How to raise a preschooler Raising a preschooler requires understanding just how big and overwhelming can the world seem to your tiny tot. A child as young as 2-4 years old needs a lot of attention, love, empathy and care. They also need a secure, predictable environment at home and at preschool. Choosing a good preschool can quell your concerns pertaining how well your child is being taken care of. A preschool program that involves a carefully-designed structure that incorporates play, art, music and dance is not only enjoyable for your child but also assists the development of several important facets of their personality. A child still in preschool spends at-least half of their day at home. Thus, it’s also essential for parents to provide a well-thought-out routine at home that helps your child feel secure and makes them respect the art of being disciplined. Raising a preschooler Raising a child who goes to preschool requires building a carefully-structured routine that takes the guesswork out of the daily happenings. A predictable routine can make your child feel at ease and confident of what to expect. Taking care of your child’s eating and sleeping routines as well as other daily activities goes a long way in maintaining their health and cheerfulness as well as boosting their physical, emotional and cognitive growth.
Establish a daily schedule
If your child attends preschool, they would be already exposed to following a schedule that requires them to do designated activities at fixed times. It is advisable to maintain a routine at home as well to make home a predictable and secure environment. Following a routine at home also makes your child more disciplined and improves their ability to control impulses. For instance, if you have fixed mealtimes and playtimes, your child would learn to exercise self-control and follow the routine even if they’d rather not be separated from their toys at mealtime.
The process of establishing a routine not only fosters predictability but also teaches children to delay gratification which is a life skill crucial to success and fulfilment.
Make eating a joyful activity
You may feel worried if your child does not seem to eat much or chooses unhealthy foods over healthy options. It is natural for preschoolers to become choosy regarding food at this age. Their food choices are likely to become more inclusive with time. Till that happens, you can make mealtimes fun by playing inventive games such as asking your kid to eat as many ‘colors’ as they can from the plate. If they persist in refusing to eat a particular dish, introduce a variety of fun and healthy snacks and fruits into their diet to make up for the lost nutrients.
Have your child go to sleep at fixed times
Fix a time for when your child goes to sleep. Establish a schedule of winding down an hour before sleep-time. You could use this hour to read out a story to your child or play soothing music. Make sure that they do not indulge in any vigorous physical activities just before sleeping. Certain preschools in New York offer a structured schedule and class environment that helps children make the most of their day at the preschool. One of the preschools in NYC that is known for the emphasis placed upon incorporating play and other enriching activities in the schedule is Montclare Children’s School in Manhattan, New York. Raising a young child may seem to be a task fraught with doubts and difficulties. But a dose of assertiveness coupled with empathy and respect for the child can help make the process fruitful and effective.