Montgomery County Chamber Newsletter MCD13

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WINTER 2013/2014

Montgomery County

News Magazine The Official News Magazine of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

COVER Plymouth meeting mall J. Crew Factory & Uncle Julio's Fine Mexican Restaurant Open Soon - Pg 16

INSIDE: ribbon cuttings Pictorial - Pg 4 golf outing Pictorial - Pg 5 Membership application - Pg 5 transportation project outlook 2014 Article - Pg 7 YPSN - Pg 7 business card eXchange Pictorial - Pg 9 RENEWING MEMBERS Thank You - Pg 10 new MEMBER orientation Pictorial - Pg 11 new MEMBERS - Pg 11 Municipal minutes Local Government News - Pg 8 real estate guide - Pg 26

Complimentary Copy


Business marketplace - Pg 36


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WINTER 2013/14 PREMIUM advertisers 17

FRONT COVER STORY Plymouth Meeting Mall J. Crew Factory Joins The Plaza Shops

FEATURED advertisers BANKING/FINANCIAL/insurance SERVICES American Heritage..................................................................................... 31 Continental Bank....................................................................................... 12 Penn Liberty Bank..................................................................................... 15 QNB........................................................................................................ 36



BACK COVER Story King of Prussia Mall New Personal Shopping Service

QUARTERLY editorial articles 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 13

BUCKS COUNTY WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY OPPORTUNITY calendar of events Winter 2013 RIBBON CUTTINGS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION GOLF OUTING Pictorial YPSN BUSINESS MIXERS Pictorial transportation project outlook 2014 GVF Article municipal minutes business card exchanges Pictorial THANK YOU Renewing Members NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Pictorial Welcome New Members RAISING CAPITAL: PUT YOUR MOUTH WHERE YOUR MONEY IS Kaplan/Stewart 13 THE DEMISE OF DOMA: FEDERAL TAX IMPLICATIONS AND ISSUES Kaplan/Stewart 15 DRB: MORE THAN A COURIER SERVICE DRB Courier Service, LLC 15 penn liberty bank offers full suite mobile banking Penn Liberty Bank 17 announcements Plymouth Meeting Mall 17 revealing the root of your concern Chiropractic Wellness Associates 18 A BRIGHT HEALTHY SMILE FOR THE NEW YEAR Anne M. Facchiano, D.M.D., F.A.G.D 20 King of Prussia mall launches personal shopper service 21 children reach out to those in need Chesterbrook Academy 22 kinetic rehabilitation Kinetic Physical Therapy 22 MONTCO OFFERS TOOLS FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Board of Commissioners 23 hogs & honeys mission kids benefit ride KickStart Motorcycles 25 HEALTHLINKS Mercy Suburban Hospital 26 REAL ESTATE GUIDE 27 CAPTAIN CURTIS AND FELICIA FLORA JOIN NORRISTOWN CORPS The Salvation Army 29 PHIL'S TAVERN LAUNCHES MOBILE WEBAPP & NEW MENU 30 security tips for the holidays The Security Advisors 32 DRESHER & SENIOR SUITES Brandywine Senior Living 35 CONSIDER THE FOUR SEASONS BANQUET HALL The Four Seasons 40 looking good pays Fish Window Cleaning 44 Refresh your windows Bancroft Wallcovering & Painting

Carroll's Office Supplies & Furniture Co........................................................ 38 CoreStaff, Inc............................................................................................ 37 CPA Help Now.......................................................................................... 39 Elite Cleaning........................................................................................... 30 Fish Window Cleaning............................................................................... 40 Kaplin Stewart Attorneys at Law.................................................................. 13 Keystone Computer Advising...................................................................... 37 King of Prussia District.............................................................................. 41 LP Easy Apps........................................................................................... 21 Medallion Transportation............................................................................ 40 Norris Sales.............................................................................................. 14 The Security Advisors................................................................................. 30

CATERING/FOOD SERVICES Peppers Italian Restaurant & Bar................................................................. 20 Presidential Caterers of Distinction (Inside Back Cover)................................. 43 The Phil's Tavern....................................................................................... 29

COMMUNITY The Salvation Army................................................................................... 27 Wissahickon Watershed Association........................................................... 12

CONTRACTING/TRADE SERVICES Bancroft Wallcovering & Painting................................................................ 41 DRB Courier Service, LLC........................................................................... 15 Instant Response Plumbing........................................................................ 36 Salter's Fireplace, Patio and Grill, Inc.......................................................... 38 Mike Irby Photography............................................................................... 43 Moments By Design - MEB Photography...................................................... 38 Tada Hydro Cleaning................................................................................. 39

ENTERTAINING/MEETINGS & EVENTS KickStart Motorcycles................................................................................. 23 Radisson Valley Forge............................................................................... 34 Four Seasons Banquet Hall.................................................................. 33, 35

GIFTS & COLLECTIBLES Collectible Knits & Gifts.............................................................................. 22 Milanj Diamonds...................................................................................... 37 Washington Memorial Chapel Cabin Shop................................................... 36

HEALTHCARE/Fitness & Beauty Anne M. Facchiano, D.M.D, F.A.G.D............................................................ 18 Audubon YMCA......................................................................................... 42 Chiropractic Wellness Associates................................................................ 17 Kinetic Physical Therapy............................................................................ 22 Marlene Mash MD & Associates.................................................................. 19 Mercy Suburban Hospital........................................................................... 24 Montalbano Family Chiropractic.................................................................. 39 Upper Merion Dental Associates.................................................................. 25

winter 2013/14 ISSUE Publisher John S. Rafanello, CEO Local Pages Publishing, LLC 1055 W. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19403 editor Kathy Brandon ASSOCIATE editor Kate Boyle ADVERTiSING/Editorial Concetta Rafanello Director of Marketing GRAPHICS & LAYOUT Local Pages Publishing Graphics Staff Kirk Whitpan - Manager Karaamat Abdullah - Layout Mike Arena Jennifer Bury photography Mike Irby Photography INFORMATION For information about advertising and circulation please contact Local Pages Publishing, LLC Ph: 610.579.3809 x.108 Fax: 610-579-3818 For information about becoming a member of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce please call 610-277-9500 Subscriptions are free to qualified businesses. All articles, photos, artwork and other materials are copyright Local Pages Publishing, LLC and it’s advertisers. ®2013 Local Pages Publishing, LLC The publisher, editor for Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce are not responsible for submitted copy or advertiser claims.

OFFICE/HOUSING/REAL ESTATE Audubon Land Development....................................................................... 28 Omega Commercial Real Estate.................................................................. 26

RETAIL SERVICES King of Prussia Mall (Back Cover).............................................................. 20 Plymouth Meeting Mall.............................................................................. 16

SENIOR SERVICES Brandywine Senior Living........................................................................... 32

WINTER 2013-14


Bucks County

Water & Sewer Authority


OPPORTUNITY Cuttings BCWSA is offering a Water & Sewer Maintenance Program for Residential and Commercial properties. This program is designed to help customers offset the cost of repairing the water service line and the sewer lateral that run from the outside of your home/building to the curb which can typically cost up to $5000 for residential and up to $10,000 for a commercial property to replace.

per service line and commercial licensed BCWSA Professionals $10.00 a month per service line Sign up today! It's easy just for coverage. go to our website at www.bcwsa. This program is also avail- net or call 215-343-2538 x140. able to Non-BCWSA custom- Bucks County Water & Sewer ers in Bucks County & Mont- Authority strives to provide afgomery County fordable services to our custom• 24-7 Emergency coverage with ers. Under this program you will live operators to take your call in receive professional and prompt service with a personal touch the evening or Holidays whenever the need arises. We • Unlimited Service calls look forward to serving you. • Coverage two year minimum

King of Prussia was a popular spot for Chamber Member Ribbon Cuttings! Congratulations to Edible Arrangements and Wawa for opening new locations and to Joe’s Crab Shack for a grand re-opening.

Under this program residential properties pay $5.00 a month • Repairs are only performed by

WINTER 13-14

Calendar of Events

Wawa 145 W. Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA (Please check the website for additional information) Please call the Chamber office in case of inclement weather. Tuesday, December 3rd

Chamber Expo Sponsored by the Health & Wellness Committee Valley Forge Resort Casino, King of Prussia

Wednesday, December 4th

YPSN Business Mixer Rock Bottom, King of Prussia

Thursday, December 5th

New Member Orientation Chamber Office, King of Prussia

Friday, December 13th

Women’s Resource Luncheon Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, King of Prussia

Tuesday, January 28th

Business Card Exchange Car-tel Communications, Conshohocken


Membership Luncheon TBD


Business Connections Chamber Office, King of Prussia


Business Card Exchange Greater Norristown PAL, Norristown


Membership Luncheon TBD


Business Connections Chamber Office, King of Prussia

Please monitor the calendar on the website ( for up-to-date information.

WINTER 2013-14



Edible Arrangements 160 N. Gulf Pike, Plaza Food Court King of Prussia, PA 19406

Joe's Crab Shack 244 Mall Blvd. King of Prussia, PA 19406

New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


Do we have your email address?

Chamber headquarters: members always


The Chamber’s predominant form of communication is email. Members should be receiving The Chamber’s epost on Thursday afternoon as well as regular announcements and invitations. If you are not please send your email address to and be sure to include your name and business affiliation.

but need an appointment

Members of the Chamber are always welcome at The Chamber’s headquarters, the historic King Of Prussia Inn but many ask why is an appointment required? The reason is insurance. The historic 310 year old building has low head clearances and some uneven flooring and for those reasons guests must be escorted in the building much as you would in a private museum. Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4:30 and can make arrangements by calling (610) 265-1776.

Chamber reservation

policy: Reservations for Chamber events are generally required two to three days before the actual event. They are required to allow for adequate food service, seating and scheduling. Payment is required at the time of registration and can be refunded up to The Chamber’s reservation deadline. ‘Walk-in’ attendance can not always be accommodated, especially when the catering is very specific. You can always reserve at www. montgomerycountychamber. org and members may reserve by calling (610) 2651776 or (610) 277-9500.

Annual Subscription Rates Dues based on number of employees in the service area (2 part time employees = 1 full time) Dues may be tax deductible - please consult your tax advisor. New members please add $25 one time processing fee

250  1-5 employees, government agencies, non-profit agencies & educational institutes $ 305  6-10 employees 385  11-30 employees $ $ 595  31-99 employees 995  100-999 employees $ 1550  over 1000 employees $ 650  limited service hotels $1050  full service hotels



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LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate


WINTER 2013-14


GOLF Outing

WINTER 2013-14



Golfers enjoyed a beautiful day on the links at Plymouth Country Club for the Chamber’s Annual Golf Outing, sponsored by Continental Bank. Thank you to Event Sponsors: Penntex Construction, Inc., 422 Business Center, Norris Sales Company, Inc. and Corporate Sponsors: Abbey Color, Inc., Bank of America, Clairmont Paciello & Company, P.C., Local Pages Publishing, Inc., Mallie, LLP, Penn Liberty Bank, QNB, as well as Tee Sponsors for making the outing a success. Special thanks to Massage Envy for providing chair massages for the golfers!

New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


The Chamber’s YPSN (Young Professional Suburban Network) hosted Business Mixers at Dave & Buster’s and Steppy’s and a Breakfast & Seminar: Your Financial Journey. In addition to the specific YPSN events, Young Professionals also enjoyed general Chamber events. YPSN is for seasoned professionals, as well as those just starting out.


Project Outlook


by Shayne Trimbell, GVF

2013 has been a busy year for transportation infrastructure improvement projects in Montgomery County. Several projects that will greatly benefit Montgomery County began construction; several others continued progress during the year. These are just a few of the projects that were underway, and by no means is this a complete list. If you drive the roads of Montgomery County, you are likely to encounter one of these projects. This is what is going on.

Trooper Road Interchange Improvements In October of 2013, PennDOT began a project to complete the Trooper Road interchange and provide access to and from the west on US 422. The project, when completed in 2015, will include a new westbound on ramp, a new eastbound off ramp, two lanes of traffic on to US 422 eastbound, three new traffic signals, a widened Trooper Road, and a widened Audubon Road. The end result will be a fully functioning interchange designed to handle the volume of traffic experienced daily. For more information, visit www.422improvements. com.

Replacement of the Betzwood Bridge The Betzwood Bridge once connected Trooper Road in West Norriton to Valley Forge National Historical Park. It was removed in the early 1990’s due to structural concerns, and is now scheduled to be replaced. Beginning in 2014, the bridge, which has been renamed to “Sullivan’s Bridge” in honor of Revolutionary War Major

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

General John Sullivan, will be constructed as a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian bridge. The new bridge will provide an improved connection between Valley Forge National Historical Park and the Schuylkill River Trail. Construction is expected to be completed in 2017. For more information, visit

US 422 Pottstown Area Improvements Since late 2012, US 422 from Porter Road in Lower Pottsgrove through PA 724 in North Coventry has been under construction. The project includes a complete reconstruction of the US 422 highway, replacement of the Armand Hammer Boulevard overpass, replacement of the Schuylkill River Bridge, and a new connection for the Schuylkill River Trail across the Schuylkill River. The project has made significant progress during 2013 due to favorable weather during the winter months and is on schedule to be completed in 2017. Beginning in late spring of 2014, the second Schuylkill River Bridge on US 422 will be replaced. The second river bridge is expected to be complete in 2017. For more information, visit

Lafayette Street Extension Project The Lafayette Street Extension project began in the summer of 2013 and will connect Lafayette Street from Ford Street in Norristown to Diamond Avenue in Plymouth Township. The project will also realign

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

the Schuylkill River Trail to function as a linear park. The project will provide improved access to downtown Norristown and alleviate congestion on Main Street. When completed in 2017, Lafayette Street will have on street parking, two lanes of traffic in each direction and a striped median. There will be a landscaped buffer between the roadway and the Schuylkill River Trail.

Markley Street/US 202 South Improvement Project Work continues on the Markley Street Improvement Project from Johnson Highway to Elm Street in Norristown. The project, which began in February

2013, will completely reconstruct Markley Street, add a center turn lane, relocate utility poles and improve the sidewalks and intersections. The multi-year project is expected to be completed in 2016. For more information, visit www. These projects represent a few of the transportation infrastructure improvement projects underway in Montgomery County. Transportation infrastructure is an investment in the future growth of our region’s economy. Well maintained infrastructure allows businesses to move goods and deliver services easily; it reduces congestion and lets employees get to work quicker, and reduces operating costs for personal and business vehicles. These projects represent the future of Montgomery County, and are only a few of the many infrastructure improvement projects planned for the future. Shayne Trimbell works as a Manager of Projects and Development with GVF. To reach Shayne by email: strimbell@, or by phone: (610)354-8899.

WINTER 2013-14


Municipal MINUTES

All municipalities in the Chamber’s service area are welcome to provide information of interest to residents and businesses. We look forward to providing information about upcoming projects, plans, events and celebrations in all future issues!

East norriton township Upcoming Holiday programs in East Norriton Township include the 21st Annual Holiday Parade on Saturday December 7th (rain date Dec. 8th) beginning at 11 a.m. at the East Norriton Middle School and proceeding down Stony Creek Road to Germantown Pike. The route then follows Germantown Pike east to the Hillcrest Plaza Shopping Center. Residents and friends are invited to line the parade route to get a great view of this special Holiday event featuring bands, floats, Scout groups, Santa and much more. Special activities are planned at the Hillcrest Plaza Shopping Center at the conclusion of the parade. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to Suiting Warriors.

and Pa. State Senator Daylin Leach. In February of 2013 the Commission received a Congressional Certificate of Merit from the United States House of Representatives via recommendation by U.S. Congresswoman Allyson Y. Schwartz (photo of Commissioners with their certificates attached to this press release). The Commission offers dispute mediation services in …”Housing, Commercial Property, Employment, and Public Accommodation” discrimination issues based on questions of (actual or perceived) …”race, color, religious creed, ancestry, sex, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The Commission may be reached at HRC@EastNorritonTwp.Org

Plymouth Township Greater Plymouth Community Center 2910 Jolly Road Plymouth Meeting, Pa 19462 610-277-4312 The Greater Plymouth Community Center is a family friendly facility with personalized service located on Jolly Road in Plymouth Meeting. The GPCC offers something for everyone in your family, swim lessons, preschool, after school, youth fitness, group fitness, special events, trips and more! The fitness center has recently been expanded and the amount of equipment has nearly DOUBLED! In addition to updating the strength training equipment, we now have 10 ellipticals, 10 treadmills, 12 bikes, 4 steppers, a rowing machine, 5 new plate loaded pieces and dumbbells, stability and medicine balls and Bosu trainers. Come in for a tour and see the new center!

Join today and enjoy the benefits. All members have full access to the fitness center, aquatics center and gymnasium and receive a personalized fitness workout and free updates. All basic fitness classes are now included in The Norriton Fire Engine Company and the East Norriton Parks and Recreation Department is again sponsoring the price of your pass and we have slashed our monthly babysitting fee in Santa visiting East Norriton Township on the Fire Truck. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday December 14th half! You don’t have to be a Plymouth Township resident to participate, all beginning at 12:30 p.m. Keep your eyes and ears open for a final chance to see Santa before his visit to your home are welcome. For more information on all our programs and services please on Christmas Eve. call 610-277-4312 or visit our website, On Saturday December 14th or Sunday December 15th the Parks and Recreation Department will hold their Plymouth Township Parks & Recreation offers a variety of Spring and annual Holiday Home Decorating Contest. Judges will be traveling throughout the Township to view and judge the Summer adult recreation leagues including Co-Ed Softball, Corporate Basmany beautifully decorated homes. All homes to be judged must be registered at the Parks and Recreation Office by ketball, Sand Volleyball, Indoor Volleyball and Men’s Basketball. Leagues calling 610-275-2800 by Friday December 6th. will begin in May and will run through the end of August. For more informaEast Norriton Township has scheduled their Christmas Tree collection dates for this upcoming year. Christmas tion please contact Luke at or visit us online trees will be collected on Monday January 6th and Monday January 13th. Trees will be collected Township wide at each day so it may take a few days to complete the entire Township. There is no need to call in for this service. Last year the Township collected over 700 Christmas trees which equates to over 7 tons of trees which were chipped and recycled. Please have your trees curbside by 6 a.m. the date of collection and make sure all ornaments, garland and 801 Loch Alsh Avenue, Fort Washington, PA 19034 wires are removed. Residents are also reminded about the Township Ordinance for snow removal and parking during these upcom- December 2013-March 2014: Upper Dublin Township Events ing winter months. Please remember to remove your car from Township roadways when it’s snowing or when snow is in the forecast. The Ordinance requires cars to be off the roadway during any snow. This allows the Township Mo 12/9 8a MGCA Business Roundtable at Danielle’s Café in Maple Glen road crews to clear the entire roadway of snow. Also, please be aware that the Ordinance does include: sidewalks Tu 12/10 UDP&R Radio City Music Hall Trip or Township right-of-ways which means if any owner, agent, occupant of property, or person in charge of the propTu 12/10 FWBA Kids and Smiles Toy Drive. Toys for kids, grades 1-6 and erty allows snow to be pushed, plowed, thrown or shoveled onto a right-of-way or sidewalk they will be subject to a gift cards for teens are needed. Drop off new and unwrapped gifts to UDPL fine. The Fire Department also asked for your help in clearing around any fire hydrants so they can easily find and by 12/10 for a party at North Hills Community Learning Center on 12/19 gain access to the fire hydrants during the upcoming winter weather. Your cooperation during these snow events is greatly appreciated. Fr 12/13 8a-1p American Red Cross blood drive at Twp Building. Call 215643-1600 x3443 EAST NORRITON HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Sa 12/14 UDP&R NYC Day Trip In January 2013 East Norriton Township joined with more than 30 municipalities throughout the Commonwealth of PennsylvaWeek of 12/16 Twp Yard waste collection ends nia in passing local Human Relations ordinances and appointing Tu 12/17 11:30a-1p MGCA Holiday Party at Brandywine Senior Living at boards of commissioners. Dresher Estates. RSVP The East Norriton Township Human Relations Commission We 12/25 Twp offices closed for Christmas. No bulk trash pickup has four commissioners, all township residents appointed by the Library holiday hours: Tu 12/24 – 9:30a-2p; We 12/25 closed; Tu 12/31 – Board of Supervisors. The Commissioners (who serve without Photo of East Norriton Human Relations Commission compensation) are… John Adam DiPietro, James Dougherty, Board of Commissioners holding "Certificates of Merit" 9:30a-3p; We 1/1 - closed Cheryl Lynn Horsey, and Don Benn (Chairman). awarded by the United States House of Representatives. We 1/1 Twp offices closed, no bulk trash pickup

Upper Dublin Township

The Commission has undergone extensive formal training from the United States Department of Justice, the Christmas Tree Pick-ups: We 1/8 North of Susquehanna Rd; We 1/15 South Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, the Anti Defamation League, as well as numerous non governmental of Susquehanna Rd; We 1/29 last sweep of Township public service agencies. Sa-Su Jan 18-19, 2014 2p UDHS Winter Drama Production The Commission has been formally recognized for their work by Pa. State Representative Matthew D. Bradford

WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

Mo 1/20 Twp offices closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day; refuse services move to 1/22 Sa 2/8 6-8p UDP&R Annual Valentine’s Father Daughter Dance at UD Twp Building Mo 2/17 Twp offices closed for Presidents Day; refuse services move to 2/19

Business Card Exchanges Business Card Exchanges proved to be excellent networking opportunities for Chamber members. Attendees were welcomed by both new and long-standing members, including: Brandywine Senior Suites, The Cabin Shop at Washington Memorial Chapel, Feel the Warmth and Regus.

Brandywine Senior Suites

Sa 3/1 8a-1p UDP&R Craft Fair at UD Twp Building UDP&R Summer camp registration begins Mo 3/3 Tu 3/4/14 7p UDHS Music in our schools choral concert, PAC Th 3/6/14 7p UDHS Music in our schools instrumental concert, PAC SAVE THE DATE: UPPER DUBLIN MONTE CARLO NIGHT - Sa 3/1/14 7p at the Mercedes Benz Dealership of Fort Washington

UPPER MERION township MY STORY: Judy Vicchio, Assistant Township Manager Before the candles burned out, the jokes got told and everyone had one cocktail too many, I shared MY STORY at my retirement party held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in King of Prussia on Friday, October 4. It was truly one of my most memorable nights of my life. My story begins on June 13, 1965 when I graduated from Bishop Kenrick High School in Norristown, Pennsylvania. The graduation was held at St. Joseph’s Field House, on 54th and City Line Avenue in Philadelphia. Approximately 400 students entered the “real world” at that exact moment, and I was one of them. As an only child, I had relatives who came from near and far to celebrate my graduation. They were extremely proud of me, and you can’t imagine their sense of relief. Job hunting was my first priority right after graduation, but landing a job was not easy, since I had not yet turned eighteen. However, I struck gold when I read a want ad in The Times Herald advertising a secretarial position for the police chief in Upper Merion Township. A reference led to my hiring in October 1965 at a starting salary of $55 per week, which was big money at the time. This was my first job, which I held for four years, and it was the benchmark for a long career in the township. I joined the grown up world of working for a living and the chief privilege of setting your alarm for the crack of dawn, as opposed to the crack of noon.

The Cabin Shop


The Upper Merion Police Department at that time was located in a rancher on Allendale Road next to the side of the King of Prussia Firehouse. The building was a primitive collection of make-shift rooms to fit the needs of the police department. I settled in very quickly and eventually transitioned again when the big move was made to the Township Building. I was rather ambitious and decided that the best way to move up was to go back to school. I graduated from Montgomery County Community College before earning my bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Cabrini College and a master’s degree from Villanova University in public administration. During these years, I served in the Purchasing and Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Payroll, and Payroll Taxes departments from November 1969 until becoming executive secretary to the township manager in August 1977. I was promoted to administrative assistant in November 1986 and then served as assistant to the township manager from February 1988 until my promotion to assistant township manager in March 1998.

Feel The Warmth

I like to stay active so I became vice president and treasurer of the Montgomery County Consortium of Communities. I coordinated initiatives for the Shades of Green Program and wrote the Tax Relief Incentive Program. Aside from my church responsibilities, I now serve as the chair for the Tricentennial Committee. I guess I subliminally dreamed of going out with a bang! I respect and cherish the friendships that I have made over the years. There were so many good times and laughs that it warms my heart to think how 48 years could have gone by so quickly. There will be countless memories and moments that will stay with me forever. All I can say is thank you for giving me some of the BEST years of my life. I’ll miss ALL of you, well, at least most of you… (just kidding). With a grateful heart, I bid you farewell.

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WINTER 2013-14


THANK YOU We Thank Our Renewing Members American Executive Centers

Home Helpers

Arnold’s Family Fun Center

Hope Community Church

American Society for Testing & Materials

Industrial Risk Control, Inc.

Audubon Land Development Corp.

Jacobson & Co. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC

BIRE Financial Services

Just To Travel

Borough of Bridgeport

Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck LLP

Boulden Energy Systems, Inc. Brain-Pad Inc. Bridgeport Park Associates LP Carranza Roofing

Keller Williams Real Estate Kenneth L. Lahner, CPA LLC Kriebels Custom Bakery

Carson Valley Children’s Aid

Lafayette Ambulance & Rescue Squad, Inc.

Catalyst Outdoor Advertising

Laurel House

Emil J. Ciavarelli Family Funeral Homes, Inc.

Lenhardt Rodgers Architects

Collectible Knits & Gifts Colonial School District Community Chiropractic Center Constellation New Energy CoreStaff, Inc. Creed’s Seafood & Steaks Doubletree by Hilton – Philadelphia Valley Forge

Lite Tech Inc. Local Pages Publishing

Richard H. Sterling O.D. & Associates

Ross Kardon Irrevocable Trust Sharpe Marketing Concepts, Inc. The Solid Wood Cabinet Company Superior Water Company Textile Composites, Inc.

March of Dimes

Valley Forge Martial Arts

The Mike Sroka Team

Vance Community Partners, Inc.

Mill Grove Apartments

Waste Management of Indian Valley

Extra Space Storage

Montgomery Bar Association

Facenda-Whitaker Lanes

Montgomery Conflict Mediation Center

The Westover Companies Bryan Wiegert Yergey, Daylor, Allebach, Scheffey, Picardi

Goodman Properties

Oss/Kroy Sign Systems

Grainger Industrial Supply

PECO Energy

Have Perfect People

PharmaSight Research

Hedwig House, Inc.

Plaza Flowers

of your customers s stomers b bsite if it is will leave your website not mobile Most websites do not function properly on mobile phones. Statistics show that 75% of business websites are not mobile ready. Does your site measure up?

site with NO RISK or obligation. Try it for

MPS Communication Graphics, Inc. Norristown Area Education Foundation

or like this :-)

We will create a

Montgomery County Foundation, Inc.

Gallagher Fluid Seals, Inc.

like this :-(

John Ritzenthaler Company

Townline Townhomes

Montefiore Cemetery Company


Redefine Consulting

Lower Providence Township

Edwards-Freeman Nut Co.

How are customers viewing

Radice Restaurant

Lawrence F. Tornetta, Ltd.

Montalbano Family Chiropractic, LLC

WINTER 2013-14

Quinn & Associates

Lockheed Martin Corporation

East Norriton Women’s Healthcare, P.C.

Freedom Systems/Software Innovators

Anthony P. Pugliese, Inc./ Pugliese Electric

Times Herald Publishing Co., Inc.

Mobile Lifts, Inc.

Four Seasons Banquet Hall, Inc.

Professional Building Services, Inc.

Locker Room Storage, Inc.

East Norriton Township

Financial Independence Planning, LLC

Plymouth Meeting Mall

Contact us today to learn more. |


New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

New Member New Members Orientation Members of the Board of Governors, the Ambassador Committee and Chamber Staff welcomed new members during New Member Orientation in September. New members meet friendly faces and learn to utilize Chamber resources during orientation.

We Welcome Our New Chamber Members

Applied Bank 50 Applied Card Way Glen Mills, PA 19342 Contact: Timothy Cole 302-326-4200 Category: Banks & Banking Associations, Financial Services Chick-fil-A Audubon 680 S. Trooper Road Norristown, PA 19403 Contact: Sam Class 610-650-8505 Category: Restaurant Citadel 75 W. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 Contact: Konia Hamilton 610-466-6899 Category: Credit Union DRB Courier Service, LLC 317 Bristol Avenue Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Sherita Burse 610-999-8983 Category: Moving & Hauling Eat Fit Health, LLC 215 W. Church Rd Suite 112 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Contact: Lori Enriquez 610-476-8877 Category: Food Sales & Marketing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition Edible Arrangements 160 N. Gulph Road Plaza Food Court King of Prussia, PA 19406 Contact: Jason Rivera 484-685-0650 Category: Gift Baskets, Retail Store Family Caregivers Network, Inc. 901 Main Street Pennsburg, PA 18073 Contact: Gerry Fioriglio, RN 215-541-9030 Category: Home Care Agency, NonMedical Caregiver Festivity Entertainment 1953 Yorktown North Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Contact: Christopher Rzepski 877-953-2623 Category: Disc Jockey Fienman Defense LLC 5 Sentry Pkwy W. Suite 2004 Blue Bell, PA 19422-2222 Contact: Michael H. Fienman 610-828-3338 Category: Attorneys Genesis Housing Corporation 208 DeKalb Street PO Box 1170 Norristown, PA 19404 Contact: Judith Memberg 610-275-4357 Category: Non-Profit GetPhound 4 E 1st Avenue Conshohocken, PA 19428

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

Contact: Josh Altman 215-429-2477 Category: Digital Media, Marketing & Promoting

610-539-8550 Category: Special Education, Non-Profits

Hilton Garden Inn Valley Forge/Oaks 500 Cresson Boulevard Phoenixville, PA 19460 Contact: Nicole Ream 610-650-0880 Category: Hotels

NAGUTOR LLC 25 Knock N’Knoll Circle Willow Grove, PA 19090 Contact: Horace Gomez 215-771-8066 Category: Business Consultants & Coaches

Idea Forge Studios LLC 5413 Cotton Top Ct. Waxhaw, TX 28172 Contact: Greg Cooke 215-880-5767 Category: Video Production Web-based Internet Marketing, Web Design/Graphic Design

Republic Services 372 South Henderson Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Contact: Drew Davis 610-637-2019 Category: Recycling, Waste Management

Joanne Bryson, CPA 308 Francis Avenue East Norriton, PA 19401 Contact: Joanne Bryson, CPA 610-924-4520 Category: Accountants

Ricoh USA 1265 Drummers Lane Wayne, PA 19087 Contact: JD Schweizer 610-382-6-44 Category: Document Management

Joe’s Crab Shack 244 Mall Blvd. King of Prussia, PA 19406 Contact: Nikolaos Karidas 610-265-2237 Category: Restaurant

Siemens Industry 1201 Sumneyown Pike PO Box 900 Mail Stop 610 Spring House, PA 19477 Contact: Dennis Meyers 215-646-7400 x2348 Eric Corcoran 267-470-3498 Category: Industrial Distribution, Manufacturing

Joanne Kaminski 2801 Stanbridge Street A319 East Norriton, PA 19401 Contact: Joanne Kaminski 610-848-8284 Category: Licensed Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Keller Williams Main Line Realty 720 W. Lancaster Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Contact: Lisa Lu 610-322-7812 Category: Real Estate Pam Butera Team/Keller Williams Real Estate 910 Harvest Dr. Suite 100 Blue Bell, PA 19422 Contact: Pam Butera 215-646-9200 Category: Real Estate KinderCare Norristown 2425 Blvd. of the Generals Norristown, PA 19403 Contact: Kathleen Seeley 610-630-9330 Category: Child Care, Children’s Services Liberty Mutual Insurance 3 Valley Square Suite 300 Blue Bell, PA 19422 Contact: Dean Schoendorfer, Jr. 215-801-3057 Category: Insurance Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 1605 West Main Street Norristown, PA 19403 Contact: Kristin Rawlings

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

Starlite Entertainment 141 Glenn Oak Rd Norristown, PA 19403 Contact: Chuck Colletti 484-368-2248 Paul Catagnus 215-570-2298 Category: Disc Jockeys SWEAT 200 West Ridge Pike Conshohocken, PA 19428 Contact: Kennedy Godette 215-264-8448 Category: Fitness Center Szamboti Appraisals 29 Mainland Road Harleysville PA 19439 Contact: Augustine Szamboti 610-804-8953 Category: Residential Appraisal Services The Phil’s Tavern 931 Butler Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422 Contact: Brian Lupo 215-643-5664 Category: Restaurant Tony & Guy Hairdressing Academy 50 East Butler Pike Ambler, PA 19002 Contact: Liz Tatarsky 215-643-5994 Category: Beauty Salons & Spas Beauty School

WINTER 2013-14


WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


Mouth Where The Money is.


by Mark A. Snyder, Esquire

Are you always searching for new ways to raise capital? Maybe your existing “go to” investors are not interested in the deal being presented or maybe they are not providing enough funds to get the project off the ground. Currently, companies seeking to raise capital through the issuance of non-registered securities are prohibited from using any form of general solicitation. But the rules are about to change. On September 23, 2013, Rule 506(c) under Regulation D of the Securities Act will become effective. The new rule will permit general solicitation as a means to attract investors subject to the following conditions:

The SEC emphasized that the methods listed above are not the only ways to satisfy the “verification” requirement. Issuers may make an objective determination using its own verification methods by considering all facts and circumstances of each purchaser and transaction including the following relevant factors: (1) the nature of the purchaser and the type of accredited investor that the purchaser claims to be; (2) the amount and type of information that the issuer has about the purchaser; and (3) the nature of the offering, including the minimum cash investment, the terms of the offering, and the manner used to solicit purchasers.

In today’s world of Facebook and Twitter, it is only a matter of time before a savvy entrepreneur lays the ground work for how webinars, social media and other forms of online communication can be used to raise capital and grow their business. However, be sure that you proceed with caution to ensure that you are satisfying the conditions set forth by the SEC, and be on the lookout for new (1) All terms and conditions of Rule 501 rules that are currently being proposed to further limit how general solicitation (defining an accredited investor) and can be used. Soon enough, it will be Rules 502(a) (relating to integration) time for you to put your mouth where and 502(d) (relating to resale the money is. limitations) are satisfied; (2) All purchasers of the securities are accredited investors; and

(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

(3) The issuer takes reasonable steps to verify that the purchasers of the securities are accredited investors.


To satisfy the third condition, the new rule provides four non-exclusive methods for verifying accredited investor status: • To verify if an individual satisfies the income test, review certain IRS forms and obtain a written representation from such person (and their spouse). • To verify if an individual satisfies the net worth test, review recent bank statements, brokerage statements, certificates of deposit, tax assessments and a credit report, and obtain a written representation from such person (and their spouse). • Obtain a written confirmation from certain third parties, including an SEC registered broker-dealer or investment adviser, a licensed attorney, or a CPA, that has itself taken reasonable steps to verify that the purchaser is an accredited investor. • Obtain a certification from a prior accredited investor purchaser (and still current holder) in an issuer’s Rule 506(b) offering (prior to the effectiveness of the new Rule 506(c)) that such person qualifies as an accredited investor.

Federal Tax

Implications and Issues

by Dayna Rose Benn, Esquire

In a recent landmark decision, United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and held that the federal government must recognize same-sex marriages that are valid under state law.

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

Strategy. Skill. Success. Corporate Law & Business Planning Mergers & Acquisitions Land Use, Zoning & Development Construction Law Environmental Law Mediation & Arbitration Employment Law for Employers Healthcare Law Estate Planning & Administration Tax Law Real Estate, Business & Financing Transactions Business, Commercial, Real Estate & Title Litigation

Kaplin Stewart

Attorneys at Law CONTACT: • Marc A. Snyder Dayna Rose Benn Blue Bell, PA • Philadelphia, PA • Cherry Hill, NJ


Now same-sex couples living in a state that recognizes their marriage can utilize a host of federal benefits previously only available to married couples of different sexes. In the tax world, this ruling creates significant opportunity for same-sex couples. The foremost being samesex married couples can now file joint income tax returns, which will provide much by the way of monetary and time savings. Same-sex couples should evaluate their estate and gifting plans to take advantage of the marital deduction offered by the federal government, as they can now make unlimited gifts or bequests to their spouses without triggering any federal gift or estate tax. Prior to the repeal of DOMA, no part of the first spouse’s estate would qualify for the federal marital deduction, thus potentially creating an estate tax liability. Now, the surviving spouse, utilizing the unlimited marital deduction, will pay no federal estate tax at all. Same-sex couples should also review their beneficiary designations for all retirement plans and life insurance policies. Upon the death of one of the spouses of the same-sex couple, the survivor can qualify for social security survivor benefits and take advantage of the “spousal rollover” IRA.

to them, the Windsor decision has left several unanswered questions that will surely be debated and regulated by both the Courts and the IRS in the weeks and months to come. The most prominent outstanding issue left unanswered by the Windsor decision is the federal status of a samesex married couple that legally weds in a state that recognizes their marriage and then resides or moves to a state that does not. The Windsor decision does not require states that have not legalized same-sex marriage to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other states or countries. This begs the question - will the federal government recognize the marriage even if the state does not? And if not, can the couples file their tax returns in the state of ceremony instead of the state of residency? Despite the unanswered questions remaining, there is much opportunity now available to same-sex couples with regards to their taxes and estates. Married couples should assess their existing estate plans and potentially restructure them to minimize tax and take advantage of all available exemptions. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

While these changes, along with the enormous social impact of such ruling, are exciting for those given the right

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

WINTER 2013-14


Since 1956 . . .

Contractors Equipment & Supplies

Authorized Dealer Rentals - Sales - Service - Parts - Training

Plymouth Meeting, PA

610-279-5777 Sicklerville, NJ WINTER 2013-14



856-740-1400 New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


More Than a Courier Service

large long distance loads, dedicated runs, moving and secured storage services. Our customers include construction companies, interior designers, building developers and

Today DRB Courier Service prides itself on being one of the fastest growing delivery companies in the Delaware Valley by providing fully insured customized “white glove” service. A growing portion of our business is “clean up” work; In other words, fixing the deliveries that other companies have botched. Through word of mouth, DRB Courier has expanded to include courier services,

When asked where he would like to see his budding business go, Roy states, “DRB Courier Service’s goal is to become a full service logistics company that can transport anything anywhere at any time.”

Over the years our trained team of professionals has grown from 1 person to a family of 12 and growing. Most staff members have been with us for several years and have been referred to us by current team members. Our customers appreciate seeing the same faces and will on occasion request a particular person or team of people. Because we have remained a family business our professionals are still trained by our founder and they utilize the latest moving equipment and supplies to ensure your items are moved as quickly and safely as possible.

(Submitted Copy; Contact


OffersFULL SUITE Mobile Banking

D oing R eliable B usiness





Douglas R. Burse, Jr. founded DRB Courier Service in 1998 as a subcontractor to SMC Courier Service in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Douglas or “Roy” as he is known, who already had experience in delivering home heating oil and towing vehicles, delivered small packages and furniture for SMC for 8 years when in 2006 SMC’s owner Susan Campion suggested that Roy take over the furniture deliveries. With Susan’s blessing Roy began delivering individual pieces of furniture for the local branch of an upscale nationwide retailer. He received excellent feedback from the customers, which led to referrals for other business. Roy soon brought on his first helper in the guise of his best friend. Two years later Roy acquired his first large truck and one store quickly grew into all of that chain’s stores in the Delaware Valley.


Penn Liberty Bank announced the addition of Mobile Bill Pay. Clients now have total control of their accounts through Penn Liberty Bank’s Mobile Banking apps for iPhone and Android smart phones.



This service rounds out Penn Liberty Bank’s robust mobile banking options that allow customers to bank whenever and wherever. Account inquiry, transfers, bill pay and check deposits are available. Additional options include bank locations, hours of operation and a “contact us” button providing clients access to the ultimate convenience while banking. “This upgrade reflects our emphasis on providing our clients with a superior level of banking technology relative to both large and small banks.” said Patrick J. Ward, Chairman and CEO of Penn Liberty Bank.




Quickly, Affordably, Conveniently & Safely Family Owned & Operated by Sherita & Roy Burse

For Quotes:


In addition to depositing checks with Penn Liberty Bank’s Mobile Banking iPhone and Android app, users are able to view their account balances and transaction history, including images of the checks deposited with the mobile check deposit service, transfer between their Penn Liberty Bank accounts and bank accounts at other financial institutions, make bill payments, contact the Bank through one button dialing, and locate bank branches.

For Scheduling:

610.945.5473 610.999.8983 • 125 Noble St., Suite 101 • Norristown, PA

How do How Ho do ccus ustto us tome tome mers rs vviie iew YO iew YOUR OUR BUS USIN SINES ESS? SS?

The Mobile Banking suite is easy to use and is free to bank clients. To use the mobile

LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate


service, clients simply sign up through the free Penn Liberty OnLine internet banking service for mobile banking, mobile check deposit, and mobile bill pay, then download the free iPhone or Android mobile banking app. Once signed up, the service is available immediately.

“We are excited that we are able to provide the latest technology and convenience to our customers” said David K. Griest, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer. “Our latest addition to the mobile banking suite gives customers full access to take care of their banking anywhere and anytime.” About Penn Liberty Bank Penn Liberty Bank offers nine conveniently located branches and is a community bank focused on providing personal, high touch service. Combining state of the art technology with highly talented, customer service oriented employees and a full suite of consumer and business products and services has resulted in the Bank’s growth to over $540 million in assets. To learn more about Penn Liberty Bank please visit (SSubmitted Copy; Contact

WINTER 2013-14


WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


C H I RO P R A CT I C • N U T R I T I O N • M U S C L E T H E R A P Y

Revealing The Root of Your Concern

by Matthew Berardi D.C.

Hypertonic, Hypertonicity Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and Muscle Spasm I see countless patients each week These are all conditions that I’m sure you have heard of, but what do they mean exactly? In a nutshell all of these mean tight musculature frequently caused by repetition, trauma or even sitting for too long in a sedentary position (like a desk job). They have a tendency to heal in an improper, guarded position.




D I D . C . & M AT T B E R A R

D I D. C.


1313 DeKalb Street • Norristown, PA F: 610.279.1230 •

Plymouth Meeting Mall is bringing top fashion finds closer to home for Philadelphia-area shoppers with the opening of J.Crew Factory in The Plaza Shops this fall. The Plaza Shops extension is anchored by Whole Foods and includes Massage Envy, Loft, Chico’s, Olly Shoes, Orvis, and Jos. A. Bank.

Bistro, and Redstone American Grill, as well as a nine-unit food court, Dave & Buster’s, and an AMC Theatre. Uncle Julio's Fine Mexican Food Restaurant will also join Plymouth Meeting Mall during the 2013 holiday season and Smashburger plans to open this winter.

Anchored by Macy’s, Boscov’s, and Whole Foods Market and Café, Plymouth Meeting Mall offers more than 100 specialty retailers. Aéropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, Bath & Body Works, Express, H&M, Justice, Kay Jewelers, and Victoria’s A new go-to destination for mustSecret are located in the mall, while have trends, J.Crew Factory features Charming Charlie has both interior exclusive designs such as casual clasand exterior entrances. sics, cool colors and bold prints for men and women at an affordable For the latest updates, “like” Plymprice point. The retailer also offers outh Meeting Mall on Facebook, the latest trends in shoes, accessovisit shopplymouthmeetingmall. ries, and outerwear. com, or follow us on Twitter @ PlyMtgMall. Plymouth Meeting Mall is a onestop shopping, dining, and enter(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@ tainment experience. It features popular destination restaurants Benihana, Bertucci’s, California Pizza Kitchen, Chipotle Mexican Grill, King Buffet, P.F. Chang’s China

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

Your body has a defense mechanism to protect itself from harm. One of the major issues that our office deals with is Upper Crossed Syndrome.

that think they have a form of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, but the real problem often lies under a muscle called your pec minor. This muscle becomes tight and squeezes the nerves underneath it. As you can see in the picture below, almost all nerves from the neck reconvene in one location, which is the pec minor.

Upper Crossed Syndrome This consists of a few key factors such as tight traps and pecs, as well as loose rhomboids and necks musculature as seen in the caption below.

What most people do not realize is that for every inch the head translates forward, it adds 10 lbs. of pressure on the spinal column. Over time this added strain could lead to degeneration or even a disc herniation. Another serious issue that can arise if Upper Crossed Syndrome is not addressed is radiation to the extremities. We hear of a variety of misdiagnosed conditions from the medical community.

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

If this muscle is tight, it will cause nerve referral to become present in the arms, wrists and even finger tips. This masks the real problem and leads people to believe they have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. So if you or anyone you know is about to have surgery for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, please have them examined by a professional in our office or a local chiropractor first. The failure rate of decreasing pain from Carpel Tunnel surgery is 57%. Please don’t be a statistic! It’s important to remember that surgery is a last resort and that there is a conservative treatment available that works. Let’s face it, taking a pill is only a temporary solution and then your pain returns. Come into our office and we will work together to find and correct the root of your concern. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

WINTER 2013-14


A Bright Healthy


For The New

It’s an old saying. “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. That’s likely true if you’re sitting across the table from a potential new boss. Your teeth might be saying things about you without you even realizing it. What do your teeth say about you if they are crooked? A unique digital perception study, developed by Kelton Research contrasted images of men and women with straight and crooked teeth. The survey was taken by 1,047 nationally representative Americans. In the study, respondents were shown images of people with varying tooth issues and asked to get their honest opinion about them, unaware that they were comparing people with straight teeth to crooked teeth. Results of the study indicated Americans perceive people with straight teeth to have more desirable qualities than those with crooked teeth, including attributes such as being


happy, surrounded by loved ones, and professionally successful. Those thoughts also extend to perceptions regarding an individual’s potential for professional and financial success. When looking at images, Americans perceive those with straight teeth to be 45% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone who has a similar skill set and experience. They are also seen as 58% more likely to be successful, as well as 58% more likely to be wealthy. What do your teeth say about you if they are yellowed, stained or misshaped? Having obvious caffeine or nicotine stained teeth might tell a potential employer that you don’t prioritize taking care of your body or health. Youth and confidence are prized in the business world and a bright and attractive smile instantly conveys both. What do red, puffy gums and breath that is not fresh say about you? Healthy gums are an important part of your beautiful smile. Gingivitis is a very common form of gum disease that causes irritation, redness and swelling (inflammation) of your gums. The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene.

1639 Pine St. • Norristown, PA 19401


How Your Dentist Can Help About Invisalign Adults and teens now have a modern choice for straightening their teeth. Invisalign is the clear alternative to metal braces that uses a series of virtually invisible aligners that gradually move teeth over time. The benefits include, no food restrictions, ability to easily maintain healthy dental brushing habits, minimal interference with sports or other activities and teeth get straightened without most people knowing you are in treatment.

Whitening. Teeth whitening is a simple and easy way to transform your smile and give you a sparkling new look. Done either in the dental office or at home, tooth whitening can give you a healthy, attractive, confident smile. Bonding. Resin bonding can instantly improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, broken, cracked, stained or have spaces between them. Cosmetic Tooth Contouring. Similar to filing your nails, tooth contouring can be done to even edges of teeth, and smooth minor chips. Preventative Care: Good oral health habits, such as regular professional checkups and daily brushing and flossing, can help prevent gingivitis and improve gum health. What do your teeth say about you if you smile naturally and with confidence? When you smile and speak confidently, you project an image of self-assurance and likability.

A Nice Place To Visit…………….... With convenient hours and a clean, modern office, you’ll feel completely comfortable with us.

A Good Smile Can Make All The Dif ference.

We look forward to meeting you! About Us………………… Dr. Anne Facchiano graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1995, and completed a General Practice Residency there in 1996. She practiced as an Associate in the area for several years before purchasing her practice located in a charming Norristown neighborhood. Dr. Facchiano is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry at Temple, and a member of the American Dental Association. A member of the Academy of General Dentistry since 1996, she was awarded Fellowship in the Academy in 2010, an honor bestowed on fewer than 10% of members. In addition, Dr. Facchiano is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American Association of Women Dentists. (Submitted Copy; Contact

WINTER 2013-14



Smile, You’re Hired! New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

How do How Ho do ccus ustto us tome tome mers rs vviie iew YO iew YOUR OUR BUS USIN SINES ESS? SS?

LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate


WINTER 2013-14



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Reservations suggested. Regular menu also available. Outdoor dining seasonal.

W ac e p c ri sp om de ec m ou ia od rs l r at el eq in ve ue g y s st ou on s. r



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$25.00 off your next private party OF 20 OR MORE PEOPLE. LUNCH OR DINNER.

Pre-Reserve & Use Coupon by 12/31/14. WINTER 2013-14



Personal Shopper service

New Amenity Enhances Customer Shopping Experience The East Coast’s largest shopping center is pleased to announce the launch of its new personal shopper service. Focused on enhancing the customer shopping experience, this personalized amenity is available in time for holiday shopping. During the initial complimentary engagement the mall’s personal shopper, Jessie Holeva who is also King of Prussia’s Style Setter, will work with customers through style assessments conducted by phone or in person. From hand-selecting new styles and planning shopping agendas to assisting super-busy people with their holiday gift lists, this specialized service will help clients not only stay ahead of the fashion curve but save time and stress. “Our goal is to offer a special service that customers can take advantage of at no cost that saves them time and elevates their shopping experience,” said Kathy Smith,


director of marketing and business development. “The personal shopper program is customized to each client’s needs, whether it’s finding the perfect little black dress without a lot of stress, saving time by organizing the shopping visit in advance, or simply having help choosing the perfect item.” Following the preliminary consultation with Jessie, customers can choose to use this amenity in one of two ways. Jessie’s role can function like a concierge service and shop on the customer’s behalf, or she can help plan and accompany the customer on a custom shopping tour of King of Prussia. To enjoy King of Prussia Mall’s personal shopper service contact or 610-265-5794 ext. 212. (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

Launch Your Business Into A Children Reach Out HAPPYNew Year To those in need Your customers deserve to visit a unique Mobile Site just like your Business. There are choices…Responsive, Adaptive, a WebApp or even an App. Bringing your Business current with mobile visitors is a small price to pay to reach all of them and convert them into loyal customers, before your competitors do. Where should you begin? Well the five things to consider are as follows:

er base. Because most people have their phones with them most of the time, mobility is the ideal vehicle for a loyalty program. No more lost loyalty punch cards or waiting until they remember to bring the coupon when they are thinking of returning to your business.

CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION: Cindie Page (Principal) 610-935-4400

Customer Referrals and Social Sharing

One of the most important reasons for marketing at all is to attract Unique, Branded Mobile Website, more customers to a business. What WebApp or App. Your Mobile pres- better place to install a referral proence should combine consistent gram than a mobile device? Loyalty branding for your company with and customer referral programs are compelling native features of the close cousins, and both are natural device, to ensure its regular use fits for the mobile device. A mobile once it’s there. Most Mobile encustomer referral program builds abled web sites provide businesses naturally upon the strengths of with at least an entry point, howthe mobile platform–it is personal, ever they are not sufficient as a true readily available, and takes advanmobile marketing platform. One of tage of the contact information the most important reasons for this that is already stored on the phone. is that mobile enabled sites, by their The sky is the limit with the social nature, are entirely passive. That media sharing feature for your busiis why we would like to meet with ness. you to recommend the best for Join us for A HAPPY NEW YEAR! your business. Contact 610-579-3809 x 108 or Redeemable Offers and customers email love a good deal and even more when it is personalized, available from their mobile phone, ready to use at any time. The most important features of a mobile marketing strategy is the ability to target customers and provide them with personalized mobile deals with both graphic elements and text. In addition, deals should be redeemable directly from the device (like an electronic, single use coupon). Sweet! Event and Seminar Notifications

The Good

Events are a marketing mainstay of many businesses. They include grand openings, product demonstrations, special offer days, birthdays and seasonal sale days and etc. Your mobile marketing strategy should support the ability to target the right audience for these “promo events” and to “sell” the event successfully through graphics and text. Along with notifying the right prospects, this allows the customer to respond if desired. Loyalty Programs

The Bad

The Ugly

A powerful loyalty program is vital Your Mobile presence deserves to look for building a strong repeat custom- it's absolute best.

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

(Submitted Copy; Contact

WINTER 2013-14


Montco Offers


by Josh Shapiro Chair, Montgomery County Board of Commissioners

Chester Springs


163 Pottstown Pike Chester Springs PA 19425

241 Plaza Dr. Collegeville PA 19426


West Chester

1130 Mc Dermott Drive West Chester PA 19380

1426 Marshalton-Thorndale Rd. Downingtown, PA 19335

When our administration took office in January 2012, we undertook a comprehensive review of all county departments and programs. The results, less than two years later, Josh Shapiro, Chair are striking. We have 19 percent fewer departments and the ones we have are functioning much more efficiently, transparently and responsively. One of the major changes in structure was the creation of a Montgomery County Department of Commerce, which brought several economic development and workforce agencies under one umbrella and with a more focused agenda.

Kinetic REHABILITATION The Physical Therapists here at Kinetic have all of the qualifications and advanced skills needed to provide you the highest level of health care in the region. Pre-Operative Rehabilitation 
If you have injured yourself to the degree where you will require surgery to fully heal, pre-habilitation may be necessary for you. Surgery could ultimately have to be put off because of uncontrolled swelling and decreased range of motion, further lengthening your rehab program. Kinetic Physical Therapy can help control pain, swelling, increase range of motion and create the best environment for healing to take place, preparing you for a successful surgery. Some-

In an earlier column, I discussed the new Commerce Department in general terms, but today I would like to focus a little more on how the department can work hand-in-hand with Montgomery County times, a comprehensive pre-habilitation can decrease the necessity for surgery altogether.
 businesses to maximize their potential. While we realize the limitations of Post-Operative Rehabilitation government, we are also very aware of 
Kinetic Physical Therapy can help you postoperatively achieve the range of motion, and its potential to help. We understand the entrepreneurial instinct and mindset. It strength you need to return to all of your previous activities. Each surgery has a specific is the business owner who creates jobs progression of exercises that need to be and solves the problems, but we also followed during the rehabilitation process. realize that government can provide the Kinetic Physical Therapy communicates tools to help the business owner or exdirectly with your surgeon in order to assure ecutive create or fill those jobs and solve the most safe and effective progression of those problems. We should never be a your specific protocol. roadblock. We should be facilitators, and that is what our Commerce Depart(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@ ment is dedicated to doing.

Locally handmade, unique and finely crafted hand knits and accessories for the entire family. Custom personalized gift baskets created for all of your corporate or personal occasions.

Our goal in Montgomery County is to use the limited dollars we have for economic and workforce development wisely, targeting opportunities to help small and medium sized business grow their employee base and maximize the value of their investments in land and capital equipment.


East Norriton, PA • om

WINTER 2013-14


Leslie S. Richards, Vice Chair


Over the past year the Commerce Department

and its staff has been working diligently to seamlessly mesh the various segments of its operations, and in 2014, the benefits of this approach will become more apparent to Montgomery County’s business community. First, we will launch new financing programs, sponsored by the County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We have designed these innovative programs to help small and mediumsized businesses access funds for capital investments. The program links the interest rate of the loan to the company’s participation in other county economic development efforts, such as skills training and our CareerLink employment services, and promotes the active participation of companies in the full range of County programs. Our employment services group will serve the business community’s needs even better, by offering free recruitment services to any Montgomery County comBruce L. Castor, Commissioner pany looking to hire new employees. This program builds on previous efforts in the County to connect our CareerLink services to the business community, reinforcing our outreach to companies with a dedicated team focusing solely on tailoring our capabilities to job recruitment needs. Finally, these programs and our ongoing effort to maximize the value of our programs will foster better coordination with our County’s Chambers of Commerce, with the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) and other regional industry associations seeking to improve the success and growth of our business community. We are now better organized. We are better staffed. We are better positioned to be constructive partners with you to make your business and Montgomery County vibrant, strong and successful.

(Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@

New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

KickStart Motorcycles Hosts:

10th Annual

Hogs & Honeys

Mission Kids

“Hogs & Honeys” BENEFIT RIDE Valentine’s Benefit Party

February 8th 2014, 7PM to Midnight Valley Forge Casino Resort 1160 First Ave • King of Prussia

• Tickets: $40 (in advance) $45.00 (at the Door)

Reserve Your Table of 10 Now! • Food Tasting with Over 22 Food Vendors!

• Beer and Soda • Hundreds of Basket Raffles!! • Lots of Door Prizes • Dancing & Entertainment By

“The Vincent James Band” • FREE Valet Parking

Enter on Casino level • Ask about Casino Access & Promotions

All Proceeds of this Event Go to Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center of Montgomery County. Visit us online at: Check Us Out On Facebook At Hogs & Honeys Valentines Benefit Party for Mission Kids

How do How Ho do ccus ustto us tome tome mers rs vviie iew YO iew YOUR OUR BUS USIN SINES ESS? SS?

On Sunday afternoons in the spring and summer months a group of us motorcycle enthusiasts gather and go for a long, scenic ride, and lunch. In the winter months we look for ways to stay in touch with our riding friends. For the past ten years, we have gotten together to celebrate Valentine’s Day and raise money for a local charity. Our Montgomery County charity of choice is Mission Kids. We are so excited to bring this party to our friends, neighbors, and the general public.

Purchase your tickets now for our annual Benefit! All proceeds are donated to Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center of Montgomery County.

This years vendors include: Affamato's Restaurant, Audubon • Bertucci's, West Norriton • Bruster's Ice Cream, Audubon/Limerick • Corropolese Bakery & Deli, East Norriton Cups N Cakes, Collegeville Firebirds Wood Fired Grill, Collegeville • Hilton Garden Inn "Garden Grille", Valley Forge/ Oaks • Isabelle's Kitchen & Salad Bar Tenders, Harleysville Mission Kids is an organization Jem Restaurant, East Norriton that coordinates the child abuse Kathy's Just Desserts, East investigation and forensic inNorriton • Kriebel's Custom terview with a multidisciplinary Bakery, Eagleville • Lochel's team. The multidisciplinary team Bakery, Hatboro • Maggiano's is comprised of The MontgomLittle Italy, King of Prussia ery County District attorneys Margarita's Mexican office, every police department Restaurant, Lansdale • Nonna in the county, the office of Child Rosa's Restaurant & Pizzeria, and Youth, as well as MontgomJeffersonville/Bridgeport • ery County Victim’s Services, the Office Tavern, Perkiomen Children’s Hospital of PhiladelParavati's Catering, Blue Bell phia, and the Field Center for Pigs & Gigs, Inc, Lansdale Children’s Policy, Practice and Primo Hoagies, Collegeville Research of the University of Pennsylvania. Their mission is to Pudge's Steaks, Blue Bell • Really Cooking with Robin, East help the victims of child abuse in Montgomery County begin to Norriton • Sessano's Cafe & Deli, heal. Norristown• Texas Roadhouse, Limerick • And More! The statistics of abuse are overwhelming. Nationally, one in Purchase tickets online at: www. four girls and one in six boys will sexually abused before the sandhoneys age of 18. Montgomery County (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@localis not exempt from these bers. This is our way of contrib-

LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate

uting to a social issue and helping to make a difference in the world around us. Our sole effort is to bring to the forefront an important issue that I believe collectively as a community we can help change, and to have a great time while we accomplish something very meaningful.


WINTER 2013-14


WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

HEALTH links Sponsored By:



Protect Your Children, Yourself, and Your Community As our focus changes to the holiday season, health should not take a back seat. Our children are settling into grade school or college routines that include homework, social events, sporting events and many family gatherings; Gift of the season are not the only items needed. Everyone needs up-to-date vaccinations to protect themselves, their friends, family and the community from serious diseases, and to keep illnesses from spreading. Schools are highly susceptible to outbreaks of infectious diseases that are easily transmitted as a result of poor hand washing, uncovered coughs, and dense populations. There are several vaccines recommended for the 11 & 12 year olds as they enter seventh grade, including Tdap and Meningitis vaccines. The second varicella (chickenpox) is required for all children attending school. Children age 4-6 years will need booster for DTaP, chicken pox, MMR, and Polio. Most schools require children to be up to date on vaccinations before enrolling or starting school in order to protect the health of all students. Did you know that vaccines are for all of us – from babies to older adults? Newborns are offered vaccines while still in the hospital and then continue to get vaccinated on the CDC recommended schedule through their first year of life. The schedule sets ages for specific vaccines throughout the life span. From 6 months forward, we can be vaccinated against influenza annually. Many adults are not convinced they need protection against vaccine preventable diseases. They feel the vaccines they received as a child will protect them. However over the years, this vaccine immunity decreases, increasing their risk for new or different diseases. Immunizations are important for older adults and any adult with a chronic condition like diabetes, heart disease, or asthma. Even healthy adults can get seriously ill and pass the illness to family, friends, and babies that are too young to be completely immunized. It is important to talk to your doctor or nurse, asking what vaccine you should receive and then make sure everyone in the family also gets the shots they need. Pregnancy is a great time to plan for your baby’s immunizations and to make sure you have the vaccines you need to protect yourself and to pass protection to your baby during the

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

first few months of life. Pregnant women need a flu shot every year and a Tdap vaccine with every pregnancy to protect against whooping-cough. All adults, including health professionals having contact with the new baby, need flu and Tdap vaccine as well to build a cocoon of protection around the baby. Vaccines give parents the safe, proven power to protect their children against 14 serious diseases before they turn 2 years old. Vaccines are among the safest and most cost-effective ways to prevent disease. Vaccinating your children according to the recommended schedule on time is the best way you can protect your child. Children who do not receive the recommended vaccines are at risk of getting the illness and possibly a severe case or death. So take action! Talk to your doctor or nurse about the immunizations you and your family need; educate yourself about vaccines and their safety and effectiveness; make an appointment to receive the vaccine on time; and get all the shots needed for everyone in the family. It is important to keep a copy of your immunization record in a safe place. Vaccines do not just protect your child. Immunization is a shared responsibility for everyone, protecting family, friends and community. Submitted by: Carolyn Zimmerman, RN, BSN Public Health Nurse, MCHD.

1430 Dekalb Street P.O. Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404 Phone: (610) 278-5117 Fax: (610) 278-3971

Gentle & Professional Dentistry for the Entire Family


PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Jay Goldsleger, DDS Scott Goldsleger, DDS Ibrahim Durra, DMD Amita Patel, DMD Natalie De Barros, DMD Abbey Sullivan, DMD Matt Boswell, DMD Michael Daley, DMD

GENERAL DENTISTRY Larry Schlarb, DMD Skip Hoerz, DMD Ama Soleye, DMD Andrew Rush, DMD Kristine Rushby, DMD ORTHODONTISTS Bryan Ruda, DMD ENDODONTICS Andrew Greenstein, DMD


357 S. Gulph Rd. • King of Prussia, PA 19406

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

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WINTER 2013-14



gives them the insight to ask for things you may not have thought of, such as free rent, fresh paint & carpet an early termination. Active, educated brokers are keenly aware what other landlords are offering and what the current owner should be willing to do to keep your tenancy.

When considering renewing your lease, consult with your commercial real estate expert to make the informed choices. You wouldn’t go to court without an attorney. Don’t represent yourself in a renewal. Until next time, don’t work for your space. Make your space work for you.

3)  Make the Broker the Bad Guy.

OMEGA Commercial Real Estate, Inc.

When you want to ask for that little something extra to get you to stay it doesn’t sound as bad coming from the broker. Don’t be afraid to ask. Your broker will tell you if it’s over the top. The landlord usually grants the little extras if it is negotiated correctly.

A full service real estate company specializing in corporate tenant/buyer representation, landlord/seller representation, project leasing and investment sales for Montgomery County and the surrounding areas.

(Submitted Copy; Contact


1000 Sandy Hill Road Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

Joe O’Donnell 610.616.4604

1600 sf of retail space available for $14/sf, and 2000-4000 sf office/flex space for $16/sf. Medical BUILDING For Sale!

101 Bill Smith Blvd., King of Prussia, PA 19406

1411 Powell Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

The OMEGA Minute: Your Real Estate Review

Your Office Renewal

Not A

For Sale $295,000, 5,000+ SQFT Office Medical Building, 11 Exam Rooms, 22 Parking Spaces, Built in 1890, Renovated in 1993, New HVAC, Aggressive Ownership, Taxes $9,912/yr, Great Location: Minutes from Plymouth Interchange, I-76, I-476, PA Turnpike, Germantown Pike, Ridge Pike

D.I.Y. Project

by Joe O’Donnell, President of OMEGA Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Some commercial tenants like to negotiate their own lease renewal. See that guy in the corner grinning and salivating? That’s your landlord hoping you will do just that. Using a commercial real estate broker to represent you in your renewal can have many valuable aspects. 1)  Hire the expert.

gent decision to hire the expert. The landlord may not like but will ultimately respect your decision. It speeds things up. The landlord and broker speak the same language. Typically they are both aware of market conditional and recent deals.


1200 Markley Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

28,090 SQFT Heavy Industrial Building, 1 Loading Dock, 1 Drive In, 16’ Ceiling Height .72 acre Property. Fenced lot on the property with Ample 2)  Experience on the street. Parking. 27,000 daily car count. Great Location: Minutes from Rt 202, Your broker should be negotiating PA Turnpike, I-76, I-476. Real Estate Taxes $12,900/yr

The landlord recognizes the intelli- your deal and 10 others like it. This

WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


OFFICE BUILDING For Sale or Lease!

123 Boro Line Road Bridgeport, PA 19405 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate. 36,000 SQFT Office Building, 17,000 SQFT Available. Excellent Exposure on Rte 202. Great Location: Minutes from PA Turnpike, Rt 202, Rte 363, Rte 252. Shell space ready for built-to-suit opportunity. Rental rate: $17.50sqft + Electric

OFFICE SPACE For Sale or Lease! 513-517 Swede Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

1,200 to 15,000sf Office Space Available for lease or for sale. Located on Lawyer’s Row in a SBA Hub Zone, Keystone Innovation Zone and New Market Tax Credit area.

Captain Curtis and Felicia Flora




750 West Washington Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

here for a prescription voucher.’”

13,056 sf Industrial Building Available for lease or for sale. 19' ceilings, 2 loading docks, 2 drive ins, 3 phase heavy power. For Captain Curtis Flora, it began when he stopped by The Salvation Army Corps Community Center in Montclair, New Jersey for a voucher to fill an expensive prescription for medicine he badly needed.


412 &414 Dekalb Street Norristown, PA 19401 Contact: Joe O'Donnell Email: 610-616-4606 Realtor: OMEGA Commercial Real Estate.

He’d been surprised to learn he could find help there. “My knowledge of the Army?” he said. “Soup kitchens and hand-me-down clothes.” In the waiting room, Curtis leafed through a copy of Priority magazine, taken aback at the number of testimonials. He struck up a conversation with the receptionist. “I asked her what The Salvation Army was all about, and she replied, ‘We are a church!” ’’What do you mean a church?" I said."Yes, we’re a Christ-believing church." “And I said, ‘No way!’”Curtis recalled. Even though he’d grow up a block away from a corps in nearby East Orange, he hadn’t realized the Army was a church. “And then I heard the Lord say, ‘You’re not

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

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That was not the only surprise in the waiting room that day. While preparing the voucher, volunteer Tina Zazarino had been eyeing him closely. “Are you an ordained minister?” she asked. He was. He was also a professional photographer, teacher of Christian education at a local Christian School and volunteer in the boys’ club program at his Pentecostal church. The East Orange Corps, Tina told him, had been looking for a youth minister for two years. In remarkable act of Providence, Curtis visited the corps and was offered the job. He talked it over with his wife, Felicia. “I think we’ve been called to The Salvation Army,” Curtis told her. She replied fervently, ‘You’re not taking me to a homeless shelter.’” “I was leery,” she said. An x-ray technician and office manager at her brother’s dental practice, Felicia considered the idea. After a 21-day fast, she said told Curtis, “As Sarah said to Abraham, go my Lord and do unto Him as you have said." (Submitted Copy; Contact

WINTER 2013-14


Leased WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

Phil's New Dining Room


Launches Mobile

WebApp & New Menu Good Food, Good Drink, and Good Friends have been gathering for over 20 years at Phil’s Tavern. Patrons and Friends of Phil's Tavern now are enjoying the interactive WebApp that they have recently launched. Along with the WebApp…a new menu launched this November and it has delectable additions to compliment the recent renovation. The redesign of the bar area (with stonewalls and cherry wood detailing the bar and stools) and new banquet room make Phil’s the perfect choice for

tomatoes and Kalamat Olives, as well as Nuns Baked Ravioli. Phil’s menu also includes the staples of family meals past and present like meatloaf with macaroni and cheese or their famous baby back ribs. The chef masters all dishes on the menu, so whatever suits

Isn’t it Time You Tried

e s h ’ T Phil vern a T

Comfort Food with Gourmet Flair... A great place for casual family dining your fancy you will find it at Phil’s. Some personal favorites are, LEO'S SURF & TURF BURGER and AVERY'S AHI TUNA WRAP. From meetings with clients to conversation with friends, you will be impressed with Phil’s friendly and attentive staff. Corporate delivery is available with a small minimum. Catering Trays and Gourmet takeout are also available.

There are 10 TVs! 2 Big Screens, 8 36" TVs and all dining rooms have TVs to watch whatever the guests want! The new banquet room will host up to 80 for special events and is bright for daytime any lunch or dining outing. events and easily adapts per your Phil’s Proprietor, Charles Compagcustomization into a lovely evenucci, has created a wonderfully ning destination for you and your unique foodery that offers comguests. Some additional redesign fortable and casual dining for all this summer will add full windows ages. Phil’s touts a vast menu from in one room facing Butler Pike, Lobster Tail to Filet Mignon to a with no interruption to the operavariety of saltions. Located a few yards South ads, including of the intersection of Butler Pike & new items Route 73 in Ambler. like Kappa (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello Salad ing Cajun Ahi Tuna (rare), fresh baby spinach, goat cheese, cashews, cherry

How do How Ho do ccus ustto us tome tome mers rs vviie iew YO iew YOUR OUR BUS USIN SINES ESS? SS?

✹ Daily

Lunch & Dinner Specials ✹ Best Barbecue in the Area ✹ Menu Catering to All Tastes ✹ Surf and Turf to Macaroni and Cheese ✹ Free SUNDAE Sundays (Mother’s Day thru Labor Day)

Open Everyday 8am-2am 931 Butler Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422


LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate

Gourmet Take Out Small Minimum for Corporate Delivery ✹ Corporate and Special Events Catering ✹ New Banquet Room for Your Events ✹ ✹


WINTER 2013-14


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WINTER 2013-14




The Holidays are coming. The stores are crowded. Sales are attracting droves of shoppers, and everyone is feeling the holiday spirit. But we are not the only ones out shopping; there are grinches among us who are shopping also. The bargains they are looking are our wallets, purses, gifts, and personal identity information.

It's difficult to think about security when you're rushing to find the last gift on your list, get the groceries, and chauffeur the kids. So think about your personal security ahead of time. Make security a part of your routine. If you're planning to wade through the crowds at the mall, don't keep all of your cash in your wallet or purse. Split it up before leaving home. Put some in your wallet, some in one pocket and some in another. And don't flash large sums of cash in public. A quick tip for guys to baffle a pickpocket is to wrap a rubber band around your wallet. It will create drag when they try to lift it. Don't take more than the one or two credit cards you plan to use. Have the information handy to call the credit card company immediately if you find a credit card missing. Skilled thieves will use your card minutes after lifting it from you. Keep it in a safe place and check on it often. Don't try to haul everything out to the car at once. Despite all the best advice about parking, you'll probably be way out in the darkest place in the lot and you will be alone. Only carry what you can handle and have the key ready to open the trunk or back door to stash everything. Plan this out before getting to the car so you can do it quickly. Then get in and lock the doors and start the car, at the same time if possible, before putting on your


seat belt. Remember, you're in a 2000 to 4000 pound automobile. Your chances are good if you are forced to defend yourself against even a big crook who wants your car or merchandise. The trick is to be aware of your surroundings. Don't text, talk or check emails while shopping or going to the car. Keep your eyes open, keep looking around and make yourself a hard target. The bad guys don't want to have any hassle, they want to move fast and get away. If you look like trouble, they most likely will not bother you. Doing your shopping online this year? Great, but only shop with known, reputable online stores. Every year there are complaints that items were never shipped. You may think you're getting a good deal from that online store, but unless you've done business with them before, don't take the risk. As for giving out your personal information online, please heed the same advice. Only do business with stores you have done business with before or are known to be reputable stores. It's not the transmitting of your personal information that you need to worry about, it's the security that the online store provides for that information when it resides on their database that is the concern. Reputable online stores will provide protection, but there is no 100% guarantee that your information will be safe. But, it's almost 2014 and that is a risk many of us will take. One more thing, after the family has opened up their gifts, don't advertise the new big screen TV or new computer by lining up all the boxes on the curb the next trash day. It's like putting up a billboard for the burglar who is out casing his next job. Break down the boxes and put them in trash bags so the photo or description of the product isn't noticeable. (Submitted Copy; Contact

New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

American Heritage Kicks Off the



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WINTER 2013-14





Estates and Brandywine Senior Suites in East Norriton. Let Brandywine Senior Living make the choice easy for you…why Brandywine? Our uniquely designed signature programs are just a few reasons why Brandywine at Dresher Estates or Brandywine at Senior Suites is the right choice for your loved one.

extensive array of cultural, musical, arts/crafts, educational, entertainment, and social opportunities each and every day. Whether it’s starring in your own “off Broadway play (Curtain Call) or winning first prize at the Poker Tournament (Card Sharks), you’ll never be looking for something to do. v Dining experience: Brandywine’s “All Day Dining” is just that. Dining when you want and what you want. Our menus are extensive and the service is incomparable. Will you be having the Salmon or filet today?

a simple smile that may light up your day, we can awaken experiences that you thought were long forgotten. How can we help you?

v 24 Hour/7 day week nursing care: Brandywine offers nursing There could be many reasons why care, on site, 24/7. This committhe time has come to make that ment to care allows you breathe difficult decision…the decision to deep and relax knowing that your v Extraordinary team memfind a new home for mom or dad. loved one is in good hands…all bers: It’s difficult, but as a family you day…every day. Sleep tight! We’ve Brandywine’s “Center for know it’s the right thing to do. got you covered! Leadership and Service With the myriad of facilities and Excellence” ensures that service options in Montgomery v Reflections: Our Reflections only the best and brightest Program is specifically designed to County, the task of choosing what become Brandywine team assisted living is the right fit for meet the unique needs of residents members. These are indiyour loved one can be daunting. At with memory care issues such as viduals who are singularly Brandywine, we focus on making dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. committed to quality and that decision as seamless as possiSo come see us at Brandywine. excellence. ble. Conveniently located in MontWe’re just a phone call away! gomery County are two excellent v Quality of Life: Our “Escapades v Hospitality: Brandywine has Brandywine communities: Branfor Life” program enriches the lives redefined hospitality! A massage, (Submitted Copy; Contact crafanello@localdywine Senior Living at Dresher of each resident by offering an manicure, a delicious meal, or just

WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


New Years Eve

8pm - 1am

Assorted Hors D’oeuvres • Cheese Tray • Vegetable Tray Roasted Peppers • Tomato Basil Bruschetta

• • •

Prime Rib Roast Pork Chicken Marsala

• • •

Sausage & Peppers Baked Salmon

Penne Pasta


• • •

Roasted Potatoes String Beans w/ Garlic & Olive Oil Caesar Salad


OPEN BAR 8PM - 12:30 AM







Look For Us on Facebook “The Four Seasons Banquet Hall” For more information & pictures of recent events. How do How Ho do ccus ustto us tome tome mers rs vviie iew YO iew YOUR OUR BUS USIN SINES ESS? SS?

LP Easy Apps will CREATE, EDIT, and MANAGE your mobile websites for you! Mobile Solutions across a range of platforms at an affordable rate


WINTER 2013-14




that help the Bride Prepare for that

Special Day

Dress Credit: Stephen Yearick

WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


The Four Seasons BANQUET HALL The Morris Family have been in the catering business for over 30 years, taking pride in our extraordinary customer service, and the culinary delights of our kitchen. We provide detailed events for 50-200 guests, and continue straight through to the end of your event. Seeing the smiling faces of your guests as they are leaving, knowing they had a beautiful time and their appetites are more than satisfied is very rewarding to my staff and I.

For All Your Catering Needs: Weddings • Banquets • Parties Anniversaries • Funerals

Complete Wedding Packages: • 5 1/2 Hour Receptions • 5 Hour Open Bar • Cold & Hot Hors D’oeuvres • Largest Dance Floors in Montgomery County • Seated or Buffet Menus • Choice of Colored Linens • Discounted DJ Costs - House DJ • White Wine Toast • Centerpieces

Book Your 2014-2015 Wedding Now at Our Discounted Rate

610.277.7775 Victor Morris, General Manager

1339 Sandy Hill Road, Norristown Look For Us on Facebook - The Four Seasons Banquet Hall

OVER 50% of Internet Searches are done using MOBILE DEVICES.

I, Victor Morris - General Manager, personally see to every detail of your event from start to finish. I'm on the premises at each and every event, I'm there to cater to your every need... this is our personal touch. We have provided extraordinary customer service from the start 30 years ago, and still take pride in this part of our business today. I hope that if you are planning an event you will consider The Four Seasons Banquet Hall, and allow yourselves the opportunity to be truly catered to. (Submitted Copy; Contact

Attend Our Semi-Annual Bridal Fair in our Elegant Private Banquet Room. At the Four Seasons, we host only one wedding reception at a time, so our entire staff is dedicated to making your reception perfect in every way.

Four Seasons & Cannon Entertainment & Karver Creative Photography Presents Semi-Annual Bridal Fair March 2, 2014 12:30pm - 4:00pm

Our Preferred Vendors  ARK photo-Karver  Isgro's Bakery Creative Photography  Kerrin's Full  Cannon Entertainment Service Salon  Chocolate Fantasy  Kitchen Wizards  Cool Pix Photo Booth  Mary Kay Cosmetics  Courtyard Marriott  Remax Legacy  Evans Family Wedding  Salon Nochea Silpeda Services  S B Production Video  Flocco's Formal Wear  Schank Printing, Inc.  Joseph Genuardi's  Secret's Limousine Florist Service

75% of business websites are not mobile ready.

Does Your Site Measure Up?

Come & Enjoy our FREE Buffet plus our Bridal Show by Call for Free Reservations to our Bridal Fair 610.277.7775 Complete Wedding Packages 1339 Sandy Hill Road Norristown, PA

WINTER 2013-14



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Contact INSTANT RESPONSE PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING, LLC. today at 215-646-4401 for all of your Local Bucks, Montgomery & Delaware Counties, PA Plumbing and Drain Cleaning needs.

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OPEN DAILY 10am - 5pm


The Chapel Cabin Shop, located behind Washington Memorial Chapel, is an authentic log structure built in 1915, which originally served as a parish hall and church school. It was transformed in the 1960s into a gift shop. Delectable baked goods and candies are made at the Cabin Shop with lunch served daily. We also have a wide array of gifts from whimsical, to patriotic, to fine giftware throughout the Cabin Shop.   A warm welcoming spot for all, the shop is staffed by volunteers who support the community and appreciate the work of the Cabin. A nonprofit enterprise, the Cabin Shop helps to support the ongoing maintenance of Washington Memorial Chapel. The Cabin Shop is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, and is located behind the Chapel, 1 mile west of the Visitor's Center in Valley Forge National Park. Visit us today! You'll be glad you stopped by and you'll understand the value of this little gem. For more information call 610-783-0576 or email us at:


QNB – Your Community Bank   With so much change in the financial industry, it’s good to know there is a bank that has stayed true to its values of local community banking. QNB believes in building lasting relationships built upon a sincere interest in your success. You’ll find consistent resources and personnel offering the kind of stability business owners crave and a level of exceptional personal service that is rare in today’s banking environment.   QNB is the type of bank where you still walk in and talk directly with the President or other members of Senior Management. Stable leadership is one of the hallmarks of QNB community banking philosophy. In fact, over its 136 year history, just seven presidents have served the Bank. With eleven offices concentrated in portions of Bucks, Lehigh, and Montgomery counties, QNB – by design – serves a defined geographic area. This enables the staff, including its executives, to become very involved in local sponsorships and causes. Every year, QNB tallies more than 8,000 volunteer hours with organizations like the Chamber, and area service groups like Sertoma, Lions and Rotary Clubs. This makes QNB’s claim of being “Your Community Bank” an apt description.

WINTER 2013-14



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775

BUSINESS MARKETPLACE STAFFING SERVICES SPECIALISTS OFFICE • TECHNICAL • INDUSTRIAL • TEMPORARY • PERMANENT • LEASING Montgomery County Office P.O. Box 1122 Fort Washington, PA 19034 215-641-4635 Philadelphia Office 1420 Walnut St. Suite 716 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-864-0500

Bucks County Office 215-396-7400 (800) 564-1755

610.710.6269 cell 1240 E. Ridge Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA We provide the following quality services: Virus Removal, Computer Repair, Networking for Residential & Commercial Clients, as well as Professional Security Training for Companies & Individuals to Help Safeguard their Information. Ricardo Melendez Certified Technician

CoreStaff, Inc. forms a strong partnership with our industrial clients to help them increase their productivity by staffing them with the best qualified, most dependable light industrial employees available. CoreStaff, Inc. is able to provide you with quality staffing services because of our professionally trained staff dedicated to being responsive to all of your needs.   CoreStaff, Inc., focuses on providing the skilled employees you need whether you need only one worker or want to staff an entire department. And -- you may have them when you need them for as long as you’ll need them whether its for half a day or permanently on any shift. If you have a remote location we’ll get them to where you need them -- at reasonable rates. Your on call CoreStaff, Inc. professional staffing coordinator is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week to handle last minute staffing requests and emergencies.   Over twenty years ago, we made a promise to provide the Delaware Valley with professional temporary help services. This determination has placed CoreStaff, Inc. at the forefront of this rapidly growing industry.

We have all heard increasing stories of big companies being hacked. If large companies can't protect themselves how will small companies protect their computers and assets? It IS possible to create a secure network but it is important to understand a hacker’s goals and their modus operandi because they are not all the same. There are digital criminals who are intent on stealing your money and there are political “hacktivists” who hack to make a statement. They achieve it through vulnerabilities based on lack of computer training or proper maintenance on your equipment. Security can and must be a priority if you want to avoid becoming an FBI statistic. For more information about small business computer security please contact: Tom Updegrove at (215) 850-2369 or for the Montgomery County Area (610) 710- 6269


At MILANJ our passion is diamonds. Our commitment is to you. Each and every diamond is hand selected by expert diamond buyers to insure that your purchase will be cherished for a lifetime. Our unparalleled customer service, diamond and jewelry guarantees, the largest selections of diamonds available in the area along with our expert staff that includes Certified Gemologists, makes MILANJ Diamonds the obvious choice. With headquarters in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, MILANJ Diamonds specializes in designer diamond jewelry and has store locations in the King of Prussia Mall and worldwide in Paris, London, Rome, Beverly Hills, and Hong Kong.

The Plaza, King of Prussia Mall | 160 N. Gulph Road


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"For all of life's celebrations, Make It MILANJ Diamonds." Contact a jewelry expert today at 610-992-0707 or email

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WINTER 2013-14


BUSINESS MARKETPLACE In business for over 25 years, Carroll’s Office Supplies and Furniture Co. knows:

OFFICE SUPPLIES & FURNITURE CO. 501 W. Washington St., Suite 5, Norristown, PA 19401 Phone: 610.275.4770 Fax: 610.275.6130 Email:


Fall in Love


“We must be doing something right!” • You can order online, by fax or by phone… We love talking to our customers! • We suggest low priced alternatives to pricey name brands. • All customer service reps have 15+ years experience. We can get you “hard to find” items. For more information call 610-275-4770 or email us at:

Whether it is the ultimate in gas fireplaces, the latest in high efficiency stoves, custom shapes and finishes of glass doors, marble, mantels or fireplace surrounds, Salters has them on display. Salters’ also offers outdoor living furniture, fire pits, grills and custom outdoor kitchens from quality manufacturers. For over 35 years, Salters has prided themselves on being the most informed and thorough certified hearth specialists, taking the time to help their customers customize and facilitate their dream home project from BEGINNING TO END. Salters only employs certified, professional and friendly sales representatives to provide full service installation, design and safety advice with every fireplace, patio and grill purchase. Salters’ is also proud to be a warm neighbor, fueling the flame of community involvement including local little leagues, clubs and other non-profit organizations. Offering the largest selection of fireplace products, accessories & grills in the Philadelphia area, Salter's will create that ultimate indoor or outdoor living space. View our 30+ burning displays in our Eagleville showroom. We believe you will agree, Salter's is a warm place to visit. Let us inspire you! For hours, directions, or to view our online catalog, visit:

Moments by Design MEB Photography

Engagement, family, children, maternity, senior & wedding portraits

610.823.6389 WINTER 2013-14


Maria Breen of Moments by Design strives to produce the most captivating, high quality images possible, while effectively communicating your emotion through stunning visual imagery. She takes pride in working closely with you to ensure the photographs created will be the most meaningful and expressive. Trust Maria to capture the beauty which will display in your home to be passed down through years & generations to come! She has been a photographer for many years and creates unique images by using creative props, unique close-ups, and natural surroundings. She enjoys capturing the real expressions, personality and true spirit her client. Her experience as a teacher and parent will put you at ease as she works with you and your loved ones. For more information and to schedule your session, please contact: Maria Breen at 610-823-6389 or visit her website at


New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


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WE’LL HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR WELLNESS GOALS Dr. Russell T. Montalbano Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner

Serving the Area for Over 12 Years Call for Your 15 minute Complimentary Consultation Montgomery County’s Sports Chiropractor 1340 DeKalb Pike, Unit 6A, Norristown, PA •

Where would you rather spend your time – pouring over your accounting records or enjoying time with your friends and family? Your CPA should work to keep your back-office accounting from becoming a nagging worry. Streamlined record-keeping enables your CPA to become your valued advisor, providing you useful insight into your business and empowering you to help meet both your business and personal goals.

Whether you need us to set up an efficient QuickBooks Online accounting system and to catch up on a year’s worth of bank reconciliations or to strategize your maximum tax savings, CPA Help Now can help. With over 25 years’ experience in financial and business management, our firm is prepared to help you meet your business’ challenges and to help you meet your goals. Call 610-924-4520 or email Joanne@CPAHelpNow. com to discuss how our firm can help you.

Do you think your tile and grout floors or walls need to be replaced because there is no way possible to make them look the way they did when first installed? Think again!! TADA Hydro Cleaning is a hard surface cleaning/restoration company specializing in cleaning tile & grout, natural stone, concrete, brick, carpet and more. We are factory trained by the company who patented the tools that we use. These tools allow us to clean areas such as kitchen floors, counter tops, showers, patios, pool decks, tiled pools, sidewalks, pavers, lobbies, drive-through pads, restrooms, retaining walls and much more. In addition, we also provide window cleaning and pressure washing services. We service both residential and commercial customers in Southern Montgomery County. Call 267644-5639 for a free demo and/or estimate. You can visit us on the web at or like us on Facebook at So, if you think there is no hope for your floors, remember our motto, “TADA! Just like that your floors look like they’re new!” Winter special: From now until the end of March, we are offering a 20% discount off any service.

For over twelve years, I have been assisting the good people of Norristown. Many have been given up on or lost in the system. I'm not a "hero" and I don't deserve a medal, but I believe I can offer effective treatment for anyone suffering from back pain. People from Norristown, PA and the surrounding area have come to see me with their low back problems. They also come to me with their: • Headaches • Migraines • Chronic Pain • Neck Pain • Shoulder/Arm pain • Whiplash from Car Accidents • Backaches • Numbness in limbs • Sports injuries ...Just to name a few.   We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. Our office is called MONTALBANO FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC, LLC and it is located at 1340 Dekalb Street, Unit 6A in Norristown. We are across from the Montgomery County Human Services building (the former Sacred Heart Hospital). Our phone number is 610-279-1000. If you mention that you read this, you are eligible for a complimentary consultation with me. Call Rose, my assistant, or me today for an appointment. I look forward to helping you.

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WINTER 2013-14


Looking Good


At Fish Window Cleaning® we are all about first impressions and helping our customers make good ones. Windows may not be the first thing on your mind when you think about cleaning and maintaining your home or work place, but clean windows should be part of your regular maintenance routine.

All of our cleaners have undergone a background check, are bonded and insured and always wear uniforms, so you know who is on your property. We do not require a written contract, and we put together customized cleaning programs that fit our customers’ budget and time requirements. We are not seasonal, If you own your home and/or the and rain, sleet or snow, we will be building where you work, you have there when you need us. an investment to protect. Without Our services include more than just proper care windows can be dam- window cleaning. Besides cleaning aged with hard water stains or be- all types of glass, inside we clean come scratched from dirt and dust skylights, atriums, elevator glass, that adhere to them. Tracks and ceiling fans, mirrors and chandeliers. screens can fall into disrepair and Outside we provide gutter cleaning dirty, dingy windows can be a big service as well as cleaning awnings turn-off to customers, prospective and exterior lights. We are Pella tenants or visitors. Window Glass Cleaning SpecialResearch shows that workers who ists, and have been trained directly have access to fresh air and day- through the Gunton Company, the light are more productive, healthier local distributor of Pella Windows. and have a higher level of satisfaction with their work environment. In a survey of restaurant customers 80 percent of the respondents chose where to eat based on the cleanliness of the establishment vs. any promotion being offered. Realtors will tell you that a good first impression adds 5 to 10 percent to a home’s value.

In recent years more and more attention has been paid to feng shui by architects and interior designers. Practitioners of feng shui believe that beautiful, bright, clean homes and living spaces are open to good energy such as love, peace and rest. They advise that flooding rooms with natural light during the day affects the atmosphere and your attitude and well-being because sunlight is positive energy.

Mention this ad for a FREE hour of ser vice

We use water-fed poles for upper story work. These help protect the environment because they use pure water with no contaminants or chemicals. The result is spot-free, sparkling windows. The bonus is no ladders are needed, so our cleaners can work safely without any worry about on-the-job injuries.

Look out the window where you’re sitting now. If you would like us to From both a practical and aesthetic brighten your world, contact us tostandpoint, clean windows make day for a FREE estimate. good sense. They are the one ele- ment of a building that can be seen both inside and outside. They also (610) 630-3474 are one of the single biggest investments in a home or building, and re- 3119 W. Ridge Pike, 1st Floor Rear, Eagleville PA 19403 placing them can be costly. At FISH we are window cleaning ex- Roland and Barbara Young perts. Our company was founded in 1978, and has grown to 240 locations throughout the United States, each locally owned and operated. Last year FISH cleaned over 35 million windows and added 45,116 new customers.

WINTER 2013-14


1116 Pheasant Lane • Collegeville • PA Visit our newly updated website




(Submitted Copy; Contact



New Years Eve, 8pm - 1am Call For Information: 610-277-7775


Refresh Your The bottom line is that there is no simple and easy way to remove wallpaper from walls, especially if the paper in place has been there for many years.

Bancroft Wallpaper and Painting knows exactly how to deal with wallpaper that won’t loosen from the walls. They also have the tools and equipment necessary Instead of struggling with the removal to remove the wallpaper effectively in process and then having to clean up the whatever conditions exist on your walls. significant mess left behind, hire a pro-   2. You can count on Bancroft Wallpafessional who will handle every aspect per and Painting to start and finish the of the job for you. Unless you enjoy cre- job right. With Bancroft Wallpaper and ating messes and having to clean them, Painting involved, you can eliminate a professional wallpaper removal is the the hassle of hiring someone, checking only way to go. references and worrying about experience and skills. Bancroft Wallpaper and Painting does all this checking for you and only presents qualified professionals who will deliver high-quality results. You don’t even need to worry about overseeing or managing the work process because Bancroft Wallpaper and Painting does this for you as well. You can also relax knowing that you’ve got Before Removal After Removal Bancroft Wallpaper and Painting's sat  1. One will never know exactly how the isfaction guarantee to assure that you’ll wallpaper removal process will proceed be satisfied with the work.
 once you get started. The old wallpaper may strip off effortlessly, or you could "I gave them the keys while I was away find that the wallpaper clings stubborn- for two weeks and returned to what ly to the walls and you cannot remove looked like a whole new interior. I could it without effort. With a professional on not have been more pleased!" - Connie the job, whatever issues you encounter of Montgomery County will be within their knowledge base.

(Submitted Copy; Contact

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Serving Tri-State Area Rodney Bancroft

Fill out the contact form for a discount @

HIC# PA 058066

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