Montreal Times 24 28 February 9 2019

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Circus Cabaret performed inside a church - Page 3 Saturday, February 9, 2019

Vol. 24 No. 28

Bogdan Calita

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Montreal Times reporter Alyssa de Rosa taking a bite into this year's La Poutine Week.


Will pets of the future be replaced by robots and clones?

t might be hard to imagine that 'Man's Best Friend' of the future may not be the warm and cuddly, flesh and blood mammal which has stood by his/her side for over 30,000 years - but in-

By Bonnie Wurst

stead be replicated as a robot made of metal and plastic with artificial intelligence, facialrecognition technology and the ability to develop its own personality. One does not really need to imagine it, because robotic pets are already here and they are only going to become more sophisti-

cated over time. Do you remember the toy puppy that could walk, sit, flip over and bark, that became popular several years ago? Well, move over Rover there's a new internetconnected dog interfacing with its audience now. Several other robotic pet models are also on the market - there are robot cats, birds, mice, hamsters, monkeys and more. One of the most popular robotic pets available right now is Sony's Aibo robot puppy, a more advanced version of the one first introduced in China. It is now available for purchase in the U.S. for just under $3000. It doesn't need food, but it will need its energy charged - and your new 'puppy' won't come home with you in a pet carrier, instead your Aibo puppy will be delivered in a box. Once you take it out of the packaging and start charging it, it will start 'winking its

eyes', 'shaking its body' and 'raise its paw in greeting' and start barking. It’s autonomous and will wander around your home on its own, as the technology lets it detect obstacles and map its environment. It will even learn to interact more often with the person in your home who pets it the most. It

Homes for sale! Homes for sale!

Sony Aibo Robotic Puppy won't need visits the veterinarian, but it can keep a record of what it experiences and download new tricks from the cloud. It seems bizarre to say the least, but there are some positive aspects to having a robotic pet. It might be a good substitute for people allergic to real animals or for those living alone who have physical challenges. Robotic cats have already

shown benefits for the elderly who are dealing with dementia or those living in long-term care facilities. Caregivers have seen a significant reduction in agitation and anxiety through playing and talking with their 'pet cat'.There are many other potential areas where robotic pets will prove to have positive effects and there is a numerous and growing industry forging ahead with ad-

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vanced technology even working towards making them 'feel' real. But will they ever really replace a real pet? Which brings us to the next subject - the cloning of our beloved pets with an exact DNA replica. The cloning of a mammal became real when in 1996, scientists successfully cloned a sheep they named 'Dolly'. From there they moved forward cloning other animals like rabbits, goats, pigs and cats. People form deep bonds with their pets and when they die, the loss and grief can be devastating. And if you have $50,000 to clone a dog or $25,000 to clone a cat, the idea of reproducing an exact replica of your beloved pet is more than appealing - but one must realize it is just the physical aspect that is replicated and therefore not really one's pet brought back to life. Just recently, Barbra Streisand surprised many people by letting them know two of her three dogs had been cloned from cells taken from her recently deceased dog, Samantha. She was devastated by her loss and wanted to keep a part of her alive, but was very well aware that it was not Samantha 'reborn'. There are many moral questions and concerns involved with whole idea and process of cloning - and as far as robotic pets go, can they really replace the natural bonds formed with our flesh and blood friends?

February 28, 2019

Lauren Marks Vesely



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February 9, 2019 •

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West Island REM stations need more parking spots


hen the REM (light-rail transit) system was first announced, West Island commuters rejoiced as

By Bonnie Wurst

they were finally going to have access to a viable system offering them effi-

cient and reliable transportation across the island - something the municipalities have been wanting for years, if not decades. They were going to be able to avoid the hours upon hours spent in traffic in their cars or the long haul of connecting bus, train and metro systems to get to work, school or appointments in the city - a city they contribute to greatly. After dropping off their children at daycare centres or schools they would be able to simply park at one of the six West Island REM stations and travel REM stations under construction into town in less time But after all the prom- seems as if they have no than it ever took before - day, often even longer beises, the REM is not com- idea how the West Island cause of having to run errepeating the pattern in ing through with the most is set up or they have rands. reverse at the end of the essential thing needed to never set foot in the area. accommodate the many Just to get to a bus stop potential users of the sys- located on one of the tem; enough parking spots main streets is often far for their cars at the sta- away from the residential tions. areas where people live For some reason REM far enough that the officials think people in venience and time it 3737 St-Jacques, Suite C104 the West Island will leave would take to get finally their cars at home then get to a REM station Montreal, Qc. H4C 1H3 simply grab a bus, with makes no sense at all. children, backpacks and Most residents will opt bags in tow, do the rounds out of using the new sysand then grab another tem and stick to their bus to the closest REM cars. station to get to work or Parking lots are now in appointments. It almost question for the KIRK-

LAND station, it was originally supposed to have around 1800 spots - and the POINTE CLAIRE station at Fairview was to have 650 parking spaces, but that number is apparently being reduced. Station DES SOURCES is supposed to have a parking lot with approximately 500 spaces and Station SAINT-ANNE-DE-BELLEVUE with around 200 spaces. But it is still unclear exactly how many parking spots will be available as nothing has been fully confirmed. At the PIERREFONDS-ROXBORO and SUNNYBROOKE stations, REM users are supposed to be able to park their cars in the existing parking spaces for the DeuxMontagnes train line - but given the changes and confusion to date nothing is sure or if it is even enough. So far the answers being given to these questions and uncertainties are that 'bus networks will be revised to optimize feeder service to REM’s stations' - short of inspiring any confidence that things will be done right for West Island commuters for once and for always.

Free Report Reveals How to Avoid Getting Stuck Owning Two Homes

MONTREAL - West Island - Every month, thousands of homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first.You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up homeless. It's what insiders in the industry call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it's an extremely anxious position to find yourself in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament. But one local realtor is using a unique Guaranteed Sale Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one. If your home doesn't sell in 120 days, they will buy it from you themselves for the previously agreed price ensuring that you never get caught in the Real Estate • February 9, 2019

Catch 22. Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job for you. When interviewing agents, find out what kind of guarantee they are willing to give you with respect to the selling of your home. Unfortunately, you'll find that most agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled "How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Two Homes". To order a FREE Special Report, visit or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-727-7105 and enter 3005. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how to guarantee the cash sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright [C] {2017



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First Black History Month coin to Viola Desmond

n celebration of Black History Month, the Royal Canadian Mint is proud to announce that its very first Black History Month coin pays tribute to Canadian civil rights pioneer, Viola Desmond. In 1946 Ms. Desmond was ar-

rested and later tried after refusing to sit in a segregated area of a New Glasgow, Nova Scotia movie theatre. It became a catalyst for equal rights in Canada. Ms. Desmond’s exceptional legacy is now preserved on a 99.99%

pure silver coin To see more please visit: -desmond/

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New state-of-the-art Maison de Radio-Canada building

ohnson Controls is working with Broccolini Construction and Broccolini Investments, through its subsidiary, La Société en Commandite La Nouvelle Maison, to create a New state-of-the-art Maison de



and media environment. To see more please visit: r e a l / s o c i a l life/technology/new-state-ofthe-art-maison-de-radiocanada-building/

Stricter advertising rules to tackle youth vaping

he Canadian market for vaping is evolving rapidly, and emerging evidence suggests that youth uptake of vaping prod-

Radio-Canada building in Montreal that will house the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)/Radio-Canada. Through a long-term lease, the new building will help meet the CBC/RadioCanada’s needs in today’s digital

ucts is on the rise. Health Canada is taking action to address this troublesome trend. To see more please visit: uth-vaping/ February 9, 2019 •


Extreme weather could be here to stay - are you ready?

weather. According to experts in this field, the instability of it all could be here to stay and the extreme weather patterns we have been experiencing will influence how we live, breathe and do things. It has been predicted for some time by renowned scientists and climatologists around the globe, who have determined it is being caused by the actions of humans creating a 'greenhouse effect' on this planet and they put it under the 'umbrella' words of Climate Change. There are people who believe it is real and there are those who believe it is all nonsense and just the natural order of By Bonnie Wurst things where the earth is just experiencing the ginning of another 'ice tongues with ease. During age'.The latter being good the summer we now mas- news, as it will take at ter the buzzwords: heat- least thousands of years wave, hurricane, typhoon, to take a significant effect. tornado, heat lightning, In the meantime, it has ball lightning, microburst been so cold here that a and humidex factor. Long rapid freeze along the St. river between and short range forecasts, Lawrence Trois-Rivières and Les Eslow or high-pressure sys- coumins during the last tems, it all comes down to week of January, held ten two words - extreme ships from moving on. he words 'Polar Vortex' have now become a regular part of our winter weather-related vocabulary, along with freezing drizzle, pellets or rain. Other words like whiteout, snow squall, frost quake, black ice and wind chill factor, slip off our

the beginning of January 2019, which is more than double the average amount. In a CTV News report, meteorologist Alexandre Parent said, "Temperatures are fluctuating remarkably for this time of year." And then concerning the icy conditions that went with it he said, "This is consistent with climate change science: we will continue to experience more freezing/thawing events." He further states that 'governments will have to adapt as well - especially when it comes to urban planning'. "They have to make serious renovations, and in the structure they think more and more about how the weather is going to affect them… it's the same thing as when we had heat events in the They were effectively with cold air from above Key Lake, Saskatchewan summer (we need) more trapped at port as Cana- the Arctic Circle last beat it all with a tempera- green areas, less asphalt dian Coast Guard ice- week. Winnipeg hit a low ture reaching over -47C. and black surfaces." It breakers worked hard to of -39.8C with a -52C While in Vancouver BC, seems that the extreme force open a channel wind chill. To put it into temperatures last week weather is likely here to through a massive ice jam. perspective, the North were as high as +8C and stay. Are you ready to Eight ships were also held Pole reached around - never went below freez- change your ways and at the Port of Montreal. 32C. Siberia on the other ing except for one night adapt? Or will you simply Prairie provinces, Mani- hand, which has the cold- when it reached -2C at continue along with nary toba and Saskatchewan est temperatures on this night. a worry, seeing as you recorded the coldest planet, reached temperaEnvironment Canada won't be around as the temperatures in the coun- tures hovering around - stats show that Montreal next ice age takes hold of try when they were hit 15C to -23C. However, had nine days of rain since the planet?

Montreal’s favourite place for Spare-Ribs and Chicken

• February 9, 2019


Who really wants driverless cars? Opinion

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Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pierrefonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island



(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Alyssa De Rosa • Kieron Yates • Catherine Maisonneuve • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • John Symon


General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.

David Sebag


was describing how her dryer is a “smart” appliances and supposed to sense how much moisture is left in her laundry, but never gets this right. Similarly, when driving with a friend once, his GPS insisted that we drive North get to a town that was in fact East of us. We had to turn off the GPS and rely on a road map to get to our destination. Who on Earth wants this same “smart” technology whisking us along at 100kmh or faster?? Riding a bicycle, I was nearly run off the road once by a driver relying on his GPS. A bad road surBy John Symon face forced me closer to the centre of the road and his GPS was programmed to stay right of the centre are racing to be among the line, no matter what. It first with this new technol- took some loud yelling on ogy. I kept wondering, my part to get the driver what is the point? What do to alter course.The centre we need “smart” cars for? line, by the way, is only The main trouble with there as a general recom“smart” appliances is that mendation and can be they are so complicated, it crossed in many circumis impossible to fix them stances. when something goes Perhaps Google is doing wrong. Recently a friend tests with driverless cars attended a recent talk where a prominent local politician extolled the benefits of driverless cars. Apparently all major car manufacturers

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Self-driving cars by Goggle in California, but Montreal does not get the same weather as San Francisco. We get snow, sleet, slush, and freezing rain in great quantities here. Will the driverless car sensors work in Montreal weather? I have seen tire ads with the slogan: “you have a lot riding on your tires.” It seems we will be having much more riding on our driverless car software. Can we really trust it? Software, by the way, is perhaps the consumer product where it is easiest to hide manufacturers' defects. Consumers, if they survive the road incident, can always telephone the product support number, but will probably somehow be told the situation was their fault.And it is impossible to test the software for all possible scenarios. Can somebody please explain what is wrong with actual people driving cars? That is what we've been doing since gasoline cars were invented in 1886 and so far, it has worked fairly


well. Despite all kinds of bad driving behaviour being fairly rampant, serious accidents are on a pronounced downward trend. Seat-belts, airbags, better overall vehicle design, better legislation, better awareness and better enforcement have all contributed to the improvements. According to security watchdogs, one segment that welcomes the advent of driverless cars with open arms is terrorist organizations. You have to take pity on ISIS; some days it must be difficult to recruit drivers for suicide bombing runs! With driverless cars, there are no more worries. The bombs can be packed inside and the car simply programmed to go to the nearest U.S.Army barracks

or to 24 Sussex Drive or wherever. A cell phone call detonator or a timer would do the rest... My concerns are similar about the proposed driverless REM trains: what would happen if there were a vehicle malfunction or a health emergency aboard? When moving thousands of people, things need to be planned to make provisions for emergencies instead of relying on wishful thinking! As the old adage goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Let's apply this wisdom to keep people in control of cars and trucks. Please leave your comments at the bottom of the article on our website. Please clcik the link below:

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by e-mail

Answer is online Saturday, Feb. 9 page 25 February 9, 2019 •


Le Monastère moves to a new big top, with year-round (FINALLY!) Circus Cabaret performed inside a church!

he time has finally come for us to announce the relocation of Le Monastère’s circus cabaret to St Jax Montreal (1439 Ste-Catherine Street West). This beautiful, centrally located 19thcentury church is as symbolic for our organization as it is for the city at large, which will now get to enjoy more varied cultural programming all year round. “St Jax Montreal offers us a breathtakingly beautiful and completely distinctive venue, where circus performances can take place in a more intimate setting, allowing both our local public and international visitors to admire performers who are at the top of their art form, in the heart of the circus capital of the world,” according to Guillaume Blais and Rosalie Beauchamp, Le Monastère’s co-founders. Montreal is home to modern-day circus' best renowned performers. One need only think of the artists who took part in Quebec’s circus renaissance; at Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Éloize, les 7 doigts de la main and Cirque Alfonse; where iconic, neverbefore-seen numbers forever altered the nature of their discipline. Le Monastère has made it its duty to feature the brightest stars of this living art form—winners of international competitions such as those of Monte Carlo and Cirque de Demain, as well of graduates of Quebec’s internationally renowned circus schools—in a pared down setting, free from the distraction of extravagant stage direction. In two short years, Le Monastère has captured the atten-

• February 9, 2019

ture in the premiere, audiences can also expect the aerial strap stylings of Guillaume Paquin and Nicole Faubert. Both are rising stars of the circus world, and will participate in the upcoming prestigious Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain, in Paris. The evening’s tone will be set by Montrealbased Give, who will lend a soulful touch to the atmosphere while audiences settle in with a drink, and the proceedings will continue into the wee hours, with DJ Guillaume Biron at the decks. 2019 Events Calendar Shows are slated for the months of February, April, May, July, August, October, November and December. St Jax Montreal offers us a breathtakingly beautiful and completely distinctive venue To find out about the exact dates or to know tion of a broad audience, tral stage, a bar, stage-ad- Soleil’s “Bazaar” show. more about the cabarets thanks in no small part to jacent tables and full serv- Matthew Richardson, being presented, please its unusual circus-focused ice, highlighting local renowned circus per- visit the website: programming: Each and products, at a very rea- former and LGBT com every production—ten of sonable price of admis- munity activist will join us them, this year alone—is sion (starting at $30). Its for the evening, and numAbout Le Monastère absolutely unique, to festive ambiance, where bering among the many Circus-Cabaret allow our audience to artists and audience can performers who will feacontinually discover new mingle after the main percontent. formance, creates a singuThe cabaret formula larly pleasant atmosphere. which is favoured by Le Cabaret Le Monastère is Monastère borrows heav- still at its pilot phase, and ily from the performance we intend to tap into its style which was born in full, exportable potential, 1881 at Montmartre’s with shows traveling to “Chat Noir,” and then the other Canadian took off in Berlin, around provinces, starting with 1901, with the “Über- Ontario, as soon as 2020. bretti,” which distracted Its Valentine’s Day prethe city’s population dur- miere on February 14th, ing the war-time, while with a repeat performalso serving as a political ance on the 15th, will propaganda platform. stage a cabaret where, as Now far removed from in love, diversity reigns these origins, Le supreme. Audiences will Monastère nonetheless delight in the performfavours diversity and min- ance of internationally acimalism. It is a stage where claimed feminine trapeze artists can perform their duo, Evelyne and Shannon, creations in an intimate, who having already won fully immersive, context. several notable accolades, The venue includes a cen- now feature in Cirque du

Founded in 2016 by Rosalie Beauchamp and Guillaume Blais, Le Monastère is a nonprofit organization whose chosen mission is to promote both the circus arts and the city of Montreal on the international stage. Its founders, both artists who have extensively travelled the world performing with Cirque du Soleil and major German performance troupes, believe that it is of the utmost importance to present new ways for culturally savvy audiences to appreciate this art form. The cabaret formula which is favoured by Le Monastère promotes the discovery (and rediscovery) of talented artists in a warm, casual atmosphere. Taking its cues from European cabarets, Le Monastère’s artistic vision has made it a priority to foster home-grown talent. Its intimate soirées are now elevated by its new settings, in the exceptional performance space offered by St Jax Montreal. This never-beforeseen formula will render high-end performances more accessible to all.


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pilot project which began in May of 2016 and ended in April of 2017, had 78 SPVM officers testing out 'Axon Body 2' body cameras while on patrol - but it seems even though most citizens who were stopped during that time didn't mind being recorded, the police are seeing it quite differently. According to a report submitted on January 29th to Montreal city council, close to 90% of the officers simply don't want them.



In the report (now up on the SPVM's website), two-thirds of the officers who took part in the project said the body cameras would 'de-personalize their interactions with citizens' and 89% felt like they were being monitored. The report also concluded that the body cameras had 'little impact on interventions, present logistical challenges' and 'left most officers who had to wear them feeling as if they're under surveillance'. Other concerns were that they were too


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trust between the police and the citizen and ensure the safety of police'. The report also adds that outfitting all 3,000 patrol officers with the body cameras would cost $17.4 million over five years and deploying the cameras would create additional labour costs that would be around $20 million a year in order to hire 200 additional officers because of the time it takes to process all the information collected on video.

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heavy, expensive, had limited benefits and that having to manually activate the camera in an emergency or in a dangerous situation presented an unnecessary logistical challenge. They claimed officers spent 'more time reviewing camera footage and adding information from it to their reports and that's time that could be spent on patrol' and that 'the project did not unequivocally demonstrate that portable cameras promote the transparency of police interventions, strengthen

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SPVM officers say no to body cameras

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February 9, 2019 •

Bell Lets Talk makes a hefty donation to help the homeless and support mental health

PRISM, a program designed to help the homeless and support their mental health just got a substantial cash injection thanks to Bell Canada. Bell Let’s Talk 2019 recently donated $300,000 to three homeless shelters in Montreal: Accueil Bonneau, Welcome Hall Mis-

awareness about mental health while combating the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. “Bell Let’s Talk is proud to partner with these fantastic organizations to improve mental health services for homeless people in Montreal,” Turcotte said. “By joining forces, Accueil Bonneau, Welcome Hall Mission, and the Old Brewery Mission, together with the CIUSSS, are creating a model for innovative mental health care that will make such a difference for some of the most vulnerable in our community.” The three offer a wide range of emergency, transition, health, and housing programs helping thousands By Deborah Rankin of men and women in Montreal to rebuild their lives. sion, and the Old Brewery It's no secret that Mission. Martine Turcotte, homelessness and mental Bell’s Vice Chair Quebec, health problems often go and Montreal Mayor Va- hand-in-hand. The objeclerie Plante announced tive of PRISM is to prothe donation at the Old vide sustained access to Brewery Mission down- mental health care for town to mark Bell Let’s homeless people with seTalk Day an annual social vere mental illness. This media event that raises requires an ongoing com-

public and private sectors.” PRISM supports homeless men and women diagnosed with severe mental disorders with transitional housing for 6 to 8 weeks, during which they receive care from a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, nurses and social workers from CIUSSS, as well as community advisors and support workers. The focus is on improving the participants’ mental health From left to right, front row: Sam Watts, CEO and Executive as a starting point to reinDirector of Welcome Hall Mission, Montreal Mayor Valérie tegrate into society bePlante, Martine Turcotte, Bell’s Vice Chair Québec, Eric Mald- fore they can access off, Chair, Board of Directors of the Old Brewery Mission, stable and affordable Matthew Pearce, President and CEO of the Old Brewery housing. PRISM provides Mission. From left to right, back row: Cyril Morgan, Chair, 42 beds across the 3 orBoard of Directors of Welcome Hall Mission, Aubin ganizations, including 10 Boudreau, Executive Director of Accueil Bonneau and Dr. beds for women at the Old Brewery Mission’s PaOlivier Farmer, Psychiatrist at Notre-Dame Hospital. tricia Mackenzie Pavilion. mitment and adequate fi- zations which have devel“Before PRISM was nancial and human re- oped critical expertise in launched in 2013 as a pilot sources. Without a helping the homeless,” project at the Old Brewpermanent structure to Mayor Plante said. “To ery Mission, homeless assess, treat, and monitor adapt services to the spe- people with debilitating the mental health of cific needs of those suffer- mental health issues were homeless individuals who ing from mental illness, we systematically neglected,” seek temporary refuge in need more innovative, said Dr. Olivier Farmer, a shelters they are likely to partnership-based proj- psychiatrist at Hôpital end up back on the street. ects like PRISM that bring Notre-Dame and co“I would like to thank together stakeholders founder of the project. Bell for investing in Mon- from the community, the Now, she says, the rate of tréal’s community organi- municipalities and the participants moving into

stable housing is 60%, something she says its team of health care professionals and staff can be proud of. The partnership enables everybody to take better care of the homeless, to meet them where they are, providing a place where they are welcome and know they won’t be forgotten. “I would like to thank Bell Let’s Talk for supporting PRISM and its model of inter-sector collaboration,” said Matthew Pearce, President, and CEO of the Old Brewery Mission. “To adequately address the complex links between mental illness and homelessness, we need new approaches like PRISM that offers a promising new model." Bell Lets Talk has raised over 86.5 million dollars for various mental health initiatives around the country since its founding in 2010. Bell Canada is the largest telecommunications company in the country and is headquartered in Montreal.

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• February 9, 2019


A heartwarming Sun Youth fundraiser! Last chance to buy your tickets


ith this cold w i n t e r, warm-up the atmosphere and help those in need by celebrating Valentine's Day with Sun Youth on Tuesday, February 12th at the Robin Des Bois restaurant. This heartwarming event is the perfect culinary opportunity to spend a romantic evening, discover a new restaurant and make a good action this year, all in an atmosphere of solidarity. The profits will go towards Sun Youth’s Heating Assistance Program,

which provides support and financial help to lowincome families and individuals having difficulty paying their electricity and heating bills. On the menu: a gourmet and simple meal, an evening filled with love, great music provided by the Cadillac Music Band and many surprises. Once again this year, the meal will be served in a “to share” formula. Food will consist of a Dahl lentil soup and three main dishes to share: Fricassee of Grain Chicken, Mujaddara (Lebanese vegetarian meal) and Roasted veg-

etables from Quebec. To sweeten the deal, dessert will be an Intense Brownie 70% cocoa! The tickets are on sale now for $50 per person. To buy your tickets, look for the event on Sun Youth’s Facebook (@sunyouthorg), allowing you to pay your tickets through Eventbrite or write to This is an excellent Valentine’s Day gift idea for that special someone in your life. Hurry, the tickets are going fast!



Felt The Love

By Martha Shannon

hink about loving Felt this Valentines, along with yourself, family, friend, partner.The love of felt is unconditional. It gives back. Environmentally friendly, resilient, strong, clean and good for us. Wool is one of the most beautiful natural fibres. It is healing, antibacterial, antimicrobial, stain resistant, easy care, durable. Remnants of felt date back at least over 6500 years BC. Stories tell of traveller’s packing their sandals with wool fibers to help prevent painful blisters. By the journey’s end, they were wearing felted socks! It is said that Noah's Ark was lined with fleece and the combination of urine and the trampling animals left behind a felted wool carpet. But no worries. Water works well as the moisture. Moisture and friction on the wool fibers results in this felting ‘phenomenon’. Felting is used as a medium for expression in textile art and design, where it has significance as an ecological textile. Felted soaps are an example of a functional art. Treat a loved one or yourself to a felted wool soap. It

caresses, cleans, exfoliates, nourishes and loves you back. We select our natural, undyed, pure merino and alpaca from a farm in Ontario. We felt our soaps by hand, gently wrapping the fibres, spritzing, patting, dunking, matting. I work two soaps at a time, matting each against each other, initially wrapping each in nylon stockings to hold the fibres in. Heat and moisture (the water is warm to hot), and pressure are the key elements to the felting. The stockings are then removed and further caressing, rubbing, wetting the bars finalizes the felting. I love to massage each soap solo to finish.Voila. If you are a felter reading this, I am sure you have your own superb method. We learned by trial and error and combining various U -tube lessons. We offer only the natural coloured wools as we do not wish to use synthetic dyes. The hues are sheep and alpaca: browns, beiges, greys, black. We do not synthetically perfume’ any of our soaps. Our Merino Castile Coral has a slight essential oil of lime. The Alpaca Moringa has no scent at all. Both soaps are gentle, effective and appeal to all ages.

A great travel companion, especially to sandy beach destinations. A felted soap is the perfect exfoliator. Select a natural soapstone dish to accompany the soap. A perfect match: Soap and Stone. Alternatives to natural Earth to Body felted soaps? Check online. There are many fun smelling and colourful dyed wool felted soaps for sale. Quite creative. Maybe not all natural, but fun. Or if time allows, felt your own! If you visit our shop or order online this Perfect Match: Soap and Stone, we will toss in a lip balm for you. Free. A perfect Valentine's kiss. Offer good ‘till Valentines.

We stand behind our products.We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter.Visit our store:‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC., H9R 2V1.

Happy Valentine’s Day


February 9, 2019 •


e all know winter gets harder every year and this year is no exception with freezing rain, snow and the mercury on the thermometer staying in the negative digits, day after day. Here is a fantastic place for you and your sweetheart or your family to visit and vacation. Nassau Bahamas, only three and a half hours away and more importantly the Meliá Nassau Beach all-inclusive resort is situated on the beautiful white sandy Cable beach. Cable beach is world famous for its fabulous sand and crystal waters and for the myriad upscale resorts that line it. Meliá Nassau Beach all inclusive is where it’s at, turquoise ocean, white sands set on gorgeous Cable Beach in the Bahamas. Melia Nassau Beach is just a few miles west of Nassau's downtown, accessible by public transit and taxi. Cable beach is approximately two and one-half miles of fabulous white sandy beach where the lovely Melia Nassau beach resort sits. While staying at the Meliá Nassau Beach resort you are steps away from a beautiful golf course, nightlife and the largest casino on the Island. It truly is an unlimited playground for adults and kids. The Meliá Nassau Beach resort is an all-inclusive and the moment you arrive you are greeted with

Winter too hard?

Meliá Nassau Beach resort with three swimming pools, bars, Kid’s club located on Cable Beach, Nassau

Take a break at Meliá Nassau Beach!

Meliá Nassau Beach - The Level Reception The Level The Level Lounge is where you can find a cozy ambience and relaxing atMeliá Nassau Beach mosphere. Open daily Resort from 7 am - 9 pm. Level a warm Bahamian smile guests can experience the and a lovely refreshing Ba- benefits of: hama mama cocktail. • Continental Breakfast There are two check-in (7am - 11 am) areas, the main lobby and • A La Carte Breakfast at the Level check-in on the O-Grille (7am - 10:30 am) second floor. The advan- • Hors D'oeuvres (12 tages of being a Level noon - 6pm) (6pm - 9pm) guest extend beyond your • Tea, coffee, soft drinks all day private check-in. • Level Bar (11 am - 9 pm)

• Imac business center • Private beach section with Concierge service (9am - 5pm) • complimentary usage of a meeting area for one hour. (max six people, subject to availability)

stocked with a personal mini fridge with snacks, soft drinks and beer. Fridges are restocked daily with maid service. The Grounds The Meliá Nassau Beach

awesome get away caters to all. There are 3 heated pools on the grounds.Two family pools. One adult For more information pool with a swim-up wet bar and entertainment. please check their webpage: Non motorized water

Grand suite room

The Rooms This all inclusive resort boasts breathtaking ocean view rooms with personalized attention and services. The Level guests have access to your own lounge and personnel concierge. Rooms are

RBQ: 5596 - 6295 - 01

sports will also keep you active. Children have their own getaway called kids club with plenty of activities to keep them busy with qualified staff, so mom and dad can relax. Dining The food is filled with delicious options. Asian, Italian, Steak house, Mexican.There are lounges and outdoor restaurants incase you don’t want to miss any sunshine. The Market is Meliá’s Buffet option where you can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You won’t be disappointed with all these delectable food choices. Meliá Nassau Beach inclusive offers events and wedding destinations. Entertainment nightly brings guests together. If you are interested in visiting the casino there is a free shuttle to Baha Mar which leaves the hotel lobby ever 15 minutes. Water Sports and Activities There are all the usual water sports and activities and plenty of space for sunbathing. • Single or Dual Kayak • Glass Bottom Kayak • Stand up paddle boards • Water floats • Mask, Snorkel and Fins • Yoga In side the lobby there is a excursion desk that will help you book any day trips in and around the island. The service at the Meliá was exceptional and the grounds are beautiful come escape and enter paradise.

Cable Beach, Nassau

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Visit our indoor gallery showroom • February 9, 2019

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Sweet Alternatives for Valentine’s Day


Va day to spread the love and celebrate those we cherish the most. How do we show them we care? By spoiling them with an endless amount of chocolate, cake, and candy of course! Why not try something different this year? There are plenty of healthy ways to celebrate your sweetie

They say the way to the heart is through the belly. Prepare a healthy and delicious meal for your sweetheart to show them how much you care. A simple recipe, sure to impress your special someone, is our Asian Fusion Salmon with Balsamic Soy Glaze. Serve with a bed of rice and asparagus for a gourmet meal that can be ready in just 30 minutes. Finish the meal with strawberries dipped in chocolate, and you have the “recipe” for a perfect Valentine’s Day. Bake a healthy treat: Valentine’s Day and chocolate- you can’t have one without the other. Chocolate Quinoa Brownies are the perfect option for a Valentine’s Day treat. They are a Genevieve Ledoux sweet indulgence, plus a source fibre! Even the without all the sweets. most amateur cook can Plan a fun date: Get whip these up in no time; outside with your loved and nothing says “I love one and try a skate you” like homemade around the loop or on a baked goods. quiet pond, skiing or snow Asian Fusion Salmon shoeing under a starry with Balsamic Soy Glaze sky, or sliding in the park. Ingredients Sharing quality time to- • 20 green onions, gether while being active trimmed is good for the heart in • 3 tbsp (45 mL) olive more ways than one. Fin- oil ish the evening by • 1 tsp (5 mL) sea salt bundling up next to a fire • ½ tsp (2 mL) freshly with a warm drink and ground black pepper you have the perfect date! • 4 boneless skinless Prepare a fancy feast: salmon fillet portions,


each about 140 g • ¼ cup (50 mL) PC BLACK LABEL TAMARI SOY SAUCE GLAZE WITH BALSAMIC VINEGAR OF MODENA • ¼ cup (50 mL) fresh coriander leaves • 2 tbsp (25 mL) finely grated lemon rind Instructions 1. Preheat barbecue to medium heat. In large bowl, stir together whole green onions, 2 tbsp (25 mL) of the olive oil, and half of the salt and pepper. Place salmon in shallow glass baking dish; drizzle

with remaining olive oil and sprinkle with remaining salt and pepper. 2. Place green onions on greased grill, placing them perpendicular to the grate. Grill uncovered for 2 to 3 minutes; turn and grill another 2 to 3 minutes or until nicely marked. Set aside and cover to hold warm. 3. Place salmon on grill; grill uncovered for 3 to 4 minutes per side or until just cooked through. 4. Transfer green onions to serving platter; arrange as a bed for the salmon.

Place salmon on top of green onions; drizzle with glaze. Sprinkle with coriander and lemon rind. Chocolate Quinoa Brownies

Ingredients • ½ cup (125 mL) PC Organics Quinoa • ¾ cup (175 mL) gran-

ulated sugar • ½ cup (125 mL) cocoa powder • 1 tsp (5 mL) baking powder • ¼ cup (50 mL) 2% milk • 2 tbsp (25 mL) canola oil • 2 PC Blue Menu Omega-3 White Eggs Large • 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla Instructions 1. In small saucepan, bring 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) water to a boil. Stir in quinoa. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Fluff with fork. Transfer to bowl; cool to room temperature. 2. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Spray 8-inch square (2 L) metal cake pan with cooking spray. 3. Place quinoa, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, milk, oil, eggs and vanilla in food processor. Process until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour into prepared pan. 4. Bake in centre of oven for 30 to 34 minutes or until tester inserted in centre comes out clean. 5. Cool in pan on rack. Cut into 9 squares. Serve dusted with icing sugar, if desired.

February 9, 2019 •

Valentine’s Day and Rhone wines


By Marco Giovanetti

or this year St Valentine’s column wine column, are you really looking to score?. Then, I have some wine recommendations for you. In my mind, there

is no better way to celebrate the day with some Southern Rhone wines. They are great wines, are affordable and I have disovered that they have ties to the day. How is that, my dear reader may ask? Well, the history goes back to the lovely port town of Roquemaure, in the Southern Rhône near the city of Avignon. This place has a big tradition of winemaking and it used St. Valentine to save the town!. The Southern Rhone has been making wines since already a long time. This winemaking area was one of the first to step up the commercial wine enterprise business. In particu-

lar, Roquemaure and the neighboring towns began branding their wine bar-

Buti Nages SAQ # 00427625 $15.05

It might be odd to talk about rose in February but to tell you the truth, I enjoy pink wine all year long. This medium-bodied rosé is a blend of 60% Grenache and 40% Syrah drawn from Michel Gassier vineyards. It has an undulated textured, with easy red berry fruit and citrus elements. It's a clean, refreshing, with a friendly price.

Cave de Rasteau Ortas Tradition 2015 SAQ # 113407 $16.80

Full-bodied and fleshy with tasty, pulpy black fruit and notes of smoke. Love the price as well.. Established in 1925, the Cave de Rasteau is one of the oldest wineries in the Rhone Valley. The wine end with notes of fruit cake spices and more dry black fruit. Have it with braised beef with carrots. The classic GSM blend of Grenache and Mourvèdre, and Syrah present here, with Syrah taking a more protagonist role than in the past.

rels with “CDR” for Côtes-du-Rhône as early as 1737 (200 years before the French quality pyramid appeared) to let wine lovers know that the origin and quality of the wine was remarkable. With an strategic situation for exporting (the town is right on the Rhône River) they did a profitable trade and got lots of kudos from their stamp. Sadly though, the success from this area to spread far and wide and also was its road to perdition, Roquemaure’s location on the Rhône and its imports from America, especially from New York required a special assistance from St. Valentine. As the tales goes, in 1862 a French wine trader re-

ceived a shipment of American grapevines, which he proudly planted in his garden in the town. In the course of a year, a strange thing started to happen to neighboring vineyards — they were deadly sick and started to die. Why? Because those grapevines, carried a lethal bug that multiplied with alarming speed and poisoned the roots of European grapevines (different species from American ones), thus becoming a serial killer in fairly a short time. American vines are immune to this disease, called phylloxera, but the French aren’t and died nearly on the spot (this spread all over France and other parts of Europe, by the way.This make wonder

sometimes why some frenchpeople hate Americans. By 1868 Roquemaure, which its local economy relied big on wine, was affected by phylloxera and all the vines lay dead or were turning like zombies. People grew desperate. So they pulled out the big guns — a rich citizen in the town, Maximillen Richard, headed to Rome to see about buying some relics of a patron saint for protection. After some heavy dealing, Richard returned with the relics of St. Valentine. Gradually the vineyards recovered and the townspeople fell in love with their guardian. Since 1989, on the Saturday and Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day, the town of Roquemaure hosts La Fête des Amoureux (the Festival of Lovers) to celebrate love and lovers alike. This is a nice history and it makes a different change from the traditional or cornySt. Valentine wine recommendation column. Hope you have a wonderful love day with your better half.

Grande Réserve des Challières, Ventoux 2015 SAQ # 331090 $12.45

Located in the south-facing slopes of Mont Ventoux in the Vaucluse, which rises to 6,272 feet covering almost 16,556 acres. Since earliest classical times, vines have been grown in Ventoux. A blend of 60% Grenache and 40% Syrah, this Ventoux has a seductive nose of ripe plums, blackberries and black currants intertwined with sweet spice and a touch of tobacco. Soft tannins and great length on the dark chocolate-dusted finish. Great wine to have with a stuffed veal roast. Drink through 2017.

Château Mont-Redon, Lirac 2014 SAQ # 11293970 $24.95

A classic southern-Rhône blend, by one of the region's most celebrated producers.The stony, pebble-covered soils bring to mind those of nearby Châteauneuf-du-Pape.The estate makes this wonderful Lirac blend partly matured in French oak for 18 months. Deep and inky purple. A fragrant nose of raspberry and blackberry, with subtle hints of thyme and licorice.The palate is robust, with weighty tannins and an inviting warmth. Will be at its prime after a couple of years cellarage. Drink with a prime rib roast.

Domaine Elodie Balme Côtes du Rhône Village 2014 SAQ # 12474131 $25.05

Elodie Balme is a young and dynamic winemaker that started in the wine business in 2006.Youngest daughter of a family of winemakers, Elodie felt in love quickly with winemaking. She works across different Rhone villages appellations such as Rasteau and Roaix. She is rapidly becoming a shining star in the appellation of Rasteau. This wine can be described in three words: Power, structure and longetivity. A must with a noble piece of wild game.

If you would like your business written up in the Montreal Times and to be first page Google please send as an e-mail to find all the options - • February 9, 2019


Old Montreal restaurants join 28 days sober challenge


his February, The Fondation Jean Lapointe once again invites all of Quebec to join them in the fight against youth drug and alcohol addiction with The 28 Days Sober Challenge. For the first time ever, three restaurants in Old-Montreal are proudly joining force with the Foundation by offering their “La Carte Sans Compromis” a menu of mouth-watering mocktails, non-alcohol beers and wines, with new products especially chosen for the occasion! Even better, for every mocktail, beer, or wine sold at Modavie, Brasserie 701, and Bevo Bar + Pizzeria– Experience Old Montreal will be giving $1 to the foundation and 2$ for each bottle of wine. Now you can enjoy a night out in Old Montreal while supporting a good cause! Who said you need alcohol to have fun? At each restaurant, guests will find a curated mocktail menu created specifically for this initiative. Enjoy a delicious dinner at Brasserie 701 while sipping on their “Falernum 94”; made with a


new non-alcoholic spirit, full of spices flavour perfectly balanced with bitters; or eat-out with friends at Bevo Bar + Pizzeria as you savour their mouth-watering pizza with the newly launched Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc Sans Alcool inhand. In the mood for some live music and French food – why not head down to Modavie and enjoy a delectable dinner paired with some non-alcohol Torres Muscat Natureo? If you’re partaking in the 28 Days Sober Challenge, Experience Old Montreal welcomes you! Finally, a dining experience that makes supporting a good cause as easy as ever. Furthermore, as part of the initiative, on Friday, February 8th, from 4pm to 7pm, Kronenbourg 1644 Blanc Sans Alcool has teamed up with Bevo Bar + Pizzeria and will be giving away their brand non-alcoholic beer to all! The 28 Days Sober Challenge is a unique movement that began in 2013 when two young, community-minded, professionals decided to stop drinking for the month of

February in support of those suffering from substance addiction. On the basis of that experience, the Fondation Jean Lapointe decided to promote the 28-day challenge as a means of raising money and awareness for prevention workshops about the risks of alcohol, cannabis and other drug addictions to high school students across the province. For a mere $28 donation and 28 days sober, you can support initiatives in local high schools that combat early substance abuse and addiction No alcohol, no problem! This February support the fight against youth addiction by participating in the 28 Days Sober Challenge, and remember, you can still enjoy a night out in Old Montreal! General Information: Where: Modavie, Brasserie 701 & Bevo Bar + Pizzéria When: February 2019 Website: CarteSansCompromis

11 a.m. - 1 a.m.


February 9, 2019 •

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• February 9, 2019


Five Warning Signs That Your Loved One Should Be Considering a Move to a Retirement Home / Senior Community Sponsored


or hearing, loss of balance, stroke, disease. or physical conditions, such as arthritis osteoporosis. t’s not easy to admit that and 2. Mental Behaviour – one is getting older, especially when your body and Cognitive, Language, and your mind are not what Decision Making they used to be. Moving a Cognitive decline can have family member into a senior serious ramifications, especare residence is never a sim- cially if your loved one can't ple decision. It may not be take medications correctly, is easy to broach the subject not able to fix a meal or with your loved ones. In fact, doesn't remember to eat. If a they may be resistant to loved one exhibits confusion, moving and they may fear los- poor judgment, or other signs of cognitive impairment, ing their independence. However, here are 5 warning assisted living is often a good signs that your loved one next step. should be considering a move 3. Caregiver Stress to a retirement / senior resi- There are the psychological costs of caregiving and of dence: making difficult care deci1. Physical When there are physical and sions, which can be comanatomical signs of deteriora- pared to the effects of tion that will affect their well- post-traumatic stress disorbeing and their safety. A der. Caregivers may experiperson who is having trouble ence symptoms like disabling getting out to shop or re- anxiety, hyper-vigilance and membering how to cook or more. The emotional, mental when to eat can result in sig- and physical toll of caregiving nificant nutritional issues. can be particularly proThis could range from un- nounced for adult children or healthy weight loss or con- spouses of those who need versely, excessive weight gain. care. In cases like this, when Check the fridge and watch the demands of care become meal-prep skills. Other ex- too great, it might be clear amples include loss of sight immediately. In other cases, By Matt Del Vecchio

it might not be so obvious. 4. Safety and Security This is a common reason why families consider a move. They noticed that their loved ones are not as sure on their feet as they used to be or their eyesight is less clear, causing them to be a fall risk. According to the Canadian






friends, and then chooses to no longer engage in these activities, or rarely leaves the house, it may be time to consider a senior living residence. This is a sign that behavioral changes are underway. Helping your loved ones to recognize the signs of when

it is time to move, having an open dialogue with the family members involved and taking the time to discuss the options will go a long way in making the transition to senior care residence more agreeable for everyone. Please see next page ad.

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Public Health Agency, falls remain the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations among Canadian seniors. 5. Loneliness It’s normal for activity to decrease with age. But if your loved one once enjoyed spending time in the yard gardening, or simply being with

In your home, Residence or Long-term Facility All Equipment Provided Wide range of individualized training programs for: Autonomous Active / Inactive Dependent Frail We focus on: • Strength • Balance & Fall Prevention * Endurance • Flexibility

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February 9, 2019 •

• February 9, 2019


The Library Book by Susan Orlean Book review


n the morning of April 28, 1986, a fire broke out in the Central Library building of the Los Angeles Public Library in the city’s downtown area.The damage was not only destructive to the then-60-year-old struc-

By Stuart Nulman

ture, it reached devastating levels for its collection of books, in which 700,000 volumes were damaged, and 400,000 were permanently destroyed. New Yorker staff writer Susan Orlean – who also authored the novel The Orchid Thief, from which the Oscar-winning film “Adaptation” was based upon – decided to investigate the story of the Central Library fire, and ended up with a story that was not just about a structure fire, but also about libraries in general and their importance and impact to a community. Although it may sound mundane on the surface, Orlean’s story of the library fire has resulted in a multi-layered story that combines elements of true crime, municipal history, bibliomania and the joys of the library that is all deftly put together in her latest book The Library Book. This book is a wonderful example of diligent research and journalism, as we discover the story of the 1986 fire and the rather colorful history of L.A.’s public library. We learn about how the element of fire can be quite devastating to a physical book, the rather unorthodox freeze method that was used to painstakingly repair and preserve the library’s books that suffered smoke and water damage, as well as the man who allegedly set the fire, one Harry Peak, a loner who aspired to be an actor, but because of his tendency to twist and change his story of where he was on the morning of

the fire, was not convicted of arson. And on the other side, the reader gets a colorful history of the Los Angeles Public Library, and its contribution to the city’s early history and the unique characters who helped to make this institution an important and relevant one to the city, from Mary Foy, who sortof struck a blow for women’s rights by becoming the library’s first female head librarian in 1880, to Charles Lummis, the eccentric writer/journalist who ran the library at the end of the 19th century, but spent more time exploring the western frontier for his writings than in his library office, to Glen Creason, the quite knowledgeable head of the library’s map department. Orlean also explores how the L.A. Public Library and its many branches across the city

serves as a microcosm to how precious and important an institution a library is to its community, especially at a time when the internet and search engines are providing competition to the library as a means of providing information to the public. And in order to remain relevant during this time of rapid information gathering, Orlean proves that L.A.’s public library network provides a much vital service to its people, whether it be having a group of knowledgeable employees provide every type of fact or information over the phone upon request, or how it provides an important source of outreach to L.A.’s multitude of homeless citizens. Written with a great deal of sharp insight, a deeply personal touch and a flair for hidden history, The Library Book goes beyond the card cat-


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alogue and the stacks to show how a damaging structure fire over 30 years ago portrays the im-

Across 1. Secular ones 8. Type of bar 15. Clear 16. French composer and pianist 17. Statement with at least two clauses 19. Bit of paronomasia 20. Says no 21. Eye sores 24. Saturn, for one 25. Previously 26. Regarding that 28. Come-ons 31. Dot-com's address 32. Eye guy 35. Two-floor dwelling unit 41. Under debate 42. Moo ___ gai pan 43. Mason supplier 46. Thong 49. Eur. land 50. Dashboard inits. 52. Honey bunch? 53. Wane 57. Sushi selection 58. Weather-resistant sheet 63. Small bone 64. Fatuous

portance of the library as a literary, informational and social cornerstone to a community. It’s certainly

worth checking out (whether you have a library card or not).

65. Wooden benches 66. Sold Down 1. Fond du ___, Wis. 2. Blood-typing letters 3. Any doctrine 4. High hat 5. Maltreat 6. Fifty-fifty 7. Driver's license datum 8. Asparagus unit 9. Charged particles 10. Loco 11. Delight 12. Devices used by 32Across 13. "More!" 14. Spectacles 18. Marienbad, for one 21. Fastener 22. Like some streets 23. Canine cry 24. Imogene and family 27.Venom 28. Flags 29. Approx. 30. Bank letters 33. Good times 34. Express mirth 36. Break out

37. LAX info 38. Sponsorship 39. Bar ___ 40. Get-up 43. Thick-skinned animals 44. Threatening words 45. Execrate 47. Fearful 48. Alabama city 50. Some slippers 51. School org. 54. Leave 55. Side dish 56. Eye up and down 57. Latin I word 59. Dupe 60. Nonexistent 61. Pilothouse abbr. 62. Conducted Please see answers on-line Saturday edition Page 25 February 9, 2019 edition: February 9, 2019 •




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Affordable Computer Repairs for Seniors and Snow Birds at your Home! My name is Richard and I am a Computer Technician with 30+ Years of Experience. I do "House Calls" at your home Mondays to Saturdays after work in the evenings. My areas include Montreal West, Cote St Luc, NDG, Dorval and DDO. Since I live in the West Island, other West Island Communities can be covered. I will not only come to your home, but if you are in a Residence or in the Hospital, I can make a HouseCall there too. I can perform the following services: Viruse Removal on PC or MAC Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 Repairs and Configurations I can Speed up a Slow Computer I can help you recover lost passwords or Locked-out email accounts I can assist you to upgrade a MAC OSx Operating System Any other Computer Problem I can also help with I am also good with Smartphones, iPhones, Tablets, iPads, etc. My fees are simple. If you are not a Senior I charge $60 per hour. If you are a senior then $45 per hour. I do not charge travel time like other technicians. My housecalls are from 6PM - 11PM Mon.-Sat. You can call me or text me at 438-938-6240. Please ask for Richard. References Available. I also have an office at 16 Westminster Ave. N., #100B (Basement) in Montreal West. You can call or text me at 438-938-6240. Please ask for Richard. email:

514 694 4014 • 514 620 8460 3673 Boul St Jean, DDO Que

February 9, 2019 •

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• February 9, 2019



February 9, 2019 •

Step across the border to Eastern Ontario

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James MacMaster 613-551-6446

Storm Realty

Louise Secours MacMaster 613-551-3200

Real Estate Brokerage 1410 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON 613-932-4663 • February 9, 2019



283 1re Ave, L'Île-Perrot, QC J7V 5A1

February 9, 2019 •

Answers for February 9, 2019

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