It is my pleasure to introduce the Fall 2022 Review magazine as I begin my second year as Head of School.
By spending time in classrooms, on the fields, at concerts, in collaborative meetings, and in conversations with members of the MKA community, I have learned much about the school and the people who have shaped it. I am inspired by the loyalty, love, and commitment that you have for MKA. I am energized and excited about all that lies ahead for us.
Upon graduating from MKA, what do we want our students to understand in a deep and enduring way? We work to answer this question each day as we intentionally deliver an intellectual, ethical, and purposeful experience that prepares our students for a complex world. Through our dynamic programs, students gain transferable skills that give them a competitive edge. There is no better way to illustrate this process than by exploring the “Intellectual Superpowers” identified in the theme of this magazine. These may be abstract concepts, but in reality, when cultivated through intentional learning experiences, they become foundations that can lead to success in school and beyond.
Within the pages of this magazine you will also find the Annual Report for fiscal year 20212022. This very important document provides accountability for the school’s operation and stewardship throughout the year. In this report, we share information about our objectives, achievements, use of resources, and financial performance. I think you will find, as I do, evidence not only of our community’s generosity, but also of the deep and enduring commitment on the part of the school and our extraordinary faculty to provide students with an unparalleled academic experience enhanced with state-of-the-art resources. Our constant eye toward innovation and growth means we are never still, yet we move forward with purpose and care.
We know that when our students meet the world, the world is better for it. Enjoy reading and learning more about how MKA creates this educational difference.
With gratitude, Nigel D. Furlonge, Head of School
“...we intentionally deliver an intellectual, ethical, and purposeful experience that prepares our students for a complex world.”
From our littlest learners to our graduating seniors, we strive to create an environment that surrounds students with constant, ongoing inquiry and reflection.
In the following pages, we demonstrate the way we build intentional pathways and partnerships to support each student’s intellectual journey at MKA and the ways in which we prepare our students to navigate a complex world. We answer the questions: what are the transferable skills our students acquire, and how do they empower students’ lives outside of the classroom? Because of the extraordinary ways in which students are strengthened when they are acquired, some might even call these skills superpowers.
MKA’s Top 10 Intellectual Superpowers (in no particular order) are: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Self Advocacy, Communication, Collaborating, Researching, Active Listening, Ethical Leadership, Cultural Intelligence, and Creativity.
“Because of the extraordinary ways in which students are strengthened when they are acquired, some might even call these skills superpowers ”
Dr. Krishnan: Finding solutions to real-world problems is a never-ending quest. Every student must develop critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills in order to succeed in the increasingly dynamic and complex world. Analytical reasoning involves the ability to examine data/evidence, to extract relevant information from that data by recognizing patterns, and to arrive at logical conclusions or solutions for the problem at hand. Analytical reasoning was at the core of Dhruv’s senior-year Advanced Economics course. This was a specialized and unique course that was tailored to fit Dhruv’s future career interests in the Real Estate industry. The first step was to master the basic concepts of commercial real estate valuation. The second step was to apply this knowledge to the analysis of real-world situations.
Dhruv: My independent Advanced Economics course in Real Estate Finance and Investment with Dr. Krishnan challenged me to hone my critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills and to apply these skills to evaluate various commercial real estate projects. One of the crucial steps in reading through hypothetical memoranda for different properties is analyzing the property’s historical financials and income forecasts to determine its fair value. Studying the numbers, we had to read between the lines to challenge the model’s assumptions and ask due-diligence questions. After understanding the story behind each number and assumption, we could see the bigger picture of the property’s value. As an intern at a commercial real estate investment firm for May Term, I have transferred these analytical reasoning skills into real-world experience.
The importance of communication over the past two years has been emphasized because of the lack of in-person engagement. Due to this, we’ve had to understand the hurdles, adapt, and reimagine the ways in which we go about things, especially when communicating with those outside of our community. Our students are developing and learning ways to break down barriers to communicate with people in a wonderful way due to a new program.
Inspired by our global and domestic travel programs and in conjunction with the world language department, MKA’s studentled International Pen Pal program was created a year and a half ago. When over 30 students were supposed to travel to China and were prevented by COVID-19, we thought, “What are ways in which we could get these students engaged with Chinese students and excited about the opportunity to hopefully travel there in the future?” The Pen Pal program was created. We engaged Chinese students through MKA’s sister school in China through different forms of Chinese media, sending packages, email, Zoom calls, and What’s App. Now, we also have a thriving Pen Pal program in Tanzania and are currently working on French and Spanish programs.
Learning to adapt was essential in getting this project off the ground. When you’re thrust into a new environment, you have to recognize that everything may not be perfectly in line with what you’re expecting. Instead of getting frustrated, having empathy and the ability to adapt to different, distinct, cultural contexts helps to peel back the layers and create connections. Effective and creative communication is the way to build these relationships.
As much as we might wish otherwise, we cannot avoid the truth that our students are citizens of a world full of complex and challenging problems for which there are no easy answers. I draw optimism about the future from the courage and ingenuity my students demonstrate when they wrestle with and attempt to solve real-world problems. Because science is the study of the physical and natural world, the science classroom is the ideal venue to support students in studying and responding to realworld problems, such as climate change and other environmental issues that come up at all grade levels in middle school science. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) empowers students with agency and efficacy to solve problems that really matter.
For the past few years, the eighth-grade science curriculum has been organized around Problem-Based Learning framing questions that allow students to shape their own learning pathways. Rather than simply study chemistry, students are asked, “How can we use our scientific knowledge of air to reduce the harmful effects of pollution?” Through this question, students inquire about what substances are present in the air and how they can react in harmful ways. Thinking about our Essex County home allows students to contrast the air in Montclair with the air in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark, where our trash is incinerated. In the 2021-2022 school year, 8th-grade students learned how environmental racism, classism, and injustice lead to negative health outcomes and inequity for people in our own neighborhoods. The use of a PBL framing question allowed students to learn about typical chemistry topics such as chemical reactions and the elements of the periodic table and also understand why these topics are necessary to study in order to make the world a better place. Students used the knowledge they gained to plan an advisory lesson for 6th graders, and one class was even able to attend a live (zoom-based) community meeting as the permitting of a new Newark incinerator was being discussed.
Dr. David C. Flocco, Head of Upper School and Assistant Head of School for Stategic Initiatives, and Natalia Espinosa Dice ’22
Seventy-five percent of America’s college and university Presidents recently reported that self-advocacy is one of the most important skills for success at the college level. With that in mind, MKA fosters and encourages an environment where students learn to identify areas in their lives, either personally or in the collective, that need to be improved.
Natalia says, “MKA has always encouraged student-driven activism, enabling us to build the kind of environment, school, and world that we want to live in. For me, this has come through both inside and outside the classroom. Academically, I’ve taken advantage of the independent study program, gaining the opportunity to expand my knowledge of computer science and explore fields that aren’t normally taught in high school. And then, after becoming particularly passionate about closing the STEM gender gap, I joined the Young Women’s Task Force. Through the experience of advocating for myself and other female students, I learned just what it takes to make meaningful change and how empowering it is to be part of that process.”
Research at MKA is a cumulative, multidisciplinary experience, guided by a common understanding of the process of inquiry. The MKA Research Cycle provides a consistent structure by which we empower students to transfer research vocabulary and skills from class to class and year to year.
By harnessing a co-created process that grounds research in our community’s shared beliefs around inquiry, we not only offer students ways to explore personally relevant questions but also embed repeated practice and refinement of a series of habits and mindsets into each research experience. A first grader’s exploration of “What are the living and nonliving components in soil?” spirals upward to an eighth grader’s probing historical inquiry, “How and in what ways did the combination of African religion and Christianity help African Americans create safe spaces during slavery?” and then on to a senior’s Biomechanics study, “To what extent can one find a correlation between caffeine intake, sleep, and anxiety?” Not only do MKA students graduate as sophisticated, efficient, and capable researchers, but they also recognize the complexity and relevance of research and the practices it engenders in our everyday lives.
Investigating the big questions in science today requires scientists, industry experts, and community leaders to work together across different disciplines and institutions. To prepare our students to tackle these questions, we need to equip them with the ability to effectively navigate these complex collaborations.
We’ve restructured our Science Research Honors (SRH) course, an elective open to juniors and seniors, to function as an authentic research laboratory tasked with understanding a scientific problem. Through scientific literature reviews, bench science investigations, continuous peer feedback, and communication with outside research groups, students engage collaboratively with the scientific process.
When faced with challenges, students will learn to do what scientists do - think critically, ask each other probing questions, communicate with the scientific community, and use the feedback to design new experiments. And, as with any science laboratory, the research won’t stop when the academic year is over. The graduating students will pass on their discoveries to the next SRH class who will then, in turn, add their own layer of understanding.
People often think of active listening as a “hidden” skill. We want and encourage our students to talk about their feelings, what they’ve learned, and their thoughts about something that is happening. Doing so is very important, but before the words come out of their mouths, students need to be able to listen to what’s going on around them, take in what they are hearing, and synthesize their thoughts in their minds. Oftentimes middle schoolers might be quiet in preparation of speaking, but the voice in their brain is loud as they think: “I need to speak next. I need to speak next. I have a plan.” They’re playing through what they’re going to say next, and as their brain is doing that, they have no idea what’s being said around them. Active listening is really stopping and recognizing that what you have to say is important but other people’s words have the same caliber of importance. It’s something many people don’t recognize as much as a skill like verbal communication, but active listening is necessary for creating successful and meaningful connections.
In sixth-grade English class, we have a debate in the fall and in the spring. In each debate, two teams of students have a back and forth conversation. One of the ways in which a team will lose points is if a member talks over another person. The team can gain points if their response to a person is specific to what has just been said as opposed to the speaker sharing just what they have been wanting to say the whole time.
As the debate goes on, there is another team of students who are listening to what’s happening, and they are responsible for writing the closing argument. That closing argument has to demonstrate that the students have heard what actually happened throughout the debate, and they must respond to specific statements that were said. In the end, the closing argument must be based on the debate not what research the students had done prior.
The growth of the students between the debates is visible. Not only are they are able to confidently speak their minds but they also listen much more attentively to their peers to understand their perspectives. They answer a question saying, “piggybacking off of” or “thinking about what so and so just said,” which demonstrates the attention these students are giving to the speaker. The debate is a great way to naturally teach active listening and integrate it into students’ lives without saying, “Here’s how we’re going to listen, today.” After my classes move on, I do hope the students continue to be active listeners and make the connection between what they learned in sixth grade and what they do later.
“What you have to say is important but other people’s words have the same caliber of importance.”
At the heart of Ethical Leadership is ethics, and, therefore, we teach ethics in order for our students to understand leadership, and we teach leadership in order to equip our students to serve their communities. With the understanding that all students, Pre-K – 12, are on their own personal leadership journey, we provide intentional opportunities for our students to learn, practice, and reflect in their ethical development and growth. In doing so, our students are asking such fundamental questions as, “Who am I? What does it mean to be a member of a community? How am I contributing? How am I serving as a leader?”
Noah says, “Our greatest challenge and opportunity as students is to find the spaces within MKA’s halls in which we can make the most meaningful change. We seek out the community engagement initiatives that most align with our priorities, and we sign up for the global experience trips that spark our curiosities. Over time, our seemingly mundane choices become our collective contribution to the school: token investments that grow more consequential with age. For me, leading MKA Lab and serving on the Honor Council stand out as two of my most meaningful contributions. Both of these roles taught me how to listen deeply with the purpose of making informed, difficult decisions. In fact, my newfound skill reflects what I’ve always noticed about our school since I started in 6th grade: MKA’s (co-)curricular aspirations and its operational realities are fundamentally the same. From the empathetic ears of teachers to the thoughtful deliberations behind every major decision, MKA, whether intentionally or not, acts as a beacon of ethical leadership, striking the delicate balance between forceful direction and sensitive understanding.”
Equipped with a deep understanding of the people around us, we solidify our strength as a community. Cultural intelligence is a developed and pursued skill that is constantly evolving and allows us to gain awareness of cultural history and interconnectedness. It is a priceless means of communication, empowerment, and empathy that MKA strives to instill in all students through all aspects of school life and activities. I chose to expand and spread cultural awareness through MKA’s Student Diversity Leadership Committee (SDLC), which meant holding important dialogue around how our students can better understand different socioeconomic, racial, or gender identity backgrounds. Through my May Term internship with Patricia Chin-Sweeney ’99, founder of a consulting firm for developing countries and businesses, I learned the importance of recognizing different geographic communities’ needs and lifestyles. MKA’s mission to weave cultural intelligence into students’ skillset takes hard work, but as I observe younger grades and graduate from MKA, I can confidently say that this is a goal worth continuing.
A Brookside student holds an imaginary rope. She’s shaking it. What’s this thing do?
From there, it loops through the iPads of Brooksiders reading short stories out loud during a Writing Celebration, confident. On Valley Road, it outlines dancers taking flight and then, moments later, preparing for Project Citizen. Southward to Lloyd Road, it settles in as the Robotics team’s robot lurches forward, all the lines of code rhyming perfectly. And then it’s May Term and the rope is fanned out among hundreds of post-it notes that Startup 101 students are sticking to a wall in search of their next iteration.
Next? It’s choosing among MKA’s growing alumni community, on set with Carina Wong ’11, figuring out where to point a camera, then in London with Mark Smuckler ’08, repurposing commercial space to make it more accessible.
The rope shakes again, reminding us of its other end. What’s this thing do? Just about anything.
Each year at MKA’s all-school Gathering there is a beloved tradition that takes place. Kindergarten students cross over a bridge to receive a tiny Cougar from the Senior class.
This “Cougi” is the Kindergarten mascot, and he gives the students the super powers (or tools) they need to become super readers. In order to become a super reader in kindergarten, a new super power is unveiled each week for the students to practice. There is picture power where students learn how to use pictures to help them figure out unknown words. There is pointer power where students are taught to point at each word as they read. Reread power teaches our littlest learners how to double check their reading. There is a superpower for any type of reader.
The unveiling of this reading program at the beginning of the school year generates a lot of excitement for the Kindergartners. Super Reader Cougi writes them a letter which is read aloud, and the first superpower is revealed. In addition to how well the program works, it is a great example of the Primary School’s “Culture of Care” as there are a lot of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) components combined with the reading. It brings everything together, and we’ve seen a ton of success.
"There is picture power ... pointer power ... reread power ... there is a superpower for any type of reader."
This spring, third grade students embarked on an interdisciplinary project called The Capstone.
This final Brookside unit of study began with a writing component in which students were asked to reflect on a favorite Primary School memory. After looking back with nostalgia, students then discussed how to best look forward and leave a legacy behind for future learners. Enter the next phase of the project: redesigning a favorite Brookside space. Students toured the school with eyes on existing spaces that could be enriched and enhanced by an updated design. Eleven teams were created across all three classes, each focused on a particular space. Following the designthinking method, students first focused on empathy by asking, “What are the needs and wants of our Brookside community?” Administrators were invited to a panel discussion where children posed questions about space usage and budget restrictions. Mitch Decter ’94 offered some additional perspective based on his own Brookside experience. Finally, groups interviewed those with particular ties to their space.
MKA junior Julian Hough won the senior paper division of the New Jersey History Day competition for his paper “Vaccine Diplomacy: How the World Conquered Polio Across the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.” He is now advancing to the National History Day National Contest.
We are also proud to share that Julian ’23 was accepted into the competitive New Jersey Scholars Program (NJSP). An intensive academic program for highly intelligent and motivated students who are rising seniors, NJSP accepts a maximum of two applications from any high school in the state. Out of hundreds of applicants, only 39 students are accepted each year.
For five weeks during the summer, the Scholars live at the Lawrenceville School while they explore a topic from an interdisciplinary perspective. This year’s topic will be Into the Borderlands: Exploring the Spaces Between Big Ideas. Congratulations, Julian on these remarkable accomplishments!
Once the information and feedback was analyzed by the students, they were able to define their spaces. A collaborative brainstorm activity known as “Blue Sky Thinking” led to the creation of two-dimensional blueprints of each reimagined space. Each student chose a particular focus word - creativity, sustainability, safety, or collaboration, to name a fewproviding a lens through which designs could be analyzed and evaluated. Finally, using recycled materials, each team constructed a prototype of their Brookside location. Sharing and reflecting, the final step of design thinking, occurred on June 2 with a presentation and design fair for the third-grade families. This culminating activity showcased the children’s creativity, collaboration, and communication skills, all of which reflect the values of an MKA education.
MKA JUNIOR PLACES 1ST IN THE NORTH AMERICAN COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS OPEN COMPETITION. Congratulations to Michael Cai ’23 on his outstanding accomplishments in the North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition this year.
Michael placed 1st in the State of New Jersey on the Open Competition, thereby qualifying to participate in the Invitational Round. In the Invitational Round, Michael placed 54th overall and 1st again in the State of New Jersey. Congratulations, Michael!
“This culminating activity showcased the children’s creativity, collaboration, and communication skills, all of which reflect the values of an MKA education”
Upper School Chinese teacher Dr. River He led a group of students to Seton Hall University to give their final presentation for the New Jersey 14th Annual Chinese Cultural Project Contest, co-hosted by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and the New Jersey Chinese Culture Studies Foundation.
The MKA team won second place and additionally the team was presented with the “Best Team Award.” Dr. He commented, “This is a tremendous success for our MKA Chinese program. This is a team success for MKA students, teachers, and parents!”
Third graders are exploring storytelling and digital content creation by working on stop motion animations in art class. Through the use of clay figures and their iPads, Ms. Fine is teaching students how to speed up, slow down, edit, enhance their work, and more.
Eighth graders had an amazing time exploring Philadelphia and its many historical landmarks, such as the women’s suffrage exhibit at the National Constitution Center.
“This is a tremendous success for our MKA Chinese program... a team success for MKA students, teachers, and parents!”
In March 2022, Upper School students embarked on MKA’s first global experience trip in over two years! Students traveled to Iceland where they explored how different energy sources, in Iceland and globally, are creating environmental, economic, and political tensions. They were able to get a sense of Iceland’s geology by visiting key geothermal spots and landmarks. Students also met with local experts on sustainability and clean energy, conducted their own research on local climate impacts, and had the opportunity to explore Iceland’s rugged geography first-hand.
Congratulations to Cindy Hu ’22 and Sebastian So ’22 who scored in the top 5% in the country on the American Mathematics Competition (AMC). As a result, they were invited to take the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME). This is a great honor and a huge achievement in the mathematics field!
To close out Women’s History Month in March, Middle School History Department Chair and Ethics Coordinator CherylAnne Amendola used fashion to engage students as she taught her classes about women’s roles in the 20th century (1910s-1960s).
Congratulations to 6th-grade students Ana M. and Joonkyu S. who were named as winners of the Friends of Anderson Park annual short-story contest. Ana's “The Twisty Tree” is a "poetic rendering of the stories that trees could tell." Joonkyu's “Underground Secrets” is a geological mystery involving the man who donated the land for the park more than a century ago, Charles W. Anderson.
As part of the sixth and seventh-grade science curriculum, students had the opportunity to explore the moon this month thanks to a field trip to the Buehler Challenger Science Center in Paramus. They had a blast exploring everything the center had to offer and even experienced a simulated space mission.
Montclair Kimberley Academy was selected as one of only three institutions in the U.S. to participate in the program, “Meeting the Terra-Cotta Army, Understanding Qin Culture,” conducted by the Xidian University and Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum in Xi’an China. This is an incredible honor for our MKA Chinese Program, the World Languages Department, and our students enrolled in Chinese.
Students participated in a series of online lectures given by native Chinese teachers, five virtual field trips led by bilingual museum educators, and four recorded webinar lectures devoted to disseminating information about up-to-date research in archeology and conservation.
Upper School Chinese classes and students from the AAPI Affinity Group recently explored Chinatown, NYC on a field trip. They visited the Museum of Chinese in America and learned about events related to the early race riots that uprooted established immigrant communities and discriminatory laws and policies that reinforced Asian American marginalization.
The students also worked side by side to explore Asian religions in the Mahayana Buddhism Temple. They enjoyed the sense of community and togetherness during the culture emersion experience—playing the Chinese Wordle games on the bus, walking the Chinatown streets, visiting Asian-owned bakery and beverage stores and having authentic Asian food at Columbus Park in the sunlight.
This was the first time in 2 years, the AAPI and Chinese learning community came together in-person to explore the rich history and culture of Asia and China!
Montclair Kimberley Academy is proud to announce that four seniors have been selected as Finalists for a 2022 National Merit® Scholarship. Milo Blake from South Orange, Joshua Kaufman from Randolph, Olivia OkunDubitsky from Montclair, and Sebastian So from Verona have been recognized as being among the nation’s most academically talented students. Only about 16,000 students of the 1.6 million who entered the competition were named Semifinalists.
In order to advance in the competition and be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, a Semifinalist had to become a Finalist by fulfilling several requirements that included submitting a detailed scholarship application and presenting a record of very high academic performance. MKA’s four seniors now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for 7,500 National Merit Scholarships, worth nearly $30 million, that will be offered this spring.
Congratulations to these students on this impressive achievement!
MKA juniors enjoyed a successful trip to Washington D.C. They were fortunate to be on the steps of the Supreme Court building at the exact moment Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed by the US Senate to be the first African-American woman to sit on the highest court in the land. They placed a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, and perhaps the most thrilling moment of the trip came when Robert Lombardi ’23 convinced Senator Cory Booker to record a video message to Dr. Korfhage! This annual trip provides some incredible memories, opportunities, and experiences for students. Thank you to the MKA History Department!
Eleven students from MKA traveled to participate in the Harvard Model Congress, along with faculty advisors David Korfhage and Michelle Barbetta. The goal of Model Congress is to give students experience with the governmental process in the United States, expose them to current events, and give them experience in working and collaborating with people with varied viewpoints. Over four days, the MKA students inhabited the roles assigned to them, from Congressman Ted Lieu in the House Judiciary Committee to Senator James Inhofe on the Senate Special Committee on Intelligence. Working with students from around the country, they debated topics, voted on bills, and passed laws on topics ranging from cybersecurity to funding for pre-schools. One delegate, senior Olivia Okun-Dubitsky, took the role of journalist, covering developments on the mock Supreme Court. Junior Yousef Abukwaik was awarded a “Best Delegate” award for his role as Rep. Hank Johnson from Georgia on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Senior Lily Piede was chosen to be one of two delegates to speak at closing ceremonies, where she spoke about Model Congress, her mother’s experience in the Tiananmen Square protests, and the importance of democracy.
Thanks to the generous lead gift from Brian and Linda Sterling P’12, ’14, in the 2022-2023 school year, MKA is launching the Faculty Excellence Fellowship Fund, which will provide much-needed, new resources to support MKA’s hiring processes and professional development program. This new program will allow MKA to offer incentive packages to help new faculty hires to make a financiallysupported transition to MKA or to make a career in teaching affordable. It will additionally offer four-year, $30,000 grants to select, new and existing MKA faculty members to help defray costs or debt connected to attaining an advanced degree.
Because schools all across the country are similarly inspired to diversify their faculty, MKA is in direct competition for hiring the most highly-skilled and inspirational faculty. We are committed to addressing this imbalance, and philanthropy plays a leading role. The Faculty Excellence Fellowship Fund will not only allow MKA to be more competitive in the hiring market, but it will also provide resources to our faculty that will help us create an even more robust community of learners here at MKA. Philanthropy has the power to impact and change our community for the better, and this program will allow us to build significantly on the excellence and diversity of our faculty school-wide.
MKA attracts professional educators for whom excellence and continuous professional growth are normative, and the school honors and respects these faculty members for their daily contribution to the success of our students. A truly excellent faculty is a diverse faculty that broadens the learning experiences
and perspectives of our children and enriches our community by modeling leadership. Educational excellence depends directly on our investment in not only recruiting but also retaining more faculty members who bring diversity to our community in terms of race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and ability.
We are incredibly grateful to the Sterling Family for their support and are looking forward to growing this program with ongoing support from other MKA community members. If you are interested in supporting the Faculty Excellence Fellowship Fund or learning more about it, please contact Laela Perkins at lperkins@mka.org.
“A truly excellent faculty is a diverse faculty that broadens the learning experiences and perspectives of our children and enriches our community by modeling leadership.”
In the face of unforeseen circumstances turning one weekend of performances into two, nine student actors including four seniors took Deetjen Theatre by storm in MKA’s production of Henrik Ibsen’s eerily timely An Enemy of the People. The story of a public water crisis that sparks a political firestorm, Enemy of the People played for three performances, marking it the first drama to go up in Deetjen in three years. Audiences connected deeply with the material; in fact, during one performance, the crowd joined together and chanted the play’s title right along with the recording of an angry mob during the scene’s climactic moment: truly a testament to the power of live theatre in building community. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew on a remarkable run!
The Spring Chorus Concert featured 57 Upper School performers and brought Weiss to life with music spanning hundreds of years. Students opened the concert with works by Handel and Brahms and then performed a tribute to the composer Stephen Sondheim, who passed away in November 2021. Songs from Company, Into the Woods, West Side Story, and Sunday in the Park With George displayed the talents of the Chamber Singers with various soloists walking out from the choir to deliver some of Sondheim’s most clever lyrics and intricate melodies to the audience in between larger choral ensemble pieces. Jazz Choir commanded the stage with a quick tempo swinging version of “Old Devil Moon’’ and a blues ballad “Cry Me A River.” Remix A Cappella performed a few songs, and the uplifting finale song with everyone on stage was “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen, which featured the ten graduating seniors across the front.
At the Annual Spring Dance Concert, those in attendance enjoyed watching 25 Upper School dancers, as well as several participants from our Middle School, perform varied styles of dances. Each piece told a great story and entertained our audience, culminating with the honoring of our two seniors: Caroline Sakovits and Jaya Mendiratta. It was such a wonderful spring evening and a great way to end the season!
Cinderella , the 2013 Broadway version, played to three packed houses where audience members were so happy to be back in the theatre again! Thirteen seniors led a cast of 48 and crew of 12 to create an amazing production that truly highlighted all MKA has to offer. Director Nicole Hoppe was so happy with the show and proud of the students.
The MKA Middle School Dance Program, directed by Dr. Monica Elmore, held its annual performance to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other prominent human rights activists from around the world. It was a wonderful evening that began with a heartfelt introduction by Head of Middle School Dr. Carlaina Bell and continued with many outstanding performances at all grade levels that covered a variety of dance genres, such as ballet, modern, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary, and Bollywood. There were many highlights throughout the evening, including the fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade choreography projects, along with many small-group dances and solos. Congratulations to all on a beautiful and moving performance!
The MKA Strings program returned to Carnegie’s Zankel Hall after a three-year hiatus. The concert featured advanced players from the Primary School and all orchestras and string ensembles of the Middle and Upper Schools. Highlights of the program were performances in their original version of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1, Prokofiev’s Classical Symphony, and for the first time in MKA Strings history, the virtuosic Moto Perpetuo by Niccolo Paganini performed beautifully by soloist Christina Bonarti, Philip Hadjipetkov, and Matthew Bonarti.
>> The Upper School Winter Musical was back in Weiss after a two-year break!
“ Picturing Black Girlhood was an evocation for me. It's a rare space where Black women’s art can be centered in communication with one another. I relished dwelling in the halls, watching the eyes of Black women and girls roam the works, and pause in these moments of recognizing themselves in new and familiar ways.” Yvonne Shirley ‘00
Express Newark, the socially engaged art center at Rutgers University-Newark, hosted Picturing Black Girlhood: Moments of Possibility, the largest exhibition in the world on Black girlhood. The exhibit featured three extraordinary MKA artists: a moving image by student Seneca Steplight-Tillet, a textile installation by current MKA parent Kim Hill, and a short film by alum Yvonne Shirley ’00. Their work was featured alongside renowned Black women artists, such as Carrie Mae Weems, Lorraine O’Grady, Doris Derby, Tawny Chapman, and Latoya Ruby Frazier. This international exhibition featured over eighty-five Black women, girls, and genderqueer artists, ranging in age from 8 to 94, who work in the mediums of photography and film and have a sustained practice exploring the theme of Black girlhood.
Black girls are our most innovative cultural producers, community connectors, and trendsetters, but their contributions are rarely recognized, and their lives are largely invisible in our dominant culture. In contrast, this exhibition considers Black girlhood as an essential stage of development, an integral moment of political awakening, an embattled site of representation, and a critical source of artistic inspiration throughout the globe. This show restaged very intimate Black girl coming of age narratives made in the reifying lens of Black women and genderqueer artists and the real-time experiences and perspectives of Black girls themselves. The images made by Black women photographers and filmmakers
are placed side-by-side those made by Black girls. The result: a disruption of traditional art world hierarchies and a centering of Black girls as subjects, artists, and agents of their own lives.
"It is was exciting, scary, and fun to see how other people reacted to my piece [Makeup Time] in 'Picturing Black Girlhood,'" said Seneca Steplight-Tillet (MKA class 2030) who at age 10 was the youngest artist in the show. "I really liked sharing it with the other MKA kids in the Black Affinity Group and hope that they felt as empowered by seeing all these images together as I did."
Picturing Black Girlhood: Moments of Possibility is ambitious in scale and scope. It is an urgent response to the crisis of racism and heterosexism that Black girls continue to face, as well as a radical re-imagining of our world through their gazes and those of the adults that were once them. “Being able to witness my son experience my Art with the Black Student Affinity Group from MKA represents the serendipitous intersection of Art and Motherhood; and a testament to the sacrifices I’ve made to create work that unapologetically amplifies Blackness as a single mom. Seeing the kids relax and express how the environment made them feel 'seen' and 'safe' while sitting on my chair sculptures, pushes me even deeper into my purpose. That's the kind of imprint I’m most proud to leave behind.” - Kim Hill P ’28
The Upper School community gathered together for a reception to celebrate the work of 7 senior AP Studio Art students. There was a wide variety of artwork on display - 3D, 2D, and drawing portfolios from all students in the class. Congratulations to Steph Boariu, Elodie Cha, Caitlyn Liu, Matteo McClendon, Lily Piede, Dylan Sachs, and Ben Sherman on their amazing work!
Primary School families were invited to view their children’s stunning art during the Art Show hosted by Jocelyn Fine, Primary School Fine and Performing Arts Chair. From paintings to sculptures, there were so many amazing pieces for families to enjoy.
Under the direction of Lisa Gunn-Becker, the sixth grade performed Steph DeFerie’s Season of Light in February. The story is a winter fairy tale set in a European Village in the 1600s. The main character, Magda, causes something to go wrong in the town’s annual solstice performance and the world is threatened with eternal darkness. A band of outcast players helps her in her quest to bring the light back to her town and save the world. The sixth graders, embracing their first experience with a fully staged play, did a fantastic job of relating this story to the audience and were able to do so unmasked. The students were involved in every aspect of the production: running the light cues, set building, set changes, and calling the show, as well as acting on stage. The wonderful lighting, projections, set design, and sets were all created by Diane Giangreco, and whimsical costumes were designed and created by Lisa KriznerGeorge. Holding it all together was our producer, Dagny Baker.
“The sixth graders, embracing their first experience with a fully staged play, did a fantastic job...”
A unique program for seniors wherein individuals and teams work on Community Engagement Projects, Creative Inquiries, Global Experiences, Entrepreneurial Ventures, Internships, or MKA Teaching Experiences.
One of the most significant, though subtle, shifts we have made to May Term over the years is to ground it in student inquiry. There are a whole host of pedagogical reasons for doing this, but in short, the move ensures that students begin with a guiding question. Akin to the question development required throughout their school research experience, this starting point helps to meaningfully shape their work and offers an opportunity for them to practically apply the research habits and mindsets honed in an academic setting. The iterative process of research, the need to sift through conflicting information, the skills and stamina to synthesize various inputs: these core MKA research capacities all become immediate and vividly relevant when applied to an inquiry of personal import.
“I found a passion I didn’t even know I had, or at least, not to the extent I do now. I learned what it really takes to make meaningful change and how empowering it is to be part of that process.”
This May, seniors Brennan ColumbiaWalsh and Ava Levinson co-produced MKA’s first-ever Alumni Show. The Butcher of Mauthausen, a full-length play written and directed by Brennan and production stage-managed by Ava, was performed three times from May 27 to May 29 after a record-breaking two-week rehearsal process. Reuniting a cast and crew of over twenty current and past MKA students, the play featured alumni actors Jaycee Brill ‘20, Emily Sasfai ‘20, John Colbert ‘20, Jamen Meistrich ‘20, Jonah Barbin ‘21, Katie Kallay ‘20, and Alex Glotzer ‘21, as well as alumni crew member Kendall Larrier ‘20
On May 12, the newly reunited group arrived in Deetjen Theatre — the place they fell in love with the art form — to begin rehearsals. Blocking, analyzing, and perfecting the final product was no easy task — they only had fourteen days. But a will to bring art once more to
their beloved community (and frequent drop-ins from their collective mentor, Ms. Nicole Hoppe) carried the cohort through eight-hour days, endless memorization, and a frenzied effort to ascertain set pieces and costumes. Despite the formidable process, their dedication to the craft and to each other led to a seemingly impossible, extremely powerful weekend of performances.
The Butcher of Mauthausen is a two-act play set in Passau, Germany, 1941. When Dr. Friedrich Kaiser, a secretly-Jewish epidemiologist, is approached by SS Dr. Aribert Heim — infamously remembered as “The Butcher of Mauthausen” — to join the Nazi party, he must navigate peril to ensure his family’s safety. But his involvement in the party leads them further into danger when he becomes enthralled with the power of his new position. The Butcher of Mauthausen is a suspenseful examination of the sinister —
yet seductive — road to extremism.
Brennan Columbia-Walsh, the playwright, director, and lead actor began writing the play in the summer of 2020.
After researching the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, he was inspired to explore the themes of untapped control, extremism, and antisemitism. Two years of tireless writing, re-writing, and re-rewriting led him to his final product and the idea to bring back alumni all-stars to Deetjen Theatre.
Ava Levinson, co-producer and production stage manager, provided the catalyst necessary for bringing this production to life. For two weeks, she worked to create the set, design the stage technology, and prepare the show for its audience. Put simply, The Butcher of Mauthausen would not exist without Ava’s hard work and dedication.
Brennan Columbia-Walsh and Ava Levinson’s May
Behind the scenes, a group of current MKA students worked to ready the show for opening night. Warren Roth ‘23, the play’s first-time lighting director, created a magical lighting plot in just three days. Kate McClusky ‘23, the hair and makeup stylist, showed off her skills by aging and bloodying the actors. Cooper Critchley ‘23, the costume designer, lured the audience into the world of 1940s Germany with period-accurate clothing and accessories. The set’s wall artwork even came from the student body — thanks to Logan Furlonge ‘23!
Of course, the play was not complete without its actors. The seven alumni students who returned to act in Deetjen Theatre prepared heartwrenching performances for two reasons. First, to do what they love in the place they learned to do it; and second, to come together once more as artists, collaborators, and friends.
With the help of these amazing students, The Butcher of Mauthausen was finally ready for its audience. Over the course of three nights, audiences cried, laughed, and were once again mystified by the theatrical greats of MKA’s performing arts programs. The play sold out all three nights, and it was met with critical acclaim from students, faculty, and alumni. But more valuable than the reception was the process itself, and perhaps nobody could sum it up better than the director: “Bringing The Butcher of Mauthausen to fruition was a dream come true,” states
Brennan. “The opportunity to create art in Deetjen alongside artists and friends from the past and present has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I’m so grateful to all those who came together to make this play a reality. Only at MKA can a group of friends be led by their love for art and for each other through such an amazing journey.”
“Over the course of three nights, audiences cried, laughed, and were once again mystified by the theatrical greats of MKA’s performing arts programs... but more valuable than the reception was the process itself...”
JAKE PRYOR: The traditional high school experience: you have athletes, the theater kids, mathletes, etc. – each on different paths. For generations the average high school student has been confined to a singular box: “You’re a sports kid!” or “You can only do theater!” Like oil in water, the different facets of the high school experience have never mixed. However, like the great Troy Bolton, I’ve been blessed to have an experience where my different interests, and different facets of life, were intertwined into one great high school experience. At MKA, I was thrust into the sports scene in the fall of my freshman year. Since a young age, sports were my first love, so it wasn’t exactly a shock when I committed my afternoons 6 days a week to the football team. However, following the season, I heard some uproar about the big “Winter Musical” which was Annie at the time. I’d given the arts a try in middle school, participating in two plays, but after seeing what a large landscape the musical had over the school, I just wanted to be a part of the magic. I ended up falling in love with the stage in just one short winter, even in an ensemble role, as I rolled into my freshman lacrosse season. Since then, I’ve followed the same template every year: sport, show, sport – and it’s been nothing short of a gift. Through athletics and arts, I’ve been able to explore two completely different walks of life… or high school. It’s been my involvement in my two teams – my two families – that have made my high school experience nothing short of unforgettable.
BRODIE SNYDER: An integral part of my experience at MKA has been the opportunity I have had to participate in a variety of activities outside of the classroom. MKA is a unique community that encourages students to not be pigeon-holed into one area of interest. Playing football and lacrosse, and participating in the winter musical every year, allowed me to experience the best of both worlds. I’ve been able to feel the thrill and experience the fun of being on both the athletic fields and the stage, and throughout high school I have been able to build relationships with a lot of different groups of people. Participating in both athletics and the arts has helped me become a more well-rounded individual, and I’ve learned valuable lessons in collaboration, leadership, and self-assurance by pursuing both of these interests. I’ve had a team and family to turn to throughout the year, and even in the off-seasons, have remained close with both my teammates and castmates. MKA is a school where you are not labeled or limited to any sphere of the community: you often see kids participating in the arts, athletics, and other interests like clubs and CSIs, all while managing the rigorous academic load. Given the chance to redo my high school experience, I wouldn’t change a thing. While juggling a variety of activities was, at times, a challenging task, it made me into the person I am today. Athletics and the arts gave me something I could focus on and commit to everyday, and combining the two was the hallmark of my highschool experience. Illustrating their balanced approach, Brodie and Jake perform in the 2022 Winter Musical Cinderella and co-captains Jake and Brodie walk off the football field together in the fall
Jake Pryor and Brodie Snyder showcased their experience being Student-Athlete-Artists at MKA, in hopes to help out future students in their athletic and artistic careers.
>> Seniors traveled to Utah for a wilderness backpacking adventure they will always remember. Here they are exploring Zion National Park. Day 5 of their May Term Wilderness Adventure had our trekkers making their way up to Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park.
>> During May Term, Lauren Schier set out to catalogue scuba diving experiences in Carriacou, Grenada.
>> Clara Turck learned alongside bariatric surgeon Dr. Naveen Ballem ’90 P’26 ’30 at the Clara Maass Medical Center and at the New York Bariatric Group Office in Glen Ridge.
>> Michael Bronstein interned at Invoy LLC, a healthcare/tech company based out of Irvine, CA. The company designs devices that analyze a client’s breath and uses the information it gets to help assist the user in forming a weight loss plan and keeping track of their progress.
>> Matteo McClendon set out to create an animated short [film] and experience every step of the process. The goal was to go through the process and see what he resonated with. The final product was an added bonus.
>> Bryce Cherry set out to strip golf of its notoriously expensive reputation and find ways to make golf more accessible.
If you or someone you know can provide an internship or shadowing opportunity for an MKA senior please reach out to alumni@mka.org. “...Akin to the question development required throughout their school research experience, this starting point helps to meaningfully shape their work and offers an opportunity for them to practically apply the research habits and mindsets”Above: Students in Zion National Park, Students scuba diving in Grenada, and the 2022 May Term Sympoisum in the Upper School’s Academic Center.
MKA is thrilled to share the news that Dr. Carlaina Bell has been named Head of Middle School. Carlaina was previously the Assistant Head of Middle School for eight years and is wellknown and respected among her Middle School colleagues and students.
After completing her masters from the Education School at Harvard University in 1993, Carlaina taught high school Spanish in Massachusetts and California as well as worked for the nonprofit organization, Inroads. Initially hired at MKA as a Spanish teacher, she has since held the roles of Grade Dean, World Language Department Chair, Associate Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, and ultimately Assistant Head of School for Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism.
Carlaina has always been passionate about building relationships, creating learning opportunities, and mentoring faculty to become leaders. She had the opportunity to examine leadership closely as she completed the doctorate program at Seton Hall University where her dissertation focused on department chair and curricular leadership at the middle school level.
Carlaina led MKA’s Strategic Initiative to make the curriculum more multicultural by building a collaborative learning community that is centered on research, pedagogical best practices, and student and teacher input. She is focused on helping students and colleagues find their voices and tap into their power enabling them to affect change. She shared, “ At the core of my educational philosophy is the idea that all children deserve to be seen, heard, valued, and understood within all aspects of their school community. I welcome the opportunity to engage with the faculty, students, and families in new ways to deliver a transformational and holistic educational experience that carries forward MKA’s Mission.”
MKA is pleased to introduce our new Head of Primary School, Yungjin Oh. Yungjin and his wife Agnes moved to Montclair this summer after living in Europe for 15 years and are looking forward to the opportunity for their family, which includes their two daughters, Anna and Clara. Most recently, Yungjin has served as a professor and project leader in the Department of Informatics and Education Technology at the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education in Switzerland.
Prior to his role at St. Gallen, Yungjin was Director of Primary School and Director of Education Technology at Formatio Privatschule located in Triesen, Liechtenstein. He also worked as a Grades 1 and 2 teacher at the International School Rheintal (Buchs, Switzerland) and as a Grade 4 teacher at The American School in Switzerland (Montagnola, Switzerland).
After graduating from Hamilton College in 1998, Yungjin moved to New York City and worked as a media planner for 5 years. Leaving the advertising world behind, Yungjin followed his passion to teach by moving to Boston to work at Shore Country Day School and pursue a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education at Lesley University.
Yungjin recognizes that the Primary School is on the cusp of a new chapter that will require visionary leadership, strategic thinking, and the ability to communicate effectively with all constituencies connected to the Primary School. He is passionate about young people, education, and learning and has a track record of innovation, high standards, and developing international connections between all the schools where he worked. Yungjin and his family are excited to join the MKA community and share their international life experiences with others.
MKA is thrilled to welcome Paris McLean as the next Assistant Head of School for Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism. Paris is an educator who has dedicated himself to empathetic, inclusive, and positive leadership that is based upon cultivating relationships with students, families, and colleagues. The entire MKA community looks forward to working with him and benefitting from his extensive experience.
Paris has presented at state, national, and international conferences focusing on social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion within school structures while being an independent school educator and leader for 18 years. He served as a 2nd Grade Lead Teacher, curriculum coordinator, multicultural diversity team chair, head varsity basketball coach, Lower School Head, and Middle School Head at two different independent day schools and last served as the Assistant Head of School at Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart. He is a graduate of LaSalle University, The Klingenstein Center, Teachers College Columbia University, and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Aspiring Heads Institute.
In his new role, Paris will work to cultivate a diverse and cosmopolitan community where everyone feels at home and where students become prepared to engage with our dynamic, 21st-century world. He describes himself “as a mission-driven school leader, [who seeks] to develop communities where every voice, individual, and constituency are seen, heard, known, and valued for who they are and their inherent worth. My leadership efforts are practical and grounded, defining reasonable and achievable goals and expectations for those I partner with, as well as for myself.”
Upper School students had a blast celebrating Field Day. It was a very close race… but Monjo was ultimately named the winner of the 2021-2022 House Cup! Bradley came in second place, followed by Walden and Strong. Congratulations, Monjo!
One of the ways the Middle School community honored Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month was by having speaker, writer, and MKA parent Marina Budhos present during our AAPI Assembly. Her presentation, Poetry & Songs of Asian Pacific Islander Immigrants told the story of west coast immigration through poetry, songs, and stories and touched upon Angel Island, the sugar cane fields of Hawaii, The Chinese Exclusion Act, and the Trans-Pacific Railway. It was an honor to hear Ms. Budhos speak.
4th and 5th graders enjoyed a field trip to Camp Mason in Hardwick, NJ. They enjoyed classes like ecological art, archaeology, canoeing, and geocaching.
MKA’s first annual Iftar was a great success. Thank you to everyone who came together to break fast for Ramadan and participate in this special evening. Special thanks to the Muslim Students of the Upper School for organizing this event and the Khan family for sharing some early Eid gifts for all!
MKA CELEBRATES THE LUNAR NEW YEAR February 1 marked the beginning of the Lunar New Year, Vietnamese Tet, Korean Seollal, Tibetan Losar, and Spring Festival, which celebrates the arrival of the new year in Asia and ends 15 days later with the first full moon. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. Primary School students wore traditional or celebratory clothing to school and celebrated at an assembly with a Lion Dance assembly where children danced and practiced Kungfu movements.
At the Middle School, students were lucky to have Upper School AP Chinese student, Ben Sherman, come and talk to them about the pen pal program MKA participates in with a school in Xi’An China. The assembly ended with a few beautiful, traditional Chinese dance performances by our 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade Chinese classes.
MKA Upper School students celebrated with a special presentation by the AP Chinese class and performances by Upper and Middle School students! Organized by Ben Sherman, Dr. He, Ms. Chen, and students learning Chinese at the Upper School, the presentation shared information about the Lunar New Year, its history, special traditions, and more. All Chinese classes sang a famous Chinese song《朋友》to celebrate together.
MKA’s Health and Wellness Department and PAMKA hosted “An Evening With David and Kent Magee” in the Upper School Academic Center. As part of the Upper School’s Substance Abuse Awareness Week, David and his wife Kent, discussed David’s memoir Dear William. Their son William was an honors student and D1 athlete, yet he succumbed to addiction and died of an accidental overdose. David bares it all in this incredibly raw book that deals with mental health and addiction.
Although David’s story is heart-wrenching, his story also radiates courage, strength, and healing. William could be any one of our children. David’s mission to raise awareness about mental health and substance abuse was recently featured on CBS Mornings. Around 50 parents joined David and Kent to discuss the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse with our children. It was an event that was at times emotional but very meaningful to all who attended.
Crayons are made from petroleum products that are not biodegradable. The National Crayon Recycle Program recycles unwanted, rejected, broken crayons into new crayons, keeping thousands of pounds out of the landfills and back into the creative hands of children. Students, faculty, and parents at MKA collected broken crayons and placed them in grade level boxes that Kindergarten made. After collecting the crayons, Kindergarten students and some parent volunteers worked hard sorting them. Brookside collected and saved 32 pounds of broken crayons from going into landfills, and they have been sent to the National Crayon Recycling Program for a new life.
The Primary School community came together for their first all-school assembly of the year in celebration of Black History Month. Mr. Daniel Ssuna captivated everyone from the moment he walked on stage where he greeted the crowd with traditional and modern East African dance, music, and stories. The energy of the children was pulsing through the room.
In April beloved Middle School Chair of the Fine and Performing Arts Department Linda Larkin led her last Middle School Band Concert performance. By all accounts, it was a successful and special night in Logan Auditorium. The concert began with fourth graders showing off their first-year skills and the fifth graders showcasing their instrumental skills The sixth graders put their ensemble skills to the test and the seventh and eighth-grade bands combined to perform two very exciting pieces which highlighted the students’ musicality, rhythmic versatility, and agility. As is the custom, the eighth-grade band performed one piece by themselves to celebrate their final performance on the Middle School stage. The work they performed this year was “Sounds of Orkney” written by MKA band director Linda Larkin. She got the inspiration for the composition as a result of her trip, with science teacher Penny Weissman, to the Orkney Islands, UK on a PAMKA grant in 2014. This is only the second performance of this work, with the first being its world premier in 2018 as performed by members of this year’s MKA senior class. The two Middle School jazz bands capped the program with stellar performances.
Then as a surprise to Mrs. Larkin, and to wish her a happy retirement, former student Jake Sasfai ’17 joined Head of Middle School Dr. Carlaina Bell and Upper School Choral Music Director Maria Gilmartin to give moving tributes in her honor. A Lifer who spent all his 5 years at the Middle School taking music classes with Mrs.Larkin, Jake thanked her, saying, “I feel really fortunate to have been part of this program. I have learned so much from you as a musician and a human being. You have always been there for me.” Acknowledging Mrs. Larkin’s 22 years of teaching, Dr. Bell said, “We can’t let the evening end without marking the occasion,” as the audience rose to give a standing ovation. Dr. Bell continued, “I can’t think of another teacher at the Middle School who is more dedicated to the success of her students than Linda. She is patient, kind, and forgiving and sees the potential of every student.” Ms. Gilmnartin shared the long history the two music teachers share and noted that after 14 years of teaching together, Linda is “one of the most hardworking and caring music teachers I have ever met.” Looking back at the evening, Mrs. Larkin said, “It was a joyous occasion for all!” It is clear by the outpouring of thanks and appreciation from students, colleagues, and families that Mrs. Larkin spent her long career bringing joy to all. She will be missed.
The Upper School Science Department has exciting faculty news! A graduate of Montclair State University, Rebecca Thompson was named the “outstanding graduate student” after receiving her master’s degree. In addition, longtime teacher Laurie Smith was elected as a High School Ambassador for the American Association of Chemistry Teachers division of the American Chemical Society.
“I can’t think of another teacher at the Middle School who is more dedicated to the success of her students than Linda. She is patient, kind, and forgiving and sees the potential of every student.”
Lori Daskowitz retired after an impressive 32 years of service. A valued member of the Business Office responsible for accounts receivable, she is proficient in sign language, a huge anglophile, an exuberant holiday decorator, and loves spending time at the Jersey Shore. Lori will continue following her passion for travel in retirement, and we wish her the best.
Middle School teacher Alan Jones left the school after 22 years of teaching. Colleague Marsha Kleinman shared, “Alan has proven himself to be a kind, sensitive, thoughtful advocate for children. He is a dedicated and creative teacher and a model for what it means to be a lifelong learner. He is generous with ideas and generous of spirit as befits his wideranging interests and varied background.”
Alan taught at multiple grade levels at the MIddle School, served on the Admissions Committee, and coached tennis and led the Ski Club. We will miss the impact of this, in Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge’s words, “master educator [who] has the ability to meet the academic and social emotional needs of our MIddle School students.”
Congratulations to MKA’s Primary School Fine and Performing Arts Chair Jocelyn Fine who had the opening for her latest show Place of Mind curated by @3Walls in May. She showed off her latest collection of work alongside three other phenomenal artists.
Congratulations to Upper School Science teacher and Upper School Sustainability Coordinator Ben Rich on earning his LEED Green Associate credential. He has joined an exclusive group of the world’s top sustainable building professionals.
The Blair Athletic Hall of Fame Committee announced the athletes chosen for the Athletic Hall of Fame class of 2022 which included the 1996-1997 Girls’ Tennis team coached by MKA’s longtime Director of Athletics, Todd Smith! In the fall of 1996, Coach Smith commented that he wanted to prove that the girls’ tennis team was a squad to look out for in New Jersey, and he certainly got his wish.
The 1996-1997 girls’ tennis team broke school records with an impressive 19-2 finish, recording losses only to the two other top-ranked schools in the nation, Newark Academy and Lawrenceville. They finished the season winning the Prep State Championship, and the following year, the Star Ledger awarded the Blair Girls’ Tennis team a first-place ranking, while the NJ Herald named it the 1997 Team of the Year for the first time in program history. In September 1996’s Blair Bulletin, Coach Smith noted that there was no doubt in his mind that the athletes on the 1996-1997 girls’ tennis team were champions.
“He is a dedicated and creative teacher and a model for what it means to be a lifelong learner”
Congratulations to the outstanding Montclair Kimberley Academy seniors who have been honored with academic, engagement, and athletic awards. We could not be more proud of their hard work, dedication, and the impressive feats they have accomplished during the 2021-2022 school year.
Award – Marjorie Winfield Easter, Headmistress at The Kimberley School from 19601965, encouraged creative self-expression and selfless dedication to the school community. It is with this in mind that we present the Marjorie Winfield Easter Award to the senior who, behind-thescenes, has given generously to the MKA community without expecting formal recognition. The award winner has consistently demonstrated outstanding character, leadership qualities, and moral values: Willow Delp
Ethel Spurr, head-mistress of The Kimberley School from 1950-60, embodied strong leadership, passion for teaching, and generosity with time and service. She brought new ideas and positive change to the curriculum, the daily schedule, extra-curricular activities, and student life. The person receiving this award should be an involved and dynamic member of the MKA community and must possess the self-starting and enthusiastic approach to academics and engagement in school life for which Miss Spurr was known. The ideal winner of this award seeks to bring new perspectives to the school to strengthen and transform existing programs: Ben Sherman
– The Rudolph Deetjen Awards are given in memory of Mr. Rudolph Deetjen, a 1950 graduate of Montclair Academy, Brookside School Headmaster from 19731974, and Head of Middle School from 1974-1977. He was instrumental in the merger of Brookside School, The Kimberley School, and Montclair Academy in 1974.
The Rudolph Deetjen Award is presented to one female and one male student athlete in the senior class who have a distinguished record in MKA athletics and academic work and whose character and deportment have been a positive influence in the life of the school. Award winners will have demonstrated a positive attitude in the classroom, in their respective athletic arenas, and in the community at large, exemplifying the grace, humility, tenacity, and charisma that defined Rudolph Deetjen’s life: Brennan Columbia-Walsh, Chloe Skipper
Robert C. Hemmeter Memorial Award – The Robert C. Hemmeter Memorial Award was established in June 1990 by The Board of Trustees of Montclair Kimberley Academy in memory of Robert C. Hemmeter. Bob served Montclair Academy and Montclair Kimberley Academy from 1962-1990 as a Master Teacher, Advisor, Coach, Department Chairman, and Dean of Faculty. A resolution written by the Board
describes Bob as a model of scholarship, dedication, caring, and friendship to students, colleagues, and trustees. To remember Bob, the Board has established an award to be given to a senior with interests beyond the classroom. The recipient must have intellectual curiosity and a love of books, enjoy sports and cultural activities, and have an enthusiasm for living that will lead him/her beyond the MKA community: Nate Zuckerberg
Dr. Peter R. Greer Character Award – Given annually to a senior who has demonstrated exceptional character, this award honors Dr. Peter R. Greer, MKA Headmaster from 1992-2005, for his commitment to the field of ethics. The recipient embodies virtues including honesty, generosity, kindness, and respect. The person receiving the award should be someone who embraces the Socratic principle “Know thyself.” The recipient shares half of the award with a favorite charity or person in need. Through this action, this award encourages and strengthens charitable behavior: Noah Weinberg
Head’s Award – Awarded to seniors who have made a unique contribution to MKA and have changed the school for the better: Ayantu Flowers, Ethan Lieberman, Connor Murphy, Lara Pramanik
Scott M. Johnson Memorial Award – Given annually to the MKA graduating senior who has best demonstrated a spirit of warmth, generosity, and goodwill toward others. Scott M. Johnson, MKA Class of 1993, embodied that spirit as a student at MKA and Trinity College, as an archeologist in Israel, as an investment banker in New York, and as a dear friend to many around the world. Scott’s life was tragically taken on September 11, 2001, but his kind, welcoming spirit is alive in the hearts of his loving family and friends and prevails each time a person treats another as Scott did. So that humanity may progress with respect and understanding, the recipient of this award is recognized as a torchbearer of Scott’s fine spirit: Trrusha Jariwalla
Everett Glenn Memorial Award – As created by his fellow classmates, the Glenn Medal honors the outstanding House Captain who demonstrates the same warmth, enthusiasm, and infectious love our beloved Everett Glenn, Strong House Captain ’11, exhibited during his time at MKA. Like Everett, this recipient not only executes his/her duties as a captain with pride and excellence but possesses the innate ability to inspire, motivate, and unite his/ her house. This recipient inspires all members of the MKA House System to act and
lead their community in the unforgettable way that Everett did: Allie Sherman
Bud Mekeel Memorial Award – This award is named for O. Stanley “Bud” Mekeel, Class of 1929, who was involved in all aspects of school life at Montclair Academy, including sports, drama, publications, and student government. The award is given to a talented and distinguished MKA senior and is to be applied toward firstyear expenses in the college of the recipient’s choice: Kofi Oduro-Manu
The James D. Timmons Award was established in 1982 by Anita Timmons to honor her husband, a trustee, parent, and grandparent. It is awarded to an MKA senior who is the child of an MKA faculty member. The recipient is honored for distinguished academic work and significant contributions to the life of the senior class and the MKA community: Caleb Fossett
William Miller Prize in Science – Established as a bequest from William Henry Miller who taught science at Montclair Academy for 46 years, it is awarded to a senior who has demonstrated the greatest academic excellence in the sciences: Andrew Kim
Nazarian Prize for Mathematics – Established
in 1982 in memory of Winifred and Samuel Nazarian and awarded to a senior who has demonstrated excellence in, and dedication to, mathematics: Cinderella Hu
Downsbrough Science Prize – Awarded jointly by the Science and Math Departments, the Downsbrough Science Prize was established in 1982 by parents of a Montclair Academy graduate. This award is given to a senior with high moral and ethical standards who has shown outstanding intellectual capacity in physical sciences or mathematics by achieving distinguished grades in these subjects and demonstrating exceptional ability in related projects: Sebastian So
Margaret Jenkins Osborne Prize for Excellence in Science – The Margaret Jenkins Osborne Prize for Excellence in Science was established in 1973 by the students and faculty of The Kimberley School to honor Mrs. Osborne’s outstanding service to the school. Mrs. Osborne is a member of The Kimberley School Class of 1950. This award is given to a senior who has demonstrated outstanding interest in science, understanding of concepts, and creativity in their studies in the field: Lauren Schier
John Rabuse History Prize – In the spirit of Jack Rabuse, long-time history teacher with a particular passion for
American history, politics, and the presidency, the John Rabuse History Prize is awarded to that junior or senior student who truly loves American History and is interested in politics, the Presidency, and the workings of government: Olivia Okun-Dubitsky
Computer Science Award – Awarded annually to a senior who has demonstrated excellence in, and dedication to, the field of computer science through performance in classes, independent study, and work outside of the classroom: Natalia Espinosa Dice
Barras English Prize – This award fosters the memory of William Avery Barras, who, with inspiring scholarship, taught English at Montclair Academy for 28 years, until his death in 1957. The Barras English Prize is awarded to a senior whose work at the Upper School has reflected outstanding scholarship, a unique literary voice, and an abiding belief in the value of great literature, both in and out of the classroom: Olivia Okun-Dubitsky
History Prize – Awarded to a senior who demonstrates enthusiasm for the study of history and society, a strong engagement with the research process, a generous spirit with classmates, and academic excellence in the department: Lily Piede
Each year, the Upper School World Languages Department recognizes the top students in the twelfth grade in Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish. The students who earn these awards excel in and out of the classroom and engage in the study of language and culture with empathy and understanding. Students are nominated by their current teachers, and then the awardees are decided upon by the department as a whole: Latin – Milo Blake Spanish – Martine Gulliver Chinese – Ben Sherman French – Clara Turck
Visual Art – The Visual Arts award is given to the senior who has distinguished themselves with outstanding technique and skill in their craft, finds joy and demonstrates determination in art making, and has stayed true to their individual style and voice: Lily Piede, Jax Tsai
Anthony Cuneo – The Anthony Cuneo Award is named for Tony Cuneo, Drawing, Painting, and Photography teacher at MKA from 1988 - 2018. Talented in a variety of disciplines, Tony’s sense of humor, high intellect, knowledge of and devotion to the visual arts and its pedagogy informed all of his work, whether it was in paint, through a lens, or as a mentor to the thousands of students he taught at MKA. The Anthony Cuneo Award is
awarded to a senior who has demonstrated a sustained curiosity in, commitment to, and love for the arts in at least two disciplines: Caitlyn Liu
– The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award® was inaugurated in 1974 with the consent of his widow shortly after this great jazz artist died in 1971. It honors the outstanding jazz musician at each high school: Sebastian So
John Philip Sousa Band Award – Introduced in 1955 to honor the top student in the high school band, the John Philip Sousa Band Award® recognizes superior musicianship and outstanding dedication. It was created with the approval of Helen Sousa Albert and Priscilla Sousa, daughters of the famous composer and bandmaster: Casey Salzman
Dance – The Dance Award is given to a senior who has shown tremendous growth in technique and artistic expression, as well as demonstrated leadership qualities for the overall program through consistent dedication and professionalism: Caroline Sakovits
Vocal – The Vocal Music Award is given to a senior(s) who has distinguished themselves with outstanding technique, skill, musical aptitude, and expression. This student demonstrates determination and exemplary work in ensemble and/or solo singing: Gannon Green, Natalie Morral
National Strings – The Montclair Kimberley Academy National School Orchestra Award is presented by “The Instrumentalist Magazine.”
It recognizes outstanding students in the MKA Strings Program who have shown exceptional talent, dedication, and commitment to their instrument: Christina Bonarti, Philip Hadjipetkov
Marilyn Faden Award for Excellence in the Theatre Arts – Presented to students who have a true love of theatre: Musical Theater (Best Actor & Best Actress) – Veronica Gonzalez, Brodie Snyder Deetjen for Drama – Brennan Columbia-Walsh Technical Theater – Ava Levinson
Mary K. Waring Scholars –Students who make the High Honor Roll in both semesters of a given school year: Christina Bonarti, Ella Breslawsky, Bryce Cherry, Raghav Cholappadi, Patricia Columbia-Walsh, Willow Delp, Natalia Espinosa Dice, Liam Hall, Sofia Malaspina, Matteo McClendon, Kathryn Nossa, Olivia Okun-Dubitsky, Cassandra Polanskyj, Lara Pramanik, Caroline Sakovits, Caroline Sheffet, Sebastian So, Jax Tsai, Clara Turck
Avery Barras Distinguished Scholar – Students who make the High Honor Roll in both semesters of a given school year, and who earn all A’s: Martine Gulliver, Cinderella Hu, Joshua Kaufman, Andrew Kim, Ethan Lieberman, Evelyn Maxwell, Connor Murphy
A government premier volunteer awards program that encourages citizens, through
presidential recognition, to live a life of service. Awards are based on hours of engagement. A Bronze Award to students who perform 100174 hours; a Silver to students who perform 175-249 hours; and finally, a Gold Award to students who perform over 250 hours of community engagement. The following students were recognized for their Community Engagement hours: Bronze – Andrew Kim Gold – Abby Kirsch, Aaron Lefkowitz, Liam Manlowe
Senior Community Engagement Award –Awarded to the student or students who have demonstrated a commitment to developing a deeper understanding of the needs and perspectives in the community in order to make a positive difference: Aaron Lefkowitz
Essex County ScholarAthlete Award Recipients –Each year the Essex County Athletic Directors’ Association selects a male and female recipient from each school in Essex County in recognition of their achievements in the classroom and within Essex County athletics: Patricia Columbia-Walsh (Basketball, Lacrosse), Isiah Udofia (Basketball, Track and Field)
NJSIAA Scholar-Athlete Award Recipient – Given to that student athlete who has maintained no less than a 3.0 GPA has exhibited outstanding school and community citizenship and has exhibited excellence in his or her chosen sport throughout their career:
Phoebe Williams (Field Hockey, Track and Field)
Senior Captain’s Prize –Awarded each season to the team captain who best exemplifies the qualities of leadership, sportsmanship, and fair play: Avery Song (Lacrosse)
Klein Award – The MKA “Klein Awards” are given in memory of Dr. William Klein, eminent physical sports enthusiast and grandfather of two graduates of Montclair Academy. The Klein Awards recognize one male and female student athlete in each grade who exemplify, within the current school year, excellence in athletics and character and achieve a creditable record in academics. Award winners must demonstrate dedication to their studies and a positive and respectful attitude towards their teachers, coaches, and peers: Jake Pryor (Football, Lacrosse), Phoebe Williams (Field Hockey, Track and Field)
MKA Varsity Awards – The MKA Varsity Award recognizes senior athletes for their dedication, success, and achievement throughout the course of their MKA athletic careers. The MKA Varsity Award is given in recognition to those senior athletes who have received 10 or more varsity letters throughout their MKA athletic careers: Emma Burd (Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track and Field)
Al Staph Award – Presented to a senior who has overcome a physical handicap or serious injury in order to contribute to the success of athletics at Montclair Kimberley Academy: John Testa (Baseball)
The Eighth Grade Closing Exercises were held in Logan Auditorium on Friday, June 10. Proud parents and family members joined with the MKA faculty, administration, and Trustees to reflect on the students’ time at the Middle School. Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge addressed the group and told the students, “Based on what I know you’ve experienced here at the Middle School, I’m confident that you can and will excel together in cultivating your vision and integrity in pursuit of knowledge.” He left them with three pieces of advice: learn to ask for help; move through the world with integrity; and finally, “Remember this,” he said: “the wide path is a safe one. There is much to learn from the wide path, and learn you should. But the narrow path, the hard path, will have more meaning.”
Student leaders shared reflections on the past and hope for the future. Looking back, Sami Tokat remembered the small, unsure, young fourth graders that began Middle School together five years ago, noted important memories including class trips, epic bottle flipping contests, and lessons learned from athletics, and exhorted his classmates to continue following their hearts. Saniya Bansal said, “How are we ‘ready’ for high school? I guess that’s kind of up to us isn’t it? Ready or not, here we come. It’s every choice we’ve made this year, that’s going to influence next year and the years to come. It’s the decisions we’ve made individually, and as a class. Today, Class of 2026, our lives change yet again. This day doesn’t put us across a finish line; it transfers us to a new starting line. How we get through the next race, well, that’s up to us. And I for one, can’t wait.” In closing the ceremony, Head of Middle School Dr. Carlaina Bell said to the students, “I’ve marveled at your connections to one another, your genuine love of each other’s company, and your appreciation for being back in school together. That connection is special and it is something to be celebrated.” She continued, “My hope is that WHEN these 8th graders are faced with a problem, whether small like a friendship issue, a class assignment, or big, like changing the law, they will take what they have learned at the Middle School to question, collaborate, engage in discourse, and seek resolution or make positive change.” Congratulations to the Eighth Grade Class of 2022!
MKA’s Third Grade Closing Exercises were held at the Primary School on Friday, June 10 on a beautiful, sunny morning. Co-Director of Primary School Margaret Gonzales welcomed the students, families, Trustees, and Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge. She shared that when the year began, students were “eager to learn and connect, [and] all students shared the profound need for community and belonging. They found it here at Brookside.” To the students she said, “You are outspoken, clever, serious, competitive, and a bit opinionated, yet you charm us with your empathy, sensitivity, and ability to reflect and grow; plus, you are loads of fun! In many ways, the roads you’ve traveled have made you wise beyond your years.”
During the ceremony, songs were sung and certificates were awarded. Mr. Furlonge concluded the morning with much appreciation for the Primary School teachers, families, and students themselves. He said, “I’ve seen your love and passion for music, dance, and the arts flourish. I’ve appreciated your art on the walls. Here at Brookside, you learned to problem solve and to be a reading boss. You’ve learned how to write beautifully and with imagination. Finally, I know that you learned how to be kind and caring Cougars.” We wish our newest 4th graders all the best as they move on in their school career!
“You are outspoken, clever, serious, competitive, and a bit opinionated, yet you charm us with your empathy, sensitivity, and ability to reflect and grow...”
Congratulations to the 22 seniors from the MKA Class of 2022 who were inducted into the Cum Laude Society on Saturday, June 11. Established in 1906, the Cum Laude Society is modeled on the Phi Beta Kappa Collegiate National Honor Society and recognizes the scholastic achievement of secondary school students. It is the highest academic honor bestowed on members of the graduating class. The Cum Laude selection process relies both on a record of academic excellence and on nominations from the academic departments that reflect the character of students’ engagement with teaching and learning.
Speaking at the event, alumnus and Cum Laude Society member Kelsey (Bowers) Taylor ’10 shared her congratulations and related her thoughts and experiences from her days at MKA, through college, and now in her professional career to the gathered crowd of faculty and family members. She said to the inductees, “A lot has changed in the world in the last 4 years, including and most importantly, you. It hasn’t been easy, but through your perseverance and courage, you’ve come out stronger and ready to take on college and the world!” She ended with a challenge to the students and said, “Lean into discomfort and take risks. That’s how you’ll continue to always grow, and challenge yourself. Stay curious and be audacious, always asking questions…that’s what drives change and innovation.”
Faculty member Ben Goodrich closed the ceremony and shared what it takes to graduate with Cum Laude honors. He said, “The seniors being inducted today have shown a genuine interest in the pursuit of knowledge. …Your sense of personal satisfaction when you succeeded reflected a definition of success that goes far beyond the 'grades' you earned.” In addition, he also suggested that students should seek challenges and make choices that will create opportunities for each of them to learn
and grow. MKA is proud of this group of seniors whose hard work and dedication throughout their four years have earned them this prestigious recognition.
The 2022 inductees are Milo Blake, Christina Bonarti, Michael Bronstein, Brennan Columbia-Walsh, Aiden Ehrenreich, Natalia Espinosa Dice, Martine Gulliver, Cinderella Hu, Trrusha Jariwalla, Dhruv Jetley, Joshua Kaufman, Michael Kazarian, Andrew Kim, Ethan Lieberman, Sofia Malaspina, Evelyn Maxwell, Connor Murphy, Olivia Rae Okun-Dubitsky, Lauren Schier, Sebastian So, Clara Turck, Noah Weinberg
On Thursday, April 21, the annual ceremony celebrating MKA’s graduating “Lifers” was held at Upper School in the Johnson Family Academic Center. Each of the 31 students from the Class of 2022 that have attended MKA since they were in Kindergarten received an MKA blanket as well as a photo frame that contained their Kindergarten picture alongside their senior portrait. Administrators, parents, and students enjoyed recognizing and honoring this special MKA milestone.
Class of 2022 Lifers (not all pictured): Maggie Beer, Christina Bonarti, Shelby Carter, Bryce Cherry, Brennan Columbia-Walsh, Patricia Columbia-Walsh, Natalia Espinosa Dice, Izy Feraca, Angie Flocco, Caleb Fossett, Gannon Green, Martine Gulliver, Philip Hadjipetkov, Liam Hall, Cinderella Hu, Katherine Hulse, Dhruv Jetley, Perri Katz, Maya Kittles, Daniella Krenteras, Liam Manlowe, Evie Maxwell, Connor Murphy, Katie Nossa, Casey Salzman, Chloe Skipper, Brodie Snyder, Avery Song, Clara Turck, Isiah Udofia, Jacob Wolfson.
“...as we embark on new paths and new journeys, let’s first celebrate our memories, experiences, and friendships together – because we made it to the finish line. Together.. .”
Faculty and Board of Trustees members led the procession of the Class of 2022, and Head of Upper School Dr. David C. Flocco delivered the welcome address. He acknowledged the extraordinary challenges this class and their families faced while such a large part of their MKA experience was lived during a pandemic. He said to the students, “Life will continue to be complicated. How you deal with those complications will define who you are because it’s not about what happens to you in this life that matters most: it’s about how you react to what happens to you in this life that matters most.” He went on to share that even though the graduates are moving on, “If MKA has taught you anything, it’s that there isn’t only one person, there is an army of people here to support you.”
Two seniors shared reflections at the ceremony. Trrusha Jariwalla said, “The most major epiphany I had looking back on these past few years was this: the people around you were there for a reason and that we aren’t finding ourselves – instead, we are building ourselves. …So as we embark on new paths and new journeys, let’s first celebrate our memories, experiences, and friendships together – because we made it to the finish line. Together.” Olivia Okun-Dubitsky also spoke, and her words resonated with all in attendance. She said, “We can choose to remember that the dictionary hasn’t defined everything yet and it is up to us to expand it.” She affirmed that “What I do know is that we will define our own futures. We will choose to add to the dictionary of wonderful things, pushing possibility with courage and grace. So here’s to our choices well-made and to the beautiful choices we have yet to make.”
Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge was joined by President of the Board of Trustees Kathleen M. Logan in awarding the diplomas, together with faculty members and Trustees, who as parents of seniors, participated in the tradition of awarding their own children their diplomas.
Montclair Kimberley Academy graduated 108 students during its Commencement ceremony on Sunday, June 12 in an outdoor ceremony on Van Brunt Field in Montclair.
Addressing the Class of 2022 in his first Commencement, Mr. Furlonge shared, “At MKA, you have learned to strive for excellence in the pursuit of knowledge. Asking questions and being curious will allow you to lead in this ever-evolving project of democracy. I am reassured knowing that you are poised and ready to engage in a world that desperately needs your capacity for excellence, your vision for a better tomorrow, and your integrity as leaders. I want you to know, and I mean this, that I sleep better at night knowing that you are in this world, at this moment, in this time.”
Student Government President Brennan Columbia-Walsh and Senior Class President Kofi Oduro-Manu officially concluded the ceremony by ringing the Montclair Academy bell, which dates back almost a century.
“...if MKA has taught you anything, it’s that there isn’t only one person, there is an army of people here to support you.”
Ryan Abfier
Magdalena Cabido Beer
Milo Blake
Stephanie Boariu
Christina Bonarti
Ella Breslawsky
Michael Bronstein
Emma Burd
Sean Cadigan Michael Caggiano
Antonia Cantillo
Manuela Cantillo
Shelby Carter
Elodie Cha
Rhea Chakradeo
Bryce Cherry
Ava Chickering
Raghav Cholappadi
Jessica Christian
Brennan Columbia-Walsh
Patricia Columbia-Walsh
Aidan Cunningham
Willow Delp Aiden Ehrenreich
Natalia Espinosa Dice
Isabella Feraca
Peyton Fishman
Angela Flocco
Ayantu Flowers
Felix Fornasier Mia Forysiak
Caleb Fossett
Veronica Gonzalez
Arush Gopalji
Gannon Green
Martine Gulliver
Philip Hadjipetkov
Liam Hall
Ava Hargrave
Mahmoud Hassaneen
Cinderella Hu
Katherine Hulse
Rohan Jain
Trrusha Jariwalla
Dhruv Jetley
Perri Katz
Joshua Kaufman Michael Kazarian Andrew Kim
Abigail Kirsch
Maya Kittles
Daniella Krenteras Chloe Lebovitch
Aaron Lefkowitz
Ava Levinson
Ethan Lieberman
Caitlyn Liu
Jonathan Lui
Sofia Malaspina
William Manlowe
Isabella Masella Evelyn Maxwell Matteo McClendon Jaya Mendiratta
Natalie Morral
Connor Murphy
Nathan Murungi Kathryn Nossa
Kofi Oduro-Manu Olivia Okun-Dubitsky Lily Piede
Cassandra Polanskyj Lara Pramanik
John Pryor
Kendall Ramsay
Callum Reddington Sanaa Richard Pablo Rincon
Alyssa Rukshin
Dylan Sachs
Caroline Sakovits
Casey Salzman Noah Savoie Lauren Schier Zachary Seeve Caroline Sheffet Alexandra Sherman Benjamin Sherman
Chloe Skipper Brodie Snyder
Sebastian So Avery Song
Jasper Spitz
John Testa
Jacqueline Tsai Wesley Tse
Clara Turck
Matthew Twigg
Isiah Udofia
Noah Weinberg
Kate Weinstein
Amanda West Alexandra Williams
Gillian Williams
Jacob Wolfson Brandon Yeu Peter Zangari
Nathaniel Zuckerberg
Amherst College (2)
Bates College
Boston College (4) Bucknell University University of California Irvine (2) Carnegie Mellon University (2) University of Chicago (2)
Cornell University (2) Dartmouth College (2) Duke University (3)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College University of Florida Fordham University
Franklin University Switzerland George Washington University (3) Georgetown University (2) Gettysburg College
Grinnell College
Haverford College College of the Holy Cross Indiana University (2)
Johns Hopkins University (4) Lafayette College University of Maryland University of Miami University of Michigan (2) New York University (7) Northeastern University (5) Northwestern University (3) Ohio State University
Parsons School of Design University of Pennsylvania (3) Pennsylvania State University (2) University of Pittsburgh Pratt Institute
Princeton University (3) University of Rochester Saint Peter's University San Diego State University Savannah College of Art and Design Skidmore College Swarthmore College Syracuse University (3)
University of Southern California University of Tennessee University of Texas at Austin Tufts University (3) Tulane University (6) Villanova University (2) University of Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute Wake Forest University (3) Williams College University of Wisconsin Worcester Polytechnic Institute Yale University (2)
During the 2022 Spring Athletics season, the following MKA teams, coaches and athletes achieved honors:
Head Coach: Ralph Pacifico (31st Year)
Record: 17-7; NJISAA Prep B State Champions
Michael Bronstein ’22 Captain; 2nd Team All-Colonial Division, SEC John Testa ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 1st Team AllColonial Division, SEC Jack Amirata ’23 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 1st Team AllColonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team 1B All Non-Public, nj.com
Nicolas Lembo ’23 Honorable Mention All-Colonial Division, SEC Maximilian Nussbaum ’23 2nd Team AllColonial Division, SEC Quinn Carlesimo ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC
Jake Rendino ’25 2nd Team All-Colonial Division, SEC Luca Sieger ’25 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC
Head Coach: Jessica Sarfati (12th Year)
Record: 10-10
Lara Pramanik ’22 Captain; 2nd Team AllColonial Division, SEC Amanda West ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; Honorable Mention All-Colonial Division, SEC Alexandra Berra ’23 Captain; MKA Coaches Award; 1st Team All-Colonial Division, SEC
Hunter Levine ’24 2nd Team All-Colonial Division, SEC Elizabeth LoPiccolo ’24 MKA Best Offensive Player Award; 1st Team AllColonial Division, SEC
Head Coach: Dave Giarrusso (2nd Year)
Record: 5-14
Liam Hall ’22 Captain Connor Murphy ’22 Academic AllAmerican NJ North, US Lacrosse Jake Pryor ’22 Captain; MKA Klank Award; 2nd Team All-American Division, SEC;
Honorable Mention All-Prep B; 2nd Team All-Waterman Division, NJILL; Honorable Mention All-State, NJILCA Brodie Snyder ’22 Captain; 1st Team AllPrep B
Jordan Fishback ’23 MKA Best Teammate Award; 2nd Team All-American Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Prep B; 2nd Team AllWaterman Division, NJILL; Honorable Mention All-State, NJILCA
Evan Grossman ’23 Captain
Jack Mac Evoy ’24 MKA Most Spirited Player Award; Honorable Mention AllAmerican Division, SEC
Samuel Rotella ’24 Honorable Mention All-Waterman Division, NJILL
Henry McCann ’25 MKA Most Promising Newcomer Award Jack Scuorzo ’25 MKA Most Improved Player Award
Head Coach: Chelsea Intrabartola (7th Year)
Record: 10-10
Patricia Columbia-Walsh ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 1st Team All-American Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Prep B; Essex County “All Tournament Team”, ECCA; 1st Team AllFreedom South, NJIGLL; US Lacrosse AllAcademic Team; NJIGLL Freedom South All-Academic Team; 3rd Team All-State, nj.com; 1st Team All Non-Public, nj.com; Academic All-American, US Lacrosse Avery Song’22 Captain; MKA Spring Captain’s Prize Recipient
Kate Weinstein ’22 MKA Coaches Award
Caroline Murphy ’23 2nd Team AllAmerican Division, SEC; Honorable Mention All-Freedom South, NJIGLL Aeryn Curren ’24 MKA Players’ Player of the Year Award; 2nd Team All-American Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Prep B; Essex County All-Tournament Team, ECCA; 1st Team All-Freedom South, NJIGLL; NJIGLL Freedom South All-Academic Team Ava Moore ’24 Honorable Mention AllAmerican Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Prep B; 2nd Team All-Freedom South, NJIGLL;
NJIGLL Freedom South All-Academic Team Orly Sedransk ’24 1st Team All-American Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Freedom South, NJIGLL; NJIGLL Freedom South AllAcademic Team
Head Coach: Timothy White (2nd Year) Record: 9-2; SEC Colonial Division Meet Champions; NJISAA Prep B State Champions
Martine Gulliver ’22 Captain Phoebe Williams ’22 Captain; 1st Team Shot Put All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team Javelin All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Discus All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Discus/Shot Put All-Prep B; 3rd Team Shot Put All Non-Public, nj.com Rebecca Herrick ’23 2nd Team 1600 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team 1600 All-Prep B
Remy Ronen ’23 Captain; 2nd Team 400 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team 400 All-Prep B
Margaret Horn ’24 MKA Most Valuable Athlete Award; 1st Team 1600 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team 3200 All-Essex County; 2nd Team 1600 All-Essex County; 1st Team 800 All-Prep B
Kitty Williams ’24 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 1st Team Discus All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Shot Put AllColonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Javelin All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Discus All-Essex County; 1st Team Discus/Javelin All-Prep B; 3rd Team Discus All Non-Public, nj.com
Natalie Ewing ’25 2nd Team 3200 AllColonial Division, SEC Sydney Fradette ’25 MKA Coaches Award; 1st Team 3200 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team 3200 All-Prep B
Head Coach: Timothy White (2nd Year) Record: 6-4 Isiah Udofia ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Athlete Award; 1st Team 100 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team Triple Jump All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team
Long Jump All-Essex County; 2nd Team Triple Jump All-Essex County; 1st Team 400 All-Prep B; 2nd Team Discus All-Prep B; 1st Team Long Jump All Non-Public, nj.com; 2nd Team Long Jump All-State, nj.com
Freddy Bishop ’23 Captain
Imanuel Udofia ’24 2nd Team 200 AllColonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team 200 All-Prep B
Osias Williams ’24 2nd Team 110H AllColonial Division, SEC Abkes Maa Halsey ’25 MKA Most Improved Athlete Award
Kalvin Thomas ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 2nd Team 100 All-Colonial Division, SEC; 2nd Team Triple Jump All-Colonial Division, SEC; 1st Team Triple Jump All-Prep B; 2nd Team 100/Long Jump All-Prep B; 3rd Team Triple Jump All Non-Public, nj.com
Head Coach: Val Azzoli (17th Year)
Record: 15-6; SEC Liberty Division Champions
Dhruv Jetley ’22 Captain; 1st Team AllLiberty Division, SEC
Brandon Yeu ’22 Captain; 2nd Team AllLiberty Division, SEC Lukas Selassie ’23 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC Aidan Szilagyi ’23 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Christopher Hernandez ’24 2nd Team All-Liberty Division, SEC Camron Ganchi ’25 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Sean Wang ’25 MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Head Coach: Jeff Beer (17th Year)
Record: 14-3; SEC Liberty Division Champions
Bryce Cherry ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Russell Francis ’24 MKA Most Improved Player Award; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Griffin La Londe ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 1st Team All-Liberty Division, SEC
Congratulations to Avery Song ’22 (Girls' Lacrosse) the winner of the MKA Spring Captain’s Award
Head Girls’ Lacrosse Coach Chelsea Intrabartola writes, “She is a truly remarkable and one-of-a-kind leader. While she is one of the most talented athletes on our team and has earned the respect of her teammates, coaches, and opponents through her play, it is what she has done for our program off the field in her senior year that truly inspires me. The strength of her character, dedication, and steadfast spirit has been especially evident this past school year when she suffered a season-ending injury in the fall shortly after being named captain for the 2022 season by her teammates and coaches. Despite everything she has been through, she puts her responsibilities to her team and her teammates first. Her selflessness, her passion, and her undying love and commitment to her teammates have set the bar incredibly high for future captains of our program.”
Congratulations to Clara Turck ‘22 (Fencing) the recipient of the MKA Winter Captain’s Award MKA
Fencing’s Co-Head Coach Derek Morf states, “Clara has been a model studentathlete each season she has been with the team, but took it to another level this year. When we had several new athletes join the team this year she took it upon herself to ensure they felt comfortable in the sport and on the team, no easy task in what can be a chaotic environment at our training facility. She consistently helped her teammates with great advice during timeouts and would actively cheer on her teammates as they competed no matter the result. Not only did Clara contribute the most to mentoring the team when off the strip, she was consistently one of the best athletes on the team throughout the season.”
Coach Morf went on to thank Clara for her dedication to growing and developing the program and for being an approachable source for advice for her peers and newcomers to the sport. She set an example for each future captain to follow, leaving behind big shoes to fill for those to come. In all of his years at MKA being a member of both the soccer and fencing coaching staff, Clara is one of the strongest and most dependable team captains Coach Morf has ever had the privilege to be around.
During the 2021-2022 Winter Athletics season, the following MKA teams, coaches, and athletes achieved honors:
Head Coach: Tony Jones (22nd Year)
Record: 10-10
Brennan Columbia-Walsh ’22 Captain; MKA 1,000 Point Scorer Award; 1st Team All-Freedom Division, SEC; 2nd Team AllPrep B
Dylan Sachs ’22 Captain; MKA Coaches Award
Isiah Udofia ’22 Captain; MKA 250 Career Assists Award; 2nd Team All-Freedom Division, SEC
Marley Stewart ’23 MKA Coaches Award; 2nd Team All-Freedom Division, SEC; 1st Team All-Prep B
Isaac Wise ’23 Honorable Mention AllFreedom Division, SEC
Head Coach: Isabella Mendez (1st Year) Record: 13-8
Jessica Christian ’22 Captain Patricia Columbia-Walsh ’22 Captain; MKA Players’ Player of the Year Award; 1st Team All-Independence Division, SEC; 2nd Team All-Prep B Ayantu Flowers ’22 Captain; 1st Team AllIndependence Division, SEC Monica Labib ’23 2nd Team AllIndependence Division, SEC Taylor Powell ’23 Honorable Mention AllIndependence Division, SEC Salange Bell ’24 MKA Defensive Player of the Year Award; 2nd Team AllIndependence Division, SEC Maria Caggiano ’24 MKA Coaches Award
Co-Head Coaches: Derek Morf (2nd Year), Mike Alexander (4th Year) Record: 0-9 Gannon Green ’22 Captain Ethan Huang ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award; 2nd Team Sabre All-State, nj.com Benjamin Rosenberg ’25 MKA Rising Star Award
Co-Head Coaches: Derek Morf (2nd Year), Mike Alexander (4th Year) Record: 0-9
Clara Turck ’22 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Fencer Award; MKA Winter Captain’s Prize Recipient Alanna Clayton ’23 Captain
Head Coach: Tim Cook (6th Year) Record: 9-5-3 Michael Bronstein ’22 Captain Aidan Meeker ’23 MKA Players’ Player of the Year Award
Anthony Zhang ’23 Captain; Honorable Mention All-Kelly Division, NJIHL Gary Hu ’24 Honorable Mention All-Kelly Division, NJIHL
Jack Mac Evoy ’24 MKA Players’ Player of the Year Award; 2nd Team All-Kelly Division, NJIHL
Samuel Rotella ’24 Captain; MKA Most Valuable Player Award; 2nd Team All-Kelly Division, NJIHL
Henry McCann ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award
Head Coach: Timothy White (1st Year) Oliver Chang ’23 Captain; MKA Leadership Award
Cyrus Rosenberg ’24 MKA Coaches Award Timothy Slater ’25 MKA Rookie of the Year Award
Head Coach: Timothy White (1st Year) Martine Gulliver ’22 Captain; MKA Leadership Award
Remy Ronen ’23 Captain Rebecca Herrick ’23 Captain; MKA Coaches Award Margaret Horn ’24 MKA Most Valuable
Head Coach: Gretchen Ievers (1st Year)
Record: 5-2; 2022 SEC Liberty Division Champions
Raghav Cholappadi ’22 Honorable Mention All-Liberty Division, SEC Andrew Kim ’22 MKA Most Spirited
Wesley Tse ’22 Captain; MKA Most Improved Swimmer Award Noah Weinberg ’22 Captain; MKA Coaches Award
Head Coach: Gretchen Ievers (1st Year)
Record: 4-3; 2022 SEC Liberty Division Co-
Mia Forysiak ’22 Capain; MKA Coaches Award
Isabella Masella ’22 Captain; MKA Most Spirited Swimmer Award Lindsay Driever ’23 Honorable Mention All-Liberty Division, SEC Natalie Ewing ’25 MKA Most Improved Swimmer Award
I am so happy to have had the opportunity to lead the MKA Alumni Association through another year. It is an honor to be at the helm of the MKA Alumni Network as the school continues to grow and evolve while also holding on to its core values. In addition to seeing many of you at events this year, I am so happy to see all of you who are engaging with the school in a variety of new and exciting ways. We are always looking to expand the Alumni Council, and now due to virtual meetings, we are able to expand our reach to those that live anywhere in the world. If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
There are plenty of ways to get more involved:
• Cougar Convos: If you want to be interviewed and share information about your business (great networking and advertising!), tell us what you’ve been up to, and give advice to others, let us know! To learn more visit @MKAAlumni on Instagram.
• Provide an internship to either current students (think May Term- MKA’s capstone senior project) or young alumni. If you are interested in providing one, please let us know. Even being a mentor to younger alums as they navigate their careers helps them so much!
• Come back to campus (in person or virtually)! If you are interested in being a guest speaker to the students in their classes, in their clubs, or during a panel discussion, please let us know. The students would love to hear from you.
Thank you for the unprecedented amount of you who voted for the Founders’ Cup Award this past year. Our winner, Middle School History/Social Studies Department Chair and History Teacher CherylAnne Amendola, received an unprecedented amount of votes, and the excitement around the award was palpable. Voting for the Young Alumni Award and the Distinguished Alumni Award is underway, and we’d love to hear from you: www.mka.org/alumni/awards
Please know, my “door” is always open. I love MKA, its ever-evolving community, and the friendships it has given me. I am here to listen and help out in any way that I can, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
All my best, Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06 President, Alumni Council
THE 2022-2023 MKA ALUMNI
Caitlin Di Ruggiero ’06 President/Treasurer
Stuart Harwood ’07 Executive VP
Stephen Bezer ’11 Senior VP
Lhenée McKoy ’05 Secretary COUNCIL
Devin Bukowczyk ‘05
Seth Bynum ‘11 Kelly Byrne ‘08
Jenna Clancey ‘03 Geoffrey Close ’71
Jeffrey Festa ‘06 Frank Godlewski ’76 Cara Landolfi ‘05
Dominic Leone ‘12 Angela McCaffrey ’06 Chadd Mukete ’11 Samora Noguera ’02
and the
it has given me...”
Congratulations to Middle School History Department Chair and Middle School Ethics Coordinator CherylAnne Amendola who was named the recipient of the 2022 Founders’ Cup for Teaching Excellence. The Founders’ Cup Award recognizes MKA’s strong tradition of teaching excellence dating back to 1887. The award is presented to an outstanding faculty member representative of the best qualities of teaching at MKA, inside and outside of the classroom, including coaching and mentoring.
CherylAnne has been teaching American and World History at MKA since 2006. She graduated from Montclair State University with a B.A. in political science, from Teachers College, Columbia University with an M.A. in social studies education, and from Pace University with an M.A. in American history. She was named 2017 New Jersey History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History and was accepted as an Academy for Teachers fellow. Currently, she is on the board of the New Jersey Council of Social Studies and is serving as CoVice President of the New Jersey Council for History Education. CherylAnne also serves as a Master Teacher for the Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History and as an ambassador for the New York Historical Society’s Women and the American Story Program. She published her first book in November 2019 titled On the Backs of the Enslaved
Students, parents, alumni, and colleagues sent in exuberant nominations for CherylAnne, praising her for the exemplary teacher, colleague, mentor, and friend that she is. Some of the accolades written about her include:
CherylAnne will do anything and everything for her students, but more importantly she makes every second in her classroom as fun and joyful as learning can possibly be. In the middle of all that fun, she creates a safe place for students to be vulnerable, as she challenges them to engage with the most difficult and uncomfortable aspects of history and to understand how directly connected everything from the past is to what is happening in students’ lives today.
During the pandemic, when she couldn’t connect with students to deliver creative and fun programming on campus, CherylAnne began hosting cooking shows from her own kitchen, researching recipes to learn about their unique role in historical and cultural contexts, practicing to make sure they would actually work, and then going live with a dynamic performance filled with historical facts and baking action! Of course she would live field questions, while teaching and baking, to confirm and clarify her audience’s understanding!
I can see that my daughter works incredibly hard in Ms. Ammendola’s class. It is not just working hard to work hard, but it is on topics and subject matters that motivate her and other kids to be engaged and curious. History is her favorite class this year and was not her favorite class in the past. Ms. Ammendola challenges students to dive deeper than just the surface. Kids have fun in her classroom and what my daughter is learning in the classroom influences how she is seeing her surroundings.
After receiving the award from Alumni Council President Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06 at MKA’s end-of-school meeting, CherylAnne shared how humbled she felt. She said, “I’ve seen a lot of great people win the Founders’ Cup over the years and can’t believe that I get to be among them. [MKA is] my home and my family and a gift. I love our community so deeply, and I’m honored to teach our students every day. Thank you for the award and for work that I love.”
We are so proud of CherylAnne for her well-deserved recognition!
The Founders’ Cup Award, established in 1993, recognizes MKA’s strong tradition of teaching excellence. The award is presented to an outstanding faculty member who showcases the best qualities of teaching at MKA, inside and outside of the classroom. The Alumni Association welcomes nominations for the Founders’ Cup Award from all members of the MKA family.
Ryan grew up in Montclair and attended MKA from K-12. He is a proud alumnus of the Class of 1991. Unfortunately, his life was cut short in January, 2021 at the age of 47 from an aggressive brain tumor. He left his wife, Helena, and two young children, Zoe and Alastair.
As he was growing up, he was very active in the community. He played soccer for a Montclair traveling team which won a regional championship. He took over from his brother the management of a company called Elderfun, which provided amateur entertainment on a monthly basis to five nursing homes in the Montclair area. Ryan expanded it to service ten nursing homes with professional entertainment and registered it with NJ as a non-profit corporation which had three corporate sponsors.
After MKA, he graduated with distinction from two major educational institutions – Cornell University (BA) and the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago (MBA). In his early career, he was involved with traditional management consulting firms, but rather than pursuing a corporate career, Ryan decided to use his cumulative knowledge and training to focus on the betterment of the planet and life for future generations.
His focus became the issue of sustainability. This is defined as the extent to which a company or an organization operates in a way which is sustainable over time from raw materials to finished product with limited or no lasting impact on the earth, the environment, and the customers who use its products.
He first joined Blu Skye, and one of the specific projects on which he worked focused on assisting the dairy industry in reducing carbon emissions. He next worked for the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and designed the HIGG Index, which takes sustainability a step further by helping companies score their environmental impact based on a number of critical sustainability factors. The Index scores can then be examined internally or compared across sectors to encourage companies to improve on any inadequate areas of their businesses.
After a short stint running his own environmental consulting
firm, Ryan joined Textile Exchange, a global non-profit industry organization. He quickly became a valued member of the company, and he was elevated to the position of Chief Operating Officer. He was responsible most recently for the development of Textile Exchange’s 2030 Climate+ Strategy, a commitment which is the industry-supported driving force for a 45% reduction in CO2 emissions from textile fiber and material production by 2030.
He was so appreciated by Textile Exchange that after his death the company named an annual award after him: the Ryan Young Climate+ Award. The first awards were presented by Helena in November 2021 in Dublin, Ireland at the Textile Exchange Sustainability Conference to six employees of companies around the world who had distinguished themselves in promoting sustainability in the operations of their companies.
Ryan was a man of many interests, and he loved simple pleasures. He was a hiker, biker, tri-athlete, scuba diver, skier, and tennis player. All of these activities were consistent with his desire to participate in the environment he was trying to save. He loved listening to music and participated regularly in karaoke.
Ryan was a wonderful son, a loyal brother, a devoted husband, a loving father, and a trusted friend to all who knew him. He was a person of incredible character and integrity throughout his life. He was able to connect with a wide range of people in a variety of ways, and, as a result, he was able to create lasting bonds which propelled both his personal and professional lives. He led a life based on principle and his personal desire to make the planet a better place for all of us and our children.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is bestowed in recognition and appreciation of an outstanding achievement by an alumna or alumnus who has achieved distinction in some field or endeavor or though outstanding character or dedication has been of special service to humanity. To learn more, visit our website www.mka.org/ alumni/celebrating-our-alumni
“I am honored and humbled to have been selected for the 2022 Young Alumni Award. MKA produces such talented professionals across every arena, making this recognition that much more significant. I am thankful for my MKA experience, and for the role that it has played in shaping my trajectory. I promise to continue to make my MKA family proud.”
Dr. Melanie Victoria Brady ’08 is a neuroscientist who has dedicated the majority of her adult life to studying the brain. After discovering her passion for science at MKA, Dr. Brady triple majored at Wesleyan University in neuroscience, biochemistry, and psychology. In May 2021, Dr. Brady graduated from Yale University with a PhD in neuroscience. She worked in the Child Study Center where she conducted stem cell research on the neurodevelopmental disorder, Tourette Syndrome. Stem cells are undefined, non-specialized cells; she created a protocol to push the stem cells to adopt a neural cell fate that when aggregated, resemble parts of the human brain. Using this system, Dr. Brady was able to study the early development of Tourette Syndrome and uncover novel changes that may explain disease onset. Dr. Brady has been invited to talk about her research globally, including in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Czech Republic and has received many awards for her research. Dr. Brady received Honors Distinction at Yale for her dissertation work.
Outside of her research, Dr. Brady is dedicated to teaching with a particular interest in diversity outreach initiatives. She is committed to teaching younger students of color how to prepare for the pursuit of advanced education in science and medicine. While at Yale, Dr. Brady taught science to students of all ages, from elementary school students to high school, as well as college, graduate, and medical school students. She created several events that targeted current students and other events that bridged the school’s student/ faculty resources with the greater New Haven community. During the pandemic, Dr. Brady co-created the Yale Program to Advance Training in Health and Sciences (PATHS), which is a virtual series of seminars and workshops that connect undergraduates to Yale medical and graduate faculty and students. The program was designed to provide free mentorship and training opportunities for students during a time of great hardship and uncertainty. PATHS was a method of keeping students connected to their career goals despite the massive changes happening globally. For her dedication to teaching, Dr. Brady was awarded the Annie Le Fellowship for Outstanding Leadership & Academic Excellence. Dr. Brady fully intends to continue teaching alongside her current work. Her goal is to combine bench-bedside work in the form of precision-medicine to more directly and immediately help patients in need. Dr. Brady is currently attending medical school in pursuit of these goals. Continued on next page >>
The purpose of the Young Alumni Award is to recognize an alumnus or alumna who has graduated from MKA within the past 15 years. He or she will have demonstrated significant service to MKA and/ or have made significant contributions to his or her profession and community. The accomplishments being considered need not be publicly renowned but should reflect a deep and inspirational commitment to the improvement of society. To learn more, visit our website www.mka.org/alumni/celebrating-our-alumni
In what ways did your MKA experience prepare you for the path your life has taken? The intensity of the MKA curriculum prepared me for the challenge of undergraduate and advanced education. Across all subjects, the academic performance that MKA grooms its students to achieve prepared me for the rigor that my path demands. MKA was honest about the strenuous expectations of a collegiate education and did a fantastic job not only encouraging students to diversify our interests but also assisting us in our ability to successfully juggle our responsibilities. College offers such a wide range of new and exciting opportunities, and it can be easy to get distracted, but I believe my experience at MKA better equipped me to handle such dynamic exposure and to also excel both academically and extracurricularly.
Why did you choose your professional path? My pursuit of science and medicine was driven by my insatiable curiosity and desire to help others. I cannot recall a time when I wasn’t completely fascinated by the human brain. I believe its immensity is unrivaled – billions of neurons organized in such a precise way that somehow manages to create order out of chaos. This precision is what enables us to execute our infinite daily behaviors, fully integrate into our society, and engage with one another in meaningful ways. But there is still so much we do not understand about it. The differences across brain development and degeneration that give rise to various disorders are still widely unknown; these differences are equally as compelling to me as the brain itself. I strive to uncover these differences to further our understanding of both neurological disorders and brain development in ways that can translate to therapeutic advances. My passion is to conduct bench-to-bedside research that ultimately optimizes individuals’ quality of life, while also bridging the gaps in our understanding of the phenomenon that is the human brain.
What is your proudest achievement so far both personally and professionally? I feel I defied many odds by earning my PhD degree. This endeavor required a commitment of many years during a critical period of my young adult life. During that time, I overcame many hardships to successfully see my degree to completion, from significant health challenges to my father’s passing. As a first-generation low-income black woman, I had to sharpen my skill set both inside and outside of the laboratory as I navigated an environment that was not designed for me. Each year seemed to present new challenges that added extra pressure to an already stressful situation, culminating in a global pandemic during my final years of training that greatly affected my family. But with their unwavering support and the support of my mentors, I was able to finish my program and receive my degree with Honors Distinction. This journey challenged me in ways that
I never had imagined, but the experience allowed me to prove to myself that I am unstoppable and that there is no obstacle too big that could make me deviate from my path. For these reasons, earning my PhD is my proudest personal achievement.
My proudest professional achievement is that I created a protocol to mimic the development of a particular region of the brain using stem cells. The goal of my thesis was to identify changes in the human brain during early development that contribute to the manifestation of Tourette Syndrome. Tourette Syndrome is a movement disorder that disrupts the function of a deep brain region called the basal ganglia. When I first started this work, there were no methods available to study the developing human basal ganglia. Therefore, I spent the first 2 years of my PhD training designing a technique that would transform stem cells into 3D cellular aggregates that mimic the development of the human basal ganglia. This brain region is implicated in both neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease. While I was able to achieve all of my thesis goals, the protocol is my proudest achievement because it is now applicable to the study of a wide array of diseases offering a means to advance our understanding of their pathogenesis. Understanding how these disorders unfold brings us a step closer to figuring out ways to treat and manage them.
What are the most challenging aspects of your work? The most rewarding? The most challenging aspect of my work is the patience required to see the scientific process through to completion. There are elements of my work that are out of my control – such as the growth period from the initial stem cells to something that resembles the brain. This takes several months, and this is assuming every step of the process unfolds seamlessly: let me tell you, this is rare. The time from the start of an experiment to the moment of discovery is often quite long – and there are often many roadblocks along the way. This work requires you to repeat experiments, and when something goes wrong, it challenges you to reframe your thinking and uncover new ways of interpreting the results, to revisit your questions, and possibly try something new. But as frustrating as it all can be, it can also be very exciting, as this process teaches you to find beauty in the small victories and to admire progress no matter how incremental. It teaches you how to expand your approach and to create new ways of moving forward that initial success won’t do. It breeds innovation. The most rewarding aspect is the chance for my work to positively impact the individuals who live with Tourette’s Syndrome, for the chance of this work to benefit others.
What advice would you give today’s graduates who might be interested in a similar career? Give yourself grace. Be present.
“...committed to teaching younger students of color how to prepare for the pursuit of advanced education in science and medicine...”
On behalf of the Alumni Association of Montclair Kimberley Academy, the Council is delighted to announce that Joe Romaglia has been enthusiastically selected as the MKA “Honorary Alumnus of Distinction” for the 2021-2022 school year.
Joes’s twenty year tenure at MKA in MKA’s Physical Plant Department has left an indelible mark on the school and everyone who has had the privilege of interacting with him. He is a beloved member of this community and because of that, he is receiving this well-deserved recognition. Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06, Alumni Council president says, “Joe is incredibly dependable and shows up for work every day with a smile on his face. Recently, he has had to work exceptionally hard during the pandemic, sacrificing many nights and weekends to keep the school running smoothly. He is an essential team player not only with the faculty and staff, but he has also made incredible connections with the students.”
Joe was honored at the seniors’ 100 Days to Graduation Celebration held on March 4 at the Upper School.
The Honorary Alumni Award was created in spring 2010 to address both the perceived need for and the strong desire of the MKA Alumni Council to honor those members of the MKA family who have made a significant, easily recognizable, and direct impact on MKA students for at least 10 years.
Seniors were treated to a “100 Days to Graduation Celebration” by the Alumni Engagement Office. During a lavish breakfast, students were introduced to MKA’s Alumni office to learn about the amazing community of alumni they were about to become a part of after they graduated and all of the things the Alumni Office does to help keep them connected to the school and each other. After breakfast, an alumni panel discussion moderated by senior Allie Sherman featuring Jeff Festa ’06, Kelly Byrne ’08, Danielle Lennon ’08, Chadd Mukete ’11, Seth Bynum ’11, Dominic Leone ’12, Robert Pannullo ’13, and Malcolm Dixon ’15 was held followed by a Q&A session in an effort for the seniors to learn about life after MKA. Thank you to all of the alumni who came back to campus and helped us celebrate the Class of 2022!
To kick off Reunion Weekend, the Alumni Office held the MKA Distinguished Alumni Award and Young Alumni Award Reception on April 29. It was an inspirational evening celebrating our extraordinary honorees Ryan Young ’91 and Melanie Brady ’08
The BANI reception on April 30 was a lovely time filled with great connection and conversations. A special acknowledgement to Paige Cottingham Streater ’79 and Sydney Larrier ’14 for all of their hard work in bringing together MKA’s Black community.
On Saturday, April 30, MKA held the AllClass Reunion at 18 Label Studios. It was a great night especially celebrating the classes ending in ’2 & ’7. We are already looking forward to next spring!
>> Happy Hour at Torch and Crown Thank you to John Danztler ’08 and Joe Correia ’08 for hosting an MKA happy hour at Torch and Crown, Manhattan’s only production brewery and restaurant. Alumni spanning several decades enjoyed a night together with their former teachers.
In an effort to provide the best opportunities to MK A students and alumni, the Alumni Engagement office will facilitate internship outreach at the school. We are here to help navigate the process of connecting students to MK A alumni/employers for shadowing or internship opportunities. It is our goal that all internships provide a mutually beneficial experience for students and alumni as well as our employer partners. Through this initiative, we
hope to increase a student’s knowledge of a professional career field through significant learning objectives. The experience should extend the classroom, providing opportunities for students to apply classroom concepts in a workplace setting. We hope to lay the foundation of being a primar y resource for companies eager to hire brilliant young minds.
Kofi has been a joy to work with; writing news summaries, designing and analyzing a sur vey, conducting research, and doing inter views. I’ve given him oppor tunities that will allow him to use the skills he’s learned at school and gain a glimpse of the world of international relations and public diplomacy Kofi has been actively engaged and a bright light for my colleagues and me He’s inquisitive and thoughtful and gives me hope for the future
We are mainly looking for summer internships and M ay Term opportunities. M ay Term is a capstone project for seniors during the month of M ay that allows them to gain real world experience in an area of interest M ay Term projects/internships var y significantly. Please note the following guidelines for a M ay Term or summer internship:
• It does not need to be ever y day; a couple of hours a day or a couple of times a week is fine
• It is unpaid.
• It could be a “side project” you need help with, not an official internship through your company
• It can be in-person or remote.
• It can simply be a “shadowing” experience. Shadowing is likely short term and could lead to an internship, while an internship is likely longer term and could stem from a shadowing experience
• Please reach out to M adison Kilduff (mkilduff@mka org) in the Alumni Engagement office.
• During the shadowing/internship opportunity, MK A’s Alumni Engagement office will reach out once a week to see how the experience is unfolding and to support the company or the student if need be.
• After the shadowing/internship opportunity, the Alumni Engagement office will solicit feedback from the student and from you in order to continually improve the experience
Don’t Forget – Join our Alumni Group on LinkedIn: Montclair Kimberley Academy Alumni
Primary School students swinging into
I hope you enjoyed your summer. I am honored to welcome our new families, as well as our returning families, to this school year. I hope you will join us in the many ways we support and enrich our school and community.
This past spring, PAMKA held its annual Spring Fundraiser, the first in-person event in three years, and Cougar Pride Day. These are just two examples of the many events that would not have been possible without the dedication, creativity, and spirit of our parent volunteers. A special thank you to our volunteers, along with Janice Jacobson and the 2020-2021 PAMKA Board, for laying the foundation as we move forward with more in-person events and programming.
We are excited to bring back the Scholastic Book Fair this fall and look forward to our Parenting Workshops symposium later in the school year. PAMKA’s success depends on the involvement and support of our families. We truly appreciate your time and talent in making a positive impact in our community. There are so many ways to get involved no matter your schedule: you’ll be glad you did!
Thank you in advance for your support. I wish you a great school year ahead.
Sincerely, Alison Slone P’30, ’33 President, PAMKA
Alison Slone President Silvia Henriquez Secretary Sybil Eng Finance Vice President Sonia Vora Communications Vice President
April Straten Community Engagement Vice President Ruchi Misra
Volunteer Coordinator Vice President
Leena Bansal Special Events Vice President
Meredith Gardner Primary School Campus Vice President Monique French-Brown Middle School CampusVice President
Leigh Conforti Upper School Campus Vice President
“PAMKA’s success depends on the involvement and support of our families. We truly appreciate your time and talent in making a positive impact in our community”
After a two-year hiatus, PAMKA was thrilled to host Cougar Pride Day on Saturday, April 30 at its new location on Muenster Field. With planning and organization expertly handled by co-chairs Jackie Ranalli and Moushumi Sanghavi, over 400 students, both current and new, attended along with parents, alumni, faculty, and staff to enjoy a wonderful day of fun, food, and friends. Students enjoyed tried-and-true activities such as egg-spoon relay, potato sack races, tug of war, inflatable rides, and plenty of carnival games. This year, families were encouraged to donate food items as part of a community engagement initiative to benefit Toni’s Kitchen. Thanks to our generous community, PAMKA was able to donate 60+ food backpacks! Cougar Pride Day is one of the few occasions during the year that offers all three campuses the opportunity to come together and celebrate our school spirit.
Members of MKA's Parents' Association (PAMKA) gathered together at their Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 11 to celebrate a very successful year of community building and fundraising efforts. Finishing up her last year as PAMKA President, Janice Jacobson thanked the PAMKA Board, members of the 2021-2022 Slate, parent volunteers, and the many members of MKA's faculty and staff for their steadfast efforts and ongoing support throughout the past year. Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge addressed the audience, giving thanks to PAMKA for their hard work and dedication in everything they do for the MKA community. He expressed his appreciation for recent events, such as the PAMKA Gala and Cougar Pride Day, that have shown to be “important community building and affirming experiences for everyone at the school.” PAMKA Finance VP Sybil Eng then spoke to the group to report on PAMKA's significant fundraising efforts that resulted in the organization being able to present $310,000 to the school. This gift represents a $228,000 donation to the Middle School Fields projects, $15,000 for the MKA Lecture Series, Faculty Trust Grants for next year, and Wish List items for each of the campuses. Janice Jacobson then introduced Alison Slone as the next PAMKA President who will serve through 2024.
PAMKA’s All-Star Spring Gala, which took place at The Grove on April 8, was a night to remember! Attended by over 400 people, the Gala raised $301,000 which will support MKA in many ways, including the Middle School Field Renovation, Faculty Trust Grants and Wish List, the PAMKA Lecture Series, and more. Thank you to Co-Chairs Lauren Fass and Margaret Wager and the Gala Committee for planning a wonderful evening. The Upper School Jazz Band provided the soundtrack while parents perused the many unique offerings of the Silent Auction during the cocktail hour. Dinner and a brief program soon followed, including a spirited Live Auction and the drawing of the winning 50/50 Raffle ticket: the winner took home $21,500, the largest pot ever! Thank you to everyone who so generously supported the Gala, whether by purchasing an ad, sponsorship, or ticket to the event, contributing an item to the auction, buying a 50/50 Raffle ticket for themselves or a faculty member, making a donation, or bidding in the auction.
PAMKA is a parent volunteer organization established to provide opportunities for parents to participate in the support and enhancement of the students’ educational experience at Montclair Kimberley Academy (MKA). PAMKA pursues its mission working in cooperation with the school administration through activities consistent with the policies and goals established by the Board of Trustees at MKA.
“Nobody is an island, and everybody needs somebody.”
Describe your family. What are some things you love to do together? We migrated from Ghana in pursuit of a better life for ourselves, our children, and our family. Coming from very humble beginnings with many hurdles to jump over, our journey maneuvered through some rough patches, but we never gave up. As immigrants we have had to juggle school, work, family and social life together. However, our focus has always been on the ultimate goal, and even though it was not always smooth, we remained focused and determined and ultimately able to obtain and further our education. Our two children Odelia, a senior, and Sam, a freshman, both love MKA and the friends and family they have established within the community. As a family we love to travel together and spend time with each other, our extended family, and friends.
What drew you to MKA? Our decision to join MKA was driven by a strong passion for a holistic education: one that promotes personal development, hard work, and a great sense of community. We were drawn to MKA because it possesses these values and many more. It is the one school that builds a community around values such as honesty, hard work, respect, and kindness, which are key values that shape the hearts and minds of students to develop into people of integrity and leaders. MKA has offered and continues to make this dream a reality for our children. Odelia and Sam have had great exposure within these few years of joining the MKA family. They both confirm that the strong sense of community was the biggest force that drew them in. They have built strong connections with their peers in and outside of the classroom. We are sure they will continue to take advantage of the numerous academic and extracurricular opportunities available to help them grow and develop into critical learners and valuable individuals.
What about MKA means the most to you? The list of what MKA means to us is non-exhaustive; however, the values that surpasses all are love, respect, support, and the sense of community. As a
family, we have always felt welcomed, accepted, and included no matter what. Having the chance to be part of something bigger than ourselves that also gives us the opportunity to thrive means so much to us!
What is your proudest achievement as a family? Ours is a humble family originating from Ghana in West Africa. Our parents had basic education, but with hard work, self-discipline, and determination to succeed against all odds, we were able to educate ourselves to the university level in Ghana and came to the USA to pursue further education. We are proud that we could break the tradition of basic education and push ourselves beyond the limits as a family. Through this experience, we have learnt that greatness lies within each of us, and if we can challenge ourselves well enough, nothing would be impossible. It feels incredible to know that our children are in the right place, have numerous opportunities, and therefore are on the road to much more success and higher achievements than us.
How do you work to make an impact at school? The MKA community is a very accommodating environment. No effort is too small. With this flexibility we do as much as we can by volunteering our time and talents in various departments and different activities in the school. We support the different activities our children are involved in. Also, we try to join different parents’ committees to plan programs that help enhance the welfare of the MKA community.
Why do you give back? Nobody is an island, and everybody needs somebody. We have had an amazing experience at MKA because of the immense sacrifice, time, and resources that forerunners have invested in MKA. The vision is great, and it must continue to reach many. It is our turn, which is why we deem it imperative to give back in any way needed to the next generation and our community as a whole.
Nancy Booth Kelly ’52 was the sole member of the Class of 1952 who returned to campus last April for her 70th Class Reunion. Her connection to the school remains deep. Nancy received MKA’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2010 and has deservedly been decorated with honors at home in the Bahamas for her extensive volunteer and philanthropic work. Most notably, in recognition of her great success and impact, Nancy was awarded the Member of the British Empire (M.B.E.) at Buckingham Palace in November of 2018.
An Essex Fells, NJ native, Nancy attended The Kimberley School (TKS) for high school and then Smith College. Education was incredibly important to Nancy’s family, and at TKS she learned to advocate and put in the hard work to master difficult subjects. The TKS faculty were inspiring but strict, which, she said, “Gave me more values. I realized how important education is for the future of your life.” Activities and sports such as cheerleading, field hockey, and basketball with her friends remain her favorite memories.
Nancy spent her junior year at Smith in Geneva, Switzerland, and that international experience was incredibly impactful. By leaving home and especially traveling abroad, Nancy thinks “you become more secure within yourself, and you know the world's bigger.” She graduated cum laude
with an honor’s degree in economics and worked for several years in New York City in advertising and eventually at Revlon. “Can you imagine having to go to Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School for Shorthand in order to get a decent job in the working world after graduating from Smith?” Reflecting on being a woman in the work-force at the time, Nancy “was on the cusp of change.” She said, “Back then, you got your education, so you'd be well-educated to well educate your children. I didn't want to get married early, though. I liked working and the challenges it offered.”
While taking some time to travel the world, Nancy met her soon-to-be husband David Kelly. They married in March of 1963, and she moved to the Bahamas where David’s family had lived since 1760. They came to the Bahamas as Loyalists and started off as plantation owners. In addition to raising their three sons, Nancy quickly became involved and instrumental in the building and rebranding of the Kelly family business.
When Nancy arrived, the Kelly business was a small hardware store with 38 employees. Today, Kelly’s House & Home department store is celebrating its 95th anniversary, employs 300 people, and is the anchor store in a successful mall. It is Nassau's largest department store with 19 departments ranging from fine china to
hardware and items ranging from water tanks to bath towels. “In 2006, we took over the running of Kelly’s Lumber Yard, which had been owned by Trevor Kelly’s family,” shared Nancy. This growth and success have much to do with Nancy’s stewardship. Nancy shared that the quality of her education enabled her to step into a pivotal role in order to grow the business. She said, “I had the confidence to present myself to vendors, negotiate, and get products for our store.” She recognized an opportunity to meet the needs of community members and procure both high-end and every-day items to sell on the island (and by ferry delivery to outlying destinations!).
It was noted in a 2019 book of impactful members of Bahamaian society that “Few people have had greater impact on Bahamaian society than Nancy B. Kelly whose business achievements may be parallelled only by her contributions to the community in education, youth development, public health, and the fight against both hunger and cancer.” Add to these noble causes her unwavering support of MKA, including her membership in the Heritage Society. Nancy shared, “I just think what Montclair Kimberley Academy has become today is so fantastic. I have a great deal of respect for the school.” We appreciate the impact her forethought and generosity will have on generations of deserving students to come.
Contact Chris Kenrick, Associate
at ckenrick@mka.org or 973-509-793
As of July 1, Kathleen M. Logan ended her role as Board President. She served the community for 15 years as a Trustee of MKA’s Board, six of which were in the role of Board President. Her commitment to MKA has been profound and is very difficult to summarize in just a few sentences. She has positively impacted the lives of many children who attended MKA, actively supported faculty, and was instrumental in the completion of MKA's $30 million capital campaign, Future Forward, which included major projects including the renovation of the Middle School Penick Center, the Upper School Academic Center, Muenster Field, and the Primary School renovation. As we walk these three campuses, these projects are physical representations of her commitment, leadership, and vision for MKA. Kate was also instrumental in working closely with former Head of School Tom Nammack and the Board to help recruit and hire our new Head of School, Nigel Furlonge. These are just some of Kate’s contributions that will enable MKA to remain vibrant and sustainable while maintaining its mission of instilling Knowledge, Vision and Integrity. Although Kate will be stepping down as President, we are fortunate that she will remain on the Board and continue to support our community.
It is with tremendous gratitude that we say farewell to three extraordinary trustees: Bonnie Carter, Pete Fusco, and Karen Gulliver. I will be forever appreciative for the support, wisdom, and guidance the Board received from these three Trustees. In particular, I want to thank Karen Gulliver for the enormous amount of time she committed to Chairing the Board’s Anti-Racism Task force and to Bonnie Carter for Chairing the Board’s Furlonge Family Transition Team. Bonnie Carter, joined the Board in 2019 and served on the Facilities, Development, Governance, and Student Life Committees. Peter Fusco joined the Board in 2016 and served on the Student Life, Educational Programs and Policies (EPP), and Facilities Committees. During Karen Gulliver’s tenure she served on the Student Life, EPP, Finance, and Governance Committees. She was also the VP of the Executive Committee of the Board, and the PAMKA President. All three of these integral Board members have been generous over the years with their time, talent, and treasure.
As the new Board President, I am extremely excited about this school year and supporting MKA to the best of my abilities. I am profoundly appreciative of every employee at MKA: their commitment to our school and children is truly why MKA is such a remarkable place. I have witnessed MKA through several lenses: as an alumni of the Class of 1990, current parent to Nikhil ’26 and Kirin ’30, and a member of the Board of Trustees.
Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 President
Paige Cottingham-Streater ’79 Vice President
Luke Sarsfield, III ’91 Vice President
Jeffrey G. Szilagyi
Stephanie A. Salzman Secretary
Merrick G. Andlinger Jennifer Barbetta
Anya Barrett ’89 James L. Bromley Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06 Sybil Eng Clifford Finkle ’92 Nigel D. Furlonge Tracy Higgins Tina Jordan Lauren Kaplan ’93 Kathleen M. Logan Robert J. Ruberton Matthew Sherman Alison Slone Craig Solomon Solomon Steplight ’93 Margaret Wager
Aubin Ames ’54
John Garippa
Alice Hirsh
Michael V. Johnson
Newton Schott
David Crichlow
Carolyn Everson
Barry Ridings ’70
For more information about our Board of Trustees, please visit www.mka.org/about/board-of-trustees
“My family chose MKA because of its diverse and inclusive culture, which remains an integral part of the school’s fabric today”
I still remember my first day at MKA in 6th grade as if it were yesterday. From the moment I walked into the school, I was greeted with smiles and warm embraces from fellow students and faculty. Many of the relationships I developed then endure today, and I am proud to call so many fellow-Cougars lifelong friends. My family chose MKA because of its diverse and inclusive culture, which remains an integral part of the school’s fabric today. As a parent, I value academic excellence and integrity, while also understanding the critical importance of social and emotional growth. Having served the MKA community as a Board member for the past 6 years, I have personally witnessed the tireless work and commitment each Board member gives to ensure that MKA delivers on its promise and is well positioned to be the best school it can be moving into the future. On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I wish you a wonderful 2022-2023 school year. With warm regards,
Dr. Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S. ‘90 and his family, wife Priya and sons Nikhil ’26 and Kirin ’30, are excited to be established in the town where he was raised. Dr. Ballem attended Montclair Kimberley Academy and now has been named the President of the Board of Trustees.
After receiving his bachelor's degree from Boston College, Dr. Ballem completed his general surgery residency in New York City at Harlem Hospital (Columbia University) and then pursued specialty training at The Cleveland Clinic as a Clinical Scholar in Endocrine Surgery. He also served as a Clinical Instructor at the Cleveland Clinic’s Medical School (The Lerner School of Medicine). He continued to pursue his interests in minimally invasive surgery as a fellow at The University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center. He has extensively researched, published, and presented at conferences both at a national and international level. Dr. Ballem is an active member of the ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery). He has served on the clinical consensus committee, has collaboratively published national guidelines for bariatric surgery, and currently serves on the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee. Dr. Ballem has built a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence for Clara Maass Medical Center (RWJ-Barnabas facility), which, since inception, has achieved ASMBS “Center of Excellence” status based on patient safety, staff education, and patient outcomes.
Dr. Ballem also serves as Director of Bariatric Surgery for Hunterdon Medical Center and East Orange Medical Center. Dr. Ballem has served as the President of the Essex County Medical Society as well as the President of the NJ Chapter of ASMBS. He specializes in laparoscopic and robotic surgery and has performed over 3,000 bariatric surgeries, including primary and complex revisional surgeries. With his commitment to Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Dr. Ballem completed a two-year Masters Program at Harvard University in Healthcare Management, which has enabled him to learn and deploy the latest methods and processes for delivering the highest quality healthcare without ever forgetting the human side of medicine.
Naveen Ballem, M.D., F.A.C.S. ’90 P’26 ’30 President, Board of Trustees
The deadline for news for the FALL MKA Review is May 15, and the deadline for the SPRING issue is December 15. News can be submitted at any time in response to the Alumni Office's annual mailing, on the MKA Fund remittance envelopes, via mail or email to the MKA Alumni Engagement Office (alumni@mka.org), or to your class representative. We keep ongoing files for each class and welcome photographs in digital or hard copy. If your class does not have a Class Representative listed, please consider volunteering for the position! It is a great way to re-establish contacts with old friends, does not require a great deal of time, and is essential to the ongoing vitality of the school. Thank you.
MA / Paying it Forward
Barbara Stuart, daughter of Harold Mitchell Stuart, called us to help her track down the name of her “Uncle Willie” who was an English professor at Montclair Academy (MA) and had paid for her father’s books all four years at Princeton University after he graduated from MA. Her Uncle Willie was identified as the beloved faculty member William A. Barras, who also attended Princeton and was instrumental in helping Harold get into the University. Harold had to attend Princeton on a scholarship because his family had lost their entire fortune in the 1929 financial crash. He remained friends with his favorite teacher after he graduated Princeton, and for many years “Uncle Willie” would gift books to Barbara and her sister for Christmas. Barbara still has her book Pinocchio at her desk, signed “To Jean from Uncle Willie, Christmas 1954.” When Barbara's step-son Will DeVries attended Princeton University beginning 1995, Harold bought all his books for him. Will is now a successful lawyer, after attending Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley Law School, and he will be buying books for a student who will attend Princeton University and needs financial support. Montclair Academy has been recognized in this generous donation.
/ TKS / It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of Alice Greey Mann She passed away on May 4, 2022 at the age of 99.
/ TKS / Mrs. Enid Hyde, 5402 Duvall Drive, Bethesda, MD 20816 enidghyde@aol.com
/ MA / It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of Richard “Dick” Angus. He passed away peacefully surrounded by family on November 3, 2021. After Dick graduated from MA in 1943, he went directly into the Army and served during WWII in the 101th infantry from the Yankee Division. He received 2 combat battle stars and the Purple Heart in France during the war.
/ TKS/ Mrs. Leigh Smith, 847 Franklin Street, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568; lbsmith15@yahoo.com
/ TKS / Mrs. Gail Marentette, 93 Glen Avenue, Llewellyn Park, West Orange, NJ 07052
/ TKS / Mrs. Martha Moran, 8011 Strauff Road, Baltimore, MD 21204; martha.moran1@verizon.net
/ TKS / Ms. Georgia Carrington, 38 Silver Spring Lane, Ridgefield, CT 06877
/ MA / Mr. Sheldon Buck, 22 Bedford Court, Bedford, MA 01730-2903; sheldonbuck@me.com
/ TKS / Ms. Susan Ferdinand, 125 Limerick Lane, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865; facesbyferdinand@gmail.com
We are sad to report the death of Lilla Emetaz McDonald in January of 2022 and of Molla Kaplan Reisbaum's husband, Alvin on May 1.
Carol Barnard Ottenberg is planning "summer travels to New England, including a Puzzle Parley in Sturbridge CT, a visit to Queechee, VT, a few days on Monhegan Island (ME), and the rest of the time at our old family place, also in Maine. Lots of family to see."
And this is priceless: Carol Van Brunt Rasic wrote: “I’m now playing chess a couple of afternoons a week with our four-year-old grandson James who lives nearby. Janko taught him earlier in the year, and James really enjoys the game. He’s gotten quite good and I, also a new player, definitely have to focus. It may sound impressive, but we're playing at a fairly low level. We haven't done castling yet, and I think there are some other moves I don't even know about. I hope he's not learning bad habits." (Impressive? Four years old and he's playing chess!??! Carol, I'm 83 and I still can't play chess!!!)
Recovering from a burst appendix in January-March, Gail Zabriskie Wilson reports "I loved reading a lot during that period (a luxury during normal life) and am FINE! Back to water aerobics and golf and off to Maine for the summer mid-June to the end of October. Always look forward to catching up there with Carol Ottenberg. Kids and grandkids all well, and Peter and I love visits from them both here in Florida and in Maine.
Your faithful reporter, Sue Crook Ferdinand, is well and is looking forward to lunch next week with Molla Kaplan Reisbaum, Joanne Weiser Salomon, and Sally Bever Zweibach.
/ MA / Mr. Eric Jaeckel, 811 SE Klemgard St., Apt. #250 Pullman, WA 99163-5461
Dr. Lawrence Nazarian, 82 Brickstone Circle, Rochester, NY 14620; LFredN@aol.com
We are saddened to share that Seth Barton passed away at home on August 15, 2021 at the age of 83. He was the beloved husband of 61 years of Marlene.
/ TKS / Mrs. Thelma “Tam” Knight, 3001 Linton Boulevard, No. 201C Delray Beach, FL 33445; tknight115@aol.com
Atlantic would take 3-5 days, depending on destination. I wanted to find out how aircraft fly. I knew that I wanted a technical career, and the fact that aircraft offered such an advantage over other forms of transportation made it likely to provide a good, long-term future, for such a career.
/ TKS / Mrs. Diana Little, 1-K Buckingham Road, West Orange, NJ 07052; dianablittle@gmail.com
We are saddened to share that Lockey Harvey Kjelson, age 80, passed away in Stockton on August 3, 2021.
/ MA / Mr. Henry Agens, 86 Eagle Rock Way, Montclair, NJ 07042; hymelee@earthlink.com
From David Will: I entered the Montclair Academy in the fall of 1956 and was there for my junior and senior years. Those two years were unquestionably the most important two years for my future college education and subsequent career. I think of those two years as being like a steam catapult that launches an aircraft from the deck of an aircraft carrier so that it has sufficient speed by the time it reaches the end of the deck, becomes airborne, and does not fall into the water as the aircraft carrier bears down upon it.
During the summer of 1956, as I stood in the backyard of my home in Upper Montclair, I spotted an aircraft flying overhead and realized that aircraft from Idlewild International Airport in New York City (later renamed JFK International Airport) could reach Europe in perhaps 3-5 hours, whereas, shipborne transportation across the
Upon entering Montclair Academy, I was immediately impressed with how well the students got along with each other, how seriously they were focusing on doing their best in their classroom studies, and how superior the teachers were.
/ TKS / Ms. Jarvis Reilly Nolan; 858 504 1072; jarvisno@aol.com
/ TKS / From Sally Alice Unkles Smith: What fun to be in London for the Jubilee. As a member of the National Association of Colonial Dames of America, I attended a celebration at Sulgrave Manor, which is George Washington's great grandfather's home. Also, I went to the Carlsen Flower Show (I previously had studied at Oxford). I sailed home on the OMZ cruise. They had a party with ice sculptures of Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Queen. They also had a Jubilee Gala dinner.
/ TKS / Mrs. Suzanne Hardy, 47 Bartlett Parkway, Winthrop, MA 02152; sueshardy@comcast.net
/ MA / Mr. David Bruck 34 Nelson Ridge Road Princeton, NJ 08540; dbruck@greenbaumlaw.com
After several years of reading the MKA Alumni News and seeing neither a class representative nor any news about the members of my class, I decided to volunteer to be the 1961 Class Representative and to search out my classmates and try to generate some news about the lives that we have each lived since leaving Montclair Academy (MA).
I wrote to the members of the class with the addresses provided by the Alumni Office and received responses from a number of my classmates. Not surprisingly my classmates have lived full and varied lives, in part attributable to the education and fundamentals we gained at what was then Montclair Academy. I personally credit Montclair Academy with much of my development as a productive adult. The following is what I learned that we have been doing for the past 61 years.
Ed Roselene, truly one of the more cerebral members of our class writes that after MA he went to Amherst where he studied Russian and then went on to a first career as a clay potter; something we would never have guessed. Ed says that he now interprets French to English in medical situations and tutors high school students in French. During his life he has enjoyed traveling with his wife and son and skiing. Ed’s letter to me was welcome after all these years.
Alan Tessler, who I recall was Head Boy, responded to my letter by telling me that “he was hoping that I would contact him on that day”: Alan has not lost his sense of humor. Alan and I went to Camp Mah-kee-nac in Lenox, MA for several years as teenagers and were bunk mates one year. After graduating from MA, Alan went to Harvard together with another of our classmates, Alex Mead. Alan went on to medical school, did a neurology residency at the University of Pennsylvania, and stayed in Philadelphia doing what I understand to be research with the other “smart guys.” Alan is married with children and a grandchild.
John Lowy and I went to Tufts together; we both went on to law school and to practicing law. John’s practice in New York City focuses on public offerings and securities work. John also resides in New York City with his wife of 40 years. He still practices law and has children and grandchildren. John writes that he has a view of Central Park from his residence and that he and his wife walk in the park each day. I can’t see John as a “bird watcher,” but there you have it.
Jeff Abrams, who played next to me in the line for MA as an offensive tackle went on to Trinity and then became an architect receiving his architectural degree from Yale. Jeff migrated to Colorado in 1969 and apparently never looked back. He writes that he enjoys the outdoor activities available in Colorado and has his own architectural design firm. No present plans to retire. He recalls with pleasure a trip to Europe with Alan Tessler many years ago.
Richard Turer writes that when he first saw my letter (which was on my firm’s stationary), he was reluctant to open it, thinking that he was being sued. Rich has had a varied life. He says that he has graduate degrees in chemical engineering as well as law; he spent time as a ski bum in Aspen (makes me jealous) and spent some time in the financial world. After all of that, he is now retired with his wife of many years and has become a fanatic Wolverines fan…no not that Wolverine, the University of Michigan Wolverines. Both of his sons attended the University of Michigan.
Alex Mead went to Harvard with Alan Tessler. I recall one evening walking in Harvard Square seeing Alex hidden behind large dark shades while I was at Tufts. Alex headed west after college and attended medical school in New Mexico and then studied cardiology in Denver. He left the private practice and spent many years reviewing cases for “quality and appropriateness” as he says for the US government and private insurers. He retired in 2011. As he says, he has had a full life and keeps at it, pursuing his passions for gardening, movies, and mentoring high school students in mechanics and competitive robotic competitions. Who knew? He now resides in Idaho.
I wish that it was all good news, but to my knowledge three of our classmates have passed on: my dear friends Fred Lewis, Joseph Waugh, and Charles Weston. Also, Jeff Abram’s brother Andy ’63 died recently.
As for me, I stayed close to home after going to Tufts. I graduated from Rutgers School of Law and have stayed in New Jersey practicing law with my law firm for now 50 years and raising my three children. I am the Chair of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Group. I am married to my wife Cecile, and now have 4 grandchildren as well. I enjoy practicing law with the members of my firm, exercising to fight off “senioritis,” traveling when time permits, and trying to make each day count.
/ TKS / Mrs. Barbara Creed, 501 Portola Road, #8185, Portola Valley, CA 94028; bbcreed@aol.com
/ MA / Mr. W. Doug Donald 189 Sedgefield Circle Winter Park, FL 32792; D1Donald@aol.com
For those of our classmates who have not yet responded, I hope that you do so that I can tell the MKA community about your lives.
/ MA / Congratulations to John Benigno who has two photos from his Adobe Church Project (a visual narrative of cultural preservation in the great tradition of documentary/fine art photography exemplified in the work of Bernd and Hilla Becher, Edward Weston, Edward Curtis, and William Christenberry) featured in The Center for Emerging Visual Artists in Philadelphia, whose mission is to cultivate, nurture, and advance the careers of artists.
/ TKS / Miranda McGinnis shares, “Downsizing after 50 years in The Big House. Going from McMansion to She Shed is a challenge! New address is in Lewisburg, PA. Good move at a good time. Family now includes four kids and spouses plus eight grandchildren! Amazing for an only child!”
/ TKS / Ms. Katharine “Kitty” Haines, 201 East 83rd Street, Apt. 15F, New York, NY 10028; khaines22@aol.com
/ MA / From Peter Stern: Following the shut-down of New York City in March 2020, I relocated to my house in Hampton Bays, NY, and I've been there ever since, though I will be moving back to NYC part-time. Having lived there since I went to Columbia College and Law, I don't miss New York City very much; for me living in a house is much nicer than in a high rise apartment. In the course of the past few years, I've substantially reduced my legal practice and substantially increased theater production. Most recently, I am a co-producer on two shows on the West End in London: the revival of Cabaret which recently won a record-setting 7 Olivier awards, including best revival of a musical. as well as The Prince of Egypt, a largescale musical based on the animated film. On Broadway, I was most recently a coproducer of A Christmas Carol which won 5 Tony awards and The Prom, subsequently made into a Netflix movie starring Meryl Streep and presently on a national tour. One of the personal highlights of the last year was reconnecting with Marcia Blondel Hopwood ’66 when the tour of A Christmas Carol stopped in San Francisco. I would love to hear from former classmates and I can be reached at peter@artlawny.com.
Tell us about your work. Basically, I have two vocations. First and primarily, I've been an attorney in private practice for fifty years. During most of those years, I've specialized in Art Law which is a niche field: not the most lucrative but among the most interesting specialties. I've represented many famous artists, galleries, auction houses, and collectors. More recently, I've become increasingly involved in theater production, primarily shows headed to or on Broadway or London's West End. Currently, I am co-producer of the London revival of Cabaret which earlier this year won the Olivier award for best revival of a musical (plus 6 other awards). I'm also a co-producer of Broadway-bound Bruce which had its world premiere at the Seattle Rep last June. Bruce is a new musical about the making of the film Jaws
Why theater? How did you become interested in your profession? Why the transition from law? I've always loved theater, dating as far back as the Hemmeter musicals at Montclair Academy. In the years since then, I had seen tens of show until the day came about twenty years ago that I made my first theatrical investment. The show was Avenue Q, which turned out to be a smash hit; it was like winning the lottery the first time out. As a consequence, I continued to invest in a large number of shows. Eighteen years ago, I met my life partner, Tom Smedes, who is a theater producer. Over time, I became a co-producer on all of his shows, plus a few others. So my investing then evolved into co-producing Broadway shows, the most recent of which were The Prom (subsequently made into a movie of the same name) and A Christmas Carol. Today, I see every Broadway show and many others in London, regional or on tour.
How would you like to be remembered? To be honest, this is the first time that I've been asked the question and the first time
that I've thought about it. My only answer is that I'd like to be remembered for having added something of consequence to society and to human lives, while at the same time confessing that I'm perfectly fine not being remembered by anyone other than family and friends.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced, and what did you learn from it? To some extent, my biggest regret is that I have stayed in the New York area my entire life. Soon after graduation from law school, I was offered a position at a major entertainment law firm in Los Angeles. But, despite it being a great opportunity, I did not have enough courage to pull up stakes and move to a place where I knew no one. It will forever be the road not taken. My lesson is that I should have followed my heart and not listened to my self doubts. But then again, maybe not.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Perhaps my proudest professional accomplishment has been my involvement in Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, probably the most significant organization in the country that provides free legal services to artists and not for profit organizations. I've been on the Board of Directors for approximately 30 years, ten of which were as Chairman. VLA helps thousands of clients (both personally and remotely) annually.
In what ways did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? Simply stated, my education at then-Montclair Academy was fundamental to any personal or professional success that I've had. I will forever be grateful for my years at the school. At the same time, graduating in a class of only 31 students did not prepare me for real life, but I began learning at Columbia College with a class of 700 students in New York City.
“...my education at then-Montclair Academy was fundamental to any personal or professional success that I've had...” Peter Stern ’65
/ TKS / Mrs. Jessie Boyer, 8095 S. Addison Way, Aurora, CO 80016; boyerjessie@hotmail.com
/ MA / Mr. A. Craig Cameron 11 Bay Point Drive, Ormond Beach, FL 32174; ccameron@cameronhodges. com
Mr. Douglas Fitzpatrick, 70 Eastern Vista, Sedona, AZ 86351
/ MA / Mr. Craig Perry, 25 Mooregate Square, Atlanta, GA 30327; Craigcperry250@gmail.com
/ TKS / We are saddened to share that Abigail “Gayle” Adler passed away on March 7, 2022.
an African safari in July with her son’s family.
Loving every minute of retirement in southwest Colorado, Shelley Brightman Walchak serves on the board of four non-profits and enjoys the community involvement. Shelley, her husband, and granddaughter visited Greece in fall 2021. For 2022, she’s planning a focused trip to Crete and an Alaskan tour. Shelley has one granddaughter going to ASU, two little ones (1 1/2 and 3), and 5 others in between. A busy woman!
and Bob delight in sharing that family’s obsessions with arts and sports. Barbara continues to enjoy painting with various groups, and Bob enjoys his part-time Captain’s job with the water taxi business in Annapolis.
to follow their passions. For info and inspiration, see http:// benner-design.com/
/ MA / Dr. Edward A. Griggs Jr. 100 Cedar Street, Apt. B24 Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
/ TKS / Ms. Avie Claire Kalker, 10 Knolls Road, Williamstown, MA 01267; heraldicone@gmail.com
/ MA / Mr. Geoff Gregg 6108 Percheron Trail Summerfield, NC 27358; tartanone@triad.rr.com
/ TKS / Ms. Christine Hannon, 97 North Street, Northhampton, MA 01060; channon@smith.edu
From Christine Hannon: Last year many of us turned 70, and we are now contemplating our 50th college reunions and wondering how this could possibly have happened…
Lynn Erhardt Gildea lives in Jupiter, FL now. Her daughter Kristin bought and renovated Lynn’s New Jersey house, creating a suite for Lynn when she’s in NJ. Last April, Lynn, her daughter-in-law, and oldest granddaughter Ali spent an amazing week in Paris visiting museums and shopping and then two days in Versailles and Giverny. Lynn planned to go on
Annette Colston Saviet retired in July 2021 from the New York State Unified Court System, where she had worked as a principal appellate court attorney. Her husband, David, has been retired from CBS for a few years. One daughter will be getting married in New York in November, and their other daughter was married in France a year-and-a-half ago. Annette notes, “It’s so interesting to read emails and publications from Montclair Kimberley to see how much the school has changed since 1969!”
After some rough patches, Barbara Haviland Brogan and husband Bob were thrilled to welcome new granddaughter Nora Jane to their youngest son’s family in September 2021. In February/March 2022, they spent a wonderful 5 weeks in Holmes Beach, Florida, hosting friends and visiting with cousins and Ellen Hare Mazzeo and Chris Hannon. On the way south they enjoyed a visit with Phyllis LaTouche Rawlins and Jim Scott, who are like family to Barbara and Bob. On the way home, they saw their older son’s family (with 13 and 10-year-old grandchildren) in Marietta, Georgia. Barbara
Amy Canter writes, “My husband Michael and I are now in Tel Aviv. We got waylaid for 2 years while COVID-19 made travel impossible. As soon as Israel opened its borders to tourists, we booked our flights. We’ll be here for a year. It’s been a lifelong dream. We’ve been here since January. Now it is really spring, everything is in bloom, and the sights and smells are incredible. The desert is really in bloom.” Amy hopes for peace everywhere.
Virginia Munson Vassallo recently moved to Groton, Connecticut. Her house faces a nature preserve and is “perfect for a woman, her dog, and her books!” She’s just half an hour from her daughter and family and about 3 1/2 hours from her son and his family.
Pat Benner, Toni DeLorenzo, and 9 other long-time pals celebrated their big birthdays in 2021 at a lovely eco resort off the Caribbean coast of Panama!
Pat continues to receive accolades for her landscape design. California Homes recently featured Pat’s very own lab garden where favorite California natives and droughttolerant plans combine with beloved cottage garden perennials in tribute to her mother. Best of Design issue for Modern Luxury Interiors California named this garden as “best eco-friendly backyard.” And the New York Post featured Pat in an article about people leaving corporate jobs
Frank La Rocca writes: “On November 6, 2021 in San Francisco at St Mary’s Cathedral, the premiere of my “Requiem for the Homeless” for chorus, low strings, harp, and organ took place. On January 15, 2022 at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, my “Mass of the Americas” for chorus, organ, guitar, and marimba had its New York premiere. This work employs, in addition to the traditional Latin Mass texts, texts in Spanish and Nahuatl. Pre-pandemic, this same work had its East Coast premiere on November 19, 2019 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC and was televised nationally. In the week preceding January 15, the Mass was recorded for CD and streaming release by 11-time Grammy ProducerEngineer Blanton Alspaugh. Details on the label and release date as yet not publicly available, but I will send an update. These compositions and premieres derive from my role as Composer-in-Residence with the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music, based in San Francisco, for whom I have worked since 2018. Bobbie (Barbara) Dixon ’70 was there at the Old St. Patrick’s for Mass.”
Congratulations Frank on your inspiring career as a composer. I can remember you composing curve balls on the mound for the Varsity Baseball Team. Please keep us informed of future performances.
/ TKS / Ms. Leslie Bryan, 844 East Morningside Drive, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324
/ MA / Mr. V. James Castiglia 3 Lark Lane, Oak Ridge, NJ 07438; vjc@vjamescastiglia.com
Mr. Peter Webb, Mile Slip Farm 48 Mason Road, Brookline, NH 03033; pwebb@winerbennett. com
/ TKS / Ms. Philippa Bowles, 39 Orts Road, Hamburg, NJ 07419; john11t24@outlook.com
/ MA / Mr. Jeffrey Jones, 77 Monroe Street, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009; coastdaylight98@yahoo.com
Mr. Anthony Vitale, 10 North Wood Avenue, Apt. 601, Linden, NJ 07036; tvod9999@gmail.com
/ TKS / Ms. Susan Read, 38 College Circle, Staunton, VA 22401
/ MA / Mr. Thomas C. Galligan, 14805 Audubon Lakes Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70810-8419; tgalligan714@gmail.com
Mr. Gregory Lackey, 216 Hunters Road, Medford Lakes, NJ 08055-2116; gregory.lackey@usps.gov
Dear ’73-ers, Happy 49th Reunion of our graduation from Montclair Academy. Of course, that means we are one year away from our 50th, which we will celebrate next April. I have had a number of great conversations with Dean Paolucci about planning and getting as many of us there as possible, and we have heard from a lot of you in the past few months; please keep the updates coming. And let us know what you want to do
during reunion. So, what’s happening with our classmates?
Malcolm O’Hara is going strong practicing law in Glens Falls, NY. He has been with the same firm for 41 years.
Greg Lackey is living in Medford Lakes, NJ with his wife, Toni. They have three sons and three grandchildren, all of whom live close by. Greg retired in 2018 and stays in shape refereeing high school basketball and soccer. Imagine Lackey with a whistle! He also coached grandson Max’s 11-12 year old basketball team. Life is “grand,” and Lackey will be at the reunion.
Don Friedlich lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife, Judith Claire Mitchell, who is an accomplished novelist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After MA, Don got his BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and for more than 40 years has worked as an artist focusing on jewelry and glass. His work has been shown in museums all around the world and is in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, to name just a few. Next time you are in a major art museum, look for Don’s work. He has also lectured extensively at universities world-wide.
Zach Richardson swears this our 10th reunion, not our 50th coming up. He is shocked that the pool he sped through in high school is as old as it is! He’ll be in Montclair in April.
Jeff Kindler and his wife, Sharon, were in Florida for the winter. Yes, Florida for the winter-proof
it has been 49 years. Jeff will be with us next April.
Peter Redpath has invited us all to his home in Southwest Florida anytime we are nearby. Not surprisingly, he is still singing and is a pickleball champ. Next April, he will be in Montclair with us.
Tim Taylor lives in Houston, and I am trying to get him to come to Baton Rouge for an LSU game. Whether I succeed or not, Tim will be at the reunion!
Bob Nagel lives in Sydney, Australia and loves it for nine months a year. When it is winter in Australia, Bob travels. Next spring he will travel to beautiful New Jersey, and it will be great to see him.
Every reunion I have been to, Dave Brandley and Bill Kovacs have been there, so I am sure next year will be no exception!
After 23 years as a law school dean (twice) and college/ university president (twice), this spring was my first semester of full-time teaching since 1998. And it was great. It is wonderful to just teach and write and not worry about budgets and human relations!
I will close as I began. Come back to reunion next April. Letters like this are supposed to be upbeat, and this one is, but I also know all of us went through some sort of stuff when we were in school together. If that stuff has kept you away to date, please sweep it aside and come to our reunion. There are people who want to see you. This only happens once.
Your friend and loyal correspondent, Tom Galligan
/ TKS / Ms. Erin Cuffe Crawford, 121 Clarewill Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043; erincrawford@verizon. net
/ MA / Rob Powell is thoroughly enjoying year six of retirement. When he's not creating art at his photography studio in Mequon, Wisconsin (Milwaukee suburb) or adding visual content to his website (robertpowellphotography. com) and (to a lesser extent) Instagram (/robert.m.powell), he's traveling the world, honing his landscape photography skills. Recent trips include Iceland (November 2021) and Sedona, AZ (February 2022). Rob and his wife Kathleen enjoy traveling the world. So far this year: Panama Canal transit, Nuremberg, Amsterdam, and a planned 40th wedding anniversary cruise to Alaska. Photo is from a trip to Fish Creek, Wisconsin (Door County) in October 2021.
Mr. Paul Zuckerberg, 1790 Lanier Place, NW, Washington, DC 20009-2118; paul.zukerberg@gmail.com
Mr. Frank Godlewski, Fells Bridge, 249 Runnymede Road, Essex Fells NJ 07021; fellsbridge@gmail.com
Mrs. Sara Close, 76 Wootton Rd Essex Fells, NJ 07021; dmjcrowther@comcast.net
From Frank Gerard Godlewski: Sara Close and I participated in the Montclair Art Museum's Art in Bloom 2022. It was a great event that we enjoyed together with members of our MKA family, like Marjorie Lopus ’77, Audrey Nevins TKS ’73, Marilyn Modny Gregory TKS ’73, Cheryl McMullen ’77, Seton Daly Beckwith TKS ’74, Nancy Cohn Danesi ’77, and more! Also present was our former MKA Trustee and friend Linda Sterling, MKA’s Director of Development Laela Perkins, and Director of the Montclair Art Museum, Ira Wagner, whose two sons William ’06 and Andrew ’11 are MKA Alumni. It was a beautiful spring day and an enjoyable opening luncheon with many MKA friends!
/ MA / Mr. Robert Hubsmith, 16 Warren Road, Maplewood, NJ 07040; roberthubsmith24@gmail.com
Mr. Andrew Pedersen, 335 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716-1731; apedersenco@gmail.com
From Rob Hubsmith: Happy #45 to the Class of ’77!
Despite the valiant efforts of Stacy Cochrane and her epic recruiting email, only a handful of us met up for Reunion on April 30th at 18 Label Street in Montclair. Rick Jenkins along
with wife, Jackie and daughter, Emma ’12, Peter McMullen, Peter Valentine, Frank Gerard Godlewski ’76, and yours truly partied like it was 1977. Congrats to Rick and Jackie, whose daughter Charlotte ’18 graduated from Davidson and brother Greg ’18 graduated from Lafayette. Paul Hastaba and Doug Mahler both became full time residents of the Sunshine State joining fellow Floridians Mike Werksman, Brad Protas, Marco Casta, and Meryl Connelly. Paul and wife, Lori became grandparents for the second time when son Danny and his wife, Nikki
welcomed daughter Kennedy into the Hastaba family on March 2 . Andy Read bought a house in Staunton, VA so now all the Reads - Chip ’76 and Sue ’74 reside there. I visited Andy Pedersen and wife Jill in late February. Andy showed me his beautiful home and property on Spring Island, SC. We also got in a round of golf at Old Tabby Links. I will be joining Andy as a fellow South Carolinian later this year, as my wife, Mary Ellen, and I have decided to move to Summerville, just outside of Charleston. Bev Hall is enjoying life in Wyoming despite the usual weather challenges. She writes that she is getting ready for branding season and planting the garden. Please call, text, or email me so our fellow classmates can find out what’s up with you. I hope to see many of you at Homecoming, which is October 15.
Ms. Pamela Zeug, 60 W. 57th Street, #15F, New York, NY 10019; pl.bolton@gmail.com
Congratulations to Melissa Cohn on being recognized as a Nationwide Top Originator by Scotsman Guide. For the last 12 years, Scotsman Guide has ranked thousands of the nation’s top-producing residential mortgage originators. The longevity, verification process and comprehensive scope of this list have positioned it as a benchmark for the mortgage industry.
Pam Bolton reached out with the following update: "Still working in global health for the digital health social enterprise, Tech Care for All. Also doing some consulting related to assessing U.S. specialty medical practices on their environmental, social, and governance performance (ESG, as it's called). It's nice to see these sustainability ratings gaining traction. #1 son Noam is still writing about esports for Minute Media; #2 son now doing communications for the architecture firm KPF, which recently completed 1 Vanderbilt in NYC, the building
right next to Grand Central Station. I bet many enjoyed the in-between phase after the old building came down and the lot was empty (I know I did!): it offered great unobstructed views of Grand Central's western side."
Dr. John Brink, 1246 Beach Haven Road, Atlanta, GA 30324
Mrs. Shawn Ortiz, 2163 Gilbride Road, Martinsville, NJ 08836
Mr. Bruce Eng; Lattjiu@aol.com
Jonathan Parker ’80 invited several Class of 1979 classmates among his many other friends and family for his 60th birthday celebration in classic Rat Pack style at Frank Sinatra’s Twin Palms Estate, in Palm Springs, CA, April 2022. Pictured left to right: Jonathan Parker ’80, Bruce Eng ’79, Tony Cristello ’79
Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon. Paige CottinghamStreater has made significant contributions to the promotion of people-to-people exchanges and mutual understanding between Japan and the United States as Executive Director of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission and SecretaryGeneral of the United StatesJapan Conference on Cultural & Educational Interchange. In addition, she has promoted exchange between Japan and the US as supervisor of the Mansfield Fellowship Program and in organizing Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) alumni and founding the JET Alumni Association in the USA. Paige said, "I'm always grateful to MKA for the excellent education and foundation that set me on my path to success”.
Mrs. Laura Itzkowitz (Laura Reisch), 37 Nottingham Road, Manalapan, NJ 077261834; howardandlaura@ optonline.net
Thomasina Martin Brayboy, a longtime resident of Montclair and longtime teacher at Montclair Kimberley Academy, died peacefully at home on January 25, 2022. She was 89. Mrs. Brayboy, known as Tommy, was born in Camden, South Carolina. She attended Mather Academy in Camden and Bennett College in Greensboro, South Carolina and was awarded a master’s in teaching from Boston University. She married Dr. Thomas Brayboy in 1961, which made for a cozy extended family, as her sister, Jeanne Martin Brayboy of Charlotte, North Carolina, was already married to Dr. Jack S. Brayboy Jr., her husband’s brother. She immediately became mother to Dr. Brayboy’s daughters, Beth and Patty, and later had a son, Martin. Mrs. Brayboy was a beloved elementary school teacher at MKA for 25 years, where she helped implement the merger of Brookside, The Kimberley School, and Montclair Academy, and she made numerous lifelong friends among the faculty and staff. After retiring from teaching, she became a docent at the Montclair Art Museum and introduced many groups of schoolchildren and adults to art. She was known for her encyclopedic knowledge of artists and how they influenced one another’s artistic development. She is survived by her sister, Jeanne Martin Brayboy of Charlotte; her daughters, Beth Brayboy-Andrews (Brent Andrews) of Freehold and Patricia Singleton of Levittown, Pennsylvania, and her son, Martin Brayboy (Elizabeth Gaines Brayboy) of Harwinton, Connecticut.
5 Riverview Road, Irvington, NY 10533
A huge congratulations to Paige Cottingham- Streater who on April 29, 2022 was announced by the Government of Japan as one of the foreign recipients of the 2022 Spring Imperial Decorations. Paige, SecretaryGeneral of the United StatesJapan Conference on Cultural & Educational Interchange (CULCON) and Executive Director of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission, received this in recognition of her monumental contributions to the promotion of people-topeople exchanges and mutual understanding between Japan and the United States. She will receive the Order of the
Christopher Tortorello and his wife relocated from New Jersey to Middletown, Delaware. They became first-time grandparents last year when their daughter had her first child (a daughter) in April 2021.
Congratulations to Pam Holding on being named to Barron's 100 Most Influential Women in Finance. Pam is the Co-Head of Equity and Asset Management Lead on Sustainable Investing at Fidelity Investments.
Mr. Walter J. Davis, 66 Oakwood Drive, New Providence, NJ 07974; davisteam@comcast.net
Mrs. Maureen Natkin (J.P.),
Mrs. Jennifer Jones Ladda, 17 Belleclaire Place, Verona, NJ 07044; jjonesladda@gmail.com
Edie Prescott “gathered the troops” for a mini reunion at Halcyon in Montclair in March. Pictured below, from left to right: Gregg Gottlieb, Marc Spiotta ’86, Stephen Root, Anthony Paone, Roger Brown,
Peter Michelotti ’86, Edie (Szakacs) Prescott, Laura Dancy Wilson ’84, Dan Carson ’83, Anthony Michelotti , Ed Conlin ’84, and Darrin O’Neill ’84. Not pictured Robin Schwartz, James Petretti ’88, Rich Stanton ’87, and Gail Szakacs ’91.
Yudin specializes in all types of travel in Israel and Jordan, from geopolitical journeys to bar and bat mitzvahs. He was named to
the annual Condé Nast Traveler Travel Specialist list and the A-List for Travel + Leisure's Top Travel Advisors.
Mr. Dennis Rodano, 3 Byron Road, North Caldwell, NJ 07006; rodanod@verizon. net
Ms. Lynne Yellin, 413 Ridgecrest Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514; lynneGY@aol.com
Ms. Jennifer Remington-Knodel, 44 Hamilton Drive East, North Caldwell, NJ 07006; jenremknodel@aol.com
We share the sad news that longtime MKA community member Anne Muenster passed away on April 4. For many years, MKA has benefited from Anne's generosity of spirit and steadfast commitment to our community. She leaves behind daughters Lorelei Muenster ’90 and Karen Muenster Fanning.
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Dara Goldman. Dara graduated from Columbia University with a BA and an MA, and she received a PhD from Emory University. She was a professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dara is survived by her husband, Itai Segev, her parents Karen and Clifford Goldman, and her sister Elissa ’93
Mr. Louis Lessig, 2009 Morris Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003; llessig@brownconnery.com
Mr. Josh Raymond, 33 Oak Place, North Caldwell, NJ 07006; jraymond@msbnj.com
Bram Ziegler has founded a nonprofit called Capitalists
for Shared Income, or C4SI. C4SI believes capitalism is the greatest economic system ever created: it allocates resources efficiently, and it has an incredible history of lifting humans out of extreme poverty. However, it has no systematic check on income and wealth inequality, and C4SI believes that as extreme inequality increases, it could become an existential threat leading the general population to become disavowed with capitalism. C4SI aims to do something about disparity. By collecting donations, buying pre-funded debit cards, and distributing these to charities, the nonprofit works with people living in poverty. For more information, view the website https://www. capitalists4si.org.
We share the sad news that longtime MKA community member Anne Muenster passed away on April 4. For many years, MKA has benefited from Anne's generosity of spirit and steadfast commitment to our community. She leaves behind daughters Lorelei Muenster and Karen Muenster Fanning ’88.
Ms. Dara Marmon, 330 E. 39th, Apt. 21D, New York, NY 10016; daramarmon@gmail.com
Mr. Luke Sarsfield, 105 Franklin Street, Apt. 4, New York, NY 10013; luke.sarsfield@gs.com
A huge congratulations on the well-deserved promotion of Luke Sarsfield at Goldman. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. has appointed Luke Sarsfield to co-head its $1.7 trillion asset-management business. The asset-management arm of the bank provides investment and advisory services for some
of the world's leading pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, and insurance companies among others. Sarsfield, who has been with the premier investment bank for more than 22 years, currently co-heads the client business of the asset management arm. We wish him nothing but success in his new role!
Dr. Enrique Neblett, 718 Ainsley Court, Durham, NC 27713; enrique.neblett@gmail.com
It is with a heavy heart that we share the unexpected passing of Max Fierst on March 29. He was 47 years old. He is survived by his father, Gerald Fierst, and his daughter, Anjel Fierst, both Montclair residents.
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Dara Goldman '88. Dara graduated from Columbia University with a BA and an MA, and she received a PhD from Emory University. She was a professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Dara is survived by her husband, Itai Segev, her parents Karen and Clifford Goldman, and her sister Elissa
Mr. Jason Awerdick, 23 Greenbrook Drive, Bloomfield, NJ 07003; jasonawerdick@gmail.com
Congratulations to Mitchell Decter on being named the new Chair of the Board of Directors at Comfort Zone Camp. Comfort Zone Camp is a nonprofit 501(c)3 bereavement organization that transforms the lives of children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver. Their programs are free of charge and include
confidence building activities and age-based support groups that break the emotional isolation grief often brings.
Congratulations to Laura Stanfill on the release of her new book Singing Lessons for the Stylish Canary. It is a rollicking and tender family story of stronghearted women, misguided fathers, and rebellious youth that leaps joyfully through generations. For more information and to preorder the book, visit her website https:// laurastanfill.com/.
Ms. Tanya Barnes; barnes.tanya@gmail.com
Ms. Erica Hirsch, 10 West 15th Street, #710, New York, NY 10011; ehirsch77@yahoo.com
Mr. Lee Vartan, 3 Swayze Lane Chester, NJ 07930; ldvartan@yahoo.com
Congratulations to Devasena Vallabhaneni on being named among the 2022 Most Influential Women in MidMarket M&A. Devasena is the Managing Director at Antares Capital and serves on the ESG Working Group that is charged with continuously developing and evaluating Antares’ stance on environmental, social, and governance issues by overseeing and monitoring its ESG policy and related procedures, addressing issues as they arise, and approving new initiatives.
Ms. Gemma Giantomasi, 80 Avon Drive, Essex Fells, NJ 07021; gemma.diaco@gmail.com
April Schott-Auerbach welcomed daughter Phoebe Brooke on February 2, 2022.
Tell us about your work I am the Vice President of Sports Diagnostics at BioReference Laboratories. I oversee the operations and sales for bloodwork and COVID testing for all Professional and College sports within the United States. They use this data to help optimize players' performance on the field.
Why healthcare and sports medicine sales? How did you first become interested in your profession? Being an avid sports fan, athlete, and always caring about my health, I have had a passion for the combination of Sports and Healthcare. When I was a senior at Montclair Kimberley Academy, I had the opportunity to host an alumni speaker during Career Day, Peter McMullen ’77, whose father was the original owner of the NJ Devils. That opportunity made me realize I wanted to work in a field that I was passionate about. When I graduated from Pennsylvania State University, I started my career in Healthcare at Johnson & Johnson and later became the Project Manager dealing with all the finances to build the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.
Discuss working during the pandemic and how your company ran the testing program for all of professional sports. When the pandemic started, my CEO Dr. Jon Cohen at BioReference knew sports could be a great niche market for our company.
BioReference was the 3rd largest lab in the country, but we had to get creative to develop an outside-of-the-box program to monitor COVID samples around the country for each athlete. We designed a Command Center to oversee and monitor thousands of professional elite specimens traveling each night across the country into our five labs. We originally started serving Major League Soccer and the National Basketball league in their bubbles in Florida. When the leagues returned back in market, we were able to secure all the other major sports leagues through our reputation and being able to deliver a concierge type service to our clients. That service enabled us to become the exclusive testing partner of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Hockey League, Professional Lacrosse League, USGA Golf, Women’s National Basketball League, USA Basketball, USA Soccer, Big East Tournament, National Football Championship Game, and many, many other sporting events.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? My biggest challenge was when the NJ Devils were purchased and new ownership wanted to take a new direction with new talent. I hadn’t done much networking at that time and all of sudden had to find my next opportunity in a short time frame. I quickly realized the best way was to reach out to my network and decided I wanted to shift gears from sports back to healthcare. Ultimately down the road, I figured out how to combine my two passions (healthcare and sports) into my dream job.
What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment is my amazing loving family. I met my wife in high school at MKA in 1995, and we have three amazing children. Maya (11), Ryder (8), and Tatum (5).
In what ways did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? MKA prepared me for my professional career in many different ways. MKA pushed me to be disciplined, focused, and hardworking. It also taught me life is a crazy roller coaster ride and networking is a key part of it. I always look back to Career Day and that opportunity to network with Peter McMullen and think how that opportunity paved my way to the career I always wanted.
Mr. Alexander Holz, 217 East 10th St, Apt 18, New York, NY 10003; alexbhlz@gmail.com
Ms. Sandra Tritt; sandratritt@ gmail.com
/ MKA / Ms. Anna Cook, 5 Highview Court, Wayne, NJ 07470; anna_labowsky@yahoo.com
Mr. John Garippa, 2741 NE 58th
Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308; oceanhut@aol.com
Mrs. Jaclyn Spedaliere, 60 E. Oak Street, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920; jaclynspedaliere@ gmail.com
Antonella (Nelli) Bollettino Fine and her husband Sean welcomed their third child, Alina Vanessa, in February 2022. She is the little sister to big siblings Leora (6) and Matteo (3).
Congratulations to Kathryn Auw Prasad on the birth of her second daughter, Camilla.
Ryan Mirman, son of Lauren Abramson Mirman who was one of the first Brookside handbell ringers in 1991, plays in the Primary School Spring Concert.
Congratulations to Giselle Farrell and her husband Cardel on the birth of their son Noah
Jones. He was born on March 9, 2022.
Congratulations to Mark Fortunato and his wife Katie on the birth of their second son Bennett Franklyn Fortunato on April 19, 2022.
/ MKA / Brendan McCaffrey, 235 West 102nd Street, Apt. 10i, New York, NY 10025; brendan.a.mccaffrey@ gmail.com
/ MKA / Miss Emily Santangelo, 27 Woods Road, Little Falls, NJ 07424; emilyannesantangelo@gmail. com
Mrs. Melissa Fortunato, Slomienski, 58 Oldchester Road, Essex Fells, NJ 07021; slomienski@icloud.com
A huge congratulations to Kerry Bishe who stars in Showtime’s Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber. Bishé joins cast members Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kyle Chandler, and Uma Thurman. Bishé stars as Austin Geidt, Uber employee number four – the smart and tough woman who was boots on the ground as Uber expanded from city to city. The role reunites Bishé with Billions co-creators Brian Koppelman and David Levien, as Bishé previously appeared in the first season of Billions.
/ MKA / Ms. Judith Ferreira, 819 Clifton Avenue, Newark, NJ 071043211; jferreir@pratt.edu
Mrs. Melanie Bieber, 462 Vance Ave, Wyckoff, NJ 07481; mel.braverman@gmail.com
Jenna Luizzi Esdale, Morgan Fischer Gough, Emma Barnett , Katherine Crosland Vosburgh, and Stevie Sharpe-Jones Surmon at the wedding of Emma in Cartagena, Colombia in February 2022.
Ms. Katherine Santoro, 333 River Street, Apt. 539, Hoboken, NJ 07030; kate. santoro@gmail.com
Erica Leffler Castle and her husband Don welcomed their son Chase Henry Castle on February 13, 2022.
Congratulations to Ashley Booker on her marriage to Dustin O'Dell on April 1, 2022.
Brendan McCaffrey and his wife Roxanne welcomed a baby boy, Brendan Kozrow “Buzz” McCaffrey.
Congratulations to Tommy Beach and his wife Colleen on the birth of their twin girls! Lucy and Sam joined big brothers Charlie and Teddy on May 6, 2022.
Congratulations to Sheldon Fields and his wife Mikelle on the birth of their first child August Jameson Fields on May 7, 2022.
/ MKA / Mr. Edmund Kozak; e.g.kozak@gmail.com
Mr. Manav Lalwani, 132 Blue Heron Drive, Riverside Court, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2391; 201-617-5312; manav.lalwani@ gmail.com
to Michele Leardo and her husband Jamie Sacks on the birth of their
Tell us about your work. I work full time as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Hospital for Special Surgery, which is the #1 hospital in the country for orthopedics. In my role at the hospital, I help patients transition out of the hospital, usually to home or to a physical therapy rehab facility.
I especially enjoy working with Orthopedic Trauma patients providing short-term counseling and crisis intervention to help patients during their hospital stay. In my private practice, I work as a Psychotherapist, providing counseling/psychotherapy to adult clients. I specialize in treating anxiety, depression, life cycle changes, and trauma.
Why Social Work? How did you first become interested in your profession? I am a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I received my MSW (Masters of Social Work) from NYU's Silver School of Social Work, which is one of only a handful of Clinical Social Work programs in the country. I was drawn to social work graduate programs instead of psychology, as social work is a broader field, allowing me the flexibility to find my niche. Much like my BA in English, an MSW allows one to do anything: it's just a matter of figuring out what that "anything" is. A few years after I began working in hospitals after my MSW, I began specializing in surgery, and eventually orthopedic trauma.
My interest in clinical social work likely began during my time at the Upper School at MKA during English Lit classes. My teachers at MKA really taught me how to analyze the thoughts, behaviors, and motivation of characters in the books we read. This analytical mindset was a building block for viewing patients from a psychodynamic approach.
What is it like being an entrepreneur and starting your own private practice? Starting my own private practice was both exciting and scary, especially in the planning stages. However, utilizing resources from former colleagues and friends helped me to get organized and find the tools that allow me to focus on the work itself. Asking for help about things you don't know is a strength, not a weakness.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? My biggest career challenge was being laid off from a job I loved early in my career. I worked on the vascular surgery team with an attending physician Dr. Grossi, who happened to be one of my MKA classmate's (Vinny Grossi) father. While it was devastating at the time, the hospital roles that followed ultimately led me to my current role at Hospital for Special Surgery, in addition to the clinical experience to start my private practice. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason!
What is your proudest accomplishment? At this point in my career, I'm proud of myself for making the jump to start my private practice. I'm also always constantly proud when patients show personal growth and achieve goals in our treatment.
In what ways did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? MKA prepared me for my current career by encouraging academic curiosity, in addition to showing me the importance of community. Both in my professional work, as well as in starting a new business, the connections I've made at MKA and beyond have been a valuable resource.
daughter Talia Anne Sacks on February 13, 2022.
Antoinelle Szwed Vulpis and her husband Frank welcomed their first child, Logan Stanley, on March 29, 2022.
Lhenée Riddick McKoy and her husband Shawn welcomed baby girl Nova Monique into their boy gang.
/ MKA / Ms. Natalie Azzoli, 8 Spruce Street, Apt. 50H, New York, NY 10038; nat6888@gmail.com
Ms. Angela McCaffrey, 229 Crescenzi Court, West Orange, NJ 07052; angelamccaffrey@gmail.com
Megan Livesey Pizzi, husband Bobby, and big sister Mia welcomed baby brother Cameron to the world on February 2, 2022.
Alexis Levengood currently resides in Mooloolaba, Australia, teaching and doing research at USC. She earned her PhD in November 2019 from the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Queensland, Australia. Alexis is a Behavioral Ecologist focusing on social evolution and social complexity in long-lived, highly gregarious species, with a particular interest in marine mammals.
Stacey Fierro got married to Brendan Reap on May 27, 2021 at Pleasantdale Chateau. In her bridal party were fellow MKA Alumni Rachel Levine and Julie Fierro ’03
Kassie Dantzler Press married David Press in a small ceremony in their backyard on December 18, 2021 and had a bigger ceremony (with MKA friends present, including Tri-Campus
Director of Orchestras Dimitri Hadjipetkov who played the violin at her wedding!) in the Catskills in May. She is still researching malaria immunology at Stanford and, after many COVID-19 travel delays, was grateful to spend 5 months working in Tororo, Uganda.
Natalie Azzoli Sparks and Sam Sparks ’04 welcomed their second baby girl last fall. They now live in Montclair with their daughters Louise (3) and Maxine (1).
/ MKA / Mr. Brian May; bmay88@gmail.com
Mr. Harry Raymond; raymond.harry@gmail.com
Mr. Stuart Harwood; stuartmharwood@gmail.com
Congratulations to Chuck Chiemelu and his wife Ebony Atherton on the birth of their first child Obi in April 2022.
/ MKA / Mr. Matthew Metzger, 235 Elizabeth Street, Apt #1B, New York, NY 10012;
Congratulations to Dwight Jackson and his wife Anna on the birth of their second son, Clifton “Cliff” George Jackson on April 20, 2022.
Congratulations to Joseph Christovao and his wife
Rachel on the birth of their second child Joseph “Hayes” Christovao VII on May 1, 2022.
Congratulations to Sydney Schatz Spargo and husband RJ on the birth of their first child, Zoey Sloane, in May 2022.
Tell us about your work? I am a Key Account Manager at Klear, a Meltwater company and market leader in the fastgrowing influencer marketing industry.
In my role, I serve as a trusted advisor to my global enterprise brand and agency clients. I help optimize their experience with Klear and offer strategic guidance, industry insights, and best practices. My day-to-day activities consist of strategy meetings and executive business reviews. While my role is primarily focused on relationship management and client retention, I am also involved in upsell opportunities based on the evolving needs of existing clients.
How important is the client relationship throughout a campaign or project? A successful client relationship requires clearly defined goals and strategy. It’s important to establish with the client what their criteria is for a successful campaign and effectively communicate a roadmap for continued success. In my role not only am I a product expert but I offer strategic guidance when it comes to influencer identification and how to improve campaign ROI based on my clients’ indicated goals. Most clients
are looking to increase sales or brand awareness, and it’s my job to help them achieve that with the right influencer marketing strategy. At the end of each campaign, it’s important to quantify the impact of the influencers’ posts and develop new success criteria with the client to strengthen the relationship.
What is the biggest failure/challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? What’s your proudest accomplishment? Early in my career, mentors suggested that I consider sales and business development roles. I was not open to it at first but eventually realized it is something that I enjoy and excel at. My first job in sales eventually led to my first opportunity in relationship management. There is value in every experience and oftentimes we are so focused on what we think our path should be that we miss a greater opportunity for growth. Today, I keep an open mind and know that there isn’t one path to success.
It is truly gratifying to make a difference in my clients’ marketing programs. I feel immense pride in seeing my hard work directly translate into wins for them. Their success is my success.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone going into marketing what would it be? Learn from the best one in the room, but always be yourself. Everything is ultimately going to align the way it should at the right time. In college I had no idea where I would be in 12 years, and my career has turned out better than I could have imagined.
How did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? I will always appreciate the diverse curriculum and experiences I had at MKA. Our school motto, “Knowledge, Vision, and Integrity” is something I still live by. I learned at MKA to never give up when it comes to accomplishing my goals. As my career continues to grow and evolve, I enjoy being a mentor and helping others succeed.
/ MKA / Mr. Brian Purcell, 63 Wall St, Apt 1509, New York, NY 10005; bnpurcell14@gmail.com
Ms. Jane Stanton, 240 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042; janestanton18@ gmail.com
On January 5, 2022, Jennifer Robbins appeared in her first role on network TV in the NBC show Chicago Fire. She says, "I had the most magical time on set making one of the main goals I had when I moved to Chicago come true. Follow your dreams! Sometimes cool things happen!" Congratulations on all your hard work, Jennifer!
Emma Shepard welcomed baby boy James Sullivan Castro into the world on January 23, 2022.
Tell us about your work I am Page Six's chief reporter, and I cover all things Hollywood and entertainment. My job is to sniff out all of the gossip surrounding our favorite celebrities and break exclusive stories. I cover everyone from the Kardashians to the Housewives and the "real" celebrities in between such as Armie Hammer, Wendy Williams, Kanye West, and more. I've made a career out of what some people would say is a guilty pleasure.
Why journalism? When did you first become interested in multimedia entertainment? I first became interested in journalism when I was an undergrad student at Boston College. I began as a features reporter and eventually ran two columns, and during this time period I always had a passion for celebrity gossip. Eventually, I realized I wanted my two passions to come together, so I focused on becoming a Hollywood gossip reporter.
What is your favorite breaking news that you have shared and written about? I was working the Wendy Williams beat for a couple of years, chasing down all of the rumors that she and her husband had split. It finally came to a head when I was the reporter who broke the story that she had filed for divorce. While the story itself is sad, I was thrilled all of my hard work culminated in that huge exclusive.
How has social media changed the way news is shared? Social media have changed so much for journalism, especially in entertainment. Celebrities now have a direct line to their fans, which means they can often get ahead of a story before we even have a chance to publish it. Up until a few years ago there was no such thing as a "Notes App apology" because stars would issue them directly to publications, now their Instagrams are filled with them. Social media also make newssharing instantaneous, so once the news is out it's OUT, and there's no turning back. Screenshots are forever.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced, and what did you learn from it? My biggest career failure was reporting that Paris Hilton was pregnant when she wasn't. It was a huge story that went viral, and it turned out not to be true. It was a huge loss for me, but it served as a reminder that not all sources are to be trusted, even if they haven't let you down in the past. It also taught me that speculating on people's bodies or health is none of our business.
What is your proudest accomplishment? I don't have any singular accomplishment. Every time I break an exclusive story, the rush I get is unparalleled, so they're all my proudest moments. I really mean it when I say breaking a story never gets old; it's a thrill every time. That being said, I do love it when TV networks ask me to appear as an "expert" on a pop culture topic.
Congratulations to Andrew Zage on his engagement to Andie Hurwitz.
In what ways did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? While my official answer should likely be something about how MKA's strong English department encouraged my passion for writing — it really did, and it definitely morphed me into the voracious reader I am today — I'd be remiss if I didn't say the gossip network during my years there was strong. We all were in tune with the latest whispers at the time, but I just kept paying attention until I could make it my dayto-day in a more official capacity!
Dana Dunn Paolucci has been promoted to Vice President of Brand Communications, representing Dove at Edelman. Dana has been with Edelman since graduating from Colgate University in 2013. During her distinguished career with the firm, Dana has held various positions of increasing importance across the Unilever portfolio, most recently shaping the overarching brand purpose strategy for Dove through campaigns and initiatives that drive change, including the Dove Self-Esteem Project and ending race-based hair discrimination through the CROWN Act. Dana was an instrumental contributor in securing the prestigious Cannes Lions Grand Prix Award for PR in 2021 for Hair Love, as well as signing Dove's first-ever celebrity spokesperson Lizzo last year. This elevation to VP acknowledges Dana's countless contributions to the success of this flagship account for Edelman.
Congratulations to Shannon Byrne on her marriage to Gary Shannon on May 14, 2022 at the Spring Lake Golf Club.
Elise McMullen Bitter ('08) got married on September 18, 2021 in Bayhead, New Jersey, and there were quite a few alumni in attendance. Pictured from left to right: Charles Gephart ’08, Edward Bartleson ’08, Kate Rooney ’09, Christopher Brenner ’77, Bradley Protas ’77, Rob D'Alessandro ’86, Dwight Jackson ’08, Myles Rudnick ’08, Elise McMullen Bitter ’08, JC Egbert ’08, Matt Metzger ’08, John Phillips ’78, Kelsey Deenihan ’08, Amanda D'Alessandro ’16, Regan Shepard ’08, Kelly Byrne ’08, Peter McMullen ’77, Robert D'Alessandro Jr ’19, Cait DiRuggiero ’06, Bridget Blake ’08, Angela McCaffrey ’06, James Blake ’05, Marcy Irwin Pope ’77, and Susan Cole ’78. Not pictured: Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen ’77.
Congratulations to Katherine Phillips Bergstrom and her husband Erik on the birth of their first child, Lucy Elizabeth, on May 25, 2022.
Danielle Donatiello and her husband Nicholas Kirbas welcomed baby boy Logan Nicholas Kirbas into the world on May 30, 2022.
Brett Sasala in New York City in June 2022.
Congratulations to Alexandra Guccione on her marriage to Nick Walchonski at the Park Chateau in June 2022.
/ MKA / Ms. Devon Barrett, 109 Llewellyn Road, Montclair, NJ 07042; dlb792@aim.com
Mr. Matthew Palmisano, 2812 39th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007; matt.r.palmisano@gmail.com
Congratulations to Kelsey Taylor Bowers on her marriage to Carlton in December 2021.
Jill Shakoor married Stephen Shafer on June 11, 2022 in Calistoga, California.
Congratulations to Samantha Brazill on her engagement to
Congratulations to Stephanie Tramutola on being named Produce Business Magazine’s 2022 40 under 40. Stephanie is an Accounts Payable Manager and Social Media Director at A&J Produce Corporation in Bronx, New York.
Congratulations to Will Johnson on his engagement in April 2022.
Congratulations to Devon Barrett on her marriage to Spenser Huston on May 14, 2022.
/ MKA / Mr. Seth Bynum, 23-43 35th St, Long Island City, NY 11105; seth.bynum1@gmail.com
Ms. Carina Wong, 9 Deer Trail Road, North Caldwell, NJ 07006; carinamwong@gmail.com
Lauren Morisseau married her college sweetheart Irere Kwihangana at the University of Notre Dame on May 21, 2022.
Congratulations to Ashley Bishop on joining the 1 Million Dollar Club for sales at Insight Global. Ashley joined Insight Global in July 2015 and is currently a Senior Account Manager.
/ MKA / Ms. Casey Holden, 573 Farmdale Road, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417; casey.musicant@gmail.com
Mr. Ed Rosini, 32 Edgemont Road, Montclair, NJ 07042; erosini32@gmail.com
Katie Goulder and former faculty Alise Shuart Barrett ran into each other at Kenyon College's Class Reunion in May 2022. Katie graduated from Kenyon College in 2016 and Alise in 1992.
On February 28, 2022, Ashvin Melwani proposed to his longtime girlfriend.
Congratulations to Alexandra Kelly on her engagement to Armand Quiroz in March 2022.
Max Herrmann and Mike Sasso started off as classmates, then became friends, teammates, and now business partners. Both played on the MKA Varsity Baseball team under Coach Ralph Pacifico and then went on to play at Rutgers
University and William Paterson University, respectively. Now, they are coaching together for the Iron Nine Travel NJ baseball program. Iron Nine was founded in 2019 under the vision to create a New Jersey club baseball program focused on the development of youth baseball players and avoid many of the issues that come along with bigger club programs. To learn more about the program or get in touch with either coach, please visit their website, https:// ironninebaseball.com/
Hallie Earle married Mike Melchione on April 30, 2022 in South Carolina.
/ MKA / Ms. Elizabeth “Lizzie” Amato; Liz.J.amato@gmail.com
Mr. Edward Bozik; bozik@me.com
In March 2022, Timothy Tse came back to MKA to speak to the STEM Team about his professional experience. He is currently at Quadpay, where he is a Software Engineer II on the Fraud & Risk team. He spoke to the students about his college experience, gave professional tips, and shared life advice.
Dom Leone married his beautiful, longtime, love Michelle Miller on a beautiful night at the Park Chateau in May 2022.
Steve Bezer, Seth Bynum, Justin Goldsman, Chadd Mukete, and Carina Wong from the Class of 2011 gathered at Just Jake's to honor and commemorate the life of Everett Glenn '11. The alumni event had community members come together to remember the contagious smile and huge heart of the beloved Everett Glenn. He played an important, influential, and unforgettable role in our lives and not only transformed our community but also reshaped the way we view our world.
Congratulations to Robert Pannullo and team at Winston & Strawn LLP for being recognized as one of Law360's Sports Group of the year for their work advocating for the rights of athletes.
Congratulations to Michael Zage on his engagement to Chelsea Maizel in May 2022.
Who is post-baseball Max? I'm pretty busy! During the day, I'm a Global Business Development Manager at Canalyst, a venture-backed Fintech company in NYC. The day-to-day consists of building, motivating, and empowering a team of Sales Development Reps to overachieve and meet their goals. After several years of selling into senior buyside professionals and the capital markets, I landed at Canalyst, a time saving SAAS solution utilized by Hedge Funds. In addition to the management role at Canalyst, I also oversee all baseball operations with Iron Nine Baseball, an Essex County club baseball program focused on the development of youth baseball players. Days can be chaotic as I handle all logistics and essentially find myself on call for over 80 players and 150+ parents. I’m enjoying the double-dip, and while it’s a bit time-consuming and days are busy, I enjoy the challenge.
How did you first become interested in your profession? I got my start selling in the capital markets at Third Bridge, an investment research market, providing some of the world’s largest hedge funds with insights. I found that sales offered a fast-paced and continuously challenging career. It correlated quite nicely with my athletic background as commissions/quota essentially equate to statistics. While I did not have the ideal finance background initially, I've become passionate around the capital markets and have learned a great deal. Volatile markets and a surplus of jobs in the Northeast can create great challenges for a VC-backed private company looking to hire, but Canalyst has navigated through the turbulence and continued to grow.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced, and what did you learn from it? The biggest career challenge I faced was actually during my pro baseball stint, "hanging up the cleats." In the spring of 2020, I was invited to attend MLB Spring Training with the LA Angels and was set to start in AAA that season. Things took an abrupt turn, and all players and staff were asked to return home for "a couple of weeks." After several months, the minor league season was cancelled, thousands of players lost their jobs, and the contraction of Minor League Baseball was well underway. The big learning lesson for me throughout my baseball tenure is that the game owes you nothing: you have to go out every day and scrap for everything you can get. After some contemplation and discussions with family, I ultimately decided to stop playing. While baseball brought me countless memories, access to excellent training, eccentric teammates, and a chance to play and visit 37 states in the US, it was time to step away.
How has the transition been from playing to coaching baseball? My wife and I joke that I have not skipped a beat. The transition has been smooth, and I often find myself on a baseball diamond coaching 5-7 days/week. As mentioned, baseball came to a screeching halt in 2020 (because of COVID-19), and several of my teammates and I were left to land on our feet. Some continued to play, and others tapped into different avenues. After making a few connections and giving some lessons to local players, the idea of creating "teams" came to mind, and the rest was history.
In what ways did MKA prepare you for the path your life has taken? MKA taught me how to learn. More specifically, it's where I learned to critically think, collaborate, and meet deadlines. In retrospect, I think balancing MKA's core curriculum, playing multiple sports, and living 30 minutes from the school was a profound challenge. In college, things slowed down a bit, and my academics began to click. MKA prepared me to be a self starter, stay organized, and manage my time: all three traits that are still extremely crucial in my workflow today. I am forever grateful to the school, its teachers, and the MKA community as a whole.
Congratulations to Mark Phillips on marrying Julia Heymann. The wedding was on June 18, 2022 in Burlington, VT, where the two met in college. The rain and cold weather didn’t stop them from having a great time with friends and family.
/ MKA / Ms. Kassandra Fotiadis; kassandra.fotiadis@gmail.com
Congratulations to Kaila Fleisig on winning the “Rookie of the Year” award at Salesforce. Kaila is a Senior Solution Engineer and has been with the company since February 2021.
Congratulations to Joanna Zak on her engagement to Sean Hurlburt in March 2022.
Congratulations to Divya Desani on accomplishing a huge milestone when she received her medical degree with Distinction in Service from Albany Medical Center. She recently recounted the ways in which her MKA experience was formative and how the teachers she met here impacted her journey, and she thanked them for their unwavering support and belief
Tell us about your decision to pursue Orthopedic Surgery. Why medicine? How did you first become interested in your profession? During my sophomore year at Johns Hopkins University, I had the opportunity to take a course at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, which is a center for children with brain, spinal cord, and musculoskeletal disorders. I facilitated therapeutic play activities for patients, and it made me fall in love with the care aspect of medicine. Towards the end of my third year of medical school at the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine in Nutley, I got exposure to Orthopedic Surgery and immediately took to it. I really appreciate the instant gratification you get from operating and having a patient's body change forms and become functionally better before your eyes. I also love the emphasis on quality of life in Orthopedics. My decision to pursue Orthopedics
has now brought me to the Mayo Clinic where my passion for this field has continued to grow.
How did MKA prepare you for your career? MKA was challenging in a very positive way. In high school, you're navigating everything: social life, sports, clubs, classes. You have limited time, and I directly attribute my time management skills to my experience at MKA. In addition, MKA sparked my love of learning. I had phenomenal teachers and mentors at MKA.
What is your biggest career failure/challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? I failed Organic Chemistry in college. I was a straight A student my entire life, so I was not used to failing. Out of this experience, I learned that I needed to give myself enough time to master concepts. When things seem impossible, know that if you put in the time, you'll get there.
What is your proudest accomplishment? I am really proud to have been offered a job at the Mayo Clinic. A year ago I thought I wouldn't even get into Orthopedic Surgery because the field is so competitive. Mayo Clinic is the number one hospital in the world, and I am humbled by the opportunity to serve as a physician and to learn from amazing, accomplished mentors at this special place.
in her. It began with a short story that Mr. Steve Valentine presented to her English class because he recognized her interest in medicine, and the journey continues based on the pillars she learned at MKA: Knowledge, Vision, and Integrity. She said, "Integrity gives all the other qualities grounding...[and] with integrity and humility, I will continue to show my colleagues and patients how I wish to contribute to a patientcentered medical field using my knowledge, courageous vision, and dedication to service."
On Monday June 6, David Bezer gave the Graduate Senior Address at the Montclair State University Feliciano School of Business Convocation Ceremony.
/ MKA / Ms. Korinne “Kori” Durando; koridurando@gmail.com
Alumnae Morgan Smith and Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06 played 9 holes at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota, Florida in February 2022.
/ MKA / Ms. Zoe Bieler; zoe.bieler@gmail.com
Mr. Charles Rilli; crilli33@gmail.com
Lily Andres; lily.andres@gmail.com
Grace Halvey wrote about her experience navigating the college application process
Congratulations to '15 classmates Wesley Wade, Malcolm Dixon, and Julian Spain on the launch of their new company: givr. Givr is a philanthropy-focused tech company that provides a mobile app to connect individuals to charities and nonprofits all over the country. They utilize professional athletes, celebrities, and influencer partnerships to bring recognition to organizations and to educate the next generation of philanthropists. “We want to change the overall culture surrounding philanthropy, by educating and encouraging our generation and the next through athlete and celebrity social influence. We realized during the pandemic how difficult and outdated the process was to donate to people in need. We created a platform that erases those issues and allows our users to make an instant impact on organizations they care about. All while helping them stay organized and to understand charitable tax deductions.”
The givr app is set to launch during the giving season of 2022.
Hello, everyone! My name is Dillon Carroll. I graduated from MKA’s Upper School in June of 2016. Afterward, I attended Cornell University ’20, where I attained a BA in history with a concentration in the history of capitalism and minors in business and psychology. To this day, I credit choosing to go to MKA as arguably the best decision I have made in my life. Going to a school that encouraged a love of learning and supported students in free thinking was a gift. Whether that was as a founding member of MKA’s first student-led a cappella group (The Unaccompanied Minors) or as a regular stand-in at my desk in the history department office, MKA provided me the opportunity to truly begin finding the parts of myself that I wanted to embrace further.
At Cornell University, I met one of my closest friends, Mark Kreynovich. Mark and I were freshman-year roommates and shared a lot in common, including our values, aspirations, and coincidentally, a birthday (February 25). Mark was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine in 1998, but when he was 6-months old, his parents immigrated to Baltimore, MD. Despite growing up and being educated in the US, Mark spent every summer between the ages of 5 and 18 living with his grandfather and family in Kharkiv. In 2018, Mark invited me to come to Ukraine, and we spent 3 weeks traveling throughout the country. I got to know Mark’s family and fell in love with the rich history and cultural differences in Ukraine. Unfortunately, while I was looking forward to returning to Kharkiv in May 2022, everything changed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the day before my and Mark’s shared birthday.
As the chaotic war raged for that first week, Mark and I were in disbelief and outraged. Then, I thought back to early 2014, sitting in Mr. Hessler’s Revolutions class while news reports flooded in saying extreme unrest had begun in Ukraine. Little did I know it was a precursor to the war now devastating the entirety of the country.
I knew Mark was suffering with worry and concern for his family and so on March 3, after a 30-minute discussion, we purchased two one-way tickets to Vienna, Austria, at 11:30 p.m. that same evening from JFK. It felt liberating: we were going to help our friends and Mark’s family in a tangible way beyond raising awareness and posting to our social media accounts. On the way to the airport, we launched a crowdfunding page called Mission to Ukraine on a 0% commission site called Spotfund (www.spot.fund/missiontoukraine), where we hoped to raise a few thousand dollars to purchase desperately needed medical supplies and provide any support possible for refugees pouring across the border.
Within three months, our efforts grew immensely. We raised over $450,000 and created a grassroots logistics team/network throughout the EU and within Ukraine that we use to successfully purchase, procure, and deliver critical supplies to the most affected areas of Ukraine. The support we have received throughout our time in Eastern Europe has been so immense and genuinely humbling that we have left our lives in NYC and are now living in Krakow, Poland. For the next year, we intend to continue growing our support efforts as this war unfortunately continues.
Before doing all of this, neither Mark nor I had any experience in fundraising, logistics, supply chains, or humanitarian aid. However, it’s incredible to see how much you can accomplish not only with the absolute conviction of making your idea work but also with the generous support of donors, those who spread the word about what we are doing, and those various professionals that have given us a crash-course in entrepreneurship, media relations, international law, and more.
If anyone told me in early February that I would move to Eastern Europe to run an international NGO raising thousands of dollars to directly deliver critical supplies throughout an active war zone, I would think they were ludicrous. But as I reflect more deeply on where I am and what I am doing, it makes sense. Knowledge, Vision, Integrity resonate with me as much now as they did with an aspirational 14-year-old me some ten years ago. These three values have been critical in everything we have done and accomplished so far in our efforts to provide aid to Ukraine. While it takes a different amount of time for anyone to find those things that inspire or motivate them to their core, I am fortunate to say I have found one of mine, thanks to my time at MKA.
I’ll end by leaving some of the reflections I have taken from my journey thus far that I hope will resonate with alumni and hopefully any student who may read this. First and foremost, the potential of human connection is boundless. Making and maintaining personal relationships is by far the most essential skill in the work I am doing now and in all aspects of life. Genuine curiosity, openness, and humility will open more opportunities than you can imagine. Sometimes, you must let the universe guide you and appreciate it when it works in your favor. Don’t be afraid to change your life at an uncomfortable pace or at a time that feels ambiguous. Change is the only constant we can rely on, and it’s better to embrace it than shy away. Finally, never forget that we live our lives in the present looking forward, but we experience our lives by looking backward; give yourself time to reflect on what you’ve done in your life and where you want to go next.
Over the next year, I will be in Poland, providing support to Ukraine and adapting to whatever the most critical needs are on the ground. I hope you all will support and follow what we are doing over the next year and feel free to read more about us at www.linktr.ee/missiontoukraine. Thank you to everyone at MKA who has supported me and my efforts thus far, especially the alumni association, which generously reached out to me to write this. Until next time!
“... the three fundamental principles that MKA espouses (Knowledge, Vision, Integrity) resonate with me as much now as they did with an aspirational 14-year-old me some ten years ago.”
as someone with dyslexia and ADHD in a new ezine presented by Understood.org. Understood's for/by is a new online publication featuring stories for everyone, written by people who learn and think differently. Here is the article, https://medium.com/for-by/ the-hidden-truth-aboutchoosing-the-right-collegewhen-you-have-dyslexia3e526a339ecc.
Congratulations to Kennedy Robinson on being named MKA’s new Head Varsity Girls’ Volleyball Coach for the 2022 fall season. Kennedy was one of the most decorated players in the program’s history and was named a 2x Essex County "Player of the Year” in 2015 and 2016. She led the Cougars to the program's first-ever Essex County Volleyball Championship in 2015 and went on to play at the University of Alabama. Kennedy is currently coaching Boys’ Volleyball at Paterson Charter School with MKA’s former Volleyball Coach Mike Tully.
on February 28. He spoke to our student athletes the importance of building relationships with teammates, coaches, and beyond. Angelo is a former MKA Captain in both Varsity Boys’ Basketball and Varsity Baseball and was winner of the 2017 Winter Captain’s Award in Boys’ Basketball. Angelo graduated from the University of Miami in 2021 with a degree in psychology and is currently receiving his Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology from Springfield College (MA).
Congratulations to Cory Berberian on being named the 2021-2022 NAHL Broadcaster of the Year. Cory is the Director of Media and Broadcasting for the Bismarck Bobcats in North Dakota.
/ MKA / Ms. Lailanni Lucien; llucien05@gmail.com
Mr. Keenan McAuliffe; keenmac13@gmail.com
Ms. Kerri McGuire; kerrimcg11@yahoo.com
Congratulations to Kathleen “Kiki” Porter on her acceptance into Butler University for the Master of Music in Choral Conducting with a full tuition scholarship and stipend from the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir fellowship.
and ensemble in Kiss me Kate and Mary Poppins
/ MKA / Siblings Patrick and Kristin Morisseau ’13 stood courtside at Madison Square Garden as Providence College played in the Big East Tournament in March 2022.
/ MKA / Ms. Jenna Donatiello; jdonatiello12@aol.com
Mr. Matthew ‘Matt’ Rubenstein; mattrubenstein98@gmail.com
Angelo Weber was featured in the MKA’s Student Athletic Council (SAC) “Cougar Chats”
Matthew Petrocelli completed the Boston Marathon on April 18 with a phenomenal finish, following in the footsteps of his former coach, Tom Fleming.
Ellie Kallay landed her first professional contract at Cortland Repertory Theater in their 50th anniversary season. She will be playing Crissy in Hair
/ MKA / Congratulations to Leah Glaser on being called up to join the first ever US Paralympic Women’s National Team in the 2022 World Cup in Salou, Spain. The Paralympic National team fields players with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, or stroke. Leah plays forward for Team USA. Joining Leah in Spain is alumni Shea Hammond ’20 He will be competing for The U.S. Para Men’s National Team. MKA is incredibly proud of these athletes and wish them and the US teams the best of luck!
/ MKA / In May, two of our newest alumni Brennan ColumbiaWalsh and Ava Levinson co-produced MKA's first-ever Alumni Show. The Butcher of Mauthausen, a full-length play written and directed by Brennan and production stage-managed by Ava, was performed three times from May 27 to May 29 after a record-breaking two-week rehearsal process. Reuniting a cast and crew of over twenty current and past MKA students, the play featured alumni actors Jaycee Brill ’20, Emily Sasfai ’20, John Colbert ’20, Jamen Meistrich ’20, Jonah Barbin ’21, Katie Kallay ’20, and Alex Glotzer ’21, as well as alumni crew member Kendall Larrier ’20. "Bringing The Butcher of Mauthausen to fruition was a dream come true," states Brennan. "The opportunity to create art in Deetjen alongside artists and friends from the past and present has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I'm so grateful to all those who came together to make this play a reality. Only at MKA can a group of friends be led by their love for art and for each other through such an amazing journey."
Philanthropy is often referred to as the generosity of time, talent, and treasure. When blended together, these three
are the ingredients that make a place like MKA more than a great school but a thriving, supportive community. Our mission to inspire students to lead lives of noble character, purpose, and distinction is accomplished through this collective generosity.
Our students learn from and are inspired by our community's actions. This past school year 1,370 individuals
and over 400 alumni, parents, grandparents and friends volunteered
talent. When students come to MKA, they are given opportunities that transform
to share themselves with the world. Thank you for being part of each one
journeys and investing in tomorrow’s leaders.
FALL 2022
$250,000 AND UP
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Cara and Dan Cesareo
Faculty Excellence Fellowship Linda and Brian Sterling
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations
Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Margaret and Richard Wager
Unrestricted Gift to MKA W. Ford Schuman*
our facility aspirations, endowment priorities,
experience for our students.
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations
Lisa and Andrew B. Abramson '71 Kerry and Paul Murphy Katherine and Robert J. Ruberton
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations and Financial Assistance Heather and Vincent Benjamin The Pinkerton Foundation
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations Kate Logan and Edmund Rung
$1M AND UP Upper School Academic Center Ann and Barry W. Ridings '70
Unrestricted Gift to MKA Lisa and Joseph Amato
Unrestricted Gift to MKA Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon
The Arnold A. Dicke Fund Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti
Brookside Renovation Amy and Peter J. Fusco '89 Lauren Kaplan '93 and Doug Kaplan Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Katherine and Robert J. Ruberton
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations
Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations, The Philip McNeal Leadership Program and Thomas W. Nammack Community Scholarship Bonnie and Michael Carter
Middle School Tennis Pavilion The Everson Family
Muenster Field Renovation Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino
The Philip McNeal Leadership Program Glenda McNeal
Thomas W. Nammack Community Scholarship Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund
The Watkins Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Rene and Marc J. Watkins
Brookside Renovation Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations Suzanne and Mark Weinberg Mary and Joel Jeffrey Zandi and Thomas Nammack
The Philip McNeal Leadership Program Lori and Patrick Fouché
Technology Tools Stephanie and Glenn Salzman
Thomas W. Nammack Community Scholarship Whitney and Daniel Carson '83
Weiss Auditorium
The McMullen Family Foundation
Unrestricted Gift to MKA Joan and Ken Barrett
Brookside Renovation
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Rhonda and David A. Crichlow Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj
MKA Active: Middle School Fields Renovations
Deanna and Sean Critchley Larry and Lynda Hollander Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey
Thomas W. Nammack Community Scholarship Meredith and Aaron Gardner
The MKA Loyalty Society celebrates MKA’s most loyal alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who have given for three or more consecutive years. These generous individuals understand that consecutive annual investments, no matter the amount, advance our mission and vision, give our students immeasurable opportunities and foster a culture of giving at our school.
Henry V. Allen '65
John Blondel '74
Jane Bonner '51
Barbara Creed '62
Paul and Liz Edwards Mary and Edward Elliott
Penny Finkle
Nancy and Donald Foster Frances and Jack Heller '50 Alice and Steven Hirsh
Richard R. Hobbins '56
Thomas D. Isenberg '75
Eric F. Jaeckel '56
Jackie and Rick Jenkins
Charlotte E. Judd '60
Ann Kent '50
Toni LeQuire-Schott and Newton B. Schott, Jr.
Leslie Levine '74 and Peter Levine
Sheila Lindveit '53
Janet Mason '48
Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77 and Peter S. McMullen '77
Barry A. Meisel '59
Robert H. Nagel '73
Larry Nazarian '56
Eugene C. Neithold '57
Harry Nimmergut '75
Richard D. Noyes '69
Malcolm B. O'Hara '73
Barbara and Martin N. Rosen '58
Charles R. Sage '52
David L. Schwartzbard '86
Helen Skeen '56
Marianne Steinhacker '59
Susan Wood '63
Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu
Joan Adams '46
Daniel Allen '07
CherylAnne and Michael Amendola Aubin Ames '54
Ralph E. Amirata '89
René Amirata
Rick and Linny Andlinger
Conny and John M. Andres Florence and Derrick Arcilla Lisa S. Aufzien '76
Robert A. August '73
Christie and Ingram Austin Kathryn Auw Prasad '01 Betsy Bacot-Aigner '80
Kimberly A. Baker '00 Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90
Jenn and Dave Baratta
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett
Alise and Damien A. Barrett
Maureen Bates Joel Bauer '59
Sharon and Larry Beebe Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Carlaina Bell Howard T. Bellin '53
Victor Bernstein '65 Melanie Bieber '03 Jessica C. Bishop '04 Marilyn Blackwell '65 Francis J. Blesso '87 John C. Blesso '89
Michael A. Bonarti Karen Boyle '81
John M. Brandow '71 Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan Elizabeth and J. Martin Brayboy '80 Kristina and James Bromley Deborah and William W. Brown Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen Thomas R. Brueckner '72 Sheldon W. Buck '54
Dayana D. Campo and Roger Walter Candice and Timothy S. Carlson Georgia S. Carrington '54 Bonnie and Michael Carter Marian Castell '54
James Castelli
Anthony M. Celentano '74 Denise Chezek '72
David J. Choi '90 Jenna Clancey '03
Geoffrey S. Close '71 Evelyn and Stephen T. Colbert Barbara and Raymond L. Colotti Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti Patricia Park Connell Robert Cottingham
Paige L. Cottingham-Streater '79
Christina Cotton and Brian Clarkson Allan Cox '74
Francine Crawford '66
Rhonda and David A. Crichlow Lara J. Dahl and Adam S. Breslawsky Peter and Katie Dancy Lori Daskowitz
Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94
Laura Demaria
Alicia N. Diaz and Manuel Carbajal George C. Dolatly '86 George A. Downsbrough '69
Michael Ehrenberg '75 Ralph L. Ellis '58
Monica and Matthew Elmore Daniel E. Emerson '42
Patrick Eng '82
Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund
The Everson Family
John J. Farrar '62
Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Anne M. and David Flocco
Patricia Forbes Lindsay B. Forman '01
Amy Fossett Sue Fossett
Balaji Gandhi '91
Catherine and Pete Gaynor Michael C. Gennet '58 Mary Stuart and Angus Gephart Maria Gilmartin and Dimitri Hadjipetkov Deborah Glazer '87 Raj P. Gona '87
Deborah Gordon and Benjamin Goodrich Charles Gray '07 Shelly B. Grossman John F. Grubin '62
Diana and Salvatore Guccione Bruce Guernsey '62
Karen and Robert Gulliver John S. Guttmann '71 David E. Haight '88 Susan and Alan Hammer Christine G. Hannon '69 Suzanne Hardy '61 Joseph H. Hare '65
Pamela and Michael Harriott Kathryn V. Hatfield Pilar Henriquez-Groves and Richard E. Groves Ann and David Hessler Prof. Tracy Higgins and Mr. James Leitner Larry and Lynda Hollander Alexander B. Holz '99 Schuyler Horn '59 Debbie Horn and Ronald Wolfson Jackie and Larry Horn Erin Hotchkiss '02
Michael Houston Myra and George Hrab Robert J. Hubsmith '77 David L. Hughes '76 Julianne A. Hunt and David Korfhage Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Elizabeth and Jason Katz Patricia Kearns Gail Kerr '52 Marsha and Randy Kleinman Raymond J. Knox '76 Virginia Kriegel Suresh Krishnan Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George Mary and Matt Kunka Alexander J. Langbein '03 Linda and Christopher Larkin Nancy Lee '75 Alexis L. Levengood '06 Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Erica I. Lubetkin '86 Vanessa and John Lucas Gemma and Richard R. Lury Margot and Hugh Macdonnell Dennis Manalo '88 Dara J. Marmon '91 Louise and Guy Maxwell Jill and Michael T. Maza Audrey McBratney-Bittner '50 and Douglas McBratney-Bittner Laura and Manes M. Merrit Frederic A. Miller '69 Ruth D. Miller Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo Ada and Angelo Mogavero Anne M. Morey '79 Ruth Morine '65
Michele A. Mucci '84
Kerry and Paul Murphy Meghan Murray and Jack Stadtlander Zandi and Thomas Nammack Karen and Thomas Newman
Helen Nie and Dennis Hu Kristine O'Connor '83 and Michael O'Connor
Benjamin E. Parker '96 Trish and Tom Perlmutter Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Kim and Luca Puzzo Candace S. Rabinowitz '94 Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon
Carol Rasic '56
Lyn and Glenn M. Reiter
Benjamin P. Rich Eileen and Robert C. Richardson Diane Ridley, MD '84 Sabino T. Rodano '87
Dana E. Rose and Jared Barbin Arthur G. Rosen '61
Lawrence Rosen '84
Douglas A. Rosen '91 Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart Joshua D. Rozan '94
Jin and Daniel Rubenstein Katherine and Robert Ruberton John H. Rudd '67
Martha and Thomas Ruddy Stephanie and Glenn Salzman Eric A. Sandwall '60
Emily Santangelo '02
Jodi and Luke Sarsfield '91 Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Tripti Singh and Samarpal S. Bhatia Jane and Kenneth Smith Sheila and Todd Smith Laurie and Jeffrey Smith Christopher H. Smith '85 Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Dudley C. Smith '49
Katharine L. Sonnenberg and Thomas S. Zaubler
Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti Jaclyn Spedaliere '00
Linda and Brian Sterling Brook and William Stites Susanna Suh and James Larish C.G. Thomas '74
Veronica and Mauricio Toscano Carol Traenkle '55
Marianne Traina Sonia and William Tyson Hobart D. Van Deusen '54 Amy C. Van Eepoel and Stephen Valentine Bronson Van Wyck '63
Kerry Verrone and John Jacobs Margaret and Richard Wager Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98
Margo and Frank Walter Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Watkins Kristen Weaver and David Polinchock Scott M. Weiner '92 Carla A. Woldt '03
Susan Wright '65 Abraham I. Zeigler '89 Anonymous (3)
Delicia and Julius S. Abdur-Rahim Lisa and Joseph Amato
Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal Jason A. Awerdick '94
Isabel and Michael Alexander David N. Allen Cionna S. Almeida '03 Thomas V. Alpren '63 Mr. Masoud and Mrs. Nadia Altirs Igor Alves '99
Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner Valerie and Bill Anders Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch and Kristian Lynch
Michael A. Baker '59 Mario Baldino Leena and Suvrat Bansal Mark R. Baran '74
Jennifer and Matt Baranello Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Sarah and Craig Barrack Wendy and Jared F. Bartie Pamela M. Barz '79
Penelope Bassett and Miles Hackett Anne and Martin Baum Matilda Baye-Akaho and Wisdom Akaho
Milton C. Beard '59 Sandrine Beddou
Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97 Thane E. Benson '70
Dominique Benson Gretchen L. Berra
Ronak S. Bhatia '19
Donna Blanes
Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg Cortland Bosc Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg
Nakeyl J. Branch-Johnson
and Abdullah F. Johnson David F. Brandley '73
Casey Breslow - Glugeyh'03 Stacie L. Bright and Jordan K. Rhodes Regina and Bill Bronson Sheri and Ted Bronstein Allison Brown '04 and Steven M. Brown Kirsten and Christopher Brown Parkins T. Burger '95
Christy Burke Ingrid E. Burke Kristina and Tom Burke Seth L. Bynum '11 Kelly Byrne '08
Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Liam Campbell Rebecca L. Campbell '88 Carolyn Cariello '62 Cara and Dan Cesareo Dianna and Dohyun Cha Monica and Atul Chakradeo Siu Chan-Lui and John Lui Wenfang Chen and Peter Young Katie and Christopher Cherchio Nathan Chickering
Peggy Chien and Chris Tsai Nina and Suraj Chopra Sonia Chudasama-Patel and Amish Patel
Abigail and Edward K. Chung Erin and Tom Chung Laura and Christopher Chung Renee L. Ciccarella '93
Kimberly and Robert Clark Laura and Thomas Clark Paul J. Colatrella '86 Ms. Susan Cole '78 P '10 Christina and Raymond Colotti Meg Columbia-Walsh Ashley Conde Timothy C. Cook Elizabeth and Shane Cooney
Deanna and James Copeland Alisa A. Corbett Kate B. Corcoran '97 Tahirah and Onaje Crawford Steven Cristello Deanna and Sean Critchley Robert F. D'Alessandro '19 N. B. and Patricia Dancy Edwin and Kathryn Davison Margaret and Gregg B. Deehan '68 Carmen and David J. DeMatteis '95 Demetra Demetrios- Avalos and Jose Avalos Sandra and Arthur DeRose Nicholas DeVenezia Ashley and Robert D. Di Geronimo Judith and Charles Dickerson Caitlin DiRuggiero '06 Laura and Robert Doto Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas Philip L. Ehrlich '82 Bruce M. Eng '79 Kathy and Christopher X. Eng Shirley and Willie Eng Adam Erbes '19 Laurie and Jon Ewing Patricia Ewing Yun Fan and Yong Cai Lauren and Jason Fass Efua and Louis Feldman Michael D. Feldman '80 Jeffrey Festa '06
Jocelyn Fine and Javier Ferrandiz Sally and Donald Firth Robert M. Fischbein '56 Megan and Chad Flick Susan Foley Suzanne and Marek E. Forysiak Alexandra C. Fotinopoulos '13 Filomena and Demetrios Fotinopoulos Lori and Patrick Fouché Bette Fox and Richard Liss Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick
Joelle M. Francht Sheri and Jason Friedman Lora and Calworth Furbert Susan Galligan '74 and Thomas C. Galligan '73 Frank Gallo '75
Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Lauren and Nathan S. Gardner Meredith and Aaron Gardner Holly Gathright '62 Meritt B. Gavin '58
Alexander Gephart '06 Charles Gephart '08 Peter E. Gibson '82
Louis M. Gioffre '72
Alisha and Jonathan Glaser Paul F. Glover '60
Bora Goekbora '08
Joanne Goldberg '87 and Daniel Goldberg Carolyn and Michael Goldman Melissa Goldman-Williams Dennis G. Goldstein '83 Russell Goodrich
Ayana C. Goore '89
Foram and Jayesh Gopalji Mary Ellen and David Gray Marie Grover
Gael Habernickel '54 and Duke Habernickel '51 Mary Hack '65
Deborah E. Haight '96
Injoo Han King and Michael King
Carla Harris and Victor Franklin Jade Harris and Michael Copeland Lisa Harrison
Stuart Harwood '07
Emma and Marshall Hatcher Alan Hawes '96
Rebecca and Roland Hayes Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Colleen Helsel
Jennifer C. Hendrian '77
Madge Henning '70
Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01
Pam Holding '82
Laini J. Homer
Lauren Hooper-Rogers '00
Nicole and David Hoppe
Josephine and Michael Horsburgh Christine and Charles Hough
Elise Hubert and Joseph Borrelli Miller and Stephen Hughes
Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman
The Ievers Family
Dwight Jackson '08
Mark M. Jaffe '58
Dipali and Sudhir Jain Hope and David L. Jeffrey Mary and Joel Jeffrey
Peter Jensen
Suzanne M. Jogun and Mark C. Astley
Douglas W. Johnson '62
Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino
Eun Jung Kang and Bum Suk Shim
Le Kang and Geng Liu
Nancy Booth Kelly '52
Rebecca and Jonathan Kelly Peggy and Chris Kenrick
Maryanne Kesler
Daniella and Bryan Kessler
Azka Khan and Faisal Asghar
Ruth Kidde
Hailey and Charlie Kim
Julie Kim '92 and Sung W. Kim
Victoria Kitirattragarn '15
Christina M. Klais and Roland U. Turck
Suzanne K. Klein '62
Kimberly and Philip Koserowski Michael S. Kurtz '57
Pia Kutten
Andrew M. Kyrejko '05
Laura La Corte '83
Dena and Keith Lambie Cara Landolfi '05
Taryn and Darren Langer
India Larrier '80 and John H. Larrier
Lisa Lazarus and Robert Coviello Michelle and James Lee
Philip G. Leone '60
Rachel Levine '06
Jiang Li and Tianwei Yao
Charlotte Lillard
Caroline Lilore-Sciancalepore and Anthony Sciancalepore
Kate Curtin Lindsey '72
Robert D. Lipman '71
Jennifer Liu and Benjamin Chang Mei Liu and Yingjun Sun
Robert S. Livesey '65
Fay Lonsinger and Bryan Lonsinger
Lillian Louie '72
Pearl Louie and Eric Lieberman Xiaoyu Lu and Heng Zou Tricia and John Mac Evoy
Margaret Madden '50
Piper B. and Michael J. Magera
Helen Makohon
Ellen R. Malcolm '65
Tiffany and Julian M. Malloy Barbara and Dennis Mamchur
Rich Margolin
Jen and Earl Marshall S. Lawrence Martin '55
Stacey Martin Kelly and William R. Massey Kristen and Mark R. McClusky Kerri McGuire '18
Lhenée S. McKoy '05
Erin and James McMenamin Elise McMullen '08
Marnie McNany
Glenda McNeal
Leslie Meek-Wohl and Ethan Wohl Courtney and Christopher Meeker Ami A. Mehra '95
Michael S. Melitz '14
Lynn Menschenfreund and Paulo Silva Leah and Steven Meranus
Amy Meyers and Anthony Rizzo Heather E. Milke '15
Amanda and Scott T. Milleisen Jeannette and Philip Miller Luz and Luis Miranda
Kenneth Miscia
Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey Veena and Alphonsus Moniz Melissa Montemuino
Derek Morf
Richard and Susan Morganstein Kristin J. Morisseau '13
Richard M. Moskowitz '81
Chadd A. Mukete '11
Charles J. Mund '74
Jennifer Murawski-Boyar and Howard Boyar
John J. Murphy '72 Ryan Napoli '15
Anne and Patrick J. Naughton Huma Niazi
Emily J. Nisbet '90
Samora Noguera '02 Geraldine E. Nolin '74 David B. Nolle '79 Heather and Michael Nowak Pilar and Gary Nussbaum Kimberly and John O'Kane Patricia and Hugh O'Kane Karin and John W. Odell
Henry Ohls
Alexandra Okun and Craig Dubitsky Crystal Olsen Glynn Deborah and Michael I. Otner Carol Ottenberg '56 Nilie Pajoohi '89 and Hossein Ekrami Corrie and Albert Pantow Patricia and J. Dean Paolucci '73 Patricia and Alan Parke Kiwitta Paschal '94
Bruce B. Pastorini '71 Anna and Andras Pataki Nadine Pearce and Alan Jones Laela Perkins and Michael Thwaite '97 Peter N. Perretti '72 Doreen Perna
Joan Pestka
Loretta C. Peterson Jill Porter Larson '90 Bidyut and Reena Pramanik
Marie Louise Purdy and Roger Seifter Valerie and Wesley S. Puryear Hanna and Jozef Puzio Ariana K. Puzzo '14
Spencer Pyke Michael and Renee Rallatos Shruti and Sharad Ramesh Joshua M. Ramos '99
Juan Ramos
Lauren Ramos Kimberly and David W. Ramsay Joseph and John Randolph Maubra Randolph Michelle and Jordan Raper Yesenia Ravelo-Rodriguez and Erik Rodriguez
Mannan Razzak Hollie and Sean Reddington Limor and Robert Regular Rhonda and Stephen Richard Ann and Barry W. Ridings '70 Lori and David Riley Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia
Sara and Glenn Robertson Sabrina and Adam Rodgers Laura and Victor Rodriguez Wendy D. Roome '66 Erin and Paul D. Rooney Peri and Thomas P. Rosamilia Iris Rosario and Luis Martinez Michael A. Rosenberg '76 Emily Rosenblum and Steve Lucas Stacy and Scott Rosenblum Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Olga and David Rukshin Nitu and Saras Rustagi Emily Ryan '04
Franklin M. Sachs '58
Anu Sahi-Shah and Samir B. Shah Barbara and Steven Sakovits Richard Sandler '48
Alexander Sandoval '17 Lincoln P. Sandoval Marshall P. Sandoval '14 Regan P. Sandoval '21 Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall You Gata Angel Foundation Jessica Sarfati
Michael D. Sasso '12 Kim Saunders Colleen and Robert Scalzo Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 April L. Schott-Auerbach '98 and Philip A. Auerbach Kyle M. Schrader Eric R. Schwarz '76 Daphne and Gardner B. Semet '79 Cornelia A. Serota '39 Amy and Jay Shapiro Frederick H. Sheldon '70 Maria Shepard Mendez Julie and Matthew Sherman Kristen Sigler Meredith and Justin Silver Andrea D. Simon '65 Fangzhou and Sevan Simon Elizabeth Sinn Keri and Darryl Siry Karen and Emanuel Slater Alison Slone and Adam Miller Daniel Smith
Rebecca Smith '11 Camilla B. Solari '91 Manika Sood and Prashant Bhatia Laura Sorokoff Gelman and Andrew Gelman Jennie and JT Sowers Kate and James Stanford Aaron Sterling '14 Claire Sterling '90 Emma Sterling '12 Daniel Stern '11 Peter R. Stern '65 April and Brett Straten Deb Streit and Roy Breslow Po Shan Suen and Howard Borzell Heather Symons '01
Johanna and Edward Szerencsits Ami and Andrew M. Talkow Meg and Harry Temkin Alice M. Terrell-Bryant Adeline and Jean Thomas Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93 Emily T. Tompsett Seth D. Traum '91 and Lauren Traum The Treadaway Family C.Y. Treene '54 Nicholas Tricarico Erica Tricarico-DeTrolio Marc Tuazon Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey Rosanne Ugone '76
Mary Valentine and Shanie Israel Lois and John Van Deusen
E. Hawley Van Wyck, III '60
Stefania and Jeffrey M. Venezia Gloria and John Vinasco
Sonia Vora and Carlos Gonzalez Louis S. Waldman '01
Samuel Walter '06
Nancy Ward '56 Rene and Marc J. Watkins Valbona and Todd E. Watkins Angelo Weber '17
Lori and Parker A. Weil Suzanne and Mark Weinberg
The Weinstein Family
Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze Carol and David Weppner
Elizabeth and Ather Williams Katie and Cameron Williams
Keith Williams
Stephanie and Olin Williams
Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Jim Windolf '82 Jessica and Ari Wise
Jean Witherington '54
Michelle Worthington
Cindy Wu and Raymond Tse Nicole Xu and Jonathan To Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu Jennifer Young
Shazia and Sajid S. Zaidi
Jennifer and Peter J. Zangari Damon W. Zeigler '86 Karina and Marek Zidlicky Laura Zimmerman
Jonathan A. Zweifler '97 Anonymous (15)
A strong endowment ensures that MKA has the financial stability to continue its long tradition of excellence. Income from a growing endowment can enhance the operating budget, help moderate tuition increases and provide funding for scholarships and financial aid, crucial to realizing MKA’s ongoing commitment to diversity. We are deeply grateful to those who made gifts to the endowment during the 2021-22 school year.
The Coach Edwards Athletic Fund
Candida Aversenti Alexander Gephart '06
Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77 and Peter S. McMullen '77
The McMullen Family Foundation Patricia and J. Dean Paolucci '73 Jon Strain Scott M. Weiner '92
The Everett Glenn Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Alexander J. Langbein '03 Andrew Lokker '11 Michael D. Sasso '12 Marianne Traina
Montclair Academy Class of ’65 Scholarship Fund Robert S. Livesey '65
Thomas W. Nammack Community Scholarship Whitney and Daniel Carson '83 Bonnie and Michael Carter Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund Meredith and Aaron Gardner Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon Diane Ridley, MD '84
The Watkins Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Rene and Marc J. Watkins
The Arnold A. Dicke Fund Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti
The Elliot Furbert Award
Hannah G. Barker '07
Lora and Calworth Furbert Sharon Gill Michael S. Melitz '14
Margaret Osborne Science Prize Fund Margaret Madden '50
The Scott Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund Maggie and Tom Cowing
The Philip McNeal Leadership Program Bonnie and Michael Carter Timothy Erb Rose and Timothy Filley Pamela Firestone Lori and Patrick Fouché
The Graves Family Caroline Graves Judith Greene Glenda McNeal Barry Smith Ninette and Arthur Steinberg
The Booth Kelly Family Fund Nancy Booth Kelly '52
Unrestricted Lee Randolph Bean*
The Amy Louise Timmons Scholarship Fund
Bud Mekeel Scholarship Fund
The Community Scholars Endowment
Beatrice C. Crawford Memorial Scholarship
The Brogan Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Denise and Ira Wagner Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Denise Farandatos Anastasiou ’62 Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Don Knowlton Scholarship Fund
The Downsbrough Scholarship Fund
The George Hrab Family Scholarship Endowment
The Linda and Brian Sterling Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Mary-Anne Treene Evans Scholarship Fund
The Mildred B. and David G. Baird Scholarship Fund
Margaret Ann Mullins Tortoriello Scholarship
The Robert Hemmeter Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Seth Morris Endowed Scholarship Fund
Faculty Compensation Endowment
The Drukker Foundation Faculty Educational Fund
The Peter & Terry Greer Faculty Compensation Fund Mary K. Robertson Faculty Salary Fund
The Elizabeth O’Neil Feagley Award Fund Dr. Peter R. Greer Character Award
The Timmons Scholarship Fund
Dehlia Sunshine Endowment Fund
Thank you to the individuals who supported one of MKA’s capital initiatives in the 2020-21 school year.
Lisa and Andrew B. Abramson '71 Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett
Heather and Vincent Benjamin Gretchen L. Berra
Bonnie and Michael Carter Cara and Dan Cesareo
Katie and Michael Cocco Deanna and Sean Critchley Edwin and Kathryn Davison Frank J. Herrmann '02
Lynda and Larry Hollander Mary and Joel Jeffrey Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Madison Kilduff
Gisela and Ben Limberg
Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Kerry and Paul Murphy Zandi and Thomas Nammack Deborah and Michael I. Otner PAMKA
The Pinkerton Foundation Katherine and Robert Ruberton Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Manika Sood and Prashant Bhatia Ami and Andrew M. Talkow Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey Margaret and Richard Wager Suzanne and Mark Weinberg Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze
Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino
Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett
Rhonda and David A. Crichlow Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Katherine and Robert Ruberton Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89
The Treadaway Family
The Everson Family
Ann and Barry W. Ridings '70
Shelly B. Grossman
The McMullen Family Foundation Zandi and Thomas Nammack Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94
The MKA Fund, our annual giving program, provides critical resources to create a truly exceptional educational experience for our students. We are incredibly grateful to the 1,316 individuals who generously donated $1.5 million this year. Your support helps us provide the very best education to our students, making a difference in their lives, and in the lives of our faculty and staff. Thank you for your investment in our mission.
AmazonSmile Foundation Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu Delicia and Julius S. Abdur-Rahim Ryan Abfier '22
Ibrahim Abukwaik '15 Joan Adams '46 Linda and Bamidele Adebola Olubunmi O. and Richards A. Afonja Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal Nicholas H. Alessi '72 Isabel and Michael Alexander Daniel Allen '07
David N. Allen Henry V. Allen '65 John S. Allen '57 Cionna S. Almeida '03 Thomas V. Alpren '63 CherylAnne and Michael Amendola Antonia J. Amico '06 and Andrew Barchenko '06
Ralph E. Amirata '89 AMP Fund Valerie and Bill Anders Rick and Linny Andlinger Conny and John M. Andres Lily H. Andres '16
Michelle Ankrah Florence and Derrick Arcilla Lisa S. Aufzien '76
Elizabeth August and Martin Restituyo Robert A. August '73 Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch and Kristian Lynch Christie and Ingram Austin Kathryn Auw Prasad '01 Andrew Avalos '24 Irena Avalos '25 Betsy Bacot-Aigner '80 Kimberly A. Baker '00 Michael A. Baker '59 Sandra and Bevan K. Baker Mario Baldino
Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Ann and Hector Banegas Leena and Suvrat Bansal Mark R. Baran '74 Jennifer and Matt Baranello Elliott G. Baratta '23 Jenn and Dave Baratta Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Sarah and Craig Barrack Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Devon Barrett '10 Maureen Bates
Joel Bauer '59
Anne and Martin Baum Matilda Baye-Akaho and Wisdom Akaho Milton C. Beard '59
Michele and Bryan Becker '96 Sandrine Beddou
Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Sharon and Larry Beebe
Jeffrey Beer
Melissa Bell '94 and John F. Bell '93
Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97
Curtis Belle
Howard T. Bellin '53
Heather and Vincent Benjamin Thane E. Benson '70
Pamela B. Berkowsky '81 Victor Bernstein '65
Alexandra Berra '23
Gretchen L. Berra
Thea and Luis Betancourt
Stephen A. Bezer '11
Abhay Bhandari '18
Ashish and Sneha Bhatia
Ronny Bhatia '19
Melanie Bieber '03
Jessica C. Bishop '04
Britton and Drew Bitterman Kyung and David Blackburn Marilyn Blackwell '65 Cynthia Blair '45
Donna Blanes
Tammy and Michael Blau Francis J. Blesso '87
Jacqueline and Frank Blesso John C. Blesso '89
Juris N. Blodnieks '81
John Blondel '74
Stephanie Boariu '22
Michael A. Bonarti
Jane Bonner '51
Julia L. Bonsal '67
LaRhonda Boone '87
Michelle Borowski and Jihad Slim William K. and Rhea Boss
Dorina Botas and Thomas Mathew Karen Boyle '81
Crystal Branch '83
Nakeyl J. Branch-Johnson and Abdullah F. Johnson
David F. Brandley '73
Karen and Gordon Braverman Robert A. Brawer '55
Casey Breslow - Glugeyh'03
Shayla and William Bridges Stacie L. Bright and Jordan K. Rhodes
Kristina and James Bromley
Michael Bronstein '22
Sheri and Ted Bronstein
Allison Brown '04 and Steven M. Brown
Kirsten and Christopher Brown Melissa Brown and Joel De La Fuente Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen David L. Bruck '61
Thomas R. Brueckner '72
James H. Bryan '71
Sheldon W. Buck '54 Marina T. Budhos and Marc H. Aronson Devin C. Bukowczyk '05
Christopher Burchell '92 Amy and James T. Burger Parkins T. Burger '95
Christy Burke
Ingrid E. Burke
Kristina and Tom Burke
Michael H. Butler '18
Theresa Butler
Seth L. Bynum '11 Kelly Byrne '08
Guadalupe Cabido Shade and Leon Shade '98
Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Paula Caires and Cassiel Valcarcel A. C. Cameron '66
Rebecca L. Campbell '88
Dayana D. Campo and Roger Walter Jan and Adam Canton
Jack Cappitelli and Robin Schwartz '85
Joan Carlisle '46
Candice and Timothy S. Carlson Alison and Rolando Carrascosa
Georgia S. Carrington '54
Teedee Carroll Bonnie and Michael Carter
Marian Castell '54
James Castelli
Grace Cecilio-Dueno and Jason Dueno Anthony M. Celentano '74
Samuel Cerna Cara and Dan Cesareo
Dianna and Dohyun Cha Monica and Atul Chakradeo Siu Chan-Lui and John Lui Amanda B. Chase '03
Sonia and Parmi Cheema Wenfang Chen and Peter Young Katie and Christopher Cherchio Bryce W. Cherry '22
Denise Chezek '72
Nathan Chickering
Peggy Chien and Chris Tsai Nina and Suraj Chopra Bree and Keenan Choy
Sonia Chudasama-Patel and Amish Patel
Abigail and Edward K. Chung
Betty Chung '33
Laura and Christopher Chung Sukjung and Inyoung Chung Renee L. Ciccarella '93
Jenna Clancey '03
Kimberly and Robert Clark Laura and Thomas Clark Geoffrey S. Close '71
Katie and Michael Cocco Stacy Cochran '77 Beth A. Cohn '86
Evelyn and Stephen T. Colbert Ms. Susan Cole '78 P '10
Pamela and Justin Colledge Barbara and Raymond L. Colotti Christina and Raymond Colotti Ashley Conde Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti A. R. Coningsby '53
Monica Conley and Eric Newman Patricia Park Connell
Timothy C. Cook Elizabeth and Shane Cooney Alisa A. Corbett Kate B. Corcoran '97 Cynthia Corhan-Aitken and Murray Aitken Scott Coronis John A. Cosentino '67
Robert Cottingham Paige L. Cottingham-Streater '79 Joseph A. Courter '57 Francine Crawford '66 Steven Cristello Kathy Critchley '87 and Michael Critchley Kathryn D. Crowell '47 Katrina and John Cunningham Patricia and Edward W. Currie Ellen C. Curtin '65 Kyle G. Curtin '82 Robert F. D'Alessandro '19 Eugene M. D'Altrui '76
Paul N. Dackow '72 N. B. and Patricia Dancy Peter and Katie Dancy Lori Daskowitz
Edwin and Kathryn Davison Mary Ann Decker '58
Jenelle Decoteau and Greg Baker Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94 Sarah Dee and Eric Miller Margaret and Gregg B. Deehan '68 Andrea DelleChiaie and Risa Wexler Lyenda and Warren Delp Brendan Demaria '33 Laura Demaria Molly B. Demaria '29 Carmen and David J. DeMatteis '95 Demetra Demetrios-Avalos and Jose Avalos Elizabeth DeRose Sandra and Arthur DeRose Nicholas DeVenezia Ashley and Robert D. Di Geronimo Carla and Donato Di Trolio Gemma M. Diaco '98
Alicia N. Diaz and Manuel Carbajal Judith and Charles Dickerson Jennifer DiPace and Neil Goyal Joseph J. Doerr '72 Carol Doerr-Cucci and Richard C. Cucci George C. Dolatly '86
Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas George A. Downsbrough '69 Jenn Dozier and Anindya Chakraberti Nicole Dumas-Little Jim W. Dwyer and Debra Lienhardt-Dwyer Robin A. Dyer Jane and Tom Dyszkiewicz Jessica Eckert and Jason Spies Erin and John P. Edwards '97 Paul and Liz Edwards Courtney A. Effinger Michael Ehrenberg '75 Philip L. Ehrlich '82 Elana Elkhouri '24 Mary and Edward Elliott Ralph L. Ellis '58 Daniel E. Emerson '42 Bruce M. Eng '79 Kathy and Christopher X. Eng Patrick Eng '82 Shirley and Willie Eng Abigail Erbes '17 Adam Erbes '19 Andrea and Frank Erickson Patricia Ewing Laurie and Jon Ewing Yun Fan and Yong Cai
Erin S. Farkaly '01 John J. Farrar '62
Lauren and Jason Fass Diana and John S. Fennelly Isabella M. Feraca '22 Elizabeth S. Ferguson Michelle I. Fertig Jeffrey Festa '06
Jocelyn Fine and Javier Ferrandiz Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Penny Finkle Sally and Donald Firth Robert M. Fischbein '56
Breena and Jed A. Fishback Holly and Ruben Fleischer Megan and Chad Flick Anne M. and David Flocco Nathally and Marco Florio Ayantu Flowers '22 Alexandra Forman-Chou and William Chou Suzanne and Marek E. Forysiak Amy Fossett Sue Fossett Nancy and Donald Foster Alexandra C. Fotinopoulos '13 Filomena and Demetrios Fotinopoulos Lori and Patrick Fouché Bette Fox and Richard Liss Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick Joelle M. Francht Jessica and Michael Freeman Sheri and Jason Friedman Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Karen and Heny Furst Marguerite Gaines Krishna S. Gall '12 Susan Galligan '74 and Thomas C. Galligan '73 Frank Gallo '75
Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Balaji Gandhi '91 Wei Gao and Liqiang Zhang Joyce Gardiner Lauren and Nathan S. Gardner Holly Gathright '62 Meritt B. Gavin '58 Catherine and Pete Gaynor Michael C. Gennet '58 Charles Gephart '08 Mary Stuart and Angus Gephart Nicholas S. Gerard '15 Maria Geronimo and Kenneth MacCardle Leslie Gerstman and Louis Rizio Suzanne Giarrusso Peter E. Gibson '82
Maria Gilmartin and Dimitri Hadjipetkov Louis M. Gioffre '72
Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall Alisha and Jonathan Glaser Leah Glaser '21
Jessica and Brian Glatt Deborah Glazer '87 Hugh J. Gleason '75 Georgia Glick '57 Judith G. Glinder '89 Loyd S. Godwin '90 Joanne Goldberg '87 and Daniel Goldberg Carolyn and Michael Goldman Dennis G. Goldstein '83 Raj P. Gona '87 Russell Goodrich Foram and Jayesh Gopalji Deborah Gordon and Benjamin Goodrich Charles Gray '07 Mary Ellen and David Gray Nicholas F. Graziano '90
Ashley Greene '85
Ashley B. Griffin '00
Edward A. Griggs '69
Dionne Gronda '01
Shelly B. Grossman
Marie Grover
John F. Grubin '62
Alexandra Guccione '09
Diana and Salvatore Guccione Bruce Guernsey '62
Nadina Guglielmetti and Brian Sieger Lisa Gunn-Becker
John S. Guttmann '71
Gael Habernickel '54 and Duke Habernickel '51 Mary Hack '65
David E. Haight '88
Deborah E. Haight '96
Maureen and David E. Haight William Hall '82 Ann Hallowell '56
Virginia and James A. Halprin '80 Susan and Alan Hammer
Injoo Han King and Michael King Lesley J. Hand '77
Christine G. Hannon '69
Suzanne Hardy '61
Joseph H. Hare '65
Pamela and Michael Harriott Jade Harris and Michael Copeland Isabel Vock Hart '72
Kathryn V. Hatfield
Alan Hawes '96
Rhonda and Stratton R. Heath Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Frances and Jack Heller '50 Carol and Mike Helmick
Colleen Helsel
Jennifer C. Hendrian '77 Matthew B. Hendrian '86
Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Mary Ann and Frank Herrmann Geneva Hester Ellen and Stephen Higgins Prof. Tracy Higgins and Mr. James Leitner
Kimberly A. Hill Mary and Kevin Hipp Alice and Steven Hirsh Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01
Codi Hirst
Richard R. Hobbins '56
Pam Holding '82 Iris Holloman
Selina Holmes
Alexander B. Holz '99
Richard A. Hopkins '50
Debbie Horn and Ronald Wolfson Jackie and Larry Horn
Schuyler Horn '59
Josephine and Michael Horsburgh Erin Hotchkiss '02
Christine and Charles Hough Michael Houston
Myra and George Hrab
Carol Hsu and Wayne Narucki Jin Hu
Bonnie Huang and Mark Preston Elise Hubert and Joseph Borrelli Kathy and Bill Hubert
Robert J. Hubsmith '77
David L. Hughes '76
Linda Hughes and Steven Napolitano Katherine E. Hulse '22
Julianne A. Hunt and David Korfhage Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman The Ievers Family Chelsea Intrabartola Mark W. Irving '97
Catherine and Philip Irwin Thomas D. Isenberg '75
Laura Itzkowitz '81
Alice and Matthew Iversen '96
Christopher J. Jackson '02
Dwight Jackson '08
Deborah Jacobson '77 Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Eric F. Jaeckel '56
Mark M. Jaffe '58
Dipali and Sudhir Jain Raynetta and John James Marjorie Jameson Hope and David L. Jeffrey Mary and Joel Jeffrey
Heather Jeney and Arvind Basra Jackie and Rick Jenkins Kate and Brady Jenkins Patsy Jensen and Paul Fehlner
Peter Jensen
Suzanne M. Jogun and Mark C. Astley Ann and Thomas S. Johnson
Douglas W. Johnson '62
Susan and Rees L. Jones
Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino John V. Judd '58
Sandra and Gregory Kahn
Adela Kalenja and Andras T. Forgacs
Avie C. Kalker '68
Barbara Kane and Jack Schwartz Eun Jung Kang and Bum Suk Shim Le Kang and Geng Liu Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Elizabeth and Jason Katz
Perri R. Katz '22
Joshua Kaufman '22 Stacey and Mark Kaufman Joseph S. Kavesh '86
Patricia Kearns
Nancy Booth Kelly '52
Rebecca and Jonathan Kelly Sheila and John Kelly Charles Kenrick '23 Peggy and Chris Kenrick Gail Kerr '52
Noah Kessler '04
Daniella and Bryan Kessler Azka Khan and Faisal Asghar
Ruth Kidde
Madison Kilduff Hailey and Charlie Kim Jihee Kim and Byung J. Lee
John K. Kim '81
Judy Kim and Daniel Lim Julie Kim '92 and Sung W. Kim Abigail Kirsch '22
Victoria Kitirattragarn '15
Christina M. Klais and Roland U. Turck Marsha and Randy Kleinman
Raymond J. Knox '76
Becky Koch and James Kilcoyne Melyssa Koffman
Leah and Adam Kopelan Kimberly and Philip Koserowski
William F. Kovacs '73
Frederick L. Kramer '58
Virginia Kriegel
Suresh Krishnan
Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George Mary and Matt Kunka
Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen
Michael S. Kurtz '57
Allison and Eric Kusseluk '93
Pia Kutten
Hyun-Ju Kwak and Steve Kim
Laura La Corte '83
Frank J. La Rocca '69 and Lucia La Rocca Brenda and Robert Ladd
Sapna and Vejay G. Lalla '93
Dena and Keith Lambie Judith and Richard Lancioni Amanda Langan
Taryn and Darren Langer India Larrier '80 and John H. Larrier Jennifer and Jonathan Larsen David G. Lawrence '55
Dorothy E. Lawrence '47
Phillip W. Lazier '53
Cory and Mark Lebovitch Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee Michelle and James Lee Nancy Lee '75
Walter Lee
William and Hwain Lee Iguana and Morrease Leftwich John Leister
Dominic J. Leone '12 Philip G. Leone '60
Toni LeQuire-Schott and Newton B. Schott, Jr.
Adam M. Lerner '91
Louis R. Lessig '89
David Levin '64 Yale F. Levin '89
Deborah and Jared Levine Leslie Levine '74 and Peter Levine
Meredith Levine and Andrew Heller Rachel Levine '06
The Levy Family Ebonee Lewis Ellen and Jonathan Lewis Marlene and Stephen Lewis Cuixia Li
Jiang Li and Tianwei Yao Caroline Lilore-Sciancalepore and Anthony Sciancalepore David and Amy Lim Evan Lim '26
Hayne Lim '11 Liah Lim '24
Gisela and Ben Limberg Kate Curtin Lindsey '72
Robert D. Lipman '71
Yael Lipton and Matthew Glasofer Joshua G. Lite '96
Franklin Liu '89
Jennifer Liu and Benjamin Chang Mei Liu and Yingjun Sun Wendy Liu and Jingsheng Hua Suzanne Locke '83
Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Victor Lopez-Quiros Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia Pearl Louie and Eric Lieberman Xiaoyu Lu and Heng Zou Vanessa and John Lucas Jonathan Lui '22
Gemma and Richard R. Lury Elena and Anthony Mack Rashida MacMurray-Abdullah '91 Anu and Dileep Madgavkar Piper B. and Michael J. Magera Jennifer Maietto Helen Makohon Andrea Maline '87
Tara Mallon
Tiffany and Julian M. Malloy Barbara and Dennis Mamchur Dennis Manalo '88
Phillip Mancusi-Ungaro '71
Rich Margolin
Paula and Joseph A. Marino '67 Dara J. Marmon '91
S. Lawrence Martin '55
Stacey Martin Rob and Nicole Masella Janet Mason '48 Kelly and William R. Massey Karen Matyasovsky
Louise and Guy Maxwell Jill and Michael T. Maza
Fatou Mbaye and Mten Halsey Angela M. McCaffrey '06 Elizabeth and Andrew McCann Kristen and Mark R. McClusky Kerri McGuire '18
Suzanne and Joseph McGuire Alexandra McManus '81 Erin and James McMenamin Helen and Jim McMenamin Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77 and Peter S. McMullen '77 Elise McMullen '08
Marnie McNany
Leslie Meek-Wohl and Ethan Wohl Courtney and Christopher Meeker Ami A. Mehra '95
Barry A. Meisel '59 Lucia and Ian M. Melhuish '99 Rebecca and Maximiliano F. Mendez Vinita and Vinay Mendiratta Lynn Menschenfreund and Paulo Silva Meg Menzel and Aaron Kissel Leah and Steven Meranus Laura and Manes M. Merrit Amy Meyers and Anthony Rizzo Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri Heather E. Milke '15
Amanda and Scott T. Milleisen Frederic A. Miller '69
Jeannette and Philip Miller Julie and James Millon Justin R. Minion '14 Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo Lauren Mirman '01 and Matthew Mirman Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey Sharon Moe '92 Ada and Angelo Mogavero Lois A. Montorio James Moore Maria Moreno Anne M. Morey '79 Richard and Susan Morganstein Kristin J. Morisseau '13
The Mortimore Family Richard M. Moskowitz '81 Di Mou and Shuai Wang Michele A. Mucci '84 Chadd A. Mukete '11 Jennifer Murawski-Boyar and Howard Boyar Kerry and Paul Murphy Alfred H. Murray '48 Meghan Murray and Jack Stadtlander Heidi and John Muscarelle Diana and Devang Nagrecha Zandi and Thomas Nammack Ryan Napoli '15
The Narula Foundation Anne and Patrick J. Naughton Patrick Naughton Larry Nazarian '56 Karen and Thomas Newman New York Bariatric Group LLC Helen Nie and Dennis Hu Stephanie and Brian Nigito Kelly-Anne and Joseph Nigro Harry Nimmergut '75 Emily J. Nisbet '90 Daisy M. Nishigaya '89 Paxton Nithikasem '25 Helen and Christopher I. Noble '84 David B. Nolle '79 Heather and Michael Nowak Pilar and Gary Nussbaum Kristine O'Connor '83 and Michael O'Connor Richard O'Dea '51 Malcolm B. O'Hara '73
Kimberly and John O'Kane Patricia and Hugh O'Kane Brittany O'Neill
Karin and John W. Odell Maureen and Mgbeahuru Ogbuehi Henry Ohls
Allison B. Oishi '96
Alexandra Okun and Craig Dubitsky Crystal Olsen Glynn Gwynne Oosterbaan and John-Michael Maas
Traci Otey Blunt and Jonathan Blunt Amy and Ralph Pacifico
Ellen Page '53
Susan and Joseph Pannullo Corrie and Albert Pantow Henry Park '86
Katie Parke '03
Patricia and Alan Parke
Benjamin E. Parker '96 Kiwitta Paschal '94
Bruce B. Pastorini '71
Anna and Andras Pataki
Mona Patel and Adeep Thumar Nadine Pearce and Alan Jones Tameka and David Pearce
Judith and Brewster Perkins
Laela Perkins and Michael Thwaite '97 Trish and Tom Perlmutter Lora and Todd Perlow
Doreen Perna
Craig C. Perry '67
Joan Pestka
Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval Loretta C. Peterson
Salka Fernandez and Angel Pineiro Robert Piotrowski Jr.
Dana Pisacane '01
Chaim D. Pizem '02
Adele D. Poholsky '60
Cassandra E. Polanskyj '22
Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Laura Popp-Rosenberg and David Rosenberg
Kathleen S. Porter '18
Jill Porter Larson '90 Shawn and David Portner Brendan Powell '18
Bidyut and Reena Pramanik
Mary Kate Pretto '03
Marie Louise Purdy and Roger Seifter
Deepti Purohit and Mohit Bhargava Hanna and Jozef Puzio
Spencer Pyke
Susan Quatrone and Brett Fischer Laura Quintano
Melissa Raak and Ernest Nardone Candace S. Rabinowitz '94
Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi Michael and Renee Rallatos
Shruti and Sharad Ramesh
Juan Ramos
Lauren Ramos
Jacklyn and Pasquale Ranalli Joseph and John Randolph Maubra Randolph Michelle and Jordan Raper Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon Carol Rasic '56
Priya and Avi V. Raval
Yesenia Ravelo-Rodriguez and Erik Rodriguez
Mannan Razzak
Hollie and Sean Reddington
Limor and Robert Regular Rosemary Rehus
Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01
Courtney Reinisch and Eric Seid Diana E. Reiter '01 and Sean Mersten
Lyn and Glenn M. Reiter
Benjamin P. Rich
Rhonda and Stephen Richard Eileen and Robert C. Richardson
Richard Ridgway
Lori and David Riley
Brittany and Pablo Rincon
Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia Sabino T. Rodano '87
Sabrina and Adam Rodgers
Laura and Victor Rodriguez
Joseph C. Romaglia
Wendy D. Roome '66
Erin and Paul D. Rooney
Peri and Thomas P. Rosamilia Iris Rosario and Luis Martinez
Andrew C. Roselund '19
Arthur G. Rosen '61
Barbara and Martin N. Rosen '58
Douglas A. Rosen '91
Lawrence Rosen '84
Michael A. Rosenberg '76
Emily Rosenblum and Steve Lucas
Myrna and Robert Rosenblum
Stacy and Scott Rosenblum
Lauren and Lawrence Rosenthal
Richard Rosenthal
Terry and Jani Ross
Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart Joshua D. Rozan '94
Katherine and Robert Ruberton John H. Rudd '67
Martha and Thomas Ruddy
Kristen and Jim Rugel
Olga and David Rukshin Nitu and Saras Rustagi
Ravi Rustagi
Franklin M. Sachs '58
Alison Sacknowitz '83
Robyn Sacks and Andrew Slutzky
Charles R. Sage '52
Shelley Sakolsky
Barbara and Steven Sakovits
Jennifer Salinas and Christian Mendoza Kyle Salkin
Casey M. Salzman '22
Stephanie and Glenn Salzman
Jonathan Sandler '82
Richard Sandler '48
Alexander Sandoval '17 Lincoln Sandoval Marshall P. Sandoval '14
Regan P. Sandoval '21
Eric A. Sandwall '60
Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall
You Gata Angel
Emily Santangelo '02
Elizabeth A. Santarlasci '79
Jessica Sarfati
Kim Saunders
Amarkanth and Patrisia Saxena
Bianca Scalzo '28
Colleen and Robert Scalzo
April L. Schott-Auerbach '98 and Philip A. Auerbach
Steven Schottenfeld '72
Kyle M. Schrader
Jonathan D. Schwartz and Kate M. Zernike
Natalie and Robert S. Schwartz
David L. Schwartzbard '86
Jeanine Schwartzbard and Gary Schwartzbard '93
Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Daphne and Gardner B. Semet '79 Gabriella Semet '11
Edwin Sena
Cornelia A. Serota '39 Carl H. Shaifer '49
Frederick H. Sheldon '70
Shobaa Sherawat and Gary A. Bashur Julie and Matthew Sherman Mikie Sherrill and Jason Hedberg Anna Shin and Stephen Kwon Adreme Shubrick
Lisa and Walter C. Sierotko
Meredith and Justin Silver Andrea D. Simon '65
Fangzhou and Sevan Simon Elizabeth Sinn Keri and Darryl Siry Helen Skeen '56
Karen and Emanuel Slater Nancy and Anthony Slone Christopher H. Smith '85
Daniel Smith Dudley C. Smith '49
Jane and Kenneth Smith Jodi and Jeffrey Smith Laurie and Jeffrey Smith Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Rebecca Smith '11
Sheila and Todd Smith Corinne and Kevin R. Smithen Sabrina Sodja and Aaron Kramer Camilla B. Solari '91 Ava I. Somogyi and Alden Provost Julie Song and Nicholaos Krenteras Katharine L. Sonnenberg and Thomas S. Zaubler
Laura Sorokoff Gelman and Andrew Gelman
Jennie and JT Sowers Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti Jaclyn Spedaliere '00
Nicole St Pierre Kate and James Stanford Bridget Stanton '14 Jane R. Stanton '09 Linda Stark
Joanna Steckler and Max Goldman Marianne Steinhacker '59
Sharon Stephens and Laurus Sutton Daniel Stern '11
Peter R. Stern '65
Brook and William Stites Margaret Stone and Jonathan Dee Robert Strain '16
Nicole and Rahmaan R. Streater
Deb Streit and Roy Breslow Michael I. Sucoff '56
Sharon Sudol '76
Po Shan Suen and Howard Borzell Susanna Suh and James Larish Alexandra Svernlov '82 Iris and Josiah Swasey Renata Sykorova and Petr Sykora Heather Symons '01 Su-Yun and Armin Szegedi Johanna and Edward Szerencsits Rita Tamakloe
Jon W. Tarrant '63
Alexis Taylor
Madalena and Vernal Taylor Anjali Tekriwal and Renzo Bautista Janet and Louis Tenore Mark Teo '91
Louisa and Kenneth Testa Jennifer and Jay Thibodaux C.G. Thomas '74 Adeline and Jean Thomas Edward Thompson Elizabeth and Wallace Thompson Erica Thompson John B. Thompson '03 Anderson Thwaite '34 Pat and Ed Thwaite Amy Mai Tierney Marie Tobia Nidhi Tomar and Rama Variankaval Carol Traenkle '55
Seth D. Traum '91 and Lauren Traum The Treadaway Family C.Y. Treene '54 Natalie and Tommaso Trento Nicholas Tricarico Erica Tricarico-DeTrolio
Becky Turcotte
Teanna and Jack Tycher Sonia and William Tyson Rosanne Ugone '76 Nadine and Bradley Vaiana Kate Vail and Dan Wolff Raghuveer Vallabhaneni '93 Hobart D. Van Deusen '54 Lois and John Van Deusen Amy C. Van Eepoel and Stephen Valentine Mara van Loggerenberg '05 Bronson Van Wyck '63 E. Hawley Van Wyck, III '60 Greta Velez De Villa - Dowdell and Michael Dowdell Stefania and Jeffrey M. Venezia Kerry Verrone and John Jacobs Gloria and John Vinasco Sonia Vora and Carlos Gonzalez Wesley Wade '15
Margaret and Richard Wager Shelley Walchak '69 Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98 Louis S. Waldman '01 Paula and Herbert Waldman
Kim and Geoff Walls
Margo and Frank Walter
Samuel Walter '06
Marla and Mark Wander Lisa Wang and Leo Shilkrot
Karen Wargo and David Rubin
Donald Warren
Kristen Weaver and David Polinchock Angelo Weber '17
Kimberly and Samuel Wechsler Lori and Parker A. Weil
Suzanne and Mark Weinberg
Scott M. Weiner '92
Susan and Leonard Weintraub Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze Carol and David Weppner Kevin Wilkins '83
Alexandra P. Williams '22
Elizabeth and Ather Williams Katie and Cameron Williams Keith Williams
Joseph H. Willner '62
Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Jill Wimmer
Muriel and John A. Windolf Jessica and Ari Wise
Carla A. Woldt '03
Julie and Spencer Wolfson Jonathan Wood '78 Susan Wood '63
Thomas M. Wood '73 Susan Wright '65
Cindy Wu and Raymond Tse Nicole Xu and Jonathan To Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Qianting Yao and Kai Liu Brandon Yeu '22
Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu Jennifer Young
Shazia and Sajid S. Zaidi
Jennifer and Peter J. Zangari Natalia Zappa do Valle Tuler
Damon W. Zeigler '86 Sunny Zhao and Gavin Gao Karina and Marek Zidlicky
Laura Zimmerman Tracy and Bobby Zur Jonathan A. Zweifler '97 Anonymous (47)
for me to become a deeper thinker, a focused student
a better citizen, and just as importantly, because I want to help provide these opportunities to a new, ever more diverse generation of scholars." Igor Alves '99
The Community Scholars Program was founded in 1969 by Montclair Academy and has been the school’s longest standing effort to reduce the financial barriers of providing an exceptional academic experience for extraordinary young men and women. The program can support seven scholars per year and covers full tuition and all related school and extracurricular activity costs.This program is almost entirely funded through MKA’s operating budget.
David N. Allen
Igor Alves '99 Elizabeth Amato '13
René Amirata
Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner Kathryn Auw Prasad '01
Jason A. Awerdick '94
Kimberly A. Baker '00
Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Alise and Damien A. Barrett
John E. Baney '17
Angela Barreto and Nat Rosen Wendy and Jared F. Bartie
Penelope Bassett Elizabeth and Ian Bate Darrin Bedol '08 Carlaina Bell
Dominique Benson Melanie Bieber '03
Zammeah Bivins-Gibson Dana P. Bonsell '97
Martha Bonta and Mark Rotella Cortland Bosc
Lee Boudreaux and Bo Berkman
Grace Bourbon
John M. Brandow '71
Elizabeth and J. Martin Brayboy '80 Pamela and Michael Brodie Regina and Bill Bronson Deborah and William W. Brown
Jennifer and Cie-Jai Brown
Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen Thomas R. Brueckner '72 Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Liam Campbell Shelby S. Carter '22
Jennifer Cassidy David J. Choi '90
Jessica H. Christian '22 Erin and Tom Chung Eleanor Chung '29 George Chung '32 Sherrese Clarke Soares and Roger Soares Stacy Cochran '77
Abigail Cohen '05 Paul J. Colatrella '86
Monica Conley and Eric Newman Breanna Conley '08 and Shamsudeen Conley Timothy C. Cook Deanna and James Copeland Allan Cox '74
Tahirah and Onaje Crawford Donald Cussen '83
Janet D'Innocenzio Lara J. Dahl and Adam S. Breslawsky N. B. and Patricia Dancy Katherine M. Davis '09 Sarah Dee and Eric Miller Nicholas DeVenezia
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06 Deanna Donnelly Laura and Robert Doto Michelle Drewry Shirley Drewry
Aiden Ehrenreich '22 Monica and Matthew Elmore Sara and David Elwell Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund Andrea and Frank Erickson Sandra Evans
The Everson Family Ted D. Fall '79
Catherine Fears and Russell Zack Efua and Louis Feldman Michael D. Feldman '80 Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Megan and Kevin Fischbeck Susan Foley
Patricia Forbes Lindsay B. Forman '01 Amy Fossett Jessica and Michael Freeman Annabella French-Brown '29 Wanda and Monique French-Brown Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Meredith and Aaron Gardner Veronica and Joseph Geronimo Harlan O. Gibbs '72 Paul F. Glover '60
Frank G. Godlewski '76
Bora Goekbora '08
Geetanjali Gohal David and Anand I. David
Melissa Goldman-Williams Ayana C. Goore '89
John C. Gouwar '17 Owen Grover '91
Karen and Robert Gulliver Marc A. Gurtman '90
Magdalena and Carlos Guzman
Kristin Halvey
Carla Harris and Victor Franklin Samuel G. Harris
Lisa Harrison
Stuart Harwood '07
Emma and Marshall Hatcher
Rebecca and Roland Hayes
Karen Heath-Wade and Kirk Wade
Liza and Keith Helwig
Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Pilar Henriquez-Groves and Richard E. Groves Ann and David Hessler Danielle and Kevin Higgins Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01 William R. Hitchcock '19 Laini J. Homer Lauren Hooper-Rogers '00 Nicole and David Hoppe
Established with a lead gift from a Kimberley School alumna, The Kimberley Fund provides financial aid to deserving young women in grades 6-12.
Roberta and Peter Adams
Aubin Ames '54
Nia Armstrong and Michael Griffin
Jenn and Dave Baratta
Pamela M. Barz '79
Merrill Bausch
Margaret Bilotti '62
Cortland Bosc
Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg
Sarah S. Bradley '12
Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan Susanne Brisach '62
Theadora Bulajic '18
Carolyn Cariello '62
Tacey B. Carroll '72
Claire Coles '61
Christina Cotton and Brian Clarkson Barbara Creed '62
June Cronin '49
Marjorie Cross '47
Sosinna Degefu
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
Mary Anne Doty '60
Michelle Drewry
Shirley Drewry Sara and David Elwell Tilly-Jo Emerson '54
Noel Estes '66
Lauren and Jason Fass
Fay Fawcett '52 and Edward Fawcett
Barbara Flessas '72 and Robert E. David
Robert Gelberg '10
Georgia Glick '57
Mary and Jonathan Guldin Barbara Gurnsey '62
Barbara Haase Marc Hauser '91
Madge Henning '70
Winifred Hentschel '70
Alan B. Hirsh '69
Susan S. Huang '72
Charlotte E. Judd '60
Suzanne K. Klein '62
Janet Koskoff '56
Kate Curtin Lindsey '72
Sheila Lindveit '53
Fay and Bryan Lonsinger
Lillian Louie '72
Ellen R. Malcolm '65
Jen and Earl Marshall Audrey McBratney-Bittner '50 and Douglas McBratney-Bittner Kerri McGuire '18
Tracy McVeigh and Andrew Melitz Susan Montaner '62
Christina Montgomery '81 Margaret Morfit '62
Ruth Morine '65
Beverly Myers '62
Judith Nesbit
Carol Ottenberg '56
Natalija Ovsjanikovska and Andrey Apinis Besa and David E. Owen Sandra Pekar '66
Deborah Pines '64
Iris Rosario and Luis Martinez Liz and Daniel Ross
Petra Sauer
Patricia Schmid '62
John Schwarzmann '51
Karen Segall and Jeremy Bass
Maria Shepard Mendez
Patricia R. Silver '72
Clare and Richard L. Sirois Mary L. Skinner-Klee '62
Linda Smith '56
Robin Smith '73
Sally Alice Smith '60
Lori Steinfeld '96 and David A. Steinfeld '97 Laurel Tahija '67
Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
Nancy Ward '56
Gillian Williams '22
Gail Wilson '56
Ruth Wilson '51 Jean Witherington '54 Anonymous (6)
Miller and Stephen Hughes Monic and Archer Hutchinson
Rosemary Iversen
Cheryl and Robert D. Jackson '73
Latha Jadhav '97
Asa B. Johnson '75
Celeste and Tony Jones
Cristina Junquera Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Donald M. Karp '54
Michelle Kehily and Jonathan Leslie Ann Kent '50
Maryanne Kesler
Aamna and Umar Khan Marc S. Kirschner '60
Amanda C. Klepfer and Ryan G. Sankarpersad Michael S. Kurtz '57
Pia Kutten
Andrew M. Kyrejko '05 Gregory C. Lackey '73
Stephanie Lamenza and Felipe Riera Michelotti
Cara Landolfi '05
Linda and Christopher Larkin Lisa Lazarus and Robert Coviello Alexis L. Levengood '06
Ethan Lieberman '22
Charlotte Lillard David and Amy Lim Erica I. Lubetkin '86
Zoe D. Lynch '21
Margot and Hugh Macdonnell Elena and Anthony Mack
Melissa Maddox-Evans '88 Bruce Marsh '74
Latisse M. Mays-Stovall and James K. Stovall
David McCants '87
Lhenée S. McKoy '05
Briana and Dennis G. McNeil '95 Ruth D. Miller
Luz and Luis Miranda
Kenneth Miscia
Veena and Alphonsus Moniz
Melissa Montemuino Lois A. Montorio
Lisa Bombardieri Moore '90 Derek Morf
Richard B. Morris '21
Sarah Mueller
Charles J. Mund '74
Kerry and Paul Murphy John J. Murphy '72
Meghan Murray and Jack Stadtlander Robert H. Nagel '73
Ingrid Nakamura '92
Eugene C. Neithold '57
New Jersey Council for the Social Studies Bitten Huma Niazi
Helen Nie and Dennis Hu Irene Ning Enrique Noguera '04
Samora Noguera '02
Geraldine E. Nolin '74
Richard D. Noyes '69
Kimberly and John O'Kane Joseph O'Neill
Yungjin Oh Doreen Oliver '92
Deborah and Michael I. Otner Nilie Pajoohi '89 and Hossein Ekrami Bruce B. Pastorini '71
Devika Patel '12
Rahul and Kimmerle Pawar Dave Perini
Laela Perkins and Michael Thwaite '97 Peter N. Perretti '72
Laura and John Phillips '78, P '09, P '10
Gary C. Powell '83 Tiffany and Eric Pratt Kim and Luca Puzzo Ariana K. Puzzo '14 Spencer Pyke
Anita E. Rainford '79 Luis Ramirez
Joshua M. Ramos '99
Juan Ramos
Kimberly and David W. Ramsay Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon Alia Rasheed '25
Courtney Reinisch and Eric Seid Dana E. Rose and Jared Barbin Jin and Daniel Rubenstein Tom J. Ruddy
Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Sheereen and Ahmad Russell Caroline Russo-Visceglia '92 Emily Ryan '04
Jennifer Salinas and Christian Mendoza Stephanie and Glenn Salzman John S. Sanders '75
Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall Jodi and Luke Sarsfield '91 Eric R. Schwarz '76
Kimberly Senter Mouhteros and Taso Mouhteros
Neha Shah and Saiful A. Khan Roshni K. Shah Amy and Jay Shapiro Caroline Sheffet '22 Kristen Sigler Tripti Singh and Samarpal S. Bhatia Alison Slone and Adam Miller Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Claire Sterling '90 Linda and Brian Sterling Aaron Sterling '14 Emma Sterling '12
April and Brett Straten
Carolota and Douglas Tagoe Meg and Harry Temkin
Alice M. Terrell-Bryant
Rebecca Thompson
Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
Emily T. Tompsett
Veronica and Mauricio Toscano Marianne Traina Shawn and David Troutt Marc Tuazon Teanna and Jack Tycher
Mary Valentine and Shanie Israel Lindy and Anton Vincent
Michael A. Vitale '72
Margaret and Richard Wager
Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98
Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Watkins
Valbona and Todd E. Watkins
Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed
The Weinstein Family
Daniel Weller '01
Margot N. Wilensky '99
Stephanie and Olin Williams Linda Williams '72 Laura and Andrew Wilson Jim Windolf '82
Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant Michelle Worthington Rachel Wychules '00
Michael S. Yamashita '67 Abraham I. Zeigler '89
Veronica Zeron and Alexis Mendoza Laura Zimmerman Anonymous (14)
Restricted operating funds support specific initiatives within the annual operating budget.We are deeply grateful for those who have chosen to support a specific area within the 2021-22 fiscal year. Thank you for your support.
Katie and Michael Cocco Kimberly and John O'Kane
Heather and Vincent Benjamin Katie and Michael Cocco
Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed
The Pinkerton Foundation
The Albert Payson Terhune Foundation
Michael A. Bonarti Maria and Daniel R. Lewis Heidi and John Muscarelle
Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia
Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart
Alison Slone and Adam Miller Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu
Susan and Stephen Belyea
David J. Choi '90
Nancy and Donald Foster Loyd S. Godwin '90
The Goldberg Family Dara J. Marmon '91
Claire Sterling '90
The Youg Family Abraham I. Zeigler '89
Kimberly and John O'Kane Stephanie and Glenn Salzman
Lisa and Joseph Amato Joan and Ken Barrett Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg Meg Columbia-Walsh Melissa Goldman-Williams Ed Manigan Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon W. Ford Schumann*
Kathryn and Duane Sachs Brooke and Michael Skolnick
Founders’ Society members demonstrate their commitment to MKA at the highest levels of giving. Their exceptional generosity plays a critical role in MKA’s ability to deliver its mission as their contributions support every facet of the MKA experience. Donors are recognized within the following societies based on their total giving to the school during the entire fiscal year. This does not include future fiscal year pledges.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Lisa and Joseph Amato Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Dennis Manalo '88
PAMKA W. Ford Schumann* Margaret and Richard Wager
$50,000 TO $99,999
Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett
Heather and Vincent Benjamin Cara and Dan Cesareo Glenda McNeal Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon Katherine and Robert Ruberton
$20,000 TO $49,999
Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Kristina and Tom Burke Bonnie and Michael Carter Erin and Tom Chung Evelyn and Stephen T. Colbert Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund
Lori and Patrick Fouché Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan
The McMullen Family Foundation Zandi and Thomas Nammack Kimberly and John O'Kane Ann and Barry W. Ridings '70 Stephanie and Glenn Salzman Jodi and Luke Sarsfield '91 Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti Rene and Marc J. Watkins Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed Suzanne and Mark Weinberg
$10,000 TO $19,999
Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner Rick and Linny Andlinger Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch and Kristian Lynch Joan and Ken Barrett Whitney and Daniel Carson '83 Sherrese Clarke Soares and Roger Soares Meg Columbia-Walsh Edwin and Kathryn Davison Jim W. Dwyer and Debra Lienhardt-Dwyer
The Everson Family Lauren and Jason Fass Efua and Louis Feldman Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Megan and Chad Flick Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Meredith and Aaron Gardner Harlan O. Gibbs '72
Carolyn and Michael Goldman Melissa Goldman-Williams
The Graves Family Karen and Robert Gulliver Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Frank J. Herrmann '02 Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Mary and Joel Jeffrey Nancy Booth Kelly '52 Gisela and Ben Limberg Kerry and Paul Murphy Diana and Devang Nagrecha Stephanie and Brian Nigito Alexandra Okun and Craig Dubitsky Gwynne Oosterbaan and John-Michael Maas Deborah and Michael I. Otner Limor and Robert Regular You Gata Angel Foundation Eric R. Schwarz '76 Julie and Matthew Sherman Karen and Emanuel Slater Alison Slone and Adam Miller Carol Traenkle '55
Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze Elizabeth and Ather Williams Katie and Cameron Williams The Young Family
$5,000 TO $9,999
Delicia and Julius S. Abdur-Rahim Lisa and Andrew B. Abramson '71 Henry V. Allen '65 Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg LaRhonda Boone '87 John M. Brandow '71
Elizabeth and J. Martin Brayboy '80 Kristina and James Bromley Georgia S. Carrington '54 Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti Paige L. Cottingham-Streater '79
Rhonda and David A. Crichlow Deanna and Sean Critchley Kyle G. Curtin '82 Paul N. Dackow '72 Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas Yun Fan and Yong Cai Penny Finkle Holly and Ruben Fleischer Kelly Fritz '93 and Ed Fritz Lora and Calworth Furbert Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Caroline Graves Carla Harris and Victor Franklin Lynda and Larry Hollander Christine and Charles Hough Susan S. Huang '72 Catherine and Philip Irwin Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen Sapna and Vejay G. Lalla '93 Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77
and Peter S. McMullen '77 Meg Menzel and Aaron Kissel Amanda and Scott T. Milleisen Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo The Narula Foundation Anne and Patrick J. Naughton Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Valerie and Wesley Puryear Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi Michael and Renee Rallatos Jacklyn and Pasquale Ranalli Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Keri and Darryl Siry Jennie and JT Sowers Jon Strain Susanna Suh and James Larish Ami and Andrew M. Talkow Meg and Harry Temkin Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey Kim and Geoff Walls
Scott M. Weiner '92 Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Sunny Zhao and Gavin Gao Anonymous (2)
$2,500 TO $4,999
Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Valerie and Bill Anders Kathryn Auw Prasad '01 Betsy Bacot-Aigner '80 Michele and Bryan Becker '96 Kyung and David Blackburn Michael A. Bonarti Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg Christy Burke Wenfang Chen and Peter Young Sonia Chudasama-Patel and Amish Patel Katie and Michael Cocco Barbara Creed '62 Sara and David Elwell Timothy Erb Suzanne and Marek E. Forysiak Jessica and Michael Freeman Sheri and Jason Friedman
Leslie Gerstman and Louis Rizio Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall Jessica and Brian Glatt Foram and Jayesh Gopalji Nicholas F. Graziano '90 Mary Hack '65
Kathryn V. Hatfield Karen Heath-Wade and Kirk Wade Liza and Keith Helwig Ellen and Stephen Higgins Prof. Tracy Higgins and Mr. James Leitner Alexander B. Holz '99 David L. Hughes '76 Kate and Brady Jenkins Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Elizabeth and Jason Katz Rebecca and Jon Kelly
Jihee Kim and Byung J. Lee
Julie Kim '92 and Sung W. Kim Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George
Cory and Mark Lebovitch Michelle and James Lee Deborah and Jared Levine
Jennifer Liu and Benjamin Chang Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia Rob and Nicole Masella Courtney and Christopher Meeker Amy Meyers and Anthony Rizzo Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri Julie and James Millon
Traci Otey Blunt and Jonathan Blunt Rahul and Kimmerle Pawar
Dave Perini
Olga and David Rukshin Sheereen and Ahmad Russell Barbara and Steven Sakovits
Jennifer Salinas and Christian Mendoza Colleen and Robert Scalzo
Manika Sood and Prashant Bhatia Kate and James Stanford Ninette and Arthur Steinberg April and Brett Straten
Mary Stuart and Angus Gephart Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93 Teanna and Jack Tycher Nadine and Bradley Vaiana E. Hawley Van Wyck, III '60
Greta Velez De Villa - Dowdell and Michael Dowdell
Sonia Vora and Carlos Gonzalez Nicole Xu and Jonathan To Shazia and Sajid S. Zaidi
Veronica Zeron and Alexis Mendoza Anonymous (3)
$1,000 TO $2,499
Ibrahim Abukwaik '15 Roberta and Peter Adams Nadia and Mike Altirs Aubin Ames '54
Florence and Derrick Arcilla Nia Armstrong and Michael Griffin Leena and Suvrat Bansal Sarah and Craig Barrack Anne and Martin Baum Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97 Susan and Stephen Belyea Ashish and Sneha Bhatia Tammy and Michael Blau Stacie L. Bright and Jordan K. Rhodes Sheri and Ted Bronstein
Kirsten and Christopher Brown Deborah and William W. Brown Jennifer and Cie-Jai Brown Sheldon W. Buck '54
Ingrid E. Burke
Grace Cecilio-Dueno and Jason Dueno Siu Chan-Lui and John Lui
Nathan Chickering Nina and Suraj Chopra Bree and Keenan Choy Jenna Clancey '03
Laura and Thomas Clark Stacy Cochran '77 Ms. Susan Cole '78 P '10
Pamela and Justin Colledge Monica Conley and Eric Newman Deanna and James Copeland Allan Cox '74
Kathy Critchley '87 and Michael Critchley Mimi and Rafael Cuellar Katrina and John Cunningham Peter and Katie Dancy Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94 Sarah Dee and Eric Miller
Andrea DelleChiaie and Risa Wexler Carmen and David J. DeMatteis '95 Ashley and Robert D. Di Geronimo Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
Paul and Liz Edwards Mary Ellen and David Gray Kathy and Christopher X. Eng Noel Estes '66
Laurie and Jon Ewing Catherine Fears and Russell Zack Diana and John S. Fennelly Rose and Timothy Filley Pamela Firestone Megan and Kevin Fischbeck Anne M. and David Flocco Alexandra Forman-Chou and William Chou
Filomena and Demetrios Fotinopoulos Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick Karen and Heny Furst
Susan Galligan '74 and Thomas C. Galligan '73 Wei Gao and Liqiang Zhang
Alexander Gephart '06 Dennis G. Goldstein '83
Deborah Gordon and Benjamin Goodrich Gael Habernickel '54 and Duke Habernickel '51 Maureen and David E. Haight Kristin Halvey Susan and Alan Hammer Rhonda and Stratton R. Heath Madge Henning '70 Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01 Alan B. Hirsh '69 Alice and Steven Hirsh Pam Holding '82 Jackie and Larry Horn Schuyler Horn '59
Josephine and Michael Horsburgh Elise Hubert and Joseph Borrelli Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman Rosemary Iversen Mark M. Jaffe '58
Hope and David L. Jeffrey
Jackie and Rick Jenkins Asa B. Johnson '75
Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan Sandra and Gregory Kahn Adela Kalenja and Andras T. Forgacs Eun Jung Kang and Bum Suk Shim Gail Kerr '52
Marsha and Randy Kleinman Amanda C. Klepfer and Ryan G. Sankarpersad Michael S. Kurtz '57
Hyun-Ju Kwak and Steve Kim Andrew M. Kyrejko '05
Brenda and Robert Ladd Taryn and Darren Langer Philip G. Leone '60
Meredith Levine and Andrew Heller The Levy Family Ebonee Lewis Jiang Li and Tianwei Yao Kate Curtin Lindsey '72 Mei Liu and Yingjun Sun Pearl Louie and Eric Lieberman Xiaoyu Lu and Heng Zou Gemma and Richard R. Lury Margot and Hugh Macdonnell Anu and Dileep Madgavkar Ellen R. Malcolm '65
Ed Manigan
Rich Margolin
Jen and Earl Marshall Kelly and William R. Massey Angela M. McCaffrey '06 Alexandra McManus '81 Leslie Meek-Wohl and Ethan Wohl Leah and Steven Meranus Laura and Manes M. Merrit Luz and Luis Miranda
Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey
The Mortimore Family Michele A. Mucci '84 Heidi and John Muscarelle Karen and Thomas Newman Patricia and Hugh O'Kane Joseph O'Neill
Natalija Ovsjanikovska and Andrey Apinis Benjamin E. Parker '96
Anna and Andras Pataki Mona Patel and Adeep Thumar Laela Perkins and Michael Thwaite '97 Peter N. Perretti '72
Loretta C. Peterson Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval Shawn and David Portner Bidyut and Reena Pramanik Tiffany and Eric Pratt Priya and Avi V. Raval Mannan Razzak Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01 Richard Ridgway Diane Ridley, MD '84 Lori and David Riley Sabrina and Adam Rodgers
Barbara and Martin N. Rosen '58 Emily Rosenblum and Steve Lucas Liz and Daniel Ross
Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart Jin and Daniel Rubenstein Charles R. Sage '52 Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall Jonathan D. Schwartz and Kate M. Zernike
Shobaa Sherawat and Gary A. Bashur Mikie Sherrill and Jason Hedberg Anna Shin and Stephen Kwon Lisa and Walter C. Sierotko Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Sabrina Sodja and Aaron Kramer Nicole St Pierre Linda and Brian Sterling Margaret Stone and Jonathan Dee Alexandra Svernlov '82 C.G. Thomas '74 Nidhi Tomar and Rama Variankaval The Treadaway Family Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98 Margo and Frank Walter Lisa Wang and Leo Shilkrot Karen Wargo and David Rubin Kevin Wilkins '83 Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Muriel and John A. Windolf Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant Jessica and Ari Wise Qianting Yao and Kai Liu New York Bariatric Group LLC Lee Randolph Bean* Anonymous (11)
Recognizes our young alumni for their support and commitment to the MKA mission. This society is open to alumni in the first 10 years after graduation who either give a gift in the amount of their graduation year ($20.21, $20.20, $20.19, and $20.18) for years 1-4 or $100 for years 5-10.
Ibrahim Abukwaik '15 Elizabeth Amato '13 Abhay Bhandari '18 Ronny Bhatia '19 Sarah S. Bradley '12
Theadora Bulajic '18 Robert F. D'Alessandro '19 Adam Erbes '19 Abigail Erbes '17 Alexandra C. Fotinopoulos '13 Krishna S. Gall '12 Nicholas S. Gerard '15 Leah Glaser '21 William R. Hitchcock '19 Zoe D. Lynch '21 Kerri McGuire '18 Michael S. Melitz '14 Ryan Napoli '15 Kathleen S. Porter '18 Andrew C. Roselund '19 Marshall P. Sandoval '14 Alexander Sandoval '17 Lincoln Sandoval Regan P. Sandoval '21 Emma Sterling '12 Angelo Weber '17 Anonymous (1)
Aubin Ames '54
Merrick G. Andlinger
Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90
Jennifer Barbetta
Anya Barrett ’89
James L. Bromley
Bonnie Carter
Paige Cottingham-Streater ’79
David Crichlow
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
Sybil Eng
Carolyn Everson
Clifford Finkle ’92
Nigel D. Furlonge
Karen Gulliver
Tracy Higgins
Alice Hirsh
Janice Jacobson
Tina Jordan Lauren Kaplan '93
Newton Schott
Kathleen M. Logan
Barry Ridings ’70
Robert J. Ruberton
Stephanie A. Salzman
Luke Sarsfield, III ’91
Matthew Sherman
Craig Solomon
Solomon Steplight '93
Jeffrey G. Szilagyi
Margaret Wager
Joseph Amato Ken Barrett
Joan Carlisle '46
Daniel Carson '83
Evelyn Colbert Christina Cotton Paul Edwards
Fay Fawcett '52
Penny Finkle
David Gray
Robert D. Jackson '73
Rick Jenkins
Gail Kerr '52
Ruth Kidde
Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77
Glenda McNeal
Thomas Nammack
Kristine O'Connor '83
J. Dean Paolucci '73
John Phillips '78
Jodi Smith
Jaclyn Spedaliere '00
Linda Sterling
Jon Strain
John A. Windolf
Stephen A. Bezer '11
Seth L. Bynum '11
Kelly Byrne '08
Jenna Clancey '03
Geoffrey S. Close '71
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
Jeffrey Festa '06
Frank G. Godlewski '76 Stuart Harwood '07 Madison Kilduff
Cara Landolfi '05 Dominic J. Leone '12 Angela M. McCaffrey '06 Lhenée S. McKoy '05 Chadd A. Mukete '11 Samora Noguera '02
Ryan Abfier '22
Jessica H. Christian '22 Casey M. Salzman '22 Caroline Sheffet '22 Alexandra P. Williams '22
Isabel Alexander Michael Alexander David N. Allen CherylAnne Amendola Mario Baldino Jenn Baratta Maureen Bates Sandrine Beddou Jeffrey Beer Carlaina Bell Dominique Benson Gretchen L. Berra Melanie Bieber '03 Cortland Bosc Grace Bourbon Sarah S. Bradley '12 Gillian Branigan Geoffrey Branigan Bill Bronson Steven M. Brown Allison Brown '04 Theresa Butler
Guadalupe Cabido Shade Liam Campbell Candice Carlson Timothy S. Carlson Alison Carrascosa Jennifer Cassidy James Castelli Samuel Cerna Ashley Conde Breanna Conley '08
Timothy C. Cook Elizabeth Cooney Scott Coronis Steven Cristello Janet D'Innocenzio Lori Daskowitz
Kathryn Davison Laura Demaria Nicholas DeVenezia Deanna Donnelly Laura Doto Robin A. Dyer Paul Edwards Monica Elmore Jocelyn Fine
David Flocco Susan Foley
Patricia Forbes Amy Fossett Joelle M. Francht Nigel D. Furlonge Nathan S. Gardner Catherine Gaynor Pete Gaynor Robert Gelberg '10 Suzanne Giarrusso Maria Gilmartin Alisha Glaser Russell Goodrich Benjamin Goodrich Deborah Gordon Lisa Gunn-Becker Dimitri Hadjipetkov Injoo Han King Samuel G. Harris Lisa Harrison Marshall Hatcher Colleen Helsel David Hessler Danielle Higgins Mary Hipp Codi Hirst Laini J. Homer Nicole Hoppe Dennis Hu Ronald Wolfson Michael Houston Miller Hughes David Korfhage Gretchen H. Ievers Chelsea Intrabartola Shanie Israel John Jacobs Peter Jensen Tony Jones Alan Jones Cristina Junquera Patricia Kearns Chris Kenrick Maryanne Kesler Daniella Kessler Madison Kilduff Marsha Kleinman Randy Kleinman Suresh Krishnan Pia Kutten
Amanda Langan Alexander J. Langbein '03 Linda Larkin John Leister Charlotte Lillard Fay Lonsinger Victor Lopez-Quiros Jennifer Maietto Helen Makohon Tara Mallon Ed Manigan Louise Maxwell Jill Maza
Erin McMenamin Marnie McNany Michael S. Melitz '14 Ruth D. Miller Kenneth Miscia Lois A. Montorio
James Moore Maria Moreno Derek Morf
Sarah Mueller
Meghan Murray Karen Newman Huma Niazi
Irene Ning Helen Noble
Brittany O'Neill
John W. Odell
Yungjin Oh Crystal Olsen Glynn
Ralph Pacifico Laela Perkins
Doreen Perna
Robert Piotrowski Jr. Spencer Pyke Juan Ramos Lauren Ramos Jordan Raper
Yesenia Ravelo-Rodriguez Benjamin P. Rich Eileen Richardson
Pablo Rincon Brittany Rincon Sabino T. Rodano '87 Joseph C. Romaglia
Nat Rosen
Tom J. Ruddy
Kyle Salkin
Jessica Sarfati Michael D. Sasso '12
Petra Sauer Kim Saunders
Kyle M. Schrader
Edwin Sena
Leon Shade '98 Roshni K. Shah
Amy Shapiro
Maria Shepard Mendez Kristen Sigler Fangzhou Simon
Tripti Singh Sheila M. Smith
Jane Smith Kenneth Smith Laurie Smith
Todd Smith William Stites
Alice M. Terrell-Bryant Edward Thompson Rebecca Thompson
Amy Mai Tierney
Emily T. Tompsett
Veronica Toscano Marianne Traina
Laura Treadaway
Nicholas Tricarico Erica Tricarico-DeTrolio Marc Tuazon
Stephen Valentine
Kerry Verrone Alyson Waldman '99
Roger Walter
Pamela Watkins
Valbona Watkins
Kristen Weaver
Daniel Weller '01
Jill Wimmer
Michelle Worthington Rachel Wychules '00
Jennifer Young Laura Zimmerman Anonymous (6)
Jeffrey Beer
Michael A. Bonarti Sheri and Ted Bronstein Guadalupe Cabido Shade and Leon Shade '98
Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Bonnie and Michael Carter Dianna and Dohyun Cha Monica and Atul Chakradeo Siu Chan-Lui and John Lui Nathan Chickering
Peggy Chien and Chris Tsai Meg Columbia-Walsh Katrina and John Cunningham Lara J. Dahl and Adam S. Breslawsky
Lyenda and Warren Delp Anne M. and David Flocco Suzanne and Marek E. Forysiak
Amy Fossett
Maria Gilmartin and Dimitri Hadjipetkov Foram and Jayesh Gopalji Karen and Robert Gulliver Debbie Horn and Ronald Wolfson
Jin Hu
Dipali and Sudhir Jain Elizabeth and Jason Katz Stacey and Mark Kaufman Hailey and Charlie Kim Christina M. Klais and Roland U. Turck Cory and Mark Lebovitch Pearl Louie and Eric Lieberman Rob and Nicole Masella Louise and Guy Maxwell Vinita and Vinay Mendiratta Kerry and Paul Murphy
Alexandra Okun and Craig Dubitsky Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Bidyut and Reena Pramanik Kimberly and David W. Ramsay Hollie and Sean Reddington
Rhonda and Stephen Richard Brittany and Pablo Rincon Olga and David Rukshin Kathryn and Duane Sachs Barbara and Steven Sakovits Stephanie and Glenn Salzman Julie and Matthew Sherman Brooke and Michael Skolnick Sheila and Todd Smith
Julie Song and Nicholaos Krenteras Louisa and Kenneth Testa Sonia Vora and Carlos Gonzalez Suzanne and Mark Weinberg
The Weinstein Family Elizabeth and Ather Williams Cindy Wu and Raymond Tse Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu Jennifer and Peter J. Zangari Anonymous (5)
Delicia and Julius S. Abdur-Rahim Olubunmi O. and Richards A. Afonja Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Jenn and Dave Baratta Elizabeth and Ian Bate Anne and Martin Baum Matilda Baye-Akaho and Wisdom Akaho Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi
Thea and Luis Betancourt
Zammeah Bivins-Gibson
Marina T. Budhos and Marc H. Aronson Alison and Rolando Carrascosa Wenfang Chen and Peter Young Deanna and Sean Critchley
Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94
Andrea DelleChiaie and Risa Wexler Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas Jim W. Dwyer and Debra Lienhardt-Dwyer Kathy and Christopher X. Eng Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund Yun Fan and Yong Cai
Breena and Jed A. Fishback Lori and Patrick Fouché Sheri and Jason Friedman Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Wei Gao and Liqiang Zhang Geetanjali Gohal David and Anand I. David Shelly B. Grossman
Christine and Charles Hough Carol Hsu and Wayne Narucki Mary and Joel Jeffrey
Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Peggy and Chris Kenrick Leah and Adam Kopelan
Lisa Lazarus and Robert Coviello
Jennifer Liu and Benjamin Chang Xiaoyu Lu and Heng Zou Vanessa and John Lucas Tiffany and Julian M. Malloy Jen and Earl Marshall Stacey Martin Kristen and Mark R. McClusky Courtney and Christopher Meeker Kerry and Paul Murphy Heidi and John Muscarelle Pilar and Gary Nussbaum Corrie and Albert Pantow Michael and Renee Rallatos Lori and David Riley
Iris Rosario and Luis Martinez Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart Susanna Suh and James Larish Ami and Andrew M. Talkow Gloria and John Vinasco Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed Susan and Leonard Weintraub Jessica and Ari Wise Anonymous(3)
Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu Michelle Ankrah
Florence and Derrick Arcilla Leena and Suvrat Bansal
Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg Michael A. Bonarti
Martha Bonta and Mark Rotella
Michelle Borowski and Jihad Slim Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg
Nakeyl J. Branch-Johnson and Abdullah F. Johnson Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan
Melissa Brown and Joel De La Fuente Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Candice and Timothy S. Carlson Bree and Keenan Choy Laura and Christopher Chung Alisa A. Corbett
Demetra Demetrios- Avalos and Jose Avalos Alicia N. Diaz and Manuel Carbajal Jennifer DiPace and Neil Goyal Monica and Matthew Elmore Laurie and Jon Ewing Michelle I. Fertig Nathally and Marco Florio Carolyn and Michael Goldman
Kathryn V. Hatfield Ellen and Stephen Higgins Debbie Horn and Ronald Wolfson Jin Hu
The Ievers Family Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Judy Kim and Daniel Lim Julie Kim '92 and Sung W. Kim Becky Koch and James Kilcoyne Kimberly and Philip Koserowski Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee Deborah and Jared Levine Maria and Daniel R. Lewis Mei Liu and Yingjun Sun Wendy Liu and Jingsheng Hua Pearl Louie and Eric Lieberman Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri Lisa Bombardieri Moore '90 Stephanie and Brian Nigito Gwynne Oosterbaan and John-Michael Maas Deborah and Michael I. Otner Nilie Pajoohi '89 and Hossein Ekrami Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Laura Quintano Kimberly and David W. Ramsay Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia Kathryn and Duane Sachs Mikie Sherrill and Jason Hedberg Manika Sood and Prashant Bhatia Susanna Suh and James Larish Meg and Harry Temkin Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey Nadine and Bradley Vaiana Amy C. Van Eepoel and Stephen Valentine Sonia Vora and Carlos Gonzalez Kim and Geoff Walls Elizabeth and Ather Williams Stephanie and Olin Williams Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant Shazia and Sajid S. Zaidi Sunny Zhao and Gavin Gao Tracy and Bobby Zur Anonymous (2)
CLASS OF 2025 Linda and Bamidele Adebola Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Nia Armstrong and Michael Griffin Sandra and Bevan K. Baker Sarah and Craig Barrack Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Melissa Bell '94 and John F. Bell '93 Kyung and David Blackburn Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan Regina and Bill Bronson Cara and Dan Cesareo Dianna and Dohyun Cha Siu Chan-Lui and John Lui Sonia and Parmi Cheema Nathan Chickering Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti Edwin and Kathryn Davison Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94 Lyenda and Warren Delp Demetra Demetrios- Avalos and Jose Avalos Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas Laurie and Jon Ewing Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Anne M. and David Flocco Suzanne and Marek E. Forysiak Lori and Patrick Fouché Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Wei Gao and Liqiang Zhang Leslie Gerstman and Louis Rizio Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall
Geetanjali Gohal David and Anand I. David Melissa Goldman-Williams
Nadina Guglielmetti and Brian Sieger
Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Josephine and Michael Horsburgh
The Ievers Family
Suzanne M. Jogun and Mark C. Astley Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Sandra and Gregory Kahn
Eun Jung Kang and Bum Suk Shim
Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Elizabeth and Jason Katz
Christina M. Klais and Roland U. Turck Melyssa Koffman Kimberly and Philip Koserowski Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George Sapna and Vejay G. Lalla '93
Jennifer and Jonathan Larsen Marlene and Stephen Lewis Caroline Lilore-Sciancalepore and Anthony Sciancalepore
Anu and Dileep Madgavkar
Stacey Martin
Fatou Mbaye and Mten Halsey Elizabeth and Andrew McCann Richard and Susan Morganstein Kelly-Anne and Joseph Nigro Laura Popp-Rosenberg and David Rosenberg
Tiffany and Eric Pratt Michael and Renee Rallatos Courtney Reinisch and Eric Seid Stacy and Scott Rosenblum
Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Erica Rowe and Marc Urquhart Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Amy and Jay Shapiro
Mikie Sherrill and Jason Hedberg Keri and Darryl Siry
Karen and Emanuel Slater
Corinne and Kevin R. Smithen
Ava I. Somogyi and Alden Provost Kate and James Stanford
Renata Sykorova and Petr Sykora Carolota and Douglas Tagoe Adeline and Jean Thomas Lindy and Anton Vincent Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed Suzanne and Mark Weinberg Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Anonymous(5)
Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Leena and Suvrat Bansal Wendy and Jared F. Bartie
Matilda Baye-Akaho and Wisdom Akaho Michele and Bryan Becker '96 Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg
Dorina Botas and Thomas Mathew Sonia Chudasama-Patel and Amish Patel Laura and Christopher Chung Kimberly and Robert Clark
Kathy Critchley '87 and Michael Critchley Anne M. and David Flocco
Alexandra Forman-Chou and William Chou Jessica and Michael Freeman Carolyn and Michael Goldman Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Bonnie Huang and Mark Preston Miller and Stephen Hughes
Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman Le Kang and Geng Liu
Judy Kim and Daniel Lim Hyun-Ju Kwak and Steve Kim Michelle and James Lee
Jiang Li and Tianwei Yao David and Amy Lim Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia
Elena and Anthony Mack Rob and Nicole Masella
Courtney and Christopher Meeker Meg Menzel and Aaron Kissel Amy Meyers and Anthony Rizzo Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo Michele A. Mucci '84
Kerry and Paul Murphy Anne and Patrick J. Naughton
Heather and Michael Nowak Maureen and Mgbeahuru Ogbuehi Natalija Ovsjanikovska and Andrey Apinis Stacey J. Rappaport and Craig Solomon
Limor and Robert Regular
Sabrina and Adam Rodgers Lauren and Lawrence Rosenthal Katherine and Robert Ruberton
You Gata Angel
Jonathan D. Schwartz and Kate M. Zernike
Jeanine Schwartzbard and Gary Schwartzbard '93 Anna Shin and Stephen Kwon Adreme Shubrick
Laura Sorokoff Gelman and Andrew Gelman April and Brett Straten Nicole and Rahmaan R. Streater Shawn and David Troutt Nadine and Bradley Vaiana Kate Vail and Dan Wolff
Lisa Wang and Leo Shilkrot Laura and Andrew Wilson Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu Anonymous(6)
Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner
Florence and Derrick Arcilla Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch and Kristian Lynch
Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Angela Barreto and Nat Rosen
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett
Lee Boudreaux and Bo Berkman Stacie L. Bright and Jordan K. Rhodes Regina and Bill Bronson
Ingrid E. Burke
Grace Cecilio-Dueno and Jason Dueno Abigail and Edward K. Chung
Michelle Drewry Andrea and Frank Erickson Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Megan and Kevin Fischbeck Megan and Chad Flick
Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Leslie Gerstman and Louis Rizio Melissa Goldman-Williams Laini J. Homer
The Ievers Family Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Julie Kim '92 and Sung W. Kim Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen Brenda and Robert Ladd Taryn and Darren Langer Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee
The Levy Family Yael Lipton and Matthew Glasofer Margot and Hugh Macdonnell Jill and Michael T. Maza
Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey
Stephanie and Brian Nigito Susan and Joseph Pannullo
Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Tiffany and Eric Pratt Mannan Razzak
Rhonda and Stephen Richard
Emily Rosenblum and Steve Lucas Natalie and Robert S. Schwartz Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo April and Brett Straten Adeline and Jean Thomas Mary Valentine and Shanie Israel Amy C. Van Eepoel and Stephen Valentine Natalia Zappa do Valle Tuler Sunny Zhao and Gavin Gao Anonymous(3)
Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Michele and Bryan Becker '96 Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg Alison and Rolando Carrascosa Cara and Dan Cesareo Dianna and Dohyun Cha Kimberly and Robert Clark Cynthia Corhan-Aitken and Murray Aitken Laurie and Jon Ewing Deborah Gordon and Benjamin Goodrich Karen Heath-Wade and Kirk Wade Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Kimberly A. Hill Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman Catherine and Philip Irwin Mary and Joel Jeffrey Eun Jung Kang and Bum Suk Shim Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Jihee Kim and Byung J. Lee Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen Lisa Lazarus and Robert Coviello Michelle and James Lee Ebonee Lewis
Latisse M. Mays-Stovall and James K. Stovall Briana and Dennis G. McNeil '95 Karin and John W. Odell Gwynne Oosterbaan and John-Michael Maas Shruti and Sharad Ramesh Priya and Avi V. Raval Limor and Robert Regular Sandra M. Rivera and Gerardo Mejia Erin and Paul D. Rooney
Emily Rosenblum and Steve Lucas Stacy and Scott Rosenblum Lauren and Lawrence Rosenthal Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Olga and David Rukshin Robyn Sacks and Andrew Slutzky Stephanie and Glenn Salzman Colleen and Robert Scalzo April L. Schott-Auerbach '98 and Philip A. Auerbach Neha Shah and Saiful A. Khan Anna Shin and Stephen Kwon Karen and Emanuel Slater Kate and James Stanford Madalena and Vernal Taylor
The Treadaway Family Margaret and Richard Wager Rene and Marc J. Watkins Katie and Cameron Williams Cui Yang and Dayong Wang Anonymous(2)
Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal CherylAnne and Michael Amendola Ashish and Sneha Bhatia Tammy and Michael Blau Erin and Tom Chung Sosinna Degefu
Laura Demaria Monica and Matthew Elmore Lauren and Jason Fass Megan and Chad Flick Wanda and Monique French-Brown Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Leslie Gerstman and Louis Rizio Marie Grover Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Elise Hubert and Joseph Borrelli Le Kang and Geng Liu Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Aamna and Umar Khan Taryn and Darren Langer Maria and Daniel R. Lewis Gisela and Ben Limberg Piper B. and Michael J. Magera Rob and Nicole Masella Lucia and Ian M. Melhuish '99 Amy Meyers and Anthony Rizzo Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey Melissa Montemuino The Mortimore Family Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Shawn and David Portner Michelle and Jordan Raper Sabrina and Adam Rodgers Liz and Daniel Ross Nitu and Saras Rustagi Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti Nidhi Tomar and Rama Variankaval Nadine and Bradley Vaiana Karen Wargo and David Rubin Rene and Marc J. Watkins Valbona and Todd E. Watkins Veronica Zeron and Alexis Mendoza Anonymous (1)
CLASS OF 2030 Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90 Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Angela Barreto and Nat Rosen Britton and Drew Bitterman Jennifer and Cie-Jai Brown Dayana D. Campo and Roger Walter Katie and Christopher Cherchio Nina and Suraj Chopra Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94 Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick Karen Heath-Wade and Kirk Wade Catherine and Philip Irwin Kate and Brady Jenkins Michelle Kehily and Jonathan Leslie Allison and Eric Kusseluk '93 Julie and James Millon Karin and John W. Odell Traci Otey Blunt and Jonathan Blunt Nilie Pajoohi '89 and Hossein Ekrami Tameka and David Pearce Lauren and Lawrence Rosenthal Katherine and Robert Ruberton Robyn Sacks and Andrew Slutzky Shobaa Sherawat and Gary A. Bashur Alison Slone and Adam Miller Amanda E. Spagnoletti '97 and Paul Spagnoletti Nicole St Pierre Nicole and Rahmaan R. Streater Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
The Treadaway Family Stefania and Jeffrey M. Venezia Margaret and Richard Wager Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98 Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Anonymous(4)
Elizabeth and Ian Bate Katie and Michael Cocco Christina and Raymond Colotti Monica Conley and Eric Newman
Deanna and James Copeland
Jenelle Decoteau and Greg Baker
Jenn Dozier and Anindya Chakraberti Erin and John P. Edwards '97
Lauren and Jason Fass
Catherine Fears and Russell Zack Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick Lauren and Nathan S. Gardner Meredith and Aaron Gardner Ayana C. Goore '89
Jade Harris and Michael Copeland Liza and Keith Helwig Nicole and David Hoppe
Adela Kalenja and Andras T. Forgacs Azka Khan and Faisal Asghar Iguana and Morrease Leftwich Gisela and Ben Limberg
Piper B. and Michael J. Magera
Amanda and Scott T. Milleisen
Lauren Mirman '01 and Matthew Mirman Shruti and Sharad Ramesh
Yesenia Ravelo-Rodriguez and Erik Rodriguez Erin and Paul D. Rooney
Sheereen and Ahmad Russell Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Kimberly Senter Mouhteros and Taso Mouhteros
Sabrina Sodja and Aaron Kramer Jennie and JT Sowers
Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen
Valbona and Todd E. Watkins
Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze Anonymous (3)
Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner Heather and Vincent Benjamin Ashish and Sneha Bhatia Kirsten and Christopher Brown
Christy Burke
Paula Caires and Cassiel Valcarcel Katie and Christopher Cherchio Erin and Tom Chung Pamela and Justin Colledge Tahirah and Onaje Crawford Carmen and David J. DeMatteis '95 Efua and Louis Feldman Catherine and Pete Gaynor Injoo Han King and Michael King Heather Jeney and Arvind Basra Rebecca and Jonathan Kelly Allison and Eric Kusseluk '93
Stephanie Lamenza and Felipe Riera Michelotti
Maria Geronimo and Kenneth MacCardle Rob and Nicole Masella Erin and James McMenamin Leah and Steven Meranus Julie and James Millon
The Mortimore Family Di Mou and Shuai Wang
Kimberly and John O'Kane Susan Quatrone and Brett Fischer Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi Joseph and John Randolph Liz and Daniel Ross
Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall Meredith and Justin Silver
Joanna Steckler and Max Goldman Su-Yun and Armin Szegedi Teanna and Jack Tycher Margaret and Richard Wager Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen
Katie and Cameron Williams Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Nicole Xu and Jonathan To Anonymous(3)
CherylAnne and Michael Amendola Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97 Guadalupe Cabido Shade and Leon Shade '98
Nina and Suraj Chopra Erin and Tom Chung Laura and Thomas Clark Deanna and James Copeland Jenelle Decoteau and Greg Baker Laura Demaria Sara and David Elwell Meredith and Aaron Gardner Jessica and Brian Glatt Carla Harris and Victor Franklin Danielle and Kevin Higgins Nicole and David Hoppe Elise Hubert and Joseph Borrelli
Adela Kalenja and Andras T. Forgacs
Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia Jill and Michael T. Maza
Jennifer Murawski-Boyar and Howard Boyar
Meghan Murray and Jack Stadtlander Anna and Andras Pataki
Deepti Purohit and Mohit Bhargava Jacklyn and Pasquale Ranalli Yesenia Ravelo-Rodriguez and Erik Rodriguez
Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01
Diana E. Reiter '01 and Sean Mersten Erin and Paul D. Rooney Kristen and Jim Rugel Alison Slone and Adam Miller Jennie and JT Sowers Po Shan Suen and Howard Borzell Stefania and Jeffrey M. Venezia Kimberly and Samuel Wechsler Anonymous (1)
Elizabeth August and Martin Restituyo Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Heather and Vincent Benjamin Kirsten and Christopher Brown Guadalupe Cabido Shade and Leon Shade '98
Abigail and Edward K. Chung Laura and Thomas Clark
Sherrese Clarke Soares and Roger Soares Katie and Michael Cocco Pamela and Justin Colledge
Monica Conley and Eric Newman Elizabeth and Shane Cooney Jessica Eckert and Jason Spies Efua and Louis Feldman
Salka Fernandez and Angel Pineiro Megan and Chad Flick
Eric Fox and Daniel Helmick Catherine and Pete Gaynor Mary and Jonathan Guldin Liza and Keith Helwig Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01 Monic and Archer Hutchinson Alice and Matthew Iversen '96 Daniella and Bryan Kessler Aamna and Umar Khan
Meredith Levine and Andrew Heller Lauren Mirman '01 and Matthew Mirman Helen Nie and Dennis Hu Kimberly and John O'Kane Besa and David E. Owen
Mona Patel and Adeep Thumar
Laela Perkins and Michael Thwaite '97 Lora and Todd Perlow
Sheereen and Ahmad Russell
Jennifer Salinas and Christian Mendoza Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall Karen Segall and Jeremy Bass
Fangzhou and Sevan Simon
Renata Sykorova and Petr Sykora Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
Natalie and Tommaso Trento Greta Velez De Villa - Dowdell and Michael Dowdell
Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze Julie and Jyri-Pekka Wilska Anonymous (1)
Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97 Shayla and William Bridges Sarah Dee and Eric Miller Holly and Ruben Fleischer Megan and Chad Flick Lauren and Nathan S. Gardner Injoo Han King and Michael King Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan Amanda C. Klepfer and Ryan G. Sankarpersad Leah and Steven Meranus Diana and Devang Nagrecha Michelle and Jordan Raper Samantha and Ryan Schinman '89 Joanna Steckler and Max Goldman Anjali Tekriwal and Renzo Bautista Jennifer and Jay Thibodaux Julie and Spencer Wolfson Qianting Yao and Kai Liu Anonymous (1)
Cornelia A. Serota
Daniel E. Emerson
Cynthia Blair Leigh B. Smith (Former Faculty)
Joan Adams Joan Carlisle
Marjorie Cross Kathryn D. Crowell Dorothy E. Lawrence
Janet Mason
Alfred H. Murray Richard Sandler
June Cronin
Carl H. Shaifer Dudley C. Smith
Jack Heller
Richard A. Hopkins Ann Kent Margaret Madden Audrey McBratney-Bittner
Jane Bonner
Duke Habernickel Richard O John Schwarzmann Ruth Wilson
CLASS OF 1952 Fay Fawcett Nancy Booth Kelly Gail Kerr Charles R. Sage
Howard T. Bellin A. R. Coningsby Phillip W. Lazier Sheila Lindveit Ellen Page
Aubin Ames Sheldon W. Buck Georgia S. Carrington Marian Castell Tilly-Jo Emerson Gael Habernickel Donald M. Karp C.Y. Treene Hobart D. Van Deusen Jean Witherington
Robert A. Brawer David G. Lawrence S. Lawrence Martin Carol Traenkle
Robert M. Fischbein Ann Hallowell Richard R. Hobbins Eric F. Jaeckel Janet Koskoff Larry Nazarian Carol Ottenberg Carol Rasic Helen Skeen Linda Smith Michael I. Sucoff Nancy Ward Gail Wilson Anonymous (1)
CLASS OF 1957 John S. Allen Joseph A. Courter Georgia Glick Michael S. Kurtz Eugene C. Neithold
CLASS OF 1958 Mary Ann Decker Ralph L. Ellis Meritt B. Gavin Michael C. Gennet Mark M. Jaffe John V. Judd Frederick L. Kramer Martin N. Rosen Franklin M. Sachs
CLASS OF 1959 Michael A. Baker Joel Bauer Milton C. Beard Schuyler Horn Barry A. Meisel Marianne Steinhacker Anonymous (1)
Mary Anne Doty Paul F. Glover Charlotte E. Judd Marc S. Kirschner Philip G. Leone
Adele D. Poholsky Eric A. Sandwall Sally Alice Smith E. Hawley Van Wyck, III
David L. Bruck
Claire Coles
Suzanne Hardy Arthur G. Rosen
Margaret Bilotti
Susanne Brisach Carolyn Cariello Barbara Creed John J. Farrar
Holly Gathright John F. Grubin
Bruce Guernsey Barbara Gurnsey Douglas W. Johnson Suzanne K. Klein Susan Montaner
Margaret Morfit Beverly Myers Patricia Schmid Mary L. Skinner-Klee Joseph H. Willner
Thomas V. Alpren Jon W. Tarrant Bronson Van Wyck Susan Wood
David Levin Deborah Pines
CLASS OF 1965 Henry V. Allen
Victor Bernstein Marilyn Blackwell Ellen C. Curtin Mary Hack Joseph H. Hare Robert S. Livesey Ellen R. Malcolm Ruth Morine Andrea D. Simon Peter R. Stern Susan Wright Anonymous(1)
A. C. Cameron Francine Crawford Noel Estes Sandra Pekar Wendy D. Roome
Julia L. Bonsal John A. Cosentino Joseph A. Marino Craig C. Perry John H. Rudd Laurel Tahija Michael S. Yamashita
Gregg B. Deehan Avie C. Kalker
George A. Downsbrough
Edward A. Griggs
Christine G. Hannon
Alan B. Hirsh
Frank J. La Rocca
Frederic A. Miller
Richard D. Noyes Shelley Walchak
Thane E. Benson
Madge Henning Winifred Hentschel Barry W. Ridings Frederick H. Sheldon
Andrew B. Abramson
John M. Brandow James H. Bryan Geoffrey S. Close John S. Guttmann
Robert D. Lipman
Phillip Mancusi-Ungaro Bruce B. Pastorini
Nicholas H. Alessi
Thomas R. Brueckner
Tacey B. Carroll Denise Chezek
Paul N. Dackow
Joseph J. Doerr
Barbara Flessas Harlan O. Gibbs Louis M. Gioffre Isabel Vock Hart Susan S. Huang Kate Curtin Lindsey Lillian Louie John J. Murphy Peter N. Perretti Steven Schottenfeld Patricia R. Silver Michael A. Vitale Linda Williams
Robert A. August
David F. Brandley Susan Galligan Robert D. Jackson William F. Kovacs Gregory C. Lackey
Robert H. Nagel Malcolm B. O J. Dean Paolucci
Robin Smith Thomas M. Wood
Mark R. Baran
John Blondel
Anthony M. Celentano Allan Cox
Thomas Galligan Leslie Levine Bruce Marsh Charles J. Mund Geraldine E. Nolin
C.G. Thomas
Michael Ehrenberg Frank Gallo Hugh J. Gleason
Thomas D. Isenberg Asa B. Johnson
Nancy Lee
Harry Nimmergut John S. Sanders
Lisa S. Aufzien Eugene M. D Frank G. Godlewski David L. Hughes Raymond J. Knox Michael A. Rosenberg Eric R. Schwarz Sharon Sudol Rosanne Ugone
Stacy Cochran
Lesley J. Hand Jennifer C. Hendrian Robert J. Hubsmith Deborah Jacobson Rick Jenkins Cheryl McMullen Peter S. McMullen Anonymous(1)
Ms. Susan Cole P '10 John Phillips, P '09, P '10 Jonathan Wood
Pamela M. Barz Paige L. Cottingham-Streater Bruce M. Eng Ted D. Fall Anne M. Morey David B. Nolle Anita E. Rainford Elizabeth A. Santarlasci Gardner B. Semet
Betsy Bacot-Aigner J. Martin Brayboy Michael D. Feldman James A. Halprin India Larrier
Pamela B. Berkowsky Juris N. Blodnieks Karen Boyle Laura Itzkowitz John K. Kim Alexandra McManus Christina Montgomery Richard M. Moskowitz
Kyle G. Curtin Peter Dancy Philip L. Ehrlich Patrick Eng Peter E. Gibson William Hall Pam Holding Jonathan Sandler Alexandra Svernlov Jim Windolf
Crystal Branch Daniel Carson Donald Cussen Dennis G. Goldstein Laura La Corte Suzanne Locke 'Kristine O'Connor Gary C. Powell Alison Sacknowitz
Kevin Wilkins
CLASS OF 1984 Michele A. Mucci Christopher I. Noble Diane Ridley, MD Lawrence Rosen Laura Wilson
CLASS OF 1985 Robin Schwartz Ashley Greene Christopher H. Smith
CLASS OF 1986 Beth A. Cohn Paul J. Colatrella George C. Dolatly Matthew B. Hendrian Joseph S. Kavesh Erica I. Lubetkin Henry Park David L. Schwartzbard Damon W. Zeigler Anonymous (1)
Francis J. Blesso LaRhonda Boone Kathy Critchley Deborah Glazer Joanne Goldberg Raj P. Gona Andrea Maline David McCants Sabino T. Rodano Anonymous (1)
CLASS OF 1988 Rebecca L. Campbell David E. Haight Melissa Maddox-Evans Dennis Manalo
Ralph E. Amirata Anya Buenger Barrett John C. Blesso Judith G. Glinder Ayana C. Goore Louis R. Lessig Yale F. Levin Franklin Liu Daisy M. Nishigaya Nilie Pajoohi Ryan Schinman Laura (Eng) Yeu Abraham I. Zeigler
CLASS OF 1990 Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S David J. Choi Loyd S. Godwin Nicholas F. Graziano Marc A. Gurtman Lisa Bombardieri Moore Emily J. Nisbet Jill Porter Larson Claire Sterling
CLASS OF 1991 Balaji Gandhi Owen Grover Marc Hauser Adam M. Lerner Rashida MacMurray-Abdullah Dara J. Marmon Douglas A. Rosen Luke Sarsfield Camilla B. Solari
Mark Teo Seth D. Traum
Saurabh Agarwal Christopher Burchell Clifford Finkle IV Julie Kim
Sharon Moe Ingrid Nakamura Doreen Oliver
Stacey Polanskyj Caroline Russo-Visceglia Scott M. Weiner
Eric Kusseluk
Jamie L. Decter
Gary Schwartzbard Lauren Kaplan
John Bell
Melissa Bell
Raghuveer Vallabhaneni Renee L. Ciccarella Solomon Steplight Vejay G. Lalla
Jason A. Awerdick Mitchell J. Decter
Kiwitta Paschal Candace S. Rabinowitz Benjamin M. Roth Joshua D. Rozan
Parkins T. Burger David J. DeMatteis Dennis G. McNeil Ami A. Mehra Helen W. Walter Crossen
Bryan Becker Deborah E. Haight
Alan Hawes Matthew Iversen Joshua G. Lite Allison B. Oishi Benjamin E. Parker Lori Steinfeld
Christopher M. Bellapianta Dana P. Bonsell
Kate B. Corcoran John P. Edwards Mark W. Irving Latha Jadhav Amanda E. Spagnoletti David A. Steinfeld Michael Thwaite Jonathan A. Zweifler
Gemma M. Diaco April L. Schott-Auerbach Leon Shade Anonymous(1)
Igor Alves
Morgan Bellapianta Alexander B. Holz
Ian M. Melhuish
Joshua M. Ramos
Alyson Waldman Matthew Waldman Margot N. Wilensky
Kimberly A. Baker
Ashley B. Griffin
Lauren Hooper-Rogers Jaclyn Spedaliere
Rachel Wychules
Kathryn Auw Prasad Erin S. Farkaly
Lindsay B. Forman Dionne Gronda Craig Hirsh Lauren Mirman Dana Pisacane Matthew Reichstein Diana E. Reiter Heather Symons Louis S. Waldman Daniel Weller
Frank J. Herrmann
Erin Hotchkiss
Christopher J. Jackson Samora Noguera Chaim D. Pizem
Emily Santangelo Anonymous (2)
Cionna S. Almeida
Melanie Bieber
Casey Breslow - Glugeyh Amanda B. Chase Jenna Clancey Alexander J. Langbein Katie Parke
Mary Kate Pretto John B. Thompson Carla A. Woldt
Jessica C. Bishop Allison Brown Noah Kessler Enrique Noguera Emily Ryan
Devin C. Bukowczyk Abigail Cohen
Andrew M. Kyrejko Cara Landolfi Lhenée S. McKoy Mara van Loggerenberg
Antonia J. Amico Andrew Barchenko Caitlin DiRuggiero Jeffrey Festa
Alexander Gephart
Alexis L. Levengood Rachel Levine Angela M. McCaffrey Samuel Walter
Daniel Allen Hannah G. Barker Charles Gray Stuart Harwood
Darrin Bedol Kelly Byrne Breanna Conley Charles Gephart Bora Goekbora Dwight Jackson Elise McMullen
Katherine M. Davis Alexandra Guccione Jane R. Stanton
CLASS OF 2010 Devon Barrett Robert Gelberg
CLASS OF 2011 Stephen A. Bezer Seth L. Bynum Hayne Lim Andrew Lokker Chadd A. Mukete Gabriella Semet Rebecca Smith Daniel Stern
Sarah S. Bradley Krishna S. Gall Dominic J. Leone Devika Patel Michael D. Sasso Emma Sterling
Elizabeth Amato Alexandra C. Fotinopoulos Kristin J. Morisseau
Michael S. Melitz Justin R. Minion Ariana K. Puzzo Marshall P. Sandoval Bridget Stanton Aaron Sterling
Ibrahim Abukwaik Nicholas S. Gerard Victoria Kitirattragarn Heather E. Milke Ryan Napoli Wesley Wade
Lily H. Andres Robert Strain Anonymous (1)
John E. Baney
Abigail Erbes John C. Gouwar Alexander Sandoval Angelo Weber
Abhay Bhandari Theadora Bulajic Michael H. Butler Kerri McGuire Kathleen S. Porter Brendan Powell
Ronny Bhatia Robert F. D Adam Erbes William R. Hitchcock Andrew C. Roselund Anonymous (1)
CLASS OF 2021 Leah Glaser Zoe D. Lynch Richard B. Morris Regan P. Sandoval Anonymous (1)
Ryan Abfier
Stephanie Boariu
Michael Bronstein
Shelby S. Carter
Bryce W. Cherry
Jessica H. Christian Willow Delp
Aiden Ehrenreich Isabella M. Feraca
Ayantu Flowers Katherine E. Hulse Perri R. Katz
Joshua Kaufman Abigail Kirsch
Ethan Lieberman Jonathan Lui Cassandra E. Polanskyj Casey M. Salzman Caroline Sheffet Gillian Williams
Alexandra P. Williams Brandon Yeu
Elliott G. Baratta Alexandra Berra Charles Kenrick
Andrew Avalos
Elana Elkhouri Liah Lim
Irena Avalos
Paxton Nithikasem Alia Rasheed
CLASS OF 2026 Evan Lim
Bianca Scalzo
CLASS OF 2029 Eleanor Chung Molly B. Demaria Annabella French-Brown
CLASS OF 2032 George Chung
CLASS OF 2033 Betty Chung Brendan Demaria
CLASS OF 2034 Anderson Thwaite
Lisa and Andrew B. Abramson '71
Roberta and Peter Adams Valerie and Bill Anders Sharon and Larry Beebe Roy Breslow Kristina and Tom Burke
Sukjung and Inyoung Chung Barbara and Raymond L. Colotti Robert Cottingham Paige L. Cottingham-Streater '79 N. B. and Patricia Dancy Sandra and Arthur DeRose Carla and Donato Di Trolio Judith and Charles Dickerson Shirley Drewry Jane and Tom Dyszkiewicz Paul and Liz Edwards Shirley and Willie Eng Patricia Ewing Penny Finkle Sally and Donald Firth Sue Fossett Bette Fox and Richard Liss Karen and Heny Furst Joyce Gardiner Veronica and Joseph Geronimo Gael Habernickel '54 and Duke Habernickel '51 Susan and Alan Hammer
Rebecca and Roland Hayes Carol and Mike Helmick Geneva Hester Alan B. Hirsh '69 Alice and Steven Hirsh Iris Holloman
Jackie and Larry Horn Kathy and Bill Hubert Rosemary Iversen Raynetta and John James Hope and David L. Jeffrey Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Barbara Kane and Jack Schwartz Sheila and John Kelly Judith and Richard Lancioni Walter Lee William and Hwain Lee Toni LeQuire-Schott and Newton B. Schott, Jr. Helen and Jim McMenamin Luz and Luis Miranda Ada and Angelo Mogavero Patrick Naughton Patricia and Hugh O'Kane Henry Ohls
Judith and Brewster Perkins Loretta C. Peterson Maubra Randolph Laura and Victor Rodriguez Myrna and Robert Rosenblum Richard Rosenthal Terry and Jani Ross Martha and Thomas Ruddy Ravi Rustagi Elizabeth Sinn Nancy and Anthony Slone Margaret Stone and Jonathan Dee Deb Streit and Roy Breslow Iris and Josiah Swasey Johanna and Edward Szerencsits Rita Tamakloe Janet and Louis Tenore Elizabeth and Wallace Thompson Pat and Ed Thwaite Lois and John Van Deusen Paula and Herbert Waldman
Marla and Mark Wander Carol and David Weppner Anonymous (2)
Lesley and Melih Abdulhayoglu Lisa and Andrew B. Abramson '71 Lisa and Joseph Amato Aubin Ames '54 René Amirata
Rick and Linny Andlinger Conny and John M. Andres Florence and Derrick Arcilla Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch and Kristian Lynch Christie and Ingram Austin Joan and Ken Barrett Penelope Bassett Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Carlaina Bell Susan and Stephen Belyea Thea and Luis Betancourt Donna Blanes Jacqueline and Frank Blesso William K. and Rhea Boss Karen and Gordon Braverman Roy Breslow Pamela and Michael Brodie Kristina and James Bromley Deborah and William W. Brown Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen Amy and James T. Burger Jan and Adam Canton Jack Cappitelli and Robin Schwartz '85 Joan Carlisle '46 Bonnie and Michael Carter Evelyn and Stephen T. Colbert Ms. Susan Cole '78 P '10 Barbara and Raymond L. Colotti Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti Patricia Park Connell Alisa A. Corbett Robert Cottingham Christina Cotton and Brian Clarkson Rhonda and David A. Crichlow Patricia and Edward W. Currie Lara J. Dahl and Adam S. Breslawsky N. B. and Patricia Dancy Peter and Katie Dancy Edwin and Kathryn Davison Margaret and Gregg B. Deehan '68 Ashley and Robert D. Di Geronimo Carol Doerr-Cucci and Richard C. Cucci Paul and Liz Edwards Mary and Edward Elliott Tilly-Jo Emerson '54 Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund
The Everson Family Fay Fawcett '52 and Edward Fawcett Diana and John S. Fennelly Elizabeth S. Ferguson Penny Finkle Breena and Jed A. Fishback Barbara Flessas '72 and Robert E. David Nancy and Donald Foster Filomena and Demetrios Fotinopoulos Lora and Calworth Furbert Mary Stuart and Angus Gephart Sharon Gill
Alisha and Jonathan Glaser Joanne Goldberg '87 and Daniel Goldberg
The Goldberg Family
Foram and Jayesh Gopalji Mary Ellen and David Gray
Shelly B. Grossman
Diana and Salvatore Guccione Karen and Robert Gulliver Magdalena and Carlos Guzman Maureen and David E. Haight Virginia and James A. Halprin '80
Kristin Halvey
Pamela and Michael Harriott
Kathryn V. Hatfield Rebecca and Roland Hayes Rhonda and Stratton R. Heath Frances and Jack Heller '50
Pilar Henriquez-Groves and Richard E. Groves
Mary Ann and Frank Herrmann Ann and David Hessler
Ellen and Stephen Higgins Prof. Tracy Higgins and Mr. James Leitner Mary and Kevin Hipp
Alan B. Hirsh '69
Alice and Steven Hirsh Lynda and Larry Hollander Myra and George Hrab
Linda Hughes and Steven Napolitano Julianne A. Hunt and David Korfhage
Rosemary Iversen
Jackie and Rick Jenkins
Patsy Jensen and Paul Fehlner
Suzanne M. Jogun and Mark C. Astley Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Celeste and Tony Jones Susan and Rees L. Jones
Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Barbara Kane and Jack Schwartz Gail Kerr '52 Ruth Kidde Marsha and Randy Kleinman Marsha Kleinman Virginia Kriegel Mary and Matt Kunka Dena and Keith Lambie Linda and Christopher Larkin India Larrier '80 and John H. Larrier William and Hwain Lee
Toni LeQuire-Schott and Newton B. Schott, Jr. Leslie Levine '74 and Peter Levine Ellen and Jonathan Lewis Caroline Lilore-Sciancalepore and Anthony Sciancalepore Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Xiaoyu Lu and Heng Zou Vanessa and John Lucas Gemma and Richard R. Lury Elena and Anthony Mack Barbara and Dennis Mamchur Paula and Joseph A. Marino '67 Jen and Earl Marshall Kelly and William R. Massey Karen Matyasovsky Louise and Guy Maxwell Audrey McBratney-Bittner '50 and Douglas McBratney-Bittner
Elizabeth and Andrew McCann
Suzanne and Joseph McGuire
Cheryl D'Alessandro McMullen '77 and Peter S. McMullen '77
Glenda McNeal
Tracy McVeigh and Andrew Melitz
Leslie Meek-Wohl and Ethan Wohl Rebecca and Maximiliano F. Mendez
Lynn Menschenfreund and Paulo Silva Laura and Manes M. Merrit
Jeannette and Philip Miller
Ruth D. Miller
Veena and Alphonsus Moniz Heidi and John Muscarelle Zandi and Thomas Nammack Karen and Thomas Newman Helen and Christopher I. Noble '84 Kristine O'Connor '83 and Michael O'Connor
Deborah and Michael I. Otner Natalija Ovsjanikovska and Andrey Apinis Amy and Ralph Pacifico
Susan and Joseph Pannullo Patricia and J. Dean Paolucci '73 Patricia and Alan Parke
Nadine Pearce and Alan Jones Trish and Tom Perlmutter
Joan Pestka
Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval Laura and John Phillips '78, P '09, P '10 Bidyut and Reena Pramanik
Marie Louise Purdy and Roger Seifter Hanna and Jozef Puzio
Kim and Luca Puzzo
Melissa Raak and Ernest Nardone Lyn and Glenn M. Reiter Eileen and Robert C. Richardson Ann and Barry W. Ridings '70
Lori and David Riley
Peri and Thomas P. Rosamilia Dana E. Rose and Jared Barbin Arthur G. Rosen '61
Barbara and Martin N. Rosen '58 Richard Rosenthal Jin and Daniel Rubenstein
Tom J. Ruddy
Shelley Sakolsky Stephanie and Glenn Salzman Richard Sandler '48
Amarkanth and Patrisia Saxena Daphne and Gardner B. Semet '79 Lisa and Walter C. Sierotko
Tripti Singh and Samarpal S. Bhatia Clare and Richard L. Sirois Jane and Kenneth Smith
Jane Smith
Jodi and Jeffrey Smith
Laurie and Jeffrey Smith Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Sheila and Todd Smith Sheila M. Smith
Julie Song and Nicholaos Krenteras Katharine L. Sonnenberg and Thomas S. Zaubler
Manika Sood and Prashant Bhatia Linda Stark
Sharon Stephens and Laurus Sutton Linda and Brian Sterling Brook and William Stites
Jon Strain
April and Brett Straten
Deb Streit and Roy Breslow
Susanna Suh and James Larish Ami and Andrew M. Talkow Pat and Ed Thwaite
Veronica and Mauricio Toscano Deborah and Thomas D. Turvey Sonia and William Tyson Paula and Herbert Waldman Margo and Frank Walter Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Watkins
Kristen Weaver and David Polinchock Lori and Parker A. Weil
The Weinstein Family Stephanie and Olin Williams Laura and Andrew Wilson Muriel and John A. Windolf
Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant
The Youg Family Tracy and Bobby Zur Anonymous (11)
René Amirata
Christie Austin
Ann Banegas Alise Barrett
Damien A. Barrett Jessica C. Bishop '04
Donna Blanes William W. Brown
Denise Brown-Allen James T. Burger
Patricia Dancy Elizabeth DeRose Courtney A. Effinger
Mary Elliott
Nancy Foster Barbara Haase
Emma Hatcher
Roland Hayes George Hrab Susan Jones
Virginia Kriegel Newton B. Schott, Jr.
Margaret Madden '50 Barbara Mamchur
Thomas Nammack Zandi Nammack
Judith Nesbit
Christopher I. Noble '84 Patricia Parke
Katie Parke '03
Peter N. Perretti '72 Rosemary Rehus Dana E. Rose
Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty)
Jodi Smith Linda Stark
Sharon Stephens Brook Stites Erica Thompson Marie Tobia Becky Turcotte
Sonia Tyson
Donald Warren Jim Windolf '82
Candida Aversenti
Jennifer and Matt Baranello Jenn and Dave Baratta
Alise and Damien A. Barrett
Merrill Bausch Curtis Belle
Candice and Timothy S. Carlson Teedee Carroll Whitney and Daniel Carson '83 Timothy C. Cook
Maggie and Tom Cowing Deanna and Sean Critchley Laura Demaria Laura and Robert Doto Nicole Dumas-Little Timothy Erb Sandra Evans
Rose and Timothy Filley Jocelyn Fine and Javier Ferrandiz Pamela Firestone
Marguerite Gaines Maria Gilmartin and Dimitri Hadjipetkov
Caroline Graves
The Graves Family Judith Greene Selina Holmes
Christine and Charles Hough Bonnie Huang and Mark Preston Marjorie Jameson
Hyun-Ju Kwak and Steve Kim Deborah and Jared Levine Cuixia Li Fay Lonsinger and Bryan Lonsinger Rich Margolin Latisse M. Mays-Stovall and James K. Stovall Joseph O'Neill PAMKA Rahul and Kimmerle Pawar Dave Perini
Amy Peterson and Jose Sandoval Courtney Reinisch and Eric Seid Lincoln P. Sandoval Meredith and Justin Silver Barry Smith
Julie Song and Nicholaos Krenteras Ninette and Arthur Steinberg Sharon Stephens and Laurus Sutton April and Brett Straten Alexis Taylor Shawn and David Troutt Margaret and Richard Wager Karina and Marek Zidlicky Anonymous (4)
AmazonSmile Foundation American Century Investments American Express AMP Fund Bank of America Blackrock Cambia
Colgate D&T Logistics LLC.
Diamond Hill Capital Management Fitch Ratings, Inc.
Foundation Source
Goldman Sachs Google
Greater New York Chinese American Hockey
Ironwood Investment Counsel iStar
Johnson & Johnson
JP Morgan Lockheed Martin MasterCard
Microsoft Mizuho
Morgan Stanley
National Philanthropic Trust
New Jersey Council for the Social Studies Bitten
New York Bariatric Group LLC Northrop Grumman Group
Ohio National Financial Services
Pfizer Pinkerton Foundation Prudential Simons Foundation Soros Tapestry
The Albert Payson Terhune Foundation The McMullen Family Foundation
The Renaissance Charitable The Windham Foundation Inc.
Wells Fargo
In Honor of Adeola Afonja '23 Olubunmi O. and Richards A. Afonja
In Honor of Jenn Baratta Gretchen L. Berra Lois A. Montorio Lauren Ramos
In Honor of Casey Barrett Alise and Damien A. Barrett
In Honor of Maggie Barrett Alise and Damien A. Barrett
In honor of Aspen Basra and her second grade friends, class of 2032 Heather Jeney and Arvind Basra
In Honor of Emily Bate '31 Elizabeth and Ian Bate
In Honor of Jack W. Bate '23 Elizabeth and Ian Bate
In Honor of Melanie Bieber '03 Karen and Gordon Braverman
In Honor of Henry Blau '29 Tammy and Michael Blau
In Honor of Ciara Branigan '25 Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan
In Honor of Shea Branigan '24 Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan
In Honor of Geoff Branigan Virginia Kriegel
In Honor of Chyna Brodie '19 Pamela and Michael Brodie In honor of Savannah K. Burke '32 Christy Burke
In Honor of Katie Chung '24 Laura and Christopher Chung
In Honor of Jenna Clancey '03 Shelley Sakolsky
In Honor of Class of 2001 Dionne Gronda '01
In Honor of Class of 1945 Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty)
In Honor of Class of 1982 Alexandra Svernlov '82
In Honor of Climate Activism Stacy Cochran '77
In Honor of Breanna Conley '08 Celeste and Tony Jones
In Honor of Elizabeth Cooney Janet and Louis Tenore Anonymous (1)
In Honor of Malcolm Copeland '31 Jade Harris and Michael Copeland
In Honor of Caroline Corbett '24 Alisa A. Corbett
Sandra and Arthur DeRose
In Honor of Nathaniel J. Corbett '21 Alisa A. Corbett Sandra and Arthur DeRose
In Honor of The Decter Family Deb Streit and Roy Breslow
In Honor of Katarina DeMatteis '32 Carmen and David J. DeMatteis '95 Karen and Heny Furst
In Honor of Elana Elkhouri '24 Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri
In Honor of Suzanna Elkhouri '26 Hazar Michael and Amer Elkhouri
In Honor of Henry Elwell '33 Sara and David Elwell
In Honor of Giorgi Endeladze '34 Carol and David Weppner
In Honor of Juliana Endeladze '31 Carol and David Weppner
In Honor of Tyler Eng '23 Shirley and Willie Eng
In Honor of David Flocco Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Sheila M. Smith Sheila and Todd Smith
In Honor of Amy Fossett Sue Fossett
In Honor of Caleb Fosset Sue Fossett
In Honor of Nigel D. Furlonge Nicole Dumas-Little
In Honor of Vivian Greenspan Joshua D. Rozan '94
In Honor of Miles G. Hackett '13 Penelope Bassett
In honor of Dimitri Hadjipetkov Victoria Kitirattragarn '15
In Honor of David E. Haight '88 Maureen and David E. Haight
In Honor of Deborah E. Haight '96 Maureen and David E. Haight
In Honor of Abkes M. Halsey '25 Fatou Mbaye and Mten Halsey
In Honor of Alyce V. Harriott '02 Pamela and Michael Harriott
In Honor of LaDonna M. Harriott '04 Pamela and Michael Harriott
In Honor of Valencia Harriott '05 Pamela and Michael Harriott
In Honor of Helmick-Fox family Bette Fox and Richard Liss
In Honor of Cinderella X. Hu '22 Jin Hu
In Honor of Gary Hu '24 Jin Hu
In Honor of Alan Jones Anonymous (1)
In Honor of Brandon C. Jones '04 Celeste and Tony Jones
In Honor of Brittany Jones '16 Celeste and Tony Jones
In Honor of Rudy V. Jordan '35 Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan
In Honor of Jack Kelly '32 Rebecca and Jonathan Kelly
In Honor of The Kimberley class of 1952 Fay Fawcett '52 and Edward Fawcett
In Honor of Dr. Randy Kleinman Pia Kutten
In Honor of Virginia Kriegel Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Gillian and Geoffrey Branigan
In Honor of Harrison Langer '27 Taryn and Darren Langer
In Honor of John Lawrence '63 Jon W. Tarrant '63
In Honor of Jackson M. Lee '27 Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee
In Honor of Miles Lewis '28 Marguerite Gaines
In Honor of Kate Logan Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge
In Honor of Sandy Lonsinger William Hall '82
In Honor of Graham MacCardle '32 Veronica and Joseph Geronimo
In Honor of Ainsley V. Manlowe '20 Anonymous (1)
In Honor of William S. Manlowe '22 Anonymous (1)
In Honor of Angela M. McCaffrey '06 Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
In Honor of Aidan Meeker '23 Jane and Tom Dyszkiewicz
In Honor of Margaret MogaveroPrincipe '25 Ada and Angelo Mogavero
In Honor of Matthew MogaveroPrincipe '25 Ada and Angelo Mogavero
In Honor of Zandi and Tom Nammack Barbara Haase
In Honor of Naia Narula The Narula Foundation
In Honor of Alexa Odell '30 Elizabeth and Wallace Thompson
In Honor of William T. Odell '28 Elizabeth and Wallace Thompson
In Honor of Charles Olsen John Leister
In Honor of Callan Portner '29 Shawn and David Portner
In Honor of Zoi Ramirez '27 Curtis Belle Shirley Drewry Sandra Evans Selina Holmes
In Honor of Rishab Rao '32 Anonymous (1)
In Honor of Gabriel Rodriguez '31 Laura and Victor Rodriguez
In Honor of Nicolás Rodriguez '33 Laura and Victor Rodriguez
In Honor of Lola Rosenblum '25 Myrna and Robert Rosenblum Stacy and Scott Rosenblum In Honor of Sadie Rosenblum '28 Myrna and Robert Rosenblum Stacy and Scott Rosenblum In Honor of Olivia Rubin '29 Karen Wargo and David Rubin
In Honor of Frits B. Schwartz '26 Jonathan D. Schwartz and Kate M. Zernike
In Honor of Alexandra Sherman '22 Julie and Matthew Sherman
In Honor of Benjamin Sherman '22 Julie and Matthew Sherman
In Honor of Alexander Shilkrot '26 Lisa Wang and Leo Shilkrot
In Honor of Tripti Singh Anderson Thwaite '34
In Honor of Roxanne Spies '34 Jessica Eckert and Jason Spies In Honor of Faculty and Staff Stacey Martin
In Honor of Seneca Steplight-Tillet '30 Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
In Honor of Sidney Steplight-Tillet '34 Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
In Honor of Aidan Szilagyi '23 Sharon and Larry Beebe In Honor of Ella Szilagyi '28 Sharon and Larry Beebe
In Honor of Titikit T. Paxton Nithikasem '25
In Honor ofJohn Testa '22 Louisa and Kenneth Testa
In Honor of E. H. Van Wyck, III '60 Bronson Van Wyck '63
In Honor of Archer Waldman '30 Barbara Kane and Jack Schwartz Margot N. Wilensky '99
In Honor of Madeleine Wheeler '23 Anonymous (1)
In Honor of Alexandra P. Williams '22 Elizabeth and Ather Williams
In Honor of Catherine E. Williams '24 Elizabeth and Ather Williams
In Honor of Luca Winters '18
Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant
In Honor of Noah Winters '24
Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant
In Honor of Oliver S. Winters '21
Rebecca Winters and Tomas Rossant
In Honor of Nicholas Wolf '27 Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf
In Honor of Sebastian Wolf '25
Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf
In Honor of Benjamin Wolfson '24 Jackie and Larry Horn
In Honor of Jacob Wolfson '22 Jackie and Larry Horn
In Honor of William S. Zaubler '15 Katharine L. Sonnenberg and Thomas S. Zaubler
In Memory of Andrew Adams Thomas V. Alpren '63
In Memory of Joan A. Ainbinder Judith G. Glinder '89
In Memory of Doug Alsofrom William Hall '82
In Memory of Richard S. Benson '39 Thane E. Benson '70
In Memory of Nixon Bicknell Laura Itzkowitz '81
Malcolm B. O'Hara '73
In Memory of John Bleyle '62 Bruce Guernsey '62
In Memory of Indigo Brooks '12 Monica and Matthew Elmore
In Memory of Ronnie Califano Ryan Abfier '22
Stephanie Boariu '22
Michael Bronstein '22
Jean Caggiano and Michael Caggiano, Jr. Shelby S. Carter '22 Bryce W. Cherry '22 Jessica H. Christian '22
Aiden Ehrenreich '22
Isabella M. Feraca '22
Ayantu Flowers '22 Katherine E. Hulse '22 Perri R. Katz '22
Joshua Kaufman '22
Abigail Kirsch '22 Pia Kutten
Ethan Lieberman '22 Jonathan Lui '22
Cassandra E. Polanskyj '22 Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01
Kyle Salkin
Casey M. Salzman '22 Caroline Sheffet '22 Marianne Traina Alexandra P. Williams '22 Gillian Williams '22
Brandon Yeu '22 Anonymous (1)
In Memory of my classmates who are no longer with us June Cronin '49
In Memory of Paul B. Cosentino John A. Cosentino '67
In Memory of Tony Cuneo Nicole Hoppe
Victoria Kitirattragarn '15
In Memory of Anne Curtin '39 Kate Curtin Lindsey '72
In Memory of Parents, Edith and Howard Finney Linda Williams '72
In Memory of Thomas Fleming Molly B. Demaria '29 Kelly and William R. Massey
In Memory of Eugenia & Demetrios Flessas Barbara Flessas '72 and Robert E. David
In Memory of Martin Fossett Sue Fossett
In Memory of Elliot L. Furbert '14 Kim and Luca Puzzo Ariana K. Puzzo '14
In Memory of Phyllis and Manuel Gibbs Harlan O. Gibbs '72
In Memory of Ken Gibson Rebecca and Roland Hayes
In Memory of Everett Glenn '11 Sarah S. Bradley '12
In Memory of Gretchen Godwin '88 Nathan Chickering Loyd S. Godwin '90 Laura (Eng) Yeu '89 and Patrick Yeu
In Memory of Richmond Hopkins '45 Cynthia Blair '45
In Memory of Mary Johnson Alexis Taylor
In Memory of Scott M. Johnson '93 Jamie L. Decter '93 and Mitchell J. Decter '94 Balaji Gandhi '91
Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Margaret and Richard Wager
In Memory of Thomas Johnson '91 Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Margaret and Richard Wager
In Memory of Sarah Love Kimberly A. Baker '00
In Memory of Philip W. McNeal Barry Smith
In Memory of Virgie McNeal Judith Greene
In Memory of Ghislain Moureaux Anonymous
In Memory of Claude Munson Meritt B. Gavin '58
In Memory of Vince Nadal '89 Barbara and Dennis Mamchur
In Memory of Jean W. Noyes '37 Richard D. Noyes '69
In Memory of Charles Ostrander Richard M. Moskowitz '81
In memory of Eileen Pastorini Bruce B. Pastorini '71
In Memory of Peter N. Peretti '49 Thane E. Benson '70
In Memory of Patty Piegaro New Jersey Council for the Social Studies Bitten
In Memory of Edward H. Pratt Sr. Tiffany and Eric Pratt
In Memory of In Albert Rehus Dwight Jackson '08
In Memory of Aubin Sander '47 Gail Wilson '56
In Memory of Kathryn A. Carrad Schaffner '65 Merrill Bausch
In Memory of Edwin Van Brunt Hobart D. Van Deusen '54
In Memory of Leigh VanderKlein Alexis L. Levengood '06
In Memory of Julie Weary Rachel Wychules '00
In Memory of those who have passed from MA Class of '62 John J. Farrar '62
In Tribute Of Carol Powell
Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall
In Tribute of Leah Miller
Marjorie Jameson
In Tribute of Mr. Gartley Carl H. Shaifer '49
In Tribute of Rose Baker Michael A. Baker '59
"Our children have wonderful learning experiences at MKA because of the creativity, compassion, and talent of their teachers. Our annual gift is a small way of expressing our gratitude. As the beneficiaries of scholarships ourselves when we attended independent schools, we also believe in giving back. So, we support the Community Scholars Program and Kimberely Fund to make sure that MKA's dynamic community continues to thrive."Salamishah Tillet and Solomon Steplight, MKA '93, parents of Seneca, MKA '30 and Sidney, MKA '34.
Many thanks Event Chairs Lauren Fass and Margaret Wager and the outstanding Gala Team. Thanks to their hard work this past year 432 guests attended this incredible evening. In the 2021-22 School Year PAMKA raised a total of $310,000 for MKA Programs and Projects:
Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Jacqueline and Andrew Ahern Sara and Jamie R. Anthony Nia Armstrong and Michael Griffin Koonam and Baiju Aurora Sandra and Bevan K. Baker
Priya and Naveen Ballem '90 M.D., F.A.C.S. Leena and Suvrat Bansal Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta Elizabeth and Ian Bate Anne and Martin Baum Kathleen Beebe and Jeffrey Szilagyi Heather and Vincent Benjamin Britton and Drew Bitterman Nelli and James Black Tammy and Michael Blau Stacey Bradford-Greenberg and Rick Greenberg Kirsten and Christopher Brown Jennifer and Cie-Jai Brown Anju Budhwani-Luhana and Manish Luhana
Beth Burke and Rick Osterberg Elizabeth Byrne and Niall Mullane Bonnie and Michael Carter Cara and Dan Cesareo Shweta and Sunmeet S. Chahal Suna Chang and Michael R. Potenza Katie and Christopher Cherchio Abigail and Edward K. Chung Erin and Tom Chung Monica Conley and Eric Newman Kathy Critchley '87 and Michael Critchley Deanna and Sean Critchley Mimi and Rafael Cuellar Pamela D'Amato Davis '89 and Clifton C. Davis
Sarah Dee and Eric Miller Robyn and Jim DeLorenzo Jenn Dozier and Anindya Chakraberti Jessica Eckert and Jason Spies
Sara and David Elwell Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund Lauren and Jason Fass Catherine Fears and Russell Zack Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Kim and John Fio Rito Holly and Ruben Fleischer Megan and Chad Flick Nathally and Marco Florio Alexandra Forman-Chou and William Chou Jessica and Michael Freeman Sheri and Jason Friedman Kelly Fritz '93 and Ed Fritz Shira J. Gertz and Kevin M. Uribe Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall Jessica and Brian Glatt
Melissa Goldman-Williams Nadina Guglielmetti and Brian Sieger Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Willard J. Hall
Jade Harris and Michael Copeland Lisanne Hauck
Karen Heath-Wade and Kirk Wade Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Liza and Keith Helwig Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Robert Herrmann
Ashley and Craig Hirsh '01 Rebecca and Jonathan B. Hirsh '95 Emily and Chris Hogue
Lisa Hyman Sackman and Joel Sackman Catherine and Philip Irwin Alice and Matthew Iversen '96 Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Mary and Joel Jeffrey Kate and Brady Jenkins Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Sandra and Gregory Kahn Adela Kalenja and Andras T. Forgacs Lauren Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan
Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Priya and Victor Karkar Elizabeth and Jason Katz Amanda C. Klepfer and Ryan G. Sankarpersad Dawn Koontz-Norris and James Norris Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen Sapna and Vejay G. Lalla '93 Taryn and Darren Langer Lisa Lazarus and Robert Coviello Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee Meredith Levine and Andrew Heller Marlene and Stephen Lewis Yael Lipton and Matthew Glasofer Wendy Liu and Jingsheng Hua Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia Tricia and John Mac Evoy Elena and Anthony Mack Piper B. and Michael J. Magera Natasha and Michael Malcolm Natasha Mathias and Mayur Ian Somaiya Latisse M. Mays-Stovall and James K. Stovall Jen Mellish and Andrew Gottfried Vinita and Vinay Mendiratta Meg Menzel and Aaron Kissel Helena and Svetislav Milic Julie and James Millon Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey Cheryl Moo-Young and Garth Naar Lisa Bombardieri Moore '90 Moyra and Wallace Murungi Diana and Devang Nagrecha Elizabeth and Miguel Nieves Kimberly and John O'Kane Traci Otey Blunt and Jonathan Blunt Deborah and Michael I. Otner Besa and David E. Owen Simmy and Rodney Owens Susan and Joseph Pannullo
Mona Patel and Adeep Thumar Dina and Virendra Patel
Tameka and David Pearce Lora and Todd Perlow
Twyla Perrin
Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Valerie and Wesley S. Puryear
Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi Michael and Renee Rallatos Shruti and Sharad Ramesh
Joseph and John Randolph Priya and Avi V. Raval
Limor and Robert Regular Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01 Courtney Reinisch and Eric Seid Diana E. Reiter '01 and Sean Mersten Sara and Glenn Robertson Lauren and Lawrence Rosenthal Liz and Daniel Ross
Shawna and Benjamin M. Roth '94 Katherine and Robert Ruberton Sheereen and Ahmad Russell Robyn Sacks and Andrew Slutzky
Jennifer Salinas and Christian Mendoza Stephanie and Glenn Salzman
Nicole Sandler '01 and Jonathan Sandler Moushumi Sanghavi and Daniel Khublall
Jonathan D. Schwartz and Kate M. Zernike
Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Karen Segall and Jeremy Bass Kimberly Senter Mouhteros and Taso Mouhteros Neha Shah and Saiful A. Khan Julie and Matthew Sherman Alison Slone and Adam Miller Lara and John Snyder
Jennie and JT Sowers
Kathryn Stallings and Stanley Chiu Julija Stoliarova and Bjorn Boyer Jennifer and Jay Thibodaux
Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
Natalie and Tommaso Trento Teanna and Jack Tycher
Naureen and Nkere Udofia Kate Vail and Dan Wolff
Lindy and Anton Vincent Margaret and Richard Wager Alyson Waldman '99 and Matthew Waldman '98
Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen Kimberly and Samuel Wechsler Lela Weems, MD and Shaka Rasheed Susan and Leonard Weintraub Michelle and Jovan Willford Katie and Cameron Williams Julie and Spencer Wolfson Nicole Xu and Jonathan To Veronica Zeron and Alexis Mendoza
Abby Nelson
Saurabh Agarwal '92 and Linda Agarwal Jacqueline and Andrew Ahern
Alison Ainsworth and Edward Felsenthal Air Group LLC.
All-Star Spring Gala Committee Alpha-Lit NJ
Mr. Masoud and Mrs. Nadia Altirs Amanda Klepfer Associates Amanti Vino
Amazing Lash Studio
CherylAnne and Michael Amendola American Carpet South Diana Anders and Andrew Weiner Rick and Linny Andlinger
Ark Chinese Language Weekend School Nia Armstrong and Michael Griffin Associated Fire Protection Priya and Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90
Barbara Eclectic Jennifer and Victoria Barbetta
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 and John C. Barrett Elizabeth and Ian Bate
Matilda Baye-Akaho and Wisdom Akaho
Beacon Wealth Partners
Morgan B. Bellapianta '99 and Christopher M. Bellapianta '97 Heather and Vincent Benjamin Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center
Bill Wing
Tammy and Michael Blau Nakeyl J. Branch-Johnson and Abdullah F. Johnson Brick + Dough British Home Emporium
Brookdale ShopRite
Kirsten and Christopher Brown Brown and Brown Metro
Christy Burke
Elizabeth Byrne and Niall Mullane Calandra's Italian Village Camp In Slumbers
Capelli New York
Candice and Timothy S. Carlson CARS
Bonnie and Michael Carter Grace Cecilio-Dueno and Jason Dueno Cara and Dan Cesareo Suna Chang and Michael R. Potenza
Sonia and Parmi Cheema Chef Chris Prosper Katie and Christopher Cherchio Erin and Tom Chung Abigail and Edward K. Chung Sherrese Clarke Soares and Roger Soares Clores Flowers
Katie and Michael Cocco CoCo Gallery
Evelyn and Stephen T. Colbert Cold Stone Creamery Leigh and Patrick J. Conforti Connect One Deanna and James Copeland Corefire Studio
Deanna and Sean Critchley Mimi and Rafael Cuellar Culinart George Cush Cyclebar Montclair
Pamela D'Amato Davis '89 and Clifton C. Davis D'licious D*FIT Studio Da Pepo De Novo Sarah Dee and Eric Miller DeeCluttered Alicia N. Diaz and Manuel Carbajal Dot Reeder
Janita and Meyrick I. Douglas Sara and David Elwell Sybil M. Eng and Tad Roselund Events By Joni EveryDay Order Evolve Fitness Laurie and Jon Ewing Fania Roofing Company Lauren and Jason Fass Faubourg Efua and Louis Feldman Jocelyn Fine and Javier Ferrandiz Alexis and Clifford Finkle IV '92 Holly and Ruben Fleischer Megan and Chad Flick Jessica and Michael Freeman Kelly Fritz '93 and Ed Fritz Nicole and Nigel D. Furlonge Dulce Galvan-Wolf and Aaron Wolf Meredith and Aaron Gardner Tricia and Guy P. Garrubbo Gender Policy Group
Shira J. Gertz and Kevin M. Uribe Melanie Girton and Craig Marshall Jessica and Brian Glatt
Melissa Goldman-Williams Deborah Gordon and Benjamin Goodrich Green Point Juicery Karen and Robert Gulliver
Jade Harris and Michael Copeland Hartshorn Portraiture
Kathryn V. Hatfield Hatfield Schwartz Law Group Elizabeth and Marek Hejna Liza and Keith Helwig
Silvia Henriquez and Luis Villafana Robert Herrmann
Ellen and Stephen Higgins Howell Montclair Jane and Edward L. Hulse Icebound Catherine and Philip Irwin Alice and Matthew Iversen '96
Janice and Jeffrey Jacobson Mary and Joel Jeffrey Kate and Brady Jenkins Jenn Dock Jessie de Santiago Tina Jordan and Kevin Rendino Chrissy and Jacob C. Jordan Just Salads Sandra and Gregory Kahn Lauren Hyman Kaplan '93 and Douglas Kaplan Sumeet and Kabir Kapoor Kathleen Hansen-Arvela Elizabeth and Jason Katz Rebecca and Jonathan Kelly Kindred Black Lisa A. Krizner-George and David R. George Kung Fu Tea Monica Kurpiewski and Robert Kilcullen Gina and Sanjay Lalla Sapna and Vejay G. Lalla '93 Taryn and Darren Langer Le Salbuen Learning Express LECA Academy Danielle and Mitchell D. Lee Let's Yo The Levy Family Liepold Design Group Little Nest Portraits Mei Liu and Yingjun Sun Kate Logan and Edmund Rung Yang Lou and Zhenyu Jia Tricia and John Mac Evoy Margot and Hugh Macdonnell Piper B. and Michael J. Magera Natasha and Michael Malcolm Marcel Rob and Nicole Masella Latisse M. Mays-Stovall and James K. Stovall MBX Mind Body Experience Jen Mellish and Andrew Gottfried Mercado Helena and Svetislav Milic Millburn Chess Academy Julie and James Millon Luz L. Miranda-Crespo and Luis Crespo Ruchi Misra and Nicholas Hailey Mist Skin Care MKA Board
Montclair Film Montclair Fire Department Melissa Montemuino Lisa Bombardieri Moore '90 Moxie Salon and Beauty Bar Chadd A. Mukete '11 Kerry and Paul Murphy Heidi and John Muscarelle Diana and Devang Nagrecha Karen and Thomas Newman Elizabeth and Miguel Nieves Alisa and Toby Norris
North Jersey Orthopedic Group Kimberly and John O'Kane Traci Otey Blunt and Jonathan Blunt Besa and David E. Owen Amy and Ralph Pacifico Paige Ferrel PAMKA Board
Papasikos Orthodontics Lora and Todd Perlow Pink Bunglow
Stacey Polanskyj '92 and Peter Polanskyj Porta
Valerie and Wesley S. Puryear Anne and Geoffrey Quart Susan Quatrone and Brett Fischer Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi Michael and Renee Rallatos
Shruti and Sharad Ramesh Joseph and John Randolph Priya and Avi V. Raval
Bhavana Ravindranath and Harsha Bhupalam Haribhaktha Limor and Robert Regular
Jamie Reichstein and Matthew Reichstein '01 Revive Fitness Studio
Lori and David Riley Rod Bolton Photography Sabrina and Adam Rodgers
Stacy and Scott Rosenblum
Liz and Daniel Ross
Katherine and Robert Ruberton Sheereen and Ahmad Russell Ruthie's BBQ Pizza
Kathryn and Duane Sachs
Sacks Orthodontics
Anu Sahi-Shah and Samir B. Shah Stephanie and Glenn Salzman You Gata Angel
Jessica Sarfati
Michael D. Sasso '12
Colleen and Robert Scalzo Rebecca and John C. Scuorzo Karen Segall and Jeremy Bass Alison Slone and Adam Miller
Amy and George South Jennie and JT Sowers
Nicole St Pierre
Julija Stoliarova and Bjorn Boyer April and Brett Straten
Nicole and Rahmaan R. Streater
Judy and Mark Tabak
Madalena and Vernal Taylor
The Corner
The Curated Home
The General Store at Cornerstone Montclair
The Highlawn
The Little Daisy Bake Shop Jennifer and Jay Thibodaux Salamishah M. Tillet and Solomon Steplight '93
To&Xu Forward Solutions Teanna and Jack Tycher
Naureen and Nkere Udofia
Unique European Skincare Nadine and Bradley Vaiana Kate Vail and Dan Wolff
Veggie Heaven
Greta Velez De Villa - Dowdell and Michael Dowdell
VESTA Chocolate Margaret and Richard Wager Walnut Street Kitchen
Helen W. Walter Crossen '95 and David Crossen
Warwick Valley Winery & Distillery Rebecca and Heath Weisberg Julie and Spencer Wolfson
Veronica Zeron and Alexis Mendoza
Kathleen M. Logan, President
Karen Gulliver, Vice President
Luke Sarsfield, III '91, Vice President
Jeffrey G. Szilagyi, Treasurer
Paige Cottingham- Streater '79, Secretary
Merrick G. Andlinger
Naveen Ballem M.D., F.A.C.S ’90
Jennifer Barbetta
Anya Barrett '89
James L. Bromley
Bonnie Carter
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06
Sybil Eng
Clifford Finkle '92
Nigel D. Furlonge
Peter Fusco '89
Tracy Higgins
Janice Jacobson
Tina Jordan
Lauren Kaplan '93
Robert J. Ruberton
Stephanie A. Salzman
Matthew Sherman
Craig Solomon Solomon Steplight ’93
Margaret Wager
Aubin Ames '54
John Garippa Alice Hirsh
Michael V. Johnson
Newton B. Schott, Jr.
David Crichlow
Carolyn Everson
Barry Ridings '70
Robert L. Tortoriello
Nadia Altirs
Reshan B. Richards
Anya Barrett '89, Chairperson
Nadia Altirs
Janice Jacobson
Kathleen M. Logan Solomon Steplight ’93
Janice Jacobson, President Leena Bansal Sybil M. Eng
Meredith Gardner Silvia Henriquez Rebecca L. Hirsh Lauren Kaplan '93 Ruchi Misra Stephanie Salzman Alison Slone
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06, President Stephen A. Bezer '11, Senior VP Stuart Harwood '07, Executive VP Lhenée S. McKoy '05, Secretary Seth L. Bynum '11 Kelly Byrne '08 Jenna Clancey '03 Geoffrey S. Close '71 Jeffrey Festa '06 Nigel D. Furlonge Frank G. Godlewski '76 Cara Landolfi '05 Dominic J. Leone '12 Angela M. McCaffrey '06 Chadd A. Mukete '11 Samora Noguera '02
Ryan Abfier '22
Raghav M. Cholappadi '22 Jessica H. Christian '22 Jaya Mendiratta '22 Callum Reddington '22 Alyssa Rukshin '22 Casey M. Salzman '22 Caroline Sheffet '22 Alexandra Sherman '22 Alexandra P. Williams '22
Enid Hyde '41
Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty) Gail S. Marentette '51 Martha Moran '52 Sheldon W. Buck '54 Georgia S. Carrington '54 Susan Ferdinand '56 Eric F. Jaeckel '56 Larry Nazarian '56 Thelma A. Knight '57 Henry R. Agens '58 Diana Little '58 Jarvis Nolan '59 David L. Bruck '61 Suzanne Hardy '61 Barbara Creed '62 W. D. Donald '62
Katharine "Kitty" Haines '65 Jessie Boyer '66 A. C. Cameron '66 Douglas C. Fitzpatrick '66 Craig C. Perry '67 Geoffrey Gregg '68
Edward A. Griggs '69
Avie C. Kalker '68
Christine G. Hannon '69
Leslie J. Bryan '70
V. J. Castiglia '70
Peter G. Webb '70
Philippa Bowles '71
Jeffrey C. Jones '71
Anthony F. Vitale '71
Thomas C. Galligan '73
Gregory C. Lackey '73
Susan B. Read '73
Erin Crawford '74
Paul H. Zukerberg '75
Sara Close '76
Frank G. Godlewski '76
Robert J. Hubsmith '77
Andrew S. Pedersen '77
Pamela A. Zeug '78
John R. Brink '79
Bruce M. Eng '79 Shawn Ortiz '79
Laura Itzkowitz '81
Walter J. Davis '83
Maureen Natkin '83
Jennifer Jones Ladda '84
Jennifer L. Remington-Knodel '86
Dennis P. Rodano '87
Lynne Yellin '87
Louis R. Lessig '89
Joshua H. Raymond '89
Dara J. Marmon '91
Luke Sarsfield '91
Enrique W. Neblett '92 Jason A. Awerdick '94
Tanya L. Barnes '96 Erica Hirsch '96
Lee D. Vartan '96
Gemma M. Diaco '98 Alexander B. Holz '99 Sandra Tritt '99
Aubin Ames '54
Frances Ames '40*
Rick and Linny Andlinger Polly Barrows '42*
Howard T. Bellin '53
Karen Boyle '81
Elizabeth and J. Martin Brayboy '80
Sheldon W. Buck '54
Joan Carlisle '46
Georgia S. Carrington '54
Kathleen and Randy H. Carroll Philip M. Cheek '46*
Barbara Creed '62
Kyle G. Curtin '82
Barbara and Richard J. Dolven Philip L. Ehrlich '82
Charlotte Fitch '29*
Lora and Calworth Furbert Susan Galligan '74 and Thomas C. Galligan '73 Everett Glenn ’11* Helen Gordon '42*
David E. Haight '88 Barbara Hanson '47*
John D. Harris '63*
Varick D. Harrison '48* Schuyler Horn '59
Susan S. Huang '72 Eric F. Jaeckel '56
Susan and Rees L. Jones Susan D. Karlin '41*
Nancy Booth Kelly '52 Ruth Kidde
William P. LaPlant '63
Kate Curtin Lindsey '72 Frederick Little '40*
James T. Mackey '43* Jean Manley '36*
Gail S. Marentette '51
Caroline Mark '36*
David Marrocco '57*
Vincent E. Mascia '72
Lucile G. Mason '43*
Joan Murray '49*
Judith Nesbit
Harry Nimmergut '75
Jean W. Noyes '37*
Margaret M. Overholser '45
Drika Purves '57*
A. R. Rafner '47
Diane Ridley, MD '84
Mary Louise Rubin '86 Curtis S. Rudbart '78
Susan H. Ruddick '54*
Richard Sandler '48
Rudy Schlobohm '74*
Elizabeth Schmitz '36* W. Ford Schumann*
Jean Siudmak*
Leigh B. Smith '45 (Former Faculty)
Philip H. Smith '53*
Paul G. Tiranno '89
Virginia Usher '42*
James S. Vandermade '35*
Olive Watson '36*
George W. Weilepp ’50*
Pearl Wolf
Anna T. Cook '00
John S. Garippa '00
Jaclyn Spedaliere '00
Emily Santangelo '02
Melissa Slomienski '02
Melanie Bieber '03
Judith Ferreira '03
Brendan A. McCaffrey '04
Katherine S. Santoro '04
Edmund G. Kozak '05
Manav A. Lalwani '05
Natalie L. Azzoli '06
Angela M. McCaffrey '06
Stuart Harwood '07
Brian May '07
Harry A. Raymond '07
Matthew D. Metzger '08
Brian N. Purcell '09
Jane R. Stanton '09
Devon Barrett '10
Matthew R. Palmisano '10
Seth L. Bynum '11
Carina Wong '11
Casey N. Holden '12
Edward Rosini '12
Elizabeth Amato '13
Edward Bozik '13
Kassandra Fotiadis '14
Korinne J. Durando '15
Lily H. Andres '16
Zoe Bieler '16
Charles Rilli '16
Jenna Donatiello '17
Matthew Rubenstein '17
Lailanni A. Lucien '18
Keenan C. McAuliffe '18
Kerri McGuire '18
Naveen Ballem M.D.,.A.C.S ’90
Leena Bansal
Cortland Bosc
Anya Buenger Barrett '89 Britton Bitterman
Stacey Bradford-Greenberg Kirsten Brown
Breanna Conley '08
Christina A. Cotton
Jamie L. Decter '93
Michelle Drewry
Sara Elwell
Sybil M. Eng
Dave Flocco
Jessica Freeman Sheri Friedman
Suzanne Giarrusso Marshall Hatcher
Karen Heath-Wade Elise Hubert
Janice Jacobson
Tony Jones
Liz Katz
Meredith Levine Wendy Liu
Kate Logan
Nicole Masella Kimberly O'Kane
Amy Peterson
Joseph Randolph Shaka Rasheed Shobaa Sherawat
Alison Slone
Laurie Smith
Craig S. Solomon
Solomon Steplight '93
Linda H. Sterling
April Straten Nicole Streater
Salamishah Tillet Greta Velez De Villa - Dowdell Margaret Wager Suzanne Weinberg Amy Weppner Nancy Wheeler
Mariam Abukwaik '17
Christopher M. Bellapianta '97
Alfredo L. Bequillard '97
Stephen A. Bezer '11
Joy M. Booth Roussel '87
Thomas R. Brueckner '72
Jonathan J. Bruno '02
Seth L. Bynum '11
Kelly Byrne '08
Jenna Clancey '03
Geoffrey S. Close '71
Stacy Cochran '77 Barbara Creed '62
Kyle G. Curtin '82 Daniel Derian '87
Caitlin DiRuggiero '06 W. D. Donald '62 Korinne J. Durando '15 Abigail Erbes '17 Lauren Ertel '02 Jeffrey Festa '06 Barbara Flessas '72 Krishna S. Gall '12 Frank G. Godlewski '76 Serena Godwin '92 Anthony G. Gray '02 David Grillo '12
Bruce Guernsey '62
Eugene T. Gurkoff '97
Stuart Harwood '07
Robert J. Hubsmith '77
Michael S. Kurtz '57
Cara Landolfi '05
Dominic J. Leone '12
Deborah and Jared Levine Kate Curtin Lindsey '72
Dara J. Marmon '91
Angela M. McCaffrey '06
David McCants '87
Lhenée S. McKoy '05
Chadd A. Mukete '11
Ingrid Nakamura '92
Samora Noguera '02
Elizabeth Owen '80
J. Dean Paolucci '73
Lisa Parada '87
Devika Patel '12
Peter N. Perretti '72
Thomas S. Robbins '82
Sabino T. Rodano '87
Nina Rosselli Del Turco '57
Emily Santangelo '02
Robert C. Streit '97
John Watson '02
Angelo Weber '17
Linda Williams '72 Jeremy M. Zak '12