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To the Terhorst Family on the passing Susan Terhorst, mother to Kim (Terhorst) Williams ’01.
To the Rodi Family on the passing of Jane Banks, mother-in-law to John Rodi ’88.
To the Healy Family on the passing of Pat Healy in 2023 and Emmett Healy in 2021, mother and father of Maureen Healy ’86 and Kevin Healy ’88.
To the Casey Family on the passing of Dan Casey, brother of David Casey ’79, Patty (Casey) Jung ’82 and Margaret (Casey) Wiecek ‘86 as well as uncle to Cameron Casey ’15 and Liam Casey ’19.
To the Darley Family on the passing of Reginald Darley, father of Regina (Darley) Bollaert ’74, Jeff Darley ’76 and Debbie (Darley) Tharp ’78; father-in-law of Patti (Bailey) Darley ’76.
To the Winchel Family on the passing of Ken Winchel, father of Kathy (Winchel) Gossen ’78, Ron Winchel ’80 and Margie (Winchel) Fugiel ’81.
To the Kludac Family on the passing of Gregory Kludac in March and Paul Kludac in April, father and brother of Pam Kludac-Konte ‘94; uncle and cousin to Bob Wiacek ’83, Scott Wiacek ’86 and Joe Wiacek ’88.
To the Cullen Family on the passing of John Cullen, father to Austin Cullen ’18.
To the Keating Family on the passing of Kay Keating, mother to Patrick Keating ’80, Shawn Keating ’82 and Shannon (Keating) Morris ’85.
To the Shymanik Family on the passing of Joseph Shymanik, father of Joseph '94 and Christopher '98; brother-in-law of former Montini principal Maryann O'Neill; uncle of Maureen (O'Neill) Nielsen ‘87, Chrissy (O'Neill) McManus ’88, Ed O'Neill ‘90, Michele O'Neill ‘93, Rebecca McManus ’17, Elaine Nielsen ’17, Johnny McManus ’20, Garrick Nielsen ’20, Tommy McManus ’22, Charlie Nielsen ’22 and Maggie Nielsen ’25.
To the Thornton Family on the passing of Jerry Thornton, father of Jerry Thornton '24
To the Monis Family on the passing of Gerena Monis, mother of Rich '87, Ralph '88, Roderick '91, Ronald '94 and Rey '00.