2 minute read

From Calkins Hall

Dear Montevallo family,

As I look back on our homecoming tradition, I’m reminded how appropriate our theme for this year’s celebration was for the University of Montevallo. In many ways, “Te legacy continues,” embodies the moment we’re in as an institution. Our legacy of providing accessible and affordable access to higher education for the students we serve has never been more important.


We’re committed to this goal in several ways. I’m thankful that in February, our Board of Trustees voted to freeze tuition again for the sixth consecutive year. Also, the University has provided an additional $1 million in institutional aid every year to our students.

We appreciate the commitment so many of our alumni and donors have made to help us continue this.

In 2023, we plan to launch our $30 million capital campaign. Te campaign will focus signifcantly on scholarships.

Your gifts have already made a tremendous impact on the lives of many of our students.

Two in particular that stand out are Hannah Waki ’22, MBA ’23 and Amelia Valery ’23. Hannah, who had a decorated undergraduate career that included an internship with Dr. Richard Cummings ’74 at Harvard University Medical School, graduated from UM this spring with an MBA and will pursue a doctorate in chemistry. Amelia, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mass communication, was recently accepted to Columbia University Journalism School.

To each and every one who has given, we’re so grateful that you’ve chosen to give in this way toward scholarships. You will never know how important your gifts for scholarships are to us and how much it means to our students.

I sincerely appreciate your eforts on behalf of our students. I recently reminded several of them about one of my favorite Vietnamese proverbs, “When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”

To our students, when you graduate from UM and go on to do great things in the world, remember the future generations of students who will be here also.

Dr. John W. Stewart III UM President

On the Cover Donor John Cox and UM junior Cady Inabinett, a recipient of the Laurie Ann Cox Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement in English, stand in front of Reynolds Hall. See page 13 for a feature highlighting the impact Cox and other donors have made on UM students.


Montevallo Today Vol. 94, Issue 2, Spring/Summer 2023

Montevallo Today (USPS 005432; ISSN 1052-3634) is published two times a year by the University of Montevallo, Alumni Affairs/University Marketing & Communications, Reynolds Hall, Highland St., Montevallo, AL 35115. Periodicals postage paid at Montevallo, AL, and additional mailing offces. POSTMASTER, send address changes to Montevallo Today, Station 6215, P.O. Box 6000, Montevallo, AL 35115. To contact the Alumni Affairs Offce, please call 205-665-6215. Text, photographs and graphic images included in this publication may not be reproduced without written permission from the editor. The University of Montevallo is an equal opportunity/affrmative action institution and prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, genetic information, disability or disabled veteran/Vietnam era veteran status in the University’s educational programs; admissions policies; faculty, staff and student employment policies; fnancial aid; or other school-administered programs and services.

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