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make yours unforgettablean summer
Welcome to Montini Catholic Sports Summer Camps!
Wherever your athletic interests lie, we are sure that you will find that there is something here for you.
Our coaches look forward to conducting our athletic camps each summer, and offer a wide variety of fundamental camps for all ages, as well as specific camps in several sports. They are committed to working with you every day to hone and improve your knowledge and skills. We are always hearing from happy parents about how much their children are learning during our athletic camps.
We are also proud to offer a variety of academic and fine arts camps to both boys and girls. Our teachers have created many interesting educational programs to expose you to learning that is both challenging and fun.
Registration is going on now! Go to www.montini.org/SummerCamp23, browse our Sports Camp Viewbook and click on the ‘Register for Camps’ button. Add Montini Catholic to your summer plans - we guarantee it will be one unforgettable summer.
Hope to see you.
Kevin Beirne
630-627-6930 (x102) kbeirne@montini.org
Boys Grades 4 - 8
Head Coach Rich Janor
Montini’s Future Broncos Summer Baseball Camp will provide campers the opportunity to work with Coach Rich Janor and members of the 2019 State Champion Montini Catholic Broncos varsity team and staff. Skills covered will include hitting, pitching, catching, defense, and base running in an instructional and fun-filled environment. (The camp will be moved into the Field House if necessary due to weather.)

Campers should bring a bat, glove, spikes (gym shoes in case of inclement weather) and water.
Questions regarding this camp? Contact Coach Janor at: rich@usabaseballntis.com.