Montreal Times 24 38 April 20 2019

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, April 20, 2019

Vol. 24 No. 38

Bogdan Calita

Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker

Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

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CALÈCHE RIDES NO MORE Montreal Calèche rides in Montreal will end this year.


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Cyclists allowed to cross intersections on red light

s of Thursday April 18th, cyclists in Montreal will be allowed to cross an intersection when the light is red and the pedestrian signal is activated - but pedestrians still have the right of way

By Bonnie Wurst

and cyclists must stop and give them priority. This is all part of the changes to Quebec’s Highway Safety Code; Bill 165 'An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code and other provisions' that was adopted unanimously by the Quebec National Assembly on April 18, 2018. Here are just some of the

other laws and obligations already in place cyclists must abide by. The fines that go with them are between $80 to $100. *For a full list and details please go to the SAAQ website at: road-safety/modes-transportation/bicycle/whatthe-law-says).

CYCLISTS MUST: - obey traffic signs and traffic lights at all times, even when turning right on a red light - even if the way is clear, a red light or a stop sign means that you have to come to a complete stop and then wait for the green light. - yield the right of way to vehicles and other cyclists that have priority at an intersection - and to pedestrians who enter the intersection or who indicate the intention of entering the intersection. - signal their intentions without interruption and over a sufficient distance to make sure that other users have seen them. - ride in a single file when riding in groups: a group can be made up of 15 cy-

clists maximum. - ride with the flow of traffic - except if signs authorize cycling against the flow of traffic or in case of necessity. - obey traffic signs and signals. THE HIGHWAY SAFETY CODE PROHIBITS

2999 Lake D.D.O. H9B 2L1 Elegant 4 bdrm home in the heart of Westpark. over 8800 sf property! Needs a new family! $684,800 MLS#17347207 8 Lacroix, Kirkland Fabulous LARGE 4 bedroom cottage, property over 9,500 s.f., 2 family rooms above ground, pond, stunning gardens! $898,888 5850 Marc-Chagall #501 C.S.L. asking $399,000 stunning 2 bedroom,2 bathroom condo; totally renovated! Centris# 11871922

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CYCLISTS FROM RIDING: - on highways and on their access and exit ramps. - against the flow of traffic, unless signs indicate otherwise or in case of necessity. - on sidewalks, except in

case of necessity or where directed or authorized to do so by a sign or signal. - while wearing earphones or headphones that cover one or both ears. - while using a portable electronic device, hand held or not (while viewing

information displayed on a display screen under certain conditions it is allowed - see SAAQ site). - between 2 lanes of moving vehicles, unless the vehicles travelling in the lane to the right of the cyclist are in a lane reserved for right turns.

Montreal wants restaurants to post food-inspection ratings


he city of Montreal has unanimously approved a motion, put forth by the opposition Ensemble Montreal party, that would require all restaurants and even grocery stores in the city to post their food inspection ratings publicly - and they would have to display the reports at the entrances to their establishments where they could be seen. The motion first has to be approved by Quebec's department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) before anything can be implemented. As it stands now, if someone wants to know what the food inspection rating is for a restaurant, they have to go to the MAPAQ website and try to find it in their database themselves, which could deter many people from doing so. Once approved, they city will need to decide on how the ratings will work. It will be either 'as a nu-

An example of a food-inspection rating in a New York City restaurant

merical score, an alphabetical mark, a colour code or some other symbol' according to Karine Boivin-Roy, Co-leader of Ensemble Montreal. The information would then be posted on Montreal’s website and mobile app as well. Restaurant violations have been on the rise in Montreal, with stats showing a 43% increase between 2017 and 2018 a very disconcerting number for many patrons. Still, with over 14,000 restaurants in Montreal and only

31 inspectors to monitor them all, fines paid for violations increased by 52% - from $539,400 to $820,000. In the meantime, several restaurant owners have voiced their concerns about the motion, saying one bad report could cause them irreparable harm - while others welcome the idea openly. How do you feel about it? Would you still go to a restaurant or grocery store you frequent because of a bad rating or would you avoid it all costs? April 20, 2019 •

Bogdan Calita 514.582.8348 Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

Last year for calèches What about the horses?

sate horse owners with $1,000 for each animal. The horse owners willing to apply to the program could do it starting this May 1, on the websites of the SPCA or the City of Montreal. What about the heritage aspect of the calèche era now coming to an end? The city has also planned to mark it: the Griffintown Horse Palace, the main stables used by calèche drivers, is being rebuilt and it will also include a museum and larger facilities, although it is unknown whether any


f you feel that mix of nostalgia, romance, and touristy curiosity that makes you take a ride in one of the horse-drawn carriages known in Montreal as the "calèches," this year will be the last chance for anyone to ride

By Sergio Martinez

one of those past means of transportation. The City of Montreal banned the calèches the previous year, although it provided for a period of grace that ends on December 31, 2019. The picturesque vehicles will mark the end of their active presence in the city by promenading that day for the last time through some of the streets where they were a standard feature for a few centuries. Before they became a tourist attraction, • April 20, 2019

horse-drawn carriages had been an indispensable and almost only means of transportation; of course, the introduction of trams, automobiles, and buses displaced them. The main reason why the current city administration decreed the end of the calèche era was the alleged dire conditions in which the horses had to perform their task: extreme heat in the summer –the season where the carriages are most on demand– and extreme cold in winter, although the market was much lower in that season. One of the questions that arose after the announcement to end calèches in Montreal was

what would happen to the horses? Would they just end up in the slaughterhouse? Well, indeed the horses will enjoy a far more peaceful retirement: on April 10, the City of Montreal announced a partnership with the SPCA ensuring that. Jean François Parenteau, a member of the executive committee, signed an agreement on behalf of the City of Montreal, with the SPCA represented by Me. Sophie Gaillard. The partnership between the city and the SPCA will mean the transfer of horses to an animal sanctuary or their adoption by sympathetic families. For the implementation of the program, the SPCA would

horses will use those facilities once the calèche ban is in effect. For horse-drawn carriages then, 2019 is their last year of activity in Montreal; however some echoes of the controversy will probably last for a while: were the animals mistreated, as some people claimed, or on the contrary, they were the object of care and dedication by their owners? Is the city needlessly eliminating a tourist attraction or is it acting humanely? Most likely the debate will continue for some time.

also count on the Association québécoise de protection des chevaux (Quebec Association for the Protection of Horses). The SPCA will pay for the care and transportation of the animals until they get to their retirement place. The City of Montreal will compen-

Free Report Reveals How to Avoid Getting Stuck Owning Two Homes

MONTREAL - West Island - Every month, thousands of homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first.You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up homeless. It's what insiders in the industry call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it's an extremely anxious position to find yourself in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament. But one local realtor is using a unique Guaranteed Sale Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one. If your home doesn't sell in 120 days, they will buy it from you themselves for the previously agreed price ensuring that you never get caught in the Real Estate

Catch 22. Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job for you. When interviewing agents, find out what kind of guarantee they are willing to give you with respect to the selling of your home. Unfortunately, you'll find that most agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled "How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Two Homes". To order a FREE Special Report, visit or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-727-7105 and enter 3005. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how to guarantee the cash sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright [C] {2017


Congratulations, Coach Rodney! been involved with the Sun Youth basketball program since the age of 12 after the Hornets coaches came to recruit players at his high school (Wagar). He decided to take them up on their offer and went to the tryouts for the Bantam AAA team. 10 years later Skerritt started coaching with the organization. “I’d just came back home from Bishops University. I was 22 years old and didn’t know what was going to be my next move. My little brother was playing mini basketball at Sun Youth at that time for Coach Mark Burris. Mark and I had spoken a bit about where I was at in my life and he offered me to come and assist him with the mini team. I started coaching with him immediately and I haven’t left Sun Youth since.” Rodney fondly remembers his first years with the Hornets and his first coach Robert Ferguson who offered to pick him up and drop him home every practice because his mother was scared of him traveling alone from NDG to Sun Youth on the Plateau. “This was instrumental in me developing my sense of loyalty



Sun Youth Bantam AAA coach Rodney Skerritt. Photo: Joseph Munro.

and commitment that I now pass on to the kids at Sun Youth. I was far from being the best player on the team and coach Ferguson went out of his way to make sure that I didn’t quit.” Rodney describes the Sun Youth basketball culture as quite unique: “it’s all

May 20, 2019




about trust, loyalty, commitment and pride. We truly are a family.” As in every family, all members are unique. “Each player is different in regards to personality and skill set. I see them as blank canvases. My goal is to help them paint a picture that they love, says Rodney. He hopes to have made a difference in their lives. “I think I’ve given kids, both elite and

common, a place to call home. I’ve taught them to have high self-value and to be proud of who they are and where they are from.” What he wishes to teach the kids the most is trust, loyalty and the commitment to improvement. Being Basketball Coordinator and Coach for Sun Youth isn’t always an easy task. The last year



un Youth Bantam AAA coach Rodney Skerritt was recently named coach of the year in the Montreal Basketball League (MBL) in which the organization’s Hornets teams compete. This was a great honour for Sun Youth and for Skerritt for whom it was the second time receiving this award. Rodney Skerritt is also the Basketball Coordinator for Sun Youth but that doesn’t stop him from … his passion, coaching. “I was completely committed this year and despite the ups and down during the season, I missed 3 practices due to the passing of a very close family member”, says Skerritt. “Winning this second Coach of the Year award was a blessing and gave me the reassurance I needed to know that I made the right choice to come back and coach another year. My assistant coach, brother and best friend Peter Robinson sacrificed just as much as I did to give these kids one of the best seasons of their young careers and he deserves this award as much as I do or more.” Rodney Skerritt has



was a struggle for the organization, for its basketball program in particular. Rodney is especially proud of what he was able to accomplish with his team under the circumstances. “Parents, kids and coaches have to deal with a lot of matters that can’t necessarily be prevented. This year we’ve raised above all the obstacles and finished the year off strong and as a family.” Rodney also names a few Sun Youth alumni of who he’s proud of and admires. Former Hornets such as Eze Dike-Nwagbara, who is now playing division 1 basketball at Yale University and pro athlete Joel Anthony (San Lorenzo de Almagro). “He is the perfect role models for our kids”, he says about the latter. “His great career proves that hard work and commitment are some of the greatest assets to have when chasing your dreams,” concludes Rodney.

11 a.m. - 1 a.m.


April 20, 2019 •

British comic James Mullinger


returns to Montreal

t’s been five years since comedian James Mullinger pulled up stakes in his native London and took the plunge to move him and his family across the pond to settle in St, John, New

stantly toured the Maritimes and the rest of Canada, and played to sold out crowds wherever he performed. His stand-up specials have been critically-acclaimed and have become best selling DVD releases. He performs in countless corporate gigs and fundraisers. He produced the hit autobiographical feature film “The Comedian’s Guide to Survival”. As well, “The Maritime Edit”, the colourful, glossy arts and lifestyles magazine that he founded with his wife Pam, is now in its third year of publication and is sold at Chapters By Stuart Nulman and Indigo bookstores across the country (and is Brunswick and start anew available at Air Canada there to build up his Maple Leaf lounges). And stand-up comedy career. to top things off, Mullinger In those five short years, has been recently nomiMullinger has successfully nated for a Canadian lived the Canadian dream Comedy Award for his in more ways than one. stand-up special based on First of all, he established his recent “Almost Canahimself as a popular dian” tour. And speaking of his constand-up comic in his new home, which culminated tinuing “Almost Canain a sold out solo show at dian” tour, Mullinger will New Brunswick’s Har- be bringing it to Montreal bour Station Arena three for his first show here in years ago. He has con- three years, which will take place on April 24 at

Comic James Mullinger returns to Montreal on April 24

the Theatre St. Catherine. “The Theatre St. Catherine is a beautiful venue. Performing there is like a dream come true moment for me, because I used to see some of best names in comedy perform there when I used to visit Montreal, and no I am getting the chance to perform there myself,” said Mullinger during a recent phone interview.

“Montreal audiences see the biggest and best names in comedy all the time, so performing here keeps you sharp and on your toes.” Mullinger brings his unique sense of comedy that features his trademark energetic storytelling to his “Almost Canadian” tour, which deals with what he has learned and absorbed

during the past five years in Canada, where he is currently a permanent resident and is going through the process of becoming a full-fledged Canadian citizen, which includes studying for the citizenship test. “The tour celebrates everything Canadian that I learned so far during my time here, including the Canadian identity, culture

and how differently things work here,” he said. “For example, I mention the citizenship test, which has answers that no one dares not to know. During a point in the show, I try to catch the audience with some of those test questions, and no one can get the answers!” Through all the projects and ventures that Mullinger has involved himself with during his five years as a resident of Canada, he will always continue to tour and perform stand-up, no matter how large or small scale the gig is, which includes a future show at Canada House in London, England on behalf of Destination Canada to promote Canadian tourism. “Touring and performing is something that I love,” he said. “I will continue to perform at every pub, club and corporate gig that I can because I love the job and I am grateful that I can still make a living as a stand-up comic. It’s quite unbelievable.” For more information about his “Almost Canadian” tour, go to:

No time to cook? No worries, we now offer homemade meals to take home Each item is 4-6 servings



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“Call us 24 - 48 e c n a v d a n i s r u o h to place your order.”

Each item is 4-6 servings and made fresh when the order is placed. • April 20, 2019


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Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island



(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Alyssa De Rosa • Kieron Yates • Catherine Maisonneuve • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • John Symon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos


General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


Grocery stores announce bring your own container program


etro grocery stores announced in a press release that as of Monday April 22nd they will have a new policy in place allowing customers in Quebec to bring their own reusable containers to package ready-to-eat meals, deli meats, meat, fish and seafood and pastries in all their stores across the province - making them

the first major grocery store chain in Canada to do so. Genevieve Gregoire, Metro communication manager of Metro stores stated, 'We want to reduce the use of singleuse plastic packaging and our clients do too, they were asking more and more'. As Quebec's Ministry of Food and Agriculture has very specific conditions the grocery chain must

follow, they will be implementing a structure to ensure safety while their employees handle the products and the containers. Containers and zippered bags must be clean and not broken - staff will have to ensure there’s no risk to contamination since they will not be able to control how well containers have been cleaned (customers must ensure their containers have

been properly washed and that there are no logos or bar codes on them) and glass containers will not be accepted due to handling risks. Some products will be weighed before being placed in the customer's containers, while others like ready-made salads can be scooped directly in. A label will be affixed to the container prior to checkout.

'Zero-waste' containers will be available for purchase in-store, but must be washed prior to use. Brand-name foods with an associated barcode are exempt from this program, due to possible confusion at checkout. Signs will instruct customers what they can and cannot use. It is a great initiative and one they expect will grow exponentially.


What's Open and Closed this Easter Weekend


oth the Easter and Passover holidays merge this weekend and many Montrealers will be spending time with family and friends - or simply enjoying a nice, long weekend off from the regular grind. A long awaited Spring season is finally in the air - so have a hopping good time hunting for eggs or the hidden matzah! Here is what's open and closed: • Most banks will be closed on Friday but open

running, but on weekend or holiday schedules. *Check their websites for details • Societe des alcools du Quebec outlets will be open - except for those located inside shopping centres. • Most shopping malls will be open on Friday and Monday. • Supermarket chains will on Monday. operate at regular hours • Government offices, on Friday and Monday, but both Federal and Provin- will be closed on Easter cial, will be closed Friday Sunday. and Monday. • Most public markets will • City of Montreal and be open. borough offices will be • Municipal sports cenclosed all weekend. tres, swimming pools and • Boroughs will have reg- arenas, as well as cultural ular pickup of garbage and centres and libraries will recycling. be open. Check with your • Parking meters and borough for schedules. parking restrictions will •The Biodome, Botanical remain in effect. Garden, Insectarium and • STM buses and metro the Rio Tinto Alcan Planewill be running on a holi- tarium will be open with day schedule. regular schedules. For • AMT trains will also be more information, go to

Answer is online Saturday, April 20th page 25 April 20, 2019 •

Elder Mistreatment Helpline launches new website tion is among our most important priorities." The online request for consultation form has been enhanced to better meet the needs of practitioners from the health and social services network, community organizations, and the financial sector across Quebec. The “Tools and Documents” section features new material for practitioners and professionals, such as guides, and tools to better identify potential situations of mistreatment and reference

he Elder Mistreatment Helpline/La Ligne aide abus aînés (LAAA) is launching a new redesigned website to help counter elder abuse and and raise public awareness about mistreatment of older adults. “Besides finding it more userfriendly, anyone concerned about the situation of mistreatment of older adults will find this much improved tool to be more informative and comprehensive”, said Sylvie Bouchard, coordinator of the LAAA. The LAAA processes thousands of calls from the population as well as professional consultation requests every year. With so many calls coming in to the provincial telephone hotline and more people seeking information and assistance every year online it was time to upgrade the website. The new digital platform will make it easier for older adults, their families, friends, and service providers to identify and respond to specific types of elder abuse including physical, psychological, financial and material abuse, as well as violations of the rights of older adults. Examples of the new features include the ability for web users who are visually impaired to increase the text size on the web pages. A new research module also makes it easy to find answers with just a few mouse clicks. And the site now works just as well on a computer, a tablet, or a smart phone.

In addition, the LAAA site comprises a new section dedicated to cultural communities where brochures in Italian, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Cantonese can be found as well as a list of organizations offering assistance to particular communities.

jective to raise awareness about the issue of mistreatment and break down the isolation in which these seniors find themselves." The site is available in both English and French, just like the older version. The provincial telephone help and referral line for elder abuse victims has been operating for more than eight years now and is in great demand. “We are proud of the work accomplished and will continue to counter abuse in Québec”, Bouchard said. "The Elder Mistreatment Helpline is now considered an essential resource." “Ever since its launch, the Elder Mistreatment By Deborah Rankin Helpline has played a key role in providing needed assistance to vul“This new section will nerable seniors who are a help us develop greater victim of abuse”, said Dr. links with seniors from Lawrence Rosenberg, various cultural origins by President and CEO of breaking down linguistic CIUSSS West-Central barriers," Bouchard said. Montreal. "Since the eld"This will support our ob- erly constitute an ever-in-

creasing segment of the population, satisfying their evolving requirements and their need for better and more easily accessible online and digital informa-


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David Sebag

documents. “This is characteristic of our CIUSSS to provide the elderly not only with medical treatment, but with a broad range of essential healthcare and social services that meet their evolving needs in a wide range of circumstances,” Rosenberg said. To visit the new LAAA website, click here: To Call: 1-888-489-2287 Seven days a week 8 AM to 8 PM


3” x 3” every week for six months








by e-mail

• April 20, 2019


Government offers $5K credit when purchasing a zero-emission vehicle

Canadians’ quality of life—and Canada’s future growth—are deeply tied to the environment. Failing to invest in a cleaner, more sustainable future threatens the things Canadians rely on for their success: an affordable cost of living, good, well-paying jobs and re-

silient communities. Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, was in Montreal (Quebec) to highlight how investments in Budget 2019 would make it easier for Canadians to choose a zero-emission vehicle.

To see more please visit: tion/canadian-governmentoffers-5k-credit-when-purchasing-a-zero-emission-ve hicle/

Earth Day celebrations – Collecte verte Montreal

As part of annual Earth Day celebrations, the Collecte verte will take place once again in Montreal and Quebec City on Sunday, April 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This semi-annual col-

lection is an eco-friendly initiative that aims to recover unused or unwanted electric, electronic and computer equipment in order to dispose of them in a responsible,...

To see more please visit:

Canada banning cosmetic animal testing


On Friday, April 12, 2019, Conservative MP Marilyn Gladu brought forward Bill S-214, the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, for First

Reading. This is a significant step towards ending the sale and manufacture of animal tested cosmetics in Canada. To see more please visit: g/ April 20, 2019 •

It’s been a busy year for dynamic young Snowglobe Theatre

Duy Nguyen as Marcellus, Chance as Hamlet, and Arun Varma as Horatio


Chance as Hamlet and Kateryna Fylypchuk as Ophelia

ith the third season underway, the company adds two full productions to it’s roster, in addition to expanding to providing artistic workshops in high schools, and running a successful fundraising gala performance of David Auburn’s Proof for local charity L’Abri en Ville. Now to end the season with a bang with Shakespeare’s Hamlet – probably the most famous play, and one of the most daunting, in the English canon. Artistic Director Peter Giser has made the play an object of personal study for twenty years. “The questions Hamlet asks are more timely than ever in the world of today:What should we do

• April 20, 2019

when we perceive wrong? How do our actions affect others? Do you stop violence with violence, or is there another way? And perhaps most difficult of all is the issue of how people can come to trust each other in dangerous circumstances. The conflict between people with opposing values on these issues has never been more relevant than it is now in our partisan world, where the two ‘mighty opposites’ – being truthful and caring for others, versus taking selfishly – are shown throughout the story.” True to its mission to provide emerging artists with exciting performance opportunities alongside actors from a range of experiences and backgrounds, Snowglobe welcomes a diverse cast

of locals in this production of Hamlet. In the title role is Chance, a fiery and charismatic up-and-coming young actor who is also a recognized Montreal hiphop artist. Lars Lih and Clive Brewer each bring a lifetime of experience accumulated in the Montreal community theatre scene to the roles of Polonius and the Player King. Stage, TV, and voice actress Leigh Ann Taylor, fresh from d2 productions Within the Glass, plays an unexpectedly fierce yet feminine Gertrude. Arun Varma’s Horatio is a man of mystery. Zamera Amy Topolovec as the Gravedigger is possessed of a zany humour and subtle wisdom. According to Peter Giser, “This production has a special focus on

women’s roles in the male-dominated kingdom, and touches upon how abused the female characters can be. And yet even through that abuse how they manage to find their own ways to voice their needs and take some power. Both Gertrude and Ophelia (Kateryna Fylypchuk) “know a lot

more than they let on, and just when you’ve forgotten them, they come back with a vengeance and show just how powerful they can be.” In addition to a cast of about 23 performers, the production features live music composed by Gabriel Frank. It takes place at Espace Knox, a

new performing arts space and converted church, whose castle-like interior majestically houses this shakespearean tragedy. Hamlet plays May 2-5 and May 8-12 at 7:30pm at Espace Knox (6215 Godfrey). Tickets are $25-35 and available at:


Shows you need to know about in Montreal M


ontreal comedy fans will be eager to find out the latest show announcements that were recently unveiled for this year’s edition of the Just For Laughs comedy festival, with a mixture of the return of several festival favorites, along with some of the hottest names in comedy today who are making their festival debuts. As a sort of prelude to this year’s festival, Just For Laughs will present a one night only show by Emmy Award-winning comedian/actor/writer/producer Aziz Ansari, who will bring his “Road to Nowhere” stand up tour to Salle Wilfrid Pelletier of Place des Arts on June 20 at 8 p.m. Salle Wilfrid Pelletier is also the site of the festival’s flagship galas, and three more galas and hosts have just been added to the line-up. Jonathan Van Ness, one of the stars of the Netflix series “Queer Eye” returns to host his own gala on the heels of his sold-out live taping of his podcast “Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness” last year, which takes place on July 28 at 9 p.m. Comedian and political commentator Hasan Minhaj, who got his start with a stint on the Daily Show and now hosts his own Netflix series “Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj”, will host his own gala on July 26 at 9:45 p.m. And Howie Mandel will return for the fifth year in a row to his All-Star Comedy Gala on July 24 at 8 p.m. And the line-up of concert shows grows even more with an impressive array of comedic talent headlining their own solo or double act live shows. Rachel Bloom, the Golden Globe-winning star of her offbeat CW sitcom “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”, will perform five solo shows at the Gesu on July 22, 23, 24, 26 and 27. Jewish comics Elon Gold and Modi, no strangers to sold-out solo shows, will team together for a special dual show called “Elon Gold & Modi: 2 For 1” at the Centaur Theatre from July 22 – 25. Hailed as the “Funniest Woman on Instagram” thanks to her social media experiment #CelesteChallengeAccepted, Australian actor/writer/comedian Celeste Barber makes her

festival debut with her solo show that will play for one night only, July 24, at Place des Arts’ Cinquieme Salle. The Improv duo of Marc Evan Jackson and Paul F. Tompkins, aka “Mr. Jackson & Mr. Tompkins”, will bring the art of improv comedy to a whole new level with “Mr. Jackson & Mr. Tompkins: A Two-Gentleman Improv Show” on July 25 at the Cinquieme Salle. And comedian/actor/musician Vir Das, who became the first Indian comic to headline his own Netflix special and just completed a 20-country tour, performs at the Cinquieme Salle for one night only on July 25. Tickets for these shows,

before curtain time, the candidates are quickly vetted by Mimi to see which one would be suitable to be that “date”. Once that candidate is chosen, they are thrust into a 90-minute experience that is filled with honest social interaction, consumption of beverages (mostly wine), improv comedy and plenty of spontaneity as they go through the process of that evening’s blind date, from the initial encounter at the bar, to the drive to Mimi’s apartment, to any or all interactions that happens at the apartment (and even a sort-of “postscript” of what happens to the couple five years later). With a show of this nature, it is safe to say that depending on how courageous and cooperative the “date” is, that “Blind Date” promises that no two shows are alike. Fortunately, the subject of the show I went to (his name was Alex), his willingness to play along with the production’s constant spontaneous nature reBy Stuart Nulman sulted in having the full house audience convulsing with laughter practiand other previously an- cally throughout the nounced Just For Laughs 90-minute running time. shows, are now on sale, And by the way, “Blind and can be purchased by Date” also offers an going to: LGBTQ version with “Mathieu” (David Ben*** jamin Tomlinson) every The Centaur Theatre Thursday night throughconcludes its 50th an- out the show’s run. niversary season with an So if you were ever hesiinteractive show that is tant to take the plunge spontaneous, unpre- head first into a blind date dictable and outrageously and all the nervousness funny. that goes with it, let “Blind “Blind Date”, which runs Date” be your entertainuntil April 28, has been ing guide to how (or how keeping audiences in gales not) it should go for you. of laughter for 10 years *** and 800 performances, The 12th annual Art by and is a prime example of the Water exhibit and sale what “spontaneous thewill anchor itself at the atre” is all about. It foBeaconsfield Yacht Club, cuses on Mimi, a French located at 26 Lakeshore woman who sports a red clown nose (played by Re- Road, with a vernissage becca Northan, the on April 26 from 6 p.m. to show’s creator), who is at 8 p.m., and continues on a bar and has been stood April 27 an 28 from 10 up by her original date, a.m. to 5 p.m. About 200 and is looking for an eligi- paintings will be up for ble -- and willing -- audi- sale in makeshift galleries ence member to fill that that will set up inside the yacht club and outdoors void. By the way, that “date” under a large tent and a is not someone that Mimi large covered veranda. All just picks from the audi- participating artists will be ence. Each potential date in attendance throughout partner for the evening the exhibit and sale, and has to inform a roving proceeds from the sale of member of the troupe be- the art works will aid fore the show that they adolescent colon cancer are interested in going research. Admission is onstage.Then just minutes free. April 20, 2019 •

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was I to know? I was, nor still am an avid gardener.All that hard work, and we ake a venture with ended up moving! I over-exerted myself and me, to my first balcony garden in cel- walked away from a projebration of Earth ect that took weeks, even months to accomplish. All I Day! Many years ago, I built an can do now is hope the entire vegetable garden all new owners of the propby myself. Three tiered. erty took over where I left Stones for stepping. The off, but I will never know. whole shebang. And did I Learning from mistakes is mention it was my first how we grow. Today, I live in a house on gardening experience? Go big or go home, right? I was Vancouver Island, nestled an all-or-nothing type of amongst shady forest, character, and in the end it rocky terrain, and a family of deer.Wonderful to wake was just too much. I started by digging up a up to, but not ideal for a huge patch of grass in my garden. I am starting my yard with a mere shovel. I first vegetable pot garden rented a tiller to turn up on my balcony, bathed in the dirt. If you have ever sun and protected from used one of these massive delicate chomping deer machines, you know the teeth. So far, I have butter sheer power and vibration. lettuce and chives. My My arms were sore for rosemary and thyme have days. I hammered together, dried out. I must start over. not one, but three wooden Tomatoes, strawberries garden beds, placed side by and beans are next, but I side with rock paths for di- am in no rush. It's only viders. I lined the beds with April. I have learned to weed protector, filled them slow down, start small and with soil and I planted and proceed with baby steps, watered my veggies until only doing what I know I they blossomed... Literally can manage. blossomed. Friends came With only four or five over and mentioned that flower pots, I still get my flowering broccoli means I hands dirty. All that really missed their harvest. How matters is spending time


By Tara Palov Montreal Times


outside, connecting with nature and breathing in the soil. Did you know that dirt is an antidepressant? Soil microbes (called Mycobacterium vaccae) are proven to have a relaxing effect on our brain by stimulating serotonin production. No matter how small the garden, we benefit. Who couldn't use a little pick-me-up these days? My Earth to Body accomplices are Zinc Oxide to protect my delicate skin from the sun. Nori Soap for scrubbing delicious soil from my fingernails and X Cream for moisturizing my hands when it's time to sit back and wait for sun and water to do their magic. Patience. Start small. Learn from my mistakes. My new mantras. This time, I will harvest when ready to eat. I may not have an entire salad, but it's another start. Wish me luck! We stand behind our products.We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter.Visit our store: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC., H9R 2V1. Email

April 20, 2019 •

France - Rennes a great city to start exploring Brittany T

he city of Rennes is in the northeastern part of France east of Brittany. The history of Rennes goes back over 2,000 years, when is was just a small Gallic village named Condate. Rennes is also the capital of the region Brittany. The city of Rennes is named after a Celtric tribe, Redones. The Romans used the town as the center of communications of the province of Armorica. In the Middle Ages it vied with Nantes as capital of the dukes of Brittany. The rivalry continued when a Parliament of Brittany was created in 1551. Rennes was completely engulfed and almost destroyed by a fire in 1720.The Parliament finally settled at Rennes 10 years later. During the French Revolution (1787– 99), it became the headquarters of the republican army in the fighting with the Vendéens (royalist in-


Town Hall Square A great place to meet friends or just relax on a sunny day on one of the many benches and enjoy the atmosphere. Right in the center of the city is this Neo-Classical square from which most streets seem to lead off so an excellent place to start exploring.

La Place des Lices Place des Lices is a lovely square full of beautiful pieces of Breton architecture. It is probably best known for its Saturday morning market dating back to the late 1400's. This bustling square is the perfect place to try some Breton specialties, such as the famous Breton cider, the salted butter, and Reinette apples.

Breton Cider With over 600 varieties of Apples its not hard to see why the ultimate local drink is Cider. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, trace elements and mineral salts, it has a slightly sharp but fruity taste and a distinctive colour, which can range from pale gold to deep amber.

The Mordelaises Gates This was the main entrance to the city in the 15th century. Today it is one of the only remains of the ramparts of Rennes. Thabor Park The Thabor Park is a great place to relax in Rennes, both for tourists and residents who call it

start your tour. Approximately 328 km from Paris, Charles de Gaulle Airport, there are many ways of travelling to the capital of Brittany. Plane, Bus, car or train. Bus tickets can be purchased. Plane - 1 hour 36 minutes CDG - RNS $71 - $399* Bus - 6 hours 55 minutes the “Central Park of $18 - $50* Rennes”. Thabor Park Train (Rail Europe) - 2 hosts the Mythos Festival, hours 35 minutes $90 a mixed arts spring festi- $194*(first class). val. When travelling the *All prices are approxiBrittany Region of France mate and should be veriRennes is a great place to fied.

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surgents). Rennes was bombed and partly destroyed in World War II. Industrial activity is diversified and includes automotive assembly, food processing, printing, and the manufacture of automotive components and electronics. Pop. (2015) 215,366.

• April 20, 2019


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April 20, 2019 •

The art of now: Six steps to living in the moment


any of us have been busy running around, travelling and sharing time with family and friends. Sounds like fun but it can also be very stressful. Just being out of

By Donna Byrne

our normal routine, not sleeping in our own bed and being around excited and often tired children can add to tension felt at this time of year. Happy New Year! Now is the time for all of those resolutions. I hope you add relaxation and taking care of yourself to the list. With more people doing our micronutrient blood test and more people using the Magnesphere Therapy I am enjoying watching the effects of relaxation and nutrient replenishment when we know what we need. Getting to know what we need is crucial. Often we just feel down, tired and restless but don’t really understand why. I am hearing and learning more about Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awak-

• April 20, 2019

ening to experience. Most of us are probably not very good at this but I think it is worth looking at. Being aware of the present should help us recognize and deal with some of the stress and tension that so affects our lives. In Psychology Today I found this article “The Art of Now: Six Steps to Living in the Moment” We live in the age of distraction. Yet one of life's sharpest paradoxes is that your brightest future hinges on your ability to pay attention to the present. By Jay Dixit, published on November 01, 2008 - last reviewed on September 20, 2013 A friend was walking in the desert when he found the telephone to God. The setting was Burning Man, an electronic arts and music festival for which 50,000 people descend on Black Rock City, Nevada, for eight days of "radical selfexpression"—dancing, socializing, meditating, and debauchery. A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said "Talk to God" was a surreal sight even at Burning Man. The idea was that you picked up the phone, and God— or someone claiming to be God—would be at the other end to ease your pain. When God came on the line asking how he could help, my friend was ready. "How can I live more in the moment?" he asked. Too often, he felt, the beautiful moments of his life were drowned out by a cacophony of self-consciousness and anxiety. What could he do to hush the buzzing of his mind? "Breathe," replied a soothing male voice. My friend flinched at the tired new-age mantra,

then reminded himself to keep an open mind. “When God talks, you listen.” "Whenever you feel anxious about your future or your past, just breathe," continued God. "Try it with me a few times right now. Breathe in... Breathe out." And despite himself, my friend began to relax. I found this interesting and so true. It could be anyone or no one on that phone but the advice is good. Just breathe…… Take the time to breathe. Life unfolds in the present but so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and lost and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past. "We're living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration and distraction" says Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace. We're always doing something, and we allow little time to practice stillness and calm. When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation; on vacation,

we worry about the work piling up on our desks.We dwell on intrusive memories of the past or fret about what may or may not happen in the future. We don't appreciate the living present because our "monkey minds," as Buddhists call them, vault from thought to thought like monkeys swinging from tree to tree. How often does this happen to you? The same thoughts

higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses. Anchoring awareness in the here and now reduces the kinds of impulsivity and reactivity that underlie depression, binge eating, and attention problems. Mindful people can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened. They fight less with their romantic partners and are more accommodating and less defensive. As a result, mindful couples have more satisfying relationships. There are many paths to mindfulness—and at the core of each is a pargoing on and on, over and adox. Ironically, letting go over during the night like of what you want is the a broken record we can’t only way to get it. In the turn off. We can learn following weeks I will exhow to turn that record plore ideas about Mindoff. fulness and share some We need to live more of the tips to becoming in the moment. Living in “Mindful”. the moment—also called Comments, ideas, sugmindfulness—is a state of gestions are welcome. active, open, intentional attention on the present. Or at 514-695-3131 Mindful people are hap- Monday to Friday bepier, more exuberant, tween 8:30 to 4:30. more empathetic, and more secure. They have


AMCAL hosts a conference on anxiety


MCAL Family Services, in collaboration with Concordia University, hopes you will join them for their twopart conference on anxiety on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 at Oscar Peterson Hall, Concordia University. Speaking at this conference is Lynn Lyons, a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist in Concord, New Hampshire who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders in adults and chil-

dren. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health challenges among children. Anxiety in children is all too common and sadly, when left untreated, is one of the strongest predictors of anxiety and depression later in life. Both AMCAL Family Services and Lynn Lyons believe in approaching anxiety as a family issue and believe treatment should actively involve parents and children together. The professional con-

Lynn Lyons ference Advanced Strategies for Managing Anxious Families will be held from 10:00 AM to 3:00

PM (lunch included) at a cost of $150 for professionals or $75 for students.With research that connects worried, anxious parents to the development of anxiety in children is robust, and the effectiveness of a family- based approach is also well-documented. Schools, mental health professionals, and healthcare providers should offer family-focused care to their anxious clients. This workshop describes in detail an approach that does just that. The parents’ workshop Interrupting the Patterns of Anxiety: Skills We Can (And Should!) Teach Our

Children will be held from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at a cost of $30 per person or $50 for 2 people. We strongly encourage parents to bring their teens and young adults aged 13 and up with them to this workshop. In this presentation, Lyons focuses on how to interrupt the most common anxiety and depression enhancing patterns – including reassurance, accommodation, avoidance, and three cognitive habits – and adopt instead a process- based ‘’umbrella approach’’ that changes both the child and adults’ engrained patterns of


3” x 3” every week for six months








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thinking and behaving.

Registration: nference-on-anxiety

About Lynn Lyons Lynn has travelled globally as a speaker and trainer on the subject of anxiety, its role in families, and the need for a preventative approach at home and in schools. She is the coauthor of two books on anxiety: Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous & Independent Children, and the companion book for kids, Playing with Anxiety: Casey’s Guide for Teens and Kids About AMCAL Family Services AMCAL Family Services is a non-profit community organization committed to promoting and preserving healthy family relationships. For more than 40 years, AMCAL has served the community and supported children and families in crisis. Through our various programs, we strive to strengthen the community by anticipating, advocating and advancing the role of families.

April 20, 2019 •

• April 20, 2019


HIGH LIFE - Eros and Thanatos in outer space Movie Reviews


3” x 3” every week for six months









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es, love, sex, death, and, I should add, boredom –both, among the not-sowilling cosmic travellers involved in a mysterious experiment, as well as among the spectators of this film. Claire Denis directed and co-wrote this movie (with Jean-Pol Fargeau and Geoff Cox). After seeing the movie, it is hard to describe it. "High Life" could be called a failed attempt to explore some deep undercurrents in the human mind (which are not so clear), or a pretentious cinematic exercise where the use of some lurid sex scenes combined with a tender relationship between the protagonist and his baby girl is supposed to incite some search for meanings among the spectators. "High Life" features acclaimed actress Juliette Binoche as Dr. Dibs, in charge of a group of naughty men and women who are sent on a spaceship to the confines of the solar system. We don't know much about what those individuals did on the Earth, but at one point we learn that Dr. Dibs is


Monte (Robert Pattinson) will be one of the two survivors the worst of all when she brags about her crimes being really the worst, to which those of her experiment subjects are just "petty crimes." The story is narrated in three different times: at first, we see Monte (Robert Pattinson) fixing

By Sergio Martinez

something in the spaceship and taking care of baby Willow (Scarlett Lindsey) by then, they are the only survivors of the mysterious mission. By the way, the spacecraft is a massive structure which re-creates a kind of Earthlike environment, even with its own garden. In the second part of the story, the interaction –

often violent and conflictive- among the members of the group is portrayed. However, despite the clear signs of conflict, the movie doesn't explicitly tell us when or why the tragic end of the lives of most of the other members of the group occurs. Finally, in the last section, we see Willow now as a teenager (played by Jessie Ross) with her father Monte, at a moment when the spaceship is approaching a black hole. Question mark, we could say, since everything is open to interpretations in ways that we don't suspect since no clues are given. "High Life" is a film that fails to fulfill its purposes, regarding the science-fiction aspect the setting doesn't provide the atmosphere of a spaceship and at times it looks more like the interior of an apartment building, while the space suits seem to be recycled beekeeper outfits. The drama aspect, on the other hand, is plagued by too many unexplained and disconnected events, the conversation of a professor with a journalist on a train which doesn't lead

to anything, for instance. Of course, I don't recommend this movie, unless you really have nothing better to do.

Across 1. Self starter? 4. Behind 9. Diarist Samuel 14. Can you dig it? 15. Fine thread 16. Of an eye part 17. Morsel for Fido 18. Take for a while 19. Land 20. Judgment times 23. Enters data 24. Lady lobster 25. Fall locale 26. Name for a Dalmatian 28. "Not only that..." 32. Anabranch 35. Clumsy 37. Will Smith flick 41. Iraqi money 42. Inexperienced 43. Kind of dance 44. Bean used to make miso 46. Place that allows "eggstradition"? 50. Done, to Donne 51. Fishing vessel 53. Turkey time 59. Rarin' to go 60. Like krypton 61. Coast Guard officer: Abbr. 62. Pioneer nurse and human-

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itarian, Barton 63. Dimethyl sulfate, e.g. 64. It's the law 65. Range rovers 66. Expressionless 67. __ publica

Down 1. Sweatshirt type 2. Fool's ___ 3. Create a new document 4. Appropriate 5. Duchies 6. Winter Palace resident 7. It may follow something 8. Come back again 9. Jest 10. Composed 11. Persian spirit 12. Ball material 13. Smelting waste 21. Appliance maker 22. Carbon compound 26. Sequel title starter 27. Betty Boop's puppy 28. Old Essen coin 29. Jack-in-the-box part 30. Olympics chant 31. Short 33. 30-day mo. 34. Consent indicators 36. Duffer's dream

37. Tags 38. Goose egg 39. Chain letters? 40. Christian ___ 45. Wild parties 47. Ingratiate 48. "___ on a Wet Afternoon," 1964 film 49. Assignations 50. Gumbo vegetables 51. Kind of call 52. Way in 53. Kind of support 54. Healthy 55. Biology lab supply 56. Techie 57. Research facility: Abbr. 58. Literally, "I forbid" Please see answers on-line Saturday edition Page 25 April 20, 2019 edition: April 20, 2019 •

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Enticy introduces the “boutique condo” to Montreal

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he concept of the luxury condominium is not a new one. However, when a new concept of condo living combines the contemporary style of a glass-encased tower with the classic architecture of existing townhouses that were built during the 1800s, and is situated in a prime urban location, then you get the concept of the “boutique condo”. That’s where Enticy Condos comes into the picture. Last month, Enticy Condos officially unveiled the first of its boutique condos that will be built in Montreal at a classy launch event that was held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Organized by the BEKS real estate team, the launch event brought together the Enticy team, along with potential buyers and investors for an evening where they were able to preview the first Enticy boutique condo, as • April 20, 2019

minutes away from shops, theatres, Metro stations, Old Montreal and the Bell Centre. “The Enticy is a boutique condo that’s the first of its kind in Montreal,” said Jean-Francois Beaulieu, the President of Omnia Technologies, the construction firm for the Enticy project. “It’s modern, elegant and it’s like your own personal sanctuary in the heart of downtown Montreal, with plenty of natural light and By Stuart Nulman a wonderful view of downtown and the St. Lawrence River. It will revitalize the apartment The first Enticy boutique condo in this city.” condo will be located on Ground breaking for the the corner of Rene- first of 15 downtown EnLevesque Boulevard and ticy boutique condos is Mackay Street. The 24- scheduled for this sumstorey structure will fea- mer, with a projected ture studio and one- and completion date of sumtwo-bedroom units that mer 2021. Also collabowill offer the open-plan rating on the project are design. Amenities will in- Claridge as its financial clude a rooftop lounge, partner, and the architecpool and gym, a private tural firm of Geiger Huot. lounge and co-working For more information, go area. As well, its central to: downtown location is just well as enjoy some live jazz music, an art exhibition by Andre Monet plus some bites and bubbly.

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April 20, 2019 •

2019 Montreal real estate market update

Simply put, demand for Montreal real estate is up and supply is down therefore this pushes the prices upward. The median price of single family homes and plexes increased about five per cent (+5%) for the entire region since the first quarter of 2018. For condominum buyers, the Island of Montreal is the number one choice for immigrants and foreign workers and students; the result was an increase in condo prices of eight per cent (+8%). The South Shore of Montreal has always been popular with immigrant






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Eleni Akrivos is a Chartered real estate broker and President of North East Realties, Real Estate Agency in Montreal. Eleni is a lecturer in the Residential Real Estate Program at College Lasalle and Co-Hosts “The Real Estate Show” on CJAD AM800 radio every Sunday at 1:00pm. To send her questions or comments please write to and visit for articles and videos.

Making the Deal is an Art Form...

Eleni (Helen) Akrivos

Courtier immobilier Agréé DA - Dirigeante D'Agence Certified real estate broker AEO- Agency Executive Officer

800 Decarie boulevard Saint-Laurent, QC, H4L3L5



Source: Quebec Federation of Real Estate Boards

properties for sale; people are just not moving. The North Shore and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu posted sales increases of twelve per cent (+12%), Laval sales went up eleven per cent( +11%), South Shore sales increased by ten per cent (+10%) and Vaudreuil-Soulanges area sales were up seven per cent (+7%). Condominiums were the most popluar type of property with ten per cent more purchases made in 2019. Younger first time buyers can more-easily afford a condo then a single home. Price:

island, or turn to a small plex property to help cover your mortgage. With an overall drop in active listings for sale by fifteen per cent when compared to the first quarter of 2018, you can understand why Montreal is so hot right now. Work with a professional realtor and mortgage broker to get the best advise for your situation. With our feet on the ground daily, we know the ins and outs of this market, don't try to go it alone.

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he Montreal real estate market is vastly different from the rest of Canada. Renters outnumber owners in Montreal and small residential multi-plexes are a unique type of property found in abundance. Along with small plexes, Montreal has row houses and townhouses which are in high demand as they are more affordable than single detached homes. Despite the high demand for Montreal real estate since 2018, prices in Canada's secondlargest market are still the lowest when compared to other provinces and there is still room for appreciation. The median selling price of a single home in the first quarter of 2019 in the Montreal Metropolitan Area is $325 000 and for plexes it is $515 000. Here are the highlights of the first quarter of 2019: Sales: When compared to the first quarter of 2018, all of the main areas of the Montreal Metropolitan Area showed an increase in residential sales, except for the Island of Montreal where sales were down two per cent (-2%). The downward sales on the Island could be attributed to the fact that prices have gone up, demand is sky high, and there is very low inventory of available

communities for it's proximity to the Island of Montreal, larger detached homes at a lower price as well the area has undergone extensive development over the last few years with large shopping malls and big stores like Costco, and trains going to Downtown. Due to the high demand and affordability factor, the median price increased by seven per cent (+7%) when compared to 2018. Overall Market Conditions: It is no secret that sellers currently have the upper hand in most areas of Greater Montreal. A sellers market is when there are 6 months of inventory or less for sale on the market, which is the case for single homes, condos and plexes right now.That being said, there are known areas where the supply of a certain type of property is high and buyers still have a chance in a balanced market. For example, the median price of condos in the Vaudrueil area have decreased by three per cent (-3%), probably due to the over supply of resale condos in that area. Again, the Island of Montreal (downtown and city center) stood out with the lowest number of months a property remains on the market for sale. This shows us that we have the highest demand and the lowest supply for Montreals' city center. Both sellers and buyers need to adjust themselves accordingly and stategize when planning a move. You may need to buy first before selling for example. As a first time buyer, you may be priced out of the market and look to buying off-



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