Montreal Web Design & SEO Portfolio

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Web Development & SEO portfolio

WebDevelopment & SEO portfolio tel: (514) 679-9166


The following are examples of the comp plete website cycle: c initial cliient consultatio on, content ma anagement, weebsite S, some PHP pro ogramming & Internet Markketing (Google Adwords A camp paigns, Social Media M design, HTTML, Flash, CSS, managemeent & SEO)…

Montreeal based com mpany webssites:

ALB INDU USTRIES Ltd. - platform/tecchnology: Wordpress CMS (p php, HTML, CSSS, java)

SEO: bilinggual SEO (Engliish & French) Google TOP 10: “Montreeal office furnitture manufactu urer”, “laminatte office furniture any more keyphrases Montreal” + French equivvalents and ma

APEX Ma aintenance Ltd. – platform/teechnology: (HT TML, CSS, Flash h, java)

ngual SEO (Eng glish & French) SEO: bilin Google TO OP 10: “Montreal cleaning co ompany”, “mon ntreal cleaning g services” + Frrench equivalents and many more m keyphrasees

JDM PRESTIGE Memorabilia - ww platform/tecchnology: Word dpress CMS (ph hp, HTML, CSS, S, java)

SEO: bilinggual SEO (English & French) Google TOP 10: “Montreal sports memorabilia”, “montreal canadieens e and d many more keyphrases k memorabillia” + French equivalents

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

ALDUS Communica C tions – www platform/ttechnology: Wo ordpress CMS (php, ( HTML, CSSS, java)

glish, Spanish & French) SEO: trilingual SEO (Eng TO 10: “Montrreal certified trranslation”, “m montreal docum ment translatio on” + Google TOP French & Spanish equiva alents and many more keyph hrases

Satellite Sites (SEO Networking) garytranslation m - www.calg - www.otta awatranslation m - www.toro ontotranslation m - wyorktranslatio om

Il Marrtini Restaurrant – www a platform m/technology: Wordpress W CMSS (php, HTML, CSS, java)

nglish & French) SEO: biilingual SEO (En Google TOP 10: “Gasttronomie Médiiterranéenne “

D – ww Montreeal Custom Design platform//technology: Wordpress W CMS (php, HTML, CSS, C java)

SEO: biliingual SEO (En nglish & French h) Google TOP T 10: “Monttreal custom fu urniture”, “Montreal furniturre design”

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

Lexisys ystem Inc – www.lexisyst w platform m/technology: (H HTML, CSS, Fla ash, java)

SEO: biilingual SEO (EEnglish & Frencch) Googlee TOP 10: “Mon ntreal language training”, “m montreal language courses” + French equivalents an nd many more keyphrases

BAR Exxxotica – ww ww.barexxxo platform m/technology: Wordpress W CMSS (php, HTML, CSS, C Flash, java a)

nglish & French h) SEO: biilingual SEO (En Google TOP 10: “Mon ntreal strip club b”, “montreal nude n dancers” + French ases equivaleents and manyy more keyphra

Expresss Office Direct – platform//technology: Wo ordpress CMS (php, HTML, CSSS, java)

nglish) SEO: (En Google TOP T 10: “directt office furniturre Canada + many more keyp phrases”

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

JDM Co onsultation Inc. – www.menegakis.cca platform//technology: Wordpress W CMS (php, HTML, CSS, C java)

nglish & French h) SEO: billingual SEO (En Google TOP T 10: “Monttreal accounta ant”, “montreall tax expert” + French equiva alents

Maria age & Musique Inc. – ww ww.mariageeetmusique.ccom platform m/technology: (H HTML, CSS, Fla ash, java)

SEO: biilingual SEO (EEnglish & Frencch) Googlee TOP 10: “Mon ntreal notary”, “montreal weedding servicess” + French equivallents and manyy more keyphra ases

EXSEEL Office Equ uipment – www.exseloff w platform m/technology: (HTML, CSS, Fllash, java)

b SEO (EEnglish & French) SEO: bilingual Googlee TOP 10: “Mo ontreal office fu urniture”, “montreal office su upplies” + Fren nch equiva alents + many more m keyphrasses

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

SOLU--MED Inc. - www.solumed w

* site in development

platform m/technology: Wordpress W CMSS (php, HTML, CSS, java)

SEO: biilingual SEO (English & French) Google TOP 10: “Mon ntreal medical equipment” + French equivallents

Entrettien Miraclee Ltd. – www w.entretienm platform m/technology: (HTML, ( CSS, Fla ash, java)

b SEO (EEnglish & Frencch) SEO: bilingual Googlee TOP 10: “com mpagnie nettoyyage Montreal”, “services netttoyage montrreal” + English h equivalents

Bouzo ouki Montreeal – www.b bouzoukimon platforrm/technology: Wordpress CM MS (php, HTML,, CSS, Flash, java)

b SEO (English ( & Greeek) SEO: bilingual Googlle TOP 10: “Mo ontreal bouzou uki lessons”, “m montreal bouzo ouki teacher” + Greek equivalents an nd many more keyphrases

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ail:: ema

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

Ceciliia Fasola - www.spanish w m platforrm/technology: (HTML, CSS, Fllash, java)

b SEO (English ( & Fren nch) SEO: bilingual Googlle TOP 10: “Mo ontreal spanish h translator”, “montreal “ span nish translation n” + French h equivalents and a many moree keyphrases

Groupe GE Nation nales Ltd. – www.groupe w platform m/technology: (H HTML, CSS, Fla ash, java)

nglish & French) SEO: biilingual SEO (En Google TOP 10: “Mon ntreal cleaning company”, “m montreal buildiing maintenancce” + e an nd many more keyphrases French equivalents

Remo orquage AB Montreal M – www.remorrquageabmo platform m/technology: Wordpress W CM MS (php, HTML, CSS, Flash, javva)

b SEO (EEnglish & Frencch) SEO: bilingual Googlee TOP 10: “Montreal towing services”, s “scra ap metal Monttreal” + French h equivalents and many more keyphrrases

N Satelliite Sites (SEO Networking) - www w.recyclingmon - www - www w.scrapmetalm

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

other projects:

2 SO OLITUDES - www.2solitu w platforrm/technology: (Interpsire Artticle Manage CMS, C PHP, HTM ML, CSS, Flash, java) j

b SEO (English ( & Fren nch) SEO: bilingual Googlle TOP 10: “Mo ontreal commu unity magazinee”, “montreal writers” w + French equiva alents and man ny more keyphrases

Polittical Speechees – www.po platform/technology: Wordpress CM MS (php, HTMLL, CSS, Flash, ja ava)

SEO: (English) gle TOP 10: “po olitical speechees”, “famous po olitical speechees” and many more m Goog keyph hrases

LAND DYVISION In nc. – platfo orm/technology:: (HTML, CSS, Flash, F java)

SEO: (English) gle TOP 10: “Bo ob Dylan photo os”, “Janis Jopllin photos”, “W Woodstock photos”, Goog “Jimi Hendrix photo os”, “Civil Rightts photos” + 100’s more keyp phrases

Satelllite Sites (SEO Networking) w.bobdylanpho - www - www w.jimihendrixph - www - www w.woodstockph - www w.janisjoplinpho - www w.vanmorrisonp

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ail:: ema

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

Tab ble Mannerss Video – ww platfform/technologyy: (HTML, CSS,, Flash, java)

SEO O: (English) Goo ogle TOP 10: “ttable manners for children”, “table mannerrs video”…

MOSTHENISS – www.dim mosthenis.8m DIM plattform/technolog gy: (HTML, CSS S, Flash, java)

SEO O: (English) Goo ogle TOP 10: “Montreal “ Greeek musician”…

Byyron Prior – www.byronp w

(*non proffit)

platform/technolog gy: Wordpresss CMS (php, HT TML, CSS, Flash h, java)

SEO O: (English) Go oogle TOP 10: “Byron “ Prior”… …

BOBBY ZIIMALIS tel: 514-6 679-9166

ema ail::

Web Development D t & SEO Portf tfolio

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