Montreal Times 24 55 August 17 2019

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, August 17, 2019

Vol. 24 No. 55

Bogdan Calita

Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker

Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

"Proudly serving my clients for over 18 years"


Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

Celebrate your family events!

DETOUR CITY Nobody is working on this street, but for some reason one of its lanes is closed. See more inside or on




Smile of the week Mtl Taco festival


ho doesn’t love tacos? They’re filled with flavor and let your taste buds travel to a warm, sunny place. From August 31st to September 2, Montreal will be hosting Taco Fest taking place at the Jacques-Cartier pier. Take a trip to Mexico in your own city where the

Barbara Schaper

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FOR SALE 7190 Frederick-Banting - In the St Laurent Technoparc 2 floors at 10,000 s.f. each floor, call centre, labs, researchplease inquire!


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he Dreamlab Group presents the first edition of Festival StreetFood Montréal, a three-day event that will focus on seamlessly blending the best qualities of food festivals, and traditional night markets. The festival will celebrate street foods of all kinds, with the focus this year being South East Asian cuisine. The amazing chefs from

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salsa dancers and live music. It’s a hot and spicy weekend with over 100 varieties of tacos and handcrafted cocktails including margaritas, mojitos and sangrias. It’s the perfect staycation with all things Mexican! For more information on vendors, location and pricing visit . Arriba!

Mtl Asian festival


L'ile Bizard - At a cul de sac NOT in a flood zone MOVE-IN ready home. Inground pool,garage, 3 bdrm,2 bathrm MLS# 16108852

most celebrated chefs will be showcasing their best recipes! Get your belly ready for tacos, guacamole, churros, and lots of liquid courage, also known as tequila.This first three-day fiesta will be celebrating all things Mexican in the heart of Montreal. Guests will rediscover Mexican cuisine and culture with authentic Mariachi bands,

Imadake, Ichigo Ichie, Street Monkeys, Kokoro, Thailande, Ca Lem, Tran Cantine, Lantern Vietnam, Mon Ami, Kin Khao 25, Sogou, Ong Ca Can, Cuisine de Manille, Chatime and many more have masterfully crafted tasty street foods that will satisfy even the most discerning tastes. 30 of Montreal’s best Asian restaurants coming together for an Asian street



food festival. WHAT: Visitors of all ages can enjoy more than 100 authentic street eats from our favorite Asian restaurants and engage in interactive activities. Friday, August 23rd : 5pm – Midnight; Saturday, August 24th: 11am – Midnight Sunday, August 25th : 11am 10pm 600 Peel Street, Montreal, QC, H3C 2H1, Admission 2$

September 17, 2019



August 17, 2019 •


Just minutes from Downtown! Sale of entire 2nd floor, approximately 9200 square feet divided in 4 large offices, 6 indoor garage spaces, elevator, ideally suited for medical/healthcare business as well as law offices, insurance companies, accounting firm. MLS#17341631

Bogdan Calita 514.582.8348 Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

REM's approach to environmental concerns

ince the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec announced their plan to build the Réseau électrique métropolitain in April of 2016, there have

By Bonnie Wurst

been serious concerns voiced by environmental activists and citizens alike about the impact the project would have on everything from trees, wetlands and noise to urban sprawl and pollution. The REM appears to be taking the issue seriously and is committed to taking the necessary actions required in order to minimize any negative impact the project and network might have. To date the actions being taken by the REM include 'an environmental approach founded on best practices: avoid, minimize and compensate. In addition to the adjustments made to the route during the planning phase, doing • August 17, 2019

TORING: In partnership with the Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec and the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, an agricultural land trust will be created to promote and encourage growth of the land bordering the Rive-Sud Terminal station - together with a future metropolitan agricultural park. The initiatives are not only aimed at protecting the area, but to also help limit urban sprawl. IMPACT ON URBAN WILDLIFE: Although the REM network will mostly run through urban areas, the system may still have a negative impact on local wildlife.To address the potential harm, underpasses and train superimposed on Wetlands - Montreal Technoparc will be built beneath the railway tracks so that aniwhatever it takes to mini- tem is running it is ex- replanted to 110%. mize consequences or pected to contribute to NOISE DURING CON- mals can cross from one taking concrete measures decreasing 680,000 STRUCTION: REM teams side of the REM to the to compensate for the im- tonnes of GHGs over are regularly monitoring other. ON WETpact the work has on the twenty-five years of oper- noise levels to control the IMPACT LANDS, SOIL AND environment'. ation. impact it is having in resiGREENHOUSE GASES: TREES CUT DURING dential and institutional WATER: To avoid negative They plan to compensate CONSTRUCTION: Once areas. Measures include: impacts on wetlands for greenhouse gases the work is completed, controlled work hours, (ponds, marshes and (GHGs) by planting another 250,000 trees will quieter construction 250,000 trees during the be replanted in the munic- equipment, acoustic construction phase, work- ipalities and boroughs screens and a program for ing together with Jour de where they were cut communicating with citila Terre (the provincial down in temporary con- zens. branch of 'Earth Day struction zone areas - ENVIRONMENTAL & Canada'). Once the sys- bringing the total of trees URBAN SPRAWL MONI-

Free Report Reveals How to Avoid Getting Stuck Owning Two Homes

MONTREAL - West Island - Every month, thousands of homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first.You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up homeless. It's what insiders in the industry call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it's an extremely anxious position to find yourself in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament. But one local realtor is using a unique Guaranteed Sale Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one. If your home doesn't sell in 120 days, they will buy it from you themselves for the previously agreed price ensuring that you never get caught in the Real Estate

bogs) the REM is doing whatever is possible to protect them, such as altering the route and prohibiting the use of de-icing salt on the railway tracks in winter. As for the Technoparc Montréal area, mitigation measures are being implemented to protect the water and soil, such as safe stockpiling of contaminated soils, erosion protection and silt barriers. It is clear there will be a significant enough impact during the REM construction phase and once it is running - but it appears as much as possible is being done to limit the negative impacts. One must also take into consideration that the REM network will be fully electrically powered and not be contributing to greenhouse gases. And the noise level will be minimal compared to that of trains or city buses.What are your concerns? Is the REM doing enough?



REM Station

Catch 22. Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job for you. When interviewing agents, find out what kind of guarantee they are willing to give you with respect to the selling of your home. Unfortunately, you'll find that most agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled "How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Two Homes". To order a FREE Special Report, visit or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-727-7105 and enter 3005. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how to guarantee the cash sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright [C] {2017



A rant on Montreal rents and affordable housing

t is not easy to find housing in Montreal, where the vacancy rate has reached its lowest level in several years. The situation has turned the

non-permanent residents such as temporary workers, foreign students or refugees.This rate has declined even though the number of rental housing projects reached a record 10,000 last year. A community organizer of the People's Organization, Information and Consolidation Project (POPIR), Patricia Viannay, mentioned other factors. Her organization has seen an increase in the number of evictions for alleged major renovations, a means used by landlords to circumvent provincial By Pascal DesLauriers eviction and rent increase rules. The renoviction ologism has even been insearch for an apartment vented because of this. into a mad rush. It even Slumlords Millionaires threatens the city's repuShe says that some landtation for affordable rents, lords create housing according to tenants' shortages by not renting rights advocates. their apartments, adding What Airbnb’s got to that these some even predo with it? fer to leave a dwelling An economist at the empty or rent it on Canada Mortgage and Airbnb so that they can Housing Corporation, later raise the rent signifiFrancis Cortellino, said cantly. the vacancy rate had fallen POPIR is well-aware of to 1.9% in 2018. Accord- the effects of gentrificaing to him, this situation is tion in a neighbourhood. due to the mass arrival of The community group


had to move its penthouses after the new owner of the building where it had been located for 50 years increased the rent beyond its means. Is Montreal, the next Vancouver? Robert Beaudry, head of economic and commercial development, housing and design for the City of Montréal's executive committee, pointed out that the City was aware of

the pressure exerted on tenants.The municipal authorities have no intention of letting Montreal resemble Toronto or Vancouver, where the average rent exceeds $1300, as compared to $796 in the Quebec metropolis. Still, Montrealer’s marked almost a 10% increase on the rental market in 2019. In recent months, the City has decided to limit short-term leases such as

those proposed on the Airbnb site by tightening regulations. It has also put in place a plan to renovate aging buildings and has promised to create 12,000 new social and affordable housing units by 2021. This remains to be seen... The future is now There is a significant need for social housing in Montreal. It will never be too early to fix the situa-

tion when it is believed that nearly 100,000 people are paying too much for housing. Until then, the problem will only get worse because of the current housing shortage. More and more families are finding themselves crammed into dwellings that are too small or must settle far from their roots.

August 17, 2019 •

Montreal one huge contruction zone

“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line,” said Archimedes, but in Montreal, thanks to all the road blockades, it seems that the shortest distance

By Sergio Martinez

has been replaced by convoluted detours that motorists and buses are now forced to take. And that, if you are lucky enough that the detour that you took in the morning on your way to work has not been changed in the afternoon, adding extra time to your return home. Since the city seems to be an equal opportunity dispenser of annoyance, this time it is not only those who are driving their cars which have been inconvenienced. Pedestrians, transit users, and even cyclists have also been subjected to this

nightmarish experience of finding the right way to their destinations. Although the ubiquitous orange cones and cylinders that now are a kind of unofficial symbol of the city, are found everywhere in Montreal, this time the downtown area has had an excessive amount of streets closed and the subsequent detours. The works on Sainte Catherine St. announced a couple of years ago, are now in full swing between Phillips Sq. and the Quartier des spectacles. Very soon, these works should extend west, a prospect that scares merchants in the area. Of course, people understand that in some cases, particularly that of our leading commercial street, there is a need for some essential works (replacement of old water pipes). Moreover, people understand too that several other repairs such as fixing roads, changing old pipes, remaking of interchanges or improvements in the electricity or natural gas networks may be necessary, and that our short summer is the best time to undertake these works. However, would it be too much to ask for some planning in advance on the part of our city authorities? And to keep the public informed about

Sidewalks are being widened but in the meantime there are no temporay sidewalks for pedestrians

these developments? We say that because so far the most accurate way to describe the detour situation in the city is that of a total chaos. Some areas are subjected to closure while no apparent work is done, Guy Street around the Concordia campus, for instance, saw a lane closed for two weeks, forcing the move of a busy bus stop a block from the metro station’s primary access. Then suddenly this week the closure was gone: during all


the time that the lanes were closed not a single piece of pavement was removed, in other words: the road was closed for no reason. Who was responsible for this: the bureaucrats who ordered the closing of the lane? The contractors for a job that for some mysterious reason someone decided that wasn’t necessary? Who knows? Neither the city nor the Ville Marie borough has bothered to inform the people on why the lane was closed. Peel

St. above Sherbrooke has been closed for many months now, part of a renewal of the area, but, would it be too much for the borough of Ville Marie to at least tell the people why the works are taking so long? Information gathered from other areas of Montreal allows us to describe it as an out-of-control situation: streets and sidewalks are torn apart, cars, bikes, and people have to take detours, and then the city doesn’t give any ex-

planation as to how long the works will last. In some cases, some works are of questionable usefulness or priority, such as the widening of the sidewalks in some intersections. Montreal has become “detour city” this summer, full of “rue barré” signs. Let’s wait until the next municipal election when voters put up a sign addressed to our elected officials: “foutez le camp!” (“Get lost!”)

Have you ever bought mutual funds using an online broker?

Law firm Investigation Counsel is investigating a potential class action on behalf of Canadian investors, including residents of Quebec, who hold or have previously held mutual funds in their investment accounts with an online broker. Canadian investors who have held mutual funds with their online broker might have paid excessive fees and may be entitled to compensation.

Canadian mutual fund investors pay amongst the highest fees in the world. They deserve full disclosure about the costs associated with mutual funds. Excessive fees should be paid back to affected investors. If you ever held mutual funds in an investment account with an online broker, please contact Investigation Counsel at or 416.637.3152 • August 17, 2019


3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4


60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9



Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island



(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West


• Alyssa De Rosa • Kieron Yates • Catherine Maisonneuve • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • John Symon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos

Downtown densification - Pros and Cons T he City of Montreal's Strategic Action Plan for Downtown released last year envisions a population increase in the downtown area of 50 thousand people by 2030. To prepare for that demographic scenario, the Ac-

By Sergio Martinez

tion Plan also foresees the addition of one thousand new three-room-and-plus dwellings in ten years, including "a significant proportion of those being affordable for a family that buys a property for the first time." The Plan also calls for the arrival of three thousand new residents with children within ten years.To achieve these goals, the City also proposes a series of complementary facilities and infrastructures. Among the ones mentioned by the Plan, four new primary schools and one new high-school, and improvements in public transit. Regarding the latter, the idea is to provide as much as 100,000 rides per day, including the use of metro, buses and the new REM. (The controversial Reseau electric de Montréal, the new Light Electric Train that will connect downtown to the South Shore, Laval and the Pierre E. Trudeau Airport in Dorval). Is that a good scenario? Certainly, the population

Some developments are controversial, like the one approved for the former Franciscan site

growth in the downtown area will mean an increase in density since, obviously, the territory remains constant. This fact also means that in order to accommodate the potential new dwellers within the same amount of land, the only option is to go vertical: high rise buildings become the norm in the downtown area. To densify the city, especially its downtown has some significant advantages, but also some problems. On the positive side, the first advantage is to keep the downtown area alive after offices and businesses close. Canadian cities in this regard have had a much better fate than those south of the border with the case of Detroit being the worst case. As people leave the downtown and adjacent areas and move to the suburbs, what once were lively commercial and residential neighbourhoods, now become ghost towns, a phenomenon with very adverse economic and social effects. Montreal, like most Cana-


General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


dian cities, has avoided that gloomy destiny thanks to the fact that it has managed to retain a large local population.The demographic growth, i.e., densification, has then this positive aspect. As a result of that high residential component, downtown Montreal maintains a reputation as a safe place to visit from other parts of the city, and it also keeps relatively normal retail, entertainment, and restaurant businesses. A densely populated downtown is also a way to counteract the negative effects of urban sprawl and migration to the suburbs. A phenomenon that started in the 1950s bringing problems such as an intensive use of cars and the subsequent pollution they produce, costly investments in the extension of the electric grid, water and sewers pipelines, and roads. On the minus side, however, densification may also create its own problems: car use, for instance, is still high among downtowners because after all, having wheels is very much an entrenched part of the North American culture. With narrower streets in the area and the presence of those who work or study there and who also—somehow unwisely— bring their cars downtown, traffic becomes a big issue, increasing pollution and reducing the quality of life for both residents and visitors. Since the most lucrative—and therefore preferred by developers—way of providing housing to people in the area is the high-rise, more and more condo towers are built. At this very moment, two mas-

The high-rise is the norm in most of the downtown area

sive—and controversial— developments are in the preliminary steps of construction: the one at the former Franciscan site, and the one where the Children's Hospital used to be. Some others are being planned, including one that would destroy some buildings which are still in good shape. Paradoxically, a site in a prime location, the one located on Sherbrooke which also faces Guy, has been vacant and used as a parking lot for decades. At one point it was mentioned that the same New York group that owns the WaldorfAstoria would build a hotel in that place. The idea never materialized, and the site remains an eyesore. Densification, of course, could be good as long as the authorities are ready to provide the resources needed for a good infrastructure and services. At this point, the downtown area is deficient in those two aspects. Roads and sidewalks need repairs, trees in the area die and no one in the city bureau-

cracy cares to replace them, green space, in general, is insufficient especially if you want to attract families with children, lighting is still mostly based on the old system of sodium lamps that give a weak yellowish light. (Only Sainte Catherine and McTavish, and parts of de Maisonneuve, Peel, Guy, and Atwater have recently been equipped with brighter white LED lamps). Although there is talk of bringing some public schools to the area, and in a few years the west-end part of downtown will finally have its community centre, much is needed to keep this part of the city lively and attractive to more families. It is obvious then that densification, in the long run, could be a very good thing, provided that those who come to live in the area have access to the necessary facilities and services. Otherwise, it could create a nightmarish situation with traffic and public services out of control.

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August 17, 2019 •

The Canadian Juvenile Basketball Team: A Story Worth Reading! Hughes could not believe it: “To my amazement the title page highlighted that the Canadian Junior Women National Team would be playing the Virginia AAU All Stars in advance of the USA - Russia game!’’ The players did not have Canada on their shirts, but they did have the Sun Youth name. The next evening, the game was played. With three minutes to play, there were thousands of Virginia supporters in the stands. “The deficit was thirteen points in the US

David Sebag

favour, but this game changed everything for girls’ basketball in Canada,” proudly says Hughes. On their return, Leslie Hughes immediately met with Earl to report on the amazing experience. He also had a question in mind for him regarding being identified as the Junior National Team. Earl casually responded: “Did I forget to mention that? I just thought that it would be a good opportunity. Let’s go for coffee.”

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Olympian and Sun Youth Hornets alumna Lizanne Murphy with Coach Leslie Hughes.

he Sun Youth Hornets summer basketball program is well under way with participations in several tournaments such as the Elite Basketball Skills Academy Crossover Challenge and the Saint-Laurent Express Tournament (both of which Sun Youth’s U12 won). Summer basketball also means participating in tournaments beyond Quebec’s borders such as the Zero Gravity Basketball Tournament in Boston and the Adidas Boys Jr. Gauntlet in Albany. Ever wonder how some of these summer trips were organized in the past? Read on, you won’t believe it! In March 1989, the Sun Youth Juvenile Boys Basketball Team won the FBBQ provincial Champi-

• August 17, 2019

onship in Sorel. The team was coached by Wayne Kidd, Leslie Hughes and Mike Clarke. After reaching that important goal, they planned on taking a sabbatical year from coaching. Well that was not going to happen! Two weeks after the end of the season, Sun Youth cofounder Earl De La Perralle invited Leslie Hughes to a 6 p.m. meeting in his office. Earl had a proposal he knew Mr. Hughes could not resist: he had received a request from Coach Boo Williams, a famous AAU coach in the Virginia Beach area. “He asked if I could put together a team of girls and train them in 6 weeks to play a single game at the Hampton Coliseum in Virginia,” Hughes recalls. The plan was to play a preliminary

exhibition game followed by the Virginia AAU All Stars playing the Russian Men’s Junior National Team. Sun Youth didn’t have a summer elite basketball program for girls at that time, so it was a first. On the long weekend of May 1989, the team and coaching staff embarked in two white Chevy vans and fourteen hours later drove underground into the stadium indoor parking lot. Even though they had been prepared by the coaches, some of the players were so astonished that they thought it was a joke. They had never been in a basketball stadium that held 8,000 plus spectators, let alone play in one! As Coach Williams gave them a tour of the facility, he also gave them the program for the event.

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was asked to speak to the Beaconsfield Ladies Group this week. The topic for the talk was left up to me. I decided to speak about the current trends in food. One of the most prominent is the trend toward small. A cocktail dinatoire is the current buzz word. Essentially, you are serving a dinner without the dinner plate, cutlery, table and chairs. The courses are served by means of hors d’oeuvres. The first course is usually soup. I decided to prepare a roasted vegetable soup and serve it in a demi- tasse espresso cup. Ingredients ( for 40 hors d’oeuvre size servings) • 2 onions, peeled and roughly chopped • 1 head of garlic, halved

• 6 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped • 3 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped • 2 potatoes, washed and roughly chopped • 1/2 head of cauliflower, roughly chopped • 2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped • 1/3 cup canola oil • Salt and pepper • 3 litres of stock ( I used chicken stock) Put all the chopped vegetables in a roasting pan and drizzle with the canola oil, salt and pepper. Roast in a preheated 375ºF oven for at least thirty minutes,

stirring occasionally. When the vegetables start to turn colour and the tips have a brown tinge, they are ready. Pour the vegetables into a pot along with the stock. Simmer for 30 minutes. Using a blender, blend the soup in batches and pass through a sieve. Reheat the soup, adjust the seasoning and serve in bowls or decorative mini cups. Thank you Beaconsfield Ladies – you were a great audience! Comment on this article at:

Chefs Karen & Peter Webster

7 Collège, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec H9X 1W9 514-457-“BRIE” (2743) /


Don’t forget to follow us on twitter and Facebook August 17, 2019 •


ight years and hundreds of thousands of burgers later, Le Burger Week with Cheese is now one of the best-known food festivals in Canada. And this year, it’s back with plenty of new and delicious flavours. It’s getting hot in here...and not just on the grill! Enjoy a delicious burger and help a good cause! The biggest news about Le Burger Week with Cheese 2019 is its partnership with La Tablée des Chefs, an organization whose mission is to feed people in need and develop culinary education for youth so that they can eat well and make smart choices, even on a limited budget. In 2019, $1 from every burger sold at participating restaurants in Quebec will be donated to La Tablée des Chefs. All the more reason to try one, or several! “We are delighted that we have the opportunity to support this organization,” said Thierry Rassam, cofounder of Le Burger Week with Cheese with

Le Burger Week 2019 his friend and business partner Na’eem Adam. “It’s an opportunity for judges and food lovers alike to help reduce food insecurity and provide education to youth across Quebec.” During Le Burger Week with Cheese, participating restaurants must bring their A-game to create a new, unique burger that reflects the essence of their establishment. How could we forget The Jerry Louis from La Brasserie des Rapides in LaSalle, or the magnificent shrimp on rye Ebi Matane from the Centre Sheraton Montréal? The participating restaurants’ creations will be available to the public, who can then vote for their favourites at There are awards for the best-looking burger, the healthiest burger and the most creative burger in each participating city. In addition, a jury of undercover tasters will help award the Judges’ Choice title. Eighth edition of Le Burger Week with Cheese -September 1-7,

Day: September 3rd and 30th 2019 Evening: September 9th 2019

2019 About Le Burger Week with cheese - 400 restaurants, two countries, six provinces, 16 cities and

• August 17, 2019

200,000 burger lovers. Numbers that will make your head spin – and confirm that the famous sandwich invented in 1885 by


the young Charlie Nagreen, from Seymour,Wisconsin, has been gaining fans ever since. Whether you’re in Port-au-Prince,

Kenora, Calgary, Ottawa, Saskatoon, or Alouette, seven days of great burgers await you.


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option #1



August 17, 2019 •

Portuguse wine - An oddisey into value & diversity


he world of wine is extremely varied and diverse and nowhere is this more evident than in Portuguese wines. In Canada, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia are the biggest consumer. In 2015, Portugal was in the top 10 wine importers in Canada.

national palates. Portugal spent many years under the dictatorship of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, from 1932 to 1974. After Salazar’s death, the country began to modernize and in 1986, it joined the European Union which eventually provided funding to improve Portugal’s vineyards. There are more than 260 grape varieties indigenous to Portugal, and the country has a very long tradition of winemaking, separated into different segments.One very important part of Portugal’s history is the Port trade. Port is a fortified wine. In another segment are the sweet wines made on the island of Madeira, and the sweet wines of Setubal. has been famous for By Marco Giovanetti Port centuries, thanks to the relationship between the Portuguese and the EngPortugal has been mak- lish, who signed the Treaty ing wine for , even going of Windsor in 1386. back as far as the PhoeniPortugal has both white cians who introduced the and red varieties that are vine to Portugal in the 7th made into interesting century. Portuguese wine wines. The whites can be traditions are still quite light and floral, and are evident in its winemaking. made with Alvarinho, EnIn some areas grapes are cruzado and other varistill pressed by stomping eties. The reds tend to be on them in bare feet in more full-bodied.The preLagares. However in re- mier red variety in Portucent years, a lot of pro- gal is Touriga Nacional. ducers are making wines Baga, another indigenous in a more modern style, variety, makes some of the trying to appeal to inter- most heavily tannic still

wines in the world, rivaling Italy’s Amarone, according to Weiss. International varieties are also grown in Portugal and some producers are experimenting with blends of both. Most Portuguese wines are sold in the SAQ and LCBO from somewhere between $10 and $140 dollars.These latter wines are more expensive and some are of them are worth the money, but you can get a great bottle of

wine in the lower spectrum as well. Garrafeira is a useful term to know when reading a Portuguese wine label. It is used for red wines mostly and means that the wine has been aged for at least two years before bottling, and has spent at least a year in the bottle. White wines that use the term are aged for at least six months before bottling and then have to spend at least six months in the bottle thereafter.

Portugal has a number of wine regions but some of the most famous are the Douro Valley, the Minho, the Dão, Beiras, Bairrada, Ribatejo and the Alentejo. The wines from the Minho are just on the border with Spain and share a lot in common with their Spanish counterpart. The Douro Valley is undoubtedly one of the finest regions for making not just Port wines but also still red wines in Por-

tugal. That is due to the rocky schist soil, which helps to produce great wines the world over, and to the Douro River, which runs through it, creating the perfect microclimates for grape growing. Still wines are made from the same combinations of grape varieties that can be found in Port wines such as Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz (known as Tempranillo in Spain), Tinta Barroca, Tinta Cao and Touriga Francesca.

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514 363 5555 150 Notre Dame, Lachine, Quebec, H8R 1H1 • August 17, 2019






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Portuguese wines to try: J.M. Fonseca Albis 2015 (Setubal) SAQ# 00319905 $12.05

A light and delicate white made with indigenous varieties such as Moscatel de Setubal and Arinto. On the floral aromas and tropical fruits such as pineapple and passion fruit. Fresh with a nice acidity. Perfect for baked white fish such as flounder in sauce.

Meia Encosta Dao blanc 2015 SAQ# 12332301 $10.95

Made with Malvasia Fina, Encruzado, Bical, FernĂŁo Pires, this is another stunning white wine from the Dao. Fruity, elegant and mineral. It is voluminous in the mouth, with a marked herbal character, in perfect balance with the acidity. Try it with penne al pesto with tuna.

Vila Regia 2015 (Douro Valley) SAQ# 00464388 $9.80

Made by the Sogrape Coop in Portugal. The 2015 is better than ever and the best value at the SAQ at the moment. Terrific with notes of licorice, sandalwood , black cherry jam. Good body with plenty of vinous and spice black fruit flavors. Perfect for a Monday night hearty supper.

Duque de Viseu 2015 ( Beiras, Dao) SAQ# 00546309 $14.05

An absolute steal for the price .This wine opens with a little time. Big bold black fruit with a medium body. Dark cherry and a little tobacco on the finish. Great value for the price that it has

Animus 2015 ( Douro Valley) SAQ # 11133239 $12.95

Cedar wood tones with wild tart black raspberry and licorice. This full-bodied Portuguese red wine is smooth and supple with a great price. Excellent choice for weekday suppers.


August 17, 2019 •


The wonders of our skin manager By Martha Shannon

The Versatility of St John’s Wort If you research this the St John’s Wort flower, you will encounter many pros and cons as to its usage. For some, taken internally, it may help with minor depression, a positive feature for many. We are interested in its use in skin care. We incorporated St John's Wort into our Skin Manager as a skin aid, and over the years, our customers have shared the Manager’s wide range of uses. It is nourishing and restorative. St. John's Wort is best taken in a blend. It is a wonderful aid for oily and sensitive skin types. St John’s Wort antiinflammatory properties. In the medical world, topical uses for St. John’s Wort still seem to be on the back burner. It does, however, have potential use in medical skin care. Some studies have been done on wound healing, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. but no conclusive results seem to be available. Most studies have instead been done on the plant’s internal benefits and or risks.

But there are some reviews as to its benefiting the skin. It can hydrate and soothe the skin and the natural plumping up of the skin cells does reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We always suggest a spot test first (the inside of the wrist is a good place), but our blend is very gentle. We have had only accolades on the Skin Manager. Our Skin Manager, a combo of emu oil, black spruce, St John’s Wort, and hemp oil has received many positive testimonials on both its own and as part of our Skin Management Program. Many people see positive changes in their skin once they reduce the chemicals in their daily skin care routine. Below is a testimonial on the Skin Management Program, which includes pure Emu oil, Emu Neem soap, Clay Neem and the Skin Manager with St John’s Wort. “I’ve had sensitive, acne prone skin for years now and tried everything on the market. I found that if it cleared up the pimples, it made me itchy and dry. I decided that in order to have clear skin, it had to dry out. Then it seemed that my make-up was

making my skin even worse (powder) but I needed the make-up to cover the blemishes. I contacted Earth to Body because I had such great success with the ESP shampoo and they were SO helpful! I started using the Skin Management Program and I haven’t looked back. My skin looks and feels so much better. I can actually feel it working. Oh, and I no longer use any powder/foundation on my skin. I don’t need it anymore!” Connie, Canada These properties contribute greatly to the blend which we sell to ‘manage the skin’. Anytime you feel your skin needs soothing, itch reduction and loving care, reach for the Skin Manager. We have suggestions for vegetarians and vegans as well. Neem, argan, tamanu. Please do visit us at the shop or shop online. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Visit our store: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9R 2V1.

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August 17, 2019 •

• August 17, 2019



August 13 is Left handed Day

hat do Bill Clinton, Jay Leno, Monica Seles, Bruce Willis, Jerry Seinfeld, Paul McCartney, Prince Charles, Keanu Reeves

By Donna Byrne

and Oprah Winfrey have

in common? If you answer "they are all left-handed," you are right! August 13th is Left Handers Day. Full disclosure. I am left handed. In LEFT IS RIGHT: The Survival Guide for Living Lefty in a Right-Handed World, author Rae Lindsay presents an upbeat look at the sinisterly side of life. She lists dozens of well-known people who belong to this "exclusive club" (estimated members in the United States: 40 million), discusses the theories about hand preference and brain organization, and traces the superstitions and religious customs associated


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by e-mail


with lefties through history. Rae Lindsay writes that "all the world's major languages have special terms for being left-sided or lefthanded...and very few of them are flattering," dating back to the Latin word sinister, which really meant "the pocket side" of togas. In modern languages gauche means "clumsy" or "awkward," mancini indicates "crooked" or "maimed “in Italian; in Romany bongo translates as "evil" or "crooked;" and in Spanish, no ser zurdo means to be "very clever," in other words, not to be lefthanded. Bizarre information is that some people are afraid of left handedness. What causes someone to become a southpaw? Scientists aren’t exactly sure, but research points to a complex collaboration between genes and environment. While no exact set of “leftie genes” have been discovered, people who dominantly use their left hands do have more left-handed family members. Researchers have found different brain wirings in righties vs. lefties.Why exactly people are lefthanded is still a bit of a mystery — partly because left-handed people are

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often excluded from scientific research, experts say —There’s no denying it. Left-handers are the odd ones out. Lefties make up about 10 percent of the population but it seems as if society has forgotten about them. Just consider all of the right-handed gadgets, awkwardly designed desks, and cooking tools that fit comfortably only in your right hand. Lefties are more likely to have allergies and are more prone to Migraines. They are more likely to be insomniacs and are three times more likely to become alcoholics – the right side of the brain has a lower tolerance to alcohol!

On the brighter side, lefties seem more adept at processing information and concepts from the right side of the brain, the hemisphere which controls intuitions, the five senses, and "holistic thinking" which allows them to grasp broader concepts, such as an entire painting or musical composition. They are more likely to be on extreme poles of the intelligence scale Lefties are better at 3D perception and thinking and better at multi-tasking. . We certainly shouldn't worry about lefties chances of success: here’s a list of left handed presidents. James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford,

Roald Regan, George H W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Lefties make especially good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers and boxers.Almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties. Graduating lefties are likely to become 26% richer than right handed graduates. Four of the five original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed. One in four Apollo astronauts were left-handed – 250% more than the normal level. It seems the percentages have remained consistent over the years dating back to Neanderthal days so I guess we are here to stay…

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August 17, 2019 •

Introducing Quality Country Living HUDSON Cosy 3 bedroom cottage in quiet pastoral setting, first time on the market MLS#15124228 Asking $319,000

RIGAUD Stunning 15 acre equestruan property 8-stall barn, gorgeous 3 bedroom home & seperate apt, adjacent Polo Fields MLS#9392168 Asking $1,549,000


Beautiful private equestrian 10 acre property with immaculate 5 bedroom home and 3-stall stable MLS#14958259 Asking $1,289,000 HUDSON Lovely 3+1 bedroom home w/2-car garage in central family friendly neighbourhood MLS#13865024 Asking $439,000

RIGAUD An architectural delight w/5 bdrm 2 1/2 bth on 10 acres. First time on the market for this unique country getaway MLS#12036878 Asking $496,000

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HUDSON Immaculate 5 bedroom 4 1/2 bths bungalow w/2nd floor wing, stunning kitchen and gazebo to die for in desirable central neighbourhood MLS#27154109 Asking $835,000

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The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead Book review


mostly the White students – would earn privileges by working their up to different levels (with the highest one being an “Ace”). Yet Elwood sees his time at Nickel with a sense of hope and optimism as the Civil Rights movement spreads across the country, with an LP recording of Martin Luther King’s Whitehead, who won the selected speeches called coveted Pulitzer Prize for “Martin Luther King at his previous novel The Zion Hill” as his solace, Underground Railroad, and King’s famous “Letter based The Nickel Boys on from the Birmingham Jail” a sad piece of hidden hisas his hope. Yet his friend tory of the Black Ameriand fellow Nickel Acadcan experience. emy student Turner does Its focal point is the not share Elwood’s optiNickel Academy, an actual mism, thinks he is terribly reform school that was By Stuart Nulman naïve, and believes that located in South Florida, the key to survival is to which for its Black do things underhanded, dents, was more like a complete set of leatherand try not to get caught. glorified prison and chambound encyclopedias as Colson Whitehead has ber of horrors; where institutionalized racism was the prize. Elwood wins, done a masterful job practiced with a great but finds out that the set, bringing out this tragic deal of cruelty, and if a which was left at the piece of Black American student happened to die hotel by a travelling sales- history with The Nickel from punishment or dis- man, only had the first Boys. And it almost reads aster (such as the dormi- volume fully printed, with like an American version tory fire of 1921), their the rest of the volumes in of the ads legacy of the fate would be sealed in an the set as blank-paged residential school system in Canada. It’s as if Whiteunmarked grave in the samples). When Elwood is head is trying to bring a campus’ Boot Hill cemestopped by a local policesmall ray of light that is tery. The protagonist is El- man one night and is ar- symbolized by Elwood wood Curtis, a young man rested on a trumped up Curtis to the overall dark living in the Black neigh- traffic charge, he is sent to picture of what went on borhood of Frenchtown Nickel Academy as his behind the walls of Nickel in Tallahassee, Florida dur- punishment. And it is Academy. Hopefully, Mr. ing the late 50s and early there that he experiences Whitehead will bring for60s, when Jim Crow laws the brutal reality of ward more examples of still ruled the Deep South racism and segregation Black American history – with an iron fist, yet the that permeated the Deep both heroic and tragic – Civil Rights movement is South, from violent penal- to future generations of beginning to bloom. ties for infractions that readers through his excelRaised by his grand- would usually be prac- lent novels. (Bond Street Books/ mother, Elwood is a de- ticed in a prison or chain Doubleday Canada, termined, ambitious man gang, or a class system, where the students – $29.95) fter reading the prologue to Colson Whitehead’s latest best-selling novel The Nickel Boys, I came to this rather harrowing conclusion about the book before I got into the meat of it: this is indeed a contemporary American tragedy.


who plans to attend college, yet somehow the clouds of injustice always seem to hang over his head (which is exemplified by an incident when he is working the kitchen of a popular local hotel; he is challenged to a dishwashing competition with a

Across 1. Founder of PLF 6. Time out? 10. Morrison and Cramer 14. It was founded in 1909 15. Burgeon 16. Berry touted as medicinal 17. Home-builders association? 20. Skeleton parts 21. Laurels 22. Asportation, e.g. 25. Marshal 26. Aggregation 30. To boot 32. Succulent plant 35. Benign tumor 41. Extortionist? 43. Ranges 44. 1992 Christopher Reid movie 45. Bibliographic abbr. 47. Kid 48. Group of eight 53. Rice 56. Involuntary response 58. Entry 63. Grimm duo? 66. Bladed weapon 67. Descendant of Hezekiah

68. Harden 69. 1990 World Series champs 70. Mug variety 71. In a pen Down 1. Hill dwellers 2. Thai currency 3. Plain 4. Maple genus 5. Done for 6. Special effects: Abbr. 7. Food scrap 8. Sacred songs 9. Some punches 10. Quipster 11. Less cordial 12. Fruit residue 13. Cream puff 18. ___-di-dah 19. Pilot's announcement, for short 23. All ___ 24. Train part 26. Normal prefix 27. Astringent 28. ___ jellies 29. Cap 31. Guisado cooker 33. Chow checker 34. It may follow something

36. "___ De-Lovely" 37. Head-turner 38. Thumbs-up 39. Jagger 40. Penny, perhaps 42. In a bad way 46. Plant native to South America 48. Catchall category 49. ___ myrtle 50. Shaded 51.Vaulted recesses 52. Expire 54. Make a sharp turn 55. Large amounts 57. Blind segment 59. Copper 60. Case 61. Dehydrated 62. Winter toy 64. Kan. neighbor 65. Like some humor Please see answers on-line Saturday edition Page 25 August 17th, 2019 edition:

August 17, 2019 •

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Notice is hereby given that Marie-France Boudreault (the “Deceased”), in her lifetime residing at 16 Chester Avenue, Pointe-Claire, Province of Quebec, H9R 4H7, died in Gatineau on January 9, 2019. An inventory of the Deceased's property has been made in accordance with the law and can be consulted by creditors and other interested parties by contacting the executor Joanne Boudreault, residing at 14 Cayer Street, Gatineau, Province of Quebec, J8Y 1K4 and Daniel Solonyna, residing at 16 Chester Avenue, Pointe-Claire, Province of Quebec, H9R 4H7, no later than September 30, 2019.




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August 17, 2019 •

Selling your house in Montreal’s hot real estate market 2019

urgent repair that needs attention. This is a crucial step enabling the seller to declare everything to the next potential buyer. Sellers can also obtain estimates for a major repair, which will help the buyer better assess your home. Work with a realtor who understands the type of home you have and the target buyer the home will appeal to. This will allow you to fill out the Declaration of the Seller efficiently and prepare your home to sell! 2) PRICE PRICE PRICE! Remember your property is red hot when it first comes out on the market and everyone will want to see it! If no one has shown interest within the first week, then you may have a problem with the price. Make sure you price correctly at the start of the listing, to avoid several drastic price changes. If not, work with your realtor and be proactive with the pricing to always keep the interest of the buyers, which dwindles very quickly!






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h itc


The price is the number one factor that drives buyers today – they are more knowledgeable than ever before and are economically cautious due to the restrictions of their mortgage pre-approval amount. They can smell an overpriced house a mile away and will steer clear of putting in an offer – they will just sit on the side line and wait it out. Work with a broker who offers you a plan and strategy on how to get the most money within your timeline. There are different ways of pricing your home smartly to beat out the competition, either slightly under the market value, or as close as possible to it, in order to incite a high number of qualified buyers.

ket again. See what else has sold in your neighbourhood and compare it to your home objectively. This is always easier said than done, so seek the advice of a professional, that’s what we are here for! On a final note, it is important to address your emotions and leave them out of the equation. As a realtor I know buyer’s best and can look at your home from a buyer’s perspective. Offering candid advice to my seller’s help them make the best decisions when selling their home! Eleni Akrivos is a Chartered real estate broker and President of North East Realties, Real Estate Agency in Montreal. Eleni is a lecturer in the Residential Real Estate Program at College Lasalle and Co-Hosts “The Real Estate Show” on CJAD AM800 radio every Sunday at 1:00pm. To send her questions or comments please write to and visit for articles and videos.

Making the Deal is an Art Form...

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process which allows a seller to prepare themselves mentally and ultiprepare their t is no secret that in mately home for a new potential Montreal’s hot real es- owner. This will take a bit tate market, buyers of physical and mental and sellers alike have labor, and it is worth it! already experienced mul- Start by removing all extiple offers and over bid- tras (clutter, books, and ding in specific clothes in closets, perneighbourhoods; namely sonal photos, and bulky West Island, Westmount, furniture) in order to “air Town-of-Mont Royal, out” the space. Try to Outremont, Notre- keep décor and colors Dame-de Grace, Hamp- neutral, with a bit of pop stead as well as areas of here and there. Make Laval and the South Shore sure your home gets an of Montreal. Despite the overall “spring cleaning” low supply of properties so it shines and smells for sale and the ever-in- nice from top to bottom. creasing demand, an over- Gather all your important priced property will still documents and review take much longer to sell the history of the imand will help the compet- provements and renovaing homes to sell quickly tions with your realtor. Next comes the preinstead of yours! sale building consultation, There is much more inwhere you meet with the volved in selling at top building inspector who dollar other than the hot real estate market. The will give your property an successful sale of your overall “checkup”. You home should always in- may need to make small repairs and touch-ups volve these 3 things: such as painting or plas1) Preparation Preparation is the initial tering, remove old carpets or you may have a more By Eleni Arrivos

3) Promotion & Presentation Most buyers shop on the internet therefore your home needs to be presented in the best light possible using High Definition quality photos, staging and video. Along with the local website such as here in Quebec, your home can be featured on some other high traffic sites or social media platforms. Ask your broker what they plan to do to promote your property and create a buzz! A combination of on line, some print, open houses and out of the box thinking, will get your property sold. Presentation is everything when potential buyers come for a visit. So that buyers can picture themselves moving into “their new home” soon, make them feel at home with pleasant fragrances and airy spaces – nothing cluttered. When you have followed these rules, and time is still ticking, then it is time to review the mar-



August 17, 2019 •

Step across the border to Eastern Ontario Call for a private showing today!

NATURE LOVERS! ORGANIC FARMERS! VILLAGE CHARM! Bright 2 + 1 bungalow with att. garage on 54 rolling, chemical-free Village charm! Enjoy quiet summer evenings on the wrap-around acres bordered by Delisle River: approx 20 acres cropland. Pond, verandah of this 3 bedroom, affordable family home on Chisholm fruit trees, flowers. $369,000 For photos check MLS# 1160791 Street in Glen Robertson. $164,500 MLS# 1154742 on

GREEN VALLEY VILLAGE ALEXANDRIA FAMILY HOME! 3bdrm raised bungalow w. att. garage has open concept 2 baths, att. garage with shaded, fenced back yard, deck, gazebo. kitchen/dining room/living room; patio doors to deck & back yard. Roof and furnace approx. 6 yrs old. Garage has practical side and Bright lower level w. 2pc bath; potential for 2 extra bdrms. MLS# back doors. $224,000 for photos MLS# 1141922 on 1146376 on $219,900

James MacMaster 613-551-6446

• August 17, 2019

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August 17, 2019 •

Answers for August 17, 2019

• August 17, 2019



August 17, 2019 •

• August 17, 2019



August 17, 2019 •

• August 17, 2019


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August 17, 2019 •

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