hirsh Susan H. Ruddick Newton B. Schott, Jr. ADVISORY TRUSTEES Barry W. Ridings Robert L. Tortoriello David L. Turock


Geoff Branigan, Director of Development & External Affairs Keith Wiggs, Associate Director ofDevelopment

PROFILES IN GIVING The Sandoval Family With four children currently attending MKA, parents Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval certainly know their way around all three of MKA’s campuses! This fall, Marshall and Alex are in 11th and 8th grades, respectively, and twins Lincoln and Regan have completed the Primary School and have now started 4th grade at the Middle School. Jose and Amy recently reflected on their MKA experience: “MKA has provided our children with the framework of confidence and trust that inspires them to take risks, and to put in the work, time and effort to achieve their dreams.” The MKA community has meant a great deal to Amy and Jose: “We as parents and our children treasure the friends we have made here - friends with such a variety of talents and backgrounds. Our lives have been enormously enriched by these friendships and by the unwavering dedication of parents, teachers, administrators and trustees.” When it comes to MKA’s Annual Fund, Jose and Amy have been longstanding supporters with a deep appreciation for the Annual Fund’s important role at the school. Their words say it well: “We give to meet the academic mission of the school, retain the exceptional faculty, and assist in making an MKA education accessible. But most importantly, we all benefit from a legacy of generosity. In a small way, we honor all the generous, devoted parents, alumni and MKA employees who selflessly gave before us.” Amy also volunteered this year to call fellow MKA parents about donating to the Annual Fund, and she was thrilled to see current parent participation in the Annual Fund reach this year’s 90% goal. “Giving is an act of faith,Said Amy. “Jose and I feel that MKA is helping to shape and educate the leaders who can solve the world’s challenges. As an independent school we operate on a different model. The system requires the resolute support of many Annual Fund donors to help provide the faculty with all of the resources they need to maintain MKA’s excellence in teaching.” Amy was also featured recently in the PAMELAPress for her volunteer work with the school’s parent association, and next year, she will be serving as PAMKA’s New Parent Liaison, in addition to continuing her leadership as a key Annual Fund volunteer. Outside of MKA, Jose and Amy work together in their law practice, and also enjoy running political commentary, gardening (their children helped build a greenhouse!) and pursuing many outdoor activities. Still, MKA never seems to be far from the thoughts of the Sandoval family: “MKA has broadened our views of life, history and the world. It has influenced everything we’ve done since we entered the school with our oldest in Pre-K twelve years ago.”

M o n t c l a i r K im b e r l e y A c a d e m y 201 Valley Road M ontclair, New Jersey 07042

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Newark, NJ

Homecoming October 27,2012 Reunion Years Luncheon • All-Years Dinner 1937












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