Montgomery County Chamber News Mag

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Montgomery County

SUMMER News Magazine 2012

The Official News Magazine of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

COVER Plymouth meeting mall Healthcare Facility Opening at the Mall - Pg 14

INSIDE: Meet the board of governors - Pg 4 summer EVENTS - Pg 4 Membership application - Pg 5 excellence awards Pictorial - Pg 6 Chamber Happenings - Pg 7 RENEWING MEMBERS Thank You - Pg 12 surviving the croupon world Article - Pg 12 Welcome New Members - Pg 13 Montgomery County Special olympics Article - Pg 13 Municipal minutes Local Government News - Pg 8 ECRWSS

real estate guide - Pg 26

Complimentary Copy


Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Celebrating 100 Years! Serving Businesses from Fort Washington to Valley Forge, Conshohocken to Collegeville along the Route 202, Route 422, and I-76 Corridors since 1912.

11,000 Combined Circulation with four seasonal issues per year.


MOBILE BILLBOARDS “Changing the Way You Advertise!” ✓ Daily Commutes ✓ Grand Openings ✓ 3D Showrooms ✓ Sporting Events ✓ Holiday Events

✓ Concerts ✓ Festivals ✓ Trade Shows ✓ Conventions ✓ Promotions

Our studies have pin pointed the times and locations to maximize your advertising message. With precise driving routes in these high traffic areas and popular shopping destinations your message is in front of thousands of consumers on a daily basis. Guaranteed customer service & satisfaction is our goal. Promoting your business is our business and we will go above and beyond to ensure that your campaign is running smoothly. We provide proof of performance via photo and GPS tracking for each campaign we execute.


SUMMER 2012 PREMIUM advertisers 14

FRONT COVER Plymouth Meeting Mall Healthcare Facility Opening at the Mall

FEATURED advertisers ADVERTISING/AWARDS & SIGNS Mike Irby Photography............................................................................... 25 Piper Media Productions............................................................................ 50 Rush Hour Mobile Billboards (Inside Front Cover)......................................... 22 Tonbo Visual Promotions........................................................................... 41 Valley Forge Promotions Billboards............................................................. 18 Why About Marketing................................................................................ 29




BACK COVER STORY Audubon Land Development New Development Site in Oaks

American Heritage..................................................................................... 48 Continental Bank....................................................................................... 21 Farmers Insurance.................................................................................... 37 Michael G. Meall, CPA............................................................................... 50 National Penn Bank.................................................................................. 14 Penn Liberty Bank..................................................................................... 35 The Peterman Group.................................................................................. 31


QUARTERLY editorial articles 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 11 12 12 13 13 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 28 31 32 33 33 34

34 35 36 37 38 39

40 42 47


Meet the board of governors calendar of events Summer 2012 Membership application chamber's Excellence AWARDS Pictorial Chamber happenings New Member Orientation municipal minutes Women's Resource Council Pictorial Thank you 2012 Renewing Members surviving the groupon world Montgomery County Special Olympics Welcome New Members Going Solar Presidential Caterers Working within your budget SpotLess Commercial Cleaning Robert Bilfco Honored by PBA Continental Bank rush hour mobile billboards VOTED BEST IN AREA Montgomery Home Care & Hospice all children our future Homewood Suites MERCY SUBURBAN HOSPITAL Real Estate Guide Sponsored by Omega Commercial Real Estate From One Who Knows Marlene J. Mash, MD Have you performed a data backup lately? Tom's Help Desk king of Prussia District Healthlinks Montgomery Hospital how zoning & development laws effect your business Kaplin / Stewart thougts on giving away the family business Kaplin / Stewart Announcing Mobile Banking Application Penn Liberty Bank A Nice Place to Visit Anne M. Facchiano, DMD, FAGD one stop shopping Farmers Insurance raising the bar Arnold's Family Fun Center becoming the optimal salesperson Caramanico Maguire Associates, Inc. Natures way of interfering Fish Window Cleaning Spring into summer Appetite for Nutrition doing the most good for homeless families The Salvation Army Workplace Violence the Security Advisors

Audubon Land Development....................................................................... 16 Caramanico Maguire Associates................................................................. 39 Clean A Tank............................................................................................ 42 Elite Cleaning........................................................................................... 46 Fish Window Cleaning............................................................................... 40 GigaBiter Secure Mobile Electronic Destruction.............................................. 44 Just To Travel........................................................................................... 45 Kaplin Stewart Attorneys at Law.................................................................. 40 King of Prussia District.............................................................................. 34 Medallion Transportation............................................................................ 29 SPOTless Commercial Cleaning.................................................................. 19 Tom's Help Desk....................................................................................... 32 The Security Advisors................................................................................. 48

CATERING/FOOD SERVICES Maggiano's Little Italy................................................................................ 14 Peppers Italian Restaurant & Bar................................................................. 46 Presidential Caterers of Distinction (Inside Back Cover)................................. 51

Energy Suppliers Constellation Energy.................................................................................. 43

ENTERTAINING/MEETINGS & EVENTS Arnold’s Family Fun Center......................................................................... 38 Cherished Affairs Party Planning................................................................. 45 Dave & Busters......................................................................................... 41 Homewood Suites..................................................................................... 24 Hyatt Place............................................................................................... 40 Norris Sales Party Rentals.......................................................................... 49

HEALTHCARE & Fitness Anne M. Facchiano, D.M.D, F.A.G.D............................................................ 36 Appetite for Nutrition.................................................................................. 42 Freedom Valley YMCA................................................................................ 44 Marlene J. Mash, MD & Associates............................................................. 30 Mercy Suburban Hospital........................................................................... 24 Montgomery Home Care & Hospice............................................................. 23 Upper Merion Dental Associates.................................................................. 37

SUMMER 2012 ISSUE Publisher John S. Rafanello, CEO Local Pages Publishing, LLC 1055 W. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19403 editor Kathy Brandon ASSOCIATE editor Kate Boyle ADVERTiSING/Editorial Concetta Rafanello Director of Maketing GRAPHICS & LAYOUT Local Pages Publishing Graphics Staff Kirk Whitpan - Manager photography Mike Irby Photography INFORMATION For information about advertising and circulation please contact Local Pages Publishing, LLC Ph: 610.579.3809 x.108 Fax: 610-579-3818 For information about becoming a member of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce please call 610-277-9500 Subscriptions are free to qualified businesses. All articles, photos, artwork and other materials are copyright Local Pages Publishing, LLC and it’s advertisers. ®2012 Local Pages Publishing, LLC The publisher, editor or Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce are not responsible for submitted copy or advertiser claims.

GOVERNMENT Police Athletic League................................................................................ 43 State Representative Kate Harper 61st District............................................... 19

OFFICE/HOUSING/REAL ESTATE Omega Commercial Real Estate.................................................................. 28

RETAIL SERVICES King of Prussia Mall.................................................................................. 20 Plymouth Meeting Mall (Front Cover).......................................................... 15 Ray’s Appliances....................................................................................... 47



Meet the

Board of governors

The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors sets the policy of the Chamber. The Board includes: Joe Campbell-Bank of America, Chairperson, Bob Hart-King of Prussia Mall, Vice-Chair, Sam Augustine-JP Mascaro & Sons, Paula Bodden-Jay Gress, Inc., Earl Clairmont-Clairmont, Paciello & Company, P.C., Jules DeLuzio-Penn Liberty Bank, June Jenkins-Continental Bank, Kristin Kane-Kane Partners, LLC, Lee Koch-The Koch Law Firm, Greg Philips-Yergey, Daylor, Alleback, Scheffey, Picardi, Suzanne RyanPECO Energy, Karen Zajick-Norris Sales Company, Inc.

of the chamber’s ambassador committee. Paula lives in East Norriton with her husband Bob. Her son Paul is entering law school at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall.

Robert C. Hart-King of Prussia Mall Mr. Hart joined Kravco Com-

In the past two editions, a few board members have been featured featured. In this edition, board members Paula Bodden and Bob Hart are spotlighted. Future editions of the Chamber Magazine pany in 1984 as an Assistant Manwill feature information about the ager in the company’s management training program. He has other members of the Board. worked in numerous properties Paula Bodden-Jay with increased responsibilities Gress, Inc. during his tenure and is currently Paula Bodden is the Credit the General Manager of King of Prussia Mall with Simon Property Group King of Prussia, with 7 department stores and over 400 specialty stores is the second largest mall in the United States. Prior to King of Prussia, he was a District Property Manager responsible for management oversight of approximately one third of Kravco Company’s portfolio including regional shopping centers, office buildings and community centers. He graduated with a B.A. in Management from Lynchburg College in Virginia. and Collections Manager at Jay Gress, Inc., a petroleum distribution company in Conshohocken, PA . Her responsibilities include a wide range of credit and customer service functions, from the inception of an account through to a variety of collection efforts when necessary. Accounts range from small residential accounts to large multimillion dollar organizations. Paula has been employed by the family owned business since 1983.


Calendar of Events (Please check the website for additional information) Please call the Chamber office in case of inclement weather.

Friday, June 1st

Womens Resource Luncheon Doubletree Suites, Plymouth Meeting

Thursday, June 7th

Business Card Exchange Arnold’s Family Fun Center, Oaks

Tuesday, June 12th

Annual Golf Outing Pine Crest Country Club, Lansdale

Wednesday, June 13th Business Connections Luncheon Chamber Office, King of Prussia Tuesday, June 19th

New Member Orientation Chamber Office, King of Prussia

Wednesday, July 11th Network at Noon Morton’s Steakhouse, King of Prussia. Please monitor the calendar on the website ( for up-to-date information


The Chamber’s YPSN (Young Professional Suburban Network) hosted another successful event, with a Business Mixer at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in King of Prussia in February. Dozens of young professionals enjoyed an evening of networking with their peers. YPSN is for seasoned professionals, as well as those just starting out. The group’s next Business Mixer is scheduled for May 31st at T. Burke’s in the DoubleTree-Valley Forge.

Mr. Hart is an active member of the International Council of Shopping Centers. He is also a board member of the King of Prussia Rotary, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association.

Paula is the Past Chair of the Chamber’s Board of Governors and has been involved with the chamber for several years. She currently serves at the Chair



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Serving Homes and Businesses



Do we have your email address?

Chamber headquarters: members always


The Chamber’s predominant form of communication is email. Members should be receiving The Chamber’s epost on Thursday afternoon as well as regular announcements and invitations. If you are not please send your email address to and be sure to include your name and business affiliation.

but need an appointment

Members of the Chamber are always welcome at The Chamber’s headquarters, the historic King Of Prussia Inn but many ask why is an appointment required? The reason is insurance. The historic 310 year old building has low head clearances and some uneven flooring and for those reasons guests must be escorted in the building much as you would in a private museum. Members are welcome Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4:30 and can make arrangements by calling (610) 265-1776.

Chamber reservation

policy: Reservations for Chamber events are generally required two to three days before the actual event. They are required to allow for adequate food service, seating and scheduling. Payment is required at the time of registration and can be refunded up to The Chamber’s reservation deadline. ‘Walk-in’ attendance can not always be accommodated, especially when the catering is very specific. You can always reserve at www. montgomerycountychamber. org and members may reserve by calling (610) 2651776 or (610) 277-9500.

Annual Subscription Rates Dues based on number of employees in the service area (2 part time employees = 1 full time) Dues may be tax deductible - please consult your tax advisor. New members please add $25 one time processing fee

245  1-5 employees, government agencies, non-profit agencies & educational institutes $ 295  6-10 employees 375  11-30 employees $ $ 575  31-99 employees 975  100-999 employees $ 1550  over 1000 employees $ $ 650  economy hotels 1050  full service hotels





Chamber's Celebration of




“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses



Happenings Business Connections: Safe and Savvy Business Travel

New Member Orientation

New Chamber Members had a special opportunity to meet and network—and, learn about the Chamber from Board Members, Ambassadors and staff.. New members in attendance included representatives from: ACN, Inc., Buys for Good, Cendtek Group, Inc., Doubletree Suites by Hilton Philadelphia West, First Home Care, Medallion Transportation, Mrs. Fields Cookies and Resilient Leadership. The Chamber’s next New Member Orientation will take place on June 19th.

Adrienne Sasson and Chris Novelli, of Just to Travel, provided Chamber members with information about TSA safety and other suggestions for safe travel, tips for booking flights, car rentals and hotels, cancellation policies, tracking and redemption of travel rewards/points, travel insurance and much, much more!

How to Avoid Branding Mistakes

Several Chamber members learned how to avoid branding mistakes during March’s Business Connections luncheon featuring Kevin Conner, of Modern Strategic Branding + Communications. Kevin promised to share the Top 5 Branding Mistakes and how to avoid them, but he surprised attendees with 6 instead! New Members Donna McNally and George McLoughlin, of Meridith’s Catering, pose with Kevin following his presentation.



Municipal MINUTES All municipalities in the Chamber’s service area are welcome to provide information of interest to residents and businesses. We look forward to providing information about upcoming projects, plans, events and celebrations in all future issues!

East NORRITON GERMANTOWN PIKE ROAD WORK Significant roadway improvements to Germantown Pike from North Wales Road to Whitehall Road will be taking place during the coming months. Improvements to this section of Germantown Pike will result in a full five lane cross section providing two lanes in each direction and a center turning lane. The main entrance to the hospital will be signalized and will provide appropriate deceleration and turning lanes. Improvements to the intersection of Whitehall Road and Germantown Pike will include some widening on all four corners with the most significant widening on the southeast corner which include a left turn lane, two thru lanes and a right turn lane to help improve the flow of northbound traffic on Whitehall Road and to reduce the backup that currently exists during peak hours. As with any road improvement project, delays and inconveniences can be expected in this area during work hours. Lane restrictions and lane closures will occur throughout the upcoming months as this project progresses. Motorists should seek alternate routes if possible. Expected completion of this work is late summer or early fall. However, once completed these improvements to Germantown Pike and the intersection with Whitehall Road will provide a significant, positive impact to the motoring public. Please be patient and courteous to the men and women working in this work zone.

AMBLER BOROUGH Upcoming Ambler Main Street events are as follows: CAR SHOW – Saturday, May 19 (1-5 pm), raindate May 20 ARTS FESTIVAL – Saturday, June 16 (11-7 pm), raindate June 17 RESTAURANT WEEK – July 20 – July 29 WISSAHICKON POPS ORCHESTRA – Tuesday, July 24, 7 pm DOG DAYS OF SUMMER – Saturday, August 4 (10-11 am) OKTOBERFEST – Saturday, October 6 (10-5 pm), raindate October 7 HALLOWEEN PARADE – Saturday, October 27 HOLIDAY PARADE – Saturday, December 1, raindate December 2 Be sure to visit Ambler on “First Fridays” each month

Whitehall Road Bridge Rehab

On February 20th PennDOT closed Whitehall Road between Sandra Lane in East Norriton and Stoneybrook Drive in West Norriton to repair the bridge that spans a branch of Stony Creek. The work and road closure is expected to last about 7 months. PennDOT’s posted detour uses Germantown Pike to Rt 363 (N. Park Ave.) to W. Main Street. Please be advised that Eagle Drive, NAHS property, is not a The Conshohocken Business Commission, an organization governed by Conshohocken Borough public street and should not be used as an alternate route. Council that implements plans and programs to promote business growth in the borough, announced This double stone arch bridge was originally built in 1911 by today the launch of the Ambassador Program. The first of its kind, the Ambassador Program is an innovative new initiative that will match local business leaders as advisors to new and existing busi- Montgomery County and is now owned and maintained by PennDOT. ness owners who are seeking assistance with local ordinances or business growth challenges. The The project scope includes supporting the arches from the underside, goal of the program is to arm local business owners with the necessary resources to facilitate growth. removal of all materials above the arches, repairing the stone arches, rebuilding the bridge up to existing grade, repairing/rebuilding/ “Small and medium sized businesses are strapped for time and resources,” said Matt Mittman, replacing the bridge walls both above and below the road surface, CBDC director. “They don’t have the benefit of large staff or lots of money to spend on advocates. installing a new reinforced concrete bridge deck, overlaying the deck The purpose of the Ambassador Program is to provide top business talent from the community and with asphalt paving material, and repairing the supporting structure at match them with specific needs of local business owners. Since small business success is a key to or below the water line. economic vitality, by helping support local business owners, we are helping the community at large.” Once completed the motoring public should enjoy the use of this The program will match local business leaders with expertise in such areas as finance, law, marstructure for many years to come, hopefully another 100. Thank you keting and management with businesses who need guidance in the same areas. The CBDC believes for your patience during this important project. the Ambassador Program will encourage local business owners to communicate with each other and Fourth Annual 5K Run Planned to Benwill offer a great opportunity for them to share the experiences and resources needed to become and maintain successful businesses within the borough confines. The program will also serve as a efit “Montgomery County-Norristown marketing and networking platform, giving businesses exposure to one another in council meetings Public Library” and in the community. East Norriton Township, West Norriton Township and the munici-


The program is expected to get underway in March, with members of the CBDC volunteering their time with a number of small businesses who have spoken before the commission in the past year. The Ambassador program isn’t the first initiative to result from the CBDC’s efforts to strengthen the borough’s business community. In August, they introduced the Business Spotlight, where a different business is featured each month at the CBDC meeting to share the story of their business, ask and answer questions, meet the members of Borough Council, and network with other business owners.

pality of Norristown will be holding the 4th Annual Celebration 5K run on Wednesday, July 4th, 2012. Run will start at the Norristown High School cross Whitehall Road, continue along the path of the Norristown Farm Park and return to the High School. The run will

“As with any business, there are a thousand things to get done before opening and a thousand questions to ask throughout operation,” Mittman continued. “It’s helpful to be able to connect with and get help and advice from people who have been through it already. That’s what our programs are all about.” Local business owners seeking guidance or volunteers interested in the program are encouraged to attend a CBDC meeting or contact Matt Mittman to learn more. For additional information on CBDC or the Ambassador Program, please contact Matt Mittman at (610) 828-6300 or



“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses


commence at 8:30 a.m. with registrations and check in starting at courage them to expand. The number two priority is to attract new business,” said Gestrich, adding that 7:00 a.m. it’s important to seek quality and sustainable growth. Members of the Celebration 5K Run include: Larry Brown, Gestrich has over 25 years’ experience as a municipal manager and ties to the region, serving as Jane Delaney and Heather Schrack from East Norriton Township, manager for two Bucks County townships. From 1982 to 2005, he served as manager for Upper MakeJon Dzedzy, Lauren Irizarry and Brian Kennedy from West Norriton field Township and was the Middletown Township manager from 2006 to 2008. He also was town Township and Bill Plichta from Norristown. manager for Jupiter Island, Fla. from 2005 to 2006. The committee scheduling the run decided that all proceeds from Gestrich holds a master’s degree in public administration from Shippensburg University and earned the run will be donated to The Montgomery County-Norristown a law degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He completed undergraduate studies in political sciPublic Library which services all three municipalities. Registration ence/pre-law at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. forms and additional information is available at each municipality’s Work to Start on Traffic Signal Program recreation departments and web site. Please plan to join us for this event and help support the Library. A collaborative effort between Lower Providence Township, West Norriton Township and PennDOT will bring a traffic signal upgrade to the Trooper Road corridor. A closed loop, fiber optic traffic signal Early bird registration fee is only $15 if postmarked by May 1st. system will be installed on Trooper Road from Clark Hill Road to Audubon Road. It is expected that Regular registration is $20.00 if postmarked by June 18th. Registrawork will begin in late summer. No lane or road closures are anticipated during the installation. tion after the 19th until 8:15 a.m. on race day is $25.00. Race day registration will take place at the Norristown High School from 7 The system’s signal coordination will improve traffic movement along the corridor. An added a.m. – 8:15 a.m. benefit will be the ability to adjust the signal timing to accommodate additional traffic in the event of a EAST NORRITON TOWNSHIP VETERANS ME- road closure in the area. Control of the system will be housed in the Lower Providence Township Police Department Dispatch Center. The six pan/tilt/zoom cameras to be installed at intersections for remote MORIAL COMMITTEE monitoring will be controlled jointly by Lower Providence Township and PennDOT. The East Project funding includes 80% in federal dollars and a 20% local match split evenly between Lower Norriton TownProvidence and West Norriton. With engineering by McMahon Associates, the project was submitted ship Veterans to PennDOT for review in 2011. It is anticipated that it will be let for bid on July 26, 2012, with instalMemorial Comlation beginning within six weeks of that date and completion by November 30, 2012. mittee has scheduled two events for the upcoming months. The Committee Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation will has scheduled a be offering a Men’s Basketball League starting early Memorial Day fall. The league plays on Tuesdays & Wednesdays and Wreath Laying Ceremony in observance of Memorial Day on Sunday games are from 6:30-10:30PM. Cost is $570 per team May 27th at 1 p.m. at the East Norriton Township Veterans Memorial with an additional $35 per game ref fee. For more injust off Germantown Pike between Old and New Stanbridge Streets formation or to register please contact Luke McCarty and a tattered and worn flag cremation ceremony on Thursday, June at or 610-277-4312. 14th , 2012 at the Norris City Cemetery at 11 a.m. Old worn and Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation will tattered flags can be dropped off at the East Norriton Township Buildbe offering a Women’s “A”, “BB” & “B” Volleyball ing, 2501 Stanbridge Street in the box located on the porch of the League starting early fall. The league plays on MonTownship Building prior to June 14th for proper disposal of your flag. day nights and games are from 6:30-11:00PM. Cost The Veterans Memorial Committee is continuing to sell enis $450 per team with an additional $25 per match ref graved bricks for the Veterans Memorial. Cost for the brick is $50 fee for the “A” league and $315 per team with an adwhich allows three lines of lettering with 15 spaces on each line. ditional $15 per match ref fee for the “BB” & “B” league. For more information or to register please Forms can be picked up at the Township Building or call the Parks contact Luke McCarty at or 610-277-4312. and Recreation Office. Over 468 bricks now line the walkway to Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation will be offering a Men’s Volleyball League starting early the Memorial. Bricks can be purchased to honor a friend or relative who served in the Armed Forces or just to show your support of the fall. The league plays on Thursday nights and games are from 6:30-11:00PM. Cost is $450 per team with an additional $25 per game ref fee. For more information or to register please contact Luke McCarty at Memorial. or 610-277-4312.



Upper Dublin TOWNSHIP

June-August 2012 Upper Dublin Township Events New Township Manager: Business DeSa 6/2 8a-1p Upper Dublin Parks & Recreation Flea Market, Township Building, 801 Loch Alsh Avvelopment a Priority enue, Fort Washington, PA. Mo 6/4 Upper Dublin Public Library Summer Reading Club Sign-ups begin, 805 Loch Alsh Avenue, Lower Providence Township ended Fort Washington, PA. its search for a new manager, announcing the hiring of Richard Gestrich. Sa 6/16 1p Township Community Pool opens for season, 401 Logan Avenue, North Hills, PA (closes Gestrich comes to Lower Providence Labor Day) from Oviedo, Fla., where he served as Sa 6/16, Sa 7/21, Sa 8/18: 8:30a-10:30a Morning in MonDaug Bark Park, 1130 Camphill Rd, Fort manager for the city of 34,000 from Washington, PA 2008 to 2011. Mo 6/18 Upper Dublin Parks & Recreation Summer Camps Begin, sign up at http://www.upperdubEconomic development, fiscal conservancy and good planning are Mo 6/25 Upper Dublin Parks & Recreation KidZone, X-Zone, Small Folks & Camp BIG begin, sign Gestrich’s top goals for Lower Provi- up at dence. “The number one priority is to sustain the businesses we have and en-

Continued on next page



Municipal MINUTES



Resource Council

Upper Dublin Township offices closed We 7/4; Upper Dublin Public Library closed We 7/4. Fr 7/13 5:30p-8:30p Tween Carnival, Mondauk Common, Dillon Road. Tweens entering grades 5-8 (bring proof of UDT residency) $5 fee. Snacks for sale. Supervision provided. No advance registration. Th 7/19 noon-5p Township Blood Drive for American Red Cross at Township Building, 801 Loch Alsh Ave, Fort Washington, PA. 215-643-1600 x3443 to register. Summer Concerts presented by Upper Dublin Parks & Recreation, hosted by Temple University Ambler at 580 Meetinghouse Road, Ambler, PA (signs posted). All concerts in July are 6:30p-8p. All concerts in August are 6p-7:30p. Dates/Performers: Su 07/08/2012 Barbone Street Jazz Band, Su 07/15/2012 Boogie Dogs, Su 07/22/2012 Bosslady, Su 07/29/2012 Blackjack, Su 08/05/2012 The Other Brothers, Su 08/12/2012 Zydeco-A-Go-Go. Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets. Concerts are smoke and pet free! All ages welcome - concerts best suited for mature audiences.

The Womens Resource Council hosted a luncheon Pepper’s Italian Restaurant on April 5th. Jane Shure and Beth Weinstock, of Resilient Leadership, provided tips on “Strengthening Your Inner Coach and Quieting Your Inner Critic.” Ladies of the Chamber enjoyed a lovely lunch and learned a lot from the presentation. The next Womens Resource Council luncheon is scheduled for Friday, June 1st at DoubleTree Suites-Plymouth Meeting.

Upper merion Snapshots: “A Look Back”, Ron Wagenmann’s 30 Years of Service is a candid video memoir about Upper Merion’s Township Manager, slated for release this fall. Pictures will complement Wagenmann as he gives a modest yet poignant look of his tenure, in his own words, from the office he will hold until mid-December. He makes references to relevant mottos that he has strived to live up to, while maintaining strong partnerships and dedicated employees. Wagenmann still refers to a plaque that sits above his desk that reads, “There is no limit to what can be accomplished, if you don’t care who gets the credit.” And, that credit he tends to give away freely, as he tells of his early days, his accomplishments, his challenges and why he never gets bored at doing what he does. After 30 years of service, Wagenmann announced his retirement at a Board of Supervisors meeting in February 2012. During the announcement, he said, “It is a bittersweet moment as the past 30 years have been profoundly satisfying and rewarding for me professionally and personally. I have had the benefit of cooperation and support from so many different Boards of Supervisors and the privilege of working with a consistently excellent and dedicated staff.” Wagenmann’s passion for public service was cemented early on in his life when he heard President John F. Kennedy’s famous words, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Wagenmann was barely out of college and newly married, when he became the first Park and Recreation Director in Lower Paxton Township in June of 1970. He served with Lower Paxton for over a decade, eventually becoming their Assistant Township Manager. In September of 1982, he came to Upper Merion to begin his fortuitous 30 year career in an area where a mall, known as King of Prussia, would become an internationally recognizable name. Wagenmann has had many accomplishments as Upper Merion’s township manager. Topping the list were transportation improvements. He led the charge in Upper Merion’s rapidly growing township, where employment opportunities outweigh the population. Wagenmann, in conjunction with the Upper Merion Transportation Authority and the approval of the Board of Supervisors, spearheaded $1.5 billion dollars in transportation improvement projects. In addition to transportation issues, sound financial management was always a driving concern for Wagenmann. In 2002, Upper Merion achieved a coveted Triple A bond rating, a distinction the township continues to hold today. Only a handful of Pennsylvania municipalities have achieved this sought-after recognition. Always one to give back, Wagenmann established an intern program because he saw a need to give college students a chance to learn “on the job.” So far, more than 45 students have participated in the program. Wagenmann himself is a graduate of Penn State University and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. In 1992, he completed a program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government for senior executives in state and local government. Visit Upper Merion’s website at for more information about the township, the 2013 Tricentennial gala and the video memoir; Snapshots: “A Look Back”, Ron Wagenmann’s 30 Years of Service will premiere this fall.



“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses




Legislative Series: Chamber members had multiple opportunities to hear what is happening on the county and state level with presentations from the Montgomery County Commissioners, Secretary of Revenue Dan Muesser and State Senator Daylin Leach.

Business Card Exchange: Business Card Exchanges at Stratix Systems in King of Prussia and the Freedom Valley YMCA at Audubon proved to be excellenct networking opportunities for Chamber members.



THANK YOU We Thank Our 2012 Renewing Members Allendale Answering Service, Inc. Ambler Savings Bank The Andre Group, Inc. Freedom Valley YMCA at Audubon Bank of America Barking Dogs Foot and Ankle Care, PC Beneficial Bank Dr. Raymond Braunstein Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority The Bus Depot Butera Business Solutions, LLC C.A. New Brokerage, LLC CADCOM Caparo Insurance Agency Carroll’s Office Supply and Furniture Co. Carson Valley Children’s Aid Comcast of Montgomery County

Harleysville Savings Bank

Oliver Tyrone Pulver Corporation Outback Steakhouse Police Athletic League of Norristown Peppers Italian Restaurant & Bar The Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.

PA House of Representative Kate Presidential Caterers Harper Radisson Hotel Valley Forge The Homer Group Ray’s Appliances Homewood Suites by Hilton Residence Inn Conshohocken Ikon Office Solutions Retro Fitness Independence Blue Cross Robin Kramer & Green, LLP Intertech Translations Ltd. Romano Rubbish Removal, Inc. John Middleton Co. M.T. Ruhl Electrical Contracting King of Prussia Business Improvement District Salon D’JenElle King of Prussia Mall

School District of Upper Dublin

King of Prussia Medical Associates

Springfield Township Treasurer

King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company King Shooters Supply Inc. David N. Knipel, Counselor at Law

TDS, Inc./Telephone Diagnostic Services, Inc. Tone Realty Co., LLC UGI Corporation Upper Merion Dental Associates

The Koch Law Firm

Urban Engineers, Inc.

Lincoln Center for Family & Youth

Urology Health Specialist, LLC Valley Green Flowers & Gifts

Conlin’s Copy Center

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Phila & SE PA

Constellation New Energy

Marathon Mortgage Service, Inc. Victory Christian Fellowship

Continental Bank

Mayers, Mennies & Sherr, LLP

Covanta Renewable Energy Plymouth

Metro Self Storage

DeStolfo’s Tai Kwon do Diverse Technical Lines, Inc. EADEH Enterprises Elko & Associates, Ltd Epting Associates Family Services of Montgomery County Feel the Warmth Filomen’s LLC Hair Salon Financial Independence Planning, LLC

Montgomery County Community College Montgomery County Economic & Workforce Development Montgomery County Emergency Service, Inc. Montgomery County Medical Society Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library Morgan Properties Motel 6 MSB Resources LLC

Forbes Office Furniture

National Penn Bank

Griffin & Griffin Financial Services, Inc.

Norristown Orthopaedic Associates

Harbor Consulting & Management, Inc.

Novak Strategic Advisors



VFP Billboards

Wanamaker Educational Services Wasserson Design LLC Waste System Authority of Eastern Montgomery County Wawa, Inc. Wild Blue Creative Catering William’s Mobile Services, Inc.

Surviving the

Groupon World

The three things you must do to survive and thrive in Groupon World Everyone loves a deal, especially in a depressed economy. Everyone wants to be seen as a 'savvy' buyer, someone who knows how to work the system and can show others how to do the same. When these two drives intersect, you find yourself in Groupon World, which can create big pricing strategy problems for merchants and vendors of all stripes. The problem. Groupon is all about being 'savvy'. In fact, that is how Groupon positions those who use its product- savvy and smarter than the average bear. In the Groupon user worldview, saving money is great, but being perceived as savvy is even better! In such a climate, only fools pay full retail. This deep deal environment is fundamentally unhealthy for the merchant, wreaks havoc on the customer relationship, and reshapes how people shop. Pricing becomes a foil for the deal. Every day becomes Black Friday. Margins and profits erode. While the temporary increase in traffic is like a much need blood transfusion, the insidious side effects may not be experienced until later.

much better suited to businesses with high fixed costs and low variable costs. As a marketing strategy, it will work best when the deal serves as a sampling program for an extended service, e.g. the first lesson of a six-part golf or gymnastics program. Restaurants, on the other hand, may never get the customer back for another meal. Strengthen your value proposition. A unique, compelling and remarkable value proposition remains the best strategy for building your brand, growing your business, and avoiding the pitfalls of Groupon World. Barry works with entrepreneurial-minded leaders to bring the business vision to life, whether new growth strategies, new products/services, or new ventures. He can be reached at 610.304.2371or via barry@ Website www.

What to do? Three are three strategies every business must put in place to survive and thrive in Groupon World. Take care of your loyal customers first. Don't take them for granted. If you are going to ofBy Barry Gesserman, Presifer a Groupon-type deal to drive trial and traffic, also develop a dent, BirthAgent Marketing, reward incentive for the people LLC who support your business on a regular basis. Review the deal structure carefully relative to your business model. With respect to cash flow, the deep discount model is

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Montgomery County

special OLYMPICS Improve Your Community Involvement Efforts through Special Olympics of Montgomery County The Special Olympics of Montgomery County (SOMC) plays an integral role in the communities where we live, work and play. It was founded on the belief that individuals with intellectual disabilities can, with proper instruction and encouragement, benefit from participation in individual and team sports. As one of the largest 100% volunteer-run Special Olympics organizations in Pennsylvania, 100% of the funding and support for SOMC comes directly from businesses, families and individuals in Montgomery County.

New Members We Welcome Our New Chamber Members BirthAgent Marketing, LLC 250 Wilshire Rd Wynnewood, PA 19096 610-304-2371 Contact: Barry Gesserman Talamore Country Club - Category: Marketing & Management Consultants, Business Ambler, PA Coaching Web: w ww.specialolympics- Farmers Insurance 1000 Continental Drive Email: specialolym- Suite 500 King of Prussia, PA 19406 484-994-1138 Phone: 215-542-1140 Contact: Shirish B. Kokatay Category: Financial Services, Insurance Fax: 215-542-1144

als with intellectual disabilities, in an environment of equality, respect, and acceptance. All training and competition opportunities are provided free of charge to the athletes and their families, enabling everyone to experience the benefits of Special Olympics that extend well beyond the playing field. To maintain these principles within a growing organization, support from the business While the Annual Golf Clascommunity is essential. sic plays a major part of the fund Of the many ways to get in- raising efforts, various busivolved with SOMC, the easiest nesses, families and individuals and likely most fun is the An- support SOMC through annual nual Golf Classic. In its 16th donations. As SOMC has grown, year, the Annual Golf Classic so have the opportunities for lohas become an outstanding tradi- cal businesses to get involved tion and is the major fund rais- through a more enduring relaing activity conducted by SOMC tionship. Benefits would include each year. This event is not some or all of the following: Recognition with name and logo on SOMC website homepage Name and logo in marquee location on SOMC printed material Recognition at SOMC events

Serving over 1200 athletes in Montgomery County, the mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. This experience gives them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes, and the community. Special Olympics believes that through sports training, individuals with intellectual disabilities gain physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Families are strengthened; and, the community at large, through participation and observation, is united in understanding individu-

only a great opportunity to have fun and support Special Olympics, but also a great chance to get acquainted with some of the athletes and programs that make Special Olympics such a unique and outstanding organization. In addition to the golf, there are many fun activities included such as lunch, silent auction, pictures, closest to the pin, raffles, awards dinner and celebrity meet and greet (yes! Bernie Parent has been a regular attendee, go Flyers!!) We’re looking for players and sponsors at all levels. To get in on the fun, please use the contact information below: Special Olympics of Montgomery County - 16th Annual Golf Classic September 4th, 2012

Firstrust Bank 15 East Ridge Pike Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-238-5104 Contact: Jennifer Hayes Category: Banks & Banking Industries

Mojo Digital Companies, LLC 603 Gage Lane North Wales, PA 19454 856-577-1660 Contact: Kevin Emery Category: Marketing & Promoting, Digital Marketing & Commerce Multi Funding 25 W. Skippack Pike Broad Ax, PA 19002 610-662-6948 Contact: Darren Sudman Category: Consulting Pro Martial Arts Blue Bell 28 W. Skippack Pike Ambler, PA 19002 215-643-5425 Contact: Angelo T. Mattei Category: Martial Arts

Realty Landscaping Corp. 2585 Second Street Pike Newtown, PA 18940 Gerri Vattimo, MA, SPHR 215-598-7334 43 Evergreen Road Contact: Glen Cooper, Andrew Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Greer 610-631-2246 Category: Landscape ContracContact: Gerri Vattimo Category: Human Resource Con- tors/Architects sulting, Business Coaching Rush Hour Mobile Billboards LLC Graboyes Window Co. PO Box 61285 421 N. 7th St. King of Prussia, PA 19406 Philadelphia, PA 19123 484-684-7000 215-625-8810 Contact: Krista Jimenez Contact: John Scott Category: Contractors – Special- Category: Marketing & Promoting ized, Windows

Complimentary reservations Hyatt House – Plymouth Meetat Annual Golf Classic ing Verbal and printed recogni- 501 E. Germantown Pike tion through SOMC outreach and East Norriton, PA 19401 610-313-9990 marketing efforts Contact: Lauren McMahon Complimentary reservations Category: Hotels, Meeting Space at SOMC events Javelin Caterers To discuss this unique oppor- 148 Shoemaker Rd tunity to establish or expand your Pottstown, PA 19464 business’ community involve- 610-563-7414 ment efforts through SOMC, Contact: Joe DiRoma please contact Rich LaPat at Category: Caterers or at Lasik Plus 267.909.2656. 216 Mall Blvd. Suite 100 Pennsylvania State law re- King of Prussia, PA 19406 quires that this statement be 610-265-1459 included by non-profit organi- Contact: Kiesha Parker, Kristin zations on all fund raising ma- Wright terials, “A copy of the official Category: Optometrists, Optiregistration and financial infor- cians & Opthamologists mation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Meridith’s Catering State by calling toll-free, within 10 Leopard Road Berwyn, PA 19312 Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. 610-251-0265 Registration does not imply en- Contact: Donna McNally dorsement.” Category: Caterers

TechWise Group 992 Old Eagle School Road Wayne, PA 19087 610-353-9010 Contact: Lauren Schwartz Category: Information Technology Services & Solutions, Computer Software Development, Computer/Network RepairMaintenance Tonbo-Visual Promotions LLC 460 Beck Rd Souderton PA 18964 215-723-0250 Contact: Fred Tather Category: Video Promotions Zen Asian Bistro & Bar 46 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 610-277-8190 Contact: Andy Lin Category: Restaurants



This fall, a healthcare facility is opening at Plymouth Meeting Mall, providing an additional service for mall shoppers and area residents. Mercy Health System, a health and wellness office aligned with Mercy Suburban Hospital in East Norriton, will join the mall’s roster of specialty stores and popular restaurants. It will include primary care physician and specialist offices, physical therapy, non-invasive procedure suites, and imaging facilities. “We are pleased to bring Mercy Health System to Plymouth Meeting Mall,” said Jessica Saphire, mall marketing director. “The community will be able to conveniently combine healthcare and wellness visits with shopping, dining and other services of everyday living found here at Plymouth Meeting Mall.” After Mercy Health System opens, the Plaza Shops at Plymouth Meeting Mall will be complete. Charming Charlie recently opened, offering shoppers a place to find trendy yet affordable jewelry, purses, shoes, and more accessories by color, instead of category. Additionally, this outdoor lifestyle retail wing features leading national retailers Chico’s, Coldwater Creek, Jos. A. Banks, LOFT, Massage Envy, OLLY Shoes, and Orvis along with upscale grocer Whole Foods Market & Café, which features an instore pub and a rooftop deck. These offerings, combined with sought-after restaurants such as California Pizza Kitchen, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro and Redstone American Grill; the movie theater; Dave & Busters; and popular stores including Macy’s, Boscov’s, Aéropostale, Bath & Body Works, Express, H&M, Justice, and Victoria’s Secret, enhance Plymouth Meeting Mall as the area’s top shopping, dining, and entertainment destination. Moving forward, Mercy Health System will expand these offerings, furthering its role as a centerpiece of the community. For the latest updates, “like” Plymouth Meeting Mall on Facebook, visit or follow us on Twitter @PlyMtgMall. (Submitted Copy; Contact

A relationship that goes beyond the bank statement.

At National Penn, great relationships are business as usual. Whether you need a mortgage, business loan, checking account or are concerned about ID theft, we’re here to listen to your concerns and offer sound financial advice. It’s all part of how we go beyond the expected for our customers.

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AVAILABLE Oaks, Pennsylvania Black Rock Road and Egypt Road

1,200 SF to 42,200 SF Divisible Endcape and Inline Spaces Available

Audubon Land Development Justin Call • Gene Call 2620 Egypt Road, Audubon, PA 19403 Phone 610.666.6900 Recently they have started a new project, the Oaks Shopping Center, directly across the street from their successful Marketplace at Oaks shopping center. Located on the corner of Egypt and Black Rock Roads, it is a much needed retail center boasting four pad sites and over 42,000 square feet of available inline and end cap space. Their first job was to get leases on the pad sites. Currently, they have leases with Wawa and Wendy’s for two of the sites and proposed leases with Penn Liberty Bank and Quaker Steak & Lube which are in the final steps of negotiation. One final pad site opAs Communities strengthen, naturally business develops around portunity across Black Rock Road which can accommodate a 7,000 them. Montgomery County has a few new exciting developments square foot building and adequate parking for a restaurant is also underway bringing residential and business growth to the area. available at this time. One of these new developments is an attractive site in Oaks. Justin Call of Audubon Land Development talks about this exciting new With pad leasing nearing completion, their main focus has now project and its opportunities for new businesses as well as the con- shifted to pre-leasing spaces in the strip that they are going to convenience and benefits for the surrounding communities. As a fairly struct overlooking the pads along Egypt Road at Oaks Shopping center. For retailers, this will be an excellent oplarge landowner in Upper Providence Township at the Oaks exit portunity to grab market share in a highly desirof route 422, Audubon Land Development has been building and able area and in very close proximity to powerful redeveloping commercial properties in the area for over 25 years. anchors such as Target, Lowe’s, Regal, BJ’s, and the They are owners of about 300 acres and 2.5 million square feet Greater Philadelphia Expo Center. It’ll be a service of industrial and flex space in the township that they have added and consumer goods-oriented area that shoppers onto with retail development over the past two decades such as BJs and businesses will love! For information on leasWholesale Club, Regal Cinemas, and more. ing Contact; Justin Call at 610-666-6900.

New Development Site in




Presidential CATERERS

Going Solar

The Process and The Benefits

Presidential Caterers understands that it takes energy to run a business, and energy is costly. By switching to solar power in October 2011, the East Norriton business has managed to cut up to 50 percent off of its electric bill while also becoming a greener business. But the savings and environmental benefits did not happen overnight. There was a process. First, the company did its research. While it’s common knowledge that the sun comes up every day and is constantly creating power, the ability to harness that energy and maximize the many rebates and incentives that come with it requires special expertise. After interviewing three different solar companies and receiving quotes and plans from each, Presidential Caterers ultimately decided to work with Astrum Solar, the leading fullservice residential solar provider in the eastern United States. Astrum Solar managed the process from start to finish, taking all the necessary measurements, incorporating a custom design to maximize the amount of clean energy generated by the system and handling all the necessary permits and paperwork. In short, Astrum Solar made the transition to solar power simple and seamless. Before the company could install the 348 panel solar system, a new stateof-the-art roof had to come first. It was an expensive ordeal, totaling about $250,000, but it was necessary to get maximum benefit from the solar panels. Initial projections from the solar companies predicted 25 percent savings on the company’s electric bill. The solar panels were expected to pay for themselves in five to six years. Once Presidential made the transition from traditional energy consumer to clean energy provide, however, they found they were saving nearly 50 percent on their electric bill and were now projecting a four-to five-year return on investment. Of course, with the shorter daylight hours during the winter months the company does not see the 50% savings year round, but they expect to save an average of about 38 percent on their electric bill. For a company the size of presidential, those savings are quite significant. “I have a $10,000 electric bill every month,” said Gus Mandracchia, Presidential Catering’s owner. “With the air conditioning, refrigeration and everything else, it’s all part of being in the business, whether you’re in the hospitality business or whatever it is. I received federal and state rebates, and with the savings we’re looking at a return on investment in four or five years. The system is doing everything it’s supposed to do, so we’re very satisfied.” Mandracchia took advantage of incentive money geared for residential solar users that was provided by the state’s Sunshine Program, set aside in 2009 to fund 5.8 megawatts at 75 cents per watt. In addition to going solar, Presidential Caterers switched energy companies, which helped them save further. They chose Champion Energy; the no-pressure, honest approach was appealing. The upfront manner made the choice easy. Between the new solar panels and new energy company, the company saved around $6,000 a month. While the transition process wasn’t an overnight endeavor, once the system was turned on the savings were immediate. What’s more, the savings and environmental benefits are ongoing. Switching to solar is just another way that Presidential Caterers has managed to become a smarter, more environmentally friendly company. (Submitted Copy)



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Working Within Your Budget “Just call us and we will see what we may be able to do for your location” Rick Giandonato, Owner of Spotless Commercial Cleaning explains. Once we visit a business and introduce our services, most of the time we work out a service relationship with our new customer. As a U.S. Veteran owned company, Spotless Commercial Cleaning, LLC., prides itself on getting the job done for its customers it “Spotless” guarantee. Here is what some of their customers say; “Spotless is a service oriented professional company who has never let me down. Anytime I call Spotless Commercial Cleaning they are always there with a personal touch that make doing business with them a pleasure”. John – Site Directory “I am very pleased with the services we receive from Spotless Cleaning. Rick (the owner) is very interested knowing that the customer is com-

50% OFF


pletely satisfied. Rick personally stops by to see how things are going and is more than happy to fulfill any added request when needed” Renee - Office Manager The one-on-one client attention is remarkable and their business model prides itself on developing a positive, personal cleaning experience every single visit. I would highly recommend Spotless to anyone in the retail and business industry. 

Thanks to Rick Giandonato and his hard-working staff for such a consistently great experience. 

Operator PC Franchises Contact Spotless Commercial Cleaning; 267.217.2003 (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello



Kate Harper


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PHONE 610.277.3230 FAX 610.270.1677


Not Your Ordinary Office Cleaning Company


U.S. Veteran Owned Company Full Background Checks on Every Employee Bonded, Licensed and Insured Utilizing Latest Technology & Green Products Spotless Guarantee We Can Work Within Any Budget. Call Us!

P. 267.217.2003 SUMMER 2012




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CONTINENTAL BANK's Robert Bifolco Honored by Pennsylvania Bankers Association for 40 Years of Service Continental Bank announced in April that Robert J. Bifolco, Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer, has been honored by the Pennsylvania Bankers Association (PBA) for his over 40 years of service to the banking industry. Continental Bank has branch locations in Bala Cynwyd, Blue Bell, Conshohocken, Devon, East Norriton, King of Prussia, Limerick, Plymouth Meeting, Roxborough, West Norriton and Shannondell at Valley Forge and is focused on bringing true community banking back to the region. In an evening meeting on Wednesday, April 11th, the Pennsylvania (left) H. Wayne Griest, President and Bankers Association acknowledged CEO of Continental Bank and Mr. Bifolco’s many contributions to the banking industry throughout (right) Robert J. Bifolco, EVP, Chief his years of service by presentLending Officer celebrate Mr. Biing him with the Association’s folco’s service award presented to prestigious service award. Conhim by the Pennsylvania Bankers tinental Bank’s H. Wayne Griest, Association on Wednesday evening President and CEO, and Dolores April 11th. M. Lare, COO were in attendance

to congratulate Mr. Bifolco on his achievement. Mr. Bifolco started his banking career at First Pennsylvania Bank in Philadelphia. He advanced to Vice President, Director of the Commercial Loan Recovery Department for Meritor Savings Bank and then became Chief Credit Officer for PSFS’s Small Business Banking Program. Mr. Bifolco served as an Executive Vice President, Senior Lending Officer for Commercial Banking at the former Progress Bank from 1993 until it was acquired by FleetBoston in 2004. Just prior to joining Continental Bank, he served in a similar capacity with a newly formed area community bank. Bob is very active in the community and has served 20 years on the Board of Governors of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce.

vania Bankers Association. Bob’s contributions and achievements in the local banking industry, as well as here at Continental Bank, are widely recognized by his peers and represent the accomplishments of a true banking professional,” said H. Wayne Griest, President and CEO of Continental Bank. Continental Bank is a $535 million community bank with 11 locations that was formed on September 7, 2005 and is focused on providing customized banking solutions to individuals and businesses in its local markets. To learn more about Continental Bank, its locations, products, services and people, please visit or call 1-800-705-5500. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

“Continental Bank is very proud to see Bob honored with this well deserved award from the Pennsyl-




MOBILE BILLBOARDS “Changing the Way You Advertise!” ✓ Daily Commutes ✓ Grand Openings ✓ 3D Showrooms ✓ Sporting Events ✓ Holiday Events

✓ Concerts ✓ Festivals ✓ Trade Shows ✓ Conventions ✓ Promotions

Promoting your business is our business

Guaranteed customer service & satisfaction is our goal. Our studies have pin pointed the times and locations to maximize your advertising message. With precise driving routes in these high traffic areas and popular shopping destinations your message is in front of thousands of consumers on a daily basis.






routes are generated using the latest Department of Transportation daily vehicle counts. We are not dictated by passenger schedules. If a special event or a shopping mall along the route increases traffic, we’ll adjust our route to take advantage of the additional exposure. Fourth, Rush Hour routes are targeted for areas where traditional static billboards are limited or not even available. Rush Hour Mobile Billboards is quite simply the most exciting out-of-home advertising product available. All of the Rush Hour vehicles use GPS technology to provide exact routes and location information to prospective and existing clients. At any given time, a client can log onto the website and see exactly where their advertising message is located. GPS provides the opportunity to not only assure clients that their message is seen, it also provides our drivers with detailed turn-by-turn routing information to provide the best calculated viewing opportunities. Rush Hour provides clients with high impact, geographically targeted, “In Your Face” advertising messages that generate results. These new advertising vehicles can be used for branding, new product rollouts, grand openings, events, and guerilla marketing opportunities. To see how Rush Hour can work for you, contact Krista Jimenez at (484) 684-7000 or krista@rushhourmobilebillboards. com.

The most innovative, eye-catching, and exciting form of advertising in the market today! In today's chaotic media climate it's hard to position your business in the marketplace. With all the media clutter, businesses are forced to search for new and creative ways to build brand recognition with customers. That's where we come in! Rush Hour Mobile Billboards provides businesses with non-traditional advertising in the form of illuminated scrolling mobile billboards. It's a unique alternative to traditional print, radio, television, and outdoor advertising. The mobile aspect adds flexibility and creative opportunities to showcase any business to thousands of people on a daily basis. With commute times on the rise, viewership increases every day. A article in 2011 stated: “In 1982, the average area commuter lost 12 hours a year to traffic congestion. By 1999, that had increased to 31 hours, and by 2007, to 38 hours.” A main reason for this is the success of the King of Prussia area. It remains a popular destination for its expand(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello ing business development, endless shopping opportunities, and exciting entertainment. There are several advantages of scrolling mobile billboard vehicles. First and foremost, it cannot be turned off, tuned out, or thrown in a recycling bin. If you are sitting in traffic, stopped at a red light, or simply walking across a street, you cannot miss a gigantic 6’ x 10’ back-lit sign at eye-level virtually “in your face.” Second, the mere act of scrolling to another billboard naturally draws your attention to the new advertisement on the vehicle. Third, Rush Hour

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Montgomery Home Care and Hospice provides you and your family with: Clinical experts in cardiac care, diabetes, orthopedics, post-surgical, pain and wound management Coordinated care in the comfort of your own home 24-hour on-call registered nurse assistance Recognized by OCS as a national elite agency


BEST Home Care & Hospice Voted

in the Area!

Montgomery Home Care & Hospice has built a widely recognized reputation for delivering superior home health care. Of the 10,000 home care agencies throughout the U.S., Montgomery Home Care is recognized as a Top 500 Medicare Elite home health provider—the only hospital based program in Pennsylvania to make the list! It has also been voted “The Best of Montgomery County” six years in a row by The Times Herald. Associated with Montgomery Hospital Medical Center, part of Einstein Healthcare Network, Montgomery Home Care & Hospice offers a wide variety of health services. Their newest hospital to home program helps patients recover faster from joint replacement surgery with no infection, most walking with the use of a cane within 30 days. Other services and coordinated programs include provision of certified home health aides, a congestive heart failure program, enterostomal therapy and wound care. Their oncology program works to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the homebound cancer patients and their families.

expertise and comprehensive care to terminally ill patients in their home or facility settings. Hospice care is designed to relieve the physical, emotional and spiritual pain that seriously ill patients and their families’ experience while encouraging dignity and respect. The team of experts who specialize in pain and symptom control will develop a customized plan to meet the needs of the patient and family. The hospice team is made up of your personal physician, the hospice medical director, registered nurses, certified home health/hospice aides, social workers, clergy, volunteers and bereavement support personnel. They also offer a unique program for patients through Palliative Care. The goal of palliative care is to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life for patients with advanced illness, while assisting families with advanced care planning and the stresses that coincide with being a caregiver. Palliative care is provided by a highly skilled interdisciplinary team and is offered in conjunction with all other appropriate forms of medical care. Examples of service may include: clinical expertise related to pain and symptom management, initiate discussions regarding advanced care planning, living will and code status, analyze medications for maximum effectiveness, and/or crisis intervention and family conflict resolution. Services are requested by your doctor and all findings and recommendations will be discussed with your physician. Montgomery Home Care & Hospice participates in Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance programs. Their registered nurses and licensed therapists make home visits providing professional services such as skilled nursing care, wound care, physical, occupational, and speech therapy. For more information call 610-272-1080.

Montgomery Hospice is a community-centered healthcare program that (Submitted Copy; Contact provides coordinated care for individuals who have a terminal illness so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible. Hospice provides





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Our Future

“My diagnosis does not define my potential.” “If you stay open minded . . . I will open your heart.” “I am not a statistic . . . but an exception to the rule.”

The Homewood Suites Valley Forge, have had the pleasure to welcome, over 70 students into their home over the past 3 1/2 years and together Homewood Suites Family, Audubon, was presented a special award at The they have learned that home is not where you live but where people unMontgomery County Chamber of Commerce Excellence Awards Dinner in derstand you. April 2012. The honor of the award is truly something that means so much Homewood Suites would also thanks - Audubon Hotels and Synergy Hosto Homewood Suites and their family at the Pathway School. The journey pitality for believing in this program and encouraging them to stay true began with the work-study program for the students of The Pathway School. The Homewood Suites Family never imagined the impact this relationship to the Core Values, which is the foundation of their company, and giving would have on their lives. The team members at Pathway have dedicated them the platform to truly “Make a Difference”. Thank you to their team their lives to assisting these students… who have varying degrees of Au- members at The Homewood Suites for their dedication to these students tism… from learning basic skills that many people take for granted to giving and welcoming them into their home. They would also like to thank the them confidence to face the challenges they will experience in their lives Pathway School Leadership and their two amazing job coaches- Bonnie Hallman & Vicki Babb, without whom, none of this would have been posafter Pathway. sible. The work these women have done with these children is remarkable Homewood Suites was lucky and words cannot express the gratitude those at Homewood Suites have enough to have the opportunity for allowing them to get to know you and the students and all they have to to be invited into the Pathway offer. And finally, they would like to accept this award on behalf of the stuSchool’s family 3 1/2 years ago. dents of Pathway because they are the ones who make the program work. Since then, they have learned a lot about this often misunderstood Much like the puzzle piece that is the international symbol of Autism these disorder….and the amazing charstudents struggle to find their place and Homewood Suits has discovered acter that these students possess, that they’re the missing piece to their puzzle and together they have crewhich is often overlooked because ated something extraordinary. of their diagnosis. Autism Spectrum And Thank You Homewood…“Go Homewood” disorder affects 1 in 88 children…. more children will be diagnosed with Autism this year than with AIDS, Diabetes, and Cancer combined….yet Hilton Garden Inn Opening in October 2012. only receives 5% of research funding. Many characteristics of this disorder See Website for info… hinders their social interaction, their ability to adapt to change, understand meaning behind social gestures like a hug or a smile, and in some cases hin- (Submitted Copy; Contact ders their ability to verbally communicate. Through this experience those at (transcribed by R.Whitpan) Homewood Suites have learned that these students have a voice which is:





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OMEGA Commercial Real Estate, Inc. A full service real estate company specializing in corporate tenant/buyer representation, landlord/seller representation, project leasing and investment sales for Montgomery County and the surrounding areas.

Joe O’Donnell 610.616.4604 101 Bill Smith Blvd., King of Prussia, PA 19406

The OMEGA Minute: Your Real Estate Review

Is It Time to Buy



by Joe O’Donnell, President of OMEGA Commercial Real Estate, Inc.

Bio: Joe O’Donnell is the president and owner of OMEGA Commercial Real Estate, Inc. He has been in commercial real estate for over 9 years. His expertise is corporate tenant/buyer representation as well as landlord project leasing for office, industrial and retail buildings and investment sales. He primarily works the surrounding Montgomery, Chester and Bucks County markets. Welcome back! Recently a friend of mine came into some money asked me about how to get started in investing in commercial real estate. I figured many people would have the same question for using real estate as an investment vehicle. This issue is for you. Interest rates are at



historical lows (if you can get the banks to lend). Vacancy rates and rental rates have just about bottomed out and there is a lot of cash on the sidelines looking for a better home than a sub 1% savings account. Real estate is always a good investment, if you buy it correctly. This is so important, read it again. You have to buy the property correctly! What does that look like?

Decisions, Decisions Let’s get started. First, decide which of the four food groups (property types) you like best. These are office, industrial, retail and multifamily. Next, decide on the upper price limit you are looking to spend. “But Joe I don’t know what I can afford?”

Don’t worry. We will back into example for you to use your own numbers. Next decide on the minimum rate of return that would satisfy your investing standards. Like stocks, bonds, CDs, options and futures, real estate is an investment for a return. These returns are derived by Net Operating Income (NOI). That is the money that is left over after the bills are paid but before taxes. Depending on product type, return rates can be anywhere from 6% to 12%+ but these days 8% is about average. Lastly, you should decide on a holding period. This is the amount of time you plan to hold and investment. This is important for determining more advanced numbers like internal rate of return, tax benefits, cost recovery, depreciation value and a disposition price for an exit strategy. Always begin with the end in mind for any investments.

The Math Let’s do an example. Say you find a fully occupied multi tenant 20,000 square foot office building with average all-in rental rates of $20 per square foot, per year. This building has a potential gross rental income of $400,000/yr. Now surprises occur and buildings don’t run themselves so you have take into account potential vacancy and operating expenses when doing your calculations. For this example let us assume a 10% vacancy rate. Your bank or other financing source may assume a higher vacancy rate. Operating expenses for a property can include taxes, insurance, common area maintenance and property management cost to name a few. For the purpose of this example let’s assume operating expenses are about 35% Gross Operating Income. To get the number(s) we need to work with you take

Potential Rental Income (PRI) – Vacancy = Gross Operating Income (GOI) – Operating Expenses (Opex) = Net Operating Income / Capitalization Rate = Sale Price. Here is what this building looks like: $400,000.00 (PRI) - $40,000.00 (10% Vacancy) = $360,000 (GOI) - $126,000 (OpEx) = $234,000 (NOI) / 8% Cap Rate = $2,925,000 Purchase Price or about $146/ sqft. This means for you to achieve your minimum return of 8% you would be willing pay $2,925,000 or less for this property. This investment would roughly require $300,000 to $900,000 of a buyer’s capital to purchase. This is just one example of how you can quickly identify commercial real estate as an investment and see if it is a “go” or “no go” for you. If you own a commercial property and you are thinking about selling, hopefully this will help you come up true, current expectation of value in today’s market. There are other more advanced techniques you can add in to help commercial real estate make sense for you. Some of these are depreciation, accelerated depreciation, 1031 exchange, tax reassessments, increasing rents and internal rate of return after taxes, to name a few. I did not want to complicate it but just address some of the unknown fear people may have about investment in commercial real estate. When considering investing in commercial real estate be sure you consult with your commercial real estate expert to make the informed choices. Until next time, don’t work for your space. Make your space work for you. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello

Medical BUILDING For Sale!

1411 Powell Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. For Sale $295,000, 5,000+ SQFT Office Medical Building, 11 Exam Rooms, 22 Parking Spaces, Built in 1890, Renovated in 1993, New HVAC, Aggressive Ownership, Taxes $9,912/yr, Great Location: Minutes from Plymouth Interchange, I-76, I-476, PA Turnpike, Germantown Pike, Ridge Pike

OFFICE SPACE Now Available!

625 Clark Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 4,000-8,000+ SQFT Office Condo, $12.00 + Electric and Janitorial, Tailgate Loading Available, For Lease or For Sale, Aggressive Ownership, Great Location: Minutes from PA Turnpike, I-76, I-476, Rt 202 & Rt 23, Amenities include: Restaurants: Cheese Cake Factory, Legal Seafood, Sullivan’s Steakhouse, Shopping: King of Prussia Mall, Courtside Square & Henderson Square

“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses


REAL ESTATE GUIDE OFFICE SPACE for Lease or Sale! 529 Swede Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

1,700 to 3,900 sq ft of Office Space, Lawyers Row, SBA HubZone, Close to Montgomery County Courthouse, Furniture Available. Great Location: Minutes from Rt 202, PA Turnpike, I-76, I-476, close to King of Prussia, Plymouth Meeting, Blue Bell and Valley Forge. On-Site Management. Aggresive Ownership

OFFICE SPACE Now Available!

18 West Airy Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 2,500+/- sqft on 1st, 3rd & 4th Floors. Once block from Montgomery County Courthouse, SBA HubZone, 24-Hour Video Surveillance, Office Zoning. Great Location: Minutes from Plymouth Interchange, I-76, I-476, PA Turnpike, Germantown Pike, Ridge Pike.


4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 43,500 SQFT Building, 18,212 SQFT Available. 3 Dock Doors, 1 Drivein Door. 22’ Ceiling Heights, LI Zoning. Extra Trailer Parking Available Expiration 10/31/2013. Great Location: Minutes from Plymouth Interchange, I-76, I-476, PA Turnpike, Germantown Pike, Ridge Pike.

RETAIL or OFFICE SPACE For Lease or Sale!

1508 Butler Pike Conshohocken, PA 19428 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 2,100 sqft of Office Space, Sale price $349,900.00, Taxes $2,996/yr Great Location: Minutes from I-476, I-76, Rt 202, PA Turnpike Close to Philadelphia, Ambler, Blue Bell, Plymouth Meeting and King of Prussia, Aggressive Seller.

Mention this ad for a FREE hour of service INDUSTRIAL BUILING For Lease or Sale!

1200 Markley Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 28,090 SQFT Heavy Industrial Building, 1 Loading Dock, 1 Drive In, 16’ Ceiling Height .72 acre Property. Fenced lot on the property with Ample Parking. 27,000 daily car count. Great Location: Minutes from Rt 202, PA Turnpike, I-76, I-476. Real Estate Taxes $12,900/yr

OFFICE BUILDING For Sale or Lease!

123 Boro Line Road Bridgeport, PA 19405 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 36,000 SQFT Office Building, 17,000 SQFT Available. Excellent Exposure on Rte 202. Great Location: Minutes from PA Turnpike, Rt 202, Rte 363, Rte 252. Shell space ready for built-to-suit opportunity. Rental rate: $17.50sqft + Electric

1116 Pheasant Lane • Collegeville • PA Visit our newly updated website








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We understand that controlling your insurance costs is a must! We specialize in a wide variety of services and lines of coverage, including: • Workers’ Compensation • Automobile • Property • Professional Liability • Directors & Officers • Employment Practices Liability

• Pollution Liability • General Liability • Risk Management • Loss Control • OSHA Compliance & Reporting • Claims Cost Containment

Built upon a tradition of integrity, industry leadership, and excellence, The Peterman Group has been providing insurance and loss control consulting services to the business community since 1937. We are committed to delivering tailored risk management solutions with thoughtful strategic planning, valuable professional services, and technology-based solutions to our valued clients. Providing Insurance Since 1937


From One

Who Knows...

There are many fundraisers for cancer that you can participate in to support the search for a cure. There is so much to celebrate as a survivor and loved one. One of Dr. Marlene Mash’s associates, who is a survivor herself shares some thoughts about breast cancer. Having breast cancer is a life altering event that doesn’t end when the patient is considered cured. After treatment is complete, breast reconstruction is done to restore

the anatomy as close to natural as possible, not just for the physical aspect of restoration but also for the psychological impact of feeling whole again. Mastectomy with either immediate or delayed reconstruction is the most common treatment of choice for women treated for breast cancer. After the ‘new’ breasts are completed, many women later are faced with the option of nipple/areolar reconstruction with either skin grafting or 3-dimentional tattooing. Like the icing on a cake, the nipple reconstruction signifies the final completion and wholeness of the breast reconstruction which can alleviate the sense of loss many women feel.

As a proponent for Women’s health and wholistic Integrative Dermatology, Dr. Mash is proud to announce that her associate LouAnn Perugini, a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner and breast cancer survivor herself, will be performing nipple/areolar tattooing right in our office. It is a completely painless procedure that takes about 45-60 minutes to perform and sometimes several sessions to complete. Whether surgery involved one breast or both, the tattooing is customized to match either the remaining nipple or anatomically restore both. (Submitted Copy; Contact



Serving Montgomery, Bucks & Delaware Counties since 2005

610-994-0299 Serving Homes and Businesses

Virus & Spyware Removal Networking Hardware Software Data Backups Onsite/Remote Support Dell Computer Sales & Specialist

“Your Personal Help Desk”

1150 First Avenue • Suite 501 King of Prussia SUMMER 2012


Have You

Performed a

DATA BACKUP LATELY? The most important part of your company (next to your employees), is your company data. Your company data includes your customer information, orders, inventory, documents, etc. What would the cost to your company be if you lost this data? From a personal perspective, how would you feel if you lost your family pictures? As soon as you finish reading this article, perform a data backup. Goal The goal behind a data backup is to get your data in more than one location. Once your data is in more than one location, take your backup offsite (If you are backing up your company data, take your backup home. If you are backing up your home computer, take your backup to work – or keep a copy in a safe deposit box). Recovering data from a failed computer hard drive can be very expensive. Data recovery services can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few THOUSAND dollars. PC’s are not the only computers that can have a hard drive failure. Mac’s have hard drives that can fail too! How do you do this? How do you accomplish a data backup? • Copy it to another location • Burn it to a disk • Run backup software • Pay for an automated service that does it for you For more information about data backups, please contact Tom’s Help Desk at (610) 994-0299 or visit our website at (Submitted Copy; Contact

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Serving Homes and Businesses


King of Prussia


HEALTH links Sponsored By:

Montgomery Hospital


In First Two Years, King of Prussia District Works to Keep KOP Competitive King of Prussia District (KOP-BID) was founded in 2010 as a private, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization to improve the business climate in King of Prussia. KOP-BID is supported by 287 commercial properties within its District boundaries through special assessment fees. KOP-BID is one of the largest Business Improvement Districts in the country, spanning 1,900 acres. The revenues generated from the commercial property owners in the District support programs and services including: physical improvements; marketing initiatives; land use & zoning, tax policy and transportation advocacy. Despite the challenging economic environment, King of Prussia continues to experience a wealth of commercial investment with more than $259 million in investments in the last two years. Through a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes regional advertising, colorful street banners and a comprehensive website (, KOP-BID is able to actively promote the continued development. Other KOP-BID projects include landscape improvement projects along major King of Prussia roadways, welcome signage at major entrance points to define King of Prussia, and transportation and tax policy studies to shape a brighter, competitive future for King of Prussia. KOP-BID sees King of Prussia as the economic engine of suburban Philadelphia, with more than 55,000 employees, 4M square feet of retail, 4% of all Montgomery County hotels, and 14.5M square feet of commercial office space. KOP-BID is committed to ensuring that statement holds true for years to come. For information about the King of Prussia District, visit or contact Brooke Hersh at 484.681.9452 or ‘Like’ us at and ‘Follow’ us @KOPBID.

With a little prevention and the proper precautions you can still have fun in the sun. To reduce your risk: • Limit time in the sun between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm and find shade whenever possible. • Wear lightweight, comfortable, dark clothes made from tightly woven fabrics. • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. • Cover up with clothing when spending long periods of time outdoors. • Apply a sunscreen with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. • Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure and re-apply every 2 hours. • Apply 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Use more if needed. • Avoid getting sunburned. •

Keep newborns out of the sun. Protect children younger than 6 months of age with clothing and keep them in the shade. Sunscreen should be used on babies over the age of six months.

• Examine your skin from head to toe every month. • See your doctor for a professional exam. • Avoid tanning booths and sunlamps. These are not a safe alternative to natural sun. They use UV rays that can cause damage. • Avoid reflective surfaces; they can reflect up to 85 percent of the sun’s rays. Landscape improvements designed by LRSLAstudio were completed in 2011 and 2012 on medians on DeKalb Pike and First Avenue.

Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to UV rays. Ask the doctor or pharmacist if the prescription (especially antibiotics and acne medications) and over-the-counter medications can increase sun sensitivity.

Colorful banners line the streets and begin to define the boundaries of King of Prussia. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello

1430 Dekalb Street P.O. Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404 Phone: (610) 278-5117 Fax: (610) 278-3971




Development Laws Can affect your business.

by George Broseman Whether your business is expanding, adapting to changing markets, or starting-up, the myriad of zoning and development regulations can affect your plans. Considering these regulations in the business planning process can be critical to avoiding problems and delays. This article provides a general overview of the regulatory scheme. Almost every municipality has its own set of ordinances regulating the use and development of land and buildings. In general terms, these include zoning and subdivision and land development (“SALDO”) ordinances.

other facilities. SALDO regulations contain engineering requirements A zoning ordinance regulates and typically govern matters such use of land and buildings while as street, lot, sewer, stormwater, a SALDO regulates development utility, landscaping design and the and subdivision of land. Zoning ordinances include a map depicting process for review and approval the zoning districts throughout the of land development plans. That process can be lengthy and typimunicipality, and regulations for cally involves review by the municieach district. If a new, changed, or expanded use is not “permitted pal engineer, and staff members, and public review by the planning by right”, the use may require apcommission and approval by the proval following a public hearing. elected officials. The hearing and approval process can be lengthy and complex. Given the complexity and time Zoning ordinances also contain di- involved in the zoning and develmensional requirements such as lot opment regulatory process it is size, setbacks, height, and building important to consider and implement a game plan to successfully and impervious coverage limits. obtain the approvals necessary for Zoning ordinances have grown your business to thrive. more complex and include a host of other regulations. For example, George Broseman is a principal in general regulations must be conthe zoning and land use departsidered. These may include regulament at Kaplin Stewart, a Chamtions on signage, parking, loading, ber member. He can be reached storage, lighting, noise, and landat or at scaping. In addition to the base 610.941.2459. zoning shown on the map, the use of zoning overlays is now preva(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello lent. These overlays often include historic districts, economic development zones, and environmental overlays such as floodplain, steep slope, and tree protection areas. SALDO regulations come into play when “land development” is occurring. Land development includes changes to the land such as construction of new buildings or additions, and new parking areas or



Thoughts on

GIVING Away the

Family Business

by Dirk Simpson, Esquire

At the end of 2010, Congress increased the lifetime gift tax exemption to $5 million (up from $1 million) for individuals and to $10 million (up from $2 million), for married couples. These changes, however, are set to expire in 2013, creating a two-year window of opportunity for business owners to keep more of the family business in the family and less of the business from going to Uncle Sam in the form of federal estate and gift taxes. But smart tax planning is only one aspect of good estate planning. While it may seem like both a loving gesture and tax-advantaged move, gifting can sometimes be the worst possible option for both the business and the roughly 90 percent of U.S. businesses family that owns it. are family firms. Yet, only 30 perAccording to a number of U.S. Small cent of these companies successfully Business Administration reports, transition from the first to the second

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Serving Homes and Businesses


Penn Liberty Bank Announces

Mobile Banking

APPLICATION April 18, 2012/ Wayne, PA/ Penn Liberty Bank announced today that their Mobile Banking application for Android smart phones is now available. This new application adds to the iPhone mobile banking application that has been available since 2011. Both applications were created to improve the mobile banking service of Penn Liberty Bank; these applications enable iPhone and Android users to bank through their smart phones.

Through the application of mobile banking at Penn Liberty Bank, iPhone and Android users will be able to view their account balances and transaction history, transfer between their Penn Liberty Bank accounts and bank accounts at other financial institutions, contact the Bank through one button dialing, and be connected to an RSS feed for late breaking news. Penn Liberty Bank is one of the first community banks in Southeastern Pennsylvania to offer the Android mobile banking service in collaboration with their electronic banking partner, Q2ebanking, to deliver the service. According to Neilson, the Android continues to hold the lead among all smartphone users, with 46.3 percent of all smartphone owners surveyed in the 4th quarter of 2011 reporting they have an Androidbased mobile phone. generation, and a mere 15 percent survive into the third generation. There are reasons for such long odds. Succession planning for a closely held business is difficult for two primary reasons: Equity in a family business is unique in that it often has substantial value but limited marketability; and family relationships often make dealing with that asset emotionally charged. A business succession plan can be derailed if there are hostilities among the children, if one or more of the children have unrealistic expectations, and/or if the owner and the owner's spouse disagree regarding the children's current and future roles in the business. Indeed, if such obstacles exist, the plan may not be initiated, completed or implemented. Many owners intend to transfer their business interests to particular children who will run and/or actively participate in the business's operation. Often the business is the largest single asset in the owner's estate and the owner may feel pressured to also pass some ownership interests to children who are not actively involved in the business. When business interests are gifted in these situations, conflicts are inevitable.

Much can be learned from instances of successful business succession involving sales rather than gifts of business interests. A sale can help preserve the family’s true legacy - not the business itself but the two most precious things that the business creates: substantial personal wealth and the values required to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs. A sale can also provide cash for equalizing gifts to children who are not active in the business. Building great families is often at odds with building great businesses. Family and business work in equal but opposite directions, with family thriving on fairness, and business thriving on decisive control and leadership. Regarding the latter, leadership of the family business should be determined by the child or children who express an appetite for risk and hard work. These qualities are hard to find in most traditional family businesses that end up being gifted. Dirk Simpson, Esquire is a principal in the Estates Administration & Planning department at Kaplin Stewart in Blue Bell, PA, a Chamber member. He can be reached at or at 610.941.2544. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

The Mobile Banking service at Penn Liberty Bank is easy to use and is free to bank clients. To use the mobile service, clients simply sign up through the free Penn Liberty OnLine internet banking service, then download the free Android mobile banking application. Once signed up, the service is available immediately. “We offer the latest technology and convenience to our customers on a consistent basis” stated Patrick J. Ward, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the bank. “This enhancement is a natural step in our product development strategy to deliver leading edge services”. “Q2ebanking is proud to partner with Penn Liberty to provide the best in mobile services to its customer base,” said Brian Abele, Senior Vice President of product management and alliances with Q2ebanking. “With the proliferation of mobile devices, it is essential to take the right strategic mobile approach to address the growing needs of this fast moving market. We look forward to our continued partnership with Penn Liberty.” Future enhancements coming in late 2012 and early 2013 include mobile check scanning and bill payment options.

About Penn Liberty Bank Penn Liberty Bank offers nine conveniently located branches and is a community bank focused on providing personal, high touch service. Combining state of the art technology with highly talented, customer service oriented employees and a full suite of consumer and business products and services has resulted in the Bank’s growth to over $540 million in assets. To learn more about Penn Liberty Bank please visit (Submitted Copy; Contact



Now Providing Invisalign Braces! Celebrating 10 Years of Smiles

• Personal & Relaxing • Cosmetic & Family Dentistry • Implant Restoration • Soft Tissue Laser • In Office Whitening • Evening & Saturday Appointments

Anne M. Facchiano, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. 1639 Pine St. • Norristown, PA 19401 610-275-3990

A Nice Place

to Visit.....

A Nice Place To Visit About Us………………… Dr. Anne Facchiano graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1995, and completed a General Practice Residency there in 1996. She practiced as an Associate in the area for several years before purchasing her practice located in a charming Norristown neighborhood. Dr. Facchiano is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry at Temple, and a member of the American Dental Educators Association.

This phrase describes the atmosphere of a very unique dental practice in Norristown, PA. This is not a multi-location clinic, nor a multi-doctor practice. Dr. Facchiano personally delivers individual- A member of the Academy of General Dentistry since 1996, she was awarded Fellowship in the Academy in 2010, an honor bestowed on ized, comprehensive care to every patient. fewer than 10% of members.

A Nice Place To Visit…………………..

In addition, Dr. Facchiano is a member of the American Academy of Dr. Facchiano provides dentistry for the whole family. From rou- Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American Association of Women Dentists. tine dental care and cleanings to cosmetic dental services such as Denisha Hall is a Dental Assistant and Certified Dental teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges and implant X-Ray Technician, as well as Office Manager and Insurrestorations. She also provides screening for oral cancer and gum ance Coordinator, so no matter where you are in the disease, deep gum scaling and treatment with a state of the art office you will see her bright smile and experience her diode laser, as well as root canals, extractions, and dentures. warm and friendly assistance. She is currently working

A Nice Place To Visit…………………

towards a bachelor’s degree in Business Healthcare at Gwynedd Mercy College.

At Dr. Facchiano’s office you’re never a number. We know each and every patient and consider many of them our friends. In fact, A Nice Place To Visit………………… a high percentage of our business is from long time patients and With convenient hours and a clean, modern office, word of mouth referrals. We take that responsibility very seriously you’ll feel completely comfortable with us. and strive to live up to the trust placed in us. We look forward to meeting you! (Submitted Copy; Contact



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FARMERS® offers

One-Stop Shopping

Auto • Home • Life • Commercial

For Insurance Products Montgomery County, Pennsylvania -- Deciding which insurance company to buy your coverage from or trust with your property is becoming more complicated every day. "Everyone has unique needs and requirements for insurance coverage and every company offers a variety of options," said Shirish Kokatay, a Farmers agent in Montgomery County. "Farmers can simplify the insurance buying experience by providing one-stop shopping for auto, home, life and business insurance products." Farmers' auto coverage includes towing and roadside service for a small fee. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through a toll-free number. An auto glass replacement program is available to auto customers for repairing and replacing damaged or broken auto glass. A young driver education program is available to auto customers which may include discounts for good students. Good driver discounts, auto/home, and multi-car discounts may also be available. In addition to Farmers' traditional homeowners insurance product line, individuals can purchase insurance coverages while renting, for condominiums and townhouses, and for mobile homes. Farmers agents are trained to work with customers to help avoid gaps or overlaps in coverages. As the population ages and requires more life insurance products, Farmers has expanded its life line to include annuities with competitive interest rates and affordable term insurance plans which include mortgage protection, ten- and twenty-year level term, and decreasing term coverage. Farmers continues to offer whole life, flexible universal life and business life insurance to its customers. Also, for safety-conscious customers, Farmers New World Life maintains a capital ratio significantly greater than the industry average. Farmers can help you with so much more than just your insurance needs. We offer education loans, a real estate and mortgage assistance program, and a discount travel program called Farmers Vacations. Also, when you are thinking about buying a new or used car, we can help you locate the car of your dreams with our Auto Buying Service. We can arrange your financing using our auto loan program, and assist you with a Mechanical Breakdown Insurance that protects you against those unexpected costly repairs. "Today, I can offer you so much more; you just have to give me a call," said Kokatay. Farmers is the nation's third-largest home and auto insurer. Headquartered in Los Angeles and doing business in 34 states, Farmers provides home, auto, business and life insurance to more than 8 million households through 15,000 agents and district managers. Contact: Shirish B. Kokatay (484 -994-1138) (Submitted Copy; Contact

Shirish B Kokatay Agency Owner

(484) 994-1138 Email: • Fax: (888)-386-2163 2823 W. Ridge Pike • Norristown, PA 19403

Gentle & Professional Dentistry for the Entire Family


PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Jay Goldsleger, DDS Scott Goldsleger, DDS Ibrahim Durra, DMD Amita Patel, DMD Natalie De Barros, DMD Abbey Sullivan, DMD Matt Boswell, DMD ORTHODONTISTS Bryan Ruda, DMD

GENERAL DENTISTRY Larry Schlarb, DMD Skip Hoerz, DMD Ama Soleye, DMD Andrew Rush, DMD Kristine Rushby, DMD ENDODONTICS Andrew Greenstein, DMD


357 S. Gulph Rd. • King of Prussia, PA 19406



BAR onTotal Family

Raising the


Prefer a pasta dish? Choose from Crab Marinara, Shrimp Scampi, or Chicken Alfredo with toasted garlic bread.

After much anticipation, Arnold’s brand new Bistro and Bar will be open to the public in early May. Hungry gamers in Arnold’s Family Fun Center and Arnold’s Bowling Center are sure to work up an appetite or have a need to quench their thirst. And, Arnold’s Bistro Restaurant and Bar is the perfect solution. Start off with taste-tempting appetizers like Cheese Steak Nachos, Coconut Shrimp, Beer Battered Onion Rings, or Jamaican Jerk Wings, or a piping hot bowl of French Onion Soup. Then grab an Arnold’s Signature Burger with onehalf pound of sizzling 100% Certified Angus Beef, or devour a zesty Buffalo Chicken Cheese Steak, or a Blackened Chicken Sandwich with roasted red peppers. Or how about a fresh and flavorful Margherita Flatbread? The lunch choices are endless and each one more delicious than the next! Dinner entrees include a juicy 12 oz. Ribeye Steak, Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes, Full Rack of Baby Back Ribs, or Crab Crusted Salmon. All entrées come with a side salad and two sides of your choice, and are moderately priced from $10.00 $18.00.



But, be sure to save room for dessert. There’s Banana Caramel Cheese Cake Xango rolled in a flour tortilla, a yummy Funnel Cake Sundae, a multitiered Five High Chocolate Cake, and more to make your mouth water. There’s even a special Kids Corner menu for the younger set, age 10 and under, for just $6.00 per meal. Arnold’s Bar will serve your favorite domestic and imported bottled or draught beers, wine and mixed drinks. Watch the action in our Bowling Center, or catch a game on one of our six giant screen TVs, the FUN (and FOOD) never stops at Arnold’s Family Fun Center and Arnold’s Bowling Center. Plus, Catering Service is available for Corporate and Group Events held at Arnolds for any special occasion. So, why settle for less when you can enjoy it ALL at Arnold’s! Arnold’s is located directly across from the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, at V2200 West Drive, just off the Route 422 Oaks Exit in the 422 Business Center in Oaks, PA. It is open year-round, rain or shine, and parking is free. For more info, call 610-666-0600, or visit (Submitted Copy; Contact

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Serving Homes and Businesses



Optimal Salesperson


Raise Expectations Improve Performance

The Optimal Salesperson Mastering the Mindset of Sales Superstars

Persistence is a critical attribute of the Optimal Salesperson® but is often misunderstood. Most people think of persistence as that quality in a salesperson which allows them to follow up and follow up and to never tire and to never give up until they get the sale. This is a great work ethic and is one that is admirable and very useful in some professions. But it can be counterproductive and it is not what I am talking about for the salesperson. Weak salespeople with a strong work ethic will get by, but to get to the top in sales you need a different kind of persistence. To be the Optimal Salesperson® you need to be willing to fight internal battles with that same type of persistence. When you are uncomfortable asking a question about when a prospect will make a decision, you must be persistent within yourself and ask it anyway. If you ask a prospect how much money they would like to spend and the prospect gives you an evasive answer, you want to accept it and move on to something more comfortable, like how you can solve their problem for them. But you must be persistent with yourself and fight the instinct to move on and ask a follow up question to get at the financial information you need to have. If you are not persistent on the sales call you will find yourself working way too hard for the sales you get. Here’s a quick example. Joe asks the prospect how much money he has to spend for this project the prospect says he doesn’t know and Joe accepts the answer and ends up writing a proposal for $15,900. When the prospect gets the proposal he is shocked at how high it is and embarks on a task of calling other suppliers. Joe follows up for two weeks calling every day or so. The prospect ducks the calls or tells Joe he just hasn’t had time to review the proposal. Eventually Joe finds out that his competitor got the order. Joe had a good work ethic but lacked persistence. Dave, Joe’s competitor, met with the same prospect uncovered the same problem and asked the same money question. But when given the same evasive answer, Dave persisted. He said “You must have a ballpark idea of what you are looking to spend, can you share it with me?” He stayed right there until he get the prospect to tell him that he wanted to be under $10,000. Dave’s persistence had paid off. Dave told the prospect to get all of the problems solved it would be more like $15,000 but he do the critical part for about $10,000 and asked if that would be acceptable. The prospect said yes. Dave closed the deal right there and submitted the proposal the next day and got started. If you are persistent in the right places you will save yourself a lot of work and frustration. Dan Caramanico is a salesforce development expert and he is the author of The Optimal Salesperson® One of Selling power’s top ten books for 2010. Get his weekly 1-minute video sales tips and some free sales training (Submitted Copy; Contact

FREE ONLINE SALES TRAINING Do you have the Mindset of a Sales Superstar? Is Your Closing Rate too Low? Do You Consistently Hit Your Sales Goal? If you answered “NO” to any of the above then you will want to subscribe to the free sales mini-series

The Three Secrets of the Optimal Salesperson In this three part mini-series you will learn: How your self limiting beliefs prevent your success How to qualify prospects to increase your closing rate How to make sure that you reach your sales goals


The mini-series is sponsored by:

Caramanico Maguire

Associates, Inc.

Sales Force Developement Experts

Since 1986 Caramanico Maguire Associates, Inc. has been coaching and training individuals, small businesses and major corporations to increase their sales effectiveness and make that quantum leap to the proverbial “next level”

Phone: 610 940-4430 350 Sentry Pky., Ste. 110, Bldg. 610, Blue Bell, PA 19422 SUMMER 2012




Even if you have regularly scheduled window cleanings there are critters that can cause problems that shouldn’t be overlooked. Dusty cobwebs on a commercial property may appear to be a sign of poor maintenance, but instead, they can be an indication that you have spiders on the property. Clearing active webs is part of any property cleaning, but spiders rebuild these webs. When landscaping services begin working on property grounds they use blowers and mowers that blow debris into webs, making them appear dusty, old and abandoned. If you have cobwebs on your property, check carefully. You probably have a spider problem, not a window cleaning problem. Birds inevitably are going to get some of your windows dirty, but if this is a recurring problem that causes concern, there are things you can do. You may want to try ledge spikes, bird wire or even shock strips to keep birds from your building. If you do decide to take action, be sure to include your window cleaner in the decision to be certain that all windows remain easily accessible. Vegetation growing close to a building can be a haven for snails, and snails can leave unattractive trails of slime on building windows. This menace can be avoided by keeping your landscaping trimmed back, or having the snails eliminated. Helping keep our customers’ properties well-maintained and looking their best is important to us. Any time you have a question about our services, or would like a free estimate for additional services or properties in your portfolio, give us a call. We’re here to help. Fish Window Cleaning 610-630-3474



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(Submitted Copy)


Eat. Drink. Play. Party!


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Spring INTO


our Health into Your Own Han Y g n i ds Tak

By Maria Gelet, H.C.

Appetite for Nutrition • Private Health Counseling

• Individual Health Plans

• Healthy Cooking Classes • Grocery Tours

• Improving Your Life Through Food

• Meal Planning Maria Gelet, H.C. ~ Health & Nutrition Counselor Collegeville, PA

Trying to shed extra pounds by summer? Then, it’s time to spring into summer with Maria Gelet. After a long winter, nature is abound with gifts. We have extra hours of daylight and a full bounty of produce that will help us get lighter as we enter into the warm weather. Take advantage of this abundant time of year by eating local and absorbing some natural vitamin D while getting physical outside. Whether it’s walking or gardening, physical movement under the sun helps promote weight loss and improve mood. So get your sunglasses and get moving. Try taking a walk to a local farmer’s market. This time of year you can get your hands on some local grown “superfoods” that will be friendly to your wallet, the earth, your body and support your local community all at once. Don’t forget to bring your re-useable bags! What should you look for in spring? Many varieties of greens and cruciferous vegetables can be found. Spinach, asparagus, kale, rainbow chard, micro greens, broccoli, beets, cabbage, and fresh herbs are all readily available in spring. Spring is a time of rejuvenation; make new resolutions to rejuvenate your



body by eating healthy and exercising. Pick up some baby greens, a two cup serving is only 15 calories, yet it provides lots of nutrients such as vitamin A, C and K, it is also a significant source of minerals including calcium and iron. These vital nutrients are absorbed by our bodies so much better when they are consumed from a natural source rather than through a supplement. Baby greens can be lightly steamed as a side dish or used in salads along with fresh herbs for an even greater benefit. Swap out some of your stand by side dishes for some exciting farmers market finds and you will see the benefits inside and out.


Complete Residential & Commercial Aquarium Services

Freshwater & Saltwater Maintenance • Installation Sales • Service

Fish Tank Makeovers

Come visit my blog for local CLEAN-A-TANK: FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL farmer’s market information and to see what I am making with my & COMMERCIAL AQUARIUM NEEDS! farmer’s market finds. Clean-A-Tank offers professional, prompt and courteous aquarium services for Interested in learning more about health and nutrition? Maria Gelet is a certified Health and Nutrition Coach, please visit . (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello

your home or office. Whether you need a tank installed or a fish tank "makeover," they can provide a flexible maintenance program. Their maintenance plans reduce algae, remove waste and keep your water chemicals in check for a clear, brighter tank! Your customers or family can enjoy hours of calming pleasure watching your colorful fish swim.

Most of the service-plan programs Clean-A-Tank offers include pre-measured fish food, filter cartridges and media as well as all water conditioners for your tank at no extra charge beyond the service plan fee. This successful and innovative service not only provides a healthy and beautiful lifestyle for your fish, but also frees you, the pet owner, from having to devote your time and energy to maintaining your aquarium. Stop worrying about the hassles and mess of your tank upkeep on a regular basis and spend more time enjoying it! (Submitted Copy; Contact

“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses


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Serving Homes and Businesses



Just To Travel, Ltd

We are a full service travel agency specializing in leisure & corporate travel for over 20 years! • Customized Vaca ons • Cruises • Des na on Weddings & Honeymoons • Luxurious Escapes • Resort Packages • Corporate Accounts Welcomed 600 W. DeKalb Pike Suite 250 • King of Prussia


travelinfo@jus www.jus

Just To Travel is a full service agency planning both leisure and business travel in the suburban Philadelphia community and beyond for over 20 years. Our dedicated, professional, travel consultants have the ability to assist travelers with complete planning services. No need to spend endless hours surfing the web with confusing information. According to a recent survey by the I.B.M. Institute for Business Value, based on 2000 travelers, 20 percent of those travelers spent five or more hours surfing the web searching for the best travel options. The consultants at Just To Travel are trained to help you find what you need at the best prices. We have taken the opportunity to travel the world and participate in educational seminars through recognized travel industry venues to be sure we are aware of all current travel trends and the newest destination information. Our knowledge of world travel will make your planning stress free. Business travelers appreciate our fast corporate services. With one call we will plan your air, rail, car services and accommodations while you attend to your busy schedule. Frequent business travelers recognize the value of Just To Travel’s VIP Profile Club. Why not become a VIP Profile Club member? Leisure travelers depend on our consultants for expertise about exciting destination, accommodation, and excursion suggestions. Let us help you choose the best vacation based on your interests and budget. From the beaches of the Caribbean to the Himalayan peaks of India, or sailing the seas of the world, you can count on our help to make travel recommendations you need and deserve. We offer personalized services to our clients from the first phone until you arrive home. Just To Travel welcomes specialty travel requests such as groups, destination weddings and honeymoons. Put our knowledge to work for you. We look forward to earning your travel business! Just To Travel is also a proud member of IATA and the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce. (Submitted Copy; Contact


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“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses




Residence: Doing the Most Good for Homeless Families in Montgomery County If your child was asked to draw your home, what might it look like?

For many children in Montgomery County, “home” is a street bench or an abandoned car. Whether parents have lost jobs in a bad economy, fled domestic violence, or suffer from chronic mental illness, the results are often the same for the entire family – homelessness.

worked closely with Mary to help her save money, connect with social services, and to keep her kids in school. Eventually, Mary moved into the Salvation Army’s 2-year transitional housing program. Today Mary pays 30% of her income, plus utilities, as her portion of the housing agreement. Furthermore, she is on track to take over the entire rent by the end of her contract, meaning that she will have reached self-sufficiency. Mary says that she has been able to raise her family well by implementing many of the rules that she learned while staying at the Norristown Family Residence, such as adhering to strict meal times and chore schedules.

Fortunately, the Salvation Army’s Norristown Family Residence, a homeless shelter in Norristown, is working tirelessly to help families in Montgomery County get back up on their feet. Operating 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week, the shelter provides 300+ people a year with 3 meals a day, a warm bed, and personalized case management.

The Norristown Family Residence reaches hundreds of people every year and relies on the generosity of the community to help people like Mary break the cycle of homelessness for themselves Last year Mary arrived at the Nor- and for their families. ristown Family Residence after We need your help! Please conlosing her home to a fire. Mary sider donating today by writing a was caring for her 3 children and check to: her 5 siblings, upholding a promise she made before her mother’s Salvation Army – Norristown Family Residence passing. 533 Swede Street, The Norristown Family Residence Norristown, PA 19401 welcomed Mary and her family (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello with open arms. A case worker



THE SECURITY ADVISORS Give Your Employees a $1,000 Raise! Adding American Heritage Federal Credit Union to your company’s benefit package increases the value of every dollar your employees earn. Save them money on checking costs, interest on credit cards and consumer loans. Give them higher yields on savings and investments — all at no cost to your company. • Over 24 Branches in Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties • Over 4,400 Shared Branches Nationwide • Over 28,000 Surcharge-Free ATMs Nationwide Call 215-969-0777 to ask us how you can save your employees over $1,000 by adding American Heritage Federal Credit Union membership to your benefits package.

Let Us Help With All Your Business Needs! Small Business Loans Business Checking Accounts Small Business Services American Heritage is dedicated to helping your business grow and prosper. It is our priority to provide you with quality service and to give you the financial assistance you deserve.

For more information about how we can help your business call 215-969-0777. SUMMER 2012


CONSULTING • TRAINING PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS Sound Solid Solutions for your Security Concerns.

Let The Security Advisors put our unique blend of law enforcement and corporate investigative experience to work for you. Call us for a free consulta consultation.

PUT US ON YOUR CASE! Call us for a free initial consultation


Workplace VIOLENCE

According to the US Department of Labor, workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. While some jobs have a higher risk for workplace violence, anyone in any job can be a victim. Regardless of how small your "Small Business" may be, you or your employees may encounter a coworker, customer or visitor who exhibits violent behavior. Workplace violence can occur out of the blue and catch anyone off guard. One way to protect against workplace violence is to have a policy that outlines both preventative measures and reactionary measures. Preventative measures will include ensuring that employees have a clear understanding of what workplace violence is and what the response of the company is concerning it. Reactionary measures will include employees knowing what to do in the event of a violent act, and how to report one when they call 911. Don't ignore problem behavior. While signals that indicate the possibility of a violent act are very clear in hindsight, they are not as easy to identify ahead of time unless a clear record of problem behavior has been established. If an employee exhibits a pattern of behavior that you feel may lead to violence, don't ignore it. You can address the behavior simply by talking to the employee to find out what may be causing the behavior. Or, if you don't feel equipped to do this, seek the assistance of a workplace counselor. For help with workplace violence issues, call The Security Advisors for a free consultation. (610-277-7700 or (Submitted Copy; Contact

“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses





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Did You Know? Research has shown that 83% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy from a web site with a video commercial than a company that did not have one. And over 71% said that a video commercial added instant credibility to the company. Also, a study by The Wharton School of Business proved that video boosts comprehension and retention by 50% over live presentations. We consult with you to understand your business vision, key marketing goals, and the products or services you want to feature. Then we help you promote your video across the entire web.

WE PRODUCE VIDEO FOR BUSINESS! Our flexibility, turnaround times and collaborative approach take the stress out of video production. | Studio Phone 610.344.3955 SUMMER 2012


“Your Personal Help Desk”

Serving Homes and Businesses


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