2022-2023 Upper School Curriculum Guide

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Science The Science Department offers courses that provide students with a strong background in the three major areas of science: biology, chemistry, and physics. In addition to challenging students in the areas of critical thinking and problem solving, courses engage students in the process of science by introducing new laboratory methodology and helping students to become scientifically literate citizens. Most Upper School students take four years of science; those students who plan to major in science or engineering or those who may pursue medicine are strongly encouraged to do so. Some students take two science courses as juniors and/or seniors. Please note the courses for which the Common Work Period is used on a regular basis to extend instructional time. Second year honors courses (Biology 2H or Chemistry 2H) are not a possible pathway into an AP course in the same discipline (AP Biology or AP Chemistry). Graduation Requirement: Students must complete three years of science: biology, chemistry and physics.



Students are introduced to the science of biology from an ecological perspective that incorporates an understanding of the abiotic and biotic factors that impact living things. Students will explore topics in ecology, genetics, evolution, system studies of life from the molecular, cellular, and organismal level, and taxonomy; content will be supported by activities and experiments. Students will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary analytical writing skills, experimental skills, and processing skills to continue their studies in science. The honors course covers the same concepts but uses a different textbook to explore them with added depth and breadth. Prerequisites for Bio 1H: Full year

A- or above in 8th grade science and department recommendation 6 Credits



This course covers the Biology 1 Honors course content, with the expectation of more independence on the part of the student, so that more class time can be devoted to laboratory inquiry activities. In addition, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of scientific research. A significant part of the course focuses on developing testable questions, designing experiments, and communicating results. Students in this course will prepare additional and more detailed laboratory reports than in Biology 1H, and in this course, students will present their findings to peers. This class will use its Common Work Period. Prerequisites: Full year

A- or above in 8th grade science and department recommendation 6 Credits



This course provides an overview of the major topics and problem-solving techniques in chemistry. Topics explored include atomic theory, chemical nomenclature and reactions, the mole and stoichiometry, chemical bonding, properties of matter, and basic thermodynamics. Students will explore these topics through discussion, activities, mathematical analysis and laboratory experiments. The honors course includes additional topics and requires more in-depth quantitative analysis of the concepts along with a more rigorous laboratory component. Prerequisites for Chem 1H: Full Year

A- in Biology 1 or B+ in Biology 1H/SRH; B+ in Algebra 2, B in Algebra 2H/Advanced Algebra 2H, or co-enrollment in Algebra 2H/Advanced Algebra 2 Honors; and department recommendation 6 Credits


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