2020-21 State ffa officers Officer • Chapter Justin Eddy • Columbia President Mackenzie Porter • Archie 1st Vice President Jenna Perry • Liberal Secretary Vice Presidents Rachel Holt • Chillicothe Anna Milazzo • Grundy Co. Erin Heinecke • Paris Lauryn Robnett • Audrain Co. R-VI Colin Wilburn • Van Far Kiersten Helm • Lexington Kaylee Lower • Weaubleau Cade Shepherd • Mt. Vernon Felicity Cantrell • Seymour Lauren Gilbert • Chadwick Dakota Pemberton • Richland Madison Moll • Perryville Ricanna Spargo • Naylor State Officer Mentor Kensie Darst • Aurora Department of Elem. & Sec. Education P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (573) 751-3544. District Supervisors: Leon Busdieker, Marie Davis, Keith Dietzschold, Lisa Evans, David Higgins & Jim Spencer. Missouri FFA Association Joann Pipkin, Director of Communications Email: joann.pipkin@missouriffa.org Phone: (417) 827-2756
s we head into the winter months of 2020, I want to take a quick moment and congratulate our very own former Missouri FFA President Paxton Dahmer on his election as the 2020-2021 National FFA Central Regional Vice-President! His election occurred during the 93rd National FFA Convention at the end of October. I spoke with Paxton after his election, and he told me that serving as a national officer has been a goal of his since he met Shae Booster, a National FFA Officer at the time, when he attended the Missouri FFA Convention. Our conversation prompted me to think about the goals we set now that we want to achieve by then end of our high school career. Where do we see ourselves in five years? How about in 10 years? If you asked me these questions a few months ago, I would have told you that I had no idea, and that I didn’t even know what I was going to have for dinner that night. But after I spent some time reflecting on those questions, I realized that I did, in fact, know where I wanted to see myself. I just needed to look a little deeper than I was originally.
Now, I know that goal setting can be hard and uncomfortable. It is not easy to sit down and write out where we want to see ourselves in the future. But when we do, those visions become reality. Those dreams become real. Those unachievable tasks become achievable results. I challenge all of us to take just five minutes and reflect on where we want to see ourselves in five years. Take out a notecard, a piece of paper, or open a note on your phone and spend a little time reflecting. I promise you, when we are able to identify goals, we will be much more capable of reaching them. Let’s set our goals today so that we can achieve our dreams tomorrow! I hope this holiday season will bring joy, happiness and health to all of us!
Missouri FFA President Justin Eddy works with Weaubleau FFA first-year members during a Greenhand Motivational Conference. Greenhand FFA members were identifying opportunities in FFA and setting goals for their time in the organization.
Brandelyn Martin Twellman, Social Media Manager Email: brandelyn.twellman@missouriffa.org The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to department programs and to the location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Director of Civil Rights Compliance and MOA Coordinator (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/ADAAA/ Age Act/GINA/USDA Title VI), 5th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480; telephone number 573-526-4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email civilrights@dese.mo.gov.