Herd Builders Maternal Bred Bull Sale

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S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 0, 2 0 1 8



2:00 PM






Kent Jaecke, Rockin K Productions.................405-408-2440


Steve Bonham, Auctioneer.............................................................405-823-2972 Ryan Denton...................................................................................918-629-3004 Cody Shelley...................................................................................580-467-7887 P HON E BI D DI N G If you will not be able to attend the auction and would like to be on the phone for absentee bidding, or you would like to leave a bid, please contact Kent Jaecke at 405-408-2440. A buyer can be on the phone with one of our sale staff for live bidding. We will be glad to help you! O N L I N E B I D D I N G Online bidding is also available through Christy Collins, Inc at the website CCi.live. Please register at least 24 hours before the sale begins. DIRE CT I O N S Take Exit 100 off of I-80, roughly 20 miles west of Des Moines, then go south approximately 1.5 miles to sale headquarters, located at 1070 Pitzer Road, Earlham, IA 50072.


AmericInn - Stuart, IA....................................................................515-523-9000 America’s Best Value Inn & Suites - Stuart, IA..........................515-523-2888 Hampton Inn - West Des Moines, IA............................................515-223-4700 Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites - West Des Moines, IA....................515-309-3900


ROB AND SHERYL VANHOVE Rob 605-480-0909 Sheryl 605-480-4186 45041 227th St | Madison, SD 57042 vanhoveshowcattle@yahoo.com VIDEOS - vanhovecattlecompany.com SOJKA FARMS LLC Grant 319-330-2868 2890 135th St | Riverside, IA 52327 VIDEOS - sojkafarms.com


SMITH CATTLE COMPANY Brad 712-209-1500 Dennis 712-209-1490 2140 370th Ave | Estherville, IA 51334 smithcattlecompany.com BOYERT-CORE Mark & Deb Core 641-680-4937 Jared & Bailey Boyert 859 92nd Ave | Pleasantville, IA 50225


Maternal Bulls...

designed to produce females like this! Welcome to the 2018 Herd Builders Unlimited Sale!

We are extremely pleased and excited to offer you this set of bulls. Many of you know and are familiar with the partners of the sale. It is our goal to raise maternal oriented, easy fleshing cattle that are stout and structurally sound, without sacrificing a good look or quality. The offering includes purebred Angus bulls sired by some of the most sought after genetics in the breed. Along with many composite bulls that are Angus, Simmental, Maine Anjou, and Charolais sired. As you study the catalog, you will recognize the pedigrees of the breed leading sires represented. Years of selecting and breeding the right type of cattle is accumulated in this offering. If your goal is to produce high quality cattle and you have an appreciation for productive, big bodied, good looking cows that are functional, we think you will really like this set. They were bred and selected with the cow herd in mind. The bulls have been fed a growing ration and it is our recommendation that you continue to develop your bull purchase until turn out time. All bulls sell with a 100% breeding guarantee. Many of these young bulls will not be semen tested by sale time. It’s the buyers responsibility to have their purchase semen evaluated prior to turn out time. On behalf of the partners of the Herd Builders Unlimited Bull Sale, we thank you for your interest in our program and hope to see you in Earlham, IA. Sincerely, Rob Vanhove



Lo t 1 Va nhove Mater na l M a d e B 4 7 4

Van h ov e | M a r c h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B a ld y | B W 82 Si re: M at e rna l M a d e D am : M omen t um x L o o ko u t



Power. Body. Muscle. Look. If you’re looking for your next great herd sire, that will produce those killer steer calves and maternal, soft middled, sound females, this bull will fit the bill. Take a long, hard look at this one, we think the predictability and proven genetic power of this exciting young calf’s pedigree, along with his completeness, design and soundness, will change your cow herd. Sired by the Maternal King, Maternal Made, and out of our top producing SimAngus females on the place, the guess work is taken out here!!!!!



L o t 2 Va nhove Matern a l M a d e 1 8 0

Van h ov e | Ma r c h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B la ze | B W 88 Si re: M at e rna l M a d e Dam: D am age C o n t r o l (W h o M a de Who x Meyer) x 680 7 Angu s



This blaze faced Maternal Made son has been an eye catcher all summer and fall for his overall balance, style and perfect structure. His dam is out of one of the truly most powerful Damage Control daughters in the herd and her maternal grand dam was a purebred Angus 6807 powerhouse. We feel this young herd sire will add that extra look, muscle, bone, feet and legs and give his calves that extra shot of hair and look that everyone wants in today’s calves. These Maternal Made sired calves get better everyday, and this super complete calf has always had that look.




Lo t 3 Sm ith S tyle10 4

Smi th | Marc h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B a ld y | B W 84 Si re: Silv eria s S t y l e D am : Man A m o n g B o y s x S t e e l Force



It’s more than his dam’s sire’s name, this young stud is truly A Man Among Boys. If you’re looking for a bull to put extra body and dimension in a set of calves, this powerful son of the Angus legendary sire, Silveiras Style, out of one of the coolest looking young females on the farm is it. Style will put the look, balance, soundness and body in one and these MAB x Steel Force females are quickly becoming some of the most sought after females in the business today. Take a second look at this calf sale day, and you will also appreciate his foot size, extra bone, mass and body. This young MAN will not disappoint!!!




L o t 4 Smith I nsight 10 5 0

S mith | M arch 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 80 S ire: PV F I ns ig h t Dam: L u tton Regis t e red Pur e b r e d A n g u s



Power, look and body in a Purebred Angus package! From the ground up, this super complete bull will impress you with his overall rib shape, dimension, body and power, but add this with a great set of running gear, big feet and extra bone, 1050 gives you everything you’ll want in a more moderate calving EPD profile without sacrificing the cool design, look and performance of all the great herd sires of today. The maternal genetic package this calf gives you only adds to the complete package you’ll find see in this sons and daughters in the future.



Lo t 5 Vanhove Corona 6 4 7 This chubby, soft middled, three dimensional son of our new herd sire, Corona, will take your breath away with his overall completeness, soundness, look and balance. 647 is the result of what the MaineAngus blended with SimAngus cattle are supposed to look like. Extra power, body, mass and look without sacrificing the Maternal predictability and performance that you would expect from Cerveza, New Look, and RSVP. Phenotype and Genetic Predictability all wrapped in the cool looking hide here ladies and gentlemen.

Van h ov e | 3 /1 /2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B la ze | B W 85 Si re: Corona ( C e r ve z a x D uf f N e w Look ) D am: R SV P x M o n t a n a M a i n e

Lo t 6 Vanhove P rofit 8 7 Here’s a little different twist on things folks, A son of the Simmental Legend, Profit out of a Purebred Red Angus, MESS Packer daughter, long known for their Maternal and Performance Power. This cool looking Red hided bull will overwhelm you with his overall squareness and dimension, wide back, deep body and dimension, and sound from the ground up. Put this all together into a ideal structure, neck and head and big feet and legs and you’ve got a young sire that will make his offspring marketable and throw that extra color that everyone is looking for.

Van h ov e | M a r c h 2 0 1 7 | R e d | B W 84 Si re: Prof it D am: ME SS Pa c ke r ( P ur e b r e d Re d An g us) Regi s tere d Hal f B l o o d S i m m e n t a l



Lo t 7 Smith Class Ac t 3 8 -1 There are so many options to purchase your Angus genetics across the U.S. each year, but we challenge you to try and find an Angus bull with this much power, look, muscle and dimension. The Class Act sons are some of the most popular bulls across the nation for their softness, soundness, feet and legs and three dimensional type and kind. Here is an purebred Angus bull that will give you all the maternal power the Angus breed is counted on, plus the benefit of having a killer look and extra dimension.

Smi th | March 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 83 Si re: O SU Clas s A c t D am: N orth ern I m p r o ve m e n t Regi s tere d Pu r e b r e d A n g u s

Lo t 8 Smith Roundtab l e 5 0 4 We are very proud to bring you this set of Purebred Angus bulls. Bulls that are packed full of red meat and dimension. Bulls that are sound on their feet and legs with a stout set of running gear under them for longevity, and bulls that still have the look and style that will leave you a set of cool looking calves to market in the coming years. This S & R Roundtable son is out of one impressive Dameron First Class daughter that has the extra shape and look you’d want in every herd bull. 504 has the extra length, performance and growth without giving up any pattern and look.

Smi th | Fe b ru a r y 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 80 Si re: S & R R ou n d t a b l e D am: D a m e ron F i r s t C l a s s Regi s tere d Pu r e b r e d A n g u s DAM TO LOT 8



Lo t 9 Sm ith I nsight 6 0 7 This chubby, soft middled, three dimensional son of our new herdsire Corona will the your breath away with his overall completeness, soundness, look and balance. 647 is the result of what the MaineAngus blended with SimAngus cattle are supposed to look like. Extra power, body, mass and look without sacrificing the Maternal predictability and performance that you would expect from Cerveza, New Look, and RSVP. Phenotype and Genetic Predictability all wrapped in the cool looking hide here ladies and gentlemen. S m i t h | F e br u ary 2 0 1 7 | Blac k | B W 78 S i r e : P V F In s i g ht D a m : C he r r y Kn oll A rk Pride 9 0 2 4 R e g i ste r e d P u r e b red A ngus

Lo t 10 Smith Style 7 / 82 2


DAM TO LOTS 9 & 10

Another son of the famed Cherry Knoll Ark Pride 9024 cow, that has been proven as one of the top producing females in Cherry Knoll program in Pennsylvania over the past few years, here’s your golden opportunity to capture some of these legendary Angus genetics in this Powerful, Huge bodied, ultra sleek designed Purebred Angus bull. The Angus breed is so widely used for the Maternal influence and to add performance and milk into a cowherd, but here is an individual that will give you the benefits of the Angus genetics in a three dimensional, deep sided, power bull ready for heavy service and to produce the bulls and heifers you can market in the future because of the overall look and balance of this great young herd sire prospect.

Smi th | Feb rua r y 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 81 Si re: Silv e rias S t y l e D am: Ch erry K n o l l A r k P r i d e 9 0 24 Regi s t e red Pur e b r e d A n g us




Lo t 11 Vanhove Mate r na l M a d e 91

Van h ov e | Ma r c h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 86 Si re: N M R Mat e r n a l M a d e D am: O CC L e ge n d x M e y e r 7 3 4

WOW!!!! Here is a Beast. This Awesome son of Maternal Made has been one of the standouts all summer and fall. You never catch this calf wrong, super long fronted, smooth shouldered, and sound, this powerhouse will really catch your eye with his tremendous square hip, extra dimension through the center of his quarter and carry that muscle down into the lower one third of is body. Super deep sided, soft and has that extra look, bone, hair and presence to sire those killer show heifers and steers. The Maternal Made daughters are soon becoming the talk of the country for their production ability and the daughters out of this stallion will find their way into your keeper pen!!

Lo t 12 Vanhove Mate r na l M a d e 1 1 4

Van h ov e | Ma r c h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k | B W 90 Si re: N M R Mat e r n a l M a d e D am: L ook er x I r i s h W h i s ke y

These Maternal Made sons have been some of the most popular young bulls to sell early this year, and this one will not disappoint. If you appreciate extra dimension, style, rib shape and volume, along with extra bone, shag, look and stoutness, then look no further than 114. This young stud really puts it all together and then shoots you that super cool profile, design and look that will shine up the commonest of cow herds. The Maternal Made daughters are awesome producers and the daughters out of this powerhouse will be your future keeper females and donors. Take this bull home, turn him out and know that you will have a great set of calves coming soon.



Lo t 13 Vanhove Mate r na l M a d e 0 12 3

Van h ov e | Fe b r ua r y 2 0 1 7 | B l ack | B W 87 Si re: N M R Mat e r n a l M a d e D am: “ 2 5 6 2 ” O C C A n c h o r x A n g us

Here is a true genetic breeding piece. This is a long fronted, level hipped, three dimensional, softer made, moderate, big boned rascal that we think you are really going to fall in love with. Another son of the great Maternal Made which is quickly making a name for himself across the entire country for predictability and performance. These Maternal Mades just keep getting better the older they get, and we are confident that this chubby, cool looking calf will too. His dam, “2562” is the cornerstone of our breeding program and has one of the most proven production records of any female in the country. Power In The Blood Here.

Lo t 14 Vanhove Cerve za A 3 8 7 If you need a bull to stouten up your cow herd, this is definitely the one he is tremendous in his hip dimension and heavy boned, but still comes in an attractive package. It is really difficult to find an individual with this much body, shape, mass and rib, that still is bred as maternal as he is. His Grandmaster, half blood Simmental dam, is one impressive female, and the daughters out of this powerhouse will make Awesome cows. If you you’re looking for the total package of body, look and maternal, A387 is your man.

Van h ov e | Ma r c h 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B a ld y | B W 85 Si re: Cerv ez a D am: G ra ndm a s t e r



Lo t 15 Vanhove Band w a g o n 2 1 9 SimAngus genetics at it’s best here in this super attractive, ultra sleek designed, deep sided, sound son of the great Bandwagon. So many producers are using Bandwagon to make percentage Simmental females, but when you get a bull like this, built so good from the ground up, so balanced from a muscle and body standpoint, and then so well built in his front one third, you really have to appreciate 219’s overall design and body shape. Here is truly a great way to put some look in your calves, and keep all the maternal traits you’d want in a great herd bull.

Van h ov e | Fe b r ua r y 2 0 1 7 | B l ack | B W 7 8 Si re: CSCX Ba n d w a g o n 5 1 3 A D am: A ngu s

Lo t 16 Vanhove Brok e r 4

Van h ov e | Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 7 | B l a c k B la ze | B W 88 Si re: M r HO C B r o ke r D am: I ris h Wh i s ke y

Two of the Legendary sires in the beef cattle business have been mated together to bring one great young bull. The production and predictability of Broker and Irish Whiskey matings is found in all of the major programs all over the U.S. Check out the overall performance, growth and body of this super young herdsire. You would have to visit hundreds of programs to find another bull with this much total dimension, huge square and level hip that goes down into the ideal structure, skeletal design and near perfect feet and legs. And the added bonus, with that super attractive Blaze Faced head.



Lo t 17 Sm ith Matern a l M a d e 4 4 -2 Smith | February 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 82 Sire: NMR Maternal Made Dam: Poker Face

A true Herd Builder. This massively constructed, long bodied, perfectly designed herd sire prospect with capture you attention with his flashy color, but there is so much more. Extra dimension, bone, foot size, true rib shape and softness in a total performance and productive package. This powerhouse will make many new friends on sale day. 44-2 looks already looks like a herd bull, and being a son of Maternal Made only strengthens his total value for Maternal genetics without giving up any look, style and body.

Lo t 18 Vanhove Mate r na l M a d e 14 2 8 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black | BW 87 Sire: NMR Maternal Made Dam: “2562” OCC Anchor x Angus

This is not your ordinary herd bull. He is soft made in this pattern ands structure with plenty of rib and dimension. He moves out with plenty of flex and on nice big feet that all point the same way. Now add to this that 1428 is a son of the great “2562” OCC Anchor donor, that has left her mark on so many previous sons and champions for the Vanhove program, he will sire these cookie cutter females that we all strive to produce.

Lo t 19 Smith Friction 5 4 Smith | March 2017 | Black Blaze | BW 81 Sire: Friction Son Dam: Cerveza

This is the kind of bull cattlemen from all backgrounds dream about, low birthweight combined with extra performance, muscle, dimension, growth, look and super sound from the ground up. this Old School pedigree has stood the test of time, and did I mention that he brings the Blaze Face along with everything else? It is hard to find a bull with the much power and mass that still moves around like a jungle cat. We think you will find this bull sale day and really appreciate his type and kind.



Lo t 20 Vanhove Merli n 13 5 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 86 Sire: Merlin (Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Glover(Looker Son) x Novice

Get prepared to build your cow herd here. You will really appreciate this bull’s substance, structure, and a design nearly perfect. We really love the way this bull palaces from front to rear, Nice necked, level and square hipped with a great hind leg. here is a breeding bull with look, muscle and performance. Big footed, large scrotal and all the extras to improve your cowherd.

Lo t 21 Vanhove P ow e r l i ne 0 11 3 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black | BW 85 Sire: Powerline Dam: XO71 Irish Whiskey x Meyer 734 WOW!!!! Our Powerline (Angus) herd sire has done everything we could have ever asked for from a predictability and performance standpoint, and the daughters out of Powerline are quickly becoming our top producers. This bull’s mother’s pedigree can’t get much better than Irish Whiskey and Meyer 734. 0113 is super chubby, hairy, big boned, stout, well designed and has the look that everyone is striving for This bull puts it all together Power, Pedigree and Performance.

Lo t 22 Smith Big P apa 1 3 -4



Smith | March 2017 | Black | BW 82 Sire: Big Papa Dam: Bismarck x Northern Improvement

Have a look here. This bull is backed by one of the most exciting young females in the Smith program, these Angus females give you the look, power, maternal strength and soundness to be able to breed them many different ways. . 13-4’s dam is a great y young SAV Bismarck daughter out of one of the best Northern Improvement cows on the place. if you’re looking for a more moderate package with body, power, mass and dimension without giving up any look, bone and hair, here is your next herd bull.



Lo t 23 Vanhove Made F o r Yo u B 4 87 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black White Face | BW 82 Sire: Made For You Dam: Powerline x Carney Man

Here is a little younger bull with all the look, style and dimension you could ever ask for. An own son of the popular Made For You, this calf will grab your attention with that cool brockle face, and then it just keeps getting better as you move back into a long sleek neck, smooth shoulder, bold ribbed and strong level top into a square and level hip. Super sound from the ground up and gives you that soft, swoopy belly that lends you to believe this calf as worlds of future and potential. Take a second or even a third look at this cool built calf sale day, you won’t be disappointed.

Lo t 24 Vanhove Made F o r Yo u 4 3 1 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 80 Sire: Made For You Dam: Powerline(Angus) x Irish Whiskey

Take a second look here ladies and gentlemen. You will absolutely love this bull. he’s as stout as you would every want one, big footed, big bodied, heavy muscled and good looking. These Powerline x Irish Whiskey cows really put a great look in their calves and these Made For You sons were some of the most popular young sires in Denver this past January. We feel this bull can sire those bull calves that will have that extra look and power and his daughters will be amazing.

Lo t 25 Vanhove Made F o r Yo u B 4 7 9 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 82 Sire: Made For You Dam: Powerline x Grandmaster

Here is a real powerhouse and you will love the females this bull will leave in your herd. This young herdsire prospect is extra stout, big ribbed, soft middled with extra muscle, hair and bone. These Made For You cattle are becoming increasingly popular and the Powerline(Angus) x Grandmaster(Simmy) cow this stud is out of will blow you away for her look and power. Maine, Simmental and Angus combined genetics gives the best of what the beef cattle business has to give.



Lo t 26 Smith Monopo l y 7 / 88 2 S mith Februa ry 2017 S mok e B W 84 S ire: Mono po l y Da m: Alias x A ngu s



You talk about a TANK. Here’s your golden opportunity to purchase a real beef bull out of the legendary Monopoly. If you want to stouten up a cowherd, and put some color in your calves, this powerhouse is the ticket. Huge boned, Huge ribbed, Huge muscled and talk about depth of body and softness this cool built belly dragger does it all. Can you imagine what the set of calves will look like out of this great young sire on your black and black baldy cows?


L ot 2 7 V a n h o ve Me rlin X 053

L ot 28 Vanhove Merl i n 415T

Vanhov e | M a r ch 2017 | Bla c k Ba ld y | B W 82 S ire: M er l i n (Whi z ard x Iris h Wh is k e y) Dam: 9 8 3 O C C A n ch o r

Vanhove | Sept ember 2016 | Black | BW 78 Sire: Merlin ( Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Cerveza x Angus

Here is a truly great genetic breeding piece. This is a long fronted, level hipped, big boned, ultra sleek designed calf that was just a little greener at picture time, but you will love this calf on sale day. His sire, Merlin is quickly becoming our “Go To” sire for producing Powerful, Predictable and Productive females. Some of the greatest young cows in the Vanhove program are Merlin daughters. SimAngus and MaineAngus genetics at it very finest represented in this unique young Sire.

The worst thing you can do as a bull buyer is NOT take the time to come look at these bulls, because you won’t have the opportunity to see one of the truly most Powerful young bulls in the entire sale offering. WE have loved this 415T Merlin son ALL summer and fall, you talk about BODY, BODY, BODY, here he is. 415T is a fall yearling that will impress you with his skeletal makeup, fault free design, huge belly and rib shape, and the extra muscle and dimension that you all seek in your next herd bull. Please don’t discredit this bull, because we didn’t get him pictured…He is most definitely worth the trip to Earlham on February 10th!!!!!!!



Lo t 29 Sm ith Abou t T i m e 7 4 S mith Ma rch 2017 Heref ord BW 79 S ire: Abou t Ti m e Da m: R elo ad



This is our only Hereford bull in the offering, but what a Powerful Hereford bull he is. Rarely do you find a Purebred Hereford with this much power, dimension, soundness, look and shape. A son of the great About Time out of a awesome, productive Reload daughter that will get flushed soon. WE feel the F1 daughters out of this young bull could be really nice and if you have a set of Hereford females that you want to add some look, power and stoutness too, this is the Answer.

Lot 3 0 V a n h o ve Lo a d e d Up 9

L ot 31 Vanhove Loaded U p 11

Vanhove | M a r ch 2017 | Bla c k Ba ld y | BW 87 Sire: W/C Lo a d ed Up Dam : B C O utl o o k

Vanhove | March 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 8 5 Sire: W/C Loaded Up Dam: BC Out look

These two full brothers will change the way you look at SimAngus genetics. Super designed, growth bulls with that extra punch for performance, stoutness and extra pounds at weaning time. These super cool made Black Baldies really put so many things right together as far as structural integrity, length, awesome feet and legs and the extra dimension and body shape to make awesome two year olds next year. If you’re looking to add some pounds and performance into your cowherd, these two full brothers are peas in a pod!!!!



Lo t 32 Vanhove High C a l i b e r 4 2 2 7 Vanhove | April 2017 | Black Blaze | BW 80 Sire: High Caliber Dam: Dream Catcher Registered 3/4 Simmental

This blaze faced High Caliber son has that killer look. He’s long fronted, super correct, good boned and has great hair for a higher percentage Simmental. Take a second look and you’ll find that this cool built calf has that extra bone, foot, and structural make up, not to mention his total extension through the front one third of his body is unreal. If you’re looking for a higher percentage Simmy with tons of look, style and balance, 4227 will check all of the boxes.

Lo t 33 Vanhove Loade d U p 88 2 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 82 Sire: W/C Loaded Up Dam: MESS Packer(Purebred Red Angus) Half Blood Simmental This Super cool built, choke necked, huge bodied half blood Simmental bull is a maternal half brother to the Solid Red Lot 6 Profit son in this sale. An own son of the extremely popular W/C Loaded Up, this bull combines all the right stuff you’d want in your next herd bull. Starting with great feet and legs at the ground and the extra bone and stoutness, super thick and square hip, plenty of body and rib shape and you talk about choke of the neck for a Simmy, they just don’t come built like this one everyday. The different twist on the dam’s side of the pedigree(Purebred Red Angus) only adds to the overall value this super young calf can put into your program.

Lo t 34 Vanhove Merli n A 3 4 1 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black Star Faced | BW 87 Sire: Merlin (Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Adrenaline Junkie

Here is a really complete made Merlin son. He’s attractive through his front one third, big bodied, soft middled, with plenty of hip and bone. His dam, A341 has been one of our most predictable and productive females. Come to Earlham, Iowa, on February 10th to look this bull up for yourself —You won’t be disappointed.



Lo t 35 Vanhove Dam a g e C o nt r o l 0 1 4 0 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 90 Sire: Damage Control(Who Made Who x Meyer 734) Dam: 736 RSVP x OCC Legend Here’s another really good blaze faced bull sired by Damage Control. He’s a notch bigger, longer bodied, high performing bull with an extra shot of muscle and style. His dam is truly one of the most impressive females on the farm, this RSVP x OCC Legend daughter would really impress you with her overall dimension, body and huge feet and legs. Power, Style, Dimension and Soundness all in one great package.


Lo t 36 Vanhove Merli n 97 7 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 88 Sire: Merlin(Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Outlook x Irish Whiskey

This Merlin bull is the complete package and there are generations of power int eh blood. you will absolutely love the females this bull will produce in your herd. Merlin is one of our top producing young sires we purchased from the Griswold Cattle Company program. He is a GCC Whizard out of an Irish Whiskey dam and he is Double Clean. 977 is a super heavy muscled, soft bellied, big ribbed stout hipped bull with style and balance to burn.

Lo t 37 Smith Daddy’ s M o ne y 3 2 Smith | March 2017 | Black | BW 78 Sire: Daddy’s Money Dam: Irish Whiskey x Steel Force


This may be the most interesting and compete genetic package in the sale. Daddy’s Money has become the calving ease king throughout the country for use on first calf heifers without sacrificing any quality, look or style in a heifer’s first calf. This big footed, heavy boned, shaggy haired, deep soggy middled bull puts all the right things together in a really cool designed package. If you’re looking for a calving ease bull with all the look, dimension and soundness in the world, you better get to Earlham, Iowa on February 10th, and take this great young calf home.


Lo t 38 Vanhove Mate r na l M a d e 3 1 6 6 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black Sire: NMR Maternal Made Dam: Looker x Irish Whiskey

| BW 84

Another super complete, soft middled, cool designed son of Maternal Made out of one our favorite young cows in the program. This super high quality individual is a complete package. If you are serious about raising or retaining females, you better take a second or third look at 3166 on sale day.

Lo t 39 Sm ith Comfor t Z o ne 0 0 1 Smith | February 2017 | Black | BW 81 Sire: Comfort Zone Dam: Yellow Jacket

If you are looking for a little more Power and Performance, 001 maybe the bull for you. This stout rugged boned, super shaggy, chubby, big topped bull will impress you with his overall mass and dimension. This Comfort Zone x Yellow Jacket combination really will add the performance, pounds, bone, hair and look, and you talk about a sound fault free structure, this young herdsire can do so many things for your program.

Lo t 40 Vanhove Adre na l i ne 2 5 1 5 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black | BW 82 Sire: Adrenaline(Meyer 734 x Windsor) Dam: 083 (OCC Emblazon x OCC Anchor)

Here is a really good looking, power bull that’s pedigree is second to none. Adrenaline, Emblazon, Anchor…… You can’t hardly pack any more generations of proven, powerful Maternal production genetics into one pedigree. This super growthy, high performing, sound neat fronted, clean chested, stout and complete bull can do so many things to change a cowherd. We’d love to see you in Iowa on February 10th.



Lo t 41 Sm ith Matern a l M a d e B 9 0 9 Smith | March 2017 | Black | BW 87 Sire: NMR Maternal Made Dam: I-80 x Heatwave

When it comes to making club calf females, we think this Maternal Made son has it all. He is as complete and sound made as you can make one. He is good through his neck and chest, extra big bodied, with a tom of shape and dimension through his hip. He’s heavy boned, great structured and moves like he’s on roller skates. His sire is quickly becoming the go to maternal sire in the business, and the extra shot of Heatwave on the dam’s sire only adds the power and dimension to this great young sire.

Lo t 42 Vanhove Merli n 81 6 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 88 Sire: Merlin (Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: OCC Kiddo x Maximus

Here is another one of those great Merlin sons that has surfaced to the top of the class. He is fault free in his structure and makeup. His OCC Kiddo dam has been one of our most productive females, we think you will really fall in love with this young herdsire prospects. Body, Mass, Power, here he is.

Lo t 43 Vanhove Merli n 2 5 2 2 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 88 Sire: Merlin(Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: 929 (Tyson x Strictly Business)


These Merlin sons are really super complete, productive and stout. This powerhouse is a notch bigger, longer bodied, with an extra shot of muscle and style. His dam is an awesome looking Tyson x Strictly Business female with an extra shot of muscle and power. There’s plenty of power in the blood in this one. This one can handle a few more cows, and with his near perfect structure, he’ll be able go anywhere those cows go. DAM OF LOT 43 & 49 Owned with Brad Otto


Lo t 44 Vanhove Merli n Z 2 5 9 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 78 Sire: Merlin (Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Irish Whiskey

Take a second look here ladies and gentlemen, we absolutely love this bull. He’s as stout as you would ever want one, big bodied, heavy boned and good looking. A double bred Irish Whiskey son, this bull could really be a female making machine, and these Merlin sired cattle have done an exceptional job for us. We feel confident that this bull is a can’t miss in producing those females that will raise the great ones!!!!!

Lo t 45 Vanhove Merli n U 2 5 Vanhove | August 2016 | Black Blaze | BW 88 Sire: Merlin(Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Meyer Son x Angus

Body. Power. Style. These Merlin sons really combine so many of the traits that we all would love to have in our Herdsires. This Powerful young son of Merlin is out of a soft bellied, moderate, super complete Angus female. This calf is a little older, so he’s just that much more stouter, deeper and chunkier. Super in his design and skeletal structure, U25 having a little more size and age will give hime the ability to cover a few more cows, and the daughters out of this super complete, flashy baldy will be phenomenal!!!!!

Lo t 46 Vanhove Merli n Z 2 5 0 Vanhove | September 2016 | Black Brockle | BW 89 Sire: Merlin(Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: Hainy Maine

This is one rugged, stout made, huge footed, big boned, three dimensional bull that is pound heavy. If you’re looking to add shape, performance, structure and body to your cowherd, this is your Answer. With this performance and body comes a maternal pedigree that will leave daughters that will flat out get the job done.



Lo t 47 Vanhove Lock Do w n 6 5 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black Baldy | BW 88 Sire: W/C Lock Down Dam: Pays To Dream x Trendsetter Registered Purebred Simmental

This purebred W/C Lock Down son is built to leave an impressive set of females behind. The true test of any great Herdsire is the cow he is out of, and this one’s dam is huge middled, huge boned, super designed and well balanced. We feel this bull has the ability to raise some really nice females, without sacrificing the number of high end feeder cattle he has the ability to produce. This is one good purebred Simmental that will also work great on Angus females producing half bloods. Check him out sale day.

Lo t 48 Vanhove P rofi t 8 1 5 Vanhove | March 2017 | Black | BW 85 Sire: Profit Dam: MESS Packer(Prebred Red Angus) Registered Half Blood Simmental

Full Brother to the great Lot 6 Red Bull in the sale, this cool built Half Blood Simmy has the ability to really change a set of cows. The genetic punch from the Red Angus on the bottom side of his pedigree is very unique and rare in the Simmental business, and overall design, soundness, mass and hip shape this cool looking calf possesses, only makes the total package even more valuable. Take a second or third look at this exciting young prospect on Sale Day, he has changed more than any bull in the sale in the past 30 days.

Lo t 49 Vanhove Merli n 2 5 0 9 Vanhove | February 2017 | Black Star Faced | BW 90 Sire: Merlin(Whizard x Irish Whiskey) Dam: 929 Tyson x Strictly Business Here maybe the sleeper of the entire offering. A little more greener than the rest, this calf is out of one of the truly powerhouse females in the program, this 929 Tyson female is


so big middled, sound and powerful, this great son of Merlin has the ability to be one great breeding bull. So well designed, ultra sound in his skeletal makeup from the ground up, and what a long, cool neck and head. Give this one some time and you will be glad you purchased this genetic package sale day. DAM OF LOT 43 & 49 Owned with Brad Otto

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2018 Lot 50 Vanhove Merlin 003

Lot 51 V a n hov e Ma tern a l Made B424

Vanhov e | Ma r ch 2017 | Bla c k Ba ld y | BW 80 S ire: M er l i n (Whi z ard x Iris h Wh is k e y) Dam: N ew Edi ti o n

Vanhove | March 2017 | Black Sire: Made For You Dam: Powerline x Macho

This super designed young Whizard grandson should of been pictured, we just couldn’t picture them all due to the extreme weather we had in early January, but this calf has it all. Body, soundness, shape and look. Take a few minutes and study this ones structure and design on sale day, these Merlin’s are great breeding bulls.

Heifer bull buyers gather around, here is a true heifer bull with a 76 pound birthweight, that will impress you with his overall look, structure and design. B424’s dam is one impressive Powerline x Macho female that flat gets the job done every year. don’t overlook this bull Sale Day.

| BW 76

Lo t 52 Sojka P rimo 1 4 0 0 Sojka | March | Black | BW 79 Sire: Colburns Primo Dam: By Product/ Lut Breed: PB Angus

This Primo son is an absolute stand out in terms of balance, style and extra power. His mother is made like a donor matron. Perfect udder quality. Take a hard look at this one sale day.


Lo t 53 Sojka Classen 12 4 7 Sojka | March | Black | BW 89 Sire: EXAR Classen 1422B Dam: SAV Hercules PB Angus

This one has the WOW factor! Up headed with a great neck/ shoulder set and absolutely explosive hip and top line. This one will have many friends on sale day.




Lo t 54 Sojka I nsight 1 2 6 7 Sojka | March | Black | BW 80 Sire: PVF Insight Dam: SAV Hercules PB Angus

I like all the angels of this one! Great legs in a longer smoother package. He has the modern-day show look that everyone’s after. His mother is one of the best looking Angus cows we own!


LO T 55 S ojka Gu yman 8 1 0 Sojka | March | Black | BW 84 Sire: Guyman Dam: Sooner/ Angus 3/4 Angus, 1/4 Maine

It’s hard to find a Maine Angus Bull with both attributes of commercial growth and show quality. This Guyman bull is perfect hipped and level spined. He also has a great set of feet and legs under him. I can wait to see the daughter’s out of this bull.


Lo t 56 S o j ka Pri mo 8 55 So jk a | L a te F ebruary | Black Brockle | BW 83 Sire : Co lb u rn s Primo Da m : M e ye r Ra nch 734 / N bar EXT 3/4 Ang u s , 1/4 Simm

This baldie bull calf fits the bill, he has great presence about him. Clean fronted with no chest and big swooping bodied. I like this one a great deal. His EXT Grandmother is one of the best Angus cows I’ve ever seen. Count on generations of quality breeding!



Lo t 57 C ores P ilgrim 7 3 4 E Boyert-Core | 3/4/17 | Black | BW 80 Sire: Pilgrim Dam:Who Made Who Registered Halfblood Simmental # 3364802

Here is a great opportunity to grab ahold of a powerful built, big bodied sound bull with an elite pedigree. Being long term fans of the Harrietta cow we took the opportunity at Embryos on Snow and purchased a set of embryos out of her and Pilgrim. That pedigree intrigued us and as you can see it didn’t disappoint. We kept back a full sister at home because we know the value in predictable genetics when trying to produce highly sought after cattle.

Lo t 58 Cores S tyle Ca k e Boyert-Core | 1/19/17 | Black | BW 87 Sire: Silveiras Style Dam: Donor Cow “Cake” (Thriller) Registered Mainetainer # 487615

This awesome looking, wide middled, big topped bull has been an attention getter since he was born. His mother is out of the famous “cake” cow from Swanson’s and besides hanging a banner as Supreme Female at Aksarben she has really made it work as a donor cow with many successful offspring including the second high selling bull in the Maine sale in Denver and the Champion Maintainer Heifer at the 2017 Hoosier Beef Congress. There is not a hotter bull in the show heifer industry than Style making 708E genetically impressive on both sides of the pedigree.

Thank you

! e l a s r u o g n i t r o p p u s r fo 26

VANHOVE 45041 227th St Madison, SD 57042





S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 0, 2 0 1 8



2:00 PM CT

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